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L---/ / D A-•·Afralbnl,-Dlllllfl!I- I D ,.,- i - KlngCounty f.,IA'•' i: ·" <> ;:i!....,::,._.J,,, S02391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Neighborhood Vicinity Parcel Map IR-]ll RM-f CA .,,,~- R-14 ~ .,,·· CA R-10 R-14 ; R 1 .' R-1 R-4 R-4 544 0 WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere \ \-:. CA CA RM-f RMH RMH 272 544 Feet \ ' • l I ' ' ! CA ........... ,~. 1;,.~ R 8 Information Technology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 03/21/2014 CA ' ' ' i. I ··14 ., R-14 • f·" ! ">~-,~ .. ,.., .... ;,,,.....-. ··""-""•'-•=-,< ..... =-.,,,,••-.oo., .. ,~ .. CA ,_. ~-9 f!-8 R-0 R-B /, ;.~ ~· -A. 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IM lndu,o"'l·M"",um '"'"·""""'"""""' Fac1litySiteP01n1 RcadCenterline H,g""""''Cohcto,,,.,,JO,, Cround Lo-1 H,g .. _lCo .. ctor,,.,,JO,, F,e,l l .. ,I fro0>,,1y.f1e,IL0,,I Ramp. F1r>tL,Vfl FrHway. Gr<""" Lo~ Romp, Gr<un< Lovol Admimstrat1ve8oundary [ _1 RENTON oo,,,,c,,., Walerbcdy F,veFootCcntour Notes PARCEL #3223059104 0 ~on FiAalau & IT Division S02391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Neighborhood Vicinity Parcel Map 1023 0 WGS_ 1984_Web_Mercalor_Auxiliary_Sphere RenlonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 03/21/201 4 This rnaµ 1s a user generated static output from an lnterne1 mapping site and ·s for ,eference only Data layers tl"al appear on this map rnay or may not be accurale cuuent or other~.,.1se ,el.able THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED oOR NAVIGATIOv° Lege nd City and County Boundary °""' ~·, C«.ie1Ft1nion l .• Pa rc els Notes PARCEL #3223059104 0 Cityo~~" Finance & IT Division MAR 3 1 t.01c+ TON ON SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Neighborhood Vicinity Parcel Map .. 272 0 WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere 136 272 Feet Renton MapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 03/21/2014 This map is a user genefated static output frcm an lfltf!met rnar.p1ng Me ~no 1s for reference only Data layers that appe.-:ir o.n th is map inay or may noi i,lS aCCllfate cur (ent o, o th~n.-.·1se I e1t<t1_lfJ 'I T HIS MA P IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Legend City a nd County Boundary °'"" r:; Cll.yolH•nion Parcels Zoning • RC fl noure•Conntvall<:ln R-1 Ru ictnul 1 dul•e R..-Rt1ietnli1lt du/1e R-f!IRe5Kltntial l dulae RMH R a...Sanb l Manula ctu,"" Ho...,.• R-10 NHICknt,.111ldulae • R-14R•siotnt,al1;1du1a e RM-I' Ruoden ... l Mr.b Fam,iy 11:M•l RnodanNI Mr,ibl'":un,ty Tradlt-l RM-U lilaa!<Nnbel M u« .. Fa...-., U!li.tl" Canla• CV CanlMVilla~ • CO Cat11ar OoM'lls,IMI ::1 IJC..N I U1t,11"1 C.nt". North I LIC-N2 U~1nc.m., -Non:n 2 • COR Commt1a.t Offic:a/RnidaMbl CA c-dol- CO C omm.,d;al Ol'Tlot • C N Cof'IVnAfu.al H•!lihb(,rhcod IL ln::hnlr .. l •L,ohl 1M tNNs• .. 1 • M•,;t,,,..n • IH lnd\11P;11a l • M••V)I Noles PARCEL #3223059104 0 ~On °~ 'F;inai,c,t & 1:_f ';>ivisio n l'v1 Ah' 3 l 2014 TON C..Q~IB!.!CT!Q!iJ!QIE: THIS TRAFFIC CONTROL Pl.AN WAS PREPA.RED ol.T THE PCRMIT STAGE. Tll[ CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY TPE PLAN PROPERLY ADDRESSES SITE CONDITIONS AND INfENDED SEQUENCE AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND ADJUST TH[ PLAN PER MUTCO ACCORDINGLY. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR JOB SITE SAFETY, INCLUDING CONTROL OF 1/FHICI F AND PFf"JFSTRIAN TRAFFIC. TRAFFIC CONTROL CALCULATIONS TRAFFIC CONTROL CALCULATIONS >'Ee! THl MA\'UAL ON UNICORM ~RAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, 2009 EDITION (MUTCD) TII[ FOUR CQMPQNlN1$ Of-lHl IRAfflC CONTROL PLAN HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED BELOW. 1. ADVANCED WARNING AREA:UR8AN (HIGH SPEED) RFCOMMfNOED· J50 FEET f~ NIMUM SPACIN:] BETW[[N ACVANCEO WAl<r>.ING SIGNS (T/IBLE 6C-1) 'l>iOTE: SIGN AND CHANNELIZING O~VICFS PLACFl.'F'JT MAY .\[ED TO ADJUSTED roR SI~( CONDITIONS THERE ARE ENlRAr-.ClS TO COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES TO THE NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE WO~K AREA: TAPFR I ENGTH (L) FOR ROADS MORE THA'J 40 MPH OR LESS {S[[ TABLE 6C-4) WHERE W = '2' (WIDTH OF OFFSET) L -(W , S-2) / GO S~40MPrl (108TH AVE. SF.) l " 320 FOOT TAP[R MERGE TAPER LENGTH = l 'AINIIJUM (su: IA8Ll 6C-.3) = .320 FOGT TAPER ACTIVlTY AREA· LATERA'_ BUFFER LENGTH = 2 FEET MINIMUM ([NGIN[(RINC JUDCEIJE1'r) UPSTREAM LONGITUDINAL BL:FFER = 50 FEET 'ERMINATION AREA: D0W\STR~AIA '-CNGITUOINAL 13UFT[R = 10 FEET DOW\STR::AM TAP~R: 50 FE;:T MIN.MUM, 100 FEET MAXIUM """NOTE: TRAFFIC CCNTROL WILL BE i'IECESSAR"-" FOR CRAr-.E ACCESS AND MAERIALS DELIVERY TO SITE. AREA OF WORK IS CUTSIDE OF RIGHT OF WAY FLAGGERS WILL LIKELY BE NEEDED TO CONTROL TRAfflC-CHANN~LIZ·NG DEVCES MAY aE OPTIONAL DEPENDING ON THE DURATION OF TRAFFIC CO\ TRCL REQUIRED. TRUE NORTH _ .... -.. --{W'-). 24 "xJ6" SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 1 1 ·~1 7" SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ... I I I I I '\j I I I ...:,:• t:tlt/ ..-1 I I I! ' , I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I j,i,. I ! I • I i I I I I 1 1 1• I I I I .I I I I I I i I I I .J I lw I l I I"" I I w •1 I 1 ;; I I i le I I "' I 12 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I •I I I •1 I .I I I ~ I I , I 1. I I I I I~ '?' 1111 ltltlt 1 •1• 1 I I I I I I i I I :qi:: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C ~ I ' t"" I l.l. I I i l I ~271 I :01 I ( 0 en ' x--, EXISTING BUILOING I l c~· I (RJ~ I LEGEND ~ </~ WORK SPACE • 24" RED CONES O 15' O.C . <e> ""' FLAGGER AHE,\O ' ... L ~ -------~ £X1511NG PARKING -X-x-x-x-xl -X l I X I x OPOSED AT&T SITE I ,..-PR 11 J... GRASS : ~( ) ( ) (~ ~ I END ROAD WORK 0 ... UTILITY WORK '""' ' ... X --X X lL= -~ ~ END ROAD WORK SIGN ARED) BE PREPARED TO STOP TOP, C ... UTILITY WORK AHEAD SIGN 1\ FLAGGER ... DIRECTION or TRAVEL w V, w > "' I ,_ m 0 (~tt F·:·: 1.:.. t \/7:. j n1-...cr •. -· .-···1·rjr11i~ .3 .~. ·. ~:1~: ... <..: !..le ,.{,. :u,;, ·' !"Ji;\/ °:pJ/1\I(: ,iil\/1.JC,r-.,, I TR.AFFIC CONTROL PLAN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS S~T or CO~S~RUCTION DOCUMENTS S PROPRl[IARY BY NATURE A'-IY USE OR o,scosURE OTHER Ti-iAN THAT$'HICH RELATES TO CARRIER SERVICES IS STRIC'LY PROl-'18,TED ~ ~"!~! Deliveced. ;=,-r::::i so ' 0 , , ~ w....J f-z w....J u lJ z c... c... 0 w "' v, :r: v, W C Cf) ~ '" ~ ~ I~ z to 3=: 0 . w....J -z ......J (l) 2 lJ oz row ~~ lJ z -~ c... Cf) -°' M N 0 Cf) REVISIONS DATE DESCR1P-1DN INITIAL 11/06/1.l ISSU[C FOR PZD REV1lW ~ 11/11/>.l ISSUED SOR 100% ZONIN~ 1m ll/10/1.l RE'l1SED FclR 100:l: lONIN~ '" 01/02/1< REVISED F"OR 100% ZONING '" OJ/1.l/l~ RE'l1Sl"D FOR 1QO:,; ll)NING ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LABELED AS CONSTRUCTION SCT SHEET TITLE TRAFFIC CONTROL PU..N SHEET NUMBER TC-1 .,,0 , ... ~) J PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS (TYP OF 12) ~ '\.+-------1-\----------pRQPOSEO 59'-11" AGL STEEL MONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) ~ PROPOSED AT&T DISTRIBUTION UNIT t.lOUNTEO TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE (TYP OF 4) ---------------PROPOSED AT&T RRH UNIT t.lOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS (TYP OF 24) EXISTING CONCRETE CURB (TYP)-- r EXISTING TREES (TYP) 20·-o· PROPOSED AT&T FENCED LEASE AREA 11'-5" PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT SHELTER 1>: -x - PROPOSED AT&T CONCflETE STOOP X PROPOSED AT&T \2' ) WIDE DOUBLE SWING ACCESS GATES ~ + i, '~ "\ <.,?' ~"' " "' .... .,? "'? ~ ~ + ( " / ~ + PROPOSED AT&T GPS ANTENNA MOUNTED TO SHELTER {TYP OF 2) "\ .... .,? °""? "' ? '-:,, PROPOSED AT&T U.G. " POWER &: TELCO '.J; " ~ - " p, SERVICE (ROUTING TBD) "' ...-.,,::, PROPOSEO AT&T "'? 1 I X I X UTILITY H-FRAt.lE ------------',c--~,111 . ' " X l ,,J', ,., "I~ _, " -u L";.ROPOSED AT&T 11'-5" X 24'-0" PRE-FABRICAT£D EQUIPt.lENT SHELTER (BY OTHERS? ________,, J'-o" X I X I X CHAJN I EXISTING E (TYP) ~ >< LINK FE.~C 'j \' ;,, ! a ~ bl~ { 2 N C ~ 8 ~ ii ~ ~ ~ ·1~ '" -. w st~ 8 I X X X X I X I X cD X X I X I X jl ~ \ ~ ' -~PROPOSED AT&T ICE BRIDGE ----+-PROPOSED 59'-11" AGL STEEL t.lONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) -ANTENNAS NOT SHOWN roR CLARITY (SEE 0 ' '" 2/A-2 FOR ANTENNA PLAN) I X I X >k----s-. -. ,-1-,-·-·-·~~-4-~ I 24 "x.36" SCALE, 1/2" = 1 '-0" 11"•1r SCALE: 1/4" -1·-0· ' ," o' ,· TRUE NORTH -.... -... ~ .. ..,...,r,_, ANTENNA PLAN I 2 1 '-Q" PROPOSED AT&T 6'-0" HIGH CHAJN LINK FENCE WITH PRIVAC'I' SLATS AND BARBED W!RE 4X1ST1NG ASPHALT PARKIN/ 4 PARKING _// STRIPES (TYP) 24"~.35" SCALE; 1/4" 11·.1r SCALE· tLa" 1'-0" 1·-0· i--~ 4' :r ffi ,· TH( lt,,.FOR\.t,S-ION (";(JNU.lr>.FD IN "Ht; SCT OF CO\JSTRUCTION C,OCJMENTS IS PROP~IETARY ':Y NATURE ANY USE CR DIS(_OSLRE OTH~R THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO CARRIER SERVICES IS STR,CTLY PROH BITEC. 10'-o" X I X X X PLf.\::'· .,.,.... TRUE NORTH _,, .. _.,. ........ /}!-) "' ,1 ENLAlcCED SITE PLAN ~ ~"!~,! DeU,eced ;::::::,-r==:; P.c,.,c rntcow HR.ic,s, uc ~ W-1 f-z W-1 u CJ z C- C- 0 w ~ ~ :c ,, W 0 rJJ ;;: ~ Is z \:a 3:: D - W-1 -z -l CD 2 oz CJ "' w ;, ~ CJ z -~ C- V) -°' M N 0 rJJ REVISIONS NO I DATE OESCRIPTIC)~ 11/oa/1JI 1ssuEc to~ >'LJ RC'lt.'11 11/17/13 ,ss•.,rn FOR 100~ 70NING 11/10/IJ HC;J;lU FIJI< WC~ lONNV 01/0?/141 R'VlSrn FOil 1oc,: lONN~, ~ IOl/lJ/»I RO\IISEC FOR WC~ ZONN~ l~!T·AL _cs '" '" \JV NO'I FOR CONSfRUCl!ON UNLESS LABELED AS CONSTRUCTION SET SHE[T TITLE ENLARGED SIE PLAN & At-.TFNNA P!AN SHEET NUMBER A-2 PROPOSED AT&T RRH UNIT MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS (Tl'f' OF 24)------ PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS (TYP OF 12)_.......- PROPOSED AT&T OISTRl8Lf110N UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE (n'P Of" 4)_:_:.::_ ____ _ PROPOSED 59'-11• AGL STEEL MONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) ------------- lllfn li!l;I I 111111 I 11 FUTURE CARRIER ANTENNAS 11 ! IU l __ J (TYPICAL) 111111 f--1 PROPOSED AT&T GPS ANTENNA MOUNTED TO SHELTER (TYP Of" 2) PROPOSED AT&T 11·-s· x 24'-o" PRE-FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER (BY OTHERS)----, PROPOSED AT&T UTIUTY H-f"RA.ME PROPOSED AT&T 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN UNK FENCE WITH PRIVACY SLATS AND BARBED WIRE (20'-D" X 44'-6" LEASE AREA) 24"x36" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" -=-=i 11"x17" SCALE: JL_J2" = ,·-o· 4~ 1111111 11; ,111111 • •Iii UHIU U ii 11: 111 ,· ,-~ ... ' 0 I I r·· 11 ' ---------------', n"1J 1111111 --1 1 1 i e ~ < • ! ~ z :... '?i GRADE I..:,: -u :<>:: _I w w O • ~ "' ~ 5 w -iw -" ' 0 ~ 2 0 • § ~ w 0 ~ u ~ ~ I ffi ~ -1· ' " -... 5 • w 0 ffi ~ :l ~ 0 il · 10 J ~ rn • ""'~ 0 • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · 1~ -rn -0 ·' . -0 ' ~ w 0 ~ u ~ ~ z ~ • • · 1--< ~ ~ ' 0 • ~ • ~ • ~ SOLITI I [L[Vi\ TION I 2 PROPOSED AT&T ~ ANTENNAS (TYP Of 12)~ PROPOSED AT&T RRH UNIT MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS (TYP Of 24)-----~- -- UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED ------------~ U PROPOSED AT&T OISTRIBlJTION II ll..----11ffli MOIIIOPOLE (TYP Of 4) II PROPOSED 59'-11" AGL STEEL MONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) f"LTTURE CARRIER ANTENNAS (TYPICAL)--------- PROPOSED AT&T ICE BRIDGE----~ PROPOSED AT&T GPS ANTEhlNA l.lOUNTED TO SHELTER {TYP OF 2) ----~ PROPOSED AT&T 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH PRIVACY SLATS ANO BARBED WIRE (20'-0" X 44'-6" LEAS£ AREA)~ PROPOSED AT&T 11'-5" X 24'-0" PRE-FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER (BY OTHERS)---~ fTll!n n 11111 I I I I 11111 I I I I -~:::~ ~==~ 11111 I I I I 11111 I I I I UHIU U i I vtI I Ni ] J- C n nflfTI 11 1111111 11 1111111 l __ J ljllll r--1111-11-, - 11 1111111 11 1111111 U Ull-(JJ ] (1- j " • ~ • z ~ z ~ < ~ 5 ~ < -< . 'u w < w " "'; • i -iw -. ~ ,;, 2 N " . ~ § e i ~ ~ ~ g < ffi ~ ~ -. -iw ' 0 -... 5 • w ~ ~ " ~ ~ 0 , -1~ ' 0 '" " rn ~ " ~ . ~ ¥ i • " 0 -1~ -0 ·' " -0 ' ~ w 0 i u ~ • CI~ ' 0 ;.., t:l ' ~ ~ • a ~ ~ v w )JJ ~ ~ ,, ~ GS,DE 1-J 1):·r.:HtvtE:r,:c PROPOSED AT&T 12' WIDE DOUBLE SWING ACCESS GATES_; 24"~35" SCALE: 3/16" = l'-0" ~ 11"K17" SCALE: JL_J2" = 1'-0" 4' ;>' O" ' PROPOSED AT&T UTIU1Y H-FRAt.!E MPJ\ 8 1 201~ ·.11:· WEST [L[V i\TION THE INFORW,TION CONlAl'ED l'.J THC S~T OF CC'lSTRlJCllON DOCUM£N1S S PRCPRl[l/\RY B" NA-URE mY us~ CR DISCOS~'"[ o·Hrn THAN HAI WHCH RELATES TO CARRIER 5(;.RVIC~s IS STRICTLY PRCHIBIEC ~ ~"~~! Deli,e,ed. ;::::,-r!::::::5 PAC!FIC Y(L(COM seav,ccs. LLC r::i::'. l..!..l f--z l..!..l u CJ 6 C- C- 0 w ~~ :c ~ W 0 ifJ :;": g; z I « ~ 3: r, l..!..l _] cc 2 CJ CZ cc w C ~ CJ z -r::i::'. C- (_fJ -Q'\ M N 0 ifJ REVISIONS ~O. I OATE I CESCR FTION 11/\le/lll ISSJlc.D fOR r'LU ~l~llc.','/ 11/1'{1-'I IS~UFD FOR ICO~ 70~LNC 12/1Q/l!I Hcv,~c~ ,o~ 180~ lu~,N~ 01/D?/141 RF'~Srn FOR ,~a~ ?o~,N~ J IO!/l!_ll41 REVISED FOR 180~ ZO~'N~ INITIAL I f"R " " 00 NOT FOR CO~STRUCTION JO.'LlSS LABELED AS CONSTRIJCTIO~ SET SHfET Till F WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS SHE::T NU~v1BER A-3 •. ., I I Dr;- I 0 I I L ! I .LL '-. '-. '-', '- ' D---) / / / / I Q :r lo I / ( 24"x36" SCA.LE: J/J2" = 1'-0" 8~ 11'"x17" SCALE· }j_64" ~ 1·-0-•• 0 4xlSTING 8UILDIN7 4X1STING 8UILDIN7 4x1STINC ASPHALT ·-·-PARKl~;z. N88"54'55"W 287.80' 4x1STING 8U1LD1N7 *-,~-'-X-x-x-x-,-,_, 7 * >: i* I K ~ f' \ \ ~ ',., ', \~ X -..... ' I '-\ X ·," \ I ', I r --[]- \ +' \ ( -\- I I ( ?=="f~" +1 NOTES, 1 THERE ARE NO PROPOSED LANDSCAPING I.IOOIFIC'.ATIONS AT THIS SITE. 2. ALL [XISING TREES ANO VEGQATION ARE TO REMAIN. -EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN (TYP) I PROPOSED AT&T SITE LOCATION ~ Hz/- I IQ X I I i ) I ~'!j~ I ' n ":,, X I ~~ GRASS / / / / / x~ / !/ X //: I ... / : / . 0-'_j / ---/ 4X1STING A,SPHALT PARKIN/ / / / I I I / I I I ! I X L X -X -X ! ,-- X I X I / X '\'L '~ */ I/ r'l-£ /~ I * I I X , I / !* ~J:'L * 00----------I . 1A ---~-CC* ~* X X-~-:--%. X X==-.X..-_J *-**-=*~ N88"54'55"W 290.48' ,(,,.,,.'" ·~ 8UILD1N7 I ' ··; I ',, 1-- i\.lAC/ ~ " t l:; ~ ~ _J L ·1'" l!!~E .. ~~~~ I "-.,, ~; t (}~?:~<J., t /,;·J:'·J,f\!C D:v::· LANDSCAP[ PLAN THE INFORMATION CON~AINED IN TH':> S~l OF co~s-RUCfON DOCU~'l/\15 15 1-'f.'Of-'Rlc:MH BY NAl~1RE ANY US[ 0~ o,sc_o~UR[ crnrn THAN T11q V>HICH RE'_ATES TO CARR![;, SERVICE~ IS STR,cTLY PR()H Bl"FrJ ~ ~,!~,! Deli,eced. ;::::,-r== PACIFIC T[L[CO~ HRVIC,S, LLC 0:::: WJ I-z WJ u (_) z -C- C- 0 w ,J,, l{) :c "' ld 0 > OJ U) <I. C'l I4 z ~ ?: 0 ' WJ -z 0 ---l ro ~ 0/ lJ ro ~ C, Cc lJ z 0:::: C- if) -°' r-0 ('-1 0 V) REVISIONS NO. I OAIE CESCRIP-,O~ NITIAL 11/0!l/1111ssJED F'OR Plll nrv1rn I Af 11/11/l!l l~~uw FOR \CO% lO'-INC I LES '1/10/111 REVISED rGR 100% ZD~ING I KC 2 01/D2/1< REVISED .OR I-JO% Z0~1NG ~6 ~ ~J/1.1/14 Rf\,'lSrn FOR 1 JO% lO~ING OlO NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION u:,r ESS LABELED AS CCt1STRUC110N 'Sl' SHED TITLE LAtJDSCAPE Pl.AN S"iEET NUt-mf_R LS-I I I w I I I I : I I I I ::; I I I ~ I I I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I OK~ ---i----1 0\-j? " I I I I I I I I I I 24 "~36" SCALE: 1" ~ 20' -0" 11·~17· SCALE: 1· 40'-o-,0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIT 0 w "' w > ., r ~ 00 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20· I EXISTING <lUILOING EXISTING BUILDING I ase·5''5 I r J--1-.:..,~:-=""'!:::\;:::'...JI ""'"' <cc °'" "~ --,,, '*"·''::. -*-~rJt,· ~ x-=--X -x --lJ I I wee · --- ' ' ' ' - <o, 5"RCBS "'--'-'\ ft ~ ' ;yp / '""'"''' ' I -* . I n---• L, """ '"''° eeoeosrn • . / ---"'"''° s (m) ,, POWER & 1il~b c.c. O' EXISTING -AS 0 HALT -O \C, SERVICE {ROUTING TB ) ~ ""'"' --' o " c ,K 7 -~-~-,ry,; 209'-o"± I -' ~ I """""''' '"'"" ~ ~) I I I ~ ~ ~ / EXISTING BUILDING {S<IPPERS SEAFOOD 'N CHOWDER) ;< : ()--· ii~~~ I ~¥r I ;' I i , r, o' GAA5S ;yp _ 1' • 1,' -~ :25'-5" / I / 0 ' "' N ,,_ / I ~XISTING ASPHALT / PARKIN/ L 1 1--.-io·No:i~;0 ~;rsAcK ; 1 :-11-t ~/' ,f,,,oseo ~ I O"'"' ATokT~E ~ ~ / lA,. STRIPES (1YP) I I ~ .~ : I .XEXISTING PARKING / 0 / >< .,,;.. * * o\'1-l ··: ,· ..----r,:;-""""' I .J" ..::'"'!5 *()Coe.-/ -j;t'" ,:E;_ TRm (m) "" ~ x.. ~ · 1· 1 EXISTING CHAIN ~ . /~/"" _____J EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE I I w V> EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING 5455"W 290 4 B-_::;f'i.__ ~~ X ~ LINK FENCE (TYP) . ------'q. 'l PARKING STALL COUNT: MINIMUM REQUIRED -29 [2.16B sa. FT. {SKIPPEFts FISH HOUSE) DIV. BY 75 so. rr.) PROPOSED -J7 EXISTING BUILDING ~ w > ., r ~ m 0 I I I I --N88'54'55'W 287.a~ -_ .• _ )(~ X -X -X l ----K * ,,, --......___ "* ----°'" "'· •,, --y;: . --, 1 I - "oo '" " , \-{t. I " '\ ~ I K EXISTING ........._ \ x '"V( CURS '.. 4-I -101) -ASPHALT --N ........._ s~~as 4x1sT1NG D---,_\;), -·-I* • ', --PARKIN/ I x . , -<ca ::-/ ~~,J~IN~C 1 1 1 , 0 ( t'. ; ( 0 ) ~ii~"' I I .. I ~...::.,.-'" 4 "-0 4 ?'>'-0" I ,e' / I / EXISTING BUILDING I X -~. / GATE (SKIPPERS SEAfOOO A /~ N CHOWOER) _ : ,t)- ----------_____J EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE bj ~l I I 7 ~XISTING ASPHALT / PARKIN/ '17-_}.tEXISTING PARKING / 7---j 'li'\. STRIPES {TYP) I ---/ X EXISTING I I ! .: I GRASS TYP l i I I I w V> I ' illJII~ ~1 oK~----i--l o,-f~...: w > ., j .Y **'°* *. --/~rnEES(TW) --cx:af, V }.,(_ :l'f H-V EXISTING CHAIN N88'54'5 5 " --:fC:::-~ ' l"\ LINK FENCE (TYP) W 290.48' --= X!...--->c.-"-~--" " I I I ' I I I 20 ,a O 20' 24"d6" SCALE· 1· ~ 20'-0" 11",17" SCALE· t" ~ 40'-0" THE I\FORMA:ION CQ,'JTAl.'JEC N THIS SET OF CC'JSTRUCTIO': C•OCJMENTS IS PROPRIETA'iY BY NATURE _____]Ex1ST1NG L~. -.!llll!:!_r. ANY USE CR OISC_OSU~f OTHrR 1 ~AN THAT WHCH RELATES TO CARRIER C,ERVCE:=; IS C:TRICTLY f'RQ-'IBITED r ~ m 0 I 12. EXISTl~G PARKING STALL COUNT: 43 TRUE NORTH .......... _.,.. ........ r,_ ... ) LEGEND SUBJECT 80UNOARY LINE --RIGHT-OF -WAY CENTERLINE -----------RIGHT-OF -Wf,,Y LINE ADJACENT BOUNDARY LINE SECTIONAL BREAKDOWN LINE -COAX---COAX---COAX-COAKIAL C.ABLE LINE --F nrn --F nrn --FIBER OPTIC LINE ---<><>--<><>---OVERHEAD POWER LINE -UCF' --UVP ---UV?----BURIED POWER LINE -= --= --GAS -BURIED GAS LINE ---<><<--.. ,---OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE --UGT --uGT --<JOI -BURIED TELEPHONE LINE -W -W -W -W -BURIED WATER UN[ -~--~--ss-BURIED SANITARY SEWER -,0--,o--so-BURIED STORM DRAIN ----------DITCH LINE/FLOW LIN[ RDCK RETAINING WALL ~ VEGETATION LINE -, -• -x -~ -~ -CHAIN LINK FENCE D ---0---0-----WOOD FENCE -,-,_,_,_,_,_,_,_BARBEDWIRE/WIRE FENCE [ill TRANSFORMER -</" FIRE HYDRANT " [D " " <-- m a IT] LIGHT STANDARD POWER VAULT UTILITY BOX UTILITY POLE POLE GUY WIRE GAS VALVE GAS METER TELEPHONE VAULT TELEPHONE-RISER M • fJ. 0 @ GATE VALVE WATER METER FIRE STAND PIPE CATCH BASIN, TYPE I CATCH BASIN, TYPE 11 SIGN BOLLARD WIil BOX 234.21 SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED SITF Pl.AN VICINITY MAP ,,,,,.,. SITE~ • ·.,•v'""" IJ1:.(. 1;: !\ (i f '\_ . -"· . .e" ''·· ' ''< • MAR 3 l 2 .. CHY c.,: ;.i,i_Af'~~~:r .. 11?, :-:·:·. EXISTING SITE PL .. ~N ~ ~c~~I! Deli,eced ;:::::::,-r::::; PAClflC HlfCDW S,">iC,S, lLC 0:: w..J 1-z w..J u u z c... c... 0 :r: VJ 6:i -l u u z ~ c... VJ ~ °' M N 0 VJ w Vi ,n ~ we > cc ~ ~ I <C to :s: ,:-, - 0 CD ~ oz mw , .. ~ REVISIONS NO I D.ITC I DESCRIP"ION A 1'/ull/ll ISSUCO FOR l'LU fllVllW :Nl"IAI 0 11/11/IJ ,s~ulC FOR ,r.o~ 70NN(; 1m 11/10/IJ ~E'llSlD 'U~ l•.,0:-; lON"C SB ~1/M/14 m:vr;rn ·~~ 1007. ZO~IOG OJ/IJ/" HlV1',ll) •U~ 1,;,Qll ZO~lf.G rn cc NOT FOR CCNsrnu::11CN UNL[S';; lAGELEO AS CONSTRUCTION SET :ill[[T l.lLE SITE PLAN SHEET NUt.1 BER A-1 ' at&t Your world. Delivered. r, r-· ,·-..CI\//:_ ,-' ,,<c .. ~." "Ci·/ 1 .. L..J ~1 .. 1 /\ ~ :J I SD2391 SPRING GLEN SHOPPING CENTER REVISED 100% ZONING DR.AWINCS PROJECT INf'OR.MA TION PRO,lfCI DESCRIPTION· AT&T MOBILITY PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT AN UN\,IANNEO TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY BY INSTALLING AN 11'-5"x24"-0" PRE-FABRICATED SHELTER (BY OTHERS) INSIDE A 44'-6"x2'J'-0" FENCED COMPOUND. INSTALLATION ALSO lr>.CLUDES A ss·-11" AGL MONOPOLE TO ACC0W.A0DATE (12) ANTENNAS, (24) RRU'S ANO (4) DISTRIBUTION UNITS APP~ICANT: AT&T MOBILITY 19801 SW 72ND AVENUE TUALATIN, OR. 97062 CONTACT· BRANDON OLSEN PH· (503) 691-5020 CQQf INFORMATION: ZONING CLASSl~ICATION· " BU LDING CODE· 2012 IBC CO'-JSIRUCTION TYPE: VB OCCUPANCY: S-2 JURISDICTION: ClfY OF RENTON CURRENT USE: COMMERCIAL PROPOSED USE: TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILlfY SITE I QCATIQN: (E!ASEQ QN NAQ f;l;,fr LATITUDE· 47· 26" 35.33" N LONGllUDE: 122· 11· 45 24" W TOP OF STRUCTURE A(;_: 75·-11" BASE OF STRl.CTURE ~SL 405.6'± PARCEi. Nl,.!MB[RS: 3223059104 Tfl QQ CQMPANY: CENTURYUNK PH; (800) 366-8201 PQWEB CQMPAN::c PUGET SOUND ENERGY PH: (800) 225-5773 GENEB~I INFORMATION: ' PARKING REQUIREMUJTS ARE UNCHANGED 2 TRAFFIC IS UNAFFECTED 3. SIGNAGE IS PROPOSED PR.OJECI IEAM PROJECT Sl,.!RVEYQR DUNCANSON COMPANY, INC PROPERTY OWNER: PRUZAN BUILDING COMPANY, LLC PO BOX 9J86 SEATILE, WA 98 1 09 CON.ACT: HERB PRUZAN PH: (206) 285-0100 SITE ACQlJISIJION· PACIFIC TELECOM SERI/ICES 1001 SE WATER AVENUE, SUITE 180 PORTLAND, OR 97214 CONTACT: CRAIG COt..lMERFORD Pi-'. (503) 577 -4600 PERMIUING· PACIFIC TE_ECOM SERVICES 506 SECOND AVENUE. SUITE 210 SEATILE, WA 96104 CONTACT: KELLY LESTER PH: (206) 342-6388 CQNSTRUCTIQN MANAGER· PACIFlC TELECOM SER\llCES 506 SE::::ONO AVENUE, SUITE 210 SEATILE, WA 98104 CONTACT: ZACHARY NESGOOA PH: (206) 342-6383 PROJECT CONSULTANT: PACIFIC ELECCM SERVICES PRQ,/FCT ARCHITECT THOMAS R. HOLLAND. AIA PACIFIC TEL~CCM SERVICES. LLC 506 SECOND AVENUE, SUIT( 2 I 0 SEA TILE, WA 9!! 1 04 145 SW 155TH STREET, SUITE 102 SEATILE. WA 98166 1001 SE WATER AV"::'-UE. SUITE 180 PORTIA'Jr"J. OR 97?14 CONTACT; KEVIN WALKER CONTACT: ZACHARY PHILLIPS CONTACT· Al,/ANDA 1,/ARTIN PH. (206) 342-6399 PH. (206) 244-4141 PH: (503) 708-9200 VICINITY MAP ? '?, ,;- 17808 108TH RENTON, WA 'b ~ 'it Pctctt Ch11oprac::t1C 0 "' m kindercare- learnin~ Center h iC ~ 0 11'rl6 s'tC3 SE 17 6th S1 SE Petrovitsk!f Rd .. Spring Glt-n Shopping Center (ill; a Play It Aga.n Sp:ms SITE'-' 0 ~ ;c ! "' m ;;: ~ > ~ "' ~ AVE SE 98055 } ~ '"'$ • Spring Glen Veitttnary SE 176th St ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ? 0 I(; ~ ' • j ~ N ~ {,t 179thP' Renton Fire ()('parlme,t SWion 13 " X, SE 1 /9·!1 St BigO Tires sE ,ao111St All Tune • &Lube Si " " f:l St. 180th St ~ :,l ;Blsts, rs1s' , ___ ..., SE :a1s1 s· ~ r :a: > S'-\f)\sl s: ~ s:::: DRIVING DIRECTIONS FEQM ~T,:.T QFFI!;;~ (BEl:lMQt:Ji:! WA' 16221 NE 72ND WAY, REDMOND, WA 98052 ' HEAD EAST ON NE 72ND WAY TOWARD HHTH AVE NE 2. TAKE THE 1ST RIGHT ONTO 164TI-AVE NE 3. TURr>. RIGHT ONTO BEAR CREEK PKW'T" 4. TURr>. LEFT ONTO LEARY WAY NE 5. TAKE THE RAMP ONTO WA-520 W 6. TAKE THE INTERSTATE 405 S EXT TOWARD RENTON 7 .MERGE ONTO 1-405 S 8 TAKE [XIT 3 FOR WASHINGTON 515 S/TfAL80T ROAD S 9. TURN LEFT ONTO TALBOT RD S 10. CONTINUE ONTO BENSON OR S l 1. CONTINUE ONTO I 08TH AVE SE 12. MAKE A U-TURN AT SE 180TH ST DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE RIGW APPROVAL OAT( SIGNATURE APPROVAL DATE Rr [NGIN[[R· LANDLORD: RF MANAGER: SITE ACQUISITION: OPPS MANAGER: ZONING AGENT CONSTR MA.N.AGER PROJECT MANAGER NS3 MANAGER. CONSTR MANAGE~; TRANSPORT: EQUIP ENGINEER· COI.IPL'ANCE 144 FT 203 FT 0.J Ml 03 Ml 5.0 Ml 0.2 Ml 11.5 1,11 0.4 Ml D.2 Ml 1.6 Ml 0.3 Ml SIGNATURE r,EV EWERS SIIALL CLEARLY PLAC[ l~IT,ALS AD.JAC[NT TO EACH REOLI,')[ NOT[ AS DPAWltJGS ARE 8[1NG R[v:cwrn -HE 1\FORl,lCIION C,Jr>.lt,N~[) 111 TH·:; ·~~I l.)f CC\Sll'U.;fl:)'>; ~Ol-"A~WS PROP"i.l[T~RY En \HU~[ ACJ~ U'..,[ CR o;·:.:::_os1.m~ ,~rn::r; "iHAN THA-'{,·HICH "IEL.AES ~o C:ARRl[R ':.[!NCEC, I~ STRICTLY f'RC1'-18TEr DR.A WING INDEX SHEET !DESCRIPTION H TITLE SHEET "' SITE SURVEY (8Y OTHERS) ,_, EXISTING & PROPOSED SITE PLANS 03-13+1 llHJS VI.I DATED 11/20/13 LEGAL DESCRIPTION S 132 FT OF N 6/10 OF W 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LY S OF N 30 FT THOF LESS 1 08TH AVE SE LESS C/t.1 RGTS ,_, ENLARGED SITE PLAN & ANTENNA PLAN ,_, WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS LS-I LANDSCAPE PLAN TC-1 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ABBR.EVIA TIO NS ,;c AIR CONDITIONING cc GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLYWD PLYWOOD "' ABOVE GROUND _[VE:L ces GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEIA "''" PROJECT APPROX APPROXIMATELY GRNO GROUND PROP PROPERTY n PRESSURE TREATED BLOG BUILDING HORZ HORIZONTAL '" BLOCKING "' HOUR ,rn REQUIRED " HEIGHT cc RAOIO FREQUENCY CCC CEILING HVAC HEATING '" ROOM cce CLEAR VENTILATION '' ROUGH OPENING COAX COAXIAL CABLE AIR CONDITIONING "" REMOTE RADIO HEAD CONG CONCRETE "" REMOTE RADIO UNIT CONST CONSTRUCTION '° INSIDE DIAMETER CONT CONTINUOUS " INCH $HT SHEET INFO lfffORMATION "" SIMILAR DSC DOUBLE INS'JL INSULATION SPEC SPECIFICATION "' DIAMETER '" INTCRIOR Sc SQUARE FOOT OIAG DIAGONAL me IN~ERNA"'."IONAL ss STAINLESS ST~EL '" DOWN SU LDING CODE s,c STEEL DCT DETAIL SIRUCT STRUCTURAL owe DRAWING cas POwNOS srn STANDARD '"" LOCATION MEASUREMENT UNIT SUSP SUSPENDED " EACH m LONG TERIJ EVOLUTION ELEV ELEVATION THRU THROLGH ELEC ELECTRICAL "" MAXIMUM TNNG TIN\JED rn EOUAL MECH Mi:CHANICAL Tue TYPICAL EOUIP [QUIPM(NT "'' METAL "' 1:XTERIOR '" MAr>.UFACTURC: ,,o UNLESS NOTED OTHER\~ISE '" MAr>.AGER '" FINISH "" MINIMUM VERT VERTICAL FLUOR FLUORESCENT 1,IISC MISCELLANEOUS '" VERIFY 11' FIELD ece FLOOR Fe FOOT "' NOT APPLICABLE W/ WITH rn, FISER-REINFORCED tJIC NOT IN CONTRACT W/D WITHOUT POLYMER ,-, f>'OT TO SCl>.LE we WATER PROOF " GAUGE cc ON CE\ITER GALV GALVANIZED OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER ~ ~"~~,! Deli,eced. ~-r:::5 PH"IC HlrCO• H•V C'5 LLC 0::: W-l l--z W-l u u z -c::... c::... 0 "' :c Vl S? wO >~ V) _,_ m z I _,_ ts :i C W-l - --l cc~ u c:, z '£ w f', fl' u z 0::: c::... V) -°' (VJ c:---1 0 V) REVISIONS NO. I LlAll DESCRIPTION 11,,-1~_ ·•106/'.JI ,ssurn FO~ PZJ Rtv,rw I Al" ·,/11/111 IO~UlU -0~ •QO; ZJN~G I cE~ 11/.Q{1JI REv1~EC roR woi: 10~1~-G I ~B 2 ,o/01/'• REVl~EC ''JR 10[·% zo"~c <B ,; )1/U/ 4 w·,ie,rn .'OR 100% Z<JSING OG NOT FOR CONSTRIJCTION UNL E"SS LABE_ED AS CO\ISTRUCI (:fl SET SHEET TITLE TITLE $HEFT SI I[[ r tL·t.1H: R T-1 / I w I I I : I I I ;; I I I i': I I 1 :'l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,J_I oe1~~ 01-f -I I I I I I I I I I 24"•)6" SCALE· 1" 20'-0"' 11"x17" SCALE: 1" ~ 40'-0" '" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To I w "' w > ., I ~ "' 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o· I I I I I I ,,J_ I oe1~ _______,--t o1-f -I I I I u·,,e,aC' ,sc;:;,;-,ce~----II I I 1;',1/"S" 1 ~20'0" ; TH'" ~AL( I.. 40' .. ' ir,ro~~'ATI·" ~ -o 20 .. ~I ,.CNTAINEO 10 0 ltl THI'.; S'"T OF ~, ~-20' C. ,_,,RLJ2TON DOCl.;fAE:-,JTS EXISTING BUILDING (XISTING BUILDING I I "f/-. G XISTING CURB DIRT TYP "' '-- 'o,* w_-;0-,---~ I -~ "--)(-)(--- --~ l ~~:'i'~r1lt~ u'o I ~ -"tt ~ k Jj I SERVICE (ROUTING TBO) 1 i 1 1 -~ N88'54'55"W 287.AO' '-- ,w ::; ~ C ~ '--4Do D-- / 1~Se!RU6S TYe ,, / EXISTING CURB 0 EXISTING BUILDING (SKIPPERS SEAFOOD 'N CHOWDER) '-'--EXISTING PARKING / STRIPES (TYP} L[XISTING -ASPHALT ---[]--- PARKING / / 209'-0"± MONOPO~E SETBACK EXISTING CURB \~ --~ '7 .-~ --, I I "~--,' ((l"~ I ~-~~ ·1~) I I I ,%(-''• I I I 1i0 GRASSTYP °' I I· " I , ;;; so'-o"± - • , / "'"oeoce / '""o' : I ,r' 26'-6" 1 r / /'(((~)0{"'z""""\-/!'..,,' dJ ~-? + • L / X --. / ' 0 TYP L EXISTING I ASPHALT « I c -~ eao,osm t o O / ""' SITE ~ ~ ~ . '1 ~· EXISTING PA~KING , 4 j. ,-,-' _jt $ w_,'i't ' * , 1-X. ~rnsr," I I ""/"( --. ()G,c ___ . "fl. / ~-TSEES (TYe) <ee·s,·,s·w -,-_ *--* ~ M. i' T Ex1sT1NG CHAIN 290.48 -\ X ;; -LINK FENCE (TYP) A _)/"" 0/: -· " EXISTl~G CHAIN LINK FENCE lLsesues ,/ ~ / PARKIN/ I I I w "' w > 4'. "' PARKING STALL COUNT: MINIMUM REQUIRED m 29 (2,16!! SQ. FT. (SKIPPER'S FISH HOUSE) DIV. 8'I' 75 sa. FT.) PROPOSED -J7 I ~ a, 0 ,----~ '~ ~~:n1 1~i I EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING 8UILDING I I I I I 0 fi. 0 0---;" -;;, -·:::::--:----K }d_-•o;;::__' -' -' -'l , ~02 <to-;~ ~ -----....._~ xK I -~ ' XISTING '-........ ' \ \, }.-!.. I 1 CURB '-........ \ \ ""J'\ x J,J"""" .. """ "w 287 .ao· ,o ~ il z ~ '----'"""' ,,,,,;:;: l \ I K ·, 40 L SHR~BS / STRIPES (TYP) \ • x ~ O T'f · LEXSTIN:: \'l j 0.~ ,,; --f~l:~IN~G -·--~!~~tNL7 --U---~ -f ( #--~0,:;:---"'?-=;c;_;':"""lr:::::::JJ ~G )l__r__ i n * i ~ <108 , i~ii'":....-J-l I I \ 0 EXISTING BUILDING (SKIPPERS SEAFOOD 'N CHOWDER) ---- ,,.,. r« 1dl ,,.,.. ~ I ,' -" I 1 < '\ I J' "?, I ,s' ?'>'-o" / / / ). .. ~rGATE ;tS- -EXISTING Cl IAIN LINK FENCE 0 ' ~ 's--- / _I / / ' ~Xl5TINC ASPHALT PARKING7 , ------~ EXISTING PARKING i I N.:: STR PES (TYP} / ; "JA X / ~-/ _1.--...---EXISTING /~ TREES (TYP) __ j * ~, EXISTING CHAIN f **_:~ "K~' *-* $L_V ''" ff<CE (rre) ---- N8B"54'55"'W 290.48. ,, ,. EXISTING 8 ARKING STALL COUNT: 43 C>ROPF.IET?RY ~y '-PTU:;,E p.,,-, U'.:E CR 01'.,C ,-,~, __ ,_.c;R~ CTH~R THA.N TH~T -''HICH RE,_1,ES TO CARR;ER SERVCE~ IS STRCTLY ~PCHBll(C" I I I -~ I CRASS TYP ' I I I~ N g I j I w "' w > "" I ~ a, 0 I i ~ TRUE NORTH _ .... -.. ~ .. _(>_) LEGEND SUBJECT BOUNDARY LINE -RIGrlT-OF -WAY CENTERLINE ----------RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ---ADJACENT BOUNQARY LINE ----------SECTIONAL BREAKDOWN LINE -COAf--CO»-CCAA-COAXIAL Cl\8LE LINE __ , arn --FIBER --FIBER OPTIC LINE ---oae--~•---OVERHEAD POWER L:NE --.._~-,--ooe--~~P-BURIED POWER LINE -= --= --(i!IS -BURIED GAS LINE ---oa; --~; ---OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE \.;GT ~Gr uur ---BURIED TELEPHONE LIN[ -W -W -W -W -BURIED WATER LINE -~ --§ --ss -BURIED SANITARY SEWER -w--so--so-BURIED STORY DRAIN ------DITCH LINE/FLOW LINE ROCK RETAINING WALL ~ VEGETATION LINE -x -x -< -, -,: -CHAIN LINK FENCE -0---::----0-----WOOD FENCE -,-,_,_,_,_,_,_,_BARBEDWIRE/WIRE FENCE ~ " [El " " e--- " a CD TRANSFORMER LICHT STANDARD POWER VAULT UTILITY SOX UTILITY POLE POLE GUY WIRE GAS VALVE GAS METER ITLEPHONE VAULT TELEPHONE-RISER -</-FIRE HYDRANT M GATE VALVE • WATER METER P. FIRE STANO PIPE D CATCH BASIN, TYPE " CATCH BASIN, TYPE 11 SIGN BOLU.RD MAIL BOX ~ SP01 ELEVAnON PIZOPOS[D SIT[ PLAN VICINITY MAP , .. ":i. ....... ~·· . , •.u,·· ..,,,·,) ·-·-:~-. ., .... , .. - "· .. ,-~-""' .. ..... , . ..,-. .. :::;;- SITE~] ~ ,-., .... •[·,er,..-, . , .. [XISTl'JG SIT[ PLA'J ~ ~"~~,! Deli,e,ed. ;::=,-r== P.c,r1c 1'L£COW HR>ICES LLC ~o. I CATE ~ w f--z w u lJ z -C;_, c.., 0 :r: VJ z w ----l lJ lJ z ~ C;_, VJ -°' ('(') N 0 VJ w Vl ~'"; c:; l.J C ;, rn 4 g ' 4 ~ :_c: Cf.;;::: CZ ·JJ w r-. rr· REVISION;; DES~RIPTIO~ 11~1f'AC 11/Dll/lJ ISSlJtC rnR Pn R"1f,•1 A" 11/27/ll ISSJE:0 '0~ ·cc% Z,J"""' 11/W/ll wvisrr. FOR 100% lCNNJ K'l 81/02/1' R,-..,SEU >QR 10C•% ZON~~ KO Dl/lJ/14 RE\/lSED 'OR !OQ::I lON ;,,; CV NOT FOR CCNsmu:::TION UNL~SS LA.BEL£(.) AS C0'J$TC<UCTIOtJ SET SHEET TITLE SI-E PIAN SHf-Er M~lt,1BER A-1 24"x36" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" I""""", 11"x17" SCALE: 1L4" '-1·-0• ,· ,.,-0 ,'l.~l o" , T-E IN~ORMATON COWAINED Ill T.-i:, S~l CF CC'ISTR~CTION D'.JCUMENT'., ,-----~--PROPOSED AT&:T ANTENNAS (TYP OF t 2) P"' \--1-------f+---------PROPOSED 59'-1 l" AGL STEEL ~ ·~ ~ONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) PROPOSED AT&T DISTRIBUTION UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE (TYP OF 4) ~---PROPOSED AT&T RRH \ I UNIT MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS (TYP OF 24} TRUE NORTH -.... -.. ........... Ill-) A'I ILNNA l'LAN I 2 EXISTING CONCRETE CURB (TYP) -. EXISTING TREES (TYP} 20·-o" l PROPOSED AT&~ FENCED LEASE AREA 1 · ·-s· " PROPOSED AT&T CONCRETE STOOP PROPOSED AT&:T 12' WIDE DOUBLE SWING , ' -X -f -X X ~ ACCESS GATES ~ / 1. . ·, .. 'v' !·· 1· ;,_ ~ -\-/ .