HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Stormwater_Management_Concepts_R2B_CA_171128_v1ATTACHMENT 10 – HYDRAULIC SUMMARY SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 This document summarizes the conceptual stormwater planning and design for the purposes of supporting City of Renton permits for the I-405 Renton to Bellevue Project – Stage 1 Project (Stage 1). This project will be delivered as one project by WSDOT through design-build contracting. The scope of this summary is limited to drainage basins that are directly associated with stormwater management concepts and discharges that fall within the City of Renton. Project Description Stage 1 of the I-405 Renton to Bellevue Project extends along I-405 for approximately 8 miles from the SR 169 interchange (Milepost [MP] 3.8) in Renton to the I-90 interchange (MP 11.9) in Bellevue. These Stage 1 improvements propose the following improvements: • Northbound and Southbound I-405 (MP 3.8 – MP 11.9): Widen I-405 from SR 169 to just north of I-90 to accommodate an additional lane both northbound and southbound. The additional lane will be coupled with the existing northbound and southbound HOV lane to create two express toll lanes (ETLs). Where feasible, the additional lanes will be developed by restriping instead of roadway expansion. • Sunset Boulevard N (MP 4.53) and NE Park Drive (MP 5.42) Interchanges: Widen the I-405 overpasses at these two interchanges. • NE 30th Street (MP 6.52): Replace the local road overpass abutment slopes with retaining walls to accommodate I-405 widening. Lower the southbound I-405 roadway. • May Creek Bridges (MP 7.18): Reconstruct the northbound and southbound I-405 bridge structures over May Creek. • NE 44th Street Interchange (MP 7.48): Reconstruct the local road overpass at the interchange. Construct new direct access ramps for transit and ETL users in the I-405 median. Reconstruct Lake Washington Boulevard NE between NE 44th Street and SE 76th Street, and realign the northbound on-ramp to I-405 to connect to Lake Washington Boulevard NE. • Lake Washington Trail (MP 7.35 – MP 10.25): Realign and reconstruct the existing trail west of its current location to reside within the Eastside Rail Corridor from Ripley Lane in Renton to Coal Creek Parkway in Bellevue. • Noise Walls: Construct up to three new walls and relocate two existing noise walls. • Stormwater: Construct stormwater runoff treatment, flow control facilities, and conveyance systems. • Fish Passage: Construct new fish passage crossings to eliminate existing fish barriers in the vicinity of the NE 44th Street interchange. • Various improvements within Bellevue • Construct minor improvements, including pavement markings, permanent signing, illumination, intelligent transportation systems and ramp metering, barriers, and tolling gantries. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Note that the final design will continue to develop these stormwater management concepts. The design- build contract will specify performance standards based on the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Highway Runoff Manual requirements. This design is one solution that will meet that standard, but this information is subject to change during final design, using equivalent mitigation measures. Project Watershed The project is located in the lower elevations of Water Resource Inventory Area 8 – Lake Washington Watershed. The contributing basins have undergone extensive land use changes in the form of commercial, urban, and residential development. Project Drainage Basins The work falls within the City of Renton and the City of Bellevue and includes numerous tributaries to Lake Washington, including Cedar River, Johns Creek, Clover Creek, May Creek, and unnamed tributary UNT 08.LW.0283 (formerly called Gypsy Creek). The project evaluation includes numerous Threshold Discharge Areas (TDAs) which represent individual highway drainage areas that outlet to a single natural discharge location or multiple natural discharge locations that combine within ¼ mile downstream (as determined by the shortest flow path). See Attachment 1 for a vicinity map, and Attachment 2 for an illustration of the TDA boundaries. Only those TDAs that fall within the City of Renton are discussed in detail within this stormwater management concept summary. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Table 1: Water Resource Inventory Area 8 – Lake Washington Threshold Discharge Area Receiving Water Body Sub-Basin Limits Along I-405, Unless Otherwise Noted Mile Post (MP) C1 Cedar River via WSDOT discharge MP 4.00 to MP 4.48 J0 Johns Creek via Renton Valley MP 4.48 to MP 4.50 J1 Johns Creek via N 8th Street MP 4.50 to MP 4.60 J2 Johns Creek via Houser Way MP 4.60 to MP 4.72 J3 Johns Creek via SR 900 drainage MP 4.72 to MP 5.87 CL1 Clover Creek via I-405 discharge MP 6.07 to MP 6.26 M1 May Creek via I-405 discharge MP 6.75 to MP 7.16 M2 May Creek via Lake Washington Blvd. N. Along Lake Washington Blvd. N from May Creek to Seahawks Way W1-1 Lake Washington via private drainage MP 5.87 to MP 6.09 W1-2 Lake Washington via UNT 08.LW.0283 (Seahawks Way and VMAC drainage systems) MP 6.07 to MP 8.85 W1-3 Lake Washington via private drainage MP 7.73 to MP 7.97 W1-4 Lake Washington via private drainage MP 7.97 to MP 8.19 W1-5 Lake Washington via private drainage MP 8.19 to MP 8.49 W1-6 Lake Washington via private drainage MP 8.49 to MP 8.79 Note: Refer to Attachment 3 for an illustration of the Proposed Condition TDAs Proposal Overview The Stage 1 stormwater concepts generally follow those that were developed to support the I-405, SR 169 to I-90 - Renton to Bellevue Project Environmental Assessment. The stormwater mitigation measures continue along similar concepts that were presented in the 2006 EA, so water resources are similarly protected. The reduced footprint of Stage 1 and continued development has resulted in changes to the proposed stormwater improvements. The most notable differences are as follows: • TDAs were established based on more detailed mapping and experience along the corridor, so there is more detail on individual discharges to Lake Washington. • NE 3rd Street is significantly reduced, which results in less impervious area, no new Cedar River discharge, and no runoff retrofit in the Cedar River basin. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 The Stage 1 project widening will also increase the pollutant generating impervious surface area (PGIS) by 45.56 acres within the Stage 1 project limits (including work outside the City of Renton). Overall, PGIS will increase by approximately 23 percent over current conditions. Table 2 represents the changes specific to work that influence discharges within the City of Renton. The project will include the following stormwater facilities: • Existing stormwater collection and conveyance systems will be modified as required for the new roadway geometry and as required for stormwater management using equivalent catchment areas. • Two new flow control and many new runoff treatment facilities will be constructed to mitigate new PGIS as well as to provide additional retrofit runoff treatment for untreated WSDOT PGIS. • One spill containment pond will be replaced in kind. • Five existing fish barriers will be mitigated by four new fish passible structures. • One new conveyance system will be constructed under Lake Washington Boulevard to discharge into Johns Creek. • Existing runoff treatment and flow control facilities will be modified or replaced with measures complying with the current WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual where the roadway widening impacts existing facilities. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Table 2. Summary of Stormwater TDAs Associated with Discharges within Renton Receiving Waterbody TDA Existing PGIS in TDA (acres) Existing Treatment (acres) Proposed PGIS in TDA (acres) Proposed Treated PGIS Post Project (acres) Cedar River C1 30.34 2.29 30.65 11.79 Johns Creek JO 0.85 0.00 0.87 0.00 J1 4.84 0.00 1.90 0.00 J2 5.44 0.00 31.90 31.90 J3 5.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 J4 10.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 W1-1 Private Drn to Lake Wa. 3.07 0.00 0.48 0.00 UNT 08.LW.0283 CL1 Clover Creek 2.84 0.00 0.001 0.00 M1 May Creek at I-405 12.79 0.00 0.001 0.00 M2 May Creek at Lake Wa. Blvd. 8.70 3.41 6.58 5.60 W1-2 UNT.08.LW.0283 11.34 0.00 60.37 58.50 W1-3 Private Drn to Lake Wa. 1.62 0.00 0.001 0.00 W1-4 Private Drn to Lake Wa. 1.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 W1-5 Private Drn to Lake Wa. 2.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 W1-6 Private Drn to Lake Wa. 1.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals 104.42 5.7 132.75 107.79 Notes: 1. WSDOT highway runoff will be diverted to J2 for runoff treatment following the design concepts that were presented in the 2006 BA 2. All highway runoff flows will be diverted from Clover Creek and May Creek TDAs into TDA W1-2 (formerly called Gypsy Creek) following the design concepts that were presented in the 2006 BA 3. WSDOT highway runoff will be diverted to W1-2 for runoff treatment following the design concepts that were presented in the 2006 BA See Attachment 2 for an illustration of the TDA boundaries See Attachment 3 for an illustration of the conceptual flow control and runoff treatment facilities. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Flow Control Infiltration is the preferred flow control best management practice (BMP), but there are no known opportunities for infiltration along the project area. The conceptual design assumes that flow control will be provided by combined stormwater treatment/detention ponds or detention vaults. Other options may be considered as the design continues. A review of the existing flow control facilities along the I-405 corridor was included in the conceptual design. The following is a summary of the current status of each existing facility. • TDA J2: Existing detention pond located on east side of I-405 at MP 5.34 to remain. • TDA W1-2: Existing detention pond (privately owned within the project impact limits) located on east side of I-405 at MP 7.62 to be removed. At the end of the project, downstream conveyance will have sufficient capacity. WSDOT is currently working with the City of Renton to assure that the replacement meets their design requirements. The following summary conceptual engineering approach for flow control. In many of the TDAs, the new impervious area has been addressed through flow diversion to discharge into a flow control exempt water body. Refer to Figure 1 for a graphic representation of highway runoff flow diversions in the concept: • TDA C1: Direct discharges to the Cedar River are flow control exempt. Flow control will be considered if the conveyance system capacity is not sufficient for post-project condition. • TDAs J0 and J2: Change is so small that flow control is not triggered. • The project conveys WSDOT highway runoff from TDAs J1, J2, J3, J4, and of W1-1 to Johns Creek. • The project conveys WSDOT highway runoff from TDAs CL1, M1, M2, W1-2, W1-3, W1-4, W1-5, and W1-6 to the UNT 08.LW.0283 conveyance to Lake Washington. The conveyance systems downstream of the I-405 crossings were constructed to provide conveyance capacity to Lake Washington for the full development in the basin as well as the future I-405 widening. The project removes existing capacity constraints at the I-405 crossing. This discharge is therefore assumed to be flow control exempt. • The project maintains WSDOT highway runoff to W2-1 Pleasure Point, and W2-2 Lakehurst Creek, while diverting any new additional WSDOT highway runoff to the W2-3 Bagley Lane direct discharge to Lake Washington. The increase in runoff to TDA W2-3 is flow control exempt as a direct discharge to Lake Washington • The project reduces WSDOT highway runoff to W3-1 Newcastle Beach Park and W3-2 Coal Creek, while diverting any new additional WSDOT highway runoff to the W4 direct discharge to the Mercer Slough wetland complex. Being directly associated with Lake Washington, the wetland discharge is flow control exempt. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Figure 1. Summary of Threshold Discharge Areas, Outfalls, and Receiving Water Bodies. Basin Threshold Discharge Areas Outfall Receiving Water Body Listed Fish C1 Cedar River Cedar River J0 Combine with City Renton Drainage J1 Johns Creek Johns Creek J2 New discharge J3 Johns Creek J4 W1-1 May Creek CL1 M1 M2 Gypsy W1-2 UNT 08.LW.0283 Subbasin W1-3 W1-4 W1-5 W1-6 Legend: TDAs flows are split in the proposed concept All of the TDA runoff is routed to one discharge in the proposed concept The conceptual engineering approach includes flow control to mitigate the effective new impervious area within the Cedar River which is flow control exempt. To avoid in-water and shoreline work associated with the Cedar River, flow control is proposed to mitigate flow increases that would result from the proposed 0.31 acres of new impervious surface in the basin. The conceptual design includes a 0.17 acre- foot detention vault that would match existing peak flow rates. Final design will verify downstream capacities to evaluate the level of flow control needed. This detention facility would fall with the City of Renton Cedar Valley Aquifer Groundwater Protection Zones 1 and will be designed in accordance with Renton Municipal Code 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulation. A concrete liner is anticipated, and WSDOT is working through the details of gaining approval for them to be open top to facilitate maintenance. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Runoff Treatment The WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual provides a variety of enhanced runoff treatment BMPs that focus on removal of sediment and metals. The conceptual design proposes to install media filter drain (MFD) and compost-amended biofiltration swales (CABS) runoff treatment BMPs. The conceptual design included a review of the existing water quality facilities along the I-405 corridor. • TDA C1: Existing spill containment pond located on west side of I-405 at MP 3.95 will remain. • TDA C1: Existing media filter drain type 4 BMP located on west side of I-405 at MP 3.90 will remain. • TDA M2: Existing Lake Washington Blvd. N bioretention cell located just north of bridge over May Creek will remain. • TDA W1-2: Existing Constructed Stormwater Treatment Wetland located on west side of I-405 at MP 7.46 to be removed. • TDA W1-2: Existing flood storage pond located on east side of I-405 at MP 7.50 to be removed. Numerous water quality treatment facilities are being proposed. Table 3 summarizes the additional new runoff treatment that is proposed within the City of Renton. Final design requirements will follow a performance specification based on a minimum enhanced runoff treatment requirement. The new runoff treatment, plus the existing runoff treatment to remain, will result in 116.7 acres of WSDOT runoff treated within the TDAs that discharge within the City of Renton limits. Runoff treatment facilities mitigate the new PGIS plus retrofit a portion of the existing untreated runoff. Conveyance The projects will replace many structures within the project limits in areas of pavement widening. Closed conveyance systems will be used as the preferred conveyance method along the I-405 corridor due to the site constraints. Roadway widening will require new collection structures along the new edge of pavement. These new structures will connect to the existing drainage systems. Existing conveyance will be modified as required to satisfy water quality treatment and flow control measures. The conceptual design has only considered conveyance as it relates to the feasibility of establishing collection areas for runoff treatment and flow control. Detailed conveyance plans will be produced during the final design. Widening along Lake Washington Boulevard on the side west of I-405 and realignment of Lake Washington Boulevard on the east side of I-405 will require reconstruction of a portion of the City of Renton storm drainage systems. These improvements are the subject of conceptual designs that will be documented in a Stage 1 Storm Drainage Technical Information Report (TIR). This TIR is being coordinated separately and will be submitted and reviewed by the City of Renton to set the scope of this work prior to WSDOT contracting for final design though Design-Build procurement. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Table 3: Summary of New Runoff Treatment Proposed in Conceptual Design Basin Name Facility I.D. I-405 Milepost Unless Noted PGIS Catchment Area (ac) Facility Type Facility Length Req’d (ft.) C1 CABS C2.1 4.05 (RT) 9.50 CABS 165 J2 CABS J2.1 5.18 (LT) 10.86 CABS 267 J2 CABS J2.2 5.25 (LT) 4.30 CABS 261 J2 CABS J2.3 5.30 (LT) 1.68 CABS 231 J2 CABS J2.4 5.41 (LT) 15.06 CABS 217 M2 CABS M2.14 7.30 (LT) 2.19 CABS 200 W1-2 CABS W1.2.1 7.37 (RT) 29.69 CABS 168 W1-2 CABS W1.2.2 7.46 (LT/RT) 28.81 CABS 168 W1-2 CABS W1.2.3 L. Wa. Blvd. NE to NB On-ramp 0.55 CABS 107 Water Quality Totals within Renton 102.64 Notes: 1. Quantity presented in acre-feet for pre-settling cell storage volume. The existing constructed wetland cell is sufficiently sized for the proposed condition. 2. Definitions: CABS = Compost Amended Biofiltration Swale, MFD = Media Filter Drain Type 1 or 2, (LT) = facility is on the left at that mile post, and (RT) = facility is on the right at that mile post. 3. Runoff BMPs are subject to change as the design continues. 4. Part of the conceptual Park & Ride layout to be permitted and constructed by others. Fish Barriers The Stage l Project includes known fish barriers within the project limits. There are seven culverts currently on the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) fish barrier list: • Johns Creek at MP 5.09 is listed due to steep grade. • Clover Creek at MP 6.31 is listed due to water surface elevation drop. • Unnamed tributary UNT 08.LW.0283 at MP 7.61 has two I-405 crossings listed due to steep grade. • Unnamed culvert at MP 7.7A is listed due to slope. • Unnamed culvert at MP 7.8 is listed due to slope. SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 Figure 2: Vicinity Map Showing Culverts in the City of Renton The culvert crossings at UNT 08.LW.0283, 7.7A, and 7.8 will be upgraded to fish passable structures as part of Stage 1. All other fish barriers will be addressed by future I-405 improvement projects. Unnamed Culvert at MP 7.8 Unnamed Culvert at MP 7.7A Unnamed Trib. 08.LW.0283 Clover Creek Johns