HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Preliminary Investigation Shared Facility Drainage Plan_180315PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF THE SHARED FACILITY DRAINAGE PLAN DCT Monsier Road PARCEC 190: 24z3U4-9u08 601 Monster Road SW Renton, WA PREPARED FOR: DCT Industrial 701 Fitth Avenue, Suite 2830 Seattle, WA 98104 March 15, 2015 (Oar Job Ido.: 17-045) PrCparud by: Stoaff Soneuerman, Project Manager Reviewed by: Paul B. McCurmiLA, PE, SE INNOVA Architects 950 Pau fig Ave., Saito 450 I daomd, WA 984Uv TabIC of Cunivnz5 Project Summary Exhibit A — Basin Map from the Original TIR for Plumbers and Pipefiners Regional Stormwater Retention Facility. 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual Review Ai eas to the txisti, ig Snared Facility — Excel Spruadsneet Exhibit B - Overall Existing Drainage Basin going to the Existing Regional Stormwater Retention Facility ExHi6it L - Existing Impervivas SuFfaces Parcel i ana varcel 2 Exhibit D - Existing Impervious Surfaces Parcel 3 Exhibit E - Existing Impervioas Surfaues Parcel 4-A and 4-e Exhibit F - Metro Area not going to the existing Shared facility Drainage Plan Exhibit G - Munster Read DrainayC Area to Existiny Shared FauiGty Drainaye Plan Existing Pond Storage Volumes Pend Vulames - Existing vs. Currei it - Exuul Spreadsheet Exhibit H - Contour Surface Area Elevation 18 — South Low Area Exhibit I - Contour Surface Arca Elevation 18 & 1 b — Nurih Low Area Exhibit J - Original Topographic map of the IQurth Cow area Exhibit K - Original Topographic map of the South Low area Appendix A — Original Technical Information Report for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility prepared by Bush, Roed & Hitchinys dated Jane, i Y94 Appendix B — Original approved construction drawing titles "Regional Retention Pond Pump Outfall Facility prepared 11/3/94 and checked for compliance 11/26/96 Appendix C — Regiunai Detentiun Facility Pump Station Agreement and Reciprucal Easements Recording # 9506191492 Original document prepared an 3/28/95 and signed on various dates Promaux Summary This report was developed to investigate the existing regional storrnwater shared taciiity to determine if the original design parameters used to design the regional facility are still adcyuatc for the uurrem site cup iditic, is, as well as the prupused impruvcmems un the Dc; i Industrial prupefty. This investigation is in conjunction with the redevelopment of the DCT Industries prupuffy, which was initially designated as Parcel i under the original Technical Intormation Report (I IR) tar the Plumbers and Pipetitters Regional Starmwater Retention Facility, dated June 1994 (see Appendix A.) Under the original design theru were six parcels within the drainage basin area, tutaling 44 acres and within that there was 25.5 acres of impervious surfaces. Each parcel was allocated a specific area of impervious surface, with the exception of the Metro Parcel. i his Parcel was nut given an allotment fur allowable tributary impervious surface. The tributary area tram this Parcel was 1.24 acres of pervious area. i he original Parcels were identified as Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4A and 4B and Metro. Using the city of Renton's web -based uIS data, the six parcel areas and imperviuus surfaces for each were checked to compare between the original allocation and current conditions. Copies of the GIS data used are included in this report. Fie total original allocation tar tributary impervioas saRaces was 25.5 acres that was divided amount five of the six parcels. As noted above, the Metro Parcel was not allocated to drain impervious surfaces to the regional stormwater shared facility. Of the five parcels with ar, allotment fur tributary impervious surfaces, three have a s, i allur area of impervious surface than what was allowed. I he overall existing impervioas surface area tributary to the facility totals approximately 24.06 acres, leaving a 1.44 acre balanus. E,&hibit A that fulluws piuvides a suiiimaiyy aica table. The existing regional stormwater shared facility consists of two ponds. I hese ponds are located on Parcels 2, 4A and 4B. The existing area of these ponds was checked to compare ponds total vulame to the uriyinal desiyn. The udyinal tupuyraphic survey maps were aced along with the tupugraphic uuntuars taRen tram the City's ul5 to develop an "existing" storage volume for these ponds. A summary table of the calculated volumes is provided as Exhibit J, and is entitled "Existing Pond Storage volumes" and s-ummary table This investigation also included a review of the City of Renton's current 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual which allows for "Shared Facility Drainage Plans" (SFDP's) whish the DCT Industries property and five uther NruNerrlies are pall of. This SFDP was originally aeveluped and approved 6y the Lity of Renton. Using the information within this report; there is about 1.44 acres of unallocated impervious sarfaoe area within the buanda�y of this shared facility drainage plan. 1 he proposed Du i industrial radevouprnent ut their parcei (which was originally noted as Parcel 1) is proposing to increase their impervious surface area by about 63,000 square feet or about 1.44 acres. This increase will fall ander the u, iyinal desiyn parameter of the pond storage and its pumps capacity. i hereture no change to the existing system is warranted for the redevelopment of this parcel. There is une item that does need to be addressed; There is an existing surface area from Monster Road SW which has been diverted to this regional stormwater facility which was not originally allucated to it. This roadway area a5uts Parcei 1, 2 and pail of 3 ana generWly bows trurn east to west around the 5ailding on Parcel 2 and on to the north pond area. The surface area from this roadway area is about 54,000 square feet or about 1.24 acres. As noted; this area was not alluuaTed to the "Shared Faoility Drainaye Plan" nor was it parr of the Reyiunal Detention Facility Pump Statim Agreement and Reciprocal Easements. (See Appendix C) Exhibit A MONSILR ROAD ,P J CLt 2 1/> \- I Poul 3 7 i 7 Lot 1 7 • Metro -'Y 7 7 If I I - Puruel 4—B / 7 jj I P rcel 4—AN, PMO I }'arcel 1 �. EXIST. .Punu / —eV 7 0011a=� KEY MAF NO SCALE am# gmkos 6/25/04 Base Map from the Original TIR for Plumleers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility. 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Desiqn Manual Review Under tui t City of Re, au, i Sarfaue Water Dusiyn Manual, Seutiun i .;e Care Requirements; this tacility taus ander Core Requirement # 3. Flow Control t-acilities. Under Flow Control Facilities Implementation Requirements; "A. Onsite vs. Offsite Implemeniatio, " Naye 1-45 it nutes; All required tluw caritrul tduilities mast Bt implemented onsite except where the requirements below can be met by direct discharge to a regional or shared facility constructed to provide flow control for the proposed project... Shared facilities may be constructed ander a City-devuloped shared fauility drainaye plan or under an ayreement Between twu or more private developer's. 1. The regional or shared facility must be of adequate size and design to meet the carrent flow cuntrul requirements far the proposed project. Note: the current flow control requirements are those specified By Core Requirement # 3 at this manual unless superseded by other adopted area -specific flow control requirements per Special Requirement 0 (set Section 1.3.1). In some uabu5 where the current tlaw car itrol requirements differ trom those used to originally design the regional or shared facilities, additional analysis and possible retrofitting of the facility may be required to ensure adequate size and design. In other cases where the current flow control requirements are not significantly different or aru less stringent; adequate size and design may already Be ducamented by an adopted City basin plan or master drainage plan, and approved shared facility drainage plan, or a detailed drdinayu analysis appruvcd by the City for a separate permitted developed. 2. The regional or shared facility must be fully operational at the time of construction of the proposed prvjact. In the case of a shared facility, the proposed project must comply with the terms and conditions of all contracts, agreements; and permits associated with the shared facility. If the offsite facility is an existing City - owned facility, the City may charge a special ase fee equal to or based on the property value of the autentiun capacity Being used. 3. The conveyance system between the project site and the regional facility must meta the same uriivna specified fug direct disuharye to major rCuCiviny waicr except for Lriterion (a) (see "Direct Discharge Exemptiun" in Section 1.Z.3.1). In the case of a shared facility, the criteria are the same, except the conveyance system need only have adequate capacity and erosion protection for buildout of The Narritipatirrg pu Tioir 2Vof the cuntribminy drainaye area. (26 = The parfficipating portion includes those properties that have agreements tar use at the shared facility) unaer 1.3.1 Special Requirement #r 1 Uther Adopted Area- 5pecliic Requirements (page 1-89 of the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual) it notes: • Shared Facility Drainage Plans (SFDP's): SFDP's are approved By the City of Renton to allow two or more projects to share drainage facilities required by this manual. Projects covered by a SFDP must ,, itita a,,y special ,equirements Uf that plan. Thresholds — IF a proposed project is in an area included in an adopted master drai,,aye plan, basin plan, salmon cu,,semation plan, sto,mwater uomplia,Ice plan, Hazard mitigation pian, IaKe management plan, or