HomeMy WebLinkAboutHEX Report Exhibits CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER, EXHIBITS Project Name: Quendall Terminals Project Number: LUA09-151 ECF, EIS, SA-M, SM Date of Hearing April 19, 2016 Staff Contact Vanessa Dolbee Current Planning Manager Project Contact/Applicant Campbell Mathewson, Century Pacific, L. P., 1201 Third Ave, suite 1680, Seattle, WA 98101 Project Location SW ¼ Section 29, Township 24 N, Range 5 E. Parcel 2924059002. South of the Seahawks Training Facility The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Staff report to the Hearing Examiner, which can be found at the following link: http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=32800 Exhibit 2: Environmental Review Documents – Draft EIS, Addendum to the Draft EIS, FEIS and Mitigation Document, which can be found at the following link: http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=32800 Exhibit 3: Environmental Review Committee Signature Sheets Exhibit 4: Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 5: Binding Site Plan Exhibit 6 Joint Stipulation and Proposed Order Dismissing Appeal and e-mail chains following request. Exhibit 7: Site Plan (black and white and color) Exhibit 8: Parking Plan (black and white and color) Exhibit 9: Area Outline of Spaces Exhibit 10: Elevations Exhibit 11: Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit 12 Conceptual Storm Drainage and Grading Plan Exhibit 13 Roadway Sections Exhibit 14 Conceptual Utility Plan Exhibit 15: EA Letter addressing EPA and public involvement in the process Exhibit 16: Advisory Notes/Plan Review Comments Exhibit 17: Concurrence Memo Exhibit 18: Additional Lanes Required CLTYOFA;jEJz1KDEVELOPMENT--————“RentonE.NOTICEOFISSUANCEANDAVAILABILITYFINALENVIRONMENTALIMPACTSTATEMENT(FEIS)ANDMITIGATIONDOCUMENTNoticeishearbygivenunderWAC19741-510andRMC4-9-070thattheFinalEnvironmentalImpactStatement(FEIS)andMitigationDocumentfortheproposaldescribedbelowwasissuedbytheCityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeonMonday,August31,2015,andisavailableforpublicreview.CopiesareavailableforreviewattheRentonMainLibrary,locatedat100MillAvenueSouth,andtheRentonHighlandsBranchLibrary,locatedat2902NE12thStreet,andatRentonCityHall,CustomerServiceCounter,6thfloor,1055SouthGradyWay,RentonWA98057,andontheCityofRentonwebsite:(www.rentonwa.gov).APPLICATIONNUMBER(S):LUAO9-151,ElS,ECF,BSP,SA-M,SMPROJECTPROPONENT:CampbellMathewsonCenturyPacific,L.P.1201ThirdAye,Suite1680Seattle,WA98101PROJECTNAME:QuendallTerminalsDESCRIPTIONOFPROJECT:TheproposalislocatedadjacenttoLakeWashingtonon21.46acresofCommercial/Office/Residential(COR)zonedproperty.TheEISevaluatespotentialimpactsresultingfromamixed-usedevelopmentproject,includingfourAlternatives,ofwhichconsidersnoaction.ThePreferredAlternativewouldcontain21,600squarefeetofretailspace,9,000squarefeetofrestaurantand692residentialunits.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:4350LakeWashingtonBlvdLEADAGENCY:CityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentPlanningDivisionRESPONSIBLEOFFICIAL:EnvironmentalReviewCommitteeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentPlanningDivision1055SGradyWayRenton,WA98057DOCUMENTPURCHASEINFORMATION:TheFinalEnvironmentalImpactStatementisavailableforpurchasefromtheFinanceDepartmentonthe15tFloorofRentonCityHallfor$35perhardcopyor$10.00perCD,plustaxandpostage(ifmailed).PUBLICREVIEW:TheimpactsdescribedintheQuendallTerminalsDEISandEISAddendumarethebasisforthemitigationmeasuresestablishedintheMitigationDocument.TheMitigationDocumentisdesignatedbytheCityofRentonasthefirstdecisiondocumentfortheproposal. ERCISSUANCE&AVALABILITY/FINALENVIRONMENTALIMPACTSTATEMENTANDMITIGATIONDOCUMENTPAGE2of2APPEALINFORMATION:UponissuanceoftheEElSandMitigationDocument,atwenty(20)dayappealperiodcommences.PursuanttoWAC197-11-680andRMC4-8-11O.E.,theadequacyoftheFinalElSandtheMitigationDocumentmaybeappealed.Appealsmust:1)statespecificobjectionsoffactand/orlaw;2)besubmittedinwritingby5:00p.m.September24,2015;and3)beaccompaniedbyafilingfeeof$250.00.AppealsmustbeaddressedtoPhilOlbrechts,HearingExaminer,CityofRenton,RentonCityHall,10555GradyWay,Renton,WA98055.ADDITIONALINFORMATION:Ifyouwouldlikeadditionalinformation,pleasecontactVanessaDolbee,CityofRentonat(425)430-7314orvdolbee@rentonwa.gov.PUBLICATIONDATE:September4,2015DATEOFDECISION:August31,2015SIGNATURES:.15%h/i/tGreggZ$,/nrp4n,AdministratorDatMarkPeterson,AdministratorDatePublicW6fr15epartmentFire&EmergencyServices/-____erryHigashiyama,Administrator/1DateC.E.“Chip”Vincent,AdministratorDateCommunityServicesDepartment(DepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopment DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTNOTICEOFISSUANCEANDAVAILABILITYENVIRONMENTALIMPACTSTATEMENTADDENDUM(EISADDENDUM)NoticeishearbygivenunderWAC197-11-510andRMC4-9-070thattheEnvironmentalImpactStatementAddendum(EISAddendum)fortheproposaldescribedbelowwasissuedbytheCityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeonMonday,October15,2012,andisavailableforpublicreviewandcomment.CopiesareavailableforreviewattheRentonMainLibrary,locatedat100MillAvenueSouth,andtheRentonHighlandsBranchLibrary,locatedat2902NE12thStreet,andatRentonCityHall,CustomerServiceCounter,6thfloor,1055SouthGradyWay,RentonWA98057,andontheCityofRentonwebsite:(www.rentonwa.gov).APPLICATIONNUMBER(S):LUAO9-151,EIS,ECF,BSP,SA-M,SMPROJECTPROPONENT:CampbellMathewsonCenturyPacific,L.P.1201ThirdAye,Suite1680Seattle,WA98101PROJECTNAME:QuendallTerminalsDESCRIPTIONOFPROJECT:TheproposalislocatedadjacenttoLakeWashingtonon21.46acresofCommercial/Office/Residential(COR)zonedproperty.TheEISAddendumtotheDraftEnviornmentalImpactSatment(DEIS)issuedDecember10,2010;evaluatespotentialimpactsresultingfromanewPreferredIternative.SimilartoAlternativesiand2intheDEIS,thePreferredAlternativeisintendedtobeamixed-usedeveIopment.ThePreferredAlternativewouldcontain21,600squarefeetofretailspace,9,000squarefeetofrestaurantand692residentialunits.ForthoseassumptionsthathavebeenmodifiedunderthePreferredAlternative,theupdatedanalysisisincludedintheprovidedEISAddendum.Theseelementsinclude,CriticalAreas,Aesthetics/View,ParksandRecreation,Transportation,CulturalResourcesandRelationshiptoPlansandPolicies.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:4350LakeWashingtonBlvdLEADAGENCY:CityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentPlanningDivisionRESPONSIBLEOFFICIAL:EnvironmentalReviewCommitteeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentPlanningDivisionlO5SSGradyWayRenton,WA98057DOCUMENTPURCHASEINFORMATION:TheDraftEnvironmentalImpactStatementisavailableforpurchasefromtheFinanceDepartmentonthe1stFloorofRentonCityHallfor$25perhardcopyor$10.00perCD,plus4axandpostage(ifmailed). ERCISSUANCE&AVALABILITY/ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTSTATEMENTADDENDUMPAGE2of2UBLICREVIEW:WrittenpubliccommentontheDEISwillbeacceptedfora30-dayreviewperiodendingat/.00p.m.MondayNovember19,2012.WrittenCommentsshouldbeaddressedto:VanessaDolbee,SeniorPlanner,PlanningDivision,6thfloorRentonCityHall,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.ADDITIONALINFORMATION:Ifyouwouldlikeadditionalinformation,pleasecontactVanessaDolbee,CityofRentonat(425)430-7314PUBLICATIONDATE:October19,2012DATEOFDECISION:October15,2012SIGNATURES:o/i1rt//J/GreggZiry1erI9%1’AministratorDateMarkPeterson,AdinistratorDaPublicWorksDepartmentFire&EmergencyServices/;(J22TerryHigashlyama,Administrato,rDaeC.E.“Chip”Vincent,AdministratorDateCommunityServicesDepartmet’DepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopment DEPARIMENTOFCOMMUNflANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENT•0.:NOTICEOFISSUANCEANDAVAILABILITY.DRAFTENVIRONMENTALIMPACTSTATEMENT(DEIS)NoticeishearbygiventhattheCityofRentonhasissuedtheDraftEnvironmentalImpactStatement(DEIS)forQuendaltTerminalsmixedusedevelopmentonDecember10,2010pursuanttoWAC’197-11-510andRMC4-9-070,andisavailableforpublicreview.CopiesareavailableforreviewattheRentonMainLibrary,theRentonHighlandsBranchLibrary,andRentonCityHall,CustomerServiceCounter,6thflàor,1055SouthGradyWay,RentonWA98055,andontheCityofRentonwebsite(www.rentonwa.gov).,....APPLICATIONNUMBER(S)LUAO9-151,EIS,ECF,BSP,SAM,SMPROJECTPROPONENTCampbellMathewsonCenturyPacific,L.P....S1201ThirdAye,Suite168055SSS‘•‘55•Seattle,WA98101SSS•PROJECTNAME:QuendallTerminalsSSSDESCRIPTIONOFPROJECT:TheQuendallTerminalsmixusedevelopmentDEISconsidersSpotentialdevelopmentconceptsfortheredevelopmentofa21.46acreSuperfundsitelocatedalongtheshorelineofLakeWashington.TheDEISevaluatespotentialimpactsresultingfromtheproposed.development.ThefollowingarealternativesevaluatedwithintheDEIS:Alternative1,whichconsistsof800residentialunits,245,000squarefeetofoffice,21,600squarefeetofretailand9,000squarefeetofrestaurant;Alternative2,whichconsistofalessdensealternativewheretheofficecomponentisSeliminatedandresidentialunitsarereducedto708units;andAlternative3,anoactionalternative.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:4350LakeWashingtonBlvd•S•.LEADAGENCY:SCityofRentonS •SSEnvironmentalReviewCommittee55S•SDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentSSSPlanningDivisionSSSRESPONSIBLEOFFICIAL:EnvironmentalReview5CommitteeSSDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentSSSPlanningDivisionSS••.SSSS••lO5SSGradyWayS•.SSSRenton,WA980575555.DOCUMENTPURCHASEINFORMATION:TheDraftEnvironmentalImpactStatementisavailableforpurchaseSfromtheFinanceDepartmentonthe1stFloorofRentonCityHallfor.