Creek SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Stage 1 Project Vicinity Streams SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 ATTACHMENT 2 Threshold Discharge Area Layout RR RR RR T RR RR R R R R RRRR RR T R R RR T TT TTT T T TTT RR T R R TT RR RR R R RR T RR T T B U S B U S B US O N L Y O N L Y O N L Y SHEET OF SHEETS Washington State Department of Transportation PLAN REF NO PROPOSED POST-PROJECT TDA BOUNDARIES RENTON TO BELLEVUE I-405 CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES FILE NAME c:\users\dingx\pw_wsdot\d0140551\XL4653_PS_DR_800_TDA_01.dgn JOHNS CREEK JOHNS CREEK CLOVER CREEK MAY CREEK 504-I BS SUNSET BLVD HOUSER W AY BYPASS N E 3 R D S T P A R K R D N E N E 3 0 T H S T NB I-405 SB I-405 La ke W ashin gto n Blv d N Cedar River TDA C1 Johns Creek TDA J2 Johns Creek TDA J1 Johns Creek TDA J0 SCALE IN FEET 0 400 800 LAKE WASHINGTON EDGE LAKE WASHINGTON EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR Lake Washington TDA W1-1 Lake Washington TDA W1-2 Clover Creek TDA CL1 I-405 MP 4.0 BEGIN PROJECT M A T C H L I N E S E E S H E E T 2 CEDAR RIVER GYPSY SUBBASIN 1 JOHNS CREEK VICINITY SUMMARY OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE PROJECT - STAGE 1 ATTACHMENT 3 Flow Control and Runoff Treatment Drawings T T T SHEET OF SHEETS Washington State Department of Transportation PLAN REF NO PROPOSED POST-PROJECT TDA BOUNDARIES RENTON TO BELLEVUE I-405 CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES FILE NAME c:\users\taylorsu\pw_wsdot\d0140551\XL4653_PS_DR_800_BA_TDA_Exhibit_02.dgn SCALE IN FEET 0 400 800 M A T C H L I N E S E E S H E E T 1 M A T C H L I N E S E E S H E E T 3 LAKE WASHINGTON N E 4 4 T H S T MEADOW PL N STREAM 8.4 STREAM 7.7 STREAM 7.8 STREAM 7.7A MAY CREEK STREAM 8.7 LAKEHURST CREEK STREAM 8.15 May Creek TDA M1 May Creek TDA M-2 Lake Washington TDA W1-3 Lake Washington TDA W1-4 Lake Washington TDA W1-5 Lakehurst LW TDA W2-2 Lake Washington TDA W1-6 112TH AVE SE VICINITYGYPSY SUBBASIN 2 LAKE WASHINGTON UNT 08.LW.0283 PROPOSED TDA W1-2 TDA M1 COMBINES INTO EXISTING MAINLINE PGIS OF INTO PROPOSED TDA W1-2 EXISTING TDA M2 COMBINES INTERCHANGE PORTION OF H A Z E L W O O D L A N E / S E A H A W K S W A Y LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N E A S T S I D E R A I L C O R R I D O R SB I-405 NB I-405 106TH AVE SE INTO PROPOSED TDA W1-2 TDA W1-3 THRU W1-6 COMBINES EXISTING MAINLINE PGIS OF UNT 08.LW.0283 TDA W1-2 Pleasure Point LW TDA W2-1 LAKE WASHINGTON EDGE LAKE WASHINGTON EDGE FACTORY AVE B R O N S O N W A Y S R 1 6 9 / M A P L E V A L L E Y H W Y S H A R I' S I N N S I LV E R C LO U D PARK CEDAR RIVER C E D A R R I V E R P A R K C E D A R RI V E R LIBERTY PARK HOUSER WY S PARK CEDAR RIVER CARCO CENTERCENTER RENTON COMMUNITY S H A R I' S H O U S E R W Y S SB I-405 NB I-405 M A T C H T O S H E E T 2 T.23N. R.5E. W.M. 1 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 1 AREA = 50.0 AC TDA - C1- CEDAR RIVER POND TO REMAIN EXISTING SPILL CONTAINMENT SEE SHEET 2 DETENTION VAULT C2.1 CATCHMENT AREA = 8.55 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 2-165'(L) X 11'(W); 4:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS C2.1 RRRRRR R R R R R R T RR R R R R R R T T U U UU U U UU UU U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UU U U U U U U U U U U U UU U U U U U U U UU U U U U U U C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CC C C C C C C C C C SS W SS P P P P PP U U P U UU U P B T CV PB PB PB M P 3 .7 0 MP 3.75 MP 3.80 MP 3.85 MP 3.90 MP 3.95 MP 4.00 MP 4.05 MP 4.10 C59 C58 SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 R R R R R R M B M B M B ? ? MBMB M B MBMBMBMBMBMB M B M B MB MB MBMB M B MB MB M B M B U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UU UU U U U U U U U U U UU U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UU U U U U U U U U U U U U UU UU UU U U U U U UU U U U U U U UU U UU U U U U C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CC CC C C U CV P B U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U G G G GG G G G G MP 4.10 MP 4.15 MP 4.20 MP 4.25 MP 4.30 MP 4.35 MP 4.40 MP 4.45 MP 4.50 MP 4.55 MP 4.60101.26CB Type 2 48" dia 18" Pcssp98.00 SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 G R A N D E Y B R O NS O N W A Y SUNSET BLVD NE M A T C H T O S H E E T 3 M A T C H T O S H E E T 1 T.23N. R.5E. W.M. APARTMENTSMONTEREY HEALTHGROUP SB I-405 NB I-405 N. 3 R D S T HOUSER WAY SUNSET BLVD VERMONT PL N. 4T H S T 2 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 2 AREA = 58.90 AC TDA - J2- JOHNS CREEK AREA = 4.59 AC TDA - J1- JOHNS CREEK AREA = 1.18 AC TDA - J0- JOHNS CREEK AREA = 1.18 AC TDA - J0- JOHNS CREEK AREA = 4.59 