HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc - Folder 2 of 3----,..., ........... -~--....... ~·...,.. ,,--·r· ,.. ... "'"' •· --·-,,__ the fig dego .. ,,-··, ......... ---~------- Mtg Aug 20 19 !ug 13 19 -·.... A P lfiahOle Co. i . to ----_, .... --.---·~°"'\ /_. / . L. I~ '" -~ Ino •• a waen oorp i ' J i // ' •P h, and a tha fig. deaot. -.. -.,t_ A.ug '3-50 4043937 Jul a1 -~o $1 .oo & ov"' ,. Ha?'old C Sr1ck~on and Mildred A sr1c:a1on.hwf to Puset S01.od Power ti: Light Coe11pany,a 1'ii.os cori. The t'2shab;; envy & S,r3nt tc sp 1 ta 5&4_, thi, r,gt; ;.----$01118 ao 29P~'76l--s:lngle ltne--kcw1 The N 6ort or the s 837 ft ot tt:. 1ft of w~ ot' Bi or the SW! c! Sit oec 29 twp 23 ml 5 BIN ueJng known a, S 173rd St. produoed The cntr ln--al1;r; the s aide of ad road m.t.g Tgw the r!ght of 1ntrea•--(om!t ~ar to tlas~)--(~mit/pa,.r) Harold c a,,01cson MtldNtd A lr1ckaon kcwJul 27-50 't:,, liarold C Bi1ok11\'ll'l and Mildred A 1!:rlcl,aon,hwf, her :!dwe.rd P Thwlr.g r,pfcr Wnreaat ;;(ns F1tb 3-::·l) Ml to llP --- vls Branch :FAW,User :PA12 . ----------~----·· ,, Comment: EASENEKT NO, .Zl-2:l•)..U PlO.T~CT IJ.L.LD. 11 II.II. i lCa'tjillllrlA, L. Lou:o i 11Ul.S.. J, I, Vlol.& O'lldl 't. o ... ma a.coa, v....Mqtoa IIOJ1 . i<) 'I,,_ <j,~-~--- ~ EA&EHEII . · ~IS IND£111'UU, -'-• tbb 1:J; ,lay of ~ t / 'f'7Y- m1111 Jty .. , Ntwe• ~I. DISlD~al:ipd coqn,1ratlOD CJaf i.l-aa Coat.7. •p•taatoa. llenbafur tera.4 'tM '"Gru.tee" aatl ~ N. It. LOTTO l AIUUORI( L. LOTTO, HIV ,act lll(U.lM J. O'IEIL I 001.A ____ o_'N_E_I_L'-, -"'-111-------------• t.enloafter tel"N4. tile "Gtta.tor•". n1'lll!SSETH: 'i'laat the 1dtl Gnaton for a t"aluab:te CGRSideratloa, receipt. of wlllch is IIIHbJ ac.bnledp4 by tll• Grantee, does by these pnsents c:oavey, ~t n.d •nut unto the Grutee a p&T'pltual eu.--nt far sever aaias __. a)lpUrt-..ces u.adn. tlt.nua• • .bon, onr ud aC1'0$S tho &llovt~ .described propert7 situated la l:ln1 Cowat7, Wasbinatoa, toaether ~1th -11 after acquired une of th& Gran.toH tllneu., ud aore particularly 4escrlb•d., follavs: . 'Illa lloutk WI of tba loot.It. bal..! of die atttlwtiir: qurter 1;1f tt. lolatlleut quuur ol S.C.U. u. 1!Dlalaldp 23 ...U., Jrap S :lat. V.11., 1a IUJ:la Ccnmc7 0 Vaa!waft•I IICIPI p:,rtioa ~ Witbia ~ State ~ •· 5-C. !di ~ ..U N tbe Vest 10 ta.t of tbie ailoft, 4-cnt,ad pra:el • .,.. 'f.Dpdlu wida & u.ci,oraq CoaaltrUCttoo. U1119mt ~ M die .... t. 20 f.-t. t of ... ---parcel,. i. S.U · :,'ffa7 eoucrucuoa IWlellllllt .wi ~ :bl force illadllg ~trucuo11. .ud . atli ~ _.. apputwa an acieepteil far wfntttentt &1111 o,ent.1-., C&ICADi. s.;..a mnatcr. r 11' EllC& TAX IIOT llt<llllREO llilllC&-- ., ~;z;., ;;~ ' .,... The Gran.tor vaTT&ntl that their title 11 free •ml clear of all.encuabraac•• e,cept: ,n. CTantor aeiiiovied1·· tbii part of tiii cot\lliirailon beln1 vata Dy th• GrAntce is for aay IA all,.. ... ,. resultlna to or resultin1 heTeafter from t>.• possible tat•rference of the natural flow of ,urfaca water• by Gran.tte'& di11in1 of pipe Unea which uy disturb the soll cmpotition within Hid •••••at. ,-----~ . ---·--·---~ Station Id :SILO ~ / i l f '-' /, .. ), I • ' I ' I I I I ! KJNG,WA Page 1 of 4 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:06 AM Document EAS 1978.0927.0194 Branch :FAW,User :PAI2 Corrunent: - ·--·--------- 'ftMI add c.rut.N Niall hue the s:ipt vlthlNt priOI' iaaUtut:ioD or M)' Alt of. r,:cc 11nv at. l•• at. aucb ttw u .., tie Mele.....,. to anur 11PQ1'1 tM .._.t. f(lr tJ,,11 purpdN af OMat.l'IICtio,, repaidfll, altarlllf _. N0011.atl'Vct.Ui9 lldd .._If ...i.a, c ..ai.u, •J" ~ioM tM.nlllth, wltlalt loeu,nUlf ..,, l.,e,fal .u,.u.- -or Uabi.Utr tMnfor, .-idedl tit.at nch coa.rtnctiat, NP11dal, "'1~ OI' rw- a:matnct.lag ol ...W ~ IIUa ••U bl .co;•pUtb.ad Ja __,.. • .,._If tba1:. tM pdut.e ....._ t. ~Jaw_ .. wt atiul not Ile~ oc ~. a.-1n t.ba ...at that U.,, Al't' dhtlldlNI M dNtnlJ"ad. tlMp trU J be ~ la - 1JD011 • ~U. u U.. -. .l.-4J..at:aly Nfon the pnfUty us •bnd apx,. bf' thl, Mid QralQa. na. ~ a1ta11 h'tala t:11a %1tbt u ue u. nzt.ca. or u. ...... t. 11 a.adl. ... don mt ial:uf•N td.U. bat.11-t:1-Al QI .....W-lllllta. ...._, U. Cirat:or ·--11 aot. U9C't. bd.1.41np ot' ~ QII U. ...... t e.1Dg tbli ..i.t..c. of .... .....-e. n. ...-c:, &sn., lta aiateacti, llbAll Mil a oo.Mat naa.1af witll t:De land ..e shall t. b1ll41a, on tM aaccenon, llia:ln, MIii .. ~ of' lleta oJ tM ~ -l] :bl J £. • 'ft haft Rt. GU MP* aDil sal& Cll.La, ______ .... of -------------· 1, ___ . 0 Stan r, i1ASBDG1UO r,... I " N COlllft OP um J ~ LW. 0 '!hb Ml t.o ~d::l.fr ~ton till• &ty p•rwnlJ:r ..-.na t,,.fon .. ::.., ___ _ Cl) ton'O, MARJORIE L. LOTrO, l11Ll.tAM J. e·tmn. and. vtotA O'NEIL ,.... __________________________ _ ,.,.._.. .. .... _.cS'.;=az.f._.,2..=' ·"'(_q.1.-1,J_,g..__ -· -·....:'>>...,4(_411,j.,i,l.,~ilr-.:..0,.w:<._ __ Station Id :S 1 LO • KlNG,WA Page 2 of 4 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :06 AM Document: EAS 1978.0927.0194 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 Comment: Station Id :S 1 LO . ·------. ~ ® LOTTO 'O'NEft. ----1 ... .,... -Ii l } oj .: l \ \ r, I It "'t • h \\ • r: rl ·n n ... l .,, \ -0 r- N a, 0 «I 15 14 r- I I ·--:---;-- i I. . •• . ~.<.,. ___ .,. illr KING,WA Page 3 of4 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:06 AM Document: EAS 1978.0927.0194 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 Comment: Station Id :S 1 LO ----------------------------------- .. '·. :.:....t KING,WA Page4 of4 Document: EAS 1978.0927.0194 1918 S8' 27 M 11 30 ~·~!;':~ .. :::;J"' 1. El.Er.-:-,··· •11 ~A n:oi·r~ ! . Printed on I 1/7/2012 8:31:07 AM -· .,.,.·: ·"" ... ,riJI, ~·. . ~ . . , ·• FILDJ FOR RECORD AT"Tfi~ 1ktQUEST OF: PROJECT: 111.ID 39 -O..tce <:I.SCAD£ SEWER D!STRIC,T. 1 / /1\ k.W. Lotto • Marjona L. Loeto 10828 S.£. 176th L · -~ u William J. o'••1l • ¥kl& o••u r.i, Renton, Washington .. 98.05_?.,,, 0 , •• _,1._.1 v · P. o. lo~ 2018 "C,/ •,Ai:auE ,t>I«, ••••~ A S E H E~N TRe11to11 0 Wuhill~1ton 9905S ..5/'j,-,l~tuu THIS INDENTURE, made this f_¥da:y of ~ _. 19..ao, f"'Y,- by and between CASCADE SEWER DISTRIC, a municipa1"orpoiltion of King County, Washington, hereinafter termed the "Grantee" and II. W. LOTTO l llARJOIIIE L. ; CDLOTIO, H/11 & WILLIAM J. O'NEIL & VIOi.A ~.'..NEIL. H/W hereinafter termed the ''Gre'ltOrs", _f.'.)'7 0 WITtlESSETH, J/.,3//,Y" ~''\,t• Lt) That the s.a.id Granters for a valuable consideratio~ recei .. ~t "'of which is hereby acknowledP,ed by the Grantee, does by these presents (Y) convey ~rant and warrant unto the Crantee a perpetual/cemporary easement /, ~ g for se;,er mains and appurtenances under, through, above. across the fol lowin~ ., ..., a, described prope·cty situa~ed in King County. t-'ash~n11ton, together with all after acquired title of the Grantors therein. and ~ore particularly described as follows: -· 30 '1981 VAR ,-; !W 8 SBE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" \!l)f.•:iOF · Cl'.:.;.C·F.'.:'.' ~ ~LEc··, ,<"',_,..,,.,... '"'a co-wN. rv:-P!·'TY fJlfC :::": ~t:r.~~ ,i;j .·.~:!.:l~TOF SA1£CG rmr IHSUi<,\NC( COMl'MIT 1615 4th AYflWE. SEA~ • 91121 -··· The Grantor-warrants that their title is free and clear or all encumbrances except: NONE ___ _ If the property of the Granters at the time of grantin~-this 1 ' easement is unplatted but is platted prior to the recording of t:h.is document, then the Grantors do hereby authorize the Grantee to add to this agreeraent the designation (volurne and pa~e, ecc.) of such plat. · The Granter acknowledges that part of the consideration be!r? paid by the Grantee is for any and all damage rest.iltinq to or resulth,; hereafter from the possible interference of.the natural flow of surface ~aters by nrantee 1 s diggin~ of pipe lines whtch rnay disturb the soil comp<.1sition -....ithin said ea;ement . ...<~ 1'he said Grantee shall. have the ri1;ht without prior· institution -of . -::=,,· any ~uit or proceeding at law, at ~uch time as may be necessary, to enter upon the easement for the purpose of constructing, rep~iring, alterin~ or reconstructing said sawer. ma.in, or making any connP.ctions here~ith, without incurri.np, any legal obligation or liability the.cefor, provided: (1) The Grantee, Cascaa~ Sewer Distr. ct, will restore Grantors property to a condit on as ~ood as or better than the premises were p ior· to entry by the Grantee, Cascade Sewer Distric (2) The District will ex~rcise its best efforts n~t to damage any private im?rovements on the easement herein, but if it does so, it shall repair and/or replace said improvements; ii\.. f.lc'fJS!-rA-;t NOT Rf:.:QlJ;R'_:;) (') -J""':' !t~Dg Cc,. Records Ol~isi:n )te;;J.~ , DeolliJ ; ; J I I ' ,, I ;'\ ... -. ..,,.,;li/il-;.,.·;jJ)--u--·"'"'"'"'"=~--· __ -~---llieiill I \ I .. ( • .A'. .. (3) Restoretion••replacement••~epair-·Bhall be completed within 90 days of the date of any entry by the District and said restoration--replacement--or repair will be of a quality and/or quantity that is· co.:;>arable or better.than exiated prior to the Grantee's, District's, entry upon the easement; -(4) the above set forth conditions shall apply not only t.o the initial construction but also to any re- entry by the Sewer District that becomes ne~essary for repair and maintenance of the sewer line on said '° easement; . . (IRl/lllfl!N'l'JI~ (5) Any damage and/or rem0'1al of anyAtree, shrub, fence, rockery shall be replaced within the aforementioned 90 day period by the District. Gll'Jt,<llill The 4raacae shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement if such use does not interfere with installation of the sewer main. However1 the granter shall not erect building or structures of a permanent nature on the easemen~ during the existence of ~aid easement. Oil ) )ss. ) existence, shall be a covenant binding on the successors, heirs, hereto. STATE OF WASRINr.TON) ' ) ... COUNTY OF KING ) On this-· day of 19 , the"'iirulersigned'-,-=a-.,No~ta-r~y- Pu61'rc in and for the State of Wa~hinston, duly cOftlllliasioned and sWorn, personally appeared to me known to be ·the President and Secretar~. res,ectively 1 of I the ~c=o=r=p=o=r~a:t~r~on=-~t~h~a~t'""""e~x~e~c~u~t~e~a....,t~h~e::--,f~ore~aing instrum•nt, and acknowledged the said instrume~t to be the free and voluntary act and -eed of said c::orpo_rat:ion, for the use, .. •~.d purposes therein mentioned. WITNE. _; my hand and of.fl.cial aeal the day end vear first above written. NOIAkl POBLte-tna for thi state ~f Wash1ngton, reaiding at l ~-' ' I • '' '' -' ,:-... ' • j • ' -~ .. . ~.Ii... .. , ;:; ., .-~ ..,>-;'• ,~ .• ~ . ...,... ......... .-.. m :_! I I I ~·· ,. •• @ § co ·------=-··--.. -- . ' l:a•e11eat llo, 29-23-,.5-Sl .BXHIBlT "A" The Easterly ~O feet of the following described parcel of land: The 1 South.half of the South ha~f of the Northwest quarter of the Southeaat quarter of Section 29. to:.mship 23 North. 11.::ange 5 East, W.M. • in Ung COW'lt:, • Wa.ahingtan: EXCEPT portion lying withi.n Secondary State Highway No • .S,...C. TOGETiiE.8. WlTh ~ temporary conatnictioa e&GeDtent daacribed as the £aacerly 25 feet of Che· above parcel of land. Said temporary ccmatructian easement shall remain in force furing conatruct1on and until the severs and appurtenances are 4ccepted for maintenance and operation by the CASCAI>! SEWER DISTRICT. )DIJ;j • :;,t ''~~ +:!ffe I ::, : }1-. f ' r l .. ,:;.--"j, .... ,. ·,, -·· . " , •1;". ....... .. "\-~·ii: "I'·, . . ·(,.... ·-/ :, . i .• ' . t 1· • EDGE OF 5WAMPl_ . ~·· ... ~ ~ .._ •· . ..... . . ·. 'I ., T.H, B-1 (EL • .f02,7 J ,,_ , ....... , ~ • -t : \~ \J ' I , ·; ·I .,. .\ ,. Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 \ I. Comment: Tm: l'~;QERSJc:;;t:;L". ;is ,,.1rwr:i: iu fol" ~ fr1pl(.' nf rhe prripertv de,ctibc<i in t,xilihi t ",\" ,11 t uchl·r.l '1,c,,1·C'lo. i•1 nm,-i.tloir1tr ir,n of the pavmcnt r,( Ton l}oll;1r~ (Sl'l "JO) .,nil "1:wr ;:0 :•J 01ml ·.r.1lu11blt' i:n1111 [J('r:nit>li, and collater-.1 1 ht•,wrtt~ 1·0 !1(' ,1 .. rtw•d fr111'1 th,., ,ll'VPl,•f'l".'!l?r,,r ,,( th~ t nromln;1\IY ••1-m~J hv Ch11rtc~ ihmcl•ir-:on c I adjoini.np, n,n1pE'r •:. tl .• 1:c. '" pro!"'t>rr,• ;-n ., r,1,;1i,·i·,);1I n•1'tto•1·:1'i"'.l or l;tatt' ,,,:ern··,. t]w in·ni1eft'I ci<?4Ct"l~1C't: in t::·:il'•ir "I'," IH'n•1,,. '.'i1i 1·'1 nrn!1~·rt•, !1:1s pn•vimu1l•• ti1·cn In~- l1K ,.,.~111i rin:• 1·!11• T!,c-n• ifl 1111 ,11•.n·,·nc·ni ,•1· ,·,,m 1·,1x1 t·Y.11·01<li11:~ I,c•,.,nd 11w l>utc.,•<l rh I 1• , · !./. r~•t tn vri,:;-tr· ::; rl· ·· ---··-L 01 a,fl .:,;·],,,,. 'y/· "/ • ..• . A-_ . , ,, • .. Station Id :SILO ' /' ./ KING,WA Pagelof4 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:08 AM Document: AGR 1981.0310.0664 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 K!NG,WA \ . \ Document: AGR 1981.0310.0664 Comment: StAn; OF (,j'ASi1L\,r.rm: " COU:HY ot· t-:.1:-IG On ·.hl~ <fa~ pc.•r;o;u11.1I 1:-' .,pr,e,rte,: b...,(01·,, r.il· ,-,, L.'. LOTTO .,nd ttARJORU: L. I.O'ii.'O lo mo kno~n tu \w t:1c im.ilvi.ill-'li: dc~L'l'fl•1hi ln ,1n<1 who <.,;l<c(·utcd thc.-within ;1nt.l fon.•:;utll1~ tni.tnmcrtr ,1.nd nc.:kn,11-,l<!"d;~cd rh.it the::,, llir.m.'d 1·hc sarne .-1,i thoir fn•c.-;11n.i v1ilu,1l11r:,, nc1 ,,nd deed !'<Jr .,. G"JVl~;,i 11nil.l"r mv hnntl mid Hrricl11l ,..,,,11 r_hi,.. ·/ d:1v ,,f ).i,\,:iuir~. l9Ht. STAT!-: 0/ WMHllN(~l'llll) ') ~j,l cou:~-rv Of ~ , tiG , On lhi1-d;i;i rr,n:n("l:111·.' :1;,rw,1rC'd hrf,11·,· 1,w '..;il,l.ii1;-1 .I. 1.J',iEII. that tht.'_V sif,l1('d t:hc 11.'lr.lc> ,1::i rhrlr frt•(• .111,I v .. lunt,'lr•: .-.i·r .-nul dt.:(•J !'ur r.rVE~I unt.lC'r mv 1,1inLI m,d ,1rr1 d.:1 I l"t.·:1 I 1 !,:!.~ r£>brunry. 1981. dav or ::111;,r,,· l'11hlil.··1n·11n,l'(1ir'tfil.! '::ii.iii:·~ .. r 1:,n,'.1in:·r1111. t't·~iJin1! :1~ -~ .. ·-····· , ........... ' , .... Station Id :SILO Page 2 of4 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :08 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 ) 8 co KING,WA Document: AGR 1981.0310.0664 Comment: EXHIBIT "A" fha South halr of U-10 Snuth h,Ur of th11 flart.hi.:,,:,t qunrtor or tho Southn:iot fl\tllrtor r l To~ne1hi P 23 North, tfimqn ~j (nc l .~ .,. 5"f: Jun ::?'J, Ll,itihinritoni · , ..... ,, Kini, l:ormtv, O.CrPr· St.:1tr. IHr,hwoy ri~iht or u.1y, NOTARV PUBLIC CEATIFICATION UNnf\llOl/,U /Ct;;NOW: Hl<,"11:f~r, .: ... , .... ,..,, ..... ,_., .... ,.. .... ,.,. •• 1;·,,.-, ....... ,. ... 1 .. ~ .. 1 ·'"' l>;l<i;!,1·~·~1. "'"' .~. ,1.., ·~ . ,: ,. ,.; ·-..... ~ ,,,_,ft"'"'''''' ...... ''"''""""·~ .~,. ,.r.,,I" . ...-1 .,,,, •• ., .,•,J •~•I,••,_..,,., .... ~ , .. ,...,J ...... l~ ....... lhr ........ •/, 1,,,,...,1,•-,,.'."'';:'"~••••ljo,_.ff,h .. , • 1;1\lfl,llll\!l)iH'>IYO, ... 'rjllA'llll<1H11:11\1 ,i.1! 11',•\ ,_· .,... ... 1:' .1:,-., • I . _ L/, •I, : J ,;:. C · ... ,..., .• ~P..1•-"', .... , ......... :,, ,,, "' .-.~ .... -· .... , ....... ,.,1 .... , .. ,,· ..... , -···- Station Id :SI LO Page 3 of4 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :08 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: ''Y· EXH.!'61T 11 8 11 oO(li.nnLnn o.t tho <?QnterUno' tntersoc1:1o~ or SE' 172nd ~~;~:~i. ;,;·::·\·.(·.?f\) . ·. 1i11l th Bt1naon. Kichway ( 108th AV<>nua.. S.£.) i o•. 's, 'E ··• :: 1 · 12 'nd-.. 'stro·[ 0 :~,:.:·.i '..·:·,.:·· :, · .' '· .. · thence l?osturly lllcmn th~ said ccntcrl tnO A. · ···a dUtance or 11.5.00 Coat .to 0. point; · · = · ··thence Nottmtestol"ly G0.30 reet to a potnt. said point b«ttno 6.00 toet tlorther-ly porpondiculor to centerolino or. eaid SE 172nd',,'· . ,-.:t-Bt-:-oot; .... ,,. · . . ·. . ·:. -.... -:1 ..0 ,thence Vost'orly a._d1etanco or o.oo rDot olcnn a Hno·rmrQUol: '. ::Q. to and 6.QO root Northerly of ~ontorl111u _at Gnid .SE 172nd Stroot · ~ ta o point of' curvo~ . ·-. ·thonc.o nlonn o curvo t.o tho richt h11v1na a rol.liua o:f 51,00·1'oot. 8 to a point, ooJ.d polnt be inc 16.QO roet Eaatorlr porpondt.oulAI" . -"-to r.:ontol"'Hno or said Bonson lU1JhWA)' ( 100th Avll'nuo SE); · ·~ thll'nce llolltc-rly 10~00 toot olonn n l1flo porpondloulnr to : ccnterltno of oo.td Danson metu,oy (IO.0th Avenue !l,F..) ton polnt lyino on ,mid t:nntor11no of n(Jntlon !Uohvay ( 1061.h Ava,uic fitJ; thl'm~o !iou1:11crly nlonn .rm1cl ccntorllnn or Dcm;on H1r,hwny (10Ath i\\•ffnun ~m, to thn point o/ bCr,inntnn. Z,:'.'CCIWT thnt partlon lylng i·r1th1n tho t!x1r.C:inr, r1e,ttt-of-woy 01 iicniion liie,hwny anllth hvcnuti: !"..E,) . ~ .... ' I~ ' .. :.1. Station Id :SI LO KING.WA Page 4 of 4 Printed on J ln/2012 8:31 :09 AM Document: AGR 1981.0310.0664 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: ......... I EASlMBRT Wl!IIIS511'11 &ISll£Nr w. 29-23-5-13 PPOJECr Keh~ Une, ?hu.e t N.W. &t1.lrjorl• Lotto & WiUh.m J. S. Vic,1a O'Neil 13630 I.E. lootb Pl. Renton, lfnn. 98056 '!bat tu. aaLII r:rmtor. for • wal,..ahl.a COGllid.n•tioa NC.eipt ol 1ltw:II ta Mrebr admlllfled&N bf' the Crat•, ua: ~ thN preamt• e.oaver, pat and ~t l&tO CM Cn&tae a PUJ•tual/ta,anry ~t t4t Ate.I" uiu _. appurteaazwai 111111fft ~ UOft, ac:ron tM lollfflaa ~ proper~ aitaate4 :In J1At: Coull.CJ, V~taa, toptbtr with all. aftt:r aop1t .. t1ti.. of tbl cru.ton tlm'eh, d aon pAZ'"' Utdul.J deecdJMcl u follani Sel (xhtbtt 'A'; att,ched. -·-------'------------------ . U tbt ,nipRtJ ol U.. Gr#l:i.on at tle da of ~ thU ......-t -b 116pl...:· &tted )Id I.I plar.tM prior Q ta ~ of tldt, doc.al!Nt:, tllo Clw. Gnaton .~ •• , ut-s-t:liti CiatN to dd. to tb1-.,gl'NM!lt tllt ""1prdall. hat.--.d. ,.._ ate) d --· 1'e i;rutor -~ tUt part of tie tcrM141AU. 11eiQa ,.W '117 ti. cir-,. tN.ia f!'I'-,-,. all 4-p nnldq to or r...iuc. laen&fw ~ tbti paathla I>. · tafllhfa ft ·t11a •tlldl fb of nrflcl ataa q' Ormtee'• '1glDf of.·p!ee, UAu ~di. . ., ~t.rl, "' ..u ~Uin dthJa Nill ...... t. . 1'e NU cnai. d&11 ban Ela. flab& witlou.t. pna ui.tt'CdJN. of-, oak az: ~ at -1"', u hCla ua u .., be~. to. ata" ,,,_. die ea..-..t t.r ti. parpoN · of c:oatncda;I, npau::taa, altmiq OJ ncoutnaittJD& i,a!j wtu. -., ~ ... lq: -, ca~UO., ~. without: Jaqrriq -, 1qt.l olU1et1m d JJ.4W.q, t:Jailn.- ior. fh'Udt . . . . . . . . . • (1) 'l'lle_ Cnntu, Vu~ D!atric&: Jfo •. .51, fl11 hl¢Oft Qrlla~ 1nvur:y ·' to • COMitiOII. u po4 u or Nttll' tMD tlta pl'miNa nh prtor t.o ntq: •1 the i:i.-atM, later Dt.t"dc.t No. SI; (2) 'Tbt Dllitdel v1l1 ea.nilc. 1h Nat dfntl .. , em. ...... -, p:ri••t& 1.llprOftflet&U oa t:t. .uaeat ._ftla, :bDt U 1& 4IDu ao, ii aull fWpa1i' u,,,1,/0T uplaca uU ilrefoYaeotl, .... = ... Station Id :SI LO .. ..;::. ' ; " ' ' " ' 1_; 7 --( ; ~ .... ::.· .. ' . ' ' I f KING,WA Page I of4 Printed on l ln/2012 8:31 :09 AM Document: EAS 1982.1022.0372 ___ 1 I Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: Station Id :SI LO ,,J,,, . .:~·-:·· ,<'{ .';,.;..:' '/5~· ,, . • ~ .. ;..., ~-.... KING,WA • ' I I I l l i ! ; / Document: EAS 1982.1022.0372 Water Oistri<t No. S8 UHI211l •i.• En~r.t No. Project: (elsey Lane, Ph1!ie 1 M. 'W. & ~rjorit Lotto a"d William J. I. V1ola O'Neil 13630 S.E. 100th Pl. Renton, wash. 98056 nit sout.11 hilf of Ult ~th hilf of the northtit quarter of the southeut quarter af Stct1on 29, Town1hip 23 NGrtil, Ran<Je. 5 [ut, Iii.fl .• In. 11:iffiJ .:'.:011nt.,, WnMngtan;; LCSS thv. norttt 100 reet of ti.e west l'JO ftet thereof~ AHO less Ro1d. Slid etHDenl UWl11 bt dtstribed: .u the sowth 10 fet!t of the 'llle$t hllf or the soutJI N.lf of the south h.alf of tl1e northwst q11rter of the WJtl'leut qunter or Mid Sectfoa ?9. USS the wst 3C fut of ·s1td sooth 10 feet. ------·-· -·-----·-- f .· ·" ,· .-'{- . )~ ''-';I;; ·,;::--:-.-"'." :.lo:....:.. Page 2 of4 Printed on 111712012 8:31:10 AM Branch :FAW,User:PA12 Comment: .. -·-_--_-_ .. _ _,_,, / 1..U&.Dit NO, 29-23-5~ 13 O).iHtoHr:J.oa.-nplac.Htnt-nrdt-1'h.lll ~ eo:iplecd v1thh:i 90 de,J1, t.f the data of &D.J' otry b)' tbt U!.tfict .ao.d Hid Tutara.Uon-npl.accen.t--or rep.tr viU be. ·of • q_ualltJ aad/or fl:Wllltity that 19 tOm.,Hable or better th&D ulatM prior to tlM Crantu'•• llbtrli:t •• (ltlJ,:ry upoo t:be eaaement. (4) '.Cb.• akv. •llllt fortt. caQl!lt1~ •hill appl7 not oAl.y to tll• Wt1&1 coo.stnc.d.liNl bv.t •llo to au, rs,,,1111.t:IJ' b:, tbi, V.atcr Dhtriet tUt becoatc Deceuar, for :r•p&ir llllll m1Dt90Na of I.he waler 11ae. on. Nid H&~t. (5) MJ daap a,4/or reuv&l. of ..,. onwantal tn:e0 •hab1 fu.e1 1 or roeter1 sball h nplac•h,ttlda tM afoN!IIQIIUoad 90 u, period )J tht Dlttrict. Tbe Cl'u.tor lb.all· reta:!D tha right tD 11H U.a n.rlue of tbe .... em.t 11 nc.b uae dot• 'DOt 1At..-rfere 111th iutalhdo& ,of tle vater 1111.111. Kowevu, tbt 11:aatot 91Mll IIOt eract htldia&• or atn.c:tvtes of a pen111u11a1 natUTe OU tH euiNNSat clv.rlJ\s tbt, u• istace ot: ·ut4" u.eaai.t. · ( run: or VASB.Dlt.mll > •• aJllllff or l1JIG > OI th1li dar 1"!1~111 ap~cd kfvn • Wll.llAM J. O'NEIL and Vla.A O'NED.. ad MAlU~ :lOl'lO -. , to • bcn ~ be the S.Ddi'li.Sual des- cdled ·J.a., ...,.: IIXeC1lted the 'ldthla. aDII foiqoiq imltruacnt, and ~bovledced thac-1l!:t_ •s.,:-t t:¥'_.;...· U-. thdr. fut 811d volaiaty .a:ec ..... du4, for tu ~ and Plll"IK'MI -W:1cneit9~ , . 'gm ..... ., ...... ...i offi<ul ...i l'l_!L. ·v .. ;;'' <-;,: .. :>:\:,.'·· mn:or __ , comm or UK )•• OQ tbt.f 4q of 19 __ 1 the undersipH, a llot..ty Pwtlic ta aad f• ta &tate of ~on. 4ul.y cosmis&iaaH ud nom,. pl'C'1-1tzi.ally appuTM to • bDIIP ~ be Uae Prui.dai.t and S1teniu;:''-,"'?--:-:-:-.,c:,"t"va1=,-,-.:.,.---------- . the eor,oattoa. tut 02Cllted tbl. fOTe&Oilll hlatnmmt. -..,.~-..,-kor-=.~~~ ... .--.. -:-id,.,.-lu,.....,.,,....-'D.t to ti.a tha free ad 'f011111taq act &11d dec4 . of Hid · Cbrpor•t!oii, fu ~ .,.... ·...;,, pu-r,0211 tffldA ~UOMd. ~ IIJ' bad ad official 5ul em daJ and year lint aboq vr!ttu.~ ( . ·' . JiODll,'f 1'UILIC rea14ln8, It ------ Station Id :SILO I J: . . I·; f r· ,. ' ,. .. KING.WA Page 3 of4 Printed on 11/712012 8:31:10 AM Document: EAS 1982.1022.03 72 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: Station Id :SI LO . I '"'ll" ,.JiQN_ . . .Rf'. ( 108 '"' AVE. 1\" ' , -,-·~----------\-r. \ :.. ,e· o.1 · ---•• :;::"'! ;· •. ·-_.: .> ' I. I ' . -- ........ KING,WA Document: EAS 1982.1022.0372 Page4 of4 Printed on 1117/2012 8:31:11 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAJ2 I ' Comment: -a/."""""'" l!Xlf2j5la, IIWlllRSIHJll'<XIIIWCr CNlCAOE ....,. =er =·--.:.Hmdt=:::..;l.S::L, _,, a.!!._ 'llWI -, .-and an.....S into by ...S --18G DlsrRICT, I NMhingtm. nurlci?'.'1 oorporaticn, hamim.fW' .cet.und to all Diatrict, mi CSNUS ~CO.; nc. ""'8lnaf-n,fam,d "' .. °"""''""'"'Jq,er. W 1 T N .£ S S £ T H: -. the OWnor/DOllel-.""" instali..l ...VO, -"' inst.ul • a,,er 1111.in and/CX" fac.illty to Nl'\'e OBrtAin prqieny U'I ca.cme Sewel' OiatrJ.ct1 llVIII MO agl'NI lJPCl'I a:.Tplet.i<Jfl of .,.. to tandet' ta the Piatrirt • bill of Mle1 and i'IEmB, the District has Bei:etofoi:e 2))1 and. thlcuigh ita can1aionara adcpted a .ceeclutian pioviding I for the 8IIICUt.ial c4. a c;s::siuact to 1IWlbune U. Olilnar/DIMtlq:lllr p.qu,,nt to tte pmviaiml --•t toa:th1 4m ~' thB camd.aala,en have de~ that 91*=ific prqieey will be bllnafitad by tht utilisation of thia 11, uwww1t. IIM', 'DEIU'Qllf, IT IS JQD1 1. "1at an ~ directly <DmOCted to tho IAfuuwwwt llhl/0< property a.nan al..loied to ci:nmc:t by ,..., of latsrala or bnlalaa, lhall pay • fair pro-rat.a lllwlnt ot the OOlt.lot tha rmatnactian af aa..t.d Jap..u -.at. said UlfCc•-d:. J.a daacr.ibaS u folloift1 an a• uain ms. E. 172nd flua. 101th Aw. s . .B, tD t"Ot Eaat:ady. 83104/28 R£C0 F CASHSL I0626 e 6.00 -~.00 22 'Dll pcq>O<tjl or _,,.. to ,cuch oald ~ "WlY la -.. ., llullga, 'lhe lata::anar rate ehllll ba $29.-45 par t.ront foot. , JrJ :ilH :,;1m,.f·: ! ... 2. !Mt. tbe ~ WU ta Mti~ to .-.:i.W m• d. ---tad -fa<. pori"'5 of 1.5 -log - U. date of tbia rmaact.1 pl'OYidad, Mid nd,;, d. ill Milct 'tO 1:111 pmvia-lmo ___ _ l. ht ti•-· ot.,.-t -tbe ~ lholl bo 1111titlad to shall be a mee:•10 IA.a detamlmd. ~ ~u.ti.,,. ClQRI of lJM «ID"' -"1ttun tho -..i witlwl tho t.lm poriudr thE,.. -~1117 -to -.,l4l to tho D1atrict • ""l'lem an -• lliJI clAla rm, - . --· --·· ---·-' ' -··-·-----~-•• -.:.: •• -J, __ ;::,: Station Id :SI LO C r • ,~ __ ... /_ '!\ I/ ·' -i KING,WA Page I of 4 Printed on ll/7/2012 8:31:1 l AM Document: ALN 1983.0428.0626 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 ·- ' • ~·· Comment: C.IISCAOE SEMEJI Dl5T1i1ICT UTECOfll£R$ flO. 81 ~"A" 1m.sn LANE TN Sovth UICI.OD ftet or tltt lh!St tiaTr or tbt SouUt ha1f ot Ult Soutlt lll•H Of fltt lklrt.hllle1t qu,rttr of tit, Sowt"eut: ~uter of Secttoe 29 TO.shtp ZJ •ortft dngt I Eltt, W.N., 1n ltng Cou"t,, 1111n1 119ton· • • Ltss ,111 111st 1ao.oo 1'ff1: ttitrtor. • hUCOlltr''s Fet $21.•~ pe-r Front Foot • l LE"" ~~1~Jk'>>;;~-. jt,.,w . •·"' ..... ··,,.:.,,~~-;22/tr'i,; ~~~#!!':- Station Id :S l LO ' ' KING,WA Page. 2 of 4 Printed on ll/712012 8:31.11 AM Document: ALN l 983.0428.0626 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 ···- ' KING.WA Station Id :SI LO Comment: ,· .• ,,.-ri· for the t11prov...,..t to the Dilltrtr;it. i"he OWner,IDeYdo~r atreo• t.h4t riu. fall1n• to prgyidf: .... id total cost te"°rd and total coat ot conatRC"Uon with.in tl,e U,M .period efgrlllllentionad, (lO 4•Y• from th• date of the bill af .. 1111), aa.t.11 r1.ult in hi• voluntary w.aivar of ~n, clala or ri?ht to reiabl.lr .... nt p.u-•ua.at to th1• c:<mtr&ct. That the Oimer/nicl:V111laper agl"ff• thllt th• cwat••lonet-111 ah.1.11 Mvt1 th• riQ"ht to detei'lliDII the fair v&l11111 ol the Ulpcov~t, and ~t u.U ra.tabllrNIZl8nt ahall ba bued upon that value and not tlltl «ct.Gil CQl\f'truetian coat incu~red by "id Dwner/Deve-lgpar, pn:Nlded, tNt Yid det.min.aUoa 11\.tU be p.i.nunt. to Re.alaUan No. 668, 4. 'nlat Ule Dhtr_ict ahaU have tl'tto l'i9bt to _prov1d• for OM H9rel)Atton ror &o&ch prop.rt~ ovniar wit.hi• the af~e~ted ·~ of the illpt"ov--..~t, pro-,idad, .. 1d IIQ.r-vatJon •lMU be, Ua.1.tlld to a e,nc,ie !&aily -dw-1Un, .and,/or l'Hidant, and ahft.U contain not leaa th.an 100 t-t. of tronuge. 5. fll•t •U •11.111• cec•i"'4td by the Di.atr1et fll,IUU&nt to thU r•~--nt contract •11•11 !HI aubject to th• r•••onabl• tdlliaietrathr• ~ of tiftnn percut (151). MNI upon tJle 'Jiatt-Jct'• collection of any fund.9 from • benetlt.d rul proput.,- ClllfflH Ute DJ•tdct atul.1 have tl\e right to ~u~ .. id l!il at ite eole opt:i~. •I PRCNIDIID~ t.hat It toe anr reason the ownec/l)eVtilapor and/or the NMUo- i&cle• of thi• contract eapreea'• de•tr• to wai~ pa~t. b, any and/or ell ~peZtiae at'feo'*I herltl!y1 dl9 DJatrJ.C!t &hall bit entitled to collect tt. 15' et lt1 mole opUOA. 6. TM d\ltY of t.he oJ.atTJ.ct to r•illZliu-U.. o.n.J/Ue91ilo,-r eholll tedlinate on the 4'1,/:..ur of LZ?,,if / , u$ ad ell relJlbuwt. collected thereafter ebji.11 l:le the &ele Aid ewcJualYe property of .. Id Diatrict1 it bal.ni' ~r- •tood that after euch period ot u .. tb• D1at.r1ct mlntM~ Md o,..nuon of Mid fac1Utr atKl/or _.....,. •ia over .. id a;tend.N pr':'IGdl ot tlat WCNld ntttle thla bietdtt ttl tlMI uHre contr.ibl.1itian to Nid utn Mtd/or facility. 7, 'ft.al Ollnllrftl,h•io.,.r e9nc,• that tlW: Ol•U:lct'• dut.y to enfon:• tM n.f.allllrNaMt oontncrt will be llaU:.d to ac::tu,il uuu . .-atlon of f•ciliUH bf Pd proputy OtMer• amt that any I\Qn•i.atJ.lh:et•.on cHultiftlJ tr•• S'Ml propart:r Oll!llllr'• htli9n of • ar•t• vA/or .r..S.d9A ot the •v•t-eant4illJ)lat .. pasuut to tbta OGMU\lcUoa. e.mtract llh&ll bat M aubj.ct to this ntabl&r.-..r,t. Pnwiehd fvthM, tbllt amy ooata of tM enfo"91Mnt iof thh rei.llbw'..-.nt contract, iaC!'llldllllt bat not • liaiud to at.tar~oy tHa, ab&ll be eherfll&ble to the OlmU{PevelcipN and ahlll.1 lie 41,duc:,hd fraa J16r-ent.a raa.iwd l)y tbll Diatrict rra. ~it.a,a property owner•, pd,11' to tM Dbtrlrt J\hl.Lnir an, dutp to pay over to thl!I OWDer/tl,eft.1clpff', that 1n t:119 fffft Sacond Puty hi• heir•. 111/J/" aHigne, daaiN to INlff U...lr rl,tlb at rat'IP• -a't ~. U.. ia that avant, Ui• .DbU:lct -..11 be enUtl~ to a ~t ol lot <m ui, ralallu" ...... t ard/N portion. a£ teeuihui"....nt wtffd br the ....S Part)'. 1. ft&t at t:M tUI* ~ .. put of tll,e Otiaa/Dnlllllll'Blr' • ui.n.J.aa ~.-t, ta. O!Mil.r/Defflopu .,..1~ notJ.tr ti• DJ.at.dct ot hi• 4qift lor llliaDU_... NAC ot cauuuet:1oa 00tita, that J.t t;.ha Owrlllr/DeTalaptr f•U• to ntqNat raJ.Jlbu'..- _,,t thu. all Ai• dgllbi ..S clam. for rtMlbu.."...nt an 1:bUacw, V&Jftd Md add reUlbur--.nt. 9hall t.h .. "Nft1H beccae tbs aol• and OCllu_iYe Jll'(lilart:r of t:lle DJ..Wl.n ICM ot anr cilU.. or ralllbl.LrMa8At by the ~l'/DffeLoplr. •2- • Page 3 of 4 Printed on 11/712012 8:31: 12 AM Document: ALN 1983.0428.0626 Branch :FAW,User :PAJ2 ' KING,WA Comment: Sll\'DI CE' IIIISllltrn"Cn I ax.tm' CE' !UNG J .. an t:lu.o ~.1ay.of ~,.d , l!JLL, botcn"" t11o \Dimaignld, a Notary~ in ard for St.ate of ~' d\11.y o:mlNienll.t aid ....n, pmqally aweemd RtBllr L' V!<t PNO am Mtltc I( ,I ~1&. . to ... -to be tho·--111111 Socnwy rmpoctfully, of DLfflUC1', the :coqx'ltaUcn t.hoit. flW'Uted u. tonigmniJ inlU\Wlnt ant a:kn::llf~ the aaid inst.Naent to be the fma cd wlmta,:y act. an1 dllld of e&ld ooq:iorat.' ·n, for t...ii U1N111 an:1 puqllQBli98 tJliu'e1n .llllfltJ.clmd, and en oatb stated thDt tf-r autrorimd the emcut.i<n of said .lnst..l"ul9nt and t;b,ac; thlt IINl &tfJ.ail ia the corp:,rats l80l of Kid ~ia\, om.as "" hm;I ..., otu...i ...i. .....,.., 4fu-t .,,. c1ay on1 r-tidt abcMa Wltta11. 9?ml: Cl' lrltSHDOl'OI ' •• CDM'Y CE' KilC J On w.. day ...,....Uy --... --------- 11 1 10 11:18 bl:w'I to be tht 1.ndi~ dral8cr1,bad in -..i~.,.,=-eioi<iiieii--~~a.-v~,-w;.~-...,~.:;fo._ing~ inlnrt.lTBo,t., lilld 4ClvPd I 7 that aigrad the ... aa fme and wlLntUy act a dNd, far tbe ua11-..r- -thomln ..itlinicl. GlVl'.11 -Ill'/ 1>1n1 and offi<>Ll ...i thia __ div of _____ ,a __ N5iUY Rii£ic Li .a &ii a. it.i6i of iiiiiJniGiii i.J.di.ng at.---------' Station Id :SILO Page4of4 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:12 A:\1 Document: ALN I 983 .0428.0626 Branch :FAW,User :PAI2 Station ld :S l LO -~,--, I I' ' KING,WA ' ·-- RECEIVED MAR U198J >33~ 04.• 28 ~eco ~ CASHSL Mm>. __ Na%dl==::.l8'-- 1!1JS ACREBENT ...i. ~ entered Into by and be,-lfA11!11 llIS11UCT Ill. 511, a lfa.vltngtcn 11uddpal COl'para'tim, he-rein.after refern,d to u Dtstrict, aid CWtRll'S ~ ro.' m:. t\eTeinafter nfened to as OmeT/DhelGper, I NI '!IIF$E'lll : i i 1f~, the Olner/Develcper has installed and/or a,rn,es to install a water ruin llltd/or facllity to s....J cert•bl ~ in llater Dlstdct No. S8, and j has l,ned upc.n CClll'htior, of same [ tcJ tendeT to the District a bUl of ,111e i C;) and ~ 2 ltlEJlfAS, the Dlstl'ic\ he heretofore by and th'°"8h iU c-1Di"10l'S ,, adopted a resolution. pt'O'Vidina for tthe n:ecu.tion of a ccntract to re.imune the . Oaer/l]evelaper pun\lM.t to the proY:lsims here:lnllfter set fwth; and &Rf.AS, t.M Cmaisd~orum. hMI detemlned that .specific property will be benefited by the ~li 21tic.1 of 'thts ~t. ' Nlr • ~" IT IS AIJUIJ!D: 1. ni..t all pn,pertie; directly catnected to the illlpnwmlnt std/or property t*Qers allowed to CCWlect b)' use of lateT'als e>r brlnchei:, shall psy a fair pro·rata share of the cost of ~tructiM of said IJlprovaent. Stid illpzuww1t i$ dmcribed as follOIB: ~ i An 8" ffllin at an r..asa.nt adjacent to s. E. 172:nde St. fmn 108th .A~. S, S, to the Plat 8olmdlry Buterly. !( 1! ii Tua pn,pe:rty or _.1 .. to llhich said cbarps appJy is doso::ribe,l u . L 'A" "" lRfll_" ilt• (It,. I ,1 1ft ;0 \151 ~ .,, I " tHP 'Iba iataxner rate shall be $19. OJ per frt:nt 5:ot. e" ~ 1 tL o · .. ·,1~lUl~J o R" OklJ, ~ ... , " • KIii!) w•• . ii 2, That the Ololer/Dewlq,er shill be fflti tied "' nee!-.. n- fna saicl 1-fitod -ies fol' a:potiod Of IS )'<US~ fna tlle date of tbu am tract i prarided, said ~t b slDJect to th& prwbiad Nt &ml, I' • 1. Iha• .... -t .A ... w..r-i, -the Olller/Dlnlc,p w11 ... ontitled to w.u be a ,....-1e ,,. ..-..., by .,_uuve """ o1 1u,, Ollnltl'- uctlcn, witbia tM area end ldthin tho tlao period; "'"1: tbe -/no..lq,er - to praricll to tM District• a...,ietJ cosc ncmd. m bis cl.ala for ioial • -I • . --~-. ···--~-. -,..,.., ..... .-.-... .. ~ .......... .....;.,.~...,._,,-_, ~ ;· Printed on 1117/2012 8:31:13 AM Document: ALN 1983.0428.0645 Branch :FAW,User:PA12 "' I KING,WA Document: ALN !983.0428.0645 Comment Station Id :SI LO -.,..---. --, ... ""'"--~ WAT.ER PISTfUCT ND. Sl!I LAIWIIERS IIO, 54 ~"A" KELSEY LANE " ftle $out.II 180,QO ffft of ttlt Wnt tlaU of tftl South half of tltlt South N:1f or th• 1lar\t1111nt q111rter of tll1 So;ut11111t quartll' of S1d1ort a, Townah1p ZJ llorth, R1n91 Shat, W.M., 1• t:1119 Covnt:7, liluMnrtOft; USS tM Vfft lBO,OU feet thereof. L1iec•r'1 Fee $It.OJ per Frofl't. root ,. Page 2 of 4 Printed on 11/712012 8:31:13 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAI2 Comment: l .. / LA'f9/l!atfD '9 "'""" .,. bP 54 • WF'l IANE / aoac of oonatn1C1tt.c·1 Vl'l"in t11lre.r (JOJ NJ• of llb uecuUoa vf tM bill of Nl.e fol' tb9 ~t to the DJ.nl'1ot. The Q1mer/Vffalapar ••• t:hlt hi• fai11i1H to proride Mid tot.al aat nccml &ndl total oat ol! oon.CJ'\IGtian w1thi• U. tJa fu:Lol af-...,.Uoned, l>O Ny• fr• tM Gate of tlM ltill at ..UJ, .a..11 l'INlllt la N.• .. llllAt.Ny wa.lnr of ur elaia N r1Pt. to re~t pll'....,C. to tllU --· That UNI OIINlr/DevalGpu" •• , ... dlat th, DOMIH1-D •ball han u.. dpt to ihtaadM the lair val.a. of tha ~:,t, Mil tllat. .. 141 re.lllllU'-"J ahall be, NNd ..,. tut 1'&lN ullll SIR th• acwal CONltnoU• ... ,I.MUNII bp e,a!4 OIIIMl:/tlnelopu, ,pl"Ql'idad, : that Nid dat.aa~andGII Mall N pulllMC to .._luUOIII IO, 661. t, 'ftlat u.. Pbtr1Gt IMU MW• tM r1fM; to pro,'ide , .. Olla ......,.u. IDS' MCh pn,pertp DWMr wU:h1" U1e aHNttd :uN of U.. ~.-t.J JCO'fbled, Mi4 ... Hpt.iat .... u Hi Ualhll to 1 •latl• , .. n, dwUlllg -./or Hlideat, ..S ...i.1 ooatau noe a.-tun £00 rwe or tnA~. !o. ""t. all ,_. reca.&nd by the OLR.rivt ,-... e to tllU nilf..,..,. .. _,. OGDtl'aat aba.11 N aub)Nt. to tbe ruaonal>le ..a.iabttatl" OMl'lil of fUt.Na ,-oat U51J, and :,pa the Dt,q>lDt' a coU.eatiaa of MY lunda f~m a NMIJUIII nal pnlflllRf --tha JliaU'ift ... 1 hav• th9 rlfht. to aduct: N:1.4 u, id iU aole ~• Nl:l\'lDID, 'Ulllt it fm',_. aa, r.... tM W/DI t.,,r w/m tllli ...., ... ia'h• of t.111• CJGIKHot UJII" ... a d. .. in to nJ,q ... ,.... bf •r u,1/or •II ,..,._ei.M a.ff...., ~• U. Dtltdcrt. .twill a:.t .nU\1.S co ooll.ot. t.bl is, at. lU IOl• -.U-• 6. 'Illa 411.tr of tM Oiat.dot: &o ra.&llilurN t.bl ~/09nlCIPU" --.11 t:.eatJ.nat.e an w~, ol 77lei&? . u.f/,"" _. a11 atau .... c. ..ii..a cbanaftar all.all lie the ao1a Md •ol-,.¥\9 pnaparl.J' of ..U DUU"t.or:, it: NPI ~ 1CGal tAat ••~ allOIII pe.rJDII of U• U.. D.iaU'iat. ..i.i..... Md .,..u.. of ....,, taoLUe, uAJos -1:e1r Min cww .. w utADIIIII ,-J.ol o, t.11111 Wlllld •l:J.t:S. ta. DU&rial: t.o die ....... ClmlU':Ulutlan to Mid ~ ud/D1l IN1ll&r. 7. 911 0..,/DftalOfd Afnd ill&'S. tM Wau.Lft'• 6ltf' '° __.. t:M r.l*' t DOaU'llft WU1 1M lilllt.td IA Ntul 1111Uliu&1.a Otf h01U.t1N lllf 191 ~ -. anl that an, nan-\llUU.. i.a &".-l'tiag Ina & na1 ~ ...... , ._ .... of a 1J9ta a,,,1/m n-dea:Lipt of ttw .,,i. cat,.teuil ,..... • tMa ~ -~ IMll ;IIOC. ba lfUj.at to thU ..... u • &.. .... ...... "'11AM', "'9t ~ wta af ta._ ~wt. at thb ret+a II C!MlnOS, tMhrffll Mt 1111 liallel to .. ,..,.. , ... , ... u lie 0~ to tN Wl'/1 ... , ... IMl1 M ___ .. .-............... '",--,---·- .. .._ DUll'ln ...., .. ..,. du.tr ta .-, w to the Qaarp'leil ,.,.r, ""* ta ta. --* ..... ,__ M,e ..-....., ,a4/N w.JgM, dea&n co w.1-tMt.l' r.l.cllla ol nflaE an-•• -t , U. ia &Ml wt., Ula DiaU'lot: li&U lie at:l~ to a ..,...t: .. IOi. •• ftR ., ta. U8lt ...... put. of Ila Cllaial'/le ,.,. •• -•• .. E, Ula 0..,~ •u~ eo&Jfy Uill' JIUQ'Ut: of Ma ...,,... b Nf 5 • ... oil ~ ONt:a, tbit.t. Jr Ulla Qlau"/IJralRlcllU' f&U.e tu ...... "' - ..... .._ all 111.u l'itllq MIii 4&11111 ,_ nilllliUl'llald .. ..._ ....... _. .ud nt*1 I. IMll iMIMlta __.. ta 1011i u1 wi.&• ,......, of tM D.l-.dct flN Ill ... •l&a • ""'*'_,.._,., IPr '-O.U/Dl,:u , .. r. Station ld :S !LO ! • KING.WA Page 3 of4 Printed on l l/712012 8:31:13 AM Document: ALN l 983.0428.0645 i Branch :FAW,User :PAI2 Comment: ,~ -. -~ ' \, DlmD tllie -ZJ~_day of ~/J=wJ,...__,, 42" :;rm· -~-, .. aumr ~ ICDII J • -N>U':° u,~::. s .... ~. ~:. baf:"i..":. ':i -=:!-· -11.y-4i~~ -,.Jp~" P~L. to• mQffl to bt tne flllPIICtfW.lr, Obilh lb. a, "'" __. ...... dlat .......... tl>o ~"" ........... --Jedilod"'" Mid i-t:Nalt 1D be the tr. ~ ~\llt:azy' act: .wl dMd of said. o:spanticnj !or tM mm -----· -""oath -tl>ot tJ,oy --"'" >ti ... ol --..a dlat tho _, affi,o,j I.a the "" ....... _, of -cxq,cntlas, -my hln! -offidal _, -aff1-I tho day -fint -..wn-.. ~i~-~ ·--- ...1} Station Id :S l LO 1. • KING,WA Page 4 of4 Printed on J l/7/2012 8:31: 14 AM Document: ALN 1983.0428.0645 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 - - ' i I, Comment: Ati'!i:J~,:~-~ Kini! COUl'lt)' Pr~ Savtcer.Or,•lftoa ·~~,f~A¥eoue ROOIIIISOO Scii.tdr, WA 98104 • • • W,UUW,TYDEED 11.rl-.No .. o-o ..... L.tpl, TuA"°"""No.: 1-1~1 Mw:i-L LcnoaadViol10'Ncd Kini Cild)' s.ctiM lS', Townslnp-2) NO!Ur, RallS-!i ta. 292JOJ-90ll ' ~ Omuor bftcm, MAIUOR1£ .L. LOTTO •• VIOLA O'NEIL. Ucb u !heir ln41•1dnl HJIIUlt al11rft. (a,, dlee1o1a1.,._ ofTDI DOLLARS, jSIO.OOl&DdOWI vUllb1I ~ hertbyain~c)'laod \lllfflUlts fO 1M COU'4TY or XIN'G. Stille orWnhm&IGf'I, ,u LbWUI ,,, w following deicnbed propl!.'l'!T Tb.al pol'ticJQ IYIDI 1,oul..b.wQterly of 1M ,re of, circle, wlllll 1 60:00 foot ndiw. ul'I circle being llngnl lO die eHlell)' mariin of 101• A¥"e1111e SoL1lhns1 111d 11ncm1 ,a 1hi: IIOltberly '""'I'"' of So\UM..ut 11?"' So:~t or l.'>c fallowin1 dnc:J1bsd p,ctd; Th, Soult\ Half of the SOlllh H.Jf oftbc No,th..-es.1 O,wter of"Uw Soa~.11t Qt,•11ff of Sec1ion 1'>1, T1.1-..M1rl11 2J 1'1orlh, fl.aDtC 5 fasL ill W.M., 111 x.u,, County. W11J,il,gtQA: EXCEPT lb;,t partioo thmof, lrinj with.n t2x."bo.OO (001 wid,! ri&fll of way f0t Secondary Slate Hisb""•Y 1'1'0. SC ffOm!n"lykoownuJohnf. Dc:monRoadj,uucablahtdbyltl'del t,lied M-b ISi, 1912 undtr Vol11me 16 aflnl ~1ng Col.llM)' Comm1m0Mf'1-~conb. Page 5112: A.ND EXCEPT the Nonb. 100.00 f~ of the WU12JO.OO fe9 ~of, 1.1 c.on.,eytd to ffie Ciry of Rtntion i.y Deed tte<lrdtd under King C®al)o R.:~ing NumlRr 79l!Z701l7~. Con1111:nio.g 1U11 111ea on ll, 19 '41"'"' ra:t or 0.02 ~ more a, ~ 1 Toaether wilh. lhc rishl ta mab all DtCetMry dopu: r« evt1 &Del fills upon lhc lbu1m11 property on eath 11.ie of 111'1~ ,._ ..,hk:h ii-· or may be clll!IINCrnl hauAm-m said Jl(OPffiY, In confolmity wuh 1taadani plans UJd 1pC1;:i{ic;atJon1: fDI" hi&b-r purposa, and 1o th wnr e.1;11r11t a.ltd ou~ 11S ir dlll ngtm bemJI 1un1cd 111d b(m ac.quueit: by canlkmnltion ps0;ccding1 ...adc, EllllllCUI Do1Mm St111111n artbe ScPII or W~. Siruaud in wcouniyofJ'.iag, S111corWn1li!Lr.1on. «.yo< _____ .. L'»". .,j' ) ' .. (. 0 ,: ,i;: ,-" • • .ao 3250.00 l>'fC= I of2 =•~1•t· .... :~-~··· .... , ;~ -,-,.., ... -·~!5 Station Id :SI LO n )~ I. 10· I. KING,WA Page l of2 Printed on 1117/2012 8:31: 19 AM Document: DED WAR 1999.0514.1847 Branch :FAW,User :PAI2 - - I" ... 2) ... "" .... ) .r.) ~ ' ~ 3l i I ,· Conunent: !!.i4TEOFWASHJNGTON ) "' : COUN'lY or KING ) COL'NTY Of' ) ) .. -f"K""" > • • VIOLA O•Nfil On this day per:.onal:lY .,.ppeat.'ed before me VIOL.A o•m::u •• to me lmown to be the individual described in and 1otho exe~uted ths with.in and foregoing instrument, ,11.nd acknowledged she $igned the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and ·purposes therGin mentioned. GlvEN u:i.der n,y hand irnd official seal the <lay and year. last above writ.ten • ,, i , .. ~ . .. ~-· ~ . , .. ~/JB\.'•c. ..... .... >. .. ,!\· '~ '··~-.. -' .. :· ··.... ,,\· o,_111;.: •. -· •, .. ,. ~ Pttt2or2 .. C;;_#Aiit/ (,_ '.( .1.1.~::} ,:·$E##f!b?;1S$ --~,.JS Station Id :SILO KING,WA Page 2 of2 Printed on 1117/2012 8:31 :.19 AM ' Document: DED WAR 1999.0514.1847 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 KING,WA Document: AGR WTR 2001.0323.000684 Order: 1989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: FILED FOR .RECO!Ul AT REQUEST OF SOOS CRF:EKWATERAND I Station Id :SI LO / / ' SEWER DISTRICT WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: SOOS CREEKWATERAND SEWER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 58039 •11111 ffllt"!!L t3,N RENTON, WA 98058•1039 KtNij-1r,'L , MA SOOS CREEK WA'fER AND SEW.KR DISTRICT OltVJtLOPEREXTENSIONREIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT LA 1'F.COMER AGREEMENT NO. 113 181 Water 0 Sewer Resolution No. ~ I 3 S -VV DA TED 2/12/01 Total Latecomer $703.60 per lJDit Total Latecomer Tcnnlnntlon Date 3/3/2014 THIS AGREEMENT made and enlci-ed i11to by and between Soos Creek Water and Sewer Disbict, a Washington Municipal CotpQr.rtion, hereinc1.fter referred to as '~he D1strict11 , and Dcvco, Inc., or :is~igns, hereinafter collectively referred to as ''Owner" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owner has in$talled. water or sewe-r main& and/or fa.ctlmes pursuant to a Developer Exlons,on Agreemen! to provide service 10 pl'Opcrt1es w1th1n the service mca of the Dtsmct, and Che Dmncl has accepted a Bill of Sale tor such fncihttcs; and WHEREAS, in uccordiuice wi lh R.C. W. 57 .22 tho DisLrict ha• by Resolution prov, ded for the execution of agreemena for the reimbursement ro owners from other property owners who connect to or use such facilitlea withm J 5 years. NOW THEREFORE rr IS AGREED, 1. Reimbursement. That Owner shall be entJ.tlcd to reimbu,semcnt from connection chargcs described herein within 15 ye.a,.·• from the dat.e of the District's acceptance of a Bill of Sale. -1· Page I of6 Printed on 11/9/2012 8:36: 18 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Order: 1989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: Station Id :SI LO KING,WA Document: AGR WTR 2001.0323 .000684 :2. Amount of reimb11rsement to Owner. The Latecomer total 1s the umount wluch hus been determined by the District to be tho Owner's 1·casonablc costs ot construction of the facilities for whkh it is entitled to n:imburscment, plus 10% for the Di,trict'• reosonuble cost• of e.stablishing and ddministering thi, Agreement The O!Stnct shall retain such addit1onru 10%, and shall deduct 10% from rhe remainder as the Owner's share of the DlBtnct's reasonable costs of cstabltshtng and administering this Agreement. 3. Developer Extmsion Agreement That the renns of the Developer Exte!l4lou Al!,lcement between the parucs regarding Latecomer Rcunbu1sement is incorporated herein by th.ts 1·otorence. A copy ,s on file at the D1str1ct. 4. Facilities. That the facilities subject to thi• Agreement arc dcscnbed .s tallows: See F-Mhihit "A 11 5. Rohnbursement Area. That the reimbursement area subject to this Agreem<>nt is legally detcribed a., follows: SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT By, Sec Exlubtt "B" -2- Page 2 of6 P'"~'°, rtJc, t"fa41:= ~ {,,u:.k.:I Printed on 11/9/2012 8:36:18 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAI2 Order: 1989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: Station Id :SI LO KING,WA Document: AGR WTR 2001.0323.000684 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING d Oo this ;;r.;t'-day of ;). \olv..),i;;;;\ , 2001, before 'll":l'rrsonally •Rpeared :;; Co'-'!.~ &:ems. , to me known o be the Owner of ~~~S . L r acknowl god the foregomg instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Owner, for the uses and purposes therem ment10ned WITNESS my hand and offic1al seal hereto affixed the day and year wntten above NOTARY PUBk and for the State ofWasbmgtan Res1dmg at m:, My comrmss,on expires \ I':\ -<::>?, Page 3 of6 Printed on 1119/2012 8:36:19 AM K!NG,WA Document: AGR WTR 2001.0323.000684 ST A TF. OF W ASHlNOTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On th!s .....a.:z.__ day of _-'f,:,e•,,:J>,.,!"l"'-""l'X....----,, 20..e..!.-, before me porsonolly appeared 11 VAN ;r; Huwe•N a...l.::==========· to me known to be Lhe Prcs?den, and SecrePaF). res~eelively, of _ __.e;b..,,.c,vc,'-c::""'-'"-="'"-'--------- a Woslungton COfl)Oralion, the corporation that executed tho foregoing instrument ,nd acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the use., and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official ocal helC!o affixed the day and yea. above w1itten. Page4of6 Printed on 11/9/2012 8:36:19 AM Branch :FAW,User :PA12 SIZE e· s• KING,WA Document: AGR WTR 2001.0323.000684 Order: 1989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: Exhfblt"A" SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT WATER LATECOMER'S NO. 113 BENSON DOWNS APARTMENTS -PHASES 1 & 2 BaseMapC-3 ON FROM TO 5aiomont No. Fire hyllnlnl, 245+/. feet A polnl, 340+/-feet :29-23-S-W1036 Eal'"';.., of Point "E" SOUUI•"" of fire "'"'rn Esaement No. Valve, NCll1hwell comer of Blow off, 300+/-feet 29·23-5-W1038 Pl!lm Court Condominiums Norlhe~v of vatva TOGETHER WITH valves, fare hydrants, services and appurtenances. Station Id :S 1 LO LENGTH 340L.F 303 L.F. f,\1l\014\03\LC113!x,.doc ~ 1 C/04/99 Page 5 of6 Printed on 11/9/2012 8:36:19 AM Branch :FAW,User:PAl2 Order: l 989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: Station Id :SI LO Exhibit "B" SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT WATER LATECOMER'S N0.113 BENSON DOWNS APARTMENT$ -PHASES 1 & 2 Base Map C-3 Parcel "A" r2s2305:so23l The North 300 feet of the following described parcel: •• The North quarter of the West half of the West half of the East half of the Southwest qu1'1rter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 6 East, W.M. In King County, Washington. Parcel ·s· (292305-9025} ~ The North 40 feet of the followlng d9Scribed parcel: """ KTNG,WA The South 280 feet of th& West half of the West half of the East half of Southeast quarteroftheSoutheastqu1'1rterofSectton 29, Town•hlp23 North, ~ange 5 East, W.M In King County. W1'1Shlngton; LESS County Road. Parcel ·c· 1292305-91 sn The South 280 feet of the following described parcel: The West half of the West half of the East helf of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. In King County, Washington; LESS the South 2BO feet. WATER LATECOMER'S CHARGE : $ 703.60 PER UNIT F;\12\014\03\L.C113ExB.doa .. 11/08/99 Page 6 of6 Printed on J I/9/2012 8:36: 19 AM Document: AGR WTR 2001.0323.000684 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 " Comment: RECORDED AT TIIB REQUEST OF ) AND AF'l'ER RECORDING RE1URN TO: Sarah L. Atwood, E,q. 119 NE 56th SI Seattle,, WA 98to5-3737 I • i' i! WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S CoYer Sbcd (RCW EiS.04) DOCUMENT TlTLI(S} (or t:ransadiooi a:intained therein): !I LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AGREEMENT,~ REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED 011 RELEASED, ' '1/A ff ' GRANTOR(S) (Last name fast, lhen first name IDd initials) ,, RAY W. LOTIO AS TRUSTEE OF TIIE MARJORIE L. LOTTO LIVING TRUST; AND THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES FOR THE ESTATE OF VIOLA T. O'NEIL n . GR.ANTEE(S) (Last aune first, lhm first name anrl initials) RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J. NIEMI, DARLENE It BJORNSTAD, AND THE DARLENE It BJORNSTAD TRUST i LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Gnnlod'rop,rt)') '2 ';P, ~ '5: ;:j; )«ttm., ~ I ~~ ~ NDJ... I €. eA J Lu. /YI . ' LEGAL IJESCRlPTION (Grantiee Property) 'II I ASSJ'SS{)RYS TAX PAJlCEL LD. NUMBEll (Gnntor Property) 292305-9022 •, ; ASSESSOR'S TAXPARCELLD. NUMBER (Gnntee Property) 29230S-!X>3l and 292305-~107 and 292:30S-9l 4S I • I • Station Id :SILO I , ,ii KING,WA Page I of? Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:28 AM 1. l I Document: EAS 2012.0608.001094 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 KING,WA Comment: EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AGREEMENT I This EXCLUSIVE LANDS(;Al'j,JlASEMENT AGREEMENT (thi, "Ag,oem,ot") ;, made effective this ~day of~l2 by and between RA "l W. L01TO AS TRUSTE8 OF THE MARJORIE L. LOITO LIVlNO TRUST; AND THE HEIRS AND DEV!SIIBS FOR 11IE ESTA TE OF VIOLA r. O'NEIL C'Or.mtars") o.nd RJCHARD R NIEMI, SYDNEY I. NIEMI, DARI.ENE fl. BJORNSTAD, AND TilB DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST f'Oran<ees"), WHEREAS, Orantors arc the record OWJ1crs of tl>at certain real property described as King County Tax Parcel No. 29230S-9022 ("'Grantor's Property"}; and WHEREAS, Gnn1cc, arc, respectively as to Niemi and Bjornstad, the record owners of that certain real property described as 'l92l0S·90l t, 291305-9107 and 292l05-9L45 (''GTBnrec's P"'!"rty'); and WHEREAS, a portion .of Grmnees~ yard and Mlatcd landscaping, are located on a poniOD of Gnmtora' Property (die "EueolemArea''); and WHEREAS, the parties wish to avoid W\Certainty and prevent cowlict with respect to the rights to use the Easement Ami and confirm the Grantees' and lhcir successors-in-interests' rigbls to USC the Bmsemcat Arca in pupctuily; NOW, ~for~ io comidcratioo of the foregoing. and other good aod valuable consideration. receipt imd sufficiency of which are herd,y aeknowlcdged by the parties, Granton and Grantees hereby declare, for thern!lelvcs and their successors ~ assigns u owncn of Onntors' Property and Grantees' Property, rci;pectively, the cascmc:nls, covenants., conditions, privileges cmd lcmls gnntcd and otherwise provided for below: AGREEM£NT 1. Granton: grant to Oran1cc:S an c,c.c:lusivc, petpetua1 casement to JJSe for residential purposes, including landscaping. gardening. fencing and relat.cd uses coMinent with an cxtcmion of (ifantors' yard over, along, in, on, upon and WJdct that portion of Grantors' Property legally described as follo\115; THAT PORTION OF THE SOUJll HALF OF THE S0UJ1I HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOlllllEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHlP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KJNO COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT 11IE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISION; -2· Station Id :SI LO Page 2 of7 Printed on 1117/2012 8:31 :28 AM Document: EAS 2012.0608.001094 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 KING,WA Comment: TIIENCE so urn 89"49'04" EAST Al.ONO THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 30$.01 FEETTOTHEPOlNTOFBEGINNING;. THENCE CONTINIJINO ALONG SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 89'49'04" EAST 37.00 FEET; TIIENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE, SOUTH 67"11 '54" EAST 18.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 87"3S'06" EAST 62.57 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76'27'04" EAST 14.63 FEET; THENCE soum 88'29'19"EAST 100.31 FEET; TIIENCE NORTH 4''27'06" EAST 12.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORIB LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; TI!ENCE sourn 01"42'56" WEST 15.01 FEET TO TIIE SOUTII LINE OF THE NORTH 15 FEET OF SAID SUBD!V!SION; THENCE NORTil. 88"49'04" WEST Al.ONO SAID SOUTII LINE 239.SO FEET TO A POINT THAT BEARS soum 00"10'56" WEST FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCENORTI< 00"10'56"EAST 15.00 FEET TO THE POlNT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON. COUNTY OF KING AND STA TE OF WASHINOTON. The forego mg Easement Arca is depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. The parties beff:to further agree that Grantees shall exclusively be responsible for the maintenance of the Easement Area. ). This Agreement is intmdi;d to run wi.th the land, peq,etually burdening and benefiting Grantors' Property and Granteea' Property and binding not only Grantors and Oraniee,, but also their successors and assigllS in title to the pro~es. rn WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed as of the date first shown above. ~~~~~ k..fld.;' ;Jf-u. _,, RAY W. L 0, FOR WITO ORANTOR Bye , 1 ~ 4 (~ FORBJORNSTA.NDPARTIES _ /ffjJ~ " Ll I.'.<.~,._ :U :7 ~'NEIL. By: -&.._. /( ~ • J • Station Id :S 1 LO Page 3" of7 PrLntedon 11nt20128:31:29AM Document: EAS 2012.0608 001094 Branch :FAW,User :PAIZ KING.WA Comment: STATEOP [ALtf/JlNu\ I &. ... COUNTY OF ftkm,J;,i Imrtifydlailla>o ... OC'bavenrirr.ctorymdencelhll Rr:1r kl Lor(? isthe pc:n:on; who ~ Won me, and 1fla.t llid penDIQ a;\moW!edged b aaid pcnon signed 1hia in!U'tlmell1.md acknowledged it to be the he and voluntary act of said person for die USll:!l aad puq,o$CS mmtioocd in 1hc _, (U;pb)yPnnl II' SC.,. N'a11=9'Nc,tat)') Notary public in and tor lhe gmas o(~· rcsidln11, 11. My appoin!Jnel\t expiru, _.,1_.l-c.· .<!.4<-4=-,.. ~----- STATE OF 112,.sl,.,+· I OOUNTY OF '{~ ..... , u Iwtif>tb>tll<now0< .. ~..-....Y"'"""""' /Jfa//(41 J !2&1 I o~op,noo who appeared bd'ore me, and dial wd pcnoa admowtedged that uid pmcin 1ignt.d !his lnsWmml and acli::nowwdpd ic to be du: he md vc,Jimtary Kt of $aid pfflOIJ for the usu and purpma r.:it11.tioned m tM -... ST A Tli OF w ASHINOTON I COUNTYOFKlNG "-~~.rvi.-,.'<M.d:I I CC!'llfy th-11 know m have saiiliflctory cvulcnr.e thn ~(..~ C2. W ~ 11 the pen.on~) wbo appcan:d befoni toe, and Iba! 11.1d pcrsoa acknowledpd 1h11 mi pcl'$0n upd lbi1-i!UtNment aii4 aclmowJcdgcd iC to be !ht !Hie and voluRmy act ofmd pi:rsoa forlhe lilSet and piupo1c1 nienooned in the """""""' Dalcd this~ day or f1.4iltlr Pml gr Slaiip Maos.tNowy) Nowy puhUc in and fer tho stale ofWuhlngton, ~!ding u. My appointmc:QI exp,lres _________ _ . 4. Station Id :SILO Page 4 of7 Printed on 11/712012 8:31 :29 AM Document: EAS 2012.0608.001094 STATI!OFWAS~GtON · {Lq;lllyPlinlarstapW-vfHollrJ} Nowy pubUc In Ind for Iha~ of Washington,. re.siding 111. My appointramt expires ________ _ . l . KlNG,WA Page 5 of7 Printed on ll/7/20128:31:30AM Document: EAS 2012.0608.001094 0 ..J "' :!! § .E "' c ~ 0 u N i :;; 5. ::l= 2;; ..c: " ~ [Il < w ~ 0, N ' W m :::, N i5 ~ > • < :, :c Ill ... I-"' ~ 0 J r > y---, I t-+-----I C§D POINT Of' BEGINNING :1'~ ~ .~ i ~ 0 , ,.;If I ~~v~ ,-e:;, +- (§) -,- ;1'~ ~ ~ -,., ZN ::; ~ I.ii~ @) I I \?~1,To''' -NW c<):.;[R~·~j"'-JIC.,,01' JO' s 1/2 ors !/2 or NW l/-1 Of S[ 1/4 I .~,I S[C. 29-23-5 IJ?.76~ _ ~~ r,,·s9·49'Q4"W J 239.50' j LANDSC ... PE \_ N88°:29'19"W 10{1,jl" ;ti J NORTH UNE or [!\S[U(NT /olf(!\ I ;' ~ I s ,12 of s 1/2 Of" "I ~ NW 11• OF S[ 1/4 2: SEC. 29-23-5 LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AREA EXHIBIT <§, ""' DEM~G 1..1 f N67'1i's•·w L2 J N87'.lS'06 W !JJH76'27_JU"I L• I Non·:rs~--r L5 P,.1061056 E L£NG:Tl1 aW 1!12.!,1 14.63' _15.01' Koo NW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC". 2.9, TW. 23N., ANG". 5£,, W.lof. :;JNF.ERJNG, INC. EXHIBIT _A_ 6'W'N. BY [}Alf JOB NO. ~ CONCEPT F.N I DB~ 1/3/12 31051 AIIII 4S! Roi,iar 8o1.11-,n:11 '""'lh -1n-9h, Wost-lA<Jl-MCH •cKKO. BY SCALE SHEET ~ {4:15) 392-805~ n,x (42~) !Q2-DIDII 1"=60" 10F1 • · 1 © ~1 ;.,.,.1 t.. ..... ~-,. rigOI> mr.,.ol. :;; <( 0 ~ ~ 00 N 0 (:! l::: " 0 'O " E J: .... .... 0 "' *' C. <( ~ r:i " g; 0 0 00 0 so 0 ,.,; g "' < Ul .., " " E :, Z 0 -0 ><: C, Branch :FAW,User :PA12 Comment: Station Id :SI LO Landscape easement K.ING,WA Document: EAS 2012.0608.001094 AU. THAT PORTION OF THE NW M OF THE SEY,: OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE SE .V.: OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE N01• 42' 56"E ALONG THE ~ST LJNE OF SAIO SEY. A DISTANCE OF 1592.85' TO THE SOU7H t.lNE OF THE NORTH ;U OF THE SW Y.i OF SAID NW M OF SAID SE Y.i OF SAID SECTION 29: THENCF: S89" 49' 04"£ ALONG SAJD SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 30.01' TO Tf-lE EAST MARGIN OF 108n, AVE SE; THENCE CONTINUING S89' 49' 03"E A DISTANCE OF 278. 00 FEET; THENCE sssi· 49' 04 "EA DIST A Nee OF FOR 37. 00 FEET; THENCE S67" 11' 54"E A DISTANCE OF 18.S2FEET; THENCE S87" 35'06'"E A DISTANCE OF 52. 84 FEET; THENCE S8'1" 35' 06"£ A DISTANCE OF 9. 72 FEET; THENCE N76" 27' 04'E A DISTANCE OF 14.63 FEET: THENCE S88• 29' 19"E A DISTANCE OF 100.Jr FEET; THENCE N46" 27' 06"E A DISTANCE OF 12.17 FEET: THENCE S0j"42"56WA DISTANCE OF 15.01 FEET; THENCE N89" 49' 04'WA DISTANCE OF 239.SOFEET; THeNCE: NOO" 10' 56"E A DISTANCE OF 15 00 FEET TO POINT A AND THE TRVE POINT OF BEGINNING. Page 7 of7 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:31 AM Branch :FAW,User :PA12 Comment: Station Id :SI LO KJNG,WA Document: OED QCL 2006.0321.000582 When Recorded, Return To: Ray W. Lotto 1250 Jones St, #1701 San Francisco CA 94109-420.'7. · ·111111n1111r111 20060321000582 ffln~ITTC QCD :sz.ee em! ill: T:ls. KING UNTY, ~ E2193765 13/21/2111 tl:17 KING COUHTV, 1M tox SIi.ii SALE $1.oo QUIT CLAIM DEED The Grantor Marjorie L. Lotto, for no monetary consideration, but merely to transfer the aescribed property to her living trust wherein she is the sole beneficiary 1 conveys and quit claims to Ray W. Lotto, as Trustee of the Marjorie L. Lotto Living TrUst, the following described real estate, An undivided one-half interest in the South half of the South half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; EXCEPT the North 100 feet of the West 230 feet of the above~described parcel; and EXCEPT portion lying within Secondary State Highway No .. 5-C; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Tax Parcel No. 292305-9022 L. LOTTO STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss on this 11th day of March, 2006 before me appeared Marjorie L. Lotto, to me known to be the individual who executed the foregoing instrument. She acknowledged it to be her free and voluntary act and deed for the use and purpose therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. ROBERT W. KITTO STAT!= Of WASHiNGTON NOTARY-•...:.. PUE!LIC MYco,;w-lSSIOt,I E:XP!RES_ 11·03-07 Page I of I Printed on I I /7/2012 8: 31:19 AM Branch :FAW.User :PJ\12 KING,WA :&;: .... , ·'. J r Document: OED 1987.0914.1139 Comment: r::.'-.:~ i-.1y1 :-_;:."","'.·;-",r, -;;.::' •.:,, .... _·,:,,::; '?: !.: '-~~·::'.;, ; .:,;. /\1TC,1i~l!'f;i. A'1' ll',1 '•1 •: ·':•./·:, _ -..... , P.O. Be,; c:m. R~.,icn. \ .,~ ~,.,¥·~'/ ••• QI.) 11113~ tA .......... :-.~ " ;;l ... ·-~ ... " ~ "' "' W$0tUl,C. "'5PRU&lfT9TJYfi'S PUP TH~ GR4NTOR, KARJORJE L, I.OTTO, the dull' ~ppo1ntttd, qv•lified 1 •d aet:1.119 P•rai:o!Hll ll'epr•••nt•'. "" of the F.11t•t" ot 1'1- V. to~to, lor and in ~oneider•tJon ot d1at~1buticn ~~ ••••t•, 11rant•, b•rtjllai111,, 111ell11, conv•ya and c,'"fJr""' to 10,R,JOiUE L • LOTTO, a111 her ••P4'r•ta e•tate. t~• tollowtn9 d••orib-.d raal 11111tata, ~ituated in tke CO\lnty ~f it"'il· State nf W••hin9ton1 ~: Ap,rt~ant fk,. 30l ur BAYN NAVP T~ijtll'S, 111 cond011iniu• intend-4 (or c,Jn,;ile fa,oily u.1111 only, 11,;c,;:ording to Surv~, "•P •nd Set oc ~lan• reeordad in Volu11• Bo! """''"""" NO ElCISt Ti\l Condo•inJ u• Pla'ta, pa9oa 73 'throu9h 'If,. 1,u,lYflli.va, recardl ot Xin9 County, Waahinqton, ur.~•~ Recordln9 Ho. ?40S210741, a~d a11~nd•11nt th•r•to record•d in Volu&e J6 nr Condoeiniu Plate. pa9 .. 43 throu9h 46, in,;:luai~e, "tutftr .Roc:ordtr.9 Mo, 11!10222060~. ,ia·.d s·~rv11y !'lap &oett!n; !orr.h and d111lln11-11-ll11g .. d11~cription of th• brid •• S(P141987 E0964005 ;>rovld11n in ilCII 64.32.0~{111). . L--------' AMD acctird1.n') to C"l'ldoain.lue l>ecl.ar.ation i:-111cof'd.,d ,;;,n P'l.ay 21, 197'4, und•r Record.Ing /to. 740S2l074Z, reco.rd• of 11a14 ~ounty •nd •M1nd•ant th11r11~0 record.cl. Fe~r~ry ZZ, 1978 Ynrt~r R.-.;,,;,rd1n9 Ho. 7B0222060?t TOOt~RER vrrM • ,.e948 pareantaga ar undividod 1r.teraat in th• (o•~on Ar••• and F•cilit1•• appert,inini to ••id ,.p,rtriunt: AND TO<llTHF.R ~ITH th• exclu•L~• ~~• ot th~•• Li•itod COC11rr,•n Ar••• 1111:1,I F;a,ciUtioar, if u1y, 111ppert.a1111r.io tG ••:l.d aptsrta&1nt, 1ncludin9. tt\lt not nec~"satily l.i•it11d to, L1•ited Coeaon Area P;i,t~inq Sp.a~• 301 and 6toraga Sp•co 301, th• w•neral l~•~io"8 of bich ar• "ho•n in tho ~urvoy ~•P •l'ld Plan.,, buL the r.i••~' d111ena:Lcma or whi¢~ ••Y not bP d~~inedJ ~• Part.ion oC Lot 53 north,u1ater1.)' ot ti.st Pl.acw S. •nd portion v,cated etrlfo!!l .a.dJ•cent, L•ti-re N. H. La~• Willahlnljrton Plet. khu;i Cor.1r.ty. ll~ahu1<,1ton; P6BCGL 31 An Mndiw:l.d..S Olla•h•lf intareat 1n th• $Guth 1,2 ot tha &outh \,: of ·h• North•••t 11• al tl-.e Sauth•••t ll4 ot Sect.ion 29, favnah1p .?l llort.h, Ra11~ s £.aat, •.t1.1 ~CE~ th• North 100 r .. t or the Vaet 230 r .. t ot th• •bO••·d••~r:l.bad parc•l1 and ElfCIPT port.Jon lyinq e1th1n S•cOlldary Stet• ff19'•~, No, 5•CI PDt&ONAL REPBi&IIIPTATJV~'S ~,zo • 1 ------------··-·--· Station Id :S lLO ' - Page I of3 Printed on 1117/2012 8:31:15 AM Branch :FAW,User :PA12 '··,:-· *"· .:.-fl.;·~· "' : ... (·r_(· I r KING,WA Document: DED 1987.0914.1139 Comment: An undivld<NI one-half intere•t in Chtt lollow1A9 p•re•l• of n,al pr,;perty, all 11·U11•t• 111 1::tn.;i Co .. 