HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1' i . -: a ~ a • ' ~ , • ,, ill I 11 " w o t ! I ~ LOZIER AT WH • C: • !"•'I ITMAN ' I ~ .• •• I ~ a a I ' l N .. ! I ! I ! ' : LOZIER AT WHITMAN COURT, LLC ~ ~ , ', I j WHITMAN COURT FPUD I g -,1 PHASE2 l i ~ ! Cff'I' OF AMON FINAL. f'I..INNED ~ OEYEI..OPMENt '. •·! "' ~ .. i ~ I 11!!!!! i ! 111i1ii ~ ~ 1!!!!• .~ H I i ! I ~ ~ • ! ,-I iiih1i ~ i!l&l~li:b:\.'!l:H:l~!l:Ul':l~!il!ittlj:j:: !:j § !" I ny,, ... ·-'1ii1i ~ _! ! !L11---~lfr:: .. > ! • / 1mm;,mmms;; :mmmsmmm1· • 0 > " C. ' ~ • ~ a ma ililllll\1:/&i.l,I"""' ,, , ---.--1•1•1•1 ---=-== r "J !1 !•I p I Ii, ' I w z 5 ~ -!:: A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/40F SECTION 15, TWP. 23 N .. RGE. 5 E. W.M., KING COUNTY, WA n SCALE; 1" -20' S 88"03'09" E 298.00' '-----ROAD O--- RACT --~.r----- N 88"09'45• W 502.44' ii ~~---- !U I ! I 1, ! 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Je' ~4 " 37 56 15'05 26 ~~ 5~ ~q 91 '09 OS ~~ 3E !8 91 '·J9 05 " -,~ S4 91 ·c,9 05 " I~ 38 5 ·22 ~1 WHITMAN COURT \"CLt:ME PAGE A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE CITY OF RENTON, LINE CHART RAD:vs LINE BEARING [)JSTANC:E 1:i.'lO u '.;2<' '48 09 E 31. 19 'lC " S88 '03 09 E 2 03 24 ::io ' ' S21'.J '12 14 E ~ S1 157 ::io " S0,}'47 46 w 2 71 4C:. )0 " 58 7 '57 26 E 4 00. 45. )0 " NOQ ·4-: 46 E ' 3' 50 00 u S59 '55 26 r1 2 :!5 lO JO " rJ00'47 46 E 6 ~1 13~ 50 " S88 '09 46 E 3 39 3~ 00' L '.0 S88 '09 46 E 3 77 25 1)0 L '.1 504 '25 •}5 E e rn 45. )0 L'.2 S82'F l7 ft 14 00 45 :JO L'.3 S60 '53 37 rl 8 45 45 )0 L '.4 NBS '03 O!J ~ 7 03 45. )0 L '.5 N45 '47 47 E ' cc 45. )0 L '.5 N2J '09 JO [ e " 45 00 L ;7 S58 '46 J9 ~ ' °' 45 )0' I_ '.R r..;O I '"i6 'i1 F ' so 4~ 00 L '.cl N3cl '29 l!J h' 14 02 25 1)0 L20 564 '24 40 E e es 25. JO "' 1>.GG '34 35 ~ ':I. 2l. 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LUA\4-000295-FP AREAS: Parcel Sq.FL Gross 1-'~J\'Alb '-llJAlJS 309A0 1 rn t 9!:i5 LOT 2 995 LUl J 10~5 I liT .: 109C LOl 5 1295 LOT 6 905 LOT 7 84C LUI l;J 830 LOT CJ 825 LOT JO :060 LOT l: '.~35 LOT P 1030 LOT J3 1050 LOT H 1580 LOT 15 1550 LOT 15 10ci'i LOT i 7 1Q.1C LOl 10 1055 LOT 1~ l03C LOT 20 '.]15 LOT 2: 3'.865 LOT 22 '.075 LOT 2J 8A5 LOT 24 '.025 LOT 25 '.025 _OT 25 A7!'i _OT 27 '.125 LOT 2Ll '.200 IGT?~ 955 LOT 30 YO() 1_c,T J'. qoc LOT 32 950 LOI 3J :PC lf1T~4 :.:)5 LOT 35 '.1JC LO I Jb 1080 lf!T17 '.205 LOT 3~ '.205 LOT 39 '0% LOT .10 '.370 I HAC l A 77855 TRACT B '.4!:ici TRACT C 830 TRACT O '.880 TRACT E 2150 IHACI I 3A75 TRACT G 635 TRACT I-< 3005 TRACl 3300 TRACT ..; 670 TRACT K 2380 TRACl l 3365 TRACT I-' 1~390 0ED1CA-I0NS 2210 TOTAL ACREAGE: WASHINGTON LND-__ -___ _ ; ' PUBLIC ACCESS AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Nl)l' IIF>PUFIIJ: r1Sfllft!TS FOR 1NG!IES5 ErflESS•>llUT:llllES 'l>E >l'llEB' CFl<•IEO U'()I AL" Pll]'61£ a,:i,us '"° llc0S F,)R mt FM'>FF"J1 c,.· !I[ CIT/ o· llE"T()IO. 1·s SVC:CSS005 A>ll 1S5IGN'5 A>ll ILL 'JfiLl"f COl*'>H]E5 CM!i:11 11()'1 SHILL!ll.<i oi.i,<!HlEMOM'.;C IIIES l>CL.U '>-\' C<l•!Hlf,E PIPES. mi _____ l(S:ciMAGFOOCCfER lll'•"Sllll!C'Ull "ll ..-u o, lfit w• L" l(S'()I oa OH<EO UllLT1' Pl,:JVICl''i !U.l~TOONCE COSTS 51\j,l'. BE SHARED El!\JU Y B• OU '<Ellff<IS O" Ht w,m, ... CC<JRT (C-,Ut'.• (,c,;>Hllj"JCi'I 11DJ.: Pl<ll<l'lG or,-nc 0'1'EIU" rn .,,~->); CWH >,(, WHll••• [:JL.<ll fl£. WHJT'UH COOo ,~ HE ~ L'HE 15 Pf!Oo<!BllEC lH.[55 IHE "V!c~HI WJOlH J; Ct'lc'1tH l<ll< <O FHl c,I~ f 11 u --. Li_TT \ oa~RALL 223,:.,5 5G FT / 5 12 ,c~ts ,I---.-~_-......., SCALE: 1" = 1/ 4 MILE CENTJ;j:(I ~! 105 Sumner, ''r~, Street ~ .. ,l I 25 'J-9B7-7059 14209 fs~~\67-5924 mam Dll<'l<B'.. D 11000s. (~~·iii 11 N I ~rson "" May 6. 201~ t.,.,,,., PLn S& "' OFOI!«; im: )~ 47 l!OC•D<TI NW-NW 15, T23N, R5E, WM 8CltY>'I fr·! _Dz1er a: Hhitman Cour:, LLC. !30C 114:h Avenue Southca~t. Suite> 1CO ~elle,·1JP, rlA 9e004 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 7 ::) ! ~ ~:i::Hl!F5' LMr.fi'A s,:,;1](1Nl,, ll)VNSH]P!l •~AlH. ,«sol C tlSf. < W ':LW oa,,;,; P:I 1~ c,::t,t;A(Tc lt<C>5rn -·"'-" >>tilOl<ClJ'lfSC ,crw NJ !5<J: WHITMAN COURT 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTlON 15, TWP LUA14-000295-FP [ '°'"" ""' J I • 11'.0f,' 11~ ' 1111.'1% :u, '"''"' 1010f.' !~J , Ill IJ9e 015 l•'.CWlJ- 1 9tio A PORTION OF THE NW CITY OF RENTON, KING 23N , RNG. 5E W.M. COUNTY,SDUTHEAST 128TH STREET (KlNcWAJ:>HINGTON NORTHEAST 4111 STREET (RENTON) I.ND-__ -___ _ 'fJATH llWJITE< CORIEA Si'CTJOI< 15. TIJIINSH]O 2:i '«lfilH, """' 0 !'I'. WW :~ ;:y;-f:)-- l"'.AA.!CI 5:~J~"[ ~~---- 3.104) ' ' '01Hl l'\KH !~ 3" EJU55 Dl5t rn~;~ :: :: 1m;. ~ii r~t'-) ( -r-;;;; "" ~~ Hll,/ 1/ JO I :@ ~~~'~:~"a} [~~~Ill ll •• S!IO~•.l l9·t 21,',;,;, __l___:'.IaHI 0' WIY OEO)r,,1:0H ' r -----:-;-;::-~:::==~·;-;;-==~-:~--'~';;~2::"__,-:-,:c-:,-:-:,-:--,;il====:~·:··:~:·:·:·[• :·:~:'l'":''D'~ l'l}.lL)~ >ceca; 11~ 13 _ _ _ e I TROil E/.SC~[~l 12 1?' --'::: c:-:---a --I S•.61 ~ _,.,_, i ~ ~ d'.9 a;. 3].10 ".:,~ •a ~,. t W[~l JUART[R CCflN[' ~~i:\:;"al~/~~i\i~ ~1. f(ll,l'CBOViS'l"-l' COl,l:ct:TE, :sC\51'[ r:1,,,ePFe-aNC()',Te(JI e:ii·-"°"' I 176<!~.2'6 I !1113'.2 :m l"E•SI ,m,:a 1'31 I :1::102 OG2 :c(J.')I /, ·;i,~ R ~ TRACT A (SE"511M'JJl£•1 1 f f !\ l, ~o 40 SCALE: ' ' ' ~ ' "'ESTEfll.< LJW!l5 ~cit~ f:'§~~\-+---- E•STEfll.• LIW!lS [)' IUll:C M:cES5 TSOII Fo~FIIY ' ,. ,'.;; '' 1i I r 1i r,ro,:;rnc· '---1,:CfSS [1$(,.:CNI ·01>-lcll>Jf''!l:"e>< R[f,W ll' O<r DEC!Cll!CI'< ?'-..:'b ' \ " -i1§ ~r!t~~l 1~~~~i '"'rt. ~ ,, '\ '* •• '? /' ~i .,,,:;;,(., .. , .¢>,J>., ... ~'c~ ¢','y ""%-'" SC"-&,,, ~ \'.'s·o> ...< . .,..., <-ti[;.,,, ~ / ,, ', ~,,. '0 ··-...... ,'b ,<,t, ~ "-SOU''i"\/ ii~~;f --~.\'f iWMf"NT ' ' ---B-- <l'[ME'lGE•,P ,r.crss ,1.r.nn1 ,-1aTHl'C!T1Jf'RE"CI< _L ' ~9"(1J~,;i,i,· fie,.<;",, ,· I 1 58i3"D309"E!v55"---.. ~ ~ -:: _-m:.:. ' ·---' i' MATCH~E___!_ --:-~:f= '"'",·000~·~'-1 '/;J _. " 0 -' i ·1'" 357V,~OOICT~ I~ 6 ~ ~.Jfll!C,r.r:Fs; I°' I -r,;;,O'I J •a,a C•SENIY--1 'i:: i----H(l"l"lO"D~ . TRACT F PR1v,·co1n,1>,cc 1;- RJGl<!Of•11 Cl.cD!CH;(ll< «. ·"•.,.""'is-I ."' .. ~ fo ~ I ' ,'i '1;;5ic1 I YA.SHON COURT NE I k. :~M111 _ se,·01;c~~11£ .. ~ :'c <\ F1 ~ i;i, ' " t I~ ; ~ I I 5;:; 1 -_Lu, I z-~- 1" = 20' l\g ,-lD '.}. ' • 'i,, --J' I LEGEND: .!I a oa,,,.'~EW "OUHO •o H<)TtO V/S!'ED IUGU5T '· 2,0l. 0 • :c· ;, nRAS5 J!SK :N 4· > ,1· CONC"ETr PD5' _N MU~lll'l" lOS, • • C,E" OS f'EP.AR WI.>< YflLG~ PLASTlC CAP :;T .. MPFn -c~~ !Hl 2Z33<:l !1.xxp:i - " CENTJ,Jf, E.l',4 Sumner. W~ 91 h ,11., .. 1 fosl. il0-':,53_987-78~9 ·"" 1i2og (~·,-oii?-S024 mam • DRA'l'51 O wnr.r1s Ct=B\ ~ _arson '" M~y 6. 201:0 Lo,.cM "'LAT <m l 2J Vl;J[]IC WI: 3447 l~ID OAT~ NW-NW 15, T23N, R5E, WM ,l;I\TI l'lk Lozier al W~ctma~ Ccun. LLC. 1300 114tn Avenue Southeast, Su,t~ lC·O Bel Jevue. WA 98004 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 7 se,no "'-, i,o~ • ' , " , LEGEND: WHITMAN COURT 1·0LUME PAH A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE CITY OF RENTON, NW 1/4 OF SECTION KING COUNTY. 15, TWP. 23N., RNG. SE W. M. LUA14-000295-FP WASHINGTON LND-_____ _ W W~~T;~--_ ~ ; . ~= ~~ MATCH LINE A I ~ -ss,·o~·oo·• ~, ]~ "' ------__ ,__ ------. I~ ~ I:;, ~ 20 I; 36' VISHC'< Cl Sc " oLJSLrc.c:,ss ..;, TS•!L£•SC'4!'M1--, ,. ,, ' t<ilJ"OGM·Ell<!-f,3_ " ll'>J•1oao,c1Na . ;,;, \l ,< ' Th 11,'f) C "'O a ---------~tlQ<J_·•fb\;_ ~'~~' . '" 18 ~ ~~ TRACT F PP1'11E '.H'[H 51'•Cf ~ \_ l'i9Ylcf0/CI\{ it'.~ ll!l'l '00 o~·t o• ~, \ · ~~ s I• ·"& ' ~ 1{'.''l>. \~ ' : " ''!'. 355 /J= Cl ,E "-;., \$,;_ 't. Jc " SjbHI De W"• XDJC•ll~ ~w 1;- <F.( • . ~.;i~ ~ ' e ~ ,.,.sTcl I VASHON COURT NE I ~ :wr,,r:1 _ SS8 '03 ~~ ill, 4',c'S ~ t I~ ' I~ ! +-T~-;-: ~ I -~ : 01------<1, I I :r i--,I : : 'l " I --I I. 00 l 589 'JI :,·, ~i], cc I ~ -, --J81-1C/PRl,·,·c .. C S::"l~"ll)IL:;.:Rl'l•~ ,,~, '°' -:tt<,\> 'IBM' >f<c•' TRACT G -~ JI 2;,., I """"'t OPE, 5"ACt • "' r, 16! 11 I i I ' HIF'l2C·~·;:iog, I --·-~ _I '.il),&/~l~f'~~. ~:~~t~;iom• ' ]i3 """°' Cl I{ ~ : : ' : : <t, o<lroo·w•o3\)ll (,: ~-ii,~ 16 ,~ , s ., .. ;~"" ,-"' I i I :' j ~ ' ' I : I~ 1; S801)5'11"1'<1.(•3 ' TRACT A 1;r,..;1·1·..r,or,·, ' •' •.: ,, < " l'-l'SHQl,l:ftl' ,, '.11~.' . . ' 1 ... ,..... -It : "''°" •"' '° ~ '--. ' s § ,;; ', ;;1, 3;g ;J,SH['S O IE I~ ·' ''J '!>.;.\ ' !, '° '" " • I I + " " " '· C O!l:l'I~-~,. • 70 ?\l " '"'"'"""'''"" 'I ' ;;:: ill •il'5·2;·,~"E i;~ <6 + ' " ' 33~ VJ,5..-JN Cl NE ~0_1.r,;_·• GJ.'.li " " i~ ,I I ,, I§ Ii ' l_: 3 vis"JNCHI' ·0;·2,·, '<i IJ' ;\I , i 1· r 1;1 I , ' l: ' 339 "SH)N C! >lo N/Ja'O', 2~"H 47 8D C ,;~ ~ • " \ \ ('~ ' 'f ' '' ~ ~ •e•,,1·11·E ,, oi ' 31'3VJ.S"°'(T'tc TIUCT C :>A!\'Al[ oPE•~ICE ,1 ~; ~ '18 .