AC TDA - J1- JOHNS CREEK CATCHMENT AREA = 8.55 ACRE NET NEW IMPERVIOUS = 0.31 ACRE REQ'D VOLUME = 0.17 AC-FT DIMENSIONS = 110'(L) X 17'(W) X 5'(D) DETENTION VAULT C2.1 S T T T R R RR T T T R R M B M B MB MB M B MB M B M B U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U CC CC C C CC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CV CV U U UU U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UU UU UU U U U G G G G G G G G M P 4 .6 5 MP 4.70 MP 4.75 MP 4.80 MP 4.85 MP 4.90 MP 4.95 MP 5.00 MP 5.05 MP 5.10 MP 5.15 79.7080.20 96" cl.iv rcssp 18" pcssp 80.1791.54CB type 72" dia 18" pcssp80.17 18" pcssp 79.98 MH type 1 48" diam 91.23 99.97CB Type 2 48" dia 18" Pcssp 95.00 12" Pcssp CB Type 1 95.44 96.26 12" Pcssp 95.44CB Type 112" Pcssp 94.8512" Pcssp 98.53CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 94.85 94.4612" Pcssp 98.15CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 94.46 12" Pcssp 94.04 97.52CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 94.04 12" Pcssp94.04 96.80CB Type 1 12" Pcssp92.78 12" Pcssp91.48 95.34CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 91.48 12" Pcssp90.28 94.37CB Type 1 12" Pcssp90.28 12" Pcssp88.94 93.03CB Type 1 12" Pcssp88.94 12" Pcssp 87.88 91.97CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 87.88 36" Rcssp79.64 79.1136" Rcssp79.6196" CL IV.R.C.S.S.P 90.45MH TYPE 4-48" Diam 90.20 90.15MH TYPE 4-48" Diam 90.10 89.9790.73CB Type 2 72 in diam12" Pcssp GI TYPE 2 MOD GI TYPE 2 MOD GI TYPE 2 MOD 78.1936" Rcssp 78.69 89.94END DETENTION TANK 96" CL IV R.C.S.S.P. 89.89CB TYPE 2 72 IN DIAM 36" Rcssp78.66 18" Pcssp78.66 18" Pcssp 78.33 90.98MH TYPE 3 72 IN DIAM 18" Pcssp 78.66 69.3236" Sc 36" Sc69.32 70.80 CB Type 2 72 in diam36" Rcssp 70.80 36" Rcssp71.00 76.5CB Type 2 w/degris cage 72" dia 81.0 36" Sc MH Type 3 72 in diam 67.8036" Rcssp 91.80 12" Pcssp78.72 89.83CB TYPE 2 72 IN DIAM 36" Rcssp79.04 86.85 89.99Concrete Inlet 78.5736" Rcssp 79.07 89.83 96" CL IV R.C.S.S.P. Begin Detention Tanklet 90.10GI Type 2 mod86.85 90.16 90.22GI Type 2 Mod MH Type 4 48" Diam 80.03 90.77CB TYPE 2 72 IN DIAM 12" Pcssp86.68 90.71End Detention Tank 36" Rcssp 79.9196" CL IV R.C.S.S.P. 79.41 36" Rcssp 91.3012" Pcssp87.21 89.95 83.90 12" pcssp 84.40 12" pcssp 85.90 12" Pcssp79.98 18" Pcssp 91.61Begin Detention Tank 24" sc 24" sc77.58 C.B type 2 48" diam C.B. type 2 48" diam/w Debris cage 89.9 MH type 1 48" diam 92.30 24" sc68.40 77.5824" sc 68.4018" Al. sssp 18" Al. sssp 33.63 CB type2 72" diam 38.50 18" pcssp 84.90 EL 99.63 IE 96.04 CB TYPE 1 GI Type 2 Mod 90.22 36.81 6" PVC34.72 6" CONC34.42 CB type2 18" Al. sssp 32.18 36.82 CB type1 36.91 6" PVC35.73 SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 M A T C H T O S H E E T 2 M A T C H T O S H E E T 4 T.23N. R.5E. W.M. N . 8 T H S T N . 8 T H S T HOUSER WAY SB I-405 NB I-405 B U I L D I N G S P A C C A R 3 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 3 AREA = 4.59 AC TDA - J1- JOHNS CREEK AREA = 58.90 AC TDA - J2- JOHNS CREEK T T T T S T T S T T T T T T U U U U U R R U C C C C C C R R R R R R R R U U R R U C C C C U C C C C C C C C U U U U U U C U U U U C C C C U U U U U U C C CC U U U U U MB MB M B C M B M B M B M B M B U U M B M B M B M B M B M B M B M B U U U U U U U U U U U C C C C C C C C C C S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T P S S S S D6/44 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UU U U U U U U U U GG G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G MP 5.15 MP 5.20 MP 5.25 MP 5.30 MP 5.35 MP 5.40 MP 5.45 MP 5.50 MP 5.55 MP 5.60 MP 5.65 TRANSMISSION LINE 115 KV 143.67139.67 CB Type1 12" Pcssp 132.27 136.01 12" Pcssp132.27CB Type 1 12" Di Pipe123.43 128.12CB Type 1 132.4312" Di Pipe 12" Pcssp 12" Pcssp113.44 116.96CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 113.44 12" Pcssp112.98 115.60CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 112.98 115.24 12" Pcssp107.00 12" Pcssp 111.7 0 CB Type 2 48" Diam 12" Pcssp 106.00 12" Pcssp 99.10 102.59CB Type 118" Pcssp97.58 101.25CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 97.58 12" Pcssp 97.75 101.45CB Type 1 102.45 18" Pcssp 97.02 12" Pcssp97.95 12" Dia.slot Drain 12" Dia.slot Drain C.I 18" Pcssp 93.78 100.28CB Type 2 48" diam 95.67 102.17CB Type 2 48" diam 10012" diam. slot drain 103.54 12" diam. slot drain 101 Conc. Inlet 24" SC 24" SC 18" Pcssp89.59 95.05 18" Pcssp 89.59CB Type 1 35" rcssp 80.71 93.44 18" Pcssp88.65CB Type 2 72" dia92.77 80.18 35" rcssp80.68 96" cl.iv rcssp 96" cl.iv rcssp 93.33 MH-TA 48"diam E XI S T. 1 8 " C M P 36 "C M P 1 8 " C M P 1 8 "C C P MH-T3 12" PCSSP 95.30C.B type 2 48" diam 18" pcssp 90.19 18" pcssp90.19 18" pcssp 95.50 C.B type 2 99.0 D6/37 