HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 4531CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 4531 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE SOUTH KING HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS PARTNERS 2025 WORK PLAN AND 2025 OPERATING BUDGET. WHEREAS, on May 24, 2019 the City of Renton entered an interlocal agreement ("Interlocal Agreement") to form the South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) to help coordinate the efforts of South King County cities to provide affordable housing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, each participating jurisdiction must approve an annual work plan each year to guide the work of SKHHP staff; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, each participating jurisdiction must approve SKHHP's annual operating budget that includes an itemization of all categories of budgeted expenses and itemization of each Party's contribution, including in -kind services; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the annual work plan and operating budget is to provide management and budget guidance, and implement the overarching SKHHP mission to work together, and share resources to increase the available options for South King County residents to access affordable housing and to preserve the existing affordable housing stock; and WHEREAS, the 2025 work plan includes four goals with corresponding action items that further SKHHP's mission; and WHEREAS, on May 9, 2024, the SKHHP Executive Board adopted Resolution 2024-02 enacting the 2025 work plan and budget upon approval by the legislative body of each participating party; 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4531 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City Council approves the SKHHP 2025 Work Plan and 2025 SKHHP Operating Budget as adopted bythe SKHHP Executive Board and shown in Attachment A attached hereto. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL the 8th day of July 2024. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 8th day of Approved as to form: Shane Moloney, City Attorney RES- CED:24RES012: 06/12/2024 2 July 2024. A one, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 4531 ATTACH ME N T A SKHHP 2025 Work Plan and 2025 SKHHP Operating Budget as adopted by the SKHHP Executive Board in Resolution No. 2024-02 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE SOUTH KING HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS PARTNERS (SKHHP), ADOPTING THE 2025 SKHHP WORK PLAN AND OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, the SKHHP Executive Board approves an annual work plan and budget each year to guide the work of SKHHP staff; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, the annual budget includes an itemization of all categories of budgeted expenses and itemization of each Party's contribution, including in -kind services; and WHEREAS, upon adoption by the Executive Board, the annual work plan and budget will be transmitted to each participating jurisdiction for approval by their legislative body; and WHEREAS, the budget will not become effective until approved by the legislative body of each jurisdiction and adopted by the SKHHP Executive Board; and WHEREAS, if a party does not approve the work plan or budget in a timely manner, the Executive Board may adopt the budget and work plan with a two-thirds majority vote; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the annual work plan and budget is to provide management and budget guidance, and implement the overarching SKHHP mission to work together and share resources to increase the available options for South King County residents to access affordable housing and to preserve the existing affordable housing stock; and WHEREAS, the 2025 work plan includes four goals with corresponding action items that further SKHHP's mission. NOW, THEREFORE, THE EXECUTIVE BOARD RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Executive Board adopts the 2025 SKHHP Work Plan in Attachment A. Section 2. The Executive Board adopts the 2025 SKHHP Operating Budget in Attachment B. Section 3. Each party's contribution to SKHHP's operating budget will be transmitted on an annual basis during the first quarter of the calendar year. Section 4. This Resolution will take effect and be in full force upon approval by the legislative body of each participating jurisdiction. Dated and signed this ! day of 2024. NANCY KUS, CHAIR, SOUTH KING HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS PARTNERS Zvi/a --- ------------ ---____ Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 1 of 7 RESOLUTION 2024-02 — ATTACHMENT A SKHHP 2025 WORK PLAN PURPOSE Establish a 2025 SKHHP work plan and budget that is guided by Executive Board priorities, is consistent with the SKHHP Interlocal Agreement, and furthers SKHHP's mission. BACKGROUND Established by an interlocal agreement, SKHHP jurisdictions work together and share resources to increase options for South King County residents to access affordable housing and preserve existing affordable housing. The 2025 SKHHP work plan builds on work done in previous years and was developed in collaboration with the Executive Board, Advisory Board, and staff work group. The work plan is organized into four goals with corresponding action items. Each action is identified by priority as follows: Higher — Identified as higher priority by Executive Board or is necessary to cant' out the Interlocal Agreements • Medium — Identified as mid -level priority • Lower— Identified as lower priority Quarterly budget and progress reports on the status of the work plan elements will be submitted to the SKHHP Executive Board and the legislative body of each member jurisdiction as follows: Quarter 1: May I Quarter 2: August I Quarter 3: November I Quarter 4: February In accordance with the Interlocal Agreement, the 2025 SKHHP work plan and budget will be approved by the SKHHP Executive Board and the legislative body of each member jurisdiction. SKHHP MISSION South King County jurisdictions working together and sharing resources to create a coordinated, comprehensive, and equitable approach to increasing housing stability, reducing homelessness, and producing and preserving quality affordable housing in South King County. GOALS & ACTIONS Goal Actions 1. Fund the expansion and preservation of affordable housing. 