sFiared tacility drainage plan.... Requirement — THEN the proposed project shall comply with the drainage requirements of the master drainage plan, basin pla,,, salmi,, uunse,vation plan, sturmwater uumpliance plan; Hazard mitigation plan; IaRe management plan; or sFiared tacility drainage plan respectively. Application of this Requirement... The drainage requirements of adopted MDP's, BPs, SCPs Hazard Mitigation Plan, lake manayernum plans, and SFDP's shall be applied in addition tu the arainage requirements ut this manual unless utherwise speuitied in the adopted regulation. Where conflicts occur between the two, the drainage requirements of the adopted area -specific regulation shall supersede those in this manual... rrujects covered By SFuPs sHall demonstrate tHat the shared tacility will Be available by the time the project is constructed and that all onsite requirements are met. Project covered by a SFDP are still required to provide any onsite cur trols necessary to co,, ply with drainage reyaireme„ts not addressed by the shared tacility. He only an -site drainage requirement not covered by this shared tacility drainage pian is water quality, which will be addressed with the redevelopment of this project. i he DC i Industrial parcel was a partner in the development of this "'megiunal Detentior, Facility Pump Station Agreement and Reciprocal Agreement and was designated as Parcel 1 under the original Technical Information Report (TI R) for the Plumbers and Pipefitter Reyiunal Sturmwater Rete, iiion Facility dated June 1994 (see Appendi.& C). Areas to tfie Existinq Sfiared Facility This investigation reviewed the uriyinal TIR's surface areas which were used to design the pumps wFlicM cut trul the elevation ut the drainage tacility. The Key Map within this TIR shows the following parcels: Paruel 1 (which is the DCT Industrial prupui1y) Parcel z (5ailding constructed in 1999) Parcel 3 (shows as lot 1 and 2 but the current conditions show it as 1 lot) Parcel 4-A (current Plumbers and Pipefitters facility) Paruel 4-B (building constructed in zuuu) Metro's parcel The report notes: I FIC duveluped site will consist of 44 acres ut commercial development with approximately 25.5 acres of impervious surface area (See Developed Drainage Basin Map). Parcel 3 Beluw are the current Kit g County's Assessor's parcel areas: Parcel l9uml5er Square Foot Area Acres Parcel 1 418,876 s.f. 9.62 acres Parcel 2 467,264 s.f. 1 u.13 acres Parcel 3 309,yy i s.f. t.1 z acres Parcel 4-A 262,481 s.t. 6.03 acres Parcel 4-13 325,302 s.f. 7.47 acres Meiru 15u,301 s.f. 3.bS acres I otal 1,944,221 st 44.63 acres Within the noted original TIR's Developed Drainage Basiee Map it shuws the a,&petted impervious surfacers fur uscH parcel. using the City of Renton's GIS web based applicatiorn to determine the existing specitic parcel impervious surface areas, the following was developed. (Also see a spreadsheet titled "Impervious Surface Areas for Parcels under Oriyinal & Current (GIS) Cunditiuns") Parcel Number Original Impervious Surface Parcel 1 6.5 acres Parcel z 8.5 acres Parcel 3 5.1 acres Parcel 4-A 2.4 acres Parcel 4-13 2.4 acres Pletru u acres I otal 25.5 Current Impervious Surface 6.1 acres 8.8 acres 5.2 acres 2.5 acres 1.4 acres u acres 24.06 i He overall difference Between the originally proposed 25.5 acres at imperviaas surfaces and the existing 24.1 acres of impervious surfaces is about 1.44 acres of non allocated impervious surfaces based on parcel areas only. he proposed DL 1 Indastrial project improvements will increase tMe impervious surfface area on this parcel. The proposal will add 15,000 square feet of roof area and 48,000 of Nullmion yeneratiny 5arfac;c arca, or abut 63,000 51 or 1.44 aw-VS. Using the existing "Shared Facility Drainage racility' ana the proposed increase in impervious surface for the Parcel 1 property (DCT Industrial property); there will be no increase in impervious surface meas yoiny to this facility. mere is one area going to this shared drainage facility that was not included in the original design. There is about 54,048 square feet or 1.24 acres of roadway surfaces frum Monster Road SW yuiny Tu this facility. See exhibit shuvviny this area. to `1 U a L '^ to U (O �a H ° "N h n 00 N t11 vii .i v m O .� O 1771 M a� O- LL c L + tNo t71 r, .N—, N o to * N ko .: a v LA cu to X Lu LA 0 W 00 n m til nw t y 00 Nit DD 00 .� KU- -� m m m M ^ W �+ L O N to N —v to O in to o m L m m� M 00 W m m wt N n O v O m = N v N d 0 00 C4 00 � v U. w - w ti tD � rn V M cM a i �v ? C. u a N 00 M m 'a t3 v „ f0 r m w a v L tin � O w w _ w p� vi v O q�q 01 W I� v G QS 00 w to N m L m rV v Fi v OCL Q N L 41 v n cT, Q1 v G w .�-. H OJ u m c� Q o c o 0 0 o a N r, r, M tr; M — �7 `M c 3 m _ ao .L m -o }a to ° y u N c ai o e a/ a c O L Q O O W m cm V F 00 C 04 C N LL d 117 .T �-1 Rt ^ two .Y G/ y mi m air `-' p0 O F O C ++ V W v C7 CA -p 7 W A N ri N tm M qt N' t ++ 7X M m ONO c�—v O tG O) _ O .1 =0 o w 0 m m cv n rt '' ^^ Mc 7 N ` to � 13. N — -- L o — _CL'� o � C CQ w (A V vml m O — 7 n i" cn O MQ , I 9 viA .� O o 6 00 L6 .4 O ul r, 00 Ln N e4 O rq L Ntw O N EY f— *+a N FL � c m c OJ n M m E m m4! M t7S m cr1 tTi M d 1�1 iQ Q tD N to a N n v� O O d� N yx I0 to 00 P� N a=+ Cr N M N ti e-I D C L aar a � •� au � m LA m C "_ N LJ 4m ;zle N � v N N 7 Q O to to N d Ct i -O N D i1 0000 N Cl d M Ln O H L u,r 00 C7 tQ N O tf1 .� +' 4.0 H M DD r a ra C7 D vi N 0 Q N p Y %n lZ O v v.+ IA m C't la c n 0 m 0 O1 •L of � Q tU E H LLO rL o s w w � w a. 5 c LL R* r- C M M O 0 too N 00) N U•1 Ln w t1 m t3 U lQ ^ lQ n a N cu- m m 00 rm ct O O O O � C •� .O FA u+ Ol v4 n v tU 4= n m 7 N :a N ri ri � 0 di O Ln tU Q t0 m _ m N 66 a,66 a ri NO m O O L e-I N Q� m d• L O 1- — W L m L J M ccW V N v Z m CL Z W L w C J M (U a V L G ` '1F tZ tZ WI U V a 1 V a m m = - u M Q W m a r.- s L m L MA m IL _ Lim * N X W tS iF Exhibit C Impervious Surface Parcel 1 Impervious Surfaces Parcel 2 1 %27;133.30 ti= +i� r erimeler. 2,477.01 r ,I a r f J r ?k-- �'co , yc- r 44, mor inus -sur#acA varcip i MO►A�ea G0.674` Perimeter 1,Ei2.8�fl �`' / "j�$ w G'I a 7 Exhibit F Metro Area not going to the Existing Shared Facility Drainage Plan = 106,475 sf or 2.44 acres 83 �7 \ �1 � • � � • f ; '�� ,. :��h � � ' x �," •;,%fir , f Metro Area not going to the Existing Shared Facility Drainage Plan = 106,475 sf or 2.44 acres Exhibit G Monster Road Drainage Area to Existing Shared Facility Drainage Plan = 54,048 sf =1.24 acres. Existing Pond Storage volumes The storage volume for this shared drainage facility was checked to determine any differ unues between the uriyinal dusiyned facility and what the cairent uunditicins represent. i Here were twu storage ponds defined; the nuffn and soath pends wfiiun are divided by an existing railroad spur which splits them. There is a 15" equalizing pipe shown on both the existing and developed basin maps between the two storage areas wMicM creates one large storage Mility. Under the original TIR, the storage volumes started at elevation 9 for both areas and uuminue r elevatiun 19. The total accumulated volume of both areas was determined to 6e 1,33U,453 cul5k; taut. The current GIS contour surface areas that can be developed were for elevations 16 up to 19 since there- are iu other contour below this shown. Te dater, iiine the surface contour areas ter elevations below 16, tMe original surveyed tupograpnic mapping in tMe original TIR were used (See Appendix A). A spreadsheet was developed to show the emstiny volume infurmatiu, alony with the new updated inturmation. It notes the topograpHic sartaces used fur earn elevation, either the original topographic maps or the City's GIS information. Elevations 17 and 19 were assumed bat were based oii existing GIS contours 16 and 18, since the City's GIS aues nut include tMe 1-fuut cuntoars. Using the above contour elevation surface area information, the total estimated accamalatad vulame uf buth punds is aruand 2,319,140 cubic feet. That amount is around 99.50/a ut the urigirial calcuiatud vuiume a, id tMat minur difference uan 6e attributed to a rounding error based on the data we have available to calculate this. Therefore our conclusion is that the current volume is essentially the same as the uriginal desiyn volume. (See spreadsheet titled "DCT Munster Riad Ruyiunal Stormwater Basin Review) 00 °; ai m r-1 a� E p81304D uey} L 4a aa m m a m a m a ,w a m a ,- � ay:)olnv o;ul palsed deVy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C odolleUlglaO u. P°F��F~�Ii1,3, u si U u si u 41 i X �;00I L mIra ca uo ase p 9 ���r�r>s��to c c c c c c c m m .n W W ru -c o6 I, a' E ea.iv a3e}insEo .i _ _ _ _ _ l a v, � n H L ,0 alydeagodol 0 0 0 0 0 o O w 2 w m m� +� ED ED L a+ o o o o o o o o Ln O C. � - 4- 4— 4= 4= Q r= Q v u M 0) M v m v M v M v ro v M v M W r0 W M v M W 3 4� L a L a L a L a L a L a L a L a L a L a L a W m_ v sauanlon VO co v Lm 4-1 pa}elnwn3aV t1oo U, t`nn m w 1-14 o v � N� rn 00 0, L r -I � r-1 - c bm O in o - 0 � Ln Ln to cn m L- L paulquao� m L c" m r—, w in ct %-i �t ct d* r� m� O nn m VVi u lejol .-� r- .-i C�4 N N ro a o� yr O O N O t` O t0 N w V a 00 rn w O� o W O —, w m O „—, w W 4J ea CC ea.id Iejol o 00 ,� of Q o 00 � 00 '1 0o ct r -i I G r -I W L- N* rq , M 00 rm O „-, 01 rq O m r\ , N- 01 rm 7 0 r C- - > rq •— •/—� is FO- j, auanlOn e -i O O r-, o m Q1 M v a•i Fi , N m 0) m 0) aV-4 m Vf o0o�C))— n atv 0000 palelnwnDay cn^ u, m rm Fi m rn A 0 W 0 O � -- c E _ ��°—�O ,mOr-I m 0Q U 0000 ca a _ O V M O O O N N ," r•1 e1 A N N f0 �lgn�auanlon �mma1��4Ln�� �-° � _ 4 QI GJ O �aa3a.renbs m 00 00 Q "�' O1 rq o v_ g � 5 t c ulseg y}nos ooNrnr�mm�:9r9��� ai M N D r' R* o i v O C, m W 011 Ui Fi e9 r FR e9 Fq QD 40 C ++ O N m m 01 00 01 M r, w H Q • � X ownloq O �a!rr-Ia)�,O�r-r�no Ln m -I r< t0 �, M r< N t\ oa 00 ^ M Ln - CL LU palelnlun7�d m r m NN M W N O N d• .