HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1Santiago Penaloza 15766 119th Place SE Renton, WA 98058 tel: (425) 830-9998 (party of record) Updated: 06/13/12 . .-I PARTIES OF RECORD Edwards Additional Animals Per LUA12-038, E.C. Woods 15763 118th Place SE Renton, WA 98058 tel: (425) 226-3794 (party of record) (Page 1 of 1) Di!nisLaw Mayor 'May 3, 2013 , Cha~les Edwards 15759119th PI~ce SE Renton, WA 98058:, , Department of Community and'Economic Deveiopm,ent , c.E:chip"Vincent,Administrator ,', SUBJECT: 'ADDITIONAL ANIMALS PERMIT: lUA12-038 AAP-DENIED' .' . .' : . . Dear Mr: Edward~; , - ", we:apologize for th~delay in responding to your ApRea I of your Request forHeconsider~tion: The Request for Reconsid~ration was based, on yoiJr attempts'to make your site more ',' c'onformihgto City re~Uiremerits. The'denia( of theReconsideratio~' was based on nOf hilving 'sufficient pet licenses as required from the City Finarlc~pepartmeni:for each cat, or dog. Your,', Appeal cif the Reconsideration 'was based on your steps in purchasing licenses for the cats and, dogswhich allowed our Animai'Control inspectortoreview,your applica~'ion a second time. While we acknowledge that you have moved ,toward, resolving concerns, discussed iii the. decision that,denied'your Additional Animals Permit originally, otheris5ues.remain. The, denial is'based on having too many animals on site, beyond what is all~wed by Renton Muni~ipal code,' Ther'eare currently 20animals',onlocation exceeding theallowable,amount of 9 with a permit, , Animal Control has stated thata permit could be, approved iftheanimals ori-site were reduced' . -. .. ,-' " ~ , ,totheallowableamount per city ordinance., I; yo~ have questions contact Associa~e Plan\lerKris Sorensen at425~430~6S93. 'Sincerely, ' " :~s:,,~~ &'~'~;~'ChiP" Vincent,Administrator/Planning Director ',5/'6/13', , Date' Appeals of thisdedsion' mtistbe filed with the City of Renton Heariri~ Examiner by S:OO p.m. on May 17, 2013" Appeals must be filed in writing,together with the' required,', fee to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Henton, 1055 South Grady Way, , Renton, WA98057: City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4;S:lio governs appeafsto , the Hearing Examiner; . Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's' Office, ,(425), 430-6510,' Renton City Hall • , OSS:South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057,. ,entonwa,gov , , . Purpose: Animal Control Additional Animals Permit Report of Inspection To ensure the keeping of auimals occurs in a humane and appropriate manner that benefits the animals and allows animals to coexist harmoniously with adjacent and abutting uses by: I. Location: 157 I 19th place SE 2. Type of animal 9 Chickens, 7 Doves, I Pigeon, 1 dog and 2 cats. 3. Quantity of animal to kept at location 20 4. Type of shelter Coop and house 5. Animals for foster care Yes X No 6. Occasional Breeder Yes X No 7. Adequate ventilation X Yes NO 8. Animal food storage location Plastic container with lid. 9. Removal of animal waste. Are there adequate provisions made for the removal of animal waste and food waste so that the area is kept free from infestation of rodents and prevent obnoxious or foul odors. X Yes No Describe means Weekly cleaning with chicken waste used as fertilizer. Dog feces double bagged and disposed. 10. Past history of animal control complaints No recent complaints since initial complaint of animal noise. 11. Comments regarding observations: Area is clean and without animal odor. My information received indicates that the lot size where the animals will be kept is 7650 square feet. City ordinance allows for the keeping of three household pets, three small lot animals and three additional small lot animals based on the lot size with an additional animal permit. There are currently 20 animals on location exceeding the allowable amount of 9 (with permit). .. 12. Photos taken oflocation _____ Yes __ ---'X'-"-__ No New pennit __ -'"X~_ Yes _____ No Renewal pennit ____ Yes __ ;X-"--__ No Approved __ Y es _~X~-'E"'-x""c"'e""ed"'s'"'I"'im"_"_'it'___ __ '___No Date _--'1"'-'/3'-'1"-11"-'3'-_______ Time_--,1.