$25perhardcopyor$10.00perCD,plustaxandpostage(ifmailed).SSSSERCSignatureShtIssuanceofDEISdoc ERCISSUANCE&AVALABtLITh’/pDRAFTENVIRONMENTALIMPACrSTATEMENTPAGE2of2.ADDITIONALINFORMATION:IfyouwoutdRentonat(425)430-7314PUBLICATIONDATE:DATEOFDECISION:SIGNATURES::AeW,GreggZirrJr9èrma’AdministratorPublicWorksDepartmentDate(1tkiDateAlexPietsch,AdministratorDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentPUBLICREVIEW:WrittenpubliccommentontheDEISwillbeacceptedfora30-dayreviewperiodendingatI)3:00p.m.Monday,January10,2011.WrittenCommentsshouldbeaddressedto:VanessaDolbee,SeniorPtanner,PlanningDivision,6thfloorRentonCityHall,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.ApublichearingwillbeheldonTuesday,January4,2011,at6:00p.m.,intheCityCouncilChambers,7thfloorRentonCityHall,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA.likeadditionalinformation,pleasecontactVanessaDolbee,CityofDecember10,2010December6,2010MarkPetersor,AdministratorFire&EmergencyServices.TerryHigashiyama,AdministratorLommunityServicesDepartment11Datt)t(DateERCSignatureShtIssuanceofDEISUoc LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RIPLEY LN N I-405 LAKE WASHINGTON PROJECT SITE I-405 N 400 ft0 GRAPHIC SCALE: 20.3 AC 1.15 AC NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP QUENDALL TERMINALS N 43RD ST N 42ND PL BARBEE MILL ENTRANCE ƒƒƒƒƒƒ01 / 1 1 / 1 6 01 / 1 1 / 1 6 01 / 1 1 / 1 6 01 / 1 1 / 1 6 01 / 1 1 / 1 6 VanessaDolbeeFrom:Phi)Olbrechts<olbrechtslaw©gmaitcom>Sent:Monday,February22,20169:59PMTo:bradnicholsonCc:ann.gygi@hcmp.com;cmathewson@centurypacificlp.com;JasonSeth;VanessaDolbee;CynthiaMaya;LarryWarrenSubject:Re:Renton-QuendallHomes(LUA-09-151)FollowUpFlag:FollowupFlagStatus:FlaggedStaff,ThiswillbethelastadditiontotheemailstringregardingtheFEISappeal.Asrequestedbefore,pleasehavefivecopiesreadyforthehearingshouldanyoneneedtoseetheseemailswhenIdisclosetheseexpartecontactswithMr.Nicholson.Mr.Nicholson,Iwouldnormallynotfurthercomplicatetherecordofthiscasebyfurthercommunicationswithyou,butitappearsthatthereissomemajormisunderstandingormiscommunicationgoingonandIwanttotakeonelastattemptatrectifyingit.IwishIcouldjusttalktoyouaboutthis,butasthedecisionmakermyabilitytocommunicatewithyouisverylimitedduetothereasonsidentifiedinmyfirstemailtoyou.Ultimately,however,thiswillhavetobeourlastcommunicationregardingyourappealunlessyouplanonmakingsomemotionthatyouenteredintothestipulateddismissalorderduetosomeformoffraudormisrepresentation.Anyotherfurtherinformationyouwantmetoconsidershouldbesentexclusivelytotheplanningstaffascommentontheapplication.AsIidentifiedinmyfirstemailtoyou,Idon’tbecomeinvolvedinanappealuntilit’stimetoconsiderwhetheraprehearingconferenceoremailexchangeisinorder.Thisusuallyoccursfourtosixweekspriortothescheduledappealdate.Inthiscaseyouwouldlikelyhavereceivedanemailfrommetoallappealpartiesinquiringwhetherthepartieswantedtoresolvesomeprehearingproceduralissuesorotherwisedesiredaprehearingorderoutlininghearingprocedures.Arequestforsuchaprehearingorderisusuallyinitiatedbyoneoftheappealparties,butIwillofteninitiatethatinquiryonmyownifnoonebeatsmetoit.Iwillalsoaddressanyproposedordersorprehearingmotionswhentheycomein.Beyondthis,planningandcityclerkstaffareresponsibleforprocessinganappeal.TheroleofCitystaffandmyselfdoesnotchangebecauseyou’vepersuadedstafftosendmeyournoticeofappealearlierthanthecompletionofthestaffreport.I’mnotsurewhattypeofresponseyouwerelookingforfromyourappealstatement.Ifyoujustwantedanacknowledgementthatyourappealhadbeenfiled,thenstaffwouldberesponsibleforthat.Iftheydon’tissuesomesortofacknowledgmentasamatterofcourse,I’msuretheywouldprovideyouwithsomethinguponrequest.Ifyouhadanyquestionsabouthowtheappealwouldbeprocessedorscheduled,allyouhadtodowasaskstaff.Ifyoudisagreedwithhowstaffwashandlingsomeprehearingproceduralissueregardingyourappeal,youwerefreetoeitherfileamotionwithmyselfaheadoftimeortoraisetheissueatthehearing.Ifyouhadmadealegallycompellingargumentthatconsolidationshouldnothaveoccuredduringyourappealhearing,Iwouldnothavehadanyproblemsegregatingoutyourappeal(althoughforfuturereference,theSEPArulesrequiringconsolidationarefairlyclearandI’veyettocomeacrossanyargumenttothecontrary).1 IfyouareupsetbecauseIdidn’treadyourappealmonthspriortotheappealhearing,thereisnoreasontobe.There’snothingIcouldhavedonewithanyknowledgeIwouldhavegainedfromreadingyourappealmonthsinadvance.Readingappealstatementstoofarinadvance(especiallythoseexceedingthemoretypical10pagesandunder)canbeatremendouswasteoftimesincetheappealcaneasilybenarrowedorevenwithdrawnovertimeandalsobecauseIwillhavetore-readeverythingoncethehearingdateisclose.Excludinganyprehearingmotionsorordersthatmaybepresentedtome,Ionlyneedtoknowaboutthedetailsofyourappealintimeforthehearingonyourappeal.Forthestipulatedmotiontodismiss,Ijustneededdocumentationestablishingwhathearingpartiesshouldbeincludedintheorder,andIgotthatinformationwhenyoupointedoutthatyournoticeofappealhadbeenemailedtomemonthsearlier.Ifyouhadnotagreedtohaveyourappealdismissed,IwouldhavereadyourentirenoticeofappealpriortothehearingandIwouldhavegonethroughitwithafinetoothedcombafterthehearingasIpreparedmydecision.It’sentirelypossiblethatyouwouldnothavelikedtheresultofmydecisiononyourappeal,butIcanassureyouthatyouwouldnothavebeenabletosincerelyassertthatyourissueshadnotbeenthoroughlyreviewedandaddressed.OncethehearingonQuendallisoverandtheappealperiodhasexpiredIwillbehappytodiscussthiswithyoufurther(assumingthediscussiondoesn’trelatetosomeotherpendingappealorapplication).Also,ifitwasn’tcleartostaffbefore,itisappropriateforstafftorecommendtothepartiesofanappealthattheyrequestsomesortofprehearingconferenceoremailexchangefrommeiftheappealpartieshaveproceduralquestionsabouttheconductofahearing.Forappealpartiesrepresentedbyattorneys(whichhasusuallybeenthecase),thereisn’tmuchconfusionabouthowtoparticipate.Forunrepresentedcitizens,however,I’msurethere’sroomforimprovementastohowtomakehearingparticipantscomfortablewiththeprocess.LanduseappealsinRentonarerare,especiallywhentheyinvolveunrepresentedparties.OnMon,Feb22,2016at1:48PM,bradnicholson<brad827@hotmail.com>wrote:yourHonor,WellIwanttoapologizebutwellittook5monthstogetaresponse?theappealnoticei.e“Thefactsaredispositive”whileittook24hourstorespondtothePRP’sIamjustwonderingdoyouneedtohavetheEPAsignoffonthecasetoo?ItcouldbeCamiGrandinetti.RespectfullyBradNicholsonFrom:LWarren@Rentonwa.govTo:olhrechtslaw@mail.com;brad827@hotmail.com;CMoya@Rentonwa.gov;VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov:JSeth@Rentonwa.gov;crnathewson@centurypacificlp.com;ann.gygi@hcmp.comSubject:RE:Renton-QuendallHomes(LUA-09-151)Date:Mon,22Feb201616:38:55+0000Mr.Olbrechts,thecityhasnoobjectiontothestipulatedorder.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleaseletmeknow.From:PhilOlbrechts[mailto:olbrechtslaw@qmail.com]Sent:Monday,February22,20167:44AMTo:bradnicholson;CynthiaMoya;VanessaDolbee;LarryWarren;JasonSeth;cmathewsoncenturypacificlp.com;2 ann.gyc’i@hcmcj.comSubject:Re:Renton-QuendallHomes(LUA-09-151)AllAppellants,Theproposedstipulatedorderismissingoneofthepartiestotheappeal.AsoutlinedinRMC4-8-1l0(E)(7),theCityisapartytotheappeal.IwillsignthestipulatedorderifIgetemailconfirmationfromtheCitythatithasnoobjectiontothestipulatedorder.PleasenoteMr.Nicholsonhassentmeanotheremail,includedinthisemailstring,thatwasnotcc’dtotheotherpartiestotheappeal.Asbefore,Irequestthatstaffincludethisupdatedemailstringasoneoftheirhearingexhibits.TheyshouldalsohavefivecopiesofthisemailstringavailableatthehearingsothatIcandisclosetheexpartecommunicationswithMr.Nicholsonandgivetheopportunityforthepublictoreviewandrespondtothosecommunications.InresponsetoMr.Nicholson’ssecondemail,asnotedinmylastemailtohim,Ireceivedacopyofhisnoticeofappeal(all200+pages)asanemailattachmentfromtheCityClerk’sOfficelastSeptember.Otherthanaresponsefromstaffastowhethertheyhaveanobjectiontothestipulatedorder,IaskthatIreceivenofurthercommunicationsfromthepartiesontheappealregardingtheappeal.ForthereasonsoutlinedinmylastemailtoMr.Nichols,itisimportantthatpre-hearingexpartecommunicationsbelimitedasmuchaspossible.OnSun,Feb21,2016at8:49PM,bradnicholson<brad827@hotmail.com>wrote:YourHonor,Icanrecallwithcrystalclarity.5weeksafterfilingtheappeal,IcalledtheCityClerkandrequestedinformationaboutwhyIreceivednoacknowledgementofitsreceiptorcorrespondencewhatsoever.ItwouldappearthatIhavebeeninvolvedinasmanyappealsinRentonasyouhaveandinthepast,thenormalprocesshasbeentogiveashortexplanationofwhatisgoingon.AtfirsttheClerktoldmethathehadposteditonthewebandthatIwouldneedtotalktoStaffaboutit.IhadcomplainedtohimthatIhadspentconsiderabletimeandhadaddressedtheappealtoyouandnottostaff.Mycommentletterwasaddressedtostaffbutmyappealnoticealongwith$250.00wasaddressedtoyouaccordingtostaffinstructions.TheClerkthenassuredmeinnouncertaintermsthattheappealdocumentwentdirectlytoyouandthatyouhadacopyofitinyourpossession.IcomplainedtohimthatIpaidthefeefortheappealtogotoyouandnottostaff.ThusIamsurprisedthatyouwouldindicatethatyouhavenodocuments.Iamalsosurprisedthatyoudidnotgetitanditwasneverinyourpossession.IamjustsayingthatIhadalsobeenquitedisturbedthatstaffhadbeentheonestodecideontheappealconsolidationeventhoughIthinkyouarecorrectinpresumingthatitmayhavebeengenerallyknowntobethecase.ButIhadnotunderstoodthattheyhadjurisdictiontodecideissuesofLawinapendingappeal.Respectfully3 