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R T, R- 11 Who eee la seaaha - F 17' BE R-1 SE ecn P1 - ! _ R8._ s I I Rj8 R-8 R-1 RC R-4 R-1 RC .............. c en t7 0 R-8 4r R- zi IR -8i J 1 �,J ZONING MAP BOOK D4 - 05 T.23N R5E E 1/2 PW TECHNICAL SERVICES C4 PRINTED ON I1I13109 0 200 400 Feat 32 T24N R5E E 1/2 1:4,BDD moll ri 5432 RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE CENTERS INDUSTRIAL (RC) Resource Conservation R -E (R-1) Residential 1 du/ac R-4 (11-4) Residential 4 du/ac R -a (R -g) Residential 0 du/ac RMu (RMH) Residential Manufactured Homes R-io(R-10) Residential 10 du/ac R-14 (R-141 Residential 14 du/ac RM -r- (RM -F) Residential Multi -Family Rn -r (RM -T) Residential Multl-Family Traditional FR 7w (RM -U) Residential Multi -family Urban Center ,a wr� kaarec�. �tomaid�an�tigco:�a�a ei n.�eet. m..n. �°nii mno is 1a dhpa y w'v­ .mr, cv (CV) Center village uc-ws (UC -N1) Urban Center - North 1 -Nz (UC -N2) Urban Center - North 2 co (CD) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL cEu (COR) Commerclal/Office/Residential cA (CA) Commercial Arterlal {:Ei (CO) Commerclal Office cN (CN) Commercial Neighborhood iH (IL) Industrial - Llght iM {IM)'lndustrlal-Medium it (IH) Industrial -Heavy ---- Renton City tdmita Adjacent City limits KROLL PAGE PAGE# INDEX SECT00" aANGE CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 20, 2011 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and Indexing by the City ria�Lde nff!,-o Project Name: Lincoln Avenue Storm Project Critical Areas Exemption LUA (file) Number: LUA-11-055, CAR Cross -References: AKA's: Project Manager: Rocale Timmons Acceptance Date: July 19, 2011 Applicant: City of Renton Owner: City of Renton Contact: Allen Quynn PID Number: 3345700163; 3345700015; 3345700016 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: July 19, 2011 Appeal Period Ends: July 19, 2011 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Application requesting Critical Areas Exemption to repair and existing 18" concrete culvert that failed during a major storm event. Location: 2011 NE 40th Street Comments: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT —� Q PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM CRITICAL AREAS REGULATIONS EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: July 19, 2011 LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: LUA011-055, CAR PROJECT NAME: Lincoln Ave Storm Project Critical Areas Exemption PROJECT MANAGER: Rocale Timmons, Associate Planner OWNER/APPLICANT: City of Renton; 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 PROJECT LOCATION: 2011 NE 40th St CRITICAL AREA: Stream and Wetlands PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The proposal involves the repairing of an existing 18" concrete culvert that failed during a major storm event. Portions of the culvert would be replaced with corrugated polyethylene pipe and the remaining portions would be rehabilitated. Minor excavation would be required in order to expose the outlet. The slope is proposed to be stabilized with erosion control blankets and hydroseeded. No construction would occur within the adjacent wetlands and would occur solely within the buffers. Additionally, the applicant is requesting the replacement of an existing inlet structure within a new manhole and birdcage trash rack. EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050C.5.e.ii. Roads, Parks, Public and Private Utilities, of the Critical Areas Regulations is hereby granted: RMC 4-3-050C. 5. e. ii. Existing Parks, Trails, Roads, Facilities, and Utilities — Maintenance, Operation, Repair: Normal and routine maintenance, operation and repair of existing parks and trails, streets, roads, rights-of-way and associated appurtenances, facilities and utilities where no alteration or additional fill materials will be placed other than the minimum X alteration and/or fill needed to restore those facilities to meet established safety standards. The use of heavy construction equipment shall be limited to utilities and public agencies that require this type of equipment for normal and routine maintenance and repair of existing utility structures and rights-of-way. in every case, critical area and required buffer impacts shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall be restored during and immediately after the use of construction equipment. City of Renton Department of Con ity & Economic Development Certificate of E. .tion from Critical Areas Regulations Lincoln Ave Storm Project Critcal Areas Exemption LUA011-055, GAR DATE OF PERMIT: July 18, 2011 Page 2 of 2 FINDINGS: The proposed development is consistent with the following findings pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050C.5: I. The activity is not prohibited by this or any other chapter of the RMC or state or federal law or regulation. 2. The activity will be conducted using best management practices as specified by industry standards or applicable Federal agencies or scientific principles if submitted plans are followed and the conditions of approval of this exemption are met. 3. Impacts will be minimized and disturbed areas will be immediately restored, if submitted plans are followed and the conditions of approval of this exemption are met. 4. Where wetland or buffer disturbance occurs during construction or other activities in accordance with this exemption, the site will be revegetated with native vegetation as required as a condition of approval for this exemption. DECISION: An exemption from the critical areas regulations is approved. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division Date APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m. on August 2, 2011. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14 -day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: Five (5) years from the date of decision (date of signature). City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATIO PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: See Attached List ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER: APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Allen Qu nn COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: 1055 S. Grady Way CITY: Renton ZIP: 98057 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-430-7247 CONTACT PERSON NAME: Allen QUynn COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: 1055 S. Grady Way CITY: Renton ZIP: 98057 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: 425430-7247, aquynn@rentonwa.gov City of Renton Planning Division JUN 3 0 a)1 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Lincoln Ave. NE and Monterey PI. NE Storm System Replacement Project PROJECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 4196 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056 2005 NE 40a' St., Renton, WA 98056 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): PID# 334570-0163, PID# 334570-0016, PID# 334570-0015, City right of way EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single family residential, undeveloped forested slope PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Unchanged EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Residential Medium Density (RMD), Residential Single Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) EXISTING ZONING: Residential 10du per acre (R-10), Residential 8du per acre (R-8) PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A SITE AREA (in square feet): 1300 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: NIA PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) NIA NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) NIA NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NIA C:1Documents and Settingslaquynn\Local Setting_sUemporary Internet FileslContent.Outlook\OlJ8DPP21master app.docx - l - PKjJECT INFORMAT NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NIA NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NIA ION continued PROJECT VALUE: $40,000 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS $ LAKES sq. ft. ❑ WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included SITUATE IN THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 24N, RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Namets) A 11,e , declare under penalty of perjury underthy laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) the cudent owner of the property involved in this application or 1/ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the informaybn herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 6 ff& /l'i - i Signature of Owne r/pre ntativ STATE OF WAS ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) C 3v Date Signature of Owner/Representative I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that r k1 - VV-' cy Q QV\ V'%_zT signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Dated Date hh., OF vo- Notary Public in and fgr'4he State of Washington Notary(Print): _I.Avy4 Q �r— \A0S4w'0.V--) My appointment expires: c) _l q _- C:1Documents and SettingslaquynnTocal SettingsVI'cmporary Internet FileslContent.Outlook10I MPP2lmaster app.docx - 2 - List of Property Owners Name Address Phone Number City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way 425-430-7247 Renton, WA 98057 Fu Tien, Inc. 1007 S. Weller St. 425-922-8186 Seattle, WA 98104-3027 Joshua Phanco and 2005 NE 40th St. 206-947-0099 Megan Green Renton, WA 98056 nto REQUEST FOR CRITICAL p'annfngD�siOnn AREAS'EXEMPTION JUN 3 0 �°" (FOR SEPA EXEMPT ACTIVITIES) u uerl ar_i�lln City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 Applicant Name Project Name Phone Number City of Renton Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey PI. NE Storm System Replacement Project 425430-7247 Parcel Number Project Address 4196 Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056 PID# 334570-0163, PID# 334570-0016, PID# 334570-0015 2005 NE 40"' NE St., Renton, WA 98056 Brief Description of Project The project consists of two elements. The first element involves repairing an existing 18" concrete culvert at Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey PI. NE. The pipe outlet became damaged when the embankment on downstream side of the culvert failed during a major storm event. Approximately 13' of the damaged portion of the 18" culvert outlet will be replaced with corrugated polyethylene pipe (CPEP) and the remaining section of pipe will be rehabilitated using cured in place pipe technology. Cured in place pipe consists of inserting a flexible resin tube inside the pipe and expanding it to conform to the inside walls. The tube is then heating to activate the curing process. Once the resin is cured the liner becomes the carrier pipe and structurally replaces the concrete pipe. Minor excavation will be required to expose the outlet to connect the CPEP to the existing pipe and install and cut the resin liner. The downstream embankment above the pipe will be backfilled and compacted to a 2:1 slope. The slope as well as all disturbed areas will be stabilized with erosion control blankets and hydroseeded. No construction work will occur within the wetland. The second element consists of replacing an existing rectangular metal inlet structure with a new Type 2, 54" manhole and birdcage trash rack. The inlet intercepts flow from a small stream and discharges it to a 30" culvert that crosses Monterey Place NE. Because the inlet has a horizontal flat grate, it's prone to clogging from debris that washes down the stream and covers the grate causing the stream to overtop the inlet and flood the roadway and roadside ditches downstream. A new Type 2 manhole with birdcage trash rack will reduce the likely hood of debris completely blocking the inlet and preventing stream flow from safely discharging into the culvert from the inlet. A short section of corrugated polyethylene pipe (CPEP) will be placed upstream of the inlet to provide a smooth transition in grade between the steam channel and new inlet. Approximately 9' of the stream channel will graded to transition from the pipe to the existing stream bed. Type of Critical Area StreamllNetland Stream and wetland buffer ® Work