1ty, Waeh1n0'!:CUI 1 A, lhat portion or th• So¥th~rJy 100 te•t of th• 200 toot tran•~i••1nn• llne right or ~•Yin Skyway Park Adifltlon, Volu1110 40, pa9<1o 6, and 8lock 10, 5e,,.1,,_ Addit.ioft, ,..ol1n1• JI, Page .35, .lyin; Ea11t.n·ly or ll't1nton Av.-r,ue South, and South•a•toi'ly of ?5th ""•"u• South, tn Kim1 County, v .. n1nvtc ,J II, That pot'tlon or tht Northerly 100 t-t 11t th• 200 fOQt tr,ne11J1111ton 11no tiqht of 11•1' in Skyway P.arll: #lddlUon, 1l,;,l11111a 40, P•v• 6, u,d &lock 10. S•alv• Addition, Yahn•• .lll, p.,11• JS, ly.1'11J Eaatei-ly of ~enton Av,;,nue Sn~th, and ~authe••t•rly oC 7~th Jl"enu• South, 111 kin9 Ccmnty, li;;,11h.l,119toni C. That portion or rh• 200 toot tr•n11.-.h111on line ri9ht oC -•v in 5kJ••r P•~~ Addl1ti~n, Volu•• 10, p•go 6, lytn9 South~rly oc Ranton Avo~u• Soutb, E~CEJIT tb•t portion thoreot lvin9 S~ut~rly and W••t:•~1,-,;! • hn• de11crib11dl , Ill f"i:>llolf,,u 8e9ll'Lllln9 at th• Northw••t earner ot Tr•ct •£• or tt1111 11111d plet o! SJcyw•>' Park: J'.h.en~e .N87•1:-,• 12•w 17,.10 l1t<1t1 Thence S52'43'06"E 16S.1s f•etJ Thence s1:•so·12·v to the Sout~@rly lina of 11aJd 19~t of ••y and the ter•tnua of ••id d111aort~d lin•, in kinq County. V••~tn;ton: D. Th• Southoa11ta~ly 24S llH!t oC Lot 2, An9wl City Additio11, •• racorded in V,:,)u .. e 10 of Plata, pa9e 20, racorda ot Kir.9 County, lfa11h1n9ton, E~CEPT that porti~n th11reot lyin9 So~the~ly •nd lla,111,.,u,. ct u,e t ... 11cwln9 d••c:ribad linen B•9Jnn1ng at, potnt which ie N$9·?1·12•E 148.84 teet o! th• •o•t Sciurh•rly corn•r or Lot 4 in ••id pl•t1 Thane" "JQ'3ft'48"W' 110,00 , ... ,1:1 T~enc• SS9·21•12•v to ~h• Y••terly ~tria ot ••id Lot i a~d the t:•r•tnu• or the lffl•cribt.. .. l.Ln•, E. That port1on at Lot•. •~9•1 ~11:y Add1tlc»i, Yolu .. 40, P•9• 28. da•ctibed •• ro11ow111 be91nnin9 at • polnt SS9'2l"l2"W 2,92 f...,t troe tha •Ollt ~••t•rly oorn•t of aaJd ~ot 41 Ttteac;a- N30'38'41•V 90.00 t .. t to th• JIQrtriw .. te~lp lln• ~, ••ld Lot 41 Thaho• ss,•21·12•v al~nv .. 1d ltorth• .. terly ltna 69,ta f,..t; Thane• S30'38"41"£ 90.00 feat, Thenew NJ9")l'12•E 6~ SS l .. t to the point of ~glnn,n9. Pll80NAL REPIIStJITATJVl'S DIED~ 2 Station Id :SI LO I _, Page 2 of3 Printed on 11/712012 8:31:16 AM Branch :FAW,User :PA12 KlNG,WA ... ----~· ~~,:-·•·~c·• •f. ' ' ' ; j r Document: OED 1987.0914.1139 Comment: Th• Grantot for ber••lf, and tor h•r •uecea1or1 in 1"tere1t, d~ by theae ~r•••nt1 a•pr11sly l1•1t th• covenant, o~ th• deed to those here1n 1wpr••••d# and excl~d•• ell eov,n,nte •~tm1~9 or to ariee by 1t1tutor7 or other i1plic1tion, ~nd do•• hereby covenant that 19ainet all pereo~a Who1e1:1erer la1fu11, clatein9 or to olai~ by, ~hro~9h or under eaid Grantor and not other•taa, aha will for•~•r •~rrant and defend the a&id daacribed reel e1t1te, D1t11<11 S1pte11Hr --1!1_, 1gs7. ~r.irlt: Lotto, r>.r,..., fepr1l1nt1ti~o of thl srATE ar WA6~1NCTON coo•n ot i:1Mo .. Eatate of ft. ~·. Lotto, Dece11ed I certi:Cy that ! ):no .. o• h•~• 1vid,e11ee that Pl1T-jor1111 L, Lotto ai9n•d th!• Jn•~ru .. nt, on o•th •t•t•d th•t •h• ••• •uthorJ~ed to •~ll!eYt• th• inetr~•ent, end •cknowle~q•d it •• th• P•r•ooal Repr•••ntatJve ot the £state ot H, V, ~otto, to be th• fr~ and volYnt•rr ~~t ~r •Yeh pe~t.r tor the uaes end p~rpo••• ••ntionad ~nth• inetn.i•ent. tl;ated1 Septe11ber _.8._,,,',•~-, PERSOltlL JilEPJESEJffaT[V?'.S PHIi--3 I i ! Station Id :SILO Page 3 of3 Printed on 111712012 8:31: 16 AM : . .., C) 0 ... 0 0 l\l :,:; f',,j· N I 1. en c:c ~ ~ ;'.(t...:::i~·:::: \'(I! ...... ..'.; :.·,' ~;ifit ·· ::ir ·,·.,::,1. . ----------:iZ?!JT··: .. Hi .AUU&i1a c 1LEv for 1\ecord at Request/I _., -I _,, ./ lfame .. :::l..:~ :/.!t.; // !··' /,• .r':r.; .t/ \/ --,;, , , ;,, ...... ,.~ ............ __ ,._ --~·~·-~ --.. ' ---. ----- -. ' -~ ·. ~·--... ;--~--~r -' . ---. ~ ~'-.. •t--· w~---•·-"'---' """''-•--• 1 n 'W\H,\,UHJ' &.IVVQ ~-····-···.-·,-I for and in r;onsiduatim:I of nm DOUAIS ($10.00) -.nd. ~ther $Qod and valuable eonaiderat:ian · in h1'rui p;:i!id, t®iV~ utd ~ts to K. ~. LOTTO "1d :."~ L. tarm, WllJ..LV!I .I,. O•NEU. a:nd. V'.'.DLA O'!fltl.7 hh wlfc, bi& wife.. and 1.(u I . ,--""()' 'i 7• • 4he foJ:l("!lffl!g ~ reul, c:tatet dtmtcd In UM Couaty or !'1.ng Wclmgt,,o: 1 Stab! Of F The .,.,.t~ f ot ti,, Bcutll i o! tha l!ort=,..,ri, t of the Soutboan t ot Seotion 291 f...,1111p 23 lmh, Ranse , lraat., 11,l!'.., l!ICIIPT portlon · 1y1."8 wl.tlll.n S.Oond!l.-:-lltete lli&ffl!OT !lo. ,;.a; TM8 ....... ia ,!inn in ~J,wwwn!,, ""!. t=.t cer6'~ reel osta.t& .:i:abgt 1;.;,.tiiMfa. tall J>OniH ..... no, d&·'....il -.. l0~ 1~, ad Oonditimwl f..,, tho .... _ o! tho . e.bove d1!!u1~.bl!!id. !"~y., ,!..'!i::I. t,b!i ,:!~~~ ~! ~-~'!i;"' ho~ ~...:&!=:==! i;.\;.ll r..:;t a;,pl,y to .am:, t1tl&~ 1.JJtenlrt or @DOlabnnae arieing by• throu~ or 1U'!d9r the J)lll"GM..r !r. oaid aunt1•act, ~ ~ =t apply to an.,-t.:iiDl!II. useH1111nt." or other abar~• lm,-i.ed., UIStUtSC!d or blaoa:lng d~ •1.1b11cqt•nt t.9 t.hl!i ~tA ~t H!d ~et~ 3o~ STA.Ti OF WASHINGTON, i ... Counly of ~1 ~! . dny ot October II •• .&d!k.z.f.jJ'~--;;:z(BML) Qh1c.C!71-.. 0J.Q~£i.:i.J._, ("-"-) J On thiaday perscnally appursf before me ROLLD Y~ BRISTQf and. LUCI P. BRLSTOf, hia 1'1.te to DH: known to be tht inclividuaJ • clacribed in and who. necuied. the wit"'l11 and forqoins illfflVnlP.nl1 aod actnowledpd that t.he7 ;;5ped the NIM' a1 thltir fret &nd vol'untar,. act and deed, for U. u.¥9 IDd P1l!'J)O!!I lbemD mmtlcmed. GIVEN under my Mm! ud offidal ttaJ tMt II . . . ... .. \ ~· E:.!:B.!:.2_· 1:.::965::.L!' _ _;__ ____________ -,--.J I I· I I ·I ., ' ---------------------··---------------'':..· Branch :FAW,User :PA12 -----------~-. .. . ·-. Comment: • • 0 • ,. •n! HD'fxtl9(lA;l~ JAN l t 1'391 Ett 71807 Station .Id :SlLO WHEN RECORDIW kETURJf TOt '?l'"•.!l,..I~ PE-:.~· F i.:iei,;.;:-,.;e '-ASH!,L •o~i -1 ;J c::, 01 Warren, ~ellogg, Barber, Dean• Fonte•, P.S. Attorney• at Lav P.O. 80,c ti26 Renton, 1'A ,1057 fJ588QHA1, BU!MQJ;l,TJYJI' 8 pr;m i:,,,)V ..",00 ~ ·-· J '!, ll') '" 1. ~. Tfte uildfl"ai9nedl Grantor, JIARJOlUE' L, LOTTO, ia th• duly aripoint-4, qualified and acting" Pu'aonal Repr•••ntative ct the !at.ate of K. if. ID'M'O, Decuaed alao appearing ,gf l'ecord •• MIKE 11. lhl"l'O. 2, U!AU, M, w. LO'l"l'O died en ftarcb 10, uie1.. KAJtJORIE L. IDl'TO wua ilppolnted Peraonal ReprHentative on N&rch zo, uu 1n the Stat. at lf;iiahington SUperior COurt. tor IC'ing County in cauaa No. 81-4- 010.Z2-6(tb• •pro?iAte praceacUng1•), 3. NDNIHTPYPTIQI P9Vift8, By Order of SolYflnoy entered an Karell 20, 1981 ir'l th• prolMlte prooaedinrga, Crant.or VH autllorbed to a&ttl• t.ba Batat• vithout flll'~ar oom1: int.rvention or a1.1p,.rvi.aion. 4, RHSBUm PRDPPTI, Includad uon,g the prcperty ot the Bat.Gt. cit x. W, Wl"l'D, .Decaaaed, v•• th• Decedent•• intaraat in real proparty da.oribed a• tollawa (tb.• •oeecri:bet:S Property•)! ron;el •a• CVlli ti PCOPlctY) I An utldiv1d.cl or.•th1rd inter••t in Wlimprov•d proparty loc1t9d in King Cwnt.y, "Uhinqton., le;ally daacribed aa tollowa: Th• tsorth hlllf ot tha Nort:n halt ot tbe Hortheaat quarta[" {!:Ming • pattiOII or GD'INrnMnt Lot ZJ or h<ltion io, TOWNhtp 21 WOl'th, R41nt• di .Eut, IP.JI'. 1n JCJng county VuhiN)t:on, heapt that portion tber80t lying ~sterly of the IUt lirl• of oovernaant: t.ot 2 WIO PERSONAL REPRSIUDtTATIVl!'B ~ -1 ORIGINAL i I I· • • ., .......... . "" . LQ.__._ .... ~~".tln KING,WA Page 1 of4 Printed on 11/7/20128:31:16AM Document: DED l 991.0115 .0919 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: -------···-------···~ ---- KING.WA en 0 en .. , e 0 . ....... __ • th• Sov.th halt ot Gov•rrnaent Lot I, Section 1, Township 22 RorU\, Ran99 6 Eaat W.M., in King Ccunty, lllaahingti;,n, lying Easterly of Naple Valley-BlacJI: D1amond Road1 ALSO That portion of' tha North half of Government Lot 8 1 sectton 9, Towf'ahip 22 North, Range 6 Ea.at, w.x., in •i""i county, washln~n described aa rollov•~ Beginnint at a point 1n tha e.ntf!t"Ul'll!II ot the Chicago, .Kilvaut:ee and St. P.aul Railway capany•a Main Trac}( at Kighway Engineer'• atatlcn 858+!0; thence Southeaatarly 90 feet to & point cm. the lfort1Lveat•rl')' l)aftk or th• CG:du-River (as uJ.ating on N'QVl!IJlber a1, 151,23) ancs the true point of teginnin9; the:r,ce SOUthCNaterly alon9 ••id bank 280 faat, more or le••• to a point 01' the .ta.at and ijest cantarline of add Covem.nt Lot 8; thence Weat along-said centerline 380 teet, more or lau, to a point tbat ii 90 fut Southe11at.erly of (measured at right angl .. ) to tl'JO South c,nterllne of' Kain Track; thence Northeuterly parallel to said centerlina of track 360 feet, IIION or Lema, to th• pofrlt of beginning; EXCEP1' any por-t:lon of said prBJ1.i&•• lying within the rlght ot vay ot the Chicago~ Jlilwaukee and st. Paul Railway co., ~n~ BXCBP'l any portion ot said pre11iaea lying within Maple Valley-Black Diamond county Raad. i'MF!l •n• /ftePIPD PrPRtJt.y), An undividecl ona-balf lnteraat in tb11 SOUth bdf of the St;i1,1.th 2'alf ot tbe Northvut quarter of th• southeaet qwt1rter of e.otion U, 1'ovnahlp :n Nort.b, Range 5 East., 11.M.: IO[CEJ'T th• N~ 100 te•t of tbe 1feat 2JO reet ot th• aJ:icive- deacrilMid pareaJ; and EXCEPT portion lyin9 within .Seoonduy State Nigb.vay No, S- C/ Situate in th County of Jti119 5t&ta at llaehington. Pncc;nJ •c:• tz.oso:Pl Pt9PGtvl, 'l'h• E••t 911.01 ta11t of~• Nortb on,-halt of tb• Horth•a•t quarter of tM ltort:hlfeat queirter at Sec1tion 14, tovnU!p 4) lll)rtb, Range 5 l,N',11,, •• N11nred' don,lf tJte Hot"tlMirly Un• tberaot, l•u tn• 80\.ltll 150 fHt af th• la.at ,20.01 feet, and 1 ... tJ:i• Northsrly a~o t .. t ar the Wa•tiN"ly 1,, t•at, la•• county road,. PJ!JlSOIIAL REPR.!SERTATIVll'S DEED -2 Page 2 of4 Document: DED 1991.0115.0919 I I I l I I Station Id :S 1 LO I . • ,n_ 11 .. .,,1 n Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:17 AM Branch :FAW,User :PA 12 Comment: ----------- KING,WA 0 a, ' . 0 r . ... ·--·-·-· • Pf.reel •Q! t!lkwDY PrPP9rJi.YI t An un41v1ded one-half lntAreet in that pocticm at 1,at 4, Ang:al City Addition. aceordinq to plat thvaof, recorded in VolUN co of Plata, pave 21, recoros of Kint county, Wa•biJ191;on, deaor1~ aa tollova: comaec.ing at a• ~ SO\IUlsrly cornar of said I.ot: , ; t:benC41 No.rtll !19•U1 12• Eallt •lent the tiouth•.11.111oterly line of said lot., • dbtanca of 1-U. U feet to the tr1.1• point of be91Minvl tbenca continuinq North s,•21•1:1• Balli:.• diatanca of 1.a.n fieet to th11 aoa.t !a•tarly corner of aaid. lot, thence North 30•38 1 48" Wiaat 810119 the llortheutarly line. of u.ld l11ot, • di•tanca ot !110.00 feat ta the moat Jrort.barly corn~ of •aid lott thane• Bout.JI 5g~21•12• Wto~ •lontJ the Korth1Nsterly line of aatd lot, a diatanc:a o! 12.41 feat; thenoa South :,0•39,49• !Ut a diatanca of 90.00 teet to t.ha tru11 point of be9.f.nni119. situate in tha county ol King, Btata ct waahi.n9ton 5. CQffYIXHc;I OP Pr&BQQfTtg IrttP!e:t II RMSBJlliA PB2EfiBTX· C..rantoi: h•nby tt..Z"i•inai, Mlle, and cc;,nveya to Marjorie 1 .. Lot.to all of Granter•• intereat in t.ha Oeacribld Propti:r;\.y wbigh int•r .. t repr .. anU tJM dec:edAint: '• interest .in th• property at the time of decedant'• d•et:h. I, ]:JPJDTJPH O[ c;;pvqM73, Grantor expreHly liait• the covenant• of thb dlled to tboM expressed her.in and exclud.@11 all oovanant:a ari•inv or to u1..-ltY et.tuto.ry or other impl1o.tion. fl>• olllitatian• of 'thll Grantor iupNNed hanin an tbe olitliqatJ.oNi ot the ICltliite ot N, If. Lotto, and not tbe Pet'loono.l -.pr.Mntativ., peraonally, Dated1 Janu,:n _2_1 1s,u. HRSOJl'AL RD1t!SDTA'1"IYl'I DB!D -:J ~•·· '".:,..,,--...... ··'"'' -..... , •. ,.a, .... , Page 3 of4 Document: DED 1991.0l 15.o919 Station Id :SI LO I . . ' :,,.;: ,:1.~ .. :L..i~.i.; 1 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:17 AM Branch :FAW,Uscr :PAI2 Comment: - • KING,WA .. ··--··-- STATI OP ~A8HINGTOK COUIITY OP XlNG .. ' . • • I certify th&t I know ar hav• aatbrad:ory evidence that llarjorie L. LOtto dgned thl• 1n11truHnt, on o.th atatei:!I tiM!lt s:,a vaa authorh:ed to exacuta t.be inatnla.nt and .cltftQll'l~Od it •• th• hrsonal R•pn .. ntati.,. or the !"ab.ta of JI. w. Lotto to be the fraa ancl volVfft··J:Y aet of II\ICI\ party for the uan and pqrpoaaa -..nt19ne4 1n tl:Ul in.-t':'tDMln~. Datad; ., Nt appaintHnt e>cpirest Ct9::9Z.. l.6,1/53: P!RBOXAL ROllDIMTA'l'IVS'I ODD • , .. ·.-.... ~ ... -~ ... , .. ,, Page 4 of 4 Document: DED 1991.0115.0919 ' Station Id :SI LO I I I I . . --~-it..'. _,,-... _ . ..,_ Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:17 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Order: 1989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: ' .. AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: PNW lioldlngs UC 9725 Southeast 36th Street, Suite 214 Mercer Jslnad, WA 98040 Filed r-or Record at Request ot: First American Title ln:surance company National Commercial S<Nlces 111~1~ I IHI lit~ Ii I i ~I~ I 20111117000671 FIRSl A"E~ICAN UD 63.09 PAGE-801 OF eez 1S/17/ZC11 11:16 KING COUNTY, UA E2518796 11/17/2111 11:15 KING COUNlY, UR TAM fl,743.oe SALE $2 e,ia,ee.ae PACE-Ht OF 901 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED File No: NCS-500320•WA1 (VIC) Date: November 14, 2011 Grantor(s): Tl Investment Group, LLC Grantee(s): PNW Holdings UC Abbreviated Legal: ptn Sec 29, Twp 2lN, Rge OSE, SE Qtr, SW Qtr. Additional Legal on page: Assesso(s Tax Parcel No(s): 292l05-9023·09 THE GRANTOR(S) TL Investment Group, LLC, a Washington limited llablllty company for and In consideration of Ten Dollars and other Good and Valuable Consideration, In hand paid, conveys, and warrants to PNW Holdings LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property In the County of King, State of Washington, described as folklws: THE NORTH QUARTlcR OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER Of THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER Of SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Subject To: This conveyance Is subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, if any, affecting title, wh\Ch may appear In the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey. Page 1 of2 LPB 10-05 Station ld :S 1 LO KING,WA Page I of2 Printed on 1119/2012 8:34:45 AM Document: DED WAR 2011.1117.000671 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Order: 1989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: ' ... . . Statutory Warranty Deed . c:ontJl"llled TL Investment Group, LLC, a Washington limited liability company By: Khan Thi Huynh, Manager STATE OF Washington COUNTY OF King ) J-ss ) F'ile No.: NCS-500320-WAl ivlc) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Khan Thi Huynh, ls/are the person(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that he/she/they signed this lnstrumen~ on oath stated that he/she/they ls/are authorized to execute the Instrument and acknowledged It as the Manager of TL Investment Group, LLC to be the fr and voluntary act of such party(les) for the uses and purposes mentioned In this instrumen r Dated: 1/avehY)ks) I~ dd I -++:"1A-"';:Z=Ac-U~- lmie My appointment expires: 03/23/13 Page 2 of 2 LP8 10-05 Station Id :SILO KING,WA Page 2 of2 Printed on I l/912012 8:34:45 AM Document: DED WAR 2011.1 I 17 .000671 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Order: 1989803 Title Officer: LB Comment: Station Id :S l LO KING.WA Document: DED WAR 2012.0417.001486 Ill ~l,lllllllf i 1111~~11~1 20120417001486 AFTI:R RECORDING MAIL TO: FIRST ME1UCAN LID 63 ee PRCE-881 OF en . Aeldbrook Commons, LLC 967S SE 36th Street, II IOS Mercer Island, WA 98040 Fil.ed fOr Rec:on1 at Request of: 04117/2812 11:JZ KING COUMTY , LIA E2538944 ~/17/2812 15:32 KING COUNTY I ""' TAX $11.H SOLE so.ee Flr,t American Titli: Jnsvance Cmnpany National Canmerdal -STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Ale No: NC5-500241•WA1 (vie) Grantor{s): City of Renton Grantee(s): Fleldbrvok Commons, LLC Abbreviated Legal: Pb1 NW'A of SEV. 5ec 29, T23N, RSE Additional Legal on page: AssessO~s Tax Parcel No(s): 292305·9168-1!2 PAGE•N1 OF 091 Date: April U, 2012 THE GRANTOR(S) City ol Renton for and In conskleratlon of Ten Dollars and oilier Good and Valuable Constcleratlon, In hand paid, a,nveys, and wamints to f",efd-Commons, UC, a Washlngtan llmltm llabllity c,ompany, the followu,g described real estate, Situated In the COunty of King, Slate of Washington. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property in tne County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: THE NORTH 100 FEET OF THE WEST 230 FUT OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.· EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET FOR HIGHWAY. subject To: Tois conveyance Is subject to covenants, conditions, restrtctlons and easements, If any, affecting ~tie, which may appear in the publk: record, lndudlng those shown on any recorded plat or survey. P;,ge 1 at 2 t.PB 10-05 Page I of2 Printed on I 117/2012 8:20:25 AM .. ~ ... i KING,WA Document OED WAR 2012.0417.001486 APN: 1'UOHll8-02 City ol Renton By: Denis Law Mayor STATE OF Washlngtcn COUNlYOF King ) )-ss ) I certify thilt I know or have satisfactory evidence that Denis Law is/are the person(s) who aJlf)eared before me, and sad person(s) acl<nowledged that he/sre/they signed this Instrument, on oath stated that he/srejthey ls/are authorized to exewte lhe Instrument and acknowledged It as the Mayor of City of Renton to be the free and voluntary aa of such party(les) for the uses and purposes mentioned In this instrument. Dated: 4/u,_/tv -&..u.,,,. J IJ}aV-,..,.,. Notary Public I and for the State ol W.Shlngtnn Residing at: ~ My appointment expires: $ ~ 'l-'1JI~ Pag~2 r/2 LPB 10-05 Page 2 of2 Printed on 11/712012 8:20:25 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: wan:en, KellOIJli', Barber, At~•tWv P.O, 601' Hllii ltMton. WA 18051 ' 0 0 • No Dt& TAX M JAt! I 7 199] ctt7221~ 91,..llJ,..I':' !sf:CFFJ; R!;CD F CASHSL -• o,,1,Jr,. c;o ~::'i ~-----------------------------g PD'3DRI, WWMIUJVl'S P1'J'iP 0 1. GBllr.l:lll, The UftderSlgned c~or, VIOLA T. o•nIL, is the -duly app;,intGd, q1.1&1ified andl acUJ19 Per9cmal JtepreMrtt.at.iv. oE the 0--Estate ot WII.L1M1 J, O"IIZIL, ~. :z. .llin2Z8, Willi-J. o•ae.11 4iecl on Nay •• 19H. Viola T, 0•11eil vaa appalnta4 Fera.cmal bpr..ant.at.lva on My 2:i, 1985 tn t.be S'e4te of WUbtngtaq Bupuior coart tor 111111 CUUnty in cauae •a. 15-4- 01.811-8 (the .-,roMta proceed.inJa•J. 3. NWMiPC¥91 PQlfflB3, By order of solvanc:r tfflf.ci:rllid an Jkt.y 22, l!IIH in tJw pn,taate p.: tlftlJ•, Gr-u.t.or na a'ltborized to aet:tla tha Estate vitt:cm.t fll%'tber CCll.lrt intarventian or aupeniaton. 4, PYSCRRm tftQfWii, Includacl WDJJ tba praputy Of tbe Kat&'t• of wuu .. J, o••eU, ~. vaa tlla Decedent.'• in~t. in r-.al pl!cipert:y ~ibad u foll<MI (the -Deacrlhed h'q>erty•): TIie lklrt:b 'MU' bf tlw llartb bait or t.be llortbeaat quart.er (a..1.Dt • l)VZ't.ia of Goc:a. t Lot :ZJ ot' lection 16, 1'uai 9 ip .r2 IIOnll, 1m1g11 6 Dat, •••• 1a ti!111J county WUbs.n,t:on, ltKcapt t:ba.l: porticin turaor lying 11:at.erly or th• a-t line of ~ tot, z ALIIO TM south belt of GO'YffnMnt tot s, s.ctton 9, Tovnahip 22 lfortll., JtanJ• 111 i:...t. w.11., in IU.119 County, ..... 1n,ton, lyinf, ORIGINAL Station Id :SI LO .. , I . • I • '·+:!it¥!": :e, .. M -~ ,.. lo ~~~c:.._::..__ _______ ..;._,::...,_;.:._"--_____ ~_.;-.ll,.,,1_-.. ..... , ,,.,..._ . ._u.y,..........,,J, i::r 1 , ...... -. .. _ ....... ~. l2.X..: , KING,WA Page 1 of4 Printed on ll/7/20128:31:18AM Document: DED 1991.0117.0545 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: ' KING,WA 0 "' • • • • Etl.-t.rly of --.,1. Valley-8lac:k Dia.ctnd. Raad; ALSO 'l'bat portion or tho IIOrt'.h half of GOVem.nt. Let 8, section t, Towmlhip :U: ltortll, RlmrJe 6 But, ll.N., in ~ Cowrty, lfaabiDgton dncribect .. fallc:,n: 8oalJilminv •t • point 1n tM .:,urtar11m ot tM a..1cavo, N:illlllmk.N Aid st. PaQl a.uvay o:i.apsny•• Din Trad: at lliglll,ay BDIJi.Mar'• st:atl.oa 159+5GI tblmae ~ly PO f..,t to a point on Hie llm.tln.Nt.arlf tlank ot tM Cldar JU.w.r (M axtatiAg' aa ~ Z1, 1tn> and t:ba: a:ua point of tieg,innJ.Dg1 u..:.. liOVt:beuterly alang aaid hank .zao f..t.t alt"9 or 1-, ta • point:. aa. tile Dd. IIDII Nst. Cllltarlina cf aaid Gouauwwwat t,ot. e, U..C. w.rt along Ni4 amtArline l80 ftiiat, .ore or 1-, to• paint. tut 1• 9o f..t ~ly of (aeaaund. at .riQM: ~) to ~ lwtJI. c::entez:U.oa of Min Trac:k; ~ ~ly panll.al W aaJ.dl ~lJ.qe or track lH l'wt, more or le.a, to tlQI potnt. of beqlnn1ft1JJ DCDT Ul'J' portiWI ot .. 1a pna1 .. lrb:if within t:be ri9bt DL .,.,. ol!' tlla Cld.cago, til.'lla'lll:ea ...t ct.. Pal11 Railway ~-, UICI DCIPI' any IJOl'UOII Df Mid F t-.. lyiP) within Ila.pie Vallq-810.CI& Di.aacmcl CGunty Jlo6d. J'V9e) 7 (5 PnPe£ty) I AD umlidtlad one-ii.alt' inten.t: 1n t.taa .soutZa balf of tbe SOQth bal.t' of tba Bartlnrat qgarur of th Srrtbenet. ~ of sectlan 21, """"9:bip 23 llorth, RanlJ• 5 Bast., •.11.: aco,r u. IJorl:ll 100 tan: of ua. w..c :aJo r-t. or ta. ~ 4tlac:rimd parcalJ and. ac:l:P'I part.ion lyinqi vitbin Secanlla:ry" St.at.a Bl.Qtn,ay •o. 5 ... c, Panel ? CZe:Nr::fll P Lill PmtlGDI. ~·· DaD -l Document: OED 1991.0117.0545 Page 2 of4 I ' Station Id :SILO I . . ;,:·.~---· • Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:18 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: ·- KING,WA •• • • PN:Ge\ 7 ClbYIY ns-rtYI I An unllividad onrtuiU intan.t in tbat. portion of ?.Gt. 4. Ml!f'll City Addition, aooordJ.119 to plat tber8ot:, record.a. in Vobme 40 of Pl.atA, pltfJ9 a:e • .recora of n-, Comrt:y, 1taa1nlatan, ~ibid u toll.0111u a-ncl.Dg: at tba ..-t. Sc:ltll::ltVlJ CDrnU" of .. 14 ~t 41 theDaa ...u. 59•n•12• aut: •lao, u.. SOQtbautarly 111m or Aid lat, a 4btanaa of 141.M f..t to tbA trU11 point: of bagbalmJJ ~ r nttnalng So£tlli s11•21'U:• llaat a~ of 72. '7 t'..-t t:o tbe amt -.t.rly ~ of -14 1at1 t.blnCle .Df'tb. 3D 0 J8•4I• w.t. al. .. the....... zr'tdly llllll of .,,.id lot., a i.tJ.atuaM at n.eo r.t. tz1: me ..i 11orthady cormr ot' ai4 iot.1 t:l:tece SQl1.th s,•21 1 12• "8llt al.cDg ~ llaitlw tct'ly 11-of Mi4 lot, a d.ut:allce of 1:z.47 feet; tJNnae soatb. :,o•:11•-t .. But. a 4Ut&nDli of to.oo fNt a Ute tne point Of t,oolmdng. SitQ&ta 1D Ule ~ Of IJ.Dr, state 1111C ~ 6. I 111D:ffA! qr mnen,. Ck1IDtol' GPl"WlY llaiU t.lle ~ of tJlu clNII to tllON ....... t be.rein and uoJ.udea all ~ ul.ainf or to U'1M t,y K,liCll:CUJ' or ot1111r lapligat.ian. n.a o~Uva,U-of tba ~ wP+ ecd benln an ua allliqatl.ona of tlM. Batat. of Willia J. a• .. 11, a.ad aot tM .......,1 ~tive, ,.. Jly. Dated, __ , 199D • .JMUAII' ,o. l"l .zi,',;~.;.J d'?U PDIIODL Ul'lll8a.rat'I'•• DIID -, Page 3 of4 Document: DED 1991.0117.0545 Station Id :SI LO r I I. . Printed on 11/712012 8:31:18 AM I I Branch :FAW,User :PA12 Comment: \ KING,WA - S'l'A'l"B OF lfUIWIGfOa o:inn 01"11181 UIDll .. . ·-... -----····--··-- ' . • • 'I oertity Clltt I .thow m" Mft .. ~ ewl.itiuai tbat viola T. 0' .. U •1--tab ~. cm Dllt:IL ~ tbat. All vu. aldboriaed to ~ tM 1mtl: t ...... eobultledpll lt -u. PvaoQal ~-of tM lllltaW of •llIJaa J~ O'lld.1 t;a lie tha ft'N: -,:id. TOlQntary liCt. of .... party far tba _.. UIII ~ .atianecl in Ul,e lNib::wwwt~ ........ --· ! ..... , .. ,,..17 ... ,,... 0 "' ........ , . ., '~--1,,L....1;1.:._ Document: DED 1991.011 7 _0545 Page 4 of 4 Station Id :SI LO -, .. "'-_ :i.?i:-'·:;\-f" ""' i~t~{}~·· ~ f ·~· · ····:.·r~:~;:~~:·,7· ~~·· .. :·Y-irt;;~~&, : ••.•.• L:f,W::,,. ~!;. ·, -.. -.. -~.,:.·y<::/ -;-~i,;~ ; ".;.' ;~~1 "" 1 ·::~i I .iY i' . i . . ; . ~~!==~~fl!"':.l! ... ill ... !!lr?-ili:'.r=:7!1·j:j:,...ri ... ~--Qu--tt-..;t-a-,m--o-,-.-d-· .. _ ...................................... :_f;,l), .. lfN'l&W~_.. if' 'fflB QJIANTOR S; M. W. LOffO and KAJ.J'OllIE LOTTO, huablllld abd wife, ucl WILLIAM J. O'IIElL and V!OLA O'IIEIL, hu1band and wih la Ma iD ·1TT2Uce of a girt for· municipal purpoae3 --and quit da!mo to 'ftlE CITY OF RIIITOH, a 11Ul'1icipal corporatioft ~-• /ollo•i0& dMail>ed -1•tata,aitoalad in the County nl tocotMr with all aft&r acqniied. title ~ U.. ~to,(1) therein: King _.,. 111' 'l'bat portion of Southeast quarter of Section 2~·Townahlp 23• Rang• 5 E.W.li., deacribad ao followa: Horth 100 feet of Weat 130 feet of South one-half of South one-half of Northweat one-quarter of Southea•t one-quarter, Leos Weat 30 feet for .highway SUIIJECT TO unpaid installment paymenta for Utility Local Iu,proveaeat District No. 33 of Cascade Sewer District, King County, Wa;;hingtoa. Thia need is given for the purpose of conatrt.cti~n. installation and maintenanc• of a fire station to be operated by the City of Renton. If the real property desr.ribed he~eia ia notao used within a period of ten (10) year& from the date hereof, all title and interest conveyed hereby shall revert t~ the Grantora or their heirs. , 19.7t }} •. • • ..,,.._ 0 ._.(_.1._,.'" .. '.~ .. P .. ~.~ ...... , .. . ....... ~'Wf·3;·~--.. ~ ti. .. 7~o"'"'tt······· <??4~ ... '.'.'. .. vrotJ:5 l.'1£t · X¥ME11111~ --~·"·····--·-··-·--··-·--·~·· ···-···-··-·--·---____ ,. _______ _ to .. boMli lo bl, tbe ... _.... ·····--·-···~ ..._ __ _....._ .. a.c:r.ca,,,. ; I ?hwl), al...-···-··-··-·-··---··· ·-·-·------·-·--·--·----ti• '.':'."';"r.-atlw Ihle esamted tbi:i t~ _.. t ad: e±t • I s tr t!w 1U1.izwb teal,,.th,.;frwu.l~ad:_.._"'_..__.. aboo, for._ ... ~..... ... .......... ... --····-·----·---····--~-.--. ....... a.all ...... ..... ......... mrpo. ....... ol .... « ........ ..... w::..,. bml &:ad Glkiaf ... ... .... .. ., .... r-'!' .. ··--·-···· --~ ~-~re. ..... "' ......... ·-- , .......... / , / Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 - - 'I I I I i I 11 Comment: ) • • .,)',, C. () C.-'"· • • {,; f>.s \.<f', I ,, Rffi!llillCCNo.. G,- G.-: Lcpl; Tu A~llllnl M'o.: WARRANTY DEED J. J 991-0l(t.OI Mait-... i.-111111 ViolaO'N"til X.in1C:i.,.ry Secti111129, Tnwmli1p 2J N«tlt, R&rip ! Eaa 2mos.teu The Granlor hmm, MAR.JORI£ L LOTTO 1Ad VIOLA O'HEO.. eacll .q 1.klr ln•Mdu1l sq:iani, er.c,-. ,11'1 Nc.uuiilmlloa o(TEJ'I DOLLAR.S. 1$10.001 udotbu nlu.lbLo ~flliOD. bereby tollnp aGd lftlJUIIS to tbe COUl"T\' Of ICING, Stair of WuluaJIOfl. .a 11Mr11:11t 11111M fnl!owing deM:nbed proJXrty: Thal ponioo iyu:11 soudralu4erl)' or th< •~ or I c;irc~. w1dl, 60.00 foot !"ldius, 111d ,mdt bnn1 tangent 111 !he ellkrty rn111U\ or !Or' Affllne Sautht.u1 md wigcru 10 1111: northi:rly mMJm of Sov.th'C'.sl IJl .. Strn:1 or tllc folkfwin1 iklcnMd pa.reel: The-51111th Hair of !he Soll~ H•lfofl.lu: NW1hwu1 Qtunnof .. Sou~ Qiwtn of S«1ioa, 29. tvlll'ltr.1p ll i'l•mh. IU4gc' !::UL ia WM .. ia Kin11 County. Wuhill!I~: EXCEPT tha1 ponlon tlmcof, lying with1.11. cht 6'l.00 {~ wi~ rif;ht or way for Secondary SI* Highway !'Jo. ,C (formnly Jr:nawn a, Job.n f. EkUcllt ROid). U Hllblislwd b:, Clflb (tlcd MIIKb 19. 1912 under Voh1111C I" oflhc ktng COWM)'COfflll'lllllOMfl Rc,;ords, Jl'ap ~'2; AND EXCEPT thr !llonb l00.00 r"' of tbe WM! 2JO.OO fut lhcrcvl, u '"'veyed 10 !he City ofRca1011 by Dt-~d recOl'dcd utldtt ~ Co,illf'f Rct-Ofdillg l'iumhn' 791!270127•. Co!IYIQ!llfl 111arn of812.19iqlluc tmorO.Ol tc:re, more OI" I~. Toa1ther with !be ri1hl u:i rmkt •11 l*ffll!lry dope.I for cuU and tilll upOa UM: &blmulg ptopcey OIi Uoch ,,ik ofu,y road whlch ii now. or m11y be comtruclrd hauftEr on IUI p(Oplf1Y, isli conlonnity 1ill'iltt JtaDdard plalll aod ipcc,rK.1t1om re, biith"'•Y PIWPO'C'-Md to w same nltAI lad OIMJIIIM:I _.. if die. n,Jitr. heffin JrmlN had beer, .teqUtttd by condeffwrion pn,crie.diqt u:adcr Etrunen! Oomliil SWucH afdie SWIii ol W~ Si111.1led in w: County of King. Slltc orwawairoit. day11r _____ ,, 1m. I '. \ // . . II ,!. T ! £168489? m5/i4;'1J9 P11e l ofl .oo J2SO.OO ::·~·.:· ti&Vitff:!Mfai¥--~1s Station Id :S 1 LO p ~--:? ~ ~; J ;t, I~ I. / ' .,,,. ;,· KlNG,WA Page I of2 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:19 AM Document: DED WAR 1999.0514.1847 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 - - e,. .,. JCI ... '<I' .... 1 .I') ,J ~ ~ 3l • I t' KING,WA Comment: • • ·J,,./_ VIOLA O'NEIL ST.\"ROPWASHIJ'lGTOJII ) ,.. COUN'IYOFKINC ) On this day personally appeared befo.re lt4 VIOLA O'}lEIL to me known to be the individual described in ,snd who executed the with1.n .and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged she signed tb~ same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses ond purposes therl!in mentioned. GIVEN under my hand <Ind offich.l seal the day and yea.r. last above written . l'11rld! Document: OED WAR 1999.0514.1847 Station Id :SILO Branch :FAW.User :PA12 Comment: . ~,,,.",,.,.;._.;, .. , Rcrum Addffss: Rodrick J, D<mbowski Foster Pepper PLLC 111 l Third Ave., Suile 3400 Seonle, w A 911 o I \1111111111111111 2012041900,,~3° FOSlEA PEPeEROIIJ PA<•HlO\ Of O 14/19/211~ tt:~4 KING COIJN1'i' , W Please nrint or h-infonnation WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet fRCW 6S.04l Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therem): (all areas applic!llblc to )'Our document mutt be filled 6n) I. Agreed Order, Dea« and Final Judgment Quieting Tille, Adjusting Propc,ty Boundmy and Dismissing all Claims with Prejudice and without Fees or Costs 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) or Documents assigned or relea.!ied: Addilional refertncc #'son page l:f!.A. or document Grantor(s) (Lasl name first, then fi~ name and initials} I. Ray W. Lotto as Trustee of the Marjorie L. Lono Living Trust 2. Ray W. Lono as P"'50nol Representativo oflhe Probate Estate of Marjorie L. Lotto 3. The Probate Estate of Marjorie L. Lotto 4. William J. O'Neil as Named Personal Representative of the Probate &tale of Viola T. O'Neil ll!l Additional names on naoe I of dOCUmetll Crantee(s) (Lasl name flfflt then first name and initia,s) I. Niem~ Richard R. 2. Niemi, Sydney J. 3. Bjornstad, Darlene R. 4. Darlene R. Bjornstad Trust CJ Additional names on page .NLA... of document Legal dcscriplion (abbreviated: i.e., lot. block. plat or secllon, township, range) S 112 of the S 112 of the NW 114 oflhe SE 114, Section 29, TS 23 N, Range S Eas~ WM IXlAdditional legal is on pages 2. 3, 4 and 5 of docum.cni Assessor's Property Tax PatteUA~cou:111 Numbu 292305-9022; 29230)-9107; 292305-9031 0 Assessor Tax# not yet assigned The Audilor/Rcc:ordcr will rely on the information provided on the fonn. The staff will not r~ 1he documenl to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided h~in, Station Id :SILO (. -- '1 KING;~~'.;,i~·;, . Page I of9 Printed on I 1/7/2012 8:31 :19 AM Document! JDG QTL 2012.0419.000630 0 ,,_. T Branch :FAW,Uscr :PAl2 Comment: Station Id :SI LO 11-2-30314-4, SEA KING,WA ~lllii!D l<Tllll'! COUNTY, WAS!-!INGTC!, APR 1 3 2012 . DEPARTMENT OF JUC:CCIAI. ADMINISTRATION 5 6 7 8 EXP07 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN, IN AND FOR KING COUNTY 9 RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J. NIEMI, DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD, AND THE 10 DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST, 11 Plaintiffs, 12 V. 13 RAYW.LOTTOASTRUSTEEOFTHE . MARJORJE L. LOTTO LIVING TRUST; RAY 14. W. LOTIO AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROBATE 15 ESTATE OF MARJORIE L. LOTTO; nffi PROBATE ESTATE OF MARJORIE L. 16 LOTTO; WILLLo\tv' !,()'NEIL AS NAMED PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE 17 PROBATE ESTA TE OF VIOLA T. O'NEIL, AND MARJORIE L. LOTTO AND VIOLA T. 18 O'NEIL OBA MB INVESTMENTS, Defendants. No. 11-2-30314-4 AGREED ORDER, DECREE AND FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE, ADJUSTING PROPERTY BOUNDARY AND DISMISSING ALL CLAIMS WITH PREJUDICE AND WITHOUT FEES OR COSTS 19 20 21 I. JUDGMENT SUMMARY 22 l. 23 24 2. 25 26 3. Plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Defendants: ORDER AND FINALJUDGMENT • \ UIHCIQU Richard R. Niemi, Sydney J. Niemi, Darlene R. Bjornstad, and the Darlene R. Bjornstad Trust. . Sarah L. Atwood Law Offices of Sarah L. Atwood PLLC Ray W. Lotto as Trustee of the Marjorie L. Lotto Living Trust; Ray W. Lotto as personal representative Page 2 of9 FOS1'1R PUPER fl.LC 1111 TUIH AVIHV2, Sum 3400 SIATTt.C, W.UBINCTOII' n,ot..Jl!W, l"-""'-4400 Printed on 11/7/20128:31:20AM Document: JDG QTL 2012.0419.000630 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: Station Id :SI LO 11-2-30314-4, SEA KING,WA 2 3 of the Probate Estate or Majorie L Lotto; the Probate Estate of Marjorie L. Lotto; William J.O'Ncil a., named p=onal repiesentative of the Pro bale Estate of Viola T .. O'Neil, and Marjorie L. Lotto and Viola T. O'Neil dba MB Investments 4 5. Real Property Affected: See Section 111 and Section Ill Ti! 1-l herein; Kfog Comly Tax Parcel Nos. 292305-9022, 5 292305-9107, 292305-903L -. 6 6. 7 Principal Judgment Amomt: S0.00 Il. STIPULATION 8 9 10 II 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 It is hereby s1ipulated by, betwCCll and among the parties hereto; and the Court on good cause finds that 1. Plaintiffs brought suit against tlie defendanlS seeking to quiet title in certain property described in the Complaint pursuant to doctrines of adver.,e possession, mutual recognition of boundary, prescriptive casement and similar equitable docbines. The recoril title legal description for defendants' parcel, TAX PARCEL 191305-9011, is a., follows: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETIE MERIDIAN, 'IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 100 FEET OF THE WEST 230 FEET THEREOF, AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DBED RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDrNG NO. 7912270174; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF L YrNG WITHIN THE 60-FOOT RIGHT .OF WAY FOR SECONDARY STATE JflGHWAY NO. SC (FORMERLY KNOWN AS JOHN F. BENSON ROAD), AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDER FILED MARCH 19, 1912 UNDER VOLUME 16 OF THE KING COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S RECORDS, PAGE 592; AND EXCEPT TIIAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KJNG COUNTY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9905141847. 2. Following the 61ing end service of the Complain~ Plaintiffs and Defendants, through their authorized agent entered into settlement negotiations. ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT· 2 Page 3 of9 FOSTER .PZPFIR FLLC U 11 TU.IIUI A,.IMUE.SUln: :WOO SCAi1"~ WA$0tJIOTON91101-3199 1 206-U1.....00 Printed on J 1/7/2012 8:31 :20 AM Document: JDG QTL 2012.0419.000630 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: Station Id :S !LO 11-2-30314-4 SEA KING,WA 3. The panies have settled the dispute. The written CR 2A settlement provided for a 2 conveyance of the property described herein from Defendants to Plaintiffs, and other relief. 3 4. Title 10 lhe property described below should be quieted in Phiinti!Tu, as set fonh 4 below in the Judgment. 5 5. Title to and between Plaintiffs' abutting properties shall be set fonh in a separate 6 court order. 7 6. All other claims not otherwise resolved by the judgment quieting title, shall be 8 dismissed with prejudice end without an award offecs or costs to eithi:r party. 9 7. The boundary line adjus1ments between the Defendants and the Plaintiff, properties 10 and between the Plaintiffs' properties do not cause a substantial amount of properties to be l l e~changed, is for no consideration, and that the par1ies' reoonling of quit claim deeds it for the 12 purpose of ending a bona fide property dispute, shall be regarded as a Lot Bowidary Adjustment, 13 •nd is lax exempt plll1!uanl to WAC 458-61-235. 14 lll. JUDGMENT J 5 Plll1!uant to the foregoing stipulation and findings, it is hereby ORDERED, ADnJDGED 16 1\ND DECREED that: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '24 25 26 I. Boundary Line Adjustment No. I. Title to the following described real property situated in King County, Washington, sball be and hereby is quieted in and to the Plaintiffs to the extent and as they respectively own the abutting properties along the following described strips of land, to-wit: THAT PORTION OF TIIE SOUTH HALF OF THE soum HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT TIIE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAJD SUBDNJSION; TII.ENCE S89"49'04" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 415.15 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 4 J 5 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH LINE S 89°49'04" E I 32.76 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINES 46°27'06" W 12.17 FEET; THENCE N 88"29'19" W JOO.JI FEET; THENCE S 75°27'04" W 14.63 FEET; THENCE N ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT -l Page 4 of9 POSTH PIEFP[R PLLC OJ I °hllllDAYl:lfUIE, $urn )406 Surru:, WMnn1C10f'1191101..Jl9t • 105,.,M7""'400 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :20 AM Document: JDG QTL 2012.0419.000530 . Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: Station Id :S1LO KING,WA 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11-2-30314-4, SEA 87'JS'06" W9.72 FEET TOA POINT WHICH BEARS S 01°42'26" WFROMTHE POINT OF BEGINNING; TI-IENCE N 87°35'06" W52.84 FEET; THENCE N 67°11 '54" W 18.52 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE NORTII LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE S 89°49'04" E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 70.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SJTUA TE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING AND STA TE OF WASHINGTON. 2. Boundary Line Adjustment Nos. 2 and 3 solely affecting Plaintiffs' properties shall be approved by separate court order, and Defendants do not object to Plaintiffs' presenting that order ex parte. 3. Following the cenveyance described in paragraph I, the legal description of Defendants' property, King County Tax Parcel Number 292305-9022, shall be as follows, and title is herby quieted in favor of Defendants as against all claimants in the following described property:· THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIB MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; · EXCEPT THE NORTH 100 FEET OF THE WEST .230 FEET THEREOF, AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER KrNG COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7912270174; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION ll!EREOF LYING WITHIN THE 60-FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. SC (FORMERLY KNOWN AS JOHN F. BENSON ROAD), AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDER FILED MARCH 19, 1912 UNDER VOLUME 16 OF THE KING. COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S RECORDS, PAGE 592;. AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9905141847. AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KlNG COUNTY TAX PARCEL 292305-9031 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVJSION; THENCE S 89"49'04" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE TIIEREOF 415.15 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEA YING. SAID NORTJ-1 LINE, S 01 °42'56'' W 9.19 FEET; THENCE N 87°35'06" W 52.84 FEET; THENCE N 67°1 I '54" W 18.52 FEET MORE OR LESS TO ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT -4 FOSTER PEPP&R l"LLC "111 I Tn1RDA.Vllf\tt. Sl1fl1 l..aG S£ATTLS.. w ... s .. ,l'fC'N,.,a101.Jm + l06,,,UT..,..tl0 HIUOOU Page 5 of9 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:20 AM Document: JOG QTL 2012.0419 .000630 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 Comment: Station Id :SILO KING,WA 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 11-2-30314·4, SEA THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE S 89"49'04" E AWNG SAID NORTH LINE 70.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL 292305-9107 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDNISJON; THENCE S 89°49'04" EALONGTHENORTH LINETHEREOF415.1S FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEET OF SAID SUBDNISION AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH LINE S 89°49'04" E 132.76 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE S 46°27'06" W 12.17 FEET; THENCE N 88°29' 19" W 100.3 I FEET; THENCE S 76°27'04" W 14.63 FEET; THENCE N 87°35'06" W 9.72 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS S 01°42'26" W FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 01 °42"56" E 9.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; 4. Exhibit A attached to this Order and Final Judgment shows the conveyance in 1 o paragraph I to plaintiffs with hatch marks. 11 12 5. 6. As adjusted and revised, the properties affected hereby shall be and are legal lots. The Court directs that nil jurisdictions, including the City of Renton and King 13 County~ revise, reflect and recognize the properties and their boundaries, as their boundaries have 14 been adjusted herein. IS 7. The parties stipulate and agree to t~ Plaintiffs recording a corrected driveway I G easement that is on Plaintiffs' land. It is so ordered. 17 8. The Defendants shall forthwith record the landscaping easement agreed to in the 18 settlement agreement. It is so ordered. 19 9. Effective upon the Court's entty of this Agreement, Order, and the King County 20 Asses.sor's receipt of this Court Order, quit claim deed and excise lax affidavit, this shall be treated 21 as tax exempt purniant to WAC 458-61-235, update lhe tax parcels, and adjust their maps. 22 I 0. Any and all remaining claims in this action are hereby DISMISSED WITH 23 PREJUDICE, and without an award of fees or costs to any party, after. the entty of the order 24 adjusting 1he boundary lines of the Plain tills' properties. 25 26 ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT-S Page 6 of9 POST£:R PEPl'J!:R PLLC 11, I THi1111 A¥'DIU&.Su1n 3400 SIA.TTLC. W.11l8ll1Gl'Gllf,.101-319' • ZOl5,.,.W1..WOO Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :20 AM Document: JDG QTL 2012.0419.000630 ' I Branch :FAW,User :PA12 Comment: KING,WA 2 J 4 5 6 7 Stipulated 1o and Presented by and through: FOSTER PEPPER PLLC s ff...,.,.£V· · · ~. Rodrick J. Dembowski, WSBA No. 31479 ~ Counsel for Defendants appearing on a limited basis to present this Order and Judgment 10 11 S tipulaled to, approved as to form, and Notice of Presentation Waived by: 12 ]J LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L. ATWOOD, PLLC 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sarah L. Atwood, WSBA No. 31199 i\llomeys for Plaintiffs ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT-~ J\1 .. 1 Page 7 of9 Document: JOG QTL 2012.0419.000630 ' Station [d :SILO l_l-2-303,14-4, SEA FOSTER P!PPER PLLC 111 J T1U1111AYl!ffll£,Snn::3400 $U.TTLX. WA:t.lllNGTOll911101-J1't t JD6,.4,0'-4tOQ Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:21 AM 1 · ! t I 0 ..., "' 'C " 0 ·~ vi ;; ~ 0 u N ~ ~ :, i <C u, .c ~ "' ~ "' . • ' .. .... n " n ' N· ' .., .., T "' w I (J) ,., N w ~ ::, z u ... w V> . > ., < I~ :z: I l)l I-"' ~ ~ @ ... ;,' , NS9•49'04·w 415.1:s,· NOn,2•ss•E 9.19' -70.14' " NW CORNER -i-N6711"~4-W ' "' :. ., "' ,. ~I TAX TAX ,o· s 1/2 ors 1/2 or NW 1/4 Of' SE t/4 SEC. 29-2.3-5 @) CONVEYANCE EXHIBIT PARCEL ·292305-9022 TO 292305-9031 AND PARCEL 292305-9022 TO 292305-9107 16.S2' N81"35'06"W 52.fl<' NO~Tl-1 \ !NE or s 1/z ors 1/2 ,, NW 1/4 OF Sf: 1/4 SEC. 29-2J-5 I ;~:~-OI- i "" 5g ,--,Je" -. . '"" ... ';218 ,~ ,:. -E "' . ,• •' s ·--~ l t,;; j, 3: -~ l~ v• ·~ ...... •' ·~-0 -:a. o .r ~107 in"' .... ·~ , ; ~:. ;-· ~-..: t -:..:, "i. r, >: f!' ..;I<>• a,,;:~ ~~:1i1E 'r. P.orNT~~ ra-8EGTNN1Ni _, -:! ii ~ {1!32. '!,: ,g 190. . ~r8 ., " ,.I~ "/"' 0 :. . . ., \, w ·N .. ~ ~ ,. '~1~ -r- ~-§ ·, / li,. 100.)1 N•s·2,·os·c l2.17' NW 1/4. SE 1/4, SEC 2.9, nYP. 23N., RNG. SE.. W,U. EXHIBIT A . ''"'-BY DAE Joa NO. E co,cEPT ENG!NEER!t!G, 11-ic. _::;3M 12/1..3/11 3I051 :.al "~~-Roit1i1t 8at,la¥Did Nor\t't -11soc,,,ot>, Wo,tiin9\on 98027 :>,~KO. BY SCALE SHEET :.... {4.25,) J9'2-80~ f'Ax (-4.2)) 39l-0108 ,· = 5~· 1 nf 1 V • _ to,.,....t _© lt'!-~ ' :_Al_ '__3_'"!"";,.,, lac. Al r°"1:1 -· ;;: < <:'! <:'! 00 N ~ " 0 "" " .5 0:: °' ""' 0 00 " l 0 = "" g 0 °' " 0 e-i 0 N ..., r' O' 8 ~ <C -"" ~ • E <.:l " ;z <) -0 ,.: Q Branch :FAW,User :PAIZ Comment: Station Id :SILO KING.WA Page9of9 Printed on I ln/2012 8:31 :21 AM Document: lDG QTL 20I2.0419.000630 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 Comment: IIIWl~EIIIIIIIIIII 20120608001092 =~~I ffu" 6B.N ll&ld/2912 11 :J7 IUNG COUMTV, 1M r1mr11nnr a, 1~--1nrorm1IM>ll WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet 1R.CW 65 041 Documcnl Titl~ (Of" 11,i.n~tions ,;ontain«l 1hmin): l!II area~ 4ppliubl,: 1(1) ,:,ur document 1D,jW be filkd in) /'),n/,1u., · · · ' '' • .-1 ). I I 2 . , . t.u.... -;J ). . " 4. Reference Numbcr(s) of Documents assigned ot relea:sed: Additional reference l#'s on pase ___ ofdoc>Jment Grantor(ll) Exac1ly es n.unc{s) appear o~wncnt I _/1(,,w_r L t.,:,btt, J.-w,~ ~ ,. Pri>\?.d-e.~<f v101 .. r. D'1ye.i.J Additfon:al nllfTl~ on page ___ of documcl'll. Grantee(s) E:ic11Ctly .u nrmc(~J appear on documen1 -0,w\....a.....e. teiam~ 1. 12.,,1., 4 IQ.. Iii- l. ':?.~~,~-~ ~ ~-f?Jci>:rz~ 111\{?V Additional namu on pag~ of document. Legal description (,bbrc,..ialed: i.e. !01. block, plal or !Cc-lion. township. r:mge) Additional leJ!al is cm page of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number D Asses10r" T n II not yet as.signed The Aud11oc/Recorder will rely on the in(Olmation provtdcd on this form. The 51arr will not read the document la verifv chc. .ci:urei:v or i:omnktcnc;ss of the imki,:in11 information. nrovidcd herein. "( 1m slgnl•g boelow and p1rln1i: an 1ddllloHI S50 r1cordlng ftt {H proYldtd In RCW 36.18.01{) .Hd nfernd h1u I'll t:'mrrl'lu,ey nons11ndard documrnt), bruuu lhis document does not m«r m1rgi11 and formalti11g rtq•inme,nts. Farthermon, I hcn'bJ undcnland cl!lat the r«ording proca1 may c-0vcr up or othtrwiu obsc11roe somt par I of tbt tu.c of lhe ori11.l11I doi;:umt-nt .. ~ • rt suit or lhls nqutst." Signature of Requesting Party "1otr lo 1ub111iNt:"r: Do not 1iin 1b0Ye nor nu• additiDlltl 550 ret 1r tl',t docum,nt mH11 ma-ln/form1Ul11n oirements Station Id :SI LO ,, . , KING,WA Page I of8 Printed on 11/712012 8:31:24 AM Document: JOG QTL 20!2.0608.001092 Branch :FAW,User :PA12 KING,WA Comment: 2 ll-2-)OJH-4, SEA APR ! 3 1011 DEPAATME~T OF JU00ALADM!N1STRA110N 5 6 EXP07 IN 1l!ESUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN, IN AND FOR KJNG COUNT{ RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J. NIEMI, DARLENE R. BJOR.NST AD, ANO IBE 10 DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST, JI " ,. Plaintiff$, ll RAY W. l.01TO AS TRUSTEE OF THE MA.RJORIE L. LOTIO LIVING l'RUST; RAY 14 w. 1.0-rro AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Of THE PROBATE 15 ESTATE OF MARJORIEL. LOiTO; 'JliE PROBATE EST A TE OF MARJORIE L. 16 I.OTIO; wr:.UAM J.O'~"En. !\S NAMED PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE 17 PROBATn ESTATE OF VIOLA T. O'NEIL, AND MARJORIE L. LOTIO AND VIOLA T. 18 O'NEIL OBA MB INYESiME'NTS, 19 20 No. 1 l-2-30314-4 AGREED ORDER. DECREE AND FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE. AD JUSTINO PR.OPERTY BOUND AA Y ANO DISMISSING ALL CLAJMS WIDI PREJUDlCE AND wrrnour mes OR COSTS 21 l. JUDGMENT SUMMARY 22 I. n 24 2. l5 ]. 26 Plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff; Defend&nls: OR.DI!RAND FINAL JUDGMENT• I 1111-.1 Rjchard R. Niemi, Sydney l Niemi, Darlene R... Bjomstad, and the Darlene R. Bjornstad. Trust :SarahL Atwood Law Offk~ of Sarah L. Atwood PLLC Ray W. totto 11$ Trusttt of the Marjorie L Lotto Living TN!!.; Ray W. lotto a.,. personal rcpresentalive t·onu. J'EPH.a PUC II II Tw1•11A,nxV11,Jum:MIIO S"'TTLI, w-n,,crn>•Nlft.n,, t n,.-Kl-uoo Station Id :SILO Page 2 of8 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :24 AM Document: JOG QTL 2012.0608.001092 Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 2 4 5. Real Property Affected: Comment: o( lh¢ Probate Estate of Majorie L. l.otto; the Probate Estiite of Marjorie L. Louo; William I.O'Neil e.s oamed personftl representative of the Probate Estate of Viola T O'Neil, .ind Marjorie L. Lotto and Viola T. O'Neil dba MB llwestments. See Section 111 and Section UIT.n·J. he1cin. King County tax. PIUCC.I Nos. 2923,05-9022. 292305·9107, 292305-90)}. 6 6. Prirx:ipal Judgrneni Amount: $0,00 7 . 8 9 10 ll 12 n 14 IS " l7 " 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ll. STIPULATION I1 is hereby ~pulatcd by, bttwcffl Md amoag iliec parties hereto; and lhe Court on good 1, Pl~in1i1Ts brought suit againsl lhc defondants se:lcing tn quiet ti~le in certain property cicscribi!:d in the Compl:ilnt pw,UMI t<> doctriacs of adverse possession, mutual recognition of boundaty, prescriptive casement and similar equitable doctrine~. The recoril title legal description for defendants' parcel, TAX PARCEL 291305-Wll, isas follows: THE SOUTH HALF Of THE SOUTH HALF OF 1HE NORTHWEST QUARTER Of THE SOUTIIEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 2J NOKn-1, RANGE S EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, -IN KING COVMT':" WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THE NORTH 100 f'EET OF THE WEST 230 t·E.ET THEREOF, AS CONVEYED TO TIIE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDBR KING COUNtv RECORDING NO. 7'}12270174; AND EXCEPT TIJAT PORl'ION THEREOF LYINO WITHIN' THE 60.FOOT RIGHT .OF WAY FOR SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. SC (FORMERLY KNOWN AS JOHN F. BENSON ROAD), AS ESTABLIStm0 BY ORDER FlLED MARCH 19, 1912 UNDER VOLUME 16 OP TiiE K.INQ COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S RECORDS, PAGE 592; AND EXCEPT TI!AT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY D~ED RECORDED UNDER RECORO[NG NO. 990S 141847. ,. Following the fili.Pg and ~rvice of tht Compllrint, Plaintiffs and-Defendants, through their authorized agent en tercel inio ~ttlcmenl m:gotie.tioM. ORDER AND f'INAL JlJDGMENT -2 FOSTll:11. h,n:11. "u.c lllll'!ltll•A¥an,~Sa1n:JGO '°'""T'tU, WA-o;tl>'!\>f;IIIIJlN • ......,"""" I Station Id :SILO . . KING.WA Page 3 of8 Printed on 1117/2012 8:31:25 AM Document: JDG QTL 2012.0608.001092 ,. I I Branch :FAW,Uscr :PAIZ KING,WA Comment: The partic~ have settled the dispulc. The \llnncn CR 2/\ settlement provided for a 2 convt:yancc of the property described herein from Defendant., lo Plaintiffs, and other relief. 3 4. Tille to the property described ~low should be quieted in Plaintiffs, a& set forth 4 below in the ~ud.gmcnt 5. Tith: to and bctwcr:.11 PlaRltiffs' abutting properties shall be sci forth in a separate 6 courtorder. 7 6. All othu dlims not oth!&'Wi.sc rc.10Lved by the judgment q~ing title, S>hall ~ dismissed with pn::;uclice and withool IIJl award of fees or costs co 1;1ithcr party. 7. 'Inc bo!Qm)' Jil)C adjus1roents beewocn the Defendants and lbe Plaintiffs properties 10 w,d. betwee11. the Ptaintiffi' properties do not ,au~ a substantial amount of propt:r1;e! ta be IL Cxchanged, is for no consideration, MCI thnt the parties' recording of quit ,;]aim deeds is Cor the 12 .purpose: ofr.nding a bona fide property dispute, shall be regnrtled 11$ a Lot Bowtdary Adjustment, 13 and is tax cir.empt pumw.n1 to WAC <l5S-6I-23S. 14 Ill. JUDGMENT 15 Pursuant lo the fo~g stipulirtion and foxling.s. it il hen:by ORDERED, ADJUDGED l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 " l6 I. Boundary Llne Ad\il!jlmet)t Ne. J. Title to the following described rca..l prop<Crty situated in K.mg County, Washing1on, shii.11 be and hereby is quicled in and la the Plaintiffs kt the extent and ~ they respectively OWll the abutting properties along \he following de.sc.ribed slfip:i of land, to-w:t: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF Of nm SOU11-I HAi.F OF 1HE NOR.TllWF.ST QUARTER OFTI-IB SOUTHEAsr QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTII, RANGE 5 EAST, WfLLAME'JTI: MBRID1A.N, IN KJNO COUNTY WASH™'GTON, · DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCINO AT TH£ NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVlSION; THENCE S89°49'04" E ALONG THE NORTH L]l',16 THEREOF 4 l 5.15 FEET MCRE OR LESS TO TI-1E EAST LINE OF THE WEST 41 S FEET OF SAID SlJ8D1V1SrGN AND THE POINT OF BEGlNNING; THENCE CONT'JNU]l',10 ALONG SArD NORTH LINES 89"49'04" E 132.76 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTII LINES 46°27'06" W l 2.17 FEET; THENCEN 118"29' 19" W 100.J I FEET; THENCE S 76"27'04" W 14.63 FEET; TH.EN"~E N OROEJl AND FINAL.JUDGMENT .J """"·' Pos-n11. PUn:11 ru.c 1111 ·ni11>1>A...,ua:,~1T1 UIO s .... ...-... ,Wo••-•1101..n"••··"1-"tlll Station Id :SI LO Page4of8 Printed on I 1/7/2012 8:31:25 AM Document: JOG QTL 2012.0608.001092 Branch :FAW,User :PAJ2 KING,WA Comment: S7°35'06" W 9.72 FEET TO A POINT ""1iICH BEARS S 01 °42'26" W FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; 11.fENCE. N 870J'.'i'06" W52.84 FEET; THENCE N 67°ll '54" W 18.52 FEET MORE OR LESS TO TIIE NORTH LINE OP SAID SUBDIVISION, THENCE S 89"49'04" E ALONG SAID NOR'n-I LJNE 70.14 FEET TO THE POrNT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN TifE CITY OP RENTON. COUNTY Of KING ANO ST A TE OF Station Id :SI LO 4 WASHINGTON. 6 9 lO J] 12 13 " IS lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 2l 24 2S 16 1.. Boundary Lini! Adjustrne11.1 Nos. 2 and J solely .ufi:i<,ting Pllltnliff.s' properties 5haJI be approved by separoic court order, and Dcfcndasit$ do not object to Plaintiffs' presenting that ordcrcxpartt. J. Following Lru! conveyance described in paragraph I, lhe legal description of Defendant:!' property, King County Tax Par4:el Number 2'92305-9022, shall bt! as follows, 111nd title is herby quiet~(] in favor o{DtfcndnnU. a~ ag.iinJl all ciltimant, in the follow:ng describtl'i property:· 11-tE SOUTH HAU' OF Tim SOITTH HAU: OF TIIB NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SDlITHEAST QUARTER OF SF.:CTION' 29. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMEITE MERIDIAN, fN K.INO COUNTY WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 100 FEET OF THE WEST.230 FEET TI-iEREOl', AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER :<.fNO COUNT'! r.1.::cO~l)P.'lGNO. 7911'2.71')174; AND EXCEPT 'n-lAT PORTION TI-IEREOF LYIN0 WITHIN 11lE 60-FOOT RJGHT OF WAY FOR SECONDARY 'STATE HTGHWAY NO, 5C (FORMERLY KNOWN AS JOHN F. BENSON ROID), AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDER FILED MARCH 19, ]912 UNDER VOLUME 16 OF Tiffi KmG COUNTY COMMISS[ONER'S RECORDS, PAOE 592; AND EXCEPT TIJAT PORTJON CONVEYEO TO KING COUNTY BY UE£0 :RECORDED UNDER RECORD(NO NO. 990SI41847. AND EXCEPT TiiAT PORTION CONVErtD TO KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL 292305-9031 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER Of' SAID SUBDrYISION; THENCE S 89"'49'04" E ALONG THE NORTH. LINE THEREOF 41S.15 FEET MORE OR LESS TO TIIE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 41S FEET OF SAID SUBDWTSION AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTif UNE. s 01°42'56'' w 9.19 FEET; '[RENCE N l7°35'06" W S2.84 FEET; TIIENCE N 67°11 '$4" W 18.52 FEET MORE OR LESS TO ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENl -11 Page 5 of8 FOSTER PaPlr:Jt Pt.LC 1111 'nnu A VllNt, Svrn.J~IO ~~HLt, WAUl><CTOM ,tJll,.:Jffl • Jl6.4f?-"ill0 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :26 AM Document: JDG QTL 2012.0608.00!092 Branch :FAW,User:PA12 2 4 8 ' Comment: THE NQRT[,I LINE OF SAlD SUBDlVISION; THENCE S R9~49'04'' E ALONG SAID NORTH LlNE 70.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; ANO EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL 292305-9107 DESCR113ED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISION; TI-tENCE S S9"49'04" E ALONG TIIE NORTH LINE THEREOF 4l 5.l S FEET MORE OR LESS TO TIIE F.AST LINE Of nm WEST 41 S FEBT OF SAID SUBDIVISION AND TIIE POINT OF BEGINN1NG; TIIENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH LINE S 89°49'04" B 132.76 FEET; 'fHENCE LEAVINO SAID NORTH UNE S 46~7'06" W 12.17 FEET; TiiENCE N .881>29' 19" W 100.31 FEET; 11£€NCE S 76°27'04" W 14.63 FEET;. THENCE N 87"35'06" W 9.72 FEF.T TO A POINT WHlCH BEAllS S 01"42'26" W FROM THE POINT OP BBGINNING; THENCE N 01°42"S6" E 9.19 FEET TO Tiffi POINT OF BEGINNING; 4. Exhibit A attached to this Order and fillal Judgment shows the conveyance in Jo par.1g.raph l to plaintiffs with hatch marls. 11 12 S. 6. A1J adjuslcd arid rcvixd, !hi= properties affected hereby shall be and are legal lnts. The Court directs tha1 nil jurisdiction.-;;, including the Chy of Renton end King n County, ~vise, rcn~t nnd recognize the properties and thcir boUl'ldericsi, w; their boundaries have 14 bccnadjustedhuein. 15 7. Titc parties s1ipulatc and agree to the Plaintiffs roo::irding a conected driveway l7 ,. The Dcfeodnnts shall forthwith rcootd the landscaping et1SCmC11t agreed to in the 18 scnlement agreement. 11 is $0 ordered. 19 9. Effective upon the Court's entry u.f this Agrccmcnt, Otdcr, and the Kins Cotmty 20 Asses501's receipt of this Court Order, quit clELim deed and cKcisc: IM: o.ffidavit, tltis shall be trea1ed 21 as tax excrnJ>' pursuant to WAC 458-61-23S, update lhe lax parcels, !ltld ocljust their mnps. 10, Any and all remaining claims in this ili;tion art: hcml?Y DlSMISSBD WITll 21 PREJUDICE, nnd without :ui IIWBld of fees: or costs to any party, after the entry of the ortkr 24 udjusting lhc boundary lines oflhc Plairitiffs' properties. 2S l6 011..DE:R AND FINAL JUDGMENT· 5 FQY"1. PIITl!lt l'U.C ll111"UIOA-Ul.~Umt- ~t4nl,,S.W,<SUl,!GTO!<fflll-3:rff• lDl--l#I- Station Id :SI LO KING,WA Page 6 ofS Printed on l l/712012 8:31:26 AM Document: JOG QTL 2012.0608.001092 ----,------------------------·~----· ----------- Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 KING,WA 6 IO Comment: Stiputated 10 and Pit:scnt«:d by and lhlough: FOSTER PEPPER PLLC ?--£D· ~, .. ~ Rodricli:J. Dembowski, WS8A No. Jl4i9 Counsel for Defendants appearing on a limited ba.,is lo presenl this Order and Judgnicn1 11 Stipulated lo, approved ~s io form, .apd NoliGc of Presentation Waived by: 12 \3 LAWOFFICESOFSA~HI...ATWOOD,PLLC 11 II 19 20 11 22 21 24 21 ·2, Sarah L. Atwood, WSBA No. 31199 ORDER ANO f1NAL JUDGMENT· 6 Page 7 of8 Document: JDG QTL 2012.0608.001092 FOSTER 1'1;,,tll l'LLC 1111 Tu rt.a A~our. s,·n• UH Su.rn.11. W•Hl~(';TO,, Hltl-Jffl • *+IT_..._ Station Id :S !LO i Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:27 AM 0 -'· "' ~ C 0 .E C/) g " ~ 8 N ~ ~ ~ :'S ~ <( "- "" " @ "' ~ • . .. E" " " uJ /1 r1-1,---·. ----T T -· ,--- " ~ ' ~I~ z u w ~ > • < I":::- ,: "' to j~ o a • f--+----- (§ I I I I =1'~ ~ ,• ~ ! 0 ' <§v ..il~ N01'~2-'\""( I PQINT OF ~ ~g' 9'::C!NNINC MH'49':J•"W 41!>1!>' •• ll2.711' ~/! ~2 ..;I~ I .--JO 14' 100.04' --NW COfl:ER ___ -1-\--;.,1?··~=>-zz . r,,ea·29·19""V \0!),31' . S1/2a"Sl/20f i,~, • 3 " Ifft 1/tt OF :SC 1/~ N87'3:!i'Of1."W til'6'2,TO-E "'j' SEC. 29-23-~ I 52.&4' u,,r;,3 ~ 1 1o1oi:in. • 1111E or :.9.J?5 · 06 • 111 ~ ~ I s 1/2 OJ" s 112 ,:If CON...CrAMct niou ~, NW 1/t Of S[ 1/~ ~ 9022 TO 9107 I }-----'-----------~ CONVEYANCE'. EX\-liBIT TAX PARCEL 292305-9022 TO 292)05-9031 AND sec. 19~ 2J-~ ~ COHV'[YMCE fRCM 9022 TO 90~' (§) ~;.~p·06·r I TAX PARCEL 292305-9022 TO 292305-9107 J NW 1/4, SE l/4, src '29, TWP. 23" .• RNC. )[., W.M. '1,7·l SY DA~.: Jua r,:o. ~ C:Dl\t£P'f' ENGJNEtRINC, \!IC. :dM 12/U/ll 31051 ;...------:;;~·A~41 IIDuc"""<! l'lo,I" \ -1noqooi,, Wao:tofM;lon 9/I0,1 b,,D. BY s_CAtE o· 5;:;51 . -\.,,s) m-w» "' <•») m->" I = 6.., 1 .• ~ I c... "'~-... ,,,. • ..,..,,,... .. ,..,.,,,.,.,. .... EXHIBIT ___IL_ ~ ... <:" M 00 N 0 ~ s § 1 d: 00 .... Q 00 " <>D ~ 0,. N a, 0 0 0 00 0 "' "" N 0 N ..., f- O' 8 -; g " 0 E ~ ~ " 0 ~ Cl ,. , /turn Aotli~ d-~ L. ~ pl.lc.- ~m1(CS 1111111111111111 20120608001093 ANOOOD SIIRAH J 9• •e PAC.-eel OF 829 •·• e&1ea12e12 11:37 KING COUNTY, UA ri WASHING Pkt~ p1 nl or-1,·pc In Ol'"ffl91ion Document Titlc(s) (or transactions contained therein): [nil nrcns npplicoble 10 your documcn1 !!llLl1 be filled in) 1. t&,dcew Q..«.idm~ Tiil-e. 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference tf son page ___ of docurnenl Grantor(s) Exams name(s) appear on document B~bl'V\~tarl, o~k~. 1. Ni~-J -~A. . 2. Ni~~ ~~?U1"!1 iI: • ~Ott\ $174 ~ VU~ @r ~bA.RB,\ .. , Additional names on page of document. Grantee(s) Exactly as name{s) appear on document 1. (YJ_ ~ I Jie. [c.Lt a ,,d ~ . ' 2. IV"~l ~d+u.