HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscGeotechnical Engineering Report 3616 Lincoln Avenue NE Renton, Washington P/N 3345700215 Submitted to: Encompass Engineering and Surveying Attn: Timothy Collins 165 NE Juniper St, Suite 201 Issaquah, Washington 98027 Submitted by: E3RA, Inc. PO Box44840 Tacoma, Washington 98448 (253) 537-9400 March 20, 2015 Project No. T15023 11 1 \' 9 Ju1,J 2 . 20'1' ,, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 1 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS ........................................................................................ 2 2.1 Test Pit Procedures ............................................................................................. 2 2.2 Test Hole Procedures............................ . .. 3 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Surface Conditions ....................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Soil Conditions ............................................................................................................. 3 3.3 Groundwater Conditions .............................................................................................. 4 3.4 Seismic Conditions ...................................................................................................... 4 3.5 Liquefaction Potential .................................................................................................. 4 3.6 Infiltration Conditions and Infiltration Rate ................................................................... 4 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 5 4.1 Site Preparation ........................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Spread Footings.......................................................... . ............................ 8 4.3 Slab-On-Grade Floors .................................................................................................. 9 4.4 Drainage Systems........ . ................................................................................ 9 4.5 Asphalt Pavement .................................................................................................... 10 4.6 Structural Fill . . . ............................................................................................. 11 5.0 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES ........................................................................ 12 6.0 CLOSURE................................................................................................ . ....... 12 List of Tables Table 1. Approximate Locations and Depths of Explorations .. Table 2. Laboratory Test Results for Non-organic Onsite Soils ..................... . List of Figures Figure 1. Topographic and Location Map Figure 2. Site and Exploration Plan APPENDIX A Soil Classification Chart and Key to Test Data Test Pit Log TP-1 Log of Test Hole TH-1 APPENDIXB Laboratory Testing Results .................. . . ................ 2 . ................... 5 .... A-1 .... A-2 .... A-3 ..B-1 ... 8-4 March 20, 2015 Tl5023 Encompass Engineering and Surveying 165 NE Juniper St, Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 Attention: Subject: Timothy Collins Geotechnical Engineering Report Tax Parcel -33457002 l 5 Residential Plat 3616 Lincoln Ave NE Renton, Washington Dear Mr, Collins: PO Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 253-537-9400 253-537-9401 Fax E3RA, Inc. (E3RA) is pleased to submit this report describing the results of our geotechnical engineering evaluation of the improvements planned for the residential lot located at 3616 Lincoln Ave NE in Renton, Washington. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Encompass Engineering and Surveying, and their consultants, for specific application to this project, in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site consists of a rectangular shaped residential parcel located directly northeast of the intersection of Lincoln Ave NE and NE 36th Street in Renton, Washington as shown on the enclosed Topographic and Location Map (Figure I). It is bounded on the west by Lincoln Ave NE, the south by NE 36th Street, the east by Lincoln Ct NE, and on the north by a residential parcel, encompassing just over a Y, acre. Visually, the parcel is easily divided into two distinct areas; the west half and east half. Located centrally within the west half of the property is the existing single family residence; which is wood-framed, two-stories, and was originally constructed in 1993. Extending to the residence from Lincoln Ave NE is a concrete driveway, with areas north of the driveway serving as the front lawn, and areas south of the driveway containing a gravel surfacing that acts as overflow parking/storage. A small shed building is located directly south of the residence. The east half of the parcel is what would be considered the backyard area and is entirely contained within a large wooden fence. The north halfofthe east side of the property contains an athletic court used apparently for basketball or tennis, with nets being erected on either side of the court. The south half of the east end of the parcel is predominantly occupied by an open grassy lawn. Areas between the residence and athletic court and/or lawn area are occupied by gravel walkways and landscaping features. March 20. 2015 E3RA, Inc. T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Preliminary plans involve the short-plat of the parcel, with the property being divided east/west into two residential lots designated Lot l and Lot 2. Lot 1 will contain the existing single family residence, while Lot 2 will contain what currently consists of the athletic court and back lawn area. It is our assumption that a new residence will be constructed in Lot 2, and we do not know if the existing residence will be demolished or retained. 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS We explored surface and subsurface conditions at the project site on March 5, 2015. Our exploration program comprised the following elements: A surface reconnaissance of the site; One Test Pit Exploration (designated TP-1) performed in the southwest comer of the site; One Test Hole Exploration (designated TH-l) performed in the east end of the site; Two grain size analyses performed on soil samples collected from our subsurface explorations; and A review of published geologic and seismologic maps and literature. Table I summarizes the approximate functional locations and termination depths of our subsurface explorations, and Figure 2 depicts their approximate relative locations. The following sections describe the procedures used for excavation of test pits. TABLE 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS AND DEPTHS OF EXPLORATIONS Termination Exploration Functional Location Depth (feet) TP-1 Southwest corner of the site 11 TH-1 Southeast corner of the site 6 The specific number and locations of our explorations were selected in relation to the existing site features, under the constraints of surface access, underground utility conflicts, and budget considerations. It should be realized that the explorations performed and utilized for this evaluation reveal subsurface conditions only at discrete locations across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore, the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. 2.1 Test Pit Procedures Our exploratory test pit was excavated with a rubber-tracked excavator owned and operated by an excavation contractor under subcontract to E3 RA. An engineering geologist from our firm observed the test pit excavation and logged the subsurlace conditions. 