• .. ' ( '· . " / ~ >- '" "<a, "'? " X '\\~:iiC-•~I -..........____ __ PROPOSED AT&T CPS ANTrNNA IAOUNTED TO 1 ) <~ PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT SHELTER ~ROPOSEO AT&T 11'-5" X 24'-0" PRE-FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER (BY OTHERS~ 3'-0" X X I X I EXISTING CHAIN I LINK F[NC[ ("NP) ~ x 'c ' ... ~ 01~ ' 0 X W N X ~ I ~ • " ~ ~ WI~ ' /5 ,., w X X ~ -~ X I X I X I X (1) X I X I ~ I ~ X [ l X /I ~ ~ ~ ~seo "" "' ;~~:~""-<,? PRO R & TELCD y \ POWE (ROUTING TBD) SEfMCE 'C,? y "I~ ,w ' ~------------#-----IPROPOS~ AT&T ICE BRlDGE j I -------+-PROPOSED 59'-11· AGL STEEL ;,,, d :~~s~~r~S:lE II ~ ;.. ~ I ">----Sx -x -x x-:l-x-x-x-x 1'-0" PROPOSE0 AT&T 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN LJNK FENCE WITH PRIYAC'( SLATS AND BARBED WIRE:----- 4x1STINC ASPKALT PARKIN/ PARKING // SfHIPlS {fYP} ~ 24"x35" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ~-4' .,· 2· , · o· 11"x17" SCALE: 1£8" = 1'-0" ,· 10·-o· © ///; 11 j --1+--t MONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) -ANTENNAS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY (SEE 2/A-2 FOR ANTENNA PLAN) I X I X I X I X ~ TRUE NORTH _,..,. .. _.,. .......... ("-). "' /I ,NI .AR c.rn SIT,. rLAI\ PWiP!i-ETARY BY NMIJRE ~NY J'.,[ c~ D1SC8:UR~ CTHE:'/ ~HAN TH~-·~·Hl·:H '/ELAES ~o CAR'/IER SER\'CE~ IS :;TRICLY PR·~·HIBTEC ~ ~,!~! Deli,eced. ;==-r=:; P.C .. IC T(.[CO~ S[OVIC[~. LLC 0::: w I-z w u lJ z -C- C- 0 w l'1 ") :r: c, wo VJ <( &; I ,, z tc 5' CJ w -z 0 _J oc ~ lJ nz oc w 1-, Ct: lJ z 2 C- VJ CJ', C'0 01 0 VJ REVISIO~S N(), I DAil LibC~l·'ION l'mlAL 11/00_l1JI ISSUED FOP PZD REVIE'~ ,c 11/11/1,1 IC~UU f,.)~ 1CO~ ,v~·,ic I LLU :1/;o/1JI R:,·,~rn FOR , 80% 20~ ~c 2 )1/01/', R:,1~rn FOR ,~o~ lO~~G ,, l.l/lJ/ ,< P."1SFO FOR I ~0~ lON ~'~ ~J NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIOr< J~LESS LABEcED A3 CONSTRUCTIO': SE~ srE:::T TlrLE [NlARGEC SITE f'LAN & ANT[NN.~ "LAN SI l[ET \IU\J[l[R A-2 PROPOSED AT, UNIT MOUNTED ANTENNAS (TYP RR> IEH!ND OF 24-) PROPOSED AT, ANTENNAS (TYi OF12)~ PROPOSED AT, UNIT MOUNTED MONOPOLE (TYP OISTRIBUTION ·o PROPOSED OF 4) PROPOSED 59 MONOPOLE (BY 11 " AGL STEEL OTHERS) FUTURE CARR (TYPICAL)- PROPOSED A" ANTENNA MDI SHELTER (TYP PROPOSED A. 11'-5" )( 24 PRE-FABRICA" EQUIPMENT S (BY OTHERS) ANITN'-'S ~T GPS NTED TO OF 2) " -0- ED !ELTER PROPOSED A" UTILrrY H-FRAI " " PROPOSED A. HIGH CHAIN I WITH PRJVACY BARBED WIRE 44' -6" L.fASI T 6'-0" IK FENCE ;LATS AND 20·-o· x AAS<)-- 24"~J6" SCAL£: J/16" = 1·-0· •;;_~==s 11"x17" SCALE: JLJ2" = 1'-0" ;( 4· ---- ill!'n n 1!11:11 11 lilHI II lill~ l __ J 1111, r--1 I! I ii I I I I 111111 I I I I L!.HlU u II !, I !i ~ ' i -- ------------- ,-, .. ' C' I --------___ , I , I, .. -- 1 'n nffTl I • I 111: I !l I II ""'" I l __ JHU_ --- i .r--1,1:::: ii' I I Ill I I U Ul,(J ' ~ ·--..... , ' < C' I r :i ~ I " e , < .. 1 ~ ::r----~ -w " 0 ~ < st~ " ' " w • g; t < -< " -0 " w in ~ 0 " 0 0 cl 2 w ~ -~ t 0 ~ 2 " e " 0 0 w e & I I 5 w & GRADE ~ ~ • " ';... ~ -0 ~ ' " " ;:: ~ 0 " z 0 0 > ~ ~ 0 ~ . " m o ~ ~ t § ' "' ! < ~ § ~ i:' t § SOLITII [L[VATIONI 2 PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS (TYP OF 12) _,.--- PROPOSED AT&T RRH ~/ UNIT MOUNTED BEHIND / ANTENNAS (TYP OF 24)_/ PROPOSED AT&T DISTRIBUTION UNIT I.IDUNTED TO PROPOSED _______..---U- MONOPOL£ (TYP OF 4) PROPOSED 59'-11" AGL STEEL MONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) ii ii ill!'n n ::::::: : :u!I FVTURE CARRIER ANTENNAS I 11 ILJ l __ J !. ! (TYPICAL} ------------------j I I Ir) ... --, rt 111 ii I I I I PROPOSED AT&T ICE BRIDGE ----, PROPOSED AT&T CPS ANTENNA ~OUNTED TO SHELTEfi (TYP OF 2) ----, PROPOSED AT&T 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH PRJVACY SLATS ANO BARBED WIRE (20'-0" )( 44'-6" LEASE AREA)-- PROPOSEO AT&T 11'-5" X 24'-0" PRE-FABRICATED EQUIPI.IENT SHELTER (BY on,ERS)~ PROPOSED AT&T 12' WIDE DOUBLE SWING ACCESS GATES___/ 24"~J6" SCALE: J/16" = 1'-0" ~ 11"x17" SCALE: 3L32" -1·-0· 4-2, o· wltU U1!: ,· TIIE 'NtOP.,t>TIO\ ::cr,TA;NED "" THIS ,.~T OF (::";\~,rn11:T,(.'rj rH):":W.<F\T.~-S PROPRIFTARY RY ~IAT..'RF ~\V USE CR os::::.OSUR~ c-TH~R THAN THAT \\'HICH REjlES 1C C/\PRICR SU./VClS IS SIRICfLY pp.~,:-1e·1u.:: v1f 1 :'. (1--- '{c J ~- \:._ J ?' GRADE PROPOSED AT&T UTILITY H-FRA~E 1 ~ < " w -1~ -" ·~ s w " 0 e 0 u 1/ ~ i ~ § < " " ! -1" Z ' 0 ~ ·;;: 2 -ii ii -u .;, ~ n ~ 0 ~ u ~ 0 " i5 u ~ a f g ~ -18 ,w . 0 ~i 0 " e ~ " " • 0 _I§· -0 _I C -0 ' ~ " 0 i w ~ ? z i ~1! . w mm 'f ~ " 0 " e WEST [L[V,\ Tk,N ~ ~,!~,! DeUsecerl ;::::::,-r~ ••CJ'IC "[L,COM S,HIC[S, llC 0:::: W-1 f-z W-1 u CJ z c... c... 0 w Ul en :r: ~ L1J C > re V) .., ~ I< z ti:; s: 0 . W-1 -6 _J 00 ' oz CJ CU I. I 1·-. [Y CJ z 2 c... V) ~ °' C'0 N 0 V) REVISIO:-,.JS ~J. I )Alf. UlSCkl·ll()h lt,IML 11/00/ICI 5·c;uED ros, PZO PEv ll/1'i_1'\ SSL'!.J fOf/ 1QO~ c()r,1ta,, I le~ 1i/'Q/1.Jl~E'l15EO FOR 18r.~ !CN'.~• I K'l •JINdi< I ec·,1,;co foq , oc~ /ON,~ I K~ •lOM:i< I Pt\ilSCn rn~ · ~t~ 1r.~·,;, I o:. NOT FOR CONSTRL:CTION UNI CS<; LAciELED AS CONS~RUCTIOfl SET SHEET TITLE WEST & SOUTH E_EVATIONS S·l[[T NlH/BEl--i' A-3 '· " I D la I 0 .lL '- '-'-··, '- \ Q--/ / / / / / " I Q :r: ,o I i ( / 0 4x1STING BUILOIN7 4x1STING BU1LD1N7 4X1STING ASPHALT __!'ARKI~~ •, ·, ·, ] X -)(----, / :/ ;, xi / -·: -/ . ()'_J " '-·-'- ~u- / / / / / \ \ / N8!!"54'55"'W 287.80' \ \ / \ -\, I I * ~XISTING ASPHALT PARKING/ , / / / I I / / \ I I I / / 4x1STING BUILDIN/ -x-x-x-x-x x -,-,_,_, I '\:L "·---_ JL ~ --------1 ~I~-- 1 . -- \ X \ \ \ \ \ ?==Air~ I '\;,:1, ' < ( + "'·"-X r, ! NOTES. 1. THERE ARE NO PROPOSED LA'10$CAPING MODIFICATIONS AT THIS SITE 2. ALL EXISTING TREES AND V[G[{,>T10N AR[ TO REMAIN. EXISTING TREES TO RE~AIN (TYP) j PROPOSED AT&T SITE LOCATION I I <\))~{> X ni····l 'IP\'\ 1'1 */-1 10 X \ I I GRASS I I ~ ~ .· L X -X -X / ! / X ' X I X 's:l I~ */ Ii ,t:K I~ I~* X * ' ~ *-**-YL -*~~-* /* 1rit,_ X -..x...-_J i~ l 24"x36" SCALE· J/32" ~ 1'-0" ~.-... 11'",17" SCALE· 3/64" = 1·-0-a· 4" O"' a· TW INF·JR~<AT,CN [OWAINCD 11, J-,:::; s~T o• cc,1s-pu,:r:0N D8CUMENT3 S PRCPRElARY BY N,'lcRE N~8'54'55"W 290.48" Le"'""'~ BUILDIN/ I HIY ~'SE CF; u1:,c_:,;sur;t Gl-l~ ·w,N TIIA-\ldllCII ~[LPES TO C:W'<IER '.:•ERV'(:E'.". IS STRICTLY f'RC,HIBTE[ TRUE NORTH _,,, .... -.. .... ,.,,...,c,-... LANDSC:AP[ !'LAN ~ ~"~~! Deli,ernd. ;:::::::,-r=:; PACIFIC HUCOM S[•,ic[~, LLC c::'. u...J f--, z LU u u z C: C-o :r: V) z LU ---l lJ lJ z c::'. C- V) -°' c:-0 N 0 V) w 1/J if) ,n '-'-' 0 > ro 4-(Jl T ~ :;; s 0 C ro ~ oz l() '..t..J r-, ;y REV1_S10N5 ~::J.I JATE I CE5C~PTIOO. 11/00/l!I ssurn rnc1 P1., Rrv,rn ,O. TIAC / H/11/DI ssuEJ r,JR 1c,c,: zo,.,,,.; I LE3 12/10/1.l REVISED FOR I ~Ci'. Z%,NG •)1/0,/1< REV1Si'D roA '8~;>; zo~.~.: i0.l/l.l/11 REVISED fQH 10C;'; lONNG ,c J(3 NOT FOR CONSTRlCTION UN·_ESS LAG[L[O AS CONSTRUC~IO)J S~T SI i[[T "'TL[ lANDSCAP~ FlAt1 SHEET NW/ BER LS-I CONST81 ICTION NOTE· THIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PL.AN WAS PREPA.RED A.T THE PERMIT STAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VfRIF'I' TH[ PL.AN PROPERLY ADDRESSES SITE CONDITIONS ANO INTENDED SEQUENCE AND I.IETHODS OF CONSTRUCTION ANO ADJUST THE PL.AN PER M<JT:::O il.CCORDINGLY THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR JOB SIT[ SAFETY. INCLUDlNG CONTROL OF VEHICLE AND PErlESTRIAN TRAFFIC TRAFFIC CONTROL CALC'.JLAT'ONS TRAFFIC CONTROL 2ALCJL.ATONS PE'? THE MANUAL ON UNIFJR~• TRA.FFIC CONTROL DEVICES, 200S EDITIO" (MUTCD) THE FOUR COMPONENTS OF THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN l·IAV[ (l[[N ADDRESSED 8ELOW: I. ADVA\CED WA'sNING AREA.l.RBAN (HIGH SPEED) RCCOMMFNrlHl: .'l~,O FFFT MINIMUM $PAC NG RET'lllffN ADVANCED WARNING SGNS {!"Ell~ 5C-1) 'NOTE: SIGN ,t,NJ CHANNELIZING DEVICES PlACE'AEN-MAV NEED TO ADJUSTED FOR SITE CON)ITIONS Tl•[R[ ARE [NT~ANCES TO COM1'~RCIA_ PHOPl::RIIES TO THF NORTH ANC SOUTH OF THF WCR~ ARFA TAPER L~NGTH (L) FOR ROADS M:)RE THAN 40 I.IPH OR LESS (SEE TABLE 6C-4) ={WxS-2)/60 WHERE W = 12" (WIDTH OF OFFSET) 5=40MPH (1C·8TH AVE. SE.) _ = J20 FOOT TAPER MERGE TAPER LENG-H = L I.IINl\,IUM (SEE TABLE 6C-J) = .'l/0 FOOT TAPER ACTIV"IY AHlA: LA.T[RAL BUFFER LENGTH = 2 FE~ MINIMUM (E\GINEC:RINC JUDGEMENT) IJPSTREAM LONG17U01NAL 8UFf"ER -50 FEE7 TE'iMINATICN AREA; COWNSH[AM LONGITUDINAL 8UffER = 10 FEET CONNSFIEAM TAPER: ~o FEET Ml~l!.IUM, ·o~ FEET MAXIUM '""\ICTE: TRAFFIC CONTROL WILL BE ,\IEC[SSA'iY FOR CRANE /,CCESS AND MATERIALS DELIVERY TO SITE. AREi,, OF WO~K IS OUTSIDE" OF RIGHT OF WAY F'..AGGERS WILL Ll~ELY BE NEEDrn TO CON'ROL TRAFFC-CHANNELIZING 0EV1CES MA.Y BE :)PTIONAL OEP~NDING ON TH[ OURAT101, OF TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED. TRUE NORTH _,, ................. ., ,.,,...,..,Ill_) 24"x36• SCALE, NOT TO SCA.LE l 1"'x17"" SCALE· NOT TO $CA.L[ "T" ' i I "!" I I "T" ' I I I I i \JI I •:•:t;t:t I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I ! I• I I I I I I I I I I I .J I I I I I I I : lw I , I I"' I I w •1 I I ;, I I : i'c I I I 12 I .J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . •I I I •1 I .J I I I/ I I , I 1. I D .... •1 I I I 1.,_1 "T" I I I I ~ •1•1t,t1t I I C ... : ~I:: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B ... I, ... ~ ~ I --, I I lj ~ -1 EXISTING PARKING -X-X-X-x-xl X /---' " I cJ. ( I X I PROPOSED AT&T SITE X 0 c:JiJ • ~( )( ) J ~~ L,. GRASS . I 4L X I (_ J j """"1 j x-_ I I ! EXISTING BUILDING u-· -"-< < x_ _s_J LEGEND A A ---1 Vl'//7,;i [2:;;'.;'./j • FL.AGGER AHEAD e ... WORK SPACE 24"" RED CONES @ I 5" O.C FLA.GGER A>j(AQ ENO ROAD WORK 0 ... UTILITY WORK AHEAD ' ... END RO,t,D WORK SIGN UTILITY WORK ,t,HEAD SIGN " PREPARED JO STOP, C ... " ... BE PREPARED TO $TOP FL.AGGER DIRECTION OF TRAVEL w <n w > <{ I ~ "' 0 TRAfflC CONTROL PLAN THE I\FOR•AVION (0'.JTAl\,E) I\ Ti-13 3CT ·'.lF CC'1STR_CTIO\ r.,cc:u~ENTS !S P'1CPRIET/.'1Y BY N/.-URE ANY USE CR c,1:.c_osURE CTHE~ 1HAN TH,"1,,#lHICH RE"t.ATFS TO CARRlrn ~FRVCFS IS STR·CTLY P~OHIEITE~ ~ ~"!~! oe,;,eced. ~-r== P>cir,c 1'UCO• S[RY,CES. LLC ci::'. u...J f---, z u...J u u z -c..... c..... 0 ~ ,.r; l() I ,n LL () V) ~~ T ,; z «: s: 0 u...J ......J r:f.) ~ OL u ,J) LL2 r--et:. u z 2 c..... V) -°' C'0 N 0 V) REVIS ONS I NO I D~T, t C·ESCRPTI:)~ I NI l~L 11/011/1JI ,c.c.Je~ rn~ i'n ,,,., Ew I Ar 11/1'/IJI ,ssun FOR 1oc,: zo~.IJ~ I LEB 11/1a/1il REVISED •o~ 1oc,: WNIN~ I sa ,01/01/!<I R£'~5ED fOR ,r,c,: Zil~INf I Kf IVJIU/111 Rl\C~lD >oa 1oc1 c0~,N~ I % NO-FOR COl'.STRl,CTION UNLE.SS LAO[L[D AS CONSTRLJC"CIQM SET SI IEE.T T1TE. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLA.N S!--:EET NUf/BER TC-1 CITYOFRENTO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: August 15, 2014 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: New Cingular Wireless PCS LUA (file} Number: LUA-14-000434, CU-A Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Jill Ding Acceptance Date: April 8, 2014 Applicant: New Cingular Wireless, PCS Owner: Pruzan Building Company Contact: Kelly Lester PIO Number: 3223059104 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: June 5, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: June 19, 2014 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: ' ' ! i ' t f i { ; ' ' ! I M Project Description: AT&T is requesting approval of an Administrative Conditional Use Permit for i the installation of a new 59 foot 11 inch tall Monopole I with an associated 274 square foot pre-! fabricated equipment shelter, and 12 panel antennas, 24 RRUs, and 5 distribution units mounted j on the proposed monopole. The 12 proposed panel antennas would extend an additional 16 feet 1 above the top of the monopole for a total height of 75 feet 11 inches and would be classified as ! macro facilities. The project site is a SO foot by 50 foot fenced compound located within an existing 1 oarkina lot at the rear of an existinq Skinner's restaurant and is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). Location: 17808 1081h Ave SE Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS·M -Determination of Non-Sianificance-Mitioated: OS -Determination of Sianificance. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS (LUA14-000434) PLAN ADDRESS: 17808 108TH SE AVE RENTON, WA 98055-6419 APPLICATION DATE: 03/31/2014 DESCRIPTION: AT&T is requesting approval of an Administrative Conditional Use Permit for the installation of a new 59 foot 11 inch tall Monopole I with an associated 274 square foot pre-fabricated equipment shelter, and 12 panel antennas, 24 RRUs, and 5 distribution units mounted on the proposed monopole. The 12 proposed panel antennas would extend an additional 16 feet above the top of the monopole for a total height of 75 feet 11 inches and would be classified as macro facilities. The project site is a 50 foot by 50 foot fenced compound located within an existing parking lot at the rear of an existing Skipper's restaurant and is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). Access to the site would be provided off of 108th Avenue SE through the existing Skipper's parking lot. There are 43 existing parking spaces, the proposal would result in a loss of 6 parking spaces, for a total of 37 remaining parking spaces on the project site. Administrative Decision Condition Created On: 06/06/2014 1. A restrictive covenant shall be recorded over the property requiring the maintenance of the existing landscaping around the north, south, and east sides of the lease area for the duration of the location of the Monopole I lease area on the project site. 2. The proposal shall be revised to include screening of the west side of the proposed lease area. A screening detail shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. August 15, 2014 Page 1 of 1 Denis Law ___ :Ma:yo~r -------~•: t, j .t, ...... ,,,..._ August 19, 2014 Kelly Lester Pacific Telecom Services 506 2"d Ave, Ste 210 Seattle, WA 98104 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E. "Chip"Vincent, Administrator SUBJECT: lllew Cingular Wireless PCS LUA14.,000434, CU-A Dear Ms. Lester: · This letter is to inform you that the appeal period h.as ended for the Administrative Conditional Use Permit approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and application for the appropriately required permits may.proceed:· . The advisory notes listed in the City of Renton Report and Decision dated June 5, 2014 must be adhered to during construction and prior to final inspection. Furthermore, the Administrative Conditional Use Permit dedsion will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. If you are unai}le to apply for the necessary building permits, licenses or land use permits required for the operation of the Conditional Use Permit within the two- year time-frame, a single two (2) year extension may be requested in writing, pursuant to RMC 4-9-030. If you have any questions regarding the report and decision issued for this conditional use permit, please call me at (425)430-6598. Sincerely, ~-;,:p7) Jill Ding Associate Planner cc: Pruzan Building Company LLC / Owner New Cingular Wireless, PCS/ Applicant Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98957 • rentonwa.gov Jill Din From: Vanessa Dolbee Sent: To: Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:44 AM Jill Ding Subject: FW: Section 106 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 Jill, Is the wireless application below your project? If so, please add e-mail to the LUA file. 'Vanessa !])of6ee CED, x7314 From: Jennifer T. Henning Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:26 PM To: Vanessa Dolbee Subject: Re: Section 106 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 Unless there is a records request, I would add it to the file for the cell tower. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@.Rentonwa.gov> wrote: What do we typically do with these? Vanessa From: Chip Vincent Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 3:01 PM To: Jennifer T. Henning; Vanessa Dolbee Subject: FW: Section I 06 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 FYI. From: towernotifyinfo@fcc.gov [ mailto:towernotifyinfo@fcc.gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 12:45 PM To: Chip Vincent Subject: Section I 06 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 The following Section I 06 filing has been updated: File Number: 0006236872 Purpose: Update Original Purpose: New Tower Submission Packet Notification Date: 7 AM EST 04117/2014 Applicant: AT&T Mobility Consultant: Adapt Engineering Site Name: Spring Glenn Shopping Center 1 • Site Address: 17808 108th Ave SE Site Coordinates: 47-26-35.3 N, 122-11-45.2 W City: Renton County: KING State:WA Lead SHPOfTHPO: Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Consultant Contact Information: Name: Adapt Engineering Title: Archaeologist PO Box: Address: I 0725 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 200 City: Portland State: OR Zip: 97219 Phone: 503-842-2346 Fax: Email: holly.borth@adaptengr.com<mailto:holly.borth@adaptengr.com> • NOTICE OF FRAUDULENT USE OF SYSTEM, ABUSE OF PASSWORD AND RELATED MISUSE Use of the Section 106 system is intended to facilitate consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable laws. Any person having access to Section 106 information shall use it only for its intended purpose. Appropriate action will be taken with respect to any misuse of the system. 2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN, I I AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DA TE: Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: June 5, 2014 Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NSB Monopole I LUA14-000434, CU-A Jill Ding, Senior Planner Pruzan Building Company, LLC, PO Box 9386, Seattle, WA 98109 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, 19801 SW 72"d Avenue, Tualatin, OR 98062 Kelly Lester, Pacific Telecom Services, 506 2"d Avenue, Suite 210, Seattle, WA 98104 AT&T is requesting approval of an Administrative Conditional Use Permit for the installation of a new 59 foot 11 inch tall Monopole I with an associated 274 square foot pre-fabricated equipment shelter, and 12 panel antennas, 24 RRUs, and 5 distribution units mounted on the proposed monopole. The 12 proposed panel antennas would extend an additional 16 feet above the top of the monopole for a total height of 75 feet 11 inches and would be classified as macro facilities. The project site is a 50 foot by 50 foot fenced compound located within an existing parking lot at the rear of an existing Skipper's restaurant and is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). Access to the site would be provided off of 108th Avenue SE through the existing Skipper's parking lot. There are 43 existing parking spaces, the proposal would result in a loss of 6 parking spaces, for a total of 37 remaining parking spaces on the project site. 17808 1081h Avenue SE 38,234 square feet Project Location Map Conditional Use Permit DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN, 1 , AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT rf CityoL --------1 \ ::rrt 0 IJ r~. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Zoning and Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 3: Site Plan Exhibit 4: Enlarged Site Plan Exhibit 5: Elevation Exhibit 6: landscape Plan Exhibit 7: Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Exhibit 8: Environmental Noise Evaluation Exhibit 9: Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Report Exhibit 10: Utility Coordination Report Exhibit 11: Public comment letter from Zoe Matson, dated April 14, 2014 C. FINDINGS OF FACT: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes and enters the following: 1. The applicant, New Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC, is requesting an Administrative Conditional Use Permit approval for the installation of a Monopole I, pre-fabricated equipment shelter, and 12 panel antennas, 24 RR Us, and 5 distribution units mounted on the proposed monopole. 2. The proposed monopole would have a height of 59 feet 11 inches, the 12 proposed panel antennas would extend an additional 16 feet above the top of the monopole for a total height of 75 feet 11 inches and would be classified as macro facilities. 3. The proposed structures would be contained within a 24-foot by 20-foot (480 square feet) enclosed, fenced compound. 4. The proposed monopole I would be setback 209 feet from the front property line (1081h Avenue SE), 80 feet from the rear property line, 67 feet from the northern side property line and 64 feet from the southern side property line. 5. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on March 31, 2014 and determined complete on April 8, 2014. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 6. The subject site is adjacent to commercial businesses within the same Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation to the north, south, and west of the project site and single family residence zoned Residential 8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) to the east of the project site. 7. The site currently contains an existing 2,200 square foot Skipper's Restaurant and associated surface parking. There are 43 existing parking spaces, the proposal would result in a loss of 6 parking spaces, for a total of 37 remaining parking spaces on the project site. 8. There are 21 trees located on site all of which are proposed to be retained. 9. There are no critical areas are located on site. Project Location Map Conditional Use Permit City of Renton Deportment of Communit, _ Economic Development NEW C/NGULAR WIRELSS PCS Administrative Cc ·"'tiono/ Use Permit Report & Decision WA14-000434, CU-A Report of June 5, 2014 Page 3 of 9 10. The property is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. 11. The proposal is SEPA exempt. 12. One public comment was received from Zoe Matson, dated April 14, 2014 (Exhibit 11). 13. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 14. The proposal requires a Conditional Use Permit in order to establish the proposed monopole I on the project site. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with Conditional Use Permit decision criteria, as outlined in RMC 4-9-030.E: CONSISTENCE WITH SPECIAL DECISION CRITERIA FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES IN LIEU OF STANDARD CRITERIA: a. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE AND CONSISTENCY: The site is designated Commercial Corridor (CC) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the CC designation are intended to evolve from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities, and boulevard treatment. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Community Design Element policies if all conditions of approval are complied with: Policy U-100. Require that the siting and location of telecommunications facilities be ,/ accomplished in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on the environment and adjacent land uses. Policy U-101. Require that cellular communication structures and towers be sensitively sited ,/ and designed to diminish aesthetic impacts, and be collocated on existing structures and towers wherever possible and practical. b. ZONING COMPLIANCE AND CONISTENCY: The subject site is classified Commercial Arterial (CA) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. RMC 4-2-120A provides development standards for development within the CA zoning classification. The proposal is consistent with the following development standards if all conditions of approval are complied with: Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot size permitted in the CA zone is 5,000 square feet. There ,/ are na minimum lot width or depth requirements. Staff Comment: The project site total 38,234 square feet, which exceeds the minimum lot size required. Lot Coverage: The maximum building coverage permitted is 65% of the total lot area or 75% if parking is provided within the building or within an on-site parking garage. ,/ Staff Comment: The project site contains and existing 2,200 square foot Skippers restaurant, the proposal would include the addition of a 274 square foot equipment shelter. The proposed project would result in a building coverage of 6.5% on the 38,234 square foot site, which is less than the 65% permitted. ,/ Setbacks: The required setbacks for the CA zone are as fallows: minimum front yard is 10 Conditional Use Permit City of Renton Department of Comm unit, _ Economic Development NEW CINGULAR WIRELSS PCS Administrative C __ itionol Use Permit Report & Decision WA14-000434, CU-A Report of June 5, 2014 Page4of9 ~ ~ feet and the maximum front yard is 15 feet; no interior side yard is required as the project site does not abut a residential zone; and a rear yard of 15 feet is required as the rear property line abuts R-8 zoned properties. Staff Comment: The proposed monopole I and associated equipment shelter would be located to the rear of the existing Skipper's restaurant on the east portion of the project site. The monopole I would be setback 209 feet from the front (west) property line, 64 feet from the side (south) property line, 67 feet from the side (north property line), and 80 feet from the rear (west) property line. As proposed the monopole I and equipment shelter would be located well outside of any required setbacks. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted in the CA zone is 50 ft., except 60 ft. for mixed use (commercial and residential) in the same building. The maximum height of wireless communication facilities is governed by RMC 4-4-1406, which permits a maximum height of less than 60 feet. Macro Facilities may exceed the height limitation by 16 feet, or in the case of existing structures the antennas may extend 16 feet above the existing structures. Staff Comment: The proposed equipment shelter would have a maximum height of 10 feet, which complies with the maximum height requirements of the CA zone. The proposed monopole I would have a maximum height of 59 feet 11 inches with associated macro facilities, which are proposed to extend 16 feet above the top of the monopole for a total proposed height of 75 feet 11 inches. The proposal complies with the maximum height permitted in the CA zone and the height requirements of RMC 4-4-140G. Fencing: Fences within commercial and industrial zoning designations ore permitted o maximum height of 8 feet. Barbed wire is permitted on top of fences with a minimum height of 6feet. Staff Comment: The lease area is proposed to be enclosed within a 20-foot by 44-foot 6- inch, 6-foot high chain link fence with privacy slats and barbed wire on top of the fence. The proposed fence would comply with comply with the City's adopted fencing requirements. Landscaping: Landscaping, for accessory equipment located on private property, shall include a minimum fifteen foot (15') sight obscuring landscape buffer around the accessory equipment facility, or equivalent screening as approved by the Administrator. Accessory equipment facilities located on the roof of any building need not be landscaped but shall be enclosed so as to be shielded from view. Accessory equipment located on public right-of-way shall be screened and/or landscaped as determined by the Administrator through the conditional use permit process. Accessory equipment facilities may not be enclosed with exposed metal surfaces. Staff Comment: A landscape plan (Exhibit 6) was submitted with the project application depicting existing landscaping on site. No changes are proposed to the existing landscaping. The proposed lease area is located to the rear of the existing Skipper's restaurant within the parking lot. There is in excess of 15 feet of existing mature landscaping located around the north, east, and south sides of the proposed lease area. There are 21 existing significant trees located within the existing landscaped areas in the vicinity of the proposed lease area, which would provide immediate screening of the monopole I and equipment shelter from adjacent properties. To ensure the existing landscaping is maintained as a result of the installation of the proposed Monopole I and associated accessory equipment, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a restrictive covenant be recorded over the Conditional Use Permit City of Renton Deportment of Comm unit, _ Economic Development NEW C/NGULAR WIRELSS PCS Administrative Co _ tionol Use Permit Report & Decision LUA14-000434, CU-A Report of June 5, 2014 Page 5 of 9 property requiring the maintenance of the existing landscaping around the north, south, and east sides of the lease area for the duration of the location of the Monopole I lease area on the project site. There is no screening proposed along the west side of the proposed lease area. The applicant shall be required to provide the required 15-foot landscape visual barrier or other equivalent screening as approved by the Administrator. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the proposal be revised to include screening of the west side of the proposed lease area. A screening detail shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. Tree Retention: RMC4-4-130 requires that 30 percent of the trees on site be retained. Staff Comment: The site contains 21 significant trees. The trees are located within existing, mature landscaped areas. All of the trees are proposed to be retained. As proposed the applicant would comply with the tree retention requirements of the code. The applicant will be required to comply with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4-4- 130H8 during construction. Parking: RMC 4-4-0BOF.10.e specifies the minimum and maximum number of parking spaces required for a specified use. The Skipper's restaurant requires a minimum and a maximum of 1 space is required per 75 square feet of dining area. Staff Comment: The Skipper's restaurant currently has a total of 43 parking spaces. The proposed location of the lease area within the parking lot would result in a loss of 6 parking spaces for a total of 37 spaces on the project site. The Skipper's restaurant currently has a dining area of 2,168 square feet, which requires a minimum and a maximum of 29 parking spaces (2,168 sf/ 75 sf= 29 spaces). Therefore the existing 43 parking spaces on the project site exceeds the minimum number of spaces required and the maximum number of spaces permitted. The proposal to remove 6 spaces on the project site would provide adequate parking on the project site and brings the project site closer to compliance with the maximum parking requirements. Critical Areas: There are no critical areas located on-site. c. HEIGHT OF THE PROPOSED TOWER: The maximum height of wireless communication facilities is governed by RMC 4-4-140G, which permits a maximum height of less than 60 feet. Macro Facilities may exceed the height limitation by 16 feet, or in the case of existing structures the antennas may extend 16 feet above the existing structures. The proposed monopole I would have a maximum height of 59 feet 11 inches with associated macro facilities, which are proposed to extend 16 feet above the top of the monopole for a total proposed height of 75 feet 11 inches. The proposal complies with the height requirements of RMC 4-4-140G. d. PROXIMITY OF THE TOWER TO RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES: The proposed monopole I would be installed on a property located within the CA zoning designation. A single family residential neighborhood, zoned R-8, is located to the east of the project site across 190'" Avenue SE, which abuts the east property line of the project site. In addition, a single family residence is located to the north of the project site within the CA zone. The proposed monopole I would be setback 80 feet from the abutting R-8 zone and 80 feet from the nearest single family residence. e. NATURE OF USES ON ADJACENT AND NEARBY PROPERTIES: The proposed monopole I would be located to the rear of an existing Skipper's Restaurant, as previously discussed above under 14b. Landscaping the monopole I would be screened along the north, south, and east sides by existing mature Conditional Use Permit City of Renton Department of Communit, ~ Economic Development NEW C/NGULAR WIRELSS PCS Administrative Co ,tional Use Permit Report & Decision LUA14-000434, CU-A Report of June 5, 2014 Page 6 of9 landscaping which is proposed to remain. Staff has recommended as a condition of approval additional screening along the west side of the lease area to provide the required screening from the 108th Avenue SE right-of-way. In addition, the proposed monopole I would have a minimum setback of 64 feet from the nearest (south) property line and would maintain a setback of 80 feet from the nearest single family residence. It is not anticipated that the proposed monopole I and associated equipment shelter would have significant adverse impacts on the surrounding properties and uses, provided the condition of approval is complied with. f. TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION: No clearing or grading is proposed as a result of this project. There are a total of 21 existing significant trees located on the project site. All the trees are proposed to remain. In addition, the proposed monopole I has been sited such that the existing trees can effectively screen the proposed monopole I from abutting and adjacent properties to the north, south, and east of the site. Staff has recommended as a condition of approval that the applicant provided additional screening along the west side of the proposed lease area. g. INGRESS/EGRESS: Vehicular access to the project site would be provided via an existing driveway off of 108'' Avenue SE through the existing Skipper's parking lot. h. NOISE, LIGHT, AND GLARE: It is anticipated that noise from running the proposed equipment would be minimal, as the equipment would be housed in a proposed 274 square foot prefabricated structure. In addition, the existing mature vegetation would further buffer noise impacts from properties to the north, south, and east of the project site. Light and glare impacts are expected to be minimal. The equipment is proposed to be a light matte gray color which would not be visually obtrusive. i. COLOCATION FEASIBILITY: The closest existing tower is 0.41 miles from the project site, with limited wireless service in the immediate vicinity. The proposed monopole would allow for collocation of multiple carriers, lessening the need for additional wireless structures in the surrounding area. j. CONSISTENCY WITH PLANS AND REGULATIONS: As previously discussed above under subsection 14.a and 14.b the proposed installation of the new monopole I and associated equipment shelter is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and RMC 4-4-140 Wireless Communication Facilities regulations provided the condition of approval is complied with. k. LANDSCAPING: As previously discussed above under subsection 14.b the applicant is proposing to utilize existing mature landscaping installed for the Skipper's restaurant to satisfy the landscaping requirements for the proposed monopole I and associated equipment shelter. Existing landscaping would adequately buffer the proposed monopole I and associated equipment shelter from adjacent properties to the north, south, and east. Staff has recommended a condition requiring the recording of a restrictive covenant over the property protecting the existing landscaping. Staff has also recommended an additional condition requiring that the applicant submit a screening detail for the west side of the proposed lease area. Revised plans including the additional screening are to be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of building permit review. I F. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed antenna meets the 9 special decision criteria (C.14.c. -k. above) to be considered in making a decision on a conditional use permit request as specified in RMC 4-9-030J, provided the conditions of approval are complied with. Conditional Use Permit City of Renton Department of Communit NEW CINGULAR WIRELSS PCS 'conomic Development Administrative C · ional Use Permit Report & Decision LUA14-000434, CU-A .. Report of June 5, 2014 Page 7 of 9 2. The proposal is compliant and consistent with City of Renton plans, policies, regulations and approvals, provided the conditions of approval are complied with. 3. Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on surrounding properties and uses, provided the conditions of approval are complied with. 4. The proposed monopole I and associated equipment shelter is anticipated to be compatible with existing and future surrounding uses as permitted in the CA zoning classification. 5. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed monopole I and associated equipment shelter is appropriate for the site. 6. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use. 7. The proposed location is suited for the proposed use. 8. Adequate parking for the existing Skipper's restaurant would be maintained. 9. The proposed use would not result in a substantial or undue adverse effect on adjacent properties, provided the conditions of approval are complied with. 10. The proposed development would not generate any long term harmful or unhealthy conditions. Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use have been evaluated and mitigated. 11. Existing landscaping would be maintained in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving. i G. DECISION: The Administrative Conditional Use Permit for the New Cingular Wireless PCS, File No. LUA14-000434, CU-A, is approved subject to the following conditions: I. A restrictive covenant shall be recorded over the property requiring the maintenance of the existing landscaping around the north, south, and east sides of the lease area for the duration of the location of the Monopole I lease area on the project site. 2. The proposal shall be revised to include screening of the west side of the proposed lease area. A screening detail shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: ···;;:, \ J .~ j C.E. "Chip" VincentcED Administrator CondWonal Use Perm;t City of Renton Department of Communit NEW CINGULAR WIRELSS PCS Report of June 5, 2014 -conomic Development TRANSMITTED this s'h day of June, 2014 to the Owner: Owner: Pruzan Building Company, LLC PO Box 9386 Seattle, WA 98109 TRANSMITTED this s'h day of June, 2014 to the Applicant: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 19801 SW 72°d Avenue Tualatin, OR 97062 TRANSMITTED this 5th day of June, 2014 to the Contact: Kelly Lester Pacific Telecom Services 506 2"d Avenue, Suite 210 Seattle, WA 98104 TRANSMITTED this 5th day of June, 2014 to the Party(ies) of Record: J. W. Sammons 17827 110th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Zoe Mattson 17654109th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED this 5th day of June, 2014 to the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Craig Burnell, Building Official Steve lee, Development Services Manager Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal Renton Reporter Conditional Use Permit Administrative C ··ional Use Permit Report & Decision LUA14-DDD434, CU-A Page 8 of 9 City of Renton Department of Cammunit NEW C/NGUlAR WIREISS PCS -·- Report of June 5, 2014 'conomic Development Administrative C · ional Use Permit Report & Decision LUA14-000434, CU-A Page 9 of 9 H. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXP/RATION The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14days of the effective date of decision. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on June 19, 2014. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period {RCW 43.21.C.075{3); WAC 197-11-680). Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the effective date of decision, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The variance(s) approval will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A variance one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-250B.17. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex pa rte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Conditional Use Permit SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Neighborhood V,icinity Parcel Map R-ll1 \ \'\; CA . RM·.F···-· CA . I CA R-10 \• .. , " .. ~.,~ .. , RM-F R-4 RMH R-4 RMH 544 0 272 544 Feel WGS_ 1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere \ . ' ' , I I CA r,.. • ,.-... , . '';<\it ,;11::·-'. .. )~: / .. ,, ..... +- ; .,' :,.,. .. , ·~""'•• . . -. l '.'. . f;f: I '"'"""'""''-:-""'.'~~ J. 0 ; }, ...... , ... _._.,....., .. :.:,~ CA i ! ~ i 4,rei 8 . I I I .. ,~ I ........ -···· ~-~ I ~--~ "'"~ l R-8 Information Technology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentorwa.gov 03/21/2014 l ffe ~ ,.,, .•. !'1 e ........... ,., --- _ ... ,. .. t~ ~:,!', ~/ ••• ••• ' ' ' i f / ~f f , . ., .... " .. ,..~ R-t ~--~ , .. ••• 1i-a This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only Data layers thal appear on this map may or may not t>e accurate. current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOTTO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Legend City and Coun1y Boundary ~" C:} ~olRontoo Parcels Zoning • RC R°""ru C"""""'"tlon R-1 Ro,kloo0al1 du/a,: R..o "-Oonial40..ioc R-8-lal80..ioc RMH ...... dM<l.ol M1111ulac:Ou<M >lo.,.... R-10 ... ~aooOal indulac • R-14 Re,><l.,,<lol 14 du/ac 11 Rl.t-F Rulooo1•1 Mu11>-F,'TlM, • RM-T -..,.,.,hi ......,,.Fomoy Tro01tloo1I RM-U Ro,.;.,.,ial t.l<Jl\>-Fom1,, u,~oo Cont8r i:i CV Canwr vtag< • coc.inw,°"""'°'"" • UC-N1 Urb1nConW·'""""' I IJC.!,12 lkl,onCoo(Of-Horth2 • COR Ct,n,m,,rcial Office/R .. ld...,liol C,.C-Me<lal Iii COC.,.....,....;.IOHi<:<1 • CN Co<m,oroal N~hoo<I IL lllOu.-.101-Ll\lhl ~ IM lr>du>lnol -M&d,u,,., • lllrlllu,tmoi-Keo., FadlitySitePolrit RoadCenterline H1~/Ctolloclor1M0Jo,.Grourullo,01 ........ ay/C<'IIICIN™*'. ~fro\ L.o.,,I F,...,..,, F,,sr.Lov<ii Ramp, f .............. F-y,(;(wr>dlowil """""·(;(""'"'~ Adrninlslra~veBoundary ~=I RENTOM : J Oll>o<C1llos Waterbody FiveFootContour Notes PARCEL #322:J.9?1\f1 ;; CITY or.. r;: 1\ITr,;,.,1 f----,,,:.,..-.cc .. 1, ( City~ Finance t m >< :I: 1-1 o:i 1-1 -4 N SS086 ~M 'f,OlN"~ JS ],W hl.go I gogL I tl11N3J '.JN!ddOHS N31'.J '.JN!tldS l6EC:0S 0 z ~ " -------------JS J"Y Hl601- ----';==c:i----·'""'' '·''·'"" I --dHO ~-~ :=:::;Jb==±:-'?~"-' _;," m• -~ -- -----------------------~--- 0 ~'-"~ "_"'_'_ :.: :.: :.: --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-------_, _ -- -----.,.--- ' -----------------------~t=: EXHIBIT 3 1. ! __ .; . · 1---· \~ . -------------JS JAY Hl50l -==--•-_.1n,:,_1.,~ __ -~-- ,........ I < j m l ...... ~i r ...., . (1) ~ ®) ~ I EXHIBIT 4 ,.... ! . ;~ gs,ogs 'IM ·N01 ~3~ ' s~ ;s '?.,W 1-lSC, 9C·9L. ' ~ !i IN ~i ~ ~j o •• ~~ : "l • I cl31N3J '.:JN!dJOHS N31'.) '.:JNlcldS 16£Z:OS ~~ ! ,, , a-~< w ! s, iq~ ~ . /!;8 "'.::.~ f i i! 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I p~ H I C.fJ , . i ! ii 3':i --l iH ti :I ' ., i J f ~·-ft ) ·- ADAPT January 16, 2013 Adapt Project No. WAl3-18735-GEO AT&T Mobility c/o Pacific Telecom Services, LLC 506 2nd Ave Suite 210 Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Zach Phillips Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center 17808 108th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Phillips: EXHIBIT 7 615 8"' Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel (206) 654-7045 Fax(206)654-7046 www.adaptengr.com RECEIVED MA,9 3 1 2014 CITY o;: /;Ff,!TON PLA.N~-.:11\!G Oi\ib/ON Adapt Engineering (Adapt) is pleased to submit this report describing our recent geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above referenced tower site. The purpose of this study was to interpret general surface and subsurface site conditions, from which we could evaluate the feasibility of the project and formulate design recommendations concerning site preparation, equipment pad and tower foundations, access road, structural fill, and other considerations. Our scope of services consisted of a surface reconnaissance, a subsurface exploration, geotechnical analyses, and report preparation. Authorization to proceed with our study was given by Zach Phillips of Pacific Telecom Services, LLC (PTS) on behalf of AT&T Mobility (AT&T) prior to our performing the work. This report has been prepared in accordance with general accepted geotechnical engineering practices for the exclusive use of PTS, AT&T, and their agents, for specific application to this project. Use or reliance upon this report by a third party is at their own risk. Adapt does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to such other parties as to the accuracy or completeness of this report or the suitability of its use by such other parties for any purpose whatever, known or unknown, to Adapt. ' EXHIBIT 8 ENVIRON MEN- AT&T Mobility . Carrier Name: AT&T 19801 SW 72nd Avenue Tualatin, OR 97062 Client Project Number: Spring Glenn Shopping Center Client Project Name: SD2391 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Street: 17808 108th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Site Latitude: 4 7 .4431 Site Longitude: -122.1959 AT&T proposes the following: Install a prefabricated equipment shelter which houses equipment cabinets, racks, a generator and exterior AC units; PROJECT SCOPE: The maximum permissible noise level for this site are described by Renton Municipal Code. The scope of this report is to determine, using the recommended prediction methods outlined in the ANSI/AH RI Standard 275, if the equipment installation in question will be in compliance with all appropriate State and Local regulations in regards to noise levels. See Appendix B for a copy of the referenced regulation. SUMMARY RESULTS: For a 24 hour Installation, the maximum sustained noise allowed by Renton Municipal Code is 45 Oba for adjacent Residential properties and 50 Oba for adjacent Commercial properties. The Combined A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level for this installation is 49 dBA Based on our review of the proposed equipment installation and applying worst-case scenario, we have determined the proposed site will comply with Renton Municipal Code for maximum permissible noise levels. Please reference Section 4 for comments regarding the calculations. See Appendix A for the Calculations and Appendix B for c~ed codes and regulations. We trust this addresses your concerns. Please contact us if there are any questions. Prepared By: Dated: CONTENTS: Ryan McDaniel, P.E. December 31, 2013 Report .......................................................................... 1 -4 Appendix.A (Calculations) ................................................ A Appendix B (Referenced Documents) ................................. B RECE!\IE[) MAR 3 1 LG/ CITY Or f,t"N:ON PLAI\JN!NG 01\/lSION EXPIRES 1 /9/15 i -·----·-·•-·· ... --~~"-'' 1001 SE Water Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97214 • [Phone] 206.342.9000 • www.ptswa.com SEATTLE I PORTLAND I SAN FRANCISCO I COSTA MESA NON-IONIZ EXHIBIT 9 AT&T Mobility Carrier Name: AT&T 19801 SW 72nd Avenue Tualatin, OR 97062 Client Project Number: Spring Glenn Shopping Center Client Project Name: SD2391 Project Street: 17808 108th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Site Latitude: 47.4431 Site Longitude: -122.1959 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: AT&T proposes the following: Install (12) new panel antennas which contribute to the MPE for the site. PROJECT SCOPE: The scope of this report is to determine, using the recommended prediction methods outlined in the Federal Communications Commission OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01, if the radio facility in question will be in compliance with all appropriate Federal regulations in regards to Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure. RESULTS: Based on our review of the proposed RF configuration and applying worst-case scenario, we have determined the proposed site will comply with current FCC and municipal guidelines for human exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation for the Uncontrolled Condition / General Population and for the Controlled / Occupational Condition. '!Jncortlf!)!I!~/ q. MPEl.:imits mW/ci'n2 General P,:( lllation MPE Limits mW/cm2 ,:· Controlled.J,~,~ MPE,Limits mW/cm2 :; .. , .. · Occu atio11ai ··,~; MPE Limits mW/cm2 it?PS~O.St{f1.i !ftt 1.09% RFCE/VE[ We trust this addresses your concerns. Please contact us if there are any questions. Prepared By: Dated: CONTENTS: Ryan McDaniel, P.E. January 2, 2014 Report .......................................................................... 1 -4 Appendix A (Calculations) ................................................ A I' \Q 3 VII-\,\ J 20 L1 '. Appendix B (Referenced Documents) ................................. B ; ~P!RES ·! _!_9 /_15 ___________ .• __ J 1001 SE Water Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97214 • [Phone] 206.342.9000 • www.ptswa.com SEATTLE I PORTLAND I SAN FRANCISCO I COSTA MESA / ,,,/ EXHIBIT 10 f Kev Uate: UA l IO Utility Coordination Report SD2391 Spring Glenn Shopping Center FA: 12908315 USID: 154835 UCR: SD2391 Spring Glenn Shopping Center PRELIMINARY Company: Consultant: Phone Number: Email: Site Status: R&W Engineering Heather Harris (503) 726-3321 hharris@rweng.com SAO i<ECEIVED POWER: Puget Sound Energy ENET: NA TDM: Centurylink (Qwest) -1 -1192.055.001 EXHIBIT 11 .·.·········.<~~rykt%1'1'' .:t~k-§J~·~-.·· - -~,._..-~· ----'; ... ·· .. · ...• · ......... · ... ·· .. ···· ;bf.y JLu~.l, /-{;;;. A,-J,. ~:,-,. .... ~ . • .. ··.· .. ·. . . . ___ _cc __ ~.~;i: 4-Yb> ~-4----foq-r1;:'>E /; /ag""ff-5_ ~-/~, · ~~<-------' _, ()»._,.~ ~ f,t,~ --. .. << ~. b< .··.·.· ... ·. ··.; ~~~~~'f ~~~~r;ndq,i.MC_ •. • ~-------'----·.· ... ··-~ .. · .. -~· .. ~·~··~ .• %¢.· .. ~·.·~··¢'~ .·.·.· ................. ~~-~~~~f-±ILj~·.~··/V{f ...... ~~· r~;.· .. >.·.·.> ... ·· :-'~~k~19-~~.~~.·~.·~-. . . . ·.· . ·· .. · . . .•.... ··.. Ir · ..... ··• .··.. . . .. · .·.. _k_~-+; ··. . .. . ·a-m~ .. · .. · ±t-ZS-;i.3S-1<2-1D ---- . ·. ~ ·~ Zc>E'" f'\ .'l',i@ f'o ,-..<-,otST: ryt:T, Jill Din From: Sent: To: Subject: M. Mattson, Jill Ding Monday, April 21, 2014 8:35 AM 'zoem291@comcast.net' New Cingular Wireless LUA14-000434, CU-A Thank you for your letter and phone message on the above mentioned project. Your letter has been included in the official land use file and you have been added as a party of record for this project. Per your phone message and letter, it sounds like your main concern is the protection of the "green belt" between 109th Ave SE and Skippers. The proposed project is for the installation of a 59-foot 11-inch tall monople and associated equipment building. The proposed project would be constructed entirely within the boundary of the Skipper's parking lot, no encroachment is proposed into any existing vegetated areas. I hope this addresses your concern, if not please let me know. Thank you again for your comments. Jill Ding Senior Planner Community and Economic Develoment City of Renton jding@rentonwa.gov City of R ____ on Department of Community & Economic oil .. ,opment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT,C(mnv,u\.\ COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 22, 2014 APPLICATION NO: LUA14-000434, CU-A DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 8, 2014 APPLICANT: Kelly Lester PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PROJECT TITLE: New Cingular Wireless PCS PROJECT REVIEWER: SITE AREA: EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 2,200 square feet LOCATION: 17808108th Ave SE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (grass) 274 square feet SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: AT&T is requesting approval of an Administrative Conditional Use Permit for the installation of a new 59 foot 11 inch tall Monopole I with an associated 274 square foot pre-fabricated equipment shelter, and 12 panel antennas, 24 RRUs, and 5 distribution units mounted on the proposed monopole. The project site is a 50 foot by SO foot fenced compound located within an existing parking lot at the rear of an existing Skipper's restaurant and is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). Access to the site would be provided off of 108th Avenue SE through the existing Skipper's parking lot. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Cade) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Linh Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Tronsoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000Feet 14 ODO Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information · ecded to properly assess this proposal. r . 4-/S-!f Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact ore_e_~:.. re additional inform . n is needed to properly assess this proposal. 415-11 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Jill Din From: Vanessa Dolbee Sent: To: Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:44 AM Jill Ding Subject: FW: Section 106 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 Jill, Is the wireless application below your project? If so, please add e-mail to the LUA file. 'Vanessa <Dof6ee CED, x7314 From: Jennifer T. Henning Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:26 PM To: Vanessa Dolbee Subject: Re: Section 106 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 Unless there is a records request, I would add it to the file for the cell tower. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DRO!D Vanessa Dolhee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: What do we typically do with these? Vanessa From: Chip Vincent Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 3:01 PM To: Jennifer T. Henning; Vanessa Dolbee Subject: FW: Section I 06 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 FYI. From: towemotifyinfo@fcc.gov [ mailto:towemotifyinfo@fcc. gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 12:45 PM To: Chip Vincent Subject: Section I 06 Filing Update-Email ID #692879 The following Section 106 filing has been updated: File Number: 0006236872 Purpose: Update Original Purpose: New Tower Submission Packet Notification Date: 7 AM EST 04/17/2014 Applicant: AT&T Mobility Consultant: Adapt Engineering Site Name: Spring Glenn Shopping Center 1 ' , ~ , 'I l_U .. 1-1 i', • Site" Address: 17808 I 08th Ave SE Site Coordinates: 47-26-35.3 N, 122-11-45.2 W City: Renton County: KING Slalc:WA Lead SHPO/TllPO: Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Consultant Contact Information: Name: Adapt Engineering Title: Archaeologist PO Box: Address: I 0725 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 200 City: Portland State: OR Zip: 97219 Phone: 503-842-2346 Fax: Email: holly.borth@adaptengr._com<mailto:holly.borth@adaptengr.com> NOTICE OF FRAUDULENT USE OF SYSTEM, ABUSE OF PASSWORD AND RELATED MISUSE Use of the Section l06 system is intended to facilitate consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable laws. Any person having access to Section I 06 infonnation shall use it only for its intended purpose. Appropriate action will be taken with respect to any misuse of the system. 2 . r I . . ----\ 1 ,· 1,/ .I 7-l"T -,, __ RECEIVED· .. ·· Renton, WA 98055 ":t.l,§-_;;I, 3 S:.: .. i-,;z,.,c, E """_:_I... -Zoe l"I .:14, G) Co ,..,..c..i'\ ST. r--iEI- i" CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 8th day of April, 2014, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application documents. This information was sent to: .. . •i<,c t . ". 111110ih!lill1IH -. :_ ;£; / ·;r,, ~ :,~·· ......... '°T' ··!'£!Jllll111m· ·-. ' ',, ' . :.· .:: ··,·Nahie _;·,-:· --·<_)1: tr.~}-: -~1: :ri'.t i1!1111H1~i~'.'.,r~··1,~ .. 1-lirf\.=.-.>r1~1! ·;tZ~1W!ii:jl',11i11ili11!1111111,: <>,1L: ' ••••• • ... P . S . .!L. g .. .,,,,,., .. Agencies See Attached New Cingular Wireless PCS Applicant Pruzan Building Company, LLC Owner Kelly Lester, Pacific Telecom Services Contact ~ (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON mentioned in the instrument. Notary (Print): _____ \+uu..J.1.J,ll...,,..,,__~..:....OwVY<=€"'.tSi=" ------------- My appointment expires: ~ '-'-s+ d9 _. .).o l9- New Cingular Wireless PCS LUA14-000434, CU-A template -affidavit of service by mailing 3223059016 1116100120 5438000310 FRED MEYER STORES INC WILMORE DARRY AND LATH ROPE LEEPER GERALD L+MARIAN A C/0 NICKEL & COMPANY 17844109TH AVE SE 17843 SE 110TH 1014 VINE ST #?TH FLOOR RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 CINCINNATI, OH 45202 1116100110 5438000300 1116100100 ARLINT JAMES M+MELINDAJ LWAI KEI NIERENBERG ELLIS 17834109TH AVE SE 17835 110TH AVE SE 4643 332ND AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 FALL CITY, WA 98024 5438000290 3223059330 1116100090 SAMMONSJ W NWR REALTY LL C TERRY JASON+ TRACY K 17827 110TH AVE SE 16000 CHRISTENSEN RD STE 101 17818 109TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 SEATTLE, WA 98188 RENTON, WA 98055 3223059054 5438000280 1116100080 DESIMONE TRUST WEN DYS CHANDLER KAREN L SNARSKI JOHNNIE+KAREN C/0 BNY MELLON NA 23125 128TH PL SE 17810 109TH AVE SE 12013RD AVE #5010 KENT, WA 98031 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATTLE, WA 98101 5438000270 1116100070 3223059104 TOM WING M+BARBARA K STILL DOUGLAS B PRUZAN BUILDING COMPANY LL 18728 137TH CT SE 17804 109TH AVE SE PO BOX 9386 RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATTLE, WA 98109 5438000260 3223059334 1116100060 JOHNSON ROBERTA MEZA VICTOR MANUEL M+ MATTSON ERIC M+DAVID H PO BOX 58893 MONREAL PATRICIA 17660 109TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 17661109TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3223059175 5438000250 3223059105 AJF LLC MARTINEZ SARAH BILC FLORENTINA 1422 EDINGER AVE #150 17659 110TH AVE SE 17655 109TH AVE SE TUSTIN, WA 92780 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98005 3223059201 1116100050 5438000240 MAEHREN MARCIAL MATTSON GEORGE E+ZOE E ARUNGA MARCIA TATE PO BOX 494303 17654 109TH AVE SE 17653 110TH AVE SE REDDING, CA 96049 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 1116100040 5438000230 3223059119 HACKETT EDWARD L+JUANITA G MURTHI RAM+USHA MCDONALDS CORP 046/0138 17646109TH AVE SE 17645 110TH AVE SE PO BOX 182571 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 COLUMBUS, OH 43218 1116100030 1116100020 3223059120 STROHSCHEIN DONALD & JULIE ARTERITANO JULIA M+BATES RO CSK AUTO CORP STORE #3704 14715 SE 145TH PL 2627 EASTLAKE AVE E C/0 THOMSON REUTERS PTS RENTON, WA 98059 SEATTLE, WA 98102 PO BOX 06116 CHICAGO, IL 60606 3223059065 TRI MARK NORTH BENSON LP 406 ELLINGSON RD PACIFIC, WA 98047 3223059087 ANDES L LC 13239 SE 51ST PL BELLEVUE, WA 98006 3223059090 KHADRA SAMIR BENSON DAIRY QUEEN 524 DOUGLAS ST WENATCHEE, WA 98801 .• ¢. City of., . V· ~ f {1.tJ]I1fQ)U'i.L ~ AMa~•~•:'M;;~:~~•~•;:,~;~::~:~;tJ~g:.~ /CiD)-Pl•nnlrrt;Ol•!SlqnQft e 1 ~blk:Af>l>l<"'~I,, Doi.Tl: Of rfOTJQ OFA!'PUCATIOIII: STATE OF WASHINGTON I, ~~ lu U < k,i,,,., , be,eby certify <ha< 3 cop;,, ohbeabo,, doc,meo, we,e po ted io 3_ '°"""""' places o, oea,by t~)~", Date: t-f -rJ·-/tf Signed:~#/(~ CERTIFICA TIO~ J COUNTY OF KING J ss ) f certify that f know or have satisfactory evidence that 11!,(1,,le..._ 'v..J 7 cl;.c ttQ!Y',~~--- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/thil't'r free and voluntary act for the uses and pu~1~17tioned in the instrument . .... ,.......... 'y DA.' ,, • ~·w ,, ~ Dated: :::-::Wr..iJb. ~2 e b ,c, Notary Pu~ and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): 11 \., ./~ tt12 t ('.j My appointment expires:_ ---'<-Ai""f>~'l-'·u-§=--·~t-=~=:!..,_~<X.~0..__.t~·r ___ _ 1v ) Denis Law Mayor April 8, 2014 Kelly Lester Pacific Telecom Services 506. 2nd Ave ·suite 2.10 Seattle, WA 98104 Department·of Community_ and Economic Deyelopment C.E. "Chi p"Vi ncerit, Administrator s·ubject: ---Notice of Co~plete Application . New Cingular W_ireless PCS, LUA14-000434; cu:A Dear Ms: Lester: The Planning -Division o"fthe City of Renton ~as det~rmined that the subject application. ls complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. Yo_u wi11 be notified if a·ny additional information is required to ~ontinu~ processing your_ application. Please coritactme at (425) 430-6598 if you have any questions. . ' .' . -. '. . . . J3'~P71 . -_ Jill Ding -_ -_ -.. _ f/ -- Senior Planner cc: prui.1n Bl.Jildirig Company LL¢/ Owner{s) New Cingular Wireless·P.c;,, L.LC./ Applicifnt -Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton,Washington 98057-.-rentonwa.9ov - NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been flied and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO)-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: April 8, 2014 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: New Cingular Wireless PCS/ LUA14-000434, CU-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of an Administrative Conditional Use Permit for the installation of a new 59 foot 11 inch tall Monopole I with an associated 274 square foot pre-fabricated equipment shelter, and 12 panel antennas, 24 RRUs, and S distribution units mounted on the proposed monopole. The project site is a 50 foot by SO foot fenced compound located within an existing parking lot at the rear of an existing Skipper's restaurant and is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). Access to the site would be provided off of 108th Avenue SE through the existing Skipper's parking lot. PROJECT LOCATION; 17808 1081h Ave SE PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Administrative Conditional Use APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Kelly Lester/ Pacific Telecom Services/ 506 2"d Ave Suite 210, Seattle, WA 98104 / EML: klester@ptswa.com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on April 22, 2014. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-6598. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: March 31, 2014 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APRIL 8, 2014 •e~ '....., ' ~t, ... ~? .. ~~~ .... ,-· If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: New Cingular Wireless PCS/ LUA14-000434 NAME: ---------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _____________ City/State/Zip:------------ TELEPHONE NO.: ------------·---- ' City of Renton L \P--\~ -ttJO L-J 7:i1 111 -Oo007Y LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Pruzan Building Company, LLC NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC NSB $02391 Sorina Glen Shonnina Center ADDRESS: PO Box 9386 PROJECT/ADDRESS(SYLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 17808 108'" Avenue SE I< E ,'EI VE D Renton, WA 98055 --\..,, -· CITY: Seattle, WA ZIP: 98109 MAR 3 1 2014 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 285-0100 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR':.' ~N PLJ\NNl!