HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Geological Risk_180209MIDCT , OCT h,unstrlcl eras, Inc I is evrpvr.ir Plaza. Suite 150 1 Rewport BeacilE. C� 92660 February 5, LU I S City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, vvH UaUoi Re: Letter of Unaerstanaing Geologic RisR 601 Monster Road l o whom it may concern: NYS r DICT As r.yuasted, this letter shall serve as Owner's acknowledgement and accepLdnce of the risks of Ueveloping in an unstable area. i a the extent there is unstable potential area un the above referenLed project site, Owner agrees to provide written notice of such to any prospective purchasers of the site or portions of the site and/or potential purchasers of structures on the site. Sinczrely, i erre Allen Senior Vice President, Developments Construction