� N n M v 09 rm M r� � - •� O O E 3 �aaj Oa�LOw0wwm0mw o0 ra t0 tD W N V 1 ._-+ r•1 O 00 m W 00 a! = ++ O > 3lqn� auanlon O r� Ln N v, N 111 �, m d in e•; in "- rm u; rm eF * ` cn e+s w �.; i— — ai c � O � d loada.renbs 00 r- n w N 00 O lD w 01 00 ri n .0 t\tD m ow •• r' O wnn W W m CQ in O m 1 m O ulses 41JON Nra of o n� <n Ln o r- of r -on R m M to m r Z V-1 111 M n n r, r, r -I F; r, F; Fi m E u01;en813 O r -I r -I r -I N r, m r -i -* r -I 111 r-1 t0 r- oo cn E Exhibit H Contour Surface Area Elevation 12 South Law► Area r 1 Area 144 071 60 ft' f Penmetef 1,790 7? ft a r , lElevation 16 Area' 1x3,537 67 fi= f'enmeter. 1,954GG 57 ft ` IF �•, _ . Asha •- � .. _ YA Appendix A Original Technical Information Report (TIR) for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility Prepared by Bush, Hoed & Hitchings dated June, 1994 TECHNIc1w 1NruRKATIOv REPORT for ri,umnnRS AND PIPEFITTERS xEGlONuLu s•ruRMWATER RETENTION FACILITY located at SW CORNER OF OAKESDALE AVE. SW AND MONSTER ROAD for PLUMBERS ANN rlrnr-11••rnR5 1'xu5•r by BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC - 2009 MINOR AVENUE EAST SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98102 ph: (206) 323-4144 fax: (206) 323-7135 contact HAL HAGENSuN, P.E. tsxn no. y0369.05 June, IVV4 'ABLE Ok' UUNYENIS Pag,. No. 1. rrojcct LNerview IL Preliminary Couditium SuIIu imy 111. uff-Sits Analysib (K1J 6jZ ?.,..u—.o A.Y DATA) IV. Keteutluu/Dctcutiuu Analysis and Design V. L;OuveyHnuU .Systr-Lm Analysh. and Msign (Nm? S [ 5TE M ' B 10 - 4WAI.e) V1. Special KGpurts and Studicb VII. Basin aad Co—unity PIAreas V111. Othcl Pclulits IX. Erusiuu/Sedlmeutatiun Cuutrul Design X. Buud Quantities WuIk Sheet, RcteutiuuMmention Facility; 5uuuLLmy Sheet mud Sketch, and Decl�uafiou of Covenant �. Maintcuaui;c End Opel rtium MEmual XII. Appendix I. YKUJEcr uVERVIEW Ring County Bulloling Eno Una Deveiopmunt Division TECHNICAL INFORMFION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET PROJECTPART 1 PROJECT Prated Owner FIv,.-,IwxS f Pi017f.A4c%74-t's Address 31 S C-j"dar. Phone -&0 1— Dt7 Project Engineer a e.,,.1. t1 Company GJ 4 4.1 t T�..�..a i Addre**PRone Z="A', Subdivision U Short Subdivision 0 Grading pgj Commercial Go... s moi" i o,.. pg Other E I"AT i r e..1 uommunity Drainage Basin GiYe�, 4z— ,"Jew-0 ", of z Projedfl—n Rooknu.e1 Locarton Qe.�P•r•*� v, �ac:1 i -4�j Township 23 Range 4 E Section 14 Project Size 44- AC tJpmmam Drainage Basin Size W/AC E9 DOF/G HPA ED COE VAX DOE Dam Safety U Critical Stream Reach FEMA Floodplain O COE Weal ids ® Shoreline Management Q Rockery Q Stivdural Vaults O War L] HPA River F -I 4D t-xxxqmn M Stream Wetlands U Critical Stream Reach 0 Seeps/Spring- ED Depressions/Swales 12N KVh Grourwwaw-, i able O Lake M GrountlWaur RMarge 0 Steep Slopeci 177 U00ir ED Lakeside/Erosion Hazard Slopes 0 — S 0 Additional sheets Anetcno Erosion Potential —14 ice L^ Gvw Erosive Velocities 01 D . 2 S6 K = C>. -Lis Ko, i5 1/90 Pal King wunty Building anw Lana Qi.wtopmant ulvutun TEGRNIGALINFORMATIONHEFORT(TIR) WORKSHEET REFERENCE LIMfTAt uFUSHt CONSTRAINT MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS WRING CONSTRUCTION Sedimentation Facilities btaailizea Construction Enhance Parimmer RumgConual Clearing and Grading Restrictions CoverPractkes ConslruUionSequenae MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION Sfabiliza tVaimo Surfa m Remove and Reslore Ternporary ESC FacililFas Clean and Remove All SM and Debris Er mum upemdon of Permanent Facildies Flag Limits of NGPES Omer PART 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM ® Grass Uned Channel 0 Tank 0 Irdillmrion McModofAnalpis ® Pipe System 0 v.rm M Depression 7f3y" 0 Open Channel 0 Energy Dissywtor 0 Flow Dispersal CornpensatioNMii:-uase.. D Dry Pond ® Worland 0 Waiver . ofEfiminamd Slle Storage o vretrunu 0 Stream ® Regiw.al Detention Brief Description of System Operation Kj 7Ti-s.11 +4^ 0... Pa ,4 -!a P-1 C.",...Qi Faaliry Related Sim Umllations 0 Addivanal SheetsAtlztchad Reference F•afty UmMefien Cortrr::•+2(var Flood La...i.-ot ��R C.a.�. o a_ -:P _� V.n-.- Ri✓- iS PART11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PART 12 EASEMENTSRRACTS (May require special structural review) _ Drainage AccessEasermom El Other 1 or a level envin•sr under my supervision have visited the an•- Acd•I the conaMons as ooseni. were Incorponned Into MI. worTisheal W the • letarmanrs. To the host of my tinowt•duo ars imormaRlln prowww IOfw 1..cw.Wt Iryn �l lop' CL W ' V L U 41 7AN w. . / O w \_ O I �+ vl 0 I V W V I N CL IE 0to 7' QLu \ L rm �o = r W lop' CL W ' V L U 41 7AN I1. YRELIM1NAxY CONDi,nONS SUMMARY EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY THE EXISTING SITE IS A 43.7 ACRE DRAINAGE BASIN AT THE jOUTHwEta' CORNER OF OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND MONSTEx x0AD THAT DxAINJ TO AN EXISTING POND BEHIND THE ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY. THIti POND SERVES AS A REGIONAL DETENTION FACILITY riux THE bJ UME eAxczj, SEGRETATION_ CURRENTLY, PARCELS 1 AND 2 ARE DEvELOPEu w -n -H LARGE DISTRIBUTION AND MANUFACTURING BUILDINGS AND PARCm,5 .s, 4A AND 4b Axz UNDEVELOPED WITH TREES, BRUSH AND WETLAND AREAS. THE EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA IS 15.9 ACRES. 50ILS ON THE SITE ARE A MIXTURE OF WOODINVILLE, PUGET, PUYALLUP AND BEAUSITE_ SINCE THE MAJORITY OF THE SOIL IS WOODINVILLE OF THE HYDROLOGIC GROUP "D" AND HAS A MIXED USE OF MEADOW AND ruxz5T, A COMPOSITE CURVE NUMBER OF 85 IS USED IN THE DRAINAGE ANALYSIS CALCULATIONS. THE 'TIME OF CONCENTRATION THROUGH THE SITE FROM THE HILL SOUTH OF vA,Kum, i THROUGH THE CONTAINER CORPORATION DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND TO THE euNu IS 33.66 MINUTES (SEE EXISTING DRAINAGE BASIN MAP)_ F.E.M.A_ MAv sz8 SHOWS THE SITE IN FLOOD ZONE AH WITH A 100 YEAR FLOOD LLLVATIUN Ur- IJ FOR THE GREEN RIVER_ U .', M• r • • t YI. �,' - ; '' -- , l ij; �'. �' 1., �i.l Ate 1�E L`::''• .1 — • - �' _ .17 x � � <\�� k � � ` .rte=a/ � ♦ IL mei S � • . .'•'•,u'!�' ��tirlM.•�'I•I+r..I� 6 '+. .._ r.li .y,. _ .. .i'J.1^� r 1.. 'i :;.a.,;;i 14 . • E k I L _ - � SIS E . � •-•- 1 ��''�+,�•,',���; .a, � ;•MI J 11 'i • ' �� • . ti.,�.,, ,' r. M�.,',�,.,c r .' s ne.+r+M!�'�.�"`I •.�d•�' ,t.�L, yiii-SM1ei�/f. 1 It . ••T� _ '•" �'. ,k t. a ub.4� r. �! ' f. ' ),Ij,}j�" • ` _ X % �`' �.'� it `�yy,,. ��t•� 1 i I / j.11 �`\,`i �. •` � exlsr, %�,1 •,� Vii•. � e 11� , 1 Z \i` 93* Yl Sci /' '�.': � \ \� � � � � ^ FSI x 9 � — . � , ' I' `= �5 � � '•'. •i •� � i ,. — J J I� �I —._.. -.,� .•, `' � � T< r/ `. !II ; • � 1, r d '�•�;;°HT1' °!ye :,',�Si' :RII \� \ �\\ x EI N-1 00 r � �.�. ',�. '..F� t I _��• � ` � 681 ° � �•1/ �-• \�` Ih 10 t r/ 41/ IL All x Ill QUL7. FIELD,i/ \� 321 ♦/ :�•/ ,i `� ' 11 27 \���\� �\ To'T AL. A9. SA = 4';. '3 Aw.. . =MPeRglM 5 AQEA E1.A100 r- g.SO A .. czilT, G og.9 = "j 1 AG . — 1 OPLANJA&rc BASIIN (exisrriI Com) egaue-a ft.0 ME COMPAMY S,W.G, Mai earE9 RP. I OAKE4,OAL F_ AVE. W. IR EI� Ta tj W AS u 10 6 Tow! MUSH, ROED $ HITCHINGS„ INC. C IMI[J E'NG INEE RSI & LAND SL RVEYIORS SEATTLE, WASHINGITCIN 3213-4144 SCALE I M' 1OO DAIEI 3- l -q3 DR/IWN 3'A�. NO g3td9,aq• E :i _ 1 1 P E' •• EEEf t E x. L .• .': ! h - E f 'fir. EC � F ;� ., a[ E"%� ,a)�+4{.jt,4l�`v asa++-N., rWti+.fk.a,.. L:..::. .: •:�•yw M., .-...se1.[ 4. �..I : a4 '. iS.rr�...*?F,'. •. .. .1: t 41 f Of f .. ....I1 �t l .G F I t. }: F f 1'- I H :. [1 6j Iry it `ill 1` b i •A:/L .y 1 'ter:.. •+. : i t. Ik .. �o. t- ., 't ..". !1•_1t [.,i, t lit: f f [ { Y >s•, ;L, 3. .. { F'F it I -t, M L tY d S' I i '.t A- M I ..t)+a' I i pit t I 1 f 1, 9t 7 f �": t t - l t l t q Il -• w.Imi E :+,}yam I `K"•'i�&-F? ' a �.� .•Ffi1``� `.... z (- fiC E f f I .O,i kr,t.v.... s.'.'•a+.,: ,r°.. •'a {,: . s.., .. .ot. ... .. $k} �.. t,• ow ay '. t t ..•.fit-,•. Ii !1 Zt 11� .: It, -,•. ix FI ti f.. F. :3 v., I. �• E' Y 01 ON r+ �+ 171 X — •l-.�'�\,F. �— •� �.�, ,.. VE Ex I -S'T S1 E . fia aim f' 1 T All Ole T \ %41G-1 exts-t, A EY IST. � / � / i ��.�.-.Y.�t;p�"N•• � III i 1 \ Z .� •C � r / L /10 i / +; �+ � ' l • 1 _ ' III, �� i 1 ` • ,',I �` �� 11 /�.• '/ I - 5 tit �� I J) •' , '� �'• ' \ 1 �, �„ ter,„ � � � I ul •— --� - �u�*•' \ � 1 1 1 ' `l�r� Ell to � , .\ ��,•� . , "1 ► I + = �� 1 � � J �, ` ..._ , --, � � �' `�' A �' �. ; . I Iii '1 �• .r° � . ..\ 1 t / � •�\ hs i,� ', •' `'\,r ' Pj — / to loll 16 1 •. CULT. F19LDto NIS xaa - --- --�- �/_. ., •�' � `� � 1 � as \�\\� �-� TOTAL. AR E A = 44.D Ace.. 1MF f -PW 1 a V S A Q EA ELA NC = 0, So Ate.. 1:007. Wit P. = W•5O At... P A ACE rL. 4 A = 2.40 Aw- , pARC•EL 4l : 1,44 A —. P ARc E L. -4 = 5.7 C Pw_. -tc -TAI- - 2 5, 5c At.. o RAiI P!A&F- 0A51N �PEVCI-OFEV) P�Qa<JGE &W HE CoMPAMY S.W.G. MatJSTER RD. I" OAIKESDAL.E. AVE,• S• W. 1z" Ta pl W AS IA l f.16 -row BUSH, ROBD & HITCHINGS, INC. C IVIL ENG INEE RSI & LAND SURVEYORS SEAME, A ASHINGITCIN 3213.4144 t acAU1I� 100 D!►,le --q 3 oRllwrl 5Au •Ioe r1a ga36q.o14' III. OFF-STYE ANpi,YSIS a F a 0 0 J U. QN Q m S w Q F Q Q V� C:3 a _Za 5c Q will I F-QmJW Q W 00000a0000vvovvv•�•�•i•+ea-�eve�v 000000000000v000vvvvvvvov Z 0 F ' mV"mm in W mvlvM V MmNm aw rvmmm W 0 L 1. 4 R m 0 W 00— m W m m m mILI m c :Q M a•7 iT m m V• .r ..4 .r .4 .i 4 .-I .-4 1-4 PR. V 0 .4 m !V to �v W > W g W W W ` m V7 � N Ri tai (•"1 e*1 in 1- m m QS v P7 O P1 an r v O, .-1 .` 1 Kl 16J "1 W w ;+ Co 000000 Co 000.7 mma;a tV c-,- 4A 'vlcmww mtv v v 3 a 0 000; C6Go- aoco- wco aoo+4tq- M,en 14 W,FmmW*0;oov _= W C4 MD%�TMa0 a0 lIrMOD aO NaT NST mmCSF ao F1lz tV F .-..-..-.ONn1N NQY1a7MY1sf1m%7 ;T 7�7' Y 3 .-.D.,D%%D .ao.-sM-4ML,%;r #I-LM%D-4ao%Tao o n I'm : Ma0 M aD %D .n CIO 'T &M s M II.. I.1. - 00 aD -,W ^:;w V, Va'I V• V♦ W Yl W W vi V M 000 a0 k0 M it 00 r -. is aV M ar a; ar cW tzM 0a.