~ ~. ' Additional names on page of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block. pla1 or section. township. range) Additional legal is on page __ of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number 0 Assessor Tax # no1 yet assigned The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on this form. The staff will not read the document to vedfv lhe accurac'r' or corncletcness of the indeximz infonnation orovided herein. "I am signing belm,· and paying an additional $50 ruording rec (as pl'ovided in RCW 36.18.010 and referrr:d to as an emergency aonstandard document), because this document does not meet marain a11d rormauing requirements. furthermore, I hereby understand that the recording process may cov~r up or otheTWise obscure somr part of the tut of the original document as B result orthis rtquesl" Signature of Requesting Party Note Ill submitter: Do not sign 11bovc nor pay sddilional S!'iO ree iflhe document n1eets mnre.in/form11Uin11 recauiremenlS I~ 1 I ll-2f3031<-4, SEA } . EXP07 ·f'ILl!D KINO COUNTY, WAsHINOTON APR 3 0. 2012 DEPARTMENT OF JUCICIAf.AOMJNISTRAnoN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TI-IE STA TE OF WASHINGTON IN, IN AND FOR KING COUNTY 9 RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J. NIEMI, DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD, ANO THE 10 DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST, I l Plaintiffs, )2 V. 13 RAY W. LOTTO AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARJORJE L. LOTTO LIVING TRUST; RAY 14 W. LOTTO AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PR OBA TE 15 ESTA TE OF MARJORIE L. LOTTO; THE PROBATE ESTATE Of MARJORIE L. 16 LOTTO; WILLIAM J.O'NEIL AS NAMED PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE 17 PR OBA TE EST ATE OF VIOLA T. O'NEIL, AND MARJORIE L. LOTTO AND VIOLA T. 18 O"NEIL DBA MB INVESTMENTS, Defendants. No. 11-2-303 l 4-4 KNT AGREED ORDER, DECREE AND FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE, ADJUSTING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE PLAINTIFFS' PROPERTIES 19 20 I. JUDGMENT SUMMARY 21 I. 22 23 2. 24 25 26 3. Plaintiffs: Attorney for Plaintiffs: Real Properties Affected: Richard R. Niemi, Sydney J. Niemi. Darlene R. Bjornstad, and the Darlene R. Bjornstad Trnst Sarah L. Atwood Law Offices of Sarah L. Atwood PLLC See Section 11 'Ill and Section lII 1Mf I-5 herein. King County Tax Parcel Nos. 292305-9I45 292305-9107, 292305-903 !. AGREED ORDER. DECREE AND FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE. ADJUSTING PROPERTY LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L ATWOOD, PLLC Jl9 N.E. S6"'S1RW SEAlTLE. W,\SHINGTON 91105 l06-Sl4-G377 UCL) BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE PLAIN'L'IFfS-PROPERTIISS. I I· .I I , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ! I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ll-2·30314-4, SEA 6. Principal Judgment Amount: $0.00 n. STrPULATTON It is hereby slipulated by, bc1ween and among the Plainliffs hereto; and the Court on good cause finds that: I. PlaintifTs·brought suit against the defendants seeking to quiet title in certain property described in the Complaint pursuant to doctrines of adverse possession, mutual recognition of boundary, prescrip1ive easement and similar equitable doctrines. The Plaintiffs Niemi and Bjoms1ad also bad claims of adverse possession and encroachmcnl against each ol_her. The affected properties for 1his second Court Order are located at 108th Avenue SE. Renton, Washington, 98055. parcels numbers 9031, 9107, and 9145. 2. Following the filing and service of the Complaint, Plaintiffs and Defendants, through their authorized agent entered into settlement negotialions. 3. The parties have settled 1he disputes, including those affecting the Plaintiffs' boundary line dispules. By separate court order entered by this Court on April IJ, 2012 the Plaintiffs and Defendanls provided for a conveyance of real property from Defendants to Plaintiffs, and the entry of this second court order lo provide for conveyance of real property solely between lhe Plaintiff's. 4. Title to the property described below should be quieted to eacl1 of lhe Plaintiffs, as set forth below in the Judgment 5. All parties have previously stipulated and agreed to the entry of a Court Order directing a change in the Driveway Easement to that driveway casement existing solely on Plaintiffs' properties to comport with the actual location of Plaintiffs' driveway. All parties have previously stipulated and agreed to the recording of a fully fenced landscaping easement granted AGREED ORDER, DECREE AND FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITL~. ADJUS'l1N() PROPERTY BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE PLAINTIFFS' PROPERTIES. 2 LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L ATWOOD, PLLC I 19N.E. 56"'.STRfET SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 206-'24,0311 (~I.) ,, .. ll-2-30314-4, SEA to Plaintiffs on Defendants' property, and that the Landscaping Easement shows the location of a 2 twenty foot buffer and trc-es to be retained within said bufter. 3 6. All other claims not otherwise resolved by the judgments quieting title in two court 4 orders, were agreed dismissed with prejudice and without an award of fees or costs to either party. 5 7. The boundary line adjustments between the Plaintiff Niemi and Bjomstad's 6 abutting properties do not cause a substantial amount of properties to be exchanged, is for no 7 consideration, and that the parties' recording of quit claim deeds is for the purpose of ending a 8 bona fide property dispute. shall be regarded as a Lot Boundary Adjustment, and is tax exempt 9 pursuant to IVAC458-61-235. 10 Ir!. JUDGMENT 11 Pursuant to the foregoing stipulation and findings, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED 12 AND DECREED that: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I. Boundary Line Adjustment No. 2. Title to the following described real property situated in King County, Washington, shall be and hereby is quieted in and to the PlaintifTNiemi, to move the common legal boundary line between PlaintifTNiemi's properties to 3.68' east of the legal line as shown on Exhibit 2 in the hatch marked area, and shall be transferred by a quit claim deed. The Plaintiff Niemi has two parcels with a common legal boundary between their contiguous properties located at l08'h Avenue SE, Renton, Washington, 9805S, parcels numbers 9031 and 9107, shown on Exlllhil 2. to-wit: Existing legal Description/or Niemi Parcel 9107: THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH l 57 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Existing legal Description for Niemi Parcel 9031: THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF TIIE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 78.6 FEET OF THE WEST J 15 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 245 FEET THEREOF; AGREF.D ORDER. DECREE AND FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE. ADJUSTING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE PLAINTIFFS' PROPERTIES• J LAW OPFICES OF SARAH L. ATWOOD,l'LLC 119 N.F.. '6"" STU.ET SEATTLE, WASHINOTON 9110S lCJ6.S24-0l77 (tel.) '" W-'°· 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 15 \6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ·;.;. 11~2·30314·4, SEA ~ AND EXCEPT ROAD. The overlapping and encroaching boundary line for Niemi Parcel 903 l is now ordered moved, lo-wit: Amended, panial new Legal Description/or Niemi Parcel 9031: THE WEST 415 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECT[ON 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGES EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 78.6 FEET OF THE WEST 3 I 5 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT ROAD. Plaintiff Niemi shall by this Coun Order and by quit claim deed convey from Tax Parcel 903 I to Plaintiff N icm i · s Tax Parcel 9 l 07 the following piece of propeny containing an area of 575 square feet: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEET OF SAID SE •;. OF SAID SECTION 29. AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH ~ OF THE SW \I, OF THE NW '!. OF THE SE V. OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE S89" 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 3.64 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 245 FEET OF THE SW \I, OF THE NW V. OF THE SE '/, OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE NOl 0 43' SO"E ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF THE EAST 245 FEET A D[STANCE OF 157.06 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE NORTH \I, OF THE SW V. OF THE NW \I, OF THE SE Y. Of SAID SECTON 29; THENCE N89° 49' 04"\V ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 3.68 FEEITO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEETOF SAID SE V. OF SECTION 29; THENCE SOI O 42' S6"W ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF THE WEST 4 l S fEET A DISTANCE OF 157.06 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 2. Boundary Line Adjustment No. 3. Title to the following described real propeny situated in King County, Washington, shall be and hereby is quieted in and to the Plaintiff Niemi, to move the comnion legal boundary line between the Plaintiffs' propenies to 32.71' east of the legal line as shown on Exhibit 3 in the hatch marked area, and shall be transferred by a quit claim deed. The Plaintiffs Niemi and Bjornstad have two parcels with a common legal boundary between their contiguous propenies located at l og•h Avenue SE, Renton, Washington, 98055, parcels numbers 9107 and 9l 4S, shown on Exl,ibll J to-wit: Existing legal Description/or Niemi Parcel 9/07: AGREEOOROER. DECREE AND l'INAL JUOGMEITT QUIETING TITLE. ADJUSTING PROPERTY BOUND.YI.JES BF.TWF.EN THE PLAINTIFFS' PROPERTIES, 4 LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L ATWOOD, PL!.C 119 N.E. S6"'STREET SEAITLE, WASMINGTON9BIOS 206-52<-0J77 lld.) ' .! 11-2-30314-4, SEA THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST 2 QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON 3 £.<isling Legal Description/or Bjomrtad Parcel 9/45: 4 THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. S RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 EXCEPT THE WEST 515 FEET THEREOF. Amended, parti<tl new L<Ktli Descriptio11for Niemi Pa,-cel 9107: THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION LYING BEiWEEN THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 547.71 FEET AND EAST LINE OF THE WEST 515 FEET, OF SAID SOUTH 157 FEET OF SAID SECTION 29 Full, New Legal Desmj)tionfor Bjornstad Parcel 9145: THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 547. 71 FEET THEREOF. Plaintiff Bjornstad shall by this Court Order and by quit claim deed convey from Tax Parcel 914S to PlaintifTNiemi's Tax Parcel 9107 lhe following piece of property containing an area of 5138 square feet: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF SAID SE Y. OF SAID SECTION 29. AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH Y, OF THE SW •;. OF THE NW y, OF THE SE Y, OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE S89° 49' 04"E A DISTANCE Of32.72 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 547.7! FEET OF THE SW V. OF THE NW Y. OF THE SE •;. OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE NOl 0 42' 56"E A DISTANCE OF 157.06 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH I 57 FEET OF THE NORTH 'I, OF THE SW V. OF THE NW Y, OF THE SE 'I< OF SAID SECTON 29; THENCE N89° 49' 04"W ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 32.72FEETIO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 515 FEETOF SAID SE,;. OF SECTION 29; THENCE S01° 42' 56"W ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF THE WEST SIS FEET A DJSTANCE OF 157.06 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 3. Following the conveyance and recordation of this Cour1 Order and the two quit 25 claim deeds described in this Court Order paragraphs 1 and 2, and following the entry and 26 recordation of the previous Court Order with the Defendants (entered by this Court on April 13, LAW OFFICES OF AGREED ORDER. DECREE AND FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITI..E. ADJU~TING PROPERTY BO\J1'1DARIES BETWEEN THE PLAINTIFFS' PROPERTIES· 5 SARAH L ATWOOD, PLLC I l~N.E. 56~ 5nm SEATil.E. WASHINGTON 98105 21)6.l24-0l77 (tel) -, 2 3 4 5 11·2·30314·4, SEA 2012) and the quit claim deed to Plaintiffs of Defendants' property, the legal descriptions of Plaintiffs· propenies. King County Tax Parcel Numbers 9031, 9107 and 9145, shall be as follows, and title is hereby quieted in favor of Plaintiffs as against all claimants in the following described propcny: Full, new legal description for PlainciffNiemi Tax Parcel 9031: 6 THE WEST 415 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 2J NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., fN KING 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COUNTY, WASHINGTON; - EXCEPT THE NORTH 78.6 FEET OF THE WEST 315 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT ROAD. TOGETMER WITH COMMENCfNG AT THE SW CORNER OF THE SEY. OF SAID SECTION 29. THENCE N01° 42' 56"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SE '4 A DISTANCE OF I 592.85. TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH V, OF THE SW Y. OF SAID NW'!. OF SAID SE V. OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S89° 49' 04"E ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 30.01' TO THE EAST MARGIN OF 108TH AVE SE; THENCE CONTINUING S89° 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 385.14 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEET AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S01'42'56"W A DISTANCE OF 9.19 Ft::ET;; THENCE N87° 35' 06"W A DISTANCE OF 52.84 FEET; THENCE N67'l l '54"W A DISTANCE OF 18.52 FEET TO SAID SOUTH LINE: THENCE S89° 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 70.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT BEGINNING. Full, new legal description for Plaintiff Niemi Tax Parcel 9!07: lS THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .. TN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TOGETHER WITH COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE SE \I, OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE NOi O 42' 56"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SEY. A DISTANCE OF 1592.85' TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH V, OF THE SW V. OF SAID NW '/. OF SAID SE Y. OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S89° 49' 04"E ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 30.01' TO THE EAST MARGIN OF I 08 n, A VE SE; THENCE CONTINUING S89° 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 385.14 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEET AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING S89° 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 132.76 FEET; THENCE S46° 27' 06"W A DISTANCE OF 12.17 FEET; THENCE N88° 29' 19"W A DISTANCE OF 100.31; THENCE S76° 27' 04"W A DISTANCE OF 14.63 FEET; THENCE N87° 35' 06"W A DISTANCE OF 9.72 FEET; THENCE NOl'42'56"E A DISTANCE OF 9.19 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT BEGINNING. AGREED ORDER. DECREE ANO FINAL JUDGMENT QUIUING TITLE. ADJUSTING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE rLAINTIFFS. PROPERTIES. 6 LAW OFFICES OF SARAH t.. ATWOOD, PLLC I Jlil N,E.. 56"' STREET SEAITLE. WASHINGTON 9110S 2Q6..524•DJ7l (tel.) ; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I l Full, New Legal Description for Bjornstad Parcel 9145: THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 547.71 FEET THEREOF. 4. Exltibit A attached to this Order and Final Judgment accurately shows the previously ordered conveyance and referred to in the prior Court Order entered on April 13, 2012, to the Plaintiffs from the Defendants. Exllibil 2 and Exhibit J auached lo this Court Order and Final Judgment accurately show the ordered conveyance between the Plaintiffs referred to in paragraphs I and 2 of this Court Order. It is so ordered. S. As adjusted and revised, the properties affected hereby shall be and are legal lots. 12 It is so ordered. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 6. The Court directs that all jurisdictions. including the City of Renton and King County, revise, reflect and recognize the properties and their boundaries, as their boundaries have been adjusted herein. It is so ordered. 7. The parties stipulated and agreed to the Plaintiffs recording a corrected d!iveway easement that is on Plaintiffs' land. E.rhibil ,f attached to this Order and Final Judgment accurately shows that corrected driveway easement. It is so ordered. 8. The panics stipulated and agreed to the Plaintiffs recording a landscaping easement and to a buffer zone with existing trees preserved under the panies' CR2 A agreement. Exl,ibit S attached to this Order and Final Judgment accurately shows that landscaping easement and buffer zone with existing trees preserved under the parties' CR2 A agreement. It is so ordered. 9. Effective UJ)On the Court's entry of this Court Order, and the King County Assessor's receipt of this Court Order, quit claim deed(s) and excise tax af!idavit(s), this transfer AGREED ORDER. DECREE ANO FINAL JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE. ADJUSTING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES BETWEEN TIIE PLAINTIFFS" PROPERTIES· 7 LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L. ATWOOD, PLLC I 19N.E. 56• STREET SEA TTI.E, WASHINGTON 9110$ l06-ll4-0l71 (tel.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 11·2·30314·4, SEA and conveyance shall be treated as tax exempt pursuant to WAC 458-61-235, and the King County Assessor's office shall update the tax parcels. and adjust their maps. It is so ordered. 10. Effective upon the Court's entry of this Coun Order, and the City of Renton's Department of Planning and Development's receipt of the quit claim dccd(s) and this Conn Order. City of Renton Department of Planning and Development shall generate a memo agreeing to the coun-ordered lot line, sending this memo to City staff in order to update maps to reflect the new lo! line, and send this memo to the King County Assessor, so that the tax parcels also arc updated. IT IS SO ORDERED. } ?l, DONE IN OPEN COURT this _Q_ day of April 2012. J,UOOt!I Stipulated to and Presented by and through: LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L. ATWOOD, PLLC Sarah L. Atwood, WSBA No. 31199 Attorneys for PlaintifTNicmi Stipulated to and Agreed to Entry: LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L. ATWOOD, PLLC Sarah L. Atwood, WSBA No. 31199 Attorneys for Plaintiff Bjornstad AGREED ORDER. DECREE ANO FINAL )UDGMENT QUIETING TITLE. ADJUSTING PROPcRTY BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE Pl.lllNTIFFS' PROPERTIES· 8 Henry Judson Pro Tern LAW OFFICES OF SARAH L ATWOOD, PLL.C 119 N.E. 56"' STRur SEATILE, WASHINGTON 9810S 20&-514-0)77 ltd.) ' ,. .! 11·2·30314·4, SEA ~: ·.,! EXHIBIT A <( ., VI .. • .. ~ "' 0 "' • I "' ~ ~ '"' w.i,J, U) :N w IJ. :J ; f'f z It: UJ :r,l'I T > , .. < I~ ... J: "' I-!.., CO •z 0 -~ (§D ~ , ,.· I -,/ N89.49'04 "W '15.15' N01 '42'55"E 9.19' T ~18 ;/; ~ ~w "' ... ~ Z N J-:" -lo ... z I e POINT OF' 8£GlNNING 132. 76' . -·. , 100.04" 1-- :n ,~ in ...: ;t-.'. ~ w ~ . 0 :g w "' ~ ~ ·10 w z I -. (§) f NW CORNER -1-N6l·11·~4-w N88'29'19~W N46"27'0!f'E ~a.s:r N76'27'04"( 12·11· 1'.63' wl • I ~I "' ,. o· zj JO' S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 SEC. 29-2J-5 § CONVEYANCE EXHIBIT TAX PARCEL 292305-9022 TO 292305-9031 AND TAX PARCEL 292305-9022 TO 292305-9107 EXHIBIT A J'hN_ 8'1' !3M •>:KO. BY NORTl-1 LINE or s 1/2 ors 1/2 or NW 1/4 OF S[ 1/4 SEC. 29-23-5 N87'J5'06"W 9.72" @ CONVEYANCE F'ROU 9022 TO 9107 CONVEYANCE ,ROM 9022 TD 90~1 i NW 1/4, SE 1/4, sec. 29. TWP. 23"'., RNG. SL. w .... DATE jQS NO. 12/13/11 31051 SCALE SHEET 1'" =:c 60" I OF 1 ® --o.c,,,q,,1 CONCEP'r ENG!Nl.:ERINC. INC. ,~~ ~olni": Boulie¥Crd Norlh fS'SOCIU"oft, Wnst>i!"IIJIO~ 98027 ,(•25) J92-8055 FAX (<2>) J92-(r.08 :=) 1fl07 t.,,u:,1 i11otin••~ lflC. Al "JIii• u_....,_ .. ·. ·,·,···t· ll-2·30314·4, SEh EXHIBIT 2 . ' . I ' ' .J),S ol <fl .. .. M ,., 0 ,., N ~ ~ -.---........ . -·-·.--r·-. .•,;.a.·.·c: EXHIBIT FOR BLA: LOTS A & B "'I ~I ::!, "' .. , ~ w "' ~ ;t / I "" I JO' "' w 11.1 • • in <> -~I"! "'"' .. 0, iI 32 " "' ..s ~ N. LINE S. 157 f1TT. N 1/2, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, 5£C. 29-23-5 ... ~ -, ;::: 100.04' -, t-="' I~ 148.74' -,. ~ ~ ~~LA ~; l.;§~81 ~ ..S w.., w OT :;,,., 15 ~!;; r-,. ,0 0 2: -0 ro -, 265,10' 285.10' ~f;; ::)~CEL ,ww Im ~RCEL ~ r;----:::::::~==------~~ .,. -.,_ i,o Z Z O .' ARCEL ~ 5 ~ ; 10 ~ : I~ . 9145 ~ ~ 9031 E ST L E F s· 2 i$ :111 LI) I~ ';J CO . A IN O WEST 41 POB O ~ u BLA AREA O r.. BLA AREA=492 Sqrt :Z -965 SqFl z .:( J: z ... ..... ..... -., ..... II) II) .., .. "'' :::i- ,.;lil ~-S89"49'04-E 38S.14" .J -148.70' -~ -""----- 30.01· ~ cc EAST LINE (1 52.84' --100 .. I N87"35'Q;°W ARCEL '---SOUTH UNE Of" THE 9168 NORTH 1/2. SW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4, SEC. 29-23--5 OF WEST 230'~ ~ LINE TABLE UN[ BEARING LENGTH Ll N67'11'54"W 18.52 L2 N~1·42·ss·• 9.19 LJ NB7"J5'06"W 9.72 L4 S76"27'04"W H.63 L5 S46"27"06"W 12.17 L5 PARCEL _ 9022 _ S 1/2, S 1/2, NW 1/4, SE 1/4 SECTION 29 AREA OF OVERLAPPING DEEOS~ !,75 Sq. Ft. BLA LOT A: BLA AREA• •92 Sq, Ft. BLA LOT 8: 8LA AREA-965 Sq, Ft 0 100 ~~ ~~=- OPll[S: lt/ll/20IJ BOVIO & ASSOCIA VIES, INC. 828 INDEX CT NE, RENTON. WA 98056 425-204-0840 NW 1 /4, SE 1/4, SEC. 29-23-05 ·;:., ,\~c.;,-¥it· ,,-. ·.·,-- ll ·2-30314-4, SEIi Legal Descriptton: BLA 2 -Lots A& B EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 9031: THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 78.6 FEET OF THE WEST 315 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 245 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT ROAD. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 9107: THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM .. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BLA LOTS A & B (A COMMON LINE): LOTA THE WEST 415 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WM .. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 78.6 FEET OF THE WEST 315 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT ROAD. LOT B: THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BLA LOTS A & B (WITH THE COMMON LINE, TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF PARCEL 9022) LOTA: THE WEST 415 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 78.6 FEET OF THE WEST 315 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT ROAD. TOGETHER WITH COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THESE Y, OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE N01" 42' S6"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SE·% A DISTANCE OF 1592.85' TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH Y, OF THE SW Y. OF SAID NW Y. OF SAID SEY. OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S89' 49' 04"E ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 30.01' TO THE EAST MARGIN OF 108TH AVE SE; THENCE CONTINUING S89' 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 385.14 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEET AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S01'42'56"W A DISTANCE OF 9.19 FEET;; THENCE ' -~ 'f 11·2-30314-4, SEA N87' 35' 06'W A DISTANCE OF 52.64 FEET; THENCE N67°11'54"W A DISTANCE OF 18.52 FEET TO SAID SOUTH LINE; THENCE S89' 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 70 14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT BEGINNING. LOTS: THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THESE Y. OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE N01' 42' 56"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SEY. A DISTANCE OF 1592.85' TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH }'I OF THE SW Y. OF SAID NW Y, OF SAID SE Y. OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S89' 49' 04"E ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 30.01' TO THE EAST MARGIN OF 108"' AVE SE; THENCE CONTINUING S89' 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 385.14 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 415 FEET AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING S89' 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 132.76 FEET; THENCE S46' 27' 06-W A DISTANCE OF 12.17 FEET; THENCE N88' 29' 19'W A DISTANCE OF 100.31; THENCE S76' 27' 04'W A DISTANCE OF 14.63 FEET; THENCE N87' 35' 06'WA DISTANCE OF 9.72 FEET; THENCE N01°42'56"E A DISTANCE OF 9. 19 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT BEGINNING. :~· ' '~t:- ] -.~ ... ii 11-2-30314-4, SEA EXHIBIT 3 I I ·-~-. ..,~~::"f:;<~• ·,.'"I,, •• ~ ,, ••• ,,: "' "' . -,·:· ,. · · , -, . ' : .. ··,,:-, • ·· · -·,· ~. • · "'n· ··~ • ~ ·· •.'-·: :~ ·~-t~'<°"'!"A ···'l·':. ''!""-"• •,,:_-,.~ ... ·"'"!"'''" ·;~.. ·.;..~;: ... -,f.~;.•: ··-:~. .,. ' .,. ~ M 0 M EXHIBIT FOR BI.A: LOTS B & C ,. a~ ' "' . " ~ "'I ii ~j V, ~I :, "' "' ;; .., " / I "" I JO' "' ... QI ':o" ·in ,< ~/~ ..c:: !1:I: ~1 32 t>1'1n 11/13/2013 ,- :;: ,ci " t ,. 30.01' N. LINE S. 15? FEET, N 1/2. SW 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 29-23--5 S89'49'0-4 "E 385.14' ~ ~ 285.10' ARCE[ ~ ;., "' '° " BLA AREA=51J7 Sqrt 32. ,,. 132.76' "% ":,w 00~ UO,..J 116.01' ;,:, Qr;) ~ i:,r;:: i ; • t0 BL.A If}~,...: CO 1-~ lOT B t;;~~ C! U')l/",I w ... (03:~~i !I!::;~:~~~~~= ls}n ~ o~3 ~N , !£'~ ~~~ < ~ ~CEL ~ -..,. -:~:> -' o 14 "'• -J, -IDV) • .... -I-1-· ~~ L4 ~~-~ SB9'49'04"E _ J85.14' "'-l .-B~'~ ~',;~!-115.97' \ l N87'35'06"W -;,8~~9'1~•; \..L5 -"'P~AR;;;C:-;E"°L °" \_ SOUTH LINE Of' THE L3 t--t-J2. 71' 916S NORTH 1/2. SW 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 29-2J-5 re !;i ... V, '. _ .. ;,, ')- "'.., "'.,, ~..; ,-. -:::- 111 <1< "'% (AST LINE OF WEST 2JO'--I ~ ~ ~ S 1/2, S 1/2, NW 1/4, SE 1/4 SECTION 29 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 N61"ll'~4·w 18.52 l2 N '42'56'E 9.19 L3 N87'J5'06"W 9.72 L4 ~,s-:z,·n•·w 14.63 LS S46'27'06"W 12.17 IBOYID & ASSOCIATES, INC. B2B INOEX CT NE, RENTON, WA 98056 425-204-0840 BLA AREA= 5137 ~-Ft. 0 100 ~~ NW 1/4. S[ 1/4, SEC. 29-23-05 --- Legal Description: 6LAlols S&C EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 9107: \ _) ll-2·30314-4, SEA THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 9145: THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 515 FEET THEREOF. LOTS THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 515 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION LYING BETWEEN THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 547.71 FEET ANO EAST LINE OF THE WEST 515 FEET, OF SAID SOUTH 157 FEET OF SAID SECTION 29. LOTC; THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF THE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 547.71 FEET THEREOF. '.i .,. l ' ·,, ·.;: ., t ' :, I • ll-2-30314-4, SE~ EXHIBIT 4 I i i .,:: ., .•• <( "' "' .. ' .. .... ,., 0 ,., ' N .... .... EXHJBJT: "'I ~18 :::1 f!, "' z' 20' DRIVEWAY EASEMENT: PARCEL I 9052 r 20' ORl\'EWAY 0 "' EASEMENT l14 / LI~ I ,r't.TS,,"'<.:..../-::,,,""'~.tJ~ : ~ -L,n°.,,_::-,.'::,..~",.~$,'\..~',,_,\_~~~~(~ ,!; .; PARCEl. (Jl-~, ':-,,_l.,ze "' ; ... "' !i ~ w z ::, .... "' ,:'i ...-.> "- PARCEL 9107 - "'l "' ...; ,.._ 9031 (,?,g ----~I l.o L27 Ll& L25 :io.o,· Jo' f ~ SOUTH LINE OF lHE NORlH 1/2, ~ ~ SW l/4 NW t/4 SE 1/4. SEC. 29-23-5 wf ll< .....l : U) it, EAST UN€ or ....---. < ·~I ~ WESl 230' I .c ~,i ~1 32 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING UJ ....... ,·4')'.r;.G"'W L14 N84'46'48"W L15 Ns9•49•04•w L16 N72'48' 48"W l.17 N6010'?6"W L18 Nsn,·,4·w L19 ,:.n,-.:,s'06·w L20 ""'"'""""'7'04"W L21 N8B'29'19•W L22 S46"27'06"'W ~ ~ LENGlH 20.04 91.11 109.07 62.JJ 47.61 36.40 56.15 14.47 94.66 24.06 -PARCEL 9022 LINE L2J L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 LJO L31 LJ2 li30YID & ASSOCIA 'll'IES, INC. LINE TABLE BEARING No1·4z·5s•r N46'27'05"E S88'29'19"E N76'27'04"!: S87'J5'06"E ~6?'11'54•c LO.,.,. .. ,. .... .,. .. w N •411' •w S89'49'0,n: 594 .. •'4•"< >- 2"' 0~ "2 "8"' 8m~ PARCEL 9145 LENGTH 2a,2 12.17 100.31 14.63 62.55 41.23 46.63 57.12 106.96 90.76 0 100 ~~ MMs::---irm B28 INDEX CT NE, RENTON, WA 98056 425-204-0840 NW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 29-23-05 11-2-30314-4, SE~ > Legal Description, 20' Wide Driveway Easement THAT PORTION NW Y. OF THE SEY. OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SW CORNER OF THESE Y. OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. WM. THENCE N01' 42' 56"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SE l', A DISTANCE OF 1592.85' TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH Y, OF THE SW Y. OF SAID NW Y. OF SAID SEY. OF SAID SECTION29; THENCE S89' 49' 04"E ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 30.0l'TO THE EAST MARGIN OF 10s'" AVE SE; THENCE No1• 42' S6"E ALONG SAID MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 76.53'TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S84' 46' 48"E A DISTANCE OF 91.11'; THENCE sag• 49' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 109.07': THENCE 572• 48' 48"E A DISTANCE OF 62.33'; THENCE sso• 10· 26"E A DISTANCE OF 47.61'; THENCE S67' 11' 54"E A DISTANCE A DISTANCE OF 36.40'; THENCE SB7" 35' 06"E A DISTANCE OF 56.15': THENCE N76' 27' 04"E A DISTANCE OF 14.47'; THENCE S88' 29' 19''E A DISTANCE OF 94.66'; THENCE N46' 27' 06"E A DISTANCE OF 24.06'; THENCE S01' 42' 56"W A DISTANCE OF 28.42': THENCE S46' 27' os·w A DISTANCE OF 12.17': THENCE Naa· 29' t9''W A DISTANCE OF 100.31'; THENCE S76' 27' 04'W A DISTANCE OF 14.63': THENCE N87' 35' 06'W A DISTANCE OF 62.55'; THENCE N67' 11' 54'W A DISTANCE OF 41.23'; THENCE N60' 10' 26''W A DISTANCE OF 46.63'; THENCE N72' 48' 48'WA DISTANCE OF 57.12': THENCE N89' 49' 04"W A DISTANCE OF 106.96; THENCE N84' 46' 411WA DISTANCE OF 90.76' TO SAJD EAST MARGIN; THENCE N01' 42' 56"E A DISTANCE OF 20.04' TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING . 3 •\ · .. :• ., 11-2-30314·4, SEA EXHIBIT 5 .. i. ..... "'t I, ll-2-30314-4, SEA EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AGREEMENT This EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made effective this __ day of January, 2012 by and between RAY W. LOTIO AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARJORIE L. LOTTO LIVING TRUST; AND THE HEIRS AND DEVI SEES FOR THE ESTATE OF VIOLA T. O'NEIL ("Grantors'') and RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J. NTEMI, DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD, AND THE DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST ("Granlees"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantors are the reconl owners of that certain real property described as King County Tax Parcel No. 292305-9022 ("Grantor's Property"); and WHEREAS, Grantees are, respectively as to Niemi and Bjomslad, the record owners of lhat certain real property described as 292J05-90Jl, 292305-9107 and 292305-9\4S ("Grantee's Property"); and WHEREAS, a portion of Grantees' yanl and related landscaping, are located on a portion ofOrantors' Property (the "Easement Area"); and WHEREAS, lhc parties wish 10 avoid uncertainty and prevent conflict with respect to the rights to use the Easement Area and confirm the Grantees' and their successors-in-interests' rights to use the Easement Arca in perpetuity; NOW, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt and sufficiency of which arc hereby acknowledged by the parties, Granton and Grantees hereby declare, for themselves and their successors and assigns as owners of Granters' Property and Grantees' Property, respectively, lhe casements, covenants, conditions, privileges and terms granted and otherwise provided for below: AGREEMENT I. Grantors grant to Grantees an exclusive, peq,etual casement to use for ,.,,idential purposes, including landscaping, gardening, fencing and related uses consistent with an extension of Grantors' yard over, along, in, on, upon and under that portion of Granters' Property legally described as follows: TiiA T PORTION OF THE S01JTII HALF OF THE sourn HALF OF THE. NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TIIB SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTI-l, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT l1lE NORTHWEST CORNER 01' SA1D SUBDIVISION; • 2 - ., . '-§ . . !i. .~--, 11-2-30314-4; SEA THENCE SOUTH 89•49'04" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 308.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; . THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTII LINE SOtITH 89°49'04" EAST 37 .00 FEET; THENCE LEA YING SAID NORTH LINE, SOUTH 67° 11 '54" EAST 18.52 FEET; TIIBNCE SOUTH 87°35'06" EAST 62.57 FEET; TIIENCE NORTH 76°27'04" EAST 14.63 FEET; TIIBNCE SOUTH 88°29'19" EAST 100.31 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46•27'06" EAST 12.17 FEET TO A POINT ON 1llE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTH 01°42'56" WEST 15.01 FEET TO TifE sourn LINE OF THE NORTH 15 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTH 88•49'04" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 239.SO FEET TO A PO!NT THAT BEARS SOUTH 00° 10'56" WEST FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00°10'56"EAST 15.00FEETTOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING; S!TUA TE IN 1rlE CTrY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING AND STA TE OF WASHINGTON. The foregoing Easement Alea is depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. The parties hereto further agree that Grantees shall exclusively be responsible for the maintenance of the Easement Area. . 3. This Agreement is intended to nm with the land, perperually burdening and benefiting Grantors' Property and Granites' Property and binding not only Grantors and Grantees, but also their successors and assigns in title to the properties. IN WITNESS· WHEREOF, this Ag,,:ement is executed as of the date first shown above. GRANTEES: FOR NIEMI PARTIES By: FOR BJORNSTAND PARTIES O'NEIL. By: .3. ·~ . ,:,J " ., l ., . :.; ;:,,' .1· . ,: '<ii ,.~ ' .'ti ".iii ·11 ./ ; 11·2·30314-4, SEA ·:·., 'i 11 • •• I ' '. STATEOF CALJfot({llt I COUNTY OF d,W /tkNt#/Jd "'· I certify tha1 I know or have ,atisliamy evidonco tbat RA r w. l..trr(,, is tho person wbo appw-ed befo~ me, and that said pcr~n 11clo:lowk:dgcd tbat said person signed this iJi5tn.1ment and ac.knowled&ed it to be lhe !ec aod volunwy ac1 ef sa.id pc:rsoo fort.be us.es and purposes mentioned in the inserwncnt. Dated this_!l_dayor WMMy I-a a =,=i, 0 , Ii~ =·...:.~=·I f!!,j/fll ....... , ... c.., • f ¥ ., 5o.r-= ?': ?,}!11.t (Ll::gibly Print o, Srams, Nunc orNobry) Notary p~lic in lllld .ror lhe state of W~4~D. residing at . My appoullm~t exptre, --'~Z-·~'l-~~ . ..,~,,_ _____ _ ST A TE OF /4~'"'3iM I ss. COUNTY OF 'Y,4:,1 <Aµ<, lcatifytllallknoworhavosa1isfacloryovidonoothal /J}i//1411 J /)'/.k,/ isthopersoo who appc~ bcrore mc 1 and th3C said person acknowledged that said person signed ibis inslrument and neknowlcdged it to be tbe free and volunlaly act of said pcrsoo for the use:s and purpOSes mentioned in the instrumr.nc. ~-S1oto or Washlr,gton .• JIM D URNi;ss Mv ~lmen1 hplun Dec 21, 201 j. 20,2;,Dll- (Leaibty Ptini lilf Slam:p Name IRNotary) Notary public in and for the state of W~on. residing al. My•ppointmon1<>pircs_~/~y~)~(-·~2-~~~I/=:,----- ST ATE OF WASHlNGTON COUNTY OF KJNG f ecrtify that I know or ha.ve satisfactory evide11ce that is the penon who appeared bcfcre me, and lhe.t said pmoo acknowledged that said person signed this imtnu:neol and aclalowledged it to be the free and volun~ act of said person for the use:s and purposes mentioned in lhc instrumenl. Dated 11m __ day or _______ ~l01l. llzlibly Print m Slamp N..,.olNoa,yj ' Notary public in and for tho state ofWubing1on, residing at. My a~intment i::xpU'es __________ _ -4- -··l .. , '. STATE OF WASHINOTON COUNTY OF KINO 11·2-~0314·4, SEA I certify that I lmoworbave sati!faoto,y evidence lbat !J lhopenon who appeared before me, and that said person ackllowledged lh:st said person sig;ned this instrument and acknowledged it to bt 1he ttec and volu-n\aty act of .said person for lh~ I.IStS and pwposes mentioned in the ioslnlmenl Daled this __ day or _______ _, 2012. (Signlbn't orNotaiy) {ugiltl)' Pri"I a, Stamp N.,.._ o£Notuy) Notilf)' public in 1111d for the stale of Washington, residing nt. My appointment expires----------- . s • I • ·'- . ;:· . •-i '~ } ;,' -~.· /~ ,. , .. : ' if , . "----------------------·-·----------- <( "' "' ... ' ... . ~ ~ 0 ~ ' N ' ~ M -----------------· ·.• ~ .. ,:•:-!'°;~ ... ,,,. ::'!.'\. ~ ,-?~!--,~·-:'--'~._ ..... ~~~·~·?~~~~-·~·.( .. ,.·: '. ,.,.",::+,%~ ~---1#' :~,,.-,. -~~-· -~,:..,-!'.. :. '-=?'·'··~:,~~--~. , I ----T --,--,-- w "' ' I I I r/) .., N w I I ~18 ~I~ .. ::J N . ,.; ;,~ I -r"' z u ~-- ;,, -w w ~ ~ (§) :,; /" @ V, --> ~ ... ;:i < ' ~~ % N -. J -:t :c :ii _, . .... , .. C§D POINT OF wl~ , .. d~ CD z SEGINNINC I I \•6"27"06"E 0 :, ... "' I ,2.,1· is· -tJeg•4g'o4·w Joe.01· --... J?.oo· .. _.-70,14' -. -132.76' [ . . --1-~ ... i/ ////.<,, , ,, ., ,, ,,. ., ,I; ,·., ., _...'j'f ~ J V NW CORNER NB9'419'04.W 239.50' 1 \. 30' _ s 1/2 or s 1/2 Of' H88"29'19•W NW 1/< or SE 1/4 I LANOSCAP[ l00.31' !" SEC. 29-23-5 [ASEMENT AREA -"' I ~ NORTH UN£ OF "' (§) .._ s 1/2 or s 1/2 or UN£ W<CTH ,. I @ BEARING ~I NW 1/4 or S[ 1/4 LI N67'11"54"W ?8.52' . SE:C. :29-:23-5 1..2 NB7"35'0IS W 62.37' lJ N76'27'04"E 1H3' L4 N01'42'56"( 15,01 LS NOOlO 56"'E 15.DO' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AREA EXHIBIT NW 1/4, S£ 1/4, SEC. 29. TWP. 2JN., RNC. 5£ .. W.M. Dl'tN. BY DATE JOB NO. ~ ,~-~"-· ·~ DBM 1 /J/12 31051 :-...al 45!J jfoin~r Btiutnarci NOl'lh EXHIBIT A -l1saquon, wasnll\gton 9eD27 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET -('2>) J92-eQ5' r.x (4U) J92-0108 1· • 60' 1 OF 1 (;cipJl'ftl'I 't'I 2'007 C-•1 ~ 1K. NI "fill t.--1. • .. "' U) .. .. .... M D ,., ' " ' .... .... --------------- ,-'t· .... ' ·-· ~•-... ;: ...... .; ':. r,·,·· .,i1'··:.-. .1;--::···:,·:-:,;-... ,-.~,~~;-':,~ :'>' .. ~·; ·<St -~ EXHIBIT FOR: TREES LOCATED IN LANDSCAPE EASEMENT & 20' BUFFER A PARCEL 90J1 ffi ~ < "' .. z 0: " M ! ti I Q If ~ I i ; ~ ~ w i ~w®.. w f!i SLA ca i'i~ LOTA~ ,._ '• N ~ ~ PARCEL 9107 - ... s < w <> z ~ ~ .., ~ ~ PARCEL 9145 · u -·· I . I ~ ~' ':t'! ~. 20 I 'f20· I -"" ·----------:-&. a .; . I +*-. 0171-20· BUFFER-~~--~~~~~_:,; N ~' ,, ", ~ -~ .. ' ----;-,.:, n" ., ; . ~-., ;.-.. ~ .... _ -----;_. .. $" ~ l~ i:r;-J' ~ ii/¥.i: \ --.. ._) 1.~ ; ,,.,, f I', ;u h• ;,!, ;_-· t.c:.:tJ!,l~,_.,....._±_/,,·-/ ·"' {!ij/~:..,(Y'J,""S.c.: .; .., ~.~.$::---~ ,,,_-, . .:-~.·4t•.,t ~ ,/_,, T • O'. ~. ~ ~ -. .,_ I\, ~ -,.s ., n S: "' ~ •._ . . • .I "; :.. :.. ~ "' ;, Ii ,, 1! ~ ?. ::c P. . :.; ..,,. j'®LA l' // PARCEL t ;j 15 ~ LOT D ~ 9022 l.$ ~~ &-. ; :~-~- !BOYD & ASSOCIA 'if'ES, INC. ·; .. ~ f I ~i~iJf· J •• : ' ..e C -·~ ~ ~-.;,., ., -~ . -....... .... :~.a.5 ,. r:el! ! ,., "' n " ';.' :.; ,·. 0~ ; 40 L-,;~ ~ ' • I ~ I. ~~_11/13~1 828 INDEX CT NE, RENTON, WA 98056 425-204-0840 ·~ j_ tt 1' • ' :.,, .!;, &. ·:11 -!:i NW 1/'+: ·sEi)/4, SEC. 29123-05 ~f:4,, f ,_, I Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 KING.WA Document: DED QCL 2012.0529.000485 Comment: RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN ffi: Sarah L. Alwood, Esq. 1111NE56thSt Seattle, WA 911105-J7J7 E2545650 llil'~' \ii' slfl · '£1:1: WASHINGTON ST ATE RECORDER'S Cover Sb Mt (RCW 65.04) DOCUMENTTJTLE(S) (ortransac1ions contained therein): QUIT CJ.AIM DEED REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS AS.SIGNED OR RELEASED: NIA GRANTOR(~) (Last M81'11j! fin;t, then fir,.t name and initials) PAGE-NI OF 181 RAY W. L01TO AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARJORIE L. LOTTO LIVING TRUST; AND THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES FOR THE ESTATE OF VIOLA T. O'NEIL GR.ANTEE(S) (1-IISI name first, tben fLrst name and initials) RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J. NIEMI. DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD, AND THE DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Gran1or Property) LOCAL DESCRIPTION (Grant« Property} ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL I.D. NUMBER (Grantor Propeny) 292:305-9022 ASSF.SSOR'S TAX PARCEL I.D. NUMBER (Grantee Property) 292)05-9031 and 292)05,9107 and 29230.S-914.S 1'7DMJll Station Id :SI LO f Page I of5 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :22 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 KING,WA Document: DED QCL 2012.0529.000485 Comment: WHEN RJ;CORDED RETURN TO: Sarah L. Atwood, Es(!. !19NE 56th St Seattle, WA 98I05~3737 Granton: Grantees: A~viatcd Legal Ucscription: Assessor's Tax Parcel JD #s: Reference# (ifapplic:.oble): QUITCLAIM DEED RAV W. LOITO AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARJORIE L. LOTTO LIVING TRUST; AND THE HEIRS AND OEVISEES FOR THE ESTATE OF VIOi.A T. O'NEIL RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J. NIEMI, DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD, AND THE DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST S l/20FS l/20FNW l/40FSE l/4 LESSN 100 FT OF W 230 FT LESS PORTION FOR COUNTY ROAD 292305-902.l 292)05-90) 1 and 29230S-9107 and 21}230S-9145 THE GRANTORS. RAY W. LOTTO AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARJORIE L. LOITO LIVING TRUST; AND THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES FOR THE ESTATF. OF VIOLA T. O'NEIL, for no consideration bul to resolve a boundary dispute, convey and quit claim to RICHARD R. NIEMI, SYDNEY J, NIEMI, DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD, AND THE DARLENE R. BJORNSTAD TRUST all of their intt=rest, ifan)', in and co the real estate dc,cribc:d on EXHIBIT "A" hereto, situated in the County of King, State of Was#iington, together with all after B«!Uired title oflhc granter therein, as and to the extent it abuts the Grantces:.,jj_oinins property . .7 If',,.,.,.._. I ,._ DATEDfebruary ,2012 .· -~ -GRA!lITOR;) Jl}~J.1 Station Id :SILO Page2 of5 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:22 AM Branch :FAW,User :PA12 KL'IG,WA Document: OED QCL 20!2.0529.000485 Comment: CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Staie or California "'''°'"ny '""""'d !2a"J w L , t-to . who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory cv1den~t~ ~ the person(s) whose nam~~re sub.sen bed to the WlthJn instniment an~owlcdgcd to me ch~thcy exccU1ed the same in~r/thc1r authorized t;apacity(ics), 1111d that b i er/their stgnaturc(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s} acte executed the instrumtl'll. I certify under PENALTY Of PERJURY under the laws ofO,c State ofCalifomia th.at the foregoing paragraph is true and COl'rcct tNowyS. ADDITIONAL OPTJONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION Of THE A TTACHEC DOC\JMENT a~·, cftu,,, leeJ . (Tille: or dnaiptioa of~ dtlotun:n1) NumberofP11ge5_J_ ~~10'1C-~, IAddl1iol'llllnf.0111111,on) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY TH£ SIGNER :J lndivld11a[ (~) D Corp:,iate Officer (Titl~) D Par1nertsl 0 Attomcy-in-f.a 0 Trustet(s) 0 ""'~----------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR. COMPLETING THIS FORM """ ad,,a.,~ ~ in CdJfomut ....... -.. ,.,.,! .... -"'"' .,,,..,. ..... ,,. ..... ""an,, rttilon"". ~ ~ml Jo,,."""' ~ ,,._":? t-tilttt<I «td ml«li,d 10 ""1f ~-7Jr,r, """ i=1p1}t.f ;, if" ~,., rolnrKankdDWJ>1* o/Colj/1,n,S<r ,,..-.:,. ;-.,..ai.~ <If;~ Nmi:,;p ... ...,. '-pri,wnl -• ...,, " --.,., '°"' ... 1M >Vhi<,p '°"' -~ ,,., -,.10.,,, _,,.'¢""" ;, llkpfo, ~ ._,."' CaJ/fMlio {i.,. "l'fif>""fl. tltit <NMt<wl:,:d ,:op«ll'J tJ/1/t,t ll#lf'). Plf-c""t J.w '*""-<«<fi,llyfcrp,r,pn~-..,-llfflld,11,1,fa,..;f...q,,,nd. • $mt, ....i C""EIJ W11m1111icm....,.. b, tbo Sl>.lc ..,d Co,m,I)'......,, lhe °""""""" 1i~1tperlOlll.lly~kfo,~lhtl>(!ta')'poltUcf«..:k•"""1~tnel!t • 0.1:1 -of -..mclion mmr bill lllt d~ 1h11 !he •i•nerl•l p,::r1111Wlr 1pp,::are:I. whim IIIIIRlllObi: lhtnllll: di!!: 1M lal~lftffll lllCIJmc,ltlm. • ~ no,,,y public: mull prln1 llil o, hc'r -a, tt api-n l01thin h;, o, hf! co....,iDior, follo""l'd by u:omml ...i lherl.yOUr !nlf (notll')' publicJ . • !'tin, 111c naa-..(,J .. r ~-,ip,c:iOI"""' rai-lly oppcm M 11H: um. Df ~- • 1ndute-11>e i:otTUt "'"lijlilt a, ~1und funno by croninc off IMOIN:C1 folrN (I.I ~....,,. a.1-) orcin:lin1 lhc <Orr«! Rnms. f"1iharc 111 ~1)1 ir,m,111 t,il L*""'1jon "a)' ',Hd iot?i«I""' or 4-mcm r«<>~ • Tho ootary oul impmsloi, '""JI be dear 111d pho;g.,.il;ally rt"P!Odu,;~. 1~....;°" nv.,<t nol 1;<1=•cdor linH. !fon.l ,mp~,..,. rnu1&~.,,,.,a.11r1 ,wlf....,I sa ~n,, o,nrro,ioc: i:amr,J,:U adi!Tfttll! e,;:knowl~ fDrm. • Si"""'"'oflhe n,11,rypd,lic m..am1tch 1hr ,~onftlc.,.;il, di,: olllt,: of 1hccOUMycicrk • Addim1,11I 1n(,._l1011 II' "°' ~,,;,w 1;1,11 could hdp ta ens,,,c :Ilia ••t"" .. ~ i1 l'IOI m,1<1Kd o, o1ICi,rd 111 , c1,rrcn::n1. Jocwn:1r1 -o-lnd.ica1:titkor ly"jlol: ofallKl',e,ddocmncm, !Nmbe1 ofp!Jt! 11111•1=. • ln4'CIWc 1k l'llpaciTy d1imcd t.,, tho ""'"' If""' cloirne<I ...,...uy,, • cOfPClnl• omec.-, inda.1t1llr 1i1le(i ~-CC:0,CFO. ~) • Stc,nly-d11hi1~t,;,hrip,cdd1>:wncn1 Station Id :SlLO Page 3 of5 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31 :23 AM Branch :FAW,User :PAl2 KING,WA Document: DED QCL 2012.0529.000485 Comment: --_ .. _ _ ,._ ... ........... , . I certify 1h11 I krtDW or h!IVII! s~i,fa~\OI)' evidimce lhat \);y\ \ b \ C ;< Do D' '}. 'p I::: l is the pe1$011 who appeared before me, and thal said pe1$0!1 111:knowlcd1ed tha1 w,id person signed chi, inSCNmcni end acknowlc:~ ii co bi. the r~ 11:nd VQl11ntlr}' 1ICI of 5aid pcnon for the UHJ. nd purpm;n mcnlioned in the inmumclll. Dated lhis S~•)' of (\r\a...rd-.... -~ (Lejlbly l'l'lnl or Sl9ffl;I NUM ofNouryj Notary public in and lorthc stile of Washington. res.lding at :::fN!( \~C' ~I J."-. ~~ M)' appointment cxpi~) \ :7S- STATE OF _____ _ 1 ... COUNTY OF ____ _ [ e1:nify thill I know or haYc satisf11t:tory evidence tlu.t is 1hi: l'CfSOII who appeared before me, and that j.lid pttSOn acknowledged 11.at :;aid pcnon sisntd this inittument and ackr111wledged it 1n be the rrec and vDILtntary act of$1Ud per$DD for the U$es and purposes mentioned in. lhe inftrum,:nt. lll!Wllllll Dated 1hi$ __ day of ________ ,. 20!2. (Sia,n,lwn-DfNOlm')') <L'W~Y Prin1.,. s~ r,1..,. .. n.owrJ Notary public In 1111d rorthc swcofW1shing1on. midiAB l!t--~------------ My appointment c,;pira ----------- Station Id :SI LO Page4 of5 Printed on I ln/2012 8:31:23 AM Branch :FAW,User :PA12 KING,WA Document: DED QCL 2012.0529.000485 Comment: Exhibit A Legal Dcscripdon or Property Conveyed THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HAL, OF THE SOUTII HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SoCTION 29. TOWNSHIP23 NORTH, RANGE l EAST, W[LLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMF.NCJNG AT THE NORTI-tWEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDJVlSION; THENCE S 89"49'04" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 415.ll FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 41S FEET OF SAID SUBDIVJSION AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH LINES 89°49'04" E ll2.76 FEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE S 46°:27"0ti" W L2.l 7 FF.ET; THENCEN 88°29'!9" W 100.31 FEET; THENCE S 76"27'04" W l 4.63 FEET; THF.NC£ N 87"35'06" W 9, 72 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS S 01"42'26" W FROM THE POrNT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 87"35'06" W 52.84 FEET; THENCE N 67"1 l '54" W 18.52 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE NORTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE S 89"49'04" E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 70.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGJNNJNG; S1TIJATE IN THE ClTY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING ANO STA lE OF WASHINGTON. ll,-)Jl Station Id :SILO Page 5 of5 Printed on 11/7/2012 8:31:23 AM ~ 1-l~l~l~l"IC<ONT.-..i:;;;rl ~ ~ Reconle.-s Office Kirtgeo..-ty t<lni9 CountT. \l\lnhington """"6r-t &t yOcN-~ " -;,,:-V'*' ," f--0_ P 1_n r r_,.~ d "':-.~ .. :::. _ -.;_e.n .. :t~,v:..1 ~).e .. t. ... 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P -t;;:1, ~l' Environmental :::2ss.".;.rt :-:: 'I::;, · _.o;i:,-'" .............................................. 1 I - BUILDING TAX ROLL HISTORY Account Valued Tax Omit Levy Appraised Appraised !mps Value Yeai Yea1 Year Cod$ Land 2923059)22:.J') 201~ 2':123069')22'}0 201(] 2923C69)22JO 2809 :;:')23059:)22::JQ 2000 2923Ct,9:J22JO 20tJ.:I 2':.t2300::,9'.i2280 20Cl:? =~~2J:)f.9)22J1) 2.002 2923059022'.)0 2:i')OO 2923Qf,9C!22'.;1) 1 %? 2.':.123053)22::1) ; '.:•% 292305-9:)22.:0 1997 Z32J:C;5:£J22::0 1·~~16 2')23'.JS9J2Z::0 139~ =~:l23C58Cl22'.:0 1'?92 2923J:59022SO 1933 2923J&::1022,:o 1S•8;3 2'ct23C'.6302220 iS8.::. .::::i2Jcs2022:::o <'?82. SALES HISTORY 2(l"I) :;'t\)3 2(:J5 2(1:J.+ 2(1S2 200!) 1939 1~:'.:,(I a 19??: 1SC5 "1':'33 Value 2128 S8£6.COO ::;o 2""128 S366 C•:J•J so ra ..l250 SY21.GOO '::J .. 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R..,.3y[r-JE'r J '::T Q,;,.,,d "' LO f":""') f;;1,.::.,qJOR:E L Ll'/H'l3 TFUSi -::.;. ... ! C.,c,,n· D.;a.;ad ·';arrarit:, Deel ,_..,, T1t1sl 11., · ~::1ks to e,..::er, ,ai sites do r::it C'Jrstitute endor-sernerts b':,> K ng Ccune•, By ··1isi:;pg tilts and otl1e·" r(·r·g Cm.mv '.•.eb pag,es vcu e,;pressl°'' agree to :Je bound by ~erms ar>d c.:=in<:Hic'1S of the site FIRST AMERICAN. FTS. UFTS 11')5:2012 (I} 24PU V771 TR.A: Lf.Gt.L: UAIL; ASSES SEO 01,.1mER(S) ~:H.:.--,H-LI ,_',; P r,; 8 !'.j ;E3Tf,1EI~T$ 2012TA.XES 3T.:: TIJS "·JST ;;;LL\lErH ..ii-J·)LrJTPA_.D F'E<"l-"LTY 8'<.L"'f-lCE 01.:E ASSESSNlENTS 1,:::Ec:OCE 801 O~DER; 198980j .212S ORDER SEA.~CH ::;ESULTS -of: lB SEARCH PARAr.1ETEf:IS CURREiH TAXES THROUGH 2012-1}8-31 SEC .;:9 T'!'.'F 23 qr,1:; I,'; CT~~=: .:;1:::~,J:: ::..: '3 1 2 ,:,F S 1 ·2 ·)F 1 ~351 ,:Ef-lTP.'"LPL S "<'223 :s.EhT ,,,__.,_, 9;J2•: CODE , -. ~B~E 1 ST trlST TYPE ·'<::CE::CJ CTL SOIL CGtJ : OG ADDITIOUAL l~IFORMA TION ,:or.n.1E1F; FIRST AMERICAN, FTS. 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SD SEC _ESS RO LAND DATA ~-gh:i::1 & B~st J:=e .,::..s :i \'2.,:a ,: .:-:\WER·::IAL 3E:ZVC2; ...; gb~s1 & 6,?s:t ·J3e t..s h1pQ,,.;,j PPESEt·IT USE :32s~ Land V31ti!:: Sc.Ft 3ase L3r.d Valu,;, ~'~ Bsse ~and \i3IL:e lrnoactsd Sas<2 Land 'v'alue<J Oats :._3rd SqFt .::,c,es Views =' ~,get Sc LIil :i ~aKe \\;asi1irgt::1 ,_.;ii-;g 3-ammami.:;n Designa~ons ,.'...j!8C'f!rlt to ·'.2:e::mbell <):h':'r L-e•:eiJr::rn"'f')t R1pts F'l: ,:-·1:n..,j Ec1s.;;rn.;rts 1·:3t,,,~ Gr,;,•.:/\CJ p,-e,to,cl:<Jr E_3::,e1r-':"rt BUILDING 3 1cc 1:9/2.0'. 2 2013 20 JIJO fi(; ·:c Perci:na;ie Ln~1sabl~ Un~v:ld:1tl1? Pe;tn::.t1s·g S1ZR 3na;::e Road f...::ctss J '.;-1--l- 'o'-.'AER Cl:3TRIC;T PUBLIC ::0suc F'8 ·kin.g. ...................•.......••••...•..................................... . .........................• :3tr~et 3·"1rface Waterfront '·'-'~t~rfr".lnf L:icc:t1i:'n '/-/a terf•a:in t .'.-c,,~'..~.9'.3 Lot ::e::,ch Fac~or Po~r Cucih'./ PrG,:il"l·ir'i l:"f!U~lic..; Nuisances -op-.::grJr,t'.y T;#ic '·l·JISe "'-11·:ort ifo1:a Problems Erwironmental r:c, Reference Links: • • • • • -·~.;rn· •'. F ;UC,~') r ;L :··,\JJ J arnJ.'~.Jt:;J .. !).i,.). OUILUIHIU TAX ROLL HISTORY Account Va:lued Tax Omit Levy Apprnbs-ed Appn,i:.ed Imps Valu~ Appraised New T'D)(ilble; Taxable Tax;,ble Tax Yi?ar Year Y0ar Code Land Tot.al Dollars Land Imps Total Value .:92JJ?9!6SC4 2C12 2~t230591E8C4 2011 ;';923059~6324 2CJ9 2'12JD591i38:4 2C07 .29230'591E8~4 ZCDE ~':t23C5S166C4 2002 29-230591iS8C4 200, 2':t23S5S1€8:4 <999 2923Sf.Sa6824 'e:387 292JC591f824 199G L':1.2'.:IQ:J;ii:t'.l'.\l. 199_2 2':t2J05916•E--t i':'90 29:23G5~ta68C4 '.988 SALES HISTORY El<d!la@. ii umber Rtieordlng Number REVIEW HISTORY Tax Year 2013 PERMIT HISTORY 21}'' 2(iQ," 2C'.4 2CJJ 20C2 4$96 ~s-;3 ,·:85 Value Valu,e, 2~32 S~GO f;OO S29f: JOO S,FG .. Wc'J SO 2132 S~GCl COO SJ20 ?CC S::iGG ?OD SO 2132 S"BO (C1J S317 ZCO .S-497.20•J $0 f 2•32 :~~EO 1~Q1j $jD ]CG i.J7130Q !SU ' r32 s~J.,J COlJ ~2.l3 6CC 538]_1:0:J ;SO 2132 S":20 t:01J S.241 ECIJ 3JE1 ~,J.:; SO 21.3.2 S80 GOO 2132 %(11:{0 2~32 :3:3i.'.i.GCO 2, ~2 so 2132 SO 2"132 so 2"12'} so 2129' s.o Do.:umen1 Date ...i., 1 Z-2012 Sale Prir;e 5,J JO S'97 -:cc 527? ·:':,rJ:J ,SD ' ~·89 OCO S2G9.iJOQ ;so ~~6'?.3CC S2-l9.300 $0 SQ Se Iler ~Jeune F-t:r iTOf·J C>T'f OF" so 30 SD Buyie-r Na mi! c:c;ELDBROOI\ '.:::Cf,Hv'!Of~3 ~L,:'. V;1lu~ Valu'"" $"".:30 l}JCL $0 SC SG $0 , 5C SC SC SC ; SC SC so so so 50 V;,1lue . so s:o ;J 5) so ;o ')70 100 ;Si'.",G @Y 322': 70'.l s10100 :~1:/;Goci:s22s.1u, :~70:100 ·~iSS fi}) $22[ "71)) 57;) 1M 51 ~5 600 522:~ .,.!j J S/1)_100 ·557 JOO 513? J.O] S,70 100 S22.600 ;32__700 s:6.SOO s;;:2,61)0 .$5) 400 $'2_800 ·:,24 600 B?.40D Instrument 31a'.'..'tO"·; (..:ne,,· ·.,'_ a• an:,, C8?::I Appealed Vaiue Hearing Date Settlement Value R!:',,-1'='-"' .. .,.:._~~.;,ssn~..;;;t :o Reason:; HOMEIMPROVEMENTEXEMFTION Updaied_ Sept 7, 2011 '~·"'·. /. _ :1ks lo ex~er1:al ;;1tes do P.Jl const1ute e1:dorse 1nePts c~· K ng CO .. ii1l\: Ev 0:is;:,ng :r:,s ::1nd other i<,~g Caumv ·Neb ::-·ages /OU e\presslv agree to be hoc.:,10 :tv :erris ar:l c:ind!tic:ns cf the sire FIRST Ar,lERICAN, FTS. UFTS 11 '05;2012 0324Pt,1 VTT1 ORDER: 1939803 TRA: 2 m -REWQf; O~DER SEARCH ,.E Sell TS -oF l3 SEARCH PARAr:1ElERS CURRHIT TAXES THROUGH 20120831 comJE!lT; LEGAL: '!EC 29 T/,P 23 ~ll:3 o:. CiT~ SE: 292305 1,:,s ~J 1CJ ~ ,::F'/i '.:3(1 ~ OF 2 1 '2 CF 2 1i~ OF r l\~l 1 :; JF 2E 1.4 ·:D SEC-LE'3S ~D SITUS: '7t\3) 3:: 1'.8Tfd'/ I.IAIL: "::55 S GR.,DY ;,1y RE,·H8'J ct;, fJJ55 KING.WA :0 AGE 1 OF 1 ASSESSEOOWNER(Si l012ASSESSED'IALUE sl 20121AXES r,r.:rus 111Sl'Ll'-1Elff ,:.\IOLr·lT p.,;.,:C P':.ilP.lF 8'.l"l-lce OLE I ASSESSMB!TS ,_.~E :ocE . .:: 14 T :..c_ SFTlJ:3 :F.ifJGE ORDER TOF • 7 2'."'8 I :J CODE 9J20 9.l30 2152 L-:JD IF ~>£k1FTiCHS P.\~8LE 1SUIST 12 OU J 00 TYPE '.:CIL ::::011 ADDITIOUAL 11lFORMATIOli OPEN ORDERS Otl FllE UPDATED CONDITIOliS. DISCLAIMERS AUD EXCLUSIOII S 2110 111ST <,.oo: ,:i Jl) .:. 771.::2 • 81) Ctt1 ; 1~.7)) :0: ~95.700 TOTAL 1AXI ! ;~;)'.; .:J.t: ~2.JB: l)JJ 4.771.62 2. 10 F:1s :a.1. Ci:ttl1catt,T a.t :),jer Repc< ._-::,:ss r<,t ccnsUul!:' 3 rec,;rt or :r .:::rtificat·Jn :f: i,. m:-1':'121 1p:-c,,::u,~tt.e a::c:,:< nc,:i-p1c,ju·:'.l,e,. ta,>:!::. u leasEs .. 2.: ;:ers,)nal ~1 cpe11:. taxes 1:, 13; •Pl':'r r·:rJn 3j .a1,;r~T, t:Fes ::~ucll ss :2,::.,,:n,:;; :1er1s_ stF1C'.<>: .:.h3a,;;:~s ;:;r _,,.13w:1:Jn2nc; as~':'SS"lE!llf C 2ta f ra:& irJ:,"":Ht'-:n S21·, (2: LLC i C2t2 :r.1:r., ·>-a:-:n.,2 1·d,r;;n~t?c ihs accJrac::, -:Hh1s Ta, CJ?1t1iicate.T3;r :J:csr R.B~c:rt t·) ,ts c:u::c-rner -ths 'C2tJ T 0 2 ;.: .:\stc-~:er :ucsu ai:tt<1 !he t:r'"'.";S r,} ,:,Jricitrns ,:f:. MlI:en ta, s:r; ,:= 2,;rs:rn:,11 G':'t.'.':'i:n C-a:a T~J·:: :;nJ ;a;.:; Date 7rn:: ::.:..::tc"'.lt:'f ,tre '1"'ax 2-2",1·:i:' ..:..grs:me:1;: ' . .:.r(r ·;i.::'; ·:,arraM:: /ler~11l.31N. Oct2 Tr3<:8 C ust-:. 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LV:,KES n: /:::.,2:::;),I i~:ES ;E:,:~~::S3 )R I' IFL=.D' •'./TH '::2•ECT Tc :HIS,, •. , CE".TIFI: "E-".'/ CRC:R PEFC RT ::-~ER ;:.,;.1, ,\ HE':E 'ffLIC·.,LE: THE C 'I> TR.'CE c,.s-G!.IER ;\.'~PATT ,,._, ,C ,,, ,1.i,ms ijl•iN a C!Jtl T· ,K€ C1.i,:.t:r1~1 /.¥ra1-;tJ ~·.1~;,t :t' ; .).":"::tt2:: t:, Cata Tr2ci:' .:" th-? corri?snn:ing C•E:~,l Trace Cust,):".1,;r ,)1·,c 3:1: 9. :1~ctto i;:;12 te;-rrns 30.: cnd1ti::ns so;H,011h in :h€: ::>:rt:rii:r: T.;.i: SB~.i::; LJ88·~·ent I inc!u ::r.; .. '.itricut Lrtt3 ,i:11\ :h2 "11i:·1~ ,~e2i:l':.1eE a~p i,:a:I<? :,; s~,:n clJ1m2; i sy:,; ;ui2,j (1i,:,·'1S C.ata -rsc~ s ,a ica1icn )fa Ta., Cl:'r:J~icJte.r:~. Ore er Rt?1>::1 ·2 re-:L.ir~G t,J 3.:ihat~ a 1::ara :<3!:>: C L.:st,)::wr annt; c!lD SEARCH TraF~ Mr. Justin Lagers PNW Holdings, LLC 9725 SE 36th St. Suite 214 Mercer Island, WA 98040 NORTHWEST TRAF"rtC EXPERTS 11410 NE 124th St.1 #590 Kirk!~ WA 98034 Phone: 425.522.'1118 Fax: 42~.522.4311 November 30, 2011 Re: Fieldbrook Apartments -City of Renton Addendum Letter to the Traffic Impact Analysis Dear Mr. Lagers: We are pleased to submit this addendum letter to the limited scope traffic impact analysis (TIA) for the proposed Fieldbrook Apartments dated November 14, 2011. The addendum addresses the increase from 161 to 163 apartment residential units. TRIP GENERATION The increase in trips generated by 163 units (from the original 161 units) during an average weekday and during the street traffic peak hours are shown in the following table: NET TRIP GENERATION INCREASE FROM 161 TO 163 UNITS Trips Trips Net Trip Time Period Trip Rate generated generated increase by 161 units by 163 units Average Weekday 6.65 1071 1084 13 (daily) AM Peak Hour 0.51 82 83 1 PM Peak Hour 0.62 100 101 1 LEVEL OF SERVICE The increase of 1 trip in the PM peak hour (due to the increase from 161 to 163 units) will not affect the level of service (LOS) at either of the study intersections for future conditions including project generated traffic. The intersections will operate at LOS C at the 1081h Ave. SE/SE 172nd St. intersection, and LOS B at the Benson Dr. S/1081 h Way SE intersection, and therefore meet the City of Renton intersection standards of LOS D or better. PNW Holdings, LLC Traff@% TRAFFIC MIT/GA TION The City of Renton requires a Transportation Mitigation Fee payment of $75 per new daily trip attributed to new development. The 163 units of the Field brook Apartments are estimated to generate 1084 trips per day. The estimated Transportation Mitigation Fee is $81,300 (1084 daily trips X $75 per daily trip). SUMMARY The increase in the number of units from 161 to 163 for the Fieldbrook Apartments project will result in a net increase of 1 PM peak hour trip that will not affect the previously calculated LOS at either of the study intersections as shown in the original TIA. The increase in the number of units from 161 to 163 will increase the daily trips generated from 1071 to 1084 trips. The Transportation Mitigation Fee will therefore increase from $80,325 to $81,300. If you have any questions, please call 425-522-4118. You may also contact us via e-mail at vince@nwtraffex.com or larry@nwtraffex.com. Very truly yours, Vincent J. Geglia Principal TraffEx FIELDBROOK APARTMENTS LIMITED SCOPE TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS CITY OF RENTON Prepared for PNW Holdings, LLC 9725 SE 36th St Suite 214 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Prepared by C!ii!fEx TRAFFIC EXPERTS 11410 N.E. 1241h St., #590 Kirkland, Washington 98034 Telephone: 425.522.4118 Fax: 425.522.4311 November 14, 2011 I') 'I',\\' .,,,,. ' " ',, 'f \~ TraF/'jg';g Mr. Justin Lagers PNW Holdings, LLC 9725 SE 36th St. Suite 214 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Re: Field brook Apartments -City of Renton Limited Scope Traffic Impact Analysis Dear Mr. Lagers: NORTHWEST TRAFFIC EXPERTS 11410 NE 124th St., #590 Kir~and. WA 98034 Phone: 425.522.4118 Fax: 425.5224311 November 14, 2011 We are pleased to submit this limited scope traffic impact analysis (TIA) for the proposed Fieldbrook Apartments consisting of 161 apartment residential units. The proposed project is located on SE 172nd St. and east of 1081h Ave. SE in the City of Renton. Access to the site is via proposed driveways to SE 172nd Street. The limited scope TIA has been prepared at the request of City of Renton staff for an analysis of the 1081h Ave SE/SE 172nd St. SE and the Benson Dr. S /108 1h Way SE intersections. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of the site and the surrounding major street network. Figure 2 is the preliminary site plan of the proposed 161 unit apartment complex. Vehicle access is provided by four driveway connections to SE 172nd Street. Three of the driveways intersect with a traffic circle to be constructed at the east end of SE 172nd Street. The anticipated horizon year for development is 2013. TRIP GENERATION The 161 units in the proposed Fieldbrook Apartments are expected to generate the vehicular trips during an average weekday and during the street traffic peak hours as shown in the following table: PNW Holdings, LLC Page 3 Traff@J% TRIP GENERATION FOR 161 UNIT FIELDBROOK APARTMENTS Time Period Trip Rate Trips Trips Total Entering Exiting 536 536 Average Weekday 6.65 1071 50% 50% AM Peak Hour 0.51 16 66 82 20% 80% PM Peak Hour 0.62 65 35 100 65% 35% A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (exiting or entering) inside the study site. The trip generation is calculated using the average trip rates in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation. Eighth Edition, for Apartment (ITE Land Use Code 220). These trip generation values account for all site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including resident, visitor, and service and delivery vehicle trips. TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT Figure 3 shows the PM peak hour site generated traffic volumes and distribution for the Field brook Apartments project. The trip distribution is based on existing traffic volume count patterns, the characteristics of the street network, the location of likely trip origins and destinations (employment, shopping, social and recreational opportunities), expected travel times and previous traffic studies. EXISTING PHYSICAL CONDITIONS Street Facilities Figure 4 shows the number of lanes and traffic control at the study intersections. The 1 oath Ave SE/SE 172"d St. is stop sign controlled. The Benson Dr. S/1 oath Way SE intersection is signalized. PNW Holdings, LLC Page 4 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Traffic Volumes TraH/gj;f Figure 5 shows the existing PM peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersection. PM peak hour traffic volume turning movement counts were conducted on November 10, 2011 at the study intersections and are included in the technical appendix. Level of Service Analysis LOS is a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic flow, and the perception of these conditions by drivers or passengers. These conditions include factors such as speed, delay, travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort, convenience, and safety. Levels of service are given letter designations, from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions (free flow, little delay) and LOS F the worst (congestion, long delays). Generally, LOS A and B are high, LOS C and Dare moderate and LOS E and F are low. Table 1 shows calculated levels of service (LOS) for existing and future conditions at the study intersection. The LOS's were calculated using the procedures in the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual 2000. The LOS shown indicates overall intersection operation. At intersections, LOS is determined by the calculated average control delay per vehicle. The LOS and corresponding average control delay in seconds are as follows: TYPE OF A B C D E INTERSECTION Signalized < >10.0 and >20.0 and >35.0 and >55.0 and - 10.0 ~20.0 ~35.0 ~55.0 ~80.0 Stop Sign ~10. >10 and ~15 >15 and ~25 >25 and <35 >35 and ~50 Control 0 LOS calculation worksheets are included in the technical appendix. The study intersections are calculated to operate at an acceptable LOS for existing and future conditions per City of Renton standards. F >80. 0 >50 PNW Holdings, LLC Page 5 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITHOUT THE PROJECT TraHm'l:f Figure 5 shows projected future PM peak hour traffic volumes without the project. These volumes include the existing traffic volumes, plus background traffic growth, plus pipeline project volumes from the Springbrook Ridge development. Traffic count records show little growth or no growth in traffic volumes in the vicinity of the project site. An annual growth factor of 1 % per year was assumed which should result in a conservative analysis. A 1 % per year growth factor over a two year period (totaling 2%) was added to 2011 existing traffic volumes. In addition to the growth factor, trips generated by the nearby pipeline project Springbrook Ridge development were added to future volumes. Springbrook Ridge consists of 97 apartments, 17,800 sf of office space and 8,900 sf of shopping center space and is located on the northwest corner of Benson Dr. S/1081h Way SE intersection. Trip generation was obtained from the Springbrook Ridge TIA and is shown in Figure 5. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT Figure 5 shows the projected future PM peak hour traffic volumes with the proposed project. The site generated PM peak hour traffic volumes were added to the 2013 future (without project) traffic volumes. Table 1 shows that the PM peak hour calculated LOS for future conditions with and without the project meet the City of Renton intersection standards of LOS D or better. TRAFFIC MIT/GA TION TRAFFIC MIT/GA TION REQUIREMENTS The City of Renton requires a Transportation Mitigation Fee payment of $75 per new daily trip attributed to new development. The 161 units of the Fieldbrook Apartments are estimated to generate 1071 trips per day. The estimated Transportation Mitigation Fee is $80,325 (1071 daily trips X $75 per daily trip). Construct frontage improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalk on 172"d St. SE to City of Renton Standards. Construct site access driveways as shown on the site plan. PNW Holdings, LLC Page 6 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Traff&'J:! We recommend that the Fieldbrook Apartments be constructed as shown on the site plan with the following traffic impact mitigation measures: • Construct frontage improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalk on 172"d St. SE to City of Renton Standards. • Contribute the estimated Transportation Mitigation fee of approximately $80,325 to City of Renton. No other traffic mitigation should be necessary. If you have any questions, please call 425-522-4118. You may also contact us via e-mail at vince@nwtraffex.com or larry@nwtraffex.com. Very truly yours, Vincent J. Geglia Principal TraffEx EXPIRES: 9/15'12 Larry D. Hobbs, P.E. Principal TraffEx PNW Holdings, LLC Page 7 INTERSECTION 108'" Ave. SE/ SE 172"d St. Benson Dr. S/ 1081h Way SE Traff[g;:{ TABLE 1 PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY EXISTING FUTURE WITHOUT FUTURE WITH 2011 PROJECT 2013 PROJECT 2013 C 16.8 WB C 19.8WB C 18.8WB A 9.2 B 10.3 B 10.1 XX Number shown is the average control delay in seconds per vehicle for the minor approach for unsignalized intersections, which determines the LOS for intersections per the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual 2000 A Indicates calculated level of service WB (westbound) Indicates direction of the minor approach for unsignalized intersections H "' S J6•n.s• ~ ·, ;; " S-2<t1·1jl I~ · Me-d1-=.al 'Jr;ter td81 " " 11 Pl ;J1 :I '/.: ho '1/rn 9-t • q "' ~ 5E lt'it'iH" b-1 0 ~ r ., '" '" ~ '!:!:i!l!E:it· TRAFFIC EXPERTS sr ij ! $1--~,:--it> ~i 0 ,,. S :J,J'\r' Pl ,. f 1_c~·r.i=i ~· * Project Site Cc d.ir ;,~," 5 '<, ~ f ., ; u:,, s~CnrT'Rd S·in·-1 ,. ':=i l'!T'r~ Cf. ' ~ 4'o '!', ,f <,I,,, SCaf1'r2-b ,-r• t <. ~ l 1": ;:-,,d !,.le-~,,, J,:\lllc:itcr~ . ~ ~ .., ·.,-; sf ~BO!h SI !j t Fieldbrook Vicinity Map .SE Can Rd SE H~th $t SE 1 ~Sth ::<1 .. ~ Figure 1 Field brook Site Plan Figure 2 .. , ' .- '" T PM Peak Hour Project Vol um es 65 Enter 35 Exit 100 Total SE T7'2rHl SI 10°/o ® 45°/o Project Site ,-,~,_.,-, 1 Oo/o c:eo,, ~:'.;} (j:>E m,, s, Ced,l.-Ave S :S f~111 ~ ('_ . P, ,I, , ~ 1,0 11,-···,:1 C,i-r11e, t.1 _:· /! Sf 17-ltnsi Project Generated Traffic Volumes 0 0 gj 0 ~' ' '~ 16 7-CD-3 o~,,,r1s 0 0 C> N 108th A..tSE 172nd St 0 <O I I. 4 @~ I r r 12 0 M N en son Dr.,,, 1 uom vvy I•. '. ·~ SE 173rtj S~ 1,1b[11_, Legend 15% Percentage of P!Dject Traff~ -PM Peak -15 Peak Hour Volume and Directk>n Field brook PM Peak Hour Site Generated Volumes and Distribution Figure 3 ,,·,•,l_,i, SE 17.Zn.c SE I ":t , .. -.-..• , Hl @ tr Signal Field brook Existing Conditons Project Site Ceder Ave 8 S I'-:"'' SE 173rd s, '.''111:~,j/O 11'11 ...... .,~ ... Signal 10::cn Legend Lane Use and Direction Signalized intersection Stop Sgn Control Figure 4 Existing Traffic Volumes 0 N ~ N 32 l I ' 0 a~ CD ~a 34"'"1trr4 .... ~ "' "" ~ 1081h A\ISE 172nd SI Benson Dr S/108th Wy SE 172r,d Si (510) :,'.fJ. Project Generated Traffic Volumes O> 0 0 N 0 l I ' 16 1~CD~3 o~ ... I rr16 0 0 O> N 108th A\ISE 172nd SI 0 ~ I I. 4 @'" I f' r 12 0 ~ Dt;:11SOO ur .,, IVOlll vvy Springbrook Ridge Pipeline Project Volumes 108th A"SE 172nd SI 0 0 00 i .. \. 2 (Do t , r 37 0 00 ~ N Benson Dr S/1 uDLh Wy PM Peak Hour Project Volumes 65 Enler 35 Exit 100 Tota Fieldbrook Project Site Cedar Ave 5 s c,:: SE l~""d St Future Without Project Traffic Volumes 00 N~N ; I I. 33., r:i\ '-0 o-\.!;-o ~ r 64 ' ' ' 4 108th Al/SE 172nd SI Benson Dr S110Bth Wy Future With Project Traffic Volumes 1081h A"SE 172nd SI Beison ors1,oet11 wy Legend 15% Percentage of Project Traffic-FM Peak -15 Peak Holl" Volume aoo DirecOOn PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes at Study Intersections Figure 5 TECHNICAL APPENDIX I! Prepared for TraflEx Traffic Count Consultants, inc. Phone: 1253 J '126-6009 FAX: t2~3J 922-721 l J...Ma,I Teaml;!irC2mc.com Wl:IE/UHE Intersection: I 08th A,·e SE & Benson Dr S Date of Count: Thurs J l/10/2011 Location: R~nlun, Wa,;hmgton Checked By: le~ T,me From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on {WB) From WHt on (EB) lnterva Interval lOKth Ave SE 0 Benson Dr S f'ndm" at T L s R T L s R T l s 4.15 P 0 S6 0 s 0 0 0 0 4 0 "' 4:30 P I "' 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 147 4:45 P ) 80 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 164 :i.oo P I 64 0 6 o. 0 0 0 I 0 145 5:15 P 2 79 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO 5 30 P I "2 0 7 0 0 0 0 I 0 141 5:45 P 0 " 0 s 0 0 0 0 2 0 168 6 ()() I' 0 70 0 8 0 0 0 0 2 0 144 6:15 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,:30 r 0 0 0 0 " " 0 0 0 0 0 6:45 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.00 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Survey 8 566 0 41 0 0 0 0 lJ 0 1186 Peal Hour: 4:15 PM " 5:15PM Tola.I , I 303 I 0 16 o I 0 0 0 4 0 606 Appruach '" 0 872 %UV 2.2% ,,. 0.5% PHF ~ I! N f Benson Dr S 108th Ave SE L2!Ur~. 1---, I! I Bike ----'"""'"-'"'-aa..--....JLI-"' "_JI = Q--_lred Im I ,,,[o I B1ke: a : I l82':I ~ L!.:~_I 4:15 PM " 5:15 PM "~ ,\cron N s E w INT01 l l INTO 0 INTO 2 1 INTO, 0 INTO 0 INT al 2 2 INT 0 0 Bi~IHFrom: N I s I E I w INT 06 l l INT 01 I INT Q9 0 INT 02 INT 10 0 INT 03 INT 11 0 INT 04 INT 12 0 INT 05 "' " • INT 06 Snecial Noles INT 07 INT 08 INT 0~ INT 10 INT 11 lhT 12 ll ,1 ol Benson Dr S Total " T L s R 67 6 2l 294 0 '70 77 " ,, 291 0 603 56 5 9 290 0 604 67 IO ll 289 0 S"3 66 7 14 296 0 608 89 ' lJ 25K 0 580 69 ) 12 281 0 S94 72 2 9 258 0 56i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 563 45 96 2257 0 4709 I 2(,(, 30 41 I l 166 0 2398 1207 23Y8 25% 1.7% 0.99 Benson Dr S o :Bike ["2JPcd ~ I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll 0 0 0 0 0 I l.2!!2...J J O PHF Peak Hmw Volume PHF %HV EB 2.5% Check WB OS% ID: 2398 NB ma Out: 2398 SB 22% T Int. 0.99 l.7°-·0 lcand1t10ns I TRA11100M 01p Prepared for· TraffEx Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phune; (253) 926-6009 fAX· t25~)922-721 I E-Mail· Team@TC2inc.com \:VREIDBE Intersection: 108th Ave SE & St: 172nd St Date of Count: J'hurs llil0l2011 Location: Renton. Washingmn Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WBJ From West on (EB} Interval Interval 108th Ave SE 108th Ave SE Ending at T L s R T L s R T 4:15 P 0 I 52 0 2 ' 74 I 0 4:30 P 2 I 6" 4 0 7 71 2 I 4:45 P I I 69 7 0 7 58 2 0 5:00 P I 0 71 6 0 8 62 I 0 5:IS P 0 0 68 3 0 10 70 I 0 5:30 P 2 I n < u 12 RI I 0 5:45 P 0 I 49 3 0 9 74 I 0 6:00 P ll ll 74 4 I 6 74 I u 6:15 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:30 P 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 ll 6:45 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:00 P 0 0 0 u 0 0 u 0 0 Tomi Survey 6 5 SD 32 J 68 564 10 I Peak Hour. 4:30PM " Total 4 2 I 2so I 21 0 i, I 271 5 u Approach 303 JI] %HV '" "" PHF 108th Ave SE I 606 I SE 172nd St " 2so I 2 -- I " I Pe<l 0 Bike: 0 12,1 12 1~1 I , i--;-4:30PM rn PED, ' s E w Aeru .. : Ped 5 ~ " INT 01 I I Bike~--'---' INT 02 ) ) INT 0~ 2 2 ' INT 04 3 I 4 INTO!: I I I 631 INT 06 I 2 3 108th Ave SE INT 07 0 Bleyc:les From: N 5 INT 08 0 INT 01 INT 09 0 INT 02 INT 10 u INT 03 INT 11 u INT04 I I INT 12 u INT 05 " 01 0 16 INT06 Snecial Notes INT07 INT oa INT 09 INT 10 INT 11 INT 12 I 11 SE 172nd St L s 0 0 0 ll 2 0 ll 0 0 0 2 0 I 0 0 ll 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 5 0 5:30PM 4 I 0 4 "'' 5:30 PM m E w ol SE 172nd St Total R T L s R I 0 4 0 7 149 2 0 2 0 II 168 0 I 5 0 10 161 0 I II 0 5 '"' 0 I 3 0 7 162 0 u 13 0 12 199 I 0 8 0 ' 152 I u 6 0 6 l 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 u 0 . 5 3 52 u 6J 1327 I 0 J J2 o I J4 68(, 66 686 4.5% 1.0% U.86 SE 172nd St I 111 :_~ __ :Bike --"~''" ~ l.OPHF Peak Hour Vo/um<' PHF %HV EB 4.5% Che~k WB "' In: 686 ,B o/a Out: 686 SB 1.3% T Int. 0.!16 1.0% lc:onditions: I 0 0 u 2 II u 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 2 Fieldbrook 3: 108th & Benson Movement Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (eerm) Peak-hour factor, PHF Adj. Flow (vph) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane Graue Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated g/C Ratio Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s) Lane Grp Cap (vph) vis Ratio Prat vis Ratio Perm vie Ratio Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS lrterseclon &lnn1111y HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated Cycle Length ( s) Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) C Critical Lane Group Existing PM Peak TraffEx f ' WBL WBR 'I .,, 303 16 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.95 1.00 1770 1583 0.95 1.00 1770 1583 0.92 0.92 329 17 0 12 329 5 Perm 8 8 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 0.31 0.31 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 549 491 c0.19 0.00 0.60 0.01 11.2 9.2 1.00 1.00 1.8 0.0 13.0 9.2 B A 12.8 B t I" NBT NBR tf. 606 266 1900 1900 4.0 0.95 0.95 1.00 3377 1.00 3377 0.92 0.92 659 289 107 0 841 0 2 18.5 18.5 0.48 4.0 3.0 1627 0.25 0.52 6.9 1.00 0.3 7.1 A 7.1 A 9.2 0.69 38.4 55.7% 15 ..... + SBL SBT 'I ++ 41 1166 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1770 3539 0.24 1.00 452 3539 0.92 0.92 45 1267 0 0 45 1267 Perm 6 6 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 0.48 0.48 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 218 1705 c0.36 0.10 0.21 0.74 5.7 8.0 1.00 1.00 0.5 1.8 6.2 9.8 A A 9.7 A HCM Level of Service Sum of lost time (s) ICU Level of Service A 8.0 B 11/14/2011 Synchro 7 -Report Page 1 Fieldbrook 7: 172nd & 108th Movement Lane Configurations Volume (vehlh) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (IVs) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC 1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) pO queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction. Lane# Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS lnlelsdon Sllnmary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) Existing PM Peak TraffEx .,> EBL 32 0.92 35 698 698 7.1 3.5 90 346 EB1 72 35 37 473 0.15 13 14.0 B 14.0 B -• EBT EBR 4o 0 34 Stop 0% 0.92 0.92 0 37 701 316 701 316 6.5 6.2 4.0 3.3 100 95 351 725 WB1 NB1 4 340 4 40 0 5 310 1232 0.01 0.03 1 3 16.8 1.2 C A 16.8 1.2 C 2.0 46.2% 15 ,(" -'- WBL WBT WBR 4o 4 0 0 Stop 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 4 0 0 735 709 297 735 709 297 7.1 6.5 6.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 99 100 100 310 347 742 SB1 329 2 23 1261 0.00 0 0.1 A 0.1 ICU Level of Service ~ t I" NBL NBT NBR 4o 37 271 5 Free 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 40 295 5 None 327 327 4.1 2.2 97 1232 A 11/1412011 \. + .,, SBL SBT SBR 4o 2 280 21 Free 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 2 304 23 None 300 300 4.1 2.2 100 1261 Synchro 7 -Report Page 2 Field brook 3: 108th & Benson Movement Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Said. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (eerm) Peak-hour factor, PHF Adj. Flow (vph) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane Graue Flow (~h) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated giC Ratio Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s) Lane Grp Cap (vph) vis Ratio Prat vis Ratio Perm vie Ratio Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS lmersacloo Summary HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated Cycle Length ( s) Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) C Critical Lane Group Future Without Proj PM Peak TraffEx -(" ' WBL WBR "'i 7' 346 18 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.95 1.00 1770 1583 0.95 1.00 1770 1583 0.92 0.92 376 20 0 13 376 7 Perm 8 8 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 0.33 0.33 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 582 521 o0.21 0.00 0.65 0.01 10.9 8.6 1.00 1.00 2.5 0.0 13.3 8.6 B A 13.1 B t ~ NBT NBR tt- 626 292 1900 1900 4.0 0.95 0.95 1.00 3370 1.00 3370 0.92 0.92 680 317 124 0 873 0 2 17.5 17.5 0.46 4.0 3.0 1552 0.26 0.56 7.5 1.00 0.5 7.9 A 7.9 A 10.3 0.73 38.0 59.1% 15 '.. l SBL SBT "'i tt 50 1189 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1770 3539 0.23 1.00 426 3539 0.92 0.92 54 1292 0 0 54 1292 Perm 6 6 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 0.46 0.46 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 196 1630 c0.37 0.13 0.28 0.79 6.3 8.7 1.00 1.00 0.8 2.7 7.1 11.4 A B 11.3 B HCM Level of Service Sum of lost time (s) ICU Level of Service B 8.0 B 1111612011 Synchro 7 -Report Page 1 Fieldbrook 7: 172nd & 108th Movement Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, oonflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 oonf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) IC, 2 stage (s) IF (s) pO queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS lnlelsedlon Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) Future Without Proj PM Peak TraffEx .,> -.. EBL EBT EBR 4> 33 0 64 Stop 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 36 0 70 766 769 324 766 769 324 7.1 6.5 6.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 88 100 90 306 313 717 EB1 WB1 NB1 105 4 374 36 4 66 70 0 5 492 248 1223 0.21 0.02 0.05 20 1 4 14.3 19.8 1.9 B C A 14.3 19.8 1.9 B C 2.8 50.0% 15 f -' .... WBL WBT WBR NBL 4> 4 0 0 61 Stop 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 4 0 0 66 836 778 305 336 836 778 305 336 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 98 100 100 95 248 309 735 1223 SB1 338 2 23 1253 0.00 0 0.1 A 0.1 ICU Level of Service t !' NBT NBR 4> 278 5 Free 0% 0.92 0.92 302 5 None A 11/16/2011 '.. ! ~ SBL SBT SBR 4> 2 288 21 Free 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 2 313 23 None 308 308 4.1 2.2 100 1253 Synchro 7 -Report Page 2 Fieldbrook 3: 108th & Benson Movement Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Said. Flow (eenm) Peak-hour factor, PHF Adj. Flow (vph) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane Graue Flow (veh) Tum Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated giC Ratio Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s) Lane Grp Cap (vph) vis Ratio Prot vis Ratio Penm vie Ratio Unifonm Delay, d1 Progression Factor Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS lntersecbl 5ummarv HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated Cycle Length ( s) Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) C Critical Lane Group Future With Proj PM Peak TraffEx (" ' WBL WBR "I .,, 358 22 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.95 1.00 1770 1583 0.95 1.00 1770 1583 0.92 0.92 389 24 0 17 389 7 Perm 8 8 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 0.31 0.31 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 550 492 c0.22 0.00 0.71 0.02 13.6 10.7 1.00 1.00 4.1 0.0 17.7 10.7 B B 17.3 B t I' NBT NBR tf. 626 315 1900 1900 4.0 0.95 0.95 1.00 3362 1.00 3362 0.92 0.92 680 342 123 0 899 0 2 22.8 22.8 0.51 4.0 3.0 1715 0.27 0.52 7.3 1.00 0.3 7.6 A 7.6 A 10.1 0.71 44.7 60.6% 15 \. + SBL SBT 'I tt 56 1189 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1770 3539 0.21 1.00 400 3539 0.92 0.92 61 1292 0 0 61 1292 Perm 6 6 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 0.51 0.51 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 204 1805 c0.37 0.15 0.30 0.72 6.3 8.4 1.00 1.00 0.8 1.4 7.2 9.8 A A 9.7 A HCM Level of Service Sum of lost time (s) ICU Level of Service B 8.0 B 11i16i2011 Synchro 7 -Report Page 1 Field brook 7: 172nd & 108th Movement Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right tum flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC 1, stage 1 con! vol vC2, stage 2 con! vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) pO queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS lnlerseclion SummaJy Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) Future With Proj PM Peak TraffEx .,} EBL 33 0.92 36 864 864 7.1 3.5 86 249 EB1 113 36 70 420 0.27 27 16.7 C 16.7 C -l' f EBT EBR WBL 4o 7 64 20 Stop 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 8 70 22 864 324 918 864 324 918 6.5 6.2 7.1 4.0 3.3 3.5 97 90 90 269 717 209 WB1 NB1 SB1 42 405 370 22 66 34 17 37 23 302 1223 1220 0.14 0.05 0.03 12 4 2 18.8 1.8 1.0 C A A 18.8 1.8 1.0 C 4.1 45.9% 15 -' ..., t WBT WBR NBL NBT 4o 4o 3 16 61 278 Stop Free 0% 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 3 17 66 302 None 857 321 336 857 321 336 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.0 3.3 2.2 99 98 95 271 720 1223 ICU Level of Service ~ NBR 34 0.92 37 A 11/16/2011 '-. * ..; SBL SBT SBR 4o 31 288 21 Free 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 34 313 23 None 339 339 4.1 2.2 97 1220 Synchro 7 -Report Page2 PREPARED FOR PNW HOLDINGS, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 ~~· ~;J .~tts~1Z?. Senior Project Geologist Kyle R. Campbell, P.E. Principal REVISED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED FIELDBROOK COMMONS RESIDENTIAL PLAT SOUTHEAST 172ND STREET RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-2089 Earth Solutions NW, LLC 1805 -1361h Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 Toll Free: 866-336-8710 October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 ES-2089 PNW Holdings, LLC c/o American Classic Homes 9725 Southeast 36th Street, Suite 214 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Attention: Mr. Justin Lagers Dear Mr. Lagers: Earth Solutions NW LLC • Ccutechniccll Engineering • C:onstnJCtion Munitoring • Environir1entc1[ S<:i('nn_", Earth Solutions NW, LLC (ESNW) is pleased to present this report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Proposed Fieldbrook Commons Residential Plat, 172nd Avenue Southeast, Renton, Washington". In general, the site is underlain native soils consisting primarily of firm sandy glacial till deposits with two exceptions. Loose organic fill is present in the western portion o the site and fill containing coal debris is present in the eastern margins of the development envelope. In our opinion, the proposed residential buildings can be supported on conventional continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils, re- compacted native soils, or structural fill. Competent soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of between one to three feet below existing grades at most locations. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with a suitable structural fill material will be necessary. The fill present within foundation areas should be removed and replaced with structural fill. Groundwater seepage was not observed at the majority of test pit locations except within areas of fill. However, in our opinion, perched seepage should be expected during grading activities. Recommendations for foundation design, site preparation, drainage, and other pertinent recommendations are provided in this study. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have questions regarding the content of this geotechnical engineering study, please call. Sincerely, EARTH SOLUTIONS NW, LLC 180S -BGlh Pl,in' N.E., Suite 201 • F:ll'll('VLJ<'. \/v'A. ()[l/1()::; • (42'1) ,filfJ-4704 • FAX (42.:;; 449-471"1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ES-2089 PAGE INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1 General ... ... .. . . .. . .. ... . . . ... ... . .. .. . . .. .. .... .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... 1 Project Description... . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . 1 SITE CONDITIONS.................................................................. 2 Surface........................................................................ 2 Subsurface................................................................... 2 Fill..................................................................... 2 Topsoil............................................................... 3 Native Soil .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 3 Geologic Setting.................................................. 3 Groundwater................................................................. 3 Coal Mine Hazard Buffers..................................... 3 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................. 4 General........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Site Preparation and General Earthwork........................... 4 Wet Season Grading............................................. 5 In-situ Soils.................................................................... 5 Imported Soils............................................................... 6 Structural Fill................................................................. 6 Wetland Filling............................................. 6 Foundations .. . ... . .. ... ... ... . .. ... . .. .... .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . ... 6 Seismic Design Considerations...................................... 7 Slab-On-Grade Floors.................................... .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . 7 Retaining Walls............................................................ 8 Drainage................................................................................... 8 Infiltration............................................................ 8 Excavations and Slopes.......................................................... 9 Utility Trench Backfill.............. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... 9 Pavement Sections....................................................... 9 LIMITATIONS........................................................................ 10 Additional Services....................................................... 1 O Earth Solutions NW, LLC GRAPHICS PLATE 1 PLATE 2 PLATE 3 PLATE 4 APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B TABLE OF CONTENTS Cont'd ES-2089 VICINITY MAP TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL Subsurface Exploration Test Pit Logs Laboratory Test Results Earth Solutions NW, LLC GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED FIELDBROOK COMMONS RESIDENTIAL PLAT SOUTHEAST 172ND STREET RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-2089 INTRODUCTION General This geotechnical engineering study was prepared for the proposed residential development to be constructed north of Southeast 172"d Street in Renton, Washington. The purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions across the site and develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed development. Our scope of services for completing this geotechnical engineering study included the following: • Conducting subsurface explorations within accessible portions of the development envelope; • Laboratory testing of soil samples obtained from the subsurface exploration; • Engineering analyses, and; • Preparation of this report. The following documents/maps were reviewed as part of our report preparation: • Preliminary Site Plan prepared by Riebe & Associates, Inc. dated September 8, 2011; • City of Renton ERC Report, dated June 23, 2008 for project LUAOB-034 SHPL-H, ECF; • Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, Minard 1965; • King County USDA Soil Conservation Survey (SCS); • Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. for Wagner Property, LLC dated October 11, 2006, and; • Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation Report, prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers for Gem Construction Inc. dated September 12, 2007. Project Description We understand the subject site will be developed with 13 two and three-story apartment buildings, a recreation facility, access roadways, and associated utility improvements. The remainder of the site will be developed with general landscaping, a storm water retention pond, and asphalt paved driveways. We anticipate the residential structures will be constructed near existing site grades using a slab-on-grade configuration. Grading activities will likely involve cuts and fills on the order of ten feet or less to establish the final design grades. Stormwater will be conveyed to a detention pond located in the eastern portion of the property, and a vault on the west side. PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 ES-2089 Page 2 Building construction is anticipated to consist of relatively lightly-loaded wood framing and slab- on-grade floors. Perimeter foundation loading is expected to range from approximately one to two kips per foot. Slab-on-grade loading is expected to be on the order of 150 psf. The proposed stormwater detention pond will likely consist of cut slopes on the west and fill berms on the east. If the above design assumptions are incorrect or change, ESNW should be contacted to review the recommendations in this report. ESNW should review the final design to confirm that our geotechnical recommendations have been incorporated into the plans. SITE CONDITIONS Surface The site is located in the northeastern corner of the intersection between 1081h Avenue Southeast and Southeast 172"d Street in Renton, Washington. The approximate location of the property is illustrated on Plate 1 (Vicinity Map) included in this study. The site is irregular in shape and consists of several adjoining tax parcels. The site is currently forested, except in the northwestern corner where a fire station and associated improvements are located, and a small shack in heavy disrepair is located in the north-central portion of the site. The site is bordered to the north by existing residential parcels, to the east by wetlands and open space, to the south by Southeast 172"d Street and to the west by 1081h Avenue Southeast. The existing site topography generally undulates between a high of about 436 feet to a low of about 420 feet with the majority of gradients less than about 25 percent. Vegetation consists primarily of forested areas. Subsurface An ESNW representative observed, logged and sampled seven test pits excavated using a backhoe and operator provided by the client. The approximate locations of the test pits are depicted on the Test Pit Location Plan (Plate 2). Please refer to the test pit logs provided in Appendix A for a more detailed description of the subsurface conditions. The southern parcel was acquired after the fieldwork conducted by ESNW. The soil conditions reported by others across that parcel and within the proposed development envelope consist primarily of firm native glacial till-type deposits. Fill Two areas of fill were encountered during our fieldwork; in the extreme east portion of the site, near an old coal mining area and along the west project frontage. Loose to medium dense silty sand with scattered coal tailing material (Unified Soil Classification SM) was encountered in the upper approximately six feet at test pit location TP-4. Along the western site frontage (TP-1, TP-6 and TP-7) about three to three and one-half feet of loose silty sand with gravel (SM) fill was overlying loose silty sand with gravel fill which contained abundant woody and organic debris and extended to depths of 12, 9.5 and 3 feet, respectively. Earth Solutions NW, LLC PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 Topsoil ES-2089 Page 3 Topsoil was encountered at all test pit locations extending to depths of between about four to eight inches. Topsoil is not suitable for use as structural fill nor should it be mixed with material to be used as structural fill. Topsoil or otherwise unsuitable material can be used in landscaping areas if desired. Native Soil In general, underlying the fill and topsoil, medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel (SM) was encountered extending to the maximum termination depth of about 13 feet below existing grades. Isolated sand layers (SP-SM) were encountered at some test pit locations. At test pit location TP-4, underlying the fill, stiff silt (ML-MH) and hard clay (CL) was encountered extending to the termination depth of 12 feet. This location is relatively close to a mapped wetland and may represent old wetland deposits. Geologic Setting The referenced geologic map resource identifies glacial till (Qgt) deposits across the site and surrounding areas. The referenced SCS soil survey identifies Alderwood series soils across the entirety of the site. Alderwood soils formed in glacial till and typically present a slight to moderate erosion hazard and slow to medium runoff. The soil conditions observed at the test pit locations are generally consistent with glacial till deposits. Groundwater Perched groundwater was observed within the fill zones at several test pit locations during the fieldwork (June 2011. Perched seepage should be anticipated in general site excavations. Groundwater seepage rates and elevations fluctuate depending on many factors, including precipitation duration and intensity, the time of year, and soil conditions. In general, groundwater flow rates are higher during the wetter, winter months. Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation The referenced ERC report provides a review of the coal mine hazard evaluations prepared by others for the newly acquired site to the south of Southeast 172nd Street. ESNW reviewed the report and are in general agreement with the evaluation and setback recommendations. A moderate coal mine hazard and associated setback has been delineated. Based on the evaluation provided in the referenced geotechnical report, the recommended setback has been delineated on the Test Pit Location Plan (Plate 2) of this report. Earth Solutions NW, LLC PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General ES-2089 Page4 In our opinion, construction of the proposed residential development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The proposed residential buildings can be supported on conventional continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils, re-compacted native soils, or structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors should be supported on dense native soil or structural fill. Competent soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of between one to three feet below existing grades. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with a suitable structural fill material will be necessary. Organic fill, such as the material present within the eastern and western project envelope should be removed and replaced with structural fill. Recommendations for foundation design, site preparation, drainage, and other pertinent geotechnical recommendations are provided in the following sections of this study. This study has been prepared for the exclusive use of PNW Holdings, LLC and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This study has been prepared in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. Site Preparation and Earthwork Site preparation activities will involve removal of existing structures, site clearing and stripping, and implementation of temporary erosion control measures. The primary geotechnical considerations associated with site preparation activities include building pad subgrade preparation, underground utility installations, and preparation of pavement subgrade areas. Temporary construction entrances and drive lanes, consisting of at least 12 inches of quarry spalls can be considered in order to minimize off-site soil tracking and to provide a stable access entrance surface. Erosion control measures should consist of silt fencing placed along the down gradient side of the site. Soil stockpiles should be covered or otherwise protected to reduce soil erosion. Temporary sedimentation ponds or other approaches for controlling surface water runoff should be in place prior to beginning earthwork activities. Topsoil and organic-rich soil was encountered generally within the upper approximately four to eight inches at the test pit locations. Topsoil and organic-rich soil is not suitable for foundation support, nor is it suitable for use as structural fill. Topsoil or organic-rich soil can be used in non-structural areas if desired. Over-stripping of the site, however, should be avoided. A representative of ESNW should observe the initial stripping operations, to provide recommendations for stripping depths based on the soil conditions exposed during stripping. Earth Solutions NW, LLC PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 ES-2089 Page 5 Subgrade conditions expected to be exposed throughout the proposed building and pavement areas will likely be comprised of silty sand deposits, except in the area of Building A where loose organic fill was encountered and portions of Building M, where fill and/or silt and clay deposits were encountered. Loose organic or otherwise unsuitable material should be removed from foundation areas and replaced with structural fill. After the completion of site stripping and rough grading activities ESNW recommends a proofroll utilizing a fully loaded solo dump truck in order to determine the suitability of the exposed native soils for support of foundations and roadways. ESNW should be retained during this phase of earthwork to observe the proofroll and other earthwork activities. The soils exposed throughout subgrade areas should be compacted to structural fill specifications prior to constructing the foundation, slab, and pavement elements. The subgrade throughout pavement areas should be compacted as necessary and exhibit a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to the proofrolling with a loaded solo dump truck. Structural fill soils placed throughout foundation, slab, and pavement areas should be placed over a firm base. Loose or otherwise unsuitable areas of native soil exposed at subgrade elevations should be compacted to structural fill requirements or overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Where structural fill soils are used to construct foundation subgrade areas, the soil should be compacted to the requirements of structural fill described in the following section. Foundation subgrade areas should be protected from disturbance, construction traffic, and excessive moisture. Where instability develops below structural fill areas, use of a woven geotextile below the structural fill areas may be required. A representative of ESNW should observe structural fill placement in foundation, slab, and pavement areas. Wet Season Grading The high moisture sensitivity of the site soils expected to be exposed during excavations will make grading during periods of rain and/or snow difficult or impossible. Mass grading should take place during the late summer months when conditions are more favorable. If grading takes place during the wetter winter or spring months, a contingency in the project budget should be included to allow for export of native soil and import of structural fill as described below. In-situ Soils The soils encountered throughout the majority of the test sites have a high sensitivity to moisture and were generally in a moist condition at the time of the exploration (June 2011 ). In general, soils encountered during site excavations that are excessively over the optimum moisture content will require moisture conditioning (aeration) prior to placement and compaction. Conversely, soils that are below the optimum moisture content will require moisture conditioning through the addition of water prior to use as structural fill. If the in-situ soils are determined to not be suitable for use as structural fill, then use of a suitable imported soil may be necessary. Earth Solutions NW, LLC PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 Imported Soils ES-2089 Page 6 Imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well graded granular soil with a moisture content that is at or near the optimum level. During wet weather conditions, imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well graded granular soil with a fines content of 5 percent or less defined as the percent passing the #200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter inch fraction. Structural Fill Structural fill is defined as compacted soil placed in foundation, slab-on-grade, and roadway areas. Fills placed to construct permanent slopes and throughout retaining wall and utility trench backfill areas are also considered structural fill. Soils placed in structural areas should be placed in loose lifts of 12 inches or less and compacted to a relative density of 90 percent, based on the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Method (ASTM D-1557). Soil placed in the upper 12 inches of slab-on-grade, utility trench, and pavement areas should be compacted to a relative compaction of at least 95 percent. Additionally, more stringent compaction specifications may be required for utility trench backfill zones, depending on the responsible utility district or jurisdiction. Wetland Filling Due to the undulating relief across the site, several small, unregulated wetland areas will be filled and/or mitigated. These areas were not explored during our fieldwork. In general, organic or otherwise deleterious material should be removed prior to placement of structural fill in these areas. ESNW should be on-site to observe conditions in the wetland mitigation areas to provide recommendations for grading. Foundations Based on the results of our study, the proposed residential structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on competent native soils, re-compacted native soils, or structural fill. Based on the soil conditions encountered at the test sites, competent native soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of between two to four feet below existing grades; except buildings A and M. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with structural fill, may be necessary. The location of building A is underlain by loose, organic fill up to about 12 feet deep. Building M is underlain by about six feet of silt fill overlying firm clay deposits. Existing fill located beneath buildings must be removed and replaced with structural fill. If subgrade conditions warrant, a woven geotextile fabric should be placed at the subgrade prior to placement of structural fill. Conditions should be observed by ESNW during construction. Earth Solutions NW, LLC PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 ES-2089 Page 7 Provided foundations will be supported as described above, the following parameters can be used for design of new foundations: • Allowable soil bearing capacity • Passive earth pressure • Coefficient of friction 2,500 psf 350 pcf (equivalent fluid) 0.4 A one-third increase in the allowable soil bearing capacity can assumed for short-term wind and seismic loading conditions. The above passive pressure and friction values include a factor-of- safety of 1.5. With structural loading as expected, total settlement in the range of one inch and differential settlement of about one-half inch is anticipated. The majority of the settlements should occur during construction, as dead loads are applied. Seismic Design Considerations The 2009 International Building Code specifies several soil profiles that are used as a basis for seismic design of structures. Based on the soil conditions observed at the test sites, Site Class C, from table 1613.5.2, should be used for design. In our opinion, the site is not susceptible to liquefaction based on the relative density of the native soils and the lack of a shallow groundwater table. Slab-On-Grade Floors Slab-on-grade floors for residential buildings constructed at this site should be supported on a firm and unyielding subgrade. Where feasible, the existing native soils exposed at the slab-on- grade subgrade level can be compacted in place to the specifications of structural fill. Unstable or yielding areas of the subgrade should be recompacted or overexcavated and replaced with suitable structural fill prior to construction of the slab. A capillary break consisting of a minimum of four inches of free draining crushed rock or gravel should be placed below the slab. The free draining material should have a fines content of 5 percent or less (percent passing the #200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter inch fraction). In areas where slab moisture is undesirable, installation of a vapor barrier below the slab should be considered. If a vapor barrier is to be utilized it should be a material specifically designed for use as a vapor barrier and should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Earth Solutions NW, LLC I PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 Retaining Walls ES-2089 Page 8 Retaining walls must be designed to resist earth pressures and applicable surcharge loads. The following parameters can be used for retaining wall design: • Active earth pressure (yielding wall) • At-rest earth pressure (restrained wall) • Traffic surcharge for passenger vehicles (where applicable) • Passive resistance • Coefficient of friction • Seismic surcharge 35 pcf (equivalent fluid) 55 pcf 70 psf (rectangular distribution) 350 pcf (equivalent fluid) 0.4 6H (where H equals retained height) Additional surcharge loading from adjacent foundations, sloped backfill, or other loads should be included in the retaining wall design. Drainage should be provided behind retaining walls such that hydrostatic pressures do not develop. If drainage is not provided, hydrostatic pressures should be included in the wall design. Retaining walls should be backfilled with free draining material that extends along the height of the wall, and a distance of at least 18 inches behind the wall. The upper one foot of the wall backfill can consist of a less permeable soil, if desired. A perforated drain pipe should be placed along the base of the wall, and connected to an approved discharge location. A typical retaining wall drainage detail is provided on Plate 3. Drainage Perched groundwater should be anticipated in site excavations. Temporary measures to control surface water runoff and groundwater during construction would likely involve interceptor trenches and sumps. ESNW should be consulted during preliminary grading to identify areas of seepage and to provide recommendations to reduce the potential for instability related to seepage effects. In our opinion, foundation drains should be installed along building perimeter footings. A typical foundation drain detail is provided as Plate 4. Infiltration Based on the presence of glacial till (hardpan) deposits and perched groundwater, in our opinion infiltration on the site or individual slots is not feasible. Earth Solutions NW, LLC PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 Excavations and Slopes ES-2089 Page 9 The Federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) provide soil classification in terms of temporary slope inclinations. Based on the soil conditions encountered at the test pit locations, the weathered native soils encountered in the upper approximately four feet of the test pit locations and where fill and/or groundwater seepage is exposed are classified as Type C by OSHA/WISHA. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type C soils must be sloped no steeper than 1.5H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical). Medium dense to dense native soils encountered below about four feet and where no groundwater seepage is exposed would be classified as Type A by OSHA/WISHA. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type A soils must be sloped no steeper than 0.75H:1V. The presence of perched groundwater may cause caving of the temporary slopes due to hydrostatic pressure. ESNW should observe site excavations to confirm the soil type and allowable slope inclination are suitable for the exposed soil conditions. If the recommended temporary slope inclination cannot be achieved, temporary shoring may be necessary to support excavations. Permanent slopes should maintain a gradient of 2H:1V, or flatter, and should be planted with vegetation to enhance stability and to minimize erosion. A representative of ESNW should observe temporary and permanent slopes to confirm the slope inclinations, and to provide additional excavation and slope recommendations, as necessary. Utility Support and Trench Backfill In our opinion, the soils anticipated to be exposed in utility excavations should generally be suitable for support of utilities. Organic or highly compressible soils encountered in the trench excavations should not be used for supporting utilities. The native soils are moisture sensitive and will therefore be difficult to use as structural trench backfill if the moisture content of the soil is high. Moisture conditioning of the soils will likely be necessary prior to use as structural backfill. Utility trench backfill should be placed and compacted to the specifications of structural fill provided in this report, or to the applicable City of Renton specifications. Groundwater seepage should be anticipated within utility trench excavations. Caving of the trench sidewalls due to hydrostatic pressure may occur and temporary shoring may be necessary. Pavement Sections The performance of site pavements is largely related to the condition of the underlying subgrade. To provide adequate pavement performance, the subgrade should be in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling with a loaded dump truck. Structural fill in pavement areas should be compacted as recommended in the "Site Preparation and Earthwork" section of this report. It is possible that soft, wet, or otherwise unsuitable subgrade areas may still exist after base grading activities. Areas of unsuitable or yielding subgrade conditions will require remedial measures such as overexcavation, placement of a geotextile and thicker crushed rock or structural fill sections prior to pavement. Earth Solutions NW, LLC PNW Holdings, LLC October 31, 2011 Revised December 13, 2011 ES-2089 Page 10 For lightly loaded pavement areas subjected primarily to passenger vehicles, the following preliminary pavement sections can be considered: • Two inches of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) placed over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB), or; • Two inches of HMA placed over three inches of asphalt treated base (ATB). For relatively high volume, heavily loaded pavements subjected to moderate to high, loaded truck traffic, the following preliminary pavement sections can be considered: • Three inches of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) placed over six inches of crushed rock base (CRB), or; • Three inches of HMA placed over four and one half inches of asphalt treated base (ATB). The HMA, ATB and CRB materials should conform to WSDOT specifications. All soil base material should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Final pavement design recommendations can be provided once final traffic loading has been determined. If areas of seepage are exposed in roadway excavations, drains should be installed in these areas to allow removal of the water. Specific recommendations and details for roadway drainage can be provided upon request. LIMITATIONS The recommendations and conclusions provided in this geotechnical engineering study are professional opinions consistent with the level of care and skill that is typical of other members in the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. A warranty is not expressed or implied. Variations in the soil and groundwater conditions observed at the test locations may exist, and may not become evident until construction. ESNW should reevaluate the conclusions in this geotechnical engineering study if variations are encountered. Additional Services ESNW should have an opportunity to review the final design with respect to the geotechnical recommendations provided in this report. ESNW should also be retained to provide testing and consultation services during construction. Earth Solutions NW, LLC :< " I ,\,1c~.i"' A,· :C: .J Nae~.-., ~-: < ','. 5'/i 16t'i s,. SW 6Q~!~!G .01\GACP.t-~ INDUS"."RIAI "AR< 25 35 Reference: ~';'/ SLVD l'i_i 16TH~ 34!11 s· § > <t: S1/.' 2g'.~ S· 0 " St King County, Washington Map 656 By Thomas Brothers Maps Dated 2009 ~t ·,· %·\ NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. 2NC 'f ~f ,'( {3RD 5T > < Drwn. GLS Checked SSR S 6111 s: S: :-<· ,', '~" i'i,rns: " :::~.);;"'. ?:V'·-~ I\AT:l:t;'.L ZONE <;ii + 3th Vicinity Map Fieldbrook Commons King County, Washington S': ; 5;·:· " Date 09/15/2011 Proj. No. 2089 Date Sept. 2011 Plate LLi :.ri ~ ::J z CJ..J ~ .,... 00 Q 420 JJ(.l S.E. 172ND ST~FFT 420 LEGEND TP-1-f-Approximate Location of ESNW Test Pit, Proj. No. ES-2089, June 2011 D 1-----1 I I , _____ 1 r::--:---Tl L :'.:....·..:..J. I Subject Site Proposed Building Existing Building Approximate Wetland Area (Delineated by Others) 430 :B 0 43G 430 420 / ---·- /< ·/ . '/ ,--;(:•/ .::: ~ / ) ,,..,.,,,,,. "' I --. I / 1~'-' I ' . I /J'·v"/ ·,'.· 'v / / . ~-· i // /·"·!" ;'-v <v( J ' " . ~ ..\ ', 420 1"=100' 410 ~':o/.";,.--"---__ ;,.._ ----,, ,: -~ \' ' ':>/ V 1 . ,_ r i ¥ ~ v~ .l_ ) . ~ '1· - (1 'I cL'- \/ :::.... /'::' '-.. /..: .;( :. !':-... !--"::. '/ v__... \/" \~ ':,/ ",c ' V '< <• \'l: ~ ~ ':l. _/ \"/ _;; '+'. "-- \ .· L '- ) V -'C- / V I -.c· V '>....'. / -L '"-,.:. l: \ '"-~-· 420 420 410 0 100 200 I L_J Scale in Feet Coal Mine Hazard Line (Delineated By Otr.ers) NOTE: The graphics shown on this plate are not intended for design purpcses or precise scale measurements, but only to illustrate the approximate test locations relative to the approximate locations of existing and I or propcsed site features. The information illustrated is largely based on data provided by the client at the time of our study. ESNW cannot be responsible for subsequent design changes or interpretation of the data by others. NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. C C C/J £ Cll C Cl -oc a. EE C E "' ._g O ~ ro O > g-"' ~ _J O C --~ e :::l a. .0 0 u'i~o Q) ·-Cl f-" LL C :;z Drwn. By GLS Checked By SSR Date 11/22/2011 Proj. No. 2089 Plate 2 18" Min . .. 111 111 111 OoQooO 0 00 o; 0 0° ,£J i £J o go 0 0 0 JC, 0 0 o(J ODO O O oo..,_,ooO 6 0 0 ° o O o o O 0 O o 0 o Q oo O oO oQ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ° 00 0 0 ° 1 • O o 0 0 Q O o<O O ~ : : o () 0 oo O O O O O 0 J;> o o =o O o oo O OoOoo O Q 0 o o 0 o o o 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 OooO O 0 ()0 ° o O 0 0 o<> Q, og ·.~· 000°0 c::,000000° 0 00 0 0 0 0 • 0 oOoo oDo 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 oo 0 0 0 .,-Q o Q oO O o Q v ,C, • 0 0 O 0 o O 0 • °5000000000000()0 •0 0 0 o O •\ooOooOo 0 0 Co o 0 Qo O ,: 0 0 0 D O Oc::, 0 Q 0 • 0 co O O O O O 0 o ooQ Co o O oQ o o O Q O O o O O o • • 00 Q O O Oo O o Q & oo ~ Q 8 o Q Oo 0 o O Q~ 0 •~ oO o 0 --F• • •• • ,, ~ •• ,1<,· .:,•. . • f_ ,_• w ,, . ·~\ . ;..•. ',ii . NOTES: • Free Draining Backfill should consist of soil having less than 5 percent fines. Percent passing #4 should be 25 to 75 percent Structural Fill • Sheet Drain may be feasible in lieu of Free Draining Backfill, per ESNW recommendations. SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • Drain Pipe should consist of perforated, rigid PVC Pipe surrounded with 1" Drain Rock. LEGEND: Free Draining Structural Backfill 1 inch Drain Rock RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL Fieldbrook Commons King County, Washington Drwn. GLS Date 09/16/2011 Proj. No. 2089 Checked SSR Date Sept 2011 Plate 3 •• ·•-). ·--~ ,, .•.. .. • • • • • • ~ ... -.... --,-__,,.... ... -..,.,.-= .......... ~· • . ·~ •• • • • •• · • • " •· • Slope ..;....-...;.........;.. __ ...._.......a._&4 .. •h:f:~55h~~~ .... ~- ••• NOTES: . . -:;;-' . • ... • :18!' (~i~) __ .. ,. .. ........ "::"'llfil:~tIB~¥..:..:..:.:.:..:..:.;.:. •• •• • • • • • .. . .. . ••• -t 2" (Min.) Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround with 1" Rock) • Do NOT tie roof downspouts to Footing Drain. • Surface Seal to consist of ,l'•,l'•,l'•,l'•,I' ............... ,l'•,l'•,l'•,1'•,I' .............. ... .,. ....... .. .............. 12" of less permeable, suitable soil. Slope away from building. LEGEND: Surface Seal; native soil or other low permeability material. 1" Drain Rock SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • Drwn. GLS FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL Fieldbrook Commons King County, Washington Date 09/16/2011 Proj. No. 2089 Checked SSR Date Sept 2011 Plate 4 APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ES-2089 The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating a total of six test pits across accessible portions of the property. The subsurface explorations were completed on June 7, 2011. The approximate test pit locations are illustrated on Plate 2 of this report. Logs of the test pits are provided in this Appendix. The test pits were excavated to a maximum depth of 12 feet below existing grades. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Earth Solutions NWLLc SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MA"IERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MA"IERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4SIEVE SAND AND SANDY SOILS CLEAN GRAVELS (LITTlE DR ND FINES) GRAVELS WITH FINES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) CLEAN SANDS (LITTlE OR NO FINES) SANDS WITH MORE THAN 50% FINES OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE SILTS AND CLAYS SILTS AND CLAYS AMOUNT OF ANES) LIQUIDUMIT LESSTHAN50 LIQUID LIMIT GREA"IER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL· SAND MIXlVRES, LITTlE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL· SAND MIXTURES, LITILE DR NO ANES SIL1YGRAVELS, GRAVEL· SAND. SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL· SAND - CLAY MIXTURES WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO ANES SIL1Y SANDS, SAND· SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SIL TY OR CLAYEY ANE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS Wl1H SLIGHT PLASTICl1Y INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS ORGANIC SIL TS AND ORGANIC SIL1Y CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SIL TS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CON"IENTS DUAL SYMBOLS are used to indicate borderline soil classifications. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented in the attached logs. • Earth Solutions NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-1 1805136th Place N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-284-3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes PROJECT NAME Fieldbrook PROJECT NUMBER 2089 PROJECT LOCATION King Counni:1 Washington DA TE STARTED 617/11 COMPLETED 617/11 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Client Provided GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION - LOGGED BY SSR CHECKED BY SSR AT END OF EXCAVATION - NOTES DeQth ofT02soil & Sod 4": forest duff AFTER EXCAVATION - w 11. 