~ } j ~ ,,. i---I -?O oorv,1r nRrn..r.r ~ P(O() &OCHS £>SE>!'NT / 1®"IXrJ,>Jl"" ,.J,S~·O~OWJIJOOOl ~~i•I' I ~ I'" a ' u " ;:.;, " ....... ,<',..,.. ,s I I I I " I. 1 I -----~j;-.~---1 1?lVO';f-N"ll<C' 1£ Sll5"12 ,, .• ~~ g, "" V.,\.~HON COURT. '"'-ij-i' I 11 TRACT H -.,,. IPfiJ"1~1 -I f'll!VlTE•::f'E•sP•CE '0: ' I Ii sain, ,rE o, 56 ~ c;,s !lJlll 1 : I I .., ~ ,~ i "' p 08 15 P .,, 17 '" l7 1 I I I I I I I I ~rts.~t~~q;1:.,~,"t,m::~t "--'-" I() 20i20i:iooo1010 SCALE: •'L~uc ,sctss mu, E,snui---~1 ;: ' ' ' :"1 ' ~ , ~.,,, I I ' r 0 ' I I , ~I ~ 1" 20' MATCH LlNE B ,, :r i,/1 fl l·' ' ' 1 rn •1!5 '<} SC .lfiD LN I . , I' 9 '." '"'' " 7 ;., ··~ <211 '1,'NEJRDL~~ <'13l 1.:1£1R[)L, ME ]Fl'.! LS,. ~t<l 3RD "I' i ,i i _§__I' 16!1 --T1'6J-- "' "' :m ·" ' I "1 I :;o' I I : I ii Jti ~ l'ID~1 PAlk ~:~~\:l~~~!3('<0\!0lll13. NW-NW 15, T23N, R5E, WM su~rn~ ~ -M~~ ,,.c.,->nu'lll •~ NnTrn vr~11cn •·J<;11<;r 7, ~M, ® • 5"" X-;N ~'1ASS C•JSK lS • , • C•JHCfiCTE PCS" :~ SON,WfN1 :ASF CEN1Ji)ii-JY{-;~ 9\h Sim\ ".•sl, II0\1-iei;_n;;59 lox i.,~og f5 3_9f17 -~924 mom • LOl1e~ a: w11,trnan CoLJrL. L!.C J30C 11~ 11 ~,·enue Sout11~a5I., Suitt' 100 Bellevue. WA geoo~ • -~Cl ., ncs•" H]TH YCLLU• P\.~sr:~ ClP SlAMPEC :PS JNC 22336 D~TN8'. [l woon5 N I ,1rs~n Lor,, ,n KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ue1oes:2-15-20'.5 J, D•TI: May 5. 2~!5 V::WO' ·" a,O·ess I \, .. ,,.,..,=,>,W•' II= , , ,c i•"'~"~,w 11 SHEET 5 OF 7 J PLAT J WHITMAN COURT \[)l.HMt P•G~ A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE CITY OF RENTON, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TWP. KING COUNTY. 23N, RNG. 5E W.M. LUA14-000295-FP WASHINGTON LND-__ -___ _ " • ' } *' I ii ii "!,:,_<'9_<': ..-S, --~ er 4a SCALE: 1" = 20' LEGEND: MATCH LINE B 0 -SONUME·JT Fo,_•NO •S WTE8 VlSJTeD •UGU$l ,, ?O~; ® ·x-JS BR~S5 J[S~ ;~ 4" , •. Cot>CPE'[ PO"; ;~ MQN'J~C'1 C>SC e -cc• ,, ~CB4R .,-H fflLC~ PLASTlC CAP ST•MPrn ~PS 1'JC 22338 ~xx_x)iJ - -'-• '' --1!1.01--" 1~ ---------1il..OJ__ TRACT D q,__ 20 ,,. .. N~1~!W ,~,E -~-;,-,.-.,-,-),; !--; I ,.. .l.i...lZ.:.__.L J6.17 LJ!! W-4 ~ " -. ti' 61 ~~---. 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LLC 13~C· 114ti ~ve1Le Sout~east. su,t~ '.00 Bellevue. w~ ~8004 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 6 OF 7 j ' I i / WHITMAN COURT ,,cc., "'" I A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE CITY OF RENTON, NW 1/4 OF SECTION KING COUNTY, 15, TWP 23N , RNG. 5E. W.M. LUA14-000295-FP WASHINGTON LND-__ -___ _ "I "' ~I ~I "I sss ·o,·ci-r <~i.oo· 11'1, •rm E~,,~u1 ',!;.';l""'C(}"l)[flj~ 2()09('. 1 'l0):ll2 ----2''C'2'"L -----TR.A.CT K I aa1w1, M• '"'" ~ WHITMAN LOOP f"' NE19"t< ,. .• 69 3, ..cl ----~K "' ,a Fa/HTC! • -<>~~~ f ,;,, 'O ------------------~,:"•.,ft::<~~'°'· " ~ "' '''I -,'<'y~~ \(%. ·3' C , I ""' ss9•,2,.·Eo1.0o "' """ 4 ~ ; : ;:,, \ ~ .;; 25 :;; 26 _ 27 ;:o; ~ I NS9"l2 1n 66 ,i· - ' ~ ~OA .'l3 Ol ?l p ,o <! 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JH N-""""' ' ,' l ___.. --\ / ~~ ~~ s.; H ~" I / /,:< / ~ PLANTING' PLAN !"'I NAL. L.ANt,&CAPE: PLAN -PHASE; 2 J,«,iHITMAN C.OUFtT ReNTON, l-'ilASH!NcS-TON '---].·" -• --- ffi-,~ ,--··-'"""""'"""""""'""' ... "'=.....;,1 Altmann Ohvcr Associates, LLC AO At IH ,I== rm1= PLANTIN<S-PLAN 4 $C.HE:DULE F'INAL. L.AN05C.Aim'!: PLAN -FHA5E ~ V'lHITl"'AN C.OU~T Rl:NTON, ~ASHIN,S,TON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1111!11111111111111 ,, ···"»--.I, > ' Allm3nn Oliver Associates. LLC AQA N-•·o '--><-~ ""'"~'""" .. ,,.,,,,, ...... ,.,_. .. Pt.n•m,& :::.,":,. :t ,, .. (1 r r:@ (i·1 :''+:'i :~ r f ,c r,+') :'+"1 _,, z :TI,-r \) ~"'\+)_ n11 (\ 1TI1~ () ,, -'I --- :ii ·,~) ~ -'.::~) 'jjlll r ~J+) I ~II JI) (1''1° ~~ (1-'.1 'I ;ii I -,,, )> ~~-11 z --t i l ;ll !l 11 li ; ,, ( ~i-!! ! ' to; '! ·-...., ./' t 1,1\ ~;f' j l_ /' {c -(~ -$> CONSTRUCTION C>eTAll..5 F"INAL. L.AND5CAim'C i='l..AN -FHAse :2 ~HITMAN COUFitT l'ilENTON, )l'rilASHIN6TON ,, 11 l .i: , ,l..::......='J '-~rn 11tl11·E1! ;--;~ 1:i,I·~ Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC AQA ..,_,. ·-----" '"""."'"Q"'··~·"'-··----""'""•" ~ .. -:. """' ... ,.,oo, "''' u, 1t; ,~-------- f ~11 1 :::::::::::::::=== CON5TRUC.TION SPE:C.IFIC.ATIONS FINAL. L.ANC>SGAPE PL.AN. -PHASE: :2 ffilTMAN COURT RE:NTON, il"l.A.SHING>TON ~ ' '' ' 0 ' ~ ' II 'I t ll !· ,! ! • n .. ¢¢,. I I l I . ! ' ! 'i ,, ....,,--., -' ,----·: <:::::---0..:_'\j ' I i _..,__ -~ ~ ----+ar_'i-,_ i L_~-- ·11111111!1[11! BUILDING E -BUILDING PLANS I -I n I , . . , 1!IIITIIAN COURT T01JNBOIIES ~A<:>-»1-Tl'W<C<.'U'ffNI! 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IID!i a 0 ---. z 0 ;~ ~ ~ ~ H m m z . ! ! i!!i !!i !!! !1!1 !l ~~~ X •. i 1:, r, !!1 ,1i. ,, ' i,. i r ·1! •I ~ •§-< i ~ . ~ .. ·I !ffi•i! 1,1 , ! I' . ® ~ r ·, .. rn ~ ~ ; ~ 1111 ii! ;;q;i ;;1 ! ·1 "'I ii1 ,i1 ii1 •' '1' !!· 11· 11· 11- ' ,.1 11' i!' !!' ll! 1: 11• .,! } .,! .,, i ! t, ., ,,1 ,,1 ''I ,,, ii !-1-! Ii ! ! ii 1' 11 j! ll " BULDING E ELEVATIONS Wll1TIIAN COURT TOWNHOll!'.'l ~T .oooREl!6. >51 -'"""" co.Rr >I! 1?[NTON, WASHINGTON CLIENT· LOZIER @ 'M-//TIA4N COURT LLC -, ......... _._.. ~ """" """' .......... via.-T<)t,[- :~ m~ I " ........... -~~-..----...,....~ C(:N\",>CT,_,..M>f'OIOD N"'l,-04- :: ' I I, " 1• 1il ,11 'i .• 1, i Ji i _J"---------~---~-------------------.cL 0 ~~~~A~~~~~! !l!!!!!lj:i Ii! 11 !pi! ! m!1!1!1II 11 ·p, m a i1mm !I P i 1 ·1 l,,,,t ,, ! ! l . ,1 ii! 11!!1' I !• 1 ! · ·, I ' . • ~~ UH~~ ro Iii I ljl!!!!!lll I ro s " i;ilii,ilii . r 0 ~ 1!1 z hl~l~~!(i . 0 r:t • ·1 '!l''l 1' • ~ I. ;h11~! ~§ " ~ ! i,,;:,;: '1 •' • IPM·I !• -; s ® p ~ ~ ~ ~H~ ~ > g is;m l'l !l!!!!l!!:I z ~~1n~ ~t • ii!!!! Iii '!'Mi!ll! 1; l lJ,l., . I; 1,1ii! i!j i1p'·1· !! !' • 11!-! ·, :I! j1 'j-i·'t!· ,, !11 ' • ip1111, ·, /I i ll <!@ . ' ' @' ' i ; ~ ~ ~~ ~ rn !" 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CL/[NT: LOZIER O 'NHirMAN COURT LLC I i ~~~J't"Eoe:':. f ,.--.--..1 ""-~~'·:-!:!:!:-~~~-i I Ii, I O .._ _____ ....,.... • 1·-• _JJ __ ..::;..._......1.. __ .;..._ ___ _:...._---'--"'---'--.....;.;.--i.....-..:::...------''----.iL lJlllTIIAN COURT TOWNHOIIES ~~"5<'90"'~'""""C<:IJIO!T'"' RENTON, WASHINGTON CLIENT: LOZIER O 'M-1/TMAN COURT LLC i3<1C11\41'1-1 AY&U!: ~. ~ 11N ~--·""-ccxr.J>CT,..,.,..... ,._, -............. 5 _JJ,---"-----'---.;._-...1...._.....;.. _ __. __ "-------.....;..--.1......-....:.:..._---l.. __ :;.._--.il- 5 0 ~~~~~~g~~~! !1!!!!!!1:11 i! !/ !1 Ii! i !j!!!!!llh ! 11 111, !Ii ! • ·"···· . I I I! '' l!l!i!ll !! h i ! ., i ! ' 1111!, ' ii ) ! i ·, I ! I ' ;g UH 9~ !'! iii!!!i!ljl I ~ 111 ~ c s ~ i!• ,,,M,,1 I r 0 h~~l!~!i< . ~ ~~ H mm1111 >~ a r. ---41). q HT'',. ~ ~ ~ ! r 1•1, ,1, 'i --~ ·~ ® .; 'i f i ~ II ::i;: cm ~ ~ H;; ~ a 9[;; i; "' rs;w l!l "' ~ U!!i!!lill > ~ j!s.,, " ~ ·•j!'i I'! 1,t1•1iu ' ii !, 11· .,!_!,!., . ' 1,1ji! i!j !jji''!i I! 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' -·· .... _} ' CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: August 11, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Jenny Cisneros Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Whitman Court Phase II LUA (file) Number: LUA-15-000369, FP Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Jan Illian Acceptance Date: July 20, 2015 Applicant: Paul Ebensteiner, Lozier at Whitman Court LLC Owner: SB 16 Ribera Balco LLC Contact: Evan Mann, ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC PID Number: ERC Determination: Date: Aooeal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: February 22, 2016 Anneal Period Ends: March 7 2016 Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Location: '--\L/L5 /,JC: Lj ti'\ S...\-- Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; OS -Determination of Significance. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Whitman Court Final Plat Phase II LUA\4-000369 ) ) ) FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ) ) ) ) ) _______________ ) Summary The applicant has applied for approval of Whitman Court Final Plat Phase II. The final plat is approved 16 subject to conditions. 17 18 Testimony 19 No hearing is held on final plat applications. 