+v000M000—anco%1%9)en M %0000 jr QI \T ar V 0 W M 0 V-4 CM M M m W 00 M- a0 aD 00 v v 0', w v aN. CC V a=• av av M ."I -4 -4 4 -4 q -4 -4 a. W c.a w v� cv w m O M M ate. Ie aW � a•,r r w.=� v. f� N m w w ._ Qi aim cvv�v, cv Ma.+• -1v wO,v a=.v a+f�wv--+� .`+w W VG1 av au I+ w w w w v, v, Q� v v v v -'1 --+ .-� ►'• 1-4 Q ^ z w °' 'c > ,' .., a O G o.(7av)FM>:XX cctdN _ i4CmUIMWtuL2 c V m M 0 .ail 3 a F a 0 0 J U. QN Q m S w Q F Q Q V� C:3 a _Za 5c Q will I F-QmJW Q W 0 �n s v wq- [ P ;l p � v N LL � a 1 _ r p -- 3 T� LL 7 it `_ v ul + LLL x z U Ir 0 -M U v � TQ iv w CL v u v Q s l�' cr P LL OL LL tY OL A). OFF-SITE DRAINAGE TO THE SITE B). Ory -SITE uu" STREAM ANALYSIS Rufa to the map uu the foiiuwing Pages for details of the touting. IV_ RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A. EXISTING POND ( SEE APPENDIX '-All) B. DEVELOPED POND (SEE APPENDIX `B") C_ EXISTING FLOWS TO POND D- DEVELOPED FLOWS TO POND E_ POND WATER LEVELS PAGE XX PAGE XX PAGE XX PAGE XX PAGE XX sISTING POND •r= EXISTING POND IS APPROXIMATELY i.y ACxzS AND IS LOCATED ON DUTH SIDES OF THE RAILROAD SPUR Lim; IN eARCELS 2, 4-A AND 4-B (bzE APPENDIX "A"). THE WATER Lzvzj, VARIES DURING THE YEAR uzezNDING ON THE AMOUNT OF RAINFALL. .iNFILRATION TESTS AND GxuuruwAxER MONITORING WELLS INDICATz THERE IS VERY LITTLE OUTFLuw r-xuM THE POND AND POSSIBLY INFLuw DUKING WET TIMES OF THE YEAR (5LE FOLLOWING EARTH CONSULTANTS ivC. uAwA). THERE IS AN EXISTING su INCH CMP LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 AND EXTzNuinG TO THE RIVER WITH A FLAPGATE Ax THE OUTFALL. THE INLET END ur TmE PIPE IS BURIED AND THE PIPE I5 nOT OPERATIONAL. BUSH, ROED & HTTCHINGS, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS L009 Mluiri AreuuC 1r8.St Sea[ue, WA 98102 (206)323-4144 BRH (206)323-7135 * Fax Joe F2 l V'Ae a SMEET RO 1 yr CAD;GLAiEDBr CHECKED BY oh c 5CA[E C X 15 -r I t.1 C5 coo N 1'i i 0 ?J Go�-ha� r )&44 v Go,"+ojr kz ,,,,r +A, I AREA vol�2 A9EA votuv-e,4tc.��- Tp-lut IJ, a -P R.¢ _ N: off' K.2, >. 0+ 9'e, I S, vvlv'� I A rx.*. r- F I 5,r 8,51 © 1 0 1 0 q I I I E5 40 l,°t-I Io 1114U -z- I I 13"1 1 500 Ml ?z4 j2 ISo % ISo tq ell Soo Sia l zi5'c,�3 1117z 251 0 I LQ I I I -Lo I Loo , 2ao l 1510 -LS Flow7w•IlSplMmlzm-l(pad J®off GIMM11411 WUWWF EIi rvulsarroean Icv}4.e)1 q6 LoS ; -I- I ca I i 73"S�I�boo rRi 1,q"13 11I�4O �4 tv2o -54 5 4-S 5 ll (I ftO 58"S IS$ 246 I SO aS1 091259�Sc� -�q "514, I'1 S I �46ty-,� l4 341v, boa I I `d b PZ.ld9 41 1 Fq'Lo 2 4, LoIq'� t 4tn4-, Dc, a 2�4>Io113�5 S 14- q ao cF-S c� JLIL-=7-=991 15:17 FROM F"2JCE B_U'E AND Lu. m BUSH RO=D P.W 2parcel 2 ly MW -2 r e MW -3 7 Go MW - I Parcel 4A 6 49 Not to Scale SED B MW -1 Approximate LbWun of ECI Groundwater Monitoring mW -0 , We11s. Prod. No. E-4563-4, June 1991 Proposed 6ufflMng Reference: Sitv. Pia�� by ausfi.Roea a Hitchings, Inc. Doted June 1990 V FaitY,l I.consWt�ts Inc. monifvriny Well U—=tivn Plan Grow �„ „_ ,o,_, Distribution Focility . "t Run ton Woshinaton . No-- q 5 6.54 Diwn-_ Wj IDate Julie '91 Checked VO I aim 6/26/91 pim 1 aur. -17-1991 15= iti t -Km BRUCE BLUE AND CO. TO monitoring Well vatup MoniTorfiq Well lnfor maTion tluzim ROED P.04 go vyvU No. Slotted Pipe (dWn range, PQ Donna Depth (n) Groundwater Lov.I R o QQ ��9� 6►A79 s - mW -1 8.0 w 15.0 20.0 1-1.0 10.0 MW -2 5.0 to 12.0 12.0 7.0. 8.0 MW -3 10.0 to 15.0 15.0 13.0 11.0 MW -4 z.0 m 10.0 10.0 3.5 u mW+3 5.0 to IU.0 10.0 S.v 9.0 Now: GmurOwsNr MM ROM wv A2eff b vo .4fF.-v e*ml monnonnp wes wMoe pffi—m. ail _0 ggelln, 1RONI ivAING W"40 i3LTAiL VISTALBUT19N FACILITY RENTvN, WASHINGTON Prv).rig. 4563-a Drwn. W Date Sun'vI I Chu—vced vo I Date 6-2-7-YI I PM9 a TOTAL P.04 -L JFILTP-A_` ►ort RATES f:infiltst "N T'- •} } less 2 less Z 1 (3.069 0.069 0.06,j G s 1.70: 4 5 0.05 0.353 0.35.3 6 1.815 7 Q. v::6 0. 026 0. Oc6 8 0.96 0.96 0.96 9 1.08 1.08 J, 0 0.071 0. O f I O:071 11 0.0079 L2 0.07 7.07 0.07 13 0.584 0.58+ 0.584 14 0.0128 0.0128 is 0.0052 16 0.289 0.289 0.289 7.v479 s. a 148 2.422 0.503421 0.3a i 4S 0.30275 "N T'- •} } DEVELOPED PONu THE DEVELOPEu BOND WILL BE APPROXIMATELY rnz SAME SIZE AS THE PRE -DEVELOPED POND FROM ELEVATON 8.5 TO ELEVATION 10 (SEE FOLLOWING FULL uzv""PED CONDITIONS CHART). SINCE DEVELOPMENT OF PARCEL 2 THE wATzx SURFACE HAS REACHED THE ELANu BUILDING FIRE LAND DURING EXTEDiuBu RAIN STORMS AND HAS NEEDED •r0 BE PUMPED ON OCCASION. BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INI;. ' CIVII. ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS My m;.,or Avenue East 5catm, WA 98102 r+ tL06)323-4144 �H tLua) 323-7135' Fax 14 �S Ito SHEET NO. 2 -- OF CALCULA, to BT T A %' DATE CHECKED BY un,t F�JLI._ vEJ�1-o��0 �or�p�-r�ar�S L�v1iD�K A44,=, - W h Aovi- A(,Vwli-- . 1c+6I AKFiyk Val t,w A? -e0$ \/cpIta ,--4 A4 -L -a .. of R.R. S . o Kms.14 X� I I135o 500 1So,.15� iS3, I= 11 I , foo 10o�3Sv I21 1 1500 II 2SO,SED 1f:5 2ct4-, 0 Sa Iq I lsq ,. e)- I S cl, 4-)S s4 -1-)5 4113, I c� Ss�o� "ssS 41; q�,2�oto3 '13, too Y01� 8$'I i%'Ll; low, Fww"M,wmlim; -6,115 S b"?, rblq I E54,+1.S 29L1, So"z 34 �, U(O L 55��Iq� 34, 1-020 S42 13� '?�4y aa3 1i�b� I4� ISS-�q,ese I,q sI�OLP 2�33��45' bl,"S2S 71L 2.q S 203 j q� -Lit to50 rLoS 14ao 'v25,'12S 3�4,3ao 4ri. o5a C. 4"S O X� I I135o 500 1So,.15� iS3, I= 11 I , foo 10o�3Sv I21 1 1500 II 2SO,SED 1f:5 2ct4-, 0 Sa Iq I lsq ,. e)- I S cl, 4-)S s4 -1-)5 4113, I c� Ss�o� "ssS 41; q�,2�oto3 '13, too Y01� 8$'I i%'Ll; low, Fww"M,wmlim; -6,115 S b"?, rblq I E54,+1.S 29L1, So"z 34 �, U(O L 55��Iq� 34, 1-020 S42 13� '?�4y aa3 1i�b� I4� ISS-�q,ese I,q sI�OLP 2�33��45' bl,"S2S 71L 2.q S 203 j q� -Lit to50 rLoS 14ao 'v25,'12S 3�4,3ao 4ri. o5a C. 4"S O EXISTING FLOWS TO POND (PARCELS 1 & 2 DEVELOPED, PARCELS J, 4-A & 4b UvUzvLLUrLU) THE PEAK HYDROGRAPH FLOW FOR THE L xzAx/L4 mOUR STORM IS 7.7960 cfs. THE ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATE FROM TH15 SITZ 15 nu$ Or TnIS PEAK RATE OR 3.8980 cfs. A RAINr*ALL Yxrjl:lYl'1'A'1'lUN OF 1.30 INCHES WAS DETERMINED BY TRIAL AND ERROR TO EQUAL •rn15 ALLUwaniLz xzLEaSE RATE. THE PUMP WILL BE SIZED FOR 3.8980 cfs Ux 1,750 qpm (3.898 cfs x 7.480519 yallons x 60 minutes). STORM I RAIN PRECIP_ I PEAK FLOW I rLAA vUL_ oU% 2/24 z/24 1u/a4 lUU/L4 1UU//day 1.30 in. 1.95 =n. 2.85 in. 3.95 in. 9.80 in. 3.9061 czs 7.7960 cfs 13.9285 cfs 21.9922 cfs 13.9057 cfs L.LULU ac/ft 4.043U ac/ft 6.8DvD ac/ft 10.51.SL ac/ft 27.8L /v ac/ft 4�MPM' Bi AIVE ' •.• _ t3M rl - - •Be,D (900- Fv BM.. •• - •- 25 W J , . • •, OF Bev r 0 I E38U i • •• • 1 ' •13eCi '•fes•• �, t41 • • ti 1 • • P i Rp tCROw II ' VIVO Joe - � -=:, • . wa 1 13 --- . - Pu u r - I ` Ng Zo BeC Iff urse Ur Wo L (jv p,.� S� -�Z - I 6fA � E LILA SoM�� Loa `� Ju; •,� Sew ge p -TN i • ups .sal . Q W Z Mg Ur Ur 6 • : :22V Ur -_3 W Lp� i� ."- 1 ur • . Fa - a `� �longacres • Pu I, I Py Wo eD ui 405 4 U r _ = I .i. S o i Track a 1 -�j u• I z9 - '� rri ii Ur. 1 D. 27'3(Y' ur i Ng U o I O R s rvoir 0° W T of �2 2 So Tu > i W Pu z_ '" SR Wu 1 Pu I - �� - 25 0 Or I Pr SK • i � -i nWo :r KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL (2) CN values can be area weighted when they apply to pervious areas of similar CN's (within 20 CN points). However, high CN areas should not be combined with low CN areas (unless the low CN areas are less than 15% of the subbasin). In this case, separate hydrographs should be generated and summed to form one hydrouraph. rivutcE 3.a.. A HYDKOLOGIC SOIL GROUT Ok -I iii: SOILS INKING COury I Y rr,,m SGS, i R-55, Second Edition, June 1986, EXni6it A-1. Ruviaiuna mane from SCS. Soil Interpretation Records Form #5, September 1988. RTUR01-01.21Ci RYDROLOGIG SOIL GROUP GRuuP- SOIL GROUP GROUt— Alderwood C Orcas Peat U Arenta, Aldefwood Material C Oridia D Arenta.Evcratt Material B Ovall C tse ante Cf'ilcRacrc D Pa et C D tmilingnam Puyallup 6riscot u Ragnar Buckley D Coastal Beaches varlsole Renton D EaRmont Silt lazini D Riverwash variable Eaycwick C Salal C Eve, ett A /B `Sanimami,n D Inniamola A Seattle D Rit5ap C 5 a-tzr 0 Maus C 5; Silt C Mixed nluvial Land variable 5nonomisn D Nelton A Sultan C Newberg n Tukwila D Nooksacic C Urban variable Normal Sanay Loam D Woodinville U HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP C;LA55lFIC;Ai IONS A. (Low runoff potential). Soil., raving riiwn lnffitraf;on rates, even when thoroughly wetted, and consiati,.y chiefly of deep. well-tu=e^cezz1vely Brined sands or gravels. These soils have a hiyn rate of water transliliaait7n. B. (MiRievateiy lo.. runun potential). Soils having moderate infiltration rates wFien tnoroogFily wenW, and cvnaialiny crneny or moderately fine io moderately coarse textarea. I Reae m0da nave a moaeratu rate of water transmission. C. (M5Z!erateiy high runoff potential). Soua naviny slow Infiltration atea when trtoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of sols with a layer t twat Impeaea aownwarti movement of water, or soils with moderately fine to fine textures. These soils have a slow sate Ur water transmission. D. (High runoff potential). SailafMaviny very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consiatiny chieny of clay sone with a hiyR awaking potential, soils with a permanent hiyh water table, soils with a rtarapan or clay layer at or near tRe surface, and shallow soils over nearly Imperviouz, nultar'fal. I Reals aoila Rave a vel yy aiow IatG or water transmission. rr,,m SGS, i R-55, Second Edition, June 1986, EXni6it A-1. Ruviaiuna mane from SCS. Soil Interpretation Records Form #5, September 1988. KING COON t T, WASHINGTON, SUKFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL 1 ABLE 3.5 213 SCS NVF_11 r t(N WASIIINGTON XUNGrr LUK VG NUMBERS 5C5 WESTERN WASHINGTOR RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS (Publi.AR 5y 5L5 in 1982) Iianon curve numbers for seleclM ayricaltural, sul3urban and urban land use for i ype 1 A rainfall owril3ution, 24-hour storm duration. CURVE NUMBERS 13T HYDROLOGIC BUIE GROuP LAND 05E utSCRIPTION A B C u Cultivated land(1): winter condition 86 91 94 95 Mountain opet , aras: low growing bruSEi ana yrassialias 74 82 89 9z Meadow or pasture: 65 78 85 89 woo5a or rarest land: uni7iswrDed or older second growth 42 64 76 81 wood or forest land: young second stowtli or orusR 55 72 81 86 Orcrlara: with cover crop 81 88 92 94 Open spaces_ lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, lands.