Occurs in Critical Area ® Work Occurs in Buffer PURPOSE: Exempt activities provided with a letter of exemption from the Development Services Administrator may intrude into a critical area or required buffer (Subject to any conditions or requirements provided by the Administrator). APPLICABILITY OF EXEMPTIONS: The following is a general list of activities that may be exempt from the critical areas regulations. More specific descriptions of the activities are contained in the Critical Areas Regulations. Some of the listed activities may not be exempt in certain critical areas. The Planning Division will evaluate you request according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3- 050C, J, L, and N. I AM REQUESTING A CRITICAL AREAS EXEMPTION FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: ❑ Conservation, Enhancement, and Related Activities: • Conservation or preservation of soil, water, vegetation, fish, and other wildlife • Enhancement activities as defined in chapter 4-11 RMC.' -6- H:Tile Sys1SWP - Surface Water ProjectslSWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3578 Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey PI NE Storm System Replacement ProjactlPermitslcritical areas exemption.doc 06109 • Any critical area, buffer restoration, or other mitigation activities that have been approved by the City ❑ Research and Site Investigation: Nondestructive education and research • Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals such as surveys, soil logs, etc. ❑ Agricultural, Harvesting, and Vegetation Management: • Harvesting wild foods • Existing/Ongoing agricultural activities' • Removal of dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or dangerous ground cover or hazardous trees which have been certified as such by a forester, registered landscape architect, or certified arborist ❑ Surface Water Alteration: • New surface water discharges provided the discharge meets the requirements of the Storm and Surface Water Drainage Regulations' 2 3 • New or modified regional stormwater facilities' 2 3 • Flood hazard reduction' 34 6 ❑ Roads, Parks, Public and Private Utilities: • Relocation of Existing Utilities out of Critical Area and Buffer • Maintenance, operation, and repair of existing parks, trails, roads, facilities, and utilities' 2 • Installation, construction, replacement, or operation of utilities, traffic control, and walkways within existing improved right -if -way or easement' 2 • Modification of existing utilities and streets by 10% or less' 2 5 • Mana9ement and essential tree removal for public or private utilities, roads and public parks ❑ Wetland Disturbance, Modification, and Removal: • Any activity in small Category 3 wetlands' 2 3 a 5 • Temporary disturbances of a wetland due to construction activities that do not include permanent filling' 2 3 5 ® Maintenance and Construction for Existing Uses and Facilities: • Remodeling, replacing, or removing existing structures' 2 • Normal and routine maintenance and repair of any existing public or private uses and facilities where no alteration of the critical area and required buffer or additional fill materials will be placed' 2 • Construction activity connected with an existing single family residence or garage, provided that no portion of the new work occurs closer to the critical area or required buffers than the existing structure' 2 • Existing activities which have not been changed, expanded or altered provided they comply with the applicable requirements of chapter 4-10 RMC' - 7 - 06109 HAFile Sys1SWP - Surface Water ProjectslSWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3578 Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey PI NE Storm System Replacement ProjectkPermitslcritical areas exemption,doc ❑ Emergency Activities: • Removal of trees or ground cover by a City department, agency, public, or private utility in an emergency situation • Public interest emergency use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials by governmental organizations in an Aquifer Protection Area ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Additional permits from other agencies may be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain these other approvals. Information regarding these other requirements may be found at.http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/opas/ -B- HAFile SysISWP - Surface Water Projects\SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)V-3578 Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey PI NE Storm System Replacement ProjectTennitstritical areas exemption.doc 06/09 I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. Applicant Signature: Date: A. ijg,T illfl-T 1, T plilip;it , I L.� 11 :1 4111. j.. jif,Tr Y, ;1 1 00 �tl d,is l , 0 1 �! :s, l wlE �11` ❑ Exemption Granted ❑ Exemption Denied C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division Signature: Date: Conditions of Approval: 'Exemption does not apply in Aquifer Protection Areas 2 Exemption does not apply in Flood Hazard Areas 3 Exemption does not apply in Geologic Hazard Areas 4 Exemption does not apply in Habitat Conservation Areas 5Exemption does not apply in Streams and Lakes: Class 2 to 4 -9- H:Tile SyMSWP - Surface Water Projects\SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)\27.3578 Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey P1 NE Storm System Replacement ProjectliPermits\critical areas exemption.doc 06109 BExemption does not apply in Wetlands -10- HARIe SystSWP - Surface Water ProjectslSWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (GIP)127-3578 Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey P1 NE Storm System Replacement ProjectTerrnitstritical areas exemption.doc 06109 City of Renton. Planning Division Drainage Report JUN 3 p ZU11 Background Ini JECE9 ED This drainage report is being provided to comply with the submittal requirements for the critical areas exemption application. Please see Exhibit I for the Technical Information Report Worksheet. The goal of this project is to (1) repair damage to outlet of culvert across Lincoln Avenue NE and (2) replace the existing culvert inlet structure for the unnamed stream with a type 2 structure with a birdcage wire/trash rack and short piece of inlet pipe. All work will take place within the existing road prism of Lincoln Avenue NE. The project consists of two elements. The first element involves repairing an existing 18" concrete culvert that conveys flow from manmade roadside ditches along the east side of Lincoln Avenue NE into an unnamed stream to the west. All work in the first element of the project will take place outside of the OHWM of the unnamed stream. The pipe outlet became damaged when the road embankment on the downstream side of the culvert failed during a major storm event in December 2010. The embankment failed as a result of concentrated runoff from heavy rains that saturated the slope of the embankment causing it to fail above the culvert from the toe of the slope to the centerline of the road. To reduce the potential for future damage to the culvert, Element 2 below will be implemented to reduce the likely hood of concentrated flow from undermining the embankment above the culvert. Approximately 13' of the damaged portion of the 18" culvert outlet will be replaced with corrugated polyethylene pipe (CPEP) and the entire culvert will be lined with a cured in place resin liner. Cured in place technology consists of inserting an environmentally safe flexible resin tube inside the pipe and expanding it to conform to the inside walls. The tube is then heated using steam to activate the curing process. Once the resin is cured the liner will become the carrier pipe and structurally replaces the existing concrete pipe. Minor excavation will be required to expose the outlet to connect the CPEP to the existing pipe and install and cut the resin liner. The downstream embankment above the pipe, part of the existing road prism, will be backfilled and compacted to a 2:1 slope to restore the stability of the road prism. The slope as well as all disturbed areas will be stabilized with erosion control blankets and hydroseeded. No construction work will occur within the wetland or within the OHWM of the unnamed stream. Approximately 30 cubic yards of fill will be placed above the pipe and 3 cubic yards of rip rap will be placed at the outlet for energy dissipation. Approximately 3 cubic yards of material will be removed from the road prism to expose the culvert for repair. During the anticipated time of construction (late summer), the flows to the culvert should be very small; therefore, the contractor should be able to temporarily store any water long enough to complete the repairs to the culvert. The estimated time to install the damaged section of pipe and resin liner is one to two working day. Photos of the culvert embankment and inlet structure can be found in Exhibit Al. The second element consists of replacing an existing rectangular metal inlet structure with a new Type 2, 54" manhole and birdcage trash rack. The inlet intercepts flow from the small unnamed stream located in the road prism and discharges it to a 30" culvert that crosses Monterey Place NE. Because the inlet has a horizontal flat grate, it's prone to clogging from debris that washes down the stream and covers the grate causing the stream to overtop the inlet and flood the roadway and roadside ditches downstream. A new Type 2 manhole with birdcage trash rack will reduce the probability of debris completely blocking the inlet and preventing stream flow from safely discharging into the culvert from the inlet. A short section of corrugated polyethylene pipe (CPEP) will be placed upstream of the inlet to provide a smooth transition in grade between the steam channel and new inlet. Approximately 6' of the stream channel will graded to transition from the pipe to the existing stream bed. Approximately 17 cubic yards of material within the stream channel will be removed to install the new manhole, 30" inlet pipe, rip rap and transition channel. Six cubic yards of quarry spalls will be used to stabilize the channel and side slopes of the channel embankment. All grading and cut and fill will occur within the existing road prism and the channel embankment as a maintenance activity of the existing roadway. Because some flow in the stream is anticipated during construction, the contractor may need to install a sandbag cofferdam upstream with a 6"-8" discharge pipe to temporarily bypass the stream into an adjacent sanitary sewer manhole. The estimated time to complete the installation of the 30" inlet pipe, Type 2 structure and quarry spalls is one working day. Photos of inlet structure and stream channel can be found in Exhibit A2. Core Requirements Core Requirement One — Discharge at a Natural Location Both drainage areas will continue drain to their natural drainage paths after the project is complete. Core Requirement Two — Downstream Analysis Beginning at the existing inlet at Monterey PL NE, an unnamed stream flow enters a 30" corrugated polyethylene pipe (CPEP) for approximately 200 feet before entering a Type 2 manhole. Flow continues from the Type 2 manhole in a 36" CPEP for approximately 70' before discharging into a confined open channel ravine adjacent to an apartment complex. The open channel continues for approximately 410' before entering a Type 2 inlet manhole and 36" CPEP that crosses under an access driveway for approximately 60 feet before discharging into another open channel. From this point the flow disperses into small channels and enters a wetland. The stream re-channelizes and continues into a series of pools before combining with the flow from the damaged 18" culvert across Lincoln Ave NE. After the flows combine, the open channel continues for another 900' before entering a pipe system in SE 80th St. There are no known flooding problems within the downstream segment described above. Core Requirement Three — Flow Control Flow control is not required for'this project under the Basin Exemption in Section 1.2.3 of the City Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Under