HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport05e-3176514_20170421_v1Ctrd copy Judt a Jul F 413 6514 Jun 23 41 In the Distriot Court of tae UnitedStates for ,he Western Astrict of 'Wasaington,Northern Division UniLed States o: Ameriae, Petitioner to No 87 Dolores Pegoraro, aminjr; John Martin, a single man; King %-ooui4ty.'aashington, a municipalerp,a:so allotner parsonsor parties unknown claimingan int in re hinafdes "espondents Fixing oompensation las *200 for vdstis►gin plrf a perpetual easement andright of way for transmission line over and across fig lands inkaw That por4orlots 11 and12, inolk zI 12, of CD Hillman's EarlingtonG ens,anaddtoos, Div S No.l accdgtothe raoordedplLt thof,intheofseol9, tp 23NA 5 -%* kaw wh lies within a stri-, of land 25 ft im idth,theboundaries ofsd strip ly 62.50 ft diet awly fromand 167.50 ft six dist nely fromand plt the surveyline oft the"ovington-jeattleTranamisslon line as now loo and staked ontheground,over aorass anduponabv pty,ed surveyline being ptcly dews fls: Deg atsurveystation 496+7y.17, apointoD then line of Seo 19, tp 23 Na 5 owm, sd pointoeing6 1009152" W. a dist of 2939.37 ft fromthe quarter sgg coronthe& lire orad reo 19; thN.56011153• W. ,adist of2191 c 2141.b7ft to sui-vey station 518}64.84; th N 10 18153* W.adistoftkxx 1453.99 Mosurveystation 533+18.183 a point on th*N line axofad sec 19,sd point being N.89017137" a adist of S 15.25 ft fromtuequartei sea *or oaths Hlinec,fen Jecl9 laeabvdes strip of landf:eus a length ofrt70ft andoontains 0.19 acres rax Ctfd to by Clk ad court under cit gat Tun 26 41under shoos true copythof as apgaars onfileand olrecinhisofo ml US AttyTaooma