-apiny. yFioa condition: grass cover on 75% or more of the area 68 80 86 90 fair condltio, grass cover on 50°% to 15% of the area 77 85 90 92 Gra-119 wads ana pa.Ring lots 76 85 89 91 Dirt roads a..5 pa. Ring lots 7z 82 87 89 Impervious sunaczs, pavement, roofs. etc. 98 98 98 98 Open water aooies: lakes, wetlands, ponds, etc. 100 100 IUD luo Sitiylc Famby m sidtntial (z) Dwellii-,y urin/Gross Acre % Impervious (3) 1.o uU/GA 15 Separate carve nsmDar 1.5 Du/GA zo shall be selectR 2.0 Uu/VA 25 for pervious and 2.5 Du/CSA W impervious portion 3.0 UO/CoA 34 of the site or basin 3.5 DU/UA 38 4.0 U0/ljA 4z 4.5 U0/GA 45 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 UU/UA 50 6.0 Du/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA 54 7.0 UO/GA 56 Planned unit de.ciopments, % impervious condominiums, apartments, must be cumputeo commercial business ana industrial areas. (t) For a more oulalleo oescnption or dynt:unuiai iar,uoc . •. ....-• _..a...__....� Handbook 5ectimi-, 4_ mydrology, Chapter 9, Auyast 19rz. (z) Assumes root and driveway runoff is directed into st,aut/storm system. (3) The remairriny parviocs meas (lawn) are considerM tu De i„ good condition for these cuwve numoers. FllE Beuln Hydrograph Storage uinu Fits ga Laval pawl 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMf7f7f MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS 3 INPUT; MODIFY DK 9KUWbE uR1Fi 3 3 BASIN ID X2/24 SBDR RYDKUbKMrR 3 oDESCRIPTION EXISTING 2YR, 24HK 3 3AREA iserza) 43,700 FRiRFRLC CHOICES 3 3RRiN PRECIP %in) 1.95 1. 1Yrt IM 3 31iME INTERVAL(min): 10.00 c. TYrE I 3 oTIME OF CONC (min): 33.66 3. iYrE II 3 3RAINFALL SELECTION: 6 4. TYPE IIA 3 5mBSTRACT COEFF 0.20 5. iYPE 3 3 38RSE FLOW (cfs) 0.000 6. USER 1 3 3STORM OUR (hrs) 24.000 r. RC 7 DAY 3 3 B. CUSTOM 3 3rERViuUS PRRCEL IMPERVIOUS PARCEL 3 3MKEPI: cr.n0e acres AREA: 15.900 acr-ez 3 60 ns.Vu CN 98.00 3 3 3 3 bOMMRKY DR 1 R o 3PEAK RYDKDGKMrR fif1t: 8.00 hrs 3 3PEAK HYDROGRFiPR FLUW : 7.7960 c f s =.+�1 vrf 'L.3'r- moi.{ G'�S o 3TOTAL HYDROGRmFm vUC: 4.0430 ac—ft 3 3 HOME END FI:Fi,,a FL:New F3:Get F4:Tc—Calc FS:Delete 3 3 Pgup Pydn FG:Cvmpate Fr: FB:Method F9:Template F10:Enit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPIPIPIPIr7MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> File Basin HydrograpR stolowe Dla�liarge Level pool 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMt7MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB 3 iNPu1, mOuiFY UR BKuwSE uATA 3 BASIN ID 1/2X2 a6UH HYDROGRAPH 3 3DESCRIPTION 50% EX151iNG LYR_ 24MR 3 3AREA (acres) 43.70io RAINFALL CHOICES o 3RAIN PRECIP (in) 1_30 4 S5171 0'f ez ` k 1 . TYPE IA 3 3TIME INTERVAL(min): 10.00 2. TYPE I 3 3TIME OF CONC (min): 33.66 3. TYPE II 3 oRAINFALL SELECTION: 6 4. TYPE IIA 3 oM951KMC1 CUEFF 0.20 5. iYPE 3 3 69M5E FC'uw (efs) 0.000 b. 'ustR 1 3 6131UKM UUR inrs) 24.000 r. RC ( DRY 3 o as . Cut)1 uM 3 3PEKVIOUb PARCEE IMPERVIOUS PARCEL 3 5SKEM: Zx.800 ecr�s AREA: 15.900 aur -EQ 3 3CN a5.00 CN 98.00 3 3 3 3 bOMMMRY uMTM 3 3PERR HYURDGRMPR 1iME: 8.00 hrs 3 3PEAK RYDRUGRMrm FLOW: 3.9061 05 : �.�q� �'�S 3 3TOTAL HYURUGKRPR VOL: ?.2020 ac—ft 3 3 HOME ENu Fl:Fiiia F2:New F3:Get F4:1c—Calc Fb:uEiEtc 3 3 Pyup Pgdri F6:CoF.patE F7: FB:Method Fti:lempiate r10:Ekit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPIPIMMMMMMMMMMr1P11�PIt119mMMMMMMMMMMM> Fria Be=114 Hydrograph Storage DiscRargn Cevel pool 3r1mPIr7mFImmmmr1mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmPIMPIrIrIPIrIPImrIrIPIFIPImm-mmMFimrIPIrlmrlPlmmmmb 3 INPUT, MODIFY OR BROWSE Dpi1m 3 3 unbin iD X10 SBUH HYDROGRAPH 3 3DEbUR1P1iUM ExISTING 10YR, 24HR 3 3ARtA (aura=) 43.700 RAINFALL CNuiuES 6 3RAIN PRECIP (in) 2.85 1. TYPE IA 3 3TIME IN1ERVML(min): 10.00 2. TYPE I 3 3TIME OF CONC (min): 33.Sb 3. TYPE II 3 3RAINFALL SELEC1iUN: 6 4. TYPE IIA 3 3ABSTRACT COEFF 0.:o 5. TYPE 3 3 3BASE FLOW (cfs) 0.wwo G. USER 1 3 3STORM OUR (hrs) 24.0w0 7. KC 7 DAY 3 3 B. CUSTOM 3 3PERVIOUS PARCEL imPERviuub vMRUtE 3 3AREA: 27.800 acres RKEn: 1b.tjo0 cave= 3 3CN 85.00 CIV ats . ea 3 3 3 3 SUMMARY DATA 3 3PEAK HYDROGRAPH TIME: 8.100 nr= 3 3PEAK HYDROGRAPH FLOW: 13.9285 ct= 3 3TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOL: 6.85y5 ac-tt 3 3 HOME END F1:Find F2:Naw F3:Get r4:1c-uaic FS:UalaZE 3 3 Pwup ryaall F6:Compute F7: F8:Method 1-u:1empiate F1w:Enit 3 1 r1PImmmmmmmmmmPImfImmmi-imMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPIPIPIMMMMMMm.> Fite 60=111 rlyar owrapfi 5tUi ssae Discharge Level pool 3MMMMMMPIMMMMMMMPILo1PIPIPIPIPIFIPIPIPIMMMMMMMMmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB 3 IMPu 1 : MOD1FY On BROWSE DATA 3 3 BASIN iD x100 SBUH HYDROGRAPH 3 DESCRIPTION Ex151iNG 1010YK: 24MR 3 3AREA (acres) 43.tOW RAINFALL CHOICES 3 3RAIN PRECIP (in) 3.yb 1. TYPE IA 3 3TIME INTERVAL(min): 1e.sa0 2. TYPE I 3 3TIME OF CONC (min): .3.66 3. TYPE II 3 3RAINFALL SELECTION: 6 4. TYPE IIA 3 3ABSTRACT COEFF e.zo S. TYPE 3 3 3BASE FLOW (cts) 0.000 G. USER 1 3 3STORM OUR (hrs) z>I.00e 7. KC 7 DAY 3 3 B. CUSTOM 3 3PERVIOUS PARCEL iMvtKviu0b PKRuEE 3 3AREA: 27.800 acres AREH: 15.mOO aura= 3 3uN 85.00 CNy8.0Fa 3 3 3 3 SUMMARY DATA 3 3PERK RYDROGRRPM TIME: 8.00 hrs 3 SrtMK RYDRUGRRPR FLOW: 21.9922 cfs 3 31UIML RYDRUGRmPH VOL: 10.5132 ac -ft 3 3 RumE Elqu FI:F!..d F2:New F3:Get F4:1c—Ga1c FS:Daleta 5 3 Pyap Pyo'. Fo:CQmpate F7: F8:Method Fti: iempiate FIIo:E,cit 3 1 mmmmmmmmFlmfImmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIP113PIMMMMFIMMMMMMP1MPIMMMMMM> Fite tlDaiii Hydrograph Storawe uincRmrae caul pool 3PImmm mmmPImm mmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPIPIMM MPmt7mmmmRIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8 3 INPUT, MODIFY OR BKOWSt ORIn 3 3 BAbiN ID X1007 SBUR RYOROGRAPH 3 3DESCRIPIION EXISTING 100YR, 7DAY 3 3AREA (acres) 43.700 RMINFnCL CHOICES 3 3RAIN PRECIP (in) 9.80 I. IYPt im 3 3TIME INTERVALtmirr): 60.00 Z. IYPt 1 3 3TIME OF CONC (miry): 00.66 3. IYPt 11 3 3RAINFALL SELECTION: r 4. TYPE lim 3 3ABSTRACT COEFF e.c;o S. TYPE 3 3 3BASE FLOW (cfs) 10.000 S. USER 1 3 3STORM OUR (hrs) 168.006 7. KC 7 DAY 3 3 8. CUSTOM 3PERVIOUS PARCEL IMPERviOOb PARCEL 3 3AREA: 27.800 acres RREA: 15.n00 mcra. 3 3CN 85.00 CN U9.00 3 3 3 SUMMARY DATA 3 3PEAK HYDROGRAPH TIME: b5.wo Rrs 3 oPtRR HYDROGRAPH FLOW: 13.'dub( ct9 3 31OTRC HYDROGRAPH VOL: Z-(.urtm ac-tt 6 3 RODE END F1:Find F2:Ne-w t-3:bat F4:Tc—Calc FS:Delete 3 3 POap rwm14 FG:Compute F"(: r-a:rletnua F9:Ta.,,plate F10:Exit 3 I PIPIrIrIrIPImPImrIrImmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPIPIPIPIPimrIPiPIPIrIrImmmPIrImmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> DEVELOPED rLOwS TO POND (PARCELS 1, 2, 3, 4-P, & 4-n) STORM I ru&IN PRECIP. 1 PEAK FLOW rEAK VOL. 2/24 1.v5 in. 9-1477 cfs 4.n48/ ac/ft 10724 z.85 in. 15-2693 vis /.4141 ac/ft 100724 s.V5 in. 23.2337 ufs l.i..iWa ac/ft 10077day v.80 in. 14.2898 ufs 28.v/v2 ac/ft File Bamin Hydrograph Storage Discharge Level pool 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8 3 INPUT, MODIFY OR BROWSE DATA 3 3 BASIN ID 02/24 SBUH HYDROGRAPH 3 a0E5uRiPtiON DEVELOPED 2YR, 24HR 3 3RRER tacr�zp 44.000 RAINFALL CHOICES 3 3RmI19 PRECIP 1.96 1. TYPE IA 3 3tIME IMTERVAL(mi..): 10.00 2. TYPE I 3 3 t telt OF COMC 33.12 3. TYPE 11 3 3KRiMFmCC SECtCtiON: 6 4. TYPE IIA 3 3n55tRRCt Cut Ft= 0.20 S. TYPE 3 3 38ti5t FLOW t c t�) 10.1000 6. USER 1 3 35iOKm OUR iFuz L4.10100 7. FC 7 DAY 3 s B. CUSTOM 3 3PEKviOu5 vhRCEL iMPERviOus PMRCEL a 3FiREA: t 8.500 acr om AREA: 46.500 merez 3 3CN 81.00 CN x8.010 3 3 3 SUMMARY DATA 3PEAK HYDROGRAPH TIME: 8.00 Fro 3PEAK HYDROGRAPH FLOW: y.14 -t -t ctz 3 3TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOL: 4.548( ac-tt 3 3 HOME END F1:Find F2;19uw F,1:6at r4:1c-Calc r5:ueiatz 3 3 Pgup Pgdn FG:Compute F(: r8:mathoo Fa:te,•,piete FiO:E..:t 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPMMMM MMMMMMMMMMPIPIMMMMPIPIPIMMMMPIPIPiMMMMPIMMMMMM;� File Basin Hydrograph Storage Discharge Level pool 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMU 3 INPUT, MODIFY OR BROWSE DATA 3 3 BASIN ID 010 SBUH HYDROGRAPH nOESCRiPtiOM DEVELOPED 10YR, 224HR 3 3iiREM tac;rezi 44.000 RAINFALL CHOICES 3 6RRiM PREUir 2.85 1. TYPE IA 3 3tiME tAiER011C mi,,): 1010.00 2. TYPE I 3 :,iiPit uF CURC 33.12 3. TYPE II 3 6KRINFAEL 5t[tC t iUM: 6 4. TYPE IIA 3 6MBb 1KhU1 GOEFF 0.20 S. TYPE 3 3 3885E FCu'w i c t 3 i 0.000 6. USER 1 3 351ORM OUR (nrm) 44.000 7. KC 7 DAY 3 3 B. CUSTOM 3 3rtRvi0b PMKCEE IMPERVIOUS PARCEL 3 313RER: 18.500 ecrEm AREA: 25.500 acres 3 C1v 8 t . 