HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport05l-3664560_20170421_v1- ldar lU-4? 3664560 lias ; ri,„” e1U• ovooanL ruotion Finan- Corporeti! n, a U.3A owp to fhe City cc .teattle, a inn carp Tht Defense Plant Corp a corp under the Ute. and clso having its grin off at 811 Yermpnt Aye C of ..sshin -ton Ltst of Col ac ,uired 'OorteiO prop and prop its los in Row andtv. s Def e oe'lanttorpbAas I issolvedgeffef0�esTulg1-45vandproed�all of30-45 Its functions, powers, duties and acth tog,hr with its donumeagg, ►gooks of coat, rea asset* ard liabilities of avery kind end nature word trans by f p loin in the am manner and to the 3n extent end effeot AM if ori sestet In neconsttuot ion -gin Corp TMhaa Asoohstru3tionPia Corp is the onaer cC .:ll prop and prop rte des hafter won were f�Ay MMI&z 2 owned by -of anoe rlen t Corp Thfore fp ey t and qo to sp all rt ti and int in and to (d) 5 .4 Giles and of double oirouit steel tower al eat , Gower trans ln, (B) 1.7 miles mrl of sin.je circuit steel tower oleo, power hits In and (0) oertain prop ao{t-.tired y Ster under deeds and eelsveyano-s lou in kc% d f i A. 9d 5.4 miles of double oiroult trans In extends 6 and swiy 3 tray gtees trans In tower B22 -44a in yeo 33 Tp 24 nr 5 :w: to tower t 31 within the So Renton Substation site in ilk 4 menton Yves "dd a subdiv in the .33i ; of Sea 19 T_k 23 ar 5 ewm s s looin-ad-�aa e 33 and in fiefs 4-A-2V-aad 19� nr 57 ewm T lie conveyanoe inolu n lX1nsule or un double string doMend assemblies and +hair nt sd tower 822-445; 31 doub,e circuit steal towers, six c ors of 500 110M oonper equivalent, with 16-Sneulator unit suspension_ ,ablLee and I.8- inenlator unit double stringy, deaderd ass-mblies tire -TuaNiaLs. B. 81 1,7 miles d single oiroult tr►,ns in extends aiy from m -to ,,O, 31 to Ctees trans 1n tower B 5-523 in Uk 1-arlington acre Tts, a subdiv in the Kfj h? t of SaoA801-11-1-314-Tv 1 T ,23 n .4_ e>.m encs is 4>e 3aos, 19 End 18 Tp�23 nr 5 eum Find in e�13 T 23 nr !� awn This aonvaybnae ino 9 sin„fe oirouit rotated yp�rs, three Sondu4tors of 5u0 LCL` copper equivalent with 16 insulator unit suspension aba�jnbliea and i8 in*4AIAtcr unit triple string yc'.e cleadend as3emblies end iumpers and the eonductorj •leademi asaembi and .', umpers . t tower TI?6-52x. C. pertain PIMP ;.o.,ui.ed by the gtor under its deeds and asnvey tip -it t: 1, Deed from fp hint to Defense rlent Corp dtd iob'24-45 rea am fa -45 ir. so of soca . in vol 2315 of d aei s 9 sad ile�'364. / y LJ 2. Uesd exo by r. d. Burt efr_atd 4-*nna (i.Burpev to �ofGas* 'PIant -;orpv, on • fig it, -43 reo ..0 18-43 in 80 of kcw in vol 2156 of L . 