HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC_SUBMITTAL_REQUIREMENTS_171214_V1DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 SHPL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SHORT PLAT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7294 | www.rentonwa.gov PURPOSE: Short Plats establish the layout of the land division and ensure the proposed development is in accordance with City of Renton’s adopted standards, consistent with the City’s goal to protect public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and provides for adequate public services and infrastructure. FREE CONSULTATION MEETING: Prior to submitting an application, the applicant should informally discuss the proposed development with the Planning Division. The Planning Division will provide assistance and detailed information on the City’s requirements and standards. Applica nts may also take this opportunity to request the waiver of the City’s typical application submittal requirements, which may not be applicable to the specific proposal. For further information on this meeting, see the instruction sheet entitled “Submittal Requirements: Pre-Application.” APPLICATION SCREENING: Applicants are required to bring in a CD or USB portable (flash/hard) drive (or other device or pathway as approved by your assigned project manager) with one PDF file of the application package for informal review by staff, prior to scheduling an intake meeting. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for application screening. COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED: In order to accept your application, each of the numbered items must be submitted at the same time. If you have received a prior written waiver of a submittal item(s) during a pre-application meeting, please provide the waiver form in lieu of any submittal item not provided. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL HOURS: Applications should be submitted to Development Services staff at the 6th floor counter of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please call your assigned project manager to schedule an appointment or call 425-430-7294 to reach the Planning Division. Due to the screening time required, applications delivered by messenger cannot be accepted. PLAT NAME: Renton City Council requests that the plat name remains constant throughout all development applications. Please give careful consideration to your plat name with special attention to uniqueness, as it will be used by the City throughout the development process. ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Additional permits from other agencies may be required. It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain these other approvals. Information regarding these other requirements may be found at http://apps.oria.wa.gov/opas/. RECEIVED 12/27/2017 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 All Plans and Attachments are subject to Electronic File Standards APPLICATION MATERIALS: 1.Pre-Application Meeting Summary: If the application was reviewed at a “pre-application meeting.” 2.Waiver Form: If you received a waiver form during or after a “pre-application meeting.” 3.Land Use Permit Master Application Form: The application must have notarized signatures of ALL current property owners listed on the Title Report. If the property owner is a corporation, the authorized representative must attach proof of signing authority on behalf of the corporation. The legal description of the property must be attached to the application form. 4.Fees: The application must be accompanied by the required application fee (see Fee Schedule). Please call 425-430-7294 to verify the exact amount required. Checks should be made out to the City of Renton and cannot be accepted for over the total fee amount. Credit cards may also be used to pay required application fees. Fees are paid at Cashier on the 1st Floor City Hall. 5.Project Narrative: Please provide a clear and concise description of the proposed project, including the following: Project name, size and location of site; Land use permits required for proposed project ; Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties; Current use of the site and any existing improvements ; Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes); Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions; Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development; For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots; Access; Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.); Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project; Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed; Number, type and size of any trees to be removed; Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City; Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes; and Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justifica tion) x x x x x 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 For projects located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, please include: Distance in feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work. For projects located within 200-feet of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and Lake Washington please include the following additional information: Distance from closest area of work to the ordinary high water mark; Description of the nature of the existing shoreline; and The approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an obstructed view in the event the proposed project exceeds a height of 35-feet above the average grade level. 6.Environmental Checklist: Please ensure you have signed the checklist and that all questions on the checklist have been completed. If a particular question on the checklist does not apply, fill in the space with “Not Applicable.” 