60 CN 98.00 3 3 3 SummnRr uA t m 3 3PEAK HYDROGRAPH tiME: 10.00 ma 3 3PEAK HYDROGRAPH rLuw: 15.46y3 cta 3 3TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOL: t.4141 ac-tt 3 3 HOME END F1:Find F2:New rs:5et F4:1c—Cmic FS:Daiate 3 3 Pgup Pgdn F6:Compute r t: FE:Matho'a F9:%mplat� F10:Exit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPIriPiPIPIPIPIrnr1PIFIr1rtPIPIMMMMMMmPIMMmPlrtl3PIr1MPImMMMMMr1PImPIPII MM2 File Bamili Rya,oyrapH Sturawa Dimuharga Leel pool 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMPMMPIPIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB 3 0POi, MODIFY UK BROWSE DATA 3 3 BASIN ID D100 b9OR HyORuGRAPH 3 3DESCRIPTION : UEvECOPtu iOOYR: 24HR 3 3AREA (acres) 44.000 RmINFALL CHOICES 3 3RAIN PRECIP (in) 3.ub i. TYPE IA 3 3TIME INTERVAL(min;: 10.100 2. TYPE I 3 3TIME OF CONC (min): 36.1z 3. TYPE II 3 3RAINFALL SELECTION: e 4. TYPE IIA 3 3ABSTRACT COEFF O.zo S. TYPE 3 3 3BASE FLOW (cfs) 0.000 G. USER 1 3 3STORM OUR (hrs) 24.000 t. KC 7 DAY 3 3 E. uus 1 Utz 3 3PERVIOUS PARCEL IMPERVIuUS PARUtC 3 3AREA: 18.500 acres AREA: 5.500 acrco 3 3CN 81.00 CN 98-00 0 3 3 3 SUMMARY DATA 3 3PtAK RYOROGRAPH TIME: 8.00 hrs 6 orEmR RYURUtRRPH FLOW: 23.2337 cfs 3 3iOiRC AYURUGRRPm VOC: 11.1008 ac -ft 3 o ROME tMO F1:Fi,.d F2:New F3:Get F4:Tc-Calc FS:Oelete � 3 Pwap Pwall F6:Cumpuxt F7: F8:Method F9:Template F10w.Exit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> File gaoili hyarograpn Styr Owu Disi.harge Level pool mmmmFIPIPImmmmmmmmPIPImmmmmmmm mPIPImmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB 6 impui _ MuOiFY OR BROWSE DATA 3 3 bRbIM 10 0100r SBUH HYDROGRAPH 3 3DESCRIriiUM utvtLOPEO ivoyR, 7DAY 3 3AREM (acreo) 44.000 RAINFALL CHOICES 3 3RAIN PRECIP (in) y.80 i. TYPE IA 3 3TIME INTERVAL(min): 60.00 2. TYPE I 3 3TIME OF CONC (min): 33.iz o. iYFE 11 3 3RAINFALL SELECTION: 7 4. iYrt 11M 3 3ABSTRACT COEFF 0.z0 5. iYPE 6 3 3BASE FLOW (cfs) 0.000 G. USER 1 6 oSTORM DuR (hrs) 168.000 7. KC 7 DAY 5 0 B. CUSTOM 3 3rEKviOu5 PARCEL IMPERVIOUS PARCEL 'o 3nRtrk tS.bwO arca AREA: 25.500 acres b 30 81.00 CN 98.00 3 o 6 3 bOMMMRY uATA 3 3PEMK myuRUGKMPm TIME: 55.00 hrs 3 3vERK RYUHUGRMPR FCUw: i4.2B98 cfs 3 3101RE RYDROuRmPR vu -L: z8.9792 ac -ft 3 3 HOME ERD Fi :F!,,3 F2:Maw F3:Get F4:Tc-Calc FS:Delete 3 3 Pgup Pgdii t-6:Compata Fi: FB:Method F9:Template F10:Exit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> POND WATER LEVELS THE FOLLOWING WATER LEVELS REFLECT THE FLOWS FROM A FULLY DEVELOPED 44 AURB uxAiflAGz DaSIN FOR THE 2, 10, 100 & 100 YEAR, 7 DAY DESIGN STORMS. THB urrLUPED POND IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A STATIC WATER LhvzL A -x ELzvATION 10.5 FEET WITH NO INFILTRATION. THE PUMP IS SET TO START ur AT ELEVATION 11.50 AND SHUT OFF AT ELEVATION 11.0u. STORM INFLOW PBAr, PEAK STAGE PEAK OUT 2/24 9.15 crs li.Dul 2.12 cfs 10/24 15.27 cfs 11.57' 3.90 cfs 100/24 23.23 cfs 1L.11l 3.90 cfs 100/7ciay 14.29 cfs 1L -.L /' s . y0 cfs File Basin Hyaroaravn btoroye Discharge Level pwol Bosh; 2MmMMMMMmmMmmMMmmMMMMMMB 3 3 3Ra%.ta,,yaiar vault 3 3Trmp-a,ui8ui basin 3 3Undargroa,,8 pipe 6 3Sto 110t 3 3Custom file 3 3mmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmPImmmmPmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMB 3 CUSTOM STG-bTU L1bI 3 3 STORAGE STRUCTURE ID: 0PUM0 3 3NAME: DEVELOPED WETLANDS POND 3 3INCREMENT: 0.10 3 3 3 3 STAGE ARER of bIRGE AREA sf 3 �J�T" e- 31: 10 -vu 0.00 6: 14.00 233875 3 F'Ov�d� 32: 10.50 1.00 -1: 15.00 248900 3 33: 11.00 11zzz15 8: 16.00 285400 3 I -eve 1 34: 14.00 z03a00 9: 17.00 328725 3 35: 1:,.00 211650 10: 18.00 374300 3 a 3 3PEOP PbUN F2: AREA F3: GET F6: Delete F10: Exit 3 immmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mMMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> Available Memory remaining: 137008 bytes Car-r-ent Data Set Name: D:\WORKS\JAL\90369-04 File Basin Hydrograph Storawu Dimoharge Lev -al Nvol Bush, Ruud 8 Hit2MMMMMnMMMmmMMMMPMMMhMM8 Ralcaaa 3 3 3rroportional mair 3 3v—weir 3 6NotcM weir 3 66road crested weir 3 30ritice design 3 3MMMmMmMMMMMmMmmmmmmMmMmmMmMMMmMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8 3 Cub i Dig b I t7 -Dib CURvE 3 3 01bCRRKGE SiRUCiuRE 1u: vUMP 3 3NAME: WtICANDb uvERFEUR PUMP 3 3INCREMENi: 0.01 3 3 3 3 S1RGt D1SCRRRGE bIAGE ulbCmMRGE 3 31: 10.00 0.OF0 6: 14.00 3.y0 3 32: 11.4ta 0. too r: Ib.too 3.90 3 33: I 1 .b0 3.y0 B: 16.00 3.90 3 Bart—v� a4: 12.010 :;.ab y: 1"1.010 3.90 3 35.: 13 . 010 3 . !Io 10: 18.00 3.90 3 3 3PGUP PGDN F3: Get F6: Delete F10: Exit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmMM,> Available Memory remaining: 137008 bytes Current Data Set Name: 0:\WORKS\JAL\90369-04 Fila Basin Hydrograph Storage Diocharye Leve! pool Bush, Road & Hitchings, Inc 2MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMU 3mmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB 3 ROUTING COMPARISON TABLE 3 3 MATCH INFLOW STO DIS PEAK PEAK OUT 3 3 uESCRIPTION PEAK PEAK No. No. STG OUT HYD 3 sscaa a a=.=== 3 3DEv 2 YR 0.00 9.1S OPOND PUMP 11.50 :!.12 11 3 3DEv in TR 0.00 15.27 DPOND PUMP 11.57 3.90 12 3 .-)DEQ 100 TK 0.00 23.23 DPOND PUMP 12.11 3.90 13 3 nuEv 100 TK / 7 DAY 0.00 14.29 OPOND PUMP 12.17 3.90 14 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 s 3 3 3 3 3 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPMMMPMPIPIPIMPIPIMMMMPIPIhMMPIPIMM MhMMMMMMf1PIMPIMMMMMMMMMl hM� i� Available Memory remaining; 137008 6yte� Current Data Set Name: 0:\WORKS\JAL\90369-04 V. PIPE SiGING CALCULATIONS BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS & LANli SURVEYORS ��� 2009 Minor Avenue East %�2 Seattle, WA 98102 T (206)323-4144 BRH t206) 323-7135 * Fax Flu-i1P SI -z -IQ&' e-feSt' o -f F :P2 = 10=3 wa�v' leVjLi = ► l _ o job -* 10;L' -q . ✓ SHEET NO. I OF CALCCvi, tC B. S A L eR I CHECKED BY DA,t bCA,_E --) = t-1 561- P;fm- + = 1 I I (taCN^S i tA0. �-+ �G� Jzx 4- 2r, -- z -+ 4S 40a' r �1 , 4� / ' = 4 _� ,/ OOi'J = C [ ao D) l "{o e, > _ Ve l a4; +�) 0ea.� : -t 10"- Lin a -f A -hor - -(�o r,- �. L & : V e. t Oz: i f) 11, 4- = 2 v,w�Tzw l is.er sKen� Art (hal ®®Nt MM Mm 0,471 Te Mn mart Tm r S.,4*- BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. JOB * p ?' cOa ' O4) CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAN1J SuKVEYORS SHEET NO L' of 2009 Minor Avenue East �, L DATE ' t Seattle, WA 98102 0#gXc;m c[ e. H(206) 323-4144 CHECKED By UNIE (206)323 -7135 -Fax Tel 1�eZ;; T►7� - 4�,, o � pMWewIpomm mjtpoo1®o�K 9---01471 T*oW—i0urRU;400-U5,MW 80 0.001 60 a 1 100 0.03 300 v 40.000 zuu U.4 zU -Z 80 05 19 30'000 60 W 15 0.005 50 U.0 0.006 'a 2o.0W 0.0078 50 40 4-5 � l �a U.8 o 30 40 10 °' 0.09 w 3 '-�� 2 30 96Li 8 1 t 84 140 10.000 150 d o �a 3 zo 200 i _� 8,000 60 c 1 u.w1 54 6.000 4 48 5.000 0.6 4z 10 N, w 4.Uu�► \ 36 0.4 c 8 u.4 3U 3.000 U.3 0 6 0.6 v 2.0005 � �. zu \ \ 4 ��5� 00 4 s 18 7 V. .- 16 3 u c 14- ai Lew 8 F 1z t 1•uw 0.1 0.0001 a u.un 10 °"" r m d , 600 A d 8 m u.05 a buu i5 6 > 1 3 400 15 04s 3uu 4 U.02 0.6 5 31 200 0.5 20 3 0.4 0.00001 2!- 8 0.3 0.008 2 1uu 0.2 la 80 0.001 60 l0 1 0.3 0.03 300 0.1 G!�- ART FoR-lA2E�- kme6 'FOR muL-A 0.001 500 l0 400 0.3 0.03 300 20 yv 0.002 zuu U.4 0.W3 05 Ov 1w 0.10 W 0.005 U.0 0.006 0u 0.7 0.0078 50 40 4-5 � l �a U.8 0.01 30 U.9 1 G!�- ART FoR-lA2E�- kme6 'FOR muL-A l0 0.01 0.03 20 yv n 0.05 c 4 �► 2 0.069.91 A 3 0.09 w 3 '-�� 2 0.1 1 t S 140 150 d o 3 200 i _� .2 6 c 1 u.w1 4 0.6 0.4 5 u.4 U3 U.3 6 0.6 u.z U,'78 _ 7 0.9 c 8 0.1 0.0001 9 u.un r 0.06 2• ' u.05 a 0.04 > 0.03 3 15 4 U.02 5 20 0 7 0.01 0.00001 8 0.008 9 a5 10 0.006 u.uuu2 G!�- ART FoR-lA2E�- kme6 'FOR muL-A IE■M■■mooMEEM■■M 1■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I■MEMM■M■EM■■■M■ 1■■■EMEM■OMME■■■ I■EEMEME■■■■MME■ IMMEEMMEE■MMME■M 1■EN■■■■■■■EM■■■ ■E■M■MM■EMM■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ M■■M■MEMEE■■ ■■■■OMEN■■M■ ■■MM■M■■M■■■ ■MINI■■■■E■■M■ ■■■■MEMO ■I: G: ■ No ■ IN■ ■11■M■EMMNE ■11■■■N■E■■ ■II■■■■EMM■ ■UM■■■■■■■ ■IIMEM■MM■■ ■IIMM■E■M■■ MIIM■■■M■■M ■IIE■MEEM■■ ■ ■ eta II U) F' NP Y V� ril a U Ll 7 O2�� ao a -E rr r aF��uJ f-�4D Qom, w V ` -Z J U (' u 04j Zoc �1- 4 2 vuaQ•17 QOr��or Q -Z� �Z aaa� 3 s w� Qi 2, as E 4 a 13 J uj :)- NP u► CL v m ; Ur -IN 121121 0 u 1 •dl•,11 ;,fj°�I � Wd�i o�j I I �dWc�d dH�d o� �Z 0 7 i ,NN No's z" cQlauulT TO PUMP TY I C=B. W7 CONTROL PANEL LOCKING SULID CID HEMA 4 JUAC I I�Ia BOX ELEV. 19.00 0 IuRla—OFF LEVEL a w J Q SEAEED En MERCURY 0 SWITCH 12" CUNC. PINE 17 RIVER GAUGE CA I CR BASIN 3/4" BARS ( WELD M uPF AND LOWER B 1/4"x Z" UPPER R= 4" 516E VIEW 1 /4"x 2" ANGLE IRON _OWER BAND ION 34-3 WT STD. GRATE " TOP VIEW NOTES: 1. All 5 I LEL PARIS IU BE RUT -QIP GALVANIZED. 2. CAGE TO SUP OVER TOv OF TY I CATCH BASIN. INLET CATCH BASIN WITH DE13RIS CAGE BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. JOB CIVIL CNGiNKCKS &C LANU SUKVhYUKS 5RrE NO I OF 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 CALCULATED BY GxTE (z06) 323=4144 B ti rl (206) 323-7135 ' Fax CRECREu 9r Dw i t RrAI F �l�Fl L-T'KATIat�l St,�1ALE �IzI1JC� o�' J14 Z7 -cl ('�' �� L'i 1;2c p t�— ). -;:: Z7, E5, < Z7- -; --s A = b�+ a�2 2,(ob5I P = b +-23-T z;FI = II,Gb11b 1 I; = 4/p = O. 4 3 0 0471 TO OWPHIM11IX1RLLF I-645430 O'F Saks PROOI1Cf m17 SAent,ms.ti►tlfee��..—..6mWl4st VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES VII. BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS Vin. OTHEK PbRMITS Shod;.n2. S�bsta�►-�-;a.1 Dev. Pexfi ��-►�4 - X55 i3 Ix. EROSION/Sm)WENTATION UONTRoL DESwN X. BOND QUANTITIES wvRK SHEET, RETENTIuN]DETENriuN FACiLM SUAIAI"y SHEET ANI) SKETCH, AND DECI,AKATION or COVENANT King County BaiLding and LaM Dw..Iopwnt Dt.tsian COMMERCIAL/MULTIFAMILY GROUP BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET Page 1 of 2 I Data: ']- I�7- r'I�I' I BALD PLSuj�wct No.:qL{_-0�.� S�"i F►GF c 1 I 1 Project Name: PI�Jvh1G iS f �'.pQf. ll �+ �1 � czr+ v �4�a72 ee gzta-.*6= Fact (1'1'171 ' Situ Aaarc.s: ' I Ay¢. S.I�J. nz)z)--64e,r Road 1 Fill in LF1vsE 1ce94 which pertain to t11is projaact an marn tv tRa CM-ucrc1ai/Mott1ram;Iy GrwN - Sitc Du.elopment Ra;aw Un;t. PUBLIC ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS I PRIVATE ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1 Unit Price Unit I Quantity Price I amm icy Price 1 A.C.Pavemem . . . . . . . . f 8.00 SY Cement C. Corb i G:.ter . . . 9.00 LF 1 f 1 s EAt. i:aea Aspplait Curb . . . . . 2.50 LF I f I 20 1 Concrete SfdewaiR . . . . . . . 9.uu LF I f I s I 60 pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 LF 1 s I s I 8" pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 LF I f I f 4 e)n2 1 121,pipe. . ......... . 