1 through 5 2. Develop policies to expand and preserve affordable housing. 6 through 10 3. Serve as an advocate for South King County. 11 through 15 4. Manage operations and administration. 16 through 20 Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 2 of 7 R� Goal 1 Fund the expansion and preservation of affordable housing. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher •• = Medium • = Lower 1. Pool resources from member cities for the Housing Capital Fund, ••• including SHB 1406 funds, HB 1590 funds, and general funds. 2. Develop and execute contract documents and covenants for projects ••• ready to move forward (Burien Family Housing — 2022, Kent Multicultural Village — 2023; Skyway Affordable Housing and Early Learning Center — 2023). 3. Facilitate approval from participating Councils of recommended ••• projects from 2024 Housing Capital Fund funding round and preparing contract documents and covenants if any projects are ready to move forward. 4. Manage 2025 Housing Capital Fund funding round including adopting ••• annual guidelines, updating application materials, soliciting proposals, and facilitating project selection. 5. Encourage investment in South King County by private investors, •• lenders, and philanthropies. Indicators o Number of housing units or number of projects funded with financial support from SKHHP o Number of housing units preserved with financial support from SKHHP o Total dollar amount pooled by member jurisdictions for Housing Capital Fund o Total dollar amount from new sources of revenue added to the Housing Capital Fund o Geographic diversity of applications received for annual Housing Capital Fund funding round Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 3 of 7 Goal 2 Develop policies to expand and preserve affordable housing. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher •• = Medium • = Lower 6. Facilitate implementation of any subregional housing preservation ••• strategies. 7. Facilitate technical assistance and updates to the Affordable Housing ••• Inventory Dashboard. 8. Build relationships with developers to learn from their perspective the •• ways to encourage housing development, especially affordable housing. 9. Convene land use planners to increase coordination and collaboration • on housing policy and planning. 10. Develop SKHHP Executive Board briefings on key housing and • homelessness topics, especially as they relate to the goals of the work plan. Indicators o Number of subregional housing preservation strategies facilitated or supported o Successful update of data to the Affordable Housing Inventory Dashboard o Number of relationships built with developers o Number of Executive Board briefings on key housing and homelessness topics Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 4 of 7 Goal 3 Serve as an advocate for South King County. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher •• = Medium • = Lower 11. Coordinate with the Advisory Board in collaboration with housing •• organizations and stakeholder groups to provide education and engagement opportunities for elected officials and community members. 12. Work collaboratively with public funders at the state and local levels to •• promote shared affordable housing goals and equitable geographic distribution of resources. 13. Represent SKHHP at relevant local and regional meetings and forums • that help advance SKHHP's mission and provide a voice for increasing access to safe, healthy, and affordable housing in South King County. 14. Meet with legislators as opportunities arise to inform about SKHHP's • mission, goals, and the Housing Capital Fund. 15. Connect affordable housing developers with property owners who • intend to sell naturally occurring affordable housing in coordination with member cities. Indicators o Number of events or engagement opportunities Advisory Board members organize or support o Number of meetings, forums, or events attended that advance SKHHP's mission o Number of meetings with legislators that promote SKHHP and South King County o Number of affordable housing developers connected with property owners intending to sell naturally occurring affordable housing Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 5 of 7 Goal 4 Manage operations and administration. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher •• = Medium • = Lower 16. Develop annual work plan and budget. ••• 17, Generate and distribute quarterly progress reports to SKHHP Executive Board and member jurisdictions. ••• 18. Work with administering agency to maintain records and produce regular financial reports for the SKHHP Housing Capital Fund and SKHHP Operating Account. ••• 19, Organize and host monthly Executive and Advisory Board public meetings. ••• 20. Maintain and update the SKHHP website. •• Indicators o Work plan and budget adopted o Quarterly progress reports prepared and presented to Executive Board o Financial reports and public records maintained o Monthly Executive and Advisory Board meetings held o Website maintained Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 6 of 7 RESOLUTION 2024-02 — ATTACHMENT B 2025 SKHHP Operating Budget Estimated beginning fund balance - January 