=..33",S""-",ho",,Uf=t..s __ _ TWWilkinson / 4317 Animal Control Officer ( \ ' CITY OF RENTON DJEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: April 25, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. : Cross-References: ,I AKA's: 'I ------------------------------------------------------------" Project Manager: Kris Sorensen :1 June 4, 2012 .! I; Acceptance Date: ,,------------------------------------, Applicant: Charles Edwards II Same as applicant :1 Same as applicant ;i Ii Owner: " Contact: PID Number: 1432600360 , ',I " ERC Decision Date: '~E_R_C_A~p~p_e_a_I_D_a_te_: ______________________________ :1; -:1 :' Administrative Denial: I' Appeal Period Ends: ,i Public Hearing Date: I : Date Appealed to HEX: : By Whom: " HEX Decision: " . I Date Appealed to CounCil: By Whom: July 31,20121 Reconsideration Decision: Denied, November 8,2012 I August 14, 20121 November 22,2012 Date: " Council Decision: Date: !I i Mylar Recording Number: ': I' , :, Location: 15759 119th Place SE L ------------------------------------------------------------I, Comments: :1 \ \ \ " t Denis Law Mayor ---"--.-~~ , , r-Jovember8,20p Department of Community and Economic Development' C.E.:'Chip':Vincent, Administrator Charles Edwards, . 15759 119th Place SE R~nton,vJA98658 " SUBJECT: ADDITIO,NAl ANIMALS PERMIT: LUA12 c038 MP -RECONSIDERATION Dear Mr.,Edwards: . . -, (. . .' 'We apologize forthe delay in responding to your Request for Reconsideration dated August 12, 20'12. Your letter for reconsideration provides, actions taken to correct on-site compliance 'issues to make yoursiteinore co~formi;'g toCity'requirements.'ln addition, the City of Ren1:on Animal Control' inspector attempt~d: to 'inspect the site and also' i~vestigated whether' pet , , licenses are on file at the City'for your dog and cats as required',whenapplying for additional animals. No pet licenses for your address were found. The Customer Information Bulletin i'Requirementsfor Keeping Pets,and Other Animals" states' that 'tor household pets including dogs' and cats, that "A pet license, is required from the City,' Finance Department for'eachcat or dog." . While we acknowledge that you havemcived toward, resolving concerns ,discussed 'in the decision that denied, your Additional Anima'is Permit other issue's remain' including the lack of 'licenses for your animals therefore, the original decision de~yi~g the Edwards' Additional' ' Aniinals Permit is upheld. If you have' cjuestionscontact Associate Planner Kris Sorensen at 425- 430-6593. Sincerely, C.E. ;'Chip" Vincent, AdministratoriPlanning Director . . ~ Date Appeals of this 'decision must be filed with the City of'Re~ton Hearing,Examinerby , " 5:00 p.m. 'on November 22,2012: Appeals'must be filed in writing, together with the' , required fee to the city of Renton Hearing'Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South:Grady Way, Renton; WA 98057. City of Re(ltbn Municipal Code Section, 4-8~110 governs appeals to,the Hearing Ex~miner. Additionai information regarding theappeai process, ' may' be obtained from the Renton City 'Clerk's ' Office, " (425) '430-6510. Renton City Hall • '055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov . '. . August 12, 2012 ADDITIONAL ANIMAL PERMIT -APPEALS LETTER p P.E"'OI< 0 EOiCE 1\/ E Date of Permit Denial : July 31, 2012 f\ " '1.\)\'1. t>,l.Iu \ " Land Use Action File No : Owner/Applicant: LUA12-038, AAP Charles Edwards 15759 119'h Place SE Renton, WA 98058 425-271-6 532 ~\G O\\J\S\ON e\.lILO\"" On July 31, we received the Denial Letter for our additional animal permit. The reasons for it were: • Animal food storage location outside on picnic table outside in open containers. o After the animal control officer came and showed us how to properly store the food, we bought a container and all food is now safely contained away from other critters. The container stays closed when we don't use it to take food out. Please see photo: • Informed homeowners to store food In sealed container: o Did just that. • Ground was littered with dog feces. o We have a dog that uses the back yard as his personal toilet. We clean that said backyard on a regular basis. He's big dog, so if we clean it every 2 days and the animal control officer came right before we cleaned it, it'll show as a lot of dog feces. The backyard is clean all the time as our house is on the market to be sold. • Inspection was intended for 13 animal but 20 animals on location. • • o We asked for the additional permit for the extra 13 pets/doves and chickens. We understood that we have the right to have the other 7 pets per our square footage (2 cats, 1 dog and 1 parrot, and 2 chickens). Please consider APPROVING