HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport05k-3664559_20170421_v1'S t..er 10-47 r Vep25-45 01 09.85 3b64559 gr* Erni tad Jte tes of Amer is , + rese ^toted by reu l J. Revert Ad Tmatr the Bonneville tawer Admrstrn UregDo St,r'ortland 8,uregon ivursusnt to �± tie l6, t;rtited .Mates Go otion 832a(e) to Via" 4We &p.- The +;ity of *attle,e muriaipel corp uf 11,e fp, it cons of sd stsv need amnt,paid to sd Figen^eGor pore ti on,a 45ofAGorp , Lr by transfers, claims unto sp all right,title and int in and to Stat " sh fp by Rec m s coriveys, ani :juit- 1.7 miles, mrl, of 230-kv electirio power txenamiesion line gza loc- ated in kc%,extending frDM, tut not ircluding,the Gfor's deF,d rind to%er No. 45A at its South ,tentor. SUbstation,l BLk 4, Renton Vier, rife to the readd plat thof,to the Gtee's trenaviesion lid toner iWIn Blir 1, sgrlington .,cre-'-aot�2,93dg to the r --:add ala tteUf, dg one circuit of ACSR "Drake" c orduot or ed Govingto n-a►eet tl e L:ne ht. l tv.-ers lNos. 46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53 and 54, tgn insulator stria and reratvf:re up to the tcaer dead end plates or tawers 45A, and end exclualvd of Jumpers and all other meterle 1 on toner Also all r/r eamts for sd elee power transmission s:i :;-,or under the f l�deeds and oonveyarc es: 096, � - P.�, VA4.r A. . deed exc td ;y Le no Azz ole €end Zefire Azao la g rd -.nye to Br d Wry 'Brede, and Bruno Grevoris, dtd Apr 10-41,readd L+ga o-41 1956 D . 19 #31631.15, line ac rd by 2, mead eic td by Leno Azz ola and Zefire AZzo le, ea d MeryBreda,dtu 'day 13-4 1,reodd May 22-41 1970 0p 2D5 r An9010 Bredaen d< ff3166927 ✓', r 0-0 ?eed exotd by Attao Yegorero,dtd Apr 1-41 readd Apr 4-41 1958 Up 415 tf315630 .01 r 4. Deed exp: ud by veronica in vol 1960Dp oo3 O L5853A 5. meed exp by Leno Azzole Breda,end Jecot Brettus and 1963 np 633 #3161240 Albenese,atd AX 1-41 readd an Apr 15 and Zefirs nzzo le, AngeloBrede Johanna Brattus,dtd Apr 42-41 A&, h an rep 6. Deed exe by Leno Azzola end Ze!Lire X Azzo la, and JeOD b ep d Johanna -,re ttus,atd Apr 21-41 rea or_ Apr 4 -41 1963 lip #3161294 k0ontAdon2. {]s L, d Lie Air Brat tuaj.� 660 .4 i 7. Ueed exa 1 %up"re A. i -rk •1ta .#11r 27-41 1— "f 1 <<i toiaA or i. A.7 #318()3t ' J Z L �r Ueed *Re by Lone Az701.e RM ' ssflrt A'X%Dlh prr] 111 11-i4m ,`c.�'� :r; • dtd May 1-h1 reolOmy 4-h 1 }u56 UL It 10 #31a3b93 �dt4 9. lfeed *me by Ovhn Ompelli#At1 V*t 3-h1 phtl .'1mi 11 -ht 1915 14, 1.4 03171114 � it / L0.' Deed exd by John ;)P -ht rpo JtIn R-41 bill 1,415 1 DO 40 01 L71112 ;- I Av Au 11: biped exatd h bora Unlirtt! 0 a murl Qi Pat tri ryy, Jtq to t►t ata 4ov it 29-41 red Vat 4-41 2!)1'12 Up t) #11ghf 5 1'x, 114104 exo by Joe r'e ltrn ctl Ant 2141 •rea I%y 8-41 1056 Or h3h r 13, toed azo by Ouitmt)Vtm s kbulon, -1 Arr 1-41 r#4 API' 1.5-41 1';i&1 ipp 1 �31.5d�rb1 �tt 14. D exo by Vimmftts Pedbry med V10torl.14 terbrarpl, '1*A yet 9041 rear 1<.,y 15-1.1 I964 Up 242 #-;16$9g 1_ "I M . 15. 'title enr:rl my abn4somnstion nroa�,�'r•• ariltlt.li?t °' 1towl f'40 oP Aheti� p r. unlorgn r ^rb, es • i, "Uodltet � •' � , ! iE &tetOO Ufa triat Oroirt,i n nrd i s N*s Vrn llt S .rE _I t 'f 0• -tori ldbrtMrn ,aiildlibn, raprtified obry 61' 0410th?" . of di T ne" ehtr4 Jun ;I1-lE 1 be Inv .