HomeMy WebLinkAboutECF_SEPA Checklist_180209ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Pianning DIAzion 1055 SoutFi Grady War -Renton, WA 98057 PRone: 425-430-7200 1 www.rentonwa.aov PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: Guivernmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether rlie environmental impacts of yuui pF�,,,osal are sianif➢cant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoitiance, minimization or compensatomy mitibatiun measures will addrss the probable significant impa«s or if an environmental impact statement will Ae prepared to furthEr analyze the proposal. INa i RUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information abour your proposal. Please answer eacR question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. you may need to con5ukt with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You may MR: "I PUL applicable- or "does not dPPIV" U111V WIM11 VUU L why it does not apply and not when the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate By reference additional studies spurts. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with rrse zPErH process as well as later in tRe decision-making pru The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposaleven if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The asency to which you submit this checklist may asR you to expiain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there= may be significant adverse impact. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LEAD AGENCIES: Additional information may be necessary to evaluate the e-.isting environment, all inter, -dated aspects of the proposal and an analysis of adverse impacts. he checRlisr N consibereti Ae first but not necessarily the only source of information needed tv make an adequate threshold determination. Ounce a 0resRolb oeterminarion is made, tRe lead agency is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the checklist and other supporting docurniints. UnoE OF CRECKEbi rUR NUrvPR0jECT PR0vUSALS: For nonpro;ect pr�,j c;3a15 (such as ordinances- regulations, plans and programs)_ complete tMe applicable parts or sections A and B plus the APPEEMEN iA! aHEET FQR MuMPRujEC_1 H7i IpNS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "prulect," "applicant," anti "propvqor site'- sRoula be read as "proposal," 'proponent," and "affected geographic P:\z017%1r-043 Dpi Monster RoA\Agency & Co'oe»uCmittals\20XXXXXX aEPA tMecx1ist\3AVE\17-045 zPEPA•Appilcotien COR_z0180206 Fin„ Ldoc Rev: 08/2016 area," respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non-projel'b) questions in Part 5 - Environmental Elements --that du nut zuntribute m-=aninETully to the analysis of the proposal. R. BACKGROUND i. (Came of proposed pru;zct, if applicable: 601 Monster Road SW 2. Name of applicant: IRNVvA NrcnizeM Inc. Tor D1 ii Monsinr Ra.3. ECC 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Brian Ludwig, INNOVA Archite u, Inc. 950 Pacific Avenue, Ste 450, Tacoma, WA 98402 253-572-4903 4. Date checklist prepared: Feuruary 6_ cuia 5. Asenzy requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Begin Builtiing Bernolltion anti size nll anti gratie early spring cu—is, arc= oe:alop mcnt and building construction through 2018, planned completion by December 2018. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion or further activity related to or cunnected with this prpusal? If yes, explain. Future tenant improvements will occur In this speculative warehouse sMeil untier separate permit. S. List any environmental information you know aGout tRat Ras Reen prepared, or will Re prepared, directly related to this proposal. A SEPA Checklist, Soils Report, Geotechnical Report, SWPPP, TESC and a Remedial A.—Won Work Plan. 9. Do you know whathar applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposais uirealy affecting tRe properly covered by your prpu;al? If yes, explain. To our knowledge, there are no governmental approvals pending. 0. Eist any government approvals or permits that will be nGadzd for your proposal, if known. SEPA Checklist -City of Renton; • Full Drainage Review - City or Renton- NPDES NOI - Dept of Ecology; P:\z017\17-04a DU Monster RoaU%^gency & CoUeNsuUmlttalsNzOXXXXXX_SEPA CRecRllstNaAVE\17-045,EPA-Appl'..Z tio,t CDR_Z0180Z06 Fi.