the additional pet permit as we have NO roosters (to make noise) and as you noticed, no neighbors complained about our pets. We keep our pets well fed, well taken care of and clean; our chicken coop is cleaned regularly and we use a lime that takes away the smell and is safe for the pets as well as for the environment. Also, our house is on the market to be sold and then we plan on moving in Island County. If possible we'd request to have a temporary permit until our house sold so we don't lose any pets. , DEPARTMENT OF COIII.."IUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION ADD~TIONAl ANIMALS PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT DECISION: July 31,2012 LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: LUA12-038, AAP PROJECT NAME: Edwards Additional Animals Permit PROJECT MANAGER: Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner OWNER/APPLICANT: Charles Edwards 15759 119·h Place SE Renton, WA 98058 PROJECT LOCATION: 15759 119·h Place SE DATE OF EXPIRATION: Not Applicable, Permit Denied PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting an Additional Animals Permit to allow 6 chickens and 7 doves on a 7,560 square foot lot within the Residential-8 zoning ,designation. Per City Code, the applicant shall apply for the obtainment of an Additional Animals Permit [RMC 4-9-100] to allow for the extra animals beyond those permitted by the Code [RMC 4-4-010]. The Code permits three household pets per dwelling regardless of lot size, three small lot domestic animals on lots that are at least 6,000 gross square feet, and additional small lot domestic animals such as chickens and pigeons are allowed at a rate of 1 per additional 2,000 gross square feet. For an additional animal permit for small lot domestic animals, a minimum lot size needed to apply is 6,000 gross square feet which the applicant's property meets. The facilities for the animals would be located within the northwestern portion of the property behind the primary residence. DECISION CRITERIA (RMC 4-9-100G): The CEO Administrator/Planning Director shall review requests for Additional Animals Permits for compatibility of the proposal with the surrounding neighborhood. In order to determine that the site and facility will be adequate and to ensure the humane and appropriate care of the animals, the CEO Administrator/Planning Director may require that the property be inspected by an Animal Control Officer. Factors to be considered in determining compatibility and adequacy are: LUA12-D38_EdwardsAAP --.f / v DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION ADDITIONAL ANIMALS PERMIT DENIAL EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT DECISION: LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER! APPLICANT: PROJECT LOCATION: DATE OF EXPIRATION: July 31, 2012 LUA12-038, AAP Edwards Additional Animals Permit Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner Charles Edwards 15759 119th Place SE Renton, WA 98058 15759 119th Place SE Not Applicable, Permit Denied PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting an Additional Animals Permit to allow 6 chickens and 7 doves on a 7,560 square foot lot within the Residential-8 zoning designation. Per City Code, the applicant shall apply for the obtainment of an Additional Animals Permit [RMC 4-9-100] to allow for the extra animals beyond those permitted by the Code [RMC 4-4-010]. The Code permits three household pets per dwelling regardless of lot size, three small lot domestic animals on lots that are at least 6,000 gross square feet, and additional small lot domestic animals such as chickens and pigeons are allowed at a rate of 1 per additional 2,000 gross square feet. For an additional animal permit for small lot domestic animals, a minimum lot size needed to apply is 6,000 gross square feet which the applicant's property meets. The facilities for the animals would be located within the northwestern portion of the property behind the primary residence. DECISION CRITERIA (RMC 4-9-100G): The CEO Administrator/Planning Director shall review requests for Additional Animals Permits for compatibility of the proposal with the surrounding neighborhood. In order to determine that the site and facility will be adequate and to ensure the humane and appropriate care of the animals, the CEO Administrator/Planning Director may require that the property be inspected by an Animal Control Officer. Factors