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LUA-08-140 1 of 2_Lot Pre-App
PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS Project Name: 1-l \c.hc,\"a, ~~~~==~-------Activity' No.: Ao;,"Poo<:..o Ro ads Evaluate neighborhood circulation and for stub streets. Identify street claSsifications and designate urban or rural. Evaluate design standards: horizontal curves grade intersection angle and spacing Cul-de-sac length Tracts serVing 2-6 lots and< 150 feet Evaluate frontage improvements and need for ROW dedication. Review Non-Motorized Plan for equestrian and bike lanes Evaluate sight distance requirements for all intersections and driveways. Evaluate suitability of off-site serving roadways: Minimum 20 feet paving, Sufficient shoulders, hazardou5 intersections. Determine if sufficient public ROW serves the property. Evaluate existing or proposed half streets serving >35 lots Drainage CR 1#1: Eyalua:te s.ub-basins, diversions, and discharge points. -'?...-.o-~\ £.. Su: b ~ CR "2 I f 1· f . d f ff ' 1 =..7 \4 Co"""-bL.._.._~.\ ~ " : norm app icant o requirement nee or o -site ana ysis. -_1. -+- "-"O~'-'.s+--~ r~tv-d CR 1#3:Evaluate location of R/D, bioswales, and access roads. All facilities located within separate County tracts. Evaluate upstream flows and bypass issues. . 1--)ee..d. ~_Q_ d,:ro.....,,,.:... ~ 't"" \.. ............. - w/~ ..... ~ SR #1:Critical Drainage Areas SR ff3:Master Drainage Plan for >100 lots and 200 acre basin SR U4:Basin Plans and Community Plan P-Suffix; SR US:Wet pond requirements SR U6:Lake Management Plan SR #7:Closed Depressions 'Z.. i:: I.:,...., c.-..\;,-.,. l w~ . SR#ll:Geotechnical analysis of ponds/infiltration near steep slopes or >15%. Sensitive Areas Wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and associated buffers located in tracts. Evaluate requirements for Erosion Hazards (KCC ZlA.24.220). Evaluate wildlife corridors or habitat issues. -~·--J,, ~ . Notes: ?ro~e..,,...--~'?r-o~a,.,.........,i.. 'F>·b..~-0 f. .:::? 't'e,. -i..ene. I!:>"' -'cv~\ ~..._~ cie,,,.\e .l c\~\c.pev 'F'\.o..M'\. +o '-'~e.... -\'~-{e,-e:re-~~" 1/3/97 prerevmisc .. ~ Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 03:13 PM King County • ODES Tuesday. Mar 18, 2003 03:14 PM King County· DOES ---;::;-- / Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 03: 14 PM King County -ODES 25 ~~1;,'in;;;:;;r"·;;;;;;;.;.--;,;;;- 90 --------------· Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 03:17 PM King County -. DOES BDOE KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11260-Sl REAL PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS 03/18/03 15:20:22.2 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A QSTR: SE 14 23 05 LOT: BLK: PLAT: JURS: KING CO * L AND ZONE ACTUAL DATA* I * * B U I L D I N G BLDG SQ FOOTAGE DATA D A T A * * BLDG 1 OF 1 * * I JURISDICTION KING co I 4.oo J WATER SYSTEM WTR DIST J FIRST FLOOR 1870 ACRES SEWER VIEW OPEN SPACE 1/2 FLOOR 2ND FLOOR PRIVATE J UPPER FLOOR NO I TOTAL BSMT I FIN BSMT I BSMT GARAGE 650 TIDELANDS J TOTAL LIVING AREA 2520 WATERFRONT FEET I ATTACHED GARAGE WFT LOCATION I WFT BANK I ROOMS MISC BLDG INFO YEAR BUILT #STORIES #LIVING UNITS DAYLIGHT BSMT · HEAT SOURCE HEAT SYSTEM ACCESSORY IMPS POOL AREA POOL CONSTR DET GARAGE AREA CARPORT AREA WFT RIGHTS ONLY J BEDROOMS 4 MOBILE HOME ================================================================= ( CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, 1949 2.0 1 OIL FLR-WAL 0 .1) == <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BOOE KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION BD01 PAI11280-Sl 03/18/03 15:20:39.7 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A QSTR: SE 14 23 05 JURS: KING CO LEGAL DESCRIPTION -PAGE 1 LOT BLOCK PLAT: BEG AT PT 135.66 FT S OF NE COR N 88-07-58 W PLT N LN TOW LN OF E TOE LN OF SD SUBD TH N 267 FT * END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION• OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 TH SD SUBD TH S 267 FT TH S 88-07-58 TO BEG LESS CO RD 0.0) =============================================================================== CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE LEGALS, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BDOE ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY HISTORY SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A LOT: BLK: PLAT: BDOl PAI11270-Sl 03/18/03 15:23:24.l QSTR: SE 14 23 05 JURS: KING CO * ASSESSED VALUE HISTORY *!*SALES HISTORY* YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON I DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS 03 110,000 174,000 07/02 REVALUE I 01/88 145,000 DEED 02 104,000 . 156·, 000 04/01 REVALUE I 01 93,000 144,000 05/00 REVALUE I 00 90, 000 114,000 07 /99 REVALUE I · 99 147,000 94,000 10/98 REVALUE \ 99 129,000 83,000 04/98 EXTENSION I 98 129,000 83,000 09/97 REVALUE I 97 129,600 71,200 09/96 REVALUE \ 95 129,600 71,200 08/94 REVALUE \ 93 67,200 113,000 04/92 REVALUE \ 91 56,000 94,200 08/90 REVALUE I * * * CONTINUED *.. I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 0.5) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BDOE KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY HISTORY BDOl PAI11270-Sl 03/18/03 15:23:31.6 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A LOT: BLK: PLAT: • A s s E S S E D VAL u E H I S T 0 YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON 89 42,800 62,000 03/88 REVALUE 87 43,200 53,400 06/86 REVALUE BS 43,600 46,900 03/84 REVALUE 83 40,000 51,500 03/82 REVALUE R y QSTR: SE 14 23 05 JURS: KING CO *l*·S ALES HISTORY* I DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS I 01/88 145,000 DEED I I I I I I I I I I * END OF VALUE HISTORY * I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 8.1) == CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. ------. l Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington Page 1 of 1 ® King County mma llllEl!!lll &144 1ii34¥ Comments H5¥ii4,M No P-Suffix Conditions Found The Parcel Number you entered "1423059058" does not have any Development c·onditions. To start over click on the New Query link below. Updated: December 29, 1998 King County I DOES Page I DDES/GIS Page I New Query I News I Services I Comments I Search Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details http://apps0l.metrokc.gov/www6/ddes/new _direct.cfm 03/18/2003 .,. ' \• ~ p "" .:, V t:;.ti. ''t>R, <: ::; 'i,;o. IJS"U ... 0 ~-:, __, "' L ,:. .!'!.!!.. - 2.l'/c; ~ •. .., C, l\l '• ~ •• ,, .,. I!) ·-i; "' :, . ~-:=tnb~ . 'i:, .... 1:) rJ ,1.r~ 0 " ·o O ' : .. 't,~°' ("" .. iJ):.6 ~ • ' ... " ' • ... .... '- ', ' -(,I .. 'O ~.i ~~ ~f • ' ,. 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'.~~:::;::'°,:1:i~;,_:;;.':::,;··,,;::· ::;;;;;;I:.=;:,,, .. :,,:,. :::;,i.,,~~··;j:i,.,;::::::::::;::;;;i~~~~',::j';~5:°!l~~~=,;:~~~ll':i· -=_. ,,1...-\\ I ·,•\ l •·•·•.• i I 1 :r it ' ........ ·.;·•:, ,\~\. 1 -·---i ... -. ! •:\ \\, 1, .. H«~f:•< ... ):~ ;e-: :: : iP: ~~=-:L\'-" .f~: .. :f\ -~• _ '~''' lfHn &! ,,., __ -,,-~,,. itij<H •Vt >t ... :·.- i • '\J ,, i.\ ,.~ .... · .. '·' " . ,,-. ., ,, ./:> I I\) ()) . I 1·~*(Jl.·. .t! *" ' ' ; . Parcel Number: 1423059058 Taxpayer: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A Annexation: NIA Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Situs Address: 13815 160TH AVE SE Postal City: Renton, 98059 ----------- Plat Name: ; Rec: nil Lot: N/A; Block: N/A Kroll Page: 811 E Thomas Bros. Page: 657 1/4-S-T-R: SE-14-23-5 Acres: 4.00 (174240 SqFt.) ------- Current Zoning: R-4 Potential Zoning: Comp. Plan Land Use: um Assessofs Open Space: NIA Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: NIA Mobile Home: N Land Value: 104000 Improvements Value: 156000 Community Plan Area: Newcastle Unincorporated Area Council: Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council School District: Renton 411 Fire District: 25 Roads MPS Zone: 452 ($2128.00) Waterfront: PRIVATE Water Service: WATER DISTRICT Water Service Planning Area: King County Water District 90 Sewer Service: PRIVATE Airport Noise Remedy Program: NIA Bald Eagle Flag: N/A Council District (1996-2001): 12 David Irons Jr. (R) Council District (2002): 12 David Irons (R) Drainage Basin: Lower Cedar River, WRIA 8 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F2 Service/Finance Strategy Area: Service Planning Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: NIA TOR Status: N/A TOR Permit Number: N/A ---------------------- Building Inspection Area: Keller Rockey Clearing Inspection Area: Bruce Engel! Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Greg Sutton Grading Inspection Area: Bruce Engell Land Use Inspection Area: Jay Young Cone, 6r.o-,c-"-1.-.fira/.,\ nn Ti•lo· A03P0063 US LAND24 L ZONING NT,. l SchocHISdw:x>I FadlitiM ~o,,rr,Hf, L.ns s.f-R , •• •QSUNES ~SECUNES 'N'TWP.JNES N -----~-w., Parcels o-N .aty_, r-, Cl1iea ~10-~,cneDUpor10ecn1 -~-~.cneDUpor35eau -F -Fcrut -M--RA-2.5 • Rlnl>lea, cneDU per 5...,.. -~ci~~"':-.~1=-UR. uteri-, one OU per5 ecr9I R-1 • Rnldlnlll, cne OU per an R-4 • Re-, '4 OU per ecn R.e-R-.8DUperacn FUl ·R-. 8 DU peracn R-12--.12DUpor.._ C;1 R-18·R-. 18DUpor..,, -R-2'4 ·R-.2"DU por..,, = R-48 • R-, "8 DU per..,, N8. Neigj"bomood - -C8 -ConmuritY-.0 = RB· Reglorwl Bulineoa 0-Ollloe 1-lndultlill 0 500 1000 1500 FNI 1 .... 1333feet ® King County Tholrl--.... map .. -"""'*" .. IOr'ljl~lllltomav~ol~andill\ltjtdlD c11orc,e-..a-1<qeau.i,, ..-no ,....,..,... or wena,._, IICP'WI, Of lmphd. • IO the """ •· . · 1 .] ' ~---··-.. -..... --......... ';:::,--, ,-4 • , • Mid\ lrdormllon. King Coucr nl not bt .... for·~ • --.IPOdll.locl-lnd-... - dlmagill fldudn;. but not Nn*«t ID. loll revttu• or k:11:t prd*...u1ing~om.,._cw_ottt,olnfomlollon oontllintd on 9'11 map Nrt MM d 1h11 map or lri'ormllton ....... p .... -....... -...-.. ., Coul!lr, Plot-Mir 18. 2003; l'cldtl001""'1'o(llllav_~lpr -· .?:;~;® l b~n:ctrlfJsr'''~re.-c1Qpl·iqatie>n: .. 'Me¢lirig11Req.ue,st'k~or;m:, King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 Alternative fonnats available upon request >"Prefapplicatii:in'Nci. A03P0063 Date\Receive<ffg]@ © @ 0 W @/iY (Stamp) FEB 2 8 2003 l'::) Please rint: Applicant Name: Address: Permit(s) being requested: Please indicate if pre-application is: K.C. D.D.E.S. Date: Parcel No(s): I&'.] Land Use Feasibility D Mandatory D Consolidated Check the box(es) regarding issues you wish to discuss: Land Use Permit Issues: Subdivision/ CUP/ Variances/ Reasonable Use/ PAUE Site Issues: Zoning I Setbacks/ Density / Subdivision Design I Landscaping Site Issues: Traffic/ Road Access/ Road Improvement/ Road Variances/ Parking Layout Site Issues: Drainage I Site Development/ SWDM Variances & Adjustments Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Permit/ Permitted Uses / Shoreline Setbacks 00 SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist/ Off-Site Improvements/ Mitigation D Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers I Building Setbacks / Flood Plains / Mitigation D Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope/ Landslide/ Seismic/ Coal Mine/ Erosion ~ Clearing/Grading Issues: Site Development/ Clearing Restrictions / Site Restoration D Building Issues: Building/ Mechanical: HVAC/Energy/ Barrier-Free Standards D Fire Issues: UFC / Fireflow / Access I Sprinklers/ Alarms / Hazardous Materials D Health Issues: Sewer/ Septic / Water/ Groundwater/Noise Impacts D Other (Specify):---------------------- land Use Pre-Application Meetings Information & Request Form lc-infreq-preap 12/20/02 Page 1 of 2 ) Please indicate the numbers and types of representatives that will be at the pre-application meeting from your design team: Will Attend ~ D D Will Not Attend 0Applicant rchitect Civil Engineer Developer Will Attend D D D D Will Not Will Attend Attend ~ Geotechnical Consultant D Landscape Architect D Legal Consultant [] ~Property Owner z.. Total Number Attending: ----------- Will Not Attend ~ Structural Engineer 1K] Wetlands Consultant D Others: /J£V1:Ul'MIN"i- ~ 1,1l;;.;p I certify that I am the applicant for this pre-application meeting request and I understand that DOES will assess hourly review fees for each DOES staff member involved in pre-application research, meetings and post-meeting follow-up work, and that I assume financial responsibility for all fee ssociated with this request. Applicant's signature Note: A minimum advance deposit fee of $373.75 is required to schedule a pre-application meeting. All checks must be payable to King County Office of Finance. If you have any questions about your pre-application meeting, please contact ODES at (206) 296- 6600. Land Use Pre-Application Meetings Information & Request Form lc-infreq-preap 12/20/02 Page 2 of2 22617-8"' Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Permit Section ~ CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES February 25, 2003 (425) 486-2563 OFF (425) 486-3273 FAX A03P0063 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ~ R @ R n 11n R [p) 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW D LS LS Li \'J LS D , Renton, WA 98055-1219 . FEB 2 8 ZCCJ __ ; Re: Nichols 4 Acres (Parcel #142305-9058) Request for Pre-Application Meeting Dear DOES: K.C. D.D.E S On behalf of our client, U.S. Land Development Associates, we would like to request a pre-application meeting to review the various issues related to the referenced property. The property is located at about SE 1381h St. (if extended) between 1581h Ave. SE. (if extended) and SE 1601h St. in the Renton Highlands area of King County. Attached please find an application form along with a check in the amount of $373. 75 for review fees. Also attached are two preliminary plat layouts, one for 16 lots at R-4 density reflective of the current zoning and the second for 24 lots reflective of R-6 density. Also included please find a copy of the wetland reconnaissance report prepared for this property indicating no presence of wetlands or streams on the site. The property is designated Urban Residential/4-12 Units per Acre in the King County Comprehensive Plan and is currently zoned R-4. According to our density calculations the site is eligible for 16 single-family units under the current zoning given the site area and our assumption that no additional ROW dedication along 1601h Ave. SE will be required. There is an existing home, shop and barn located on the site, all of which would be demolished in conjunction with development. As stated earlier there are no identified sensitive areas located on the site and no special development conditions apply. We would like to request that special consideration be given to review of the potential for the property to be rezoned from R-4 to R-6. "let us take the !~ad ·· King County ODES February 25, 2003 Page 2 of 2 Michael J. Romano d.b.a. Centurion Development Services is acting as Agent for the developer, U.S. Land Development Associates. Please address all correspondence to: U.S. Land Development Associates C/0 Centurion Development Services Attn: Mike Romano 22617 9th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 We request that you schedule the Pre-Application meeting as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you. Enclosures Sincerely, CENTURION DEVELOPM T SERVICES Michael J. Romano Land Consultant "let us take the load.·· • HABITAT TECHNOLOGIES October 11, 2002 Mr. Mike Romano @ Centurion Development Corp. 22617 -81h Drive SE Bothell, Washington 98021 Fax 1-425-486-3273 • A08P0063 (m~©~~W~@) FEB 2 8 2003 pages__ K.C. D.D.E.S. RE: Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel #1423059058, King County Dear Mr. Romano, Following your request Habitat Technologies has completed an onsite reconnaissance assessment of.the 4-acre site located at along 1601h Avenue SE, King County, Washington. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as defined within the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987 Manual), the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Wash. Manual), the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forest Practice Rules, and King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. Please keep in mind that this letter report is not intended to meet the King County standard requirements of a formal wetland delineation report. BACKGROUND INFORMATION National Wetland Inventory Mapping The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species The State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Mapping was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any priority habitats or priority species within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog The State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identified any streams within or adjacent to the project site. wetlands, streams, fisheries, wildlife -mitigation and permitting solutions P.O. Box 1088, Puyallup, Washington 98371 1 voice 253-845-5119 fax 253-841-1942 Evendell South 02170 . .,. • • King County Wetland Inventory The King County Wetland Inventory was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. Soil Mapping The soil mapping inventory completed by the Soils Conservation Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping identified the soils throughout the project site as Alderwood gravelly sand loam. Alderwood soil is moderately well drained, formed in glacial till, and is not listed as "hydric." Review of Adjacent Wetland Assessment Wetland assessments recently completed by Habitat Technologies for adjacent parcels were reviewed as a part of this assessment. The assessment of the parcel directly to the north identified a King County Class 2 Wetland located within the northeastern corner of the parcel. As defined by survey neither the offsite wetland nor its associated 50 foot buffer encroach onto the project site. The assessment of the parcels directly to the east, across 1601h Avenue SE also identified that no wetland or its associated buffer would encroach onto the project site. ONSITE EVALUATION Evaluation Methodologies Onsite wetland reconnaissance assessment was completed on October 8, 2002. This reconnaissance followed the methodologies and procedures defined in the 1987 Manual, the Wash. Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and King County wetland and drainage corridor regulations. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Coward in, et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined within land use regulations as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (1987 Manual). Wetlands exhibit three essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the Wash. Manual and the 1987 Manual. These essential characteristics are: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: A predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2 Evendell South 02170 • • 2. Hydric Soil: A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons. ' 3. Wetland Hydrology: Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Field Observations Onsite reconnaissance activities encompassed the entire project site. The project site had been greatly manipulated by prior onsite and offsite land development. The project site included a single family homesite, associated outbuildings, and managed pasture areas. The project site was bounded by existing residential development to the west, by 1601h Avenue SE to the east, and similar single family homesites on larger lots to the north and south. • The project" sfte gently sloped from northwest to southeast. The entire project site had been developed into a single family homesite and associated outbuildings and pasture areas. • With the exception of the area around the homesite, the project site was dominated by a managed pasture plant community. This plant community was well grazed and included seeded and invasive grasses, and a variety of herbs. Scattered along the western site boundary were a nun:iber of mature second growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. A large black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) tree was present in the southeastern corner of the project site. The onsite plant community was identified as non-hydrophytic in character (i.e. typical of uplands). As identified at sample plots throughout the project site the soil was a mixed gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam and did not exhibit redoximorphic features. Field indicators of wetland hydrology were absent. • The areas directly offsite to the north and south were dominated by similar plant communities as identified within the project site. • As defined within the assessment of the parcel to the north, seasonal surface water runoff was confined within the roadside ditch along the western edge of 1601 h Avenue SE. Surface water within this roadside ditch did not appear to enter the project site. In addition, the enter project site appeared to drain well following seasonal storm events with a majority of the onsite surface water runoff entering this roadside ditch. 3 Evendell S.outh 02170 . . • • FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Onsite assessment was completed on October 8, 2002 following the methods and procedures defined within the Wash. Manual, the 1987 Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and the King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The project site had been modified by prior and ongoing land use actions onsite and offsite. As defined by this assessment no area within or immediately adjacent to the project site exhibited all three of the established criteria for designation as "wetland." In addition, no area was identified onsite or immediately adjacent to the project site to exhibit characteristics of a "stream." Thank you for allowing Habitat Technologies the opportunity to assist with this project. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance please call me at 253- 845-5119. 4 Evendell South 02170 ,<.,__,,. I ...__., ... ,• -• s'-1' I '-15_' I %' I se/ /~ )}_'7 /_ ,....· /I· -~ -~ -'o"\, . <o"' • X---._--X -X =7' ~ X _!!:<_ --"' -._, / ~ ~ '·v -lo -~~17x y: x$-x • ·,,. / "&. <o s· . . S' ,,_'d V / -.-, I o0"'0 /1 // L ... ~ I / / ":,;, /\,r, I (\~' I Lf;>1 ~I 'f-5' I 'r~/ I ~~ . D~Td/1/T/~N' I -/tJ R ' I h1 fl V,L -"'- i' Ii ~ )o ' \ ;:;, ::, \ -r ~ , __ i 1 ;._ £E.~eE:4TI01 ~Jrn ') z 5 : ,. ~ ; z/ '-T"lt!AC-T / --,I I / / H I 'o I t c:, ":i <D d27'17."E 6 3.59: ~ .3S.., 8:t~ ~.r'. ~ ' io::,J 4!;' 5 0 I ,_. Q L 1f'7, 2. •::, I ~;. " ,;-,' I ~ /{,;, 17 ~ /f ec i ~~ /7, .,, . U :: i ZI ::i z2. ~ 23' ~; @) 0 L / / / 1) Q O \ 1/. .;_c'o ,,,~ ~W,)lfa1 Lot /8',, ~ , .... __.,,.,,,_ 'l R ~nn; ~ ~-r--r:::,cit I . -~ ,.,)1 ,::5 --. . . . . \ I ·-\ I ""f? ' I -, ;::, I .,, -I ~ • J K.C. o.o.e .. s. \ I ,.,~-I -~ A iJJtJ• ... , : .. '.A /~ ~-:,.. t/' ..... , -"-c:. "" / ~ , -A03P0,06'3 d~?-~, -,~, i. '~ ~; -, ' . 7/! I -. " '-lot 9 ,~ /'$ .~~ ---. ..,, ~ -. I, --\ 5o' \ 5P'-\ _5t1'. j __ 5.?' I ~t7 I "50/ I:,,:,/~ J; /"';\ 1·,,...,_1 r---1 t 1,-1!) J ~-L L J .JiL ::Y ta . s£ 138 ::.r. ' ~ I . I.-::,-fl,, sE.:-:::c=:-°?:1 ' s-o,; I 54' J '5'1' ,~ . , I l1~ ~ - ,_ / I : l ,,o ~ . -"~ ao I 23. a,7:;t J!"f& l (g t0;; . "I\) -~ OJ . c.b /Zil.?5 f' -~ . -~,-o.,, ..., 2.sa .77 ~~ 0 ~ ,. fl) " 7~ ,-C '7C. 7~-7., ~ "oi.-·.,~ 6 -0 0'IJP,A ,o, rF"'J' .... ~ ~ ' " ~"' 7 A 0 • 8 A t,'v" lljv' ~ ~ ~O·' ~ ~ 10, cP\~ 1°'cP'b0 ;, "' fPI'' -~· j 1-~. ·' " ;1, -I \-.: ,!! Q • ;:;, 1J> i ~ I ~ ' .... 1-I ... I JI ii JO ~r ? • -~ , I ; <.3' I :t:'1'. . ,I , -5-,/ I . ,,;;-,-l st1 \-i ""' '17 l> ' *'" 'I 5r iL ,~f; '. f I , Jot;"' I . ,;", • I -3//. 87 I z. I~~ ,t :~· .jc ~"'-· 1 ~"" ~-, -3 ~ , ~ 3//.8)' KCSP 481066 -8109100503 L4T I 1J1J so, 58511°. I· 13 e ~J~ "'I 1t-i ~. ~ 't ~ I ~ ~ -LbT Z ;V/,l:4(..J Z'/ ll tz-t, z./7/0.J MVL ~ ;;,~ --~c. ., &&) t.,.w I ':JI .f £] g(), 4-JI<). /· 8 (;t) l'; 1 G ~ I ~ " " ~ 'I\ '*'1 ' I . ..., "JI I ' -: • l ,·1 ' '!: -·-- ' I ~: . ~ ~\ :t ~. ~ ~ ~ ~-0 ~-\, " , .... "" ' ,-... ~ ~.,., ~ -~I~ ~ • fl. I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ' • • ·I ! Iii 3S "3/\V Hl8S ~ 111 Ill 3S "'3/\V H.18t ~ · I;; ~ -..... en 3S "3/\V Hl9S ~ w t::: en -·- Q ',j)j I~// -"··· -· I£[.. / / 0) / -+-' I 1 . Cl). ·c...,·~ --·~ 'CL) ~....J 1 ;?/2·SjZ·<?;l'.,-•k __ ! ' ...... Cl .. '-; ! i: I '\ llS I .. I r-;.. 2 .. · . • •, .... I;,. ,! ,_ •. .... .. t:'- I'\ Cb • ~ " "> ' I ... ~ ..... - - I') 0 I() 0 0 -0) 0 -co I U) U) 0 -co V ll. (I) u ~ '" ,.. • C: :~~-·,rrg:~::~ ;\-,.·.~ -~-~ ; ,'.;: '!° ! I • '. , .. l ·t • .., ' ---/e'~I-L U-9.F'I t t\J " c;:, '.J ".?60-~2-e7 ·.,¥ -/,6~.,Z ~\ ~ " \c\ ~ '¥:) ' "'~. .......... 0 a;) ' "' ~ "'4 c::::, - February 23, 2004 To: From: Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak 15652 SE 139th Place Renton, Washington 98059-7422 Hearing Examiner Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division King County, Washington In reference to: Nichols Place Plat, File If: L03P0015 / Proposed Ordinance No: 2004-0013 We currently reside in our home of 35 years located on property adjacent to the western boundary and within the 100 foot offset of the Nichols Place Plat. We are opposed to the plat as follows. 1. The adjacent properties are zoned R-4 and in most cases the building density is even less. For example our·lot size is 17,000 square feet and other lots adjacent to ours and the Nichols Place are 9,000 square feet or more not including right-of-ways. The proposed R-6 zoning density on the Nichols Place property is based on the total available land before deductions for right- of-ways and surface water retention ponds with the resulting lot size being less then half of adjacent properties. The proposed plat is not in character with the existing development in the area. 2. As stated in the natural environment section of the proposed ordinance a portion of the surface water (approx. 25 to 30 percent) flows to the southwest. (See attached figures 1 and 1a). The proposal to collect most runoff and channel it to the retention pond on the southeast comer is not realistic as the southwest comer is lower then the southeast comer of the plat. As such, the proposal does not specifically address controlling runoff to the southwest. This is a concern to us as the runoff with the existing grassland environment to slow it is severe during heavy rainfall. We feel this issue must be addressed by any developer regardless of the density. Exhibit No. __,.j~(,oL---- ltem No. L.03fa~ IS'" Received 2, · 24~ Q '::I King County Hearing Examiner 3. There is a duster of three large fir trees on the western property line.. One of the trees is on my lot within 6 feet of the property line, the second straddles the property line and the third is within 2 feet of the property line on the Nichol's property.. We are concerned about damage to their root structure that could occur during grading and construction on lots 15 and 16 of the proposed plat. 4. The use of density credits does not give us "as individuals" a voice in our community. If you have any questions, I can be contacted at the following telephone numbers: (Home) 425-226-3408, (Work) 206-544-8203 or via e-mail at "miltfd41@ comcast.net". Sincerely, ;(~/J~/(~~ Claude Ft Iilacfiow1ak £.i~-;:;?t:-;;il3c"z~~::--""· Eloise M. Stachowiak Attachments: Figures 1, 1a and previous correspondence dated Nov. 16, 2003. ·=----... --- ,' )ijF'·':. ) '" ....... I ( t·· t· r I l ~-· t". t r I l •· • .------' Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 03:13 PM King County · DOES ··--·=== ;.. ParcelTable Maintenance ,, · ,, , · "' ,, · : ·· · ' · " : El Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 03:14 PM King County -DOES I' i; J, ' I I, I r r, -- 1,1 •. 4,,1 Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 03:14 PM King County -DOES · Record: 1 of 2 ,· .. , ,,, ,, ,1,,111·/1:,: Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 03:17 PM King County • DOES ,) A I·•, .,, 11',, BOOE ACCOUNT: KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BD01 REAL PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS 03/18/03 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 PAI11260-Sl 15:20:22.2 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARK E & BARBARA A QSTR: SE 14 23 05 LOT: BLK: PLAT: JURS: KING CO * L A N D ZONE ACTUAL DATA* I * * B U I L D I N G BLDG SQ FOOTAGE DATA D A T A * * BLDG 1 OF 1 * * I JURISDICTION KING co I 4.oo I WATER SYSTEM WTR DIST I FIRST FLOOR 1870 ACRES SEWER VIEW OPEN SPACE TIDELANDS WATERFRONT FEET WFT LOCATION WFT BANK PRIVATE I NO I 1/2 FLOOR 2ND FLOOR UPPER FLOOR TOTAL BSMT I FIN BSMT I I BSMT GARAGE TOTAL LIVING AREA I ATTACHED GARAGE I I ROOMS 650 2520 MISC BLDG INFO YEAR BUILT #STORIES #LIVING UNITS DAYLIGHT BSMT HEAT SOURCE HEAT SYSTEM ACCESSORY IMPS POOL AREA POOL CONSTR DET GARAGE AREA CARPORT AREA WFT RIGHTS ONLY I BEDROOMS 4 MOBILE HOME ================================================================= ( CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, 1949 2.0 1 OIL FLR-WAL 0 .1) == <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF?> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. ----------------------~ BDOE ACCOUNT: KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 BDOl PAI11280-Sl 142305-9058-0 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARK E & BARBARA A LEGAL DESCRIPTION -PAGE 1 LOT BLOCK BEG AT PT 135.66 FT S OF NE COR N 88-07-58 W PLT N LN TOW LN OF E TOE LN OF SD SUBD TH N 267 FT * END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION* PLAT: OF SD TO 03/18/03 15:20:39.7 QSTR: SE 14 23 05 JURS: KING CO SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 TH SUBD TH S 267 FT TH S 88-07-58 BEG LESS CO RD 0. 0) ====================================================================-========-- CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE LEGALS, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BOOE KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BD01 PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 03/18/03 15:23:24.1 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A LOT: BLK: PLAT: * A S s E S S E D VAL U E H I S T 0 Ry YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON 03 110,000 174,000 07/02 REVALUE 02 104,000 156,000 04/01 REVALUE 01 93,000 144,000 05/00 REVALUE 00 90,000 114,000 07/99 REVALUE 99 147,000 94,000 10/98 REVALUE 99 129,000 83,000 04/98 EXTENSION 98 129,000 83,000 09/97 REVALUE 97 129,600 71,200 09/96 REVALUE 95 129,600 71,200 08/94 REVALUE 93 67,200 113,000 04/92 REVALUE 91 56,000 94,200 08/90 REVALUE • • * CONTINUED * * * *I* s AL I DATE I 01/00 I I I I I I I I I I QSTR: SE 14 23 05 JURS: KING CO E S H I S T O R Y * SALES PRICE REMARKS 145,000 DEED I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 0.5) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BDOE KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY HISTORY BDOl PAI11270-Sl 03/18/03 15:23:31.6 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A QSTR: SE 14 23 05 LOT: BLK: PLAT: JURS: KING co * A s s E S S E D VAL u E H I S T 0 R y * * S A L E S H I S T 0 R y * YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS 89 42,800 62,000 03/88 REVALUE 01/88 145,000 DEED 87 43,200 53,400 06/86 REVALUE 85 43,600 46,900 03/84 REVALUE 83 40,000 51,500 03/82 REVALUE * END OF VALUE HISTORY * * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 8.1) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington Page l of I @) King County a::=m llilmi!'1llll 4i§i'li%4¥ Comments. W1¥h3,M No P-Suffix Conditions Found The Parcel Number you entered "1423059058" does not have any Development Conditions. To start over click on the New Query link below. =~--~-=---=--=--=--~=-~---=----=-=--=--=-~--=-•---... •=--~-=---~-=--=-=-~-'-=--=· --=·--=--'-7--~-=--·==cc.ccc .. cc .... c,c .. = .. =-=--==---=-=---=--~--=====-~-~--"=-=·---~ Updated: December 29. 1998 Ki11g CounJy I DOES Page I DDES/GIS Page I New Query I News I Services I Comments I Search Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details http://appsOl.rnetrok~.gov/wwwG/ddes/new _ direct.cfrn 03/18/2003 --, '""-- fr,\'• ~¥ .... a, I\J '• ~ •• c, • ' ' . -~. .. C ' . ... ii . 