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LUA-08-140 1 of 2_Misc
~-------------~--~--- 'I" I -I I AUG.25.2005 2•34PM CORE DESIGN INC ~-~ CORE ~D!SIGN August 2S, 2005 Core Design, lnc. Project No. 04037 Tim CheallllQ Kiug County ln,pector King Counly D.D.E.S. 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 980SS·l219 N0.299 P.2 Co"' Oe,ign, In<, 1"711 N.E, 29rl, Pla<e Sui"' 1101 Bolle"W, 'M,.shi,,gton 98007 ,24.B/15.7877 P.. 425.Bll5,79d3 Subject: Plat of Nichols Place -Design Change !or Redesign of Control Strueture bUH on Pond Asbullt Volume King County Project Number: L03POOJ5 Deat Mr Cbea1un1: As you requc•tod, we have completed our survey ohho detention / water quality pocd a, proposed fbt the Nichols Place Project and approved by the County on June 3, 200S. The "asbuilt" pond was found not to provide the adequate storage needed with the "asbuilt'' orifice ,tnu:turc. · ' Another routing was completed using KCRTS and a different orifice structure coafiguntion along with a Jc.CRTS stage-storage relation,llip that closely mimics tbe "••built" pond. The result of the routing '1!qulres the redesign of the orifice stnu:ture, a rise in the berm elevation from EL. 4S2.00 to EL. 4S2.I I, and a rise in die emergency overflow elevation from EL. 45 I.SO 10 EL.451.61. The design water surface elevation wa, also adjusted from EL 451.00 to EL 451.33. TM resulting redesign will provide the required storages as required by King County as summalized below, The detailed calculations will be provided in the Final CotTected TIR. Niehol1 l'laee Pond Detention/ Water ""alltv Volume Rcauin:d Volumo /CF) Provided Volume /Cf) Liw Storaue S3.SOS S4 146 Dead StoraJre 12,866 IS.471 Attached on tho fallowing pages are the suppomns docume111s that will be included within the Final Corrected TIR. TM,e item! include: I.) Revised Sections 4B thmugh 4C which Include the ''asbuilt'' smge-storage relarionsliip for the constructed pond, KCRTS routing. and "asbuilt" pond exlnbit; and 2.) Orifice ,1n1cture exhibit showiog "asbuilt" information along with redesign information. If you have any · questions or need •dditional information, please do not hesitate lo call mo at (42S) 885-7877. Sinel!rely, CORE DESIGN, INC, DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: COMPLETE Date ENGINEERING, PLANNING , SURVEYING ., ! . AUG.25.2005 2:34PM CORE DESIGN INC • N0.299 P.3 • B. Detention Routing Clllculatio~ To satisfy Hearing Examiner's Conditions 7 .d. and 8., a wetpond will be ipstalled to mitigate for increased drairuige flows from the developed site utilizing Level 2 Flow Control. The wetpond will be designed according to the 1998 KCSWDM. Since an adjustment was required for discharge of tbe entire site to the east basin, an automatic 10% safety factor was added to the detention calculations. The flows entering the wetpond will be from the entire site (3.91 acres) with release restricted to those existing flows that are released from the existing east basin (2.76 acres). The wetpond (04037pnd.rdf) was s~ based on the 1998 KCSWDM and KCRTS Computer Software Reference Manlllll. See attached KCRTS printouts and attached pond volume calculation spreadsheet on the following pages. The stage-storage of the pond produced by KCRTS was utilized to calculate storage values at the elevations used to calculate the proposed wetpond that will actually be consuucted onsite. The KCRTS intetp0lated storage values are listed below. Elevation KCRTS Storage KCRTS Storage • IO% Safetv Factor 447.15 0 0 448 7,S07CF 8.258CF 450 29,805 CF 32,786CF 451.33 48,641 CF 53,505 CF Per the proposed Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet on the following pages, the storage values at esch delineated elevation is more than the required 10% safety factor storage values calculated above. The pond is therefore, adequately' sized to accommodate the required 10% safety factor, • 1 AUG.25.2005 2:34PM CORE DESIGN INC • • Retention/Detention Facility -~~"7 fW\O ,de:(_, 'l'ype of Facility, Side Slope, Pond Bottom ~ength, Pond Bottom Width, Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at l ft. li'B1 Bffecti~e Storage Depth: Stage o Blevation, Storaga·Volume: Riser Head, Riser Diameter, Wlllnber of orifices: Orifice# Height (ft) l 0. 00 2 3. 02 Detention l>ond 4,05 H1lV 90.50 ft 90.50 ft 8190. sq. ft 17545. aq. ft 0.403 4,18 447.15 48641. 1,117 4,.18 12.00 2 acres ft ft cu. ft aa-ft ft inches Dhmeter (in) l. 07 1.70 Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.064 0.085 Top Notch Weir: Length: Weir Height: 'Outflow Rating curve, Rectangular l.00 3.68 in ft None Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 N0.299 P.4 Stage Elev~tion Storage Dia charge Percolntion Surf Area (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (c:,fe) (efa) (sq. ft) 0,00 447.15' o. 0.000 0.000 o.oo 8190. 0.01 447.16 U, 0.002 0.003 o.oo 9205. 0, 02 447.17 164. 0.004 0,005 0,00 B220, 0. 03 447 ,18 246. 0.006 0.006 o.oo 8234. o. 04 447,19 329, o.ooa 0.007 o.oo 9249. 0,06 447 .21 494. 0. 011 · 0.007 0.00 8278. 0.07 447.2• 577, 0,013 0.008 0.00 8293. 0,09 447 .23 660. 0,015 0.0Q9 o.oo 8308. 0.09 447. 24 743. 0.017 0.009 0.00 8323. 0.19 447.34 1583. 0.036 0.014 0.00 8471. O .. 29 447,44 2437. 0.056 0.017 0.00 8621. 0,39 447.54 3307, 0,076 0.019 o.oo 8772. 0,49 447.64 4192, 0,096 0.022 o.oo 8924. 0.59 447.74 5092. 0,117 0.024 o.oo 9078. 0.69 447.B4 6008. 0.138 0,026 o.oo 9233, 0.79 447.94 6939. 0.159 0. 028 o.oo 9389. 0,119 448.0~ 7885, 0,181 0.029 o.oo 9547. 0.99 448.14 8848. 0.203 0, 031 o.oo 9706. l. 09 448,24 9827; 0.226 0.032 o.oc 9866. 1,19 448.34 10821, 0.248 0.034 0.00 10028. 1,29 448.H l1BJ2, 0,272 C.035 o.oo 10191. l.39 448.54 12860. 0.295 0,037 o.oo 10355. 1.49 448.64 13903. 0.319 0.038 o.oo 10520, 1.59 44B,74 14964. 0.344 0.039 0.00 10687. l.69 448,84 160"1. 0.368 0,040 o.oo 10955, 1.79 448, 94 17135. 0.393 0.042 o.oo 11025. AUG.25.2005 2:35PM CORE DESIGN INC N0.299 P.5 • • 1,89 <1149.04 18246, 0.419 0.0'3 0,00 11196. 1.99 449.1' 19374. 0,44S 0.044 0.00 11368. 2.09 449. 24 20519, 0.471 0, 045 o.oo 11541. 2,U 449,34 21682. 0,498 0.046 0,00 11716. 2.29 449.H 22862. 0.525 0.047 o.oo 11992. 2.39 '4,9.54 24061, 0.552 0,048 o.oo 12069, 2,0 '49 ,44 25276. 0.580 0;049 0,00 12248, 2.59 449,74 26510, 0,609 0.050 0,00 12428. 2.69 449.84 27762. 0,07 0.051 o.oo 12609. 2,79 u9.94 29032, 0.666 0,052 0.00 12791. 2,89 450.04 30320, 0.696 0,053 0,00 12975. 2,99 460.14 31627, 0.726 0,054 o.oo 13160. 3.02 450.17 32023. 0,735 0.064 0,00 13216, 3. 04 00.19 32287. 0.741 0.055 0.00 13254. 3.06 450,21 32553, 0,747 0,057 0,00 13291, ·3.0? 450.22 32686. 0.750 0.060 0.00 13310. 3.09 450.24 32952, 0.756 0,064 o.oo 13347. 3.11 450,26 33220. 0. 763 0.070 0,00 13384, 3.13 4S0.28 33488. 0.769 0.076 o.oo 13422. 3.14 450.29 33622. 0.772 0,083 o.oo 13441. 3.16 450,31 33891, 0.778 0,085 o.oo 13478. l.18 450,33 3410, 0.784 0,087 o.oo 13516. 3.28 450,U 35522. 0.815 0,096 o.oo 13705. 3.38 450.53 36902. 0,847 0,104 o.oo 13895, 3,48 450.63 38301. 0.879 0.111 0.00 14087. 3,58 450. 73 39720, 0.912 0,117 o.oo 14280. 3.68 450.83 41157. 0.945 0,123 o.oo 1'474. 3,74 450.89 42029, 0.965 0.130 o.oo 14591. 3.Bl 450.96 43055, 0.988 0 .138 0.00 14728. 3.87 451. 02 4394J. 1,009 0.147 o.oo 14847, 3.93 451.08 44837, 1.029 0.157 0.00 14965. 3.99 451, 14 45739, 1.050 0,168 o.oo 15085. 4.05 451. 20 46647. 1.071 0.180 o.oo 15204. 4,12 451.27 47716·. 1.095 0.193 o.oo 15344. 4,18 451.33 4860. 1.117 0.207 0,00 16465, 4,28 451.43 50197. 1,152 0.5l.9 o.oo 15667. 4.38 451,53 51774. 1,189 l. 090 o.oo 15870, 4.48 Ul,63 53371, 1.225 l,820 o.oo 16075. 4.58 451. 73 54989. l. ,262' 2. 620 o.oo 16291. 4.68 451,83 56628. 1.300 2.900 0.00 16489. 4.78 451.93 58287. 1.338 3,160 o.oo 16697. 4.88 452. 03 59967; 1.377 3.400 o.oo 16907. 4.98 452,13 61668, 1.416 J.620 o.oo 17119. s.08 452.23 63391. 1.455 3.830 o.oo 17331. 5,18 452.33 65U5. 1.05 4.030 o.oo 17545. 5,28 452.43 66900: 1.536 4.210 o.oo 17760. 5. 38 452.53 68687. 1.577 4.390 o.oo 17977. S.48 452,63 70495, 1.618 4.570 o.oo 18195, s.s8 45:l,73 72326, :j..660 4,730 o.oo l.8414, S.68 452 .83 74178. l.'703 4.890 o.oo 18634. 5,78 452.93 76053. l,H6 5.050 o.oo 18856. s.88 453.03 77950. 1,789 5.200 o.oo 19079. 5.98 453, ll 79869. 1.83 .. 5.340 0,00 19304. 6,08 453 .23 . 81810. 1.878 5,490 o.oo 19530, 6,18 453.33 83?75. 1,923 5.620 o.oo 19757. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Sto,;age N0.299 AUG.25.2005 2:35PM CORE DESIGN INC • • Target Cale ,Stage Elev (CU•Ft) (Aa-Ft) l l.4S ••••••• 0.S2 4.28 4U.43 2 0.71 D .20 0.21 4.18 451,33 3 0,86 ....... ,.. 0,15 3,89 451,04 4 0.90 ••••••• 0.12 3.69 450,84 5 0,76 ......... 0.08 3.15 450,30 6 0.75 ••••••• 0,05 2,85 450.00 7 0.58 ••••••• 0.05 2.62 449. 77 8 .o. 62 ~-••*•• o. 04 l.83 448.98 ~------------·-----------~--~--~-~ Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Serie8 File:04037de.tsf OUtflow Time Series File:04037out 50186. 48679. 44194. U2JJ. 33712 .. 29813. 26829, 17574. Inflow/outflow Analyois Pe4k Inflow Discharge,· Peak OUt!low Discharge: Peak Reservoir Stage, Peak Reservoir Elev, Peak Reservoir.Storage: 1,45 0.517 4,28 451.43 50186. 1.152 CFS at 6:00 on Jan CFS at 10:00 on Jan Pt Ft Cu-Pt Ac•Pt Flow Duration from Time ,Series File:04037out.tsf l,lS2 1.118 l.015 0.9'7 0.?74 0,684 0,616 0.403 9 in Year 8 9 in Year 8 Cutoff Count Frequency CD!' Exoeedenoe_Prol:,ability CFS t t t 0.003 30990 50.538 50.538 0,462 0.495B+OO 0,009 5859 9.555 60,093 39.907 0. 399E+OO 0.015 4912 8.010 68.103 31,897 0,3l9B+00 0.021 5228 ·e ,526 ?6.629 23 .371 0.234E+OO 0,027 42'3 6.919 83,549 16.451 0.165S+OO 0.033 4193 6.838 90.386 9.614 0.9GlE-Ol 0,039 2071 3.377 93. 764 6,236 0.624l!•Ol 0.045 1645 2.683 96.'47 3.553 0,355E-Ol 0.051 1337 2,180, 98.627 J..373 0,l37E·Ol 0.057 462 0.753 99.380 0.620 0,620E-02 0.063 32 0.052 99,432 0,568 0.568E-02 0.069 26 0.042 99.4?5 0.525 0.525B-C2 0.075 26 0.042 gg,517 0.483 0.4BJE•02 0.081 13 0.021 99.538 0.462 0,462E·02 0.087 47 0 .077 99.615 0,38! 0.3851i:-02 0.094 "' 0.077 99.692 0.308 0.308B-02 0 .100 40 0.065 99.?57 0.243 0.2431!•02 0,106 ·17 0.028 99,785 0,215 0.21511-02 0.112 16 0.026 99,811 0.189 0.18911•02 0.118 26 0.042 99.853 0.147 0.147E•02 0.124 25 0.041 99.894 0.106 O.lOGE-02 0.130 9 0. 015 99,909 0.091 0.913E•03 0.136 8 0.013 99.922 0.078 0.783B-03 0.142 6 0.010 99,932 0.068 0.685E•03 0.148 7 o.ou 99.943 0.057 O.S71E•Ol 0.154 9 0.015 99,958 0.042 0.424E·Ol 0.160 3 o.oos 99.962 0.038 0.J?SE-03 0,166 6 0,010 99.972 0.028 D.277B•03 0.172 3 o.oos 99. 977 0.023 0,2282-03 0.179 3 0.005 99,982 0.018 O.l79E-03 P.6 2:35PM CORE DESIGN INC N0.299 AUG.25.2005 • • 0.184 l 0.002 99.984 0.016 0.163E-03 0.190 3 0,005 P9. 989 0.011 0,114E-03 0,196 1 0.002 99.990 0,010 0.9783•04 0,202 3 0.005 99.995 O,OOS 0.4891!-04 0.208 l 0.002 99.997 O.OOl 0.326E•04 0.214 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.1631il-04 ouratipn comparison Anaylais ease File: o,o37exe.tef New 1"ile, 04037out.taf cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of ~ime····· ------··-Check pf Tolerance------- cutoff Base New IChange Probability 0.057 O.?GE-02 0.62E-02 ·18.l I 0,76£·02 0.068 0.55E-02 0.53E•02 -4.4 o.sn-02 0.080 0.43£-02 0,46E·02 7.2 0.431!•02 0.091 0,31E•02 0.34E·02 7.3 0.318-02 0.102 0.24E·02 0.231!·02 -4. 7 0.248-02 0,114 O,l?ll:-02 0, l?Jii-02. -0,9 0,l7ll:-02 0.125 0.121il-02 0.1011-02 -14.7 0.121!!•02 0.136 o.ns-o3 0.78B-03 -15.8 0. 938-03 0.148 0.6511:·03 0.57Jii•03 -12.s 0,65B•03 0,159 0.49E-03 0,38lil-03 ·-23.3 O,Ulil-03 0.171 0.2411:-03 0.232·03 -6.7 0.24E-03 0.1B2 0.158•03 0,16E·03 11.1 0,15B·03 0.193 0.82E-04 0.9811•04 20.0 0.9211•04 Maximum positive excursion g o.006 cfs ( 7,5t) occu:,;ring at 0.077 cfs on the Baas Data,04037exe.tsf and at 0.083 cfs on the Mew Data:04037out.tsf Maximum negatiV<I excllX'eion = 0.007 cfe (·10.41) occurring at 0.063 cfe on the Baae Data:04037e:,ce.tsf and at 0.057 cfs on the New Data:04037out,tsf Base New tChange 0.057 0,054 -s.2 0.0GB 0.065 -5.5 0.080 0. 084 5.3 0.091 0.093 2.2 0.102 0.100 ·2,4 0,114 0,113 -0.3 0.125 0.121 •2.9 0.136 0.129 -5.5 0,148 0,145 -1.7 0.159 0.150 -5.9 0.1?1 0.168 -1.7 0.182 0.187 2.5 O.l.93 0.200 3.5 P.7 . ' 2:35PM CO!>E DESIGN INC /__._ _____ _ I I I ~ I ~ I P.8 AUG.25:2005 2:35PM CORE DESIGN INC • • i',0.299 P.9 . . ASBUILT POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS CORE PROJECT NO. 04037 PROJECl' NAME: NICHOLS PLACE SURFACE INCREMENT POND UVE CB LIVE TOTAL AREA VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME UVE VOL. CF CF CF t i ... 2 e .. :i 11. I!! -,;; I ! g i;; I I ~ CRATE (LID) EL= 45.150 -~ ;i.!i I I 54• {/l(fT 'R' ---1!.. ~SI.AB TOP OF wms~ -~ RISER EL -fif5s!i>il,4,.~~ ------T" 8' S1f£AR GA lE ffflH CON'IROL ROO FOR CLEANOUTfi)RAIN (ROD BENT AS R£0l/1RE1J FOR VERTICAL ALJGMfENT fff"fH COVER} SEE KCRS OHG 2-026 . ' .:. rl • ... _. -·-- cw RISER BRfCK OR AO.l/Sll,1£Nl RINGS AS HEOIJIR£lJ. (T'tP.} JAIU(0llS£ WElll {J/4' -SJfOOTH BARS AT 4• O.C.) H£/CHT= 6' LENGTH = 3JJJ' (AIIN.} (CROUT MWNO FHA!,/£. lfU AS N£EDEI)j I/Al 46(),82,~U.T OHi! EL 451.eB {8E96ll Jff.5: B.EJ!) '~[E:€~~ - ORIRCE OJA. s:Y. £LEV. ~.9-38·~~11'~ .. ~ STANOARIJ GA • ~n ~~~ LNJOER STEPS. {T'tP.) . ~ P6601qr\ 12' FHOJI POND 54• (LIJ.) . I ./, rr Ut ...... \1 • · •· r~< ,I-"~ 5.,.ft ... 1.1/N. TYPE O C.B. • .__~.....i----------1 ... ·: .. \!_· ~--.:-~- SECTION NOTE: All METAL PANTS ANO SlJHFACES I/UST BE IIAOE OF CORROSION RESISTANT NAllR/Al OR COI.IP/flE CORROSION PROTEC1JOH 1,11/ST BE ASSURED. .. 12· TO PROPOSED CB {CB 18 £J£NOEll} 12"x 12"x 12"x 8" CMP CROSS SEC/JR£ OVEfiFLOIY Pf PE ro C.B. lfflH STAINLESS Slm OR ALUl,f/N/N UETAL Sll?AP (TYP.) 0Rll1 ~4:'iij-~ CIJT "JiiHaE. W RES"TRJCTOR ENO PLATE 1' SECTION OF PIP£ ATTACHEO BY CASKETED BAND TO AlLOW REMOVAL CB 3 (CONTROL STRUCTURE) .. ,.. SCALE: , =/. D C G) Dl N ca "" U1 N w U1 -a :a: -~ "' r, (/1 -G) z -z n • e ~ -a -ca AUG.25.2005 2=35PM CORE DESIGN INC • • N0.299 P.11 Wetpond Overflow Elevations The primary overflow for the pond is the riser pipe within the control structure. The water surface elevation above the riser for the 100 year developed flow is calculated assuming all orifices are plugged. To pass the 100-year return period stonn, 1.45 cfs, through a 12" overflow riser will re~uire 0.28 feet of head (From Figure 5.3.4.H in the 1998 KCSWDM: Qweir = 9.739DH 12 ~ 1.45 = 9.739(12/12)H312 => H == 0.28 feet). The primary overflow elevation would therefore, be equal to the elevation of the top of the riser plus the amount of head required to pass the 100-year return period storm, Elev. 451.33 + 0.28 feet= Elev. 451.61. The secondary overflow for the pond is the jailhouse weir located on the control structure catch bas.in. To pass the 100-yi,ar return period storm at 1111 elevation of 451.61, water surface of overflow for primary overflow, a minimum 0.85-foot wide jailhouse weir will be reqllited. The jailhouse weir is analyzed as a note~ weir using the following equation: Q :a C (L-0.2H)H312 where Q = flow (1.45.cfs) C "'3.27 + 0.40 HIP H = head above weir (0.73':::: 451.61-450.88 = Asbuilt Elev. Of Jailbouse Weir) P"' depth of storage at weir (Elev. 450.88 -Blev. 443.S = 7.38 feel) L = length of the riser (ft) An emergency overflow spillway will be installed and constructed also as a 15-foot wide access road to the control structure. The emergency overflow/access road will be surfaced with asphalt The emergency overflow spillway will be located at elevation 451.61 with a berm located6" above the spillway at elevlltion 452.11. The 15' wide spillway can accommodate the I 00-year return period flow of 1.45 cfs at a minimum head of0.2', Q100 = C (2g)112 [(2/3)Ui12 + (8/15)(Tan 8)Hs12] where Q 100 = peak flow (1.45 cfs) C=0.6 G = 32,2 ft/sec 2 H = head above weir L = length of weir (15 ft) 8 = angle of side slopes (Tan 8 = 10) Q = 0.6 (2"'32.2)112 [(2/3)(15)(0.2)312 + (8/15)(10)(0.2)512]: 4.77 cfs > Q100 (l.45 cfs) -, . ' AUG.25.2005 2:36PM CORE DESIGN INC l'«),299 • • C. Water QliaJity Volume Calc1da1lons To satisfy Rearing Examiner's Condition 8., Basic Water Quality Treatment shall be utilized to mitigate for the developed stonn <lfainage flows. Toe wet ponion of the wetpond will satisfy this requirement. The required volwne will be designed per KCSWDM Section Tbe following variables were used in the calculation: Volume Factor (f) = 3 Rainfall = 0.039 feet or 0.47 inches Area = developed basin Where Ai = area of impervious surface (sf) Aqi = area of till soil covered with grass {sf) A11 = area of till soil covered with forest (sf) Ao = · area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest ( sf) V, = [0.9Ai + 0.25Ai 1 + 0.lA,, + O.OIA 0 ] "'(R/12) vb= f'l'Vr vb= 3•[(0.9)(2.38) + {0.2S)(l.53)J0.039 • (43560sf/ac) = 12,866 CF The dead storage ponion of the wetpond has a vOlllIIIC of 15,471 CF at elevation 447.0 which exceeds the required 12,866 CF. See Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet in Section 4B of this report. P.12 • • King Co111Jty Department of Development Environmental Services Detailed Time Report L05PCJ30 Date CHANGE Employee type ft• 10/07/2005 Pray, Jeffrey RH SI 10/07/2005 Cheatum, Timot RH SI 10/26/2005 Cheatum, Timot RH ER 10/26/2005 Pray, Jeffrey RH ER 10/26/2005 Pray, Jeffrey RH PM 10/27/2005 Pray, Jeffrey RH ER 11/03/2005 Pray, Jeffrey RH ER Thursday, November JO, 2005 task 40 Plan Change Creation 45 10 Case/Plan Review 10 Case/Plan Review 40 Communications· Telepho 10 Case/Plan Review 10 Case/Plan Review Summary For L05PC130 Averag~ Hours • hn; accum. note 0.4 0.40 NICHOLS PL PC2 ·SETUP PC ACTIVITY & FILE. ROUTE OOCS 0.25 0.65 creation of activity for design plan change 2.5 3.15 review of plan for pond revision 0.7 3.85 NICHOLS PC2 • REVW POND REDESIGN CALCS 0.6 4.45 NICHOLS PC2 • POND REDESIGN & ADA RAMP ISSUES W/ENGR 1.5 5.95 NICHOLS PC2 • COMPLETE REVW POND CALCS.DISCUSS W/ENGR,UPDATE FILE 0.5 6.45 NICHOLS PC2 • SIGN PLANS/TIR ADDENDUM.UPDATE FILE.CHK FEES & TSHEET ENTRIES 6.45 Hours Total 0.92 Page I of/ ® King County DepartD_lent of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 • To Be Completed by Land Use Inspection Section Plan Change No. 0 within the City of: NA ---------- Plan Change Activity No. /..cJ j-f't. / :}o Applicant: SBJ Developing LLC % Kurt Wilson Engineer & License No.: David Cayton 33713 Aaaress: 14711 NE 29"" Pl Smte 101 Address: PO BOX 73790 tse11evue, w A ~lSuu, PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Project Name: Nichois Place Project No. T,.,,>LQ3"'Pu0..,0.u)~5.._ ______ _ Site Address_· ______________ Inspect Activity No. ,.,r .,_Q~5S~IuJ..,.,6~7 _____ _ On September I, 2005 , the following plan change to the approved plan was: (reeemmeaaea ay ODES) (reEtttirea ay DOES) (requested by applicant) Resize the control structure adding height to compensate for a shortage in pond volume. Reason for Change/Code Citation: As-built of r/d pond found pond was not providing adequate storage needed with asbuilt orfice. This Plan Change involves: 0 Roadway Plan & Profile X Drainage 0 Materials Lab •Ellric!Use,F'roject~' ©illy . Proiect is: [J',fecorded 0 Traffic 0 Platting 0 Planner O Site Development Services (Grading) Other .:· . , .. 1:·, [gJ nofrecorded , The proposed change requires revised engineering drawings that must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services for approval: · · I Please call (206) 296-7137 when ready to snbmit. I Design changes must be made by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Washington. Payment of fees and deposits shall be made at the time of submittal. Each submittal shall include three (3) sets of revised plans highlighted in green with a revision block and a symbol by each revision. The revision block must be dated and initialed by the professional engineer making the revision. A copy of this form will be mailed directly to the design engineer indicated above and shall be included with each submittal. The review will be completed as soon as possible. Approval/denial will be directed to the persons indicated on the top of this form. Tim Cheatum 296-7232 Inspector Name and Phone No. (pl ase print) date Developer Representative 02/08/05 date () 0 I I . ( ) \ TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (T.I.R.) FOR NICHOLS PLACE KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Q Cl> In w w c:, ~~ c:, > "' za: -""' =:,w w ocn N ow 0 (!Ju, w z z:::) <( -c:, a: -, ""'z «: -J Prepared by: Gina R. Brooks, P.E. Date: June 2004 Core No.: 04037 Revised Date:Dec. 21, 2004 Revised By: David E. Cayton, P.E. l Ell'lms-12-0'!1' TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (T.I.R.) FOR NICHOLS PLACE KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON C tr.I In w w = ~~ = > <'--1 za: -"" ::,w w Otr.l ~ uw 0 (!J tr.I w :z z=> <( -c:, a: -, ><=z :5 Prepared by: Gina R. Brooks, P.E. Date: June 2004 Core No.: 04037 Revised Date:Dec. 21, 2004 Revised By: David E. Cayton, P.E. j ElPIRESG-12-D!T • •• • NICHOLS PLACE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Project Overview 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary 3. Off-Site Analysis 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design 6. Special Reports and Studies 7. Other Permits 8. ESC Analysis and Design 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant IO.Operations and Maintenance Manual • • • 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW: Nichols Place is located at 13815 -160th Avenue SE within Section 14, Township 23N, Range SE in King County, Washington. See attached vicinity map. The 3.82-acre property is currently occupied by one single-family residence. Existing ground cover consists of a combination of forest, pasture, lawn, and landscaping. Proposed development of the property will include the demolition of all structures on the property and construction of 23 proposed single-family lots along with associated open space, roadway and utilities. Along with site improvements, half street improvements to include street widening and sidewalk addition will be added to 160th A venue SE along the property's frontage. An existing drainage basin ridge runs north-south through the property separating the onsite drainage into two drainage basins, east and west. The west basin comprises approximately 30% of the site and consists of forest. The east basin comprises approximately 70% of the site and consists of impervious surfaces associated with the. residence along with landscaping, lawn, and pasture. On-site generated runoff will be directed to one detention/water quality facility that will be located at the southeast comer of the site. The detention/water quality facility though will only release at a rate equal to the existing rate that is currently released from the existing eastern basin. Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality Treatment will be utilized for mitigation of the developed drainage: • NE 4TH ST SE 128TH ST w (/1 w w (/1 w (/1 "" ~ ~ i:!: i:!: <( "' "' a, i:': "' 0 "' SE 141ST ST ;1,,;;.<:> SE 142ND ST ,• S" SE 14JRD S <?'-SE 144TH ST VICINITYMAP NOT TO SCALE • • • • 2. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY: Listed below are the Hearing Examiner's Conditions. The postmaster approval is included in Section 6 of this report. Attached at the end of this section is a copy of the SWM Adjustment L03V0036. The proposed preliminary plat ofNichols Place, as received May 19, 2003, utilizing up to 8 density credits (transferable density rights) is approved, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. To be address during final plat. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. To be address during final plat. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. To be address during final plat. b. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density Credit documentation to DDES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of eight density credits. To be address during final plat. 4. The Applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department for abandonment of existing septic systems on-site. Approval will be obtained prior to construction . • • • 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). Construction of the roads comply with KCRS. See sheets CJ.OJ and CJ.JI of the civil plan set for road sections and pavement design. 6. The Applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. Approval from the King County Fire Protection Engineer will be obtained prior to engineering approval. 7. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions , of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review . a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. Drainage facilities and analysis comply with the 1998 KCSWDM See sheets C4.01, C4.21, and C4.Jl of the civil plan set for storm drainage design and T.I.R.for storm drainage calculations. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. Plan notes are on sheets C2.01, CJ.OJ, CJ.Ji, and C4.0l of the civil plan set . • • • C. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # _____ on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." To be addressed during final plat. d. The stormwater detention design shall comply with the Level 2 Flow Control requirements per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). 0 The drainage facility was sized using Level 2 Flow Control. See T.J.R. for detention analysis . e. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 2 lA.14.180. The drainage facility is located in a separate tract labeled "Tract E". The tract will be dedicated to King County during final plat. f. If a sewage lift station is located within the subject property, it shall be placed within a separate tract or easement area, that shall not be counted when computing the provision of onsite recreation area. The sewage life station is located in a separate tract labeled "Tract F" . • • • g. When engineering plans are submitted for review, the owners of the adjacent property to the southwest (15652 Southeast 139th Place) shall be notified that the plans have been filed with DDES and that they are available for public review. See the end of this section for a copy of the letter sent to the adjacent southwest property notifying them of the engineering plan submittal. 8. The drainage detention facility shall be designed to meet, at a minimum, the Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality menu in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The drainage facility was sized using Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality Treatment. See T.l.R. for detention analysis. 9. (Condition no. 9 is deleted.) No response required. I 0. A surface water adjustment (L03V0036) is approved for this subdivision. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to approval of the engineering plans. All conditions required for the adjustment have been addressed. See the end of this section for a copy of the adjustment. See T.l.R. for detention sizing which includes limiting the release rate to that rate coming off that portion of the site that naturally drains to l 6dh Avenue SE. Sizing of the proposed drainage facility, also, includes collection and treatment of the entire developed site. Level 2 Flow Control is utilized with a 10% factor of safety. The release rate from the detention facility is not reduced below natural rates since there are no "effective" bypassing areas. See Section 4 TRADING OF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT FOR PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA BYPASSING DETENTION/WATER QUALITY FACILITIES for farther explanation. The storm drainage facility is located within a separate tract identified as Tract E. There are no additional SEP A requirements for the storm drainage facility . • • • 11. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): SE 139th St. shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subaccess street standard. See sheets C3.0J, C3.31, and C4.21 of the civil plan set for road section, pavement design, and profile. FRONTAGE: The frontage of the site along 160th Ave SE (west side only) shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard. See sheets C3.0J and C3.31 of the civil plan set for road section and pavement design. Tracts A, B and C shall be improved as joint use driveways per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. These driveways shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and on the final plat map. See sheets C3. 01 and C3.31 of the civil plan set for road section and pavement design. See sheet C3.01 for ca/louts regarding ownership and maintenance of Tracts . Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. Noted. 12. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 160th Ave. SE from those lots which abut this street. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. See sheet C3.01 of the civil plan set for callout regarding vehicle access to J6dh Avenue SE. 13. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. To be addressed during final plat . • • • 14. The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. To be addressed during final plat. 15. Suitable recreation space shall be provided within one tract that maybe separate or may be combined with the drainage tract in accordance with KCC 2 lA.14.180. Improvements shall be consistent with the requirements ofKCC 2IA.14.180 and KCC 2 !A.14.190, including provision of sport court[ s ], children's play equipment, picnic table[ s ], benches, etc. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DOES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance# 14045. See sheet Cl.OJ of the civil plan set for the Recreational Park Plan. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. To be addressed during final plat. 16. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract( s ). To be addressed during final plat . • • • 17. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC ZIA.16.050: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. See sheet C7. 02 of the civil plan set for the Street Tree Planting Notes. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. See sheet C7. 02 of the civil plan set for the Street Tree Planting Notes. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. Noted . d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. To be addressed during final plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES iflocated within the right-of- way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit- bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. See sheet C7.02 of the civil plan set for the Street Tree Planting Notes. f. The ,:\pplicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond qu_antity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. See sheet C7.02 of the civil plan setJor the Street Tree Planting Plan along with tree count quantities . / \ • • • g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subjectto change based on current County fees. · To be addressed during final plat. 18. The following have been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The Applicant shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast 128th Street at 160th Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th A venue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th A venue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left turn lane. The proposed plat of Liberty Grove designed by DMP has proposed frontage improvements along the north side of SE 1361h Street between 1581h Avenue SE and J 6dh Avenue SE. See attached copy of proposed improvements on the following pages at the end of this section. Revised channelization at the intersection of 1561h Avenue SE and SE 1361h Street has been proposed for the development of Evendell (DDES File No.s LOJPOOJ6A and L03RE038) . •• • • School Mitigation Fees 19. · Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. To be addressed during final plat. School Walkways 20. The Applicant, individually or in conjunction with other developers, shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th Street to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th Street, or via alternative right-of-way and easements that become available and are approved by DDES. One acceptable alternative would be to use future right-of-way of Southeast 136th Street and 162nd Avenue Southeast to connect with the sidewalk improvement of"five lot subdivision," and through the plat of"five lot subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DDES review and approval. Any surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards (KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application. Offeite walkway is currently being constructed by others . 2535390514 50UNDBUILT HOMES PAGE 01 fr-#i,..: f)A;n,f ~/..... 'f7.. >.,,. n,,-?UJ July 8, 2004 CR STACHOWIAK 15652 SE 139th Place Renton, WA. 98055 RE: Nichols Place Engineering Submittal .Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stachowiak Please let this let serve as your notice that engineering plans for the Nichols Place subdivision have been submitted to King County ODES for Review. Therefore they arc: available for review as a public record. This notice shall satisfy conmtion 7g. of the Hearing Examiners Decision dated March 2"d, 2004. · If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call me in my office at (253) 539-8116. Respectfully, f;:--- Land Acquisition Manager Cc: Jcrcy Walken, KC DDES ::,LUt-'t. ..!: I .-· I 1 : 57.8 lF 12" EX-0 ~ 1 1 ~ I ! REMOVE ~ 11 1 13+64.26 END 197.5 lF 12" CONC~ I I I 1 ~ IMP RO VEMENTS I I I' ~ GRA LE.-495.21 -....._ I l l ---5 ' CHAIN LINK FENCE DRIVE I I '----I I . -1 1 ! \ ~ --"JMcr·A·· • I I =l_ ~~--~--i~ . _,,Cl) :.:.::J :~ ~ I I ~ ~=~ GRA, ·. :'~-,:: DRIVE ,·,·. f-l .I .. ·11-i •• ··-1 --, I I I LE.-492.33 I '1: l i96' ;~-~ I I ~9-1_.... I I I !" CONC 0 2.1SS GV'-/_/_=-___ 8 CD / / / J _OCA TE FlRE HYDRANT & GU~D POSTS BEHIND SID EWA (SEE WATER PLAN ~) 9 I '.,--llcg ------7 ACCESS ~\ .,..4:9~-----I & Ull~ I I t /\' \j ~ ~ ~ .,,. ---/--v ACQESS & !-~11U11ES 1s·so W7TRASH RACK I.E.~0.47 --:L_-:: 49 I ~ --~~~~ -------- 9 .'9 . ::. .>' . ;;::: J'~ fl . If/ 25' ACCESS . ' 7 R 7 EASEMENT RADIUS .... ~.-_ ... ·,_ :·-,. 136th ST. (NOT OP EN) I T I I I I 50 I I I 53 I I I l'RACl'V REC. OPEN SPACE a· PVC ROOF o,AIN STIJBOUT O 1.0 MIN.,-(~ _\ -----...l \ ' \ \ -- 158.5LF 12• 0 3.41~ 5' PRIYA:El :TORM DRAINAG ~~E -- RELOCATE TELEPH ONE C ABINET COOR DINA TE W /QWEST 55.2 ----~ .. 155LF 1 LIBERTY GROVE I .-33 I )-1 i 3 8 \ I I r ----i 21 ' PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ---1 • /I L_J I __ / I / \ y' ~ ' ' .c; 1 t' 10 J \ 48 ~ I 1 r-___ _J -I J..lfi' ff.i/ I 8.7 01 LI C8 ~ -48 -48 .A.I~ ,TCt )E AIN, i<ec. No. • • • <® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 September 4, 2003 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 Eighth Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court . Mukilteo, WA 98275 RE: Nichols Place Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment Request (File No. L03V0036) Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Nichols Place subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement-No. 1, Section 1.2. 1, Discharge at the Natural Location. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: 1. The proposed Nichols Place subdivision is located at 13 815 160th Avenue SE in east Renton. The 23 lot, 3.8 acre, proposed Nichols Place subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0015. 2. The Nichols Place subdivision is located in the Orting Hills subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The site is subject to the Level Two flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. A low, north/south ridge separates the site into eastern and western subbasins. The smaller western subbasin sheetflows to the southwest across the west and south property lines onto adjoining parcels. These flows eventually reach 156'h Avenue SE · via SE 139th Place. The larger eastern subbasin sheetflows across the south property line and into the roadside ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE where all flows from the eastern subbasin eventually converge. All of the site's runoff would eventually recombine in the Cedar River. The parcel to the north sheetflows onto this site but is also being developed as the proposed Evendell plat. Under developed conditions, the Evendell plat's contribution of sheetflow to the Nichols Place site . would be significantly reduced . • • • Nichols Place/L03V0036 September 4, 2003 Page 2 of3 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the project site and direct it to a single detention and water quality facility located in the southeast corner of the site. The allowed release would then travel south on the west side of 1601h Avenue SE. Nuisance flows across the west and south property line would be significantly reduced. An increase in flow volume would occur in the 160th Avenue SE conveyance path. It is unclear if frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that wpuld be affected by the proposed diversion. 6. The Level One Drainage Analysis identified downstream drainage complaints associated with the proposed discharge location. Recent conveyance upgrades have been installed along this route presumably to mitigate for these previous complaints. Due the accumulative effect of increased development in this area, more conveyance upgrades are needed. 7. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivision will be more economical in long term maintenance. Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single facility draining to 160th Avenue SE with the following conditions: 1. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on only that portion of the site that naturally drains to the location that is being diverted to. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Level Two flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis ofthat determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. The onsite drainage facility must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easel?ent or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Any additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEP A or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270 . • • • Nichols Place/L03 V0036 September 4, 2003 Page 3 of3 Sincerely, James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division Jim Chan, P.E. Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR Randall Parsons, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD • • • 3. OFFSITE ANALYSIS: A downstream analysis was completed as part of the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Nichols Place, dated May l 8, 2003 by Haozous Engineering during preliminary engineering. A copy of the report is attached in Section 6 of this report. Upstream Tributary Area The upstream drainage currently tributary to the site as described in the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Nichols Place, dated May 18, 2003 by Haozous Engineering will not longer drain to the subject site upon development of the parcel to the north known as Evendell currently under review by the County. Therefore, no upstream area will be considered tributary to the subject site. Downstream Analysis See the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Nichols Place, dated May 18, 2003 by Haozous Engineering for the Level I downstream analysis . • • 4. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: A. Hydraulic Analysis The drainage analysis was modeled using the King County Runoff Time Series software. The onsite soils are Alderwood (AgC), KCRTS group Till per the Soils Map attached on the following pages. The site is located in the Sea-Tac rainfall region with a location scale factor of 1.0. EXISTING CONDITIONS TRADING OF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT FOR PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA BYPASSING DETENTION/WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Area ofroad improvements along 160'h Avenue SE will be bypassing the proposed storm drainage facilities. As a trade off, existing asphalt area equal to or more than the bypass area will be collected and treated within the proposed storm drainage facilities. The existing asphalt area will be considered pasture in the existing condition and impervious in the proposed condition. Since the existing impervious surfaces were not treated and/or detained for in the past, the total runoff from the bypass area plus the outflows from the detention/water quality facilities will be the same or less than the outflows as they exist today. See Existing and Developed Conditions Exhibit on the following pages for delineation of the existing impervious areas to be collected and proposed pavement areas to be bypassed. An existing drainage basin ridge runs north-south through the property separating the onsite drainage into two drainage basins, east and west. The west basin comprises approximately 30% of the site and consists of forest. The east basin comprises approximately 70% of the site and consists of impervious surfaces associated with the residence along with landscaping, lawn, and pasture. The detention/water quality facility, per SWM Adjustment L03V0036, will only be allowed to release at that rate of flow associated with the basin that the facility will be discharged to, the east basin. The east basin covers 2.67 acres of the property. A portion of the frontage improvements along 1601h Avenue SE, 0.09 acre, will also be collected. A portion of 1601h Avenue SE south of the proposed storm drainage system will not be included in the existing condition, i.e. not captured in the proposed drainage system, since an equal amount of existing asphalt will be captured in the proposed storm drainage system and treated as pasture in the existing condition. For the reasons stated above, detention does not need to account for the bypass area since existing asphalt will be treated in the place of the bypass impervious surfaces. I • ,ri ·~""' Q ,_; ... I:\ . 