HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-22-2024 - Dang email 2 Cynthia Moya From:Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo.com> Sent:Monday, July 22, 2024 4:38 PM To:Donna Locher; Phil Olbrechts Cc:Cynthia Moya Subject:Re: FW: Dang Code Compliance Appeal - CODE-23-000023 Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. And some peoples has work and are out of town who would sit home all day to watch for the mail or knew what mail is coming to check Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Monday, July 22, 2024, 4:22 PM, Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo.com> wrote: Violation of what? Everyone here 100 houses down park like how I park. Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Monday, July 22, 2024, 3:25 PM, Donna Locher <DLocher@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: Good afternoon, I am requesting the appeal be denied due to the Notice of Violation being sent June 5, 2024. The date to appeal within 15 days would be June 20, 2024. Ms. Dang’s appeal was postmarked June 29, 2024. This is nine days past the appeal period. Giving four days for mailing, the appeal would still be five days overdue. 1 As of today, the property is still in violation. Respectfully, Donna Locher, Lead Code Compliance Inspector City of Renton | CED | Building Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 425-430-7438 | dlocher@rentonwa.gov Virtual Permit Center | Online Applications and Inspections CED Office Hours Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9 am - 11:30 am/1 pm - 4 pm From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2024 10:48 PM To: Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo.com> Cc: Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov>; Donna Locher <DLocher@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Re: FW: Dang Code Compliance Appeal - CODE-23-000023 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Just reply all to this email for your response to the City's motion to dismiss. On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 7:36 PM Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo.com> wrote: I did just email to those 3 emails but the last email address you gave above did not work Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone 2 On Thursday, July 11, 2024, 7:26 PM, Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo.com> wrote: 3 4 So do I email to those email address? Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, July 11, 2024, 7:21 PM, Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo.com> wrote: How do I sign up for that? Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, July 11, 2024, 7:20 PM, Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo.com> wrote: How do I sign u for that? Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, July 11, 2024, 6:21 PM, Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> wrote: You have the right to present an argument as to why your case shouldn't be dismissed for being allegedly untimely. If you want to make that argument, your argument is due by by 5 pm 7/19/24. On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 5:05 PM Kim Nguyen <lisacosindang@yahoo .com> wrote: Hi so what do I do…do I just wait? 5 Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, July 11, 2024, 7:56 AM, Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa .gov> wrote: The Heari ng Exam iner has asked me to forwa rd this follo wing email to you (belo w) regar ding the Dang Code Comp liance Appe al you sent on June 29, 2024, whic h is a reply to the City’s Lead Code 6 Comp liance Inspe ctor’s email whic h is belo w his email . Ple ase read the whol e string so you know what is being asked . Than k you, Cindy Moya , City Clerk Speci alist City of Rent on – Offic e of the City Clerk 7 cmoy a@re nton wa.g ov 425- 430- 6513 Work Sche dule: Tu es, Wed & Thurs : City Hall M on & Frida y: Work from Hom e From : Phil Olbre chts <olbr echts law@ gmail .com > Sent: Thurs day, July 11, 2024 7:33 AM To: 8 Cynth ia Moya <CM oya@ Rent onwa .gov> Cc: Jason Seth <JSet h@R ento nwa. gov>; Donn a Loche r <DLo cher @Re nton wa.g ov> Subje ct: Re: FW: Dang Code Comp liance Appe al - CODE -23- 