HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Title_Reports_20170421_v1COMMERCIAL SERVICES Fidelity National Title 600 University St., Suite 2424 Insurance Company Seattle, WA 98101 0- Phone: 206-262-6291 Email: marc.wise@fhf com 3rd CONB41TNIENT FOR TTIFLE INSURANCE Issued by Fidelity National Title of Washington, Inc., as agent for Fidelity National Title Insurance Company Fidelity National Title of Washington, Inc., as agent for Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, a California corporation ("Company"), for a valuable consideration, commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, through its agent, Fidelity National Title of Washington, Inc., has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. Countersigned by: 0,Z Marp4se, Commercial Title Officer Kerry Wise, Chi f Commercial Title Officer Authorized Signature PO's` 4-, SEAL°" as �rX/-,MCW Grwerk, skiefavy 27C101 (6/06) ALTA Commitment - 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land TM , ANn r`r" Title Association.ew a, Fidelity National Title of Washington, Inc. SCHEDULE A Name and Address of Title Insurance Company: Fidelity National Title of Washington, Inc. 600 University St., Suite 2424 Seattle, WA 98101 Title Officer: Marc Wise 1. Effective Date: February 13, 2017 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA 2006 Standard Owner's Policy - General Schedule Rate Proposed Insured: To Be Determined Amount: $ 0.00 Premium: $ 0.00 Tax: $ 0.00 Total: $ 0.00 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment is: A FEE, as to Parcel A, and AN EASEMENT, as to Parcel B 4. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the Effective Date vested in: RVA Cinema LLC, a Washington limited liability company 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Escrow No.: 20374076-416-416 27C 101 A (.6/06) ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land :`:'• `"Ah Title Association. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: File No.: 20374076-416-416 LOT 1 OF RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES BINDING SITE PLAN NO. BSP -026-90, AS PER PLAT RECORDED MAY 8, 1990 IN VOLUME 152 OF PLATS, PAGES 26 THROUGH 31, AS RECORDING NO. 9005080690, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; PARCEL B: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AS ESTABLISHED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8612311880, AS AMENDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9005161048 SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. 27C 101 A (6/06) 2 ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land LAND RTIT E Title Association. ASSOCIATION File No.: 20374076-416-416 SCHEDULE B - SECTION I REQUIREMENTS INSTRUMENTS NECESSARY TO CREATE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST MUST BE PROPERLY EXECUTED, DELIVERED AND DULY FILED FOR THE RECORD. 2. PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF THE FULL CONSIDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED. SCHEDULE B OF THIS POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION, OR CLAIMING POSSESSION, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. B. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. C. EASEMENTS, PRESCRIPTIVE RIGHTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES, OR CLAIMS THEREOF, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. D. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUNDS, OR FOR THE STATE WORKERS' COMPENSATION, OR FOR SERVICES, LABOR, OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, ALL AS IMPOSED BY LAW, AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. E. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT YET PAYABLE OR WHICH ARE SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. F. ANY LIEN FOR SERVICE, INSTALLATION, CONNECTION, MAINTENANCE, TAP, CAPACITY, OR CONSTRUCTION OR SIMILAR CHARGES FOR SEWER, WATER, ELECTRICITY, NATURAL GAS OR OTHER UTILITIES, OR FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. G. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS, AND ALL RIGHTS RELATING THERETO. H. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS IN UNITED STATES PATENTS OR IN ACTS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF. I. INDIAN TRIBAL CODES OR REGULATION, INDIAN TREATY OR ABORIGINAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING EASEMENT OR EQUITABLE SERVITUDES. J. WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. K. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS, IF ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS, OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE THE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMMITMENT. END OF SCHEDULE B - SECTION I 27C 101 BI (6/06) ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land l NDRILAN TITLE Title Association. ASSOCIATION It File No.: 20374076-416-416 SCHEDULE B - SECTION II EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY: REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF RCW CHAPTER 82.45 AND SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS THERETO. AS OF THE DATE HEREIN, THE TAX RATE FOR SAID PROPERTY IS 1.78%. FOR ALL TRANSACTIONS RECORDED ON OR AFTER JULY 1, 2005: • A FEE OF $10.00 WILL BE CHARGED ON ALL EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS; • A FEE OF $5.00 WILL BE CHARGED ON ALL TAXABLE TRANSACTIONS IN ADDITION TO THE EXCISE TAX DUE; 2. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SERVICE CHARGES, AS FOLLOWS, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, PENALTY AND STATUTORY FORECLOSURE COSTS, IF ANY, AFTER DELINQUENCY: (1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1) TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 723200 0010 YEAR BILLED PAID BALANCE 2017 $49,883.39 $0.00 $49,883.39 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, NOT INCLUDING INTEREST AND PENALTY: $49,883.39. LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE LAND: $1,733,300.00 ASSESSED VALUE IMPROVEMENTS: $1,637,100.00 3. LIABILITY FOR SEWER TREATMENT CAPACITY CHARGES, IF ANY, AFFECTING CERTAIN AREAS OF KING, PIERCE AND SNOHOMISH COUNTIES. SAID CHARGES COULD APPLY TO PROPERTY CONNECTING TO THE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE FACILITIES OR RECONNECTING OR CHANGING ITS USE AND/OR STRUCTURE AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 1990. PLEASE CONTACT THE KING COUNTY WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION, CAPACITY CHARGE PROGRAM, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT 206-296-1450 OR FAX NO. 206-263-6823 OR EMAIL AT CAPCHARGEESCROW ('KINGCOUNTY.GO V * A MAP SHOWING SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AND INCORPORATED AREAS CAN BE FOUND AT: HTTP://YOUR.KINGCOUNTY.GOV/FTP/GIS/WEB/VMCiUTILITIES/SERVAREA CITIES.PDF UNRECORDED SEWER CAPACITY CHARGES ARE NOT A LIEN ON TITLE TO THE LAND. NOTE: THIS EXCEPTION WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED. 27CIOIBII (6/06) ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTAMR! members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land AND TIT F Title Association. ASSOCIATION File No.: 20374076-416-416 SCHEDULE B — Section II (Continued) 4. RELINQUISHMENT OF ALL EXISTING, FUTURE OR POTENTIAL EASEMENTS FOR ACCESS, LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR, AND ALL RIGHTS OF INGRESS, EGRESS AND REGRESS TO, FROM AND BETWEEN THE LAND AND THE HIGHWAY OR HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTED ON LANDS CONDEMNED BY PROCEEDINGS UNDER KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. BY: STATE OF WASHINGTON CAUSE NO.: 588966 EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PURPOSE: ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDING NOS.: 3158541, 3163692, 3165254, 3171112, 3176514, 3196045, 3361858, 3386405, 3443062 AND 3399762 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: RECORDING NOS.: 3664559, 3664560, 7210300117 AND 7210300118 6. RELINQUISHMENT OF ALL EASEMENTS EXISTING, FUTURE OR POTENTIAL, FOR ACCESS, LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR, AND ALL RIGHTS OF INGRESS, EGRESS AND REGRESS TO, FROM AND BETWEEN THE LAND AND THE HIGHWAY OR HIGHWAYS TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON LAND CONVEYED BY DEED. TO: STATE OF WASHINGTON RECORDED: MAY 10, 1962, MAY 18, 1962 AND AUGUST 14, 1987 RECORDING NOS.: 5440059, 5424489, 5428428, 5754046 AND 8708140475 7. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: JANUARY 13, 1964 RECORDING NO.: 5686245 8. AN UNRECORDED CROSSING PERMIT FOR TRANSMISSION LINE OR LINES 350 FEET WIDE IN FAVOR OF SEATTLE CITY LIGHT, OVER A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AS DISCLOSED IN DEED RECORDED JANUARY 16, 1964 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 5687617 EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: THE CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: SANITARY SEWER LINES AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: JANUARY 28, 1966 RECORDING NO.: 5982750 27C101BII (6/06) ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA AMLRmembers in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land AND IT E Title Association. ASSOCIATION File No.: 20374076-416416 SCHEDULE B — Section II (Continued) 10. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: THE CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: WATER MAIN AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: MARCH 20, 1970 RECORDING NO.: 6631805 11. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 21, 1979 RECORDING NO.: 7909210721 12. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. 13. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: AUGUST 27, 1982 RECORDING NO.: 8208270358 14. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: DECEMBER 19, 1986 RECORDING NO.: 8612191504 15. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: DECEMBER 19, 1986 RECORDING NO.: 8612191505 27C101BII (6/06) ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land AAIIlIGAi+ t"!n TMI Title Association. MIMIA*kv File No.: 20374076-416-416 SCHEDULE B — Section H (Continued) 16. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF "RECIPROCAL ACCESS EASEMENT" IMPOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON DECEMBER 23, 1986, UNDER RECORDING NO. 8612231195. AND AMENDMENT THERETO: RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 RECORDING NO.: 8709291408 17. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: ROADWAY AND PARKING AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDING NO. 9005161048 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 RECORDING NO.: 20010927001009 18. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: INGRESS, EGRESS AND RECIPROCAL PARKING AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDING NO. 8708210528 19. DECLARATION OF ROADWAY COVENANT IMPOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 09, 1988, UNDER RECORDING NO. 8811090770. 20. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: JUNE 19, 1989 RECORDING NO.: 8906190529 21. ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES, IF ANY, DISCLOSED BY THE BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9004099029. THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE THAT THE LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A IS BENEFITED BY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR OTHER APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THE PLAT OR SURVEY TO BENEFIT OR BURDEN REAL PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID LAND. SAID INSTRUMENT IS A RE-RECORD OF THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 13, 1989, UNDER RECORDING NO. 8911139006. 27C 101 BII [6/06 - ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land LXMIAN NSD TITLE Title Association. ASSOC ATION File No.: 20374076-416-416 SCHEDULE B — Section II (Continued) 22. ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES, IF ANY, DISCLOSED BY THE BINDING SITE PLAN RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9005080690. THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE THAT THE LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A IS BENEFITED BY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR OTHER APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THE PLAT OR SURVEY TO BENEFIT OR BURDEN REAL PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID LAND. 23. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: THE CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: MAY 15, 1990 RECORDING NO.: 9005150963 24. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF "AGREEMENT REGARDING MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS" IMPOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON MAY 29, 1990, UNDER RECORDING NO. 900529137 1. AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 02, 1998 AND SEPTEMBER 02, 1998 RECORDING NOS.: 9809022302 & 9809022304 25. DECLARATION OF COVENANT IMPOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON OCTOBER 29, 1992, UNDER RECORDING NO. 9210290251. AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: RECORDED: JANUARY 21, 1999 RECORDING NO.: 9901210221 26. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 RECORDING NO.: 9309211130 27C 101 BII (6/06) ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. File No.: 20374076-416-416 SCHEDULE B — Section II (Continued) 27. SHORT FORM OR MEMORANDUM OF LEASE: LESSOR: RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES LESSEE: GENERAL CINEMA CORP. OF WASHINGTON DATED: JUNE 15, 1988 RECORDED: AUGUST 11, 1988 RECORDING NO.: 8808110658 AND AMENDMENT THERETO: RECORDED: JUNE 03, 1991 RECORDING NO.: 9106030389 28. UNRECORDED LEASEHOLDS, IF ANY; RIGHTS OF VENDORS AND HOLDERS OF SECURITY INTERESTS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY INSTALLED UPON THE LAND; AND RIGHTS OF TENANTS TO REMOVE TRADE FIXTURES AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE TERM. 29. MATTERS RELATING TO THE QUESTIONS OF SURVEY, RIGHTS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION, AND UNRECORDED LIEN RIGHTS FOR LABOR AND MATERIAL, IF ANY, THE DISPOSITION OF WHICH WILL BE FURNISHED BY SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT. END OF SCHEDULE B — SECTION II 27C101BII (6/06) ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land AND TIT E Title Association. ASSOCIATION File No.: 20374076416416 NOTES NOTE 1: WE ARE INFORMED THAT RVA CINEMA LLC, IS A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). A COPY OF THE DUPLICATE ORIGINAL OF THE FILED LLC CERTIFICATE OF FORMATION, THE LLC AGREEMENT, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT MODIFICATIONS OR AMENDMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COMPANY FOR REVIEW. NOTE 2: ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE BY RVA CINEMA LLC, A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC), MUST BE EXECUTED BY ALL THE MEMBERS, OR EVIDENCE SUBMITTED THAT CERTAIN DESIGNATED MEMBERS OR MANAGERS HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO ACT FOR THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NOTE 3: THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ASKED TO ISSUE AN OWNER'S POLICY WITHOUT DISCLOSURE OF THE LIABILITY AMOUNT. THIS COMMITMENT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE ONLY WHEN THE AMOUNT OF THE POLICY COMMITTED FOR HAS BEEN INSERTED IN SCHEDULE A HEREOF. THE FORTHCOMING POLICY MUST BE ISSUED IN AN AMOUNT AT LEAST EQUAL TO THE FULL VALUE OF THE ESTATE INSURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR RATING SCHEDULE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE WASHINGTON STATE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. THE COMPANY MAY HAVE FURTHER REQUIREMENTS IF THE UNDISCLOSED AMOUNT TO BE INSURED EXCEEDS THE CURRENT ASSESSED VALUATION. NOTE 4: TITLE WILL BE VESTED IN PARTIES YET TO BE DISCLOSED. WHEN TITLE IS VESTED, THEIR TITLE WILL BE SUBJECT TO MATTERS OF RECORD, IF ANY, AGAINST THEIR NAMES. NOTE 5: BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE COMPANY, ON THE DATE OF THIS COMMITMENT IT APPEARS THAT THERE IS LOCATED ON THE LAND: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE(S) KNOWN AS: 25 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98055 NOTE 6: IF YOU WOULD LIKE THE COMPANY TO ACT AS TRUSTEE IN THE PROPOSED DEED OF TRUST, PLEASE NOTE THAT " FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE OF WASHINGTON, INC." MAY ACT AS TRUSTEE OF A DEED OF TRUST UNDER RCW 61.24.010(1). NOTE 7: THE COMPANY REQUIRES THE PROPOSED INSURED TO VERIFY THAT THE LAND COVERED BY THIS COMMITMENT IS THE LAND INTENDED TO BE CONVEYED IN THIS TRANSACTION. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND MAY BE INCORRECT, IF THE APPLICATION FOR TITLE INSURANCE CONTAINED INCOMPLETE OR INACCURATE INFORMATION. NOTIFY THE COMPANY WELL BEFORE CLOSING IF CHANGES ARE NECESSARY. CLOSING INSTRUCTIONS MUST INDICATE THAT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY ALL PARTIES. 27C 101 Notes (6/06 F ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA � AµlRlul members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land i.H" ri�� Title Association. •SIWA}IO.1 File No.: 20374076-416416 NOTES (Continued) NOTE 8: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED, PER AMENDED RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT. LOT 1 RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES BINDING SITE PLAN NO. BSP -026-90 REC NO. 9005080690 NOTE 9: IN THE EVENT THAT THE COMMITMENT JACKET IS NOT ATTACHED HERETO, ALL OF THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID JACKET ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN. THE COMMITMENT JACKET IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT ANY COMPANY OFFICE. NOTE 10: THE POLICY(S) OF INSURANCE MAY CONTAIN A CLAUSE PERMITTING ARBITRATION OF CLAIMS AT THE REQUEST OF EITHER THE INSURED OR THE COMPANY. UPON REQUEST, THE COMPANY WILL PROVIDE A COPY OF THIS CLAUSE AND THE ACCOMPANYING ARBITRATION RULES PRIOR TO THE CLOSING OF THE TRANSACTION. NOTE 11: PRIOR TO CLOSING PLEASE CONTACT YOUR TITLE OFFICER FOR CURRENT COURIER AND/OR ACCOMMODATION FEES WHICH MAY BE CHARGED FOR RECORDING RUNS. END OF NOTES 27C101 Notes (6/06) 11 ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land jkMIERICAN AND TITLE Title Association. ASSOCIATION It CONDITIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at <http://www.alta.org/>. 27C101 6/06 o- i ALTA Commitment — 2006 Copyrlght American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. SEN an In 0 After recording return to Gary Kirk, Esq. LANE POWELL SPEARS LUBERSKY, LLP 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4100 Seattle, WA 98101-2338 (Space Above for Recorder's Use) po 1256-124 (o -1 q' STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Grantor: Renton Vdlage Associates II, a Washington general partnership Grantee: RVA Cinema LLC, a Washington limited Lability company Legal Description: Lot 1 Renton Village As -mates BSP No. 026-90, Vol 152 Pgs 26- 31 Tax Parcel No.: 723200-0010-03 FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE CO. THE GRANTOR, RENTON VLLL4GE ASSOM TES !I, a Washington general partnership, for and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good 13 and valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys and warrants to Grantee, RVA CWEMA LLC, a Washington limited Lability company, the following property situated in the City C of Renton, County of King, State of Washington: tN Parcel A: Lot 1 of Renton Village Associates Binding Site Plan No. BSP - 026 -90, as per plat recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, pages 26 through 31, records of King County, Washington. Parcel B: A non-exclusive easement for roadway as established under Recording No. 8612311880, as amended under 9005161048. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. g aEATnE 1&/276v1 1 W s O DATED this day of 1998 RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES II, e Washington general partnership By: Michieliandorffy, Managi g artner STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF KING ) On 14N W S T / 1998, before me, the undersigned Q Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared MICHAEL SANDORFFY, Npersonally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to he the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that Q he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the W instnrment the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. 0) WITNESS my band and official seal. ErP / ge :-:0- ._�'s NOT PUBLIC In and for the lata of Washington Residing at My commission expires:, S -30 -O / SEATTLE lams �l 2 Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services LiV TH IOP (:0URT �T THP TN A N 1.) FOR S H I Pe t I C i one r -VS- JUD(,:VFNT AND DECRFF, NIA `AULCy, 1j,,dIVjdUajnY EL nd as Cf Julian T—ocnOF APPRCFRIATION "aL�10r, d-acessed, This cause of ac t i ()I -t -OtT,ing on duL,-, and rc gular ly this day -,-fore LhO U1,), a �•LPjjla tion 0r jLidgff0(1L ZjjjLJ JL'LIL'I' ;-J' ?0C' I t lill,a'C , tho StZaZe J. AL torney C;cnl: 1: t:JIIL '%(,LL)rno.y General, th, responcJciztl?r'm I n a Ptlulon,nd� cuts of tne will Of Juli„n 77 -eon i-lulon, deceased, "i Fearing. by Vorriaey and Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services 2537987481 p,3 and the pint; satisiicd by proof chat 111 parties i itr.restec! in the .Lands real cAtute, I,runrisc,s �r,d ath,=r l,r.�rurt)' dtScrlbNii in Chc petition herein anti ti hc>rcincriiir specifJ.ctll,v sr.L north, nave been duly rand lc -sally served with notice of Ci�,.s }�1'��Cec`cilnc ay re.qui;ad b,• law; �1n4 a.[tc:t consid�rin,; the written stipulation Cilr.j therein con- cerning Clho Lands, reed estate, premise c incl oth�n properly sciuglrt to be approprinCvcf ant'. ,l�.ecl by thr_ S:rni:c: of l•Jar�hinhton, sezid �,r:titi,oner, for highway purposes, anJ haavin; fuUnr. thorefrDm t.hrar Lhe daniayes, including the value of the land zppropri5t.d together with the access rights, including air, view and light of the property abutting the rig!tt of wa.Y being acquired heroin, resulting to all persons and Parties interested therein by reason of such appropriation of the lands, real estate, premises and ether pxoperty hereinafter described, over and above ali offsets Of special benefits frcrc the establishment of the aforesaid highr,,ay accruing to the remainder thereof unappropriated and including respondents` costs are, in accordance with the findings Of the court, in cho sum of ,l_7iiteen Ttousan� F.-,,,++ Flilnrin F1ve and G:'h 00- - - - „ - - _ _ _ .. - proper at*rount and ac,aed to be paid by the pecitinno.i herein. noi, thereupon, 1T IS HEREBY CFDCRED, ADJUDGEr) AND DECIt!:;EL) that compensation be made in money in the sura of ^��}rteen 7'Eto�;snnd c�c�,ur };u;i,;ire3 �ii:;h;, Five and J6/?JO - - - _ - - - - - -Dollars C`r It";, �+8to all owners, tenants, encumbr�jncers, arlu a 11 ocher pe -sons interested therein, for the appropriation and use by said petitioner of the fol lowing described lands, real estate, premises and other prooe;ty, together Faith the access rights, including air, vieW and light of: the property abutting the right of way being acquired herein From said respondents in Klnct County, Washington, to -wit; Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services 2537987481 p.4 •• S T N G L C 4040 Parcel No, 1-503 INTERESTED PARTIES: CAMINA PAULON, individually and as cXecutrix of the will of JULIAN LOON PAUION, decease q- .. , DESCRIPTION: All that 7;z:-- Ems'"OvEng d„scri'bud Tract "X” lying 4esterly of a line drawn parallel with and being 80 feet distant Easterly, when measured at right eagles from the EE Lire Survey o. Primary Scbte Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton. T1b1CT "x" Block: 13 of G. D. hillman's ,Carlington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of plats, page 74, records of King County; situate in the, City of Renton, County of King; State of' Washington. The lands being herein condemned comcain an area of 1,284 square: feet, more or less, the specific details concerning all of which may be found within that certain map of definite location now of record and on file in the Office of the Directoro£ High- ways at Olympia, Washington,bearing dote of approval October 31, 1961, revised December 27, 1961; and the center line of which is also of record in Volume "2'1 Of Highway Pats, page 187, under Auditor's File No. 5399478. records of King County, State of Washington. TOGETHER WITH all rights of ingress and egress, (including all existiag, future or potential easements of Access, 116ht, view and air) to, from and between said EL Liue (92nd Avenue South) and the remainder of said Tract "K". TOGETHER WETA the right to enter updn the respondents remaining lands, where necessary, to remove improvements located wholly or partially upon the _i gljt of way. Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct, SSA #2-M to Jet. PSH #2 in Renton ( 7-23-62) P - 1 krt e a ., ,jutalN;i,1 t b7 UN ! r �If �+ 'i. {',:... ALL 1 7tfj St) J Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services 2537987481 p.5 TT I, rL':tT-i Jd C^1-;).v(_L', AX',' Lx; •1 .i,':� :)��S n�.;:U tt: t ufroal �ay�'ur.L :nto titj registry of "i;e s :�ov-:+n.i tied court they SLIM o,f1,_hteen Thousand four iundred :;i'ty-fiv:: Dollsra (,$1" 4S5 ), Logetiior with costa harein tax :d at Ten Dollars (i�iv. ), tilC ;:=tit -loner, the State of Nashi naton, shrC l ba nr;;, . ecorr,e L! f ce .3 ov+n :r in �:la�Ila of :.he lar. ;s, real estll-,r, :runlsos :,nom 3..4,ur•t-nances :jai ou, •r .Lpc,).r+ty spnropri-iters ;;';rein, LUi��Lh?r Wl.tll i,�1e 3CC9aa ri;zilt;3 3ir, 3y Lei ng ac:{ -fired herein from .:e+ld ryrr;,n and �ha:.l he .ntitlea to enter into pos- 3esaion * 13rec^ gni to t, , }roll, ovn 3rut at s:l t: ,,,a t!'Lx,eafter use a:,d ''099©39 the snse, arr:9 L: <rt such psya=nt eFlzil `oo ;n full for tag taking, ccn.i )ronation ina >.rpronr'_lticn a:r Lae of s=:r7a. IT I ADJUDrs sD �},D J :i K.: :D tnat t:,,, re�porra�ants are 2ntitl•,-d to reti:n tt:r: :::pr.w',rr. nLs : r�s,;:ltly 1Jcalted u_ on th:) �cr tion r Of she } r�p,_t t!.rei.z aci;uir�>el, sn.1 to a tie �;a,;,,e '•:: �refrcrn. If, howev.r, said i•r,t r•J'✓"r ,ant', 23 srN nJt reaov•.�d ;:'row thu: or ti on uf' th 2 prop, rty, herein ao.;,uirod .)v or !)e;'c re L!ie i iftc eRr,„; c l 1Jt}1) WRY Of Fo!)?•'..:+rt'V s:,id l:r.pro.���,ent„ s!ra,1 uo _n -i b'ac, :�: Lcie State o; 7sah- ir'Ttcn, and may .+e r.):-oved by ].t in Any I T _:i ^.'�': p ;1.ZD upon cnyraart Of 5!li j 73rd ,?11,1 •I L1lriifi `::1 1nL:) w r9.viut1-V C;,;"t l n '!1S tau se, fila c J • rF: :. :rata ' )� :�: ci to s3tisf sail .dud•:., •nt 'r R3 to ?old such r• . � r'i •!' c,!• Lire. c�x:rG. -�d a 0 f January' lyo3. I rG3d17tc).j v; Attorney Gen'r'rl `�Vu<l, C'dC.�e-�- 11t.iClt,,L.�: tlee'r� i'U: Ot'AS � Asslsta'.: GR',•��;� -- i�)S; ten'.:, rit Ntiul;>n. ' „ay JaRars,l v, I �.. )tiJ, � �, i, • if � t -11 Bsmt Apr 15 41 315$541 - Apr 1 41 $475. / - Guise,:pina raulon as my sep pty I to United States of America fps b e and ay unto ti;e USA and its asst ngs, a permanent saint and r/w over u on and :r and across t ie fdld im lkow Tht portn :,f lots z., 3, 4, 5, and 6 in blk 12 of C D Hillmen-a Sarlington Gardens, ai add tothe as$ Div no, 1, scads to the radd , let tnof, in tLie NZj of *to 19, twp '3 nr 5 ewm,kow, woh lies within s strip of 1d 250 ft in width, the bdaries of ad strip lying 62.50 ft diet Sally from and 187.50 ft dist N31y from and Pllt the survey li 3f the Covington—Seattle transmission, li as now loc ens staked on the ground over across, end upon the abv pty sd survey it be'ng partially d f: ?deg at sur7ey stet 498+73.17 a pt on the S li of Sao 19, L.p 23 nr 5, ow!, sd pt rreing 3 1.89"5E" W e dist of 39.37 ft from the i it seo car ofl the S 11 of ad sea 19; th N 56.11153" W a dist of 2191.67 ft tosurvty stat 518+64.84; th N 1.18953" W a dist of 1453. 99 ft to survey stbt 533+18.83 a pt on the K Ii of sd see 1j, sd pt leir,g ?' ?, a dist 3f 815.25 ft fror. the i sea cor on ` tEle h li of sd sdo 19.-----31388oe--- Guissppina Peulon kow Apr 1 41 Guiseppina Paulon bef 31mer Q Varner np for vin res at Spenaway wn (ns San 18 45) file patico dab uY ivX nu sea nr e1i14 MGM 7 YJJ L116 gaL100 i ]I"& may 8 41 r jq z.3892 Apr 21 41 $50. Joe Pedron as my sap pty ,�t to United States of Amer�a� fp kn g b a and oy to op and its assigns, a permanent esifft and r/w over, upon under and aorose the fdld in kow Tht porta of lot 1 of b11: 12 of C D Hill manIa gsrlington Hardens add to S, Div no, 1 in ago 19, twp 23 nr 5 ewe, kow; woh lies with- in a strip of id 250 ft in width, the bdarien o.` ad strip lying 62.50 ft dist Silly fromand 187.50 ft diOat NZly from , andpllt the surva li of the Covington -Seattle transaLiasion li as now loo end ateke� on the ground over, aoross, and upon the sbT pty, ad survey li being partially d f; Bog at survey stats b 496.73,17 a pt on the Z li of seol9, twj 23 ar 5 ova[, ad pt being S l•o4*52R W a dist of 39.37 ft fromthe quater sea aor on the Z li of ed ase 19; th N 56.11153" W a diet of 2191.67 ft tosurvoy stat 518+64.84; th N 1.18*53" X a dist of 1453.99 ft to survey stat 533418.83 a Pt on the N li of ad sea 1 , ad pt being N 89'17f37" Z a diet of 815.25 ft from the quater seo oor o! the N 1i of ad sgo 19 The alaread---3138856 Toe Pedron kaw Apr 21 41 Joe Pedron oaf Zlmar 0 Varner np for wn ren a t Spana,qay 4� (ns Ja!, /an 16 4S) fila who are now and at th ra 3t raAment ::ay 15 41 316525 acag titlewsre may 9 41 $2000 irs �ti8.20 O Vinante Psgcrare and Victoria eoc.rare, also kn as Vinante Yegorerc and Victoria Pegcrorc, us and wf to 'i he United States of America fp g b s and ev a perm easement and right of wag over under upon and across the fdld in kcw o s its as That portion of Zote 7, 8, 9, and 10 in blk 18 of C. .►, Hillmar's Carlingtcn Gardens, an addition to the a of s, Division no. 1, aeoig to read plat thof, in the NRj, of secs. 19, twp 23 N, R 5 3611, kew; which lies within a strip of 1d 250 ft in wth, th bpundaries cf ad strip lying 68.50 ft diet Swly from and 187.50 ft dist. NEly from and parallel to the survey In of the Ccvingtcn- Seattle trans line ae new located and staked on the ground over, across and upon the above property, ed survey In being particularly desc as fcllcma; Beg at sprvey stat 496+73.170 a point on the 9 1n of sea 19, twp 23 N, R 5 E, Wb'., ad pt being N. 1. 091 52" W. a dist of 39.37 ft from the j sea corner on the E In of ad see 19; th N* 56' 111 53" W. a dist of 2191167 ft to survey stat 518+64..84; th N. l• 181 530 W. a dist of 1453.99 ft to survey stat 533+18,83, a point on the N In of ad Sea. 19, ad point being N. 89. 171 37" Z. a dist cf 815.25 ft from the # sea corner on the N In of ed sec 19* aforesaid easement --- am frm as 3128866 --- Yin;: me Peaorare Victoria Pagorare kcw May 9 41 by Vinarte Pegorars and Viotcria Yeperere, hue and ref Lef Net W. '':nshinpton np for wn roe at Rphrata wn (np Way 25, 43) fld Thoges 'i'. '=ill for Bcanieville Power adm 604 (Ad 11t tldu, Portland, gyre. jjjj (� &amt June 1141 17111'2 / Way 22 41 :2000. $2a20 ire John Capelli, a sgl man at the tm of q titl to United States of Amerloa fp g b e and oy unto the ep and its assigns, a permanent estm and r/w over upon under and aoross the fdld in kow / That porta of loL@ 1 2 ►, and { 4 inblk 11, andlot 40 inb►k 12 of C D Hillman's IsAington Gardena, an add to the C of S, Div no. 1 aoodg to thedd plat thof, inthe of see 199 twp 23 or 5 ewm, kow, wah Else within a strip of ld 250 ft in width, the bdaries of sd strip ly'.ng 62.50 ft diet SI►ly from and 187.50 ft dist My 0r�xwAnd pllt the survey li of the Covington-Ssattle transmission 11 as now loc and staked on the ground over, &arose and upon the tzabv pty sd survey li being partially d f: Beg at survey stet 496*73.17 a pt onthe g li of see 19, twp 23 nr 5 ewm, ad pt being S 1.09'52)1 W a dist of 39.37 ft fromthe quarter see cor on the 8 li of ad sea 19; th N 56.11053• W a dist of 2191.67 ft to survey stat 518.84.84; th N 1.18'53" W a diet of 1453.99 ft tosurvey stat 533.18.83, a pt onthe N li of ed neo 19 ed pt being N 89'1737" 8 s diet of 815.25 ft fromthe quarter see cor onthe N 11 of ad sea 10. The afor4ad esmt-M3138866--- John Capelli kow Ny 22 41 John Capelli Def 'gat W Washington n forwa res ►t Hphreta(ne May 25 42) file pstiao -- _ �7 i _ Ctrd copy Judt a Jul F 413 6514 Jun 23 41 In the Distriot Court of tae UnitedStates for ,he Western Astrict of 'Wasaington,Northern Division UniLed States o: Ameriae, Petitioner to No 87 Dolores Pegoraro, aminjr; John Martin, a single man; King %-ooui4ty.'aashington, a municipalerp,a:so allotner parsonsor parties unknown claimingan int in re hinafdes "espondents Fixing oompensation las *200 for vdstis►gin plrf a perpetual easement andright of way for transmission line over and across fig lands inkaw That por4orlots 11 and12, inolk zI 12, of CD Hillman's EarlingtonG ens,anaddtoos, Div S No.l accdgtothe raoordedplLt thof,intheofseol9, tp 23NA 5 -%* kaw wh lies within a stri-, of land 25 ft im idth,theboundaries ofsd strip ly 62.50 ft diet awly fromand 167.50 ft six dist nely fromand plt the surveyline oft the"ovington-jeattleTranamisslon line as now loo and staked ontheground,over aorass anduponabv pty,ed surveyline being ptcly dews fls: Deg atsurveystation 496+7y.17, apointoD then line of Seo 19, tp 23 Na 5 owm, sd pointoeing6 1009152" W. a dist of 2939.37 ft fromthe quarter sgg coronthe& lire orad reo 19; thN.56011153• W. ,adist of2191 c 2141.b7ft to sui-vey station 518}64.84; th N 10 18153* W.adistoftkxx 1453.99 Mosurveystation 533+18.183 a point on th*N line axofad sec 19,sd point being N.89017137" a adist of S 15.25 ft fromtuequartei sea *or oaths Hlinec,fen Jecl9 laeabvdes strip of landf:eus a length ofrt70ft andoontains 0.19 acres rax Ctfd to by Clk ad court under cit gat Tun 26 41under shoos true copythof as apgaars onfileand olrecinhisofo ml US AttyTaooma Zomt oat 9 41 --- Y� � 96O46 sept 29 41 $267 /ff King County, a man corp of at wn to United States of America, and its asag-e fp eating by and thru its Board of CoOommissioneras grant and oy to to a perpetual estm in,over, upon and &arose the fd re sir kow That par t of lots 5 and 6 in Elk II, lots 31 to 39 inc Of blk 12 lots 26 to 30 Inv inblk 12, andlots 13, 14, 15, 16 andl7 inblk 18 of C.D.Rillman' 6 E-rlington gardens, anaddn to as divn no.l, aoo to the rid plat thdp, in the NIJ of seo 19, tp 23 k, R 5 Own, woh lies within a strip of Id M ft invidth, the bndrys of ad strip lying 62.50 ft dist Silly fron and 187.50 ft Dist NZIy from and pllt t he survey In of theCovington-Seattle Trenton In as niw located and stak- ed onthe ground, over, across, andupon the abv prpty, ad savvy In being d!: Beg at survey state 496.73.17, a pt on the Z In of seo 19m , t 23 N, R S a , ad pt being 3 1.09.52" w a dist of 39.37 ft from the sea cor of thaX In of ad see 19; th N 54.11'53" W a dist of 2191.67 fs to survey statn 518+64.84 ; th N 1.18933" N a dist of 1453.99 ft to survey stats 533+18.e3, a pt on the N In of ad sea 19, ad pt being N 89.17137" E a diet of 815.25 ft from the ; sea cor o! the N In of ed sea l90 the aforesaid esmt and r/w em as 3138866-- JWW kc, a muno corp of at of wn acting by and thru its Board of Co Commissioners, pursuant to a resolution of the board,duly and legally adopted and entered,hws caused these presents to be ez inits behalf by a majority of its Board of Consars, and its oorp sl to be ahto sft. 1p Sgnd Zing County, a nano cos! bo at wn,by Tom Smith, Chairman Russell El Fluent eomr, A.S.Fhe1Pa oomsnr. attest Robert A. Morris oo sed and sz-offioio clerk of the board of oo Comarar. (comenre s1) kow sept 29 41by mom Smith, Russell S. _'luent, andA.E. Phelps co oomsnra of kow bf Elmer R.,.ennedy np for aw res at Was apr 14 45) fld pa. --- rgl I Trumn In ismnt Jan ?-2-44 336ld 58 Jan 21-44 iii $140.00 C. 3, .'.'oNaujFl,ton and 3thei !'&"aughton, huf i to Defense ilait Jorporetion, a corp oreated by an At of CoWe:�-s entitled oicconstruott_on Finence Gorporetion Act " u_proved Jan 22-32 The fp o&w to the sp a permarent Es•:nt and r/r: in, over, upon, SM -S AS :3340403 -- to -wit; That per of Late 17, 18, 19 and ;4U, in 31:: 12 of J. D. ii113aen' a 3arlingtor Gardens Add to the Cof5, Div ul, accig to the reodd PlLt thof, it, the Nil of Seo 19, Tp 23 i:, R 5 W, , kcv, which lies illy of the Bonneville lower Administration's existing, 250 ft r/w for the Covington -Seattle trnsan In and Ely of a in which is 162.5 ft illy of and pll to the survey In of the Covington -Seattle tMUM In As sa survey lnLe ptoly des as fls: Beg at survey station 496+73.17, a pt on the N In of Seo 19, Tp 23 14 R 5 IW O ad pt being ! 9 1009152'w iii a dis of 39.37 ft from the t $ea *or on the E In of ad pee 19; th N 56*11*1453* W a die of 2191.57 ft to survey station 518+64.84; th E 1'18* 53" W a dis of 1453.99 ft to survey station 533+18.83, a pt on the N In of ad Sea 19, ad pt being i¢ 89*17*37* B a die of 615.25 ft from the 4 sec car an the N In of ad Seo 19. The obv des parcel of land contains 0.3 acres, m/1. 5ubj, howevFr, to the rights of the public in bnd to all public roads, and subj also to existing; pipes and conduits, irrigatlou and drainage lines, bridges and asnels, and esmnt:: and rights of way of public utilities. -- C. B. VaTeughton Ethel b.-aNsugh ton kow Jen 21-46 by Q. B. VC aUEhton Sc `th el :..n:: su - . on $,k Bsrold ShefelMu nProrwnresat S (us Jul 7-46) Fld by STCC. siS� Trans Line East U07 11-44 3384405 e� Zan 24- 44 325. /v Louis Caraosioll aid Uarietta Garaocioli, ar to 0sranse plant Corporation, a corp created by an Act of CoW*" approved yen 22-32 as amnd sd pp oy and urr to sp a permanent es%t and rt at veer IP, over upon and across the fdre in kow That uta of Lits 21 and 22 in ak 12 of "WaD.]iillmaa's 3arlin00s 4&rdsne Add to the C at 5, Div No 1 aou to the reo plat t .of In Lire IIS of oro 19 Tp 23 nr 5 aria icon rob I i es sly and sul y of the Boma v ille Power Adorns Misting 250 rt rt at way for the Govington-9eattlS tram in and sly and nail or a In rob is 162.5 ft wly amd suly or mad pit the su ry 4 In or tire C ori ngton-Ocat tl a tram 1n #1 ad surr oW in is p art is d t; Beg at survey eta 490#73.17 a pt m the � in of Soo 19 Tp 23 ar 5 am, ad of bolas s 1.091 Bu 52" W a diet at 39.3.1 ft tram the quarter seo oat an the . �.n of ad Seo 19: th -X 56.11153" w a dist at 2191.67 ft to surrey eta 518.64.84, th v 1'18' 5 3" :: a dish or 1453.99 ft to survey sta 533+18.83 a A on the 11 In of ad Sao 19, ad pt ueiag N 89917037" B a dist of 815.25 ft fTom the quarter sow oar on Us N In or ad sac 19. T he a boy a des parcel of ld c ant u . l Be mrl Sub3 however to the its or the pub in and to all pub reads and subj alae to existing Pipes and oondutts, irrig and drains, lines, bridges and canals, and sonts and its of pair of pub utilities. The etWesd asett and rt of say --- an as 3340403 to sib --- Louis %;artaocioli Marietta Garaoololi kart Tt n 24-34 by Louis 'arsooioli and Marietta Garuoololi, bw bet 3.C.NoKay np for as res at penton na .Tul V-47 (lei ST;oj ,�yg } D Tan 25-45 - 3"3062 Jac 13-45 con --- The United States of America, acting by and thru the .4eo of Com under and by virtue of auth oontainedin an tot of Congress . approved mar 27-,42 Pub Levi 506 77th Congress (15 U.S.C. 606-b) to Reconstruotion Finance -'orporation, a USA Corp Fp oy and qc witht wrr express or implied to sp all rt ti and int in and to certain prop acquired ❑y gtor by the condemnation proceeding entitled USA is. certain parfals of 3d in kow and Catarina Hose Mulat at al -)kt No 960 in the U S :gist ;ourt in and for the Nor Div of the 'hestern moist of rash certified copy of the judg on Deoln of Taking entd Jul 1-44 being rec Jul 10-" in the ao of kow in vol 2245 of deeds pg 615 and file No 3399762. IWW the CASA has osused this deed to be exo by lease H.doues, Seo ^,f Commerce and the sl of the DepC of Comm to be hunto affxd United States of ..merios Sao of Comm sl By les -9 H.Joaes, Seo of Jom+earoe Dist of Columbia, j of ^aeh, Jan 13-45 by Tease H.Janes, Seo of Comm o: the USA and on oath stated tht he was auth to etc ad inst and tht the al affxd is the offl sl of the -apt of Comm of the USA bef Roberta 3.Houzie np_ ns Jul 14-49 Yolld by certif of Charles H.Sterrart, Clic of the Dist Court of the US for mist of =olumbia who certifies as to gan of sig of sok ofor udder sl of ad court and of date Jan 17-45 by Helen F.McGray., Dep (Ml F.k .Grine 1, 410 D H 31d) ♦ fC Otfd Copy Judt of Taking Jul 10 4l. 3399762 Jul 1 44 In the Distriot Court of the United states for the Western VwtYa=n Distriot ofWashington Northern Division United States of lmerioa, retar No 960 vo Certsin Paroels of Land eitia kow; Catering "oma Yulat; st nl, kempts Voatisg in petitioner a perpetual `fight ofwe7aad pmt iD, to,over, aeross and upon theland dee in Exhibit a hrto attaohed for an else power trsnm lines and ap urtonant signal linea firing gust oompoamationthfor $36209 and posan of ad lends to be dole to the petar Jul 31 44 Ctfd t by alk oaurt under ml Lobe true and oorreot oopy thof -MIBIT •AIN DVS. diPi1-,M (IF L.A.7L IT TO BE Afi.WIRW BX WHRUTATION A striN of lend lou feet in width situated in ming :aunty, 3te.te of irash- in,rton, ..,-x lylaig on the westerly aide of ane adjacent to Bonnuville Pw,er kd=is- tr tion+o 25u font right of stay for the Covington -Seattle transmission Iincs, the boon-t:xi-js of spid strip Using 50 feet distant from, on tither side of, and paural- ltl to the center lane of said otrip, said center ling being more particul-rly do- scribad as follows. - Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary line of the lir fenee Plant Corporation's South Renton Subctaticsa Site, the ssaw being thi ,-oat line of Block 4 of Renton View, according to the recorded plat U&LLaaf, in Section 191 Ta.:nshl.) k3 North, R.aage 5 Fast of the kilUmette UeriOian, said 1 6nU bring 210.8 fact -Tor i' and";'7 . ��et west of the scut quarter corner of said Seetion 19; thence H. 560 12-1 W. a dist:,ncs of 1635.9 feet; thence #. 10 Il- i'+. a distenoe of 1672.7 feet; thence H. 311 25' W. a distenee of 3037.6 feet; thence ti. 430 47' 9.. a distr.ncc of 2601.3 feet: to a point on the south boundary line of the Booneville Parer Ac:�Lnistration's Lprltngton Snsbetation Lite, the same baing the south line of Block 9 of Larlington Acre Tr. cts, accoreing to the recorded plat tin_acof, said point being 620.2 feet south and 3U1.1 f+.et west of the nci t,tesist corner of Section 13, Township 23 Borth, ;tango 4 east of the 113,.mette Veridian, all in King County, Washington. The tracts of land comprising the above described 10.E foot strip of land are more pcfticularly deHcribkd as follcma: TRACT D3,44 That portion of Lot 35 in Block 11 of C. D. Pillman's ELrling too Gardena Addition to the City of Seattle, Division #1, according to the r# corded ;1-t thereof, ia: the N14 of Section 19, Township 43 North, ti..=e 5 La -t, of the iUllamette ,Ieridian, Ring County, S:ashington, i.hich Li.:, southwesterly of the Bonneville Power A=inistration's existing 250 Pout; right of we., for Ow 0 rington-Seattle trvnsrmi3sioa: line, a-nd north- ,. ,t:riy of a line which is 162.5 f-.-a-t southwesterly of ,.nd par411el to tl,L survey line of the Covington -Seattle transmission line #1, s&id aur- ` voy line is p.rticulerly described an follo:+s: Beginning at survey station .496;73.17, a point on the east lin6 3Borth, c 5 LWt of the 1,illamette J;eridian, of ..action 19, To,.nahnip 23,52 �Bt..ncw said Vo int being S. 10 09' 5�0 U. of 39.37 feet from the oar- ` ter section em�:r on the cu --t line of -cid Section 19; thence V. 56 lla 53e 1- a dist, now of 2191.67 fast to auinay station 518=64.$40 thence N. 10 181 53" V. a distance of 1453.99 feet to survey stt.tion 533418-83, a joint an the north lig of as W :;action 19, saki point biting N. 890 17' 37" Z. a diatc,nca, of 3115.1; f.et frcnt the Questar section corner an the north line of said SLction 19. t The above -de eribi6d paircal of 1=0 coat.4ns 0.1 i-C2.e, aor4: or leas. TRAu15 DS -M AND DS-irbL `. Stant portion of Lots 50 6 rand 7 is Plock 11 of C. D. Hil-1— I's ikxlington Gnrdane Additica to Uu; City of ieattic, Divis5ii Ikl, accor- ; iiia to the recorded plat thereof, in the S4' of Suction 19, Taunahiy 23 ::orth, e 5 Fest, of than uaiuwtte Meridir:n, King County, Aaahington, :hil% lits south4 estar"y of th„ Donnavillr: Poe er Adminis cr-tion' a cx-st- ing 250 fust riot of way for the Covington-S�eattic tr..usoUsion line, .:sad uorthe,.attrly of u line ...hick is 162.5 ft,t snuthntieUr•1.� of e:nd ,a .•a11.a1 to the survay ling of the Covington--.,cuttlr, trrnsaisuion lira ;.1, acid auurv.y lint is ?urticul,-.rly de;:cribcd ::a lolloaai b•,glnning c•t survay ytc tion 496:-73.17, :. point on thv a. st line of SooUon 19, Township 23 ttorthL R.-n�a S.L t of tire. Rilleaa tte J ridiL.n, _444.4_ _.. t TRACTS PS46 AND D." -66B (continued) acid point being S. 10 091 52" N. a distance of 39.3"7 feat from the quar- ter section corner on the east lino of said flection 19; thence N. 566 11€ 53" a distance of 2191.67 feet to slsrve3 station 519;64.84; thtnca I- 10 18€ 53" W. s dintan,e of 1453.99 feet to survey station 5331.18.83, a point on the north line of said Section 19, acid ;_olnt being N. 890 174 37" L. a distance of 915.25 feet from the gmrter section corner on the north line of raid Section 19. The above described parcel of land contains 0.2 acre, more or That portion of Lot 12 in Block 11 of C. D. HilLaenls L&rling- tm GFrdens Addition to the City of Seattle, Div a_an -1, according to 'record �Ta ireof, in the .161 of ,miction 192 Zwwhip 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette iieridiar., Kong County, .,ashingtor., which Iles`southwesterly of the Bonneville Posner %imi-nistration's existing 150 foot right of way for the Covington -Seattle tr!'nsmirsion line, and north- easterly of a line Y!hich is 162.5 f.et ncuthweaterly of and d&rallel to tdse survey line of the CovingtonSeattic transmir-strn line #1, said sur- vey lite is partleulnrly described a& follows: Beginning at survey station w96:73.17, a point on the east line of Section 19 To€n-shipA North a East of the „illamette Ileriiian, sat po�ni-Ec ig i7-091 52" W. a distance of 3).37 feet frum the Por- ter section corner on the. east line cf sated Section 19; Vience N. 56 111 53" r. a distance of 2191.67 fast to durvvy statin 518;64.84; thence N. 10 181 53" W. a distance of 1453.99 feet to survey station 533',-1.8.83: a point on the north line of said Sectixn 19, said point ting N. 890 17+ 37" E. a distance of 815.25 feet from the quarter section corner on the north line of said Section 19. The above described parcel of land contrins 0.1 sere, more or leas. TRACT DS -67 That portion of Lots 23, ..4:.5, 26, 27, 20, �9, 30s 31 nd 32 in block 12 of C= A. H1iMan€s Larlington Gardens AGdition to the City of 5-attleDivision All, ac�cor€iing to the recorded plat thereof, in the ti a Section 1T Townsh�2 23 Hort,, Rcr4ge 5 Fest of the kill;.mette Lk-rid- i.u1, ]Ging Zo`€m�y, ^s�ingt� wh3oli I'Sa soot}!+rbsterly of the Eionncville Power Adainistr:,tionfa existing 450 foot right of wry for the tovington- PeMttie Transmission lane and nor#hc:st r2, of line tihich is 162.5 feet soutavesterly of ^_nd perrllel to the sut-vey .line of the Covington-+ tLttle tr.nsrission line 11, scid survey line is p.xticuL rly described as fol- lows: Beginning at survey station 4.96473.17, a point an the enat line of Saction 19, Tm nahi •e3 North, & ngv 5 L ---t of the Ehillamettt dwridisa, s..ic?`, oint being 5 .- 52W 7v. a -dSdt, nc4 of 3).37 fent from the quer- ter scotion corner on the Last line of srid 4tction 19; thence N. 560 111 53" ?'. a dlstoncl. of 2191.67 fe:!t tc sures;; station 518!64.64; th.rce N. 10 1$n 53" W. a distance of 1453.99 fret to survey station 533118.83, a point on the north lin:; of sf.4d Section 19, at id point being N. 390 171 37" S. r distance of 815.25 feet from tha quarter suction corner on the north line of said Section 19. The above described percel of 1"nd cont -ins 0.5 acrts, mor. or s r TRAC`r LS -70 Thz t ;tion of the folloshn6 deserirw-d pro,,trty being that i Lrt y of Lotin otiop 1?3'ng westerly of fric.:_ry St:.t.: Highway i+o. 5, and %.haL po rk of the NE4t Fit of Section 18 lying south a=nd .a:xt of the titre d TRACT DS --70 (continued)!�rt.• of the chr!nnel of Black Fiver, and that part of Lot 16 of Section, 18 lying *eat of the west line of Shrttuck Street in Sxit:.era Firth A rli- tion to Renton, ti•ith the exception of that part of said Lot 16 described as beginning at a point on the :asst line of said Shattuck Street, ..hich i.s 25 feet distant northerly from, when measured at right angl::s to, the northerly line of the right of way of the Pacific Coast RF,ilror.d Com— „w:aiy; thence :xetsterly, pr.relleel tt: said nurtherly line of acid right of wa:•, c distance of 425.00 feet; thence ti:e nterly, in a :,traight lint:, a r -314+4-t.ce of 714 feet, more or less, to t, ^Sint in the :.est line of raid Lot 16, which is 265 feet northerly, me"sured along said pest line, from t1w nootherly line of &*Id right of way; thence scsth, along the west UAL of ^aid Lot 16, to this southerly line of tht right of tray of said Pc.cific Const Rr.ilroad Company; thence c^_aterly, along ani6 southerly line, to a ,point which IS 7a7 feet �:tstcrly, mei f ..red along esic, south- erly line, from the pest line of said Si- ttuek Street; thence southerly, at right an€Les to said southerly line of said rig:it of way, a distance of 50 fact; thence easterly, purallul ;o and so feta distant Southerly from the southerly line of said' rig- t of ray, to the nest line of Shat- tuck Street; thence north, along the; ooL t line of said Shattuck Street, to the poiit of egit.ning;'f And that par' o: suit Lot 16, desvrit*d as boranc.d oe; the northty the right of i; V' of tt,e Chicago, :1il:.nukee and St. Paul and a cific nnilruad Ca4y.ny, on tea *--et by Shr ttuck Street, on the south try 7th Avenue (?i•t dmvd) Lis plotf.cd in the town of itenton, and on the evert by Primr:ry State Highway ..c. ;, all txing in Section 18, To;:.tship 23 North, range 5 Ea:,t of the ?1il14-.jntttc I,leridirx;, King County: ahirgton; which lies southwesterly of the noruzeville For., er Administrt- tirnce: existing 450 foot right of way for the Covington -'.tattle trans- miue.ion line, and northeasterly of a line •..hich is 16-5 feet southwest- erly of and p+rullel to the survi.y line of the Covington -Seattle trana- 1 :isniozi line #1, said s rv.:y lire is particule rly de--critxd as followaz Beginning ^t survey str.tion 533;13.93, o ,aoint on the loath line of Secy A,,_.TVewnip 23 north, Rage 5 Ec.st of tine ;rillrimutte :�tridiLn, said point bring N. 890 17' 37" E. c dist,nca of 815.5 fLut from tint,-_u^.rt&r section corner on the south linr, of said Section 18; UIJ-10e N. 10 18' 53" 11. dist nee: of 190,55 feat to :survey st;.tion 535+09.38 nck ocsuals 53122-0.00 nhe nd; thence N. 310 "e 43" W. z dis- t uc� of 3080.04 fast to survey At:tion 562=00.00; thonce S. 4:0 47' 13" . di6t:xws of 2,'96.32 feet to survey at. tion 5842.%.32, point on the ..est line of srid Section 18, 9,, --id ;point Ding S. 00 D2e 05" a dint. nce of 771.26 f4,; -t from the; north.+e:st corr.;,r of :;-i$ Section 18. Thr; above da: cribed p rc;.l of 1, zee con v ins 4.4 •:cr,s, mor, or lass. TRACT DS -?M That portion of Lot 1L it: 5s ctior. .E, Tu mhip 0 North R,.n b 5 E^.zt of the till:zwtte worirll•:n, Icing Coiatty, �� .r:h3rit ,ort, t ser l,_d as boaaled on the north by the right of o.•:y of thu 1- lie go, llilurukr.. red St. i'eul rare.+ Preific R:•.ilrontl .- Coes -my, on tat =at tq* Sh ttuck Street, on tht: ,:oath by 7th Av rug 4xroduced) ..e pl :ttad in th4 Tu, n of R.,trten, r.:nd on the est by Prim ry 3tr to Iiighwry No. 5, which li.;s .,outhwt:sturIIj of th.. ikku.c.viile. PoFer Adainistr: tion', existing 250 foot right of ixy for the C:ov -4, tt1e. tr• nsmissian lin.: _nal nnrtl:e..st,rly of - line ..hieh is 166.5 f,,t south%.,.sturly of ad ;r r,11.1 to thc- suive:y line of th.. Coving ten ttlt. tr-nsmission lint, #1, s: id survsy line is prrtioul:rly de- scr'.D, d • y follows a 1-. St,ginnins '.t sui-v:.y 4t' tion 5334113.83, n point on th" Nuuth lint of :;. etico� 1§, Tornship ;t3 Horth, h:.ngu 5 E •at of the 19iilnmtte Mridi- n, b ic; point b.:intz tt. 89 17' 37" E. r dist^naC of 815.25 feet from tet gu^rte.r s"tion corner on Wtu south line of ar id Stctton 18; th.nce N. 10 131 53' W- dist: Act of 190.5! f:.t:t to .urvcy at. tion 5351W.38 brck ,gw-Ls 531=20.00 -hi- c:; #h_nc:. S. 310 24, 4_4" i#. n dist: nee of 30813.00 TRACT U70E (continued) 40 feet to survey station 562400.00; thence N. 430 471 13" 0. a distance of 2296.32 feet to survey ste_tion 564=A6.32, a point on the reet lid of said Section 18, said ,mint being S. 00 021 05* d. a dintsnce of 771.;.6 feet from the north -est corner of said Section 18. The above described parcel of land cont, -,ins 0.5 acres, more or let;n. TRACT D3-71 Tisa+portion of Lot3 l sn6 2 of Town and Country Club B=galow Si�te�ss Urlington, :^:ashin­ton, according to .fie recorded plat thireo , f is Lot 11 of "section iA, Township 23 :lorthj Ram jet of the 'nillawette Meridian, Icing County, hashington, which lies soutrn:esterll of the Bonne- ville porter Administration's existing '<5D foot right of rry for the Cov- ingtor,-:_eattle tri-namissiorr line and nort!,Leasterly of a line r:hicE1 is 152.5 feet southwesterly of and pamllel to the survef line of the C0v- ingwn-8eattle transwission line A, 9Lid survey line is pvrtic ALrly de- scribed as follorra s Beginning at 3W-vey stction 5331.1.;.83, a ioint an the south line of Section 1$ T 23..Jorth, .ROW 3 _ L : t of the t 111::."tte :3eriuian, sui�F nie g� N. 8r 171 3711 L. a dist xsce of -81.5.'5 feet from fire quarter section comer'onthe south line of said Section 18; thence U. 10 181 53* TY. a dist-rice of 190.55. feet to survey at4tion 515:09.38 buck e:;uals 531;20.00 ahead; thence 1. 310 241 43' W. a distance of 3044.00 "set to sua•vey station 5622-00.00; thence W. 430 471 13" 7. a distance of 22.94Ct.32 feet to survey st iiou 544;96.32, a point on the wast lid of c._i.d Section 18, said point being S. 00'021 05" W. a distance of 771.26 feet from the northwest corner of said Section 18. The above described parcel of lend contains 0.1 acre, more or leap, TRACY` DS -76 Thct portion of Lot 11 in Block 2 of Cros4 Ht ights, an r-ddition to the City of Fenton, cccording to the recorded plat thereof, is -t-II 6F'aaction ls, Tornehip 23 north, &ln6t 5 G-:st of the ilillamette iJtridlass, Ging _County, Tsshington,' wtich lies south�fe9terly of the Bonneville Porter Adm;-nistretionls existing 2�,v foot right of ar.3 for the Covington-£eattls trrnsmission line and northet-sterl;, of a line wilich is 162.5 feet southr .:e.,terly of and p•.r, llel to the survey lure of the 11'o7ingtob-8e€ttie trnns- mis..ion line #I, s,id survey Ibis is Xr'tic•:1 •rly described ::s follows: Beginning at survey station 5331.14.83, 3 point on the south line of Section 18, Township 23. North, itf nge 5 fr.zt of the 'will matte Lkricann, s: iu point being J. 89'0 i7t 3711 E. a diet:.ice' of &15.25 feet from tho 4uur- tar section corner on the south line of daid Section 18; thtncc N. 10 181 5311 rr. s distr.nce of 190.55 feet to survey st-tion 5352-09.38 bc-ck equrls 531j20.00 uhurd; thence H. 31" 241 4?" J.:.: dist..nce of 3060.00 feet to .survey atstion 562A00.00i thence A. bio 471 13* W. a distcnce of "9u.0 fe:;t to survey str_ticn 9841*.32, a point or. the ..est line of sL id Section 10, or id point being S. 00 021 050 W. a dist.:nce of 771.26 feet from the northwest corner of s: -,id Section lo. The above described ex reel of land cont- ins v.l : crc, rare or less. TRACT D'•.: t-7 Th:�t portion of Lot 2 in Block 2 of Crost�r • FiEifiaits, :.n ; dtliti.ns to the City of Fir:nton, according to the mcorded ,,lr t thereof, in aill of :action iE, Towsishiy 2� 8orth R, e 5 2+tst of the iritl:-matte [acridsnap iiirsg County, �!_,ahiagton, h a sou waterly of tht Bonneville Penner 0 TRACT DS -77 (cont.inred) Administration's existing 250 foot right of tray for the Covington- ntttls trsnamission line and northeasterly of s line -which is 1+62.5 feet soutb- �esterly of and perLllei to the survey line of the Covington -Seattle tr nsniswlon line wl, said survey line is ,iarti.cul&r1y described as fol- lo-'.51 ollo:.ss Beg+ening r . survey station 533-18.83, a , oint on the 00uth lint, of Section 18 Township 13 Nortr►, Range 51ast of the 'Siilemette Uaridian, said, point be lg N. p9 17' 37" L. a diet" ce of 815.25 reet from the quarter section corner on the south line of said Section 322 thence N. 10 S1 ' 53" U. a distence o: 140.55 feet to survey station 535.09.36 back e,usla 5344,00 Eaicad; thence N. 310 f4' 43" W.. G distance of 3080.00 feet to survey stLtion 562-:00.60; thence S. 430 47' 13" W. a distance of 2296.32 feet to survey station 5841.96.32, a ,win's or. the ;:est line of said Section 18, said point being L. Ory 02' 05" 8. a 4istence of 7`:.26 feet fron the nortruwest corner of said Section 18. The atove described parcel of land contains 0.1 acre, more or 14358. TRACT DS --W Th t portion of the c2 M of Sectior: 30* Tor nship :J North, Rams 5 East of the "iliamette i.:cridian, ming CVmt,,-, Uashinror., de- scrMi as beginning at a ;point on the south line of the Cedar Riv_r Pipe Line right of way, ssid point being 1804 fc.et a at end 74 feet north of the rest quarter section corner of said Saction 18; thence northerly at right angles tt the south line of said right of way t distance of 96 feet as to a point 30 feet northerly from the northerly line of said right of way; thence Aesterly along lirke 30 feet distant northerly from and parallel � to the northerly line of said right of :ay a distLnce of 348 feet to the true point of be -ginning for this description; thence from said true point of beginning N. 00 43' 15" E. at right :angles to the norther:Ly line of said right of ray, a distance of 459 faet; thence N. 830 19' T.. par%llel to the northerly line of said right of Wsq, a dist:.Lce of 189 feet; thence t. S. 11.0 05' W. Lt right cngles to the northerly line of sLL d right of war, a Ustauce of 165.17 feet, to a point on th, zoutherly line of the Bonne- v villa Power Administration's existing 254 foot right of way for the Coving- ton--SeLttle Trtnamission Line; thence S. 430 47' 15" E. along the southbrly line of said Transmission Line right of ':7ny, a distance of 37.46 fest; thence S. 10 03' E. a distance of 107.55 faet; thtnce N. 880 571 E. a dis- tance of 7.53 feet; thence S. 00 433 15" W. a distf ee of 161.06 feet to a point 30 feet northrcrly fram the northerly line of the acid ripe Line right of way; thence eLaterly parallel to :.n3 30 feet northerly from the north- asly line of acid Pipe Line right of w --y, a dist-nce of 181.96 f,at to the point of b,ginniag, which lies south%est6rl.y of thj slid existing 450 foot trues^tssion lino right of way, and northeasterly of r: lint which is lbt.5 for Eouth'esterly of and p-rr.11-.1 to the survay lin., of the Covington- .,stle tr nsmission line No. 1, said suxvay line is x rticult:rly described .s fcllos" s : &,ginning ct survey et.-Aion 533-18.83, r. point on the south line of .,action 18, Township 23 North, R'.nge 5"E:�t of the Pill'amtt6 Lkridinn, po�. s 1a nt t6ging rl, 890 17+ 37" t. a dist: nee of 515.25 f,ct from the gwzte,r stiction corner on the south line of said Section 18; thence N. 10 W 53" W. • distrncE of 190.55 f;. t to survey st:.ticn 5354-09.39 beck acual.s 5314,20.00: he:, -d; thence N. 310 243 43" W. a dist_.ncc of 3080.00 fent to survey str,tion 562+70.00; tis:nc, ii. 436-471 13" W. . distmee of 1296.32 fs:.t to survey at tion 584196.32, it point on the Hest l.ne of said Section -� 1:,, s: id paint being S. 00'021 05" IF. r. diet-n_o of 771.26 fLLt from the LJ nortWe6t corner of s -.id Section 18. The -.bov.: described L-A-rcel of I,nd cont - ins 0.6 : crt, sore or r TRACT DS -80A That portion of the Sj HPs of Section 18, Township 23 North, Rome 5 East of the Willamette ideridian,-King Co•anty, Washington, de -- scribed as beginning at a poi -it on the south line of the Cedar iilvcr Pipe Line right of rra;l, said point being 1804 feet cast and 74 That north oT the -.rest quarter section corner of said Section 18; thiince northerly at right angles to the South line of said right of way a iist�nce of 96 feet to a point 30 feat northerly from the northerly line of snid rigret of vay; Vience westerly along a line 30 feet distant nos "Early from and prralle;l to the n:.rtherly line of sari right of way a distrnee of 529.1.18 flet to tlne true point of beginning for this description; thence from 'said true point of beginning N. 00 431 15" E. a distance of 161.06 feet; thence SGO 57' te,t, a distance of 7.53 feet; thence N. 10 031 o. a distance of 107.55 feet to a. point on the southerly line of Bonneville Power Admin- istrction's existing 250 foot right of way for :he Covington -Seattle Trc.nsmission Line; thence H. 430 471 15"'11. along the southerly line of said transmission line right of ray, a disttnce of 37.46 feet; thence S. 110 051 1,. a dist-nee of /1.98 feet; thence N. 770 211 1511 W. a distance of 88.50 feet; thence S. 10 031 E. a distr.nce of 247.12 feet to .