9 -iii! 1800 Q090 , ")--- " '\ '\ '- , "'··-: ~ el~_ ' t;'k__ ~\ (\.\SA~) )(. .'~~- ~"'i\ "~ • \ ,~ -----...., ~ 'lL \ . I ~,..__""- ~-~ C Stachowiak , , .f58 ~ 142305 9088 '-. ~ t.,!,' ~ ~ L:~., !' ~ ~ ·« • ./ ·< x--....._ J " X "' ,, ' / I I/Ill' 111 I I I I I E.&OA~ 11ZJ1"0\Y\'=4 OF / <;;;. ~-\ V)"'\ PE:. rZ. \J \OC) ~ ~ peo~os~o 6qPASS \~'=:Di. ~o kl I I ~ 1:1 I \ ll'fl t I I u .,'l L ~ ~J -452 ,,, --~ '( Nyblom 142305 9009 )( f ~-'< Ir . r -,,.* • ~t I C"' ),. )( ~ L / > '-,~ I ;t--r x =1 I i 42 - ' X ~] ,/ '\_ \--t·-. ..-,-/ /kt;, ~ [:.l lll L! ... >-. I , ____ --------- L ;;;-...~6 142305 9104 I/ --~,,.., ------------............. I _.,,. ~..-/-------~, / .. <;,·---~-m_ .... ,r..-----=4:.._'J t -~ J Poague v : r~'::-:.~:~· . 1··-~· ./ /' t.> 458 I ~ i ... ~ tL --"11-., •' I p,W Jti~I 1\\ , f ~ \411 EXISTING AND DEVELOPED CONDITIONS NICHOLS PLACE CORE NO. 04037 1£ F 1~ ~---------------------------------------------------.,, I I .I The existing coverage is a combination of impervious surfaces associated with the existing residence, pasture, landscaping, and lawn. The existing landscaping and lawn will be considered pasture per Table 3.2.2.C in the 1998 KCSWDM for existing developed areas with densities less than 4 DU/ AC. Existing impervious surfaces from the existing residence cover a total area of0.27 acre. Per Table 3.2.2.E in the 1998 KCSWDM, the effective impervious fraction for the site is 0.40 for existing rural areas. The effective impervious area is therefore 0.40*0.27 acre= 0.11 acre. Pasture will be utilized for the non-effective impervious surfaces (0.40 acres -0.11 acre= 0.29 acre). The following information was used for generating time series and flow frequencies. EXISTING CONDITIONS Total Area= 2.76 acres (04037exe) GROUND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Pasture 2.65 Impervious 0.11 • it.a(: SH f AGRICULTURE KING COU.NT\ON SERVICE (R FlNTl .... •" ... 14 :··,~ .. • • -.:,: •• I I I ~~~~ I, ·l . . . . : ... ..... .... :. . . . . . . ·~~ BM t it4 I I I I I I I. ---+-~~-··-'----- . .. BM 574 . ... ....... • •••• • i • .... • I I I I . . . n M ~ R •• II • " •••• ! • • 11 u • p • • I • I -r----~ --\.• .,,.._.-,;. .v• ... KING COUNTY SOIL SURVEY NICHOLS PLACE CORE NO. 04037 .. . 1---·---. . - .. ------- 3.2.2 KCRTS/RUNOFF ALES METHOD-GENERATING TIME SERIES l({rr. Tfilf,E_3,-f -~.ii~,2VIY,~f!1i;#~~ENSCSS0ILTYPES ANDkCRTS SOII, TYPES. •· SCS Soil Type scs KCRTSSoil Notes • Hydrologic Group Soil Group ....... Alderwood (AgB, Age, AgD) e ( Till J Arents, Alderwood Material (AmB, Ame) e Till Arents, Everett Material (An) B Outwash 1 Beausite (Bee, BeD, BeF) e Till 2 Bellingham (Bh) D Till 3 Briscot (Br) D Till 3 Buckley (Bu) D Till 4 Earfmont (Ea) D Till 3 Edgewick (Ed) e Till 3 Everett (EvB, Eve, EvD, Ewe) NB Outwash 1 Indianola (lne, lnA, lnD) A Outwash 1 Kitsap (KpB, Kpe, KpD) e Till Klaus (Kse) e Outwash 1 Neilton (Nee) A Outwash 1 Newberg (Ng) B Till 3 Nooksack (Nk) e Till 3 Norma (No) D Till 3 Orcas (Or) D Wetland Oridia (Os) D Till 3 Ovall (Ove, OvD, OvF) e Till 2 · Pilchuck (Pc) C Till 3 • Puget (Pu) D Till 3 Puyallup (Py) B Till 3 Ragnar (Rae, RaD, Rae, RaE) B Outwash 1 Renton (Re) D Till 3 Salal (Sa) e Till 3 Sammamish (Sh) D Till 3 Seattle (Sk) D Wetland Shalcar (Sm) D Till 3 Si (Sn) e Till 3 Snohomish (So, Sr) D Till 3 . Sultan (Su) C nu 3 Tukwila (Tu) D Till 3 Woodinville (We) D Till 3 Notes: 1. Where outwash soils are saturated or underlain at shallow depth ( <5 feet) by glacial till, they should be treated as till soils. 2. These are bedrock soils, but calibration of HSPF by King County DNR shows bedrock soils to have simil~r hydrologic response to till s9ils. .. - 3. . These are alluvial soils, some of which are underlain by glacial till or have a seasonally high water table. In the absence of detailed study, these soils should be treated as till soils. 4. Buckley soils are formed on the low-permeability Osceola mudflow. Hydrologic response is assumed to be similar to that of till soils . • 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 911/98 3.25 • ... • ST 1.1 ST 1.0 ST1.0 Rainfall Regions and Regional Scale Factors l2'TI Incorporated Area -....-C!IJII River/Lake Major Road ST 1.0/ LA 0.8 r ~' LA 1.0 LA 1.0 • • • SECTION 3.2 RUNOFF COMPUTATION AND ANALYSIS METHODS 9/1/98 KCRTS Land Cover Types KCRTS supports four land cover types: forest, pasture, grass, and impervious. These cover types shall be applied as specified in Table 3.2.2.C (below). 14iii~;i\}t~n~#Ii~dl?I~{fri.s<>VF:I(?R()UJ>S AND.AREAS.OFA~~LIC:~:rt<>N .. . C. ·, KCRTS APPLICATION Cover Group Predevelopment Post-Development Forest All forest/shrub cover, irrespective of All permanent (e.g., protected by age. covenant or SAO designation) onslte forest/shrub cover, irrespective of age, planted at densities sufficient to ensure 80%+ canopy cover within 5 years. ( Pasture ) All grassland, pasture land, lawns, and Unprotected forest in rural residential cultivated or cleared areas, except for development may be considered half lawns in redevelopmenfareas with pasture, half grass. predevelopment densities in excess of 4 DU/GA.. Grass Lawns in redevelopment areas with All post-development grassland and predevelopment densities in excess of landscaping and all onsite forested land 4 DU/GA.. not protected by covenant or SASA designation ( except in rural areas as noted above) . Wetland All delineated wetland areas ( except All delineated wetland areas (except cultivated/drained farmland). cultivated/drained farmland). Impervious(') All impervious surfaces, including All impervious surfaces, including heavily compacted gravel and dirt compacted gravel and dirt roads, parking roads, parking areas, etc., and open areas, etc., and open water bodies, water bodies (ponds and lakes). including onslte detention and water quality ponds. (1) Impervious acreage used in KCRTS computations should be the effective impervious area (EIA). This is the gross impervious area multiplied by.the effective impervious fraction (see Table 3.2.2.E, p. 3-28). Non-effective impervious areas are considered the same as the surrounding pervious land cover. The following four factors were considered in specifying the above land cover types to be used in hydrologic analysis with KCRTS: • Cover types are applied to anticipate ultimate land use conditions. For example, probable clearing of woodland after development is nominally complete suggests that the post-development land use be specified as grassland (either pasture or grass) unless the forest cover is protected by covenant • • In areas of redevelopment, there are often significant changes between the predevelopment and post- development efficiencies of the drainage system. For example, in conversion of low density residential areas to higher density land use, impervious areas prior to redevelopment may not be efficiently connected to a drainage system (e.g., downspouts draining to splash blocks, ditched instead of piped roadway systems). These problems are addressed by defining an "effective impervious fraction" for existing impervious areas and by generally requiring predevelopment grasslands to be modeled as pasture land. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 3-26 :• • • SECTION 3.2 RUNOFFCOMPUfATION AND ANALYSIS METHODS C 911198 Dwelling Units/Gross % lmpervious11 > Dwelling Units/Gross % Impervious Acre Acre 1.0 DU/GA 15!2) 4.5 DU/GA 1.5 DU/GA 20 5.0 DU/GA 2.0DU/GA 25 5.5 DU/GA 2.5 DU/GA 30 6.0 DU/GA 3.0 DU/GA 34 6.5 DU/GA 3.5 DU/GA 38 7.0 DU/GA 4.0 DU/GA 42 7.5 DU/GA For PUDs, condominiums, apartments, commercial businesses, and industrial areas, percent impervious coverage must be computed. Notes: Ill Includes streets and sidewalks. 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 < 2 J These figures should be adjusted by the effective impervious fraction given in Table 3.2.2.E, if applicable. Values from Table 3.2.2.E may be interpolated as necessary . ,, ,y··:_.·:, TABLE:3:2a.E. EFFECTIVE IMPERVIOUS FRACTION<ll. . '. -. ... Land Use Predevelopment Post-Development Commercial, Industrial, or Roads with Collection System 0.95 1.00 . . . , .00<3> Multi-Family or High Density Single Family!2> (>4 DU/GA) 0.80 Medium Density Single Fami1y<2> (4 DU/GA) 0.66 1.00<3> Low Density Single Family!2> (1 DU/GA) 0.50 1.00<3) Rura1<2> (< 1 DU/GA)'':;, c 0.40 ""-J 1.00<3> GraveVDirt Roads and Parking Lots, Collection System Roads without 0.50 0.50 Notes: - (11 The effective impervious fraction is the fraction of actual total impervious area connected to the .. drainage system. These fig1Jres should be used in the absence of detailed surveys or physical inspection (e.g., via pipe, channel, or short sheet flowpath). · (21 Figures for residential areas include roadways. {3) Where downspout infiltration is used, roofs are not counted as impervious area when sizing the flow control facility. Roofs are considered grass where downspouts are dispersed in rural residential development, or where dispersed flowpaths exceed 50 feet in urban residential development (see Section 5.1.2 for limitations on roof downspout dispersion). 3-28 1998 Surface Water Design Manual • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File,04037exe.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.204 2 2/09/01 15,00 0 .372 l 100.00 0.990 0. 093 7 1/05/02 16,00 0.204 2 25.00 0.960 0.198 3 2/28/03 3,00 0.198 3 10.00 0.900 0.039 8 8/26/04 2,00 0.188 4 5.00 0.800 0 .112 6 1/05/05 8,00 0.179 5 3.00 0.667 0.188 4 1/18/06 16,00 0.112 6 2.00 0.500 0.179 5 11/24/06 4,00 0.093 7 1. 30 0.231 0. 372 1 1/09/08 6,00 0.039 8 1.10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 0.316 50.00 0.980 • • • • • -------------------------------------- DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Since an adjustment was required to allow drainage to be directed from the entire site to one detention/water quality facility and released entirely to the east basin discharge location, an automatic 10% safety factor was added to the detention calculations per SWM Adjustment L03V0036. The maximum impervious area per lot was calculated using the criteria in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual page 3-27 and K.C.C.21A.12.030. The proposed development is urban residential. The site is R-6 zoning. The maximum impervious area per lot is 70%. The lots cover a total area of 2.47 acres. Maximum Lot Impervious Area= 70%*2.47 acres= 1.73 acres Impervious Area Delineation Onsite road and sidewalk 0.65 acres Impervious area of lots 1.73 acres Total impervious area 2.38 acres The input used for the KCRTS analysis is summarized in the table below: DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Total Area= 3.91 acres (04037de) GROUND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Grass (Landscaping) 1.53 Impervious 2.38 • • • 21A.12.030 A. Densities and dimensions· residential zones z 0 • • s RURAL UlllWI RESERVE RESIDENTIAi. ~----1 1---.,--""T--ir--+---+--,---,--,--,----,---r---,----, ---u ....... (15) lb:ldmum Dendy: _ ... _ (1) --(2) Mlnlmvm Loe -(3) ---(3) --· ,,, ( ;:) ) ....._,., ·~ - 0A ..... (20) 135 ft 30ft (9) 5ft (9) ... ..,. "" "'' ~ ..... 0A -(20) RA-10 RA-20 UR .... -~ ..... (21) f:SS ft 1311 ft ·1:ss ft 35 ft (7) 30ft (9) 10ft ,., ... .... (11) (19) 30ft (8) 10ft (9) ... "" (11) (19) 30ft (8) 10ft (8) ... 30ft {7J 'ft (7) 25ft 1:z.n; - (11) (11) Mil R-1 (17) 1 - 21ft (7) ... {7J •• {7J 21ft -111) 12·2 ' ..... (I) • -(22) .... (12) (18) (23) 30ft 10ft (I) •• "" ... • - ... • ..... I 12 --.... (12) (11) 30ft 10 ft (I} •• .... "2) "'' 20ft 10ft .18J •• "" ""' ) '"" - .. 12 12 - .. 1 • 11 ·- 11 " ·--.... (11) 20ft 10 ft (I} •• (10) ... "" .,... (18) 30ft 10ft (I} • • (10) ... ... "') .... 24 ""'"' .. '"'" ,. 72 ·---"., 30ft 10ft Ill 5ft (10) ••• ... (14) - "" (18) 30ft 10ft 181 5ft (10) ... ... "'' - (King County 6·00) • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:04037de.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.714 6 2/09/01 2:00 1. 45 1 100.00 0.990 0.578 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.903 2 25.00 0.960 0.859 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.859 3 10.00 0.900 0.622 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.757 4 5.00 0.800 0.749 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.749 5 3.00 0.667 0.757 4 1/18/06 16:00 0. 714 6 2.00 0.500 0. 903 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.622 7 1. 30 0.231 1.45 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.578 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 27 50.00 0.980 • • • • • B. Detention Routing Calculations To satisfy Hearing Examiner's Conditions 7.d. and 8., a wetpond will be installed to mitigate for increased drainage flows from the developed site utilizing Level 2 Flow Control. The wetpond will be designed according to the 1998 KCSWDM. Since an adjustment was required for discharge of the entire site to the east basin, an automatic 10% safety factor was added to the detention calculations. The flows entering the wetpond will be from the entire site (3.91 acres) with release restricted to those existing flows that are released from the existing east basin (2. 76 acres). The wetpond (04037pnd.rdf) was sized based on the 1998 KCSWDM and KCRTS Computer Software Reference Manual. See attached KCRTS printouts and attached pond volume calculation spreadsheet on the following pages. The stage-storage of the pond produced by KCRTS was utilized to calculate storage values at the elevations used to calculate the proposed wetpond that will actually be constrncted onsite. The KCRTS interpolated storage values are listed below. Elevation KCRTS Storage KCRTS Storage* 10% Safety Factor 447 0 0 448 10,407 CF 11,447 CF 450 35,070 CF 38,577 CF 451 49,472 CF 54,419 CF Per the proposed Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet on the following pages, the storage values at each delineated elevation is more than the required 10% safety factor storage values calculated above. The pond is therefore, adequately sized to accommodate the required 10% safety factor . • Retention/Detention Facility C/'rO;S7 pnd .doc • • Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage o Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Detention Pond 3.00 H:lV 100.00 ft 98.00 ft 9800. sq. ft 16640. sq. ft 0.382 acres 4.00 ft 447.00 ft 49472. cu. ft 1.136 ac-ft 4.00 ft 12.00 inches 2 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height (ft) 0.00 2.90 Diameter (in) 1. 09 1. 90 Discharge (CFS) 0.065 0.103 Diameter (in) 1 2 4.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage (ft) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.19 0.29 0.39 0 .49 0.59 0.69 0.79 0.89 0.99 1. 09 1.19 1.29 1. 39 1.49 1. 59 1. 69 1. 79 1. 89 1. 99 Elevation (ft) 447.00 447.01 447.02 447.03 447.05 '447.06 447.07 447.08 447.09 447.19 447.29 447.39 447.49 447.59 447.69 447.79 447.89 447.99 448.09- 448.19 448.29 448.39· 448.49 448.59 448.69 448.79 448.89 448.99 Storage (cu. ft) (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) 0. 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.008 0.009 0.010 98. 0.002 196. 0.005 295. 0.007 492. 0.011 590. 0.014 689. 0.016 788. 0.018 887. 0.020 1884. 2892. 3913. 4946. 5991. 7049. 8119. 9201. 10296. 11403. 12523. 13656. 14802. 15960. 17132. 18316. 19514. 20725. 21949. 0.043 0.014 0.066 0.018 0.090 0.020 0.114 0.023 0.138 0.025 0.162 0.027 0.186 0.029 0.211 0.031 0.236 0.032 0.262 0.034 0.287 0.035 0.314 0.037 0.340 0.038 0.366 0.040 0.393 0.041 0.420 0.042 0.448 0.043 0.476 0.045 0.504 0.046 Percolation (cfs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surf Area (sq. ft) 9800. 9812. 9824. 9836. 9859. 9871. 9883. 9895. 9907. 10027. 10148. 10269. 10391. 10513. 10637. 10761. 10886. 11011. 11138. 112 65. 11392. 11521. 11650. 11780. 11911. 12 042. 12174. 12307. • 2.09 449.09 23186. 0.532 0.047 0.00 12440 . 2.19 449.19 24437. 0.561 0.048 0.00 12574. 2.29 449.29 25701. 0.590 0.049 0.00 12709. 2. 39 449.39 26979. 0.619 0.050 0.00 12845. 2.49 449.49 28270. 0. 649 0.051 0.00 12981. 2.59 449.59 29575. 0.679 0.052 0.00 13118. 2.69 449.69 30894. 0.709 0.053 0.00 13256. 2.79 449.79 32226. 0.740 0.054 0.00 13395. 2.89 449.89 33573. 0.771 0.055 0.00 13534. 2.90 449. 90 33708. 0.774 0.055 0.00 13548. 2. 92 44 9. 92 3 3 97 9. 0.780 0.056 0.00 13576. 2. 94 449.94 34251. 0.786 0.059 0.00 13604. 2.96 449.96 34524. 0.793 0.062 0.00 13632. 2.98 449.98 34797. 0.799 0.068 0.00 13660. 3.00 450.00 35070. 0.805 0.075 0.00 13688. 3.02 450.02 35344. 0.811 0.083 0.00 13716. 3.04 450.04 35619. 0.818 0.092 o.oo 13744. 3.06 450.06 3 5 8 94 . 0.824 0.096 0.00 13772. 3.08 450.08 36170. 0.830 0.098 0.00 13801. 3.18 450.18 37557. 0.862 0 .110 0.00 13 942. 3.28 450.28 38958. 0.894 0 .119 0.00 14084. 3.38 450.38 40373. 0.927 0 .127 0.00 14227. 3.48 450.48 41803. 0. 960 0 .135 0.00 14370. 3.58 450.58 43248. 0.993 0.142 0.00 14514. 3.68 450.68 44706. 1. 026 0.149 0.00 14659. 3.78 450.78 46179. 1. 060 0.155 0.00 14805. 3.88 450.88 47667. 1. 094 0.161 0.00 14951. • 3.98 450.98 49170. 1.129 0.166 0.00 15098 . 4.00 451. 00 49472. 1.136 0.168 0.00 15128. 4.10 451.10 50992. 1.171 0.481 0.00 15276. 4.20 451. 20 52527. 1. 206 1. 050 0.00 15425. 4.30 451. 30 54077. 1. 241 1. 780 0.00 15574. 4.40 451.40 55642. 1. 277 2.580 0.00 15724. 4.50 451.50 57222. 1.314 2.870 0.00 15875. 4.60 451.60 58817. 1.350 3.130 0.00 16027. 4.70 451. 70 60427. 1.387 3.370 0.00 16179. 4.80 451.80 62053. 1.425 3.590 0.00 16332. 4.90 451.90 63694. 1.462 3.800 o.oo 16486. 5.00 452.00 65350. 1.500 4.000 0.00 16640. 5.10 452.10 67022. 1. 539 4.190 0.00 16795. 5.20 452.20 68709. 1. 577 4.370 0.00 16951. 5. 30 452.30 70412. 1. 616 4.540 0.00 17108. 5.40 452.40 72131. 1. 656 4.710 0.00 17265. 5.50 452.50 73865. 1. 696 4.870 0.00 17423. 5.60 452.60 75615. 1. 736 5.020 0.00 17582. 5.70 452.70 77381. 1. 776 5.170 0.00 17741. 5.80 452.80 79164. 1. Bl 7 5.320 0.00 17901. 5.90 452.90 80962. 1. 859 5.460 0.00 18062. 6.00 453.00 82776. 1. 900 5.600 0.00 18224. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Cale Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 1.45 ******* 0.46 4.09 451.09 50904. 1.169 2 0.71 0.20 0.19 4.01 451.01 49583. 1.138 • 3 0.86 ******* 0.15 3.70 450.70 44974. 1.032 4 0.90 ******* 0 .13 3.45 450.45 41442.: 0.951 5 0.76 ******* 0.06 2.96 449.96 34554. 0.793 • • • 6 7 8 0.75 ******* 0.58 ******* 0.62 ******* 0.05 2.62 449.62 0.05 2.41 449.41 0.04 1.64 448.64 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:04037de.tsf Outflow Time Series File:04037out 30016. 2724 7. 17746. Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: Peak Outflow Discharge: Peak Reservoir Stage: 1.45 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 0.463 CFS at 11:00 on Jan 4.09 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 451. 09 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 50904. cu-Ft 1.169 Ac-Ft Flow Duration from Time Series File:04037out.tsf 0.689 0.626 0.407 9 in Year B 9 in Year 8 Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.003 30213 49.271 49.271 50.729 0.008 0. 013 0.019 0.024 0.029 0.035 0. 040 0.046 0.051 0.056 0.062 0.067 0. 072 0.078 0.083 0.088 0.094 0.099 0.104 0.110 0.115 0.121 0.126 0.131 0.137 0.142 0.147 0.153 0.158 0.163 0.169 0.174 0.179 0.185 0.190 5616 4792 4361 4392 3678 3186 1400 1534 1221 582 55 33 14 20 10 9 11 24 25 12 13 13 14 13 16 9 11 10 14 10 6 1 1 0 0 9.159 7.815 7 .112 7.162 5.998 5 .196 2.283 2.502 1. 991 0.949 0.090 0.054 0.023 0.033 0.016 0.015 0.018 0.039 0. 041 0.020 0. 021 0.021 0.023 0.021 0.026 0.015 0.018 0.016 0.023 0.016 0.010 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000 58.430 66.244 73.356 80.519 86.517 91.712 93.995 96.497 98.488 99.437 99.527 99.581 99.604 99.636 99.653 99.667 99.685 99.724 99.765 99.785 99.806 99.827 99.850 99.871 99.897 99.912 99.930 99. 946 99.969 99.985 99.995 99.997 99.998 99.998 99.998 41.570 33.756 26.644 19.481 13.483 8.288 6.005 3.503 1. 512 0.563 0.473 0 .419 0.396 0. 364 0.347 0.333 0.315 0.276 0.235 0 .215 0.194 0.173 0.150 0.129 0.103 -0. 0 8 8 0.070 0.054 -0.031 0.015 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.507E+OO 0. 416E+OO 0.338E+OO 0.266E+OO 0.195E+OO 0.135E+OO 0.829E-01 0.600E-01 0.350E-01 0.151E-01 0.563E-02 0.473E-02 0.419E-02 0.396E-02 0.364E-02 0.347E-02 0.333E-02 0.315E-02 0.276E-02 0.235E-02 0.215E-02 0 .194E-02 0.173E-02 0.150E-02 0 .129E-02 0.103E-02 0.881E-03 0.701E-03 0.538E-03 0.310E-03 0.147E-03 0.489E-04 0.326E-04 0.163E-04 0.163E-04 0.163E-04 • • • Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 04037exe.tsf New File, 04037out.tsf Cutoff Units, Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of cutoff Base New %Change Probability 0.057 0.76E-02 0.55E-02 -27.5 0.76E-02 0.068 0.55E-02 0.41E-02 -25.4 0.55E-02 0.080 0.43E-02 0.36E-02 -16.6 0.43E-02 0. 091 0.31E-02 0.33E-02 4.7 0.31E-02 0.102 0.24E-02 0.25E-02 4.7 0.24E-02 0.114 0.17E-02 0.20£-02 16.0 0.17£-02 0.125 0.12£-02 0.16£-02 28.0 0.12£-02 0.136 0.93£-03 0.11£-02 14.0 0.93E-03 0 .148 0.65£-03 0.70£-03 7.5 0.65E-03 0 .159 0. 49£-03 0.28£-03 -43.3 0.49E-03 0.171 0.24£-03 0.33£-04 -86.7 0.24E-03 0.182 0.15£-03 0.16£-04 -88.9 0.15£-03 0.193 0.82£-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.82£-04 Maximum positive excursion= 0.009 cfs 7.4%) occurring at 0.119 cfs on the Base Data,04037exe.tsf and at 0.128 cfs on the New Data,04037out.tsf Maximum negative excursion= 0.016 cfs (-20.1%) occurring at 0.079 cfs on the Base Data:04037exe.tsf and at 0.063 cfs on the New Data,04037out.tsf Base 0.057 0.068 0.080 0. 091 0.102 0 .114 0.125 0 .136 0 .148 0.159 0.171 0.182 0.193 Tolerance------- New %Change 0.054 -4. 3 0.057 -16.9. 0.065 -18.5 0.094 3.3 0.103 1.0 0.122 6.9 0 .132 5.4 0.141 3.2 0.149 0.7 0.154 -3.3 0.160 -6.5 0.164 -10.0 0.166 -14.0 • Ill=== -- 00 , 1·'· • • .. POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS CORE PROJECT NO. 04037 PROJECT NAME: NICHOLS PLACE REVISED: DEC. 21, 2004 ELEVATION INCREMENTAL TOTAL LIVE VOLUME VOLUM .. •• W etpond Overflow Elevations The primary overflow for the pond is the riser pipe within the control structure. The water surface elevation above the riser for the I 00 year developed flow is calculated assuming all orifices are plugged. To pass the I 00-year return period storm, 1.45 cfs, through a 12" overflow riser will require 0.28 feet of head (From Figure 5.3.4.H in the 1998 KCSWDM: Qweir = 9.739DH312 ::::;, 1.45 = 9.739(12/12)H312 ::::;, H = 0.28 feet). The primary overflow elevation would therefore, be equal to the elevation of the top of the riser plus the amount of head required to pass the JOO-year return period storm, Elev. 451.00 + 0.28 feet = Elev. 451.28. The secondary overflow for the pond is the jailhouse weir located on the control structure catch basin. To pass the JOO-year return period storm at 0.28 feet of head, a minimum 3.03-foot wide jailhouse weir will be required. The jailhouse weir is analyzed as a notch weir using the following equation: Q = C (L-0.2H)H312 where Q = flow (1.45 cfs) C = 3.27 + 0.40 HIP H = head above weir (0.28 ft<= Use Same Head as Req'd Head Over Riser) P = depth of storage at weir (Elev. 451.0-Elev. 444.0 = 7.0 feet) L = length of the riser (ft) An emergency overflow spillway will be installed and constructed also as a 15-foot wide access road to the control structure. The emergency overflow/access road will be surfaced with asphalt. The emergency overflow spillway will be located at the maximum elevation of 451.5 (6" below the berm). The 15' wide spillway can accommodate the 100-year return period flow of 1.45 cfs at a minimum head of 0.2'. Qioo = C (2g)11 2 [(2/3)LH312 + (8/15)(Tan 9)H512 ] where Qwo = peak flow (1.45 cfs) C=0.6 G = 32.2 ft/sec 2 H = head above weir L = length of weir (15 ft) e = angle of side slopes (Tan e = 10) ·Q = 0.6 (2*32.2)112 [(2/3)(15)(0.2)312 + (8/15)(10)(0:2)512 ] = 4.77 cfs > Q100 (1.45 cfs) C. Water Quality Volume Calculations To satisfy Hearing Examiner's Condition 8., Basic Water Quality Treatment shall be utilized to mitigate for the developed storm drainage flows. The wet portion of the wetpond will satisfy this requirement. The required volume will be designed per KCSWDM Section The following variables were used in the calculation: Volume Factor (f) = 3 Rainfall = 0.039 feet or 0.4 7 inches Area = developed basin Where Ai = area of impervious surface (sf) A,8 = area of till soil covered with grass (sf) A,r = area of till soil covered with forest (sf) Ao= area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest (sf) V, = [0.9Ai + 0.25A,8 + O. lAtf + O.OlAo] * (R/12) Vb=f*Vr Vb= 3*[(0.9)(2.38) + (0.25)(1.53)]0.039 * (43560sf/ac) = 12,866 CF The dead storage portion of the wetpond has a volume of 17,952 CF which exceeds the required 12,866 CF. See Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet in Section 4B of this report. • I 6.4.1 WETPONDS -BASIC AND LARGE -METHODS OF ANALYSIS FIGURE 6.4.l.A PRECIPITATION FOR MEAN ANNUAL STORM IN INCHES {FEET) ST 1. o· ST 1.1 0.54" (0.045') IZZI Incorporated Area -c:::i River/Lake Major Road 0 .47" (0.039') 0 .47" (0. 039') NOTE: Areas east of the easternmost lsopluvial should use 0.65 inches unless rainfall data is avaftable for the location of Interest 24 'The -annual llOlm la a CIIIIClljllUal IIDrm found by d-.ldlng the annual l)l9Cipllallon by the 1lllal number ol ltoml ~ per year ST LA 1.0 LA 1.2 0 • 9 8N11t••••• C'Oll•n (0.047') result, generates large.amounts of runoff. For this application, till soil types include Buckley and bedrock soils, and alluvial and outwash soils that have a seasonally high water table or are underlain at a shallow depth "(less than 5 feet) by glacial till. U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) hydrologic soil groups that are classified as till soils include a few B , most C, and all D soils. See Chapter 3 for classification of specific SCS soil types. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1 /98 .6-69 • • • 5. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: ON-SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM The conveyance system for the site was designed for both the 25-year, 24-hour storm and the I 00-year, 24-hour storm. A backwater analysis sheet was generated for both the 25- year and I 00-year return period storms. Total flows from each basin using 15-minute time steps were calculated. The total flows tributary to the pond via the catch basin tightlined system excludes the Storm, Recreation, and Lift Station Tracts, and Lot 23 since these areas do not enter the conveyance system. The Tracts were assumed to be pervious and Lot 23 was assumed to be 70% impervious per the Developed Conditions delineation for lot impervious coverage. The tracts cover 0. 73 acre of pervious area and Lot 23 covers 0.10 acre of which 0.07 acre is impervious and 0.03 acre is pervious. The revised total basin tributary to the conveyance system is summarized in the table below: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM Total Area= 3.08 acres DEVELOPED CONDITIONS (04037dl5) GROUND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Grass (Landscapinl!) 0.77 Impervious 2.31 . The total KCRTS 25-yearreturn period flow and the!OO-year return period flow are 2.25 cfs and 3.12 cfs consecutively. For simplicity, large basin areas going to multiple catch basins were used. Flows for the large areas were simply calculated as a portion of the overall 15-minute flows based on the area ratio. There will be three large basins delineated. See Catch Basin Subbasin Map on the following pages. The flows for each sub basin is calculated below. Subbasin Subbasin Percent 25-year Percent 100-year Return Area Area/East Basin Return Period Period Flow Flow Basin A 0.29AC 0.29/3.08 = 9.42%*2.25 = 9.42%*3.12 = 0.29 cfs 9.42% 0.21 cfs Basin B 0.39 AC 0.50/3.08 = 16.23%*2.25 = 16.23%*3.12 = 0.51 cfs 16.23% 0.37 cfs Basin C 2.40AC 2.29/3.08 = 74.35%*2.25 = 74.35%*3.12 = 2.32 cfs 74.35% 1.67 cfs Total 3.08 AC 3.08/3.08 = 2.25 cfs 3.12 cfs 100% The tailwater elevations within the wetpond were derived and calculated based on the storage required for containment of the 25-year return period and JOO-year return period derived from the KCRTS 04037pnd.doc. See Section 4B of this report for KCRTS printout. The storage required for containment of the 25-year and 100-year return periods ., • • • are 49,583 CF and 50,904 CF consecutively. The pond to be constructed has been designed with a 10% safety factor therefore, the tailwater elevation derived by KCRTS is not the actual tailwater elevation during the 25-year and 100-year return periods. The tailwater elevations were calculated based on the Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet located in Section 4B of this report and the storage values calculated by KCRTS. The tailwater elevations for the 25-year and 100-year return periods are therefore interpolated, at El. 450.66 and El. 450.74 consecutively. The backwater analysis was performed to ensure that during the 25-year design storm, the maximum water surface elevation in each structure did not exceed an elevation equal to 0.5' less the rim and during the 100-year design storm, ensuring that if the maximum water surface elevation does exceed the rim, topography of the basin would allow the overflow to be conveyed to the next downstream catch basin or the topography would allow for ponding without causing structural damage. During the 25-year, the headwater elevations do not exceed 0.5' less the rim. During the 100-year, the headwater elevations do not exceed the rims. The conveyance system is therefore adequately designed per King County standards . / . ' · .-,4, -··-• I , , \':"·\'.~ ' . ,. i, ·.-· • . ·t,., I I ' . . . ' . . ,.,., ; ., \\ i, I I 'c, .-~----.JJ..c. I \ I i 'lt-'--------_;./'_J '' ii '! i ' i: '' ' Ii , j 1' . ' ' I) r ., ' I ,3\j .1' ' cot I 11 '{ ! ...... -... -.. , ' ..... ---··-_. .. ..,,.··"" I I \ I \ .. -~-·" ,-· ---~------------~------------ '. .... "" I ~ I.. I' ' ll . ~~' . J .-··.:::::::::". ' ' .. :. : . .:::::::::::::::' ·:::.::~: .. ----::::::..:.::::::·! ,' ,.· • • ---------------------------------------- • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:04037dl5.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.10 6 8/27/01 18:00 3.12 1 100.00 0.990 0.768 8 9/17/02 17:45 2.25 2 25.00 0.960 2.25 2 12/08/02 17:15 1.52 3 10.00 0.900 0.886 7 8/23/04 14:30 1. 28 4 5.00 0.800 1. 21 5 10/28/04 16:00 1.21 5 3.00 0.667 1. 28 4 10/27/05 10:45 1.10 6 2.00 0.500 1.52 3 10/25/06 22:45 0.886 7 1. 30 0.231 3. 12 1 1/09/08 6:30 0.768 8 1.10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 2.83 50.00 0.980 0 • • --- • • • :::S:ACK\VAfiR~AEqiu"'i1oss:,:-· "OB NAME: NICHOLS PLACE PREPAR.Efi BY: G. Brooks OB NUMBER: 04037 DESIGN STORM: " YEAR ENTRANCE ENTRANCE EXIT OlJTI.ET INLET APPROACH BEND JUNCTION PIPE PIPE MANNING'S OUl"LET INLET PIPE fLOW VELOCITY TAILWATER FRICTION HGL HEAD HEAD CONTROL CONTROL VELOCITY HEAD HEAD HEADWATER FROM TO fLOW LENGTH DIA. • ELEVATION ELEVATION AREA VELOCITY HEAD ELEVATION LOSS ELEVATION LOSS LOSS ELEVATION ELEVATION HEAD LOSS LOSS ELEVATION CB CB (CFS) (FE= = VALUE (FE-== (<n Ff) (Ff/SEC) (FEET) (FEET) l}'EET) (FE-(FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) l}'EET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) RIMEL 4A 4 2.04 60 18 0.012 445.00 447.01 1.77 I.IS 0.02 4S0.66 0.02 450.68 O.ol 0.02 450.71 448.Sl 0.07 0.03 O.o! 450.68 455.85 • , 1.67 " 12 0.012 451.87 4S2.35 0.79 2.13 0.07 4S0.68 0.04 4S3.3S 0.04 0.07 <153.46 453.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 453.46 455.85 4 6 0.37 121 12 0.012 447.51 448.12 0.79 0.47 000 450.68 0.01 450.69 0 00 0.00 450.69 449.12 000 0.00 000 450.70 451.27 6 7 0.37 29 12 0.012 448.12 40.27 0.79 0.47 000 4S0.70 0.00 450.70 0.00 000 450.70 449.27 0.00 000 0.00 450.70 451.27 4 • 1.67 200 12 0.012 447.51 450.51 0.79 2.13 0.07 450.68 0.37 451.SI 0.04 0.07 4Sl.62 4Sl.SI 0.07 000 0.04 4Sl.S9 4S9.33 • 9 1.67 24 12 0.012 4SS.SS 4S6.03 0.79 2.13 0.07 4SLS9 004 4S7.03 0.04 0.07 457.14 4S7.03 000 0.00 0.00 4S7.14 4S9.33 10 1.67 !OS 12 0.012 4SO SI 4Sl.04 0.79 2.13 007 4SI.S9 0.19 4S2.04 0.04 0.07 4S2.1S 4S2.04 0.07 0.02 0.04 4S2.ll 46CUI 10 11 1.67 92 12 0.012 4Sl.04 4S9.78 0.79 2.13 0.07 4S2.13 0.17 460.78 0.04 0.07 460.89 460.78 0.00 0.00 000 460.89 463.28 I• 10 12 1.67 1S 12 0.012 4Sl.04 4Sl.42 0.79 2.13 0.07 4S2.13 0.14 4S2.42 0.04 0.07 4S2.S3 4S2.42 0.07 0.01 0.00 4S2.46 4S9.8S 12 13 1.67 26 12 0.012 4Sl.42 4S l.SS 0.79 2.13 0.07 4S2.46 o.os 452.SS 0.04 0,07 4S2.66 4S2.S5 0.07 0.06 0.00 452.64 4S8.96 13 14 1.67 34 12 0.012 451.SS 451.72 0.79 2.13 0.07 452.64 0.06 452.72 0.04 007 4S2.83 452.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 452.83 456.52 1'A " 0.21 ... 12 0.012 445.00 453.60 0.79 0.27 000 4S0.66 000 4S4.60 0.00 0.00 4S4.60 4S4.60 000 0.00 0.00 454.60 456.97 • • • :BA;CK.WATER.:tAttol;A'f.t<JBS::::· ......... .;,:-a~ BNAME: NICHOLS FLA CE PREPARED BY: G. Brooks OB NUMBER: 04037 DESIGN SfORM: 100 YEAR ENTRANCE ENTRANCE EXIT OITfLET INLET APPROACH BEND JUNCTION PIPE PIPE MANNING'S OITfLET INLET PIPE FLOW VELOCITY TAILWATER FRICTION BGL BEAD HEAD CONTROL CONTROL VELOCITY BEAD BEAD HEADWATER FltOMI TO I FLOW LENGTH DIA. • ELEVATION ELEVATION AREA VELOCITY BEAD ELEVATION LOSS ELEVATION LOSS LOSS ELEVATION ELEVATION BEAD LOSS LOSS ELEVATION CB CB ,,,..,..,.. ,..,..,.,.... -VALDE (FE= (FEE)) ""' FT) (FT/SEC) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) ==' (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEE)) (FEET) (FEET) RDI EL 4A J 4 _] 2.83 60 18 0.012 445.00 447.01 1.77 1.60 0.04 450.74 0.04 450.78 0.02 0.04 450.84 448.51 0.14 0.05 0.02 450.78 455.85 2.32 24 12 0.012 451.87 452.35 0.79 2.95 0.14 450.78 ' 0.09 453.35 0.07 0.14 453.55 453.35 000 000 000 453.55 455.85 4 1 6 I 0.51 121 12 0012 447.51 448.12 0.79 0.65 0.01 450.78 0.02 450.80 000 0.01 450.81 449.12 0.01 O.oJ 000 450.81 451.27 6 J ' _J 0.51 29 12 0012 448.12 448.27 0.79 0.65 0.01 450.81 0.01 450.81 0.00 0.01 450.82 449.27 0.00 0.00 000 450.82 451.27 2.32 200 12 0.012 447.51 450.51 0.79 2.95 0.14 450.78 0.72 4SU1 0.07 0.14 451.71 451.51 0.14 0.01 0.07 451.66 459.33 • 2.32 24 12 0.012 455.55 456.03 0.79 2.95 0.14 451.66 0.09 4S7.03 0.07 0.14 457.23 4S7.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 457.23 459.33 IO 2.32 I05 12 0.012 450.Sl 451.04 0.79 2.95 0.14 451.66 0.38 452.04 007 0.14 452.24 452.04 0.14 0.03 0.07 452.22 460.71 IO II 2.32 92 12 0.012 451.04 459.78 0.79 2.95 0.14 452.22 o.n 460.78 0.07 0.14 460.98 460.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 460.98 463,28 IO 12 2.32 15 12 0.012 451.04 451.42 0.79 2.95 0.14 452.22 0.27 452.48 0.07 0.14 452.69 452.42 Ol4 O.GI 0.00 452.57 459.85 12 13 2.32 26 12 0.012 451.42 451.55 0.79 2.95 0.14 452.57 0.09 452.66 0.07 0.14 452.86 452.55 0.14 0.11 0.00 452.84 458,96 13 14 2.32 34 12 0.012 451.SS 451.72 0.79 2.95 0.14 452.84 0.12 452.96 0.07 0.14 453.16 452.72 0.00 000 0.00 453.16 45652 15A 15 0.29 86 12 0.012 445.00 453.60 0.79 0.37 000 450.74 000 454.60 0.00 000 454.60 454.60 000 000 0.00 454.60 456.97 • • • OFF-SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM The existing ditch/culvert system that runs along the subject property's frontage along 1601h Avenue SE will be replaced with a tightlined system due to frontage improvements required along 160'h Avenue SE as part of the subject development. The tightlined offsite system along 1601h will convey upstream drainage past the site and discharge the drainage back into the existing ditch/culvert system just downstream of the site. The off-site drainage system was sized to convey the 100-year flows calculated in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering, dated August 26, 2002. See Section 6 of this report for a copy of the report. The tightlined system that run along the west side of 1601h Avenue SE upstream of the junction catch basin that captures the flows from the subject site was sized based on the 100-year flow rate from tributary areas el, e2, and "exeast" delineated in the Level 3 analysis. The 100-year flow rate is 22.46 cfs. The minimum culvert size at a slope of0.9% is a 24". Q(full) = l.49/n*A*R213 *S 112 = (l .49/0.012)(1t/4*22 ) (1/2)21 3 (0.009)11 2 = 23.31 cfs > 22.46 cfs. The tightlined system that run along the west side of 1601h Avenue SE downstream of the junction catch basin that captures the flows from the subject site was sized based on the 100-year flow rate from tributary areas e I, e2, e3, and "exeast" delineated in the Level 3 analysis. The 100-year flow rate is 23.38 cfs. The minimum culvert size at a slope of 1.0% is a 24". Q(full) = 1.49/n* A *R213 *S 112 = (1.49/0.012)( 1t/4 *z2) (1 /2)~3 (0.01 /2 = 24.57 cfs > 23.38 cfs . • -· N ~ b •• , .... ~ 1i5 1---:,,,;-----I ... ,K ~ b 'X t--T" ~---Im i ..... d) ~~ ,K .... '"" 7 .. = -.1--·1+---------------'--""'ta;,<i----.;;:·""=---"--''"9:::.::...-i.-....i:·01!~--'---'°"''":.-..,_ ___ _ • • • • • Nichols Place Preliminary Technical Information Report I EXPIRES, 3/04/05 Submitted to: King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Renton; WA 98055- Prepared by: Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 Tel. ( 425) 745-5872 Fax (425) 744~0305 May 18,2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS • 1. Project Overview ............................................................... : .............................................. 1-1 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary .......................................................................... 2-1 3. Off site Analysis ................................................................................................................ 3-1 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design ........................................ 4-1 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design ........................................................................ 5-1 6. Special Reports and Studies ................... : ......................................................................... 6-1 7. Other Permits .................................................................................................................... 7-1 8. ESC Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 8-1 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant ............................... 9-1 10. Operations and Maintenance Manual ........................................................................... 10-1 11. References .................................................................................................................... 11-1 • Table 1. Description of Downstream Conveyance System .................................................. 3-5 Table 2. Existing arufDevefoped Site Basin Conditions ....... : .............................................. 4~2 Table 3. Summary ofPerformance Standards ...................................................................... 4-3 · Table 4. Wet Pond Sizing Calculations .............................................................................. 4-ll Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies .............................................................. 6-l Table 6. Summary of Other Permits Required ..................................................................... 1~ 1 . Table 7 .. Summary of Maintenance Requirements for Stormwater Facilities .................... l 0° l • j • • • Figure 1. TIR Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 1-2 · Figure 2. Vicinity Map .......................................................................................................... 1-5 Figure 3. Drainage Basins ..................................................................................................... 1-6 Figure 4. SoilsMap ............................................................................................................... 1-7 Figure 4A. Aerial Photo -1977 ............................................................................................. 1-8 Figure 5. Downstream Conveyance System ......................................................................... 3-4 Figure 6. Stormwater System Design ................................................................................... 4-6 Figure 7A. Flow Duration Curves for RID & POC -East Basin .......................................... 4-7 Figure 7B. Flow Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin ................................................ 4-9 Figure 7C. Flow Duration Curves for West Basin ......................................................... : ....... 4-9 Figure 8. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (For Final Design Only) ....................... 8-2 Figure 9. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet (For Final Design Oilly) ................ 9-2 Figure 10. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary ............................................ 9-3 APPENDICES Appendix A. Downstream System Appendix B. Stormwater RID System Design Appendix C. Conveyance Calculations Appendix D. Hydrologic Model Documentation D. • 1.·. PtvJed o~,¢ryiewi,'.\•L·.;f ·, ··:·~::;: .. ·· .. ;,);s{:;::i2?1Ki;;;;;ft];ii~t;HR~~~·: .. ;;;::.;••·.··:~;:~:if,g;;;:• ·· ••.. "·· .. ····~;, . .,;:,•·· ...•...•. , .· • • lP'roject Description A summary of the Nichols Place project is provided in the TIR Worksheet (Figure 1). This preliminary technical information report (TIR) addresses the design of stormwater facilities and the offsite drainage analysis for the Nichols Place project. The Nichols Place project is a proposed residential development located within the Renton Highlands area of unincorporated King County (Figure 2). The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres. Road improvements along the frontage of 160th·Avenue SE are also proposed. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6 of Section 4. Site Description The site is located within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed (King County Department of Natural Resources, 1999). The site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the northeast to the southwest. The elevation of the site ranges from about 464 feet (NA VD 88) along the north boundary to 449 feet in the southeast comer. The project is located east of 158th Avenue SE (if extended) and is bordered by 160th Avenue SE on the east and the proposed Evendell plat on the north. Cover types on the site include a single- family residence, pasture, and forest (Photo l in Appendix AJ ). No wetlands have. been identified on the site. Based on King County Soil Survey (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1973) the site consists of Alderwood soils.(Figure 4). D,;ainage from an approximately 2.15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the easterly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3). The easterly basin drains to a conveyance system along 160th Avenue SE. Drainage from an approximately 1.8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the westerly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3). The westerly basin drains to a conveyance system along 156th Avenue SE. Both downstream drainage courses eventually discharge to an unclassified tributary of the Cedar River (King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, I990). Stormwater Design Under developed conditions, stormwater from the easterly basin of the. site and offsite road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the stormwater facility in the east basin. Most of the westerly basin will be conveyed to the pond in the easterly basin. A portion of the yards and roofs of lots .. 14 through 17 will be surface discharged at their respective adjacent property lines. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. Natural discharge locations from the site wilJ be maintained at the surface discharge and the outlet of the proposed stormwater facility. 1.-1 • • • Figure I. TIR Worksheet TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Project Owner: U.S. Land Development Associates, Inc. ·Address: C/o: Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: (425) 486-2563 Project Engineer: Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Company: Haozous Engineering, P.S . Address/Phone: 13428 -45'" Court· Mukilteo, WA 98275 (425)745-5872 l!J Residential 1!J Grading Community: King County .}JI::2.iif!,;£.;tt~i~;~11~j·f P01 ()~-: \\ Project Name: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Location: West of 160th Avenue SE and bordered by extension of SE 138th Streetonthe north. Township: 23N. Range:5E Section: 14 Description: The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres. 0 DFWHPA O· Wetlands fBt National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stonnwater Permit mf Forest Practices Class N General · Drains e Basin: Lower Cedar River Watershed· Orti Hills subbasin •· • ' : j Part6 D River: NIA D Stream: N/A 0 Critical Stream Reach: N/A 0 Depressions/Swales: NIA 0 Lake: NIA Soil Type Alderwood REFERENCE Slopes Moderate Ch 6 -Water Quality Requirements Ch 5 -Flow Control MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION l!I Sedimentation Facilities I!! Stabilized Construction Entrance l!I Perimeter Runoff Control l!l Cover Practices l!I Construction Sequence 0 Steep Slopes: NIA D Floodplain: N/A D Wetlands: Onsite Class 2 Wetland 0 Seeps/Springs: N/A 0 High Groundwater Table: NIA 0 Groundwater Recharge: N/A Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Onsite treatment -basic standards Level 2 RID standards MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION l!I Stabilize Exposed-Surface l!I Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities l!J_ Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris - l!I Ensure Operation of Pennanent Facilities Detention Level2Pond Surface Discha 1-3 • • • Facility Related Site Design Considerations: Reference Facility Pait.11. STRUCTURAL . • 0 ANALYS1s> .. ····.•-.. D Rockery > 4' High 0 Berms > 6': NIA Design Consideration D Drainage Easement N/A D Access Easement: NIA D · Native Growth Protection Easement D Sensitive areas l!I Stormwater tracts I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate . 1-4 Nic/rok .lfa« P,elindntv), 1TR-May 21111.l ------------i • Figure 2. Vicinity Map •• • ~ ~ S 1J6~H S1 " • SE 1281H 51 [ ... SITE Scale: l" = 1 mile 1-5 H ST • fJ u I ·· ..... ~ I ' ., \ \ ---·--' ---· -• 200 ... • Haozous Engineering, P.S. QVIL a, STIE ENGINEERINO 13428 -45TH COURT. MUKILTEO. WA 0827& 425-748-5872 -"" DATO RHO 5/15/03 ,,,_.., RHD ..... 5/10/03 . ,. '· ·,.::.-·.j •• , ••• ~--" • I .:-'1.,,,., '··' \ ' i' , . , F ;. :1 L ' . ' ' ,\ ! ,,, : ·~ \ .i . l., j', \ .. ~ '. ; • '\ •. ,· ' I SITE' .IS 2% OF , TRIBUTARY AREA' (LOCAT;ION ·54 IN • FIG. 5) . . '· .. :::,. .. "'·"·~-... NICHOLS PRELIMINARY PLAT EXISTING DRAINAGE . BASINS 3 • • • SCALE: 1 :24 000 1" = 2,000' lTTLE PAGE Figure 4. Soils Map DATE 1-7 01J03/01 • TITLE HAOZOUSENGINEERIN~P£ AERIAL PHOTO OF NICHOIS PLACE srrE -1!lll FIGURE 4A • • A summary of conditions and requirements for the project are presented in this section. The following is a summary of core and special requirements from the I 998 King County Surface Water Design Manual: Core Requirement 1: Discharge at the Natural Location The natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the outlets of the proposed stormwater facilities. Core Requirement 2: Off-site Analysis A Level I downstream drainage analysis is presented in Section 3. Core Requirement 3: Runoff Control Level 2 RID standards are required for the site. Core Requirement 4: Conveyance System The onsite stormwater conveyance system and offsite improvements will be designed to convey the 25-year storm. Core Requirement 5: Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan Proposed erosion/sedimentation control procedures are described in Section 8. An erosion/sedimentation control plan (ESCP) will be developed for the project during engineering design. Core Requirement 6: Maintenance and Operation The proposed systems for managing stormwater will be maintained and operated by King County. Recommended maintenance activities are provided in Section 10. Core Requirement 7: Bonds and Liability Bonds and liability requirements will be developed for the project during engineering design (Section 9), 2-1 Nldtoh Place Prelimtna,y 11R-May 200J • • Core Requirement 8: Water Quality As described in Section 5.E, basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide water quality treatment for stormwater collected from the site's east basin. Stormwater from most of the west basin will be collected and directed to the wetpond serving the east basin. Stormwater from selected yards and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. A small wetvault near the southeast corner of the site will provide water quality treatment for stormwater collected from a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. Special Requirement 1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements The site is within the Cedar River Basin. Basin-wide requirements have been recommended by the Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan that apply to the site. These requirements are covered by the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual Applications Maps. Special Requirement 2: Delineation of 100-Year Floodplain The site is not within a I 00-year floodplain. Special Requirement 3: Flood Protection Facilities The project does not contain nor is it adjacent to a flood protection facility . . Special Requirement 4: Source Controls Source controls are not proposed for the development. Special Requirement 5: Oil Control The proposed development does not meet the definition of a high-use site requiring oil control. 2-2 Nld,ols Pr= Pre/;minary 11R-May 2003 • • • The site and project area are in two separate basins. The majority of the site is in the easterly basin. Topography in this basin slopes primarily from the northwest to the southeast towards 160th Avenue SE. The northwest and southwest corners of the site flow to the southwest and eventually to 156th A venue SE. A downstream drainage analysis for the site, incl~ding drainage routes along both 160th Avenue SE and 156th Avenue SE, is presented in this section. The drainage courses from the site were assessed on April 23, 2003. Light rainfall occurred during the morning prior to the site visit. The downstream conveyance system is described below and illustrated in Figure 5. Further descriptions of downstream structures are summarized in Table 1. Upstream Drainage Drainage from an approximately 2.15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's easterly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. Runoff from the easterly basin is collected in the roadside ditch along 160th Avenue SE (Location 41 in Figure 5). The ditch continues along the east boundary of the site. No scouring or erosion was observed in the grass-lined ditch along this segment. The road embankment on the west side of 160th Avenue SE is steep, but stable. The ditch continues along the east boundary of the site to the site's southeast comer . Drainage from an approximately 1.8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's westerly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. About one half of the runoff from the westerly basin sheet flows to the roadside ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place and continues to 156th Avenue SE (Location 2 in Figure 5). The remainder of the runoff sheet flows towards a home and pasture area south and west of the site and eventually reaches 156th Avenue SE. Downstream Drainage Course -156th Avenue SE Runoff from the western and southwestern border of the site sheet flows towards the backyards of two homes on the south side of the cul-de-sac at the eastern end of SE 138th Place and two homes at the end of SE 139th Place. This runoff eventually enters the grass-lined ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place at Locations 2, 4, & 6, (Photo 1, Appendix A.2). The grass-lined . ditch interrupted with 12" diameter driveway culverts continues to 156th Avenue SE where it enters the pipe conveyance system (Location 21) and turns south. The conveyance system outfalls to a grass-lined ditch at Location 25 (Photo 2, Appendix A.2). Downstream from Location 28, a grass-lined ditch conveys drainage to the south along.a pasture (Location 29). At the lower end of the pasture (Location 30) the ditch flattens and it appears that high flow rates could flow onto a portion of the pasture. At Location 31, drainage enters a 12- inch diameter pipe (Photo 3, Appendix A.2). A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No . 97-0318) was reported at Location 31 by the resident at 14038 -156th Avenue SE (Appendix 3-1 Nldwb Pu= ~llmmary 11R-May 200J • • • A.2). The complaint is a claim and was not available from Kirig County. Based on King County's record description, the complaint was related to flooding due to a plugged culvert (Appendix A.2). Downstream from Location 31 a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe conveys flow to a Type 1 CB (Location 32) that connects to an 18-inch diameter CMP. This pipe continues south to another CB at Location 34 that has a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe stub to the east (Location 33). This stub appears to collect surface drainage from the yard to the east and the fielp to the northeast. From this CB flow continues in the 18-inch diameter CMP to another CB approximately 50 north of SE 143rd Street (Location 36). There is an 18-inch CMP stub in a headwall to the east that picks up flow from a shallow, grass-lined swale extending to the south paralleling 156th A venue SE. Another past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 91-0954) was reported by the resident at 15606 SE 143th Street (Appendix A.2). This complaint was related to flooding at the culvert that crosses 156th Avenue SE adjacent to the residence. Location 36 is 1,890 feet from the site and represents 2. 7% of the tributary area Downstream Drainage Course -160111 Avenue SE The grass-lined ditch along the eastern boundary of the site continues to the southeast comer of the site where it enters a 12-inch diameter CMP driveway culvert (Location 40). The grass-lined ditch continues southerly for a distance of about 660 feet from _the site (Locations 41) to a recently constructed, 24-inch diameter LCPE pipe that conveys drainage to the east side of 160th Avenue SE (Location 42). The site comprises approximately 7 percent of the tributary basin area at this point in the drainage system. Drainage is then conveyed through a recently installed, 30-inch diameter LCPE driveway culvert (Location 43). From Location 43, drainage is conveyed through about 130 feet of recently constructed ditch (Location 44, Photo 5 in Appendix A. I to ' another recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe at the residence of 14028 -160th Avenue SE (Location 45, Photo 6 in Appendix A.1 ). Past drainage problems (Drainage Complaints No. 97-203 and 2002-0766) were reported at this location. The complaints were related to overflow from the roadside ditch (Appendix A.2) and assumedly were corrected by the recently installed 30-inch LCPE culverts. The recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe is about 130 feet long and discharges to a recently graded earth-lined section of ditch (Location 46, Photo 7 in Appendix A. I). This ditch continues for about 50 feet to a distance of about 1,000 feet from the site where drainage flows away 160th Avenue SE to the east, among trees on a forested parcel (Location 47). The channel is somewhat flat and braided after leaving the roadside ditch and passes through a ponded area (Location 48). The channel then becomes more well-defined (Location 49) and enters a 12-inch diameter-concrete pipe (Location 50) located near a horse corral. Drainage is then conveyed through a 12-inch diameter driveway culvert (Location 51) and then to an open channel. The open channel flows south for about 150 feet then turns east along the north boundary of residential lots that are along SE 142nd Place. A segment of the channel has been reinforced with concrete blocks (Location 52). Drainage then enters a 24-inch diameter CPE pipe that has a trash rack and concrete headwall inlet (Location 53). At Location 54, the channel turns to the south and has significant bank erosion at the bend The site comprises approximately 2 percent · 3-2 Nidro/$ Pu= Preliminary TTR-May 21/0J • • • of the tributary basin area at this point in the drainage system. The channel then flows south down the hill (Location 55) towards SE 144th Street. A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206) was reported at Location 53 (Appendix A.2). The resident at 16046 -SE 142nd Place has had problems from runoff in the channel along his property. The 24-inch diameter pipe has likely been installed since the complaint was filed to reduce groundwater seepage from the ditch that was apparently compromising the performance of the homeowner's onsite sewage treatment system. The homeowner also stated in the complaint that he maintains the ditch long the north and east boundaries of his property by removing accwnulations of debris and sediment. King County investigated the problem for the Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Downstream Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream system were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division. Drainage Complaint Nos. 91-0954, 97-0206, 95-0107, and 97-0318, and 2002-0766 are along the drainage route and are described in the narrative above. A map showing the locations of residents that filed drainage complaints is provided in Appendix A.2. Copies of registered drainage ·complaints are listed in Appendix A.2. A summary of the drainage complaints is provided in Table A. I of Appendix A.2 . 3-3 ·-·· (.: .. ,./· a.sa A,,_ ----------------- ; • '.:,._,. • 125 ••• --·.' ··-SCALE lN FEET .. ~:.,5·, ....... . I I Haozous Engineering, P .S. Q'JJL fl S11E ENGINEERING 134211 -40TH COURr, UUklLTEO, WA 88270 ,425-7.a&-5872 ........ ..... RHD 8/18/03 _ .... ..... RHO. 8/18/03 \;·•·''''"'""''J, .... .. ··~· .. ,,;, __ .. , .. ,. i .. ; ... :~_:; ; LEGEND LOCATION ID DRAINAGE COMPLAINT LOCATION NICHOLS PRELIMINARY PLAT DOWNSTREAM CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ·······-"---~·---· . ' . ·,' , .... ., R 5 Tablel Basin: I . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -. Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE Sheet flow Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: I' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 6' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: I' Side slope: 2: I 12-io diam CP Leogtb=57' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: I 12-io diam CP Length= 25' Roadside ditch Width: I ' Depth: I. 5' Side slope: 2: 1 Forested area Grass-lined ditch HW=0.1' Grass area; no distinct flow path HW=l' Grass-lined ditch HW=l.5 Grass-lined ditch -. • Site visit on: 4/24/03 Weather: Sprinkles ··c-~~1~1~1.~lt il~.f~~~f~:: ~--~t.:~'.:t!~!!t~:£~~:t !~~i1~!1~~;;?~[-se1~!:!~\1~J~~~~!t:~fr~~-;~,- 3 3 2 4 5 4 4 4 Southwest comer of site 70 85 91 140 197 245 270 5 Runoff from southwest comer of site sheet flows towards SE 139th Place Collects runoff from slot across concrete driveway ·and directs to ditch on north side of SE 139th Pl. • •••••• Table l(commued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 9 10 II 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 12-in diam CP Lengtb=20' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Lengtb=25' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Lengtti_= 15' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: I. 5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length=25' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 50' N,du,b Plac. Preliminary 11R-May 2003 HW=l' Grass-lined ditch HW=I' Grass-lined ditch HW=l' Grass-lined ditch HW=l' Grass-lined ditch HW=l' 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 -. ·280 300 325 350 360 375 410 435 460 3-6 • !ltlll!li1ii~/ ii1111rt1i Table i (:o!ued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: U' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 55' Roadside ditch Width: I ' Depth: U' Side slope: 2: I 12-ln diam CP from east Type 1 CB -grate inlet 12-in diam N12 in 12-in diam CP out 12-in diam CP from east Type I CB -grate inlet Type I CB -grate inlet 12-in diam Nl2 out 12-in diam Nll outlet 12-in diam CP 12-in diam CP N,du,/s Pb= Prelaninary 1TR-May 2003 Grass-lined ditch HW=L5' Grass-lined ditch HW=l' HW=!' I 3 3 2 2 3 2 I 3 3 3 3 I 3 -. • ~tl1£.1r~~'~I~'l~~~1~~{~1f:s~; :~~~E!~:=:~i~:: 510 545 600 700 706 740 740 770 910 920 970 3-7 .·,,~a~&lll~i~iiii~l~t ' I I I Half-filled with sediment I Collects runoff from SE 139th Place Collects runoff from SE 139th Place I Collects runoff from SE 139th Place -• . Table 1 ( continued) Basin: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Westerly Basin Draining to_156th Ave SE Roadside ditch Width: 1,5' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: I Roadside ditch 12-in diam CP Type I CB -grate inlet 12-in diam CP in (N) 12-in diam CP in (NW) 18-in diam CMP out 12-in diam CP from east Type I CB -grate inlet I 8-in diam CMP in I 8-in diam CMP out Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Ditch flattens out HW=l' HW=0.5' 18-io diam CMP from I HW=l' east Nichol, Place Preliminary 17R-May 2003 3 2. 2 2 2 2 1.5 -. -. ;&!~;:~ 1l~!1~!t~~;~ t~~i~E~!t:J;:~ ~1:tt~!t~~~!~l~~t- . ~lAg¢.~~[l~a~~I~lt!:~~hf:}~~!:!~~;·~~ I, 000-1,200 1,200-1,450 1,450 1,564 1,640 1,640 1,890 3-8 Claim for flooding due to plugged culvert. See Complaint No. 97- 0318 Storm event CB overflow. See Complaint No. 91- 0954 ' ' Water likely spreads out onto adjacent pasture Collects runoff from adjacent pasture & yard Collects runoff from ditch from SE 143th Street • Table 1 (continued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 36 Type I CB -grate inlet 18-in diam CMP in · 18-in diam CMP out Nkhob l'ula Prellmmary 11R-May 2003 'C•lO<->."X.:2:ttb,'<t -• • ,,·ltill\1 t~'*ff :[~f~~ft 1;t1ti;~~~,'. ... ~!Jr~:;i£l:~~ ;!,' .. :_-., •. ,,., .,_,.,,,,.-,:'~> ·-'.',:,,,,;,,_ .:,, .. ~.'" /i,'.,~fn1~1&tii~,··,i~!~;~;a1it~l~l;;~11~;tt!~$i±~~fu,·· 1,890 3-9 • Table 1 ( continued) 40 41 42 43 .44 45 46 12-incb diam CCP Road&de ditch Width: 2' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 24-in diam CP Length= 40' 30-in diam CMl' Length= 20' Roadside ditch Width: i Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 30-in diam CMP Length = 130' Roadside ditch Width: 3' Depth: 3' Side slope: 2: I N/duJls Pla,;e Ptelilnmary 11R-May 2003 HW=l.5' drass-lirted ditch HW=l.5' HW=i' Earth-lined ditch HW=i' Earth-lined ditch • • IErE~iil~~~~r.;li~" illili~~-~~~;t 2 0 3 20-280 2 280 2 320 j 340-460 2 460 3 590-640 3-1 Past drainage problem reported ai this location; See Drainage Complaint No. 97-0423 Culvert crosses from west to east side of road. New 24" LCPE replaced 12" CP New 30" LCPE replaced 24" CMP Recently regraded New 30" LCPE replaced 18" CMP Recently regraded labl: 1'tontinued) 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Braided channel Ponded area I Channel Width; 2.5' Depth; I' Side slope; 2; 1 12-in iliani CMP U-io diaoi clllvert Channel Width: 2.5' Depth: 2.5' Side slope: Vertical 24-in diam culvert Nid,pa lv-Pr<Pmlnar)' 11R -May 2(/(/J Forested Forested, potential wetland area I Earth-lined Earth-lined bottom; cortcrete block walls I 0.5 2 1-2 1-2 2 • I 640-740 I 740-840 I 840-990 I 990 I 1,090 I 1,110-1,240 1,240 3-2 • ~-J u1--~# I I I Water likely backs up under high flows I Potential I overtopping of driveway Past drainage problem reported at this location; See Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206 I I I Water flows east among trees I Flow path through middle of ponded area Culvert passes under horse corral Culvert passes under driveway Culvert has trash rack and concrete headwall inlet -·~---·- tabl! continued) ..... ,. • Basin:. Westerly Basiii Draining to156tb Ave SE -. =Jcy,-_,,,, . ..:,,...,,,,_1·,1.""·:;;.""!ll.,, 54 I chaline! I Earfu.lined I 3 11,24°'-1,280 I Highly eroded banks I Eros_ion likely to Width: 3' contmue Oepth: 4' . Side slope: 1: 1 55 I Chatmel I Earth-lined . I 6 11,2so:1,5so I Eroded banks I Erosion likely to I Channel heads down hill Width: 3' continue towards SE 144th Street Depth: 4' . Side slope:. 1: I 3-3 Nid,o/, Plaa Pre/;mJ,tary 'liR-May 2/J/JJ • • ' •· Part A: Existing Hydrology The .site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from · the north to the southwest. Cover types on the site include a single-family residence (Photo 1 in J\ppendix A. I), forest (Photo 2 in Appendix A. I), and pasture. Cover types and areas used in the stormwater design for existing onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Part B: Developed Site Hydrology The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on about 3.8 acres. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6. Cover type areas for developed onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Urider developed conditions, the developed portion of the site, including offsite road improvements, will consist of 1.83 acres of grass and 1.99 acres of impervious area. Under developed conditions, stormwater from the east basin of the site and road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. Stormwater from a portion of the lots and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. In the east basin, stormwater from the site will be collected and managed in an onsite combined wetpond/detention pond. The outfall of the pond will discharge to the drainage ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE. Stormwater from a 0.11-acre portion of 160th Avenue SE will bypass the onsite stormwater facility, but will be treated to basic water quality standards with a small wetvault located near the south end of the improvements. The stormwater pond in the southeast comer of the site will be designed using a downstream point-of-compliance to account th . for the bypass from 160 Avenue SE. In the west basin, stormwater from the back halves oflots 14 and 16 and all but the front access driveways to lots 15 and 17 will be allowed to sheet flow off the property. Develped peaks for all storm events greater than the 2-year event are fess than existing peaks except for the 2-year peak whick is 0.005 cfs higher than existing. The developed duration curve is less than the existing for all return periods (See Figure 7C). 4-1 • • • Ta hie 2. Existing and Developed Site Basin Conditions '' .. .. Subbasi~i. " ' ··"'·:.:, ... ;" ".'''. ,, : ... ::, .. ; West Basin Site Subtotal East Basin Site 160th Ave SE Improvements Subtotal Total West Basin Lots Subtotal East Basin Lots (3) RID . · _ 160th Ave SE Improvements Subtotal Total East Basin ' '" . "' .•,' ', 'EXISTING. ' .. KCRTS Till-forest TilJ-pasture .· Wetland 1ill-:gras• ·lmperv. 'Totiil li~in ,: ····(AQ·., (At'.) , (AC,j (AC) (AC). . (AC) erwest 0.28 1.20 ---1.48 0.28 1.20 ---1.48 exeast 2.34 ---2.34 -0.11 0.11 -2.45 ---2.45 0.28 3.65 ---3,93 devwesl 0.14 0.22 0.36 0.14 0.22 0.36 deveast 1.37 1.49 2.86 0.32 0.28 0.60 0.11 0.11 1.69 1.88 3.57 1.83 2.10 3.93 . :t~!l~iJffi~~~l~tS:\JJ!ltYl.:t;HfK<$~,T$/f!,fff!llJt,~;W,Yii'.'0li~~W}11JW"1¥iJ:f(6( •ttf,!i ai:~:;tlj) .iifrtiJ#ttif If~_; i(!:~:,~~;:~c;.'. ·ltti~JE .. :;:::~~®i)}li ti;/;.,.-.~--' :A!,1,..~0 ;t ~l11:·:ii ~\1;,:4D,t;;,]1 ··_:_':~·f4..:, .. -,:.,.i ~.iii~ .. :·-~:)/: exeast deveast byeast 0.28 1.20 1.48 2.45 0.14 0.22 0.36 1.69 1.77 0.11 2.45 3.46 0.11 Note: 0.18 acre of impervious of160thAvenue SE improvements bypas.s the RID facility in the east basin. % impervious factor= 0.52 for 6.0 DU/Gross Acre (23/3.82) from SWDM Table 3.2.2.D Total lot impervious lower of 4000 sf or .70% whichever is less. 4-2 ~ Pfa<e fuliminoty 17R -May 2003 ------------ • • ' • Part C: Performance Standards A summary of flow control, conveyance, and water quality treatment perfonnance standards for the project is presented in Table 3, below. Table 3. Summary of Performance Standards Flow Control Water Quality Treatment Menu Oil Control N,d,ob Place Prellnuna,y TlR-May 2003 <:Performance Standard-' - • Level 2 RID • 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual; Applications Map • Basic water quality treatment • Surface Water Design Manual Section 1.2. 8.1; Applications Map using a wetpond and wetvault in the east basin. • The site does not meet the definition of a high-use site 4-3 • Surface Water Design Manual Section 1.3.5 • Part D: Flow Control System • • KCRTS was used to design the proposed stonnwater facilities. Procedures and design criteria specified in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual were followed for hydrologic modeling. Descriptions of the stonnwater systems and details of the design analysis are provided below. A plan view of the stormwater systems is provided in Figure 6. For stormwater facility designs, the reduced KCRTS time series data set was used for the Sea- Tac rainfall region with a correction factor of 1.0, Documentation of the KCRTS input and output including descriptions of executable files, reservoirs, and times series is provided in Appendices C and D. Under developed conditions, stonnwater from the site and offsite road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention · pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the stormwater facility. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. The natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the outlet of the proposed storm water facilities. It is assumed the existing offsite flows from the north from the 1.80 and 2.15 acre basins will be directed to the proposed Evendell Plat pond for the developed scenario and will not enter the site . Stormwater from the development in the easterly basin will be managed with a combined wetpond/detention facility to meet Level 2 RID standards. Storm water from the development in the westerly basin will be managed by allowing runoff from selected lots and roofs to discharge to surface. Runoff from these selected lots and roofs will have a 2-year peak of0.066 cfs versus an existing 2-year peak of0.051 cfs; however; peak values.for all higher return periods will be less than existing. The duration curve for the developed west basin will be less than existing for . all return periods (See Figure ). The storm water facilities shown in Figure 6 meets Level 2 RID criteria and basic water quality requirements. Flow duration curves at the downstream point-of-compliance are provided in Figures 7 A and 7C. Peak flow rates for the downstream point-of-compliance, under existing and developed siie conditions follow Figures 7A and 7B. The downstream point-of~compliance · includes iunofffrom a portion of-I60th Avenue SE that bypasses the stormwateffacilities. The duration curves arid peak flow rates shown for existing and developed conditions indicate that Level 2 RID criteria are met. The storm water facility in the-east basin requires approximately 42,085 cubic feet oflive storage,.excluding a factor of safety, to meet Level 2 RID standards. A factor of safety of IO percent will beadded to the-final design volume: · .... Part E: · · Water Q~~lity·System Basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide treatment for the · site's easterly basin. A small wetvatilt will provide treatment for a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the easterly stormwater facility. . • • The required wetpool volumes for the treatment facilities were determined using equations provided in Chapter 6 of the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. Basin areas, annual runoff volumes, VbNr ratios, and required volume for the wetpond are given in Table 4 . . ·~~~~~~~~ -• '• "' ·.,-\ ... \ ~2 I •" f :\,•, .. , ~:· ,, ·t <'>'. ~,v'.,. l,c_/,. \.. ' .. ,.-S :',._J ••• •-, .l..,M \ •·-'·~• :,.,,!; .. -, ~.¢: · '-,,~. ' ~·'' s·-" --.:.._ .• ,\~: . I \ '""'ll j +· fk,t,.~; :~,--~ .. f"..,,1:")- u~ .;' H~ \'lltti::-i, "' ,; J?ROPOSED EVENDELL PLAT "byeast" (0.11 AC) . "\1 ---· ,,>:.• ~,-,-1 ,-,~1-,---,---!~ ---,~~11 · I'~ .. .. . .. . . ..; . · l?ose ~,.,,;)}, ""' . · ~· I j / · j j ·. j ' j ·• ·. j j I ;ordtrl!f, , ~~J" '1 ! 10 · 9 -! iB . 7 . 6 . 5 · · 4 . 3 · 2 · ··· 1 .,, t .,·,~~~-·n·1 I .I·. I·· I I I I I I ~· 1 '.··'fl!.;-ft: I• ' .. ·' ·· . .,__.,,,_._.,·Nd: • t"' ' . ' ' :::., °'"" i . .,,1i, \ ! J,,.... . -· l..~_t: .1. -. ..l :.'.µ::J.L ev ia ~ . .1. -. .1. --.1. -. .1. --. "'), ~~;;:c-~: ·-··-·-/ __ "'ffi·~:_·,'i'.t3_.4p','.AC) '" "' '"'1~ 1 ' l----,r:: · ·· , n ell 1R7D tr!' JGt.Yi~< ~~ \ . "" / I ivi:: "~·:'.~Jf·:w~-!;;J~";j !_ •, • '-•. · ·.··. . .. ... .. . -'-· -r·)... . .. 1· ;..,, ... ~,. ·.J,;·1· . · .. I I . · I · -; 1'-·} 18 -~~.ji!Ji .. , j) 20 , j 23 ,, I . ,,,, . I '""·· . . , . . """"'' " ;---· .... . .... I .. . . ... -l L . ---,11 --~-. ·-· ' j-1~") ~,_, ! ~ . . '. 17''' 1 '{ .-,_,.,,~ '!;,_j 22 -: :11~,: i:· . --~-•:::::1 ~""'_/;:! --·------:..._ ___ /, ;. ~i.. ~;-. SCM.E EN FEET """----· ' ---~--0 .. . .. Haozous Engineering, P.S.I NICHOLS CMl & STIE ENGINfERINQ PRELIMINARY PLAT 13428 -45TH COURT. MUKJLttO, WA 98275 425-745-58n .......... .. ,., DEVELOPED RHD 8/18/lll DRAIN .. ..,., B/18/lll DRAINAGE BASINS . RHD • 16 • • Fig11re '7 A .. Filiw Uuration Curves for R/D & POC '-Elist Bas iii ;'p.;,;;,::,1. fl!ir,-;ti,;} ,'ln;,f.,'...;~=~kC.n i's-.~.. <'·:; • !1' )~."i;'a (!~(it 01:·~~i/f'i't"'.;\~~T:<:'.,t).'i::'.:f--;)'tfi*~;,(i{~I!j;:{ttt(-!J.t',l?~~;,"!g..';f't},;,~f:W".~...;:,i· !>Jl,ji,il,J!lll~!) :1~;~:}r;~t~!i'(0:;1:~isJ fjj lL <,>. " "' la ti 0 " d· ~-~-~ ""-~, ~--,.,, 11 ~, '00,, " ;· l\ "\ Nti1c~ ~~-~ .. ~ d .; ~ d 00 t:, b \\'• ·~ .. )·. Q\ -._ ,, '\/---ta •e.a•f t ,, \ ~-·,,,\ ~ \ " ,; ' ' ~ \ I ~. ·. I t, ... , •\. ! ·,"-~! / .. "•.,, ,._ __ _ ___..,,.. ·. -: .. -----.. -~--:-:-:;.,;..,:,-.... 1-J O "t ,; ~ § 1...i>. 10 •5 ' ' " ,o .• ' I ;o'•J ' ' ' 10 .J \ I Probabi6ty Exceedence I ,iii~Hl~~Jti.:1/'!~l'jjjj~iiii/~~J@~!;;.;~;~1:~~"'"~''lilll•"""""·"'"' ... ; ·-L1':-i-' ·"'I ·,v\ t,•.· --'·· - .0--ic:·:·., .) Nld,o/s Place Preli!nina,y 11R-May 20()3 -''' I ,, .. ·' • !J l fV•'J 4-1 ' "··">s•,cs,,,~ ... ,, 10 _, I -;;~-1 ·:hll' NeeOSldls • :.an><t;t,:hJ ~. '> ,~ ' 10' ji/i~'fula;;iitfi''.:,,;,:..; .l ,o • ~ Predeveloped Peak Flow Rates -East Basin • • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob· (CFS) (CFS). Period 0.178 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.305 1 100.00 0.990 0.066 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.178 2 25.00 0.960 0 .162 3 2/28/03 3:00 0 .162 3 10.00 0.900 o. 017 8 3/24/04 19:·00· 0.151 4 5.00 0.800,-. __ 0.091 6 1/05/05 8:00 0 .146 5 3.00 0. 667 0.151 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0.091 6 2.00 0.500 0.146 5 11/24/06 4:00 o. 066 7 1. 30 0.231 0.305 1 1/09/08 6:00 o. 017 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0 . .262 50.00 0.980 Developed Peak Flow Rates -East Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac '---Annual Peak. Flow Rates.--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0 .. 195 0.071 0.175 0.010 0. 067 0.079 0.096 0.174 1 2/09/01 2lr00 6 1/05/02 16: 00 2 3/06/03 21:00 7 8/26/04 2:00 8 10/28/04 16: 00 5 1/18/06 16 :.00 4 11/26/0<i 21:00 3 1/09/08 15:00 Computed Peaks: _ro'%i 't-y • 'l,/t-.. t<J 1,T ' I t,vr f" f' ... ' (ifb yr -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks (CFS) 0.1.95 0 .175 0.174 0.096 0.079 0 .. 071 0.070 0.067 0.188 e-Po,"' ,-·-· ,,,~, ',,7/ ,fi,,'t-, 11+ '17,: '/7'6 i (, ,_ , !SB . ']"--; <;' l (. ; Rank Return Prob Period 1 100.00 Q.990 2 25.00 0. 960 3 10.00 0.900 4 5.00 o. 800 5 3.00 0. 667 6 2 .. 00 0 . .500 7 1.30 0. 231 8 1.10 0.091 50.00 0.980 { ' • Figure 7B. Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exeast. tsf New File, poceast.tsf Cutoff Uni ts:. Discharge in CFS Cutoff "'\-(\_.~( -~:~!~ so 0.053 0.057 0.062 0.066 0.070 0.074 0.078 0.082 0.086 0.091 o .. 095 0.099 0 .103 0.107 0 .111 • 0.116 0.120 I 0.124 0 .128 0 .. 132 0 .136 0.140 0.145 0.149 0.153 0.157 0.161 O.Hi5 0 .170 -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change I 0 .. 87E-02 0.67E-02 -23.0 I 0.87E--02 0.045 0.042 -7.0 I 0.73E-02 0.53E-02 -27.0 I 0.73E-02 0.~49 0.044 -10.5 I 0.64E-02 . 0.46E-02 -28.1 I 0.64E-02 0.053 0.045 -14.6 I 0.57E-02 0.39E-02 -31.1 I 0.57E-02 0.057 0.048 -17.0 I 0.52E-02 0.36E-02 -31.2 I 0.52E-02 0.062 0.050 -18.6 I 0.46E-02 0.33E-02 -28.l I 0.46E-02 0.066 0.053 -19.3 I 0.41E-02 0.32E-02 -22.0 I 0 .. 41E-02 0.,070 0.056 -19.5 I 0.37E-02 0.27E-02 -27.2 I 0.37E-02 0.074 0.061 -18.2 I 0.32E-02 0.23E-02 -26.5 I 0.32E-02 0.078 0.070 -10.7 I 0.29E-02 0.20E-D2 -31.8 I 0.29E-02 0~082 o;073 -11.9 I 0.27E-02 0.18E-02 -33.5 I 0.27E-02 0.086 0.074 -14.5 J. 0.23E-02 0.17E-02 -28.2 I 0.23E-02 0.091 0.079 -12.8 I 0.20E-02 0.)6E-02 -22.0 I 0.20E-02 0.095 0.081 -14.2 I 0.18E-02 0.15E-02 -16.7 I 0.18E-02 0.099 0.088 -11.5 I 0.15E-02 0.13E-02 -14.0 I 0.15E-02 0.103 0.097 -6.2 I 0.14E-02 O.llE-02 -15.7 I O.i4E-D2 0.107 0.102 -4.6 I O.llE-02 0.98E-03 -14.3 I O.llE-02 0.111 0.108 -3.5 I 0.99E-03 0.91E-03 -8.2 I 0~99E-03 0.116 0.111 -3.7 I 0.85E-03 0.85E-03 a.a I O.SSE-03 0.120 0.120 0 .. 0 I 0.77E-03 0.75E-03 -2.1 I 0.77E-03 .0.124 0.124 -0.2 I 0.62E-03 0.67E-03 7.9 I 0.62E-03 · 0.128 0.131 2.2 I 0.46E,-.03 0.55E-03 2.1.. .. 4. I 0 .. 4.6E-03 0 .. 132. 0.138. 4.5 I 0.39E-03 0.46E-03 16.7 I 0.39E-03 0.136 0.142 3.8 I 0.29E-03 0.39E-03 33.3 I 0.29E-03 0.14-0 0.145 3.5 I 0.2IE-03 0.33E-03 53.8 I 0.21E-03 0.145 0.148 2.2 I 0.18E-03 0.18E-03 0.0 I 0.18E-03 0.149 0.150 0.5 I O.l6E-03 O .. l5E-03 -10 .. 0 I O .. l6E-03 0 .. 153 0 .. 1.5.J -0 .. 2. I 0.15E-03 0.13E-03 -11.1 I 0.15E-03 0.157 0.157 -0.3 I 0.98E-04 O.llE-03 16.7 I 0.98E-04 0.161 0.162 0.6 I 0.65.E-04. 0.82E-04 25.0 I 0.65E-04 0.165 0.168 1.6 I 0.33E-04 0.49E-04 so.a. I 0.33E-04 0.170 ·0.170 0.3. Maximum positive excursioff =.0.006 cfs ( 4.5%) occurring at 0.132 cfs on the Base Data:exeast.tsf and at o .13.8 cfs. on the New Data.:.poceast .tsf Maximum. negative excursion = O. 014 cfs (-20·. 5%) .occurring at O. 069 cf·s: on the Base · Data :·exeast. tsf- . and at o. 055 cfs. on the New Data :poceast. tsf · = ·;; = l:Q ... ·ri ~ .I .~ . _,_ -.s ! t ·= u = .s ... . f = ··-= .~ Q -"" • -.J . ,i' ) -t .fo -. ·' ~- I / f .. t:"~·~ , J/ ,P'' / :i:o r,-----4.,--------+----+----+----+------:::f·· OJ'.'O .8'0 ·9'.0 D Z'.O ~ f. , Existing Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.165 1 100.00 0.990 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.102 2 25.00 0.960 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.090 3 10.00 0.900 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:·00 0.084 4 5.00 0.800 0.051 6 1/05/05 8 :00· 0.081 5 3.00 · O. 667 0.084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0. 051 6 2.00 0.500 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.036 7 1.30 0.231 0 .165 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0 .144. 50.00 0.980 Developed Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac • ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Per:iod. 0.066 6 2/09/01 2 :·00 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.053 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.083 2 .25.00 0.960 0.079 3· 2/27/03· 7:00 0.079 3 10.00 0.900 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5 10/28/04 16:.00 0.069 5 3.00 0.667 0.070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.066 6 2. 00. 0.500 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0. 058 7 1.30 0.231 0 •. 134 1 1/09/08 6::00 0• .. 053 8 1.10 0 • .091 Computed Peaks 0.117 50.00 0.980 ·.-i • Table 4. Wet Pond Sizing Calculations East Basin Residential Lots/Onsite Road 1.37 1.49 2.86 2,872 3.0 8,617 RID Tract 0.32. 0.28. 0.60 566 3.0 1,699 ,_jT_ot_aJ ____ ~ __ o_.oo_l __ l_.6~91,_· ___ 1._11~j-· __ 3_.4~6! ... ! _...;;.3e.c,4c..:39__.I j 10,316 I East Basin -160th Avenue SE Improvements :hnprovements ISE 136th Street I I I 0;111 o.rJI 1691 3:0 I 5071 • !Total 0.001 0.001 O. IIj o njj 1691 so1 i Mean ijJ)llual storm ; 0.47 • 4-:l • · Stormwater RID System Conveyance The onsite stonnwater system will be designed to convey the 25-year peak flow rate for conveyance systems upstreamofthe:stonnwater facility. A conceptual design of the conveyance system is shown in Figure 6 of Section 4 . 5-l • J • A summary of special reports and studies conducted for Nichols Place is presented below. Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies Geotechnical/soils Floodplains Anadromous fisheries impacts Water quality 6,.}. · Date Cond~cted NIA NIA NIA NIA Construction activities required to develop the site will include the following: • clearing and grading, • earthwork ( excavation,. filling;. hauling),. and • paving, An erosion and sedimentation control plan for the project is provided in Figure 8. Construction best management practices (BMPs)have· been selected fur each of the particular types of anticipated construction activities. Implementing proven BMPs at construction locations, such as minimizing exposed soil surfaces, and controlling erosion and sedimentation will reduce potential impacts on surface water. BMPs· for the proposed types of construction activities are outlined below. Clearing Limits To prevent disturbance of project areas not designated for construction, a construction clearing limits fence or silt fence will be installed by the Contractor. These fences will be installed prior to clearing and grading activities where appropriate. ,e,, Cover Measures Temporary and permanent cover measures will be provided by the Contractor to protect disturbed areas. Mulching will be used to provide immediate temporary protection from erosion . and to enhance plant growth. Plastic covering may be used in order to protect cut and fill slopes and stockpiles and/or to encourage grass growth in newly seeded areas. Perimeter Protection In order to reduce the transport of sediment off-site, the Contractor will install filter fences. as in~icated on the drawings prior to grading activities. Equipment.Parking and Storage of Materials: Parking areas for vehicles and equipment on the construction site should be covered with gravel to prevent erosion and tracking of the underlying soit Machinery and vehicles should· be well· maintained. In the event of a spiU or leak of toxic materials, the incident should be reported to the Construction Site Supervisor and actions should· immediately be taken to-contain and· cleanup- the materials. 