#addJl J 1 Aw41 1 n 0i m in lb t LglSb dp 464 3176514.. f1�}y-O I , t 3. j, '3 - Ir 16, Jeed exo 1'y ')&" tt it -X1', 'it t1 ofa l Reek pert ° ra .t bf 1'h d 4001' c2 Jr,ne 'A, a1 ih 1 tel Pit 7* 4t 19 1 17. i/*eh exo ty 6110 0.901therv's rp An mil7:6004 One-PAt1' intik 00.4 !/hKler,e ;-set7 Ort tb# dgt >;P A'}1' ty rrin,9asd/ ao t a AA nndivifod a^ne4441' totOtd 6-t A -41 ria 1fBe 1-1-2. 061 8)L4 Vp 4## . f 18: :f ', a Aayr'i byr aond�e".i �n rooeel' �:•n ar: � Ffi. 1'p r1 'UbiLed3t�i�A o! A�eslaa, v. Virt,sent a�t�� xi�.Yr, ,ra. 4 ^rpt qt 4Tp'p ua�4t fie! :�2/ ', E Ld t11t Saltmi jr'tt's .'As'rl of Oou1! kva •111 1'fr Of Im"49MIAttlos n' s�tli otbr, otteert .,i 99br1, o�rCiPi�d duty 1' th# NJU$ oil �>7 r.`.areitibn of fr.a" r`r�S ?rah 1-1,: h+ii�x rr�bdd flat ? L 19. Jyrd ear! 1W ks r00t : ? 1 t =n A -4 t 26.d^^• 'isoK, d1'., A,r % 5-4 Fe to.j 'f'j /` -,� 1 r� .; r :. .00* Into 1'y irtzporISO ter, v -,755 )p 316 � 3153254 r �. ��ted 3) t If L411 j jov oyn6o .�404�1 � ?1b74 A. pr+r.rrfns %f, � r 1� � 559 -= 25. Deed exa by i illi.p clot4i and Fannie Ootti, snd AI_z Breda, dtd Anr 22-ib1 readd Apr 2u-41 1903 Up 4.17 031610E+0 iV� 26, Deed exc by J C rrist and Janis rriak dtd liarLI r o �.� 1958 DO OJ4 # 156516' Air._7-41 K' } � 2 Used Lby �ertim M. Stearns, dtd Feb 2E)-41-41 reo A r DP 367 aF31y81I8 p Lb-4 196A 28. Dead exc by z2sahaleea, dtd r',h t' - K�x3� 3154962 4 41 raa ler zy -41 1457 Ftp 3 , /a 7M 29.• Deed exa by Cpr l Uls on and opal Ula Gt�l, AI81TYrarGL. � DP 40 hulta,end Louise `Ferring�,on,dtd Feb 6-41 raa Mayu4 z: end �p q 06 �3 L67935 Ei'Sj.4 �13r�►v 30. peed exc by iilizabeth F.Thomes,dtd iyr 26-41 readd .�pr 11-41 1960 Dp 142 #13157827 31. ' deed eriCtd by 6ugene L. Feuder end tm}"� Lulu V. Baudar,dtdJul 10-41 reo Aug 27-41 1992 Dp 101 #318696,2 32.' Dsed exao i; hal 6'. /, t Starrett, dtd i:."0 14-41�reo May 31-41 1972 DP 535 #31687 i 33. Deed exao by wherlea A. 9pirk, a 21 ver of JanemPsm Irvoscment Co peny,and i'thel L: Starrett and A r. jun 21-41 readd Aug 15-41 1989 D 256 3tsrxett,dtd I' �3184b7B 34.• Deed also hythe daahington Mutual f Savin readd on Apr 7-41 1958 Dp 667 03156647 � 35. 'Deed exec by V1vIan A. M.rtIn,dtd Ley 14-41 readd Jun 2-41 1972 Dp 472 #3168913 36. Dead exec by Charles A. Spirk,es ge0v0rof Jonea;14�-Thompson Investment Co-,iPanY,dtd Jul 2-41 rec AU8 1¢11 1"9 n 2 .�,� P 54 13184 67? Dp Deed ezctd7336 by James : essueco,dtd War 25.41 Add Air �-41 1959 Dp 473 #3157336 I g-.v �. 38. Dead ezaC by Kir County,e frunioipal Corp, btete of Weshington dtd Aug 18-41 readd Aug 26-41 1991 Dp 430 03186545 39.Deed exec by 8rnsat R. Burrell 1 '1, 1-41 reo Apr 4-41 1958 D and Mabel. Burr�il,dtd Apr �' P 4 �3 X3156302 , E$�f3'y �wsj4«f 4U. Deed exec by Vary B.k1eerl,dtd Apr 16-41 readdl4ay ?8..41 1 604 F3168209 971 Dp 41. Dead exec by Lf�I hedb arg, Stan dtd Apr 16-41 rley aM lalt, and France � -41 1970 Dp 210 156933 eo 22 �Mealak, 42. exao by ata niece Kaoamarak and 11a thr 27-.L readd bSsr 31-41 1957 Dp 376 l 2 6 Yn HeczmaraK,d td Ar ! Ei3 55 3 -'.--r fry 43. Deed exec bytha �D Weshington Mutual gsvin. � Be a pr ✓ � reodd on Aw 7-41 vol 1958 Dp o64 #3156646. 2-41 United States �'meriQ By is ul J. 3av er, Ad mn atr of the Multnomah Ca,Gragou S Bonneville rover Administration ep 25-45 by eau l d . 3aver, Adman tr of the E�anevilla 'voller Admin_stretion,bef tells Benam n-tw lire resatl'ort- land the)oom-exprs 11.3-46 '.Me foregoing oonveyanoe is hrby approved A+ct 16-43 BerryS. 'r u 1i *,a 4ityl,ipht 1GA r t yt3�'dAv rrta of the United Matas '�-1 a