2 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report The enclosed test pit log indicate the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered in the test pit, based on our field classifications. Where a soil contact was observed to be gradational or undulating, our log indicates the average contact depth. We estimated the relative density and consistency of the in-situ soils by means of the excavation characteristics and the stability of the test pit sidewalls. Our logs also indicate the approximate depths of any sidewall caving or groundwater seepage observed in the test pit. The soils were classified visually in general accordance with the system described in Figure A-1, which includes a key to the exploration log. A summary log of the exploration is included as Figure A-2. Test Hole Procedures Our exploratory test hole was excavated with a shovel, post hole digger, iron bar, and 3 inch hand auger by an engineering geologist from E3RA, who also logged the subsurface conditions. The enclosed test hole log indicates the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered in the test hole, based on our field classifications. Where a soil contact was observed to be gradational or undulating, our log indicates the average contact depth. We estimated the relative density and consistency of the in-situ soils by means of the excavation characteristics and the stability of the test pit sidewalls. Samples of soils were collected. Our log also indicates the approximate depths of the samples collected and any sidewall caving or groundwater seepage observed. The soils were classified visually in general accordance with the system described in Figure A-1, which includes a key to the exploration log. A summary log of the exploration is included as Figure A-3. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS The following sections present our observations, measurements, findings, and interpretations regarding, surface, soil, groundwater, seismic, and liquefaction conditions. Surface Conditions As previously described, development plans involve the sub-plat of the subject property into two residential lots designated Lot 1 and Lot 2. Lot 1 or the westernmost lot is predominately level, with only a slight slope proponent near the western and northern margins of the parcel, towards the west and north, respectively. Lot 2 is also predominately level, containing a slight slope element towards its northern boundary, representing an elevation change of 3 to 5 feet. The grassy lawn area in the southeast comer of the site was constructed approximately 2 to 3 feet higher than that of adjacent grades, with concrete steps being constructed along its northern extent to provide access to the area. Vegetation on site consists primarily of ornamental lawns, trees and shrubs. Larger growths of trees/shrubs line the western, southern and eastern margins of the site. No hydrologic features were observed on site, such as seeps, springs, ponds and streams. Soil Conditions Our subsurface explorations encountered relatively consistent soil conditions across the project site. In the vicinity of test pit exploration TP-1, performed in the southwest comer of the site, we observed that a surface mantle of 12 inches of pea gravel covers this portion of the project area. The original topsoil horizon was encountered immediately beneath the gravel surfacing, and is underlain by native, sandy soils. From a depth of 1 Y, to 8Y, feet below existing grade we encountered fine, silty sand in a medium dense in-situ condition, with the upper 3 Y, feet of these deposits displaying mottling. From 8Y, to 11 feet below grade, the termination depth 3 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report for this exploration, soils transitioned to fine sand with silt. Sieve analyses performed on each of these distinct soil groups indicate that the upper deposits contain a fines (percent silt/clay) content in excess of30 percent, while the deeper deposits contain a fines content of less than 8 percent. Test hole exploration TH-1 encountered similar sandy soils with depth, but a thicker, surficial topsoil horizon. The attached exploration logs provide a detailed description of the soil strata encountered in our subsurface explorations. Groundwater Conditions At the time of our site reconnaissance and subsurface explorations, we did not encounter groundwater in any of our explorations, which extended to a nominal depth of 11 feet below existing grades. Given the fact that our subsurface explorations were performed during what is generally considered the wet season (October 1st through April 301h), we do not anticipate that groundwater levels will rise higher than that which we observed, nor do we anticipate that groundwater will adversely affect proposed earthwork activities. Groundwater levels will fluctuate with localized precipitation and geology. 3.4 Seismic Conditions Based on our analysis of subsurface exploration logs and our review of published geologic maps, we interpret the onsite soil conditions to generally correspond with site class D, as defined by Table 20.3-1 inASCE 7, per the 2012 International Building Code (!BC). Using 2012 IBC information on the USGS Design Summary Report website, Risk Category !/!I/III seismic parameters for the site are as follows: S, = 1.437g SMs = 1.437g Sos= 0.958g S1 = 0.545g SM\= 0.818g SDI= 0.545g Using the 2012 IBC information, MCEs Response Spectrum Graph on the USGS Design Summary Report website, Risk Category I/II/III, S,at a period of0.2 seconds is 1.44g and S,at a period of 1.0 seconds is 0.82g. The Design Response Spectrum Graph from the same website, using the same IBC information and Risk Category, S,at a period of0.2 seconds is 0.96g and S,at a period of 1.0 seconds is 0.55g. 3.5 Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction is a sudden increase in pore water pressure and a sudden loss of soil shear strength caused by shear strains, as could result from an earthquake. Research has shown that saturated, loose sands with a fines (silt and clay) content less than about 20 percent are most susceptible to liquefaction. Our onsite subsurface explorations did not reveal saturated ( or potentially saturated), loose, silty sand layers or lenses. 3.6 Infiltration Conditions and Infiltration Rate At the time of report preparation, it is not known whether onsite infiltration will be incorporated into the project stormwater management plan, nor, ifit is the size, location, or dimensions of new facilities. lf onsite infiltration is implemented as part of the new development, we offer the following recommendations. 4 March 20, 2015 T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Based on our field observations and grain size analyses (presented in Table 2, below), two distinct soil stratum are available on site as medium for possible infiltration. The upper native deposits consist of fine silty sand, with fines content in excess of30 percent. At a depth of 8Vz feet below existing grade, more readily permeable sandy soils are encountered with a fines content less than 8 percent. The results of our soil grain size analyses are presented below, and the attached Soil Gradation Graphs (Appendix B) display the grain-size distribution of the samples tested. TABLE2 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS FOR NON-ORGANIC ONSITE SOILS Soil Sample, Depth % Coarse % Fine % Coarse %Medium %Fine % Fines D10 Gravel Gravel Sand Sand Sand TP-1, S-1, 3 feet 0 6.4 0.4 2.5 60.3 30.4 - TP-1, S-3, 9 feet 0 0 0.4 1.1 90.9 7.6 0.08 Preliminary Recommended Infiltration Rate Specific locations and geometry of infiltration facilities for the project site had not been determined at the time this report was prepared. Therefore, we have provided a generalized infiltration rate for use in preliminary design of any future infiltration facilities planned in the site area. If onsite infiltration is implemented., infiltration testing is recommended in the vicinity of new facilities at or near their proposed invert elevations. We determined a preliminary infiltration rate for the project site by comparing the results of our sieve analyses from test pit exploration TP-1 with Table 3.7, in Volume III of the 2005 DOE Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, located on page 3-76. Using the U.S.D.A. Textural Triangle, the upper soil deposits are classified as sandy loam and the deeper deposits are classified as sand with corresponding recommended long-term infiltration rates of0.25 in/hr and 2 in/hr respectively. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Plans call for the sub-plat of an existing residential parcel in Renton, Washington and the construction of a new single family residence with associated paved surfaces for the driveway and parking. We offer these general conclusions and recommendations: Erosion Hazards: Most of the site presents a moderate erosion hazard. Standard erosion control measures, such as silt fences or mulch berms, temporary protection of bare soils with plastic, mulch, or other cover, and permanent re-vegetation of bare soils, is recommended. Erosion control recommendations are made in the Site Preparation section in Section 4.1. Foundation Options: We recommend conventional spread footings that bear on medium dense or denser native soils, which are generally found within a few feet of the surface of the site. Recommendations for spread footings are provided in Section 4.2. Floor Options: We recommend concrete slab-on-grade floors for the structure. Recommendations for slab-on-grade floors are included in Section 4.3. Drainage Considerations: We recommend that perimeter drains be placed around foundation footings. Recommendations for drainage systems are included in Section 4.4. Pavement Sections: Native, in-situ soil conditions are amenable to the use of soil-supported pavements. We recommend a conventional pavement section comprised of an asphalt 5 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report concrete pavement over a crushed rock base course over a properly prepared ( compacted) subgrade or a granular subbase, depending on subgrade conditions during pavement subgrade preparation. All soil subgrades should be thoroughly compacted, then proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck or heavy compactor. Any localized zones of yielding subgrade disclosed during this proof-rolling operation should be overexcavated to a depth of 12 inches and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Infiltration Recommendations: If infiltration of site produced stonmwater becomes incorporated into the new development, we recommend using a preliminary infiltration rate of 0.25 in/hr for the upper, siltier soils, and a rate of 2 in/hr for the lower (those encountered below 8'1, feet bgs ), sandier soils. If infiltration is implemented, we recommend infiltration testing in the vicinity ofnew facilities. The following sections present our specific geotechnical conclusions and recommendations concerning site preparation, spread footings, slab-on-grade floors, drainage, subgrade walls, temporary shoring, and structural fill. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications and Standard Plans cited herein refer to WSDOT publications M4 I -10, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, and M2 I-O I, Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, respectively. 4.1 Site Preparation Preparation of the project site should involve erosion control, temporary drainage, clearing, stripping, cutting, filling, excavations, and subgrade compaction. Erosion Control: Before new construction begins, an appropriate erosion control system should be installed. This system should collect and filter all surface run off from the construction areas through silt fencing. We anticipate a system ofbenms and drainage ditches around construction areas will provide an adequate collection system. Silt fencing fabric should meet the requirements ofWSDOT Standard Specification 9-33.2 Table 3. In addition, silt fencing should embed a minimum of 6 inches below existing grade. An erosion control system requires occasional observation and maintenance. Specifically, holes in the filter and areas where the filter has shifted above ground surface should be replaced or repaired as soon as they are identified. As an alternative, mulch-type berms, such as described in the latest Washington Department of Ecology Storm Water Manual, can be deployed immediately down slope of construction areas until vegetation has been re-established there. Temporary Drainage: We recommend intercepting and diverting any potential sources of surface or near-surface water within the construction zones before stripping begins. Because the selection of an appropriate drainage system will depend on the water quantity, season, weather conditions, construction sequence, and contractor's methods, final decisions regarding drainage systems are best made in the field at the time of construction. Based on our current understanding of the construction plans, surface and subsurface conditions, we anticipate that curbs, berms, or ditches placed around the work areas will adequately intercept surface water runoff. 6 March 20, 2015 E3RA, Inc. T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Clearing and Stripping: After surface and near-surface water sources have been controlled, the construction areas should be cleared and stripped of all sod, topsoil, and root-rich soil. Based on our subsurface explorations, the organic laden horizon can be upwards of24 inches thick within the project area. Site Excavations: Based on our explorations, we expect that site excavations will encounter moderately dense sandy soils which can readily excavated using standard equipment. Dewatering: Our explorations did not encounter groundwater within their termination depths, nor do we expect that groundwater will be present in the planned excavations. However, if groundwater is encountered, we anticipate that an internal system of ditches, sump holes, and pumps will be adequate to temporarily dewater excavations. Temporary Cut Slopes: All temporary soil slopes associated with site cutting or excavations should be adequately inclined to prevent sloughing and collapse. Temporary cut slopes in site soils should be no steeper than 1 V. H:I V, and should conform to Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) regulations. Subgrade Compaction: Exposed subgrades for footings, slabs, and floors should be compacted to a firm, unyielding state before new concrete or fill soils are placed. Any localized zones of looser granular soils observed within a subgrade should be compacted to a density commensurate with the surrounding soils. In contrast, any organic, soft, or pumping soils observed within a subgrade should be overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Surface compaction of all footing and slab subgrades is recommended, although surface compaction could become problematic during wet weather conditions or when in situ site soils become wet. Site Filling: Our conclusions regarding the reuse of onsite soils and our comments regarding wet-weather filling are presented subsequently. Regardless of soil type, all fill should be placed and compacted according to our recommendations presented in the Structural Fill section of this report. Specifically, building pad fill soil should be compacted to a uniform density of at least 95 percent (based on ASTM D-1557). Onsite Soils: We offer the following evaluation of these onsite soils in relation to potential use as structural fill: Surficial Organic Soils: The topsoil and root-rich soil that overlies the site is