20 Exhibits 21 22 23 24 25 26 The following documents were considered in evaluating the application for final plat: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. February 12, 2016 staff report. Vicinity Map. Final Plat map Preliminary Plat HEX Decision (LUA! 4-000295). May 21, 2015 letter from Mann to Timmons FINAL PLAT -I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Findings of Fact Procedural: 1. Applicant. Lozier at Whitman Court LLC 2. Hearing. No hearing is required or held for final plat applications. Substantive: 3. Description of Proposal. The applicant is requesting final plat approval for Phase II of a 40 lot subdivision, as depicted in Ex. 3. The subdivision received preliminary plat approval on June 11, 2014 by the City ofRenton. The subdivision is located at 4425 NE 4th St. 4. Consistency with Preliminary Plat Conditions. The applicant has complied with all preliminary plat conditions of approval, as detailed in the staff report, Ex. 1, the findings and conclusions of which are adopted and incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full. Conclusions of Law Procedural: 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. RMC 4-7-11 O(C) provides that the hearing examiner shall approve all final plats. Substantive: 2. Applicable Standards. The RMC doesn't contain any standards for final plat approval, other than to require that "the final plat shall conform with only minor modification to the preliminary plat." RMC 4-7-l 10(A)(2). As determined in Finding of Fact No. 4, as conditioned the plat conforms with all preliminary plat conditions of approval or will be bonded to comply with any outstanding conditions. DECISION The final plat application for Phase II is approved, subject to the following condition: 1. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred with adequate security to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the final plat. Dated this 22"• day of February, 2016. FINAL PLAT -2 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ' 'r. ('· ' (. ,1- 1>h1T A. (}lhr~chts City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-11 O(E)(9) and/or RMC 4-8-11 O(F)( I) provides that the final plat approval of the hearing examiner is final subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-l !O(E)(9) requires appeals of the hearing examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing e examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8-l lO(E)(8) and RMC 4-8-IOO(G)(4). A new fourteen ( 14) day appeal period shall commence upon the issuance of the reconsideration. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall-7th floor, (425) 430-6510. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. FINAL PLAT -3 L'::..,,..._ __ B88~i>3'"oe,; v2P,~.c. NE 4TH STREET .. . i:-03'°"-' . .'· •. I Ii t87AII' P.O.B. " . ,· . • ·:· N43'37'88"W \ LOTJ, •• SHORj.,·PI.AT ,· 48.00' . \ REC,.· #200904&.l900002 ·•· ....• ,,..,. •. .. .. w z ..: c., I i l .. ·,· ,· .. . :· :: r---- 1 I I I _.. ti' I ~» 1~? \ ... I I I I I I ----_J_ ---1 lEGEND " .. -----"---.u Rlllft,-llfdlA~ M:lllJISll1QII ---···:o/·:: /~i.k :.... :' ,:' .: -_.. ----~ .. ·£X1STING R(WI JJ7 S.F. IIORE OR LESS ·~ P,.0,11.•POlllf. OF BmllMl«l P.o.c!aPOltlf OF 1:llilMOOIIOO EXHIBff B .,··.· .. ·· l~t{5182100ll2t,." .·.······ ·.· PROJECT f:JARCEL 19B· ROW ACQUISITION . ' , ... + -;' l:: ,,· .,.l ,, ··'I -~ , ~-I~ 1 ~~.t• . 'Jolt%~ . it«,~ ·'"1] __ 1§~ fol..~J ~ECO~D!1'10 NO. VOU!Mi/PM:£ RIBERA-BALKO SHORT PLAT .21,J/rN A PORTION OF THE NW OWNER'S nfcLARATJON: 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 23 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. LUA-02-129-SHPL LND-20-0331 KNOW: AL'. ·"'E~rl.f. -~/ ,~rsF'~E'Sl:Nq_ T'IAl 1'1E. 1>;f: Ur£1E"5l6M:O OMNE~ (SI Of JNrEREs-IN r,11-···~m3 IE'Rrn>:·SHL'1'1•.'St:iID!VJDEct." ~e~.~~y r:t-1:!nlE I~!$ SI-IJJil FLAT TC&£ rHE (S~A>'!Ht: ~PAl:.'llc.Nr~rJct!"(lf" ~HE 0 S~ORT s,.ol'cr(.' .. \Sloi<·il,,.QE l-lE!lfiiY. ~HO TH~~ SAIO 5'1(!RI s1..ecav!SI0N .,·'1s MA.l.E 11 1_::'f-fHE F_''{~ CCN'lENT~ '" ~cc~~ 111:TH THE oc-s:RE: Oi' THE OWl<rnlSJ C~ Ht.lJsfS~ ~'1"...F£0f WE H-'.¥~''SE~·.Ou~ HlNCIS •®:·s~~LS 8y· L~t:~ -----;~/_.~-~~~--~,:_: ... 1L.6~%;~.:;--. .. .. ~··'' 'HANE. ~-=.,.,:..._ __ ,, mTT .,AN G_l,~ =~~t~~ ~-/~~[ A~~uci:,i~s. ~EN~EG: DECLARATid~ Q:l' c6VBN;NT/ , frlS Oll~~R OF LAN() EN~!l•CC(l ·~·;;~J>l T>11/~~-ll ~lA;,··:ii,i"fl't,ui,~ FQµ,.tk ~'""''' TG AC[~LIE HlW l"l~ cu1m:vr~JOI'< ·:,i., S!Gt.l"IG >£Flt()~ ::uv.t,11\.,r~ •. ~;;J AG+lEES TO Cat.VE• THE 8!:NErtc:~~ rnre;l!:'.S"T._~ .. THE 'IEW E~~r;TS •. :· S~C,,M (",/J 1~!5 SHC~7 rlH 1( Al<~ IJl(J Ai.L i'JJL:~~'Fl!fil:;~~,'>.~'0~ TH( LOT$.•. ~~ :JF ~H1 s11~0,,;~io1: lHC\:\EU~ THE ~(l"IENA~TS ~~LL -w;:H IHE LAt,l(J·.).S 5~0"4 ;)~ f~l", SIIQ~T Pl OT ,. APPROVALS: .. ,\! . J EXll<!'IEO O/JD >PPJ;D•ED TwIS __ _:_i_ OM ;:i~ _Aftl'I / __ 2:J09 . •f, '..,, lVN u.la . .U'! _ -t,~1- t! )Y DF 1EH0' A~H>iiS-:'°gAJOA, CfP~A.T.Mi'Mi U.f P'JdCI[ ~!lft<S ~'.NG cnu,1, ~CHRT!oEN' Of 1,5'i!;SS}<fNf5 _-:·''·, ., · ~ O~llf~[O MC -~P~QYED 7>-l~S.·....!..:...l...........o_~-r-·Of··:.:..~y1JY 2009. ~---:<c,i:,;j,;_ ____ .... ' K!NO co·;,n A;;::ESS6A · ) , ! ·:i "'J[1If,a.J_n·, i,lef"JlY ASSE~1 -,~:L/~,n .o:,:,. i3 "c:'JC ·· tt:'?.f) NATIVEi(,;ROWTH'· PROTECTION EAf>EME!'/T TII( NHH[ ~~UHIH 00 ~1igar.c:1a;; CASE~E/JT (NGI'[) ,~·\h1~./:~0fll "L~T !OE'11l'!E5 l~E ~rn'..f;l'!~O Kf'llA>ill El<.f"(~l'F'~;,;u •u<r 1~c Nt.11.0NOO ::,~ AfJJ•CEW ~AACE~s· '"·:ft':l!·-cro."'1'1cn.. Of TclE:":N•TivE !,R'lloTI' ''•1Gfc'-flu~ CAaLMENT :NGPE) CUNV!'Y~ TC li<l-P.Qcll T[ A 13Et.EF!CIA, i~T'.hfC,1 :N ;,Jt LANO lolTH!N THE [Ag,,..,;,,;j_ AFIEA lfl[~ ,~rc,,sr $HALL BE Fl)'l 1>1e Ft;F'jO(ISE Cf PRESERV!'l/,.NArtVE l'l"GfHl l'.l'I 0 0!1 THC CO.ITRCII.. OF S•..1!1FACE \o!ATEFI A>o/D 810510..:. HA!MTENA>l<C nr SI nPr ~TASH l1'Y, >l5'JA,_ ANO t\JRJ.L surrr~rNa:, ,\~ P!10TS·:TION OF PLANT ANO ANl~AL HABITAT lriE -3~D•H IT!lJltCI IJ.~ CCAStM~'IT C'll'O~S JJPON ~LL fq5ENT AND FulURI: OWl\£F!S A,!;! JC~c!PTl:FIS ar THE [A5[1'C'1r ARCA (Nf'(~~E~B!.~ 0'1 EIEHAf.F oi: HE F'UBL!C er 'HE •:rn CF F-ENTON. T'.) lC:AVE 111,r-,rc,r,,~gc~ .,., rHf(·S ANW UIH~r, <fc:<;o!AH[JN ~!So-Jr>! 1HE E~$E,<f.NT A~CA. Th'E YEGETHJON ~lTHIN 11--f' M,P= MA\" WIT nf- C\J'. P'IJIIEJ CJ•ERE\J 8Y ~l!.L n~"OVf~ ,:wi 'JM.\l'.;;:U. Mt'"O'JT 1•1t :c~U~i'SS':0 ~~!T"EM PEA!<[SSIQN F'l0"' Tl--£ Ch o= ~(NTO,• Ill' ;i:o·;; J= EM-p-, OFl~t.TEO >tEF-Eit, S>tl..LL A<l!'I.Y 1"0 >HE AGftHS, ~Si"N~HhE •t.£1 El<lf'LO,EES OF T~E 01\'EFl5 Oil SLJ9S~1)'JE~7 0-'1'5 0~ Ht 'J~(EAI v:r,.o'; P!;O"EFn Covenants: rn~rNJI.N15. C·:Jt,C;Tret.s .o.tlJ AESHUCT[O,.S ARE F!-EO \JNllEP ii;-coo,Ji~3 ~u,;aER --------- ACKNOWLEDGMENT: STATE OF '1.19--llt,IGJQM cr..JNH ur --~ _J 99 , l)'I T>-llS ____t_::.____ OU OF ~\ 200n !JEFCHE M~ l~E ,JNJERSIGNEO A MOT~Rt PVl!LlC JN A* Tlf' ~LOF ~ASll[Nr.TON ! IJ! Y ("Olllol'>S10Nf0 AN!] SMORN P_RSIJ!;M Ly olPP(IIR[J (' l D'I ,\r".11' rn i,r Pr~l]NAll y K~I !<Ii (OR PROVEN 0~ 7M!' BA,;fS OF SA~!!;f"ll~TOPY ,'~lei tcF; "fl f>f IH[ cr:t::,rtk:c"R,.....-" Or Jl-11,,UA;IQ~TION THAT Ext"CUTEO THE UTHII AND FDREG01NG INSTRIMENT ~NJ AC~l<O~LEOGED ,:,;;w l-'ISTOl1)f~"N1" TO 8E THE FREE ANO VOlLI'lfAAY ACY I.N{J OEEO Of SA:D C".IR~Dl<UW/J, FflR ME P~ 'HEREIN ME~THJNEO, ANC 0~ OA('1 SfATEU lM~f ~~ lo.~~ AlilH~PHUI TD EXECUTE SAHi l>ISC~~; r.ND Tl<A' THE SCAL AP-lx~o. !F ANY I!, 'Mf· 1;a,,po;JATE ~~A-ar SAID COfll'(!At-~. .... , .. .,JT1'ESS ~.x·-~,~~ •Ml SE~~ -~·EAETC_ ~f~HEO THf o~, ~:-IC ,e~R lN ~~lS ~ECTlf!CATf ~?~ -~l,'~~-, ....... ~:f'_;:{;.~:·~~~::;i~·1t . r . ~'i°:iAl •. \>l"iff. q; ;N AHO fllR l~F 'il~Tf-, ·=·oF_ WA5H!NGTDM HESl!llN[l rn '( ...:::='"t:t,.~ .... ~'Ot>MM!SSUJN EXf'IAE~ ._,, ll;j "J-""> ("•L-:?, (~\o,.x.i..0..:.-\ ~~q'"\:.I. ;~h~:t,t ... • ,flAltl','-Nll,l"'~y ~A"li' .. ACKNOVfLEDGM!tNT: * ,, J\ u VICINITY MAP •h:cr~' ! --~ --i i1~· --t::1t=J V ~:3r; ,p·-!1~nt , l r-5 -! ,-f-1, / l ,--\tl t,-·~y ' ._ ,...__ lfT1 l,-.-/ ) --J. i '--~ ' I ( Lt .LI.f:1 r \7-. ~1=:=,~ \ 1" = 1/4 mile ;;:::0:~~41,.:'L--,,, ,, > ,,i;,eeo,;~ ,~ ,/::, . \ / ,.,,..oEAsrGNrn. • NOURY =re !l'l~l~!$'!;f ·-~~·e1NGTON .. ,o,.~ .. Y coMM~~:ml:I!;~. D0-CUMEN. TS-=.-:·bF . .-RECO.RD· ~~.i~O:-l~~~~~;~L~f ~;~~CTUA• ~~[ -t<C 0 1 TO a.:-.Y-~~o 1. ~~A4,.iyizN ;.ara ~ .,. · ... . :. .>·· .;,: · ~ ·_ "tlfE CCl'IPO!llTION TH.OJ !:XECLITtO ... ~ l!!TH[I! A~ FrHr;,:;i~ 6Slli_ijfj;:~T ....... ~ ACKNQIIUOGl:0 •• !) • 1-;;_:;lcAS~""N..i l~ F~•O(!-Ot er,, _UF HtNl(J~ ,c~ 5AOl;TAAY s.o.rn !NSTl!l.!ME'ofl TO BC THI: -1,EC A~O VOL~l!~ARY ACT Mlti°"UeJi~ ~F" 5AI0 :_!li'IPOOAT!0':la'"FOI'\. s~~j;fl ft!:CJ~D.B509~~1IBI ANO 8t;U9UJij.'!. ;~~tr=~E:;e~~'\:t~~~.~~r~i~;,'\~T~~o ;~•;"~1\~:~~t'.'."~~~~ ::~·~:~~~-E. ?l ~~c·N~~~:~~1 !~.G.~{~~ or cnv or ntHn~ ~tP l'TIW:Es CCRPOl'ATIOO ' " ~N [~5E'IE~T l'I -~~Vil~ or UNl:Ea ~UT[5 P~5UL :;rnv:c(; r,::i;.·.Jli:tiT ~CCE55. REC . ..C.Z'.l04030g()021~• 'll!TNESS MY HANO ANO SU~ ~ERE'TCI AFFIXED THE O~Y A'I~ YEA~ IN rHJ~ ~~~~if'l'C~tl'.""" ABCVE ~!ll~N. ~T.i~~~t~(~~~-·-Afr _____ _ 0~ WlSl11N(lic+;. rEStoli>~ t~ ;..C;;e,1c MY co~:ssi~ e~r!~Es • 1 /W?O• ~:!?__:_.~.O,'Y..:;u;~:; Pl<lt<T NOURY ~A~E .NCW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE.POND AND ACCESS .. AGRl!'