—al.aoe Rev: 08/2016 Site Development Permit -City of Renton; 0 Builaing Permit -c ity oT Renton,- - ROW Permit; .Ll. Give brief, complete dc5criptiun of your prop—Usal, including the proposed uses and the size of rhe project ana site, i Mere are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe cer[ain aspeM of your proposal. You a—o not neetl to repeat those answers un thi3 page. (lead agencies may modify this farm to include additional specific information on pr-'ect description.) The existing developed site Is a 5.8.L acre InDustrlal parcel {z4cs04-y00ni witIl Wri e.dsting �o,.urete tilt -up warehouse building eretTea In the iy50-s tRat was most recentl, v3di B, Gi-apnir. Packaging. i he development intent of tRe property is to se ... oI13R i.i cntirAy trice existing 143,862 all warehouse nullaing ana small shop BuIlBing. Renez.eiap...cnt or tRe site would involve reconiiguring tRe Builsmg footprint to Incre..3w mittionality. clear height and floor area as well as all new site utility inrrastrai:l-.re. i Rc proposes buildin6 would be a 32, interior clear height tilt -up wareRouse with an apprw;;!m.t= f%yotprint oT 161,320 SF. The site and building site would be nesignen to implcrnent a 4 root deep truck well along the east dock face of the building. Paved :- porRing throughout the site will be provided to meet required stall quantities by use and trailer stails will be added in the truck dock operations area. The completed building effort would create a speculative warehouse shell and would in the future permit for tenant Improvements of specific lease users. The site has been assigned Cleanup Site ID 1.L48.L by the Department of ecology for limltea areas of soil and groundwater contamination from a former oil water separator ana former waste collection vault, located west of the existing building. i he suagraae reatures Rave Been removes contaminated soil was excavated and transportea ore -sive ror alsposal In 1.953 anti c0i5. and groundwater monitoring was begun in tRe —V50s. An aaBitional area of soli ana Bevans—.otter contamination was idendfiea ana aellneavea on the north side of tRe nallDln6 in z0ii. Following proposed building Demolition ana Becommissioning of an ezi;tlrig moaitorin6 well, soil and groundwater in tRls area will Be removeB ans transportcB u;T slte Tor disposal. The excavation will Be coniirmetl dean anB Bacxnuea prior to oailaing construction. Additional monitoring wells will Instaileo anB monitores .:;tR �;istiT% monitoring wells following construction. These cleanup actions will Be peRormca as Inaupe;.sent Remedial Actions In accordance with the Department of Ecology -5 volant;i. c=leanup Program. A pre -application meeting has been held with the D=partrnent of Ecology regarding this scope of work (Ecology contazi Louise Bardy, I3ar46i@e..y.wa.6ov ). 12. Location of the prposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your propo3ed p r­%1;ect, including a 3treet address, if any, and section, township, and range, if Rnown. if a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal Bescription, site plan, vicinity map, and topogral hic 3 P:\z'u1, %li-043 DM Monster Roaa\Agency & CoCe\:)uEmittals\LDXXXXXX CEPA McRl1.t\SAVE\17-045 SEPA-Applieot1_n COR_z01a0z06 F:nal.aoc Rev: V3/zu1y map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required tv duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications relate0 to this checklist. The project is located az BFj.L Monster Road Cl iF OF REM i OM. KING CVOM i T. WASHINGTON: A Portion of the N.W.1/4 AND THE N.vv. L/w vR sECTIOM jL*_ i OwM3RiP 23, RANGE 4 E., W.M. ixaal Descriptions: H.P.M. 4ZFZ.4JUZF-y'uu5-04 LOT "B -L" OF THE SID ELAND/JEFFERSON SMURFIT EO i 011, HDJ33 i ivicM t MO. 03MR-5a- 148-LLA OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER :iajLz5U9Uz_is. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, COMvETED i v i RE CI i Y OF REM i OR FOR OAKESDALE BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER a!V5071z;a1 al i 13m E IM i FIE Cl i r OF REM a OM CUOM i y OF KING STATE OF WASHINGTON. i u BE COMPEETEO By APPLICANT EVALUATION FOtc AkYLINl:Y USE V1VLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. ERR i R a. General description of Me site: (check or circle one): Fiat, rolling, hilly, steep__slopes, mountainous_ other b. vvhat is the steepest slope on Me site japproximate percent slope)e A ma;ority of the site is relatively flat but 56.1 lower than the adjacent south parcel and rlgRt-of-way to tRe east. Hdlacent property gratles Mali onto the proleff site iron+ ;IIgRt Jopea to as ereat as 40%. No 8e-;elopment is proposed within these steep slope areas. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example. clay, santl. gra.el, peat, muck) a If you know the classification of agricultural soils. specify them and note any aericultural land of long-term commercial Significance and whether the proposal results in removing an,, of these suila. Please refer to geOLeuhnical report included in this submittal. fire there surface intlications or Ristory of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity.+ If 3u, describe. i o our Rno-lees,., tncrc 13 nu Ri3to. i oi: unstable soils although the city has mapped the south property line as sensitive and protected slopes. i hese slopes are heavi,y vegetatea wRIcR will remain as ttlere Is no levelopment or mese area, p.-opo,ca. P:NA17%27-04� DU Monster RoANA&.cy & Cea=\bs5mittw1.-\AXXXXXX_hEPA CficckLt15AVE\17-045 SEPA-Application COR_20180206 Final.doc Rev: ija/z'vlo d. Describe the purpose_ type, total area, ana approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. IT Is expeezea were will Be minor excavation or ruling tlarina tRe redevelopment of this site. The exact quantities are not known at this time. This fill material would come from local suppliers in this area. I icer=—.:al .I30 Sc some minor excavation of contaminated soil and associated clean overburden which is expected to be limited to an area of approximately 1_a'u0 square Teet, anti a maximum aeptR or is feet. I Ills excavation ..III ramcF.a aF.prv:. m.tely 3,000 cubic yards. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of the excavated soil will be transported offsite for disposal, and approximately i.,00 cuffic yards will not Be conslaerea contaminatea ana Is e;;peLTca to rcrrlalrl onsite ana Be suitable for reuse as backfill. it is expected that approximately 2,000 to 3,000 cubic yards of common borrow and quarry spalls will Be imported ror BacR}III of tRe excavation. ReTer tv an attaJaa Site Pian showing this information. e. Could uru,iun as a result of clearing, construction, ur user If so, generally describe. Yes, erosion could occur due to clearing and construction. Rowever, the implementation of a temporary sediment ana erosion control plan using Best Management Pratiiec3 3fivala r IU6-tc Impar[. f. About what percent of the site will be coverd with impervious surfaces after project con,tructiun (fur example, asphalt ur buildings)r The site will be approximately 80% impervious inclusive of the building footprints. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to The ea RR, if any: The proposal will follow storm water management design criteria requlren By line City of Renton ana erosion ana semment conirvi plans will 6e Beveloped in accordance with standards referenced by City of Renton. These measures include btockpile covering, catch basin protection, slit fence, sediment traps_ construction exit ana temporary contraction rarlorr -.torage Facilities. Best management practices will include decontamination of excavation and water storage equipment used in the cleanup of contaminatea soil ana water. c. rile a. What types of emission, to the air would result from the proposal ji.e., Oast, aatorrivoila, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during conbti uWon,_operaLion, and maintenance when thl prz�uct 6 completed If any, &ne�lly describe and give approximate quantities if Rnown. P:\cvli j17-045 DCT Monster RoaaXAgency & Coaal,alm tt-lz\zUXXXXXX_sEPA CneeRlizt\bAVE\17-045 SEPA-Appile.tion COR_20180206 Final.doc Rev: 03/0=5 Demolition and construction activities could cause dust at the site. Constru«ion vehicles and equipment may cause exhaust emissions. efforts will be mage to regulate emissions to XRe air. AT—ter tRe protect is eompl�te. air Maolity viii return to previous condition. Are Aere any on—site sources or emi3.ion3 or oavr tRot may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. To our knowledge, there are no offsi.e sources of emissions or odors that will affect the proposal R. Proposea measures to retluce or control emissions ur uthlr impacts to air, if any: The contractor will follow Best ManaeemenL Practices such as watering the ground before and during grading activities, etc during construction or tRe proposes protect. veRicles not in use .ill tie znat off o; -.a moterials stored on site will be enclosed or covered when not in use. a. Surface Water: 11 Is Mere any surface water body on or in the imml—Aiatz vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwaier, IaRes. pontes, werlanlasle IT yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate. state what stream or river iL flows into. mormwater from the protect site_ atitacent propertles anti part or tRe rigRt-or- :p, no= to RKeglonal Detention F..Ility Pump Station jSee TIRI which is approximately 220 -feet to the west of %he subject property. c) will the project require any worn over, in. or atijacenL to iwitRin c00 reetl the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Does not apply. 31 Estimate the amuunt of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the zitc that would be arfeCteti. Intricate tRe source of fill material. Does not apply. 1+} will the proposal require surface water witil0rawals or aiversions r Gi.e general description_ purpose, and approximate quantities if known. None. of Does Me proposal lie witRin a 100 -year floodplain r If ;u, note location on the site plan. P:%4jx7%i7.O4� OLT Monster Roaaa%^gencymC4ae�auBmittalsNLOXXXXXX_SEPACRvekli:t\bAVE\1/-045 bEPA-Applic-t"on COR 20180206 Firal.doc Rev: ya/zvly No. Ae project Is not wltRln tfie .00 -year irtoonpl.in. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If 5o, describe the type of waste and anticipated vLlume of discharge. The project will continue to discharge stormwater to the "Regional Detention Facility Pump Station" where it currently flows to. z�electea water prom impervious sulTaces suBject to veRicle traffic will R= trcotA first by an oil/water separator with coalescing plate and then a water quality fll.er facility before flowing to Ehe noted regional facility noted above. No discnarge oir waste material to suRSce water Is expettea. B. iuround water: 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinKing water or Diner purposes a Ir- -,c;, TsV, give a general description of the well_ proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn frtirn the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general iaescr;ption, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No groundwater will be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes. Approximately e't,,UCE; gallons of groundwater are expeCtea to be whRarawn i:rom tRe excavation aari�.g tRe rcmo.oi oT contaminated soil. The purpose of groundwater recover—y is to remove contamination for offsite disposal. Groundwater will be treated as contaminatea_ containerizes_ ana transported to a permittea treatment, Storugc anti Zh3po3a1 facility or discharged under permit. No water will be discharged into the ground water. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged inti, the ground from septic tanks or other 3uurce3, if any (for example: Dumc3tic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals... ; a6ricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of sucR systems, Me numBer or Rouses to be served lif applicable), ur the numbef of animals or humans the systems) are expeciel'to serve. No waste material will Be alscliargea Into ine ground. i. Re site will Be ronneuaa to an existing sanita.-y sewer in the roadway at the north-northwest of the site. c. water runoff (inclu0ing stormwatery 1) Describe the source of runoff (including store, water) and method of colletTion and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flaw inty tither waters .+ If so, describe. Storm water runoff will be created from roofs and pavement areas. A storm drainage system will be prepared per City of Renton requirements. it whI Be collectea In catcR Basins_ P:%Ali Nli-1;45 DM Monster Roaau.gent-y & Colsex�uftittalsNNXXXXXX_aEPA 0eiR11st\:)AVE\17-04!.) SEPA-Ap-,16 ion C0R_Z0180Z05 Fin.Laoc Rev: 08/2016 aownspoats a..a arca drain.. xoci nater will be conveyed directly to the existing "Regional Detention Facility Pump Station". S►ormwaLer from surfaces subjeLT to vehicle traffic will be alraTeD to water quality racidties Be -Tore vowing to elle notes rcblonal actcretion Tacility. LJ Could waste materials unt-r sruund ar surface waters .+ if so, gEneraliy describe. No waste material is expected to enter the ground or surface waters. 3) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affeLT drainage patterns in the vicinity or the site? If so, describe. Igo d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pa«ern impam, if any: The proposal will be to continue to use the existing Regional Detention Facility Pump Station, which manages runoff water. The site is underlain by fill material which limas infiltration on this site so water quality wdi Be manages using oil/water separator with coalescing plat. anti . —licr Ma�.lity riltcr racility. i His project is not changing the existing drainage pattern. 4. PI ARTa a. Check the types of vegetation found on ERe site: deciduous tree: alder, male, aspen, other evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other snru3s grass Pasture crop or grain wet sail plants: ca«ail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, OEher water plants: rater lil„ cclgF..3, Tllivil, vthcr other types of vegeLadon b. What kind and amount of VEgELadon will be removed or altered? R majority of site to be redeveloped is already bullRing anR paves sumce. AtIldonal areas or Ae site to Be aeveiopcil Tor parRine, anB tracR soar[ ma -ear. -.g areas with be cleared of existing grass and trees. C. Lis< threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. i nere are no tRreptcneZI or cnaangere8 9pccic9 on or near the site, to our knowledbe. P'\00\i7-043 OCT Mlonster Roa'a\mgency & Co'ae\SuQmittalsNzGAXXXXX CEPA CRedlist\aAVEx17-04y aEPA-Appilcation COR -201a=6 RnAdoc Rev: 08/2016 d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plane, ur other measures Eo preserve or enhance ve6ztation on the site, if any: A Landscaping and Irrigation Plan will be prepared for the site and submitted for approval to the City of Renton. r hat plan will attempt to use native vegetation to mirdmrc rcquirea use or irrioution. e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known Lo bean or near the site. -0. 1ANIMA13 List any birds and other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples incluiae: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, Other: mammals: deer, bear, OR, Deaver. other: sRunR, opossum_ squirrel , ri,M:13a33,—Irnon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: b. [est any tRreatenetl and endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge, there are no LhreaLened or endangered species on our site. C. Is the site part of a migration route r it so, explain. Yes, it is part of .he Pacific Flyway for migratory birds. d. Proposed measures t-, preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: There will be landscaping comprised of native plantings to support Wra hahltat anQ enhance water quauty runorr From the site. e. List any invasive~ animal species known Lo be on or near the site. To our knowledse, there no invasive animal species known .o be on or near the side. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a . vvhaL kinds of energy (eleRric, natural gas. oil. wooM stogie, solar) will be used t–. meet she completed prujeCT's energy needs? Vescribe whether it will Be useia ror heating, manufacturing, CLC. P.Nz017XI7-04.D Det Monster Roa'otAgency S CoaeXsul3mittals%LUXXXXXX SEPACnccRil.t\bAVE\11-045 SEPA-Applirati— PR_20180206 Frsol.doc Rev: vo/zvl'o Maxerol goy and electricity will be used to meet the primary and future building energy needs. b. Would your prujcct affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No, our project will not affect the use of solar energy by adjacent properties. , he maximum height of the building Is less tnan *a feet anti locates no closer inan Zo ieet to a ncl6h3arins parcel. c. What kin ds of energy con.rrvativn features are included in the plans of thi. proposal? List other prupu;Gd rmua3ures to reduce ur cuntrul energy impact., if any: The building will be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the ,Washington State Energy Code z'uia Ed,tlon for semi -heater spaces. i. EIavIRUNITIEla iN[ 14ERD R a. Are there any envirunmCntial health hazards including exposure to toxic Chemicals- risR of fire and explosion, spill, or hazarduu5 wa.te that could occur ab a result of thi. proposal? If so, dz.-scribe. i nere are low concentrations of toxic chemicals in soil and groundwater that will be removed. The chemicals include volatile organic compounds (vUC!1_ petroleum fiyarocarnons ana reiaten cRcmir.ai3. i herc i3 ..o risx of fire or explosion from these chemicals, because they are present in wet soil and water, generally non-flammable in nature, and az Insufficient concentrations to cause rere or exploslon nazaras. i ha chamicala are present at Insufficient concentrations to designate as hazardous waste. There is a small risk of potential spill of contaminated soil or groundwater during excavation_ storage- ana transportation. 11 Describe any Known or possible contamination at the sit- frum pre3ent or Nast u3e3. Soil and isroundwater were previously contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and von from pail site usage In two areas. on the wes; of the existing oudding, organic wastes Iai-M .$ nom i vrrncr antic, groemti storage vaults and a former oil water separator were discovered in the 1990s, subsequently removed along with contaminated sod, and groundwater monitoring wells were ins—wiles. Residual contaminailan ma, rcrnain in iris area that is being monitored and does not affect the redevelopment project. On the north side of the existing building, low level vUCS were detected In sod ana groundwater- and petroleum Ryarocarlons were daX=LT=d In graant1w .tar in z01i. This contamination will be removed as part of this project, and monitoring wells will be installed. it 'uescrioe existing Mazaraous cRemicals/conditions that misht affect project development and design. i his includes underground hazarbous liquic anal gas transm;ssion pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity_ as ac,criseti a6cr.c, there are low level VOCs and petroleum hydrocarbons In soil and groundwater on the north side of the existing building that will Lie removed as part of the 0 P:y2017N17-04. DC Monster Roatl%Agency & CotleNaullmittaisNLOXXXXXX_.EPA CncrRli,t\SAVE\1r-045 sEPA-Applic.tim-i COR 20180206 Fin.Laoc Rev: ua/zZ;lv project, prior to construction of the new structure. The excavation of this area and management of contaminated materials will ae Incluaetl in tMe project aesign. 3) Describe any toxic ar ha;ardvus chemicals that mieht ba stored, used, or produced during tRe project's development or construction, or at any time during the uperatin6 life of the project. i Mere arc n� Rnown to -A. or 11—raous chemicals that misht be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or consLruUlon, or at any time during the operating life of the project. 4) Describ-C special emergency servictis that might be required. No special emergency services will be required other than police and fire protection that already exists. 5) Proposed measures to reduc.-., ur c-Vntrc;l environmental health hazards, if any: Potential exposures from inhalation or Ineestion of toxic chemicals in soil or groundwater during excavation activides are highly preventable anti will Be managed using a site-specific nealtM ana saicty plan. personal prot=Efte equipment, and other measures as appropriate. All remediation work will be performed by HAZWOPER-certified contractors. Risk of potential spd, of contaminatea sod or groundwater wlil Be managea using stanaarn spill pre.ention a.-.8 countermeasure procedures, including on-site spill response kits. Nzii3c -L) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project icor example: traffic, equipment, Operation, other)? , here is light traffic noise from nearby interstate a ana state Route zTOti and a rocR recycling raeility But none or tMc5c snoala Be oT oil erse effect the proposed project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or a55ociated with the proje- on a sMort-term or a lon5-term basi, ifur example: traffic, construction, upEratizin, other}e Indicate what Moors noise would come from the site. in tMe bMoirt toren. von5traction noises will affect the area durinb the daytime hours from 7am- 7pm. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts. if any: i He proposed measures to reduce or control the noise Impacts will Be to limit the Moor, vi operation during the construction phase of the project. The site is located in an Industrial 11 P:NzG.u\17-u4..)01i Monster ReooNAp .cy & Ce13e\svUmitt.b\zUXXXXXX bEPA Cne�Rliat\!�AVE\17-045 SEPA-Application CvR 20180zOP Final.doc Rev: 03/zia5 area and in no proximity to a residential neighborhood. Existing adjacent freeway traffic and facility operations create slgnincanuy more noise tlian this she wiu prvaacc. is. IXIqD AIQu AVREuIQE OaE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? will rile proposal arrecr current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. The current zoning of the projeet site and adjacent parcels is IM, Intlustrlai IMealum. Property to the east opposite side w tRe ngRt-or :a, h Intlast.-rol Rca.y. i he current use of this site and adjacent properties are industrial buildines and operations consistent with the zoning. b. Has the proje-site been used ay working farmlands or working forest iannsr If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be convert -d t.- usher uses as a rasult of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not oeen Oesignatetl. Row man, acres in farmland or f�.ru;t land tax status will br cunv;rrted to nonfarm or non -forest use? i Mc alto wo. rcporteal, used as agricultural land for unknown crops until the late 1950s, when it was developed into the folding carton manufaCturing facility that is currently at rile site. Igo agrlcuitural lanUs wil Be converiels to otiicr a.ca — o re3alt oiE this proposal. will tRe proposal arrest or be affected b, surrundin6 working farm ur fvrw—A land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access. Oe application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so- how: The pr:,po3ed protect will be of nu impact. c. Describe any Structures on the site. The site is currently developed with a 143,862 SF warehouse building, construffed In the j=(Ys� tnat was most recentry usetl Dy urapnic PacKaging. a. will any structures be demolished r If what.+ res, the entre existing wareRouse anti a small outlfullaing. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? i Me current zoning is II01. Inaastriol meaiem. f. What is the currcnt comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current Comprehensive Plan designation is employment Area 12 P:X2017\17-0045 DCT Men,te- Rv;A\A8ency & CA.\ba5mitta13\tOXXXXXX_5EPA Chcck1i,t\5AVE\17-045 SEPA-Application MR_zulouzUo Finai.uoc Rev: 03/zFjA e. If applicable, what is the current Shoreline master program dCSignadon of the site? The Shoreline Maser program is not applicable to the site. h. Has any paR of the site been classified as a critical area ny die city or countyr Ir SO, Specify. The site is currently mapped by the City of Renton as Raving sensitive anti protetTea slopes ano a motierare coal mint Rozora. i Re p. -.posed protect Is not proposin6 development within these areas. There is a low area that is part of the "Regional Detention Facility Pump 3tacion" iliac Iles approximately ccu- to die west of die suBjea property L Approximately Row many people would re,ide or work in the cumpleted project? i he approximate number of staff onsite would be unknown as much of the building is to be for speculative lease. j. Hpproximately how many people would tFle completed protect displace bince tRe property i, :.cant, tRe praietT aujil not displace anyone. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: No measures are beine proposed since no one is being displaced. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing anti projecTea Iona uses and plana, if any: The proposed project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan anti tRe 1141, Industrial Mletiium zoning. m. Prup—v,ed measures to reduce ur cumMui impacts to agricultural and forest lands of long- term commercial significance, if any: 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whethCr high, middle, or low-income housine. None b. Approximately how many units_ if any- would be eliminated? Indicate wRetner Rigg, middle, or law -income housing. 13 P:\c01iN17-04a D7 Monster RoaU\Agency & Cotle\:)uBmittals\zUXXXXAX CEPA «iecRli=t\SAVE\17-04a >EPA-Applic.t6m COR 20180206 Fin.La.,c Rev: 08/2016 None c. Proposed mea,ure, Lu reduce or control housing impart, if any: None 10. AESTHrrIC5 a. What 6 the tallest height of any proposed structure(,), not including antennas, what is the principal exterior bz.ilding material(3) proposed? The tallest heir ht of the proposed building is approximately 38 feet. The principal exterior building materials consist of pamtel9 concrete. glass_ steel canopies ana metai rascla ` FL.g. b. what views in tie immetliate vicinity would be altered yr obstructed? No irn—.caiate zie.:9 will ne altered or obstructed. c. Proposed mEazures to reduce or cuntrol aesthetic impar,, if any: None remuired. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light �-,r glare will the prupv5al produce? What time of day would it mainly occurs The proposed project will have light fixtures mounted to the building face and at the underside of entry canopies. Parking areas away Rom the hulloing may Have pole mountea ligHts. All rixtare3 -;.Ili pc pRotvcell operated, be fitted with cut-off shields and be Dark -Sky compliant. Vehicle headlight, will be buffered by perimeter landscape screening. b. Could light or glare from the finished projetT be a safety 1lazaria or inteffere witH views r 1Yo. c. what existin6 off -sitz 3uurcuz of light or glare may affect your proposal? Street lighting alon6 Monster Road SW are the only sources of light or glare that exist and affen our proposal. d. Proposed measures to reauCe or control light and glare impacts, if any:. 14 P:\2017\17-04; D7 -'Monster Roa„ \Agency «Lo'ae\3uQmittals\zOXXXXXX_srPA UecR11sta3AVE%i7-Ow> zVA-Application CUR z0180zu6 Fim-.116e Rea: 08/2016 i He proposeR measure to retlacc or cwntrol IigRt and scare impacts will be photometric site analysis to appropriately size fixture ou.puu. This design effort paired with fitted shields and perimeter landscaping will connne Ilgliting to projezt slte. 14- REC.RER si I011 a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity.► 121sting right-of-way Improvements Rave Implementea a RIRe lane along the Rionster Rooa carrltior. 116 SiKe Ione and connectins lanestsidewalks tie into the city's Renton Trails and Bikeways system. b. vvould the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. Ido_ tRe proposea project will not aisplaee w -y existing re.reational uses. c. Proposed mca�urc3 to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided Ay tRe project or applicant, ii any: No measures are proposed to reduce or control impacts on recreational opportunities. i*. RI�iVRIC. AND COLI DRRE PRESERvATION a. Are there any buildings_ structures_ or sites_ located on or near the site that are over ZF5 yEars old listed in or eligible fv-r listing in national, Mate, ur local preservation registers ? If so, specifically describe. To our knowledge, there are no places or objeu-6 listed on or proposed for national, state or local preservation reglsters on or next to tRe size. Are tRere any IantimarRs, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? i his may include human Burials or olo cemeteries. Are tRere any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. To our knowledge, no landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, sclentinc or cuitural Importance exists on or near sit.. c. Dz�cribe the methods u3Ed to assess the potential impacts tc; cultural and historic resources on or near the protect site. Examplz, include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology anB historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc. ivo measures are proposed to reduce ImpaM. If a cultural or arcRaeoiogical lantlrmirlt is iowna, tRc wasFil.-.gton State Archeology and Historic Preservation Office will be notified. 1Z P:\2017\17 -04a DU Monster RoA% gency & Coael-JuEmittalsNZGXAXXXX CEPA CMecRAstNbAVt\17-U45 APA-Applkatiem CUR Z0180Z06 Fi.-al.aoc Rev: 08/2016 d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for lo33, Changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and an, permits that may be required. JLZF. RRIa3PUR K IGIq a. IdEntity public streets and highways serving Lhe siLe or affected geographic area and describe propu3ed accers to the existins 3trcet 3y3tcm. Show on site plans, if any. The site is currently accessed by Monster Road SW. Primary access is anticipated to be from 3Late Route z+0-2, State Route tar to mumple sulTace streets that tRen access tRe site Including 0.11c,tiplc Atienaec sw and Grady Way. Seethe attached Site Plan and Vicinity Map. b. 13 the 3it-C or affected geographic arra currently served by public LransiL:r If su, generally describe. If not, what 6 thu approximate distance to the nrar3t transit stop? The site is not currently served by Public Transportation. c. How many additional parking spaces would Lhe completed project or non -project propu3al have? How many would the project or proposal eliminaLc? The completed proje- would have an approximate LOW of &43 parking stalls. d. will Lhe proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian, bicycle or SLaLE LranspvrtaLion facilities, nOL including driveways? If so_ generally describe (indicate whether public or private). The City of Renton has indicaLed frontage improvements, including those in the right-of-way, may Be requlreti along OotR tRe east anti nortfl property lune; ?Rpt Aut tRc man.