12. ~ ~~"' . ~ ~ ; ~ I I ~----·- / iJZ. 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Parcel Number: 1423059058 Taxpayer: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A Annexation: N/A Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Situs Address: 13815160TH AVE SE · Postal City: Renton, 98059 ----------------- Plat Name: ; Rec: nil Lot: NIA; Block: N/A Kroll Page: 811 E Thomas Bros. Page: 657 1/4-S-T-R: SE-14-23-5 Acres: 4.00 (174240 SqFt.) ---------- Current Zoning: R-4 Potential Zoning: Comp. Plan Land Use: um Assessofs Open Space: NIA Commercial Use: NIA Number of Units: NIA Mobile Home: N Land Value: 104000 Improvements Value: 156000 ----------- Community Plan Area: Newcastle Unincorporated Area Council: Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council School District: Renton 411 Fire District: 25 Roads MPS Zone: 452 ($2128.00) Waterfront: PRIVATE Water Service: WATER DISTRICT Water Service Planning Area: King County Water District 90 Sewer Service: PRIVATE Airport Noise Remedy Program: NIA Bald Eagle Flag: NIA Council District (1996-2001): 12 David Irons Jr. (R) Council District (2002): 12 David Irons (R) Drainage Basin: Lower Cedar River, WRIA 8 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F2 Service/Finance Strategy Area: Service Planning Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: NIA TOR Status: NIA TOR Permit Number: NIA Building Inspection Area: Keller Rockey Clearing Inspection Area: Bruce Engell Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Greg Sutton Grading Inspection Area: Bruce Engell Land Use Inspection Area: Jay Young c,,...,,.. 4..e""'"' t.i .... ;....,./,..\ ,....., TiHo.· A03P0063 US LAND24 L1 ZON ING ,VT,. ,!Sc:hoolslSd,oolFad- ~TONtW.Htp Ibo ·s-f-R '"'QSUNES ~SECUNES ~NFS N SlrNts I w.«Bodieo •Rom~-w., r----; Parcola ci-N Clt)'-• -~ ~10-~inl. one OU per 1011a'U • A-35-~ one OU per35eaes -F-Fcntl •"'·-AA2.S. 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J "' \/\ ~ " ' ' ' .:r. 11.D. r. ~ \'\I II\ Q ~ Vil ___ 1o' -' I ... l ' II\ -~ V. I) "' ' ' ,fif ~ --,t "\ ~, .t. U\ (/\ . \I\ ~ fl\ ' ' ~ ~ 1:1-' ! ~ ~ ---- ~ ~ ' " ~ 531 ' ~- ..... (/) • • 3S '3AV H.l09 ~ 3S '3AV H.l8S ~ rn 3S '3AV H.L9g ~ w 1--C/) -,- ~ ~ I ~ ~o .. / • • .. - 1, OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 850 Union Bank of California Building 900 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98164 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 March 28, 2003 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL ON APPLICATION FOR REZONE AND ALTERNATIVE APPLICATIONS FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AP PROV AL SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File Nos. L01P0016 & L01TY401 Proposed Ordinance Nos. 2003-0031 & 2003-0032 EVENDELL REZONE AND SUBDIVISION Rezone and Alternative Preliminary Plat Applications Location: Applicant: Intervenors: South of SE 136'" between 156'" Ave. SE and 160"' Ave. SE US Land Development Association/Centurion, represented by Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 -8'h Drive Southeast Bothell, WA 98021 Telephone: (425) 486-2563 Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell, represented by Gwendolyn High 13405 -158'" Avenue Southeast Renton, WA 98059 and Marsha Rollinger 15646 Southeast 138'h Place Renton, WA 98059 King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services Land use Services Division, represented by Karen Scharer 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Telephone: (206) 296-7114 Facsimile: (206) 296-7055 LO I POOi 6/LO I TY 401-Evendcll SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS: APPLICATION FOR RECLASSIFICATION (REZONE) Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION (70 LOT ALTERNATIVE) Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions Deny Approve, subject to conditions 2 Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner: Approve, subject to conditions (modified) Deny PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION (46 LOT ALTERNATIVE) Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner: EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing Opened: Hearing Closed: Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions (modified) Approve, subject to conditions (modified) March 6, 2003 March 10, 2003 Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached , minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the King County Hearing Examiner. ISSUES([OPICS ADDRESSED: • Comprehensive Plan Policies U-114, U-120, U-122 • Zone Reclassification Criteria Changed Conditions or Circumstances Neighborhood Compatibility • Tree Protection Traffic Circulation and Impact Mitigation SUMMARY: Deny the application for a reclassification. Deny the application for the 70 lot subdivision as inconsistent with the current zoning. Approve the application for a 46 lot subdivision on 11.39 acres, subject to conditions. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: LOI POOi 6/LOI TY401-Evcndell REQUEST FOR RECLASSIFICATION FINDINGS: I. GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner: Representative: Location: Acreage (Reclassification): Acreage (70 lot Plat): Acreage ( 46 lot Plat): Zoning: Proposed Zone: Proposed Use: Proposed Density(70 lot plat): Density (46 lot alternative): Lot Size (70 lot Plat): Lot Size (46 Lot Alternative): Sewage Disposal: Water Supply: Fire District: School District: Complete Application Date: Threshold Determination: Date oflssuance: King County Permits: Permit Contact: Community Plan: Drainage Subbasin: Section/Township/Range: Assessor Parcel nos.: U.S. Land Development Association P.O. Box 22200 Seattle, WA 98122 Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 81h Dr. SE, Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: 425-486-2563 Facsimile: (425) 486-3273 e-mail: michael.j.romano@gte.net Lying south of SE !36'fi St. between 156th Ave. SE and 160th Ave. SE. 13 acres 12.43 acres 11.39 acres R-4 R-6 Single-family residential 5.6 dwelling units per acre (7.4 per net acre) 4 dwelling units per acre (5.2 per net acre) 3,900 to 6,600 square feet 5,400 to 14,000 square feet City c,f Renton King County Water District #90 King County Fire District #25 Issaquah September 20, 2001 Mitigated Determination ofNonsignificance (MDNS) December 23, 2002 Rezone & Subdivision Karen Scharer, Project Mgr II, Current Planning, LUSD Phone no. 296-7114, e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov Newcastle Lower Cedar River SE 14-23-05 142305 9022 & 9009 2. The Subdivision Technical Committee (STC) of King County conducted an on-site ·examination of the subject property. The STC discussed the proposed development with the applicant to clarify technical details of the application, and to determine the compatibility of this project with applicable King County plans, codes, and other official documents regulating this development. As a result of discussions, the applicant presented the STC with a conceptual build out plan of the immediate neighborhood, revised plans for frontage road improvements, and submitted a revised traffic study. The conceptual build out plan provided by the Applicant to DDES does not reflect the intentions or desires of the current owners of the properties shown. 3 LOIP0016/LOITY401-Evcndcll Copies of drainage claims which have been submitted to King County for problems in the area were provided to the applicant, and an updated Level 3 drainage report was submitted December 9, 2002, 3. Under KCC 20-20.070, the request for rezone is not vested under regulations in effect at the time of complete rezone application, Vesting to zoning can only occur after the zone classification becomes effective, The 76 lot plat application is based on the requested rezone to R-6; therefore th~ 76 lot plat application is not vested, The applicant's 46 lot alternative plat application is vested under the existing R-4 zone, 4, Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43-21C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a mitigated determination of environmental non-sib'llificance (MDNS) for the proposed development on December 23, 2002, This determination was based on the review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent documents, resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment if implemented with the required mitigation for the proposaL The MDNS applies to the proposed reclassification, 70 lot plat proposal, and alternative 46 lot plat proposaL Agencies, affected Native American tribes and the public were offered the opportunity to comment on or appeal the determination for 21 days, The MDNS was not appealed by any party, including the applicant, and is incorporated as part of the applicant's proposaL The MDNS states: The following mitigation measures shall be attached as conditions of permit issuance, These mitigation measures are consistent with policies, plans, rules, or regulations designated by KCC 20-44,080 as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority and in effect when this threshold determination is issued, Key sources of substantive authority for each mitigation measure are in parentheses; however, other sources of substantive authority may exist but are not expressly listed. A. East Drainage Basin: The 160th Ave SE downstream conveyance system shall be upgraded to provide for the 100-year storm capacity. Downstream driveway culverts/ditches and a cross- culvert under 160'h Ave. SE shall be improved as follows: Culverts P-117 and P-116 on the west side of 160'" Ave, SE, cross-culvert P-115, and culverts P-114 and P-113 on the east side of /60'" Ave. SE shall be improved as ·needed The culvert designations are according to the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering dated August 26, 2002. To address a related localized flooding condition, bank and channel stabilization are also required in the unopened right-of-way for 162"d Ave. SE, in the vicinity of the easterly line of Lot 12, Rich Lea Crest (address 16046 SE I 42"d Street). It is estimated that stabilizing and re-grading approximately 50 to JOO feet of channel, east of 16046 SE 142'" Street, will be adequate to resolve flooding that has occurred in the past location, The culverts and channel described are located from the south site boundary to a distance of approximately 1,700 feet downstream. Level 2 Flow Control design is required for the proposed stormwater detention facility. A factor of safety of 5 to 15 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. 4' LO I POOi 6/LO I TY 401-Evendell 5. A. B. West Drainage Basin: The stormwater detention facilities shall be designed to the Level 3 Flow Control Standard as described in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). As an option, Level 2 Flow Control with downstream improvements · can be proposed according to Core Requirement 2 of the KCSWDM. The minimum Flow Control Standard shall be Level 2. A factor of safety of 5 to 1 5 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. [Comprehensive Plan Policies U-109, E-126, F-254 & F-255; RCW 58.17.1 JO} Topography: The site is relatively level with a 20-foot difference in elevation from the north central area to the southwest and to the southeast comers of the site. B. Soils: Surface soils on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973 include: AgC -Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 6-15 % slopes. Runoff is slow and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil type has a moderate limitation for low building foundations due to a seasonally high water table, and severe limitations for septic tank filter fields due to very slow permeability in the substratum. C. Sensitive Areas: There is a Class II Wetland located on the northeast portion of the site. The 17, 162-sq. ft. wetland is classified as palustrine, forested, seasonally flooded/saturated and as palustrine, emergent, seasonally flooded. Road improvements to SE 136'11 Street would require filling of 200-sq. ft of. wetland, for which 400-sq. ft. of wetland enhancement is proposed as mitigation. Road improvements will also impact 6,989-sq. ft. of wetland buffer. Additional buffer area in the NE comer of the site could provide mitigation at a ratio equal to or greater than 2 to I. Improvements to the downstream drainage system will have to be reviewed to ensure that no wetlands are being drained or flooded as a result, no streams placed in pipes, and no streams damaged by increased flows. Enlarging culverts in sensitive areas, if any, requires clearing and grading permit(s). D. Hydrography: A preliminary June 15, 2001, technical information report was prepared by Haozous Engineering, P.S. on June 15, 2001. Subsequently a Level 3 Downstream Analysis was submitted August 26, 2002, and a Level Three Addendum was submitted December 5, 2002. The site is within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed. Flooding has occurred in the past along downstream conveyance structures from the site on 160'" Ave. SE, on 156'" Ave. SE, and on nearby properties. These drainage issues are documented in the Level Three Downstream Analyses and Addendum and are addressed by mitigating conditions established in the MDNS. E. Vegetation: The westerly 2.5 acres is mostly covered by pasture with some trees. More than half of the easterly 11 acres is wooded with a conifer upland forest, primarily Douglas fir. The far south of the parcel is developed with pasture; the north central area has been partially cleared as yard area associated with the home 5 LOI POO 16/LO I TY 401-Evendell fronting 1561h Avenue SE. The south central area includes deciduous trees and native shrubs. F. Wildlife: A wildlife study of the site was undertaken in conjunction with the wetland evaluation and delineation in 200 I. A large variety of small birds and animal.s were observed on site. Black tail deer and ruffed grouse, both "Priority Species" of Washington State, were observed. A single "State Candidate" species, the pileated woodpecker, was observed to utilize the forested wetland area along with adjacent upland forested area onsite. None of the species identified in the applicant's report are required to be protected in the urban designated area of the County. However with preservation of the wetland and a 50-foot buffer, some habitat will be retained on the site. Additional investigation was made by DDES environmental scientists and the Applicant's consulting biologist in March, 2003, to review the site in response to assertions that a red tail hawk nest exists on the site. The preponderance of the evidence is that there are no red tail hawk or other raptor nests on the subject property. 6. The subject property is within an area east of Renton known as Brierwood, in the southern portion of the Newcastle Community Plan area. The Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council serves the area under the King County Citizen Participation Initiative. The area within which the property is located is designated "urban residential, 4-12 dwelling units per acre", by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The zoning for the subject property and the surrounding area, generally extending from SE !28th on the north to SE 144'h and beyond on the south, and from Renton on the west to 168'h Avenue SE and beyond to the east, is zoned R-4. The principle exception is the plat of Highland Estates, 60 lots on 8.67 acres lying between 152"d Avenue SE and 154th Avenue SE, on the south side of SE 136"' Street. Highland Estates was reclassified from R-4 to R-8 in 2001. Its northwest corner is adjacent to 218 lots under development within the plat of Maplewood in the City of Renton. The southern portion of the plat of Maplewood, which is the portion nearest to Highland Estates, was zoned R-8 by Renton. In 2001, it was being developed with an average lot size of4,500 square feet in the area closest to the Highland Estates property. Directly west of the Highland Estates site is an undeveloped King County park. Parcels lying to the north were sparsely developed in 200 I, and were expected to convert to urban densities. The Examiner in that case also found a potential for higher urban density redevelopment of parcels lying east and southeast of Highland Estates. The neighborhood lying to the south of Highland Estates contained newer residential properties, which were found unlikely to redevelop in the near future. Most of those properties are approximately Y. acre in size. Impact on the properties to the south was mitigated by not opening 152"' A venue SE, so as to insulate the lower density neighborhood to the southwest from the impacts of higher density associated with Maplewood and Highland Estates. 