.E1fENT: .. .. .. NE~ PAJ~ATE EiiLUS['IE i'O \1,s!;~~C, i'~ DRAI~ FON~_-.: ACCE55 IS TU 13.~ ·:l<EATEiJ UP'.JN°fH!'.'s.oLE a~ L,i.ts S!1t.li<!>-GI'< 'l"lS ~-I PL~[;. !Hie !llffcR'; [I' i-ms I Atll.~. lNCLllS1v£ SHALL >!AYE AN EGcl~j.. ~ ~V~J rWERESJ" l~ lt1E 0~/i€f'SH1:P AM.l PE<;pj)NSJSIL Jr; >'OA·fll.>"J)!T{\~AN::~ 0~ .>fl' Pfil~~TE SWAM Bi-A.1.l"t>t,f ~=iti~~fi~~N;~~ r~1o1;~~:~~~~~A:t~"l;~;::E PR:VATE Sl{)RN !)~AlN.IGf. ~A:NIU;E f>tPES, Al:l(i STOPII ~~jfp 00/U !TY Ar.Q/OFI DHE .. TWt< F•.:r_;nES l!!TH:W·.":t<IS EASE"l!eNT ~v~;~Y s~;~~~~T~N~0~~~~:~~~~;:~11~~~~-~ 111 . NAINTENANl:t C'1STS SHALL 6c. SHARl~ tLilJALl' 'HE ~111 GF R~~t;m SHJi.LL HAVE IHC HIGHT r~ Er!'CH ~AH) H~lfot-1,'IS 10 'E"P>Jfl ~sy···-..• Ell:f!Clf.1'1:lt.S Of 1!-iic OOAJNA~C ·AClLCl]~~ '1£'".,E FIE~Al~S ~>!AL~ fl.! A1 THE OwliEWS r.osr .i_,_-:-· " " ., PCliSraL.~ HAtU1.ABY S~WER caw.Er.>rnN r.H~B-:;rn, RC[ tiO 96{]62!0Q66 .till. [Ir ;.>A.J.t'.l' XlltlR 10 TIE R[CUR[]JN(; Jr 1,,,-Cl)l.l(TT SHG'l> ~u, .::··,u~Hl' ·n.-}li.KE NEf-1.cS.SAl<Y SLOPES FOR CJTS GR fl~L5 \90"1 ~AOPERTY ·,:h-r:f::M:~:~\r~:~;E~/JIJ~O~~~~;~~~ Ml, 6:Qm on.P::rms AND >1£SE~•ATI01,S CONTAINED I'! J~rn. Ri:C . ..0.200&JW3DODS-41 rEl>M5. COVENA~S CONIHT!llhS A~ RCSWl:TI0,..-5 AS CO'llAl~O l~ ,~r Ln-A0.AJ~ll4C~' _,.,~ WO-""LLA. A£:C N: 15~3C62]9l>OOOC. Aquifer Protection Notice: TriE ,OTS CflEA"HI fll;AHN H!.L "ITHJN Zotl!': 2 }F O,SNT(•WS JUJUJFER ~ROTECilOII Af!EA ~1'CI >\IIE 5U&JECT TO TliE ~OU]llE"f'<TS Of' T>tE CITY oc ~r.l-lT()I-! O"DTNANCT i.JMB{"R <13~) A'-IC AS AMl-1'Clc0 OY ORclfN.o.l<C( NO 47.10 T'<E ClT•"S SOLE SOURCE OF ORIN~!NG "~TER IS SUPPLIED FIIOIO A S>l~LLOW (WJl=i':~ 1./~ER TMF ~IH SLJIWOCE. Tl*:Rf' !~ ND NAT(JR~(. BA~;ER S(TIIEF.>; IHI' ~HrF> a91.r. ANJ GAULINn 'll.-RrAr.r rxffil'~ r.A;l!' 5HIJ(UI Rf FXrA!'.T">fn Wf;i,)! 01A.Nr;I !hG CF At/Y LIOUIO SUBST~E, OTHE~ T,lAN -.Arm. TD PAJTECT ~1'04 CONTACT WHH THE GAOUN~ SURFACE. !T IS '>It f>Dl<E;O-.NOIS ~ESl'ON~lU!Lln Ta P~OTECJ T,l( CITY S ~J'IKl>t.; W~!lcl' PLAT NOTES: l1 ,Ill( 1'(1"1.~.t,!.a'Jt<.Tf!UL SHO~N FQP THIS s:1c WA$ ACCOMPL:Slfi"C:, SY '"l(LO lAAYEASE .... Jill [ZJ~G ~ l'.lfoE '1/ ·. ~~ONO THEOOU. lTE ~1'11 iNTEGR'L H rcrnnNl ,. DJC,[A~r.L !l<J.iJ!;Rl~6 NE!"ER :GEOO!~H,R GOO) IJI(] RU,L T:Mt KINEMATIC i~IKI ! ~!Al!C :IGEOCIMEl!::R 60(1) •~O ~HL·.1l~f. Kl'E'ofA'lC {WK) / ~'A'lC Gl:JtlA_ ;<OSLfJOtl!~ 't;~:~~ ~'.:t,;o_~~~Aq A'!~ ~O~"LA~}'.Q~:~::.C''· lt-ilc '"AVtl~"tc~ 1<[lf J><( 9r4~0>-ROS _-\?1 Mlli ~J.flJ'ICE.l'Dfil LE3AL Olo°SCR1PT•,i:ON3 A"f.l ri(:-<:!lf>lfil [ASCMEt.TS HA~E SEEN PL..CEO • Q>l Tl;it TJli.1:fl::P~T 01"iJ!ol_.$'1~~Afit 1:1 .f. c.,~AKY"tllMl'L-;io'lNT [)fi(JEl'l NI! ~IJltJl()~. o;.T,fC .;~t<;ro1Y ~I! :?UC~ N\~'i\cJUl'![Jl<AL l>fclltA•ICH --l~S bHN •-•••-•·· ~Tl~HtiJ •:· ... ,,· •. ··. ,!' J0UltllllllUIII 'I LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: CENTlpl~ ·.·.·.··.··.·.· . .f~N°it.--NW 15. T23N. R5E.··W.M. rz. P~[ NTE.-·· 1 .. 7'(~Yl'Jl!.l.i!!1/,,.~ tLtn.:/,;{em,P. ~i~onat.~!5( LLC I .. -i ClTY OFlZTDN SP!! !!l.N ~Jri ...... ,.!f;..4,! : --i ~•to'I i Mi!OO'J<" -~~ ~i:i'fofiOiii,,,1""iii ""'-'"",i,. T~1'.' s~nrt P<at r.or·~er.tly <"'ep"esffit~ il sur•fy Mde by ne c:r _11,1er my direclirn ,n r.oofor1Mnu wit~ the reQu,reiacnt~ ;:f the approprlate State "'1d County 3tatu:~ and Drd,nam:c 1~ ·Jr.tcll~r. 20na "~ ~,rtihc•te 1.i -~ ~-....... ···:. 6450 So,,thcer-1cr &ivd. Stes·:06 C ZOO Railr°"d. h .. nue 'ior.\h -Ken\, 'f~ g~OaZ.. ·· ...• _.,:·, l .;,· '.'''"' . • ! ~53-613-tOO! ::id:r, 253-E!3·J9~a la( ·.,u"i.1 a-. ·" -.,, ~"" c "'·" -"' s "°''___j KING COl!NTY(WASI:iiNGTOJ>( ~: :an: Oct .?! 2000 "°" io:,_ :C?l'.; -! . . : ,· J fJ·1,,f r-,I~ :11,nm '""Sf' -I SHEET 1 OF·.::? 1 .._ ____ ...., N I :a GI' GI" _.,, "'"""'"'"' ===:ei _4<1,.,.:IJ ~CSl~I~-===::m~~ij -1~1 .._N5 .. i:: .:~;:1 ~j~T. ,:~~\;_;,:::;:t ·.-. .'\ . (~~~. I ~"~';);,~}~n;~-{JJ!~O iC ,1,. •• ••• : \I' 1:J,, j~',\ --~~~ -Jt:r . '"'"' :io:r.:1 ... I"'· ;;,ri.L,,:1;; a ii ·.·co 2;.._ ~·; ,~r,, .,,~ 0 ~ ,ol":~~ ri'~ '-'' .. ,\ ,·.-·,c Rl'COJ!DI!<C-!"I) RIBERA--BALKO SHORT PLAT ·s A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 N,, HANGE 5 K, W,M, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LND-·20--0331 lJNE TABLE'. Si>ii.thl!:ul 126th :n~t {King Ci;,) i:ti,.-ll:!ml 4~ .. ~_e,t (Renton) ·--,-.,.·' 349.4A' ·····-~---- ,J~i-i."t' i. :t:97.Ag· : I :S~ikf\'f~~-... -.,<'' lO' i.,;i. --1.·./ ·--:;;;rffie/~l-~~q&J' S!l9 '03 '00 ··E 250~ _ 73 lr.()R) S88'0J'09·E 258ci.7~ ··;r·1"c--:i1• 296 ·)0 ~· ,~-.. l I l__4J, I 1·1" ·;1 11 ! ii Pl ... 1k ~ I ........................................ ··· ~-i~r A.CCESS.M·~· •, ·-·~·i!!:I0~900i?l9~ --j SOOrti LINE OF~ ..OIWl l,i;.CESS ES,,,. ; '<'lO 20040JWOO<Wl ~ ' g iRA:T 5 BLA LIJA S907!JLLA M-N l~J"i0b<'TJ00005 \ '_.~····m.isur :_ lr<HF<l.P~ flLC. N0'.~d"°9frJ//32 ··-~!'.i PJfllJ:; .liATD-1 LS".'.' I • RtC '10._...,_:_:--'-;-._ .•. _.:.j __ SEIB ·9-)' 09'"L ----,·.-, ·-- L\1' ,_g~;~N;l'"f D1~;~~6~' L2 N35'29 2!'"W 70.96' tl('>'rn %~~-c~ CDl'l,(A SEC l~. •NP 231-, , 'ING 5E . N ~ FDUNu 3' BG~SS ~,sc ilTH P.11•::H ~l Sc;"f•r.C -03nuoo L3 N04"2'5 Oc''"W 37.11' [-:;j"r,i52·59·JO'"W 34.81" -L~ -see·oG'43":: 37_.u· L6 3Bg'l?'14"E: 42.00' -;1~ * ~· ITT::· .. g:·: rn·:. !' ~ \ \,c --~---~ " lbW.OE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PA:.CE. ~. ~JT• OF nE~TQN I.GT UNE IJJ,J\ISTMEt,• N\JMBF~ ~~ .. g3c75~lA, FHOllOEG l,N[;ER nw; CO~'lll i<ECOPCllNG NJ•tsFet '.999052J9C0005 LOT ADDRESS: 4<.'2~ Nl ~11, ~ncin:, J51 W~l7MA~ .:: 'le AREAS: LDT l .•.• ,f ..•. ;38~B2 SQ f"t I O 119 ~Cl'IE LW'2 10~l:i,1,,5r, n ; 2 ~6 Arne: • ".'Fi>Cl ~ ll!~Hl4 51,1:;:fT J ~ .>:i ~CRf _. .. :~-~t-:·~. 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SU l" • 50' rcr.•nn: ,-,11.T.sp SHEET 2 OF '?. ·:r!t §j~:J?- \ J'\ ,.\1l,Ul:Ul'1,<,;1 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Jl,,5 / f'-/ 1 FILE NO. LUA-07-080--LLA /! •. I LAI\D RECORD NO. LND · 30-0331 A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF TH~ NW 1/1 OF' S!':CT!ON 15, TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 5 E,, W.M CfTY Of RENTON, KfNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON ...... · .-:·· 6wNE.ltS ,• .DECLARATION-. .., .. ,. .J.r:~ A.i.l-'~cN u, , lf!l:51: f'F!L:;i.i-;;~ !~/.'. ;;:., 1'<f <Jt£.OOJ;SJ:Jl<.~) Ulll'J!iA (',lj o; rn;: ~ A'4) fllc~f"tl ,Z~r~~~,'1~(> j ;~r~; J,~;~;~~' ~~ ~ ~i ~;;f 0;·~;;.,~;.r_;;;~~;J:r~;~~--~~/~!ii~ !~n (l~~A T SA:8 A.'.'JllSl_>'L~T 15 ~~CJlc-It'~" l'iE .l~;H C~~!<f Jt<[j )"1,. ~'"COilDANCE ~l I·! lcl'~ '['FSJ<iE~ fl~ ·;,[ 01/.!Ell ,','; J" '(J".~(~" W'lf~~~ •~ h'''F,-_;;.,, 9'-i, -<~t18S AM) -~~.LS . '-· ,-·. L,;6-~nh+--~~~j/·:~~. ,,· '!'-,~-:_#:'--~<.~. -C· ~F0{-HCS5lV': :i~·.·ec~~"<EI•" ,:,t ·:, ~l,GL~•:·;ai rH ~•'Efll..4l' •s;o:ruo_;-. ,,, ~ .... N£..i. __ /J.£.t-,):f.J, ....... bY· _,....,~:~ ....... 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LliA-07--080--LLA // I.AND RECORD NO A PORTION OF THE NW l/4 OF' TH;: NW l/4 OF' s;;C'!'ION 15, TOWNSHIP :,1·,r1n,...,., r,: ""!l · -,, '.;r,~ .,.,.-i",·,;i, .'.1': ~ J:~~·~~~r~s: i·'l-~>'.~~~If/.~~~,,2~ .. JA; .t·'_;.::f :i'.fi~; ::1'.t -).]!)~~.i~~? ~trir; CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY WASiilNGTON 1%r :h 'l"" »:r ~-irrie~ s::~ : ·~:· ;)3N "'r.~. 5F 'I ~l. Fc,.~rJ 3" .. ~~~ d:s ~,·•: Ll\D ~~o 1)3:31 G:1 'f,.i_, HANGF; ~) K, W n LINE TABLE: VOW1,l'r./~,;,r ,., l't;:. /,, '"J ,:,t.._c,V 1 fl~-; ' .lf~l: () : :t\-· . 3FB ·cc;· :J1i C ",:;'!'. ;>L..n~.~ ;;L L.,r[<1Cf;, l·"1·''•/!;F.; JSQ<.,;.S.i!S ':".:D'.l O r,~f, ~1c-1,;; lR:'.'•_;,~1 ,JO P1cts :1 ·;);j <::r,,: •:CJ!J~,Ty ~i~tcl_';CAK_I"'C, ··-]iJ}'?.rMs[E_' i---~\ -~~r~-:~:, ~'. r; :; § io .,, r:.; ~ '" ~ -. " '° ., w z " ~ C .s I ,, ,, ;:) I . 10.1 ,, - I ____ ;,_:_~£ i . -./" if .<: ! I,. ~I l' . S: ' :.... ... 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"''· ~""'·"''·' '. <'.•--'_i.t;,,,.l 1raw·--;-;;:-,, a8 "'1"' "'"" lr-SHEJ!:1:··-,;-'.)f~-cS:--C, • I :~· :~;~~~"';~1, 'tm~,=""'-=''~lli'-"' ;t~/J.ll 1· -'.':C. ~J.11~i,1w,-~2~,~ ---·-]\ ,;;, ' .. :-;i...--) . 4 lH I'.'