0 :,: ~ ffi 0 ~8 Ii:= w"' TESTS 0 MA TE RIAL DESCRIPTION w-..J :;; <Ii ~..J Cl 11. ::, :j !z C!l 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, moist (Fill) - SM --~becomes medium dense a.a -Dark brown silty SAND, medium dense, moist (Fill) - .......L m -trace gravel -becomes loose, wet ~ ~ -abundant organics up to large tree limbs -~ SM -- - __1J)_ '~' -heavy seepage a - -Gray silty SAND, loose, wet MC -22.80% SM -becomes medium dense, sandy layers 13.0 a -Test pit terminated at 13.0 feet below existing grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 10.0 feet during excavation. Bottom of test pht 13.0 feet. N ~ :c m w z w "' • Earth Solutions NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-2 1805 136th Place N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 42S-284-3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes PROJECT NAME Fieldbrook PROJECT NUMBER 2089 PROJECT LOCATION King County, Washington OATESTARTEO 617/11 COMPLETEO 617/11 GROUNO ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Client Provided GROUNO WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOO AT TIME OF EXCAVATION - LOGGEOBY SSR CHECKEO BY SSR AT ENO OF EXCAVATION - NOTES De(l!h of To~soil & Sod 6": forest duff and brambles AFTER EXCAVATION w D. u :c ~ ffi <ti :i: Cl ti:= wm TESTS ti o.o MATERIAL OESCRIPTION w-.... :. UJ ~ .... n D.:, ~z :, Cl UJ 0 ' ·., Reddish brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, moist SM' L -- I ·. 1.5 1-< Brown well graded SAND with silt and gravel, medium dense, moist ' .. ,·. ,·. Jo:: - SW-:: SM . . --. . . ,__L 5.5 I Gray silty SAND with gravel, dense, moist ~ SM ... · MC =9.30% I ~becomes very dense --Fines = 33.10% ' 7.5 -refusal at 7.5' Test pit terminated at 7 .5 feet below existing grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 5.5 feet during excavation. Bottom oftest pit at 7.5 feet. • Earth Solutions NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-3 1805136th Place N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-284-3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes -PROJECT NAME Fieldbrook PROJECT NUMBER 2089 PROJECT LOCATION King Coun!}':, Washington DATE STARTED 617/11 COMPLETED 6/7/11 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Client Provided GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION LOGGED BY SSR CHECKED BY SSR AT END OF EXCAVATION NOTES De~th ofTOJ1!;0il & Sod 4": forest duff AFTER EXCAVATION w a. 0 :,: ~ ffi ui :i:c, ig wai TESTS 0 a.a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ...,::;; ui ~..., 0 a.:, ::i ::.z C) <( Cl) 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, moist f--SM I I. 2.0 -trace gravel ' Gray silty SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist I: . ·. ' ' I . I f--SM -becomes dense MC= 12.90% ' . .....L ·I 6.0 a Test pit terminated at 6.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Bottom of test pt at 6.0 -· -- • Earth Solutions NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-4 1805136th Place N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue. Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-284-3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes PROJECT NAME Fieldbrook - PROJECT NUMBER 2089 PROJECT LOCATION King County:, Washington DATE STARTED 617/11 COMPLETED 617/11 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Client Provided GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION - LOGGED BY SSR CHECKED BY SSR AT END OF EXCAVATION - NOTES De~th of Topsoil & Sod 8": forest duff AFTER EXCAVATION w ~ ffi o:i u :,: :E (!) ~§: w"' <.i _J:;; TESTS o:i ~g MATERIAL DESCRIPTION n "-::, :; :;; z (!) <( U) 0 Reddish brown silly SAND, loose, moist 1o wet (Fill) -SM 2.0 -Brown silty fine SANO, medium dense, moist (Fill) - SM; --Organic layers (with coal tailings) __L 6.0 -Gray SILT with clay, stiff, moist ML--seepage zone MC= 12.20% MH -sandy layer -Fines = 43.00% 9.0 --Gray CLAY, ham, moist _.1Q_ CL f-- MC= 12.40% 12.0 -Test pit tenninated at 12.0 feet below existing grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 6.0 feet during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 12.0 feet. • Earth Solutions NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-5 1805 136th Place N.E., Sutte 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-284-3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes PROJECT NAME Fieldbrook PROJECT NUMBER 2089 PROJECT LOCATION King CouniY 1 Washington ···- DATE STARTED 6/7/11 COMPLETED 6/7/11 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Client Provided GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION - LOGGED BY SSR CHECKED BY SSR AT END OF EXCAVATION - NOTES De~th o!To~soil & Sod 8": forest duff AFTER EXCAVATION - w a. t) :,: ~ ffi rn :c (!) fus wm TESTS c.i a.o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ..I ::. rn ~..I Cl a.::, ::i ::. z (!) < "' 0 Reddish brown silty SAND, loose, moist SM . - . 1.5 -scattered cobbles and small boulders ~- 1·:_·1.· Brown silty SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist ~ -· . ~ . SM ,, ~ -' ' ___L . -becomes dense MC= 11.20% .. 6.0 -Test pit terminated at 6.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 6.0 feet. " ~ ~ ,: m ~ w z w <!) • Earth Solutions NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-6 1805 136th Place N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-284-3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes PROJECT NAME Fieldbrook PROJECT NUMBER 2089 PROJECT LOCATION King County 1 Washington DATE STARTED 6/7/11 COMPLETED 617/11 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Client Provided GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION LOGGED BY SSR CHECKED BY SSR AT END OF EXCAVATION NOTES Deg:th of Toosoil & Sod 4": brambles and sa~lings AFTER EXCAVATION uu Cl. :,: ~ffi <Ii 0 t:: = UU ID (j J: Cl ..J:; TESTS <Ii Cl. 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w-~..J Cl Cl. ::, ::i !z Cl 0 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, moist (Fill) - SM -- 3.5 Dark brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, wet (Fill) ,__L I -large wood pieces I- MC= 39.50% SM Fines = 25.90% -abundant organics - -- " 9.5 _JQ__ SM I 10.0 Gray silty SAND, loose to medium dense, wet Teot pit terminated at 10.0 feet below existing grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 8.0 feet during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 10.0 feet. ~ " ! o'. " .. m !'l ::J ~ ~ C: " "' ~ w z w (!J • Earth Solutions NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-7 1805 136th Place N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-284--3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes PROJECT NAME Fieldbrook PROJECT NUMBER 2089 PROJECT LOCATION King Coun~, Washing!on DATE STARTED 617/11 COMPLETED 617/11 GROUNO ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Client Provided GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION - LOGGED BY SSR CHECKED BY SSR AT END OF EXCAVATION - NOTES Deoth of Toosoil & Sod 6": forest duff and sagUngs AFTER EXCAVATION "' 11. :c ~ ffi en 0 li: C "'., c.i :i: Cl TESTS "-o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION "'-...I:; rn ~ .... Cl 11. => :i :;z Cl ;Ji 0 1 Brown silty SAND, loose, moist (Fill) - SM - 3.0 --·_ . Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, wet . · . -_· . . ·_ ........L SM I I -seepage I -becomes medium dense . ' f-. ' ' MC=21.80% 7.0 Test pit tenninated at 7.0 feet below existing grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 5.0 feet during excavation. Bottom oftest p~ at 7.0 feet. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ES-2089 Earth Solutions NW, LLC • Earth Solutions NW GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1805-136th Place N.E., Sutte 201 Bellevue, WA 98005 Telephone: 425-284-3300 CLIENT American Classic Homes PROJECT NAME Field Brook PROJECT NUMBER ES-2089 PROJECT LOCATION Renton U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 .S 1 314 112 3 4 G 8101416 20 30 40 5080 100140200 100 I ' I I \I I I I I I 95 '\. \ ~ \ 90 \ : 85 ' \ ;i_'- 80 \ \'-75 \ \ ~ 70 ~" \ .... 65 "' \ :c C'-. (!) 60 ~ ' \ ~ 55 \ a: UJ 50 z . " \ ii: .... 45 z \ \ UJ 0 40 a: \ UJ 0.. 35 \ 30 ' 25 20 15 10 5 0 I . 100 -.. . . --10 -. . -·------1--.. -0,1 0.01. a.oot _ ------- GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND I SILT OR CLAY coarse I fine coarse \ medium I fine I Specimen Identification Classification LL PL Pl Cc Cu 0 TP-2 7.0ft. Brown silty SAND with gravel, SM 181 TP-4 8.0ft. Brown silty SAND, SM l'> TP-6 6.5ft. Brown silty SAND with gravel, SM Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay .0 TP-2 7.0ft. 37.5 0.306 16.7 50.1 33.1 181 TP-4 8.0ft. 9.5 0.694 0.4 56.6 43.0 6 TP-6 6.5ft. 37.5 1A7 0.114 31.6 42.5 25.9 Cl EMAIL ONLY REPORT DISTRIBUTION ES-2089 PNW Holdings, LLC c/o American Classic Homes 9725 Southeast 36th Street, Suite 214 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Attention: Mr. Justin Lagers Earth Solutions l'lW, LLC AT EARTH SOLUTIONS NW OUR MISSION IS TO ml HONOR OUR COMMITMENTS ml PROVIDE INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS THAT CREATE VALUE ml RECOGNIZE THAT OUR POWER AND EFFECTIVENESS LIES WITH OUR PEOPLE ml TREAT ALL FAIRLY AND HONESTLY ml DEDICATE OURSELVES To BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN EVERYONE ml MAINTAIN AN ATMOSPHERE OF PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY CUSTOMER RELATIONS ml CONTINUE TO ShK 0PPORTUN ITI ES FOR LEARNING AND GROWTH ml MAINTAIN A CLEAN, WEU ORGANIZED WORK ENVIRONMENT ml IMPLEMENT CONSISTENT. RELIABLE ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES ml BE A RESOURCE TO THE COMMUNITY Fieldbrook Commons Geotechnical Engineering Study Supplemental Materials J"" -,,; .:1'1 ; ·, ' . ' ,. '" • Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Prope_rty Renton, Washington For Wagner Property, LLC Cornerstone 1111 Geotechnical, Inc. October 11, 2006 Ms. Charlotte VanLaningham Wagner Property, LLC 1201 Monster Road SW, #320 Renton, Washington 98055 17625-130• Ave. NE, C102, Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone: 425-844-1977 Fax: 425·844-1987 Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-10900 Block of SE 172ml Street King County, Washington CG File No. 2135 Dear Ms. Vanlaningham: INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering investigation for the proposed residential project in the Renton area of King County, Washington. The site is located in the 10900 Block of Southeast 172ml Street, as shown on the Vicinity Map in Figure I. At your request, we have completed this report to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the property and provide recommendations for site development. This report provides geotechnical engineering recommendations and design parameters for the proposed construction, and does not discuss the risks associated with the site's coal mine hazard designation by King County. Based on information obtained early in the evaluation process, we recommended that you retain an engineer with a significant amount of experience with coal mine hazards. This work was perfonned by Subterra, Inc., and their report provides conclusions and recommendations regarding these geologic hazards. Cornerstone Geotechnical has not conducted a coal mine or methane hazard analysis for this site. For our use in preparing this report, we have been provided with a copy of the site plan prepared by Kenneth R. Anderson and Associates, Inc., as well as previous geotechnical reports and coal mine studies for areas in the vicinity of the site, and the report by Subterra, Inc., dated September 22, 2006. The site plan shows the proposed lot layout, detention vault location, and access roadway alignment. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-10900 Block of SE l 72'd Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that you plan on developing the parcel with 9 residential lots with an access road extending onto the property from Southeast 172"" Street. A stormwater detention vault will be located in the southwestern quarter of the site. We have not been provided with a grading plan; however, the site is generally level and we expect that site grading will include minor cuts and fills. SCOPE The purpose of this study is to explore and characterize the subsurface conditions and present recommendations for site development. Specifically, our scope of services as outlined in Phase I and II of our Services Agreement, dated June 8, 2006, includes the following: Phase I I. Review available geologic maps of the area. 2. Review any available documents from the City of Renton related to the coal miRe hazard area. Phase II 3. Explore the subsurface conditions at the site with trackboe-excavated test pits. 4. Provide recommendations for building foundations. 5. Provide recommendations for site preparation and grading. 6. Provide general recommendations for site drainage. 7. Provide recommendations for the mitigation of the coal mine hazard (This has been provided by Subterra, Inc., and is not part of our services). 8. Prepare a v.'Titten report to document our conclusions and recommendations. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The rectangular-shaped site is approximately 1.23 acres in size and has dimensions of approximately 165 feet in the east-west direction, and 322 feet in the north-south direction. The site is bordered by residential developments to the west and south, and by undeveloped land to the north and east. A layout of the site is shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-10900 Block of SE 1 72n<1 Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page3 The site is generally level and is vegetated primarily with grasses, blackberries, and brush, as well as deciduous and f1r trees. We estimate that the elevation change across the site is less than 10 feet. Geology Most of the Puget Sound Region was affected by past in1rllsion of continental glaciation. The last period of glaciation, the Vashon Stade oftl1e Fraser Glaciation, ended approximately 11,000 years ago. Many of the geomorphic features seen today are a result of scouring and overriding by glacial ice. During the Vashon Stade, areas of the Puget Sound region were overridden by over 3,000 feet of ice. Soil layers overridden by the ice sheet were compacted to a much greater extent than those that were not. Glacial till is an unsorted mixture of sand, silt, and gravel that was deposited below the glacier, and is commonly referred to as "hardpan." The glacial till has been consolidated under the weight of the glacier and exhibits both high strength and low permeability. Tertiary bedrock underlies the glacial soils at depth, and outcrops locally south of Seattle and along the western margins of the Cascade Range. These units typically consist of sandstone, with lesser amounts of siltstone, coal, and sandy shale. The Geologic Map Qf King County, by Derek B. Booth and Aaron P. Wisher (GeoMapNW, 2006), indicates that the site is near the contacts of glacial till and the Renton Formation. Our site explorations encountered variable materials consisting of silty sand with varying amounts of grave~ consistent with glacial till, as well as weathered sandstone, siltstone, and coal seams, consistent with Renton Formation. Explorations Subsurface conditions were explored at the site on August 29, 2006, by excavating six test pits with a subcontracted trackhoe. The test pits were excavated to depths of 7.0 to 11.5 feet below the ground surface. The explorntions were located and logged in the field by a geologist from this finn who also examined the soils and geologic conditions encountered. Dr. Chris Breeds, PE, of Subterra, Inc. observed the excavation of Exploratory Test Pits TP-4 through TP-6 to aide in his study; and he recommended the extent, location, and depth of these test pits while on site. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2. The soils were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System, a copy of which is presented as Figure 3. The logs of the test pits are presented in Figures 4 through 6. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property -I 0900 Block of SE 172•• Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page4 The location of the test pits are based on measurements with a 100-foot measuring tape. We located the test pits using measurements from the provided tree survey data, and should be considered accurate to the degree implied by these methods. Additional surveying could be completed to verify our test pit locations. Additional deep explorations were not perfonned at this site by Subterra, Inc., because the known geometry of the coal seam appeared to match what was identified within the test pit explorations. Subsurface Conditions A brief description of lhe conditions encountered in our explorations is included below. A more detailed description of the soils encountered can be found in the test pit logs in Figures 4 through 6. Exploratory Test Pits TP-1 through TP-3 encountered I to 2 feet of forest duff and topsoil underlain by medium dense to very dense, silty fine sand with variable amounts of gravel, consistent with glacial till. Exploratory Test Pits TP-4 and TP-5 encountered 1 to 1.5 feet of forest duff and topsoil underlain by I to 3 feet of medium dense, silty fine sand with gravel, coosistent with glacial till. Underlying the till is stiff to hard, weathered sandstone and siltstone with local coal seams, indicative of the Renton Fonnation. Exploratory Test Pit TP-6 encountered 3 feet of loose fill comprised of silty fine sand with gravel and local debris. This layer is underlain by 3 feet of dense, silty fine sand with gravel, consistent with glacial till. The till is underlain by stiff to very stiff, weathered sandstone, consistent with the Renton Fonnation. Test Pit TP-3 consists of a 75-foot long trench, excavated into very dense glacial till, extending north to south along the southwest portion of the site. Test Pit TP-4 consists of an approximately 70-foot long trench extending southeast to northwest in the southeastern portion of the site. This trench includes four distinct locations, which are described in the test pit logs. Hydrologic Conditions We observed light groundwater seepage in Exploratory Test Pit TP-4 at Location 2, approximately l 1.5 feet below the existing grade. We would expect that a perched water condition may develop during the wetter times of the year at, or near the contact between the weathered and unweathered glacial till layers, and within sand interbcds in weathered areas of the Renton Fonnation. Perched water does not represent a regional groundwater "table" within the upper soil horizons. Volumes of perched ground water vary depending upon the time of year and the upslope recharge conditions. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-\ 0900 Block of SE 172•d Street King County, Washinb'ton October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 5 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Coal Mine Hazard The Subterra, Inc. report, Wagner Property -Abandoned Mine Evaluation, dated September 22, 2006, characterizes the coal mine hazard for the site. This report discusses methane potential and the likelihood of ground subsidence and sinkholes. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report reflect our exploration work and observations regarding the geotechnical suitability of the site for residential development. We have not perfonned a coal mine or methane hazard evaluation for this site. Furthennore, the setback/buffer from the coal mine hazard area should be detennined by Subterra, Inc. Erosion Hazard The erosion hazard criteria used for determination of affected areas includes soil type, slope gradient, vegetation cover, and groundwater conditions. The erosion sensitivity is related to vegetative cover and the specific surface soil types (group classification), which are related to the underlying geologic soil units. The Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington, by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), was reviewed to detennine the erosion hazard of the on-site soils. The site surface soils were classified using the SCS classification system as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (Unit AgC) and Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes (Unit AmC). The erosion hazard for these soils is listed as being slight. Seismic Hazard It is our opinion, based on our subsurface explorations. that the Soil Profile in accordance with Table 1615.1.1 of the 2003 International Building Code {lBC) is Soil Class C. We referenced the 2002 map from the US Geological Survey (USGS) website to obtain values for S, and S1• The USGS website includes the most upduted published data on seismic conditions. The seismic design parameters are: S, 138.42% g s, 47.26% g Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-I 0900 Block of SE l 72'' Street King County, Washingtnn Octcber 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 6 F, F. 1.0 1.33 From Table 1615.1.2(1) of the 2003 IBC From Table 1615.1.2(2) of the 2003 IBC Site specific coefficients and adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration parameters apply as shown in Section 1615. I of the IBC. Additional seismic considerations include liquefaction potential and amplification of ground motions by soft soil deposits. The liquefaction potential is highest for loose sand with a high groundwater table. The dense till soils and very stiff to hard weathered Renton Fonnation interpreted to underlie the site are considered to have a low potential for liquefaction and amplification of ground motion. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General It is our opinion that the site is generally suitable for development, provided that the coal mine hazard assessment by Subterra Inc. has been correctly investigated, interpreted, and concluded. The underlying medium dense/stiff to very dense/hard native soil deposits are capable of supporting the planned structures and pavements. We recommend that the foundations for the structures extend through any topsoil, loose, or disturbed soils, and bear on the underlying medium dense/stiff or finner native soils, or on structural fill extending to these soils. Based on our site explorations, we anticipate these soils will generally be encountered at typical footing depths. Foundations for lot 7 must be embedded so that the loads of the structure are not within the zone of influence of the coal seam/mine. The report by Subterra, Inc., recommends that development occur north of the coal sub-crop, with the southeast portion of the site utilized as greenbelt or park areas. We recommend that Subterra, Inc. provide building setback/buffer distances from the coal mine hazard areas, if they are needed. Some of the test pit locations will need to be overexcavated and backfilled prior to construction of the single-family residences. These areas, primarily when located within building footprints, should be backfilled per the Structural Fill guidelines below. CG should be on site to monitor the overexcavation and backfilling operations. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-I 0900 Block of SE 112•• Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 7 Site Preparations and Grading Site preparation should begin with the removal of vegetation, topsoil, and any loose soils to expose medium dense/stiff or firmer native soils in pavement and building areas. The excavated material should be removed from the site, or stockpiled for later use as landscaping fill. The resulting subgrade should be compacted to a firm, non-yielding condition. Areas observed to pump or weave should be repaired prior to placing hard surfaces. The on-site soils likely to be exposed during construction are considered highly moisture sensitive, and the surface will disturb easily when wet We expect that these soils will be difficult, if not impossible, to compact to structural fill specifications in wet weather. We recommend that earthwork be conducted during the drier months. Additional expenses of wet weather or winter construction could include over- excavation and the use of imported fill or rock spalls. During wet weather, alternative site preparation methods may be necessary. These methods may include utilizing a smooth-bucket trackhoe to complete site stripping and diverting construction traffic around prepared subgrades. Disturbance to the prepared subgrade may be minimized by placing a layer ofrock spalls or imported sand and gravel in traffic and roadway areas. Cutoff drains or ditches can be useful in reducing grading costs during the wet season. These methods can be evaluated at the time of construction. Structural Fill General: All fill placed beneath buildings, pavements or other settlement sensitive features should be placed as structural fill. Structural fill, by definition, is placed in accordance with prescribed methods and standards, and is monitored by an experienced geotechnical professional or soils technician. Field- observation procedures would include the performance of a representative number of in-place density tests to document the attainment of the desired degree of relative compaction. Any loose/soft soils encountered in the test pit locations will need to be removed and backfilled according to these reconunendations. Materials: Imported structural fill should consist of a free-draining granular soil, free of organics and other deleterious material, and be well graded to a maximum size of approximately 3 inches. Imported all-weather structural fill should contain no more than 5 percent fines (soil finer than a Standard U.S. No. 200 sieve), based on that fraction passing the U.S. 314-inch sieve. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-I 0900 Block of SE 172nd Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 8 The use of on-site soil as structural fill will be dependent on moisture content control. Some drying of the native soils may be necessary in order to achieve compaction. During warm, sunny days this could be accomplished by spreading the material in thin lifts and compacting. Some aeration and/or addition of moisture may also be necessary. We expect that compaction of the native soils to structural fill specifications would be difficult, if not impossible, during wet weather. Fill Placement: Following subgrade preparation, placement of the structural fill may proceed. Fill should be placed in 8-to I 0-inch-thick uniform lifts, and each lift should be spread evenly and be thoroughly compacted prior to placement of subsequent lifts. All structural fill underlying building areas, and within a depth of 2 feet below pavement and sidewalk subgrade, should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum dry density. Maximum dry density, in ¢is report, refers to that density as determined by the ASTM DJ5S7 compaction test procedure. Fill more than 2 feet beneath sidewalks and pavement subgrades should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density. The moisture content of the soil to be compacted should be within about 2 percent of optimum so that a readily compactable condition exists. It may be necessary to overexcavate and remove wet surficial soils in cases where drying to a compactable condition is not feasible. All compaction should be accomplished by equipment of a type and size sufficient to attain the desired degree of compaction. Temporary and Permanent Slopes Temporary cut slope stability is a function of many factors, such as the type and consistency of soils, depth of the cut, surcharge loads adjacent to the excavation, length of time a cut remains open, and the presence of surface or ground water. It is difficult under these variable conditions to estimate stable temporary cut slope geometry. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain safe slope configurations, since the contractor is continuously at the job site, able to observe the nature and condition of the cut slopes, and able to monitor the subsurface materials and groundwater conditions encountered. For planning purposes, we recommend that temporary cuts in the near-surface weathered soils be no steeper than l.S Horizontal to I Vertical (!.SH: IV). Cuts in the dense/very stiff to very dense/hard unweathered glacial till and partially weathered Renton Formation may stand at a lH:lV inclination or possibly steeper. If groundwater seepage is encountered, we would expect that flatter inclinations would be necessary. Cornerstone Geotechnlcal, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-I 0900 Block of SE l 72ruJ Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 9 We reconunend that cut slopes be protected from erosion. Measures taken may include covering cut slopes with plastic sheeting and diverting surface runoff away from the top of cut slopes. We do not recommend vertical slopes for cuts deeper than 4 feet, if worker access is necessary. We recommend that cut slope heights and inclinations conform to local aod WIS!WOSHA standards. If the proposed landscaping includes sloped areas, we recommend that final slope inclinations for structural fill and cuts in the native soils be sloped no steeper than 2H:1V. Lightly compacted fills or common fills should be no steeper than 3H:IV. Common fills are defined as fill material with some organics that are "trackrolled" into place. They would not meet the compaction specification of structural fill. Final slopes should be covered with straw or jute netting until permanent vegetation is established. Foundations Conventional shallow spread foundations should be founded on undisturbed, medium dense/stiff or firmer soil. If the soil at the planned bottom of footing elevation is not suitable, it should be overexcavated to expose suitable bearing soil. Footings should extend at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished ground surface for frost protection and it should also extend at least I foot into bearing soils, whichever is deeper. Minimum foundation widths should conform to me requirements. Staoding water should not be allowed to accumulate in footing trenches. All loose or disturbed soil should be removed from the foundation excavation prior to placing concrete. For foundations constructed as outlined above, we recommen'd ao allowable design bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) be used for the footing design. !BC guidelines should be followed when considering shott-term traository wind or seismic loads. Potential foundation settlement using the recommended allowable bearing pressure is estimated to be less than 1-inch total aod \';-inch differential between footings or across a distance of about 30 feet. Higher soil bearing values may be appropriate with wider footings. These higher values can be determined after a review of a specific design. We must be.retained to evaluate the embedment of the footings for the structure on Lot 7 relative to the coal seam. A location-specific evaluation should be performed to ensure that tl1e structure is located outside of the zone of i11fluence of the coal seam, and founded on medium dense/stiff or firmer soils, and/or structural fill. The use of drilled piers or piles may be necessary on Lot 7 if a coal mine setback is not provided/needed. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-I 0900 Block of SE I 72"a Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 10 Lateral Loads The lateral earth pressure acting on retaining walls is dependent on the nature and density of the soil behind the wall, the amount of lateral wall movement, which can occur as backfill is placed, and the inclination of the backfill. Walls that are free to yield at least one-thousandth of the height of the wall are in an "active" condition. Walls restrained from movement by stiffness or bracing are in an "at-rest'' condition. Active earth pressure and at-rest earth pressure can be calculated based on equivalent fluid density. Equivalent fluid densities for active and at-rest earth pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pct) and 55 pcf, respectively, may be used for design for a level backslope. These values assume that the on- site soils or imported granular fill are used for backfill, and that the wall backfill is drained. The preceding values do not include the effects of surcharges, such as due to foundation loads or other surface loads. Surcharge effects should be considered where appropriate. The above drained active and at-rest values should be increased by a uniform pressure of7.2H and 23.0H psf, respectively, when considering seismic conditions. H represents the wall height. The above lateral pressures may be resisted by friction at the base of the wall and passive resistan~e against the foundation. A coefficient of friction of 0.45 may be used to determine the base friction in the native soils. An equivalent fluid density of 225 pcf may be used for passive resistance design. To achieve this value of passive pressure, the foundations should be poured "neat'' against the native medium dense/stiff soils, or compacted. fill should be used as backfill against the front of the footing, and the soil in front of the wall should extend a horizontal distance at least equal to three times the foundation depth. A factor of safety of 2.0 has been applied to the passive pressure to account for required movements to generate these pressures. The friction coefficient does not include a factor of safety. All wall backfill should be well compacted. Care should be taken to prevent the buildup of excess lateral soil pressures due to overcompaction of the wall backfill. Slabs-On-Grade Slab-on-grade areas should be prepared as recommended in the Site Preparadon and Grading subsection. Slabs should be supported on mediwn dense or firmer native soils, or on structural fill extending to these soils. Where moisture control is a concern, we recommend that slabs be underlain by 6 inches of free-draining coarse sand or pea gravel for use as a capillary break. A suitable vapor barrier, such as heavy plastic sheeting, should be placed over the capillary break. An additional 2-incb-thick Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-I 0900 Block of SE l 72od Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 11 damp sand blanket can be used to cover the vapor barrier to protect the membrane and to aid in curing the concrete. This will also help prevent cement paste bleeding down into the capillary break through joints or tears in the vapor barrier. The capillary break material should be connected to the footing drains to provide positive drainage. Detention Vault The concrete walls of the stormwater detention vault may be supported on footing foundations bearing on the underlying very dense soils. The allowable soil bearing pressure should not exceed 4,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for the design of the wall footings poured on undisturbed, very dense/hard native soils. We recommend that footing drains be installed on the outside of perimeter footings. The footing drains should be at least 4 inches in diameter and should consist of perforated or slotted, rigid, smooth-walled PVC pipe, laid at the bottom of the footings. The drain line should be surrounded with free-draining pea gravel or coarse sand and wrapped with a layer of non-woven filter fabric. A vertical drainage blanket at least 12 inches thick, consisting of compacted pea gravel or other free-draining granular soils, should be placed against the walls. A vertical drain mat, such as Miradrain 6000 by Mirafi Inc., may be placed against the walls in lieu of the vertical drainage blanket. Structural fill is then placed behind the vertical drainage blanket or drain mat to backfill the walls. The vertical drainage blanket or drain mat should be hydraulically connected to the drain line at the base of the walls. A sufficient number of cleanouts at strategic locations shou Id be installed for periodical cleaning of the wall drain line to prevent clogging. The perimeJer walls of the concrete vault with a lid would be restrained at their top from horizontal movement and should be designed for at-rest lateral soil pressure, while the perimeter walls of a vault without a lid would be unrestrained at the top and may be designed for active lateral soil pressure. Active earth pressure and at-rest earth pressure can be calculated based on equivalent fluid density. Equivalent fluid densities for active and at-rest earth pressure of 35 pcf and 55 pcf, respectively, may be used for design for a level backslope. These values assume that the on-site soils are used for backfill, and that the wall backfill is drained. The preceding values do not include the effects of surcharges due to foundation loads, traffic or other surface loads. Surcharge effects should be considered where appropriate. For undrained soil conditions, the active and at-rest pressures should be increased to 80 pcf and 90 pcf, respectively. Undrained conditions may occur in the lower portion of the vault if there is not suitable fall Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engi11 eeri ng Report Wagner Property-10900 Block of SE 172•d Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 12 to place a wall drain at the footing elevation. We recommend buoyant forces be calculated to avoid floatation of any underground structures. All wall backfill should be well compacted. Care should be taken to prevent the buildup of excess lateral soil pressures due to overcompaction of the wall backfill. This can be accomplished by placing wall backfill in 8-inch loose lifts and compacting with small, hand-operated compactors. We recommend that an equivalent fluid density of 260 pcf be used to calculate the allowable lateral passive resistance for the case of a level ground surface adjacent to the footing. A coefficient of friction between footings and soil of 0.50 may be used, and should be applied to the vertical dead load only. A factor of safety of 2.0 has been applied to the passive pressure to account for required movements to generate these pressures. The friction coefficient does not include a factor of safety. Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and sediment control (ESC) is used to minimize the transportation of sediment to wetlands, streams, lakes, drainage systems, and adjacent properties. Erosion and sediment control measures should be taken and these measures should be in general accordance with local regulations. As a minimum, the following basic recommendations should be incorporated into the design of the erosion and sediment control features of the site: l) Phase the soil, foundation, utility, and other work, requiring excavation or the disturbance of the site soils, to take place during the dry season (generally May through September). However, provided precautions are taken using Best Management Practices (BMP's), grading activities can be undertaken during the wet season (generally October through April). It should be noted that this typically increases the overall project cost 2) All site work should be completed and stabilized as quickly as possible. 3) Additional perimeter erosion and sediment control features may be required to reduce the possibility of sediment entering the surface water. This may include additional silt fences, silt fences with a higher Apparent Opening Size (AOS), construction of a berm, or other filtration systems. 4) Any runoff generated by dewatering discharge should be treated through construction of a sediment trap if there is sufficient space. If space is limited other filtration methods will need to be incorporated. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-I 0900 Block of SE 172" Street King County, Washington October I I, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 13 Drainage We recommend that runoff from impervious surfaces, such as roofs, driveway and access roadways, be collected and routed to an appropriate storm water discharge system. We suggest that the finished ground surface be sloped at a gradient of 3 percent minimum for a distance of at least IO feet away from the buildings, as indicated in !BC Section 1803.3. Surface water should be collected by permanent catch basins and drain lines, and be discharged into a storm drain system. We recommend that footing drains be used around all of the structures where moisture control is important. The underlying silty soils may pond water that could accumulate in crawlspaces. It is good practice to use footing drains installed at least I foot below the planned fmished floor slab or crawlspace elevation to provide drainage for the crawlspace. At a minimum, the crawlspaces should be sloped to drain to an outlet tied to the drainage system. If drains are omitted around slab-on-grade floors where moisture control is impo11ant, the slab should be a minimum of I foot above surrounding grades. Where used, footing drains should consist of 4-inch-diameter, perforated PVC pipe that is surrounded by free-draining material, such as pea gravel. Footing drains should discharge into tightlines leading to an appropriate collection and discharge point Crawlspaces should be sloped to drain, and a positive connection should be made into the foundation drainage system. For slabs-on-grade, a drainage path should be provided from the capillary break material to the footing drain system. Roof drains should not be connected to wall or footing drains. Utilities Our explorations indicate that specific deep dewatering will not be needed to install utilities. Anticipated groundwater is expected to be handled with pumps in the trenches. We also expect that some groundwater seepage may develop during and following the wetter times of the year. We expect this seepage to mostly occur in pockets. We do not expect significant volumes of water in these excavations. The soils likely to be exposed in utility trenches after site stripping are considered highly moisture sensitive. These soils will generally be dense/very stiff to very dense/hard 4 to 6 feet below the existing site grades. We recommend that they be considered for trench backfill during the drier portions of the year. Provided these soils are within 2 percent of their optimum moisture content, they should be suitable Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Wagner Property-10900 Block of SE 172'd Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 14 to meet compaction specifications. During the wet season, it may be difficult to achieve compaction specifications; therefore, soil amendment with kiln dust or cement may be needed to achieve proper compaction with the on-site materials. Pavement The performance of roadway pavement is critically related to the conditions of the underlying subgrade. We recommend that the subgrade soils within the roadways be treated and prepared as described in the Site Preparation and Grading subsection of this report. Prior to placing base material, the subgrade soils should be compacted to a non-yielding state with a vibratoiy roller compactor and then proof-rolled with a piece of heavy construction equipment, such as a fully-loaded dump truck. .Any areas with excessive weaving or flexing should be overexcavated and recompacted or replaced with a structural fill or crushed rock placed and compacted in accordance with recommendations provided in the Structural Fill subsection of this report. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION We should be retained to provide observation and consultation services during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, and to provide recommendations for design changes, should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated. As part of our services, we would also evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. USE OF THIS REPORT We have prepared this repo1t for Wagner Property, LLC and its agents, for use in planning and design of this project The data and report should be provided to prospective contractors for their bidding and estimating purposes, but our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions, and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractors' methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report, for consideration in design. There are possible Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Repo,t Wagner Property-10900 Block of SE 172'' Street King County, Washington October 11, 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page IS variations in subsurface conditions. We recommend that project planning include contingencies in budget and schedule, should areas be found with conditions that vary from those described in this report. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget for our services, we have strived to take care that our services have been completed in accordance with generally accepted practices followed in this area at the time this report was prepared. No other conditions, expressed or implied, should be understood. oOo Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Gco~eclrnica\ E:1gi;;t.:(':iilg Ri.:port \Vagncr Property -1 0900 Block of SE 17'l.:LI' Stri;ct King Count)', \Vc.sliin!_i:l()ri October 11. 2006 CG File No. 2135 Page 16 \Ve appreciate the oppr,rtunity to be ofscn.:lcc to you. If there arc any questions concerning this report or ifwe can provide addition<1l ser1iccs, please call. Sincerely, Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. () ,1 . ·frt:Ji( l_, Phil Haberman, LG Project Geologist Rick B. Powell, PE President PAH:JPL:RBP:nt Three Copies Subm ittcd Six Figures Information about this Geotechnical Engineering Report Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Vicinity Map N Cornerstone Phane:(425)844-1sn Geotechn ical I Inc. Fax: '425l 844-1987 • 17625-130111 Ave NE, C.102 • Woodinville, WA• 98072 Wagner Property FIia Number Figure 2135 1 $ 0 80 ~ N • Site Plan Scale 1" " 40' I ··--f ! ,--~ ,,,,.-.. ~ I~ .:f I . ' \ ..... ••···-•I I • \/:J . ·, . ' ) '/" a / _.,· - .r. ,.,. ~--/ :.a,,~, . ~ ' :·' 'I ./ I '-;/"'-.._ '--.,/ ,'['.:.. ,~i-.,···11· M .... .,...\ ! j ......_ ;., '. I ;,( I I .. ~-:--~~> i . ...-~ ... ~.-i.-s; li'..Jt' (0 1; l \ T .. , I j r~.r,. ; i \ Tf'l-3 iiNI ~ ·J I '. Co ' ~\\ ' ,, "'" -~ ···· .. ....._ LO I ' a ! i I I I • I ---, !!" I .J.. ' \ \,/ \\ \ I b i \\ \ I / , 1~1·,,-·-· . I . ' ------4-_i _ /1 _1 G) T~----fy 1.-..:_S. E. /----------- ..>o,O, ~ ~ I ----- , ~ /' -;-,•--· / I ~"' / I ( I /rn.o· (/ \ / I , TP-111 (.,~ ~ ,·' 0 ' I -,:, / / I ( II>- .---, \ 'J ,'. / . I ./ / ;1 if'" . ' I ,..., I '-1/ /. ,... .. ··· ··f Jj ' j =' '-,/ ,/ ~ ' . ) ./b' / I I / I //~ ,,4 ~-' .. --L'::..,..t..___ /f // ~~ .--..i::::::--,(.:, 4,1. l g I I I I I ,, '- 35,0· LEGEND Number and Approx;mete Location of Test Pit ----·----.--/ ,rf/ ----/ / •' . / . " Cornerstone Phone: (425) 844-1977 Wagner Property Geotechnical, Inc. Fax:(425 >044-1987 -17625-1301hAve NE, C-102 • Woodinville, WA• 98072 File Number 2135 Figure 2 Unified Soil Classification System MAJO[; DIVISIONS I GROUP GROUP NAME SYMBOL ----···--· -··---- (~PJ--.VCL i CLEAN GRAVEL GW 'v\1E::.l_-GRAO!::O GRP.Vi::L, rit~E ~o co . .:..RSE GP./•VEL.. COARSE -- GRAINED MORE THAN 50% OF ' GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL CO!•.RS:': F~ACTION I SOILS RET,\lilED Ot-J />JO. 4 GRAVEL SIL TY GRAVEL SIEVE WITH FINES GM GC CLAYEY GRAVEL MORE THAN 50% RETAINED ON SAND CLEAN SAND SW VI/ELL-GRADED SAND, FINE TO COARSE SANO number 2CO SIEVE SP POORLY-GRADED SAND MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION SAND PASSES NO. 4 SIEVE WITH FINES SM SfLTY SAND SC CLAYEY SAND SILT AND CLAY I INORGANIC ML I SILT FINE- GRAINED LIQUID LIMIT CL I CLAY LE:SS THAN 50% SOILS ORGANIC I OL ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY MORE THAN 50% SILTANDCLAY INORGANIC PASSES NO. 200 SIEVE MH SILT OF H!GH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT LIQUID LIM!T CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY 50%0R MORE ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CU.,Y, ORGANIC SILT HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT NOTES: SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS 1) Field classification is based on Dry-Absence of moisture, dusty, dry visual examination of soil in general to the touch accordance with ASTM D 2488-83. 2) Soil classification using laboratory Moist-Damp, but no visible water tests is based on ASTM D 2487-83. Wet-Visible free water or saturated, 3) Descriptions of soil density or usually soil is obtained irom consistency are based on below water table interpretation of blowcount data, visual appearance of soils, and/or test data. Cornerstone Phone: (425) 844-1977 Unified Soil Classification System Ill.~ Geotechnical, Inc. Fax: 14251844- 1987 • 17625-130th.~ve NE, C-102 • Woodinville, WA' 98072 Figure 3 DEPTH TEST PIT ONE 0.0-1.5 1.5-4.0 4.0-8.5 TEST PIT '!WO 0.0-2.0 2.0-3.0 3.0-10.0 TEST PIT THREE (ENTIRE LENGTH) 0.0-1.5 1.5-4.0 4.0-10.0 USC SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM LOG OF EXPLORATION SOIL DESCRIPTION DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY) (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOIL) YELLOWISH BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND LOCAL ROOTS (LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, DRY TO MOIST) (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BROWN TO GRAYISH BROWN SIL lY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND LOCAL COBBLES (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOISl) (GLACIAL TILL) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.0, 4.0, 7.0, AND 8.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 8.5 FEET ON 8-29-2008 DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY ANE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY} (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOIL) YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND TRACE ROOTS (LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, DRY TO MOIS1) (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BROWN TO GRAYISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOISl) (GLACIAL TILL) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, AND 8.5 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 10.0 FEET ON 8-29-2006 DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY} (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOIL) YELLOWISH BROWN SIL lY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND LOCAL ROOTS (MEDIUM DENSE, DRY TO MOIS1) (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BROWN TO GRAYISH BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOISl) (GLACIAL TILL) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.0, 8.5, AND 9.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 10.0 FEET ON 8-29-2008 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 2135 AGURE4 DEPTH TEST PIT FDUR (LOCATION 1) 0.0-1.25 1.25-2.0 2.0-9.5 TEST PIT FOUR (LOCATION 2) 0.0-1.25 1.25-2.0 2.0-9.0 9.0-10.0 10.0-11.5 TEST PIT FOUR (LOCATION 3) 0.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 2.0-7.0 USC SM SM SM-ML SM SM SM-ML ML-CL SM-ML SM SM SM-ML LOG OF EXPLORATION SOIL DESCRIPTION DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY} (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOIL) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN TO YELLOWISH BROWN SILTY FINE SANDWITH GRAVEL AND TRACE ROOTS (MEDIUM DENSE, DRY} (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BROWN TO ORANGISH TAN SILTY FINE SAND TO SANDY SILT (MEDIUM DENSE/STIFF TO DENSE/VERY STIFF, MOIS'T) (WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) LOCAL PIECES OF BEDROCK (SANDSTONE) ATS FEET SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 9,5 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED THIS PORTION OF THE TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 9.5 FEET ON 8-29-2008 DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY} (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOIL) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN TO YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND TRACE ROOTS (MEDIUM DENSE, DRY} (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BRCl,VN TO ORANGISH TAN SIL TY FINE SAND TO SANDY SILT (MEIOUM DENSE/STIFF TO DENSE/VERY STIFF, MOIS'T) (WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) OLIVE GRAY SILT WITH CLAY (VERY STIFF TO HARO, MOIS1) (PARTIALLY WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) OLIVE GRAY SILTY FINE SAND TO SANDY SILT (VERY DENSE/HARD, MOISl) (PARTIALLY WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 10.0 FEET LIGHT GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 11.5 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED THIS PORTION OF THE TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 11.5 FEET ON S-2~2006 DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY} (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOIL) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN TO YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SANO WITH GRAVEL AND TRACE ROOTS (MEDIUM DENSE, DRY} (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BRCl,VN TO ORANGISH TAN SILTY FINE SAND TO SANDY SILT (MEDIUM DENSE/STIFF TO VERY DENSE/HARD, MOISl) (WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 6.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED THIS PORTION OF THE TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 7 FEET ON 6-2~2006 -----------·. ----·--------------------------- CORNERSTONE GEOT.ECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 2135 FIGURES DEPTH TEST PIT FOUR (LOCATION 4) 0.0-1.5 1.5-3.0 3.0-4.0 4.0 -10.0 TEST PIT FIVE 0.0-1.5 1.5-4.5 4.5-5.5 4.0-10.0 TEST PIT SIX 0.0-3.0 3.0-6.0 6.0-9.0 USC SM SM SM-ML OL SM SM SM-ML OL SM SM SM-ML LOG OF EXPLORATION SOIL DESCRIPTION DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY) (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOll) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN TO YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL ANO TRACE ROOTS (MEDIUM DENSE, DRY) (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BROWN TO DRANGISH TAN SILTY FINE SAND TO SANDY SILT (DENSENERY STIFF TO VERY DENSE/HARO, MOIST) (WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) BROWN TO DARK BROWN COAL (VERY STIFF TO HARD, MOISi) (COAL SEAM WITHIN RENTON FORMATION) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 8.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 1 O.D FEET ON 8-29-2006 DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, DRY) (FOREST DUFF/TOPSOIL) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN TO YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND TRACE ROOTS (MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, DRY) (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BROWN TO ORANGISH TAN SIL TY FINE SAND TO SANDY SILT (MEDIUM DENSE/STlFF TO DENSENERY STIFF, MOISi) (WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) BROWN TO DARK BROWN COAL (VERY STIFF TO HARO, MOIST) (COAL SEAM WITHIN RENTON FORMATION) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 11.0 FEET ON 11-29-2008 DARK YELLOWISH BROWN SIL TY FINE SAND WITH ORGANICS AND DEBRIS (LOOSE, DRY) (UNDOCUMENTED FILL) YELLOWISH BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND TRACE ROOTS (MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, DRY) (WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL) YELLOWISH BROWN TO ORANGISH TAN SIL TY FINE SAND TO SANDY SILT (MEDIUM DENSE/STIFF TO DENSE/VERY STIFF, MOISi) (WEATHERED RENTON FORMATION) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CA\llNG WNS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WNS COMPLETED AT 9.D FEET ON 11-29-2006 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 2135 FIGURES -' . ~ ~ -•-..: - . . .. ·-· , ~. -. -. " -. ·, \ ( I l ~¥W1'1r&H·ir·1M1 1ff,,f,,111@11k'i"'11Mh1Mrfa®/!M111&k1¢i•fii•i1Wr 1l&i1&114i,U•i&fWrM I~ : . TIJe fc!llpwing infonnation is provided to helpyou manage your risks. . .· . · . . , Geotechnical Services Are Performell for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geoleclmical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of \!1t;ir clirmts. A g[;o1echnical enginm~ring study conducted for a r.ivil engi- neer r:1w not fulfill t!',e needs ol 2 c:::ins!ruction contractor or even another civil engineer. Be:3use each g,:;olecJmicul engineering study i!; unique, each geotecr,nicat engineering report is uoiqua, prepared solelyior the client. No ooe exc,pt ycu shoulo rnly on y,Jur geotechnical engineering repon without iirsl conicr1ing l'lith the geJtec:1n!c::I engineer wllo prepared it. Aod no one -not ev·en you-sho'..lid apµi}' the -~:mrt for any purpose or project ex-::;~t the one arigin?.l!)1 c:inta11J:::t~d. Read the Full Report Serious probleiTis have occuri€d bxr1us8 those ~elying on a geotechnical engineering report did no'. read it all. Do r10t reiy on an execuiive summary. Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Based on A Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider a 1umber of unique, project-speciiic iac- tois when estab!lshing the scope of a study. Typical !actors include: the client's goals. obje::tives, and risk m3mgc::ient prnierences, lhe general :-;::ture o'. th~ structure ir:volvell. i\s siL:, CFld configuralio11; lhe locaiion ol ;he str-:1cturn :Jr, the s.!:e; ar1d :Jlhe: ::iia,T.e~ 1r ex:sli:1g s=t: imi)iovemerrs, st.:ch as access rc,3.js, ~arxing i:/s, :1:1.:'. unCcrgroJ:-ici utililies. U:1lcss U18 ·Je:itec:tmica'. en-Ji:-1~~: whJ co:-:d'JJeJ t'.::: study specifical1y indic:::es c'.f> ~;wise, de n:J'. r~ly on a g::0:e::,,,i~1, 8;'1'.J1n:;Jiing report ti1al 1.va:3.: • no'. prepare·:'. ior you, 0 not ~rep2:e·j tor your pm_i:::·::i. • not prepa:e:J tor the spe·:ific S!lE 3Xplored. or • completed beicre impotianl p1C!€ci changes were mad8 Tyoical changes that can eroJe l11e celiabilily ol an existing geotechnical e11gineeri11g rsport include tho:se tlni ail~c\ • 1he iunction of the propos::rJ .::;:rnrnirr, as when it's changed from a aarki.1g garage to an office J11ildinq, or from 2 light mdustria! plant I to a retige~ted ware.louse, eievalion, coniigur,liur1, location, orientation, or weigh! of lhe proposed structure, • composition oi the design learn, or • project ownership. · k, a g::r,~r:i.l rul8, always inform your geo!echnical engim~er of project chrnges-----Bven minor ones-and reoL'est an assessment of their impact. Geo!e::hnical engineers cannot accept rssponsibility or iiabi!ity ;or probiems that occur because !h9ir reports do not consider a'e\le/opm'Jnts of whi::.7 they 1~19ra not informed Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering repo1t is based on conditio1s that exis,ed at ihe tir;ie the study was pertarmcd. Ou oat rely on a georechnical engioeer- iog reportwhose adequ,r.y may have been affected by: Iha pJSSage of time: by man-r;iade.events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site: or by natural events, such as iloods, eartl1qual,ss, or groundwater fluctua- tions, Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount ot additional testing or analysis could prevent major nroblems, Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Slta axp'.o;ction identifies subs'.l:iace c::nditior.s on!y :=.: tr1c·s: p:nts wh[;:c suJst:riacs \est.s are co.1jucted or s::.~::iles are :.:=.fser. Geo~e:hr.ic:::I e:igi- neers review l:~l:l :ind lr.bor?.tsxy da:3 anj !he;, a,1~!y tleir prc!essio~3 1 ,iudgmen! tc re~der an o.Jinioii ab~·Jt sutsJHac: conoi:1J1s thmL;ihout t:1c site. Actua! subsu~ace: conditions :lay differ-sol7':e1irns.s signifi:anli11- irorn L1ose indicated in your report Relaining the geotachnical engineer who developed your report io provide construction observation is l11e most effective melliod of managing the risks associated with u,1amicipatel conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction r~commendations included in your :eport. Tfwse recommcnoBtions are aot final, be·::a:1se g~ote:hn1cal engi- nee~s develop ther.i prin:ipally frJm ju1gment and opi:lion. GeJtach1"lic:il engine5;s car-, fin::!ize their recommen:titions on!y by ocseivi:i~ actual l _______ -. ... ----~··------------·-----------./ ,,.