77 cud file No 3�300�4 ITraot 3. Deed oxo b1 yo%* Y.iryder to Defense slant i.orp on dop 25-43 reo 31p 28-43 in so ct tco:- vin 2166 u pg 310 f tie No x;)8110 !Treat 1'o D9 -3i ?5N-35� 4, Deed ax© by Lyle Hewitt end oadie F'ewitt, to .,arena ' lgnt :or$ rn gun 16-43 reo . uv 18-43 in so of kow vol 2156 A pg 75 f ile NO 3330053 (TrL-ot 1.0 Do -5) ?c� 5.Dead exo by Lyle ".Hewitt and eadie L1dV ttt, to i}elanad risJts Corp on •-u., 31-43 eo �eao 3u-43 vol 2136 v pg 451► file ro 3353944 (TvU o t o D,d-8 ) 6. Lead oxo by cibnr, fi i lliatas to �gfones Plant :or p on Oot 16-,43 reo Oct 1,1-43 in v'-,1 2173 - pK 1 rile NO 342598 (Tract iso X9) 7. Deed axe by Josephine wenn, !-orla -mnn heath for ;#nu :eiltoa Sr,lu1F, .i..jann, Louis ;�..00nn, l.drbert �a,:enr, �ysie v .ijiienson L r-4,nd' lie2T�7� m'1+ 4 ee+ud to 33b�7t 1 re^0TpiN)0N - t�$36 a len 6� q 23 S, 560-2 8, Deed ead by .erl ,allace %#ohnaon rand Ave .Tohason.to D9fanse i•lsgt Corp on Sam 5-44 reo on Jars 22-44 in vol 2196 D pg 634 att N ;351857 (Truot =`e D3-12) 9, Dead exo by J ;�..Dalpay ,.,id hazel DalPey to Defense Plant '3orp nn [�ov 18043 're -an 21-44 in vol 2196 D pg 248 and t:o 3361637 (Treot No D9-13) f�- y3 -r lo. Deed exo by naymond J,•ilater and Ina iS.Slater to Defense }'lent corp on aep 29-43 rea Sep 30-43 in vol 2167 ;) Pg 167 eucj�Tro 3338784 (Traot No LIS -14),Z'? r j 11. ;eed exo by Henry 'Theodore ijelsrorth to Defense rlant Colp on "ug 31-43 reo Sep 14-43 in v ul 2162 D Pg 435 and No 3,335fl (Treat too DS -16) f 12. Deed axe by George B.,oh*%rtz and Lorraine Sohvertz, to Defense Plant Corp oA 3ap 4-43 reo SOP 14-43 in vol. 2162 D Pg 430 and Bile No 3335065 (Treat No D6-18) 13. Deed azo by J.T.Bu o Defense Plant corp on -ep 16-43 rsu ilep 25-43 in vol 2165 L pg 54 751 (Tri 3-19) 14. Deed exo by Ropy J.:m illiems and Llize a +tillians to Defense rlant Coxp on -aeP 1-43 reo 36P 16-43 vol 21 74 eud iso 3335773 (Treat No D8-20) 15. Deed exo by Hobert u.3later end i•arguarite ::.,Slater to-Jefersi# Plaut Corp on Dot 11-43 reo Dot 13-43 in vat 2170 D pg -295 and No 3341148 (Treat 'a ISS -21) r �/ 16. Dead exo by Lu Lu 6eavers to Defenae rlant Corp on Sep 28.43 reo Prov 24-43 in vol 2182 D pg 260 eud No 3350590 (Tract No DS - 3 - S' 17. Deed axe by Lu _.0 Beavers to Defense elant Corp "ep 15-43 roe •ov 22-43 in vol 2181 U pg 625 P'o 3350229 (Treat no DS -25) 1--23- e- 18. -read e, o by 6enerin m.Good, Itolair ,..DyRon, =ose N, Dy son Tawas ;..aendolph,VTtid M..00ten and Dorene � ootan to DefenN Plant Corp on aep 13-43 reo tint 8-43 vol 2169 D p6 274 eud No 3340404 (Trfiat No D3-26) ✓ 19. need axe by United States of ,merioe, t4rm Sae A4aa to Defense llaut _)rp dtd •-ov 8.44 