\JG D/VIS10f\,' 3223059104 APPLICANT (if other than owner) EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: Restaurant (Fast Food) COMPANY (if applicable): New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Unmanned Y'lireless telecommunications facility ADDRESS: 19801 SW 72nd Avenue EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CC -Commercial Corridor CITY: Tualatin, OR ZIP: 97062 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) CC -Commercial Corridor EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (503) 691-5020 CA -Commercial Arterial CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): CA -Commercial Arterial NAME: Kelly Lester SITE AREA (in square feet): 480 square feet SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: COMPANY (if applicable): Pacific Telecom Services N/A ADDRESS: 506 2nd Avenue. Suite 210 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: N/A CITY: Seattle, WA ZIP: 98104 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) NIA TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) NIA (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile klester@ptswa.com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NIA Q:\AT&T-AT&T NSB\City of Renton\SD239l Spring Glen Shopping Center\CUP Submittal Docs\SD239[ Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Master Application 01.06.14 REV 03.Zt.14.doc -t -03/11 .. PR-JECT INFORMATION (conti .. ued) ~-~~----~~------------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: N/A $139.000.00 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): 274 square feet D FLOOD HA2ARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 2,200 square feet D GEOLOGIC HA2ARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): 2,200 square feet (Skippers)+ 274 square feet (proposed development) for a total of 2,474 square feet D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NIA D WETLANDS sq. ft. ----- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N , RANGE SE , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) HERBERT L PRUZAN, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SEEATIACHED Signature of Owner/Representative STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss 01114/14 Date Signature of Owner/Representative I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ______________ ~ signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Date Notary (Print): ____________________ _ My appointment expires:---------------------- C:\Users\klester\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp l _ SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Documents fur JDX Review.zip\SD239 l Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Master Application 01.06.14 REV 03.21.14.doc -2 -03/11 • PR 1 =er INFORMATION (contin __ d) ~--'L------~------------- NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): P RO J EC T VALUE: NIA $139,000 00 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (rr applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NIA D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA lWO BUILDINGS (rr applicable): 274 square feet D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 0 square feet (none existing} D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (rr D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): 274 square feet D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A D WETLANDS sq. ft. -. ---·--------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach leaal descriotion on senarate sheet with the following information included} SITUATE IN THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N , RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) 1-terher+ L. e(\,., LA.A . declare under penalty of perjuryynderthe laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that J/;d1t Date Signature of Owner/Representative signed this instrument and acknowtedge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the u Date purpose m,?oned \~ instrument .... ~~.o~ .. ~ ;;;;;;iM~~~;;~~;;;;mrr~~---------- -7:..~ •. v'1,-\: Dated ~f,"~ 1"' j -1, 0 'i;·. G\ \ Notary Public in for the St ngton .. ;_:;t> (";_ ..:.· 'I ~ ~ :·-]> !,:,-! ~_;. ', _, ~:-t= ~ \ ~~~~~}· / f $'/t,,J Notary (Print) -~:P,-""r-'>--'1-=-itQ' 4>'0;:_-==-, __ _ ·\. vQ·~.. • .. • ~.f '••,.;oiv .... -~~ appointment expires: ----'-L.J'l---""'::::.S.""""""-V-+4---"-------- :,f' ............ ,.-.: C:\Users\Handl.\AppData\LocaJ\Microsoft\Windows\femporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\74LJVOW6\SD239I Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Master Application 01 06 14.doc -2 -03/11 To: From: Subject: Date: MEMORANDUM City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Kelly Lester, PTS as Agent for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SE2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Submittal Legal Description MARCH 19, 2014 Legal Description: 506 2"'1 Avenue, Suite#210 Seattle. WA 98104 (206) 342 9000 THE SOUTH 132 FEET OF THE NORTH SIX-TENTHS OF THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 315+81 AND 40 FEET EASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF HIGHWAY SR 515, RENTON VICINITY; (SOUTHEAST 196TH STREET TO CARR ROAD); THENCE NORTHERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 318+41 AND 45 FEET EASTERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE, AND END OF SAID LINE AS CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NOS. 7208020358 AND 7207110553. . i. ~ ' PRUZAN BUILDING COMPANY LLC AGREEMENT THIS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into this 9th day of December, 2010, to be effective December 31, 2010, by HERBERT L. PRUZAN and LUCIAS. PRUZAN, husband and wife, ADAM C. PRUZAN, a single person as his separate property and ALAN J. PRUZAN, a married person as his separate property, AARON P. PRUZAN, a married person as his separate property. ARTICLE 1 -FORMATION OF COMPANY 1.1 Fonnation. The Company was fonned on December 23, 2010, when the Certificate of Fonnation was filed with the Office of the Secretary of State in accordance with and pursuant to the Washington Limited Liability Company Act (the "Act"). I. 2 Name. The name of the Company is the "Pruzan Building Company LLC". I . 3 Principal Place of Business. The principal place of business of the Company shall be PO Box 9386, Seattle, Washington 98109-0386. The Company may locate its place of business at any other place or places as the Members may from time to time deem advisable. 1.4 Registered Office and Registered Agent. The Company's initial registered agent and the address of its initial registered office in the State of Washington are as follows: Jeppesen Gray Sakai P.S. Address Janet Gray, Secretary Jeppesen Gray Sakai P.S. 10655 NE 4th Street, Suite 801 Bellevue WA 98004-5044 The registered office and registered agent may be changed by the Members from time to time by filing the change with the Secretary of State. 1.5 Tenn. The tenn of the Company shall be the latest date of tennination pursuant to the Act, unless the Company is earlier dissolved in accordance with either Section 12.1 or the Act. -1 - G:\JDG\PRUZANBC.LL~//11/22/10 ARTICLE 2 -BUSINESS OF COMPANY The business of the Company shall be (a) to own, manage, and develop for profit real estate, securities, and other investments, and (b) to exercise all other powers necessary to or reasonably connected with the Company's business which may be legally exercised by limited liability companies under the Act. Further, the Members anticipate that the Company will be utilized as a long-term family investment vehicle to pursue appropriate business and investment opportunities on behalf of the Members by: 2. 1 Pooling assets to allow unified management and lower operating expenses, compared to multiple, individual ownerships and allowing the Members to pool capital for long- term diversification of investments; 2.2 Allowing the Members the assurance that the pool of investments will be maintained as a family investment vehicle, to the exclusion of non-family members; 2.3 Preventing the pledging or encumbrance of family investment assets, and eliminating the risk of a creditor attempting to reach family investment assets; 2.4 Providing that the family investment assets will not be awarded to a spouse of a family member in the context of a marital dissolution proceeding; 2.5 Providing a flexible legal entity which is not irrevocable, and may be amended with the consent of all Members, or that portion of the Members as stated in this Agreement; 2.6 Providing a mechanism other than litigation to resolve disputes of Company investment or management issues, or a deadlock, as provided in Article 13; 2. 7 Facilitating communication ~mqng the Members regarding family investment matters in the context of Company commu'l\,1~ations and meetings; and ~·· ... ,·. 2.8 Avoiding ancillary probate costs for Members who may now or hereafter reside outside of Washington, with regard to Washington real property which may be owned by the Company. ARTICLE 3 -NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF MEMBERS The names of the original Members and their initial Percentage Interests are as follows: -2 - ::; \J::C\PRUZANBC.LL4//ll/n/10 Percentage Ownership Interest Herbert L. Pruzan and Lucia S. Pruzan, husband and wife Adam C. Pruzan, a single person as his separate property Alan J. Pruzan, a married person as his separate property Aaron P. Pruzan, a married person as his separate property ARTICLE 4 -MANAGEMENT 64% 12% 12% 12% 4 t M!n!(d di 2113 kil&II i Si di@ Lblllbkh) foil! S@ ik&IIJid §J !ELL . Herbert L. Pruzan is unable to serve because of death or incapacity, then Lucia S. Pruzan shall serve as the sole successor Manager. 4.2 Successor Manager. If both Herbert L. Pruzan and Lucia S. Pruzan are unable to serve as the Manager and the successor Manager, respectively, then the successor Manager(s) shall be appointed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the then serving Manager(s). If no successor Manager is appointed, then the successor Manager(s) shall be appointed by the affirmative vote of Members holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the Percentage Interests in the Company. 4.3 Majority Vote of Managers. If more than one Manager is serving, then all decisions require the approval of the majority of the Managers then serving. 4.4 Removal of Manager(s). 4.4.1 Without Cause. A Manager may be removed without cause by the affirmative vote of the Member's holding 1t1pre than fifty percent (50%) of the Perc·entage I meres ts in the Company. , \;', 4.5 Authority of Manager(s). Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, the Manager shall have full and complete authority, power and discretion to (1) manage and control the business, affairs and properties of the Company, (2) make all decisions regarding those matters and (3) perform al)y"and all other acts or activities customary or incident to the management of the Company's business. The Manager(s) may: ·. 4.5.1 Manage and control the business, affairs and properties of the Company; -3 - ·~ \.::DG\PRUZAf.lBC.LU//ll/22/lO ' .-' ' LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION For ZONING AND BUILDING PERMIT PURPOSES 506 2nd Avenue. Sui\e#210 Seattle. W.A. 98104 (206) 342 9000 County/Municipality: =C~it~y=o~f ~R=e~nt=o=n~--------------------- Property: 17808 108"' Avenue SE Renton WA 98055 Site ID: SD2391 Site Name: Spring Glen Shopping Center The undersigned OWNER(s) of the above described Property ("Owner"), appoint AT&T Mobility ("AT&T") and its employees, agents and contractors, as Owner's agent for the purpose of filing and completing any application necessary for constructing or installing antennas, support structures and related equipment on the Property as AT&T may require for its wireless communications system. AT&T will be responsible for all costs, fees and expenses incurred in securing any approval. Assessor's Parcel Number: 3223059104 Authorized Agent for AT&T Mobility, PTS By: Name: Title: Office: Mobile: Email: Date: ~~ Site Acquisition Specialist, PTS (206) 342-6388 (425) 289-9230 klester@ptswa.com 12/17/2013 Email: Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that H e,~~be,,-+ L ~ I"~ fl<nown to be the C1 An a.sf..-v: of Pruzan Building Company, LLC, signed this instrument and acknowledged said instrumeniib be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned in the instrument, and on oath stated that he or she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation . .,./.ld,~e..0..4<'~'.::..." ~i~·· 0~1c...'....4 O\t \:?le VI c.... V f' 1 ~ ,.., • .,.,,, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington I L:-~A V _:,,.,.. 01 \;' ~' Fo-4:-;~oii.M'.}:i:J.~~,1 Notary {Print): LI;~ f' I~ / / ~OT "1,9 ;:_ ·~ ppointment expires· ,Jo lie. Wti;&v, 2 ~ 2-0 IS- I en: --•--: • -1 ·~ • \ ,._,:,.~.e;"uauc :::.~'/ t I \; ((''•~BER 1i,}' ~"'J' ~. 0~' .... ,•' \~GA# . ... ,. WAS~,.-•••,u1111•"t1 SD2391 Spring Glen PLANNING DIVISION Shopping Center WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS l<FC:f i\/E[) c"'1or;),\fMa1,1$JottJ1s~1ayx:·,·,·,·,,:c,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,:,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,, Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4 Environmental Checklist 4 •:, . : \• !.:),, __ . '\' ~w~oo:P!W!!l!:\<¥1:W:IW.¢t4~~:®Pti:1~, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,:,:::::, ::):ee: .. :,:,:.: •. :.::.:.:.:.: .. : :.::: .•. :.:.: .•. :.• ,,.•.••·• .. • .•. : .. :.:. :.:.:. Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 Flood:H~~~W,·:D®,t·'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''?''''''''''"'''""''>''''''' :,,,,::;:,:,:,,,:,,,,, ,:,:,:,:,:,•,:,,,,,:,:,::::,::, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,.,.,,,,,:,:,:,:,:,•,•:,::,,,,;,,, . Floor Plans , AND• ~~~~~~1~i:~~ijt~~~:;;;:;;:;;:;:;:;:;::;:;::;:::;:::;:::;:;::;:;;: :':::::: '' ,:,:::: ·: :: : ::::: '.' :':::::: ::::·::::·:::·:·:·:· · Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 o,:i.,tA.; l?-(_ ~ Grat11ng·eian,·oel\lilerlj2!::::,:::::::::::,:::;;;::,:;:: Habitat Data Report 4 ,m~r~wm:~tii ii~rrlii:i, : ::,: ,::,:, ,,;,:,:.:,:,:,:,:,:.: '.:.: : .. , , .:, , , ,:::.:,:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .,.,,,,,,,,::,,,, ,.. ,.,::::: ::::::':}::;:;:;:::':':::::::' Irrigation Plan 4 1<100'¢®hlVMi,t~i,<ii'ii¥@·'1rit!,8#\iH§'sl1¥!'·' ' '·' '·' '· .,.,.,.,.,.,, .•.• ,.,.:,., ': ':':· ':':':·:': ':':' :··' :.:.,. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ,.,.,.,.,.,., ,.,.,.,., ,,.,.,. ,.,. ,.,.,.,.,.,., ,,., ':' .,.,. '·'·':': :··'·'·'' Landscape Plan, Conceptual• llarrctsi:ap.e,PianA:iatiliieili,> ,;,;., ,,;, : ; ;,; ; :,;.:,;,:,;,:,;,:, , , , Legal Description 4 Mii/ftif:E~isJirrg:Stte:Cohtiltl®~ii:ij:d:i:i:i : ;,:,;;,,:, ,,,,,:,:,:; Master Application Forrn 4 ~~~1::¢~1{]'~:,iiH~'ii~~:ifiM®#&Wit::::::rn,nm:::w: Neighborhood Detail Map 4 P$ilii~fi:''w.c~#ri1rJ~i~:t~fi@i':~~i®M~i~fii'~::,i: Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 fy;il,OffiP~AppfP~~R:,:,:.:,:,:,:.:,:,,:,:,:,:,:.:.:,:,:,:,,: .. : •. ,:.:,:.:,:,:,:,: ) . This requirement maY, be waived by: 1 . Property Services . 2. Public Works Plan Review ..Lf_J5..Q::(,_~i::1:t~ ~ 3. Building 4. Planning -··---1. Z-§S)e§ Plat Name Reservation 4 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS R-wliip!ip~li!lr:t0m~,m~JNrnm~1}:IHf:(:::tH:t::u: Public Works Approval Letter, Title Report or Plat Certificate , 1'.?PA$f®l!;l~tmt1>;,;,;,;,;,;,;n,;,:,;,;,:,;,,,,,:<,,,:,;,;,;,;,;,:,;,;,;,;,:,,;,:,;,; Traffic Study 2 Trae(,iJ~irt~lt~tictcl#t;@iPl~lilV;;: ;;;::;;; : ; Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Y:~fu~~)¥1~~i·~#.~r-~i,~~+,:,;,;,;,;,;,,:,:;,;,,;;,;,;;,;;;,;:;;;;:;;,;;;; Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 MY~r!~IB$Hffi11*J'~l!!J~'/'?:l'J:tii1ffl'.g!l!/i:iiITTWY~H:H ,:nu : { Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 ANO 3 Lease Agreement, Draft ,ANo 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND s Photosimulations 2 ANo, This requirement may be waived by, 1 . Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center I" ( Kelly Lester From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello Kelly: Gerald Wasser <GWasser@Rentonwa.gov> Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:38 PM Kelly Lester; Vanessa Dolbee Zachary Phillips RE: SD2391 CUP Pre-Submittal Conference SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Your summary looks like it accurately reflects our prescreen meeting. No traffic study is necessary for this project. As I mentioned yesterday, it has been a pleasure working with you, Kelly. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX(425)430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: Kelly Lester [mailto:klester@ptswa.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9: 13 AM To: Gerald Wasser; Vanessa Dolbee Cc: Zachary Phillips Subject: FW: SD2391 CUP Pre-Submittal Conference Importance: High Jerry, Would you please confirm that the below summary includes everything from our conference? Did you have the opportunity to obtain a Traffic Plan waiver from Rohini? I would like to just confirm this information before you leave so that I make sure I'm on the same page as Vanessa moving forward. © ' ·-r· Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com • Site Acquisition Specialist (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com From: Kelly Lester Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 1:21 PM To: Gerald Wasser (GWasser@Rentonwa.gov) Cc: Zachary Phillips Subject: SD2391 CUP Pre-Submittal Conference Jerry, SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Thank you for taking the time to look over my CUP submittal package. Per our conference, the following are items that need to be changed/corrected/provided: Parking Calculations • Site plan must include parking calculations since AT&T's proposal involves locating the WCF on land that is currently used as parking spots. • Provide drawings added to architectural drawings (CDs) identifying the existing configuration and the proposed configuration. Before & after drawings required. • Indicate measurements and drawings to scale on CDs of parking spots & distances. • Ensure that the number of parking spaces comply with Renton Municipal Code. Traffic Plan • Traffic study required? Jerry to check with Rohini to see if this can be waived. • Detail on plans: > Show existing & proposed > Show parking and turn-around space distances > Show to scale Tree Survey/Landscape Plan • Identify full area of trees. Drawings stop at the planter, but trees continue down the lot. • Identify "tree line" as "tree canopy." • Include grassy area & shrubs. • Obtain actual number of trees for tree survey worksheet. Missing Items Utility plan Geotech report Parking Calculations Please review and confirm that these are the only items that you were able to determine will be required prior to CUP submittal. I greatly appreciate all of your time! • ·-r• Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com • Site Acquisition Specialist 2 (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com ************************************************************** SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center This email, and any attachments, is intended only for use by the addressee( s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information that is the property of Pacific Telecom Services, LLC. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email, any attachments thereto, and any use of the information contained are strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify me and permanently delete the original and any copy thereof. ************************************************************** 3 Kelly Lester From: Sent: To: Cc: Rohini Nair <RNair@Rentonwa.gov> Friday, January 17, 2014 9:18 AM Kelly Lester Meagan Dockter SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Item #27 Waiver Subject: RE: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles (SD2391) Hi Kelly, I can waive the grading plan for the conditional use permits for new monopoles (SD2391). I can waive the Drainage control plan and the Drainage report for the conditional use permits for new monopoles (SD2391). When the building permit is applied, you can submit a simple drainage narrative that says the site is fully impervious, and mention that it does not meet the drainage study thresholds as per the 2009 King County Surface Water Drainage Standards and the City Amendments and include the thresholds that I emailed you previously. Sincerely Rohini From: Kelly lester [mailto:klester@ptswa.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:51 PM To: Rohini Nair Cc: Meagan Dockter Subject: FW: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles (SD2391) Rohini, Did you determine whether this project is eligible for: Grading plan waiver Drainage control plan waiver Drainage report waiver Please let me know if these items will be required so that I can request the documents. Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com Site Acquisition Specialist (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com t::·~·_;'.\t''CJN C:•; V /.~:/~),\i SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center From: Kelly Lester CUP Item #27 Waiver Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 2:22 PM To: 'Rohini Nair' Subject: RE: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles (SD2391) No, no impervious surface will be replaced. Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com Site Acquisition Specialist (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com From: Rohini Nair (mailto:RNair@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 2: 19 PM To: Kelly Lester Subject: RE: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles (SD2391) Hi Kelly, Is there 2000 square feet or more of replaced impervious surface associated with the proposed project? Sincerely Rohini From: Kelly Lester [mailto:klester@ptswa.com] Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 11:58 AM To: Rohini Nair Cc: Gerald Wasser; Jennifer T. Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: RE: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles (SD2391) Rohini, I've attached zoning drawings for your review. Responses to your questions, below: 1. 2,000 square feet or more of new and/or replaced impervious surface, or • Not met. No new impervious surface. 2. 7,000 square feet or more of land disturbing activity, or • Not met. No land will be disturbed 3. proposes to construct or modify a drainage pipe or ditch that is 12 inches or more in size, or • Not met. Neither drainage pipe or ditch will be disturbed. 4. is located in a flood hazard area, erosion hazard area, steep slope hazard area, or landslide hazard area, or • Not met. 5. the redevelopment project has a total of new plus replaced impervious surface of 5,000 square feet or more, and whose valuation of proposed improvements (including interior improvements and excluding 2 required mitigation and frontage improvements) exceeds 50% improvements. SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center of the assessed valutgfp~~~iW2v.J~ver • Not met. Please provide waiver for items #24, 27 & 28. Previous issued waivers, attached. Please let me know if you have questions or additional requirements to complete this request. Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com Site Acquisition Specialist (206) 342-6388 Office (42S) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com From: Rohini Nair fmailto:RNair@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 1:51 PM To: Kelly Lester Cc: Gerald Wasser; Jennifer T. Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: RE: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles Hi Kelly, Please let me know the following information regarding your project. Drainage review is required for projects that meet the following thresholds 1) 2,000 square feet or more of new and/or replaced impervious surface, or 2) 7,000 square feet or more of land disturbing activity, or 3) proposes to construct or modify a drainage pipe or ditch that is 12 inches or more in size, or 4) is located in a flood hazard area, erosion hazard area, steep slope hazard area, or landslide hazard area, or 5) the redevelopment project has a total of new plus replaced impervious surface of 5,000 square feet or more, and whose valuation of proposed improvements (including interior improvements and excluding required mitigation and frontage improvements) exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the existing site improvements. If any of the above drainage review threshold is triggered, a drainage review complying with the City adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and City Amendments is required. Please let me know if the above thresholds are met/not met for your proposed project (along with your site address and the information regarding the existing pervious/impervious surface). 3 CJrhreshold 1 Threshold 2 Threshold 3 Threshold 4 Threshold 5 Sincerely Rohini Met D D D D From: Kelly Lester [mailto:klester@ptswa.com1 Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 5:51 PM To: Laureen M. Nicolay Cc: Rohini Nair; Gerald Wasser; Jennifer T. Henning SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Item #27 Waiver Not Met D D D D D Subject: RE: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles Thank you very much! I will contact Rohini. Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com Site Acquisition Specialist (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com From: Laureen M. Nicolay [mailto:Lnicolay@Rentonwa.gov) Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 5:50 PM To: Kelly Lester Cc: Rohini Nair; Gerald Wasser; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: RE: Drainage requirements needed to apply for conditional use permits for new monopoles 4 Hi Kelly, S02391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Item #27 Waiver Jerry is out of the office today. You might want to contact Rohini Nair directly (425-430-7298) in our public works plan review section to ask her about the possibility of waiving the drainage plan and/or report for the site on 1081h since it is her section that has that authority. I am sure Jerry will contact you as soon as he returns to set up the actual intake appointment(s). L41t!rU# 1tt,eo/,a'f, Senior Planner Department of Community and Economic Development 425-430-7294 From: Kelly Lester [mailto:klester@ptswa.com] Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 3:53 PM To: Gerald Wasser Cc: Jennifer T. Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: RE: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles I would also like to set an appointment for pre-submittal. Please let me know when your next available appointment is. Thank you! Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com Site Acquisition Specialist (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com From: Kelly Lester Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 3:37 PM To: 'Gerald Wasser' Cc: Jennifer T. Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: RE: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles Jerry, For the site on 1081h Avenue SE, the entire site is being built on existing impervious land. Would we be able to avoid Drainage Control Plan and Drainage Report since there will be no change to existing conditions? ;=,-r::5 Thank you, Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com Site Acquisition Specialist 5 (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com From: Gerald Wasser [mailto:GWasser@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 11:09 AM To: Kelly Lester Cc: Jennifer T. Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: RE: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles Hello Kelly: SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Item #27 Waiver I've attached a copy of the waiver sheet for each of your AT & T Monopole I proposals. In addition, I am also attaching a copy of a handout on additional information for wireless facility projects (RMC 4-8-120(). The proposal at 10321 SE 192"' Street is in a residential zone (R-4). The Code requires an approved Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit for this proposed project because it is located in a residential zone and is surrounded by residentially zoned properties. In addition, Environmental (SEPA) Review would be necessary. The fee for a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit is $2,060.00 ($2,000.00 plus 3% Technology Surcharge Fee); the fee for Environmental (SEPA) Review is $1,030.00 ($1,000.00 plus 3% Technology Surcharge Fee). The Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit and the Environmental (SEPA) Review would be processed concurrently in an approximate time frame of 10 to 12 weeks. The proposal at 17808 108'" Avenue SE requires an approved Administrative Conditional Use Permit because it is within 100 feet of residentially zoned property. Because the proposal is located on commercially zoned property (CA) it is categorically exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Review. The fee for an Administrative Conditional Use Permit is $2,060.00 ($2,000.00 plus 3% Technology Surcharge Fee). The approximate time frame for processing an Administrative Conditional Use Permit is 6 to 8 weeks. Please note that the Code specifies special decision criteria for conditional use permits for wireless facilities (RMC 4-9- 030E). These criteria should be addressed in your Conditional Use Permit justification. The following link is to the Conditional Use Permit Submittal Requirements: http://rentonwa.gov/uploadedFiles/Business/PBPW /DEVSERV /FORMS PLAN NING/conduse.pdf. When you have one copy of all of the required submittal materials, please call me for a prescreen appointment so that we can go over the materials before you make the necessary number of copies. Thank you. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 6 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: Kelly Lester [mailto:klester@ptswa.com] Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:46 PM To: Gerald Wasser Cc: Jennifer T, Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: RE: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles Jerry, SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Item #27 Waiver I'm following up on status of the pre-submittal meeting waiver request for these two projects. Have you been able to make a determination? Do you need any additional information? We're hoping to get our planning permit approval in by the end of the year, so any help you can offer in deciding would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions or additional requirements to make this decision. Thank you! Kelly Lester From: Gerald Wasser <GWasser@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 1:19 PM To: Kelly Lester Cc: Jennifer T. Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: RE: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles Hello Kelly: I was out of the office last week and returned yesterday. I have not yet been able to review the materials you submitted, but I will do so within the next two business days. After my review, I will contact you. Thank you for your patience. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: Kelly Lester [mailto:klester@ptswa.