>: ,'.'4/':J8i 'J:32 '.:l';( ..,, A5 1 3~,;, ~o; : or DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT __, .. ·· ... -City of FINAL PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT & DECISION REPORT DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: March 13, 2015 Whitman Court FPUD, Phase I Washington Federal; 425 Pike St; Seattle, WA 98101 Paul Ebensteiner; Lozier at Whitman Court LLC; 1300 114th Ave SE, Suite 100; Bellevue, WA98004 Eric La Brie; ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC; 33400 8th Ave S; Federal Way, WA 98003 LUA14-001044, FPUD Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner The applicant is requesting a Final Planned Urban Development (FPUD) for the first of two phases of the Whitman Court PUD (LUA14-000295). The City's Hearing Examiner approved the Preliminary Planned Urban Development on June 11, 2014 subject to 40 conditions of approval. The first phase includes the construction of 20 (of the approved 40) zero lot line townhomes and the 2,657 square foot commercial bank on the 41st lot. The vacant 5.12 acre site is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification and the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation. The subject site is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of NE 4th St and Whitman Ct NE. Phase 1 would be comprised of 4 (of 8 total) multi-family residential structures resulting in a density of 11.4 du/ac and one commercial building. The commercial lot would be accessed from NE 4th St with remaining residential development gaining access from the existing portion, and proposed extension, of Whitman Ct NE. There is a Category 2 wetland located on the western portion of the site. The approved Preliminary PUD was used to vary street, setback, parking, and refuse and recycle standards. The applicant has proposed to preserve the wetland onsite and provide buffer enhancement as part of the proposed PUD public benefit along with enhanced pedestrian and vehicular circulation, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. Project Location: 4425 NE 4th St and 351 Whitman Court NE Site Area: 5.12 acres Project Location Map Whitman Court Pahse I FPUD Report_LUA14-0D1044 City of Renton Department of Community & Eco,,vmic Development WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD (PHASE I) Admini5trative Finaf PUD Report & Decision WA14-001044,FPUD Report of March 13, 2015 I A. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Whitman Court Final PUD (Phase I) Report and Decision Exhibit 2: Final PUD Plan (Phase I) Exhibit 3: Approved Landscape Plan/Wetland Enhancement Plan Exhibit 4: Aerial Photo Exhibit 5: Residential Building Elevations Exhibit 6: Commercial Building Elevations Exhibit 7: Draft CC&R's Exhibit 8: Parties of Record Exhibit 9: Private Open Space Administrative Modification, July 2, 2014 I 8. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Washington Federal Bank 425 Pike St Seattle, WA 98101 2. Zoning Classification: Commercial Arterial {CA} Commercial Corridor (CC} Vacant 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Mixed Retail (CA zone) b. East: United State Postal Service Office (CA zone) c. South: Multi-Family Residential (R-10) d. West: Critical Areas and Mixed Retail (CA zone) 6. Site Area: 5.12 acres F. ADMINSTRATIVE FINAL PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FINDINGS OF FACT: Page 2 of 15 1. The applicant is requesting approval of a Final Planned Urban Development for the first phase of Whitman Court PUD which includes the construction of Lots 1-20 (of the approved 40) zero lot line townhomes and the 2,657 square foot commercial bank on the 41" lot. 2. On June 11, 2014 the subject project received approval for the Preliminary Planned Urban Development including Preliminary Plat approval with 40 conditions of approval, City File number LUA14-000295. No appeals of the Hearing Examiner decision were filed. 3. Phase II ofthe FPUD would include construction of Lots 21-40. The applicant.would be required to apply for and have granted Phase II of the FPUD prior to the expiration of the Preliminary PUD, June 11, 2019. 4. The PUD would be used to vary lot, landscaping street, setback, parking, design, and refuse and recycle standards. The proposal included the preservation of the wetland onsite and buffer enhancement as part of the proposed PUD public benefit, along with enhanced pedestrian and vehicular circulation, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. Final PUD Report City of Renton Deportment of Community i omic Development WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD {PHAJc I) Report of March 13, 2015 Administrative Fmol PUD Report & Decision WA14-001044,FPUD Page 3 of 15 5. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on April 21, 2014, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance · Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Whitman Court PUD. The DNS-M included two mitigation measures. A 14- day appeal period commenced on April 25, 2014 and ended on May 9, 2014. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. 6. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on August 4, 2014 and determined complete on August 7, 2014. The project was placed on hold on September 30, 2014 pending receipt of additional materials. The project was taken off hold on February 9, 2015. Therefore, the project complies with the 120-day review period. 7. The subject site forms an "L" shape and is bordered by NE 4th St to the north, and by residential and commercial uses to the east, west, and south. 8. The property is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) Comprehensive Plan land use designation, the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification, and Design District 'D'. 9. The project site is comprised of three parcels created as part of the Ribera Balko Short Plat (LUA02· 129) and is currently vacant. 10. After deducting 32,446 square feet for right-of-way dedications, 3,841 square feet for access easements, and 32,126 square feet for critical areas from the 223,073 gross square footage of the site, the net square footage would be 154,660 square feet (3.55 net acres). The 40 unit proposal would arrive at a net density of 11.14 dwelling units per acre (40 units/ 3.55 acres= 11.l4 du/ac). 11. The following table are proposed approximate lot sizes for the Phase I Lots 1-20 and 41· ' Lot Lot Size SF Lot Lot Size SF Lot1 950 Lot 11 1,436 Lotz 997 LotlZ 1,028 Lot3 1,045 Lot 13 1,051 Lot4 1,092 Lot 14 1,581 Lots 1,296 Lot 15 1,651 Lot6 904 Lot 16 1,053 Lotl 838 Lot 17 1,039 LotB 833 Lot 18 1,053 Lot9 827 Lot 19 1,031 Lot 10 1,062 LotZO 1,317 Lot41 32,144 12. Access would be provided via a series of private roads, alleys and driveways extended from Whitman Court NE. A limited right in/right out access entry along NE 4th St, in the western portion of the site, is also being proposed for the commercial bank site (Lot 41). 13. Residential parking is provided in private garages. Commercial parking in the amount of 17 surface parking stalls would be provided in a surface parking area to the east and west of the bank structure. 14. Maplewood Creek flows south along the western border of the site and exits through the middle of the southern border. Two wetlands have been identified on the site one of which straddles Maplewood Creek along the western portion of the property. A second, isolated, wetland was delineated along the southern portion of the property. 15. The subject site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area and contains sensitive slopes. 16. No public or agency comments were received for the FPUD. Final PUD Report City of Renton Department of Community & E WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD (PHA 1ic Development fministrative Fino/ PUD Report & Decision LUAl4-001044,FPUD Report of March 13, 2015 Page 4 of 15 17. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report. 18. The proposal requires Final Planned Urban Development Review. The plan shall be reviewed for substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plan and consistency with the purposes and review criteria of RMC 4-9-lSOG. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with the 40 conditions of approval of the Preliminary Planned Urban Development/Preliminary Plat approval and the two mitigation measures issued as a part of SEPA review under City File number LUA14-000295: A) Preliminary Planned Urban Development Conditions: Compliant If condition of approval is met Final PUD Report 1) The applicant shall comply with the twa mitigation measures issued os part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated April 21, 2014. Staff Comment: See compliance analysis below under subsection B) SEPA Environmental Review. 