to be considered in determining compatibility and adequacy are: LUA12-038_EdwardsAAP.doc City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Edwards Additional Animals Permit Administrative Additional Animals Permit WA12-038, AAP DATE OF DECISION: July 31,2012 Page 2 of 4 Yes No N/A o [:gj 0 [:gj 0 0 [:gj 0 0 [:gj 0 0 o [:gj 0 [:gj 0 0 o 0 [:gj D D [:gj 1. Will the keeping of additional animals have an adverse effect on abutting or adjacent properties or cause a detriment to the community? (see Decision Criteria Comments for explanation of mitigation measures) 2. Is there a past history of animal control complaints regarding animals kept by the applicant? (see Decision Criteria Comments for more discussion) 3. Do adequate and appropriate facility and rear yard specifications/dimensions exist that ensure the health and safety of the animals? (The facility for medium lot and large lot domestic animals must include a grassy or vegetated area.) 4. Are the animal's size, type, and characteristics of breed compatible with the adequacy of the site and facilities? 5. Is animal waste product managed in a safe, clean, and odor-free manner? 6. Is the request for additional animals compatible with the zoning classification of the premises on which the keeping of additional animals is to occur? (see Decision Criteria Comments for more discussion) 7. a. Keeping of additional large lot animals requirements If the application is for keeping of additional large lot animals, does the applicant provide a copy of an adopted farm management plan based on the King County Conservation District's Farm Conservation and Practice Standards? b. Is there adequate pasturage to support a greater number of animals? o 0 [:gj 8. If the application is for an animal foster care provider, has the applicant kept paperwork for all foster animals which states that the animals are foster animals from a sponsoring organization? (Such paperwork shall be provided upon request to City officials.) GENERAL STANDARDS FOR KEEPING ANIMALS (RMC 4-4-010J): D [:gj 0 D D [:gj LUA12-038_EdwardsAAP.doc 9. Is the shelter location located a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line and in the rear yard? (Note: unless, Planning Division determines that a side yard would be a better location) 10. a. Are dog-runs, open-run areas, and permanent/temporary kennel structures surrounded by a fence of adequate height, located a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line and City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Edwards Additional Animals Permit Administrative Additional Animals Permit WA12-038, AAP DATE OF DECISION: July 31,2012 Page 3 of 4 Yes No N/A o 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 in the rear yard? (Note: unless, Planning Division determines that a side yard would be a better location.) b. Is the subject lot larger than one gross acre in size? If so, then dog-runs, open-run areas, and permanent/temporary kennel structures surrounded by a fence of adequate height, may be located closer than ten (10) feet from any property line and 'if the dog-run, open run areas, and kennel structure is no closer than one hundred (100) feet to any dwelling unit and the location is approved by the Planning Division. 11. Are all animals kept in such a manner so as not to create any objectionable noise, odor, annoyance, or become a public nuisance? 12. Are animal and food wastes are properly removed to keep the kennel free from the infestation of insects, rodents, or diseases, and from obnoxious odoul odors? DECISION CRITERIA COMMENTS: [the bullet number below corresponds to the Decision Criteria number above] The Planning Division requested an inspection by the City of Renton Animal Control team to assist in evaluating this permit application. The report was made June 29, 2012 and is an attachment of this report (Exhibit 1). Upon inspection by the Animal Control staff, the total number of animals at the property was 20 (9 chickens, 7 doves, 1 pigeon, 1 dog and 2 cats). The bullet number below corresponds to the list of Decision Criteria above: #2: One code complaint has been made. It states that there were "chickens in the yard that make noise" (Code Compliance Record SR12-0335). According to the applicant, this complaint made by the real estate agent of the house next door while the house was in the process of being sold. No complaints have been made by