the Basin Exemption, a project is exempt from flow control if less than 2000 sf of new plus replaced impervious surface will be created and less than 35,000 sf of new previous surface will be added. This project will add no new or replaced impervious surface or new pervious surface. Core Requirement Four- Conveyance System See hydrologic and hydraulic analysis below. Core Requirement Five — Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and sediment control will be in accordance with Appendix D of the 2009 KCSWDM. It is anticipated that the contractor will install silt fence at the base of the culvert embankment during construction. Erosion control blankets will be used to stabilize the slope of the embankment after construction. Core Requirement Six — Maintenance and Operations Both facilities will be maintained by the City of Renton Core Requirement Seven — Financial Guarantees and Liability Both facilities will be maintained by the City of Renton Core Requirement Eight —Water Quality The project is exempt from water quality treatment under the surface Water Exemption in Section 1.2.8 of the KCSWDM since the project adds less than 5000 sf of new pollution generating impervious surface and less than 35,000 sf of pollution generating pervious surface. None of the special requirements are triggered by the project. Hydrologic Analysis Upstream Tributary Area Characteristics Existing 18" Culvert Across Lincoln Ave NE The upstream tributary basin (shown as B1) for the existing 18" culvert is shown in Exhibit B. The upstream basin is approximately 12.88 acres of forested hill side with an average slope of 11%. The parcels within the basin boundary contain approximately 8 single family dwellings. Based on the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil survey book, the primary soil types are 50% till soils (AgD and AgC) and 50% outwash soils (RdE and EvC). Table 1 shows the breakdown in land use for till and outwash soils. Table 1 Till (6.44 ac) Outwash (6.44 ac.) Land Use Area (Sq. Ft.) Area (ac.) Land Use Area (Sq. Ft.) Acres (ac.) Roof 4,282 0.098 Roof 15,060 0.346 Gravel Rd 11,200 0.257 Gravel Rd 23,028 0.529 Grass 8,439 0.194 Pavement 9,704 0.223 Forest 256,388 5.886 Grass 6,357 0.146 Total: 6.435 Forest 226,512 5.200 Total: 226,512 6.443 The hydrologic analysis utilizes the King County Runoff Time Series KCRTS) Model with 15 min time steps. To determine existing condition 25 -yr and 100 -yr peak flows, the land use values were entered into the KCRTS model. Developed condition flows were also determined using a current zoning designation of R-10 which assumes 75% maximum impervious coverage. Exhibit C summarizes the input�values for KCRTS. Exhibits D and E summarize the flow frequency analysis for existing and developed peak discharges respectively. For existing conditions, the peak 25 -yr and 100 -yr flows are 1.83 cfs and 2.41 cfs. For developed conditions, the 25 -yr and 100 -yr peak flows are 12.10 and 14.15 cfs. To account for storage routing, flow path adjustments were used and summarized in Exhibit C Existing Inlet at Monterey _PL NE The basin tributary to the existing inlet to be replaced is labeled as B2 in Exhibit B. The basin is approximately 80 acres of various land uses including relatively new single family residential plats, older single family homes on large lots and forested hill side. To provide the most conservative discharge estimate, future land use conditions were assumed and based on the hydrologic analysis from the Stormwater Technical Information Report for the Seahawks Headquarters -and Training Facility produced by Magnusson Klemencic and Associates and the referenced Preliminary Hydraulics Report prepared by WSDOT for the north Renton basin. Basin B2 is a subasin within the basin designated DA 757. To approximate the peak 25 -yr and 100 -yr discharges, the area of Basin B2 as a percentage of DA 757 was determined and applied to the 25 -yr and 100 -yr peak flow for DA 757. The total area, land use areas and peak discharges can be found in Exhibit F -Event Summary. Peak flows in the Preliminary Hydraulics Report are based on the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph method. The drainage area for DA 757 is 181 acres. Drainage basin B2, which is 80 acres, represents 44916 of DA 757. Applying this percentage to the calculated 25 -yr and 100 -yr peak flows for DA 757 of 55.18 cfs and 67.6 cfs, yields an adjusted developed 25 -yr and 100 -yr peak flows of 24.3 cfs and 29.7 cfs for basin B2. Hydraulic Analysis Existine 18" Culvert Across Lincoln Ave NE To determine if the existing 18" culvert has sufficient capacity to convey the tributary flows, the King County Backwater Model was utilized for a range of flows to determine at what flow rate overtopping of the roadway would occur. The backwater output summary can be found in Exhibit G. In accordance with the culvert design criteria in Section and Section 4.3.1 of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), culverts must have sufficient capacity to meet the headwater requirements and convey the 25 -yr peak flow with a minimum of 6" of freeboard assuming existing conditions for offsite tributary areas. For 18" culverts, the headwater to depth ratio (HW/D) must not exceed 2.0. Because the culvert will incorporate a liner, the culvert model assumed a reduction of the pipe diameter of 2 inches. Thus, the culvert was, modeled as a 16" diameter culvert. Based the culvert model output (Exhibit F) with a developed 25 -yr peak flow of 12.10 cfs, the headwater elevation above the inlet is 73.88. The top of the road embankment along the shoulder is at elevation approximately 75.50 which leaves 1.62 feet of freeboard and therefore meets the 6" freeboard criteria. To satisfy HW/D criteria of 2.0, the headwater elevation cannot exceed 73.13. The headwater elevation of 73.88 exceeds HW/D criteria by 0.75 feet for developed condition flows only. Using the existing condition 25- yr discharge of 1.83 cfs yields a headwater elevation of 72.25 or 0.88 feet below the maximum allowable elevation of 73.13. Based on the analysis above, the lined 18" culvert will have sufficient hydraulic capacity to satisfy the design requirements in the City adopted 2009 KCSWDM. Existing Inlet at Monterey PL NE The proposed inlet will be connected to a 30" corrugated polyethylene pipe. Because steepness of pipe slope (7.5'0), the capacity of the pipe is determined by the pipe inlet (inlet control) using the nomograph for headwater depth for smooth interior pipe culvert (Fig. 4.3.1.B) which can be found in Chapter 4 of the 2009 KCSWDM. Exhibit -H is a copy of the nomograph which shows the calculated headwater to depth ratio (HW/D) represented by the line labeled "25 -yr flow". The headwater depth ratio is determined by the intersection of the each line with the headwater depth scale 1. For the 25 -yr flow line, HW/D is equal to 1.04 which is equivalent to a headwater elevation of 111.44. The elevation of the .crow of the road is elevation 116.00; therefore, the pipe has adequate capacity to convey the 25 -yr storm with more than 6" of freeboard In accordance with Section The HW/D criteria is also satisfied as the calculated HW/D of 1.04 is less than the maximum HW/D of 2.0 specified in Section Conclusion Based on the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis above, the proposed repair of the existing 18" culvert across Lincolns Ave. NE and the replacement of the existing inlet at Monterey PL NE satisfy the design requirements of the City adopted 2009 KCSWDM. View of 18" culvert embankment under repair on downstream side of Lincoln Ave NE View of buried 18" culvert outlet on downstream side of Lincoln Ave NE Exhibit Al View of existing inlet to be replaced along Monterey PL NE View of stream along Monterey PL NE upstream of existing inlet above Exhibit A2 Length Slope Lincoln Ave NE and Monterey PI NE Storm System Improvement Project KCRTS Land Use Parameters Site Area: 12.88 ac. Existing Conditions Flow Path Adjustments: Till Grass Impervious 144 480 0.078 0.19 Zoning: R-10 (75% impervious) Till Soils (6.44 acres) Land Use Acres impervious 4.83 - grass 1.61 Flow Path Adjustments: Till Grass Outwash impervious Length 5o 50 100 slope 0.11 0.11 0.11 Till Soils (6.44 acres) Land Use Land Use Square Ft Acres Roof Roof 4,282 0.098 Gravel Rd 11,200 0.257 Grass 8,439 0.194 Forest 256,388 5.886 Total: 5.200 6.435 Flow Path Adjustments: Till Grass Impervious 144 480 0.078 0.19 Zoning: R-10 (75% impervious) Till Soils (6.44 acres) Land Use Acres impervious 4.83 - grass 1.61 Flow Path Adjustments: Till Grass Outwash impervious Length 5o 50 100 slope 0.11 0.11 0.11 Full Buildout Conditions Outwash Soils (6.44 acres) Land Use Acres 4.83 1.61 Exhibit C Outwash Soils (6.44 acres) Land Use Square Ft Acres Roof 15,060 0.346 Gravel Rd 23,028 0.529 Pavement 9,704 0.223 Grass 6,357 0.146 Forest 226,512 5.200 Total: 6.443 Full Buildout Conditions Outwash Soils (6.44 acres) Land Use Acres 4.83 1.61 Exhibit C Exhibit D Lincoln out.pks.txt Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File.lincoln time series.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates---- -----Flow Frequency Analysis ------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.921 5 2/09/01 12:30 2.41. 1 100.00 0.990 0.701 7 1/06/02 1:00 1.83 2 25.00 0.960 1.83 2 12/08/02 17:15 1.07 3 10.00 0.900 0.648 8 8/26/04 1:00 0.945 4 5.00 0.800 0.919 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.921 5 3.00 0.667 0.945 4 10/22/05 10:00 0.919 6 2.00 0.500 1.07 3 10/25/06 22:45 0.701 7 1.30 0.231 2.41 1 1/09/08 6:30 0.648 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 2.22 50.00 0.980 Exhibit D Exhibit E fullbuildout.pks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:full build.tsf Project Location:sea-Tac ----Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis -------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 6.94 4 8/27/01 18:00 14.15 1 100.00 0.990 4.51 8 1/06/02 1:00 12.10 2 25.00 0.960 12.10 2 12/08/02 17:15. 7.15 3 10.00 0.900 4.78 7 8/25/04 23:45 6.94 4 5.00 0.800 6.94 5 10/28/04 16:00 6.94 5 3.00 0.667 7.15 3 10/22/05 10:00 6.92 6 2.00 0.500 6.92 6 10/25/06 22:45 4.78 7 1.30 0.231 14.15 1 1/09/08 6:30 4.51 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 13.47 50.00 0.980 Exhibit E Preliminary Hydraulic Report — North Renton Calculations Appended on: 15:46:31 Thursday, September 23, 2004 ko"..f."I" DA 757 Event Summary ftMethod; Rafe e )] 3,73..0...7.......' .3.98117I��q�[sBUH -FE...I...A... 2 yr 20.8309 -8:50 14-9060 11181..4500 5 yrs 31.5204 ...... ....... 8:50 21.2538. ]51.4500 SBUH TYPEIA- 10 yr :43.0262 9.0262 8.17 27.9001 181.4500 SBUH IA 25 yr .1 55.1838 8.17 34.7463 181.4500 SBUH TYPE IA Residential districts - 1/8 acre town houses 75.65 ac 90.00 67.6240 8.17 41.7349 ":1181.4500.F—SBfJH TYPEIA Record Id: DA 757 DesIgn. Method SBUH —1Rainfall type TYPEIA ..10',00 min fPeaking Factor 484.00 :Abstraction Coeff :JPervious Area F 181.45 ac.,,,:DCIA ..9.00 ac ............ LPervious CN 88.33 DC CN 0.00 Pervious TC -1_..56.36 min DC TC 0.00 min Pervious CN Cale Description SubArea Sub rn F Colm.m.e.r.cial-& Business 19.08 ac 94.00 Residential districts - 1/5 acre 84.75 spaces, lwwnsiparks. (<50% grass) ;1.....16-89 ac Residential districts - 1/8 acre town houses 75.65 ac 90.00 -open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 50.43 ac iF86.04 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 88.33 . .......... Pervious TC Cale Type Description ... ......... } Length Slope I..nsc underbrush 1: Sheet]Woods, 1 00 ini 40.52 min. %'Shallow gutter �70Of�. 9-DLt� Channel jChannel ....ra.v.ine .............,....... Ic :r min Fag' 2a', Exhibit F BACKWATER PROGRAM FOR ROUND/ARCH CULVERTS TOTAL "HW" VS."Q" DATA PRINT-OUT Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW-ELEV(FT) Exhibit Tailwater Elevation:62, feet Discharge Range:l. to 20. Step of 1. [cfs) Overflow Elevation:75. feet Broad Crested Weir: Length:50. feet, Height:0.6 feet Upstream Velocity:l. feet/sec CULV NO. 1: 86 LF - 16"CP @ 10.16% OUTLET: 61.39 INLET: 70.13 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -EAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ************************************************************************* ****** 1:00 0.45 70.58 * 0.012 0.39 0.18 0.61 0.61 0.39 ***** 0.45 2.00' 0.70 70.83 * 0.012 0.56 0.25 0.61 0.61 0.56 ***** 0.70 3.00 0.92 71.05 * 0.012 0.69 0.31 0.61 0.61 0.69 ***** 0.92 4.00 1.12 71.25 * 0.012 0.80 0.36 0.61 0.61 0.80 ***** 1.12 5.00 1.33 71.46 * 0.012 0.90 0.40 0.61. 