--- subsurtace conditions revealed durin1 mnslruction. The geotechnical engineer wha dove/aped your repwl cannot assume responsibility or /;il/Ji/i/y far the repolt's recamme11diifions ii Ilia/ engineer does nat perfOITTJ cons/roe/ion observation. · A Geotechnicat Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering -ropolls has resul!Ed in costly problems. l.owel that risk by having your geo- tecllnicat engineer confer with appropriate members ot the design team after submitting the report Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review perti- nent elements ct the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can a~o misin~ret a geoledlnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and prec:onsbuction conferences, and by proViding construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their Interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a gcotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize Ira/ separating lags from the repotf can elcva/rJ risk. GiVe Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance_ Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors fiab~ for unanticipated subsurtace conditions by limiting what they provide tor bid preparation. To help prevent cosily problems, give con- tractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, but preface ft with a clearly written letter of transmfttal. In that letter, advise contractors that the repori was not prepared for purposes of bid developrnBfll and that the report's accuracy is limiled; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepaned the report (a modest fee may be required) 1!11(\lor to conduct addillooal study to obtain the speclflc types of infonmalion they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be SUfl/ contrac-- /ors hava sufficient lime to pertOffil additional study. Only then millht you be in a position to give contractms the best tntonmatton available to you, while requiring them to al least share some of ttie finaicial responsibilities stemming trom unanticipated coi1~itions. · Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals. and contractors do not recognize that geolechnical engineering is far IP.SS exact than other engineering disci- plines. This tack of understanding l@s created unrealistic expectations thal have led to disappointments, claims • .illd disputes: To l1elp reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly inciude a variety of explanalory provisions in their reporn;. Sometimes labeled 'limitations· m1!f1Y of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsi- bilities begin l!fld end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities l!fld risks. Read /hese provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnicat engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered · The equipment. techniques, and personnel used to pertonn a geoenviron- menta/ study differ significantly from 1hose used to perform a geo/echnical study. For Iha! reason. a geotechnica engineering report does not usually relate l!flY geoenvironmentaf findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulaled contaminants. Unanlicipaled snviranmenta/ problems hava led to num«rJI/S project failures. It you have not yet obtained your own geoen- vironmental infonmation, ask your geotechnlcal consultant for risk man- agement guidl!flce. Do nat rely an an environmental repOlf prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, l!fld maintenance to prewmt significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surtaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a com- prehensive plan, and execu!Bd with diligent oversight by a professional mold prevention consultant fll!(:alJse just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infeslallons, a num- ber of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building surtaces dry. While groundwalel, water infiltration, and similar issues rmy have been aodressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this raport, the geotechnical enginll!)r in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant none of the servicesper- tarmed In connection with the geotechnlcal engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold preven· lion. Proper implementation of the recommendations r:onveyed in this report w//1 not of itself be sufffcienl to prevent mold from growing in ar an the st/lJcture lnvu/ved. Rely, on Your ASFE-Member Geotechncial Engineer for Additional Assistance Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical engineers lo a wide array ol risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone invotved wilh a construction project. Confer with you ASFE-member geolechnical engifleer for more information. A5FE TIii IBtt '8HII OI Ellttrl / / 0811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, SiMlf Spring, MO 20910 lillcpllone: 301/565-2733 Facsinrit.: 301/589-2017 e-mail: inlo@asfu.org www.ast,.org Copyright 20IH by ASR: ""-OuplkaJlon, "'""'""'°"· "'"""""' o/ lllis d-In -or*' /11/t, by any mmns -..,. Is s/riclly p,uh/blted, ....,.i wi1J1 ASFE's S,-dfk: ---"'9. QUOl/ng, ara-~-fltlm llr/s da<umentlsr,em,/lled anlf wtl/r li>fl fllrprOSS Wlilllll fl'(Tlliss/on ,I ASff: andanlf la, pu,posa of~ reswt:h or DOok rrvtew. Only rrmmlJtn ol ASFE may us, Mis documlml u I complement ta o, a III fflment of ,1 featldJnia1 fllflinmring repo,t. ,tny other firm, -W Ollllt llll/ly 111,1 so usa, II!~ --l>c/l!i an NifE mamlwCOU/4 r,, commlllllrg negO,.,,, or hlllnlional (fraudu/liJI) .,,,_,,_ 116Eil0604.5.DM September 12, 2007 Matt Grimm Gem Construction, Inc, 21501 Connells Prairie Road East Buckley, Washington 98321 ICICLE CREEi< ENGINEERS INTRODUCTION Letter Report LANNING DEVELOFN'O,EFNTREPNTON Cl f\' , . APR \ 0 2008 RECE\VED Geological Engineering Services Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation Ground Proofing Program Proposed Residential Short Plat Wagner Property King County Tax Parcel No. 2923059023 Renton (King County), Washington ICE File No. 0766-001 This letter report summarizes the results oflciclc Creek Engineers' (ICE' s) ground proofing program of a Moderate Risk Sinkhole Hazard area within the south portion ofKing County Tax Parcel No. 2923059023 (referred to as the Wagner Property) located off of the cast end of 172"' Avenue SE near Renton in King County, Washington. Our services were completed in general accordance with our Proposal dated June 25, 2007 and were authorized in writing by Matt Grimm of Gem Construction, Inc., the property ov.-ner, on July 6, 2007. The project site is shown relative to nearby physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. !CE previously completed a preliminary coal mine hazard assessment of the property. The results of this study are presented in our letter report dated May 7, 2007. In our May 2007 preliminary assessment, we classified the south portion of the property as a Moderate Risk Sinkhole Hazard area that may be suitable for open space and trails. We further described in that report that with additional subsurface exploration (referred to as "ground proofing"), this Moderate Risk Sinkhole Hazard area could be "declassified" (no building restrictions associated with coal mine hazards) if it could be shown that the underlying coal seams (Upper and Lower Splits of the Springbrook No. 3 Coal Scam) were intact (not mined). Specific details regarding the mining history of this area are described in ICE's May 2007 report. SUMMARY OF FTh'DINGS The coal scams were evaluated by drilling a test boring (Boring B-1) to a depth of about 71 'lz feet on August 23, 2007. The test boring was drilled using track-mounted, hollow-stem drill equipment mmed and operated by Holocene Drilling, Inc. ofFife, Washington. The test boring was located in the field by measuring from known surface features. The ground surface elevation of the test boring was approXllllated using a topographic site plan provided by Mr. Grinun. The approximate location of the test boring is shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. Upon completion, the test boring was backfilled in general accordance with Washington State Department of Ecology guidelines. The test boring was continuously monitored by an engineering geologist from ICE who classified the soils or bedrock encountered, obtained representative soil and bedrock samples, observed ground water conditions (when possible) and prepared a detailed log of the exploration. Matt Grimm Gem Construction, Inc. September 12, 2007 Page2 The soil consistencies noted on the log are based on the conditions observed, our experience and judgment, and blow count data and/or drilling resistance during drilling. Representative samples were obtained from the test boring at 5-foot depth intervals using a 1.5-inch inside-diameter split-spoon standard penetration test (SPT) sampler. The SPT sampler was driven 18 inches with a 140-pound weight falling a vertical distance of approximately 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches, or other indicated distance, is recorded on the test boring log. The drilling resistance was monitored for soil/bedrock density, and to evaluate for the presence of voids that would indicate open mine workings. Soils encountered were visually classified in general accordance with the classification system descnbed in Figure 3. Bedrock was classified using standard geological methods. The test boring log is presented in Figure 4. The test boring log is based on our interpretation of the field data and indicates the various types of soil and bedrock encountered. The boring log also indicates the depth at which these soil and rock types or their characteristics change, although the change might actually be gradual. If the change occurred between samples in the test boring, it was interpreted. Ground water conditions were observed to the extent it was practical when using hollow-stem drilling methods. Boring B-1 encountered about 5 feet of soil overburden consisting of silty sand with gravel underlain by sedimentary bedrock (referred to as the "Renton fomiation''). The bedrock consisted of weathered, medium dense, fine-grained sandstone bedrock from a depth of about 5 to 7~ feet that graded to unweathered, very dense fine-grained sandstone and carbonaceous shale from a depth of about 7~ to 23 feet. At a depth of about 23 feet, the drilling resistance indicated soft drilling. The soft drilling resistance, blow count data and rock samples indicated the boring encountered caved rock from a depth of about 23 feet to 67 feet (44-foot thickness). The caved rock consisted of very loose to medium dense coal and sandstone fragments. A 2-foot thick void was encountered at about 45 to 4 7 feet below the ground surface. At a depth of about 67 feet, the drilling resistance increased suggesting intact bedrock ( dense carbonaceous shale) to the completion depth of the boring at about 71 ~ feet. Ground water was observed during drilling at a depth of about 18 feet. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our ground proofing program, the underlying Upper and Lower Splits of the Springbrook No. 3 Coal Seam are not intact in the area of Boring B-1. It is probable that progressive caving, over time, of the two coal seams and bedrock interlayer has occurred causing the unstable and loose caved rock encountered in Boring B-1. RECOMMENDATIONS Because the condition of the coal seams was not intact as expected, we contacted Mr. Grimm to discuss the results of Boring B-1. We adyised Mr. Grimm that the results of Boring B-1 were unfavorable for JE!!!e ~'declassification" gf the M!!derate Risk Sinkhole Hazard area. Further exploration (two borings were planned to the west of Boring B-1) would likely encounter similar conditions (caved rock) and, if caved rock was encountered, would not provide supporting data for declassification of coal mine hazards. We recommended to Mr. Grimm that the ground proofing program should be curtailed with the completion of Boring B-1. Mr. Grimm agreed with this recommendation. For the purpose of site development, we recommend that the area in the south portion of the Wagner property, south of the north edge of the Lower Split Coal Seam, maintain the classiti~Q.ll_!l,S_il_'"'!~~~~ Sinkhole Hazard Area" as presented in the ICE's May 2007 report as shown on Figure 2. ---~ Icic1e Creek Engineers 07660011091207 .\1att Grimm Gem Construction, Inc. September 12, 2007 Page 3 USE OF TIDS REPORT We have prepared this report for use by (iem Const1uction, Inc. for their use in planning development of the site. The data and report should be provided to pcnnitting agencies for their information, but our report conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. When the design has been finalized, we recommend that the final design and specifications be reviewed by our firm to see that our recommendations have been interpreted and implemented as intended. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions between the locations of the explorations and also with time. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the project budget and schedule. We recommend that our firm be retained to provide sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation during construction to evaluate whether the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations and to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions encountered during the work differ from those anticipated. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. ******************** We trust this letter report meets your present needs. Please call if you have any questions concerning this report. Document ID: 076600 l .REP Two copies submitted Attachments: Vicinity Map -Figure I Site Plan -Figure 2 Explanation for Boring Logs -Figure 3 Boring Log -Figure 4 Icicle C:cck Engincc:rs Yours very truly, Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. ~ Matthew M. Kagle Senior Staff Geologist Brian R. Beaman, P.E., L.G. Principal Engineer/Geologist 0766001/09\207 I 0 ai a: Ill I 11 ---~·~t\ ....;.~~..;; "-:! ... m-....,,. - ~§~~~ ._ ~---· ..,.._::..--....:.:.:' --~~~:-.:;:"': 0 2,000 Scale in Feet t:; :i . z .!! ii: ~. Icicle Creek Engineers N 4,000 Vicinity Map -Figure 1 .,, ) CJ' (J] 0 55' @ 1-, ------, ' / / / /1/i/ / / /; aase ma;> rcfcrcn::e: SubTerra. Im:: .. September 22, 2006, F,;;iurc 2 0 40 I 80 Approximate Scale in Feet ~ Icicle Creek Engineers .,-------- i i ' l -~ ·, ' ,_ '· " ~ 0 rl- ::i- u /~' 0 rr, l/J rr, ·--·~:9' •. Es! '-----~-. \ 80' \ O' / ' /,/ ~// / O' 80' D "" If) (") If) (") / ,n (") ,n (") C\Trench 2 \ \ -~ ' L0c, -~ ,n 'ili (") 80' \ \ L6c\-2 Iii\ \ \ ).{) Loe.'-i (") 83' II\ ( / / / Ii,' • N ~ ! , Lower Split Coal Seam , , J <'7'\' A•i '< \ , Upper Split Coal Seam __ \ ' 8 _ 1 EXPLANATION EB Boring Location (ICE, August 23, 2007) TT-1 Test Trench Location (ICE, May 1, 2007) I Test Trench and Pit Location (Cornerstone Geotechnical, 20061 I Moderate Risk Sinkhole Hazard Area , !appro.wr .. -ile ·!.Se ICE May. 200.' rep.:1(1 fol" a:Wilian.al detail) Site Plan -Figure 21 Unified Soil Classification System Soil Classification and MAJOR DIVISIONS Generalized Group Description Coarse-GRAVEL GW Well-graded gravels Grained CLEAN GRAVEL More than SO% GP Poorly-graded gravels Soils of coarse fraction retained on the GRAVEL WITH GM Gravel and silt mixtures No. 4 sieve FINES GC Gravel and clay mixlurcs SAND CLEAN SAND SW Well-graded sand Mo .. than50% SP Poorly-graded sand More than SO"A, of coarse fraction SAND WITH SM Sand and silt mixtures !daincd DD tho passes tho FINES SC Sand and clay mixtures No. 200 sieve No. 4sicve Fine-SILT AND CLAY ML Low-plasticity silts Grained INORGANIC Soils CL Low-plasticity clays Liquid Limit ORGANIC OL Low -,city orgamc sills less 1hanSO and organic days SILT AND CLAY MH High-plasticity silts INORGANIC CH High-plasticity clays More than SO% passing tho Liquid Umit ORGANIC OH High-plasticity organic silts No. 200 sieve .....;,-t1ianso and --=c clave Higbly Orpaic Soils Primarily organic mattc:r wilb organic odor PT Peat N'osa: I) Soil dPPifinlZim baa:I cm viml denifinstinn ofaoil ii baod mASTMD24"-tO,· l)Sail clmificatin UMI llborslory1est1 is based onASIM D2417•90, !) Dc:saq,tioa ofsoB di=mity orcamlltmcy ill bacd OD iatcrprmtim ofblowcoiml dlll. adlortist data. Key to Boring Log Symbols Sampling Method Boring Log Description Symbol 34 I Location of relatively uudisturbcd sample Blows required to drive a 2.4 inch LD. split-bam:I samplcc I I 2-im:hcs DI' otber indicated 12 Location of disturbed sample distaoce using a 300-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 21 D Location of sample ancmpt widi ao RICOvay Blows rcquircd to drive a I.S-~ Location of sample obtained in general inch LD. split bum sampler 14 accordance with Standaro Pmctratioo Test {SPT • S1alldaid P<Uctration {ASTM D-1586) test procedures. 'lest) 12-incbcs or otbcr indicated distanoe using a rn Location of SPT sampling attempt with no 140-pound hammer falling 30 30incbcs. recovery. Pushed Sampler p 0 Sampler pushed with the weight of tho bamm« or apinst weight of the driiliDg rt& Grab Sample G 0 Sample obtained from drill cuttings. Note: The Imes sepanbDg soil 1)lpcs Oil the logs rcpracnts apprm:unatc bolllldariC5 only. The actual boundaries may vuy orbc gradual. Soil Particle Size Definitions Component Size Range Bouldrn Coatscr than I 2 in,h Ccbblcs 3 im:h to 12 inch Gravel 3 im:b t<> No. 4 (4.78 mm) Coa,sc 3 mob to 3/4 inch Fine 3/4 inch to No. 4 (4. 78 nun) Sand No. 4 (4.78 mm)to No. 200 {0.074mm) Coarse No. 4 (4.78 mm) to No. 10 (2.0 mm) Medium No. IO (2.0 mm) to No. 40 (0.42mm) Fine No. 40 (0.42 mm) to No. 200 (0.074mm) Silt and Clay Finor tbao No. 200 (0.074 mm) Soil Moisture Modifiers Soil Moisture Description Dly Abseoceofmoisturc Moist Damp, but DO visible wat<r Wet V1Siblc water Laboratory Tests Test Symbol Density DN Grain Size GS Percent Fines PF Atterberg Limits AL Hydrometer Analysis HA Consolidation CN Compaction CP Permeability PM Uncoofined Compression UC Unconsolidated Undnlincd TII uu Consolidated Undrained TX cu Consolidated Drained TX CD Chemical Anal=is CA Icicle Creek Engineers Explanation for Boring Logs -Figure 3 I Boring B-1 ~ Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 423 feet ;; " ... .5 'a " C 0 ,.: ~ l' } s 25 30 35 Soil Profile Description Blown silly fine to medium SAND with gravel (weathered soil) (drill ruttlngs) Dark brown-black carbonaceous SHALE (very dense, wet) (Renlon fonnation bedrock) ·············-·-·················-····································-···················· CAVED ROCK· Coal and Sandstone Fragments (loose, wet) (caved Lower and Upper Split Coal Seam) soft drilUng below 23 feet grades lo very loose Icicle Creek Engineers .!! .c n. I! "' C, .3 Penetration Resistance (Blows/foot -•) i!' Sample Data SM Rock Rock 70 92/ 10' ! :8.1---"0,0.,...,..i.:..-.;,.;:..,,--;&~O--I i ~ EB D~ ~ .s O ~~ • • Rock 78 ~ • Caved Rock Caved Rock 7 • 4 =d Push 0 T--+--t--t--t---1 Page I of2 Piezometer lnslalla1ion - Ground Water Dala •' ~ •.' F ,· Boring Log -Figure 4 ~ 0 ;a ':! ~ 0 ,;,; :g :g ii .. u. £ ,: 1i .. C 40 ~ i- 1l !II j 45 65 70 75 Boring B-1 Soil Profile Description CAVED ROCK -Coal and sandstone Fragments Ooose, wet) (caved Lower and Upper Split Coal Seam) drtlllng resistance indicates void from 45 and 47 feet grades to loose grades to very loose harder drtlilng between 61 and 62 feet softer drflllng below 62 feet grades to medium dense Dari< brown-black carbonaceous SHALE (dense, moist to wet) (Renton formation bedrock) Boring completed at 71.5 feet on August 23, 2007 Ground water obseived at 18 feet .!,! -a m '" ~o Cl..., Sample Data Caved Rock Void caved Push ~ Rock l:'.J Caved Rock Caved Rock 3 5 2 12 ~ Rock 36 Icicle Creek Engineers • • Page 2 of 2 Piezometer Installation - Ground Waler Dala Sot=nilet .; Boring Log -Figure 4 Sewall Wetland Consultin Inc. PNW HOLDINGS LLC-FIELDBROOK COMMONS CITY OF RENTON Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. 27641 Covington Way SE, #2 Covington, WA 98042 CRITICAL AREAS REPORT Prepared For: PNW Holdings LLC 9725 SE 36fh Street Suite 214 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Attn: Justin Lagers November 8, 2011 Job#ll-121 .. AN 3 LU,: Phone: 253-859-0515 Fax 253-852-4732 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. PNW HOLDINGS LLC-FIELDBROOK COMMONS CITY OF RENTON Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. 27641 Covington Way SE, #2 Covington, WA 98042 CRITICAL AREAS REPORT Prepared For: PNW Holdings LLC 9725 SE 3611t Street Suite214 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Attn: Justin Lagers November 8, 2011 Job#ll-121 Phone: 253-859-0515 Fax: 253-852-4732 Sewall Wetland Consultin , Inc. 27641 Covington Way SE #2 Covington, WA 98042 PNW HOLDINGS LLC -FIELD BROOK COMMONS CITY OF RENTON CRITICAL AREAS REPORT Phone: 253-859-0515 Fax:253-852-4732 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report describes jurisdictional wetlands on the I 0. 7 acre proposed Fieldbrook Commons PUD on the east side of Benson Road South, and north of Cedar A venue South (SE 172nd Street) in the City of Renton, Washington (the "site"). Specifically, the site consists of three abutting parcels (Parcels# 2923059168, 2923059022, and 29230599023) located in a portion of the SE 1/4 of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian in King County, Washington. " l ! " " .. • Tiffany Park SE 1601:'· St • Cucade Patk S( 1B-1tr> St C;,s,:ad<e ~ Sh:,r,~,inq Ci'-1'!<',r 119! ~ • f Fairv Crest " , ; =~ H '" v.,,~~Y M.;-,hc.~I CN\'IN SITE .efl Cascade-Fairwood Vicinity Map The site consists of undeveloped deciduous forest with some relic soil disturbance from past coal mining activity. The site is proposed to be developed into 161 unit PUD development with associated roads and infrastructure. I 2.0 METHODOWGY Fieldbrook1# 11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 8, 2011 Pagel Ed Sewall of Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. inspected the site in March, April and August of 2011. The site was reviewed using methodology described in the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual (W ADOE, March 1997). This is the methodology currently recognized by the City of Renton and the State of Washington for wetland determinations and delineations. The site was also inspected using the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987), and the Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast region Supplement (Version 2.0) dated June 24, 2010, as required by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Soil colors were identified using the 1990 Edited and Revised Edition of the Munsell Soil Color Charts (Kollmorgen Instruments Corp. 1990). The Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual and the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual/Regional Supplement all require the use of the three-parameter approach in identifying and delineating wetlands. A wetland should support a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils and display wetland hydrology. To be considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50% of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultative (F AC), facultative wetland (FACW), or obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed, 1988). A hydric soil is "a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part". Anaerobic conditions are indicated in the field by soils with low chromas (2 or less), as determined by using the Munsell Soil Color Charts; iron oxide mottles; hydrogen sulfide odor and other indicators. Generally, wetland hydrology is defined by inundation or saturation to the surface for a consecutive period of 12.5% or greater of the growing season. Areas that contain indicators of wetland hydrology between 5%-12.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands depending upon other indicators. Field indicators include visual observation of soil inundation, saturation, oxidized rhizospheres, water marks on trees or other fixed objects, drift lines, etc. Under normal circumstances, indicators of all three parameters will be present in wetland areas. Following delineation of the wetlands on the site, the flags were surveyed by Concept Engineering, Inc. (see attached survey). 3.0 OBSERVATIONS 3.1 Existing Site Documentation heldbrook!# 11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 8, 2011 Page3 Prior to visiting the site a review of several natural resource inventory maps was conducted. Resources reviewed included the King County Soils Survey, King County iMap website with sensitive areas layers activated, the National Wetlands Inventory, the City ofRenton's Water Class map, the City ofRenton's wetland Inventory map, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitats on-line mapping system. 3.1.1 Soil Survey According to the Soil Survey, King County Area, Washington (Snyder et al 1973), the site is mapped as containing Alderwood gravelly loam soils (AgC ) and Arents, Alderwood material (AmC). Alderwood soils are moderately-well drained soils formed in glacial till under conifers. Alderwood soils are not listed as a "hydric" soil according to the publication Hydric Soils of the United States (USDA NTCHS Pub No.1491, 1991). However, Alderwood soils can contain small inclusions of poorly drained hyric soils such Norma, Bellingham, Seattle, Tukwila and Shalcar soil series. Soil Map of the site 3.1.2 National Wetlands Inventory Fieldbrook!:f 11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 8, 2011 Page4 According to the National Wetlands Inventory there is a portion of a forested and scrub shrub wetland located alon the east side of the site. National Wetlands Inventory map 3.1.4 City of Renton Water Class Map According to the City of Renton Draft Water Class Map, there are no streams on the site. There is a Class 4 stream off-site to the east several hundred feet. ~il!.·1,_"~ t _,;'"" •, . "' . , ,.~.'f" . "" ,. Sl t~.'t s, ~'lilltt ,. Above: City a/Renton 's Water Type Map IM~bllH l' 'Ill r .f § ffi ~ t ~ ! " ~ ., 1fa • .J' "' ~ ~ ... ~ I~~~ 'i£ 1:~t 5C 'l'lt( 5t 3.1.S City ofRenton's Wetlands Map • Fie/dbrook/1/ J 1-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November ii, 20 II Page5 Above: City of Renton 's Wetland Inventory Map. According to the City ofRenton's Wetland Inventory Map, there is a wetland located to the east of the site. The scale of the map and lack of most streets make the actual distance from the site impossible to determine. 3.1.S King County iMap Website The King County iMap website with wetland and stream layers activated portrays a wetland located along the east side of the site. 3.1.6 WDFW Priority Habitat Website Map Fieldbrook!H 11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 8, 2011 Page6 According to the WDFW Priority Habitat Website with Public access layers activated, there is a wetland located alon the east side of the site. 3.2 Field Observations 3.2.1 Uplands The center of the site is the topographic high point of the site, sloping off from here to the eats and west. The site although forested, has evidence of significant past surface disturbance. The northwest corner of the site contains an old paved area that previously contained a King County Fire Department building. The eastern side of the site has had significant past disturbance from historic coal mining activities. Topographic undulations and mounds are old coal tailings and a portion ofa road. Review of the 1936 aerial photograph of the site revealed a small gravel road crossing the east side of the site Fieldbruok/#11-12 I Sewall Wetland Consulting. Inc. November 8, 201 I Page 7 as well as open barren ground with a grid-like appearance to the southeast. This is the location of an historic coal mine. The upland portion of the site is vegetated with a mix of red alder, big leaf maple, bitter cherry and douglas fir. Understory species include Indian plum, hazelnut, salmonberry, Himalayan blackberry, sword fem, vine maple and creeping blackberry. 3.2.2 Wetlands A total of six (6) wetlands were delineated on the site. Several of these have evidence that they may have been fully (Wetlands E & F) or partially (Wetland A) created by past human disturbance, probably related to coal mining activities and or work associated with them. Wetland A Wetland A was delineated with pink flags labeled Al-Al 9 and is located within a closed depression just north of a large historic coal tailing pile. The shape and contours of the wetland suggest it was at least partially created by excavation, or compaction of a mix of tailings and natural soil. This wetland is a depressional wetland that has standing water within its center throughout the winter and spring and goes completely dry in August- October. Trash and old metal debris were observed within the wetland. The wetland is primarily scrub shrub and emergent in character, although a small forested perimeter is found along the edge of the wetland. Species observed include red alder (A/nus rubra), vine maple (Acer circinatum), red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolinifera), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), slough sedge (Carex obnupta) and creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens). Soil pits excavated within the wetland edge revealed 4" A horizon or organic laden gravelly loam with a color of I OYR 2/1. From 4" -16" in depth, a gravelly loam with common, medium, distinct, redoximorphic concentrations was observed with a color of I OYR 3/2. Soils were saturated on the edge of the wetland in March and included standing water in the center of the wetland. By late April the water had been reduced in the wetland to a small pool in the center, and in July and August the wetland was observed to be completely dry. Wetland A contains areas that would be classified as PFOlE (palustrine, forested, broad leaved deciduous, persistent, saturated), PSS IE (palustrine, scrub-shrub, persistent, saturated), and PEM2C (palustrine, emergent, non persistent, seasonally flooded) according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 8, 20 I I Page 8 According to the criteria in City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-3-050.M.l, and despite the past apparent disturbance, Wetland A appears to best be classified as Category 2 wetland. Category 2 wetlands are defined in the Code as follows; ii. Category 2: Category 2 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are not Category I or 3 wetlands; and/or (b) Wetlands that have heron rookeries or osprey nests, but are not Category I wetlands; and/or (c) Wetlands of any size located at the headwaters of a watercourse. i.e., a wetland with a perennial or seasonal outflow channel, but with no defined influent channel, but are not Category I wetlands; and/or (d) Wetlands having minimum existing evidence of human-related physical alteration such as diking, ditching or channelization; and/or Typically, Category 2 wetlands have a 50' buffer measured from the wetland edge. Wetland B Wetland B (flags B 1-822-10,300sf on-site) consists of the western edge of a relatively large (@4-5 acres) located primarily off-site to the east. This wetland is known as a headwater wetland to Soos Creek, which forms further to the east of the site several hundred feet. This wetland is primarily forested although also contains a scrub-shrub component and a small portion (10%-20%) of seasonally standing water to the southeast of the site. Investigation into this wetland to a distance of 100' east of the eastern site boundary revealed no stream channel. The portion of this wetland found along the east side of the site consists ofan area that has been historically disturbed from past mining activity, and evidence of grading and roads along the edge and to the north of the site are present. The majority of the wetland on-site is dominated by red alder, pacific willow (Salix lasiandra) and to the east, a few scattered western red cedars (Thuja plicata). The understory is sparse in some areas but generally consists of salmonberry, red osier dogwood, Himalayan blackberry, hardhack (Spirea douglasii), slough sedge, lady fem (Athyrium filix-femina) and skunk cabbage (L ysichitum americanum ). Soil pits excavated in this wetland revealed a dark (lOYR 3/2) gravelly loam with faint redoximorphic concentrations. Soils were saturated at a depth of -12" during our April delineation of this wetland. Wetland 8 would be classified as PFOlE (palustrine, forested, broad leaved deciduous, persistent, saturated) and PSS 1 E (palustrine, scrub-shrub, persistent, saturated) according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). Fieldbrook/# 11-121 Se,·vall Wetland Consulting, inc. November 8, 2011 Page 9 According to the criteria in City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-3-050.M. 1, due to its headwater location, size < 10 acres, lack of any unique plant associations or listed species, Wetland B appears to best be classified as Category 2 wetland. Category 2 wetlands are defined in the Code as follows; ii. Category 2: Category 2 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are not Category 1 or 3 wetlands; and/or (b) Wetlands that have heron rookeries or osprey nests, but are not Category 1 wetlands; and/or (c) Wetlands of any size located at the headwaters of a watercourse, i.e., a wetland with a perennial or seasonal outflow channel, but with no defined influent channel, but are not Category 1 wetlands; and/or (d) Wetlands having minimum existing evidence of human-related physical alteration such as diking, ditching or channelization; and/or Typically, Category 2 wetlands have a 50' buffer measured from the wetland edge. Wetland C Wetland C is a small (l,449sf), isolated scrub shrub digressional wetland that was flagged with flags Cl-C6 on the east end of the site. This wetland is a shallow depression vegetated with a mix of vine maple, Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia) saplings, red-osier dogwood and slough sedge. Soil pits excavated within this wetland revealed black (!OYR 2/1) mucky loam soils that contained 4" of standing water within its center in the early growing season. Wetland C would be classified as PSS 1 C (palustrine, scrub-shrub, persistent, seasonally flooded) according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). According to the criteria in City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-3-050.M.l, Wetland C would be best classified as Category 3 wetland. Category 3 wetlands are defined in Code as follows; iii. Category 3: Category 3 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are severely disturbed. Severely disturbed wetlands are wetlands which meet the following criteria: (I) Are characterized by hydrologic isolation, human-related hydrologic alterations such as diking, ditching, channelization and/or outlet modification; and Fieldbrook/#11-12 I Sewall Wet/a11d Consulting, !11c. November 8, 2011 Page 10 (2) Have soils alterations such as the presence of fill, soil removal and/or compaction of soils; and (3) May have altered vegetation. (b) Wetlands that are newly emerging. Newly emerging wetlands are: (1) Wetlands occurring on top of fill materials; and (2) Characterized by emergent vegetation, low plant species richness and used minimally by wildlife. These wetlands are generally found in the areas such as the Green River Valley and Black River Drainage Basin. (c) All other wetlands not classified as Category I or 2 such as smaller, high quality wetlands. Typically, Category 3 wetlands have a 25' buffer measured from the wetland edge. Wetland D Wetland Dis an isolated, 7,671sfforested wetland that was flagged with flags Dl-D22 near the center of the site. This wetland is vegetated with an overstory of red alder and Oregon ash, with an understory of vine maple, red-osier dogwood and slough sedge. Soil pits excavated within this wetland revealed black (lOYR 2/1) mucky loam soils that contained 4"-12" of standing water within its center in the early growing season. Wetland D would be classified as PFOIE (palustrine, forested, broad leaved deciduous, persistent, saturated) according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). According to the criteria in City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-3-050.M.l, due to relatively undisturbed character, and its lack of any unique plant associations or listed species, Wetland D appears to best be classified as Category 2 wetland. Category 2 wetlands are defined in the Code as follows; ii. Category 2: Category 2 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are not Category I or 3 wetlands; and/or (b) Wetlands that have heron rookeries or osprey nests, but are not Category 1 wetlands; and/or (c) Wetlands of any size located at the headwaters of a watercourse, i.e., a wetland with a perennial or seasonal outflow channel, but with no defined influent channel, but are not Category 1 wetlands; and/or (d) Wetlands having minimum existing evidence of human-related physical alteration such as diking, ditching or channelization; and/or Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Novcmher 8, 20 I I Page 11 Typically, Category 2 wetlands have a 50' buffer measured from the wetland edge. Wetland E Wetland Eis a very small (68sf) scrub-shrub wetland that appears to have been formed by the past road constructional SE 172nd Street. The wetland contains several red-soi er dogwood shrubs as well as Himalayan blackberry. A small culvert leads from this wetland into the street drain system. Soil pits excavated within this wetland revealed black (I OYR 2/1) gravelly loam soils that was saturated at the surface in the early growing season. Wetland E would be classified as PSS IC (palustrine, scrub-shrub, persistent, seasonally flooded) according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). According to the criteria in City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-3-050.M. l, Wetland ER would be best classified as Category 3 wetland. Category 3 wetlands are defined in Code as follows; iii. Category 3: Category 3 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are severely disturbed. Severely disturbed wetlands are wetlands which meet the following criteria: (1) Are characterized by hydrologic isolation, human-related hydrologic alterations such as diking, ditching, channelization and/or outlet modification; and (2) Have soils alterations such as the presence of fill, soil removal and/or compaction of soils; and (3) May have altered vegetation. (b) Wetlands that are newly emerging. Newly emerging wetlands are: (]) Wetlands occurring on top of fill materials; and (2) Characterized by emergent vegetation, low plant species richness and used minimally by wildlife. These wetlands are generally found in the areas such as the Green River Valley and Black River Drainage Basin. (c) All other wetlands not classified as Category I or 2 such as smaller, high quality wetlands. Typically, Category 3 wetlands have a 25' buffer measured from the wetland edge. Wetland F Wetland F appears to have formed in a historically disturbed area along the northwest comer of the site. This wetland was flagged with flags Fl-F5 and is l,59lsfin size. Fieldbrook/# 11-121 SeHmll 1-Yetland Consulting, Inc. November 8. 20 I I Page 12 Soils are very disturbed with old tire ruts and ditching. This area abuts the old Fire Station site to the north. Veegation found within this wetland consists primarily ofhardhack, reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), some red osier dogwood and himalayan blackberry. A few of black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) and Oregon ash are found along the boundary but not enough to consider this a forested wetland. Soil pits excavated within this wetland revealed mottled, dark ( 1 OYR 2/2) gravelly loam soils that was saturated within 12" of the surface in the early growing season. Wetland F would be classified as PSS 1 C (palustrine, scrub-shrub, broad leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded) according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). According to the criteria in City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-3-050.M. l, Wetland F would be best classified as Category 3 wetland. Category 3 wetlands are defined in Code as follows; iii. Category 3: Category 3 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are severely disturbed. Severely disturbed wetlands •are wetlands which meet the following criteria: (]) Are characterized by hydrologic isolation, human-related hydrologic alterations such as diking, ditching, channelization and/or outlet modification; and (2) Have soils alterations such as the presence of fill, soil removal and/or compaction of soils; and (3) May have altered vegetation. (b) Wetlands that are newly emerging. Newly emerging wetlands are: (]) Wetlands occurring on top of fill materials; and (2) Characterized by emergent vegetation, low plant species richness and used minimally by wildlife. These wetlands are generally found in the areas such as the Green River Valley and Black River Drainage Basin. (c) All other wetlands not classified as Category I or 2 such as smaller, high quality wetlands. Typically, Category 3 wetlands have a 25' buffer measured from the wetland edge. 4.0 FUNCTIONS AND VALVES Fieldbrook!# 11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 8, 2011 Page 13 Wetlands A has a moderate function for water quality, hydro logic function and wildlife habitat. The small size , past disturbance from mining, and close distance to disturbance reduce these functions somewhat. Wetland B has a higher functional value as this is a multiclass wetland located at the headwater of Soos Creek. This wetland stores and attenuates flood waters as well as removes water contaminants from the water column, which would otherwise pass downstream into Soos Creek a salmon bearing water. Wildlife habitat is relatively high in this wetland as a result of the complexity of the vegetation, hydrologic regimes and relatively intact buffers. What does reduce the habitat of this wetland and all of the wetland son-site is the isolation of this area within a relatively urban landscape. The wetland and surrounding upland is totally isolated by residential homes as well as paved City streets. Wetlands C and D have low to moderate function which is primarily due to their isolated location in the landscape, lack of vegetation complexity, small size and lack of connection to other habitat areas. Wetland E and F are of low value as they are very small, are highly disturbed and have been altered by past uses. 5.0 REGULATIONS In addition to the wetland regulations previously described for wetlands and streams, certain activities (filling and dredging) within "waters of the United States" may fall under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). The ACOE regulates all discharges into "waters of the United States" (wetlands) under Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. Due to the increasing emphasis on Endangered Species Act compliance for all fills of Waters of the United State and Waters of the State, both the Corps of Engineers and Washington Department of Ecology should be contacted regarding permit conditions, compliance, and processing prior to commitment to any fill of wetlands or streams for this project. 6.0 PROPOSED PROJECT Fieldbrook/#11 -121 Sewall tfetland Consulting, inc. November 8, 2011 Page 14 The proposed project is the construction of a 161 PUD project with associated infrastructure. The location of Wetlands D, E and F result in most of the developable property on the site being encumbered by wetland or buffer. Since these wetlands, particularly Wetlands E and Fare oflow value, and Wetland Dis small in size but because of its linear shape impacts the sites usable space so greatly, we are proposing filling these three wetlands. As a result, it is our intention to fill these wetlands and provide adequate mitigation for their lost functions by creating wetland on the eastern side of the site in and around Wetlands A, B and C. Impacts to wetlands must be justified through a mitigation sequence as detailed in City of Renton Code. This sequencing requires addressing the following criteria; a. Avoid any disturbances to the wetland or buffer; The site contains three small wetlands which the developer proposes to fill and mitigate for through the creation of a new wetland area and enhanced buffer areas for the existing wetlands A, B & C in the eastern third of the site. Wetland (F) located on the western side of the site is Category 3 wetland measuring 1595sf. Due to the requirement to provide a secondary fire access directly out to 1081h Ave S.E. the developer is unable to avoid direct impact to this wetland. Wetland (E) located in the center of the site and adjacent to S.E. 172nd St. measures 68sf and is rated as a Category 3 wetland. Due to the requirement to dedicate and construct the other half of the S.E. l 72"d St. ROW the developer is unable to avoid direct impacts to this wetland. Wetland (D) is located generally in the center of the project and is rated as a Category 2 wetland measuring 767lsf. b. Minimize any wetland or buffer impacts; The developer previously attempted to plan roadways and improvements around this wetland, however the location and shape of the wetland impacted the vehicular circulation and building locations to such an extent that the project would not be financially feasible to construct. c. Restore any wetlands or buffer impacted or lost temporarily; and Resoration of this wetland in this location would not be feasible due to the location of the impacts and configuartion of the parcel and remaining wetland. d. Compensate for any permanent wetland or buffer impacts by one of the following methods: i. Restoring a former wetland and provide buffers at a site once exhibiting wetland characteristics to compensate for wetlands lost; Fieldbrook/#11-121 5;ewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 8, 21) I I Page 15 This is not applicable to this site as no historic wetlands are located on the property. ii. Creating new wetlands and buffers for those lost; and A total of 9334sf of wetland will be filled. As described in Code; "Any applicant proposing to alter wetlands may propose to restore wetlands or create new wetlands, with priority first for on-site restoration or creation and then second, within the drainage basin, in order to compensate for wetland losses. Restoration activities must include restoring lost hydrologic, water quality and biologic functions". Additionally, Code states" Where feasible, created or restored wetlands shall be a higher category than the altered wetland. In no cases shall they be lower". Code Specifies the following mitigation ratios for wetland impacts; i. RATIOS FOR WETLANDS CREATION OR RESTORATION: Wetland Category Vegetation Type Creation/Restoration Ratio Category 1 Forested 6 times the area altered. Scrub-shrub 3 times the area altered. Emergent 2 times the area altered. Category 2 Forested 3 times the area altered. Scrub-shrub 2 times the area altered. Emergent 1.5 times the area altered. Category 3 Forested 1.5 times the area altered. Scrub-shrub 1.5 times the area altered. Emergent 1.5 times the area altered. The following table outlines the wetlands to be filled and the required wetland creation using the City of Renton mitigation ratios: Wetland Size Category Vegetation Ratio Required Type Wetland Creation D 7671sf 2 Forested 3: 1 23013sf E 68sf 3 scrub-shrub 1.5:1 102sf F 1595sf 3 scrub-shrub 1.5:1 2393sf Total 15508sf Creation Conceptual Mitigation Fieldhrook/#11-121 Seivall rVet/and Consulting, Inc. November 8. 20 I I Page 16 To compensate for the impact to 9334sf of Category 2 &3 wetland, we are proposing creating 25,508sf of wetland along the west edge of Wetland B as well as between Wetlands A and C. This results in an overall wetland mitigation ratio of2.73:1 (created wetland:impacted wetland). This mitigation will create Category 2 wetland for a combination of Category 2 and 3 wetland impacts. As depicted on the attached Conceptual Mitigation Plan, 25,508sf of area will be excavated out to a similar depth to the existing wetland in two areas to intercept the surficial groundwater table and create conditions favorable to create wetland hydrology. A berm will be placed between the two wetland creations due to the differences in elevation of the two areas. This will prevent wetland creation between Wetlands A and C from draining into Wetland B. Hydrologic monitoring will be conducted using peizometers in the proposed mitigation area through the winter and spring to verify groundwater elevations. This area will then be graded back at a slope no steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). The area will then be planted with a mix of native trees, shrubs and herbaceous species and will also include several habitat features (logs , and snags) to increase its habitat function. The goal will be to create at least 25,508sf of · area meeting all three wetland criteria (hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology) as specified in the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual (W ADOE, March 1997). All disturbed buffer areas will be restored with a dense planting of native trees and shrubs. The resulting wetland creation area will be monitored for 5 years as required by Code. If you have any questions regarding this report, please call us at (253) 859-0515 or at , esewall@sewallwc.com . Sincerely, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. , Ed Sewall Senior Wetlands Ecologist PWS #212 REFERENCES Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 31, 2011 Page 17 Cowardin, L., V. Carter, F. Golet, and E. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79-31, Washington, D. C. Daubenmire, R. 1959. A canopy-coverage method ofvegetational analysis. Northwest Science 33:43-64. Diers, R. and J.L. Anderson. 1984. Development of Soil Mottling. Soil Survey Horizons, Winter 1984, pg 9-15. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. City of Renton Municipal Code Hitchcock, C. and A. Cronquist. 1976. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Munsell Color. 1988. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kollmorgen Instruments Corp., Baltimore, Maryland. National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. 1991. Hydric Soils of the United States. USDA Misc. Pub!. No. 1491. Reed, P., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). 1988. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland Freshwater Ecology Section, St. Petersburg, Florida. Reed, P.B. Jr. 1993. 1993 Supplement to the list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). USFWS supplement to Biol. Rpt. 88(26.9) May 1988. Fieldbrook/#11-121 Se\vall Wetland Consulting, Inc. 1.0 CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PROJECT OVERVIEW October 31, 2011 Page 18 To compensate for the fill of a 9,334sf Category 2 &3 wetland, it is proposed to create 25,508sfofwetland along the west side of Wetland B, a Category 2 wetland as well as between Wetlands A and C. 2.0 MITIGATION CONCEPT AND GOALS 2.1 Mitigation Concept The mitigation proposal is to enlarge Wetland Bas well as connect Wetlands A and C through excavation to create wetland conditions. The wetland creation areas will be densely planted with native vegetation. The use of diverse native plantings are expected to significantly improve the overall function of the wetland and buffer as it will remove dense thickets of exotic blackberry as well as add emergent and shrub plant communities into what is now, a single class forested wetland. 2.2 Mitigation Goals 2.2.1 Create 25,508sf of emergent, scrub shrub and forested wetland. 3.0 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The construction sequence of this project will be implemented as follows: 3 .1 Pre-construction meeting 3 .2 Construction staking 3.3 Construction fencing and erosion control 3 .4 Clearing and grading 3.5 Stabilization of mitigation area 3.6 Plant material installation 3. 7 Construction inspection 3.8 Agency approval 3. 9 Monitoring inspection and reporting 3.10 Silt fence removal 3.11 Project completion 3.1 Pre-construction Meeting A pre-construction meeting will be held on-site prior to commencement of construction, to include the biologist, the City, and the contractor. The approved plans and specifications will be reviewed to ensure that all parties involved understand the intent of the construction documents, specifications, site environmental constraints, sequences, and inspection requirements. 3.2 Construction Staking Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 31, 2011 Page 19 The limits of clearing and grading near the critical areas will be marked in the field by a licensed professional land surveyor prior to commencement of construction activities. 3.3 Construction Fencing & Erosion Control All erosion control measures adjacent to the critical areas, including silt fencing and orange construction fencing, will be installed. Erosion control fencing will remain around the mitigation area until clearing, grading and hydroseeding are complete in upland areas outside the critical areas. 3.4 Clearing & Grading Clearing and grading in and near the existing sensitive area will be per the approved Final Mitigation Plans. 3.5 Stabilization of Mitigation Area All graded areas in the wetland or buffer will be stabilized with native hydroseed mix or mulch upon completion of grading. Orange construction fencing and erosion control fences will be restored (if necessary) and placed around the critical areas. 3.6 Plant Material Installation All plant material will be planted by hand per detail and Construction and Planting Notes. The Mitigation Plan specifies the required size, species, quantity, and location of plant materials to be installed. The contractor will re-seed or over-seed all hydroseeded areas disturbed during the planting process. Upon completion of the planting, the erosion control fencing will be restored and repaired. Plant substitutions or modifications to locations shall be approved in writing by the Owner's biologist prior to installation. 3.7 Construction Inspection Upon completion of installation, the County's biologist will conduct an inspection to confirm proper implementation of the Mitigation Plan. Any corrections, substitutions or missing items will be identified in a "punch list" for the landscape contractor. Items of particular importance will be soils in pits, pit size, plant species, plant size, mulch around pi ts, and tree staking. Upon completion of planting, if installation or materials vary significantly from the Mitigation Plan, the contractor will submit a reproducible "as-built" drawing to the Owner. 3.8 Agency Approval Following acceptance of the installation by the City, the County biologist should prepare a letter granting approval of the installation. 3.9 Monitoring I Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 31. 2011 Page 20 The site will be monitored for 5 years to insure the success of the mitigation project. 3.10 Silt Fence Removal Erosion control fencing adjacent to the mitigation area will remain in place for at least one year, and/or until all areas adjacent to the mitigation area have been stabilized. The County's Biologist may recommend that the fencing remain in place for a longer duration. 4.0 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING NOTES 4.1 Site Preparation & Grading 4.1.1 The Landscape Contractor will approve existing conditions of sub grade prior to initiation of any mitigation installation work. The Landscape Contractor will inform the Owner of any discrepancies between the approved construction document and existing conditions. 4.1.2 The General Contractor will flag the limits of clearing with orange construction fencing and will observe these limits during construction. No natural features or vegetation will be disturbed beyond the designated "limits of clearing". 4.1.3 The Landscape Contractor will hand grub all blackberry varieties onsite. Weed debris will be disposed of off site. 4.1.4 The wetland area will be excavated to the depths shown on the Final Mitigation Grading Plan and brought to grade with 8" of topsoil. The biologist will be on-site to confirm the grading is acceptable for planting. 4.2 Plant Materials 4.2.1 All plant materials will be as specified in the plant schedule. Only vigorous plants free of defects, diseases and infestation are acceptable for installation. 4.2.2All plant materials will conform to the standards and size requirements of ANSI Z60. l "American Standard for Nursery Stock". All plant materials will be native to the northwest, and preferably the Puget Sound Region. Plant materials will be propagated from native stock; no cultivars or horticultural varieties will be allowed. All plant materials will be grown from nursery stock unless otherwise approved. 4.2.3 All nursery grown plant materials will be in containers or balled and bur lapped. Bare root plantings will be subject to approval. Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 31, 2011 Page 21 4.2.4 All plant materials stored on-site longer than two (2) weeks will be organized in rows and maintained by the contractor at no additional cost to the owner. Plant materials temporarily stored will be subject to inspection and approval prior to installation. 4.2.5 Substitution requests must be submitted in writing to the Owner and approved by the Owner's biologist in writing prior to delivery to site. 4.2.6 All plant materials will be dug, packed, transported and handled with care to ensure protection from injury. All plant materials to be stored on site more than 24 hours will be heeled into topsoil or sawdust. Precautionary measures shall be taken to ensure plant materials do not dry out before planting. Wetland plants will be shaded and saturated until time of installation. Immediately after installation the mitigation planting area will be saturated to avoid capillary stress. 4.2. 7 The contractor will verify all plant materials, the quantities shown on the planting plan, and the plant schedule. The quantity of plant materials shown on the plan takes precedent over the quantity on the plant list. 4.3 Plant Installation 4.3. l All plant materials must be inspected prior to installation to verify conformance of the materials with the plant schedule including size, quality and quantity. Any plant or habitat materials deemed unsatisfactory will be rejected. 4.3.2 All plant materials delivered and accepted should be planted immediately as depicted on the mitigation plan. Plant materials not planted within 24 hours will be heeled-in per note 3 .2.6. Plant materials stored under temporary conditions will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. Plants will be protected at all times to prevent the root ball from drying out before, during, or after planting. 4.3.3All planting pits will be circular with vertical sides, and will be sized per detail on the mitigation plan and filled with pit soils approved by the Owner's biologist. If native soils are determined to be unacceptable by the Owner's biologist, pit soils will be amended with Cedar Grove mulch or equivalent. 4.3.4No fertilizers will be used within the wetland. In buffer areas only, install "Agriform", or equal plant fertilizer to all planting pits as specified by manufacturer. Fertilizers are allowed only below grade in the planting pits in the buffer areas. No sewage sludge fertilizer ("SteerCo" or "Growco") is allowed in the mitigation area. 4.3.5 All containerized plant materials will be removed from their containers carefully to prevent damage to the plant and its roots. Plants removed from their containers will be planted immediately. Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 31, 2011 Page 22 4.3.6All plant materials will be placed as shown on the approved mitigation plan. lfthe final installation varies from the approved mitigation plan, the contractor will provide a reproducible mylar as-built of the installed conditions. All plant material will be flagged by the contractor. 