0000 23 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Hi Ms. Moya , 9 Pleas e forwa rd this email string to Mr. Dang if you have his email addre ss. Mr. Dang, I serve as the heari ng exam iner assig ned to adjud icate your appe al of CO DE- 23- 0000 23. P er the July 11, 2024 email from 10 Donn a Loach er belo w, Ms. Loche r is reque sting that your appe al be dismi ssed beca use it is unti mely. I am const ruing the July 11, 2024 email as a moti on to dismi ss. If you have any respo nse to this moti on to dismi ss, pleas e email CMo ya@r ento 11 nwa. gov, DLoc her@ rento nwa. gov and olbre chtsla w2g mail. com with a respo nse by 5 pm 7/19/ 24. Ms. Loche r may provi de a reply to all parti es email ed by 5 pm 7/23/ 24. I n your respo nse, be advis ed that at this point the only perti nent issue is 12 whet her or not your case shoul d be dismi ssed beca use it 's unti mely. If the City does n't succe ed in its moti on to dismi ss, I will then sched ule a heari ng to give you the oppo rtunit y to argue the m erits of your appe al. On Thu, Jul 13 11, 2024 at 7:02  AM Cynth ia Moya <CM oya@ rento nwa. gov> wrot e: I have atta che d the Dan g App eal doc ume nt we rece ived alon g with the env elop e with the sent date . Plea se see Don na’s resp onse sayi 14 ng it is past the app eal date . Ple ase revi ew and let me kno w if we sho uld be setti ng a hear ing or we are mail ing a lette r sayi ng it is too late. Tha nk you, Cind y Moy a, City Cler k 15 Spec ialist City of Rent on – Offic e of the City Cler k cmo ya@ rent onw a.go v 425- 430- 651 3 Wor k Sche dule : T ues, Wed & Thur s: City Hall Mon & Frid ay: Wor k fro m Hom e 16 Fro m: Don na Loch er <DL och er@ Rent onw a.go v> Sent : Thur sday , July 11, 202 4 6:45 AM To: Cynt hia Moy a <CM oya @Re nton wa.g ov>; Char leen Plea sanc e <CPl easa nce @Re nton wa.g ov>; Eric Petz old 17 <EP etzo ld@ Rent onw a.go v>; Fina nce AR <Fin ance AR @Re nton wa.g ov>; Jaso n Chur chill <JCh urch ill@ Rent onw a.go v>; Patri ce Kent <PK ent @re nton wa.g ov>; Sheil a Mad sen <SM adse n@R ento nwa .gov >; Mua ng Sael ee 18 <MS aele e@r ento nwa .gov > Cc: Jaso n Seth <JSe th@ Rent onw a.go v>; Casa undr a Saul s <CS auls @Re nton wa.g ov> Subj ect: RE: Dan g Cod e Com plia nce App eal - COD E- 23- 000 023 Go od mo 19 rni ng, Th e Fin din g wa s se nt on Ju ne 5, 20 24. Th e ap pe al po st ma rk is Ju ne 29, 20 24. 20 Thi s is we ll pa st th e 15 da y de adl ine as th ey se nt th e ap pe al 24 da ys aft er th e 15 da y ap pe 21 al pe rio d. Ev en tak ing int o co nsi de rat ion ma ilin g ti me , thi s is 14 da ys pa st th e ap pe al de adl 22 ine . Th an k yo u. Don na Loch er, Lead Cod e Com plia nce Insp ecto r City of Rent on | CED | Buil ding Divis ion 105 5 S Gra dy Way | 6th Floo r | Rent 23 on, WA 980 57 425- 430- 743 8 | dloc her @re nton wa.g ov Virt ual Per mit Cen ter | Onli ne App licat ions and Insp ecti ons CED Offi ce Hou rs Mo nda y, We dne sda y & Thu rsda 24 y 9 am - 11:3 0 am/ 1 pm - 4 pm Fro m: Cynt hia Moy a <CM oya @Re nton wa.g ov> Sent : Tues day, July 2, 202 4 3:49 PM To: Char leen Plea sanc e <CPl easa nce @Re nton 25 wa.g ov>; Don na Loch er <DL och er@ Rent onw a.go v>; Eric Petz old <EP etzo ld@ Rent onw a.go v>; Fina nce AR <Fin ance AR @Re nton wa.g ov>; Jaso n Chur chill <JCh urch ill@ Rent onw a.go v>; Patri ce Kent <PK ent @re nton wa.g 26 ov>; Sheil a Mad sen <SM adse n@R ento nwa .gov >; Mua ng Sael ee <MS aele e@r ento nwa .gov > Cc: Jaso n Seth <JSe th@ Rent onw a.go v>; Casa undr a Saul s <CS auls @Re nton wa.g ov> Subj ect: Dan g Cod e Com plia 27 nce App eal - COD E- 23- 000 023 W e a r e i n r e c e i p t o f t h e a t t a c h e d C o d e V i o 28 l a t i o n a p p e a l ( 6 / 4 / 2 0 2 4 ) . P l e a s e p r o v i d e y o u r f i l e o 29 n t h i s m a t t e r a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e s o w e c a n g e t a h e a r i n g s 30 e t s o o n . I h o p e t o g e t t h e l e t t e r s e t t i n g t h i s h e a r i n g o u 31 t b y N e x t W e e k . . Tha nk you, Cind y Moy a, City Cler k Spec ialist City of Rent on – Offic e of the City Cler k cmo ya@ rent onw 32 a.go v 425- 430- 651 3 Wor k Sche dule : T ues, Wed & Thur s: City Hall Mon & Frid ay: Wor k fro m Hom e 33