1, 2025 $ 344,131 Estimated ending fund balance - December 31, 2025 $ 285,588 REVENUES Auburn $ 45,474 Burien $ 26,236 Covington $ 13,118 Des Moines $ 13,118 Federal Way $ 59,466 Kent $ 59,466 Maple Valley $ 13,118 Normandy Park $ 6,996 Renton $ 59,466 SeaTac $ 13,118 Tukwila $ 13,118 King County* $ 59,466 Additional King County* $ 15,534 Office space (in -kind donation) $ 12,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 409,694 Spend down balance $ 58,543 TOTAL $ 468,237 EXPENSES Salaries and benefits $ 320,611 Interfund IT $ 35,000 Advisory Board compensation $ 14,400 Office space (in -kind donation) $ 12,000 Professional services/Misc. $ 37,500 Travel $ 5,250 Supplies $ 2,000 Subtotal $ 426,761 Administering agency - 10% admin fee** $ 41,476 TOTAL $ 468,237 'King County contribution based on the population of unincorporated King County is shown as increasing at the same rate as other partner judsdictions and the additional allocation decreasing to maintain a total contribution of $75,000 per year. "10% administrative fee is calculated as a percentage of operating costs which excludes In -kind donations and carry -forwards Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 7 of 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE SOUTH KING HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS PARTNERS (SKHHP), ADOPTING THE 2025 SKHHP WORK PLAN AND OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, the SKHHP Executive Board approves an annual work plan and budget each year to guide the work of SKHHP staff; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, the annual budget includes an itemization of all categories of budgeted expenses and itemization of each Party's contribution, including in -kind services; and WHEREAS, upon adoption by the Executive Board, the annual work plan and budget will be transmitted to each participating jurisdiction for approval by their legislative body; and WHEREAS, the budget will not become effective until approved by the legislative body of each jurisdiction and adopted by the SKHHP Executive Board; and WHEREAS, if a party does not approve the work plan or budget in a timely manner, the Executive Board may adopt the budget and work plan with a two-thirds majority vote; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the annual work plan and budget is to provide management and budget guidance, and implement the overarching SKHHP mission to work together and share resources to increase the available options for South King County residents to access affordable housing and to preserve the existing affordable housing stock; and WHEREAS, the 2025 work plan includes four goals with corresponding action items that further SKHHP's mission. NOW, THEREFORE, THE EXECUTIVE BOARD RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Executive Board adopts the 2025 SKHHP Work Plan in Attachment A. Section 2. The Executive Board adopts the 2025 SKHHP Operating Budget in Attachment B. Section 3. Each party's contribution to SKHHP's operating budget will be transmitted on an annual basis during the first quarter of the calendar year. Section 4. This Resolution will take effect and be in full force upon approval by the legislative body of each participating jurisdiction. Dated and signed this ! day of P 2024. NANCY KUS, CHAIR, SOUTH KING HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS PARTNERS Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 1 of 7 RESOLUTION 2024-02 — ATTACHMENT A SKHHP 2025 WORK PLAN PURPOSE Establish a 2025 SKHHP work plan and budget that is guided by Executive Board priorities, is consistent with the SKHHP Interlocal Agreement, and furthers SKHHP's mission. BACKGROUND Established by an interlocal agreement, SKHHP jurisdictions work together and share resources to increase options for South King County residents to access affordable housing and preserve existing affordable housing. The 2025 SKHHP work plan builds on work done in previous years and was developed in collaboration with the Executive Board, Advisory Board, and staff work group. The work plan is organized into four goals with corresponding action items. Each action is identified by priority as follows: • Higher — Identified as higher priority by Executive Board or is necessary to carry out the Interlocal Agreements • Medium — Identified as mid -level priority • Lower — Identified as lower priority Quarterly budget and progress reports on the status of the work plan elements will be submitted to the SKHHP Executive Board and the legislative body of each member jurisdiction as follows: Quarter 1: May I Quarter 2: August I Quarter 3: November I Quarter 4: February In accordance with the Interlocal Agreement, the 2025 SKHHP work plan and budget will be approved by the SKHHP Executive Board and the legislative body of each member jurisdiction. SKHHP MISSION South King County jurisdictions working together and sharing resources to create a coordinated, comprehensive, and equitable approach to increasing housing stability, reducing homelessness, and producing and preserving quality affordable housing in South King County. GOALS & ACTIONS Goal Actions 1. Fund the expansion and preservation of affordable housing. 1 through 5 2. Develop policies to expand and preserve affordable housing. 6 through 10 3. Serve as an advocate for South King County. 11 through 15 4. Manage operations and administration. 16 through 20 Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 2 of 7 Goal 1 Fund the expansion and preservation of affordable housing. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher • • = Medium • = Lower 1. Pool resources from member cities for the Housing Capital Fund, ••• including SHB 1406 funds, HB 1590 funds, and general funds. 