HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC Memo ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMO APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA09-151, EIS, ECF, BSP, SA-M, SM, DA APPLICANT: Campbell Mathewson, Century Pacific, L.P. PROJECT NAME: Quendall Terminals DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The Applicant (Century Pacific, L.P.) is proposing mixed-use redevelopment, including multifamily residential, commercial (retail and restaurant) and parks/open space uses on an approximately 21.5-acre site located in northern Renton on the shores of Lake Washington. To date, four environmental review documents under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) have been published by the City of Renton and authorized by the Environmental Review Committee on the Quendall Terminals Redevelopment Project, all of which can be found on the City of Renton website, Rentonwa.gov on the Quendall Terminals page:  Quendall Terminals Draft Environmental Impact Statement (December 2010);  Quendall Terminals Environmental Impact Statement Addendum (October 2012);  Quendall Terminals Final Environmental Impact Statement (August 2015); and  Quendall Terminals Mitigation Document (August 2015). The applicant has requested the City consider a Development Agreement for the project, which establishes an Enhanced Alternative. The Enhanced Alternative would be similar to the Preferred Alternative and is intended to be a mixed-use development. The Enhanced Alternative would contain 692 residential units, 42,190 sq. ft. of commercial uses [retail and restauran t], 1,352 parking spaces and 12.9 acres of parks/open space. The Development Agreement establishes the following components which make up the Enhanced Alternative:  The addition of 1.3 acres of public park space;  Additional retail/restaurant/office space and street activation (fountains, artwork, etc.)  Either a public dock/pier and/or an alternative approved by the EPA to allow for public access to Lake Washington (which would require additional SEPA review once the scope is identified);  Building SW4 would be 4 stories, building SW3 would 5 stories and all the remaining buildings would be 6 stories; In addition to establishing the Enhanced Alternative, the Development Agreement allows for an extended approval time frame and associated development standards vesting for the requested Land Use applications for 10 years with possible extensions. The agreement also allows for additional review of the transportation element of SEPA at 5 years and , if any extensions are granted. If the additional transportation re view identifies new mitigation measures these could be added at that time. All other elements of SEPA, such as; Bulk and Scale, Height, Critical Areas, etc. would maintain vesting for the duration of the Development Agreement and any associated extensions. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Memo Quendall Terminals LUA09-151, EIS, ECF, BSP, SA-M, SM, DA March 20, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Due to the number of existing environmental documents prepared for the Quendall Terminals mixed-use development and as authorized under WAC 197-11-600, the Development Agreement and Enhanced Alternative can be reviewed utilizing the existing documents, as identified in the attached Environmental Consistency Analysis. The following elements of the environment have been addressed in the Environmental Consistency Analysis: Earth, Critical Areas, Environmental Health, Energy/Greenhouse Gases, Land and Shoreline Use, Aesthetics/Views, Parks and Recreation, Cultural Resources, Transportation, Height, and Bulk and Scale. The Environmental Consistency Analysis determines that the impacts of development under the Enhanced Alternative are within the impacts analyzed under the EIS alternatives in the past SEPA review. No new mitigation measures are required beyond those identified in the 2015 FEIS and 2015 Mitigation Document, and there are no significant unavoidable impacts that cannot be mitigated. Exhibits Exhibit 1: ERC Memo Exhibit 2: Environmental Consistency Analysis, February 2017 Exhibit 3: Draft Development Agreement