0.61 0.90 ***** 1.33 6.00 1.54 71.67 * 0.012 0.98 0.44 0.61 0.61 0.98 ***** 1.54 7.00 1.81 71.9.9 * 0.012 1.06 0.47 0.61 0.61 1.06 ***** 1.81 - 8.00 2.12 72.25-* 0.012 1.12 0.51 0.61 0.61 1.12 ***** 2.12 9.00 2.46 72.59 * 0.012 1.18 0.54 0.61 0.61 1.18 ***** 2.46 10.00 2.85 72.98 * 0.012 1.22 0.57 0.61 0.61 1.22 ***** 2.85 11.00 3.28 73.41 * 0.012 1.25 0.60 0.61 0.61 1.25 ***** («lyr5 3.2 8 ,0D3.75 73.88* 0.012 1.27 0.63 0.61 0.63 1.27 ***** f 1. /d r� 3.75 13.00 4.26 74.39 * 0.012 1.29 0.66 0.61 0.66 1.29 ***** fcct2Ts 4.26 too- yr F�.lr ,,;IJ�aT 14.00 4.81 74.,,94 * 0.012_1,30 _0.69 0.61 0.69 1.30 ***** 1.15 �1=s 4.81 **************** OVERFLOW ENCOUNTERED AT 15.00 CFS DISCHARGE ***************** 15.00 4.87 75.00 * 0.012 1.31 0.72 0.61 0.72 1.31 ***** 5.40 TOTAL "HW" VS."Q" DATA PRINT-OUT Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW-ELEV(FT) Exhibit 5f.0 q,a.I. i 1.00 0.44 70.57 2.00 0.70 70.83 3.00 0.91 71.04 4.00 1.12 71.25 5.00 1.33 71.46 6.00 1.54 71.67 7.00 1.81 71.94 8.00 2.12 72.25 9.00 2.46 72.59 10.00 2.85 72.98 11.00 3.28 73.41 12.00 3.75 73.88 13.00 4.26 74.39 14.00 4.81 74.94 **************** OVERFLOW ENCOUNTERED AT 15.00 CFS DISCHARGE ********** THE FOLLOWING DATA INCLUDES CULVERT FLOW PLUS WEIR FLOW *********** 15.00 4.87 75.00 16.00 4.98 75.11. 17.00 5.01 75.14 18.00 5.04 75.17 19.00 5.06 75.19 20.00 5.08 75.21 5f.0 q,a.I. i 4,3,1 L.ULVERTS—METHODSOFANALYSIS FIGURE HEADWATER DEPTH FOR SMOOTH INTERIOR PIPE CULVERTS WITH INLET CONTROL 12 ENTRANCE TYPE SQUARE- EDGE WITH HEADWALL rr IIS PLAN 1� GROOVE END WITH HEADWALL .rr I I � I 6PLAN (2) GROOVE END PROJECTING 1� 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 Exhibit H 1a0 1o,DaD (1) (2) (3) 10 1613 6,000 EXAMPLE s. .7 • 7 156 24 6,000 D - 42 Inches (3,0 feet). 6. 5. Q e 120 cfs 5,000 21 5 horizontally to scale (1)• then 144 6. 5. 4,000 Br HW .8 6 3 Illustrated. 132 D (feet) 5' 4. 2 3,000 (1) 2.5 8.8 15 4. 720 .5 5 .5 1.0 2,000 (a) 2.2 7.7 4' 3. 108 3. 'D In fact 96 1,000 3. 800 84800 2' 2- 500 2 72 400 o z 300 E / 1.5 1.5 ? / 60 LL 200 1.5 Z z / Ig 54 / a d, /w 48 080 z V 60 r 116 1.0 7.D U. 4z A 50 HW ENTRANCE_ 1.0 40 SCALE D tY ��,TYPE"_ 9 W 38 30 ��}� �- Square edge with a 9 .9 33 ` r T 5�(21 headwall O 20 Groove and with O �� -30 headwall •8 .8 (3) Groove and .13 projecting 12 ENTRANCE TYPE SQUARE- EDGE WITH HEADWALL rr IIS PLAN 1� GROOVE END WITH HEADWALL .rr I I � I 6PLAN (2) GROOVE END PROJECTING 1� 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 Exhibit H 27 10 7 .7 • 7 24 $ 6 To use scale (2) or (3) project 21 5 horizontally to scale (1)• then use straight Inclined line through 4 D and 4 scales, or reverse as .8 6 3 Illustrated. .6 18 2 15 .5 5 .5 1.0 12 ENTRANCE TYPE SQUARE- EDGE WITH HEADWALL rr IIS PLAN 1� GROOVE END WITH HEADWALL .rr I I � I 6PLAN (2) GROOVE END PROJECTING 1� 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 Exhibit H KING COUNTY, YvASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DE.iGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET ry Part 1 ,PROJECT 01�NNER-AND PROJECT Project Owner OF Phone '430— 7'Y 7 Address tOy-i 5- 61174 /116" 1Z e +jei , LJA `9 Y,0 s*' -7 Project Engineer 141le3d QU!JwV1 Company C, + , 0,P QPM Phone ggs--00— 7n7 3'..," TYPE `OFPERMITAPPLIC10' ❑ Landuse Services Subdivison / Short Subd. I UPD Ll Building Services MIF /Commerical / SFR El Clearing and Grading ❑ Right -of -Way Use ❑ Other 'i art 2.; PROJECT LOCATION RIPTIO DFW HPA Project N arne't-1 A (,J4 Ll DDES Permit# 54v(M �9+jo Jz'AF&&,rft Location Township 31 Al Range Date (include revision Section RockeryNault/ Site Address Iq 114 j'A rohl A Ve MF , kpnii* `"Paet OTHER REVI EWS:AN D.'PERM ITS:'..'.':-.,-'. Technical Information Report DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline Ll COE 404 Management Ll DOE Dam Safety Ll Structural Date (include revision RockeryNault/ Ll FEMA Floodplain LJ ESA Section 7 W COE Wetlands Date of Final: El Other �K.:' T -PLA "A -REPORT.-., INFORMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type of Drainage Review Full 14arge te d)1 Type (circle one)- Ful / Modified I (circle): Large6�rf,5urj A mall Site Date (include revision Date (include revision dates): dates): Date of Final: Date of Final: Part fi DJUST MEN T-ApPROVALS Type (circle one): Standard / Complex / Preapplication / Experimental / Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) Date of (' Exhibit I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1 1/9/2009 14 4,vg IWS7 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DE6iGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET :Pak -.1-1 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITA REFERENCE Q Core 2 — Offsite Analysis 0 Sensitive/Critical Areas C3 SEPA 0 Other E] I Ll Additional Sheets Attached Sh6etper Threshold Dlscha. e ,Pa rt.1 2TI�SUMMARY.SHEET.;(dvldeone"Tl!Sdm'ma A Threshold Discharge Area: (name or description) Core Requirements (all 8 apply) DischWqe at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharge Locations: ';L Offsite Analysis Level: 012/3 dated: Flow Control Level: 1 / 2 / 3 or Exemption Number (Incl. facility summary sheet) Small Site BMPs Conveyance System Spill containment located at: Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: Contact Phone: After Hours Phone: Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: Private If Private, Maintenance Loci Required: Yes 1 No Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes / No Liability K11 Water Quality Type: Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemption No. Lan dscape Management Plan: Yes / No t'i Special Requirements as applicable) Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA / SDO / MDP / BP I LMP I Shared Fac. None Requirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption / None . 1A 100 -year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: Source ControlDescribe landuse: (comm./industrial landuse) QJA Describe any structural controls: 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 3 1/9/2009 KING COUNTY, . iSHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DL -JN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET ;Part :f6`.EASEMENTS7 TS Part:1B 6 ST40 CTU RAL ANALYSIS Drainage Easement ❑ Cast in Place Vault ❑ Covenant ❑ Retaining Wall ❑ Native Growth Protection Covenant Q Rockery '> 4' High L) Tract Ll Structural on Steep Slope L3 Other 0 Other .-2SIG.Part';.l V: NATURE-'OF-..PROFESSIONALENGINEERf"'7"'--'I;""':..- 1, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached TecOical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information providedliegs is accurate./ , Ulilukwl-- UI AW 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 5 1/9/2009 C}ty of Renton Planning Division JUN 3 0 2011 E(CEYVED Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Submitted to: City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Prepared by: Otak, Inc. 10230 NE Points Drive, Suite 400 Kirkland, WA 98033 Otak Project No. 31821A June 27, 2011 Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report I Introduction Otak, Inc. has been contracted by the City of Renton to provide survey and environmental permitting support in order to: 1) replace a damaged culvert across Lincoln Avenue NE; and 2) replace the existing culvert inlet structure for the unnamed stream, located near the intersection of NE 40`s Street and Monterey Place NE — approximately 600 feet south of the damaged culvert (see attached vicinity map). Two types of critical area, per the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3.050 exist in the project vicinity: an unnamed stream and several small wetlands. No Class 1 wetlands or documented presence of non -salmonid species proposed or listed by the Federal government or State of Washington as endangered, threatened, candidate, sensitive, monitor, or priority occur in the project area, thus there is no critical habitat per the RMC 4-3-050 K. As a result of heavy rains in December 2010, concentrated runoff from Lincoln Avenue NE saturated the road embankment on the west side of the street (on the downstream side of the Lincoln Ave. culvert), causing the embankment to partially fail from the toe of the embankment slope to the centerline of the road. The slide broke away portions of the culvert and buried its outlet. To help stabilize the embankment, the City Maintenance Division made temporary repairs by backfilling Lincoln Avenue NE with gravel and patching the damaged asphalt shoulder and southbound lane. A section of 12 -inch PVC pipe was inserted inside the broken outlet and extended out to prevent any additional erosion of the embankment from covering up the outlet. The repair project will replace the damaged culvert with a new culvert of the same diameter. The culvert inlet structure will likely be replaced with a Type 2 structure with a bird cage weir/trash rack. The culvert, roadside ditches, driveway culverts, and the inlet structure will be designed to meet the current stormwater design standards adopted by the City of Renton. All portions of the project will take place within the existing road prism and right-of-way. 2. Existing Conditions Damaged Culvert The damaged culvert crosses Lincoln Avenue NE approximately 800 feet south of NE 43`d Place. It conveys runoff across the road from portions of Lincoln Avenue NE and the adjacent hillside to an undeveloped parcel on the west side of the road. The culvert is an 18 - inch diameter concrete pipe constructed prior to 1994. The upstream end of the culvert is connected to a Type II Manhole with a birdcage trash rack mounted over the access opening. Runoff from approximately 13 acres of the forested hillside and a portion of the northbound lanes of Lincoln Avenue NE enters roadside ditches and flows through driveway culverts along the east side of Lincoln Avenue NE and Monterey Place NE prior to discharging into the Type II inlet structure. Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 1 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued Roadside Ditches and Driveway Culverts There are five. rock -lined ditches and three driveway culvert crossings along the east side of Lincoln Avenue NE that collect and convey runoff from the east half of the road and the adjacent hillside to the inlet structure of the damaged culvert. The ditches are roughly two feet deep, with a taro- to three-foot bottom width, and approximately six- to eight -foot width at full bank width. The ditches are lined with a mixture of stone sizes from gravel to 12 -inch rock. The ditches appear to be manmade drainage features, constructed and maintained as a result of the operation of Lincoln Ave. NE. Unnamed Stream A portion of an unnamed stream is located within the project area. The relatively large stream basin of approximately 80 acres is located east of Monterey Place NE, and it is primarily composed of a forested hillside and residential neighborhoods. Within the project area, the unnamed stream flows northwest in a ditch on the northeast side of Monterey Place NE. It enters an inlet structure near the southeast corner of NE 40 h Street, and flow is ultimately conveyed to the west side of Lincoln Avenue NE, where it continues northward in a somewhat confined ravine. The damaged culvert outlets east of the unnamed stream channel, and flow from the culvert confluences with the unnamed stream outside of the project area. Eventually the unnamed stream drains to Lake Washington after crossing Interstate 405. Culvert Inlet for the Unnamed Stream As described above, the inlet for the unnamed stream is located near the southeast corner of NE 40`' Street and Monterey Place NE, approximately 600 feet south of the damaged culvert inlet. The inlet structure for the unnamed stream is steel and rectangular shaped, with