D6/44 110.13Tank outlet CB Type 2 72" Diam 36" Rcssp 97.97 97.95 98.22 110.67Begin Detention Tank 96" CL IV. RCSSP 110.42MH Type 4- 48" Diam 110.14 98.0096" CL IV. RCSSP 97.50 End Detention Tank 36" RCSSP 12" Pcssp 97.97 12" Pcssp 97.01 12" Pcssp97.88CB Type 2 72" Diam 98.08CB Type2 48" 12" Pcssp CB Type 1 12" Pcssp 12" Pcssp 95.78 12" Pcssp 95.78 100.94 100.47 Begin Coalesing Plates End Coalesing Plates 100.56MH Type 3 - 48" Diam 12" Pcssp95.60 12" Pcssp95.60 100.50Grate Inlet 12" Pcssp 98.00 D6/46 D7/7 D7/14 D7/9 D7/17 D7/24 D7/53 D6/47 D7/8 115.24CB Type 2 48" Diam 111.7012" Pcssp 107.0012" Pcssp CB Type 1 GI TYPE 2 CB Type 1 CB Type 1 W / Solid Metal Cover MH TYPE 3 MH TYPE 3 CB Type 2 MH Type 3 48" CB Type 2 140.00 18" Pcssp 133.93 MH TYPE 2 72" DIAM 146.15 18" Pcssp141.70 18" Pcssp 141.70 36" Pcssp 126.70126.0836" Pcssp 126.50 18" Pcssp 152.20 156.15CB TYPE 2 48" DIAM 18" Pcssp 12" Pcssp 12" Pcssp 152.36 152.50 152.20 172.00MH TYPE 1 48" DIAM 18" Pcssp 159.90 164.01CB TYPE 2 48" DIAM 18" Pcssp 159.90 18" Pcssp169.50 174.45CB TYPE 2 48" DIAM 12" Pcssp169.50 CB TYPE 2 48" DIAM. 12" Pcssp 177.75 12" Pcssp177.75 CB TYPE 1 141.7018" Pcssp 158.38CB TYPE 2 48" DIAM. D7/15 D7/20 D7/23 D7/27 152.26 PCSSP @ 1.5% 18" E XI S T. SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 M A T C H T O S H E E T 3 N E 1 4 T H S T JONES AVE NE 900/PARK DR. N M A T C H T O S H E E T 5 T.23N. R.5E. W.M. 4 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 4 EXISTING DETENTION POND AREA = 58.90 AC TDA - J2- JOHNS CREEK AREA = 58.90 AC TDA - J2- JOHNS CREEK CATCHMENT AREA = 10.86 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 2-267'(L) X 8.5'(W); 4:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS J2.1 CATCHMENT AREA = 4.30 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 261'(L) X 6.5'(W); 4:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS J2.2 CATCHMENT AREA = 1.68 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 231'(L) X 2'(W); 4:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS J2.3 CATCHMENT AREA = 11.93 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 217'(L) X 11'(W); 4:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS J2.4 U U U M B M B M B M B M B M B M B M B U M B U MB U T C M B S T T C C U U U C C C U U U U U U U M B M B U U U U M B M B M B M B U U U U M B M B M B M B M B M B M B U M B M B M B M B M BMB U M B M B M B M B MB U U U U U U U U U U U U M B M B MB M B MB MB C C U U U M B M B M B M B M B T C M B U U U U M B M B M B M B M B M B M B U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UU U U U U UU U G G MP 5.70 MP 5.75 MP 5.80 MP 5.85 MP 5.90 MP 5.95 MP 6.00 MP 6.05 MP 6.10 MP 6.15 MP 6.20 MP 6.25 D7/30 D7/43 D7/42 D7/33 D8/1 D7/41 D8/13 12" Pcssp 186.01 185.03 12" Pcssp 185.90CB TYPE 1 12" Pcssp 192.39 195.89CB TYPE 1 12" Pcssp 191.89 202.38 12" Pcssp 206.38CB TYPE 1 12" Pcssp 202.38 196.00 12" Pcssp179.82 12" Pcssp179.89 MH TYPE 1 48" DIA 195.89CB TYPE 1 12" Pcssp 192.39 12" Pcssp192.39 12" Pcssp 191.89 D7/31 D7/34 D7/38 D8/16D8/15D8/2 SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 N 2 6 T H S T CLOVER CREEK T.23N. R.5E. W.M. JONES AVE NE SB 1-405 NB 1-405 HIGH AVE NE N 2 4 T H S T M A T C H T O S H E E T 4 M A T C H T O S H E E T 6 5 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 5 AREA = 58.90 AC TDA - J2- JOHNS CREEK AREA = 4.69 AC TDA - W1-1 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 86.97 AC TDA - W1-2 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 2.03 AC TDA - CL1 - CLOVER CREEK AREA = 2.03 AC TDA - CL1 - CLOVER CREEK AREA = 58.90 AC TDA - J2 - JOHNS CREEK AREA = 4.69 AC TDA - W1-1 - LAKE WASHINGTON C C M B M B M B M B M B C C U U M BMB M B M B C M B M B M B U U U U M B M B M B M B U U U U U U U U U U U M B M B M B M B M B M B M B M B M B M B C C U U U MB U MB MB U U U U U U C C C C C C U U U U U M B M B M B M B M B M B U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U CC C C C CC C C C C C C B U S B U S B U S O N L Y O N L Y O N L Y U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U G G G G G G G G G G G MP 6.25 MP 6.30 MP 6.35 MP 6.40 MP 6.45 MP 6.50 MP 6.55 MP 6.60 MP 6.65 MP 6.70 MP 6.75TYPE 2 48" DIA TYPE 2 48" DIA TYPE 2 48" DIA TYPE 2 48" DIA TYPE 2 48" DIA TYPE 2 48" DIA TYPE 2 48" DIA TYPE 2 48" DIA SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 N 3 4 T H S T T.23N. R.5E. W.M.T.24N. R.5E. W.M. N E 3 0 T H S T SCHOOL ELEMENTARY KENNEYDALE CLOVER CREEK MEADOW AVE N. N E 2 8 T H S T SB 1-405 NB 1-405 M A T C H T O S H E E T 5 M A T C H T O S H E E T 7 6 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 6 AREA = 2.04 AC TDA - CL1 - CLOVER CREEK AREA = 86.97 AC TDA - W1-2 