7.Rezone, Variance, Modification, or Conditional Use Justification: Please contact the Planning Division to determine whether your project proposal triggers any additional land use permits. If so, additional information may be required. 8.Density Worksheet 9.Construction Mitigation Description: Please provide a written narrative addressing each of the following: Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates); Hours and days of operation; Proposed hauling/transportation routes; Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics; Any special hours proposed for construction or hauling (i.e. weekends, late nights); and Preliminary traffic control plan. If your project requires the use of cranes, please contact the City’s Airport Manager at 425 - 430-7471 to determine whether Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notification will be required. 10.Plat Certificate or Title Report: Please provide a current Plat Certificate or Title Report obtained from a title company documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances of the involved parcel(s). The Title Report should include all parcels being developed, but no parcels that are not part of the development. If the Plat Certificate or Title Report references any recorded documents (i.e. easements, dedications, covenants), the referenced recorded document(s) must also be provided. All easements referenced in the Plat Certificate must be located, identified by type and recording number, and dimensioned on the Site Plan. NA x x x x 4 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 11.Draft Legal Documents: Please provide any proposed street dedications, restrictive covenants, draft Homeowners Association, or any other legal documents pertaining to the development and use of the property. 12.Neighborhood Detail Map: Please provide a map drawn at a scale of 1" = 100' or 1" = 200' (or other scale approved by the Planning Division) to be used to identify the site location on public notices and to review compatibility with surrounding land uses. The map shall identify the subject site with a much darker perimeter line than su rrounding properties and include at least two cross streets in all directions showing the location of the subject site relative to property boundaries of surrounding parcels. The map shall also show: the property's lot lines, lot lines of surrounding properties, boundaries of the City of Renton (if applicable), north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. Please ensure all information fits on a single map sheet. Kroll Map Company (206-448-6277) produces maps that may serve this purpose or you may use the King County Assessor’s maps as a base for the Neighborhood Detail Map. Additional information (i.e. current city street names) will need to be added by the applicant. 13.Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign(s): Please complete and provide the attached notarized affidavit attesting the required public information sign(s) has been installed in accordance with City Code requirements. See attachment titled “Public Information Signs” for information about the size and location requirements for public information signs. 14.Plat Plan: Please provide a fully-dimensioned plan prepared by a State of Washington registered professional land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.020, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40' (or other size or scale approved by the Planning Division ) and including the information required by the City of Renton Subdivision Regulation s in RMC 4-7: Name of the proposed plat and space for the future City file number; Names and addresses of the engineer, licensed land surveyor, and property owners; Legal description of the property to be subdivided; Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet; Vicinity map (a reduced version of the neighborhood detail map defined previously); Drawing of the subject property with all existing and proposed property lines dimensioned; Location of the subject site with respect to nearest street intersections (including driveways and/or intersections opposite the subject property), alleys and other rights of way; Names, locations, types, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, building setbacks, open spaces, and reservations. City code requires that private access easements be created via easement rather than creation of a separate tract; NA x x x 5 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 Location and dimensions of all easements referenced in the plat certificate with the recording number and type of easement (e.g. access, sewer, etc.) indicated. If any recorded easement is unmappable, include a note on the face of the plan indicating the recording number and the reason it can’t be mapped. Location, distances from existing and new lot lines, and dimensions of any existing structures, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, and free-standing signs. Location of existing conditions on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development. A legend listing the following included on the first sheet of the Short Plat Plan: Total area in acres of proposed plat; Proposed number of lots; Zoning of the subject site; Proposed square footage (gross and net) of each lot (net reflects deductions of private access easements and those portions of the lot narrower than 80% of the minimum lot width); Square footage of land in critical areas; Square footage of land in critical area buffers; Square footage of land in publicly dedicated streets; Square footage of land in private access easements; Density proposed and density permitted by code. For commercial/industrial properties please also include the following in the legend: Total area of existing impervious surface; Total area of existing undeveloped area; Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use; Building footprint area; Percentage of lot covered by buildings and structures; Total area of pavement (existing to remain and new); Total area of landscaping; Building setbacks (required and proposed) between all structures and property lines; Parking analysis per lot including the number of parking spaces required and provided. 