# point. 30 f3et northerly from the northerly line of said pipe line right of way; thence S. 770 211 15" E., a distance of 126.16 feet, parallel to and 30 feet northerly from the northerly line of said jipe line right of way to the point of bebinning, which lies south5.esterly of the said existing 250 foot tr. nsmission line right of way, and northa:-sterly of a line which is 162.5 feet z7outhwesterly of andP :8Del to the :purvey line of the :,ovington-Seuttle tr:.nsmiasion line Ertl, said survey 11ne is particularly de..cribed as follows: augiruning at survey station 53318.83, w Point on `re south line of :.action 18�rashU 23 North,ttu Fga 5�East of the "1illamette N,,-idian, said point being N, 890 17' 37" E. a dist::nce of 815.25 f4ut from the quarter SeCt4on corner on the south line of said Section 18, thance N. 10 IQ" 53" W. a distance of 190.55 feet to sin-rey station 535409.38 back equals 531+20.00 ahead; tnence N. 310 241 43" W. t= disttncc of 308U.00 f3i,t to survey station 562400.00; thence N. 430 471 13" Ti. a distance of -296.32 feet to survey stf>tion 584;.96.32, a point an the west line of said ooction 18, u, -.id point axing S. 0° W 1 05" u disUnce of 771.k6 ft;ot fro the northwest corner of said Ss.ctlon 1b. Tht, bone described parcel of land contains 0.2 acre, reort or 1tbS. TRACT D5-35 Thtt portion of Tract 4 in Block 29 of & rlington Acne Tri -eta, according to the recorded pl1 t thar.:rf, in t.:e 5": To%;nship 23 Horth, Rang,- 5 c"¢st of the ;iillamtte i rldian, King County, +ir.shi.ngton, which lies south•.rneterly of the Bonn..vi.la Power Ad-inistrn- tion's existing 250 foot right of =ay for too Covington-5tcattle trtnsais- sion line end northu;sterly of a line Khich is 162.5 f,ct south►:estcrly of and prrullral to the survay line of the Covington -Sc. tt' -, trcnsalssion lin.: ryl, -cid aurvrry line is pertieulrrly described as folloti.s: Beginnin6 tit survey st:.;,ion 5'.3=18.E3, a Ai.nt on the south line of S-metion 18,. Tonrn3hj k3 north, Range 5 *:.est of the irillr nt tte U .ridicn, a.1d ;:eint being F. 89 171 37" L. r dist.u:ce of 815.25 feet from the quar- toi section corner on the south lind of said Sectio: 18; thence N. 10 181 53" . a distnnce of 190.55 feet to survoy station 5351.09.38 back Eq -,i -Is 531t2G.00 thecal, thence. N. 311 241 43" W. r. dist.-zee of 3080.00 f, -.t to s,irvey station 562-00.00; thence 14. 430 ,,71 130 N. a dist ace, of X96.32 fact to survey st•tion 584=96.32, a point on the west lint of s: -id Section 14, srid point being S. 00'021 0511 K. t: dist.mce of 771.26 fret from the northrest corner of sr -id Section 18. Tho c bove describ d rrcel of land cont: ins 0.1 r.crc, mora or lays. x 'S t..er 10-47 r Vep25-45 01 09.85 3b64559 gr* Erni tad Jte tes of Amer is , + rese ^toted by reu l J. Revert Ad Tmatr the Bonneville tawer Admrstrn UregDo St,r'ortland 8,uregon ivursusnt to �± tie l6, t;rtited .Mates Go otion 832a(e) to Via" 4We &p.- The +;ity of *attle,e muriaipel corp uf 11,e fp, it cons of sd stsv need amnt,paid to sd Figen^eGor pore ti on,a 45ofAGorp , Lr by transfers, claims unto sp all right,title and int in and to Stat " sh fp by Rec m s coriveys, ani :juit- 1.7 miles, mrl, of 230-kv electirio power txenamiesion line gza loc- ated in kc%,extending frDM, tut not ircluding,the Gfor's deF,d rind to%er No. 45A at its South ,tentor. SUbstation,l BLk 4, Renton Vier, rife to the readd plat thof,to the Gtee's trenaviesion lid toner iWIn Blir 1, sgrlington .,cre-'-aot�2,93dg to the r --:add ala tteUf, dg one circuit of ACSR "Drake" c orduot or ed Govingto n-a►eet tl e L:ne ht. l tv.-ers lNos. 46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53 and 54, tgn insulator stria and reratvf:re up to the tcaer dead end plates or tawers 45A, and end exclualvd of Jumpers and all other meterle 1 on toner Also all r/r eamts for sd elee power transmission s:i :;-,or under the f l�deeds and oonveyarc es: 096, � - P.�, VA4.r A. . deed exc td ;y Le no Azz ole €end Zefire Azao la g rd -.nye to Br d Wry 'Brede, and Bruno Grevoris, dtd Apr 10-41,readd L+ga o-41 1956 D . 19 #31631.15, line ac rd by 2, mead eic td by Leno Azz ola and Zefire AZzo le, ea d MeryBreda,dtu 'day 13-4 1,reodd May 22-41 1970 0p 2D5 r An9010 Bredaen d< ff3166927 ✓', r 0-0 ?eed exotd by Attao Yegorero,dtd Apr 1-41 readd Apr 4-41 1958 Up 415 tf315630 .01 r 4. Deed exp: ud by veronica in vol 1960Dp oo3 O L5853A 5. meed exp by Leno Azzole Breda,end Jecot Brettus and 1963 np 633 #3161240 Albenese,atd AX 1-41 readd an Apr 15 and Zefirs nzzo le, AngeloBrede Johanna Brattus,dtd Apr 42-41 A&, h an rep 6. Deed exe by Leno Azzola end Ze!Lire X Azzo la, and JeOD b ep d Johanna -,re ttus,atd Apr 21-41 rea or_ Apr 4 -41 1963 lip #3161294 k0ontAdon2. {]s L, d Lie Air Brat tuaj.� 660 .4 i 7. Ueed exa 1 %up"re A. i -rk •1ta .#11r 27-41 1— "f 1 <<i toiaA or i. A.7 #318()3t ' J Z L �r Ueed *Re by Lone Az701.e RM ' ssflrt A'X%Dlh prr] 111 11-i4m ,`c.�'� :r; • dtd May 1-h1 reolOmy 4-h 1 }u56 UL It 10 #31a3b93 �dt4 9. lfeed *me by Ovhn Ompelli#At1 V*t 3-h1 phtl .'1mi 11 -ht 1915 14, 1.4 03171114 � it / L0.' Deed exd by John ;)P -ht rpo JtIn R-41 bill 1,415 1 DO 40 01 L71112 ;- I Av Au 11: biped exatd h bora Unlirtt! 0 a murl Qi Pat tri ryy, Jtq to t►t ata 4ov it 29-41 red Vat 4-41 2!)1'12 Up t) #11ghf 5 1'x, 114104 exo by Joe r'e ltrn ctl Ant 2141 •rea I%y 8-41 1056 Or h3h r 13, toed azo by Ouitmt)Vtm s kbulon, -1 Arr 1-41 r#4 API' 1.5-41 1';i&1 ipp 1 �31.5d�rb1 �tt 14. D exo by Vimmftts Pedbry med V10torl.14 terbrarpl, '1*A yet 9041 rear 1<.,y 15-1.1 I964 Up 242 #-;16$9g 1_ "I M . 15. 'title enr:rl my abn4somnstion nroa�,�'r•• ariltlt.li?t °' 1towl f'40 oP Aheti� p r. unlorgn r ^rb, es • i, "Uodltet � •' � , ! iE &tetOO Ufa triat Oroirt,i n nrd i s N*s Vrn llt S .rE _I t 'f 0• -tori ldbrtMrn ,aiildlibn, raprtified obry 61' 0410th?" . of di T ne" ehtr4 Jun ;I1-lE 1 be Inv .#addJl J 1 Aw41 1 n 0i m in lb t LglSb dp 464 3176514.. f1�}y-O I , t 3. j, '3 - Ir 16, Jeed exo 1'y ')&" tt it -X1', 'it t1 ofa l Reek pert ° ra .t bf 1'h d 4001' c2 Jr,ne 'A, a1 ih 1 tel Pit 7* 4t 19 1 17. i/*eh exo ty 6110 0.901therv's rp An mil7:6004 One-PAt1' intik 00.4 !/hKler,e ;-set7 Ort tb# dgt >;P A'}1' ty rrin,9asd/ ao t a AA nndivifod a^ne4441' totOtd 6-t A -41 ria 1fBe 1-1-2. 061 8)L4 Vp 4## . f 18: :f ', a Aayr'i byr aond�e".i �n rooeel' �:•n ar: � Ffi. 1'p r1 'UbiLed3t�i�A o! A�eslaa, v. Virt,sent a�t�� xi�.Yr, ,ra. 4 ^rpt qt 4Tp'p ua�4t fie! :�2/ ', E Ld t11t Saltmi jr'tt's .'As'rl of Oou1! kva •111 1'fr Of Im"49MIAttlos n' s�tli otbr, otteert .,i 99br1, o�rCiPi�d duty 1' th# NJU$ oil �>7 r.`.areitibn of fr.a" r`r�S ?rah 1-1,: h+ii�x rr�bdd flat ? L 19. Jyrd ear! 1W ks r00t : ? 1 t =n A -4 t 26.d^^• 'isoK, d1'., A,r % 5-4 Fe to.j 'f'j /` -,� 1 r� .; r :. .00* Into 1'y irtzporISO ter, v -,755 )p 316 � 3153254 r �. ��ted 3) t If L411 j jov oyn6o .�404�1 � ?1b74 A. pr+r.rrfns %f, � r 1� � 559 -= 25. Deed exa by i illi.p clot4i and Fannie Ootti, snd AI_z Breda, dtd Anr 22-ib1 readd Apr 2u-41 1903 Up 4.17 031610E+0 iV� 26, Deed exc by J C rrist and Janis rriak dtd liarLI r o �.� 1958 DO OJ4 # 156516' Air._7-41 K' } � 2 Used Lby �ertim M. Stearns, dtd Feb 2E)-41-41 reo A r DP 367 aF31y81I8 p Lb-4 196A 28. Dead exc by z2sahaleea, dtd r',h t' - K�x3� 3154962 4 41 raa ler zy -41 1457 Ftp 3 , /a 7M 29.• Deed exa by Cpr l Uls on and opal Ula Gt�l, AI81TYrarGL. � DP 40 hulta,end Louise `Ferring�,on,dtd Feb 6-41 raa Mayu4 z: end �p q 06 �3 L67935 Ei'Sj.4 �13r�►v 30. peed exc by iilizabeth F.Thomes,dtd iyr 26-41 readd .�pr 11-41 1960 Dp 142 #13157827 31. ' deed eriCtd by 6ugene L. Feuder end tm}"� Lulu V. Baudar,dtdJul 10-41 reo Aug 27-41 1992 Dp 101 #318696,2 32.' Dsed exao i; hal 6'. /, t Starrett, dtd i:."0 14-41�reo May 31-41 1972 DP 535 #31687 i 33. Deed exao by wherlea A. 9pirk, a 21 ver of JanemPsm Irvoscment Co peny,and i'thel L: Starrett and A r. jun 21-41 readd Aug 15-41 1989 D 256 3tsrxett,dtd I' �3184b7B 34.• Deed also hythe daahington Mutual f Savin readd on Apr 7-41 1958 Dp 667 03156647 � 35. 'Deed exec by V1vIan A. M.rtIn,dtd Ley 14-41 readd Jun 2-41 1972 Dp 472 #3168913 36. Dead exec by Charles A. Spirk,es ge0v0rof Jonea;14�-Thompson Investment Co-,iPanY,dtd Jul 2-41 rec AU8 1¢11 1"9 n 2 .�,� P 54 13184 67? Dp Deed ezctd7336 by James : essueco,dtd War 25.41 Add Air �-41 1959 Dp 473 #3157336 I g-.v �. 38. Dead ezaC by Kir County,e frunioipal Corp, btete of Weshington dtd Aug 18-41 readd Aug 26-41 1991 Dp 430 03186545 39.Deed exec by 8rnsat R. Burrell 1 '1, 1-41 reo Apr 4-41 1958 D and Mabel. Burr�il,dtd Apr �' P 4 �3 X3156302 , E$�f3'y �wsj4«f 4U. Deed exec by Vary B.k1eerl,dtd Apr 16-41 readdl4ay ?8..41 1 604 F3168209 971 Dp 41. Dead exec by Lf�I hedb arg, Stan dtd Apr 16-41 rley aM lalt, and France � -41 1970 Dp 210 156933 eo 22 �Mealak, 42. exao by ata niece Kaoamarak and 11a thr 27-.L readd bSsr 31-41 1957 Dp 376 l 2 6 Yn HeczmaraK,d td Ar ! Ei3 55 3 -'.--r fry 43. Deed exec bytha �D Weshington Mutual gsvin. � Be a pr ✓ � reodd on Aw 7-41 vol 1958 Dp o64 #3156646. 2-41 United States �'meriQ By is ul J. 3av er, Ad mn atr of the Multnomah Ca,Gragou S Bonneville rover Administration ep 25-45 by eau l d . 3aver, Adman tr of the E�anevilla 'voller Admin_stretion,bef tells Benam n-tw lire resatl'ort- land the)oom-exprs 11.3-46 '.Me foregoing oonveyanoe is hrby approved A+ct 16-43 BerryS. 'r u 1i *,a 4ityl,ipht 1GA r t yt3�'dAv rrta of the United Matas '�-1 a - ldar lU-4? 3664560 lias ; ri,„” e1U• ovooanL ruotion Finan- Corporeti! n, a U.3A owp to fhe City cc .teattle, a inn carp Tht Defense Plant Corp a corp under the Ute. and clso having its grin off at 811 Yermpnt Aye C of ..sshin -ton Ltst of Col ac ,uired 'OorteiO prop and prop its los in Row andtv. s Def e oe'lanttorpbAas I issolvedgeffef0�esTulg1-45vandproed�all of30-45 Its functions, powers, duties and acth tog,hr with its donumeagg, ►gooks of coat, rea asset* ard liabilities of avery kind end nature word trans by f p loin in the am manner and to the 3n extent end effeot AM if ori sestet In neconsttuot ion -gin Corp TMhaa Asoohstru3tionPia Corp is the onaer cC .:ll prop and prop rte des hafter won were f�Ay MMI&z 2 owned by -of anoe rlen t Corp Thfore fp ey t and qo to sp all rt ti and int in and to (d) 5 .4 Giles and of double oirouit steel tower al eat , Gower trans ln, (B) 1.7 miles mrl of sin.je circuit steel tower oleo, power hits In and (0) oertain prop ao{t-.tired y Ster under deeds and eelsveyano-s lou in kc% d f i A. 9d 5.4 miles of double oiroult trans In extends 6 and swiy 3 tray gtees trans In tower B22 -44a in yeo 33 Tp 24 nr 5 :w: to tower t 31 within the So Renton Substation site in ilk 4 menton Yves "dd a subdiv in the .33i ; of Sea 19 T_k 23 ar 5 ewm s s looin-ad-�aa e 33 and in fiefs 4-A-2V-aad 19� nr 57 ewm T lie conveyanoe inolu n lX1nsule or un double string doMend assemblies and +hair nt sd tower 822-445; 31 doub,e circuit steal towers, six c ors of 500 110M oonper equivalent, with 16-Sneulator unit suspension_ ,ablLee and I.8- inenlator unit double stringy, deaderd ass-mblies tire -TuaNiaLs. B. 81 1,7 miles d single oiroult tr►,ns in extends aiy from m -to ,,O, 31 to Ctees trans 1n tower B 5-523 in Uk 1-arlington acre Tts, a subdiv in the Kfj h? t of SaoA801-11-1-314-Tv 1 T ,23 n .4_ e>.m encs is 4>e 3aos, 19 End 18 Tp�23 nr 5 eum Find in e�13 T 23 nr !� awn This aonvaybnae ino 9 sin„fe oirouit rotated yp�rs, three Sondu4tors of 5u0 LCL` copper equivalent with 16 insulator unit suspension aba�jnbliea and i8 in*4AIAtcr unit triple string yc'.e cleadend as3emblies end iumpers and the eonductorj •leademi asaembi and .', umpers . t tower TI?6-52x. C. pertain PIMP ;.o.,ui.ed by the gtor under its deeds and asnvey tip -it t: 1, Deed from fp hint to Defense rlent Corp dtd iob'24-45 rea am fa -45 ir. so of soca . in vol 2315 of d aei s 9 sad ile�'364. / y LJ 2. Uesd exo by r. d. Burt efr_atd 4-*nna (i.Burpev to �ofGas* 'PIant -;orpv, on • fig it, -43 reo ..0 18-43 in 80 of kcw in vol 2156 of L . 77 cud file No 3�300�4 ITraot 3. Deed oxo b1 yo%* Y.iryder to Defense slant i.orp on dop 25-43 reo 31p 28-43 in so ct tco:- vin 2166 u pg 310 f tie No x;)8110 !Treat 1'o D9 -3i ?5N-35� 4, Deed ax© by Lyle Hewitt end oadie F'ewitt, to .,arena ' lgnt :or$ rn gun 16-43 reo . uv 18-43 in so of kow vol 2156 A pg 75 f ile NO 3330053 (TrL-ot 1.0 Do -5) ?c� 5.Dead exo by Lyle ".Hewitt and eadie L1dV ttt, to i}elanad risJts Corp on •-u., 31-43 eo �eao 3u-43 vol 2136 v pg 451► file ro 3353944 (TvU o t o D,d-8 ) 6. Lead oxo by cibnr, fi i lliatas to �gfones Plant :or p on Oot 16-,43 reo Oct 1,1-43 in v'-,1 2173 - pK 1 rile NO 342598 (Tract iso X9) 7. Deed axe by Josephine wenn, !-orla -mnn heath for ;#nu :eiltoa Sr,lu1F, .i..jann, Louis ;�..00nn, l.drbert �a,:enr, �ysie v .ijiienson L r-4,nd' lie2T�7� m'1+ 4 ee+ud to 33b�7t 1 re^0TpiN)0N - t�$36 a len 6� q 23 S, 560-2 8, Deed ead by .erl ,allace %#ohnaon rand Ave .Tohason.to D9fanse i•lsgt Corp on Sam 5-44 reo on Jars 22-44 in vol 2196 D pg 634 att N ;351857 (Truot =`e D3-12) 9, Dead exo by J ;�..Dalpay ,.,id hazel DalPey to Defense Plant '3orp nn [�ov 18043 're -an 21-44 in vol 2196 D pg 248 and t:o 3361637 (Treot No D9-13) f�- y3 -r lo. Deed exo by naymond J,•ilater and Ina iS.Slater to Defense }'lent corp on aep 29-43 rea Sep 30-43 in vol 2167 ;) Pg 167 eucj�Tro 3338784 (Traot No LIS -14),Z'? r j 11. ;eed exo by Henry 'Theodore ijelsrorth to Defense rlant Colp on "ug 31-43 reo Sep 14-43 in v ul 2162 D Pg 435 and No 3,335fl (Treat too DS -16) f 12. Deed axe by George B.,oh*%rtz and Lorraine Sohvertz, to Defense Plant Corp oA 3ap 4-43 reo SOP 14-43 in vol. 2162 D Pg 430 and Bile No 3335065 (Treat No D6-18) 13. Deed azo by J.T.Bu o Defense Plant corp on -ep 16-43 rsu ilep 25-43 in vol 2165 L pg 54 751 (Tri 3-19) 14. Deed exo by Ropy J.:m illiems and Llize a +tillians to Defense rlant Coxp on -aeP 1-43 reo 36P 16-43 vol 21 74 eud iso 3335773 (Treat No D8-20) 15. Deed exo by Hobert u.3later end i•arguarite ::.,Slater to-Jefersi# Plaut Corp on Dot 11-43 reo Dot 13-43 in vat 2170 D pg -295 and No 3341148 (Treat 'a ISS -21) r �/ 16. Dead exo by Lu Lu 6eavers to Defenae rlant Corp on Sep 28.43 reo Prov 24-43 in vol 2182 D pg 260 eud No 3350590 (Tract No DS - 3 - S' 17. Deed axe by Lu _.0 Beavers to Defense elant Corp "ep 15-43 roe •ov 22-43 in vol 2181 U pg 625 P'o 3350229 (Treat no DS -25) 1--23- e- 18. -read e, o by 6enerin m.Good, Itolair ,..DyRon, =ose N, Dy son Tawas ;..aendolph,VTtid M..00ten and Dorene � ootan to DefenN Plant Corp on aep 13-43 reo tint 8-43 vol 2169 D p6 274 eud No 3340404 (Trfiat No D3-26) ✓ 19. need axe by United States of ,merioe, t4rm Sae A4aa to Defense llaut _)rp dtd •-ov 8.44 rea on �Jao 29-44 in a a o v kov. in vbl 2295 of deeds pg 523 and Vo 3437484. -loo deed exo by Immitt 'i'.Samms and Wilhelm na oimms, to befense t']ant corp dtd vat 20-44 reo on X06 29-44 in vol 2295 of deeds pC 528 file No i 34374,97 (Treat No DS -27( 9 - 13 -T '/ 20, Dsed axe by Nils 3raatjon to jefense -lant 3orp on Nov 19-4 reo deo 22-43 in vol 2189 i1 pg 2.39 and No 3356266 (Tt No D:;-28) 9 z_3.4r" 21 .,aid exo by ..nail Leroy rarsley rend i°unriet::Y Tone tars Ia Jamas Molar tend Clava Kolar to ,efdnbe klane .oirp on mop 7,-y)'{eo/ 9,P 14-43 in vol 2162 D Pg 437 buy' No 33350ty8 (Tt tit; 22. Deed exa by •Harry S.,johellart and -eq a hal art, to Defense rlant orp -Pr 20-44 ren Tun 1-44 in v011'2234 %+ ,,g 608 eud ;.a / 3391113 (Truot Lo D3-)1) 23. Deed axe by ranl �.'.olman and Lem ,._.Colman •to Dsfenae dant Cc.rp nn :jaP 8-1,} rea nn .4tw 14-43 in v91 1162 L rg 426 .twi leo 3)j5063 (Trwi t No DS _V ./ .moi 2 ud exo by T a rte i.aox jolmen and ,caul ,almar+ to ueransa `le ` CDrp on %.e p 3-4) -coo Ae P 14-4a In vol 21bk ,j jog 424 ftuu ho 3335ut, (j'raoL ..o �L -34) •--: ^1 i 25 • Deed a ;o by Y411is Fitzgerald end Delis ritageAl d, to Def. mis -lent `"orp ,n sap 13-43 exo r$On 16-43 is vol 2163 pg ?97 elle o 3335794 M.1"' o DS -35) Z� %6. Lead a c 1y D„uvhart;: �.ith t,) Defenea Plant :orp on - eP 7-t►3 sea ��sp 14-k3 in vol 2152 PB 428 ftI NO � 3?64 (Tt i4o Da -36)✓ 27. deed ezo cq eranees J.�;handler to arenas I-lant Corp 3e;! R-43 reo Oct 26-43 in vol 2172D P9494 and No 33112845 CID 28. D-jed axe by Joaeph R.Dunden &nd Beryl ndith unden, Leary =r.j..lo and ;Ispeth xt.9alo, Nona ii.Farrell, jaat;t1e-ri,st i,stl dank end Ma%Mss.Ax11m4xzM Roma K."arrell, as Trustees for .arian Jarrell, A.1.Bird and ;.sther B, Bird, and a�aplewood Golf Club to -'efense 1-18&:orp on • ur 17-43 rao on -ui; 28-43 in so of kcw vol 2158 D YB 488 and No 3332114 (Tts ties. i)3-40 Da -41 and D4-49) 1, 29. Deed eye b� T.J.Bluner and Nellie Blumer, C,P.Buxrvn and Hazel L...Buxton anslvr'renk J.Toakin and Syble TabLkin to iuefsnaa slant ;orp f on xag 28-43 rec cep 14-43 in vol, 2162 D pg 432 and No 3335066 /- r (Traot No D:-43) )_O ./ P. Deed axe by-.leanor '7.3imonton and ;drain 3.3 monton, to Defense 11ent �orP NGC 16-43 c •>ag 19-43 in vol 2156 -' "s lob and No 3330141 (Tract Pio D5 -43K 31. Deed axe by J.J.Blumer and Nallis and ,..R.jdofj'st anti Gerrie MOf; at, to Defense Plant "orp on -1ep 1- a •ht 8- 3 in vol 2169 D pg 271 file ■o 3340403 (Traot Ivry "s 3330141 32. Deed exo by Bedsis Hurlay, Robert M.Lane &I'd Bernice L.Kana to Defense Plant Corp on O* 21-43 rao on -u- 27-43vin vol 2156 I j! 201 and ho 3331796 (Treot No DB -44) 33• used axe by :scary :.Bryant and Jane •.Bryant, and Jennie -.BO"t to Def anae Plant "orp onetug 31-43 roe Sep 7-43 in vol 2160 '� pE 4 2 . No 3333628 (Treat No DS -451 J� -.13 34 Deed axe by Northriestern Improvement Co, to "fease plant Gozp on plot 7-44 roe on Nov 24-44 vol 2285 D p8 528 3�4305�1- (Tram No Ds -47) 1) oti. &�"-++ p used eza by Erumo are a tc Defense klant Corp Mar 9-44 dao �+ar 14-44 in vol 2210 v pg 479 end No ;372915 �Tt Tye U8-50) 3b. Deed exe by rirt Gre+gorls and "ary Gra c�ris, tGo�-Dceiense Plant Corp brier 13-44 rec Lar 15- 44 in vcl 2211 ; DB 37 and No 3373167 (Tt No DS -51) 31- Leed axe by John yraooe ro to Defense Plant "orpua 1? -44 reo V 1 _ and �• 0 339447, (Tt A* DB -52 Jun 14-44 In u al 2239 PS ' .Dahl end ..velyn bee Marl to Defewo Plant 36. Head ax0i by Ben B oaf 3361,188 Corp Jen 23-44 roe treb 2-44 in vol 2149 L Pg �' 8 ..n.relo Breda -ind 39. Lead exo by Lino -7zola and 4efjira AxzolLindseth, to l+efinee t:ary Breda and •urtia 4.LJan 18-tb dinevol 2195 iJ 2g 346 and i� L lant Corp Jan 12-44 re; a n 3360977 (Tt Re va-53h) e"LU rnar G.•temsey and Uiza Jam 'temsey, to Let"se 40. Lead a -o by ••r -lent Corp on . e„ r aur roe ='ab 13-44 in vol 221 4 4 b" 74 and No ;367787 (Tt too Us -54) P 41. Deed exo by Harold ;.Umdbar(; and vary C.Lundberp, to Defense = lent :qrp on Jan 24-.4 reo Jen 27-44 in vol 2197 a8 583 and No 3-)62¢54 (Tt ;,o DJ-55) 42. head axe by keno Azzols and Lefire A7zole, �magelo Drade end ',ary Breda and -arold O.Lundberg ana =-ary Q,Luneber;, i h% to Defan;a ,spt "'orp Fab 1-44 reo deb 10-44 '_n vol 22U1 u pg 540 and No 33,6507 (Tt No D,>-56) r,•a f ,j- fl 43. lueed azz 4y -u6ene 1..-aak in& to :+efenae tiant .orp on -eab 3-+44 rea dab 8-44 in Vol 22U1 of deads kg 1 eud No 3365187 (Tt No DR-SI 3 ✓ '�ipEs 44. meed exo by wriest O.abasdl sod to Dafenfse rlant -oTT) -cab 14-44 reo reb 18-44 in vol 2203 -- pg 533 eud rile ►,,o 33o7547 (Tt Yo DJ!/; an) 45. '--+sed a-xo by William ..*"ok to Defends -cant %;orp may 1-44 reo.0 y 9-44 in vol 2227 11 pg 632 sud No 3385944 (Tram No DS-58) 46. Dees azo by-harles losoa and r4jSg 'iosoa to Defense Flat Corp otFeb 4-44 reo lob 11-44 In Vol 2202 D pg 203 nud NO 3366239 (Tt No Ds-59) 47. Dead rico :,y "bar anR ynd .•lisa Tos.=,a, .1 jno ,.zzola and Zaf ra hzzola,-•n:�elo 34ede ary Breda to Defense •lent Corp r keb 26-44 reg =mer 7-44 In vol 22i> SfkB NO 3371240(T No D9 413. mead eya oy deter nosh and k►atherine -osc to sa �Irat .:orp on Jan V-44 reo eeb U-44 in vol 22U1 D pg 54,8 and No (Tt No Di-61) 49. Lieed exo t yyrmo Qre fx•ois u nd i infa Gre jvoris to Defense 1an��" 4 Carp San 28-44 reo e'eb2-44 trL vol 21" uaF6 470 and No 33641`)9 �+ s' (Tt No Di-62) 50, .dead axa by John ,.osa and Eaddalena Lose to vefenae I'lent torp on dan 26-44 r-.a rab 18-44 in vol 2204 D pg 53 raid No 3367763 (Tt No !)S-63? �1 ✓� � 51. Lead exa by liitoria Pegarero to Dei'anse klent corp on Jan 24-4y reo Wuy 15-44 in rol 2229 D pg 506 No 3387249 (Tt No 5} D;� / 4 ✓ 52. geed azo by yaleucine 1:alita:s and nanie+ i:iliroh to Defense rlonc E Corp on Oen 24-44 rea 9�eb 2-44 in vol 2199 a p8 466 and Nin 33641`ij .4 (Tt leo D3-6uA) 53= iiaed exo by W'.B.b1oNeudfifion and trel LaNaughton to Defense dent C ' Corp on tiara 21-44 rea Jan 22-44 in vol 21864 ij P9 435 and rile tjc�' 3361858 (Tt %o D3-67A) 54, Ajead oil by Lou1a Careooioli add kariat�8 ,s.s�aoioli, to Defense 'rlgnt Corp on San 24-44 reo i:ay 11-44 in vol 2228 v pg 362 and Yo/ 3386405 (Tt r o Sa-68) 11. )S, ! ✓ 55. Deed ado by Crud r�e,aook and Floxw tdaaMok, �ame►e ',•�owaey and Anna Downey to �serdnsa ►laot Corp on 4un 21-44 rao xeb 544 � ! u vol 22U0 L, pg 295 sada file No 3164759 (Tt No D;-69) z .. ,1 .�r;.ti _ rU C �• ;6. Dydd yxo by -.115 Otto Nielsen and -nna 1,1elaen, \' :-aas :.Nielsen aid rune ?.Nielsen and hazel 1lnam Nielsen slid �40rge a.4,hooler, air of the will ft oda Thorns, dead, f.n Defense 11ant 9evp on k+ov 18-44 red Nov 2I}-44 in vol228 D Sot sad No 3429774 (Treat a Dg-70) JP-// i - ' I J. .read axa uy Otto Nielsen an d -nam.Nielaan to Defense PIG nt�olp on 'tt 27-44 reo Nov 1f1-44 in vol 2283 L 86 39 jud Na 3427761 (Tt No DS-71) 560-5 1J. 58. Dead axe by kerl;a.,et hard ie Conk to Defense Plant Corp as 1944 - roe Jan 22-44 in vol 2196 D p8 373 add No 3361793 (Tt No i,ts-72)/. 59. Deed exz by mar arite G�arbarino to Defense r1ent Golp `/ kar 23-44 res „pr 1-44 in r..l 2219 l' p8 124 eud NO 3379325?' 60. Heed axe by Tony 5tarkoviah and "ary -itarkovir h to Defense Plant Corp 0n - eb 21-44 res Sun 16-44 in vol 2239 D pg 469 and 110 339 4(487 / (Tt No D3--04) ,,,,I/// 1V/// 61. aced sic by .%Lyda Morrison and Pearl korrison to .Defense dant Corp Feb 3-44 reo -ul 1-44 in vol 2244 D pg 89 ead bio 3398497 (Tt "o Da-76) /7 ✓ 62. Deed a..c by Toho "lywoods and Wartha Woods to yefense else t orp / on Tutt 13-44 res Oct 24.44 in ao of kis in wl 2277 u PB 367 No / 92 3423653 (Tt No Ds-76) � 63. +read exo by Anthony Gatuzo and 1-ary �;©tiizo to ilelense Plant Corp jug 22-44 reo Oat 24-44 in vol 2277 ­1 Pg 3Z5 and ho 31423652 (Tt No D8-77) 64, Lead azo by Phil 'rotti a iGotti to Defense dent Gore Tan 22-44 res Fob 10-i., Vol 2201 +j pg 53 140 845 (Tt No s-78) e i5- a 3 - ./� (35. geed axe by Thonas nesse to Defense dent Corp Tan r Tan 22-44 in vol 2190 D P8 371 and Fo 92 (Tt No ns-`l 66. Dead sic by 0.3-Buxton andCxa .,3urt novo ! and Georgia 93uxton to Defense Plant Uor on Sun 10-44 i-io Jul 18-44 in vol2248 D PB 3 and f ile No 3401715 F-4 No Da-80) o T� 67. -jeed exo by -.thal W..atarrett and r.lfrad T.sterrwtt to je ease Plent 'orp on may 10-44 reo Tun 9-44 in vol 223 ll pg 247 au�o Z - 3392867 (Tts Nos. DS-81 and _JS-8)) �r ( _-23' �/ 68. need sxa by -.s Cher-tophens to befen,orlan -orp Tan 26-449­44"', roe Jon 28-44 in vol 2198 Ij pg 88 eud No 3363054 (Tt No 69. -reed exo by Lucy Yassuaco to :.e-.'onae dant ''orp &eb 8-44 vea -eb 10-44 in v- 2201 of deans g 538 and i%o 3365846 Cats Nes. .:S-84 end il3-88 ) 70. geed exo by ..ash -ut -av °-rnk to-efense dant OTp +eb 1 -44 roe Feb 18.44 in vol 2203 D VC 535 and Nos 3367548 (TD No DS-96) 71. meet' exo jy iharl. a m.spirk as -ovr of Jones Thc.'Paon Inveatment Co. to Uai'enae rlent torp on -ey 5-44 roe Jun 10-44 in vol 2239 D Pg 285 eud file 1`0 3394797 (Tt No Da-87) 4f ✓ r 72. Deed azo by «labard springar atsxit to Defense slant vorp on Tap 21t-44 r-o rab 9-414 in vol 2201 L PE 458 and No 3365710 ( t I' D5-�g'� 73. i1eee azo by Wereella Geballs ae Yoaag and harry ;eYoune, to L✓ffa ° =lent Gore Tun 17-44 roe Jun 2w44 in vol 2240 D pg 459 mud go 3)936 . (Tt Yo D8-90) .101 74. Deedaxe by Louis Kirzak one •ranoaj 4irzek to Defense slant orp on Jan 24-44 roe Tan 2Y-44 is vol 2198 D P9 352 add No / 3363319 (Tt No Di-91) 75. Deed axe oy --.nest A.Burrell to uefense rlaat Coro on ;an 2_.rj.- 44 / roe Jan 28-44 in vol 2198 D Pg 86 a,d No 3363053 (Tt :,o D:-9,2) o^�✓ 76. feed a a by mid G.;ahaudies end 'Vivian _vtLsudl9s, to Defense elent ,orp Tae 18-44 rue Yeb 8-44 in vel 2201 U Pg 183 eud iso 3365373 T o Ds-93) 56o -6c 77. Deed evo by arsh ut .av lank toDefense rlant Corp Jan 21p44 reo or 7-44 in vol aaOR L pg 311 vud .0 3371241 jd"* No)S-i14f 78. Leed exo by kesh :.ut Fav dank male K.Far u di Lu ills n. •� 9erbua6 to Defense rlant Cern on fan 21-44 reo xeb tC-44 in vo,).22t.1 D pg 545 Mud No 3365849 (Tt ^.o V3 -94S) 79. Lead exo by borthaeatern Improvr .:nt Co to Defense rlant Corp Jul 18-44 ran on eov 27-44 in vol 2287 L pg 437 eud i7o.,431137, (Tt No DS -Ci: 2)1; ;6' 1; —� 80. Lead exo by Puget �ounu toter i.icht Co, on "so 7-45 red .+p r 18-46 in vol 2462 D pg 2C0 and Vile No 3560496 (Tt No DS -48) I' :.% R F C has caused this Inst to be exo in its nm and on its behalf by aiohaod !% Price, its aif thunto duly auth Raoonstrudtion finance Corp Jy Kiohard S:.erice, aif kew Jul 16-46 by-llchard Y.rrice, as aif of ad carp and onoeth steted tht ad pa Is unrevoked and ad corp r.ow in existence bef F..,. imadell .p for ax res -t s no .+ p Y_47 (Ml City Light 1015 3rd ova ity) 1�/% .z Pxz ..,.r PARTIAL RELEASE'OF EASEMENT' 1 THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washin Washington for and in consideration of wENTY FIVE imDREU AND H.01100 Dollars ($2500.00 ) a [�- � together with other gaol anti valuable ctsnsidera.titsn, receipt of which is hereby ac= knowledged, hereby releases to HOI$AN PROPERTIES, INC. end PUGET WESTERN, INC., C) a- joint venture, d;b,a. PENTON 'VIIIA -GE COMPANY, certain real property situated Cin King County, Washington, described as follows: CD Those portions of the following described Parcel of Land: 01 gA strip of land 350 feet in width in the NE 1/4 of .Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., the boundaries of said strip lying 162.50 feet distant westerly from and 187.50 feet distant easterly from and parallel with the survey line of the Covington -Seattle transmission line #1 as located over, across, 1 and upon the abo%re property, said survey line being particularly described as yellows; \ Beginning at survey station 496+73.17, a: point on the east line © of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., said point being South 1009'52" West a distance of 39-37 feet from the quarter section corner on the east line of said Section 19 thence North 56011'53" West a distance of 2191.67 feet to survey station 518+64.84; thence North 1018'53" West a distance of ` 1453.99 feet to survey station 531+18.83, a point on the north line of said Section 19, said point being North 89017'37" East !` ! a distance of 815.25 f quarter section corner an the feet from the z t. north lire of said Section 19;- which lie northeasterly of the following described lines' Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said 350 -foot strip of land with the south line of the BW 1/4. of the NEE 1/4 of = .; said Section 19; thence west along said south line 100 feet; thence South 1018'53" East 26.29 feet; thence South 5402.8'56" East 856,95 .feet to the north margin of Primary State highway (SR 405) No. 1, J'e't. Secondary State Highway No. 2-1.14 to Jct. PSH No. 2; thence easterly along the northerly margin of said Highway to the termination of said line in the northeasterly margin of said 350 foot strip of land; from those certain easements recorded in the office of the Auditor of King County, Washington, as follows: 1. An easement Por electric transmission line purposes granted by Joe Pedron, as his separate property, to United States of America as recorded underAuditor's File No. 3163692 in Volume 1966 of Deeds, Page 436, and conveyed 'bo the City of Seattle by instrument recorded in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 50, under Auditor's File No. 3664559; (Item 12) 2.; An easement for electric transmission line purposes granted by Guiseppina Paulon, as her separate property, to the united States of America as recorded in Volume 1961 of Deeds, Page 1, under Auditor's File No. 3158541 and conveyed to the City of Seattle by instrument recorded in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page z4 50, under Auditor's File No. 3664599', (Item 13) 3. An easement for transmission line purposes granted. by Vinante Pegoraro and Victoria Pegora.ro, his wife, to the United States of America, as reorded in Volume 1968 of Deeds, Sage 292, under Auditor's File No. 3!65254, and conveyed to the City of Seattle by instrument recorded under. Auditor's rile No, 3664559 4; in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 50; (Item 14) 1 »2 fix. .. 4t. An easement for transmission hne purposes as title, was ac- quired by condemnation proceedings entitled "United States of Amer- "" ica v. Dolores Pegorara,, et al," Docket No. 387, in the ilrited. States District Court, in and for WesternDistrictof Washington, Northern Division, certified copy of the "Judgment on Declaration of Taking" entered June 23, 1941, being recorded July 8, 1941 in office of the Auditor of, King 4ounty Washington, in Volume 1980 of Deeds, page 464, under Auditor's File ido.`3176514 and conveyed to the City of Seattle: by instrument recorded under Auditor's File No 3664559 in Volume 2597 of Deeds, page 50 (Item 15) 5. An easement for transmission line purposes granted by Ding County, a municipal. corporation of the State ofWashington to -the United States of America as recorded in Volume 2002 of Deeds,` C�_ Page 280, under Auditor's rile No. 3196045 and conveyed to the City CD of Seattle by :instrument recorded under Auditor's File Nor 3664-559 © in Volume 2597 of Heeds, Page 50; (Item 11) , — CV 6. An easement for transmission line purposes -granted by John k Capelli, a single man, to the United States of America, as recorded in Volume 1975 of :Heeds, :Page 40, under Auditor's File No. 3171.1.12, and conveyed to the City of Seattle by instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 3664559 in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 50;(Item 10) 7. An easement for transmission lie purposesgrantedby John Capel.li, a single man, to the United States of America, as recorded under Auditor's File No. 3171114 in Volume 1975 of Deeds, Page 44, and conveyed to the City of Seattle by instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 3664559 in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 50; (Item 9) A?.S O, Those portions of the herein described Parcel of band which lie southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the south right of way Line of F Secondary State Highway No. 1-i, (Grady Way in the City of Renton, Washington) with the west line of said 350 -root strip of land; thence South 1.018'53" East 492.32 feet to the true point of begin- ning of said line; thence South 52055109" East 719.54 feet to the point of terminus of said line in the southwesterly line of said 5 k 350 -foot strip of land, :from those certain easements recorded in the- office of the King County Auditor, King County, Washington, as follows: 1. An easement for electric transmission line purposes granted by Louis Cara.ecioli and I-larietta Caraccioli, his wife, to Defense Plant Y Corporation as recorded under Audi.tor'sT`ile No. 3386405 in Volume 2228 of Deeds, Page 362, and conveyed to the City of Seattle by instrument recorded in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 56, under Auditor's Pile No. 3664560; (Item 54) 2.. An easement for transmission line purposes granted by C. B. McNaughton and Ethel McNaughton, his wife, to Defense Plant Corpora- { tion as recorded under Auditor's File No. 3361858 in Vol, -Me 21.96 of Deeds, Page 435, and conveyed to the City of Seattle by instrument recorded in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 56, under Auditor's File No. 3664560; (.herr, 53) :3. An easement for transmission line purposes granted by Valentine Melitch and Annie. Melitc, his wife, to Defense Plant Corporation as recorded. under Auditor's Pile No. 3364197 in Volume 2199 of Deeds, Page 466, and conveyed to the City of Seattle by Instrument recorded ' in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 56. under Auditor's File No. 3664560 `x (Item 52 »2 q _ _, a .., .. ._ -. rai-.+_✓.F, .`. t,a.. ..s..., n+ u..-a P _ .+r. _i :.4., e^ AT'n ,.., . 'a.r.- + .,,. .. _ .,. ... 4. An easement for transmission Brae purposes granted by John Rosa and Maddalena Rosa, his wife, to Defense Plant Corporation as recorded under Auditor's File No. 3367763 in Volume 2204 of Deeds, mage 53, and con- veyed- to the City of Seattle by instrument recorded in Volume 259`7 of Dees9" Wage 56, under Auditor's File No, 3664�60a (item 50) ' S. An easement for transmission line purposes as acquired by deed. l executed on January" l3,' 1945 by the United States of America, acting by and through the Zecretary of Commerce under and by virtue of author- ity contained in Act of Congress approved March 27, 1942, Public Tait 506 - 77th Congress (15 U.S.C. 6o6.-b), to Reconstruction Finance Corpo-. ration, recorded-, :on �Yant y''°25 s 19 F5, in: the office of the Auditor of Kin„ County WasfiYngton, in Volume 2303 of Deeds, Page 1.86, Auditor's File No.' 3U3062. The interest of the United States of America in such property was acquired by condemnation proceedings entitled "United States of America vs. Certain Parcels of Land in King County, Washington, and '. Caterina Rosa Mulat, et a1," Docket No. 960, its the. Tlnited States District Court in andfor the Northern DieLsion.of the Weezern District of Washing- ton, Certified copy of the ' :7tdgmnt on the Declaration of Taking" entered July 1, 1944, being 'recor ded July 10,. 194k, in the office of the Auditor., -- Ming County, Washington, in Volume 2245 of Deeds, Page 615, Auditor's File No. 3399762. The interest of the City of Seattle beim acquired by Deed from Reconstruction Finance Corporation as recorded in the 0ffice of the t� King County Auditor in Volume 2597 of Deeds, Page 56, Auditor's File No. CD 366+560. (item 1) N RROVIDING that existing transmission line facilities of the City of Seattle which axe now located upon, across and over said trail of release shall be allowed to remain under the full protection of all easement rights as originally granted, until said facilities have been removed. It is understood and, agreed that all City transmission line facilities will be removed from the area of release on or before December 31, 1973• :91 W:LMSS WHF2EOF, TIM CITY OF SEAT`.�TLE has caused these presents to be executed , and its corporate seml affixed hereto-by its Mayor and City Comptroller thereunto' duly authorized pursuant to Ordinances loo489, 100662, 101216 and 101405 this Y-th day Of October , 1.972. w ey. THE CITY' OF SEATTLE n � r • r: toror y V - '`*y4+,e, _ Y•aY _ y 4 .Autest : .-� X......t�G." City Cbmptroller STIM OF laSBINGTON j ss 0007 Y OF KING On this�aaL day off:Octo��{ar _, 1972, before ase personally appeared WES UIMIIAN and C. G. ERLANDSON, to me -known to be the Mayor and City Comptroller, respectively, of the muldcipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the corporato seal of said municipal, corporation. , tY ` .d and official seal the da and ; a y yea... in this certificate first p ab^n p}p�7 ' No e Pub c n and for the State of washixtgtonx residing at Seattle. t 101 FILL M:•.�`� . ' ................. RELEASE OF EASnIENT' THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for and in consideration ofthe sum of ONE .AND NO/100 Dollars ($1.00) and the grant of an easement for electric transmission system (receipt of whic1h is hereby acknowl- edged) over certain real property situated in King County, Washington described as follows: All those portions of the following described parcels of land in the Northeast 114 of Section 19,, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; 2 Parcel 1 CD That portion of the Northwest 3.14 of the Northeast 114 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W M., described as follows: r, �. Beginning at a point on the southerly margin of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady Way in the City of Renton) 232.5 fee-, west of the east line of said Northwest 114 of the Northeast 1/4 as measured perpendicu- larly, said point being the TRUE POINT OY BEGINNING:; thence southerly along a line 232.5, feet from (as measured perpendicularly) and parallel to said east line of said subdivision to the south line of said subdi- vision; thence North 89044'31" West 1027.89 feet along the .south line: .,a of said subdivision to the easterly margin of Primary State Highway is No. 5, as recorded in Highway Flags, Volume 2, pages 186, 187, 188 ' 'thence North 01033119" Fast 140.99 feet along said easterly margin; -thence North 4103+'50" East ;x.78 feet to a point on the'southerly mars gin, of Secondary State highway No. 1-L (Grady Way);; thence northeasterly along the southerly margin of Secondary State Highway No 1-L to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Parcel ?_ m e Those portions of vacated. 9th Avenue South formerly South 148th Street (Memphis Avenue);: 9th Place South, formerly South 149th Street (Manning Avenue); 96th Avenue South, formerly Shattuck Avenae; and vacated alleys in Blocks 11 and 1<, C. D. Hillman's Eerlington Garden Addition, Division No. 1, as recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, Records of King County, Washington, as said streets and alleys were vacated pursuant to City of Renton, Washington, Ordinance No. 2051: 4° which lie within a strip of land 350 feet in width in the Northeast 114 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East., W.M., the boundaries of said strip lying 162.50 feet distant westerly and southwesterly from and 187.50 feet distant easterly and northeasterly from arta, parallel to the survey Line of the Covington -Seattle transmission line #1 as located over, across, and upon the herein described Parcels 1 and. 2, said survey line being particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at survey station 496+73.17, a point on the east line of See - tion 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., said point being South fi. 1009152" West a distance of 39.37 feet from the quarter section corner on the east line of said Section 19; thence North 56011'53" West a dis- tance of 2191.67 feet to survey station 518+64.84; thence North 1018'53" West a distance of 1453.99 feet to survey station 533+18.83, a point on the north line of said Section 19, said point being, North 89017'37" East a distance of 815.25 feet from the quarter section corner czarthe north line of said Section 19; said stripy of land being a portion of -that cer- tain strip of land conveyed to the City of Seattle by the 'United States of America, by Deed. dated September 25 1945, and recorded in Volume 2597 of needs, page 50, under Auditor's File No. 3664559 and by Teed bated July 16, 19461 and recorded in Volume 2597 of Deeds, page 56, under Auditor's File No, 3664560, Records of King Countyo Washington; hs, EXCEPT, the easterly 100 feet of said herein described 350 f of strip of land lyang'southerly of the southerly right of way line of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady bray in the City of Renton, WashLngton) and northers o: the so?xth line of the IJW 1/4 of the I�IE 1/4 of said Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., ALSO, EXCEPT, that portion of said 350 foot strip of :Land in the NE 1/4 of co said Section 19 lying northeasterly of a line described as follows; -- Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said. 350 foot strip CD of land with the south line of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section CD 19; thence ;fest along said south line 300 feet; thence South 1018'53" CD East 26,29 feet; thence. South 54028'56'° East 856.95 feet to the north N margin of Primary State Highway (SR 405) No. 1, Jct. Secondary State Eighway No. 2-M to Jct. Primary State Highway No. 2;, thence easterly ; along the northerly margin of said Highway to the. termination of said line in the northeasterly margin of said 350 foot strip of land, ALSO s EXCEPT, that portion of said herein described 350 foot strip of land lying southwesterly of a line described as follows; Beginning at the intersection of the south right of way line of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady Way in the City of Renton, Washington) with the tTest line of said herein described. 350foot strip of land; thence South 1.018'53" East 492.32 feet to the point of beginning of said herein ,de- scribed line: thence 'South 52055109" East 719,54 feet to the point o terminus of said line; in the southwesterly line of said herein described 350 foot strip of land. THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation in the State of Washington, hereby releases to the HOLMAN PROPERTIES, INC. and PUGNT WESTERN INC., a joint venture, d/b/a/ RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY', the following described real property situate in King Count=y, Washington, to -wit A, strip of land 350 feet in width in that portion of the S 1/2 of the Ivfri 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in ng County, Washington, which lies southerly of the south line of Second- 5 ary State Highway No. 1-L, described as follows: Beginning at the north quarter corner of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence southerly along the crest Zine of the NE 1/4 of said Section, 19, a distance of 1100.50 feet to the centerline of Secondary State Highway 1-L (Grady Way); thence northeasterly alonL.+said centerline being on a bearing of North 77029'03" East, 702.69 feet, thence South 0031'47" East, 51.11 feet to the south .margin of Said Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady lay), being the true point of beginning; thence North 77029'03': East, 349.62 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left; thence on said curve to the left a distance of 8.18 feet, said curve having a radius of 3820.00; thence South 031147" East, 412.89 feet to the south line of the NW 1./4 of NE 1/4; thence along said south Zine North 89044'31" West, 350.03 feet; thence North 003347" West, 333.77 feet to the true point of beginning, , from that certain easement granted by Puget:Sound Power' and Light Company, to the ' } City of Seattle, as recorded January 14, 1964 in Volume 4493 of Deeds, page 237, Auditor's File ]Jo. 5687013, Records of King County, Washington. PROVIDING ITHAT existing transmission line wa ilio es of the City of Seattle ;ghi.ch are now 'located upon, across and over said area of release shall be a.3lowed to remain under full, protection of. all easement rights as originally granted, 3 until said: facilities have been :removed.. It is understood and agreed that all City transrrdstUcn line facilities will be removed from the area of release on or before December 31, 1973• x 2 .,_ k 1 &. F. Not 3095 -A -7-58-10M, 53730. In the Matter of Primary VIM IRMIN" =1 State Highway No. 1, JOT SSH 2,-M to JOT PSH Y). 2 -Renton LoKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Grantors John Julius Caracciali tland Jacquelin R. Caraccioli., husband and zrife., , LO for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ( $10.00) ---------- Dollars, and other valuable consideration. hereby convey and warrant to the State of Washington, the following described real estate situ- ated in KING County, in the State of Washington: All that portion of the following described Parcel aAII lying southwesterly of a line drawfi parallel with and 50 feet northeasterly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the DL line survey of Primary State Highway No. 1, JOT .-M to JCT RSH No. 2, Renton. PAR CEL ItA n Lots 1, 23 33 4, 51 6, 7, 8, 91 10, 1.1., 12, 13, 143 15, 16, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 36, 39 and 4o in Block lid; AN]b lots' 21 and 22 in Block 12; ALL in C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the Citr of Seattle, j3:J.vi.ZqL on No. 1,. as per pkat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats on page 742 records of King County; situate in the City of Renton., County of King, State of Washington. The undersigned grantors hereby authorize and instruct the State of Washington to pay the entire consideration to Toni Bernasconi and Teresa Bernasconi, and direct that the State voucher in payment thereof shall be executed only by said Toni Bernasconi and Teresa Bernasconi. The lands being conveyed herein contain an area of 170 square feet, more or,less., the specific details concerning all of which are to be found within that certain map of de finite location now of record and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of ap- proval October 31, 1961 and revised December 27, 1963 and the c ter line of which is also shown of record in Volume 2 of Highway Plats, page 100, records of said County. ALSO, the Grantors herein convey and warrant to the State of Washington all Lights of ingress and, egress ( including all existing, Future or potential easements of access, light, view and air) to, from and between Primary State Highway No. 1, JOT 9-M to PSH No. 2, Renton and thexemai.nder of said Parcel. It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department of Highways, by the Chief Right of Way Agent. Dated this.................166th........... day of .................... May..,...1.962........ ....'............... t Y " .. ... .............. r Accepted and approved........ � ..._......`� � .. .. . STF WASHINGTON.......................................................................................................................... DED NT OF HIGHWAYS ....'¢�11.<........y......... Chief Right of Wav A nt. tz 4 Parcel 1-5x9 U 1982 ..- S. V. No, 3005 -A, -7-53-10M. 53730. ARRANT "ID.8..:1E In the Matter of Primary State Highway No. 1, JCT SSH 2'-M to JCT PSH No. 2, Renton P KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Grantor s ITER L. SMETH and MILDRM M. SMITH,* husband and wife` for and in consideration of the sum of ---TEN AND NOAOO 0:L0.00) --- - Dollars, and other valuable consideration. _ hereby convey and warrant to the State of Washington, the following described real estate situ- ated in King County, in the State of Washington: All that portion of the following described Parcel. "All lying southwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet northeasterly when measured at right angles and/or. radially from the DL line survey of Primary State Highway No. 1, JCT 2-X to JCT PSH No. 2, Rentbn, PARCEL "All: Tots 1, 2, 3., 4., 51 6, 7, and 8 in Block 15 of C. D. Hillmahts Fzrlington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle,, Divi jion No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats on page 74, records of King County;situate in the City of Renton., County of King, State of Washington ,The grantors herein reserve the right to remove theimprovements from the lands herein conveyed, assuming all liability to persons and/or property connected with said re- 3 moval, at any time until July 12, 1962; however, on said date, all improvements yet remaining, or partially remaining upon said lands shall become the property of the State of Washington and all rights of the grantors to said improvements shal1 then cease and terminate. It is understood and agreed that the State of Washington , its authorized agents or assigns, shall have the right to enter upon the remaining abut- ting lands of the grantors, his heirs, successors or assigns, where necessary to accomplish the removal of Said improvements. rt The lands being conveyed herein contain an area of 8,800 squae feet, more or less the specific details concerning all of which are to be found within that certain map of definite location now of record and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of ap- proval October 31, 1961 and revised Deember 27, 1961 and -he center line of which is also shown of record in Volume 2 of Highway Flats., page 181 , records of said County. AiSO, the Grantors herein convey and warrant to the State of Washington all rights �f ingress and egress including all existing, Future or potential easements of access; ,light., view and air to, frnm and between Primary State Highway No. ]9 JCT 2`44 to PSH i No. 2, Renton and the remainder of said Parcel "A". It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligatidns hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department of Highways, by the Chief o Right of Way Agent. Dated this ............. 12-th............... day of. ..... April...196.2........ ............................. ' N fi. l S. V. No, 3005 -A, -7-53-10M. 53730. ARRANT "ID.8..:1E In the Matter of Primary State Highway No. 1, JCT SSH 2'-M to JCT PSH No. 2, Renton P KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Grantor s ITER L. SMETH and MILDRM M. SMITH,* husband and wife` for and in consideration of the sum of ---TEN AND NOAOO 0:L0.00) --- - Dollars, and other valuable consideration. _ hereby convey and warrant to the State of Washington, the following described real estate situ- ated in King County, in the State of Washington: All that portion of the following described Parcel. "All lying southwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet northeasterly when measured at right angles and/or. radially from the DL line survey of Primary State Highway No. 1, JCT 2-X to JCT PSH No. 2, Rentbn, PARCEL "All: Tots 1, 2, 3., 4., 51 6, 7, and 8 in Block 15 of C. D. Hillmahts Fzrlington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle,, Divi jion No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats on page 74, records of King County;situate in the City of Renton., County of King, State of Washington ,The grantors herein reserve the right to remove theimprovements from the lands herein conveyed, assuming all liability to persons and/or property connected with said re- 3 moval, at any time until July 12, 1962; however, on said date, all improvements yet remaining, or partially remaining upon said lands shall become the property of the State of Washington and all rights of the grantors to said improvements shal1 then cease and terminate. It is understood and agreed that the State of Washington , its authorized agents or assigns, shall have the right to enter upon the remaining abut- ting lands of the grantors, his heirs, successors or assigns, where necessary to accomplish the removal of Said improvements. rt The lands being conveyed herein contain an area of 8,800 squae feet, more or less the specific details concerning all of which are to be found within that certain map of definite location now of record and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of ap- proval October 31, 1961 and revised Deember 27, 1961 and -he center line of which is also shown of record in Volume 2 of Highway Flats., page 181 , records of said County. AiSO, the Grantors herein convey and warrant to the State of Washington all rights �f ingress and egress including all existing, Future or potential easements of access; ,light., view and air to, frnm and between Primary State Highway No. ]9 JCT 2`44 to PSH i No. 2, Renton and the remainder of said Parcel "A". It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligatidns hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department of Highways, by the Chief o Right of Way Agent. Dated this ............. 12-th............... day of. ..... April...196.2........ ............................. for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N0/100 ($10.00) ------ Dollars, eb°2�Snv yls a c� wc� ?� s ' ' � State of Washington, the following described real estate situ- , ated in IMG County, in the State of Washington All that portion of the follo4ng described Parcel tAii lying southilesteriy of a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet northeasterly whc n measured at Aght angles and,/or radially from the DL line survey of Primary State Highway No. l., JOT 2 T4 to JOT PSH No. 2 $ Renton, PARCEL "All: Lots 339 34, 35, 36, 379 38, 39 and 40 in Block 15 of C. D. Hillman's Darlington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1., as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats on page 74., records of King County; Situate in the City of Renton' County of King., State of Washington. The lar ds beteg conveyed b- reran Go lain ar a `ea �f �. s60� square.f eet p ogre or 1�ss . the spec�� c detaz�s concGr?lung a.. o, w122c a?•e t0 �e pun w2 in t at certain mala o efinite ocaizon now of record and on file in the of,�ice of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of ap- proval October 313 1961 and revised december 27., 1961 and �he c enter line of which is also shown of record in Volume 2 of Highway Plats., page 18Y , records of said County. ALSO., the Grantors h�,rein convey anal Warr: nt to the State of Washington all -Aghts of ingress and egress (including all existing., Futpre or potential easement of access., light., view and air) to, from and between Primacy State High -way No. 13 JOT 2 M to PSH No. 2., Renton and the mma &der of said. Parcel »Ali. bwanm,« .,..�.—..- It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department of Highways, by the Chief Right of Way Agent. Datedthis ........... .... f . .............. day of ........... --------........1.. . .......,. .. ... .... ...... ... .ins. ......... Accepted and approved.........r .::L.f ..�.. ..... - -..:` .., 5 , s TE OF WASHINGTON DP RT.1vMNT of HYGHwAYS ti B Chief Right of Wa Agent:.........: i Parcel !$X. 'X'i "'Y • fir., ,"s o m w '. "�Sx.��[�'"''�, rrM+,�, m�m". .,...n ia:'�t.�`i�i^t yMSL 'x' ;,'�e.-may f;Y�^+FV^.�•.� .... rya.' :,.M• Y „%', $';:'W_'.rjY e" "-�• k ^•Y,`:$"�'a.' Tk+ !t aI'r, � �.�...... �--:..,� J -.G.` 4..-LYNReYYw ..... 1.tj.w.t.W..,.,.W+b..+„-a+„%W�•nr.-n+«:<4..-i*,.tFn...++i��i}�e..1nk'->rr+.1...x+' �.-+r«;M-r�� ;r�7 .,..., ... .,- .t>.� ...... � �.,:f ,...�..,., „e�- w . ............ ai--,., � t� �'�«.. .,r ,. Ha.,-•�,.-..,.. .:. h co i4ao, 3005.A--7.58--109, 83730, WARRANTY DIJUEED � ( In the Matter of Pr '- r y State Highway No. 1, JOT SSH r 2 M to JOT PSH No. 2, Renton CQ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Grantor JAMiZ NRU1, as his separate; property b for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N0/100 ($10.00) ------ Dollars, eb°2�Snv yls a c� wc� ?� s ' ' � State of Washington, the following described real estate situ- , ated in IMG County, in the State of Washington All that portion of the follo4ng described Parcel tAii lying southilesteriy of a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet northeasterly whc n measured at Aght angles and,/or radially from the DL line survey of Primary State Highway No. l., JOT 2 T4 to JOT PSH No. 2 $ Renton, PARCEL "All: Lots 339 34, 35, 36, 379 38, 39 and 40 in Block 15 of C. D. Hillman's Darlington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1., as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats on page 74., records of King County; Situate in the City of Renton' County of King., State of Washington. The lar ds beteg conveyed b- reran Go lain ar a `ea �f �. s60� square.f eet p ogre or 1�ss . the spec�� c detaz�s concGr?lung a.. o, w122c a?•e t0 �e pun w2 in t at certain mala o efinite ocaizon now of record and on file in the of,�ice of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of ap- proval October 313 1961 and revised december 27., 1961 and �he c enter line of which is also shown of record in Volume 2 of Highway Plats., page 18Y , records of said County. ALSO., the Grantors h�,rein convey anal Warr: nt to the State of Washington all -Aghts of ingress and egress (including all existing., Futpre or potential easement of access., light., view and air) to, from and between Primacy State High -way No. 13 JOT 2 M to PSH No. 2., Renton and the mma &der of said. Parcel »Ali. bwanm,« .,..�.—..- It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department of Highways, by the Chief Right of Way Agent. Datedthis ........... .... f . .............. day of ........... --------........1.. . .......,. .. ... .... ...... ... .ins. ......... Accepted and approved.........r .::L.f ..�.. ..... - -..:` .., 5 , s TE OF WASHINGTON DP RT.1vMNT of HYGHwAYS ti B Chief Right of Wa Agent:.........: i Parcel !$X. 'X'i "'Y • fir., ,"s o m w 0 ORW STATE OF OREGON, V0"M NO. 23 6TKV9Nr$ N'ZOU I'AW Plitt, CO-, VOWMAND, County of----- coos 0 BE IT REMEMBERED, 7'hat on this,, ...... 17th. day OV''.., ................. A.U.. before ine, the ani dersidned, ........... a Alues'noxf—. Notary Public in and for said County and State, parsonallyaPPeared the witolin .. ... ... ... ­­ .......... . ....... ................ .. ............................... ......... . ..... ­ ........ .'­­­­ .... I.—I. ... — ... I - .. .., - .......... ........... .. ­ ...... .... . . .. ......... ....... . known to me to be the identic.1. ­­ I—— —, ­­ ............. pi individual, described in and who cut d h within inst u nt and m© that acknowledged to r exe 0 the r me executed the sanlo freely and voluntarily. kr IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have] hereunto set my hand and affixed ii my official deal the day and year lost abova written. Notary Public for Oregon, My Commission expires .,.AugWt ,27,*­1965­... Residingat..- ................... . ........... ­­ ............................ (Corporation acknowledgment form) STATE OV WASHINGTON, County of.,.. .... ....... ............... On this.... ........ .................day of ..... . -before me personally appeared ..............>.................,.......................,....... ..................... .. ..... ...... and .... . . ..... ........ .... .................. ............. ..... ................. ­­­ ..... ..... ......... ........ tome known to be the ........................... ....... .... . ... ....... and ........ . ... ...... ................ ....... - ...... ..... ....... ­-­ ....... . . of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ................ ............ .. .... ......... .. ...... ... ...... ..... ..,authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official seat the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residingat ......... ............. ........... ..— ............................... N O 0 ORW STATE OF OREGON, V0"M NO. 23 6TKV9Nr$ N'ZOU I'AW Plitt, CO-, VOWMAND, County of----- coos 0 BE IT REMEMBERED, 7'hat on this,, ...... 17th. day OV''.., ................. A.U.. before ine, the ani dersidned, ........... a Alues'noxf—. Notary Public in and for said County and State, parsonallyaPPeared the witolin .. ... ... ... ­­ .......... . ....... ................ .. ............................... ......... . ..... ­ ........ .'­­­­ .... I.—I. ... — ... I - .. .., - .......... ........... .. ­ ...... .... . . .. ......... ....... . known to me to be the identic.1. ­­ I—— —, ­­ ............. pi individual, described in and who cut d h within inst u nt and m© that acknowledged to r exe 0 the r me executed the sanlo freely and voluntarily. kr IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have] hereunto set my hand and affixed ii my official deal the day and year lost abova written. Notary Public for Oregon, My Commission expires .,.AugWt ,27,*­1965­... Residingat..- ................... . ........... ­­ ............................ (Corporation acknowledgment form) STATE OV WASHINGTON, County of.,.. .... ....... ............... On this.... ........ .................day of ..... . -before me personally appeared ..............>.................,.......................,....... ..................... .. ..... ...... and .... . . ..... ........ .... .................. ............. ..... ................. ­­­ ..... ..... ......... ........ tome known to be the ........................... ....... .... . ... ....... and ........ . ... ...... ................ ....... - ...... ..... ....... ­-­ ....... . . of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ................ ............ .. .... ......... .. ...... ... ...... ..... ..,authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official seat the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residingat ......... ............. ........... ..— ............................... N _ .. , f 4'b r v .. .. �t�, ' Fv — t �••�' erG�^'�`i'G -�' (.�^P'y."s.rt�w4'�ieK�a ` t y ,u�-� .a.1.3, ,.. � :. v :�J t `: - � .I...w icr.. _. ......,..:i.ys _,........-.�.� �F.z..,.gr-� JC .-u�..ti�5 .zw.;S:� v�ir.�... ....1•� ck _ ON 76, , r s =A u n r' _ � e- tv .qY s, V_ ir 7r7 7 fy.;3t�°c._ f -f,.c rix;-..,��r.., +•i'=•li- ;.