2) A final wetland mitigation plan which integrates the Ribero Balko Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan with the Altmann-Oliver Mitigation Plan shall be submitted ta, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. Additionally, in order to preserve and protect the wetland, stream, ond associated buffers the applicant will be required, to maintain the Native Growth Protection Easement over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland ond buffer area. Finally, the applicant would be required to mointain/instoll any split rail fencing and signage required per RMC 4-3-050 prior to the recording of the Final Plat/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The applicant has submitted a Final Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated September 26, 2014 (Exhibit 3). The mitigation plan was approved on October 20, 2014. The applicant is proposing to install the mitigation project prior to the recording of the plat and as a result has provided a surety device in an amount necessary to guarantee the installation of the plantings, signage, and fencing. Therefore staff recommends, as a condition of FPUD approval, the applicant be required to install the wetland mitigation project in conformance with the approved plan, dated September 26, 2014, prior to recording of the Final Plat or Final Occupancy for the residential or commercial buildings whichever comes first. 3} The applicant shall submit a screening/fencing detail plan. The screening/fencing detail plan shall be submitted to, ond approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to PUD/Final Plat approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The provided landscape plan, approved on October 20, 2014, includes screening/fencing detail to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager (Exhibit 3). 4) The applicant shall provide interpretative signage/information at the trail entrance along NE 4th St and at the northern most lookout along the trail. The site plan depicting the signage shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit/Fino/ Plat approval whichever comes first. City of Renton Department of Community 1omic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA14-001044,FPUD WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD {PH-~E I} Report of March 13, 2015 Pages of 15 Compliant if condition af approval is met Compliant if condition of approval is met ------- Deferred to Final Plat Approval Final PUD Report Staff Comment: The provided wetland mitigation plan, approved on October 17, 2014, includes interpretative signage/information at the trail entrance to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager (Exhibit 3). 5/ An easement shall be recorded memorializing the public access ta the wetland trail prior to Final PUD/Final Plat Recording whichever comes first. Staff Comment: A draft public access easement was submitted with the FPUD, which appears to be acceptable for recording. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall be required to record the easement for public access to the wetland trail prior to recording of the Final Plat or Final Occupancy for the residential or commercial buildings, whichever comes first. ------------- 6/ The applicant shall provide a final detailed landscape plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD/construction permit approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The provided landscape plan was reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager on October 20, 2014 (Exhibit 3). 7/ The applicant shall amend the landscape plan to reflect plants with a maturity height of 6-feet and 100% obscurity for the entire length of the modified 5-foot wide visual barrier along the eastern portion of the southern property line. The revised landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit/Final PUD approval, whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The approved landscape plan, approved on October 20, 2014, reflects plants with a maturity height of 6-feet and 100% obscurity for the entire length of the modified 5-foot wide visual barrier along the eastern portion of the southern property line (Exhibit 3). 8/ The applicant shall revise the elevation so that garage doors provide additional details and all sides of the building facing the public street and/or internal "street" provide a front door or front porch presence, if this is not achievable an approved landscape screen would be required between the sidewalk and the building. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD/building permit approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The applicant has incorporated porches on all residential buildings in which garage doors can be viewed from the street. However, additional design elements should be incorporated into the first story including additional glazing, lighting, etc. in order to comply with this condition of approval. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant submit revised elevations with additional architectural detailing on all sides of the residential buildings facing a street. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager, prior to the commercial building permit approval. 9/ The applicant shall be required to dedicate 1-foot behind the sidewalk for maintenance in addition to right-of-way dedication for existing luminaire foundations along NE 4th St. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager, prior to construction permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. City of Renton Department of Community & E 1ic Development 1mmistrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA14-001044,FPUD WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD (PHA __ _ Report of March 13, 2015 Page 6 of 15 ,/ ,/ ,/ Deferred to Bui/ding Permit Approval Staff Comment: The provided site plan depicts a dedication of one-foot behind the sidewalk along NE 4" St, however the applicant is proposing to formally dedicate the area as part of the Final Plat. Therefore staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall be required to dedicate 1-foot behind the sidewalk for maintenance in addition to right-of-way dedication for the existing luminaire foundations along NE 4th St prior to or concurrent with the recording of the Final Plat. 10} A revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior ta construction permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first, depicting the following: North of Road 'A', the required planter strip adjacent to the bank site would be 8-feet, the sidewalk would be 5 feet, the existing 32-foot paved public road portion would remain, to allow the minimum width for the left turn lane at the signal. Right-of-way dedication to the back af the sidewalk would be required; South af Road 'A', would be required to remain a private road. The private road would have minimum 26-feet of asphalt curb face to curb face. The crass section would also include a planter strip of 5-feet and a 5-foot sidewalk. The paved width of this portion of the road would be finalized after a turning movement diagram to allow the turning of large trucks serving the post office is provided by the applicant. Signage must be provided by the developer at the transition from the public to the private road. Staff Comment: The provided site plan depicts all street improvements as noted above to the satisfaction of the Plan Reviewer. 11} The centerline of Road 'A' shall align with the centerline of the main post office driveway across Whitman Court NE. A revised site plan depicting the alignment shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. Staff Comment: The provided site plan depicts the appropriate driveway alignment as noted above to the satisfaction of the Plan Reviewer. 12} The applicant shall be required to redesign the roads in order to provide a minimum of 20-foot wide paved drive lane, separate from ony required sidewalks. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The provided site plan depicts a minimum 20-foot wide paved drive lane as noted above to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. 13} The applicant shall equip all townhomes with an approved fire sprinkler system due to limited available fire flow and long dead end roadways at this site. Staff Comment: The applicant has indicated that all structures would be equipped with fire sprinkler systems. This condition will be verified at the time of building permit approval. --~··--~·---------·------------------------------------ Deferred Phase 2 of the FPUD Final PUD Report 14} A minimum 2 feet of separation would be required between the face of any wall and the applicant would be required to demonstrate proposed common parking spaces have appropriate sight distance. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved, by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The walls have been redesigned ta allow for the separation as required. City of Renton Deciarrment of Community WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD (P, 10mic Development I} Administrative Fino/ PUD Report & Deri:.ion LUA14-001044,FPUD Report of March 13, 2015 Page 7 of 15 Deferred to Fino/ Plat Approval Deferred to Building Permit Approval Deferred to Building Permit Approval Final PUD Report The proposed common parking spaces are sited within the second phase of the Final PUD and will be verified at the time of its submittal. 15) The project's bylaws ar CC & R's shall restrict parking across the pedestrian pathways throughout the development. A copy of the bylaws shall be submitted ta, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit/Final PUD appraval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: Draft CC & R's were provided with the FPUD application. The CC & R's include the restriction of vehicle parking within the driveways. The CC & R's are required to be recorded prior to or concurrent with the Final Plat. 16) The applicant shall provide a detailed plan set identifying the location and screening provided far roof mounted equipment far the propased bank. The detailed plan set shall be submitted ta, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior ta building permit approval for the bank. Staff Comment: The applicant has indicated that roof mounted equipment for the proposed bank has been provided. This condition will be verified at the time of building permit approval. 17) A revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted depicting intervening landscaping at na more than 7 stall intervals in order to reduce the visual impact of surface parking throughout the development. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted ta, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior ta canstructian permit/Fino/ PUD approval whichever cames first. Staff Comment: The provided site plan depicts intervening landscaping at no more than 7 stall intervals in order to reduce the visual impact of surface parking throughout the development (Exhibit 2). 18) The applicant shall submit a revised site plan depicting bicycle parking in conformance with RMC4-4-080F.ll. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: A total of 12 bicycle parking stalls (10 residential and 2 commercial) are required for the first phase of development. Based on the provided plan set, 20 of those stalls would be provided within in the garages for the residential units. However, insufficient information was provided with the FPUD application to verify compliance with the standards in RMC 4-4-0BOF.ll.c. As such, staff recommends that compliance with condition 18 be provided with the building permit application. -~--~-------------------------~---~------ 19} The applicant shall be required to demonstrate haw refuse and recyclables would be picked up and where it would be located on pick-up day to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD approval. Staff Comment: The applicant has submitted a revised plan for refuse and recyclables pickup which ensures truck access to all trash cans and provides adequate ADA travel throughout the neighborhood, including the construction of a concrete pad in Tract F, as shown for Lots 16-20. Additionally, the sidewalk is proposed to be widened in front of Lot 15 in order to accommodate trash receptacles for Lots 15 and 16. Finally, the applicant has added a concrete pad in the planter, south of the mailboxes, on Whitman City of Renton Deportment of Community & Ee WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD {PHAS ic Development Tiinistrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA14-001D44,FPUD Report of March 13, 2015 Page 8 of 15 Deferred to Building Permit Approval Ct for the benefit of Lots 5-10. Based on the revised plan the above condition has been met. 20) The applicant shall be required to revise the landscaping plan ta enhance the landscaping/screening alang NE 4 St, primarily directly in front af the drive-thru bays. The revised landscape plan shall be submitted ta, and appraved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior ta Final PUD/canstructian permit approval whichever comes first. Staff shall apply this condition in a flexible manner in order ta ensure that the security interests of the bank are not compromised. This condition may be revised as necessary by staff ta accommodate any administrative waiver ta landscaping requirements authorized by City code. Staff Comment: The provided landscape plan, approved on October 20, 2014, includes screening/fencing detail to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager (Exhibit 3). 21) The applicant shall be required to submit revised elevations which include the refuse and recyclable enclosure made of masonry, ornamental metal or wood, or some combination of the three, and a roof The revised elevations shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Staff Comment: The applicant has indicated that the refuse and recyclable enclosure for the proposed bank is made of masonry, ornamental metal or wood, or some combination of the three, and has a roof. This condition will be verified at the time of commercial building permit approval. 22) The refuse and recycling facilities shall be screened with landscaping an a minimum of three sides. The revised landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior ta construction permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The provided landscape plan, approved on October 20, 2014, includes landscape screening for the refuse and recycling facilities on a minimum of three sides to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager (Exhibit 3). 1------.+----------------------------"-------------~------------- Final PUD Report 23) The applicant shall be required to reduce the number of residential curb cuts along the internal raad system to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Division. A revised site pion shall be submitted to ,and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: With the FPUD the applicant submitted a revised plan which eliminates the number of curb cuts from the public street to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager (Exhibit 2). 24) The applicant shall revise the site plan to depict a differentiation in materials for all pedestrian connections within parking areas and/or drive aisles on site. The revised site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Staff Comment: With the FPUD the applicant submitted a revised plan which depicts a differentiation in materials for all pedestrian connections within parking areas and/or drive aisles on site to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager (Exhibit City of Renton Department of Community omic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decis;on LUA14·001044,FPUD WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD /PHA~c I} Report of March 13, 2015 Page 9 of 15 Compliant if condition of approval is met Compliant if condition of approval is met Final PUD Report 2). 25) The applicant shall submit revised elevations depicting added architectural detailing elements including lighting fixtures, contrasting materials, or special detailing along the ground floor of all residential units and the northern and western fa~ades of the commercial building. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD or building permit approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted revised elevations as part of the FPUD application (Exhibits 5 and 6). Some of the conditioned detail elements are readily visible on the revised elevations however the applicant has noted additional elements could be presented at the time of building permit application. The revised elevations include contrasting materials (hardiboard beveled siding, wood braces, and entry stone) and modulation. Awnings and canopies have been included to provide special detailing along the ground floor for both the commercial and residential portions of the project. However, additional architectural elements are needed in order to meet the intent of this condition, and to ensure that buildings are visually interesting and reinforce the intended human-scale character of the pedestrian environment. In order to encourage building design that is more unique, urban in character, and is comfortable on a human scale, additional elements should be incorporated into the elevations. Staff recommends a condition of approval the applicant submit revised elevations which include additional architectural detailing to support a more distinctive design for the residential and commercial structures. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. The applicant should consider the use of differing roof profiles, differing window sizes, lighting, additional braces, and/or additional changes in materials. 26) The applicant shall submit revised elevations depicting the use of the same materials finished on all sides of the building as well as additional changes in materials and color for the residential structures. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit/Final PUD approval whichever comes first. The applicant may also want to consider the use of the brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, or a similar high quality material, to ground the residential buildings for a height appropriate ta the scale of the structure. Staff Comment: Two separate material boards were submitted for the commercial and residential portions of the project. Based on the elevations and the provided color schemes, all buildings would be finished with a combination of entry stone, painted beveled hardiboard siding, and roof shingles. See additional comments and condition of approval associated with Condition #25. 27) The applicant shall submit a materials board subject to the approval of the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Acceptable materials include a combination of brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre-finished metal, stone, steel, glass, cost-in-place concrete, or other high quality material. Staff Comment: Two separate material boards were submitted for the commercial and residential portions of the project. Based on the elevations and the provided color schemes all buildings would be finished with a combination of entry stone, painted beveled hardiboard siding, and roof shingles. City of Renton Department of Community & E 1ic Development 'ministrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA14-001044,FPUD WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD (PHAS_ ., Report of March 13, 2015 Page 10 of 15 Compliant if condition of approval is met 28) The applicant shall be required ta provide a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties; at the time of building permit review. Pedestrian scale and dawnlighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian and vehicular movement, unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved administratively ar is specifically listed as exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4-075 lighting, Exterior On-Site. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted and had approved a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties during engineering permit review. 29} The applicant shall be required to submit revised elevations depicting additional ornamental lighting fixtures. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Staff Comment: With the FPUD the applicant submitted revised residential/commercial elevations. However, the elevations did not include ornamental lighting fixtures to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Therefore, this condition shall still be applied to the FPUD as compliance is verified at building permit application. 30) The applicant shall provide revised site plan demonstrating compliance with the private open space standard of at least 15-feet in every dimension. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD/building permit approval whichever comes first. This condition may be modified as necessary by staff to conform to any administrative waiver to the 15 foot standard granted pursuant to City code. Staff Comment: Pursuant to RMC 4-9-2500 the applicant requested an Administrative Modification from RMC 4-9-lSOE.2 which requires each ground floor unit of a Planned Urban Development (PUD), whether attached or detached, have private open space which is contiguous to the unit. The private open space is required to be demarcated at least fifteen feet (15') in every dimension. Each residential unit of the Whitman Court PUD appears to have private open space. However, the private open space does not appear to meet the minimum requirement of 15-feet in every dimension. The applicant ,/ is proposing a minimum of 75 square feet of private open space for each lot with no less than 7.5 feet in every dimension. The proposed development is designed specifically to increase the access and opportunity for open space. The multiple open spaces throughout the site are well designed and provide a variety of recreational opportunities for both passive and active recreation. Both active and passive recreation areas are significantly larger than the standard code requirements for which its benefits would extend beyond the proposed development to the public. The Critical Areas Tract (Tract A) represents 35% of the gross land area of the site which would continue to be set aside for the preservation of critical areas and be used for passive/visual recreation. Additionally, the proposal includes seven recreation tracts totaling approximately 20,000 square feet. The proposed 20,000 square feet far exceeds the minimum code requirement of 50 square feet per unit (SO SF x 40 units= 2,000 SF). The trail proposed within Tract A would also provide approximately 4,800 square feet of passive recreation space for bird viewing and walking. Therefore the proposal was determined meet the objectives intended by the Code requirements. On July 2, 2015 an approval was issued for the Private Open Space modification (Exhibit 9). Deferred to 31) Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit, the developer shall furnish a security Final PUD Report City of Renton Deportment of Community omic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA14-001044,FPUD WHITMAN COURT FINAL PUD /PH-~-I} Report of March 13, 2015 Page 11 of 15 Final device to the City in an amount equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. Landscaping Occupancy shall be planted within one year of the dote of final approval of the planned urban development, and maintained for a period of 2 years thereafter prior to the release of the security device. A security device for providing maintenance of landscaping may be waived, if a landscaping maintenance contract, with a reputable landscaping firm licensed to do business in the City of Renton, is executed and kept active for a 2 year period. A copy of such contract shall be kept on file with the Planning Division. Staff Comment: Staff recommends that the abovementioned condition be retained and deferred to Final Occupancy of the commercial or residential buildings whichever comes first. 32) The applicant shall create a homeowner's association to ensure that the private roads and other common facilities are adequately maintained. The CC&Rs shall Deferred to require the lot owners to maintain the common facilities and shall provide that the Fino/ Plat City may maintain the facilities at the expense of the lot owners if the lot owners fail Approval to do so after receiving notice from the City. The CC&Rs shall be completed and approved by the City prior to final plat approval. Staff Comment: Staff recommends that the abovementioned condition be retained and deferred to Final Plat approval. ,/ 33) All proposed street names shall be approved by the City. 34) All adjacent rights-of-way and new rights-of-way dedicated as part of the plat, Deferred to including streets, roads, and alleys, shall be graded ta their full width and the Final Plat pavement and sidewalks shall be constructed as specified in the street standards or Approval deferred by the CED Administrator ar his/her designee. Staff Comment: Staff recommends that the abovementioned condition be retained and deferred to Final Plat Approval. -I' 35) If staff hos not already done so, staff shall assess the need for crosswalks as required by RMC 4-7-160{8) and require crosswalks as circumstances warrant. -I' 36} All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet {15 '). -I' 37} Side sewer lines shall be installed eight feet (8') into each lot if sanitary sewer mains are available, or provided with the subdivision development. 38) All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities ta be located beneath paved surfaces -I' shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the Department. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Department. Final PUD Report