HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: April 11, 2014 To: City Clerk's Office From: Lisa Marie Mcelrea Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: 25-20 Parking Lot Tree Replacement LUA (file) Number: LUA-14-000217, RVMP Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Jill Ding Acceptance Date: March 7, 2014 Applicant: Mark Clement, Boeing Owner: Mark Clement, Boeing Contact: Mark Clement, Boeing PID Number: 0886700220 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: March 7, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: March 21. 2014 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The proposal includes the removal of 47 diseased and damaged Lombardy Poplar trees, which will be replaced with 47 blue Sequoias and Alaskan Cedar Trees. The replacement trees will be 15 feet in height. The project site is located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation and totals 153.8 acres in area. The Cedar River floodplain extends onto the oroiect site. Location: 1901 Oakesdale Ave SW Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. Denis Law C't f - __ ....:M:ayo~r ------~· [' . · IYO /1. . .... . April 11, 2014 Mark Clement The Boeing Company PO Box 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle, WA 98124 _: r:,. ,(~~ _i~ t:l: r re· :::·\·Tr:l ~ ...._,..._,,,,.;· )' ,,.~~ . - Department of Community and Economic Development · CE."Chip"Vincent, Administrator SUBJECT; 25-20 Parking Lot Tree Replacement Temporary Use Permit LUA14-000217, TP Dear Mr. Clement: This letter is to inform you that the appeal period has ended for the Routine Vegetation Management Permit approval. No appeals were filed, therefore, this decision is final. Please note and adhere to all conditions of approval outlined on the Routine Vegetation Management Permit dated March 7, 2014, specifically, condition #1 "site inspection required upon completion . of installation of trees. Contact Jill Ding at iding@rentonwa.gov to schedule inspection." And condition #2:"Per RMC 4~3-0501.6 development proposals and other alterations shall not reduce the effective base flood storage volume of the floodplain. If grading or other activity will reduce the effective storage volume, compensatory storage shall be created on the site." Your permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one year upon application by the property owner or manager .. If you have any questions regarding the issued Routine Vegetation Management Permit and/or the conditions of approval, please call me at (425) 430-6598. £:'1{Pc} Senior Planner Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton.Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov DEPARTMENT OF COMI\'' ''\JITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEl\i 1 PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: APPLICANT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: EVALUATION FORM & DECISION March 07, 2014 LUA14-000217 25-20 Parking lot tree replacment Jill Ding, Senior Planner Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle, WA 98124 1901 Oakesdale Ave SW The proposal includes the removal of 47 diseased and damaged Lombardy Poplar trees, which will be replaced with 47 blue Sequoias and Alaskan Cedar Trees. The replacement trees will be 15 feet in height. The project site is located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation and totals 153.8 acres in area. The Cedar River floodplain extends onto the project site. March 06, 2015 DECISION: The 25-20 Parking lot tree replacment Routine Vegetation Management Permit is Approved with Conditions*. *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Site inspection required upon completion of installation of trees. Contact Jill Ding at jding@rentonwa.gov to schedule the inspection. 2. Per RMC 4-3-0501.6 development proposals and other alterations shall not reduce the effective base flood storage volume of the floodplain. If grading or other activity will reduce the effective storage volume, compensatory storage shall be created on the site. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: March 07, 2014 C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Date Page 1 of 2 City of Renton Department of Community & 25-20 Parking lot tree replacment omic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit LUA14-000217 Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 21, 2014, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the· Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office. 425-430-6510. Reconsideration: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. Any person Expiration: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. Page 2 of 2 City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: Boeing Corp. ADDRESS: 1901 Oakesdale Ave SW CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206 617-2944) APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Mark Clement COMPANY (if applicable): Boeing ADDRESS: PO BOX3707 me 1w-09 CITY: SeattleW ZIP: 98124 TELEPHONE NUMBER 206 617-2944 CONT ACT PERSON NAME: Mark Clement COMPANY (if applicable): Boeing Co. ADDRESS; '.fi?.~*3707 me 1w-09 -~ ,.,, . . . ~... \.. ; eWRe ·1-· .. CITY: -ZIP: . ' 98055 s. .ii. .· .' -. t .. ,.. .. "! ""-::.... ~\. :~· ,,,,-1,:1 Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 206 617- 2944 Mark.d.clement boeinQ.com PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: i7 LP Replace l each Lombardi Poplar Trees with . each Blue Sequoias and Alaskan Cedar Trees z..s Z.O P""t·,~:i Io+ +r<".e repbCl21i.ienf- PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP 1901 Oakesdale Ave Sw KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 0886700220 EXISTING LAND USE(S): Commercial office PROPOSED LAND USE(S) Commercial office EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: .. ' .. .. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): NA EXISTING ZONING CO PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): same as existing SITE AREA (in square feet): 153.8AC.eES..,...,1\ 1 .-r,. !'\.L"-"LI V LL.-/ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED:none FEB 2 0 2014 CITY Of RENTON PLANN,~b (i;llii\'i\\i>N PR CT INFORMATION (contim ) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NA ACRE (if applicable): NA PROJECT VALUE: $152,000 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): NA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NA ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL D FLOOD HAZARD AREA 153.8 __ sq.ft. BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA D WETLANDS sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE -QUARTER OF SECTION _, TOWNSHIP _n_, RANGE_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. __ x_Routine Vegation 3. - management Permit 4. 2. - Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ Billed_ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) I"\ t>." is CI Cl. M c -I; , declare that I am (please check one)_ the current owner of the property involved in this application or=----the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ;, 11&cb> (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devserv/forrns/planning/masterapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that (n o.r: IL ( Jc men t signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument "'''"'\\"111 .:,.''".., .S''' Notary Public in and for the S~e of Washington -=--:.t>.: 'I l1l 1/Jk 1'01,J)t 2Ll) ,'i ~Al ....._ \ 0 . ,,. . ...,.. ; s. -•• __ A=fl"'l,,.~c.,,;~f--~2-"-'-ff;~;i~o~t~+~ _ __,_,o..,.,.,\ •J. 8 · ~ 1 :,,,,, 8-29• '\ '\ C JI;. My appointment expires r~ '• ~C'!> o,,. \l'l~e.V>~ 2 02/20/14 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUl"EMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: Plat Name Reservation 4 . Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 LU) Public Works Approval Letter, Rehabilitation Plan 4 Screening Detail 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan 2AND 4 Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 'l u l,·, _, Stream. or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Street Profiles 2 Title Report or Plat Certificate , Topography Map, '-l- Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 W.,U Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND, Inventory of Existing Sites ,AND> Lease Agreement, Draft 2 ANoJ Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND, Photosimulations , AND, This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning PROJECT NAME ,;_5 Z(; ilWl:;,h5 id:/ue ffJt,'(£'/!lr! I DATE: 2/b /t:i, . . RECEIVED FEB 2 0 2,J :.1 CITY OF Rl:NTON PLANNING IJl\'lc!O\ H :\CE D\Data\Forms-T emplates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\waive rofs ubmittal reqs 06/09 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS . . LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display 4 . Construction Mitigation Description ,AND• Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication Density Worksheet 4 Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 Elevations, Architectural 3 AND 4 Environmental Checklist 4 . Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 Flood Hazard Data 4 , -l{A) /)1'..1/;{ 0 it1fn -r. ... -rn '.1 f I I Floor Plans 3ANo 4 ' n/, rYti...:/ilAJI . . Geotechnical Report 2 AND, Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Report 4 '\;L,O Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan 4 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscape Plan, Conceptual• Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 Legal Description 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Post Office Approval 2 This requirement may be waived by': 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning PROJECT NAME:2S 2' 0 D41k-1tJtf / o-1 /rte ,tffelt/M; DATE: 2-/& )f L/ 1 I I I H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs 06/09 Project narrative BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP RENTON WASHINGTON Replace 27 each Lombardi Poplar Trees with 27 each Blue Sequoias and Alaskan Cedar Trees The proposed project is at 1901 Oakesdale Ave SW. Adjacent to the West and South parking lot of the 25-01 Building at the Boeing Companies Longacres Park Development. The 25-01 is an office building Boeing proposes to replace ~?EA diseased and damaged Lombardi Poplar Trees with 1A ,peach (15"ft at planting) Blue Sequoias and Alaskan Cedar The trees to be removed are the lot perimeter trees (see attached DBH listing for quantity/ sizes of trees to be removed). These parcels contain no wetlands (closest wetlands indicated both planting and removal plans). This work will not be performed in a 'Native Growth Protection Easement' and will not be performed at a slope greater than 40%, or area of high-landslide potential. No pesticides or herbicides will be utilized in the project. No impacts to adjacent area's are anticipated, as the majority of tree removal and re-planting work will be performed from the parking lot area. All planting areas will be amended with Cedar Grove organic compost to ensure tree survivability in the native-clay soils. Trees will be removed by high-lift; a boom truck will be utilized to install the large replacement trees. All tree removal and installation work will be performed to the most current International Society of Arborist (ISA) standards. The Size of the property 153.8 acres The current use of the site is office and engineering support for Boeing Commercial Airlines as well as the BCAG executive complex and customer area. There is no near term future development at the proposed site. No Special site features in the project area Tree existing near are the parcels are mature alders Alaska cedar: 35'ft Blue Sequoia: BO' ft is mature heights No work is to be performed in a 'Native Growth Protection Easement' or tract The work area has little slope The work is in a flood zone; there is no major grading or excavation on the project, limited to tree planting and removing only. No flooding impacts due to the completed project. The fill is organic compost. There is no landslide potential RECEIVED Types of mechanical equipment to be used is boom truck No pesticides and herbicides are to be used FEB 2 0 2014 CITY OF l?fNTON PLAN1sii%, DIVISION Measures to protect the site from potential adverse impacts of the proposed work and equipment operation are standard notice plan to office holders and Construction barricades. Time schedule for starting and completing work is 7:00 AM TO 4:00 PM Project proposed schedule time-line: (3/16 -4/13) -tree removal (3/13-3/21) -tree re-planting (4/27-4/21) -irrigation adjustment (Weather and City approval