HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project_Narrative_20170421_v1 SECTION 5 PROJECT NARRATIVE PROJECT NARRATIVE Project Name, Size, and Location: Via 405 Apartments 25 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Site Area - 113,294 SF Building Area – 289,300 SF Property Type: 270 multi-family apartment units, to be constructed Land Use Permits Required: Zoning: The subject site is zoned CO, and multi-family residential is an allowable use. An adjoining site surrounding Via 405 Apartments to the west and north, The Evergreen Building, is owned by the sponsor of this proposal and is also zoned CO. An adjoining site to the north, Renton Village Shopping Center, is also owned by the project sponsor and is zoned CA. An adjoining site to the east, Triton Tower 1 is zoned CO. Current Use of the Site: An operating 8 screen cinema building of about 38,000 SF (footprint) is currently on the site. Special Site Features: Rolling Hills Creek is near the south boundary of the site. Soil Type and Drainage Conditions: Soil type - Based on a recent soils investigation performed by Golder Associates, onsite soils consist of 2.5’ to 7’ of fill (medium dense to dense sand and silty sand) overlaying alluvial deposits. The fill soil under the existing Cinema slab- on- grade may be appropriate for reuse as structural fill, depending on moisture content and compaction characteristics. The underlying alluvial deposits are not suitable for structural fill and contain a liquefiable sand layer. Either a pile supported foundation or shallow foundation with ground improvement is recommended. Drainage – Minor changes to the existing drainage patterns will occur. Currently, on- and off-site runoff is collected and conveyed through the site to one of three outfalls to Rolling Hills Creek, a type Np (non-fish bearing) stream, which flows east to west within a narrow forested area along the southern margin of the property. Pavement runoff discharges to the creek via a 36” CMP outfall located in the southeast corner of the site. Prior to discharge, flow is routed through a large oil-water separator vault. Cinema roof runoff discharges directly to the creek via two 6” PVC tight-lines. To accommodate the larger apartment building, portions of the existing storm drain upstream of the 36” outfall, including the oil-water separator, will be relocated outside the new building footprint. Roof runoff will continue to be collected and discharged via the two 6” outfalls and modifications to the stormwater conveyance system will be minimal. As part of the proposed project work, additional treatment for the impacted pavement areas will be provided. The likely treatment facility will be a “Modular Wetland” filter vault. Proposed Use of the Site: An 8 story structure is proposed for the site, including 3 levels of concrete construction and 5 levels of wood frame construction (Type 3 IBC Classification). Parking for 238 vehicles will encompass the first 2 building levels. 270 apartment units, common areas, and residential amenity areas will encompass the upper 6 floors of the building. Surface parking for residents, guests and other visitors will meet the site’s parking requirement. Access: The site has excellent access, with easement access intersecting South Grady Way at three points. Two of the private easements have signalized ingress/egress at South Grady Way, with full left turn in/out lanes. The third access point at South Grady Way is shared access with the Red Lion Hotel. A fourth point of access to the site and Via 405 Apartments is South Renton Village Place, connecting the site with Talbot Road to the east. Proposed Off-Site Improvements: The following offsite improvements are proposed:  A new pedestrian corridor will be created to connect the proposed apartment building to the existing sidewalk improvements near S. Grady Way. The corridor will be established within a proposed 20’ wide public easement by reconfiguring existing parking lot area north of the apartment building. An 18’ wide corridor will be created that in section will have 6’ wide curbed planters on either side of a 6’ wide walk. The walk will be defined by accent paving: 2” asphalt grind and color overlay with pattern stamp. The curbed planters will be interrupted to accommodate the existing parking lot drive aisles. The planters will be planted with small deciduous trees and low- medium height shrubs and groundcovers.  The existing paved island bordering the north side of the property will be reconstructed to incorporate a landscape strip between the drive aisle in front of the building and the parking area beyond. Established within a proposed 15’ wide easement, the planting strip will contain small trees, shrubs and ground cover, crossed intermittently with pedestrian paths.  The drive aisle on the east side of the existing cinema building will be shifted east to accommodate the larger proposed apartment building, and new storm drainage and utility improvements. Offsite paving and landscape island reconstruction will be required and contained within a proposed 20’ access and utility easement.  The existing 8” water supply is insufficient to serve the proposed 270 unit apartment building. New 12” ductile iron water main will be extended from existing offsite facilities northeast of the property, loop around the site and connect to existing offsite facilities west of the property. This water improvement will be operated and maintained by the City of Renton as public facilities, and will be established within a proposed 15’ wide easement.  In addition to installation of new water main, construction of the proposed building and associated concrete walkway will disturb offsite landscaped areas on the adjacent property to the west (also owned by the applicant). Landscape restoration and construction of water and walkway improvements will be performed under supervision of the applicant. Estimated Construction Cost and Fair Market Value: The estimated hard construction cost will approximate $55,000,000. Current Fair Market Value if existing today (2017) would approximate $70,000,000. Estimated Quantity and Type of Fill/Excavation: The proposed apartment building will be constructed on the footprint of the existing cinema which will be demolished. The new building footprint is slightly larger, particularly on the east side. To achieve design subgrades for the proposed building and surrounds, approximately 508 CY of excavation and 333 CY of fill are anticipated. Fill under building and pavement areas will be structural in quality and will comply with specifications established by the project’s Geotechnical consultant. Excess material will be hauled offsite to an approved receiving site Tree Removal: A total of 28 significant trees are proposed to be removed. These are a mix of Cherry, Red Maple, Pine, Doug Fir, and Cedar species, 6” to 12” in trunk diameter. An Arborist Report and Tree Retention and Removal Plan have been prepared in support of the project and are included in the application documents. Land Dedication to City: There are no plans for land dedication to City of Renton. Construction Office: During construction, anticipated at 18 months, one job trailer will be located on the site Proposed Modifications: At its closest point, the existing Cinema building is setback approximately 43.5’ from Rolling Hills Creek. Between the creek and the existing building there are curbed parking, drive aisle and landscape improvements, leaving a functional buffer width of that varies from a minimum of 6.75’ to a maximum of about 10’ (distance from back of curb to Ordinary High Water). The project proposes to retain the existing curbing, parking, and a portion of the drive aisle, leaving the current functional buffer intact. A Stream, Critical Areas, and Habitat Assessment has been prepared in support to the project and is included in the application documents