HomeMy WebLinkAboutLarge Format - Folder 3 of 3€...._ ..,, I i �i i { £ I �� �. € '.. - ''. 1 ... 25,43C --OE t WETLAND CREATION Fz25,430 SF WETLAND CREATION 9303 SF WETLAND FILL + + ¢ + + + + + + 4,573 SF BUFFER AVERAGING -ADDITION .... .. .. < > ..... -_ _ _ _- _= = 331 SF DUFFER AVEfiAGING - LINE SUBTRACTION 6 023 SF BUFFER RESTOR4 TION FOR TEMPORARYIMPACTS Clearing and Grading Notes: 413 A W W C ® Biologist to be on-site during wetland creation grading. 417 Planting areas shall be cleared of Non-native invasive species such as Himalyan Blackberry, Scotch broom, and purple loosestrife. ® Gradin Requirements .A person who clears grades or otherwise disturbs a site shall provide erosion and sediment control that 416 gg P �g 415 prevents, to the maximum extent practicable, the transport of sediment from the site to drainage facilities, water resources and 414 adjacent properties. Erosion and sediment controls shall be applied as specified by the temporary erosion and sediment control 413 measures and performance criteria and implementation requirements in the Surface Water Design Manual. Seasonal Limitations: From October lst through April 301h, which is the seasonal limitation period, clearing and grading shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the Director that runoff leaving the construction site will comply with the erosion and 419 A W B sediment control measures and performance criteria and implementation requirements in the Surface Water Design Manual through 413 ! a combination of the following.' 417 416 415 a. Site conditions including vegetative coverage, slope, soil type and proximity to receiving waters; and 414 -- b. Proposed limitations on activities and the extent of disturbed areas; and VOW c. Proposed erosion and sedimentation control measures. - - - A ,nt f NZ HZ M`, V� V w w W w w v w w w w w w w w W w w w - w V®J ttt�� w w w w w w w. •c w w w w w w. w O 15 Pacific Willow 2 gal as shown u 90 Salix lasiandra 2 gal as shown S) 33 Sitka Spruce 6' min. height contalnerized —J�y women Emm Picea sitchensis or &S 40 TRACT A - WETLA ND CREA TIONPLA NTING Llai r ��g 21 Western Crabapple Malux (gyrus) fusca i' J8 LOT J9 1OT 6iRca TAX PAROa TAX PARaZ NGPE 86J710-0400 .... h 0. ® 15 ,H�OJ80 863710-OJ90 QNTY PLANTNAME SIZE SPACING p� AME as shown 70 o or &S as shown TREES JQ Rosa pisocarpa ,..,.'.m...-w-.w.:.,..�..e4Y2`-YL�_-;. R. NNIII f NZ HZ M`, V� V w w W w w v w w w w w w w w W w w w - w V®J ttt�� w w w w w w w. •c w w w w w w. w O 15 Pacific Willow 2 gal as shown u 90 Salix lasiandra 2 gal as shown S) 33 Sitka Spruce 6' min. height contalnerized —J�y women Emm Picea sitchensis or &S as shown 0 21 Western Crabapple Malux (gyrus) fusca 2 gal as shown ® 15 Oregon Ash 2" min. calipe contalnerized as shown 70 Fraxinus latifolia or &S as shown ,.!. ) --s•„--• . %-ray ,r►�rkT���s .�.�/ r � •rF _ _ n branches stem). SHRUBS , , �, _ II %,L_W—mv, O® 100 Red -osier Dogwood Cornus stolonifera F� Ad as shown u 90 N® 2 gal as shown H� e 0 15 30 45 60IF 2 al 9 —J�y women Emm Lonicera involucra SCALE" 111® 30' as shown +++ 1300 - LO�FH7�W�3 Aw, �J as shown Z ensitise Area Tract Signs Way Z gal NNW W PW9 J 70 416 LF S llt Rail Fencln ft ,.!. ) --s•„--• . %-ray ,r►�rkT���s .�.