neighbors. #3: The shelter for chickens is an enclosed covered coop and enclosed run. #5: Animal waste product from all animals are not managed in a safe, clean, and odor-free manner as the "Ground was littered with dog feces" although "No foul odors noticed during inspection" . #6: The request for additional animals is compatible with the R-8 residential zoning claSSification as the applicant has met the needed criteria of having more than 6,000 square feet which is the minimum lot size needed to apply for an additional animals permit. #9: The shelter is in the rear yard. The shelter is not located a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. The shelter is located the furthest distance from all three abutting houses as almost possible versus having the shelter located in a different location on the applicant's property where it would be nearer to one next door neighbor's home than another. lUA12-038_EdwardsAAP.doc City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Edwards Additional Animals Permit DATE OF DECISION: July 31, 2012 CONCLUSION: Admimsrrative Additional Animals Permit WA12-03B, AAP Page 4 of 4 One complaint has been made by a non-neighbor of the applicant which provided the applicant an opportunity to request this additional animals permit as the applicant currently has more than three small lot domestic animals. The lot size meets the minimum standard of 6,000 gross square feet to request an additional number of small lot domestic animals. Upon inspection by the City Animal Control staff, the staff recommends that the Additional Animals Permit not be approved. Comments made during inspection that lead staff to recommend denial of the permit are listed below and also on the official Report of Inspection: o Animal food storage location outside on picnic table outside in open containers. o Informed home owners to store food in sealed containers. o Ground was littered with dog feces. o Inspection was intended for 13 animals but 20 animals on location. DECISION: The Edwards Additional Animals Permit is denied. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: £J C-E-"Chip" Vincent, Administrator fanning Director Department of Community & Economic Development ...,L./Z O{2-~ APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m_ on July 14, 2012. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton; WA 98057. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days ofthe decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to·the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension ofthe appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. LUA12-038_EdwardsAAP Purpose: Animal Control Additional Animals Permit Report ofInspection /EXHIBIT 1. To ensure the keeping of animals occurs in a humane and appropriate manner that benefits the animals and allows animals to coexist harmoniously with adjacent and abutting uses by: I. Location: 15759 I 19th place SE 2. Type of animal 9 Chickens, 7 Doves, I Pigeon, I dog and 2 cats 3. Quantity of animal to kept at location 20 4. Type of shelter: Coop and house 5. Animals for foster care Yes X No 6. Occasional Breeder Yes X No 7. Adequate ventilation X Yes NO 8. Animal food storage location Outside on picnic table outside in open containers. 9. Removal of animal waste. Are there adequate provisions made for the removal of animal waste and food waste so that the area is kept free from infestation of rodents and prevent obnoxious or foul odors. Yes X No Describe means Coop area is covered with hay. No foul odors noticed during inspection 10. Past history of animal control complaints One noise complaint which resulted in request of additional animal permit. II. Comments regarding observations: Informed home owner to store food in sealed containers. Ground was littered with dog feces. Inspection was intended for 13 animals but 20 animals on location. 12. Photos taken oflocation_-"X"'--__ Yes ______ N.o • New pennit __ .£.X"----_ Yes _____ No Renewal pennit ____ Yes X No Approved ________ Yes X No Date _--'6"'-/2""9"-'.1-'-12"-_____ Time,_---'1.=2240"--"h"'rs'---___ _ TWWilkinson #4317 Animal Control Officer DAn OF NOlle! OF APPLICATION: PAOlfCT~NUMIEA: Edw.rd. Addillonil Ani""" P"",,lt I UlAll~. A» 'ADJECT D!SClUPTlDN' "" dow •• 00111,560 sq.,.;" /QOllotwlthln th'I\I~::~~~~~~1 In Addltlo",' Anima .. Permit to liitow 6 dllc .... m, J tho obtlll'lment o'"n Addltionll Animo', Po,.,.,lt fRMC /;'~~l .