8;.] .•• i .. · .. / ,. -",) _, ·. ) • .. ·.~"' Traffic Area Stabilization Stabilized pads of quarry spalls will be installed by the Contractor at all egress points from the project site to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads or other off-site areas by motor vehicles. · Sediment Retention Sediment retention will be provided by silt.fencing at the locations.and dimensions·shown.on.the drawings and shall be maintained by the Contractor; Wet Season Construction If soils are exposed during the period of October I to March 31, the Contractor will mulch and seed as much disturbed area as possible by the· first week of October in order to provide grass cover for the wet season. The Contractor will also conform to the following wet season special provisions: • Apply cover measures. to disturbed areas that are to remain unworked for more than two days. • Provide on-site stockpiles of cover materials sufficient to cover all disturbed areas. • Seed all areas that are to be unworked during the wet season by the end of the first week of October. m Apply mulch to all seeded areas for protection. • Provide construction road and parking lot stabilization areas for all sites. Maintenance The Contractor will maintain and review all IBSC measures on a regular basis. Final Stabilization Prior to obtaining final construction approval, the site shall be stabilized; the structural TESC measures removed, and drainage facilities cleaned. Disturbed areas of the·site·should be vegetated or otherwise permanently stabilized.. At.a minimwn, disturbed areas should: be seeded and mulched to provide a high likelihood that sufficient cover will develop shortly after final approval • • 'l . .:.:../ A summary of pennits required for the Nichols Place project is listed in the table below. Table 6. Summary of Other Permits Required Onsite Sewage Disposal Developer/Local Agency Agreement NPDES Stormwater Section 10,.401,.404 No No Yes No 7-1 Seattle/King County Department of Health Washington State Department of Transportation Washington State Department of Ecology United. S.tates Anny Corps of Engineers .\ . ) • ) • . ' . .--.. , .,;;;./ The conveyance and water quality facilities for Nichols Place will not be privately maintained nor do they contain non-standard features. The table below specifies the maintenance requirements for each component of the stormwater facility being constructed. Applicable maintenance requirements, taken from the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, are referenced to the pages that follow . . Table 7. Summary of Maintenance Requirements for Stormwater Facilities '.itt:{H:;:;:t;.t\'.;f;:;f~}if~fut~!f:~ti¥fl£~1f:Mit1i~{Q~Jtliit~it.~~(?ff?/:rftt;~iIJi\'./fk{'.;i·; )-i?~f'K:i\(i:,rr-;{·'.-: • No. I -Detention Ponds • No. 4 -Control Structure Restrictor •' No. 5 -Catch Basins • No. 6 -Debris Barriers • No. IO -Conveyance Systems • No. 13 -Water Quality Facilities-Wetponds • No. 13 -Water Quality Facilities -Wetvaults 10-1 • • A bond quantities worksheet for the project will be prepared during final engineering for the submittal. A summary of onsite conveyance. and water quality facilities is given in Figure I 0. None of the facilities will be privately owned or maintained. Therefore a declaration of covenant is not needed . • ·. Figure 10. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary • • Development: Evendell Plat Date: 5-18-03 Location: King County Township 23N, Range SE, Section 14 ENGINEER DEVELOPER Name: Robert Darrow Name: Mike Romano (representing US. Land Develonment, Inc.) Finn: Haozous Emzineerine:, P.S. Firm: U.S. Land Develonment Associates, Inc. Address: Address: 13428 -45th Court Clo Centurion Development Services Mukilteo, WA 98275 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: /425) 745-5872 Phone: /425) 486-2563 Developed Site: 3.82 Acres Number oflots: 23 single-family residences Number <if detention facilities on site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: 0 I Com)>ined Wetpond/R/D I Vault (In ROW for 160th Avenue SE) Downstream Drainru,e Basins Immediate MaiorBasin Lower Cedar River Orting Hills Cedar River Number & type of water quality facilities on site: ___ biofiltration swale (regular/wet/ or ___ sand filter (basic or large?) continuous inflow?) ___ sand filter, linear (basic or large?) _ _,__ combined detention/WQ ponds ___ sand filter vault (basic or large?) ___ flow dispersion trenches _..,1~ vault ___ combined detention/wetvault ___ energy dissipation structure(s) ___ compost filter Basic pond (basic or large?) ___ filter strip ___ landscape management plan ___ oil/water separator (baffle or coalescing plate?} ___ catch basin inserts: Manufacturer, _____________ _ ___ pre-settling pond ___ pre-settling structure: Manufacturer--------------- ---flow-splitter catch basin Nld,ol, Pl«e Preiimmy T/11:-May 2II03 • Figure 10 (continued) DESIGN INFORMATION Westerly Basin Easterly Basin Water Quality Design Volume Surface Discharge 10,316 (CF) Onsite Area (AC) 0.36 3.46 Offsite Ar,.~, AC) 0 0 . Type of Storage Facility Surface Discharge Combined Wetnond/R/D Required Live Storage Volume 0 42,085 (Cf) Existing Runoff Rates 25-year (CFS)* 0.102 0.173 Post-RID Developed Runoff Rates 25-vear <CFS)* 0.083 0.167** * Based on KCRTS I-hour peak rates for the proposed developed area. ••, Accounts for bypass of runoff from improvements on 1601h Avenue 9-4 Bypass 160'" Avenue SE (Easterly · Basin) 507 0.11 0 Wetvault NIA 0.008 0.040 • ' King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1997. Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan. Seattle. King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. Seattle. · U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, I973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. Seattle . 11-1 • .·.·A11pi~c1l;ti.]:')>irw~sirnmIT$iit~~t::? Appendix A I Photographs of the Downstream System Appendix A.2 Drainage Complaints Appendix A.3 Orting Hills Subbasin Map Nidwls Pia« Preliminary 17R-M<iy 2003 • • • Appendix A.1 Photographs of the Downstream System Location S -Looking west along north side of SE 139th Street Location 31-Looking south along east side of160th Avenue SE NidUJb Place Prtliminary TIR -May 2003 Location 26 -Looking south along east side of 160th Avenue SE Location 35 -Looking at headwall on 18" CMP inlet to CB at Location 36 • • • • Location 44 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 160• Avenue SE Location 45b -Looking north at outlet on newly installed 30" LCPE along east side of 160• Avenue SE Mc/rob Place Preliminary 11R-May 2003 ~:f~r:~t!~iJ~~~!~~ii;_ Location 45a -Looking south at entrance to 130 ft length of newly installed 30" LCPE alon east side of 160th Avenue SE ;.,~~,r Location 46 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 160th Avenue SE • Table A.I. Summary of Downstream Drainage Complaints • Complaint . Dlite .. J'llumber ·.• s · •· : ,;; ·,:,;-:: · .... ' .. :.. · ... :. :~>::'.:/i::-.·~-.. 91-0954 97-0318 97-0203 8/27 /91 Earnest Gilcrest 15606 SE 143rd Street 14038 -156th Avenue SE 1/7/97 14028 -160th Avenue SE 2002-0766 11/22/02 14028 -160th A venue SE 97-0206 1/10/97 Don Gregg 16046 SE 142nd Place Flooding at culvert entrance. Flooding due to plugged culvert. Drainage complaint is a claim and is not currently available. Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along 160th Avenue SE. County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along 160th A venue SE. County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 Offsite flows impacting private property. Backyard flooded with larger storms. Septic system operation impacted. Investigated for Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem. Chronic channel erosion. Channel erosion is likely to continue in future. Onsite mitigation: Level 2 Flow Control Standards 98-0202 3/19/97 Paul Huff Drainage from neighbor impacting low area 14312 160th Avenue SE of private property. N,d,ob Pi,,« Preliminary 11R -May 2003 Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem: Not impacted by proposed project. Onsite miti11ation: NI A I l • • g· i 0 • f = ., 3 !:~ c- King County Water and Land Resour,:ss DMsion -Drainage Services Section Complalnt Searnh Printed : 412412003 11:53:46 AM Compiaill Type IYIIII or Pr1IIJlem Nllnber COIie Amlruss of Pr1IIJlem Cmmmts Tlu'1l8 Pa!ID 1974-0095 C RIPRAP 15225 JONES RD ROCKSIDIKE/15219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657A4 f 1974-0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RD ROCK/DIKE/JONES RD/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 I 1974-0103 C 15631 JONES RD SE W/0 BACKFILUJONES RD 657A4 1974-0106 C DRNG 15005 JONES RD DITCH/ALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST STORM SEWERS/BRIARWOOD S 65784 1976-0084 C 156TH PL SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RO/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657A4 1976-0091 C DEBRI 15463 SE JONES RD CED-'.',R RIVER 657A4 ; 1979-0090 C DRNG 14406 162ND AV SE 65783 l 1981-0316 C 15035 SE JONES RD DIKE JETTY/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH PL BRIAR" •• :-OD AREA E5784 1983-0357 C DRNG 14827 SE JONES RD CHNL OVERFLO/MADSEN CRK 657A4 1983-0387 C FLOG 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOD AREA €5783 i984-0224 I C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH ST 65764 I '1985-0710 E FILL 15035 SE JONES RD KG CTY NOT RESP-WILLnolENF 657A4 I 1986-0372 C VIOLATE 15817 SE JONES RO MOBILE HOME IN FLOOD PLAIN 657A4 I 1986-0372 E ILL DVLT 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALD FOR CM(CHK STAT BY CMDl). 657A4 1986-0437 C CULVERT 15252 SE 142ND PL INSTALLATION-NEED CB 657A3 1986-0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RD SEE 86-0745, 1158 657A4 1986-0745 C FILL 15045 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL-CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1986-0812 C EROSION 15421 SE JONES RD CED.~ -~IVER 657A4 I 1986-1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES AC SEE: 06-0745 BRAMBLETT 86-0745 657A4 i 1987-1001 X FILL 16861 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL IN FLDPLAIN 65784 1988-0377 C DRNG 1..1250 161ST AVE SE Hl1 Z . .!.RDOUS POND OH/fO CM. 06/10/89 657!:3 1989-0086 C DRNG 14820 154TH PL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657A4 1990-0318 C FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITCH/STORM EVENT 657A4 l 1990-0449 C DRNG 14943 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEK/STORM EVENT 657A4 1990-0518 CL FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD CL#12839 657A4 1990-0590 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREEK/STORM 657A4 1990-0702 CL FLOG 15059 SE JONES RO CL#12933 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 1990-0748 CL FLOG 15023 SE JONES RD CL#12989 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 1 1990-0793 CL FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD WASHE DOUT DRIVEWAYICL#13019 SEE 657A4 i l 1990-0956 CL FLOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERT/CL#1313 657A4 ' I 1990-1023 C DRNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1990-1101 C EASEM'T 16516 SE 149TH ST ON LOT BUILD ADDITION 65784 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149TH ST MET ON SITE WILL SUBMIT PROPOSED$ 65784 1990-1280 C DRNG 14926 165TH PL SE ONTO OM/ AT CUL DE SAC 65784 199-0-1343 C DRNG 14920 163RD CT SE DAMAGED PVT DRAIN 65784 Page 1 of4 TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FiilS OF KCWLRD • • ~ ., a " C ,·-o.:.: . I . , ' Comlllailll Jype Jypu DI ProlJlem Adllr9as DI PrdJlem Numller Cmle . 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 156TH PL 1990-1509 C EROSION 14250 154TH PLACE 1990-1542 C FLOG 16448 SE JONES RD 1990-1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JONES RD 1990-1673 C EROSION 14908 SE JONES RD 1990-1684 C EROSION 17055 SE JONES RD 1991-0064 C FLDG 16426 SE 145TH 1991-0064 SR FLOG 1':.1'.!5 SE 145TH 1991-0188 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RD PLACE 1991-0188 E DRNG 143RD SE 164THAVE SE 1991~0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST 1991-0422 C DRNG 16448 SE JONES RD 1991-0422 SR DRNG 16448 SE JONES RD 1991-0954 C FLOODING 15606 SE 143RD ST 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165THAVE 1993-0252 C ORNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE 1993-0252 E DRNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE 1993-0752 woe DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD 1993-1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149TH ST 1994-9538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 1.i~IH ST 1995-0107 C CULVERT? 15641 SE 138TH PL 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148TH ST 1996-0289 C FLOG 15225 162NDAVE 1996-0289 R FLOG 15225 162NDAVE 1996-0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NDAVE 1996-0SQB C RUNOFF · 14301 166TH PL 1996·0556 R RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL 1996-0869 C FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD 1996-0869 NOA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD 1996-0869 R FLOG :so~5 c-,c ~ONES RD rnss.0810 C RID POND 15XXX SE 143RD ST 1996·1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH PL 1996·1253 C DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE 1996·1253 NOA DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE 1996-1253 R DRNG/PIP 15226 162ND AVE 1996-1724 C FLOG 14206 164THAVE 1996-1762 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES 1997-0203 C FLOG 14028 .160THAVE 1997-0206 C FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL ~ TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. CIIIIIIIIIJIJ lll'lls Page SE PIPE OUTFALL TO RIVER 657A4 SE CULVERT DAMAGE AND SLIDE IN RAVINE 657A4 WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 65784 OF RIVERBANK/FAILED LEVEE 657A4 CEDAR RIVER BANK 657A4 REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 65784 R/0 PLUGGED/NO DRAINAGE 65784 ROST FM ADD TO OLDS/OFF 65784 BROKEN PIPE 65783 BROKEN PIPE 65783 PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 65784 ROCKS AND DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65764 OH/RDRNGCM 05/11/91 SEE 91-0530 ~E:7!;4 STORM EVENT C/8 OVERFLOW 657A3 SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 TURNED TOE 65783 CHECK STAT BY CMDT DATE 65783 65784 SEDIMENT FROM WELL DRILLING 65784 HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 NEW KC DITCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 65784 POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO S 65783 i STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 I SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 SE GROUNOWATEF. oTREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 SE SEE 96-0289 DUP 65784 SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 ! APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 ' SE i HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 ' KIDS USING POND FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 ·SE REIMSURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657 A4 SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 I SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 65783 RD DAMAGE TO DRNG OUTFALL TO CEDAR R 657A4 SE OVERFLOW FROM 0/W CULV IMPACT PVT 65783 DFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 Page 2 of4 I ' DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FII.E5 OF KCWLRD • • a " • • 3 " - COllljJJainl Jypo Jype of PrulJJem i Alfdros:rnf PrOOleln CllinmllltB lbMls P31l1l I Humber Code -1997-0206 NOA FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 -1997-0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 -1997-0310 CL CLAIM 14030 56TH AVE SE FLOODING DUE TO PLUGGED CULVERT 657A3 -1997-0423 CL FLOG 14028 160TH AVE SE ROADSIDE DITCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE 65783 ' -~;97.fJ4e.1 C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT ORNG 657A3 I ' 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 156TH AVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657A4 1997-0859 FCR VANDALi$ 167TH PL SE & SE 144TH VANDALISM TO RID IDENTIFICATION SIGN 65783 1997-0S1i FCR ORN POND 145TH Sc PL 8';WN 150&151 PL NEIGH KIDS DIGGING IN POND SIDE SLOP 657A3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 15405 SE JONES RD STUMPS STOCKPILED FOR CO PROJECT 657A4 1997-1493 FCR POND 16426 SE 145TH ST INFILTRATION POND NOT HANDLING LAR 65784 1998-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145TH PL DOG WASTE SIGN REQUESTED 657A3 -1998-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160TH AVE SE LOW AREA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65783 1998-0322 C TREES 14232 150TH PL. SE TREE FALL DAM FENCE. NOT LDSU FACI 657A3 1998-0475 wQc ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0475 WOR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 ' 1998-0931 wQc FILL 12813 163RD AVE SE DUMPING OF COL ADJ TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 I 1999-0059 Cl TREE 14334 166TH PL SE TREE FALL DAMAGED FENCE 65783 1999-0225 woe DUMPING 15921 SE 148TH ST DUMPING ON PVT PROP YARD WASTE/DE 65784 1999-0297 FCR RD MAINT 15006 SE 145TH PL REQUEST TO REPLACE BOLLARDS AND L 657A4 2000-0666 FCR MNM 163)()( SE 145TH ST REQUEST TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL TRAS 65784 2000-0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 2000-0674 R MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 2000-0703 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LID. FENG 65784 2000-0731 FCR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WQE WQD 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A~ 2000-0731 WOR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2001-0041 FCR DOM 14005 149TH PL SE ALLEGED RAT PROBLEM ASA RESULT N 657A3 2001-0090 FCR MNM 14202 149TH PL SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 , 2001-0090 R MNM 14202 149TH PL SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 2001-0220 E MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 , 2001-0220 FCR MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO F..':C 7:; 657A4 2001-0220 R MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 2001-0305 RET BSR 15108 SE 145TH PL 657A4 2001-0332 FCR MMG 14995 SE 142ND ST REQUEST TO REPLACE POND ID SIGN AN 657A3 2001-0540 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST MOTORCYCLE USE OF RID TRACT. CONT 65784 ' , 2001-0805 FCR MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2001-0805 R MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2002-0602 C MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL CONCERN REGARDING LEANING TREE. I 657A4 2002-0629 FCR DOM 14995 SE 142NOT ST DEBRIS PICKED UP. FACILITY MOWED 0 657A3 o:=: 2002-0766 C OTA 14028 160THAVE SE COMPLAINANT REQUESTED TECHNICAL 65783 J f ' Page 3 of4 I ' l TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FILES OF KCWLRD . •• COOllliaiII Type Type of-"'•m Nmmer cooo """""" Alllnsaof Problllm lbnls Paou 2003·0134 FCR MNM 14005 149TH PL SE REQUEST FROM DOT TO ASSESS FACIUT 657A3 Page 4 of 4 TITLE . I HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINfS -FROM.TI!E FILFS OF KCWLRD •• ' Illa . ' ... . ----.. --·. -· ---· -. ---~·-,'() :g/ SURFACE .\tilAIE."1 MANAGEMENT DIVISION ~r~,~ ; COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT ·1 ~1i o;i;a~\~l NATURE OF COMPLAINT: B..co t, \ ~/,.. . v sec 11.. lWP 22.RGE s§_ I l.OCATION: 1.2,.~JD,-::. -/JI U\ll'l.5-"\I~ -,r, ~5 ._ t,, KROLL PG. s,, ' COMPLAINANT: INF-. ~i,,r ~,;,_<Ob~, -COUNCIL DIST. {~ ~~~E; 2~~ s-,-r? Address v=,~~ ~ l 4 :,e,o, sr;: City ~"' Slate~ZJJ8!lif.>g-WORK; OETAILS OF COMPLAINT! '"ti"> u.ucn..~ "" t= c,;. ~I.L A1; ' ~""'-C>G' \C.(9o'' Un:,,,;. ~-~~T ~ ..,~ ~"" 'to ~l)6\~ ~tu,. ~-u--,6'1~ ~\q ., u& !'to u,>o \!:, -n (.Jli, -1. i:'r..o? ii>':> 1\l\Jl2-Q~r ~-t\6\:S ~~o, ~ u:M-L • ' 0.,_ P&Gli.-Ct,,..~ i,so, ~ t,i\ttn,-:ittf\u,.,e,,, Tttl'-~- I -. - CtAflll,,,..,vofor 10 COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY: 1Z-. ;;;'jJ;O-0/10-0 ! DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Y83 W"' No D Photos: Yes &::: &, No D .,..,,,. On site 8-28-91. , ; • The Gilcrest residence is located in a low area in a developed neighborhood. Drainage is ; from NE to S*3nd there is a cross culvert under 156th, adjacent to their property that is said to become clogged at times. Mr Gilcrest is said to use a large pole in an attempt to dislodge debris, and increase flow. The flooding of his property (note Gilcrest photos) is said to have started 3 years ago but now occur quite frequently--heavy rains. They feel that growth in the area has over-taxed the present drainage. system. At the time of investigation it was raining, and there was approx one inch of flow in the culverts under 156th and downstream. Observed no flow from the open ditches to the north on 156th, which were grass lined. CB's and culverts were clean, and observed no deposits of sediment to restrict flow. R/D facility two lots east of the Gilcrest's had recently been cleaned, and is said to fill completely during heavy rains. Photo I) Looks north on 156th at drainage area. 2) Looks south on 156th at culverted drainage. 3) Looks north on 156th; Gilcrest house at right. x-culvert is from ditch on right. ' 4) Looks east on 143rd. Gilcrest house at right. 5) Shows Gilcrest house/yard with sandbags from previous heavy rains in view. 6) R/D facility on SE 143rd. Note 2 additional photo's provided by the Gilcrest's. COMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: /J --r/.7 ...,.h •. DATE: 8 zr -<>, ACTION TAKEN: ~-'r-"1 I . .._f;>; JC V.I"c.J* w·, 'fJ.. ...-r;.;(c,,...rt. r. 4/ JJ,7 -:;;~,4 rh.--4vt-.tr". /f.cJ Phone ~ Letter D /;V/8RD5 Complainant advised of action posslble or taken by: Personal Contk /JI, ~omplaln't Action H_andled By61~ , {;:::,_,~~ Closed: 0 J ~/ OK'd: '//A\ ........ ' !J••• . ... ,,.1, ... • I TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPIAINTS -FROM THE FILES OF KCWLRD I -e I / ;~ ,/ .,;t il ,, , .. ~ ~· ,. 51:; -., , ,' ,, r, . II i, ... ,, 1f[ .. t .... 1 TO I i ! [ l f • Scale NoNC D D --- Luv:-, c:'&7rl c -{/ ,..,,..,. •~------~------------1 TITLE HAQZOUS ENGINEERING. P .S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM lHE FILFS OF KCWLRD • -___..,.. -, -\-::. ,..!'.,., ··~ V"""'. KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT I '{'Jh INVESTIGATION REQUEST PROBLEM: Pt21:L6//}-,("fi: Type _C'.=-._ RECEIVED BY: c. G€7TLG' Date: «J~z..oK'd by: .v™""' FILE No. 2002 -07.Gh Received from: . , A.?C ~ -(Day) ~ e (2o~ l NAME: ,),+.s a.,; Po L €% IF,, PHONE :zs,: --& c sl 6 fo -c: ¢2/ ADDRESS: !4-CJ2 R /{Or#&< s.r City R~.v State~ Zip :l'P-t:7£.9 LOCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: Access Permission Granted O Call First (Would Like To Be Present) (2fJ Cr,., t. /J,,,{ ~ 0 Jk.; D ,.,I A.111.l. C>u. &'A-ek. II', 1$" i>5J- 'wu-1 ,.J keE f ,i.,t.,, ~ A-rrl!rCr',,_)" ?~,,/?=--r'I / ,,.;,;,,,,,:--r-/ <:A7 "" : ;# ,/1 ,J-r .nv.A-c c,,.c:=- /t~..,... "vf'-<".:-rd. 4-t-,_,,.,,_ ,,4,-r t!.o-r i>JL.9,,./~ J.;r., , LotNo: S BlockNo: 3 Platname: Ci,--DA.e'. ?Mt< (iv,;: -Ac-<-"T-<;hrf". Othc_r agencies involved: No field investigation reouired ! To BE COMPLETED j;y COMPLAINT rlioGRAM STAFF ·i. . . . . · I 5,== _l!l _n -2... Y. S T R Parcel No. /,/.f'?S0-0/aS Kroll'/!// b Th.Bros: New 6 5 7 tf3 RDP Basinl.61Z, Council District I '.l. City ___ Charge No. _______ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on IZ.!~ ) O 2:... by: ~ phone __ letter __ in person c~t!T,, 4--v .... 1> . ""'-n. R:>L-f'L.«t<:t ~T ( eo-f>h<:.) ,,._,.p.c; ,,~rH=~llu> 65- '71-s (.m..J~,:.,. GMI£ ~~ 11'\A, '-t:1 f>.N I> TA . ,lpP..-"11-1!.-S -JY$7..--~1v..l-1".o'< '-/ /..,,-r:;11.-,_~ DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by __ OR: ·No further action reconunended because: _ Lead agency has been notified: ________________________ _ .....__ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses prob!em: y . SEE FILE# __ _ ~ Private problem~ NDAP will not consider because: --. Water originates onsite an ... d/oJn neighboring parcel. ,-/ii ( __ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: /t,U 0'2-By: __,/'_,_/'(J-=- -•-----------,-:::::c-,:--/-lv_rt._i:J_~_l?o_il_L/)._c'& ___________ --1 ' TITLE OZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD • ® King County fl ' i ----·- File Number 2002-0766 DRAJNAGE Name Polfliet INVESTIGATION REPORT Locntion 14028 160" Ave SE W::uer and Land Resourc~ Di..,.ision Kroll Page S 11 E Sub Basin LCR Stonn Waler Services Section TB Page 657B3 CD 12 Date 12/6/02 RDP Initials BMI N NTS ·,·,·,·,., __ _ ................. _ -·-·---~ "'l "' 3 8 =" ~ LJ ~ e; "' ' fl TITLE I met Mr Polfliet at the site on 12/3/02. The Polfliet residence is an older borne. The garage is situated below the grade of 160111 Ave SE. Mr Polfliet alleged that the garage and basement are flooded periodically. He believes the source of the water is the road drainage system. He told me that water runs out of the CB on the westside of the road, crosses the road and runs onto his property. He also believes be recCives water from the eastern system. Water backs up at the inlet to the 18" ADS pipe and then runs onto his property. The outlet of the western pipe is heavily impacted with sediment and debris. The remaining upstream system appears functional. The eastern system appears to have been modified a1 some point n the past. Both ends of this closed system arc 18" ADS pipes, but after looking into the pipe it appears that it downsizes to a 12" pipe at some point on both ends. The pipe also appears to deflect away from straight. The sketch is exaggerated 10 some degreC:, but it gives the impression of what is occurring. Mr. Polflict indicated the fonner owner installed the pipe and also indicated that that owner may have done so Without the benefit of pcnnits. FiAOZOUS ENGINEERING, P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAJNTS-FROMlHE FII.FS OF KCWLRD KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISiCN DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION.REQUEST ·-,_ ,,, Type _'-.c...·_·_ Received by: ~_.; Date: y / OK'd by: Fde Na. </ 7-;) {):, . -RecaNod 'fr~m: ·.. (Ploasa prl plaJn~ for £Carming). . {Day) (Eve) rw,;E, '(J;}v;Ado# /ra,1112//e/JJ · · PHONE 277-£9c2L.;-sf-t; ADDRESS: //jQ,-),f ......./(/zOd)U/P\£ City ;#J#LtZD Stata_Zipf;fJ,,: Lacatl_on of problom, W different ;t. '.,,/II , ,,1 ·1 Plat .:iame: c.·ec/c,r /r,r(c_ 7 ocr~ T v5 Other agencies Involved: DISPOSlTION: Turned to. ___ ' On-----· by __ _ Lot No: S-Block No: 3 No.Field lnves11gatlon Needed __ _ OR: No further action recommended becat _ Lead agency has been notifled: __ .,_,...--,..,..-,-~-~-,.c..,.-----~-~~-~---~ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been Identified. Prior Investigation addresses probl£ -See File# ____ _ _ Private problem -NDAP will no: consider because: · _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel . _. Location ,Is outside SWM Se~) zea _·_Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED:__d__;...il.Jfl by:_:_/fy /lf;ffetf/j TITLE ,OZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FII.FS OF KCWI.RD • Complaiol 97-203, Marshall Brendon. 14028-160ui Ave SE In"estigatcd by Sean Groom on 01/11"97 Marshall Brendon built his residence located at the above referenced address in 1992. Titis is the first inddc~t of flooding in the house experienced since he moved in, however, reference File No. 97-206 for historic flooding in the neighborhood. The drainage ditch normally in the past years handled the surface water flow during storm events, Brendon said. The garage cnuance of Brendon's home is slightly below current drainage ditch bottom elevation. There is a storm drain adjacent to the garage entrance that is sometimes overwhelmed by the surface waler flow bul this is the first time the basement :floor was :flooded. The open ditch immediately up-grade of Brendon's dwelling is heavily vegetated which reduces voJwnc. Also, the flow is concentrated by combining both sides of 160111 Ave SE before his home. Brendon wants potential flooding of his garage and basement lo be eliminated. The frequency of water running down his drive toward his garage and basement is high but the stonn drain adjacent to the drive is less frequently oveJWhclmed. Brendon said. • l ' 160th Ave. S.E. Culvert inlet area reduced by sediment an gravel build-up Storm drain I 140 8 i·······;,:;·;:···----········'_.--···~:!gw~:::~:s·charg~~----·····-········ ··············-.. .. : ! to Open Land ··••························· ···• . .......................... , TITLE fAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FII.F5 OF KCWLRD • Rocolvod by: ~V Uato; 1/H/Y / OK'O by; l..oca'!On of prcblom. " dlffarant: .L<>t No; // . Block No: Other 3gencles lnvolvsd: No ,P1eld ln\.'estfgatfon Needed __ _ . •" ' I (...alah.} ~WR\-\°Wel:¥@"9>'Jlffl11teml)t!')i'illilW'.lJl!Wm11>J!l:lJ¥1mS'l'.liFffi\W.ft:llf"'......,.~W-m z.£ Z-3. ~ Parce!No. 7.2 S:3'7o-O//O Kro11?li?'E · ·Th.Bros:New&~d""Z.,. 1/4. S -.---R--Old 2/5FI. Basin~, · Counci 01st /:J... Charge No: ResPONS.E: CJtize~ noliHed ont-2-0-9-r by .JL phon'1 _ Jetter _ In person . G--........._~~· · ~ ~...4, -{-o-•-' I=., 8 · ,oc: t-..J.J'~ . . . . .... ~ DJ$P0SnTDN: ,t.-:i>q. « y ., :··, ) Turned to_/•_• on ,!-! /0 f7. b~ 114· n, . , . ( I' '-I.'\ ........ OR; No further action reco'mmended bee Lead agency has bean notmed: --....,,~========--'--'-.;;;;,,;;;;;;;:uo;;~ia:lclreisi;.-;;roi -bl Id -:n--• Prior lnvesli"""licn addresses prot ~ Pro em has been corrected. _ N.o problem has been enuuC\.I. - -. SuFil•<# • Private problem • NOAP WJ71 not cons/di,r becauze..· ·-: -Water orlginat.ea Or\$he e.rv:J/or on nalghbortng parcel ----:-Loca.tlo~•l• outside SWM Servico·.Area.. DATE CLOSED: ..li2..t.1.!:µ4-1 by; ft /_ij..,.- _. Olhar (Specify): I" 1 · • . :> rcOJj· Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • I Don Crqg bu w«d at the a'oovc rcfemnel!d locatioo dnce tho early 601. (his bou$C was second built in lhc dcvelopm=O. Surface 5tonn wam tlows began !Jooclin& bJs ganac approxinmcly five yean ago. At his own expense ai lhat ti1111; be brought a badt hoe In to Qd. a drainage ditc:h alcng the: back side oi bu propcny. ThiJ. open trcncli provt.dca JCl.id during 1ra051 prcdpllatio.a ovc:acs IUl'fat:a wirer moves around Jus prcipc.rty. St0nn water dOCI breech the "top oc:cas1onany. The cliLc:.h fills sed1cwati up and he clears the dilth or ddm, tlw 1loau: dO'Ml and rc:duc:caflow. He walks the dndDa,e ditc:h during aon:n eve.nts (.bo M.Sn'r vaund tar the '4st Slonu event) to ob:1c::rve its fl.lr.c\ianality a.s a precalllicn as wc.ll. He wanu lho draiaa,ae to cantinue down 16041 Ave SE lnnud or a eoaveyuco system arcnmit bis 111d ndgbbar'1 piopaty. Apparcm!y. as ~opmcnt .ncrtb of his pmpen.,.Jw lncteased addidonal runo1I' Is CODCCEltratcd into the drainage aJong 160• Avo SB and. subsequently tuns· to his property. 160"' Ave S.E . StaDdiq1nu:r,nmatffrom 160• Ave SE dhoha.ia,:s Into this ..... Low p=olallon. °"'"" said llu: land can't be devel,,pod bo::::ausc they don't have the pcn:olatlcn for inrutratian al uptic synems. SE 142cd Place mu; ····-.. .. ···-.. .. Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • DATE, 3-l9-97 COKPLAZJr.r B'VALZD.TION NE140 TO: FILB PRO)h Alan Hayer• RB:: NDAP WAI..UAT?ON FOR COMPLAlN'l' NO. l6046 SB 142ND Pl.JI.CZ Rll:NtOlf COMPLAINT CBR0N01.0Gr1 ORIClNAL 1-10-97 97-0206 GRAGO :us-oua YIBl.D INV l-14-97 BY B&AN QROON r'IU.0 EVJ.L. 3-7-97 B? M.A.t,j KSYJr.RS. OLD PlLl:S1 !100 · -· Please••• tbe attached drainage complaint inveuti9aticn report dated 1-i4-97 bf 3ean Groom. PINDIR0Sr Bincv the problem meetp ~ll of tha NDAP project crita.ria lietad below, it qualitioa fer and hae been inveatigated under tho NDAP progrlllb. Xhe problem aite i• within the SWM oervicc araa and doua not invol~e.a 1ing Ooun~y (KC) ccdM violation, • the proble~ aite •howa evidence ot or raported localizad tloodin;, oroaion and/or &edimantation within the off road drainage aye~am on priv•te raeLdential and/er coa.marcial property due in par~ to later upatream doveloprnent. SOILS I The prcblem ie caused by aurface water from ~ore thui ona adjoining property. According to the Xe eoila map, the site ie located in the following soil association: ALDERWOOD ASSOCtATIONr Modera~oly well drained undQl&ting to hilly eoil• that. have danae, ,very elowly permeable glacial till at a dapth at 20 to 40 inch••; on upland~ and terracua. % met with Mr. Gragg on March 7th and tourad hia property. Al development continu••·in tha appro~imate SO acre drainage baain north Of hia property: rnora drainag~ water haa baen ~outod •outh into the pond located juet NW of hia property which then draine aaat and aouth around the edge of hia property. l Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • '' v ........... He r~queatad that th• drainag• tlow1ng aouth along the eaat aid• ct 160t A••au• &E-b• raroutad atraight aoutb along tbe eaot aide at 1eoth paot SE 142nd Plae• rather than the curr•nt routa wbiah rtawa ••.-t and mouth around hia propez:1:y. Kr, Oragg atatod that o•varal long t•~ re11identa have told him the drU.nao• uaed to Clo. atrai51ht aoutb along the waat •nd ea11t aide• at 16ot.h all th• way down to as 144th. 1 atated that away be tru• but tba •~latlng dx'aio&qe pattern 1• old and cannot b• raviaed becauao it ie coneidarad the eetll>liahed drainage patter~ tor hia araa. I reviawad hie end hi11 two neighbor•• d.t'ai.naga nlated impact• Ul.d. acore.d tba problem at 14 with bia 9ara9a and attptio ayatCICI 1.mp&eta and ya.z,d d1:U1111.9a to tvo properti.aa. Although th• laat few yaar• -..,,. Deen eapecially wat and bad, I rated tha .,,.nt frequency at JO or once every 2-5 r••r• which la my ••tlmate of th• fraquancy of how oft•n bi• •eptio oyataa:ii will ba,a•v•rely i.mpaotad o'Yltr the long term. Mr, r.ragg at.at.ad. that bia pwapad effluent aeptic •y•t11JD h•• wark•d fin. tor the ti.rat 15 yea.a:•, However. hll ba• buraed up four pumpo with.u\ the lut tluva ytaa.ra du• ta the 1.noreaood 9rowidwater tlowa into hi• aeptic tan~/drainfiald ar••· 1.rom hiA wet/d.ry aeaaon ot:u1ervation•, he ia convinced that a.cat ot tha groundwater ccoaa frcm the drainage ditch looated juot a.bovo hi• drainfield. W• reviewed waya of protecting hie eeptio drainfiald from the movument of groundwater from the uphill pond and d.rainag• ditch, W• diacuauod ways to eeal tho earthen ditch it••lf uaing a plaatic l~n•r or a large hall round or full pipo oeotiona along about SO feet of ditch abova hi• d~ainfield, I painted out that conaiderablo 9roundwator may atill flow from north to eouth below th• ditch aaotion ao that aealing tho ditch may not •oivo tho problam. Dapanding on tba depth to hardpan, an impervioua vertical layer at plaotic or b•ntonite •lurry located uphiil ot bi• dr&intield between hia drai.nfiol4 a.nd tl1o dicch vould probably be th• •••i••t and moat effect!" solution to thi• problem. 1'hi• i111pervi0t,1• layer would run from the 9round •urfaca down to the hardpan layer where it would b• keyed down lnto tba ba.a:dpan layer. Docauao auch a layer would r••trict the flaw.of'ground water, higher groundwater levela might r•ault in thia port of Gragg'• yard with more groundwater aurfacing during ~ha lnlt ••••on aapeciallY near each end of •uch an iraparvioua wall reoultinq in mora wet aaaaon aurtaco watar aeapa9e/flowe and icy conditions on portione of Mt'. Cragg•a driveway. •or arty work tbie cloae to the dr~infiold. any yard drain or J.cnporvioua faoility of Chia kJ.nd would h•ve to be roviewod and approved by the Xin9 county eaaith Dapartmant {Wayn• OLaen at 2S6-~737). 2 mu, Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • OPTlOMB A>fD DIBCUSSIDJf Mr. Grag-g ia cono•rnad about continui.n9 upstrlllllll development whiob tYPioally raeulte in more eurfaC• water flgwa thrcnigh hi• drainage ditch and occag~n•lly intD hie ya.rd. I uxpla...l.n.d that for la.rg•r devolopnonte where more tban 5,000 equaro f••t of J.niporvioua surfac•• •r• conatructed, t~ davaloper•a •nglnoeJ: i• only re~ to review eba ~ainago .-Y•tem'• capacity llP to DDe t;JU~•~ ot a mile dawqatroam from tha propoaed plat•• outlet poi.rat. 7or aingle hcaeaitea, thare·ie normally no dolmstreani analy•ia req,d.r-4 •iuoe there i• ulhlally lea• t:.ltan 5,000 aqua.re teat of new impervioqa aurfac•a conat:.nactod. I •uggeotad that Hr. Gragg look for navalopmont SigDJS along 150th north o~ hi• horna. Whan h• •••• now aigna, be can attend public bearing• and wi:i~• lettcre expreaeing h~a concerns and outlining bia drainaqo impacta •. JIIPAC7 8COllB • 140 PROPOSED s0L0TI0lf1 No •olution to thia drain•ge problein wo• identifi•d. Mr. Cra99 requ••t~ that we cl•an out hia dratna9n d1tch. Wa offered to clDAn out part of hi• ditch it o~r contractor can got tha neceaaary equipment frOln Gragg'& driveway into th• dLtch. NO PRIORITI SCORE WAS CALC~D SINCE NO SOLUTION .as ?D~IFIED ' ITTLE Drainage Complaints -from the Files of KCWLRD •• I ., . "•''r vr• •i u,1 '' l'IU, f',\l. Received &om: (Day) ~ (Eve) L___J NAME: YA:1'::l HtJ f'F-PHONE 2r I -C/ i?'? 2. AOORESS· 1-r":>11,.. 1 c;.o..,., A'G. ss Loca.tioD of problem, if~crco.t: City )1€:N nir:,) S14t•--Zip Q'8[J ~ R.eport~d Proi,/~m: CALL flR.ST rI) (Would Like To B_c P~stn1) ·N12,,1;,Hr?or1... c,N Ntii:.n.-4'DS r.,'1161) :pi1Dpi::e..1Y w,n~ l>1 ie-, n"""' t-J ·ym c:.n ()/[;.{!. n-1c. /'.1".£/\ • n ,·~-' t<. 'l' kl!..O t--.X:'-'-l <;. c r ·, i.h:JWl.'.... D-'f<I', n-tt \'h' t::'jC 'S. A-,...:, D A.L-L-CPI'-Tl+e l ~-t)e,-., ,v AC'.><:. 1~, bet rsJ{::, ol\JTV TJ.l·G I·\,; FF•,; \)'12l.'[}1:"\2fY ( i·ilL'N r Y-'17'-DJ. tJ86T) Tk. Platname: ~ ~ Sae._;f.;,_ Other agencies im•olvcd: LotNo: !/ BJockNo:J No field investigation rcquJred __ (inhiab) , . ·, 'l'o BE COMPLETEf> llY COMPLAI?ff PROGRAM STAFF . . . . ~ If/-...a3.. :c Y. S T R ParcdNo./~2-Zf,10/J,3 Krou,f/ff Tb.Bros: New Old Bas1n·Lq CouncU Disiricl /;I, tf,.57/f 3 3SF4, Charge No .. _______ _ RESPO/VSI!: DISPOSJTlON~ Turned to __ on __ ,_,_,/ __ by __ OR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency has been notified: ______ '--------'----------- -Problern has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior in"Ycstiga1ion AddJCSScs problem: _· \... Su:F1L1tH ---- .......,L\l Privare probx5i • NDAP will not consjder because; · Water originates onsitc and/or on neighboring parcel. __ Location is outside WLR.D S~a. __ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: f I f (, I ff By: _!!:::!_ f1,J-r /t..() 6 TITUS Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • Basin LCR Council Dist. 12 Initials DCD Phone: Day 425-271-91!11 Phone: Evcnin,g Thom.u Bro,. 6j7BJ STil $E 14-11-5 Fadllty# lnvt:stiption Date: 3-25-91 Parcel# 14$750012.3 Mahur:nm:ioc Div. 4 P1ar Name: I called an 3-J.5..911.0 Jet up m apJH)lntmetlr lb in11esfi1a1c lM c:oropla.l.nt. Pam AIQCst.od mccdng at 11 am !hit mom.in,:. I mer wictJ Pim It her home to dbcuss the concerns ,he had the neighbon flllina in the yard for a new trallar. J cxpbined to Pam 1hat lhc Uvcs lb. a un&Jl depression that hu no drainage featun:1 to drain the water to dit ,treet drainage. The neighbor has noi broun lJt'I codes for ,rading Bild tbc trailer bu been ,isn,ed off. I said th1t 1 would 1md a copy of a dry well dcadl and a com:rac:iors list. File closed omi1c pending the litcnm,c 6,, die drywcU. . \ \ l l \ I t Drainage Complaints -From the Flies of KCWLRD • • " L ~ .. ,,., ·- . -I \~ -~ If location Map --·------------- J3 -----.. • • • • • • • • • Maplewood & Orting Hills Subbasin Conditions Cedar River Basin Planning Area Map20 .I!;:!!.. Stream & Stream Number lltlllil Lake/River "• StreomMile 5 (:;:e3 Werlcnd & Worland Number ... ,. ,. Subbosin Boundary .. --Catchment Boundary MWl Catchment Number 0/1::::3 m a 8 f!1 Problem Location/ Area Areawide Nonpoint Water Quality Problem Wedond Habitat Problem Slrecm Hcbilct Problem ErOsion/Sedimentation c=J @ Locally Significant Resource Area ~ Flooding 0 .... • • . .... ~11i>~i~~im'.sttirmf~t~t,wti'$yst~'p~1g#:!,,::/c; ... ·,·, · .. ""·":, Appendix B. l Stormwater Facility Control and Overflow Design Appendix B.2 KCRTS Pond Design Mdrob Plac, h./iminoty 11R-M'9' 2003 • ' • '·.', f; \ .. NkJ,o/, Plaa P,./imtnary TIR-May 1003 t·· \. 'i, .·. ;~ .. East Basin -Retention/Detention Facility Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Pond 3.00 H:lV 82.00 ft 71. 00 ft Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at l ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: ·stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice# 1 2 Height (ft) o.oo 3. 