permitting) The project site is not located within 200 feet of Water body or wetland Distance in feet from closest area of work to the brdinary high water mark is over 850 ft from the west wetlands. '. · DAVEY~. Proven Solutions for a Gmwing Wbrld Date: 01/25/2014 To: DeNune, Darrel L Subject: 25-20 Poplar Trees Darrel, P.O. Box 50393 Bellevue, WA 98015 Ph: (425) 462-8829 Fax: (425) 462-8874 As requested, I stopped out to get the tree diameters of the 4 7 poplar trees located on the south and west sides of the 25-20 south parking lot. As measured at 4.5 feet above grade, I came up with a total of881 inches. Divided by the 47 trees equals a 18.745 inch average. Thank you, Rick Castro, District Manager Davey Tree Expert Company Seattle Territory ( 425)462-8829 RECEIVED FEB 2 0 2014 Total 24 26 23 20 20 18 22 11 18 18 22 23 18 lB 15 16 23 20 355 South End 20 13 13 16 14 14 25-20 south parking lot poplar tree diameters In inches as measured at 4.5 ft above ground 16 18 17 18 19 24 DAVEY~. Prown SoluJirms for a Growing m»fd 24 17 22 18 18 20 16 19 18 18 15 18 19 18 20 20 24 Total lnehe5: 881 Tree count: .117 Avg. Diameter: 18.74S Washington -Southcenter/Tukwila Area SJ " ' V vo-:ir,1· -~~"- 5 e- f:,. .,.n . I ~® ~176THST I Re~ised 10-11-2012 DOUBlETREE SUITES ~ ··-----1 ... --1 ... -,-MINKLER B LVD , Customer txpenen<e Center (CE() l0Z0SW34thSt Booing Elecrron,cs Center 7-107 6l6SW41stSt eecu 12770 Gateway Dr Fort Dentll 1-1'18 6840 Fon DentWay Gatew.:iy Corporate Center 7-33 12687 Gateway Dr Longacre, Park 25-01 1301 SWi6th St 2S·02 1l00SW16thSt 2S-03 ll01SW16th5t Ri.ertech Carporate Center 7-244 SOONache,AveSW Triton Tower.. 7-206 Two IOOAenlon Village Pl Renton Park 405 7-3S 801 SW 16th St Customer 5<>rv1ce, Spares Dk<tnbut,onConlor 22-01 2201 S 142nd St 22-02 Guard Shack 2S·10 19000akesdalM,,..SW 2S-20 I\IOI Oake>daleAveSW 22-03 wa,teAcculatlonArea 22-04 F,re Pump Hou~ 22--05 Storage Shed 22-SOar.d 22-51 Subleased (not shown) Long acres Park SW271HST Customer Experience c::1,e~EC) 1111 --SW~THST SW39THST 515 I ' ~ i 9 I RECEltfr·" D Boeing property e Helistop FEB 2 o. OJI "' •• 1 : ; e: Mr Copyright 2012 e The Boeing Company. ,{Jlft~~l~DIV/S/U i" Billing Invoice EG000199 Job or PO #: Boeing #96327 BILLING CONTACT Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE Po Box 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle, WA 98124 Phone: (206) 617-2944 REFERENCE NUMBER LUA 14-000217 Removal of 47 Lombardi Poplar trees to be replaced with 47 blue Sequoias and Alaskan Cedar Trees. 1901 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-2623 I"' f '.City of ... '. . . . . ·. ·.· •• L{ ~ r 1· r·r·, r ·1 ... r " .•..• ~ U • .• 1./ I ... . ._ ~----,J'·-·,;/ll''~'·W,··- Department: CED -Planning AR: Eden Invoice: FEE NAME/ GL Number Amount Due PLAN -RVMP Fee $75.00 000.000000.007.345.81.12.000 Technology Fee $2.25 503.000000.004.322.10.00.000 SUBTOTAL $77.25 TOTAL $77.25 RECEIVED FEB 2 0 20\4 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION Created On: 2120/2014 3:36:59PM Prepared By: Vanessa Dolbee 425-430-7314 Page 1 of 1 Remove 18EA Lorn ba rdi ' popars Wet ands -------8 5 0 ' Remove 11 EA Lombardi ' pop ar s 024" 020 020 018 019 018 015 01s 018 0 19 0 16 . 0 20 0 18. 0 18 0 22 0 17 0 24 0 24 . 019 01s • 0 17 0 18 015 014 014 015 013 . " .. " . " --. ' VO ue Remove 18EA Lorn ba rdi pop ars 013 ... 0 0 >( UJ 0 0 (D )> < (D ==s C (D 0 20 Qo Q 3 0 60~18 Os 023Q2 Os Os 011 0 22 01s Qo020 Q3Q5 024 Wet ands 850' I n st a 11 1 8 EA Sequoiadendron giganteum Glauca Blue Sequoia -15'/Chomoecyporis nootkotensis pendulo Alaskan Cedar -15' I n st a 11 1 1 EA Sequoiodendron giganteum Glauco Blue Sequoia -15'/Chamaecyporis nootkotensis pendulo Alc,skan Cedar -15' F?ECEIVE[) FEB 2 0 2014 ClTY OF R~N1'01\l OL,1\NNING DiV!SION ..----7 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25~20 ~ Groundcover beds Spec.: 1-2 gallon cotoneaster domerii ' 1-2 gallon ceonothus gloriosus groundcover. Pio nti ng a reo to be amended with Cedar Grove compost. ' ,; O O O O oo O O O O O O O O O O O O O Inst a 11 1 8 EA Seq uoiadend ron gigonteum Glouca Blue Sequoia -15'/Chamoecyporis nootkotensis pendula Alaskan Cedar -15' 0 0 A U) Q_ 0 ([) )> < ([) ~ C (D I I 1 t ,, ' ( ' ' -... _ '.