4.4 Planting Schedule and Warranty 4.4.1 A fall-winter installation schedule (October I st -March 15th ) is preferred for lower mortality rates of new plantings. If plant installation occurs during the spring or summer (March 15th -Oct. I" ) a temporary irrigation system will be required, unless the area can be sufficiently hand-watered. 4.4.2 All disturbed areas will be mulched or seeded with native mixes as specified on the plans, as soon as the mitigation area grading is complete. The seed must be germinated and a grass cover established by October l't. If the cover is not adequately established by October I", exposed soils will be covered with approved erosion control material and the contractor will notify the Owner in writing of alternative soil stabilization method used. 4.4.3 The installer will warrant all plant materials to remain healthy and alive for a period of one year after final acceptance. The installer will replace all dead or unhealthy plant materials per the approved plans and specifications. 4.5 Site Conditions 4.5.1 The installer will coordinate with the Owner and the Owner's biologist for construction scheduling. 4.5.2 Landscape installation will begin after the City acceptance of grading and construction. The Owner will notify the Owner's biologist of acceptance of final grading. 4.5.3 Silt fences will be installed as shown on the approved mitigation grading plans. The installer is responsible for repair and replacement of silt fences disturbed during plant installation. No equipment or soils will be stored inside the silt fences. 4.5.4After clearing and grading is complete in the mitigation area, exposed soils will be seeded or mulched. Orange construction fence will be placed around the mitigation area to prohibit equipment and personnel in the mitigation area. 4.5.5Final grading will be based upon soil conditions found during excavation of the mitigation area. 4.5.6All plant material will be planted with suitable soils per planting details. Soils from planting holes will be spread and smoothed across the mitigation area. 5.0 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 31, 2011 Page 23 This maintenance program outlines the program, procedures and goals for mitigation of the stream and buffer impacts at the mitigation site. This maintenance program will be the responsibility of the project owner through the duration of its ownership of the mitigation area, or throughout the duration of the monitoring period, whichever is longer. The maintenance contractor will complete the work as outlined below. 5.1 Maintenance Work Scope 5.1.1 To accomplish the mitigation goals, normal landscaping methods must be modified to include: a. No mowing or trimming of ground cover or vegetation in the mitigation area. b. No placement of fertilizers in the mitigation area. c. No placement of bark mulch or equivalent in the mitigation area, except as noted in the planting details. d. No placement of grass clippings, landscape debris, fill or ornamental plant materials in the mitigation area. 5.l.2Work to be included in each site visit: a. Remove all litter including paper, plastic, bottles, construction debris, yard debris, etc. b. Remove all blackberry varieties and scotch broom within the mitigation area. All debris is to be removed from site and disposed in an approved landfill. c. Repair silt and/or permanent fencing and signage as needed. 5.l.3Work to be completed on an annual basis includes: a. Areas containing Himalayan blackberry should be controlled by hand cutting the blackberry and treating the remaining cut stems only with a glyphosphate herbicide such as Roundup or Rodeo (applied by hand, not sprayed). b. Replace dead or failed plant materials. Replacement plantings are to be of same species, size and location as original plantings. Plantings are to be installed during the dormant period. c. Remove tree staking and guy wires from all trees after one year. 5.2 Maintenance Schedule The Owner will conduct all items listed in the Maintenance Work Scope on an annual basis. Additional work may be required per the Monitoring Report and as approved by the City Biologist. Additional work may include removal of the grasses around each shrub and tree, installation of wood chips at each shrub and tree base, reseeding the mitigation area, re-staking existing trees and erosion control protection. 5.3 Watering Requirements Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October] 1, 2011 Page 24 5.3 .1 If plantings are installed within the dormant period throughout the winter months (October through March 15th ), watering is not required. However, watering will be encouraged if plants mortality rises due to dry conditions. 5 .3.2 If plantings are installed during the summer months (March through October I st), a temporary irrigation system will be required, unless the area can be sufficiently hand- watered. The temporary irrigation system may be removed after the first year providing the plantings are established and acclimated to on-site conditions. 5.4 Close-out of Five-Year Monitoring Program Upon completion of the monitoring program and acceptance of the wetland mitigation by the County Biologist, the maintenance of the project will be reduced to include removal oflitter and debris, repair of perimeter fencing and signage, removal of noxious weeds and undesirable vegetation, and repair of vandalized areas. 6.0 WETLAND AND BUFFER MONITORING PROGRAM 6.1 Sampling Methodology The created wetlands and their associated buffers will be monitored once per year over a five-year period, as required by the City. Monitoring will be conducted using the techniques and procedures described below to quantify the survival and relative health and growth of plant material. A monitoring report submitted following each monitoring visit will describe and quantify the status of the mitigation at that time. The monitoring schedule will be determined after the plant installation has been completed. Typically, the first monitoring visit occurs one year after the installation sign-off. 6.1.2 Vegetation The vegetation monitoring consists of two tasks. The first is the inspection of the planted material to determine the health and vigor of the installation. All the planted material in the stream and buffer will be inspected during each monitoring visit to determine the level of survival of the installation. 6.1.3 Hydrology Monitoring of hydrology within the created wetlands will be conducted to confirm that wetland hydrology has been created. Sampling points will be established within the created wetlands. At these points monitoring wells will be installed to determine the level of surface or groundwater in these areas. Fieldbrook/#11-121 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. 6.2 Standards of Success October 31, 2011 Page 25 6.2.1. Evaluation of the success ofthc mitigation project will be based upon a 100% plant survival for all planted vegetation at the end of Year l; 90% at the end of Year 2; 85% at the end of Year 3; and 80% at the end of Year 5. 6.2.2. Up to 20% of any stratum can be composed of desirable native volunteers when measunng cover. 6.2.3. No more than 10% cover of non-native or other invasive, e.g., Himalayan blackberry, Japanese knotweed, evergreen blackberry, reed canary grass, Scots broom, English ivy, morning glory, etc. Is permissible in any monitoring year. Bond-holders are encouraged to maintain mitigation sites within these standards through the monitoring period, to avoid corrective measures. 6.2.4 Wetland hydrology will be considered to be successfully attained when inundation or saturation within 12" of the surface is present for 2 continuous weeks or more in the growing season (March 15-0ctl5). 7.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN 7 .1 A contingency plan can be implemented if necessary. Contingency plans can include regrading, additional plant installation, erosion control, modifications to hydrology, and plant substitutions including type, size, and location. 7.2 Careful attention to maintenance is essential in ensuring that problems do not arise. Should any of the site fail to meet the success criteria, a contingency plan will be developed and implemented with the County approval. Such plans are prepared on a case-by-case basis to reflect the failed mitigation characteristics. 7.3 Contingency/maintenance activities will include, but are not limited to: -Replacing all plants lost to vandalism, drought, or disease, as necessary. -Replacing any plant species with a 20 percent or greater mortality rate with the same species or similar species approved by the City Biologist. -Irrigating the stream area only as necessary during dry weather if plants appear to be too dry, with a minimal quantity of water. -Reseeding stream and buffer areas with an approved grass mixture as necessary if erosion/sedimentation occurs. -Removing all trash or undesirable debris from the wetland and buffer areas as necessary. ------,-------,.-------- ---- Note: Base map provided by D.R. Strong based upon survey of Sewall Wetland Consulting Wetland Delineation. • :.;,;7-c ... ~·~3:IJicf~: ..... F!LDBROOK COMMONS PNW HOLDINGS, LLC WETLAND DELINEA T!ON MAP ----------- JOB# 11-121 DRAWN BY· ES RE~SEDc..: ____ _ DATE DEC. 2011 SCALE 1"=100' DESIGNER._:._TS=--- Sewall Wetland Consultinlf, Inc. Ecological Services 27641 Covington Way SEff2 Covington, WA 98042 253-859-0515 Fax 253,_8_52-4732 i I • I I .t.~ ... '"'";.'._.;, I O O O O I 25,503 SF WETLAND CREATION =o=o ~ 9303 SF WETLAND FILL + + + + + + + + + + 1,485 SF BUFFER AVERAGING -ADDITION f::===::::::::::::::::::::j 1,485 SF BUFFER AVERAGING - -------SUBTRACT/ON mmB 15,934 SF BUFFER RESTORATION FOR TEMPORARY IMPACTS ~?:_.,..,.,. .... •.• .... \... . ... . l ~~ l;:.:-?.!-~~!:::::::::))$;?;: _tr : : :.;,· •.•.•.•... 4" .... ', ~~- ·""···-·-·.·.· ·~· ... -...... -.. · .. ...,·;... I \ \\ '--~-• -q"=) !=..:::.- Note: Base map provided by D.R. Strong based upon survey of Sewall Wetland Consulting Wetland Delineation. JOB# 11-121 DATE DEC 2011 FILDBROOK COMMONS Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. PNW HOLDINGS LLC DRAWN BY· ES SCALE 1"=100' _ Ecological Services J 27641 Covington Way SE#2 CONCEPT DEL/NEA T/QN MAP REVISED. DESIGNER. TS Covington, WA 98042 253-859-0515 Fax 253-852-4732 = ..... ' - ' ' a ! I ~ ' • ? ' I g \\ t I~~ 111. ii 11 \ \, I I I I I I \ 1111. I L U 111 Ii 1111 Ii II I II I I I II Ii Ill ~J~ 1111 ~ 11111 111111111111 111 " 'o . . C J . , 0 " # • ' j u ' f • f > i ~ ! ~ - '\i ! I ,! i • • w ' ! ' < ~ ~ ' • < ' ! 0 -. • ;; f • : I • 0 ! ~ E \j " " : C • ! > • C i !. u ~ •i • • " ~• • .. ~ : . D ., is ... ~ .!!.'i e~ : ~ 111 C -. 0 ~ ; £ £ £ E ~H ~ • ~ I: I: : ~ » > z ~ ' i ~ 0 z : a • z ! C . 0 ' > ~ 0 ~ } ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ j I 0 z '\j , M 1111. ~~] 11. ~11111111111. 11 • U II Iii II 1111 I I II 11111 I Ii I If U 11111 ~1~~ 111 ~111111111111 11 I f I Q. -J Q I • : t -(,. C ~ ~-Ji~ I ~ 2 -1, ... . '?:. I.); i L., ~~: .. L ...... ,, ~ I 0 " i ' ! 3 -. ----------------"-~------- ' I ' , • . ' • > . ' i , ' I I g \I < i 11 1 I > i ls ! I • 0 l ! 6.t f ; ~ . . ; ,. D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS Preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) DRS Project No. Renton File No. Owner/Applicant PNW Holdings LLC for Fieldbrook Commons 17040 1081 h Avenue SE Renton, Washington 11062 LUA 2012-001 9725 SE 36th Street, Suite 214 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Report Prepared by ll!kl.ll D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland WA 98033 (425) 827-3063 © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Report Issue Date November 13, 2012 . 'I . : • 1 ' .' I •. \' ·. ::-; ,-,i 1 PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT Fieldbrook Commons TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW: ......................................................................................................................................... 1 PREDEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS: .................................................................................................................. 1 DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS:..................... .......................................................... . ................................ 1 NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS: ....................................................................................................... 3 FIGURE 1. TIR WORKSHEET ....................................................................................................................... 4 FIGURE 2. VICINITY MAP .................................................................................................................................. 7 FIGURE 3. DRAINAGE BASINS, SUBBASINS, AND SITE CHARACTER/ST/CS ............................................. 8 FIGURE 4. SOILS ............................................................................................................................................. 9 SECTION ll .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 12 SECTION lll ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... . ............... 14 SECTION IV ................................................................................................................................................................ 15 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................... 15 EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 15 DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 16 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................ 17 FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 18 FIGURE 5. DETENTION & WATER QUALITY FACILITY DETAILS ................................................................. 19 SECTION V ................................................................................................................................................................. 20 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ...................................................................................... 20 SECTION VI ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES .................................................................................................................... 21 SECTION VII ............................................................................................................................................................... 22 OTHER PERMITS, VARIANCES AND ADJUSTMENTS........................................ . ......................................... 22 SECTION VIII .............................................................................................................................................................. 23 ESC AND CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ..................................................................................................... 23 SECTION IX ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ........................................ 24 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET ..................................................................................................... 25 SECTION X ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL .................................................................................................... 27 © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION I PROJECT OVERVIEW: The applicant is seeking approval to construct 162 apartment units on 10.80 acres (Parcel Numbers 292305-9168, 292305-9022 and 292305-9023) (Project). The Project is located at 17040 108th Avenue SE in Renton, Washington. PREDEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS: Total site area is approximately 470,481 s.f. (10.80 acres) (Site). The Parcels are currently undeveloped and are heavily forested with moderate underbrush. The predeveloped Site is contained within two Threshold Discharge Areas (TDAs), TOA West and TOA East. TOA West has three Natural Discharge Areas (NDAs), NOA 1, NOA 2 and NOA 3. Runoff from NOA 1 discharges at the Site's southwestern property corner and heads south through the conveyance system in 1 oath Avenue SE. It eventually crosses 1081h in a westerly direction into a stream through the Springbrook Project. Runoff from NOA 2 discharges at the Site's southern property line and heads south through the conveyance system in 109th Place SE. It eventually is collected in the conveyance system within Benson Drive S and converges with the path of NOA 1. Runoff from NOA 3 sheet flows to the east across the southeastern property corner of parcel number 292305-9023. It sheet flows across adjacent developed properties and into SE 173'd Street before converging with the downstream path of NOA 2. TDA East has two Natural Discharge Areas, NOA 1 and NDA 2. Runoff from NOA 1 sheet flows to the east and exits the Site near the northeast corner as sheet flow. The runoff is eventually collected in Soos Creek. Runoff from NOA 2 sheet flows to the the east and exits the Site near the southeast property corner of parcel number 292305- 9023. It reaches a closed depression and overflows to the east where it converges with the downstream path of NDA 1. DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS: The applicant is seeking approval to construct a 162-unit apartement complex on 10.80 acres (Project). The developable area rroject Area) is approximately 8.04 acres (includes frontage improvements on 1081 Avenue SE and SE 172nd Street). The building areas, associated walkways, driveways, parking and drive aisles will total approximately 200,000 s.f. (includes potential bypass areas). The remainder of the Project Area will consist of residential landscaping and other pervious surfaces. Per Section 5.2.1 of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (Manual), projects are required to mitigate for impervious surface by use of Flow Control Best Management Practices (BMP's). The Project falls within the "Large Lot Low Impervious" category, as the proposed impervious is approximately 42.5% of the total Site area. The Manual is unclear as to what percentage of impervious surface must be mitigated for when a project falls within this category, therefore it is assumed that the Project will implement flow control BMP's to the maximum extent feasible; both physically and economically. Projects are required to first analyze the feasibility of dispersal and infiltration before choosing another method. The Site's location and and © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington on site wetlands lend portions of the Site to dispersion. Per the geotechnical report dated December 13, 2011 the site is not suitable for infiltration. Therefore, the areas of the Site where dispersal is feasible, basic or full dispersion will be utilized. Rain gardens, Reduced Impervious Credit and/or Native Growth Retention Credit are also possible Flow Control BMP's that may be utilized. These options will be further analyzed at the time of engineering plan review. The Project is located within a Conservation Flow Control and Basic Water Quality Area. However due to the fact that the Project is a multifamily development, it shall be required to adhere to the Enhanced Water Quality Treatment criteria. Runoff will be collected and conveyed to two wetvault facilities located in the western and eastern portions of the Site, respectively. Each facility will be followed by a media filtration system to accommodate the Enhanced Water Quality Treatment requirements. Preliminary sizing is shown on the engineering plans and final sizing will be performed at the time of engineering plan review. © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 2 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS: A review of the SGS soils map for the area (see Figure 4, Soils) indicates Alderwood gravelly sandy loam with 6 to 15 percent slopes (AgC & AmC). The soils map also indicates Norma sandy loam (No) with less than 2 percent slope. Per the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual, this soil type is classified as "Till" material. The SGS Soil series descriptions follow Figure 4. There appears to be no upstream tributary area for the Site. © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 3 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 1. TIR WORKSHEET King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner: PNW Holdings LLC Address/Phone: 9725 SE 36th Street, Suite 214 Mercer Island, WA 98040 (206) 588-1147 Project Engineer: Maher A. Joudi, P.E. D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Address/Phone: 10604 NE 381h Place, Suite 101 Kirkland WA 98033 (425) 827-3063 Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name: Fieldbrook Commons Location: Township: 23 North Range: 05 East Section: 29 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS APPLICATION D Subdivision D DFWHPA D Short Subdivision Management ~ Clearing and Grading D COE404 r:gJ Commercial D DOE Dam Safety D Other: D FEMA Floodplain D COE Wetlands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community: Soos Creek Drainage Basin Black River & Soos Creek © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 4 D ~ ~ D Shoreline Rockery Structural Vault Other: Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS 0River: D Floodplain C2J Wetlands D Stream: D Seeps/Springs D Critical Stream Reach D High Groundwater Table D Depressions/Swales D Groundwater Recharge D Lake: D Other: D Steep Slopes Part 7 SOILS Soil Type: Slopes: Erosion Potential: Erosive Velocities: Alderwood 6-15% Moderate Slow to Medium (AgC) Alderwood 6-15% Moderate to Severe Medium {AmC) Norma (No) <2% Slight Slow C2J Additional Sheets Attached: SCS Map and Soil Description, Figure 4 Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT C2] Level 1 Downstream Analysis None _____________ _ C2] Geotechnical Engineering Study C2J Environmentally Sensitive Areas D Level 2 Off-Site Stormwater Analysis C2] Level I Traffic Impact Analysis D Structural Report D Additional Sheets Attached Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION C2] Sedimentation Facilities C2] Stabilized Construction Entrance C2] Perimeter Runoff Control C2J Clearing and Grading Restrictions C2J Cover Practices C2] Construction Sequence D Other © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION C2J Stabilize Exposed Surface C2] Replove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities C2J Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris C2J Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities C2J Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas D Other 5 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM D Grass Lined Channel i;gJ Pipe System D Open Channel D Dry Pond C8J Wet Pond D Tank i;gJ Vault i;gJ Energy Dissipater D Wetland D Stream D Infiltration D Depression i;gJ Flow Dispersal D Waiver D Regional Detention Method of Analysis: KCRTS Compensation/Mitigation of Eliminated Site Storage N/A Brief Description of System Operation: Runoff from impervious surfaces will be collected and conveyed to the detention facilities. From there it will be discharged to the respective natural point of discharge. Facility Related Site Limitations: Reference Facility Limitation Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS i;gJ Cast in Place Vault D Retaining Wall i;gJ Rockery> 4' High D Structural on Steep Slope D other: Part12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS i;gJ Drainage Easement i;gJ Access Easement [3J Native Growth Protection Easement D Tracts D Other: Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the inf ion provided here is accurate. © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 6 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 2. VICINITY MAP 1 ' i i : sa;'.1!1ITTHPL lE 1r.!la ST 51.lmDST. • 3 + ~ c~ Q ~,) 600ft \ • • " I • The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. © 2011 D. R STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 7 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 3. DRAINAGE BASINS, SUBBASINS, AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 8 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Ill .. _!_. ,ff I ! !!! /. 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SUITE 101 KIRKLAND, WA 980.D -41S.B27.J06J OFFICE B00.962.14-02 TOLL ill(E 425.B27.242J fA)( w .. w.drstrong com DRAFTED BY: nP D[SIGN[D BY: YLP PROJECT ENGI.\IEER· MAJ DATE: 12-12-2011 PROJECT NO.: 11062 SHEET 1 OF 1 FIGURE 4. SOILS Sol Map-----Kng C-ouity A."eil, Washingto.i ' ,---,~~~e,~,-----,ecmcccc~,,-=,;t"'"' ---,oo~~'e~,,....----,00~~~~~00'~"""' Web Soil Survey N"alional ();q:enitve Soi: SL.rYey King County Area, Washington AgC-Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • Elevation: 50 to 800 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 25 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees F • Frost-free period: 180 to 220 days Map Unit Composition • Alde,wood and similar soils: 95 percent • Minor components: 5 percent Description of Alderwood Setting • Landform: Moraines, till plains • Parent material: Basal till with some volcanic ash Properties and qualities • Slope: 6 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: 24 to 40 inches to dense material © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 9 11/30,'2011 P.3ge1 of'..\ 01"".IT!T Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington • Drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting fayer to transmit waler (Ksat): Ve,y low • to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About 18 to 37 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water capacity: Ve,y low (about 2.5 inches) Interpretive groups • Land capability (nonirriga/ed): 4s Typical profile • 0 to 12 inches: Gravelly sandy foam • 12 to 27 inches: Ve,y gravelly sandy loam • 27 to 60 inches: Ve,y gravelly sandy foam Minor Components Norma • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Bellingham • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landfonn: Depressions Seattle • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Tukwila • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Shalcar • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions AmC-Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • Mean annual precipitation: 35 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 50 degrees F • Frost-free period: 150 to 200 days Map Unit Composition • Arents, afderwood material, and similar soils: 100 percent Description of Arents, Alderwood Material Setting • Landform: Till plains • Parent material: Basal till Properties and qualities • Slope: 6 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to dense material • Drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting fayer to transmit water (Ksat): Ve,y low to moderately low (0. 00 to 0.06 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About 16 to 36 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water capacity: Ve,y low (about 2.3 inches) Interpretive groups • Land capability (nonirrigated): 4s Typical profile • 0 to 26 inches: Gravelly sandy loam • 26 to 60 inches: Ve,y gravelly sandy foam © 2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 10 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington No-Norma sandy loam Map Unit Setting • Elevation: Oto 1,000 feet • Mean annual precipdation: 35 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees F • Frost-free period: 150 to 200 days Map Unit Composition • Norma and similar soils: 90 percent • Minor components: 7 percent Description of Norma Setting • Landform: Flood plains • Parent material: Alluvium Properties and qualities • Slope: 0 to 2 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Drainage class: Poorly drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About O inches • Frequency of ffooding: None • Frequency of ponding: Frequent • Available water capacity: Moderate (about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups • Land capability (nonirrigated): 5w Typical profile • 0 to 10 inches: Sandy loam • 10 to 30 inches: Sandy loam • 30 to 60 inches: Sandy loam Minor Components Seattle • Percent of map unit: 2 percent • Landform: Depressions Tukwila • Percent of map unit: 2 percent • Landform: Depressions Shalcar • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Norma • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Alderwood Percent of map unit: 1 percent © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 11 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION II CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY The Project must comply with the following Core and Special Requirements: • C.R. #1 -Discharge at the Natural Location: Runoff from the Site will discharge at the natural location. • C.R. #2 -Offsite Analysis: An Offsite Analysis is included in Section Ill. The Analysis describes the Site's runoff patterns in detail. • C.R. #3 -Flow Control: The Project is located in a Conservation Flow Control Area and will therefore adhere to Level 2 Flow Control Standards, forested conditions. Two detention vaults will provide flow control as required. The Project is required to "match developed discharge durations to predeveloped durations for the range of predeveloped discharge rates from 50% of the two-year peak flow up to the full 50- year peak flow. Also match developed peak discharge rates to predeveloped peak discharge rates for the 2 and the 10 year return periods. Assum(ing) historic conditions as the predeveloped condition." (KCSWDM, Sec. 1.2) Preliminary flow control calculations were conducted at this time. Final sizing will be completed at time of final engineering. • C.R. #4 -Conveyance System: New pipe systems and ditches/channels are required to be designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain (at minimum) the 25-year peak flow, assuming developed conditions for onsite tributary areas and existing conditions for any offsite tributary areas. Pipe system structures and ditches/channels may overlap for runoff events that exceed the 25-year design capacity, provided the overflow from a 100-year runoff event does not create or aggravate a "severe flooding problem" or "severe erosion problem" as defined in C.R. #2. Any overflow occurring onsite for runoff events up to and including the 100-year event must discharge at the natural location for the project site. In residential subdivisions, such overflow must be contained within an onsite drainage easement, tract, covenant or public right-of-way. The proposed conveyance system was analyzed using the KCBW program, and is capable of conveying the 100-year peak storm without overlapping any structures or channels. This analysis will be performed at time of construction plan preparation. • C.R. #5 -Erosion and Sediment Control: The Project provides the seven minimum ESC measures. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be prepared at time of construction plan preparation. • C.R. #6 -Maintenance and Operations: Maintenance of the proposed storm drainage facilities will be the responsibility of the City. An Operation and Maintenance Manual will be included in Section X at the time of construction plan preparation. • C.R. #7 -Financial Guarantees: Prior to commencing construction, the Applicant must post a drainage facilities restoration and site stabilization financial guarantee. For any constructed or modified drainage facilities to be maintained and operated by © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 12 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington the City, the Applicant must: 1) Post a drainage defect and maintenance financial guarantee for a period of two years, and 2) Maintain the drainage facilities during the two-year period following posting of the drainage defect and maintenance financial guarantee. • C.R. #8 -The Project is located in the Enhanced Water Quality Treatment area. Two wetvaults followed by media filtration systems will be utilitized. • S.R. #1 -Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements: Not applicable for this Project. • S.R. #2 -Floodplain/Floodway Delineation: Not applicable for this Project. • S.R. #3 -Flood Protection Facilities: Not applicable for this Project. • S.R. #4 -Source Control: Not applicable for this Project. © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 13 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION Ill OFF-SITE ANALYSIS A Level One Downstream Analysis was prepared by D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers. © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical lnfonnation Report 14 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington LEVEL ONE DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS Fieldbrook Commons 17040 1 oa'h Avenue SE, Renton, Washington DRS Project No. 11062 Owner/Applicant PNW Holdings LLC 9725 SE 361 h Street, Suite 214 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Report Prepared by lfilii.11 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 (425) 827-3063 Report Issue Date December 19, 2011 FIELDBROOK COMMONS LEVEL ONE DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS DISCLAIMER: ......................................................................................................................................................... ! TASK 1: DEFINE AND MAP STUDY AREA ...................................................................................................... ! TASK 2: RESOURCE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................... I FIGURE 1. Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2: Site Map ..................................................................................................................... 3 FIGURE 3. King County iMap Topography ........................................................................... .4 FIGURE 4. King County Sensitive Area Map ........................................................................ 5 FIGURE 5. City of Renton Erosion Hazards Map ................................................................. 6 FIGURE 6. City of Renton Landslide Hazards Map ............................................................. 7 FIGURE 7. City of Renton Coal Mine Hazards Map ............................................................. 8 FIGURE 8. City of Renton Steep Slopes ............................................................................... 9 FIGURE 9. City of Renton Flood Hazard ............................................................................ 10 FIGURE 10. City of Renton Seismic Hazards ........................................................... _ .......... ! I FIGURE 11. City of Renton Liquefaction Hazards ............................................................. 12 FIGURE 12. City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zones ....................................................... 13 FIGURE 13. USDA King County Soils Survey Map ............................................................ 14 FIGURE 14. FEMAMap ......................................................................................................... 17 TASK 3: FIELD INSPECTION ............................................................................................................................ 18 Upstream Tributary Area ...................................................................................................................... 18 General Onsite and Offsite Drainage Description ............................................................................. 18 TASK 4: DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS ................................. 18 Drainage System Description TOA West ........................................................................................... 18 Downstream Path TDA West: NOA 1 ................................................................................................. l 8 Downstream Path TDA West: NOA 2 ................................................................................................. 20 Drainage System Description TDA East ............................................................................................ 23 Downstream Path TDA East: NOA 1 .................................................................................................. 23 Downstream Path TOA East: NDA 2 .................................................................................................. 23 TASK 5: MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS ......................................................... 25 APPENDIX A. OFFSITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE & DOWNSTREAM MAP ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 APPENDIX B. BASIN RECONNAISSANCE PROGRAM ............................................................................. .27 APPENDIX C. WETLAND INVENTORY .......................................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX D. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS ...................................................................................................... 29 © 2011 0. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Level One Downstream Analysis Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington LEVEL ONE DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS DISCLAIMER: THIS REPORT WAS PREPARED AT THE REQUEST OF PNW HOLDINGS, LLC FOR THE 10.80 ACRE PARCELS KNOWN AS A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, TAX PARCEL NUMBERS 2923059168, 2923059022 & 2923059023 (SITE). D. R. STRONG CONSUL TING ENGINEERS INC. (DRS) HAS PREPARED THIS REPORT FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF DRS, THE OWNER, AND THEIR AGENTS, FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. USE OR RELIANCE ON THIS REPORT, OR ANY OF ITS CONTENTS FOR ANY REVISIONS OF THIS PROJECT, OR ANY OTHER PROJECT, OR BY OTHERS NOT DESCRIBED ABOVE, IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED PERMISSION BY DRS. TASK 1: DEFINE AND MAP STUDY AREA This Offsite Analysis was prepared in accordance with Core Requirement #2, Section 1.2.2 of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and Section 2.3 of the 2010 City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual (Manual). The Site is located at 17040 1081h Avenue SE, Renton, Washington. The Project is the development of three parcels into a 162 unit apartment complex. See Figures 1, 2 and 3 for maps of the study area. TASK 2: RESOURCE REVIEW • Adopted Basin Plans: None at this time • Finalized Drainage Studies: None available • Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports: A report is available for Soos Creek Basin. A report is also available for Black River Basin. See Appendix B for a copies of these reports. • Floodplain/Floodway (FEMA) Map: No floodplains exist on site, See Figure 14 • Other Offsite Analysis Reports: Preliminary Storm Drainage Report -Springbrook Ridge, CPH Project No. 0005-07-013, Dated February 4, 2009, Downstream Analysis performed in October 2008. • Sensitive Areas Map: See Figures 4-12 • DNRP Drainage Complaints and Studies: Per King County Water and Land Resources Division, there are several complaints within the downstream path, 1 mile from the Site within the last 10 years. See Task 4. • USDA King County Soils Survey: See Figure 13 • Wetlands Inventory: Vol. 2 East (1990) -The wetland inventory revealed three wetlands within the downstream path of TOA East, see Appendix C. There are also several wetlands located on the Site. • Migrating River Studies: not applicable • King County Designated Water Quality Problems: None at this time © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Ii, i ! ! ,, ;·_-:- &E.1:r.!NOST,;_. + '·<:., ·:;., FIGURE 1. Vicinity Map i • ' ! · 1,l r--;-,-----R-e_n_t_o_n_;_ _______ -, i .A I 1; s,,1ra!DST ,1/ '------~--,--T"" _____ _J , I/ j / // -, Ji:I ,/ ! ,:; I,, gl/· 1:~ I .ij '':,· ;,-,-/ 't ':c:( 'i " ' ,. \\ . '\, \\ \\ ;i, ,\ • ' ! © 2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 2 S£ 17lmfST c_~, 0 ~ 60011 I • i • Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis FIGURE 2. Site Map 3 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington -.,-1 ... • z,;;.,j;; .z;1f/1 . \;.wt ' i' i, 'l ..:._ .... I !j! / ' i,i / P I I I -=,.i -·-+i~ / _ . h, ,.:;7'.,,~~,.. ,, r-~11~~~7""': ~-{!:·:, "1~~~.f r/~·lrjr~;."~:"·1:•',~~-~~·: :.·'£>·11 -d.,.-> \f-·'·''"r,·· ! . ~;-,;,; ;· /. -"Y:Et -~ ~0 ,-----. '6 * ....--· /0 0'.. ' ·, \i ! 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STRONG CONSUL TING ENGINEERS ENGlNEERS PLANNERS SI.JR\/EYCRS 10604 NE 38n, PI.ACL SUITE ,m KIRKLAND, WA 98033 425.827.3063 OFFICE 80096V402 TOLL FR££ 4?~.8:U.2423 f AX www.dr~lron9.com DRAFTED BY: YLP DESIGNED BY: "YLP PROJECT ENGINEER: MAJ DATE: 12-12-2011 PROJECT NO: 11062 SHEET 1 OF 1 Ill -. ·-X ;o/ ,N Highlighted Feature County Bound.a ry Mount.aln Peaks COtttOI.Jrti (5ft: dark) -100;5DD:1000 oo~ Highways FIGURE 3. King County iMap Topography Legend .t,/ ltito.rpor.ated Are.a Streets Pclrcel:s; D Lakes and Large Rivet& ,N Stream,, © 2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 4 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 4. King County Sensitive Area Map + I Kl~hlighted Fiaature SeJ,ec:ted P.UUl'5 -. Coo nty Bound:a tY ·-X MoUttit.iln Peaks CAO ShoraliM Con-dition ~ High Modium ' ' I ' I~ I ... , Renton ' ' Em'l'l'ffl=JlH ' llHEHBtt _+:--:-1~1~-Sfl I 1-:-J I: L--!_ EElH'!H.ff 'r'l'fi:1== ' -I ' ' Legend Parcel:G SAO Stream 1 Cl.!55-1 C!lns:2 PaNmnlal /V C!L,ss :2 S:.!bt»nid /V Cl.an:! Unciassif»d ,, • • ! - - ~ ,._ D Lake, .and Lar~ Rivers Hi,ghway:l:i /'/ ,w lm::orporated Area ~ Streett; EJ . ..--.; Highway m . -~· I-' .---, ~ ,.--~ I """""' C/._,/ ...... filll © 2011 D, R STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis Streams FJ()l)dway 100 Year Floodplaln. SAO w.etl.and SAO Landsllde SAO Coal Mine 5 - ' ·'"""' ,: • i<& " ~ '' ' = ~ SAO Sei:smic SAO Erosion Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 5. City of Renton Erosion Hazards Map EROSION HAZARDS -Erosion Hazard Areas © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 6 NTS Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 6. City of Renton Landslide Hazards Map LANDSLIDE HAZARDS © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis Hazard Severity Moderate -High -Very High [ ~ J King County Data 7 NTS Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington "' © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis COAL.MINE HAZARD Severity -HIGH 1,~"f'·j MODERATE D UNCLASSIFIED 1-'·1 l-,,.r Renton City Limits 8 I I I , .. ', NTS Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 8. City of Renton Steep Slopes Steep Slopes Percentage Range >15% & <=25% M >25% & <=40% "' >40% & <=90% "' >90% © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 9 NTS I I I I Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 9. City of Renton Flood Hazard Hazard Condition L'::i Flood Hazard © 2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 10 NTS Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 10. City of Renton Seismic Hazards Hazard Condition © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis High Seismic Severity 11 NTS Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington i I FIGURE 11. City of Renton Liquefaction Hazards HAZARD CONDITION Liquefaction Susceptibility .. high moderate to high low to moderate © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 12 NTS Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 12. City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zones Renton Municipal Code i--Zone 1 ~ Zone 1 Modified 1 ·; ,;·/,; I Zone 2 ---Citv Limits © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 13 NTS Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 13. USDA King County Soils Survey Map ' ::::~~~===~oo;::::::::,~~;:::::::l1~:: 100 200 400 000 Web Soil Survey Na~onal Cooperatt,;e So1I Survey King County Area, Washington AgC-Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • Elevation: 50 to BOO feet • Mean annual precipitation: 25 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees • Frost-free period: 180 to 220 days Map Unit Composition • Afderwood and similar soils: 95 percent • Minor components: 5 percent Description of Alderwood Setting • Landform: Moraines, tiJJ plains • Parent material: Basal till with some volcanic ash Properties and qualities • Slope: 6 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: 24 to 40 inches to dense material • Drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat}: Ve,y low • to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr} • Depth to water table: About 18 to 37 inches © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 14 1fl30l2D11 Page1o!J .U-27[]" Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water capacity: Ve,y low (about 2.5 inches) Interpretive groups • Land capability (nonirrigated): 4s Typical profile • Oto 12 inches: Gravelly sandy loam • 12 to 27 inches: Ve,y gravelly sandy loam • 27 to 60 inches: Ve,y gravelly sandy loam Minor Components Norma • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Bellingham • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landforrn: Depressions Seattle • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landforrn: Depressions Tukwila • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Shalcar • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions AmC-Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • Mean annual precipitation: 35 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 50 degrees F • Frost-free period: 150 to 200 days Map Unit Composition • Arents, alderwood material, and similar soils: 100 percent Description of Arents, Alderwood Material Setting • Landform: Till plains • Parent material: Basal till Properties and qualities • Slope: 6 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to dense material • Drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Ve,y low to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About 16 to 36 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water capacity: Ve,y low (about 2.3 inches) Interpretive groups • Land capability (nonirrigated): 4s Typical profile • 0 to 26 inches: Gravelly sandy loam • 26 to 60 inches: Ve,y gravelly sandy loam No-Norma sandy loam Map Unit Setting • Elevation: 0 to 1,000 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 35 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees F © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 15 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington • Frost-free period: 150 to 200 days Map Unit Composition • Nom,a and similar soils: 90 percent • Minor components: 7 percent Description of Norma Setting • Landfom,: Flood plains • Parent material: Alluvium Properties and qualities • Slope: 0 to 2 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Drainage class: Poorly drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About O inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: Frequent • Available water capacity: Moderate (about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups • Land capability (nonirrigated): 5w Typical profile • Oto 10 inches: Sandy loam • 10 to 30 inches: Sandy loam • 30 to 60 inches: Sandy loam Minor Components Seattle • Percent of map unit: 2 percent • Landform: Depressions Tukwila • Percent of map unit: 2 percent • Landfom,: Depressions Shalcar • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landfom,: Depressions Norma • Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Depressions Alderwood • Percent of map unit: 1 percent © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 16 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 14. FEMA Map '"''.~ ~J{::11:111 ·~' / I~ 'f.:.~'l".l . . , ' -j~1~·~\:, ! ' NTS Revised FEMA Preliminary DFIRM Nov. 2010 r-·-• L. .• .J Renton City Limits [::] Potential Annexation Area Boundary D Floodway --Base Flood Elevation (ft) © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis Regulatory -ZoneA Non-Regulatory c=::JzoneX Zone A-Special flood hazard areas inundated by 100 year flood (regulatory floodplain) Zone X -Areas of 500 year flood, Areas less than 1-ft depth during 100 year flood, Areas protected by levees from 100 year flood (non-regulatory floodplain) 17 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington TASK 3: FIELD INSPECTION Upstream Tributary Area The upstream basin area was evaluated by examining the King County topographic map (see Figure 3) and by conducting field reconnaissance. The Site is situated on a plateau with no upstream tributary area. General Onsite and Offsite Drainage Description The Site is divided into two distinct Threshold Discharge Areas (TDA's), TDA West and TDA East; they are further divided into three and two Natural Discharge Areas (NDA's), respectively. For purposes of this discussion these subbasins will be referred to as TOA West: NDA 1, TDA West: NOA 2, TDA West NDA 3, TOA East: NOA 1, and TDA East: NDA 2. (See Downstream Analysis Map) TDA West: NDA 1 slopes to the west at 5 to 10 percent. The runoff exits the Site via sheet flow into a Type 2 catch basin located on the north side of SE 172nd St. near the intersection of 1 oath Way SE. TDA West: NDA 2 slopes to the southwest at 15 to 20 percent. Runoff exits the Site via sheet flow into a T~pe 1 catch basin located on the north side of SE 172nd St. near the intersection of 109t Pl. SE. The area of TDA West: NOA 3, is approximately 7,090 SF. Runoff generated by this area appears to sheet flow into neighboring yards, but due to the size of the NDA and its ground cover, the quantity of runoff is negligible. For purposes of the Level One Downstream Analysis, the apparent path was observed and would converge with the downstream path of TDA West: NDA 2 at point H1 (730'). TDA East: NDA 1 slopes to the east at 5 to 15 percent. Runoff exits via a wetland system across the eastern property line and eventually reaches into Soos Creek. TDA East: NDA 2 slopes to the southeast at 5 to 15 percent. Runoff exits the Site via sheet flow into a closed depression. Per Palm Court's engineering plans (B96C0118), the closed depression overflows to the east via a pipe and converges with TOA East: NOA 1 at point B2 (700'). TASK 4: DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Drainage System Description TOA West The downstream analysis is further illustrated and detailed in the Downstream Map and Downstream Table located in Appendix A. The downstream area is located within the Black River Drainage Basin; more specifically the Panther Creek Subbasin. The downstream area was evaluated by reviewing available resources, and by conducting a field reconnaissance on November 29, 2011 under overcast conditions. Downstream Path TOA West: NOA 1 Point "A" is the natural discharge point of this subbasin. It is located at a Type 2 catch basin on the north side of SE 172nd St. near the intersection of 1 oath Way SE. (±0') From Point "A" to Point "B", runoff is conveyed south as pipe flow via an 18-inch Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP). Trickle flow was observed. (±0'-80') © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 18 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Point "B" is a Type 2 catch basin. It is located on the east side of 108th Way SE in the grassy planter area. Trickle flow was observed. (±80') From Point "B" to Point "C", runoff is conveyed west as pipe flow via an 18-inch CMP. Trickle flow was observed. (±80'-155') Point "C" is the outlet of the 18-inch culvert. The pipe outlets into a ditch on the west side of 108th Way SE. Trickle flow was observed. (±155') From Point "C" to Point "D", runoff is directed south as channel flow. The channel is approximately 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep. It is heavily vegetated with bramble and Alder. The water depth in the channel was approximately 6 inches at the time of the analysis. (±155'-455') Point "D" the ditch enters a wetland. (±455') From Point "D" to Point "E", runoff is conveyed in a northwesterly direction through a wetland. The wetland area is a moderately dense forest with dense underbrush. No flow was observed. (±455'-925') At Point "E", the runoff is collected in a concrete storm drainage vault with a 2 foot by 4 foot grate. Runoff enters the vault through the grate. The grate was partially blocked with debris at the time of analysis. (±925') From Point "E" to Point "F", runoff is conveyed south as pipe flow via an 18-inch concrete pipe. Moderate flow was observed. (±925'-940') Point "F" is a Type 2 catch basin. It is located on the north side of Benson Dr. S. Moderate flow was observed. (±940') From Point "F" to Point "G", runoff continues south as pipe flow via an 18-inch concrete pipe. Moderate flow was observed. (±940'-1000') Point "G" is a Type 2 catch basin. It is located on the south side of Benson Dr. S. Point "G" also defines the point of convergence of the downstream path of TOA West: NOA 2. Moderate flow was observed. (±1000') From Point "G" to Point "H", runoff heads northwest as pipe flow via an 18-inch concrete pipe. Moderate flow was observed. (±1000' -1285') Point "H" is a Type 2 catch basin. It is located on the south side of Benson Dr. S. Moderate flow was observed. (±1285') From Point "H" to Point "I", runoff heads southwest as pipe flow via a 24-inch concrete pipe. Moderate flow was observed. (±1285'-1305') © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 19 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Point "I" is the 24-inch concrete pipe outlet. The pipe outlets into a well-defined channel. Moderate flow was observed. (±1305') From Point "I" to Point "J", runoff continues in a westerly direction through the channel. It is approximately 4-5 feet wide and 3-4 feet deep with well-defined banks. The water depth was approximately 5 inches at the time of analysis with moderate flow. (>1320') Point "J" is a man made rock-lined depression. Trickle flow was observed. (>1320') Downstream Path TOA West: NOA 2 Point "A1" is the natural discharge point of this subbasin. It is located at a Type 1 catch basin on the north side of SE 172"d St. near the intersection of 1 ogth Pl. SE. No flow was observed. (±0') From Point "A1" to Point "81", runoff is conveyed south as pipe flow via a 12-inch CMP. No flow was observed. (±0'-50') Point "81" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located on the east side of 109th Pl. SE. No flow was observed. (±50') From Point "81" to Point "C1", runoff heads west as pipe flow via a 12-inch CMP. No flow was observed. (±50'-76') Point "C1" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located on the west side of 109th Pl. SE. No flow was observed. (±76') From Point "C1'' to Point "D1", runoff heads south as pipe flow via a 12-inch CMP. Trickle flow was observed. (±76'-216') Point "D1" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located in the cul-de-sac of 109th Pl. SE. (±216') From Point "D1" to Point "E1", runoff heads southwest as pipe flow via a 12-inch CMP. Trickle flow was observed. (±216'-391') At Point "E1" the 12-inch CMP appears to tee into a 12-inch concrete pipe that heads west. This junction was not observed; however field investigation of the area lead to this conclusion. (±391 ') From Point "E1" to Point "F1", runoff heads west as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. (±391'-699') Point "F1" is the 12-inch concrete pipe outlet. It outlets into a roadside ditch on the east side of 108th Ave. SE. Trickle flow was observed. (±699') © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 20 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington From Point "F1" to Point "G1", runoff heads south through the channel. The channel is grass-lined and is approximately 3 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep. Trickle flow was observed. (±699'-815') Point "G1" is the inlet of a 12-inch concrete pipe. It was blocked with debris at the time of analysis. No flow was observed. (±815') From Point "G1" to Point "H1", runoff heads south as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. No flow was observed. (±815'-825') Point "H1" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located on the north side of SE 173rd St. Point "H1" also defines the point of convergence of the downstream path of TOA West: NOA 3. No flow was observed. (±825') From Point "H1" to Point "11", runoff heads south as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. Trickle flow was observed. (±825'-877') Point "11" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located on the south side of SE 173rd St. Moderate flow was observed. (±877') From Point "11" to Point "J1", runoff heads west as pipe flow via an 18-inch concrete pipe. Moderate flow was observed. (±877'-917') Point "J1" is the 18-inch concrete pipe outlet. The pipe outlets into a grass swale. The outlet of the pipe was fully submerged at the time of analysis. (±917') Point "J1" to Point "K1", runoff heads northwest as channel flow. The channel is approximately 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep. The channel was overgrown with vegetation. (±917'-1117') Point "K1" to Point "L 1 ", runoff is directed southwest through the channel. The channel is approximately 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep. Trickle flow was observed. (±1117'- 1377') Point "L 1" is a concrete storm drainage vault with a 2 foot by 4 foot grate. The grate was partially covered with debris at the time of analysis; however, runoff was still able to enter through the grate. (±1377') From Point "L 1" to Point "M1", runoff heads northwest as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. (±1377'-1397') Point "M1" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located on the east side of 108th Way SE. Trickle flow was observed. (±1397') From Point "M1" to Point "N1", runoff heads northwest as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. Trickle flow was observed. (±1397'-1427') © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 21 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Point "N1" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located on the west side of 1081h Way SE. Trickle flow was observed. (±1427') From Point "N1" to Point "01", runoff heads southwest as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. Trickle flow was observed. (±1427'-1591 ') Point "01" is a Type 2 catch basin. It is located on the south side of Benson Dr. S. Trickle flow was observed. (±1591') From Point "01" to Point "P1", runoff heads northwest as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. Trickle flow was observed. (±1591 '-1747') Point "P1" is a Type 1 catch basin. It is located on the south side of Benson Dr. S. Trickle flow was observed. (±1747') From Point "P1'' to Point "Q1", runoff heads northwest as pipe flow via a 12-inch concrete pipe. (±1747'-1972') Point "Q1" is a Type 2 catch basin. It is located on the south side of Benson Dr. S. Point "Q 1" also defines the point of convergence of the downstream path of TOA West: NOA 1. Moderate flow was observed. (±1972') © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 22 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Drainage System Description TOA East The downstream analysis is further illustrated and detailed in the Downstream Map and Downstream Table located in Appendix A. The downstream area is located within the Soos Creek Drainage Basin, more specifically, the Soos Creek Subbasin. The downstream area was evaluated by reviewing available resources, and by conducting a field reconnaissance on November 29, 2011 under overcast conditions. Downstream Path TOA East: NOA 1 Point "A2" is the natural discharge point of this subbasin. It is located approximately 90 feet south of the northeast property corner. Runoff exits the Site as sheet flow to the east via a wetland system. From Point "A2" to Point "B2", runoff heads southeast as sheet flow through dense vegetation within the wetland area. No flow was observed. (±0'-390') From Point "B2" to Point "C2", runoff is conveyed in southeasterly