rea on �Jao 29-44 in a a o v kov. in vbl 2295 of deeds pg 523 and Vo 3437484. -loo deed exo by Immitt 'i'.Samms and Wilhelm na oimms, to befense t']ant corp dtd vat 20-44 reo on X06 29-44 in vol 2295 of deeds pC 528 file No i 34374,97 (Treat No DS -27( 9 - 13 -T '/ 20, Dsed axe by Nils 3raatjon to jefense -lant 3orp on Nov 19-4 reo deo 22-43 in vol 2189 i1 pg 2.39 and No 3356266 (Tt No D:;-28) 9 z_3.4r" 21 .,aid exo by ..nail Leroy rarsley rend i°unriet::Y Tone tars Ia Jamas Molar tend Clava Kolar to ,efdnbe klane .oirp on mop 7,-y)'{eo/ 9,P 14-43 in vol 2162 D Pg 437 buy' No 33350ty8 (Tt tit; 22. Deed exa by •Harry S.,johellart and -eq a hal art, to Defense rlant orp -Pr 20-44 ren Tun 1-44 in v011'2234 %+ ,,g 608 eud ;.a / 3391113 (Truot Lo D3-)1) 23. Deed axe by ranl �.'.olman and Lem ,._.Colman •to Dsfenae dant Cc.rp nn :jaP 8-1,} rea nn .4tw 14-43 in v91 1162 L rg 426 .twi leo 3)j5063 (Trwi t No DS _V ./ .moi 2 ud exo by T a rte i.aox jolmen and ,caul ,almar+ to ueransa `le ` CDrp on %.e p 3-4) -coo Ae P 14-4a In vol 21bk ,j jog 424 ftuu ho 3335ut, (j'raoL ..o �L -34) •--: ^1 i 25 • Deed a ;o by Y411is Fitzgerald end Delis ritageAl d, to Def. mis -lent `"orp ,n sap 13-43 exo r$On 16-43 is vol 2163 pg ?97 elle o 3335794 M.1"' o DS -35) Z� %6. Lead a c 1y D„uvhart;: �.ith t,) Defenea Plant :orp on - eP 7-t►3 sea ��sp 14-k3 in vol 2152 PB 428 ftI NO � 3?64 (Tt i4o Da -36)✓ 27. deed ezo cq eranees J.�;handler to arenas I-lant Corp 3e;! R-43 reo Oct 26-43 in vol 2172D P9494 and No 33112845 CID 28. D-jed axe by Joaeph R.Dunden &nd Beryl ndith unden, Leary =r.j..lo and ;Ispeth xt.9alo, Nona ii.Farrell, jaat;t1e-ri,st i,stl dank end Ma%Mss.Ax11m4xzM Roma K."arrell, as Trustees for .arian Jarrell, A.1.Bird and ;.sther B, Bird, and a�aplewood Golf Club to -'efense 1-18&:orp on • ur 17-43 rao on -ui; 28-43 in so of kcw vol 2158 D YB 488 and No 3332114 (Tts ties. i)3-40 Da -41 and D4-49) 1, 29. Deed eye b� T.J.Bluner and Nellie Blumer, C,P.Buxrvn and Hazel L...Buxton anslvr'renk J.Toakin and Syble TabLkin to iuefsnaa slant ;orp f on xag 28-43 rec cep 14-43 in vol, 2162 D pg 432 and No 3335066 /- r (Traot No D:-43) )_O ./ P. Deed axe by-.leanor '7.3imonton and ;drain 3.3 monton, to Defense 11ent �orP NGC 16-43 c •>ag 19-43 in vol 2156 -' "s lob and No 3330141 (Tract Pio D5 -43K 31. Deed axe by J.J.Blumer and Nallis and ,..R.jdofj'st anti Gerrie MOf; at, to Defense Plant "orp on -1ep 1- a •ht 8- 3 in vol 2169 D pg 271 file ■o 3340403 (Traot Ivry "s 3330141 32. Deed exo by Bedsis Hurlay, Robert M.Lane &I'd Bernice L.Kana to Defense Plant Corp on O* 21-43 rao on -u- 27-43vin vol 2156 I j! 201 and ho 3331796 (Treot No DB -44) 33• used