15.Landscape Plan, Conceptual: Please provide a fully-dimensioned plan drawn by a licensed Landscape Architect at the same scale as the project site plan (or other scale approved by the Planning Division), clearly indicating the following: Date, graphic scale, and north arrow; Location of proposed buildings, parking areas and access, and existing buildings to remain; Names and locations of abutting streets and public improvements, including easements; Existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals or less; Location and size of planting areas; x 6 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 Location and height of proposed building; Location and elevations for any proposed landscape-related structures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing, etc.; Location, size, spacing and names of existing (to remain) and proposed shrubs, trees, and ground covers. Locations of decorative rocks or landscape improvements in relationship to proposed and existing utilities and structures; and For wireless communication facilities, indicate type and locations of existing and new plant materials used to screen facility components and the proposed color(s) for the facility. 16.Topography Map: Please provide a plan showing the site’s existing contour lines at five- foot vertical intervals and planimetric features extending ten feet beyond the property boundaries. 17.Tree Retention/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan: Please provide a fully dimensioned plan drawn by a certified arborist or a licensed landscape architect if ANY trees or vegetation are to be removed or altered. The plan shall be based on finished grade, drawn at the same scale as the project site plan with the northern property line at the top of the paper, and clearly show the following: All property boundaries and adjacent streets, location and dimensions of rights - of- way, utility lines, fire hydrants, street lighting, and easement s; Location of all areas proposed to be cleared; Location, species, and sizes of trees on or immediately abutting the site. This requirement applies only to trees with a caliper of at least six inches (6"), or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches (8"), when measured at fifty-four inches (54") above grade; Clearly identify trees to be retained and to be removed; Future building sites and drip lines of any trees which will overhang/ overlap a construction line. Where the drip line of a tree overlaps an area where construction activities will occur, this shall be indicated on the plan; and Show critical areas and buffers. 18.Tree Retention Worksheet: Please provide a completed City of Renton tree retention worksheet. 19.Arborist Report: Please provide an arborist report by a certified Arborist or a licensed Landscape Architect that correlates with the Tree Retention/ Land Clearing Plan and addresses the following: Identification scheme used for each tree (e.g. tree number); Species and size of each tree (caliper measured at 54 inches above grade); Reason(s) for any tree removal (e.g. poor health, high risk of failure due to structure, defects, unavoidable isolation (high blow down potential), unsuitability of species, etc.) and for which no reasonable alternative action is possible (pruning, cabling, etc.); x x x x 7 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 For trees proposed to be retained, a complete description of each tree' s health, condition, and viability; For trees proposed to be retained, a description of the method(s)used to determine the limits of disturbance (e.g., critical root zone, root plate diameter, or a case- by- case basis description for individual trees); A description of the impact of necessary tree removal to the remaining trees, including those in a grove or on abutting properties; The suggested location and species of supplemental trees to be used when required. The report shall include planting and maintenance specifications; and An analysis of retained trees according to Priority of Tree Retention Requirements specified in RMC 4-4-130H.1.b. 20.Wetland Assessment: Please provide a map and a report if ANY wetlands are located on the subject property or within 100 feet of the subject property. The wetland report/delineation must be prepared by a qualified professional and include the information specified in RMC 4-8-120D.23. In addition, if any alteration to the wetland or buffer is proposed, a wetland mitigation plan is also required. See RMC 4-8-120D.23 for plan content requirements. 21.Standard Stream or Lake Study: Please provide a report containing the information specified in RMC Section 4-8-120D.19. In addition, if the project involves an unclassified stream, a supplemental stream or lake study is also required. If any alteration to a water- body or buffer is proposed a supplemental stream or lake study and mitigation plan are also required. 22.Flood Hazard Data: Please provide a scaled plan showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, and drainage facilities. Also indicate the following: Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures; Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been flood- proofed; Certification by a registered Professional Engineer or Architect the flood-proofing methods criteria in RMC 4-3-050G.4.c have been met; and Description of the extent to which a watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development. 