=it I :Ttik i,R a - �. f#s'-'�''�j s...Ft rf2 Fr={^�:�:{it f„.'-i'.?'j �!_�.. 4 __r,. � i'.1 s=3-.sem f's.x--'.k c�: r ;'t ? :a•sK..f_� _,(.-,E �- �.vJ! ��;.�ie ... �Y{;�j-�.�. }*Si��•• ��'a'-i-: }i ���t. i. 5`�-3 Y -vl• i�• *' �K-��� �7 i' "fir.: .]�. �1��->i,,F•�J.Y i:�j€-� >�i*vit�-2.-� T^'r •.i,'1', �'�/i'-t �_'. .Y x ,rte s 3. r. .-43. 4 ':t• _ _ '„Ti� A',. : =,.i�,.,.e- 3 t` s4.ff',�€£ �-'.tsf [ •` S; c -_;'!i Aa4.' 13 Wo 940NTY F.A. No. 1-405"3( ) I s Project No. 11082B - 'AUG 4 1A . f- QUIT CLAIM DEED - I In theo State Route 405, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSN No. 2 in Rentons KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE.PRESENTS, that the Grantors# RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY] a joint venture, consisting of PORT BLAKELY TREE FARM, a Q Washington LimitedPartnership, successor.to the interest of 11_ Aquilo.Properties, Inc,, a Washington corporation, and PUGET } WESTERN, INC,, a Washington corporation# for and in consideration of 14UTUAL BENEFITS convey and quit claim to.the STATE OF 0 WASHINGTON the following described real estate, and any after VY acquired interest therein, situated in King County, in the State of Washingtonf to the same extent and purpose as if the rights herein granted had been acquired under Eminent Domain statues of the State of Washington. All that portion of the south half of vacated 10th Avenue South adjacent to Block. ll of C. D: Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, jj Division No. 1, according to plat recorded in Volume 17 �z of Plats# page 74, records of King County, Washington# ' lying south of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station # (hereinafter referred to as HES) 192+95.18 on the SR 405 survey line of SR 405, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in.Renton and 145.26 feet northerly therefrom; thence LU southeasterly parallel with the DL -Line survey of said =' .a highway and 50 feet northerly therefrom, when measured F radially from said DL -Line Survey, to a point opposite ;3 �... HES 193+24.23 on the SR 405 survey line of said highway and 132.36 feet northerly therefrom; thence easterly to - a point opposite HES 195+67.16 on said survey line and. 107:64 feet northerly � therefrom;` thence easterly parallel with said survey line to a point opposite HES 3 ? 196+50 on said survey line and 107.64 feet northerly U1 therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES }� 191+11.41 on said survey line and 100 feet northerly �f3 therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said survey line to a.point opposite HES 191+89.58 on said survey y' line and 100 feet northerly therefrom and the end of this line description, EXCEPT the following described z rX property:_ ���rOrs r 14 40475 E I That portion of vacated 10th Avenue South, as Ce,,a coated �DO 7N in the Plat of C+ D. Hillman's Earlington Garcjgn-9 ' Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. , recorded in Volume 17, page 74, in King County, Washington, lying in the Southwest quarter of the t Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and more particularly described as - follows: �r Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Southw8st quarter of the Northeast quarter; thence. South 61 04'08" 'yam West along the East subdivision line, 239.96 feet;. thence South 61042'59" West; 279489 feet; thence South 00002'16" East, 249.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 89048'29" East, 16.41 feet to a point on the Northerly margin of Primary State Highway No.�l (Jct. SSH 5-M to Jct: PSH No, 2 -SR 405), said point being 100 feet Northerly from Highway Station 197+11.41; thence' Southwesterly along said Highway margin, on a curve to the right, the center of which bears North 07007'37" West, having a radius of 11,360.0 feet through a central an of 00 05'00", an are distance of 16.54 feet; thence North 0002'16" West, 2.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. i 1fla�S 32 -DC -3253 011987 61 s f F.rZ A. No, 1-405-3( :3 Project No. 11082B The above -described "property is highlighted in red on the attached map (Exhibit "A"), which by this reference is made a part hereof. f �r Also the Grantors herein convey and grant to the State T of Washington all rights of ingress and egress (including all 4 existing, future or potential easement of access, light, view and air) to, from and between SR 4Q5, Jct: SSH Noy 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton, and the tract herein above-described. Subject to -easements, restrictions, reser�iations, covenants#' exceptionsi agreements, and other encumbrances. The specific details concerning all of which are to be found } Q within that certain map'of definite location now of record and on44',it, the office of the Secretary of Transportation at Olympia e and bearing date of approval October 311 1961, revised The undersigned herein agree to surrender possession of the this instrument by the F lands herein conveyed upon acceptance of Chief Right of Way Agent. it is understood and agreed that the delivery of. this deed is and obligations hereof shall hereby tendered and that the terms binding upon the State of Washington unless and until 9 r not become accepted and approved hereon in writing for the Washington State his duly , Department of Transportation, by its Secretary or ' authorized representative. r cTi�C- Dated thisl day of Q 2��--- , 1987. ?� - R Accepted and Approved `=—ty -�- Z5: RENTON VILLAGE eoMPANY,`��? WASHINGTO TE T O T NS TION a joint venture ---n 2c)DEPARTM 5 _ By: Port Blakely Tree Farms a Washington limited partnership Titlei CIFIFRIG"t^`.ar"rn* 1 0 I er By Puget Western, Inc+ a Washington corporation 4W.*E,,atsn Its: President ll. 2TH day. ori, RP,�iL y 1957, before me, the- ddle c gned, a Notary Public n and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn#-personall Appeared me known to be the President of PUG WESTERN, WAT8ONj Q joint venturers of RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY and the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to. be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for said joint Venture, for the uses and Pur therein mentionedi and on oath stated that he was authorizedsto execute the said instrument: WITNESS my hand and Official seal hereto affixed the day and year ill this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at d2�a,tno,yo My Appointment Expires g-- STATE •O.F WASHINGTON ? � COUNTY OF KING } SS. On this ZIJ7 day of Ap+e�� 1982, he undersigned, a Notary Public rn and for the�Stal-e ofeWashingfore ton, duly commissioned and sworn; personally appeared J, E, WARJONE,.to me of known to be the General Partner of PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS, one the joint venturers of RENTON VILLAGE CDMPANY-and the limited partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited partnership for said joint venture, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument: WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and Year in this certificate above written. / ifft�tf�isf,. e�for thate of Washington, residing at My Appointment Expires 'j- _ i990 In itla�s `` 32 -DC -3253.011987 E4rr T .. tet' .. _ . r• •A: Noy 1-445-3( ." Project No. 110828 '4 QUIT CLAIM DEED * RENTON ,VILLAGE COMPANY STATE OF WASHINGTON ,T STAT '0, WASHINGTON �•�s 4� �5 �� Uhl CUUNTYt OF KING - On tti i s 2TH day. ori, RP,�iL y 1957, before me, the- ddle c gned, a Notary Public n and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn#-personall Appeared me known to be the President of PUG WESTERN, WAT8ONj Q joint venturers of RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY and the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to. be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for said joint Venture, for the uses and Pur therein mentionedi and on oath stated that he was authorizedsto execute the said instrument: WITNESS my hand and Official seal hereto affixed the day and year ill this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at d2�a,tno,yo My Appointment Expires g-- STATE •O.F WASHINGTON ? � COUNTY OF KING } SS. On this ZIJ7 day of Ap+e�� 1982, he undersigned, a Notary Public rn and for the�Stal-e ofeWashingfore ton, duly commissioned and sworn; personally appeared J, E, WARJONE,.to me of known to be the General Partner of PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS, one the joint venturers of RENTON VILLAGE CDMPANY-and the limited partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited partnership for said joint venture, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument: WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and Year in this certificate above written. / ifft�tf�isf,. e�for thate of Washington, residing at My Appointment Expires 'j- _ i990 In itla�s `` 32 -DC -3253.011987 E4rr T tot- �—iEa �c 7 . .. t.+......+ .-1'-..ia [- --1`. •, - }•3,• a. :.a � ff .--;�-. �t avo -s yam- L�..I.� .� ,oru is �n31v,. r_ i mar. i( •' �. r �7 ! a vu 1: �t cl \ st ntti cc s i It - t C i _ i i � t �� s1 i � � � • � ) 77 _ je [ 4lJ �! ;_" � • t r • S f� ♦ i . +� i\ Q > a t� `th t is a ,!'. • >:i iI �+ i � ` �, +' i i) `� A ; •sem - F.fI1 �a S j�' ; + f.1�,I ` I ■ j �• ' ten -Ica'} lsits - � i.'�� � ii t - ! •; ! . 1� Y . ? �� ��� =$4�:.,' •iii • � s •, -•—t - � u - � �- • .i _ i _ �; �!� b• ,+ ii�� iii` Z1 - `.� it ---- + _� ! _ L9 .t■ � S ii , • f s p ice' - a y+rT - , ; j . �1 i r t 1� + � � ` ! •� + t � tt)) Ivi Y{ i' - t rt v --=---- - ---4��►Tifi - --- S _.i , ;iii ! - T fly'cl 44 f Z'_ •l �lG�r:4"� '. C: T•-� __ - — '79 a1, � tcC •fu 1Tf `• � • - '__ • • � 1 �C {-- a,f mal J�kiir��" .tf..7•u1. 7i 1__ _ •toa c�j_=a_____'_ _-_-t = _ ■ + 1 a _ i •E •'� �_ _ _-_-__ >t -lelw s i �f.iFe - a 3i � i i a•, a ' � i k �r I l{ • Z 7 I i i Is�t & � � r �• � '' ' lfTc;}1� . �. ► s . •' s a �� s• l i ` 'yf • i '1s s's i i s � _= t pis• - t �6 j �� r--, — - ^ .--� Ste• __� .� - -- - - --��rii.;�. -- �-� �- .�` -. -- ---_-; �I=�i - . -:fig .J�� � .�:?'.?�'•�t:rr•r -- S _ THIS INDENTUREmade this_ _.._day of___ .� �4._ Fork/__ - - y 19 - , between_. _ PUGET PROPERTIES_ INC- and NC,and hereinafter called the "Grantor", and PUGET SOUND POWER tip LIGHT C0'r4PANY, a Washington corporation, hereinafter called the "Grantee", and_x--&Xy-xxDu xxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxXxx.hereinafter called the "dortgagee", WITNESSETH: "That in consideration of One Dollar ($1) and other valuable considerations, reucipt of which is hereby ac- knowledged, the Grantor hereby grants and conveys to the Grantee its successors and assigns, an easement for an electric line right-of-way and the perpetual right to construct, reconstruct, improve, repair, maintain and operate one or more electric transmission and/or distribution lines, con.: fisting of poles or towers with necessary braces, •� guys and anchors, crossarms, insulators, transmission, distribution and signal wires, transformers and other nec- essary or convenient facilitiesr�d equipment on said right-of-way over and across the following described land 1of the Grantor located in g _-, County, State of Washington: Lr- A portion of the NE 1 of Section 19 TWN 23 N., R. 5 E. W.M. and lying within C.D. Hillman's Earlingt"on Gardens Addition No. 1 and Renton View Addition, more particu- larly described as: "Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 3, Blk 5, Renton View Addi- tion as recorded in the Book of Plats, Vol. 33, Page 25, Records of King County, Washington, being the true point of beginning; thence southerly along the E. line of said Lot 3, 159.20 feet; thence S- 55003112" E. 196.35 feet 'to the intersection of the N. margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, as shov,m on State Highway maps entitled "PSH No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton," bearing approv- al date October 31, 1961; tkence westerly along the N. margin of Primary State Highway No. 1 and northerly along the E. margin of Primary State Highway No. 5 to a point 112.29 feet southerly of its intercept withthe E -W cm. terline of the NE 4 of said Section 19; thence S. 63029'01" E- 366.38 feet; thence S. 53030129" E. 456.87 feet; thence N. 8704339" E• 379.51 feet; thence N. 49013'58" E. 423.05 feet; thence S. 89044'03" E- 134.04 feet, being the N. line of Lots 2 and 3 of Blk 5 of said Renton View Addition, to the true point of begin iing.: Grantee shall have the right of access across the adjacent land of the Grantor in order to exercise the rights granted by this instrument, including the right to construct, maintain and use a passable road in a convenient location, with necessary bridges and gates. Grantee shall have the right, at any and all times, to cut top and/or trim any and all brush or trees now or hereafter standing or growing upon said right-of-way, and also the right to cut, top and/or trim any trees upon adjacent land of the Grantor which, in falling, could come within (30) feet of any of the poles, tower, fix- tures, guys, conductors or other facilities of the Grantee or in any manner be a menace or hazard thereto. Grantor shall not place, construct or maintain any building or other structure on the right-of-way. Grantor shall do no blasting whatsoever within a distance of 300 feet from said lines unless reasonable notice thereof has been first given to Grantee in writing. The easement and rights herein granted to the Grantee shall continue in force until such time as the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall completely remove its structures and equipment from said land or shall otherwise permanently abandon the same. Upon such removal or abandonment all rights hereby granted shall terminate. Any mortgage on said land held by the Mortgagee is hereby released to the extent, but only to the extent, necessary to subordinate the said mortgage to the riAts hereby granted to the Grantee." IN WITNESS WHEREOF this instrument has been executed the day and year first above written. PUGET PROPERTIES, INC . Mortgagee b GI_ti By ATTEST: — -- Secretary C 4;: President TAT SHINGTON ss COUNTY OF K1 On the day personally appe efore me F . W . Kimball to me known to be the indivual ' escribed in and who executed the wit 1 foregoing instrument, and acknowledged thathe_signed the same as 1 free and voluntary act and deed for the use urposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 8th day o January 19 6 , s Notar ub is in aa for the State o ton, s EASEMENT — FW R/W residing at f u -74-H 4-81 i 4 0 v.. w THIS INDENTUREmade this_ _.._day of___ .� �4._ Fork/__ - - y 19 - , between_. _ PUGET PROPERTIES_ INC- and NC,and hereinafter called the "Grantor", and PUGET SOUND POWER tip LIGHT C0'r4PANY, a Washington corporation, hereinafter called the "Grantee", and_x--&Xy-xxDu xxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxXxx.hereinafter called the "dortgagee", WITNESSETH: "That in consideration of One Dollar ($1) and other valuable considerations, reucipt of which is hereby ac- knowledged, the Grantor hereby grants and conveys to the Grantee its successors and assigns, an easement for an electric line right-of-way and the perpetual right to construct, reconstruct, improve, repair, maintain and operate one or more electric transmission and/or distribution lines, con.: fisting of poles or towers with necessary braces, •� guys and anchors, crossarms, insulators, transmission, distribution and signal wires, transformers and other nec- essary or convenient facilitiesr�d equipment on said right-of-way over and across the following described land 1of the Grantor located in g _-, County, State of Washington: Lr- A portion of the NE 1 of Section 19 TWN 23 N., R. 5 E. W.M. and lying within C.D. Hillman's Earlingt"on Gardens Addition No. 1 and Renton View Addition, more particu- larly described as: "Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 3, Blk 5, Renton View Addi- tion as recorded in the Book of Plats, Vol. 33, Page 25, Records of King County, Washington, being the true point of beginning; thence southerly along the E. line of said Lot 3, 159.20 feet; thence S- 55003112" E. 196.35 feet 'to the intersection of the N. margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, as shov,m on State Highway maps entitled "PSH No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton," bearing approv- al date October 31, 1961; tkence westerly along the N. margin of Primary State Highway No. 1 and northerly along the E. margin of Primary State Highway No. 5 to a point 112.29 feet southerly of its intercept withthe E -W cm. terline of the NE 4 of said Section 19; thence S. 63029'01" E- 366.38 feet; thence S. 53030129" E. 456.87 feet; thence N. 8704339" E• 379.51 feet; thence N. 49013'58" E. 423.05 feet; thence S. 89044'03" E- 134.04 feet, being the N. line of Lots 2 and 3 of Blk 5 of said Renton View Addition, to the true point of begin iing.: Grantee shall have the right of access across the adjacent land of the Grantor in order to exercise the rights granted by this instrument, including the right to construct, maintain and use a passable road in a convenient location, with necessary bridges and gates. Grantee shall have the right, at any and all times, to cut top and/or trim any and all brush or trees now or hereafter standing or growing upon said right-of-way, and also the right to cut, top and/or trim any trees upon adjacent land of the Grantor which, in falling, could come within (30) feet of any of the poles, tower, fix- tures, guys, conductors or other facilities of the Grantee or in any manner be a menace or hazard thereto. Grantor shall not place, construct or maintain any building or other structure on the right-of-way. Grantor shall do no blasting whatsoever within a distance of 300 feet from said lines unless reasonable notice thereof has been first given to Grantee in writing. The easement and rights herein granted to the Grantee shall continue in force until such time as the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall completely remove its structures and equipment from said land or shall otherwise permanently abandon the same. Upon such removal or abandonment all rights hereby granted shall terminate. Any mortgage on said land held by the Mortgagee is hereby released to the extent, but only to the extent, necessary to subordinate the said mortgage to the riAts hereby granted to the Grantee." IN WITNESS WHEREOF this instrument has been executed the day and year first above written. PUGET PROPERTIES, INC . Mortgagee b GI_ti By ATTEST: — -- Secretary C 4;: President TAT SHINGTON ss COUNTY OF K1 On the day personally appe efore me F . W . Kimball to me known to be the indivual ' escribed in and who executed the wit 1 foregoing instrument, and acknowledged thathe_signed the same as 1 free and voluntary act and deed for the use urposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 8th day o January 19 6 , s Notar ub is in aa for the State o ton, s EASEMENT — FW R/W residing at f u -74-H 4-81 i 4 0 � f. � r�i �.:t.xA'1 4�k-v^1��,+'.Amr' �I' �` k! \: � t•,J ! :5 •\.j WARRANTY DEED' y The Grantor, PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington corporation, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, L receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys and war- rants to HOLMAN PROPERTIES, INC., a Washington corporation, Grantee, subject to the encumbrances, reservations, conditions C° and restrictions hereinafter set forth, the following -described real property situated in the County of King, State of Washington: That portion of the N.W. 4 of N.E. k of Section 19, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M. described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly margin of S.S.H. No . 1-L ( Grady Way in the City of Renton) 232.5 feet west of the east line of said N.W. 4 of N.E. h, as measured perpendicularly, said point being the True Point of Beginning; Thence southerly along a line 232.5 feet from (as measured perpendicularly) and parallel to said east line of said Subdivision to the south line of said Subdivision; Thence N. 89044131" W. 1027.89 feet along the south line of said Subdivision to the easterly mar- gin of P.S.H. No. 5 as recorded in Highway Plats Vol. 2, pgs. 186, 1.87, 188; Thence N. 01033119" E. 140.99 feet along said easterly margin; Thence N. 41034150" E. 90.78 feet to a point on the southerly margin of S.S.H. No. 1-L (Grady way); Thence northeasterly along the southerly margin of S.S.H. No. 1-L to the true point of beginning. Being approximately 7.4 Acres. Subject to 1. An unrecorded transmission crossing permit to Seattle City Light defining a 350 -foot wide corridor. 2. .All easements, restrictions, encumbrances and. reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this instrument n, JAN 16 1964 Pzzp y r ot y C �r Qi to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this �M J day of 1964. PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY y B y F. W. Kimball, as�its Vice President ATTEST: C. B. Schoeggl, a,� fires Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. County of K i n g ) On this \15 day of � G � - 1964, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for he State of Washing- ton, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared F. W. KIMBALL and C. B. SCHOEGGL, to me known to be Vice President and Secretary, respectively, of PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpo- ration, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument, and that the seal affixed is -the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at -2- .EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this 13th day of September ' 19 65 � U0 between RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, herein called GRANTOR, and CITY OF RENTON, herein r called GRANTEE., ! � WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of ten thousand dollars, ($10,000.00) in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the performance by Grantee of the covenants hereinafter set forth, Grantor hereby grants unto Grantee, a right of way not exceeding 5 feet in width on each side of the center line hereinafter described, for the maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of the following described service facility: SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AND LATERAL LINES within and across and following described land situated in the County of King, State of Washington to wit: That portion of the Northeast4of Section 19, Twp. 23N., R5E., W.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly margin of S.S.H. No. l -L (Grady Way in the City of Renton) said point being 232.50 feet West of the East line of the Northwest 4 of said Northeast 1 as measured perpendicular; thence Southerly, along the line 232.50 Feet from (as measured perpendicular) and parallel to said East line of the Northwest ,— of the Northeast, a distance of 147.57 feet; thence N88055' 52" W a distance of 175.33 feet; thence N01008' 50" E a distance of 5.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S01008'50" W a distance of 635.07 feet; thence S54015'52" W a distance of 163.50 feet; thence N880 51'52" W a distance of 109,30 feet to a point hereinafter described as "Point A"; thence continuing N88055'52" W a distance of 303.00 feet to a point hereinafter described as "Point B"; thence N42032137" W a distance of 478.10 feet; thence 589028113" W a distance of 158.30 feet; thence N81001123" W a distance of 405 feet more or less to a point on the Easterly margin of PSH No. 5 (East Valley Highway) said point being the terminus of this easement. Rt EXCEPT ROADS Also, beginning at the heretofore described "Point A",,said point being the true point of beginning, thence S00020 '5 E a distance of 378 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly margin of PSR No. 1 said point being the termini;..- ;bis easement. zr ;;� Jffiliffl 2 NEU` -. . ....: »:.r..t. vv »-.x-..i. n. wrnv.�..... ».. .v ............. -.:... ......Y•..,o.: a+�--.r.mas.vw� n. .J..., _ ,..-_.�.r. .v.. ..e..-. ._ ,.0 . �. ...., .. ..�.... �.+n«.:-.-...:._+.a+ri.. .. .....-....... .tea- ....- ..... -.�.. .- . ... ... a ...- +.: i ... ... .. .. } i t i .EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this 13th day of September ' 19 65 � U0 between RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, herein called GRANTOR, and CITY OF RENTON, herein r called GRANTEE., ! � WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of ten thousand dollars, ($10,000.00) in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the performance by Grantee of the covenants hereinafter set forth, Grantor hereby grants unto Grantee, a right of way not exceeding 5 feet in width on each side of the center line hereinafter described, for the maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of the following described service facility: SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AND LATERAL LINES within and across and following described land situated in the County of King, State of Washington to wit: That portion of the Northeast4of Section 19, Twp. 23N., R5E., W.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly margin of S.S.H. No. l -L (Grady Way in the City of Renton) said point being 232.50 feet West of the East line of the Northwest 4 of said Northeast 1 as measured perpendicular; thence Southerly, along the line 232.50 Feet from (as measured perpendicular) and parallel to said East line of the Northwest ,— of the Northeast, a distance of 147.57 feet; thence N88055' 52" W a distance of 175.33 feet; thence N01008' 50" E a distance of 5.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S01008'50" W a distance of 635.07 feet; thence S54015'52" W a distance of 163.50 feet; thence N880 51'52" W a distance of 109,30 feet to a point hereinafter described as "Point A"; thence continuing N88055'52" W a distance of 303.00 feet to a point hereinafter described as "Point B"; thence N42032137" W a distance of 478.10 feet; thence 589028113" W a distance of 158.30 feet; thence N81001123" W a distance of 405 feet more or less to a point on the Easterly margin of PSH No. 5 (East Valley Highway) said point being the terminus of this easement. Rt EXCEPT ROADS Also, beginning at the heretofore described "Point A",,said point being the true point of beginning, thence S00020 '5 E a distance of 378 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly margin of PSR No. 1 said point being the termini;..- ;bis easement. zr ;;� Jffiliffl 2 NEU` -. . ....: »:.r..t. vv »-.x-..i. n. wrnv.�..... ».. .v ............. -.:... ......Y•..,o.: a+�--.r.mas.vw� n. .J..., _ ,..-_.�.r. .v.. ..e..-. ._ ,.0 . �. ...., .. ..�.... �.+n«.:-.-...:._+.a+ri.. .. .....-....... .tea- ....- ..... -.�.. .- . ... ... a ...- +.: i ... ... .. .. ®r 0 4 Lr11 Also., beginning at the heretofore described "Point P", said point being the true point of beginning, thence N OO 3TV7," W, a distance of 275.00 feet to the terminus of this easement. This easement is granted on the following terms and conditions: I. Grantee agrees to save and hold Grantor harmless from all loss or damage which may be due to the exercise by Grantee of the right herein granted and from all claims for such damage by whomsoever made and t.o indemnify Grantor for all such loss, damage and claims. 2. Grantor reserves the right to use said land for their own purposes in anyway, and to grant rights in or on said land to others, not inconsistent with the right herein granted to Grantee. 3. The right hereby granted shall cease and determine whenever Grantee shall have permanently abandoned the use of said facility and upon such abandonment Grantee shall fill its facility to meet sanitary requirements and restore the premises to as good a condition as they were in prior to the construction of. said facility. 4. If the Grantee, it successors or assigns makes an excavation in the Grantor's property, it shall without delay restore the surface as nearly as practicable to the same condition as it was in before the doing of such work. 5. The location of said right of way is shown on map dated March 23, 1965, prepared by Douglas E. Weeks, copy of which is attached hereto and by this a .reference made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed by the .parties hereto as of the day and year first above written. PUGE"T' PROPERTIES, INC. & HOTa41AN PROPERTIES, INC. d/b/a iRenton Village Company KNOW ALL'MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: HOLMAN PROPERTIES, INC. and That PUGET WESTERN, INC. dib/a RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY , hereinafter referred to as party of the first part` for and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, release and `convey unto the City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, as "party of the second part an easement appurtenant and perpetual over, on, and to the following described properties: See attached Exhibit "B" for Water Main And the party of the second part to have for the purposes of con- struction, repair, service, and maintenance of the XXWXX KKR water lines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 3� 4L day of .,,cco _ , 19 69 . HOLMAN PROPERTIES, INC. PUGET WESTERN, INC. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) 1 GRANTOR I, the u ers' d Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in , do hereby certify that on the day of 19 69 , Wally ap- peared before me and, to me known to be the individuals scribed in and who executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes here- in mentioned. 4_ 'ven uader m hand and official seal this��09 day of y , 1969. Notary Public in and for th of Washington,.residing at y-. ��.4 •. �,�t,�b 'fix �'� New r� W + �q .#4 .tk1� .� i .�Yrr' ._v� ,_xi�e�YL w . 1r r r V u / r 2 . I t •N S' r /f i •Fi 1 e 859 69 I October 309 1969 ; Renton Vi 1 l age, Co. , WATER LINE EASEMENT IN RENTON VILLAGE - EXHIBIT That portion -of the northeast quarter of Section 19 T awnship 23 . . North, Range 5 Ease, W.M. and of blocks 11, 12, 14, and 15 of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74 and of vacated'streets and alleys, and of Block 5 of Renton View ,.Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 33 of plats, page 25 records of King County, Washington, lying within a strip of land to feet In width having 5 feet of said width on each side of the following described line: Beginnina at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 191,thence S 0100.4'08" , W along the-east line of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter a distance of 6.26 feet to the true point of beginning; { thence N 88055'52" W a distance of 100.95 feet to a point here- after�designated Point 'A'; thence continuing N 88055152" W a distance of 110.00 feet; thence S 01°04'08" W a distance of 204.53 feet; to a point hereafter designated Point '8'; thence S 89044' 03" E a distance of 603:39 feet; thence N 01004'08" E a distance of.728.00 feet; thence N•.88055'52" W a distance of 178.33 feet;: thence S 01004108" W a distance'of 531.93 feet; thence N'88055'• 52" W a distance of 214.05 feet to the true point of beg,fnning,. Together With: That portion of said northeast` quarter of, said Section 19 lying`,.' ; within a- strip of land 10 feet in width-having 5 feet of said . width on each side of the'foilowing described Itne. Beginning at the above mentioned Point 'A' thence N 01004108" E a distance of 295.00 feet to the' terminus of said line. I Together With: . -That portion of said northeast quarter of said Section 19 g lyin r. within a strip of land 10 feet in width having 5 feet of said ,• width on each side of the folf following de g scribed 1 i ne . r ' Beginning at the'above mentioned Point 'B' thence N 89°44103" !� istance of 101.00 feet; thence.N 42018131" W :a distance of -I 477.48 feet; thence S 89028113" W a distance of,160.60 feet; ' thence s 00,01314711 E a di stance • of 55.00 feet; thence S 38030' 46"' W ; � -a distance of 190 00 feet to a point hereafter designated point • i' 'C°; thence continuing S 38.30146" W a distance"of 129.18 feet; 'thence S 6.3•27'19,"'E a distance of 71:00 feetrt, th'ewcel S' 26°3-2�1'4)Zh1'i..WA ' I CI Y File 859 69 4.. October 30, 1969 Page 2• ' ''. a distance of 82.00 feet to a point hereafter d. �. Point'DI.; *thence S 63°27'18" E , a distance of 36. 00 feet; thence thence S 5 85°57'.8"E a distance of 15:8.36 feet; thence S 19038104" E a distance I fSlggo00, feet; thence N,TO°21'56" E a distance of 142.00 feet; thence 30'4S'" E a distance of 272.94 feet; thence N 00043135". W a distance of 204.91 feet to. the terms nus' of sai d '•l i ne. 'Together With: ..._ . That portion of said northeast quarter of said Section 19 1y1'ng within a •s trip of land 10• feet in .� width having 5 feet of said width on each side of the following described line. Beginning at the above mentioned Point 'C' thence N 51'2'14" W a distance of 67.00 feet �? to the terminus of said line. l i t ,,h. Teeth_. e r With: That' ' .�• portion of said northeast quarter of said Section '19 lying within a 'strip of land 10 feet in width having 5 feet of said width on each side of the following described line. Beginning at the above mentioned Point 'D' thence N 630271183" W a distance of 287.00 feet; thencq N'88°26'41" W a distance of; ' •28.60 feet; thence• N 010-3311'9" E a distance of 78.80 feet to a point hereafter designated Point 'E' thence continuingN 01 33' 19" E a distance of .76.20 feet to the terminus of said Tine. Together With: That portion of said northeast quarter of said Section,19 lying within a strip of land 10 feet in width having 5 feet of said width on each side of the following described line. I. Beginning at the above mentioned Point 'E' thence N 88°26'41" W s • a distance of 10.00 feet to the erminus of said•line. ! Y (Thewesterly boundary of said'easement being a line running N 0103,3119" E i } and S 01033'.19"4from the terminal point.! i i E A S E M E N T For and in consideration of One Dollar($1.00) and other valuable i consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HOLMAN PROPERTIES, INC., a Washington Corporation, and PUGET WESTERN, INC., a Washington Corporation, doing business as RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Joint Venture; and WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK, ("Grantor"herein) hereby grant, convey and warrant to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington Corporation ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes herein- after set forth, a perpetual easement over, across and,,.under the following described real property (the "Property" herein), in King County, Washington: (See Exhibit "A” Attached) 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge one or more electric transmission and/or distribution lines over and/or under the Right of Way together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances thereto; which may include but are not limited.to the following: a. Overhead facilities. Poles and/or towers with crossarms, 'braces, guys and anchors; electric transmission and distribution lines; communication and signal lines; transformers. b. Underground facilities. Underground conduits, cables, vaults, manholes,. switches and transformers, semi -buried or ground mounted facilities such as pads, transformers and switches. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional lines and other facilities as it may require. 2. Access. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right of Way over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exercise -its rights hereunder, provided that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access.. 3. Cutting of Trees. Grantee shall have the right to cut or trim any and all brush or trees standing or growing upon the Right of Way, and also the right to cut or trim any trees upon the Property which, in falling, could,.in Grantee's reasonable judgment, be a hazard to Grantee's facili- ties. 4. Grantor's Use of Right of Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right of Way for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on the Right of Way and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's prior written consent. 5. Indemnity. By accepting and recording this easement, Grantee agrees to indemnify and.hold harmless Grantor from any and all claims for damages suffered by any person which may be caused by Grantee's exercise of the rights herein granted, provided that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any damages resulting from injuries to any person caused by acts or omissions of Grantor. 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases -to use the Right of Way for a period of five (5) years, -in which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Grantor, provided that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred b- reason of Grantee's f=ailure to initially install its facilities on the Right of. Wave within any period of time from the date hereof. 7. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. FILED FOR FECORID AT REO -UES i' Or'� PUGET POWER REAL E:;TATE DIVISION PUGET POWER BLDG. BELL.EVUE, WASHINGTON 98009 434:3•-k7 ATTENTION: HOWARD A. STRONG' ;4 S i 1°lam EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED G King Co, Records Division .Deputy - t r � ��,a„�E, O fid• �y n , r: Joint Venture; and WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK, ("Grantor"herein) hereby grant, convey and warrant to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington Corporation ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes herein- after set forth, a perpetual easement over, across and,,.under the following described real property (the "Property" herein), in King County, Washington: (See Exhibit "A” Attached) 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge one or more electric transmission and/or distribution lines over and/or under the Right of Way together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances thereto; which may include but are not limited.to the following: a. Overhead facilities. Poles and/or towers with crossarms, 'braces, guys and anchors; electric transmission and distribution lines; communication and signal lines; transformers. b. Underground facilities. Underground conduits, cables, vaults, manholes,. switches and transformers, semi -buried or ground mounted facilities such as pads, transformers and switches. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional lines and other facilities as it may require. 2. Access. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right of Way over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exercise -its rights hereunder, provided that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access.. 3. Cutting of Trees. Grantee shall have the right to cut or trim any and all brush or trees standing or growing upon the Right of Way, and also the right to cut or trim any trees upon the Property which, in falling, could,.in Grantee's reasonable judgment, be a hazard to Grantee's facili- ties. 4. Grantor's Use of Right of Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right of Way for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on the Right of Way and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's prior written consent. 5. Indemnity. By accepting and recording this easement, Grantee agrees to indemnify and.hold harmless Grantor from any and all claims for damages suffered by any person which may be caused by Grantee's exercise of the rights herein granted, provided that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any damages resulting from injuries to any person caused by acts or omissions of Grantor. 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases -to use the Right of Way for a period of five (5) years, -in which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Grantor, provided that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred b- reason of Grantee's f=ailure to initially install its facilities on the Right of. Wave within any period of time from the date hereof. 7. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. FILED FOR FECORID AT REO -UES i' Or'� PUGET POWER REAL E:;TATE DIVISION PUGET POWER BLDG. BELL.EVUE, WASHINGTON 98009 434:3•-k7 ATTENTION: HOWARD A. STRONG' ;4 S i 1°lam EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED G King Co, Records Division .Deputy - t ' r N e I�n'J o On this /o ��' day of A � � ., y , 19—_, before me, the under- signed, personally appeared � t -r-y- F d j Zj and— F r i PROPERTIES, INC., the corporation CD xhjM1 5r+ i �l r to be the free and voluntary act and R ��T 4 ��• on oath stated that he S authorized to execute the sai:d^insru- ment and that the seal affixed is the.corporate seal of said corporation. rr; t DATED this GRANTOR: HOLMAN P By: ` By: day of lqUc'U 19'7 9 RTIES, INC. PUGET WESTERN, INC By: WAS By: By: STATE,;.OF.,WiFiING e COUNTY- t On this /o ��' day of A � � ., y , 19—_, before me, the under- signed, personally appeared � t -r-y- F d j Zj and— F r i PROPERTIES, INC., the corporation STATE,;.OF.,WiFiING e COUNTY- On this /o ��' day of A � � ., y , 19—_, before me, the under- signed, personally appeared � t -r-y- F d j Zj and— F to me known to be the P r ,L , resrpecti:ve3p, of HOLMAN PROPERTIES, INC., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and.acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for,the uses and purposes therein mentioned.,. and on oath stated that he S authorized to execute the sai:d^insru- ment and that the seal affixed is the.corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the da .%a 'first above written. _"A,, i Or Notary Public in and -f b' .4tt :Q I t yTF ^t,• • , Washington, residing <g 'j > tyti ;fit:; STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ``�j+•a�� N0155`•� O COUNTY OF On this /p day of 19 77 , before me the under- signed, personally appeared �., .��and w�q ^ , to me known to be the - and "% *r of PUGET WESTERN, INC., the ,corporation that � t --executed- -the-foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the • said instrument to be•.the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the us urposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that to ,�ajxthd�`i d, execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed the of .said corporation. $yr r r r •�� ; `i ��� . qtr � - � s�`` k ' R :��•WI�F ESt my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year t, ^tt r ,;E1 ��a written. „e—truer-z� ... _ ' No ry Publi.c in a d for t e Stat e of YY.{ Jls 1l t ' P''I,Gl Y72•i .,, ,F y'tL tiv '`, Y r '�' ,:� •y ° �P shington, residing at J a+i f( }>t r r I � r♦.iGt�1.4P1M+.1°t � STATE-•OF-='WASHIN TON ) xr r SS COUNTY OF KING ) G' da of 19 . before me, the under- rf'' _ .-_, .On this p y , signgd, ,pesonaj appeared and r-''` to me known t be t-heA ft0.c p and respectively, of WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK, on;that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged uient to be the free and voluntary act and deed ofsaid corpor- ani'�flp�rtith.e ses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that authorized to execute the said instrument and that °(1L :f axed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WT,�JySSYtt'Khhand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first r ifGtti4} above written Q� Nota11C i� for the State of [Washington, residing at �ti t z . •'4 e Y. F • F n i I P i EXHIBIT "A" •" Pxoperty : ' That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and lots 1 through 6 Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the -"Right of Way" herein) described as follows: �Y 3t;'i �7t, �M1t+ir•saSiw� tit '< ,. ..... .. Same as Above. of -the plat of Renton View Addition as recorded in Volume 33, page 25, records of King County, Washington and Blocks 11, 12, 14, and 15 of C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 17, page 74, records of King County, Washington, described -� as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence South 01°04'08" West along the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55103112" East, a distance of 45.44 feet to a point on the South•margin of Renton Village Place ( a City of Renton Street); thence South 89144102" East along said South margin a distance of 75.43 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence �.. South 46029104" West, a distance of 401.17.feet; thence South 87°43'39" O West, a distance of 379.51 feet; thence North 53°30'29" West, a distance N of 456.87 feet; thence North 63°29'01" West, a distance of 366.38 feet c, to a point on the East margin of the East Valley Highway (State. Road 5-C); CD thence South 01°33'19" West along said East margin 60.68 feet to a point on the North margin of Primary State Highway No. 1 (Jct. S.S.H: 5-.M to Jct. P.S.H. No. 2); thence South 88026141" East along said North.margin 6.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence along said North margin on a curve to the left the center of which bears South 88126141" East having a radius,;of 109.20 feet through a central angle of 81034'00" an arc distance of 155.46 feet; thence South 80000'41" East along said North margin a distance of 100.00 feet; thence along a curve to the right on g g g � said North margin having a radius of 288.80 feet through a central angle of 39058100" an arc of 201.45 feet; thence South 40°02'41" East j � ;, `MI ,distance along said North mar g gin a distance of 150.00 feet; thence along said r:J North margin on a curve to the left having a radius of 390.80 feet through t� a central angle of 49058'00" an arc distance of 340.81 feet; thence South 00°00141" East along said North margin a distance of 4.27 feet; thence along said North margin on a curve to the left the center of which bears North 05 45 30 West having a radius of 111-360.00 feet through ;r a central angle of 03°09'42" an arc distance of 626,.86 feet; thence .-,.-,South 08055112" East along said North margin a distance of 20.00 feet; thence along said North margin on a curve to the left the center of which :j bears North 08055112" West having a radius of 11,380.00 feet through a central angle of 00°15'40", an arc distance of 51..86 feet; thence North 80049108" East along said North margin a'distance of 27.80 feet; thence North 09010152" West along said North margin a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 80049'08" East along said North margin a distance of 213.80 feet to a point of tangency to a spiral curve on said North margin; thence along said North margin on a spiral curve to the left the long chord of which bears North 81002'50" East a distance of 85.39 feet; thence North 01008104" East a distance of 23.50 feet; thence North rxv ,•;_; 81o 45 43n East a distance of 26.70 feet; thence North 08014'17" West a distance of 10.!00 feet; thence South 81°45'43" West a distance of 25.05 feet; thence North 01008104" East a distance of 226.55 feet to a point on the South margin of Renton Village Place; thence North 89°44'02" West along said South margin a distance of 50.01 feet; thence South 01008104" West a distance of 213.70 feet; thence South 81°57'35" West ' a distance of 402.89 feet; thence North 24136132" East a distance of 192.68 feet; thence North 53033109" East a distance of 161.14 feet to a point on the South margin of Renton Village Place; thence North 89°44'02" West along said South margin a distance of 144.95 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.. , Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the -"Right of Way" herein) described as follows: �Y 3t;'i �7t, �M1t+ir•saSiw� tit '< ,. ..... .. Same as Above. � qqq� uhf a y3 ZZ51/4k For and in consideration of One Dollar (31.00) and other valuable consideration. the receipt of which is hereby I , ack nowledued, RE'TON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington general artnership ( i I I � I ("Grantor" herein), hereby grants, conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER & LldlgT COld1PA, \Vashington corporation ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a perpetual easement over, acr6)9',and- underthe following described real property(the"Property"herein) in King - „� County, �\'ash(n6n I _N 8 1, SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED !� LaLAJ } ;0 , �CN '_-';S}:j.i.OQ {�:.. + 22 in Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the "Right -of -\\'ay" herein) described as follows: 00 PARCEL A: �tifr „E{ A Right—of—Way 100 feet in width having 50 feet of such width on each side of r the centerline of the existing Talbot -O'Brien 230kV transmission line which nt, , crosses the northerly portion of the property. p<' PARCEL B: 14 tK k� fi• A right of way 80 feet in width, being parallel and adjacent to the easterly r` tIAboundary line of the property (said 80 feet also being parallel and adjacent , `} to the westerly line of the Talbot Road extension). Said Parcel "A" and "B" rights of way are further delinated on the attached Exhibit "B-1. ". (This Easement may be superseded at a later date by a document with a more specific easement description based on a survey furnished by Grantor at no cost to Grantee). 1 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge one or more electric transmission and/or distribution lines over and/or under the Right -of -Way together with all necessary or �hk3 convenient appurtenances thereto, which may include but are not limited to the following: a. Overhead facilities. Poles and/or towers with crossarms, braces, guys and anchors; electric transmission and distribution lines; communication and signal lines; transformers. b. Underground facilities. Underground conduits, cables, vaults, manholes, switches and transformers; semi - buried or ground mounted facilities such as pads, transformers and switches, `1 Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional lines and YF. other facilities as it may require. �. 2. Access. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right -of -Way over and across the Property to enable Grantee k to exercise its rights hereunder, provided, that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused ` by the exercise of said right of access. x, 3. Cutting of Trees. Grantee shall have the right to cut or trim any and all brush or trees standing or growing upon y ; t't the Right -of -Way, and also the right to cut or trim any trees upon the Property which, in falling, could, in Grantee's �k reasonable judgment, be a hazard to Grantee's facilities. ; 4. Grantor's Use of Right-of-R'ay. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right -of -Way for any purpose not { inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other ` structure on the Right -of -Way and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's prior written consent. 5. Indemnity. By accepting and recording this easement, Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Granto �a from any and all claims for injuries and/or damages suffered by any person which may be caused by the Grantee's exercise of the rights herein granted: provided, that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any injuries and.' or damages to an person caused by acts or omissions of Grantor. 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right -of -Way pf for: period of fig e (5)successive }•ears, in which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Gr:.,nior. p :o\ided, that such five (5) year period shall in no event commence prior to k, t, the e:,piratior. of ten (10) years after the date hereof. Il' 3ci � 5 {t ' n•� 1 � 7ee.30 3•et .! f7- 7. Successor and Assigns. The rights -, and obligationof the parties shall re inuto the benefit of and he binding up(ty)' their respective succes.,ors and asmuns'. DATED this \A !�N his day of tA 'A17V 19 GRANTOR RFNTON VIT.T.Ar.F, Cllh�?ANY_ a W;;tR1hinRt-r)n general partnership _PRnPPPTTVS, TNC. By: s reen A d P p Tip Q TERN, INC By Its President STATE OF WASHINGTON Ln SS CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF On this -day of a GO 19 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared and to me known to be the and ff • respectively, of "Al the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that authorized to execute the mid instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. 22 'V� Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at V ST '.TE OF 1,'vrASHINGTON SS. C=NTY OF KING S4 v ft On this �)L 4 day of f) 19 82 r before me, a Notary yf iso Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, Ders onally appeared :y ck L to me known to be partner s) of N7TT,TAG 7V _N E_ COMPAN --on General Partnership, a Washington who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument' to be --VV-NV free and voluntary act and deed as for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. E'ITNE_SS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate bove written. Notary Public in and For the State of Washington, residing at A 3 s r ei� :4 F That portion of Block 2, Walsworth's First Addition to Renton, as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 23, records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER WITH vacated Dora Street and vacated 8th Avenue adjoining, as vacated under Ordinances 1067 and 2850, respectively, of the City of Renton; and that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.N., in King County, Washington, lying South of the southerly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway No. I -Q, being 100 feet in width as LM presently established; lying North of the northerly margin of South Renton o Village Place (also known as Service Road), as conveyed to the City of Renton t. by deed recorded under King County recording number 5475310; and lying West of the westerly margin of Talbot Road (also known as Burnett Road Extension), p as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under King County �• Recording Number 5754046, and State Road No. 515, as condemned by decree entere in King County Superior Court Cause No. 761065; 1 � ; MU EXCEPT that portion thereof lying West of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of said Northeast quarter � r thence southerly along the West line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter a distance of 190 feet to the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (also known as Service Road); thence easterly along the northerly margin of said South Renton Village Place t a distance of 402.42 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the line herein UR described; thence North 1°04'08"'East a distance of 839.92 feet, more or less, to the southerly margin of Grady Way, and the terminus of said line. r SUBJECT TO: ;R a yf 1. Relinquishment of certain rights granted to the State of Washington under Auditor's File No. 5754046. g It; 2. Easement for manhole vault and communication lines to Pacific Northwest Bell under Auditor's File No. 7205170497 Right of King County to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills under r'}ir f3. Superior Court Case No. 761065. i r ; - .. i t.• �-}';iii ` r a n t < y,lYjt u, . F - 910 t, it art Mort P.-.Wwy & ap popI. w OmI. awsp-P sm on. spr? A..e a" OF mv-p~ AWK am am I Mort P.-.Wwy & ap popI. w OmI. awsp-P sm on. spr? A..e a" OF mv-p~ AWK am am I F PUGET EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM POWAFAV i For and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a joint venture, as to Parcel 1 and RENTION VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washing 'fin General rt_ n rGhi �_ o Parcel -2— 1 ("Grantor" herein), grants, conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington cor- ? poration ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth a perpetual easement under, across and over the fol- i lowing described real property (the "Property" herein) King County, Washington. i j SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" ,1 j ocs LL T t .d- C1 t CD �. L0LLJ_ LLJ Cc L" A Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the "Right - of Way" herein) described as follows: -A--Ryg}rttaf4 y-------------feet-irrwidth h virlg-------------- -feet of strch-width-orreach-sidL-ofa•cenier- -}ine- describes as-fIIliwvs The northerly 10 feet of the above described Property. I �,,r'.••rla :''1`?1 X11 i N 1 y !*EI_D F 8_`•0 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge an underground electric I transmission and/or distribution system upon and under the Right -of -Way together with all necessary or convenient ap- purtenances therefor, which may include but are not limited to the following: underground conduits, cables, communication lines; vaults, manholes, switches, and transformers; and semi -buried or ground mounted facilities. Following the initial con- struction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. r� 2. Access. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right -of -Way over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exer- cise its rights hereunder, provided, that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exer- cise of said right of access. 3. Obstructions; Landscaping. Grantee may from time to time remove trees, bushes, or other obstructions within the Right - V of -Way and may level and grade the Right -of -Way to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes -set forth in paragraph 1 hereof, provided, that following any such work, Grantee shall, to the extent reasonably practicable, restore the Right -of -Way to the condition it was immediately prior to such work. Following the installation of Grantee's, underground facilities, Grantor may undertake any ordinary improvements to the landscaping of the Right -of -Way, provided that n6 'trees or i other plants shall be placed thereon which would be unreasonably expensive or impractical for Grantee to remove and . i restore. 4. Grantor's Use of Right -of -Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right -of -Way for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided: that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on the Right - of -Way which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted; that no digging, tunneling or other form of con- struction activity shall be done on the Property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the i Right -of -Way, or endanger the lateral support to said facilities; and that no blasting shall be done within 15 feet of the Right -of - Way. 1 5. Indemnity. By accepting and recording this easement, Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any j and all claims for injuries and/or damages suffered by any person which may be caused by the Grantee's exercise of the rights j herein granted; provided, that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any injuries and/or damages to any person I caused by acts or omissions of Grantor. 1 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right -of -Way for a period of five (5) successive years, in which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Gran- tor, provided that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to initially install its } facilities on the Right -of -Way within any period of time from the date hereof. 7. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 235/73 EXCISE -AX NOT RIE t .