axe by :scary :.Bryant and Jane •.Bryant, and Jennie -.BO"t to Def anae Plant "orp onetug 31-43 roe Sep 7-43 in vol 2160 '� pE 4 2 . No 3333628 (Treat No DS -451 J� -.13 34 Deed axe by Northriestern Improvement Co, to "fease plant Gozp on plot 7-44 roe on Nov 24-44 vol 2285 D p8 528 3�4305�1- (Tram No Ds -47) 1) oti. &�"-++ p used eza by Erumo are a tc Defense klant Corp Mar 9-44 dao �+ar 14-44 in vol 2210 v pg 479 end No ;372915 �Tt Tye U8-50) 3b. Deed exe by rirt Gre+gorls and "ary Gra c�ris, tGo�-Dceiense Plant Corp brier 13-44 rec Lar 15- 44 in vcl 2211 ; DB 37 and No 3373167 (Tt No DS -51) 31- Leed axe by John yraooe ro to Defense Plant "orpua 1? -44 reo V 1 _ and �• 0 339447, (Tt A* DB -52 Jun 14-44 In u al 2239 PS ' .Dahl end ..velyn bee Marl to Defewo Plant 36. Head ax0i by Ben B oaf 3361,188 Corp Jen 23-44 roe treb 2-44 in vol 2149 L Pg �' 8 ..n.relo Breda -ind 39. Lead exo by Lino -7zola and 4efjira AxzolLindseth, to l+efinee t:ary Breda and •urtia 4.LJan 18-tb dinevol 2195 iJ 2g 346 and i� L lant Corp Jan 12-44 re; a n 3360977 (Tt Re va-53h) e"LU rnar G.•temsey and Uiza Jam 'temsey, to Let"se 40. Lead a -o by ••r -lent Corp on . e„ r aur roe ='ab 13-44 in vol 221 4 4 b" 74 and No ;367787 (Tt too Us -54) P 41. Deed exo by Harold ;.Umdbar(; and vary C.Lundberp, to Defense = lent :qrp on Jan 24-.4 reo Jen 27-44 in vol 2197 a8 583 and No 3-)62¢54 (Tt ;,o DJ-55) 42. head axe by keno Azzols and Lefire A7zole, �magelo Drade end ',ary Breda and -arold O.Lundberg ana =-ary Q,Luneber;, i h% to Defan;a ,spt "'orp Fab 1-44 reo deb 10-44 '_n vol 22U1 u pg 540 and No 33,6507 (Tt No D,>-56) r,•a f ,j- fl 43. lueed azz 4y -u6ene 1..-aak in& to :+efenae tiant .orp on -eab 3-+44 rea dab 8-44 in Vol 22U1 of deads kg 1 eud No 3365187 (Tt No DR-SI 3 ✓ '�ipEs 44. meed exo by wriest O.abasdl sod to Dafenfse rlant -oTT) -cab 14-44 reo reb 18-44 in vol 2203 -- pg 533 eud rile ►,,o 33o7547 (Tt Yo DJ!/; an) 45. '--+sed a-xo by William ..*"ok to Defends -cant %;orp may 1-44 reo.0 y 9-44 in vol 2227 11 pg 632 sud No 3385944 (Tram No DS-58) 46. Dees azo by-harles losoa and r4jSg 'iosoa to Defense Flat Corp otFeb 4-44 reo lob 11-44 In Vol 2202 D pg 203 nud NO 3366239 (Tt No Ds-59) 47. Dead rico :,y "bar anR ynd .•lisa Tos.=,a, .1 jno ,.zzola and Zaf ra hzzola,-•n:�elo 34ede ary Breda to Defense •lent Corp r keb 26-44 reg =mer 7-44 In vol 22i> SfkB NO 3371240(T No D9 413. mead eya oy deter nosh and k►atherine -osc to sa �Irat .:orp on Jan V-44 reo eeb U-44 in vol 22U1 D pg 54,8 and No (Tt No Di-61) 49. Lieed exo t yyrmo Qre fx•ois u nd i infa Gre jvoris to Defense 1an��" 4 Carp San 28-44 reo e'eb2-44 trL vol 21" uaF6 470 and No 33641`)9 �+ s' (Tt No Di-62) 50, .dead axa by John ,.osa and Eaddalena Lose to vefenae I'lent torp on dan 26-44 r-.a rab 18-44 in vol 2204 D pg 53 raid No 3367763 (Tt No !)S-63? �1 ✓� � 51. Lead exa by liitoria Pegarero to Dei'anse klent corp on Jan 24-4y reo Wuy 15-44 in rol 2229 D pg 506 No 3387249 (Tt No 5} D;� / 4 ✓ 52. geed azo by yaleucine 1:alita:s and nanie+ i:iliroh to Defense rlonc E Corp on Oen 24-44 rea 9�eb 2-44 in vol 2199 a p8 466 and Nin 33641`ij .4 (Tt leo D3-6uA) 53= iiaed exo by W'.B.b1oNeudfifion and trel LaNaughton to Defense dent C ' Corp on tiara 21-44 rea Jan 22-44 in vol 21864 ij P9 435 and rile tjc�' 3361858 (Tt %o D3-67A) 54, Ajead oil by Lou1a Careooioli add kariat�8 ,s.s�aoioli, to Defense 'rlgnt Corp on San 24-44 reo i:ay 11-44 in vol 2228 v pg 362 and Yo/ 3386405 (Tt r o Sa-68) 11. )S, ! ✓ 55. Deed ado by Crud r�e,aook and Floxw tdaaMok, �ame►e ',•�owaey and Anna Downey to �serdnsa ►laot Corp on 4un 21-44 rao xeb 544 � ! u vol 22U0 L, pg 295 sada file No 3164759 (Tt No D;-69) z .. ,1 .�r;.ti _ rU C �• ;6. Dydd yxo by -.115 Otto Nielsen and -nna 1,1elaen, \' :-aas :.Nielsen aid rune ?.Nielsen and hazel 1lnam Nielsen slid �40rge a.4,hooler, air of the will ft oda Thorns, dead, f.n Defense 11ant 9evp on k+ov 18-44 red Nov 2I}-44 in vol228 D Sot sad No 3429774 (Treat a Dg-70) JP-// i - ' I J. .read axa uy Otto Nielsen an d -nam.Nielaan to Defense PIG nt�olp on 'tt 27-44 reo Nov 1f1-44 in vol 2283 L 86 39 jud Na 3427761 (Tt No DS-71) 560-5 1J. 58. Dead axe by kerl;a.,et hard ie Conk to Defense Plant Corp as 1944 - roe Jan 22-44 in vol 2196 D p8 373 add No 3361793 (Tt No i,ts-72)/. 59. Deed exz by mar arite G�arbarino to Defense r1ent Golp `/ kar 23-44 res „pr 1-44 in r..l 2219 l' p8 124 eud NO 3379325?' 60. Heed axe by Tony 5tarkoviah and "ary -itarkovir h to Defense Plant Corp 0n - eb 21-44 res Sun 16-44 in vol 2239 D pg 469 and 110 339 4(487 / (Tt No D3--04) ,,,,I/// 1V/// 61. aced sic by .%Lyda Morrison and Pearl korrison to .Defense dant Corp Feb 3-44 reo -ul 1-44 in vol 2244 D pg 89 ead bio 3398497 (Tt "o Da-76) /7 ✓ 62. Deed a..c by Toho "lywoods and Wartha Woods to yefense else t orp / on Tutt 13-44 res Oct 24.44 in ao of kis in wl 2277 u PB 367 No / 92 3423653 (Tt No Ds-76) � 63. +read exo by Anthony Gatuzo and 1-ary �;©tiizo to ilelense Plant Corp jug 22-44 reo Oat 24-44 in vol 2277 ­1 Pg 3Z5 and ho 31423652 (Tt No D8-77) 64, Lead azo by Phil 'rotti a iGotti to Defense dent Gore Tan 22-44 res Fob 10-i., Vol 2201 +j pg 53 140 845 (Tt No s-78) e i5- a 3 - ./� (35. geed axe by Thonas nesse to Defense dent Corp Tan r Tan 22-44 in vol 2190 D P8 371 and Fo 92 (Tt No ns-`l 66. Dead sic by 0.3-Buxton