not suitable for use as structural fill under any circumstances, due to high organic content. Fine Silty Sand and Fine Sand with Silt: Our subsurface explorations reveal that native soils on site consist of fine silty sand and fine sand with silt. Each soil type contains a significant fines proponent (percent si!Vclay), and will be moisture sensitive. Reusing this material type as structural fill will become increasing difficult in wet weather conditions. Permanent Slopes: All permanent cut slopes and fill slopes should be adequately inclined to reduce long-term raveling, sloughing, and erosion. We generally recommend that no permanent slopes be steeper than 2H: IV. For all soil types, the use of flatter slopes (such as 2Y,H: IV) would further reduce long-term erosion and facilitate revegetation. Slope Protection: We recommend that a permanent berm, swale, or curb be constructed along the top edge of all permanent slopes to intercept surface flow. Also, a hardy vegetative groundcover should be established as 7 March 20, 2015 E3RA, Inc. T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report soon as feasible, to further protect the slopes from runoff water erosion. Alternatively, permanent slopes could be annored with quarry spalls or a geosynthetic erosion mat. Spread Footings In our opinion, conventional spread footings will provide adequate support for the proposed structure if the subgrades are properly prepared. Footing Depths and Widths: For frost and erosion protection, the bases of all exterior footings should bear at least 18 inches below adjacent outside grades, whereas the bases of interior footings need bear only 12 inches below the surrounding slab surface level. To reduce post-construction settlements, continuous (wall) and isolated (column) footings should be at least 18 and 24 inches wide, respectively. Bearing Subgrades: Footings should bear on medium dense or denser, undisturbed native soils or on properly compacted structural fill which bears on undisturbed medium dense or very dense native soils. In general, before footing concrete is placed, any localized zones of loose soils exposed across the footing subgrades should be compacted to a firm, unyielding condition, and any localized zones of soft, organic, or debris-laden soils should be overexcavated and replaced with suitable structural fill. We recommend vigorous surface compaction of footing subgrades to a medium dense or denser condition. Sub grade Observation: All footing subgrades should consist of firm, unyielding, native soils or structural fill materials compacted to a density of at least 95 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). Footings should never be cast atop loose, soft, or frozen soil, slough, debris, existing uncontrolled fill, or surfaces covered by standing water. Bearing Pressures: In our opinion, for static loading, footings that bear on properly prepared subgrades can be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). A one-third increase in allowable soil bearing capacity may be used for short-term loads created by seismic or wind related activities. Footing Settlements: Assuming that structural fill soils are compacted to a medium dense or denser state, we estimate that total post-construction settlements of properly designed footings bearing on properly prepared subgrades will not exceed I inch. Differential settlements for comparably loaded elements may approach one-half of the actual total settlement over horizontal distances of approximately 50 feet. Footing Backfill: To provide erosion protection and lateral load resistance, we recommend that all footing excavations be backfilled on both sides of the footings and stemwalls after the concrete has cured. Either imported structural fill or non-organic onsite soils can be used for this purpose, contingent on suitable moisture content at the time of placement. Regardless of soil type, all footing backfill soil should be compacted to a density of at least 90 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). Lateral Resistance: Footings that have been properly backfilled as recommended above will resist lateral movements by means of passive earth pressure and base friction. We recommend using an allowable passive earth pressure of275 pcf and an allowable base friction coefficient of0.35. 8 March 20, 2015 T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Slab-On-Grade Floors In our opinion, soil-supported slab-on-grade floors can be used in the proposed structure if the sub grades are properly prepared. We offer the following comments and recommendations concerning slab-on-grade floors. Floor Subbase: Structural fill subbases do not appear to be needed under soil-supported slab-on-grade floors at the site. However, the final decision regarding the need for subbases should be based on actual subgrade conditions observed at the time of construction. If a subbase is needed, all subbase fill should be compacted to a density ofat least 95 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). All subgrades should be vigorously surface compacted to a medium dense or denser condition before slab construction begins. Capillary Break and Vapor Barrier: To retard the upward wicking of groundwater beneath the floor slab, we recommend that a capillary break be placed over the subgrade. Ideally, this capillary break would consist of a 6-inch-thick layer of pea gravel or other clean, uniform, well-rounded gravel, such as "Gravel Backfill for Drains" per WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.12(4), but clean angular gravel can be used if it adequately prevents capillary wicking. In addition, a layer of plastic sheeting (such as Crosstuff, Visqueen, or Moistop) should be placed over the capillary break to serve as a vapor barrier. During subsequent casting of the concrete slab, the contractor should exercise care to avoid puncturing this vapor barrier. Vertical Deflections: Due to elastic compression of sub grades, soil-supported slab-on-grade floors can deflect downwards when vertical loads are applied. In our opinion, a subgrade reaction modulus of250 pounds per cubic inch can be used to estimate such deflections. 4.4 Drainage Systems In our opinion, the planned structure should be provided with permanent drainage systems to reduce the risk of future moisture problems. We offer the following recommendations and comments for drainage design and construction purposes. Perimeter Drains: We recommend that structures be encircled with a perimeter drain system to collect seepage water. This drain should consist of a 6-inch-diameter perforated pipe within an envelope of pea gravel or washed rock, extending at least 6 inches on all sides of the pipe, and the gravel envelope should be wrapped with filter fabric to reduce the migration of fines from the surrounding soils. Ideally, the drain invert would be installed no more than 8 inches above the base of the perimeter footings. Subfloor Drains: Based on the groundwater conditions observed in our site explorations, we do not infer a need for subtloor drains. Discharge Considerations: ff possible, all perimeter drains should discharge to a storm sewer system or other suitable location by gravity flow. Check valves should be installed along any drainpipes that discharge to a sewer system, to prevent sewage backflow into the drain system. ff gravity flow is not feasible a pump system is recommended to discharge any water that enters the drainage system. Runoff Water: Roof-runoff and surface-runoff water should not discharge into the perimeter drain system. Instead, these sources should discharge into separate tightline pipes and be routed away from the building to a storm drain or other appropriate location. 