- E ping Co. Records Dil.i;`on /788.371.79 R j 9 DATED this day of 19__ . i GRANTOR RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a joint venture, and RENTON•VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington General Partnership, consisting of*- Port Blakely Tree Farms (Limited Partnership.) successor -to Aquilo Pro ertie ,,..enc. J. rje, Its General -Partner O PUGET WESTERN, INC. LO BY: 1 W. E. Watson, Its President N i 00 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING On this L -T day of 1986 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E. WARJONE, to me known to be the general partner of PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS, a Washington limited partnership that executed the foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at X-16 o/—Un/.p, l✓AS'A STATE OF WASHINGTON ) y SS CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF On this f�hday of d , 19 86 , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared W. R . WATSON em} - to me known to be the Pres dPnt -���- , respectively, of PTIGET WESTERN, INCthe corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he i,,; authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first a e written. �h Notary Public in and for the State of Washipgton, residing at ����"��• GAJ`, 7 t ii 0 M Im EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND SYSTEM RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Parcel 1 That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; AND Blocks 11 and 12, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, in King County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys attached thereto, and Lots 1 through 12, inclusive, Block 5, Renton View, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, page 25, in King County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys attached thereto, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of said Northeast quarter of Section 19; thence South 01°04'08" West along the East line of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55°03'12" East, a distance of 45.44 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 89044103" East along the South margin of Renton Village Place (North line of the Plat of Renton View), a distance of 867.26 feet; thence South 01°24'03" West, a distance of 123.27 feet to a point on the Northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, (JCT. S.S.H. 5-M to JST. P.S.H. No. 2 -SR 405); thence South 20 46100" East, along said North margin, 30.00 feet; thence along a curve to the right in a Southwesterly direction having a radius of 1,810.00 feet through a central angle of 07°05'07", an arc distance of 223.83 feet to a point of curve to a spiral curve; thence along a spiral curve to the right on the Northerly margin of P.S.H. No. 1 the long chord of which bears South 79°2021" West, a distance of 292.06 feet to the point of tangency of the spiral curve; thence continuing along said North margin South 80°49'08" West, a distance of 213.80 feet; thence South 09°10'52" East along said North margin, 20.00 feet; thence South 80°49'08" West, along said North margin, 27.80 feet to a point of curvature; thence along said North margin on a curve to the right having a radius of 11,380.00 feet through a central angle of 00°15'40", an arc distance of 51.86 feet; thence North 08°55'12" West along said North margin 20.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence along said North margin in a Southwesterly direction on a curve to the right having a radius of 11,360.00 feet through a central angle of 01°52'35", an arc distnce of 372.03 feet; thence North 00002'16" West, a distance of 251.51 feet; thence North 61°42'59" East, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence South 8.9°44'03" East, a distance of 56.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Parcel 2 That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; AND Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Renton View, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, page 25, in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows; 5 -DC -3275 121786 EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND SYSTEM 4 RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY L0 N �D 00 Parcel 2 Continued Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of said Northeast suarter of Section 19; thence South 01 04108" West along the East line of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55°03'12" East, a distance of 45.47 feet to the South margin of Renton Village Place (60 feet wide) and North of said Renton View; thence South 89°44'02" East along the South margin, a distance of 867.26 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing South 89°44'02" East along said South margin, a distance of 175.09 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of SR 515 (Talbot Road South) as shown on Washington State Highway Plan - Renton Vicinity: Carr Road to Grady Way - Sheet 6 of 6, approved November 5, 197; thence South 02 36'57" West, along said Westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 44.11 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1 (Junction S.S.H. S -M -to Junction P.S.H. No. 2 -SR 405), said Northerly margin lying on a curve having a radius of 1,780.00 feet and having a radial bearing of North 27°00'05" West; thence Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 6°12'09", an arc distance of 192.69 feet to a point on the Easterly line of a Lease entered on April 7, 1980 between Renton Village Company and Boeing Computer Services; thence North 01°24'03" East along said Easterly line, a distance of 122.94 feet to the True Point of Beginning. 5 -DC -3275 121786 tywf Y, I - i p(�CEr EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM � POwER #F For and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable j consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, a RENTON VILLAGE Af F COMPANY, a�joi n•tvent), r>^P ._and RENTON VIL AGE COMPANY, a Washington General Partnership 1 ("Grantor" herein), grants, conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington cor- poration ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth a perpetual easement under, across and over the fol- lowing described real property (the "Property" herein) King County, Washington. i SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" i fn CD 41�•• tail: �• W. . Q' I Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the "Right - of Way" herein) described as follows: A-Right-44Voy-------------€eet v: widfl�,oi-------------feet of-srmhvvidtlrorreaclrsidzvFa-celrter— ' liae.dessribed-as-felicvwa: The west 20 feet and the east 20 feet of the west 40 feet of the north 65 feet of the south 751 feet of the above described Property. 86/12'19 k_I 71;1.-5 A RECD F 7. 01,"1 CASH51— 00 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge an underground electric "ltransmission and/or distribution system upon and under the Right -of -Way together with all necessary or convenient ap- purtenances therefor, which may include but are not limited to the following: underground conduits, cables, communication lines; vaults, manholes, switches, and transformers; and semi -buried or ground mounted facilities. Following the initial con- struction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. M 2.Access. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right -of -Way over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exer- cise its rights hereunder, provided, that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exer- clse of said right of access. j 3. Obstructions; Landscaping. Grantee may from time to time remove trees, bushes, or other obstructions within the Right - of -Way and may level and grade the Right -of -Way to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in s paragraph 1 hereof, provided, that following any such work, Grantee shall, to the extent reasonably practicable, restore the Right -of -Way to the condition it was immediately prior to such work. Following the installation of Grantee's underground facilities, Grantor may undertake any ordinary improvements to the landscaping of the Right -of -Way, provided that no trees or other plants shall be placed thereon which would be unreasonably expensive or impractical for Grantee to remove and restore. 4. Grantor's Use of Right -of -Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right -of -Way for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided: that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on tlie'Right- of -Way which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted; that no digging, tunneling or other form'of con- struction activity shall be done on the Property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the . Right -of -Way, or endanger the lateral support to said facilities; and that no blasting shall be done within 15 feet of the Rigllt-of- .►ay. 5. Indemnity. By accepting and recording this easement, Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any and all claims for injuries and/or damages suffered by any person which may be caused by the Grantee's exercise of the rights herein granted; provided, that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any injuries and/or damages to any person caused by acts or omissions of Grantor. 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right -of -Way for a period of five (5) successive years, in which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Gran- tor, provided that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to initially install its facilities on the Right -of -Way within any period of time from the date hereof. 7. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 235/73 EXCISE TAX NOT F' ;;WIRED /788.37 1-79 Ding Ca i1:;,. '' '' 1 DATED this day of n` ` ��- .19 r GRANTOR RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY,a joint COMPANY, venture, and RENTON•VILLAGE a Washington General Partnership, consisting of,-. Port Blakely Tree Fangs (Limited Partnership.) successor to Aquilo Prooertiesp ,Inc. J. a one, Its General Partner j E PUGET TERN, NC. U CDi W EE. Watson, Its President CV j ) STATB Ot WASHINGTON00 COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of VzCen?3r /\- , 198 0/, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E. WARJONE, to me known to be the general partner of PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS, a Washington limited partnership that executed the foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. NOTARY PUBLIC and for the State of Washington, residing at STATE O� WASHINGTON ) SS CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY QI:: / ► `vim On this et . day of e �" , ig 86 , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared W. E. WATSON $ to me known to be the president -&met , respectively, of PUGET WESTERN, INC. the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he i s authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first abov written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washi ton, residing at lz_r-D .yaN 9 •J W, O L0 O` N co 1 EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND SYSTEM RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Block 2, Walsworth's First Addition to Renton, as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 23, records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER WITH vacated Dora Street and vacated 8th Avenue adjoining as vacated under Ordinances 1067 and 2850, respectively, of the City of Renton; and that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying South of the southerly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway No. I -L), being 100 feet in width as presently established; lying North of the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (also known as Service Road), as conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under King County recording number 5475310; and lying West of the westerly margin of Talbot Road (also known as Burnett Road Extension), as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under King County Recording Number 5754046, and State Road No. 515, as condemned by decree entered in King County Superior Court Cause No. 761065; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying West of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of said Northeast quarter; thence southerly along the West line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter a distance of 190 feet to the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (also known as Service Road); thence easterly along the northerly margin of said South Renton Village Place a distance of 402.42 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the line herein described; thence North 1004'08" East a distance of 839.92 feet, more or less, to the southerly margin of Grady Way, and the terminus of said line. 6 -DC -3275 121886 411 9!f RECD F d tZ 00 RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGREEMENT This Agreement is made on the -1day of December, 1986 by Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, for the benefit of real property described in Exhibit A ("Two Renton Place") attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and Exhibit B ("Three Renton Place") attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. (Collectively U -)referred to as "The Properties".) 1. Agreement. The Renton Village Company agrees to allow free and open access for the owners, tenants, guests, and C\J invitees for ingress and egress of vehicular and pedestrian N traffic from Two Renton Place parking lot to Three Renton Place parking lot and from Three Renton Place parking lot to Two pp Renton Place parking lot subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. 2. Rent. No rent or fee shall be charged by the owner of either property. 3. Maintenance and Repair. This Agreement shall create no obligation on the part of the owner of either of the properties to maintain, repair, or pay for maintenance and repair on either of the Properties. 4. Release and Indemnity. The respective owners of the properties release, indemnify and promise to defend and.save harmless the owner of the other property from and against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage, expense, action and claims, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by that owner in defense of a claim asserted or arising directly or indirectly or account of or out of acts or omissions of that party or its tenants, guests, or invitees in the exercise of their rights granted herein. 5. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations granted herein shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the owners of Two Renton Place and Three Renton Place and their respective successors and assigns. ry 't FILED for Record at Request Ot Nl-4- Name v..�.� cd .... ?�:... ..."......"._.....�:.."......�........�'_.._..'^� �T, Address....i. ._.... S rluth....... ra„ (,c� } ................P�` .................................... ooS"_ Eh y . m rn C?` C`7 C\1 N �1O UO Dated (3 i 'I , 190 . RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington general partnership By Port Blakely Tree Farm (Limited Partnership), a Washington Limited Partnership It Gneral Partner n4t'sarjonen 1 Pa tner By Puget Western, Inc., a Washington Corporation Its s G By W. E. Watson Its President STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this `t day of DuAkkiXf , 19 *, , before me, the undersigned, a No ary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E. Warjone to me known to be the General Partner of Port Blakely Tree Farm (Limited Partnership) the limited partnership who executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general partner of Renton Village Company, a Washington general Partnership, and he acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of Port Blakely Tree Farms (Limited Partnership) for uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath state that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. 9 aj� a, . Notary Public in/and for he,�$tate of Washington, res'd'ng at Gil My Commission Expires 7. v .. .r:r.- -2- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) { ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) t1 On this �� day of �� 19 D�' before _N �.O co me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared W. E. Watson to me known to be the President of Puget Western, Inc., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general partner of Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, and he acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath state that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public i nd for 4 -h -. ate of Washington, res'd ng at j My Commission E Tres b 1" 1b M _� �O s CXD EXHIBIT ' (ZWO RENTON PLACE) The land referred to in this commitment is,situated in the county of King, state of Washington, and described as follows: That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in.King County, Washington; AND Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Renton View Addition,'according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, -.page 2S, in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of said. northeast quarter of Section 19; thence south 01°04'08" west along the east line of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, a distance of 224.15'feet; thence south 55°03'12" east,'a distance of 45.47 feet to the.south margin of Renton Village Place (60 feet wide) and north of said Renton View Addition; thence south 89044'02" east along the south margin, a distance of 867.26 feet to the true point of beginning;' thence continuing south 89044'02" east along said south margin, a distance of 175.09 feet to the westerly right-of-way of SR 515 (Talbot.Road South)'as shown on Washington State Highway Plan -Renton Vicinity: Carr Road to Grady Way - Sheet 6 of 6, approved November 5, 1971; thence south 02036'57" west, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 44.11 feet to the northerly margin of•Primary State Higihway.No. 1 (Junction S.S.H. S -M -to Junction P.S.H. No. 2 -SR 405), said northerly margin lying on a curve having•a radius of 1,780.00 feet and having a radial bearing of north 27°00'05" west; thence westerly along said•curve through a central•angle of 6012'09", an -arc distance of 192.69 feet to a point on the.easterly line of a Lease entered on April 7, 1980 between Renton Village. Company and Boeing Computer Services; thence. north 01024'03" east along said easterly line, a distance of 222.94 feet to the true point of beginning.. (legal description, continued) ^,1 t I r _ { C N CO LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued: That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 - North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter thereof= thence north 01004'08" east along the west line thereof 244.66 feet;• thence south 88°55'•52" east 402.38 feet -to the true point of beginning; thence south 89°44'02" east ,515:11 feet= thence south 00°15'58" west 19.35 feet; -.,- thence south 89°44'02" east 175.00 feet to the westerly margin of SR 515 (Talbot Road South) as shown on Washington State Highway Plan -Renton Vicinity: Carr Road and Grady Way, Sheet 6 of 6, approved November 5, 1971; thence along the westerly margin of Talbot Road South, south 02°36'57" west 410.00 feet to the intersection with the north margin of South Renton Village Place (60 feet wide); thence along the north margin of South Renton Village Place, north' 89°44'02" west 679.31 feet to the west line of land described in Exhibit "A" of Quit Claim Deed recorded under King County Recording F Number 8208270355; - thence along the west line, north 01°04'08" east 429.OS feet to the true point of beginning. Al EXHIBIT;:' LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT—PORTION TO TAX LOT 1 FROM_TAX_LOT 23 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 199 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. LYING NORTHERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LAND DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED IN VOLUME 1064 OF DEEDS, PAGE 172.UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 1322601, DATED JULY 3, 1919 BETWEEN PHILO D. HkILIN AND PUGET SOUND TRACTION, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY; LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINES COMMENCING.AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE NORTH 0104'08" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 244.66 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88055'52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 402.38.FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID DESCRIBED LINE; THENCE SOUTH 89°44'02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 515.11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00015'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1905 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89044'02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 175.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF SR 515 (TALBOT ROAD SOUTH) AS SHOWN ON WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY PLAN— RENTON VICINITY: CARR ROAD TO GRADY WAY, SHEET 6 OF 6; APPROVED NOVEMBER 5, 1971 AND TERMINUS OF SAID DESCRIBED LINE; AND LYING WEST OF THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID SR 515. jo PRIGINA]L SEA -C., CE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE OPTION AND LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FILED FOR RECORD AT THF. REQUEST OF, AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN 10: RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES r_r - r , ; US WESTNMECTORGROUP MARTA REC,p AND _�Iti:�.l_r + r:►,r:, =i [r REAL ESTATE 3350 161 sl AVE. &E. P.O. BOX 1329 SEATTLE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP' BELLEVUE, WA 9800x•1329 This is an Amendment to the Option and Lease Agreement CC Q entered into on January 1st, 1988, containing approximately 418 [! nd square feet, described on Exhibit "hereinafteAll r referred btoaas between RENTON VILLAGE ASS OCIATE5 t hereinafter LESSOR) , and SEATTLE St.SA LIMITED PARTI1ERSiiIP 0 referred to as TENANT). © WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the Option and Lease Agreement to correct certain provision and to enter directly into the Lease. WHEREFORE, the parties, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, hereby agree as follows: 1. Sections "Recitals and Agreement, Pages 1 and 1-A" are hereby deleted in their entirety. 2. That the effective date of the Lease is to be February 1, 1988. amended ExofsthepLeaseyherein, provisions ons Agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument as signed and dated below. day of Dated this �`�'�. , 1988. L SSOR: TENANT: SEATTLE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By; U S WEST NEWVECTOR GROUP, INC., General Partner By: Its: Z;P 0ht� LD File SEACCF-A:MR6 RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES its: 1 ; A r CORPORATE; ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF l NG -m !\) ) COUNTY OF l j ss � IT r� On this 5� day of L��A& , 1�-9�-87, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the fState of I. fi (f,-��, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared IT) r L� Q to me known to be the�,/1f1/fiGl1�JG_C-gAEiC�� a' ofLA ��-L 1 , 5 _( � 5 _, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said v4 instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said J corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath, 0 stated that he/ -she is authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. X WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the da and above written. Y year first NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of WAS f01,J6y residing at C My commission expires -r. t9 CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of War.hington ) County of ss ) On this '`-� day of 1 � 986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the St-' a of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared J. M. Stachowiak to me known to be the Vice President - Finance and CFO of U S WEST Newvector Group, Inc., the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath, stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal here -o affixed the day and year first above written. �..SPQR•. may! ' F, s1 I'ArrP ;. = 4Washington, UB IC in d for t State of .a '"' residi a '°up�-� �ti; fl = ssion expires _ ••,ta ....••• `•� 1 0,p M 95� .�``�• f ]jlI 1 z f t. EXHIBIT A ' Page 1 Of 2 That pu sic:: of Blocks 11, 12, 13;' 14 and la, L.:). };illr,a.^.s Earlinutoii Garden Addition Division No. 1, accorainr to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 0£ Plats, page 74, y.n };ing County, Washington; �. TOGETHER WITH vacated 94th Avenue South, vacated 96th Avenue South, 0 vacated;.9th Avenue South, vacated 9th Place South, vacated 10th Avenue South and the vacated alleys between 9th Avenue South. and 9th v4•'. -Place South and also between 9th Place South and 10th Avenue South, rl . .-*all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City of .Renton and that Mportion of the northeast quarter of Section. 19, Township 23 North, 0 Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly 00 described as follows: " Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence south 01004'08" west along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89044102" west, a distance of 18.28 feet to the true Point of -beginning; ... thence south 61042'59"•west, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence south 0002' 16"•• east, • a di stance of 248. 9a• feet• to' the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct, SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly, northwesterly and northerly along said margin the Following courses: north 89'49'09" west, a distance of G4.72 feet; thence south 83023'09" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89054'45" west, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on i a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of north 17005113" east; thence northwesterly along'said curve through a central angle of 32052'06", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; i thence north 40002'41" west, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288,8 feet through a central angle of 39°58'00", an arc distance of 201.45 feet; thence north 80000141" west, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 109,2 feet through a central angle of 8 134'00", an arc distance of 155.96 1 feet; Ar EXHIBIT A Page 2 Of 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued: thence north 88026'31" west, a distance of 6.00 feet; thence north 01°33'191' east, a distance of 313.96 feet; thence -north 41°34'50" east, a distance of 90.78.f eet to the southerly.margir. of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway Nd.,1-L);••being 100 feet in width as presently established; r„f thence leaving Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No::'Z..in Renton and along .the south margin of said Grady Way North 77.028'.26" -east,- a distance of 912.78 feet; thence along a.tangent curve to the left with a radius of 3,869.71 feet through.a.central angle of 11°14'08", an arc distance of -.758- feet -to a.point.on'the west line of land described in Exhibit -"A" of Quit Claim Deed under King County Recording Number 8208270355; thence leaving said south margin of said Grady Way South 01004'08" west along said west line, a distance of 840.76 feet to the north margin of said Renton Village Place as conveyed to the City of Renton under King County Recording Number 5475310; thence north 89'44'02" west, a distance of 372.42 feet along the north margin of said Renton Village Place to the east.margin,of vacated said 96th Avenue South'; thence south 01004'08" west along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence north 89044'02" west, a distance of 48.28 feet to the true point 'Of beginning. _ . . • RECD F 19.00 DECLARATION OF EASEMENT '= a�"�'- �°���� � a. ►,►_► (Roadway and Parking Easement) Th s Declaration dated as of this 50 -41 -day of December, 1986 is ade by Port Blakely Tree Farms (L. P.), a Washington limited artnership, and Puget Western, Inc., a Washington corporat on doing business as Renton Village Company, a Washingt n General Partnership ("Grantor") to Renton Talbot Delaware Inc. ("Grantee") for the benefit of the real property describe in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Dominant Estate") and the wners, mortgagees, tenants and licensees from time to time of he Dominant Estate and their respective employees, agents, epresentatives, customers and invitees (collectively, the "Occ pants") as described below. I. Re itals A. Grantor is the owner of the real property described in Exhib t B attached hereto ("Parcel B"), the real property describe in Exhibit C attached hereto ("Parking Area"), and the real property described in Exhibit D attached hereto (the "Roadway'). B. Grantee is the owner of the real property.described in Exhib t A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein ('Dominant Estate"). C. In order to assure access and parking for the Grantee, Grantor desires to grant a parking easement over and across tie Parking Area and a road easement over and across the Roadway. II. De laration Gr ntor does hereby declare and convey to.Grantee for the benefit f the Dominant Estate and the Occupants the following easement (the "Easements"), subject to the restrictions, reservat ons and covenants set forth below: (a) A perpetual, nonexclusive easement over and ac oss the Parking Area for pedestrian and vehicular in ress to, egress from, for parking upon and for repair an maintenance of the Parking Area pursuant to pa agraph 3 below; and (b) A perpetual, nonexclusive easement over and ac oss the Roadway for pedestrian and vehicular access be ween, ingress to.and egress from the Dominant Estate,, Pa cel B, the Parking Area, Grady Way (a dedicated public EJ( -ISE TAX NOT UQUIR _ King Co. Records Division M street) and Renton Village Place (a dedicated public street) and for repair and maintenance of the Roadway pursuant to paragraph 3.1. III. Restrictions, Reservations and Covenants The Easements are granted subject to the following restrictions, reservations and covenants: 1. Obstruction of Roadway. No fence, wall, hedge, or other similar obstruction shall be placed on the Roadway to obstruct the free flow of traffic thereon; provided, however, that Grantor reserves the right to erect, at least once in each calendar year (and more often if legally desirable) barriers or chains across the 0 CD Roadway for the purpose of prohibiting access, ingress Co r� and egress by the public in order to avoid the -- possibility of dedicating the Roadway for public use. cr7 N 2. Relocation. Grantor reserves the right to relocate at any time and from time to time either the Co Roadway or the Parking Area (or both); provided, however, that Grantor shall not relocate the Roadway or the Parking Easement without the prior written consent of the then owner of the Dominant Estate. 3. Repair and Maintenance. 3.1 The owner of the Dominant Estate ("Owner A") shall from time to time reasonably repair, maintain and care for the Roadway and the Parking Area; provided, however, that the owner of Parcel B ("Owner B") shall reimburse Owner A for a fraction of Owner A's reasonable out-of-pocket costs thereof; the numerator of said fraction shall be equal to the square footage of the net i rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located j on Parcel B and the denominator of said fraction shall be equal to the sum of the square footages of: (a) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on the Dominant Estate; plus (b) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on Parcel B. As of the date of this grant, the net rentable space within buildings located on the Dominant Estate is r approximately 131,927 square feet and the net rentable -2- 40 r � street) and Renton Village Place (a dedicated public street) and for repair and maintenance of the Roadway pursuant to paragraph 3.1. III. Restrictions, Reservations and Covenants The Easements are granted subject to the following restrictions, reservations and covenants: 1. Obstruction of Roadway. No fence, wall, hedge, or other similar obstruction shall be placed on the Roadway to obstruct the free flow of traffic thereon; provided, however, that Grantor reserves the right to erect, at least once in each calendar year (and more often if legally desirable) barriers or chains across the 0 CD Roadway for the purpose of prohibiting access, ingress Co r� and egress by the public in order to avoid the -- possibility of dedicating the Roadway for public use. cr7 N 2. Relocation. Grantor reserves the right to relocate at any time and from time to time either the Co Roadway or the Parking Area (or both); provided, however, that Grantor shall not relocate the Roadway or the Parking Easement without the prior written consent of the then owner of the Dominant Estate. 3. Repair and Maintenance. 3.1 The owner of the Dominant Estate ("Owner A") shall from time to time reasonably repair, maintain and care for the Roadway and the Parking Area; provided, however, that the owner of Parcel B ("Owner B") shall reimburse Owner A for a fraction of Owner A's reasonable out-of-pocket costs thereof; the numerator of said fraction shall be equal to the square footage of the net i rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located j on Parcel B and the denominator of said fraction shall be equal to the sum of the square footages of: (a) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on the Dominant Estate; plus (b) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on Parcel B. As of the date of this grant, the net rentable space within buildings located on the Dominant Estate is r approximately 131,927 square feet and the net rentable -2- 40 F; O 00 e� r7 N_ .0 c0 f space within buildings located on Parcel B is approximately 313,381 square feet. _ 3.2 If Owner A shall fail to repair, maintain and care for the Roadway and the Parking Area and if such failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after notice of such failure is given by Owner B to Owner A, then Owner B may accomplish such repair, maintenance and care, in which event Owner A shall reimburse Owner B for a fraction of Owner B's reasonable out-of-pocket costs thereof; the numerator of said fraction shall be equal to the square footage of the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on the Dominant Estate and the denominator of said fraction shall be equal to the sum of the square footages of: (a) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on the Dominant Estate; and (b) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on Parcel B. 3.3 Any amounts to be reimbursed pursuant to paragraph 3.1 or paragraph 3.2 above shall be paid within thirty (30) days after the reimbursing party's receipt of the other party's correct invoice therefor, supported by appropriate receipts and other pertinent information substantiating the costs for which reimbursement is sought. Any amounts not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (120) per annum or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law,,whichever is less, from the date due until the date paid. 3.4 A default by the reimbursing party in its obligation to reimburse the other party (with interest) as described in paragraph 3.1 or paragraph 3.2 shall give rise to a lien concerning such obligations upon the reimbursing party's interests in the Dominant Estate or Parcel B, whichever is owned by the reimbursing party. 3.5 The lien provided for in paragraph 3.4 ' above shall attach and take effect only upon recordation of a Claim of Lien by the claimant in the office of the King County Records and Elections Division. The Claim of Lien shall set forth the following: -3- 1 .. L. (a) the name and mailing address of the lien claimant; (b) the basis of the lien claimed (including, but not necessarily limited to, a brief description of the work performed, a statement of the amount of the claim and a description of the default giving rise to the lien); (c) the last known name and mailing address of the owner or reputed owner of the property against which the lien is claimed; (d) a legal description of the property CD against which the lien is claimed; and c0 :7> (e) a statement that the lien is claimed pursuant to the provisions of this Declaration. co C\1 The Claim of Lien shall be verified and acknowledged and �shall contain a certificate that a copy thereof has been served upon the owner or reputed owner of the property against which the lien is claimed, either by personal service or by mailing (first class, certified, return receipt requested) to such owner at the address provided in the office of the King County Department of Assessments for mailing of tax statements with respect to the property against which the lien is claimed. The lien so claimed shall attach from the date of recordation solely in the amount claimed thereby and may be enforced in any manner allowed by law for the foreclosure of liens. 4. Successors and Assigns. The Easements shall be easements running with the Dominant Estate and burdening Parcel B, the Parking Area and Roadway for the benefit of the Grantee and the Occupants. The restrictions, reservations and covenants set forth in this grant shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by Grantor, Grantee, the Occupants and their respective successors and assigns. 5. Breach. In the event of breach of or default under this grant, Grantor or Grantee or any of the Occupants shall be entitled to commence an action for full and adequate relief from the consequences of such breach. The unsuccessful party in any such action shall pay to the prevailing party a reasonable sum for attorneys' fees incurred by the prevailing party in connection with such action, whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. 6. Not a Public Dedication. Nothing contained in this Declaration shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any. h Go Co c7 N_ .0 00 portion of the Dominant Estate, Parcel B, the Parking Area or the Roadway to or for the benefit of the general public or for any public purposes whatsoever. This grant shall be strictly limited to and for the purposes expressly stated herein. 7. Sale and Lease Back. For the purposes of this Declaration, should Owner A or Owner B sell and lease back its respective properties (i.e., the Dominant Estate and Parcel B, respectively), the lessee shall be deemed to be the owner of the property subject to the lease, unless and until the lease expires or is cancelled or terminated; provided, however, that this provision shall not affect the rights of any party to claim a lien against the fee as provided in paragraph 3.4 above. 8. Estoppel Certificate. Owner A or Owner B, upon written request of the other, shall issue to the requesting party, or to any person specified by the requesting party, an estoppel certificate stating whether the party to whom the request has been directed knows: (a) of any breach of or default under this grant and, if there are known breaches or defaults, specifying the nature thereof; (b) of any modification or. amendment of this.grant and, if there are any known modifications or amendments, specifying the nature thereof; and (c) that this Declaration is then in full force and effect. Such statement shall act as a waiver of any claim by the party furnishing it to the extent such claim is based upon facts contrary to those set forth in the statement and is asserted against a mortgagee or purchaser for value who has acted in reliance upon the statement without knowledge of facts to the contrary of those contained in the statement. 9. Rules and Regulations. Grantor reserves.the right to establish, modify,.amend, revoke and enforce reasonable rules governing the use of the Parking Area and the Roadway subject to prior written consent from Grantee, which such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10. Amendment. This Declaration shall not be modified, amended or cancelled except by written instrument signed by the record owners of the Dominant Estate and Parcel B. -5- 4 �y �.i Go Co c7 N_ .0 00 portion of the Dominant Estate, Parcel B, the Parking Area or the Roadway to or for the benefit of the general public or for any public purposes whatsoever. This grant shall be strictly limited to and for the purposes expressly stated herein. 7. Sale and Lease Back. For the purposes of this Declaration, should Owner A or Owner B sell and lease back its respective properties (i.e., the Dominant Estate and Parcel B, respectively), the lessee shall be deemed to be the owner of the property subject to the lease, unless and until the lease expires or is cancelled or terminated; provided, however, that this provision shall not affect the rights of any party to claim a lien against the fee as provided in paragraph 3.4 above. 8. Estoppel Certificate. Owner A or Owner B, upon written request of the other, shall issue to the requesting party, or to any person specified by the requesting party, an estoppel certificate stating whether the party to whom the request has been directed knows: (a) of any breach of or default under this grant and, if there are known breaches or defaults, specifying the nature thereof; (b) of any modification or. amendment of this.grant and, if there are any known modifications or amendments, specifying the nature thereof; and (c) that this Declaration is then in full force and effect. Such statement shall act as a waiver of any claim by the party furnishing it to the extent such claim is based upon facts contrary to those set forth in the statement and is asserted against a mortgagee or purchaser for value who has acted in reliance upon the statement without knowledge of facts to the contrary of those contained in the statement. 9. Rules and Regulations. Grantor reserves.the right to establish, modify,.amend, revoke and enforce reasonable rules governing the use of the Parking Area and the Roadway subject to prior written consent from Grantee, which such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10. Amendment. This Declaration shall not be modified, amended or cancelled except by written instrument signed by the record owners of the Dominant Estate and Parcel B. -5- i, 1 11. No Merger. The Easements shall not be extinguished -a in the event that title to the Dominant Estate, Parcel B, the 1 Parking Area, the Roadway or any combination thereof is vested ti in the same party or parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Declaration the day and year first above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N G ) On this IL day of 19-0, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E. WARJONE, to me known to be the General Partner of Port Blakely Tree Farms (L. P.), the limited partnership that executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general partner of Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, and he acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of Port Blakely Tree Farms (L. P.) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said �instrument. 00 --- WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day,='.',' and year in this certificate above written. 0 N 00_NGrTART PUBLIC in and for the'Wa`_t�,of Washington, residing at My appointment expires ,STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N G ) ` On this day of 19before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn-��ersonally appeared I1JtnK• to me known to be the PWdent of Puget Western, Inc., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general partner of Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, and he acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. -7- _ 1 , 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day S and year in this certificate above written. T RY PUBLIC in a d for the Stat i of Washington, residing at �',•% My appointment expires r� CO CO N t i i 1. i " c -8- • , 1( r7 EXHIBIT A (The Dominant Estate) Legal Description: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and Blocks 11 and 12 of C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74 in King County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys attached thereto, and Lots 1 through 11, Block 5 of Renton View, according to the plat recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, Page 25, in King County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys attached thereto, Q described as follows: 00 00 Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter of Section 19; thence South 01004'08" C -v West along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South � 55003'12" East a distance of 45.44 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 89°44'03" East along the South margin of Renton Village Place (North line of the Plat of Renton View Addition) a distance of 867.26 feet; thence South 01024'03" West, a distance of 123.27 feet to a point on the northerly margin of primary State Highway No. 1, (Jct. S.S.H. 5-M to Jct. P.S.H. No. 2 -SR 405); thence South 20046'00" East along said North margin, 30.00 feet; thence along a curve to the right in a southwesterly direction having a radius of 1,810.00 feet through a central angle of 07°05'07" an arc distance of 223.83 feet to a point of curve to a spiral curve; thence along a spiral curve to the right on the northerly margin of PSH No. 1 the long chord of which bears South 79120'21" West a distance of 292.06 feet to the point of tangency of the spiral curve; thence continuing along said North margin South 80049'08" West a distance of 213.80 feet; thence South 09010'52" East along said North margin, 20.00 feet; thence South 80049'08" West,, along said North margin, 27.80 feet to a point of curvature; thence along said North margin on a curve to the right having a radius of 11,380.00 feet through a central angle of 00°15'40" an arc distance of 51.86 feet; thence North 08055'12" West along said North margin 20.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence along said North margin in a southwesterly direction on a curve to the right having a radius of 11,360.00 feet through a,central angle of 01052'35" an arc distance of 372.03 feet; thence North 00002116" West a distance of 251.51 feet; thence North 61042'59" East a distance of 258.92 feet; thence South 89044'03" East a distance.of 56.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. M EXHIBIT B (Parcel B) Legal Description: Parcels 1, 2, 3 and 5 PARCEL 1: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King -County, Washington, and of Block 14, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, in King County, Washington, and �of vacated streets and alleys, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 89044'31" West, a distance N of 1260.41 feet more or less to a -point on the easterly margin --- of primary State Highway No. 5, as recorded in Highway Plats `0 Volume 2, Pages 186, 187 and 188; thence South 01033'19" West, along said easterly margin, a distance of 90.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 8904431".East, a distance of 333.74 feet; thence North 38046'35" East, a distance of 218.88 feet; thence North 01033'19" East, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 89028'13" East, a distance of 24.00 feet; thence South 00031'47" East, a distance of 138.38 feet; thence South 26053'16" West,, a distance of 383.18 feet to a point of curvature on the northerly margin of primary State Highway No. 2 -SR No. 405; thence going in a northwesterly direction along the northerly margin of said highway on a curve to the left whose center bears South 38056'57" West and a radius of 288.80 feet, an arc distance of 145.97 feet; thence North 80000'41" West, a distance of 100.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence going in a northwesterly direction on a curve to the right, whose center bears North 09059'19" East, and a radius of 109.20 feet, an arc distance of 155.4.6 feet; thence North 88026'41" West, a distance of 6.00 feet to a point on said easterly margin of primary State Highway No. 5; thence North 01°33'19" East along said easterly margin a distance of 82.97 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.,.in King County, Washington, and of Blocks 11, 12,'14 and 15, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of .Seattle Division No.. 1, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of .Plats, Page 74, in King -10- .,+.... e. ..�.a tern d..,.y,.--'4..r+-• ai4 +.uf. Lar i. . �� +r,._ y+'Y a-���,..r i � ,r!w--� .. .. ...,.y'. M EXHIBIT B (Parcel B) Legal Description: Parcels 1, 2, 3 and 5 PARCEL 1: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King -County, Washington, and of Block 14, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, in King County, Washington, and �of vacated streets and alleys, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 89044'31" West, a distance N of 1260.41 feet more or less to a -point on the easterly margin --- of primary State Highway No. 5, as recorded in Highway Plats `0 Volume 2, Pages 186, 187 and 188; thence South 01033'19" West, along said easterly margin, a distance of 90.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 8904431".East, a distance of 333.74 feet; thence North 38046'35" East, a distance of 218.88 feet; thence North 01033'19" East, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 89028'13" East, a distance of 24.00 feet; thence South 00031'47" East, a distance of 138.38 feet; thence South 26053'16" West,, a distance of 383.18 feet to a point of curvature on the northerly margin of primary State Highway No. 2 -SR No. 405; thence going in a northwesterly direction along the northerly margin of said highway on a curve to the left whose center bears South 38056'57" West and a radius of 288.80 feet, an arc distance of 145.97 feet; thence North 80000'41" West, a distance of 100.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence going in a northwesterly direction on a curve to the right, whose center bears North 09059'19" East, and a radius of 109.20 feet, an arc distance of 155.4.6 feet; thence North 88026'41" West, a distance of 6.00 feet to a point on said easterly margin of primary State Highway No. 5; thence North 01°33'19" East along said easterly margin a distance of 82.97 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.,.in King County, Washington, and of Blocks 11, 12,'14 and 15, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of .Seattle Division No.. 1, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of .Plats, Page 74, in King -10- .,+.... e. ..�.a tern d..,.y,.--'4..r+-• ai4 +.uf. Lar i. . �� +r,._ y+'Y a-���,..r i � ,r!w--� s County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 0104'08" West, along the easterly limits of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55103'12" East, a distance of 45.44 feet; thence North 89044103" West, a distance of 56.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 8944'03" West, a distance of 658.99 feet; thence South 3502531" West, a distance of 269.74 feet to the northerly margin of primary State Highway No. 2 -SR 405; thence along said northerly margin South 40002'41" East, a distance of 55.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence going in a 0 southeasterly direction along a curve to the left whose center co bears North 49057'19" East and a radius of 390.80 feet, an arc distance of 340.81 feet; thence South 00000'41" East a distance of 4.27 feet to a point of curvature; thence going in a northeasterly direction along a curve to the left whose center �v bears North 05045'30" West and a.radius of 11,360.00 feet, an .D arc distance of 254.83 feet; thence North 00002'16" West, a 07 distance of 251.51 feet; thence North 61042'59" East, 258.92 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and of Blocks 12, 14 and 15, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74,,in King County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 01104'68" West along the easterly limits of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55003'12" East, a distance of 45.44 feet; thence North 89044'03" West, a distance of 575.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 00031'47" West, a distance of 249.90 feet; thence South 8944'31" East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence North 00031'47" West, a distance of 125.00 feet; thence South 8928'13" West, a distance of 246.56 feet to the Northeast corner of the above described parcel no. 1; thence South 0031'47" East, a distance of 138.38 feet; thence South 26053'16" West, a distance of 383.18 feet to a point of curvature on the northerly margin of,P.S.H. No. 2 -SR 405; thence along a curve to the right whose center bears South.. -11- L s County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 0104'08" West, along the easterly limits of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55103'12" East, a distance of 45.44 feet; thence North 89044103" West, a distance of 56.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 8944'03" West, a distance of 658.99 feet; thence South 3502531" West, a distance of 269.74 feet to the northerly margin of primary State Highway No. 2 -SR 405; thence along said northerly margin South 40002'41" East, a distance of 55.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence going in a 0 southeasterly direction along a curve to the left whose center co bears North 49057'19" East and a radius of 390.80 feet, an arc distance of 340.81 feet; thence South 00000'41" East a distance of 4.27 feet to a point of curvature; thence going in a northeasterly direction along a curve to the left whose center �v bears North 05045'30" West and a.radius of 11,360.00 feet, an .D arc distance of 254.83 feet; thence North 00002'16" West, a 07 distance of 251.51 feet; thence North 61042'59" East, 258.92 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and of Blocks 12, 14 and 15, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74,,in King County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 01104'68" West along the easterly limits of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55003'12" East, a distance of 45.44 feet; thence North 89044'03" West, a distance of 575.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 00031'47" West, a distance of 249.90 feet; thence South 8944'31" East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence North 00031'47" West, a distance of 125.00 feet; thence South 8928'13" West, a distance of 246.56 feet to the Northeast corner of the above described parcel no. 1; thence South 0031'47" East, a distance of 138.38 feet; thence South 26053'16" West, a distance of 383.18 feet to a point of curvature on the northerly margin of,P.S.H. No. 2 -SR 405; thence along a curve to the right whose center bears South.. -11- 3856'57" West and a radius of 288.80 feet, an arc distance of 55.48 feet; thence South 40002'41" East, a distance of.95.00 feet to the most westerly corner of the above described parcel no. 2; thence North 35025'31" East, a distance of 269.74 feet; thence South 89044'03" East, a distance of 140.00 feet, more or less to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 5: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and Blocks 12, 13 and 14, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, according to .the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, in King O County, Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys, o0 described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of .-I said Northeast Quarter; thence South 01104'08" West along the CI1 easterly limits of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast .�o Quarter a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55003'12" East CO a distance of 45.44 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 89044103" West a distance of 575.00 feet; thence North 00°31'47" West a distance of 249.90 feet; thence South 89044131" East a distance of 25.00 feet; thence North 00031'47". West a distance of 125.00 feet to the Northeast corner of the above described parcel 3; thence along the north line of parcels 1 and 3 South 89028'13" West a distance of 270.56 feet to the Northwest corner of the above described parcel 1; thence along the westerly and northerly line of parcel 1, South O1033'19" West a distance of 40.00 feet; thence South 38046'35" West a distance of 218.88 feet; thence North 89044'31" West a distance of 333.74 feet to a point on the easterly margin of primary State Highway No. 5, as recorded in Highway Plats Volume 2, Pages 186, 187 and 188; thence North 01033'19" East, along said easterly margin, a distance of 230.99 feet more or less to a point on the southerly margin of road known as Black River Junction - Renton Road, as described in Auditor's File No. 2910406; thence along said road a distance of 90.78 feet to a point on the southerly margin of secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady Way), (Black River Junction - Renton Road) as described in Auditor's File No. 2910406; thence North 77°29'03" East, along said southerly margin, a distance of 913.17 feet to a point of curve; thence continuing along said southerly margin, on a curve to the left having a radius of 3870.00 feet, an arc distance of 758.18 feet; thence South 01004'08" West a distance of 839.92 feet to the North line of the South 60 feet of the North 250 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter.of Section 19, as conveyed to the City of Renton by -12- u r k •Y j deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5475310; thence North 89044'03" West a distance of 372.42 feet; thence South z 01004'08" West a distance of 54.71 feet; thence South 55°03'12" j East a distance of 9.31 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT portion deeded to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5475310. CD 0 . •5 _ too z �7 �-V EXHIBIT C (The Parking Area) Leaal Description: That portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence South O1004'08" West along the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 250.02 feet: thence North � 89044'03" West, a distance of 18.28 feet; thence South 61042'59" West a distance of 40.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF '— BEGINNING; thence continuing South 61042'59" West a distance of r M 259.69 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius c:\1 of 42.00 feet through a central angle of 28014'45" an arc — distance of 20.71 feet; thence South 89057'44" West a distance 10 of 30.01 feet; thence North 28°17'01" West a distance of 230.80 feet; thence North 61042'59" East a distance of 280.00 feet; thence South 02059'03" West a distance of 108.99 feet; thence South 28017'01" East a distance of 56.00 feet; thence South 89044'03" East a distance of 94.00 feet; thence South 28017101" East a distance of 55.92 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT the southerly 15.00 feet thereof. EXHIBIT D (The Roadway) Legal Description: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington lying within a strip of land 30 feet in width having 15 feet of such width on each side of the following described centerline: CD Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence South 01004'08" West along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55003'12" East a distance of 36.13 feet to a point on the West ._. margin of Renton Village Place (a City of Renton street); .D thence North 01°04'08" East along said West margin a distance 00 of 21.18 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the aforementioned centerline, the North and South limits of the 30 foot strip shall extend to the margin of Renton Village Place; thence South 61042'59" West a distance of 355.07 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 42.00 feet through a central angle of 28014'45" an arc distance of 20.71 feet; thence South 89057'44" West a distance of 234.70 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 42.00 feet through a central angle of 67°44'36" an arc distance of 49.66 feet; thence North 22017140" West a distance of 187.94 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 65.00 feet through a central angle of 70033'21" an arc distance of 80.04 feet; thence North 48015141" East a distance of 156.58 feet; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 110.00 feet through a central angle of 48047'23" an arc distance of 93.67 feet; thence North 00031'42" West a distance of 309.09 feet to a point on the South margin of South Grady Way (a City street) and the terminus of the centerline, the right and left margins of the 30 foot strip shall extend to the South margin of South Grady Way. 0 0 6 1 I -15- 1 i EXHIBIT D (The Roadway) Legal Description: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington lying within a strip of land 30 feet in width having 15 feet of such width on each side of the following described centerline: CD Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence South 01004'08" West along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55003'12" East a distance of 36.13 feet to a point on the West ._. margin of Renton Village Place (a City of Renton street); .D thence North 01°04'08" East along said West margin a distance 00 of 21.18 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the aforementioned centerline, the North and South limits of the 30 foot strip shall extend to the margin of Renton Village Place; thence South 61042'59" West a distance of 355.07 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 42.00 feet through a central angle of 28014'45" an arc distance of 20.71 feet; thence South 89057'44" West a distance of 234.70 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 42.00 feet through a central angle of 67°44'36" an arc distance of 49.66 feet; thence North 22017140" West a distance of 187.94 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 65.00 feet through a central angle of 70033'21" an arc distance of 80.04 feet; thence North 48015141" East a distance of 156.58 feet; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 110.00 feet through a central angle of 48047'23" an arc distance of 93.67 feet; thence North 00031'42" West a distance of 309.09 feet to a point on the South margin of South Grady Way (a City street) and the terminus of the centerline, the right and left margins of the 30 foot strip shall extend to the South margin of South Grady Way. 0 0 6 1 I -15- U AMENDMENT BY DECLARATION OF EASEMENT TRIS AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT �+ effective the day of 0a RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES ("RVA"), a ITashington and RENTON TALBOT DELAWARE, INC. ("Talbot"), a (collectively "Declarants"), and is approved by ! SERVICES, a division of THE BOEING COMPANY, to [; parking easement. R E C I T A L S E;;C1SE TAX REQUft King Co. R girds W§oe IN �3 ) ILy Gtj Dep L ("Amendment") is 1910 by and between g neral partnership, Delaware corporation BOEING COMPUTER modi�fa',Oy-ry fR}cisting #1048 B RECFEE 2.03 RECD F 25.OtD CASHEL **+27. 