2. Develop and execute contract documents and covenants for projects ••• ready to move forward (Burien Family Housing — 2022; Kent Multicultural Village — 2023; Skyway Affordable Housing and Early Learning Center— 2023). 3. Facilitate approval from participating Councils of recommended ••• projects from 2024 Housing Capital Fund funding round and preparing contract documents and covenants if any projects are ready to move forward. 4. Manage 2025 Housing Capital Fund funding round including adopting ••• annual guidelines, updating application materials, soliciting proposals, and facilitating project selection. 5. Encourage investment in South King County by private investors, •• lenders, and philanthropies. Indicators o Number of housing units or number of projects funded with financial support from SKHHP o Number of housing units preserved with financial support from SKHHP o Total dollar amount pooled by member jurisdictions for Housing Capital Fund o Total dollar amount from new sources of revenue added to the Housing Capital Fund o Geographic diversity of applications received for annual Housing Capital Fund funding round Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 3 of 7 Goal 2 Develop policies to expand and preserve affordable housing. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher •• = Medium • = Lower 6. Facilitate implementation of any subregional housing preservation ••• strategies. 7. Facilitate technical assistance and updates to the Affordable Housing ••• Inventory Dashboard. 8. Build relationships with developers to learn from their perspective the •• ways to encourage housing development, especially affordable housing. 9. Convene land use planners to increase coordination and collaboration • on housing policy and planning. 10. Develop SKHHP Executive Board briefings on key housing and • homelessness topics, especially as they relate to the goals of the work plan. Indicators o Number of subregional housing preservation strategies facilitated or supported o Successful update of data to the Affordable Housing Inventory Dashboard o Number of relationships built with developers o Number of Executive Board briefings on key housing and homelessness topics Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 4of7 Goal 3 Serve as an advocate for South King County. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher • • = Medium • = Lower 11. Coordinate with the Advisory Board in collaboration with housing •• organizations and stakeholder groups to provide education and engagement opportunities for elected officials and community members. 12. Work collaboratively with public funders at the state and local levels to •• promote shared affordable housing goals and equitable geographic distribution of resources. 13. Represent SKHHP at relevant local and regional meetings and forums • that help advance SKHHP's mission and provide a voice for increasing access to safe, healthy, and affordable housing in South King County. 14. Meet with legislators as opportunities arise to inform about SKHHP's • mission, goals, and the Housing Capital Fund. 15. Connect affordable housing developers with property owners who • intend to sell naturally occurring affordable housing in coordination with member cities. Indicators o Number of events or engagement opportunities Advisory Board members organize or support o Number of meetings, forums, or events attended that advance SKHHP's mission o Number of meetings with legislators that promote SKHHP and South King County o Number of affordable housing developers connected with property owners intending to sell naturally occurring affordable housing Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 5 of 7 Goal 4 Manage operations and administration. Actions Priority of Actions ••• = Higher •• = Medium • = Lower 16. Develop annual work plan and budget. ••• 17. Generate and distribute quarterly progress reports to SKHHP Executive Board and member jurisdictions. ••• 18. Work with administering agency to maintain records and produce regular financial reports for the SKHHP Housing Capital Fund and SKHHP Operating Account. ••• 19. Organize and host monthly Executive and Advisory Board public meetings. ••• 20. Maintain and update the SKHHP website. •• Indicators o Work plan and budget adopted o Quarterly progress reports prepared and presented to Executive Board o Financial reports and public records maintained o Monthly Executive and Advisory Board meetings held o Website maintained Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 6 of 7 RESOLUTION 2024-02 — ATTACHMENT B 2025 SKHHP Operating Budget Estimated beginning fund balance - January 1, 2025 $ 344,131 Estimated ending fund balance - December 31, 2025 $ 285,588 REVENUES Auburn $ 45,474 Burien $ 26,236 Covington $ 13,118 Des Moines $ 13,118 Federal Way $ 59,466 Kent $ 59,466 Maple Valley $ 13,118 Normandy Park $ 6,996 Renton $ 59,466 SeaTac $ 13,118 Tukwila $ 13,118 King County* $ 59,466 Additional King County* $ 15,534 Office space (in -kind donation) $ 12,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 409,694 Spend down balance $ 58,543 TOTAL $ 468,237 EXPENSES Salaries and benefits $ 320,611 Interfund IT $ 35,000 Advisory Board compensation $ 14,400 Office space (in -kind donation) $ 12,000 Professional services/Misc. $ 37,500 Travel $ 5,250 Supplies $ 2,000 Subtotal $ 426,761 Administering agency - 10% admin fee** $ 41,476 TOTAL $ 468,237 'King County contribution based on the population of unincorporated King County is shown as increasing at the same rate as other partner jurisdictions and the additional allocation decreasing to maintain a total contribution of $75,000 per year. "10% administrative fee Is calculated as a percentage of operating costs which excludes in -kind donations and carry -forwards. Resolution No. 2024-02 April 19, 2024 Page 7 of 7