�/ r � •rF _ _ n branches stem). SHRUBS , , �, _ II %,L_W—mv, O® 100 Red -osier Dogwood Cornus stolonifera gal. as shown ++o + + + 90 Sltka Willow Salix sitchensis 2 gal as shown H� 96 Black Twlnberry 2 al 9 as shown + g® Lonicera involucra 2 gal as shown +++ 1300 Salmonben y o� as shown + 60 Rubus spectabilis Z gal as shown 70 Clustered Rose 2gal as shown Rosa pisocarpa HZ Y w w r W v v e d m . d e %*w w y w x. + �®®®®®®®d®® ®® ® ®®. ®®®. n ® w w. w w w BUFFER ENHANCEMENT/RESTO,.. TION PLANTING LIST _ vvvvvv www Q��� 424•--- - $ m w w w w m w®®® ®®®®®Q' ®®® w w w w w w w a, ®®®.v ®®®®®®®®.®'.-:wT' q H� w w w w w v w w w w w w w ®®®®®®®®®®®®® ®® w w w w w QNTY PLANTNAME SIZE SPACING V w w ww w � w w . �� .®V®® ®® aJ' w w w w W w .� a S w w. w- w.. w w w. w w.: ® IV "�®®® V®®®.®®®® w w w w w w ® ®® m, v- ®®®®vvvv®®® 34 Big Leaf Maple 2 gal. 13” O. C per detail ++o + + + 1300 Acermacrophyllum Plug as shown H� 70 Douglas Fir • � � ,. as shown + g® Indian Plum 2 gal +++ 1300 - o� as shown + 96 Clustered Rose Rosa pisocarpa 2 gal as shown 100 Salmonbeny Rubus sP ectabilis 9 �/ as shown - /LLJ B �w �� HZ Y w w r W v v e d m . d e %*w w y w x. + �®®®®®®®d®® ®® ® ®®. ®®®. n ® w w. w w w BUFFER ENHANCEMENT/RESTO,.. TION PLANTING LIST _ vvvvvv www Q��� 424•--- - $ m w w w w m w®®® ®®®®®Q' ®®® w w w w w w w a, ®®®.v ®®®®®®®®.®'.-:wT' q H� w w w w w v w w w w w w w ®®®®®®®®®®®®® ®® w w w w w QNTY PLANTNAME SIZE SPACING V w w ww w � w w . �� .®V®® ®® aJ' w w w w W w .� a S w w. w- w.. w w w. w w.: ® IV "�®®® V®®®.®®®® w w w w w w ® ®® m, v- ®®®®vvvv®®® X�,SHRUBS C� BY ��l 4 i ,.fi„ r, r..r r r✓J >.r ,I//.11A/ J%,J., ,/ , ./J"` ti .. ASUPERVISOR I. DURATION / I 0 r,. �f,/�l"<r��i�f,.,.,%✓'„/ii�J ��.7, r/l�iP�T1.r.r � ...,;. I r.$ 2. 0] 34 Big Leaf Maple 2 gal. 13” O. C per detail ++o + + + 1300 Acermacrophyllum Plug as shown H� 70 Douglas Fir • � � ,. as shown + g® Indian Plum 2 gal +++ 1300 - �. as shown + 96 Clustered Rose Rosa pisocarpa 2 gal as shown X�,SHRUBS C� BY ��l 4 i ,.fi„ r, r..r r r✓J >.r ,I//.11A/ J%,J., ,/ , ./J"` ti .. ASUPERVISOR I. DURATION / I 0 r,. �f,/�l"<r��i�f,.,.,%✓'„/ii�J ��.7, r/l�iP�T1.r.r � ...,;. I r.$ 2. 0] •:::::..::.-::.:: •::::.:.::::.::.-::: ••:•::: AFTER GRASSE ME ESTABLISHEO, S/LT FEN IN .... .........z......... ...............x......... 4......e....................:........8...................c.:.:9c::::vmm�ar.:r :"r.�!:!i:!:b .... ....._ 3. TNETESCFACILITIESSHOWNONTHISPLANMUSTBECONSTRUCTED PROVIDE314"-1.5"WASHED GRAVEL backfillW1natl esoil(Typ.) EMERGENT PLUG 2X4" WOOD POSTS. STD, OR BETTER, PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITHALL CLEARING & GRADING SO AS BACKFILL 1N TRENCH & ON 80TH Z' 6" SITES OFF/LTER FABRIC ON T UAL. ALTERNATE OR EQ TO ENSURE THAT THE TRANSPORT OFSEDIMENT TO SURFACE WATERS, THE SURFAGE � � �®i?T=- ', 1— STEEL— _ STEEL POSTS BURYINNATIVE I—I I I—I I L—I I TTI I I—I I hI 6' GROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS &ADJACENT PROPERTIES IS MINIMIZED. S' MIN. _ MAX PROFILE VIEW 111= I I 1=1 11=1 I I--=-- 4. THE TESCFACILITIES SHOWN ONTHIS PLANARETHE MINIMUM I—I II—IIIj—IIIII—III—I min, drain rock REQUIREMENTS FORANT/CITAPEDSITE CONDITIONS : DURINGTHEI— SECTION VIEW CONSTRUCT/ONPERIOD, THESE TESC FACILITIES SHALL BE UPGRADED AS NEEDED FOR UNEXPECTED STORM EVENTS & MODIFIED TOACCOUNT FILTER FABRIC FENCE DETAIL FOR CHANGING SITE CONDITIONS (E G, RELOCATION OFDITCHES & SIL T Mote: Install habit tfenceasshown FENCES, ETC. NOTTOSCALE FENCEPETAIL + + 34 Vine Maple 2 gal. 13” O. C per detail ++o + + + 1300 Acer circinatum Plug as shown H� 70 Hazelnut Corylus cornnuta 2 gal as shown + g® Indian Plum 2 gal +++ 1300 Oemlena cerasiformis Plug as shown + 96 Clustered Rose Rosa pisocarpa 2 gal as shown 100 Salmonbeny Rubus sP ectabilis 9 �/ as shown •:::::..::.