90 Top Notch Weir: Length: Weir Height: .Outflow Rating Curve: Outflow 5822. sq. ft 12626. sq. ft 0.290 acres 5.00 ft 447.00 ft 42085. cu. ft 0.966 ac-ft 5. 00 ft 18.00 inches 2 Diameter (in) 0.87 1. 71 Rectangular 1.00 4.50 None Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.046 0.083 · in ft Pipe Diameter ( in) 4.0 Storage Hyd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 •8 Inflow 1.04 0.52 0. 61 0.54 0.56 0.42 0.45 0.34 Peak Stage 5.01 4.79 4.78 4.14 3. 68 3.12 1.96 3.29 Elev 452.01 451.79 451.78 451.14 450.68. 450.12 448.96 450. 29 (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) Hyd R/D Facility Outflow 1 0.22 2 0.15 3 0.14 4 0.08 · 5 0. 04 6 0.04 7 o. 03 8 0. 04 0.22 0.15 0.14 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 Tributary Inflow 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 Nidwl, Place Preliminary 11R-May 2003 42171. 0.968 39768. 0.913 39615. 0.909 32779. 0.752 28208. 0.648 23032. 0.529 13256. 0.304 24506. 0.563 Reservoir POC Outflow Inflow Target Cale ******** ******* 0.23 ******** ******* . 0.15 ******** ******* 0.15 ******** ******* 0.09 ******** ******* 0.06 ******** ******* 0.05 ******** . ******* 0.05 ******** ******* 0.05 • • . Appt!ndix.C. Conveyance.(:ai¢uJatio11s ·' ; Appendix C. I Stonnwater System Conveyance Appendix C.2 KCRTS Time Series Calculations · Appendix C.3 KCRTS Peak Flow Rates t,,du,ls l'f=: Preliminary 17R -May 2003 • . .. r···, :-:-~. ; :;:' ~ ' ' • Nidrol, Pface Preliminary 1IR-May 2003 • • .· .· . Appen'il!x':C.2 • KCR'fs Tiine Series Calculations KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series exwest.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTF60R.rnf Till Forest 0.28 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 1.20 acres Total Area 1.48 acres Peak Discharge: 0.165 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exwest.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:exwest.tsf .Project Location: Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exwest.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Computing Flow Durations Loading Time Series File:exwest.tsf Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:exwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac N",du,/, Pfaa Pr<liminary 17R -May 2003 • • • Computing Series : devwest.tsf Regional Scale Factor 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTG60R.rnf Till Grass 0.14 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious 0.22 acres Total Area 0.36 acres Peak Discharge: 0.134 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:devwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Loading Stage/Discharge curve:devwest.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved.to File:devwest.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence ------------------------------------ Computing Flow Durations Loading Time Series File:devwest.tsf Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:devwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series :,exeast.tsf Regional Scale Factor.: 1.00 Data Type: Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 2. 45 acres Total Area 2.45 acres Peak Discharge: 0.296 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exeast.tsf Nidlab Pl= Preliminary 11R-May 2003 • • • Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Flow Frequency Analysis Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exeast.tsf --------------------------------------------------------Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence ------------------------------------ Loading Time Series File:exeast.tsf Computing Flow Durations· Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:exeast.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new· Time Series ------------------------ Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location: Sea-Tac Computing Series deveast.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type: Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 1.69 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious 1.77 acres Total Area 3. 4 6 acres Peak Discharge: 1.04 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Nidu,/, PlaaPreluninary 11R-May 2003 Storing Time Series File:deveast.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command. Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command ----------------------Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies • • • ---------------------------------- Flow Frequency Analysis Loading Stage/Discharge curve:deveast.tsf --------------------------------------------------------Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea~Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:deveast.pks . Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:deveast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:deveast.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series : · byeast. tsf Regional Scale Factor : · 1 . 00 Data Type : Reduced creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impe:vious 0.11 acres Total Area 0.11 acres Peak Discharge: 0.052 CFS'at 6: 00' on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:byeast.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:byeast.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis --------------------------------------------------------Time Series File:byeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:byeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence ------------------------------------ Nrlw& Place Proliminary 17R-May 2003 • • • Loading Time Series File:byeast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:byeast.dur Nldwb Pi-Preliminary 11R -May 2003 Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command eXit KCRTS Program • • I • . ' Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0. 084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.053 8 1/05/02 16: 00 0.079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0. <>58 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.069 5 10/28/04 16: 00 0. 070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.134 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis . Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.173 2 2/09/01 18:00 o. 064 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.158 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.017 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.088 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.147 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.142 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.296 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Nidtob l't4ce P,./iminary 11R-May 2003 -' -. \ -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.165 1 100.00 0.990 0.102 2 25.00 0.960 0.090 3 10.00 0.900 0.084 4 5.00 0.800 0.081 5 3.00 0.667 0.051 6 2.00 0.500 0.036 7 1.30 0.231 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 0.144 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.083 2 25.00 0.960 0.079 3 10.00 0.900 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5 3.00 0. 667 0.066 6 2.00 0.500 0.058 7 1.30 0.231 0.053 8 1.10 o. 091 0.117 SO.DO 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.296 1 100.00 0.990 0.173 2 25.00 0.960 0.158 3 10.00 0.900 0.147 4 5.00 0.800 0.142 5 3.00 0. 667 0.088 6 2.00 0.500 0.064 7 1.30 0.231 0.017 8 1.10 0. 091 0.255 50.00 0.980 • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.521 6 2/09/01 2:00 1.04 1 100.00 0.990 0.422 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.648 2 25.00 0.960 0.613 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.613 3 10.00 0.900 0.448 7 8/26/04 2:00 0. 560 4 .5. 00 0.800 0.536 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.536 5 3.00 0.667 0.560 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.521 6 2.00 0.500 0.648 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.448 7 1.30 0.231 1. 04 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.422 8 1.10 o. 091 Computed Peaks 0.911 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:byeast.tsf Proj.ect Location: Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0. 027 7 2/09/01 2:00 0.052 1 100.00 0.990 0.024 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.040 2 25.00 0.960 • 0.032 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.032 3 10.00 0.900 0.027 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.032 4 5.00 0.800 0.032 4 10/28/04 16: 00 0.029 5 3.00 0.667 0.029 5 1/18/06 16:00 0. 027 6 2.00 0.500 0.040 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.027 • 7 1.30 0.231 0.052 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.024 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.048 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.171 2 2/09/01 20:00 0.229 1 100.00 0.990 0.055 6 1/05/02 16:00 0.171 2 25.00 0.960 0.148 3 3/06/03 21:00 0.148 3 10.00 0.900 0.054 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.086 4 5.00 0.800 0.049 8 1/05/05 8:00 0. 061 5 3.00 0.667 0.061 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.055 6 2.00 0.500 0.086 4 11/26/06 21:00 0.054 7 1.30 0.231 0.229 1 1/09/08 14:00 0.049 8 1.10 o. 091 Computed Peaks 0.210 50.00 0.980 • ,· Nidwa Pfaa, Preliminary 11R-May 2003 ., • • The following is a description of KCRTS input and output files used in designing the R/D facilities and conducting the downstream drainage analysis for Nichols Place. EXECUTABLE FILES basins.exc: This executable file creates time series for all contributing areas to ·the downstream system. tar.axe: This executable creates target duration files for R/D design. TIME SERIES FILES R/D Design exeast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under existing conditions. Includes area of proposed road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. exwest.tsf: The site's westerly basin under existing conditions. byeast.tsf: The pO.l'.'tion of proposed road improvements along 160th Avenue SE in the easterly basin that bypasses the stormwater facility. deveast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under proposed developed conditions. Includes a portion of the western basin. devwest.tsf: A portion of the site's westerly basin under proposed developed conditions. poceast.tsf: Time series for developed conditions at the site's .easterly downstream point-of-compliance. tareast.tsf: Target duration easterly basin. RESERVOIRS rdeast.rdf: curve for the proposed R/D system for the site's Based on the following times series: exeast.tsf. The Nichols Place R/D facility managing stormwater from the easterly basin of the developed site. Nidwls Place Preliminary 17R -May 2003 • < 7. OTHER PERMITS: Permits from City of Renton and Water District 90 are required for the water and sewer design. Included in this section are: documentation of transfer of development rights, dated 7 /29/04 . 09/01/2~04 15:04 2535390514 ' SOUNDBUIL T HOMES PAGE 04 - • l)<, ' • - • Recording Requested By And . When Recorded Mall To:Mark SolllUo COlfORflED COPY ® 20040811001634 Kc'"';"" & ~""' &Tntsc e.ee PAGllm 1 0~ a84 881 11 zee4 t4:t• ~tNG COUNTY, IJA, King County Transfer of Development Rights Program ·water and Land Resources Division 201 so. Jackson St., Suite 600 CONFORl'IED COPY MS: KSC-NR-0600 Seattle, WA 98104 Transfer of Development Rights Certificate Number: 79 8 URBAN Development Rights Date Issued: July 29. 2004 Certificate Issued To: Name: SBI Devetonlng. LLC Address: PO Box 73790 City & Zip: Puyanup. WA 98373 E2061743 8S/ll/28~l4:!B KfNG CCM.I , ~!i s~ 51 ;iae :81 PAGEH1 OF 1101 This development rlght(s) ls/are transferrncl·from the following certified sending site, pu,rsuant to K.C.C. 21A.37: ; . · Sending site file number:~ Grantor: King County. a politjca! subdivision of the State of Washington Parcel Numbers: 332305-9002: 332305-9062:282305-9101 l, This certifies that SBI Developing, LI .. C owns eight (8) urban development rights removed from the sending site Identified above. which has been qualified as a transfer of development rights sending site pursuant to K.C.C. 21A.37. Receiving site tax tots: 1423Q5-9058 DOES File# L03POQ15 The official record of these development rights is maintained by King County. If there is any discrepancy between the number of rights Identified on this certificate and the official record. the official record shall control. If any of the development rights Identified on this certificate are sold, conveyed or transferred, the person acquiring the rights shall within ten (10) business days deliver to the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program this original certificate. A new certificate in the buyer's name shall then be Issued. The development rights may be used t;nly on a receiving slte(s) that has/have been given final approval for additional residential density achieved through the transfer of development rights in accordance wlf.h King County Zoning Code (K.C.C. 21A.37). Approved by Representative of the King County rranafer of Development Rights Program lnteragency Review Committee Ylt Q~~ Signature ~ Ccrtificalc Number 22 Date Issued 7/ 29/04 date Page 1 of4 ; • /J. ' - - - 09/01/2004 15:04 2535390514 SOUNDBUILT HOMES PAGE 05 STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS. COUNTY OF KING ) 1 certify that I know or have satlsfactqry evidence that Mark s9mtto Is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this Instrument, on oath staled that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Program Manager, Transferable Development Rights Program of King County to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrument. Dated: 7 /7-'i Ip <-1 Slate of Washington . : ,; Residingat ~·J M,y appointment expires (OAAC., Tb Redeem Development Rights: In applying for receiving site approval, the applicant shall provide the Department of Development and Environmental Services with either a copy of this certificate issued in the name of the applicant or a copy of this certificate with a signed option to purchase these development rlght(s). For receiving ,_sites within Incorporated municipal jurisdictions, the applicant shall proy,lde tho above documentation to the municipal jurisdiction and shall follow that Jurlsdictlorl's development appllcatlon review process. Before building permit Issuance or before final plat or short plat recording, the applicant shall deliver the appropriate TDR certificates Issued In the applicant's name to the Transfer of Development Rights Program. The applicant shall receive an extlngulshment document showing that the development rights have been applied to an approved receiving site. The TOR Program_ shall confirm for ODES or the municipal jurisdiction that the requirements of K.C.C. 21A.37 have been met. Certificate Number 7!J. Date Issued 71 29/04 ,,, ;1· Page 2 of4 • • • 8. ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Design of the erosion/sedimentation control plan.was completed in conformance with Core Requirement #5 per the 1998 KCSWDM. Compliance with the 7 minimum requirements are summarized below. 1. Clearing Limits: Clearing limits have been delineated on sheet C2.0l of the civil plans. The clearing limits extend only to those areas that will be disturbed during construction of the subject project. 2. Cover Measures: The Construction Sequence listed on sheet C2.01 of the civil plans specify specific times at which temporary and permanent cover measures will be installed. 3. Perimeter Protection: Per sheet C2.01 of the civil plans, silt fence will be used for perimeter protection. Silt fence will be installed along the perimeters of those areas that will be receiving silt-laden runoff. · 4. Traffic Area Stabilization: A construction entrance will be installed. See sheets C2.0I and C2.31 for location of construction entrance and detail. 5 . Sediment Retention: The wetpond will be used for sediment retention. Sediment retention will be designed per the 1998 KCSWDM Appendix D. Surface Area: East Basin Q2 (04037de.tsf) = 0.71 cfs SA= 2080 s£'cfs * Q2 SA= 2080 s£'cfs * 0.71 cfs = 1,477 SF Available Wetpond SA (Elev. 448.5) = 12,985 SF> 1,477 SF::::, OK Riser Diameter: The same riser diameter, 12", will be used as was designed for the control structure. Emergency Overflow Spillway: The emergency overflow spillway as designed in Section 4B of this report will be installed as part of the erosion/sedimentation pond. Dewatering Orifice: A0 = A,(2h)05/(I0.6*3600Tg°·5) D = 24(AJ3.14)05 Pond Ao= 12,985(2*1.5)°"5/(10.6*3600*24*32.2°5) = 0.004 sf Pond D = 24(0.004/3.14)°"5 = 0.89" Use l" • • • 6. Surface Water Control: Interceptor swales will be used to direct all sediment- laden runoff to the sediment retention facility. See sheets C2.0l and C2.3 l for location of swales and details. 7. Dust Control: A note on sheet C2.0l addresses the procedure for dust control should soils become too dry . • , • • 9. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT: Attached on the following pages are two separate bond quantities worksheets. One bond quantities worksheet is for the site improvements, the other is for the street trees. The facility summary will be completed upon engineering plan approval. A Declaration of Covenant will be completed prior to engineering plan approval. • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet . (@) King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TlY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Plat of Nichols Place Location: 13900 Block & 160th Avenue SE Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 X no For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Date: 23-Dec-04 Project No.: L03P0015 Activity No.: L04SR034 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. R.ac-~cl&<. r c:nr~ ~re s/1V~s 04037BQW .xis Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Backfill & com_!l_action-embankment Check dams, 4" minus rock Crushed surfacin.9. 1 114" minus Ditchin.9. Excavation-bulk Fence, silt Fence,.Temporary (NGPE) Hydroseedin Jute Mesh Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" dee_!)_ Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep Piping, temporary, CPP, 6" Piping, temporary, CPP, 8" Piping, temporary, CPP, 12" Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' Rock Construction Entrance, 1OO'x15'x1' Sediment pond riser assembly Sediment trap, 5' high berm Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spill~ berm section Seeding, by hand Sodding, 1" deep, level ground Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground TESC Su_!l_ervisor Page 2 of9 04037BQW.xls ESC-1 ESC-2 ESC-3 ESC-4 ESC-5 ESC-6 ESC-7 ESC-8 ESC-9 ESC-10 ESC-11 ESC-12 ESC-13 ESC-14 ESC-15 ESC-16 ESC-17 ESC-18 ESC-19 ESC-20 ESC-21 ESC-22 ESC-23 ESC-24 $ 5.62 I CY SWDM $ 67 .51 I Each 4 1 270 WSDOT 9-03.9(3) $ 85.45 I CY $ 8.08 I CY 80 1 646 $ 1.50 I CY SWDM $ 1.381 LF 1080 .1490 $ 1.381 LF SWDM $ 0.59 I SY SWDM $ 1.451 SY SWDM $ 2.01 I SY SWDM $ 0.53 I SY 12000 6360 $ 10.70 I LF $ 16.10 I LF $ 20.70 I LF SWDM $ 2.30 I SY WSDOT9-13.1(2) $ 39.08 I CY 10 1 391 SWDM $ 1,464.34 I Each SWDM $ 2,928.68 I Each 2929 SWDM $ 1,949.38 I Each 1949 SWDM $ 17.91 I LF SWDM $ 68.54 I LF SWDM $ 0.51 I SY SWDM $ 6.03 I SY SWDM $ 7.45 I SY $ 74.75 I HR I 31 11 224 SWDM 5.4.7 I $ 97.75 I HR I 31 1 I 293 ~,~;W!ll!\l'lllle;j,~ l,hffltffllillll!\~ -~~-~ --"1l!'!.~il1'l 1~'".-f"" t.:CJ:;-,) ~-·."':."~3t1.wt!*•'.. lr!r~~ ... ~ ~m• ~1q11m:11J!!:l~ ~1~"8£.1;~J;~ ~:J\fth.\.r.tt•J¥l·'41..:·•r. Each ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: $ 14,553.20 $ 4,365.96 $ 18,919.16 A Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 04122102 Report Date: 12/28/2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Site Improvement Bor.~uantity Worksheet Backfill & Comoaction-embankment Gl-1 $ 5.62 CY I 401 224.801 10501 5,901.001 4050 Backfill & Compaction-trench Gl-2 $ 8.53 CY Clear/Remove Brush, by hand Gl-3 $ 0.36 SY Cfearing/Grubbingffree Removal GI -4 $ 8,876.16 Acrel_ ___ l --I _ _1_1_ ____ 8,876.161 31 Excavation -bulk GI -5 $ 1.50 CY Excavation -Trench GI -6 $ 4.06 CY I I I 27001 10,962.00 , cedar, 6' high GI -7 $ 18.55 LF ' ' , chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high GI -8 $ 13.44 LF 1, chain link, gate, vinvl coated, 2 GI -9 $ 1,271.81 Each Fencing, split rail, 3' high GI -10 $ 12.12 LF Fill & compact -common barrow GI -11 $ 22.57 CY Fill & compact -gravel base GI -12 $ 25.48 CY Fill & compact -screened topsoil GI -13 $ 37.85 CY GI-14 $ 54.31 SY Gabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh Gl-15 $ 74.85 SY Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled inesh GI -16 $ 132.48 SY Grading, fine, bv hand GI -17 $ 2.02 SY Grading, fine, with grader GI -18 $ 0.95 SY Monuments, 3' long GI -19 $ 135.13 Each I 1 I 135.131 21 270.26 GI -20 $ 2.88 Each ground GI -21 $ 7.46 SY GI -22 $ 788.26 Day J o.5]_ 394.1'.!J. 0.5J 394.13J o.5J GI -23 $ 1,556.64 Acre Gl-24 $ 85.18 HR GI -25 $ 7.59 SY Trail, 4" crushed cinder Gl-26 $ 8.33 SY Trail, 4" top course GI -27 $ 8.19 SY Wall, retaining, concrete GI -28 $ 44.16 SF Wall, rockery GI -29 $ 9.49 SF Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL 754.06 26,403.5~ *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes • 26,628.48 394.13 49,783.61 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 12128/2004 • RI -1 RI -2 Rl-3 Rl-4 Barricade, tvoe I Rl-5 Barricade, tvne Ill ( Permanent ) RI -6 Curb & Gutter, rolled RI -7 Curb & Gutter, vertical RI -8 Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposa RI -9 Curb, extruded asohalt RI -10 RI -11 RI -12 RI -13 RI -14 Shoulder, AC, ( see AC road unit price ) RI-15 Shoulder, gravel, 4• thick Rl-16 Sidewalk, 4" thick RI -17 Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and dispos RI -18 Sidewalk, 5" thick RI -19 Sidewalk, 5• thick, demolition and dispos RI -20 Sign, handicap RI -21 Striping, oer stall RI -22 Striping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk ) RI -23 Striping, 4• reflectorized line RI -24 Page 4 of9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls Site Improvement Bor.~uantity Worksheet • $ 23.00 $ 5.75 $ 1.38 $ 41.14 $ 30.03 $ 45.05 $ 13.27 $ 9.69 $ 13.58 $ 2.44 $ 2.56 $ 1.85 $ 1.69 $ 0.99 $ - $ 7.53 $ 30.52 $ 27.73 $ 34.94 $ 34.65 $ 85.28 $ 5.82 $ 2.38 $ 0.25 SUBTOTAL SY SY SY SY LF LF LF I I LF j 21~ LF LF LF LF LF LF SY SY SY I I SY sYT -13o] - SY Each Each SF LF -l.iiliU'>'MT."'-"'--"""""'"'""""'"'"°'"''""'''\l"''"'m-1'<:,"'1"-""'"'""1lri''i'i<'"" il.F.fil'l'.®'Q~~~~,m~T'r~~~.J\WMitffl!~a~l1!1*l;'\jj\\i_'.}';"'n1'ft~t~~ri~~;;,.~:, ,-1130,---14,995.10 2.083.3~ -·---- I I I I I I .. , . I 4,542.201 3501 12,229.00 ____ 6,625.55 27,224.10 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • Site Improvement Bor. ~uantity Worksheet R0KolsiRF.!f€iN&~~,~'fa.'t1'.gr,ia~~~1i!t,l~r':J93'.'kc'.~~~l~ll'@i!/!il-,li/1,II/- For KCRS '93, (additional 2.5" base) add! RS -11 $ 3.60 I SY I 3001 1,080.00I~ 1970L --~ -~092.00I 390 AC Overlay, 1.5" AC I RS -21 $ 7.39 I SY AC Overlay, 2"_AC I RS -31 $ 8.75 I SY AC Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY I RS -41 $ 17.24 I SY 1970 33,962.80 AC Road, 2", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SY I RS -51 $ 13.36 I SY AC Road, 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY I RS -61 $ 19.69 I SY 300 5,907.00 AC Road,_3"ci"_rock, Qty. over 2500 SYI RS -71 $ 15.81 I SY AC Road,_5", First 2500 SY I RS -Bl $ 14.57 I SY AC Road, 5", Qty. Over 2500 SY I RS -91 $ 13.94 I SY AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY IRS -1 q $ 16.76 I SY AC Road,_6", Qty. Over 2500 SY IRS -11 $ 16.12 I SY As.e_halt Treate~.Base~ 4• thick $ 9.21 I SY Gravel Road, 1_" r(?~. First 2500 SY $ 11.41 I SY Gravel Road, 4" r~~. Qty. over 2500 SY $ 7.53 I SY PCC Road~ no base, over 2500 SY $ 21.51 I SY PCC Road, 6", no !;>ase, over 2500 SY $ 21.87 I SY Thickened Ed_Re $ 6.89 I LF Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL 6,987.00 41,054.80 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 390 220 • 1,404.00 6,723.60 1,515.80 9,643.40 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • Site Improvement Bor.~uantity Worksheet • DRAif,f~GEf'(€g~~~2g'~gi~1:ij[~~·~~[l~fff;ll!~riC~J~118~M1Afe%ffcf!~~~~-!rs~s~~Yf~ Access Roadcf<LD I D -1 I $ 16.741 SY I I I 170! 2,845.80 Bollards-fixed ID-21$ 240.741Eachl I I 21 481.48 Bollards -removable ! D-3 ! $ 452.34 I Each I 5! 2,261.70! * (CBs include frame and lid) CB Tvoe I D -4 CB Type IL D-5 CB Type II, 48" diameter D-6 for additional depth over 4' D-7 _CB Type II, 54" diameter D-8 for additional depth over 4' D-9 !cs Type II, 60" diameter D -10 for additional depth over 4' , D -11 CB Type II, 72" diameter D-12 for additional depth over 4' D-13 Through-curb Inlet Framework (Add} D -14 Cleanout, PVC, 4" D -15 Cleanout, PVC, 6" D -16 Cteanout, PVC, 8" D -17 Culvert, PVC, 4" D -18 Culvert, PVC, 6" D -19 Culvert, PVC, 8" D -20 Culvert, PVC, 12" D -21 Culvert, CMP, 8" ' , D-22 Culvert, CMP, 12" D-23 Culvert, CMP, 15" D-24 Culvert, CMP, 18" D -25 Culvert, CMP, 24" D -26 Culvert, CMP, 30" D -27 Culvert, CMP, 36" D -28 Culvert, CMP, 48" D-29 Culvert, CMP, 60" D -30 Culvert, CMP, 72" D -31 Page 6 of 9 ·Kee 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls $ 1,257.64 Each 1,257.641 4 5,030.56 $ 1,433.59 Each I $ 2,033.57 Each 4 8,134.28 $ 436.52 FT 20 8,730.40 $ 2,192.54 Each 1 2,192.54 $ 486.53 FT 3 1,459.59 $ 2,351.52 Each $ 536.54 FT $ 3,212.64 Each $ 692.21 FT $ 366.09 Each $ 130.55 Each $ 174.90 Each $ 224.19 Each $ 8.64 LF $ 12.60 LF $ 13.33 LF $ 21.77 LF $ 17.25 LF $ 26.45 LF $ 32.73 LF $ 37.74 LF $ 53.33 LF $ 71.45 LF $ 112.11 LF $ 140.83 LF $ 235.45 LF $ 302.58 LF SUBTOTAL 1,257.64 31,136.35 Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes _,_1,;;;ffi1!i!fiffi,1llt<~"'"-iti!,\'.~d'*',t;i-i~·Jjlt'~l~""1 ,Qrcltedl'\<!..v,el1S.'.§l;lrn~p1JCeia& ....,.111p1p~~~Pffli:. ©l~l I 3 1 4 23 3,772.92 2,033.57 _ 1_,746.08 4,022.70 11,575.27 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • Site Improvement Bor.tl)uantity Worksheet Culvert, Concrete, 8" Culvert, Concrete, 12n 0-33 $ 30.05 LF Culvert, Concrete, 15" D -34 $ 37.34 LF Culvert, Concrete, 18" D-35 $ 44.51 LF Culvert, Concrete, 24" D -36 $ 61.07 LF Culvert, Concrete. 30" D -37 $ 104.18 LF Culvert,-Concrete, 36" D -38 $ 137.63 LF Culvert, Concrete, 42" D -39 $ 158.42 LF Culvert, Concrete, 48" D-40 $ 175.94 LF Culvert, CPP, 6" D-41 $ 10.70 LF I I I I I 6751 Culvert, CPP, 8" D -42 $ 16.10 LF Culvert, CPP, 12" D -43 $ 20.70 LF I 121 248.4! 7501 155251 1201 Culvert, CPP, 15" D -44 $ 23.00 LF Culvert, CPP. 18" • D -45 $ 27.60 LF j J J 6oj 165aj Culvert, CPP, 24" D -46 $ 36.80 LF Culvert, CPP, 30" D-47 $ 48.30 LF Culvert, CPP, 36" D-48 $ 55.20 LF Ditching D -49 $ 8.08 CY Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) D-50 $ 25.99 LF French Drain (3' depth) D -51 $ 22.60 LF Geotextile, laid in trench, polypropylene D -52 $ 2.40 SY Infiltration nnnd testing D -53 $ 74.75 HR Mid-tank Access Riser, 46" dia, 6' deep D -54 $ 1,605.40 Each Pond Overflow Spillway D -55 $ 14.01 SY I I I --1 1 2sf Restrictor/Oil Seoarator, 12" D -56 $ 1,045.19 Each I I I I I 1 I Restrictor/Oil Seoarator, 15" D-57 $ 1,095.56 Each Restrictor/Oil Seoarator, 18" D-58 $ 1,146.16 Each Riprap, placed D-59 $ 39.08 CY I 71 273.561 41 156.32 Tank End Reducer (36" diameter) D-60 $ 1,000.50 Each Trash Rack, 12" D-61 $ 211.97 Each I I I 1 I 211.97 Trash Rack, 15" D-62 $ 237.27 Each Trash Rack, 18n D -63 $ 268.89 Each Trash Rack. 21• D-64 $ 306.84 Each Page 7 of9 SUBTOTAL 521.96 17549.29 ~Kee 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes • 7222.5 2484 350.2sl 1045.191 11101.94 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • Site Improvement Bar. ~uantity Worksheet • No. 2" AC, 2" top course rock & 4" borrow PL -1 $ 15.84 SY 2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base cou PL-2 $ 17.24 SY 4" select borrow PL-3 $ 4.55 SY 1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base course PL-4 $ 11.41 SY -... ··-··-,···c""~~-~"l WRl:fE,IN,l:EEMSt~ 1such as detention/water No. School Walkwa Wl-1 Each Concrete Sidewalk Wl-2 $ 30.52 SY I Gradin.2_ Wl-3 $ 5,000.00 LS Concrete Stairs Wl-4 $ 5,000.00 LS Metal Handrail Wl-5 $ 50.00 FT Wl-6 Wl-7 Wl-8 Wl-9 Wl*10 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: Page 8 of9 ,~111,,iiaftil""'•ill&Willl""''i"'i'"'"-.11•J,,,.,,w1"'1'i/c,1F,,o'""""";':'; -"""'-'··--_:__ ........ -_-________ ~~~,--1~";1~/'ilie~.'J'ill!;.ni<J(.,,,,!•iil,-lMl!l[kt]"k'c,,J! ,.· "ee111,,,"',,,in=:-illilJ.a~J.l:i~;,rl.,t~~~t'i, 140 4272.8 500 15,260.00 50 1,526.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 60 3,000.00 4,272.80 20,260.00 9,526.00 20,419.01 163,628.09 91,630.22 6,125.70 49,088.43 27,489.07 26,544.71 212,716.52 119,119.29 8 C D E *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 040378QW.xls Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Plat of Nichols Place Date: 1 O-Nov-04 PE Registration Number: 33713 Tel.#: 425-885-7877 Firm Name: Core Desi.9.n, Inc. Address: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite #101 Project No: L03P0015 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities Private Improvements Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond•r (First $7,500 of bond* shall be cash.) Performance Bond• Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond• Total ••• Maintenance/Defect Bond• Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND· REDUCTION: PERFORMANCE BOND• AMOUNT (A) $ 18,919.2 (B) $ 26,544.7 (C) $ 212,716.5 (D) $ 119,119.3 (A+B) $ 45,463.9 (T) $ 377,299.7 Minimum bond* amount is $1000. BOND· AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY••• (E) $ T X 0.30 $ 113,189.9 (T-E) $ 377,299.7 Use larger of Tx30% or (T-E) " NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County . ... NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. OR Date: PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND· (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 59,815.3 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, ·not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on· and off.site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmon id stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. *"~ NOTE: Per KCC 27A. total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ 331,835.8 !(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES Page 9 of 9 04037BQW.xls Check out the DOES Web site at www metrokc.gov!ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet King County Department of Development & Environmental Services · 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Project Name: Plat of Nichols Place (Street Trees Only)* Date: 28-Dec-04 Location: 13900 Block & 160th Ave SE Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? ~~~~~~~yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 04037BQW TREES.xis X no Project No.: L03P0015 Activity No.: L04SR034 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. yna(_ f..u--cld r ~ ~~7S-/ry7QO~ Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ,;..:,t'.f\, 't;i,~i~ ' nl · r;; ·>:1 ,->. , • ~ ·o · / ;, ji~[ew;_\;:,~_,fa,;:i},•,.:.U __ ·rt./fi>_:! .u ~'t___ 91·· ---11·~·,··t·· .-a?,-'1">•·,w·~= ~a. ,, , ., 1J1 .. , j'. , , ,;,.-~.:[.1"'lt•ri\i!fl.A,. l!rh::e:iiilfdffi '· JJnit · , Qllai!ti 11LPiiGat111ns :., i!2!!iMl,~!!.Co1!n\i1,1:~ ERe'SISJII/SEBIMENifiile~Nif:Rc;i~{ffil'~J~ i!:lillfil llii!li!iimm•ro -~ml!foo'" -~=-~ il!!ij" ' •. ~'" --~m~-~ -.. -, ~,;0011w1rnm;p..ww;,.,.Fv~:;;·i ,·.! ?f!t11.·,~w::1, .-. • --,. ··t ,· 111-· ·\:J ,!,t --~, .. ,}', ~iu;,, ,,,J'M•dffi'.:\i•'i\ffl',,•-ll'l'.H;,1·:.,,\.,, ~ .. , . ;_ .• )W 1c.• t.~-,,_' -. -·· -.. . . Backfill & compaction-embankment_ _ $ 5.62 I CY Check dams, 4" minus rock I SWDM I $ 67.51 I Each Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minus I WSDOT 9-03.9(3) I $ 85.45 I CY Ditchin_g ___ I I $ 8.08 I CY Excavation-bulk I I $ 1.50 I CY Fence, silt_ I SWDM I $ 1.38 I LF Fence, Temporary (NGPE) _ _ _ I I $ 1.38 I LF Hydroseeding I SWDM I $ 0.59 I SY Jute Mesh I SWDM I $ 1.45 I SY Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" deep I SWDM I $ 2.01 I SY Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep_ I SWDM I $ 0.53 I SY Piping, temporary, CPP, 6" I I $ 10.70 I LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 8" I I $ 16.10 I LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 12" I I $ 20.70 I LF Plastic covertng, 6mm thick, sandbagged I SWDM I $ 2.30 I SY Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes J WSDOT 9-13.1(2) I $ 39.08 I CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' I SWDM I $ 1,464.34 I Each Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' I SWDM I $ 2,928.68 I Each Sediment pond riser assembly J __ _ __ _ I SWDM I $ 1,94g_38 I Each Sediment trap, 5' high berm I I SWDM I $ 17.91 I LF Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm section I SWDM I $ 68.54 I LF Seeding, by hand I SWDM I $ 0.51 I SY Sodding, 1" deep, level ground I SWDM $ 6.03 SY Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground I I SWDM I $ 7.45 I SY TESC Sup_ervisor I I $ 74.75 I HR Water truck, dust control SWDM 5.4.7 $ 97.75 HR wRF11E;1111;1mEMs~'l;,ltseelpagels>i':J;ilf.ji\Ts\ffl:!1~J!i [i:l'~ijiil~.,_ ---~ ~t.;c~m ffliil<ll''3'1 __ i:'IJ. ~jli~ff~~~'it, Page 2 of 9 04037BQW TREES.xis Each ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: $ $ $ A Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 • Site Improvement 801 ~uantity Worksheet $ 5.62 $ 8.53 Clear/Remove Brush, by hand $ 0.36 Clearing/Grubbing/Tree Removal_ $ 8,876.16 Excavation -bulk $ 1.50 Excavation -Trench $ 4.06 Fencing, cedar, 6' high $ 18.55 Fencing, diain link, viny1 coated, 6' high $ 13.44 Fencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 20' $ 1,271.81 Fencing, split rail, 3' high $ 12.12 Fm & compact -common barrow $ 22.57 Fill & compact -gravel base $ 25.48 Fill & compact -screened topsoil $ 37.85 Gabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh $ 54.31 Gabion, 1 s· deep; stone filled mesh $ 74.85 Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh $ 132.48 Grading, fine, by hand $ 2.02 Grading, fine, with grader $ 0.95 Monuments, 3' long $ 135.13 Sensitive Areas Sign $ 2.88 Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground $ 7.46 Surveying, line & grade $ 788.26 Surveying, lot location/lines $ 1,556.64 Traffic control crew ( 2 flaggers ) $ 85.18 Trail, 4" chipped wood $ 7.59 Trail. 4" crushed cinder $ 8.33 Trail, 4" top course $ 8.19 Wall, retaining, concrete $ 44.16 Wall, rockery $ 9.49 Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis CY CY SY Acre CY CY LF LF Each LF CY CY CY SY SY SY SY SY Each Each SY Day Acre HR SY SY SY SF SF • ~~~'"'::i~"'F''l Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 1212312004 • Site Improvement 801 ~uantity Worksheet AC Grinding, 4' wide machine< 1000sy $ 23.00 SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000·2000sy $ 5.75 SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine> 2000sy $ 1.38 SY AC Removal/Disposal/Repair $ 41.14 SY Barricade, type I $ 30.03 LF Barricade, type Ill ( Permanent) $ 45.05 LF Curb & Gutter, rolled $ 13.27 LF Curb & Gutter, vertical $ 9.69 LF Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposal $ 13.58 LF Curb, extruded asphalt $ 2.44 LF Curb. extruded concrete $ 2.56 LF Sawcut, asphalt, 3" depth $ 1.85 LF Sawcut, concrete, per 1 ~ depth $ 1.69 LF Sealant, asphalt $ 0.99 LF Shoulder, AC, ( see AC road unit price) $ -SY Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick $ 7.53 SY Sidewalk, 4N thick $ 30.52 SY Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disposal $ 27.73 SY Sidewalk, 5• thick $ 34.94 SY Sidewalk, 5• thick, demolition and disposal $ 34.65 SY Sign, handicap $ 85.28 Each Striping, per stall $ 5.82 Each Striping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk ) $ 2.38 SF Striping, 4" reflectorized line $ 0.25 LF Page 4 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond,reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis • Unit prtces updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 • Site Improvement 801 ~uantity Worksheet R0Ao!~i'ilRF.t.GfNG\~'f~w~~~z'111Iil!ll~it1l§§@~!Jfili:~~@IBiS.'ilti~': For KCRS '93, (additional 2.5"basel add: I $ 3.60 I SY I I I AC Overlay, 1.5" AC $ 7.39 AC Overlay, 2" AC $ 8.75 AC Road, 2", 4M rock, First 2500 SY $ 17.24 AC Road, 2\ 4" rock, Qty. over,2500SY $ 13.36 AC Road, 3 .. , 4n rock, First 2500 SY $ 19.69 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY $ 15.81 AC Road, 5n, First 2500 SY $ 14.57 AC Road, 5", Qtv. Over 2500 SY $ 13.94 AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY $ 16.76 AC Road, 6", Qty. Over 2500 SY $ 16.12 Asphalt Treated Base, 4" thick $ 9.21 Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY $ 11.41 Gravel Road, 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY $ 7.53 PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY $ 21.51 PCC Road, 6", no base, over 2soo SY' $ 21.87 Thickene~e $ 6.89 Page 5 of9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY LF • Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 12/23/2004 • Site Improvement 801.Quantity Worksheet • •• ,.c ,.;;; ·· ;+cc-;---c-; --,:,:.r,,m,,;,..,n~~l\f!~~/<':--W.,'.11Cl'"\~'!'!'f~1?:1 , ~;'i~t.WJillf'"'?:'{W,l'!!s'i]fl!ifli!r#'.i/i''~'ilffl~l;-;'!f~-lJ,~! ijR'AINl\_Gl;_;;m;J:li\7i§.onJ!9~.t~Q!fil~~!9l~!P-l?.rn~ !f!rra~Hival~r.!!l-'ri~-::ii~~-.t.ilil';ilr.or,,t;~J1',fert\griceS;:'.P,i.;,'etag~~H"R:@:V~~· Access Road, RID I $ 16.74 I SY Bollards -fixed I $ 240.74 I Each Bollards -removable $ 452.34 Each • (CBs include frame and lid) ' CB Type I $ 1,257.64 Each CB Type IL $ 1,433.59 Each CB Type II, 48" diameter $ 2,033.57 Each for additional de.e_th over 4' $ 436.52 FT CB Type JI, 54• diameter $ 2,192.54 Each for additional de.e_th over 4' $ 486.53 FT CB Type 11, eo· diameter $ 2,351.52 Each for additional de.e_th over 4' $ 536.54 FT CB Type II, 72" diameter $ 3,212.64 Each for additional depth over 4' $ 692.21 FT Through-curb Inlet Framework (Add) $ 366.09 Each CJeanout, PVC, 4" · $ 130.55 Each Cleanout, PVC, 6H $ 174.90 Each Cleanout, PVC, 8" $ 224.19 I Each Culvert, pvg, 4" $ 8.64 I LF Culvert, _Pvg, 6" $ 12.60 I LF Culvert, PVC, 8" $ 13.33 I LF Culvert, PVC, 12" $ 21.77 I LF Culvert, CMP, 8" $ 17.25 I LF Culvert, CMP, 12" $ 26.45 I LF Culvert, CMp, 15" $ 32.73 I LF Culvert.!..._9~ ~ 18" $ 37.74 J LF Culvert, CMP, 24" $ 53.33 I LF Culvert, CMP, 30" $ 71.45 I LF Culvert, CMP, 36" $ 112.11 I LF Culvertt Cfv!P, 48" $ 140.83 I LF Culvert, CMP, 60" $ 235.45 I LF Culvert, CMP, 72" $ 302.58 I LF Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL ·KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis .. --:Sdfr. '-.ffl. "'. ~~-m111d1~~~1 ¥!frlh"ID:~a_~1,1~~0-1:1_{:~:z_-1fiT~;_·~'-¥~,1~.r'.b_ ·;s~ -assu __ J __ -~ ___ rrt_ !_pe _(? --~ : -~ _1.;,J_S•s_,:_:une~pr1c~1as,s!JIJ ·;pJp£t;:,~µ_.'t::-:.J~~~~i:-¥J '""'·'-" Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------• Site Improvement 801.Quantity Worksheet 21.02 Culvert, Concrete, 12" $ 30.05 Culvert, Concrete, 15" $ 37.34 Culvert, Concrete, 18" $ 44.51 Culvert, Concrete, 24" $ 61.07 Culvert, Concrete, 30" $ 104.18 Culvert, Concrete, 36" $ 137.63 Culvert, Concrete, 42" $ 158.42 Culvert, Concrete, 4a• $ 175.94 Culvert, CPP, 6" $ 10.70 Culvert, CPP, 8" $ 16.10 Culvert, CPP, 12" $ 20.70 Culvert, CPP, 15" $ 23.00 Culvert, CPP, 18" $ 27.60 Culvert. CPP, 24" $ 36.80 Culvert, CPP, 30" $ 48.30 Culvert. CPP, 36" $ 55.20 Ditching $ 8.08 Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) $ 25.99 French Drain (3' depth) $ 22.60 Geotextile, laid in trench, polvnropylene $ 2.40 Infiltration pond testing $ 74.75 Mid-tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep $ 1,605.40 Pond Overflow Spillwav $ 14.01 Restnctor/Oil Separator, 12" $ 1,045.19 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15" _ $ 1,095.56 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 18" $ 1,146.16 Riprap, placed $ 39.08 Tank End Reducer (36" diameter) $ 1,000.50 Trash Rack, 12" $ 211.97 Trash Rack, 15" $ 237.27 Trash Rack, 18" $ 268.89 Trash Rack, 21" $ 306.84 Page 7 of9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 040378QW TREES.xis LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF CY LF LF SY HR Each SY Each Each Each CY Each Each Each Each Each • Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 • Site Improvement 801.Quantity Worksheet • ;r;;sm'i~1Kf~V1,1m~•111qr~,,jjw' 2" AC, 2" to.e_ course rock & 4" borrow $ 15,84 I SY 2" AC, 1.5" to.e. course & 2.5" base cdurse $ 17.24 I SY 4" select borrow $ 4.55 I SY 1.5" to.e_ course rock & 2.5" base course $ 11.41 I SY W..RfTE:!iNilmEMi:l.~~~;l!\ffilmlli',~Ei:'il 2.0" Cali_e_er Deciduous Street Trees $ 238.00 I EA. I EA. LF EA. EA. EA. LF SF LF LF SUBTOTAL sui:iTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: Page 8 of 9 *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. 0403780W TREES.xis GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: 2 476 16 476.00 476.00 142.80 618.80 B C ,.,.,-,S\'l."'l.'ll>-~,W.~-\:"""'"~,%;;/!,,\(~;cc;.,";fi.,-''.F'! .; . ::."!i'J~fl~~~'ri~~]t!\:;],~)1},!i;\:umn:".1:0X,~ ,"..\4/',..: tl:.,Jdt,)l•t 3,808.00 3,808.00 3,808.00 1,142.40 4,950.40 D E Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 ----• • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet .Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Plat of Nichols Place (Street Trees Only) Date: 10-Nov-04 PE Registration Number: 33713 Tel.