00 55 A. Talbot and the prior owner of the parcel now owned by RVA previously executed and recorded a Declaration of Easement under King County Recording No. 2612311880 (attached hereto) to establish certain easements, including a Parking Area and roads located on the RVA parcel (defined in the Declaration as "Parcel B") allowing the nonexclusive use thereof by the adjoining parcel owned by Talbot (defined in the Declaration as "Parcel A"). All terms defined in the original Declaration shall have the same meaning when used herein. B. Boeing as tenant in the office building located on Parcel A has certain lease rights to utilize the Parking Area. G C. The parties, at the request of RVA, wish to modify the (J` location of the Parking Area and the maintenance obligations there- fore. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, Declarants hereby amend the original Declaration as follows: 1. Substitute "Parking Area" Legal Description. The revised legal description of the Parking Area attached to this Amendment as Revised Exhibit C "Parking Area" is hereby substituted for and supersedes the original Exhibit C legal description for the Parking Area which was attached to the original Declaration. No portion of the property covered by the original Exhibit C shall be subject to any easement for the Parking Area except to the extent such property is now included in Revised Exhibit C. 2. Substitute "Roadway" Legal Description. The revised lecial description of the Roadway attached to this Amendment as Revised Exhibit D "Roadway" is hereby substituted for and supersedes the original Exhibit D legal description for the Roadway which was attached to the original Declaration. No portion of the property covered by the original Exhibit D shall be subject to any easement for the Roadway except to the extent such property is now included in Revised Exhibit D. 3. Repair and Maintenance of the Parking Area and Roadway. (a) The repair and maintenance provisions of Article III, Sections 3.1 through 3.3 of the original Declaration are amended with respect to the U --r .,g. IN Parking Area and the Roadway as provided herein. Effective upon the date of this Amendment, RVA as the Parcel B owner (upon which the Parking Area and Roadway is situated) shall at its sole cost and expense undertake the reasonable repair, maintenance and care obligations for the Parking Area and Roadway, specified in Section 3.1 of the original Declaration, and such repair, maintenance and care shall no longer be the obligation of Talbot as Parcel A owner. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) below, the original Declaration is amended to eliminate reimbursement for such repair, maintenance and care of the Parking Area and Poadway, and neither party shall reimburse the other for any costs relating to the Parking Area and Roadway. (b) Section 3.2 of the original Declaration is amended to hereafter provide that if the Parcel B owner shall fail to repair, maintain and care for the Parking Area and Roadway and if such failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after notice of such failure is given by the Parcel A owner to the Parcel B owner, then the Parcel A owner may undertake such repair, maintenance and care, in which event the Parcel B owner shall reimburse the Parcel A owner for ail reasonable out-of-pocket costs thereof. Such amounts shall be due within thirty (30) days after delivery of appropriate receipts and other pertinent information substantiating the out-of- pocket costs. Any amounts not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is less, from the date due until paid. 4. No Other Changes. Except as expressly provided in this C-11 Amendment, the original Declaration shall continue in full force and � effect in accordance with its terms. CD �D IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment is executed on the date first above written. CD `:D RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES, A c, Washington general partnership B Michael a orffy `s Managing General P tner �. rn r 2 ii i u 00 .O U3 O CD (71, n X RENTON TALBOT DELAWARE, INC., a Delaware Corporation By Attachments: Revised Exhibit C Legal for Parking Area Original Declaration of No. 8612311880) Revised Exhibit D Legal Amendment to Declaration is hereby approved by: BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES, a division of The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation By Its DiectM9 C -r F'AC iw ilt_.z.=- STATE OF VIASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) Its -�!n'w►: D - Easement (K.C. Recording Description of Roadway On this day of 1 4 C--, , 1989, before me, a Notary Public in and for t e State o washington, personally appeared MICHAEL SANDORFFY, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who signed this instrument; on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument as general partner of RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES; and acknowledged the said instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed, as partner, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PU LIC in an thee of Washington, residing at .- c,, My appointment expires�'- ••O CD C) 011 0 STATE OF L&�{ fk&,6 } SS, COUNTY OF SQY11-ttk.4 0)) On this day of Ku6tQ �19 , before me, a Notary Public in nd or the State of -' 6fti6 , personally appeared , personally known to me ( _ isi�3ctnuidenc>� to be the person who executed this instrument, on oath stated that was authqjrized to r-.xe ute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the (;%0A* ZPf RENTON TALBOT DELAWARE, INC. to be the free and voluntary act dnd deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. • c`•,r, .. OFFiC;i4L SF.1L AURAUTA GARC,A 1 f107ARY PUBLIC - CALIFOPNIA ` SM FRANCISCO CoulfTY 1,$Y t•^.mm, rrpirn 1U! 6, IS:o STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING M NOTA R PUBLIC -xn-- 7a= for the 5ta residing at �e t my appointment expires JL�L � , f , On this G day of-Dccc7w-Br-2- , 1989, before me, a Notary Public—:Fn—and for t e State o Was ington, personally appeared 0.0 - PUPPt- , personally known to me (or prove to me on the liasis oP satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument, on oath stated that 14C was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it the viUi-orF. tr RL1j-iilE�- of BOEING C014PUTER SERVICES, a division of The Hoeing Company, to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. 4 -k� E NOTARY P IC In an r th tate of Washington, residing at My appointment expires (x-) 'T C .O Ln L -D CD Q` M 0 Revised EXHIBIT C Legal Description Page 1 of 2 LEGAL D£SCRIFTIOtd Renton Cinema Parking Easement with One Renton Place That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington lying within that portion of Block 12 of C.A. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the . City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74 and vacated streets and alley attached thereto described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence S 01004'08" W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 89044'02" W, a distance of 76.64 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 28014144" E, a distance of 10.68 feet; thence S 61049158" W, a distance of 79.94 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 90.00 feet; thence southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 28007'4611, an arc distance of 44.19 feet; thence S 89057144" W, a distance of 300.67 feet; thence N 00002116" W, a distance of 156.00 feet; thence N 89057'44" E, a distance of 13.00 feet; thence N 00002116" W, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence N 89057'44" E, a distance of 93.59 feet; thence S 41043100" E, a distance of 32.76 feet; thence N 61047'19" E, a distance of 169.01 feet; thence S 05022'27" E, a distance of 59.15 feet; thence S 00057'31" W, a distance of 21.95 feet; thence S 01034'15" E, a distance of 50.15 feet; thence S 01052'33" E, a distance of 21.32 feet; thence S 23035'57" E, a distance of 23.40 feet; thence S 53019134" E, a distance of 23.40 feet; thence S 79019'28" E, a distance of 31.43 feet; thence S 88019'22" E, a distance of 30.41 feet; thence S 73012'19" E, a distance of 30.41 feet; thence S 28014'45" E, a distance of 11.71 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 'VolVa AS 4l. EClSiEF J� S 1-15-89 n 87021 LI) V lam.. In CD CD O` U7i11/Vu 0;:13 REVISED EXhT13IT D w• C zub 1.5n UU e 00.3 Roadway Easement That part ion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, RaSL6e 5 Ea6t, W.H. in the City of Renton, King County, Washin&ton ly1nG within a strip of land 30 foot in width having 13 foot of such width on each ride of the following described centerlines Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 19; thence 5 01004'08" E &Ions the east line of tile southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, a distance of 240.00 feet} thence N 61042'59" E, a distance 0f 34.41 Beet to a point on the vast margin of South Renton rlace (a City of Renton street) as described in instrument under Auditor's File No. 5475310; said point being the TRUE POINT of DEGINNING of the aforementioned centerline] the northwesterly and ejuuLhaasLerly limits of the 30 foot vide strip shall extend to the k9bt margin of South Renton rlactj thence 3 61042159" N, a diGtance of 1.'6.01 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 115.00 foetj thence westerly along said curve through a central anEle of 28011'27", an arc distaneo of 36.58 feet) thence S 89054'26" W, a dintanco of 373.48 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 63.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve through a c9ntral angle of 67047'54", an arc distance of 76.91 foots thence N 22017'40" W, a di6Lunew of 90.71 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 65.00 feet; thence northerly and northeasterly along acid curve through s central "le of 7003312111, an aro distance of 90.04 f0otj thence N 48013'41" E, a distance of 136.58 feet to a'tangent curve to the left having a radius of 110.00 foot; thence northeasterly and northerly along saki curvo through a central angle of 48'547.23", an arc dictanco of 9.1.67 tsetj thence N 00031142" W, a distance of 309.78 feet to a point on tike auuth margin of South Grady Way (a City of Renton 6troot)j the wrest and oust margins or the 30 foot vide strip shall extend to the south margin of said South Grady Ways said point being the terminus of said strip. 90OG5 NN n 5-9-90 J • r -M U X13/'1 ■1?90 E RECD R :9. x "f DECLWTIOH OF USE?f `CWSL ••, ! �. o0 (Roadway and Parking Easemt) This Declaration dated as of this day o1 December. 1166 is Rade by port siakellr Time ►arras (L, P,). a washington Slimited partnership, and Puget western. Inc.. a Washington cd corporation doing business so Renton village Coopanr, a ca trasnington General Partnership ('Grantor') to Renton Talbot Delaware. Inc. ('Grantee') for the benefit of the real property r;y described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the 'Dominant Estate') (y and the owners, nortgagess, tenants and licensees from tiro to time of the Dominant Estate and their respective emrloyea3. GO agents. representatives, customers and invilews (collectively. the 'Occupants') as described below. I. Mecital■ A. Grantor is the owner or the real property described in Exhibit R attached hereto ('Parcel fl'), the real property described in Exhibit C attached hereto ('Parking ICrea'), and the real property described in EA hlbit D attached hereto (the r I R. Grantee In the owner of the reai property described In Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated a') herein (,Dominant Estate'). C. 1n order to assure access and perking for the .� Grant**. Creator desires to grant a parking emseeent over and across the Parking Asea and a road eaaem nt over and actos■ the Roadway. au r Ir• rlarstion fl, Grantor 6003 hPrf-hy Mr'lAre•and cnnwty to Grantee for the benefit of the Dominant state and the Occupants the followrnq •a+�cnts Me- -Z...e.rent&"). aub)ect to the f6st9ietions. reaetvationa end covenants set forth below. (a) A perpetual, nnrPr-tuttive ease-lRnt over and scrneR the Parking Area for pedastriar and vehicular ingress to. egress troa, tot parking upon and for repair and maintenance of the Packing Arm& pursuant to Paragraph ] below; and (b) A perpetual, nonexclusive easement over and arras■ the Roadway for pedestrian and vehicular access betweea, ingress to and %gees■ from the poninant Latate, Parcel 9. the Parking Area. Grady May (a dedicated public LWI5E TAX NOT n:l t.•i�_- IGat Ca. ft=. D+w .l Ln LamD C1 street) and Renton Village Place (■ dedicated public sttoet) and for repair and maintenance of the Roadway Pursuant to paragraph 3.1. ltf. Eestrlctions, Reservatlonr and Covenants The Easements are granted subject to the following restrictions, reservations and covenants: 1. Obstruetlon of N—Ilw@ - No fence, wall. hedge, or other sidilar ops..uction shall be placed on the Roadway to obstruct the free flow of traffic thereon: provided. howcvet, that GienWi reserves the tight to erect, At IPl:t once in •ach Galendar year (and acre often if legally desirable) barriers or chains across the _ Roadway for the purpose of prohibiting access. Ingress and egress by the public in order to avoid the — passibility of dedicating rhe R(%a.Swwy fur public ucc. r r') N 2. Relocation. Grantor reserves the right to relocate at any time and from time to tia,e either the co Roadway or the Parking Area (or troth): provided, however. that Grantor shall not relocate the Roadway or the Parking Easement without the prior written consent of the then owner of the Dominant Estate. 3. Re air and Maintwmance. I.I. The owner of the Dominant Estate ('Owner A-) shall from time to time reasonably repair, maintain and care for the Roadway and the Parking Area; provided, however. that the owner of Parcel R ('Owner 01) shall telnburse Owner A for a fraction at Owner A'■ reasonable out-of-pocket costs thereof: the nuserator of said fraction shall be equal to the s -lucre footage of the net rentable space within buildings - nr hereafter located on Parcel n and the denominator of sold fraction shall be equal to the ■rr., of the "quire :aatagr• t.f' fa) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter located on the Dosiinant Estate; plus (b) the not rentable trpace within buildings now or hereafter located on Parcel R. Am of the date of this giant, the net rentable space within buildings located on the Dominant Estate is aPprossnately 131,927 ■qurre feet and the net tentacle -2- + ..x1iF r, =1 1 410 N e a O �11 apace within buildings located an PAfCe! Ii 11 approslmstely 313.391 square feet. 3.2 If Owner A shall [all to repair. Maintain and care for the Roadway and the Parking Area and if such failure Shall continue for a period of thirty (30) day, after notice of such failure is given Lyy owner • to Owner A. then Amer a pay accomplish such repair, saintenance and care. in which event Owner A shall relaibutae owner E for a fraction of Owner Vs reasonable out-of-pocket costs thereof: the numerator o[ said rentable shall equal to the square footage of the net rentable aTac� ..iahl� M�Iming-t now -r hereafter located on the Dominant Catate and the denominator of Said fraction shall h- equal to the sum of the square footnges of: the r+l within buildings nu" OrahcrcaftettlocatedlonstheeDominant Estate; and (b) the net rentable space within buildings now or hereafter 1oCated on Parcel 8. 3.3 Any amounts to be reimb%jrsad pursuant to Paragraph 3.1 or paragraph 3.2 above shall De paid within thirty (30) day, after the teimburaing Party -s receipt of the other party's correct Env'Jice therefor, supported by "Propriate receipts and other pertinent ihformation substantiating the Costs for which reimbursement Is ■ought. Any amounts not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annus or the wssimum rate permitted by applicable law. whichever Is less' from the date due urttl the date paid. ohligation3to relmbursetth■ Otherelmbursing patty In Its as described in paragraph 3.1 or Patty (with interest) Ilse to a paragraph 3.2 shall give J11II-xOncsrning such obligations upon the reiwbusaing party's interests in the Dominant rstmte or Parcel 0. rhlchever is owned by the retmburaisg party. 3.5 The lien provided for in paragraph 3.e above shall attach and ta" effect duly upon rec�rdstinn Of a Claim of Lien by the Claimant In the office of the Ring County Records and Elections Division. The Claim of Llsn Shall set forth the following: C" 40 ase U s E (a) the nave and mailing address of the lien clalmant; F 1 iY F ib) the basis of the lien Claimed (including, but t Dot necessarily limited to, a brief description of the work performed, ! • ■tatament of the ■mount of the Halm and a description of the default giving rise to the lien); (c) the last known name and mailing address of the owner or reputed owner of the Property Against which the lien is claimed; ` Ln M against which the) 1laali;sc7,ineeipana °! the pr.Ftrtr LD l r'f (e) s statement that the lien In claimed Pursuant to the provisions of this Declarailan. ' CV .O The Claim of Lien ■hall be verified and acknowledged and +hail Contain a certificate { GO that a copy thereof has Dean served upon the owner or reputed owner of the ( property agjLlnsc whlch the lien is claimed, either try personal service or by auilins (first class, certified, return receipt requested) to such owns[ at the address Provided in the office of the Ring County Department of Assessments for mailing of tan statements with respect to the property against which the lien is f claimeo. The lien so Claimed shall attach from the date of recordation solely in the amount claimed thereby and may be enforced in any manner Allowed by law for the foreclosure of liens. 4. Successors and Assl The EaZements shall be i, easenxnts runnrn0 with the Dominant Estate and burdening l PArcel G. the Parking Area and Roadway for the benefit of the Grantee and the Occupants. The restelctions, reservaticas and covenants set forth in this grant ? to 'no beneflt of and be en(orcraGlerby ll GrrntarinGrantee,lthee OccupentY and !heir respective xureessors and arsigna. J? S. Breach. In the ■rent of breach of of default under f this grant. Grantor or Crsntee or any of the Occupants shall be entitled to cormrence an action tot Lull and adequate relief v from the consequences at such bteach. The unsuccessful party In any such action shall Pay to the Prevailing party a rsasunaLly .uA. for attorneys' feta incurred by the prtvoiling Party in connection with such action, whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. i at trot Public Drdlcati0n. Mathing contained in this Declaration shall ire deemed � to be a elft or :JedlCa[lvn of any -4- ip W V L Such statement shall act as a waiver of any Clain by the party furnishing it to the estent such claim is based upon facts contrary to those set forth In the statement And in asserted against A mortgagee or purchaser for value who has acted in r+1i.nL. wyun ll.w aLatcgcnt without knowledge of facts to the contrary at those contained in the statem►nt. 9. Rules and Re9ulat1Rns. Grantor reserves the right to establish, madity, amend. revoke and enforce reasonable rules governing the use of the Parking Area and the Roadway suolect to prior written consent frnm Grantee, which sinal consent shall not be unreasorral,;y Lithhmld. 10. A—nA..,.. Thla h.rlara►inn shall nnl be modified. amended or cancelled esceat by written instrument signed by the rrrnrd Dwnrrc cr thr D^-inant Estate and Parr.I 1i. -5- a is Portion of the Dominant Catate, Parcel a, the Packing Arms of the Roadway to or for the benefit of the general public of for Any public purpases whatsoever. This grant shall be strictly Ilraited to and for the purposes espressly stated herein. 7. Sale and Lease sack. rot the purposes of thin Declaration, should Owner A or Owner 0 sell and lease back its reapectty■ properties (I.e., the Dominant Estate and Parcel 0. teapectively), the lessee Lhall be deemed to be the owner of the property subject to the lease, unless and until the lease �I? aspires of is cancelled or terminated, provided, howevere that this provision shall not affect the rights of any party to claim a item against the (at as provided in pstaglaph ].e above. A. [stappel (ertificate- Owner A or Owner M. upon Q written request it the other, sliall issue to the requesting Ln party. or to any person specified by the raqursting party, an Q �. -^ estoppel certificate stating whether the party to whom the request has been directed knows: CD CV p1 (ai of any breach of of default under this ytant .0 and, if there are known breaches of defaults, specifying the nature thereof: (b) of any modification or amendment of this grant and, if there ate any known modifications of amendments, specifying the nature thereof: and Cc) that this Declaration is then In full force and effect. Such statement shall act as a waiver of any Clain by the party furnishing it to the estent such claim is based upon facts contrary to those set forth In the statement And in asserted against A mortgagee or purchaser for value who has acted in r+1i.nL. wyun ll.w aLatcgcnt without knowledge of facts to the contrary at those contained in the statem►nt. 9. Rules and Re9ulat1Rns. Grantor reserves the right to establish, madity, amend. revoke and enforce reasonable rules governing the use of the Parking Area and the Roadway suolect to prior written consent frnm Grantee, which sinal consent shall not be unreasorral,;y Lithhmld. 10. A—nA..,.. Thla h.rlara►inn shall nnl be modified. amended or cancelled esceat by written instrument signed by the rrrnrd Dwnrrc cr thr D^-inant Estate and Parr.I 1i. -5- a is w ., .: i 1 11. No Merger. The Easements shall not be extinguished In the event that title to the Dominant Estate, parcel 1, the Parking Area, the Roadway or any combination thereof is vested In the sane party or parties. IN WITHC55 WHEREOF. Grantor has executed this Declaration the day and year first above written. Renton Village Company. Washington General Partnership by Port Blakely Time Farms (L. P.). it Washington Limited Partnership lta 1411111.1 P41lN%& G� C%j �I•ts� er.l )yartner .J] QD BY Puget western. Inc., a Washington Corporation Its General Partner By W.. R. AwA. Its. �rwzident •e- • r� M 0 H • _.,r rN 6 4: dD w r STATE of wASHINCTDN ) 1 ■s. COUNTY OF K l M G ) On this �L day of �����a�, Iq�' before ere, the '& undersigned, $rotas f►-: aL� for � the State of Washington, duly commissioned andrsworn, personally Appeared J. L. NARJONE, to ars known to bie the Cenaral Partner of port fllskely Tree Farms (L. T.), the limited partnership that eaacuted the foregoing instrument ^ Z� in its capac}ty a■ general partner of Renton Village Company, a We hington general partnership, and he acknowledged the ■aid instrument to De the fres and voluntary act '. and deed of port plakely Tree Fa [ms IL. A.1 fns rh. ..a.. erw thercir. "nt:ur,rtl. ar,.l on oath stated that he is I .a o co authorised to 6xitcute the said i ar,tiunent. .. Lr)_ �f7ME55 ny hand and official seal hereto Affixed the day and in Ott CD Year this certificate above written. N LYN 10 .00 �JC��d 1 r AN PUnoteta Of a+asningtoh, ." residing at .�-taa �/ NY appointment expires�__� " STATE of MA5HINCTOH ) COUNTY of x I M C ) as. ) this - day of d [ before undersigned, • Notary Au61rc rn and19a. me. the is d for �' the State of eashrngton. duty cornissroned and appeared to axe known to be tRe Pfp�rpersonally Inc., the corporation that n. 3?foregntmt �ngPrnstturrentuget rin executed the itm Capacity ■s oenrrai aa,rn.r of rwn.n•4 V -6117V _ Cc==anr. .. r►73T ri:�:;,6 Qeu■�■: ya�tue•i „7„p, and rte &cknnw4*ugrr] the fend instrument to be the free . and %ulurrt■ty act and deed of maid corporation, for the uses Aral purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. .•FTM r -7. '1Gr n I n u n I Lr) 0 0 GN GIIHIBIT A (The Dominant Estate) Legal Description: M That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section It. Township 23 Worth. Range 3 East. M.K., in Ring County. Washington, and Blocks 11 and 12 of C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Suttle. Divisinn No. 1, according to the plot recorded In Volume 17 of Arts. Page 74 In King County. Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys attached thereto. end L^t� 1 thrr._-qh 11. hloe► s nr eon►nn Vi~. according to the ylst recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, Page 35. in King County. Washington, and of vacated street: and alltyz attached thereto. described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said lrortnesst Quarter of tiection 19; thence Suuth 01104'01' West &long th■ Cast line of the Southwest Quarter of the :i,rrtheaat Quartan, a di:tzince of 224.15 feet: thence 154.th 55'03'12' test a distance of 45.44 feet to the TRUE PQIHT OE BEGINNING; thence South 89.44'03' Cast along the South margin of Renton Village Place (North line of the Plat of Renton View Addition) a distance of 867.26 feet: thence South 01'24'03' Most, a distance of 123.27 feet to a point on the northerly margin of primary State Highway No. 1. (Jct. S.S.H. S -K to Jct. P.S.H. No. 2 -SR 405): thence South 20.46'00' East along said North margin. 3D.00 feet: thence along a curve to the right in a southwesterly di:ection having a radius of 1.110.00 feet through a central art41e of 07.05'07' an arc distance of 223.83 feet to a point of curve to 0 Spiral curve: thence &lohq a sAi-al curve to the right on the northerly margin of PSH No. 1 the long chord of which bears South 79.20'21` West ■ distance of 297.06 feet to the point of tangency of the spiral curve: thence continuing along said North margin South 80.49'08- Nnst a distance of 213.80 feet: thence South 09'10'52' East along 0010 Nortl. margin. 20.00 feet; thence South 80`49'08' ►test. 61009 said North margin. 27.80 feet to a point of curvature: thence along said North margin on a curve to the right having a radius of I1.360.00 lett through a central angle of 00.15'40' an arc distance of 51.86 feet; thence North 08'55'12' West along sold North margin 20.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence alenq amid Nurth margin in a southwesterly direction on a cuivin w the right hav' r.: : tadius of 11.36^ nD fe.► thrnugh a central angle of 01'52'35' an arc distance of 372.03 test; thence North 00.02'16' West a distance of 251.51 Leet: thence North 61.42'59' East a distance of 258.92 feet; thence South 84.44'03' East a distance of $6.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. -9. I C. r TL�L 411110 W me tO:l[IRIT 6 (Parcel b) :r Lr al tkscrl tion; Parcels 1. 2. 3 ■n0 S �a PAACEL 1: _+ That portion of the Northeast Quarter Of GectlOn 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, •fir_ Y.N.. In King County, Washington. and Of Block 14. C. D. Hillman's - y EarlingtOn Cardene Addition to the City of Seattle Dlvintdn No. 1, , according to the plat recorded in Volum" a; u1 P;ala. I'agc 71. in Rir4 County. washington, acid Of vacated streets and alters, descritaed as follows: �d CD beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwrst Quarter of i N said Northeast Quarter; thence North 69144'11' West, a distance of 1260.41 feet ` — more or less t0 a point on the easterly margin of yriw.ty Stat■ HighwayT• �• 5, ti Ln as recorded in Highway Plata Volume 2, pages 116, 187 and 188; thence South 01']]'19' West. 7 � O along said easterly margin, a distance of 90.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 89.44'31' East, a distance of 3]].74 Leet; thence North 18.46'35' East, a distance of 218.88 feet; thence North 01'33'19' East, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 69.26'13- East, a distance Of 24.00 feet; thence South 00'31147' Cast, a distance OI 111.31 feet; thence South 2615]'16' west, a distance of 313.18 feet to a Point of curvature On the northerly margin Of primary State Mighvay No. 7 -SA No. ' 405; thence going in a northwester!y direction along the northerly margin of sold highway on a curve to the left whose center tisars South 38.56'57 west and a radius of 28E.eo feet, an ate distance of 145.97 feet; thence North 80.00'41' west, a distance Of 100.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence going In a northwesterly direction I on a curve tc the sight. whose center beer& North 09.59'19' East, and ■ r j r.tiius of 109.20 feet. an are di.lance at 15`.48 (wr; thence k•�+rh 1[i';ti'tI' '7 i west. a dirtance Of 4.00 fowl to a Point said east.rl ear in o! r q -� Highway primary State Hi hra No. 5; tnrr.Ce Ce North 01•33'19' Cast along said easterly margin a distance of 82.97 tett to the TRUE POINT OF aECIMNIMC. PARCEL 2: That Portlen of th. N"t hest Quarter of 54-crio n 14, Town!hip 23 North. Range 5 East, w,rt., in Ring County, Washington. and Of (!lucks 11. 12. 14 arij 15. C. D. Hill..arr'a Easlington Catdens wdO+tion to the t:ity of !>eatt+e uivrsion No. 1. accorainq to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats. Page 74, to Xing 1 " i -10 r n i G, m County. Washington, and of vacated streets and alleys, described as follows: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township =t 23 Horth, Mange 5 East, W.H•. In sing County. Washington, and; Of Clocks 12, 14 and 15. C. D. Hillman's Eatlington Gardens 1� Addition to the C•ty of Seattle Division No. i, according to the plat recordee .h volume 17 of Plats. Page 74, in Xing ?• County. Washingto., and of vacated streets and alleys. described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quitter of ■aid Horthssst Quarter; thence South 01.04'02' west along the vas+erly limits of the South+.est Quarter of the Nartheast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55.01'12' Last. z diztsnce of a;.4t feet; ttence Berth !••49.01' Wrat, a distance of 575.00 feet to the true point of tog[nnang: thence March 00.31'97' Wast, a distance of 249.90 feet; thence South 19.44.31' Yost, a distance of 1].00 [eat: thence North 00131-17• test. a distance of 125.00 feet; thence Louth 89'21'13' West, a distance of 296.56 feet to the alattheasl curve[ of lhw •lore described parcel no. 1; thence South 00'11'47' East, a distance o[ 138.39 reet: thence South 24.5]'16' Weir, a AiRtance of 311-111 feet to a point of curvature on the nostheily margin Gf A.S.H. No. 2 -SM 405. thence along a curve to the right whose center bear& South cm Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 01104'09' West, along the sisterly limits of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 224.15 feet: thence South 55'03'12' Cast, a dlstsnce of 45.44 feet. thence North 19144'01* test, a distance of 56.01 fest to the TRUE POINT or Bici iii; thence continuing North 19.44.03' West. a distance of 658.99 east: thence South 35.25•31' West, a distance of 269.74 fast to the no" hotly margin of Primary State Highway No. 2 -SR 405: thence along said northerly margin South 40.02.41' Cast, a distance of 55.00 feet to a Point of cutvatute; thence going In a southeasterly direction along a curve to the left whase center hears Narth 99.57'19- East and a radius of 390.10 feet. on arc �-� distance of 340.91 feet. thence South 00.00'91' East a distance '— Of 9.27 feet to a point of curvature; thence going in a rarthcastetly direction along a Curve to the left -have c*nter N beats North 05.95.30- West and a radius of 11.360.00 fact, an Ln are distance of 254.93 feet: thence North 00107116' West, a J cb distance of 251.51 feet; thence Horth 61'42'59' East, ]56.92 feet to the TRUE Min or BEGINNING. T PARC:L 3: That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township =t 23 Horth, Mange 5 East, W.H•. In sing County. Washington, and; Of Clocks 12, 14 and 15. C. D. Hillman's Eatlington Gardens 1� Addition to the C•ty of Seattle Division No. i, according to the plat recordee .h volume 17 of Plats. Page 74, in Xing ?• County. Washingto., and of vacated streets and alleys. described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quitter of ■aid Horthssst Quarter; thence South 01.04'02' west along the vas+erly limits of the South+.est Quarter of the Nartheast Quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55.01'12' Last. z diztsnce of a;.4t feet; ttence Berth !••49.01' Wrat, a distance of 575.00 feet to the true point of tog[nnang: thence March 00.31'97' Wast, a distance of 249.90 feet; thence South 19.44.31' Yost, a distance of 1].00 [eat: thence North 00131-17• test. a distance of 125.00 feet; thence Louth 89'21'13' West, a distance of 296.56 feet to the alattheasl curve[ of lhw •lore described parcel no. 1; thence South 00'11'47' East, a distance o[ 138.39 reet: thence South 24.5]'16' Weir, a AiRtance of 311-111 feet to a point of curvature on the nostheily margin Gf A.S.H. No. 2 -SM 405. thence along a curve to the right whose center bear& South cm IKB, Ln x 38.56'57' West and a radius of 288.80 feet, in are distance of 55.48 feet; thence South 40.02'41' fast.•• distance of 95.00 feet to the most westerly corner of the above described parcel ththence ence South 89M-44-03- • 035East, a25,31- fdistance ast. a iofa140.00 feet74more tor leas t0 the TRUE POINT Ot BEGINNIK . IPA2CEL 5: That portion of the Northeast Quarter Of Section 19. Township 23 North, ilange 5 East, w -m-. In Ring County, Washington, and Blacks 12, 13 and 14. C. D. Nathan -s fatlingtOn Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, according to the plat recorded in volume 17 of Plata. Page 74, in Ring County, Washington, and of vacated 'privets and alleys, described as (allows; Baginning at the Southeast Cotner of the Northwest Quarter of IAV sold MO rtheast ouart•r; thvn�e (south 01.04.08' West along the _ easterly limits o[ the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast ,0 Quarter a distance of 224.15 feet; thence Svuth 55.03'12' rapt 110 a distance of 45.44 feet to the TRUE POINT of dEG1NNING; thence Marth 89.44'0]- West a distance of 575.00 feet; thence North 00.31'471 West a distance of 249.9D feet; thence South !!•44.311 East a distance of 25.00 feet; thence North 00131'47' Most a distance of 125.OD feet to the Northeast cornet of the above described parcel ]: thence along the north line of parcels i and 3 South 89.28.13' Wes: a distance of 270.56 feet to the Northwest carnet of the above deseritw d parcel 1: thence slong the westerly and northerly line of parcel 1. South ()"33'19' Hest • distance of 40.00 feet; thence South 38.46.35 - West a distance of 2111.119 feet: thence North 89.44•21' West a distance Of 333.74 feet to a point an the easterly margin of primary State (Highway No. 5, as recorded in Highway plats Volume 2, pages 106, 187 and 1118: thence North 01"33.19' Last. along said -41terly margin, a distsnc') of 230.99 feet more or les& to a point on the southerly margin of road known as Black River .Junction - Prnton (load, Al desctitkd in Auditor's F11t 160. 291040e; thence &Ion{ amid road a distance of 90.78 fast to ■ print an me soutneriy ma•7in ct=esc-_-./ ;,tjtc H1{I.4ry No. 1-L (Grady Way). (black 1livwr .function - Renton Poad) as described 10 Auditor's rile No. 2g104oc; thence North 77.29.01' East, along said southerly margin. a distance of 911.17 feet to s point Of curve; thence continuing along said southerly aiyi, un 4 curve :0 the left having a radius of 3870.00 fest. an..arcirdistance of 758.16 feet; thence Soutn 01'04'08' West a distance of a3v.vt Cert to the North line of the South 60 feet of the North :SG fwt of the Southeast Quattrr of the Northeast Quarter Of Section 19, as conveyed to the city of Benton by -17- Cs .�f 0 ob OD NT -.o Ln CD 0 i S] LN a zo deed recorded under Au 09.44.03' Me1L S diets 01'0.00' West ■ died Last a distance of 7.3 "C=P'T Portlon deeded under Auditor's rile N Al w n Am C I A ■ IL 40 EXHIBIT C Y Me Parting Area) kiUL—k--CAW on• That portion of the Southwest of Section 19. � Township 23 North. Bargef5tgist. U.Sq.. Inutheer City at lltnton. Ring County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southwest Qusrtst of the Wrthsast Quarter of said Section 19; thence South 01.04.09- West along the Cast line of said Southwest the Northeast Quartet, a distance of M-01 feet; thwnuerNorthf 8.44.03• Meat, a distance of 18.28 feet; 6 142 •9` thence South We a distance of 40.00 feet to the TRUE PGllrr 07 BEGINNING: thence .� conttnning South 61.42.59' Meet a distance of 259.69 feet; thence along a f+j� O 011 curve to the right having a radius of 42.00 feet through a w central angle of 28.14.45' an arc dtetanct of 20.71 feet; thence South -0 99.57'44' Melt a distance of 30.01 test; thence North 26.17.01' Meat a distance Leet; I~.r `1 thence North 61of 230.80 .42.39' East s distance of 290.00 feet; thence South 02.59.03' Crest a distance of 109.99 feet; thence South 2s•17*01- Last a distance of 56.0o feet; thencc South 89.44.03• East a distance aC ll.Do fret; tRence South 28.17.06' East • distance of 55.92 feet to the TRUE Pol9rf t)F BEGINNING. EXCEPT the southerly 15.00 feet thereof. I yl i� aj i '1 { iq f n U -15. V UHIEIT D (The Roadway) a al Descrt ion; -15. V UHIEIT D (The Roadway) al Descrt ion; -.tom That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 22 North, Rang* 5 last, tr,M., 1n the Clty of Renton, Xing County, Washington lying wlthl, s strip of land 30 felt In wldth howl.. 15 feet of such width on 011,:b side of the lollo.ring described centerline: I1 Beginning at the southeast Cotner of the Northwest Quarter of the Morthu st Quarter of sold Lection 19; thence South 01.01'05' Most along the Cast line the 1ZDthe of Southwest Qusrtat of Northeast Quarter, a distance of 224,15 feet; thence South 55.0]'12• Cast a dlatsnce of 36.13 feet to a point on the West rar.ln of Renton village Place (a City of Menton .Q street); CO thence Moth 01'04'06' last along said Meat aargin a distance of 71.19 feet to the TRUE PolKr or Nf:I:iMM1feG of th. aforementioned CD centerline, the North and South limits of the 30 foot strip shall extend to the margin of Renton village Place; thence South 61'47.59- west a distance of 355.07 feet: thence along � a curve to the tight having a radius of 42.00 feet through a central angle of 28'11'45' an arc distance of 20.71 aocurve9to7the•[ thencetalong ght hewing acradius3of42.000e(Ott through a central 811916 of 67.44'36' an are distance of 49.66 felt; thence MOtth 22.17.40• $test a distance a of 167.94 feet: thence slonq a curve to the right hsving a radius of &5.009 through 5.00 feet a central angle of 70.33'21' an etc distance of 60.04 (ett; thence North 48'15.41• East a distance of 156,58 feet; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 110,00 through feet a central angle of 46.47.23- an are distance of 93.67 fwtt; thence North 00.31.42• west a dlstance of 709.09 fart to int on the Suuth raryin of South Grady way to city Street) And the terminus of the cent[rllne, the rlrlht and left zargtns Of the 30 foot sir;p shall ealend to Ll- South margi Grady war, n of South •e.re -15. V L: -.tom i 9 0 HLGU lul' ncL; Ulu dt Ham Add Ln 0 C E ---- k A, r., CD ry After recordmg return to Paul V McCarthy, Esq LANE POWELL SPEARS LUBERSK'Y LLP 1420 5h Avenue, Suite 4100 Seattle, WA 98101-2338 )927001009 .7 EAS 18.00 oil LOW Washington State Recorder's Cover Sheet CW 65 41 Document Title(s): Second Amendment of Declaration of Easement Reference Number(s) of Related Documents: 8612311880 & 9005161048 FILED BY GIRGAGO TITLE " Grantor(s): RAIV 1 RVA CENTER LLC REF S 5 & 1 -3 — Additional names on pne of document Grantee(s): 1 RENTON PROPERTIES LLC Additional names on page of document Abbreviated Legal Description(s): Ptn Lt C, City of Renton LLA No LLA -001-88, 99004099029, Ptns Lts 1 & 2, City of Renton SIP No SP 009-87, #8707069001 Additional le al description on Exhibits 1 and 2, pages 6 through 9, of document Assessor's Property Tag Parcel/Account Number(s): 192305-9101-06, 192305-9001-07, & 192305-9023-01 10055110035/812483 7 -1- SECOND AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT This Second Amendment of Declaration of Easement ("Amendment") is made and entered into as of the day of. 2001 by and between RVA CENTER, LLC, a Washington limited liability Company ("RVA Center") and RENTON PROPERTIES LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Renton'), successor -in - interest to UNIVERSITY STREET PROPERTEES H, LLC., a Delaware limited liability company ("USP") RECITALS A Renton Talbot Delaware, Inc, a Delaware corporation ("Talbot") and Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, entered into a Declaration of Easement, recorded on the King County Recording No 8612311880, as amended by Amendment of Declaration of Easement dated May 11, 1990 by and between Renton Village Associates, a Washington general partnership and Talbot, recorded under King County No 9005161048 (as amended, the "Declaration") Renton Village Company and Renton Village Associates were prior owners of certain property now owned by RVA Center and described in the Declaration as "Parcel B" The Declaration provides for, among other things, the grant of certain nonexclusive parking rights on Parcel B and certain rights of ingress and egress over certain property described in the Declaration as the "Roadway", all inuring to the benefit of an adjoining parcel of property owned by Talbot and defined in the Declaration as "Parcel A" All capitalized terms not expressly defined herein shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in the original Declaration B RVA Center and Renton, at the request of RVA Center, have agreed to further modify the location of the Parking Area and the Roadway NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, RVA Center and Renton hereby agree to amend the Declaration as follows 1 Release of Easement The property described on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is hereby released and removed from the definition of "Parking Area" under the Declaration 2 Addition of Access and Parking Area The definition of "Parking Area" is hereby amended to add the property described on Exhibit 2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference 3 Substitute Roadway Legal Descriptio ton Intentionally Deleted, 100551/00351812483 7 -2- 4 No Other Changes Except as expressly provided in this amendment, the original Declaration shall continue in full force and effect In accordance with its original terms 5 Counterparts This Amendment may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument The signature of a party to any counterpart may be removed and attached to any other counterpart Any counterpart to which is attached the signatures of all parties shall constitute an original of this Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been executed as of the date in here first above written RVA Center: RVA CENTER LLC, a Washington lin-Ited liability company ' '),Ia�.�.�c! (s�i�.lc7�a.�,�? vltr:liKJS►.= % 'W1 141 a Washington limited liability company, its managing member By — Name Mlchae ndorffy Title Manager XDDDODDDDMXKKXXKKKXXKKKXXXXXXXXX AGREED TP AS TO FORM AND CONTENT ONLY ON , 2001: LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (FORMERLY KNOWN AS LASALLE NATIONAL BANK), AS TRUSTEE, UNDER THAT CERTAIN POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED January 10, 1999 FOR THE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 9999-C7 By: GMAC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a California corporation, its Master Servicer By 4C Itsy/t< 2C�i�s�T Witness 14 100551/00351812483 6 -3- RENTON: Renton Properties LLC, a Washington limited liability company By HAL Realty III, Inc Its ana er By Paul M tnheim, President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Paul M Manheim, the President of HAL Realty 111, Inc , Manager of Renton Properties LLC, is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument on behalf of said corporation in his capacity as President of the corporation, Manager of the limited liability company, acknowledged it to be the free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute this instrument F -EN 1�; 'ysioN' SV 1� •' �r i PuBUC I+ o9 r �virlal-�.� 100551100351812483 7 Pnnt Natne `'� '4• 4M5 NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Washington, residing at &* a)14 My appointment expires -3-A STATE OF WASHINGTON) �� ) COUNTY OF K !N ) s5 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Michael Saft4eoffy is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Manager of SMG CENTER LLC, a Washington limited liability company, managing member of RVA CENTER, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, to be his free and voluntary act of such partiesYr the used and purposes mentioned in this instrument 'n rI DATEDO+�C'.,�� r 4 ,23.0s ,.� off, .. 1111 QF VffAL�� .» c_� ) ss ca w-. - - , j� v,, n/� r 'Print Name &1�1 IS-�� 4Wd E '1' NOTARY PUBLIC for' the State of Washington, residing at �ssd� uaVLl My appointment expires �� 100551/0035/812483 6 STATE OF 6:-mis Lp bo;q ss COUNTY OF Ir 1 / &nCA/ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 44,0 /Zd I6 2 -4y'01 is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged hat he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the P, of GMAC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a California corporation, master servicer of LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (formerly known as LASALLE NATIONAL BANK), as Trustee under that certain Pooling & Servicing Agreement Dated January 10, 1999 for The Commercial Mortgage Pass -Through Certificates Series 1999-C1, to be his/her free and voluntary act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument DATED , U Pmt Name NOTARY PUBLIC for the 5ate a of , residing at AL c� xp s tw, EXPI� c-+ C21) 10055110035!812493 6 -5- EXHIBIT 1 DESCRIPTION OF PARKING AREA TO BE RELEASED DELETING PORTION OF PARKING EASEMENT IN LOT "C" PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED BY DECLARATION OF EASEMENT REVISED EXHIBIT C — REC. NO. 9005161048 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LYING WITHIN THAT PORTION OF LOT "C", CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LLA -001-88, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO 8911139006 AND RECORDING NO 9004099029 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, � THENCE S01004'08"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 250 02 FEET, THENCE N89044'02"W, A DISTANCE OF 76 64 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT LYING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT "C", e., THENCE CONTINUING N89044'02"W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 52 68 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 245 00 FEET, THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF SAID LOT "C" THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 48001'02", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 205 32 FEET, THENCE N41043'00"W ALONG SAID SOUTHWEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 68 89 FEET TO A POINT ON AN ANGLE POINT OF AN EXISTING PARKING EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN REVISED EXHIBIT "C" IN AMENDMENT BY DECLARATION OF EASEMENT UNDER RECORDING NO 9005161048, THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHWEST LINE AND ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PARKING EASEMENT, THE FOLLOWING COURSES THENCE N61°47' 19"E, A DISTANCE OF 169 01 FEET, THENCE S05022'27"E, A DISTANCE OF 59 15 FEET, THENCE S00057'31"W, A DISTANCE OF 21 95 FEET, THENCE SO1034'1 5"E, A DISTANCE OF 50 15 FEET, THENCE S01052'33"E, A DISTANCE OF 2132 FEET, THENCE S23036'57"E, A DISTANCE OF 23 40 FEET, THENCE S53019'34"E, A DISTANCE OF 23 40 FEET, THENCE S79019'28"E, A DISTANCE OF 3143 FEET, 10055110035/812483 6 -6- THENCE S88019'22"E, A DISTANCE OF 30 41 FEET, THENCE S73012'19"E, A DISTANCE OF 30 41 FEET, THENCE S28014'45"E, A DISTANCE OF 1171 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 10055110035/812483 6 EXHIBIT 2 DESCRIPTION OF ACCESS AND PARKING AREA TO BE ADDED PARKING AND ACCESS EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO SP 009-87, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 8707069001, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT "C", CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LLA -001-88 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 8911139006, THENCE N01004'08"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 242 84 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING NO l 004'08"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 45169 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF C, AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMERGENCY ACCESS LANE AS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH NO 3 IN EXHIBIT "A" IN C= INSTRUMENT DESCRIBED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO 8612221311, SAID POINT LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 60 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS N75°44' 14"W, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID EASEMENT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31018'58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32 79 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET, THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15055'32", �v AN ARC DISTANCE OF 22 24 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE S00023'46"E, A DISTANCE OF 125 21 FEET, THENCE S00°19' 15"W, A DISTANCE OF 77 88 FEET, THENCE S86006'40"E, A DISTANCE OF 7 83 FEET, THENCE S0002744"W, A DISTANCE OF 84 18 FEET, THENCE SO1°04'49"W, A DISTANCE OF 63 70 FEET, THENCE S02018'29"W, A DISTANCE OF 71 56 FEET, THENCE S37030'39"W, A DISTANCE OF 48 17 FEET, THENCE S18°47'21"W, ADISTANCE OF 38 07 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, 100551/0035/812483 6 _g_ TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT "C", CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LLA -001-88, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 8911139006 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT "C", THENCE N89044'02"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT "C", A DISTANCE OF 170 00 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NOI°04'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 90 00 FEET, THENCE S89044'02"E, A DISTANCE OF 150 00 FEET, THENCE NOI°04'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 85 00 FEET, THENCE N05°56'56"E, A DISTANCE OF 10 30 FEET, THENCE N01003'53"E, A DISTANCE OF 115 00 FEET, THENCE S88056'07"E, A DISTANCE OF 19 13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT "C", SAID POINT HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AS POINT "A", THENCE S01004'08"W ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 299 99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT "C" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT "A', THENCE N01004'08"E c;n ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT "C", A DISTANCE OF 267 91 FEET TO cz THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE N88°55' 52"W, A DISTANCE OF 20 00 FEET, THENCE N01004'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 128 78 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS CNII N77030'38"W, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31040'35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 44 23 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT "C", THENCE S01004'08"W ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 167 60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 10455!!00351812483 6 -9- ATTACHMENT TO SECOND AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (FORMERLY KNOWN AS LASALLE NATIONAL BANK), AS TRUSTEE, UNDER THAT CERTAIN POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED January 10, 1999 FOR THE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 1999-C1, by GMAC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ITS MASTER SERVICER, hereby agrees to the granting of the aforesaid Second Amendment of Declaration of Easement and agrees that any foreclosure or sale under foreclosure of that certain Deed of Trust bearing King County Auditor's File Number 9809031355 dated September 3, 1998, as assigned by Assignment bearing King County Auditor's File Number 9809031358 dated September 3, 1998 and shall be subject to such Second Amendment of Declaration of Easement LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (FORMERLY KNOWN AS LASALLE NATIONAL BANK), AS TRUSTEE, UNDER THAT CERTAIN POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED January 10, 1999 FOR THE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 1999-C1 By: GMAC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a California corCn poration, Its Master Servicer cm $ � C Y Its Vide President STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that GARY ROUTZAHN is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Vice President of GMAC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a California corporation, Master Servicer of LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (formerly known as LASALLE NATIONAL BANK), as Trustee under that certain Pooling & Servicing Agreement Dated January 10, 1999 for The Commercial Mortgage Pass -Through Certificates Series 1999-C1, to be his free and voluntary act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATEDST bee 13 acro i Print NameC) NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Pennsylvania, residing at d� et ex es: )T 100551100351852926 I ""'ry M r, ,.EXHIBIT, "C" e RECD!Fes. 00 A�SE)NT AND RECIPROCAL PARKING AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into this 20� da of y August, 19$7 between Renton Villag3 Associates, a Washington general partnership ("Sandorffy") and Renton Joint Venture ("Renton"),,a Washington joint venture. SECTION 1 RECITALS 1.1 Sandorffy is the owner of the property situated in King County,: Washington described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Shopping Center Q Property") . 1.2 Renton is the owner of the property situated in King OCounty, Washington and described in Exhibit B attached hereto = and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Hotel G8 Property") . = 1.3 The Shopping Center Property and the Hotel Property (collectively the "Properties") are subject to A site plan = approved by the City of Renton (the "City"), County of King, State of Washington. 1.4 A map showing the parcels and the building layout approved by the City is attached as Exhibit C. r-( 1.5 Sandorffy and Renton wish to provide for reciprocal parking over the Properties and an easement for ingress and I egress for the benefit of Renton. � i xa y SECTION 2: GRANT OF EASEMENTS FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS ► Sandorffy does hereby grant to Renton the following easements for ingress and egress: 2.1 Pedestrian Ingress and Egress. A non-exclusive easement for the purpose of pedestrian ingress and 9 egress to, from and through the Shopping Center Property. The pedestrian 3 easement shall encompass each and every portion of the Shopping Center Property now existing or hereafter improved and/or available for pedestrian traffic. 2.2 Vehicular Ingress and Egress. A non-exclusive easement for vehicular ingress and 3 egress to, from and across the Shopping Center Property. This easement shall encompass all portions of the Shopping Center Property now existing or improved and/or set aside for vehicular traffic �cludinq. driveways, streets, entrances and exits. i Mm Z 1029. EASEMENT i7 Qi � 5 Each of the foregoing easements is for the benefit of %enton, its tenants, guests, customers and other business invitees, licensees; permitees and employees to be used in common with Sandorffy and Sandorffy's tenants, guests, customers and other .business invitees, licensee, permitees and employees. The easements may not be modified without the consent of Renton, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld provided, however, that any new roads to be developed on the.shopping Center Property may be developed without the prior written consent of Renton so long as such new roadways do not diminish or -interfere in any manner with the easements granted to Renton in this Agreement. SECTION 3' GRANT OF EASENENTg FOR PARKING. LO) Sandorffy and Renton each C- reciprocal easements: grants to the other the following t1 Eft 3.1 Pari A non-exclusive easement for parking vehicles p on each and every portion of .the Properties now existing or hereafter improved for the parking of vehicles, provided, GO however, that Renton and Sandorffy shall each use its best efforts to encourage their respective guests, tenants, customers, other invitees, licensees, permitees and employees use their respective Properties only for parking purposes. 3.2 Acctas to Parkina. A non-exclusive easement across the Properties for the purpose of ingress to and egress from the portions of the Properties now existing or hereafter improved for the parking of vehicles. SECTION 4: KAIN'f3NANCE OF RASElsEI+iT AREAS. Sandorffy shall maintain and keep in good repair the parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular rights-of-way and appurtenant areas situated on the Shopping Center Property, including landscaping and lighting, and shall keep the driveways, sidewalks and parking areas on the Shopping Center Property free and clear of snow, ice, rubbish and obstructions every nature. Renton shall maintain and of keep in good repair its parking areas and access to its parking areas, free and clear of snow, ice, rubbish and obstructions of every nature. SECTION 5: I'IAINTENANCE EXPENSES. 5.1 Sandorffy agrees to pay all of the costs and expenses of maintaining and operating those portions of the Shopping Center Property set aside for parking and pedestrian and vehicular -2- i �- t EXHIBTT �. C . traffic, including but not limited to the cost of protecting, operating, repairing, repaving, lighting; cleaning, painting, striping, insuring (including but not limited to fire and extended coverage insurance, insurance against _liability, personal injury, death and property damage and workers compensation insurance), removing of snow and ice, security+ regulating traffic, inspecting, repairing and maintenance of machinery and equipment used in the.operation of these areas, togetherwith all administrative and overhead costs and such costs. shall be the sole obligation of Sandorffy and Renton shall have no obligation to pay any portion of said costs. 5.2 Renton shall pay all costs of operating those portions (A of the Hotel Property set aside for parking and for access to C-4 parking, including but not limited to costs of protecting, Ln operating, repairing, repaving, lighting, cleaning, painting, 0 striping, insuring (including but not limited to fire and extended coverage insurance, insurance against liability, personal injury, death and proeprty damage and worker1s 0 compensation insurance), removing of snow and ice, security; regulating traffic, inspecting, repairing and maintenance of machinery and equipment used in the operation of the parking and parking access areas, together with all administrative and overhead costs. Sandorffy shall have no obligation to share in } any such costs. SECTION 6: INSURANCE. The parties agree to maintain in full force and effect at all tires policies of public liability and property damage insurance with respect to the properties affected by the easements provided for herein, naming the other party an additional insured. Each party shall deliver a duplicate original certificate representing such insurance coverage to the other party. The minimum limits of liability of the insurance shall be $1,000,000 combined single limit for injury or death to any one or more persons and $100,000 with respect to damage to property. The policies shall be non -cancellable without forty-five (45) days prior written notice to the other party. SECTION 7• RELOCATION OF PARKING AREAS. Each party shall have the right to relocate or rearrange the parking areas on its own property. Such relocation or rearrangement shall conform in all respects to the laws and ordinances regulating the construction of parking facilities in force at the time. Further, such relocation or rearrangement shall not unduly restrict the number of parking spaces on that -3- li �- t EXHIBTT �. C . traffic, including but not limited to the cost of protecting, operating, repairing, repaving, lighting; cleaning, painting, striping, insuring (including but not limited to fire and extended coverage insurance, insurance against _liability, personal injury, death and property damage and workers compensation insurance), removing of snow and ice, security+ regulating traffic, inspecting, repairing and maintenance of machinery and equipment used in the.operation of these areas, togetherwith all administrative and overhead costs and such costs. shall be the sole obligation of Sandorffy and Renton shall have no obligation to pay any portion of said costs. 