BradNicholsonDate:Sun,21Feb201606:07:51-0800Subject:Re:Renton-QuendallHomes(LUA-09-151)from:olbrechtslaw@grnail.comTo:brad827@hotmail.com;CMoya@rentonwa.gov;VDolbee@rentonwa.gov;LWarren@rentonwa.gov;JSeth@rentonwa.gov;cmathewson@centurypacificlp.com;ann.gygi@hcmp.comStaff,PleaseincludethisemailstringintheexhibitstothestaffreportontheQuendallHomesapplication.Mr.Nicholson,ThankyoufortheclarificationofQuendallHomes.IwilllikelysendoutasignedordertomorrowonceI’vehadanopportunitytoreviewthefilednoticeofappeal.FromyourassertionsthatImayhave‘forgotten”informationthatyouapparentlybelieveIatonepointkneworshouldhaveknownaboutyourproject,itappearsyoumighthavesomemisunderstandingaboutmylevelofinvolvementinyourcasepriortohearing.Byacombinationoflawandnecessity,I’messentiallyrequiredtoknowaslittleaboutyourprojectaspossibleuntilstaffhascompleteditsstaffreportandlistofproposedhearingexhibits.BystatestatuteandnumerouscourtopinionsIamnotallowedtoengageinconversationswithstaff,theapplicantoranyhearingpartyaboutthesubstantivemeritsofyourcaseoutsidethehearingprocess.Becauseoftheselegalrequirements,youcanbeassuredthatallofmyknowledgeaboutyourcaseisstrictlylimitedtothetestimonypresentedduringtheprojecthearingandtheexhibitsadmittedintoevidence.Thisputsyouonequalfootingwithallotherhearingparticipantsandensuresthatyouhavetheopportunitytoaddressanyevidencepresentedtomethatyoumaybelievetobeinaccurateorincomplete.Upuntiltodaymyknowledgeofyourcasehadbeenlimitedtoknowingit’sbig,controversialandinvolvesasuperfundsite.TheonlyreasonIknewthismuchisbecauseeveryfewweeksIasktheplanningmanagerifanythingbigiscomingup,sothatImayplanmyscheduleandworkloadinadvance.Landuseappeals(asopposedtoapplications)sometimesinvolvealittlemoreadvanceinformationduetothenecessitytosometimesholdprehearingconferences.Prehearingconferencesareprehearingmeetingsoremailexchangeswithappealhearingparticipantsdesignedtoaddressproceduralissuesinadvanceinordertoprovideforamoreefficientappealhearing.Issuesusuallyheldatprehearingconferencestypicallyincludesettinglimitsonthetimefortestimony,requiringthepartiestoidentifywitnessesandexhibits,andsettingdeadlinesforprehearingmotionsandbriefing.Ifnopartyhasspecificallyrequestedaprehearingconference,Iwilltypicallyaskforacopyof4 thenoticeofappealfourtosixweeksinadvanceofascheduledappealhearingtodeterminewhetheraprehearingconferencewouldbeuseful.AsbestasIcanrecall,RentonhasonlyhadacouplelanduseappealhearingsinthelastfiveyearsthatI’veworkedwiththecity.RentonisuniqueamongstmythirteenhearingexaminerclientsinthatitapparentlyregularlysendsmeacopyoftheappealstatementbeforeIaskforitandbeforethestaffreportiscomplete.There’snothingwrongwiththatpractice,sinceit’sfairlyclearthattheappealstatementwillbeincludedinthestaffsexhibitlistoncethestaffreportiscompleted.However,it’snotgoingtoattractmynoticeuntilIgetclosetotheappealhearingandstartconsideringthemeritsofaprehearingconference.FromyouremailresponseyesterdayIwasabletofindanemailfromtheCityClerk’sofficefromlastSeptemberthatcontainedanattachmentofyourappealstatement.ThatshouldgivemetheinformationIneedtoensurethatthestipulatedorderincludesallnecessaryparties.YouremailalsoassertsthatI’veforgottenaboutaconsolidationorder.It’sfairlyundisputedthatstatelawrequiresanappealofFEISadequacytobeconsolidatedwiththehearingonitsunderlyingpermitapplication.Iwouldbesurprisedifstafffounditnecessarytoaskmeaboutconsolidation.Also,aspreviouslydiscussed,thecircumstancesunderwhichstaffcantalktomeaboutacaseareverylimitedoutsidethehearingprocess.Idon’trecallmakinganycommentstostaffregardingconsolidationbutifIdidyouarecorrectthatIhaveforgottenaboutit.OnSun,Feb21,2016at12:30AM,bradnicholson<brad827@hotmaii.com>wrote:YourHonor,Youmaybelookingfor“QuendallHomes”accordingthepreviousemail.Thedocumentsconcern“QuendallTerminals”EISdecisionwhichyoudecidedtoconsolidatewiththeMasterplanhearingaround5monthsago.VanessaDolbeeinformedmethatiswasbecauseof“StateLaw”YoumayhaveforgottenaboutitbuttheappealdocumentsweresentdirectlytoyoufromtheclerkJasonSeth.Youmayhavealsoforgottenitwasanappealthatwas28$pagesagainsttheadequacyofreviewwhereyoubeapprovingtheMasterPlanforaround700housesnexttotheSeahawkstrainingfacilityonthesuperfundsitethatwillundergocleanupafteryoutakeyouractions?Respectfully,BradNicholsonDate:Sat,20Feb201608:32:57-0800Subject:Re:Renton-QuendallHomes(LUA-09-15l)From:otbrechtslaw@gmail.com5 To:CMoya@rentonwa.govCC:VDoibee@rentonwa.gov;LWarren@rentonwa.gov;JSeth@rentonwa.gov;cmathewson@centurypacificlp.com;brad827@hotmail.com;ann.gygi@hcmp.comPleaseconfirmthatallpartiestotheSEPAappealhavesignedthestipulatedordertodismiss.Ihavenodocumentationontheappeal,soIhavenoknowledgeofwhatpartiesareinvolved.OnThu,Feb18,2016at4:34PM,CynthiaMoya<CMoya@rentonwa.gov>wrote:Mr.Olbrechts,WehavejustreceivedaJointStipulation&ProposedOrderDismissingAppealintheQuendallTerminalsFEIS&MitigationDocument,SEPAAppeal(File#LUA-09-151).Thepartieshaveaskedthatyousigntheattacheddocumentassoonaspossible.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreetocallVanessaat425-430-7314.Thankyou,CindyMoya,RecordsManagementSpecialistCityofRenton-AdministrativeServices/CityClerkDivisioncmoya@rentonwa.gov425-430-65136 SW RESIDENTIAL TOTAL UNITS = 257NW RESIDENTIAL TOTAL UNITS = 127SE RESIDENTIAL TOTAL UNITS = 154NE RESIDENTIAL TOTAL UNITS = 154 TOTAL UNITS = 692DECK PARKING:SE QUADRANT = 130 DECK PARKING STALLSNE QUADRANT = 39 DECK PARKING STALLS TOTAL DECK PARKING = 169 STALLSWetland AOLWMOHWMWetland DContinuous WaveAttenuation BermWave Attenuation BermsWetland ILAKE WASHINGTONLEGENDQUENDALL TERMINALS - PREFERRED ALTERNATIVERENTON, WASHINGTONCENTURY PACIFIC, LLLPLEGENDUNIT SUMMARYBUILT AREA (IMPERVIOUS AREA) SURFACE PARKING AREAS = 89,000sfCOURTYARD PLAZAS = 117,600sfPOST DEVELOPMENT ACREAGESBUILDING AREAS = PAVED AREAS (R.O.W., ROADS, PEDESTRIAN/BIKE PATHS) =PERVIOUS AREA OTHER LANDSCAPED AREAS = 33,495sfDESIGNATED NATURAL/OPEN SPACE AREA = 140,338sfUNPAVED FIRE LANE/PEDESTRIAN TRAIL = 19,970sfSTREET 'A', 'B' & 'C' AREAS = 99,250sfSTREETS 'D' & 'E' AREAS = 23,522sfSIDEWALK AREA = 60,800sfTOTAL PAVED AREAS = 183,572sfPARKING DECK AREAS = 59,000sfPARKING DECK LANDSCAPE AREAS = 25,000sfTOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS = 665,548sfSTREET LEVEL LANDSCAPED AREAS = 15,300sfTOTAL PERVIOUS AREAS = 259,828sfBUILDING AREAS = 187,350sfTOTAL BUILDING AREAS = 392,976sfTOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS AREATOTAL BUILDING AREAS = 737,000sfSW 1 RESIDENTIAL (5 FLOORS & 71 UNITS) = 78,100sfSW 2 RESIDENTIAL (5 FLOORS & 80 UNITS) = 88,000sfSW 3 RESIDENTIAL (4 FLOORS & 64 UNITS) = 70,400sfSW 4 RESIDENTIAL (3 FLOORS &42 UNITS) = 78,100sfNW 1 RESIDENTIAL (5 FLOORS & 71 UNITS) = 46,200sfNW 2 RESIDENTIAL (4 FLOORS & 56 UNITS) = 61,600sfSE 1 RESIDENTIAL (5 FLOORS & 82 UNITS) = 78,100sfSE 2 RESIDENTIAL (4 FLOORS & 72 UNITS) = 79,200sfNE 1 RESIDENTIAL (5 FLOORS & 82 UNITS) = 78,100sfNE 2 RESIDENTIAL (4 FLOORS & 72 UNITS) = 79,200sfTOTAL PARKING AREASW LOWER PARKING LEVEL = 125,180sfSITE & BUILDING SUMMARYSITE ZONING: COROCCUPANCY TYPE: M & R-2CONSTRUCTION TYPE: I & VA - SPRINKLEREDBUILDING CODE: 2009 IBCMAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 10 STORIES OR 125'NW LOWER PARKING LEVEL = 41,800sfSE LOWER PARKING LEVEL = 114,870sfNE LOWER PARKING LEVEL = 75,490sfTOTAL LOWER PARKING LEVEL AREAS =357,340sfTOTAL RESTAURANT AREA = 9,000sfTOTAL RETAIL AREA = 20,025sfTOTAL ENCLOSED AREA = 1,123,365sfSTRUCTURAL RESIDENTIAL COURTYARDS = 117,600sfSTRUCTURAL OPEN PARKING DECKS = 84,000sfTOTAL AREA = 1,324,965sfLAND AREASGROSS SITE AREA = 925,376sfNATURAL PUBLIC OPEN SPACES: NATURAL AREAS ALONG SHORELINE TRAIL = 140,338sfSHORELINE FIRE LANE/PEDESTRIAN TRAIL 19,970sfSUB TOTAL = 160,308sfOTHER AREAS:STREET LEVEL = 122,772sf (EXCLUDES SIDEWALKS & LANDSCAPE)LANDSCAPED COURTYARDS = 117,600sfSIDEWALKS:SIDEWALKS IN PUBLIC R.O.W. = 36,800sfSIDEWALKS NOT IN PUBLIC R.O.W. = 24,000sfPAVED PARKING AREAS:DECK PARKING AREA =84,000sf (INCLUDES SIDEWALKS & LANDSCAPE)SURFACE PARKING AREA = 89,000LANDSCAPE AREAS:STREET LEVEL LANDSCAPE = 15,300sfOTHER LANDSCAPE AREAS = 33,495sfSUB TOTAL AREA = 738,026sfBUILDING GROUND COVER = 187,350sfTOTAL AREA = 925,376sfNOTE:APPROXIMATELY 1.8 ACRE OF INDOOR AND/OROUTDOOR AREA FOR ACTIVE RECREATION SHALLBE DEVELOPED ON THE PLAZA/PATIO DECKSDURING FINAL DESIGN DEVELOPMENTCOURTYARD MISC. DECKS = 4,026sfLOT 7 SATELLITE PROPERTY = 50,725sfCOURTYARD MISC. DECKS = 4,026sfLOT 7 SATELLITE PROPERTY = 50,725sf Wetland AOLWMOHWMWetland DContinuous WaveAttenuation BermWave Attenuation BermsWetland IMinimumLAKE WASHINGTONLEGENDQUENDALL TERMINALS - PREFERRED ALTERNATIVERENTON, WASHINGTONCENTURY PACIFIC, LLLPRESTAURANT (9,000 sf) REQUIRED PARKING = 36RETAIL (20,225 sf) REQUIRED PARKING = 81P-1 COVERED GARAGE PARKING:SW QUADRANT = 347 PARKING STALLSNW QUADRANT = 95 PARKING STALLSSE QUADRANT = 318 PARKING STALLSNE QUADRANT = 206 PARKING STALLS TOTAL P-1 PARKING = 966 STALLS692 RESIDENTIAL UNITS REQUIRED PARKING = 1,211TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED = 1,328 STALLSTOTAL PARKING SHOWN = 1,366 STALLSSURFACE PARKING:SW QUADRANT = 151 SURFACE PARKING STALLS TOTAL SURFACE PARKING = 231 STALLSNW QUADRANT = 38 SURFACE PARKING STALLS TOTAL DECK PARKING = 169 STALLSDECK PARKING SHOWN ON SHEET P0.0:SE QUADRANT = 130 DECK PARKING STALLSNE QUADRANT = 39 DECK PARKING STALLSSE QUADRANT = 42 SURFACE PARKING STALLSPARKING SUMMARYLEGEND Wetland AOLWMOHWMWetland DContinuous WaveAttenuation BermWave Attenuation BermsLAKE WASHINGTONQUENDALL TERMINALS - PREFERRED ALTERNATIVERENTON, WASHINGTONCENTURY PACIFIC, LLLP EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 707 Seattle, WA 98121 Telephone: (206) 452-5350 Fax: (206) 443-7646 www.eaest.com 1 January 12, 2016 Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development, Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Quendall Terminal EIS Appeal Dear Vanessa: Per your request, EA has prepared the following summary of the opportunities that the City of Renton provided for involvement by the general public and U.S. EPA in the SEPA process for the Quendall Terminals project. The attached table summarizes the public’s and EPA’s involvement in the SEPA process, including the following information:  Step in SEPA Process: e.g., DEIS, EIS Addendum, FEIS and EIS Appeal;  Required: whether or not the step is required by SEPA;  Provided: whether or not the step was provided for the Quendall Terminals