6 LOIP00!6/LOITY401-Evendcll 7 Maplewood brought sewer into the neighborhood, which could be extended to serve Highland Estates, and road and traffic requirements for the two plats were found to be interconnected. 7. The developer of the subject property proposes to build a sewer pump station, dedicate right- of-way, construct roads, and make drainage improvements in conjunction with the 70 lot proposed plat, all of which will facilitate urban development in the area. Comprehensive Plan policy U-122 supports increases in urban residential density through a rezone or through density transfers when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. ODES relies primarily on Policy U-122 as justification for recommending reclassification of the property_to R-6. Most of the same improvements also would be built to support the 46 lot alternative plat proposed under the existing R-4 zone classification. The impacts from development of 46 lots require similar sewer and surface water drainage improvements, which address major concerns in the area. Recreation and open space deficiencies are met in the same manner by both proposed plats, with only proportionate differences, based on the fewer number oflots in the 46 lot alternative. Neighborhood traffic circulation is the one urban infrastructure concern which is addressed differently by the two plat proposals. The King County Department of Transportation and DOES have identified a need for an east-west street connection from 156°' Avenue SE to 160th Avenue SE, between SE 128'h Street and SE 144th Street. SE 136th Street is the most viable option for that connection because of its existing 30 foot wide public right-of-way from l 56'h Avenue SE to l 60'h Avenue SE. The Applicant would agree to provide additional right-of-way, varying from 18 feet to 25 feet, and improvements that would open SE 136th Street from 156'h Avenue SE to 160'" Avenue SE, if the 70 lot plat is approved. If the zone reclassification and 70 lot plat are denied, the developer objects to any requirement for dedication of right-of-way or construction of improvements to provide plat access and neighborhood traffic circulation by way of SE 136th Street. DDES nonetheless recommends dedication of 18 foet of right-of-way for SE 136th Street along the frontage of the 46 lot plat, and.the Examiner also recommends improvements to the right-of-way to mitigate the impacts of that plat (see finding no. 2 at page 10). 8. KCC 21 A.44.060 provides that a zone reclassification shall be granted only if the applicant demonstrates that the proposal complies with the criteria for approval specified in KCC 20.24.180 and 190, and is consistent with the comprehensive plan and applicable community and functional plans. 9. KCC 20.24.180 addresses the requirement for hearing examiner findings and conclusions generally, including a requirement for a conclusion that the examiner's recommendation "will not be unreasonably incompatible with or detrimental to affected properties and the general public." KCC 20.24.180. I 0. KCC 20.24.190 addresses applications for reclassifications specifically. It requires that an Examiner recommendation for reclassification of property include findings that support at least one of the circumstances described in that section. The portion of the section applicable to this proceeding is subpart "D", which provides: 1 "The applicant has demonstrated with substantial evidence that: I. Since the last previoµs area zoning or shoreline environment designation of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private LOIPOOl6/LOITY401-Evendell development or other conditions or circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change not anticipated or contemplated in the subarea plan or area zoning; 2. The impacts from the changed conditions or circumstances affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different than other properties in the vicinity such that area rezoning or redesignation is not appropriate; For the purposes of this subsection, "changed conditions or circumstances" does not include actions taken by the current or former property owners to facilitate a more intense development of the property including but not limited to changing tax limitations, adjusting property lines, extending services, or changing property ownership; 3. For proposals to increase rural residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies R-205 through R-209; 4. For proposals to increase urban residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies U-118 through U-123; and 5. The requested reclassification or redesignation is in the public interest. (Ord. 14047 § 12, 2001: Ord. 4461 § 10, 1979). 11. R-4 is the zoning applied to this area by the King County Council. The 1994 Comprehensive Plan and 1995 Area Zoning changed the zoning in this vicinity from SR-15,000 to R-4. That zoning was reaffirmed in 200 I with the adoption of the 2000 King County Comprehensive Plan amendments. "Official zoning ... is contained in the SITUS file and is depicted on the official zoning maps, as maintained by the Department of Development and Environmental Services." Ordinance 14044, Section 3, February 12, 2001. The current R-4 zone classification is consistent with the Urban Land Use policies of the King County Comprehensive Plan. 12. Existing development in the area surrounding Evendell is generally on lots ranging from 15,000 square feet to I Y.. acres, with a few smaller and a few larger. Redevelopment and infill will occur over time in much of the area, creating smaller lots, but a substantial portion of the area will remain as currently developed for the indefinite future. The general character of existing development is individually built homes, with yards, gardens, trees and some pasture area and outbuildings, generating an overall impression of a suburban or somewhat rural area. The density of development permitted by the R-4 zone classification is greater than that which presently exists in the area. The existing R-4 zone classification provides a base density of 4 dwelling units per acre and allows a maximum of 6 dwelling units per acre. Maximum impervious surface allowed for a development within the R-4 zone is 55%. The R-6 zone classification requested by the Applicant provides a base density of 6 dwelling units per acre, a maximum density of 9 dwelling units per acre, and maximum impervious surface of 75% of the site. 13. Since the last previous area zoning, the approval and commencement of construction of the proposed plats of Maplewood and Highland Estates have brought sewer closer to the subject property. An additional road connection has been opened to the west and north, by way of 8 LO I POOi 6/LOI TY 401-Evendell SE 136"' Street, which now connects to SE 128'h Street at 148'h Avenue SE: The subject property, however, has three pre-existing direct connections to SE 128'h Street, by way of 156"' Avenue SE, 158"' Avenue SE and 160"' Avenue SE, which have remained unchanged. The greater proximity of sewer service allows for development of the subject property at the R-4 permitted density, as well as at the higher density requested by the Applicant. The King County Comprehensive Plan requires that property in the R-4 zone classification be developed with sewers, indicating that the Council's adoption and retention of the R-4 zone classification anticipated the availability of sewers in the area. There is:no evidence that the closer proximity of sewers was not anticipated at the time of the last area zoning, or that it affects the subject property in a manner and to a degree different than other properties in the vicinity. CONCLUSIONS: I. The Applicant has not demonstrated with substantial evidence that authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other conditions or circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change since the last previous area zoning which were not anticipated or contemplated by that area zoning. 2. The applicant has not demonstrated with substantial evidence that impacts from any conditions or circumstances that have chan ed sin last previous area zoning affect the subject property in a manner and t degree differen n other properties in the vicinity. Any reclassification of the subject property should be consi red legislative · conjunction with consideration of the appropriate zoning for the area within w 1c t e subject property is located. 3. The proposal partially meets the purpose of Comprehensive Plan Policy Ul22 that supports increases in density to help resolve traffic circulation deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. However, reclassification of the subject property to R-6 would be inconsistent with policy U-120, which provides that, "King County shall not approve proposed zoning changes to increase density within the urban area unless: a. The development will be compatible with the character and scale of the surrounding neighborhood; ... " 4. Reclassification of the Highland Estates property is distinguished from this application by the facts of that case, particularly its location adjacent to the development of 4,500 square foot lots in the City of Renton, the interconnection and overlapping of the road improvements necessary for the development of Maplewood and Highland Estates, and the greater separation of Highland Estates from fully developed properties on larger lots. Reclassification of the property under consideration in this case would result in 13 acres ofR- 6 zoned property entirely surrounded by R-4 zoned property. 5. The application for a reclassification of the subject property should be denied. RECOMMENDATION: DENY the application for reclassification. 9 LOI POOi 6/LOI TY401-Evendell APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL (70 LOT PROPOSAL) FINDINGS: I. To the extent applicable, the findings set forth above with respect to the application for reclassification are incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 2. The Applicant proposes to develop 70 lots on 12.43 acres, with a density ofS.63 dwelling units per acre. The base density of the R-4 zone permits development of not more than 4 dwelling units per acre, or a total of 50 units, unless augmented by density bonuses or development credits transferred from other sites. No such augmentations are incorporated in the proposal. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat exceeds the density allowed for the site by the King County Zoning Code. 2. The application for preliminary plat approvai should be DENIED.· RECOMMENDATION: Deny the application for preliminary approval of the proposed plat of 70 lots, received March 26, 2002. APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL (46 LOT ALTERNATIVE) FINDINGS: I. To the extent applicable, the findings set forth above with respect to the application for reclassification are incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 2. The proposed development of 46 lots on 11.39 acres is bounded by SE 136th Street on the north (from !58'h Avenue SE to 160'h Avenue SE), and 160th Avenue SE on the east. SE !36'h Street is an unimproved, 30 foot wide, county right-of-way between 156th Avenue SE and !60'h Avenue SE, with a paved area abutting the proposed plat at the intersection with 158'h Avenue SE. "r f 5 : 160th Avenue SE is a two lane neighborhood collector that runs from SE I 25th Street to SE 144'h Street. The roadway width is approximately 24 feet, with a paved shoulder on the east side of the roadway. It is unstriped. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. The existing construction of 160th Avenue SE is a rural design. 158th Avenue SE is also a two-lane neighborhood collector, similar to 160th Avenue SE, but with little or no dirt shoulders on either side of the roadway. The posted speed limit on 158th Avenue SE is also 25 mph. Traffic to and from the proposed development is proposed by the Applicant to have access only to 160'h Avenue SE. The intersection of:160'h Avenue SE and SE !28th Street, a 10 •. ------------------- LO I P00! 6/LO I TY 401-Evendell principle arterial, would be the principle route for traffic to and from this plat to the north and west. Level of service at SE 128"' Street and 160"' Avenue SE was projected to be "E" for north bound left turns during peak hours for the 70 lot plat, which would have had an alternative route through a signalized intersection (156"' Avenue SE and SE 128"' Street) to the north and west.· The level of service for that traffic movement for this proposal during the AM peak hour does not appear to have been analyzed. Traffic circulation to and from the subject property, and neighborhood traffic circulation, would be improved by the provision of alternative routes (158th Avenue SE currently and 156'h Avenue SE in the future), so that residents of the site could avoid using 160 1h Avenue SE for congested traffic movements. Dedication and improvement of right-of-way along SE l 36'h Street adjacent to this plat will provide for the enhanced safety and welfare of the residents of this plat and the public. Dedication and improvements consistent with King County Road Standards for an urban subcollector would be proportionate to the impacts of this plat. The Applicant should have the opportunity, ifhe chooses, to modify the traffic circulation within the plat to provide a direct access to SE 136'h Street, as well as 160"' Avenue SE. 11 '? As properties in .the area are developed or redeveloped to urban densities, impr~ street frontage to urban standards is a reasonable and proportionate requirement to provide • traffic circulation for the increasing population of the area. The King County Road Standards, Section 1.03, provides that any land development which will impact the service level, safety, or operational efficiency of serving roads ... shall improve those roads in accordance with these standards. 3. The subject subdivision will be served by the Issaquah School District, which has adopted capacity figures which indicate their ability to accommodate additional students. Students living in the proposed plat would be bussed to and from all schools. The Issaquah School District has adopted a fee of$3,924 for each new single-family residential unit, as a school impact fee. Forty six dwelling units would be added by the proposal to the Issaquah School District. 