HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20240430000961Instrument Number: 20240430000961 Document:EAS Rec: S308.50 Page-1 of 6 Record Date:4/30/2024 3:18 PM Electronically Recorded King County, WA EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED BY BENJAMIN WARREN, DEPUTY After recording return document to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE - RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE Grantor(s)- Sheung Lam Ngan Grantee(s): City of Renton Abbreviated Legal Description: Lot I Renton Lla #012-88 Rec #9005049002 Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 0923050174 Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A TEMPOIT�RY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT S anitar,�L, Sewer _Relacement �Pro*�ect-Ph�asell This Temporary Construction Easement (the "Construction Easement"), is made and entered into this day of 20,1 by and between Sheung Lam Ngan, ("Grantor"), and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation ("City" or "Grantee"), its I successors and assigns. For Good and Valuable Consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor, as the owner of that certain real property legally described on Exhibit "A" — Entire Parcel ("Property"), attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, does hereby grant to the City, a temporary nonexclusive easement for side sewer construction and any and all 1 purposes incidental to said construction, in, on, over, through and across the Property described on Exhibit "A" (Easement "Area") and depicted on Exhibit"B", which are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, for the purpose of constructing a new private side sewer;, ("Project"), as illustrated in Exhibit B, to connect the existing house to the new sewer main to be installed in NE 6th St.; protecting existing public and private improvements in the immediate' vicinity of the Project area; repairing, restoring and/or reestablishing any improvements 1 disturbed, as practicable (e.g. — large mature plants may be replaced with smaller younger plants), while undertaking the Project activities described above, Grantor shall retain the right to use the Easement Area provided that such use by Grantor does not interfere with Grantee's rights hereunder. The temporary rights granted in this Construction Easement shall be effective upon execution by the parties. Grantee and/or its contractors shall provide minimum forty-eight (48) Page I of ( 6 ) Pages Parcel No 0923059174 Instrument Number: 20240430000961 Document:EAS Rec: 5308.50 Page-2 of 6 Record Date:4/30/2024 3:18 PM King County, WA PLE/ClE MAKE NO NtkRK IN THE MARGIN SPACE - RESERVED FOR COUNIFY RECORDER SUSE 0,'&Y hours notice to the Grantor of its intent to commence construction. The temporary rights granted to the Grantee shall automatically terminate no later than December 31, 2026. The Grantee agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend, with counsel of its sol reasonable choice, the Grantor from and against any and all claims, losses or liability, fo injuries, sickness or death of persons, including employees of the Grantee, or damage t property, arising out of the exercise of Grantee's rights under this Construction Easement ol any willful misconduct or negligent act, error, or omission of the Grantee, its officers, agents contractors, subcontractors, licensees, or employees, in connection with the Grantee's activitie I authorized by this Construction Easement, provided, however, that: (a) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless shall not extend to injuries, sickness, death or damage caused by or resulting from the misconduct ornegligence of the Grantor; and (b) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless for injuries, sickness, death or damage caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence or misconduct of the Grantee and the Grantor, or of the Grantee and a third party other than an officer, agent, contractor or employee of the Grantee, shall apply only to the extent of the negligence or misconduct of the Grantee (including an officer, agent, contractor or employee of the Grantee). by or destroyed during the execution of the Project activities, as practicable, (e.g. — large mature plants may be replaced with smaller younger plants), while undertaking the Project activities described above to the conditions as of the effective date of this easement. It is the intention of the parties that this document be strictly limited to and for the purposes expressed. This Construction Easement and covenants herein shall be recorded with the King, County Recorder, shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, heirs and assigns. Grantor covenants that it is the lawful owner of the above -described property and has authority to convey such easement. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this Construction Easement is hereby tendered, and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the City of Renton, unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing by the City of Renton. Upon Page 2 of ( 6 ) Pages Parcel No. 0923059174 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE - RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20240430000961 Document:EAS Rec: 5308.50 Page-3 of 6 Record Date:4/30/2024 3:18 PM King County, WA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK 1N THE MARGINISPACE - RESERVED FOR COL-47Y P-13CORDER'S USE ONLY completion of the Project, sole ownership and responsibility of the side sewer is hereby transferred to the Grantor. Dated: 201Y Grantor: By�t ill .... . .... (Name): k—Zidl-1, �C-afib P1 MMEM LVDI11DUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ss. COLNITY OF J On this day personally appeared before me? -n, Xxv" own to me kn with r df ft 0 eq to be the individual(s) described in and who execute in an oreg ig instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DATED this Z�Nay of ,20 Public (SEAL) NO Notary 6 # t V\ Pr:inted �ame OTAR� Residing at PUB My appointment expires 0 OP 0 W S 't A 111411,1MI Page 3 of 6i Pages Parcel No. 0923059174 PLEASE MAKE '40 MARK IN THE WROIN SPACE - RESERVED FOR COUINTY RECOFDER S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20240430000961 Document:EAS Rec: S308.50 Page-4 of 6 Record Date:4/30/2024 3:18 PM King County, WA PLEASE MAKE NQ NIA-M 3N THE MARGIN SPACE -RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDERS USE ONLY Accepted and Approved City of Renton y Its - - UL _Lit Date _. C'LB 1-11-24(2242) Palge 4 of ( 6 ) Pages Farce? No. 0923059174 PLEASE MAKE NO NIARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE - RESERVED FOR COU'=T Y RECOPDER'S USE QNL§' Instrument Number: 20240430000961 Document:EAS Rec: S308.50 Page-5 of 6 Record Date:4/30/2024 3:18 PM King County, WA PLEASE ifAKE NO MARK 114 THE MARGIN SPACE - RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY EXHIBIT "A" ENTIRE PARCEL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIOIN EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION Legal Description: That portion of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 Forth, Range 5 East, W.M., in icing County, Washington.; Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 9 Thence North 88'57'11" West 300.45 feet to the Trace Point of Beginning; Thence North 00'22'15" East 13 0. 00 feet; Thence Forth 88°5711" West 120.00 feet; Thence North 00'22'15" West 130.00 feet; Thence South 88'5711" East 120.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, (Also known as Lot 1 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 012-88 recorded under Ding County Recording No. 9005049002); SITUATE in the City of Renton, County of Icing, State of Washington Page 5 of ( 6 ) Pages Parcel No. 0923059174 PLEASE MAKE No MARKIN THE MARGIN SPACE . RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE GNLY Instrument Number: 20240430000961 Document:EAS Rec: S308.50 Page-6 of 6 Record Date:4/30/2024 3:18 PM King County, WA I � ;q NE 6th St f � sf `DRUM N 40 20 0 40 I I I Ft Page 5 of 5 Pages Parcel No. 0923059174