15.00 LF I f 1 SZ 2 1 150 pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00 LF 1 f I S 1 18" pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 LF 1 f I f 24" pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 LF 1 f 1 f 1 35" pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.00 LF 1 s 1 i 480 pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 LF I f I f 1 60" pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 LF I f I f 72" pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 LF I s I s 1 Caro Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 EA. I f 1 f 1 CB TYPE 1 S 1•L . . . . . . . . 750.w EA. I s 1 2 s�o 1 CB TYPE II - 4ii•. . . . . . _ . . 1400.00 EA. I f I s 1 CB TYPE II - 540 . . . . . . . . 2100.00 Ew. I f I s CB TYPE 11 - 72" . . . . . . . . 3400.00 EA. I f 1 s 1 CO TYPE 11 - v6" . . . . . . . . 4000.00 EA. 1 f I f 1 Restrictor7Separatwr t2" 450.00 EA. I s I f Rescriccor7aeparator 15^' 500.00 EA. 1 f I S I Rwsarictur/Separator 18" 500.00 EA. 1 s ( f I Restrictvr/Supa.at�,r 24" _ 150.00 EA. 1 s I S 1 Fencing taround pond) . . . . . 10.00 LF 1 S I f I Riprap . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 CY 36 I I f 00 Rwukary, GaB;u-" i eCelogy RaLl . 7.00 SF I s I s CMwme Rutaining Wail . . . . ilAu SF I s 1 s 1 Excavation rr Pana . . . . . . 5.uu CY I f 1 s I Infiltration TrencR . . . . . . 15.00 LF 1 f 1 s I Flow apreader . . . . . . . . . 15.00 LF I f 1 s Trench Drain . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 LF 1 s I s 1 Trad Rack . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 EA. 1 s 1 1 a 100 1 MF;-.tINI Pipe Ria'cr . . . . 400.00 EA. I f 1 s I Ft�w, S q EA. I s I S4-5000 g,'er 1--eyw 4ya..+� A� I s I I s I I I I SUBTOTAL I s I SUBTOTAL I f 5 3 1 I BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET King County Building and Lend Develupwrit Division COalaercia[/Ma[tifumi[y Group EROSION/SEDIMENIATION uxiROE FAWLlileS QuentI%y Price � s � s S s � s � s � s � s � � s � SUBTOTAL s page Z0Z 1 aigilatare: Telephone No.: �2pm\ 32"S 4r 144 � J Firm me=, The TO[lONing ;ntu—mt;an wail Ee c w(etia by tfic Cirq Gventy S;tc R'c.;cw unit. PUBLIC ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS: s PRIVATE ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: s EROSION7SEDIMENTATION CONTROL t SUBTOTAL : Zui CONTINGENCY : s s I 1 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT s RIGHT -75r -VAT =0 : ia:BONDSHEE.YPF 11/25/ 1voy s unit Price Unit Silt Fencz . . . . . . . . . . . s 3.0 LF aeeding7Mutch . . . . . . . . . wuu.uu ACRE Tam{Mrary Pon . . . . . . . . . 5.00 CT Stendplpe . . . . . . . . . . . ZW.00 EA. al interim Prut=tiu . . . _ . . Z5.uu EA. Quarry Spelt7Rip-rap . . . . . . 30.uu CT Rack C=LrocLion Entrance . . . 300.00 CA- Pipw ( inch aim.) . . . . . . LF EROSION/SEDIMENIATION uxiROE FAWLlileS QuentI%y Price � s � s S s � s � s � s � s � � s � SUBTOTAL s page Z0Z 1 aigilatare: Telephone No.: �2pm\ 32"S 4r 144 � J Firm me=, The TO[lONing ;ntu—mt;an wail Ee c w(etia by tfic Cirq Gventy S;tc R'c.;cw unit. PUBLIC ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS: s PRIVATE ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: s EROSION7SEDIMENTATION CONTROL t SUBTOTAL : Zui CONTINGENCY : s s I 1 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT s RIGHT -75r -VAT =0 : ia:BONDSHEE.YPF 11/25/ 1voy s XI. MAINTENANCE AND urEKATIONS MANUAL Appendix B original approved construction drawing titled "Regional Retention Pvnd Pump Outfall Facility" Prepared i wwv4 and cnecRed for compliance 11/26x6 Appendix C Regional Detention Facility Pump Station Agreement and Reciprucdl Eabuments Recording # 9506191492 Original document prepared on 3/28/ub and Signed un variuus dates 1K 6 RECORDED AT THE xruuraT OF R AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ' GARTH A. SCHLEMLEIN, Esq. ruvxu s sCHLEMLEIN, P.S. 3 2505 TniLa Avenue, Suite 300 i Seattle, WA 98121 I REGIONAL DETENTION FACILITY VUMP STATION AGREzmzm'r nau RaCIrROCAL EABEMEMTS This Ruvi�jnai Detention Facility Pump Statio.l Ag..oemo,.t and Reciprocal zauumeitts ("AgLaama..t") le Wade as of this day of 1995 by and among the Seattle Arca Plumping and P pef tt ng Apprentice and Journeyman Training Trust ("Trust"), Eland Building Limited PartuGj-Bnlp Jefferson SmuLfit COLVOLatlZ.. ("JSC"), B & G Partnership ("B&C"), ' and King County Department of Metropolltan SO&vieeo ("Metro"). I` C1 ZZ RECITALS ^— A. Eland, SSC, TLuot, s&G, and Metro.own parcels of real � pr:,.perty IOC8Led adjacent to iar peal ea.:h .+Char in King County, Waahingtva., deo-ribed respectively in EXhibit A (tne "Eiana Property"), (the "JSC Property"), Exhibit C (tna "TLuot Property"). Exhibit D (the "B&G Property"j. Exhibit E (the "Nath PLvperty") jaix or the roLegox.ly ale collectively referred to heLelll as the "Properties"). e. 5urzace water runoff from the P.Luya&ties drains into portions of the Tluet Pluperty and the Eland Property, i..aluaing a detention pond located an the Trust. Property (herelnafte x. &afzxLud to as the 'wDetention Nona") . _ C. A. a =aoult yr the.volume of uurfaua wateL Lu..orr Iron the Properties duL111g a.aLtain otorm events, water col- I� isat'md la. the Detention Pond overf lowo unto pOLLlvua vI the eland Property and thea Tauoot r�operty. 4 D. In order tv'ai-low -Mol future davelzpment, and to pre- vent f.altnal vvorriow, it is necessary t0 deslgn, Con- 1• utruct, and maintaln a Regional Detention r•acility and = Pump Statlu.., together witn all appurtenances, pipes and easements (the "System"), whl.:h will evavuata wator from the Detentlou Pond "nun it reacnes a certain revel. The parties nereto desire to jointly fund the deslg.., I construction and maintenance of the Systam in accordance witn the 7T17TY) IIE Ii.m - ^1- ,,a I RECORDED AT THE xruuraT OF R AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ' GARTH A. SCHLEMLEIN, Esq. ruvxu s sCHLEMLEIN, P.S. 3 2505 TniLa Avenue, Suite 300 i Seattle, WA 98121 I REGIONAL DETENTION FACILITY VUMP STATION AGREzmzm'r nau RaCIrROCAL EABEMEMTS This Ruvi�jnai Detention Facility Pump Statio.l Ag..oemo,.t and Reciprocal zauumeitts ("AgLaama..t") le Wade as of this day of 1995 by and among the Seattle Arca Plumping and P pef tt ng Apprentice and Journeyman Training Trust ("Trust"), Eland Building Limited PartuGj-Bnlp Jefferson SmuLfit COLVOLatlZ.. ("JSC"), B & G Partnership ("B&C"), ' and King County Department of Metropolltan SO&vieeo ("Metro"). I` C1 ZZ RECITALS ^— A. Eland, SSC, TLuot, s&G, and Metro.own parcels of real � pr:,.perty IOC8Led adjacent to iar peal ea.:h .+Char in King County, Waahingtva., deo-ribed respectively in EXhibit A (tne "Eiana Property"), (the "JSC Property"), Exhibit C (tna "TLuot Property"). Exhibit D (the "B&G Property"j. Exhibit E (the "Nath PLvperty") jaix or the roLegox.ly ale collectively referred to heLelll as the "Properties"). e. 5urzace water runoff from the P.Luya&ties drains into portions of the Tluet Pluperty and the Eland Property, i..aluaing a detention pond located an the Trust. Property (herelnafte x. &afzxLud to as the 'wDetention Nona") . _ C. A. a =aoult yr the.volume of uurfaua wateL Lu..orr Iron the Properties duL111g a.aLtain otorm events, water col- I� isat'md la. the Detention Pond overf lowo unto pOLLlvua vI the eland Property and thea Tauoot r�operty. 4 D. In order tv'ai-low -Mol future davelzpment, and to pre- vent f.altnal vvorriow, it is necessary t0 deslgn, Con- 1• utruct, and maintaln a Regional Detention r•acility and = Pump Statlu.., together witn all appurtenances, pipes and easements (the "System"), whl.:h will evavuata wator from the Detentlou Pond "nun it reacnes a certain revel. The parties nereto desire to jointly fund the deslg.., I construction and maintenance of the Systam in accordance witn the 7T17TY) IIE Ii.m - ^1- ig s I Qom`. n n G vi F11 W pa,_amata�u sat frrtn oy the City of Renton and the terms or this sig reement . NOW, THEREFORE, it is ay&aad: 1. Trust Supervision. •rhe Trust shall perfo..w the following duties: (a) The Trust shalt bupa— IUZ, manage and pay all costo and expenses (sunject to the right to relmbua.somcnt as provided 1n Sectlol. 2(a) Dolvw) . 1.. connection with the aesig■■ a..d cunatruction or the system. Without limiting the ja..viraiimy or the foregoing, the Trust snail causz aII permits and easements n�-z;aesary ror tine System to be obtained, shall causo the prepara- tion of all co11structlo„a doi-- uunta ana plans, shall cause the competitive oiaaing or ail major partiuna or the wu&ic, and snail cause the System to be vo.aota.uczed aha comPIOLea in a go5d and warxma,.Axz manner in accordance with all appllvable 4uvmrnmenLal requirements. The dealyn and ca,nst--tion or the System shall be _.. sunetantiai accordance with the Bush, Road & xituni■.ys, Inc. proposal dated Dea;ambe.. 22, 1994. Tna estimated budget for the auolyn a..d construction of the system 1s set to&tn 1.. Exhibit F hereto. (b) Attar cumpleticu cr cunstrucLion of the System, tna Trust snali cause the System to remail 1,. %juM upernting conaition and shall cause all malntenanue, repair and neCessaLy �Z.Z;wnstruction or the System from time to time to Dc accOm- plluhea. The Trust"Final! pay all eucn costs and expenses (sub- juuL to tna rignL Lo reimbursement as provided i,a Seetiun 2(D) below). (c) The 'trust shall maintain all accounts, con- st�uctivn aoa.vrda and uperaring data and allow acca==•to all parties upon reasonable natice. __(,d) The Trust shalt d1ut..lbuto invoices Lo the parties fv& the payme„La_=oyu=rad under Section 2 below isot lass tnan twenty (20j days prior to the .eoyucti�a payment date. The - !,&voices will be atummpanied witn copies of involoas ra.vm cusa- tractors, suppliers and other vendv..s oubsta■atiating the request IDL payme.lt. (e) The Taust shall p,.rrorm its duties and obliyativno herein in good raita with reasonable dillyo.n:a and Care. Tae Trust shall be pala •au cvmpansarion or ree for any of its se..