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 9:54 AM 7 To: Laureen M. Nicolay; Gerald Wasser Cc: Jennifer T. Henning Subject: RE: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles Good morning! SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Item #27 Waiver I was wondering if a decision had been made on pre-application waivers for these two sites. Please let me know if you have questions or additional requirements. Happy Holidays' Kelly Lester klester@ptswa.com Site Acquisition Specialist (206) 342-6388 Office (425) 289-9230 Mobile Pacific Telecom Services, LLC www.ptswa.com From: Laureen M. Nicolay [mailto:Lnicolay@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 1: 16 PM To: Gerald Wasser Cc: Kelly Lester; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: FW: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles Hi Jerry, I left a couple monopole proposals with waiver form requests in your in-basket. The applicant, Kelly Lester, would like to apply ASAP once she receives the completed waiver forms. Jennifer assigned these projects to you. Thank you Jerry, Laureen From: Jennifer T. Henning Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 12:37 PM To: Laureen M. Nicolay Cc: Gerald Wasser Subject: RE: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles These would go to Jerry, and he is due back in the office on Monday. From: Laureen M. Nicolay Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 10:09 AM To: Jennifer T. Henning Subject: New projects need assignment -2 conditional use permits for new monopoles These projects came in not wanting to do a preapp, but they do need items waived and a prescreen scheduled. ,,t41111U# 1/,ieolcf, Senior Planner Department of Community and Economic Development 425-430-7294 8 ************************************************************** SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Item #27 Waiver This email, and any attachments, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information that is the property of Pacific Telecom Services, LLC. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email, any attachments thereto, and any use of the information contained are strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify me and permanently delete the original and any copy thereof. ************************************************************** ************************************************************** This email, and any attachments, is intended only for use by the addressee( s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information that is the property of Pacific Telecom Services, LLC. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email, any attachments thereto, and any use of the information contained are strictly prohibited. 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MEMORANDUM To: City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 506 2nd Avenue, Suite#210 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 342 9000 Kelly Lester, PTS as Agent for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MAR 3 I __ , SE2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Submittal LU 14 From: Subject: Checklist Item #6: Project Narrative CITY OF RENTON Date: MARCH 28, 2014 PLANNING rll\/lSION PROPOSED PROJECT NAME. SIZE AND LOCATION Project Name: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NSB SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Project Size: Project will encompass a 24'-0" x 20'-0" enclosed, fenced compound, located on a 0.88 acre parcel. Location: 17808 1081h Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98055 Parcel #: 322305-9104 Legal Description: THE SOUTH 132 FEET OF THE NORTH SIX-TENTHS OF THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 315+81 AND 40 FEET EASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF HIGHWAY SR 515, RENTON VICINITY; (SOUTHEAST 196TH STREET TO CARR ROAD); THENCE NORTHERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 318+41 AND 45 FEET EASTERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE, AND END OF SAID LINE AS CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NOS. 7208020358 AND 7207110553. LAND USE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT As the proposed project is located on property currently zoned as commercial, an Administrative Conditional Use Permit is required. ZONING DESIGNATION, CURRENT USE AND IMPROVEMENTS Subject Property Current zoning: CA-Commercial Arterial Current use: Restaurant (Fast Food) Existing improvements: A 2,200 square foot Skipper's Restaurant is currently located on the 0.88 acre parcel. Proposed use: Wireless Telecommunication Facility ,. Adjacent Properties Current zoning: Current use: CA (Commercial Arterial) -North, South, and West of the Site R-8 (Residential 8 du/ac) -East of the Site CC (Commercial Corridor) -North, South, and West of the Site RLD (Residential Low Density) -East of the Site The subject parcel is surrounded by residential properties to the east and multiple businesses to the north, south and west. Local businesses include: Business Business Type/Use Address Bank of America Bank/Shopping Center (Community) 17803108"' Avenue SE Shell Gas Station 17941 1081" Avenue SE Jiffy Lube Mini Lube 17642 108"' Avenue SE · Arby's Restaurant (Fast Food) 17832 108th Avenue SE Dairy Queen • Reetaurant (Fast Food) 17824108"' Avenue S1: McDonalds Restaurant (Fast Food) 17630 108'" Avenue SE Pizza Hut . Restaurant (Fast Food) 17642 108"' Averwe SE Starbucks Restaurant (Fast Food) 17901 1081n Avenue SE Taco Bell Restaurant (Fast Food) 17809 108"' AveAue SE Wendy's Restaurant (Fast Food) 17816 1081" Avenue SE O'Reilly Auto Parts Retailer/Shopping Center (Community) 17620 108th Avenue SE UPS Store Retailer/Shopping Center (Community) 17701 108th Avenue SE Fred Meyer Shopping Center (Community) 17801 108"' Avenue SE SPECIAL SITE FEATURES There are no special features, including wetlands, water bodies or steep slopes on the proposed site. STATEMENT ADDRESSING SOIL TYPE AND DRAINAGE CONDITIONS Please see attached Geotech report for details. PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY AND SCOPE OF WORK New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") seeks approval to amend permitted property uses to include "unmanned telecommunications facility," permitted as a Conditional Use per RMC 4-4- 140G Monopole II Standards. AT&T proposes to construct an unmanned wireless communications facility by installing: • One (1) 11 '-5" x 24'-0" pre-fabricated equipment shelter (by others) inside a 50'-0" x 50'-0" fenced compound • One (1) 59'-11" AGL monopole inside a 50'-0" x 50'-0" fenced compound • Twelve (12) panel antennas, twenty-four (24) RRUs, and four (4) distribution units mounted on proposed monopole SITE ACCESS The proposed site/compound will be accessible from 108th Avenue SE an existing parking lot. Please see Zoning Drawings Revision 12/12/13 (ZDs) for proposal detail. PROPOSED OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS None proposed. Estimated construction cost: $137,000 Estimated fair market value: Unknown PROJECT COST SOIL DISTURBANCE None anticipated. Site build is on existing impervious land. TREES & VEGETATION No trees will be moved with the proposed plan. New landscaping surrounding the compound is proposed to help mitigate visual impact of the tower installation. Please see ZDs, page L-1 for proposed landscaping detail. I l '"' 0 3 .. , To: From: Subject: Date: MEMORANDUM 506 2n~ Avenue, Suite#210 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 342 9000 ' ) , .. ;\ r, .r -~ ... r . - > t, \ .. _r L,.. • \ ./tc ,~-.... c_LJ City of Renton Planning Division MAI? 3 1 ZG/4 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Cf[v r·,, ... Kelly Lester, PTS as Agent for New Cingular Wireless PCS, ti::·@,~:;;~ t,ifc!:rON SE2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Submittal Checklist Item #7: Conditional Use Permit Justification -Wireless Communication Facility Criteria MARCH 28, 2014 TOWER HEIGHT AND DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS .:.;, ,.A ,/t;),'(_),\1 Tower height: 59'-11" Design Characteristics: Proposed is a steel monopole which will blend in with the Puget Sound greyish sky color. Antennas will be painted to match in compliance with Renton Municipal Code screening requirements. ADJACENT AND NEARBY PROPERTY USES Adjacent properties are designated as CA (Commercial Arterial) and (RLD) Residential Low Density. The subject parcel is surrounded by residential properties to the east and multiple businesses to the north, south and west. Local businesses include: Business Business Type Address Bank of America Bank/Shopping Center (Community) 17803 1 oat" Avenue SE Shell Gas Station 17941 108t" Avenue SE Jiffy Lube Mini Lube 17642 108'" Avenue SE Arby's Restaurant (Fast Food) 17832 108th Avenue SE Dairy Queen Restaurant (Fast Food) 17824108'" Avenue SE McDonalds Restaurant (Fast Food) 17630 108'" Avenue SE Pizza Hut Restaurant (Fast Food) 17642 108th Avenue SE Starbucks Restaurant (Fast Food) 17901 1 oath Avenue SE Taco Bell Restaurant (Fast Food) 17809 108m Avenue SE Wendy's Restaurant (Fast Food) 17816 108th Avenue SE O'Reilly Auto Parts Retailer/Shopping Center (Community) 17620 1 oath Avenue SE UPS Store Retailer/Shopping Center (Community) 17701 108th Avenue SE Fred Meyer Shopping Center (Community) 17801 1 oath Avenue SE [!] RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND DISTRICTS Subject property borders one property zoned as Residential Low Density. All other bordering properties are designated as Commercial Arterial. Monopole will be setback 80' -0" from the closest residential property (located to the East of the proposed site). The proposed monopole will not be near any other residential properties. See visuals, page 3. SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY Surrounding topography includes trees surrounding the proposed site, grassy patches and some small shrubs. See visuals, page 3. SITE ACCESS The proposed site located on the Skipper's parking lot, and is accessible from 1081 h St E. Site will take up an empty area located at the back of the lot. See visuals, page 3. [2] i I [3] .. NOISE. LIGHT & GLARE IMPACTS Noise from running the proposed equipment will be minimal, as the equipment will be housed in an enclosed shelter. In addition, noise will be buffered by existing mature trees located near the proposed shelter location. Light and glare impact is expected to be minimal. Equipment is proposed to be a light matte gray color which will minimize any potential impact. AVAILABILITY OF SUITABLE EXISTING TOWERS The closest tower facility is 0.41 miles from the proposed site, with limited wireless service in the immediate vicinity. The proposed monopole will allow for collocation of multiple carriers, lessening the need for additional structures in the surrounding area. COMPATIBILITY WITH CITY OF RENTON GOALS The proposed wireless telecommunications facility complies with City of Renton's purpose, goals, objectives and standards. In compliance with Comprehensive Plan Utilities Element general policies 1, the proposed site ( 1) increases the level of public utilities available to citizens; and (2) helps to protect the health and safety of Renton citizens by installing antennas at the 71 '-11' level versus a new roof-top WCF. The proposed site supports the Land Use Element Goals to encourage a mix of land uses in an established commercial zone and urban residential areas as follows: • Construction of the site offers better wireless reception which encourages increased levels of consumption of the commercial products and services in the area. • Increased wireless access fosters additional residential development to the area Helps the Jurisdiction increase the number of conforming uses and structures (per Section V. Non-Conforming Use) 1 http://rentonwa.gov/uploadedFiles/Business/CED/planninq/2011 /12. %20Utilities_pdf [ 4] MEMORANDUM To: City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 506 21"1 Avenue, Suite#210 Seattle. WA 98104 (206) 342 9000 From: Subject: Kelly Lester, PTS as Agent for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SE2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Submittal Date: Checklist Item #9: Construction Mitigation Description JANUARY 13, 2014 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OPERATION Construction Dates: July 14 -August 14, 2014 Hours of Operation: 7:00 am -5:30 pm Days of Operation: Monday -Friday Special Hours: None PROPOSED HAULING & TRANSPORTATION ROUTES Site is located on a main road; transportation will use 108th Avenue SE for delivery of equipment and supplies. Minimal hauling and transportation required. MEASURES TO MINIMIZE POLLUTANTS Erosion and mud: Not applicable. Proposed site located on existing impervious land. Noise Impact Noise during construction will be consistent with other WCFs. As the construction is on the back lot of a commercial establishment, surrounded on three sides by mature trees, noise will be a minimal disturbance to neighbors. Transportation & Traffic Impact: Minimal impact due to minimal hauling required. Main roads used for travel; no traffic plan required. Dust: Minimal impact due to limited drilling required. Dust mostly contained by site location on parcel and surrounding trees. City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 GENERAL INFORMATION: Project: Address: Parcel#: SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Communications Tower 178081081h Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98055 3223059104 S1)~ 2·1 ~.-:ru,:. Si..:1:o;~'.:F: $r)att!~ ',\J.93101 Applicant, as authorized representative for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T"), agrees to: 1. Allow for the potential collocation of additional wireless communication facility equipment by other providers on the applicant's structure or within the same site location; and 2. Remove the facility within six (6) months after that site's use is discontinued or if the facility falls into disrepair, and restore the site to its pre-existing condition. If there are two (2) or more users of a single wireless communication facility (WCF), then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease using the WCF. Thank you, Authorized Agent for New Cingular Wireless, PCS LLC ~bbl By: Name: Title: Site Acquisition Specialist, PTS Address: 506 Second Avenue, Suite 210, Seattle, WA 98104 Office: Email: Date: (206) 342-6388 klester@ptswa.com 01/23/2014 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) l\'6R " 1 ·,",:, !I., I u ~ {.: :', u; ~, .. \:.·,1.-''", I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kelly Lester, as Agent for Applicant, signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpos t. Januar ;M~N L. DOCKTER Dated NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 08--07-16 M Notary (Print): Meagan Dockter ppointment expires: 8 -1' -.,2 0 I fo • SD23 Jpring Glen Shopping Center ---------------------- • Tower Structures -(108th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98055) Tower(Reglstered) • f-lgh structures (typically over 200 ft in height) T Tower(Not-Registored) • rvledium structures (100 to 200 ft in height) -~ I T I \ I --,__, SE Renton Maple \I Sf 2001h St t • <n m ~ "' , t • . ~ Lake Youngs SE 224th St co~,. Map I Report a m_~l?-~<:l_r 1 Future Tower * Future stte for registered tower ff,l'1'2:ifj:!:i,~,Ji(:LJl//j-____ _.,.._=-===========, CD Ale rt! 101 Towers (32 Registered,69 Not Registered) found w Ith in 4.00 rriles of 108th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98055. Info! The 1'£.1\REST Tower is .37 miles away and is owned by Nextel West Corp. rf\, Alert! One New Tower Application found w lthin 4.00 rriles of 108th Ave SE, 8 Renton, WA 98055. ------ 1 Registered (1) Seattle Smsa United Partnership 43 feet .41 rriles (2) Sprint Spectrum L.p. 39 feet .43 rriles (3) Qi Towers Assets I Uc 130 feet .63 rriles (4) Sgectrasite Co11111unications Uc. Through 102 feet .68 ITTles American Towers Uc. (5) T-mobile West Lie 65 feet .96 rriles (6) T-rrobile West Uc 70 feet .98 rriles , SD23! ipring Glen Shopping Center (7) 1-mob1te west I ow er uc oU tee 1.09 mies I (8) T-mobile West Lie 129 feet 2.03 miles I (9) T-mobile West Lie 105 feet 2.23 mies I (10) Sunstone Hotel PrQQ§!rlis!§ Oba = Holiday Inn 62 feet 2.26 mies Select (11) T-mobile West Tow er Lie 130 feet 2.45 mies (12) Seattle Srnsa United PartnershiQ 83 feet 2.67 mies (13) Crown c.astle Gt Corrpany Lie 107 feet 2.70 mies (14) American Towers Lie. 198 feet 2.85 mies (15) Boeing Cgrrpany 79 feet 2.84 miles (16) Ste FO!e Lie 61 feet 2.89 mies (17) King County Of 156 feet 3.02 mies (18) Cc Att Lie 120 feet 3.15 mies (19) Ib~ ~~jng QQ[P51ny 60 feet 3.43 mies (20) Cc Alt Lie 134 feet 3.59 mies (21) Crown Castle Gt Co!!ll:any Lie 70 feet 3.63 mies (22) Boeing Corrpany 84 feet 3.70 mies (23) Cc Att Lk: 97 feet 3.75 mies (24) Cc Att Lie 112 feet 3.76 mies (25) T-mobile West Lie 120 feet 3.79 mies (26) Boeing Corrpany 131 feet 3.81 mies (27) Ste FOie Lie 148 feet 3.82 mies (28) §eattle Smsa Lirl'i1:ed Partnershi1;1 128 feet 3.86 mies (29) T-mobile West Lie 120 feet 3.88 mies (30) Boeing Cormany 121 feet 3.89 mies (31) Boeing Cormany 40 feet 3.90 mies (32) Puget Sound Energy Inc 100 feet 3.95 mies T Not (1) Nextel West Corp 34 feet .37 miles Registered (2) Kriz Broadcasting Inc. 153 feet .43 mies (3) Blank 92 feet .47 mies (4) ~xt!i!1 ~nm.inications Inc 135 feet .89 mies (5) Seattle Smsa Lirrited Pa[1n§:r§hiQ 96 feet 1.03 mies (6) Bonnevil~ EQw er Administration 116 feet 1.06 mies (7) Us West New vector Grou12 Inc. 133 feet 1.10 mies (8) Gl!i! Wireless Of The Pacific kic 90 feet 1.33 mies (9) Rentgo ~~bQQI Di:ilrict 403 37 feet 1.48 mies (10) Sger0£ Corrrrercial Flight Sys1ecr§ Qroug 21 feet 1.61 mies (11) American Tow er Coq~. 95 feet 1.62 mies (12) City Of Renton 143 feet 1.71 mies (13) Puget Sound Pow er ~ Light Co!!I!any 120 feet 1.78 ITlles (14) Nextel Conmunications Wao395-1 107 feet 1.92 mies (15) River Of Life Fellow shig 51 feet 1.99 mies (16) angular Wireless (dana) 83 feet 2.05 mies (17) Js h Properties Inc 105 feet 2.15 mies (18) Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 100 feet 2.18 mies (19) Seattle Smsa Lirrvted Partnership 119 feet 2.18 mies (20) Sunstone Hotel Properties Inc 88 feet 2.28 mies (21) Western Pcs 130 feet 2.36 mies (22) Seung Sik & Eunsil Pak 61 feet 2.43 mies (23) Burlington Northern & Santa Fe fu Co 32 feet 2.51 mies (24) Seattle Smsa Limited Partnership 54 feet 2.s1 rn1es I (25) Nextel Corrrrunications West Region 54 feet 2.61 mies ' (26) Verizon Wireless (vaw) Lie -LI 53 feet 2.65 mies (27) Blank 35 feet 2. 77 mies (28) Crow n Castle 135 feet 2. 77 miles (29) Trinity Wireless Services 80 feet 2.81 mies (30) Sprint Pcs 60 feet 2.88 mies (31) Prefferred Netw arks Inc 48 feet 2.90 mies (32) Sprint Pcs 60 feet 2.92 mies (33) Renton M..micipal Airg;ort 23 feet 3.06 miles (34) S1;1ectrasite Conmunications 56 feet 3.07 mies (35) US West New vector Grou1;1 he. 126 feet 3.07 mies (36) King County Dcfm 156 feet 3.08 mies (37) Pug~t Sound Energl'. 45 feet 3.11 mies (38) Boeing Co!!I!any 160 feet 3.12 miles /':IQ\ r.:to f.Mhilr10! 1r1,-.1'rr1r\r'3torl 1nn foot ':I 1? IY>IIA., , SD23 '"" :;iprin_,g,.t?.\~~ Shopping Center \""' '-JL<:, ,n,, ... 111,,.,,, l!IVVI !:!VI a,vu (40) ~xtel ~rrm..inications 50 feet 3.14mles ! (41) Renton School District #403 56 feet 3.14 mies ! (42) T-rrobile 60 feet 3.14 mies I (43) Nextel Conmunications 43 feet 3.16 mies i (44) T-rrobile 75 feet 3.17 mies (45) Seattle Smsa Limited Partnershir;;! 60 feet 3.25 mies (46) ~xtel Q2nmunications Wa0486 2 97 feet 3.30 mies (47) Us West New vector Grou12 Inc. 76 feet 3.36 mies (48) Pacific Telecom Inc. 33 feet 3.37 mies (49) T-rrobile 60 feet 3.38 mies (50) Blank 31 feet 3.42 mies (51) angular Wireless (dana} 127 feet 3.52 mies (52) BQting Conmerical Airglane GrouQ 53 feet 3.59 mies (53) l\extel Corrmunic£jtion§: IQ!t;. 30 feet 3.62 mies (54) Blank 35 feet 3.68 mies (55) Blank 158 feet 3.69 mies (56) Boeing Corrmercial Aiq;i!slns! grQuQ 72feet 3.72 mies (57) The Boeing Co!:!];!an:i: 87 feet 3.74 mies (58) Blank 195 feet 3.76 mies (59) Gte r,.tobilas!I Dg2c122rsls!d 100 feet 3.76 mies (60) The Boeing Co!!J2an::.: 165 feet 3.79 mies (61) Western Teler;):age Inc 119 feet 3.80 mies (62) Boeing Corrmercial A ir(;!lii!ne ~rouQ 84 feet 3.81 mies (63) Voicestream VVireless 120 feet 3.83 mies (64) Towerco 60 feet 3.83 mies (65) Bgeing Conrnercial Airglane GrouQ 28 feet 3.86 mies (66) U.s. ~1 ~ ves;;12r groug nc. 68 feet 3.88 mies (67) Bill Rockwell 60 feet 3.97 mies (68) The Boeing Co!:!];!any: 120 feet 3.98 mies (69) Bill Rcckwell 60 feet 3.99 mies l Future (1) Kriz Broadcasting 155 feet .45 mies o 2004-2009 by General Data Resources, Inc. SD2391 Spring Glen S .. ~ pping Center intory of Existing Sites tower_type faa_study_number registration_number latitude longitude status_code date_constructed structure_street_address structure_city structure_state_ code height_ of _structure structure_type owner_ entity_ name between N 6th st and N 8th st between Logan Ave and Registered 2008-ANM-1225-0E 1263223 47.49408333 -122.2045 Constructed 05/21/09 Park Ave Renton WA Renton WA 53.1522 Tower The Boeing Company Registered 98-ANM-0983-0E 1059497 47.47055556 -122.1872222 Constructed 12/09/98 ROYAL HILLS OR SE RENTON WA 123.6937 Tower T-MOBILE WEST LLC Registered 2012-ANM-1253-0E 1282259 47.41483333 -122.2488056 Constructed 04/26/93 20826 68TH AVENUE SOUTH KENT WA 127.959 Pole CCATI LLC Registered 2006-ANM-2870-0E 1238763 47.44291667 -122.2118611 Constructed 10/10/06 17800 Talbot Road S SE04634 Renton WA 64.9638 Tower T-Mobile West LLC Registered 2003-ANM-1171-0E 1240604 47.45522222 -122.1951111 Constructed 12/05/03 16430 109th Avenue SE SE04631 Renton WA 69.8853 Tower T-Mobile West LLC Registered 2008-ANM-2325-0E 1010358 47.48833333 -122.1650556 Constructed 12/30/08 3929 NE 4TH ST RENTON WA 58.0737 Tower CROWN CASTLE GT COMPANY LLC Registered 2013-ANM-2739-0E 1288846 47.44630556 -122.19575 Constructed 11/14/13 17418 108th Avenue SE SE99)(T308 Renton WA 39.0439 Mast Sprint Spectrum LP Registered 2013-ANM-378-0E 1287360 47.44002778 -122.23975 Granted 7421 S 180th St Kent WA 82.6812 NA Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership Registered 93-ANM-0085-0E 1031436 47.4975 -122.2094444 Constructed 01/01/93 8TH LOGAN N RENTON WA 83.9936 NA BOEING COMPANY Registered 2010-ANM-2455-0E 1054565 47.47177778 -122.2257222 Constructed 08/10/98 600 SW 10TH STREET RENTON WA 97. 7738 Tower CROWN CASTLE GT COMPANY LLC Registered 2012-ANM-2958-0E 1280441 47.43366667 -122.1886667 Constructed 01/01/97 116th SE 188th St Kent WA 129.9276 NA CTI Towers Assets I LLC Registered 2011-ANM-2360-0E 1281230 47.40402778 -122.2453056 Constructed 11/21/96 22222 70th Ave Kent WA 89.8994 Pole CCATT LLC Registered 2010-ANM-2701-0E 1277193 47.40533333 -122.1869167 Constructed 04/28/11 11519 SE 219th Place SE05316B Kent WA 104.992 Tower T-Mobile West LLC Registered 97-ANM-1418-0E 1062841 47.47 -122.2166667 Constructed 08/01/00 800 RAINIER AVES RENTON WA 62.339 Tower SUNSTONE HOTEL PROPERTIES DBA HOLIDAY INN SELECT Registered 2011-ANM-2025-0E 1280241 47.39083333 -122.2323889 Constructed 08/17/90 921 CENTRAL AVENUE NORTH KENT WA 102.0391 Pole CCATILLC Registered 2006-ANM-2248-0E 1256763 47.46130556 -122.2424167 Constructed 05/22/06 15700 NELSON ROAD SOUTH TIKWILA WA 119.1003 Tower CCATI LLC Registered 2011-ANM-2947-0E 1282094 47.48S91667 -122.23625 Constructed 01/28/13 7800 South 132nd Street SE03956A Seattle WA 120.0846 Building T-Mobile West LLC Registered 2009-ANM-1229-0E 1216030 47.39705556 -122.1803889 Constructed 03/06/93 12077 127th Pl SE Seattle Junction #92155 KENT WA 189.9699 Tower American Towers LLC Registered 93-ANM-0654-0E 1031443 47.46416667 -122.2352778 Constructed 01/01/93 BLDG 25-011301 SW 16TH ST RENTON WA 79.0721 Building BOEING COMPANY Registered 96-ANM-0906-0E 1031456 47.49972222 -122.2077778 Constructed 01/01/96 BLDG 4-818TH LOGAN AVE N RENTON WA 110.8978 NA BOEING COMPANY Registered 2007-ANM-3371-0E 1012191 47.50083333 -122.1980556 Constructed 11/20/97 919 HOUSER WAY N RENTON WA 139.7706 Pole STC Five LLC Registered 2005-ANM-2520-0E 1252559 47.45655556 -122.2010556 Constructed 06/06/06 2640 Benson Rd SE04663F Renton WA 60.0423 Tower T-Mobile West Tower LLC Registered 2003-ANM-2422-0E 1230911 47.47888889 -122.2213889 Constructed 04/30/03 295 lind Ave SW SE55)(C102 Renton WA 61.0266 Pole STC Five LLC Registered OO-ANM-1443-0E 1060118 47.43383333 ~122.1876111 Constructed 09/07/98 18809 116TH AVENUE SE RENTON WA 101.711 Pole SpectraSite Communications LLC through American Towers LLC Registered 2011-ANM-586-0E 1030615 47.5015 -122.1976111 Constructed 11/21/94 925 HOUSER WAY NORTH RENTON WA 124.0218 Tower Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership Registered 2008-ANM-3232-0E 1266535 47.47805556 -122.1481111 Constructed 09/30/10 14404 SE 139th Place SE04812A Renton WA 120.0846 Utility Pole T-Mobile West LLC Registered 2005-ANM-195-0E 1247202 47.44611111 -122.1960278 Constructed 06/28/05 10828 SE 176th Street Renton WA 40.0282 Pole Seattle SMSA limited Partnership Registered 97-ANM-0308-0E 1031448 47.50166667 -122.2030556 Constructed 01/01/97 8TH ST PARK AVE N RENTON WA 121.0689 NA BOEING COMPANY Registered 97-ANM-0309-0E 1031447 47.49833333 -122.2183333 Constructed 01/01/97 8TH ST PARK AVE N RENTON WA 40.0282 NA BOEING COMPANY Registered 93-ANM-0598-0E 1033074 47.5025 -122.2033333 Constructed 01/01/93 1101 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD RENTON WA 84.9779 Building PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC Registered 2003-ANM-2286-0E 1241748 47.48036111 -122.1708333 Constructed 08/01/03 3511 NE 2nd Street Renton WA 149.9417 Tower King County of Registered 98-ANM-0508-0E 1054619 47.46694444 -122.225 Constructed 08/17/98 500 SW 16TH ST RENTON WA 129.9276 Pole T-Mobile West Tower LLC Non-Registered Ol-ANM-2357-0E NA 47.47916667 -122.2219444 NA NA NA RENTON 18.3 NA SPRINT PCS Non-Registered 2010-ANM-142-NRA NA 47.48527778 -122.2145833 NA NA NA RENTON 7 NA RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Non-Registered 2002-ANM-2019-0E NA 47.39083333 -122.2033333 NA NA NA ORTING 17.1 NA SPECTRASITE COMMUNICATIONS Non-Registered 91-ANM-0317-0E NA 47.46508333 -122.1548333 NA NA NA RENTON 38.4 NA US WEST NEWVECTOR GROUP INC Non-Registered Ol-ANM-2825-0E NA 47.48083333 -122.1697222 NA NA NA RENTON 47.S NA KING COUNTY OCFM Non-Registered 97-ANM-1025-0E NA 47.46702778 -122.2384444 NA NA NA RENTON 13.7 NA PUGET SOUND ENERGY Non-Registered 2008-ANM-656-NRA NA 47.48727778 -122.2119167 NA NA NA RENTON 48.8 NA BOEING COMPANY Non-Registered 1996-ANM-1048-0E NA 47.48813889 -122.209 NA NA NA RENTON 30.5 NA GTE MOBILNET INCORPORATED Non-Registered 99-ANM-0885-0E NA 47.38972222 -122.2030556 NA NA NA KENT 15.2 NA NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS Non-Registered 2011-ANM-1601-0E NA 47.48822222 -122.2095833 NA NA NA RENTON 17.1 NA RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #403 Non-Registered 2011-ANM-435-0E NA 47.48666667 -122.1792S NA NA NA RENTON 18.3 NA T-MOBILE Non-Registered 99-ANM-1189-0E NA 47.485 -122.2194444 NA NA NA RENTON 13.1 NA NE)(TEL COMMUNICATIONS Non-Registered 2006-ANM-787-0E NA 47.47802778 -122.16375 NA NA NA RENTON 22.9 NA T-MOBILE Non-Registered 2007-ANM-3961-0E NA 47.48777778 -122.1770556 NA NA NA RENTON 18.3 NA SEATILE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Non-Registered 00-ANM-1377-0E NA 4 7 .48797222 -122.1756667 NA NA NA RENTON 29.6 NA NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS WA0486 2 Non-Registered 91-ANM-0246-0E NA 47.4S42S -122.2487222 NA NA NA TUKWILLA 23.2 NA US WEST NEWVECTOR GROUP INC Non-Registered 92-ANM-0122-0E NA 47.42563889 -122.249 NA NA NA KENT 10.1 NA PACIFIC TELECOM INC Non-Registered 2007-ANM-688-0E NA 47.47986111 -122.16075 NA NA NA RENTON 18.3 NA T-MOBILE Non-Registered 81-ANW-304-0E NA 47.48647222 -122.2253889 NA NA NA RENTON 9.4 NA BLANK Non-Registered 2004-ANM-567-0E NA 47.49580556 -122.1926111 NA NA NA RENTON 38.7 NA CINGULAR WIRELESS DANA Non-Registered 91-ANM-0279-0E NA 47.49702778 -122.2003889 NA NA NA RENTON 16.2 NA BOEING COMMERICALAIRPLANE GROUP Non-Registered 2003-ANM-758-0E NA 47.48444444 -122.2336111 NA NA NA TUKWILA 9.1 NA NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS INC Non-Registered 78-ANW-96-NR NA 47.49563889 -122.2151111 NA NA NA RENTON 10.7 NA BLANK Non-Registered 77-AWN-33-0E NA 47.47675 -122.2428889 NA NA NA RENTON 48.2 NA BLANK Non-Registered 90-ANM-0644-0E NA 47.49702778 -122.2126111 NA NA NA RENTON 21.9 NA BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP Non-Registered 90-ANM-0660-0E NA 47.49952778 -122.1948333 NA NA NA RENTON 26.S NA THE BOEING COMPANY Non-Registered 75-NW-53-0E NA 47.42230556 -122.2545556 NA NA NA KENT 59.4 NA BLANK Non-Registered 96-ANM-0630-0E NA 47.40341667 -122.24Sllll NA NA NA 0 BRIEN 30.5 NA GTE MOBILNET INCORPORATED SD2391 Spring Glen S ~ pping Center ,ntory of Existing Sites Non-Registered 86-ANM-0612-0E NA 47.49925 -122.2078889 NA NA NA RENTON 50.3 NA THE BOEING COMPANY Non-Registered 97-ANM-0048-0E NA 47.49008333 -122.2309444 NA NA NA BRYN MAWR 36.3 NA WESTERN TELEPAGE INC Non-Registered 91-ANM-0278-0E NA 47.49841667 -122.2131667 NA NA NA RENTON 25.6 NA BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP Non-Registered 2002-ANM-904-0E NA 47.48555556 -122.2375 NA NA NA RENTON 36.6 NA VOICESTREAM WIRELESS Non-Registered 2009-ANM-1476-0E NA 47.45177778 -122.2570556 NA NA NA SEATTLE 18.3 NA TOWERCO Non-Registered 91-ANM-0507-0E NA 47.50119444 -122.2028889 NA NA NA RENTON 8.5 NA BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP Non-Registered 90-ANM-0261-0E NA 47.39286111 -122.2378889 NA NA NA KENT 20.7 NA US WEST NEWVECTOR GROUP INC Non-Registered 2011-ANM-825-NRA NA 47.5005 -122.2152222 NA NA NA RENTON 18.3 NA BILL ROCKWELL Non-Registered 2013-ANM-134-NRA NA 47.50055556 -122.2158333 NA NA NA RENTON 36.6 NA THE BOEING COMPANY Non-Registered 2011-ANM-824-NRA NA 47.50044444 -122.2163333 NA NA NA RENTON 18.3 NA BILL ROCKWELL Non-Registered 84-ANM-1160-0E NA 47.44008333 -122.2037222 NA NA NA RENTON 46.6 NA KRIZ BROADCASTING INC Non-Registered 2005-ANM-2054-0E NA 47.44552778 -122.1977778 NA NA NA RENTON 10.4 NA NEXTEL WEST CORP Non-Registered 86-ANM-0478-0E NA 47.44286111 -122.2037222 NA NA NA RENTON 28 NA BLANK Non-Registered 97-ANM-0609-0E NA 47.43341667 -122.184 NA NA NA RENTON 41.1 NA NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS INC Non-Registered 2005-ANM-1601-0E NA 47.43122222 -122.1826111 NA NA NA RENTON 29.3 NA SEATILE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Non-Registered 2011-ANM-2062-0E NA 47.45230556 -122.1857778 NA NA NA CASCADE-FAIRWOOD 35.4 NA BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION Non-Registered 1991-ANM-938-0E NA 47.43138889 -122.1813889 NA NA NA RENTON 40.5 NA US WEST NEWVECTOR GROUP INC Non-Registered OO-ANM-1077-0E NA 47.44797222 -122.2164167 NA NA NA RENTON 27.4 NA GTE WIRELESS OF THE PACIFIC INC Non-Registered 97-ANM-0049-0E NA 47.45869444 -122.2109444 NA NA NA RENTON 11.3 NA RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 403 Non-Registered 88-AMN-0311-0E NA 47.44147222 -122.2226111 NA NA NA RENTON 6.4 NA SPERRY COMMERCIAL FLIGHT SYSTEMS GROUP Non-Registered 2011-ANM-2728-0E NA 47.41363889 -122.1954722 NA NA NA KENT 29 NA AMERICAN TOWER CORP Non-Registered 2004-ANM-252-0E NA 47.46566667 -122.1882778 NA NA NA RENTON 43.6 NA C1TY OF RENTON Non-Registered 93-ANM-0572-0E NA 47.46758333 -122.1912222 NA NA NA RENTON 36.6 NA PUGET SOUND POWER LIGHT COMPANY Non-Registered OO-ANM-0026-0E NA 47.43194444 -122.2267778 NA NA NA TUKWILA 32.6 NA NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS WA0395-1 Non-Registered 2011-ANM-1602-0E NA 47.40766667 -122.1981944 NA NA NA KENT 15.5 NA RIVER OF LIFE FELLOWSHIP Non-Registered 2007-ANM-1879-0E NA 47.43744444 -122.2296111 NA NA NA KENT 25.3 NA CINGULAR WIRELESS DANA Non-Registered 2011-ANM-2229-0E NA 47.47186111 -122.2089722 NA NA NA RENTON 32 NA JSH PROPERTIES INC Non-Registered 91-ANM-0837-0E NA 47.47341667 -122.2053889 NA NA NA RENTON 30.5 NA PUGET SOUND POWER LIGHT CO Non-Registered 88-ANM-0067-0E NA 47.46925 -122.2153889 NA NA NA RENTON 36.3 NA SEATILE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Non-Registered 97-ANM-1417-0E NA 47.46980556 -122.2173333 NA NA NA RENTON 26.8 NA SUNSTONE HOTEL PROPERTIES INC Non-Registered 98-ANM-0216-0E NA 47.46702778 -122.2228889 NA NA NA RENTON 39.6 NA WESTERN PCS Non-Registered 2011-ANM-970-0E NA 47.47719444 -122.1865833 NA NA NA RENTON 18.6 NA SEUNG SIK EUNS1L PAK Non-Registered 98-ANM-0251-0E NA 47.47813889 -122.2081667 NA NA NA RENTON 9.8 NA BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE RY CO Non-Registered 2005-ANM-1990-0E NA 47.47641667 -122.2131389 NA NA NA RENTON 16.5 NA SEATILE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Non-Registered 2005-ANM-1419-0E NA 47.47711111 -122.2152222 NA NA NA RENTON 16.S NA NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS WEST REGION Non-Registered 2005-ANM-2292-0E NA 47.48094444 -122.2062222 NA NA NA RENTON 16.1 NA VERIZON WIRELESS VAW LLC-LL Non-Registered 8S-ANM-0796-0E NA 47.48313889 -122.2053889 NA NA NA RENTON 10.7 NA BLANK Non-Registered 2009-ANM-507-0E NA 47.44827778 -122.1533333 NA NA NA RENTON 41.1 NA CROWN CASTLE Non-Registered 99-ANM-1206-0E NA 47.48466667 -122.1978056 NA NA NA RENTON 24.4 NA TRINITY WIRELESS SERVICES Non-Registered 01-ANM-2356-0E NA 47.47944444 -122.22 NA NA NA RENTON 18.3 NA SPRINT PCS Non-Registered 97-ANM-0324-0E NA 47.47063889 -122.2315 NA NA NA RENTON 14.6 NA PREFFERRED NE1WORK5 INC Future 2007-ANM-2988-0E 1261002 47.44094444 -122.204 Granted 180th Carr Rd Renton WA 154.8632 Tower KRIZ Broadcasting SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP C list #20 City of Renton TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET 1. Total number of trees over 6" in diameter1 on project site: 1. 