9 March 20, 2015 T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Grading and Capping: Final site grades should slope downward away from the buildings so that runoff water will flow by gravity to suitable collection points, rather than ponding near the building. fdeally, the area surrounding the building would be capped with concrete, asphalt, or low-permeability (silty) soils to minimize or preclude surface-water infiltration. Asphalt Pavement We offer the following comments and recommendations for asphalt pavement design and construction. Subgrade Preparation: Structural fill subbases do not appear to be needed under pavements at the site. However, the final decision regarding the need for subbases should be based on actual subgrade conditions observed at the time of construction. If a subbase is needed, all sub base fill should be compacted to a density of at least 95 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). All soil subgrades should be thoroughly compacted, then proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck or heavy compactor. Any localized zones of yielding subgrade disclosed during this proof-rolling operation should be over excavated to a minimum depth of 12 inches and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. All structural fill should be compacted according to our recommendations given in the structural fill section. Specifically, the upper 2 feet of soils underlying pavement section should be compacted to at least 95 percent (based on ASTM D-1557), and all soils below 2 feet should be compacted to at least 90 percent. Pavement Materials: For the base course, we recommend using imported crushed rock, such as "Crushed Surfacing Top Course" per WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.9(3). If a subbase course is needed, we recommend using imported, clean, well-graded sand and gravel such as "Ballast" or "Gravel Borrow" per WSDOT Standard Specifications 9-03.9(1) and 9-03.14, respectively. Conventional Asphalt Sections: A conventional pavement section typically comprises an asphalt concrete pavement over a crushed rock base course. We recommend using the following conventional pavement sections: Pavement Course Asphalt Concrete Pavement Crushed Rock Base Granular Fill Subbase (if needed) Parking Areas 2inches 4inches 6 inches Minimum Thickness Access Roads and Areas Subjectto Truck Traffic 3inches 6 inches 12 inches Compaction and Observation: All subbase and base course material should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557), and all asphalt concrete should be compacted to at least 92 percent of the Rice value (ASTM D-2041). We recommend that an E3RA representative be retained to observe the compaction of each course before any overlying layer is placed. For the subbase and pavement course, compaction is best observed by means of frequent density testing. For the base course, methodology observations and hand-probing are more appropriate than density testing. Pavement Life and Maintenance: No asphalt pavement is maintenance-free. The above described pavement sections present our minimum recommendations for an average level of performance during a 20-year design life; therefore, an average level of maintenance will likely be required. Furthermore, a 20-year pavement life 10 March 20, 2015 T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report typically assumes that an overlay will be placed after about IO years. Thicker asphalt and/or thicker base and subbase courses would offer better long-term performance, but would cost more initially; thinner courses would be more susceptible to "alligator" cracking and other failure modes. As such, pavement design can be considered a compromise between a high initial cost and low maintenance costs versus a low initial cost and higher maintenance costs. Structural Fill The term "structural fill" refers to any material placed under foundations, retaining walls, slab-on-grade floors, sidewalks, pavements, and other structures. Our comments, conclusions, and recommendations concerning structural fill are presented in the following paragraphs. Materials: Typical structural fill materials include clean sand, gravel, pea gravel, washed rock, crushed rock, well-graded mixtures of sand and gravel (commonly called "gravel borrow" or "pit-run"), and miscellaneous mixtures of silt, sand, and gravel. Recycled asphalt, concrete, and glass, which are derived from pulverizing the parent materials, are also potentially useful as structural fill in certain applications. Soils used for structural fill should not contain any organic matter or debris, nor any individual particles greater than about 6 inches in diameter. Fill Placement: Clean sand, gravel, crushed rock, soil mixtures, and recycled materials should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness, and each lift should be thoroughly compacted with a mechanical compactor. Compaction Criteria: Using the Modified Proctor test (ASTM:D-1557) as a standard, we recommend that structural fill used for various onsite applications be compacted to the following minimum densities: Fill Application Footing subgrade and bearing pad Foundation backfill Slab-on-grade floor subgrade and subbase Asphalt pavement base and subbase Asphalt pavement subgrade (upper 2 feet) Asphalt pavement subgrade (below 2 feet) Minimum Compaction 95 percent 90 percent 95 percent 95 percent 95 percent 90 percent Subgrade Observation and Compaction Testing: Regardless of material or location, all structural fill should be placed over firm, unyielding subgrades prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. The condition of all subgrades should be observed by geotechnical personnel before filling or construction begins. Also, fill soil compaction should be verified by means ofin-place density tests performed during fill placement so that adequacy of soil compaction efforts may be evaluated as earthwork progresses. Soil Moisture Considerations: The suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on their grain-size distribution and moisture content when they are placed. As the "fines" content (that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve) increases, soils become more sensitive to small changes in moisture content. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines (by weight) cannot be consistently compacted to a firm, unyielding condition when the moisture content is more than 2 percentage points above or below optimum. For fill placement during wet-weather site work, we recommend using "clean" fill, which refers to soils that have a fines content of 5 percent or less (by weight) based on the soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 Sieve. 11 March 20, 2015 E3RA, Inc T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineenng Report 5.0 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES Because the future performance and integrity of the structural elements will depend largely on proper site preparation, drainage, fill placement, and construction procedures, monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. Consequently, we recommend that E3RA be retained to provide the following post-report services: Provide design plans for temporary basement shoring walls, if needed; Review all construction plans and specifications to verify that our design criteria presented in this report have been properly integrated into the design; Prepare a letter summarizing all review comments (if required); Check all completed subgrades for footings and slab-on-grade floors before concrete is poured, in order to verify their bearing capacity; and Prepare a post-construction letter summarizing all field observations, inspections, and test results (if required). 