-::.:: •::::.:.::::.::.-::: ••:•::: AFTER GRASSE ME ESTABLISHEO, S/LT FEN IN .... .........z......... ...............x......... 4......e....................:........8...................c.:.:9c::::vmm�ar.:r :"r.�!:!i:!:b .... ....._ 3. TNETESCFACILITIESSHOWNONTHISPLANMUSTBECONSTRUCTED PROVIDE314"-1.5"WASHED GRAVEL backfillW1natl esoil(Typ.) EMERGENT PLUG 2X4" WOOD POSTS. STD, OR BETTER, PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITHALL CLEARING & GRADING SO AS BACKFILL 1N TRENCH & ON 80TH Z' 6" SITES OFF/LTER FABRIC ON T UAL. ALTERNATE OR EQ TO ENSURE THAT THE TRANSPORT OFSEDIMENT TO SURFACE WATERS, THE SURFAGE � � �®i?T=- ', 1— STEEL— _ STEEL POSTS BURYINNATIVE I—I I I—I I L—I I TTI I I—I I hI 6' GROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS &ADJACENT PROPERTIES IS MINIMIZED. S' MIN. _ MAX PROFILE VIEW 111= I I 1=1 11=1 I I--=-- 4. THE TESCFACILITIES SHOWN ONTHIS PLANARETHE MINIMUM I—I II—IIIj—IIIII—III—I min, drain rock REQUIREMENTS FORANT/CITAPEDSITE CONDITIONS : DURINGTHEI— SECTION VIEW CONSTRUCT/ONPERIOD, THESE TESC FACILITIES SHALL BE UPGRADED AS NEEDED FOR UNEXPECTED STORM EVENTS & MODIFIED TOACCOUNT FILTER FABRIC FENCE DETAIL FOR CHANGING SITE CONDITIONS (E G, RELOCATION OFDITCHES & SIL T Mote: Install habit tfenceasshown FENCES, ETC. NOTTOSCALE FENCEPETAIL + + 1300 Spike Rush Plug 13” O. C per detail ++o + + + 1300 Slough Sedge Plug 16" 0. C per detail + i + +++ 1300 Small Fruited Bullrush Plug 13" O. C per detail + NOT TO SCALE 920, SUFFER AREA SEE® MIX WETLAND AREA SEE® MIX (All buffer areas disturbed during const.) (All Wetland areas disturbed during const.) 25% Redtop Bentgrass 50% Redtop Bentgrass Agrostos a,lba Agrostis stolonifere WETLAND SIGN NOTES 25% Perennial Rye 50% Meadow Foxtail Glue si n to I/ 2" c®x plywood and Elymus cinerus Alopecurus genicularus attach ico 8'45(4" cedar or pressure treated post With 5/16'x3"lag boll 25% Idaho fescue Seeding rate: 3/6/1000 sq. feet set post mmlmum 3 belowgrade; Festuca idahoensis 4'x4"cedar post to be set in concrete. Wetland sign to sit at approximately 25% Red Fescue 5'helght above finish grade. Festuca rubra The wetland/sire m sign shall be posted Seeding rate: 3/6/1000 sq, feet at the boundary In the Sensitive rra to d fhe ubiidinng f Pba SkA ac (1- cine ahnll h® —24-4 n®r Int Mr aii®n, ._% .�,: �� A 150' ot"Sensitive Area CLiffer and shalt be stationed in point o the prt location deve%pment. Signs may also be attached securely to fences. rrom top 71Z or Dall wood chips for fall I (burlap to 6e rottable) Top soil planting. cut 13 remove bump 2xrootbill (min.) Top soil fertilizer 6" x's Root TO soil & fertilizer from top 1/2 of ball A MIN fertilizer (burlap to be rottable) CONIFEROUSL TING DETAIL TREE PLA N TINGTA IL SHRUB PLANTINGTIL WE TLA ND SIGNTAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT To SCALE