EIS;  Date(s): the dates on which the step was accomplished for the Quendall Terminals EIS;  Duration: the duration of the step for the Quendall Terminals EIS, including whether it was extended beyond the duration required by SEPA; and  Comments: comments on public/EPA involvement (e.g., the number of comment letters and emails received on the Quendall Terminals EIS Scoping, DEIS and EIS Addendum, and the way in which EPA’s comments were incorporated into the EIS). As shown by the attached table, the City went above and beyond the SEPA requirements to involve the public in the Quendall Terminals EIS process, including: extending the EIS Public Scoping period (from the required 21 days to 70 days); holding a Public Scoping meeting to provide additional opportunity for public comment (which is not required); extending the DEIS public scoping period (from the required 30 days to 60 days); holding a DEIS public hearing to provide additional opportunity for public comment (which is not required); and taking and responding to public comments on the EIS Addendum (which is not required). The attached table also demonstrates that the City provided expanded opportunities for participation by EPA in the Quendall Terminals SEPA process and incorporated their input into the EIS, including: attending three meetings with EPA and the applicant to define the baseline assumptions for site cleanup/remediation that were used in the Draft EIS; and responding to 2 comments in two letters from EPA on the DEIS that ultimately resulted in new baseline cleanup/remediation assumptions that were used in the EIS Addendum (e.g., a new Preferred Alternative with an expanded setback from the Lake Washington shoreline was developed and analyzed in the Addendum). Please let me know if you have any questions on this summary. Sincerely, Gretchen Brunner, Senior Planner EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. PBC 3 QUENDALL TERMINALS EIS PUBLIC & U.S. EPA INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Step in SEPA Process Required Provided Date(s) Duration Comments DEIS  EIS Public Scoping Period Yes (21 days1) Yes 2/19/10 – 4/30/10 70 days (extended) 5 letters/emails  Public Scoping Meeting No Yes 4/27/10 1 day 4 commentators  DEIS Public Comment Period Yes (30 days2) Yes 12/10/10 – 2/09/11 60 days (extended) 75 letters/emails  DEIS Public Hearing No Yes 1/04/11 1 day 8 commentators EIS Addendum  EIS Addendum Public Comment Period No Yes 10/19/12 – 11/19/12 30 days 12 letters FEIS  FEIS Yes Yes 8/31/15 N/A - Responded to comments on DEIS and on EIS Addendum3 EIS Appeal  EIS Public Appeal Period Yes (20 days4) Yes 8/31/15 – 9/24/15 20 days 1 appellant U.S. EPA INVOLVEMENT Step in SEPA Process Required Provided Date(s) Duration Comments DEIS  Pre-EIS Mtgs. Re Baseline Assumptions No Yes 3/1/10, 4/22/10, 5/12/10 1 day each - Baseline assumptions used in DEIS were based on input from EPA at Pre- EIS meetings  Comment Letters on DEIS No Yes 1/13/11, 3/12/12 N/A - Baseline assumptions used in EIS Addendum were modified based on comments on DEIS in EPA’s 3/12/12 letter5 1 Per WAC 197-11-408(2)(i) 2 Per WAC 197-11-455(6) 3 Taking and responding to comments on an EIS Addendum is not required by SEPA. 4 Per RMC 4-8-110E.1.b 5 In their 3/12/12 letter, U.S. EPA indicated that the environmental baseline (post-remediation conditions) assumptions represented in the DEIS are reasonable given the expected general outcome of the Record of Decision (ROD), with an increase of the minimum shoreline setback area to 100 feet from the lake (Lake Washington) edge. The Preferred Alternative analyzed in the EIS Addendum incorporated EPA’s recommended shoreline setback. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 November 18, 2009 Name: Quendall Terminals Application Date:4350 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton, WA 98056 Site Address: PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Engineering Review Comments Contact: Rohini Nair | 425-430-7298 | rnair@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: I have completed a preliminary review for the above referenced master site plan for the mixed use development which includes 692 residential units, 20,025 square feet of retail, and 9,000 square feet of restaurant. The following comments are based on the application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. General utility comments 1.All buried utilities, public roads, and infrastructure serving the site development shall be placed in clean fill material (with the utilities in a trench with sufficient width and depth of 3 to 4 feet below the invert and adjacent to the utility), along with an acceptable barrier to prevent recontamination of the clean fill material, in order to protect the utility from contamination and to allow future maintenance of the road or utility lines. (Mitigation Measure C29). This mitigation measure is applicable for both public and private utility lines. 2.The required horizontal and vertical separations as per City of Renton standards should be provided between the utility lines. 3.If the required minimum separation between utility lines need wider pavement width, then the street width should be changed accordingly. 4.Any existing utilities under the proposed buildings will be required to be abandoned and removed, and the easements will be required to be relinquished or amended. 5.All mitigation measures of the Quendall Terminals Mitigation Document shall be applicable on the project and should be provided by the project. 6. An agreement with King county for access and frontage improvements over King County owned railroad right of way should be provided to the City prior to site plan review application and construction permit application. Water The water utility main lines for this project will be public water lines. Minimum 15 feet wide easement should be provide to the City of Renton for the public water main located in private streets. There is an existing 10 inch diameter water main on the King County parcel fronting the site and an 8 inch water main extending into the Quendall Terminals site. 1.The conceptual utility civil plans submitted should be revised to include the following: Relocate about 870 feet of existing 12 inch water main along the property frontage to be within the new access road referred to as Street A. The existing water line cannot be accessible for repair and maintenance due to the location of the new road. Please see the attached water sketch. Relocate the new 12 inch water main on the west side of the project to be within the paved 20 foot fire access road. The water main must be located at least 10 feet away from the building foundation and outside of the shoreline riparian area. To comply with these conditions, the buildings will need to be moved back further to the east to allow for the construction of the water main with the paved fire access road. Complete the water main loop within the fire access road along the west side of the project from Street B to Street E.  Minimum 15 feet wide easement is required for water main. 2.All water mains and related appurtenances installed within the site shall be in accordance with the requirements of the EPA’s approved plan for installation, operations, maintenance and monitoring plan of utilities. 3.Water mains shall be placed in clean fill materials, in a trench with sufficient width and depth of 3 to 4 feet below the invert of the water line, along with an acceptable barrier to prevent recontamination of the clean fill material, in order to protect the water mains from contamination and to allow future maintenance of the water mains by the City. 4.A utility easement and maintenance agreement with the city of Renton will be required for the maintenance and future repair of the water lines within the site. The property owners will be responsible for all costs related to the excavation, removal, and disposal of Page 1 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Engineering Review Comments Contact: Rohini Nair | 425-430-7298 | rnair@rentonwa.gov materials and for final restoration associated with the City’s operation, maintenance and repair of the water lines within the site. 5.Civil plans for the water main improvements that are submitted with the utility construction permit should be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix J of the City’s 2012 Water System Plan. 6.Payment of system development charge fee and permit fee will be required at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit. Fees that are current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable on the project. Sanitary Sewer The sewer utility main lines for this project will be public sewer lines. Minimum 15 feet wide easement should be provide to the City of Renton for the public sewer main located in private streets. There is a 12 inch sewer main extending near the east property line of the Quendall Terminals parcel. 1.The sewer report mentions that the sewer system was designed to convey the peak flows by gravity to the project discharge location at a new manhole installed on an existing 12” diameter City of Renton sewer pipe. 2. Along with the utility construction permit plans, the developer is required to submit a revised sewer report that will reevaluate the existing Baxter lift station. The lift station capacity will need to be increased to serve the needs of the Quendall Terminals project. The sewer report submitted with the land use application showed an allowance of 1,100 gallons /acre/day for infiltration and inflow. The allowance number should be increased to 1,500 gallons/ acre/day. 3.Sewer manhole should be located outside of the landscaped center island on Street B. 4.Any use in the buildings (kitchen, restaurant, etc. ) involving the handling of grease requires installation of a properly sized grease interceptor. 5.If the project proposes an indoor pool; the pool will need to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. 6.Storm drainage system within the indoor parking area shall be connected to an oil water separator and directed to the sewer system. 7.All buildings should be served by individual side sewers at a minimum. 8.Payment of system development charge fee and permit fee will be required at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit. Fees that are current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable on the project. 9.The Baxter lift station sewer Special Assessment District (SAD) fee will be applicable on the project. The base rate of this SAD fee is $166,421 with an interest of 5.3%. The rate as March 22, 2016 is $225,408.35 and will increase daily. This SDA fee rate will max out in July 2019. The rate that is current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable on the project. The payment will be due at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit. Storm water There is an existing 12 inch diameter stormwater line on North 42nd Place that ends near the west property line of the Quendall Terminals parcel. Since the internal streets of the development are private, the storm water system for the development will be private. A stormwater covenant for allowing the City access to inspect the stormwater facility and assigning maintenance responsibility of the BMPs to the property owners will need to be recorded. The developer/ property owners/ HOA will be responsible for the maintenance of all stormwater systems constructed by the project. 1.A drainage plan and drainage report (TIR) based on the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual should be submitted with the utility construction permit . The site is located in the Flow control Duration standard forested site conditions. The applicant is proposing to use the direct discharge exemption for the project. Water quality treatment is proposed for the project and should follow the requirements of the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual. Storm water flow control BMPs are to be provided. All recommendations of the geotechnical report and the mitigation measures included in the final mitigation document should be followed in the design and construction of the project. 2. City of Renton has the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater permit. Per the requirements of the Phase II permit, all projects that have been approved prior to January 1 2017 and have not started construction by January 1, 2022 shall follow the new Surface Water Drainage Manual. Therefore, if the project has not started construction by January 1, 2022, the requirements of the Stormwater Manual that is current at that time will be applicable on the project. 3.The stormwater requirements (1 to10) included in the memorandum dated September 14, 2009 from Ronald Straka, Surface Water utility Supervisor, included below along with the additional information (a) and (b) are applicable on this project. The memorandum is Page 2 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Engineering Review Comments Contact: Rohini Nair | 425-430-7298 | rnair@rentonwa.gov also included as an attachment. a.Projects approved prior to January 1, 2017 and have not started construction by January 1 2022, shall be subject to the requirements of the new Stormwater Manual that will be current at that time. b.Projects that comply with the exceptions included in Section 1.2.8 of the 2009 Surface Water Manual may provide basic water quality treatment instead of enhanced basic water quality treatment. 4.Payment of system development charge fee and permit fee will be required at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit. Fees that are current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable on the project. Transportation 1.Frontage improvements, including sidewalks, shall be provided along the west side of Lake Washington Boulevard and Ripley Lane N (Seahawks Way) along the site. These sidewalks shall connect to sidewalks to the north and south, which connect to other pedestrian facilities in the area. (Mitigation Measure G3.) 2.A crosswalk including pedestrian crossing warning signs at and in advance of the crosswalk shall be provided across Lake Washington Boulevard in order to connect the proposed development to the May Creek Trail on the east side of the Boulevard. The crosswalk shall be controlled by Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, if the City determines that such lighting is warranted. (Mitigation Measure G9.) 3. A traffic mitigation/impact fee shall be determined and paid for the proposed development at the time of building permit issuance and in accordance with the City of Renton Municipal Code to help offset the impacts of the project on the City’s roadways. (Mitigation Measure H1.) 4.TDM measures shall be implemented to reduce the number of vehicle trips and thus provide some benefit to improving LOS and queuing impacts at study intersections. (Mitigation Measure H2.) 5.Infrastructure improvements within the site shall include full curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and landscape strips (where applicable) as well as frontage improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscape strips, bike lanes, pavement width, and utilities) along the west side of Lake Washington Boulevard and Ripley Lane N in front of the project site. Provisions for safe pedestrian circulation shall encourage future transit usage to and from the site when planned public transit becomes available. (Mitigation Measure H3.) 6.If approved by EPA and any NRD settlement, a pedestrian trail shall be provided onsite through the minimum 100 foot shoreline setback area that shall be accessible to the public and shall connect to Lake Washington Boulevard through the internal site sidewalk system. If EPA’s ROD or any NRD settlement prohibits the trail, the trail shall be relocated to the west side of the westernmost buildings onsite, and could be combined with the fire access road; this trail shall connect to Lake Washington Boulevard through the internal site sidewalk system. (Mitigation Measure H4.) 7.To mitigate traffic impacts to the Lake Washington Boulevard corridor south of the development, the applicant shall install traffic calming treatments on Lake Washington Boulevard south of N 41st Street to encourage primary trips generated by the project to utilize the I 405 corridor. Although the City of Renton has no adopted residential traffic management program, arterial calming measures could include treatments that create either horizontal or vertical deflection for drivers. Such treatments could include, but not limited to chicanes, serpentine raised curb sections, raised median treatments, speed tables, and/or speed humps. Final design of traffic calming elements shall be approved by the City. (Mitigation Measure H5.) 8.The parking supply under the Preferred Alternative shall meet the minimum off street parking requirements of the City of Renton. (Mitigation Measure H6.) 9.Shared parking agreements between on site uses and implementation of TDM measures for proposed residential uses shall be implemented to reduce parking demand during peak periods, thereby reducing the necessary parking supply. (Mitigation Measure H7.) 10.A fire access road shall be provided to the west of the westernmost buildings onsite. The road shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide, and shall be constructed with crushed rock or grass crete to support the weight of fire apparatus, and shall be available for emergency vehicle access. If located in the minimum 100 foot shoreline setback area, and approved by the EPA ROD and any NRD settlement, the road shall also serve as a pedestrian trail. If EPA’s ROD or any NRD settlement prohibit the fire access road within the minimum 100 foot shoreline setback area, the road shall be relocated to the west side of the westernmost buildings onsite, and could be combined with the trail. (Mitigation Measure H8.) 11.In order to promote a multimodal transportation network, redevelopment on the Quendall Terminals site shall include site amenities (i.e., planting strips, street lighting, etc.) and access to future transit zones on Lake Washington Boulevard and at the I 405/NE 44th Street interchange to encourage and accommodate public transportation access in the future (future potential public transportation in the vicinity could include Bus Rapid Transit on I 405 planned by Sound Transit and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) with a flyer stop at the I 405/NE 44th Street interchange). (Mitigation Measure H9.) 12. Staff recommends that a paved bicycle lane shall be provided along the east and west sides of Ripley Lane (Seahawks Way)/Lake Washington Boulevard from the end of the current bike trail along Ripley Lane to the intersection of Ripley Lane (Seahawks Way)/Lake Page 3 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Engineering Review Comments Contact: Rohini Nair | 425-430-7298 | rnair@rentonwa.gov Washington Boulevard (Mitigation Measure H10.) 