HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport05n-197210300118_20170421_v1t 101 FILL M:•.�`� . ' ................. RELEASE OF EASnIENT' THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for and in consideration ofthe sum of ONE .AND NO/100 Dollars ($1.00) and the grant of an easement for electric transmission system (receipt of whic1h is hereby acknowl- edged) over certain real property situated in King County, Washington described as follows: All those portions of the following described parcels of land in the Northeast 114 of Section 19,, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; 2 Parcel 1 CD That portion of the Northwest 3.14 of the Northeast 114 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W M., described as follows: r, �. Beginning at a point on the southerly margin of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady Way in the City of Renton) 232.5 fee-, west of the east line of said Northwest 114 of the Northeast 1/4 as measured perpendicu- larly, said point being the TRUE POINT OY BEGINNING:; thence southerly along a line 232.5, feet from (as measured perpendicularly) and parallel to said east line of said subdivision to the south line of said subdi- vision; thence North 89044'31" West 1027.89 feet along the .south line: .,a of said subdivision to the easterly margin of Primary State Highway is No. 5, as recorded in Highway Flags, Volume 2, pages 186, 187, 188 ' 'thence North 01033119" Fast 140.99 feet along said easterly margin; -thence North 4103+'50" East ;x.78 feet to a point on the'southerly mars gin, of Secondary State highway No. 1-L (Grady Way);; thence northeasterly along the southerly margin of Secondary State Highway No 1-L to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Parcel ?_ m e Those portions of vacated. 9th Avenue South formerly South 148th Street (Memphis Avenue);: 9th Place South, formerly South 149th Street (Manning Avenue); 96th Avenue South, formerly Shattuck Avenae; and vacated alleys in Blocks 11 and 1<, C. D. Hillman's Eerlington Garden Addition, Division No. 1, as recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, Records of King County, Washington, as said streets and alleys were vacated pursuant to City of Renton, Washington, Ordinance No. 2051: 4° which lie within a strip of land 350 feet in width in the Northeast 114 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East., W.M., the boundaries of said strip lying 162.50 feet distant westerly and southwesterly from and 187.50 feet distant easterly and northeasterly from arta, parallel to the survey Line of the Covington -Seattle transmission line #1 as located over, across, and upon the herein described Parcels 1 and. 2, said survey line being particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at survey station 496+73.17, a point on the east line of See - tion 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., said point being South fi. 1009152" West a distance of 39.37 feet from the quarter section corner on the east line of said Section 19; thence North 56011'53" West a dis- tance of 2191.67 feet to survey station 518+64.84; thence North 1018'53" West a distance of 1453.99 feet to survey station 533+18.83, a point on the north line of said Section 19, said point being, North 89017'37" East a distance of 815.25 feet from the quarter section corner czarthe north line of said Section 19; said stripy of land being a portion of -that cer- tain strip of land conveyed to the City of Seattle by the 'United States of America, by Deed. dated September 25 1945, and recorded in Volume 2597 of needs, page 50, under Auditor's File No. 3664559 and by Teed bated July 16, 19461 and recorded in Volume 2597 of Deeds, page 56, under Auditor's File No, 3664560, Records of King Countyo Washington; hs, EXCEPT, the easterly 100 feet of said herein described 350 f of strip of land lyang'southerly of the southerly right of way line of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady bray in the City of Renton, WashLngton) and northers o: the so?xth line of the IJW 1/4 of the I�IE 1/4 of said Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., ALSO, EXCEPT, that portion of said 350 foot strip of :Land in the NE 1/4 of co said Section 19 lying northeasterly of a line described as follows; -- Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said. 350 foot strip CD of land with the south line of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section CD 19; thence ;fest along said south line 300 feet; thence South 1018'53" CD East 26,29 feet; thence. South 54028'56'° East 856.95 feet to the north N margin of Primary State Highway (SR 405) No. 1, Jct. Secondary State Eighway No. 2-M to Jct. Primary State Highway No. 2;, thence easterly ; along the northerly margin of said Highway to the. termination of said line in the northeasterly margin of said 350 foot strip of land, ALSO s EXCEPT, that portion of said herein described 350 foot strip of land lying southwesterly of a line described as follows; Beginning at the intersection of the south right of way line of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady Way in the City of Renton, Washington) with the tTest line of said herein described. 350foot strip of land; thence South 1.018'53" East 492.32 feet to the point of beginning of said herein ,de- scribed line: thence 'South 52055109" East 719,54 feet to the point o terminus of said line; in the southwesterly line of said herein described 350 foot strip of land. THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation in the State of Washington, hereby releases to the HOLMAN PROPERTIES, INC. and PUGNT WESTERN INC., a joint venture, d/b/a/ RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY', the following described real property situate in King Count=y, Washington, to -wit A, strip of land 350 feet in width in that portion of the S 1/2 of the Ivfri 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in ng County, Washington, which lies southerly of the south line of Second- 5 ary State Highway No. 1-L, described as follows: Beginning at the north quarter corner of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence southerly along the crest Zine of the NE 1/4 of said Section, 19, a distance of 1100.50 feet to the centerline of Secondary State Highway 1-L (Grady Way); thence northeasterly alonL.+said centerline being on a bearing of North 77029'03" East, 702.69 feet, thence South 0031'47" East, 51.11 feet to the south .margin of Said Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady lay), being the true point of beginning; thence North 77029'03': East, 349.62 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left; thence on said curve to the left a distance of 8.18 feet, said curve having a radius of 3820.00; thence South 031147" East, 412.89 feet to the south line of the NW 1./4 of NE 1/4; thence along said south Zine North 89044'31" West, 350.03 feet; thence North 003347" West, 333.77 feet to the true point of beginning, , from that certain easement granted by Puget:Sound Power' and Light Company, to the ' } City of Seattle, as recorded January 14, 1964 in Volume 4493 of Deeds, page 237, Auditor's File ]Jo. 5687013, Records of King County, Washington. PROVIDING ITHAT existing transmission line wa ilio es of the City of Seattle ;ghi.ch are now 'located upon, across and over said area of release shall be a.3lowed to remain under full, protection of. all easement rights as originally granted, 3 until said: facilities have been :removed.. It is understood and agreed that all City transrrdstUcn line facilities will be removed from the area of release on or before December 31, 1973• x 2 .,_ k