#: 425-885-7877 Firm Name: Core Desi_g_n, Inc. Address: 14711 NE 29th Place, §uit_e 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 Project No: L03P0015 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities Private Improvements Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond•t•• (First $7,500 of bond"* shall be cash.) Performance Bond• Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond• Total••• Maintenance/Defect Bond• Total PERFORMANCE BOND• AMOUNT (A) $ (B) $ 618.8 (C) $ 4,950.4 (D) $ (A+B) $ ~-----__:::..:.::::::._ 618.8 (T) $ 5,569.2 Minimum bond* amount ,s $1000. BOND.AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY ... (E) $ T x 0.30 $ 1,670.8 OR (T-E) $ 5,569.2 Use larger of Tx30% or (T·E) PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND' (B+C) X 0.25 = $ 1,392.3 NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND• REDUCTION: Date: • NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. ** NOTE: KCC 27 A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. The restoration requirement shall include lhe total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmon id stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. *""* NOTE: Per KCC 27 A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be ! $ 4,950.4 !(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DDES Page 9 of 9 04037BQW TREES.xis Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 • • • 10. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL: A maintenance and operations manual is not required since all drainage facilities will be public . • Evendell Plat Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis • • !EXPIRES, Submilled to: - ,.-· ;I"',~ ,-. 1 · • ·nr,1--;-c-r, "'5 ',..,ounty i..l,.,.; ,.:, 900 Oakesdale A venue S. W. Renton, WA 98055 Prepared by: Haozous-Engineering, P .S. 9957 171~ Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 Tel. ( 425) 235-2707 Fax ( 425) 254-0579 August 26, 2002 -1 • • • /ff! ,, 0 : " u " 9957 /7/M Avenue SE Jax (425) 254-0579 August 26, 2002 Mr. Michael Romano Renton. WA 98059 (425) 235-2707 Centurion Development Services 226 I 7 8th Drive SE Bothell, WA 9802 I Re: Eveodell Plat -Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis ODES File No. Dear Mr. Romano: I'.$. This letter report documents the methods and results of a Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis requested by DDES for the Evendell Plat. Separate analyses were conducted for the two drainage courses from the Evendell site. Project Description The Evendell Plat is a proposed residential development located within the Renton Highlands area of unincorporated King County (Figure I). The proposal for development includes building single-family dwellings on approximately 12 acres (Haozous Engineering, June 2001 ). Road improvements along SE 1361h Street are also proposed. Level 2 RID standards are being proposed for the onsite stormwater facility as is required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. Site Description The site is located within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed (King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1999). The site is located east of156th Avenue SE and is bordered by SE 136th Street on the north and by 160th Avenue SE on the east. Cover types on the site include a single-family residence, pasture, and forest. A Class 2 . wetland has been identified in the northeast portion of the site . . The site consists of two basins with most of the project area draining to the easterly basin. The easterly basin drains to a conveyance system along 160th A venue SE. The westerly basin drains to a conveyance system along 156th Avenue SE. Both downstream drainage courses eventually discharge to an unclassified tributary of the Cedar River (King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990) . • • • Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream systems were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division as part of the Level I Downstream Drainage Analysis submitted with the project's preliminary technical information report (TIR)(Haozous Engineering, June 2001). Since the preliminary TIR was prepared, neighborhood . comment forms, collected by C.A.R.E., have been reviewed for information about drainage-related problems in the basins. Of particular note, flooding from the ditch on the east boundary of the Evendell site has been observed by Mr. Bret Bowden, a resident at 13814 160th A venue SE. When flooding occurs, water crosses the road arid flows onto Mr. Bowden's property. Mr. Don Gregg, a resident at 16046 SE 142nd Place, has also observed portions of 1601h A venue SE inundated by flooding during the past 5 years. Methodology A hydraulic analysis was conducted for conveyance systems along both 160"' Avenue SE and 1561h Avenue SE. The conveyance system along 1601h Avenue SE was evaluated from the east boundary of the site for a distance of 2,300 feet. The conveyance system along 156"' A venue SE was evaluated from a location due west of the site for a distance of 1,900 feet. Both systems consist of driveway culverts, pipe segments, and open channel. The model Stormshed™ was used to predict runoff rates from contributing basins and to model the hydraulics of the conveyance systems. Stormshed™ is widely applied in similar projects and has been adopted by Washington State Department of Transportation for assessing and designing highway conveyance systems. A field survey of the downstream systems was conducted by a licensed surveyor. Ditch cross sections, pipe inverts, catch basin rims, and road surface elevations were surveyed to obtain data for the Stormshed™ hydraulic model. A summary of each structure surveyed is provided in Table 1. Basin boundaries contributing to the conveyance system were based on aerial topography and the Cedar River Basin Plan. The basin boundaries were field-verified and divided into subbasins contributing to various branches of the conveyance system (Figure 2). The easterly basin was llivided into seven subbasins (el -e7), ranging from 1.1 to 33.9 acres in size (Table 2). The westerly basin was divided into eight subbasins (wl -w8), ranging from 1.2 to 16.3 acres in size. Cover types and land. uses in the subbasins weie based on a 1990 aerial photograph and updated for recent development by conducting a field reconnaissance. The basins consist of mostly single-family residential land use with housing densities ranging from about I to 6 dwelling units per acre. Land uses and cover types are shown in Figure 3. The east basin was estimated to have a total of 124.4 acres, with 35.6 acres in forest, 20.2 in 2 I \ \ \ \ • • • pasture, and 68. 7 acres in single-family residential land use (Table 3). The west basin was estimated to have a total of 48.3 acres. with 6.5 acres in forest, 7.0 in pasture, and 33.4 acres in single-family residential land use, and 1.4 acres occupied by a church. Based on King County Soil Survey (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1973) soil types in the basins consist of Alderwood soils. The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) model was used to model the runoff from each of the subbasins contributing to the conveyance systems. Curve numbers for the subbasins were based on the weighted averages of the various land uses in the watershed (Table 4). Hydrographs for the 2-, l 0-, 25-, 50-; and 100-year storms were routed through the StormshedTM hydraulic model of the conveyance systems to determine flooding locations and their approximate return periods. The Evendell site and other contributing areas in the basins were modeled under their existing land use conditions; Travel paths for each subbasin were based on aerial topography. The type of flow, flow length, and slope used to calculate time-of-concentrations are summarized in Table 5. Rainfall amounts of2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3. 75, and 4.0 inches were used for the 2-, I 0-, 25-, 50-, and JOO-year storms design storms in the SBUH model. Modeling Results Details of each subbasin modeled in Stormshed are presented in Appendix A. l for the easterly basin and in Appendix A.2 for the westerly basin. Model results for routing the design storm hydrographs through the drainage networks are presented in Tables B.l through B.12 of Appendix B. Table 6 presents a summary of flow rates at key locations in each of the conveyance systems. A summary of predicted flooding, for all surveyed structures, including open channels, is provided in Table B.6 for the easterly basin and in Table B.12 for the westerly basin. The locations and return periods of flooding related to pipes and culverts are identified in Figure 4. Many of the driveway culverts and pipes along 160th Avenue SE flood at a return period of2-years (Table B.6 and Figure 4). Several reaches of ditch also overtop at this return period, likely as a result of constrictions in the pipe capacities. Modeling results are consistent with drainage complaints from residents along this reach of the drainage course. Similar modeling results were obtained for the westerly drainage course,.where several . culverts and catch basins were predicted to overtop at 2-year or I 0-year return periods (Table B.12 and Figure 4). Conclusions Several flooding locations with return periods of2°years were identified in the downstream conveyance systems. Flooding in the east basin that overtops and inundates 160th Avenue SE is considered a severe road flooding problem by the King County 3 .( • • • Surface Water Drainage Manual. Residential structures have been flooded at 14028 160th Avenue SE and at 16046 SE 14200 Place. If the finished space or the electrical/heating components of these residential structures were flooded in the past, the flooding would be classified as a severe problem. Otherwise, flooding that occurs at these residences is considered a nuisance problem. Channel erosion observed along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE I 4z•d Place, downstream from Pipe P-I 10, has been a persistent problem over the past several years and would likely be considered a severe erosion problem. Continued bank erosion is likely at this location, with potential for reducing the capacity of channel sections further downstream where sediment is deposited. The flooding that occurs at the adjacent residence is likely related to the reduction in channel capacity due to sediment deposition from the eroded banks. Based on modeling results and information available, flooding problems in the westerly basin would likely be classified as nuisance problems by the King County Su,jace Water Drainage Mam,al (1998). We found no documentation indicating that 15611, Avenue SE or residential structures along the westerly drainage course have flooded in the past. However, a drainage complaint (Complaint No. 97-0318) related to flooding due to a plugged culvert, was not available for review (Haozous Engineering, June 2001 ). · Proposed Mitigations Level 2 RID standards are currently being proposed for new development in the westerly basin of the Evendell Plat. No additional flow control or other mitigations are therefore required in this basin to reduce project impacts to nuisance flooding problems. Level 2 RID standards are also currently being proposed for new development in the easterly basin of the Evendell Plat. With severe flooding and severe erosion problems located in the downstream drainage course, additional measures to mitigate drainage impacts could be required. For the severe road flooding problem along 16011, Avenue SE either of the following mitigations could be required: • Providing Level 3 detention in the easterly basin, OR • Upgrading the downstream conveyance system along 160"' Avenue SE to _eliminate road flooding. This would likely entail replacing driveway culverts P-117 and P- I 16 on the west side of 160"' Avenue SE, cross culvert P-115, and pipes P-114 and P-113 on the east side of 16011, Avenue SE (Figure 4). For the severe erosion problem along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 14200 Place, the Level 2 RID standards provide the mitigation required by code. Other types of mitigations to reduce erosion at this location, such as bank stabilization in the eroded section of channel or Level 3 RID standards, can be imposed through" the King County Suiface Water Drainage Manual under certain circumstances. It is our opinion that either stabilizing the eroding section of channel or the use of Level 3 RID standards would mitigate project-related drainage impacts that occur at this location . 4 _·I • • • If you have questions regarding these analyses or need additional documentation, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Edward McCarthy, Ph.D. P.E. Hydrologist 5 .{ • • • References Haozous Engineering, June 15, 2001. E vendell Plat -Preliminary Technical Information Report. Renton, Wash. King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1997. Lawer Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan. Seattle. King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. Seattle. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1973. Soil Survey of King Couniy Area, Washington. Seattle . 6 .·I Table 1. Sumary of Surveyed Structures in Downstream System \ • Reach ID Reach Pipe Dia, Manning's Length UpstrlE Dwnst!E Slope. Type (IN) n (FT) .. (FT) (Ff) (%) \ East Basin D-110 X-Section 0.035 48 408.54 407.59 1.99 D-111 X-Section 0.035 58 409.57 408.54 l.78 D-112 X-Section 0.035 20 411.25 409.57 8.57 D-113 X-Section 0.035 12 411.86 411.25 5.28 D-114 X-Section 0.035 48 412.96 411.86 2.31 P-110 Circular 24 0.010 60 413.6 412.96 I.06 D-115 X-Section 0.035 3 414.27 413.6 25.24 D-116 X-Section 0.035 33 415.l 414.27 2.48 D-117 X-Section 0.035 24 415.34 415.l 1.01 D~ll8 X-Section 0.035 25 417.07 415.34 7.01 D-119 X-Section 0.035 48 419.77 417.07 5.61 D-120 X-Section 0.035 79 420.05 419.77 0.35 P-111 Circular 18 0.013 29 419.3 420.05 -2.56 . D-121 X-Section 0.035 6 421.94 419.3 45.68 \ D-122 X-Section 0.035 24 422.17 421.94 0.96 P-112 Circular 12 0.013 85 423.42 422.17 . 1.47 . D-123 X-Section 0.035 43 424.16 423.42 1.73 I D-124 X-Section 0.065 90 424.6 424.16 0.49 D-125 X-Section 0.065 107 426.13 424.6 1.43 D-126 X-Section 0.065 48 428.17 426.13 4.27 D-127 X-Section 0.035 79 429.74 428.17 1.99 • D-128 X-Section 0.035 56 431.36 429.74 2.87 P-113 Circular 18 0.01 124 434.95 431.36 2.91 D-129 X-Section 0.035 12 434.81 434.95 -1.21 D-130 X-Section 0.035 61 436.28 434.81 2.40 \ D-131 X-Section 0.035 66 439.J 436.28 4.30 · P-114 Circular 24 0.024 21 439.59 439.1 2.37 D-132 X-Section 0.035 10 440.26 439.59 7.02 \ P-115 Circular 12 0.013 45 441.31 439.59 3.78 D-133 X-Section 0.035 2 441.15 441.31 -7.30 D-J33A X-Sei.:tion 0.035 35 442.14 441.15 2.80 D-134 X-Section 0.035 50 443.4 442.14 2.53 · \ D-135 X-Section 0.035 106 444.67 443.4 1.20 D-136 X-Section 0.035 54 445.89-444.67 2.25 P-116 Circular 18 0.024 28 446.34 445.89 1.62 \ D-137 X-Section 0.035 3 446.6 446.34 10.15 D-138 X-Section 0.035 88 448.4 446.6 2.04 D-139 X-Section 0.035 106 451.13 448.4 2.58 D-140 X-Section 0.035 55 452.3 451.13 2.15 \ P-ll7 Circular 12 0.013 18 452.9 452.3 3.39 D-141 X-Section 0.035 3 452.65 452.9 -9.42 D-142 X-Section 0.035 102 454.76 452.65 2.07 D-143 X-Section 0.035 160 459.46 454.76 2.93 \ D-144 X-Section 0:035 103 462.79 459.46 3.24 D-145 X-Section 0.035 JOO 466.72 462.79 3.92 • \ , Table 1 (continued) Reach ID Reach Pipe Dia. Manning's Length • Type (IN) n (FT) West Basin P-001 Circular 12 0.013 113 D-001 X-Section 0.035 3 D-002 X-Section 0.035 114 D-003 X-Section 0.035 153 D-004 X-Section 0.035 157 D--005 X-Section 0.035 2 P-002 Circular 12 0.013 25 D--006 X-Section 0.035 3 D-007 X-Section 0.035 35 P-003 Circular 12 0.013 19 D--008 X-Section 0.035 2 D--009 X-Section 0.035 36 P-004 Circular 12 0.013 59 P--005 Circular 12 0.013 9 P--006 Circular 12 0.013 42 P--007 Circular 12 0.013 150 P--008 Circular · 12 0.013 157 P--008A Circular 12 0.013 28 P-009 Circular 12 0.013 142 P--010 Circular 12 0.013 86 P-011 Circular 12 0.013 62 P-012 Circular 12 0.013 33 • D-010 X-Section 0.035 3 D--011 X-Section 0.035 48 D-012 X-Section 0.035 53 P-013 Circular 12 0.013 19 . D--014 X-Section 0.035 3 D--015 X-Section 0.035 43 P-014 Circular 12 0.013 23 D--016 X-Section 0.035 3 D-017 X-Section 0.035 57 P--015 Circular 12 0.013 22 D--018 X-Section 0.035 3 D-019 X-Section 0.035 52 P-016 Circular 12 0.013 34 D-020 X-Section 0.035 3 D-021 X-Section 0.035 107 • Upstr IE DwnstlE (FT) {FT) 378.62 372.66 379.22 378.62 381.68 379.22 388.9 381.68 397.4 388.9 396.77 397.4 397.51 396.77 398.49 397.51 399.58 398.49 400.17 399.58 400.4 400.17 400.91 400.4 403.71 400.91 404.21 403.51 406.09 404.26 411.17 406.34 417.58 . 411.77 418.1 417.58 427.25 420.75 431.9 427.35 434.34 432 435.68 434.39 436.07 435.68 438.87 436.07 442.78 438.87 444.46 .442.78 444.63 444.46 446.52 444.63 447.67 446.52 448.08 447.67 450.3 448.08 451.33 450.3 451.83 451.33 454.6 451.83 457.55 454.6 457.71 451.55 465.05 457.71 Slope (%) 5.27 20.00 2.16 4.72 5.41 -31.50 2.96 32.67 3.11 3.ll 11.50 1.42 4.75 7.78 4.36 3.22 3.70 1.86 4.58 5.29 3.77 3.91 13.00 5.83 7.38 8.84 5.67 4.40 5.00 13.67 3.89 4.68 16.67 5.33 8.68 5.33 6.86 i I • • • Table 2. Summary of Existing Basin Cover Types by Subbasin Curve Number= Subbasin East Basin el e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 Site -East Subtotal West Basin wl w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 . w7 w8 Site - West Subtotal 81 0 85 0 Till-forest Till-pasture (AC) (AC) -5.8 6.0 5.2 -1.7 -- 4.0 1.8 14.9 3.5 1.8 - 8.9 2.2 35.6 20.2 -- -0.7 -- -- -- 0.8 - 1.6 - 3.8 4.9 0.4 1.4 6.6 7.0 98 0 86 0 98 0 Cover Type Wetland Till-grass Jmperv (AC) (AC) (AC) I 12.0 1.9 15.6 7.0 0.7 0.1 0.9 0.2 12.3 5.4 9.8 2.3 -- 0.4 -0.1 0.4 51.4 16.9 2.3 0.6 13.8 1.8 1.0 0.2 2.7 0.5 1.8 0.4 1.8 1.3 3.8 2.4 0.4 0.0 --0.1 -27.6 7.2 Total (AC) 19.7 33.9 2.4 I. I 23.5 30.4 1.8 11.6 124.5 2.9 16.3 1.2 3.2 2.2 3.8 7.8 9.1 1.9 48.4 .\ ..:.. • Table 3. Summary of Land Uses by Subbasin % Grass 92.5% % lmp_erv 7.5% Subbasin Forest Pasture SF/. (AC) (AC) (AC) East Basin el -5.8 4.5 e2 6.0 5.2 2.1 e3 -1.7 0.8 e4 ' --- e5 4.0 1.8 - e6 14.9 3.5 4.7 e7 1.8 -- Site -East 8.9 2.2 0.1 Total 35.6 20.2 12.l West Basin wl --- w2 -0.7 14.5 w3 --- w4 --- w5 --- w6 0.8 -- w7 1.6 -0.6 w8 3.8 4.9 0.4 Site -West 0.4 1.4 0.1 Total 6.5 7.0 15.6 83.5% 16.5% SF2 (AC) 9.5 6.7 - 1.1 7.9 4.5 - 29.8 2.6 - 1.2 3.2 2.2 - - - 9.2 • 58.4% 41.6% SF6 (AC) - 13.8 - - 9.8 2.8 - 26.4 - - - - - 3.0 5.6 - 8.6 0.0% 100.0% Wetland (AC) 0.4 Notes: SFl = Single-family residential with 1 DU/Ac; SF2 = 2 DU/Ac; SF6 = 6 DU/Ac 36.0% 64.0% Church (AC) - - - - - - - - . 0.3 I. I - - - - - - 1.4 • Total (AC) 19.7 33.9 2.4 1.1 23.5 30.4 1.8 11.6 124.4 2.9 16.3 1.2 3.2 2.2 3.8 7.8 9.1 1.9 48.3 Table 4. Curve Numbers for Subbasins • - Subbasin Pervious Pervious lmperv CN (AC) (AC) East Basin el 85.7 17.8 1.9 e2 84.7 26.9 7.0 e3 85.3 2.3 0.1 e4 86.0 0.9 0.2 e5 84.8 18.1 5.4 e6 83.2 28.1 2.3 e7 8.1.0 1.8 - Site -East 81.8 11.l 0.5 West Basin wl 86.0 2.3 0.6 w2 86.0 14.5 1.8 w3 86.0 1.0 0.2 w4 86.0 2.7 0.5 • w5 86.0 1.8 0.4 w6 84.5 2.5 1.3 w7 84.5 5.4 2.4 w8 83.4 9.0 0.0 Site - West 84.0 1.8 0.1 • ., • • • Table 5. Travel Path Distances and Slopes for Pervious Land Areas Sheet Flow Delta Shallow Flow Delta Channel Flow · Delta Subbasin. Distance Elev. Slope Distance Elev. Slope Distance Elev. Slope (FI) (FI) (FT/FI) (FI). . (FI) (FT/FI) (FI) (FI) (FT/FI) East Basin el 300.0 5.0 0.017 1;484.0 20.0 0.013 950.0 10.0 0.011 e2 300.0 5.0 0.017 922.0 15.0 0.016 1,824.0 18.0 0.010 e3 300.0 5.0 0.017 264.0 3.0 0.011 106.0 3.0 0.028 e4 ,300.0 5.0 0.017 200.0 4.0 0.020 e5 300.0 8.0 0.027 1,248.0 23.0 0.018 705.0 10.0 0.014 e6 300.0 3.0 0.010 1,777.0 35.0. 0.020 e7 300.0 3.0 0.010 Site -East 300.0 3.0 0.010 876.0 13.0 0.015 West Basin wl 2,610.0 70.0 .0.027 w2 300.0 5.0 0.017 585.0 70.0 0.120 w3 300.0 32.0 0.107 272.0 13.0 0.048 w4 300.0 10.0 0.033 292.0 22.0 0.075 w5 300.0 30.0 0.100 322.0 22.0 0.068 w6 300.0 2.0 0.007 613.0 40.0 0.065 w7 300.0 20.0 0.067 655.0 40.0 0.061 w8 300.0 20.0 0.067 1,020.0 70.0 0.069 Site - West 210.0 10.0 0.048 ..;... • Table 6. Peak Flow Rates at Selected Locations • Storm Return Period Location 2-Year JO-year 25-Year SO-Year JOO-Year (CFS) (CFS)· (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) East Basin P-110 12.0 24.5 31.6 35.3 38.9 P-111 12.1 24.9' 32.0 35.6 39.4 P-112 9.9 20.0 25.5 28.3 31.2 P-113 10.2 20.3 25.9 28.7 31.6 P-114 10.2 20.4 25.9 28.8 31. 7 P-115 7.4 15.2 19.4 21.6 23.8 P-116 7.3 14.9 19.1 21.2 23.4 West Basin P-001 6.8 13.7 17.5 19.4 21.2 P-002 6.2 12.2 15.4 17.0 18.6 P-006 4.8 9.6 12.2 13.5 14.7 P-008A 4.1 8.4 10.8 . 11.9 13.1 P-009 3.8 7.7 9.8 10.9 11.9 P-013 3.2 6.7 8.5 9.4 10.4 P-015 3.0 6.2 8.0 8.8 9.7 • P-016 2.8 5.7 7.3 8.1 8.9 Note: Flow rates are those predicted by Stormshed using the SBUH method . • • :•I • • SOURCE: USGS 7 .5 x 15 Minute Series -Renton, Washington SCALE: 1 :25 000 Figure 1. Vicinity Map PAGE 1-5 01/03/01 • • • .----..-------------------=;.._ ____________________ __, i \ \ 1 l / '·,,. __ •; l , ·.-; q ·•,,, i el i ' I i ··, ...... ,._ ' I \ ! \ l i w2 / ./' 0 ... ,oo SCAL£ IN rttT \56TH. AVE !' \. , . . ':·-,w7 ,;; ·, {; ' , ·' 'ex~Gst" /(9.3 AC) _,,r' ,/ . . , .• ,_.1 "-·,.d_>>t, .. , .... :11,. SITE IS .5% OF TRIBU!(IRY AREA\ ··· ...... e3 \ ·<··· .... ~'.\,_, ·,. ·-.......... ., .•.. ~,·-·· ... ".': · Haozous Engineering CIVD. ENGOEERINO 14816 SE U6TH ST, RENTON, \/A 9800i9 "25-235-2707 ......... £JU 8/12/02 ........ .. ... B/12/02 . . . '( ··-..., .. 1. SITE IS 9% OF TRIBUTARY A.~EA PROJECT NO. EVENDELL PLAT FlGUR Drainage Basins 2 • 200 '400 SCALE IN r££T • Haozous Engineering CI\IJL ENGINEERING 14816 SE U6TH ST. RENTON, IJA 98059 4c5-235-2707 ......... ..... fJW 8/12/02 ...... .,, £JM 8/12/02 • EVENDELL PLAT Land Use/Cover Types PROJECT NO. FlGURE 3 • P7 P6 • • ... .... ICM.I:"' nn LEGEND a CQtch BQsln P5 Pipe ID ~0-YeQrj Flooding Return Period .,. 7 ... /' !'' ::; , ·/(X~i/\\:. !·:\\'. < .. ', I'. i~."·I 1 .: ., .. "! 1··.1): .. ····,----· ,,..,,,, P117 •.1~-YeQr ! . .. . . .. .. -,A-... ,.,. ,,··;\·'' .,, P116 • PS ...111,...:.....;.;~ P4 i..,......;._,.....;, P3 P2 Pl JI ; ' :p115 ..... ···r ... ., .. .... 1/:'· • , ,.,. ',!~~·· r ·:,,,; 'l.,l'}'C""':·· ",•,' ', Lv Q.'.i c~ d. ·-~ , .. ' A ) ,1 ,. ! 1 j,l , i · .. ·-···········.r··,r1··;.~:·1···i;_:.·[, .. ' ' .Haozous Engineering CIVL DGINiikinG 14816 IE ll&llt IT, -VA -, .meme1u, O[SICN(O BY: DAAMol IIY': 1511 EVENDEIL PLAT Flooding Locations PROJECT NO. flClJRE 4 • • • Appendix A. Stonnshed Model Input/Output Design Stonn Rainfall Amounts Return Rainfall Period Amount (YRS) (IN). 2 2.00 IO 3.00 25 3.50 50 3.75 100 4.00 ., ,, • Appendix A.I. Subbasin Summary -East Basin Drainage Area: e-001 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 17.8000 ac 85. 70 Impervious I. 9000 ac 98. 00 Total 19.7000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-00 I Perv 85.70 • Impervious CN Data: • Subbasin el Imperv Pervious TCData: Flow type: Description: Sheet e I sheet Shallow e I shallow Channel e I channel Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered 98.00 Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: Intv: 0.20 l0.00 min TC 0.98 hrs 0.17hrs 17.8000 ac 1.9000 ac Length: Slope: 300.00 ft I. 70% 1484.00 ft 1.50% 950.00ft 1.10% Length: Slope: 0.00 ft 0,00% Coeff: Travel Time 0.1500 31.85 min 11.0000 18.36 min 17.0000 8.88 min Coeff: Travel Time 10.0000 10.00 min • Drainage Area: e-002 HydMethod: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS·CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 26.9000 ac 84.70 1.01 hrs Impervious 7.0000 ac 98.00 0.17hrs Total 33.9000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-002 Perv 84.70 26.9000 ac Impervious CN Data: Subbasin el Imperv 98.00 7.0000ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet e2 sheet 300.00 ft 1.70% 0.1500 31.85 min Shallow e2 shallow 922.00 ft 1.60% 11.0000 1I.04min Channel e2 channel 1824.00 ft 1.00% 17.0000 17.88 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00min • ., • Drainage Area: e-003 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 2.3000 ac 85.30 0.60 hrs Impervious 0.1000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs Total 2.4000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-003 Perv 85.30 2.3000 ac Impervious CN Data: Subbasin e3 Imperv 98.00 0.1000 ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet eJ sheet 300.00 ft 1.70% 0.1500 31.85 min Shallow e3 shallow 264.00 ft 1.10% I 1.0000 3.81 min Channel e3 channel 106.00 ft 2.80"/o 17.0000 0.62 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered · 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • Drainage Area: e-004 • Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484,00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.9000 ac 86.00 0.55 hrs Impervious 0.2000ac 98.00 0.17hrs Total 1.1000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-004 Perv 86.00 0.9000 ac Im12ervious CN Data: Subbasin e4 Imperv 98.00. 0.2000 ac Pervious TC Data: • Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coetr Travel Time Sheet e4 sheet 300.00 ft 1.70% 0.1500 31.85 min Channel e4 channel 200.00 ft 2.00% 17.oooo 1.39 min Im12ervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coetr Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • • • • Drainage Area: e-005 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 18.1000 ac 84.80 Impervious 5.4000 ac 98.00 Total 23.5000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-005 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin e5 Jmperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: · Sheet e5 sheet Shallow e5 shallow Sheet e5 channel Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed · None Entered 84.80 98.00 Loss Metho£ SCS CN Number SCS Abs: Intv: TC 1.81 hrs 0.17 hrs 18.1000 ac 5.4000 ac Length: . Slope: 300.00 ft 2 70% 1248.00 fl 1.80% 705.00 ft 1.40% Length: Slope: 0.00 fl 0.00% 0.20 JO 00 min Coeff: Travel Time 0.1500 26.47 min 11.0000 14.09 min 0.1500 68.19 min Coeff: Travel Time 10.0000 10.00 min • Drainage Area: e-006 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 28.1000 ac 83.20 1.35 hrs Impervious 2.3000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs Total 30.4000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-006 Perv 83.20 28.1000 ac llllJlervious CN Data: Subbasin e5 Imperv 98.00 2.3000 ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: · Slope: Coeff: . Travel Time Sheet e6 sheet 300.00 ft 1.00% 0.1500 39.38 min Shallow e6 shallow 1777.00 ft 2.00% 5.0000 41.88 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft·. -0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • • Drainage Area: e-007 HydMethod: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 1.8000 ac 81.00 1.44 hrs Impervious 0.0000 ac 98.00 0.00 hrs Total 1.8000 ac. Pervious CN Data: . · Subbasin e-007 Perv 81.00 . 1.8000 ac Pervious TC Data: Flowtype: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: • Travel Time • Sheet e7 sheet 300.00 ft 1.00% 0.4000 86.31 min • • Drainage Area: ex_east Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 11.1000 ac 81.80 2.10 hrs Impervious 0.5000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs Total 11.6000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin ex east Perv 81.80 11.1000 ac Impervious CN Data: Subbasin ex_east Imperv 98.00 0.5000ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet ex east sheet 300.00 ft 1.00% 0.4000 86.31 min Shallow ex east shallow 876.00 ft 1.50% 3.0000 39.74 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • • Appendix A.2. Subbasin Summary-West Basin Drainage Area: w-OOJ HydMethod: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 2.3000 ac 86.00 0.26 hrs Impervious 0.6000 ac 98.00 0.17hrs Total 2.9000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin wl Perv 86.00 2.3000.ac • . Impervious CN Data: Subbasin wl 98.00_ · 0.6000 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Channel wl 2610.00 ft 2.70% 17.0000 15.57 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Fixed wl 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • ·1 Drainage Area: w-002 • HydMethod: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00. SCS Abs: 0.20 StonnDur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 14.5000 ac 86.00 0.57 hrs Impervious 1.8000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs Total 16.3000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w2 Perv 86.00 14.5000 ac Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w2 Imperv 98.00 1.8000 ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet None Entered 300.00 ft 1.70% 0.1500 31.85 min Shallow None Entered 585.00 ft 12.00% 11.0000 2.56min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: ·coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • • • • Drainage Area: w-003 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 1.0000 ac Impervious 0.2000 ac Total 1.2000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w3 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w3 Imperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet w3 sheet Channel w3 channel Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed None Entered CN 86.00 98.00 86.00 98.00 Loss Method: SCS CN N~mber ,·---.. SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min TC 0.27 hrs 0.17 hrs 1.0000 ac · 0.2000 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel ' \ 300.00 ft IO. 70"/o 0.1500 15.26 min I 272.00 ft 4.80% 17.0000 1.22 min I Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min \ I \ \ I • Drainage Area: w-004 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: .. b.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 2.7000 ac 86.00 0.43 hrs Impervious 0.5000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs Total 3.2000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w4 Perv 86.00 2.7000 ac Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w4 98.00 0.5000 ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Sheet w4 sheet 300.00 ft 3.30% 0.1500 24.43 min Shallow w4 shallow 292.00 ft 7.50"/., 11.0000 1.62 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • ·1 • Drainage Area: w-005 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS·CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs lntv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 1.8000 ac 86.00 0.29 hrs Impervious 0.4000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs Total 2.2000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w5 Perv 86.00 1.8000 ac Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w5 98.00 0.4000 ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coe1f: Travel Time Sheet w5 sheet 300.00 ft 10.00% 0.1500 15.68 min Shallow w5 shallow 322.00 ft 6.80% 11.0000 1.87 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • _.; • Drainage Area: w-006 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 StonnDur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 2.5000 ac Impervious 1.3000 ac Total 3.8000ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w6 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w6 • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet w6 sheet Shallow w6 shallow Impervious TC Data: · Flow type: Description: Time Fixed None Entered • CN 84.50 98.00 84.50 98.00 Loss Method: scs-cN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10:00 min TC 0.82 hrs 0.17hrs 2.5000 ac 1.3000 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 300.00 ft 0.70% 0.1500 45.42 min 613.00 ft 6.50% 11.0000 3.64 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min , ., l Drainage Area: w-007 • Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 5.4000 ac 84.50 0.53 hrs Impervious 2.4000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs Total 7.8000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w7 Perv 84.50 5.4000 ac Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w7 98.00 2.4000 ac • Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time · Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Sheet w7 sheet 300.00 ft 6.10% 0.2400 27.83 min Shallow w7 shallow 655.00 ft 6.10% 11.0000 4.02 min Impervious TC Data: ' Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min • ., Drainage Area: w-008 • Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 StonnDur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC · Pervious 9.0000 ac · 83.40 0.79 hrs Impervious 0.0000 ac 0.00 0.17hrs Total 9.0000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w8 Perv 83.40 9.0000ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time • Sheet w8 sheet 300.00 ft 6.70% 0.4000 40.33 min Shallow · w8 shallow 1020.00 ft 6.90% 9.0000 7.19 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% I0.0000 10.00 min • • • • Drainage Area: ex_ west Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Stonn Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 1. 8000 ac Impervious 0. J 000 ac Total 1. 9000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin ex_ west Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin ex_ west Imperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet ex_ west sheet Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed WI CN 84.00 98.00 84.00 98.00 Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: lntv: TC 0.38 hrs 0.17 hrs 1.8000 ac . 0.1000 ac Length: Slope: 210.00 ft 4.80% Length: Slope: 0.00 ft 0.00% 020 10.00 min Coeff: 0.2400 Coeff: Travel 23.02 min Travel 10.0000 10.00 min Table B.1. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -2-Year Storm • ROUTEHYD [I THRU [Existing East] USING TYPE1A AND [2 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin / Hyd ac cfs cfs ratio .ft ... ft/S ft/s ---------- D-Dum2 19.7 2.1303 122.33 0.02 0.3312 X-Sect 3.0688 -e-001 D-Dum1 53.6 6.625 122.33 0.05 0.5728 X-Sect 4.4532 ---e-002 D-145 53.6 6.5953 121.12 0.05 0.5744 X-Sect 4.4169 ---- D-144 53.6 6.5642 117.92 0.06 0.6659 X-Sect 4.3432 -- D-143 53.6 6.5478 122.41 0.05 0.6381 X-Sect 4.0213- D-142 53.6 6.5467 82.3869 0.08 0.6881 X-Sect 3.5759- D-141 53.6 6.5465 10.3949 0.63 1.6141 X-Sect 1.1146 - Ps117 65.2 7.0246 6.5804 1.07 0.9037 12' Diam 9.4073 8.3784 ex_east D-140 65.2 7.0224 124.5 0.06 0.4782 X-Sect 3.1305 - D-139 65.2 7.018 117.81 0.06 0.4685 X-Sect 3.4675- D-138 65.2 7.013 94.8108 0.07 0.6314 X-Sect 3.4413 - D-137 67.6 7.2807 279 0.03 0.4113 X-Sect 5:3323 ---e-003 P-116 67.6 7.2787 7.2535 1 1 .2342 18" Diam 4.6787 4.1046 D-136 67.6 7.2745 61.7242 0.12 0.6832 X-Sect 3.5858- D-135 67.6 7.2645 66.6905 0.11 0. 7836 X-Sect 2.9393- D-134 67.6 7.2596 70.9939 0.1 0.5719 X-Sect 3.6244 -- D-133A 67.6 7.2557 93.7984 0.08 0.6719 X-Sect 3.6325-- D-133 67.6 7.2549 26.6671 0.27 1.4156 X-Sect 1.1841 -- P-115 68.7 7.4254 6.9473 1.07 0.9067 12" Diam 9.9203 8.8456 e-004 D-132 68.7 7.4237 226.87 0.03 0.5902 X-Secl 5.7063-• P-114 92.2 10.2247 18.9199 0.54 1.0474 24" Diam 6.1392 6.0224 e-005 D-131 92.2 10.2216 338.51 0.03 0.5631 X-Secl 4.9185 -- D-130 92.2 10.2183 33.2703 0.31 0.8395 X-Sect 4.3224- D-129 92.2 10.2164 8.6723 1.18 -1 X-Secl 1.178 - P-113 92.2 10.212 23.5738 0.43 0.6902 18" Diam 12.8615 · 13.34 D-128 92.2 10.2081 266.41 0.04 0.6392 X-Secl 4.3565- D-127 92.2 10.1973 1354.11 0.01 0.6263 X-Sect 2.0863.- D-126 92.2 10.1853 491.48 0.02 0.3323 X-Secl 1.4977- D-125 92.2 10.132 3470.27 0 0.3539 X-Secl 0.8642- D-124 92.2 9.9841 549.84 0.02 0 .2991 X-Sect 0.5983- D-123 92.2 9.9643 3827.85 0 0.41 OS X-Secl 1.946-- P-112 92.2 9.9216 4.3371 2.29 -1 12" Diam 2.2876 5.5221 D-122 92.2 9.9128 50.2681 0.2 0.904 X-Sect 2.771 - D-121 122.6 12.0698 594.02 0.02 0.2893 X-Sect 10.2968 -e-006 P-111 122.6 12.0648 15.3148 0.79 1.0036 18" Diam 9.6013 8.6664 D-120 122.6 12.0245 18.2879 0.66 1 .4658 X-Sect 2.1936 ---- D-119 .122.6 12.0107 17.5281 0.69 0.6067 X-Sect 4.6997- D-118 122.6 12.0027 179.94 0.07 0.4436 X-Sect 5.2531 - D-117 122.6 11.9926 61.1492 0.2 1.0638 X-Sect 2.9017 -- D-116 122.6 11.9823 27.9865 0.43 1. 096 X-Sect 4.2499- D-115 122.6 11.9814 78.2241 0.15 .. 1 .2007 X-Secl 4.2155 - P-110 122.6 11.972 30.6525 0.39 0.868 24' Diam 9.156 9.757 D-114 122.6 11.9572 47.75 0.25 1 .171 S X-Secl 4.2164- D-113 124.4 12.0112 319.76 0.04 0.6751 X-Secl 5.8978-e-007 • D-112 124.4 12.0055 1134.16 0.01 0.5548 X-Sect 5.7484- D-111 124.4 11.9853 413.21 0.03 0, 7639 X-Sect 3.7479- D-110 124.4 11.9689 241.55 0.05 0.698 X-Sect 3.9096 -----• Reh App Bend Junct HW Max El/ Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node ft ft . ft ft ft ft N-110 408.288 N-111 N-110 409.238 --na---na----na-409.238 411.92 N-112 N-111 409.9703 -na--na--na-409.9703 414.13 N-113 N-112 411.6608 -na--na----na--411.6607 415.64 N-114 N-113 412.5349 -na---na---na-412.5349 415.67 N-115 N-114 414.1314 -na--na--na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 415.5033 -na--na--na-415.5033 416.5 N-117 N-116 415.5562 -na--na---na-415.5562 416.39 N-118 N-117 416.3861 -na--na--na-416.3861 416.39 N-119 N-118 416.626 -na--na--na--416.71 416.61 N-120 N-119 418.44 -na--na--na-418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420.9399 -na---na--na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.5157 -na--na--na-421.5157 422.69 N-123 N-122 422.9861 -na--na--na-422.9861 423.31 N-124 N-123 425.626 -na--na--na-423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.64 -na--na--na-423.64 424.05 N-126 N-125 433.8967 -na--na--na-424.9 424.8 N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na--na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 Ns127 426.0798 -na--na--na-426.0798 426.52 NC129 N-128 427 .6098 -na--na--na-427.6097 428.27 • N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 430.9699 -na--na--na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.4499 -na--na--na-432.45 432.79 N-133 N-132 437.2623 -na--na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na--na'--na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.4999 -na--na--na-437.57 437.47 N-136 N-135 440 .3899 --na--na--na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 441.418 -na--na---na-441.418 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.088 -na--na---na-441.99 441.89 N-138 N-137A 445.5185 --na---na--na-442.9 442.8 N-139 N-138 442.9019 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N.140 N-139 443.8899 --na--na---na-443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.3999 -na-. -na--na-444.3999 444.84 NC142 N-141 445.6699 --na--na--na-445.6699 446.11 N-143 N-142 446.8898 --na---na--na-446.8898 447.71 N-144 N-143 448.3436 -na--na---na-448.2 448.1 N-145 N-144 448.4599 -na--na--na-" · 447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 --na--na--na--449.6399 449.84 N-147 N-146 452.3699 -na--na-'-na-452.3698 452.71 N-148 N-147 453.5398 -na---na--na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 456. 7368 -na--na-.-na-454.3 454.2 N-150 N-149 454.303 -na--na--na-454.3029 454.65 N-151 N-150 456.4129 -na--na--na-455.87 455.n N-152 N-151 460.5699 -na--na--na-460.56 460.46 • N-153 N-152 463.89 -na--na--na-463.89 464.17 N-154 N-153 467.8199 -na--na--na-467.44 467.34 ' ... • • • Table B.2. Hydrograph Routing· East Basin -10-Year Stonn ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing East] USING TYPE1A AND [10 yr} NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd ac cfs cfs ratio ft --ft/s ft/s -·- D-Dum2 19.7 4.4884 122.33 0.04 0.4719 X-Sect 3.935-e-001 D-Dum1 53.6 13.1058 122.33 0.11 0.81 X-Sect 5.5304-e-002 D-145 53.6 13.1051 121.12 0.11 0. 8142 X-Sect 5.4927- D-144 53.6 13.1036 117.92 0.11 0.9649 X-Sect 5.2679 --- D-143 53.6 13.1 122.41 0.11 0.9032 X-Sect 4.856 -- D-142 53.6 13.0953 82.3869 0.16 0.9821 X-Sect 4.3102- D-141 53.6 13.0948 10.3949 1.26 -1 X-Sect 1.2597 --· P-117 65.2 14.3238 6.5804 2.18 -1 12" Diam 2.1767 8.3784 ex_east 0-140 65.2 14.3181 124.5 0.12 0.6926 X-Sect 3.9913 -- 0-139 65.2 14.3076 117.81 0.12 0.6891. X-Sect 4.3262- D-138 65.2 14.2973 94.8108 0.15 0.9065 X-Sect 4.2086- 0-137 67.6 14.8971 279 0.05 0.5622 X-Sect 6.5644 ·-e-003 P-116 67.6 14.8875 7.2535 2.05 -1 18" Diam 2.0525 4.1046 D-136 67.6 14.8791 61.7242 0.24 0.9641 X-Sect 4.5155 -· D-135 67.6 14.86 66.6905 0.22 1.1209 X-Secl 3.6062- D-134 67.6 14.8509 70.9939 0.21 0.8189 X-Sect 4.472- D-133A 67.6 14.8437 93.7984 0.16 0.899 X-Sect 4.4767 - 0-133 67.6 14.8424 26.6671 0.56 1.9795 X-Sect 1.4503 -. - P-115 68.7 15.1643 6.9473 2.18 -1 12" Diam 2.1828 8.8456 e-004 0-132 68.7 15.1617 226.87 0.07 0.8315 X-Sect 7.0313- P-114 92.2 20.3817 18.9199 1.08 -1 24' Diam 1.0773 6.0224 e-005 D-131 92.2 20.3728 338.51 0.06 0.8183 X-Sect 6.0985- D-130 92.2 20.3642 33.2703 0.61 1.2093 X-Sect 5.2653-'-- D-129 92.2 20.3511 8.6723 2.35 -1 X-Secl 2.3467 -- P-113 92.2 20.3415 23.5738 0.86 1.07 49 18" Diam 15.0091 13.34 0-128 92.2 20.3328 266.41 0.08 0.9398 X-Sect 5.4109- D-127 92.2 20.3088 1354.11 0.01 0.7502 X-Sect 2.4283 ·- 0-126 92.2 20.2866 491.48 0.04 0.428 X-Sect 1.9106 -· D-125 92.2 20.1873 3470.27 0.01 0.4582 X-Sect 1.0267- D-124 92.2 20.03 549.84 0.04 0.4223 X-Sect 0.7679 -- D-123 92.2 19.9985 3827.85 0.01 0.5331 X-Sect 2.3162- P-112 92.2 19.9587 4.3371 4.6 -1 12· Diam 4.6019 5.5221 D-122 92.2 19.9456 50.2681 0.4 1.2487 X-Sect 3.3192- D-121 122.6 24.93 594.02 0.04 0.4161 X-Sect 13.223-e-006 P-111 122.6 24.8832 15.3148 1.62 -1 18" Diam 1.6248 8.6664 D-120 122.6 24.6416 18.2879 1.35 -1 X-Sect 1.3474- D-119 122.6 24.5438 17.5281 1.4 . -1 X-Sect 1.4002- D-118 122.6 24.5308 179.94 0.14 0.6339 X-Sect 6.562- D-117 122.6 24.5144 61.1492 0.4 1.4223 X-Sect 3.6544- D-116 122.6 24.4971 27.9865 0.88 1.4271 X-Sect 5.1474- D-115 122.6 24.4955 78.2241 0.31 1.6!