13.The developer should coordinate with WSDOT, King County, and the City of Renton to finalize the required lane, signal, and frontage improvements on Lake Washington Blvd, Ripley Lane (Seahawks Way), and Barbee Mill access. This co ordination and finalization of the street improvements and ROW requirements should take place before the site plan and the building/utility permit application is submitted to the City of Renton. All the street improvements included in the EIS, EIS Addendum, FEIS, and the mitigation document, to address the impacts of the project should be provided. Please see the figure titled ‘Additional lanes required to be provided to mitigate project Impacts’ for information regarding the additional turn lanes and additional through motor vehicular traffic lanes on Lake Washington Blvd. Street improvements should be constructed by the developer. The required ROW dedications should be provided and or obtained by the developer. 14.Private access at the Barbee Mill Access Frontage improvements including landscaped planter and sidewalk matching the existing improvements on the west side of the access is required to be provided on the east side of the access. 15.Private access at the Ripley Lane (Seahawks Way) 8 feet wide landscaped planter and 5 feet wide sidewalk is required to be provided on either side of the access. 16. For the scenario with I 405 improvements : a.Lake Washington Blvd b/n Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street) and Ripley Lane N (Seahawks Way). The eastbound and westbound thru lanes planned by WSDOT shall be extended beyond and thru the Barbee Mill access intersection. This shall result in 2 thru lanes in each direction on Lake Washington Blvd from the I405 interchange past the Barbee Mill access (N 43rd Street). b.Barbee Mill access (N 43rd Street)/ Lake Washington Blvd. Traffic signal shall be installed at the intersection. At the Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street) /Lake Washington Blvd intersection, the EB approach shall be widened to include a separate LEFT TURN only lane. 17.For the scenario without I 405 improvements: a.Traffic Signals. Traffic signals shall be installed at the intersections of the I 405 northbound and southbound ramp intersections, as well as at the intersection of Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street)/Lake Washington Boulevard. The City will consider moving the location of this signal to the intersection at Ripley Lane/Lake Washington Boulevard as part of a future WSDOT improvement project to the NE 44th Street interchange. Relocating the traffic signal to Ripley Lane/Lake Washington Boulevard could reduce/eliminate potential longer range impacts of traffic queues on N 43rd Street between Lake Washington Boulevard and Road A, and with the existing rail crossing (should it be re activated for rail service or converted to a trail corridor). An engineering study will be completed at that time to support the determination of the location for the installation of the traffic signal at either N 43rd Street or Ripley Lane. (Mitigation Measure H 13.) b.Intersection #1 I 405 Northbound Ramps/NE 44th Street. The southbound and northbound approaches shall be widened so that a separate left turn lane and shared thru right turn lane is provided on both legs of the intersection. The final configuration of the intersection with the additional widening improvements shall be coordinated with WSDOT. (Mitigation Measure H14.) c.Mitigation measure H15 should be corrected to mention the widening on the eastbound approach on the Barbee Mill access instead of the previous typo that mentioned the westbound approach. [H15. Lake Washington Boulevard between Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street) and I 405 Southbound Ramps. Additional channelization improvements between the Barbee Mill access and the I 405 southbound ramps shall be constructed. Additional eastbound and westbound lanes shall be constructed to provide additional queue storage created by the traffic signals required at the southbound ramp and Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street) along Lake Washington Boulevard. At the Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street)/Lake Washington Boulevard intersection the eastbound approach on the Barbee Mill Access shall be widened to include a separate left turn only lane and the northbound approach on Lake Washington Boulevard shall be widened to include a separate left turn only lane. Ultimately, the City of Renton shall determine the best configuration for the improvements, given ongoing coordination with WSDOT on the adjacent interchange design, King County (owner of the vicinity rail right of way), and adjacent private development.] d.Lake Washington Boulevard between Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street) and I 405 Southbound Ramps. Additional channelization improvements between the Barbee Mill access and the I 405 southbound ramps shall be constructed. Additional eastbound and westbound lanes shall be constructed to provide additional queue storage created by the traffic signals required at the southbound ramp and Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street) along Lake Washington Boulevard. At the Barbee Mill Access (N 43rd Street)/Lake Washington Boulevard intersection the westbound approach on the Barbee Mill Access shall be widened to include a separate left turn only lane and the northbound approach on Lake Washington Boulevard shall be widened to include a separate left turn only lane. Ultimately, the City of Renton shall determine the best configuration for the improvements, given ongoing coordination with WSDOT on the adjacent interchange design, King County (owner of the vicinity rail right of way), and adjacent private development. (Mitigation Measure H15.) 18.All the mitigation measures of the Quendall Terminals Mitigation Document shall be applicable on the project and should be provided by the developer prior to temporary occupancy certificate is given for the first building in the site. 19.All the internal streets of Quendall Terminals site shall be private streets. 20.The proposed cross section of the internal streets should be revised as per the attached drawings and as per the description Page 4 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Engineering Review Comments Contact: Rohini Nair | 425-430-7298 | rnair@rentonwa.gov included below. If the street pavement width is not sufficient to accommodate the utility lines with the required separation as per the City of Renton standards, then the street widths will have to be increased accordingly. a.Street A can have two cross sections depending on the use of the building on the side of the street. The cross section elements include i.Parking garage (residential use) near the street 10 feet wide landscaping near the parking garage building 12 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate ( 4’x8’) 0.5 feet wide curb 6 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street 20 feet wide paved travel way (2 10 feet wide lanes) 0.5 feet wide curb 10 feet wide landscaping ii.No parking garage (retail use) near the street 6 feet wide landscaping near the retail building 12 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate ( 4’x8’) 0.5 feet wide curb 6 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street 20 feet wide paved travel way (2 10 feet wide lanes) 0.5 feet wide curb 10 feet wide landscaping An on site circulation study is required to be provided with the site plan to determine if the proposed 12 feet wide center turn lane is required. If the center turn lane is required, then the street width will have to changed accordingly. The width of landscaping near the property line is also subject to change based on the site circulation study and/or the proposed use of the building adjacent to Street A. b.Street B can have three cross sections depending on the use of the building on the side of the street. The cross section elements include i.No parking garage on either side of street B (retail use on both sides) 15 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate (4’x8’) 0.5 feet wide curb 8 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street 24 feet wide paved travel way (2 12 feet wide lanes) 8 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street 0.5 feet wide curb 15 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate (4’x8’) ii.Parking garage (residential use) on one side of Street B 10 feet wide landscaping near the parking garage building 15 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate (4’x8’) 0.5 feet wide curb 8 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street 24 feet wide paved travel way (2 12 feet wide lanes) 8 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street 0.5 feet wide curb 15 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate (4’x8’) iii.Parking garage (residential use) on both sides of Street B 10 feet wide landscaping near the parking garage building 15 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate (4’x8’) 0.5 feet wide curb 8 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street 24 feet wide paved travel way (2 12 feet wide lanes) 8 feet wide on street parking on one side of the street Page 5 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Engineering Review Comments Contact: Rohini Nair | 425-430-7298 | rnair@rentonwa.gov 0.5 feet wide curb 15 feet wide sidewalk with tree grate (4’x8’) 10 feet wide landscaping near the parking garage building c.Street C can have three cross sections depending on the use of the building on either sides of the street. The cross section elements include: i Parking garage (residential use) on both sides of Street C 10 feet wide landscaping near the parking garage 6 feet wide sidewalk 0.5 feet wide curb 6 feet wide on street parking lane on one side 20 feet wide paved travel way (2 10 feet wide lanes) 6 feet wide on street parking lane on one side 0.5 feet wide curb 6 feet wide sidewalk 10 feet wide