~.tIon. Pe, qty C~e,lh.lpplkonl.h.lI.pply ler ,,",mltled by Ih, Cod., 10. low for ~ Ub1I ""lmll' ~nd tho •• Olllff"'t PADiECT lOCATION: PUBLIC APPROVAU, APNCANT/JIIIDlttT CONTACT PJRSON: I'UBLlCH~IN'" 15759ll9'" PtoceSE Admlnlslrorlw Addlllo".' Anlmll' ".rmlt 0..,1 .. Edwlrdl; 15759119'" PIoaSE; ~.nton. WA '" PLEASE fNCLUOE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE fDENTrFI~TfON DAn OF APPUCATlON; M1V9.2012 NOTICE OFCOMPlETEAPPUCATlON, June 4, 2012 ifY<'uwwIO II~'IO r.. .... "". portyo/rea>rd to ocelv I fo'm Ind .. tu,n 10: Cltv af ~.ntan. ClO, ~rmr...r OIvlsl:nU~~~I~:o'mltlan on thl. proposed pro,,",~ compllt. Ihl. • ""ulhGrodyW.y Ronton WA 91051 fileN.m./No.: EdWlrd,AddIIlanaIAnl .... IsPcrrnll/lUAl2-11l8,AAP " • MAlUNG ADDRESS: .... ~====~~== TU{PHDNE NO.: City{SlIte!Zlp: ________ _ CERTIFICATION I, i VI '5 ! fo rtIlAS® hereby certify that -J-copiesof the above document were posted in ~ conspicuOUs places or nearby the described property on Date: G /? /1 '2-Signe~j5 C~"' -< ~c=--= STATE OF WASHIN~ON ) 0 ) SS COUN1Y OF KING ) I certify that J know or have satisfactory evidence that K r f:l S b!C,.,.-.. c e b signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses mentioned in the instrument. Notary (print): __ .!.!H"-" _~A~.,...,.GC.!rc.;:",,::::;!>!h..I<eI:L-_____ _ My a ppoi ntme nt expi res: -___ .L.A.w-IJo-l ""'8""'( ,,,,,s..Jl-__ ~~'f'-t,-,d.:t>J.<Q'-"<,,3l----- CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING. On the 4th day of June, 2012, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter and Notice of Application documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Charles Edwards Owner / Applica nt/Contact 300' Surrounding Property Owners See Attached . COUNTY OF KING mentioned in the instrument. Dated: --'t7f"'d1£mLLL' _4~i ... 2 .. b"-L.' 7<-- Notary Publ c In and for the State of Washington Notary (print): ___ -'-'I~...£.A_'_·..:.-_r;::..·~r CN=b...::~..:.r __________ _ My appointment expires: A " ,-::? lAB <.<s \-. ~ Cf / ;;l~ Project Name: Edwards Additional Animals Permit Project Number: LUA12-038, AAP 143140006006 CHURCH LORI A+PURSLEY MARK 15738 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260023005 AGOSTINACCI ANDREA 15771 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260049505 WOODS EDWARD C 15763 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260024508 MONTANO SANTIAGO PENALOZA 15766119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260050008 TRUJILLO DANIEL+SUSAN 15759 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143140004001 OAK G C 15726 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 143260028004 ANDERSON R J 15766 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143140011006 JENSEN PAULETTE MAE 15729 121ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260073109 BOUCHARD ERROL D & 11856 SE 157TH PL RENTON WA 98055 143260029002 BARRAUGH SANDRA M 15774 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 ALICE 143140010008 ANDERSON CLARA RUTH 15735 121ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260037005 BENNETT DANIEL C 15751 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 143260049000 SPRING REVOCABLE LIVING 15767 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260028509 ODELL ROBERT F+PATSY J 15775 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260024003 MILLER G R 15763 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260026008 DOOLITTLE WALTER E+YVETTE L 15750 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260025505 CARROLL R 15774 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143140013002 NETTLEMAN ALLAN N 15717 121ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 143260026107 PASCUA CARMEN C 15754 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98055 143260050503 WASISCO MARCIA L 15755 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260033509 SCHAFF WILLIAM F+MARGARET 15779 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260038003 BOYLE TERRENCE 15756 118TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 143140001007 STRAUB MARK A 26629 105TH PL SE KENT WA 98030 143260021504 CONNER ROBERT S+AUDREY R 11960 SE 160TH ST RENTON WA 98058 143260048507 WHEELER MARCIA L 15771 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260051006 KNUDSON G M 15751 118TH PL S E RENTON WA 98055 143260029507 HADDOCK SHIRLEY GAY 15778 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260048002 