- YI.V.is nereunder- it is understoaa that the T..ust may contract with ti:onsultants ae■a cojatiwuzurs in connection with the per- rvrmancv or.iLs duties hereunder. 17J•4V.4 51171” 10:13= -2- T E 2. Payments by Parties. (a) With sespeat to tnu costa and expenses or d_oiyn, i:O.staucLivaa, permitting, obtaining ,.e.:essary easements and all portions of the work in constructing tine System as generally ; - desa.ribcd in Section 1(a), the parties analI reimburse the Trust ror such aggregate costa enc v�pe..ses as follows: i B&G: Balance or aggLegate costs and expenses a zoe: 5% or aggregate costs and enpc..aco Metro: 5% of aggregate coots and expenses eland: $25,000 lump sum payment 1 Trmar_: 30% of aggregate evmLs and expenses Eland onall pay y5,000 upon the exeoutio.. or this agreement and i the balance upon completio,. or the System. The Taust Snail l..vulca tnm otner parties on a monthly basis upon accrual of 6 expenses. all inKulCes snail va nue within thirty (30) nays or i ..ase=pt. Overaue payments shall bca& l..tarest at twelve percent (1z$) per annum from the a..v aate- (b) With seoyact to the costs and expeusca or opera-_- i " illy, rEpa=ring ana any necessary Lai-.o.amtruction of the System after completion there.,f as generally described In SacLiorz 1(D), the parties snail reimburse the Trust no rollows: N C` B&G: 35% of aggaegate vests and expenses � see: sa or aggregate coats a„d expenses 1 1"1 Eland: 30% of aggregate costs and expensea � Trust: 30a or aggregate casts and onpcnses CD n Metro shall have „v vcligation ror the costs and e,.renses or 't operating, maintaining. repairing and ally necessary recon- struction of the System. Tns Ta,ust shall invoice the vtner 4Y parties not ma,r-c wrten -_nan twice pea cale.,dar year for these , costs and expenses and all 1,,,; -.ices snall be due witnl.& tnirty (30) days .7r rccalpt. Overdue payments will bear interest at twelve percent (.Let) pea a,u..uu. r9 3. Reciprocal Easements. I.. consideration at the wutual promises set rcatn nerein. -ror other good and valuable considera- tion, receipt is which is hesaby a...xnow�eaged, Eland and the Trust hereby grant ana convey to each � nen ana to -_ne other parties hereto, a nonexclusive, perpetual easement along, In, 1 upun and .Ander the Trust Property and the Ela..d Property in the + .-r Iocations as Iegally desuLlbed a. the attached Exhibits G and !� Exhibit K, LesLai-_tively, and as depioted on tae sxeren attached nareto as Exhibit I (the "Easement Areas"). for the purpa,se or installing, uonst&"uzing, operating, mai.,taini..g, repairing ana replrcing the System, tOgatheL witn nonexclusive rights of ingreba and e9Le50 to a..d rrom the Eamement Areas ror said pur- pa,Sem. Eland and the -Krust may use toee surrace of the Easement Areas granted herein ror any purpose which is not luCvnslatcnt 3117/93 17.13M W -- With inmtalll,.y, cunotruczing, operating, waintaining. repairing and replacing this Systusa. 4. Insurance. The Taust shall reguire all pas,Lius per -the wvrx on Lne System to pLoi jaz a Certificate Of Insurance naml..g the paatiam nereto as adaitivi.al insureds. The lovcl aua scope or insurance shall be act aL commercially acaaon- able limits aepenalr.g upon the type and scope Or aervicos or 400d6 provided. 5. Operator. zxcept ars othOLwlmE provided in para- graph 6(c), the Trust snail be designated the openator and pcLmittee or the System. 6. General Provisions. (a) Binding Effect. The bovznanLs contained is. tnis Agreement shall ru.i witn the =and and shall be binding upon and l..uae to the benerir. of the parties narcLo and their remyoar-ive successors and ammivnm. (b) Enforcement. In tae event Or a creacn or any of the uuvonanLs or agreements met ruath in Lnis Agreement, the parties hereto shall be --.Lulea -co any Una all remedies avail- able at law or in equity, includi..y b..t not limited to the Equiz- ap=e remedies of epeulrii-- pE=formance or mar.datony or prohibitory in3una+tlu.. iseuea vy a court of apprajpaiate jurisdiction.. Tne parties hereto agree that in tae event it beuu.umm necessary foe any panty to da -rend or institute level paoceedings am a Lanult or the failure of either panty to comply with the terms, covenants, ovLeewunto and/or conditions or this Agreement, it is ss.aarstood and agreed that the pncvailing party in much litigation shall be entitled to tie reimbursed for all costs incurred uL e�pendea in connection therawitn, i,.Cluding, but not liu.itea zo, reasonable attoaueys1 fees (including appellate ratio) and court %omta. If any or the parties fails to maKe the paymcnto to Lne Trust ser. forth in Section 2 witnin thirty (30) days anter the due date, the T,. -6t shall have the riynt lu.pose a lien upon the deal property of such defaultl..y party which shall become effective upon .ecu&di..g a notice in the aOuoraing records of King County. Washington, stating the amount due and tna legal demcriptiun Of tna defaulting party's y&OpF- ty. Such lien .nay be enforced and foreclosed by tnu TrusL Ay an action in Like manner am a mOLtyave i,f sisal property. (c) amendment. •chis AgreemC:.t Way not be stsodiflea, awe—d-ca or terminated without the prior written avy—val or Lne parties hereto. pLo+vided, however, if the Taust or its succe—OL va aaaigri ceases r.o exist or utneLwise rails after w&lttv., notice rrom any party foe a penli-,a or ninety (90) days to perform the duties sat rorzn in Section 1, the panties other than the Trust Dy a vote of such parties obligated to make not leas tnan rirty percent (504) or the reimbursement payme..ts set forth in 173640 .A1173 IF -1— -4- A 7 d zV e Section 2(b) may elect anothrL pc,aon or party to perform the d,.tios set fojTTi i.. Section 1- In conuectivn with umcn replaceme,.t, tine apprvvl„y partlz8 may amend or modify this AvLeemenz as ,uny Dc reasonably neces5aiy to acco-piisn tine purpvsea at zniS Agreemcut. (a) Waiver. Nv waiver or any of the yKavIsluns ,.,r znis Agreement anaii be effeutiva unl&ss It im in wriring and signed by tine Party ayal■,at wnom it is asserted, and a7Iy aYGn written waive snail only be appllcaDia ti-, the specific instance to wnicn it, relates a.,d anail not be deemed to be a 6;o„ti..uing or rutiure waive... (e) Captions. The "aytivua a„d paragraph headings contai.,ca in this AyLcaac„t are ror convenience and jBrcLc..ue o,.Iy and in no ..ay aefine, describes, rt=e„a uL limit the SCOpe or intent yr tnis ngLaaLua"r, nur me intent of any"•prvvieivn narour. (r) Counteraarts. Tnis agreement may be e.,ecwtad in counterparts, a..a each countnrpaLt n— Ou-M anaii ae deemed to be an oL1y1.,al instrwue.,t, Dur such counterparts togutns& anal= j-o.,stizuta but z"e xgreement. DA•rzD a5 or tine day and yeaL ri&at aDove wriztien. N TRUST: SEATTLE AREA PLUMPING & PIPEFITTING APPRE I L AN JVu"Exn av TRAINING r(UST / 0 By pt s O? Ak ESD: ELAND OUILDIVU MmiTED FxRTNERSHIP Egg By: M nster R ad Duilaiuy C LP.. B n g „e l p ,.t�.,ar Y i b JSC: JEFYxR5OR SmuxrIT CORPORATION By Its B&G: S & G PARTNERSHIP By -- - Its .naay -5- _ 5a y 3, Section 2(b) way 010= anothEi. poison v& party to perfuLia the aur.ies set forth in Section 1. In connection witin sucH reyinu aaat, the apps ving parriae may a -"U vi modiry tnls Agreement as may be reasonably necesbary to accomplish the pus k.o=e= yr tnis AgrEE-e..t. (a) Waiver. No waiver of any ur tn.. pa.uvisiona ur this Agretament shall bis effuCtivO uaaless it is In wrlting and 6s,—aaza oy"tine party against whom i -c is assessea, ana any such Written walver shal3 0a.ly be applla:ab10 tv the BpCClrla: la.sta=Fss tit wnicn it reiatias and spall not be deemed to me a continuing or future walver. Tne captivus ana parayrapn 110-cal11ys co.atainea in finis Agreement are zor convenience ana re=erence only and is, no way durine, desurlbe, uxtuna va: limit the BCope 0c l.atz..ti or finis Agreement, nor the intent of any provision hereor. (r), c:ountiernartis. Tnis Agreement may be executes in Counterparts, and eaCn COanatcipart nu&eur anall be deumea tv be an �-,riginai instrument, but such counterparts together shall C0ntit1tut0 but 0110 A%j&U0ana.t. DATED at. of tnc say aaaa ywaa. rla.st above wrlttasaa. zRUST: SEATTLE 7auui PLUMING & PIPEFiTTING APPRENTICE AND JOURNEYMEN TRAINING TRUST Sy Its nLAND: ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ny Its JSC: TEFF ON SmuRriT ORPvkwriON By l.Lt-ems its B&G: B & G PA1Z1P1Eli5HIP By its 111.6103 wawa low= -5- f Nt 0) rl G7 V4 td O :17 0 Section 2(b) may elect another person or party to perform the duties sot for= la■ Sea:tio.. 1. In zonnooutivl, witn ouch replacement, the approving parties may amosid or modify thio Agreement as may Du .ua.unably necessary to accompiisn the purposes of thio Agreement. (d) No walveL of ally Or the pa.a.lvielvlls or tnis Agreement snail De effective unless it is in writing and slynea by the party ayaialat whom it is assertea, and any suan wri-r-r-en waiver shall only be applicable to the epecific inatancc to wniun it a.elatco and shall aavt Du dazzed to De a continuing or rur-ure waiver. (e) Captions- The captions and paragraph headings ContainCa In tnls Aaya.80MUzat =LE rv& couvclaicnce and reverence oniy and in no way derins, describe. extend or limit the scope os. illtEAAt or this AyLeament, alms. the intcllt or any provision ne-reor- (r)' Countgrnarts. Tnis Aya.aoment may be execucea in counterparts, ana each counterpart hereof shall be aeemea to be an oLlginal luaytrummlta but suCII couutcaparts together snail Constitute Dur- one Agreement. DATED as of the day and year first above wLittrsa. TRUST: SEATTLE AREA PLUMPING & PIPEFIirING APPRENTICE AND JOURNEYMEN TRAINING TRUST By ESD: ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By ...„ Its JSC: JEFFERSON SMURFIT CORPORATION By Its VP B&G; B & AGNLERSHII., Ay 036m.3 arjura •