landscaping near the parking garage ii Parking garage (residential use) on one side of Street C 10 feet wide landscaping near the garage 6 feet wide sidewalk on the side near the garage 0.5 feet wide curb 6 feet wide on street parking lane on one side 20 feet wide paved travel way (2 10 feet wide lanes) 6 feet wide on street parking lane on one side 0.5 feet wide curb 12 feet wide sidewalk on the side away from garage 4 feet wide landscaping back of sidewalk on the side away from garage iii No parking garage on any side of the street (retail use on both sides) 4 feet wide landscaping near the building 12 feet wide sidewalk 0.5 feet wide curb 6 feet wide on street parking lane on one side 20 feet wide paved travel way (2 10 feet wide lanes) 6 feet wide on street parking lane on one side 0.5 feet wide curb 12 feet wide sidewalk 4 feet wide landscaping back of sidewalk d.Street D cross section elements include: 10 feet wide landscape setback 0.5 feet wide curb 20 feet wide paved travel way (2 10 feet wide lanes) 0.5 feet wide curb 6 feet wide sidewalk 5 feet wide landscaping between back of sidewalk and parking lot e.Street E cross section elements include: 10 feet wide landscaping on the side near the parking garage 6 feet wide sidewalk 0.5 feet wide curb 20 feet wide paved travel way (2 10 feet wide lanes) 0.5 feet wide curb on the side near the property line Page 6 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Engineering Review Comments Contact: Rohini Nair | 425-430-7298 | rnair@rentonwa.gov 5 feet landscape setback from property line If portions of Street E will have parking on both sides, then alternate street cross sections will be required for those portions of Street E. 21.If the required minimum separation between utility lines need wider pavement width, then the street width should be changed accordingly. 22.Street lighting is required to be provided on all streets. The street lighting can follow the City of Renton’s residential street lighting requirements. Since the streets are private, the street lighting shall be privately owned and maintained by the developer/ property owner/ HOA. 23.Parking garage entrances should be designed with consideration of sight distance. 24. The proposed project has passed the City of Renton’s traffic concurrency test. A traffic concurrency report has been provided for the project. 25. An easement with King county for access, and an agreement with King County for construction of frontage improvements over King County owned railroad right of way should be provided to the City prior to site plan review application and construction permit application. General Comments 1.All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2.When utility plans are complete, please submit four (4) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. 3.All electrical, phone, and cable services and lines serving the proposed development must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector prior to temporary certificate of occupancy. Community Services Review Comments Contact: Leslie Betlach | 425-430-6619 | LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS (from Community Services) 1.As per the Final EIS (Aug. 2015) and the Mitigation document (Aug. 2015), the revised plan sheets do not reflect the crosswalk across Lake Washington Blvd. as per Mitigation G 9 Condition. 2.As per the final EIS (Aug. 2015) and the Mitigation Document (Aug. 2015), the revised plan sheets do not reflect the Trail connection within the 100’ shoreline setback south to the Barbe Mill Development as per G 11 Mitigation Condition. Planning Review Comments Contact: Vanessa Dolbee | 425-430-7314 | vdolbee@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1.RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2.Commercial, multi family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3.Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4.A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5.This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Building Review - Planning Comments Contact: Craig Burnell | 425-430-7290 | cburnell@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: follow recommendations of the soils report Page 7 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA09-151 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren | 425-430-7369 | aaskren@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: For the preliminary binding site plan review: Updated title report not provided. Submitted title report for May 2009. The dedication of land for street purposes on binding site plans requires approval by the City Council. Said dedication is achieved via a recorded City of Renton Dedication Deed document (form is provided by the city). If the dedication is to be recorded with the binding site plan, the dedication process needs to be timed in such a way that Council approval and all other matters pertaining to the dedication have been addressed and resolved, and said document is ready to record. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit. The legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant’s surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit. The dedication process requires an updated title report, to be dated within the 45 days prior to Council action on said dedication. Talk to the Project Manager if there are questions or further information is needed. Page 8 of 8Ran: April 12, 2016 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W RELOCATE AND REPLACE EXISTING 12-INCH EXISTING WATER LINE WITHIN NEW STREET A ALL WATER MAINS AND RELATED APPURTENANCES INSTALLED WITHIN THE SITE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE EPA’S APPROVED PLAN FOR INSTALLATION, OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PLAN OF UTILITIES. WATER MAINS SHALL BE PLACED IN CLEAN FILL MATERIALS , IN A TRENCH WITH SUFFICENT WIDTH AND DEPTH OF 3 TO 4 FEET BELOW THE INVERT OF THE WATER LINE, ALONG WITH AN ACCEPTABLE BARRIER TO PREVENT RECONTAMINATION OF THE CLEAN FILL MATERIAL, IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE WATER MAINS FROM CONTAMINATION AND TO ALLOW FUTURE MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER MAINS BY THE CITY. AN UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF RENTON WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND FUTURE REPAIR OF THE WATER LINES WITHIN THE SITE. THE PROPERTY OWNERS WIL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS RELATED TO THE EXCAVATION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS AND FOR FINAL RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY’S OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR FO THE WATER LINES WITHIN THE SITE. WATER PLANS REVIEW COMMENTS BY: ABDOUL GAFOUR - 425-430-7210 CITY OF RENTON WATER UTILITY MANAGER DATE: 4/12/15 RELOCATE WATER LINE TO BE 10-FEET AWAY FROM FOUNDATION OF BUILDNGS AND OUTSIDE OF SHORELINE RIPARIAN AREA WATER MAIN SHALL BE WITHIN PAVED MAINTENANCE ACCESS ROAD EXTEND WATER LINE AND CONNECT TO NEW WATER LINE W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWALL WATER MAINS AND RELATED APPURTENANCES INSTALLED WITHIN THE SITE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE EPA’S APPROVED PLAN FOR INSTALLATION, OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PLAN OF UTILITIES. WATER MAINS SHALL BE PLACED IN CLEAN FILL MATERIALS , IN A TRENCH WITH SUFFICENT WIDTH AND DEPTH OF 3 TO 4 FEET BELOW THE INVERT OF THE WATER LINE, ALONG WITH AN ACCEPTABLE BARRIER TO PREVENT RECONTAMINATION OF THE CLEAN FILL MATERIAL, IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE WATER MAINS FROM CONTAMINATION AND TO ALLOW FUTURE MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER MAINS BY THE CITY. AN UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF RENTON WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND FUTURE REPAIR OF THE WATER LINES WITHIN THE SITE. THE PROPERTY OWNERS WIL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS RELATED TO THE EXCAVATION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS AND FOR FINAL RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY’S OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR FO THE WATER LINES WITHIN THE SITE. WATER PLANS REVIEW COMMENTS BY: ABDOUL GAFOUR - 425-430-7210 CITY OF RENTON WATER UTILITY MANAGER DATE: 4/12/15 PUBLIC STREET PRIVATE ACCESS EXISTING PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE ALL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDED AS MITIGATION MEASURES IN THE QUENDALL TERMINALS MITIGATION DOCUMENT ARE APPLICABLE AND SHOULD BE PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPER. WITH TREE GRATE WITH TREE GRATE 10' 6' WIDE ONSTREET PARKING ON ONE SIDE + 10' TRAVEL LANE COMPLETE ON-SITE CIRCULATION STUDY TO FIND OUT IF THE 12' CENTER 2 WAY LEFT TURN LANE IS REQUIRED. CONDITION TO BE APPLICABLE AT TIME OF SITE PLAN. 10' 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPE IS REQUIRED IF LOCATED IN FRONT OF PARKING GARAGE, & 6 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPE IS REQUIRED IF LOCATED IN FRONTOF RETAIL USE. 10' TRAVEL LANE 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB, 6 FEET WIDE SIDEWALK, AND 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING NEAR THE BUILDING (IF THE GROUND FLOOR HAS PARKING GARAGE - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING). 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB, 12 FEET WIDE SIDEWALK, AND 4 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING NEAR THE BUILDING (IF THERE IS NO PARKING GARAGE IN THE GROUND FLOOR - NEAR THE RETAIL PORTION OF THE BUILDING). 