4. Adequacy of Arterial Roads: This proposal has been reviewed under the criteria in King County Code 14.70, Transportation Concurrency Management; 14.80, Intersection Standards; and King County Code 14.75; Mitigation Payment System. a. King County Code 14.70 -Transportation Concurrency Management: The Transportation Certificate of Concurrency indicates that transportation improvements or strategies will be in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six (6) years, according to RCW 36.70A.070(6). b. · King County Code 14.80 -Intersection Standards: !fan alternative route to SE 128"' Street, other than 160'h Avenue SE, is provided, the existing arterial system will accommodate the increased traffic volume generated by this proposal. If 160"' Avenue SE were to be the only route to SE 128"' Street, there is not sufficient information in the record to determine whether or not the intersection of 160"' 7 Avenue SE and SE 128'h Street would meet county standards during the AM peak · hour with this propose.ct development. Al+ /171J,;.e . -ft> 168'..,_ ' ~ .I)../ ,t,.;.. l>l • ~ LOIPOOl6/LOITY401-Evcndell c. King County Code 14.75 -Mitigation Payment System: King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), requires the payment of a traffic impact mitigation fee (MPS fee) and an administration fee for each single family residential lot or unit created. MPS fees are determined by the zone in which the site is located. This site is in Zone 452 per the MPS/Quarter section list. MPS fees may be paid at the time of final plat recording, or deferred until building permits are issued. The amount of the fee will be determined by the applicable fee ordinance at the time the fee is collected. 5. The nearest public park is located on the southwest corner of 152"d Avenue SE and SE 136th Street. The Applicant has proposed on-site recreation in combination with the on-site detention facility at the southeast corner of the property, and a separate recreation tract adjacent to the north of the combination detention/recreation tract. The details of improvements will be designed and submitted for approval prior to recording the final plat. The area contained in proposed tracts E and F appear sufficient to meet the minimum requirements ofKCC 21A.14.180. 6. Fire Protection: The Certificate of Water Availability from Water District 90 indicates that water is presently available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy King County Fire Flow Standards. Prior to final recording of the plat, the water service facilities must be reviewed and approved per King County Fire Flow Standards. 7. Sewage Disposal: A Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated May 18, 2001 indicates the city's capability to serve the proposed development (see Attachment 6). A sewage pump station will be constructed ori the southeast corner of the plat as the property currently can not be served by gravity flow. By providing a pump station, approximately 37 acres in the immediate area will have sewer available. The existing sewer line will be extended east along SE 136'" Street to the subject property to provide connection to Renton's sewer system. 8. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision with water from Water District 90. A Certificate of Water Availability, dated May 30, 2001, indicates this district's capability to serve the proposed development (see Attachment 7). 9. Neighbors on adjacent lots to the west of the proposed plat expressed concerns that trees on their lots would be affected by development activity on the site of the proposal. A SO-foot wide buffer area was requested by the neighbors; an easement protecting the drip line of affected trees near the property line was recommended by the Department. No authority was cited to the Examiner which supports the imposition ofa burden on the Applicant's property 12 to protect trees on adjoining properties. ---.... ~ / ') hr ~ '?O ~ .... ~ '. CONCLUSIONS: / l...:T° 1. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision and Zoning Codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King County. 2. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, for drainage ways, streets, other public ways, transit stops, ])Otable water LOI POOi 6/LO I TY 401-Evendell supply, sanitary wastes, parks and recreations, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and safe walking conditions for students who only walk to school; and it will serve the public use and interest. 3. The conditions for final plat approval recommended below are in the public interest and are reasonable requirements to mitigate the impacts of this development upon the environment. 4. The dedications of land or easements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as recommended by the conditions for final plat approval or as shown on the proposed preliminary plat submitted by the applicant, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts of the development. 5. This proposal is subject to the mitigated determination of environmental non-significance issued December 23, 2002. The conditions of that MDNS must be implemented as conditions of this preliminary plat approval. The impacts of the culvert and channel improvements required in the east drainage basin, for a distance approximately I, 700 downstream from the plat, together with the change in flow volume resulting from development of the subject property, should be analyzed by the Applicant and reviewed by DDES to determine the impacts, if any, downstream from the improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed of Evendell, 46 lot alternative, received March 26, 2002 subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: I. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The plat shall comply with the base density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-4 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger. The plat layout may be revised to provide vehicular access to SE 136th Street as well as 160 1h Avenue SE. Other minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended ( 1993 KCRS), except to the extent that variances from those standards are approved by the County Road Engineer. 5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 13 LO I POO 16/LOI TY 401-Evendell 6. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of Jots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. ODES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DOES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with DOES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." d. The stormwater detention design shall comply with the Level 2 Flow Control requirements per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). e. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21A.14.180. 7. Drainage adjustment L02V0024 is approved for this project. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met upon submittal of the engineering plans. 8. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards(KCRS): a. SE 13 7th St. shall be improved to the urban subcollector standard. b. The internal loop road(J581h Pl SE, SE 138'" ST, and 159th Pl SE) shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. c. The short cul-d-sac road off SE 137th ST shall be improved to the urban minor access street standard, unless this street is extended to SE 136th Street, in which event it shall be improved to the urban subcollector standard. d. FRONTAGE: Eighteen feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated along the plat frontage on SE 136'" Street (from 158th Avenue SE to 160th Avenue SE). The frontage along SE 136'" Street (south side only) and 160'" Ave SE (west side only) shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard. 14 I LOI POO 16/LOI TY 401-Evendell The SE 136'" Street frontage from 158th Avenue SE to 160'" Avenue SE shall be improved to the urban Y, street standard, except that no sidewalk shall be required to be constructed on the north side. e. Tracts A, B, and D shall be improved to the joint use driveway standard per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. f. Tract C shall be improved to the private access tract standard per Section 2.09 of the KCRS. g. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section l.08 of the KCRS. 9. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 160th Ave. SE from those lots, which abut this street. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. The Applicant may redesign the plat to allow direct access to SE 136th Street for those lots which abut SE 136th Street and do not abut the internal street system. (Joint use driveway tracts and pipe stems shall not be considered as abutting the internal street system) 10. (See condition 8 above) 11. Off-site access to the subdivision shall be over a full-width, dedicated and improved road that has been accepted by King County for maintenance. If the proposed access road has not been accepted by King County at the time of recording, then said road shall be fully bonded by the applicant of this subdivision. 12. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 13. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 14. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21 A.24. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. a. This site contains a Class 2 wetland. The wetland will be protected from alteration during and after construction, with a 50-foot wide buffer around the wetland boundary. An additional 15-foot building setback is required beyond the edge of the buffer. b. A maximum of 200 square feet of wetland will be filled for construction of SE 136th Street. Mitigation shall consist ofat least 400 square feet of wetland enhancement to 15 LOI POO 16/LOI TY 401-Evendcll degraded portions of the existing wetland. Road improvements for 1601h Avenue SE and SE 136'" Street will eliminate an area of wetland buffer. Mitigation shall consist of providing at least an equivalent area of buffer added to the northeast portion of the site. c. Downstream drainage improvements to existing culverts and stormwater conveyances required through the SEP A MDNS shall cause no adverse alteration to existing wetlands or streams in the vicinity of the drainage improvements. d. Critical Areas staff shall review engineering plans for the plat for conformance with these requirements. 15. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon.all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. 16. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21 A.14.190 for providing sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s), benches, etc. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance # 14045. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 16 LO I POO 16/LOI TY 401-Evendell 17. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 18. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC 21A.16.050: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of- way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year ofrecording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. School Mitigation Fees 19. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and 17 LO I POOi 6/LOI TY 401-Evendell SEPA collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. 20. The following have been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The applicants shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. a. East Drainage Basin: The 160th Ave. SE downstream conveyance system shall be upgraded to provide for the 100-year storm capacity. Downstream driveway culverts/ditches and a cross-. culvert under 160'h Ave. SE shall be improved as follows: Culverts P-117 and P-116 on the west side of 160th Ave. SE, cross-culvert P-115, and culverts P-114 and P-113 on the east side of 160'h Ave. SE shall be improved as needed. The culvert designations are according to the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering dated August 26, 2002. To address a related localized flooding condition, bank and channel stabilization are also required in the unopened right-of- way for 162"d Ave. SE, in the vicinity of the easterly line of Lot 12, Rich Lea Crest (address 16046 SE 142"d Street). It is estimated that stabilizing and re-grading approximately 50 to 100 feet of channel, east of 16046 SE 142°d Street, will be adequate to resolve flooding that has occurred in the past location. The culverts and channel described are located from the south site boundary to a distance of approximately I, 700 feet downstream. Level 2 Flow Control design is required for the proposed stormwater detention facility. A factor of safety of 5 to 15 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. b. West Drainage Basin (if applicable): The storm water detention facilities shall be designed to the Level 3 Flow Control Standard as described in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). As an option, Level 2 Flow Control with downstream improvements can be proposed according to Core Requirement 2 of the KCSWDM. The minimum Flow Control Standard shall be Level 2. A factor of safety of 5 to 15 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. Additional Drainage Consideration: 21. The applicant shall provide additional analysis, to be reviewed and approved by DDES, to assure that downstream improvements, in conjunction with additional runoff volume from the site as developed, will not exacerbate drainage and flooding problems between the termination of the required downstream culvert and ditch improvements and SE 144th Street. ORDERED this 28th day of March, 2003 James N. O'Connor Hearing Examiner Pro Tern 18 LO I POO 16/LO I TY 401-Evcndell 19 TRANSMITTED this 28th day of March, 2003, to the parties and interested persons ofrecord: 4 Creeks UAC Scott D. Baker Marshall Brenden Attn: Claudia Donnelly 7018 47th Ave. NE 18225 SE 128th P.O. Box 3501 Seattle WA 98115 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98056 Ronda Bryant Marilyn Carlson Ronald Coffin 15406 SE 136th Street 13616 -156th Avae. SE 16015 SE 135th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059-6828 Michael Rae Cooke Robert Darr6w Shirley Day 13125158th Ave. SE Haozous Engineering 14412 -167th Pl. SE Renton WA 98059 15428 • 45th Court Renton WA 98059 Mukilteo WA 98275 Roger Dorstad Michelle Hagerman Stephen & Yvonne Hanson Evergreen East Realty 13710 156th Ave. SE 15611 SE 138th Pl. PO Box 375 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Redmond WA 98073 Mark Heckert Valerie Hemnes Victor & Gwendolyn High Habitat Technologies 15627 SE 139th Pl. 13405 -158th Ave. SE 606 E Main St. Renton WA 98059-7422 Renton WA 98059 Puyallup WA 98371-1088 Edward & June Hill Edward & Nancy Hilton Kurt Hughes 13527 156th St. SE 13414 -158th Ave. SE 19112 NE 146th Way Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Woodinville WA 98072-6361 Fred & Helga Jaques Leonard J. Johnston Diane Kazele 13114-158thAve.SE 16016 SE 135th 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Don Kezele Joann Lee Tim & Gina Lex 15657 SE 137th Pl. 13802 -160th Ave. SE 13116 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Rebecca Lind Steve Lyman Jerry Marcy 1055 S. Grady Way 14505 • 160th Ave. SE P.O. Box 575 Renton WA 98058 Renton WA 98059 Seattle WA 98111 Heckert, Mark Fred & Gloria Martin Linda Matlock Habitat Technologies 13019 • 160th Ave. SE WA State Ecol. Dept./WQSW Unit 606 E Maine St. Renton WA 98059 PO Box47696 Puyallup WA 98371-1088 Olympia WA 98504-7696 Jim McDougal Bill Mckin Eleanor Moon 14502 167th Pl. SE 14404 -162nd Ave. SE KC Executive Horse Council Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 12230 NE 61st Kirkland WA 98033 Steven & Peri Muhich John Nanney Sally Nipert 13420 -160th Ave. SE 16169 SE 146th Pl. 14004 • 156th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Gary Norris Florence Nott Dave Nyblom Gary Struthers & Associates 15915 SE 134th Pl. 13606 -158th Avenue SE 3150 Richards Road #100 Renton WA 98059-6832 Renton WA 98059 Bellevue WA 98005 LO I POO 16/LO I TY 401-Evendcll Richard & Anita Oliphant 16519 SE 145tl1 St. Renton WA 98059 David Platt 510 Panoramic Dr. Camano Island WA 98282 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell WA 98021 Charles & Viola Scoby 13112-158thAve. SE Renton WA 98059-8531 Howard Stansbury · US Land Development Association 22617 -8th Or. SE Bothell WA 98021 David Watler 15635 SE 138th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Kurt Wilson Harbour Homes 1010 Soutl1336th Street #305 Federal Way WA 98003 Greg Borba DOES/LU SO MS OAK-DE-0100 Kristen Langley DDES/LUSD Land Use Traffic MS OAK-DE-0100 Larry West DDES/LUSD Geo Review MS OAK-DE-0100 Dave Petrie 811 S 273rd Court Des Moines WA 98198 David Rockabrand Four Creeks UAC 11427162ndAve.SE Renton WA 98059 Geneva Scholes 12924 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Karen & Jeffrey Sidebotham 13004 -15Btl1 Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Peggy Streit 13512 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Alex Weitz 15646 SE 138th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Alvin Walberg 16021 SE 136th St. Renton WA 98059 Laura Casey DDES/LUSO Wetland Review MS OAK-DE-0100 Carol Rogers LUSO/CPLN MS OAK-DE-0100 Bruce Whittaker DOES/LU SO Pre!. Review Engineer MS OAK-DE-0100 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL David PEitrie 811 S. 273rd Ct. Des Moines WA 98198 Marsha Rollinger 15646 SE 138tl1 Pl. Renton WA 98059 Curtis Schuster KBS Ill, LLC 12505 Bel-Red Rd., Ste. 212 Bellevue WA 98005 Daniel B. Slaton 15315 SE 133rd Court Renton WA 98059 Penny Thorbeck 15650 SE 138th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wilmot 13900 -160tl1 Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Harold & Eleanor Zeek 16612 SE 145tl1 St. Renton WA 98059 Kim Claussen DDES/LUSD Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 Karen Scharer DDES/LUSD Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of $250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before April 11, 2003. !fa notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies ofa written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before April 18, 2003. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in the hearing record; new facts may not be presented on appeal. 20 LOI POOi 6/LOI TY401-Evendell Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room 1025, King County Courthouse, 516 3'• Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. MINUTES OF THE MARCH 6 AND 10, 2003 PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NO. L01P0016 AND LO!TY401 James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Karen Scharer, Kristin Langley, Bruce Whittaker and Laura Casey, representing the Department; Mike Romano, representing the Applicant; Marsha Rollinger and Gwendolyn High, representing the Intervenors; and Mark Heckert, Gary Norris, Scott Baker, Michael Rae Cooke, David Rockabrand, Dave Petry, Michelle Hagerman, Sally Nipert, Diane Kazele, Alex Weitz, Fred Jaques, Jim McDougal, John Nanney, Bill Mokin, Anita Oliphant, Vanessa Burris, June Hill, Rhonda Bryant, and Kristy Hill. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I DOES combined file L01TY401 & LOIP0016, application filed and dated July 6, 2001 Exhibit No. 2A DOES application for land use permit(s) LOI TY401 & LOIPOOl6, application dated July 6, 2001 2B Zone reclassification application and justification questionnaire with revision received September 6, 200 I Exhibit No. 3A ODES preliminary report prepared 02/20/03 with attachments as follow: 1. Map of rezone from R-4 to R-6 2. Reduced copy ofR-6 -70 lot preliminary plat 3. Reduced copy ofR-4 -alternative 46 lot plat 4. Density calculations for R-6 plat 5. City of Renton January 20, 2003, letter 6. City of Renton June 15, 2001 letter 7. Certificate of water availability dated May 30, 2001 8. School information dated July 12, 2001 9. SWM adjustment approval for L02V0024 dated October 17, 2002 3B ODES addendum report with corrections and additional information regarding schools serving the property, prepared 02/27 /03 Exhibit No. 4 Revised environmental checklist received October 14, 2002 Exhibit No. 5 Mitigated determination of non-significance dated December 23, 2002 Exhibit No. 6 Affidavit of posting indicating posting dates of October 3 and 4, 2001. Exhibit No. 7A Site plan (70 lot preliminary plat map) received March 26, 2002 7B Alternative site plan (46 lot preliminary plat map) received March 26, 2002 Exhibit No. 8 Assessors maps (4) for SE 14-23-05 revised 02/23/95, NE 14-23-05 revised 04/05/93, NW 14-23-05 revised 10/92, and SW 14-23-05 revised 07/07/97 Exhibit No. 9 Traffic impact analysis by Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. dated June 28, 2001 Exhibit No. 10 Traffic memo dated January 29, 2002, from Garry Struthers Assoc., Inc. Exhibit No. 11 Preliminary technical information report dated June, 2001, by Haozous Eng., P.S. Exhibit No. 12 Level 3 downstream drainage analysis by Haozous Eng., P.S., dated August 26, 2002 Exhibit No. 13 Addendum (6 pages plus cover) to the level-three study dated December 5, 2002 21 ------------------------------~ LOIPOOl6/LOITY401-Evendell Exhibit No. 14 Wetland evaluation and delineation report, wildlife habitat evaluation and compensatory wetland mitigation plan by Habitat Technologies, dated May 15, 2001 Exhibit No. 15 Addendum to wetland/stream/wildlife report dated October 28, 2002 Exhibit No. 16 City of Renton three-page certificate of sewer availability dated 6/15/01 Exhibit No. 17 Jaques, Fred & Helga email dated November I, 2001 Exhibit No. 18 Carlson, Marilynn letter dated November 7, 2001 Exhibit No. 19 Revised alternative R-4 plat density calculations received 3/26/02 Exhibit No. 20 Petition from Gwendolyn High (8 pg. + cover), received September 23, 2002 Exhibit No. 21 City of Renton letter received January 22, 2003, with attachments (4 pgs.) Exhibit No. 22 Letter from G. High & M. Rollinger for Citizens Alliance for a Responsible Evendell (CARE) dated April 5, 2002 with attachments (60 pgs. + cover) Exhibit No. 23 G. High and M. Rollinger, CARE petition to intervene filed on 2/18/03 Exhibit No. 24 DOES planning map (created 7/1/2003) prepared 2/20/2003 showing new development planned in the immediate vicinity Exhibit No. 25 Letter from Greg Zimmerman, City of Renton, dated March 05, 2003 (2/12/03 memo attached} Exhibit No. 26 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency received July 6, 2001 Exhibit No. 27 Topographic map provided by City of Renton (aerial photography taken Winter, 1996) subject property in conjunction with Highland Estates Exhibit No. 28 Article from King County Journal, "Give Us Some Space, Firefighters Say ... " 02/27/2003 Exhibit No. 29 Transportation service areas 2000 map-KCDDES, February, 2001 Exhibit No. 30 Community action strategies sub-area priority ranking map -KCDOT, February, 2001 Exhibit No. 31 Assessors map of East Renton/Briarwood area with coloring Exhibit No. 32 Proposed but not entered into the record-area map showing nesting sites Exhibit No. 33 Online permit details-DOES website printouts (18 pg) Exhibit No. 34 Notice of application for the Bales Annexation and pre-zone application, dated January 15, 2003 -City of Renton Exhibit No. 35 Letter from Scott D. Baker, Consulting Arborist dated 2/8/03 Exhibit No. 36 Tree retention/protection buffer site plan alternatives Exhibit No. 37 C.A.R.E. households list (2 pg) Exhibit No. 38 Letter from Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council dated March 5, 2003 Exhibit No. 39 Tree loss and possible ground water contamination depiction Exhibit No. 40 Sign-in and time donation sheet (3 pg) dated March 6, 2003 Exhibit No. 41 Transportation concurrency diagrams for 2001, 2002 & 2003 Exhibit No. 42 a Letter (2 pg) from Don & Janice Milbrath dated March 3, 2003 b Letter (2 pg) from Kristy J. Hill dated March 6, 2003 c Letter (2 pg) from Edward and June Hill dated March 6, 2003 d Letter (I pg) from Charles W. Scoby, Viola M. Scoby, and Geneva D. Scholes dated March 1, 2003 e Letter (I pg) from Laurie A. Hindes dated February 26, 2003 f Letter (2 pg) from Mark Costello dated March 4, 2003 g Letter ( I pg) from Eloise and Claude Stchowiak dated March 6, 2003 h Letter (3 pg) from Bruce and Joyce Osgoodby dated Feb. 21, 2003, and March, 6, 2003 j Letter (1 pg) from Richard Savage (undated) Exhibit No. 43 Letter (I pg) from Dan & Lynn Peterson, also signed by Fred & Helga Jaques (undated) Exhibit No. 44 a Letter (I pg) from John Nanney dated March 6, 2003 b Letter (I pg) from Linda Williams dated March 5, 2003 c Letter (I pg) from Rodney S. Stewart dated March 5, 2003 22 LO I POO 16/LO I TY 401-Evendell d e f. Exhibit No. 45 a b C d e Letter (I pg) from Edward A. Schultz dated March 4, 2003 Letter (1 pg) from Joseph Matsudaira dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Brenda Matsudaira dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Richard & Anita Oliphant dated March 5, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Mark Costello dated March 4, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Jeff & Karen Sidebotham ( undated) Letter ( I pg) signed by Nancy & Edward Hilton dated March 6, 2003 Memo ( 4 pg) from Michael Rae Cooke dated March 4, 2003, with attached resident survey sheet, error notes, and April 3, 2002, memo and attachments (8 pg) to King County Surface Water and Land Management The following items were entered at the March 10, 2003, continued hearing: Exhibit No. 46 Exhibit No. 47 Exhibit No. 48 Exhibit No. 49 Exhibit No. 50 Exhibit No. 51 Exhibit No. 52 Exhibit No. 53 Exhibit No. 54 Exhibit No. 55 Exhibit No. 56 Exhibit No. 57 Exhibit No. 58 ·JNO:gaoicp a b C d e f g h LOIP0016 LOITY401 RPT Photos (9) provided by Anita Oliphant with commentary (undated) Letter (3 pg) from Bruce and Joyce Osgoody dated February 21, 2003 Letter (1 pg) from Marilynn Carlson dated March 9, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Kristy Hill dated March 6, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Marsha Rollinger (undated) Letter (I pg) from Joseph Bostjancic dated March 5, 2003 Memo (I pg) from Nick Gillen dated March 7, 2003 Copy of table #3 from the 2002 Issaquah school plan showing "Projected Capacity to House Sudents" Memo (I pg) from Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, dated March 10, 2003 Gwendolyn High's testimony of March 6, 2003 with cover letter dated March I 0, 2003 noting correction Letters from: Donald & Diane Kezelle (2 pg) -undated Vanessa Burris (I pg) Carolyn Ann Buckett (1 pg) Ronda Bryant (3 pg) dated March 10, 2003 Michael Rae Cooke (7 pg) dated 3/8/02 Marsha Rollinger ( I pg) undated Sally Nipert (I pg) dated March 6, 2003 Shirley Day ( I pg) dated March 6, 2003 Bill and Donna Mokin (2 pg) dated March 6, 2003 Photos of hawk (2) DOES revised recommendation/additional conditions dated 3/10/03 23 Henoch,Lanny Subject: Location: Start: End: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Required Attendees: Resources: Pre-App A03P0063 RR, DDES D45 Thu 03/27/2003 10:00 AM Thu 03/27/2003 11 :30 AM (none) Meeting organizer Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen RR, DDES D45 Can you attend an in-house meeting on Pre-app A03P0063 at the lime noted above? In the near future, I will give you a copy of the information submitted by the applicant for this pre-app. 1 I / Henoch,Lanny Subject: Location: Start: End: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Required Attendees: Resources: Pre-app A03P0063-Mtg. w/ appl. RR, DDES D44 Tue 04/01/2003 1 :30 PM Tue 04/01/2003 3:00 PM (none) Meeting organizer Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen RR, DDES D44 Can you attend at pre-app meeting with the applicant at the above-noted time? 1 22617-8"' Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 . ·•. ) ~ CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES February 25, 2003 ) (425) 486-2563 OFF (425) 486-3273 FAX A03P0063 Permit Section King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Re: Nichols 4 Acres (Parcel #142305-9058) Request for Pre-Application Meeting DearDDES: K.C. D.D.E.S. On behalf of our client, U.S. Land Development Associates, we would like to request a pre-application meeting to review the various issues related to the referenced property. The property is located at about SE 1381h St. (if extended) between 1581h Ave. SE. (if extended) and SE 1601h St. in the Renton Highlands area of King County. Attached please find an application form along with a check in the amount of $373. 75 for review fees. Also attached are two preliminary plat layouts, one for 16 lots at R-4 density reflective of the current zoning and the second for 24 lots reflective of R-6 density. Also included please find a copy of the wetland reconnaissance report prepared for this property indicating no presence of wetlands or streams on the site. The property is designated Urban Residential/4-12 Units per Acre in the King County Comprehensive Plan and is currently zoned R-4. According to our density calculations the site is eligible for 16 single-family units under the current zoning given the site area and our assumption that no additional ROW dedication along 1601h Ave. SE will be required. There is an existing home, shop and barn located on the site, all of which would be demolished in conjunction with development. As stated earlier there are no identified sensitive areas located on the site and no special development conditions apply. We would like to request that special consideration be given to review of the potential for the property to be rezoned from R-4 to R-6. "Let us take the load " King County DOES February 25, 2003 Page 2 of 2 .... ) ·' Michael J. Romano d.b.a. Centurion Development Services is acting as Agent for the developer, U.S. Land Development Associates. Please address all correspondence to: U.S. Land Development Associates C/0 Centurion Development Services Attn: Mike Romano 22617 81h Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 We request that you schedule the Pre-Application meeting as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you. Enclosures Sincerely, CENT~RION DEVELOP"T SERVICES 1/U/J---~ Michael J. Romano Land Consultant "Let us take the load. " soc ODES King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale A vc SW Renton, Washington 98055"'219 March 5, 2003 • • Summary of Charl!es at Aoolication Applicant: Description US LAND DEVELOPMENT ASSOC. C/0 CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 22617 8TH DRE BOTHELL, WA 98021 425-486-2563 Counter Service Fees Customer PreApp Deposit Totals By Category: Total Fees: Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number: Perm it Type: Status: Due At Application $97.75 $276.00 $373.75 Page I of I A03P0063 A03P0063 PREAPP-0 PENDING Due At Settlement $0.00 $373.75 The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to DDES at the time of application. For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before DDES issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.O. ---.,;;:·-"® King County • ·Land'~.5tf•re-appl.ication Meet1ng,·Request,fonn Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TIY (206) 296-7217 Alternative formats available upon request To··.be•.completediby•·,DDES•·Staff Pre-application No. A03P0063 Date,Received 00 @ @ @ Q W} @ f"fj\ (Stamp) FEB. 2 8 2003 L1:!) Address: Project Description: Permit(s) being requested: Please indicate if pre-application is: K.C. D.D.E.S. Date: Parcel No(s): 1K] Land Use Feasibility D Mandatory D Consolidated Check the box(es) regarding issues you wish to discuss: Land Use Permit Issues: Subdivision/ CUP/ Variances/ Reasonable Use/ PAUE Site Issues: Zoning I Setbacks / Density / Subdivision Design / Landscaping Site Issues: Traffic/ Road Access/ Road Improvement/ Road Variances/ Parking Layout Site Issues: Drainage / Site Development/ SWDM Variances & Adjustments Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Permit/ Permitted Uses/ Shoreline Setbacks IR] SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist/ Off-Site Improvements I Mitigation D Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers / Building Setbacks / Flood Plains/ Mitigation D Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope/ Landslide/ Seismic/ Coal Mine/ Erosion ~ Clearing/Grading Issues: Site Development/ Clearing Restrictions/ Site Restoration D Building Issues: Building/ Mechanical: HVAC/Energy/ Barrier-Free Standards D Fire Issues: UFC / Fireflow /Access/ Sprinklers/ Alarms/ Hazardous Materials D Health Issues: Sewer/ Septic/ Water/ Groundwater/Noise Impacts D Other (Specify):------------------------ Land Use Pre-Application Meetings Information & Request Form lc-infreq-preap 12/20/02 Page 1 of 2 • • Please indicate the numbers and types of representatives that will be at the pre-application meeting from your design team: Will Attend ~ D D Will Not Attend 0Applicant IArchitect Civil Engineer Developer Will Attend D D D D Will Not Will Attend Attend ~Geotechnical Consultant D [i!Landscape Architect D ~Legal Consultant [ZJ ~Property Owner z.. Total Number Attending: ----------- Will Not Attend ~ Structural Engineer 1KJ Wetlands Consultant D Others: {)t.11cufµ/:1'1-f- ~ vLi,,y.pf-' I certify that I am the applicant for this pre-application meeting request and I understand that DDES will assess hourly review fees for each DDES staff member involved in pre-application research, meetings and post-meeting follow-up work, and that I assume financial responsibility for all fee ssociated with this request. Note: A minimum advance deposit fee of $373.75 is required to schedule a pre-application meeting. All checks must be payable to King County Office of Finance. If you have any questions about your pre-application meeting, please contact ODES at (206) 296- 6600. Land Use Pre-Application Meetings Information & Request Form tc-infreq-preap 12/20/02 Page 2 of 2 • ~ • 22617-8"' Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 CENTURION DEVELOPMENT (425) 486-2563 OFF /425) 486-3273 FAX SERVICES February 25, 2003 A03P0063 Permit Section King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Re: Nichols 4 Acres (Parcel #142305-9058) Request for Pre-Application Meeting Dear ODES: K.C. D.D.E.S. On behalf of our client, U.S. Land Development Associates, we would like to request a pre-application meeting to review the various issues related to the referenced property. The property is located at about SE 1381h St. (if extended) between 1581h Ave. SE. (if extended) and SE 1601h St. in the Renton Highlands area of King County. Attached please find an application form along with a check in the amount of $373.75 for review fees. Also attached are two preliminary plat layouts, one for 16 lots at R-4 density reflective of the current zoning and the second for 24 lots reflective of R-6 density. Also included please find a copy of the wetland reconnaissance report prepared for this property indicating no presence of wetlands or streams on the site. The property is designated Urban Residential/4-12 Units per Acre in the King County Comprehensive Plan and is currently zoned R-4. According to our density calculations the site is eligible for 16 single-family units under the current zoning given the site area and our assumption that no additional ROW dedication along 1601h Ave. SE will be required. There is an existing home, shop and barn located on the site, all of which would be demolished in conjunction with development. As stated earlier there are no identified sensitive areas located on the site and no special development conditions apply. We would like to request that special consideration be given to review of the potential for the property to be rezoned from R-4 to R-6. '·Let us take the load .. . King County DOES February 25, 2003 Page 2 of 2 • •• Michael J. Romano d.b.a. Centurion Development Services is acting as Agent for the developer, U.S Land Development Associates. Please address all correspondence to: U.S. Land Development Associates C/0 Centurion Development Services Attn: Mike Romano 22617 81h Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 We request that you schedule the Pre-Application meeting as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you. Enclosures Sincerely, CENT~RION DEVELOP"T SERVICES 1/U/J---~ Michael J. Romano Land Consultant "let us take the load. " .. • HABITAT TECHNOLOGIES October 11, 2002 Mr. Mike Romano @ Centurion Development Corp. 22617 -81h Drive SE Bothell, Washington 98021 Fax 1-425-486-3273 • K.C. D.D.~§ges _ RE: Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel #1423059058, King County Dear Mr. Romano, Following your request Habitat Technologies has completed an onsite reconnaissance assessment of.the 4-acre site located at along 1601h Avenue SE, King County, Washington. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as defined within the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987 Manual), the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Wash. Manual), the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forest Practice Rules, and King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. Please keep in mind that this letter report is not intended to meet the King County standard requirements of a formal wetland delineation report. BACKGROUND INFORMATION National. Wetland Inventory Mapping The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species The State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Mapping was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any priority habitats or priority species within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog The State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identified any streams within or adjacent to the project site. wetlands, streams, fisheries, wildlife -mitigation and permitting solutions P.O. Box 1088, Puyallup, Washington 98371 1 voice 253-845-5119 fax 253-841-1942 Evendell South 02170 • • King County Wetland Inventory The King County Wetland Inventory was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. Soil Mapping The soil mapping inventory completed by the Soils Conservation Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping identified the soils throughout the project site as Alderwood gravelly sand loam. Alderwood soil is moderately well drained, formed in glacial till, and is not listed as "hydric." Review of Adjacent Wetland Assessment Wetland assessments recently completed by Habitat Technologies for adjacent parcels were reviewed as a part of this assessment. The assessment of the parcel directly to the north identified a King County Class 2 Wetland located within the northeastern corner of the parcel. As defined by survey neither the offsite wetland nor its associated 50 foot buffer encroach onto the project site. The assessment of the parcels directly to the east, across 1601 h Avenue SE also identified that no wetland or its associated buffer would encroach onto the project site. ONSITE EVALUATION Evaluation Methodologies Onsite wetland reconnaissance assessment was completed on October 8, 2002. This reconnaissance followed the methodologies and procedures defined in the 1987 Manual, the Wash. Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and King County wetland and drainage corridor regulations. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Cowardin, et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined within land use regulations as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (1987 Manual). Wetlands exhibit three essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the Wash. Manual and the 1987 Manual. These essential characteristics are: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: A predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2 Evendell South 02170 • • 2. Hydric Soil: A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons. 3. Wetland Hydrology: Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Field Observations Onsite reconnaissance activities encompassed the entire project site. The project site had been greatly manipulated by prior onsite and offsite land development. The project site included a single family homesite, associated outbuildings, and managed pasture areas. The project site was bounded by existing residential development to the west, by 1601h Avenue SE to the east, and similar single family homesites on larger lots to the north and south. • The projecrsfte gently sloped from northwest to southeast. The entire project site had been developed into a single family homesite and associated outbuildings and pasture areas. • With the exception of the area around the homesite, the project site was dominated by a managed pasture plant community. This plant community was vyell grazed and included seeded and invasive grasses, and a variety of herbs. Scattered along the western site boundary were a number of mature second growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. A large black cottonwood (Popi.Jlus trichocarpa) tree was present in the southeastern corner of the project site. The onsite plant community was identified as non-hydrophytic in character (i.e. typical of uplands). As identified at sample plots throughout the project site the soil was a mixed gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam and did not exhibit redoximorphic features. Field indicators of wetland hydrology were absent. • The areas directly offsite to the north and south were dominated.by similar plant communities as identified within the project site. • As defined within the assessment of the parcel to the north, seasonal surface water runoff was confined within the roadside ditch along the western edge of 1601 h Avenue SE. Surface water within this roadside ditch did not appear to enter the project site. In addition, the enter project site appeared to drain well following seasonal storm events with a majority of the onsite surface water runoff entering this roadside ditch. 3 Evendell South 02170 . . • • FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Onsite assessment was completed on October 8, 2002 following the methods and procedures defined within the Wash. Manual, the 1987 Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and the King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The project site had been modified by prior and ongoing land use actions onsite and offsite. As defined by this assessment no area within or immediately adjacent to the project site exhibited all three of the established criteria for designation as "wetland." In addition, no area was identified onsite or immediately adjacent to the project site to exhibit characteristics of a "stream." Thank you for allowing Habitat Technologies the opportunity to assist with this project. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance please call me at 253- 845-5119. Sincerely, t: ~~ ' ( , vv---·cJJ\_J,0~~ Thomas D. Deming ~ .. 4 Evendell South 02170 • - HABITAT TECHNOLOGIES October 11, 2002 Mr. Mike Romano @ Centurion Development Corp. 22617 -81h Drive SE Bothell, Washington 98021 Fax 1-425-486-3273 • oo~@~rr\PjPoo6s F:B 2 8 2003 K.C. Dl@~S~ RE: Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel #1423059058, King County Dear Mr. Romano, Following your request Habitat Technologies has completed an onsite reconnaissance assessment of.the 4-acre site located at along 1601h Avenue SE, King County, · _ Washington. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as defined within the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987 Manual), the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Wash. Manual), the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forest Practice Rules, and King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. Please keep in mind that this letter report is not intended to meet the King County standard requirements of a formal wetland delineation report. BACKGROUND INFORMATION National Wetland Inventory Mapping The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species The State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Mapping was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any priority habitats or priority species within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog The State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identified any streams within or adjacent to the project site. wetlands, streams, fisheries, wlldllfe -mitigation and permitting solutions P.O. Box 1088, Puyallup, Washington 98371 1 voice 253-845-5119 fax 253-841-1942 Evendell South 02170 -----1 • • King County Wetland Inventory The King County Wetland Inventory was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. Soil Mapping The soil mapping inventory completed by the Soils Conservation Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping identified the soils throughout the project site as Alderwood gravelly sand loam. Alderwood soil is moderately well drained, formed in glacial till, and is not listed as "hydric." Review of Adjacent Wetland Assessment Wetland assessments recently completed by Habitat Technologies for adjacent parcels were reviewed as a part of this assessment. The assessment of the parcel directly to the north identified a King County Class 2 Wetland located within ttie northeastern corner of the parcel. As defined by survey neither the offsite wetland nor its associated 50 foot buffer encroach onto the project site. The assessment of the parcels directly to the east, across 1601h Avenue SE also identified that no wetland or its associated buffer would encroach onto the project site. ONSITE EVALUATION Evaluation Methodologies Onsite wetland reconnaissance assessment was completed on October 8, 2002. This reconnaissance followed the methodologies and procedures defined in the 1987 Manual, the Wash. Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and King County wetland and drainage corridor regulations. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Cowardin, et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined within land use regulations as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (1987 Manual). Wetlands exhibit three essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the Wash. Manual and the 1987 Manual. These essential characteristics are: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: A predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2 Evendell South 02170 • • 2. Hydric Soil: A soil that is saturated_, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons. 3. Wetland Hydrology: Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Field Observations Onsite reconnaissance activities encompassed the entire project site. The project site had been greatly manipulated by prior onsite and offsite land development The project site included a single family homesite, associated outbuildings, and managed pasture areas. The project site was bounded by existing residential development to the west, by 1601h Avenue SE to the east, and similar single family homesites on larger lots to the north and south. • The projecrsfte gently sloped from northwest to southeast The entire project site had been developed into a single family homesite and associated outbuildings and pasture areas. • With the exception of the area around the homesite, the project site was dominated by a managed pasture plant community. This plant community was well grazed and included seeded and invasive grasses, and a variety of herbs. Scattered along the western site boundary were a number of mature second growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. A large black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa} tree was present in the southeastern corner of the project site. The onsite plant community was identified as non-hydrophytic in character (i.e. typical of uplands). As identified at sample plots throughout the project site the soil was a mixed gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam and did not exhibit redoximorphic features. Field indicators of wetland hydrology were absent • The areas directly offsite to the north and south were dominated by similar plant communities as identified within the project site. • As defined within the assessment of the parcel to the north, seasonal surface water runoff was confined within the roadside ditch along the western edge of 1601 h Avenue SE. Surface water within this roadside ditch did not appear to enter the project site. In addition, the enter project site appeared to drain well following seasonal storm events with a majority of the onsite surface water runoff entering this roadside ditch. 