O'DELL ROBERT F & PATSY J 15775 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260037500 SANDERS PAUL F+HELEN S 2680 169TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98004 143260039506 HAYNES RANDY R+SHAILA L 15768 118TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260035504 PENZ BOYD L 11855 4800 E HEBER CITY UT 84032 143260022502 ROEN OFILIA+DANIEL 15775 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260036007 EDWARDS CHARLES D & LIA 15759 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143140003003 FOOTE KENNETH L+RENEE L 15720 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA98058 143260023500 WALTON WILLIAM C+GLORIA D 15765 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260022007 HELLRIEGEL ANGELA M 11968 SE 160TH ST RENTON WA 98058 143260035009 JOSON LAMBERTO M+REMY B 15767 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260021009 TUCKER THOMAS A+CHARLENE K 15780 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260025000 OWENS MARCUS M 15770 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260027501 KEO SEREYVOUTH 15762 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260034507 MARLOW WILL R+DEBORAH L 15771 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98055 143140012004 TRAUTMANN MICHAEL T+PATRICIA J 15723 121ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260038508 BOUSLAUGH TAMMY LEAH 15760 118TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143140016005 WOOD APRIL 12008 SE 157TH PL RENTON WA 98058 143140015007 CALDWELL TODD 12002 SE 157TH PL RENTON WA 98058 143260039001 SCHULTZ HAROLD A 15764 118TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260034002 NESS JOSEPH WAYNE+TAUNI 0 15775 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98055 143260027006 VAN VALEY ROBERT J 15758 118TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143260074503 MODEL BRIAN J 11870 157TH ST RENTON WA 98058 143140002005 FLOTH DAMIAN J 902 198TH AVE E LAKE TAPPS WA 98390 143140005008 HUYNH THACH 15732 120TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 143260074008 TENTOR MELISSA 11862 SE 157TH PL RENTON WA 98058 143260036502 MEJIA MICHELLE 15755 119TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 143140014000 ST LAURENT PAUL+GALINA 12011 SE 157TH PL RENTON WA 98058 POGO • A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the appl!catlon and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 4, 2012 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Edwards Additional Animals Permit / LUA12-038, AAP PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting an Additional Animals Permit to alJow 6 chickens, 7 doves, on a 7,560 square foot lot within the Residential-8 zoning designation. Per City Code, the applicant shall apply for the obtainment of an Additional Animals Permit (RMe 4-9-1001 to allow for the extra animals beyond those outright permitted by the Code. PROJECT LOCATION: 15759 119th Place SE PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Additional Animals Permit APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Charles Edwards; 15759 119th Place SE; Renton, WA PUBLIC HEARING: N/A Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on June 14, 2012. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-6593. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: May 9, 2012 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 4, 2012 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO, Planning Division, lOSS South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name / No.: Edwards Additional Animals Permit / LUA12-038, AAP NAME: ______________________________________________________________ ~ MAILING ADDRESS: ________________________________ CityjStatejZip: ____________________ __ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________ _ , , Denis Law . ,Mayor , j'une 4,2012 , " Charles Edwards lS759,1l9'h Plai::~SE ", Renton, WA 98058 --",. ., Dear Mr. Edwards: , Department of Com';'unity and Economic De~elopment ' " ' C·Y'Chip"Vini:ent, Interim Adminisirator' ~, . SUBJECT: Edwards Additional AnimalsPer~it LUA12-038; AAP' The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that,the subject application is comple~e acco~dirig to thesubmittal reguire~ents and~ therefore, is accepted for review. Thef~lIowlng isa brief summary of what will occur and what~eeds to be completed priorto ' ,approval of your application: A Public Notice will be sent to all property owners within 300 feet of your;properi:y; this public notice will allow the publictci comment on the proposed , Additional AnimalsPermit. There is 'a 14-day period allowed for comm~nts to be subrriitte'd to , . . .,'.. . ' the Planning Division. ' . .' .'