HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA_Meeting_Minutes_20170421_v1MEETING MINUTES RVA CINEMA LLC SPONSORED NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING RENTON PUBLIC LIBRAY 16 FEBRUARY 2017 5:00 PM – 6: PM Attendees from the neighborhood joined the meeting about 4:50 PM. Two members of the neighborhood attended. Prior to commencement of the meeting there were several discussions with the two members of the neighborhood attending the meeting. Rex Hashimoto, manager of the Uwajimaya, mentioned that wait times at the South Grady Way traffic signals can be lengthy. Discussed the possibility of changing signal cycle times.. This is a future topic of conversation with City of Renton. Rex also mentioned that he greatly approves this project and the impact it will have on the success of Uwajimaya at the Renton Village location. Katherine Larson is property manager with Hines, joint venture partner and partial owner of 1, 2 and 3 Triton Towers. Katherine mentioned she and Hines are excited about this project and the positive changes it will bring to the neighborhood. The meeting commenced at 5:00PM, with the presentation being led by Fuller Sears architects Approximately 16 images were projected on to the viewing screen. Broadly, the images displayed: o Site plans o Delineation of walking paths Via 405 Apartment Homes with the South Renton Transit Center, across Grady Way from the proposal. o Massing model to show project scale and a detailed view of the Via 405 Apartment common areas for resident use. o Expanded site plans showing garage entrances, parking layout o North and south elevations of Via 405 Apartments o Views of Via 405 Apartments from South Grady way, the entrance drive to the property, from Triton Towers, from Red Lion, from Talbot Hill o Renderings of exterior building materials visible to the public o Renderings of landscaped areas surrounding the building and site o Renderings of the rooftop plaza common area for residents o Stacking plans o Each image presentation was followed with brief description by Fuller Sears. Public Comment Period At about 5:30 PM, the presentation was opened up for public comment. Rex Hashimoto expressed concern about parking that may impact patrons of Uwajimaya. Meeting sponsors responded that most parking for apartment residents would be provided within the building. Additional parking demands exceeding the garage capacity would be met on the evergreen Building site and on the apartment site. Little if any impact would be felt by apartment parking on the Uwajimaya parking area. Rex also asked if there would be developed pedestrian access to the Uwajimaya store. There are no plans for dedicated walking access to the Uwajimaya store. Rex also mentioned that he does see walking traffic from the Evergreen Building to the Uwajimaya store. Katherine Larson had no comments other than Hines was excited about the project and felt that the new development would have a positive impact on the neighborhood. Meeting attendees from the neighborhood departed about 5:40 PM. The meeting continued with discussions between Via 405 sponsors and City of Renton personnel Clark Close and Jennifer Henning.