HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport26-9309211130_20170421_v1/TED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OR ' - PUGETPOti"IER ORIGINAL REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 97034 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 9BU09.9734 AOG,*W EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEMA For and in consideration of Ono Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the recelpt of which is hereby acknowledged. RENTON ylLi 8rE.A, ('Grantor' heroin), grants, conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER A LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington corporation ('Grantee' herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth it perpetual easement under, across and over the following described real property (Inc "Property" herein) King County, Washington. See Attached Exhibit A. EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED King Co. Recvds Divisiort DY �.L , Deputy Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the C 'Rightrol-Way' herein) desc►ibod as follows: Cr ; A Right -of -Way tenten 11ot feet in width having We 15) feet of such width on oast! side of a centerline described as follows: t'V The centerline of Grantee's facilities as constructed or cr_ Q to be constructed, extended or relocated, lying within P—) the above described property. 07 (This easement may be superseded at a later date by a document with a more specific easement description based on a survey furnished by Grantor at no cost to Grantee.) 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to constrxd. operate, Mainain. repair, replace and onlarge an underground electric transmission and/or distribution system upon and under the Right-ol=Nay together with all necessary or convenient sppurtanarxes therefore, which may Include but are not limited to the following: underground conduits, cables, oommunicatbn lines; vaults, mautholes, switches, and transformers; and serni-buried or ground mounted facilhlss. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as It may require. 2 Aooess. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right -of -Way over and across the property to enable Grantee to exercise its rights herounder, provided, that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of areas. 3. Obstructions; Lar-dscaping. Grantee may from tine to tlme remmm trees, bushes, or other obstructions within the Right -of -Way and may level and grade the Right -of -Way to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in paragraph i hereof, provided, that following any such work. Grantee shall, to the extent reasonably pradkablo, restore the Right -of -Way to the o0ndltion it was immediately prior to such work. Following the Installation of Graunee's underground faciKties, Grantor my undertake any ordinary Improvements to the landscaping of the Right -of -Way, provided that no trees or other plants shall be pLw*d thereon. whih would be unreasonably expensive or impractkal for Grantee to rarnove and restore. 4. Grantor's Use of Right-of•Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right -of -Way for any purpose not Inconsistent with the rights heroin granted, provided: that Grantor shadl not constrict or maintain any building or other structure on the Right -of -Way, which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted; that no digging, tunneling or other form of construction activity shall be dor" on the Property, which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the Right -f -Way, or endanger the lateral support to said laciiities; and that no blasting shall be done within 15 feat of the Right -011 -Way. S. fndamnity. By accoOng and recording this easement. Grant" agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any and aj claims for Injuries and/or damages aWferod by any person, which may be caused by the Grantee's exerdse of the rights herein granted; provided that Gnuttea shay net be responsible to Granter for any injuries andlbr damages b any person caused by acts or ornissions of Grsnkw. 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shalt continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right -of - Way for a period of five (5) summmive years, In which went this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Grantor, provided that no abandonment shall be doomed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to Uitlally install its facilities on the Right -of -Way within any period of time from the date horoof. 7. Succsaaors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the Darned shall inure to the benefit of and tw binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 788,37 1-79 9303451-X01 rJA0001 235.73 -�ii�.i4rYU•r i;r%i:•"�}...ft,'4* L%A T DATED thle 14 day d_ �E�T i �. 19�� GRANTOR RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATIES, a Wsahiroon General Psrtnerahip C � $Y .._ By rn CT? STATE OF WASHINGTON } } SS COUNTY OF KING } On this day Of 13� bofors m Nc4 =Pn an for State o!Washlrogton, duly cornmiasb d and sworn. personal appenrod , -C.+ tome known to be the general partner d a Washington Goneral mhlp , who executed the wom and for ' inatrumern, vW ackrawiadged the said Indra nt to be floe and voluntary act and deed as for the uses and purposes dwain mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year In this certificate above written. ,.tti�i::urrry U NOiAHY U1 .fy At1" "sA ,,(Po Notary Public in and br the ,,,two of Washington Residing ato,�snt.p� - - My appointment expires I D I rZ Q J 4 _e_. 9303451-X01 K3/AC001 235-73 RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES HXHIDIT A That portion of Block 12, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1, as recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington, together with portions of vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South and the vacated alley between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the Citv of Renton and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of said Northeast quarter; thence South 01°04108" West, along the East line of said Southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence North 89°44'22" West, a distance of 18.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 69044'02" West, a distance of 111.05 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 245 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 48001102", an arc distance of 205.32 feet; thence North 41043100" West, a distance of 201.41 feet to a r tangent curve to the right having a radius of 245 feet; thence northerly along said curve through a central angle of (7—) 41°11118", an arc distance of 176.12 feet; Cr') thence North 01035'52" West, a distance of 13.79 feet to a point on the South line of land descx:ibed in lease to Standard Oil Company of California dated January 21, 1964; thence North 89028113" East, along said South line, a distance of 10.09 feet to the Southeast corner of said land; thence North 00031147" West, along the East line of said land, a distance of 211.12 feet to the southerly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 1-L) being 100 feet in width as presently established; thence northeasterly along said South margin, North 77028126" East, a distance of 203.55 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 3,869.71 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 11014108", an arc distance of 758.84 feet to a point on the West line of land described in Exhibit A of Quit Claim need under King County Recording No. 8208270355; thence leaving said South margin of Grady Way, South 01004108" West, along said West line, a distance of 840.76 feet to the North margin of Renton Village Place, as conveyed to the City of Renton under King County Recording No. 5475310; thence North 89044102" West, a distance of 3,72.42 feet along the North margin of said Renton Village Place to the East margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence South 01°04'08" West, along said East margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the Southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence North 89°44102' West, a distance of 48.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.