. City ~fRenton Ahimal Control will need to inspect the property to ensure the li~ing conditions of the animals comply with currehtcodes. Animal t;6ntrolwill contact you within the next' ' , fourteen (14) days to schedule an inspection at your convenience: ' , Attheconclusion of the comme~t period and following the inspection bYAhimaIContr~l, the' , PlariningDirector will make a'determination concerni,ng'the Additional Animals Permit ' application. Please contact meat (425) 430-6593 if you .have questions. Sincerely, , . ~ws~, 'Kris Sorensen, ' Associate Planner ~c: Animal Control, Project File .. . -. . " . '. Re~ton ~ity Hall .-: 10S'S South Grady Way • R~nto~, Washington 98057: _, r~nton~a.go~. . , .. " DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADDITIONAL ANIMALS PERMIT APPLICATION 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 www.rentonwa.gov ALL REQUESTED ITEMS MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION A fee of $S1.S0 is required at the time of application submittal. 1. Property Address: 15'lri? Ilqfk PL SF Zip Code: q JoSJ 2. Property Owner's Name: c.tr.PrLe [ !). f'dwa RZbayti me Phone: 42S 2-71 -(£32 3. Pet Owner's Name (if other than above):, _________ Daytime Phone: l..-ill-etJwttelJS@'IIftItJO' -aJ/1 4. Site Plan: Please provide four 141 copies of a fully-dimensioned site plan drawn at a scale of 1"=10' or 1" = 20' (or other scale approved b'y the City) showing the following: • Date, scale and north arrow (oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet) • Subject property with all property lines dimensioned • Location of existing driveways, alleys, and streets abutting the subject property • Public improvements (I.e, sidewalks) adjacent to the subject line • Location of existing and proposed fencing, hedges, or retaining walls • Parking areas, driveways, and existing easements • On-site trees, topographic features or other natural features relevant to proposal • Location of proposed animal shelter(s) on property. Indicate distance in feet between shelter(s) and lot lines S. Description of facility where animals will be kept (include dimensions): th ci.JJ '(J<.J ~ (Let!. cbrctebt Cixp (a 1)( 'I ') I'f/llc1oMd Cf}-..-Qred, ~ Cpu fMc' /:;.' x.. I ;) I 6. Description of fence surrounding shelter (type, height): _______________ _ hlaY'cMrd chaIn lti1t-~ I hiji... 7. Farm Management Plan (needed only for the keeping of horses, llamas, donkeys, or cows). 8. Description of Animals: Number: 6' • Type Jex; cat, dog): cJu~k.r dBves roosters Weight: ,. r:;-/bl etA. 6 rJU· 7CA-I Breed: qmCUf'LtL I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete and that the applicable requirements of the City of Renton will be met. If the applicant is not the property owner, please attach the property owner's Signed authorization to apply for this permit, ./ c-'" 'a Applicant Signature: c..:::;ra:!.=~.,....,:...;~~=---=---------Date: :, ~ (, -1£) (1- ning\Additional Animals Application.doc 04/12 City of Renton , washington lakes and Rivers Parcels Renton Rre Hydrant Other System Fire Hydrant Street Names Rights of Way Streets Roads Jurisdictions ........ Des Moines '-.... c .... c:o.ny .....,.., ..... -RENTON SooT'" ..- T ...... ~ Aerial (March 2010) • Red: emU • Green: BIrId~ • IIut: e~ln(C 3 1: 536 @8.S"x11" o This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is fer reference only . Data la yers that appear on this map may or may not be IIEnter Map Description accurate , cunan!, or otherwise reliable . THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION • t Tr(dJ2J 1J~60 ~ ft· h t ) 'S1~ //qftt, PL. k-fl!Tf-o~ WOf.-CJ J>O r? Printed: 05-09-2012 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECE!PT Permit#: LUA12-038 05/09/2012 02:26 PM Receipt Number: R1202121 Total Payment: 51.50 Payee: MASTER CARD -LlA EDWARDS Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 3954 650.000000.000.237 Special Deposits 51.50 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Credit C MC 51. 50 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3954 650.000000.000.237 Special Deposits .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00