23.Biological Assessment/Critical Areas Study: Please provide if the project is located in a designated floodplain (RMC 4-8-120D.2). 24.Habitat Data Report: If the project site contains or abuts a critical habitat per RMC 4-3- 050F.2.b, please provide a report containing the information specified in RMC 4-8-120D.8. 25.Geotechnical Report: Please provide a study prepared and stamped by a State ofX 8 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 Washington licensed Professional Engineer including soils and slope stability analysis, boring and test pit logs, and recommendations on slope setbacks, foundation design, retaining wall design, material selection, and all other pertinent elements. 26.Letter of Understanding Geologic Risk: Please provide a letter from the applicant, or the owner of the site, stating that he or she understands and accepts the risk of developing in an unstable area and that he or she will advise, in writing, any prospective purchasers of the site, or any prospective purchasers of structures or portions of structures on th e site, of the unstable potential of the area. 27.Utilities Plan, Generalized (sewer, water, stormwater, transportation improvements): Please provide a plan drawn on 22" x 34" plan sheets using a graphic scale of 1" = 40' (or other size or scale approved by the Planning Division) clearly showing all existing (to remain) and proposed public or private improvements to be dedicated or sold to the public including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, free-standing lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, etc., along the full property frontage. The finished floor elevations for each floor of proposed and existing (to remain) structures shall also be shown. 28.Drainage Control Plan: Please provide a plan drawn to scale and stamped by a Washington State licensed Professional Engineer and complying with the requirements of RMC 4-6-030 and the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). 29.Drainage Report: Please provide a report stamped and dated by a State of Washington licensed Professional Engineer complying with the requirements of the City of Renton Drafting Standards, (RMC 4-6-030), and the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). The report shall contain the following: Table of Contents; Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet; Section 1: Project Overview; Section 2: Conditions and Requirements Summary; Section 3: Offsite Analysis; Section 4: Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design; Section 5: Conveyance System Analysis and Design; Section 6: Special Reports and Studies; Section 7: Other Permit; Section 8: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) Analysis and Design; Section 9: Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant; and Section 10: Operations and Maintenance Manual. 30.Street Profiles and Cross Sections: Please provide a plan that identifies the street profiles and grades of each street, together with typical cross sections indicating width of pavement, location and width of sidewalks, and location and size of utility mains. X X X X 9 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 31.Grading Elevations and Plan, Conceptual: This is required if the proposed grade differential on-site will exceed 24" from the top of the curb or if the amount of earth to be disturbed exceeds 500 cubic yards. Please provide a 22" x 34" plan drawn by a State of Washington licensed Civil Engineer or Landscape Architect at a scale of 1" to 40' (horizontal feet) and 1" to 10' (vertical feet) (or other size plan sheet or scale (approved by the Planning Division Plan Review Project Manager) clearly indicating the following: Graphic scale and north arrow; Dimensions of all property lines, easements, and abutting streets; Location and dimension of all on-site structures and the location of any structures within 15-feet of the subject property or that may be affected by the proposed work; Accurate existing and proposed contour lines drawn at two-foot, or less, intervals showing existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage to include surrounding off-site contours within 100-feet of the site; Location of natural drainage systems, including perennial and intermittent streams and the presence of bordering vegetation; Setback areas and any areas not to be disturbed; Finished contours drawn at two -foot intervals as a result of grading; Proposed drainage channels and related construction with associated underground storm lines sized and connections shown; Finished floor elevation(s) of all structures, existing and proposed; General notes addressing the following (may be listed on cover sheet): Area in square feet of the entire property; Area of work in square feet; Both the number of tons and cubic yards of soil to be added, removed, or relocated; and Type and location of fill origin, and destination of any soil to be removed from site. 32.Colored Maps for Display: Please provide a colored version of each plan sheet for use in presenting the project to the Environmental Review Committee and at any required public hearing: Neighborhood Detail Map Site Plan Landscaping Plan Elevations The following colors are required: Red-North Arrow, outer property boundary. Proposed new lot lines (dashed). Do not color existing lot lines which are to be eliminated or relocated. Blue-Street names identified with lettering of at least 1” in height. Street names must be legible at a distance of 15-ft. Brown-Existing buildings (please do not color buildings which will be demolished or X 10 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 removed) Yellow-Proposed buildings Light Green-Landscaped areas Dark Green-Areas of undisturbed vegetation All Plans and Attachments are subject to Electronic File Standards REVIEW PROCESS: Once a complete land use application package has been accepted for initial