6.0 CLOSURE The conclusions and recolllffiendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the explorations that we observed for this study; therefore, if variations in the subgrade conditions are observed at a later time, we may need to modify this report to reflect those changes. Also, because the future performance and integrity of the project elements depend largely on proper initial site preparation, drainage, and construction procedures. monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. E3RA is available to provide geotechnical monitoring of soils throughout construction. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or any aspects of the project, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, E3RA, Inc. Zach L. Logan Staff Geologist ZLL:JEB:jb James E. Brigham, P.E. Principal Engineer T ACOV2015 JOB FILES1 T 15023 Encompass · Un coin A 11e Geotech\ T! .5023 Encompass Engineering . Lincoln Ave Geotech Report.doc 12 ~ -~ "I ,, ' f z .l! iJ 00 .v .... ' E3RA, Inc. P.O. Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 f , Iii':. JI.t Ii t .• '. (<J -~ ! , , t r l 411H l bi ,11.i er.:.a:::a -P:C t::;r:::::,;-c:&, E.f ·~1!l.l:V"ll ·~1:.'.1J:~~-:..~::::.~: 3616 Lincoln Avenue NE Renton , Washington Topographic and Location Map l . ' T FIGURE 1 T15023 ~~----~ ~~~-:.::0-'fk _,..,._";',·, 1':.,";,10" . I / ' I __j___.f',lf ---------;:7,j ___________ .~ .. [_\1 ", T.Lf,3~$7002.!S ,----~ --~-~- 1'\.-0oil. . t>GJ9"' '&A-~ ~ LOT 2 . t,- c,f-,',.";1."1' "-~~~ . >I \/1 . . ... ....,,::::._---·' CITY OF !1ENTDN I ~ 'I. ( .,1"'" ~.;,--~-,. ~ ,,, -\-CONfflOl ?ONT 1BJ5~ a~s.11· , ~ L..,,:---!,,"' wu: ·w~ w w ~--~ -~ _ 1= = _____ - ", .. ..,. ... ,•,~··1CALcl..f :ze:zg.~-·•-...c,.~...,., ,...,.._,,..,..... Nll!a,SJW -r--: --~· . I q i EX. ca -1 !111,1•216. .sp ~, ,.. ,,,-~.-. -------If.__ I ' GRAPHIC SCALE ·~ or {Of~) I illdl '" 2tl ft. NOTE: BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY ARE BASED ON MAPPING PROVIDED TO E3RA AND OBSERVATIONS MADE IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION SHOWN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A FIELD SURVEY BY E3RA. ss= Rll,<•'1B.2J -~----------·---- / /\_~-~7.19 12"AC1S N.SM'. INl/o>Zl~.74 ""' RIM•tlli.~7 !1."IID'S-N&W INV .. 21~22 TEST PIT LOCATIONS N 1 TP-1 IEI TEST HOLE LOCATIONS ·r TH-1 -' E3RA Inc. PO Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 253-537-9400 253-537-9401 fax www.e3ra.com PROJECT: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE Renton, Washington SHEET TITLE: Site and Exploration Plan DESIGNER: CRL JOB NO. T15023 DRAWN BY: CRL SCALE: As Shown CHECKED BY: JEB FIGURE:2 DATE: Mar. 11, 2015 FILE: T15023.dwg APPENDIX A SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA LOGS OF TEST PITS ~ " ~ ~ ~ 6 i z z ~ 0 MAJOR DIVISIONS CLEAN GRAVELS GRAVELS WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES MORE THAN HALF "' . COARSE FRACTION ::::! _[i IS LARGER THAN 0 0 GRAVELS WITH "'0 N0.4SIEVE cg OVER 15% FINES "' " :;; A cl! 'a (!) I CLEAN SANDS W C "';,, SANDS WITH LITTLE "' -c3 ~ OR NO FINES u"' MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN SANDS WITH NO. 4 SIEVE OVER 15% FINES TYPICAL NAMES \1\/Ell GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SANO MIXTURES POORLY GRADED GRAVELS. GRAVEL.sAND MIXTURES GM ~ Ir o SIL lY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-sAND-SJLT MIXTURES GC swf .. SP CLAYEY GRAVELS. POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES WELL GRADED SANDS. GRAVELLY SANDS POORLY GRADED SANDS. GRAVELLY SANDS -:· .. • SM ;. :·. SILTY SANDS. POOORLYGRADEDSAND-SILTMIXTURES SC ri,/ i CLAYEY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SAND-CLAY MIXTURES ML INORGANIC SIL TS AND VERY FINE SANDS. ROCK FLOUR. SIL TY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS. OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH • SILTS AND CLAYS Ell f-f--1N_O_R_GA_N_1_c_c_LA_Y_s_o_F_L_o_w_T_O_M_rn_1u_M_P_LAS_T_1c-1TY_. __ -----i u, .~ GRAVELLY CLAYS, S,I\NDYClAYS, SILTY CLAYS, ~ 0 LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 LEAN CLAYS ag ~ ~ QL 1------....: ORGANICClAYSANDORGANICSILTYCLAYSOFLOW SLIGHT PLASTICITY w v --PLASTICITY 2 ~r----------------~~~~Tin----------------------1 ~ J" (!) :, "' fS z • u: 0 "' B [8J • III ~ • CA CN CP DS PM pp SIL TS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Modified California Split Spoon Pushed Shelby Tube Auger Cuttings Grab Sample Sample Attempt with No Recovery Chemical Analysis Consolidation Compaction Direct Shear Permeability Pocket Penetrometer MH CH OH ~~ INORGANIC SIL TS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACIOUS FINE SANDY OR SIL TY SOILS, ELASTIC SIL TS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SIL TS Pt ~ ,11, PEAT ANO OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS RV R-Value SA Sieve Analysis SW Swell Test TC Cyclic T riaxial TX Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial N Toivane Shear UC Unconfined Compression (1.2) (Shear Strength, ksf) WA Wash Analysis (20) (with % Passing No. 200 Sieve) 'Sl. Water Level at Time of Drilling .Y Water Level after Drilling(with date measured) SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA Figure A-1 gL.._ _______________________________________________ _J g z ~ z < 0 MAJOR DIVISIONS CLEAN GRAVELS GRAVELS WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES MORE THAN HALF "' . COARSE FRACTION ~ > IS LARGER THAN 6 -~ GRAVELS WITH "'0 NO. 4SIEVE Q 0 OVER 15% FINES w ~ :!!, A ~ a; "':,: CLEAN SANDS W C "'1 SANDS WITH LITTLE "' -"' ~ OR NO FINES 0 o u " MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN SANDS WITH N0.4 SIEVE OVER 15% FINES TYPICAL NAMES is·.-:11 GW :·•~ WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES .... , kl"'-•!:~· GP ·,:[)~ POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES lb l) GM ~ i,.., d SIL TY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-sANO-Sll T MIXTURES GC J. • ••• SW;;: ... ',\' SP·:· ··: . ·. ... SM.::··.: SC it. CLAYEY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES WELL GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS POORLY GRADED SANDS. GRAVELLY SANDS SIL TY SANDS, POOORL Y GRADED SAND-SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS ANO VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SIL TY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, OR CLAYEY SIL TS \MTI, SLIGHT PLASTICITY • SIL TS AND CLAYS f-'-1N~O~R-'-GAN-1c_c_LA_Y_s_o_F_Lo_w_T_O_M_E_D_1u_M_P_LAS_T_1c-1TY-. -----, ~ -~ L GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDYCLAYS,SILTYCLAYS, -•• LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 LEAN CLAYS i5 0 ~ ~ QL ~ -ORGANIC CLAYS AND ORGANIC SIL TY CLAYS OF LOW UJ v --PLASTICITY z~~----------------4-~~"~-------------------~ ~~ "' ~ w " ,; ~ "-0 " B [8J • [I] ~ • CA CN GP OS PM pp SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Modified California Splrt Spoon Pushed Shelby Tube Auger Cuttings Grab Sample Sample Attempt with No Recovery Chemical Analysis Consolidation Compaction Direct Shear Penneability Pocket Penetrometer MH CH OH INORGANIC SIL TS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACIOUS FINE SANDY OR SIL TY SOILS, ELASTIC SIL TS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SIL TS Pt i!t. -11, PEATANDOTHERHIGHLYORGANICSOILS RV R-Value SA Sieve Analysis SW Swell Test TC Cyclic Triaxial TX Unconsolidated Undrained T Jiaxial TV Torvane Shear UC Unconfined Compression (1.2) (Shear Strength, ksf) WA Wash Analysis (20) (with % Passing No. 200 Sieve) 'l-Water Level at Time of Drilling .J: Water Level after Drilling{with date measured) SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA FigureA-1 gL_ _______________________________________________ _J , I E3RA, Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-1 P.O. Box44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 IE RA, Inc. i Tacoma. WA 98448 Figure A-2 i i Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT EncomQaSS Engineering & Surveving PROJECT NAME 3616 Lincdn Ave NE - PROJECT NUMBER T15023 PROJECT LOCATION Renton, Washing!pn DATE STARTED 3/5115 COMPLETED 315115 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE -------·------ EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: ---·-···--- EXCAVATION METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION ---- LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION - NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION w a. :,: ~ffi ui <,,! >--w"' c:j l:<9 a."' ..., :. ui a. 