/74 X-Sect ·5.1522- P-110 122.6 24.4801 30.6525 0.8 1.3515 24' Diam 10.8367 9.757 D-114 122.6 24.4557 47.75 0.51 1.5399 X-Sect 5.2816 ·- D-113 124.4 24.6393 319.76 0.08 1.0057 X-Sect 7.2971 -e-007 D-112 124.4 24.6301 1134.16 0.02 0. 7 4.2 X-Sect 7.4221 - D-111 124.4 24.5979 413.21 0.06 1.1252 X-Sect 4.6448- , .. D-110 124.4 24.5719 241.55 0.1 1.0455 X-Sect 4.8977 ----• Reh App Bend Junct HW Max El/ LOSS Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node fl fl . fl fl fl fl N-110 408.6355 N-111 N-110 409.5854 -na---na----na-409.5854 411.92 N-112 N-111 410.6952 --na--na---na-410.6952 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.3751 -na--na---na-412.3751 415.64 N-114 N-113 412.985 -na---na--na-412.985 415.67 N-115 N-114 414.5504 -na--na---na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 417 .346 -na--na---na-416.6 416.5 N-117 N-116 416.6529 -na--na--na-416.49 416.39 N-118 N-117 417.3199 -na--na--na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 416.7623 -na---na----na-416.71 416.61 N-120 N-119 418.4399 --na--na----na-418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420. 9399 -na---na--na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.3322 -na-. -na--na-421.3322 422.69 N-123 N-122 427.5867 -na--na--na-423.41 423.31 N-124 N-123 · 426.0499 -na---na--na-423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.6399 -na---na--na-423.64 424.05 N-126 N-125 465.1461 -na--na--na-424.9 424.8 N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na--na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 N-127 426.0798 -na--na--na-426.0798 426.52 N-129 N-128 427 .6098 -na--na--na-427.6097 428.27 • N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 430.9699 -na--na--na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.4499 -na--na--na-432.45 432.79 N-133 N-132 441.2068 -na---na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na---na-; --na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.4999 -na--na--na-437.57 437.47 N-136 N-135 440.3899 -na--na--na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 442.9103 ,-na--na--na-442.2 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.87-na---na---na-441.99 441.89 N-138 N-137A 458.8658 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-139 N-138 443.1294 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.89 -na--na--na-443.14 443.04 N~141 N-140 444.3999 -na--na---na-444.3999 444.84 N-142 N-141 445.7908 -na---na--na-445.7908 446.11 N-143 N-142 447.0108 -na--na--na-447.0107 447.71 N-144 N-143 451.3791 -na--na--na-448.2 448.1 N-145 N-144 448.46 -na---na--na-447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na--na-449.6399 449.84 N,147 N-146 452.3698 -na--na--na-452.3698 452.71 N-148 N-147 453.5397 -na--na--na-453.5397 453.89 N-149 N-148 464.129 -na--na--na-454.3 4542 N-150 N-149 454.3029 -na-. -na--na-454.3029 454.65 N-151 N-150 456.4128 -na--na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.5699 -na--na--na-460.56 460.46 N-153 N-152 463.8899 -na--na--na-463.89 464.17 • N-154 N-153 467.8199 -na--na--na-467.44 467.34 • • • --------------------------Table B.3. Hydrograph Routing • East Basin • 25-Year Stonn ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing East] USING TYPE1A AND [25 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL nDepth Size nVel Ne! CBasin 1 Reach D-Dum2 D-Dum1 D-145 D-144 0-143 D-142 0-141 P-117 D-140 D-139 D-138 D-137 P-116 D-136 D-135 D-134 D-133A D-133 P-115 D-132 P-114 D-131 0-130 0-129 P-113 0-128 D-127 0-126 D-125 D-124 D-123 P-112 D-122 0-121 P-111 D-120 D-119 0-118 D-117 0-116 D-115 P-110 D-114 D-113 D-112 0-111 Area ac Flow cfs 19.7 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.6 65.2 65.2 65.2 65.2 67.6 67.6 · 67.6 67.6 67.6 67.6 67.6 68.7 68.7 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 124.4 124.4 124.4 5.7736 16.6641 16.6623 16.6597 16.6543 16.6481 16.6444 18.3168 18.3118 18.2992 18.2868 19.0686 19.0592 19.0493 19.0273 19.0167 19.0082 19.0069 19.4194 19.4163 25.943 25.9323 25.9219 25.9106 25.8992 25.8688 25.6608 25.6358 25.7224 25.5469 25.5134 25.4763 25.4617 32.0486 32.0049 31.7666 31.6961 31.6612 31.6627 31.6416 31.64 31.6228 31.5955 31.8576 31.8471 31.8116 Full Q % Full cfs ratio ft 122.33 0.05 122.33 0.14 121.12 0.14 117.92 0.14 122.41 0.14 82.3869 0.2 10.3949 1.6 6.5804 2.78 124.5 0.15 117.81 0.16 94.81 OB 0.19 279 0.07 7.2535 2.63 61.7242 0.31 66.6905 0.29 . 70.9939 0.27 93.7984 0.2 ·.26.6671 0.71 6.9473 2.8 226.87 0.09 18.9199 1.37 338.51 0.08 33.2703 0.78 8.6723 2.99 23.5738 1.1 266.41 0.1 1354.11 0.02 491.48 0.05 3470.27 0.01 549.84 0.05 3827.85 0.01 4.3371 5.87 50.2681 0.51 594.02 0.05 15.3148 2.09 18.2879 1.74 17.5281 1.81 179.94 0.18 61.1492 0,52 27.9865 1.13 78.2241 0.4 30.6525 · 1.03 47.75 0.66 319.76 0.1 1.134.16 0.03 413.21 0.08 0.5347 X-Sect 0.9204 X-Sect 0.9253 X-Sect 1. 095 X-Sect 1.0158 X-Sect 1.1029 X-Sect -1 X-Sect -1 12• Diam 0. 7894 X-Sect 0.786 X-Sect 1.0247 X-Sect 0.6269 X-Sect -1 18" Diam 1.0913 X-Sect 1.2672 X-Sect 0.926 X-Sect 0.9908 X-Sect 2.2289 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 0.9372 X-Sect -1 24" Diam 0.9321 X-Sect 1.3721 X-Sect -1 X-Sect -1 18" Diam 1.076 X-Sect 0.8003 X-Sect . 0.4713 X;Sect 0.5018 X-Sect 0.478 X-Sed 0.584 X-Sect -1 12· Diam 1.3879 X-Sect 0.4735 X-Sect -1 18" Diam -1 X-Sect -1 x.sect 0. 7203 X-Sect. 1.5908 X-Sect -1 X-sect 1 . 866 X-Sect . 1.7027 24" Diam 1.7176 X-Sect 1 .1584 X-Sect 0.8307 X-Sect 1.2906 X-Sect f!/S ft/s --···-- 4.2649 -·· e-001 5.9522 -e-002 5.911 - 5.6189 - 5.1748- 4.6242 -- 1.6012 -- 2.7838 8.3784 ex_east 4.3271 - 4.6556- 4.5015- 7.0354 -e-003 2.6276 4.1046 4.8719- 3.86- 4.7959- 4.8691 - 1.5584- 2. 7952 8.8456 e-004 7.5367- 1.3712 6.0224 e-005 6.5545- 5.6512- 2.9877 --- 1.0986 13.34 5.818- 2.5676- 2.076- 1.0908 - 0.836- 2.4616 .:....,. 5.8741 5.5221 3.5601 - 14.376 -e-006 2.0898 8.6664 1.7381 -- 1.8083 -- 7.0837 -- 3.9591 - 1.1306- 5.5186 - 11.096 9.757 · 5.6991 - 7.8462-e-007 8.1092- 4.9987- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ D-110 124.4 31.7828 241.55 0.13 1.207 X-Sect 5.2894-• Reh App Bend Junct HW Max Ell Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El ' ... Fr Node To Node fl fl fl ft ft ft N~110 408.797 N-111 N-110 409. 747 --na--na--na-409.747 411.92 N-112 N-111 410.8606 --na---na---na-410.8606 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.5405 --na--na--na-412.5405 415.64 N-114 N-113 413.1504 -na----na--na-413.1505 415.67 N-115 N-114 414.8065 -na--na--na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 418.962 -na--na--na-416.6 416.5 N-117 N-116 416.6529 --na--na..,. -na-416.49 416.39 N-118 N-117 417.3199 -na--na---na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 416.9307 -na--na--na-416.71 416.61 N-120 N-119 418.4399 -na---na--na-418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420.9399 -na~ --na---na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.5229 -na--na--na-421.5229 422.69 N-123 N-122 431.8698 -na--na--na-423.41 423.31 N-124 N-123 426.0499 -na--na--na-423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.64-na--na--na-423.64 424.05 N-126 N-125 491.2671 --na--na--na-424,9 424.8 N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na---na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 N-127 426.0798 -na--na--na-426.0798 426.52 N-129 N-128 427.6098 -na--na---na-427.6097 428.27 • N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 430.9699 -na--na--na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.45 -na--na--na-432.45 432.79 N-133 N-132 437.2202 -na--na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na--na--na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.85 -na--na--na-437.57 437.47 N-136 N-135 440.39 -na--na--na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 444.033 -na--na--na-442.2. 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.8699 --na--na--na-441.99 441.89 N-138 N-137A 469 .665 --na--na-~na-442.9 442.8 N-139 N-138 443.3789 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.89 --na---na---na-443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.3999 -na---na--na-444.3999 444.84 N-142 N-141 445.9371 -na--na--na-445.9371 446.11 N-143 N-142 447.157 --na--na--na-447.157 447.71 N-144 N-143 453.928 -na--na--na-448.2 448.1 N-145 N-144 448.46-na.:.. -na--na-447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na---na-449.6399 449.84 N-147 N-146 452.3699 -na--na--na-452.3699 452.71 N-148 N-147 453.5398 -na--na--na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 470.8597 -na--na--na-454·.3 454.2 N-150 N-149 454.3029 -na---na---na-454,3029 454.65 N-151 N-150 456.4129 -na--na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.5699 -na-' -na--na-460.56 460.46 • N-153 N-152 463.8981 -na---na--na-463.8981 464.17 N-154 N-153 467.828 -na--na--na-467.44 467.34 .; • Table 8.4. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -50-Year Stonn ROUTEHYD [] THRU [Existirig East] USING TYPE1A AND [50 yr) NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full. nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd ac cfs cfs. · ratio fl flls flls ----- D-Dum2 19.7 6.4328 122.33 0.05 0.5644 X-Sect 4.4125 --e-001 D-Dum1 53.6 18.4875 122.33 0.15 0.9737 X-Sect 6.1401 -e,002 D-145 53.6 18.4851 121.12 0.15 0.9789 X-Sect 6.0973 - D-144 53.6 18.482 117.92 0.16 1.1561 X-Sect 5.7757 - D-143 53.6 18.4757 122.41 0.15 1.0682 X-Sect 5.3178 - D-142 53.6 18.4689 82.3869 0.22 1.16 X-Sect 4.7688- D-141 53.6 18.4652 10.3949 1.78 -1 X-Sect 1.7764 - P-117 65.2 20.3744 6.5804 3.1 -1 12" Diam 3.0962 8.3784 ex_east D-140 65.2 20.3667 124.5 0.16 0.8355 X-Sect 4.4786- D-139 65.2 20.3531 117.81 0.17 0.8317 X-Sect 4.8035- D-138 652 20.3398 94.8108 0.21 1 .0799 X-Sect 4.6329- D-137 67.6 21.2149 279 0.08 0.6572 X-Sect 7.2468 -e-003 p,115 67.6 21.2056 7.2535 2.92 -1 18" Diam 2.9235 4.1046 D-136 · 67.6 21.1949 61.7242 0.34 1.152 X-Sect 5.0314 -.- D-135 67.6 21.1716 66.6905 0.32 1 .3357 X-Sect 3.9737- D-134 67.6 21.1602 70.9939 0.3 0. 9762 X-Sect 4.9411 --- D-133A 67.6 21.1511 93.7984 0.23 1.035 X-Sect 5.0466- D-133 67.6 21.1496 26.6671 0.79 2.3487 X-Sect 1.6064- P-115 68.7 21.6082 6.9473 3.11 -1 12" Diam 3.1103 8.8456 e-004 • D-132 68.7 21.605 . 226.87 0.1 0.9869 X-Sect 7.7628- P-114 92.2 28.7909 18.9199 1.52 -1 24" Diam 1.5217 6.0224 e-005 D-131 92.2 28.7784 338.51 0.09 0.9857. X-Sect 6.7585- D-130 922 28.7663 33.2703 0.86. 1.4508 X-Sect 5.8219 - D-129 92.2 28.7555 8.6723 3.32 -1 X-Sect 3.3158 -- P-113 92.2 28.7428 23.5738 1.22 -1 18" Diam 1.2193 13.34 D-128 92.2 28.731 266.41 0.11 1. 1405 X-Sect 5.9997 --· D-127 92.2 28.699 1354.11 0.02 0.8231 X-Sect 2.6309 --- D-126 92.2 28.6712 491.48 0.06 0.4918 X-Sect 2.1506- D-125 92.2 28.5445 3470.27 0.01 0.5218 X-Sect 1.1196 -- D-124 92.2 28.3566 549.84 0.05 0.5043 X-Sect 0.8666 --- D-123 92.2 28.3183 3827.85 0.01 0.6073 X-Sect 2.5267- P-112 922 28.2813 4.3371 6.52 -1 12" Diam 6.5208 5.5221 D-122 92.2 28.2656 50.2681 0.56 1.4497 X-Sect 3.6834 -· D-121 122.6 35.6853 594.02 0.06 0.5006 X-Se_ct 14.8923 -·-e-006 P-111 122.6 35.6419 15.3148 2.33 -1 18" Diam 2.3273 8:6664 D-120 122.6 35.4329 18.2879 1.94 -1 X-Sect 1.9375 -- D-119 122.6 35.3437 17.5281 2.02 -1 X-Sect 2.0164- D-118 122.6 35.3278 179.94 0.2 0. 7605 X-Sect 7.315 -- D,117 122.6 35.308 61.1492 0.58 1.6707.X-Sect 4.0938 --· D-116 122.6 35.2852 27.9865 1.26 ·1 X-Sect 12608- D-115 122.6 35.2833 78.2241 0.45 1. 9632 X-Sect 5.68- P-110 122.6 35.2651 30.6525 1.15 -124" Diam 1.1505 9.757 D-114 122.6 35.2359 47.75 0.74 1.8022 X-Sect 5.8823- D-113 124.4 35.5397 319.76 0.11 1.2299 X-Sect · 8.0881 -e-007 • D-112 124.4 35.5284 1134.16 0.03 0.8726 X-Sect 8.4163 - D-111 124.4 35.4908 413.21 0.09 1.3677 X-Sect 5.1548 - D-110 124.4 35.4602 241.55 0.15 1.2828 X-Sect 5.4622--• Reh App Bend June! HW Max El/ Loss Head Loss Loss Elev RimEJ Fr Node To Node ft ft ft ft ft ft N-110 · 408.8728 N-111 N-.110 409 .8228 --na--na--na-409.8228 411.92 N-112 N-111 410.9377 -na--na--na-410.9377 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.6176 -na--na---na--412.6176 415.64 N-114 . N-113 413.2275 --na--na---na-413.2275 415.67 N~115 N-114 414.9305 --na--na---na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 415.8377 --na--na---na-415.8377 416.5 N-117 N-116 416.2331 --na--na---na-416.2331 416.39 N-118 N-117 417.0631 -na--na---na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 417.0166 -na--na----na-416.71 416.61 N-120 N-119 418.4399 --na--na---na--418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420.9399 --na---na---na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.6109 -na--na---na-421.6109 422.69 N-123 N-122 434.4431 -na--na---na-423.41 423.31 N-124 N-123 426.0499 -na--na.,.. --na-423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.6399 -na--na-. --na-423.6399 424.05 N-126 N-125 506.9789 -na--na---na-424.9 424.8 N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na---na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 N-127 426.0798 -na--na--na-426.0798 426.52 N-129 N-128 427.6098 -na--na--na-427.6097 428.27 • N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 · 430.9699 -na--na--na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.5004 -na--na--na-432.5004 432.79 N-133 N-132 438.2302 -na--na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na--na--na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.85-na--na--na-437.57 437.47 N-136 N-135 440.3899 -na--na--na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 444. 7122 -na--na---na-442.2 442.1 N-137A N-137 442,8699 -na--na--na-441.99 441.89 N-138 N-137A 476.2553 --na----na--na-442.9 442.8 N-139 N-138 443.4986 ...:na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.8899 -na--na--na-443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.3999 --na--na---na-444.3999 444.84 N-142 N-141 446.0057 -na--na---na-446.0057 446.11 N-143 N-142 44 7 .2256 --na--na---na-447.2256 447.71 N-144 N-143 455.4835 --na--na--na-448.2 448.1 N-145 N-1.44 448.46 --na--na--na-447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na--na-449.6399 449.84 N-147 N-146 452.3699 -na--na--na-452.3698 452.71 N-148 N-147 453.5398 -na--,na--na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 474.9647 -na--na--na-454.3 454.2 N-150 N-149 454.3029 -na--na--na-454.3029 454.65 N-151 N-150 456 .4129 -na---na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.5836 -na--na--na-460.56 460.46 • N-153 N-152 463.9726 -na--na--na-463.9726 464.17 N-154 N-153 467. 9025 --na--na--na-467.44 467.34 Table 8.5. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -100-Year Storm • ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing EastJ USING TYPE1A AND [100 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel . Nel CBasin /Hyd ac cfs cfs ratio ft ft/s ft/S ------- D-Dum2 19.7 7.1007 122.33 0.06 0.5932 X-Sect 4.5504 ----e-001 D-Dum1 53.6 20.334 122.33 0.17 1.0256 X-Sect 6.3154 -e-002 D-145 53.6 20.3311 121.12. 0.17 1.0311 X-Sect 6.2711---- D-144 53.6 20.3274 117.92 0.17 1.2148 X-Sect 5.9225 --- D-143 53.6 20.3204 122.41 0.17 1.1183 X-Sect 5.4519 --- D-142 53.6 20.3129 82.3869 0.25 1.2157 X-Sect 4.9037 -- D-141 53.6 20.3094 10.3949 1.95 -1 X-Sect 1.9538 -· P-117 65.2 22.46 6.5804 3.41 -1 12" Diam 3.4132 8.3784 ex_east D-140 · 65.2 22.4518 124.5 0.18 0.8802 X-Sect 4.6208- 0-139 65.2 22.4372 117.81 0.19 0.8757 X-Sect 4.9419 ---- D-138 65.2 22.4229 94.8108 0.24 1. 1329 X-Sect 4.756-- D-137 67.6 23.3927 279 0.08 o.6862 x,sect 7.4448 --e-003 P-116 67.6 23.3835 7.2535 3.22 -1 18" Diam 3.2238 4.1046 D-136 67.6 23.3721 61.7242 0.38 1.2109 X-Sect 5.1805 -- D-135 67.6 23.3475 66.6905 0.35 1.4016 X-Sect 4.08 -- 0-134 67.6 23.3353 70.9939 0.33 1.0244 X-Sect 5.0771 --- D-133A 67.6 23.3254 93.7984 0.25 1.0782 X-Sect 5.2133- D-133 67.6 23.3239 26.6671 0.87 2.4653 X-Sect 1.6511-- P-115 68.7 23.829 6.9473 3.43 -1 12" Diam 3.43 8.8456 e-004 D-132 68.7 23.8256 226.87 0.11 1 . 034 7 X-Sect 7.9743 -- • P-114 92.2 31.6894 18.9199 1.67 -1 24" Diam 1.6749 6.0224 e-005 D-131 92.2 31.6761 338.51 0.09 1.0378 X-Sect 6.9502- D-130 92.2 31.6628 33.2703 0.95 1.5281 X-Sect 5.9813 --- 0-129 92.2 31.6529 8.6723 3.65 -1 X-Sect 3.6499 --- P-113 92.2 31.6395 23.5738 1.34 . -1 18" Diam 1.3421 13.34 D-128 92.2 31.627 266.41 0.12 1.2034 X-Sect 6.1704- D-127 92.2 31.5932 1354.11 0.02 0.8449 X-Sect 2.6909- D-126 92.2 31.5642 491.48 0.06 0.5117 X-Sect 2.2214 ---- D-125 92.2 31.4314 3470.27 0.01 0.541 X-Sect. 1.1469 - D-124 92.2 31.2367 549.84 0.06 0.5301 X-Sect 0.8959 ---- 0-123 92.2 31.1967 3827.85 0.01 0.6298 X-Sect 2.5886- P-112 92.2 31.1607 4.3371 7.18 -1 12" Diam 7.1847 5.5221 D-122 92.2 31.1444 50.2681 0.62 1.5106 X-Sect 3.8005 -- D-121 122.6 39.4139 594.02 0.07 0.527 X-Sect 15.3819 ----e-006 . P-111 122.6 39.3717 15.3148 2.57 -1 18" Diam 2.5708 8.6664 D-120 122.6 39.1738 18.2879 2.14 -1 X-Sect 2.1421 - D-119 122.6 39.0873 17.5281 2.23 -1 X-Sect 2.23- D-118 122.6 39.0705 179.94 0.22 0. 7996 X-Sect 7.5336- D-117 122.6 39.0498 61.1492 0.64 1. 7 492 X-Sect 4.2208- D-116 122.6 38.9434 27.9865 · 1.39 -1 X-Sect 1.3915 --- D-115 122.6 38.9414 78.2241 0.5 2.0557 X-Sect 5.829- P-110 122.6 38.9219 30.6525 1.27 -1 24" Diam 1.2698 9.757 D-114 122.6 38.8904 47.75 0.81 1 . 8838 X-Sect 6.0508- D-113 124.4 39.2371 319.76 0.12 1.298 X-Sect 8.3113 -e-007 D-112 124.4 39.225 1134.16 0.03 0.9129 X-Sect 8.7019-• D-111 124.4 39.1846 413.21 0.09 1.4411 X-Sect 5.2991 - D-110 124.4 39.1518 241.55 0.16 1.3552 X-Sect 5.6219 -- • Reh App Bend Junct HW Max El/ Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node ft ft . ft ft ft ft N-110 408.9452 N-111 N-110 409.8951 -na--na-~na-409.8951 411.92 N-112 N-111 411.0111 -na--na---na-411.0111 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.691 -na--na----na-412.691 415.64 N-114 N-113 413.3009 --na---na----na--413.3009 415.67 N-115 N-114 415.03 --na---na---na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 416.0292 -na--na--na-416.0292 416.5 N-117 N-116 416.3256 -na--na--na-416.3256 416.39 N-118 N-117 417.1555 -na--na--na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 417.1629 -na---na--na-416.71 416.61 N-120 N-119 418.4399 --na--na---na--418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420.9399 -na---na---na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421. 696 --na--na---na--421.696 422.69 N-123 N-122 437.3544 -na--na--na-423.41 423.31 N-124 N-123 426.0499 -na--na--na-423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.6805 -na--na----na-423.6805 424,05 N-126 N-125 524.8533 -na---na--na--424.9 424.8 N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na---na--na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 N-127 426.0798 -na--na---na--426.0798 426.52 N-129 N-128 427.6098 -na--na--na-427.6097 428.27 • N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 430.9699 -na--na--na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.5633 -na--na--na-432.5633 432.79 N-133 N-132 439.3671 -na---na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na---na---na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.85 -na--na--na-437.57 437.47 N-136 N-135 440.3899 -na--na--na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 445.4762 -na--na--na-442.2 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.8699 -na---na---na-441.99 441.89 N-138 N-137A 483.6605 -na--na---na-442.9 442.8 N-139 N-138 443.6152 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.8899 .cna---na---na-443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.4243 -na--na---na--444.4243 444.84 N-142 N-141 446.0716 --na--na---na-446.0716 446.11 N-143 N-142 447.2915 -na--na--na-447.2915 447.71 N-144 N-143 457.2313 -na--na--na-448.2 448.1 N-145 N-144 448.4599 -na-· -na---na-447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na--na-449.6399 449.84 N-147 N-146 452.3698 -na--na--na-452.3698 452.71 N-148 N-147 . 453.5398 -na--na--na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 479.5756 ~na--na--na-454.3 454.2 N-150-N-149 454.3031 -na--na--na-454.3031 454.65 N-151 NC150 456.413 -na--na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.6481 -na--na---na-460.56 460.46 N-153 N-152 464.0445 -na--na--na--464.0445 464.17 ·N-154 N-153 467.9954 -na--na---na-467.44 467.34 -1 Table B.6. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -Summary Table 2-Year 10..Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard . • Reach ID From Node To Node (FT) (FT) . (FT) (F1) (FT) N-110 D-110 N-111 N-110 2.68 2.33 2.17 2.10 2.02 D-111 N-112 N-111 4.16 3.43 3.27 3.19 3.12 D-112 N-113 N-112 3.98 3.26 3.10 3.02 2.95 D-113 N-114 N-113 3.14 2.69 2.52 2.44 2.37 D-114 N-115 N-114 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-110 N-116 N-115 1.00 Overtop Overtop 0.66 0.47 D-115 N-117 N-116 0.83 Overtop Overtop 0.16 0.06 D-116 N-118 N-117 0.00 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-117 N-119 N-118 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-118 N-120 N-119 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-119 N-121 N-120 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-120 N-122 N-121 1.17 1.36 1.17 1.08 0.99 P-111 N-123 N-122 0.32 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-121 N-124 N-123 overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-122 N-125 N-124 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.37 P-112 N-126 N-125 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-123 N-127 N-126 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 D-124 N-128 N-127 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 D-125 N-129 N-128 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 D-126 N-130 N-129 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-127 N-131 N-130 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop • D-128 N-132 N-131 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.29 0.23 P-113 N-133 N-132 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-129 N-134 N-133 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-130 N-135 N-134 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-131 N-136 N-135 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-114 N-137 N-136 0.68 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-132 N-137A N-137 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-115 N-138 N-137A overtop Overtop. Overtop Overtop Overtop D-133 N-139 N-138 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-133A N-140 N-139 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-134 N-141 N-140 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.42 D-135 N-142 N-141 0.44 0.32 0.17 0.10 0.04 D-136 N-143 N-142 0.82 0.70 0.55 0.48 0.42 P-116 N-144 N-143 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-137 N-145 N-144 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-138 N-146 N-145 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 D-139 N-147 N-146 0.34 0:34 0.34 0.34 0.34 D-140 N-148 N-147 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 \ P-117 N-149 N-148 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop \ D-141 N-150 N-149 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 \ D-142 N-151 N-150 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-143 N-152 N-151 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-144 N-153 N-152 0.28 · 0.28 0.27 0.20 0.13 D-145 N-154 N-153 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop \ • \ • • • Table 8.7. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -2-Year Storm ROUTEHYD [) THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [2 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL. Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin / Hyd D-021 D-020 P-016 D-019 0-018 P-015 D-017 D-016 P-014 D-015 D-014 P-013 0-012 D-011 D-010 . P-012 P-011 P-010 P-009 P-008A P-008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P-004 D-009 D-008 P-003 0-007 D-006 P-002 0-005 D-004 D-003 D-002 D-001 P-001 ac cfs cfs . ratio ft · · ft/s ttis 2.9 0.5767 215.99 0 0.3321 X-Sect 3.0535 -w-001 2.9 0.5766 75.0242 0.01 0.3244 X-Sect 2.7143 - 192 2.8102 10.5228 0.27 0.3529 12" Diam 11.3425 13.398 w-002 19.2 2.8096 212.76 0.01 0.6667 X-Sect 4.1816 -- 21.1 3.0333 25.1.93 0.01 0.2382 X-Sect 5.8108 -ex_west 21.1 3.0325 7.7298 0.39 0.4351 12" Diam 9.2462 · 9.8418 21.1 3.0318 138.18 0.02 0.3561 X-Sect 3.5277 - 21.1 3.0316 452.04 0.01 0.254 X-Sect 5.0894 - 22.3 3.2439 7.9881 0.41 0.4436 12" Diam 9.6423 10.1708 w-003 22.3 3.2432 160.64 0.02 0.451 X-Sect 3.7541 - 22.3 3.2429 200 0.02 0.6317 X-Sect 4.3238 - 22.3 3.2423 10.6228 0.31 0.3791 12" Diam 11.8787 13.5253 22.3 3.2413 290.67 0.01 0.6234 X-Sect 4.8101 - 22.3 3.2403 320.43 0.01 0.3609 X-Sect 4.0339 - 25.5 3.7564 1040.88 0 0.5771 X-Sect 6.1421 -w-004 25.5 3.7551 7.0631 0.53 0.5186 12" Diam 9.1309 8.9931 25.5 3.7536 6.9402 0.54 0.5239 12" Diam 9.0097 8.8365 25.5 3.7521 8.217 0.46 0.4742 12" Diam 10.2249 10.4623 25.5 3.7507 7.6431 0.49 0.4945 12" Diam 9.6859 9. 7315 27.7 4.1444 4.8684 0.85 0.709 12" Diam 6.9597 6.1986 w-005 31.5 4.8063 6.8722 0.7 0.6161 12" Diam 9.4657 8.75 w-006 31.5 4.8057 6.4104 0.75 0.6459 12" Diam 8.9569 8.162 31.5 4.8039 7.4569 0.64 0.5839 12" Diam 10.0875 9.4945 39.3 6.248 9.9629 0.63 0.574 12'' Diam 13.3954 12.6852 w-007 39,3 6.2406 7.7824 0.8 0.6778 12" Diam 11.0133 9.9088 39.3 6.2233 93.993 0.07 0.6278 X-Sect 2.79 - 39.3 6.2231 112.96 0.06 0.414 X-Sect 6.2056 - 39.3 6.2205 6.2952 0.99 0.8091 12" Diam 9.1373 8.0153 39.3 6.2079 107.57 0.06 0.5256 X-Sect 3.8357 - 39.3 6.2077 964.56 0.01 0.3936 X-Sect 8.1166 - 39.3 6.204 6.1462 1.01 0.8284 12" Diam 8.9179 7.8256 39.3 6.2035 --0 0.915 X-Sect 2.1497 - 39.3 6.1864 44.3354 0 .. 14 0.5256 X-Sect 4.8288 - 39.3 6.1853 313.41 0.02 0.5341 X-Sect 4:3358 - 39.3 6.1799 770.99 0.01 0.6454 X-Sect 1.5651 - 39.3 6.1797 146.32 0.04 0.4209 X-Sect 7.1705 - 48.3 6.7994 8.2043 0.83 0.6946 12" Diam 11.6778 10.4461 w-008 Reh App Loss Head From Nod To Node ft . ft Bend Loss ft · Junct Loss ft HW Elev . ft Max El/ Rim El ft N-002 N-003 N-004 N-005 N-001 373.6321 N-001 382.2466 -na- N-002 381.0999 -na- N-003 382.8899 -na- N-004 389.8769 -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- 380.5 380.43 382.3 389.8769 380.4 380.33 382.2 39025 , ., N-006 N-005 398.3768 -na--na---na-398.3768 398.68 • N-007 N-006 397.7699 -na--na----na-397.7699 398.68 N-008 N-007 400 .6486 --na---na---na-399.4 -399.3 N-010 N-008 400.3799 -na----na---na-399.4 399.3 N-011 N-010 400.4899 --na----na----na--400.32 400.22 N-012 N-011 403.3211 -na---na----na--401.7 401.6 N-014 N-012 401. 9299 -na--na--na-401.9 401.8 N-015 N-014 402.4099 --na---na----na--402.4099 402.6 N-016 N-015 406.8691 0.9827 0.0089 ------405.8952 406.01 N-017 N-016 407.6445 0.5809 0.0075 -406.41 406.31 N-018 N-017 408.2272 0.5814 0.0023-407.6481 408.14 N-019 N-018 411.1539 --411.1539 413.72 N-019A N-019 419.722 0.4324 0.0032 ---419.2928 420.68 N-020 N-019A 420,102 ----420.102 422.5 N-021 N-020 428:8048 0.3544 0.0039 ---428.4543 429.85 N-022 N-021 431.8735 1.2605 0.0049 -----430.6179 434 N-023 N-022 435.9002 0.355 0.0013 ----435.5465 436.59 N-024 N-023 437.2402 -na---na--na-437.2402 438.2 N-025 N-024 437.6302 --na--· -na---na-437.6302 438.9 N-026 N-025 440.4301 --na--na---na-440.4301 441.52 N-028 N-026 444.3401 --na---na---na--444.3401 444.82 N-029 N-028 445.7641 -na--na--na-445.764 446.2 N-031 N-029 445.934 -na--na--na-445.934 446.47 N-032 N-031 447.8239 -na--na----na-447.8239 449.01 N-033 N-032 448.994 --na---na--na-448.994 450.1 • N-035 N-033 449.4039 -na--na--na-449.4039 451.24 N-036 N-035 451.6238 -na--na--na-451.6238 452.98 N-037 N-036 452.5651 --na--na--na-452.5651 453.8 N-039 N-037 453. 065 --na---na----na-453.065 454.27 N-040 N-039 455.835 -na---na--na-455.835 457.02 N-041 N-040 458.6864 -na---na----na--458.6864 459.3 N-043 N-041 458.8464 --na----na---na-458.8463 459.71 N-044 N-043 466.1862 -na----na--na-466.1862 467.86 • • • • Table 8.8. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -1 D-Year Stonn ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [10 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd 0-021 D-020 P-016 D-019 D-018 P-015 D-017 D-016 P-014 D-015 0-014 P-013 D-012 D-011 D-010 P-012 P-011 P-010 P-009 P-008A P-008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P-004 D-009 D-008 P-003 0-007 D-006 P-002 D-005 D-004 D-003 D-002 D-001 P-001 ac cfs cfs ratio ft · tus ft/s 2.9 1.1262 215.99 0.01 0.4269 X-Sect 3.6099 ---w-001 2:9 1.126 75.0242 0.02 0.417 X-Sect 3.2085 -- 19.2 5.7252 10.5228 0.54 0.5258 12" Diam 13.6802 13.398 w-002 19.2 5.7243 212.76 0.03 0.8706 X-Sect 4.9958 --- 21.1 6.2369 251.93 0.02 0.3597 X-Sect 7.2932 -ex_west 21.1 6.2355 7.7298 0.81 0.6807 12" Diam 10.9508 9.8418 21.1 6.2346 138.18 0.05 0.5336 X-Sect 4.3923 - 21.1 6.2343 452.04 0.01 0.3664 X-Sect 6.4244 - 22.3 6.6546 7.9881 0.83 0.6973 12" Diam 11.3.797 10.1708 w-003. 22.3 6.6534 160.64 0.04 0.6285 X-Sect 4.6707 - 22.3 6.653 200 0.03 0.827 X-Sect 5.1746 - 22.3 6.652 10.6228 0.63 0.5735 12" Diam 14.2771 13.5253 22.3 6.6504 290.67 0.02 0.8162 X-Sect 5.757 --- 22.3 6.6488 320.43 0.02 0.516 X-Sect 5.0632 - 25.5 7.6794 1040.88 0.01 0.7546 X-Sect 7.3444 --w-004 25.5 7.6772 7.0631 1.09 -1 12" Diam 1.0869 8.9931 25.5 7.6747 6.9402 1.11 -1 12"Diam 1.1058 8.8365 25.5 7.6721 8.217 0.93 0.7657 12" Diam 11.8884 10.4623 25.5 7.6702 7.6431 1 0.8229 12" Diam 11.0927 9.7315 27.7 8.4447 4.8684 1.73 -112"Diam 1.7346 6.1986w-005 31.5 9.8483 6.8722 1.4 -1 12" Diam 1.404 8.75 w-006 31.5 9.6459 6.4104 1.5 -1 12" Diam 1.5047 8.162 31.5 9.6425 7.4569 1.29 -1 12" Diam 1.2931 9.4945 39.3 12.2397 9.9629 1.23 -1 12" Diam 1.2285 12.6852 w,007 39.3 12.2337 7.7824 1.57 -1 12" Diam 1.572 9.9088 39.3 12.2305 93.993 0.13 0.867 X-Sect 3.43 - 39.3 12.2302 112.96 0.11 0.5807 X-Sect 7.6019 - 39.3 12.2269 6.2952 1.94 -1 12" Diam 1.9423 8,0153 39.3 12.2225 107.57 0.11 0.7439 X-Sect 4.7079 - 39.3 12.2223 964.56 0.01 0.5074 X-Sect 9.6143 - 39.3 12.2172 6.1462 1.99 -1 12" Diam 1.9878 7.8256 39.3 12.2169 -0 0.915 X-Sect 4.2335 - 39.3 12.207. 44.3354 0.28 0.7349 X-Sect 5.8637 - 39.3 12.1945 313.41 0.04 0.7226 X-Sect 5.3815 - 39.3 12.1624 770.99 0.02 0.7234 X-Sect 1.7335 - 39.3 12.1621 146.32 0.08 0.5527 X-Sect 8.9201 - 48.3 13.7386 8.2043 1.67 -1 12" Diam 1.6746 10.4461 w-008 Reh' Loss App Head Junct · loss From Nod To Node ft ft Bend LOSS ft ft HW Elev ft Max El/ Rim El ft N-002 N-003 N-004 N-005 N-001 N-001 N-002 N-003 N-004 373.66 397.4953 -na- 381.0999 -na~ 382.8899 -na- 390.363 -na-- -na--na- -na--na- -na--na- -na--na- 380.5 380.43 382.3 390.35 380.4 380.33 382.2 390.25 ., N-006 N-005 398.8499 --na----na---na--398.78 398.68 • N-007 N-006 398.1499 -na----na---na-398.1499 398.68 N-008 N-007 406. 7091 -na----na----na--399.4 399.3 N-010 N-008 400.3799 --na----na----na--399.4 399.3 N-011 N-010 400.4899 --na----na----na-400.32 400.22 N-012 N-011 402.893 -na----na----na--401.7 401.6 N-014 N-012 401.9299 -na----na----na--401.9 401.8 N-015 N-014 402.4099 --na----na---na--402.4099 402.6 N-016 N-015 414.9783 3.7712 0.0341 ------406.11 406.01 N-017 N-016 412.823 2.3405 0.0303 ------406.41 406.31 N-018 N-017 412.9798 2.3422 0.0092 ----408.24 408.14 N-019 N-018 421.5153 --413.82 413.72 N-019A N-019 428.7839 1.7952 0.0134 ----420.78 420.68 N-020 N-019A 424.1394 ---422.6 422.5 N-021 N-020 431.693 1.4817 0.0162---429.95 429.85 N-022 N-021 431.8735 1.4827 0.0057 -----430.3965 434 N-023 N-022 438.0848 1.4837 0.0053 ----436.69 436.59 N-024 N-023 440.4391 --na----na---na--438.3 438.2 N-025 N-024 438.69 -na--na--na--438.69 438.9 N-026 N-025 441.4899 -na---na--na-441.4899 441.52 N-028 N-026 445 .3998 -na----na--na-444.92 444.82 N-029 N-028 44 7. 9408 -na----na--na--446.3 446.2 N-031 N-029 446.4 7 --na---na---na-446.47 446.47 N-032 N-031 448.3599 -na---na--na-448.3599 449.01 N-033 N-032 451.1722 -na--na--na-450.2 450.1 • N-035 N-033 450.6099 -na--na--na-450.6099 451.24 N-036 N-035 452.8299 -na--na--na-452.8299 452.98 N-037 N-036 454.9681 -na--na--na-453.9 453.8 N-039 N-037 454 .3999 --na--na--na-454.37 454.27 N-040 N-039 457.14 -na--na--na-457.12 457.02 N-041 N-040 460.2915 -na--na--na-459.4 459.3 N-043 N-041 459.5599 --na----na---na--459.5599 459.71 N-044 N-043 466.8998 --na----na----na--466.8998 467.86 .; • • • Table 8.9. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -25-Year Storm ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [25 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full · nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd 0-021 D-020 P-016 D-019 D-018 P-015 D-017 D-016 P-014 D-015 D-014 P-013 0-012 D-011 D-010 P-012 P-011 P-010 P-009 P-008A P-008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P-004 D-009 D-008 P-003 D-007 D-006 P-002 D-005 0-004 D-003 D-002 D-001 P-001 ac cfs cfs ratio ft · · ft/s ft/s 2.9 1.4193 215.99 0.01 0.4655 X-Sect 3.8249 --w-001 2.9 1.419 75.0242 0.02 0.4548 X-Sect 3.3995 - 19.2 7.2941 10.5228 0.69 0.6125 12" Diam 14.4658 13.398 w-002 19.2 7.2903 212.76 0.03 0.9533 X-Sect 5.3071 --- 21.1 7.9622 251.93 0.03 0.4124 X-Sect 7.8517 --ex_west 21.1 7.9606 7.7298 1.03 0.8494 12" Diam 11 .. 1952 9.8418 21.1 7.9596 138.18 0.06 0.6103 X-Sect 4.7161 - 21.1 7.9593 452.04 0.02 0.4154 X-Sect 6.9302 -- 22.3 8.4903. 7.9881 1.06 0.8943 12" Diam 11.4571 10.1708 w-003 22.3 8.4889 160.64 0.05 0.7052 X-Sect 5.0142 ---- 22.3 8.4884 200 0.04 0.9062 X-Sect 5.4996 --- 22.3 8.4872 10.6228 0.8 0.676 12" Diam 15.0227 13.5253 22.3 8.4854 290.67 0.03 0.8943 X-Sect 6.1186 --- 22.3 8.4835 320.43 0.03 0.5836 X-Sect 5.4511 --- 25.5 9.7892 1040.88 0.01 0.8265 X-Sect 7.8039 -w-004 25.5 9.7867 7.0631 1.39 -1 12" Diam 1.3856 8.9931 25.5 9.7842 6.9402 1.41 -1 12" Diam 1.4098 8.8365 25.5 9.7811 8.217 1.19 -1 12" Diam 1.1903 10.4623 25.5 9.7791 7.6431 128 -1 12" Diam 1.2795 9.7315 27.7 10.7564 4.8684 2.21 -1 12" Diam 2.2095 6.1986 w-005 31.5 12.2532 6.8722 1.78 -112"Diam 1.783 8.75w-006 31.5 122295 6.4104 1.91 -112"Diam 1.9077 8.162 31.5 12.214 7.4569 1.64 -112"Diam 1.6379 9.4945 39.3 15.4537 9.9629 1.55 -1 12" Diam 1.5511 12.6852 w-007 39.3 15.439 7.7824 1.98 -112" Diam 1.9838 9.9088 39.3 15.4332 93.993 0.16 0.9703 X-Secl 3.6728 -- 39.3 15.4329 112.96 0.14 0.6524X-Sect 8.1307- 39.3 15.4277 6.2952 2.45 -1 12" Diam 2.4507 8.0153 39.3 15.4211 107.57 0.14 0.8378 X-Sect 5.0372 -- 39.3 15.4209 964.56 0.02 0.5537 X-Sect 10.1896 - 39.3 15.4136 6.1462 2.51 -1 12" Diam 2.5078 7.8256 39.3 15.4133 -0 0.915 X-Sect 5.3412 - 39.3 15.3973 44.3354 0.35 0.8232 X-Sect 6.2522 -- 39.3 15.3784 313.41 0.05 0.8043 X-Sect 5.7771 - 39.3 15.3305 770.99 0.02 0.749 X-Sect 1.8482 - 39.3 15.3302 146.32 0.1 0.61 X-Sect 9,5841 - 48,3 17.4789 8.2043 2.13 · -1 12" Diam 2.1304 10.4461 w-008 Reh Loss From Nod To Node ft App Head ft Bend Loss ft June! Loss ft HW Elev ft Max EV Rim El ft N-002 N-003 N-004 N-005 N-001 N-001 N-002 N-003 373.66 412.2399 -na- 381.1 -na- 382.8899 --na-- N-004 390.6017 --na- -na--na- -na--na- -na---na- -na----na- 380.5 380.43 382.3 390.35 380.4 380.33 382.2 390.25 , ... N-006 N-005 398.85 --na---na---na-· 398.78 398.68 N-007 N-006 398.1499 --na--na--na-· 398.1499 398.68 N-008 N-007 411. 7735 --na----na-· --na-· 399.4 399.3 N-010 N-008 400.3799 --na-· -na-· --na--399.4 399.3 N-011 N-010 400.4899 --na--..:na--na--400.32 400.22 N-012 N-011 404.2625 --na----na---na-401.7 401.6 • N-014 N-012 401.9299 -na----na----na--401.9 401.8 N-015 N-014 402.4099 · --na---na----na--402.4099 402.6 N-016 N-015 422.4271 6.0118 0.0544 --406.11 406.01 N-017 N-016 416.8114 3.7554 0 .. 0486 ··--406.41 406.31 N-018 N-017 416.9514 3.7649 0.0148 --408.24 408.14 N-019 N-018 429.5789 --413.82 413.72 N-019A N-019 437.9548 2.9125 0.0218 --· 420.78 420.68 N-020 N-019A 426.2303--422.6 422.5 N-021 N-020 436.8487 2.4083 0.0264-429.95 429.85 N-022 N-021 438.8036 2.4098 0.0093 ---· 434.1 434 N-023 N-022 442.3643 2.4111 0.0087 ----436.69 436.59 N-024 N-023 442. 7826 -na----na----na--438.3 438.2 • N,025 N-024 438.69 --na----na---na-438.69 438.9 N-026 N-025 441.4899 --na----na-· --na--441.4899 441.52 N-028 N-026 445.3998 -na--na-· --n.a-444.92 444.82 N-029 N-028 449. 7335 -na---na--na-446.3 446.2 N-031 N-029 446.47 -na--na---na--446.47 446.47 N-032 N-031 448.3599 -na---na-· --na-448.3599 449.01 N-033 N-032 452.966 -na---na--na-450.2 450.1 N-035 N-033 450.6099 --na---na--na-450.6099 451.24 N-036 N-035 452.8299 -na----na--na-452.8299 452.98 N-037 N-036 456.3148 -na--na---na-453.9 453.8 N-039 N-037 454.3999 --na---na---na-" 454.37 454.27 N-040 N-039 457.1399 --na---na---na--457.12 457.02 N-041 N-040 461.6094 --na---na--na--459.4 459.3 I N-043 N-041 459.5599 --na----na---na-459.5599 459.71 N-044 N-043 466.8998 --na---na---na--j66.8998 467.86 I I \ \ \ \ \ • I \ • • • Table 8.10. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -50-Year Storm ROUTEHYD [] THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [50 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd w-001 ac cfs cts. ratio fl · ft/s ft/s 0-021 2.9 1.5685 215.99 0.01 0.4833 X-Sect 3.9215 - D-020 2.9 1.5683 75.0242 0.02 0.4722 X-Sect 3.4853 - P-016 0-019 D-018 P-015 0-017 0-016 P-014 D-015 D-014 P-013 D-012 0-011 D-010 P-012 P-011 P-010 P-009 P-008A P-008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P-004 0-009 0-008 P-003 D-007 D-006 P-002 D-005 D-004 D-003 D-002 D-001 P-001 19.2 19.2 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 27.7 31.5 31.5 31.5 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 48.3 8.0999 10.5228 8.0896 212.76 8.8435 251.93 8.8417 7.7298 8.8407 138.18 8.8404 452.04 9.434 7.9881 9.4262 160.64 9.4257 200 9.4245 10.6228 9.4224 290.67 9.4204 320.43 10.8663 1040.88 10.8659 7.0631 10.8622 6.9402 10.8581 8.217 10.8544 7.6431 11.9326 4.8684 13.5621 6,8722 13.5297 6.4104 13.5123 7.4569 17.0801 9.9629 17.0634 7.7824 17 .0568 93.993 17.0564 112.96 17.0509 6.2952 17.0435 107.57 17.0432 964.56 17.0355 6.1462 17.0353 -- 17 .0172 44.3354 16.9961 313.41 16.9427 770.99 16.9424 146.32 19.3916 8.2043 Reh Loss From Nod To Node fl App Head fl N-001 N-002 N-001 N-003 N-002 N-004 N-003 N-005 N-004 373.66 421.1453 -na- 381.1 -na-- 382.8899 -na- 390.6621 -na- 0.77 0.04 0.04 1.14 0.06 0.02 1.18 0.06 0.05 0.89 0.03 0.03 . 0.01 1.54 1.57 1.32 1.42 2.45 .1.97 2.11 1.81 1.71 2.19 0.18 0.15 2.71 0.16 0.02 2.77 0 0.38 0.05 0.02 0.12 2.36 Bend Loss fl -na- -na- --na- -na- 0.6581 12• Diam 0.9912 X-Sect 0.4372 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 0.6463 X-Sect 0. 4384 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 0.7412 X-Sect 0. 9425 X-Sect 0.7329 12" Diam 0. 9301 X-Sect 0.6154 X-Sect 0.8595 X-Sect -1 12" Diam -1 12• Diam -1 12· Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12· Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12" Diam 1.0185 X-Sect 0 .6858 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 0.8816 X-Sect 0.5748 X-Sect -1 12'' Diam 0.915 X-Sect 0.8642 X-Sect 0.8428 X-Sect 0.7591 X-Sect 0.6369 X-Sect Junct Loss fl -na- -na- -na'- -na- -1 12" Diam HW Elev fl 380.5 380.43 382.3 390.35 14.7787 13.398 w-002 5.4469 -- 8.1008 --ex_west 1.1439 9.8418 4.8603- 7.156 -- 1:181 10.1708 w-003 5.1673 --- 5.6454 - 15.2781 13.5253 6.2809 --- 5.6241 -- 8.0101 -· w-004 1.5384 8.9931 1.5651 8.8365 1.3214 10.4623 1.4201 9.7315 2.4511 6.1986 w-005 1.9735 8. 75 w-006 2.1106 8.162 1.8121 9.4945 1.7144 12.6852 w-007 2.1926 9.9088 3.7809- 8.366- 2.7086 8.0153 5.1838 --- 10.4477 -- 2.7717 7.1!256 5.9032- 6.4254 --- 5.9539 -- 1.9232.- 9.8817- 2.3636 10.4461 w-008 Max El/ Rim El fl 380.4 380.33 382.2 390.25 , .-, N-006 N-005 398.8499 --na---na---na--398.78 398.68 • N-007 N-006 398. 1499 -na----na----na--398. 1499 398.68 N-008 N-007 414.7916 -na----na-, --na--399.4 -399.3 N-010 N-008 400.3799 --na---na---na--399.4 399.3 N-011 N-010 400.5191 --na-' -na----na--400.32 .. 400.22 N-012 N-011 405.0781 --na----na----na-401.7 401.6 N-014 N-012 401.9299 --na---na----na--401.9 401.8 N-015 N-014 402.4099 --na---na----na--402.4099. 402.6 N-016 N-015 426.8611 7.3437 0.0665 ·-·· 406.11 406.01 N-017 N-016 419.1824 4.5962 0.0595 ·-··· 406.41 406.31 N-018 N-017 419.3115 4.6079 0.0181 -408.24 408.14 N-019 N-018 434.3575-413.82 413.72 N-019A N-019 443.3864 3.5843 0.0268-420.78 420.68 N-020 N-019A 427.4875 ·-· 422.6 422.5 N-021 N-020 440.1545 2.9679 0.0325 """""" 429.95 429.85 N-022 N-021 440.8607 2.9701 0.0115 """""" 434.1 434 N-023 N-022 444.2857 2.9721 0.0107 """""" 436.69 436.59 N-024 N-023 444.2004 --na----na---na--438.3 438.2 N-025 N-024 438.6899 -na--na----na--438.6899 438.9 N-026 N-025 441.4899 -na--na--na-441.4899 441.52 N-028 N-026 445.3998 -na--na---na-444.92 444.82 N-029 N-028 450.8166 -na---na---na--446.3 446.2 N-031 N-029. 446.47 --na---na---na-446.47 446.47 N-032 N-031 448.3599 -na----na----na--. 448.3599 449.01 N-033 N-032 453.324 -na---na----na--450.2 450.1 • N-035 N-033 450.6099 --na---na---na--450.6099 451.24 N-036 N-035 452.8299 -na--na--na-452.8299 452.98 N-037 N-036 457.129 -na--na--na-453.9 453.8 N-039 N-037 454.3999 --na---na----na-454.37 454.27 N-040 N-039 457.1399 -na--na---na-457.12 457.02 N-041 N-040 462.4097 --na--na---na--459.4 459.3 N-043 N-041 459.5599 --na---na---na--.459.5599 459.71 N-044 N-043 466.8998 --na----na----na--466.8998 467.86 • \~ • Table 8.11. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -100-Year Stonn ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [100 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd ac cfs cfs ratio ft ·tus flls -----· D-021 2.9 1. 