21 trees 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dead, diseased or dangerous2 0 trees Trees in proposed public streets 0 trees Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts 0 trees Trees in critical areas 3 and buffers 0 trees Total number of excluded trees: 2. 0 trees 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1: 3. 21 trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained4, multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, or R-8 0.1 in all other residential zones 0.05 in all commercial and industrial zones 4. _____ 1.:..:.0-=5 __ trees 5. List the number of 6" or larger trees that you are proposing 5 to retain 4 : 5. 21 trees 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: 6. ____ 2_0 __ trees (If line 6 is less than zero, stop here. No replacement trees are required). 7. Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement inches: 7. 120 inches 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2~ caliper trees required} 8. __ _,0'------inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees 6 : (if remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) 9. __ _co ___ trees 1· Measured at chest height. 2· Dead, diseased or dangerous trees must be certified as such by a forester, registered landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. 3· Critical Areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in Section 4-3-050 of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC). 4 -Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers. 5 The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4-4-130H7a 6· Inches of street trees, inches of trees added to critical areas/buffers, and inches of trees retained on site that are less than 6" but are greater than 2" can be used to meet the tree replacement requirement. r-~~-F:· f~; \/[ c::'.. H :\CED\Data \Forms-Templales \Self-Help Handouts\Planning \TreeReten Ii on W orhhcet.doc '/rAR 3 l 2DV 12108 To: From: Subject: Date: MEMORANDUM City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 South Gray Way Renton, WA 98057 Kelly Lester, PTS as Agent for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SD2391 -Spring Glen Shopping Center CUP Submittal Conditional Use Permit Checklist Item #19 JANUARY 13, 2014 506 2"d Avenue, Suite#210 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 342 9000 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan: Please provide 4 copies of a plan, based on finished grade, drawn to scale with the northern property line at the top of the paper if ANY trees or vegetation are to be removed or altered (if no trees or vegetation will be altered, please state so in your project narrative). Proposed project does not require cutting any trees or clearing land. The proposed location on the parcel is impervious land, and as such this requirement is not applicable. SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Topography Map ... ~ \ . \\ ) ........ __ / i' ·-~----/ I l) ! / ,,/ ~j llJ -i11hliand Featur. Legend '11 } i ,.---.... -----_...' ·' / \ / . - '·----" 1 _1 •:aunt/ BHnda 'Y \ ) ,' i I ,. ..... -------------___.·... / ~----r,-_,/ \ ' ) / ,_.../ c ____ ____ C --...... ....... _ (r \,~) .( ___ .., ··----,\'-........__" ~ ~ i i .. ---~r.,. / \ l ) ----..--...... __ \\ ,/ c/ \ I) r I ! -....... ,.....___ -,,\ \1 I \I ), S> ... // .. / / ,/ ..--------------------___ ...... ,·· .I / / ./ _____ ./-~ ___ ,.,./ .• ----..------------------ !II ! i Renton ,/ I I (// ' .----- . / ,,...~ t ) ( __ /- ,,/ "---..---,...... ___ _...., I ..-----/ ) / .~... ! _., ( l/ · ..... ~., j _.,.,.-------- \ ' ) • I _..,-., ', ;· . /. ( --·/ I -... I I ----t ._., \ I / ."\ I I/ ) / / J I I ,/ I ( .....__ I' { . / I I -~ --........, _., \ ) ~ / ; ...... :, "\ /----------\ // ·' \ . \ / . I , -, I -\ I • ~---,((!$ ~ ! ) ~--I ~. i l ! "\ I, 1' 'I / / ' '· I I / .\ :1 J \. / \, / /-I ~' / ~,I !C120B8Kin11County / /.--0 ' 121ft, '\Ii' / r--"' ___ _......~------___ ..... j--J . ....-· /+· ./ ', :( \lcutain Puks Canto~, (51t ark) ,.,.; l(Q !0!;1.xG .1,/ 1>.ta .. ,h'IWl)'5 ,, ;arts: ;,rod~ctlon D a1rlct 3cunc:ary .,, Agrcultural Pr«:Lcti<>n Oi1trlc: i!ouna!ry JI Jr311, G"O!Vth Area Line _I'/ rcorporatld Ama Strccs ~vi,-, l,1mi,b CHOI C ...a,kn 1nd Larve Rive 11 ,,1 .. / 311Eama L T ;tal La rd1 :>areal• Jni nG•:.-porated KC Zoning 1·111• "9ri::lt.ur•I c,na[L "°' 1d"'"" L I, l5 -1,grm t.ur,L <·1111 CL ,..-); ...., C : . F~""1 :c<>ni) C C: C • • C: • • The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warra-ntles, exprE!ss·orliriplled, as to acciiiacy; completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a survey product Kina County shall not be liable for any general, special, Indirect, lnctdentat, or consequential damages Including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or lnfonnatlon on this map Is prohibited except by written permission of Ring County. Date: 1/8/2014 Source: Ktng County iMAP -Property Information (http:l/www.metrokc.govfGIS/iMAP) CUP #18 WI 0 Ni.1MJ1 u-:.! . RL r,1t,t.r<aa, C,.H ) J pa· 5 x.rn U•! • kualJlnz. t>1t DJ po· S x:re: 'IJl-10-Ru«l.....,ordU >'lr1h,.., J :t -~ RlmMI, llft.l!I DU p.u 5 :1~ i 1 , J;.adanid.onu DU i:o .xro t '4 • Fado1wU CL ,..-..,.. .~ ( • fiGdDl1Q'I.G [ l (1111" .DO H -~tsdm1id.an ,., ... ,., -l t2-Aem,1,u1, 12 DU pm sm ~-11 • Rlgi:i•rta.11 DU PD1 ,XJt U4· Rnidorla, iM DU PD1"" ,HI· Rmourta. a DU""'..., ~3 • Noighbo, hood Bu, mm ~ 3 -CanwtM. r ity E. us nttn U • lllvuo•lEIJlinue () ,Cf1ioo I • l,4' L ,sbi.zl 0.t• 'f.<F· -1 ~i1A~ ., J - c~;_,, :;.! / _.. ' tQ King County S02391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Neighborhood Vicinity Parcel Map ___ , __ _ 272 0 136 272 F eet WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphe re Information Technology -GI S RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 03/21 /2014 This m~p 1s a oser genorateO srnt1c output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only Darn layers Iha! appear on this map may or may not be accurate. current or otherwise reliable TH IS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Legend City and County Boundary r~ ~otR•"ton Parcels Zoning • RC Rno~• e«n.,v,oon l't.· 1 Restdenllal I ct\lho; R~ R,WO,nhl • dine R-6 R•M<l•nul e ~c RMH R ... ki.na,1 Marwl,etu11d Hornet R•U) ReWtintial 10d..t1c • R·I· R H,><Hl'lhal ladwlc RM •f R,...S.~I ~f'M'l'lty RM·T R•~r1?>al Mu,t;.F amlty Trad tto11,1 ffM •U RHOO.nf .. l Mul~F,mt, Urban C.rw.11 CV C•t,:•rVililg• • CO C•nl.r Do"""'o""" • UC-N I Ult>an C1nle1 -Ho,tti 1 UC-N2 Utban Ctr,.Mr -Norlh 2 • COR eo,,.,,,...,c•IOll1ulfi:••id•••·*t """-""- co co,,...,.,.,c,1I Offka • C N Ccmm,11citl N•fgrtbc~1MOO ll lndo,;ln.al•L,ghl IM 1....;ut.t,ial • M•<l,um • IH l"duYr~l • Hnwy No tes PARCEL #3223059104 0 ~on -,~) Fi nance & IT Divisio n . ~ : .. ' .. '!"f.1-. ., ., .., ' ,. SD239 ·1 Spring Glen Shopping Center Neighborhood Vicinity Parcel Map " Legend City and Coun ty Bounda ry Other [: J City of Re nton Parcels Zoni ng II RC Resource Conservat ion R-1 Resid ential 1 duiac R-4 Res identia l 4 d u/ac R-8 Residential 8 du/ac RMH Residen tial Manufactured Homes R· 10 Residentia l 10 du/ac • R-1 4 Residentia l 14 du/ac RM-F Residential Multi-Family RM-T Residential Multi-Family Traditional RM-U Residential Multi·Family Urban Center CV Center Vi ll age II CD Center Downtown • UC-N 1 Urban Center -North 1 UC-N2 Urban Center -North 2 • COR Commercia l Office/Residential CA Commercial Merial " CO Commercia l Office • CN Commercial Neighborhood IL Industria l -Light IM Industrial -Mediu m II IH Indust rial -Heavy I I~ ~ ~~,, 'JI IM:_ ~IY.ll}\\if •I' ~-----. --~---i·~1u. t.__.::~~--,-. ~....-..~ .. ~ ;llr --,1-.''-,. l 11 ., ~ . -~ ~ . ~' < . rll!'. / ,~:~tr !I H~\\'fl~11 ~ --.,____ . ~,!t~2'1. ,~~~~~! .,,"~~~ L ' i P-~. '11it n it ·1fi' ~J--.d:~;'~,I ~, RECFIV~-L1 272 .. .., f~-· ... ·. v~ l'l\1 ~~~ -• 1[ 1! :1:i·j Ir. -.J~~~~::v~:· li t.~ .... _ ..... t· ... ;.;· ~~ .. 1.1·8r::d_ '. ·.·t{ --~ML_ ·~c __Jj· lT ·.· ,.,' .. LI I MAR 3 1 70'1/, (~ .,) .. ":"-I _ ·1 , , , 1 li ... 1· . . " . ; ! , J:iC",:-'fl'."::: ~ ,., . , ,,...,...,. .......... ~ ;El , ---,I , ., . 2 _ li;·~ ~ . .----.--t !Q i l "' "'"~·-~ o.. . s. . ~i,J ,l""]---,1 ~'· "' • . : ,~. · lilL .. ' • , ~ •. , CITY er m:NTON .... . ..,. . . r~· '1A ;~ ·-'·. . ~ )' . . . ' . . ·.· ~. 1,: . 1_a ,.,~·· ,J, 17 .. IJ ' t,·:t. I L.I.,.._· ~. -.\ _.JI >~:L·~ .. ~.1 1 ...:_ . ~. r ~,LI . .. '' ... ·1 ~. .. ! ,... .t.· .. i: ~ Pl /\1\L,i!c,( [;:•/!.. (l~J . ('--H~' .~ ~ c'!.,~) H I ~ t:j.i, ~-. . . '1 1 '1· CJ:::, ";.,:~,,. ' J· . . ~ I -=y~!]l:.; 1£ ,1 .____1j Jr .. • : ~ ------~\.. 1'5. ·'i'\ .. , ~! -····~ • 1: ,·I ·· ... ·~ .... ~ .. · .-I J _,.,.,.,., '"' l . ll ... "'1. ;., ... _·;·n· o· . 1"!' . ~/-~,'\$ r4!= ~~ t · l1~,--. l!i1t="'· \ c:I . ll' r: t ,r 7,ifi..__ ,' ~"'~,.;::'. l ·1 ·., I . .,·,:'·'~-;. ~.. ~' .! . . 't' . " ' a·-~ --F ..,~""·~ ·~ · , •_;., ,, , "C'. · ~~3m.1,7 'T--· ,· .--,. ··• ·'.· · ["">' --·--:-i 1 , • C . ' iJ , ~-. Notes '"" .. -1'"/ "' --~-I' .· ... L: ~ · · . uf ... "' l "':'.F'V, . ..<ii 1r --i. , fi.9 , ....... ::.:-::_ .. -.,I,<" _: .. ~ .,~ · ~" _ , ~ , .,..._ .·-. • . , • PARCE L #3223059104 0 0 136 272 Feet In fo rm at ion T ec hnology -GIS Renton MapSupport@Ren tonwa . gov Th is map is a user generated static output f rom an Internet mapping site an d is for reference only. Data layers that appear on t his map may or m ay not be accurate, current , o r otherwise reliable. City of ~e .. n-=--t-Ofl t-;7":: -• l~.;~;1 ~l!.~7 WGS_ 1984_Web_Mercator_Auxi liary_S ph ere 03/21/20 14 TH IS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIO N Finance & IT Division SD2391 Spring Glen Shopping Center Neighborhood Vicinity Parcel Map R-lt\ ;/ . • ... •. R-14 R-1 ; .f • 544 R-14 Q.~ v~i · ., .. R-10 R-1 R-4 R-4 RM-F CA CA 0 \ \ '%,•. "j. ... e.o • ,"t;;c o\• ~ . ' ~ .. • ! ~,~ .. ;:,'l:ir ...... RM-F RMH RMH 272 WGS_ 1984_W eb_Mercator_Auxi li ary_S phere CA • . • • • \ . ,, 'Sf CA ...... --.... st: ,eom St 544 Feet ' ! 'f' CA ... -,· . SL CtUI Rd ~ . < ~ i w V, . ~ :. ~ .~,s: . "' . .. ~ '-= ;, -~ <ill rn: • SE P •l r ~,ts1t.y Hd CA .J ..... f • ~.g ._( Hlto;t St R-8 I nformation Tech no lo gy -GIS R enton M ap S u ppo rt@Re nto n wa . gov 0 3/21 /20 14 • CA R-8 5 t-1 /'<)t n P I ~ e ,-,!1 8(lthl'$ R-14 R-14 R-14 .-..... . . . .............. .. --. S t P•rrOY11~y A d !\F htrDY1hk.y_Rd CA tHi . .... '>l U ll.t S r • . . . • \ ~ ~:-8 t:! R-8 .-?s R-8 ' • i ~ . ) 4 "'., .. • • ...... "I.,$' St: 11'Y.h l!il :jl 1 1ffl.1,st • 1! tlOI.I\ ,, R-E ~-e f,L •.!10th ... SE 1~u ,,.1 ~I l l!I I U SI • R-8 R-8 l!-8 Th is map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. D ata layers that appear on th is map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise relia ble. TH IS MAP IS NOT TO BE U SED FOR N AVIGAT IO N Legend City and Cou nty Boundary O ther :-·' l .; City of Renton Parcels Zo n ing • RC Resource Conservation R-1 Residen tial 1 du/ac [ R-4 Resid en tial 4 du/ac R-8 Residential 8 du/ac RMH Residential M anufactured H omes R-10 Residential 10 du/ac • R-14 Residential 14 du/ac [ RM -F Residential Mult i-Fa mi ly r RM -T Re sidential Multi-Family Traditional RM-U Residential Multi-Fami ly Urban Cen ter [ CV Center Village • C D Center Downto wn • UC-N 1 Urban Cent er -North 1 UC-N2 Urban Cent er -North 2 • COR Commercial Office/Residential CA Commercia l Arterial (I CO Commercial Office • CN Commercial Neighborhood IL Industrial -Light [ IM Industrial -Medium • IH Industrial -Heavy • Faci litySi te Point Road Cen terline Highway/Coll ector/Major. Ground Level Highway/Collector /Majo r, First Level -Freeway , First Level Ramp, First Level -Freeway. Ground Level R amp, Ground L evel Admi nis tra tiveBoundary ~J RENTON Other Cities Wate rbody FiveFootContou r 0 -1 - Notes P A R C EL #3223059104 0 City of &eo;trton (;,:··~.' . -·,,.~) _,.y Finance & IT Divisio n 1023 0 WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxi li ary_Sphere 512 1023Feet Inform at ion T echnol ogy -GIS Ren tonMa pSuppo rt@Renton w a.gov 03/21 /20 14 Legend City and Cou nty Bounda ry Othe r ;-·, 1. ... City of Ren ton Parcel s Notes PARCE L #3223059 104 0 Thi s map is a user generated stat ic ou tput from an Internet mapping site and 11 is for reference on ly . Data layers tha t appear on this map may or may not be City of~e .. n-=---ton c:--·")., accurate , current, or o therw ise re li able. -" '-<-'.~J T H IS MAP IS NOT TO B E U SED FO R NAV IGATION Finance & IT D ivision ® fltfg FOR R[CORO 11 P[QUESI OI SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COM~' BAFEro . !IF1CO TITLE I NSURAHCE COMPANY 2611 llil AmUE, SE.I.nu. WA 91111 filed for R«ord ,t Request of 1 nus sP11cE RESERVED FOR AEC011orn·s usE ti · '. i'/LL'; \ . ''" I ! ,.:·:,., -.:, r:u1·,:5,· r 1 1:-H'.: ~ -, .. iii/. IJ\l:1,, :· ., J;;•; •V· IU OOUNT 2:'. NAME SAF~CO TlTL.E l.NSUBANCE COMP.A..~Y EXCISE TAX PAID ADDRESS 1.li55 Bellevue. Redmond lioad IJ 22.8 CITY AND STATE .Hel l(?V.ue. • Wa&hingtan 9800.5 JANS 1984 I 917SS640 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THE GAANTOR SKIPPERS. iNC,1 a WASHINGTON CORPORATION !or 11l'!d in consider1nio11 o1 TEN DOLLARS J...~0 OTHEk VALUABLE CONSIDERATION in h.and paid, c0r1veys and warrants lo PRUZAN BUILDING COHPANY, HE~tit LnrtPR~t~ and LUCIA s. PRUZAN 1 husband and ~Vf~llmtnt'mJr'drMi-eat e51a1e. situated in the eountv ot Washinaton: a Partnershi? composed of wife and JACK PRUZAN and GRACE M, l<ING , State ot i PRUZAN Tha South 132 feet of the North six-tenths of that portion of the West half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeas~ quarter of Section 32 1 Township 23 North, Rar.ge S East, W.M.1 in King County, Washington, lying South of the North 30 feet thereof; F.XCEPT that portion lying Westerly of a line beginning opposite Highway F.dgineer'e Station 315 + 81 and 40 feet Easterly of the centerline of Highway SR 515, Renton Vicinity; (Southeast 196th Street to Carr Road); thence Northerly in a straight line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station 318 + 41 and 45 ieet Easterly of said centerline, and the end of said line as conveyed to the State of Washington by Jeeds t'ecorded under King County Record:!ng Nos. 7208020358 and 7207110553. SUBJECT TO: EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, COVENANTS~ CONDITIONS OF RECORD. AGREEMENTS AND RcCOR~fO ll!IS OAY DECEMBER 28~ Oated -----·-------- STATE OF WASHING COUNTY OF JL.) :u J/ll ··------ tlndiYiduall llndiYidu~J ,19~3 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ~\N J 2 39fl\ '~ On this f1$1h day of ftr-unkr , 19~ t,,af;;.~ .-ne. thll lind*1'si11ned, • Notary Public in and lor thl!' State of Wa5h:nqton, duly commi$sioMd and IWOl'n, f:ltenon111v appeared Herbert I, Boaen '"" lo me known to be tM Qn;rm Qf t;he Bd,, ~ lllll(~==~-==----'9¥HIGfl. respectively, of SY.IPPERS INC. ltle corporatioll lhat executed the foregoing i!lJUl.lfl1,nt, and acknowledged 1he uid inrtrumen1 to bl the tree ind volur.· tary Kl and deed ol said c~PQfation, lor i!'it! u111S 1nd µtr· l)Oses therein mentionW, ind on oau, 1mtd th•t ~ s au?horlztd to o:e,cvt1 1~,11 s.aid inmurrnint and that the ,111 11fi:ited it 1'11 corporatt sul of ·--=,.-· ... :~.;_. ' - ''*' Return Address: JANET GRAY JEPPESEN GRAY SAKAI P.S. 10655 NE 4th Street, SUITE 801 BELLEVUE WA 98004-5044 E2474373 0111212011 09:28 KING COUNTY, UA TAX $10.00 SALE $0.00 QUIT CLAIM DEED PAGE-081 OF 001 REFERt:NCE NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR ASSIGNED: (if applicable): GRANTORIBORROWERS: l. Pruzan BC Limited Pannership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Partnership) Additional names are on page GRANTEE/ASSIGNEE/BENEFICIARY: I. Pruzan Building Company LLC, a Washington limited liability company Additional names are on page LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S 132 FT OF N 6110 OF W 112 OF W 112 OF NW 114 OF NE l/4 LY S OF N 30 FT THOR LESS 108TH AVE SE LESS CIM ROTS Full legal description is on page I ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL/ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322305-9104-06 20110112000008.001 THE GRANTOR, Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Pannership) in consideration of a distribution from one wholly owned entity to another pursuant to a plan of merger, conveys and quit claims to Pruzan Building Company LLC, a Washington limited liabili1y company, 1he following described real estate, located al 17808 -I081h Avenue SE, Renton, Washington, 98055, si1uated in the County of King, State of Washington, 10gether with all after acquired title of the Grantor therein: See Exhibit A auached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. -I - G:\JDG\PRUZMER.QC2 20110112000008.002 DATED this ~ay of December, 2010, to be effective December 3l, 2010. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. GRANTOR: Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Partnership) By: Pruzan LLC, a Washington limited liability company Its: General Partner I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that HERBERT L. PRUZAN, is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Manager of Pruzan LLC, the General Partner of Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Partnership), to be lhe free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: i Y 1.:o/ 2o10 G:\JDG\PRUZMER.QC2 ---0646 .......... JON A BARWICK NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUAflr 28. 2011 -2 - ashington residing at My appointment expires ..... EXHIBIT A TO QUIT CLAIM DEED 20110112000008.003 GRANTOR: Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Pannership) GRANTEE: Pruzan Building Company LLC, a Washington limited liability company The following described real estate, located at 17808 -108th Avenue SE, Renton, Washington, 98055, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, together wilh all after acquired title of the Granlor therein: The South 132 feet of che North six-tenths of chat portion of the West half of the ~eet half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 ~arth, Range 5 East, W .M., in King County• Washington, lying South of the North 30 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying Westerly of a line beginning opposite Highway EQgineer's Station 315 + 81 and 40 feet Eaaterly'of the centerline of Highway SR 515, Renton Vicinity; (Southeast 196th Street to Carr Road); thence Northerly in a straight line to a point opposite Hishway Engineer's Station 318 + 41 and 45 feet Easterly of said centerline. and the end of said line as conveyed . to the State of Washington by deeds recorderl \mder King County Recording N~a. 7208020358.and 7207110553. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. -3 - G:\JDG\PRUZMER.QC2 First American Title I , I / WARRANTY DEED ft? rl1t• \!21, .. 1-o/ Srah! R.eurr H~. t ·-SH \a _..:.._ r ~JentQfl Vkif\itvi ,;, &. 19htl1 St. t(I C'.;1;r P.,ad .K.\OU' ,\LL !t!EN DY TICE:SE PRESENTS. Tf>nt the GrruLktf"il r,,=· ,.,ad In c-01UJrte-rat1cm t,f the .=iitn of TE:f and ~0,100-... -------{SI.Q,,10) ....... ______ DoUa.r::i. and otR~t Y•l~l~ can~ld~raclons rot:1""?1 ccmr~y n!!d Q.Jal"l'llf'H lo 1hr Su-n. or W11Sffl:iGTOS, ,he Juthn,:ing, de.M.T1bri real csrme ll"fttr- <rr~I n. i.in,: CmlfllJI, U1 lhe Stcrnr flf W'ah1ngc01. 10 t-"e !:!ltn.i: .:rtenC andpt12']XMe u.s iJ 1hr: rights l:rTC1n: granrtd had ~I a~ttifiM u11dtt E-nunil!ffl Doma111-ffi:tt.W en Llie Si.ate of tVcu:hmpto:n .Ul tfiat por~Uln of the followtrtg du~dlled P,i?"cd •• ,. .. lying Yesterly .of a line described .1.1t foll(MS~ Jesi:im,fo,i: opposit-e Higfwa.y ._Eup:J.neier'11 "to1.t1011 31.£+i..O and 41J feet C:,U'Cerly c.f th-, ceatcrl1ne o~ c;.~ 5LS. Renton 1'1cf.n.1cf~ i;. r, 1'9fith ~c.. co Ca:rr Road; thenc:c ?.orthd.y 11a.uIJd co a.a1,4 ce:iatei-Ur.c-u:i Uf"~ay Engineer's Station 315+.bl; th=cc "h~rthe-rty in 11 sC"t,11lFri;;. llne. to .-:s -pot.11~ ,1ppos1te H1a;hwa,o tna1ncC"t''" S~.qr.ion 118+41 and 45 !'=t Fasced)' Q.C RAld (!enc,u:11ne md. the end of this line cle-scriptio1i~ a.A.it(" EL "A"· ;,_ . The nort~ -one-fourth rtf t.he south toQt'.,.tesi~• of tbe ve.111;. half of the west h.JU of tbc: ,orthfl=st ,q1.1ann o.f the-narthll!'MC q~·ue.r of 54!:i::tiott lif't:GWdlip 23 north, un,p;e 5 c.ai,t, ·"'·"·• ln ii.Ln" Co11.,,ty, \.'.1•htl'l1n:oni rxc:gvr ~e. ~r 30 r!te."t tot lllf,hvay • . . { ... Ye l!! understood and aP,reeJ that dla,uto llf u.;iflhii:izcc.n Iii.I 1 rccominuc.C th'-! exhting roaC1. ai,pra,u:h on the F.utertv side of said hip.h'li-a1 .,t .ar nu-r liit!!h~av &lgirtn'C''II St.at.ioo Jlfi-1-:!7, "ihid, ;ap,p-roach 41'al1 be matnt-1if.11ed be~~n 1:he rll(ht of vav Una ;o.nJ tbc s.hatilder line af -iaid h1111hva.v-by the !JT-mt.cn. r!i11Ut h01.t'.$, 111ti~i:es11ors ~d as&if'P~. j11.-rune.or, n'ereh\ fl.ll"tlt&:f' ,rant tci tlie 'Sf"all! of ~uh:tnpton, Clt" !ta ar.11mts. the r1,;1c to ertt.sT upon the rrim~or 1..a ;-ci:aah•:trt~ -~4 \ffll!.t!:!, r.el!l!ssary co amst.ruct :aaU n,ppuaaci:. The. t'U'ldl!I Mrcil". C.CDvoycd c.onta!JI, all ar4!.a o! l4lfi, sqr;m:re: fiect., i:iarc D't less, rile .spe1:iiic det41U c..ollL'ernmg all of 1ohidi aTe la be Jotmd u::Uiua Uaa1 {'Pf'Win map ,:,-f d1!'fhu111 lor11l10,i Jl<tW of t"ec-orcf, a,id "'n :fik m r}ic 9Jfi,ce fJf tM' l>irt!.::CDT DJ H19lumg.1 ,pc Olym.p111 and bt'<1.m1g d.aUi (lf approv12l>.ugust I)~ 1971 and revi.aed :;avezrbe:r 19. 19,1 and thu (tgCdline-of ~~kb l.s .3llo sh.Olin of -record 1n. \'al~ 'S of ilighvay Pl.au .• nt11u! 14-. -records of Kin, Catmtv. 1, ,., u11der1TO(od .in.! t:i,;,«d th.Qt the di?li~ of thi:; dud ,,l, •-cr1•by t~t1dc1l'd "INd Uiat tr1.r 1err1u •11,d obfigr.ittons her,ulf ~MnJ1 Mt b,rcome b,Mmg upon. i}i.eSCnle t1J WrUhini;ron. wd.--:~ and 11111~1 nct'tplrd ll"tld cpproJ:ed heTt1 1-,n .i;r1tUlig for t~ Stn1e ll/ Wa.slitngton, D.!pa.rtm1m: t:)f HagJ1v:t1y.•. by the rJurf Right. of Wa1,1 A!Jffll, Do~ lliiL 8th dn.!, oJ -~une, i~72 -· I ~--.,. . . . .-.. -·-:,.. .. ~_..,__...,..,.,. -. ···---=-; •• :-::::-~ ... -~--____ .. __ ..... h.--~.:;::--: . First American Title First American Title I ~rt-U: ol' \\'~t~G'MN' ,~,1tmi:y of l.1NL ,, ... +1ttdl!'n1tJnitd)"' tiorary puhl~ m a:Pd. Jor ;hilt ~rorr of \\',u'w r,rm1. l1r,rb11 .-rrtlf!I •Jtai nr.i rl1,, Bt.U _ d11r, of;..-:...~~~, !9'7~ • -..:_ ,..._ . Pfr,011J1Ut, o.ppcared r,elo,e ,np Oo thL~ -da.yoJ -. ~ ;.., ' --··' ,, ' --,-~, .... ~~- w-mel1101~rtto be-tht" __ . ___ -·-.. ---·-_ • ___ • '. .. -: and...:......~·--"!!:'--~·- ,cf d•~ corp,o.,.iu~ durt e.:N"cured·iht foregoing i,ut"ru~f.1imd ,cimowlitdgci ,a.td tiui~t ta be. the fttt dr!d t·oJrt1UdrJt , .... ,.nd dtt'd GJ 111.d CQrpoTl!l'hOn, iir tJw UICI and Pilf'POICI= ffip!~ Jnepl~~td, ond 'NI ootl1 stated that-.. rrffe.,:r.>d. u thP r~me seal oJ said rorp(Wuu.on. Gn:ffl under ~,, hand' a.nd o.Q'itfal .seal tJal!!' dtt~!., and' 'lletl! la.u nOot:~ wrui~- ' . ~- First American Title First American Title l '• -· ,£:. ____ _.m\a,.,,,,_ ___________ County, I 1st,h~ton ~ =:,- 5 Dear-Slr- ~ I h.;:,vo on 'ihS:s ,Jc,y ,old b portfon Or the foll~rni; d-s<:ribc-d roAd$. to the Sfotc cf Ua~rtl ~g•on 1:s· he cor.:::tr~ct1of\ cf~lS,;tpptl)P Vl.c!ini.tr,S,i:...lli.tll ..St,p .,.~C' ~ P"rcol N':l:,J=F1.:04 , e., JhQttn' or, !h(:!rt _-._ot __ 6_5hccts o( t" igh..-~y F>iat~ \<f 1ct. I anc:s. ~re ~ras~ntl )' s-u~j~t to the S hm of raol l=rc....P.er.!z Tax~_ tor -:he yea re;. 2nd lmlt .. .l! _ 3.223D5-9;J54-o(l6 - Sq.1:.1"re tootege In en~lra plico_!U_,1£..0_ ific: r, •. i-7i0tl tOlt! '",6 fhn Sta1e of J'oshln.,t~n !,;,. desf;rlbod a9 fol Ion: Alt thAI: ;o::t::Um c:1! :h.c hllo~i:iil ,jCSt:l"lbr:d ?.:I.reel '!A'' ly~g-~ct.erly of a l~ ducri,be4 .-s :£4:.110' .. a: segUmin& oprxnl:e Uirt,,'.i.)'" ~W~~ts Statton .;'\14--00 llhd 40 !~t Euter!.1 of c~e et1Dt1trlin11; oC s.t 51!1, · J::cntim 1-'ictnt.t.y; S.i.;, l9Eit~ Se. to carr Ro«d;; th.once lbrthedy parnllel to !li'.ld ~e."Qcerl.lne to i• llt)!lt~.3.Y sn;mccr•a St11Uon 315..al; thenc~ Northerly ·"9\J" := • t.r.olab,t U.ne to .a. point o,-uisite Rir,h"1ro7 En,;iu..ttr 1 :t Stadcia 3!8"41 .and 4S f11tiat &:1111tel"l,: r uid cem.erl.lnc ar,d t.t.C! -1!!!.d: 01: tb.i.a line dc3c~iptio~. P'A!tCSL UJ.."; 'th~ r:aru, one .. to\l?"th of tNI Sauth t!aur .. u:aths o! tfl.c ':loat hdt of the ~i:t half of th~ &:-ti1';.'t>:S:t. qu,tt'tl!r o~ tb.o ?lclt'th•.act 41w1rtcr of ScctJ..gn 32 1 To,mship 23 lbrth, l?.Mtti S. ~t, !"1.H,..-in Cl~ COlllltY, ~iJhins:tiL?nl-BlWSPT the • .. ut. 30 feet. for hlg1Nay.., • • Sq~nte foot.a!lli s~14 1.416 ti·e hei-ebv :recit:e:t+ thet Tri .zn:c;.onffll!ce ~1t.h. R,c.·r, M.t,;u.OiO 1:tiit i ,a: cht.tc' ut.p~Id 1-* t'ii..,J to 1cld Caunty lri~ludlng fhof -portion"~ be1r~ rold tQ, the Stnte t>a set over ll't Tho to-+~1 n."lJOUnt io tr,o re,,o.citr,.der cf !ht!' a1'ovci d<1s. ... ribod prcmtJn-.,: •.1illc~ b.-s b~en i.-ot~l111Gd t.t t:~, :;n:, thd the i:ort 1 ~n, of' t.~,:d i'f-fflhn :ol"'1 to tt.o !ntr-c.f \'c:ls.hl.n.)Ton be. '"i'II lovaw of tho I h;n of said 1.1\Pilld to'xe.s, ..: . r.o tu~ ,... ___ ,_..,.t:1t: ;o ,o,._,._"""i .oooilr'"rE>v; .,,..,...._4_-:.,Tll!i. a val_ld tlen on our rv.i;,.lnll'lg: pl'~1<r-ty ... Yery truly yo~rs. ~d-L .,. ,/ . .....,, L7?.1~~--- nv,~! ~ ~-~ .,l! First American Title First American Title !, .-' --~ ..... . '<--- _:..;- First American Title RECOl!Deb -·~c-r:., AEC.OP:i &. r. ':' v,;:,.,: CCt.:fi..: : r I . ' First American Title • ·---==-,~--..... . ' .'i,: ..... ! •1\~.•:'I. ~'1.·t:\Lt\'( ~, t, 11f1tl, ~l, 1,1 1°.1ft \:,,1111 ;, ',p~\ .l: ! .\l!..\ Hi' tllf:>"1 /'1/r;:-~:.'iT,"i. Th,11 :I:,• c11, 1h}r4 •·• ,·_ ·,Tl"'lt•"" ,wi,1 :111·11 1.rhr.11.·, 1d,1. uu.i • ,,(,f,-t1l1•"• ,· ~1.1 .•,m .,/ 11.:: .,-,,I ,;1fl1h>-·••···~·-·--((Jll+'rlJ, ... ---••••·-·DrMiar~ . . u.!. i'"\';\·r \'l~u,1•1,• .-.,11 .. 1,h•r,1tlOl1!1 .... t 1.-,1rt 'I"! ·, if·,· ~~T\ll ,,1 \\'.1.~1u• ,,ri.,~ •. :J,,· J'11t1,1 .. :111y d1• .. ,·r1V,·1I r,.,., ,·,1111,· .~i,11· ,•.,,i ·.tnr (\,,,Hr:u, 11 ,i.,, ~,,1h• ,i1 U',,...ldngl,111, 111 111,• '1'1111:~ , l'•. • .• ,,,,: .~·, >,' ,·, ;! ·•·,· r:r:'IH1 • ,•r,•1•1 1,,,,,11,·d Pu~r, ,,,.,; .a',jlllt;.·,; 14"'1 :,. Rt'l•N\"lll DullltUU 1l,1(11h: ci/ ••,· :-i:•,,·,· ,,, Wt1fJ,.~1ir,1:1 ~~t ~'1..tl ... ,rtl.o:, ,·i 1:"• •,,1J,,.'"l1\Hr. ,!,•:n:rlb<1J l',•1"Cd ",!I'' hln:r: 1./ci.1.a·tlv 1\f .111 11110 hr." ·1'11'11":1. , . ., ... ,,.;!l•· •-l,\11.1.w !'n,•i,u:i.:r'-; "t;itt11n ll5•.S1 .m.1 /,fl l..-1~t 1:/ll!-tc-r1•• of th~ ,:~nt:'1r- h11,: •·t ;.,.,·,..;,,,. -~ '.l~. -:'"1.•nreoii \"lcin{!f~ :,. l', :1r,ti: S:t, t1:1 r,.rr t>(laJ; Lhcnrn !l:o:-thCT'l!' 11, ., 1u.1; "\l it··,:, \,, .1 i' .. 11,t .. or""ltc l!ltbw-.iy Fn1t.i.11ot?er 1~ ~t.-uton 3l&+lfl ruul ,1.; rect . -~·;tc·t\~ ,'t ,.,t 1 , ... ,,ci.:tl ln.• • ..o1\i.l thl\ c;ui nf t:,1-: luu: ,Jc'\.;:rtvti<ln, :_,_'.i:i,'. .~::'· :-·o~: l '~ :·,,,•: •: t···· :11rt~ 'lh-tt!otf\'5 c•r 1~., !·e~t 1•.1L! c.r th!:: u,.,!IC 1.nU of the ::ort!n.~.st 1lra·~ .•': .,.. ·•n"•!!.t"'t ~,nrt,·r <>f r.<!ctt<•1: ]~. rt'l-"l'l~l'l.i-:J :?1,orih, JJ.n:11t<r ~ F.iu,t, \l,J!,, ... • ;,, • ;.-i:ci:,•, ·:.i.a 1~nc:1•,1, i'XC"F..Pt tl,c o:t!st 1-'I !el!t dtc-tcor .col\vcycd co Ktn~·. r.uu."\ty, _.,.,\.:•,.,.,,. ·,, :·\~tr,.,--.•·t: !l:c.,,.!t:"d Ul\ll<ll' .'.!:.i!ltc,r~.., rll'l" ~ri. ?')1)6ffl, ·t ·• ,:r..:~·~'t~t •o.; .1,,i .••le''<"..! :h,lt t!HI' ~t.lti' of ~-·o1•;-;!n1:ton ,;111 re'=i:,mHrQ,:t. i.he •·11.iattnr. :.'.\,: .~:1r;-,1r: ~-~ -.~.· · .. !~r..:-rl-..· ~id.: c,f <;ai~ ~fr,h·J~\· at .. r 1,enr lllt:.llv.-,y Cn~l:~~l'!,1; •t.~tf,,,: ,ti ... ~.,, • .,~~': .,~r.,.1rh -.btil) !ic :.-,1lnr;1.l.nt:d :•ct;n?o:'11 tlH! rl~br of 'l-'ay line :m.d :·w ~:1, ~!.!.!t !~~c r-:: ;.,t,: ,1i6111w b~ t,1¢ <";r.&.1ullr<\, tht:"ir hQlu:, 1;ucce111c,r:I ~d .a8Sl1;1t11, __ ..--~er.1on,•r., '1•·:-.·~:: 11:rtro~r ,-r.n1t. tn t 1l-P. ;.t.it.c. t>l ·,;,\.~~ln~tcn, or it!I ~jtcnrs, the riW"k .,...-~~·· r ,_-,,,., : ,,;: r·f;il'ltr.r'..; r1~rni:.:m: l.iru:!" Vlll''l'f:! rrl!ct,;•,AT:" tn c:::nrt><r~i,~t i;ntd ~r'l'ro,,ch, .-.•. ,_,n.!·; :a·r~!c: :c,l'."i:','t!;J c.ont:il:i ,,n rin.',1 "r ltif.l!) ~11u.1rc r,.,~r. rorc. o, \cs:., ', .••. -..1•i•· i,·:,·,:~ ,.,.,., ,·r. .. ,la ,HI t1J u:i11rh ,cT,· fo I,•· .t""""' N·,tl1111 rh,11 ccruwi t•·•·!· "J ifef,,uh· 1,,.,-.,,.;, ,1 ., .• ": ·,·,,m1,;•l•l u,i :th· m :-11,r-"(!!<"l' "J 1J1.: r>,r,.,..-1,1r riJ H1!fiLU'dJlf tl.t !)!_111J:Jm· .(',i.! ftnir/1111 rl,_:,• ,,/ '·'J""'·"I·'""",;,: '•. lq11 ;-.:d 1"1•vl-..t•J ·:,w11r,l,.,,:-l'J, 1')11 tJ.n.J Chi! (-l?llt"r l[ne nf •.-h!ch j,; . .\ "' .. 1c~-:i c' ~ , .. C(' :-~ ir, ·::,, 1,1...., j ,,f II! d1.i,w r I "ti;, 1'11;~11' :3,~ , rr.cn r<11 ,,f Ian~ coue1i.y, ,. I, :• !l,11h:r~1,,,i.i, 11J ,.,,ri·•,I 1Jw1 tl:1• ill'h't'l"!/ "J 1i1,~ d,·~cl :., "'rd,;1 ll'li'lktt.f :iml 1••,,1 Tiu· f(•nm· :r-:1 .. ~-hr wi,;1, i.n,·,1J ,;:d! ""c 11,,•,m:1• ,,1r1drnn r1111i11 cl,L' .'i1111,• L•f \l',:,·hlMiti,n 11111,•.•..z: 1rntl w1ril 1:rc,•11lr1! • ·,··l ..!,Tt,,· ,,,1 1,,.-._...,., i,• ·,·rilm:1 f,tr th,: :-.'t,11.c of \','.i,:;/1!11,11t1u, lfr1"1rOm,•1Ji 11J H,9Ji;~·,:1;1<. !,!I' 111,{" t-lilcf ~ f,:o;ft: , r \\ ~y ,l:JL'tit. .i •• .-111,·,! ,., .. : ,·J,!''"' ,·,I f -.. A.1-.~.::::._ ... T,\Tt: ()f' \\'N:ur;.;lii'(':' \)11~\Ml'H~i "' !l: .. 11" 1\-. c-;~ .... :~; ~· ,,,.---. Ii·. i ~ ·--·'--.. ;~ •' /C,;1,, d \\"G/,\;,~1. First American Title 'f . ,. ~! -J" • .,.c_. '::,·,,; ,, .. , .. ---·-----·----- First American Title r----.. -. ---··---· - I : ~;a;e of Washinf:ton. ! 1 .