3 Evendell South 02170 • • FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Onsite assessment was completed on October 8, 2002 following the methods and procedures defined within the Wash. Manual, the 1987 Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and the King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The project site had been modified by prior and ongoing land use actions onsite and offsite. As defined by this assessment no area within or immediately adjacent to the project site exhibited all three of the established criteria for designation as "wetland." In addition, no area was identified onsite or immediately adjacent to the project site to exhibit characteristics of a "stream." Thank you for allowing Habitat Technologies the opportunity to assist with this project. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance please call me at 253- 845-5119. Sincerely, t ~~ • ( , vv---·u0 \__JZ.,v~~ Thomas D. Deming ~ .. 4 Evendell South 02170 • HABITAT TECHNOLOGIES October 11, 2002 Mr. Mike Romano @ Centurion Development Corp. 22617 -81 h Drive SE Bothell, Washington 98021 Fax 1-425-486-3273 • A03P0063 OO[g@[g~Wrn[ID FEB 2 8 2003 pages __ K.C. D.D.E.S. RE: Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel #1423059058, King County Dear Mr. Romano, Following your request Habitat Technologies has completed an onsite reconnaissance assessment of.the 4-acre site located at along 1601 h Avenue SE, King County, Washington. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as defined within the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987 Manual), the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Wash. Manual), the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forest Practice Rules, and King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. Please keep in mind that this letter report is not intended to meet the King County standard requirements of a formal wetland delineation report. BACKGROUND INFORMATION National Wetland Inventory Mapping The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species The State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Mapping was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any priority habitats or priority species within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog The State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identified any streams within or adjacent to the project site. wetlands, streams, fisheries, wildlife -mitigation and permitting solutions P.O. Box 1088, Puyallup, Washington 98371 1 voice 253-845-5119 fax 253-841-1942 Evendell South 02170 .. • • King County Wetland Inventory The King County Wetland Inventory was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. Soil Mapping The soil mapping inventory completed by the Soils Conservation Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping identified the soils throughout the project site as Alderwood gravelly sand loam. Alderwood soil is moderately well drained, formed in glacial till, and is not listed as "hydric." Review of Adjacent Wetland Assessment Wetland assessments recently completed by Habitat Technologies for adjacent parcels were reviewed as a part of this assessment. The assessment of the parcel directly to the north identified a King County Class 2 Wetland located within the northeastern corner of the parcel. As defined by survey neither the offsite wetland nor its associated 50 foot buffer encroach onto the project site. The assessment of the parcels directly to the east, across 1601 h Avenue SE also identified that no wetland or its associated buffer would encroach onto the project site. ONSITE EVALUATION Evaluation Methodologies Onsite wetland reconnaissance assessment was completed on October 8, 2002. This reconnaissance followed the methodologies and procedures defined in the 1987 Manual, the Wash. Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and King County wetland and drainage corridor regulations. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Cowardin, et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined within land use regulations as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (1987 Manual). Wetlands exhibit three essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the Wash. Manual and the 1987 Manual. These essential characteristics are: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: A predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2 Evendell South 02170 • • 2. Hydric Soil: A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons. 3. Wetland Hydrology: Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Field Observations Onsite reconnaissance activities encompassed the entire project site. The project site had been greatly manipulated by prior onsite and offsite land development. The project site included a single family homesite, associated outbuildings, and managed pasture areas. The project site was bounded by existing residential development to the west, by 1601h Avenue SE to the east, and similar single family homesites on larger lots to the north and south. • The project' sfte gently sloped from northwest to southeast. The entire project site had been developed into a single family homesite and associated outbuildings and pasture areas. • With the exception of the area around the homesite, the project site was dominated by a managed pasture plant community. This plant community was \/fell grazed and included seeded and invasive grasses, and a variety of herbs. Scattered along the western site boundary were a number of mature second growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. A large black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) tree was present in the southeastern corner of the project site. The on site plant community was identified as non-hydrophytic in character (i.e. typical of uplands). As identified at sample plots throughout the project site the soil was a mixed gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam and did not exhibit redoximorphic features. Field indicators of wetland hydrology were absent. • The areas directly offsite to the north and south were dominated by similar plant communities as identified within the project site. • As defined within the assessment of the parcel to the north, seasonal surface water runoff was confined within the roadside ditch along the western edge of 1601 h Avenue SE. Surface waterwithin this roadside ditch did not appear to enter the project site. In addition, the enter project site appeared to drain well following seasonal storm events with a majority of the onsite surface water runoff entering this roadside ditch. 3 Evendell South 02170 • -' . • • FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Onsite assessment was completed on October 8, 2002 following the methods and procedures defined within the Wash. Manual, the 1987 Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and the King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The project site had been modified by prior and ongoing land use actions onsite and offsite. As defined by this assessment no area within or immediately adjacent to the project site exhibited all three of the established criteria for designation as "wetland." In addition, no area was identified onsite or immediately adjacent to the project site to exhibit characteristics of a "stream." Thank you for allowing Habitat Technologies the opportunity to assist with this project. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance please call me at 253- 845-5119. Sincerely, t ~~ ' (,vv---·uO\~v~ Thomas D. Deming ~ 4 Evendell South 02170 ·• HABITAT TECHNOLOGIES October 11: 2002 Mr. Mike Romano @ Centurion Development Corp. 22617 -81h Drive SE Bothell, Washington 98021 Fax 1-425-486-3273 • {FJ@©@OW@'Q' FEB2 8 2003 ~ RE: Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel #1423059058, King County Dear Mr. Romano, Following your request Habitat Technologies has completed an onsite reconnaissance assessment of.the 4-acre site located at along 1601 h Avenue SE, King County, Washington. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as · defined within the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987 Manual), the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Wash. Manual), the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forest Practice Rules, and King County Environmentally.Sensitive Areas Ordinance. Please keep in mind that this letter report is not intended to meet the King County standard requirements of a formal wetland delineation report. BACKGROUND INFORMATION National Wetland Inventory Mapping The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species The State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Mapping was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any priority habitats or priority species within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog The State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identified any streams within or adjacent to the project site. wetlands, streams, fisheries, wildlife -mitigation and permitting solutions P.O. Box 1088, Puyallup, Washington 98371 1 voice 253-845-5119 fax 253-841-1942 Evendell South 02170 • • King County Wetland Inventory The King County Wetland Inventory was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. Soil Mapping The soil mapping inventory completed by the Soils Conservation Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping identified the soils throughout the project site as Alderwood gravelly sand loam. Alderwood soil is moderately well drained, formed in glacial till, and is not listed as "hydric." Review of Adjacent Wetland Assessment Wetland assessments recently completed by Habitat Technologies for adjacent parcels were reviewed as a part of this assessment. The assessment of the parcel directly to the north identified a King County Class 2 Wetland located within the northeastern corner of the parcel. As defined by survey neither the offsite wetland nor its associated 50 foot buffer encroach onto the project site. The assessment of the parcels directly to the east, across 1601h Avenue SE also identified that no wetland or its associated buffer would encroach onto the project site. ONSITE EVALUATION Evaluation Methodologies Onsite wetland reconnaissance assessment was completed on October 8, 2002. This reconnaissance followed the methodologies and procedures defined in the 1987 Manual, the Wash. Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and King County wetland and drainage corridor regulations. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Cowardin, et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined within land use regulations as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" ( 1987 Manual). Wetlands exhibit three essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the Wash. Manual and the 1987 Manual. These essential characteristics are: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: A predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2 Evendell South 02170 • • 2. Hydric Soil: A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons. 3. Wetland Hydrology: Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Field Observations Onsite reconnaissance activities encompassed the entire project site. The project site had been greatly manipulated by prior onsite and offsite land development. The project site included a single family homesite, associated outbuildings, and managed pasture areas. The project site was bounded by existing residential development to the west, by 1601h Avenue SE to the east, and similar single family homesites on larger lots to the north and south. • The project" sfte gently sloped from northwest to southeast. The entire project site had been developed into a single family homesite and associated outbuildings and pasture areas. • With the exception of the area around the homesite, the project site was dominated by a managed pasture plant community. This plant community was "Yell grazed and included seeded and invasive grasses, and a variety of herbs. Scattered along the western site boundary were a number of mature second growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. A large black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) tree was present in the southeastern corner of the project site. The onsite plant community was identified as non-hydrophytic in character (i.e. typical of uplands). As identified at sample plots throughout the project site the soil was a mixed gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam and did not exhibit redoximorphic features. Field indicators of wetland hydrology were absent. • The areas directly offsite to the north and south were dominated by similar plant communities as identified within the project site. • As defined within the assessment of the parcel to the north, seasonal surface water runoff was confined within the roadside ditch along the western edge of 1601 h Avenue SE. Surface water within this roadside ditch did not appear to enter the project site. In addition, the enter project site appeared to drain well following seasonal storm events with a majority of the onsite surface water runoff entering this roadside ditch. 3 Evendell South 02170 • • • FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Onsite assessment was completed on October 8, 2002 following the methods and procedures defined within the Wash. Manual, the 1987 Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and the King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The project site had been modified by prior and ongoing land use actions onsite and offsite. As defined by this assessment no area within or immediately adjacent to the project site exhibited all three of the established criteria for designation as "wetland." In addition, no area was identified onsite or immediately adjacent to the project site to exhibit characteristics of a "stream." Thank you for allowing Habitat Technologies the opportunity to assist with this project. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance please call me at 253- 845-5119. Sincerely, t ~~ ' (,vv-----·cL)\----Y,v~~ Thomas D. Deming ~ 4 Evendell South 02170 ' Ill • • 3S "3/\V Hl09 ~ 3S "3/\V HJ.Bg ~ 111 3S "3/\V Hl9g ~ Lu 1--U) -1- • ~ I ~ ~j) ,/ .. ::----,;· I --../ 7 M /1-~·A'Y '/ / ---..::', lo 4€1 !%'~ ~~ }_L, ,_"v • ,~ --~ / X~ 11;}' . X--(6 -X7x -;;=--=--x i,o'6 X---t '71 ··-· ~1r .. , r -~ ·I ""' •7~~ 1 5~'1 DET.. ,;'NT1()N ( • I 7 "c> 62.~ / • 6'6' ,,._'CJ "' F ~ . 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I' ~ :) Q \.I l't'J . . ... ~.; ~ -~'-II) 'I I ' f\ I '-I ~ ~ ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TIY (206) 296-7217 Waiver Request for Required Pre- Application Conference (Required prior to filing a Land Use Application) Alternative formats available upon request The Director or his designee may waive the requirement for a pre- application conference if it is determined to be unnecessary for . review of an application. PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION BELOW. Date: Permit Type: Project Name: Site Address: Parcel Number(s): ll\-2?:fli -'.:{Of;'z{ Applicant's Name: J<:, ~J Dwe.f 12~ Applicant's Mailing Address: -z_:z.(o 17-.3-tt-1),;v'(:,. 'Sou±le <>-$~ ~\, v.JI\ 1~0-z..1 Applicant's Rationale for Waiver: ------------------- ~{ \fz :a-~7;;~ l )~ 1:~s ,'k,;~ ~1J . Based on the rationale noted above, I agree to waive the required pre- application conference, which has been determined to be unnecessary for filing for an application. L fl~~. M 4(,/oJ • Date an se erv1ces 1v1s1on anager or designee Pre-Application Conference Waiver Request lc-wai-preap 4116102 ~age 1 of 1