7191 215.99 0.01 0.5002 X-Sect 4.0124 -w-001 D-020 2.9 1.7188 75.0242 0.02 0.4887 X-Sect · 3.5662 - P-016 19.2 8.9147 10.5228 0.85 0.7064 12" Diam 15.0315 13.398 w-002 D-019 19.2 8.8982 212.76 0.04 1.0272 X-Sect 5.5783 -- D-018 21.1 9.7341 251.93 0.04 0.4611 X-Sect 8.3334 ·--ex_wes1 P-015 21.1 9.7323 7.7298 1.26 -1 12· Diam 1.2591 9.8418 D-017 21.1 9.7313 138.18 0.07 0.6809 X-Sect 4.9949- D-016 21.1 9.7309 452.04 0.02 0.4605 X-Sect 7.3672- P-014 22.3 10.3918 7.9881 1.3 -1 12" Diam 1.3009 10.1708 w-003 D-015 22.3 10.3745 160.64 0.06 0. 7757 X-Sect 5.3102 -- D-014 22.3 10.3736 200 0.05 0.977 X-Sect 5.7823- P-013 22.3 10.3718 10.6228 0.98 0. 7991 12" Diam 15.4151 13.5253 D-012 22.3 10.3694 290.67 0.04 0.9642 X-Sect 6.4331 - D-011 22.3 10.3672 320.43 0.03 0.6459 X-Sect 5.7856 - D-010 25.5 11.9547 1040.88 0.01 0.8908 X-Sect 8.2036 --w-004 P-012 25.5 11.9546 7.0631 1.69 -1 12· Diam 1.6925 8.9931 P-011 25.5 11.9518 6.9402 1.72 -1 12" Diam 1.7221 8.8365 P-010 25.5 11.9391 8.217 1.45 -1 12· Diam 1.453 10.4623 P-009 25.5 11.8994 7.6431 1.56 -1 12" Diam 1.5569 9.7315 • P-008A 27.7 13.0768 4.8684 2.69 -1 12" Diam 2.6861 6.1986 w-005 P-008 31.5 14.8216 6.8722 2.16 -1 12" Diam 2.1567 8.75 w-006 P-007 31.5 14.7641 6.4104 2.3 -1 12" Diam 2.3031 8.162 P-006 31.5 14.7397 7.4569 1.98 -1 12· Diam 1.9766 9.4945 P-005 39.3 18.6376 9.9629 1.87 -1 12• Diam 1.8707 12.6852 w-007 P-004 39.3 18.6131 7.7824 2.39 -1 12" Diam 2.3917 9.9088 D-009 39.3 18.6037 93.993 . 0.2 1.0612 X-Sect 3.8828- 0-008 39.3 18.6034 112.96 0.16 0. 7161 X-Sect 8.5744- P-003 39.3 18.5959 6.2952 2.95 -1 12" Diam 2:954 8.0153 D-007 39.3 18.5866 107.57 · 0.17 0.9214 X-Sect 5.3133 -- D-006 39.3 18.5863 964.56 0.02 0.5938 X-Sect 10.6766 ·-· P-002 39.3 18.5762 6.1462 3.02 -1 12" Diam 3.0224 7.8256 D-005 39.3 18.576 ·-0 0.915 X-Sect 6.4371 -- D-004 39.3 18.5514 44.3354 0.42 0.9012 X-Sect 6.5778- D-003 39.3 18.5234 313.41 0.06 0.8774 X-Sect 6.1089 - D-002 39.3 18.4536 770.99 0.02 0. 7682 X-Sect 1.9897 - D-001 39.3 18.4532 146.32 0.13 0.6611 X-Sect 10.141···- P-001 ·48.3 21.1994 8.2043 2.58 0 1 12" Diam 2.5839 10.4461 w-008 Reh App Bend Junct HW Max El/ Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El From Nod To Node fl ft ft fl ft . fl N-001 373.66 N-002 N-D01 430.4121 -na---na--na-380.5 380.4 N-003 N-002 381. 0999 -na-'--na---na-380.43 380.33 • N-004 N-003 382.8899 -na--na---na'-382.3 382.2 N-005 N-004 390.6975 -na---na---na--390.35 390.25 :, I --------, N-006 N-005 398.8499 -na--na--na-398.78 398.68 • N-007 N-006 398.1499 --na--na--na-398.1499 398.68 N-008 N-007 417 .9379 --na-· -.na--na--399.4 399.3 N-010 N-008 400.3799 -na---na----na-399.4 399.3 N-011 N-010 400.5711 -na·· · --na-c-na--400.32' · 400.22 N-012 N-011 405.9302 --na-· -na-· --na-401.7 401.6 N-014 N-012 401.9299 -na---na--na-401.9 401.8 N-015 N-014 402.4099 -na-· --na---na--402.4099 402.6 N-016 N-015 431.5039 8.7441 0.0791 ·-406.11 406.01 N-017 N-016 421.6752 5.469 0.0707 ··-406.41 406.31 N-018 N-017 421.7617 5.4872 0.0216 ·-408.24 408.14 N-019 N-018 439.3409-413.82 413.72 N-019A N-019 449.133 4.3046 0.0322-420.78 420.68 N-020 N-019A 428.8355--422.6 422.5 N-021 N-020 443.6975 3.5882 0.0393 ·-429.95 429.85 N-022 N-021 443.1411 3.5959 0.0139 ·-434.1 434 N-023 N-022 446.4317 3.5976 0.0129-436.69 436.59 N-024 N-023 445. 7808 --na--na-· -na--438.3 438.2 N-025 N-024 438.6899 -na---na--na-438.6899 438.9 N-026 N-025 441 .4899 --na---na---na-441.4899 441.52 N-028 N-026 445.3998 -na--na--na-444.92 444.82 N-029 N-028 452.0266 -na---na--na-446.3 446.2 N-031 N-029 446.47 --na·· --na·· -na-446.47 446.47 N-032 N-031 448.3599 --na--na--na-448.3599 449.01 N-033 N-032 454.3832 --na--na---na-450.2 450.1 • N-035 N--033 450.6099 -na--na--na--450.6099 451.24 N-036 N-035 452.8299 -na--na--na-452.8299 452.98 N-037 N-036 458.0387 -na--na--na-453.9 453.8 N-039 N-037 454.3999 --na--na---na-454.37 454.27 N-040 N-039 457 .1399 --na---na--na-457.12 457.02 N-041 N-040 463.3042 -na-· -na--na-459.4 459.3 N-043 N-041 459.5599 -na--na--na-459.5599 459.71 N-044 N-043 466.8998 -na-· -na--na-466.8998 . 467.86 • ------------~----- • Table 8.12. Hydrograph 'Routing -West Basin -Summary Table 2-Year 10-Year 25-Year SO-Year 100-Year Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Reach ID From Node To Node ft ft ft 'ft ft - N-001 P-001 N-002 N-001 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-001 N-003 N-002 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-002 N-004 N-003 overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop -D-003 N-005 N-004 0.37 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-004 N-006 N-005 0.30 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-005 N-007 N-006 0.91 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 P-002 N-008 N-007 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-006 N-010 N-008 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-007 N-011 N°010 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-003 N:012 N~011 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-008 N-014 N-012 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop · Overtop D-009 N-015 N-014 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 P-004 N-016 N-015 0.11 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-005 N-017 N-016 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-006 N-018 N-017 0.49 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-007 N-019 N-018 2.57 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-008 N-019A N-019 1.39 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-008A N-020 N-019A 2.40 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-009 N-021 N-020 1.40 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop • P-010 N-022 N-021 3.38 3.60 Overtop Overtop -Overtop P-011 N-023 N-022 1.04 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-012 N-024 N-023 0.96 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop 0-010 N-025 N-024 1.27 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 D-011 N-026 N-025 1.09 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 D-012 N-028 N-026 0.48 Overtop Overtop overtop Overtop P-013 N-029 N-028 0.44 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-014 N-031 N-029 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D-015 N-032 N-031 1.19 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 P-014 N-033 N-032 1.11 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-016 N-035 N-033 1.84 0.63 0.63 0.63 -0.63 D-017 N-036 N-035 1.36 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 P-015 N-037 N-036 1.23 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-018 N-039 N-037 1.20 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-019 N-040 N-039 1.19 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-016 N-041 N-040 0.61 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-020 N-043 N-041 0.86 0.15 -0.15 0.15 0.15 0-021 N-044 N-043 1.67 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 • ® ',. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 August 19, 2005 Kurt Wilson SBI Development P.O. Box 73790 Federal Way, WA 98373 /, RE: Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L05MI042 Plat of Nicholas Place, KC File No. L03P0015 Dear Mr. Wilson: I have reviewed the final recreation and landscape plan dated August 17, 2005 for the above referred project. The plan meets the condition of the preliminary approval and hereby is approved with the following conditions: I. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Walkways shall be constructed of a material and grade that is Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible. 3. Street trees and plantings associated with the drainage facilities shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the performance bond has been established at $55,340.00. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount also includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of inspections. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. The Land Use Services Division will conduct an inspection one year after the recording date. The applicant may request in writing; an earlier inspection date if the improvements are fully installed prior to one year anniversary of recording. 'AAIN FILE COPY Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-7173. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please contact Stacy Graves, Financial Guarantee Management Unit at (206) 296-7009. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. Sincerely, 1';;. .. ..._ , ,: . f).....i , le'.' c L I Fereshteh Dehkordi, Project Manager II Current Planning Section, LUSD Cc: Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/encs Ray Miller, Engineer, Land Use Inspection w/encs Stacy Graves, FGMU w/encs File w/encs KING COUNTY Dept, of Developmeru and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 206/296-6600 LAM)SCAJ>F}Il0@ QUANTITY:,W:OW(SBEET F:ORM: .. 1 . . . •. ' · .. ·· . ... . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . ...•. ·.. ' J D Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping. (KCC 21A.16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review. The maintenance period is for the life of the project, however, after posting for mainteruince, the performance bond will be reduced to 30% ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the site the bond will be released if the site has been properly maintained (21A.16.!80). A landscape maintenance inspection deposit of $316.80 Is required prior to permit Issuance to· cover the costs of the 2-year maintenance inspection. Landscape Inspections are lillled at ihe cnrrent hourly rate once the Initial deposit Is exhausted. If the-project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies note<) in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected. . ,. .. •, ·.' . ' . : .. .. ,' r,.: ::.-:;-,., . . ·;-: · .. '• ., '• .. I;·_,•,'., : .. ' .',-., ·_'•, • .• {.·~#I>E~'. ::QU~/, :·. -··-:: ... _,_: :-.: ·.: l, . . . . . ·'··'.· . ;il:Jl.'ilT PRiq: \ •. ·-,:· · · PRICE. ' ~it . . ·, . ..... -.,· ... ,.:.-'-,,·. . .-:•:,:·_ ·:,. ~~-,. -. -· ,., ' . I SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FI')' 7,-. 0 tit l, 6-0"'i) HYDROSEEDING $50.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FD . SOIL PREPARATION A. TOPSOIL (6 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) lDO ~ 1, C,t)o .. B. _MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) $4.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) L}oo ' i, [, (OOO C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 . SY (SQUARE YARD) D. COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) - PLANT MATERIALS A. DECIDUOUS TREES 1.75 -2,00" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $250.00 EACH COST&LABOR :·:r1 .. -~··t;J'?·o·-PERIMETER & PARKING AREAS 1.5 -1.75" CALIPER $225.00 EACH COST&LABOR [NT!Rl()"' LANDSCAPDKl OR OTHml R£QUlR.ED UNDSCAPINO .. B. EVERGREEN TREES FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $ I 50.00 EACH COST&LABOR fi fl (2.00 C.SHRUBS $35.00EACH COST&LABOR 1L lfi ~' 2,,~'[) . SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT > BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: ~co~"« ,-li,2,-76 UM~f\\; s ! ' ,.,; . .. .I I,. UNIT PRICE ·UNI.TTYPE QU{\NTITY . PRICE .. .. D. GROUND COVER $4.00EACH COST&LABOR . MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES $2.65EACH PER STAKE& 39, tt \DO ,CYO LABOR Lt-' t,i. ~.~ 'T j:A-t~ JI, 15,C'JO l-,P, 70 jl,IDO FENCING: LINEARFOOT qD :it 2-,5<t5 SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28.50 INCLUDES LABOR (y' f/T, UtAlfi UNK. ii,ZD :"° L..F, Cft> ,fl> I , 2...0-0 . . BERMING $17,50 LINEAR FOOT INCLUDES LABOR . . IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUAREFOOT ·0.w;, :tt\-,Z.00 PIA Y t.ff!PS JI, 2 7.. C5<, / J J/)..J[._. yp..o ,...., ·.t\-D . f I, \ vo RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36"BALL $260.00 EACH 60"BALL $920.00 EACH l°t)~ ';)10£!.W/Jd-.K / ~(tl RY. i.4?(tJ ~p f Ul1f St..1//1 Ji> /0,fXV ' ""' (V' ' ....,. ·-..• n . . p<,,00 JI 11 000 . j,; l,iJOO ~. /;,M~13A:1..J._. ")TA'"'• n {' EACH. ~ \W~ "Tb'('::> ~/t';,t!f) EACH 4-) Z..1000 TRMH-t:i t7' .J?PTA~ • ""' {~'71,.oo . 1.At-+r j. tt> 37<?;,av ADDITTONALlTEMS ~\t ~ '3(.f;,' @A:v/.f 2, ,/; 7':J.?D.00 ' °'PI t,,I'/ I() iAf;,J..,E 11, '12-'? • c,,.' .~ d; q?5,= -, • I Pl.A'( ST(U!{;T[J/$ . JI 7;Dr:70 /W-,/1 J. $ '?;~,<>o ,::.:"'. . . SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND SUB TOTAL: $ ~iri,~~ I Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for .Contingency in accordance with 30 °/o CONTINGENCY: Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. $ li~~)Ju -· . TOTAL BOND PRICE TOTAL BOND PRICE: . .• ..•. .. s ~(<~-- ' - Revised LBQW 8/29/2001 · Trash Receptacles 8 WT-20 Single trash receptacle with cedar slats. Available In surface mount or inground (as shown). 5 042 Double trash receptacle with cedar slats. Available In surface mount or lnground (as shown). WT-24 Deluxe single trash receptacle with 2"xl O" and 2"x3" cedar boards. Available in surface mount or inground (as shown). WT-26 Single trash receptacle with powdercoated steel slats. Also comes In double width . Available in surface mount or lnground ( as shown). PT-37 Heavy duty four sided plastisol steel table with 4' square top Table top and seats are plastisol coated steel. Available in surface mount or inground (as shown). PT-38 Four sided metal table with 2"x l O" cedar table top and seats. 4' square top. Available In surface mount (as shown) or inground. PT-39 Heaviest super duty picnic table. The toughest table you can find. 4"xl O" pressure treated table top and seats. Shown galvanized, can be powdercoated. Available In surface mount or lnground (as shown). I PT-40 Double pedestal 8' table with 4"x6" treated tops and seats. lin 6' or 8' lengths. Can be made ADA accessible. Available In surface mount or lnground (as shown). 3 BP-23 Our most popular bench. Shown in 6' length with 2"x4" cedar. Comes with 2"x4", 4"x4" or plastisol steel seat. Available in surface mount (as shown) or inground. BP-25 Contour bench shown in 6' length with 2"x4"· cedar. Comes with 2"x4", 4"x4" or plastisol steel seat. Available In surface mount or lnground (as shown). BP-27 Single pedestal 4' contour bench with 4"x4" cedar. Comes with 2"x4" or 4"x4" cedar seat. Available in surface mount or lnground (as shown). BP-28 Single pedestal 6' contour bench. with 2"x4" cedar. Comes with 2"x4" or 4"x4" cedar. Available in surface mount or inground (as shown). 5 . . Basketball -Game Court , ("'\ BT-57 Fan sharped aluminum backbord with powdercoated gooseneck pole. Painted shooter square. Several goal and net options available. I BT-58 Acrylic backbord with powdercoated gooseneck pole. Painted shooter square. Several goal and net options available. FC-LT Deluxe light pole. 18' tall 2-piece pole with three 1500 watt halogen lights, winch and net eyes. FC-NP Deluxe net pole. 8' tall for volleyball, badminton and pickle ball. Shown with winch and pulleys. Standard pole awallable with net eyes only. Site Furnishings basketball systems game court light and net poles spring animals funnel-ball WARNING Playground equipment installed over a hard surface such as concrete, asphalt or packed earth may result in serious injury or death from falls. It is essential to provide ood mairlain a cushioni1g ground cover beneath and around al playground equipment. Acceptable surfacq materials \NOUd roude rubber mats, wood dips, wood hr, sand or medium grava. Depfh of ground cover is determined by ihe iype of material used and fhe height of fhe play equipment. It is necessary to provide an adequate safe play zone around al playground equipment. This safe play zone must extend a minimlrn of 6 feet in al directions from the playground equipment and contain cushioni1g ground cover as descrbed above. The safe play zone must be free of obstacles and debris. In some cases, such as slide exits and swings, ihe safe play zone may be greater ihan 6 feet. Please contact your dealer for specmc information on ground cover and safe play zones. To contact fhe Consumer Product Safety Commission or fhe American 8ociefy for Testing and Materials please refer to page 23. fD Step Peek-A-Boo Pa nel 8' Hand-Over-Hand Zlg·Z.g Ladder WoodWall Snake Climber Wood ~Structures Safe Play Zone 28' x 20' Safe Play Zone 32' x 38' - Stttring Wheel I e I : , .. II G .... =---... II Safe Play Zone 30' x 28' m Dehkordi, Fereshteh From: Sent: To: Subject: -----Original Message----- Dehkordi, Fereshteh Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:35 PM 'kurt@soundbuilthomes.com' FW: BQW From: Dehkordi, Fereshteh Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:28 PM To: 'curt@soundbuilthomes.com' Subject: BQW Curt: Attached please find a copy of the BQW. I sent a redline to Weily when I made my original comments on the conceptual recreation tract. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy ofit. I also don't have a copy of the approved engineering plan. I assume that the No. of lots are 23. Based on the No. of lots, the area for tot lot should be 1035 which would be 45 sq.ft per each lot. I noticed that you cannot accommodate a standard 1/2 basketball court which is 74' by 42'. At the same time you eliminated a walkway path that was originally proposed around the pond. Typically ifwe accept smaller recreation tract, we want it to be compensated by a better and more complete improvements, such as additional toys, landscaping, trails, etc. I am willing to accept the substandard basketball court if it will be fully fenced and a larger tot lot (minimum 1035 sq.ft per code) be provided. Also at least two additional toy facilities ( rocking toys etc) must be provided. It appears that it would be more appropriate to switch the location of the tot lot with the basketball court. Also the basketball hoop should be located along the narrow width of the basketball field. Please show fencing adjacent to the driveway on the left side of the tract ( site plan does not show a North arrow). The fence in this area maybe split rail fence augmented by some landscaping bushes along one side of it. The fencing around the basketball court must be taller and should fully enclose the court. I prefer that you show all that on a revised site plan and provide me with 5 copies of everything. Please show all dimensions on the site plan. Any questions, please contact me. Fereshteh BQW.doc (54 KB) 1 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Project Name: Plat of Nichols Place (Recreation Plan Only) Location: 13900 Block & 160th Ave SE Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? ~~~~~~~-yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 c.....,.....__,-+ w ·, 1 Jo n 0403780W REC. Space X no (?53) S'-/8-0l',Z.0 Date: 28-May_-05 Project No.: L03P0015 Activity No.: L04SR034 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 5/27/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ii~-1mr;a~;141!k!i••r~J!rl ""'JI!' 11,,. ~ *"""fb~--=·";· :aunitwl ~"l'iafiti1illll -: .... ;6~~C'' ER0Slb"f.17SEDIMENTlC1>f.lTR€f~'.:·.,,_,~ ... :':~,ffl' ''.;;,$,'!t~,,,~~.~ L,.~ .·~~.··· -~ ~"''~ !!'""·'""~N@l!J!'I p?J.~.,~~\ft Backfill & compaction-embankment Check dams, 4" minus rock Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minus Ditching Excavation-bulk Fence, silt Fence, Temporary (NGPE) Hvdroseeding Jute Mesh Mulch, bv hand, straw, 3" deeo Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep Pining, temnnrarv, CPP, 6" Piping, temporary, CPP,.8" Pining, temnnrary, CPP, 12" Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged Rio Rap, machine placed; slooes Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' Sediment pond riser assembly I Sediment trap, 5' high berm I Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway bem, section Seeding, bv hand Sodding, 1" deep, level ground I Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground I TESC Supervisor Water truck, dust control WRlffiE~INgliliEMSl'-,,.-*Jlseel 'aael9 tl4i&l&.i T~~ Page 2 of9 04037BQW REC. Space .-,-,_:" , $ 5.62 CY SWDM $ 67.51 Each WSDOT 9-03.9(3) $ 85.45 CY $ 8.08 CY $ 1.50 CY SWDM $ 1.38 LF $ 1.38 LF SWDM $ 0.59 SY SWDM $ 1.45 SY SWDM $ 2.01 SY SWDM $ 0.53 SY $ 10.70 LF $ 16.10 LF $ 20.70 LF SWDM $ 2.30 SY WSDOT 9-13.1 (2) $ 39.08 CY SWDM $ 1,464.34 Each SWDM $ 2,928.68 Each SWDM $ 1,949.38 Each SWDM $ 17.91 LF SWDM $ 68.54 LF SWDM $ 0.51 SY SWDM $ 6.03 SY SWDM $ 7.45 SY $ 74.75 HR SWDM 5.4.7 $ 97.75 HR •· 1 77 •I• ,U ITz1mm 11)!!4 l·ilf " iiJliiil.il li!'ii 4 '"" ~-1 Each ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: $ $ ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: $ A Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 5/27/2005 ' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ,~4~~~~i,;~'t:;''-J:1'i'~-t1'~~--'P,;':;_;;,;~ <'3ENER)J!l'FEMS1tii/1';·:;s;,c~!~ Backfill & Comoaction-embankment $ 5.62 Backfill & Compaction-trench $ 8.53 Clear/Remove Brush, by hand $ 0.36 Clearing/Grubbing/Tree Removal $ 8,876.16 Excavation -bulk $ 1.50 Excavation -Trench $ 4.06 1Fencing, cedar, 6' high $ 18.55 Fencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high $ 13.44 Fencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 20' $ 1,271.81 Fencing, split rail, 3' high $ 12.12 Fill & compact -common barrow $ 22.57 Fill & compact -gravel base $ 25.48 Fill & compact • screened topsoil $ 37.85 Gabion, · 12" deep, stone filled mesh $ 54.31 Gabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh $ 74.85 Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh $ 132.48 Grading, fine, bv hand $ 2.02 Grading, fine, with grader $ 0.95 Monuments, 3' long $ 135.13 Sensitive Areas Sign $ 2.88 Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground $ 7.46 Surveying, line & grade $ 788.26 Surveying, lot location/lines $ 1,556.64 Traffic control crew ( 2 flaggers ) $ 85.18 Trail, 4" chipped wood $ 7.59 Trail, 4• crushed cinder $ 8.33 1Trail, 4• top course $ 8.19 Walt, retainino, concrete $ 44.16 Wall, rockery $ 9.49 Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 0403780W REC. Space CY CY SY Acre CY CY LF LF Each LF CY CY CY SY SY SY SY SY Each Each SY oa, Acre HR SY SY SY SF SF Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 5/2712005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet R0A'ID11Ni"P.R0YEMEN;filai'a AC Grinding, 4' wide machine< 1000s• AC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000-2000sy $ 5.75 AC Grinding, 4' wide machine > 2000sy $ 1.38 SY AC Removal/Disposal/Repair $ 41.14 SY Barricade, twe I $ 30.03 LF Barricade, tvoe Ill ( Permanent ) $ 45.05 LF Curb & Gutter, rolled $ 13.27 LF Curb & Gutter, vertical $ 9.69 LF Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposal $ 13.58 LF Curb, extruded asphalt $ 2.44 LF Curb, extruded concrete $ 2.56 LF Sawcut, asphalt, 3" depth $ 1.85 LF Sawcut, concrete, nP.r 1" depth $ 1.69 LF Sealant, asphalt $ 0.99 LF Shoulder, AC, ( see AC road unit price ) $ -SY Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick $ 7.53 SY Sidewalk, 4" thick $ 30.52 SY Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disposal $ 27.73 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick $ 34.94 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and disnnsal $ 34.65 SY Sign, handicap $ 85.28 Each Striping, per stall $ 5.82 Each Striping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk ) $ 2.38 SF Striping, 4" reflectorized line $ 0.25 LF Page 4 of9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 0403780W REC. Space Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/27/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet R@"AE>TSliRF.~k~.2.51~MJif'5fm~fj(~:{,f~/m§f<\6!SKii'.~~~-~~'!l;~;~'B-~'!.!:~r;;~ For KCRS '93, (additional 2.5" base) add: J $ 3.60 J SY J J J J J J J AC Ovenay,_! .5" AC __ I $ 7.39 I SY AC Ovenay, 2" AC I $ 8.75 I SY AC Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY $ 17.24 AC Road, 2", 4" rock, Qtv. over 2500SY $ 13.36 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY $ 19.69 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY $ 15.81 , 5", First 2500 SY $ 14.57 AC Road, 5", otv. Over 2500 SY $ 13.94 d, 6", First 2500 SY $ 16.76 AC Road, 6", Qtv. Over 2500 SY $ 16.12 Asohalt Treated Base, 4• thick $ 9.21 Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY $ 11.41 Gravel Road, 4" rock, Otv. over 2500 SY $ 7.53 PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY $ 21.51 PCC Road, 6", no base, over 2500 SY $ 21.87 Thickened Edge $ 6.89 Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 0403780W REC. Space SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY LF Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 5/27/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet "-,~~ ... ---~ ~" --r :,:;.___ ~ i!'(,~;: '·1· : •. < --~sling' l -:;~ F.~P~~~~C!~I I" .· ,c•Privlite:liJ, ';,'~ ~lM:~rW~:\IS~?Jl;,"'~3.si w· ~~~r, ~ j\• t-1;i~~.,~;.~ ,~~.~;~ , R,,ig~t!9f*'i;IY.i~~ Roait~~etove%~ , ~-~; l~P!ci'!e~~ij~~-.'.~·;,:r,,:~~..t?J~~~~1.~1! ,., "'"'" ~, , ¥:\ :., ~ , '"'"0 ,:..(;, ,~ ,, • iM;.."\~~ '.,· ,-.. ·, ·-··z<, -··-~·-·:. : ..• ,_-, , . ,:-+ "' -1~,,;-,;t-... , '" "~*"ltll:_J-', ill,~--'\ _ ,~J;.'·,t,>~J)~ &Qralnage,F.acllltles "!;, c::s;J,tl-'.'><':-'. , :/!,!(~ ~~,i~ ,; . .,.~Jit~~~-_:'.-1~i.i~~:: JD!II:.;\ :'Uriiii~rice~ li!Jiiiil laUSOt. · . · "-·"·''~:,,~coStAf1lfi;D ~eU3rib3 . --~eOsi~ l[Oir8nt -'.iCoSt. J / _comp1irte · ~ m,• 2 1:i"'·'<~-a~ ,,,,«.--,.,,__ v~,.zn "'""'°'~""'"-''" £ 11,m',m.•·-----:-~ ill D~IN~GE9§H.l}/=Jicibrn,gateoeie3-5Jjg;.eJpefil2f~fgU.Jia'ffill.O~ti~o.~ Ll/prt P.OEes~5~e·rageTtSt& ~o.v.eri as1ass'umed~/;l'.s~Qrile1~fforate<n'::Bisrsl Access Road, RID $ 16.74 SY Bollards • fixed I$ 240.74 I Each Bollards • removable 1$ 452.34 j Each * (CBs include frame and lid) CB Type I $ 1,257.64 Each CB Type IL $ 1,433.59 Each CB Type II, 48• diameter $ 2,033.57 Each for additional depth over 4' $ 436.52 FT CB Type II, 54• diameter $ 2,192.54 Each for additional depth over 4' $ 486.53 FT CB Tvne II, 60· diameter $ 2,351.52 Each for additional depth over 4' $ 536.54 FT CB Tvne II, 72• diameter $ 3,212.64 Each for additional depth over 4' $ 692.21 FT !Through-curb Inlet Framework (Add) $ 366.09 Each Cleanout, PVC, 4" $ 130.55 Each Cleanout, PVC, 6• $ 174.90 Each 1Cleanout, PVC, a· $ 224.19 Each Culvert, PVC, 4" $ 8.64 LF 1Culvert, PVC, 6" $ 12.60 LF Culvert, PVC, 8" $ 13.33 LF Culvert, PVC, 12" $ 21.77 LF Culvert, CMP, 8" $ 17.25 LF Culvert, CMP, 12" $ 26.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 15" $ 32.73 LF Culvert, CMP, 18" $ 37.74 LF Culvert, CMP, 24" $ 53.33 LF Culvert, CMP, 30" $ 71.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 36" $ 112.11 LF Culvert, CMP, 48" $ 140.83 LF Culvert, CMP, 60" $ 235.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 72" $ 302.58 LF Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL "KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW REC. Space Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/27/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet • .. ''.' .•.. , .. ·.'i)·;;.·.;.·.-.. -.·~.~·.· -., .. ·.· , '. ,-.... ·. =.•=~-· .. -.--... · .. · .. ~.·.·,M.' ... -' .. '' ... ··?·1'·'" .. ' .. '.' .. '""'., ~-~ ..... ·.·.·.· IV"J··.····. ,,,,,-.",' .. -.,.·--· .. ' .. ·.', .. -.·f"t····.ffl .. '.' ... -.. ··.· .. ·•-_. -.3.-.• ~,~ '_ )· ·\;;,Si'.' 7 , ,f~ "'C , ,•"',_.,lfi~\ffl!,;,\,;~y;.1"i~~.tii-:Rolfc1Jin:~wvemli'n1s_~:;i" .. ,1;,,11,ovenie;;1s>"..iii.iliis,&i,f:\,.ai .-· -~"-,,.,.~~ _• -' ~-. tr".¥ 0-,k_."'· :;::;s:::lr•, ~~-.. ·:,;;~,,.e,., ;' '·, ;,··;:t11 f{A, ''· .4";~';<"' •• •·"': • ,.' :?.~ --~ > •,•,Ae ••• . ''Ajj ,, , _. c,, -·ee :;>--':;,;.-; ,,,__ .. --.· , , ·•""Existing,-, .. ,,_, ,, --~f.utur•4iill~f-·· ·' 1 -'" ,_Private ,, ._:·,.cs:"''' . Bon_dRe_~uctlon, - DRAINAGE CONTINUED~:--.'sl' .. -. . ,,.i;,:,:.: ,; :,~c;, -, ·, -~ D["ln;ige,!;,acJIJt1£s, -~ ,. . ;',;;r.-. , ., -:~. ,_., -~:; ~·"I ,r,li'jP---~ -~;;': _ .. . (Unif Pricelf;! !!!Unit': \![Guaiit : ' ':lll!rCost • ' . ~TG!uaiif:l 11 '';.l'GoslL. . \ (Quant:: -~ · ; Co"s11l'ic i'' Gomclete Ii -;cost) ,. Culvert, Concrete, 8" $ 21.02 LF Culvert, Concrete, 12" $ 30.05 LF Culvert, Concrete, 15" $ 37.34 LF Culvert, Concrete, 18" $ 44.51 LF Culvert, Concrete, 24" $ 61.07 LF Culvert, Concrete, 30" $ 104. 18 LF Culvert, Concrete, 36" $ 137.63 LF Culvert, Concrete, 42" $ 158.42 LF Culvert, Concrele, 48" $ 175.94 LF Culvert, CPP, 6" $ 10.70 LF Culvert, CPP, 8" $ 16.10 LF Culvert, CPP, 12" $ 20.70 LF Culvert, CPP, 15" $ 23.00 LF Culvert, CPP, 18" $ 27 .60 LF Culvert, CPP, 24" $ 36.80 LF Culvert, CPP, 30" $ 48.30 LF Culvert. CPP, 36" $ 55.20 LF Ditching $ 8.08 CY Flow Disoersal Trench (1,436 base+) $ 25.99 LF French Drain (3' depth) $ 22.60 LF Geotextile, laid in trench, potvnropylene $ 2.40 SY Infiltration pond testing $ 74.75 HR Mid-tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep $ 1,605.40 Each Pond Overtlow Spillway $ 14.01 SY Restrictor/Oil Separator, 12" $ 1,045.19 Each Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15" $ 1,095.56 Each Restrictor/Oil Separator, 18" $ 1,146.16 Each Riprap, placed $ 39.08 CY Tank End Reducer (36" diameter) $ 1,000.50 Each Trash Rack, 12" $ 211.97 Each Trash Rack, 15" $ 237.27 Each Trash Rack, 18" $ 268.89 Each Trash Rack, 21" $ 306.84 Each Page 7 of9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW REC. Space Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/27/2005 -~ Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet -~-y ;.. ~' .... , " - 2" AC, 2" top course rock & 4• borrow $ 15.84 SY 2" AC, ·1.S" top course & 2.5" base course $ 17.24 SY 4" select borrow $ 4.55 SY 1.5" to.e_ course rock & 2~5" base course $ 11.41 SY Bench (BP-25) $ 398.00 EA. Trash Recepticle (WT-24) $ 414.00 EA. Picnic Table (PT-39) $ 935.00 EA. Play Structure/ w wood chips (WS-576) $ 5,708.00 EA. $ 3,500.00 EA. !Split Rail fence $ 12.00 LF IH-$ 0.30 ES T,... $ 110.00 EA. Shrubs $ 15.00 EA. :Rocko<Toys $ 500.00 EA. SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: Page B of 9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW REC. Space GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: 2 1 1 1 1 125 1900 19 92 2 B C -I _ _ 1euantll ~.;irJlleM~I Gomplete ---'~~f' \ t ','>s: ,., ~~';.".::t·:,.:>-"' . ~"' "lll 796.00 414.00 935.00 5,708.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 570.00 2,090.00 1,380.00 1,000.00 17,893.00 17,893.00 5,367.90 23,260.90 D E Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122/02 Report Date: 512712005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Plat of Nichols Place (Recreation Plan Only) Date: 1 O-Nov-04 PE Registration Number: 33713 Tel.#: 425-885-7877 Firm Name: Core Desi£1!1, Inc. Address: 14711 NE 29th Place, §uite 1_0! Bellevue, WA 98007 Project No: L03P0015 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities Private Improvements Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond·r· (First $7,500 of bond• shall be cash.) Perton11ance Bond• Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond* Total*** Maintenance/Defect Bond• Total (A) (B) (C) (D) $ $ $ $ PERFORMANCE BOND• AMOUNT 23,260.9 (A+B) _$;a_ ______ :..._ (T) $ 23,260.9 Minimum bond' amount 1s $1000. BOND• AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY••• (E) $ TX 0.30 $ 6,978.3 OR (T-E) $ 23,260.9 Use larger of Tx30% or (T-E} PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND' (B+C) x 0.25 = __:,:_$ ______ _ NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND• REDUCTION: Date: * NOTE: The word •oond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. -NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for an TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity . ... NOTE: Per KCC 27A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used. minimum additional performance bond shall be ! $ 23,260.9 !(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES Page 9 of 9 04037BOW REC. Space Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/27/2005 ® · King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 ·oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 . March 25, 2005 TO: Wylie Wong, Engineer, Engineering Review Section -From: Fereshteh Dehkordi, Project Manager, Current Planning Section -:,-..,.. ,\.\,,,,.- RE: Nichols Place Conceptual Recreation Plan, KC FileL04SR034 KC File L03P0015 I have reviewed the conceptual recreation tract received January 24, 2005. The applicant proposes a combined recreation and drainage tract. Pursuant to KCC 21A.14.180E, the proposed tract must meet the following: \ 1. The stormwater tract and any on-site recreation tract shall be contiguously located. The tract shall be owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. Please revise the site plan to show one tract for both uses. 2. The stormwater facilities shall be constructed to meet the following conditions: 3. a. The side slopes ofthe stormwater facilities shall not exceed thirty three percent unless slopes are existing, natural, and covered with vegetation; b. A bypass system or emergency overflow pathway shall be designed to handle flow exceeding the facility design and located so that it does not pass through active recreation areas or present a safety hazard; ~-The storm facilities shall be landscaped and developed for passive recreation opportunities such as trails, picnic areas and aesthetic viewing. Additional landscaping can be provided adjacent to lot 23; d. The stormewater facilities shall be designed so they do not require fencing pursuant to the SWDM. The side slopes of the storm facilities appear to exceed 33%. Additio~ally, no recreation amenities are proposed on the strormwater portion of the tract. Please revise to meet these standards. Additional landscaping (trees, shrubs, ground cover) shall be provided along the west and south property line of the tract and within a minimum 5-foot wide landscaping strip. It is recommended that a 4-foot tall split rail fence be provided along the west ------ \ and south perimeter of the recreation tract. A 5-foot wide landscape strip with a type . III landscaping shall be provided along the tract frontage with SE 139th Street. 4. The proposed half basketball court shall be 74' by 42' to accommodate a standard size court for junior high school children and be fully fenced. The applicant may locate the court inthe southeast corner of the tract to make a better use of the space and provide a usable open space within the recreation tract. 5. The landscaping plan for the entire tract shall be prepared in accordance with 21A.16.085 through 21A.l 6.l 15 and by a professional landscape architect. It is recommended that the entire tract (both recreation & drainage parts) be considered as one unit and be designed as a usable park for this plat community. 6. Additional play equipment ( e.g .. , rockers at least two) for small children shall be provided. 7. A picnic table and benches shall be provided. The applicant must apply for a final recreation plan review and approval. The applicant must bmit the following prior to the final plat approval: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Five copies·of a final recreation plan addressing the issues described above. Five copies of a Bond Quantity Worksheets (see attached) Five copies of the toy facility, picnic table and bench specifications. The equipment (play structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards. Final Recreation Plan Review Fee A copy of this memo. If you have any questions regarding this memo please contact me at 296-.7173. --Cc: SBI Developing, LLC Home New Designs/Photos Commercial Wood Commercial Steel Residential Swi ng Sets Components Site Furnishings Dealer Opportunities Price List Request Information Need PIB'/(J'OUIKl Furmture? Page 1 of 1 Home I Commerc,al Wood I VVS-576 I Pnce list Safe Play Zone 28' x 20' C 2005 Pacific Outdoor Products -PO Box 50, Maple Valley WA 98038 -(425) 432-6000 Fax. (425) 432-2600 web site design by The WebForge LLC http ://www.pacificoutdoor .com/ws-576 .htm 5/27/2005 Home New Designs/Photos Commercial Wood Commercial Steel Residential Swing Sets Components S ite Fu rnis hings Dealer Opportunities Price List Request Information Need Pfaygwnd Fum1ture? Page 1 of I Home I Site Fum1shings I BP-25 I Price List BP-25 -Contour bench shown in 6' length with 2"x4" cedar. Also comes with 4"x4" or plastisol steel seat. Available in surface mount or in ground (as shown). 0 2005 Pacific Outdoor Producls -PO Box 50, Maple Valley , WA 98038 -(425) 432-6000 Fax (425) 432-2600 web site design by The WebForge LLC h ttp://www.pacificoutdoor .com/fum_BP-25 .h tm 5/27/2005 Home New Designs/Photos Commercial Wood Commercial Steel Residential Swing Sets Components Site Furnishings Dealer Opportunities Price List Request Information Need PIE1ffTOUnd Fumture ? Page 1 of 1 Home I SIie Furnishings I PT-39 I Price List PT-39 -Our heaviest super duty picnic table. The toughest table you can find . 4"x10" pressure treated table top and seats. Shown galvanized but can also be powdercoated. Available in surface mount or in ground (as shown). C 2005 Pacific Outdoor Products -PO Box 50 , Maple Valley , WA 98038 -(425) 432-6000 Fax: (425) 432-2600 web site design by The WebFOfga LLC http ://www.pacificoutdoor.com/furn_PT-39 .htm 5/27/2005 • Home New Designs/Photos Commercial Wood Commercia l Steel Residential Swing Sets Components Site Furnish ings Dealer Opportunities Price List Request Information Need Pl8fg-CJUnd Furroture? Page 1 of 1 Home I S1te Fum1sh 1ngs I WT -24 I Pnce List WT-24 -Deluxe single trash receptacle with 2"x10" and 2"x3" cedar. Available in surface mount or in ground {as shown). C 2005 Pacific Outdoor Products· PO Box 50, Maple Valley, WA 98038 . (425) 432-6000 Fax: (425) 432-2600 web site design by The Vlleb Forge L LC http ://www.pacificoutdoor.com/furn_ WT -2 4.htm 5/2 7/2 005 .. ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 March 25, 2005 TO: Wylie Wong, Engineer, Engineering Review Section From: Fereshteh Dehkordi, Project Manager, Current Planning Section RE: Nichols Place Conceptual Recreation Plan. KC File L04SR034 KC File L03P0015 I have reviewed the conceptual recreation tract received January 24, 2005. The applicant proposes a combined recreation and drainage tract. Pursuant to KCC 21A.14.180E, the proposed tract must meet the following: I. The stormwater tract and any on-site recreation tract shall be contiguously located. The tract shall be owned and maintained by the homeowner' s association. Please revise the site plan to show one tract for both uses. 2. The stormwater facilities shall be constructed to meet the following conditions: a. The side slopes of the stormwater facilities shall not exceed thirty three percent unless slopes are existing, natural, and covered with vegetation; b. A bypass system or emergency overflow pathway shall be designed to handle flow exceeding the facility design and located so that it does not pass through active recreation areas or present a safety hazard; c. The storm facilities shall be landscaped and developed for passive recreation opportunities such as trails, picnic areas and aesthetic viewing. Additional landscaping can be provided adjacent to lot 23; d. The stormewater facilities shall be designed so they do not require fencing pursuant to the SWDM. The side slopes of the storm facilities appear to exceed 33%. Additionally, no recreation amenities are proposed on the strormwater portion of the tract. Please revise to meet these standards. 3. Additional landscaping (trees, shrubs, ground cover) shall be provided along the west and south property line of the tract and within a minimum 5-foot wide landscaping strip. It is recommended that a 4-foot tall split rail fence be provided along the west • •' and south perimeter of the recreation tract. A 5-foot wide landscape strip with a type III landscaping shall be provided along the tract frontage with SE 139th Street. 4. The proposed half basketball court shall be 74' by 42' to accommodate a standard size court for junior high school children and be fully fenced. The applicant may locate the court in the southeast comer of the tract to make a better use of the space and provide a usable open space within the recreation tract. 5. The landscaping plan for the entire tract shall be prepared in accordance with 21A.16.085 through 21A.16. l 15 and by a professional landscape architect. It is recommended that the entire tract (both recreation & drainage parts) be considered as one unit and be designed as a usable park for this plat community. 6. Additional play equipment ( e.g .. , rockers at least two) for small children shall be provided. 7. A picnic table and benches shall be provided. The applicant must apply for a final recreation plan review and approval. The applicant must submit the following prior to the final plat approval: I. Five copies of a final recreation plan addressing the issues described above. 2. Five copies of a Bond Quantity Worksheets (see attached) 3. Five copies of the toy facility, picnic table and bench specifications. The equipment (play structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards. 4. Final Recreation Plan Review Fee 5. A copy of this memo. If you have any questions regarding this memo please contact me at 296-7173. Cc: SBI Developing, LLC