}, Cmmt~· of King i" I :=,: ! q 1, • 'l.lU:\lh 1"""l•f(''l,.1'1~l1,ur.t1.~,11~1fl,,.,Ji,~•·•f'l,,fo,h~,,-t,1.:-dnf, 1h.,1 I -·, ''' , .. :t, '" ~, • :,, .... 1, ~.:,•n ,II ••\l~ r11J ,,, t,11 ,.,, 1hc f,,ll,..,,lt.1,e,tr,,;-,1!-,Ji-r,•~rn '< • J;_: ·, .. ,~;;'. ·-'.!) First American Title First American Title ,. •'•,ii]',• , \ '~ 1 11.!, ,~1.• ,, ll ",, • .. r:, · :.H.,· :1 ,!.:, ... :-1.::.,-.. l,1!"1•::1•t>•t·•::c,!•1·:b.: r .. :1, .;/ ,1 •• : 1,,. i• 1· :-.. i,· ,•/ u·.,.J,i,qi'"''· '·rfd•i, (1•rrit.•, 1•1,1; •·" •l,•r ,•,·r~,m.iJl:; ,ir;:J"'""'"'' ,i,•fr.r,· i,,1,· nm! ,nrtff ··i :i;,• .. ,r; ,1•,::1i"1 !I:..:.: ,·:r~·L·u1r·d 1l1e-.'t•T.:'Jl"ll'l!! HblrtH•H!III, 11:nd ut"l.no1l'ledged: .raid i,1ttnonenl eo be lhc h·,· ,:r::l · 1::,.,,;,.•!, ,·,·· ,.,,,r ,!, ,·d ur •mti nirp11r,1hon., /nr rJ1t' 11:sl'.1 nm? pllrpPSCI tl1c~i11 menlki1teff, ntid. , r•u~·.1 ,~ ·11,• \',,rr,••,:1,· ,•,•nl t•J •ritd l'C>,pora1i1 1n, (;:~·,·,: •,•11kr r•u: l.•:r,ll ~,,1( uJiic:,r,I tC'lli it1(' lli:,11 i!lrui ?/tor r.,::1 tlb(ll"C rr•Brcn. 10 • • ,•u .... ,. ~::cut..;: 1.: First American Title ~;~ ¥!~~,-J~f~ ::"]~ ~~~.L..:;··~··~/i'..J.~..1,;....J. .. ...;,2.:;1a'-",'·',.:.·.t"·1....~t~'","'.J.~...:a.;;.-1.,,..,.ri.'-';..c;:.,t..c.~~,.:;.;;.c;ic:..~~ I i I ' 'I ' ' I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I '""'°" 1, I R;' g (]( . V -3S 3fl'I Hl601- ! ". I . 1 ~I ~ ~t ~ t t· t~ r <!?. ~' :ii \~" ell ,, i! § "'"''t I, t § .; § •· "' '< O' ,, ~! £~ "; I R 8 . I I N ·~ ~ ~! ~· :a! ,, s 8 / First American Title -...... ··-·----- VQl 3972 PAC1288 509401'11. ·;. ,,,., ,r,.'l.· ,. . ~-V T'I :i:s AORll!llm, "'l~a·~=~l?_,,1.._,.,T_ ..... l(;;... ___ ----.--·ll••hington :! m t.ho et _~r ot $ E PT t M 1' S IS -~ .,R .. p""1,...,., .. ,·..,s'"-'-f_B..._[1..._.1_,·., .. n ... , ..... w.._ ___ .....;...i.·_.1.b,-,y"""'c.'""y:,.-...... JJ,_,_n...._1,.,_.s •• r.;....;o....,w:.... __ _ u': lnJ:&IID Allll llm, ~ ll4lUJ) TIIE l'IBS? ¥~ms, IJld lClh'O OOUNI",, • IIVJIIOIPAL / CM!>,Jl.\TIOH, HEr.RI~ • .II.LED 'U!S S!ODlll PAllTl', 111d l'HIRUS., fl.rat pu-tU1s :ropronnt and wvr.oJ\t that thoy A.:rG tho cnirnr111 (t.ono.nt, mortgag,,eJ ot that eON1ll pan,"1 1)1' lalld. cluor1l>oll ab tell"'"' ... and 1 ·~' ;,J. t ;.,·~s .s /: C 3 :l. . T w P. :l, 3 -11 0-5 . 7 "· J( J.. 0 T I I) 'I • '-.,;::w'.(,,fW/,i ~FNW1tJFNfr//,; /II ;{,, /Ci A , .. r· (:, D • r,; <f' I J? .'l 0 t. d A I-.,.. 111\ IN J? q.~ t... " . \lti£fr&.5., the &eocnd pl'r' y by ita IJoa.rd of Count,-C~aqlCl'lara, ta o.bcut to Bcoopt to, """="" • i>J.at kna,m ne l'i R 1 nf.~ ~ ~ &f I T 1 ~~ 'ffhort.ln th3 nti.tural dra.lna.;8 r1.l!nl tic& e Pia s a t i AO?'t,,L!18Tfi,r6iitH.y ol tho First. Parti.03,. nClf 1 U1>rnf'nro :rt 15 W'l'UALLY .AOO!m AS W.J.dlfSi that ttre l!l;dd First. fn.tt1H Mre'bf CCt'll'ICnt to tho nat\ll'Ol n"" of :rortaoo woter fl«>m 501d plat to bo conied 1n its mwral chomol across t.ha lJ:.-cpor .7 o£ t.lm Fir.st. Pi.rtiea and tc hol.d King Ccunty blamol.as, lor any ~gc tt . .-,t m.,y be ea.ulSOd. by ,aaid dra.imge nm. IN WI'l'HESS ffl£AEOP tho pO,rlies hm'8to '"'\"te. hereunto ~t tho:l.:r rand Gn4 lft',,b nt. ~ d.Cl.y undo ,ren:: i'n'at n.bl)W writ.tan. lm'Nl!SSI i'ta !5iUdJ bf COORfi biiiliS!ldbJt':1 I\IRff OF TH!: Sl!!:OND PART. First American Title First American Title '· -;-.-::~ ::: .. .;...::::.:. ::..,;:.; .. : . ~--. ; . ,. ~~.)-' ..,;:1 ...L::::_., i,."-u~.~r.:;-'..:.tt, :-.~:,~;;.~ft-J:' ~oil:-:=.i:d the '\j:rar,ttta" • .ar.c 4::4{:I'' c,-,... ·c £. /'"'4,,5,c,{, ,£,..Jd,.,./r ,..,.,,1 7h.; ;;~:i:. lO fu..::t o! :ho ll'tt5L i.O ~~ ... 1. oi thu fol101.1ina Jc.,,c.r:ht:.! j1"i.~;i;, 1; li"w \o::.h :/; cf th :":.>uth .;/1-0 oi th~ \osi. l/2 uf u.~ 'n l/2 oi the: :.::-:°1 ..... L-">';.. l/.; o, tru: \"cn.he .. \t !/4 .::r So1;tl.on llJ ru~ualnp .!.', •,c:-t?,, :;.i.!,;C j. r~.i.:..t, ., ... ~. 1 Ki11i: r..:i1.111t.y, 'H.q~htninun. 1~1,;L•:-!11.:r -..ith;.. r"":o~ 1 orary i:.,.ui.,1trl,jc;.t,.ii::in, \l'D!l1;111on1. ll\J'l;r,i,l.'\Jo ::1 t!i·~ Ll::.! iJ £"cut er tic lrt1J~t 4S ii.lu~ oC uitJ p.ucul; S:.~d u•:;·~cr:i.r:r ;a11struct.ion v-UU41tlll\t. 5ha1 l ro~~•a irt fon::d ;;1;:-i1;: t::or.-..:..r~c:.i;,o :mil unLil rho :i.i..w,irs. anJ iipp,tlr\9PiHh!i:,;i ,1l'U ~.::...:·.·;~ .. -.! !or u.iu'lten.incc anti op,uUiQn b)' 1.hc> coi::11~h~ :;~w11r :.: )':-.l;t, ',. ,., First American Title First American Title I ------~-..,.-----~---a:--·~.,~· .,f';- ./!ri" ,' L -... ,, .,.: • ·! 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P":'~ ':;,y -CA$CA.:.Z --=~-.. ~~::;,~~ert t.'r,u.,..,! on First American Title First American Title r-~--·--------..........0.· ... -;....c_-'-~--'-'---. --·--.· ·-··.·_-~-.. -j .--.· -r r[ /_;._!,,;!~·::.\ \ ~ I t C .er..--,, ! i~- . , )(. •.-tAP/ i'11~,1 i,. in ar., f1•! ,~. ~,.-.~ J{rt; .... • '.uhihQ't.f,n~ f""'hlifl'3 t.t ,,,,,r,,, :·_ 1~1;\.\• . 7'1i4 -i -..... ,:--- .--i ' --.. _:;· .. : ,_.. ! /'. -":J.,..,1,-,V -4 ' I ,:;. >,-_;::_;_-;--.,. ',:; j • • •' t •• • ~--. . --?=~~~~~~{~?~:~~i~~~-~~~.;~~~:i·;~i~=~~-::~:::=;·.~i;~:':·~: :-.~ : .• --; ';... r-1 .. 1--t-"" o,.-~ , ~·,·~ .;...~~-• -------':-'·e's·-·-· "l --------~ .... ,.. --... _.,.....~ -------------··· First American Title First American Title I First American Title l\f~otO 11 •. ,.··::::=iwiuist'Of. i;v ra 15 m a oo ,. ~ ..... -~ .. :-~:·:,; ... \ ~1·'-··· ·•, ·, , 'l\1'1.0 Ct·, nh. ----...... !il,PJTr f ----·---~--. ~--------~ First American Title ~ ~'· .... - ,1,•;:.•.:);;:·.-· .1. ,. • .,: .. 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First American Title <! -:.-:-.~:.r .. r; c(.l11>tru"tlV!• l;li15u.ZQJ1t s.i,,;i,ll tu~ttlli 1:, iuri.:i: , :::.~.~-tri:·!t~<rn ,;;r.d •wt-d tn" ~c\lar,i .airul .aip,pur' 11l1qll~u:. o1tu fu .. :::.:..u1tH1J'l~~ 3tid opcr-.tlah by Lh~ C.:tS!!,1.i.'111 Scwar Os:.tri,;t, " First American Title l I .:. :,•.::-: •• --:..:· •• ·,.-... ·.i.:..:, \\.t. .r. .. cc"'s.u--:.nr .:.r ::.t..i l:::::.·_:;-.:.,; ::·.~::. ~--;:---. 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F=~r.~=-tj' •.J,.:J tH<t:C:''1.! l"P,:r. 'r,y the Cicarh.od. ~., ~t:;~'."iY .£1.'; k:JU/ rreu _ sr..o// ... .=r.be. ~..-,,~~~.;/ ~r-ie*..rr'rrt.:t"..,.. µ,,'T4i,1,,,,Y' ..,v&:,;,.,,,. . ..,/ c.~h'~~•·:ti'JJ";.;,,,/ .;.,,'": -;-..-,:; "3:-.i:-.~c: :.~ r ... ! :tJ:.1lr. tt.u :-.gtt ta u:o o;t:.e 1:1..:::!a.c.:J ~~ ~::at:J l(:.!:.c~c:-.~ ~ ~ u .a.-:::· .:.1it dou, r..:::: ir.terhre w1th 1nsullatic:in of tho acwu r.:A.=.r., :~~-'"Vo:-, ~ ;:~ ~~._.. ~.:-1::-::~r ;;:n~!. :-.~~ c:raet. .:mi 'c:.:Ue1nqd Or" 11~r.:.etu,:oc;::i, C::", :1-.a oa~(.J.;-oc::".t., :i; : .... ~ l::e ..1 e~.vo:ar:t r~nning v1t"r, t.l'.u ,l.,r,•.i Jf,~ .;h,:.: ~.~ :'l':11it' .:;,.i:;c ... :r:::>rc. 1-a!.tu ~nu ;i'itlt.Jr,!;. w111 l.4Yv Jli:I. =~·r )",4ndr. &nO 111.:.,.:.a; t.h:.llo -SJf •.b.·l c! ~ • .2.,:::. l ------,. •• •. '• ' • L) // ., -i ::;:; ~:.u d~;· r,or•-=~-1ll:y .1,r.,.e,11n~ ~!en t.'.v &..u.L(/'dd.A...r~~Z:4• t;; ;:.a i;;".~'"T· t:-o i::11 t.1':o :..r,cJ:..v1di,Ua.l.,.:1 dct1Ct1.1:atd 1n a.id who 'd'Xc:iCutad U,u :,il'uJO:.:-.J r,1:r.:.•ert, ,r.; oc<r.~wlo~~od to n:e o,,otzt"j\! al,Jr,od an~ oo~!ed t~ •• ••'" !::.r.<::r.::-:".c.:-.': .u "tt"~ra~ ar.d voltJnt,,u·y act JU'Hl dol!"d t(H' th~ u:u.u ur.d r-..:r1,c;.ug.J ' ,1 " ---------~------,.,,_.,.... ____________ _, First American Title First American Title - ; 1-- First American Title • /.:.z.~~:S.·$.\ \ " I CO.IA.'- ...... • ' -- First American Title First American Title -~· I .-.. ,~l·rl ,·/1. J..:.nc:::!: -----. . ,._..., ·o, :,~ . .,..: .: ;~ 1~\" .. :-~:::-::,J:~ .. ·. :_ ... - 00 8 ,U SI uliui -~-!~t:~::::: .. ~ '. , • ·,•u I ., ,, First American Title First American Title l,J ,,, <- trns COU:ff'{ WATEa DlSTiHCT ::o. 58 i032G S. E. 17Grn r.:-.1:ro~:. \·:Asnn:sro:• 98055 EASEHE.!<T ~- h,11:1 l. ~::..ihil:h I'. Cl. R".:l:-: 121 Kt:nton, 1;.\. 9BClS:, La"Wrenee s. Muhieh 3.2-1.3 -!;.-l 1-: Contr;!Ct !-7S :ECOiLL :::::_;(: •:. R£cc;5;''{ ~L: llit.G c,:;,,:1;7 f. 1,: .. ,· W!Tr.'ESSEn!: 7h<lr th~-?;.;d.d Cr1::itoi:-for a:ill ill co;,.slC.'.:'rn.tio,i cE the: suli!O of $ #"f7 J!ll t{l I,~ pail by :he! c:::ant!!", .?'1d o:hcc v;,1.•t<Chl" consiCeration do:!S b:, thesa pres'!:'ltS i;r; ,·~to ti:,., r.r.,,:,te::-a p.:rp:!tuc1l eris!'c,:."it for t;.?t'·r o~!ns auJ ap~u-rtt:::i:!~ec:;i i:!,~c,·;;).,, cw:,r ""n<l ~~T05<; th,: follo·.,.i.:i.; der.cc!bt:d P-''i';:,,ty s\tL?~~c·l in\{{;,,; Ctr.::::.t)·, \::::..':i.-·zto;,., c:;,•c.: "::rri,.;<J!~rly ~t:::-:r:h::if r.; follt>;;!'t: Th-:: ?-;o;t.h (,uri.rtcr or· tho So:.ith 4/lOths. Df che \·:est h:ilf of t.hc !"lest h~L: of th~ N'orib,est 11:11,rter of th~ }:o:·th-2:1st c_u2rtcr of Scctil'n 3?, Yo:-:!"'.;.ch.i.p 2J :-:or th, Ranie S !:.tst, 1,;.N .• lying south of the ~orth 30 feet thereof; u:ss 108th A\'cnue S,[, ·1·i;::t pr,rtion of th:: above C.c~cribc<l f':H'CCl 1;!1.ich lies 10 feet ·t;i.stcrly nd :,t rig!,t angles to the followiai. ilescrihd line. J\l'J;ir,n!nz Clpj)OSitc Hi.th•.;ay Cnginct,r's Stativn 314+00 a.nd 40 f~et ]'.:;;;te:tl)' of the ccnterlin,; of SR SH,, Rcntor. \'icinitr; s.E. l%th St. to C::rr Ro,d~ thc::n:::c };o.r~hcrlr p;~ralld to s:tid centcrlinc to High11ay i:J:::;1n::ier 1 s St;itiOJl. 3E,+81; thence X'ortherly in a straight li:r.c to ·: p,:;i11t opr,0'.>ite l!igh1rny br.;:!inccr's Station 318+41 ~nl. 4S f-::ct Ea~terly of 1:al<l ccr.i..crlinr.: ::.:d tl1~ end of i:J,is line description. First American Title First American Title ib, s;.JJ lir<l!'lt.::e :fr . .:dl t.a·:ol' tM rl;;nt 1.:ith:;iut pr!:;ir in5tttlltior: o! .i.ny or pr,,;~-,..,Una at la;;. at S\:;;h tin"~ ii.~ ::;;.i.y t>e llLL:c:<~arr, to ~:r::,:-r upon 1 ',;;, ~ .. ;~·"'"'· for t!lc p'.n;,~'~" o:' ~o:"!stn:.:cJn~, repatrin~. alt.,ring or recua- ,.tr·icUn~ ,ald Jat,..r 111.atn, or ~,:ii.:ing any tOlln,;:ctlons th.ere1.11th, \o'ithout in- ,-~rdng any li'gal obl1g,a:::1on or liability therefor, pro\•ided that ,;uch con- ~~ri .. 11::ing, repatrlo.l, al.teri~ or reconst!'"uttlf\i of sat4 .. ater ::iain shall be ;,.· :::;ilishd in such a t!anner ti,at the p!'"h-a-::e i?:1prov.,~nt:;, existt:lg ln thls E-.,sol'~i!nt sha.11 not be disturbed o: destro}•c-C, ::>r iD the ever.t that they arli! <'i,;~ct'aed or c:!estroyed, they lo'ill he replaced in as go~ <I .;;ondttlo:, as they s:er;,, 1o:nadiat'1!h" befartc the prope!'"ty !."as entered upoa !)~ the said C:antee. Tile Cr.;,:\tor shall retain th.. right to usa! the ,i.:riace of the e.asemeot i.! .;.ucb us" does riot interfere -.·it;h installatio:i of t~e .iater :caio. Ko,.iever, :he Cra.nt1>r sh.all not erect bullo:!l.ngs or stni.ctures o:i. the eas~nt during th~ existence of saf.d ea!.el!!ent. The e.as,•::ient, dutin~ its e:r.!stenc", sh~U be a covena,11,t n:~ntr.!I; Vit:h the 1.-.~-j and shall be bi:-:ding u.., the succe:s,aors, hei:-s, a:i:d assigns or Doth of rhe panie~ h•reta. I~ \."I1?:~ss.1<11UEOF, 1.e hav.i s .. t ctu&.- ,;,d, s.;,a!s this_..;, ___ day of STATE OF UASHI:-CTO!i) ) .. cou:rrr OF KIKC ) This b to cec-rlfy that o thh day personally appeared before =:e __ _ <o >< M-<o be the iodMdoal <mdbed in ~o mco<ed <h, ,~<hln ,o'!...../. forego:iing ht$U'\111:1ent, and acknovledged that stg.,ed the Ull!e .as~..{ free and volu.n.tary act and deed, for the use!< aud purpose,;; therein. ~ntioned. Given. llnder my hand and official seal tr:b~day of chK 19_5 l. 1hs, consideration for tbis eas~ct itl,_+-"""'-------------- 2, There ~t speelal <:orn!itions a~tach,:i to this ea,ecient. t Js .approved and reco=t-n,;led. ,!n~ineu. Dated 6 //u/ 7.J- 1 ., ,Attonv•;·. Oaud /;, /,c)/ :f J / I 80.W Of C~tSS!O~F..11:S OF 'Kl~ COl!h"TY WATER DISTRICT KO. sa_ ht< sp!!cis.l conc!ltion.s, H an;,. and the c.onsid~ration. of the ,..1, ;,tid fotcgolng c.,~~::l<'nt are hereby ar.,proved an;'! accept~d thh //J"~day o( ...:..•-" ,19:::'.:'..1. .1~ a rc3,ular open public l"l'!eting o~ the., Eo.:,rd n( Co=i~!.iOnl!r~ Kl'.,J cou:.n ',;,\TEI!. DISTRICT *>-5tl " 7 7 ,~o~c.1 CJ:::fn:C'/1, {~ ._ i.''ret"~Y First American Title Easanent No. 32-23-S-4 R SPECI....L sTIPUL.\Tl05S 1. In the construction work area, ~here there is an established lawn, rest.oration shall be made by replacing with either original grasa sod or imported grass sod, placed Cll'er a 4" dept.b of sandy top soil. 2. The gravel driveway is t.o be restored in as good or better condition as it was inmediately before the property was entered upon by the contract.or. J. The root systems of the t'WQ (2) '"Critnson King Red Maple Trees'", •xtng .\pple Tree•, and the NSutters Gold Rose Bush .. , located on or neu the eaaanent sl\all not be dest.urbed, but aha.11 be. twmeled or otherwise protected 1:;,y the contractor to insure that no damage is done. In the ft'Vent these subjeC't trees and bush do not survive, compena,etion in the following i!IIDO\lnts will be made: Crimson King Red Maple Tree Crimson King Red Maple Tree J(ing Apple Tree Sutt.era Gold Rose Bush $2S0.1')0 $2SO.OO $300,00 $ 3S,OO .. -c:~----·..............--~ .... ~-------.... ----------------- First American Title . .· Am erican Title First First American Tille ~---==-- BRl:,TOV\ 5 f 10 . P[Rt,1. ESM'T.; [ _ 11::, l _ ' 1 • 1<1" rLE:., ~·L ~ '"" ,... ,, -. -- I'-;_ 0' t,/Ji..; c~ ~~ \.':ilif 'MAX\'.! l i . ~.COP i l._ -- / s ' ' ---·· First American Title gg 11· · ~ .: KING COUNTY . RECORD OF SURVEY A'PART,-OF TIIE w . .112.··oF. THEW 1/2 OF THE .N'W· 114 Qf .THE N·E·l/4 OF SEC·32, !.WP· 2~·111; R:.~"E, ~ M· _/ ,,···· ... ,., ... """ .s,;a'TH ,;;'ih-, ,~'j.,,.-1"JM_1{,;i,.r~,~~ !!/,.,,. .,,_Mi~• o/fao ~r:,r) :·:;,::· ,.:~~J::~,:,"" ,~fft:;~":::;'.;::' ':.i ,::~l:.,:~t~~ ~.,,,,..,.,,,, "'"° sc,rp ,., r., !AA~• J-O rif;,r r,,·>!&0,-.,.. ·· · .:,c<rl re,r '"""'"" "'"",.,,. ••• ,or, c1"ie.8t;t;J~"'"" O"K>S"c..if.;,,..., . ... ,..,.,,,, """'"' >"'"'' ••o •u , •• ,. u:;r,:,,;.~.)I' rec co<r-·r(c o, . "'"""" SI> 515, r,1:.ro• ,,,·1ucr, (,w,..c.sr ,wi?'trmr%" c,ee "'Wi'., rP .. c< ,rc,IIT~r:e.r ,,, , ~'""""' , .. ·•• ,-., • ,-01r. opro:;1r& "'"""'' Ll'GINW<.> sr,r,o,, ;,a.,,, ,~D ') r,_" ""'"'"' ,, '"" CL.C£RLI .. ,·.: ... , rHE ••" or :,,io c,u; ,:; ro,ec,,c "' ur """ or ,..,,!!NOi\:< Jr """ RffO,,D<C JK/h:~ ,ti'(;'"""" ~HO"Of,\G """"' '""wo,,.. <>D >,on!G))j. .,cto•oµ1·~ ~,·,rmc.n nae ro• i,,-::·;ao TH1se',,r er&...,._,-,,,: ,. ,.::,.11 1• IIOO>JL« P>o<1Ji1..P r,1,R1.;,>ur~_,IU,IJAJUAYC£~11,/./1.....___ ~· w , mnMiJPII ~~1'r;.,,11<,h~Or11t:c'D"011 s,a,uoss n,1Tll'J•'•f~ r"1s -,p oosa.c~_, acP~,·s;:.r.,, .,,.,,, "''• ,r u v~ ,.,,,., Mr u1 .. aw, i,, co.,roH"'"·'' ~,ro r.,; "-o',J!,m.,rS or tSL ,-r;,,er ,O.TCKD.'N<J >C'f ,r ""lie iu,;,·.-s, or s,ien·,, 1,-;:. ;, a;,n '""•' ~sr,:N,th ,:, Wll•l>O><R P.L.S. "JC) First American Title 6%0408900( ii '' !I s1-ue I ' ·~~~G 111'1,u{J)o.w;.~ ~)• .... r-. First American Title ------------- . . ,. .. . . ' . -----~-----·----·------·----· ..,...._, -· ----~. ) rc4 B.uaon, nu" of J.alu :861:111011 of Reuton, waah. n oy ane. WT to •P flg d.ea r " in JtOW 'l'ha 1't ot the Wt of t,,e lfllt i>t' the J:lf-of tsec 32 Tp 23 D $ mut W.M. i,ubJ te 11.n ... crumt heretofore granted tor a "~ a.lg th11 • lu •t the aln C,oa tract, and al IIO aubj t.e mlnera:L n11 1 u tlle, trwitoro l .. . J'Ohn 1'1uton Jl-.'1'11. Winton x:aw >ro_ v l 2•ll DJ' ,y0hll Wi,101.an and c,1ar ... Winaton, :U i and f lL o :r w rq ,t 1:1 (.lfl:I l{ch 10-1&) ti 1$' Cfl'ut 'Ii " • • ~ • • • • • • * • • First American Title ·,_ ,, ,at&ea ff 81811 .1,.,/··'· ··: · .. BUSCH ,rue 'I(• i'•.' ': :\ Date: October 16, 2013 TITLE REVIEW Site Number: SD2391 Site Name: Spring Glenn Shopping Center FA#l2908315 P A#3801669717 Title Report Date: October 2, 2013 To: Hannan Hammad; hhammad(i:,;ptswa.com From: Jane Venable; jane.venable@wirclesscounsel.com I. Title is vested in: Pruzan Building Company LLC, a Washington limited liability company. We have confirmed that this entity is registered to conduct business in the State of Washington. If AT&T will sign a lease witb the owner, AT&T should confirm that the managers (if this is a manager-managed LLC), or all of the members (iftbis is member-managed LLC) will sign the lease. This is a reminder to AT &T's site acquisition consultant that you must search for tbe lessor's name under the Patriot Act, and confirm that the name is not included on the list. 2. The following curative step/special attention is required: None. 3. Easements; Recommended Action: AT &T's general contractor and surveyor must confirm tbat AT&T's proposed use of the site will uot interfere with the easements described below; however, in the event that it is necessary to encroach, cross, or otherwise interfere with an existing easement, please request tbat legal re-review the applicable easement document to determine if any risks arc presented by such interference and how those risks may be mitigated or eliminated. Item No. Exception No. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Descriotion Agreement between Rollie F. Bristow and Lucy Bristow and King County, Washington with regard to flow of surface water; 1959. Easement in favor of Cascade Sewer District for sewer mains; 1971. Easement in favor of Cascade Sewer District for sewer mains; 1972. Easement in favor of King County Water District No. 58 for water mains; 1975. 22525 SE 64th Place, Suite 288 Issaquah, WA 9SU27 425.458.3940 206,219.6717 www.\'VirelessCounsel.com 4. Leases; Recommended Action: None of record. 5. The property is encumbered by the following liens: Tune of Lien Descriotion Recommended Action Unpaid Taxes General Taxes for 2013 in the AT&T should obtain a Tax Certificate from the tax amount of $4,803.15 which assessor confirming that all taxes due have been become delinquent after paid. October 31. /Excention I) Copy of lien special exception from title report for final lease review due diligence: 1. General Taxes for the year 2013. The first half becomes detinqUent after Apfil 3oth. The second half becomes delinquent after October 31st. Tax Account No.: 322305910406 1st Half Amount Billed: $ 4,803.15 Amount Paid: $ 4,803.15 Amount oue: I $ 0.00 Assessed Land Value: $ 649,900.IXl Assessed Improvement Value: $ l,OIXl.00 2nd Half Amount Billed: $ 4,803.15 Amount Paid: $ 0.(Xl Amount Due: $ 4,803.15 Assessed Land Value: $ 649,900.IXl Assessed Improvement Value: $ l,IXXl.00 6. Covenants and Other Encumbrances: Item No. Exception Description Recommended Action No. A. 4 Reservation ofMincral Rights by John AT&T should confirm that it is Winston and Lulu Benson; 1914 comfortable proceeding with this site in light of these reservations. B. 9 Conditions, Terms and Easement AT&T or its contractors should contained in King County Record of ensure that the proposed use of the Survey, 1982. property does not interfere with any existing rights. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me. 2 ~' .. ., ~.' ~ First American First American Title Insurance Company October 08, 2013 Hannan Hammad Pacific Telecom Services LLC 506 2nd AVE STE 210 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206)342-6393 Fax: Title Officer: Phone: Fax No.: E-Mail: Order Number: Escrow Number: Buyer: Owner: Property: 818 Stewart st, Ste 800 Seattle, WA 98101 Curtis Goodman (206)615-3069 (866)561-3729 cgoodman@firstam.com 2162189 2162189 17808 108th Avenue SE Renton, Washington 98055 Attached please find the following item(s): Guarantee Thank You for your confidence and support. We at First American Title Insurance Company maintain the fundamental principle: Customer First! Subdivision Guarantee ISSUED BY I ' I First American Title Insurance Company ..i!iti.;. First American Guarantee GUARANTEE NUMBER 5003353-2162189 ~----------------~-_J SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LlAB!LlTY AND THE CONDmONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS GUARANTEE, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a California corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability stated in Schedule A, which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. First American Title Insurance Company >1 / .. // d,fa-(/ /ttJ. .. - Dennis J. Gilmore President Timothy Kemp Secretary This jacket was created electronically and constitutes an original document for:~0~3353~-1-13) rge 2 of9 ·1· -------------~--1 _____ Gua-rantee Nu-mber: 2162189 ~--CLTA #!4 Subdivision Guarantee (4:"i°o-?sJ Washingto~ , __ ----- SCHEDUL~ uF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS GUARANTEE 1. Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: (a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters against the title, whether or not shown by the public records. (b) (1) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property; or, (2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not the matters excluded under (1) or (2) are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public records. (c) (1) Unpatented mining claims; (2) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (3) water rights, claims or fitle to water, whether or not the matters excluded under (1), (2) or (3) are shown by the public records. 2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: (a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters affecting the title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set forth in Schedule (A), (C) or in Part 2 of this Guarantee, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways to which such land abuts, or the right ta maintain therein vaults, tunnels, ramps or any structure or improvements; or any rights or easements therein, unless such property, rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in said description. (b) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, whether or not shown by the public records; {1) which are created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by one or more of the Assureds; (2) which result in no loss to the Assured; or (3) which do not result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judicial or non-judicial proceeding which is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided. (c) The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. (d) The validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown or referred to in this Guarantee. GUARANTEE CONDmONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. Definition of Terms. The following terms when used in the Guarantee mean: (a) the "Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, or on a supplemental writing executed by the Company. (b) "land": the land described or referred to in Schedule (A)(C) or in Part 2, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule (A)(C) or in Part 21 nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways. (c) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without knowledge. (e) "date": the effective date. 2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall come to an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest, as stated herein, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notify the Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any Assured unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. 3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which the Assured is a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or proceeding. 4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions; Duty of Assured Claimant to Cooperate. Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set forth in Paragraph 3 above: (a) The Company shall have the right, at its sole option and cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding, interpose a defense, as limited in (b), or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this Guarantee, whether or not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph, it shall do so diligently. (b) If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a) the Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to the right of such Assured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel, nor will the Company pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters not covered by this Guarantee. (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee, the Company may pursue any litigation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. (d) In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, an Assured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of such Assured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, an Assured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all ·---------··---- CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-7S) Washington GUARA ___ E CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued) reasonable aid in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. 5, Proof of Loss or Damage. In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions and Stipulations have been provided to the Company, a proof of loss or damage signed and sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety (90) days after the Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or damage shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage, the Company's obligation to such assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. In addition, the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce for examination, inspection and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by any authorized representative of the Company, all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date before or after Date of Guarantee, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the Assured shall grant its permission, in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect and copy all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, in the reasonable judgment of the Company, it is necessary in the administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph, unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation, shall terminate any liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured for that claim. 6. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. In case of a claim under this Guarantee, the Company shall have the following additional options: (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the Indebtedness. The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name of the Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this Guarantee, or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or, if this Guarantee is issued for the benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lien holder, the Company shall have the option to purchase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the amount owing thereon, together with any costs, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Such purchase, payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness, the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness, together with any collateral security, to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (a) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate, including any obligation to continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4, and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for cancellation. (b) To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties other Than the Assured or With the Assured Claimant. To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any claim assured against under this Guarantee, together with any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (b) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate, including any obligation to continue the defense or prosection of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4. 7. Determination and Extent of Liability. This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the extent herein described, and subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least of: (a) the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; (b) the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of an Assured mortgagee, as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations, at the time the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs, together with interest thereon; or (c) the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect, lien or encumbrance assured against by this Guarantee. 8. Limitation of Liability. (a) If the Company establishes the title, or removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably diligent manner by CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75~.) Washington! -----···"·-----,-.. ------------- GUARA ... _E CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued) any method, including litigation and the completion of any appeals therefrom, it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. (b) In the event of any litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title, as stated herein. (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to any Assured for liability voluntarily assumed by the Assured in settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Company. 9. Reduction of Liability or Termination of Liability. All payments under this Guarantee, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses pursuant to Paragraph 4 shall reduce the amount of liability pro tanto. 10. Payment of Loss. (a) No payment shall be made without producing this Guarantee for endorsement of the payment unless the Guarantee has been lost or destroyed, in which case proof of loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. (b) When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations, the loss or damage shall be payable within thirty (30) days thereafter. 11, Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement. Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this Guarantee, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the Assured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which the Assured would have had against any person or property in respect to the claim had this Guarantee not been issued. If requested by the Company, the Assured shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect this right of subrogation. The Assured shall permit the Company to sue, compromise or settle in the name of the Assured and to use the name of the Assured in any transaction or litigation involving these rights or remedies. If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Assured the Company shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies of the Assured after the Assured shall have recovered its principal, interest, and costs of collection. 12. Arbitration. Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company or the Assured may demand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Land Title Association. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the Assured arising out of or relating to this Guarantee1 any service of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a Guarantee provision or other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Liability is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Assured. All arbitrable matters when the amount of liability is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the Assured. The Rules in effect at Date of Guarantee shall be binding upon the parties. The award may include attorneys' fees only if the laws of the state in which the land is located permits a court to award attorneys' fees to a prevailing party. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request. 