-tcr ma -a Sw ribht-of-way. e. Will Lhe projector proposal use (or occur in Lhe immediate vicinity of) waLer, rail, or air trn3purtatiun e If so, generally describe. The proje« will not use waLer or air transportation. Rail service may be retained as there Is an existing rail spur asfacent to tRe west race of Ae Oailalns But Is not � 6ov-crnin6 clement oT the proposed building design. f. How many vehicular Lrips per day would be genera Led by Lhe completed project or prvpusal e If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what parcCntagC of Lhe volume would be trucks (such as commercial and nun-pa3seneer vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates! Pieosc Sac ottpcRLe traffic analysis produce by TENW dated December 11, 2017. 16 P:\zu17\t7:tw3 u77 Monster RoaZi\Agency a Coue\30mittals�zvXXXXXX_�EPA CRecx1istpAVE%17-u4»EPA-Application f-OR_20180106 RrU.8vc Rca: 03/2016 g. will tRe proposal interfere with, affect ur be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest pradut'i:5 on roans or streets in Me area r If so, generally describe. No h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: No proposed measures, at this Lime, to reauce or control transportation impart. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the protect re3ult in an increased n«d for public services (fur example: fire proieCtion, police protection, public transit. health care, 3chc;—V6, other)e If so, generally describe. i Re proposes project will not Increase tRe need Tor paulic crwicc3_ other than police and fire department type services on an emergenzy and insper ttion basis. b. Proposed mEasurb to reduce or control direct impart on public services_ if any. No proposed measures to reduce or control Direct Impact on puBllc services are propw.ctl pt tRls time. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at Me site: electricity. natural gas, waterreiese sersicc, Lelepnonc, ._niz.ry 3c;w-g. Septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposiid for the project, the utility providing the service, ana rRe general construction acti.ities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed City of Renton water, sewer and storm. PSE for na.ural gas and electricity. L. SIGMA I URE I, Me undersigned, swear under the penalty of periz- that the above response3 are made truthfully and to the besr of my knowledge. I also unaerstantl dial, sRould there be any willfal mibrepresenLaLion or willful lack of full disclosure on my part_ the agency may withdraw any determination of non -significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist. zignature: Name: Brian [udwig Date Submitted: February 6 2017 17 P:\2017\17-045 DCr Monster Road\Agencyy & Coae\3uemitta1s\20XXXXXX 3EPR %RedlistpAVE%17-043 SFPA-Apphcation COR c0180[OS Flri .l.ay. Re.: 08/1016 Pruponeni signature: Name uf Signee (prinLEd):��- 4Z Position and Hgenc,,/Orsanizatic;n:j r l ; �� F+ w Dale Submi.ted: - 7 —(e- ;5 P:\zv17\17-U;3 19" Monster Roa'u\Agency a CoCe\3uMmittals�zuXXXXXX_APA CRecRIMN AVEN1r-0045 CEPA-Application COR_MB0205 Fm-l.aoc Rc:: OS/201b SoPP[e141e1v,K[SRerrFait Nom Pin EvirAnii am, SIT IS NOT NECESSARY to use these shGcits for pmiect actions.) Because these quz5tiun5 aFzvas y general, it may be helpful to ead them in conjuncTion witR TRe list or tRe eiements or the environment. When answering these questions_ be aware of the extent the proposal or tRe types or activities likely to resolt from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implEmented. Respond briefly and in general terms .L. Row woula tRe proposal Re liRely to increase tliscMarge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or proOuCtion or noise r Boise impam are Tor tRe animals are proposes to ne rcawcca By proRi6itins roosters and havin6 the kennels only allowed as an indoor use aL this Lime. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: 1. Floes. would the proposal bu likely tv affect plants, animals, fish, ur marine life? Proposed measures to proteet or conserve plants_ animals, fisR, or marine sire are: 3. Now would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? ProposeM measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: 4. Now would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or arias desienated (or eligible or under study) for governmental prouettion; such as parks, wilderne33, wild and scenic rivers, threatened ur endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites. wedanas, rlootlplains, or prime rarmlandsr Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoir or relluce impart are: a. Row would the proposal be likely to affeR lana an0 sRoreline use, inclutling wRetmer it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans r Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impaLM. are: 6. Now would the proposal be likely LU increase demands on transportation or public servicEs and utilitiest Proposed measurzz to rzduLu or rrspund to such demand(s) are: 7. Identify, if possible_ whether the proposal may conflitT with local, slate, or retleral laws or requiremenus for the prteLtion of the environment. 19 P:\2017\17-045 OGT Monster Road\Agency & Code\3ubmlttals\zOXXXXXX 31PA CMecRlist\3AVE\a7-043 3UA-Application WR 4018046 Fim-Lave Re-;:U8/Z015