5.2 Renton shall pay all costs of operating those portions (A of the Hotel Property set aside for parking and for access to C-4 parking, including but not limited to costs of protecting, Ln operating, repairing, repaving, lighting, cleaning, painting, 0 striping, insuring (including but not limited to fire and extended coverage insurance, insurance against liability, personal injury, death and proeprty damage and worker1s 0 compensation insurance), removing of snow and ice, security; regulating traffic, inspecting, repairing and maintenance of machinery and equipment used in the operation of the parking and parking access areas, together with all administrative and overhead costs. Sandorffy shall have no obligation to share in } any such costs. SECTION 6: INSURANCE. The parties agree to maintain in full force and effect at all tires policies of public liability and property damage insurance with respect to the properties affected by the easements provided for herein, naming the other party an additional insured. Each party shall deliver a duplicate original certificate representing such insurance coverage to the other party. The minimum limits of liability of the insurance shall be $1,000,000 combined single limit for injury or death to any one or more persons and $100,000 with respect to damage to property. The policies shall be non -cancellable without forty-five (45) days prior written notice to the other party. SECTION 7• RELOCATION OF PARKING AREAS. Each party shall have the right to relocate or rearrange the parking areas on its own property. Such relocation or rearrangement shall conform in all respects to the laws and ordinances regulating the construction of parking facilities in force at the time. Further, such relocation or rearrangement shall not unduly restrict the number of parking spaces on that -3- property or restrict the other party's rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. SECTION -8 RIGHT TO TOW. Each party shall have the right to tow from its property any vehicle- parked in*the same location for three consecutive days; provided that .the party intending to exercise this right shall, 24 hours prior to said exerciseplace on the vehicle a notice of its intent to take such action and shall forward a copy of the notice to the other party. �3ECTION 9: DURATION. The easements to the Properties conveyed herein are Ocontinuous easements appurtenant to the Properties and covenants 04 running with the land, forever binding the respective parties, their_ tenants,. heirs, successors and assigns, specifically O including mortgagees and beneficiaries of deeds of trust, and N shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, }their tenants, heirs, successors and assigns. SECTION 10: ATTORNEYS' FEES. In the event that any legal action or proceedings is brought by either of the parties to enforce any part of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement for all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred, including any costs incurred on appeal. SECTION 11: DEVEWPKENT RIGHTS. Each party shall have the right to develop any portion of the Property without prior written consent of the other so long as such development does not restrict vehicular and pedestrian access to the anther party's property. RENTON JOINT By: Renton Hospi ty, Inc. By. . Amin Lalj , President RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES rxr3af '% By: 405 Ren o Inc. By: Kohd ji, President -4- By: Michael s lianaginq oral rtner is ill, property or restrict the other party's rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. SECTION -8 RIGHT TO TOW. Each party shall have the right to tow from its property any vehicle- parked in*the same location for three consecutive days; provided that .the party intending to exercise this right shall, 24 hours prior to said exerciseplace on the vehicle a notice of its intent to take such action and shall forward a copy of the notice to the other party. �3ECTION 9: DURATION. The easements to the Properties conveyed herein are Ocontinuous easements appurtenant to the Properties and covenants 04 running with the land, forever binding the respective parties, their_ tenants,. heirs, successors and assigns, specifically O including mortgagees and beneficiaries of deeds of trust, and N shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, }their tenants, heirs, successors and assigns. SECTION 10: ATTORNEYS' FEES. In the event that any legal action or proceedings is brought by either of the parties to enforce any part of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement for all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred, including any costs incurred on appeal. SECTION 11: DEVEWPKENT RIGHTS. Each party shall have the right to develop any portion of the Property without prior written consent of the other so long as such development does not restrict vehicular and pedestrian access to the anther party's property. RENTON JOINT By: Renton Hospi ty, Inc. By. . Amin Lalj , President RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES rxr3af '% By: 405 Ren o Inc. By: Kohd ji, President -4- By: Michael s lianaginq oral rtner 1 EXHIBIT ".0".,.._ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 88. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 0 day of August, 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Amin Lalji, known to me to be the President of Renton Hospitality, Inc., general partner of Renton Joint Venture, the joint venture that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said joint venture, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. C1t I- certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the Cperson appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. Z WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and 5 year in the certificate above written AR Y PUBLIC in and fo et to yam.: Washington, residing a .�'�'�� Flo �r�r My commission expires I2 / 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) On this u day of August, 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and. sworn personally appeared Mehdi Lalji, known to me to be the Vice President of Renton Hospitality, Inc., general partner of Renton Joint Venture, the joint venture that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said joint venture, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before ma and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appaars on this document. -5- i 5 1 EXHIBIT ".0".,.._ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 88. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 0 day of August, 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Amin Lalji, known to me to be the President of Renton Hospitality, Inc., general partner of Renton Joint Venture, the joint venture that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said joint venture, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. C1t I- certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the Cperson appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. Z WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and 5 year in the certificate above written AR Y PUBLIC in and fo et to yam.: Washington, residing a .�'�'�� Flo �r�r My commission expires I2 / 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) On this u day of August, 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and. sworn personally appeared Mehdi Lalji, known to me to be the Vice President of Renton Hospitality, Inc., general partner of Renton Joint Venture, the joint venture that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said joint venture, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before ma and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appaars on this document. -5- i I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and naking this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above writ NOTARY PUBLIC in and forhe_State of Washington, residing at -t- Ky commission expires _ !1 jo -6- 0 r i EXHIBIT -"C"_ ._ ... WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. ?iTat� ace ARY PUBLIC in and r e t. ���TAi o Washington, U;U residing at ti My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF RING[ Q} VU' On this day of August, 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in GN and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Michael Sandorffy, known to me to be the Managing General Partner of Renton village Associates the general partnership that executed the foregoing in G and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said general partnership, for the 00 purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and naking this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above writ NOTARY PUBLIC in and forhe_State of Washington, residing at -t- Ky commission expires _ !1 jo -6- 0 r i h EXHIBIT 1 a EXHIBIT A The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the county of King, state of Washington, and described as follows-. That portion of Blocks 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, C.D. Hillmans Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH vacated 94th Avenue South; vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South, vacated 9th Place South; vacated 10th Avenue South and the vacated alleys between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South and also between 9th Place.South and 10th Avenue South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton and that portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows; y Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence south O1°04'08" west along the east line of said southwest, e� quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89044'02" west, a distance of 18.28 feet to the true point of beginning,- thence' eginning;thence south 61042'59" west, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence,south 00002'16" east, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No_ 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly, northwesterly and northerly along said margin the following courses.- north 89049'09" west, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence south 83023'09" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89°54'45" zest, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of north 17°05'13" easte thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 32°52'06", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence north 40°02'41"_ west, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a central angle of 39°58'00", an arc distance of 201.45 feet; thence north 80°00'41" west, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 109.2 feet through a central angle of 81°34'00", an arc distance of 155.46 feet; (continued) M. M QD N V) GO O LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued: thence north 88026031" west, a distance of 6.00 feet; thence north 01033119" east, a distance of 313.96 feet; thence north 41034150" east, a distance of 90.78 feet to the southerly margin of'Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 1-L), being 100 feet in width as presently established; thence leaving Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No'..2inRenton and ,along the south margin of said Grady Way North 77028"26" east, a distance.of 912.78 feet; thence along a,tangent curve to the left with a radius of 3,869.71 feet through a central angle of 11014'08", an arc distance of 758.84 ' feet to a point on the west line of land described in Exhibit "A" of Quit Claim Deed under King County Recording Number 8208270355; thence leaving said south margin of said Grady Way South 0104'08" west along said west line, a distance of 840.76 feet to the north margin of said Renton .Village Place as conveyed to the City of Renton under King County Recording Number 5475310; thence north 8944'02" west, a distance of 372.42 feet along the north margin of said Renton Village Place to the east margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence south 0104'08" west along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence north 89`44'02" west, a distance of 48.28 feet to the true point of beginning. EXCEPT That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and that portion of Blocks 13 and 14, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Div-sionNumber 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, in King County, Washington, and vacated streets and alleys attached thereto, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence south 01004'08" west along the east line of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89°44'03" west, a distance of 18.28 feet; thence south 61'42'59" west, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence south 00002'16" east, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway Number 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road Number 405) as approved October 31, 1961 - the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly, northwesterly and northerly along said margin the following courses: (continued) EXHIBIT. M .C" north 89049109" west, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence south 83°23'09" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89054'45" West, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of north 17005'13" east; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 32°52'06", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence north 4002'41" west, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a central angle of 800'02", an arc distance of 40.33 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along said northerly margin and along said curve C4 through a central of.31'57'58", an arc distance of 161.12 feet; 0 thence north 80000'41" west; a distance of 100:00 feet; V4 thence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 109.2 �j feet through a central angle of 81°34'00", an arc distance of 155.46 Q7 feet; O thence north 88'26'31" west, a distance of 6.00 feet; thence north 01033'19" east, a distance of 313.96 feet; thence north 41034'50" east, a distance.of 90.78 feet to the southerly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway Number 1-L) being 100 feet in width as presently established; s thence leaving Primary State Highway Number 1, Jct. No. 2-M to Jct. . PSH No. 2 in Renton and along the south margin of said Grady -Way j. north 7728'26" east, a distance of 415.16 feet to the northwest corner of land described in Indenture of Lease Modification and `. Extension Agreement between Renton Village Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., recorded under King County Recording Number 8412210417; thence south 00031147" east along the west line of said land, a distance of 150.00 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence south 03°18'52" west, a distance of 151.44 feet to a point on the north line of vacated 9th Avenue South (Memphis Avenue) as shown on said plat of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Garden's Addition to the City of Seattle, Division Number 1, said point also being the northerly prolongation of the east line of Lot 4, Block 14 of said plat; thence south 01°23'49" west along said northerly prolongation and east line, a distance of 166.01 feet to the north line of the vacated alley attached thereto; thence north 89044'03" west along said north line, a distance of 120.00 feet to a point on the northerly prolongation of the east line of Lot 33, Block 14 of said plat; thence south 01023'49" west along said northerly prolongation and east line and the southerly prolongation of said east line a distance of 202.93 feet to the true point of beginning. mt/9506g EXHIBIT "C" VYUTRrm n The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the county of King, state of Was:.ington, and described as follows: That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 194 Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King .County, Washington, and that portion of Blocks 13 and 14, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division Furber 1, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plat -s, page 74, in King County, Washington, and vacated streets and alleys attached thereto, described as follows: north 89040-'09" west, a distance of 44.72 feet; hence south 63023'09" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89054'45" west, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of north 17005'13" east; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 32052'05", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence north 40002'41" west, a distance OF 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a cental angle of 8000'02", an arc distance os 40.33 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along said northerly margin and along said curve through a central of 31057'56", an arc distance of 161.12 feet; thence north 80000'41" west, a distance of 100.00 feet; t7aence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 109.2 feet through a central angle of 81034'00", an arc distance of 155.46 feet; thence north 88026'31" west, a distance of 6.00 feet; thence north 01033'19" east, a distance of 313.96 feet; thence north 41034'50" east, a distance of 0-0.78 feet to the southerly ma_ s_n of Grady Way ( also known as Secondary State highway Nu...ber 1-L) being 100 feet in width as presently established; (legal description, continued) 9 Commencing at the southeast northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Gr) quairter; � theftsough 0='04'08" west along the east line of the southwest Q quarter of the northeast quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89644'03" t� west, thence south 51042'59" west, a distance of 18.28 feet; a distance of 258.92 feet; n2 thence south 00°02'15" east, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin of primary to Jct. PSH State :iighway Number 1, Jct. SSa No. 2-H No. 2 in Renton approved October 31, 1961 - also known as State Rad as the latest 1986; revision being NovemberNuer07, thence westerly, northwesterly and northerly along said margin the following courses: north 89040-'09" west, a distance of 44.72 feet; hence south 63023'09" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89054'45" west, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of north 17005'13" east; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 32052'05", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence north 40002'41" west, a distance OF 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a cental angle of 8000'02", an arc distance os 40.33 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along said northerly margin and along said curve through a central of 31057'56", an arc distance of 161.12 feet; thence north 80000'41" west, a distance of 100.00 feet; t7aence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 109.2 feet through a central angle of 81034'00", an arc distance of 155.46 feet; thence north 88026'31" west, a distance of 6.00 feet; thence north 01033'19" east, a distance of 313.96 feet; thence north 41034'50" east, a distance of 0-0.78 feet to the southerly ma_ s_n of Grady Way ( also known as Secondary State highway Nu...ber 1-L) being 100 feet in width as presently established; (legal description, continued) 9 ri y � s EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRi2TI011, continued: thence leaving Primary State Highway Number 1, Jct. No. 2-24 to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton and along the south margin of said Grady Way north 77°28'26" east, a.distance of 415.16 feet to the northwest corner of land described in Indenture of Lease Modification and Extension Agreement bet:reen Renton Village Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., recorded under_King County Recording Number $412210417; thence south C0031'47" east. long the west line of said land, a distance of 150.00 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence south 03°18'52" west, a distance of 151.44 feet to a point on the north line of vacated 9th Avenue South�I�Ie:�phis Avenue) as shown on said plat of C.D. fiillman's Earlington Garden's Addition to the V)City of Seattle, Division Number 1, said point also being the northerly prolongation of the east line of Lot. 4, Block 14 of said �.� plat; N thence south 01023'49" west along said northerly prolongation and Z east line, a distance of 166.01 feet to the north line of the 4 vacated alley attached thereto.- thence hereto;thence north 89°44'03" west along said north line, a distance of 120.00 feet to a point on the northerly prolongation of the east line of Lot 33, Block 14 of said plat; thence south 01°23'49" west along said northerly prolongation and east line and the southerly prolongation of said east line a distance o€ 20-4.93 feet to the true point of beginning. 9 i i F y � s EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRi2TI011, continued: thence leaving Primary State Highway Number 1, Jct. No. 2-24 to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton and along the south margin of said Grady Way north 77°28'26" east, a.distance of 415.16 feet to the northwest corner of land described in Indenture of Lease Modification and Extension Agreement bet:reen Renton Village Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., recorded under_King County Recording Number $412210417; thence south C0031'47" east. long the west line of said land, a distance of 150.00 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence south 03°18'52" west, a distance of 151.44 feet to a point on the north line of vacated 9th Avenue South�I�Ie:�phis Avenue) as shown on said plat of C.D. fiillman's Earlington Garden's Addition to the V)City of Seattle, Division Number 1, said point also being the northerly prolongation of the east line of Lot. 4, Block 14 of said �.� plat; N thence south 01023'49" west along said northerly prolongation and Z east line, a distance of 166.01 feet to the north line of the 4 vacated alley attached thereto.- thence hereto;thence north 89°44'03" west along said north line, a distance of 120.00 feet to a point on the northerly prolongation of the east line of Lot 33, Block 14 of said plat; thence south 01°23'49" west along said northerly prolongation and east line and the southerly prolongation of said east line a distance o€ 20-4.93 feet to the true point of beginning. 9 i i F ; je y , !kka 0 0` k EXH191T "C" E�sr VALLEY F_rcriaur _ _J je r � ter•=� a ► � f � �� ; l a � sir:► OLvinr— (44 1 1 � ; �lFi■i\ � � r -"sem � "�"�`; at f_�'- o-- ur-c..-t• :.` c.. �� — • sc }ism : r _< z O C) = . < Q ren v 3 Z.� G Oirir, ? � C X rn zC-)i G) o p _z G z �--A DNf U)ZZ_ ' ZAil s ' G) OM 0 a - O ti M- O co i 1- R3.*--.F.);::-.'Y E 9 1109 C A60 THIS DECLIRATION OF ROADWAY COVENANT ("Covenant") is made this c271P day of OCT'obrk , 1933, by RE117'011 VILLi:GE ;,SSOCIATES ( Dec aunt ) for construction of a roadway segmen-t7gas7:herein provided. R E C I T A L S A. Declarant is the owner of certain real property located within the Renton Village Shopping Center in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Declarant's property is legally described in Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Property") . B. This Covenant is recorded for the purpose: of confirming the future obligation of the Declarant, or any successor or assign, to install a roadway segment over a portion of the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares, conveys and establishes a roadway covenant as follows• 1. Obligation to Construct Road. As a condition of any site plan approval granted by the Czty of Renton for any additional buildings or structures, or as a condition of approval of any building permit for a) any additional buildings, or b) expansion of any existing building(s) upon all or any portion of the property subsequent to the City's approval of Site Plan Application No. SA -103-87, the owner of the portion of the Property to be improved (including Declarant or successor owners of the Property) and any applicant for such future site plan or building permit approval shall construct a roadway segment connecting S. Renton Village Place and South Grady Way. If the application for site plan or building permit approval is for a portion but not all of the Property, then the applicant and any other owners of the remaining portions of the Property may mutually agree to share costs. The roadway segment shall be constructed in the location shown on Exhibit II, with the final roadway design to be approved by the City of Renton as part of the future site plan or building permit approval. 2. Covenant to Run With Land. This Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon any future owner of all or any portion of the Property. Upon completion of the construction of the roadway segment required under this Covenant, this Covenant shall terminate automatically without any further action by Declarant or any other party. Prior to completion of construction of the roadway segment, this Covenant may be amended and/or terminated only upon the express consent of the City of Renton. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, this Co7enant is executed effective upon the date first above wrMcn. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES, a Washington general partnership .f By LLr,-- ItsGe4ierai i rtner Exhibit A - Legal Description of Property Exhibit B - Map Depicting Roadway Segment D STATE OF WASHINGTON ) '~ ) s s . ~ COUNTY OF KING ) u G On this a�7tf day of before me, a c0 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, personally OD appeared YAtat all- �NDoeif /V , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of'satisfactory evidence) to be the person who signed this instrument; on oath stated that big was authorized to execute the instrument as partner of RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES; and acknowledged the said instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed, as partner, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for thState � of Washington, residing at N O My appointment expires 10"1yo gr 0894L 2 �J �1 i l�• m - m Y'J• V1 C _� r > / 1 �� � r� ../ice .-..-_ •��� .. t_ G: in ;piu.. 17 n: I !at s, J.. .. 7.., ft�'C(iM Q Lih, LuuLt: , L,.•.._. ,,.o:., toCetnccr With PC•rLiOnL O: vacated 9"th t\'enno South, vLwli .. ' LU Avenue South, vacated t.. Av nuc :.,_:t!., :acct., 2 01" .:oc, Inat.L, .acatet I{lt!: Avcn e oath aLj the wcatei alle r beLwuun 4U nLunuc Muth an:: 9th Pl:.t_ South ant also between YLL .'lace SOUL . . ! a , ll`t , Ati�c:;ur.• South, "1 tc-Ci:tell under Ordinance 201 of the City cf hcnton and that portion of the C)� nnrthcast quarte; ci 4cL.i, . 23 North, Lange 5 P. last: I:. .. i). KIM Qun!.-, l,._.:,_... , roru Vartic�__arl� describes as .02loan - C.) COMMUNE at the nor thca: , corner o: thv southwest quarter of said nor tlleast quarter; thence' . U.l u-' vt— L aloe • the east line of said c0 southwest quarter, a distance C: 25002 feet; thence h K044'02" di Vance of 1; .2 � j!:7 ,.,_ i eet t� tli I'� _. OF F%CrI I _,; thence C (1 " 2'50- F0002116 - G J- )i, distance c,: 2:,:.. �: feet silence S U(+ U2 • lE," L, a dkLance of 24b.K jept to Uo northerly margin of Primary Etate WhWaY Nu. 1, Jct. SSI: I,c.. _-V to Jct, i sh to. 2 in Renton (also 1:1101:77 as State UK No. 405) ,.: approvcd October 31, 1161- the latest revision being November 7, 39 , theNcc wc'stcrly northwesterly and northerly along said mar6in the follOwInr courses: is 89049' 09" 4, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence 5 F3c'230" i., a distance of 52.06 feet; thence N 69054'45" l:, a sistance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.4 feet and having a radial bearing of U 1 27 {)5'13" Uli; thence v0rtAveKq: y a:lonh said curve through a central ' a:,!" Of 32 a. (1(", an dIC L1S:.e.:,c)rf of 224.19 feet; thenceN 400 (12'4in a 41"ance Of - 150.Uu feet; thOnce L10%k a tah6ent curve to the left 1::t:. ._ radius of 2K,.6 fect tarot:;}: a central anpip of c - 11,01:'3f O ", •-.• 'C distance Of E1.96 ]a_E:t LnC:iCti leaving margin, IN 11+ 17'27" Oistunce of 24 k; feet; Mw%ce 5 76C00*00" E, a dis_ance of 95M IuOt; thence N 00 51'26" L, a distance cf 43o.32 feet to the southerly 004 in of Grady h;.• (also known as ecoodary state Highway Lo. 1-L) IOU feet in Width as presently CoLablished; thence northeasterly ala:.;: the south marVin of said Grawv f.;,:.•, N 775 Ur" E, a distance 0: 222-Sh feet to a tanEent curve 0 t!it' MUM havin: - racius of 50 feet; thence leaving, said soutL •.ry in, southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 1LIr,U 3'25", an arc distance of 97.02 feet; thence 5 01027'0+" E, a distance of 179.62 feet to a curve to the left having a radius of lbu feet and haying•, a radial bearing Of N 890AM" E; thence SOutheastc=ly along said curve through a central angle of 41011'18", an arc distance of 129.40 feet; thence r �10u3'00" E, a distance of 2;".71 feet to a tangent curve to the left l.a:i1,g a radius of 05 feet; tt,ence LOutheasterly along said curve through a central an;•le of 4F061'02", an are distance of 150.85 lees; then[(- 85044'U2" E, a distance of 1• -Ou fMet to the il:i;L POINT OI' MINNIN.. . i ; . W E, EXHIBIT -A io _:gat jortioh of Mock 12, C,k L.1..,..:a'.. LL: 1inntO" Gard -w Aa. ;1.,.. _•. isian to. 1 as recorder in VQ L- . 17 Cf I l,_ts, l arp 7", ;.vvv . L: }: LE County, Nashinrto:,, tort P, . 14 th I+or tic:,_ of vac:_.wO Avenue South, vacated Mh Avenut South aQ the vacates: a11e'•' Avenue South and 9th Place !V :.:: vacate' under Ur yin._.,. .11'. . Of the City of Renton and LIM ; _ ..� .. c:. Lt,c nor.t:east du: r Le: vction 19, Township 23 North, !an; .+ WL, V.X. in ME Count'. Whinrton, more particularly de: r:.;wd as fullown: ConnencinC, at the northeast corne: Q the southwest quarter of snit' northeast quarter; thencr I VA+..'i " L alonr the east line of sai.: nouthuest quarter, a disLZwCV c,: _ ,:+.!: feet; thence N 890+.'0�"' t., a distance of 18.2h feet to the T:,... WINT OF LEGINNINS; thence co:.- t inuinr N 890 44'02" L, a eistanc, of 106.00 feet to a tanrent curve to tin right having a radio_ e: 34- fr_ thence northwesLerly alon,- said curve through a central ancle of "I"W 02", an arc dtstancv of 15005 feet; thence h 420-YUv" L, a .!i:tante of 254,71 QVL tc u tangent curve to the right I:avinp L :a;i:us of 1bU feet; thence Lort:,cri'•- along said curve through a central c%ju of u1ol:'18", an arc dist..UM of 129.40 feet; thence I: U1027'09" L, a distance of 179.62 feet to tangent curve to the left havinc L rLd iu: of 55 feet; Lhence north- westerly along said curve through L ce taral angle of 101OU4' 25", ar: arc distance or 97.02 feet to the southerly margin of Grad.: I! -- (also known as Secondary State lliQxLy ::o. I-1.) being 100 feet i:; wioth as presently established; theNce• northeasterly along said south margin, N 77028'26" L, a distance of 20.07 feet to a tangent curve to the left having, a radius of 3169.71 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 120IWO!", aL a:c distance of M.S. Inut Lo a point on the West line of lane: 6unCriwed in ixhiG:t of Quit Clain meed under ling Count: Eucrordin,; No. 820.5270355; thence leaving said south margin of Grad- LzA , 5 01004'08" 1; alone saiC West line, a distance of 840.76 fact to tt,c north margin of l.r:.to:. Village Place as conveyed to the City of Eenton under Kinn Coon: hecordinp No. 5475310; thence G W4002" l:, a distance of 37Z. -Z f Vut along the north mazgin of said WLon Village Place to til(- cast margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence S 0100" '01-" l: along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence N 890P4'02" l:, a distance of 4$.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF bLAINNIN3. EXHIBIT i .z 3� V^' me/ MM rW W _:gat jortioh of Mock 12, C,k L.1..,..:a'.. LL: 1inntO" Gard -w Aa. ;1.,.. _•. isian to. 1 as recorder in VQ L- . 17 Cf I l,_ts, l arp 7", ;.vvv . L: }: LE County, Nashinrto:,, tort P, . 14 th I+or tic:,_ of vac:_.wO Avenue South, vacated Mh Avenut South aQ the vacates: a11e'•' Avenue South and 9th Place !V :.:: vacate' under Ur yin._.,. .11'. . Of the City of Renton and LIM ; _ ..� .. c:. Lt,c nor.t:east du: r Le: vction 19, Township 23 North, !an; .+ WL, V.X. in ME Count'. Whinrton, more particularly de: r:.;wd as fullown: ConnencinC, at the northeast corne: Q the southwest quarter of snit' northeast quarter; thencr I VA+..'i " L alonr the east line of sai.: nouthuest quarter, a disLZwCV c,: _ ,:+.!: feet; thence N 890+.'0�"' t., a distance of 18.2h feet to the T:,... WINT OF LEGINNINS; thence co:.- t inuinr N 890 44'02" L, a eistanc, of 106.00 feet to a tanrent curve to tin right having a radio_ e: 34- fr_ thence northwesLerly alon,- said curve through a central ancle of "I"W 02", an arc dtstancv of 15005 feet; thence h 420-YUv" L, a .!i:tante of 254,71 QVL tc u tangent curve to the right I:avinp L :a;i:us of 1bU feet; thence Lort:,cri'•- along said curve through a central c%ju of u1ol:'18", an arc dist..UM of 129.40 feet; thence I: U1027'09" L, a distance of 179.62 feet to tangent curve to the left havinc L rLd iu: of 55 feet; Lhence north- westerly along said curve through L ce taral angle of 101OU4' 25", ar: arc distance or 97.02 feet to the southerly margin of Grad.: I! -- (also known as Secondary State lliQxLy ::o. I-1.) being 100 feet i:; wioth as presently established; theNce• northeasterly along said south margin, N 77028'26" L, a distance of 20.07 feet to a tangent curve to the left having, a radius of 3169.71 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 120IWO!", aL a:c distance of M.S. Inut Lo a point on the West line of lane: 6unCriwed in ixhiG:t of Quit Clain meed under ling Count: Eucrordin,; No. 820.5270355; thence leaving said south margin of Grad- LzA , 5 01004'08" 1; alone saiC West line, a distance of 840.76 fact to tt,c north margin of l.r:.to:. Village Place as conveyed to the City of Eenton under Kinn Coon: hecordinp No. 5475310; thence G W4002" l:, a distance of 37Z. -Z f Vut along the north mazgin of said WLon Village Place to til(- cast margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence S 0100" '01-" l: along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence N 890P4'02" l:, a distance of 4$.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF bLAINNIN3. EXHIBIT i .z 3� UP 40i l � 73.� hIr |a � \ |! HEIEFI / VAN DE VANTER GROW pD . —4M* D+dgn Derw6we � (JIHIIIIINIIffIJIfH{{}gyp, �I�II I1�IIIIIIIII� -MV ♦r• I.M rY•M �•. A 1 ^AJ/•ML �• •�� I /FFM Mtal . ! t ! 1 , a � y C P CT t HEIEFI / VAN DE VANTER GROW pD . —4M* D+dgn Derw6we � (JIHIIIIINIIffIJIfH{{}gyp, �I�II I1�IIIIIIIII� -MV ♦r• I.M rY•M �•. A 1 ^AJ/•ML �• •�� I /FFM Mtal . ORIGINAL ? 1p"o��EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM POWs Por and in consideration of one Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hareby ackm+rledged, REMON VILL?>.^E ASSOCIATES, a Washington General Partr=ship; SEA777Z FIRST NATIONAL BAN}C, a Corporation, as Bertef iciary to a Deed of Trust {"Grantor" herein]. grants, conveys and w•arraO, to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COh4PAh'1', a Washington cor- poration ("Grantee" herein). for the purposes hereinafter set forth a perpetual easement under, acrws and over the fol- lowing described real property (the "Property" herein] Lng County, Washington. SEE ATMC M EXHIBIT "A" �r+JiJrj i'? RE C[, r '-:A5H5L 0.1 #0.52. A 55 1% EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED �ng Co. Records Division By-,. Deputy Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the "Right - of Way" herein) described as follows: 7'rRtgtrr�f VdaP— Freon wid irtt"g — -- ---fPetoftach Idklh un UZ101side of a criner vi�arrs- SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "C" F(I r_ -D r 0FID AT REQUEST 0r: REAL CS i /if E DEPART OIENT P.". BG:: 97034 ATTENTION: SCOTT JACOBS RELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 98009.9734 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair. replace and enlarge an underground electric transmission tsnd/or distribution system upon and under the Right -of -]Nay together with all necessary or conveareni ap- purienances therefor, which may include but are not limited to the following: underground conduits, cables, communication lines; vaults, menheles, switches. and trai,sformers: and semi -buried or ground mol,nied facilities. FollwAing the initial con• struction of its facilirias. Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. 2. Access. Grat!t,�e shall have the right of access to the Right -of -Way over and across the Properh to ertaNe Grantee to pxer. cise its rights hereunder. proeided. tha t Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damaie to the Properh• caused b% thf• ewer• cise of said right of access. I Obstructions; Lcn:hcaping. Grantee may from time to time remove trees, hushes, or other obstructions within the Right• of-%Va-. and mar level and grade the Right-of•l1'ay to the extent reasunably rfecessary to carry out the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 hereof, provided, that following any such work. Grantee shall, to the extent reasonably practicable, restore the Right -cif -Way to the condition it was immediately prior to such work. Following the installation of Grantee's underground facilities. Grantor may undertake anv ordinary improvements to the landscaping of the Right -of -Way, provided that no trees or other plants shall be placed thereon which irould be unreasonably expensive or impractical fo restore. r Grantee to remove and 4, Grantor's Use of Ri ht -of -Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right -of -Way for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granter provided: that Grantor shall not construct or maintain am• building or other structure on the Right - of -Way which w:)u)d interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted: that no digging, tunneling or other form of con- struction aclMly shall be done an the Property which would disturb the rompaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the Rltht•oi-11'ay, or endanger the Iateral support to said facilities: and that no blasting shall be done within 15 feet of the Rrghl-of- x. llndemnity. By accepting and recording this easement. Grantee cgrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any and all claims for injuries and./or damages suffered by any person which may be caused by the Grantee's exsrcise of the rights herein granted: prorided, that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any injuries and/or damages to any person caused by acts or oinis9iotns of Grantor. 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right-of•l:'ay for a period of five (5)==cssive years, in which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert lo'Gran. tor, provided that no abandonment shall be deerr.ed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to initially install its facilities on ihr Rrghl•of-Way within any period of time from thedate hereof. 7. Successors sod Apoigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. R-2818 8903042 KJ-ACi001 235-73 176d ]r 7.74 a) N C M a o� DATED thio -- � day of �* _, , 19 .�_ , FIRST NATIONAL BANK a STATE OF 'WASHINGTON ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF ' \ / N CT } s s • 14317.1: a ir10 RI?M" VIIZAGE AS General Partnership ­1BY : BY: On this a6?" day of M A , 1989 , before me. m Notitry FiNlic in and forte St e of Washington, &Uly comis- sioned and tsworn# personally appeared t G Ar±L Nva F to me Known to be par ner O f RERMN VIUAGE ASSXIATESS a Flar-hington General Partnership, who executed the Within and— foroing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to KwffiEl< e W1 5 free and voluntary act and deed as O)AAIA&ING or the uses acid purposes therein mentioned. WITN:SS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate above Written. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) �r SS COUNTY OF 7 t,.✓yt I r :. rn •_aeojel Notary Public in and for Washington, residing at_ My Commission Expires State v Ib- 1P,• CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT On s -a-L. ua} of .19 04 -before me, the undersigned. personally appeared to me known to b= the me a" SEATTLE F xF�' NATIOi�#and—. respectively, of ;he corporation that executed the foregoing instrument. and acknowledged the said instrument to be I e free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for this uses and purposes therein menlione.d. and yth&wh stated that authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixesjif,/4hV.oj jj a%�seal of said corporation t�s:�r`�land ail seal hereto affixed the day and ear first above written. _A 1� : 0 a'4? uo ,0 1 B L1r' , , : _ �t► Notar} Public in d for I c SI to of Washington. '��'j �j°�: p,ll residing at �F�8G�tr MY CCY+ lISSION E p R OF �vASN;N�� in 4? A go RFNI'ON =I GE ASSOCIATES 8903042 EXHIBIT "A" That portion of blocks 11,12,14 and 15, C.L. Hillmans Earlington C-Ardrn Addition Division No. I as recorded in Volume 17 of Plat,:. lr4c# 74, Records of King County, uashington, together with portions of vacated 94th Avenue South, vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South, vacated 9th Place South, vacated 10th Avenue South and the vacated alleys between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South &nd also between 9th Place South and 10th Avenue South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton and that portion of the r.o �thras* quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, k..!•. in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast cogner of the southwest quarter of said northrast quarter; thence S 01 04.08" W along the east lin"- of said r-Mut;:vest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 89044'02" W, a distance of 18.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEQNNINr,,; thence S 61042'59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence S 00°02116" E, w distance of 248.94 feet to the Northerly mar -in of Primary State H lghwiky No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. Psh No. 2 in Renton (also knovn as State Foad No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -the latest revi.al.on dieing Novezber .7,1986; thence westerly° northwesterly and northn lY along said margin the following couraest N 89049'09" W, m diEtance of 44.72 feet; thence S 83023109" N, a distance of 82.05 feet; thence N 89054'45" W, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a cu.vr. h6 ing a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of S 17005`13"0W; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central &.%It of 32 52'06", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence N 40002-411- W s distance of 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve tS the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a central angle of 16 15'36111, An arc distance of 81.96 f eetr; thenrle �eaving said margin, N 14017' 27" E, a distance of 248685 feet; thence S 70 00'OC" E, a distance of 98.00 freet; thence N 00 51126" E, a distancT of 286.24 feet thence along the westerly extention and the south line of land described in lease to Standard Oil Company of California dated January 21,1964, N 89028'13 " E, Ai distance of 290.37 feet; Thence leaving said south line S 01035'52" E, a d; stcuice of 13.79 feet to a curve having a radius of 245.10 feet and having s radial bearing of S 89028118" W; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of i11011'18", an arc distance, of 176.12 feet; thence S 41043'00" E, a distance of 201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 245.00 feet; thence s outhersterly along said curve through a central zngle of 48001'0:•', an arc distance of 205.32 feet; thence S 89044'0I" E, a distance of 11.05 fee= to the TRUE POINT OF BECINNINC. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES R-•2818 8903042 EXHIBIT "C" That portion of Block 11, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1, as recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington and also being in that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; more particularly described as follows: ' Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of said Northeast quarter; thence South 01004'08" West along the East line o acid Southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence Noth 83 44'02" West, a distance of 18.28 feet; thence South 61 42'59" West, a distance of 258.52 feet; thence South 00°02'16" East, a distance of 248.94 feet to the Northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 4051 as approved October 31, 1961 per November 7, 1986 revision; hence Westerly along said margin the fallowing courses: North 89 49109" West, a distance of 44.72 feet; thenc& South 83°23'09" West, a distance of 62.06 feet; thence North 89054145" West, a distance of 241.66 feet; thence leaving_ said Northerly margin North 19 27'22" East, a distance of 106.59 feet to She TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 01 31'50" West, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 88°28'10" East, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence South 01°31'50" East, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence South 88°28'10" West, a distance of 10.00 feet to the TRUE N POINT OF rBEGINNING. 0 44 c� 0 OD 43 DC 3513 . � ►�7ssu ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON } COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for. the State of Was}rinH;ton, hereby certify that or► this� day of 199 , personally appoured befo):o. me Morris h. Muscatel and Cynthia Muscatel, husband and wife, to me known to be the Individual,,; described in and who signed the above certificate, and acknowledge that they signed and boaled the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses arid Purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at s STATE OF WASHHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this day of 199 , personally appeared before me Michael Goldfarb, to me known to be the individual described in and who signed the above certificate, and acknowledge that he signed and sealed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) S� On this day of ,b 19th, before me personally appeared _ .. __to me known to be the of Renton Hlospitality, a Washington Corporation that exacutsd the within instrument, and acknowledged the bald instrument to be,the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the use►s and purposes therein Mentioned, and each on oath affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. 'r IN EREOk1 I have hereunto set my hard and affixed my offr_c' i arid year ill this certificate first above written. r' TARY'��` UBt. . lir "". �% 20 • �� E 0 STATE~0 tSN ) COUNTY OF KING ) Notary Public in and for the�St,ate Of WAj1JLr1F;tun, residint, at 5eatt.lc+ On this'day of ,. - before me personally appeared �to me kr►own to be the of 405Renton,Ir1c., a Washington Corporation that execute the within iristru►I►ent, and acknowledged the said instru►►►ent to be the free and voluntary act and dead of said corporation, for the useb and purposes therein mentioned, and each or -r oath affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 110r punto set r►iy hand arid affixed nay Official seal the day and ye.ar in this certificate first above written. �pAS,A(ST. �+y��`l° ��sION F�A�� Notary PL►1,lie in and fc,r the State of j'4y f.� �,�'• ` Washington, residing at Seattle :a� J,SZ'"Ut31.�C'��,: ,, •. C�� boy : • p�i Nr—UF We the undersigned owners in Fee Simple arid/or Mortgage of the property shown, hereby daclare this Binding'Si.te,Plan represented by this map3 In witness Hrsreof we have set our hands and seals; Renton Village Associates, A Washington General Partnership Mica el odor fy, sband Henrika Sandotffy, wife B Morris v. Musoatel, husband By Cynthia Muscatel, wife BY Michael Goldfarb Renton Joi - 13ospitalit By Rentor► os By -- 4D5 Rang Venture, a Washington joint venture composed of Renton Inc. and 405 Renton, Inc., both Washington Corporations. to 11c. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this 11.0:aday of j(„ 1990 , personally appeared before me Michael Sandorffy and Henrika Sandorf'fy hua;band jenci wif, , to rue known to be the individuals described in and who signed the above ("ertificate, and acknowledge that they signed and sealed the ,same ab their free and voluntary act and d ed, for the mases and % purposes therein mentioned. �� r / HARSTAD CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEERS• LANDSURVEYQRS 2024 W. Luka :.orr.m, f wy. frE f%"dm„nd, Wu. .)LL. 2 (206) 747.8338 �.Vdvt y ruullc Inv and or the Stat4 of Washington esiding at,� CITY BINDING 152/2 VILLAGE.-_.. ASSOCIANTES OFRENTON S I rE PLAN ._ �q JOB Na 0- DATESCALE SCALE DRAWING BY CHECKED BY APPROVED 111560 APPROVALS —ce ify -that- current -taxes--have been paid and there is e---riepo jL-4-rte a sufficient amount to pay taxes for the following year. Examined and Approved this day of A.D. 19 Recording No. 00D 6,0p a 'qD Filed for Record this 019 day of 14#1y A.D. 19 At R • Mt in Vol.lg'� of Sy;;Wys on page s at the request of Jeffrey R. flarstad — S Manager Supt. of Iter c.►td.s D6 -PAR -7C MENT OP A 55�y' m NiS 4�-KAsAlA►Eb 44ab APpROJ 1) TI -11:5 DAtl kwe. GaG+J?q A!s6 O R ASSEssoR. ACCOUNT NUMf Ep- I certify that the property is subject.to no delinquent special assessments. Examined and Approved thif3_1�4 day of— &MIL , A. D. AO W�.. City Finance Director SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This neap correctly represents a survey made by aake. or under any direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request of RtWTON VI6�46,C550G /47' A It. In ALH14 2 f 1990 �� WAS*/. ffre R. Harstad LS No. 13737 t�f �' '"-V L had i 11 .. ► "' "" ; "Development or construction of any improvements upon the real property herein described shall be in accordance with t e Bindi Site Plan approved by the City of Renton on r ,1 This Binding Site Plan and all of its requirements shall be legally enforceable on any purchaser or other person acquiring an interest in the within-describod real property." iOY" 5 Ove Fr", -f' 'O "W- rk0 je1jejv%,7 wC /[Glfl l 6':'6d+6"a tv 1%-5 Qrkk-cletl ..iki �kn1 di :i Icne. 4s0r <o OecA-1 A c. ,"d 44AIXk ail ��r2[l ( �1,6c,55vAevt+5 Cer +t --u 04(iC..0 4,1- to f�@Gf10✓1 Q,^ a�,H o�C 7'1ne- -pro ff ey fAerCiK Car-tatW)PJJ Li ed i � 4 6� ; hr� f•�� c� l � e u s air cor otkt I P (A "seg are pa 4 k ti HARSTAP qM CONOULTANTS JE CIVIL ENGINEERS* LAND SURVEYORS ?024 W. LA99 SAMMAM16H PARMWAY K REDMOND, Wr>:MIwaToo 8ii432 (206) 747-9336 RENTON VILLAGE AS OCIA`C'ES CITY E PENTON BINDING SITE PLAN e."".o0 JAB NO, 87021 DATEFg8• 1890A SCAE f)HAWING eY KLR C)ir:cj<Eu By APPROVED �_. .. 511559 ENTIRE PARCEL Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. I.LA--001--88, recorded under King County Recording No. 8911139006, described as followa: That portion of Blocks 11,12,14 and 15, C.D. liillmans Larlington Garden Addition Division No. I as recorded in Volume 17 of flats, Page 74, Records of King County, Washi.ngton, together with portions of vacated 94th Avenue South, vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South, vacated 901 Place south, vacated 10th Avenue South and the vacated alleys between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South and also between 9th Place South and 10th Avenue South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City o� Renton and that portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence S 01004'08" W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet.; thence N 89044'02" W, a distance of 18.28 feet to the '.CRUZ POINT 01' BEGINNING; thence S 61042'59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence S 00002.'16" I:, a distance of 248.94 feet to the nort.herl.y margin of Primary State. 'Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M-toJct. P511 No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -Che latest rovision being Novembe.r'7, 1986; thence. westerly, northwesterly and n6rtherly along said margin the following courses: N.89049'09" W, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence S 83023'09" W, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence N 89054'45" W, a distance of 241..66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of S 17005'13" W; thence northwesterly alpug; said curve through a central angle of 32052106", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence N 40002'41" W, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a central angle of 16015'36", an arc distance of 81.96 feet; thence leaving said margin, N 14017'27" k:, a distance of 248.85 feet; thence S 10000'00" E, a distance of 98.00 feet; thence N 00051'26" L, a distance of 286.24 feet; thence aloiq,, the westerly extension and the south line of land described in lease to Standard Oil Company of CAlifoi:nia dated January 21, 1964, N 89028'13" El a distance of 159.53 feet; thence leaving said south line N 00031'47" W, a distance of 181.18 feet to the southerly [nargin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State highway No. I --L) being 100 feet wide as presently established; thence northeasterly along said southerly margin N 77028'26" 1:, a distance of 144.07 feet to the northeast corner of land described in said lease to Standard Oil Company of California; thence S 00031'47" E along the east line of said land, a distance of 21.1.12 feeet to the south east corner of land described in said lease; thence S 89028'13" W along the south line of said, a distance of: 10.09 feet; tlw nce leaving; said south line S 01035'52" E, a distance of 13.79 feet to a curve leaving; a radius of 245.00 feet and having a radial bearing of S 89018'18" W; thence southeasterly along; said curve through a central are;;le of 41011.'18", an are distance of 176.12 feet; thence S 41 43'00" E, a distance of 201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 145,00 feet.; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 48001`07.", axi arc distance 205.31 feet; thence S 89044'02" 1, a distance of 111.05 feet to the TME POINT OF BEGINNING. LOT I That portion of Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LI,A--001-88, recorded under King County Recording No. 8911139006, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the north-- east quarter; of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, thence S 010 04' 08" W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 890 44' 02" 44, a distance of 18.28 feet; thence S 610 42' 59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" E, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. SSII No. 2-M to Jct. Psh No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 --the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly along said margin the following; courses: N 890 49' 09" W, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence S 830 23' 09" W, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence N 890 54' 45" W, a distance of 231.16 feet; thence leaving said northerly margin,.N 000 01' 57" W, a distance of 196.55 feet; thence N 500 52' 05" E, a distance of 25.35 feet; thence N 000 07' 54" W, a distance of 124.89 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 40 feet and having a radial bearing of S 460 03' 12" W, thence easterly along basic[ curve through a central angle of 460 06' 4611, an arc distance of 32.19 feet; thence N 890 56' 26" F, a distance of 309.07 feet to a point which lies N 000 02' 16" W froia the TRUE POINT 01' BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" Ie., a distaru;e of 67.61 fees to the TRUE POINT OF BEGTNNI:NG. I Lot B r City of Renton I..ot Line Adjustment No. LLA -•001-88, recorded under King County Recording No. 8911139006, excel)t that portion of said Lot B described as follows: Conunencil.ng; at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the north- east quarter; of Section 19, Township 23 North, flange 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, thence S 010 04' 08" W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 890 44' 02" W, a distance of 18.28 feet; thence S 610 42' 59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" E, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin, of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. Psh No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 --the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly along said margin the following courses: N 890 49' 09" W, a distance'of 44.72 feet; thence S 830 23' 09" W, a distance of 82.06 feat, thence N 890 54' 45" W, a distance of 231.16 feet; thence leaving said northerly margin, N 000 01' 57" W, a distance of 196.55 feet; thence N 500 52' 05" E, a distance of 25.35 feet] thence N 000 07' 54" Lq, a distance of 124.89 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 40 feet and having a radial bearing of S 460 03' 12" W, thence easterly along; said cui ve through a central angle of 460 06' 46", an arc distance of 32.19 feat; thence N 890 56' 26" E, a distance of 309.07 feet to a point which lies N 000 02' lb" W from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" E, a distance of 67.61 foot to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. HAr,1RSTAD CONSULTANTS CIVIL, ENGINEERS • LAND SURVEYORS <<^ I W. lake Samm. Pwy. WE Redmond, Wa (20$) 747.8335 13 RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES DATE°-- 1} SCALE NONE DRAWING BY KLR CITY OF RENTOR APPROVE By -Jam---: PPf�OWaD -__... BINDING BSP `/.�'/ I~'y�LAN ������+. � NO w B S 4 - Y 2 6 - �M 0 (*" -------'!±� IV f SE'C-f IUN IJ, I'Wf). ?3N., 16,-)L.. ;)I.:., Wl-,t r ' 1`0UN1) tvi0A IN CA"if _ FOUND MON 'u, IN CASE: << �7/ y NA xd" - RCC:. NO. 8911139006 E. LA -001 •-88 RLC. NO. 891113 )006 0 DIV I 100' MERIDIAN: K.C.A.S. Xi. UA LOT 2 0 a cv o u) cv C y i Z_ SO. F T. C` ACHES x CIVILfiNGINEENS iANDSURVEYOR ,c) G � 2024 W. UM4 Samm. ('viy. t4i° liadr)7und, Wa. 04AI L0� IN CASC' ACRES :t Izoef 747-6336 i 1 Wo w r, u? i] 1_.I.WA- 001---da,v, c� - �) REC. NO. c; t.) p I I 1 ../ o) K; d W (] It N 01'3b',)2"W tV 13.79 LLQ— 001-14A xd" - RCC:. NO. 8911139006 E. LA -001 •-88 RLC. NO. 891113 )006 0 DIV I 100' MERIDIAN: K.C.A.S. Xi. UA LOT 2 0 a cv o u) cv C y i Z_ SO. F T. C` ACHES x CIVILfiNGINEENS iANDSURVEYOR ,c) G � 2024 W. UM4 Samm. ('viy. t4i° liadr)7und, Wa. 04AI L0� �Gz ACRES :t Izoef 747-6336 i Wo w r, u? i] R- 40.00 A- 46'06'=46" Lw 32.19 N Ej:>'' 5G' 26" E 1.2' C1, o �0 �?$15 0�. L- 205.32 N 89'44'02"W 8 Q 3U9.0i�v o S. m Q N Al 89' J4I.' 46" W 2,11.66 HIGHWAY ' Yi) UJ Ci s2.Ut� X44.72 N ti §' 43 ou W N0RTHEAST CORNER SW 1/4 NF 1/4 SECTION 19, TW P. 23N., RGE. SF., W.M. EA6T L 1NL SW 1/4 NG 114 SCCTION W SOUTH RLNTON VILLAGE PLACE A.F.N. 5,175310 I". 800'± ZNcr ca v kE*N'4*QN VIL.LAG PLACE � � �.,... ,— ___ .�_...: 1t 405 v _.S.— ltitf) CIT. I I VICINITYAr--' NOTE: SES. SHEETS 5 AND 6 FOR LISTING OF EASEMENTS AREAS: LOT 2 HALMSTAD C(aN9sULYANY'S SO. F T. 2.6009 ACHES x CIVILfiNGINEENS iANDSURVEYOR 332,232 2024 W. UM4 Samm. ('viy. t4i° liadr)7und, Wa. 04AI L0� Y.6270 ACRES :t Izoef 747-6336 I". 800'± ZNcr ca v kE*N'4*QN VIL.LAG PLACE � � �.,... ,— ___ .�_...: 1t 405 v _.S.— ltitf) CIT. I I VICINITYAr--' NOTE: SES. SHEETS 5 AND 6 FOR LISTING OF EASEMENTS AREAS: LOT 2 4JOB NO 87021 TCS VILLAGE A '. CCI D ATE -F1' R ----I 'j li()_ � SCALE AWING BY CITY OF E 1 � � p (AAPfA0FC7 BY�r1�4I ._..._. �1� yF1CJVF BINDING SITE LA ® S — 020 .— t 11'5,?94 SO. F T. 2.6009 ACHES x 332,232 60. FT. t �i Y.6270 ACRES :t 4JOB NO 87021 TCS VILLAGE A '. CCI D ATE -F1' R ----I 'j li()_ � SCALE AWING BY CITY OF E 1 � � p (AAPfA0FC7 BY�r1�4I ._..._. �1� yF1CJVF BINDING SITE LA ® S — 020 .— t 1. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING TETE PORTION OF SAID PREMISsS AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, ANIS INCIDENTAL, PURPOSES: FOR. IN FAVOR'OF: Electric power transmission lines United States of America RECORDING NUMBERS: 3664559, 3165254, 31.76514, 3196045, 3171112, 3386405, 3664560, 3361858, 3364197, 3443062, USDC 960, and 3399762 AFFECTS: Portions of the subject premises By instrument recorded October 30, 1972 under Recording Number 7210300117 and under Recording Number 72.1030011.8, all property lying northeasterly of the following described line is released from said easements: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said 350 foot strip of land with the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 19; thence west along said south line 1.00 feet; thence south 1018'53" east 26.29 feet; thence south S402846" east x356.95 feet to the north margin of Primary State Highway (SR 405) No. 1, Jct. Secondary State Hingway No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2; thence easterly along the northerly margin of said highway to the termination of said line in the northeasterly margin of said 350 foot strip of land. And all property lying southwesterly of the following described line is released from said easements: Beginning at the intersection of the south right -of -wiry line of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady Way in the city of Renton, Washington) with the west line of. said 350 -foot strip of land; thence south 1°18'53" east 492..32 feet to the true point of beginning of said line; thence south 52°55'09" east 739.54 feet to the point of terminus of said line in the southwesterly lane of said 350 -foot strip of land. 2. Easement for sewer installation lying within the former 5hattuck Street and 9th Avenue South, as disclosed by Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton. AFFECTS: Subject premises and other property 3. An unrecorded crossing permit for transmission line or lines 350 feet wide in favor of Seattle City Light, over a portion of said premises lying within the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 east, W.M., in Kang County, Washington, as disclosed in Deed recorded January 16, 1964 under King County Recording Number 5687617. AFFECTS: Subject premA se s and other property 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF': GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: City of Renton Sanitary sewer Strips of land 10 feet wide within the subject premises and other. property March 20, 1970 6631804 5. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE;: City of Renton PURPOSE: Water main AREA AFFECTED: Strips of land 10 feet wide within the subject premises and other property RECORDED: March 20, 1970 RECORDING NUMBER: 6631805 • -.—.1 i. — -n.-...w... . 1-- ".--44— -. .i -.n.1 j....11-11". 6. EASEMENT AND TETE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: 7 8 GRANTEE: Puget: sound Power and Light Company, a Wasl-hington corporation PURPOSE: Electric transmission and/or distribution lines AREA AFFECTED: Portion of subject p emises nno otter r property RECORDED: September- 21, 1979 RECORDING NUMBER: 79092103721. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: City of Renton, a municipal corporation Sewer- main AREA AFFECTED: 5 feet in width on each side of the centerline within the subject premises and other property hereinafter described: Beginning at a point on the southerly margin of Grady Way (S.S.H. W -L) said point being 5 feet westerly of the easterly right-of-way line of the Seattle City Light Skagit River transmission lines and measured perpendicular thereto; thence southerly parallel with anti 5 feet westerly of said easterly right-of-way line to the northerly right-of-way line of 7th Avenue (South 148th Street). Also extended northerly from said point of beginning to the nor-t.l-i line of P.S.F. right -of --way less Grady Way (S.S.H. #1-L). RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: June 7, 1961 52,92273 DECLARATION OF EASEMENT (ROADWAY AND PARKING EASEMENT) RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER, December 31, 1986 8612 31.1.880 AFFECTS: The subject premises and other property `I. EASEMENT AND THE E TIERMS ANI) CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Puget- Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation To construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge an underground electric transmission and/or distribution system Por. ti ons of the subject prema ne 5 and other property August 10, 19A7 8708100374 s(,RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES trE HAF5'rAJ CoMSuYANTS nf..- NCPr�rg 3�_ _. �"' ,j DnAWiNG AY KLfv' CITY1 �1 Al N 1 1W [:he:C:KFDRy /� Civil- ENGINEPRS*LAND SURVEYORS APPOOVrD... -- 1 ". I-ak• Snmm. f Wy. 0. F—Immd. Wn. UP1 .',2 BINDING SITE PLAN sae 747-8336 131550 10, EASEMENT ANI.) THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE': EASEMENTS AND SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS (CONTINUED) Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a Washington corporation PURPOSE.: Operating, inspecting, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing and using a communication line with all connections and appurtenances thereto AREA AL'FECTE;D: Strips of land 10 feet wide within the subject premises and other property RECORDED: August 10, 1987 RECORDING NUMBER: 8708100375 11. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS `l'HEREOF: GRAN'1EF: Renton Village Associates, a Washington general partnership, and Renton .Joint Venture, a Washington joint: venture PURPOSE': Irigress, ecjres: and reciprocal parking AREA AFFECTED: The bub ject premises and other property .RECORDED: August 21, 1987 RECORDING NUMBER: 8708210528 1.2. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT, AND THE TERMS, AND CONDITIONS 'THEREOF: GRANTEE: Puget Soured Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation PURPOSE: To construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge an underground electric transmission and/or distribution system AREA AF1:'ECT:D: A portion of the subject premises within Block 11, C.D. Hillman's Farlington Garden Addition Division 1 RECO11'DED: .lune 19, 1989 RECORDING NUMBER: 8906190529 Contains covenant prohibiting structures over said easement or other activity which might endanger the underground system. 13. DECLARATION OF ROADWAY COVENANT DATED: October 27, 1988 RECORDED: November 9, 198€1 RECORDING NUMBER: 8811090770 AFFECTS: Svibject premises and other property 14. CONDEMNATION BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON OF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT, VIEW, AND AIR BY DECREE: ENTERED: CASE NUMBER: August 21, 1962 SC --588966 15. RELINQUISHMENT OF RIGHT OF ACCESS `1'O STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT, VIEW, AND AIR UNDER TERMS OF' DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDING NUMBERS: 5440059, 5433614, 5424489, 5428428 and 8708140475 16. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: Pacific Coast Homes, a California corporation PURPOSE: A perpetual, non-exclusive easement over and across the Roadway Areas for pedestrian and vehicular ingress to and egress from, and for repair and maintenance of the Roadway Areas; and a perpetual, non --exclusive easement and right of use and access to eight vehicle parking places located on the Parking Area ARE,A AFFEC TF.D: A portion of t;aid premises and other property RECORDED- November 17, 1989 TZECORDINb NUMBER: 6911 "1703 64 HARSTAD I CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGIN EERSe LAND SURVEYORS (206) 747-8336 CITY LL�r.�r0 I 1 JO f.3NC� UAYEi FEf� IJ i(l .. SGALF OF RENTON 011AWING BYCHECKED Y Af'l 'ROVED BINDING SITE PLAN No BSP — 0226 — 90 7 4 ..qm ff EXHIBIT "G" (W-977) .i UTILITIES 01 _ E A S E M E N T 90/05/15 409E D ; RECD F 10.00 ' RECFEE 2.00' CASHSL+12.00 THIS INSTRUMENT, =de this 13 day of December , 1998; 55 by and between Village Associates ;{ x K _ � C • v � hereinafter called "Grantor(s)", and the, CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation of Ring County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee". WITNESSETH: That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 One and no/100----- � paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideration do by these presents, ' O grant., bargain, sell, convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee, its { successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water and sewer) with necessary appurtenances over, through, across and upon the 0 following described property in King County, Washington, more particularly 0 described'as follows: Q� - See Exhibit "A". (Water) and Exhibit "B" (Sanitary Sewer) Attached hereto. E :GlSE TAX Ef Ull f u K9V Cg. li ;:Orfs cxvj art Deputy HLED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RENTON• UNICIPAE BLDG. 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 98055 Page I of C) Exhibit "A" Renton Cinema Water Line Easement That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. lying within Blocks 11 and 12 of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74 and vacated street and alley attatched thereto described as follows: A strip of land 10 feet wide lying 5 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said t northeast quarter; thence S 01004'08" W along the east line of said i southwest quarter, a distance of 6.26 feet; } thence N 88055'52" W, a distance of 210.95 feet; { thence S 01004'08" W, a distance of 204.53 feet; f thence N 89044'03" W, a distance of 101.00 feet; thence S 00043'35" E, a distance of 111.34 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence S 89057'44" W, a distance of 15.00 feet to a point hereinafter described as point "A", thence continuing S 8905744" W, a distance of 33.67 feet to a point hereinafter described as point "B"; thence continuing S 89057'44" W, a distance of 211.34 feet; thence S 00002'16" E, a distance of 24.11 feet to a point hereinafter described as point "C"; thence continuing S 00002'16" E, a distance of 72 feet to the terminus of said strip; Together with the following described land; commencing at the afore- mentioned point "A"; thence S 00002'16" E, a distance of 5.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence S 00002116" E, a distance of 31.83 feet, thence S 89057'44" W, a distance of 21.00 feet, thence S 00002'16" F, a distance of 36.33 feet, r thence N 89057'44" E, a distance of 31.00 feet, <) thence S 00002'16" E, a distance of 22.49 feet, T thence N 89057'44" E, a distance of 45.32 feet, Ln thence N 00002116" W, a distance of 10.00 feet, thence S 89057'44" W, a distance of 35.32 feet, CD thence N 00002'16" W, a distance of 80,66 feet, I thence S 89057'44" W, a distance of 20.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF i BEGINNING. f Together with a strip of land 10 feet wide lying 5 feet on each side of the following described centerline; Beginning at the aforementioned point "B"; thence N 00002116" W, a distance of 20.5 feet to the terminus of said strip; Together with a strip of land 10 feet wide lying 5 feet on each side of the following described centerline; Beginning at the aforementioned point "C"; thence S 89057144" W, a distance of 28.00 feet to the terminus of said strip. I 87021 11-30-89 .r_%U 0, 0 CD 0 Q N 5t� Lo N O V LOT "B" _y LLA -001-88 M 1 "=80' o co 0 0 LOT Crr O v V) LLA -00 1-88 N 101.00 4'03 89 w, oLo"t M M M U-) to V S89 -57'44"W � 33. 7 p 211.34 10, M z0 0 m r cfl -1.00 p n co a 31-00 35.3 0 7F I h o 4,:.' 2 RENTON CINEMA N.E. CORNER S.W.1/4N.E.1/4 SECTION 19� 210.95 N88'55'52"W \ ,cw iD EAST LINE o S.W.I/4N.E.1/4 SECTION 19 0 z RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES jp TE M,�Y:s9O SCALE .VNSQ'-. -- HARSTAA CONSULTANTS EXHIBIT lamer -0O cr�Et�n BY JR-}! _ 2024 W.Lk.SQmm.Pkwy.N.E.� 861l6vue,W0.99052 FOR PROPOSED WATER 12061 747-8336 LINE EASEMENT cw U 0 Exhibit "B" Renton Cinema Sanitary Sewer Easement That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North. . Range 5 East, W.M. lying within 'Blocks 11 and 12 of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17, of Plats, Page 74 and vacated i street attatched thereto described as follows; ri 11.0 DN 11) Ln CD Q` A strip of'land 10 feet wide lying 5 feet on each side of the following described centerline; Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence N 01004'08" E along the east line of the northwest quarter of said northeast quarter, a distance of 591.57 feet; thence S 88055152" E, a distance of 326.06 feet; thence S 51004142" W, a distance of 130.00 feet; thence S 01004'08" W, a distance of 630.07 feet; thence S 54003132" W, a distance of 163.52 feet; thence N 88056158" W, a distance of 409.07 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 36031'17" W, a distance of 150.00 feet to the terminus of said strip. 87021 11-30-89 25X❑ Ab In Ln l� LT c I"=200' p,Y T o G9 SOU -To o- LOT"V LLA -001-M LOT"8" LLA -001-88 LOTT" LLA -001-88 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWERS/; 10' EASEMENT ,yam o, ? h C7 a, 000 z RENTC3N CINEMA NE CORNER SWI/4NE1/4 SECTION 19 TWP. 23N. RGE.5.W.M. O' 1rF HIGHWAY N0. I ( SR 403 ) 3a\g R' :,88*55'"E52 ti EAST LINE SWI/4 NE 1/4 SECTION 19 W a QJ n O D 0 0 Z 3 W 1 f1 V IIUDIT¢R'S FI SZ SO, RENTON VILLAGE PLACE .R RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIA' HARSTAD CONSULTANTS EXHIBIT FOR 2024 W.Lh.Samm.Pkwy.N.E. BotlsrPROPOSED SANITARY er�,Wa.98052 (oos) 747-e336 SEWER EASEMENT joa No E7OZI DATE YAY.1990 SCALE I..VA) DPAMaNG 6Y ' CHECKED 9r qXN Al - - - { SHEET i 20 This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be bind- ing on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that �t they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and -.o lawful right to execute this agreement. o� Ln also tJ ►t-L.�AC�� �'S4�0[ I pT LS �n O 0LD` - • i`{lana � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 13TH day of 40�mBEI(, 19 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ,CSI N rC F to me known to be the Managing Partner of Renton Village Associ tes, the general partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and ack- nowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said general partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affi'ced the day and year in this certificate above written. La;t NOTARY PUBLIC in and for thp State of Washington, residing at oLi io r t x 3 'J 1 Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, without prior notice or preceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utility, or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore, provided, that such construction, main- taining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of such utility shall be accomplished in such a manner that the Rrtvate improvements existing -in the right right(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged, or in the event they are disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were { immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescribed premises, including the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way If such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the utility line. However, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right-of-way during the existence of such utility. This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be bind- ing on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that �t they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and -.o lawful right to execute this agreement. o� Ln also tJ ►t-L.�AC�� �'S4�0[ I pT LS �n O 0LD` - • i`{lana � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 13TH day of 40�mBEI(, 19 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ,CSI N rC F to me known to be the Managing Partner of Renton Village Associ tes, the general partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and ack- nowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said general partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affi'ced the day and year in this certificate above written. La;t NOTARY PUBLIC in and for thp State of Washington, residing at oLi io r t x 3 4 -I'D �J I C°7 AGREEMENT REGARDING MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS N J l/r-i/J -. This Agreement Regarding Management of Common Areas (the "Agreement") is entered into as of _ 5 -2Q- SIO , 1990 between Renton Village Associates II, a Washington general partnership (the "Landlord") and Renton Village Associates, a Washington general partnership ("RVA"). A. Landlord is the owner of the General Cinemas Theater (the "Theater"), which is located on the real property legally described on Exhibit_A attached (the "Theater Parcel"). Landlord is the owner of the Theater Parcel, which is located at Renton Village, Renton, Washington (the "Shopping Center"). RVA is the owner of the Shopping Center. The Shopping Center is legally described on Exhibit B attached. The Theater Parcel (excluding the Demised Premises) and the Shopping Center are together the "Common Areas." B. RVA, originally the owner of the Theater, entered into a lease of the Theater with General Cinema Corp. of Washington (the "Tenant") on June 30, 1988. C. Landlord acquired the landlord's interest in the lease of the Theater Mom RVA pursuant to the First Amendment to Theater Lease dated , 1990. The lease and the amendment are referred to iogether as the "Lease." D. The parties wish to set forth their Agreement regarding certain obligations of Landlord pursuant to the Lease. E. Terms not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth in the Lease. The parties agree as follows: 1. Rroperty HqUageognt Servicps. RVA shall be responsible for the performance of all duties and obligations of Landlord pursuant to the Lease with respect to the Common Areas. RVA's duties shall include, without limitation, the following: 1.1 To use due diligence in the management of the Common Areas for the period and on the terms set forth in this Agreement. 1.2 To render monthly statements of receipts, expenses and charges, and to pay all bills and expenses incurred with respect to the Common Areas. =j\tGn3e14tt0r.Anx � 0. 90/05/29 41371 A RECD F 12.00 RECFEE 2.00 CASHSL +*:�14.00 55 o pM� N C 0�` U W 1.3 To operate, maintain and repair the common areas of the Shopping Center and the Theater Parcel. 2. Assumption of Covenants. RVA hereby assumes and shall undertake and perform all affirmative covenants and obligations, and shall be bound by all negative covenants, of Landlord pursuant to the Lease with respect to the Common Areas. 3. Landlord's Common_ Area Costs. Landlord shall pay its proportionate share of the common area costs which, as of the date of this Agreement, is 18%. Landlord's proportionate share of the common area costs is the percentage of the total common area costs incurred in connection with the Common Areas determined by dividing the ground floor area of the Demised Premises by the sum of the gross leasable square footage of all space in the Shopping Center plus the ground floor area of the Demised Premises. 4. RVA's Obligations.Eggarding Common Area Costs. During the term of the Lease, RVA shall bill and collect directly from Tenant Tenant's share of Landlord's common area costs. 5. Eag. RVA shall receive from Landlord a fee for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement in an amount equal to , payable on the first day of each month in advance, commencing June 1, 1990. 6. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on May 22, 1990 and shall continue and shall not be terminable even in the event of default by either party until the earlier of (a) the date that is 45 years from the date hereof, or (b) the date on which the Theater Parcel and the Shopping Center come under common ownership. 7. Third -Party Beneficiary. General Cinema Corp. of Washington is a third -party beneficiary of this Agreement and may but shall not be obligated to and without waiving any right to proceed against Landlord pursuant to the Lease or otherwise, enforce all obligations of RVA pursuant to this Agreement. 8. Notices. All notices required or permitted by this Agreement { shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when (i) personally delivered, (ii) deposited in the United States registered or certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, or (iii) deposited with a nationally recognized overnight delivery service such as Federal Express or Airborne, addressed to: cci%=ry3614r=r.ACH Renton Village Associates 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3500 Seattle, Washington 98104 2 ^r� r� _.77 .25XI0 M208 or to U C Renton Village Associates II 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3500 Seattle, Washington 98104 or to a party at any other address specified pursuant to this Section. 9. Bntirp 6qr99Mpntz ModificatiQns. The terms of this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter described herein. No modification to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the parties and, during the term of the Lease, by General Cinema Corp. of Washington. — 10. severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid by any court, this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid provision had p. not been contained herein and this Agreement shall be deemed an agreement of the parties hereto to the full extent permitted by law. If any provision shall be declared invalid or unenforceable ;Z) because of its breadth, scope or duration, such provision shall be 41- deemed modified to the extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable and shall remain in full force and effect as so modified, or if not so modified, shall be severable from the rest of this Agreement. 11. Successors. The covenants contained in this Agreement are covenants running with the land and are binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and assigns. 12. Assianment. Neither party may assign any of its rights or delegate any of its duties pursuant to this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. 13. Waiver. The failure of either party at any time to require performance of any provision hereof by the other party shall not be deemed a waiver and thereafter shall not deprive that party of its full right to require such performance in the particular instance or at any other time. Any waiver must be in writing and signed by the waiving party. 14. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue shall be in King County, Washington. 15. Attorneys' --Fees. In the event of a dispute between parties arising out of this Agreement which is arbitrated or litigated, the nonprevailing party shall bear the reasonable costs and attorneys' fees of the prevailing party, including the reasonable costs and C CCI\[Gr\]614r=r.ALM f 0 Ellc- I i - DIt C C s attorneys' fees incurred in the appeal of any final or interlocutory judgment. 16. Hgaragnk]leness . Whenever the consent or approval of a party is required under this Agreement, it shall be given in a timely manner and shall not be unreasonably withheld. 17. Independent Contractors. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed or implied as creating a partnership, joint venture or similar relationship between the parties and the parties shall be deemed independent contractors of the other. Employees and agents of each party who perform the services pursuant to this Agreement shall not be construed to be employees of the other party, and neither party shall be responsible for the salaries or expenses of the other party except as provided in this Agreement. 18. SectionHeadinas:_,Pronouns . Section headings are inserted for reference only. As required by the context, all pronouns shall be deemed to refer to and include masculine, feminine, neuter, singular and plural. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES Hy WIMQ Michael orff Managing neral Partner 4 oc1\sch3614nar.AU RENTi'ON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES II By Michaela f f ylv-. Managing eneral Partner r f • 1 . 1 4 . •{�.+ � 41 1��VI72, �r� •�uZIJ.11l�flidl�.11s��l��.i � �A1 -I.ffl - 4�6 r" a r f • 1 . 1 4 . •{�.+ � 41 1��VI72, �r� •�uZIJ.11l�flidl�.11s��l��.i � �A1 -I.ffl - I C STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that MICHAEL SANDORFFY, Managing General Partner of Renton Village Associates, a Washington general partnership, is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument on behalf of the partnership, acknowledged it to be the free and voluntary act of the partnership for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute this instrument. Dated: 5`.,2G -9y C2� AA�� &taA�J NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Wash' on, residing at ••y0 I',. a4:ra ' My appointment epi es : i� •'a ; 4,0 STATE OF WASHINGTON �y,�'sJ,�,,'�••.... iiyy 1Q ON COUNTY OF KING ) �, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that MICHAEL SANDORFFY, Managing General Partner of Renton Village Associates II, a Washington general partnership, is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument on behalf of the partnership, acknowledged it to be the free and voluntary act of the partnership for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute this instrument. Dated: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the ���,+++�KSbf•,,�� State of Wapingtpn,, residing yo.�t appointment expires; r � 5 Cr1\tar\i6i4zzcr.X= �k T n w EXHIBIT A That portion of Lot B. City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LLA -001-88, recorded under King County Recording Number 8911139006, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter, of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence south 01004108" west along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89044102" west, a distance of 18.28 feet: thence south 61042159" west, a distance of 258.92 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence south 00002116" east, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway Number 1, Jct. SSH No. 2--M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 --the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly along said margin the following courses: north 89049109" west, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence south 83023109" west, a distance of 82.06 feet: thence north 69054145" west, a distance of 231.16 feet; thence leaving said northerly margin, north 000011571, west, a distance of 196.55 feet; �. thence north 50052105" east, a distance of 25.35 feet; Q` thence north 0000715411 west, a distance of 124.89 feet to a point on cLO a curve having a radius of 40 feet and having a radial bearing of O south 46003112" west: �7 thence easterly along said curve through a central angle of 46006146", an arc distance of 32.19 feet; thence north 89056126" east, a distance of 309.07 feet to a point which lies north 000021161, west from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence south 00002116" east, a distance of 67.61 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: TOGETHER WITH the easement for ingress, egress and reciprocal parking as disclosed under King County Recording Number 6708210528; TOGETHER WITH a Declaration and Assignment of parking under King County Recording Number 9005171096. r --MM C'? 0, Ldp O� 0 i R 0 EXHIBIT B B Tr+at p-rtion of Elocxt 11, 12, 14 anc 15, C. D. Hillaa.ns farling Lor, "career. ACC:tlov D.visior. No. l As recorder. iji Volume 17 of lla.s, fatp 74, A:corcls of Kira County, Yashl.Z toi„ LoBsthe. lrlth portions of vacateG 94th Avenue South., VacaLetl 96th Aveuwe, South, VAcaLeG Gat. Avenue Souir., vacated 9t1i dace Soutr,, VacatoC 10th Avenue, 5outt. ane the vac&trr alley. het►.rrn 9th Avenue South anc 9th ?lace Soutr: anc ,;ac totveon 90, Flacr SouLh u►d IOLh AVer.U* SGUtn, ail Vat;ats: unae; DrcLnanc; 20.1 of the City of Rentor, anc Lha: portlor, of thr nor theait QuarLrr of Section. 19, 7ovnan1.p 23 hortr., HanEP 5 feast, L.•"•• in King County, washin&ton, nor* particularly doscrlb�eC as fc.lorl: Cormrncina at the north*sst eoEner of Cho aouthveit Quarter of said nc;:heast Qua-Lrr; thence S 01 04'OF" W along the •ata line of said southwest Qua; Ler, a dlttance of 250.02 foot; thence N 89044' 02" W, a Cittanct of 1E.26 tort to the TRUZ POIh'? OF 1LMNNIN ."; thence, 5 6101,2159" W. a distuice of 2SE.92 feet; thanoe S DO002' l6" E, a distancr of 2'.b. Pi- toes to the nortna.ly margin of PrL&ary State J-U&hway NO. 1, JcL. 558 Hc. 2-H to .act. Ps1r No. 2 in Rentor. (also k„ubM as SLALP f,oaC hG. 405) as approved Oc".ober 31, I96i-the latest rrvlsior, b*ius Novsr-oor 7, :966; thence westerly, northngtorly a.nC r.erther ly alai,t said za gf n the following couraas i N 85 49' 09" L', a Lista.1cr of 44.'2 fact; mance 5 83023' VY- N, a diatatco of E2.06 fee.; L111t,.ce N E90s..' 4S' L:, a diatsaro of 241.66 foot to a point on a curve having a radius of 39C.5 feat &nc having a radial bear1n.& of S :%005'13"' w; thence ncrth�+esterly along said curve througr, a 860m; tl angle c; 32052' 06", are arc dista«ce of 224. 19 fest; thence h' 40 G2141" V L eiatanco o: :SC.Dw feet; thence along a tangent cures tg the left witl+ a .ACIUS of 286.8 feet tnrough a cant --al anile of 16 15'36", are arc V.stancc of E_. 96 feet; trieaca saving sold asaralr., Y 1401]' 27" E, a eUsLancr of 2"b 95 feet; thence 5 70 00' DD" t, a distance of 98,DD set; ti,ence N OC, 61'26" L, a dlstance of 286.2?. feet thence aloru the easterly extej;tior. and the south line of land nescr:bod in TI: to StanesrC Oil Cnr_p&.ny of Calif arhia dst90 .January 21, 196,60 X8' a GisLs.ace of 159.53 f oet; thon, leaving said south liar x 00031' 47" W, a distance of 181,18 feat to the southerly martin of Grady Kar (also "Own as Secondary State Highway No. 1-L) belat IDO feat Wide as prosantly astablish.odl thance aorthoasterly alorLg said southerly s;artin Y 77021'26" E, a distaacs of 144.07 feet to the aa:thsast comer of land dssezibed in said lease to Standard Oil C=pany of Gslifornia; the=@ S 00031147" 1: along the east line of said land, a dista a of 711.12 loot to the south- sast corner of land described in said lease; thence S 19028'13" W &IOD4 the south line of said, a distance of 10.09 foatf thence lsaviat said south lino S 01035`52" 1:, a nlsta.nes of 11.79 fest .to a cure• havicg a radius of 245.00 feet mad having a radial bearing of 6 419028118" W; thoace southaarterly along said curve through a csatral aAgle of 41011'lE", aa, arc distance of 176.12 foot; thence 5 41 43100" E, a distance of 201.41 fast to a taagant curve, to the left haYiag a radius of 245.00 fest) thence southeasterly along said curve through a central a.axls of 48001`02", ass arc distance 205.32 foot; thence S 89044.02" t, a distance of 111.05 foot to the nue roIX7 Dy DECIHi+int, w - D U e❑ gni-5=—17Vw l.i•cl mull Lha1=,r WMLL•1'IU7- I'11LLUM IU .'aµ-Dl.l:•G C That portion a! block :i, C -t. Hl!lnan's LA:llrtif,ton Ct:att'. AJ1J:ltian L'ivfsior. };o. Z •a resara«c le,. VA"'be 17 of ?lata, jab! kyr lLeCJ7rat Of klru County, waahir►ator., Logethcr YitJ: Porteous of vacata0 9Etr /lver,ue So"n, ACaLtC S+LJ. Avxnut Sov—.r, ant: the vaca:eC Alley DeLYOCr. ytr. AVanue SPVLn ar,c lath !1&6* Sol:: vacatop ysypar G:J3:AinCt 2Q31 C.' the colo o: s,:+.tcr. an: po:tlo:i of tt,t northeast quarttr o: Serticr. 15, Ta.'r,fi-h:p 2a hor:h, Range 5 jtast W.M. ie,► K1ng Gour.:y, 6..h:ngtOr., more pa7tsc6larl; ocacriber: of fO1:c+Yt t Gorz�er�sahs •t tht r,ortheatt corner of the souLt3ulvt J�CJJIrC=; or tJtlC ncrthes,& quarter, theme 5 01t'G..'QE•' JR along the east lift of sato so6t:hwcAt quarte:, A Clstanct of 210.02 tett; thaAcc W, a diatsnCt of 16.26 EIIeL to the T{',;I roIN7 D7' bEG1NJtiINM; thence con -04 Q2•' W,a distance of 211.0 lost to a tar4ont cutlet tc tl:e right hsvin; a racius of 245 fs•t • theta.• northwesterly along .aid curve th:Ough a central angle of 4a 01'02", Ln arc dlstatics of M!'342, foe:; thtncP !. 4;44@3' OC"� F.', J► CiJctaneo of 201.41 fest t0 a :ar,6ch: surer to thr right hovi:,g a raC:lit of Z45 feet: Lrits3C• k) -�L' rc: c�: ve =aub: a cor.:ral angle a: 41011' 18", an 4@:e Cistarrc« 4@o:«he_ly �= -7f•:2 feet, tncnce N 014@31.52" k, a d.iLah~e of 13.79 test to s or, the sou) licit Of lanc Cescrioeo In lease to St"arc Cil :u;-�rdnr of Gj,!if_7AI, C.... January 21, 19164; thence, N 89°I8' l3" E, larb ratty •Uu:J. lira., a 936=anc� o: 1D. 09 tee: to t}f• ■outhe�at= .o.rr: o; aaid la:,u; Lhrslct t+' GO S1' 47" 4@r' along zne .last lint of ,,Liz iar:e; a eirLance 4@r Z._.l2 fret Lo 9,he sou=ntr:Y Zarrtn of titey u33' (alnn kAOwJ' as Svvvji�ary State Ml&hvxy No. 1—L) Da«tis R0 f*c« i.r. vSJ::t, 4%& presently sgr=119fNC; tJxtace n4@:Lhaatrtr2y lu-'1: said snvtr- merger., N 7'G?8' 2J:" E, a Cistanes of 2i?3.55 feet o • Cara�ktas autwr to the left "Ylti� a Jrac:iva pi 3bJ54.71 tsti� honce &20ng gsid Cur►o zhrosjgh a eentr&2 arils of 11°l4'JOS"r L r= Clstatice of 756.84 fort to a pont an r;ys wst Zine of lana 0. 112se4 in r -T.51 thSt p I ci ag AV Deed UUCL&r ring Cputur lsearCimg a. aYO�2�t'3SS} thtncr laaviag aria Jtnirth margin of G;raslr way, 01904' 016•' 11,' aloJRg iJliC was: line, a ttiw<Lsacr of SkC.76 feet to �e aot•th oma:gin of ltaa>ro�: Y3t2.gs rlact ss conveyo4 to the C2, C Rsneon iwajr rr Ung GOuntr Rscorcing mo. Sa7"101 JShRnce N $A 4i,`D2" f:� distataca of 372.42 frwL along theJoorLh �rjiJp Of tai0 lfAtoa �lisar llaBer to the es,sc Margin of vftuauru said loth Avaiu a Jsauthl ,true, J1 Ol 04,08" W ilxtig said saGL MArgin, aL distatiat of &D.01 est tc' Lht eDuthrRRL oprrstr of said Xsnton VSllagr rlace; xAq=p 8SQe4.OY•• K, a Cigtslzes OS 4@6.28 feet to the TRVZ POINT OI' gr KIiINO. r I TnTOI P MO - Lj MEER REC,ORDINQ REMN T4: Paul V. McCarthy, Esq. Lane Powell Spears Lubersky LLP 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4100 Seattle, WA 98101-2338 (Space above this line reserved for Recorder's Use) Grantor: Renton Village Associates 1I, a Washington general partnership Grantee: RVA Office LLC, a Washington limited liability company Legal Description: Ptn Lot 2, Renton Village Associates BSP No, 026-90, Vol 1552 Pgs 26-31 $(o" 7 X4 • �J Tax Parcel No.: 723200-0020-01 Affected Document: 9005291371 FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE GO. ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF MAC jEMENT F TtHS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF AGREEMENT REGARDING MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS is made as of the /%�*, day of&eu sr-, 1998, by and between RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES III, a Washington general partnership, ("Assignor''), and RVA OFFICE LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Assignee"). For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, Assignor hereby bargains, sells, transfers, assigns, conveys, sets over, and delivers to Assignee, and Assignee hereby assumes, all of Assignor's right, title, and interest in, to, and under that certain "Agreement Regarding Management of Common Areas" dated May 29, 1994, filed of record against and relating to the real property and improvements located in King County, Washington, legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto (the 08.19'98 SEArn.F:404732 vai .r •.c r'A :ti•-• .. risme._ -..s•:.. .. �s•_ '*_� `� i .. i � � � i - 'may '.{.:�6��. '• •-• =• � � , i r �'1 Y•%tt+iLtiei. i : r�.'�2 :'..Ey�' �- i r Fri-.�� . _��".,•:,__' 44ptope"yPI)l SM an SMINxImfts, extensions, and renewals, if any, of said Agreement (all of which at refivred to herein as the "Common Area Management Agreemenf). If any provision of this Assignment and Assumption of Agreaneat Regarding of Common Areas is ac*idk4ded to be invalid, regal, or unenforceable, it will be denneid omitted to that extent and A other provisions of this Assigmnent will remain in fWl force and effect. The terms "Assignor" and "Assignee" herein shall be construed to include the heirs, pemnW representatives, sticce&wrs, and assigns of the parties. This Assignment and Assumption of Agreement Regarding Management of Common Areas may not be discharged, wnend4 or modified, nor shall any waiver of any provision hereof be effective, except by an instrument in writing signed by the party aping whom enforcement of any discharge, or waiver is sought and it sJW1 be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Stec of Washington. DATED as of the day and year first written above. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES III RVA OFFICE LLC, a Washington General Partnership a Washington Limited Liability Company By: SMG Office LLC, Managing Member By: Mic orffy, IN Sandorff-j, no &.-- Managing Partner aid Member •, • .. _ :-:-" •. .- � �.i•i:. .: �-'•: �i-� _ _. c- �- _Tc�:-r•. i- �,:.._�-i�i�t.rxf �...:.r7•.:. :ins `ci �-.. �-Tii-_ -'-s=' _ - -_- :.:3; _:: '".: •_- _ ' :r - . • r r� ,... •. _ ..:-{, :::L�i:-__:.:--� • .. ' - .4 _: s. : � • :<?^-__ - iSrai .?••.ti .r},'_E.Y?..:.. =as if yr -_ •_Ya _-...- _ _ : i.z:. . - _- -. _ -. :.! � 'e-.. _.".i_ _ . _ Y • �. -. .. si_'v.. •._.. .•:s' _...i_c _ •T =1 ��x?:ar`- 'r- -�-s:. .. ._ _. -."?. r_ __�'•-'�yrc .. :_ _ _ _ _, • . .. •... ".�-_. •:•_: �. .- ,� .:•._ � :•y - ... 'L �.,z+__ _. ..- .. �%r+"rfa�'?�•�:s v`t :�..r.�•:-::-.t:i�==c+:ii-`:rr T:..:.:•_' � _r T ._ .__. _-•_ .. � _ -. _.... •'x• _ . _. .: eT-.--_.i•?': •'fr_ �+tj=�. _-?r: :Y'r' �•iti.�-a:_.?=�1ri:ie'�,T_'�r-�:=��F1v3i=1C'�':�i+=:-£i+ei%'E ;. ::!3x= �.A7�•^�=Z='rT'�':'�J.t=Asa:-�:. .= _ �.. �.. _-. .^ a .--•�-_ Tt'•-i�i. - . ._ s. __ _-_ar-Jti-_T...: �1 �-:iry'.�•+••�•�_t+c;Y.+:�Y'i'3�-,�s.SesQlQaevey:a+�.:j /s�vt�1•t+rirre•'i1�=:i .. _ ___ j-?�f'!r`�'a.=i.1r �..r.=^� ze.-�i'fz.�. +sst.. ri.=r�orc•:v.�t ^.s -_r, �.:.::..:as `�-•=-jtisa-�-rr_•:_ :_-^^s;i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) } sa. COUNTY OF KING ) On um jilLn day of X998, before me PY appeared Michael SwWor$y, to me to be the ung Poem of Reston village Associates III, a Vila ngton Geed Palm ml ip, the 1 that exe coded the foregoing it s#rwnettt and a actowledgodmW ifljtl lmxw to be the free acid vohmtary sia and deed of said partnership, for the us" aid ptupoee s � menticx�ed, aid un oath statad than he was authorized to execute said ink. In witness whereof I have helreurrto set my hand and dhed my offcW seal the day and )soar fit above wrim n. .�SAN ,�00- �,•••• .,•Ay�p��i� NOT PUBLIC in and for the `- '�� % State o W n TAgr i � = at .8 My appointnt ex CWI &" 8EA7•TI.EA N732 vO1 3 ♦. .. � _._Y.w.: .i-:!'•<. _ .'�1.- __ 1.35 � rY._ _ y-.��..•�:f _ _ Yl �'. S:4r: _ i -v •i•.'. _' _. -'. _ .. .:..' --:;':: w'.:T;:.. _ _ -..s�- - -- - ��;..o.`' •sem, 3.'�_ -?.''r- - - _. .. • .. .:.. _:_:.�:•: �i.:�_.- - =?('s t:_ iAM l?:iT:• -{'fi_ •rTt. �:tii - -_•T�� - - -- -tr: _ - .. -•..T. _ - _� ! .. - �i� _ .. _ .._ _•..i. ._ -1�. : •'•''t��-Lam,.•!-. f•!. _ .:: t -TG_"_ _ :� _- -- = • . yr _ . • .- ... _ T rr' - .-:,r. T '•a _.•., �..._._..__%-;�:::•r: .�3 j.�J••�:']T•' :•�•i_?., .• s�-=:-!rl _:_s.�ic?::-.�:�f1'r __. �-•r�r:I.��:^�}i�=s:a��:. '-��Si t'.ti�i•?;.:.ice-•t=_'mac•-_rerliT=T__ �•.�-:. -c .. .��r_ . .r•r... _...t. \T.: _=_.T _- _.. •,:'••• •• • �.i�..ZY3.�4�5�131.��2'iS1���3r,•RA•T3.7 iCfY.{+1•C�•-ia=J��]C'JT.'i�Ga'%=�- • .33 i'�� T•I-'S _: Li-.�.i •- _5�..'C: �Zt-.it..'. �'t•:-!•�. .: .._ .�rLl �.�:i.�tJ?=�11 .'�7.'S••A••I w..�:l�_'^: .. .. � .._ .., ss:i�f•'..'.-e;ria;'r�_-r�-x.:iT$�t'ni'.f.#�.:1-i�zaa�:•.-,�-...-..•. . A,. ......... , STATE of WAShaNGMN ) Coin OF KING ) on this day of August, 1998, before me P� + Micluarl Sandorffy, to sue known to be tha ManaWna Member of SMG (Mce LLC, a Washington 'limited liability company, the derated liar company which executed the foregoing inatxunmA and aclamd*ed said insounxnt to be the free said voluntary act and deed of said , limited liability company, for the us a and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was to execute said instrument. In wiftmw whemf I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my vfcial seal the day and ycar first above written. ,`` ''•� NOTAL UBLIC in and for the $atsap State of aa, --*-- residing at w ' - r[:•'=..__,. ;.•:_c_•.-. r__.`_ _...•_r.-_.rr•_ .. e:.y �. ....... s•__ rn._ - - '-{':ori r. -� r..".- r_. - _ -' _- _ _ ,^ " ... ... _ ...:�-r...^.s"�•__.�.r »:i�a•s.=.a r_e.. __-a__u•s:a era_•::-. c:•c: a.c-�..-.•_.-::ri:.o ry._____� ..t:•.:_sa�.^: �:•.�.: �-^.:._r. •_>.-: �•. _.. _.._ .r ._ .. ..-�_.za..=v. ._;^. .. STT A (LEGAL UESCRIUMON) Lot 2 of Menton Village Associates Binding Site Plan No. BSP -026-90, as per plat recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, pages 26 through 31, records of King County, Washit SWn. Al r❑ AFTER RECORDING RETURN. TO: Paul V. McCarthy, Esq. Lane Powell Spears Lubersky LLP 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4100 4e Seattle, WA 98101-2338 O p (Space above this tine reserved for Recorder's Use) C� Grantor: Renton Village Associates 11, a Washington general partnership Grantee: RYA Cinema LLC, a Washington limited liability company Legal Description: Lot I Renton Village Associates BSP No. 026-90, Vol 152 Pgs 26-31 Tax Parcel No.: 723200-0010-03 FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF Affected Document: 9005291371 TRANSNATION TITLE fNSLJRANCE CO. ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF AGREEMENT REGARDING MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF AGREEME�ARDING MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS is made as of the�Lngton day of 1998, by and between RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES II, a general partnership, ("Assignor"), and RVA CINEMA LLC, a Washington limited liability ("Assignee). For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are x acknowledged, Assignor hereby bargains, sells, transfers, assigns, conveys, sets over, and delivers to Assignee, and iUsignee hereby assumes, all of Assignor's right, title, and interest in, CR to, and under, any existing leases and rental agreements including, without limitation, that w certain "Agreement Regarding Management of Common Areas" dated May 29, 1990 between Assignor and the Renton Vdlage Associates, relating to the real property and improvements � [i81a'98 SEATrtEA04731 +41 m m '.- -01 i - t located m King County, Washington, legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto (the "Property'"), and all amendments, extensions, and renewals, if any, of said Agreement (all of which are referred to herein as the "Common Area Agreement"). If any provision of this Assignment and Assumption of Agreement Regarding Msnagemmt of Common Areas is adjudicated to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, it will be deemed ornitted to that extent and all other provisions of this Assignment will remain in full force and effect. The terms "Assignor" and "Assignee" herein shall be construed to include the heirs, personal represwitatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. This Assignment and Assumption of Agreement Regarding Management of Common Areas may not be discharged, amended, or modified, nor shall any waiver of any provision hereof be effective, except by an mart in writing signed by the party against whom edorcement of any discharge, amendment, modification, or waiver is sought and it shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. MOM DATED as of the day and year first written above. RENTON VELLAGE ASSOCIATES H, a Washington General Partnership By: Mic am&iry, Managing Partner SFAIT1.:404771 vo 1 2 RVA CINEMA LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company By: SMG Cinema LLC, Managing Member STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )88. COUNTY OF KING On this ON, day of August, 1999, before me periionally appeared NchW Sandorpy, to me known to be the Managing Part= of Renton Village Associates H, a Washington Genaal Partnership, the partnership that executed the foregoing mstnunent and acknowledged said hmtrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the uses and pnpom therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said inimrument. In wiliness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. %X001JI111 NOTW PUBLIC in and for the State of WasWWon, residing at Ztka,,j My appointment expiref- SEATTU:4"731 v01 3 w t STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )3S. COUNTY OF KING ) On this /I day of AuV9, 1998, before me personally appeared Mid wel Sandorffy, to me known to be the Managing Member of SMG Cunni LLC, a Wagungton limited liability company, the hmitod liability company which executed the foregoing msmmmn and acknowledged said instnimew to be the five and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to exact" said instrument. In witnM whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. 0811&96 SFArn.E_ M731 %01 NOTAL PUBLIC -in and for the State of on, residing at My appoint_ t o*W: f EXHIBIT A (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Lot 1 of Renton Village Associates Binding Site Plan No. BSP -02090, as per plat recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, pages 26 through 31, records of King County, Washington. 0&IVM SFRTnE:404731 v0i 5 0 1 5A-073-90 IDECLAB,ATION OF COVENANT THIj�� DECLARATION OF COVENANT ("Covenant") is made this IJ day of (JC T,667 , 1992, by RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES ("Declarant")for a future roadway dedication. RECITAL$ A. Declarant owns certain real property located within the Renton Village Shopping Center in the City of Renton ("City"), which is legally described in Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("Property"). B. Declarant intends to extend an improved road to be called Lake Avenue South, and legally described on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Roadway"), through its Property in conjunction with the construction of an office building on its Property. This PCU Covenant is recorded to implement a condition of the City's CD approval of site plan File No. SA -078-90 for future dedication of the Roadway. CV 01 Now, therefore, Declarant hereby declares, conveys and establishes the following covenant: 1. Obl.cratign to Dedicate Road Might -of -Way. Declarant hereby covenants and agrees to dedicate to the City the right-of- way and improvements constituting the Roadway to the City to be used and maintained as a public street upon a request by the City. 2. Covenant to Run Wath the Land, This Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon any future owner of all or any portion of the Property containing the Roadway. Upon dedication, this Covenant shall terminate automatically without any further action by Declarant or any other party. Prior to completion of such dedication, this Covenant may be amended and/or terminated only upon the express consent of the City. GOELT\01007.AW7.9.92 Seattle 8 W 7 _A N Q C\J 0" i r 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Covenant is executed effective upon the date first above written. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES, a Washington general partnership By Its Ge eral Partner Exhibit A - Legal Description of Property Exhibit B - Legal Description of Road Right -of -Way STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this I5r day of a�` ���� , 1992, before me, a Notary Public n and for the State of Washington, personally appeared F ' 4 personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfa tory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument, on oath stated that -Ie— was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the General Partner of RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. t 0. M. ED `•: D� NmMy .N:. N50 Tv �004141rWAMO •��• GOELT\01007.AQf/7,9.92 Seattle Get i�l.0 c. ���� � • �'' u1Lt NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at �f My appointment expires Jo -J • - 4� 2 s u EXHIBIT A 1 of 3 AREAS PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY .578860 SQ.FT,± LOT C-1 341,279 SQ.FT•± LOT C-2 214,347 SQ.FT.± ;41"Oe ,oMo` o 3� r 150.00 EXH-IBII --9r %=I - A� Y r ,w 1 1497 146.72 1� N�9 r "pLD"L OJ v -q'4 E.�tsyE•PG �� � :6 M A Maj ,+ 10+.p5 ob v +A$9020� E� '" ` 1 0 EXHIBIT A 2 of 3 That portion of Blocks 11,12,14 and 15, C.D. Hillman6 Earlington garden Addition Division No. 1 as recorded iik Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, Records of King County, Washington, together with portions of vacated 94th Avenue South, vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South, vacated 9th Place South, vacated 10th Avenue South and the vacated alleys hetween 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South and also between 9th Place South acid 10th Avenue South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton and that portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.H. in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Co=encing at the northeast co8ner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence S 01 04108" W along the fast line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 89°44'02" W, a distance of 18.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINC.; thence S 610Q1 59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence S 00°02'16" E, a distance of 248.94 feet cc the northerly margin of Primary State cel J Highway No. 1, Jct. SS11 No. 2-H to Jct. Pat: No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -the latest C\j revision being November 7,1986; thence westerly.,northwe8terly and 0 northerly along said margin the following cour6est N 89 49109" W, a c.i6tance of 44.72 feet; thence S 83°23' 09" W, a distance of 82.06 cT feet; thence N 89°54'45" u, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of S 17°05'13" W; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 32°52'06", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence N 40002141" W a distance of 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288,8 feet through a central angle of 16°15'36", an arc distance of 81.96 feet; thence jeaving said margin, N 14°17'27" E, a distance of 248685 feet; thence S 10 00'00" E, a distance of 98.00 feet; thence N 00 51126" E, a distance of 286.24 feet thence along the westerly extention and the south line of land described in lea$e to Standard Oil Company of California dated January 21,1964, N 89 28113" E. a distance of 159.53 feet; thence leaving said south line N 00031147" W, a distance of 181.18 feat to the southerly margin of Grady Way (also known 46 Secondary State Highway No. 1-1.) being 100 feet wide as presently established; thence northeasterly along said southerly margin N 77028126" E, a distance of 144.07 feet to the northeast corner of land described In said lease to Standard Oil Company of Californias thence S 00031'47" E along the east line of said land, a distance of 211.12 feet to the south- east corner of land described in said lease; thence S 89°28'13" W along the south line of said, a distance of 10.09 feet; thence leaving said line S south 01035'5210 E, a distance of 13.79 feet -to a curve having a radius of 245.00 feet and having a radial bearing of 5 89028118" W; Chance southeasterly along said curve throu§h a central angle of 41011'18", an arc distance of 176.12 feet; thence S 41 43100" E, a distance of 201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 245.00 feet; Chance southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 48001'02", an arc distance 205.32 feet; thence S 89044102" E, a distance of 111.05 feet to the TRLE POINT OF BEGINNING. e 00 EXHIBIT A 3 of 3 y That portion of Block 12, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Garden Addition Division iso. 1 as recorded in Volume 17 of Plata, Page 74, Records of King County, Washington, together with portions of vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South and the vacated alley between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton and that portion of the northeast quarter of ? Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows, Corunencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence S 01°04'08" W along the east line of said _ southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 89044'02" W, a distance of 18.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence con-tinuing N 89044'02" W, a distance of 111.05 feet to a tangent Curve to the right having a radius of 245 feet* thence northwesterly along ; 1 W In said curve through a central angle of 48x01'02", an arc distance ofi 205.32 feet; thence N 41043100" W, a distance of 201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 245 feet; thence northarly N along said curve through a central angle of 41°11'18", an arc distance of 176.12 feet; thence N 01°35'52" W, a distance of 13.79 feet to a (v point on the soutt line of land described in lease to Standara Oil ' Company of C,Llifornia dated January 21, 1964; thence N 89028'13" E, � r along said south line, a distance or 10.09 feet to they southeast corner of said land; thence N 00°31'47" W along the east line of said land; a distance of 211.12 feet to the southerly margin of ' Grady :Jay (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 1-1.) being 100 feet in width as presentl9 established; thence northeasterly ' along said south margin, N 77 28'26" E, a distance of 203.55 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 3869.71 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 11°14'08", as ` arc distance of 758.84 feet to a point on the west line of land described in Exhibit "A" of Quit Claim Deed under King County Recording No. 8208270355; thence leaving said south margin of Grady Way, S 01°04'08" W along said west line, a distance of 840.76 feet to the north margin of Renton Village Place as conveyed to the City of Renton under King County Recording No. 5475310= thence N 89044'02" W, k a distance of 372.42 feet along the north margin of said Renton ; Village PlaSe to the east margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; 4 thence S 01 04'08" W along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 - feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence ° N 8944'02" W, a distance of 48.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 3' 3 Y U-) Chi J CD lT EXHIBIT B O Legal Description Proposed Riqht of Way That portion of Lots "B" and "C". City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 001-88 which lies in the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M. as shown in instrument under King County Recording No. 8911139006 described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence S01.04'OB"W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence S89'44102"E, a distance of 30,00 feet to the southwest corner of South Renton Village Place as conveyed to the City of Renton under Kinq County Auditor's File No. 5475310; said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N01.04108"E along the west line thereof, a distance Of 60.01 feet to the northwest corner thereof; thence N89.44'02"W, a distance of 160.16 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 185 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 48.01102", an arc distance of 155.04 feet; thence N41.43110011W, a distance of 201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the right havinq a radius of 185 feet; thence northerly along said curve throuqh a central angle of 41'11F18", an arc distance of 132.99 feet; thence N00.32'28"E, a distance of 192.85 feet to a tangent curve to the right havinq a radius of 55 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 76'55Y58", an arc distance of 73.85 feet to the southerly right of way line of South Grady Way (State Highway No. 1-L); thence 577'28726"W along said southerly right of way line, a distance of 180.42 feet to a point on a curve concaved to the southwest havinq a radius of 55 feet; a radial line of said curve through said point bearing N12.31'34"W; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 100.5514211, an arc distance of 96.88 feet; thence SO1'35152"E, a distance of 141.55 feet to an angle point on said Lot "C"; thence south and southeasterly along the southwesterly margin of said Lot "C" the following coures: 501.35'52"E, a distance of 13.79 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 245 feet; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 41'11,18", an arc distance of 176.12 feet; thence S41.43100"E, a distance of 201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the left havinq a radius of 245 feet; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 48001'02", an arc distance of 205.32 feet; thence S89'44'02"E, a distance 159.33 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 9-1-92 D64 dM or �5. 0 0 da Y I ora at Request o' v G. .4 ca cd M N M Y O' WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Once of the City Clerk Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA M8 — All A ct-TTXTr;-T*nN CTATF RECORDER'S ORDER'S Cover Sheet (RcNti' (,i.rw) 30272 M 94 Q C? 0• AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: MEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Me of the City CiBrk Renton Cfty Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RESCISSION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANT Tl-IlS RESCISSION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANT ("Covenant") is made this _� day A AS of , 1999, by RVA CENTER LLC, successor in interest to RENTON VILLSOCIA ES ("Declarant") and rescinds that certain Covenant for future roadway dedication recorded under King County Recording No. 921029025 1. RECITALS A. Declarant owns certain real property located within the Renton Village Shopping Center in the City of Renton ("City"), which is legally described in Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("Property"). B. In 1992, Declarant, as Renton Village Associates, intended to extend an improved road to be called Lake Avenue South, and legally described on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Roadway"), through its Property in conjunction with the construction of an office building on its Property. The Covenant was recorded to implement a condition of the City's approve of Site Plan rile No. SA -078-90 for future dedication of the Roadway. C. Declarant has since abandoned its office building development. Any Future development on the Property will undergo independent, future review. Since Site Plan file No. SA -078-90 has been abandoned, the covenant also should be rescinded. U. Paragraph 2 of, the Covenant provides that prior to completion of the dedication, this Covenant may be amended and/or terminated upon the consent of the City. 30273 4! 0 NOW, THEREFORE: 1. The Declarant and the City of Renton hereby rescind the Declaration of Covenant filed against the Property under King County Recording No. 9210290251, a copy of which is attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Covenant is executed effective upon the date first written above. Approved: RVA CENTER LLC a Washington limited liability company By: SMG CENTER LLC s It'anaging Member City of Renton J SEAL. 'EO 50 rlayor T: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) Marilyn ,T. )?dtersen, City Clerk } ss. COUNTY OF KING ) J�.q'0�1pt�.� On this day of i�� �(� , 1998, before me personally appeared V (All( } �l ��% � �� J -to Inc known to tic the Managing Member in the Limited Liability Company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that lie was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set niy hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. CHRISTINE A PRIC.F StAlt OI Y;ASHIN(iVI NOTARY • 0101C Mt C09415SiON EVA.'59.2 02 (Seal or stannp) 30273 (Signature) (Name legibly printed or stamped) Notary llubli .in and for the State of Washington, residing at - LAG( fit_rc My appointment expires 2'7 _- 0 Z 2 GJ EXHIBIT r. 2 of 3 Ems.4L ., - �.v 7—,eSeit/S�' That portion of blacks 11,12,14 And 15e C, D. Ulljana EarLIngton r'ar4an Addltian 01vioion No. 1 Aa 9090rde4 Lit YalLwa 17 of Plats, Pagd 74. Rscorda of 1Cittg County, uashinegan, 064110■r with portion# of vacated 9 -4th A"Aws South, Vacated 96th AYenlu South, r;cacad 9th .Avenuo.South, Vacated 9th Flaw South, v&catpd 10th AvvAu■ South Ind ehc vacattd Alleys hatueen 0th Avenue 3ouLh W 9th plaza Smith And also betuevn .t- Flocs South and 10th Avenue Sauttl, all vacacatl under Crditsance 20;t of the City of R+ntort And tMz portion of thr narcheaac quarter of Section 19, Tounahip 23 North, Aange 5 Cast, N.t1. in Una C°unty, Washington. Rare particularly deacribod at falluwal Mr J?T'1nl 'TVAT'1TQQX nnnAq"-i IQ77. 7.Tc At17 T Yi'd A[:rT MIT RR/7.T/T1 CDI=Cnci,ng At the narcneAst cagn4r of the aouthuaat quar;or of said nnrch■aat guarcar; thence S 01 041Q8" W along reg a&aC limy at acid 40uthudsk quaetrr, a 41*ta4ce of 150.fI2 tent; tj]ence N 89044'02" We a distance at 18.29 feet to the TRUt po%VT' OF bFGY�tN�i th+enCe S 610114' 59" K, a dtstae,cr of 258.92 faatj Lh4fTCe $ 00"02-16'. E. A distaner of 248194 feet to the Wtharly mareia of primacy Stat■ NHiGhxay No. 1. Jct. SSH NO. Z -H to =rr. Pah No. 2 in Renton (alae knutrr; as Stxtr Roar! No. 405) aA 4ppr0v■d QttpptY 31, I9GI-t,1a 104004 N J reylalon being kov4mber 7,006; thenca w@ararlyen4>:rhw@¢Gdrly And, ~' norther.y Aland ,said sarsin the following courgari N 899949.09" W, A c.iitanne at 44.72 fast; thanc■ S 53023'09" 12, a alae. aSa of 82.115 fret; thenca H 89054145" k, a diataAco of 241.66 teat to a point on a curve havt,ng a radius of 390.8 floc And having a radial bearing of S 17 03.11" Ht thanSe narthwasterly along aaid Curve through a cwn trzl 4nala of ]2051'06", an arc distahco of 224.19 f■■t; thenceH 40o0.11gIh W a dT,atanCO of 15U.00 feet; thence along a tanBenr cure° t$ rhe Taft With A raulua of Z88.8 feat through A cas7tral 4,iig1■ of 16 15'36"1 Ah AVC Ciatanco of 81.96 foot; thenca aeaviug 4,114 margin, N 14a17'2?" t� a distance of x4d685 (so;; thence 5 70 00104L. F, a dIat;nce of 98,00 feet; thongs N 00 51'26" &, A 41aC4ne4 of 286.26 fast thence alot;g tho Wa" "ly 6XtenttOn AA0 the South line of land d0+cxib■d in lease to N SLAndard nil Com�,any of CAllfarnia dated January 21,I964. N d9°28'131, £, a distance of 139.53 fa■t; ths4cf leaving aaid ■ouch Lia■ M 00931'47,. W, a alstance 181.15 of feet to the southatly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary $tate ttighuay No. 1-i,) tying 1Q0 feat V%4V as preastatly ■atabliahadi thenca nortfwAst■rly along gold touthe ly aardln X 77029'26" E, A disti►4g! of 14k.07 talc to the Aorcheagt a9tT>+7r of 1404 444crl,bed In Bald 10&40 to St"&rd 011 Catapa,hy of Ca1j1g plat thence S Qoo31'42" along the OAat 1144 of laid land, A diata.ace of 211.11 fg"r.' Co the 11auth- aatit COrner Of land d■scribed in 4&Id lasa■) theACM 5 89028'13" W along the south 11n0 of said, a distance of 10,09 feet; thano■ leavi" Bald south line S 01033'52" E, a distance of 13,79 foot+to a curve, having a rad'us of 245.00 feet and having A radial bearing of 6 69020'18" yi thence 4QuLneaster1y Alan& aaid curW throu8h t central angle of 11911`18"; an Arc dletAncz of 176,11 feet, [n■nca S 61 63'flp„ E, a dietanc o of 201.41 foot Lo a tAngoat Curve to t1,■ left having a Odlus of 245.Q0 feet; ch„nco .QuthaA%ttrrly alon6 sa4d curve t;irou&h a cpocrsl auSlp of 4S°p1'OT", arc an distance 205.31 f■o;i thenca S 89o4r02" £ a AistA;;cs ftirf to tau "Tit L Pnihrr .�r }r.-,w•uz, p of 111.Q5 Mr J?T'1nl 'TVAT'1TQQX nnnAq"-i IQ77. 7.Tc At17 T Yi'd A[:rT MIT RR/7.T/T1 C' I:XIIInIT n 3 of 3 /Y�s-camo That portion of Block 12, C.ia, fiillman's iarll.aatan Ga,404 AddWotl Uivlaian ua, 1 as Trecoraed in Volume 17 of P1atq, Page 74, RacoV44 AC King County, v;attinatun, together with partiona of vacatsd 96th Avenue Sot;ch, v+►cate4 9tr. lsrlua Sautn and the vacasrd all try baCwe;r. 9th Avenue 5autn and 9th Y:..4a South, all vsestnd ungur Ordiaarrce 2051 of the Litt Of Re11ton and Chit Portion of the aQrCh&Aet quarxar of 3ec"On 14, Township 23 Marin, Range S EAAC, M.H. in KXAS CcLm;7t uast]LWan, morn particularly dtscrilM a¢ fu11RV6e com-RAC .ng at the northeast coiner of Lhs •outhweat quarter of said nocrheaat quarter; Lhenae S 01 44108" H along ClM aLGr- 1 0 of acid sauthsresc quarter, a dLatauce of 250.0= fRoet thaAca ?f 89 44'02,, Wo x 2iatanct of 18.28 fart " the TRUE POIn OF R� UNING= thRaca con- tinuing N 89844'02" W. a tliatance of 111.05 feet A.0 a t4adsAz cum Cha right having a gadius of 243 foot- thenep 4orthmoatarly al'ona said curve throwah a central angle. of 48601'02", an arc diat:aaus of 2C5.32 Coat, thenro N 4104L"G" W, distance of 201.gl fear to 4 tangent cuzvO cu the r'i.gnt having a radius of Z45 faag, thanes norfhorly along Said curve through a cenaral angle of 41°11'1$", am arc 41J1z&qce of 176.12 lose: Lh011cr N 011325' 52" W, d diat;naP of 13,79 feat: to i poxnt on zi,r ioutr ling of ls.nd dancribed. in loos• to Staadslra Oil CamQ,ljsy Of C•+11fornla daCad January 21, 1964; thoncn N 89°28.13" g, along said auutiT lana, a distancr ac 10.09 fedc to the southeaar: Coiner of •old 'and; thence K 00011`47'• k RIORS tho wept line of said land; a di..tanc■ of 2:1.12 feat to Che dourltariy Margin of GCady 'day false knovn ax SecandaTy Scale Highway No. 1-L) ding 100 feet in width AS pre4nncl9 m 4r ablishedl thtncp north♦a4t ally akin$ said south margin, N 77 28'26" T, a distausce of 203.55 felt 1ta i taunt c4tve W rha left having a rAd&Uj of 3869.71 feat; th■ngo 410n6 44id curve r.nraugh a cearral ana1P of 11 14108". an ire 4lacanee of 758.84 feet to a golat On the "set line of land deucribed Ln Exhibit "A" of Quit Clain good uuaar Xing County Ucox4Lng No. 8208270353; thence lnaviag &aid d°uCh mareln of rk4dr K:Sr. S 01°04'09" W along said W64; line, a 4Lst,.acP of 114g.14 fmot to the nortb m4 rain u! Ronton Y411ASe F1aC6 air COAVayed to UN City va Rentvn under Kind County ROCOraing Na. 3475310; thence N 89044'02" we A aiatsac■ of 372.42 fort along the north margin of olid Rancoa yil"Id Flab6 to the oast aA rain of vicatxd said 96th Avenue SvvCh: thunep 5 41 OWN" K xlon6 said Past rargin, a distauo. of 40.01 feet to Cho eoythweat corner of Gaid Renton VL11i6. Place, theuca N 89044'02'• N, a distance of 46.28 toot Co the nLrt POIXT OF sECIVNIMC. ..e mini "VJT'1TV-1W rTnntA`.1VV'1 1077 71C 467 T VVJ Of"C'T nUT 4R/7T/TT w u 0 z vt x w X t ti r_- a J i-+ N� ad n �w w r= Ji y z � w J ti✓ �W e•- x xr xo C- s+. :7 � Q IM11BIT Ik V 7-77 Legal ULScription P npasTad Riqht of -Way That portjon of Lots "8" and "C". City of Renton 1,at Linty Adjustment' No. 001--134 which l-iwn ii. . ho northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North. Range 4 !F;;,t,W.M. as shown in in%trtohent under King County ReCOrdtnq No. 0911139000 dosicriheto as follows. Commenc inia at the northeast Corner of the southwu%t quarter Of old northL14'.' quarter; thence 501.0490@'W along the east Zino of said !AquthwCat gwartwrl a d#t;t.incp of 2So.oZ fast, thence S09444102"E, a diataneo or 54.00 (fret to the southwest coater of South Renton Villager Place as cOr:vtfyed to the City of Renton undier King County Auditorpa filo No. 54753Io; said point Owing the TRUE POINT OF DEGiNNING; thonce N01"0008"E alone} the went line thareof, a distance of 50,01 fret to tho narthwast Corner thereef; thencu N89'4V02-!, a clistante of 160.16 feet to a tangent curve to the right h*ving a radius ar 183 feet; thencR northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 40wol'4g", an arC distancw of 935.04 feet; thence N41043100":4, a distance of 201.41 feet tc A tangent curve to the richt having a, radius of IB5 feet; thence northerly alonri %aid c4r%,e throunh a central apple of 41'11'18', an arc distance or '132.99 feet( thence N0013292131E, a distance of 192.83 feet to a tangent curve to the rknht havinq a radius of 35 feet; thAnce nnrtheastnrly along said curve thro4ch a central angle of 76'MP50", an arc distanco of 73.85 feet to the southerly right of away ling of South Grady Way (Slate Htc;hway filo. 1-L)E thence $77`201%. "W alonq Gatd southerly right of way line, a distance of. 180.42 feet to a point an a curve concaved to thu southwest having a radius of 55 feat, a radial line of said curve through said point hearing N12631+34 -W; thence gcuthe4stiwrly along said curve through a antral "16.0f 100.55$4;?k, an arc distance of 96.eQ feet, thence SOI'35737"E, a distan to of 141.35 fact to an angle point on vaid Lot "C"; thence mouth and southeasterly along thu southwester:iy margin of said Lot "C" the fnalowing Couresr 501":3515214E, a distance of 13,79 feet to a tangent curVe to the left halving a radius of 245 feat; thence 5outheaRterly along said curve through a central angle of 41.110IG", an arc distance of 176.12 fswt, thence S41.43P00"E, a distance of 201.43 feet to i tangent curvy to the lett having a r4diur of 245 (apt thence southeasterly along said curve through a Central anglea of 4H'01102% an arc distance of 705.32 fsRet; thence 889.44+02"8, a disrancQ 15933 fewt to thr TRUE POINT OF AEGINNING. 95-92 D64 do nTnlfi MIX) '1V.TT')Tk111X anniAgvvi /Q77. 7.Tc AL17. I YVA /.6:£T ill? T, QR/7.T/TT C± n 1 * r�•rvr 1 rs,to,roly Rol K v �e in � V IL Uj ce R• ANAL a * y Ir �� 4b �UEn-� s 01 in 03 N r; PQM 1 k �'* s o K in IL Uj ce R• ANAL a * 0 ramX L', cnnZT5 90Z 1 TVA Rt':CT QRL 86/7.T/11 0 fi' Sh-070--90 T111;.DECLVATION o? COMMM (,,Covanaat+) -is XWO thin ;2 15w dby of Ue -dF. K , %992. by AEMN VILUM ASSSpL* TES ("f�eclaxant+'y f[ar a► utura roAdway dedication. fll�4Y'fAItS _ A. Declarant ops certain raAl property located wlt:>b!n the Renton village shopping canter In Lhs City ci Rantm (■city.) . Which ire legally describRd in Uhlbit 8 hereto &xW if►>tcorporated herein by reference (oftapemal. D. fDoclurant intends to eXtand an 1ngprCv*4 road to be caxla4 Lake Avenue South, and leg-U!y daecribsd nni� gg attac %*d ifteto and incorporated bor■la by this refgrafncR ('4Koa4vay' ) , thmugh Lts Proparty is con jrut Uun with Ug conbtruetion of an office bvildirtg On its Property. This Covariant Is rocvrdcd to ispleunt a condition of the Citytp a sits plan Pile Ko. fql" n7� e Roadway. 94 for future detiiSar� atiaof Now, thet0f o rn, br-larant hereby declares, conveya avd eotablLmhee the follovi;; covenant; I. Q)2licZ"jon„f, Q&dirn Peclarant hereby cove4iarctn ar►d ag-reou to dedicate to the Clty the right -or - way and iaprovaxantm conatituting the RRdd+ray to tha City to be uaed and %aintained as a public streat upon a regUast by the, city. 2. with &JI-9-1afrsd and b i bindira u -Lag my"Lm' Upon ddic s CpYBiiafit SI]All to J1A�g1 autaaat Cally without anyerurtharn; action by Declarant or any Other party, Prior to completion sof aueh dadication, thia Covenant may be afaendud andfor terminated only upon the uxpreas co.twent or the City. G7Q.7� 9 toe) ,!►QV 7.1.1 � $�alClf 0- 7.inCZri im-irm ivAmTti,'nw cinnw-im 'i l.ozz 7Tq AA7. T YVA Wr.T MIA. R8/7.T/T m sd C`? C� 6• IS WITHUS goy, this Covet=r iS extuUted 69factive) upon tha Cate first above wittan. Washington geneial partnership OY ICs titi erre Pa Iter Exhibit A. - Legal aaCripti.on of Proporty Skbibit R -- Legal ascription of R+oa+i Right-ot•-Way STATE Op WAS;:? NGT" ) Sub MUM OF KING on thLa I r day at f e. i •6°% 1492, baP+rra w, as Rotary Pubti.c In vend for the tat" ingCon, personally appeared/ � SaZ ya�ehpsraurally kno+dn to five (ur proved to *a on tho baste of sat ata oryr eviftncaj to be the person who executed thL* inatzummt, on atth stated that N was authorized to axe-vto the inatrunant, and ao%now-VidgeO It as the General Partnar Of RV=H VIXJ GP. ASSOrZATZ5 to be the free and voluntary act and deed of vai,d corporatLon Car the uasa ane purpaven mentioned Ln the instrtment, IN WITNESS ltHEMP, x terve hereunto eget my hand" and orricial seal the day and year first above written. '3�t1.i1■ .firr it •� `�L NOTARY PUDLXC in and for the „Sx� ata of 1 a0hingtony reaitling at . �✓ Ry appointment wMLree jc I 2 1.3A0.1 'lYdIDIN11W 00MUMY1 G9ZZ ZT9 90Z T XY3 RFCT f1ILL 86/Zl/TT N G tIorel IL 9-A Ivp I X 11 A •t- �` LAll 7I9 947. T XYa RV'CT MI. RO/ZT/TT •� w K �.IFf0Oviv 9-A Ivp I X 11 A •t- �` LAll 7I9 947. T XYa RV'CT MI. RO/ZT/TT Q N v -J EXiTIDI'1' 11 2 of 3 That por=Lon of Slockit 11, 12, i4 and 15, C. O, Nllla�ns Earlington rarden A441tian nivirian No. 1 as raco;ded 14, Yoltm@ 17 of plata,. Page 74, Records of Xing County, Washinataa, tvgstnatr with portiana Of Vacated 94th Arraaus Souch, w4c;tad 96thAvenue South, +acattd 9th Avanuo ,suuth, vacated Std plata 5put:h� Vacated IOth Avac►us South and the vxcarrd alley4 tvcween 9th Avonue South slut 9th Place 'South an0 also Oetuetn :c, Placa Scuth a;,d 10th AreAY! Scutt;, all vacated natter ar.L quArL 20;s of t1le Clty of Haman and Chat portion of the nnrchea4t nusrt•r of Scceion ,19, Touhship 23 Kurth r •t1• Ln > 1ng Caunt7, Ltachingtan, aarc + $arts; 5 haat, tolivusi Particularly deacriaad as Cemmenct.ng At the northeast Crasnar Of the oouthweas quarter of aalct northeast quarter; thane■ S 41 04'08n W along the •sat line Of sold aguthw"t quxrt•r, i slLatauTce of 250.tiZ fait; a giacathapcf K 590441021, W, ncs�Of 18,Ze (rat Co the TRUZ POINT OF 4E(ZNNjHr; than., S bloat 59' W, a dl4t4.r'ce of 258.92 Cape '. a diltancr of 248.90 Feat to the northerly maergln$afQPrrislacy $LACe Hi6hway No. X. ,sac. $SH No. 2-M to Pali No. 2 io. Renton (alio 1 known an SLata Roast leo. 405, as ztppirovaa Qctoaer 31, 1961�t.�e latgst ' revluian being Novera0ex 7,1984, thence weatarly nQvrh►ra telly and s northarly along sold ma><Sin the f9liosuing coursea, H 59 49'09" W, a cistanet' of 44.?2 feet; th.tnc■ S 93 ,a3'U9" W a a4etance-a( e2. U6' fart; thrncr N rarIjU'r.S" u, a U""Ace of 241.66 feet to a paint on a ?_ curvy having a ra�llut of 390.8 feet and h4vin8 a radial bearl,AS pf S 17 W; seance northwesterly along aald curve through a central anal• of 32052'04", an are; dlstatuca of 22k.19 feet; thrncr H 40002141« k a dtnt3rt" of 150.110 feetC; thence alcag a CAMEp6 cwrva t$ the left With ; radius of 288.8 feat through a, tentXai 4661• of 16 15'3641 An arc CiaCanrr of s1,96 feet; theme �eavin6'H1d a;rbin, h %too17'2�^ E, a dLst3rTcr aY 448685 feet; thence S 70 Q@'Q0' 98,90 tk,a4; thancs N 00 31,26" E. a 4tat4nce of 286.24 feet thence aleab the weeterly Retention A --,d the oQuth line of load 4seerlfled ir► Loa!; to Standard oil Company of Uallfcraia daraq Jslsurary 21, 19641 K 89928' 13" F, a daatanvn of 159.53 feat; thence leavieg •aid souta lin■ R OQ°]l a Ai "n;'e of '_81. 10 (pet t0 the rauthattly s+argia of G'k8'' K, rady Way (1, SO 47 known sr Secondary State Hlahway No. I -L) bIL4 104 feat wide as presently E aataalighsdi thence Rorthaatatarly air t a distance of l4k.OT [set to the aor[h�aatica er oflla grdsscTcibad2p'26" E, in rald lease to Sta►sadard 011 Ccupaay of California;; tAagcs g 00031' kT^ E along the rapt 1iA* of sakd Codd, a digtOAce Of ZII.l2 Seet'tp the aouth- eart corner of land d*scs'llted in 4ALd lease; tAeace 5 89°Z8'i1" h along the a041h ling of Aald, a distance oI 10.09 fret; thence leavi.pg satd 404th line 5 (31o35,S2,, I, a distance of 13.79 fast Ito g cure■ having a ra't1ul of 245.U0 (set and having a +tadiai bAarin8 of 8 89°28'18" Yi an thence 40uth.ast■rlr along raid curve throu�h p central angle ad 41o11'ld"; an sec 41aLyr aI 176.17. fart; rl,enca S 41 43'00" E, a diads of 201.41 fart to a tangout curve to the left having a raCius of z45,gQ fret; th..ncr 404theaRtatxY along bald curry t;lreualT a csatrsl a ., an ace distance 205.32 f eecj tn•nce v " Flo of 48 Q1 U2 . 5 69 44 02 >:, a distance, of 111.05 f tCi to lien '.li! C Pr) I H7 A)C Ml'.-.l'Y' 4.` 7A cTnrbi TK,ln') 'TV.TT)TV11Tt (100ARMV1 1_A7.Z 7.Tq AnZ T YVA R1: i'T it{T.T. RR/7.T/11 z sn ' x r - x d � `r z Vq V1 a -K :m3 i tete W17. s r 1� tete. r. Qlfla A • 3.J ffl3 0a 414, EX111DIT R I or 3 1'nat portion of Block 12, C.F. H1!jman'3 iarlilgcojT Oa.clan Addition pivi.aian Ila. 1 as recorapd in Volume 17 of P;aca, Page 74, RRcovde Of King CouQty. W4A11ingterl, tugother with portionn of vacated 96th AVenut South. vacated 9t2. :ieaue Soucn avj the vacicnd alley tmtuKer. 9th Avenue South and 9th 1%,14c South. all Yacatdd funder Ordinance 2051 Of the City of ReuLon and that poiction of the ftGrChRafit quarter of Section 19, Township 25 Noreh, Kana°'6 fact, K.K. In king Couary? Wasnin6.on, Mora patticuiarly dcscrtbQd as fnllpvaa Commanclrag AC the northaadt Cogner of tha YeuthVIat quarter of said normleait quarter; thence 5 01 04'08" W a1UM5 ChM asst146 of nid a we a 4istxAce of 18.28 (Rat ocf • thsTRUEF>7I T OF BMINHUGB�rboilcm"can" rknuin8 K 89 x4'02" u, a distance of 111.03 feat to a tsz&yaAt QQj;va to th■ right having a radiva of 245 feat, ChRP-ce aortbugaterLy clary said %!u=vo through a central "IC of 4a 01'02", aA Arc disCaxtc• of 205.12 [Rot; thenca H 411143`OG" W, :. !dL"anem of Z01.41 Feet to a taneenc curve to the rienr h4vin8 a radius of 245 Feet; thRnco uorcnarly along saiq curve through a central angle of 41°11'14", an arc diatauc6 Of 175.12 CORE, fence K 01075152" W. a distance of 13,79 fear to i p03,4t as tate Aqua IIAR of land dascrLbcd• iR lease c4 SCsndxrQ 03.1 C'MP4 y Of C..I,ifornia datea January 21, 1964; thencr N B4°28'13" slang acid anuclf line, a discanev o. 10,09 tent to ttte ■outhaaae corner of acid .sad: thence N 00031'47" V alogg C11R oast lin• of said Wad; A dr..eancu ai 211.12 fsec to U18 aouthrrly margin of Bear lay (also Mown as Srcundary 5tite Highusy HQ. 1—I.) beLng LUO fsrt in width is praAsncx6 0 'C"110ed; thsnco norchsagra)rLy along said south margin, K 77 28' 26" K. x d3.A"Ws. of 205.55 feet TO a t"tnt CUrire tQ Uta isft having a VAdiw of 3a6g.71 fast; thanco along acid curve ttlrovgn a central anglt of 11 140081, as arc dlacanCe of 758.84 feet to a point on the Vogt 11rta of land 4eaarlbe4 In Exhibit "A" of Quik Claim Deed ux4ty King County Recording no, 620M U355; tnance laavina said south mar6ln of qp4dy Way, 5 U1 QWUQI' H along said WiLat lint, a 4i.taact of 840.76 foot to the aoxth maKgln of RRntan Village Place as GaAvareq to tha Clty of UnCon under King Couocy Recording No. 5415310; th■nca H 89044'02" N, a diaca-mcR of 372.x1 feat slang tht aartn nargia Of said aantcA Village Pla&O tQ Rha •AAC margin of vacAced said 96th Avmnus $vuth. thanga 5 01 04'08° W alAna said mast margin. A diatauert a( bp.Ql feat tQ the aquthveyt corner of said Rmnton Villa4m Plagw, thsacp H 89 44'02" 4!, a digcanc• of 48.2a fotc Lo the TBUt p4i}rr of 8l:CIttNING_ UT11M `1VATITSMU OnnMRWI L97.7 7.T9 Ann T YVA RL :f:I nH.1. R8/7.T/TI 94 N 1 T n rrh EXHIBIT II 4. 1_Qgal I]e5tripcion PropQ%nd Right of 'Way Ok That portion of Iota "D" and "C", City of Renton Lot Ilea Adjustmwnt No_ 002-13H which 1-iQu I,, :he. northeast quarter o Sect ion 19, To%niuh 1p 23 North, R4ngq b r.st r W.M. ar. shQ Wrlf i f instr►4meht under King County Recordtnq ro. 8911139006 dascr ibed as fol X aw--t Cna►mQenc inq at thti northnast corner of ttim w0uthwu5it quarter Of said narthea-.: quartor; thenCq SQi'04'OE3"W along the east I inu of said southwest quarter, it distanCo of 2:30.02 fwet; thence 689244402"E, i dititanca of 30.04 feret to the southuest Corner or 6uuth Rentgrl Vil lace place as cp!+vgyed to the City o4 Ramon under King COunty Auditor's File No, 5475310; said point being tbO TRUE POINT QF BEGINNING; thence N01.040 08"E along thu went Line thereof, a distance Of 60,01 Brut to the northwest COrnor thervot1 thwncw N89.44.02"W, a dist4r,40 of 1&).16 feet to •a tangent cur%tw to the right having a radius of X65 flint; thancsr northwuatariy along said curve throuyt, :k central angle of 400811,02", an arc diwtanry of 155.04 feet, thence N41•430001W, a dimitanco of 201.41 feet to it tangent Curve to the right leaving a radius of 195 feet; thence north rly along said curve throunh a central anple of 41411Fx8% an arc distanCe of •1:32.99 feet; thence N00133120"E, a, distance. of 192.85 f0pt to a tangent Curvo to the r;pht having a radius of 5a feet; thonce northeasterly along maid curve through a central angle of 76'55"S9", an arC distAnCO of 73.85 fleet to the southerly righb of 'way line of South Grady Way (state Highway No. 1-L); thence S77125':6"W 41onq --aid moutharly right of Way line, d distance of 180.42 fent to a point an a Curve Concaved to the ,outhwest having a radius of b3 lent; A radial line of said curvy through amid point bearing H12931134 -W; th"nce southuasterly along $aid curve through a central a41918.0f IOp"55'42�, an arc distance vaf 96.eg toot, thonce 8011351=7 E, a distancq of 141,55 tact to an angle point on sand Lot "C"; thence south and Southeasterly along thu southuestQr;y margin of said Lot "C" tho following Courast 601'35152"E, a distance of 12.79 feet to a tangent curve to the loft having a radius of 249 feet; thence sauthRAnterly along said curve through m central angle of an arc distance of 176.12 farm; thwics S41"40100"E, a distance of .201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 245 fest; thunco eoutheastarly along said curve through a c¢ntral angl€r of 4U601102*, an arc diotancn of 205.32 flint; thence 809.440`02"E, a dixtancft 155_33 fust to the TRUC POINT IIF' BEBINNINU. 9-1-97 tmon-) ivAi`lT):nw rtnnuativT X64 la7.7 7 -Te an7 T YV4 nC:VT nnT QR/7,T/TT 8T0L31 FILED for RecorU at Request o• i4ml �, V t<I - 1!i 1 •. Lgl. r(ftlC' IM03 'lYdiolmax acorn m LON 319 803 1 XYJ 09 -CT MIT. RR/T•T/TT i • • 1 f 1 1�. FILED for RecorU at Request o• i4ml �, V t<I - 1!i 1 •. Lgl. r(ftlC' IM03 'lYdiolmax acorn m LON 319 803 1 XYJ 09 -CT MIT. RR/T•T/TT /TED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OR ' - PUGETPOti"IER ORIGINAL REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 97034 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 9BU09.9734 AOG,*W EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEMA For and in consideration of Ono Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the recelpt of which is hereby acknowledged. RENTON ylLi 8rE.A, ('Grantor' heroin), grants, conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER A LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington corporation ('Grantee' herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth it perpetual easement under, across and over the following described real property (Inc "Property" herein) King County, Washington. See Attached Exhibit A. EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED King Co. Recvds Divisiort DY �.L , Deputy Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (the C 'Rightrol-Way' herein) desc►ibod as follows: Cr ; A Right -of -Way tenten 11ot feet in width having We 15) feet of such width on oast! side of a centerline described as follows: t'V The centerline of Grantee's facilities as constructed or cr_ Q to be constructed, extended or relocated, lying within P—) the above described property. 07 (This easement may be superseded at a later date by a document with a more specific easement description based on a survey furnished by Grantor at no cost to Grantee.) 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to constrxd. operate, Mainain. repair, replace and onlarge an underground electric transmission and/or distribution system upon and under the Right-ol=Nay together with all necessary or convenient sppurtanarxes therefore, which may Include but are not limited to the following: underground conduits, cables, oommunicatbn lines; vaults, mautholes, switches, and transformers; and serni-buried or ground mounted facilhlss. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as It may require. 2 Aooess. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right -of -Way over and across the property to enable Grantee to exercise its rights herounder, provided, that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of areas. 3. Obstructions; Lar-dscaping. Grantee may from tine to tlme remmm trees, bushes, or other obstructions within the Right -of -Way and may level and grade the Right -of -Way to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in paragraph i hereof, provided, that following any such work. Grantee shall, to the extent reasonably pradkablo, restore the Right -of -Way to the o0ndltion it was immediately prior to such work. Following the Installation of Graunee's underground faciKties, Grantor my undertake any ordinary Improvements to the landscaping of the Right -of -Way, provided that no trees or other plants shall be pLw*d thereon. whih would be unreasonably expensive or impractkal for Grantee to rarnove and restore. 4. Grantor's Use of Right-of•Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right -of -Way for any purpose not Inconsistent with the rights heroin granted, provided: that Grantor shadl not constrict or maintain any building or other structure on the Right -of -Way, which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted; that no digging, tunneling or other form of construction activity shall be dor" on the Property, which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the Right -f -Way, or endanger the lateral support to said laciiities; and that no blasting shall be done within 15 feat of the Right -011 -Way. S. fndamnity. By accoOng and recording this easement. Grant" agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any and aj claims for Injuries and/or damages aWferod by any person, which may be caused by the Grantee's exerdse of the rights herein granted; provided that Gnuttea shay net be responsible to Granter for any injuries andlbr damages b any person caused by acts or ornissions of Grsnkw. 6. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shalt continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right -of - Way for a period of five (5) summmive years, In which went this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Grantor, provided that no abandonment shall be doomed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to Uitlally install its facilities on the Right -of -Way within any period of time from the date horoof. 7. Succsaaors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the Darned shall inure to the benefit of and tw binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 788,37 1-79 9303451-X01 rJA0001 235.73 -�ii�.i4rYU•r i;r%i:•"�}...ft,'4* L%A T DATED thle 14 day d_ �E�T i �. 19�� GRANTOR RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATIES, a Wsahiroon General Psrtnerahip C � $Y .._ By rn CT? STATE OF WASHINGTON } } SS COUNTY OF KING } On this day Of 13� bofors m Nc4 =Pn an for State o!Washlrogton, duly cornmiasb d and sworn. personal appenrod , -C.+ tome known to be the general partner d a Washington Goneral mhlp , who executed the wom and for ' inatrumern, vW ackrawiadged the said Indra nt to be floe and voluntary act and deed as for the uses and purposes dwain mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year In this certificate above written. ,.tti�i::urrry U NOiAHY U1 .fy At1" "sA ,,(Po Notary Public in and br the ,,,two of Washington Residing ato,�snt.p� - - My appointment expires I D I rZ Q J 4 _e_. 9303451-X01 K3/AC001 235-73 RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES HXHIDIT A That portion of Block 12, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1, as recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington, together with portions of vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South and the vacated alley between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the Citv of Renton and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of said Northeast quarter; thence South 01°04108" West, along the East line of said Southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence North 89°44'22" West, a distance of 18.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 69044'02" West, a distance of 111.05 feet to a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 245 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 48001102", an arc distance of 205.32 feet; thence North 41043100" West, a distance of 201.41 feet to a r tangent curve to the right having a radius of 245 feet; thence northerly along said curve through a central angle of (7—) 41°11118", an arc distance of 176.12 feet; Cr') thence North 01035'52" West, a distance of 13.79 feet to a point on the South line of land descx:ibed in lease to Standard Oil Company of California dated January 21, 1964; thence North 89028113" East, along said South line, a distance of 10.09 feet to the Southeast corner of said land; thence North 00031147" West, along the East line of said land, a distance of 211.12 feet to the southerly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 1-L) being 100 feet in width as presently established; thence northeasterly along said South margin, North 77028126" East, a distance of 203.55 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 3,869.71 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 11014108", an arc distance of 758.84 feet to a point on the West line of land described in Exhibit A of Quit Claim need under King County Recording No. 8208270355; thence leaving said South margin of Grady Way, South 01004108" West, along said West line, a distance of 840.76 feet to the North margin of Renton Village Place, as conveyed to the City of Renton under King County Recording No. 5475310; thence North 89044102" West, a distance of 3,72.42 feet along the North margin of said Renton Village Place to the East margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence South 01°04'08" West, along said East margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the Southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence North 89°44102' West, a distance of 48.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 02/16/88 SHORT FORM OR MEMORANDUM OF LEASE (#-1652j) (RENTCN VILLAGE) THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE made the .%i �day 0*-21:�e---ol 1988, is a short form or memorandum of a certain lease dated as of the date hereof by and between REWON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES, a Village Washington partners;zip (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord"), of County, Washington, which the one part; and GENERAL CINEMA CoRp. OF W,SHINGTON, a corporatigo, on the Plan marked "Exhibit .A" hereto X .� organized under the laws of the State of Washington (hereinaf T =- E rn .: referred to as "Tenant"), of the other part. C-) P. -- :r-r W I T N E S S E T H In consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Tenant to Landlord, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and other good and valuable consideration as more fully described and set forth in said lease, Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord, upon and subject to the terms and provisions of this lease, certain real property together with a theatre building to be ccnstructed by Tenant and having a ground floor area of approximately 37,383 square feet with approximately 2,260 seats on one floor, located in the Renton Village Shopping Center, Renton, King County, Washington, which is shown on the Plan marked "Exhibit .A" hereto annexed and made a part hereof, together with all rights and benefits appurtenant to the property of which the demised premises are a part. Said theatre building and real property (hereinafter referred to as the "demised premises") are shown on Exhibit A as an area designated "General Cinema". The premises hereby demised constitute a part of said Renton Village Shopping Center which is more particularly bounded and described in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto. Said lease contains ''`� provisions and rights appurtenant to said .� TJ m MCI premises some of which are as follows: ,eco kri r- -n -n u ra fiLtU �101 MUM at u1 /] F=► NAµEL ^"C'l7L��?'G �- •. c %? 'CC [. d!'�i tZC�YI L so CITY� /' Co �T3 . U L @ V r ARTICLEI II. Term of Lease Section 1. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Demised Premises unto Tenant Demised Premises; and the term hereof shall end on the last day of the 240th calendar month (exclusive of such partial month, if any) after such ccxmmencement. In the event that Tenant opens for business with a special preview on an invitation basis, the term hereof shall commence on the next following day. In order to avoid any controversy as to the date of the canmencement of the term hereof, the parties hereto agree, upon demand of the other, to execute a written declaration in recordable form expressing the commencement and termination dates of the term hereof when the commencement date has been determined. Section 4. Tenant shall have the right to extend the term of this lease for four (4) terms of five (5) years each by giving notice to Landlord of the exercise of each such option not later than one (1) year before the immediately preceding term. ARTI CLE V Common Areas Section 1. Landlord covenants and agrees to construct ane maintain parking areas, approaches, exits, entrances and roadways for the Shopping Center as well as sidewalks and approaches adjoining the Theatre Building on the Shopping Center. (a) No buildings or structures shall be constructed in the Shopping Center except those shown on Exhibit A, and except for such buildings or structures all portions of the Shopping Center will be used only for parking areas, roadways, malls, planters, walks, exits and entrances. for an initial term of two hundred forty (240) calendar months (plus the partial month, if any) immediately following the commencement of CO the term hereof. LO `0 CD Section 2. The term hereof shall commence on the earlier to occur of (a) the expiration of sixty (60) days from the day on which co 00 Tenant is required to complete construction in accordance with CO Article IV; or (b) the opening by Tenant of its business in the Demised Premises; and the term hereof shall end on the last day of the 240th calendar month (exclusive of such partial month, if any) after such ccxmmencement. In the event that Tenant opens for business with a special preview on an invitation basis, the term hereof shall commence on the next following day. In order to avoid any controversy as to the date of the canmencement of the term hereof, the parties hereto agree, upon demand of the other, to execute a written declaration in recordable form expressing the commencement and termination dates of the term hereof when the commencement date has been determined. Section 4. Tenant shall have the right to extend the term of this lease for four (4) terms of five (5) years each by giving notice to Landlord of the exercise of each such option not later than one (1) year before the immediately preceding term. ARTI CLE V Common Areas Section 1. Landlord covenants and agrees to construct ane maintain parking areas, approaches, exits, entrances and roadways for the Shopping Center as well as sidewalks and approaches adjoining the Theatre Building on the Shopping Center. (a) No buildings or structures shall be constructed in the Shopping Center except those shown on Exhibit A, and except for such buildings or structures all portions of the Shopping Center will be used only for parking areas, roadways, malls, planters, walks, exits and entrances. (b) No buildings, structures, signs, landscaping or elevated parking areas shall be constructed or maintained in the Shopping Center which will ir, any way obstruct the view of the theatre building or Tenant's signs from the highway. (c) All sidewalks, stairs, stairwells, parking facilities, internal roadways and exits and entrances which serve the CO L} Shopping Center shall berovided with lighting p g g by Landlord O -- and with respect to parking facilities Landlord shall do CO Q necessary striping, restri ing, policing, snow removal and CO 00 shall, maintain the same in good repair and in safe, sound and clean condition. (d) No charge shall be made for parking of cars anywhere in the Shopping Center. (e) The parking areas in the Shopping Center designated on Exhibit A as Late Lighting Area shall be kept fully lighted by Landlord from dusk until a reasonable interval after the end of the last evening performance in Tenant's theatre and during such time Landlord shall keep the remaining parking areas in the Shopping Center lighted to the extent necessary to enable theatre patrons to return safely to their parked motor vehicle•. (f) The ratio of the aggregate parking space area to the aggregate building floor space area in the Shopping Center (excluding therefrom mall areas, storage rooms and storage basements) shall be not less than five (5) car spaces sufficient to accomodate a motor vehicle of present American standard size for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of building floor space. (g) All parking facilities, curb cuts, entrances and exits on the Shopping Center, shall 'be completed and ready for use prior to the time when the theatre on the Shopping Center is ready to open for business. The common areas of the Shopping Center shall include the curbcuts and the exits: and entrances shown on Exhibit A. The internal roadways of the Shopping Center shall be substantially as shown on Exhibit A. 3 (h) As part of Landlord's initial construction work, Landlord shall provide landscaping in accordance with the approved plans satisfactory to Tenant in the area at the front of the Demised Premises and Tenant shall maintain the same. ARTICLE XVII. Tenant's Signs 00 Section 1. Landlord hereby consents that Tenant shall have the LO Oright to maintain the following signs: CO (a) Illuminated signs on the exterior walls of the Demised O 0D aPremises and on the theatre canopy or marquee as shown on Exhibits C-1 and C-2; (b) Signs on the interior or exterior of any windows of the Demised Premises; (c) Easel or placard signs at the lobby entrance or on sidewalks immediately in front of the Demised Premises provided the same do not unreasonably interfere with pedestrian traffic; (d) Illuminated double-faced roadside sign(s) and attraction board(s) shown as part of a combination sign as on Exhibit C-3 of this lease and located as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. Section 3. There shall be appurtenant to the Demised Premises easements for the purpose of enabling Tenant to have access to said roadside sign(s), to maintain and service the same and to ensure the continued availability of power. If Tenant shall be deprived of any such sign as the result of a public taking, Landlord shall make available a site (and power thereto) for a substitute sign in the Shopping Center strategically located so as to be visible to automobile traffic on highways adjoining the Shopping Center or at entrances to the Shopping Center and similar easements with respect to the new site shall be created in favor of the Shopping Center. The provisions of Section 2 hereof shall apply to any such substitute sign. 4 ARTICLE }{VIII. Miscellaneous Provisions Section 2. Tenant's Exclusive Use. Landlord covenants and agrees that during the term of this lease, and any extension thereof: 5 ,f_ (a) Landlord will not rent, use or permit to be used any other space in the Shopping Center, or on any other land 00 LD adjoining any part of the Shopping Center which is owned or O controlled by Landlord, for use as a theatre, for the costaging of shows for profit, or for the showing of motion CO 00 pictures in any form, provided that the foregoing shall not prevent Landlord from permitting style shows, private or public meetings or exhibits in other buildings so long as feature length motion pictures are not shown as a part of such shows, meetings, or exhibits. (b)* Landlord will not sell or permit to be sold alcoholic beverages, or candy, popcorn or other refreshments generally sold by t-�eatres in or from any premises within 75 feet of any wall of the theatre building on the Shopping Center or in or from any part of the parking areas or other common areas of the Shopping Center; (c) No sales of merchandise of any kind and no carnivals or shopping center promotions shall be permittee in the Late Lighting Area as shown on Exhibit A. 5 ,f_ IN WITNESS WjEREOF, the said Landlord and the said Tenant have duly executed this lease to take effect as a sealed instrument. This instrument may be executed in any number of counterpart copies, each of which counterpart copies shall be deemed an original for all Lnpurposes .D _O 00 O 3-2 co As to Landlord AsTenant REWON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES By: General Partn r, hereu u1y authorized GENERAL CINEMA CCRP. OF MSHINGTON Paul R. Del Rossi President STATE OF } COUNTY OF } On this �4. day of�- r..6 , 1989 before me personally appeared k a dener 1 partner of RENI'ON VILLAGE AS.9OCIA'CF`S, and he acknowledged said i><i ument to be his free act and deed. My commission expires: Notary Public COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS} COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX } On this J�� day of 1 r, , 1489, before me personally appeared Paul R. Del Rossi, who being t� me duly sworn, did say that he is President of GENERAL CINEMA CORP. OF WASHINGTON, that he knows the seal of said corporation and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Hoard of Directors, and he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. My commission expires: Notary Public KAREN M. KAZANIIAN NOTARY PUBLIC COMMDNwEAETm OF IWASSACHUSFITS My COMMISSION EXPIRE.' NOVEMBER 19 1991. 4 Order No. 52949 A . L . T . A COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Page 2 The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the county of King, state of Washington, and described as follows: That portion of Blocks 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, C.D. Hillmans Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH vacated 94th Avenue South, vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South, vacated 9th Place South, vacated 10th Avenue South and the vacated alleys between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South and also between 9th Place South and 10th Avenue South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton and that portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence south 01004108" west along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89044'02" west, a distance of 18.28 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 61042'59" west, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence south 00002'16" east, a distance of 248.95 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly, northwesterly and northerly along said margin the following courses: north 89049'09" west, a distance of 44.74 feet; thence south 83023'09" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89054'45" west, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of north 17005'13" east; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 32°52'06", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence north 40002'41" west, a distance of 150.00 Feed:; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a central angle of 39058'00", an arc distance of 201.45 feet; thence north 80000'41" west, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 109.2 feet through a central angle of 81034'00", an arc. distance of 155.46 feet; (legal description, continued) Order No. 52949 A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Page 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued: thence north 88026'31" west, a distance of 6.00 feet; 00 thence north 01033'19" east, a distance of 313.96 feet; thence north 41034'50" east, a distance of 90.78 feet to the 0 southerly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 1-L,), being 100 feet in width as presently established; thence leaving Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. No. 2-M to Jct. PSH Q No. 2inRenton and along the south margin of said Grady Way North 0 77028'26"east, a distance of 912.78 feet; co thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 3,869.71 feet through a central angle of 11°14'08", an rrc distance of 758.84 feet to a point on the west line of land described in Exhibit "A" of Quit Claim Deed under King County Recording Number 8206270355; thence leaving said south margin of said Grady Way South 01°04'08" west along said west line, a distance of 840.76 feet to the north marcrin of said Renton Village Place as conveyed to the City of Renton under King County Recording Number 5475310; thence north 89044'02" west, a distance of 372.42 feet along the north margin of said Renton Village Place to the east margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence south 01°04'08° west along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence north 89°44'02" west, a distance of 48.28 feet to the true point of beginning. END OF SCHEDULE A CT? X, C1 0 C"? CD Q: U R"tr.t A --.i i t115 VAI 05/17/90 11 Jim AMENDED SHORT FORM X44 MEMORANDUt OF LEASE v (#-0248u) (RESTON VILLAGE) THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE made the �u`day of 1990, is a r short form or memorandum of a certain lease dated as of the date hereof by and between RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES, a Washington partnership ("RVA"), RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES II, a Washington general partnership (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord"), of the one part; and GENERAL CINEMA CORP. OF WASHINGTON, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant"), of the other part. W I T N E S S E T H: In consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Tenant to Landlord, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and ether good and valuable consideration as more fully described and set forth in said lease, Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from ~ , Landlord, upon and subject to the terms and provisions of this lease, certain a.. real property together with a theatre building having a ground floor area of approximately 37,383 square feet with approximately 2,260 seats on one floor, located in the Renton Village Shopping Center, Renton, King County, III ---, 1 Washington, together with all rights appurtenant to such property, including 014) but not limited to all rights arising pursuant to the Reciprocal Parking Agreement recorded August 21, 1987 under King County Recording No. 8708210528, and the Declaration and Assignment of Parking Easements dated May 17, 1990, and recorded May 17, 1990, under King County Recording No. 9005171096. The Theatre and its footprint ("Demised Premises") are located on that parcel of real property legally described on Exhibit A-2 ("Theatre Parcel"). The Theatre Parcel is located in the Renton Village Shopping Center, Renton, King County, Washington, ("Shopping Center") which is legally described on Exhibit A--1 attached and made a part hereof and identified by King County Washington tax parcel numbers 334040-1625-32 (Lot 8) and 192305-9043-07 (Lot C). The Shopping Center legally described on Exhibit A -I is shown an the plan, attached as Ei}iand made a part hereof, as all of 91!06/03 REED F RECFEE LASH—ZL i #0369 1B 12. 00 2. 00 *Pf:*14. 00 1 C+7 the land end buildings and improvements thereon, except for the parcels of and containing the office buildings shorn as One Renton Place, Two Renton Place, Three Renton Place, the Chevron service station and the Sheraton Inn. Said lease contains provisions and rights appurtenant to said premises some of which are as follovss ARTICLE II. Term of Lease Section 1. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Demised Premises unto Tenant for an initial term of two hundred forty (240) calendar months (plus the partial month, if any) immediately following the commencement of the term hereof. Section 2. Tha term hereof commenced on November 9, 1989; and the term hereof shall end on November 30, 2009. Section 4. Tenant shall have the right to extend the term of this lease for four (4) terms of five (5) years each by giving notice to Landlord of the exorcise of each such option not later than one (1) year before the immediately preceding term. 0 ARTICLE V 0 Common Areas d Section 1. Landlord covenants and agrees to construct and maintain parking areas, approaches, exits, entrances and roadways for the Shopping Center as well as sidewalks and approaches adjoining the Theatre Building on the Shopping Center. (a) No buildings or structures shall be constructed in the Shopping cs Center except those shown on Exhibit A, and except for such buildings .� i= or structures all portions of the Shopping Center will be used only i* for parking areas, roadways, malls, planters, walks, exits and entrances. GY (b) Ho buildings, structures, aigns, landscaping or elevated parking !: areas shall be constructed or maintained in the Shopping Center which will in any way obstruct the view of the r R .. theatre building or Tenant's signs from the highway. _' (c) All sidewalks, stairs, stairwells, parking facilities, internal roadways and exits and entrances which servo the Shopping Center shall be provided with lighting by Landlord and with respect to n 1 - 2 - n 1 L 1 { parking facilities Landlord shall do necessary striping, restriping, policing, snow removal and shall maintain the same in good repair and in safe, sound and clean condition. (d) No charge shall be made for parking of cars anywhere in the Shopping Center. (e) The parking areas in the Shopping Center designated on Exhibit A as Late Lighting Area shall be kept fully lighted by Landlord from dusk until a reasonable interval after the end of the last evening performance in Tenant's theatre and during such time Landlord shall f keep the remaining parking areas in the Shopping Center lighted to the extent necessary to enable theatre patrons to return safely to their parked motor vehicles. (f) The ratio of the aggregate parking space area to the aggregate building floor space area in the Shopping Center (excluding therefrom Internal roadways of the Shopping Center shall be substantially as shown on Exhibit A. y x (h) As part of Landlord's initial construction work, Landlord shall provide landscaping in accordance with the approved plans satisfactory ,; to Tenant in the area at the front of the Demised Premises and Tenant ;A shall maintain the same. ARTICLE XVII. Tenant's Signs i Section 1. Landlord hereby consents that Tenant shall have the right to maintain the following signs: (a) Illuminated signs on the exterior walls of the Demised Premises and on the theatre canopy or marquee as shown on Exhibits C-1 and C-2; - 3 - _4 MR — Q - 0 ( 11 11� mail areas, storage rooms and storage basements) shall be not less than five (5) car spaces sufficient to accomodate a motor vehicle of present American standard size for each one thousand (1,000) square C'7 feet of building floor space. 0 (g) All parking facilities, curb cuts, entrances and exits on the 0 Shopping Center, shall be completed and ready for use prior to the time when the theatre on the Shopping Center is ready to open for business. The common areas of the Shopping Center shall include the curbcuts and the exits and entrances shown on Exhibit A. The Internal roadways of the Shopping Center shall be substantially as shown on Exhibit A. y x (h) As part of Landlord's initial construction work, Landlord shall provide landscaping in accordance with the approved plans satisfactory ,; to Tenant in the area at the front of the Demised Premises and Tenant ;A shall maintain the same. ARTICLE XVII. Tenant's Signs i Section 1. Landlord hereby consents that Tenant shall have the right to maintain the following signs: (a) Illuminated signs on the exterior walls of the Demised Premises and on the theatre canopy or marquee as shown on Exhibits C-1 and C-2; - 3 - _4 MR — Q - 0 ( 11 11� ❑r (b) Signs on the interior or exterior of any windows of the Demised :k :f Premises; (e) Easel or placard signs at the lobby entrance or on sidewalks immediately in front of the Demised Premises provided the same do not unreasonably interfere with pedestrian traffic; (d) Illuminated double-faced roadside sign(s) and attraction board(s) shown as part of a comb :nation sign as on Exhibit C-3 of this lease , and located as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. Section 3. There shall be appurtenant to the Domised Premises easements for the purpose of enabling Tenant to have access to said roadside sign(s), to maintain and service the same and to ensure the continued availability of power. If Tenant shall be deprived of any such sign as the result of a public taking, Landlord shall make available a site (and power thereto) for a i substitute sign in the Shopping Center strategically located so as to be j visible to automobile traffic on highways adjoining the Shopping Center or at entrances to the Shopping Center and similar easements frith respect to the new 0 site shall be created in favor of the Shopping Center. The provisions of C� Section 2 hereof shall apply to any such substitute sign. ARTICLE XVIII. Miscellaneous Provisions Section 2. Tenant's Exclusive Use. Landlord covenants and agrees that during the term of this lease, and any extension thereoft (a) Landlord will not rent, use or permit to be used any other space in the Shopping Center, or on any otber land adjoining any part of the Shopping Center which is owned or controlled by Landlord, for use as a theatre, for the staging of shows for profit, or for the showing of motion pictures in any form, provided that the foregoing shall not prevent Landlord from permitting style shows, private or public meetings or exhibits in other buildings so long as feature length motion pictures are not shown as a part of such shown, meetings, or exhibits. (b) Landlord will not sell or permit to be sold alcoholic beverages, or G Ji candy, popcorn or other refreshments generally sold by theatres in or from any premises within 75 feet of any wall of the theatre building on the Shopping Center or in or from any part of the parking areas or 3 other common areas of the shopping Center; 4 - C (c) No aales of merchandise of any kind and no carnivals or shopping center promotions Shall be permitted in the Late Lighting Area as shown on Exhibit A. Landlord and RVA have agreed, Pursuant to the Agreement Regarding Management of Common Areas dated 1990, between Landlord and RVA. that RVA shall Perform all affirmative covenants and obligations, and shall be bound by all negative covenants, of Landlord pursuant to the Lease with respect to all Portions of the Shopping Center other than the Demised Premises. Tenant is a third -party beneficiary of the provisions of the Agreement Regarding Management Of Common Areas. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES II As to Landlord By: Michael an rfffy Managing eral Partner RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES As to RVA By: General Par a nerAhtP@b duly authorized GENERAL CINEMA CORP, OF WASHINGTON As to Tenant By Paul R. Del Rossi President ire r.= G. 5 - — A This Amended Short Form or Memorandum of Lease supersedes in its entirety the Short Form or Memorandum 1988, and filed of for Lease dated June 15, record on August 11, 1988, under King County Recording No. 8808110658. Q IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Landlord and the said Tenant have this Ieaae to take effect duly y executed 0 as a sealed instrument. This instrument executed in any number of counterpart copies, each of may be Shall be deemed which counterpart copies an original for all purposes. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES II As to Landlord By: Michael an rfffy Managing eral Partner RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES As to RVA By: General Par a nerAhtP@b duly authorized GENERAL CINEMA CORP, OF WASHINGTON As to Tenant By Paul R. Del Rossi President ire r.= G. 5 - — A J STaxE OF W _) COUNTY OF ) On thi da of ��, 1990, before �ilro ersonally appears I�a goner 1 partner of RENTON ,�G�*CYATES, and he acknowledged sai i strument to be his fres act andeed�..•••BjD�l,4;.. Notary Public r �. My commission expires: f� q 0. - STATE: -STATE OF IIVU/Gf I.V' ) •��4�SK �N�C��� ��, COUNTY OF On this a da of 1990, before me personally appears C _ , a general partner of RENTON VILlbge ;W&3G;ATES, II and he acknowledged said instrument to be his free act and,&ed!- N Notary Public : y„ pay m' r My commission expirest r�jQc� :� 14� :0' moi+ �•,t•f99�,. � �ti� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS)S Ny��,•`% COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ) On this 7_,1 day o 1990, before me personally appeared Paul 0 R. Del Rossi, who being b e duly sworn, did say that he is President of GENERAL CINEMA CORP. OF WASHINGTON, that he knows the seal of said corporation and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said !.•j corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said 0; corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of sai o ration No ary Publi ' My commission expirest ADAM L. LEVITY Nt)*ARY Pubic dh Cwr 9=w E#n Ort a 1 - 6 - M EXHIBIT "A rta.n tract of land situated m Ki nq County, blas hi naton \, F h is more fully des6ribed a$ follows: { ' 'rnat portion of Blocks 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, C.D. Hillmans Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1, according, to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, in 'piing County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH vacated 94th Avenue South, vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 0th Avenue South, vacated 9th Place South, vacated 10th Avenue.South and the vacated alleys between 9th Avenue South -and 9th .Place South -and also between 9th Place South and 10th Avenue South, ,all vacates. under Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton and that portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence south 01004'08" west along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89°44'02" west a distance of 18.26 feet to the true L point of -beginning; 'h 61°42'59" west, a distance of 258.92 feet; r;` thence sou... .. _ L thence south 00°02' 16" • east, - a distance tante of 248.94' `ee t to th6 7' northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. SS•r_ No. 2.-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly, northwesterly and northerly along said margin the following courses:. north 89°49'09" west, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence south 83023'09" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89054'45" west, a distance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of north 17°05'13" east; (X) thence northwesterly along•said"curve through a central angle of C1j 32°52'06", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; d thence north 40002'41" west, a distance of 150.00 feet; M thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet O through a central angle of 39158'00", an arc distance of 201.45 feet; thence north 80°00'41" west, a.distance of 100.00 feet; 0 thence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 109.2 feet through a central angle of 81034'00", an arc distance of 155.46 feet; thence north 88°26'31" west, a distance of 6.00 feet; thence north C1°33'19" east, a distance of 313.96 feet; thence north 41°34'50" east, a distance of 90.78 feet to the southerly.margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State Highway No ,1-L),••being 100 feet in width as presently established; thence leaving Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. No. 2 -iii to Jct. PS No:!Z-in Renton and along.the south margin of said Grady.W ay North 77°2026" east, a distance of 912.78 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 3,869.71 feet through_a'central angle of 11°14'08", an arc distance ofi758.84 feet -to a.noint..on.the west line of land described in Exhibit""A" of Quit Claim Deed under icing County Recording Number 8208270355; thence leaving said south margin of said Grady Way South 01004'08" west along said west line, a distance of 840.76 feet to the north margin of said Renton Village Place as conveyed to the City of Renton under King County Recording Number 5475310; thence north 89044'02" west, a distance of 372.42 feet along the north margin of said -Renton Village Place to the east.margin.of vacated said 96th Avenue South; _ thence south 01004'08" west along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence north 89044'02" west, a distance of 48.28 feet to the true point -of -beginning. 5MC FOR61 GS - 762t} REV. ISM2 PAGE 6 OF 6 n r_- "i 1 E EXHIBIT A That portion of Lot B. City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LLP -001-88, recorded under King County Recording Number 8911139006, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter, of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence south 01004108" west along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence north 89044102" west, a distance of 18.28 feet: thence south 61.047.159" west, a distance of 258.92 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence south 00002116" east, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway Number 1, Jct. SSM No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -the latest revision being November 7. 1986:- 986;thence thencewesterly along said margin the following courses: north 89049109" west. a distance of 44.72 feet: thence south 83023109" west, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence north 89054145" west, a distance of 231.16 feet: thence !eaving said northerly margin, north 00001157" west, a distance of 196.55 feet: thence north 500521051 east, a distance of 25.35 feet; to a on thence north 00007'54" west. a distance of 124.89 feet point a curve having a radius of 40 feet and having a radial bearing of south 46003112" west; thence easterly along said curve through a central angle of CO) 0 4600614611, an arc distance of 32.19 feet; feet to a M thence north 89056'26" east, a distance of 309.07 point O which lies north 00002116" west from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; CD thence south 0000211611 east, a distance of 67.61 feet to the TRUE © POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH the easement for ingress. egress and reciprocal parking as disclosed under King County Recording Number 8708210528; TOGETHER WITH a Declaration and Assignment of parking under King County Recording Number 9005171096. 7-=A C 4aoo L MLI