a fiat three-foot by six-foot grated steel inlet. The outlet of the structure is a 30 -inch diameter corrugated polyethylene (CPE) pipe that crosses to the west side of Monterey Place NE to a Type 11 catch basin with a bird cage trash rack on top. This birdcage inlet receives additional flow from a roadside ditch and any overflow from Wetland C. The pipe continues out of the structure and across Lincoln Avenue NE before discharging into a ravine where it combines with additional flow from another ditch. The stream then flows north, passing through culverts under an apartment access road and eventually merging with the discharge from the damaged culvert. The inlet structure and approximately 110 feet of channel upstream of the inlet structure occur as a ditched system located within the road prism of Monterey Place NE. During the December 2010 storm event, the unnamed stream inlet near NE 40`s Street became clogged with debris, forcing the stream to bypass the inlet and spill over the road. It appears that once the stream entered the roadway, it crossed northward over NE 40`s Street Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacemeni 2 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued where it entered the series of roadside ditches and driveway culverts along the east side of Lincoln Avenue NE that outlet to the damaged culvert. The storm flow appeared to exceed the capacity of the ditches and driveway culverts, and overflow continued across Lincoln Avenue NE as concentrated flow before reaching the top of the embankment above the damaged culvert. As described above, the concentrated flow saturated the embankment on the west side of Lincoln Avenue NE, ultimately causing the embankment to fail and damage the culvert. Because the instability of the slope could result in additional embankment failure and constitutes a safety hazard, the City's intent is to complete project construction no later than October 2011, prior to the autumn and winter storm seasons. 3. Methods Wetlands The City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3-050.M4a requires that wetland delineations be conducted according to procedures in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Washington State Department of Ecology, 1997). To maintain consistency between state and federal wetland delineation procedures, Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) recently repealed WAC 173-22-080 (which required the use of the Ecology delineation manual) and replaced it with WAC 173-22-035, which requires that delineations be conducted according to the currently approved federal manual and applicable regional supplements. The regulatory change became effective on March 14, 2011, so wetland delineations were conducted according to the routine wetland determination method in the federal manual and the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Regional Supplement (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2010). As specified in the manuals, the three -parameter approach, which relies on the presence of field indicators for hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and hydrology, was used to identify and delineate wetlands within the project area. Streams The ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the unnamed stream was identified according to the definition of OHWM provided in WAC 173-22-030[11] and RMC Title N, Chapter 3, Section 4-3-050.Llbi. WAC and RMC define OHWM as the mark that will be found by examining the bead and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of water are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation. Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 3 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued Otak staff flagged the OHWM at 13 locations along the main channel, and 8 locations in the roadside ditch. Otak survey crews recorded the locations. In addition, a stream habitat survey on the unnamed stream was conducted from 150 feet upstream of the Monterey Place NE grate to approximately 425 feet downstream of the culvert underneath Monterey Place NE (50 feet downstream of the confluence of flow from the damaged culvert with the unnamed stream). Data on channel dimensions (bankful and wetted), bank stability, woody debris (>0.8 ft diameter, >6 ft. length), channel substrate, and riparian habitat and species were collected. 4. Results Wetlands Five wetlands were identified near the project area, but not directly associated with the proposed project activities. Two wetlands (A and C) are partially located in the right-of-way; Wetland A is near the damaged culvert beneath Lincoln Ave. NE, and Wetland C is in the right-of-way at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue NE and Monterey Place NE. Three wetlands (B, D, and E) are located just outside of the tight -of -way Wetland B is located near the upstream limits of the project at Monterey Place NE, Wetland D is located alongside the unnamed stream near an apartment complex, and Wetland E is located near the upstream end of the damaged culvert. All five wetlands lie outside of the limits of activity for the proposed project. Due to limited property access, only Wetland C was delineated in its entirety. Wetland A Wetland A is a riparian, palustrine emergent wetland associated with the unnamed stream. It is located'near the base of the damaged culvert, approximately 35 feet beyond the limits of the proposed project activity, in a small, flat valley on the west side of Lincoln Avenue NE. The Lincoln Avenue NE road prism is on the east side of the wetland, the prism of an apartment complex fire access road is located on the south side, and there is a small berm on the west side. Water flows north out of the wetland via overland flow and the unnamed stream. The majority of the road prism vegetation outside of Wetland A is dominated by non-native grasses and large stands of Himalayan blackberry (Rubuc armeniacus). At the time of the site visit the Wetland A soils were saturated to the surface and the water table was present within three inches of the surface, thus satisfying wetland hydrology criteria. The primary source of hydrology for Wetland A is from overflow of the unnamed stream that comes in from the north, as well as flows from the damaged culvert from the Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 4 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued east. Secondarily, Wetland A also likely receives hydrology from shallow groundwater, precipitation, and stormwater runoff. The soils in Wetland A are dominated by very sandy soils that are deposited when the stream overflows its banks. Starting approximately 10 inches below the surface there are gleyed clay peds (Gley 2, 5/10G) mixed amongst the sand, which meets hydric soil criteria and perch water in the soils above. Wetland A vegetation is dominated by reed canary -grass (Phalarss arundinacea) and skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum), both of which are hydrophytic species. At the south end of the wetland, vegetation consists of salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) and wax currant (Ribes divaricatum). At the north end of Wetland A, vegetation transitions to a dense stand of willow (Salix sp.) and red -osier dogwood (Cornus sericea) along the unnamed stream. The Lincoln Avenue NE road prism is densely vegetated by Himalayan blackberry, while the adjacent upland areas are dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra), big -leaf maple (Acer macmpbyllum), and black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera). Per Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Tide N, Chapter 3, Section 4-3-050.M1a, Wetland A is classified as a Category 2 wetland because it does not meet the criteria for Category 1 or 3 wetlands. Category 2 wetlands require a 50 -foot buffer width (RMC 4-3-050.M6c). Wetland B Wetland B is a palustrine emergent wetland located at the southern end of the project area, on the northeast side of Monterey Place NE and beyond the limits of the proposed project activity. It is a riparian wetland associated with the unnamed stream. Above Wetland B, the unnamed stream flows west in a natural channel, but near the right-of-way, the stream sharply turns to the north and flows in a man-made ditch within the Monterey Place NE road prism. Wetland B is located where the stream turns the comer. Only the southwestern portion of the wetland located within the right-of-way was delineated. However, the wetland also appears to be located on the northeast side of the stream as well, outside of the right-of- way. Wetland B primarily receives hydrology from stream flow and stormwater runoff from Monterey Place NE. The soils in Wetland B have likely been modified by the construction of the road prism and the ditch, and sampling efforts met with rock refusal at 10 inches. The soil was a black (10YR 2/1) silty sand with gravel and smelled of hydrogen sulfide, thus satisfying hydric soil criteria. Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 5 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued Vegetation in Wetland B was dominated by creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), slough sedge (Carex obnupta), and bentgrass (Agrostis sp.), all of which are hydrophytic species. Immediately outside of the wetland, adjacent to the road shoulder, the vegetation is dominated by dandelion (Taraxacum oficianale), bentgrass, and velvet grass (Holcus lanatus). Per RMC 4-3-050.M1a, Wetland B is classified as a Category 2 wetland because it does not meet the criteria for Category 1 or 3 wetlands. Category 2 wetlands require a 50 -foot buffer width (RMC 4-3-050.M.6.c). Wetland C Wedand C is a depressional, palustrine scrub -shrub wetland located on a triangular-shaped parcel located at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue NE and Monterey Place NE. The parcel appears to have been modified by building a berm on the west side - possibly to hold stormwater runoff. The east side of the property is bounded by the Monterey Place NE road prism. The wetland is bounded by the berm to the west and north, the road prism to the east, and a retaining wall for the parcel to the south. At the north end of the parcel the berm gradually declines and there is a catch basin with a trash rack. Hydrology for Wetland C appears to be from stormwater runoff; however, there are no culverts that outlet onto the property. It appears that water sheet flows onto the site from Monterey Place NE. At the time of the site visit, there were areas of standing water up to four inches deep, which satisfied wetland hydrology criteria. The soils in Wetland C were sandy clay loam (10YR 3/1) that smelled of hydrogen sulfide, thus satisfying the hydric soil criteria. The soil layer below three inches contained approximately 50 percent gravel. Vegetation in the ponded areas was sparse, and was dominated by algae, along with some lady fern (Athy Nm filix femina) and horsetail (Eguisetum telmateia). On higher points, hummocks, and around the edge of the wetland, the vegetation was dominated by red alder, salmonberry, and Himalayan blackberry. The majority of the dominant species in the wetland are hydrophytic. Per RMC 4-3-050.M1a, Wetland C is classified as a Category 3 wetland because it has human -related hydrologic alterations and the alteration of soils. Category 3 wetlands require a 25 -foot buffet width (RMC 4-3-050.M6c). Wetland D Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 0 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued Wetland D is a riparian, palustrine emergent wetland located on the east side of the unnamed stream, upstream from Wetland A on the west side of Lincoln Avenue NE. An apartment or condominium complex is located above the west side of the stream. The stream and wetland are confined by retaining walls constructed with boulders to support the condominium complex and the road prism to the east. Wetland D primarily receives its hydrology when the unnamed stream overtops its banks. It also receives hydrology from direct precipitation, and possibly from a high groundwater table. At the time of the site visit, soils were saturated to the surface and the water table was located within four inches of the surface, thus meeting wetland hydrology criteria. The soils in Wetland D were a black (10YR 2/1) silty fine sand that smelled of hydrogen sulfide, which satisfied hydric soil criteria. Dominant vegetation included reed canary -grass, skunk cabbage, and willow, all of which are hydrophytic species. Vegetation covered only approximately 60 percent of the wetland area, and there was a layer of sand that appeared to have been deposited during a recent flood event. Per RMC 4-3-050.M1a, Wetland D is classified as a Category 2 wetland because it does not meet the criteria for Category 1 or 3 wetlands. Category 2 wetlands require a 50 -foot buffer width (RMC 4-3-050.M6c). Wetland E Wetland E is a palustrine forested wetland located on the east side of Lincoln Avenue NE, adjacent to the inlet of the damaged culvert. Due to a lack of property access permission, Otak staff did not delineate Wetland E, but observed it from Lincoln Avenue NE -wetland delineation flags from a previous delineation were visible, marked as "C-6 (Old)", "C-7 (Old)", and "C-11 (Old)" on the project design drawing C2. At the time of the site visit the area surrounding the culvert inlet had standing water up to 12 inches deep. There is no vegetation in this area and it appears that it was excavated to hold additional volume. The inlet structure for the damaged culvert is located outside of Wetland E but•urithin the Wetland E buffer, adjacent to the road prism. As described earlier, the inlet structure is covered with a bird cage and surrounded by a cement platform that is approximately 6 feet in diameter. Understory vegetation is dominated by Himalayan blackberry and reed canary -grass, with a tree canopy dominated by red alder and black cottonwood. Other species in the herbaceous Lincoln Avenue NE Cu.lvert Replacement 7 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued layer include creeping buttercup, skunk cabbage, lady fern, American speedwell (Veronica americana), and horsetail. Although Otak staff did not directly assess the wetland, Wetland E appears to be classified as a Category 2 wetland per RMC 4-3-050.M1a because it does not meet the criteria for Category 1 or 3 wetlands. Category 2 wetlands require a 50 -foot buffet width (RMC 4-3- 050.M6c). Streams The unnamed stream adjacent to the project site was investigated from approximately 150 feet upstream of the inlet to the Monterey Place NE culvert to approximately 50 feet downstream of the confluence with the flow from the damaged culvert and its ditches above the culvert (approx. 425 feet downstream of the outlet of the Monterey Place NE culvert). The OHWM was flagged through three distinct reaches which are described below from the upstream to downstream direction. Upstream of Monterey Place NE Upstream of Monterey Place NE the stream consists solely of riffle habitat with a gradient averaging approximately 7 to 8%. The OHWM averages 8.0 feet wide with a depth of 0.6 feet in the upper part of the reach and 1.8 feet in the downstream section as the channel deepens near the inlet to the culvert. Stream substrate consisted primarily of gravel, with fines and cobbles representing subdominant substrate components. No woody debris was present in the upstream reach. The stream is directly adjacent to the roadway for 110 feet immediately upstream of the culvert. The distance from the roadway to the nearest high water mark is as little as 2 feet in places. The culvert under Monterey Place NE and Lincoln Avenue NE imposes a complete barrier to fish passage due to several drops in excess of 2 feet through several storm drainage features. Vegetative Cover Vegetation along the stream reach upstream of the Monterey Place NE culvert consists of a mix of invasive vegetation, mowed right of way, native shrubs and trees, and nearby landscaped areas. The plant community in the immediate vicinity is mostly a mix of shrub, herbaceous, and ornamental species. In addition, the impervious surface of Monterey Place NE is immediately adjacent to this reach of the unnamed stream. Himalayan blackberry and reed canary grass are the predominant invasive species, while red alder, western red cedar, Douglas fir, and black cottonwood comprise the native tree species. Sahnonberry and snowberry are present in the shrub layer, while herbaceous species present in the right of way and nearby include sword fern, horsetail, piggyback plant, sedge species, and creeping Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 8 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued buttercup. Invasive species generally comprised a dominant component of the vegetative community (>20% of the cover). Ecological Functions Ecological functions provided by this reach of the unnamed stream include hydraulic functions (e.g. transport of sediment, connectivity of flow and water volume transport to downstream reaches via water cycling processes), geochemical functions (input and transport of organic debris to downstream reaches, water quality), habitat functions (e.g. geomorphologic and channel forming dynamics, woody debris, habitat units such. riffles, pools, etc.), and biological/biodiversity functions (riparian vegetation, invertebrate fauna, fish, other aquatic biota, etc.). Sediment in the system appears to be transported from the steeper gradients upstream, and consists primarily of gravels. The stream appears to be perennial, and water is transported downstream throughout the year, although base flows appear low and development in the project vicinity likely has resulted in a flashy hydropetiod for the system. Organic debris is likely to be introduced into the system from further upstream and transported downstream during times of the year when flows are sufficient to move material. Water quality is likely to be at least somewhat impaired periodically due to runoff from roadways and other impervious surfaces. Bank stability appears stable upstream of the culvert, and the downstream portion is armored. Habitat is simplified in the project reach, consisting of homogenous riffle habitat in a straight, ditched channel adjacent to the roadway of Monterey Place NE. No woody debris occurs in the project stream reach. Biological functions are likely limited in this portion of the system ---riparian habitat function is impacted by the roadway, fish are likely absent in the system due to low base flows and downstream blockages, and the simplified stream habitat and flow regime likely limits other aquatic biota as well. Fish and Wildlife Use No fish use is documented in the stream reach upstream of Monterey Place NE, nor was any observed during the field visits. Although the stream is perennial, the very low flows in the summer, the position of the project reach adjacent to the roadway, and the isolation of the system from the downstream reaches make it unlikely that fish occur in this portion of the system. Wildlife that might occur in the project area include bird species common to residential areas with tree and shrub vegetation, including crows, robins, Steller jays, song sparrows, starlings, and various other song birds. Woodpecker species such as downy or hairy woodpeckers are likely to occur, and various owl and hawk species are also potentially present. Amphibian species are likely limited to Pacific chorus frogs, but there is some potential for red -legged frogs to occur due to an aquatic system and some forested upland Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement V otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued habitat. Mammal species likely to be present include small mammals such as mice, voles, squirrels, and moles and gophers. Other mammals likely to occur on or near the project site include raccoons, opossums, coyote, and deer. Tire Protection Measures No trees will be removed in this stream reach, therefore no tree protection measures are proposed. Downstream of Monterey Place NE Downstream of the Monterey Place NE and Lincoln Avenue NE culverts, the stream travels for approximately 420 feet prior to a set of culverts that convey flow under the entrance road for an apartment complex. This reach is primarily riffle habitat with a slope averaging 5%. The average OHWM width in this reach is 7.4 feet and the depth averages 0.7 feet. Previous restoration and/or stabilization efforts are apparent in the louver 200 feet of this reach with several anchored logs on, the banks, channel spanning grade control logs and streambed gravel and cobbles placed in the stream. At the downstream end of the reach there is a birdcage inlet to a 36 -inch diameter culvert that is the primary conveyance for the stream. There is an additional overflow 36 -inch diameter on the downstream side of the birdcage inlet. Inside the birdcage inlet, there is a drop of approximately 2 feet that imposes a complete barrier to fish passage. Downstream of the apartment access road, the stream loses it channelization for the immediate 50 feet downstream of the culvert outlet. The flow is dispersed into several small channels or, in many places, sheet flow through patches of reed canary grass. The floodplain (Wetland A) in this area is completely covered with reed canary grass. Not long after the stream re-channelizes, it becomes incised and there are two large drops (1 to 2 feet) into a series of pools. The confluence with the flow coming from the damaged culvert is 10 feet downstream of these pools. Downstream of the confluence with outflow from the damaged culvert, the OHWIVM width averages 9.5 feet with an average depth of 1.4 feet. The slope in this reach is lower, averaging 2 to 3%. The hydrology and stream dimensions upstream of the apartment access road culverts, which are barriers to fish passage, are analogous to the downstream reach which would suggest that the upstream reach is also a perennial, although non -salmonid bearing, stream. Vegetative Cover This reach of the unnamed stream is situated down and away from the roadway compared to the upstream reach, and the vegetative community in this reach is comprised of a primarily deciduous forested and shrub habitat Dominant tree species include red alder, black cottonwood, and big -leaf maple, with some conifers such as Douglas fir and western red Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 10 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued cedar present, as well. Common shrub species in the understory include vine maple, Himalyan blackberry, English ivy, red -osier dogwood, Oregon grape, salmonberry, and willow. Herbaceous species present and identifiable at the time of the site visit include skunk cabbage, reed canary grass, lady fem, sword fern, and horsetail. Invasive species generally comprised a,dominant component of the vegetative community (>20% of the cover). Ecological Functions Ecological functions provided by this reach of the unnamed stream include hydraulic functions (e.g. transport of sediment, connectivity of flow and water volume transport to downstream reaches via water cycling processes), geochemical functions (input and transport of organic debris to downstream reaches, water quality), habitat functions (e.g. geomorphologic and channel forming dynamics, woody debris, habitat units such. riffles, pools, etc.), and biological/biodiversity functions (riparian vegetation, invertebrate fauna, fish, other aquatic biota, etc.). Sediment in the system appears to be transported from the steeper gradients upstream, and consists primarily of fines in the flatter portions of the reach, particularly that portion associated with Wetlands A and D. Similar to the upstream portion, base flows appear'low and development in the project vicinity likely has resulted in a flashy hydroperiod for the system. Organic debris is likely to be introduced into the system from the riparian corridor associated with the project reach as well as from further upstream and transported downstream during times of the year when flows are sufficient to move material. Water quality is likely to be at least somewhat impaired periodically due to runoff from roadways and other impervious surfaces. Stream banks are somewhat unstable or armored through much of the reach, indicating that erosion associated with flashy/high peak flows is likely to occur during storm events. Habitat is relatively simplified in the project reach, consisting solely of riffle habitat. Eight pieces of woody debris were noted in the 425 foot reach of stream, along with anchored logs and in -channel logs serving as grade control structures. Biological functions show the potential to be somewhat improved in this portion of the system compared to the upstream reach—riparian habitat, while constrained between an apartment complex and the roadway, nevertheless forms a forested corridor 80 to 100 feet wide, resident cutthroat trout are likely to be present in the system, and the riparian and stream habitat appear capable of supporting other aquatic biota such as benthic invertebrate. fauna and amphibian species. Fish and Wildlife Use Although the stream is typed by the City of Renton as a Class 2 stream (perennial or intermittent salmonid -bearing), no documented evidence of salmonid usage was readily Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement tl otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued available for this project. It is assumed that resident cutthroat trout are present in the system, meeting the criterion for a Class 2 stream. Wildlife usage and species likely to occur on or near the project site in this reach of the unnamed stream are similar to those indicated in the upstream reach, noted above. The riparian corridor in the project reach has the potential to serve as a migration/movement corridor for wildlife, as well. Tree Protection Measures No trees will be removed in this stream reach, therefore no tree protection measures are proposed. Unnamed Stream Classification Upstream of Monteny Place NE The reaches of the unnamed stream that occur upstream of the Monterey Place NE culvert would be considered a non -salmonid -bearing waterbody, based on the presence of a complete fish passage barrier associated with the Monterey Place NE culvert drop structures and the definition of a salmonid migration barrier per RMC 411-190: Human -made barriers to salmonid migration (e.g., culverts, weirs, etc.) shall be considered barriers to salmonid migration by this definition, only if they were lawfully installed; permanent; present a complete barrier to salmonid passage based on hydraulic drop, water velocity, water depth, or any other feature which would prevent all salmonids firm passing upstream; and in the opinion of the City Reviewing Oficial cannot be modified to provide salmonid passage without resulting in significant impacts to other environmental resources, major transportation and utility gstems, or to the public, and would have significant expense. Based on the perennial flow regime associated with the,unnamed stream upstream of the Monterey Place NE culvert, these stream reaches would be classified as a Class 3 stream, with a 75 foot buffer requirement. Downstream afMonterey Place NE The section of the stream below the Monterey Place NE culvert is listed on the Renton Water Class Map as a Class 2 stream, which is defined as a salmonid -bearing perennial stream. The buffer requirement for Class 2 Waters is 100 feet (RMC 4-3-050.1,5a). No project -related activity will take place in any of these stream reaches. Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 12 otak Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement Wetland and Stream Report Continued Ditches The OHWM of the ditches along the east side of Lincoln Avenue NE were delineated during the stream survey. The average OHWM width in the ditches is 5.3 feet. The ditches did not have flow present during the investigation. They are lined with coarse, angular gravels and small riprap approximately 12 inches in size, and the ditches are split by three driveway culverts with diameters ranging from 12 to 18 inches. RMC 4-3.050L1 classifies this type of conveyance feature as a Class 5 Water (non -salmonid, flow in artificial channel where no natural channel before). RMC 4-3-050.L5a does not assign buffers to Class 5 waters, and such water bodies ate considered unregulated per the RMC. No work will be conducted in the ditches along the east side of Lincoln Avenue NE. S. Wetland and Stream Buffer Impacts and Mitigation Although the project•will avoid direct impacts to wetlands altogether, and avoid direct impacts to streams outside of the existing road prism, there will be some temporary impacts to wetland and stream buffers located within the tight -of -way in order to perform the necessary maintenance and repair activities, and some temporary impacts to the unnamed stream at the Monterey Place NE culvert. There will be limited excavation and placement of quarry spalls in a short portion of stream within the road prism, immediately upstream of the Monterey Place NE culvert. However, RMC 4-3-050.C.5.e.ii exempts wetlands and streams and their buffers from disturbances associated with normal and routine street and right-of-way maintenance and repair activities. The rule specifically states: `Normal and routine maintenance and repair of any existing public orprivate uses and facilities where no alteration of the critical area and required buffer or additional fill materials u411 be placed other than the minimum alteration and/ or fill needed to restore those facilities to meet established safety standards.. The use of heavy construction equipment shall be limited to utilities and public agencies that require this type of equ pment for normal and routine maintenance and "pair of existing utility orpublic structures and rights-of-way. In every case, critical area and required buffer impacts shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall be restored during and immediately after the use of construction equipment. " Restoration efforts will consist of revegetation of disturbed soils using a native grass seed mix. Stream and wetland impacts were largely avoided during project design, and impacts to the unnamed stream were minimized to minor amounts of excavation and placement of quarry spalls for erosion protection in the toad prism upstream of the Monterey Place NE culvert. No mitigation is proposed for the project, given the anticipated exemption from the applicable portions of the RMC critical areas sections. Lincoln Avenue NE Culvert Replacement 13 otak ,0-�=„ L :GPOS juauaa:DoIdad W91SAS LUJO;s IN Id A@ -)JG .uOA ?R IN and UIODUI-] 00 V/ CL U) A V _ e y N 4W ` N \\\`Z '� s 4 �' � \\ � \� 11114 `•.1� wRCL rj 1 1 191 c co o LO < N--`'_— �� 11 1l� �1 r►i !� ~ 1 II�I'l os / /4j X I i 1\ �`< � � } 1 11 ; .. � ;' �' � • � 4 4v I 1 LO l E 1l \ � r 116 \ 1` N 91 4 \ !m i o rr 1 p �Jr 4 //U) d LO —\ 4 1 hof a R� tih 0 rLO ls�� vg \ a4 t�lff If tl 1 / hill scSf ES \ IIII��III i I a CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS Date Date Date PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 4196 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton, WA 2005 NE 40th St, Renton, WA RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL m NO. REVISION SHT N0. DWG N0. TITHE 1 cl 2 C2 3 C3 DRAWN: GMD CHECKED: BY I DATE I AP P R I APPROVED: NO SCALE As Noted ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY VERnCAL- NAW 1988 HORIZONTAL- NAD 1983/1991 TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAP, AND INDEX OF DRAWINGS CULVERT REHABILITION AND GRADING STREAM INLET MANHOLE AND PIPE �=- CITY OE RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. City O s�'lents pVii on JUN 3 0 Zoll 90% DESIGN LINCOLN AVE NE AND MONTEREY PL NE STORM SYSTEM REPLACEMENT TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAP, AND INDEX OF DRAWINGS DATE - 06 -21-11 FIELDBOOK: PAGE: cl SHEET: 1 OF: 3 N a SSMH � RIM = 75.58 Z_8" PVC OUT N IE = 67\.23 8"PVC INSIE=67.43�� I DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20114 M ) A - 73.62 12" W 1E 70.1 �.��i�.� EX. 1 CONCRETE ULVERT f GRA 1 I I \ I OLD S I OLD / l 30 I 4 ' I � I - - - - - I10 16 54 i � C 30" :.........:.........:.........:.........:... 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UTILITIES NOT POTHOLED. DEPTHS ARE ASSUMED APPROXIMATE. REF: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 107 WHITEHAWK OFF—SITE SEWER EXTENSION AS BUILT. B. C. 0 0 0 TYPICAL TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILLTCN TRENCH EXCAVATI❑N PAY LIMIT 7'-0" MAXIMUM SEE DETAIL FOR PAVEMENT PATCH BACKFILL MATERIAL WSDOT SECTION 9-03.19 BANK RUN GRAVEL, OR NATIVE MATERIAL IF IT MEETS SPECS. PIPE ZONE MATERIAL WSDOT 2006 SECTION 9-03.12(3) GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING NEW UTILITY PIPE EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE SOIL (IF NEEDED) DEPTH AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER BACKFILL WITH FOUNDATION MATERIAL MEETING WSDOT SECTION 9-13.6 QUARRY SPALLS NOTES 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES. 3. COMPACT PIPE ZONE MATERIAL TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE WHERE COMPACTION WILL BE HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE THAT THE FLOW LINE IS MAINTAINED. CITY OE RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. g0% DES LINCOLN AVE NE AND MONTEREY PL NE STORM SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CULVERT REPAIR GN "A. t �'r )i ton JON3n DATE: 06-21-11 FlELDWOK: PAGE: DRAWING NO: C 2 SHEET: 2 OF: CONSTRUCTION NOTES: INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS. BLANKET SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF DIVISION 9-14.5(2) OF THE WSDOT 2010 STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION. EXPOSE, CUTOFF AND DISPOSE BROKEN PORTION OF CONCRETE PIPE AND MAKE SMOOTH, STRAIGHT EDGE. LAY NEW CPEP ALONG PROPOSED GRADE AND BUTT UP SPIGOT END TO STRAIGHT EDGE OF CONCRETE PIPE. JOIN PIPES USING HEAT SHRINK WRAP MANUFACTURED BY RAYCHEM OR APPROVED EQUAL. O INSTALL CURED IN PLACE RESIN LINER MANUFACTURED BY IN—SITU FORM OR APPROVED EQUAL. RESIN LINER SHALL BE INSERTED ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH OF CULVERT 04 PLACE 24" THICK RIP RAP PAD 0 0 0 TYPICAL TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILLTCN TRENCH EXCAVATI❑N PAY LIMIT 7'-0" MAXIMUM SEE DETAIL FOR PAVEMENT PATCH BACKFILL MATERIAL WSDOT SECTION 9-03.19 BANK RUN GRAVEL, OR NATIVE MATERIAL IF IT MEETS SPECS. PIPE ZONE MATERIAL WSDOT 2006 SECTION 9-03.12(3) GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING NEW UTILITY PIPE EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE SOIL (IF NEEDED) DEPTH AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER BACKFILL WITH FOUNDATION MATERIAL MEETING WSDOT SECTION 9-13.6 QUARRY SPALLS NOTES 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES. 3. COMPACT PIPE ZONE MATERIAL TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE WHERE COMPACTION WILL BE HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE THAT THE FLOW LINE IS MAINTAINED. CITY OE RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. g0% DES LINCOLN AVE NE AND MONTEREY PL NE STORM SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CULVERT REPAIR GN "A. t �'r )i ton JON3n DATE: 06-21-11 FlELDWOK: PAGE: DRAWING NO: C 2 SHEET: 2 OF: W LO 0. ME ;k 9S,o� ET T11 / / NEW C13-2 54 / REMOVE EX. METAL VAULT RIM EL.=113.40 NEW S 30" I E=110.40 ROPOSED C RING LIMIT / 20 DRAINAGE I 4 Sficy,�..ro7Y.bn. . 117vu \ t '0 1151, 4 . e DOUB[ YELLO�; SSMH RIM = 115.11 8" PVC OUT N IE = 104.41--_'/ 8"PVC INEIE= 105.11 8" PVC IN S IE = 104.61S 1 0 TRIPE 2X36" SENT \ T.L. # 3345700163 8" -10 i 8" ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK 8" / 8== -125— —SAND BAG COFFE�DAM — CENTER OF STREAM C NNEL117 ` 120 P-3 DISCHAR PIPE / Will SSMH RIM = 116.37 v '0 125. .......:............... ...:.:........... .....:...............:.......:...........'...:...:.,.....:..........._.:._.........:..._.........:-:":":":":":":•:-:•:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:":-:-:":�:-.•:•:•:":•:•:-:•:•:•:-:":":•:•:-:-:•:•:-:•:•:-:•:•:-:":":":":":•:-:":-:-:-:-:-:•:•:":-:-:•:•:•:-:":":•:•:":•:•:":":-:•:•:•:":-:•:-:•:":•:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:-:•:•:-:-:•:":-:-:":":":•..:-:1.25-:-:•:-:-: ......... :......... :.........:......... :.........:.........:......NEIN-�B-2:54....:.........:...... ...:.........:.........:.........:.........:......... :.........:.........:.........:......... :.........: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.REMO�/E:EX: METAL:YAUX.T::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::-FOG •:: EDGE OF.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.RIM EL:=113:40•::::::::::::::::::::::''*'*'::::::':::::::'''*''::::-LAN :::pA1rElEN�::::::PROPER. -":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.•••••......... 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EL .......:........EX•EALSTRUTURE--. �.-S1REM .... ........ ....................................................... ......... ..................... .............:....�.........:.................... . ...:....C./ ............................ .........3a,IE=11,110 - �-......:......... ..........:.........:...........................:......... .........:.......... �..... :o. .... .. ..........:......... .........:......... ................. .......5...................:...................:...................:. .... ........................,.•:.......................115....... ..............................................•COfFERD�M-FO.......:...........................EX; ................... R/�......... . . . . . ... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . vt .........:---.....................�---.............'BYPASSING STREAM ........... ......... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rr.t :• FLOWS -INTO- SANITARY ---- --- ............. --""---..... .... :.: W ::::::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: : :::: •:: : :�:::::::::::::: :....- ------- ---- ••.......:..............-- 0.- ...............-. . ....... ............... a �....-STREAK- CI AVI�ELIE='113:10.......:-110E-5.......-......:....-.................--~-::.-:..: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::.5:LF'V*RC.P:0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 105 --"-"-"-".......:.....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:....:...............:...................:...................:...............:.:.:.....:...:.........:......,....:.......:...:.:.:.:.:...:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:•••............:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:." 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''-'''-405-'_ .................. .----.��ti„r, ........................... :.........:.........:.........:..... . ...:.........:.SCALE =-H0'RlZ`::1. .1 .:.........:.... ---.....:.........:.........:........ - : - , - - SCALE • •H0:RIZ, -1: -- , 5:.........:.........:.........:........ . ........... ........................ .......... . ......... :.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.�VERT;1f,-.5'..�.........:.........:...,.....:.........:.........:...,.....:....:1/ERT:-1=-5'•........:.........:.........:.........: ......... ......... ................... ......... ... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ....... . ................. ................... ................... ....................................... ................... ............................................................................... ................... ................... ................... .............................................................................. .............. ................... ................... PROFILE ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE CROSS SECTION A—A CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS Date Date Date SCALE: As Noted ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE _INCH VERTICAL: NAW 1988 HORIZONTAL- NAD 1983/1991 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, NOT ALL UTILTIES MAY BE SHOWN. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UTILITIES. GENERAL NOTES: A. THIS PLAN DEVELOPED FROM BASE SURVEY FROM OTAK, INC.. B. C. D. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: nl INSTALL BIRDCAGE OVERFLOW ON TOP OF TYPE 2 CB. SEE STANDARD DETAIL PLAN 234.20 O2 INSTALL DEBRIS BARRIER ON BEVELED PIPE END SECTION. SEE STANDARD PLAN 223.10 O3 PLACE 18" THICK LOOSE QUARRY SPALLS 0 0 0 TYPICAL TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL (NTS) TRENCH EXCAVATION PAY LIMIT 7'--0'v MAXIMUM SEE DETAIL FOR PAVEMENT PATCH a • . a "q • ° BACKFILL MATERIAL ° a'a WSDOT SECTION 9-03.19 BANK RUN GRAVEL, OR NATIVE MATERIAL IF IT MEETS SPECS. d Q A- d A a ° PIPE ZONE MATERIAL WSDOT 2006 SECTION 9-03.12(3) ° GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING 12" MIN. r :• NEW UTILITY PIPE 6 MIN ... OF UNSUITABLE EXCAVATIONITABLE SOIL {IF NEEDED} d DEPTH AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER BACKFILL WITH FOUNDATION MATERIAL MEETING a• WSDOT SECTION 9-13.6 QUARRY SPALLS NOTES 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2, HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES. 3. COMPACT PIPE ZONE MATERIAL TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE WHERE COMPACTION WILL BE HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE THAT THE FLOW LINE IS MAINTAINED. 900 DESIGN JON a 2P�1 :: � Cl TY o06-21-11 LINCOLN AVE NE AND MONTEREY PL NE ��'�°: RENTON PAGE: STORM SYSTEM REPLACEMENT DRAWING NO: Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. C3 _8„ PVC OUTN- IE-- 1.05:37 T M IE 110.4 8" PVC IN S IE = 10 5.57 v '0 125. .......:............... ...:.:........... .....:...............:.......:...........'...:...:.,.....:..........._.:._.........:..._.........:-:":":":":":":•:-:•:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:":-:-:":�:-.•:•:•:":•:•:-:•:•:•:-:":":•:•:-:-:•:•:-:•:•:-:•:•:-:":":":":":•:-:":-:-:-:-:-:•:•:":-:-:•:•:•:-:":":•:•:":•:•:":":-:•:•:•:":-:•:-:•:":•:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:-:•:•:-:-:•:":-:-:":":":•..:-:1.25-:-:•:-:-: ......... :......... :.........:......... :.........:.........:......NEIN-�B-2:54....:.........:...... ...:.........:.........:.........:.........:......... :.........:.........:.........:......... :.........: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.REMO�/E:EX: METAL:YAUX.T::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::-FOG •:: EDGE OF.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.RIM EL:=113:40•::::::::::::::::::::::''*'*'::::::':::::::'''*''::::-LAN :::pA1rElEN�::::::PROPER. -":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.•••••......... NE4 3Q"•IE=1�Q.40.,......:.........:.........:.........:.........:.......•,........PROPERLY:LIi�E:****.---:.•••.""" ,- „--,:..... ," :::.::.•.............•......... ............................................................�..........................::::.:::.:::�............r......................,._.r............�..........................�.....-.............-..................-.......::.:::::.::...................................................................-.............-...............-.....................,- .::.:.:::-=::......-....�....-.........-. ......................E......., �........�.........�:.:::::.r...........�:..�.....�....�....::: ..................::....... ....................4..:...............................:............••.••.••.-�••••�•:. .....-..�.�......••.••::....•.••.••.••.••........:.:: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 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EL .......:........EX•EALSTRUTURE--. �.-S1REM .... ........ ....................................................... ......... ..................... .............:....�.........:.................... . ...:....C./ ............................ .........3a,IE=11,110 - �-......:......... ..........:.........:...........................:......... .........:.......... �..... :o. .... .. ..........:......... .........:......... ................. .......5...................:...................:...................:. .... ........................,.•:.......................115....... ..............................................•COfFERD�M-FO.......:...........................EX; ................... R/�......... . . . . . ... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . vt .........:---.....................�---.............'BYPASSING STREAM ........... ......... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rr.t :• FLOWS -INTO- SANITARY ---- --- ............. --""---..... .... :.: W ::::::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: : :::: •:: : :�:::::::::::::: :....- ------- ---- ••.......:..............-- 0.- ...............-. . ....... ............... a �....-STREAK- CI AVI�ELIE='113:10.......:-110E-5.......-......:....-.................--~-::.-:..: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::.5:LF'V*RC.P:0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 105 --"-"-"-".......:.....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:....:...............:...................:...................:...............:.:.:.....:...:.........:......,....:.......:...:.:.:.:.:...:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:•••............:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:." " " :•:•:•:.:.' ''-'''-405-'_ .................. .----.��ti„r, ........................... :.........:.........:.........:..... . ...:.........:.SCALE =-H0'RlZ`::1. .1 .:.........:.... ---.....:.........:.........:........ - : - , - - SCALE • •H0:RIZ, -1: -- , 5:.........:.........:.........:........ . ........... ........................ .......... . ......... :.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.�VERT;1f,-.5'..�.........:.........:...,.....:.........:.........:...,.....:....:1/ERT:-1=-5'•........:.........:.........:.........: ......... ......... ................... ......... ... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ....... . ................. ................... ................... ....................................... ................... ............................................................................... ................... ................... ................... .............................................................................. .............. ................... ................... PROFILE ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE CROSS SECTION A—A CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS Date Date Date SCALE: As Noted ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE _INCH VERTICAL: NAW 1988 HORIZONTAL- NAD 1983/1991 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, NOT ALL UTILTIES MAY BE SHOWN. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UTILITIES. GENERAL NOTES: A. THIS PLAN DEVELOPED FROM BASE SURVEY FROM OTAK, INC.. B. C. D. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: nl INSTALL BIRDCAGE OVERFLOW ON TOP OF TYPE 2 CB. SEE STANDARD DETAIL PLAN 234.20 O2 INSTALL DEBRIS BARRIER ON BEVELED PIPE END SECTION. SEE STANDARD PLAN 223.10 O3 PLACE 18" THICK LOOSE QUARRY SPALLS 0 0 0 TYPICAL TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL (NTS) TRENCH EXCAVATION PAY LIMIT 7'--0'v MAXIMUM SEE DETAIL FOR PAVEMENT PATCH a • . a "q • ° BACKFILL MATERIAL ° a'a WSDOT SECTION 9-03.19 BANK RUN GRAVEL, OR NATIVE MATERIAL IF IT MEETS SPECS. d Q A- d A a ° PIPE ZONE MATERIAL WSDOT 2006 SECTION 9-03.12(3) ° GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING 12" MIN. r :• NEW UTILITY PIPE 6 MIN ... OF UNSUITABLE EXCAVATIONITABLE SOIL {IF NEEDED} d DEPTH AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER BACKFILL WITH FOUNDATION MATERIAL MEETING a• WSDOT SECTION 9-13.6 QUARRY SPALLS NOTES 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2, HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES. 3. COMPACT PIPE ZONE MATERIAL TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE WHERE COMPACTION WILL BE HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE THAT THE FLOW LINE IS MAINTAINED. 900 DESIGN JON a 2P�1 :: � Cl TY o06-21-11 LINCOLN AVE NE AND MONTEREY PL NE ��'�°: RENTON PAGE: STORM SYSTEM REPLACEMENT DRAWING NO: Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. C3