6'10'10'6' TREE GRATE THE CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS AND WIDTHS ON STREET C WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE USE OF BUILDINGS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STREET. 8'8' ADDITIONAL 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND THE BUILDING IF THE BUILDING HAS A PARKING GARAGE ADJACENT TO THE STREET. THE CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS AND WIDTHS ON STREET B WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE USE OF BUILDINGS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STREET. ADDITIONAL 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND THE BUILDING IF THE BUILDING HAS A PARKING GARAGE ADJACENT TO THE STREET. THE CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS AND WIDTHS ON STREET A WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE USE OF BUILDINGS ON THE SIDE OF THE STREET & IF THE CENTER TURN LANE IS REQUIRED. (a) (a) landscape width subject to change based on requirement of center 2 way left turn land and/or proposed use of building adjacent to Street A 10'10' 0.5' WIDE CURB & 6' WIDE SIDEWALK 10'10' ALTERNATE SECTION SHOULD ALSO BE PROVIDED FOR THE PORTION OF STREET E WITH PARKING ON BOTH SIDES. PARKING GARAGE 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB & 6 FEET WIDE SIDEWALK. IN ADDITION TO THE 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB & MINIMUM 5 FEET WIDE SETBACK FROM PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 0.5' WIDE CURB 5 FEET WIDE MINIMUM SEPARATION FROM PARKING LOT. GENERAL NOTE: IF ADDITIONAL PAVED WIDTH IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SEPARATAION BETWEEN UTILITY LINES, THE STREET WIDTH SHOULD BE INCREASED ACCORDINGLY. PUBLIC STREET PRIVATE ACCESS CURRENT LY PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE ALL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDED AS MITIGATION MEASURES IN THE QUENDALL TERMINALS MITIGATION DOCUMENT ARE APPLICABLE AND SHOULD BE PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPER. WITH TREE GRATE WITH TREE GRATE 10' 6' WIDE ONSTREET PARKING ON ONE SIDE + 10' TRAVEL LANE COMPLETE ON-SITE CIRCULATION STUDY TO FIND OUT IF THE 12' CENTER 2 WAY LEFT TURN LANE IS REQUIRED. CONDITION TO BE APPLICABLE AT TIME OF SITE PLAN. 10' 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPE IS REQUIRED IF LOCATED IN FRONT OF PARKING GARAGE. 6 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPE IS REQUIRED IF LOCATED IN FRONT OF RETAIL USE. 10' TRAVEL LANE 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB, 6 FEET WIDE SIDEWALK, AND 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING NEAR THE BUILDING (IF THE GROUND FLOOR HAS PARKING GARAGE - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING). 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB, 12 FEET WIDE SIDEWALK, AND 4 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING NEAR THE BUILDING (IF THERE IS NO PARKING GARAGE IN THE GROUND FLOOR - NEAR THE RETAIL PORTION OF THE BUILDING). 6'10'10'6' TREE GRATE THE CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS AND WIDTHS ON STREET C WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE USE OF BUILDINGS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STREET. EASEMENT WIDTH 8'8' EASEMENT WIDTH ADDITIONAL 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND THE BUILDING IF THE BUILDING HAS A PARKING GARAGE ADJACENT TO THE STREET. EASEMENT WIDTH THE CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS AND WIDTHS ON STREET B WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE USE OF BUILDINGS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STREET. ADDITIONAL 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND THE BUILDING IF THE BUILDING HAS A PARKING GARAGE ADJACENT TO THE STREET. THE CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS AND WIDTHS ON STREET a WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE USE OF BUILDINGS ON THE SIDE OF THE STREET.& IF THE CENTER TURN LANE IS REQUIRED. 10'10' 0.5' CURB & 6' SIDEWALK 10'10' ALTERNATE SECTION SHOULD ALSO BE PROVIDED FOR THE PORTION OF STREET E WITH PARKING ON BOTH SIDES. PARKING GARAGE 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB & 6 FEET WIDE SIDEWALK. IN ADDITION TO THE 10 FEET WIDE LANDSCAPING 0.5 FEET WIDE CURB & MINIMUM 5 FEET WIDE SETBACK FROM PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 0.5 ' FEET WIDE CURB 5 FEET WIDE MINIMUM SEPARATION FROM PARKING LOT. EASEMENT WIDTH EASEMENT WIDTH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 28, 2016 TO: Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager FROM: Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager SUBJECT: Traffic Concurrency Test – Quendall Terminals; File No. LUA09-151 The applicant is requesting Master Plan Review, Binding Site Plan, Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and SEPA Environmental Review for a mixed-use development located at 4350 Lake Washington Blvd. The site is 21.46 acres and is zoned Commercial/Office/Residential (COR) and located within the Urban Shoreline designation. The 21.46-acre site would be divided into 7 lots of which 4 would contain 6 - 7 story mixed-use buildings. Overall, the development would consist of 692 residential units (resulting in a net residential density of 40.95 units/acre), 20,025 square feet of retail and 9,000 square feet of restaurant. The applicant has proposed to dedicate 3.65 acres for public right-of-way, which would provide access to the 7 proposed lots. Surface and structured parking would be provided for 2,171 vehicles. The site contains approximately 0.81 acres of wetlands and 1,583 linear feet of shoreline along Lake Washington. The proposed development would generate approximately 5,656 net new average weekday daily trips. During the weekday AM peak hour, the project would generate approximately 435 net new trips (104 inbound and 331 outbound). During the weekday PM peak hour, the project would generate approximately 530 net new trips (340 inbound and 190 outbound). The proposed project passes the City of Renton Traffic Concurrency Test per RMC 4-6-070.D as follows: Transportation Concurrency Test – Quendall Terminals Page 2 of 3 March 30, 2016 Traffic Concurrency Test Criteria Pass Implementation of citywide Transportation Plan Yes Within allowed growth levels Yes Project subject to transportation mitigation or impact fees Yes Site specific street improvements to be completed by project Yes Traffic Concurrency Test Passes Evaluation of Test Criteria Implementation of citywide Transportation Plan: As shown on the attached citywide traffic concurrency summary, the city’s investment in completion of the forecast traffic improvements are at 130% of the scheduled expenditure through 2016. Within allowed growth levels: As shown on the attached citywide traffic concurrency summary, the calculated citywide trip capacity for concurrency with the city adopted model for 2014 is 85,884 trips, which provides sufficient capacity to accommodate the 5,656 additional trips from this project. A resulting 80,228 trips are remaining. Project subject to transportation mitigation or impact fees: The project will be subject to transportation impact fees at time of building permit for each new building. Site specific street improvements to be completed by project: The project will be required to complete all internal and frontage street improvements for the building prior to occupancy. Any additional off-site improvements identified through SEPA or land use approval will also be completed prior to final occupancy. Background Information on Traffic Concurrency Test for Renton The City of Renton Traffic Concurrency requirements for proposed development projects are covered under Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6-070. The specific concurrency test requirement is covered in RMC 4-6-070.D, which is listed for reference: D. CONCURRENCY REVIEW PROCESS: 1. Test Required: A concurrency test shall be conducted by the Department for each nonexempt development activity. The concurrency test shall determine consistency with the adopted Citywide Level of Service Index and Concurrency Management System established in the Transportation Element of the Renton Comprehensive Plan, according to rules and procedures established by the Department. The Department shall issue an initial concurrency test result describing the outcome of the concurrency test. Transportation Concurrency Test – Quendall Terminals Page 3 of 3 March 30, 2016 2. Written Finding Required: Prior to approval of any nonexempt development activity permit application, a written finding of concurrency shall be made by the City as part of the development permit approval. The finding of concurrency shall be made by the decision maker with the authority to approve the accompanying development permits required for a development activity. A written finding of concurrency shall apply only to the specific land uses, densities, intensities, and development project described in the application and development permit. 3. Failure of Test: If no reconsideration is requested, or if upon reconsideration a project fails the concurrency test, the project application shall be denied by the decision maker with the authority to approve the accompanying development activity permit application. The Concurrency Management System established in the Transportation Element on page XI-65 of the Comprehensive Plan states the following: Based upon the test of the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS-tested Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigation Fee, and an application of site specific mitigation, development will have met City of Renton concurrency requirements.