direction through the wetland. The wetland is flat and is densely vegetated with cattails. No flow was observed. Point "B2" also defines the point of convergence of the downstream path of TOA East: NOA 2. (±390'-960') From Point "C2" to Point "02", runoff continues in an easterly direction as channel flow. The channel is approximately 5 feet wide and 3 feet deep. There is sporadic vegetation throughout the channel. The water depth was 1 foot deep at the time of analysis. No flow was observed (±960'-1220') Point "02" is the inlet of a 24-inch CMP culvert with a trash rack. Moderate flow was observed. (±1220') From Point "02" to Point "E2", runoff heads southeast as pipe flow via a 24-inch CMP. Moderate flow was observed. (>1320') Point "E2" is the 24-inch pipe outlet. The pipe appears to outlet into a pond located on the Gainsborough Commons development; just west of 1161h Ave. SE and just north of SE 1751 h St. The pipe outlet could not be observed due to fencing. (>1320') Downstream Path TOA East: NOA 2 Point "A3" is the natural discharge point of this subbasin. It is located approximately 40 feet north of the southeast property corner. Runoff exits the Site as sheet flow to the east. From Point "A3" to Point "B3", runoff heads east as sheet flow through dense vegetation and into a closed depression. No flow was observed. (±0'-75') © 2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 23 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington At Point "B3", the runoff is collected in the closed depression area. The depression is vegetated with thick bramble. The water depth in the depression was approximately 1 foot at the time of analysis. No flow was observed (±75') From Point "B3" to Point "C3", runoff travels through the closed depression. No flow was observed (±75'-250') Point "C3" is a Type 2 catch basin with a vertical elbow. Runoff exits the closed depression at this point at times of overflow. (±250') From Point "C3" to Point "D3", runoff heads east as pipe flow via an 18-inch pipe. (±250'-450') Point "D3" is the 18-inch pipe outlet. The pipe outlets to a forested hillside. The pipe outlet could not be visited due to dense vegetation. (±450') From Point "D3" to Point "E3", runoff heads east as sheet flow through dense vegetation. (±450'-700') Point "E3" is a wetland. It defines the point of convergence of the downstream path of TDA East: NDA 1. No flow was observed. (±700') A review of the King County Water and Land Resources Division -Drainage Services Section Documented Drainage Complaints within one mile of the downstream flow paths revealed several complaints within the last ten years along all downstream paths for the Site. Many of which were found to be water quality audits, which are not pertinent to this analysis. The remaining complaints are listed in the following table. The drainage complaint reports can be found in Appendix D. Drainage Comi,laint Number 2001-0742 2002-0774 2003-0030 2003-0824 2004-0579 2004-0908 2005-0032 2005-0195 © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis TOA East East East East East East East East 24 J:yQg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Summary R/D pond is overflowing Sediment build-up Maintenance issue Maintenance issue Water level in pond rising Maintenance issue Concern of future problem, but nothing found Wetland overflow due to debris Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington TASK 5: MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS The drainage complaints listed in Task 4 require no mitigation by this Project. All were found to be maintenance issues and should be resolved by either City Maintenance (public systems) or the respective property owners (private systems). No further analysis should be required of this Project. The Project should not create any problems as specified in Section of the Manual and therefore is not required to provide Drainage Problem Impact Mitigation subject to the requirements of Section Project runoff will be collected and released per the Manual's requirements to accommodate Level 2 Flow Control and Enhanced Basic Water Quality requirements. During construction, standard sediment and erosion control methods will be utilized. This will include the use of a stabilized construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, and other necessary measures to minimize soil erosion during construction. © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 25 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington APPENDIX A. OFFSITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE & DOWNSTREAM MAP © 2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 26 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Basin: Black River Symbol Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size Type: sheet flow, See map swale, Stream, channel, pipe, Pond; Size: diameter Surface area A Type2 CB A-B Southerly Pipe Flow B Type 2 CB B-C Westerly Pipe Flow C Pipe Outlet C-D Southerly Channel Flow D Wetland D-E Northwesterly Channel Flow E Concrete Storm Drainaae Vault E-F Southerly Pipe Flow F Type2 CB F-G Southerly Pipe Flow G Type 2 CB G-H Northwesterly Pipe Flow OFFSITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 TOA WEST: NOA 1 Subb_asin Name: Panther Creek Drainage Component Slope Distance Existing Potential Description From site Problems Problems Discharae Constrictions, under capacity, ponding, drainage basin, vegetation, cover, % 1/4 mi=1,320 ft overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism depth, type of sensitive area, volume destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, incision, other erosion On North Side of SE 172nd St. near ±0' None Observed None Anticipated intersection with 1081h Way SE 18" Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) 0'-80' None Observed None Anticipated On East Side of 108th Way SE near ±80' None Observed None Anticipated intersection with 172nd St. (Located in Grassy Planter Area) 18" CMP 80'-155' None Observed None Anticipated 18" CMP, Outlet into Ditch, West Side ±155' None Observed None Anticipated of 108~ Way SE 5' Wide and 5' Deep, Heavily vegetated 155'-455' None Observed None Anticipated with Bramble and Alder Channel Enters Wetland ±455' None Observed None Anticipated Moderately dense forest with dense 455'-925' None Observed None Anticipated underbrush 2'X4' Grate ±925' None Observed None Anticipated 18" Concrete Pipe 925'-940' None Observed None Anticipated On North Side of Benson Dr. S ±940' None Observed None Anticipated 18" Concrete Pipe 940'-1000' None Observed None Anticipated On South Side of Benson Dr. S ±1000' None Observed None Anticipated (Point Q1 on TDA West: NOA 2) 18" Concrete Pipe 1000'-1285' None Observed None Anticipated ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Level 1 Downstream Analysis Subbaslo_Number: N/A Observations of field inspector resource reviewer, or resident tributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts. Trickle Flow from North Trickle Flow Trickle flow 6" Water Depth Grate Partially Blocked with debris Moderate Flow Moderate Flow Moderate Flow Moderate Flow Moderate Flow Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington H Type 2 CB On South Side of Benson Dr. S H-1 Southwesterly Pipe 24~ Concrete Pipe Flow I Pipe Outlet 24" Concrete Pipe, Outlet to Well- Defined Channel 1-J Channel 4-5' Wide and 3-4' Deep, Well-Defined Banks J Manmade Rock-Lined East Side of S Cedar Ave. Depression ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Level 1 Downstream Analysis ±1285' None Observed 1285'-1305' None Observed ±1305' None Observed 1305'-1705' None Observed ±1705' None Observed None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated Moderate Flow Moderate Flow Moderate Flow 5" Water Depth; Moderate Flow Trickle Flow Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Basin: Black Riv~r Symbol Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size Type: sheet flow, See map swale, Stream, channel, pipe, Pond; Size: diameter Surface area A1 Type 1 CB A1-B1 Southerly Pipe Flow B1 Type 1 CB B1-C1 Westerly Pipe Flow C1 Type 1 CB C1-D1 Southerly Pipe Flow D1 Type 1 CB D1-E1 Southwesterly Pipe Flow E1 Tee E1-F1 Westerly Pipe Flow F1 Pipe Outlet F1-G1 Southerly Channel Flow G1 Pipe Inlet G1-H1 Southerly Pipe Flow OFFSITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 TOA WEST: NOA 2 Subbasin Name: Panther Cre_ek Drainage Component Slope Distance Existing Potential Description From site Problems Problems Discharae Constrictions, under capacity, ponding, drainage basin, vegetation, cover, % 1/4 mi=1,320 ft overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism depth, type of sensitive area, volume destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, incision, other erosion On North Side of SE 172nd St. near ±0' None Observed None Anticipated intersection with 109th Pl. SE 12" CMP 0'-50' None Observed None Anticipated On East Side of 109th Pl. SE ±50' None Observed None Anticipated 12" CMP 50'-76' None Observed None Anticipated On West Side of 109th Pl. SE ±76' None Observed None Anticipated 12" CMP 76'-216' None Observed None Anticipated Located in Cul-de-sac of 1091h Pl. SE ±216' None Observed None Anticipated 12" CMP 216'-391' None Observed None Anticipated Tee into 12" Concrete Pipe that heads ±391' None Observed None Anticipated west 12" Concrete Pipe 391 '-699' None Observed None Anticipated 12" Concrete Pipe, Daylight into ±699' None Observed None Anticipated Roadside Ditch, East Side of 1081h Ave. SE Grass-Lined Ditch, 3' Wide and 1.5' 699'-815' None Observed None Anticipated Deeo, East Side of 108th Ave. SE 12" Concrete Pipe ±815' None Observed None Anticipated 12" Concrete Pipe 815'-825' None Observed None Anticipated ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Level 1 Downstream Analysis Subbasin NumJ.i_er~r-.J/A Observations of field inspector resource reviewer, or resident tributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts. No Flow Trickle Flow Junction was not observed Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Blocked with debris No Flow Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington H1 Type 1 CB On North Side of SE 173rd St. near intersection with 108th Ave. SE (Point of Convernence with TDA West: NOA 3) H1-11 Southerly Pipe Flow 12" Concrete Pipe 11 Type 1 CB On South Side of SE 173rd St. near intersection with 1081h Ave. SE 11-J1 Westerly Pipe Flow 18" Concrete Pipe J1 Pipe Outlet 18" Concrete Pipe, Outlet into Grass Swale J1-K1 Northwesterly Channel Overgrown with vegetation, Flow Flow Disappears 20' from Pipe Outlet, 4' Wide and 2' Deeo K1-L 1 Southwesterly Channel Grass-Lined Channel, 2' Wide and 1' Flow Deen L1 Concrete Storm 2':x4' Grate Drainaae Vault L1-M1 Northwesterly Pipe 12" Concrete Pipe Flow M1 Type 1 CB Located on East Side of 1 oath Way SE M1-N1 Northwesterly Pipe 12" Concrete Pipe Flow N1 Type 1 CB Located on West Side of 1 oath Way SE N1-01 Southwesterly Pipe 12" Concrete Pipe Flow 01 Type 2 CB Located on South Side of Benson Dr. S 01-P1 Northwesterly Pipe 12" Concrete Pipe Flow P1 Type 1 CB Located on South Side of Benson Dr. S P1-Q1 Northwesterly Pipe 12" Concrete Pipe Flow Q1 Type2 CB Downstream Path at this Point Converges with TOA West: NOA 1 (Point G1 ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Level 1 Downstream Analysis ±825' None Observed 825'-877' None Observed ±877' None Observed 877'-917' None Observed ±917' None Observed 917'-1117' None Observed 1117'-1377' None Observed ±1377' None Observed 1377'-1397' None Observed ±1397' None Observed 1397'-1427' None Observed ±1427' None Observed 1427'-1591' None Observed ±1591' None Observed 1591'-1747' None Observed ±1747' None Observed 1747'-1972' None Observed ±1972' None Observed None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated None Anticipated No Flow Trickle Flow Moderate Flow Moderate Flow Pipe Fully Submerged Trickle Flow Grate Partially Covered with debris Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Trickle Flow Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington OFFSITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 TDA EAST: NOA 1 Basin: __ Soos Creek Subbasin Name: Soos Creek Sub_basin Number: N/A Symbol Drainage Drainage Component Component Type, Description Name, and Size Type: sheet flow, swale, See map Stream, channel, pipe, drainage basin, vegetation, cover, Pond; Size: diameter depth, type of sensitive area, volume Surface area A2 NOA 90' South of Northeast Property Corner A2-B2 Sheet Flow Dense Vegetation, Downstream Path at Point B2 Converges with TOA East: NOA 2 (Point E3) B2-C2 Southeasterly through a Dense Cattails, Flat Wetland C2-D2 Easterly Channel Flow Well Defined 5' Wide and 3' Deep, Sooradic Veaetation D2 Pipe Inlet 24" CMP Culvert with Trash Rack D2-E2 Southeasterly Pipe Flow 24" CMP E2 Pipe Outlet 24" CMP into pond located on GainsborouQh Commons ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Level 1 Downstream Analysis Slope Distance From site Discharae % 114 mi=1,320 ft ±0' 0'-390' 390'-960' 960'-1220' ±1220' 1220'-1570' ±1570' Existing Potential Problems Problems Constrictions, under capacity, ponding, overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, incision, other erosion None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated Observations of field inspector resource reviewer, or resident tributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts. No Flow No Flow 1' Water Depth, No Flow Moderate Flow Moderate Flow Could not be visited due to fencing Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington OFFSITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 TOA EAST: NOA 2 Basin: Soos Creek Subbasin Name: Soos Creek Subbasin N_ymber: N/A Symbol Drainage Drainage Component Component Type, Description Name, and Size Type: sheet flow, swale, See map Stream, channel, pipe, drainage basin, vegetation, cover, Pond; Size: diameter depth, type of sensitive area, volume Surface area A3 NOA 40' North of Southeast Property Corner of Parcel #292305-9023 A3-B3 Sheet Flow Dense Vegetation 83 Closed Depression Thick Bramble 83-C3 Depression Overflow Thick Bramble C3 Type 2 CB Type 2 CB with a vertical elbow C3-D3 Easterly Pipe Flow 18" Pipe D3 Pipe Outlet Daylight to Hillside D3-E3 Sheet Flow Dense Vegetation E3 Wetland Downstream Path at this Point Converges with TDA East: NDA 1 (Point 82' ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Level 1 Downstream Analysis Slope Distance From site Discharae % 1/4 mi=1,320 ft ±0' 0'-75' ±75' 75'-250' ±250' 250'-450' ±450' 450'-700' ±700' Existing Potential Problems Problems Constrictions, under capacity, ponding, overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, incision, other erosion None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Obseived None Anticipated None Obseived None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated None Observed None Anticipated Observations of field inspector resource reviewer, or resident tributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts. No Flow 1' Water Depth Not observed Not observed No Flow No Flow Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington ,! E/ ~/ KI . j N G,Q~ / \ Pl V Ll ' 01 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100 200 400 I'" -... --~ INCH ~ 200 FT. I FIELDBROOK COMMONS LEVEL ONE DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS i I h I I b1 \lJHl J1 i 11 I I ' I I I I I I I I I ---·-··-·--··-··-··-··---------,----·-··---1 ---------,-________ ., ___ _ ' ! / ··-·--··-··--·------------------·.J ~=-l-1TI '.4' .. , ·~- i \ ·\ 1\\ D1 APPROXIMATE PA TH OF TOA WEST: NDA 3 ~ COPYRIGHT@ 2011, D.R. smONG CONSULT1NG ENGINEERS INC. j1,j;J..11 D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS E~GINEERS PlAt.NtRS SURVEYORS 10604 NE 38th PLACE, SL'ITE 101 KIRKLAND, WA 9MJJ 425.~27.3063 OfflCE 800.962 1402 TOLL FREE ~25.827 242J FAX www.drs1rong.com DRAFTED BY: YLP DESIGNED BY; YLP PROJECT ENGII\EER: MAJ DATE: 12-12-2011 PROJECT NO.: 11062 SHEET 1 OF 2 I I i ··--·----·-·- i! / fltJ -"-"' -~ ~-.. ! ~,,._j! -/// -~ -~ ' • -/ -~·--1---• " ""1 !I-';--=--~; -C .. z.--c;; -.. -• .... ___:~, V ,.. • c;r-, • • l i, J ' • ',, \!~·/ ,~~'·';'' ,~ •--_,, . .--7,>~· •, •,,/. ,, -~-·,• 4~ j .<:,_;.. ~ 't I 1.z"6,<;= ·/A "".J ,-t<·+,c, --,~,, , .,,g ,!. -~ • / : ,MC ,. • 6 l ! 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STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 27 Field brook Commons Renton, Washington BLACK RIVER BASIN ® 0006 eo301 Basin Boundary Subcatchment Boundary Collection Point Stream Tributary Number Proposed Project N + __ ., i .. , . I ]. \ ., I" " ' . '' (', ' Item 25 26 27 28 29 Trib. & River Mile 0006C 0009 RM .00- . 15 0009 RM .15-.20 0020 RM.20 0020 RM .50- .70 P:BR.APC/mlm Collect. Point Catcgmy. Prop. Proj. 5 Habitat 9 Geology 9 Habitat 12 Habitat 21 Geology Existing Conditions and Problems Rolling Hills Creek exhib- its oil sheen on water in upper portion of the creek. Little or no fish habitat (or potential) exists. Bank and lower-slope erosion in small tributary channel, especially behind construe- lion equipment lot. Lots of litter; stream has extensive downcutting, bank . erosion, and bedload movement. Sediment has destroyed fish habitat. City of Kent removes sediment each year. Bank erosion, landsliding in canyon due to outfalls at end of SE 196th St. and from R/D on 200th plus natural sensitivity (landslides). Heavy damage in Jan. 86 storm. Sedi- mentation above old road, and in trout farm below Talbot Rd., as well as ero- sion in the ravine. C-7 Anticipated Conditions and Problems Little change due to riprap along stream to protect sewer line that parallels stream. Flows in tributary will in- crease; erosion will continue causing sedimentation down- stream and perhaps threaten stability of building. Worsening of water quality, sedimentation, and erosion . Possible flooding and sedi- mentation along S .192nd St. Problems will continue. ,Recommendations None. -R/D in upper basin. -Remove fill along stream . -Reduce the volume and rate of water to non-erosive levels by new R/D. -Consider restricting future develop- ment (down-zone). -Community action projects could remove litter. Remove sedimentation source ( see also Trib. 0023, RM.95). Control storm flows. Increase R/D above RM .40 in 0021; reroute or control flows from vicinity of SE 200th (tightline west on 200th). Provide energy dissipation at R/D outfall (RM .40). Restrict development on north side of 0021 (runoff to be tightlined or routed around ravine). r ' \ \ '" ·'- ' SOOS CREEK BASIN -··· •••••• ® ~,;:~'1 0072 *5401 ',V\ i !=- Basin Boundary Collection Point Boundary Collection Point Stream Tributary Number Proposed Project ····\ " :] 1 mi. To $fl 18 ~ roSR169• APPENDIX A ESTIMATED COSTS: PROPOSED CAPITAi. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS SOOS CREEK IJASIN NOTE: Projcd Number 5401* 5402' 5-IOJ" Indicates project was identified by lhe Surface Waler Managemenl Division prior to reconnaissance. All projects are localed on map included in lhis re_[J_orl. Coiled. Point 20 9 Project Description Construct low berm (approx. 2') anJ proportional Jischargc-control wt.::ir al outlcl lo welland. (This project is inJcpcnJcntly juslifiablc.) Wetland rating is #L Uiologkal asscssmcnl is needed to assure this project docs not Jccrcasc habitat values. Excavate and berm to con~.truct regional facility al lower end of wclland. Provide proportional weir discharge. WcthmJ ruling is # l. Uiological asscss1m..:nt is nccdl!d lo as.sure 1his project docs not Jccrcasc habitat values. Could not locale or verify. 540-1' 17 Construct a proportional control weir WcllanJs 4°11 r, l':SC:13.APA al SE 224th SL briJgc. (Project should be justified by a future basin pL.rn.) Wetland rnting j5 #2. I3iological assessment is nccllcd lo assure this project Jocs not decrease habitat values. Problem Addressed Mitigates increased upstream peak flows and runoff volumes. Mitigates increased upstream peak flows and runoff. This location serves Tril,. 0073 and 0076. (Good location.) ALIJrcss in basin plan. Mitigates increased upstream peak flows and runoff. (First sile Llial could address flows south of Pctrovilsky.) A-1 Estimated Casis and Comments $153,000 (likely lo be much less due to land acquisilion cos!) $194,000 (dependent on land costs) (Eliminate for now.) $250,000 * APPENDIX B CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RANKING SOOS CREEK BASIN Prior to the Soos Creek watershed field reconnaissance, 13 projects had been identified and rated using the CIP selection criteria developed by the Surface Water Management (SWM) Division and the Natural Resources and Parks Division. Following the reconnaissance, 20 projects remain proposed for this area. They include the 7 new, previously unidentified and unrated projects plus the initial 13 projects. The previous SWM capital improvements project list for the Soos Creek Basin had an estimated cost of 53,450,000, while the revised list decreases to an estimated cost of $2,622,000. This 24% reduction in estimated capital costs is due mainly to downward revised cost figures for acquiring or securing easements over wetlands. The following table summarizes the scores and costs for the C!Ps proposed for the Hylebos Creek Basin. The projects were rated according to previously established SWM Program Citizen Advisory Committee criteria. The projects ranked below are those for which the first rating question, ELEMENT 1: "GO/NO-GO," could be answered affirmatively. The projects can now be considered for merging into the "live" CIP list. Any project scoring over 100 points should be considered for incorporation into the SL'<-year CIP plans. RANK PROJECT NO. SCORE COST --- 1 5415 135 s 156,000 2 5417 127 223,000 3 5407' 113 228,000 4 5414 105 169,000 5 5409' 100 221,000 6 5416 98 68,400 7 5402' 95 194,000 8 5401' 59 153,000 9 5406' 33 17.800 TOTAL Sl,430,000 Indicates project \vas identified bv SWM prior to the reconnaisance. APPENDIX C OETAILL:D FINDINGS ANO RECOMMENDATIONS SOOS CREEK llASIN All items lisled here are located on final display maps in lhc ollices ol Surface Water Management, building and Lant1 Ocvclopmenl, and Oasin Planning. Tril>. & Collect. Existing Anticipated Item ltivi..:r Mile Point C;:1tcgo1y Prop. Proj. Conditions and Problems Conditions and Problems 01172 RM 2.84 2 0072 1,3, IO, RM .r,o 13,17, 18,19, 20 P:S< 'll.1\l'C llydrology I labitat Sec Item 6. l lahitat of upper stream good from buffer of exten- sive wetlands and mainten~ ance by County Parks Dept. Problems on 562 acres of wetlands include illegal filling, livestock-related bank croSion, debris in stream. There is a greater degree of development adjacent to stream. Main stem provides important rearing habitat for salmoniJ species. C-I Main stem will be strained to accommodate increased volume of runoff from developing areas upstream. Dank erosion (causing increased siltation and habitat destruction) and slope failures (leading to property damage) will result. More filling of wetlands. Sediment from adjacent devel- opment will fill portions of wetlands and stream .channel due to low gradients. More debris, pollution, and flood- ing will result from additiona development. Recommendations New developments in upland area should investigate infiltration of n,noff as much as possible. Direct discharge to stream, after tightlining down sensitive slopes, is undesirable "last choicc11 alternative. Prohibit filling within 100-yr. floodplain or in wetlands. Work with landowners to fcnceg alongside sl ream to keep farm animals out. Trih. & Collect. Item River Mih..: Point 23 2~ 25 0072 RM 1-1.25 0072/\ RM 2.40 0072/\ RM .25 1':SC!l./\l'C 20 1 Calcgo1y I lydrnlogy llabitat Geology Existing Prop. Proj. Conditions and Problems 5401 Factors explaining lack of problems in this area: I) this uppermost subarca has no other tributary areas; 2) development is moderate an<l many homes arc situated on large several- acre parcels; 3) an exten- sive wetland ( #540 I) acts as effective nutural R/D silc, as evidenced at collection point. T'Jwrc arc several severe bank cuts, as well as debris in stream. llabitat for fish is poor. Drain pipe undercuts to form erosional clrntc. Natural springs have down- cul 8" into soils C.7 Anticipated Conuitions and Problems Recent installed sanitmy sewers make it likely that area will approach ils anticipated density soon. Wetland will continue to prnvide adequate buffer for downstream system, provided it is not degraded by illegal filling or clearing. Channel upstream of wetland is likely to experience some capacity problems; these should he addressed by new developments as they occur, possibly with County coordinating a coopera~ live funding of conveyance improvements. More development at collec- tion point 2 and at Green River Community College will increase flows. Increased flows will result in more bank erosion, sediment, and loss of habitat. Highlights potential for continued or increased erosion in loose colluvium Recommendations Protect and enhance wetland. A high-density multi-family development may be proposed adjacent to wetland due lo increasing development pres- sures in area. Repair erosion of R/D pond at upper end of tributary. Remove debris from stream. Evaluate source and establish alternate means of conveyance. APPENDIX C. WETLAND INVENTORY © 2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 28 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington Photo Date: 05 /01/80 WETLAND: Soos Creek 1 LOCATION (S,T,R): NE-SE 29, 23N, 5E SE-SE 29, 23N, 5E ACREAGE: 7,1 CLASSIFICATION: PEM5 Inventory Date: 08/04/81 COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Soos Creek BASIN OR DRAINAGE: Green River SENSITIVE AREA MAP#: 5 Fish & Wildlife Service Common Name Palustrine Emergent Narow- leaved Persistent (Cattail) Shallow Marsh Scale: 1" ~500' NOTE: Wetland boundaries shown are approximate. Further field studies are necessary to confirm the actual delineation of the wetland according to the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. OBSERVED SPECIES (refer to Appendix 1): Trees: Shrubs:. SX Herbs: SPTL Sedges/Grasses/Fems: SE IE JX .rt LM PA SV . Birds: MA RB MW Mammals: Fish: Other: HYDROLOGY: Inlet: Outlet: Type: Condition: Type: Open channel. Condition: · Partially blocked. Outflow enters: Stream. Soos Creek 1 Water movement through wetland: No visible movement (but water moving from outlet). Observed water quality in wetland: SIGNIFICANT HABITAT FEATURES: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Fill has been pushed into wetland in NE corner. WETLAND RATING (see Introduction for criteria): 2 NOTE: Species listed are only those observed during field visits. Further field studies are necessary to obtain a complete list including rare, threatened, and/or endangered species. Photo Date: 05/01/80 WETLAND: Soos Creek 2 LOCATION (S,T,R): 33, 23N, 5E SE 28, 23N, 5E ACREAGE: 134.0 CLASSIFICATION: PSSl PSS3 PF04 PEM5 POW Inventory Date: 08/04/81 N~ COMMUNIIT PLAN AREA: Soos Creek BASIN OR DRAINAGE: Green River SENSITIVE AREA MAP#: 5 Fish & Wildlife Service Common Name Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-Scrub-Shrub leaved Deciduous (Willow) Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-Bog leaved Evergreen (Labrador Tea) Palustrirte Forested Needle-leaved Forested Evergreen (Hemlock) Palustrine Emergent Narrow-Shallow Marsh leaved Persistent (Cattail) Palustrine Open Water Open Water Scale: 1" ~ 1000' NOTE: Wetland boundaries shown are approximate. Further field studies are necessary to confirm the actual delineation of the wetland according to the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. OBSERVED SPECIES (refer to Appendix 1): Trees: AR PT TS TP Shrubs: AC CS GS LL RP RS SX SD Herbs: LA MU OS PH RR SD TL Sedges/Grasses/Ferns: SE BX AX AF CX EX JE JX LM PA Birds: DF GB MA VS TS BS RBAR ST MW SS YTYWWW RS Mammals: Fish: Other: HYDROLOGY: Inlet: Outlet: Type: Condition: Type: Pipe/Overland/Undefined. Condition: Open. Outflow enters: Stream. Soos Creek2 Water movement through wetland: Visible movement of water through wetland .. Observed water quality in wetland: SIGNIFICANT HABITAT FEATURES: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Litter from park on south edge; fill pushed into wetland from west edge; ponds artificial; bog area is drying u_p; Cascade Sewer District issued special permit FS-123-83 for sewer lme crossing the neck of the wetland. 11/1/84: Field checked.11/27 /85: Illegal filling at 12627 Petrovitsky Road .. 7 /1/86: Building Permit #86-1785. · Wetland extends north across Petrovitsky Road -refer to 1990 Sensitive Areas Map Folio for approximate delineation. WETLAND RATING (see Introductio~ for criteria): 1 (c) NOTE: Species listed are only those observed during field visits. Further field studies are necessary to obtain a complete list including rare, threatened, and/ or endangered species. .I. Photo Date: 7 /23/89 WETLAND: Soos Creek 104 LOCATION (S,T,R): SW-SE 28, 23N, SE ACREAGE: 4.2 CLASSIFICATION: PF06 Inventory Date: 6/18/90 NA. Scale: 1" ~ 500' COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Tahoma/Raven Heights BASIN OR DRAINAGE: Cedar River SENSITIVE AREA MAP#: 5 Fish & Wildlife Service Palustrine Forested Deciduous (Alder) Common Name Forested NOTE: Wetland boundaries shown arc approximate. Further field studies are necessary to confirm the actual delineation of the wetland according to the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. OBSERVED SPECIES (refer to Appendix 1): Trees: AM FL PT TS AR TP Shrubs: RD SX SD Herbs: FR VA LA TL GR Sedges/Grasses/Ferns: VO JE PV PO Birds: RB YT BS AR GF BP Mammals: Fish: Other: HYDROLOGY: Inlet: Outlet: Type: Stream. Condition: Type: Open channel. Condition: Outflow enters: Stream. Soos Creek 104 Water movement through wetland: Channel flow with some movement -standing flow. Observed water quality in wetland: Water is brown and cloudy due to algae and scum. SIGNIFICANT HABITAT FEATURES: Several snags less than 18 inches in diameter and 25 feet tall. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: This forested wetland is healthy and relatively undisturbed since its initial logging -approximately 40 years ago. There is some filling along the western edge. The site is part of a long north/ south wet corridor and is contiguous with Soos Creek 2. Ivan Petrovsky Road bisects these wetlands; thus, any hydrologic connection is culverted. WETLAND RATING (see Introduction for criteria): 2 NOTE: Species listed are only those observed during field visits. Further field studies are necessary to obtain a complete list including rare, threatened, and/or endangered species. ----'C,~-ll! ....... ~ -·--;.111!111111111 .-.-., Cfo;~i'.':~ ' --;;:c- i. ··. \ 1:-i· 'Jdj · I · V ft: . ' '.,:1 \ -.J -,..:::::::, v.7 \ <1:> ~ f'1f;'I':' ., ( ' "-.. '· .. _(>~·1 / _.1,'\ :._'; :},~~.--·-·;M,fltt7./s11-~11;-, -,;-/,.~T/T[)~'\--~2'~;'.\y~i. ' ,.,. A /J p '( I ; I I ·,~. ,--,J \ - l i ;,'-,,:~0· {;~y;,-3'-. .-,_, "If1:.~~; "i/7!. ·.1 I ___ _ l= .. =I '·1:L~.: ,I •. I I -/ :, 11 '----/ (-\':¥·,·-, .; .. · ·;·· . .,;,;J+ ·n·ee ', [ - . • ... ~ .,, .. /~ .·' : . \ ,•. L' ffi):0P~~'. ~:iMi;nes c,e~k .. ·· .. ,.· o?:ri'-t('";;)!l, :_, ... ··' ... . · \-'~'f:"t1Jfl'7• , ',TfFi' T, ' ~1"1J\tttrltz~=it1::.~-;f -·~;;..:~f; ..:.•1 "J,,1 .. •• ·' .,,//!~ ~·· .. : ,J_.c''-J -,-c-,3--- 1 ,_1T''·14 ___ ·- ·, Lower . -. . -f. ,iit' «.c•·.-'· .. "'. r. 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W!Hre differences occ>...!r t1 ctwee11 what is illustrated on these maps and tfl(~ sit.:! conditions. the actual pre- shace or atlscnce on the site of lhe sensitive area -as defined in tl1e Sensitive Area 01 cii112nce -is the Jegal control. t)·i gcr:, ln i.iHi rEJ111b:, 1,_ll {"•" \·> (. '. vi ,r: 1r' · · cJ,a ill-7··~ ·,, i L '. ·1 -----,---~ -·--1 r-- ' Black River! : ' 1' ' ,, I i ' l"I ! ' '': I ·:T, '\: :: '~.. ,1,:: \ L't'~' '"~~ ;:~·t~.,t"ijJ,~"".-c~W'~~;: "\ \ I jl · -, ff: ,, : I P.'2t , , ' 1 ~I~, ~· ···-",( '",-ff/£! \ I'll, 'r ,1_ -,•-' . L ··1-) .\ ,re I 'C -~ I ", ~ ' , ~ r 1 I ' "'\ • ""··' r "-, ~ ,. ~ ~ H I J~.~ ....::::1.!l"i:_'i, ,t ·\ "'--r;:h~ s L~:w;,d\-.,.1, .. 1;,,~ .4,, i .,,,,--J""I · , , ' -·~-, " rr,,, \fr'___;---%,, . -::--,,,;~"'"1l• • f .-, ,,1 f -Y~ \-; '.., , \-,1 ],~ -1.}1 ' ' )l J f t l {31) 1. ~-ii','; ~~~,~ --s,::, ~· '(~ ''/ ~ ~Y~~,_..,,--~ ',' ' (ir O • ,,.:.._,,·-r.::;J ~--f'"c.... 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STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc Level One Downstream Analysis 29 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT INVESTIGATION REQUEST TypFC,_L PROBLEM: P-./b ~ RECEIVED BY: C.. '-I~ Received from: Date: { I ll'lh f • l OK'd by: F1LEN0. 2001 -07t/'J,... (Eve) ~C _ __,) NAME:~ ADDRESS~ _,,,,-., lAJ (Day) <Ym PHONE eb35: -<j(3,2] $(;' d f?i~~-------State __ Zip __ _ LOCATIO"I or PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: . 1)'=f,3<J.'i Plat name: e £\SI! r,..,J Q. R v--k. Other agencies involved: Lot No: Block No: s: W ..2.K._ ZSN..=cL=- Parcet No.!t/$ /7fXJQ6 s T R Kroll Go..Z.Wni.Bros: NewG.5'~£7 RDP _£__ Basin5:)2 Council District _ ___.9'--- RESPONSE: DISPOSITION: SEE FILE II __ _ __ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite ;:.;;;eighboring parcel. DATECLOSED: /1-toJ,o I By: --~Other (Specify): c,?,;..e#h~ COMPLAINT 01-0742 JENNY CllRTER at CASCADE PARK CO~"DOS D96368 llB02 SE PE".'ROVITSKY ROAD TB 656E7 Investigated by ALAN MEYERS 11-15-01 I toured the site about 1 PM the day after the heavy rains had ended. The Soos Creek channel on the north side of 11 B'"h Ave SE bet·1"1TeeI!. Uni ts c and Don the attached site plan was fairly full with a water level about 3-4 feet below the road level. The debris level along the edge of the channel showed that a water level had been about 1-1.5 foot higher than the existing level. Based on the slow rotation of the \/later surface at the south end of the channel, the channel was slowly d!"aining south through the 2-24inch culverts under 118" Ave SE. The tennis co".lrts on the south side of the road were wet and looked as though several :feet of water had been ponded there recently. ?he NW~SE channel located just south of the Recreation Building was very full and appeared to be draining SE at the outlet of the culverts under 118th. Via phone, I talked to Carter on ll-20-01. She said the channel north of llB'" had flooded to within about one foot of the top of its banks and about 2 feet of water had ponded ir..:. the tennis courts on the sou.th side of 113tJ-.. After conferring in our office with Larry Gettle and Mike Malrrerich 1 I called Carter back on 11-28-01 and told her cne flooding in the channel and tennis courts were normal for a heavy 3 day rainfall with partial plugging of one or more downstream culvert entrances. I thanked her for her complain,: and gave her our 206-296-1900 complaint number and the roads 24-hour complaint n-.imber at 206-296-8100. The pho1:os I took at the s::_te v.·ere nc--: founC. .:..n rr.y digi:al camera. KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT INVESTIGATION REQUEST PROBLEM: ~-rh: Type RECEIVEDBY:'a:,-6~. Date:/J.f:;/oJoK'dby:. FILENo. 2002 -077'( Received from: ·;v.. • (Day) (~) (Eve) ._( _ ___.) .NAME: ~ l'J fuh6ui.wJ.v PHONE /iJbt:"i"/:8::). ADDRESS: I/JI/ $/).cDu41 Oue.. l,,.)g' ,jl:pW,ity. IIJ ~ State, __ Zip 9~0 3 2> LOCATIONOFPROBLE)Vl,IFDIFFERENT: /J({QS-f/(a':'/'h .. (bJ.R/ S'tf Access Permission Granted D Call First (Would Like To Be Present) D Plat name: O '7 {pj C£-Block No: :u(,.,<--"">4---~ ~ ' S T R ParcelNo.~'25:::0()Qo Kronf:tl.L Th.Bros: New h5(,{;7 r RDP Basin Soo Council District . 5 City Charge No .. _______ _ ,; REsPONSE: Citizen notified on / r Z O,;. (J 3 by: __ phone __}z_ letter __ in person ,4-,rp9z:::ala.. ~ LG:rrta2... DISPOSITION: Turned to on _ _,I _ _,!'---by __ OR: No further action recommended because: ( _ Lead agency has been notified:. ________ _,--,------------------- -· _ Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: ;, SEE FILE# --- ~ \·. _ Private problem· NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite ~ighboring parcel. __ Other (Specify): , DATE CLOSED: ;2 1Z 3t 0/-By: ;,JHJ~V/~ December 2, 2002 CDC Management Services, Inc. www.cdcmanagement.com Larry Gettle, Supervising Engineer Stormwater Services Section King County Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks 20 I South Jackson Street, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 RE: · Your Letter to Roger Stephens Dated November 22, 2002 D96365 Gainsborough Commons Condos, 17405 l I6'h Ave SE Dear Larry: Your letter was directed to me as Roger Stephens no longer works for CDC Management and I manage the property. In response to the above referenced letter items needing maintenance, those items will be corrected by Gainsborough Commons by January 6, 2003. However, I have a question that requires an answer. In your letter, you state as follows: " ... problems which, if left alone, could cause flooding, water quality, and potential liability problems. Property owners are responsible for completing repairs and maintaining their systems according to King County Standards." Now, my question to you is who is responsible for maintenance of the 36" drainpipe under l 16'h Street that continues to be blocked so the water in the pond for which Gainsborough Commons is responsible will flow as it was designed to flow and if the drainpipe is not cleaned soon will cause flooding. Who monitors and inspects this drainpipe? Soos Creek nor King County acknowledge nor accept accountability much less direct me to someone that could provide a resolution to this serious drainage blockage at the 1161h Street 36" drainpipe. Cc: . Michael A. Malnerich Gainsborough Commons Board of Directors 11211 SLATER AVE. N.E. SUITE 200 KIRKLAND, WA 96033 (425) 897·3400 SEATILE (206) 622-8162 FAX (425) 897-3401 ' January 20, 2003 Bonnie Jean Klubberud, CMCA Community Association Manager CDC Management Services, Inc. 11211 Slater Avenue NE Suite200 Kirkland, WA 98033 RE: D96365 Gainsborough Commons Condos, 17404 l 16'h Ave SE Dear Bonnie; Please excuse my delay in responding to your December 2, 2002 letter identifying yourself as the contact person for this property, indicating maintenance items will be corrected, and requesting a determination of responsibility for the maintenance of the culvert under 1161h Avenue SE. I have reviewed our response activities concerning the drainage system from the condos to the east, prior correspondence to the condo management company and King County Roads Maintenance response to the situation. From these reviews I can provide you the following information. You an, correct in identifying that flooding will affect the Condo property as a result of the dov.mstream drainage system. The flooding problem would not be created by the maintenance or lack of maintenance of the culvert under 11611, Ave Southeast. However this culvert is part of a very flat and easily obstructed conveyance system. When the condos were constructed the flow control pond was actually constructed within the existing natural drainage channel that traversed the property. These types ofinstallations are no longer allowed in the drainage standards. In stream systems have proven to be difficult to operate, suseptable to periodic flooding, and restricted maintenance activities do to sensitive area regulations. The County did respond to flooding problems associated with the drainage in 1997. An assessment of the flooding problems at that time determined that sediment build-up in the cross culvert under 116th Ave SE and downstream channel were contributing factors to the flooding. The sediment deposition appeared to be the result of migration of sediment from the Gainsborough Commons flow control pond. We did contact Gary Nilsen of V angard Management at the time. In our communications we agreed to do a "one time" channel cleaning. King County has no easements or maintenance responsibility for the 'c-, drainage system downs1ream oft 16 1h SE. The 'one time" cleaning was dependent upon l,.-V ~ I the condos removing the sediment from their pond and keep the pond clean. ~-eJ ~,f1 'b 1161" Avenue Southeast is a County maintained roadway. The right-of way widt s.)0(-JI' }J IJI feet. The culvert within the road right-of-way would be King County's responsi · · ttJ maintain. I did ask Roads Maintenance staff to review the culvert crossing and detennine a response. Their onsite evaluation does confirm again sediment impacts to the culvert. This sediment would only be contributed from properties west of the crossing. Roads staff did go on to indicate that because of the age of the pipe, apparent pipe deterioration, complaints of private property damage, and the amount of water the culvert is conveying that a review for replacement should be conducted. Even if the pipe under 1161h is cleaned or replaced it would not be a solution to the potential flooding problems at the condo. As stated above downstream blockages and continued sediment deposits will continue to restrict flows in the channel. Continued scheduled maintenance activities at the condos will help the flow condition. This channel has been determined to be an "unclassified" stream. As a result any maintenance activities will require and pennit approval from Washington State Department of Wildlife and also Site Development Services, King County Department of Development and Environmental Services. Hopefully this letter responds to the question you raised in your December 2"" letter. I "will let you know ifl hear of any proposed project at the culvert crossing under l l 6~1 Ave SE. If you have any additional questions or I can provide further information please foe! free to contact me at (206) 296-8326. Sincerely, Larry Gettle, Supervising Engineer Stonnwater Services Section Gettle, Larry To: Subject: Cronin, Lori RE: Thanks for checking the pipe Lori. Are you forwarding to Jake or RMOU for their review and consideralion? In my response letler to Gainsborough Commons Management Company I will indicate DOT is evaluating existing condition to determine appropriate action, if any. Thanks again. -----Original Message-~ from: Crotiin, Lori Sent: Tuesday, January l4, 2003 7:57 AM To: Gettle, Larry; Packard, Ada Subject: Larry, The pipe under 116 SE just north of Petrovitsky is an old galvanized pipe that we have had several complaints on. On the west end of tile pipe in the Gainsborough Commons is a concrete wall (baffle) that I believe was installed to stop sediment from getting into the pipe. Upon looking in the east end of the pipe it appeared to be flowing at full capacity however I thought I saw a build up of sediment that got higher the farther west I looked. I got an I-IPA to vactor ool the pipe. Because of the diameter there is not a flushing nozzle designed that will actually clean it all out. I climbed over the fence and looked into the west end of the pipe. There appears to be something perhaps hanging down about twenty feet in (around the curb area). I thought it may have been a CIB that was paved over sol brought out a metal detector and of course all I kept picking up was the pipe. I was led to this conclusion also because the C/B to the north has a pipe in it that runs south and I found no C/B that it connects into. Perhaps the pipe coming from tile north Just T's Into the 36" pipe and that is what I'm seeing. I must add that the west end of said pipe is perched. Between the glare of the water and the pipe being perched, even with a good spotlight, I could not decipher what is in tile pipe. It is my conclusion that due to the age of the pipe, the apparent deterioration, the complaints of private property damage and the amount of water the area gets we should seriously took into permanently fixing the problem by replacing it with an adequate box culvert or pipe that can be cleaned in the future. Hope this information Is helpful. Lori l KING COUNTY nu:No. NAME 03-0030 FCC Jason Schout ® Department of Natural Resources Water and Land Resource Division ADDRESS ~1=7~42=5~1=1=9_'h~L=N=SE=• ----------1 PHONE (425)221-2427 TBPAGE~65~6~-E~7 ___ ~ 602W DATE 1-16-03 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION KROLLPAGE MAINT. DIVISION 4 INITIALS -MAM DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: Complaint states -Soos Creek drainage through Madison Apartments not maintained causes drainage to backup and impact their drainage. Site visit on 1-16-03. Site visit fonnd Soos Creek flows through Cascade Park Condos as an open channel. It then enters a 24" concrete pipe with a trash rack on the southwest corner of the Madison apartments aud is conveyed along the south side of the apartment complex. During inspection found the trash rack blocked with leaves and other debris causing channel to backup. I cleared the trash rack and then talked to the manager at the Madison apartments to keep trash rack clear of debris because it causes problems upstream. They agreed to keep clear and monitor on a regular basis. This item was also mentioned on the MCL for 2002 that was sent to the Madison Apartments. Called citizen and said manager had agreed to maintain trash rack and closed complaint with information provided. Photos taken # 1 showing trash rack before cleared. # 2 showing trash rack after debris removed. SKETCH: Cascade Park Condos Soos Creek Trash Rack SE Petrovitsky Road Madison Apartments NTS ® ~!!:!2£2.~~!! FILEl\0. NAME 03-0824 CHRISTOPHER WONG ADDRESS 17311 -117TH AVE SE Water and Land Resource Division DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION PHONE 425-271-0829 TB PAGE _6~5~6--E=7~----l KROLL PAGE 602 12-09-03 DATE MAINT. DIVISION 4 INITIALS -MAM DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: COMPLAINT STATES: CREEK IS FLOODING YARD. SITE VISIT ON 11-20-03: INVESTIGATION FOUND A PIPE OUTLET AT THE MADISION APARTMENTS WAS BLOCKED WITH LEAVES AND DEBRIS. THIS PIPE CONVEYS FLOWS FORM SOOS CREEK NORTH SIDE OF PETROVITS KY TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF PETROVITSKY. THE PIPE IS A 24" CONCRETE PIPE WITH A TRASH RACK. SPENT TWO DAYS OFF AND ON GETIING THE TRASH RACK CLEARED OF DEBRIS. ONCE PIPE WAS CLEAR OF DEBRIS LEVEL OF WATER DROPPED AND CHANNEL FLOWS RETURNED TO NORMAL. NTS NO PHOTOS TAKEN. SKETCH: HOUSE 17311 --... SOOS CREEK DRAINAGE CHANNEL w rn w ~ :,: .... "" ... ... \ \ SOOS CREEK \ DRAINAGE CHANNEL \ --, " SE 176TH ST (PETROVITSKY ROAD) CASCADE PARK APARTMENTS I I I I MADISION I APARTMENTS I \ I -~ I '-.. I ". --1---. TRASH RACK !~ 04-0579 FCC KING COUNTY PATRICK ROONEY Depai1ment of Natural Resources 17405 -1161 H AVE SE Water and Land Resource Division FILE NO. NAM~; ADDRESS PHONE 425-897-3400 TB PAGE .,.6'-"5,..6-c,eE,,,2~---I DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION KROLL PAGE 601 DATE 8-09-04 MAINT. DIVISION 3 INITIALS -MAM DETAILS OF INVESTIGA TJON: COMPLAINT STATES: WATER LEVEL IN POND RISEN PAST FEW YEARS. CONCERNED THERE MAY BE BLOCKAGE/RESTRICTION DOWNSTREAM OF POND WHICH IS CULVERT UNDER 116 1 " AVE SE. SITE VISIT ON 7-09-04. INVESTIGATION FOUND THE OUTLET PIPE FROM GAINS BOROUGH COMMONS TO BE JUST ABOVE WATER LEVEL. THE DOWNSTREAM OF THE CULVERT WHICH IS ON 116TH AVE SE WAS HALF FULL OF WATER. THE DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL IS HEAVELY VEGETATED. THE OUTLET FOR THE DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL LOCATED AT 117TH AVE SE WAS EXPOSED AND WATER LEVEL WAS AT THE BASE OF THE PIPE. IT APPEARS THE CULVERT UNDER 116TH AVE SE MAY HAVE SEDIMENT BUILT UP IN THE PIPE. DID NOT FIND ANY SEDIMENT BUILD UP AT PIPE OUTLET. VEGETATION IN THE CHANNEL MAY ALSO CONTRIBUTE IN RESTRICTING FLOWS. PROPERTY MANAGER IS CONCERNED THIS MAY CAUSE FUTURE PROBLEMS BECAUSE BUILDINGS WERE FLOODED IN THE PAST. PHOTO TAKEN# 1 SHOWING THE OUTLET PIPE FROM GAINS BOROUGH COMMONS. #2 SHOWING OUTLET END OF PIPE ON 116TH AVE SE. # 3 LOOKING EAST AT THE DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL FROM CULVERT OUTLET. #4 LOOKING WEST AT THE DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL FROM CULVERT ON 117rH AVE SE. # 5 SHOWING CULVERT ON 117TH AVE SE. ~ NTS GAINSBOROUGH COMMONS CASCADE PARK APTS DRAINAGE CHANNEL -----,. w EJ ~ VI 0 ! w m > C < t ::; J: ~ I-..... ~ .... .... KING COUNTY Department of Natural Resources Water and Land Resource Division DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: FILE NO. NAME ADDRESS --~~~~~~ ~~~-----1 PHONE 425-271-8060 TB PAGE -----=-==~----1 KROLL PAGE MAINT. DIVISION _ _,,6"'"02...__ DATE 4 INITIALS. SAB NTS 12-15-04 met onsite with Gaylene to investigate her report of Soos Creek not flowing properly and backing up into the apartment property she manages. Investigation revealed that Soos Creek flows Southeast through the property and was backing up into her property. A cursory look at the downstream portion of the creek showed no blockage or back up. A blockage was found on the property immediately to the East where the creek flows into a 24" Concrete pipe and is then piped across Petrovisky Rd. After unplugging the trash rack the ponding subsided and the creek was flowing freely. I spoke with Gaylene and Steve (the groundskeeper for the property to the East) indicating that this issue is easily remedied by periodic maintenance to the trash rack and that it would be beneficial for them to work together on this problem. SKETCH: .. --;-- I I r----- ctlfie ···.····pdfi< . cJ't1d6~,. I I I ____ L ____________ ~ -- I ____ ! __________ _ ,,/-~ I / ~<(,---~----------- / ~ '?",,/ I (b / I 1'"!/ 1· i 11 ~ -:·O if I (4) I '-.._! • / Ponding [.._ 1 Area 1 L _______ ----------- SE Pertovitsky RD ® FILE NO. --2005-0032 KING COUNTY -- NAME Cecil Wann Department of Natural Resources 17311 1171" __ 1\ve _§_E ADDRESS Water and Land Resource Division 425-271-0829 656 E7 PHONE TB PAGE 602 DATE 1-20-05 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT KROLL PAGF, MAINT. DIVISION _4_ INITlALS -JRS FIELD INVESTIGATION I spoke with the complaint on 1-19-05 by phone. Mrs. Wong just wanted someone to look at Soos creek and make sure there where no problems downstream. There has been a history in the past of problems downstream causing water to back up and flood their yard. I checked the system downstream and at the complainant's address and found little to no debris causing a problem. ~ ~ .... " > < CD "' I i m 17311 Soos Creek 2005-0195 KING COUNTY Ruth La Department ofNatural Resources 17645 122 PL SE Water and Land Resource Division FILE NO. NAME ADDRESS PH01'E 425-235-1989 TH PAGE 656 f7 605 KROLL PAGE 4-22-05 DATE 4 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION J\.1AINT. DIVISIO:'o! INITIALS -JRS DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: I visited the site on 4-22-05. At the time of my visit I meet with the complaint Ruth Lapp. Mrs. Lapp is concerened with water coming over their private road. At the time of my visit the water was not over topping Lhe road but it appeared that it had recently. This roadway is adjacent to a wetland the Big Soos creek crosses under the road near the southern end of the roadway. Mrs. Lapp is concerned that the water over the road will damage the road and wanted to know if there was a King County facility near by no functioning properly and releasing to much water to quickly and causing this problem. When I looked at the inlet end of the 36 inch tile going under the road for the Big Soos creek I noted that there was debris partly blocking the end of the tile. Including a partial sheet of plywood which is it turned right would completely block the inlet. I believe this is what was causing the water to· top over the road. I cleared the debris from the tile end. The Big Soos creek flows next to the wetland and appears to be partly fed by it so if the creek backs up it causes the water to rise in the wetland SKETCH: SE Petrovitsky Road J2 (/) m 3 NTS SECTION IV FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Preliminary sizing yielded volumes as follows: TOA West Wetvault: Live Storage: Dead Storage: 43,900 c.f. 12,400 c.f. TOA West Wetvault: Live Storage: Dead Storage: 43,500 c.f. 12,000 c.f. EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY Detailed analysis to be completed at time of final engineering. ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 15 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOGY Detailed analysis to be completed at time of final engineering ©2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 16 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The Project is located in a Conservation Flow Control Area and will therefore adhere to Level 2 Flow Control Standards, forested conditions. Two detention vaults will provide flow control as required. The Project is required to "match developed discharge durations to predeveloped durations for the range of predeveloped discharge rates from 50% of the two-year peak flow up to the full 50-year peak flow. Also match developed peak discharge rates to predeveloped peak discharge rates for the 2 and the 10 year return periods. Assum(ing) historic conditions as the predeveloped condition." (KCSWDM, Sec. 1.2). ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 17 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM Detailed Analysis to be completed at time of final engineering Water Quality Treatment The Project is located in the Enhanced Water Quality Treatment area. A wetvault followed by a media filtration system system will be utilitized for each TOA. Detailed analysis to be completed at time of final engineering. ©2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 18 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington FIGURE 5. DETENTION & WATER QUALITY FACILITY DETAILS To be completed at time of final engineering ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 19 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION V CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Per Core Requirement, #4 of the KCSWDM, the conveyance system must be analyzed and designed for existing tributary and developed onsite runoff from the proposed project. Pipe systems shall be designed to convey the 100-year design storm. The Rational Method will be used to calculate the Q-Ratio for each pipe node. A conveyance system consisting primarily of pipes and catch basins will be designed for the Project. Onsite runoff from PGIS will be collected by the multiple catch basins. Pipes are typically twelve-inch diameter LCPE material. A backwater analysis will be provided at time of final engineering. ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 20 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION VI SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES The following report and studies are or have been provided for this Project: 1. Geotechnical Engineering Study -Earth Solutions NW, LLC, December 13, 2011 Supplemented by: a. Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation Letter -Icicle Creek Engineers, September 12,2007 b. Geotechnical Engineering Report for Wagner Parcel -Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc., October 11, 2006 2. Limited Scope Traffic Impact Analysis -TraffEx, November 14, 2011 a. Addendum Letter to Traffic Impact Analysis, November 30, 2011 3. Arborist Report -Greenforest Incorporated, September 8, 2011 4. Critical Areas Report-Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc., November 8, 2011 Supplemented by: a. Stream Study -Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc., December 14, 2011 b. Habitat Study-Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc., December 14, 2011 ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 21 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION VII OTHER PERMITS, VARIANCES AND ADJUSTMENTS No other permits have been required as part of this development, as of the date of this report. ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 22 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION VIII ESC AND CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The Erosion and Sedimentation Control Design meets the seven minimum King County requirements: 1. Areas to remain undisturbed shall be delineated with a high visibility plastic fence prior to any site clearing or grading. 2. Site disturbed areas shall be covered with mulch and seeded, as appropriate, for temporary or permanent measures. 3. Perimeter protection shall consist of a silt fence down slope of any disturbed areas or stockpiles. 4. A stabilized construction entrance will be located at the point of ingress/egress (i.e. onsite access road). 5. A sediment pond will be utilized for sediment retention (see calculations below). Perimeter silt fences will provide. sediment retention within the bypass areas. 6. Surface water from disturbed areas will sheet flow to the sediment pond for treatment. 7. Dust control shall be provided by spraying exposed soils with water until wet. This is required when exposed soils are dry to the point that wind transport is possible which would impact roadways, drainage ways, surface waters, or neighboring residences. The complete CSWPPP will be completed and submitted at time of final enigeering. ©2011 D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 23 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION IX BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 1. Bond Quantity Worksheet -will be submitted at time of final engineering. 2. Facility Summary -will be submitted at time of final engineering. ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 24 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET Development Fieldbrook Commons Date December 6, 2011 Location 17040 1081 h Avenue SE, Renton, Washington ENGINEER Name Maher A. Joudi, P.E. Firm D. R. STRONG Consulting Enaineers, Inc. Address 10604 NE 38"' Place, #101 Kirkland, WA 98033 Phone (425) 827-3063 Developed Site: 10.80 acres Number of lots 162 Apartment Units Number of detention facilities on site: ___ ponds 2 vaults -~- tanks --- DEVELOPER Name Firm PNW Holdings LLC Address 9725 SE 36"' St., Suite 214 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone (206) 588-1147 Number of infiltration facilities on site: ___ ponds ___ vaults tanks --- Flow control provided in regional facility (give location) ______________ _ No flow control required ___ Exemption number D own stream D . ra1naoe B . asins Immediate Major Basin . Basin A Black River Green River Basin B Soos Creek Green River Number & type of water quality facilities on site: ___ biofiltration swale (regular/we!/ or continuous inflow?) ___ sand filter (basic or large?) large?) ___ combined detention/WO pond _2_combined detention/wetvault ___ compost filter ___ filter strip ___ flow dispersion ___ farm management plan ___ landscape management plan ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report ___ sand filter, linear (basic or 2 stormfilter -- ---sand filter vault (basic or large?) stormwater wetland --- ___ wetpond (basic or large?) wetvault --- ___ pre-settling pond ___ flow-splitter catch basin 25 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington ___ oil/water separator (baffle or coalescing plate?) ___ catch basin inserts: Manufacturer _____________________ _ ___ pre-settling structure: Manufacturer ____________________ _ DESIGN INFORMATION Water Quality design flow Water Quality treated volume Drainage basin(s) Onsite area (inlcudes frontage) Offsite area Tvpe of Storage Facility Live Storage Volume (required) Predev Runoff Rate Developed Runoff Rate Type of Restrictor Size of orifice/restriction ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Jnc. Technical Information Report 2-year 10-year 100-year 2-year 10-year 100-year No. 1 No. 2 No.3 No. 4 INDIVIDUAL BASIN 26 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington SECTION X OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL To be completed at time of final engineering ©2011 D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Technical Information Report 27 Fieldbrook Commons Renton, Washington D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS