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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O[]VVL Technical Information Report Boeing Commercial Airlines 737 Max Flightline Utilities-Apron C Renton, Washington Land Use Permit Submittal September, 2015 ENGINEERING SEP 3 0 2015 C ·· 'n ", .• "' ''\.~'''''' .. "" .. -.:.,.:.-.. ,'.v~~ Plf ':NING DIVISION License ~ k • a --.. . . - No. 3002. E .~ '* _ SURVEYING. II" t ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Technical Information Report For Boeing Commercial Airplanes 737 Max Flightline Utilities -Apron C 770 Perimeter Road West, Renton WA 98055 Prepared for: Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle District P.O. Box 3707, MIs: 1W-10 Seattle, Washington 98124 Prepared by: ~DDWL 8420 154th Avenue NE • Redmond, WA 98052 Tele: (425) 869·2670 • FAX: (425) 869-2679 Land Use Permit Submittal September 21, 2015 This report has been prepared by the staff of DOWL under the direction of the undersigned professional engineer whose stamp and signature appears hereon. 13726.01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------------------------------------------, Table of Contents 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ........•.......•.......................•.......................................................... 4 Figure 1 TIR WORKSHEET .......•....•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•....•.........•.••••••...••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••. 5 Figure 2: VICINITY MAP ••••••••••••••.••••••••.•.•••••••••••••..•.•••••••••••••••..••••••.•••••••.....••••.•..•.•.......•.......•.........•....•.•.......• 6 Figure 3: DRAINAGE BASIN MAPS .•.....••••.•..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••••..•••••••.•.••••••..•••••....•• 7 Figure 4: SOILS MAPPiNG ......•....•....•.•.•.•..•.•....•...•.•...•....•..•.•.••...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•• 8 2.0 CONDITIONS & REQUIREMENTS SUMMARy ................................•............................... 9 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ...........................................•....................................................... 11 4.0 FLOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS & DESiGN ....................•....... 12 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology ......................................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology •................•..•.•....•.•.••.•.•..•.••.•....•..•••...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•..•.•..•.•..•.•..•.•..•.•..••• 13 4.3 Performance Standards .•.••.•.•..•...........•......••.•.•....•.••.•.•..•.•..•.•..•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.••.•.••. 13 4.4 Flow Control System ••••••••••••••••••..................•.•......•..•....•.•....••••.•.•••••••••••.......•.......•.•.••.•..•....•.••.•.•..•.••••• 14 4.5 Water Quality •...........•..•....••••••••••••••••••...•....•....•....•.•..•....•.•....•....•••••••.•••••••••••.•.••.•.................•....•.•..••.• 14 FIGURE 5: APRON C SOUTH EXISTING CONDITIONS •....••...•..•.•....•....•..•.•..•....•.•.•••••••••••••.•••.....••.........•............. 16 FIGURE 6: APRON C NORTH EXISTING CONDITIONS •••••••••••••••..•.•••..•..•.•..•....•.•......••.•.••.......•••••••••••••••••.••••...... 17 FIGURE 7: APRON C SOUTH BASIN MAP •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•..•••.•..•....•......•....•.....••....•.••••.••••••••••••••.••••.....• 18 FIGURE 8: APRON C SOUTH WATER QUALITY MAP •.••••••••.•••••••..•••••...••••••...•....•....•....•.•.........•.....•.•••••••••••••••••• 19 FIGURE 9: APRON C NORTH BASIN MAP •••......•....•........................•....•.......•....•••..•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•. 20 FIGURE 10: APRON C NORTH WATER QUALITY MAP ................•....•....•.......•.•..•••••••••••••••••..•.••••....•.................. 21 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN .............................................................. 22 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS & STUDIES .•.•....•..•••••...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...••••.•..•......•..•.•.........•..........•.•....•••••••••••••• 24 7.0 OTHER PERMITS ....•.••..••....••.......•......•.................................•........................••••...•••.• 25 8.0 CWSPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................................................... 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESC Plan Analysis and Design (Part A) ............................................................................................................. 26 Scope of Work ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Clearing Limits .......................................... " ............................................................................................................. 26 Cover Measures ........................................ : ................................... , .............................................. , .................... , ..... 26 Perimeter Protection .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Traffic Area Stabilization ......................................................................................................................................... 26 Sediment Retention ................................................................................................................................................ 26 Surface Water Collection ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Dewatering Control ........................................................................................................................ " .. , .. " ... , ............ 27 Dust Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Flow Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 SWPPP Plan Design (Part B) ........................................................................................................................... 27 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ......... 30 9.1 Bond Quantities ................................................................................................................................... 30 9.2 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch .......................................................... 30 9.3 Dedaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flow Control and Water Quality Facilities ...................... 30 10.0 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL ......................................................................... 37 Appendix A Water Quality Calculations Appendix B Conveyance Calculations Appendix C CSWPPP Plans Appendix D Operations and Maintenance Manual ~-------... ----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW The Boeing Renton Airport Apron C project is located at 770 Perimeter Road West in Renton, Washington. The site is within Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M.; the King County Parcel Number is: 0723059007. This project will use the King County Surface Water Design Manual 2009 and the City of Renton 2009 Surface Water Design Manual Amendment. This project will be removing or replacing over 2,000 square feet of impervious surface; therefore a full drainage review will be required. Boeing is expanding its manufacturing operation for the new 737 Max aircraft. The increased monthly production rate will require that aircraft be moved out of the assembly building and onto apron parking spots for the final work and testing of the aircraft. Apron C is on the west side of the airport and is owned by the City of Renton. Boeing has a long term lease on the south portion (Apron C South) and a short term lease on the north portion (Apron C North). C North and C South are separated by the Rainier Flight Service building. C South will have 5 stalls (C-1 through C-5) and there is potential for a previously fueled aircraft on Apron C South. C North will have two stalls (C-6 and C-7) and are for never fueled aircraft. Ancillary improvements such as crew and production structures, parking and security fencing will be provided. Apron C is located in a direct discharge area adjacent to Lake Washington. Flow control is not required. Basic water quality is required and oil-water separation will be provided in addition due to the nature of the operation. Separate storm systems are proposed for C South and C North because the receiving storm drain in the west perimeter road is fairly shallow and has potential to backwater onto the airport property. The longer pipe run needed for a single, common storm system would impose a greater vertical fall through the system and complicate the hydraulic grade line. Additionally, separate systems allow for smaller treatment facilities that are simpler and easier to situate than a single larger system. Both basins on Apron C will incorporate a conveyance system using slot drains and catch basins, with a treatment train consisting of oil-water separators and Stormfilters, and then discharge into the existing box culvert in the West Perimeter Road. Apron C South will have a fuel spill containment facility and a pumped discharge into the existing municipal storm drain. The project consists of Alderwood gravelly sandy loam and urban land per the USDA soil map. Alderwood soil has a hydrologic group C rating and is considered a Till soil for KCRTS (King County Runoff Time Series). Information Provided: Figure 1: TIR Worksheet Figure 2: Vicinity Map Figure 3: Drainage Basin Maps Figure 4: Soils Mapping 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET P~rt1'~R6J~cf.6vvNERANb ... ' '. . ~R\9?~fr~N?!~~~R" .,·,iii'f":'; ··;.ii, ..... '., Project Owner --(U£ 130(; I ~Jt4 (j,M'fl;\t,',( Phone M4@14 tu:; M"'-i\116 Address 'J.IJ~ -hi 7' 2"1 LI'i Project Engineer ~BqJ ~HlkDt:!i-'kl)'E. Company '"0 ... «-0",-",11'-:::'" L~ ______ _ Phone 4-~G . f>~'1 . Z.b 70 o Landuse Services Subdivison 1 Short Subd, 1 UPD ~ Building Services M/F 1 Commerical 1 SFR o Clearing and Grading D Right-of-Way Use o Other Technical Information Report Type of Drainage Review~ Targeted 1 (circle): ~ Site Date (include revision t:/ 7~r1 '2jJ ~~ dates): Date of Final: .. ",., : ,,':; .. ,.: -:': .. Pari2P~OJECT LocAtiEmANd . B13SGRiPTkiN . '. .'. . .. , :," :;~-: \ ,~~:'i; Project Name 'l2b W Q,J 1=1 UN 14, A/lZfPtz; fjflES-f>ermit# A PI<-0 N C Location Township ~2.",,-,,3-,-N-,,-__ Range 5 E, Section _-,---1-::-__ _ Site Address 110 \J, Pc:: fl.1 HI2\~,\? )ZD, 0 DFWHPA o Shoreline D COE404 Management o Structural 0 DOE Dam Safety 0 FEMA Floodplain RockerylVaultl __ D D ESA Section 7 COE Wetlands 0 Other . -.. , .. ,.-;. "", .. -:' ,::-" Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type (circle one): ~ Modified 1 '-SimiiI Site Date (include revision Z I 7f: r'l If,p 15 dates): Date of Final: ';"'" '", :' ",. ,:- -,:.: . .. '." Type (circle one): Standard 1 Complex 1 Preapplication 1 Experimentall Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) N/A Date of A roval: 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 5 1/912009 I I r I I I I I -I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Monitoring Required: Yes / No Describe: ____________ _ Star! Date: Completion Date: Community Plan: --,-___________ _ Special District Overlays: _________ -,-___________ _ Drainage Basin: IN 001 LA)?I.? WMH IN4,IQWhOIN&'p' ~/J17A po 1'-\-413')<- Stormwater Requirements: I DRiver/Stream 0 Steep Slope' _______ _ o lake 0 Erosion Hazard ______ _ o Wetlands 0 landslide Hazard ______ _ o Closed Depression 0 Coal Mine Hazard ______ _ o Floodplain 0 Seismic Hazard ______ _ o Other 0 Habitat Protection ______ _ Soi/Type A t,.J2~ f".J 000 C I;i High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) o Other 0 _________ _ Slopes (:?LAi, .( Q~ ) Erosion Potential NOtJ l1 o Sole Source Aquifer o Seeps/Springs I 0 Additional Sheets Attached I I I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 11912009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET REFERENCE o Core 2 -Offsite Analysis o Sensitive/Critical Areas o SEPA ~ Other LIMITATION / SITE CONSTRAINT 0 __________________ __ VI:; 1~11 CA./... 1..1 t111 A11 12t-\<;; A 'K; ""1!?D ?y121 IeM part1Z:TIR:SUMMARY SHEET • ·(pr6videriheTIR SummqryStieetper T~r~&holdDisi::hariie.Nea)·, ., Threshold Discharge Area: (name or description) C. SOlA IH Ae.. C I-.l O)2.'TH Ae. Core Requirements (aI/ 8 apply) Discharge at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharge Locations: 't Offsite Analysis Level: 1 /2/3 NJA dated: Flow Control 1/;, Level: 1 / 2 / 3 or Exemption Number 12112-fE '-'1 "P1Q:\o\A1l (inc!. facilitv summary sheet) N A Small Site BMPs Conveyance System Spill containment located at: ~!d!..-fI (21~ lo':::'a -rIQ¢ /If!;JI5W!! -nzet.\-"I"\e,...~ '5%Ie'}J[ Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: Contact Phone: After Hours Phone' Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: <!:rivate J Public If Private. Maintenance LOQ Required: Yes / No Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes / No Liability --Water Quality Type: lBasic) Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemptlon-f'[o. Landscape Management Plan: Yes ,tN;) Special Requirements (as applicable) Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA / SDO' MOP / BP' LMP 'Shared Fac. / None Requirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor' Exemption l(NolJ,?) 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: N/A Source Control Describe landuse: A 1\2-'11-,1, t"I r'A P \1011-1.:9 (comm.lindustriallanduse) Describe any structural controls: t::J,.I~ ~ 011 .. teNiA I '4 Yll?r-Jl 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 11912009 ~ ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TlR) WORKSHEET - Oil Control High-use Site: ~: No tj Treatment BMP: CPAl.E% I~~ Pune' "'el"p.t>tTt?F Maintenance Agreement: Yes /~ ,(.2 with whom? l'WI-J", \VIA \ "),A II,) en Other Drainage Structures Describe: P'11!:L-~ H'fOiZAIALIC til\..-';::O~-r(.l.IIJ 14e.tJj J~M13;EROSIONANDSEDIMENT CONTROL RJ;QLlIREMENTS ....•. ':".;',: "!':":-'.: .-.-."., MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION o Clearing Limits o Stabilize Exposed Surfaces o Cover Measures j3l Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities o Perimeter Protection ~ Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris, Ensure o Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities ~ Sediment Retention o Flag Limits of SAO and open space t8l Surface Water Collection preservation areas o Other ~ Dewatering Control o Dust Control o Flow Control Part 14. STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS (Note: Include Facilitv Sumina[liand SketCh). Flow Control Type/Description Water Quality Type/Description o Detention o Biofiltration o Infiltration o Wetpool o Regional Facility 129 Media Filtration f 6'T 0 (2.1"\ t ll.:fe f? o Shared Facility [2j. Oil Control Q. C~ o Flow Control 1:3 Spill Control 101000 &ao.L. BMPs o Flow Control BMPs VAt)L.1 o Other o Other 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 11912009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - ---- --------- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET . . .. STRUCTURAL ANAL ytls • .:--:. Part 15 EASEMENTSffRACTS ! P"rt 16 o Drainage Easement o Cast in Place Vault o Covenant o Retaining Wall o Native Growth Protection Covenant o Rockery > 4' High o Tract o Structural on Steep Slope o Other o Other Parf17; SIGNATUREOF PROFESSiONAL ENGINEER· -.'::"." I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, liave visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my kn edge the infor tioll provided here is accurate. ttl 6 Si nedlDafe 2009 Surface Water Design Manual l/9/2009 I I I I I I I I I • • • I ~ , • ~ I ~ ~ • ~ • I ~ , G I ; e g • I ~ ~ • ~ I ~ ~ , is , I ! !!-u g a ~ I ~ ~ ~ , " :;-I ? .{ ~ ~ I ~ u PROJECT LOCATION lAKE WASH INGTON 1HE """" MIfEl) """" V" PLAN VIEW ~ NOT TO SCALE ~ 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond , Wash ington 98052 425-669-2670 VICINITY MAP SCALE : NONE o SITE 05-YD APRON C VICINITY MAP 770 PERIMETER ROAD WEST , RENTON WA 98055 -J1 PROJECT 13726.01 DATE 08(19(2015 FIGURE 2 6 I I I I I I I I I ~ £ ~ I i 2 , I ~ ~ 8 < 0 I ! ~ ~ I i " ~ =.Iffift. M . j~~~(I).! I i < I ~ r -TOFA (E) • I 6 • ~ < • , 0 I ! J I ! , • " , " I ~ :> i I ~ !> 0 l~P~oqNo\P~:N 200 0 ~il I SCALE : 1: 1 00 r ~- ~T~ 8420 1541h Av8l'llJt NE Redmond, washington 98lS2 -425-869-2670 - TAXIWAY A 1 -r! ~ ~ --It ' ~ -+-->--- --- _ ~f'Il1l I I IJTTl rlrn I I l illi 1m 'I 11'1r.t1"~TI1ITr APRON C BASIN EXHIBIT 7 TOFA (E) TOFA (E) PROJECT 13726.03 DATE 09/18/2015 FIGURE 3 I • Soli Map-King County Area , Washington • I ;, (Figur.4 -Apron C) b ~ ~ ~ ~ I 4;-29'48"N I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4"'1!Il8"N I • • :: b ~ Map SmIe : 1: 1,490 1 p:Tm;I Q"t A portJal (8.5" x 11 ")!iheet. ~ -. ~ ~ N 0 20 40 Bl 120 I A -0 50 100 200 300 ..... _, __ am.-~, I'.(l;84 Edge tiCs , l11M Zane UJ< I'.(l;84 FIGURE 4: SOILS MAPPING I ~ Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 812012015 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey 8 Page 1 of3 - -- -- - -----Soil Map-King County Area, Washington (Figure 4 -Apron C) MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) 0 Area of Interest (AD!) Soils D Soil Map Unit Polygons ~ ~ Soil Map Unit Lines 13 Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features (!.I 181 • 0 ;X; . .. @ A. .e. ~ @ 0 V + · . · '. @ () ~ fI USlVt Natural Resources m Conservation Service Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quany Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodie Spot § Spoil Area /) Stony Spot (,i) Very Stony Spot 'll' Wet Spot t:> Other ,.4--~ Special Line Features Water Features ---Streams and Canals Transportation ...... Rails -Interstate Highways -US Routes R::' Major Roads ""'" Local Roads Background • Aerial Photography Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey - - - -- - MAP INFORMATION The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below . Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: King County Area, Washington Version 10, Sep 30, 2014 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1 :50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Aug 31, 2013-0ct 6, 2013 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. - 8/20/2015 Page 2 013 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soil Map-King County Area, Washington Map Unit Legend AgD Ur Totals for Area of Interest Natural Resources Conservation Service Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes Urban land Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3.9 7.1 11.0 Figure 4 -Apron C 35.6% 64.4% 100.0% 8/20/2015 Page 3 of 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.0 CONDITIONS & REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Existing Conditions Apron C is general aviation use and not currently occupied by Boeing. Ground cover is pavement, both asphalt and concrete. Landscaping is limited to the western perimeter adjacent to the West Perimeter Road. There are various buildings on the apron some of which will remain upon reconstruction to meet Boeing's needs. Water, sewer and power are underground. The apron is storm sewered with the existing system connecting the taxiway and infield draining through the apron. There is an underground vault providing treatment beneath C South. The existing system discharges to a box culvert (5 by 7-feet and 5 by 8-feet) in the West Perimeter Road. No modification to the runway, infield and taxiway is proposed and the existing storm drain system will be kept in service. A separate collection system and treatment facilities will be added for the reconstructed apron. Site soils are classified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam AgD, hydrologic group C and Urban land Ur. Figure 4 is a soil map from the USDA Web Soil Survey. Full Drainage Review The project has greater than 2,000 square feet of replaced impervious surface and a Full Drainage Review is required. All 8 Core Requirements and 6 Special Requirements apply. KCSWDM Core Requirements 1. Discharge at the Natural Location The currently collects stormwater runoff in an underground conveyance system that discharges into an existing box culvert under West Perimeter Road. The project will install a separate system for the apron upgrade and will continue to discharge into the Perimeter Road box culvert at essentially the same location. The actual discharge points will shift somewhat as the new system will parallel the existing for hydraulic capacity reasons. 2. Off-Site Analysis The project is exempt from an offsite analysis because the existing impervious surface will be replaced with new impervious surface and rate, volume duration and discharge location will not change. (City of Renton Section 1.2.2 Exemption from Core Requirement #2, item 3). 3. Flow Control The project is located within the Lake Washington direct discharge area. The project is approximately 2100 feet from Lake Washington therefore no flow control measures will be required. (City of Renton Section Direct Discharge Exemption from Core Requirement #3). 4. Conveyance Given the high value of the land use the conveyance system is designed to accommodate the lOO-year flow per the Rational Method and not surcharge the grate. This is in excess of the Renton 2S-year design storm with a 6 inch freeboard in the structure. 5. Erosion & Sediment Control Temporary erosion and sediment control will provided for the project. Ground disturbance will be relatively minimal and limited to pavement replacement. Dewatering will be a major concern on the project. TESC is covered under section 8 of this report. 6. Maintenance and Operations Ownership of the existing stormwater system (Boeing Renton) will not change and the current maintenance program will remain in place. 9 ---, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Financial Guarantees and Liability The project will comply with financial guarantees as required by the City of Renton. 8. Water Quality The project is an industrial land use, however, per City of Renton Section, exception 3, the water quality treatment may be reduced to the basic level due to a direct piped discharge to a lake larger than 300 acres. Basic treatment will be provided by Contech Stormfilters. Additionally, given the nature of the land use, oil-water separation will be provided. City of Renton Special Requirements 1. Other Adopted Area Specific Requirements The site is not located within an area having specific requirements above and beyond the core requirements. 2. Flood Hazard Delineation Flood Hazard areas are composed of the lOa-year floodplain, zero- rise flood fringe, zero-rise floodway and FEMA floodway. This project is not located in a Flood Hazard Area. The project is located within FEMA Zone X per FIRM map number s3033C0976 F revised May 16, 1995. Zone X is areas outside of the SaO-year floodplain. King County IMAP shows that the project is on the edge of the sOO-year floodplain. 3. Flood Protect Facilities Not applicable. 4. Source Control This project does warrant source controls. Fuel spill control and containment will be provided for those positions that might hold a fueled or previously fueled aircraft. Containment volume is 10,000 gallons (115% truck volume). Aviation hydraulic fluid (Skydrol) has a specific gravity of 1.00 and cannot be separated out by conventional means. Off-line containment is provided at each position in the amount of approximately 420 gallons, well in excess of the Skydrol cart volume. Skydrol carts will be stored under cover and in a containment sump. 5. Oil Control The project does constitute a high use situation. Coalescing plate oil water separators will be installed. 6. Aquifer Protection Area The project is not located in an Aquifer Protection Zone per City of Renton Aquifer Protection map printed on 11/12/2014. 10 _ .. ···l I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I· 1 1 1 1 3.0 OFF-SITE ANAL VSIS The site discharges to the municipal storm drain in the West Perimeter Road. The storm drain is a box culvert, 5-foot rise by 8-foot span, at the Apron C North discharge point. The culvert (Facility ID 111275) runs very close to a quarter mile north along the West Perimeter Road before discharging into Lake Washington (OUT-013G). No modification to the culvert or lake discharge is proposed. The project is exempt from Core Requirement #2 Offsite Analysis because the existing impervious surface will be replaced with new impervious surface. Volume, rate, duration and discharge location will not change. I 1 -------------' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.0 flOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS & DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology Apron C is exempt from flow control so no existing condition hydrology was performed. Figure 5 is Apron C South Existing Conditions; Figure 6 is Apron C North Existing Conditions. Both figures illustrate the existing stormwater system within the project area. Apron C South has slopes ranging from 0.5% to 5%. In areas where airplanes are located the slope ranges from 0.5% to 1%; the steeper slopes are along the west side adjacent to the Perimeter Road. Pavement is a mix of concrete and asphalt, portions of the asphalt pavement are in poor condition and not suitable for parking heavier aircraft. The existing collection system is comprised of a relatively new trench drain and catch basins. The existing system will be retained in service as it conveys flow from the infield across the apron. Grates may be replaced with solid lids for those areas that will be served by the proposed collection system. Apron C North has slopes between 0.5% and 4.2%. In areas where airplanes are located the slope ranges from 0.5% to 1.5%, with the steeper slopes again located along the west boundary. The existing system employs typical catch basins and drains the infield to the east of the apron. According to contacts at Boeing the existing systems are over capacity. The existing conveyances will be retained solely for flow from the infield, the apron will be served by a wholly new system which will serve to solve the capacity issue. 12 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology This project will involve new buildings, removing and replacing existing asphalt & concrete, new sidewalk along the West Perimeter Road and associated utilities. The mission is to provide 7 stalls to complete work on 737 MAX aircraft. KCRTS was utilized to determine the water quality flows; the Rational Method was utilized to determine peak flows for hydraulic capacity analysis. Two basins were established, C South and C North, to reflect the separate stormwater systems. Some explanation of the basin modeling is necessary with respect to the water quality treatment scheme. The apron pavement will be partially replaced with the intent of providing a cement concrete surface suitable for heavy aircraft. Not all pavement will need to be replaced. The project is obligated to provide water quality treatment for the redeveloped paved areas whereas the collection system is intended to capture all flow from the apron and segregate it from the existing airport system. As a result the two systems provide treatment to areas that encompass the entire Boeing production effort and are larger than the redeveloped area within the apron. Certain portions of the project that are being redeveloped will not receive water quality treatment, specifically the driveways and parking areas adjacent to the West Perimeter Road. Overall, the area collected and treated exceeds the redeveloped area. Four figures have been prepared to illustrate the situation, areas and peak flows are included on the figures. • Figure 7: Apron C South Basin Map • Figure 8: Apron C South Water Quality Map • Figure 9: Apron C North Basin Map • Figure 10: Apron C North Water Quality Map Basin Total WQ Treatment Redeveloped Area Bypassing Area Provided Area Requiring WQ Treatment WQ Treatment Acres Acres Acres Acres C South 2.84 2.84 2.18 0.47 C North 1.68 1.68 1.50 0.12 Note that the developed condition is 100% impervious for both basins. Basin modeling worksheets and printout are included in the Appendices to this report. Appendix A contains the KCRTS printout, water quality calculations, the flow split to the treatment train and sizing for the CPS and Storm Filters. Appendix B contains the hydraulic worksheets for the conveyance sizing. 4.3 Performance Standards Flow Control Not required, no performance standard. Conveyance The City of Renton standard is a 25-year design storm with a minimum of 6-inches of freeboard between the grate and water surfaces as defined by a backwater analysis. This project uses the 100-year storm as the design event with the intent of keeping all flow contained with the pipe system, the reasoning being that a high value industrial facility should not have to contend with a 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I surface flow component. The Rational Method was utilized and the resulting conveyance peak flows are conservative. Water Quality Basic treatment is required. Storm Filters are an acceptable means of accomplishing that goal. The water quality flow for the media filters was taken to be 35% of the is-minute increment 2- year peak flow per KCRTs per KCsWDM Site Specific Requirements While the project is not subject to enhanced treatment standard, the aviation and manufacturing aspects of the site point to additional water quality measures being employed. These measures include fuel spill diversion into containment, Skydrol hydraulic fuel covered storage containment and Skydrol spill diversion into containment, and oil-water separation for the entire production area. 4.4 Flow Control System The project site has a direct discharge exemption because it is located near Lake Washington. No flow control is proposed. 4.5 Water Quality Per section 4.2 above, the water quality basin areas encompass the entire production area on the apron and exceed the redevelopment area as defined by replaced impervious surface. There are several components to the water quality system. Fuel Spill Containment There is one position on Apron C South, C-l, that will park a previously fueled aircraft. The term previously fueled recognizes that the aircraft's tanks cannot be completely emptied and there is potentially up to 10% of the fuel load on the aircraft. Boeing has a long term lease on C South and there is potential in the future for stalls C-I through C-4 to be reconfigured to allow fully fueled aircraft to be parked and to run engines. In recognition of this potential a spill diversion valve vault is located on the storm drain main leaving stalls C-l through C-4. The vault will contain two solenoid pneumatically actuated ball valves, a 14-inch valve on the storm sewer main, and a 12-inch valve on the line to the dead end containment. The 14-inch main line valve is normally open, the 12- inch diversion valve normally closed. The containment volume is 10,000 gallons, or 115% of the fuel truck volume. Recognizing that mixing stormwater and spilled fuel is problematic because the containment volume cannot be sized for whatever storm event that might be occurring, the activation of the diversion will be manual via a panic button mounted on a panel at each stall capable of holding a fueled aircraft. In the event of a spill, the crew can activate the diversion and send the spill to the vault. The diversion valve control panel will be located adjacent to the valve vault at the electrical panel next to Building 5-438. There will be a fluid lev~1 sensor in the containment vault to track potential groundwater intrusion in to the vault. There are actually two vaults, both Utility Vault precast units holding 5,000 gallons each. The containment vaults will be ballasted with a concrete collar to prevent flotation from high groundwater. Skydrol Spill Containment The hydraulic fluid used in aircraft is non-flammable and has a specific gravity very close to one. The aircraft hydraulic systems are filled and pressurized in the assembly building and leaks are generally discovered and repaired prior to parking the aircraft on the apron. 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I There will be a Skydrol cart at each stall with a capacity of 80 gallons. The cart will be used to add fluid to the system, and in some cases pressurize the system for testing purposes. The carts will be stored beneath a cover with a depression holding a minimum of 115% of the cart capacity. In general the apron slopes from east to west, with stormwater being collected by a slot drain. Each stall will have a catch basin with an aircraft rated lift assisted grate. The catch basin is connected to the storm sewer main and to an adjacent dead end containment vault. There will be hand actuated shear gates in the catch basin, the storm drain connection being normally open, and the Skydrol containment normally closed. During Skydrol operations the storm drain line will be closed and the containment line open. The containment vault will be a Utility Vault precast box holding in excess of 400 gallons to the inlet invert, well in excess of the required volume. The containment vaults will be ballasted with a concrete collar to prevent flotation from high groundwater. Oil-Water Separation A flow split catch basin will divert the water quality flow to the treatment train and divert the higher flows around the system. The initial treatment device will be a Utility Vault coalescing plate separator. Separators were selected based upon flow rate and effective horizontal surface area. Apron C South will incorporate a CPS 816-2 unit and Apron C North will use a CPS 816-1 unit. The CPS vaults will be ballasted with a concrete collar to prevent flotation from high groundwater. Basic Treatment Basic treatment will be provided by Contech Storm Filters following the oil-water separators. As a side note wet vaults were sized and considered in the role of both basic treatment and also baffled oil-water separation. Use of a filter media BMP requires additional vertical fall through the system, however, the precast Storm Filter vaults are far smaller than cast-in-place wet vaults. Given the predictably high groundwater situation the smaller Storm Filters were deemed the more appropriate choice even though this necessitates a pumped system on C South. Apron C South will employ an 8 by 11-foot StormFilter vault with 19 of the deeper 27-inch cartridges. Apron C North will employ an 8 by 11-foot Storm Filter vault with 26 of the low head 18-inch cartridges. The Storm Filters were sized for both hydraulic and solids loading, calculations and the Contech confirmation are included in Appendix A. Media will be ZPG. Note that pre-treatment device is not deemed necessary for the Storm Filters for several reasons. The contributing basin is entirely paved, there is no exposed soil to generate the typical solids loading on the filter. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) is a major concern to Boeing and the apron is policed regularly to insure no detritus from the manufacturing process is ingested by a jet engine. Finally, the Storm Filters are preceded by the CPS units. A coalescing plate is as effective at removing solids as it is with lighter than water fluids. The CPS will function as a pre-treatment device. 15 I I I I I I I I TYPE 1 CB NO. 807 ~;§:.~ ~~ ~~.---::: -::-_ -~ I"-rl "" (CTR LID) . lYPE 1 CB ",;;:;-.--. __ ..:;;..-./ ./ .-::. ---__ X-~ p ...-F': STORM MH 96 AIRPORT PROPOOY/UNE _RIM 23.45' --= :.:(CTR LID) -I-"" -7 <;). -::---= ' ~/..;:;~~ ~1 'I' \ Nd. CTR LID _ --E 12" RCP (E) r _ -::.-_RIM 21 24' -___ _ ...-~'f:,,\, _ ).., -.... --/.~ CB- RIM 24.70' "~ -/ . -t -'-:':""~!21 36' _ -IE 12" RCP (W) 19.29' ... --~ _~~~ -4 ~~DMR' 96'" DIRT I TOP IIDu.. TOP VAULT 20.65' '=-'~ ,.:1:-' - - _ !----_ -gOnOM SUMP ;;---BOTTOM SUMP 18.01' ~ ~ ::~ 7IL i-'TOP 25.29 -IilI 1\ INV ~;;'nRm~~~~MVAULT :-\-__ --?~ -_ _ 1~~6~8 .... ~ ~Q§8 -, -"':I~ _;::~~~f ~ t..-.,r;..:;~6T?59999 l~ IIN0813 ~~0 lUJ Avnss. ~ .1 20.5 ,...-r ' 0.= ---::% ~;:> '--(j 7 NAVJl 8" "-YO ~ s _ "I;, 21.0 ~ -J-_ ---..!...-" ~ -":'7J:'::..,;:);'if$" _ / \ A~ /r;. '" I I TOP 21.59 I· ...<+' ==---\. -, . _ -,--i: jf _____ ~ ~ -]I. \ 0 ... I /' h NO. 810 j1T" lERT PIPE , _ -----':-,-_ -~ -..J _ .... ~ \ " '-I V y' h-CB I " /"AVD88 ~ ~ --= -S:-= --= -'12 '-C). ,', J / "'0 TOP 20.66 ud EV I I -" • GAll' u_ 7' __ ~ / \--~ -.--. r-;-;:-:'" 1, -_ r -, 0 '. ~i \ ows ---~/1;t.. r _,-INV N 19.04 -~~ . ~Ji <." ./, 610 ;... / _ B I ~ Vl "...-51 ' RIM WMH 22.46 ILl 9.86 I:\:::'::x 5P 07 I.? POd , ~ .... _ /0,7% \ ':":1;" :;C;, , PRO (f) ~ _, CY n RIM EMH 2252 q6 -~ CJ ~, I INV W 18 86 ~/' 55MH-11 / ~") \ 'V _ _ t "j' -"I, '/, ...-..J NOT FOUND 0 "./ ..-' 1 /" --'NV 2" 2052' '/,_ --L BOT 15.74 .r 1/~lIA117.94 o . ~V __ I1J ~" I -_ ...... /..' NO 805 ~. I-0 • ....c-I ;d.;:.:: ~NV OUT 2042 ~ ttl" _ ~ I NAVD88 . I J.94 / F M '" -.!Il 7 TYPE 1 CB .' I 0'. ~.",,;r _ ' =AA::INV IN 1997 M' , ,II /11 \ :n;" • .... "'2"~ (CTR LID) n "..u~I'f' ~ ~ T T L 19.92 M -7 "5!~ -:t="-=> "" ~/....l ....l--~~ fF::?i I ,J ." 0.0 VA'''''''''(;S t':... ""'t'.... RIM 2345' .... NO S06 _/" I OT 18.92 -".:'-_ -_ (jll '-~ ,\ -.....r:::BlDG 7M;;;t-~.£?C 760 IACUWlNGS L . . r4.. _ a 5-_ 8 '"': r I: .... P:-.......... / I i \. POWER _ EMH , '.... IE 12" RCP (W) CB-I -'IV' .... --NAVD8 --..I.C)+/~? 809 )..., \ '-'.J~ 'C", \ A" --- TRENCH DRAIN "s~E':" ~ 18.99' ?::====iTOP 22.16 (f) B-1 I \.. 1 I I I J r-, I ~ -BODOM SUMP J..::...;:.-!NV W 20.76 I I I I I I TOP 21.18 I . -<. ~, \ -~ = r .... ~ERATOR AN)).17 50' t. -~OT 20.36 TRAP W 19,68 .. \ r-,t.. -"'"-" \:; I I \ TYPE 1 CB .... I EClI)R PUMP .. NAVD88 WL 19.83 , I (CTR LID) . h<. M"AV088 & M '..... /. M M _ ,/ BOT 16,03 '. \}.... '..-1..' I ~ ~ _ _ ~ _ RIM p.s9· ., ......... 1 1 h. / I ~ ---'/ .... ~o~ 0 """";:;;;., 1/NAVD88 , o,..~ AHA. I---" E -,E 8 ADS (S) 20.96 \ c. I c. "', c. ® ~ F ""', F-l"'> ~ -n f ~" -::: ~ CONe NO. 81'1 -&<,0 .... BOTTOM SUMP 19.84' 0 '(;1. I.... -p~:--..... CB-I '? / I ..... N~VD88 ~ \ r~o .... -! .... "-NO. fffr _ TOP 22.18 / .... ----"'0 I I c). -....!;f I kn CB-I INV SW 'S I '\ '19 5. . i U TOP 20 19 21.58 -_ ~ . " \ I . " ..... -0 NV NE·19.39 [sOT 21.03 -..:::,. I ~ I \ ill --..... ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ oeo 0 INV S 19.24 NAVD88 , ~ ~ \ b \ ..... _ ..... J!l _ --..... BOT 18.37 ........-~ .... , 'I I -r-Pr -/ ..... ..... -NAVD88 .S{) 1 I ~ ~ ~ } !I I oS{) ~ ~G ~G -----X -----__ ~ STORM VAULT / -1 I ~ IE I /l; __ ~ -~ SUMP WITH PUMP I ) ~ m ~o ~li" __ ~ RIM 23.73' ~ to. m I I ; I IE 12:' CPP (E) (f) \j _ ~ 0 I __ ~ / N H.44 0 '-20 0 --.r-_ r _ _ _ __ j>: ~ -I-~OTTOM OF VAULT I I - . -'-Fii '-I---1 ~~ -.... -n --------..... , 1623' I ---.-~ °SG /" I ~. 0 '<1.0--NAVD88 I -- -~ ------~ 0 LA] .... " L --ti .... 0 !'lJ 0" ..... - _ ....... - - _ 2 oSG I o~ ~ .,. -W 1 I -L..... '--k 0.5 --_ ....-..-/ /. t... I r I~' . "~ ':. 0 -1'..... J g / g~ S~R~~TURE ---------..7 --------------- ~ " 1M 24.03' I T -~~ / I r--( ~/ OTE: UNABLE TO GET INVERT DUE __ "r ~ ~" ... " ~ ~ I ~ + II iii TO WATER STRUCTURE ~ I 11 " ....... , ~ ~ '!. ~ I ''''ATER LEVEL ELEV.=20.51· ----. = I I I \' - : _ . / :!or'? '\ ~ /" \ BOTTOM STRUCTURE/SUMP 15.50' __ ....-. I ~ _ L' -/ _ ~ . \ ljAVD88 ;m . ____ I I 1 B ASIN ® APRON C SOUTH OCT 13726.03 I DAlE 09/18/2015 AP ~ 9 N 5f S O UTH z "'00 WL " " . ." •. " EXISTING CONDITIONS " I FIGURE 5 ~ O 25 50 1 00 8420154IhA'~NE ' 50 25 I I R"'~"d. w..'hi"~oo98052 ~ ~ I 425~692670 I ~ SCALE: 1 :50 I I I I I I I I I ! ~ o I ~ ~ I ; I ; I I ~ I I I I I PK W/SHiNERU 103 \'1\ \ ~\ N184.31Q 1?.4 E12976; EL 37.54 \ !NY E 20.67 80T 19.77 NAl\:) \ CB-I TOP 24.06 INY W 18.1 INY EI ].:.1 ~~ I ~ 1Dl!8 ,IESP-...... , ---I >1':\\,1' \ .\ ~H'L' 1\\Iw.~\\ \ \ ,\\ \r-.... AP'~QN c~ NORTH BASIN 0 50 25 0 25 50 100 ~II ! SCALE: 1 :50 -P . ,I~ 0 --.--r-T. i 1 ~ 1 U/l~\ \ \ NO. 819 CB-I TOP 21.66 !NY W 19.31 WL 19.76 80T 17.46 NAVD88 , /-, ~CD ~~N -,0 ~ o ~~ "'-~ goiO! ~_N ~~~ CD o o \ \ \ NO. 823' CB-I TOP 22.09 !NY W 20.64 WL 20.19 80T 18.39 NAVD88 NO. 818 SIlIIH-48 'WBU-05" TOP 22.86 WL 19.56 >11. 18.26 NAVD88 8420 154thAvenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 822 CB-I TlP 22.48 .. W' W 21.!>B 80T 18.68 NAVD88 .) \ \ &\. \ \ (')~"'./ /-9 ~ I 'S \ \ \ \ \ \ 1;1 \ \ ",\ \:r~ ,,---~O o \ 0.1 "10 \ I \\ I I ~~\I 1 -:tfiu~ \ \ \ -~\ ~D.f---t -SD----\ - ! \ \ o. !lei. 824 \ ICB SIIIH-48 \ RIll RIll' ! E 21.72 ) W 21.72 /II' I I I \ \ I , f;1 0 \ \ \ \ \'\~ \ I !11 \ ~ \ '\\ I \ J 1.S~ 1\ \ i ~\ -, " ~ ~VD88 I \ \ 1 ') / APRON C -NORTH EXISTING CONDITIONS \ \ \ \ Ii" I I ;% / :J \'" \ --1 17 ,g '" ... '" FIGURE 6 -----:-~-.:----~-. ------::;.....--.....:-----::::::.:::::.------....-_;;~~~~£{%:l-~.-.::-:: .~--'-.;:-~~~;~ __ ~ " ' _ -_ --- - - - -CB 50 "." ..... ..... -------.,;--;::~.:::;::;!:rr ,,_ '---____ - -::: =. :-_ -_----------- - --:.::: =--::..=::-~6.J\~: -. ~ -..... - - - -----.:~..:: ~:::::-:--,, __ -=---=---_-_-_--------~-::..=:::-.:::::=-=--=---=,... _--~}! .. -:-",.$'k,%VALVEYOX-~_-,_EXISllNG BOX -::/ /' ~ _ _ - - - - - - - - - -.pi. ·9."' . - - - --- -. / :'::;::.:::? -::: ~ =-=-;;-.::: ~=< -::... ~":.,~--=-_---=-.: .:~ .. !:""'... CB-51 ~TH PUMPS .' _.: .:~.;--.;--~~ CULVERT (EXBC) --./" I- .--::.-=--=. -=--=--=--=--=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ----- - - --SF-2 STORM FiillR-VAULT-_=-":-.::?--·";::';-= =--// BOTTOM OF --/./t __ .::-_ _ __ .:=; _ _ ______ :::;;:-~~ _ -_~ _./" ./ CULVERT = ./ ______ ---___ ---_ __ p ___ ~..iCB-44-\ 12.37± ././ \ _ -o:_-_--==~-:I!!L======--~~' ~ ASING I " ----=-, _ -= ~ \"C..-::'" --=-" I _ ./ ---/1 \ <0 \ CB-33. -_, I- '·0 , . % 2-~arr~~ t ~;~tt::~~~~~ ,/ TRI4[R ~-'-~- BlDG 5-<4-27 -t ' . --" ..... , I~ I -r<f- 1 <\ ~I ",~ ~ -r-- I ~ " ~ ~ ~ 7 I SKYDROL CB-2 (4ig--, , .-1 / . C::' 19.5 : Y_ SI ~ " ~ ,) CB-37 BAS SKYDROL CB-3 (42~ GAL) o ~ " ~ ~ .. ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o· -- -r:-:- ~ TorA ~ ('J)e 4'0FA-{U): R F FA U) (U _ &AU(U) + i! r' L ! --------------- -- ---- ~ rOFA(q'i~ TOF4 (E) fOFA'irl"t-TOFf/'~ TOFA (E) TOFA (E) TOFA (E) / r~\ ~ );\ ,!~ t / / J! \ TOFA (E) n TOFA (E) ~ RASIN AREAS , BASIN I CATCH BASIN I AREA (AC) A C820 0,47 8 C821 0.34 C C825 0.30 D C835 0,49 E C827 0.73 F C832 0.27 G C833 0.24 RATIONAL METHOD FLOW (CFS) C8 I 025 (CFS) 0100(CFS) 20-21 1.2 1.3 24-25 1.7 2.0 28-29 4.0 4.8 33-29 1.1 1.3 29-51 5.0 5.9 29-0WS!SF 0.5 0.5 51-EXBC 5.0 5.9 FLOW (CFS) @ CB 51 (CONTAINS PUMP) STORM PEAK FLOW (CFS) ·WO DESIGN FLOW 0.5 2-YEAR 2.0 10-YEAR 4.0 25-YEAR 5.0 lOa-YEAR 5.9 'THE WATER QUALITY DESIGN FLOW WAS CALCULATED USING 15-MINUTE TIME INTERVALS IN KCRTS. IT WAS TAKEN TO BE 35% OF THE 2-YEAR FLOW RATE PER THE STORMFIL TER DESIGN CRI TERIA. ALL OTHER PEAK FLOW RATES WERE CALCULATED USING THE RATIONAL METHOD. P~n.I~r,T 13726.03 APRQN C SOUTH BASIN ® 50 25 0 25 50 100 I~D[JWL l,' .• , .. ·.·~,,~ APRON C SOUTH BASIN MAP 10ATE no 11A/?n11:\ ~ ~ I 1-=-=---======' 8420 154th Avenue NE ~ SCALE' 1 '50 R"'moo'. W,"'",,,oo 98052 18 ~ • • 42~69-2670 FIGURE 7 BYPASS WATER QUALITY -_ _ '-'-'~ 0.47 ACRES ~~:~~~~--:;~;=:;~~~~t0;-:~ § ~ ~ ~ · ,- ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ • ~ · ~ ~ ;rOoOLO ij \ \ 7 \- --------;;:::----- \..... -e: ---.-_-......, --=----~~ o /~/-~~~j t / /' /' I ~ \ .- \ r • I \ .. 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 -':'1-~ 1 + : 1. / n ~ ~~~~N o~ SOUTH BASIN ® 50 25 0 25 50 100 :1 ~ I I I ~ SCALE: 1 :50 u ,. I t. / l! \ / ~ 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, washington 98052 425-869-2670 ~ ~ ~ oC. __ - ____ --'1:.:: ------. ~ -/' , '\. -_...... / " ~ ~ -cJJ_--/ / ,,--./ LEGEND "' '--/ I ,. 1 _.-' ~ AREA REQUIRED FOR WATER .-/ -QUALITY I 1 -aSZ(R;i 433--_ 1 .---trl ,-TOFA ( APRON C SOUTH WATER QUALITY MAP ~ AREA WATER QUALITY IS PROVIDED FOR , 19 FIGURE8 I I I I I I I I I § : , I ~ T g , I ~ a a • I ~ 0 .. I ~ < 0 9 I " I I I I I I I '/ J I "..- IL ~ I! -.., /J1~ ~ \~ ."-c~ O~_~~~-_? ~//_ ;. ,II I II" / ,II/III I ,'I /( II" . __ ~ / II/II/I") ~~~"\\ / 0 Ii ( I .,'\' I~~\ \ II t. r --l-I~''-----'\ J/~~I J t"~I' ("I I / '- ;1 11,"\ '- '/ ........ I"-,.J/~'M~I I. , I ..... ,I I ...... r-'J/ I " 1 " "1"-I ........ '\. 'V / .... J..... I ..... ,1 ..... / "-I" "'" /~'''''' /I --I' I CORE ~I~ ....... " I ')f-;II II ....... . _ 1 "--, I "-..... ----. I -l'-.../ 5 \\:-*/lH5['-"j~ I ."""'" ,I WZWW .. I " I I ~ ~ .. 1~ \ \ _ L-, "-/ --\ , \ \ '1Irl ' I ,-/---I I I I 11\\ ,-I \ I \ \,,~ \ \ I \1'1 1 -\ I I I \l.~ I \4.~~ I \ ~\ I \ ~, I I \ I \ { I I 1/\) , \ \ I 1 1 ,'.1,}\ (' \ I \ \ 1 I '\ I I . , ) . ~~~qN ,f NORTH BASIN 0 50 25 0 25 50 100 ~II I SCALE: 1 :50 • ..... I I \ I_I I ,I \ \ I I I \ I \ \ \ I~ ) I ( \ I \ 1 I I 8420 154thAvenue NE Redmond, Washlllgtoo 96052 425-869-2670 \ 1 \ ..-'1 m ./ r 9 I \ i( ~ I I \ \t-\ t-\ \ \ \ ~ " \ \ \ I ~ \ W-I \ \ \"':; \; "\ ) \ U '\ I I I I , / \ ~ ( BASIN AREAS l BASIN CATCH AREA (AC) *Q100 I BASIN (CFS) I H CB3 1.20 3.5 i I CB5A 0.25 0.7 I J EX819 0.13 0.4 K CB59 0.10 0.3 L CB58 0.13 0.4 - - RATIONAL METHOD FLOW (CFS) CB 025 (CFS) 0100(CFS) 3-5 3.2 3.7 5-6 3.6 4.3 'OWS/SF 0.28 0.28 7 -EXBC 3.6 4.2 - 'THE WATER QUALITY DESIGN FLOW WAS CALCULATED USING 15-MINUTE TIME INTERVALS IN KCRTS. IT WAS TAKEN TO BE 35% OF THE 2-YEAR FLOW RATE PER THE STORMFIL TER DESIGN CRITERIA. ALL OTHER PEAK FLOW RATES WERE CALCULATED USING THE RATIONAL METHOD. APRON C NORTH BASIN MAP 20 FIGURE 9 I I I I I I I I ! 5 " J I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ < 0 ~ I ; J I J, ~ • < 0 " 9 I I I I I I BYPASS WATER QUALITY 0.12 ACRES I ,\ .-' ,- I / '-- \ \ -... 1 ~~I A: .. }~:~. BYPASS WATER QUALITY I \ \ ( \ I " ~~~9N cf NORTH BASIN 0 50 25 0 25 50 100 ~II I SCALE: 1 :50 IL ~ Q o \\..- 31 1'(; ~ -"'""0 / t-.' j/<:~~Jr'1 "'vQiX&~ ~ ~ _ L--....... -I \ \ I \ \ I \ \4'3~ I I I I I I I I \ I J I I 1 I , \ I_I I II I \ I \ I I I \ I I \ I """ .. : .. .0>. ) ( \ ........... I \ { e \ I ','.J,Ji'~ 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 96052 425-S69-2670 I I I I \ \ I \ \ / I I I I 'W ~ I I \~~ ~ \ I >-\ \ " Ii \ Q \ I ~ \; \ I~ :"\ / I 2:1 I \ ~ I I :'2- I / )/ \ \ ",I I'" 1=\ I / II ;/1 --..-\- ~\. I", \ \ --\ APRON C NORTH WATER QUALITY I~ f LEGEND 1 ~ AREA REQUIRED 1 FOR WATER _ QUALITY ,., _ ~ AREA WATER . QUALITY IS PROVIDED FOR ~~ IP ~ I~ 1~ t t Ii I 21 FIGURE 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN The existing collection and conveyance system will remain in place to collect the upstream runoff from the infield. Existing catch basins located in the apron will be replaced with solid lids to segregate the apron runoff from the infield flows. The existing collection system has not been analyzed however removing the apron from that system will effectively cut the contributing area in half. The proposed conveyance system has been sized using the Rational Method. The twenty-four hour precipitation depths shown in the table below are from King County Surface Water Design Manual Fig. 3.2.1.A-D. Figures 7 and 9 illustrate the storm sewer systems for Aprons C South and C North respectively, and contain the peak design flows for the 25-year and 100-year return periods. 24-Hour Precipitation Depths from KCSWDM Fig. 3.2.1 A-D Design Storm 24-Hour Precip. Depth (inches) 6-Month (72% of the 2-year) 1.44 2-Year 2.00 10-Year 2.90 25-Year 3.40 100-Year 3.90 Use of slot drains set in concrete is the preferred means of collecting runoff from the apron areas, as slot drains are well suited to pick up flow from large, flat sections of pavement, they can accommodate aircraft wheel loads and the depth from rim to invert is only 2-feet, making it relatively easy to place the collection system above other underground utilities and to minimize the vertical fall though the system. Storm drain will be fusion welded HOPE, OR 17, ductile iron pipe size, in order to minimize groundwater intrusion and to allow valving to be installed on gravity storm drain. An Excel spreadsheet was employed to calculate peak flows using the King County version of the Rational Method and to preliminarily size conveyances assuming uniform flow (Mannings). A second Excel spreadsheet was used to calculate the hydraulic grade line for both the 25 and 100-year events. The intent is to contain the 100-year flow below the grate level and the proposed system does that with a minor exception at the upper end of the C North slot drain, the 100-year flow exceeds the top of slot by l-inch. This is not deemed detrimental considering that a slot drain collects water over the length of the drain and not all at once at the upper end of the drain as calculated by the spreadsheet. A pumped system is proposed for Apron C South because gravity flow into the box culvert in the West Perimeter Road is not possible and a significant backwater is expected to flush the Storm Filter and CPS units. Use of a pump allows the more effective 27-inch cartridge in the smaller vault. A duplex submersible non-clog pump system is proposed, modeled after the pump system employed on Apron B in 2012. Pumps will be Wemco Hidrostol E8K-SS, 1135 RPM, 10 HP, 480 Volt units. This is the same brand employed on Apron B, Boeing is satisfied with the performance and prefers to stay with the same brand and vendor. The 100-year peak flow is 2,648 gpm. The specified design point for each pump is 1,324 gpm against a total dynamic head of 17-feet. The pump station will operate in the typical lead- lag-alternating pump arrangement, with controls set for lead pump on, lag pump on, high level alarm, pump shutoff and low level lockout and alarm. The pump control panel will be nearby the wet well against the west end of building 5-438. An alarm light will be mounted on top of the panel and pump station telemetry will be connected to the Boeing EMCS monitoring system so the station can be monitored along with other components of the facility stormwater system. 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Apron C North will not employ a pump system as the use of the low head Storm Filter allows access to the Perimeter Road box culvert in the center of the culvert rise and above low level flow in the box culvert. A flap valve or tide gate will be placed on the water quality discharge line to check backflow into the Storm Filter during larger storms. 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS & STUDIES • The project geotechnical report is being prepared Soil and Environmental Engineers, Inc. and is not available for inclusion in the TIR at this time. The report will be submitted for the Land Use Permit under separate cover. • The Renton Municipal Airport Master Plan is dated 1997 and is currently being revised. The proposed Apron C upgrades comply with the use designations in the current and future plan. 24 ------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.0 OTHER PERMITS This TIR has been prepared for the Land Use Permit application and SEPA review. We anticipate this report will be updated for the Utility Permit application. Building permits will be required for the new buildings. An NPDES will be required as the project area is over an acre. 25 --------------------------------~-------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.0 CWSPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ESC Plan Analysis and Design (Part Al Scope of Work The disturbed area of the project is 3.68 acres for Apron C South and Apron C North combined. The site is bordered by an airplane taxiway to the east, perimeter road to the west, Apron A to the south and an additional taxiway that is part or Renton Airport to the north. Earthwork for the project will be limited to excavation necessary for foundations, Stormfilters, oil water separators and additional utilities. The existing site is paved, the existing concrete and asphalt will remain in place as long as possible. Both portions of the project will use commercial filtration tanks during construction for stormwater runoff and dewatering .. Clearing Limits The clearing limits will be spray painted with white paint on the edge of the existing concrete panels to be removed. Cover Measures The existing asphalt and concrete will remain in place as long as possible. Any exposed disturbed soil areas that are to be left un-worked for more than 12 hours shall be covered by plastic covering. Perimeter Protection The perimeter will have a temporary safety fence. In the perimeter areas on the downhill side a triangular sediment filter dike is to be installed. This triangular sediment filter dike works similar to a silt fence but can easily be installed on existing pavement. The filter fabric traps the sediment so that it can be removed after reaching a depth of four inches. Traffic Area Stabilization Access to the site will be off of the West Perimeter Road. Currently this access is paved, and will be used as existing pavement as long as possible. Once the asphalt is removed, a construction entrance will be installed. If the construction entrance is not providing enough protection to the Perimeter Road then a wheel wash will be required. Sediment Retention Given the nature of the site and the high groundwater present, conventional sediment traps or ponds would be problematic. Commercial settling tanks and chitosan enhanced filtration units will be employed on both the north and south portions of the project. Runoff will be collected and pumped from sumps and dewatering flow will be pumped directly into the treatment system. 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Surface Water Collection The downstream collection system is in place. The construction area will discharge into the existing system after going through the filtration tanks. Dewatering Control The commercial tank and filtration system will also be used for dewatering the site. There is high ground water in the project locations so dewatering is anticipated throughout the duration of the underground utility or stormwater work. Hydrologic calculations to establish TESC flow rates have not been performed. Based on past history at this site the dewatering flow will be the governing flowrate in terms of treatment capacity. Treatment capacity will have to match the dewatering pump rate. Dust Control Generally speaking dust is not likely to be a problem. Grading on this project will be minimal and the amount of soil exposed at a time will be small. Water will be used for dust control if necessary. Flow Control Flow control will not be provided. The project is located in a direct discharge area. SWPPP Plan Design (Part BI The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is a stand-alone document that describes the Construction Best Management Practices (BMP's). The SWPPP will be prepared before construction begins. The 12 elements and BMPs recommended are identified below: Element 1-Mark Clearing limits: A temporary safety fence will be installed around the perimeter. The edge of the concrete panel removal area will be spray painted with white paint. The safety fence may be coincidental with the site security fencing. Element 2 -Establish Construction Access: The site is currently paved, the asphalt will remain in place as long as possible. Once the driveway asphalt is removed a construction entrance per the City of Renton standard detail 215.10 could be employed. Sequentially a construction entrance might not be necessary. Wheel washing, street sweeping and street cleaning shall be employed as necessary to prevent sediment from tracking onto the Perimeter Road. Element 3 -Control Flow Rates: This project is located in a direct discharge area for Lake Washington and no flow control will be provided. Element 4 -Install Sediment Controls: All stormwater runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through triangular filtration dikes, storm drain inlet protection or temporary sediment tanks. Element 5 -Stabilize Soils: Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with Plastic Coverings per City of Renton standard detail 213.30 or an equivalent protection. Element 6 -Protect Slopes: The existing slopes adjacent to the site will remain landscaped. 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Element 7 -Protect Drain Inlets: Catch basin filters will be installed per City of Renton standard detail 216.30 on all catch basins located within the construction area and immediately downstream of the project areas. Element 8 -Stabilize Channels and Outlets: The stormwater will be treated with commercial filtration tanks before being released into the existing box culvert in Perimeter Road. Element 9 -Control Pollutants: The following measures will be taken: • All vehicles, equipment and petroleum product storage/dispensing areas will be inspected regularly to detect any leaks or spills, and to identify maintenance. • Fueling will be conducted on hard pavement. • Spill prevention measures, such as drip pans, will be used when conducting maintenance and repair of vehicles or equipment. • In order to perform emergency repairs on site, temporary plastic will be placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. • Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. • Process water and slurry resulting from concrete work will be prevented from entering waters of the state by implementing Concrete Handling measures (BMP C151), pH neutralization will be utilized if necessary. The following BMP's from the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington will be used: BMP C151: Concrete Handling BMP C152: Saw cutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage and Containment BMP C154: Concrete Washout Area BMP C251: Construction Stormwater Filtration BMP C252: High pH Neutralization BMP C253: pH control for High pH Water S406 Streets/Highways/Applicable BMP's S407 Dust Control for Disturbed Land Areas and Unpaved Parking Lots S409 Fueling at Dedicated Stations S411 Landscaping and Lawn/Vegetation Management S417 Maintenance for Storm water Drainage and Treatment Systems S419 Mobile Fueling of Vehicles and Heavy Equipment S424 Roof/Building Drains at Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings S430 Urban Streets Element 10 -Control Dewatering: The water from foundations, vaults, and trenches will be pumped to the filtration tanks, treated and released into the downstream storm system. The dewatering flow is anticipated to be set the flowrate for the treatment system. Element 11 -Maintain BMPs: All temporary and permanent Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) BMPs shall be inspected, maintained and repaired as needed to ensure continued performance of their intended function. 28 r----------------------.------_.------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Element 12 -Manage the Project: During construction consideration shall be given to removing and replacing the pavement in stages. Site inspections and monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Special Conditions S4 of the CSWGP. The contractor will update the SWPPP as necessary and keep a copy on site at all times. 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.1 Bond Quantities The bond quantities worksheet has not been prepared for the initial Land Use Permit submittal. Bond quantities will be taken off the final construction drawing set. 9.2 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch Included in this section. 9.3 Declaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flow Control and Water Quality Facilities All stormwater facilities proposed herein will be privately owned and maintained. 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DDESPermit Number_--,::-__ --,::;---;-; (provide one StOlmwater Facility Sununary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location) Overview: Project Name ~A,-,-'P..c:f2.-",-{)-,-,t--J",------""C.~--,=C"-,I-,P-,P-"-"O,-"d,-"e,,,,,C-O-'-:l _____ ~Date SIq7T, 201 S Downstream Drainage Basins Major Basin Name Ct<:o'A,," (l.lv~/L/l'PtJ; \rJ.A61-\ 1tJ.c;,Tj),./ lnunediate Basin Name hif:ctT lfil<-e t.<.Jil-6H I"'GIO/'-\ -?e:A TIe ,,;;,PWTt--j Flow Control: Flow Control Facility NamelNumber _-,-N~/,-,A,-,-_________ _ Facility Location ~-------------------------------------------------------- If none, Flow control provided in regional/shared facility (give location), __ -:-_-:--:-_"7" ___ --= __ -:- No flow control required V-Exemption number PII2 12 Cf Ol?CHt>.~'" t:.XG:-H!?T{O~ General Facility Information: TypelNumber of detention facilities: TypelNumbcr of infiltration facilities: ____ ponds ponds _____ vaults tanks _____ tanks _____ trenches Control Structure Location Type of Control Structure _____________ Number of Orifices/Restrictions Size of OrificelRestriction: No. I ___________ _ No.2 ______ _ No.3 _____ _ No.4 ______ _ Flow Control Performance Standard _____________ __ 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 119/2009 31 .1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL 1 Live Storage Volume ___ ~ ___ Depth ______ Volume Factor of Safety 1 Number of Acres Served _______ _ 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I- I 1 1 I I Number of Lots ________ _ Dam Safety Regulations (Washington State Department of Ecology) Reservoir Volume above natural grade ______ _ Depth of Reservoir above natural grade _____ _ Facility Summary Sheet Sketch All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch. (11 "xI7" reduced size plan sheets may be used) Ai'Tp.CH6"] 12009 Surface Water Design Manual 32 I19/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL Water Quality: Type/Number of water quality faciIitieslBMPs: ___ biofiltration swale (regular/wet! or continuous inflow) large) ___ combined detentionlwetpond large) ___ sand filter (basic or large) ___ sand filter, linear (basic or ___ sand filter vault (basic or (wetpond portion basic or large) ___ combined detentionlwetvault ___ filter strip sand bed depthe-__ (inches) ___ stOlmwater wetland . Z. storm filter ___ flow dispersion wetpond (basic or large) ___ farm management plan wetvauIt _-:-_landscape management plan Is facility Lined? '2. oil/water separator If so, what marker is used above (baffle 01 coalescing plate) Liner? OLDCA51L0 CP-S fi!:>l/.,.-'; i)lh-'Z ___ catch basin inserts: ~anufacrurer ____________________ __ ___ pre-settling pond ___ pre-settling structure: ~anufacrur~ ____________________________ __ 2. high flow bypass structure (e.g., flow-splitter catch basin) source controls ---- Design Information Water Quality design flow C 401J'l11 D,41 uf.? =' t! NI7(2TH 0, 2 f:> c-P& Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter) _______ __ Water Quality storage volume (wetpool) ___________ _ Facility Summary Sheet Sketch 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 33 11912009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch. (11 "xI7" reduced size plan sheets may be used) I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 34 1I912009 I I I I I I I I I ~ " e I ~ r ,; ~ I ., ~ " , Ii • I 2 ! ~ 5 , CONNECT INTO .. , EXISTING 'BOX 'CULVERT \ \ \ HIGH FLOW BYPASS -I ~~~C~~L~"':"";: ?:.-:--.. ~--=---6;;-i~ __ N_O_R_T_H _B_A_S_I N--0 60 30 0 30 60 120 ~I 1----,1 SCALE: 1:60 I · I i'f~~~D-D--W-L------r-------~AP:R~O~N~c~------~~ff:~~~ :. ""'{[ NORTH AREA STORMWATER EXHIBIT t------.., I ~ 6420 154thAvenueNE FIGURE 2 ~·-·L ___ R_'d_moo_d.w_"~h;O~9too~~~ _____________ ~ __________ __ -:. 425-869-2670 I I I I I I I I I I • " " , ., g I , 0 5 N ~ < 0 I I I I I I I ..-- /- _~ I . 'VALVE VAULT CONNECT INTO EXISTING ,.. BOX CULVERT ~~~~~~~~~~ DIVERSION STRUCTURE ~" FOR SKYDROL ~~~~~~~?~~~5f~,_S~O~U~T_H __ B_A_SI_N ___ ~ 50 30 0 30 50 120 ~il I SCALE: 1 :50 ~DClWL APRON C SOUTH AREA STORMWATER EXHIBIT 1-------1 •..... !.! "3" , ~ FIGURE 3 I 8420 154th Avenue NE ~u·L ____ ~_R~_m_'od_.W~"h~ingt~oo~_2L-__________________________ ~ __________ ~ --425-869-2670 ~------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10.0 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL The Operations and Maintenance Manual is located separately in Appendix D. The manual document is meant to be a standalone document and will be incorporated into the larger Boeing operational program. 37 .----------------------------- I I I I I I I Appendix A I Water Quality Calculations I I I I I I I I I I I ,--------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KCRTS INPUT KCRTS Program ... File Directory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ [el CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000000 2.84 0.00 0.000000 eSouth.tsf T 1.000DO F [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module {P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies escuth.tsf eSouth.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [C) CREATE a ST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. 68 CNorth.tsf T 1. 00000 F new Time Series 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [PJ Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies cNorth.tsf CNorth. pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [el CREATE a ST 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. 00 testlSmin.tsf T 1.00000 F new Time Series 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [Tl Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies testlSmin.tsf testlSmin.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest Outwash Pasture Outwash Grass Wetland Impervious Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest Outwash Pasture Outwash Grass Wetland Impervious Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest Outwash Pasture Outwash Grass Wetland Impervious I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOUTH BASIN Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:csouth.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 1. 35 6 8/27/01 18,00 0.944 8 9/17/02 17: 45 2.56 2 12/08/02 17: 15 1.09 7 8/23/04 14,30 1.43 5 10/28/04 16:00 1. 51 4 10/27/05 10:45 1. 84 3 10/25/06 22:45 3.35 1 1/09/08 6,30 Computed Peaks NORTH BASIN Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:cnorth.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CrS) 0.800 6 8/27/01 18:00 0.558 8 9/17/02 17: 45 1. 52 2 12/08/02 17: 15 0.644 7 8/23/04 14:30 0.848 5 10/28/04 16,00 0.894 4 10/27/05 10: 45 1.09 3 10/25/06 22:45 1. 98 1 1/09/08 6,30 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - -Peaks Rank Return Frob (CrS) Period 3.35 1 100.00 2.56 2 25.00 1.84 3 10.00 1.51 4 5.00 1.43 5 3.00 1.35 6 2.00 1.09 7 1.30 0.944 8 1.10 3.08 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 1. 98 1 100.00 0.990 1. 52 2 25.00 0.960 1. 09 3 10.00 0.900 0.894 4 5.00 0.800 0.848 5 3.00 0.667 0.800 6 2.00 0.500 0.644 7 1. 30 0.231 0.558 8 1.10 0.091 1. 83 50.00 0.980 I '~DCJWL. 737 MAX Flightline Improvements Project #: 13726.01 Date: September 8, 2015 I South Basin Water Quality Areas CB SQ. FT ACRES I CB20 20370 0.47 CB21 14839 0.34 CB25 13207 0.30 I CB35 21162 0.49 CB27 31808 0.73 CB32 11942 0.27 I CB33 10509 0.24 Total 123837 2.84 Providing Water Quality Area To Be I Treated Including 96305 2.21 Bldgs: Roof Areas from I Parking Lot (not 4457 0.10 Required to be treated) I Area Required to Treat (excluding 94986 2.18 bldgs, including I sidewalk) Area Actually 123837 2.84 I Treating: Parking Lot& Sidewalk Area: (To 20284 0.47 I Be Bypassed) Additional Area to 8567 0.20 (Extra area due to grading that we are providing water Be Treated: quality for) I North Basin Water Quality Areas I cEi SQ. FT ACRES CB3 52244 1.19936 CB5A 10805 0.24805 I EX 819 5591 0.12835 (TO BE BYPASSED) CB59 4408 0.10119 CB58 5676 0.1303 I Area To Be 73188 1.68 Treated: Roof Areas from I Parking Lot (not 0 0.00 Required to be treated) I Area Required to 65494 1.50 Treat Area Actually Treating: 73188 1.68 I Additional Area to 7694 0.18 (Extra area due to grading that we are providing water Be Treated: quality for) I By:TLB Q:124113726-01150DesignlApron CIStorm DrainagelKCDRAIN Apron C.xLS 1 of 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~[)CWL 737 MAX Flightline Improvements Apron C -Flow Splitter (CB-5) To Calculate the diameter of the orifice Q= d= h= 0.252 water quality flow (cfs) 5.29 orifice diameter (inches) 0.11 hydraulic head (ft) Apron C -Flow Splitter (CB-51) To Calculate the diameter of the orifice Q= d= h= 0.473 water quality flow (cfs) 4.49 orifice diameter (inches) 0.75 hydraulic head (ft) ------- Project #: 13726.01 Date: September 11, 2015 By:TLB Q:\24\13726-01 \50Design\Apron C\Storm Drainage\Apron C Flow Splitter.xlsx 1 of 1 .--------~------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ""'0 OWL 737 MAX Flightline Improvements Apron C -North -Coalescing Plate Separators Coalasing Plate Separators Qwq(cfs) = Q(gpm)= 0,28 cfs (Water Quality flow rate is 35% of the 2-year flow) 126 IAh= O.003~~,:s~1 from King County Surface Water Design Manual 2009, eqn 6-29 5w= 50= V= Ah = 1 Specific gravity of water 0.85 specific gravity of oil 0.015674 absolute viscosity of water at 39 degrees Farenheit 454.7896 required effective horizontal surface area of plate media (sf) Old Castle Precast 816-1-CPS will be used. The manufacturer's values were checked against the dsign values Aa = 1184.00 (sf) actual projected coalescing plate area (per Oldcastle Precast) Check Aa>=Ah OWS is acceptable Qdesign (gpm)= Check Qdesign>=Q OWS is acceptable 280.00 per Oldcastle Precast Apron C -South -Coalescing Plate Separators Coalasing Plate Separators Qwq(cfs) = 0.47 cfs (Water Quality flow rate is 35% of the 2-year flow) Q(gpm)= 212 5w= 50= V= Ah = IAh= o.003~~,:s~1 1 Specific gravity of water 0.85 specific gravity of oil from King County Surface Water Design Manual 2009, eqn 6·29 0.015674 absolute viscosity of water at 39 degrees Farenheit 767.4575 required effective horizontal surface area of plate media (sf) Old Castle Precast 816·2·CPS will be used. The manufacturer's values were checked against the dsign values Aa = 2368.00 (sf) actual projected coalescing plate area (per Oldcastle Precast) Check Aa>=Ah OWS is acceptable Qdesign (gpm)= Check Qdesign>=Q OWS is acceptable By:TLB 585.00 per Oldeastle Precast Q:\24\13726-01\50Design\Apron C\Storm Drainage\Water Quality Sizing Apron C.xlsx Project #: 13726.01 Date: September 4, 2015 1 of 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C~~~NTECH· ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS Size and Cost Estimate Prepared by Stephanie Jacobsen on September 18,2015 Boeing at Renton Field-Stormwater Treatment System Renton, WA Information provided: • Structure 10 = • Water Quality Flow, WQF = • Peak Flow, Q100 = • Presiding agency = City of Renton Assumptions: • Media = ZPG cartridges North Basin 0.28 <1.8cfs • Drop required from inlet to outlet = 1.8' and 3.0S' minimum Size and cost estimates: /. -South Basin-l I 0.473 I " ___ <1.c8c~ .. The Storm Filter is a flow-based system, and is therefore sized by calculating the peak water quality flow rate associated with the design storm. The water quality flow rate was calculated by the consulting engineer using WWHM and was provided to Contech Engineered Solutions LLC for the purposes of developing this estimate. The Storm Filters for this site are sized based on the water quality flow rates listed below. To accommodate these flow rates, Contech Engineered Solutions LLC recommends using the systems in the below table. The final system cost will depend on the actual depth of the units and whether extras like doors rather than castings are specified. The contractor is responsible for setting the Storm Filters and all external plumbing. Structure 10 Water Approx. No. of Cartridge Quality Flow Depth Cartridges Size North Basin II 0.2S2cfs II South Basin 0.473cfs ©2012 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC www.ContechES.com 6' 6' II 26 II Low Dr0t:> II 19 27" 11835 NE Glenn Widing Dr., Portland OR 97220 TolI·free: 800.548.4667 Fax: 800.561.1271 System Size 8' x 11' vault II 8' x 11' vault Estimated Cost $46,200 $S4,SOO Page 1 of 1 TS·P037 I ~OClWL 737 MAX Flightline Improvements I Apron C -North -Stormfilters I I I I I I I R R Area 2-yr Flow: WQFlow: WQFlow: 0.47 (Inches)Rainfall from figure 6.4.1.A 0.039 feet rainfall 73,188 sq. It (impervious to be treated) 1.68 acres (impervious to be treated) 0.800 cfs (from KRCTS Cnorth.pks) 0.280 cfs (Water Quality flow rate is 35% of the 2-year flow) 126 gpm Low Flow Cartridges 5 gpm/cartridge # of Cartridges: 25 26 PER CONTECH Assumption: Oil Water Separator can count as pre-treatment Apron C -South -Stormfilters R R Area 2-yr Flow: WQFlow: WQFlow: 0.47 (lnches}Rainfall from fjgure 6.4.1.A 0.039 feet rainfall 123,837 sq. It (impervious to be treated) 2.84 acres (impervious to be treated) 1.350 cfs (from KRCTS Cnorth.pks) 0.473 cfs (Water Quality flow rate is 35% of the 2-year flow) 212 gpm I Since We are going to be using a pump all three stormfilter sizes are being considered: I Low Flow 18" 27" (5gpm) (7.5 gpm) (11.25 gpm) # of Cartridges: 42 28.27 18.85 I Assumption: Oil Water Separator can count as pre-treatment I I I I I I I By: TlB Q:\24\13726-01\50Design\Apron C\Storm Drainage\Water Quality Sizing Apron C.xlsx Project #: 13726.01 Date: September 4, 2015 1 - Location CB2l CB23 CB34 CB24 GB25 C83S CB26 GB2S OSV GB29 CBS1 CB22 CB24 GB2S CB32 CB33 GB29 CB33 CB3 CBS CBa CB7 EX CSS9 CBSO CBSS CB3 CBS7 CSBO CBS - Inc. 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.73 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.25 NOB2a 0.13 R2 R3 EX R4 0.05 0.01 0.03 0.03 - Runoff 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 -- - -- PIPE SIZING TABLE (Runoff by Rational Method) (Pipe Capacity by Manning's Eqn.) (last update: 7120190) - Stonn: 2 YEAR, 24 HOUR TOTAL RAINFALL IN INCHES: 2 COEFFICIENTS FOR "j" EQUATION; ,= 1.58 b= 0.58 Time of Rain - -- Pipe % Veloc Flow Sum Concen. Inlens Runoff o Diam Slope Length Capac Capac Full Time 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.66 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.22 0.12 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.42 0,42 0.42 0.42 0.73 0.73 1.16 1.16 1.82 1.82 2.29 0.31 0.31 0.66 0.25 0.25 0.46 0.22 1.08 1.29 1.51 1.51 1.51 0.09 0.09 0.21 0.21 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.12 0.04 0.05 0.14 0.03 6.30 7.69 8.09 8.33 8.40 8.64 8.71 8.82 8.83 8.91 9.03 6.30 7.13 6.30 6.30 7.41 7.57 6.30 6.30 7.33 7.68 7.72 7.75 6.30 7.47 7.93 8.05 6.30 6.74 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.39 8.56 6.30 1.09 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.88 1.09 1.01 1.09 1.09 0.99 0.98 1.09 1.09 1.00 0.97 0.97 0.96 1.09 0.98 0.95 0.94 1.09 1.04 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.06 1.09 0.46 0.024 0.41 0.009 0.40 0.009 0.39 0.009 0.67 0.009 0.66 0.009 1.05 0.009 1.04 0.009 1.63 0.009 1.62 0.009 2.02 0.009 0.33 0.024 0.31 0.009 0.71 0.024 0.27 0.024 0.24 0.009 0.45 0.009 0.24 0.024 1.17 0.024 1.28 0.009 1.46 0.009 1.46 0.009 1.46 0.009 0.10 0.024 0.09 0.009 0.20 0.009 0.20 0.009 0.13 0.009 0.12 0.009 0.24 0.009 0.13 0.013 0.05 0.009 0.06 0.009 0.14 0.009 0.03 0.009 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 15 12 15 15 12 12 15 15 14 14 14 14 15 12 12 12 15 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 0.16 95 0.00 5 0.89 89 0.55 21 0.45 62 0.45 20 0.45 28 1.50 5 1.96 50 0.50 36 0.90 43 0.56 106 0.00 5 0.16 115 0.03 33 0.50 43 0.50 95 4.10 25 0.35 104 0.35 91 1.00 16 6.43 35 0.35 69 0.39 125 0.35 107 0.35 29 0.38 65 0.39 125 0.35 107 0.35 57 4.08 26.0 2.00 40 2.00 70 2.00 36 2.00 61 1.40 0.16 4.86 3.82 3.45 3.45 3.45 6.30 10.87 5.49 7.36 2.62 0.16 1.40 0.61 3.64 3.64 7.09 2.07 4.59 7.76 19.69 4.59 2.19 3.04 3.04 3.17 5.83 3.04 3.04 7.20 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 33 250 8 10 19 19 30 17 15 29 27 13 191 51 44 7 12 3 57 28 19 7 32 5 3 7 a 2 4 8 2 2 2 a 1.14 0.21 6.18 4.86 4.40 4.40 4.40 8.03 10.17 5.13 6.89 2.13 0.21 1.14 0.49 4.63 4.63 5.77 1.69 4.30 7.26 18.41 4.30 1.78 3.88 3.88 4.04 4.75 3.88 3.88 9.16 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 1.39 0.40 0.24 0.07 0.24 0.08 0.11 0.01 0.08 0.12 0.10 0.83 0.40 1.68 1.11 0.15 0.34 0.07 1.03 0.35 0.04 0.03 0.27 1.17 0.46 0.12 0.27 0.44 0.46 0.25 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.08 0.14 - - DOWLHKM 8320 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 (206) 869-2670 (206) 869-2679 (fax) Remarks - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - ---- - PROJ: PIPE SIZING TABLE DOVVL. HKM wo: (Runoff by Rational Method) 8320 154th Avenue NE FILE: (Pipe Capacity by Manning's Eqn.) Redmond, WA 98052 DATE: (Last update: 7120/90) (206) 869-2670 (206) 869-2679 (fax) Storm: 10 YEAR, 24 HOUR TOTAL RAINFALL IN INCHES: 2." COEFFICIENTS FOR"i" EQUATION: a= 2.44 b= 0.64 location Time of Rain Pipe % Veloc Flow Inc. Runoff Som Concen. ]ntens ~~noff n Diam Slope Length Capac Capac Full Time Remarks F",m To Nea Coef. A·C A·C (min.) (inhlr) ct,) Value (in.) (%) (ft) (ds) Used (ftlsec) (min) ca2a CB21 0.47 0.90 0.42 0.42 6.30 2.18 0.92 0.024 15 0.160 95 1.40 66 1.14 1.39 CB21 GB23 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.42 7.69 1.92 0.81 0.009 12 0.001 5 0.16 4"6 0.21 0.40 GB23 CB34 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.42 8.09 1.86 0.78 0.009 12 0,890 8" 4.86 16 6.18 0.24 CB34 CB24 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.42 8.33 1.82 0.77 0.009 12 0.550 21 3.82 20 4.86 0.07 CB24 GB2S 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.73 8.40 1.81 1.32 0.009 12 0.450 62 3.45 38 4.40 0.24 NC from CB21 -CB24 CB25 CB3S 0.30 0.90 0.00 0.73 8.64 1.78 1.30 0.009 12 0.450 20 .3.45 38 4.40 0.08 CB3S CB26 0.49 0.90 0.44 1.16 8.71 1.77 2.06 0.009 12 0.450 2B 3.45 60 4.40 0.11 CB26 CB28 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.16 8.82 1.76 2.05 0.009 12 1.500 5 6.30 32 8.03 0.01 CB28 OSV 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.82 8.83 1.76 3.20 0.009 14 1.960 50 10.87 2" 10.17 0.08 A·C from CB27-CB28 OSV CB29 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.82 8.91 1.75 3.18 0.009 14 0.500 36 5.49 58 5.13 0.12 CB29 CBS1 0.00 0.90 0.00 2.29 9.03 1.73 3.96 0.009 14 0.900 43 7.36 54 6.89 0.10 NC from S -CB29 CBS1-PUMP CB21 CB22 0.34 0." 0.31 0.31 6.30 2.18 0.67 0.024 15 0.560 106 2.62 26 2.13 0.83 CB22 CB24 0.00 0." 0.00 0.31 7.13 2.01 0.62 0.009 12 0.001 5 0.16 37" 0.21 0.40 CB27 CB28 0.73 0." 0.66 0.66 6.30 2.18 1.43 0.024 15 0.160 115 1.40 102 1.14 1.68 S CB32 0.27 0." 0.25 0.25 6.30 2.18 0.54 0.024 15 0.030 33 0.61 8" 0.49 1.11 CB32 CB33 0.00 0." 0.00 0.25 7.41 1.96 0.48 0.009 12 0.500 43 3.64 13 4.63 0.15 CB33 CB29 0.00 0." 0.00 0.46 7.57 1.94 0.90 0.009 12 0.500 "5 3.64 25 4.63 0.34 A'C FROM 82 -CB33 S2 CB33 0.24 0." 0.22 0.22 6.30 2.18 0.47 0.024 15 4.100 25 7.09 7 5.77 0.07 S3 CB3 1.20 0." 1.08 1.08 6.30 2.18 2.35 0.024 15 0.350 104 2.07 114 1.69 1.03 CB3 CB5 0.00 0." 0.00 2.40 7.33 1.98 4.75 0.009 14 0.350 "' 4.59 103 4.30 0.35 A·C FROM S4-CB3 CB5 CB6 0.00 0." 0.00 2.63 7.68 1.92 5.04 0.009 14 1.000 16 7.76 65 7.26 0.04 A"C FROM CBSA -CBS CB6 CB7 0.00 0." 0.00 2.63 7.72 1.91 5.02 0.009 14 6.430 35 19.69 26 18.41 0.03 CB7 EX 0.00 0." 0.00 2.63 7.75 1.91 5.01 0.009 14 0.350 6" 4.59 10" 4.30 0.27 54 CBS9 0.10 2." 0.29 0.29 6.30 2.18 0.64 0.024 15 0.390 125 2.19 2" 1.78 1.17 CB59 CB60 0.00 3." 0.00 0.29 7.47 1.95 0.57 0.009 12 0.350 107 3.04 '" 3.88 0.46 CB60 CB56 0.00 4." 0.00 1.32 7.93 1.88 2.49 0.009 12 0.350 2" 3.04 B2 3.88 0.12 A'C FROM CB58-CB60 CB56 CB3 0.00 5." 0.00 1.32 8.05 1.86 2.46 0.009 12 0.380 65 3.17 78 4.04 0.27 CB58 CBS7 0.13 7." 1.03 1.03 6.30 2.18 2.24 0.009 15 0.390 125 5.83 38 4.75 0.44 CB57 CB60 0.00 8." 0.00 1.03 6.74 2.09 2.15 0.009 12 0.350 107 3.04 71 3.88 0.46 CB5A CB5 0.25 0." 0.22 0.22 6.30 2.18 0.49 0.009 12 0.350 57 3.04 16 3.88 0.25 N0819 N0820 0.13 0." 0.12 0.12 6.30 2.18 0.25 0.013 12 4.080 26 7.20 3 9.16 0.05 Rl R2 0.05 2." 0.14 0.14 6.30 2.18 0.31 0.009 8 2.000 40 2.47 13 7.07 0.09 R2 R3 0.Q1 3." 0.03 0.17 6.39 2.16 0.38 0.009 8 2.000 70 2.47 15 7.07 0.16 R3 EX 0.03 4." 0.14 0.32 6.56 2.12 0.67 0.009 8 2.000 38 2.47 27 7.07 0.08 R5 R4 0.03 6." 0.23 0.23 6.30 2.18 0.50 0.009 8 2.000 61 2.47 20 7.07 0.14 R4 EX 0.03 7." 0.25 0.48 6.44 2.15 1.04 0.009 8 2.000 14 2.47 42 7.07 0.03 - - - -- - ---- - --- - - - -- PROJ: PIPE SIZING TABLE DOWLHKM we, (Runoff by Rational Method) 8320 154th Avenue NE FILE: (Pipe Capacity by Manning's Eqn.) Redmond, WA 98052 DATE: (Last update: 7120190) (206) 869-2670 (206) 869-2679 (fax) Storm: 25 YEAR, 24 HOUR TOTAL RAINFALL IN INCHES: 3.4 COEFFICIENTS FOR "i M EQUATION: a= 2.66 b= 0.65 location Tlrne of Rain Pipe % Veroe Flow Inc. Runoff Sum Concen. Intens Runoff n Diam Slope Length Capac Capac Fun Time Remarks From To Area Coef. NC NC (min.) (inlhr) (cfs) Value (in.) (%) (fl) (d,) Used (ftlsec) (min) CB2D CB2l 0.47 0.90 0.42 0.42 6.30 2.73 1.15 0.024 15 0.160 95 1.40 82 1.14 1.39 CB21 GB23 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.42 7.69 2.40 1.01 0.009 12 0.001 5 0.16 621 0.21 0.40 GB23 CB34 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.42 8.09 2.32 0.98 0.009 12 0.890 89 4.86 20 6.18 0.24 CB34 CB24 0.00 0.90 0,00 0.42 B.33 2.28 0.96 0.009 12 0.550 21 3,82 25 4.86 0.07 CB24 CB25 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.73 8.40 2.27 1.65 0.009 12 0.450 62 3.45 48 4.40 0.24 NC from CB21 -CB24 CB25 CB35 0.30 0.90 0.00 0.73 8.64 2.23 1.62 0.009 12 0.450 20 3.45 47 4.40 0.08 CB35 CB26 0.49 0.90 0.44 1.16 8.71 2.21 2.58 0.009 12 0.450 28 3.45 75 4.40 0.11 CB26 CB28 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.16 8.82 2.20 2.56 0.009 12 1.500 5 6.30 41 8.03 0.01 CB28 OSV 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.82 8.83 2.20 4.00 0.009 14 1.960 50 10.87 37 10.17 0.08 A*C from CB27-CB28 OSV CB29 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.82 8.91 2.18 3.98 0.009 14 0.500 36 5.49 72 5.13 0.12 CB29 CB51 0.00 0.90 0.00 2.29 9.03 2.16 4.95 0.009 14 0.900 43 7.36 67 6.89 0.10 A*C from S -CB29 CB51-PUMP CB21 CB22 0.34 0.9 0.31 0.31 6.30 2.73 0.84 0.024 15 0.560 106 2.62 32 2.13 0.83 CB22 CB24 0.00 O.g 0.00 0.31 7,13 2.52 0.77 0.009 12 0.001 5 0.16 475 0.21 0.40 CB27 CB28 0.73 O.g 0.66 0.66 6.30 2.73 1.80 0.024 15 0.160 115 1.40 128 1.14 1.68 S CB32 0.27 0.9 0.25 0.25 6.30 2.73 0.67 0.024 15 0.030 33 0.61 111 0.49 1.11 CB32 CB33 0.00 O.g 0.00 0.25 7.41 2.46 0.61 0.009 12 0.500 43 3.64 17 4.63 0.15 CB33 CB29 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.46 7.57 2.43 1.13 0.009 12 0.500 95 3.64 31 4.63 0.34 NC FROM S2 -CB33 S2 CB33 0.24 0.9 0.22 0.22 6.30 2.73 0.59 0.024 15 4.100 25 7.09 8 5.77 0.07 $3 CB3 1.20 0.9 1.08 1.08 6.30 2.73 2.95 0.024 15 0.350 104 2.07 143 1.69 1.03 CB3 CB5 0 0.9 0.00 1.29 7.33 2.48 3.19 0.009 14 0.350 91 4.59 69 4.30 0.35 A *C FROM S4-CB3 CB5 CB6 0 o.g 0.00 1.51 7.68 2.40 3.63 0.009 14 1.000 16 7.76 47 7.26 0.04 A*C FROM CB5A -CB5 CB6 CB7 0 O.g 0.00 1.51 7.72 2.40 3.62 0.009 14 6.430 35 19.69 18 18.41 0.03 CB7 EX 0 0.9 0.00 1.51 7.75 2.39 3.61 0.009 14 0.350 69 4.59 79 4.30 0.27 54 CB59 0.10 O.g 0.09 0.09 6.30 2.73 0.25 0.024 15 0.390 125 2.19 11 1.78 1.17 CBS9 CB60 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.21 7.47 2.45 0.51 0.009 12 0.350 107 3.04 17 3.88 0.46 CB60 CSS6 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.21 7.93 2.35 0.49 0.009 12 0.350 29 3.04 16 3.88 0.12 A"C FROM C8SS-CB60 CSS6 CB3 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.21 8.05 2.33 0.49 0.009 12 0.380 65 3.17 15 4.04 0.27 CBS8 CB57 0.13 0.9 0.12 0.12 6.30 2.73 0.32 0.009 15 0.390 125 5.83 6 4.75 0.44 CBS7 CB60 0.00 o.g 0.00 0.12 6.74 2.62 0.31 0.009 12 0.350 107 3.04 10 3.88 0.46 CB5A CBS 0.25 0.9 0.22 0.22 6.30 2.73 0.61 0.009 12 0.350 57 3.04 20 3.88 0.25 N0819 N0820 0.13 o.g 0.12 0.12 6.30 2.73 0.32 0.013 12 4.080 26 7.20 4 9.16 0.05 Rl R2 0.05 0.9 0.04 0.04 6.30 2.73 0.12 0.009 8 2.000 40 2.47 5 7.07 0.09 R2 R3 0.01 0.9 0.01 0.05 6.39 2.71 0.14 0.009 8 2.000 70 2.47 6 7.07 0.16 R3 EX 0.03 0.9 0.03 0.08 6.56 2.68 0.21 0.009 8 2.000 36 2.47 8 7.07 0.08 R5 R4 0.03 0.9 0.03 0.03 6.30 2.73 0.08 0.009 8 2.000 61 2.47 3 7.07 0.14 R4 EX 0.03 0.9 0.03 0.06 6.44 2.69 0.16 0.009 8 2.000 14 2.47 6 7.07 0.03 -- - -- - -- - ---- - - - - -- PROJ: PIPE SIZING TABLE DO'/Jl...HKM WO: (Runoff by Rational Method) 8320 154th Avenue NE FILE: (Pipe Capacity by Manning's Eqn.) Redmond, WA 98052 DATE: (last update: 7120/90) (206) 869-2670 (206) 869-2679 (fax) Storm: 100 YEAR, 24 HOUR TOTAL RAINFALL IN INCHES: 3.9 COEFFICIENTS FOR MiM EQUATION: ,= 2.61 b= 0.63 Location Time of Rain Pipe % Veloe Flow Inc. Runoff 5,m Goncen. Intens Runoff " Diam Slope Le~~th Capac Capac FUI~) lime Remarks From To """ Caet. A"C A"C (min.) (inJhr) (cr,) Value (in.) (%) (ft (cr,) U,'" (ftlsec (min) CB2D CB2t 0.47 0.90 0.42 0.42 6.30 3.19 1.34 0.024 15 0.160 95 1.40 96 1.14 1.39 CB2t Ga23 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.42 7.69 2.82 1.19 0.009 12 0.001 5 0.16 728 0.21 0.40 GB23 CB34 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.42 8.09 2.73 1.15 0.009 12 0.890 89 4.86 24 6.18 0.24 CB34 CB24 0,00 0.90 0.00 0.42 8.33 2.68 1.13 0.009 12 0.550 21 3.82 30 4.86 0.07 CB24 CB25 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.73 8.40 2.66 1.94 0.009 12 0.450 62 3.45 56 4.40 0.24 NC from CB21 ..GB24 CB2S CB35 0.30 0.90 0.00 0.73 8.64 2.62 1.90 0.009 12 0.450 20 3.45 55 4.40 0.08 CB35 CB26 0.49 0.90 0.44 1.16 8.71 2.60 3.03 0.009 12 0.450 28 3.45 88 4.40 0.11 CB26 CB2S 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.16 8.82 2.58 3.01 0.009 12 1.500 5 6.30 4B 8.03 0.01 CB28 OSV 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.82 8.83 2.58 4.70 0.009 14 1.960 50 10.87 43 10.17 0.08 ·C from CB27-CB2S OSV CB29 0.00 0.90 0.00 1.82 8.91 2.57 4.67 0.009 14 0.500 36 5.49 85 5.13 0.12 CB29 CB51 0.00 0.90 0.00 2.29 9.03 2.54 5.82 0.009 14 0.900 43 7.36 79 6.89 0.10 A6C from S -CB29 CB51 PUMP CB21 CB22 0.34 0.9 0.31 0.31 6.30 3.19 0.98 0.024 15 0.560 106 2.62 37 2.13 0.83 CB22 CB24 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.31 7.13 2.95 0.91 0.009 12 0.001 5 0.16 556 0.21 0.40 CB27 CB28 0.73 0.9 0.66 0.66 6.30 3.19 2.10 0.024 15 0.160 115 1.40 150 1.14 1.68 5 CB32 0.27 0.9 0.25 0.25 6.30 3.19 0.79 0.024 15 0.030 33 0.61 130 0.49 1.11 CB32 CB33 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.25 7.41 2.8S 0.71 0.009 12 0.500 43 3.64 20 4.63 0.15 CB33 CB29 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.46 7.57 2.84 1.32 0.009 12 0.500 95 3.64 36 4.63 0.34 NC FROM S2 -CB33 52 CB33 0.24 0.9 0.22 0.22 6.30 3.19 0.69 0.024 15 4.100 25 7.09 10 5.77 0.07 53 CB3 1.20 0.9 1.08 1.08 6.30 3.19 3.45 0.024 15 0.350 104 2.07 166 1.69 1.03 CB3 CBS 0.00 0.9 0.00 1.29 7.33 2.90 3.74 0.009 14 0.350 91 4.59 81 4.30 0.35 A6C FROM S4-CB3 CBS CB6 0.00 0.9 0.00 1.51 7.68 2.82 4.26 0.009 14 1.000 16 7.76 55 7.26 0.04 A6C FROM CBSA -CBS CB6 CB7 0.00 0.9 0.00 1.51 7.72 2.S1 4.24 0.009 14 6.430 35 19.69 22 18.41 0.03 CB7 EX 0.00 0.9 0.00 1.51 7.75 2.80 4.23 0.009 14 0.350 69 4.59 92 4.30 0.27 54 CBS9 0.10 0.9 0.09 0.09 6.30 3.19 0.29 0.024 15 0.390 125 2.19 13 1.78 1.17 CBS9 CB60 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.09 7.47 2.87 0.26 0.009 12 0.350 107 3.04 9 3.88 0.46 CB60 CB56 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.21 7.93 2.76 0.58 0.009 12 0.350 29 3.04 19 3.88 0.12 A6C FROM CBS8-CB60 CBS6 CB3 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.21 8.05 2.73 0.57 0.009 12 0.3S0 65 3.17 18 4.04 0.27 CBsa CBS7 0.13 0.9 0.12 0.12 6.30 3.19 0.37 0.009 15 0.390 125 5.83 6 4.75 0.44 CBS7 CB50 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.12 6.74 3.06 0.36 0.009 12 0.350 107 3.04 12 3.88 0.46 CBSA CBS 0.25 0.9 0.22 0.22 6.30 3.19 0.71 0.009 12 0.350 57 3.04 23 3.88 0.25 NOS19 NOB20 0.13 0.9 0.12 0.12 6.30 3.19 0.37 0.013 12 4.080 26 7.20 5 9.16 0.05 Rl R2 0.05 0.9 0.04 0.04 6.30 3.19 0.14 0.009 8 2.000 40 2.47 6 7.07 0.09 R2 R3 0.01 0.9 0.01 0.05 6.39 3.16 0.16 0.009 8 2.000 70 2.47 7 7.07 0.16 R3 EX 0.03 0.9 0.03 O.OS 6.56 3.11 0.24 0.009 8 2.000 36 2.47 10 7.07 0.08 0 R5 R4 0.03 0.9 0.03 0.03 6.30 3.19 0.10 0.009 8 2.000 61 2.47 4 7.07 0.14 R4 EX 0.03 0.9 0.03 0.06 6.44 3.15 0.18 0.009 8 2.000 14 2.47 7 7.07 0.03 I I I I PROJECT: Ap;ron C -Boeing Flightllne HYDRAULIC GRADELINE CALCULATIONS PIPE RUN: 25-YEAR DISCHARGE I W.O.#: 13726 FN: HGLCALCS.xLS DATE: 14-Sep-15 I (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) BARREL FRICT. ENTR ENTR PIPE RUN PIPE OUTLEl INLET PIPE BARRE BARRE VEL TW SLOPE FRIC HGL HEAD SEGMENT a LEN SIZE "n" ELEV ELEV So AREA VEL HEAD ELEV Sf LOSS ELEV K. LOSS CB to CB (cfs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) ("!o) (sqft) (fps) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) CB51 CB2 5.0 43 14 0.009 10.53 14.97 10.33% 1.07 4.68 0.34 15.97 0.41% 0.18 16.15 0.50 0.17 CB29 AFL 4.0 36 14 0.009 14.97 15,76 2.19% 1.07 3.74 0.22 16.48 0.26% 0.09 16.57 0.50 0.11 AFL#'CB2 4.0 50 14 0.009 15.76 16.51 1.50% 1.07 3.74 0.22 16.69 0.26% 0.13 16.82 0.50 0.11 I CB28 CB2 2.6 5 12 0.009 16,51 16.54 0.60% 0.79 3.31 0.17 17.47 0.25% 0.01 17.49 0.50 0.09 CB26 CB3 2.6 28 12 0.009 16.54 16.68 0.50% 0.79 3.31 0.17 17.65 0.25% 0.07 17.72 0.50 0.09 CB35 CB2 1.6 20 12 0.009 16.68 16.78 0.50% 0.79 2.04 0.06 18.00 0.10% 0.02 18.01 0.50 0.03 CB25 CB2 1.7 62 12 0.009 16.78 17.09 0.50% 0.79 2.16 0.07 18.04 0.11% 0.07 18.11 0.50 0.04 CB24 CB3 1.0 21 12 0.009 17.09 17.20 0.52% 0.79 1.27 0.03 18.19 0.04% 0.01 18.20 0.50 0.01 I CB34 CB2 1.0 89 12 0.009 17.20 17.65 0.51% 0.79 1.27 0.03 18.22 0.04% 0.03 18.26 0.50 0.01 CB23 Ca2 1.0 5 12 0.009 18.00 18.00 0.00% 0.79 1.27 0.03 18.30 0.04% 0.00 18.31 0.50 0.01 CB21 Ca2 1.2 95 15 0.024 18.00 18.70 0.74% 1.23 0.98 0.01 18.50 0.12% 0.11 18.62 0.50 0.01 I CB24 Ca2 0.8 5 12 0.009 17.32 17.32 0.00% 0.79 1.02 0.02 18.22 0.02% 0.00 18.23 0.50 0.01 CB22 CB2 0.8 106 15 0.024 17.32 17.91 0.56% 1.23 0.65 0.01 18.25 0.05% 0.05 18.31 0.50 0.00 I CB28 Ca2 1.8 115 15 0.024 16.51 16.73 0.19% 1.23 1.47 0.03 17.65 0.26% 0.30 17.95 0.50 0.02 CB29 CB3 1.1 95 12 0.009 14.97 15.51 0.57% 0.79 1.40 0.03 16.48 0.05% 0.04 16.52 0.50 0.02 CB33 CB3 0.6 43 12 0.009 15.52 15.73 0.49% 0.79 0.76 0.01 16.56 0.01% 0.01 16.57 0,50 0.00 CB32 S 0.7 33 15 0.024 15,73 15.74 0.03% 1.23 0.57 0,01 16.58 0.04% 0.01 16.60 0.50 0.00 I CB33 S2 0.6 25 15 0.024 15.99 17.01 4.08% 1.23 0.49 0.00 16.56 0.03% 0.01 16.57 0.60 0.00 EX CB7 3.6 69 16 0.009 13.29 13.53 0.35% 1.40 2.58 0.10 14.36 0.10% 0.07 14.43 0.50 0,05 CB7 CB6 3.6 35 lS 0.009 13.53 15.18 4.71% 1.40 2.58 0.10 14.90 0.10% 0.04 14.94 0.50 0.05 CB6 CBS 3.S lS 14 0.009 15.35 15.94 3.69% 1.07 3.37 0.18 16.44 0.21% 0.03 16.47 0.50 0.09 I CBS CB3 3.1 91 14 0.009 15.94 16.21 0.30% 1.07 2.90 0.13 17.04 0.16% 0.14 17.18 0.50 0.07 CB3 S3 3.0 104 18 0.024 16.21 16,57 0.35% 1.77 1.70 0.04 17.34 0.28% 0.29 17.62 0.50 0.02 CB3 CB5 0.5 65 12 0.009 16.21 16.46 0.38% 0.79 0.64 0.01 17.34 0.01% 0.01 17.34 0.50 0.00 CB56 CB6 0.5 29 12 0.009 16.46 16.56 0.34% 0.79 0.64 0.01 17.35 0.01% 0.00 17.35 0.50 0.00 I CB60 CBS 0.5 107 12 0.009 16.56 16.93 0.35% 0.79 0.64 0,01 17.37 0.01% 0.01 17.38 0.50 0.00 CB59 S4 0.3 123 15 0.024 16.93 17.36 0.35% 1.23 0.24 0.00 17.43 0.01% 0.01 17.44 0.50 0.00 CB60 CBS 0.3 26 12 0.009 16.56 16.65 0.35% 0.79 0,38 0.00 17.37 0.00% 0.00 17.37 0.50 0.00 I CB57 CBS 0.3 92 8 0.009 16.65 16.97 0.35% 0.35 0.86 0.01 17.38 0.03% 0.03 17.40 0.50 0.01 CBS CBS 0.6 57 12 0.009 15.94 16.14 0.35% 0.79 0.76 0.01 17.04 0.01% 0.01 17.04 0.50 0.00 N082N08 1.3 26 12 0.009 14.54 15.60 4.08% 0.79 1.66 0.04 15.54 0.06% 0.02 15.56 0.50 0.02 I I I I I (14) (15) ~,I EXIT OUTLET HEAD ONTROL LOSS ELEV HwIO Hw (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.34 16.66 0.90 1.05 0.22 16.90 0.96 1.12 0.22 17.14 0.97 1.13 0.17 17.74 0.96 0.96 0.17 17.97 0.77 0.77 0.06 18.11 0.77 0.77 0.07 18.22 0.60 0.60 0.03 18.24 0.60 0,60 0.03 18.30 0.50 0.50 0.03 18.34 0.50 O.SO 0.01 18.64 0.50 0.63 0.02 18.25 0.50 0.50 0.01 18.32 0.60 0.75 0.03 18.00 0.68 0.85 0.03 16.57 0.50 0.50 0.01 16.58 0.50 0.50 0.01 16.60 0.50 0.63 0.00 16.58 0.50 0.63 0.10 14.59 1.00 1.33 0.10 15.09 1.00 1.33 0.18 16.74 1.00 1.17 0.13 17.38 0.95 1.11 0.04 17.69 0.95 1.43 0.01 17.35 0.50 0.50 0.01 17.36 0.50 0.50 0.01 17.39 0.50 0.50 0.00 17.44 0.50 0.63 0.00 17.37 0.50 0.50 0.01 17.42 0.50 0.33 0.01 17.06 0.50 050 0.04 15.62 0.63 0.63 ENTR HEAD LOSS: Ke FROM TbI4.3.5A KCSWDM INLET CONTROL: HwID FROM Fig 4.3.5C OR Fig 4.3.5D KCSWDM BEND HEAD LOSS: Kb FROM Fig 4.3.4E KCSWDM JUNC HEAD LOSS: FROM Fig 4.3.4F KCSWDM (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) INLET USE APPR BEND JUNC HEAD LOSS CONTRO ONTROL VEL HEAD HEAD FROP-T HGL ELEV ElEV HEAD Kb LOSS LOSS BED K=0.5 ElEV (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 16.02 16.66 -0.22 0.02 0.004 0.04 0.00 16.48 16.88 16.90 -0.22 0.02 0.004 0.00 0.00 16.69 17.64 17.64 -0.17 0.02 0.003 0.00 0.00 17.47 17.50 17.74 -0.17 0.02 0.003 0.07 0.00 17.65 17.45 17.97 -0.06 1.32 0.085 0.00 0.00 18.00 17.55 18.11 -0.07 0.02 0.001 0.00 0.00 18.04 17.69 18.22 -0.03 0.02 0.001 0.00 0.00 18.19 17.80 18.24 -0.03 0.02 0.001 0.01 0.00 18.22 18.15 18.30 -0.03 1.32 0.033 0.00 0.00 18.30 18.50 18.50 -0.01 1.32 0.020 0.00 0.00 18.50 19.33 19.33 0.00 1.32 0.000 0.00 0.00 19.33 17.82 18.25 -0.01 1.32 0.009 0.00 0.00 18.25 18.66 18.66 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 18.66 17.58 18.00 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 18.00 16.01 16.57 -0.01 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 16.56 16.23 16.58 -0.01 1.32 0.007 0.00 0.00 16.58 16.37 16.60 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 16.60 17.64 17.64 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 17.64 14.86 14.86 -0.10 1.32 0.136 0.01 0.00 14.90 16.51 16.51 -0.18 0.52 0.092 0.01 0.00 16.44 17.11 17.11 -0.13 0.33 0.043 0.02 0.00 17.04 17.32 17.38 -0.04 0.02 0.001 0.01 0.00 17.34 18.00 18.00 000 1.32 0.000 0.00 0.00 18.00 16.96 17.35 -0.01 0.68 0.004 0.00 0.00 17.35 17.06 17.36 -0.01 1.32 0.008 0.00 0.00 17.37 17.43 17.43 0.00 1.32 0.001 0.00 0.00 17.43 17.99 17.99 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 17.99 17.15 17.37 -0.01 1.32 0.015 0.00 0.00 17.38 17.30 17.42 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 17.42 16.64 17.06 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 17.06 16.23 16.23 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 16.23 DEPTH CB RIM COMMENT ! CB TO RIM TO I NO. INVERT ELEV HGL (ft) (ft) r'B2 1.51 19.48 3.00 Assume TW -top of pipe FL" 0.93 19.48 2.79 pB2 0.96 19.48 2.01 pB2 1.11 19.13 1.48 pB3 1.32 19.20 1.20 pB2 1.26 19.25 1.21 pB2 1.10 19.29 1.10 pB:> 1.02 19.69 1.47 pB2 0.65 19.87 1.57 CB21 0.50 20.30 1.80 foB2 0.63 20.28 0.96 B2 0.93 19.67 1.42 B21 0.75 20.28 1.62 B2 1.27 19.02 1.02 B33 1.05 18.44 1.88 B3 0.85 18.03 1.45 S 0.86 18.02 1.42 S2 0.63 18.29 0.65 CB7 1.37 19.15 4.25 Assumed TW is 112 way up the culvert CB6 1.26 19.08 2.64 CBS 1.10 19.32 2.28 CB3 1.13 18.51 1.17 S3 1.43 18.60 0.61 ~B5< 0.89 18.81 1.46 r'B5< 0.81 19.08 1.71 fOBS 0.50 19.00 1.57 S4 0.63 19.27 1.29 B5 0.73 19.30 1.92 B5< 0.45 18.99 1.57 B5I 0.92 18.69 1.63 081 0.63 17.96 1.73 Assumed TW is the lop of the pi~ - I I I I PIPE RUN: 100-YEAR DISCHARGE I PROJECT: Ap;ron C -Boeing FlighUine W.O.#: 13726 FN: HGLCALCSXLS DATe: 14-Sep-15 HYDRAULIC GRADELINE CALCULA110NS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) (IU) (11) (12) (13) BARREL FRICT ENTR ENTR PIPE RUN PIPE OUTlET INLET PIPE BARREL BARREL VEL TW SLOPE FRIC HGL HEAD SEGMENT Q LEN S~E "n" ElEV ElEV So AREA VEL HEAD ELEV Sf LOSS ELEV Ke LOSS CB to CB (efs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) (%) (sqft) (fps) (ft) (ft) {%J (ft) (ft) (ft) I C~~~ CB2 5.9 43 14 0.009 10.53 14.:~ 10.33% 1.07 5.52 0.47 16.14 0.57% 0.25 16.39 1 0 .50 0.24 CB29 AFL# 4.7 36 14 0.009 14.97 15.76 2.19% 1.07 4.40 0.30 16.85 0.36% 0.13 16.98 0.50 0.15 AFL#1 CB2 4.8 50 14 0.009 15.76 16.51 1.50% 1.07 4.49 0.31 17.13 0.38% 0.19 17.31 0.50 0.16 CB28 CB2 4.8 5 12 0.009 16.51 16.54 0.60% 0.79 6.11 0.58 17.46 0.86% 0.04 17.50 0.50 0.29 CB26 CB3 3.1 28 12 0.009 16.54 16.68 0.50% 0.79 3.95 0.24 18.21 0.36% 0.10 18.31 0.50 0.12 I CB35 Ca2 3.1 20 12 0.009 16.68 16.78 0.50% 0.79 3.95 024 18.75 0.36% 0.07 18.82 0.50 0.12 CB25 CB2 1.9 62 12 0.009 16.78 17.09 0.50% 0.79 2.42 0.09 19.09 0.13% 0.08 19.18 0.50 0.05 C824 C~~ 2.0 21 12 0.009 17.09 17.20 0.52% 0.79 2.55 0.10 19.21 0.15% 0.03 19.25 0.50 0.05 CB34 CB 1.1 89 12 0.009 17.20 17.65 0.51% 0.79 1.40 0.03 19.38 0.05% 0.04 19.42 0.50 0.02 CB23 CB21 1.2 5 12 0.009 18.00 18.00 0.00% 0.79 1.53 0.04 19.47 0.05% 0.00 19.48 0.50 0.02 I CB2t Ca2 1.2 95 15 0.024 18.00 18.70 0.74% 1.23 0.98 0.01 19.54 0.12% 0.11 19.65 0.50 0.01 CB24 CB2 0~9 5 12 0.009 17.32 17.32 0.00% 0.79 1.15 0.02 19.38 0.03% 0.00 19.38 0.50 0.01 CB22 CB21 1.0 106 15 0.024 17.32 17.91 0.56% 1.23 0.81 0.01 19.41 0.08% 0.09 19.5O 0.50 0.01 CB28 CB2 2.1 115 15 0.024 16.51 16.73 0.19% 123 1.71 0.05 18.21 0.36% 0.41 18.62 0.50 0.02 I C829 CB3 1.3 95 12 0.009 14.97 15.51 0.57% 0.79 1.66 0.04 16.85 0.06% 0.06 16.91 0.50 0.02 CB33 CB3 0.7 43 12 0.009 15.52 15.73 0.49% 0.79 0.89 0.01 16.97 0.02% 0.01 16.98 0.50 0.01 CB32 S 0.8 33 15 0.024 15.73 15.74 0.03% 1.23 0.65 0.01 17.00 0.05% 0.02 17.01 0.50 0.00 I CB33 52 0.7 25 15 0.024 15.99 17.01 4.08% 1.23 0.57 0.01 16.97 0.04% 0.D1 16.98 0.50 0.00 I EX CB7 4.2 69 16 0.009 13.29 13.53 0.35% 1.40 3.01 0.14 16.86 0.14% 0.10 16.96 0.50 0.07 C87 CB6 4.2 35 16 0.009 13.53 15.18 4.71% lAO 3.01 0.14 17.22 0.14% 0.05 17.27 0.50 0.07 C86 C85 42 16 14 0.009 15.35 15.94 3.69% 1.07 3.93 0.24 17.38 0.29% 0.05 17.42 0.50 0.12 CBS C83 3.7 91 14 0.009 15.94 16.21 0.30% 1.07 3.46 0.19 17.68 0.22% 02Q 17.89 0.50 0.09 CB3 S3 3.5 104 lB 0.024 16.21 16.57 0.35% 1.77 1.98 0.06 18.19 0.37% 0.39 18.58 0.50 0.03 C83 C~~ 0.6 65 12 0.009 16.21 16.46 038% 0.79 0.76 0.Q1 18.19 0.01% 0.01 18.20 2.50 0.02 CB56 C~~ 0.6 29 12 0.009 16.46 16.56 0.34% 0.79 0.76 0.01 18.23 0.01% 0.00 18.24 3.50 0.03 CB60 CB 0.3 107 12 0.009 16.56 16.93 0.35% 0.79 0.38 0.00 18.28 0.00% 0.00 18.28 450 0.01 I CB59 54 0.3 123 15 0.024 16.93 17.36 0.35% 1.23 0.24 0.00 18.29 0.01% 0.01 18.30 5.50 0.01 CB60 CBS OA 26 12 0.009 16.56 16.65 0.35% 0.79 0.51 0.00 1828 0.01% 0.00 18.28 7.50 0.03 CB57 CBS OA 92 8 0.009 16.65 16.97 0.35% 0.35 1.15 0.02 18.32 005% 0.05 18.37 8.50 0.17 I CBS C85 0.7 57 12 0.009 15.94 16.14 0.35% 0.79 0.89 0.01 17.68 0.02% 0.01 17.69 0.50 0.01 N082(N08 '~5 26 12 0.009 14.54 15.60 4.08% 0.79 1.91 0.06 15.54 0.08% 0.02 15.56 0.50 0.03 EX R3 0.2 36 B 0009 15.76 16.48 2.00% 0.35 0.69 0.01 16.43 0.02% 0.01 16.44 2.50 0.02 I R3 R2 0.2 70 8 0.009 16.48 17.88 2.00% 0.35 0.46 000 16.81 0.01% 0.01 16.82 3.50 0.01 R2 Rl 0.1 40 8 0.009 17.88 18.68 2.00% 0.35 0.40 0.00 18.21 0.01% 0.00 18.21 450 0.Q1 EX R4 0.2 14 8 0.009 15.76 16.04 2.00% 0.35 0.57 0.01 16.43 0.01% 0.00 16.43 7.50 0.04 R4 R5 0.1 61 B 0.009 16.04 17.26 2.00% 035 0.29 0.00 16A7 0.00% 0.00 16.48 B.50 0.01 I I I I I (14) (15) EXIT DunET HEAD CONTRO lOSS ELEV HwlD Hw (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.47 17.10 1.50 1.75 0~30 17.43 1.30 1.52 0.31 17.78 1.30 1.52 0.58 18.37 1.30 1.30 0.24 18.67 1.00 1.00 0.24 19.18 1.00 100 0.09 19.31 0.73 0.73 0.10 19.40 0.73 0.73 0.03 19.46 0.50 0~50 0.04 19.53 0.50 0.50 0.01 19.67 0.50 0.63 0.02 19.41 0.50 0.50 0.01 19.51 0.50 0.63 0.05 18.69 0.68 0.85 0.04 16.98 0.50 0.50 0.01 16.99 0.50 0.50 0.01 17.02 0.50 0.63 0.01 16.98 0.50 063 0.14 17.17 1.10 1.47 0.14 17.48 1.10 1.47 0.24 17.78 1.10 1.28 0.19 18.17 0.96 1.12 0.06 18.68 0~90 135 0.01 18.23 0.50 0.50 0.01 18.28 0.50 0.50 0.00 18.29 0.50 0.50 0.00 18.31 0.50 0.63 0.00 18.31 0.50 0.50 0.02 18.56 0.50 0.33 0.01 17.71 0.50 0.50 0.06 15.65 0.73 0.73 0.01 16.46 0.50 0.33 0.00 16.83 0.50 0.33 0.00 18.23 0.50 033 0.01 16.48 0.50 0.33 0.00 16.49 0.50 0.33 ENTR HEAD lOSS: Ke FROM TbI4.3.5A KCSWOM INLET CONTROL: HwfD FROM Fig 4.3.SC OR Fig 4.3.50 KGSWDM BEND HEAD LOSS: Kb FROM Fig 4.3.4E KCSWDM JUNe HEAD lOSS: FROM Fig 4.3.4F KCSWDM (16) (17) (18) (1~") (2Q) INLET uSE APPR BEND JUNe HEAD LOSS CONTRO CONTROL VEL HEAD HEAD FROP-T ELEV ELEV HEAD Kb LOSS LOSS BED K=Q.S (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 16.72 1 .10 ".30 0.02 0.006 0.00 0.00 17 28 17.43 -0.31 0.02 0.006 0.00 0.00 18.03 18.03 "~58 0.02 0.012 0.00 000 17.84 18.37 -0.24 0.02 0.005 0.07 000 17.68 18.67 -0.24 1.32 0.319 0.00 0.00 17.78 19.18 ".09 0.02 0.002 0.00 0.00 17.82 19.31 -0.10 0.02 0.002 0.00 0.00 17.93 19.40 -0.03 0.02 0.001 0.01 000 18.15 19.46 ".04 1.32 0.048 000 000 18.50 19.53 -0.01 1.32 0.020 0.00 0.00 19.33 19.67 0.00 1.32 0.000 0.00 0.00 17.82 19.41 -0.01 1.32 0.014 0.00 000 18.54 19.51 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 000 17.58 18.69 0.00 0.02 0000 0.00 0.00 16.01 16.98 -0.01 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 16.23 16.99 -0.01 1.32 0.009 000 000 16.37 17.02 O~OO 0.02 0.000 000 000 17.64 17.64 0.00 0.02 0000 0.00 O~OO 15.00 17.17 -0.14 1.32 0.185 0.01 0.00 16.65 17.48 -024 0.52 0.125 0.01 000 17.22 17.78 -0.19 0.33 0.061 0.02 000 17.33 18.17 ".06 1.32 0.080 0.01 0.00 17.92 18.68 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 16.96 18.23 -0.01 0.68 0.006 0.00 0.00 17.06 18.28 0.00 1.32 0.003 0.00 000 17.43 18.29 0.00 1.32 0.001 0.00 O~OO 17.99 18.31 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 O~OO 17.15 18.31 -0.02 1.32 0.027 0.00 0.00 17.30 18.56 000 0.02 0.000 0.00 000 16.64 17.71 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 0.00 16.33 16.33 0.00 0.02 0.000 O~OO 0.00 16.81 16.81 0.00 0.02 0000 0.00 0.00 18.21 18.21 000 0.02 0.000 0.00 000 19.01 19.01 000 0.02 0.000 0.00 000 16.37 16.48 0.00 0.02 0.000 0.00 000 17.59 17.59 #REF! 0.02 #REF! 0.00 0.00 --------~----------------------------------------------------------l (21) DEPTH CB RIM COMMENT HGL CB TO RIM TO ELEV NO. INVERT ElEV HGL (ft) (ft) (ft) 16.85 CB28 1.88 19.48 2.63 Assumed TW is at the top of the 14" p!pe 17.13 FL' 1.37 19.48 2.35 17.46 CB28 0.95 19.48 2.02 18.21 Ca26 1.67 19.13 0.92 18.75 CB35 2.07 19.20 0.45 19.09 CB25 2.31 19.25 0.16 19.21 CB24 2.12 19.29 0.08 19.38 C834 2.18 19.69 0.31 19.47 C82 1.82 19.87 0.40 19.54 CB21 1.54 20.30 0.76 19.67 CB20 0.97 20.28 0.61 19.41 CB22 2.09 19.67 0.26 19.51 CB21 1.60 2028 0.77 18.69 C82 1.96 19.02 0.33 16.97 CB33 1.46 18.44 1.47 17.00 CB32 1.27 18.03 1.03 17.02 S 1.28 18.02 1.00 17.64 S2 0.63 18.29 0.65 17.22 CB7 3.69 19.15 1.93 Assumed TW is at the top of the 5' cuvlert 17.38 CB6 2.20 19.08 1.70 17.68 C85 1.74 19.32 1.64 18.19 C83 1.98 18.51 0.32 18.68 53 2.11 18.60 ".08 18.23 CB56 1.77 18.81 0.58 18.28 CB60 1.72 19.08 0.80 18.29 C8'" 1.36 19.00 0.71 18.31 S4 0.95 19.27 0.96 18.32 CB57 1.67 19.30 0.98 18.56 CS58 1.59 18.99 0.43 17.71 8S!' 1.57 18.69 0.98 16.33 OBI 0.73 17.96 1.63 Assumed TW is the top of the pipe 16.81 R3 0.33 20.45 3.64 18.21 R2 0.33 20.47 2.26 19.01 Rl 0.33 20.50 1.49 16.47 R4 0.43 20.26 3.79 #REF! R5 #REF! 19.80 #REF! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT: BOEING APRON C SOUTH PUMP WONo.: OATE: 13726.02 9/13/2015 SYSTEM qJRVE CALCULATOR, PUMP STATION TO EXISTING 5.B Y 8 B01< CULVERT Receiving manhole invert elevation: 14.37 12" force main High Point pumping against: 19.00 Assumed HGL at receiving end Pump elevation, assumed: 6.50 Static lift: 12.50 Feet Pressure From To Pipe Rating 00 10 10 A l Q Point Point 50R psi In in ft sq ft ft .gpm A B HOPE 17 125 8.00 7.922 0.660 0.342 4S i "1>324~ r .'. j 0.000 0.000 1.' - f" . 0.000 0.000 ~. ; ~---~~--, , , 0.000 0.000 L " f,t' ,.: ,I Total: 45 Pressure From To Pipe Rating 00 10 10 A l Q Point Point SOR psi In In ft sqft ft gpm A B HOPE 17-1 1~5 12.00 9.761 0.813 0.520 451':"·1;324' , 1-. "'-:':' <,-1 OIPS I 0.000 0.000 f' . , I 0.000 0.000 ~. ; ! t t,' .; 0.000 0.000 Total: 45 Pressure From To Pipe Rating 00 10 10 A l Q Point Point 50R psi In In ft sqft ft gpm A B HOPE 17 I 125 12.00 11.555 0.963 0.728 45 r .. :''" 2,648.; , 45~{ '1 OIPs 1 • 0.000 0.000 j , i. . __ ~< _____ : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Total: 90 Pressure From To Pipe Rating 00 iD 10 A l Q Point Point sOR psi In in ft sqft ft gpm A B HOPE 17 125' 9.761 0.813 0.520 451 ." ! OIPs 0.000 0.000 I 0.000 0.000 !. ..1 0.000 0.000 f : ....... I Total: 45 Fitting Tee, turn 90 Bend 45 Bend/Wye Gate valve, open Swing check valve Cant. Q V cfs fps 2.950 8.62 0.000 #Olv/o! 0.000 #OIV/OI 0.000 Cant. Q V cfs fps 2.950 5.68 0.000 #OIV/O! 0.000 #DlV/O! 0.000 Cant. Q V cfs fps 5.900 8.10 0.000 #Olv/O! 0.000 #olvlOI 0.000 Cont. Q V cfs fps 0.000 0.00 0.000 #OIV/OI 0.000 #OIV/OI 0.000 -, No. K Value SumK 1 0.78 0.78 3 0.42 1.26 0 0.22 0 1 0.2 0.2 1 1.4 1.4 3.64 H-W h loss h loss Vhead Sum Minor Static TOH Pressure C ft/1000 for l ft VA2/2g K losses lift ft ft ft ft ft ft psi 140 28.09 1.3 1.15 3.64 4.2 12.5 r -18_0' #olv/ol #DI\tIO! #Dlv/O! 12.5 ,#OIY/oi i 135 #OIV/O! 3.64 135 #OlvIOI #OIV/OI #OIV/O! 3.64 #OIVIOI 12.5 t .#Il.IY/OI.! 0.00 3.64 0.0 ~' c· '0'0 '.,' •. ~~;'" " I Total: 1:-'."';18,0 7.8 H-W h 16ss h loss V head Sum Minor Static TOH Pressure C ft/lOOO for l ft VA2/2g K losses lift ft ft ft ft ft ft psi 140 10.16 0.5 0.50 3.64 1.8 12.5 r.~U.4:81 #OIV/O! #OlvlOI #olv/OI 3.64 #olv/ol 135 12.5f#DIV/01 ; 135 #oIV/OI #OIVIOI #OIV/OI . 3.64 #OIV/OI 12.5I!D~yioll 0.00 3.64 0.0 ., .... _ .. 0.Oj Q. ~~'b ~(?,'\ --Total: ,.:~ ~--.-14.8· 6.4 H-W h loss h loss V head Sum . Minor Static TOH Pressure C ft/1000 for l ft VA2/2g K Losses lift ft ft ft ft ft ft psi 140 16.13 0.7 1.02 3.64 3.7 12.5 ~" ,16;9; 130 #DlV/OI #OIV/OI #DlV/O! 3.64 #OIV/O! 12.5 '#o~fl ' ~l 135 #DlV/o! #OIV/OI #01V/0! 3.64 #olvlol 12.5}f?'{~~~ 0.00 3.64 0.0 L .. ·_ ...... Total: ! 1,.16;9; ~:3;-" -{'@~'I t·~~ "" .d7 H-W h loss h loss Vhead Sum Minor Static TOH Pressure C ft/1000 for l ft VA2/2g K losses lift ft ft ft ft ft ft psi 135 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.64 0.0 ~~:~I' ~;;~~~t; 135 #olv/ol #DIV/OI #DlV/O! 3.64 #OIV/OI 135 #OIV/O! #olv/OI #OIV/O! 3.64 #OIV/O! 12.5 #DIV/OI! 0.00 3.64 0.0 ~: ..... ~.-,~·o.9i Total: I·: .. ,;12.,5, 5,4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EnvlroTech Plimpsystems, Inc d.b.a. Weir Specialty Pumps (Seller) An Unincorporated Division ofTHE WEIR GROUP PLC GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS of SALE 1. SCOPE: Unless otherwise agreed In writing, Seller's acceptance of Pu.rchaser's purchase order Is conditioned upon Purchaser accepting these terms and conditions. Seller sells its equipment In accordance with the following provisions. 2. PRICES: Prices are EXW. Prices do not Include any federal, state or local sales, use of other taxes and taxes may be added to the price. 3. TERMS: Unless otherwise agreed, all Invoices are due and payable In full, net-30 days from date of shipment or notification of readiness to ship, whichever Is earlier. Credit terms are subject to Purchaser's credit worthiness, which shall be determined solely by Seller. late payments shall be charged Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month or the highest rate allowable under law, whichever Is less. Purchaser shall pay the full amount, regardless of any payment schedule between Purchaser and Its customer. If Purchaser Is In default of any payment Seller may offset any monies of Purchaser available to Seller or In Seller's possession; declare all payments for completed work immediately due and payable; stop all further work until payments are brought curre~t, and/or require advan,ce payment for future shipments. 4. ITEMS INCLUDED: Each sale Includes only the equipment described In the order. Seller shall supply only those safety devices, If any, described In the order or In its proposal and drawings, and shall comply with those provisions of the federal Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970 that Purchaser and Seller have Identified as specifically applicable to t~e manufacture of the goods .. 5. SECURITY INTEREST: To the extent allowable under applicable law, Seller retains a security Interest In, and right of repossession, to the goods until Purchaser has paid In full. Purchaser will not encumber, nor permit others to encumber, the goods by any liens or security instruments. In the event legal action is necessary to enforce Purchaser's obligations under any order, Seller shall be entitled to recover its court costs and reasonable attorney's fees If It prev?lIs. Purchaser shall provide Page 1 of3 Insurance for Seller's benefit to protect Seller's Interest against loss or damage until Is the goods are fully paid for. 6. SHIPMENTS AND DELIVERY: Purchaser must provide Seller all necessary Information and Instructions regarding Its requested del/very schedule, InclUl~fing any required drawing approvals, and Seller shall use Its reasonable efforts to meet the shipment dates in the order. However, any such dates are estimates only and are neither guaranteed nor a term of this agreement. Seller shall have no liability to Purchaser or Its customer for any damages, whether direct or Indirect, for any delay In shipment or delivery, regardless of the severity of the delay. Unless otherwise agreed, all s~lpments are EXW Seller's factory, Incoterms 2010, and Purchaser shall make all claims for damage, delay, or shortage arising from any shipment directly against the carrier. When shipments are speCified EXW, Purchaser shaU Inspect the goods, and notify Seller of any damage or shortage within seven days of receipt. Purchaser agrees that failure to so notify Seller shall be deemed as acceptance of the goods. Unless agreed otherwise in the order, Seller may make partial shipments of completed items for partial payment under the terms of the order. 7. WARRANTY: Seller warrants the goods !n accordance with Its current applicable Seller's Product warranty, which Is Incorporated by reference here. 8. PATENTS: Purchaser agrees that It shall Indemnify the Seller against all claims, demands, damages, penalties, costs and expenses to which the Seller may become lIable by reason of any Infringement or alleged Infringement of a patent or patents arising out of performance of this order If the equipment Is' ,constructed In ,,!ccordance with Purchaser's detailed drawings or designs submitted to Seiler. 9. SUSPENSION OR DELAY: If Purchaser requests a suspension, or delays Seller's work, Purchaser shall pay Seller all reasonable and necessary costs Incurred due to the suspension or delay, plus Seller's overhead and reasonable profit. Additionally, all charges and risks for storage~ disposition, and/or resumption ot'work shall be borne solely by Purchaser.· G5D·30 Rev. June 2014 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING ELSE IN THE AGREEMENT TO THE CONTRARY, SElLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, FAILURE OF A REMEDY TO ACHIEVE ITS INTENDED OR ESSENTIAL PURPOSES, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, INDEMNITY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY FOR LOSS OF USE, REVENUE, SAVINGS, OR PROFIT; COSTS OF CAPITAL; SUBSTITUTE USE OR PERFORMANCE; INDIRECT, SPECIAL, LIQUIDATED, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, COLLATERAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; CLAIMS BY PURCHASER FOR DAMAGES OF PURCHASER'S CUSTOMERS; OR ANY OTHER LOSSES DR COSTS OF SIMILAR TYPE. I'Consequentlal Damages" shall mean loss or deferral of production, loss of product, loss of use, exclusion and loss of revenue, profit or anticipated profit, cost of capital, overhead, cost of substitute products or services, downtime costs, Il)creased cost of working, loss of. contract or i?usiness Interruption, facility, vessel, or rig downtime, costs relating to cleanup, removal, release or threatened release, remediation, or disposal of or any response to. any hazardous materia', I,nabllity to use property and equipment, losses resulting from fal/ure to meet other co.ntractual commitments, dalms of a party's customers for any of the foregoln& and special, Incidental, punitive, and specufative damages, as well as Indirect losses or damages of any type no matter how characterized. SELLER'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO PURCHASER FOR ALL CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO GOODS SOLD OR SERVICES PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL NOT EXCEED Flffi PERCENT (50%) OF THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE ORDER UNDER WHICH THE CLAIM AROSE. THE FOREGOING LIMITATION SHALL APPLY EVEN IF THE PURCHASER'S REMEDIES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FAIL OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. 11. CHANGES AND BACKCHARGES: Seller shall not be obligated to make any changes in or additions to the scope of the work unless Seller and 'Purchaser first agree In writing to the details of the change and any resulting price, schedule or other contractual modifications. Any change to any law, rule, regulatio_n, order, code, standard 'or requirement which requires any change hereunder shall entitle Seller to.an equitable adjustment In the price and time of performance. Purchaser agrees not to return goods or backcharge for la~9r, materla,ls, or other costs Incurred In modification, adjustment, service or'repalr of goods unless previously approved in writing by an authorized employee of Seller. 12. CHANGES IN DESIGN: Upon written notification to Purchaser, Seller may modify the design and construction of the goods In order to incorporate improvements or to Page2of3 substitute material equal, or superior, to that originally specified. No charge shall be made to Purchaser for modifications made at Seller's option. 13. DUAL USE ITEMS: In accordance with current U.S. government export rules, Items made from Hastelloy C-22 alloy, Hastelloy C-276 alloy, an~ Inconel 718 alloy, forming part of any order fall into the category of "dual use," for which Seller Is required to obtain an export license. If an order Includes a dual use alloy, the order will not be considered accepted until the U.S. government has Issued an export license. Furthermore, the delivery schedule for any good requiring regulatory approval shall only start once Seller has that approval. If the governmeht denies an export license the order will be considered to have been terminated by Force Majeure. 14. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: All Information furnished by Seller Is solely for Purchaser's use In connection with the maintenance and operation of the goods and shall not be disclosed to any third party without Seller's prior, written consent. IS. FORCE MAJEURE: Seller shall not be liable nor responsible to Purchaser, nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this agreement, for Seller's failure, or delay In fulfilling or' performing any of Its obligations under this agreement If such failure or delay is caused by, 0" results from, (a) acts of God; (b) flood, flre, earthquake or explosion; (c) war, Invasion, hostilities (whether war Is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot or other civil unrest; Cd) government order or law; (e) actions, embargoes or blockades-in effect on or after the date of this agreement; (f) action by any governmental authority; (g) natio,!?' or regional emergency; (h) strikes, labor stoppages 'or slowdowns or other Industrial disturbances; (i) shortage of adequate power or transportation facilities; or OJ other events beyond the reasonable con.~rol of Seller ("Force Majeure"). Seller shall gIve Purchaser notice within a reasonable time of the Force Majeure event and shall use reasonable efforts to end the failure or delay and ensure the effects of Force Majeure are minImized. Should there ever be any time of performance it shall be extended for a time period equal to the period of Force Majeure and Its consequences. 16. GOVERNING LAW: This agreement shall be interpreted In ?CCOTdance with the laws of the State of Utah, U.S.A., without regard to its conflicts of laws rules. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Is excluded. Purchaser shall comply with all applicable laws. Seller and Purchaser Irrevocably and unconditionally consent to"and submit_themselves to, the exclusive Jurisdiction of the state or federal courts of Salt lake County; Utah, as the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for the resolution of conflicts arising from or pursuan~ to this agreement. G5D-30 Rev, June 2014 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Weir Specialty Pu mps Quotation Summary 15 Sep 2015 APSCO -Municipal Quotation number: 464300 P.O. Box 2639 Revision: (98083-2639) 1120-Sth Street Kirkland, WA 9S033 Attn: Joe Kernkamp Project: Bellevue Stormwat er-DOWL Your reference: The following Is a price summary for t his quotation. Please see item specific pages for more details. tern number Service Size Unit Price Unit Freight Qty Extended Price 001 Stormwater EBK·SS $ .-.. ~. $ -~-2 $ -" Submersible/lmmersibl Grand Total $.- PUMP FEATURES: All Weir Speclalt y Pumps are designed to reduce maintenance costs through greater pump reliability ure. and Improved mean time between fall " SCOPE OF SUPPLY: Only that mate rial detailed In this quotation is being offered. No assumptions should be made that anything not specifically specified Is In cluded. QUALITY STANDARDS: Weir Specl alty Pumps -Salt Lake City, UTls an ISO 9001-200S certified plant. VALIDITY: This offer Is valid for 15 d ays from date Issued. Quoted prices will be held firm through shipment if order Is ys from order entry date. released for manufacture within 60 da PRICE: Price quoted Is for all Items p urchased at one time. In the event of a partial order, we will review and adjust accordingly. SHIPMENT: Approximately 14 weeks after receipt of approved purchase order andlor final approval of submiltal and drawings. WARRANTY: The attached Weir Spe clalty Pump Warranty applies. START-UP: Not included. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Weir Sp ecially Pumps General Sales Policy (GSO-30) applies. PAYMENT TERMS: 100% Net 30 day s (subject to credit approval) Weir Specialty Pumps' 440 West 800 South' P.O. Box 209 (84110-0209) . Salt Lake City, UT 84101 01 3598731 . fax: 801 5307828 . www.welrsp.com p~one:8 ., ---- I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Customer Item number Customer reference Pump Options Cast Iron Case Liner Material APSCO -Municipal 001 High Chrome Liner (regulable) Grooved Liner Buna Wet End O·rlngs Stainless Steel Pump Hardware Ductile Iron Impel/er Weir Specialty Pumps Customer Technical Offer Size I Stages EBK-SS Submerslblellmmerslble/1 Pump speed 1135 rpm Quote number 464300 1"'~~~=~:;1:~:r.~~~!~;:*~~:;~~~~~!~~-~2~B;~;;;','nc:e test acceptance grades and tolerances which adds 8% to the rated horsepower requirement of the pump. This calculation has not changed the rated horsepower or efficiency shown on the Perfonnance Data Sheet. View the link for more InformaUan from Hydraulic Institute. Hldrostsl Motor Options Standard 50 ft. (16 m) Cable Length Notice: The standard cable length on D. E, end F size Hldrostal motors has been changed to 50 ft. (16 M). All other cable lengths will remain be 32 ft. (10 M). Moistur~ Detector Relay Pump Support Pump Support Cast Iron FastouUSteel Base Bronze Gulc!e Shoe 30 Foot Cable Lifting System Protective Coatings Paint manufacturer & type Paint Prepa~Uon: Standard paint preparation (clean and blast) WSP Standard Blue Paint -Prime and Top Coat Packing & Shipping Shipping No Boxing WSP Qeclslo!1 Carrier Freight Rates Freight Rates -Washington: Washington I Material Testing Material Testing No Hardness Testing No Non-Destructive Testing Testing Required Performance testing 5 Point Performance Test, Single Speed Bare Pump Test: Bare PUI!1P Test PE Certified Bareshafl Pump 374.lbs Baseplate 300.lbs Weir Specialty Pumps· 440 West 800 South' P.O. Box 209 (64110'()209)' Satt Lake City. UT 64101 phone: BOl 359 B731 . fax: BOl 5307628 . www.weirsp.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Driver 370.lbs Misc. Weight O.lb. Mlse.Welght O.lbs Misc. Weight O.lbs Total Per Unit 1044.1bs WelrSpocialty Pumps· 440 West 800 South· P.O. Box 209 (84110-0209)· Salt Lake City, UT 84101 phone: 801 3598731 . fax: 801 5307828 . www.welrsp.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Weir Specialty Pumps www.welrsp.com Customer Customer reference Item number Se/Vlce Quantity Flow, rated : APSCO -Municipal : 001 : Storrnwater :2 Differential head I pressure, rated (requested) Differential head I pressure, rated (actual) I pressure, rated I max available, rated required J margin required (Imp. eye flow) 1 S (imp. eye flow) maximum, rated speed rise to shutoff best off. point (BEP) Ftow raUo (rated 1 BEP) Speed raUo (rated 1 max) Head ratio (rated speed I max speed) ICQIChl'Ce/'Cn [ANSIIH19.6.7-2010] IS.,lecl:lon stalus 10.0 7.5 5.0 2., 0.0 '50 13 5 '20 Pump Performance Datasheet : 1,500.0 USgpm : 18.00 ft : 18.11 ft : NIA Matric units : 574.5 USgpm : 43.50 ft : 141.66 % : 1,257.3 USgpm .: 119.30 % : 63.06 % :29.15% : 1.001 1.0011.0011.00 : Acceptable . Quota number Size Stagas Based on curve number Date last saved pressure : 464300 : E8K-SS Submersible/Immersible : 1 : P25-D118 : 15Sep201511:12AM : Water : 0.00 In :0.00 % : 68.00 deg F : 1.00011.000 SG I M"xlnlum allowable working pressure I M"xlnium allowable suction pressure IH)'drostalUc test pressure Driver sizing specification Margin over specification factor hydraulic rated maximum, rated speed motor ..... aN" I , : Rated power :0.00% : 1.00 : 6.82 hp : 8.83 hp : 8.64 hp : 10.00 17.46 kW ~MCSF '00 00 80 1800", /" -ImoL IL r---...... ,os so 75 60 .5 30 15 o ............ r--...., / V ) 70 60 .. / ............ ')-.... I / I V ........... ___ ,10,1, / ;gi~ 60 I 11351D1 II j r--,..,...., '---I "1Z..,,y ........ ........... / - ., 30 r--!-. L .ill "'/ 20 o ",. "'" --, / ,~ 0 m _ ~ ~ '. '. ~ ,~ '. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FIo\v· USgpm o Weir Specialty Pumps Quote No. 464300 15 Sap 201511:12 AM --------~---, I I I " :0 § " E I E :;; 1i <{ :0 N .§ ,-: " E "' .D I " ~ U) E 0 N U) e-U) '" "' '" I <Xl ~ "' W ~ ~ I I I ." " "ll > t1I 1i '" 1;; '" '" .J!l " "-.)!l ~ Ol E 2 " t1I (ij U) "-Cl I I I I I I I I fl c ~ ~ Iii .0 Iii Iii E E E " " c " ~ ~ E .:;; " " ,1l OJ () () U) ...... - Customer reference Item number Service --- : 001 : Stormwater :2.0 ----- Size Stages Pump speed Date last saved PUMP FASI-OJr A B C D E F G H I J_PIPE K L M "'" -= '" " . • (, 5/16 89/16 , 1 3/4 15 l/4 "I' 10 1/~ ~ 0/' , "" .3 3/16 " "" " , , , V' ~ ':--/8 2 5/16 3(. 20 11/16 II 1/16 1\ 7/111 , :oBK-U.-U 9 1/15 J 1/4 " . , 13 1/15 ~ " 1/4 ~ 24 3/16 a 1/4 18 1/6 '(3 2. 1/2 31.5/16 .s 15/16 " fBK-1I0,-SS F M -.. W D)-yi:"~""'" .:" .... ;.. <;.,;1>.. . . '[::.' .,,' / 4·'(]·!:>···· .. :,. Iv ...... ";' · .,,; ~XX +---.:'l •. ".; · .' 14 .. " . ~:.;,: I II', .. ~ .. ': . . . 'tfI"' -l, . . <; • ··V I· ;, ... :<:... i B , I· ~ ... ~: · . I .. " . ~:.: Ar11 \ ;:".: .. l 1 • • 'po-• T .: : I\, P'lf' " ... ~. I 1. . rc .... ~C Y ~.: . I"" r:= -:' •... .. .l0 J; t::::r: .. 4 . lJ " •. .b. '. t> ,4· .... ·.·1:>.··.:..· tj'" .:: T ." ... i~ ... _ .t>-. E ." '::p. . ". 4·>tJ, • 'b' :.:, •• :.v . 4' :~ [::. ',''':'. · ." " . ~. ~.~ "" '[::.': . 4 .~. • .f> <; • ... :'4. · . t>.: '4~ . )-C- 0l n:H : 1 1. DlIiI£1'lSJQNS NiE NOT F1JR INSJAUJJlON I'IJRPOSES tli1.ESS CElmFlEO. 2.. PUIo!P JR:) ~ AA~ OE;:SIQNED FOR CONTIIVOUS st/MC£. :!. PL'l.C> SIZE, LlODEl. UIl) SO\W. HUl.iBO! 14Jsr er ~ "M-I£JI OR[lOlIHG SPARE PAA!S. ~. CI.!J(XVtI'iE ~ VIE"VtII FROI.I Sl-IN'T OlD: CCW IS N:Jr .-lASlL 5. SUC"llOH NCI asd-\ARCE: FlAN(l[ IMT[ YI1TH CI.ASS 125 rt.J.N:::ES_ - N 0 S I::; 9/16 ,. 117 15/16 ,. 30 17 5/16 31 ---- IT I 49 7/8 "II 3/8 59 J/8 : E8K-SS Submersiblellmmersible : 1 : 1135 rpm : 15 Sep 201511:12 AM v W DD XXJYY 9 7/16. IS ~/4 28 1/& I ZI ~/ll ,,'" 12 13/16 15 7/8 28 5{161 ~,'9 13/16 S 15/16 16 7/6 3.5 7/16127 9/16 61 1/2 .~ .• 4 4· • · " ... f> • :. <I' . .. 8· " 4· • · " . .. . b.': . . :!)., '·4· Weir Specialty Pumps· 440 West BOO South· P.O. Box 209 (84110-0209)· Salt Lake City. UT 84101 phone: 801 3598731 . fax: 801 5307828· YfflW.weirsp.com --- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 17. INDEMNITY: Seller shall IndemnIfy. defend and hold Purchaser harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability Incurred by Purchaser as a resuli of thIrd party claims for personal Injury, death or damage to tangIble property, to the extent caused by Seller's negligence. Seller shall have the sole authority to direct the defense of and settle any IndemnIfied claim. Seller's indemnification is conditioned on Purchaser (a) promptly, within the warranty period, notifying Seller of any claim, and (b) providing reasonable cooperation In the defense of any claim. 18. U.s. EXPDRT COMPLIANCE: Furthermore, as Purchaser acknowledges that Seller Is required to comply wIth applicable export laws 8r'1d regulations relating to the sale, exportation, transfer, assignment, disposal, and usage of the goods provided under the order, Including any export license requirements. Purchaser agrees that such goods shall not at any time directly or Indirectly be used, exported, sold, transferred, assigned, or otherwise disposed of in a manner that will result in non~compliance with such applicable export laws and regulations. It shall be a condition of Seller's continuing performance of its obligations that compliance with such export laws and regulations be maintained at all times. Purchaser agrees to comply with all applicable export laws and regulations of the U.S. Commerce, Treasury, State and Defense Departments or other agency regulating exportS from the United States~ Purchaser agrees It will not export, re~ export or permIt the re·export of any Seller good to an ultimate destination of a restricted and/or embargoed country listed by the Department of State, Department of Commerce or the Department of Treasury and/or restricted and/or Individuals on the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls' Debarred list and Nonproliferation Page 3 of3 Sanction list, Bureau of Industry 'and Security's Denied Person:s list, Entity list and Unverified list and the Office of Foreign Assets Control's Specially ,Designated Nationals list or any other U.S. government list. Nor will Customer export, re-export or permit the re-export of any Seller good forany prohibited uses under the U.S, export laws. To the extent that Purchaser subcontracts Its services or utilizes agents or third-parties with respect to the provision of the Services to Seller, Purchaser shall Incorporate the obligations of this provision with respect to export compliance Into Its respective subcontracts and agreements with such sub-contracte:d agents and third parties. All contracts entered Into by Purchaser wIth agents, affiliates, or third-parties, must also Include a speCific requirement to comply with all laws and regulations (including U.S. export laws). PURCHASER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD SELLER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL COSTS, LIABILITIES, PENALTIES, SANCTIONS AND FINES RELATED TO NON. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: ThIs proposal expresses the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any previous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written, and Is not subject,to modification except In writing. signed by an authorIzed officer of each party. GSD·30 Rev. June 2014 ~------------------ ----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . EnviroTech Pumpsystems, Inc d.b .•. Weir Specialty Pumps (WSP) An Unincorporated Division of THE WEIR GROUP Ple LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE: WSP (Seller) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship when operated under the normal conditions for which the products were designed. WARRANTY PERIOD: This warranty covers a period of twelve (12) months from the date product was placed into service, or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment, whichever occurs first. REMEDIES: If the product fails due to defective materials or workmanship within the warranty period, WSP's sole obligation after verification of the defect, shall be at its discretion the repair or replacement of the product. THIS PARAGRAPH PROVIDES THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR ALL CLAIMS BASED ON FAILURE OF OR DEFECT IN A PRODUCT, WHETHER THE FAILURE OR DEFECT ARISES BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER THE APPLICABLE WARRANTY PERIOD AND WHETHER A CLAIM, HOWEVER DESCRIBED, IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, INDEMNITY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY FOUND HERE OR ElSEWHERE IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. OWNER'S OBLIGATIONS: Owner shall notify Seller of a defect within ten (10) days of its discovery. At Owner's expense, the defect may be verified at Owner's site, at Seller's authorized facility, or by returning the product to Seller's factory. EXCLUSIONS: This warranty does not apply to consumable items that are normally replaced during maintenance; and defects resulting from Improper Installation, operation, maintenance, storage, neglect, or accident. This warranty does not cover any expense for repairs or alteration performed .outside Seller's factory without Seller's prior authorization. Equipment and accessories not manufactured by Seller are warranted only by the original manufacturer's warranty. Seller shall not be liable for costs of removal, transportation, or reinstallation of products. Seller shall not be liable for any consequential, special, incidental, or indirect damages or delays resulting from or related to defective products. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY THAT COULD ARISE FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. SELLER ALSO DISCLAIMS ALL STATUTORY WARRANTIES. GSD-31 Rev. June 2014 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WEMCO DATA SHEET WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps Suggested Specification P25S-D200 Supersedes P25S·D200 dated 12/31/01 112/14 PART 1 1.01 1.02 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. There shall be supplied as shown by the plans __ dry or wet pit screw centrifugal pumps, specifically designed to pump raw, unscreened sewage, biosolids, or other media containing solids and/or rags and other fibrous materials without clogging. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All pumping equipment furnished under this Section shall be of a design and manufacture that has been used in similar applications and it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Owner that the quality is equal to eqUipment made by that manufacturer specifically named herein. Manufacturers shall provide evidence of at least five (5) installations in which identically sized equipment has provided satisfactory performance for a minimum offive (5) years in a similar application. No consideration will be given to an individually sized pump that hasn't been commerCially available for five (5) years. B. C. D. To insure a consistent high standard of quality, the manufacturer of this pumping equipment shall comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, and such compliance shall be verified by an independent certification agency approved by the International Organization for Standardization. Documentation shall be submitted for approval showing compliance with this requirement, and the equipment will not be released for shipment until approved. Screw centrifugal pump, complete with motor, base, and all other specified accessories and appurtenances shall be furnished by the pump manufacturer to insure compatibility and integrity of the individual components, and provide the specified warranty for all components. The pump manufacturer shall accept unit responsibility for each pump complete assembly. The screw centrifugal pumps specified in this section shall be furnished by and be the product of one manufacturer. 1.03 SUBMITIALS 1.04 A. Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Section __ B. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions under provisions of Section __ C. The submittal data shall be prepared, in its entirety, by the equipment manufacturer. Shop drawings prepared by the manufacturer's sales representative, fabrication shop, or other than the listed manufacturer shall not be acceptable. No additions or modifications to the manufacturer's submittal shall be accepted, with the sole exception of a cover letter provided by the manufacturer's local Representative. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA This sheet is the property of WEIR SPECIALTY PUMPS, 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the express condition that it is not to be used in any manner directly or indirectly detrimental to WEIR SPECIAL TV PUMPS. ,--------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 Page 2 PART 2 1.05 A. Submit operation and maintenance data under provisions of Section __ _ B. Include maintenance instructions, assembly views, lubrication instructions and replacement parts lists. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, handle and protect under provisions of Section ___ 1.06 SERVICES OF MANUFACTURER A. Furnish the services of a representative of the pump manufacturer to assist in adjusting and mechanical testing of the equipment furnished, to supervise the initial operation, and to make any final adjustments as may be necessary to assure the Owner that the pump(s) is (are) in satisfactory operating condition. B. Furnish sufficient supervision, data, and inforrnation from the manufacturer to train operators in the proper operation and maintenance of the pump(s) furnished. PRODUCTS 2.01 PERFORMANCE A. B. Design Condition Secondary Condition C. The pumps shall be designed for continuous operation and will be operated continuously under normal service. To minimize operational power costs, the hydraulic efficiencies listed for each pump are the minimum acceptable, and must be guaranteed by the manufacturer. OPERATION CRITERIA Flow (GPM) TDH (tt) Max. Pump RPM Pump Min. Shut-Off Max. Motor Max. Motor Efficiency TDH (tt) Size (HP) RPM % Table 1 PUMP CRITERIA 1. 2. 3. Minimum suction diameter ___ _ Minimum discharge diameter -;:-;-____ _ Minimum non-compressible solids passage ____ _ 2.02 PUMPS A. Design 1. The basic design shall be a single-passage, clog-free purnp, utilizing a screw-centrifugal impeller. The overall pump design shall combine high This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the exoress condition that it is not to be used in anv m::Jnnf'!r dirp.r.ttv or inrlirAdlv rip-trim!,""t::!! fn FN\lIRnn:r.H PIIMP~V~T~kll.C: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 Page 3 B. 2. 3. efficiency, low required NPSH, a large solid passage, and the ability to handle rags or other fibrous material without plugging. The hydraulic design of the impeller shall combine the action of a positive displacement screw with the action of a single-vane centrifugal impeller to provide a single, non-bifurcated flowstream with only gradual changes in flow direction. a. The leading edge of the impeller vane shall blend into the impeller body in such a way that any rag or other fibrous material caught on the leading edge and folded over both sides of the vane will be unfolded and released as the textile follows the flowstream through the pump. b. The impeller flange or impeller shall contain a spiral groove on the rear face so that any solids in the pumped media are discharged from the space between the backplate and the rear of the impeller. In order to maintain optimum running clearances along the entire length of the impeller to maintain design hydraulic efficiencies, the geometry of the impeller and suction liner shall be conical, so any axial adjustment of the suction liner will cause the clearance between the impeller and suction liner to change uniformly along the entire length of the impeller. Designs incorporating curved, or combination curved/conical impeller and suction liner are not acceptable because in such designs clearances cannot be adjusted uniformly over the full length of the impeller. 4. Suction and discharge flanges shall be drilled to meet ANSI 125 lb. bolting. Materials of Construction 1. 2. 3. The pump volute, backplate, suction cover, and impeller flange shall be of closed-grained cast iron, ASTM A48-CL30. Suction liner materials of construction shall be selected from Table 2. a. For pumps with a regulable liner, the suction piece shall be externally adjustable to compensate for wear by means of three stainless steel regulating screws so that the necessary running clearances between the liner and impeller can be maintained for optimum hydraulic efficiency. b. c. For pumps with a shimmed liner, the suction piece or impeller shall be externally adjustable to compensate for wear by means of shims so that the necessary running clearances between the liner and impeller can be maintained for optimum hydraulic efficiency. Pumps without a separate suction liner and cover are not considered equal or acceptable. Impeller materials of construction shall be selected from Table' 3. All impellers shall be dynamically balanced. This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS. 440 West. BOO South. Salt Lake City, Utah. and is loaned under the exoress condition that it is nol to be used in anv manner riirer:tlv or innimr:tlv np.trimp.ntl=ll tn FNvrRCHFr.H PI IMP~Y~TFM~ .-l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps Pump Size Suction Liner Materials Wet End Components (Choose one) -Cast Iron Cover a. Cast Iron Liner -Shimmed Cast Iron Liner D3K,D4K -Cast I ron Cover b. Hardened Liner -Shimmed High Chrome Iron Liner -Cast Iron Cover a. Cast Iron Liner -Regulable Cast Iron Liner E4K, F4K, H5K, 16K -Cast Iron Cover b. Hardened Liner -Regulable High Chrome Iron Liner -Cast Iron Cover a. Cast Iron Liner -Shimmed Cast Iron E5K, E8K, F6K, F10K, Liner H8K, H12K, 110K, 116K, -Cast Iron Cover L12K, L20K b. Hardened Liner -Regulable High Chrome Iron Liner Table 2 Pump Size Impeller Material (Choose one) D3K to 116K (All Pumps with 3" to a. Ductile Iron 16" discharge) b. High Chrome Iron L20K a. Ductile Iron b. Abrasion Resistant Stainless Steel Table 3 4. All materials shall conform to the following specifications. Cast iron: ASTM A48-CL30 Ductile Iron: ASTM A536-72 P25S-D200 Page 4 a. b. c. High Chrome Iron: ASTM A532-CL.III Type A, minimum 450 Brine" hardness. C. d. L20K impeller stainless steel: Abrasion Resistant Stainless Steel; minimum 16% Chromium, minimum 235 Brinell hardness. IMMERSIBLE MOTOR 1. Design a. Motors shall be of the explosion-proof design, approved by Factory Mutual for uses in Division 1, Class I, Groups C&D, hazardous locations. This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the exoress condition that it is not to he used in anv mRnnF~r rlirp.r.tlv nr inrlirp.r:llv rlp.trimp.nt::.1 tn FN\lIRnTFr.H PIII\IIP~Y!=:TFI\II~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 Page 5 b. c. d. e. f. The motors shall be of the immersible type, suitable for full-load, continuous operation either completely dry or fully submerged.in the pumped liquid of up to 65 foot depths. Motors shall be of the "air- filled" type, to optimize efficiency, with stator and rotor housed in a watertight chamber containing only air. Motors of the "oil-filled" type, with stator and rotor immersed in oil or motors which circulate the pumped media through internal cooling media channels, ports, or jackets are not equal or acceptable. Motors shall incorporate a separate heat-exchanger circuit, with a shaft- mounted cooling pump circulating oil from a jacket surrounding the stator housing to a heat-exchanger surface cast into the pump backplate. The circulating oil shall transfer excess motor heat directly to the pumped media inside the pump volute, without the need of submergence. The circulating oil shall provide adequate motor cooling at any continuous power output up to and including rated powers in an ambient temperature of up to 40°C. Alternately, motors shall dissipate heat directly by convection from the exposed stator housing to surrounding ambient air, without the need of submergence. The motor surface shall be sized for adequate motor cooling at any continuous power output up to and including rated power in an ambient temperature of up to 40°C. Motor stator windings and leads shall be Class H wire, insulated with moisture-resistant Class F insulation for operation at temperatures up to 155 degrees Celsius. The complete system shall be considered a Class F inSUlation system. Motors shall have the stator varnish applied by the "vacuum-pressure impregnation" method to ensure thorough and complete varnish penetration. The stator shall be heat-shrink fitted into the stator housing. Motor cable-entry sealing assembly shall consist of the following five components to ensure a positive, redundantly watertight seal: 1) The sealing components shall be mechanically isolated from cable strains by a two-piece restraining clamp, which will securely grip the cable above the moisture-sealing components and bear any mechanical forces applied to the cable. 2) The cable moisture seal shall consist of an elastomer grommet, prevented from extruding past the cable by stainless-steel retaining washers on either side. The grommet shall be compressed tightly against the cable outside diameter (and the entry assembly inner diameter) by a screwed follower gland. 3) Each individual conductor shall be interrupted by a solid-copper isolation dam to prevent wicking of moisture through the conductor strands. This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMP SYSTEMS. 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned tJnclflr thp. p.xnrARS ('.onciitinn th!'lt it is nnt to hI'! IIRP.rl in Rnv m::lnnAr rlirAdlv or inriir4'>r;tlv rl ... triml'>nt:::ll tn I=N\IIRnTI=r.H PI IMP.<:::V.<:::Tl=llllC: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 Page 6 g. 4) The cable insulation shall be sealed by an epoxy poured into the cable entry and totally encapsulating the stripped-back insulation and the individual copper dams. This poured epoxy seal shall also function as a redundant seal for the cable outside diameter. 5) The cable free end shall be sealed from mOisture-entry during shipping, storage, and prior to connection to the control panel by a plastic sleeve securely clamped over the cable end. 6) Motors which use only a compressed grommet gland, or only a poured epoxy seal, without benefit of redundancy of both types together are not considered equal or acceptable. Shaft sealing shall be by independently-mounted, tandem mechanical seals contained in an oil chamber that is formed as an intrinsic part of the motor frame and allows the seals to be completely submerged in and lubricated by the oil bath. 1) The mechanical seal nearest the bearing shall utilize carbon/ceramic faces (except for U and T size motors [as referenced by the third digit of the motor code] which shall utilize tungsten carbide/silicon carbide faces), and shall isolate the seal cooling oil from the motor frame. 2) The mechanical seal nearest the impeller shall be a rubber bellows-type construction (except for T size motors, which shall be a stainless steel bellows-type construction) with the bellows designed to prevent contaminants from contacting the stainless-steel spring which loads the seal face. The seal faces shall be a solid tungsten carbide rotating face running against a solid silicon carbide stationary face. Seals with both faces of similar materials, or seals with bonded, soldered, or converted face surfaces are not equal or acceptable. 3) The mechanical seal nearest the impeller shall be contained in a seal chamber formed by the impeller flange and a recess cast into the motor frame. To prevent debris from entering the chamber and to prolong the mechanical seal life, a flush port shall be provided so that an optional external water flush can be supplied directly into the seal chamber. 4) The mechanical seal nearest the impeller shall be isolated from contaminants in the pumped media by a labyrinth-fit between the backside of the impeller and the backplate, as well as by pump-out grooves cast into the impeller back shroud and into the backplate, to minimize debris reaching the shaft seal. This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the exoress condition th::lt it i~ not to hI'! 1I.c:P.rI in ::lnv m;!nm'r rlir~(";tlll m inrlir"",..tll, rl""tr;m""nt<:ll f" J::M\1l0nTI='-U OIIMO~VCTt=/I~C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 Page 7 h. The thrust bearings shall be designed to take the full axial load of the impeller. i. Motors shall be immersible, 3 phase, 60 cycle, ___ HP, __ _ RPM, Volts. 2. Protection Devices. The motor shall be provided with the protection devices listed in Table 4. Motor Size (third digit of Thermal Protection Bearing Temperature Dry Chamber Float motor code) Protection Switch Thermostats (N/C X, Y,4, 5 OR Klixon type) N/A N/A U, T 3. Thermistors Thermostats (N/C Normally Closed Normally Closed Float OR Klixon type) Thermal Switch Switch Thermistors Table 4 The protection devices shall conform to the following specifications. a. Thermostats (N/C Klixon type): Three normally closed thermal sensors embedded in the stator windings, wired in series, will open a protective circuit if winding temperature exceeds rated operating temperature. These sensors automatically reset when winding temperature has cooled to a safe operating temperature. Thermostats shall not be used on VFD operation. b. c. Thermistors: Three thermistor type thermal sensors embedded in the stator windings, wired in parallel, will send a signal to an external relay, which will open a protective circuit if winding temperature exceeds rated operating temperature. Upon tripping, the external relay must manually reset and the cause of the overheating investigated before the motor can be returned to operation. When the motor is operated on VFD, thermistor type thermal protection must be used. For Motors Equipped with Bearing Temperature Protection: One normally closed thermal sensor is provided in close contact to the thrust bearings of the motor. The sensor will be wired to shut down the motor if bearing temperature exceeds rated operating temperature. d. For Motors Equipped with a Dry Chamber Float Switch: The motor shall be equipped with a normally closed float switch in the dry portion of the motor, to shut down the motor in the event that water should enter the dry portion of the motor 4. Additionally, all motors shall be fitted with a conductivity probe to monitor the This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah. and is loaned under the express condition that it is not to bp. IJ~F!ri in ~nv m::.nnp.r rlir""rtll/ nr inriir""rftv rI"'trirncn~."r +'" I:I\I\IIC('\TCI""U [)' l~nDQvC'Tr::~~('> I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCo-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 ______________________________________________________________________ ~P~age8 moisture content of the oil in the chamber between the outer and the inner mechanical seals. The probe shall be wired to a separate protective circuit, which, when connected to a conductivity-sensitive relay in the control panel, will trip an alarm if moisture content of the oil indicates a failure of the outer mechanical seal. D. WET PIT MOUNTING Pump Size D3K, D4K, E4K, E5K, E8K, F4K, F6K, F10K, H5K, H8K, H12K, 16K, 110K 116K, L 12K, L20K 1. 2. CHOOSE ONE Mounting Option Elbow Material I Guide Base Material (Choose One) Shoe Material a. Cast Iron I Cast Iron -Painted Steel 1. Fast Out System b. Cast Iron I Bronze -316 Stainless Steel c. Galvanized I Galvanized -Galvanized Steel -Painted Steel 2. Fabricated Legs N/A -316 Stainless Steel -Galvanized Steel N/A N/A N/A Table 5 Fast Out System. The manufacturer shall provide a fast-out fixture, made of the materials listed in Table 5 which shall be permanently mounted in the wet well as shown by the plans. a. b. c. The Fast Out fixture shall cantilever the entire pump and motor from the volute discharge flange, providing an unobstructed sump floor under the pump. As needed, a base fabricated of the materials listed in Table 5 will be supplied to provide the correct amount of clearance between the pump suction flange and the wet well floor. The fixture shall include a 90 degree elbow with an ANSI 125 Ib flange to connect to vertical piping, and shall provide mounts for two rails of standard schedule 40 pipe, which will guide the pump into position. The pump shall be supported by a positive metal-to-metal interlocking Guide Shoe flange, which is additionally sealed by a leakproof choose one (nitrile or Viton) ring pressed against the fixture flange by the weight of the pump. OR The pumps shall be mounted to fabricated legs, made of the materials listed in Table 5. The legs shall be sized to support the full weight of the pump and motor and to provide the correct amount of clearance between the pump suction flange and the wet well floor. OR E. DRY PIT IMMERSIBLE MOUNTING. Available configurations per pump size are This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the express condition that it is not to be used in anv manner direr:frv or inrlir~r.trv nAtrimpnt:l1 tn 1=f\/\lIr:U-'ITI=r.~ DII~np<::VC:TI:~~C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 Page 9 Pump Size D3K, D4K, E4K, E5K E8K, F4K, F6K, F10K, H5K, H8K, H12K 16K, 110K, 116K, L 12K, L20K 1. shown in Table 6. CHOOSE ONE Mounting Option Base Material Elbow or Transition Box (Choose One) Material 1. Concrete Piers Painted Steel Soleplate Cast Iron Elbow 2a. Concrete Piers a. Painted Steel Soleplate a or b. Cast Iron Transition Box 2b. Transition Box b. Transition Box 3. Vertical Suction Cast Iron Support Elbow Elbow Cast Iron Elbow 4. Fabricated Painted Fabricated Cast Iron Elbow Support Pedestal Steel Pedestal 5. Horizontal Dry Pit Painted Fabricated N/A Steel Base 1. Concrete Piers Painted Steel Soleplate Cast Iron Elbow 2. Concrete Piers Painted Steel Soleplate Cast Iron Transition Box 4. Fabricated Painted Fabricated Cast Iron Elbow Support Pedestal Steel Pedestal 5. Horizontal Dry Pit Painted Fabricated N/A Steel Base 1. Concrete Piers Painted Steel Soleplate Cast Iron Elbow 4. Fabricated Painted Fabricated Cast Iron Elbow Support Pedestal Steel Pedestal 5. Horizontal Dry Pit Painted Fabricated N/A Steel Base Table 6 Vertical Pier Mounting with Suction Elbow. The pump manufacturer shall provide a fabricated steel soleplate of sufficient thickness to support the entire weight of the pump and motor. a. The pump manufacturer shall provide the Contractor with sufficient drawings and data so that the Contractor can provide two formed concrete piers to properly support the soleplate and pump assembly, while providing sufficient clearance to ensure that the suction elbow does not come into contact with the floor. b. The concrete pump piers shall be formed such that there is no impedance to access the pump piping connections or inspection covers. c. The pump shall be supplied complete with a cast iron suction elbow This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West, 800 South, Sal! Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the exoress condition th::lt it i~ nnt to hI"! nc;;pri in ::mll m::lnnPlr riir",,..tlll ("Ir i.,rlir", ... U" r/c.trin1Antol fr. 1=t>.1\lIDnTt:r'U 01 r~nOc'>vc:.-TC~~C' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 2. 3. 4. d. Page 10 which shall be fitted within the confines of the concrete piers. The cast elbow shall include an integral hand-hole cleanout, the interior surface of which shall follow the contours of the suction elbow. OR Vertical Pier Mounting with Transition Box. The pump manufacturer shall provide a fabricated steel soleplate of sufficient thickness to support the entire weight of the pump and motor. (For D3K, D4K, E4K, and E5K size pumps less than 25 HP, the pump can be supported either by just the transition box or by the transition box with concrete piers and steel soleplate). a. The pump manufacturer shall provide the Contractor with sufficient drawings and data so that the Contractor can provide two formed concrete piers to properly support the soleplate and pump assembly, without causing strain on the transition box piping. b. c. d. e. The concrete pump piers shall be formed such that there is no impedance to access the pump piping connections. The pump shall be provided with a transition box on the suction of the pump that attaches to the horizontal suction piping and to the vertical pump suction flange. The transition box shall be specially designed to reduce turbulence and head loss in the 90 degrees of vertical transition, and to minimize the overall height of the transition. The transition box shall be manufactured of heavy walled cast iron, with flanges that mount to an ANSI 125/150 Ib bolt circle. The box shall be internally configured to minimize recirculation and head loss, and the losses at all flow rates shall be less than or equal to those of a long radius elbow of the same pipe size. OR Vertical Suction Base Elbow Mounting (D3K, D4K, E4K, and E5K only, maximum of 25 HP motor). The pump shall be supported by a cast iron base elbow furnished by the pump manufacturer with a hand hole opening large enough to permit access to the suction line and impeller. a. The base shall be rugged enough to support the full weight of the pump and motor. OR The pumps shall be mounted on a fabricated steel pedestal base, suitably reinforced to support the full weight of the pump and motor. a. The pedestal base shall include support legs of sufficient length to provide clear access to the suction port of the pump without impeding the flow of liquids and solids in to the pump suction. This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West. BOO South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the exoress condition that it is not to be used in anv mannp.r rlimr.tlv nr inrlirl'!r.tlv r/ptrimAnt::lt tn I=N\IIR()TI=r.1-I PIIMD~v.~n::ftnc:: II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Specification for WEMCO-Hidrostallmmersible Pumps P25S-D200 Page 11 5. b. c. d. The pump shall be supplied complete with a suction elbow which shall be fitted within the confines of the fabricated pedestal base. The suction elbow shall include an integral hand hole cleanout, the interior surface of which shall be designed to form a continuous curve on the interior surface of the elbow. The legs of the pedestal base shall be of sufficient length to ensure that the suction elbow does not come into contact with the floor or finished concrete pump base. OR Dry Pit Horizontal Mounting. a. b. The pump manufacturer shall provide a common pump and motor base constructed of a minimum of 3/8 inch thick fabricated steel, suitably reinforced to support the full weight of the pump and motor. The pump base shall include fabricated steel legs to support the pump and motor in the horizontal position, while still allowing for back pull out of the rotating assembly. This sheet is the property of ENVIROTECH PUMPSYSTEMS, 440 West, 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is loaned under the express condition that it is not to be used in any manner directlv or indirer.tlv rip.trimp.ntRt tn FN\lIR()Tl=r.r-r PI '~np~V~TJ:"~IIc! - - -- - - --- - - - -- - - - - THIS DRA .... IN:; HAS II , ~f" nLE. \.FIlAT!:: .:pd.' 'WHEN !!£VlSL"jCi THIS DRAIot'lN:j. 5 FAST OUT A B C D E F G H I J"'~l~f K I L IMIN lYPE PUMP E4K o S 1 TT v W DD 1 XX 1 YY 4 X 4 4 6 5/16 8 9/16 3 1 3/4 15 3/4 7 1/2 10 1/4 2 5/8 E5K 5 X 6 6 7 1/2 9 5/8 2 5/161 3/4 20 11/16 9 1/1S111 7/16 3/4 1 1/2 :3 3/16 1 30 I 24- 13 9/16 17 15/16 24 49 7/8 ----,-t--:-,-j 2 3/8 21 5/8 E8K-LL,-LS a X B EBK-HD,-SS 8 !13 1/16 9 1/16 10 15/16 :3 1/4 41/4~ 15 5/16 24 3/16 I 8 1/4 I 18 1/8 W--it=DD~ -1 ~2X J SCH 4-0 PIPE / (BY OTHERS) "o •• 4 .. 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PUMP AND ACCESSORIES ARE DESIGNED FOR CONTINUOUS SERVICE. 3. PUt,lP SIZE,.MODEL AND SERiAl NUMBER MUST BE SPECtFlED WHEN ORDERING SPARE PARTS. , ~§ Ifl»*lltwt1i.rr-l: i,t ----- -±- .'G: .~ '4' . C>. • C> .' • £:, .' ". : 4 4' . • C> "~ .. '. 4' .'. . 'G. £:, 4' . rfi"~itif::/:: , '. 4.' ·4.'G £:" £:,. yy UIEIR Ill/WEMCO --fi>B'i .. .." iii{ PUMP ~ GENERAL ARRANGEMENT E4K, E5K & EBK IMMERSIBLE WITH FAST -OUT -",..." 'iIDROSTAl PUMP _1" 1 1_"'704,,,,,, F IEI700 153 1 1 - I- ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix C CSWPPP Plans .. ..... ··-l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c .cc:::;~~~i~"oo'~~~")ilif)r':J·'";ff~#l!=~~;,,;;:::;:: .... " "'" ------~~~~~~~~:~~~~::~~~~---------- _~ ---~~--;.:::::-~---------C '"C." --;,m ,-:,' _C::m="':'-":L",~'~/~L"-~-" ,-" _ __ '_, >' " _ c='-" 'fif _~'o' "~""fj-~ ,,_.,j"""_-'-//' __ --." '" _ ", ' ~~ on ., .,. '. , ,," _ "' _ v ".. vv M -os"~ , ", _, , _M ,_ j' ~~,. 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SEE DETAIl~ [!:>INSTALL ~ SEDIt.IENT FIlTER DIKE PER OCTAll~ [t>INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND ADD PlASTIC COVER PER aTY OF RENTON STANDARD DETAIlS 215.10,lM) 213.30. SEE OETAlLS~~ ['t>IHSTALL WHEEl.. WASH AND PAVED CONSTRUCTION ~CE, IF NECESSARY PER CITY OF RENTON DETAIL 215.00. SEE ocrAlL~ [2> CONTRACTOR TO ~M::>I'I n:t.IPOONrf PUMP AND FllJRATlOH TANKS TO CONNECT TO DISCHARC£ lOCATlOH. CONTRN:fOR w.y ADJUST lOCATIONS AS COHSTRucnON PROGRESSES. GENERAL NOTES SEE TESC PLAN NOT£S AND CONSTRUCTION SEOUENCE ON SHEETS C2 & CJ LEGEND ~ ruARING AND GRUBBING c=J ASPHALT REMOVAl c:::::::::::J CONCRETE APRON REMOVAl.. ~ CONCRETE OlRB & GUTTER REMOVAl.. ;:>0<><><] TRENCH DRAIN REMOVAl... .~ FENCE REMOVAL ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK REMOVAl -0----0-TRIANGULAR Rl TER DIKE --@--IDIPORARY SAfETY FENCE ., CATCH BASIN INSERT "' ........ ...,N_~ ... ""' .... «>"' .... ...,N_O r:t rl [j a [j [j '-' u u u u ;:; u u ;:; u ;:; ~Bt~i •• ~~." ~J __ -_."".~ vL ------------------==----=.=-~-----T 'G' '"' '"' ,M G' '"' '"' '"' '"' ,.' ' 0"-OW< ~ ,., 'G' ,., ,., 'G' ,., •• , ,., ,., 'M ,., om, J;' ,., REM 0 VAL 10 0 10 20 40 TAXIWAY A GROUP II TOrA (EXISTING) KEY PLAN® SCALE: NOOE --:======-- """,--.-,,-,,---~~N >or; PLAN ® LAND USE PERMIT ~[]WL !UIlIfLE ~TIIEWOCW ~RI ~ 5nI II£ItSDI fir -00( StY Rl\SlN fJr .fIIftI1G 00( \b.gA~C~C~EPT~A8~'U1Y~~d'~·I"""""~~3~":2~.~15&.,-"iEiNG737j,j,\j'f[;anTE~S~C~P~lAN~~5iiQiiCCiPRliJEcr-t"'..:W(3«~'88~6~iFf V"'t_-'09~.':::J . .::15~_ ORIG 731 w.x FlIGHT\.JIE lITl.IIlES-N'RON C a PROJECT Rr WH OQ.2J.15 srJ:'o.'=lS ~ T. EI.IITON 09.23.15 r7<. IIIIEljVO· AI'I'IIOYEO 8Y DO'T. DAT£ w. IOOXH 09.2J.15 mu: BOEING 737 UAX FUGHTUNE U11unES-APRON C CI PROJECT C223R ~ p-= 1-___ j--+_-jJ0~. ;"",~"_-+",,,,,,,.""'-lS SITE 05-YO ~ NO. Wl«1886 au> NO. ; CML MASTER RENTON. 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" I .G2I / ~:I, 'I 'I, f .~ ;--w , ! _ I w' :..::: • .' I' I 11111. L~~-~--t-" -m._,:; [}>"~""'I"';'_-~'-' \ , I ~, ~~-C--'~ , u: ,! i I. '1' "" " .' ----,'205 I '. ' HjI_'MLl.(~L .. , , .!", ___ , ,,--L LEU. . . y,.,' I." • _ .~' J.J ., _. ",,-_. "" b':~-.. -.. .._LEA!!, •• •• •• •• •• ._ ".. ._ •• L::.....AJ:ii~TJj~_ •• .l ~~_ '. '-1- : - - --------_t~--------------............ _--...... \, \ ' CONSTRUCTION NOTES [!>INSTALL IDIf'OR.'RY S6fETY FENCE PER DETAIL ~ [%:>SPRA.Y WHITE PAINT ~D EDGE OF CONCRETE P,f,Ha5 TO 1£ RDlOVED AND REPlJL'ED . (t>INSTAIl. CATOt BASIN filTER PER ~ RENTON STANDARD P\..I<N 216.30. SEE OET~L~ il>-INSTALL TRIANGULAR SEDIMENT FILTER DIKE PER DETAlL~ ~INSTAI..l CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE At«) .fro PIA5llC CCMR PER OTY OF RENTON sr~ DETMS 215.10 NlD 213.30. SEE DETAlLS@~ []:> INSTAll WHEEl WASH AND PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. If ~ PER mY OF RENTON OCTAl. 215.00. SEE DETM..~ [2:> CONTRACTOR TO 1N;r~~PORARY PUMP AND FllTRAnON TANKS TO CONNECT 10 DISCHARGE I.OCATION. OONTRACTOR UA.Y AWUST I..OCATIONS /oS CONSTRUcrION PI<OO<fSSES. GENERAL NOTES SEE TESC PI..MI NOTES AND CONSTRUCT1ON SEQUENCE ON SHEETS C2 &: CJ LEGEND ~ aEARlNG AND GRUBBING c=J ASPHALT REMOVAl ~ CONCRETE APROO ROIOVAl ~ CONCRETE CURB &: QJTTER RENOVAl OOO¢tl lRENOi DRAIN REt.IOVAl .~-FENCE REMOVAl ~ CEMENT CONffiETE SIDEWAlK RDCOVAl -c--o-TRIANGULAR FILTER DIKE -----@-----"TEMPORARY SAfTIY FINe( • CATCH BASIN INSERT ~ E ~ a B fi ~ ~ ~ B G ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~J ~~' """ I , , i I 65.5' GROUP II TOfA (EXISTlNG) t --... ~Ir--------- -'. \ ... :: "" "111 ,m, ,m, ,m' ,m, 1m' m , .. 'm'~'~'T-~'1 REMOVAL 20_ "_ 0_" 20 40 ," APRON C PLAN 0 I SCAlE-",-20 -iii ~,' 20'2 LAND USE PERMIT ~DWL ~~!.,LAN® I : 1737 UAA FOOfllU€ ~ f" ~ c CI f'RO.{CT RT TMIWAY A DOt IS"IV '/IH I 09.2J.15 ~ !If If'PIIMII IW[ Of"" ~ ~c~~ R.TEIIFVOO 09.23.15 SI.fITTII..E TESCPLAN C\IftIITw'3«i886IuRIQ"'~ 09.23.15 ..;;~... SP£/R.AlQ( IS N'!'R(M]l T. ~ 09.23.15 r7'\ BOEINO" (,~. ~.~. ~.IQDO< """ BOONe 737 "" FUGfTU'E UTlUnES APRON C a PROJECT C224R ~ ,1. if> 1 f •. """" ".",,, SITE OS-YD l ~ .. :~ _ JOB NO. WJ.44-tB86 jCOWP NO. Ii: ~~ eM.. MASTER R[NTOO, WA -.. NO. 05 Yll-.'i'RC C22JR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix 0 Operations and Maintenance Manual I I I I I I I I I I ~ ., ~ J, I ~ < c I ~ ~ :::! ~ .:, I J, ~ ~ ~ 0' I 5 I I I I I CONNECT INTO EXISTING BOX CULVERT -~-C~-L~---':'?~' ~-6~f-N O_R_T_H_B_AS_I_N_@ 60 30 0 3Ei;;0 ~~60~~~~120 ~ t: I I SCALE: 1 :60 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 9B052 425-869-2670 APRON C NORTH STORMWATER MAP O&M MANUAL I I I I I I I I I I • ~ <; N · -; • 0 , I ~ " N ~ • 0 0 I ~ • • " ~ 0 N I • ~ " N ~ • 0 I § • I I I I I /- CONNECT INTO EXISTING "'-BOX CULVERT 'VALVE VAUL~ ~~~~ ~;I~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~DIVERSION STRUCTURE t; FOR SKYDROL -;::;-;:;~~~E;::--~ 07»1" N_= -=5f;-;-, _S_O_U_T_H_B_AS_I_N_-----1® 50 30 0 30 50 120 ~ 1 1-----,1 ----- SCALE: 1:50 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 96052 425-869·2670 APRON C SOUTH STORMWATER MAP O&M MANUAL I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO.4 -CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When I Component Maintenance is Performed Structure Trash and debris Trash or debris of more than % cubic foot which No Trash or debris blocking or is located immediately in front of the structure potentially blocking entrance to I opening or is blocking capacity of the structure by structure. more than 10%. Trash or debris in the structure that exceeds 1/3 No trash or debris in the structure. the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the I lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would volume. attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. I Sediment Sediment exceeds 60% of the depth from the Sump of structure contains no bottom of the structure to the invert of the lowest sediment. pipe into or out of the structure or the bottom of I the FROP-T section or is within 6 inches of the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the structure or the bottom of the FROP-T section. Damage to frame Corner of frame extends more than % inch past Frame is even with curb. I andlor top slab curb face into the street (If applicable). Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks. cracks wider than Y. inch. I Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab. separation of more than % inch of the frame from the top slab. Cracks in walls or Cracks wider than Y:z inch and longer than 3 feet, Structure is sealed and structurally I bottom any evidence of soil particles entering structure sound. through cracks, or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. I Cracks wider than % inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 114 inch wide at at the joint of any inleVoutlet pipe or any evidence the joint of inleVoullet pipe. of soil particles entering structure through cracks. Settlement/ Structure has settled more than 1 inch or has Basin replaced or repaired to design I misalignment rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards. Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than %-inch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of inlet/outlet pipes. the structure at the joint of the inleVoutlet pipes. I Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants I present other than a surface oil film. Ladder rungs missing Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards and or unsafe misalignment, rust. cracks. or sharp edges. allows maintenance person safe I access. FROP-T Section Damage T section is not securely attached to structure T section securely attached to wall wall and outlet pipe structure should support at and outlet pipe. least 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure. I Structure is not in upright position (allow up to Structure in correct position. 10% from plumb). Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight or Connections to outlet pipe are water I show signs of deteriorated grout. tight; structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Any holes-other than designed holes-in the Structure has no holes other than structure. designed holes. I Clean out Gate Damaged or missing Cleanout gate is missing. Replace cleanout gate, I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A \/9/2009 A-7 -------------------------------------------------------------- I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO.4 -CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When I Component Maintenance is Performed Cleanout gate is not watertight. Gate is watertight and works as designed. I Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easily and maintenance person. is watertight. Chain/rod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as I designed. Orifice Plate Damaged or missing Control device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as missing, out of place, or bent orifice plate. designed. I Obstructions Any trash, debris, sediment, or vegetation Plate is free of all obstructions and blocking the plate. works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking (or having the Pipe is free of all obstructions and potential of blocking) the overflow pipe. works as designed. I Deformed or damaged Lip of overflow pipe is bent or deformed. Overflow pipe does not allow lip overflow at an elevation lower than design I InleUOutiet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. accumulation Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutiet No trash or debris in pipes. pipes (includes f10atables and non-floatables). I Damaged Cracks wider than %-inch at the joint of the No cracks more than X-inch wide at inleUoutiet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inleUoutlet pipe. at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipes. I Metal Grates Unsafe grate opening Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design (If Applicable) standards. Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris. I of grate surface. footnote to guidelines for disposal Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. I Manhole Cover/Lid Cover/lid not in place Cover/lid is missing or only partially in place. Cover/lid protects opening to Any open structure requires urgent structure. maintenance. Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools. I Not Working maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts cannot be seated. Self-locking coverllid does not work. Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and I Remove coverllid after applying 80 lbs. of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance person. I I I I I 1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A A-8 I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO.5 -CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES I Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Pertormed Structure Sediment Sediment exceeds 60% of the depth from the Sump of catch basin contains no bottom of the catch basin to the invert of the sediment. I lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin or is within 6 inches of the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin. Trash and debris Trash or debris of more than Yl cubic foot which No Trash or debris blocking or I is located immediately in front of the catch basin potentially blocking entrance to opening or is blocking capacity of the catch basin catch basin. by more than 10%. Trash or debris in the catch basin that exceeds No trash or debris in the catch basin. I 1/3 the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation I odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within catch basin. gases (e.g., methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would volume. attract or support the breeding of I insects or rodents. Damage to frame Corner of frame extends more than % inch past Frame is even with curb. and/or top slab curb face into the street (If applicable). I Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks. cracks wider than "X inch. Frame not sitting flush on top slab, Le., Frame is sitting flush on top slab. separation of more than % inch of the frame from I the top slab. Cracks in walls or Cracks wider than % inch and longer than 3 feet, Catch basin is sealed and bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch structurally sound. I basin through cracks, or maintenance person judges that catch basin is unsound. Cracks wider than y" inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch wide at at the jOint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. I of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. Settlement! Catch basin has settled more than 1 inch or has Basin replaced or repaired to design misalignment rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards. I Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than y,,~inch at the joint of. the No cracks more than X·inch wide at inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of inlet/outlet pipes. the catch basin at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes. I Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if I appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Inlet/Outlet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. accumulation I Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet No trash or debris in pipes. pipes (includes f10atables and non~f1oatables). Damaged Cracks wider than %·inch at the joint of the No cracks more than "X·inch wide at I inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipes. I I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A 1/9/2009 A-9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO.5 -CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES I Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Metal Grates Unsafe grate open ing Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design (Catch Basins) standards. I Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris. of grate surface. footnote to guidelines for disposal Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design I Any open structure requires urgent standards. maintenance. Manhole Cover/Lid Cover/lid not in place Cover/lid is missing or only partially in place. Cover/lid protects opening to Any open structure requires urgent structure. I maintenance. Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools. Not Working maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts I cannot be seated. Self-locking cover/lid does not work. Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and Remove cover/lid after applying 80 Ibs. of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance I person. I I I I I I I I I I I 1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A A-1O I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO.6 -CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES I Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance Is Performed Pipes Sediment & debris Accumulated sediment or debris that exceeds Water flows freely through pipes. accumulation 20% of the diameter of the pipe. I Vegetation/roots Vegetation/roots that reduce free movement of Water flows freely through pipes. water through pipes. Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of I pollution as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. I Damage to protective Protective coating is damaged; rust or corrosion Pipe repaired or replaced. coating or corrosion is weakening the structural integrity of any part of pipe. Damaged Any dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced. I pipe by more than 20% or is determined to have weakened structural integrity of the pipe. Ditches Trash and debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from I square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of all sediment accumulation design depth. and debris so that it matches design. I Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation constitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable public. regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might normally be. I Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if I appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches. through ditches. I Erosion damage to Any erosion observed on a ditch slope. Slopes are not eroding. slopes Rock lining out of One layer or less of rock exists above native soil Replace rocks to deSign standards. I place or missing (If area 5 square feet or more, any exposed native Applicable) soil. I I I I I I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A 119/2009 A-II ,--I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO. 11 -GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When I Component Maintenance is Periormed Site Trash or litter Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site. per 1,000 square feet (this is about equal to the I amount of trash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation I constitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable public. regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might normally be. I Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants I present other than a surface oil film. G rass/grou ndeover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in Grass or groundcover mowed to a height. height no greater than 6 inches. I Trees and Shrubs Hazard Any tree or limb of a tree identified as having a No hazard trees in facility. potential to fall and cause property damage or threaten human life. A hazard tree identified by a qualified arborist must be removed as soon I as possible. Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than 5% broken which affect more than 25% of the total of total foliage with split or broken foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs. I Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or No blown down vegetation or knocked over. knocked over vegetation. Trees or shrubs free of injury. I Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and supported or are leaning over, causing exposure adequately supported; dead or of the roots. diseased trees removed. I I I I I I I I 1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A A-16 I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO. 21 -STORMFIL TER (CARTRIDGE TYPE) Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When I Component Maintenance is Performed Site Trash and debris Any trash or debris which impairs the function of Trash and debris removed from the facility. facility. I Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oils, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants I present other than a surface oil film. Ufe cycle System has not been inspected for three years. Facility is re-inspected and any needed maintenance performed. I Vault Treatment Sediment on vault Greater than 2 inches of sediment. Vault is free of sediment. Area floor Sediment on top of Greater than y" inch of sediment. Vault is free of sediment. I cartridges Multiple scum lines Thick or multiple scum lines above top of Cause of plugging corrected, above lop of cartridges. Probably due to plugged canisters or canisters replaced if necessary. cartridges underdrain manifold. I Vault Structure Damage to wall, Cracks wider than %-inch and any evidence of Vault replaced or repaired to design Frame, Bottom, and/or soil particles entering the structure through the specifications. Top Slab cracks, or qualified inspection personnel determines the vault is not structurally sound. I Baffles damaged Baffles corroding, cracking warping, and/or Repair or replace baffles to showing signs offailure as determined by specification. maintenance/inspection person. I Filter Media Standing water in 9 inches or greater of static water in the vault for No standing water in vault 24 hours vault more than 24 hours following a rain event and/or after a rain event. overflow occurs frequently. Probably due to plugged filter media, underdrain or outlet pipe. I Short circuiting Flows do not properly enter filter cartridges. Flows go through fitter media. Underdrains and Sediment/debris Underdrains or clean-outs partially plugged or Underdrains and clean-outs free of Clean·Outs filled with sediment and/or debris. sediment and debris. I Inlet/Outlet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlel/outlet pipes clear of sediment. accumulation Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet No trash or debris in pipes. I pipes (includes floatables and non-floatables). Damaged Cracks wider than '!4,-inch at the joint of the No cracks more than y;.-inch wide at inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. at the joints of the inleUoutlet pipes. I Access Manhole Cover/lid not in place Cover/lid is missing or only partially in place. Manhole access covered. Any open manhole requires immediate maintenance. I Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools. not working maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts cannot be seated. Self-locking coverllid does not work, I Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Coverllid can be removed and remove cover/lid after applying 80 Ibs of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance person, I Ladder rungs unsafe Missing rungs, misalignment, rust, or cracks, Ladder meets design standards. Allows maintenance person safe access. Large access Damaged or difficult Large access doors or plates cannot be Replace or repair access door so it I doors/plate to open opened/removed using normal equipment. can opened as designed. I 1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A A·30 I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO. 21 -STORMFIL TER (CARTRIDGE TYPE) Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When I Component Maintenance Is Performed Gaps, doesn't cover Large access doors not flat and/or access Doors close flat and cover access completely opening not completely cov~red. opening completely. I Lifting Rings missing, Lifting rings not capable of lifting weight of door Lifting rings sufficient to lift or rusted or plate. remove door or plate. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A 119/2009 A·3I I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO. 23 -COALESCING PLATE OIUWATER SEPARATOR I Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Site Trash and debris Any trash or debris which impairs the function of Trash and debris removed from the facility. facility. I Contaminants and Floating oil in excess of 1 inch in first chamber, No contaminants present other than pollution any oil in other chambers or other contaminants a surface oil film. of any type in any chamber. I Vault Treatment Sediment Sediment accumulation of 6 inches or greater in No sediment in the forebay. Area accumulation in the the fore bay. forebay Discharge water not Inspection of discharge water shows obvious Repair function of plates so effluent I clear signs of poor water quality ~ effluent discharge is clear. from vault shows thick visible sheen. Trash or debris Trash and debris accumulation in vault Trash and debris removed from I accumulation (floatables and non~floatables). vault. Oil accumulation Oil accumulation that exceeds 1 inch at the water No visible oil depth on water and surface in the in the coalescing plate chamber. coalescing plates clear of oil. I Coalescing Plates Damaged Plate media broken, deformed, cracked andlor Replace that portion of media pack showing signs of failure. or entire plate pack depending on severity of failure. Sediment Any sediment accumulation which interferes with No sediment accumulation I accumulation the operation of the coalescing plates. interfering with the coalescing plates. Vault Structure Damage to Wall, Cracks wider than %~inch and any evidence of Vault replaced or repaired to design Frame, Bottom, and/or soil particles entering the structure through the specifications. I Top Slab cracks, or maintenance inspection personnel determines that the vault is not structurally sound. I Baffles damaged Baffles corroding, cracking, warping and/or Repair or replace baffles to showing signs of failure as determined by specifications. maintenance/inspection person. Ventilation Pipes Plugged Any obstruction to the ventilation pipes. Ventilation pipes are clear. I Shutoff Valve Damaged or Shutoff valve cannot be opened or closed. Shutoff valve operates normally. inoperable InleUOutlet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. I accumulation Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet No trash or debris in pipes. pipes (includes f10atables and non~f1oatables). I Damaged Cracks wider than %~inch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.~inch wide at inleUoutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. at the joints of the inleVoutiet pipes. Access Manhole Coverllid not in place Coverllid is missing or only partially in place. Manhole access covered. I Any open manhole requires immediate maintenance. Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools. not working maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts I cannot be seated. Self-locking cover/lid does not work. Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and I remove cover/lid after applying 80 Ibs of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance person. Ladder rungs unsafe Missing rungs, misalignment, rust, or cracks. Ladder meets design standards. Allows maintenance person safe I access. I 2009 Surface Waler Design Manual-Appendix A 119/2009 A-33 I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO. 23 -COALESCING PLATE OIUWATER SEPARATOR I Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Large access Damaged or difficult Large access doors or plates cannot be Replace or repair access door so it doors/plate to open opened/removed using normal equipment. can opened as designed. I Gaps, doesn't cover Large access doors not flat andlor access Doors close flat and cover access completely opening not completely covered. opening completely. Lifting Rings missing, Lifting rings not capable of lifting weight of door Lifting rings sufficient to lift or I rusted or plate. remove door or plate. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A A-34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Construction Stormwater General Permit RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2015 0 1': '~""'~""N CiTY ,: .• c:,,,! "'" PLANNING DIVISION Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for L:;;:' 737 Max Flightline Utilities-Apron C . prepare1f{X"c~ The Washmgton Stat;pe~artment of Ecology North~~giOn /" ~" '" ,--.-\ , Permittee I Owner /"', Developer"'/ ,/ Operator'I'Contractor , , Boeing Commercial Airplanes B6~ingg0!l1mercial Airpla~es GL Y Construction ... ", ~', \\<~~ ,,~ \\ . ,~~ ~.'~ 770 Perimeter Road West, Renton WfJi. 98055 /'_ ~ \:11\ .. /, '" ". ',) Certified E;()sion and S\dimi'nt,tc;ntroiL:ead (CESCl) , , , --~-, , , Name "",~ i.1 Organization Glen lJ!:lwbridge '" '" 1/,· GL Y Con's.t~iH::tion / " , Nari:!e" \" \ Organization Tara L BUr!0'n, , DOWL , ___ f , ", ~>j / ~~/ SWPPP Preparation Date September 21 , 2015 Project Construction Dates Activity I Phase Start Date Site Construction 12/015/15 Contact Phone Number 425-301-6198 Contact Phone Number 425-869-2670 End Date 12/31116 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents 1 Project Information .............................................................................................................. .4 1.1 Existing Conditions ...................................................................................................... .4 1.2 Proposed Construction Activities ................................................................................... 5 2 Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) ............................................ 7 2.1 The 12 Elements ........................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Element 1: Preserve Vegetation I Mark Clearing Limits ......................................... 7 2.1.2 Element 2: Establish Construction Access ............................................................. 8 2.1.3 Element 3: Control Flow Rates ............................................................................... 9 2.1.4 Element 4: Install Sediment Controls .................................................... , .............. 10 2.1.5 Element 5: Stabilize Soils ..................................................................................... 11 2.1.6 Element 6: Protect Slopes .................................................................................... 12 2.1.7 Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets ............................................................................. 13 2.1.8 Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets .......................................................... 14 2.1.9 Element 9: Control Pollutants ............................................................................... 15 2.1.10 Element 10: Control Dewatering .......................................................................... 18 2.1.11 Element 11: Maintain BMPs ................................................................................. 19 2.1.12 Element 12: Manage the Project.. ........................................................................ 20 3 Pollution Prevention Team ................................................................................................. 22 4 Monitoring and Sampling Requirements ............................................................................ 23 4.1 Site Inspection ............................................................................................................ 23 4.2 Stormwater Quality Sampling ...................................................................................... 23 4.2.1 Turbidity Sampling ............................................................................................... 23 4.2.2 pH Sampling ........................................................................................................ 25 5 Discharges to 303(d) or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waterbodies ......................... 26 5.1 303(d) Listed Waterbodies .......................................................................................... 26 5.2 TMDL Waterbodies ..................................................................................................... 26 6 Reporting and Record Keeping .......................................................................................... 27 6.1 Record Keeping .......................................................................................................... 27 6.1.1 Site Log Book ...................................................................................................... 27 6.1.2 Records Retention ............................................................................................... 27 6.1.3 Updating the SWPPP ........................................................................................... 27 6.2 Reporting .................................................................................................................... 28 6.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports .............................................................................. 28 6.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance .............................................................................. 28 Pagell I _I I \" V I I J ' :1 I ~I ~I t 'I 1 1 1 1 1 I List of Tables Table 1 -Summary of Site Pollutant Constituents ................................................................. 4 Table 2 -Pollutants ................................................................................................................ 15 Table 3 -pH-Modifying Sources ............................................................................................ 17 Table 4 -Dewatering BMPs .................................................................................................... 18 Table 5 -Management ............................................................................................................ 20 Table 6 -BMP Implementation Schedule .............................................................................. 21 Table 7 -Team Information .................................................................................................... 22 Table 8 _ Turbidity Sampling Method .................................................................................... 23 Table 9 -pH Sampling Method .............................................................................................. 25 List of Appendices Appendix/Glossary A. Site Map B. BMP Detail C. Correspondence D. Site Inspection Form E. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) F. 303(d) List Waterbodies ITMDL Waterbodies Information G. Contaminated Site Information H. Engineering Calculations Page 12 • • '. '. '. -. • • • • • • • • • • I • • ----------- List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym I Abbreviation 303(d) BFO BMP(s) CESCL CO2 CRO CSWGP CWA DMR DO Ecology EPA ERO ERTS ESC GULD NPDES NTU NWRO pH RCW SPCC su SWMMEW SWMMWW SWPPP TESC SWRO TMDL VFO WAC WSDOT WWHM Page 13 Explanation Section of the Clean Water Act pertaining to Impaired Waterbodies Bellingham Field Office of the Department of Ecology Best Management Practice(s) Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Carbon Dioxide Central Regional Office of the Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit Clean Water Act Discharge Monitoring Report Dissolved Oxygen Washington State Department of Ecology United States Environmental Protection Agency Eastern Regional Office of the Department of Ecology Environmental Report Tracking System Erosion and Sediment Control General Use Level Designation National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Nephelometric Turbidity Units Northwest Regional Office of the Department of Ecology Power of Hydrogen Revised Code of Washington Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Standard Units Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Southwest Regional Office of the Department of Ecology Total Maximum Daily Load Vancouver Field Office of the Department of Ecology Washington Administrative Code Washington Department of Transportation Western Washington Hydrology Model ,----------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Project Information ProjecVSite Name: 737 Max Flightline Utilities Apron C StreetlLocation: 770 Perimeter Road West City: Renton State: WA Zip code: 98055 Subdivision: N/A Receiving waterbody: Lake Washington 1.1 Existing Conditions Total acreage (including support activities such as off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas). Total acreage: Disturbed acreage: EXisting structures: Landscape topography: 4.52 3.68 Yes -the site is fully developed for airport use Pavement, sloping between 0.5% -5% Drainage pattems: Both Apron C South and North are collected with existing drainage systems that convey runoff to the existing box culvert in Perimeter Road West EXisting Vegetation: Some landscape areas around the perimeter Critical Areas (wetlands, streams, high erosion None risk, steep or difficult to stabilize slopes): List of known impairments for 303(d) listed or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the receiving waterbody: No category 5 known impairments. Bacteria Category 2 Total Phosphorus Category 1 Table 1 includes a list of suspected and/or known contaminants associated with the construction activity. List all known or suspected contaminants associated with this site in Table 1. Include contaminants previously remediated. Table 1 -Summary of Site Pollutant Constituents Constituent (Pollutant) Petroleum Page 14 Location Depth Unknown Unknown Concentration Unknown I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.2 Proposed Construction Activities Description of site development (example: subdivision): Boeing is expanding its manufacturing operation for the new 737 Max aircraft. The increased monthly production rate will require that aircraft be moved out of the assembly building and onto apron parking spots for the final work and testing of the aircraft. Apron C is on the west side of the airport and is owned by the City of Renton. Boeing has a long term lease on the south portion (Apron C South) and a short term lease on the north portion (Apron C North). C North and C South are separated by the Rainier Flight Service building. C South will have 5 stalls (C- 1 through C-5) and there is potential for a previously fueled aircraft on Apron C South. C North will have two stalls (C-6 and C-7) and are for never fueled aircraft. Ancillary improvements such as crew and production structures, parking and security fencing will be provided. Description of construction activities (example: site preparation, demolition, excavation): The site is bordered by an airplane taxiway to the east, perimeter road to the west, Apron A to the south and an additional taxiway that is part or Renton Airport to the north. Earthwork for the project will be limited to excavation necessary for foundations, Stormfilters, oil water separators and additional utilities. The existing site is paved; the existing concrete and asphalt will remain in place as long as possible. Both portions of the project will use commercial filtration tanks during construction for stormwater runoff and dewatering. Due to high groundwater it is anticipated that dewatering will be a significant challenge on this project and the dewatering pump rate will drive the water treatment capacity. All water from dewatering will be routed through the commercial filtration tanks. Description of site drainage including flow from and onto adjacent properties. Must be consistent with Site Map in Appendix A: Two basins were established, C South and C North, to reflect the separate stormwater systems. The apron pavement will be partially replaced with the intent of providing a cement concrete surface suitable for heavy aircraft. Not all pavement will need to be replaced. The aprons generally slope west to east and stormwater is collected via catch basins and slot drains. The stormwater is conveyed to a flow splitter, a CPS oil water separator and a Stormfilter before being released into the existing box culvert in Perimeter Road. C South will incorporate fuel spill containment. C South will also pump the stormwater to the box culvert in Perimeter Road. Description of final stabilization (example: extent of revegetation, paving, landscaping): The site will be stabilized once the paving, landscaping, utilities, crew and production structures, parking and security fencing are installed. Contaminated Site Information: Proposed activities regarding contaminated soils or groundwater (example: on-site treatment system, authorized sanitary sewer discharge): Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recognizing the potential for a fuel spill in C South, where there is the potential for fueled aircraft to be located a spill valve vault will be installed. The vault will contain two solenoid pneumatically actuated ball valves, a 14-inch valve on the storm sewer main and 12-inch valve on the dead end containment. The 14-inch main line valve is normally open, the 12-inch diversion valve normally closed. The containment volume is 10,000 gallons or 115% of the fuel truck volume. The activation of the diversion is a manual panic button mounted on a panel at each stall capable of holding a fueled aircraft. There are diversion structures at each of the stalls to divert any Skydrol that might be spilled. The aircraft hydraulic systems are filled and pressurized in the assembly building and leaks are generally discovered and repaired prior to parking the aircraft on the apron. There will be a Skydrol cart at each stall with a capacity of 80 gallons. The cart will be used to add fluid to the system, and in some cases pressurize the system for testing purposes. The carts will be stored beneath a cover with a depression holding a minimum of 115% of the cart capacity. Each stall will have a catch basin with an aircraft rated lift assisted grate. The catch basin is connected to the storm sewer main and to an adjacent dead end containment vault. There will be hand actuated shear gates in the catch basin, the storm drain connection being normally open, and the Skydrol containment normally closed. During Skydrol operations the storm drain line will be closed and the containment line open. The containment vault will be a Utility Vault precast box holding in excess of 400 gallons to the inlet invert, well in excess of the required volume. Page 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) The SWPPP is a living document reflecting current conditions and changes throughout the life of the project. These changes may be informal (Le., hand-written notes and deletions). Update the SWPPP when the CESCL has noted a deficiency in BMPs or deviation from original design. 2.1 The 12 Elements 2.1.1 Element 1: Preserve Vegetation I Mark Clearing Limits List and describe BMPs: • High Visibility Plastic or Metal Safety Fence (King County • Paint the edge of the concrete removal limits The safety fence may be coincidental with the permanent site security fencing. Installation Schedules: The fences will be installed at the start of construction. The concrete removal and replacement limits will be spray painted just before concrete panel removal begins. Inspection and Maintenance plan: If the fence has been damaged it shall be repaired, it shall be inspected once a week or when other BMPs are inspected. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Pagel7 ------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.2 Element 2: Establish Construction Access List and describe BMPs: • City of Renton 215.00 -Wheel Wash and Paved Construction Entrance • City of Renton 215.10 -Stabilized Construction Entrance • King County 03.8 -Dust Control Installation Schedules: The site is currently paved, the asphalt will remain in place as long as possible. Once the driveway asphalt is removed a construction entrance per the City of Renton standard detail 215.10 could be employed. Sequentially a construction entrance might not be necessary. Wheel washing, street sweeping and street cleaning shall be employed as necessary to prevent sediment from tracking onto the Perimeter Road. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Periodic inspection and needed maintenance after each rain. Roadways are to be inspected at the end of each work day. Any sediment tracked onto pavement shall be removed by shoveling or street sweeping. The sediment collected by sweeping shall be removed or stabilized onsite. The pavement shall not be cleaned by washing down the street, except when high efficiency sweeping is ineffective and there is a threat to public safety. If it is necessary to wash the streets, the construction of a small sump to contain the wash water shall be considered. The sediment would then be washed into the sump where it can be controlled. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Page 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.3 Element 3: Control Flow Rates Will you construct stormwater retention and/or detention facilities? o Yes[8J No Will you use permanent infiltration ponds or other low impact development (example: rain gardens, bio-retention, porous pavement) to control flow during construction? o Yes[8J No List and describe BMPs: This project is located in a direct discharge area for Lake Washington and no flow control will be provided. Installation Schedules: N/A Inspection and Maintenance plan: N/A Responsible Staff: N/A Page 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.4 Element 4: Install Sediment Controls List and describe BMPs: • King County Triangular Silt Dike • City of Renton 216.30 Catch Basin Filter • DOE BMP C251 Construction Stormwater Filtration Installation Schedules: The triangular silt dikes, catch basin filters, and Construction Stormwater Filtration will be installed at the beginning of the construction. As the catch basins are installed, storm drain inlet protection shall also be installed. Inspection and Maintenance plan: The triangular silt dikes and catch basin filters shall be inspected once a week or after large rainfall events. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction PagellO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.5 Element 5: Stabilize Soils West of the Cascad Mountains Crest e Season Dates Number of Days Soils Can be Left Exposed During the Dry Season May 1 -September 30 7 days During the Wet Season October 1 -April 30 2 days Soils must be stabilized at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. Anticipated project dates: Start date: 03/09/2016 End date: 07/31/2016 Will you construct during the wet season? [8] YesO No List and describe BMPs: • City of Renton 213.30 Plastic Covering Installation Schedules: As there are exposed or unworked soils plastic covering shall be installed. Inspection and Maintenance plan: All exposed soils shall be inspected every 2 days (during the wet season) and after rainfall events. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Pagelll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.6 Element 6: Protect Slopes Will steep slopes be present at the site during construction? [gJ YesD No List and describe BMPs: • City of Renton 213.30 Plastic Covering • D.3.2.2 Mulching • D.3.2.6 Temporary and Permanent Seeding Installation Schedules: The steep slopes are located at the perimeter of the project from the parking lot to Perimeter Road. The steep slopes are currently landscaped; once the landscaping has been removed all exposed slopes will be covered until they are stabilized with the new landscape. Inspection and Maintenance plan: The steep slopes shall be inspected at least once a week or after large rainfall events. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Pagel12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.7 Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets List and describe BMPs: • City of Renton 216.30 Catch Basin Filter Installation Schedules: Catch basin filters will be installed on all existing catch basins and immediately downstream of the project areas at the start of the construction. The catch basin filters will be added to new structures as they are installed. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Catch basin filters will be cleaned (or removed and replaced), when sediment has filled the device by one third (1/3) or as specified by the manufacturer. Catch basins will be inspected weekly and daily during storm events. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Pagel13 r------------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.8 Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets West of the Cascade Mountains Crest On-site conveyance channels must handle the peak 10-minute flow rate from a Type 1A, 10- year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate predicted by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. KCRTS was used for the following results: Apron C South 10 Year 1 Hour: 1.84 cfs * 1.6 = 2.94 cfs Apron C North 10 Year 1 Hour: 0.50 cfs * 1.6 = 0.80 cfs Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches, will be installed at the outlets of all conveyance systems. • DOE BMP C251 Construction Stormwater Filtration List and describe BMPs: The stormwater will be treated with commercial filtration before being released into the existing box culvert. Installation Schedules: The stormwater filtration will be installed at the start of construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: The stormwater filtration shall be inspected once a week or after heavy rain. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Pagel14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.9 Element 9: Control Pollutants The following pollutants are anticipated to be present on-site: (See the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan for additional information.) Table 2 -Pollutants Pollutant (List pollutants and source, if applicable) Possible cement treatment Fossil Fuels -Equipment Motor Oil & Hydraulic Fluid -Equipment Form oil, curing compounds, sealers -Concrete Work Paints, coatings, solvents, -Painting and Coating Detergents & Cleaners -Cleaning Fertilizers and pesticide List and describe BMPs: (from the Stormwater Management Manual for Westem Washington, DOE) BMP C151: Concrete Handling BMP C152: Saw cutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage and Containment BMP C154: Concrete Washout Area BMP C251: Construction Stormwater Filtration BMP C252: High pH Neutralization BMP C253: pH control for High pH Water S406 Streets/Highways/Applicable BMP's S407 Dust Control for Disturbed Land Areas and Unpaved Parking Lots S409 Fueling at Dedicated Stations S411 Landscaping and LawnNegetation Management S417 Maintenance for Stormwater Drainage and Treatment Systems S419 Mobile Fueling of Vehicles and Heavy Equipment S424 Roof/Building Drains at Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings S430 Urban Streets Installation Schedules: As the chemicals or possible contaminants are being used the BMP that relates to that chemical will be implemented. Inspection and Maintenance plan: During times when concrete is being poured the pH level at the monitoring points as well as the turbidity shall be checked once a day. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Will maintenance, fueling, and/or repair of heavy equipment and vehicles occur on-site? [8J YesD No All equipment fueling operations will utilize pumps and funnels and absorbent pads. Pagel15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------------------_ .. - Fueling will be restricted to designated fueling areas. A spill kit will be located within 100 feet of any fueling operation. Engine, transmission and hydraulic oil may be added as needed utilizing funnels and drop pans. Absorbent pads will be placed to prevent fluid contact with soil. No fresh or used engine fluids will be stored on the project site. All liquid products will be stored under cover on durable, impervious surfaces and within a bermed area or other means of secondary containment capable of containing 110% of the largest single container in the storage area. No vehicle maintenance other than emergency repair will be performed on the project site. If emergency repairs are necessary plastic or absorbent pads shall be placed beneath the vehicle. Drip pans and absorbent pads will be placed under all equipment that is unused for more than 4 hours, overnights, weekends and holidays. List and describe BMPs: • BMP C251 Construction stormwater Filtration • S419 BMPs for Mobile Fueling of Vehicles and Heavy Equipment Installation Schedules: As the fueling is done, the drip pans, funnels and absorbent pads will be used. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Conduct daily visual inspections of storage areas, equipment, drip pans, and secondary containment devices. Remove any damaged or otherwise compromised product containers from the site and dispose of properly. Solicit 3" party hazardous waste disposal company if deemed necessary by the volume of the material requiring disposal. Equipment drip pans that have been repeatedly driven over and are no longer adequate to contain spills should be removed and replaced immediately. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Will wheel wash or tire bath system BMPs be used during construction? ~YesO No List and describe BMPs: • City of Renton 215.00 Wheel Wash and Paved Construction Entrance Installation Schedules: As the existing site is currently paved, it is hoped that a wheel wash will not be required. Inspection and Maintenance plan: The public roadways shall be inspected at the end of every day. If the stabilized construction entrance is not adequate, then a wheel wash shall be installed. P age 116 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Will pH-modifying sources be present on-site? ~ YesD No [yes, .checklthe s6Urce(~J Table 3 -pH-Modifying Sources 1J None ~ Bulk cement [J Cement kiln dust D Fly ash ~ Other cementitious materials ~ New concrete washing or curing waters ~ Waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing [J Exposed aggregate processes cgr Dewatering concrete vaults l2:r Concrete pumping and mixer washout waters 1J Recycled concrete 1J Other (i.e., calcium lignosulfate) [please describe: 1 List and describe BMPs: • BMP C151 Concrete Handling • BMP C154 Concrete Washout Area • BMP C251 Construction Stormwater Filtration • BMP C252 High pH Neutralization Using C02 Installation Schedules: Applicable BMP's will be utilized during concrete placement. The underground storage vaults are pre-cast. Inspection and Maintenance plan: pH monitoring will occur daily during concrete placement and for a minimum of 3 weeks afterwards, or longer as necessary. Adjust pH of stormwater if outside the range of 6.5 to 8.5 suo Obtain written approval from Ecology before using chemical treatment with the exception of C02 or dry ice to modify pH. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Concrete trucks must not be washed out onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Excess concrete must not be dumped on-site, except in deSignated concrete washout areas with appropriate BMPs installed. P age 117 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------------------------- 2.1.10 Element 10: Control Dewatering The water from foundations, vaults, and trenches will be pumped to the filtration tanks, treated and released into the downstream storm system. The dewatering flow is anticipated to be set to the flowrate for the treatment system. The treated water will then be released into the existing box culvert on Perimeter Road. The amount of dewatering required is unknown at this time. It is anticipated to be a significant amount of water. The Contractor has contracted with Clear Water Filter Systems for the treatment of the dewatering water. Table 4 -Dewatering BMPs U Infiltration U Transport off-site in a vehicle (vacuum truck for legal disposal) ~ Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies U Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval (last resort) U Use of sedimentation bag with discharge to ditch or swale (small volumes of localized dewaterinQ) List and describe BMPs: • BMP C251 Construction stormwater Filtration Installation Schedules: The dewatering is anticipated to be required as soon as the project starts to dig. Inspection and Maintenance plan: The discharge water will be monitored weekly or after large storm events. Responsible Staff: GL Y Construction Pagel18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.11 Element 11: Maintain BMPs All temporary and permanent Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to ensure continued performance of their intended function. Maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP specification (see Volume /I of the SWMMWW or Chapter 7 of the SWMMEW). Visual monitoring of all BMPs installed at the site will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any stormwater or non-stormwater discharge from the site. If the site becomes inactive and is temporarily stabilized, the inspection frequency may be reduced to once every calendar month. All temporary ESC BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be stabilized on-site or removed. Disturbed soil resulting from removal of either BMPs or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. Additionally, protection must be provided for all BMPs installed for the permanent control of stormwater from sediment and compaction. BMPs that are to remain in place following completion of construction shall be examined and restored to full operating condition. If sediment enters these BMPs during construction, the sediment shall be removed and the facility shall be returned to conditions specified in the construction documents. Page/19 r---------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.12 Element 12: Manage the Project The project will be managed based on the following principles: • Projects will be phased to the maximum extent practicable and seasonal work limitations will be taken into account. • Inspection and monitoring: o Inspection, maintenance and repair of all BMPs will occur as needed to ensure performance of their intended function. o Site inspections and monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Special Condition S4 of the CSWGP. Sampling locations are indicated on the Site Map. Sampling station(s) are located in accordance with applicable requirements of the CSWGP. • Maintain an updated SWPPP. o The SWPPP will be updated, maintained, and implemented in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4, and S9 of the CSWGP. As site work progresses the SWPPP will be modified routinely to reflect changing site conditions. The SWPPP will be reviewed monthly to ensure the content is current. 16h!3.,*;a!1 theJ!l1~~g·emeDtj[M,R~tti[fBi'ppJyEt$Y,pJJ~§lt~~~l~·i\j Table 5 -Management Design the project to fit the existing topography, soils, and drainage patterns Emphasize erosion control rather than sediment control Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed Keep runoff velocities low Retain sediment on-site Thoroughly monitor site and maintain all ESC measures Schedule major earthwork during the dry season Other (please describe) Pagel20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 6 -BMP Implementation Schedule Phase of Construction Stormwater BMPs Project Perimeter Fencing High Visibility Fence Triangular Filtration D.3.3.4 Triangular Silt Dike Dikes Install Sanitary Sewer Dewatering -Stormwater and Utilities Filtration Install Storm Drain Storm Drain Inlet Protection System Install Oil Water Dewatering -Stormwater Separators. Pre-Cast Filtration Vaults Construct Buildings N/A Pave the parking lot N/A Pour concrete BMP C151 P age I 21 Date Wet/Dry Season 12/15/2015 Wet 12/15/2015 Wet 12/16/2015 Wet 12/16/2015 Wet 01/02/2015 Wet 01/02/2015 Wet 07/01/2015 Dry 07/01/2015 Dry I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 Pollution Prevention Team Table 7 -Team Information Title Name(s) Certified Erosion and Glen Trowbridge Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Resident Engineer Tara L. Burton Emergency Ecology TBD Contact Emergency Permitteel Glen Trowbridge Owner Contact Non-Emergency Owner Mark Clement Contact Monitoring Personnel Glen Trowbridge Ecology Regional Office Northwest Regional Office Pagel22 Phone Number 206-276-1760 425-869-2670 TBD 206-276-1760 206-617-2944 206-276-1760 425-469-7000 ,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------- 4 Monitoring and Sampling Requirements Monitoring includes visual inspection, sampling for water quality parameters of concern, and documentation of the inspection and sampling findings in a site log book. A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements • Site inspections • Stormwater sampling data File a blank form under Appendix D. The site log book must be maintained on-site within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. Numeric effluent limits may be required for certain discharges to 303(d) listed waterbodies. See CSWGP Special Condition S8 and Section 5 of this template. --------~------------------~ 4.1 Site Inspection Site inspections will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours following any discharge from the site. For sites that are temporarily stabilized and inactive, the required frequency is reduced to once per calendar month. The discharge point(s) are indicated on the Site Map (see Appendix A) and in accordance with the applicable requirements of the CSWGP. 4.2 Stormwater Quality Sampling 4.2.1 Turbidity Sampling Requirements include calibrated turbidity meter or transparency tube to sample site discharges for compliance with the CSWGP. Sampling will be conducted at all discharge points at least once per calendar week. Method for sampling turbidity: Table 8 -Turbidity Sampling Method ~~~~~--~----------~~~------, [8J Turbidity MeterlTurbidimeter (required for disturbances 5 acres or greater in size) ~ Transparency Tube (option for disturbances less than 1 acre and up to 5 acres in size) The benchmark for turbidity value is 25 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and a transparency less than 33 centimeters. If the discharge's turbidity is 26 to 249 NTU or the transparency is less than 33 cm but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9. Make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. Pagel23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 1 O-day response period. 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. If the turbidity exceeds 250 NTU Q! the transparency is 6 cm or less at any time, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Telephone the applicable Ecology Region's Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number within 24 hours. • Central Region (Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, Yakima): (509) 575-2490 • Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400 • Northwest Region (King, Kitsap, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000 • Southwest Region (Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum,): (360) 407-6300 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 4. Continue to sample discharges daily until one of the following is true: • Turbidity is 25 NTU (or lower). • Transparency is 33 cm (or greater). • Compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity is achieved. o 1 - 5 NTU over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTU o 1 % -10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTU or greater • The discharge stops or is eliminated. Pagel24 ------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.2.2 pH Sampling pH monitoring is required for "Significant concrete work" (i.e., greater than 1000 cubic yards poured or recycled concrete over the life of the project). The use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD] or fly ash) also requires pH monitoring. For significant concrete work, pH sampling will start the first day concrete is poured and continue until it is cured, typically three (3) weeks after the last pour. For engineered soils, pH sampling begins when engineered soils are first exposed to precipitation and continues until the area is fully stabilized. If the measured pH is 8.5 or greater, the following measures will be taken: 1. Prevent high pH water from entering storm sewer systems or surface water. 2. Adjust or neutralize the high pH water to the range of 6.5 to 8.5 su using appropriate technology such as carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) sparging (liquid or dry ice). 3. Wrttten approval will be obtained from Ecology prior to the use of chemical treatment other than CO 2 sparging or dry ice. Method for sampling pH: Table 9 -pH Sampling Method X pH meter 20( pH test kit Wide range pH indicator paper Pagel25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 Discharges to 303(d) or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waterbodies 5.1 303(d) Listed Waterbodies Is the receiving water 303(d) (Category 5) listed for turbidity, fine sediment, phosphorus, or pH? o Yes~ No List the impairment(s): N/A 5.2 TMDL Waterbodies Waste Load Allocation for CWSGP discharges: N/A Describe the method(s) for TMDL compliance: List and describe BMPs: Discharges to TMDL receiving waterbodies will meet in-stream water quality criteria at the point of discharge. The Construction Stormwater General Permit Proposed New Discharge to an Impaired Water Body form is included in Appendix F. Pagel26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 Reporting and Record Keeping 6.1 Record Keeping 6.1.1 Site Log Book A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements • Site inspections • Sample logs 6.1.2 Records Retention Records will be retained during the life of the project and for a minimum of three (3) years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with Special Condition S5.C of the CSWGP. Permit documentation to be retained on-site: • CSWGP • Permit Coverage Letter • SWPPP • Site Log Book Permit documentation will be provided within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. A copy of the SWPPP or access to the SWPPP will be provided to the public when requested in writing in accordance with Special Condition S5.G.2.b of the CSWGP. 6.1.3 Updating the SWPPP The SWPPP will be modified if: • Found ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. • There is a change in design. construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. The SWPPP will be modified within seven (7) days if inspection(s) or investigation(s) determine additional or modified BMPs are necessary for compliance. An updated timeline for BMP implementation will be prepared. Pagel27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.2 Reporting 6.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports Cumulative soil disturbance is one (1) acre or larger; therefore, Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) will be submitted to Ecology monthly. If there was no discharge during a given monitoring period the DMR will be submitted as required, reporting "No Discharge". The DMR due date is fifteen (15) days following the end of each calendar month. DMRs will be reported online through Ecology's WQWebDMR System. To sign up for WQWebDMR go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/permits/paris/webdmr.htm I 6.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance If any of the terms and conditions of the permit is not met, and the resulting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment, the following actions will be taken: 1. Ecology will be immediately notified of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (Regional office numbers listed below). 2. Immediate action will be taken to prevent the discharge/pollution or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance. If applicable, sampling and analysis of any noncompliance will be repeated immediately and the results submitted to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 3. A detailed written report describing the noncompliance will be submitted to Ecology within five (5) days, unless requested earlier by Ecology. Specific information to be included in the noncompliance report is found in Special Condition S5.F.3 of the CSWGP. Anytime turbidity sampling indicates turbidity is 250 NTUs or greater, or water transparency is 6 cm or less, the Ecology Regional office will be notified by phone within 24 hours of analysis as required by Special Condition S5.A of the CSWGP. • Central Region at (509) 575-2490 for Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, or Yakima County • Eastern Region at (509) 329-3400 for Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, or Whitman County • Northwest Region at (425) 649-7000 for Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, orWhatcom County • Southwest Region at (360) 407-6300 for Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, or Wahkiakum Pagel28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Include the following information: 1. Your name and I Phone number 2. Permit number 3. City I County of project 4. Sample results 5. Date I Time of call 6. Date I Time of sample 7. Project name In accordance with Special Condition S4.D.5.b of the CSWGP, the Ecology Regional office will be notified if chemical treatment other than CO 2 sparging is planned for adjustment of high pH water. PagelZ9 I I I Appendix/Glossary I A. Site Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES I NO. 24 -CATCH BASIN INSERT I Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance Is Performed Media Insert Visible Oil Visible oil sheen passing through media Media inset replaced. I Insert does not fit Flow gets into catch basin without going through All flow goes through media. catch basin properly media. Filter media plugged Filter media plugged. Flow through filter media is normal. I Oil absorbent media Media oil saturated. Oil absorbent media replaced. saturated Water saturated Catch basin insert is saturated with water, which Insert replaced. I no longer has the capacity to absorb. Service life exceeded Regular interval replacement due to typical Media replaced at manufacturer's average life of media insert product, typically one recommended interval. month. I Seasonal When storms occur and during the wet season. Remove, clean and replace or install maintenance new insert after major storms, monthly during the wet season or at I manufacturer's recommended interval. I I I I I I I I I I I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual ~ Appendix A 119/2009 A·35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3/22/2012 o 0IdcastIe Precast" www,oldcastleprec8st.CQmlwllsQnvllle OILIWATER SEPARATOR (CPS-COALESCING PLATE STYLE) -CLEAN OUT AND MAINTENANCE Gravity Coalescing Plate Style OillWater Separators (CPS's) are high performance pretreatment units that segregate and remove POL (petroleum, oils, lubricants), and other floating .constituents and some settleable solids from storm water and wastewater streams prior to their entrance into the surface water or wastewater systems. Water processed through a separator can generally be divided into three phases: oil/floatables, water, and sediment (grit and sludge). As oily water flows through the separator, the Iighter-than-water wastes (floatables) rise to the surface through the coalescing media and are held in the separation chamber by baffles until pumped out. The feature that makes the CPS style separator "high performance" is the coalescing plate media that are much more effective in removing small oil droplets. OillWater . Separators must be inspected and cleaned regularly in order to perform properly. For new installations, a monthly·or bi-monthly cleaning may be required until the maintenance company can establish a predictable level of POL accumUlation for the facility. Required cleaning may be extended until an optimum pumping frequency is determined. Maintenance Company or Contractor for cleaning must be certified by Authority having Jurisdiction. In addition to removing the accumulated oils/lubricants and solids, the concrete tank should be inspected and noted for any abnormalities, i.e., loose piping components, aggregates exposed due to corrosive environment, or any other noticeable defects. After cleaning/inspection, the concrete tank should be filled with clean water to the bottom of the outlet pipe by filling through the outlet bay side. Clean water introduced in this manner will assist in providing protection from contaminate by-pass from inlet bay to outlet bay. For best performance, it is recommended the entire tank be filled to flow line with clean water prior to startup to prevent any oililubricant effluent from transferring to the outlet bay and eventually out to a waterway or treatment plant. In general, acids or acid-producing substances should not be allowed to enter separator in large quantities. Acids can contribute to a corrosive effee! on concrete and can be a result of excessive sizing or improper . cleaning of the separator. . The following list provides a guideline for the activities that should. be conducted at the time of each cleaning for most units: 1. Recommended Procedures: a. WARNING: The tank is considered a confined space. Do not enter the unit to perform maintenance, unless properly trained and qualified. b. Inspect manhole frames and covers for defects and missing bolts. Check that the gasket is in place. Proper sealing will prevent escape of gas and odors ·through the cover. c. Measure and document depth or volume of oilsllubricants at the surface. It should be removed before it reaches a depth of two inches. d. Sludge buildup: Use a long pole to determine sludge build-up on the bottom, judged by resistance felt when you attempt to push the pole to the bottom of the separator. If more than six inches of sludge has accumulated, it requires cleaning out. If excessive sludge buildup is a problem, it may be due to problems with catch basins and grit-chambers upstream of the separator. 1 \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I e. All debris and floatable materials need to be removed. Excessive debris and floatables can affect the distribution of flow through the separator and may increase turbulence. f. Before pump-out, observe the liquid level; a low level could indicate a leaky tank, a high level could indicate a plugged fitting or line. It is highly recommended that the tank be properly vented in both inlet and outlet chamber to minimize gas buildup and help prevent corrosion of the concrete. g. Remove all accumulated oils/lubricants, wastewater, and sludge from the unit and pipingffittings. Use a high pressure cleaning device to clean the interior walls, bottom, top, and internal components of the unit. Settled solids should be thoroughly vacuumed to prevent biological breakdown and unwanted release of gases. Another method of removal is the use of a skimming device. h. Coalescing Plate Media Cleaning Procedures: the coalescing media can be cleaned either while in the tank or after removal from the tank. i. Cleaning in tank: using water hose, direct spray (10-15 psi) into plate spacing and through %" diameter holes on top of the plates. Then, using a vacuum suction hose, remove all sediment and oily contaminants that are flushed out and properly dispose of per regulated procedures. ii. Cleaning after removal from tank: care should be taken in handling plastic media plates, as they can be fragile. Place media plates on impervious surface lined with 6 mil plastic surrounded by a berm to prevent discharge of contaminated water into surface groundwater. Flush media plates with water hose (10-15 psi) to remove oil coating or sludge from between plates, then properly dispose of per regulated procedures. iii. Reinstall media plates to original position, making sure foam wedges and 1/2" diameter pipes are snug and securely in place i. Check for missing grout or caulk seals where baffle/weir walls meet side walls and floor, and repair/replace as necessary. j. Document the structural and operational condition of the unit and associated equipment. k. After cleaning/inspection, the concrete tank should be filled with clean water to the bottom of the outlet pipe by filling through the outlet bay side. Clean-water introduced in this manner will assist in providing protection from contaminate by-pass from inlet bay to outlet bay. For best performance, it is recommended the entire tank be filled to flow line with clean water prior to startup to prevent any oil/lUbricant effluent from transferring to the outlet bay and eventually out to a waterway or treatment plant. 2. Best Practices: a. Educate and train your staff on proper spill prevention practices. b. Keep records of maintenance on site. c. Inspect catch. basins, other units and drained areas upstream of separator. The level of solid material in the base of grit chambers should be well below the level of the invert pipe leaving the catch basin. Make sure paved areas draining into the catch basins are free of large quantities of sand and dirt and other materials that could interfere with the system such as detergents, solvents, and antifreeze agents. These substances cause oils to become more thoroughly mixed with water so that greater quantities of the oil are dispersed as extremely small droplets, emulsions and even solutions. When in this state, oils have little tendency to separate. d: Dispose of or recycle wastes/oils per regulated procedures. e. Do not allow corrosive agents to drain into the separator. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " ~ ~ · ~ , 0 ~ ~ < 0 ~ < ~ ~ ~ · ., • , 0 ~ ~ < 0 e g • ! " , i'i • • < ~ ~ 5 , • v , • u ,. v " " / , ;;. " J ~ " ~ f t ~ > ~ " PROJECT LOCATION LAKE WASHINGTON 1liE """" """" ""'" v' PLAN VIEW ~ NOT TO SCALE ~ ~DDWL 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 VICINITY MAP SCALE: NONE o SITE 05-YD APRON C VICINITY MAP 770 PERIMETER ROAD WEST, RENTON WA 98055 PROJECT 13726.01 DATE 08/19/2015 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AIRPORT I,=:, '" .':~_ F._. ____ . _. _________ "; __ ~__ \ [ _" I ., -~'. t I ~5r,--~~ ~-l~nJdid __ ~un"._c,~.-'-<::, ... ___. \ ~.,-(l .'_ Ie ~f::'::'~C " l~:':~I~:-=t~~ -~~-'---'----r~-"-"-' 1'\ps(£AsOiOO-~~ I I r--NiiioulIoOOlMl------~ ,T """~~I ..:,\.fJ:1\'---r----,() ~ -~Hr~~ ")i)I";---'-=CB-51, TYPE II -96-DIA~~-'/ / • ~$~,,,,,J IfIIIDI0000000teII \ ;:';:1' .:..-.:\:.1))" ~ ---I I '""T JLLJJ ,_<..\ ... ~. I PLEX PUMP I k lljfu:.~~ - --; I: ~dLJ ~ I . __ '", -I' 1D ~ 110< 'Ro 1 kYO ~ <: -I f-! I ~ ~ ,J'?-. I 9 ~c IIJ 'i,' I,.a .I " '~ 0 s \. 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Ii",.'( il' lli.N~. '. \ '" 1'='" -52, T'tI'E 1 / I I ,W J -I ! c:::J • ~ \ ""' ~\l'~ -2J, TYPE 1 CB-34. ~ ,r 'ILI CB-25, TYPE I K -26, TYPE lL tI ~ ':::j \ ,/ II' t-it ' ~ ~ ., • I • ::'0° 'B-20A,T'tI'El ,~ 711\~"lwl I~"~I -2', TYPE 1 "/,.:1l 6LF 12' HOPE 00.50% lo", a ~ )1\ ~', ,I, ,,~ , ,ljo...' ... " ...... \ u~,-.__ , q, _ L °v ~/ ~w COo 11..0 'I.I ., s h " rltl~-if: 21LF 12-__________ \'::: / II' ~O -35, TYPE 1 ~wEi '{f ' '\ .. w !l. ww ! --.\\\: is I ""_ '0' T'tI'E " _ 54" DIA." 'i' iiI I ~'I 5LF B' HOPE, \ a J I ;;~\ ): / I : ~ ,Ij;; l~'=-SK'l'DRci CB-2 (420 GAL). \ \~:roROI.. ,c8-J (420 GAL). \I.~",-----"~~l] w,": ~ . ___ -L---------f Y I \ ". . \ ,LsiF" HDPE • ---.. , ". r , .~ 8 HDPE lCN:'<[IE \ _!? .......... ~ . ~ ~ /' I"'· CONSTRUCTION NOTES [J::>PROVlDE &: INSTA1.l CONTECH SLOT DIWN, lS" ALUMINIZED STEEL. TYPE 2. 6-SLOT HEIGHT P£R DETAILS C509. [t> PROVIDE &: INSTAlL DNERSION CONTROl CB PER 2/CS1D, [t> PROVIDE &: INSTA1.l FLOW spur CATCH BASIN PER DETAIL S/CS06. [i:> PROVIDE &: INSTAlL ()jl ~WATER SEPARATOR, OLDCASTlE 816-Z-CPS. DESIGN 0=35% Z-YR WITH HEAVEY TRAFFlC UD. @:>PROVIDE &: INSTAlL fUEl SPIlL CONTAINMENT: 10.000 GAl MIN. PER DETAIL. 3/C505. [C> EXISTING INflELD STOR~ SEWER TO REW.IN IN SERVICE. REPtAC£ FIWdE AND GR4TE TO foJRCRPfT RATED UNITS WITH SOUD UD. [t>PROVIDE &: INSTAlL ~Lf MOUNT TYPE 2-54-ON EXISTING 18" PlASTIC STS. ~ PROVIDE &: INSTAll BOEING lYPE 1 CATCH BASIN (AIRPlANE RATED) PER DETAIL 1/C5D5. ~PROVIDE &: INSTAlL RENTON TYPE 1l Ctl.TCH BASIN PER DETAIL 3/C506 &: GRATE PER DETAl. 4/C506. [a>PROYIDE &: INSTAll STORMFilTER sF0811~19 CARTRIDGES. [I:>PROVIDE &: INSTAll HIGH A.OW BYPASS UNE. [Z> PROVIDE &: INSTAlL OIL-WATER SEPi\RATOR, OlDCASnE 816-1-cPS. D>PROVIDE &: INSTAtlI-fYDRAlJUC Oil CONTAINMENT; 150 GAl. MIN. DLDCASTtE 507-lA. D>PROVIDE &: INSTAlL STORMFllTER Sf 0811-23 CAAlRIDGES. [5::> PROVIDE &: INSTAll BOEING lYPE 2 CATCH &.SIN PER DETAIL 2/CS05. (AIRPLANE PATED) [t:> PROVIDE &: INSTAlL ROOf DRAIN HEADER. f!' HOPE [!> CONNEq ROOF DRAIN INTO EXISTING lATCH BASIN WBOS 8 I.E.=1S.76. ~ PROVIDE AND INSTAlL RENTOO TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN PER DErAIL Z/C506 &: GRATE PER DElAL 4/C506, [iJ> PROVIDE AND INSTAlL R£NT~ 1YPE 2 CATCH BASIN WITH SOUD UO PER DElAiL 2/C506. ~ PROVIDE AND INSTAlL RENTON WE 1 Ctl.TCH BASIN PER DETAIL 1/C506 AND GRATE PER DETAIL 4/C506. ~PROVIDE AND INSTAlL 12" GATE VALVE BOX PER DETAIL 7/C506. SKYDROL CB-4,;:::-=, I I I~--(, I ~ , ," w '0 ~1/n~37.,~~ " -54" DIA. lltjf~~B-:~· T'tI':." -54 DIA. ,'~, "," Hll~ ¥ &£ ! /'!,. : l~ I., t!:' . 1 r "".-~jt·,\v -\ ~" I ,,,,'1, ". [f( I , '-l...~~·~7 ,? -J'/ aOI'lM '~:.\_~ ~·\I\"··S\ WWiH)" g!/ ..., I ~ f ~ -;-, v ; • '';0 . _' _I { , ' \9" \ J \/ \ ~r' l]j ~ :w ... ~' " ,,~,~ " " '''',It <':il,J ~ ~I, \0,, ,'" al ~ "u', I -I~ll .g',",""S"",,",,O"""~,~',=e I I I .' 't, " . "~ e ~ '''-. --. ~ ,,' J ,~o Ej . " u " U U 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ff " .' w 'I ' I " ) ,. \ I 0. / .-I I I "cl 5t ~~ , w, '.. ,(.. \~ "~,lm" I ~I"",i\li' --I~~ ~ , ~'~·'·,·i : f)lhl'" "=::.l\-I' 'f ~Lt'::l.=:'_/-:;-~\:~:~=l:l ~l·;,j LEGEND ,"" '~~~:~~"t'/~~ ~: I " , L" '. .~f I .. ~ m f!! '\, 1;$' \ -..... ---------II-!I CMP SLOT DRAIN 1 i-! _ I~ :,;. i~-Cl' ~~, '5' \ XI 1 l \ I I I ,> ¥. ~¥". '.~' ' ""1'-" k '. '~' ~ " '1\ 1 ',~ 'd \! ,,=-__ STORM SEWER t::;::--I ... L!:::;, ---.'...: I -. !\J 1 srs-----, . --' -·I~ --\ I ,=" ',,,, . .', ,., '/ <!:Y ... ~...... "'~ 1. ~ --r--FUEL SPILL LINE. DIP iF -<', i·1 , "-{ I p P_....... ilJ""*,,,~_ s-(1 ' Cd E ,j _ ( ______ [; ~e J wt-~ : "e ---fu) R () ;Il"..... L 1>-11fl [ ~'------;"~<':" 'i ~' ,,'F."T rFASE Lll'l[ ... --_ _ I A,1<-;>0I<T L~A-. '1";-• TYPE lL CATCH BASIN, SOIJD UD Ie 00'" --,0-~\ ~--:" pl I -------------,..-------. __ I ___________________________ . Ie L U;~~ i!'" I --:'1, ., I§] TYPE 1 L CATCH BASIN, GRATE )j ,-~ -L: k-"= I . -J , " ,,~<:---~ ~ ...... -LJ--~ , a TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN, SOUD LID = ti I ~?~;::; _' .~ .~ ~I I~~)"';:;"K l~F TS-<oF _'*" .. __ tF-l<----f-~--'0" .. f ,j, l~_IVI' ... --I~9F_r~I.F 70-Tor I. lEF 18 "TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN, GRATE KEY PLAN './.'.- ,~ 655' ® 20 10 0 10 20 40 GROUP II TOrA (EXISTING) SCAlE: NONE ._. LF' ~ 'APRON C PLAN ® SCI<L~;; SCALB I· 20'2: I LAND USE PERMIT ~[JWL I SYM T IIMDI T 1'1' T ~ T OOE T S"r\I T iIID'I5CII I IT .-0 !KI( I ~ 'to '~(;I;;"'_ ACCEPTABIlITY "-IJ-W& 00-28.15 SIBIIn.t: STORM DRAIN PlAN CUft><f w3:i8861~ORIC ""'~ 08,2& 15 I ~ 17J7 w.'( Fl.JCIfTlH un~ C CI f'RO.£CT -l-.,/£ -l-IMS I aa.za.lsl I -l--l--l-I i"~~"~' ~IS~ T.IJ,.RIOO oa.28.15 r -t--t-;--t--; ~III1EING. iI! Q~;: ~. ~. ~ • sot""'" ...,,,, BOONG m IW< FlIGIflUNE l/11unES APRON c a PROJECT C291 ~ 1 I 1 A 0, "'"" ""'-" SITE 05-YD ~ m _ ~ ;;, 1 I ~,",;;j!,~ ~ W34418B6. I I ~7.J<U> CIVIL IdASITR RENTON, w~ .-MI. n,,_ TAXIWAY A ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1~~l7_ ;,,~ '" > 10 ; "" §: I ¥ °_1 ~ 1 CEA., CONSTRUCTION NOTES [}::> PROVIDE & INSTALL comECH SLOT [)!wN, IS" AlUMINIZED STlli. TYPE 2, 6" SlOT HEIGHT PER DETAILS C509. [P> PROVIDE &: \tiSTALl DIVERSION CONTROl CB PER 2/C510. [!:::> PROVIDE & INSTALl flOW SPLIT CATCH BASIN PER DETAIL 5/C506. B:> PROVIDE &: INSTAlL OIL-WATER SEPARATOR, OLDCASTLE 816-2--cPS. DESIGN Q=.JS'; 2-YR WITH HEAVE'{ TRAFFIC LD. ~ PROViDE (( INSTALL FUEL SPIll CONTAINMENT: 10,000 GAL. MIN. PER DETAIl 3/CS05. @::>EXlSTING INFi£LD STORM SEWER TO REMAIN IN SERVICE. REPiJCE FIWr1E #olD GRATE TO AIRCRAFT RATED UNITS WITH SOUD UO. [t::>PROVIOC &: INSTALL SADDLE MOUNT lYPE 2-54" ON EXISTING 1 B" PlASTIC STS. ~ 'I J ~ PROVIDE &: INSTAll ~ TYPE 1 CAlm BASIN (AIRPLANE RATED) PER DErAIl l/C50S. ~ --~~ [[> PROVIDE &: INSTAlL RENTON TYPE Il CATCH IWiIN PER OETAA-1/C506 &: GRATE PER D£TAlL 4/C506. [0.:> PROVIDE &: 1NST.6U STORMFllTER SF0611-19 CARlRIDGES. [I> PROVIDE &: INSTAlL HIGH FLOW BYPASS UNE. [;> PROVIDE &: INSTALL OIL-WATER SEPARATOR, OlOCASTLE BI6-1--cPS Wj1RAmC RATED UO. ~PROVIOE & INSTM..L h'Y[)RAllUC OIL CONTr1>JNMEN'T; 150 00. MIN, OI.DCASTtE 507~lA I!l>PROV\DE &: INSTALl STORMFllTER SF0811~23 CARlRIOGES. ~ PROVIDE & INSTM..L BOEING TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN PER OETNL 2/C505. (AIRPLANE RATED) Ill> PROVIDE: & INSTM..L ROOf DRAIN HEADER, B" HOPE [!:> CONNECT ROOf DRAIN INTO EXISTING CATCH OON WB05 B" I.E.=15.76. [B> PROVIOE AND INSTAll RENTON TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN PER DETAIL 2/fSJ6 .& GRATE PER DETAIL 4/C506. ~ PROVIDE AND INSTAll. RENTON TYPE 2 CATCH BA.9.N WITH SOUD LIO PER DETAIL 2/C506. ~ ~ PROVIDE AND INSTAll RENTON TYPE 1 CATCH BASIN ~ PER DETAIL 1/C506 AND GRATE PER DErAIL 4/C506. ~ gJ:> PROVIDE AND INSTAll 12" GATE VALVE BOX PER ~ DETAIL 7/C506, -----,'11 ¥._ ~RElOCATE CB OUT SlOE OF MJA FW.1P. ~ ~ 5 B fl fi 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S E ~ ~ I I I I I I IL~"iFOJ ---r--FUEL SPILL UNE. DIP l~' I' • I§! G @ TYPE lL CATCH 8I>SIN, SDUD UD TYPE lL CATCH BASIN, GRATE TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN, SOLID UD TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN, GRATE • • :0 ~ ,"'" J :);, , H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ."~"'''?{'i;o~XU'':~0i}l2.0.I"';"J%f~~~:;~:Ji15:~;;~{; "... ''' ... ---=-::'-~~=-=-::-=~~~,.=--:::.-:::-=-.:::'~-------=~~: ---------.~, ... ,--=-.;;. -~---- " -------------~---.--. '~'.~.~:---'.~'" ·-:~-~~~~l~=~~~~~~~~~,,~~~jit~--=~~-~~~\ h-~ -~~:~~ ~ .. ~ :?~:;;~~~J)~S"-. -'" -··-··5· [, 1 ---= --~ .~~~--. "" '~~ ~" / -' --_------. ___ ~-__ . _~---_ _::~~~ v '" 1 ':; -//~ \ .,.,\f,'! 21,()----__ ----~~~ -_vvvv"'v::J.-'l"lB '" 1.... 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L I (;Is " I. --~_100----I·-I-~. ~I--jro--l " : I, ',' , t' 'I f'. -,u. ' i .. ~_ -1-~ 1----1 'I • '<1''' --I" ~1 .. , ',," ... ""I -r-~,-,-' ~--------, --- ' ---'-~ , , ,I . I' , '.' ' , .' 1'--I ------1 ., I' " . .' ........ ~--,l:~ l~'-,'~~o~J~ I 1 I" .:, ~J' :1' r 1 i I I "~)-~, r ".J ' . n' : '~ " . II 20 5 -. n~ ': ':1 r ,', ---,', .. -~, ---.' , . ....J. ' .. , "1; , 'I o ." I " , ·11;';-l''Y'-:-;~lli---/ . ~_- I '" ,---,-.-=-= _.2 ,I G • , I ~ -. ~. -/-------j----- , -,-'I ' I. ." /' ". , " _ r -_. I ]. 1t5 • II....: . ,I :--1 • _'" • AIRPORT LEASE LNE '----' ~-~':'_ ""'" "-'--' "-'--' ~! 1.:-:.1 9 _~~ __ ~~ ______ --L / -," '/. --'=.-' --__ ._iii. .;,r.;:~ ~LEASEUNE . - -'2, -------- CONSTRUCTION NOTES [t::::> INSTM.L T£t.lPORAA'l' WETY FENCE PER DETAIL ~ [%:::> SPRAY WHITE PAINT AROUND EDGE Of CONCREi'E PANELS TO B£ R[I,IOVED NID REPLACEO. ~INSTAlL CATCH E'ASIN rn.1ER PER C~ RENTON STANDARD PLAN 216.30. SEE DETAIL~ B:>INSTAlL TRlANGUtAA SEDUdENT ALTER OIKE PER OETAIL~ !}> INSTAlL CONSTRUCTION EH1RANCE AND ADD PUSnC CCM1l PER a1Y OF RENTON STAN[W!D OfTAiLS 215.10 AND 213.30. SEE OETAflS~~ [!>INSTALl WHEEl WASH AND PAVED CONSTRIJCTIOH ENIRANCE, IF NECESSARY PER CITY OF RENTON DETAIl 215.00. SEE OETAll~ [!>. CONTRACTOR TO INSTAtr TEMPORARY PUMP AND ALTRATION TANKS TO CONNECT TO OlSCflARGE LOCATION. CONTRACTOR MAY ADJUST LOCATIONS I>S CCJ.ISTRUCTlON PROGRESSES • GENERAL NOTES SEE T£SC PlAN NOTES AND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ON ~EETS C2 &: C:3 LEGEND ~ a.EARING AND GRUBBING [==:J ASPHALT REMOVAL ~ CONCRETE APRON REMOVAL ~ CONCRETE CURB & GUTIER REMOVAl ~ lRENCH ORAIN REMOVAL ~ FENCE REMOVAL ~ CEMENT CONCRm SIDEWALK REMOVAL -0-0-TRIANGUlAR FILTER OIKE --@}--TEMPORARY SAFETY FENCE • CATCH BASIN INSERT ~ ~ 3 a a ~ G E 3 S 3 ~ ~ G E ~ G j , II" H~ ~~ ~" "-~f~" -C ,;; J' 1.lrIiiB..x....:: ~ V;' l-!: ' . <=: "",21-\ H ..... -I~ ! I _ oc;::o------' :>'-J ~Ii PA.. 1\ :iI "t,'· / '.>0 \ • .Q':I ....L:-0, , '" '"" 0 '" , .. "" '" ,"' '"' -:-/--",,;", '"" " .. on" .. _"". mo' '"" ,"' "" "" ., ,., "r :' REMOVAL 2D 10 0 10 20 40 TAAIWAY A GROUP II TOFA (EXIST\~) ------ --~::.:====-~~!,LAN® ---I APRON C PLAN ® I RMIT .... SC4L8~;; scm: " 20' z LAND USE PE .... DOWl _ S<JBmu <u""l~T kt.v...,.. ,~I~~~!.'<JI.OR'I( ~" sYlA ~ Eft Ii'PIllYlD ()LIE S'rIoI Ft£V5tOIl lIT' -"""'!MD OIJE A A.~ ACCEPTABILITY R. T(IjPlAJiJ Q\I.1J.l5 TESCPLAN W34418861 ~ 09.23.15< I (" "~)'''' ~ =, -'00 "''''''" !)RIG lJl!.IA.X FLivHIUNE U1IUTIES-APRON c a PRQJECI :n IIH I OS.ZJ.15 ~IIIIEI;VGVJ "';f'-~ ,,<>,,;p.' .... ~.::": IS ~~lf :~;: :,:~::: 'HE BOEING 737 MAX rUGHTUNE UIIUTIES-APRON C CI PROJECT ..-t C223R 1 ~ It:; 1 ,:'~w." ow." SITE 05-YD ,~ ~ '" ~. ~ .,... '1"'" W.34418B6 I ~~~~~ _ I ~.~ !cIVIL MASTER RENTON, VIA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I 65.5' GROUP I TOrA (EXlSTlNG) TAXIWAY A Sllol ~ 8! IWRIM~ DOl[ S1\l ORe HI lJAJ, FllGHTlINE vru.'rES .l.PROtI C (I PROJECT I.PlADO ,,- nON ~ w" ,,-- "" . __ ," "S - _'OS .• CONSTRUCTION NOTES [!::>INSTAll lU4PORARY SAFETY ffi.CE PER DETAIL ~ [%>-SPRAY WHITE PAINT .AROUND EDGE OF CO~RETE PANELS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED. (l::> INSTALL CATCH &.SIN FlLTIR PER C~ REmON STANDARD PlAN 216.30. SEE OETAIL~ [J::> INSTAll TRIANGUlAR Smt.lENT ALTER ~IKE PER DETAIL ~ [3:::> INSTALl CONSTRUCTION ENlrW'CE Am> ADD PLASTlC COVER PER CITY or RENTON STANDNID DETAILS 215.10 AND 213.30. SEE DETAI..S@~ [!>'INSTAI.i WHffl WASH AND PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRw::E, IF NECESSARY PER mY OF RENTON DETAIL 215.00. SEE OETAI.~ [!> ComRACTOR TO IN~MI'(TEMPORARY PUMP AND nlTRA1l0N TANKS TO CONNECT TO DISCHARGE LOCATION. CONTRACTOR MAY ADJUST lQCATlONS AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES. GENERAL NOTES SEE TESe PLAN NOlES AND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ON SHEETS C2 &:; C3 LEGEND ~ CL£ARING AND GRUBBING c:=J ASf'HAl T REMOVAL ~ CONCRElE APRON REMOVAL ~ CONCRElE aJRB &: GUTIER REMOVAL ~ TRENCH ORAIN REMOVAL .~-fENCE REMOVAL ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWAlK REMOVAL -c-[]-TRIANGULAR FILTER DIKE -®---TEMPORARY SAFETY fENCE ® CATCH BASIN INSERT D a 5 a D 5 B S ~ S G G ~ G B ~ ~ L_~ " '+-u " ,," r .~ ~ ::1: Q! (jj~-':.; ~ i I -:-.h /. " • 1M" , ' -~)I ~ ~~ . '-~ .\. '--~' ,--1 iI'l ~c d,~-". .. _ .' _~ < _ ;;<1..' • • '1 II, ~ _,..-, 1~-.-n'1Hl~c ';~. 10 I '~ \ HlU.}. I ' , ~" :7 "'ro' , \'f"i ..-' I~\, rr.,;t;;'"'-t~~ . L ;J _. '-, '_I", 1 ;,:::-,--_,1 -\~1/.~r , -; I' 'H:·1ll ~t' " 1:L r\; jilIJ r'-lL.'-II!I'" -h""I_~ Llk~F1~i'r~/ ;~" ' '.1' '. PAAt!~~ -<J' } \ K :1\ .-.~ \:{t,\ 'X . I-~g ~.~!,LAN® LAND USE PERMIT ~ TEse PLAN BOElNC 737 IMx FUGHTUNE UTI SITE OS-YD 1clVll MASTER ~ C CI PROJECT RENTON, WA. . ,j44is86I"-'QRIC 09.23.15 C224R W3441886 I I I B. BMP Detail I I I I I I I I I I I I II , il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL D.3 ESC MEASURES This section details the ESC measures that are required to minimize erosion and sediment transport off a construction site. These ESC measures represent Best Management Practices (BMPs), for the control of erosion and entrained sediment as well as other impacts related to construction such as increased runoff due to land disturbing activities. The measures and practices are grouped into nine sections corresponding to each of the nine categories of ESC measures in Core Requirement #5, Section 1.2.5 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The introductory paragraphs at the beginning each section present the basic requirement for that category of measures, the purpose of those measures, installation requirements relative to construction activity, guidelines for the conditions of use, and other information relevanl to all measures in the section/category. Compliance with each of the nine categories of the ESC measures, to the extent applicable and necessary to meet the performance criteria in Section D.4, and compliance with the ESC implementation requirements in Section D.5, constitutes overall compliance with King County's ESC Standards. Note: Additional measures shall be required by the County if the existing standards are insufficienllo protect adjacent properties, drainage/acilities, or water resources. The standards for each individual ESC measure are divided into four sections: I. Purpose 2. Conditions of Use 3. Design and Installation Specifications 4. Maintenance Requirements. A code and symbol for each measure have also been included for ease of use on ESC plans. Note that the "Conditions of Use" always refers to site conditions. As site conditions change, ESC measures must be changed to remain in compliance with the requirements of this appendix. Whenever compliance with King County ESC Standards is required, all of the following categories of ESC measures must be considered for application to the project site as detailed in the following sections: I. Clearing Limits: Prior to any site clearing or grading, areas to remain undisturbed during project construction shall be delineated on the project's ESC plan and physically marked on the project site. 2. Cover Measures: Temporary and permanent cover measures shall be provided when necessary to protect disturbed areas. The intent of these measures is to prevent erosion by having as much area as possible covered during any period of precipitation. 3. Perimeter Protection: Perimeter protection to filter sediment from sheet flow shall be provided downstream of all disturbed areas prior to upslope grading. 4. Traffic Area Stabilization: Unsurfaced entrances, roads, and parking areas used by construction traffic shall be stabilized to minimize erosion and tracking of sediment offsite. 5. Sediment Retention: Surface water collected from all disturbed areas of the site shall be routed through a sediment pond or trap prior to release from the site, except those areas at the perimeter of the site small enough to be treated solely with perimeter protection. Sediment retention facilities shall be installed prior to grading any contributing area. 6. Surface Water Collection: Surface water collection measures (e.g., ditches, berms, etc.) shall be installed to intercept all surface water from disturbed areas, convey it to a sediment pond or trap, and discharge it downstream of any disturbed areas. Areas at the perimeter of the site, which are small enough to be treated solely with perimeter protection, do not require surface water collection. Significant sources of upstream surface water that drain onto disturbed areas shall be intercepted and 6 Best Management Practices (aMPs) means the best available and reasonable physical, structural, managerial, or behavioral activities, that when singly or in combination, eliminate or reduce the contamination of surface and/or ground waters. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 1/9/2009 D-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------_._-------------------------------------------------, SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES D.3.1 D.3.1.1 1/912009 conveyed to a stabilized discharge point downstream of the disturbed areas. Surface water collection measures shall be installed concurrently with or immediately following rough grading and shall be designed, constructed, and stabilized as needed to minimize erosion. 7. Dewatering Control: The water resulting from construction site de-watering activities must be treated prior to discharge or disposed of as specified. 8. Dust Control: Preventative measures to minimize wind transport of soil shall be implemented when a traffic hazard may be created or when sediment transported by wind is likely to be deposited in water resources. 9. Flow Control: Surface water from disturbed areas must be routed through the project's onsite flow control facility or other provisions must made to prevent increases in the existing site conditions 2- year and IO-year runoff peaks discharging from the project site during construction. CLEARING LIMITS Prior to any site clearing or grading, those areas that are to remain undisturbed during project construction shall be delineated. At a minimum, clearing limits shall be installed at the edges of all critical area buffers and any other areas required to be left uncleared such as portions of the site subject to clearing limits under KCC 16.82.150, areas around significant trees identified to be retained, and other areas identified to be left undisturbed to protect sensitiv·e features. Purpose: The purpose of clearing limits is to prevent disturbance of those areas of the project site that are not designated for clearing or grading. This is important because limiting site disturbance is the single most effective method for reducing erosion. Clearing limits may also he used to control construction traffic, thus reducing the disturbance of soil and limiting the amount of sediment tracked off site. When to Install: Clearing limits shall be installed prior to the clearing and/or grading of the site. Measures to Use: Marking clearing limits by delineating the site with a continuous length of brightly colored survey tape is sometimes sufficient. The tape may be supported by vegetation or stakes, and it shall be 3 to 6 feet high and highly visible. Critical areas and their buffers require more substantial protection and shall be delineated with plastic or metal safety fences or stake and wire fences. Fencing may be required at the County's discretion to control construction traffic or at any location where greater protection is warranted. Permanent fencing may also be used if desired by the applicant. Silt fence, in combination with survey flagging, is also an acceptable method of marking critical areas and their buffers. PLASTIC OR METAL FENCE Code: FE Symbol: ~E:mmm Purpose Fencing is intended to (I) restrict clearing to approved limits; (2) prevent disturbance of critical areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left undisturbed; (3) limit construction traffic to designated construction entrances or roads; and (4) protect areas where marking with survey tape may not provide adequate protection. Conditions of Use To establish clearing limits, plastic or metal fence may be used: 1. At the boundary of critical areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left uncleared. 2. As necessary to control vehicle access to and on the site (see Sections D.3.4.1 and D.3.4.2). 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3. I CLEARING LIMITS Design and Installation Specifications I. The fence shall be designed and installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. 2. The fence shall be at least 3 feet high and must be highly visible. 3. The fence shall not be wired or stapled to trees. Maintenance Requirements I. I f the fence has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or replaced immediately and visibility restored. 2. Disturbance of a critical area, critical area buffer, native growth retention area, or any other area required to be left undisturbed shall be reported to the County for resolution. D.3.1.2 STAKE AND WIRE FENCE Code: SWF Symbol: Purpose Fencing is intended to (I) restrict clearing to approved limits; (2) prevent disturbance of critical areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left undisturbed; (3) limit construction traffic to designated construction entrances or roa<,is; and (4) protect any areas where marking with survey tape may not provide adequate protection. Conditions of Use To establish clearing limits, stake or wire fence may be used: I. At the boundary of critical areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left uncleared. 2. As necessary, to control vehicle access to and on the site (see Sections and D.3.4.2). Design and Installation Specifications See Figure D.3.I.A for details. Maintenance Requirements I. If the fence has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or replaced immediately and visibility restored. 2. Disturbance of a critical area, critical area buffer, native growth retention area, or other area required to be left undisturbed shall be reported to the County for resolution. 3. The County may require more substantial fencing ifthe fence does not prevent encroachment into those areas that are not to be disturbed. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 1/9/2009 Il-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES FIGURE D.3.1.A STAKE AND WIRE FENCE SURVEY FLAGGING DO NOT NAIL OR STAPLE WIRE TO TREES 3' MIN. D.3.2 COVER MEASURES 11912009 Temporary and permanent cover measures shall be provided to protect all disturbed areas, including the faces of cut and fill slopes. Temporary cover shall be installed ifan area is to remain unworked for more than seven days during the dry season (May I to September 30) or for more than two consecutive working days during the wet season (October I to April 30). These time limits may be relaxed if an area poses a low risk of erosion due to soil type, slope gradient, anticipated weather conditions, or other factors. Conversely, the County may reduce these time limits if site conditions warrant greater protection (e.g., adjacent to significant aquatic resources or highly erosive soils) or if significant precipitation (see Section D.5.2) is expected. Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seeded or sodded, unless the County determines that winter weather makes vegetation establishment infeasible. During the wet season, slopes and stockpiles at 3H: I V or steeper and with more than ten feet of vertical relief shall be covered ifthey are to remain unworked for more than 12 hours. Also during the wet season, the material necessary to cover all disturbed areas mllst be stockpiled on site. The intent of these cover requirements is to have as much area as possible covered during any period of precipitation. Purpose: The purpose of covering exposed soils is to prevent erosion, thus reducing reliance on less effective methods that remove sediment after it is entrained in runoff. Cover is the only practical method of reducing turbidity in runoff. Structural measures, such as silt fences and sediment ponds, are only capable of removing coarse particles and in most circumstances have little to no effect on turbidity. When to Install: Any exposed soils that will remain unworked for more than the time limit set above shall be covered by the end of the working day. If the exposed area is to remain unworked for more than 30 days, the area shall be seeded with the temporary seed mix or an equivalent mix that will provide rapid protection (see Section If the disturbed area is to remain unworked for a year or more or if the area has reached final grade, permanent seed mix or an equivalent mix shall be applied. Measures to Use: Cover methods include the use of surface roughening, mulch, erosion control nets and blankets, plastic covering, seeding, and sodding. Mulch and plastic sheeting are primarily intended to protect disturbed areas for a short period oftime, typically days to a few months. Seeding and sodding are measures for areas that are to remain unworked for months. Erosion nets and blankets are to be used in conjunction with seeding steep slopes. The choice of measures is left to the designer; however, there are restrictions on the use of these methods, which are listed in the "Conditions of Use" and the "Design and Installation Specificationstl sections for each measure. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 0·\0 '--------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.2 COVER MEASURES The methods listed are by no means exhaustive. Variations on the standards presented here are encouraged if other cost-effective products or methods provide substantially equivalent or superior perfonnance. Also, the details of installation can, and should, vary with the site conditions. A useful reference on the application of cover measures in the Puget Sound area is Horner, Guedrey, and Kortenhof (1990). D.3.2.1 SURFACE ROUGHENING Purpose The purpose of surface roughening is to aid in the establishment of vegetative cover and to reduce runoff velocity, increase infiltration, and provide for sediment trapping through the provision ofa rough soil surface. The rough soil surface may be created by operating a tiller or other equipment on the contour to form horizontal depressions or by leaving slopes in a roughened condition by not fine grading. Conditions of Use I. All slopes steeper than 3: I and greater than 5 vertical feet require surface roughening. 2. Areas with grades steeper than 3: I should be roughened to a depth of2 to 4 inches prior to seeding. 3. Areas that will not be stabilized immediately may be roughened to reduce runoff velocity until seeding takes place. 4. Slopes with a stable rock face do not require roughening. 5. Slopes where mowing is planned should not be excessively roughened. Design and Installation Specifications There are different methods for achieving a roughened soil surface on a slope, and the selection of an appropriate method depends upon the type of slope. Roughening methods include stair-step grading, grooving, contour furrows, and tracking. See Figure D.3.2.A for information on tracking and contour furrows. Factors to be considered in choosing a method are slope steepness, mowing requirements, and whether the slope is formed by cutting or filling. Sole reliance on roughening for temporary erosion control is oflimited effectiveness in intense rainfall events. Stair-step grading may not be practical for sandy, steep, or shallow soils. I. Disturbed areas that will not require mowing may be stair-step graded, grooved, or left rough after filling 2. Stair Step grading is particularly appropriate in soils containing large amounts of soft rock. Each "step" catches material that sloughs from above, and provides a level site where vegetation can become established. Stairs should be wide enough to work with standard earth moving equipment. Stair steps must be on contour or gullies will form on the slope. 3. Areas that will be mowed (slopes less steep than 3:1) may have small furrows left by disking, harrowing, raking, or seed-planting machinery operated on the contour. 4. Graded areas with slopes greater than 3: I but less than 2: I should be roughened before seeding. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including "track walking" or driving a crawler tractor up and down the slope, leaving a pattern of cleat imprints parallel to slope contours. 5. Tracking is done by operating equipment up and down the slope to leave horizontal depressions in the soil. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D \/9/2009 D-ll L-______________________ _ c------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.2 COVER MEASURES D.3.2.2 MULCHING Code: MU Symbol: Purpose The purpose of mulching soils is to provide immediate temporary protection from erosion. Mulch also enhances plant establishment by conserving moisture, holding fertilizer, seed, and topsoil in place, and moderating soil temperatures. There is an enormous variety of mulches that may be used. Only the most common types are discussed in this section. Conditions of Use As a temporary cover measure, mulch should be used: I. On disturbed areas that require cover measures for less than 30 days 2. As a cover for seed during the wet season and during the hot summer months 3. During the wet season on slopes steeper than 3H: I V with more than 10 feet of vertical relief. Design and Installation Specifications For mulch materials, application rates, and specifications, see Table D.3.2.A. Note: Thicknesses may be increasedfor disturbed areas in or near critical areas or olher areas highly susceptible to erosion. Maintenance Standards 1. The thickness of the cover must be maintained. 2. Any areas that experience erosion shall be remulched and!or protected with a net or blanket. If the erosion problem is drainage related, then the drainage problem shall be assessed and alternate drainage such as interceptor swales may be needed to fix the problem and the eroded area remulched. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 11912009 1>-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES ~ .. ~:!ABbE D.3.2:~,~U~1.~:~~A~~~~N~~~i~J~s;;:~;,.:T~:: ,. . , ... , . . '.S ,. .·Pi.,. y Mulch Quality Standards Application Rates Remarks Material Straw' Air-dried; free from 2"-3" thick; 2-3 Cost-effective protection when applied with adequate undesirable seed and bales per 1000 sf thickness. Hand-application generally requires coarse material or 2-3 tons per acre greater thickness than blown straw. Straw should be crimped to avoid wind blow. The thickness of straw may be reduced by half when used in conjunction with seeding. Wood Fiber No growth inhibiting Approx. 25-30 Ibs Shall be applied with hydromulcher. Shall not be Cellulose factors per 1000 sf or used without seed and tackifier unless the application 1000-1500 Ibs per rate is at least doubled. Some wood fiber with very acre long fibers can be effective at lower application rates and without seed or tackifier. Compost No visible water or 2" thick min.; More effective control can be obtained by increasing dust during handling. approx. 100 tons thickness to 3". Excellent mulch for protecting final Must be purchased per acre (approx. grades until landscaping because it can be directly from supplier with 800 Ibs per cubic seeded or tilled into soil as an amendment. Sources Solid Waste Handling yard) for compost are available from the King County Permit. Commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials at (206) 296-4439. Compost may not be used in Sensitive Lake' basins unless analysis of the compost shows no phosphorous release. Hydraulic This mulch category Apply at rates from The BFM shall not be applied immediately before, Matrices includes hydraulic 3,000 Ibs per acre during or immediately after rainfall so that the matrix (Bonded slurries composed of to 4,000 Ibs per will have an opportunity to dry for 24 hours after Fiber Matrix) wood fiber, paper fiber acre and based on installation. Application rates beyond 2,500 pounds or a combination of manufacturers may interfere with germination and are not usually the two held together recommendations recommended for turf establishment. BFM is by a binding system. generally a matrix where all fiber and binders are in The BFM shall be a one bag, rather than having to mix components from mixture of long wood various manufacturers to create a matrix. BFMs can fibers and various be installed via helicopter in remote areas. They are bonding agents. approximately $1,000 per acre cheaper to install. Chipped Site Average size shall be 2" minimum This is a cost-effective way to dispose of debris from Vegetation several inches. thickness clearing and grubbing, and it eliminates the problems associated with burning. Generally, it should not be used on slopes above approx. 10% because of its tendency to be transported by runoff. It is not recommended within 200 feet of surface waters. If seeding is expected shortly after mulch, the decomposition of the chipped vegetation may tie up nutrients important to grass establishment. 7 Sensitive fake means a lake that has proved to be particularly prone to eutrophication; the County gives this designation when an active input plan has been adopted to limit the amount of phosphorous entering the lake. 1I9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.2 COVER MEASURES D.3.2.4 PLASTIC COVERING Code: PC Symbol: -... ____ --I®\---~~- Purpose Plastic covering provides immediate, short-term erosion protection to slopes and disturbed areas. Conditions of Use I. Plastic covering may be used on disturbed areas that require cover measures for less than 30 days. 2. Plastic is particularly useful for protecting cut and fill slopes and stockpiles. Note: The relatively rapid breakdown of most polyethylene sheeting makes it unsuitable for long-term applications. 3. Clear plastic sheeting may be used over newly-seeded areas to create a greenhouse effect and encourage grass growth. Clear plastic should not be used for this purpose during the summer months because the resulting high temperatures can kill the grass. 4. Due to rapid runoff caused by plastic sheeting, this method shall not be used upslope of areas that might be adversely impacted by concentrated runoff. Such areas include steep and/or unstable slopes. Note: There have been many problems with plastic. usually allributable to poor installation and maintenance. However, the material itself can cause problems, even when correctly installed and maintained, because it generates high-velocity runoff and breaks down quickly due to ultraviolet radiation. In addiaon, if the plastic is not completely removed, it can clog drainage system inlets and out/ets. It is highly recommended that alternatives to plastic sheeting be used whenever possible and that its use be limited. Design and Installation Specifications I. See Figure D.3.2.D for details. 2. Plastic sheeting shall have a minimum thickness of 0.06 millimeters. 3. If erosion at the toe of a slope is likely, a gravel berm, riprap, or other suitable protection shall be installed at the toe of the slope in order to reduce the velocity of runoff. II FIGURE PLASTIC COVERING 10' MAX. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 0-17 TIRES, SANDBAGS, OR EQUIVALENT tolAY B[ USED TO WEIGHT PLASTIC SEAMS BETWEEN SHEElS MUST OVERLAP A MINIMUM Ot 12" AND BE WEIGHTED OR TAPED 119/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES Maintenance Standards for Plastic Covering I. Tom sheets must be replaced and open seams repaired. 2. If the plastic begins to deteriorate due to ultraviolet radiation, it must be completely removed and replaced. 3. When the plastic is no longer needed, it shall be completely removed. D.3.2.S STRAW WATTLES 11912009 Code: SW Symbol: Purpose Wattles are erosion and sediment control barriers consisting of straw wrapped in biodegradable tubular plastic or similar encasing material. Wattles may reduce the velocity and can spread the flow of rill and sheet runoff, and can capture and retain sediment. Straw wattles are typically 8 to 10 inches in diameter and 25 to 30 feet in length. The wattles are placed in shallow trenches and staked along the contour of disturbed or newly constructed slopes. Conditions of Use 1. Install on disturbed areas that require immediate erosion protection. 2. Use on slopes requiring stabilization until permanent vegetation can be established. 3. Can be used along the perimeter of a project, as a check dam in unlined ditches and around temporary stockpiles 4. Wattles can be staked to the ground using willow cuttings for added revegetation. 5. Rilling can occur beneath and between wattles ifnot properly entrenched, allowing water to pass below and between wattles Design and Installation Specifications I. It is critical that wattles are installed perpendicular to the flow direction and parallel to the slope contour. 2. Narrow trenches should be dug across the slope, on contour, to a depth of3 to 5 inches on clay soils and soils with gradual slopes. On loose soils, steep slopes, and during high rainfall events, the trenches should be dug to a depth of 5 to 7 inches, or Y, to 2/3 of the thickness of the wattle. 3. Start construction of trenches and installing wattles from the base of the slope and work uphill. Excavated material should be spread evenly along the uphill slope and compacted using hand tamping or other method. Construct trenches at contour intervals of3 to 30 feet apart depending on the steepness of the slope, soil type, and rainfall. The steeper the slope the closer together the trenches should be constructed. 4. Install the wattles snugly into the trenches and abut tightly end to end. Do not overlap the ends. 5. Install stakes at each end of the wattle, and at 4 foot centers along the entire length of the wattle. 6. Ifrequired, install pilot holes for the stakes using a straight bar to drive holes through the wattle and into the soil. 7. At a minimum, wooden stakes should be approximately lI, x lI, x 24 inches. Willow cuttings or 3/8 inch rebar can also be used for stakes. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 1)-18 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOE IN SHEETING IN MINIMUM 4"X4" TRENCH NOTES PROVIDE ENERGY DISSIPATION AT TOE WHEN NEEDED 1. CONDITION OF USE 10' MAX. , " . ...... 1.1. PLASTIC COVERING MAY BE USED ON DISTURBED AREAS THAT REQUIRED COVER MEASURES FOR LESS THAN 30 DAYS. 1.2. PLASTIC IS PARTICULARLY USEFUL FOR PROTECTING CUT AND FILL SLOPES AND STOCKPILES. 1.3. CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETING MAY BE USED OVER NEWLY-5HEEDED AREAS TO CREATE A GREENHOUSE EFFECT AND ENCOURAGE GRASS GROWTH. CLEAR PLASTIC SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS 1.4. THIS METHOD SHALL NOT BE USED UPSLOPE OF AREAS THAT MIGHT BE ADVERSELY IMPACTED BY RUNOFF. SUCH AREAS INCLUDE STEEP AND UNSTABLE SLOPES 2. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. PLASTIC SHEETING SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 0.03 MILLIMETERS. 2.2. IF EROSION AT THE TOE OF A SLOPE IS LIKELY, A GRAVEL BERM, RIPRAP, OR OTHER SUITABLE PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE TOE OF THE SLOPE IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE VELOCITY OF RUNOFF. 3. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 3.1. TORN SHEETS MOST BE REPLACED AND OPEN SEAMS REPAIRED. 3.2. IF THE PLASTIC BEGINS TO DETERIORATE DIE TO ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION, IT MOST BE COMPLETELY REMOVED AND REPLACED. 3.3. WHEN THE PLASTIC IS NO LONGER NEEDED, IT SHALL BE COMPLETELY REMOVES. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PLASTIC COVERING STD. PLAN -213.30 MARCH 2008 '---------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.2.6 D.3.2 COVER MEASURES TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING Code: SE Symbol: --.~--~~~----.- Purpose Seeding is intended to reduce erosion by stabilizing exposed soils. A well-established vegetative cover is one of the most effective methods of reducing erosion. Conditions of Use I. Seeding shall be used throughout the project on disturbed areas that have reached final grade or that will remain unworked for more than 30 days. 2. Vegetation-lined channels shall be seeded. Channels that will be vegetated should be installed before major earthwork and hydroseeded or covered with a Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM). 3. Retention/detention ponds shall be seeded as required. 4. At the County's discretion, seeding without mulch during the dry season is allowed even though it will take more than seven days to develop an effective cover. Mulch is, however, recommended at all times because it protects seeds from heat, moisture loss, and transport due to runoff. 5. At the beginning of the wet season, all disturbed areas shall be reviewed to identifY which ones can be seeded in preparation for the winter rains (see Section 0.5.2). Disturbed areas shall be seeded within one week of the beginning of the wet season. A sketch map of those areas to be seeded and those areas to remain uncovered shall be submitted to the DOES inspector. The DOES inspector may require seeding of additional areas in order to protect surface waters, adjacent properties, or drainage facilities. 6. At final site stabilization, all disturbed areas not otherwise vegetated or stabilized shall be seeded and mulched (see Section 0.5.5). Design and Installation Specifications I. The best time to seed is April I through June 30, and September I through October 15. Areas may be seeded between July I and August 31, but irrigation may be required in order to grow adequate cover. Areas may also be seeded during the winter months, but it may take several months to develop a· dense groundcover due to cold temperatures. The application and maintenance of mulch is critical for winter seeding. 2. To prevent seed from being washed away, confirm that all required surface water control measures have been installed. 3. The seedbed should be firm but not compacted because soils that are well compacted will not vegetate as quickly or thoroughly. Slopes steeper than 3H: I V shall be surface roughened. Roughening can be accomplished in a variety of ways, but the typical method is track walking, or driving a crawling tractor up and down the slope, leaving cleat imprints parallel to the slope contours. 4. In general, 10-20-20 N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) fertilizer may be used at a rate of90 pounds per acre. Slow-release fertilizers are preferred because they are more efficient and have fewer environmental impacts. It is recommended that areas being seeded for final landscaping conduct soil tests to detennine the exact type and quantity offertilizer needed. This will prevent the over- application offertilizer. Disturbed areas within 200 feet of water bodies and wetlands must use slow- release low-phosphorus fertilizer (typical proportions 3-1-2 N-P-K). 5. The following requirements apply to mulching: a) Mulch is always required for seeding slopes greater than 3H: I V (see Section 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 11912009 D-21 I I SECTION D.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \/9/2009 I ESC MEASURES b) Ifseeding during the wet season, mulch is required. c) The use of mulch may be required during the dry season at the County's discretion ifgrass growth is expected to be slow, the soils are highly erodible due to soil type or gradient, there is a water body close to the disturbed area, or significant precipitation (see Section 0.5.2) is anticipated before the grass will provide effective cover. d) Mulch may be applied on top ofthe seed or simultaneously by hydroseeding. 6. Hydroseeding is allowed as long as tackifier is included. Hydroseeding with wood fiber mulch is adequate during the dry season. During the wet season, the application rate shall be doubled because the mulch and tackifier used in hydroseeding break down fairly rapidly. It may be necessary in some applications to include straw with the wood fiber, but this can be detrimental to germination. 7. Areas to be permanently landscaped shall use soil amendments. Good quality topsoil shall be tilled into the top six inches to reduce the need for fertilizer and improve the overall soil quality. Most native soils will require the addition of four inches of well-rotted compost to be tilled into the soil to provide a good quality topsoil. 'Compost used should meet Ecology publication 98-38 specifications for Grade A quality compost. 8. The seed mixes listed below include recommended mixes for both temporary and permanent seeding. These mixes, with the exception of the wetland mix, shall be applied at a rate of 120 pounds per acre. This rate may be reduced if soil amendments or slow-release fertilizers are used. Local suppliers should be consulted for their recommendations because the appropriate mix depends on a variety of factors, including exposure, soil type, slope, and expected foot traffic. Alternative seed mixes approved by the County may be used. Table 0.3.2.B presents the standard mix for those areas where just a temporary vegetative cover is required. Chewings or red fescue Festuca rubra var. commutata or Festuca rubra Annual or perennial rye Lolium multiflorum or Lolium perenne Redtop or colonial bentgrass Agrostis alba or Agrostis tenuis White dutch clover Trifolium repens % Weight 40 40 10 10 D-22 % Purity % Germination 98 90 98 90 92 85 98 90 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table D.3.2.C provides just one recommended possibility for landscaping seed. Perennial rye blend Lolium perenne Chewings and red fescue blend Festuca rubra var. commutata or Festuca rubra % Weight 70 30 % Purity 98 98 0.3.2 COVER MEASURES % Germination 90 90 This turf seed mix in Table D.3.2.D is for dry situations where there is no need for much water. The advantage is that this mix requires very little maintenance. % Weight % Purity % Germination Dwarf tall fescue (several varieties) 45 98 90 Festuca arundinacea var. Dwarf perennial rye (Barclay) 30 98 90 Lolium perenne var. barclay Red fescue 20 98 90 Festuca rubra Colonial bentgrass 5 98 90 Agrostis tenuis Table D.3.2.E presents a mix recommended for bioswales and other intermittently wet areas. Sad shall generally not be used for bioswales because the seed mix is inappropriate for this application. Sad may be used for lining ditches to prevent erosion, but it will provide little water quality benefit during the wet season. Tall or meadow fescue Festuca arundinacea or Festuca elalior Seaside/Creeping bentgrass Agroslis pa/ustris Redtop bentgrass Agrostis alba or Agrostis gigantea % Weight 75-80 10-15 5-10 • Modified Briargreen, Inc. Hydroseeding Guide Wetlands Seed Mix 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix 0 D-23 % Purity % Germination 98 90 92 85 90 80 1/912009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES 11912009 The seed mix shown in Table D.3.2.F is a recommended low-growing, relatively non-invasive seed mix appropriate for very wet areas that are not regulated wetlands (if planting in wetland areas, see Section 6.3.1 ofthe Surface Water Design Manual). Other mixes may be appropriate, depending on the soil type and hydrology of the area. Apply this mixture at a rate of 60 pounds per acre. Tall or meadow fescue Festuca arundinacea or Festuca elatior Seaside/Creeping bentgrass Agrostis pa/ustris Meadow foxtail A/epocurus pratensis Alsike clover Trifolium hybridum Redtop bentgrass Agrostis alba % Weight 60-70 10-15 10-15 1-6 1-6 • Modified Briargreen, Inc. Hydroseeding Guide Wetlands Seed Mix % Purity % Germination 98 90 98 85 90 80 98 90 92 85 The meadow seed mix in Table D.3.2.0 is recommended for areas that will be maintained infrequently or not at all and where colonization by native plants is desirable. Likely applications include rural road and· utility right-of-way. Seeding should take place in September or very early October in order to obtain adequate establishment prior to the winter months. The appropriateness of clover in the mix may need to be considered as this can be a fairly invasive species. If the soil is amended, the addition of clover may not be necessary. % Weight % Purity % Germination Redtop or Oregon bentgrass 40 92 85 Agrostis alba or Agrostis oregonensis Red fescue 40 98 90 Festuca rubra White dutch clover 20 98 90 Trifolium repens Maintenance Standards for Temporary and Permanent Seeding I. Any seeded areas that fail to establish at least 80 percent cover within one month shall be reseeded. If reseeding is ineffective, an alternate method, such as sodding or nets!blankets, shall be used. If winter weather prevents adequate grass growth, this time limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the County when critical areas would otherwise be protected. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-24 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.2 COVER MEASURES 2. After adequate cover is achieved, any areas that experience erosion shall be re-seeded and protected by mulch. If the erosion problem is drainage related, the problem shall be fixed and the eroded area re-seeded and protected by mulch. 3. Seeded areas shall be supplied with adequate moisture, but not watered to the extent that it causes runoff. D.3.2.7 SODDING Code: SO Symbol: Purpose The purpose of sodding is to establish permanent turf for immediate erosion protection and to stabilize drainage ways where concentrated overland flow will occur. Conditions of Use Sodding may be used in the following areas: I. Disturbed areas that require short-term or long-term cover 2. Disturbed areas that require immediate vegetative cover 3. All waterways that require vegetative lining (except biofiltration swales--the seed mix used in most sad is not appropriate for biofiltration swales). Waterways may also be seeded rather than sodded, and protected with a net or blanket (see Section Design and Installation Specifications Sad shall be free of weeds, of uniform thickness (approximately I-inch thick), and shall have a dense root mat for mechanical strength. The following steps are recommended for sod installation: I. Shape and smooth the surface to final grade in accordance with the approved grading plan. 2. Amend two inches (minimum) of well-rotted compost into the top six inches of the soil if the organic content of the soil is less than ten percent. Compost used should meet Ecology publication 98-38 specifications for Grade A quality compost. 3. Fertilize according to the supplier's recommendations. Disturbed areas within 200 feet of water bodies and wetlands must use non-phosphorus fertilizer. 4. Work lime and fertilizer I to 2 inches into the soil, and smooth the surface. 5. Lay strips of sad beginning at the lowest area to be sodded and perpendicular to the direction of water flow. Wedge strips securely into place. Square the ends of each strip to provide for a close, tight fit. Stagger joints at least 12 inches. Staple on slopes steeper than 3H: I V. 6. Roll the sodded area and irrigate. 7. When sodding is carried out in alternating strips or other patterns, seed the areas between the sad immediately after sodding. Maintenance Standards If the grass is unhealthy, the cause shall be determined and appropriate action taken to reestablish a healthy groundcover. If it is impossible to establish a healthy groundcover due to frequent saturation, instability, or some other cause, the sod shall be removed, the area seeded with an appropriate mix, and protected with a net or blanket. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual ~ Appendix D 11912009 D-25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES D.3.3 PERIMETER PROTECTION Perimeter protection to filter sediment from sheetwash shall be located downslope of all disturbed areas and shall be installed prior to upslope grading. Perimeter protection includes the use of vegetated strips as well as, constructed measures, such as silt fences, fiber rolls, sand/gravel barriers, brush or rock filters, triangular silt dikes and other methods. During the wet season, 50 linear feet of silt fence (and the necessary stakes) per acre of disturbed area must be stockpiled on site. Purpose: The purpose of perimeter protection is to reduce the amount of sediment transported beyond the disturbed areas of the construction site. Perimeter protection is primarily a backup means of sediment control. Most, if not all, sediment-laden water is to be treated in a sediment trap or pond. The only circumstances in which perimeter control is to be used as a primary means of sediment removal is when the catchment is very small (see below). When to Install: Perimeter protection is to be installed prior to any upslope clearing and grading. Measures to Use: The above measures may be used interchangeably and are not the only perimeter protection measures available. If surface water is collected by an interceptor dike or swale and routed to a sediment pond or trap, there may be no need for the perimeter protection measures specified in this section. Criteria for Use as Primary Treatment: At the boundary of a site, perimeter protection may be used as the sole form of treatment when the tlowpath meets the criteria listed below. If these criteria are not met, perimeter protection shall only be used as a backup to a sediment trap or pond. Average Slope 1.5H:I V or less 2H:IV or less 4H:IVor less 6H:IV or less 10H:IVor less Slope Percent 67% or less 50% or less 25% or less 16.7% or less 10% or less Flowpath Length 100 feet 115 feet 150 feet 200 feet 250 feet D.3.3.1 SILT FENCE 11912009 Code: SF Symbol: )( )( )( )( )( Purpose Use of a silt fence reduces the transport of coarse sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Conditions of Use 1. Silt fence may be used downslope of all disturbed areas. 2. Silt fence is not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor is it intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Any concentrated flows must be conveyed through the drainage system to a sediment trap or pond. The only circumstance in which overland flow may be treated solely by a silt fence, rather than by a sediment trap or pond, is when the area draining to the fence is small (see "Criteria for Use as Primary Treatment" on page D-30). Design and Installation Specifications I. See Figure D.3.3.A and Figure D.3.3.B for details. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1).3 ESC MEASURES D.3.3.3 VEGETATED STRIP Code: VS Symbol: Purpose Vegetated strips reduce the transport of coarse sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Conditions of Use I. Vegetated strips may be used downslope of all disturbed areas. 2. Vegetated strips are not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor are they intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Any concentrated flows must be conveyed through the drainage system to a sediment trap or pond. The only circumstance in which overland flow may be treated solely by a strip, rather than by a sediment trap or pond, is when the area draining to the strip is small (see "Criteria for Use as Primary Treatment" on page D-30). Design and Installation Specifications I. The vegetated strip shall consist of a 25-foot minimum width continuous strip of dense vegetation with a permeable topsoil. Grass-covered, landscaped areas are generally not adequate because the volume of sediment overwhelms the grass. Ideally, vegetated strips shall consist of undisturbed native growth with a well-developed soil that allows for infiltration of runoff. 2. The slope within the strip shall not exceed 4H: I V. 3. The uphill boundary of the vegetated strip shall be delineated with clearing limits as specified in Section D.3.1 (p. D-8). Maintenance Standards I. Any areas damaged by erosion or construction activity shall be seeded immediately and protected by mulch. 2. If more than 5 feet of the original vegetated strip width has had vegetation removed or is being eroded, sod must be installed using the standards for installation found in Section D.4.2.5. Ifthere are indications that concentrated flows are traveling across the buffer, surface water controls must be installed to reduce the flows entering the buffer, or additional perimeter protection must be installed. D.3.3.4 TRIANGULAR SILT DIKE (GEOTEXTILE ENCASED CHECK DAM) 1/9/2009 Code: TSI) Symbol: - Purpose Triangular silt dikes (TSDs) may be used as check dams, for perimeter protection, for temporary soil stockpile protection, for drop inlet protection, or as a temporary interceptor dike. Silt dikes, ifattached to impervious surfaces with tack or other adhesive agent may also be used as temporary wheel wash areas, or concrete washout collection areas. Conditions of Use I. May be used for temporary check darns in ditches. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.3 PERIMETER PROTECTION 2. May be used on sailor pavement with adhesive or staples. 3. TSDs have been used to build temporary sediment ponds, diversion ditches, concrete washout facilities, curbing, water bars, level spreaders, and berms. Design and Installation Specifications I. TSDs must be made of urethane foam sewn into a woven geosynthetic fabric. 2. TSDs are triangular, 10 inches to 14 inches high in the center, with a 20-inch to 2S-inch base. A 2- foot apron extends beyond both sides of the triangle along its standard section of7 feet. A sleeve at one end allows attachment of additional sections as needed 3. Install TSDs with ends curved up to prevent water from flowing around the ends 4. Attach the TSDs and their fabric flaps to the ground with wire staples. Wire staples must be No. I I gauge wire or stronger and shall be 200 mm to 300 mm in length. 5. When multiple units are installed, the sleeve of fabric at the end of the unit shall overlap the abutting unit and be stapled. 6. TSDs must be located and installed as soon as construction will allow. 7. TSDs must be placed perpendicular to the flow ofwater. S. When used as check dams, the leading edge must be secured with rocks, sandbags, or a small key slot and staples. 9. When used in grass-lined ditches and swales, the TSD check dams and accumulated sediment shall be removed when the grass has matured sufficiently to protect the ditch or swale unless the slope of the swale is greater than 4 percent. The area beneath the TSD check dams shall be seeded and mulched immediately after dam removal. Maintenance Standards I. Triangular silt dikes shall be monitored for performance and sediment accumulation during and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Sediment shall be removed when it reaches one half the height ofthe silt dike. 2. Anticipate submergence and deposition above the triangular silt dike and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dike/dam. Immediately repair any damage or any undercutting of the dike/dam. D.3.3.S COMPOST BERMS Code: CO BE Symbol: Purpose Compost berms are an option to meet the requirements of perimeter protection. Compost berms may reduce the transport of sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Compost berms trap sediment by filtering water passing through the berm and allowing water to pond, creating a settling area for solids behind the berm. Organic materials in the compost can also reduce concentrations of metals and petroleum hydrocarbons from construction runoff. Due to the increase in phosphorous seen in the eftluent data from compost berms, they should be used with some cautions in areas that drain to phosphorus sensitive water bodies, and should only be used in Sensitive Lake watersheds, such as Lake Sammamish, with the approval from the County or the local jurisdiction. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 1/9/2009 D-35 ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES 11912009 Conditions of Use I. Compost berms may be used in most areas requiring sediment or erosion control where runoff is in the form of sheet flow or in areas where silt fence is normally considered acceptable. Compost berms may be used in areas where migration of aquatic life such as turtles and salamanders are impeded by the use of silt fence. 2. Compost berms are not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor are they intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Any concentrated flows must be conveyed via a drainage system to a sediment pond or trap. 3. For purposes of long-term sediment control objectives, berms may be seeded at the time of installation to create an additional vegetated filtering component. Desig n and Installation Specifications I. Compost berms shall be applied using a pneumatic blower device or equivalent, to produce a uniform cross-section and berm density. 2. Compost benns shall be triangular in cross-section. The ratio of base to height dimensions shall be 2:1. 3. The minimum size of a compost berm is a 2-foot base with a I-foot height. 4. Compost berms shall be sized and spaced as indicated in the table below. SLOPE SLOPE Maximum Slope Length or Berm Size Required Berm Spacing (linear feet) (height x base width) 0%-2% Flatter than 50: I 250 Iftx2ft 2%-10% 50:1-10:1 125 Iftx2ft 10%-20% 10:1-5:1 100 Iftx2ft 20%-33% 5:1-3:1 75 Iftx2ft 33% -50% 3:1-2:1 50 1.5 ft x 3 ft 5. Compost berms shall not be used on slopes greater than 2H: I V 6. Compost shall meet criteria in WAC 173-350-220 (10) for Designation of Compos ted Materials 7. Compost shall be obtained from a supplier meeting the requirements of WAC 173-350-220. 8. Compost particle size distribution shall be as follows: 99% passing a I inch sieve, 90% passing a ';' inch sieve and a minimum of70% greater than the 3/8 inch sieve. A total of98% shall not exceed 3 inches in length. 9. Berms shall be placed on level contours to assist in dissipating flow into sheet flow rather than concentrated flows. Berms shall not be constructed to concentrate runoff or channel water. Sheet flow of water shall be perpendicular to the berm at impact. No concentrated flow shall be directed towards compost berms. 10. Where possible, berms shall be placed 5 feet or more from the toe of slopes to allow space for sediment deposition and collection. II. In order to prevent water from flowing around the ends of the berms, the ends of the benn shall be constructed pointing upslope so the ends are at a higher elevation than the rest of the berm. 12. A compost blanket extending 10-15 feet above the berm is recommended where the surface above the berm is rutted or uneven, to reduce concentrated flow and promote sheet flow into the benn. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix 0 D-36 ,---I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.3 PERIMETER PROTECTION Maintenance Standards I. Compost berms shall be regularly inspected to make sure they retain their shape and allow adequate flow-through of stormwater. 2. When construction is completed on site, the berms shall be dispersed for incorporation into the soil or left on top of the site for final seeding to occur. 3. Any damage to berms must be repaired immediately. Damage includes flattening, compacting, rills, eroded areas due to overtopping. 4. If concentrated flows are evident uphill of the berm, the flows must be intercepted and conveyed to a sediment trap or pond. 5. The uphill side of the berm shall be inspected for signs of the berm clogging and acting as a barrier to flows and causing channelization of flows parallel to the berm. If this occurs, replace the berm or remove the trapped sediment. 6. Sediment that collects behind the benn must be removed when the sediment is more than 6 inches deep. D.3.3.6 COMPOST SOCKS Code: COSO Symbol: Purpose Compost socks reduce the transport of sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment-laden water and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Compost socks trap sediment by filtering water that passes through the sock and allows water to pond behind the sock, creating a settling area for solids. Organic materials in the compost also may reduce metal and petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in construction runoff. Compost socks function similarly to compost berms; however, because the compost is contained in a mesh tube, they are appropriate for both concentrated flow and sheet flow. Compost socks may be used to channel concentrated flow on hard surfaces. Conditions of Use 1. Compost socks may be lIsed in areas requiring sediment or erosion control where runoff is in the form of sheet flow or in areas that silt fence is nonnally considered acceptable. Compost socks may also be used in sensitive environmental areas where migration of aquatic life, including turtles, salamanders and other aquatic life may be impeded by the used of silt fence. 2. Compost socks are not intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. However, compost socks may be subjected to some ponding and concentrated flows. If intended primarily as a filtration device, the socks should be sized and placed so that flows do not overtop the socks. 3. For purposes oflong term sediment control objectives, compost socks may be seeded at the time of installation to create an additional vegetated filtering component. Design and Installation Specifications I. Compost socks shall be produced using a pneumatic blower hose or equivalent to fill a mesh tube with compost to create a uniform cross-section and benn density. 2. Socks shall be filled so they are firmly -packed yet flexible. Upon initial filling, the socks shall be filled to have a round cross-section. Once placed on the ground, it is recommended to apply weight to 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 1/9/2009 D-37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES the sock to improve contact with the underlying surface. This may cause the sock to assume an oval shape. 3. Compost socks shall be a minimum ofS inches in diameter. Larger diameter socks are recommended for areas where ponding is expected behind the sock. 4. Compost socks shall not be used on slopes greater than 2H: I V. 5. Compost shall meet criteria in WAC 173-350-220 (10) for Designation of Compos ted Materials. 6. Compost shall be obtained from a supplier meeting the requirements of WAC 173-350-220. 7. Compost particle size distribution shall be as follows: 99% passing a I inch sieve, 90% passing a 0/., inch sieve and a minimum of70% greater than the 3/S inch sieve. A total of9S% shall not exceed 3 inches in length. S. In order to prevent water from flowing around the ends of compost socks, the ends must be pointed upslope so the ends of the socks are at a higher elevation than the remainder of the sock. Maintenance Standards I. Compost socks shall be regularly inspected to make sure the mesh tube remains undamaged, the socks retain their shape, and allow adequate flow through of surface water. If the mesh tube is torn, it shall be repaired using twine, zip-ties, or wire. Large sections of damaged socks must be replaced. Any damage must be repaired immediately upon discovery of damage. 2. When the sock is no longer needed, the socks shall be cut open and the compost dispersed to be incorporated into the sailor left on top of the soil for final seeding to occur. The mesh material must be disposed of properly as solid waste. If spills of oil, antifreeze, hydraulic fluid, or other equipment fluids have occurred that have saturated the sock, the compost must be disposed of properly as a waste. 3. Sediment must be removed when sediment accumulations are within 3 inches of the top of the sock. D.3.4 TRAFFIC AREA ST ABILIZA TION 1/9/2009 Unsurfaced entrances, roads, and parking areas used by construction traffic shall be stabilized to minimize erosion and tracking of sediment off site. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed as the first step in clearing and grading. At the County's discretion, road and parking area stabilization is not required during the dry season (unless dust is a concern) or if the site is underlain by coarse-grained soils. Roads and parking areas shall be stabilized immediately after initial grading. Purpose: The purpose of traffic area stabilization is to reduce the amount of sediment transported off site by construction vehicles and to reduce the erosion of areas disturbed by vehicle traffic. Sediment transported off site onto paved streets is a significant problem because it is difficult to effectively remove, and any sediment not removed ends up in the drainage system. Additionally, sediment on public right-of- way can pose a serious traffic hazard. Construction road and parking area stabilization is important because the combination of wet soil and heavy equipment traffic typically forms a slurry of easily erodible mud. Finally, stabilization also is an excellent form of dust control in the summer months. When to Install: The construction entrance is to be installed as the first step in clearing and grading. Construction road stabilization shall occur immediately after initial grading of the construction roads and parking areas. Measures to Use: There are two types of traffic area stabilization: (I) a stabilized construction entrance and (2) construction road/parking area stabilization. Both measures must be used as specified under "Conditions of Use" for each measure. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.4.1 ----------------------------- 0.3.4 'IRAFFIC AREA STABILIZATION STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Code: CE Symbol: Purpose Construction entrances are stabilized to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads by motor vehicles or runoff by constructing a stabilized pad of quarry spalls at entrances to construction sites. Conditions of Use Construction entrances shall be stabilized wherever traffic will be leaving a construction site and traveling on paved roads or other paved areas within 1,000 feet of the site. Access and exits shall be limited to one route if possible, or two for 1inear projects such as roadway where more than one access/exit is necessary for maneuvering large equipment. Design and Installation Specifications I. See Figure D.3.4.A for details. 2. A separation geotextile shall be placed under the spalls to prevent fine sediment from pumping up into the rock pad. The geotextile shall meet the following standards: Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM 04751) Grab Tensile Elongation (ASTM D4632) 200 psi min. 30% max. -r----------------------------~ Mullen Burst Strength (ASTM D3786-80a) 400 psi min. -r----------------------~ AOS (ASTM D4751) 20-45 (U.S. standard sieve size) 3. Hog fuel (wood based mulch) may be substituted for or combined with quarry spalls in areas that will not be used for permanent roads. The effectiveness of hog fuel is highly variable, but it has been used successfully on many sites. It generally requires more maintenance than quarry spalls. Hog fuel is not recommended for entrance stabilization in urban areas. The inspector may at any time require the use of quarry spalls if the hog fuel is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement or if the hog fuel is being carried onto pavement. Hog fuel is prohibited in permanent roadbeds because organics in the subgrade soils cause difficulties with compaction. 4. Fencing (see Section D.3.1) shall be installed as necessary to restrict traffic to the construction entrance. 5. Whenever possible, the entrance shall be constructed on a firm, compacted subgrade. This can substantially increase the effectiveness of the pad and reduce the need for maintenance. Maintenance Standards I. Quarry spalls (or hog fuel) shall be added if the pad is no longer in accordance with the specifications. 2. If the entrance is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement, then alternative measures to keep the streets free of sediment shall be used. This may include street sweeping, an increase in the dimensions of the entrance, or the installation ofa wheel wash. Ifwashing is used, it shall be done on an area covered with crushed rock, and wash water shall drain to a sediment trap or pond. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 119/2009 0-39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------- SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES 1/912009 3. Any sediment that is tracked onto pavement shall be removed immediately by sweeping. The sediment collected by sweeping shall be removed or stabilized on site. The pavement shall not be cleaned by washing down the street, except when sweeping is ineffective and there is a threat to public safety. If it is necessary to wash the streets, a small sump must be constructed. The sediment would then be washed into the sump where it can be controlled. Wash water must be pumped back onto the site and can not discharge to systems tributary to surface waters. 4. Any quarry spalls that are loosened from the pad and end up on the roadway shall be removed immediately. 5. If vehicles are entering or exiting the site at points other than the construction entrance(s), fencing (see Section D.3.I) shall be installed to control traffic. FIGURE D.3.4.A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERT IF THERE IS A ROADSIDE DITCH PRESENT. AS PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS 4"-8" QUARRY SPALLS --~ 12" MIN. THICKNESS D·40 '0 o. '\ AS PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS. DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED TO THE EDGE OF R-D-W PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO AVOID DAMAGING OF THE ROADWAY IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE ENTRANCE BE CROWNED SO THAT RUNOFF DRAINS OFF THE PAD PROVIDE FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS/EGRESS AREA 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERT IF THERE IS A ROADSIDE DITCH PRESENT, AS PER CITY ROAD STANDARDS 4"-S" QUARRY SPALlS DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED lOTHE EDGE OF R-Q-W PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO AVOID DAMAGING OF THE ROADWAY IT IS RECOMMENOED THAT THE ENTRANCE BE CROWNED SO THAT RUNOFF DRAINS OFF THE PAD GEOTEXTILE ~ 12" MIN. THICKNESS ~-~ !-~,~ ,*~. PROVIDE FULL WIDTH OF ------J INGRESSIEGRESS AREA 1. CONDITION OF USE 1.1. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE STABILIZED WHEREVER TRAFFIC WILL BE LEAVING A CONSTRUCTION SITE AND TRAVELING ON PAVED ROADS OR OTHER PAVED AREAS WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF THE SITE. GRAB TENSILE STREBNGTHIASTM D4751l 200 PSI MIN. GRAB TENSILE ELONGATION (ASTM 04632) 3(1''' MAX. MULLEN BURST STRENGTH ASTM D3786-80A 400 PSI MIN. AOSIASTM 04751) 20-4S U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE) 2. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. HOG FUEL (WOOD BASED MULCH) MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR OR COMBINED WITH QUARRY SPALLS IN ARES THAT WILL BOT BE USED FOR PERMANENT ROADS. HOG FUEL IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ENTRANCE STABILIZATION IN URBAN AREAS. THE INSPECTOR MAY AT ANY TIME REQUIRE THE USE OF QUARRY SPALLS IF THE HOG FUEL IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT OR IF THE HOG FUEL IS BEING CARRIED ONTO PAVEMENT. 2.2. FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO RESTRICT TRAFFIC TO THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. 2.3. WHENEVER POSSIBLE. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON A FIRM. COMPACTED SUBGRADE. THIS CAN SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PAD AND REDUCE THE NEED FOR MAINTENANCE. I 3. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS I I I I I I 3.1. QUARRY SPALLS SHALL BE ADDED IFTHE PAD IS NO LONGER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 3.2. IF THE ENTRANCE IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT. THEN ALTERNATIVE MEASURES TO KEEP THE STREETS FREE OF SEDIMENT SHALL BE USED. THIS MAY INCLUDE STREET SWEEPING, AN INCREASE IN THE DIMENSIONS OF THE ENTRANCE. OR THE INSTALLATION OF THE WHEEL WASH. IF WASHING IS USED. IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA COVERED WITH CRUSHED ROCK. AND WASHED WATER SHALL DRAIN TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 3.3. ANY SEDIMENT THAT IS TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY SWEEPING. THE SEDIMENT COLLECTED BY SWEEPING SHALL BE REMOVED OR STABILIZED ON SITE. THE PAVEMENT SHALL NOT BE CLEANED BY WASHING DOWN THE STREET. EXCEPT WHEN SWEEPING IS INEFFECTIVE AND THERE IS A THREAT TO PUBLIC SAFETY. IF IT NECESSARY TO WASH THE STREETS. A SMALL SUMP MUST BE CONDUCTED. THE SEDIMENT WOULD THEN BE WASHED INTO THE SUMP WHERE IT CAN BE CONTROLLED AND DISCHARGED APPROPRIATELY. 3.4. ANY QUARRY SPALLS THAT ARE LOOSENED FROM THE PAD AND END UP ON THE ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 3.5. IF VEHICLES ARE ENTERING OR EXITING THE SITES AT POINTS OTHER THAN THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S). FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE STD. PLAN -215.10 MARCH 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES D.3.4.3 WHEEL WASH 11912009 Code: WW r-,'--->] Symbol:------ILL:L-J." . =1-- Purpose Wheel wash systems reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roadways and into surface water systems by construction vehicles. Conditions of Use When a stabilized construction entrance is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement: • Wheel washing is generally an effective erosion and sediment control method and BMP when installed with careful attention to topography. For example, a wheel wash can be detrimental if installed at the top of a slope abutting a right-of-way where the water from the dripping truck wheels and undercarriage can run unimpeded into the street. • Pressure washing combined with an adequately sized and properly surfaced wash pad with direct drainage discharge to a large 10 foot x 10-foot sump can be very effective. Design and Installation Specifications A suggested detail is shown in Figure D.3.4.B. I. A minimum of 6inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) over crushed base material or 8 inches over a good subgrade is recommended to pave the wheel wash area. 2. Use a low clearance truck to test the wheel wash before paving. Either a belly dump or lowboy will work well to test clearance. 3. Keep the water level from 12 to 14 inches deep to avoid damage to truck hubs and filling the truck tongues with water. 4. Midpoint spray nozzles are only needed in very muddy conditions. 5. Wheel wash systems should be designed with a small grade change, 6 to 12 inches for a 10-foot wide pond, to allow sediment to flow to the low side of the pond and to help prevent re-suspension of sediment. 6. A drainpipe with a 2 to 3 foot riser should be installed on the low side of the wheel wash pond to allow for easy cleaning and refilling. Polymers may be used to promote coagulation and flocculation in a closed-loop system. 7. Polyacrylamide (PAM) added to the wheel washwater at a rate of 0.25 -0.5 pounds per 1,000 gallons of water increases effectiveness and reduces cleanup time. If PAM is already being used for dust or erosion control and is being applied by a water truck, the same truck may be used to change the washwater. Maintenance Standards I. The wheel wash should start out each day with clean, fresh water. 2. The washwater should be changed a minimum of once per day. On large earthwork jobs where more than 10-20 trucks per hour are expected, the washwater will need to be changed more often. 3. Wheel wash or tire bath wastewater shall be discharged to a separate on-site treatment system, such as a closed-loop recirculation system or land application, or to the sanitary sewer system with proper local sewer district approval or permits. 2009 Surface Water Design ManuaJ-Appendix D 1l-42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.4 TRAFFIC AREA STABILIZATION FIGURE D.3.4.B WHEEL WASH AND PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 6~ SEWER PIPE WITH aVTIERFLY'VALVES '8',S' SUMPiVITH 5 ... • 'ot cA16j"'-.:.·---,-,-"'! 2% . SLOPE -- 1: 1 r 3~"TRASH .Pt,JM(' WITH F.LO.ATS .ON SUCTiON 'HOSE, .. ... 2" ,SCHEDULE. 40 . . .I.,-i /2' ,~c'HmULE 40 .. • . FOR $PRAYERS I '.MiDPOINT SPRAY NO'ZZlES, -----6:1 . _,I': IF-NEEDED' -' .. -.SLQPE 111--' __ '_' ~% SLope' , , " SLrj'PE . . .6" ATB, CON'!lTRUCTION ENTIlAI<CE ASPHALT CURB ON Tl-iE. ~~E:.Ci:g;I~~ T~DR6flECi )5'ATB iAI:R9N 'f.Ci .. PROTECT .. A. B.ALL VALVES . ~'. GR9UNO FP,9.M 'SPLA~HING Wf,lXER ·6':·SLEI:VE UNDER' ROAD • LOCAl c INVERT OF TO P PIPE 1 'ABOVE BOn-OM OF VII-I EEL WA~H -" --, e:.~.e·SUMP 1 PlAN VIEW I 18' TORII'!'! .PIPE: J I'-S-=[CT=. "'IO;:-:I~-;-.""A-~A""I NOTES: L 1:1 SLOPE '1 .B'llq3 -8',,8: SYMP 10.J,C¢,OMODATE CL_EA!'!I·I.:I.G" J?'( TRACKH9E. WKFFI WASH 2009 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix D IJ·43 1/9/2009 I • • ~ • ~ • i:i I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 15' Am APRON TO PROTECT GROUND FROM SPLASHING WATER 6" SEWER PIPE WITH BunE RFl Y VALVES 8')(8' SUMP 1MTH 5' OF CATCH 2% SLOPE ----5:1 lOPE 1:1 SLOPE A 3" TRASH PUMP WITH FLOATS ON SUCTION HOSE 2" SCHEDULE 40 1-112" SCHEDULE 40 FOR SPRAYERS 5:1 --SLOPE MIOPOINT SPRAY NOZZLES, IF NEEDED -oorl~-----2% SLOPE BALL VALVES 6" SLEEVE UNDER ROAD PLAN VIEW 6" ATB CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ASPHALT CURB ON THE LOW ROAD SlOE TO DIRECT WATER BACK TO POND I~~.~_, 6" SLEEVE -I LOCATE Ir-NERT OF TOP PIPE l' ABOVE BonOM OF WHEEL WASH 8'x8' SUMP " -t NOTES: DRAINPIPE ELEVATION VIEW ta' WATER LEVEL I ~~~ " I .. 12' 1:1 SLOPE SECTION A-A 1. BUILD 8'x8' SUMP TO ACCOMODATE CLEANING BY TRACKHOE. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WHEEL WASH AND PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE STD. PLAN -215.00 MARCH 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1).3 ESC MEASURES D.3.5 SEDIMENT RETENTION 119/2009 Surface water collected from disturbed areas of the site shall be routed through a sediment pond or trap prior to release from the site. An exception is for areas at the perimeter of the site with drainage areas small enough to be treated solely with perimeter protection (see Section D.3.3, p. D-30). Also, if the soils and topography are such that no offsite discharge of surface water is anticipated up to and including the developed 2-year runoff event, sediment ponds and traps are not required. A I O-year peak flow using KCRTS with 15-minute time steps shall be used for sediment pond/trap sizing if the project size, expected timing and duration of construction, or downstream conditions warrant a higher level of protection (see below). At the County's discretion, sites may be worked during the dry season without sediment ponds and traps if there is some other form of protection of surface waters, such as a 100-foot forested buffer between the disturbed areas and adjacent surface waters. For small sites, use the criteria defined in Section D.3.3, Perimeter Protection to determine minimum flow path length. If the site work has to be extended into the wet season, a back-up plan must be identified in the CSWPPP and implemented. Protection of catch basins is required for inlets that are likely to be impacted by sediment generated by the project and that do not drain to an onsite sediment pond or trap. Sediment retention facilities shall be installed prior to grading of any contributing area and shall be located so as to avoid interference with the movement of juvenile salmonids attempting to enter off-channel areas or drainages. Purpose: The purpose of sediment retention facilities is to remove sediment from runoff generated from disturbed areas. When to Install: The facilities shall be constructed as the first step in the clearing and grading of the site. The surface water conveyances may then be connected to the facilities as site development proceeds. Measures to Use: There are three sediment retention measures in this section. The first two, sediment traps and ponds, serve the same function but for different size catchments. All runoff from disturbed areas must be routed through a trap or pond except for very small areas at the perimeter of the site small enough to be treated solely with perimeter protection (see Section D.3.3, p. D-30). The third measure is for catch basin protection. It is only to be used in limited circumstances and is not a primary sediment treatment facility. It is only intended as a backup in the event offailure of other onsite systems. Use of Permanent Drainage Facilities: All projects that are constructing permanent facilities for runoff quantity control are strongly encouraged to use the rough-graded or final-graded permanent facilities for ponds and traps. This includes combined facilities and infiltration facilities. When permanent facilities are used as temporary sedimentation facilities, the surface area requirements of sediment traps (for drainages less than 3 acres) or sediment ponds (more than 3 acres) must be met. If the surface area requirements are larger than the surface area of the permanent facility, then the pond shaH be enlarged to comply with the surface area requirement. The permanent pond shall also be divided into two cells as required for sediment ponds. Either a permanent control structure or the temporary control structure described in Section D.3.5.2 may be used. If a permanent control structure is used, it may be advisable to partially restrict the lower orifice with gravel to increase residence time while still allowing dewatering of the pond. Ifinfiltration facilities are to be used, the sides and bottom of the facility must only be rough excavated to a minimum of three feet above final grade. Excavation should be done with a backhoe working at "arms length 11 to minimize disturbance and compaction of the infiltration surface. Additionally, any required pretreatment facilities shaJi be fully constructed prior to any release of sediment-laden water to the facility. Pretreatment and shallow excavation are intended to prevent the clogging of soil with fines. Final grading of the infiltration facility shall occur only when all contributing drainage areas are fully stabilized (see Section D.5.5, p. D-76). Seleetion of the Design Storm: In most circumstances, the developed condition 2-year peak flow using KCRTS with 15-minute time steps is sufficient for calculating surface area for ponds and traps and for determining exemptions from the sediment retention and surface water collection requirements (Sections 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix 0 D-44 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.5 SEDIMENT RETENTION D.3.5 and D.3.6, respectively). In some circumstances, however, the IO-year KCRTS 15-minute peak flow should be used. Examples of such circumstances include the following: • Sites that are within ';" mile of salmonid streams, wetlands, and designated sensitive lakes such as Lake Sammamish • Sites where significant clearing and grading is likely to occur during the wet season • Sites with downstream erosion or sedimentation problems. Natural Vegetation: Whenever possible, sediment-laden water shall be discharged into onsite, relatively level, vegetated areas. This is the only way to effectively remove fine particles from runoff. This can be particularly useful after initial treatment in a sediment retention facility. The areas of release must be evaluated on a site-by-site basis in order to determine appropriate locations for and methods of releasing runoff. Vegetated wetlands shall not be used for this purpose. Frequently, it may be possible to pump water from the collection point at the downhill end of the site to an upslope vegetated area. Pumping shall only augment the treatment system, not replace it because of the possibility of pump failure or runoff volume in excess of pump capacity. D_3.S.1 SEDIMENT TRAP Code: ST Symbol: Purpose Sediment traps remove sediment from runoff originating from disturbed areas of the site. Sediment traps are typically designed to only remove sediment as small as medium silt (0.02 mm). As a consequence, they usually only result in a small reduction in turbidity. Conditions of Use A sediment trap shall be used where the contributing drainage area is 3 acres or less. DeSign and Installation Specifications I. See Figure D.3.5.A for details. 2. If permanent runoff control facilities are part of the project, they should be used for sediment retention (see "Use of Permanent Drainage Facilities" on page D-44). 3. To determine the trap geometry, first calculate the design surface area (SA) of the trap, measured at the invert of the weir. Use the following equation: where SA = FS(Q,/Vs) Q2 = Design inflow (cfs) from the contributing drainage area based on the developed condition 2-year peak discharge using KCRTS with 15-minute time steps as computed in the hydrologic analysis. The 10-year KCRTS 15-minute peak flow shall be used if the project size, expected timing and duration of construction, or downstream conditions warrant a higher level of protection. I f no hydrologic analysis is required, the Rational Method may be used (Section 3.2.1 of the Surface Water Design Manua{). Vs = The settling velocity (ft/sec) of the soil particle of interest. The 0.02 mm (medium silt) particle with an assumed density of2.65 g/cm J has been selected as the particle of interest and has a settling velocity (Vs) of 0.00096 ft/sec. FS= A safety factor of2 to account for non-ideal settling. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 1/9/2009 1l-45 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------------------------------------------- 1).3.5 SEDIMENT RETENTION D.3.S.3 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION Code: FFP or CBI or CBP Symbol: " or Purpose Storm drain inlets are protected to prevent coarse sediment from entering storm drainage systems. Temporary devices around storm drains assist in improving the quality of water discharged to inlets or catch basins by ponding sediment-laden water. These devices are effective only for relatively small drainage areas. Conditions of Use I. Protection shall be provided for all stonn drain inlets downslope and within SOD feet of a disturbed or construction area, unless the runoff that enters the catch basin will be conveyed to a sediment pond or trap. 2. Inlet protection may be used anywhere at the applicant's discretion to protect the drainage system. This will, however, require more maintenance, and it is highly likely that the drainage system will still require some cleaning. 3. The contributing drainage area must not be larger than one acre. Design and Installation Specifications 1. There are many options for protecting storm drain inlets. Two commonly used options are filter fabric protection and catch basin inserts. Filter fabric protection (see Figure D.3.S.E) is filter fabric (geotextile) placed over the grate. This method is generally very ineffective and requires intense maintenance efforts. Catch basin inserts (see Figure D.3.S.F) are manufactured devices that nest inside a catch basin. This method also requires a high frequency of maintenance to be effective. Both options provide adequate protection, but filter fabric is likely to result in ponding of water above the catch basin, while the insert will not. Thus, filter fabric is only allowed where ponding will not be a traffic concern and where slope erosion will not result if the curb is overtopped by ponded water. Trapping sediment in the catch basins is unlikely to improve the water quality of runoff if it is treated in a pond or trap because the coarse particles that are trapped at the catch basin settle out very quickly in the pond or trap. Catch basin protection normally only improves water quality where there is no treatment facility downstream. In these circumstances, catch basin protection is an important last line of defense. It is not, however, a substitute for preventing erosion. The placement of filter fabric under grates is generally prohibited and the use of filter fabric over grates is strictly limited and discouraged. 2. It is sometimes possible to construct a small sump around the catch basin before final surfacing of the road. This is allowed because it can be a very effective method of sediment control. 3. Block and gravel filters, gravel and wire mesh filter barriers, and bag barriers filled with various filtering media placed around catch basins can be effective when the drainage area is I acre or less and flows do not exceed 0.5 cfs. It is necessary to allow for overtopping to prevent flooding. Many manufacturers have various inlet protection filters that are very effective in keeping sediment-laden water from entering the storm drainage system. The following are examples of a few common methods. a) Block and gravel filters (Figure D.3.S.0) are a barrier formed around an inlet with standard concrete block and gravel, installed as follows: • Height is I to 2 feet above the inlet. 2009 Surrace Water Design Manual-Appendix D 1/9/2009 0-51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES 1/912009 • Recess the first row of blocks 2 inches into the ground for stability. • Support subsequent rows by placing a 2x4 through the concrete block opening. • Do not use mortar. • Lay some blocks in the bottom row on their side for dewatering the pooled water. • Place cloth or mesh with Y, inch openings over all block openings. • Place gravel below the top of blocks on slopes of2: I or flatter. • An alternate design is a gravel donut. b) G ravel and wire mesh filters consist of a gravel barrier placed over the top of an inlet. This stmcture generally does not provide overflow. Install as follows: • Cloth or comparable wire mesh with Y, inch openings is placed over inlet. • Coarse aggregate covers the cloth or mesh. • Height/depth of gravel should be I foot or more, 18 inches wider than inlet on all sides. c) Curb inlet protection with a wooden weir is a barrier formed around an inlet with a wooden frame and gravel, installed as follows: • Construct a frame and attach wire mesh (y, inch openings) and filter fabric to the frame. • Pile coarse washed aggregate against the wire/fabric. • Place weight on frame anchors. d) Curb and gutter sediment barriers (Figure D.3.5.H) consist of sandbags or rock berms (riprap and aggregate) 3 feet high and 3 feet wide in a horseshoe shape, installed as follows: • Bags of either burlap or woven geotextile fabric, filled with a variety of media such as gravel, wood chips, compost or sand stacked tightly allows water to pond and allows sediment to separate from runoff. • Leave a "one bag gap" in the top row of the barrier to provide a spillway for overflow. • Construct a horseshoe shaped berm, faced with coarse aggregate ifusing riprap, 3 x 3 and at least 2 feet from the inlet. • Construct a horseshoe shaped sedimentation trap on the outside of the berm to sediment trap standards for protecting a culvert inlet. 4. Excavated drop inlet sediment traps are appropriate where relatively heavy flows are expected and overflow capability is needed. I f emergency overflow is provided, additional end-of-pipe treatment may be required. Excavated drop inlets consist of an excavated impoundment area around a storm drain. Sediment settles out of the stormwater prior to enter the drain. Install according to the following specifications: a) b) c) d) e) t) g) The impoundment area should have a depth of 1 - 2 feet measured from the crest of the inlet structure. Side slopes of the excavated area must be no steeper than 2: 1. Minimum volume of the excavated area should be 35 cubic yards. Install provisions for draining the area to prevent standing water problems. Keep the area clear of debris. Weep holes may be drilled into the side of the inlet. Protect weep holes with wire mesh and washed aggregate. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-52 ,------------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.5 SEDIMENT RETENTION h) Weep holes must be sealed when removing and stabilizing excavated area. i) A temporary dike may be necessary on the down slope side of the structure to prevent bypass flow. Maintenance Standards I. Any accumulated sediment on or around inlet protection shall be removed immediately. Sediment shall not be removed with water, and all sediment must be disposed of as fill on site or hauled off site. 2. Any sediment in the catch basin insert shall be removed when the sediment has filled one-third of the available storage. The filter media for the insert shall be cleaned or replaced at least monthly. 3. Regular maintenance is critical for all forms of catch basin/inlet protection. Unlike many forms of protection that fail gradually, catch basin protection will fail suddenly and completely ifnot maintained properly. II FIGURE D.3.S.E FILTER FABRIC PROTECTION STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC :-... =111 oc)·· • ~III JJIII CATCH <:;GRATE · · ":T;;!J; 1~1 "IT BASIN II~ NOTE: ONLY TO BE USED WHERE PONDING OF WATER ABOVE THE CATCH BASIN WILL NOT CAUSE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS AND WHERE OVERFLOW WILL NOT RESULT IN EROSION OF SLOPES. FIGURE D.3.S.F CATCH BASIN INSERT NOTE: THIS DETAIL 15 ONLY SCHEMATIC. ANY INSERT IS ALLOWED THAT HAS A MIN. 0.5 C.t. OF STORAGE, THE MEANS TO DEWAT[R THE STORED SEDIMENT, AN OVERFLOW. AND CAN BE EASILY MAINTAINED. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 0-53 1/9/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAINAGE GRATE GRATE FRAME SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS OVERFLOW BYPASS BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE .. 'i > > > . SECTION VIEW DRAINAGE GRATE -RECTANGULAR GRATE SHOWN _~_--RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (TYP.) BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE OVERFLOW BYPASS (TYP.) ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTES 1. Size the Below Inlel Grate Device (8IGO) for the storm water structure It will service. 2. The BIGD shall have a bullt·ln high-flow relief system (overflow bypass). 3. The retrieval system must allow removal of the BIGD wlthout spilling the collected material. 4. Perform maintenance In accordance with Standard Specification 8-01.3(15), PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CATCH BASIN FILTER STD. PLAN -216.30 MARCH 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.3.? DEWATERING CONTROL D.3.7 DEWATERING CONTROL Any runoff generated by dewatering shall be treated through construction of a sediment trap (Section when there is sufficient space or by releasing the water to a well vegetated, gently sloping area. Since pumps are used for dewatering, it may be possible to pump the sediment-laden water well away from the surface water so that vegetation can be more effectively utilized for treatment. Discharge of sediment-laden water from dewatering activities to surface and storm waters is prohibited. If dewatering occurs from areas where the water has come in contact with new concrete, such as tanks, vaults, or foundations, the pH of the water must be monitored and must be neutralized prior to discharge. Clean non-turbid dewatering water, such as well point ground water can be discharged to systems tributary to, or directly to surface waters provided the flows are controlled so no erosion or flooding occurs. Clean water must not be routed through a stormwater sediment pond. Highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water must be handled separately from stormwater. Purpose: To prevent the untreated discharge of sediment-laden water from dewatering of utilities, excavated areas, foundations, etc. When to Install: Dewatering control measures shall be used whenever there is a potential for runoff from dewatering of utilities, excavations, foundations, etc. Measures to install: 1. Foundation, vault, excavation, and trench dewatering water that has similar characteristics to stormwater runoff at the site shall be discharged into a controlled conveyance system prior to discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. Foundation and trench dewatering water, which has similar characteristics to storm water runoff at the site, must be disposed of through one of the following options depending on site constraints: a) Infiltration, b) Transport offsite in a vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute surface waters, c) Discharge to the sanitary sewer discharge with local sewer district approval if there is no other option, or d) Use of a sedimentation bag with outfall to a ditch or swale for small volumes oflocalized dewatering. 2. Clean, non-turbid dewatering water, such as well-point ground water, may be discharged via stable conveyance to systems tributary to surface waters, provided the dewatering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of receiving waters. 3. Highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water shall be handled separately from stormwater. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D 11912009 D-65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D.3 ESC MEASURES D.3.8 DUST CONTROL 1/912009 Preventative measures to minimize the wind transport of soil shall be taken when a traffic hazard may be created or when sediment transported by wind is likely to be deposited in water resources or adjacent properties. Purpose: To prevent wind transport of dust from exposed soil surfaces onto roadways, drainage ways, and surface waters. When to Install: Dust control shall be implemented when exposed soils are dry to the point that wind transport is possible and roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely to be impacted. Dust control measures may consist of chemical, structural, or mechanical methods. Measures to Install: Water is the most common dust control (or palliative) used in the area. When using water for dust control, the exposed soils shall be sprayed until wet, but runoff shall not be generated by spraying. Calcium chloride, Magnesium chloride, Lignin derivatives, Tree Resin Emulsions, and Synthetic Polymer Emulsions may also be used for dust control. Exposed areas shall be re-sprayed as needed. Oil shall not be used for dust control. The following table lists many common dust control measures. Some of the measures are not recommended for use in King County and must have prior approval prior to use from the DDES inspector assigned to specific projects. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D D-66 I I I I I I I I I I j j I I I Products I I I I I 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix D I -Blade a I surface -Crown or slope surface to avoid ponding -Compact soils if needed -Unifonmly pre-wet at 0.03 -0.3 gal/sq yd -Apply solution under pressure. Overlap solution 6 -12 inches -Allow treated area to cure 0-4 hours -C'omoa,ct area after curing treatment before first D-67 D.3.8 DUST CON1ROL 100 gal/ac) 1/9/2009 ,-------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Maintenance Standards o Use geotextile fabrics to increase the strength of new roads or roads undergoing reconstruction. o Encourage the use of alternate, paved routes, if available. o Restrict use of paved roadways by tracked vehicles and heavy trucks to prevent damage to road surface and base. o Apply chemical dust suppressants using the admix method, blending the product with the top few inches of surface material. Suppressants may also be applied as surface treatments. o Pave unpaved permanent roads and other trafficked areas. o Use vacuum street sweepers. o Remove mud and other dirt promptly so it does not dry and then turn into dust. o Limit dust-causing work on windy days. o Contact your local Air Pollution Control Authority for guidance and training on other dust control measures. Compliance with the local Air Pollution Control Authority constitutes compliance with this BMP. Respray area as necessary to keep dust to a minimum. BMP C150: Materials on Hand Purpose Keep quantities of erosion prevention and sediment control materials on the project site at all times to be used for regular maintenance and emergency situations such as unexpected heavy summer rains. Having these materials on-site reduces the time needed to implement BMPs when inspections indicate that existing BMPs are not meeting the Construction SWPPP requirements. In addition, contractors can save money by buying some materials in bulk and storing them at their office or yard. Condition,~ of Use o Construction projects of any size or type can benefit from having materials on hand. A small commercial development project could have a roll of plastic and some gravel available for immediate protection of bare soil and temporary berm construction. A large earthwork project, such as highway construction, might have several tons of straw, several rolls of plastic, flexible pipe, sandbags, geotextile fabric and steel "T" posts. o Materials are stockpiled and readily available before any site clearing, grubbing, or earthwork begins. A large contractor or developer could keep a stockpile of materials that are available for use on several projects. o If storage space at the project site is at a premium, the contractor could maintain the materials at their office or yard. The office or yard must be less than an hour from the project site. Volume Jl-Construction Storm water Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-41 ,----------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Design and Installation Specifications Maintenance Standards Depending on project type, size, complexity, and length, materials and quantities will vary. A good minimum list of items that will cover numerous situations includes: Material Clear Plastic, 6 mil Drainpipe, 6 or 8 inch diameter Sandbags, fi lied Straw Bales for mulching, Quarry Spalls Washed Gravel Geotextile Fabric Catch Basin Inserts Steel "T" Posts Silt fence material Straw Wattles • All materials with the exception of the quarry spalls, steel "T" posts, and gravel should be kept covered and out of both sun and rain. • Re-stock materials used as needed. BMP C151: Concrete Handling Purpose Concrete work can generate process water and slurry that contain fine particles and high pH, both of which can violate water quality standards in the receiving water. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. Use this BMP to minimize and eliminate concrete, concrete process water, and concrete slurry from entering waters of the state. Conditions of Use Any time concrete is used, utilize these management practices. Concrete construction projects include, but are not limited to, the following: Design and Installation • Curbs • Sidewalks • Roads • Bridges • Foundations • Floors • Runways • Wash out concrete truck chutes, pumps, and internals into formed areas only. Assure that washout of concrete trucks is performed off- Volume JI-Construction Storm water Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specifications site or in designated concrete washout areas. Do not wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Refer to BMP C 154 for information on concrete washout areas. Maintenance Standards • Return unused concrete remaining in the truck and pump to the originating batch plant for recycling. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. • Wash offhand tools including, but not limited to, screeds, shovels, rakes, floats, and trowels into formed areas only. • Wash equipment difficult to move, such as concrete pavers in areas that do not directly drain to natural or constructed stormwater conveyances. • Do not allow washdown from areas, such as concrete aggregate driveways, to drain directly to natural or constructed stormwater conveyances. • Contain washwater and leftover product in a lined container when no formed areas are available,. Dispose of contained concrete in a manner that does not violate ground water or surface water quality standards. • Always use forms or solid barriers for concrete pours, such as pilings, within 15-feet of surface waters. • Refer to BMPs C252 and C253 for pH adjustment requirements. • Refer to the Construction Storm water General Permit for pH monitoring requirements if the project involves one of the following activities: • Significant concrete work (greater than 1,000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project). • The use of engineered soils amended with (but not limited to) Portland cement-treated base, cement kiln dust or fly ash. • Discharging stormwater to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH. Check containers for holes in the liner daily during concrete pours and repair the same day. Volume 11 -Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-43 ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BMP C152: Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention Purpose Sawcutting and surfacing operations generate slurry and process water that contains fine particles and high pH (concrete cutting), both of which can violate the water quality standards in the receiving water. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. Use this BMP to minimize and eliminate process water and slurry created through sawcutting or surfacing from entering waters of the State. Conditions of Use Utilize these management practices anytime sawcutting or surfacing operations take place. Sawcutting and surfacing operations include, but are not limited to, the following: Design and Installation Specifications Maintenance Standards • • • • • • • • • Sawing Coring Grinding Roughening Hydro-demolition Bridge and road surfacing Vacuum slurry and cuttings during cutting and surfacing operations. Slurry and cuttings shall not remain on permanent concrete or asphalt pavement overnight. Slurry and cuttings shall not drain to any natural or constructed drainage conveyance including stormwater systems. This may require temporarily blocking catch basins. • Dispose of collected slurry and cuttings in a manner that does not violate ground water or surface water quality standards. • Do not allow process water generated during hydro-demolition, surface roughening or similar operations to drain to any natural or constructed drainage conveyance including stormwater systems. Dispose process water in a manner that does not violate ground water or surface water quality standards. • Handle and dispose cleaning waste material and demolition debris in a manner that does not cause contamination of water. Dispose of sweeping material from a pick-up sweeper at an appropriate disposal site. Continually monitor operations to determine whether slurry, cuttings, or process water could enter waters of the state. I f inspections show that a violation of water quality standards could occur, stop operations and immediately implement preventive measures such as berms, barriers, secondary containment, and vacuum trucks. Volume //-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-44 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage and Containment Purpose Prevent, reduce, or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to the stormwater system or watercourses from material delivery and storage. Minimize the storage of hazardous materials on-site, store materials in a designated area, and install secondary containment. Conditions of Use These procedures are suitable for use at all construction sites with delivery and storage of the following materials: Design and Installation Specifications • Petroleum products such as fuel, oil and grease • Soil stabilizers and binders (e.g. Polyacrylamide) • Fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides • Detergents • Asphalt and concrete compounds • Hazardous chemicals such as acids, lime, adhesives, paints, solvents and curing compounds • Any other material that may be detrimental if released to the environment The following steps should be taken to minimize risk: • Temporary storage area should be located away from vehicular traffic, near the construction entrance(s), and away from waterways or storm drains. • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be supplied for all materials stored. Chemicals should be kept in their original labeled containers. • Hazardous material storage on-site should be minimized. • Hazardous materials should be handled as infrequently as possible. • During the wet weather season (Oct I -April 30), consider storing materials in a covered area. • Materials should be stored in secondary containments, such as earthen dike, horse trough, or even a children's wading pool for non-reactive materials such as detergents, oil, grease, and paints. Small amounts of material may be secondarily contained in "bus boy" trays or concrete mixing trays. • Do not store chemicals, drums, or bagged materials directly on the ground. Place these items on a pallet and, when possible, and within secondary containment. • If drums must be kept uncovered, store them at a slight angle to reduce ponding of rainwater on the lids to reduce corrosion. Domed plastic covers are inexpensive and snap to the top of drums, preventing water from collecting. Volume II-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-45 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Material Storage Areas and Secondary Containment Practices: • Liquids, petroleum products, and substances listed in 40 CFR Parts 110, 117, or 302 shall be stored in approved containers and drums and shall not be overfi lied. Containers and drums shall be stored in temporary secondary containment facilities. • Temporary secondary containment facilities shall provide for a spill containment volume able to contain 10% of the total enclosed container volume of all containers, Q[ 110% of the capacity of the largest container within its boundary, whichever is greater. • Secondary containment facilities shall be impervious to the materials stored therein for a minimum contact time of 72 hours. • Secondary containment facilities shall be maintained free of accumulated rainwater and spills. In the event of spills or leaks, accumulated rainwater and spills shall be collected and placed into drums. These liquids shall be handled as hazardous waste unless testing determines them to be non-hazardous. • Sufficient separation should be provided between stored containers to allow for spill cleanup and emergency response access. • During the wet weather season (Oct I -April 30), each secondary containment facility shall be covered during non-working days, prior to and during rain events. • Keep material storage areas clean, organized and equipped with an ample supply of appropriate spill clean-up material (spill kit). • The spill kit should include, at a minimum: • I-Water Resistant Nylon Bag • 3-0il Absorbent Socks 3"x 4' • 2-0il Absorbent Socks 3"x 10' • 12-0il Absorbent Pads 17"x 19" • I-Pair Splash Resistant Goggles • 3-Pair Nitrile Gloves • I O-Disposable Bags with Ties • Instructions Volume II -Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BMP C154: Concrete Washout Area Purpose Prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stonnwater from concrete waste by conducting washout off-site, or performing on-site washout in a designated area to prevent pollutants from entering surface waters or ground water. Conditions of Use Concrete washout area best management practices are implemented on construction projects where: Design and Installation Specifications o Concrete is used as a construction material o It is not possible to dispose of all concrete wastewater and washout off-site (ready mix plant, etc.). o Concrete trucks, pumpers, or other concrete coated equipment are washed on-site. o Note: I f less than 10 concrete trucks or pumpers need to be washed out on-site, the washwater may be disposed of in a formed area awaiting concrete or an upland disposal site where it will not contaminate surface or ground water. The upland disposal site shall be at least 50 feet from sensitive areas such as storm drains, open ditches, or water bodies, including wetlands. Implementation The following steps will help reduce storm water pollution from concrete wastes: o Perform washout of concrete trucks off-site or in designated concrete washout areas on Iy. o Do not wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. o Do not allow excess concrete to be dumped on-site, except in designated concrete washout areas. o Concrete washout areas may be prefabricated concrete washout containers, or self-installed structures (above-grade or below-grade). o Prefabricated containers are most resistant to damage and protect against spills and leaks. Companies may offer delivery service and provide regular maintenance and disposal of solid and liquid waste. o If self-installed concrete washout areas are used, below-grade structures are preferred over above-grade structures because they are less prone to spills and leaks. o Self-installed above-grade structures should only be used if excavation is not practical. Volume I1-Construction Storm water Pollution Prevention -August 20J 2 4-47 --------------------------------------_ ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Education • Discuss the concrete management techniques described in this BMP with the ready-mix concrete supplier before any deliveries are made. • Educate employees and subcontractors on the concrete waste management techniques described in this BMP. • Arrange for contractor's superintendent or Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) to oversee and enforce concrete waste management procedures. • A sign should be installed adjacent to each temporary concrete washout facility to inform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper faci lities. Contracts Incorporate requirements for concrete waste management into concrete supplier and subcontractor agreements. Location and Placement • Locate washout area at least 50 feet from sensitive areas such as storm drains, open ditches, or water bodies, including wetlands. • Allow convenient access for concrete trucks, preferably near the area where the concrete is being poured. • If trucks need to leave a paved area to access washout, prevent track- out with a pad of rock or quarry spalls (see BMP C I 05). These areas should be far enough away from other construction traffic to reduce the likelihood of accidental damage and spills. • The number of facilities you install should depend on the expected demand for storage capacity. • On large sites with extensive concrete work, washouts should be placed in multiple locations for ease of use by concrete truck drivers. On-site Temporary Concrete Washout Facility, Transit Truck Washout Procedures: • Temporary concrete washout facilities shall be located a minimum of 50 ft from sensitive areas including storm drain inlets, open drainage facilities, and watercourses. See Figures 4.1.7 and 4.1.8. • Concrete washout facilities shall be constructed and maintained in sufficient quantity and size to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. • Approximately 7 gallons of wash water are used to wash one truck chute. • Approximately 50 gallons are used to wash out the hopper of a concrete pump truck. Volume II -Construction Storm water Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Maintenance Standards • Washout of concrete trucks shall be performed in designated areas only. • Concrete washout from concrete pumper bins can be washed into concrete pumper trucks and discharged into designated washout area or properly disposed of off-site. • Once concrete wastes are washed into the designated area and allowed to harden, the concrete should be broken up, removed, and disposed of per applicable solid waste regulations. Dispose of hardened concrete on a regular basis. • Temporary Above-Grade Concrete Washout Facility • Temporary concrete washout facility (type above grade) should be constructed as shown on the details below, with a recommended minimum length and minimum width of lOft, but with sufficient quantity and volume to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. • Plastic lining material should be a minimum of 10 mil polyethylene sheeting and should be free of holes, tears, or other defects that compromise the impermeability of the material. • Temporary Below-Grade Concrete Washout Facility • Temporary concrete washout facilities (type below grade) should be constructed as shown on the details below, with a recommended minimum length and minimum width of lOft. The quantity and volume should be sufficient to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. • Lath and flagging should be commercial type. • Plastic lining material shall be a minimum of 10 mil polyethylene sheeting and should be free of holes, tears, or other"defects that compromise the impermeability of the material. • Liner seams shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. • Soil base shall be prepared free of rocks or other debris that may cause tears or holes in the plastic lining material. Inspection and Maintenance • Inspect and verify that concrete washout BMPs are in place prior to the commencement of concrete work. • During periods of concrete work. inspect daily to verify continued performance. • Check overall condition and performance. • Check remaining capacity (% full). Volume JJ -Construction Stormwaler Pol/ution Prevention -August 2012 4-49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • If using self-installed washout facilities, verify plastic liners are intact and sidewalls are not damaged. • Ifusing prefabricated containers, check for leaks. • Washout facilities shall be maintained to provide adequate holding capacity with a minimum freeboard of 12 inches. • Washout facilities must be cleaned. or new facilities must be constructed and ready for use once the washout is 75% full. • If the washout is nearing capacity. vacuum and dispose of the waste material in an approved manner. • Do not discharge liquid or slurry to waterways, storm dmins or directly onto ground. • Do not use sanitary sewer without local approval. • Place a secure, non-collapsing, non-water collecting cover over the concrete washout facility prior to predicted wet weather to prevent accumulation and overflow of precipitation. • Remove and dispose of hardened concrete and return the structure to a functional condition. Concrete may be reused on-site or hauled away for disposal or recycling. • When you remove materials from the self-installed concrete washout, build a new structure; or, if the previous structure is still intact, inspect for signs of weakening or damage, and make any necessary repairs. Re-line the structure with new plastic after each cleaning. Removal of Temporary Concrete Washout Facilities • When temporary concrete washout facilities are no longer required for the work, the hardened concrete, slurries and liquids shall be removed and properly disposed of. • Materials used to construct temporary concrete washout facilities shall be removed from the site of the work and disposed of or recycled. • Holes, depressions or other ground disturbance caused by the removal of the temporary concrete washout facilities shall be backfilled, repaired, and stabil ized to prevent erosion. Volume 11-Construction Storm water Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "m'PWOCLNGy,. t -! .. 1m _I ...... -Hlr TO scou: .' . "'" tr.:Of TO' $CI.I.I: 1m .-.-CItoIl(" Figure 4.1.7a -Concrete Washout Area Volume JI-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _11IWr·rw,,: ~~~~.~ ______ ~~r L~~·" "alii ' ~~~ rm:, -Miivt ,c;.:. . wmt sraaw &IUS !!lID, . . 1. ~ V100l ~'."llC. RIA 1. iK c::oN:m[,~;,stM (m':R&:, .. ..:1~ ~«~lfl) ..mGII"O m QE lHt. , ~ ~ 1IIIiSHOUf rcurrr. l::l t.--;., ~ ;-n--~":i.:'" : S!A"Ii IIE%, Figure 4.1.711-Concrete Washout Area Figure 4.1.8 -Prefabricated Concrete Washout Container w/Ramp Voillme Il-Cons/l1Ie/ion Storm water Pol/lltion Prevention -Allgllst ]012 4-52 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------------------- Operator Training: Each contractor who intends to use chemical treatment shall be trained by an experienced contractor. Each site using chemical treatment must have an operator trained and certified by an organization approved by Ecology. Standard BMPs: Surface stabilization BMPs should be implemented on site to prevent significant erosion. All sites shall use a truck wheel wash to prevent tracking of sediment off site. Sediment Removal and Disposal: • Sediment shall be removed from the storage or treatment cells as necessary. Typically, sediment removal is required at least once during a wet season and at the decommissioning of the cells. Sediment remaining in the cells between batches may enhance the settling process and reduce the required chemical dosage. • Sediment that is known to be non-toxic may be incorporated into the site away from drainages. BMP C251: Construction Stormwater Filtration Purpose Filtration removes sediment from runoff originating from disturbed areas of the site. Backgroand Information: Filtration with sand media has been used for over a century to treat water and wastewater. The use of sand filtration for treatment of storm water has developed recently, generally to treat runoff from streets, parking lots, and residential areas. The application of filtration to construction stormwater treatment is currently under development. Conditions of U.~e Traditional BMPs used to control soil erosion and sediment loss from sites under development may not be adequate to ensure compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity in the receiving water. Filtration may be used in conjunction with gravity settling to remove sediment as small as fine silt (0.5 !1m). The reduction in turbidity will be dependent on the particle size distribution of the sediment in the storm water. In some circumstances, sedimentation and filtration may achieve compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity. The use of construction storm water filtration does not require approval from Ecology as long as treatment chemicals are not used. Filtration in conjunction with polymer treatment requires testing under the Chemical Technology Assessment Protocol -Ecology (CT APE) before it can be initiated. Approval from the appropriate regional Ecology office must be obtained at each site where polymers use is proposed prior to use. For more guidance on storm water chemical treatment see BMP C2S0. Volume 11-Construction Storm water Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-118 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------- Design ami Installation Specifications Maintenance Standards Two types of filtration systems may be applied to construction stormwater treatment: rapid and slow. Rapid sand filters are the typical system used for water and wastewater treatment. They can achieve relatively high hydraulic flow rates, on the order of 2 to 20 gpm/sf, because they have automatic backwash systems to remove accumulated solids. In contrast, slow sand filters have very low hydraulic rates, on the order of 0.02 gpm/sf, because they do not have backwash systems. Slow sand filtration has generally been used to treat storm water. Slow sand filtration is mechanically simple in comparison to rapid sand filtration but requires a much larger filter area. Filtration Equipment. Sand media filters are available with automatic backwashing features that can filter to 50 11m particle size. Screen or bag filters can filter down to 5 11m. Fiber wound filters can remove particles down to 0.5 11m. Filters should be sequenced from the largest to the smallest pore opening. Sediment removal efficiency will be related to particle size distribution in the stormwater. Treatment Process Description. Storm water is collected at interception point(s) on the site and is diverted to an untreated stormwater sediment pond or tank for removal oflarge sediment and storage of the storm water before it is treated by the filtration system. The untreated storm water is pumped from the trap, pond, or tank through the filtration system in a rapid sand filtration system. Slow sand filtration systems are designed as flow through systems using gravity. Rapid sand filters typically have automatic backwash systems that are triggered by a pre-set pressure drop across the filter. If the backwash water volume is not large or substantially more turbid than the untreated storm water stored in the holding pond or tank, backwash return to the untreated stormwater pond or tank may be appropriate. However, other means of treatment and di sposal may be necessary. • Screen, bag, and fiber filters must be cleaned and/or replaced when they become clogged. • Sediment shall be removed from the storage and/or treatment ponds as necessary. Typically, sediment removal is required once or twice during a wet season and at the decommissioning of the ponds. Sizing Criteria for Flow-Through Treatment Systems for Flow Control Exempt Water Bodies: When sizing storage ponds or tanks for flow-through systems for flow control exempt water bodies the treatment system capacity should be a factor. The untreated stormwater storage pond or tank should be sized to hold 1.5 times the runoff volume of the 10-year, 24-hour storm event minus the treatment system f10wrate for an 8-hour period. For a chitosan- enhanced sand filtration system, the treatment system flowrate should be sized using a hydraulic loading rate between 6-8 gpm/ft'-Other hydraulic Volume JJ -Construction Stormwoter Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-119 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------ loading rates may be more appropriate for other systems. Bypass should be provided around the chemical treatment system to accommodate extreme storms. Runoff volume shall be calculated using the methods presented in Volume 3, Chapter 2. Worst-case conditions (i.e., producing the most runoff) should be used for analyses (most likely conditions present prior to final landscaping). Sizing Criteria for Flow Control Water Bodies: Sites that must implement flow control for the developed site condition must also control stormwater release rates during construction. Construction site stormwater discharges shall not exceed the discharge durations of the pre-developed condition for the range of pre-developed discharge rates from 1/2 of the 2-year flow through the 1 O-year flow as predicted by an approved continuous runoff model. The pre-developed condition to be matched shall be the land cover condition immediately prior to the development project. This restriction on release rates can affect the size of the storage pond, the filtration system, and the flow rate through the filter system. The following is how WWHM can be used to determine the release rates from the filtration systems: 1. Determine the pre-developed flow durations to be matched by entering the land use area under the "Pre-developed" scenario in WWHM. The default flow range is from Y, of the 2-year flow through the IO-year flow. 2. Enter the post developed land use area in the "Developed Unmitigated" scenario in WWHM. 3. Copy the land use information from the "Developed Unmitigated" to "Developed Mitigated" scenario. 4. There are two possible ways to model storm water filtration systems: a. The stormwater filtration system uses an untreated storm water storage pond/tank and the discharge from this pond/tank is pumped to one or more filters. In-line filtration chemicals would be added to the flow right after the pond/tank and before the filter(s). Because the discharge is pumped, WWHM can't generate a stage/storage /discharge (SSD) table for this system. This system is modeled the same way as described in BMP C2S0 and is as follows: While in the "Developed Mitigated" scenario, add a pond element under the basin element containing the post-developed land use areas. This pond element represents information on the available untreated storm water storage and discharge from the filtration system. In cases where the discharge from the filtration system is controlled by a pump, a stage/storage/discharge (SSD) table representing the pond must be generated outside WWHM and Volume 11-Construction Stormwater Pol/Illion Prevention -August 2012 4-120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I imported into WWHM. WWHM can route the runoff from the post-developed condition through this SSD table (the pond) and determine compliance with the flow duration standard. This would be an iterative design procedure where if the initial SSD table proved to be out of compliance, the designer would have to modify the SSD table outside WWHM and re-import in WWHM and route the runoff through it again. The iteration will continue until a pond that enables compliance with the flow duration standard is designed. Notes on SSD table characteristics: • The pump discharge rate would likely be initially set at just below V, if the 2-year flow from the pre-developed condition. As runoff coming into the untreated stormwater storage pond increases and the available untreated stormwater storage volume gets used up, it would be necessary to increase the pump discharge rate above V, of the 2-year. The increase(s) above V, of the 2-year must be such that they provide some relief to the untreated stormwater storage needs but at the same time they will not cause violations of the flow duration standard at the higher flows. The final design SSD table will identify the appropriate pumping rates and the corresponding stage and storages. • When building such a flow control system, the design must ensure that any automatic adjustments to the pumping rates will be as a result of changes to the available storage in accordance with the final design SSD table. b. The storm water filtration system uses a storage pond/tank and the discharge from this pond/tank gravity flows to the filter. This is usually a slow sand filter system and it is possible to model it in WWHM as a Filter element or as a combination of Pond and Filter element placed in series. The stage/storage/discharge table(s) may then be generated within WWHM as follows: (i) While in the "Developed Mitigated" scenario, add a Filter element under the basin element containing the post-developed land use areas. The length and width of this filter element would have to be the same as the bottom length and width of the upstream untreated stormwater storage pond/tank. (ii) In cases where the length and width of the filter is not the same as those for the bottom of the upstream untreated stormwater storage tank/pond, the treatment system may be modeled as a Pond element followed by a Filter element. By having these two elements, WWHM would then generate a SSD table for the storage pond which then gravity flows to the Filter element. The Filter element downstream of the untreated storm water Volume 1J -Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-121 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I storage pond would have a storage component through the media, and an overflow component for when the filtration capacity is exceeded. WWHM can route the runoff from the post-developed condition through the treatment systems in 4b and determine compliance with the flow duration standard. This would be an iterative design procedure where if the initial sizing estimates for the treatment system proved to be inadequate, the designer would have to modif'y the system and route the runoff through it again. The iteration would continue until compliance with the flow duration standard is achieved. 5. It should be noted that the above procedures would be used to meet the flow control requirements. The filtration system must be able to meet the runoff treatment requirements. It is likely that the discharge flow rate of y, of the 2-year or more may exceed the treatment capacity of the system. If that is the case, the untreated storm water discharge rate(s) (i.e., influent to the treatment system) must be reduced to allow proper treatment. Any reduction in the flows would likely result in the need for a larger untreated stormwater storage volume. If system design does not allow you to discharge at the slower rates as described above and if the site has a retention or detention pond that will serve the planned development, the discharge from the treatment system may be directed to the permanent retention/detention pond to comply with the flow control requirements. In this case, the untreated stormwater storage pond and treatment system will be sized according to the sizing criteria for flow- through treatment systems for flow control exempt waterbodies described earlier except all discharges (water passing through the treatment system and stormwater bypassing the treatment system) will be directed into the permanent retention/detention pond. If site constraints make locating the untreated stormwater storage pond difficult, the permanent retention/detention pond may be divided to serve as the untreated stormwater discharge pond and the post-treatment flow control pond. A berm or barrier must be used in this case so the untreated water does not mix with the treated water. Both untreated stormwater storage requirements, and adequate post- treatment flow control must be achieved. The post-treatment flow control pond's revised dimensions must be entered into the WWHM and the WWHM must be run to confirm compliance with the flow control requirement. Volume 11-Construction .s'lormwater Pol/ulion Prevention -August 2012 4-122 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BMP C252: High pH Neutralization Using CO 2 Purpose When pH levels in stormwater rise above 8.5 it is necessary to lower the pH levels to the acceptable range of 6.5 to 8.5, this process is called pH neutralization. pH neutralization involves the use of solid or compressed carbon dioxide gas in water requiring neutralization. Neutralized storm water may be discharged to surface waters under the General Construction NPDES permit. Neutralized process water such as concrete truck wash-out, hydro- demolition, or saw-cutting slurry must be managed to prevent discharge to surface waters. Any storm water contaminated during concrete work is considered process wastewater and must not be discharged to surface waters. Reason for pH Neutralization: A pH level range of 6.5 to 8.5 is typical for most natural watercourses, and this neutral pH is required for the survival of aquatic organisms. Should the pH rise or drop out of this range, fish and other aquatic organisms may become stressed and may die. Calcium hardness can contribute to high pH values and cause toxicity that is associated with high pH conditions. A high level of calcium hardness in waters of the state is not allowed. The water quality standard for pH in Washington State is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5. Ground water standard for calcium and other dissolved solids in Washington State is less than 500 mg/1. Conditions of Use Causes of High pH: High pH at construction sites is most commonly caused by the contact of storm water with poured or recycled concrete, cement, mortars, and other Portland cement or lime containing construction materials. (See BMP CISI: Concrete Handling for more information on concrete handling procedures). The principal caustic agent in cement is calcium hydroxide (free lime). Advantages of CO, Sparging: • Rapidly neutralizes high pH water. • Cost effective and safer to handle than acid compounds. • CO, is self-buffering. It is difficult to overdose and create harmfully low pH levels. • Material is readily available. Volume 11 -Construction Storm water Pol/ution Prevention -August 2012 4-123 ~----------------- I I I I I I I Design and Installation I Specifications I I I I I I I I I I I ----- The Chemical Process: When carbon dioxide (C02) is added to water (H20), carbonic acid (H2C03) is formed which can further dissociate into a proton (H+) and a bicarbonate anion (HC03-) as shown below: C02+ H20 +--+ H2C03 +--+ H++ HC03- The free proton is a weak acid that can lower the pH. Water temperature has an effect on the reaction as well. The colder the water temperature is the slower the reaction occurs and the warmer the water temperature is the quicker the reaction occurs. Most construction applications in Washington State have water temperatures in the 50°F or higher range so the reaction is almost simultaneous. Treatment Process: High pH water may be treated using continuous treatment, continuous discharge systems. These manufactured systems continuously monitor influent and effluent pH to ensure that pH values are within an acceptable range before being discharged. All systems must have fail safe automatic shut off switches in the event that pH is not within the acceptable discharge range. Only trained operators may operate manufactured systems. System manufacturers often provide trained operators or training on their devices. The following procedure may be used when not using a continuous discharge system: I. Prior to treatment, the appropriate jurisdiction should be notified in accordance with the regulations set by the jurisdiction. 2. Every effort should be made to isolate the potential high pH water in order to treat it separately from other stormwater on-site. 3. Water should be stored in an acceptable storage facility, detention pond, or containment cell prior to treatment. 4. Transfer water to be treated to the treatment structure. Ensure that treatment structure size is sufficient to hold the amount of water that is to be treated. Do not fill tank completely, allow at least 2 feet of freeboard. 5. The operator samples the water for pH and notes the clarity of the water. As a rule of thumb, less C02 is necessary for clearer water. This information should be recorded. 6. In the pH adjustment structure, add C02 until the pH falls in the range of 6.9-7.1. Remember that pH water quality standards apply so adjusting pH to within 0.2 pH units of receiving water (background pH) is recommended. It is unlikely that pH can be adjusted to within 0.2 pH units using dry ice. Compressed carbon dioxide gas should be introduced to the water using a carbon dioxide diffuser located near Volume II -Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-124 I I I I I I I I Maintenance Standards I I I I I I I I I I I the bottom of the tank, this will allow carbon dioxide to bubble up through the water and diffuse more evenly. 7. Slowly discharge the water making sure water does not get stirred up in the process. Release about 80% of the water from the structure leaving any sludge behind. 8. Discharge treated water through a pond or drainage system. 9. Excess sludge needs to be disposed of properly as concrete waste. If several batches of water are undergoing pH treatment, sludge can be left in treatment structure for the next batch treatment. Dispose of sludge when it fills 50% of tank volume. Sites that must implement flow control for the developed site must also control stormwater release rates during construction. All treated stormwater must go through a flow control facility before being released to surface waters which require flow control. Safety and Materials Handling: • All equipment should be handled in accordance with OSHA rules and regulations. • Follow manufacturer guidelines for materials handling. Operator Records: Each operator should provide: • A diagram of the monitoring and treatment equipment. • A description of the pumping rates and capacity the treatment equipment is capable of treating. Each operator should keep a written record of the following: • Client name and phone number. • Date of treatment. • Weather conditions. • Project name and location. • Volume of water treated. • pH of untreated water. • Amount of CO2 needed to adjust water to a pH range of 6.9-7.1. • pH of treated water. • Discharge point location and description. A copy of this record should be given to the client/contractor who should retain the record for three years. Volume II -Construction Storm water Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-125 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BMP C253: pH Control for High pH Water Purpose When pH levels in storm water rise above 8.5 it is necessary to lower the pH levels to the acceptable range of 6.5 to 8.5, this process is called pH neutralization. Stormwater with pH levels exceeding water quality standards may be treated by infiltration, dispersion in vegetation or compost, pumping to a sanitary sewer, disposal at a permitted concrete batch plant with pH neutralization capabilities, or carbon dioxide sparging. BMP C252 gives guidelines for carbon dioxide sparging. Reason for pH Neutralization: A pH level range of 6.5 to 8.5 is typical for most natural watercourses, and this pH range is required for the survival of aquatic organisms. Should the pH rise or drop out of this range, fish and other aquatic organisms may become stressed and may die. Conditions of Use Causes of High pH: Design and Installation Specifications High pH levels at construction sites are most commonly caused by the contact of stonnwater with poured or recycled concrete, cement, mortars, and other Portland cement or lime containing construction materials. (See BMP CIS I : Concrete Handling for more information on concrete handling procedures). The principal caustic agent in' cement is calcium hydroxide (free lime). Disposal Methods: Infiltration • Infiltration is only allowed if soil type allows all water to infiltrate (no surface runoff) without causing or contributing to a violation of surface or ground water quality standards. • Infiltration techniques should be consistent with Volume V, Chapter 7 Dispersion Use BMP T5.30 Full Dispersion Sanitary Sewer Disposal • Local sewer authority approval is required prior to disposal via the sanitary sewer. Concrete Batch Plant Disposal • Only permitted facilities may accept high pH water. • Facility should be contacted before treatment to ensure they can accept the high pH water. Stormwater Discharge Any pH treatment options that generate treated water that must be discharged off site are subject to flow control requirements. Sites that must implement flow control for the developed site must also control Volume II-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-126 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I stormwater release rates during construction. All treated storm water must go through a flow control facility before being released to surface waters which require flow control. Volume JJ -Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention -August 2012 4-127 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5406 BMPs for Streetsl Highways Applicable BMPs: • Select de and anti-icers that cause the least adverse environmental impact. Apply only as needed using minimum quantities. • Where practicable use roadway deicers, such as calcium magnesium acetate, potassium acetate, or similar materials, that cause less adverse environmental impact than urea, and sodium chloride. • Store and transfer de and anti-icing materials on an impervious containment pad in accordance with BMP Storage or Transfer (Outside) of Solid Raw Materials. By-Products. or Finished Products in this volume. • Sweep/clean up accumulated de and anti-icing materials and grit from roads as soon as possible after the road surface clears. Recommended Additional BMPs • Intensify roadway cleaning in early spring to help remove particulates from road surfaces. • Include limits on toxic metals in the specifications for de/anti-icers. 5407 BMPs for Dust Control at Disturbed Land Areas and Unpaved Roadways and Parking Lots Description of Pollutant Sources: Dust can cause air and water pollution problems particularly at demolition sites and in arid areas where reduced rainfall exposes soil particles to transport by air. Pollutant Control Approach: Minimize dust generation and apply environmentally friendly and government approved dust suppressant chemicals, if necessary. Applicable Operational BMPs: • Sprinkle or wet down soil or dust with water as long as it does not result in a wastewater discharge. • Use only local and/or state government approved dust suppressant chemicals such as those listed in Ecology Publication #96-433, Techniques fOr Dust Prevention and Suppression. • Avoid excessive and repeated applications of dust suppressant chemicals. Time the application of dust suppressants to avoid or minimize their wash-off by rainfall or human activity such as irrigation. • Apply stormwater containment to prevent the conveyance of sediment into storm drains or receiving waters. Volume IV -Source Control BMP" -August 2012 2-15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------ o Ecology prohibits the use of motor oil for dust control. Take care when using lignin derivatives and other high BOD chemicals in areas susceptible to contaminating surface water or ground water. o Consult with Ecology and the local permitting authority on discharge permit requirements if the dust suppression process results in a wastewater discharge to the ground, ground water, storm drain, or surface water. Recommended Additional Operational BMPs for Roadways and Other Trafficked Areas: o Consider limiting use of off-road recreational vehicles on dust generating land. o Consider graveling or paving unpaved permanent roads and other trafficked areas at municipal, commercial, and industrial areas. o Consider paving or stabilizing shoulders of paved roads with gravel, vegetation, or local government approved chemicals. o Encourage use of alternate paved routes, if available. o Vacuum sweep fine dirt and skid control materials from paved roads soon after winter weather ends or when needed. o Consider using pre-washed traction sand to reduce dust emissions. Additional Recommended Operational BMPs for Dust Generating Areas: o Prepare a dust control plan. Helpful references include: Control of Open Fugitive Dust Sources (EPA-450/3-88-088), and Fugitive Dust Background Document and Technical Information Document for Best Available Control Measures (EPA-450/2-92-004). o Limit exposure of soil (dust source) as much as feasible. o Stabilize dust-generating soil by growing and maintaining vegetation, mulching, topsoiling, and/or applying stone, sand, or gravel. o Apply windbreaks in the soil such as trees, board fences, tarp curtains, bales of hay, etc. 5408 BMPs for Dust Control at Manufacturing Areas Description of Pollutant Sources: Industrial material handling activities can generate considerable amounts of dust that is typically removed using exhaust systems. Mixing cement and concrete products and handling powdered materials can also generate dust. Particulate materials that can cause air pollution include grain dust, sawdust, coal, gravel, crushed rock, cement, and boiler fly ash. Air emissions can contaminate stormwater. The objective of this BMP is to reduce the stormwater pollutants caused by dust generation and control. Volume /V -Source Control BM?s -August 2012 2-/6 --------------------------------~~~---~-----------, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pollutant Control Approach: Prevent dust generation and emissions where feasible, regularly clean-up dust that can contaminate stormwater, and convey dust contaminated stormwater to proper treatment. Applicable BMPs: • Clean, as needed, powder material handling equipment and vehicles. • Regularly sweep dust accumulation areas that can contaminate storm water. Conduct sweeping using vacuum filter equipment to minimize dust generation and to ensure optimal dust removal. Recommended BMPs: • In manufacturing operations, train employees to handle powders carefully to prevent generation of dust. • Use dust filtration/collection systems such as bag house filters, cyclone separators, etc. to control vented dust emissions that could contaminate storm water. Control of zinc dusts in rubber production is one example. • Use water spray to flush dust accumulations to sanitary sewers where allowed by the local sewer authority or to other appropriate treatment system. • Use approved dust suppressants such as those listed in Ecology Publication Techniques (or Dust Prevention and Suppression, #96-433 (Ecology, 1996). Application of some products may not be appropriate in close proximity to receiving waters or conveyances close to receiving waters. For more information check with Ecology or the local jurisdiction. Recommended Treatment BMPs: Install sedimentation basins, wet ponds, wet vaults, catch basin filters, vegetated filter strips, or equivalent sediment removal BMPs. S409 BMPs for Fueling At Dedicated Stations Description of Pollutant Sources: A fueling station is a facility dedicated to the transfer of fuels from a stationary pumping station to mobile vehicles or equipment. It includes above or under-ground fuel storage facilities. In addition to general service gas stations, fueling may also occur at 24-hour convenience stores, construction sites, warehouses, car washes, manufacturing establishments, port facilities, and businesses with fleet vehicles. Typical causes of stormwater contamination at fueling stations include leaks/spills of fuels, lube oils, radiator coolants, and vehicle washwater. Pollutant Control Approach: New or substantially remodeled* fueling stations must be constructed on an impervious concrete pad under a roof to keep out rainfall and stormwater run-on. The facility must use a treatment Volume IV -Source Control BMPs -August 2012 2-17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BMP for contaminated stormwater and wastewaters in the fueling containment area. * Substantial remodeling includes replacing the canopy, or relocating or adding one or more fuel dispensers in such a way that modifY the Portland cement concrete (or equivalent) paving in the fueling area. For new or substantially remodeled Fueling Stations: Applicable Operational BMPs: o Prepare an emergency spill response and cleanup plan (per S426 BMPs for Spills of Oil and Hazardous Substances) and have designated trained person(s) available either on site or on call at all times to promptly and properly implement that plan and immediately cleanup all spills. Keep suitable cleanup materials, such as dry adsorbent materials, on site to allow prompt cleanup of a spill. o Train employees on the proper use offuel dispensers. Post signs in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code (UFC) or International Fire Code (IFC). Post "No Topping Off" signs (topping off gas tanks causes spillage and vents gas fumes to the air). Make sure that the automatic shutoff on the fuel nozzle is functioning properly. o The person conducting the fuel transfer must be present at the fueling pump during fuel transfer, particularly at unattended or self-serve stations. o Keep drained oil filters in a suitable container or drum. Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs: o Design the fueling island to control spills (dead-end sump or spill control separator in compliance with the UFC or IFC), and to treat collected stormwater and/or wastewater to required levels. Slope the concrete containment pad around the fueling island toward drains; either trench drains, catch basins and/or a dead-end sump. The slope of the drains shall not be less than I percent (Section 7901.8 of the UFC, Section 5703.6.8 of the IFC). o Drains to treatment facilities must have a normally closed shutoff valve. The spill control sump must be sized in compliance with Section 7901.8 of the UFC; or o Design the fueling island as a spill containment pad with a sill or berm raised to a minimum of four inches (Section 7901.8 of the UFC) to prevent the runoff of spilled liquids and to prevent run-on of stormwater from the surrounding area. Raised sills are not required at the open-grate trenches that connect to an approved drainage-control system. o The fueling pad must be paved with Portland cement concrete, or equivalent. Ecology does not consider asphalt an equivalent material. Volume IV-Source Control BMPs -August 2012 2-18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • TIle fueling island must have a roof or canopy to prevent the direct entry of precipitation onto the spill containment pad (see l'igure 2.2.1 ). The roof or canopy should, at a minimum, cover the spill containment pad (within the grade break or fuel dispensing area) and preferably extend several additional feet to reduce the introduction of windblown rain. Convey all roof drains to storm drains outside the fueling containment area. Dnlin on downhill side Valve --====::::J Figure 2.2.1-Cavered Fuel Island • Convey stornlwater collected on the fuel island containment pad to a sanitary sewer system, if approved by the sanitary authority, or to an approved treatment system such as an oil/water separator and a basic treatment BMP. (Basic treatment BMPs arc listed in Volume V and include media filters and biofilters). Discharges from treatment systems to storm drains or surface water or to the ground must not display ongoing or recurriing visible shecn and must not contain oil and grease. • Alternatively, collect stormwater from the fuel island containment pad and hold for proper olT-si te disposal. • Approval from the local sewer authority is required for conveyance of any fuel-contaminated stormwater to a sanitary sewer. The discharged stormwater must comply with pretreatment regulations (WAC 173- 216"()60). TIlese regulations prohibit discharges that could "cause lire or explosion." State and federal pretreatment regulations deline an explosive or flammable mixture, based on a flash point determination Voillme IV -Source Control 8MPs -Allgust 2012 2-19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------ of the mixture. Stormwater could be conveyed to a sanitary sewer system if it is determined not to be explosive. • Transfer the fuel from the delivery tank trucks to the fuel storage tank in impervious contained areas and ensure that appropriate overflow protection is used. Alternatively, cover nearby storm drains during the filling process and use drip pans under all hose connections. Additional BMP for Vehicles 10 feet in height or greater A roof or canopy may not be feasible at fueling stations that regularly fuel vehicles that are 10 feet in height or greater, particularly at industrial or WSDOT sites. At those types offueling facilities, the following BMPs apply, as well as the applicable BMPs and fire prevention (UFC requirements) of this BMP for fueling stations: • If a roof or canopy is impractical, the concrete fueling pad must be equipped with emergency spill control including a shutoff valve for drainage from the fueling area. Maintain the valve in the closed position in the event of a spill. An electronically actuated valve is preferred to minimize the time lapse between spill and containment. Clean up spills and dispose of materials off-site in accordance with S406 BMPs for Spills of Oil and Hazardous Substances. • The valve may be opened to convey contaminated storm water to a sanitary sewer, if approved by the sewer authority, or to oil removal treatment such as an API or CP oil/water separator, catchbasin insert, or equivalent treatment, and then to a basic treatment BMP. Discharges from treatment systems to storm sewer or surface water or to the ground must not display ongoing or recurring visible sheen and must not contain greater than a significant amount of oil and grease. 5410 BMPs for Illicit Connections to Storm Drains Description of Pollutant Sources: Illicit connections are unpermitted sanitary or process wastewater discharges to a storm sewer or to surface water, rather than to a sanitary sewer, industrial process wastewater, or other appropriate treatment. They can also include swimming pool water, filter backwash, cleaning solutions/washwaters, cooling water, etc. Experience has shown that illicit connections are common, particularly in older buildings. Pollutant Control Approach: Identify and eliminate unpermitted discharges or obtain an NPDES permit, where necessary, particularly at industrial and commercial facilities. Applicable Operational BMPs: • Eliminate unpermitted wastewater discharges to storm sewer, ground water, or surface water. Volume IV -Source Control BMPs -August 2012 2-20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Convey unpermitted discharges to a sanitary sewer if allowed by the local sewer authority, or to other approved treatment. • Obtain appropriate state and local permits for these discharges. Recommended Additional Operational BMPs: At commercial and industrial facilities, conduct a survey of wastewater discharge connections to storm drains and to surface water as follows: • Conduct a field survey of buildings, particularly older buildings, and other industrial areas to locate storm drains from buildings and paved surfaces. Note where these join the public storm drain(s). • During non-stormwater conditions inspect each storm drain for non- stormwater discharges. Record the locations of all non-stormwater discharges. Include all permitted discharges. • If useful, prepare a map of each area. Show on the map the known location of storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and permitted and unpermitted discharges. Aerial photos may be useful. Check records such as piping schematics to identify known side sewer connections and show these on the map. Consider using smoke, dye, or chemical analysis tests to detect connections between two conveyance systems (e.g., process water and stormwater). If desirable, conduct TV inspections of the storm drains and record the footage on videotape. • Compare the observed locations of connections with the information on the map and revise the map accordingly. Note suspect connections that are inconsistent with the field survey. • Identify all connections to storm sewers or to surface water and take the actions specified above as applicable BMPs. 5411 BMPs for Landscaping and Lawnl Vegetation Management Description of Pollutant Sources: Landscaping can include grading, soil transfer, vegetation removal, pesticide and fertilizer applications, and watering. Stormwater contaminants include toxic organic compounds, heavy metals, oils, total suspended solids, coliform bacteria, fertilizers, and pesticides. Lawn and vegetation management can include control of objectionable weeds, insects, mold, bacteria, and other pests with pesticides. Examples include weed control on golf course lawns, access roads, and utility corridors and during landscaping; sap stain and insect control on lumber and logs; rooftop moss removal; killing nuisance rodents; fungicide application to patio decks, and residential lawn/plant care. It is possible to release toxic pesticides such as pentachlorophenol, carbamates, and organometallics to the environment by leaching and dripping from treated parts, container leaks, product misuse, and outside storage of pesticide contaminated materials and equipment. Poor management of the Volume IV -Source Control BMPs -August 2012 2-21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I vegetation and poor application of pesticides or fertilizers can cause appreciable stormwater contamination. Pollutant Control Approach: Control offertilizer and pesticide applications, soil erosion, and site debris to prevent contamination of storm water. Develop and implement an Integrated Pest Management Plan (lPM) and use pesticides only as a last resort. Carefully apply pesticides/ herbicides, in accordance with label instructions. Maintain appropriate vegetation, with proper fertilizer application where practicable, to control erosion and the discharge of stormwater pollutants. Where practicable grow plant species appropriate for the site, or adjust the soil properties of the subject site to grow desired plant species. Applicable Operational BMPs for Landscaping: • Install engineered soil/landscape systems to improve the infiltration and regulation of storm water in landscaped areas. • Do not dispose of collected vegetation into waterways or storm sewer systems. Recommended Additional Operational BMPs for Landscaping: • Conduct mulch-mowing whenever practicable • Dispose of grass clippings, leaves, sticks, or other collected vegetation, by compo sting, iffeasible. • Use mulch or other erosion control measures on soils exposed for more than one week during the dry season or two days during the rainy season. • Store and maintain appropriate oil and chemical spill cleanup materials in readily accessible locations when using oil or other chemicals. Ensure that employees are familiar with proper spill cleanup procedures. • Till fertilizers into the soil rather than dumping or broadcasting onto the surface. Determine the proper fertilizer application rate for the types of soil and vegetation encountered. • Till a topsoil mix or composted organic material into the soil to create a well-mixed transition layer that encourages deeper root systems and drought-resistant plants. • Use manual and/or mechanical methods of vegetation removal rather than applying herbicides, where practical. Volume IV-Source Control EMP" -August 2012 2-22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Applicable Operational BMPs for the Use of Pesticides: • Develop and implement an IPM (See section on IPM in Applicable Oeerational BMPs for Vegetation Management) and use pesticides only as a last resort. • Implement a pesticide-use plan and include at a minimum: a list of selected pesticides and their specific uses; brands, formulations, application methods and quantities to be used; equipment use and maintenance procedures; safety, storage, and disposal methods; and monitoring, record keeping, and public notice procedures. All procedures shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 17.21 RCW and Chapter 16-228 WAC (Appendix IV-D R.7). • Choose the least toxic pesticide available that is capable of reducing the infestation to acceptable levels. The pesticide should readily degrade in the environment and/or have properties that strongly bind it to the soil. Conduct any pest control activity at the life stage when the pest is most vulnerable. For example, if it is necessary to use a Bacillus thuringiens application to control tent caterpillars, apply it to the material before the caterpillars cocoon or it will be ineffective. Any method used should be site-specific and not used wholesale over a wide area. • Apply the pesticide according to label directions. Do not apply pesticides in quantities that exceed manufacturer's instructions. • Mix the pesticides and clean the application equipment in an area where accidental spills will not enter surface or ground waters, and will not contaminate the soil. • Store pesticides in enclosed areas or in covered impervious containment. Do not discharge pesticide contaminated stormwater or spills/leaks of pesticides to storm sewers. Do not hose down the paved areas to a storm sewer or conveyance ditch. Store and maintain appropriate spill cleanup materials in a location known to all near the storage area. • Clean up any spilled pesticides. Keep pesticide contaminated waste materials in designated covered and contained areas. • The pesticide application equipment must be capable of immediate shutoff in the event of an emergency. • Do not spray pesticides within 100 feet of open waters including wetlands, ponds, and streams, sloughs and any drainage ditch or channel that leads to open water except when following approval of Ecology or the local jurisdiction. Flag all sensitive areas including wells, creeks, and wetlands prior to spraying. • Post notices and delineate the spray area prior to the application, as required by the local jurisdiction or by Ecology. Volume IV -Source Control BMFs -August 2012 2-23 ---- --------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Conduct spray applications during weather conditions as specified in the label direction and applicable local and state regulations. Do not apply during rain or immediately before expected rain. Recommended Additional Operational BMPs for the use of pesticides: • Consider alternatives to the use of pesticides such as covering or harvesting weeds, substitute vegetative growth, and manual weed control/moss removal. • Consider the use of soil amendments, such as compost, that are known to control some common diseases in plants, such as Pythium root rot, ashy stem blight, and parasitic nematodes. The following are three possible mechanisms for disease control by compost addition (USEPA Publication 530-F-9-044): I. Successful competition for nutrients by antibiotic production; 2. Successful predation against pathogens by beneficial microorganism; and 3. Activation of disease-resistant genes in plants by composts. Installing an amended soil/landscape system can preserve both the plant system and the soil system more effectively. This type of approach provides a soil/landscape system with adequate depth, permeability, and organic matter to sustain itself and continue working as an effective storm water infiltration system and a sustainable nutrient cycle. • Once a pesticide is applied, evaluate its effectiveness for possible improvement. Records should be kept showing the effectiveness of the pesticides considered. • Develop an annual evaluation procedure including a review of the effectiveness of pesticide applications, impact on buffers and sensitive areas (including potable wells), public concerns, and recent toxicological information on pesticides used/proposed for use. If individual or public potable wells are located in the proximity of commercial pesticide applications, contact the regional Ecology hydrogeologist to determine if additional pesticide application control measures are necessary. • Rinseate from equipment cleaning andlor triple-rinsing of pesticide containers should be used as product or recycled into product. For more iriformation, contact the Washington State University (WSU) Extension Home-Assist Program, (253) 445-4556, or Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC), P.o. Box 7414, Berkeley, CA.94707, or EPA to obtain a publication entitled "Suspended, Canceled, and Restricted Pesticides" which lists all restricted pesticides and the specific uses that are allowed. Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Applicable Operational BMPs for Vegetation Management: • Use at least an eight-inch "topsoil" layer with at least 8 percent organic matter to provide a sufficient vegetation-growing medium. Amending existing landscapes and turf systems by increasing the percent organic matter and depth of topsoil can substantially improve the permeability of the soil, the disease and drought resistance of the vegetation, and reduce fertilizer demand. This reduces the demand for fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Organic matter is the least water-soluble form of nutrients that can be added to the soil. Composted organic matter generally releases only between 2 and 10 percent of its total nitrogen annually, and this release corresponds closely to the plant growth cycle. Return natural plant debris and mulch to the soil, to continue recycling nutrients indefinitely. • Select the appropriate turfgrass mixture for the climate and soil type. Certain tall fescues and rye grasses resist insect attack because the symbiotic endophytic fungi found naturally in their tissues repel or kill common leaf and stem-eating lawn insects. However, they do not, repel root-feeding lawn pests such as Crane Fly larvae, and are toxic to ruminants such as cattle and sheep. The fungus causes no known adverse effects to the host plant or to humans. Endophytic grasses are commercially available; use them in areas such as parks or golf courses where grazing does not occur. Local agricultural or gardening resources such as Washington State University Extension office can offer advice on which types of grass are best suited to the area and soil type. • Use the following seeding and planting BMPs, or equivalent BMPs to obtain information on grass mixtures, temporary and permanent seeding procedures, maintenance of a recently planted area, and fertilizer application rates: Temporary and Permanent Seeding, Mulching, Plastic Covering, and Sodding as described in Volume II. • Adjusting the soil properties of the subject site can assist in selection of desired plant species. For example, design a constructed wetland to resist the invasion of reed canary grass by layering specific strata of organic matters (e.g., composted forest product residuals) and creating a mildly acidic pH and carbon-rich soil medium. Consult a soil restoration specialist for site-specific conditions. • Aerate lawns regularly in areas of heavy use where the soil tends to become compacted. Conduct aeration while the grasses in the lawn are growing most vigorously. Remove layers of thatch greater than %-inch deep. • Mowing is a stress-creating activity for turfgrass. Grass decreases its productivity when mown too short and there is less growth of roots and rhizomes. The turf becomes less tolerant of environmental stresses, more disease prone and more reliant on outside means such as Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -Augus/2012 2-25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pesticides, fertilizers, and irrigation to remain healthy. Set the mowing height at the highest acceptable level and mow at times and intervals designed to minimize stress on the turf. Generally mowing only 1/3 of the grass blade height will prevent stressing the turf. Irrigation: • The depth from which a plant normally extracts water depends on the rooting depth of the plant. Appropriately irrigated lawn grasses normally root in the top 6 to 12 inches of soil; lawns irrigated on a daily basis often root only in the top I inch of soil. Improper irrigation can encourage pest problems, leach nutrients, and make a lawn completely dependent on artificial watering. The amount of water applied depends on the normal rooting depth of the turfgrass species used, the available water holding capacity of the soil, and the efficiency of the irrigation system. Consult with the local water utility, Conservation District, or Cooperative Extension office to help determine optimum irrigation practices. Fertilizer Management: • Turfgrass is most responsive to nitrogen fertilization, followed by potassium and phosphorus. Fertilization needs vary by site depending on plant, soil, and climatic conditions. Evaluation of soil nutrient levels through regular testing ensures the best possible efficiency and economy of fertilization. For details on soils testing, contact the local Conservation District, a soils testing professional, or a Washington State University Extension office. • Apply fertilizers in amounts appropriate for the target vegetation and at the time of year that minimizes losses to surface and ground waters. Do not fertilize when the soil is dry. Alternatively, do not apply fertilizers within three days prior to predicted rainfall. The longer the period between fertilizer application and either rainfall or irrigation, the less fertilizer runoff occurs. • Use slow release fertilizers such as methylene urea, IDBU, or resin coated fertilizers when appropriate, generally in the spring. Use of slow release fertilizers is especially important in areas with sandy or gravelly soils. • Time the fertilizer application to periods of maximum plant uptake. Ecology generally recommends application in the fall and spring, although Washington State University turf specialists recommend four fertilizer applications per year. • Properly trained persons should apply all fertilizers. Apply no fertilizer at commercial and industrial facilities, to grass swales, filter strips, or buffer areas that drain to sensitive water bodies unless approved by the local jurisdiction. Volume IV -Source Control BM?s -August 2012 2-26 ,------------------------- I I I I I I ---------------------------------------------------- Integrated Pest Management An IPM program might consist of the following steps: Step I: Correctly identify problem pests and understand their life cycle Step 2: Establish tolerance thresholds for pests. Step 3: Monitor to detect and prevent pest problems. Step 4: Modify the maintenance program to promote healthy plants and discourage pests. Step 5: Use cultural, physical, mechanical or biological controls first if pests exceed the tolerance thresholds. Step 6: Evaluate and record the effectiveness of the control and modify maintenance practices to support lawn or landscape recovery and prevent recurrence. For an elaboration of these steps, refer to Appendix IV-F. I I 5412 BMPs for Loading and Unloading Areas for Liquid or Solid Material I I I I I I I I I I I Description of Pollutant Sources: Operators typically conduct loading/unloading of liquid and solid materials at industrial and commercial facilities at shipping and receiving, outside storage, fueling areas, etc. Materials transferred can include products, raw materials, intermediate products, waste materials, fuels, scrap metals, etc. Leaks and spills of fuels, oils, powders, organics, heavy metals, salts, acids, alkalis, etc. during transfer may cause stormwater contamination. Spills from hydraulic line breaks are a common problem at loading docks. Pollutant Control Approach: Cover and contain the loading/unloading area where necessary to prevent run-on of storm water and runoff of contaminated stormwater. Applicable Operational BMPs: At All Loading/ Unloading Areas: • A significant amount of debris can accumulate at outside, uncovered loading/unloading areas. Sweep these surfaces frequently to remove loose material that could contaminate stormwater. Sweep areas temporarily covered after removal of the containers, logs, or other material covering the ground. • Place drip pans, or other appropriate temporary containment device, at locations where leaks or spills may occur such as hose connections, hose reels and filler nozzles. Always use drip pans when making and breaking connections (see Figure 2.2.2). Check loading/ unloading equipment such as valves, pumps, flanges, and connections regularly for leaks and repair as needed. Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-27 L-_____________________________________________________________________________________ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommended Treatment BMPs: Install biofiltration swales and filter strips -(See Chapter 9, Volume V) to treat roadside runoff wherever practicable and use engineered topsoils wherever necessary to maintain adequate vegetation. These systems can improve infiltration and stormwater pollutant control upstream of roadside ditches. S417 BMPs for Maintenance of Stormwater Drainage and Treatment Systems Description of Pollutant Sources: Facilities include roadside catch basins on arterials and within residential areas, conveyance systems, detention facilities such as ponds and vaults, oil/water separators, biofilters, settling basins, infiltration systems, and all other types of stormwater treatment systems presented in Volume V. Oil and grease, hydrocarbons, debris, heavy metals, sediments and contaminated water are found in catch basins, oil and water separators, settling basins, etc. Pollutant Control Approach: Provide maintenance and cleaning of debris, sediments, and oil from stormwater collection, conveyance, and treatment systems to obtain proper operation. Applicable Operational BMPs: Maintain storm water treatment facilities per the operations and maintenance (O&M) procedures presented in Section 4.6 of Volume V in addition to the following BMPs: o Inspect and clean treatment BMPs, conveyance systems, and catch basins as needed, and determine necessary O&M improvements. o Promptly repair any deterioration threatening the structural integrity of storm water facilities. These include replacement of clean-out gates, catch basin lids, and rock in emergency spillways. o Ensure adequacy of storm sewer capacities and prevent heavy sediment discharges to the sewer system. o Regularly remove debris and sludge from BMPs used for peak-rate control, treatment, etc. and discharge to a sanitary sewer if approved by the sewer authority, or truck to an appropriate local or state government approved disposal site. o Clean catch basins when the depth of deposits reaches 60 percent of the sump depth as measured from the bottom of basin to the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the basin. However, in no case should there be less than six inches clearance from the debris surface to the invert of the lowest pipe. Some catch basins (for example, WSDOT Type I L basins) may have as little as 12 inches sediment storage below the invert. These catch basins need frequent inspection and cleaning to prevent scouring. Where these catch basins are part of a storm water collection and treatment system, the system Volume IV-Source Control BMPs -August 2012 2-37 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I owner/operator may choose to concentrate maintenance efforts on downstream control devices as part of a systems approach. • Clean woody debris in a catch basin as frequently as needed to ensure proper operation of the catchbasin. • Post warning signs; "Dump No Waste -Drains to Ground Water," "Streams," "Lakes," or emboss on or adjacent to all storm drain inlets where possible. • Disposal of sediments and liquids from the catch basins must comply with "Recommendations for Management of Street Wastes" described in Appendix IV-G of this volume. Additional Applicable BMPs: Select additional applicable BMPs from this chapter depending on the pollutant sources and activities conducted at the facility. Those BMPs include: • S425 BMPs for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control at Industrial Sites • S427 BMPs for Storage ofLiguid, Food Waste. or Dangerous Waste Containers • S406 BMPs for Spills of Oil and Hazardous Substances • S410 BMPs for Illicit Connections to Storm Drains • S430 BMPs for Urban Streets 5418 BMPs for Manufacturing Activities -Outside Description of Pollutant Sources: Manufacturing pollutant sources include outside process areas, stack emissions, and areas where manufacturing activity has taken place in the past and significant exposed pollutant materials remain. Pollution Control Approach: Cover and contain outside manufacturing and prevent stormwater run-on and contamination, where feasible. Applicable Operational BMP: • Sweep paved areas regularly, as needed, to prevent contamination of stormwater. • Alter the activity by eliminating or minimizing the contamination of storm water. • Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs:Enclose the activity (see Figure 2.2.6): If possible, enclose the manufacturing activity in a building. • Cover the activity and connect floor drains to a sanitary sewer, if approved by the local sewer authority. Berm or slope the floor as needed to prevent drainage of pollutants to outside areas. (Figure 2.2.7) Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-38 I I I Note that some local fire I departments may have restrictions on mobile fueling I practices. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Class II Combustible Liquid, whereas they categorize gasoline as a Flammable Liquid. Historically organizations conducted mobile fueling for off-road vehicles operated for extended periods in remote areas. This includes construction sites, logging operations, and farms. Some organizations conduct mobile fueling of on-road vehicles commercially in the State of Washington. Pollutant Control Approach: Operators typically need proper training of the fueling operators, and the use of spill/drip control and reliable fuel transfer equipment with backup shutoffvalving. Applicable Operational BMPs: Organizations and individuals conducting mobile fueling operations must implement the bulleted BMPs below. The operating procedures for the driver/operator should be simple, clear, effective, and their implementation verified by the organization liable for environmental and third party damage. • Ensure that the local fire department approves all mobile fueling operations. Comply with local and Washington State fire codes. • In fueling locations that are in close proximity to sensitive aquifers, designated wetlands, wetland buffers, or other waters of the State, approval by local jurisdictions is necessary to ensure compliance with additional local requirements. • Ensure compliance with all 49 CFR 178 requirements for DOT 406 cargo tanker. Documentation from a Department of Transportation (DOT) Registered Inspector provides proof of compliance. • Ensure the presence and the constant observation/monitoring of the driver/operator at the fuel transfer location at all times during fuel transfer and ensure implementation of the following procedures at the fuel transfer locations: Locate the point of fueling at least 25 feet from the nearest stonn sewer or inside an impervious containment with a volumetric holding capacity equal to or greater than 110 percent of the fueling tank volume, or covering the storm sewer to ensure no inflow of spilled or leaked fuel. Covers are not required for storm sewers that convey the inflow to a spill control separator approved by the local jurisdiction and the fire department. Potential spill/leak conveyance surfaces must be impervious and in good repair. Place a drip pan, or an absorbent pad under each fueling location prior to and during all dispensing operations. The pan (must be liquid tight) and the absorbent pad must have a capacity of at least 5 gallons. There is no need to report spills retained in the drip pan or the pad. Volume IV -Source Control BMPs -August 2012 2-40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Manage the handling and operation of fuel transfer hoses and nozzle, drip pan(s), and absorbent pads as needed to prevent spills/leaks of fuel from reaching the ground, storm sewer, and receiving waters. Avoid extending the fueling hoses across a traffic lane without fluorescent traffic cones, or equivalent devices, conspicuously placed to block all traffic from crossing the fuel hose. Remove the fill nozzle and cease filling the tank when the automatic shut-off valve engages. Do not lock automatic shutoff fueling nozzles in the open position. Do not "top off" the fuel receiving equipment. • Provide the driver/operator of the fueling vehicle with: Adequate flashlights or other mobile lighting to view fuel fill openings with poor accessibility. Consult with local fire department for additional lighting requirements. Two-way communication with his/her home base. • Train the driver/operator annually in spill prevention and cleanup measures and emergency procedures. Make all employees aware of the significant liability associated with fuel spills. • The responsible manager shall properly sign and date the fueling operating procedures .. Distribute procedures to the operators, retain them in the organization files, and make them available in the event an authorized government agency requests a review. • Immediately notify the local fire department (911) and the appropriate regional office of the Department of Ecology in the event of any spill entering surface or ground waters. Establish a "call down list" to ensure the rapid and proper notification of management and government officials should any significant amount of product be lost off-site. Keep the list in a protected but readily accessible location in the mobile fueling truck. The "call down list" should also pre-identify spill response contractors available in the area to ensure the rapid removal of significant product spillage into the environment. • Maintain a minimum ofthe following spill clean-up materials in all fueling vehicles, that are readily available for use: -Non-water absorbents capable of absorbing at least I 5 gallons of diesel fuel. A storm drain plug or cover kit. A non-water absorbent containment boom of a minimum 10 feet in length with a 12-gallon minimum absorbent capacity. A non-spark generating shovel (a steel shovels could generate a spark and cause an explosion in the right environment around a spill). Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Two, five-gallon buckets with lids. • Use automatic shutoff nozzles for dispensing the fuel. Replace automatic shut-off nozzles as recommended by the manufacturer. • Maintain and replace equipment on fueling vehicles, particularly hoses and nozzles, at established intervals to prevent failures. Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs: Include the following fuel transfer site components: • Automatic fuel transfer shut-off nozzles. • An adequate lighting system at the filling point. 5420 BMPs for Paintingl Finishing ICoating of Vehicles/Boatsl Buildingsl Equipment Description of Pollutant Sources: Surface preparation and the application of paints, finishes, and/or coatings to vehicles, boats, buildings, and/or equipment outdoors can be sources of pollutants. Potential pollutants include organic compounds, oils and greases, heavy metals, and suspended solids. Pollutant Control Approach: Cover and contain painting and sanding operations and apply good housekeeping and preventive maintenance practices to prevent the contamination of storm water with painting over sprays and grit from sanding. Applicable Operational BMPs: • Train employees in the careful application of paints, finishes, and coatings to reduce misuse and over spray. Use drop cloths underneath outdoor painting, scraping, sandblasting work, and properly clean and temporarily store collected debris daily. • Do not conduct spraying, blasting, or sanding activities over open water or where wind may blow paint into water. • Wipe up spills with rags and other absorbent materials immediately. Do not hose down the area to a storm sewer, receiving water, or conveyance ditch. • On marine dock areas sweep rather than hose down debris. Collect any hose water generated and convey to appropriate treatment and disposal. • Use an effective runoff control device if dust, grit, washwater, or other pollutants may escape the work area and enter a catch basin. The containment device(s) must be in place at the beginning of the workday. Collect contaminated runoff and solids and properly dispose of such wastes before removing the containment device(s) at the end of the workday. Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Requirements, Washington Department of Ecology, March 2011,website: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/94146.htmI.Applythe BMPs in that guidance document to scrap material recycling facilities depending on the pollutant sources existing at those facilities. 5424 BMPs for Roofl Building Drains at Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings Description of Pollutant Sources: Stormwater runofffrom roofs and sides of manufacturing and commerciill buildings can be sources of pollutants caused by leaching of roofing materials, building vents, and other air emission sources. Research has identified vapors and entrained liquid and solid droplets/particles as potential pollutants in roof/building runoff. Metals, solvents, acidic/alkaline pH, BOD, and organics, are some of the pollutant constituents identified. Ecology has performed a study on zinc in industrial stormwater. The study is presented in Ecology Publication 08-10-025 Suggested Practices to reduce Zinc Concentrations in Industrial Stormwater Discharges, website: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0810025.html. The user should refer to this document for more details on addressing zinc in stormwater. Pollutant Control Approach: Evaluate the potential sources of stormwater pollutants and apply source control BMPs where feasible. Applicable Operational Source Control BMPs: • If leachates and/or emissions from buildings are suspected sources of stormwater pollutants, then sample and analyze the stormwater draining from the building. • Sweep the area routinely to remove any zinc residuals. • If a roof/building stormwater pollutant source is identified, implement appropriate source control measures such as air pollution control equipment, selection of materials, operational changes, material recycle, process changes, etc. Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs: • Paint/coat the galvanized surfaces as described in Ecology Publication # 08-10-025. Applicable Treatment BMPs: Treat runoff from roofs to the appropriate level. The facility may use enhanced treatment BMPs as described in Volume V of the SWMMWW. Some facilities regulated by the Industrial Stormwater General Permit, or local jurisdiction, may have requirements than cannot be achieved with enhanced treatment BMPs. In these cases, additional treatment measures may be required. A treatment method for meeting stringent requirements such as Chitosan-Enhanced Sand Filtration may be appropriate. Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S425 BMPs for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control at Industrial Sites Description of Pollutant Sources: Industrial activities on soil areas; exposed and disturbed soils; steep grading; etc. can be sources of sediments that can contaminate stormwater runoff. Pollutant Control Approach: Limit the exposure of erodible soil, stabilize, or cover erodible soil where necessary to prevent erosion, andlor provide treatment for stormwater contaminated with TSS caused by eroded soil. Applicable BMPs: Cover Practice Options: • Vegetative cover such as grass, trees, shrubs, on erodible soil areas. • Covering with mats such as clear plastic, jute, synthetic fiber. • Preservation of natural vegetation including grass, trees, shrubs, and VInes. Structural Practice Options: • Vegetated swale • Dike • Silt fence • Check dam • Gravel filter berm • Sedimentation basin • Proper grading. (For design information refer to Volume II, "Standards and Specifications for BMPs"). S426 BMPs for Spills of Oil and Hazardous Substances Description of Pollutant Sources: Federal law requires owners or operators offacilities engaged in drilling, producing, gathering, storing, processing, transferring, distributing, refining, or consuming oil andlor oil products to have a Spill Prevention and Emergency Cleanup Plan (SPECP). The SPECP is required if the above ground storage capacity of the facility, is 1,320 gallons or more of oil. Additionally, the SPECP is required if any single container with a capacity in excess of 660 gallons and which, due to their location, could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in harmful quantities, as defined in 40 CFR Part 110, into or upon the navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines {40 CFR 112.1 (b)}. Onshore and offshore facilities, which, due to their location, could not reasonably be expected to discharge oil into or upon Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-47 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines are exempt from these regulations {40 CFR 112.1 (I )(i)}. State Law requires owners of businesses that produce dangerous wastes to have a SPECP. These businesses should refer to Appendix IV-O R.6. The federal definition of oil is oil of any kind or any form, including, but not limited to petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil. Pollutant Control Approach: Maintain, update, and implement a Spill Prevention and Emergency Cleanup Plan. Applicable Operational BMPs: The businesses and public agencies identified in Appendix IV -A required to prepare and implement a Spill Prevention and Emergency Cleanup Plan shall implement the following: • Prepare a Spill Prevention and Emergency Cleanup Plan (SPECP), which includes: A description of the facility including the owner's name and address. The nature of the activity at the facility. The general types of chemicals used or stored at the facility. A site plan showing the location of storage areas for chemicals, the locations of storm drains, the areas draining to them, and the location and description of any devices to stop spills from leaving the site such as positive control valves. Cleanup procedures. Notification procedures used in the event of a spill, such as notifying key personnel. Agencies such as Ecology, local fire department, Washington State Patrol, and the local Sewer Authority, shall be notified. The name of the designated person with overall spill cleanup and notification responsibility. • Train key personnel in the implementation of the SPECP. Prepare a summary of the plan and post it at appropriate points in the building, identifying the spill cleanup coordinators, location of cleanup kits, and phone numbers of regulatory agencies to contact in the event of a spill. • Update the SPECP regularly. • Immediately notify Ecology, the local jurisdiction, and the local Sewer Authority if a spill may reach sanitary or storm sewers, ground water, or surface water, in accordance with federal and Ecology spill reporting requirements. Volume IV -Source Control BMFs -August 2012 2-48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Immediately clean up spills. Do not use emulsifiers for cleanup unless there is an appropriate disposal method for the resulting oily wastewater. Do not wash absorbent material down a floor drain or into a storm sewer. • Locate emergency spill containment and cleanup kit(s) in high- potential spill areas. The contents of the kit shall be appropriate for the type and quantities of chemical liquids stored at the facility. Recommended Additional Operational BMP: Spill kits should include appropriately lined drums, absorbent pads, and granular or powdered materials for neutralizing acids or alkaline liquids where applicable. In fueling areas: Package absorbent material in small bags for easy use and make available small drums for storage of absorbent and/or used absorbent. Deploy spill kits in a manner that allows rapid access and use by employees. . S427 BMPs for Storage of Liquid, Food Waste, or Dangerous Waste Containers Description of Pollutant Sources: Steel and plastic drums with volumetric capacities of 55 gallons or less are typically used at industrial facilities for container storage of liquids and powders. The BMPs specified below apply to container(s) located outside a building. Use these BMPs when temporarily storing accumulated food wastes, vegetable or animal grease, used oil, liquid feedstock, cleaning chemicals, or Dangerous Wastes (liquid or solid). These BMPs do not apply when Ecology has permitted the business to store the wastes (Appendix IV -0 R.4). Leaks and spills of pollutant materials during handling and storage are the primary sources of pollutants. Oil and grease, acid/alkali pH, BOD, COD are potential pollutant constituents. Pollutant Control Approach: Store containers in impervious containment under a roof, or other appropriate cover, or in a building. When collection trucks directly pick up roll-containers, ensure a filet is on both sides of the curb to facilitate moving the dumpster. For storage areas on-site for less than 30 days, consider using a portable temporary secondary system like that shown in Figure 2.2.8 in lieu ofa permanent system as described above. Volume IV -Source Control BMPs-August2012 2-49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 2.2.8 -Secondary Containment System Applicable Operational BMPs: o Place tight-fitting lids on all containers. o Place drip pans beneath all mounted container taps and at all potential drip and spill locations during filling and unloading of containers. o Inspect container storage areas regularly for corrosion, structural failure, spills, leaks, overfills, and failure of piping systems. Check containers daily for leaks/spills. Replace containers, and replace and tighten bungs in drums as needed. o Businesses accumulating Dangerous Wastes that do not contain free liquids need only to store these wastes in a sloped designated area with the containers elevated or otherwise protected from storm water run- on. o Secure drums when stored in an area where unauthorized persons may gain access in a manner that prevents accidental spillage, pilferage, or any unauthorized use (see Figure 2.2.9). Lid Figure 2.2.9 -Locking System for Drum Lid Volume IV -Source Control BMPs -August 2012 2-50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • If the material is a Dangerous Waste, the business owner must comply with any additional Ecology requirements as specified in Appendix IV-D R.3. • Storage of reactive, ignitable, or flammable liquids must comply with the Uniform Fire Code (Appendix JV-D R.2). • Cover dumpsters, or keep them under cover such as a lean-to, to prevent the entry of stormwater. Replace or repair leaking garbage dumpsters. • Drain dumpsters and/or dumpster pads to sanitary sewer. Keep dumpster lids closed. Install waterproofliners. Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs: • Keep containers with Dangerous Waste, food waste, or other potential pollutant liquids inside a building unless this is not feasible due to site constraints or Uniform/International Fire Code requirements. • Store containers in a designated area, which is covered, bermed or diked, paved and impervious in order to contain leaks and spills (see Figure 2.2.10). Slope the secondary containment to drain into a dead- end sump for the collection of leaks and small spills. • For liquid wastes, surround the containers with a dike as illustrated in Figure 2.2.10. The dike must be of sufficient height to provide a volume of either 10 percent of the total enclosed container volume or 110 percent of the volume contained in the largest container, whichever is greater. Figure 2.2.10 -Covered and Sermed Containment Area • Where material is temporarily stored in drums, use a containment system as illustrated, in lieu of the above system (see Figure 2.2.8). Volume IV -Source Control BMFs -August 2012 2-51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Place containers mounted for direct removal of a liquid chemical for use by employees inside a containment area as described above. Use a drip pan during liquid transfer (see Figure 2.2.11 ). Figure 2.2.11 -Mounted Container -with drip pan (note that the secondary containment is not shown in this figure) Applicable Treatment BMP: Note this treatment • EMP/or contaminated stormwater from For contaminated storm water in the containment area, connect the sump outlet to a sanitary sewer, if approved by the local Sewer Authority, or to appropriate treatment such as an API or CP oil/water separator, catch basin filter or other appropriate system (see Volume V). Equip the sump outlet with a normally closed valve to prevent the release of spilled or leaked liquids, especially flammables (compliance with Fire Codes), and dangerous liquids. Open this valve only for the conveyance of contaminated stormwater to treatment. drum storage areas. • Another option for discharge of contaminated stormwater is to pump it from a dead-end sump or catchment to a tank truck or other appropriate vehicle for off-site treatment and/or disposal. S428 BMPs for Storage of Liquids in Permanent Aboveground Tanks Description of Pollutant Sonrces: Aboveground tanks containing liquids (excluding uncontaminated water) may be equipped with a valved drain, vent, pump, and bottom hose connection. Aboveground tanks may be heated with steam heat exchangers equipped with steam traps, if required. Leaks and spills can occur at connections and during liquid transfer. Oil and grease, organics, acids, alkalis, and heavy metals in tank water and condensate drainage can also cause storm water contamination at storage tanks. Pollutant Control Approach: Install secondary containment or a double- walled tank. Slope the containment area to a drain with a sump. Operators may need to discharge stormwater collected in the containment area to Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-52 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------ • Stock cleanup materials, such as brooms, dustpans, and vacuum sweepers near the storage area. S430 BMPs for Urban Streets Description of Pollutant Sources: Urban streets can be the source of vegetative debris, paper, fine dust, vehicle liquids, tire and brake wear residues, heavy metals (lead and zinc), soil particles, ice control salts, domestic wastes, lawn chemicals, and vehicle combustion products. Street surface contaminants contain significant concentrations of particle sizes less than 250 microns (Sartor and Boyd, 1972). Pollutant Control Approach: Conduct efficient street sweeping where and when appropriate to minimize the contamination of storm water. Do not wash street debris into storm drains. Facilities not co'vered under the Industrial Stonnwater General Permit may consider a minimum amount of water washing of streets. All facilities must comply with their local stonnwater requirements for discharging to storm sewers. Municipal NPDES pennittees are required to limit street wash water discharges and may have special conditions or treatment requirements. Recommended BMPs: • For maximum stormwater pollutant reductions on curbed streets and high volume parking lots, use efficient vacuum sweepers (refer to Volume V, Ch. 12, for information about high-efficiency vacuum sweeper technology). Note: High-efficiency street sweepers utilize strong vacuums and the mechanical action of main and gutter brooms combined with an air filtration system that only returns clean air to the atmosphere (i.e., filters very fine particulates). They sweep dry and use no water since they do not emit any dust. High-efficiency vacuum sweepers have the capability of removing. 80 percent or more of the accumulated street dirt particles whose diameters are less than 250 microns (Sutherland, 1998). This assumes pavements under good condition and reasonably expected accumulation conditions. • For moderate storm water pollutant reductions on curbed streets use regenerative air sweepers or tandem sweeping operations. Note: A tandem sweeping operation involves a single pass of a mechanical sweeper followed immediately by a single pass of a vacuum sweeper or regenerative air sweeper. - A regenerative air sweeper blows air down on the pavement to entrain particles and uses a return vacuum to transport the material to the hopper. Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-57 ,-------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I These operations usually use water to control dust. This reduces their ability to pick up fine particulates. These types of sweepers have the capability of removing approximately 25 to 50 percent of the accumulated street dirt particles whose diameters are less than 250 microns. (Sutherland, 1998). This assumes pavements under good conditions and typical accumulation conditions. • For minimal storm water pollutant reductions on curbed streets use mechanical sweepers. -Note: The industry refers to mechanical sweepers as broom sweepers and uses the mechanical action ()f main and gutter brooms to throw material on a conveyor belt thattramports it to the hopper. These sweepers usually use water to control dust. This reduces their ability to pick up fine particulates. Mechanical sweepers have the capability of removing only 10 to 20 percent ()f the accumulated street dirt particles whose diameters are less than 250 microns (Sutherland, 1998). This assumes pavements under good condition and the most favorable accumulation conditions. • Conduct vacuum sweeping at optimal frequencies. Optimal frequencies are those scheduled sweeping intervals that produce the most cost-effective annual reduction of pollutants normally found in storm water and can vary depending on land use, traffic volume and rainfall patterns. • Train operators in those factors that result in optimal pollutant removal. These factors include sweeper speed, brush adjustment and rotation rate, sweeping pattern, maneuvering around parked vehicles, and interim storage and disposal methods. • Consider the use of periodic parking restrictions in low to medium density single-family residential areas to ensure the sweeper's ability to sweep along the curb. • Establish programs for prompt vacuum sweeping, removal, and disposal of debris from special events that will generate higher than normal loadings. • Disposal of street sweeping solids must comply with "RecomlTIendations for Management of Street Wastes" described in Appendix IV-G of this volume. • Inform citizens about eliminating yard debris, oil and other wastes in street gutters to reduce street pollutant sources. Volume IV -Source Control EMPs -August 2012 2-58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ... ~ C. Correspondence Ecology EPA Local Government I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Site Inspection Form Create your own or download Ecology's template: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html Pagel33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Permit # Inspection Date Time Project Name -------------- Name of Certified Erosion Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) or qualified inspector if less than one acre Print Name: Approximate rainfall amount since the last inspection (in inches): __________________ _ Approximate rainfall amount in the last 24 hours (in inches): Current Weather Clear 0 Cloudy 0 Mist 0 Rain 0 Wind D Fog 0 A. Type of inspection: Weekly 0 Post Storm Event 0 Other 0 B. Phase of Active Construction (check all that apply): Pre Construction/installation of erosion/sediment controls § Clearing/Demo/Grading § Infrastructure/storm/roads § Concrete pours Vertical Construction/buildings Utilities Offsite improvements Site temporary stabilized Final stabilization C. Questions: 1. Were all areas of construction and discharge points inspected? Ves No 2. Did you observe the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, or oil sheen Ves No 3. Was a water quality sample taken during inspection? (refer to permit conditions 54 & 55) Ves No 4. Was there a turbid discharge 250 NTU or greater, or Transparency 6 cm or less? * Ves No 5. If yes to #4 was it reported to Ecology? Ves No 6. Is pH sampling required? pH range required is 6.5 to 8.5. Ves No If answering yes to a discharge, describe the event. Include when, where, and why it happened; what action was taken, and when. *If answering yes to # 4 record NTU/Transparency with continual sampling daily until turbidity is 25 NTU or less/ transparency is 33 em or greater. Sampling Results: Parameter ", '". Turbidity pH 'Meth()d (circle oQe) . '<" ;.,~. "';r~' tube, meter, laboratory Paper, kit, meter Date: ilitu;, Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form D. Check the observed status of all items. Provide "Action Required "details and dates. Element # Inspection BMPs BMP needs BMP Inspected maintenance failed yes no nfa 1 Before beginning land disturbing Clearing activities are all clearing limits, Limits natural resource areas (streams, wetlands, buffers, trees) protected with barriers or similar BMPs? (high visibility recommended) 2 Construction access is stabilized Construction with quarry spalls or equivalent Access BMP to prevent sediment from being tracked onto roads? Sediment tracked onto the road way was cleaned thoroughly at the end of the day or more frequent as necessary. 3 Are flow control measures installed Control Flow to control storm water volumes and Rates velocity during construction and do they protect downstream properties and waterways from erosion? If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, are they protected from siltation? 4 All perimeter sediment controls Sediment (e.g. silt fence, wattles, compost Controls socks, berms, etc.) installed, and maintained in accordance with the Storm water Pollution Prevention plan (SWPPPj. Sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters etc.) have been constructed and functional as the first step of grading. Stormwater runoff from disturbed areas is directed to sediment removal BMP. 5 Have exposed un·worked soils Stabilize been stabilized with effective BMP Soils to prevent erosion and sediment deposition? Action required (describe in section F) Page 2 ,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Element # Inspection BMPs BMP needs BMP Action Inspected maintenance failed required yes no nfa (describe in I section F) 5 Are stockpiles stabilized from erosion, Stabilize Soils protected with sediment trapping I I Cont. measures and located away from drain inlet, waterways, and drainage channels? Have soils been stabilized at the end of the shift, before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast? I Has stormwater and ground water 6 been diverted away from slopes and Protect disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, I Slopes pipes and or swales? Is off-site storm water managed separately from storm water generated I on the site? Is excavated material placed on uphill side of trenches consistent with safety and space considerations? I Have check dams been placed at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope? I 7 Storm drain inlets made operable . Drain Inlets during construction are protected . Are existing storm drains within the influence of the project protected? I 8 Have all on-site conveyance channels Stabilize been designed, constructed.and Channel and stabilized to prevent erosion from I Outlets expected peak flows? Is stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion I of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes and downstream conveyance systems? 9 Are waste materials and demolition I Control debris handled and disposed of to Pollutants prevent contamination of storm water? Has cover been provided for all I chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other material? Has secondary containment been provided capable of containing 110% I of the volume? Were contaminated surfaces cleaned immediately after a spill incident? I Were BMPs used to prevent contamination of stormwater by a pH modifying sources? I I Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Element # Inspection BMPs BMP needs BMP Action Inspected maintenance failed required yes no nla (describe in section F) 9 Wheel wash wastewater is handled Cont. and disposed of properly. 10 Concrete washout in designated areas. Control No washout or excess concrete on the Dewatering ground. Dewatering has been done to an approved source and in compliance with the SWPPP. Were there any clean non turbid dewatering discharges? 11 Are all temporary and permanent Maintain erosion and sediment control BMPs BMP maintained to perform as intended? 12 Has the project been phased to the Manage the maximum degree practicable? Project Has regular inspection, monitoring and maintenance been performed as required by the permit? Has the SWPPP been updated, implemented and records maintained? E. Check all areas that have been inspected. t/ All in place BMPs D All disturbed soils D All concrete wash out area D All material storage areas D All discharge locations D All equipment storage areas D All construction entrances/exits D F. Elements checked "Action Required" (section OJ describe corrective action to be taken. List the element number; be specific on location and work needed. Document, initial, and date when the corrective action has been completed and inspected. . Complet!on Initials '. Date", Attach additional page if needed Sign the following certification: "I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief" Inspected by: (print) __ ,----______ (Signature) TitlelQualification of Inspector: ___________ Date: Page 4 I I I E. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------------------------------------. Issuance Date: Effective Date: Expiration Date: December 1, 2010 January 1,2011 December 31,2015 CONSTRUCTION STORMW ATER GENERAL PERMIT -National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Ston:i:nvater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity , State of Washington Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98504 In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (State of Washington Water Pollution Control Act) and Title 33 United States Code, Section 1251 et seq. • The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (The Clean Water Act) Until this permit expires, is modified or revoked, Permittees that have properly obtained coverage under this general permit are authorized to discharge in 'accordance with the special and general conditions that follow. SUS;~wirld, P.E.; P.G. Quality Washington State Manager of Ecology I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 5 SI. PERMIT COVERAGE ........................................................................................................ 5 S2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 8 S3. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS ............................................................................. 11 S4. MONITORING REQUiREMENTS .................................................................................. 12 S5. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 19 S6. PERMIT FEES ................................................................................................................... 22 S7. SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL .................................................................... 22 S8. DISCHARGES TO 303(0) OR TMDL WATER BODIES .............................................. 22 S9. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ................................................... 26 S I O. NOTICE OF TERM INA TlON .......................................................................................... 34 GENERAL CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 36 GI. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS .......................................................................................... .36 G2. SIGNATORY REQUiREMENTS ..................................................................................... 36 G3. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY ........................................................................ .37 G4. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION ..................................... .37 G5. REVOCATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT ............................................ .37 G6. REPORTING A CAUSE FOR MODIFICATION ............................................................ 38 G7. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES ............................................ .38 G8. DUTY TO REAPPLY ............................................................................ : ......................... .38 G9. TRANSFER OF GENERAL PERMIT COVERAGE ....................................................... 39 G I O. REMOVED SUBSTANCES ............................................................................................. 39 Gil. DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION .......................................................................... .39 G12. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR .......................................................................... .39 G 13. ADDITIONAL MONITORING ....................................................................................... .39 G 14. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS ............................................ .40 G 15. UPSET .............................................................................................................................. .40 Construction Stormwaler General Permit -December 1. 2010 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G 16. PROPERTY RIGHTS ....................................................................................................... .40 G17. DUTY TO COMPLY ........................................................................................................ 40 G18. TOXIC POLLUTANTS .................................................................................................... .41 G 19. PENALTIES FOR TAMPERING .................................................................................... .41 G20. REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES ............................................................................ .41 G21. REPORTING OTHER INFORMATION .......................................................................... 42 G22. REPORTING ANTICIPATED NON-COMPLIANCE .................................................... .42 G23. REQUESTS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT .......... 42 G24. APPEALS ......................................................................................................................... .42 G25. SEVERABILITY .............................................................................................................. .43 G26. BYPASS PROHIBITED .................................................................................................... 43 APPENDIX A -DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................. 46 APPENDIX B -ACRONYMS .................................................................................................... 54 Table I. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table S. Table 6. LIST OF TABLES Summary of Permit Report Submittals ....................................................................... 4 Summary of Required On-site Documentation ........................................................... 4 Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements ...................................................... 12 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements ................................................................. 16 Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed ... 24 pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters .................................................. 24 Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1,2010 Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS Refer to the Special and General Conditions within this permit for additional submittal requirements. Appendix A provides a list of definitions. Appendix B provides a list of acronyms. Table 1. Summary of Permit Report Submittals ";,1.,Re.rmit'; I· ':"",,~b,mitt~~~, .~c'L :';,';f,)'requency·'· :~ I!!; ,. ~i,~~~,,~~i~t,!!~ate "c~ Section "il!\,~"lI!~~,~ '-'~ ,', I~. . .: .,,,-, ~'II.", eLlA-: ... ,.':.... "; S5.A and High Turbidityrrransparency Phone As Necessary Within 24 hours S8 Reporting S5.B Discharge Monitoring Report Monthly' Within 15 days of applicable monitoring period S5.F and Noncompliance Notification As necessary Immediately S8 55.F Noncompliance Notification -As necessary Within 5 Days of non- Written Report compliance G2. Notice of Change in Authorization As necessary G6. Permit Application for Substantive As necessary Changes to the Discharge G8. Application for Permit Renewal 1/perm it cycle No later than 180 days before expiration G9. Notice of Permit Transfer As necessary G20. Notice of Planned Changes As necessary G22. Reporting Anticipated Non-As necessary compliance SPECIAL NOTE: 'Permittees must submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) to the Washington State Department of Ecology monthly, regardless of site discharge, for the full duration of permit coverage. Refer to Section S5.B of this General Permit for more specific information regarding DMRs. Table 2. Summary of Required On-site Documentation 5ee Conditions 52, 55 Construction 5tormwater General Permit 5ee Conditions 52, 55 Site Log Book 5ee Conditions 54, S5 5tormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (5WPPP) 5ee Conditions 59. 55 Construction Siormwaler General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL CONDITIONS S1. PERMIT COVERAGE A. Permit Area This Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) covers all areas of Washington State, except for federal and Tribal lands as specified in Special Condition S I.E.3. B. Operators Required to Seek Coverage Under this General Permit: I. Operators of the following construction activities are required to seek coverage under this CSWGP: a. Clearing, grading and/or excavation that results in the disturbance of one or more acres and discharges stormwater to surface waters of the State; and clearing, grading and/or excavation on sites smaller than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale, if the common plan of development or sale will ultimately disturb one acre or more and discharge storm water to surface waters of the State. i. This includes forest practices (including, but not limited to, class IV conversions) that are part of a construction activity that will result in the disturbance of one or more acres, and discharge to surface waters of the State (that is, forest practices that prepare a site for construction activities); and b. Any size construction activity discharging stormwater to waters of the State that the Department of Ecology ( "Ecology"): I. Determines to be a significant contributor of pollutants to waters of the State of Washington. ii. Reasonably expects to cause a violation of any water quality standard. 2. Operators of the following activities are not required to seek coverage under this CSWGP (unless specifically required under Special Condition S I.B.I.b. above): a. Construction activities that discharge all stormwater and non-stormwater to ground water, sanitary sewer, or combined sewer, and have no point source discharge to either surface water or a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. b. Construction activities covered under an Erosivity Waiver (Special Condition S2.C). c. Routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of a facility. Cons/ruc/ion S/ormwa/er General Permil-December 1, 2010 Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Authorized Discharges: I. Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity. Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, Permittees are authorized to discharge storm water associated with construction activity to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. (Note that "surface waters of the State" may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site.) 2. Stormwater Associated with Construction Support Activity. This permit also authorizes storm water discharge from support activities related to the permitted construction site (for example, an on-site portable rock crusher, off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas, etc.) provided: a. The support activity relates directly to the permitted construction site that is required to have a NPDES permit; and b. The support activity is not a commercial operation serving multiple unrelated construction projects, and does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity; and c. Appropriate controls and measures are identified in the Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the discharges from the support activity areas. 3. Non-Stormwater Discharges. The categories and sources of non-storm water discharges identified below are authorized conditionally, provided the discharge is consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit: a. Discharges from fire-fighting activities. b. Fire hydrant system flushing. c. Potable water, including uncontaminated water line flushing. d. Pipeline hydrostatic test water. e. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate. f. Uncontaminated ground water or spring water. g. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering water (in accordance with S9.D.1 0). h. Uncontaminated discharges from foundation or footing drains. I. Water used to control dust. Permittees must minimize the amount of dust control water used. J. Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. k. Landscape irrigation water. The SWPPP must adequately address all authorized non-stormwater discharges, except for discharges from fire-fighting activities, and must comply with Special Cons/rue/ion S/ormwa/er General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Condition S3. At a minimum, discharges from potable water (including water line flushing), fire hydrant system flushing, and pipeline hydrostatic test water must undergo the following: dechlorination to a concentration of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH adjustment to within 6.5 -8.5 standard units (su), if necessary. D. Prohibited Discharges: The following discharges to waters of the State, including ground water, are prohibited. I. Concrete wastewater. 2. Wastewater from washout and clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials. 3. Process wastewater as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.1 (see Appendix A of this permit). 4. Slurry materials and waste from shaft drilling. 5. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance. 6. Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing. 7. Wheel wash wastewater, unless discharged according to Special Condition S9.D.9.d. 8. Discharges from dewatering activities, including discharges from dewatering of trenches and excavations, unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.I O. E. Limits on Coverage Ecology may require any discharger to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Such alternative coverage will be required when Ecology determines that this CSWGP does not provide adequate assurance that water quality will be protected, or there is a reasonable potential for the project to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. The following storm water discharges are not covered by this permit: I. Post-construction storm water discharges that originate from the site after completion of construction activities and the site has undergone final stabilization. 2. Non-point source silvicultural activities such as nursery operations, site preparation, reforestation and subsequent cultural treatment, thinning, prescribed burning, pest and fire control, harvesting operations, surface drainage, or road construction and maintenance, from which there is natural runoff as excluded in 40 CFR Subpart 122. 3. Stormwater from any federal project or project on federal land or land within an Indian Reservation except for the Puyallup Reservation. Within the Puyallup Cons/rue/ion S/ormwa/er General Permi/ -December 1, 2010 Page 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Reservation, any project that discharges to surface water on land held in trust by the federal government may be covered by this permit. 4. Stormwater from any site covered under an existing NPDES individual permit in which storm water management and/or treatment requirements are included for all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. 5. Stormwater from a site where an applicable Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirement specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity. S2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Permit Application Forms I. Notice of Intent Form/Timeline a. Operators of new or previously unpermitted construction activities must submit a complete and accurate permit application (Notice of Intent, or NOI) to Ecology. b. The operator must submit the NOI at least 60 days before discharging storm water from construction activities and must submit it on or before the date of the first public notice (see Special Condition S2.B below for details). The 30-day public comment period required by WAC 173-226-130(5) begins on the publication date of the second public notice. Unless Ecology responds to the complete application in writing, based on public comments, or any other relevant factors, coverage under the general permit will automatically commence on the thirty-first day following receipt by Ecology of a completed NOI, or the issuance date of this permit, whichever is later, unless Ecology specifies a later date in writing. c. Applicants who propose to discharge to a storm or sewer system operated by Seattle, King County, Snohomish County, Tacoma, Pierce County, or Clark County must also submit a copy of the NOI to the appropriate jurisdiction. d. If an applicant intends to use a Best Management Practice (BMP) selected on the basis of Special Condition S9.C.4 ("demonstrably equivalent" BMPs), the applicant must notify Ecology of its selection as part of the NO!. In the event the applicant selects BMPs after submission of the NOI, it must provide notice of the selection of an equivalent BMP to Ecology at least 60 days before intended use of the equivalent BMP. e. Permittees must notify Ecology regarding any changes to the information provided on the NOI by submitting an updated NO!. Examples of such changes include, but are not limited to, i. changes to the Permittee's mailing address, II. changes to the on-site contact person information, and Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1,2010 Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------------- iii. changes to the area/acreage affected by construction activity. 2. Transfer of Coverage Form The Permittee can transfer current coverage under this permit to one or more new operators, including operators of sites within a Common Plan of Development, provided the Permittee submits a Transfer of Coverage Form in accordance with General Condition G9. Transfers do not require public notice. B. Public Notice For new or previously unpermitted construction activities, the applicant must publish a public notice at least one time each week for two consecutive weeks, at least 7 days apart, in a newspaper with general circulation in the county where the construction is to take place. The notice must contain: I. A statement that "The applicant is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology's Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit." 2. The name, address and location of the construction site. 3. The name and address of the applicant. 4. The type of construction activity that will result in a discharge (for example, residential construction, commercial construction, etc.), and the number of acres to be disturbed. 5. The name of the receiving water(s) (that is, the surface water(s) to which the site will discharge), or, if the discharge is through a storm sewer system, the name of the operator of the system. 6. The statement: "Any persons desiring to present their views to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding this application, or interested in Ecology's action on this application, may notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days of the last date of publication of this notice. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from this project would cause a measurable change in receiving water quality, and, ifso, whether the project is necessary and in the overriding public interest according to Tier II antidegradation requirements under WAC 173-20IA-320. Comments can be submitted to: Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47696, Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Attn: Water Quality Program, Construction Stormwater." Construction Storm water General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Erosivity Waiver Construction site operators may qualify for an erosivity waiver from the CSWGP if the following conditions are met: I. The site will result in the disturbance of fewer than 5 acres and the site is not a portion of a common plan of development or sale that will disturb 5 acres or greater. 2. Calculation of Erosivity "R" Factor and Regional Timeframe: a. The project's rainfall erosivity factor ("R" Factor) must be less than 5 during the period of construction activity, as calculated using either the Texas A&M University online rainfall erosivity calculator at: http://ei.tamu.edu/or EPA's calculator at http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/lew/lewcalculator.cfm. The period of construction activity starts when the land is first disturbed and ends with final stabilization. In addition: b. The entire period of construction activity must fall within the following timeframes: 1. For sites west of the Cascades Crest: June 15 -September 15. 11. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, excluding the Central Basin: June 15 -October 15. 111. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, within the Central Basin: no additional timeframe restrictions apply. The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. For a map of the Central Basin (Region 2), refer to htlp:llwww.ecy.wa.gov/pubs/ecy070202.pdf. 3. Construction site operators must submit a complete Erosivity Waiver certification form at least one week before disturbing the land. Certification must include statements that the operator will: a. Comply with applicable local stormwater requirements; and b. Implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs to prevent violations of water quality standards. 4. This waiver is not available for facilities declared significant contributors of pollutants as defined in Special Condition S 1.B.I.b. 5. This waiver does not apply to construction activities which include non- storm water discharges listed in Special Condition S 1.e.3. 6. If construction activity extends beyond the certified waiver period for any reason, the operator must either: a. Recalculate the rainfall erosivity "R" factor using the original start date and a new projected ending date and, if the "R" factor is still under 5 and the entire Construction Siormwater General Permil-December I, 2010 Page 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I project falls within the applicable regional timeframe in Special Condition S2.C.2.b, complete and submit an amended waiver certification form before the original waiver expires; or b. Submit a complete permit application to Ecology in accordance with Special Condition S2.A and B before the end of the certified waiver period. S3. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS A. Discharges must not cause or contribute to a violation of surface water quality standards (Chapter 173-20 I A WAC), ground water quality standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC), sediment management standards (Chapter 173-204 WAC), and human health- based criteria in the National Toxics Rule (40 CFR Part 131.36). Discharges not in compliance with these standards are not authorized. B. Prior to the discharge of stormwater and non-stormwater to waters of the State, the Permittee must apply all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (AKART). This includes the preparation and implementation of an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), with all appropriate BMPs installed and maintained in accordance with the SWPPP and the terms and conditions of this permit. C. Ecology presumes that a Permittee complies with water quality standards unless discharge monitoring data or other site-specific information demonstrates that a discharge causes or contributes to a violation of water quality standards, when the Permittee complies with the following conditions. The Permittee must fully: 1. Comply with all permit conditions, including planning, sampling, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping conditions. 2. Implement stormwater BMPs contained in stormwater management manuals published or approved by Ecology, or BMPs that are demonstrably equivalent to BMPs contained in storm water technical manuals published or approved by Ecology, including the proper selection, implementation, and maintenance of all applicable and appropriate BMPs for on-site pollution control. (For purposes of this section, the stormwater manuals listed in Appendix 10 of the Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit are approved by Ecology.) D. Where construction sites also discharge to ground water, the ground water discharges must also meet the terms and conditions of this CSWGP. Permittees who discharge to ground water through an injection well must also comply with any applicable requirements of the Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations, Chapter 173-218 WAC. Construction Siormwater General Permil-December I, 2010 Page II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, BENCHMARKS AND REPORTING TRIGGERS Table 3 Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements Sites that disturb Required Not Required Not Required Not Required No less than 1 acre, but are part of a larger Common Plan of Development Sites that disturb 1 Required Sampling Re<;\uired-Required Yes acre or more, but either method fewer than 5 acres Sites that disturb 5 Required Required Not Required Required Yes acres or more A. Site Log Book The Permittee must maintain a site log book that contains a record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements, including the installation and maintenance of BMPs, site inspections, and stormwater monitoring. B. Site Inspections The Permittee's (operator's) site inspections must include all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all stormwater discharge points. (See Special Conditions S4.B.3 and BA below for detailed requirements of the Permittee's Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead [CESCLJ). J Soil disturbance is calculated by adding together all areas affected by construction activity. Construction activity means clearing. grading, excavation, and any other activity that disturbs the surface of the land, including ingress/egress from the site. 2 If construction activity results in the disturbance of 1 acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (t,OOO cubic yards of poured or recycled concrete over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTS], cement kiln dust [CKD]. or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area drains to surface waters of the State or to a stonn sewer stormwater collection system that drains to other surface waters of the State, the Permittee must conduct pH monitoring sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.D. 3 Sites with one or more acres, but fewer than 5 acres of soil disturbance, must conduct turbidity or transparency sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C. 4 Sites equal to or greater than 5 acres of sci! disturbance must conduct turbidity sampling using a turbidity meter in accordance with Special Condition S4.C. Construction Stormwaler General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Construction sites one acre or larger that discharge stormwater to surface waters of the State must have site inspections conducted by a certified CESCL. Sites less than one acre may have a person without CESCL certification conduct inspections; sampling is not required on sites that disturb less than an acre. I. The Permittee must examine stormwater visually for the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen. The Permittee must evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs and determine if it is necessary to install, maintain, or repair BMPs to improve the quality of storm water discharges. Based on the results of the inspection, the Permittee must correct the problems identified by: a. Reviewing the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and making appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection. b. Immediately beginning the process of fully implementing and maintaining appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems no later than within 10 days of the inspection. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial IO-day response period. c. Documenting BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 2. The Permittee must inspect all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all storrnwater discharge points at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any discharge from the site. (For purposes of this condition, individual discharge events that last more than one day do not require daily inspections. For example, if a stormwater pond discharges continuously over the course of a week, only one inspection is required that week.) The Permittee may reduce the inspection frequency for temporarily stabilized, inactive sites to once every calendar month. 3. The Permittee must have staff knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The CESCL (sites one acre or more) or inspector (sites less than one acre) must have the skills to assess the: a. Site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater, and b. Effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges. 4. The SWPPP must identify the CESCL or inspector, who must be present on site or on-call at all times. The CESCL must obtain this certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by Ecology (see BMP CI60 in the manual referred to in Special Condition S9.C.I and 2). Construction Siormwater General Permil-December I. 2010 Page 13 ~-------------~~~---~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. The Permittee must summarize the results of each inspection in an inspection report or checklist and enter the report/checklist into, or attach it to, the site log book. At a minimum, each inspection report or checklist must include: a. Inspection date and time. b. Weather information, the general conditions during inspection and the approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection, and precipitation within the last 24 hours. c. A summary or list of all implemented BMPs, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. d. A description of the locations: I. Of BMPs inspected. 11. OfBMPs that need maintenance and why. 111. Of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended, and iv. Where additional or different BMPs are needed, and why. e. A description of stormwater discharged from the site. The Permittee must note the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen, as applicable. f. Any water quality monitoring performed during inspection. g. General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance or installations made following the inspection. h. A summary report and a schedule of implementation of the remedial actions that the Permittee plans to take if the site inspection indicates that the site is out of compliance. The remedial actions taken must meet the requirements of the S WPPP and the permit. I. The name, title, and signature of the person conducting the site inspection, a phone number or other reliable method to reach this person, and the following statement: "I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief." c. TurbiditY/Transparency Sampling Requirements I. Sampling Methods a. If construction activity involves the disturbance of 5 acres or more, the Permittee must conduct turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C. b. If construction activity involves 1 acre or more but fewer than 5 acres of soil disturbance, the Permittee must conduct either transparency sampling or turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C. Construction Stormwater General Permit-December I, 2010 Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Sampling Frequency a. The Permittee must sample all discharge locations at least once every calendar week when stormwater (or authorized non-stormwater) discharges from the site or enters anyon-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site). b. Samples must be representative of the flow and characteristics of the discharge. c. Sampling is not required when there is no discharge during a calendar week. d. Sampling is not required outside of normal working hours or during unsafe conditions. e. Jfthe Permittee is unable to sample during a monitoring period, the Permittee must include a brief explanation in the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). f. Sampling is not required before construction activity begins. 3. Sampling Locations a. Sampling is required at all points where stormwater associated with construction activity (or authorized non-stormwater) is discharged off site, including where it enters anyon-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site). b. The Permittee may discontinue sampling at discharge points that drain areas of the project that are fully stabilized to prevent erosion. c. The Permittee mllst identify all sampling point(s) on the SWPPP site map and clearly mark these points in the field with a flag, tape, stake or other visible marker. d. Sampling is not required for discharge that is sent directly to sanitary or combined sewer systems. 4. Sampling and Analysis Methods a. The Permittee performs turbidity analysis with a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter) either on site or at an accredited lab. The Permittee must record the results in the site log book in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). b. The Permittee performs transparency analysis on site with a I'I.-inch- diameter, 60-centimeter (cm)-Iong transparency tube. The Permittee will record the results in the site log book in centimeters (cm). Transparency tubes are available from: http://watermonitoringeguip.com/pages/stream.html. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1,2010 Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 4 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements 'pParameter;,,, Unif"'''' .<~nalytic'~Ll'!ethod I, Sampling "","1 '",Benchm~ar.k , , ,~~on.e ~.' ,,0;. " '!r~\ ","'~!ii:~(1\~;" ~1~~~, 'Fr~~1FcYI;it ""I!!\Value "': '!Ie.. Reporting, . ',,:,i~~ 1,-, I ~"'~¥if~" ,":., ',11",~",,\00 'I;" ",\, """ ::;~ 'Trigger Valuer, 1:), '" Turbidity NTU SM2130 or EPA Weekly, if 25 NTU 250 NTU 180,1 discharging Transparency cm Manufacturer Weekly, if 33 cm 6cm instructions, or discharging Ecology guidance 5. Turbidity/Transparency Benchmark Values and Reporting Triggers The benchmark value for turbidity is 25 NTU or less. The benchmark value for transparency is 33 centimeters (cm). Note: Benchmark values do not apply to discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State's 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus; these discharges are subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity. Refer to Special Condition S8 for more information, a. Turbidity 26 249 NTU. or Transparency 32 7 cm: If the discharge turbidity is 26 to 249 NTU; or if discharge transparency is less than 33 cm, but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the Permittee must: I. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. 11. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 1 O-day response period. iii. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. b. Turbidity 250 NTU or greater. or Transparency 6 cm or less: If a discharge point's turbidity is 250 NTU or greater, or if discharge transparency is less than or equal to 6 cm, the Permittee must complete the reporting and adaptive management process described below. I. Telephone the applicable Ecology Region's Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number within 24 hours, in accordance with Special Condition S5.F. • Central Region (Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat, Benton): (509) 575-2490 Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400 • Northwest Region (Kitsap, Snohomish, Island, King, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000 • Southwest Region (Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Thurston, Pierce, Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Wahkiakum, Clallam, Jefferson, Pacific): (360) 407-6300 These numbers are also listed at the following web site: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/slormwater/construction/permit.html ii. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. iii. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial I O-day response period. IV. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. v. Continue to sample discharges daily until: a) Turbidity is 25 NTU (or lower); or b) Transparency is 33 cm (or greater); or c) The Permittee has demonstrated compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity: I) No more than 5 NTU over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTU, or 2) No more than 1 0% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTU or greater; or d) The discharge stops or is eliminated. D. pH Sampling Requirements --Significant Concrete Work or Engineered Soils If construction activity results in the disturbance of I acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (significant concrete work means greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD], or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I drains to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the state, the Permittee must conduct pH monitoring as set forth below. Note: In addition, discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State's 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH are subject to a numeric effluent limit for pH; refer to Special Condition S8. 1. For sites with significant concrete work, the Permittee must begin the pH monitoring period when the concrete is first poured and exposed to precipitation, and continue weekly throughout and after the concrete pour and curing period, until stormwater pH is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 2. For sites with engineered soils, the Permittee must begin the pH monitoring period when the soil amendments are first exposed to precipitation and must continue until the area of engineered soils is fully stabilized. 3. During the applicable pH monitoring period defined above, the Permittee must obtain a representative sample of storm water and conduct pH analysis at least once per week. 4. The Permittee must monitor pH in the sediment trap/pond(s) or other locations that receive stormwater runoff from the area of significant concrete work or engineered soils before the stormwater discharges to surface waters. 5. The benchmark value for pH is 8.5 standard units. Anytime sampling indicates that pH is 8.5 or greater, the Permittee must either: a. Prevent the high pH water (8.5 or above) from entering storm sewer systems or surface waters; or b. If necessary, adjust or neutralize the high pH water until it is in the range of pH 6.5 to 8.5 (su) using an appropriate treatment BMP such as carbon dioxide (C02) sparging or dry ice. The Permittee must obtain written approval from Ecology before using any form of chemical treatment other than CO 2 sparging or dry ice. 6. The Permittee must perform pH analysis on site with a calibrated pH meter, pH test kit, or wide range pH indicator paper. The Permittee must record pH monitoring results in the site log book. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1,2010 Page 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S5. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS A. High Turbidity Phone Reporting Anytime sampling performed in accordance with Special Condition S4.C indicates turbidity has reached the 250 NTU phone reporting level, the Permittee must call Ecology's Regional office by phone within 24 hours of analysis. The web site is http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/stormwater/construction/permit.html. Also see phone numbers in Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i. B. Discharge Monitoring Reports Permittees required to conduct water quality sampling in accordance with Special Conditions S4.C (TurbidityfTransparency), S4.D (pH), S8 (303[d]fTMDL sampling), andfor G 13 (Additional Sampling) must submit the results to Ecology. Permittees must submit monitoring data using Ecology's WebDMR program. To find out more information and to sign up for WebDMR go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/permits/paris/webdmr.html. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper copy DMR at: Mailing Address: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program Attn: Stormwater Compliance Specialist PO Box 47696 Olympia, W A 98504-7696 Permittees who obtain a waiver not to use WebDMR must use the forms provided to them by Ecology; submittals must be mailed to the address above. Permittees shall submit DMR forms to be received by Ecology within 15 days following the end of each month. If there was no discharge during a given monitoring period, all Permittees must submit a DMR as required with "no discharge" entered in place of the monitoring results. For more information, contact Ecology staff using information provided at the following web site: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/spills/response/assistancesoil%20map.pdf C. Records Retention The Permittee must retain records of all monitoring information (site log book, sampling results, inspection reportsfchecklists, etc.), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and any other documentation of compliance with permit requirements for the entire life of the construction project and for a minimum of three years following the termination of perl1)it coverage. Such information must include all calibration and maintenance records, and records of all data used to complete the application for this Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I permit. This period of retention must be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the discharge of pollutants by the Permittee or when requested by Ecology. D. Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken, the Permittee must record the following information: I. Date, place, method, and time of sampling or measurement. 2. The first and last name of the individual who performed the sampling or measurement. 3. The date(s) the analyses were performed. 4. The first and last name of the individual who performed the analyses. 5. The analytical techniques or methods used. 6. The results of all analyses. E. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit using test procedures specified by Special Condition S4 of this permit, the results of this monitoring must be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the Permittee's DMR. F. Noncompliance Notification In the event the Permittee is unable to comply with any part of the terms and conditions of this permit, and the reSUlting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment, the Permittee must: I. Immediately notify Ecology of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (find at http://www .ecy. wa. gov /programs/ spi lis/response/ass istanceso i I %20map. pd D or refer to Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i. 2. Immediately take action to prevent the discharge/pollution, or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance, and, if applicable, repeat sampling and analysis of any noncompliance immediately and submit the results to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 3. Submit a detailed written report to Ecology within five (5) days, unless requested earlier by Ecology. The report must contain a description of the noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. Construction Storm water General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Permittee must report any unanticipated bypass and/or upset that exceeds any effluent limit in the permit in accordance with the 24-hour reporting requirement contained in 40 C.F.R. 122.41(1)(6». Compliance with these requirements does not relieve the Permittee from responsibility to maintain continuous compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit or the resulting liability for failure to comply. Refer to Section G 14 of this permit for specific information regarding non-compliance. G. Access to Plans and Records I. The Permittee must retain the following permit documentation (plans and records) on site, or within reasonable access to the site, for use by the operator or for on-site review by Ecology or the local jurisdiction: a. General Permit. b. Permit Coverage Letter. c. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). d. Site Log Book. 2. The Permittee must address written requests for plans and records listed above (Special Condition S5.G.I) as follows: a. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to Ecology within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. b. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to the public when requested in writing. Upon receiving a written request from the public for the Permittee's plans and records, the Permittee must either: i. Provide a copy of the plans and records to the requester within 14 days of a receipt of the written request; or II. Notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the written request of the location and times within normal business hours wlien the plans and records may be viewed; and provide access to the plans and records within 14 days of receipt of the written request; or Within 14 days of receipt of the written request, the Permittee may submit a copy of the plans and records to Ecology for viewing and/or copying by the requester at an Ecology office, or a mutually agreed location. Ifplans and records are viewed and/or copied at a location other than at an Ecology office, the Permittee will provide reasonable access to copying services for which a reasonable fee may be charged. The Permittee must notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the request where the plans and records may be viewed and/or copied. Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 21 • I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------------------------- S6. PERMIT FEES The Permittee must pay permit fees assessed by Ecology. Fees for stormwater discharges covered under this permit are established by Chapter 173-224 WAC. Ecology continues to assess permit fees until the permit is terminated in accordance with Special Condition S I 0 or revoked in accordance with General Condition G5. S7. SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL The Permittee must handle and dispose of solid and liquid wastes generated by construction activity, such as demolition debris, construction materials, contaminated materials, and waste materials from maintenance activities, including liquids and solids from cleaning catch basins and other stormwater facilities, in accordance with: A. Special Condition S3, Compliance with Standards. B. WAC 173-216-110. C. Other applicable regulations. S8. DISCHARGES TO 303(0) OR TMDL WATER BODIES A. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits For Certain Discharges to 303(d)-listed Water Bodies I. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies listed as impaired by the State of Washington under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus, must conduct water quality sampling according to the requirements of this section, and Special Conditions S4.C.2.b-f and S4.C.3.b-d, and must comply with the applicable numeric effluent limitations in S8.C and S8.D. 2. All references and requirements associated with Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act mean the most current listing by Ecology of impaired waters (Category 5) that exists on January I, 20 II, or the date when the operator's complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. B. Limits on Coverage for New Discharges to TMDL or 303(d)-listed Waters Operators of construction sites that discharge to a 303( d)-listed water body are not eligible for coverage under this permit unless the operator: 1. Prevents exposing stormwater to pollutants for which the water body is impaired, and retains documentation in the SWPPP that details procedures taken to prevent exposure on site; or 2. Documents that the pollutants for which the water body is impaired are not present at the site, and retains documentation of this finding within the SWPPP; or Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Provides Ecology with data indicating the discharge is not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of a water quality standard, and retains such data on site with the SWPPP. The operator must provide data and other technical information to Ecology that sufficiently demonstrate: a. For discharges to waters without an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that the discharge of the pollutant for which the water is impaired will meet in-stream water quality criteria at the point of discharge to the water body; or b. For discharges to waters with an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that there is sufficient remaining wasteload allocation in the TMDL to allow construction stormwater discharge and that existing dischargers to the water body are subject to compliance schedules designed to bring the water body into attainment with water quality standards. Operators of construction sites are eligible for coverage under this permit if Ecology issues permit coverage based upon an affirmative determination that the discharge will not cause or contribute to the existing impairment. C. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits for Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for Turbidity, Fine Sediment, or Phosphorus I. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus must conduct turbidity sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C.2 and comply with either of the numeric effluent limits noted in Table 5 below. 2. As an alternative to the 25 NTU effluent limit noted in Table 5 below (applied at the point where stormwater [or authorized non-stormwater] is discharged off-site), permittees may choose to comply with the surface water quality standard for turbidity. The standard is: no more than 5 NTU over background turbidity when the background turbidity is 50 NTU or less, or no more than a 10% increase in turbidity when the background turbidity is more than 50 NTU. In order to use the water quality standard requirement, the sampling must take place at the following locations: a. Background turbidity in the 303(d)-listed receiving water immediately upstream (upgradient) or outside the area of influence ofthe discharge. b. Turbidity at the point of discharge into the 303(d)-listed receiving water, inside the area of influence of the discharge, 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for turbidity constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit shall sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non- compliance notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December J, 2010 Page 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 5. Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters • Turbidity Turbidity NTU SM2130 or Weekly, if 25 NTU, at the point where stormwater is discharged from the site; OR • Fine Sediment EPA180.1 discharging • Phosphorus In compliance with the surface water quality standard for turbidity (S8.C.1.a) 1Permittees subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity may, at their discretion, choose either numeric effluent limitation based on site-specific considerations including, but not limited to, safety, access and convenience. D. Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for High pH 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category S) for high pH must conduct pH sampling in accordance with the table below, and comply with the numeric effluent limit of pH 6.S to 8.S su (Table 6). Table 6. pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters . ,F Parameter identified in"; . " ' . '. rr'-a03(d)IiS!!~g~::~;,.;.· .~aorameter 0,; ~~~Iytical~ Sampling " '!Numeric'Effluent Method' k 17' 4iJt!t. '0l; , , ilIt Limit '11 '1' '"t'Sari!pledliJllils ~jl -:1'.w 111 ~requency'f.i. , ", ,~. _ ." :,. <,,,,\< • ~'f M"'~ ---.-,-.:. "~:r.~ 4'?-~ -~'1:L • "OJ]" ,::£.. High pH pH IStandard pH meter Weekly, if In the range of 6.5- Units discharging 8.5 2. At the Permittee's discretion, compliance with the limit shall be assessed at one of the following locations: a. Directly in the 303(d)-listed water body segment, inside the immediate area of influence of the discharge; or b. Alternatively, the permittee may measure pH at the point where the discharge leaves the construction site, rather than in the receiving water. 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for pH (outside the range of 6.S- 8.S su) constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit shall sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non- compliance notification requirements in Special Condition SS.F. Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Sampling and Limits for Sites Discharging to Waters Covered by a TMDL or Another Pollution Control Plan 1. Discharges to a water body that is subject to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus must be consistent with the TMDL. Refer to http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/tmdllindex.htmlfor more information on TMDLs. a. Where an applicable TMDL sets specific waste load allocations or requirements for discharges covered by this permit, discharges must be consistent with any specific waste load allocations or requirements established by the applicable TMDL. i. The Permittee must sample discharges weekly or as otherwise specified by the TMDL to evaluate compliance with the specific waste load allocations or requirements. ii. Analytical methods used to meet the monitoring requirements must conform to the latest revision of the Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 CFR Part 136. Turbidity and pH methods need not be accredited or registered unless conducted at a laboratory which must otherwise be accredited or registered. b. Where an applicable TMDL has established a general waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not identified specific requirements, compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. c. Where an applicable TMDL has not specified a waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not excluded these discharges, compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. d. Where an applicable TMDL specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity, the operator is not eligible for coverage under this permit. 2. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus that is completed and approved by EPA before January I, 2011, or before the date the operator's complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. TMDLs completed after the operator's complete permit application is received by Ecology become applicable to the Permittee only if they are imposed through an administrative order by Ecology, or through a modification of permit coverage. Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S9. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Permittee must prepare and properly implement an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activity in accordance with the requirements of this permit beginning with initial soil disturbance and until final stabilization. A. The Permittee's SWPPP must meet the following objectives: I. To implement best management practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion and sedimentation, and to identify, reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater contamination and water pollution from construction activity. 2. To prevent violations of surface water quality, ground water quality, or sediment management standards. 3. To control peak volumetric flow rates and velocities of stormwater discharges. B. General Requirements I. The SWPPP must include a narrative and drawings. All BMPs must be clearly referenced in the narrative and marked on the drawings. The SWPPP narrative must include documentation to explain and justify the pollution prevention decisions made for the project. Documentation must include: a. Information about existing site conditions (topography, drainage, soils, vegetation, etc,), b. Potential erosion problem areas. c. The 12 elements ofa SWPPP in Special Condition S9.D.I-12, including BMPs used to address each element. d. Construction phasing/sequence and general BMP implementation schedule. e. The actions to be taken ifBMP performance goals are not achieved-for example, a contingency plan for additional treatment and/or storage of stormwater that would violate the water quality standards if discharged. f. Engineering calculations for ponds and any other designed structures. 2. The Permittee must modify the SWPPP if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is, or would be, ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The Permittee must then: a. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection or investigation. b. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems no later than 10 days from the inspection or investigation. If Construction Storm water General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial I O-day response period, c. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. The Permittee must modify the S WPPP whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. C. Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) BMPs must be consistent with: I. Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (most recent edition), for sites west of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or 2. Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (most recent edition), for sites east of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or 3. Revisions to the manuals listed in Special Condition S9.C.I. & 2., or other stormwater management guidance documents or manuals which provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, that are approved by Ecology and incorporated into this permit in accordance with the penn it modification requirements of WAC 173-226-230; or 4. Documentation in the SWPPP that the BMPs selected provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, compared to the applicable Stonnwater Management Manuals, including: a. The technical basis for the selection of all storm water BMPs (scientific, technical studies, and/or modeling) that support the performance claims for the BMPs being selected. b. An assessment of how the selected BMP will satisfy AKART requirements and the applicable federal technology-based treatment requirements under 40 CFR part 125.3. D. SWPPP -Narrative Contents and Requirements The Permittee must include each of the 12 elements below in Special Condition S9.D.l- 12 in the narrative of the SWPPP and implement them unless site conditions render the element unnecessary and the exemption from that element is clearly justified in the SWPPP. I. Preserve Vegetation/Mark Clearing Limits a. Before beginning land-disturbing activities, including clearing and grading, clearly mark all clearing limits, sensitive areas and their buffers, and trees that are to be preserved within the construction area. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Retain the duff layer, native top soil, and natural vegetation in an undisturbed state to the maximum degree practicable. 2. Establish Construction Access a. Limit construction vehicle access and exit to one route, if possible. b. Stabilize access points with a pad of quarry spa lis, crushed rock, or other equivalent BMPs, to minimize tracking sediment onto roads. c. Locate wheel wash or tire baths on site, if the stabilized construction entrance is not effective in preventing tracking sediment onto roads. d. If sediment is tracked off site, clean the affected roadway thoroughly at the end of each day, or more frequently as necessary (for example, during wet weather). Remove sediment from roads by shoveling, sweeping, or pickup and transport of the sediment to a controlled sediment disposal area. e. Conduct street washing only after sediment removal in accordance with Special Condition S9.D.2.d. Control street wash wastewater by pumping back on site or otherwise preventing it from discharging into systems tributary to waters of the State. 3. Control Flow Rates a. Protect properties and waterways downstream of development sites from erosion and the associated discharge of turbid waters due to increases in the velocity and peak volumetric flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site, as required by local plan approval authority. b. Where necessary to comply with Special Condition S9.D.3.a, construct storm water retention or detention facilities as one ofthe first steps in grading. Assure that detention facilities function properly before constructing site improvements (for example, impervious surfaces). c. If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, protect these facilities from siltation during the construction phase. 4. Install Sediment Controls The Permittee must design, install and maintain effective erosion controls and sediment controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants. At a minimum, the Permittee must design, install and maintain such controls to: a. Construct sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters, etc.) as one of the first steps in grading. These BMPs must be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. b. Minimize sediment discharges from the site. The design, installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls must address factors such as the amount, frequency, intensity and duration of precipitation, the nature of Construction Storm water General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I resulting stonnwater runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site. c. Direct stonnwater runoff from disturbed areas through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal BMP, before the runoffleaves a construction site or before discharge to an infiltration facility. Runofffrom fully stabilized areas may be discharged without a sediment removal BMP, but must meet the flow control perfonnance standard of Special Condition S9.D.3.a. d. Locate BMPs intended to trap sediment on site in a manner to avoid interference with the movement of juvenile salmon ids attempting to enter off- channel areas or drainages. e. Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal and maximize stonnwater infiltration, unless infeasible. f. Where feasible, design outlet structures that withdraw impounded stonnwater from the surface to avoid discharging sediment that is still suspended lower in the water column. 5. Stabilize Soils a. The Permittee must stabilize exposed and unworked soils by application of effective BMPs that prevent erosion. Applicable BMPs include, but are not limited to: temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, erosion control fabrics and matting, soil application of polyacrylamide (PAM), the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved, and dust control. b. The Permittee must control stormwater volume and velocity within the site to minimize soil erosion. c. The Permittee must control stormwater discharges, including both peak flow rates and total stonnwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion. d. Depending on the geographic location of the project, the Permittee must not allow soils to remain exposed and unworked for more than the time periods set forth below to prevent erosion: West of the Cascade Mountains Crest During the dry season (May I -Sept. 30): 7 days During the wet season (October I -April 30): 2 days East of the Cascade Mountains Crest, except for Central Basin" During the dry season (July I -September 30): 10 days During the wet season (October 1 -June 30): 5 days The Central Basin·, East of the Cascade Mountains Crest Construction Storm water General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I During the dry Season (July I -September 30): 30 days During the wet season (October I -June 30): 15 days *Note: The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. e. The Permittee must stabilize soils at the end ofthe shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. f. The Permittee must stabilize soil stockpiles from erosion, protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. g. The Permittee must minimize the amount of soil exposed during construction activity. h. The Permittee must minimize the disturbance of steep slopes. I. The Permittee must minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil. 6. Protect Slopes a. The Permittee must design and construct cut-and-fill slopes in a manner to minimize erosion. Applicable practices include, but are not limited to, reducing continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reducing slope steepness, and roughening slope surfaces (for example, track walking). b. The Permittee must divert off-site stormwater (run-on) or ground water away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, pipes, and/or swales. Off-site storm water should be managed separately from stormwater generated on the site. c. At the top of slopes, collect drainage in pipe slope drains or protected channels to prevent erosion. i. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the peak IO-minute velocity of flow from a Type lA, 10-year, 24- hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10- year, I-hour flow rate predicted by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area." Construction Stormwater General Permit -December I, 2010 Page 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the expected peak flow velocity from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. d. Place excavated material on the uphill side of trenches, consistent with safety and space considerations. e. Place check dams at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope. 7. Protect Drain Inlets a. Protect all storm drain inlets made operable during construction so that storm water runoff does not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. b. Clean or remove and replace inlet protection devices when sediment has filled one-third of the available storage (unless a different standard is specified by the product manufacturer). 8. Stabilize Channels and Outlets a. Design, construct and stabilize all on-site conveyance channels to prevent erosion from the following expected peak flows: I. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the peak 10- minute velocity of flow from a Type I A, I O-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the lO-year, I-hour flow rate indicated by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the WWHM to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area." II. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the expected peak flow velocity from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. b. Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches at the outlets of all conveyance systems. 9. Control Pollutants Design, install, implement and maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants. The Permittee must: Construction Stormwater General Permil-December 1, 2010 Page 31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. Handle and dispose of all pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris that occur on site in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. b. Provide cover, containment, and protection from vandalism for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other materials that have the potential to pose a threat to human health or the environment. On-site fueling tanks must include secondary containment. Secondary containment means placing tanks or containers within an impervious structure capable of containing 110% of the volume contained in the largest tank within the containment structure. Double- walled tanks do not require additional secondary containment. c. Conduct maintenance, fueling, and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles using spill prevention and control measures. Clean contaminated surfaces immediately following any spill incident. d. Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed-loop recirculation or upland land application, or to the sanitary sewer with local sewer district approval. e. Apply fertilizers and pesticides in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Follow manufacturers' label requirements for application rates and procedures. f. Use BMPs to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff by pH-modifying sources. The sources for this contamination include, but are not limited to: bulk cement, cement kiln dust, fly ash, new concrete washing and curing waters, waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing, exposed aggregate processes, dewatering concrete vaults, concrete pumping and mixer washout waters. (Also refer to the definition for "concrete wastewater" in Appendix A-- Definitions.) g. Adjust the pH of stonnwater if necessary to prevent violations of water quality standards. h. Assure that washout of concrete trucks is performed offsite or in designated concrete washout areas only. Do not wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. I. Obtain written approval from Ecology before using chemical treatment other than CO 2 or dry ice to adjust pH. 10. Control Dewatering a. Permittees must discharge foundation, vault, and trench dewatering water, which have characteristics similar to storm water runoff at the site, into a Construction Stormwaler General Permil-December 1, 2010 Page 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------, controlled conveyance system before discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. b. Permittees may discharge clean, non-turbid dewatering water, such as well- point ground water, to systems tributary to, or directly into surface waters of the State, as specified in Special Condition S9.D.8, provided the dewatering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of receiving waters. Do not route clean dewatering water through stormwater sediment ponds. Note that "surface waters of the State" may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site. c. Other treatment or disposal options may include: I. Infiltration. II. Transport off site in a vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute state waters. III. Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies. IV. Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval, if there is no other option. v. Use of a sedimentation bag with discharge to a ditch or swale for small volumes of localized dewatering. d. Permittees must handle highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water separately from stormwater. I I. Maintain BMPs a. Permittees must maintain and repair all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function in accordance with BMP specifications. b. Permittees must remove all temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs within 30 days after achieving final site stabilization or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. 12. Manage the Project a. Phase development projects to the maximum degree practicable and take into account seasonal work limitations. b. Inspection and monitoring --Inspect, maintain and repair all BMPs as needed to assure continued performance oftheir intended function. Conduct site inspections and monitoring in accordance with Special Condition S4. c. Maintaining an updated construction SWPPP --Maintain, update, and implement the SWPPP in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4 and S9. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1,2010 Page 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------- SIO. E. S WPPP -Map Contents and Requirements The Permittee's SWPPP must also include a vicinity map or general location map (for example, a USGS quadrangle map, a portion of a county or city map, or other appropriate map) with enough detail to identify the location of the construction site and receiving waters within one mile of the site. The SWPPP must also include a legible site map (or maps) showing the entire construction site. The following features must be identified, unless not applicable due to site conditions: I. The direction of north, property lines, and existing structures and roads. 2. Cut and fill slopes indicating the top and bottom of slope catch lines. 3. Approximate slopes, contours, and direction of stormwater flow before and after major grading activities. 4. Areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed. 5. Locations of structural and nonstructural controls (BMPs) identified in the SWPPP. 6. Locations of off-site material, stockpiles, waste storage, borrow areas, and vehicle/equipment storage areas. 7. Locations of all surface water bodies, including wetlands. 8. Locations where stormwater or non-stormwater discharges off-site and/or to a surface water body, including wetlands. 9. Location of water quality sampling station(s), if sampling is required by state or local permitting authority. 10. Areas where final stabilization has been accomplished and no further construction- phase permit requirements apply. NOTICE OF TERMINATION A. The site is eligible for termination of coverage when it has met any of the following conditions: 1. The site has undergone final stabilization, the Permittee has removed all temporary BMPs (except biodegradable BMPs clearly manufactured with the intention for the material to be left in place and not interfere with maintenance or land use), and all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity have been eliminated; or 2. All portions of the site that have not undergone final stabilization per Special Condition S 1 O.A.l have been sold and/or transferred (per General Condition G9), and the Permittee no longer has operational control of the construction activity; or Construction Siormwaler General Permil-December 1, 2010 Page 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. For residential construction only, the Permittee has completed temporary stabilization and the homeowners have taken possession of the residences. B. When the site is eligible for termination, the Permittee must submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) form, signed in accordance with General Condition G2, to: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program -Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 The termination is effective on the date Ecology receives the NOT form, unless Ecology notifies the Permittee within 30 days that termination request is denied because the Permittee has not met the eligibility requirements in Special Condition SIO.A. Permittees transferring the property to a new property owner or operator/permittee are required to complete and submit the Notice of Transfer form to Ecology, but are not required to submit a Notice of Termination form for this type of transaction. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL CONDITIONS Gl. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS All discharges and activities authorized by this general permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of this general permit. Any discharge of any pollutant more frequent than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by the general permit must constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit. G2. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS A. All permit applications must bear a certification of correctness to be signed: 1. In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer of at least the level of vice president of a corporation; 2. In the case of a partnership, by a general partner of a partnership; 3. In the case of sole proprietorship, by the proprietor; or 4. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. B. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by Ecology must be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: 1. The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and submitted to the Ecology. 2. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant manager, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters. C. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under paragraph G2.B.2 above is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph G2.B.2 above must be submitted to Ecology prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative. D. Certification. Any person signing a document under this section must make the following certification: "1 certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I infonnation, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infonnation, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." G3. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY The Permittee must allow an authorized representative of Ecology, upon the presentation of credentials and such other documents as may be required by law: A. To enter upon the premises where a discharge is located or where any records are kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. B. To have access to and copy -at reasonable times and at reasonable cost --any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. C. To inspect --at reasonable times -any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, methods, or operations regulated or required under this permit. D. To sample or monitor -at reasonable times -any substances or parameters at any location for purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act. G4. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 173-226 WAC. Grounds for modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination include, but are not limited to, the following: A. When a change occurs in the technology or practices for control or abatement of pollutants applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit. B. When effluent limitation guidelines or standards are promulgated pursuant to the CW A or Chapter 90.48 RCW, for the category of dischargers covered under this permit. C. When a water quality management plan containing requirements applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit is approved, or D. When information is obtained that indicates cumulative effects on the environment from dischargers covered under this permit are unacceptable. GS. REVOCATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT Pursuant to Chapter 43.21 B RCW and Chapter 173-226 WAC, the Director may terminate coverage for any discharger under this permit for cause. Cases where coverage may be terminated include, but are not limited to, the following: Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. Violation of any term or condition of this permit. B. Obtaining coverage under this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts. C. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge. D. Failure or refusal of the Permittee to allow entry as required in RCW 90.48.090. E, A determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the environment, or contributes to water quality standards violations. F. Nonpayment of permit fees or penalties assessed pursuant to RCW 90.48.465 and Chapter 173-224 WAC. G. Failure of the Permittee to satisfy the public notice requirements of WAC 173-226- 130(5), when applicable. The Director may require any discharger under this permit to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Permittees who have their coverage revoked for cause according to WAC 173-226-240 may request temporary coverage under this permit during the time an individual permit is being developed, provided the request is made within ninety (90) days from the time of revocation and is submitted along with a complete individual permit application form. G6. REPORTING A CAUSE FOR MODIFICATION The Permittee must submit a new application, or a supplement to the previous application, whenever a material change to the construction activity or in the quantity or type of discharge is anticipated which is not specifically authorized by this permit. This application must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to any proposed changes. Filing a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not relieve the Permittee of the duty to comply with the existing permit until it is modified or reissued. G7. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES Nothing in this permit will be construed as excusing the Permittee from compliance with any applicable federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations. G8, DUTY TO REAPPLY The Permittee must apply for permit renewal at least 180 days prior to the specified expiration date of this permit. Construction Stormwater General Permil-December I, 2010 Page 38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G9. TRANSFER OF GENERAL PERMIT COVERAGE Coverage under this general pennit is automatically transferred to a new discharger, including operators of lots/parcels within a common plan of development or sale, if: A. A written agreement (Transfer of Coverage Form) between the current discharger (Permittee) and new discharger, signed by both parties and containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability is submitted to the Director; and B. The Director does not notify the current discharger and new discharger of the Director's intent to revoke coverage under the general permit. If this notice is not given, the transfer is effective on the date specified in the written agreement. When a current discharger (Permittee) transfers a portion of a permitted site, the current discharger must also submit an updated application form (NOI) to the Director indicating the remaining permitted acreage after the transfer. GIO. REMOVED SUBSTANCES The Permittee must not re-suspend or reintroduce collected screenings, grit, solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of stormwater to the final effluent stream for discharge to state waters. GIL DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION The Permittee must submit to Ecology, within a reasonable time, all information that Ecology may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The Permittee must also submit to Ecology, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit [40 CFR 122.41 (h)]. G12. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR All other requirements of 40 CFR 122.41 and 122.42 are incorporated in this permit by reference. G13. ADDITIONAL MONITORING Ecology may establish specific monitoring requirements in addition to those contained in this permit by administrative order or permit modification. Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GI4. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS Any person who is found guilty of willfully violating the terms and conditions of this permit shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Each day upon which a willful violation occurs may be deemed a separate and additional violation. Any person who violates the terms and conditions of a waste discharge permit shall incur, in addition to any other penalty as provided by law, a civil penalty in the amount of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for every such violation. Each and every such violation shall be a separate and distinct offense, and in case of a continuing violation, every day's continuance shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct violation. GIS. UPSET Definition -"Upset" means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of the following paragraph are met. A Permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset must demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that: I) an upset occurred and that the Permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset; 2) the permitted facility was being properly operated at the time of the upset; 3) the Permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Special Condition SS.F, and; 4) the Permittee complied with any remedial measures required under this permit. In any enforcement proceeding, the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. GI6. PROPERTY RIGHTS This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege. GI7. DUTY TO COMPLY The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit renewal application. Cons/ruction S/ormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GI8. TOXIC POLLUTANTS The Permittee must comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish those standards or prohibitions, even if this permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. GI9. PENALTIES FOR TAMPERING The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person under this condition, punishment shall be a fine of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment of not more than four (4) years, or both. G20. REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES The Permittee must, as soon as possible, give notice to Ecology of planned physical alterations, modifications or additions to the permitted construction activity. The Permittee should be aware that, depending on the nature and size of the changes to the original permit, a new public notice and other permit process requirements may be required. Changes in activities that require reporting to Ecology include those that will result in: A. The permitted facility being determined to be a new source pursuant to 40 CFR I 22.29(b). B. A significant change in the nature or an increase in quantity of pollutants discharged, including but not limited to: for sites 5 acres or larger, a 20% or greater increase in acreage disturbed by construction activity. C. A change in or addition of surface water(s) receiving stormwater or non-stormwater from the construction activity. D. A change in the construction plans and/or activity that affects the Permittee's monitoring requirements in Special Condition S4. Following such notice, permit coverage may be modified, or revoked and reissued pursuant to 40 CFR I 22.62(a) to specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited. Until such modification is effective, any new or increased discharge in excess of permit limits or not specifically authorized by this permit constitutes a violation. Construction Siormwaler General Permil-December I, 2010 Page 41 I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I G21. REPORTING OTHER INFORMATION Where the Permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to Ecology, it must promptly submit such facts or information. G22. REPORTING ANTICIPATED NON-COMPLIANCE The Permittee must give advance notice to Ecology by submission of a new application or supplement thereto at least forty-five (45) days prior to commencement of such discharges, of any facility expansions, production increases, or other planned changes, such as process modifications, in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit limits or conditions. Any maintenance of facilities, which might necessitate unavoidable interruption of operation and degradation of effluent quality, must be scheduled during non-critical water quality periods and carried out in a manner approved by Ecology. G23. REQUESTS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT Any discharger authorized by this permit may request to be excluded from coverage under the general permit by applying for an individual permit. The discharger must submit to the Director an application as described in WAC 173-220-040 or WAC 173-216-070, whichever is applicable, with reasons supporting the request. These reasons will fully document how an individual permit will apply to the applicant in a way that the general permit cannot. Ecology may make specific requests for information to support the request. The Director will either issue an individual permit or deny the request with a statement explaining the reason for the denial. When an individual permit is issued to a discharger otherwise subject to the construction stormwater general permit, the applicability of the construction stormwater general permit to that Permittee is automatically terminated on the effective date of the individual permit. G24. APPEALS A. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to the appropriate class of dischargers, are subject to appeal by any person within 30 days of issuance of this general permit, in accordance with Chapter 43.21 B RCW, and Chapter 173-226 WAC. B. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to an individual discharger, are appealable in accordance with Chapter 43.21 B RCW within 30 days of the effective date of coverage ofthat discharger. Consideration of an appeal of general permit coverage of an individual discharger is limited to the general permit's applicability or nonapplicability to that individual discharger. C. The appeal of general permit coverage of an individual discharger does not affect any other dischargers covered under this general permit. If the terms and conditions of this general permit are found to be inapplicable to any individual discharger(s), the matter Cons/ruction S/ormwa/er General Permil-December 1,2010 Page 42 ~------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G25. shall be remanded to Ecology for consideration of issuance of an individual permit or permits. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this permit are severable, and ifany provision of this permit, or application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby. G26. BYPASS PROHIBITED A. Bypass Procedures Bypass, which is the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility, is prohibited for stormwater events below the design criteria for stormwater management. Ecology may take enforcement action against a Permittee for bypass unless one of the following circumstances (1,2,3 or 4) is applicable. I. Bypass of stormwater is consistent with the design criteria and part of an approved management practice in the applicable stormwater management manual. 2. Bypass for essential maintenance without the potential to cause violation of permit limits or conditions. Bypass is authorized if it is for essential maintenance and does not have the potential to cause violations of limitations or other conditions of this permit, or adversely impact public health. 3. Bypass of stormwater is unavoidable, unanticipated, and results in noncompliance of this permit. This bypass is permitted only if: a. Bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage. "Severe property damage" means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. b. There are no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime (but not if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance), or transport of untreated wastes to another treatment facility. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December J, 20 J 0 Page 43 ------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Ecology is properly notified of the bypass as required in Special Condition S5.F of this permit. 4. A planned action that would cause bypass of stormwater and has the potential to result in noncompliance of this permit during a storm event. The Permittee must notify Ecology at least thirty (30) days before the planned date of bypass. The notice must contain: a. a description ofthe bypass and its cause b. an analysis of all known alternatives which would eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the need for bypassing. c. a cost-effectiveness analysis of alternatives including comparative resource damage assessment. d. the minimum and maximum duration of bypass under each alternative. e. a recommendation as to the preferred alternative for conducting the bypass. f. the projected date of bypass initiation. g. a statement of compliance with SEPA. h. a request for modification of water quality standards as provided for in WAC 173-20IA-110, if an exceedance of any water quality standard is anticipated. I. steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the bypass. 5. For probable construction bypasses, the need to bypass is to be identified as early in the planning process as possible. The analysis required above must be considered during preparation of the Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and must be included to the extent practical. In cases where the probable need to bypass is determined early, continued analysis is necessary up to and including the construction period in an effort to minimize or eliminate the bypass. Ecology will consider the following before issuing an administrative order for this type bypass: a. If the bypass is necessary to perform construction or maintenance-related activities essential to meet the requirements of this permit. b. (fthere are feasible alternatives to bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, stopping production, maintenance during normal periods of equipment down time, or transport of untreated wastes to another treatment facility. c. If the bypass is planned and scheduled to minimize adverse effects on the public and the environment. Construction Stormwater General Permit -December I. 2010 Page 44 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I After consideration of the above and the adverse effects of the proposed bypass and any other relevant factors, Ecology will approve, conditionally approve, or deny the request. The public must be notified and given an opportunity to comment on bypass incidents of significant duration, to the extent feasible. Approval of a request to bypass will be by administrative order issued by Ecology under RCW 90.48.120. B. Duty to Mitigate The Permittee is required to take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or sludge use or disposal in violation of this permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. Construction Storm water General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 45 ----------------------------------------------,------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A -DEFINITIONS AKART is an acronym for "all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment." AKART represents the most current methodology that can be reasonably required for preventing, controlling, or abating the pollutants and controlling pollution associated with a discharge. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus, which was completed and approved by EPA before January 1,2011, or before the date the operator's complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. Applicant means an operator seeking coverage under this permit. Best Management Practices (BMPs) means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other physical, structural and/or managerial practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the State. BMPs include treatment systems, operating procedures, and practices to control: stormwater associated with construction activity, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. Buffer means an area designated by a local jurisdiction that is contiguous to and intended to protect a sensitive area. Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion ofa treatment facility. Calendar Day A period of 24 consecutive hours starting at 12:00 midnight and ending the following 12:00 midnight. Calendar Week (same as Week) means a period of seven consecutive days starting at 12:01 a.m. (0:0 I hours) on Sunday. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) meanS a person who has current certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by Ecology (see BMP CI60 in the SWMM). Clean Water Act (CWA) means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act enacted by Public Law 92-500, as amended by Public Laws 95-217,95-576,96-483, and 97-117; USC 1251 et seq. Combined Sewer means a sewer which has been designed to serve as a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer, and into which inflow is allowed by local ordinance. Common Plan of Development or Sale means a site where multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules and/or by different contractors, but still under a single plan. Examples include: I) phased projects and projects with multiple filings or lots, even if the separate phases or filings/lots will be constructed under separate contract or by separate owners (e.g., a development where lots are sold to separate builders); 2) a development plan that may be phased over multiple years, but is still under a Construction Storm water General Permit -December I, 2010 Page 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I consistent plan for long-term development; 3) projects in a contiguous area that may be unrelated but still under the same contract, such as construction of a building extension and a new parking lot at the same facility; and 4) linear projects such as roads, pipelines, or utilities. If the project is part of a common plan of development or sale, the disturbed area of the entire plan must be used in determining permit requirements. Composite Sample means a mixture of grab samples collected at the same sampling point at different times, formed either by continuous sampling or by mixing discrete samples. May be "time-composite" (collected at constant time intervals) or "flow-proportional" (collected either as a constant sample volume at time intervals proportional to stream flow, or collected by increasing the volume of each aliquot as the flow increases while maintaining a constant time interval between the aliquots. Concrete wastewater means any water used in the production, pouring and/or clean-up of concrete or concrete products, and any water used to cut, grind, wash, or otherwise modify concrete or concrete products. Examples include water used for or resulting from concrete truck/mixer/pumper/tool/chute rinsing or washing, concrete saw cutting and surfacing (sawing, coring, grinding, roughening, hydro-demolition, bridge and road surfacing). When stormwater comingles with concrete wastewater, the resulting water is considered concrete wastewater and must be managed to prevent discharge to waters of the state, including ground water. Construction Activity means land disturbing operations including clearing, grading or excavation which disturbs the surface of the land. Such activities may include road construction, construction of residential houses, office buildings, or industrial buildings, and demolition activity. Contaminant means any hazardous substance that does not occur naturally or occurs at greater than natural background levels. See definition of "hazardous substance" and WAC 173-340-200. Demonstrably Equivalent means that the technical basis for the selection of all storm water BMPs is documented within a SWPPP, including: I. The method and reasons for choosing the storm water BMPs selected. 2. The pollutant removal performance expected from the BMPs selected. 3. The technical basis supporting the performance claims for the BMPs selected, including any available data concerning field performance of the BMPs selected. 4. An assessment of how the selected BMPs will comply with state water quality standards. 5. An assessment of how the selected BMPs will satisfy both applicable federal technology- based treatment requirements and state requirements to use all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (A KART). Department means the Washington State Department of Ecology. Detention means the temporary storage of stormwater to improve quality andlor to reduce the mass flow rate of discharge. Construction Storm water General Permit -December 1,2010 Page 47 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dewatering means the act of pumping ground water or stormwater away from an active construction site. Director means the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology or hisfher authorized representative. Discharger means an owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to regulation under Chapter 90.48 RCW or the Federal Clean Water Act. Domestic Wastewater means water carrying human wastes, including kitchen, bath, and laundry wastes from residences, buildings, industrial establishments, or other places, together with such ground water infiltration or surface waters as may be present. Ecology means the Washington State Department of Ecology. Engineered Soils means the use of soil amendments including, but not limited, to Portland cement treated base (CTB), cement kiln dust (CKD), or fly ash to achieve certain desirable soil characteristics. Equivalent BMPs means operational, source control, treatment, or innovative BMPs which result in equal or better quality of stormwater discharge to surface water or to ground water than BMPs selected from the SWMM. Erosion means the wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice, or other geological agents, including such processes as gravitational creep. Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs means BMPs intended to prevent erosion and sedimentation, such as preserving natural vegetation, seeding, mulching and matting, plastic covering, filter fences, sediment traps, and ponds. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are synonymous with stabilization and structural BMPs. Final Stabilization (same as fully stabilized or full stabilization) means the establishment of a permanent vegetative cover, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as riprap, gabions or geotextiles) which prevents erosion. Ground Water means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the land surface or a surface water body. Hazardous Substance means any dangerous or extremely hazardous waste as defined in RCW 70.105.010 (5) and (6), or any dangerous or extremely dangerous waste as designated by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any hazardous sub-stance as defined in RCW 70.1 05.01 0(14) or any hazardous substance as defined by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any substance that, on the effective date of this section, is a hazardous substance under section 101(14) of the federal cleanup law, 42 U.S.C., Sec. 9601(14); petroleum or petroleum products; and any substance or category of substances, including solid waste decomposition products, determined by the director Construction Siormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I by rule to present a threat to human health or the environment if released into the environment. The term hazardous substance does not include any of the following when contained in an underground storage tank from which there is not a release: crude oil or any fraction thereof or petroleum, if the tank is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local law. Injection Well means a well that is used for the subsurface emplacement of fluids. (See Well.) Jurisdiction means a political unit such as a city, town or county; incorporated for local self- government. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act, for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the State from point sources. These permits are referred to as NPDES permits and, in Washington State, are administered by the Washington Department of Ecology. Notice of Intent (NOI) means the application for, or a request for coverage under this general permit pursuant to WAC 173-226-200. Notice of Termination (NOT) means a request for termination of coverage under this general permit as specified by Special Condition S I 0 of this permit. Operator means any party associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: • The party has operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications; or • The party has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a S WPPP for the site or other permit conditions (e.g., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the SWPPP or comply with other permit conditions). Permittee means individual or entity that receives notice of coverage under this general permit. Jill means a liquid's measure of acidity or alkalinity. A pH of7 is defined as neutral. Large variations above or below this value are considered harmful to most aquatic life. pH monitoring period means the time period in which the pH of stormwater runoff from a site must be tested a minimum of once every seven days to determine if stormwater pH is between 6.5 and 8.5. Point source means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, and container from which pollutants are or may be discharged to surface waters of the State. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture. (See Fact Sheet for further explanation.) Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1, 2010 Page 49 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pollutant means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, domestic sewage sludge (biosolids), munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste. This term does not include sewage from vessels within the meaning of section 312 of the CW A, nor does it include dredged or fill material discharged in accordance with a permit issued under section 404 of the CW A. Pollution means contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties of waters of the State; including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, or odor of the waters; or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into any waters ofthe State as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare; or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses; or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life. Process wastewater means any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product (40 CFR 122.1). Receiving water means the water body at the point of discharge. If the discharge is to a storm sewer system, either surface or subsurface, the receiving water is the water body to which the storm system discharges. Systems designed primarily for other purposes such as for ground water drainage, redirecting stream natural flows, or for conveyance of irrigation water/return flows that coincidentally convey stormwater are considered the receiving water. Representative means a stormwater or wastewater sample which represents the flow and characteristics of the discharge. Representative samples may be a grab sample, a time- proportionate composite sample, or a flow proportionate sample. Ecology's Construction Stormwater Monitoring Manual provides guidance on representative sampling. Sanitary sewer means a sewer which is designed to convey domestic wastewater. Sediment means the fragmented material that originates from the weathering and erosion of rocks or unconsolidated deposits, and is transported by, suspended in, or deposited by water. Sedimentation means the depositing or formation of sediment. Sensitive area means a water body, wetland, stream, aquifer recharge area, or channel migration zone. SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) means the Washington State Law, RCW 43.2IC.020, intended to prevent or eliminate damage to the environment. Significant Amount means an amount of a pollutant in a discharge that is amenable to available and reasonable methods of prevention or treatment; or an amount of a pollutant that has a Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1,2010 Page 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I reasonable potential to cause a violation of surface or ground water quality or sediment management standards. Significant concrete work means greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete over the life of a project. Significant Contributor of Pollutants means a facility determined by Ecology to be a contributor of a significant amount(s) of a pollutant(s) to waters of the State of Washington. Site means the land or water area where any "facility or activity" is physically located or conducted. Source control BMPs means physical, structural or mechanical devices or facilities that are intended to prevent pollutants from entering storm water. A few examples of source control BMPs are erosion control practices, maintenance of stormwater facilities, constructing roofs over storage and working areas, and directing wash water and similar discharges to the sanitary sewer or a dead end sump. Stabilization means the application of appropriate BMPs to prevent the erosion of soils, such as, temporary and permanent seeding, vegetative covers, mulching and matting, plastic covering and sodding. See also the definition of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs. Storm drain means any drain which drains directly into a storm sewer system, usually found along roadways or in parking lots. Storm sewer system means a means a conveyance, or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater. This does not include systems which are part of a combined sewer or Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. Stormwater means that portion of precipitation that does not naturally percolate into the ground or evaporate, but flows via overland flow, interflow, pipes, and other features of a storm water drainage system into a defined surface water body, or a constructed infiltration facility. Storm water Management Manual (SWMM) or Manual means the technical Manual published by Ecology for use by local governments that contain descriptions of and design criteria for BMPs to prevent, control, or treat pollutants in stormwater. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) means a documented plan to implement measures to identify, prevent, and control the contamination of point source discharges of storm water. Surface Waters of the State includes lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, salt waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington. Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Temporary Stabilization means the exposed ground surface has been covered with appropriate materials to provide temporary stabilization of the surface from water or wind erosion. Materials include, but are not limited to, mulch, riprap, erosion control mats or blankets and temporary cover crops. Seeding alone is not considered stabilization. Temporary stabilization is not a substitute for the more permanent "final stabilization." Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) means a calculation of the maximum amount ofa pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet state water quality standards. Percentages of the total maximum daily load are allocated to the various pollutant sources. A TMDL is the sum of the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing point and nonpoint sources. The TMDL calculations must include a "margin of safety" to ensure that the water body can be protected in case there are unforeseen events or unknown sources of the pollutant. The calculation must also account for seasonable variation in water quality. Treatment BMPs means BMPs that are intended to remove pollutants from storm water. A few examples of treatment BMPs are detention ponds, oil/water separators, biofiltration, and constructed wetlands. Transparency means a measurement of water clarity in centimeters (em), using a 60 cm transparency tube. The transparency tube is used to estimate the relative clarity or transparency of water by noting the depth at which a black and white Secchi disc becomes visible when water is released from a value in the bottom of the tube. A transparency tube is sometimes referred to as a "turbid ity tube." Turbidity means the clarity of water expressed as nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and measured with a calibrated turbidimeter. Uncontaminated means free from any contaminant, as defined in MTCA cleanup regulations. See definition of "contaminant" and WAC 173-340-200. Waste Load Allocation (WLA) means the portion of a receiving water's loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs constitute a type of water quality based effluent limitation (40 CFR 130.2[h D. Water quality means the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water, usually with respect to its suitability for a particular purpose. Waters of the State includes those waters as defined as "waters of the United States" in 40 CFR Subpart 122.2 within the geographic boundaries of Washington State and "waters of the State" as defined in Chapter 90.48 RCW, which include lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, underground waters, salt waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington. Well means a bored, drilled or driven shaft, or dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension. (See Injection well.) Construction Stormwater General Permit-December 1,2010 Page 52 ~--------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wheel wash wastewater means any water used in, or resulting from the operation of, a tire bath or wheel wash (BMP C I 06: Wheel Wash), or other structure or practice that uses water to physically remove mud and debris from vehicles leaving a construction site and prevent track- out onto roads. When stormwater comingles with wheel wash wastewater, the resulting water is considered wheel wash wastewater and must be managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9. Cons/rue/ion S/ormwa/er General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 53 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AKART BMP CESCL CFR CKD cm CTB CWA DMR EPA ESC FR NOI NOT NPDES NTU RCW SEPA SWMM SWPPP TMDL UIC USC USEPA WAC WQ WWHM APPENDIX B -ACRONYMS All Known, Available, and Reasonable Methods of Prevention, Control, and Treatment Best Management Practice Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Code of Federal Regulations Cement Kiln Dust Centimeters Cement-Treated Base Clean Water Act Discharge Monitoring Report Environmental Protection Agency Erosion and Sediment Control Federal Register Notice ofIntent Notice of Termination National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Nephelometric Turbidity Unit Revised Code of Washington State Environmental Policy Act Storm water Management Manual Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Total Maximum Daily Load Underground Injection Control United States Code United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington Administrative Code Water Quality Western Washington Hydrology Model Construction Stormwater General Permit -December 1, 2010 Page 54 , " T' " _-'r " "; :-::1' -; ~----------------------------------------... - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. Contaminated Site Information Administrative Order Sanitary Discharge Permit Soil Management Plan Soil and Groundwater Reports Maps and Figures Depicting Contamination I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KCRTS INPUT KeRTS Program ... File Directory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_OATA\ [C1 CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0,000000 0.000000 0.000000 Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass OUtwash Forest Outwash Pasture OUtwash Grass Wetland 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,000000 Impervious CSouthlhR.tsf T 1. 00000 T [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies csouthlhR.tsf CSouthlHR.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. 68 0.00 CNorthlHR.tsf T 1.00000 T 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [TJ Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [PJ Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies cNorth1HR.tsf CNorthlHR.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu SOUTH BASIN (1 HOUR) Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:csouth.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest OUtwash Pasture OUtwash Grass Wetland Impervious ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1. 35 6 8/27/01 18,00 3.35 1 100.00 0.990 0.944 8 9/17/02 17:45 2.56 2 25.00 0.960 2.56 2 12/08/02 17:15 1. 84 3 10.00 0.900 1. 09 7 8/23/04 14:30 1. 51 4 5.00 0.800 1. 43 5 10/28/04 16:00 1. 43 5 3.00 0.667 1. 51 4 10/27/05 10:45 1. 35 6 2.00 0.500 1. 84 3 10/25/06 22:45 1. 09 7 1. 30 0.231 3.35 1 1/09/08 6:30 0.944 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 3.08 50.00 0.980 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH BASIN /1 HOURI Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:cnorthlhr.tsf project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.407 7 2/09/01 2:00 0.359 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.497 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.419 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.497 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.436 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.610 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.794 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.794 1 100.00 0.990 0.610 2 25.00 0.960 0.497 3 10.00 0.900 0.497 4 5.00 0.800 0.436 5 3.00 0.667 0.419 6 2.00 0.500 0.407 7 1. 30 0.231 0.359 8 1.10 0.091 0.732 50.00 0.980.00 0.980