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 4.97 AC TDA - M - MAY CREEK AREA = 2.04 AC TDA - CL1 - CLOVER CREEK MB MB M B MB M B M B M B MBMBMBMB MB M B M B M B U U U U U U C C C C C C T W W W W S S M B T U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U G G G G G MP 6.80 MP 6.85 MP 6.90 MP 6.95 MP 7.00 MP 7.05 MP 7.10 MP 7.15 MP 7.20 SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 M A T C H T O S H E E T 6 M A T C H T O S H E E T 8SB-405 NB-405 T.24N. R.5E. W.M. 7 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 7 AREA = 86.97 AC TDA - W1-2 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 4.96 AC TDA - M - MAY CREEK T MB M B MB S T T U U U C C U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U C C C C C C C C CCC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CC C C C C C C C C C W P W W W W W W T W W W W T W W T W W S S W W U U U U U U U U UU U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U G G G G G G G MP 7.25 MP 7.30 MP 7.35 MP 7.40 MP 7.45 MP 7 .50 MP 7 .55 MP 7 .60 MP 7 .65 MP 7 .70 MP 7.75 C S T W 2 4 " R C P 2@42" sssp 0.66% 4 8 " S t e e l 0 .3 6 % 6 6 " s s s p 0 .6 6 % 48 IN STEEL WITH A CONCRET APRON 24 IN CONC 24 IN. CMP 24 IN. CMP (COR METAL PIPE) 18 IN. CMP SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 T.24N. R.5E. W.M. M A T C H T O S H E E T 7 SB I-405 NB I-405 8 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 8 M A T C H T O S H E E T 9 SB I-405 ON RAMP NB I-405 OFF RAMP S B I - 4 0 5 O F F R AM P H A Z E LW O O D LA N E / S E A H AW K S W A Y E A S T S ID E R A IL C O R R ID O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S S E A T T L E S E A H AW K S S E A H AW K S W A Y NB I-405 ON RAMP GYPSY CREEK PUBLIC STORAGE N E 4 4 T H S T S E 7 6 T H S T N E 4 4 T H S T N E 4 3 R D S T L A K E W A S HI N G T O N B L V D N M A Y C R E E K GYPSY CREEK BEEN UPDATED AS A CABS THIS DETENTION POND HAS AREA = 86.97 AC TDA - W1-2 - LAKE WASHINGTON CATCHMENT AREA = 29.69 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 2-168'(L) X 21'(W); 4:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS W1.2.1 CATCHMENT AREA = 0.55 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 107'(L) X 2'(W); 3:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS W1.2.3 CATCHMENT AREA = 28.81 ACRE PGIS DIMENSIONS = 2-168'(L) X 20'(W); 3:1 (SIDE SLOPE) BIOSWALE - CABS W1.2.2 TREATMENT TO BE REMOVED EXISTING STORMWATER REMOVED TREATMENT TO BE EXISTING STORMWATER SWALE TO REMAIN EXISTING BIORETENTION AREA = 5.74 AC TDA - M-2 - MAY CREEK PARK & RIDE LOT CATCHMENT AREA = 5.28 AC DIMENSIONS: T.B.D. BIOSWALE CABS M2.1 C C C U U M B M B C M B M B MBMBMBMBMB U M B M B M B M B M B M B U M B M B M B M B M B U U U U U C U U M B M B M B C MBMB MB M B M B M B M BMBMB M B T MB M B U M B U U U U U C U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U G G G G G G M P 7. 7 5 M P 7 .80 MP 7.85 MP 7.90 MP 7.95 MP 8.00 MP 8.05 MP 8.10 MP 8.15 MP 8.20 MP 8.25 1 8 " C C P 1 8 " C C P 1 8 "C C P 1 8 "C C P 1 8 "P S C P 12"MCP 1 2 "M C P 1 8 " C C P 1 8 " C C P 8 " U D P f r o m g o o g l e m a p S c u p p e r b a r r i e r 2 l o c a t i o n s a s s u m e d SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR S T R E A M 8 . 1 5 LAKE WASH INGTON BLVD SE S T R E A M 7.8 RIPLEY LN N SB I-405 NB I-405 T.24N. R.5E. W.M. M A T C H T O S H E E T 1 0 M A T C H T O S H E E T 8 9 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 9 AREA = 1.10 AC TDA - W1-3 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 2.30 AC TDA - W1-5 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 2.12 AC TDA - W1-4 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 86.97 AC TDA - W1-2 - LAKE WASHINGTON STREAM 7.7A C T M BMB M B C MB C C MBMB U U CCC V M S U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UU U U U G G G MP 8.30 MP 8.35 MP 8.40 MP 8.45 MP 8.50 MP 8.55 MP 8.60 MP 8.65 M P 8 . 7 0 2 4 "P S C P 1 8 "P S C P 1 2 "M C P 1 8 "P S C P 1 8 "P S C P 1 8 "P S C P SHEET OF SHEETS . Washington State Department of Transportation - LEGEND POST IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA DATUM (NAVD) 88 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 0 T.24N. R.5E. W.M. 110TH AVE SE S T R E A M 8 . 4 106TH AVE SE SB I-405 NB I-405 M A T C H T O S H E E T 1 1 10 19 I-405 RENTON TO BELLEVUE CORRIDOR WIDENING & EXPRESS TOLL LANES SHEET 10 M A T C H T O S H E E T 9 AREA = 2.30 AC TDA - W1-5 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 3.55 AC TDA - W1-6 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 88.75 AC TDA - W1-2 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 3.55 AC TDA - W1-6 - LAKE WASHINGTON AREA = 13.92 AC TDA - W2-1 - LAKE WASHINGTON