13. Liability Limited to This Guarantee; Guarantee Entire Contract. (a) This Guarantee together with all endorsements, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire Guarantee and contract between the Assured and the Company. In interpreting any provision of this Guarantee, this Guarantee shall be construed as a whole. (b) Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to this Guarantee. (c) No amendment of or endorsement to this Guarantee can be made except by a writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President1 a Vice President1 the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. 14. Notices, Where Sent. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall include the number of this Guarantee and shall be addressed to the Company at First American Title Insurance Company, Attn: Claims National Intake Center, 1 First American Way, Santa Ana, California 92707 Claims.NIC@firstam.com Phone: 888-632· 1642 Fax: 877-804-7606 First American Title Form 5003353 (2-1-13) . __ [ CLTA-#i4 ·s-UbdiVisfon·-c;ua-rallt:ee (4·-10-iS~ Washington ------~----~-------~------------- . . I Subdivision Guarantee First American : ; ISSUED BY Schedule A I First American Title Insurance Company Order No.: 2162189 GUARANTEE NUMBER 2162189 Liability: $1,000.00 Name of Assured: AT&T and Pacific Telecom Services, LLC Date of Guarantee: October 02, 2013 The assurances referred to on the face page hereof are: 1. Title is vested in: Fee: $450.00 Tax: $42.75 PRUZAN BUILDING COMPANY LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 2. That, according to the public records relative to the land described in Schedule C attached hereto (including those records maintained and indexed by name), there are no other documents affecting title to said land or any portion thereof, other than those shown under Record Matters in Schedule B. 3. The following matters are excluded from the coverage of this Guarantee A. Unpatented Mining Claims, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof. B. Water rights, claims or title to water. C. Tax Deeds to the State of Washington. D. Documents pertaining to mineral estates. 4. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown herein. 5. This Guarantee is restricted to the use of the Assured for the purpose of providing title evidence as may be required when subdividing land pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 58.17, R.C.W., and the local regulations and ordinances adopted pursuant to said statute. It is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. 6. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment, guarantee or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon it. I __ J ~ First American .,.. ~~-eJ# · Subdivision Guarantee • ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company Schedule B I GUARANTEE NUMBER j 2162189 -----------~----------_J RECORD MATTERS 1. General Taxes for the year 2013. The first half becomes delinquent after April 30th. The second half becomes delinquent after October 31st. Tax Account No.: 322305910406 1st Half Amount Bi I led: $ 4,803.15 Amount Paid: $ 4,803.15 Amount Due: $ 0.00 Assessed Land Value: $ 649,900.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 1,000.00 2nd Half Amount Bi I led: $ 4,803.15 Amount Paid: $ 0.00 Amount Due: $ 4,803.15 Assessed Land Value: $ 649,900.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 1,000.00 2. Taxes which may be assessed and extended on any subsequent roll for the tax year 2013, with respect to new improvements and the first occupancy which may be included on the regular assessment roll and which are an accruing lien not yet due or payable. 3. Unrecorded leaseholds, if any, rights of vendors and seculity agreement on personal property and rights of tenants, and secured parties to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. 4. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof: Reserving: Minerals Reserved By: John Winston and Lulu Benson Recorded: April 07, 1914 Recording Information: 924587 We note no examination has been made regarding the transfer or taxation of the reserved rights. 5. Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Rollie F. Bristow and Lucy Bristow, husband and wife And: King County, Washington Recording Information: 5094081 6. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 7202150286 In Favor of: Cascade Sewer District, a municipal corporation For: Sewer mains Form 5003353 (2: 1-13) rage 7 of 9 -1Guarclntee. _Number: 2162189 ___ --l "---· -----CLTA #i4 Subdivisiori" Guarantee (4-10-75)1 Washington ·--------------) 7. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 7202150287 In Favor of: For: Cascade Sewer District Sewer mains 8. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 7506200772 In Favor of: King County Water District No. 58, a municipal corporation For: Water mains 9. Conditions, notes, easements, provisions and/or encroachments contained or delineated on the face of the Survey recorded under Recording No. 8204089004. Informational Notes, if any A. Name and address of current taxpayer according to the King County Assessors record are: Pruzan Building Company LLC PO Box 9386 Seattle WA 98109 B. Toe vestee(s) herein acquired title by instrument(s) recorded under Recording Number(s) 20110112000008. Form 5003353 (2-1=13ffge 8 of9 __ , ___ jGuarantee Number: 2162189. ___ ,,,_, __ , .... ____ ,,, .. , ... --------~ CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington --~------------------------------- --------____ ,, __ ·---··-----·-----------------·--·------·. ------------- ~ .... ' . ' : Subdivision Guarantee ~ First American _._ .• I ISSUED BY Schedule C , First American Title Insurance Company I I GUARANTEE NUMBER 2162189 The land in the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: THE SOUTH 132 FEET OF THE NORTH SIX-TENTHS OF THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUN1Y, WASHINGTON, LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 315+81 AND 40 FEET EASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF HIGHWAY SR 515, RENTON VICINITT; (SOUTHEAST 196TH STREET TO CARR ROAD); THENCE NORTHERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 318+41 AND 45 FEET EASTERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE, AND END OF SAID LINE AS CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER KING COUN1Y RECORDING NOS. 7208020358 AND 7207110553. Form5~03353 (2-1-13) !Page 9of 9 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-?S)i Washington! -----------~ ,._._:;.._&--~ m SAFEro fllEi ro, ntcQ,o 11 PtQUEST Of . smco 111\E INSURINC[ COMPANY 2111 W1 llENOE. SU.TIil, WA 91il1 Filltd PCH"" Ricord st R,quest of NAMf SAFEtO TlII& l.NSURANCE COMP.ANY ADDRESS l.1.J.55 f.E!llevue.. Redmond U.oad f} 228 Cl TY AND STATE _ Bellevue. Wtishington 98005 SAFECO TITLE tN$URANCE COMPANY ----·--·---------------= i '"" '"" R<SESVED '°" ""O'lOEA'S USE I / :-· .. r .-q #-.,~·.::: t? "'Lr_1:, f 1:1c;.i:_:.i_ Kt OOUNlY EXCISE TAX PAID JANS 1984 I07SS640 4 , • ·1 .• ~. I IJ STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 102986 bw L/ 7 35~<-/ THE GRANTOR SKIPPERS, INC,t R WASHINGTON CORPORATION 7 G 9 1 sa-/ey tor and in com1der atio11 of TEN DOLLARS h.~D OTHER VALUABLE CO~S10ERATION in h;ind p,1id, co,wey~ and warranrs to PRU ZAN BUILD ING cmtPANY, OE~~~I LnrlPR~i~ and LUCIAS. PRUZAN, husband and tRli'¥1ittm!nifmcH!Mfieal estate, situa1td in the County o1 a Partnership composed of wife and JACK PRUZAN and GRACE M, P~UZAN KING • State of Wnhington: The South 132 feet of the North six-tenths of that portion of the West half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeas~ quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North. Rar.ge 5 East9 W.M., in l{ing County, Washington, lying South of the North 30 feet t.hereofj EXCEPT that portion lying Westerly of a line beginning opposite Highway F.oRineer's Station 315 + 81 and 40 feet Easterly of the centerline of Highway SR 515, Renton Vicinity; (Southeast 196th Street to Carr Road); thence Northerly in a straight line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station 318 + 41 and 4~ feet Easterly of said centerline. and the end of said line as conveyed to the State of Washington by Jeeds recorded under King County Recotding Nos. 7208020358 and 7207110553. SUBJECT TO: EASEMENTS 1 RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OF RECORD. DECEMBER 28~ 83 Dated -----·-------, f9 _ STATE OF WASHING COUNTY OF On this day ptrtonallv GIVEN undtr my han {Individual I llndividu:11) _ • .,01 _.::f. .. -. Notary Public in and f .. I i r ii I "------;' !Iii 111111 lffl :---fton, miding :----· a'------,,==-:------tSecntarv) STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF On lhis &3j'lh-day of ftr«nW , 19 ~ be!.-:.;~ ,ne. th• t.ndlrsigned, 1 Notary Public in and for Ole State of Wash:nq;on. ,duly commiHiorted and swom, pe150n111v appear&d Hr chert I, Boaen "'" to me known to be the Qmm of the Bd, ~ lalK._ ________ >Wi'Yiifl rtspactiYIIIY. of SY.IPPERS,,_,I~N~C~------------ 1he corp0ruion that eJo:ICllted tfle for990ing i~1uun1tnt, and acknow1edQed 1he s.iid iru.trument 10 bl the Ifft and Yolur.- tf.r, act and deed of said C!l!'J)Ol'ltion, for I.he u1es end µJr• ~ lhertin mentioned, and Oil oa.th mt4id that ~ -'"'--------authorized to eicecuu ti.If wid inmurnent and that the ,eal afliud i, 11'11 i:orPQntt ,ul of wid corp0r1tion. ,, I I I II II~ ~ 11111!1~ II 11~1 ~II~ II 20110112000008 Return Address: JANET GRAY JEPPESEN GRAY SAKAI P.S. 10655 NE 4th Street, SUITE 80 I BELLEVUE WA 98004-5044 JEPPESEN GRAY QCD !;4.00 PAGE-001 OF 003 01/12/2011 09:32 KING COUNTY, UA E2474373 01/12/2011 09:28 KING COUNTY, UA TAX $10.00 SALE $0.00 QUIT CLAIM DEED PAGE-001 OF 001 REFERt:NCE NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR ASSIGNED: (if applicable): GRANTORIBORROWERS: I. Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Partnership) Additional names are on page GRANTEE/ASSIGNEE/BENEFICIARY: I. Pruzan Building Company LLC, a Washington limited liability company Additional names are on page LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S 132 FT OF N 6110 OF W 1/2 OF W 112 OF NW 114 OF NE 114 LY S OF N 30 FT THOR LESS I 08TH A VE SE LESS C/M RGTS Full legal description is on page _I_ ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL/ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322305-9104-06 20110112000008.001 THE GRANTOR, Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Partnership) in consideration of a distribution from one wholly owned entity to another pursuant to a plan of merger, conveys and quit claims to Pruzan Building Company LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the following described real estate, located at 17808 · 108th Avenue SE, Renton, Washington, 98055, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the Grant or therein: See Exhibit A auached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. -I - G:\JDG\PRUZMER.QC2 --· 20110112000008.002 DATED this ~ay of December, 2010, to be effective December 31, 2010. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. GRANTOR: Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Partnership) By: Pruzan LLC, a Washington limited liability company !Is: General Partner I cenify that know or have satisfactory evidence that HERBERT L. PRUZAN, is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged chal he signed this instrument, on oalh stated chat he was authorized 10 execute the instrument and acknowledged ii as the Manager of Pruzan LLC, the General Partner of Pruzan BC Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Partnership), to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. G:\JDG\PRUZMER.QC2 . .. ~ ... a.MO .......... JON A BARWICK NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBR.Ul\flr is. 'l011 ashington residing at,=¥.=*="----==::i,. My appointment expires...,.q._.,.,_=.:..:...-----'- -2 - -· . EXHIBIT A TO QUIT CLAIM DEED 20110112000008.003 GRANTOR: Pruzan BC Limited Pannership, a Washington limited pannership (formerly known as Pruzan Building Company Limited Pannership) GRANTEE: Pruzan Building Company LLC, a Washington limited liability company The following described real estate, located at 17808 -108th Avenue SE, Renton, Washington, 98055, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the Granter therein: The South 132 feet of the North six-tenths of that portion of the West half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 2J ~orth, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying South of the North 30 feet thet"ecft EXCEPT that portion lying Westerly of.a line beginning opposite Highvay Eagineer's Station 315 + 81 and 40 feet Easterly of the centerline of Highway SR 515, Renton Vicinity; (Southeast 196th Street to Carr Road); thence Northerly in a straight line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station 318 + 41 and 45 feet Easterly cf said cencerline, and the end cf said line as conveyed. to the Stace of Washington by deeds recorded under King County Recording Nos. 7208020358.and 7207110553. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. -3 - G;\JDG\PRUZMER.QC2 First American Title . I I il .... • .. ,: • ,~''I ~II ~Jllft-\•·~"1111 / WARRANTY DEED fo ~,,~· \fir, .. r o/ Srat~ RGuu: H 'i,• t ·-Stl \o _._ 1 -tcnt(Jl'I v1r1."1tvi ~. E. l~htl1 St. ta C'arr l'•Md KlO\.t." ALL. !t!!N BY TICESE Pl{£SENTS, Tl•!!J thr Qr1mwr11 t,1r ,.,1d m ,l»t.$dterahu.n of ,he rum af 'TD' and F0/100-------(SI.Qa,ll'll--------Detilar.l!, !Ind other valuable conslderatlon• li~rr.-,.t, tom·cy n.~d warmni 1~ thl! S1A'l'c Of WASHl!fG-TO~, the /(Hlorc.in9 de.i.(.•nbcd real ~.1t1:1c sm .. - nt4'd n. !.inf:' Counr1,1, tn the Stall!' (IJ W'uhmg1oi. ti, u,e mmr at.enc and purpo,e cs iJ lhe r1ght.1 b-rem gronrtd had ottu ,1ttqutrOO 1.111dtt Er1uncnt DOffl.t'l1'1J ffldl<h" c,, ihe St.au of Wa.thmgton .\I! C,.,g port"ian of the following desedbed Pared "'A" lying Westerly o! a line described .ia follffila! Ae-i;:lnT'iil\r; oppoi1i.tl!' JI!gmfay ~Eflltin~er'• ;,µt.io-n JU+-00 and l,Q fec:c E.uterly ,1 t.t11? cent.:!rl1ne of '5~ HS. Renton \'!cln!ty·:::-S. F, 196th '5t, to Carr Raad; thence ~.a-:rtl-edy ri.aralloll ro a.a1,4 ceqtcd.,f,;c to llfltfflol"ar EnirI.nc.cr~• Sud.on 315+~1; the:icc "lPrtbl!rly 1n a i.tl'dF:r;. 11n• to a po1At l'p;:iosite !tighvar &n.,;i1:1ee1'0 11 Station 118+1,l and lt'S !'.?et F!l5terly of uld ~ence-di!Le .1-nd the-end. of t.h~• Une dl!!lc:tiptiOl'i. DJI.KCEL"A'· ;,.. ~ort11 ona-fourch of t.be souch four .. b!:11t.<i,9 Df the vUt: balf of t.hc west h..Jlf nf tDc -iQn,!we!lt. 1"11U11rtn o.f tJu;:,-oartUMt q,uaYrar of ucc:Lon l2f 'towu:hip 23 north, nny.e S ca!lc, "·''·• in K.i.nll! Cou"tY, l:ashinj!;toa;, PXCt:\>T the veat' 30 fee. 7 C' .tot highvay. ~ -f -... . Tc 15 undcn11tood and ;u~r-ee-11 that me-·:nato nf rl!11hi.ngton rill Tca:io:nruc.t t'llc E::iciining niae1. apprc3di oti the f.utertv side of said h:I.Rhfr.lY at or 1lt'!Ar H113h-;r.ay EnginHr's S't.at.ioo Jlfi.t-?7, 1,ihid1 approach 11,~all be Claint.alned bee.-ecin tbe rlp.h.t of v.a.'f llnC! anJ <tbc sho12lder l!ni:! <tf -=•ld bi~hw_..y-by the grantorR, r!,eit heJ..ra, 11uc.useors and assi!'Jll>. j1,,.. rt'a-ntors hn·ein further rrant t6 tbe 'Sc'au a.f ~ashinpton, or lts ap,.f!nt.s. the ri,JLC t<.1 ¢r1hH upon the pnn~or•.JJ. rc~1T11rt:l, ~mid& \lherl! r.l!~.11saey co ccnstNC-1: !&:411! n.pr,roa.ch. The 1~ruf,t he:rcir. COllvoycd colltal;_n an. .arc.a of lAlU s.qQn't'f:: !ttt1 ciore or less. tltt? ~ttifle det.o.1U '-ancern,.ao '1ll of nthtdt ar-1!' to be fawid u:iCit&n Uw1 f'IP'1'tain map nt d,!fhu,,. IQl'11t10~ 11,ow of ,.eeord, 1111d un ftle ,n the-of/i« of tJMr' .Pire.dar cJ H19kumu.1 at Otym.pia an.d be4m1g d,m: (If .apprm:11l~uftN!t: '}, 19'1 ,M!.;1 revi.&ecl !:-ove=Ler 19~ l9'1 and thu tti:zCdli11~ o! ~!t.h Ls .1iho shOfoJft of record lf\ Vo11me 5 ~t 11l1,hv.ay rlat&, nA11:c 14 .. -records of Kinp: Count.111, lg 1;c u1tder~o<'d ,m.! agre~ 1.Fuir t.he deliciry of thb deed ~ ,'.crcb11 ti::tidcrt'(t rmd 1;1at ,r,c l{"rm~ ,,i.d ffl>fignifort, hert('lf d11~Jl Mt b&!«iotne b1ndmg UJX111 Jh£S'41fe oJ Wrishin,r;ron u,11,.u and 111,1il tzt"t"fpred cr1d cpprnr=ed hate ~ 1r1 1,.2'1hr1g jor the State il/ \VasJ1h1gtM, D...!-pattn'ltll: OJ ll1gln&C1!J~. b11 t1te rl11C"J R1gin. of Wait .'1.!Jfflf. DaU'd thi.t., f.lth dny 6 f _ ~wie, 1;72 I -~ ,..,. __ ... , ......... ... ..• . ..:;;;;. First American Title First American Title I '-iTfTI: or \\"~1t!"1i:tflH 1 ~nMt!f af t.1~- 1Ji,• 11P1demg11td," 11otarv puhUc Ul :ind for ;hf! .~um: of U'.asJtr 11ron. htTi"bll .. nufy 'Ml an rl1,~ Bib _ day ()l:;.-.·.-~~l:_t !fl~ .... ~.:... ·~-. Jl'ff~o,1111[" oppeareod btlorc 1n, St\tt or W.A.SHJWCTON, 1 C6mlly .of . --~--.-t H. 011 thl.~ • dn:y cf _ . .befM"t'" me pe,r.aontiUy nppea?"ed oomekooumtob~th~ ---~·~ ~ __ .' ___ -~~ ~:~~ .. :~~-~nd-: -~--·~:--~- or ihe corp,oraicon that ~cu.teen.he-foregr1mg innrul'M:nt,amf aclrn010Tm'ged=id i~t ro 111! thl! fttt a11d tllhtnta111 •"" r.mi: de.f'd oJ ,aid corparimon. jo";,. Ula u,c, ond purpo1es f"f'l't!UJ tnert~\9ned, ond -,n ooth .srated tPutt.....,.,. -~ ___ __,uaharited to Cft:dlle muf 111..,"b'hfflL'ttt 4nd Osa.r the ~al afft.1:"L>d a.1 u,,. ,:t~tlU .ceal aJ sa.fd rotp(Wauon. G1~ctt undcT n:!1f ftond nltd c>giti4l 5,tnl f11,e· do'• a?Uf 1(-U! lQ.u nb!7L'~ wrUC~- l l I 0 I! " ;: ~ ij ~ ] .'l ., " j ~ : ... n !l ~ ... ; "' )j ~ ... ' ! 1 2i ~ • ~ ... ·-. ·-··---~ji;!I,: . .---·-·-----·---~ First American Title First American Title I _, ____ ~------TreM:uror £ Couniy, I '1Sl'tf-r.Jton :::, ~ _ c.,---,u;rr 1rom;.1 rn'lTLB_.Hm. .. CAddro&sl 5 Dear-Slr· ~ I t'i;:,,,.o on ihh cay sofd .o ~ortron ~f the foH~r~ cf•sc:dbed la~$. to the St;,tc cf ~,o!J.~t>ln9.j.cio t:-' he c:.cr::.tructlof' of~t~,!lf!bl::AA TI,etnUx:,s.s:....12§.tb . .Sh .,.i:u:acr ~ Pdr"Cel N!:i,..J:,y~C4 , as :;ohoun OtJ ~ht,eT _....4 __ ot __ ._Shect~ of t-igh:o:ty r'lat~ M icti lt.ncs. ~re t.r"os~ntfy su!>-j~ct To th!!' llen of rool prgier!l Tax~ fOl" ~he yu~r~ 2n::l b;,J ~ 322305•9;;)54,-.(!6 Square footage 1n B1'~fra p1ico_~J.!!!t i'~e r, •. :-tic,n ioiti -;O i'hio Sta1e of ]'aShfn:Jtc'in ~o;. descrlbed H fol lows: All t.h..:l.'C 'Y.lrcicr~ r:,! t"b.c l.:illo~i.:la ·l«;scrl'bed ?areeJ 'W"' b~ ,Jegti!rly of ii. l~ deacrtHd as fallD".,11: !!cginning opi,o:rl:a.,; Hir,~.~·:i.y En~iN!u•s St.•ticm 31~ abd 40 !eet £al)tU'lr of c'!le Cflnterl:1.111! of sn 51:1, t t:c:nt:,n \'ici::.1.t.J·: s..~ .. U'5tt\ Se. to Garr Rog:Q;: tbenc~ :lbrt:IM!rly P'P'l"allel r.o said ceuc:erl..Lnc to r Hl~~.1.y lin;il\e~r•::r SUt.1on 315•S1, t.henc-e llo'rtherly..C"r:; .t'&'ai&ht Un1t to .a po.int O~"l~slta Hi.:r.hw.17 ~1Mc'1"1 1(1. Stat'Uln 318+41 nnd 4S feet:. E:l•tod.; t U.ld'. ctnt.erl.lnc arid t:tlc end o!C tht. lLne dcsei:it:it:li;,.h ?.\RC.SL ""ll.": lt\l!' :.a.r;t..lt Qne .. f!owrt:h of th.a South fe,w:-.. ua.ths o! t~ t.!Qat halt ot the ,:.,,ci;t ti.al£ .of t~ Ne,::-tl\';..',i:-:S!. q'U:..i't"-t" at tl!J:: ?lcl~hHS.t qu~rtor .cf Section 3l 1 ~"'rultl{-p 23 lb£"tb .. Ibm~e S &11)t 1 t-1.M • .-ln ia~ c,.uRty, ~~liingt~J BXCKP? the .,,-rest 30 feet for bf.ghwiay. ~ _ ~qai:-e fcot:u""..i sn14 1.~16 h'o hci-eby f""eQlle~+ thet· In acc:ord!o11ce )!'f"th. i:t.C.·1• a.r.&i,070 tfia"t i id Chhn? uhp:sl~ 1.::.x: di..u to s.~id C.Ounty lneludfnn fh.ot portion 1'10!1 bei~ :old t::::e 1M S+.tite l>a siat over In ih9 foi~I a.'l\Ount 10 ttlo l"er.'.a[nder cf tt-ie: a!x:vc ::!~$ ... r-ibo<S prcoon'; 11.hlch Mo~ '*en t'"Ctt:.lnljd t.'( t::s., .en:, rt,,llit the t:ort 1 ~ Qt ~a:,:d i,ir:o,h;~ :ol.d t~ tl":G Snt.--,t..l \'llS11.ln.:;iton be .. tlltivew ot tho ltc;n of ..;aid 1.npl'Jld toxe.s, ..: r.o rn~ ... -.-.,-..,.;tit: 10 c,i:...1,.~; ;,,a.iU--n.:.! .,,......._:.,._.....:-·~JJS a val_Jd l lep oo our r~alnll'lg pr~1orty .. Very truly your,, ~&4+<£ ,. ,/;.6,,,.,;: '7l;, ,e ... {~--- Oy·~l ftJJ;~ -..-~ ~-~ ;.,, ~ --·· ~2,Jlj.~!;~~ First American Title First American Title __ ....i;_: First American Title = -. \~~~ ... 4. I. 1 I; 1 • I:; -~~~ . . ' -·~=~ REeOP:s .&. r. :- Y.~i: CCt..:R-: 1 I -' First American Title ---------------------~-------------____ .....,.-.. , .. ---- \l'.I\Ut\~TY HEim ,',,/ .\,, f •n1.•,\ \'1.-1:Hl\'t ~. , , llllll• ~I. 1.1 i·.n·r 11,,~,! ;, ·.rn\ .l! ~ .\U.,\ HY n:v.,.;t ;•m::,;1::.·I;,,'. ·1·1:.1; 1r1,· 1.,. ,i.,r,i. ,4,1,-t 11!,11, , ' ,::1,, • ~ir, "~ IJ.;; .1•111 Jl/\lli'l• ........ -~----('<.JIJ,1\•J).,.,. •• ,,.u,. .... Jlntfcir~, .,,1.! c-~'~1·r ,. 1l,11hl,• ,·,,n..,, ,l,•r,1th1ni,. .... ~ l,',1fl ···= -'JI·.-~~THI ·" ,\•.,.~11,,,,1,1: •• iii,• j,11!,,i.-Hlj,1 ,ll'~l·t,IJ,•11 n•,•l ,·,ml•' l'i1r1• ··-1-i ,.. ·.1,.,. Cu•m111, 11 n,,. :-.:c,u,· 111 \\'11Jo:li1tLf1t1m. '" tlu• ,ium: , t • •. • ,.,.,. : , ~-· ,·, ;1 -~,-r:r:•i!i • ,•r,•m 111,,1111,·d 111:d I,·",; ..:<',ii.ar,·~ i.mi :~ J.!111•1w11t Cfflm,nri ,i..wr~ ti/ d,· S•i;•,• ul W111),,1lLll\lfl "!l :',.n .. ,,1t1.,;: ,·f ,: ... •.,1t-.."l.lrn1: ,lr:111:rl~d 11.:aT..-~1 "-''" ]vim:. lllil11t,•rlv ,,r ;i 111,0 h,r.~ -~~:ih ,'~", .. ;;~,· 1.t~,·~.w !'n,•(nc.:ir''\ ~t:itit•n \!~~ii\ .m,! ,1.11 1,1•t l~tt~t.c~, .. of t11e r.cnt".,C'· !L:i,, ,., ···l"'"","' ~,: ;~,. !'!!ntt111 \'lctnt~/: ~. t·, :;r,th ,:;t, tci C';ur 'l',;,a,.I: Lh,mrn ~nnhoTl~ '" ., 1tu~ ,..,,t !!··~ ;" ., ;• .. !11t "t1flndtc 1!itbv;iy Fn,~;,11ffT 1 :5-~L.,tton :u~41 11m\.t.5-lcC!t . ,:·;t.:-r\,· ,'1 .. ,i, ,., .. ,t~·i-1 l>h•, .. 11..i tht1 i,nd n( r\11'1 l,n., •ll"1..:rivtlon, ."\'I;['. : :.~;~-;· t·;~· :·,,,•: ,: t··,• :"rt:-i "l;...-,1?1n.lls ,,r ~!i·~ t\•11t ,,.,u of tr!~ \.l..:'jt l,nH -0r tt!I! :-=ort~,.·u,t , 11Tt,•r .•• ~ •.: . ,rt'·..:.1'lt ~<1\rt.-r "r ~cc-t~t·1: J2. r!;"ll'll~hil\ ~3 ~1ort1i, ll:111ce ~ llii1't, w.it .• ... • \ci • .·,·l,l.'l:,·. •:.,.q;e,c~,,,,. i'XC'f.l't th" ·~·'l!,a 10 fcc"t tlit-nof ieo11'1.'l!ycd to !-:lnr. 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O( thtl (OllO'i,l'ilii). Jc .. cr~ht:.! jl<:""·;d; ;;,.._. \ot=-h :1; ~f th~ :;outh J,/ lO oi the lriust l/2 of t-},i,: (I 1/2 IJ{ the ~o::~~L~~ 1/~ oE the ~crth~-~t l/4 ~f Sc;llon 31, Tu~116h1p ~l ·.~:--:::!~. :· .. ,:;.,.:c i i::j.:,.t, h.~. r K.i.11~ r.01.11ay, NA .. hlnw;tun. l•:>,;~:.t.~r •itli '4 f'"!PrGl'.lff i:.u-oHri.i,i.iPn 11a!lt:,-\'IOl l)~~,;r,i,i.:..; ;::: t~i·~ ::.,~! :-i~ fe~t cf t 11! 'ir.u5i\. ~5 i1o1cn oC uicJ P-':rc:vl~ S:.~d te::-,:~ar-:iry .::011struc1.ion ousv"'ofil, :ihAI l r,u11;i1;i 1r, (1-1n:~ •· (:1::-i~.;; ~or.-.:.n.:.c:.1:in :.rn.11 unLil rho i:1i1.-won: AnJ 11ppunonitn,1i1'f ,,ru ~:-:.-·~r~~~~ !'or L:.11nt1,Hi,HIC.C and opor11tiQR \J~• ~ho Cq#Cll~tt; :i;w"r •• • } ... 1 .. t. 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And 1:1:.t:11 t.h:.i; .....:JJ ~-.1J'l c;" ~ --. f -~ ke&Y#i:f.,.'l• l-9-2.!::::::.• :inntor.u '" I ::, .. ,, ,1 .---... -~ ~ i ,{\i,•a .4.,...$ ,; ____ i:. t7 r'f'") r ~-/ '· ~~·oy'J;yr'"'" . t ~· •• :;; ~a i;:-0:1,,":'. 't~ ~11 tt.o :.t",d:.v!dub.~z::! da.acri.c;cd ln ao~d "'ho o>euCutad U,u :,:.ru1i:.::..:-.J ,~,a:c.s,oct, •r.d ,cl<r.owle~qod to n:e ,,,ot #y •1-1r,•d on:! .,.i.d ,~ .. ""'° -::.:.-:r.::-:"~~<; .\:. '/J'~-coe; ar.d volunt,.uy AC't l.lnc\ dae!"d !(H' thlJ lUIGD' ur.d ;:..:r1•.:.liO.i ,, ,r " ---------,-:,,~-----,-,.-,.-------.-:.-~--..J First American Title First American Title ') r--.:., -::.--,-. 1-- First American Title ~ /.i~·l::O·S.\ \ e. / CC'..IA~ ~ 'CIJ ., ' -- --T First American Title ' ' I I First American Title . , I .-•• ,·. &-r'I J.:.r.i::::;: -----. . ,..,._ ·o, :,~.11-: .: ;~r·\.,. .. .:t;;::.J:;··.:_.~-- 00 8 ,U SI <11:1 u. \{. ·r, :~ ... ~- ·;~ l :, ,, First American Title First American Title l:J '" ,- fl LU FO] R!:Cc;::o AT p.::CUEST or ta:i:; COUNTY ~/ATER DISDICl t:o. 58 1032& $, E, ]7GTH r:·.i:TO.'l~ L·!ASHif·'.GTmi 93055 EASEltE!iT 1 cm;l L. ~:'..thich I'. o. Rn lll Rt:11-:.on, t.".L 980$.\ Lawrenee s. Muhieh 31.-23-s--1 J.: Contr.tct 2: 7S ··•·· ... " 1,r,.u, 20 Fl.I 3 21 ti.lhG C~\Jt;: I, ·1.: .. ·· i,'ITl-iESSETI!: lhat t?H· 1,.iid Cn:~to"!'. tor a:u! iri co~sitlo;-r.ll.tio;i of the SU~ of $ !jl'g"'f7 .!!JZ. to !>".! pai<~ by th'.! C:raot~.:, aad o:hiar v.;>~'.1?.hl;; cr.asiCe•~.::.ion. doas b:, these ptes'J:"l.~S ~;r: ·::. ,•nto ti,<t Cr:-r.te'.:: ~ ~.:rp~tunl ens!e..-,:<,..,t for \:.?.l:!'r D~ins ond ap?utCt::,.a:-:o::.i::s tl·~c,·;;~. ov:,r .ll.n,t ~cro;;,; the: foll<,·.,i~::;. dto:>'~r!btod pr;:,pl!tty stt.c<l..c<:l in Ki.1.; Co:::-:.::y, c:,:~<:i-·1,to:i, c.-;.,~,:, p::rricu~:.:-ly C::.:::--:r:b':d ;5 1:,llff..'S: Th'": :-:ort'h 1:u,1rtcT of' the S0:.ith 4/IOths of the \·:est hs.1£ of the r:est hai"Z of th~ t{IJ!"i:h::t:5t qt1<1rtcr of thc t-:o!"th~:1:.t (l_i.H!.rtcr of Scct.ic,!'. 52, "fo:-:;1~J-:!.y 23 ;,;o:-th, P.snie S I::.a:st, 11:.M .. lying South of the '.\orth 30 feet thereof; LESS 108th A,•cnue s.r:. ·1·J;::t pl"'lrtiti:l of lh'.:: ah0ve ..!e~,cdhccl parcel 1;hich lies 10 feet "f;J.Sterly nd :it. ri:i!•t an~;lc:; ta the followiu~. dcscribc:l lint:. l:ci:;ir,:1!.r.;: op.:,ositc High"li;::y En"gincer's Stalil>n 314+00 and •10 f~e-t 1::1::te:rlr of the CNttcrlin~ of SR S.1S, Renton \"jcinitr; S."E. l96th St. to r:::::rr Ro~1; thcn:::e J;o_rth.crlr p:trallel to said centcrlitic to tlight.ay i:1;:;L,~er's Station 315'!-81; thence :-;;ortherly in a s.trajtht line to ·: p:.i,it oppcl:;it<: llight::i.y l;rc~inccr's Stii:tion 3lS+41 ~n:i 4S f(ect Easterly o! ~.aiJ centerline: ;1.:d th•.:: end of this 1.i.r.c-description. First American Title First American Title "it,E.-s.,!<.! l;ra..'lt~e :;;.h.,1ll t,a':>' t!J~ rt,;n! ,;itho11i: p-r!or insti.tt1tior: ;;:,~ any or rr.e~~·~dina at la·~-. at s,1~h tines as :::ay lie r..:1.: .. ;-1:s::i.rr, to r~"::t-r upon t',a:-e.i..>~~-c"r.~ for the P"L!,'c':S." o:.' ~o:i:;,;tn:.:rln~, n:pa!.rlr.i:, '1lt.:ri11g ur re<:ua- ,.tr·,c~!!l~ !<:\ld .iater !113ln. or ~:1king anr conn .. cnoas ther'li::with, without ln- l"~rrlng any lL"ga'!. obl1ji,a.':1on or llabll1ty there;for, pro\•l(led that ~uch con- :-tnicting. repairlaa;, altering or reconst-:"ucti?ll of S31d .. ,ne~ :::ain 9hall b,.. :1~ ·~:'.:;'lli'lhid. in such a ~;.nner t1,at the p~l\'ate t~rov..,:::enti1 e1.li1ttn1; in thb E-.lS~:':<!nt sh.all noc be disturbed o: destroycC:, :;,r tn the ever.t ttiat they ar~ :i~!ur:)ed or t!estro;;ed, t~y .... 111 be replace~ 111 as 1:0~ <11 .;;ondicio:i as they ,.-e-~e l=iediatll!'l)' bef~rt: the pro~erty vas E!ntered upo:. b~· the said C:antee. The Crai.lor shall ret.aiD, t~e right to us~ th.e-surface of t!i.e easement i! such use do~s not interfere :..-!t;h tostalh.tio:i of the :.racer 1:1ain. How,i,vl!'r, the Grantor shall 11.ot tcr~t buUC.1ng5. or su:uc::tures on the e,1se'llellt during the e:d.5,tence of s.ald ea,.e!l!l!'nt. The ea:iw=nt, during iu exi.stene", sh:ill i,., a covenant rJ:-:ntr.i wicll the L:.:d .ro:1d shal1 be bi:idtng i:,,:1 th<" suc,;:e;.;-,rs. hei~s. a~d asdgas of both o( the partie11 hereto- I~ \.'I!~~SS.i..'HEilEOF, \."e ha.v.;i Soi!t ,t««t- ~a atid s.:a!s thts_v ___ day of STA!£ Of ll/1.SHt~I0:,1) ) .. COU!:TI 0£ !CU:(; ) ':bis ts to cert Uy that o (rite and voluntacy act 1md dee:i, for the usef:. and ut11ose,; therein i:.entloned. Gt..,,n under my hand and official seal tr.is~_day of _ __..,U"'"--~ 1'$ 1. The consideration !or this ~a,U!llll!flt Js,__c+-">"'------------ 2. There ~t spe~Jal co111!iti0lls attacl~d tg this "'asec:ient, ent is appr1:.1ved and reco=ended. ,Enitlnet!f. '""'-~6'--,/~/c,c..,/~7-..l_-__ _ I / ,AttornPy. Dated /:_, tf,/1!'/ 7 J / ' BO.'iF.D OF C~USS!O~?.RS OF Kl~ COOhlY V.A.TER DISlktCT NO. Sil_ he !lp'!clal concHt1ons, if an7, and tht consld'!~alion of the wi,t. ~.id foregoing c.·,st::ient are hereby approved and accept"!d thh /~"'4--d:iy o.[ _......,..J-,19/J a~ a re~ular open public n"!eting o! the eoud ~b .. ioncrs ---:::O~Y Wto:~T ;~7,2-sa -By __ ~•~;:,J_~<!,,'l,!!~<--- 1 r~'11dcn> ;ir,,j Crnr.::-.i,;,l n,:ir Ct,;,c &~loner 'k. / L , ~ret~ry n:lJ -~·---·-~---- First American Title First American Title Easement No. 32-23-5-4 R MUHICH SP£CI;..L 5TIPUL.\TIO~S 1. l:r'.1 the construction "'°rk area, .,.here there is an established lo:wn, restoration shall be made by replacing with either oriq1nal gr6l!la sod or imported grass sod, placed over a 4" depth of sandy top soil, 2. The gravel drive-vay is t.o be restored in aa good or J;ietter condition as it. was i.ftrflediately before the property wu entered upon by t.be contract.or. 3. The root qstmn.s of the two (2) "Crilnson King Red Maple Treesw, ·King Apple Tree·~ and the ~suttere Gold Rose Bush•, located on or neu-the eaaesRent. shall not be desturbed, but sh-11 bl,. tunrteled or ot.herwiae pl"Otected by the contractor to inaure that no damage is done. In the event these subject t~ees and bush do not survive, COIJlpl!lMation 111. the following a!DQUDts will be rnade; Crimson King Red Maple Tree Crimson King Red Meple Tree King Apple Tree • • • Sutt.eta Gold Rose Bush $250,l)O $250.00 $300,00 $ 35.00 ; i I I I l First American Title ~ ·-- First American Title ' Bf\ I.:> TOV\ ~ -.... -:-::-=g--s I PE RI ' C S~,1'T 10' -,·,. '---i [ _ 115 ·; · · _ . ' i;," fLE. ,_,-_L. I. -., " ..•.. _,_ ............... ...........:-.. ''-: .~ ~.) 'MAX\'.; i ! i. ;::.::.op !,_ -- ' ... ,.. .. \_ .:, ,·_' , .-- ···'""- -- First American Title . KING COUNTY .. · RpCORO OF SURVEY APART,()F THE W.',112···0F THEW 1/Z Of . THE N•Vi 114 Of THE N·E'·.1/4 OF SEC·32, ~).V.P:2~N;R: . .5·E.~·M· ,-· .. ----,. 'u»c·.il'1'rii• TNC """'" ,_.., n'>.-,..,\l!''r~E IIO".fi:su-r.,,r:,s_,,/ r••r <':1_ffi;;,; o/f•& .. ,.,_;-: HAc, or r•• n.>r ""f OF r,11; ,io.raqf <,UAf!'<R o, ~ J<Mr~c,,rr 1u,"'7/'t OF s,:,;;rro,, l>, ,...,., .• :,, ~J i;cltf~, J«No, }:i<>r, •)_. a x1,11l =•rr/ ::=~:; ~:,.:~~;.t.:.~:\:,.".: ::;. ::~~=~-~~:,,.,.,,,-~{,,.., :,c,;~~\: ::t:.;,,~-;:,.:;~,.;: ;:.:::~~;;;3,;~~·,~-~~~ :._ .. ;., .... -.:. ""1/fHE!l.r [M A Sn«/""1' .,., >to ' ,.,,,rr OP!'(J1'1T0 HIOMM '""'···RS sr.rioH ),~ .. , '·'" •> "'" .. ,.,.c,ir o, SAID'''"''"""'-.':"" ,.,., uo 0' $<JO UM< .:; ,,,.nr.o -,,., r•< ,·,n OF' 2""''""'" •• ,,.,i,; Rt(Oao,,) "°'" ,tl<C C<""llf7'T /i.!.CC,,,0100 _, .. <RO ,XJl10X:)',8 ;>O ?.'OWO;>j, C<'1'fFIC<n .-o. JW.:oH,,.,.'s CCa/lF!CAr£ n:.,o ru, ,..,;,.;; •~:sD<r c~6!t.ltL..'""~ <r .fCt.* IN BOO<JL<r PJO<.J.ifl .. )T fH& ,,i;.;1u;c :;,• JU..L.£1/...-T<kU.LYibl.L-- ~:,;;,,~r ~ First American Title sa;m:,oos cc,m,·1Gar• r.,is "" ''"'""~-' r,;;,-,,,:sc>r~, s,-,~, ,«o,: or •c oa "·'°" u ~/0,X:UQI, //j O<FOR<a,,c• ~,,., r.,: S,<.,~1'1JnMrS CJ t.,-SORrC, !1£CCIW/NG ,c•t " ~,.,: RO<;~&St o, ::z::: ;: *'.""" J~~ ~~'-"'"••• •· r,wolta P.c.s. ,.,c S:t04089004 I '· . j;,11,., SIW,'fVHO P.O:,IO>l,o.l =~.w~"'"'· ~) ... ·Jnl'"' First American Title ---------- . . . . ' . ---------------~---·------·--·--· -· -' ------·-·· ~~G~ . ~ D a UI' 7-14 11-U \. [ ,&t~.... 9Moe, / JIOY l~ala • : . · , 'll .Toa 'l'iuun !Uld (!16:l.'n finatoA hllf ot 'O!ielb., 'll'aah,' ·,. "· . .. 1 / Irr-4 Benac>1:1, nus of J.lllu :ae.naou o! Renton, w,ull, ). 1 /< , l'J) oY ant! WT to "P n g dea r (! in l:O'I The yt ot the Yi of t,,e lJlft ;it' the J:li· ot 11ec, 32 Tp 23 D G :r:ut \l' .:M. • l,lllb,1 te an ... 111me11t heretofore granted tor a 1"ea41Nir a.lg ths • lu flt the all.T dee tl'act, and al.o aubj te mtnera:1 na in t1u,,. ,:1·W1tora : , II l It - .;l'Ohn Winston .U-.T11. Winton X:CW Jro_ v l2•ll DJ' ;rehn Yt11oton and c,l&r;,. W1n11ton, ltP i and 1' ll o'! ,r rq ,t l:l(Jiz, ll:ch 10-1&) ti l&' CFrant~e • • ~ • • • • • * * * • First American Title C• (..j ~· ._ 1-;.-' ,I ·, ' . hw'! bf 'Ii 'W KOWelJ ··1 ", , 'I !/ \ \ / \ \ RECEIPT EG00021200 BILLING CONTACT Kelly Lester Pacific Telecom Services 506 2ND AVE, SUITE 210 SEATILE, WA 98104 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA14-000434 PLAN -Admin Conditional Use Technology Fee Printed On: 3/31/2014 Prepared Bv: Angelea Wickstrom TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: March 31, 2014 PAYMENT METHOD Check #24157 Check #24157 SUBTOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $2,000.00 $60.00 $2,060.00 $2,060.00 Page 1 of 1