andCxa .,3urt novo ! and Georgia 93uxton to Defense Plant Uor on Sun 10-44 i-io Jul 18-44 in vol2248 D PB 3 and f ile No 3401715 F-4 No Da-80) o T� 67. -jeed exo by -.thal W..atarrett and r.lfrad T.sterrwtt to je ease Plent 'orp on may 10-44 reo Tun 9-44 in vol 223 ll pg 247 au�o Z - 3392867 (Tts Nos. DS-81 and _JS-8)) �r ( _-23' �/ 68. need sxa by -.s Cher-tophens to befen,orlan -orp Tan 26-449­44"', roe Jon 28-44 in vol 2198 Ij pg 88 eud No 3363054 (Tt No 69. -reed exo by Lucy Yassuaco to :.e-.'onae dant ''orp &eb 8-44 vea -eb 10-44 in v- 2201 of deans g 538 and i%o 3365846 Cats Nes. .:S-84 end il3-88 ) 70. geed exo by ..ash -ut -av °-rnk to-efense dant OTp +eb 1 -44 roe Feb 18.44 in vol 2203 D VC 535 and Nos 3367548 (TD No DS-96) 71. meet' exo jy iharl. a m.spirk as -ovr of Jones Thc.'Paon Inveatment Co. to Uai'enae rlent torp on -ey 5-44 roe Jun 10-44 in vol 2239 D Pg 285 eud file 1`0 3394797 (Tt No Da-87) 4f ✓ r 72. Deed azo by «labard springar atsxit to Defense slant vorp on Tap 21t-44 r-o rab 9-414 in vol 2201 L PE 458 and No 3365710 ( t I' D5-�g'� 73. i1eee azo by Wereella Geballs ae Yoaag and harry ;eYoune, to L✓ffa ° =lent Gore Tun 17-44 roe Jun 2w44 in vol 2240 D pg 459 mud go 3)936 . (Tt Yo D8-90) .101 74. Deedaxe by Louis Kirzak one •ranoaj 4irzek to Defense slant orp on Jan 24-44 roe Tan 2Y-44 is vol 2198 D P9 352 add No / 3363319 (Tt No Di-91) 75. Deed axe oy --.nest A.Burrell to uefense rlaat Coro on ;an 2_.rj.- 44 / roe Jan 28-44 in vol 2198 D Pg 86 a,d No 3363053 (Tt :,o D:-9,2) o^�✓ 76. feed a a by mid G.;ahaudies end 'Vivian _vtLsudl9s, to Defense elent ,orp Tae 18-44 rue Yeb 8-44 in vel 2201 U Pg 183 eud iso 3365373 T o Ds-93) 56o -6c 77. Deed evo by arsh ut .av lank toDefense rlant Corp Jan 21p44 reo or 7-44 in vol aaOR L pg 311 vud .0 3371241 jd"* No)S-i14f 78. Leed exo by kesh :.ut Fav dank male K.Far u di Lu ills n. •� 9erbua6 to Defense rlant Cern on fan 21-44 reo xeb tC-44 in vo,).22t.1 D pg 545 Mud No 3365849 (Tt ^.o V3 -94S) 79. Lead exo by borthaeatern Improvr .:nt Co to Defense rlant Corp Jul 18-44 ran on eov 27-44 in vol 2287 L pg 437 eud i7o.,431137, (Tt No DS -Ci: 2)1; ;6' 1; —� 80. Lead exo by Puget �ounu toter i.icht Co, on "so 7-45 red .+p r 18-46 in vol 2462 D pg 2C0 and Vile No 3560496 (Tt No DS -48) I' :.% R F C has caused this Inst to be exo in its nm and on its behalf by aiohaod !% Price, its aif thunto duly auth Raoonstrudtion finance Corp Jy Kiohard S:.erice, aif kew Jul 16-46 by-llchard Y.rrice, as aif of ad carp and onoeth steted tht ad pa Is unrevoked and ad corp r.ow in existence bef F..,. imadell .p for ax res -t s no .+ p Y_47 (Ml City Light 1015 3rd ova ity) 1�/%