review, the Planning Division will post one notice of the pending application at or near the subject site and mail notices to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. The proposal will be routed to other City departments and other jurisdictions or agencies that may have an interest in the application. The reviewers have two (2) weeks to return their comments to the Planning Division. Within approximately two weeks, the Planning Division will prepare a report regarding the proposal’s compliance with applicable codes and the City’s review criteria. Environmental Review is required for Short Plat Applications if the property has been previously platted, is located in an environmentally “critical” area, or if any wetlands or streams are located on site. In the event that Environmental Review is required, the Short Plat application will be presented to the City’s Environmental Review Committee. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) is comprised of the Administrator of Public Works, the Administrator of Community and Economic Development, the Administrator of Community Services, and the Fire Chief. The Committee is responsible for determining whether the proposal will result in significant adverse environmental impacts. To do this, the committee will consider such issues as environmental health hazards, wetlands, groundwater, energy and natural resources and will then issue its decision (Environmental Threshold Determination). The Environmental Review Committee will either issue a: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)-Make a determination the proposal will have no significant negative environmental impacts; or Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (DNS-M)-Make a determination the proposal, if modified, would have no significant negative environmental impacts; or Determination of Significance (DS)-Make a determination the proposal will have significant adverse environmental impacts and require the applicant to submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared by a qualified consultant. Once the Environmental Review Committee has issued its Environmental Threshold Determination (provided an EIS is not required), a public notice of the Determination is printed in the Renton Reporter and notice(s) are posted at or near the site. A 14-day appeal period commences following the publication date. At the discretion of the City, a separate and additional 15-day comment period may be added prior to the 14-day appeal period. A public hearing is not required. The Planning Division reviews the plan in conjunction with any Environmental Review Committee decision and any staff or public comments prior to making a decision. 11 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\shpl.doc Rev: 02/2017 The decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposal will be mailed to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. APPEAL AND RECONSIDERATION PROCESS FOR DECISIONS: Any person, including the applicant, aggrieved by the granting or denial of an application, may make a written application for reconsideration to the Reviewing Official within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the decision. After review of the request, the Reviewing Official may take whatever action is deemed proper. The Reviewing Official’s written decision on the reconsideration request will be mailed to all parties of record within ten (10) days from the date the request was filed. If any party is still not satisfied after a reconsideration decision has been issued, an appeal may be submitted within fourteen (14) days to: The Hearing Examiner for Administrative decisions The City Council for Hearing Examiner decisions An appeal may be filed without first requesting reconsideration by the Reviewing Official; however, it must be filed within fourteen (14) days of the date when the original decision was issued. See Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-8-110 for further information on the appeal process and time frames. INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS: A Construction Permit must be obtained to install utility lines, transportation improvements and undertake work in City right-of-ways. Building and Construction Permits are separate permits. A construction permit for the installation of on-site and off-site utilities will be issued upon the review and approval of civil engineering drawings by Development Engineering and receipt of all applicable development and permit fees. Once any required improvements have been installed or deferred, the applicant may proceed to the recording stage. See instructions for “Short Plat Recording” for more information. DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS: If a developer wishes to defer certain on-site or off-site improvements (i.e. landscaping, curbs and sidewalks), written application with full and complete engineering drawings must be submitted to Development Engineering. The application should explain the reasons why such delay is necessary. If approval is granted, security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, set-aside fund, assignment of funds, certified check or other type of security acceptable to the City shall be furnished to the City in an amount equal to a minimum of 150% of the estimated cost of the required improvements. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSIONS: Once an application has been approved, the applicant has two years to comply with all conditions of approval and to submit the Short Plat for recording before the approval becomes null and void. The approval body that approved the original application may grant a single one- year extension. The approval body may require a public hearing for such extension. It is the responsibility of the developer to monitor the expiration date.