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w-a?..., 0 a.:::, :::i :. z "' <( (fJ 0.0 (GP) Gray gravel with sand and trace silt (loose, moist) (Fill) GP 1.0 SM ! (SM) Dark brown silty sand with some gravel, copious organics, and small root complexes (loose, moist) (Topsoil Horizon) 1.5 -" ~ (SM) Tan mottled fine silty sand (medium dense, moist) -" 1~-- r GB S-1 SM r ! f-- r -! ~ I 5.0 ~ (SM) Tan fine silty sand (medium dense, moist) - f-. GB S-2 SM _7_,~L -. 8.5 - ! (SP-SM) Tan fine sand with silt (medium dense, moist) GB 11 S-3 ,, I SP- ---1Q&. SM ! I -" 11.0 No caving observed No groundwater seepage observed The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of test pit at 11.0 feet. ! E3RA, Inc. I E3RA Inc. BORING NUMBER TH-1 P.O. Bax 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 T acorn a. WA 98448 Figure A-3 l__ _j Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Encomi:1ass Engineering & Survey'ing PROJECT NAME 3616 Lincoln Ave NE PROJECT NUMBER _I1502~ _ -----------------PROJECT LOCATION RentqriJ__Wash_inoton DATE ST ART ED 315115 COMPLETED 315115 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING ------·-- LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING - NOTES AFTER DRILLING - UJ 0. u I ~ffi ui r CJ t= UJ "' u a. 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w-~:, ui c2 ~ Cl 0.:::, :::i :, z CJ "' "' 0 " l lL1..r\ Landscaping bark ------·---------r -SM (SM) Dark brawn silty sand with copious organics (loose, moist) (Topsoil Horizon) 2.0 Large root complexes encountered at 1 foot ~ ----------__ .,- (SM) Tan fine silty sand (medium dense, moist) f-. GB i S-1 SM __L 6.0 No caving observed No groundwater seepage observed The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be CCN1sidered accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of borehole at 6.0 feet. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING RES UL TS Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Geotech Job Number: T15023 Tested By: CF Date: 3/6115 Boring #: TP-1 Sample#: 1 Depth: 3' bgs JMoisture Content(%) I 24.0°/,1 Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. (75 0) 100.0 Coarse Gravel 1.5 in. 37.5) 100.0 Fine Gravel 6.4 3/4 in. 19.0\ 100.0 318 in. 9.5-mm\ 100.0 Coarse Sand 0.4 No. 4 4.75-mm\ 93.6 Medium Sand 2.5 No. 10 (2.00-mm) 93.2 Fine Sand 60.3 No. 20 i.850-mm\ 92.2 No. 40 (.425-mm) 90.7 Fines 30.4 No. 60 i.250-mm\ 86.6 Total 100.0 No. 100 i.150-mm\ 67.5 No. 200 i.075-mm\ 30.4 LL Pl D10 D30 D60 0.13 Cc Cu ASTM Classification r Group Name Light-brown silty sand Symbol (SM) (med. dense, moist) E3RA Figure 8-1 Soil Classification Data Sheet Sample Distribution U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes , .. 1.5" 3/4" 3/8" 4 10 -+-Sample Distribution 20 40 60 100 200 I I I I I I I I I I I 100 ' I ··----- I ~~ 90 -- ~ ' I i 80 ' - 70 --\ ' \ i I ' I "' C 60 ' "iii \ "' : .. ' D. 50 T --i C .. i I I:! 40 - I .. I ' D. I I -30 ' -- I I I I I I I I 20 -I -- I I ! 10 I I ' ' I i o I I i I 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size (mm) E3RA Sample Distribution Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Ge Sample#: 1 Job Number: T15023 Date: 3/6/15 Figure: B-2 Tested Bv: CF Deoth: 3' bas EXPioration #: TP-1 • I I • Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Geotech Job Number: T15023 Tested By: CF Date: 3/6/15 Boring #: TP-1 Sample#: 3 Depth: 9' bgs I Moisture Content{%) I 23.6%1 Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. 75.0) 100.0 Coarse Gravel 1.5 in. 37.5) 100.0 Fine Gravel 3/4 in. 19.0) 100.0 3/8 in. 9.5-mm) 100.0 Coarse Sand 0.4 No. 41 4.75-mm) 100.0 Medium Sand 1.1 No. 10 (2.00-mm) 99.6 Fine Sand 90.9 No. 20 1.850-mml 99.2 No. 40 (.425-mm) 98.5 Fines 7.6 No. 60 /.250-mm) 85.0 Total 100.0 No. 100 /.150-mml 41.2 No. 200 (.075-mml 7.6 LL Pl D10 0.08 D30 0.12 060 0.19 Cc 0.96 Cu 2.37 ASTM aassification r Group Name Light-brown poorly graded sand with silt Symbol (SP-SM) (med. dense, moist) E3RA Figure B-3 Soil Classification Data Sheet Sample Distribution U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 3" 1.5" 3/4" 3/8" 4 10 -+-Sample Distribution 20 40 60 100 200 I I I I I I I I I I I 100 - / r I ~l ' 90 \ --- I I i ! ' 80 i ' --- \ i ' I 70 I ' I Cl) 60 C "iii I\ "' .. ' Q. 50 ~ I \ ~ -I ·. C Cl) I !:! 40 \ Cl) ' Q. ' 30 ' I ~ ~- \ --- i i ! 20 ---- I I I 10 . r 0 j I i I - 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0 001 Particle Size (mm) E3RA Sample Distribution Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Ge, Samole#: 3 Job Number: T15023 Date: 316115 Figure: 8-4 Tested Bv: CF Deoth: 9' bas Exe lo ration #: TP-1 • Encompass f\ ENGINEERING & SUtVEYING ;,;_,,,,,,; Preliminary Technical Information Report for Lincoln Short Plat 3616 Lincoln Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Jan 22, 2015 Encompass Engineering Job No. 14694 Prepared For Highland Real Estate LLC. 4865 Lakehurst Lane SE Bellevue, WA 98006 Western Washington Division Eastern Washington Division 165 NE Juniper St., Ste 201, Issaquah, WA 98027 108 East 2"• Street, Cle Elum, WA 98922 Phone: (425) 392-0250 Fax: (425) 391-3055 Phone: (509) 674-7433 Fax: (509) 674-7419 www.EncompassES.net SECTION I: SECTION II: SECTION III: SECTION IV: SECTIONV: SECTION VI: SECTION VII: SECTION VIII: SECTION IX: SECTIONX: TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES OTHER PERMITS-NA ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT-NIA OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL-NIA SECTION 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ~. w 0 < • " " ~ ' • • • 0 ~ z 0 ~ z a < ~ u 0 00 u w " z ii ai 00 :: " ~ z 5Z "' -;§ ~ " ~ / .. \ " . . .c::J t ~ Vjt, ~ I ~~ ~ t--;--, C\IH1 ~1: ct) E~n ~ ~ i~ 0~ l} ~ ~ u~ ~ C:"' j 2 ·" " LJ.J ' 1 ' 'C ' 0 ' 0 0 ~ i . 0 /j Site Address: King County Tax Parcel: Project Overview 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton WA, 98056 334570-0215 This project involves development of a 22,587 SF parcel into two single-family residential lots. The existing parcel has an existing house, a sport court, a shed and the remaining area is covered with several mature trees with lawn. The site generally slopes down to northwest at approximately 5%. Per the SCS Soil maps, the site is underlain with Alderwood, gravelly sandy loam, AgC. -See attached geotechnical report. Downstream Drainage The project site drains to northwest in form of sheet flow. Level 1 Downstream Analysis was conducted on Jan 07, 2015, and this information is presented in Section 3 of this TIR. Proposed Drainage Controls This project is a single family residential subdivision. Based on the analysis of the existing and future propose improvements, the total impervious area for this project exceeds 2,000 square feet, but it does not exceed a total of 10,000 square feet of impervious surfaces, and therefore it is subject to Small Project Drainage Review. Basic Bl\1Ps will provide the required flow control. Refer to Section 4 of this TIR for additional information regarding the Flow Control and Water Quality BMPs. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner Highland Real Estate LLC Address 4865 Lakehurst Lane SE Bellevue, WA 98006 Phone 206-226-5354 Project Engineer Tom Redding Company Encompass Engineering Address/Phone 425-392-0250 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION X Subdivision D Short Subdivision D Grading D Commercial D Other ________ _ Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name Lincoln Short Plat Location Township _24 ____ _ Range 05. ____ _ ...... NE ....... Section ___ 32. ___ _ SITE ADDRESS: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS D DFW HPA D Shoreline Management D COE 404 D Rockery D DOE Dam Safety D Structural Vaults D FEMA Floodplain D Other 0 COE Wetlands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Newcastle Drainage Basin ______ .East Lake Washington -Bellevue South and May Creek Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS D River D Floodplain D Wetlands D Stream D Seeps/Springs D Critical Stream Reach D High Groundwater Table D Depressions/Swales D Groundwater Recharge D Lake X Other N/A - D Steep Slopes Part? SOILS Soil Type AgC Slopes 5%± D Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE D Ch. 4 -Downstream Analysis 0 D D D D D Additional Sheets Attached Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION D Sedimentation Facilities X Stabilized Construction Entrance X Perimeter Runoff Control D Clearing and Grading Restrictions X Cover Practices X Construction Sequence D Other Erosion Potential LOW Erosive Velcoties LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT LEVEL 1/NO CONSTRAINT MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION X Stabilize Exposed Surface D Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris D Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities D Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas D Other Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM D Grass Lined [] Tank LJ Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel D Vault D Depression !1 Pipe System Compensation/Mitigati L... D 1-Energy Dissapator cJ Flow Dispersal on of Eliminated Site D Open Channel D D Storage Wetland Waiver 11 Dry Pond D D Stream Regional D Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation _Basic Infiltration __ Tightline To Existing City Storm System Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Part 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS D Cast in Place Vault D Drainage Easement D Retaining Wall D Access Easement D Rockery > 4' High D Native Growth Protection Easement D Structural on Steep Slope D Tract D Other D Other Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Sianed/Date , .._ :wr .. :H + Dilte: 117/2015 ) ; ~ < , 'f ' ' ... / / ( ' -;-... ,,-°"",. .. !, \ ( I \ ' '--- \ ' VICINITY MAP .,,: ~_:;,, ::,- :; ">" • , 6 t -.,: tH•, ;,_ ; , • Sire~ Renton ,on.,sT .I_· ,. 0 ·~ Newcastle :ii: :I'll·, ST - 383ft 2009 KC SWDM Core Requirements Section 1.2.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the natural location • The proposed on-site drainage will be tightlined from the project site infiltration BMPs into the existing storm drainage system in Lincoln Ave NE. Section 1.2.2 Core Requirement #2: Offeite Analysis • An offsite drainage analysis is provided in this Preliminary TIR. Section 1.2.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control • Analysis shows the BMPs will provide the required flow control. Section 1.2.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System • The proposed project site will produce less than 10,000 square feet of impervious surfaces and therefore it falls under the Small Project Drainage requirements. Flow Control BMPs will be provided for future residence under a separate building permit. Section 1.2.5 Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control • A temporary erosion control plan will provide BMPs to be implemented during construction. Section 1.2.6 Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations • A maintenance and operations manual will be provided in the TIR as determined with City review of the final engineering plans/design. Section 1.2. 7 Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability • The developer will arrange for any financial guarantees and liabilities required by the permit. Section 1.2.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality • There will be less than 5,000 sq-ft of new PGIS so water quality measures are not needed. 2009 KC SWDM Special Requirements Section 1.3.1 Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements • NIA Section 1.3.2 Special Requirement #2: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation • NI A there are no FEMA floodplains/floodways in the area Section 1.3.3 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities • NIA Section 1.3.4 Special Requirement #4: Source Control • Source control is not required for this project. Section 1.3.5 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control • NI A Oil control is not required for this project. SECTION2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY SECTION3 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS Project Overview This project involves development of a 22,587 SF parcel into two single-family residential lots. The existing parcel has an existing house, a sport court, a shed and the remaining area is covered with several mature trees with lawn. The site slopes down to northwest at approximately 5%. Per the SCS Soil maps, the site is underlain with Alderwood, gravelly sandy loam, AgC. -See attached geotechnical report. Downstream Drainage Level 1 downstream analysis for this project was conducted on Jan 07, 2015. The weather on the day of the site visit was cloudy with the temperature of approximately 45°F. Runoff from the existing site generally sheet flows northwest and drains into an existing ditch with 3:1 side slopes located along the east side of the Lincoln Ave NE at point A. From there flow drains north through a 12-inch pipe and enters into another ditch with 3:1 side slopes located at point 8. From there flow continues north through a 12-inch pipe and enters into a ditch, then into a CB located at point C for a total of approximately 200-feet downstream from the project site. From there, flow continues north though an 18-inch pipe and enters into a CB located at point D for a total of 270-feet downstream from the project site. From there flow continues north through an 18-inch pipe and enters into a CB located at point E for a total of 270-feet downstream from the project site. From there, flow continues north through pipes along the east side of Lincoln Ave NE and enters into CB's at points F,G,H,I,J,K, and L for a total of approximately 1,070-feet downstream from the project site. From the CB at point L flow crosses the Lincoln Ave NE to west through an 18-inch pipe and drains into a vegetated ditch located at point M. From there, flow continues north through the ditch and drains into 30-inch pipe at point N for a total of 1,260-feet downstream from the project site. From there, flow continues north through the pipe and crosses the NE 40th St and drains into a CB located at point O for a total of 1,350-feet downstream from the project site. From there, flow continues north through a 30-inch pipe and outfall into a heavy vegetated channel at point P well beyond Y. mile downstream from the project site, and eventually runoff discharges into the Lake Washington. There were no obvious downstream drainage problems have been identified during this Level I Downstream analysis. We understand that there are flooding issues beyond this Y, mile downstream. Please refer to the end of this section for downstream drainage map and photos. DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE MAP \ '.' : . ... ~r~~·:·· + . i I Renton / ,,/ Oat&: 1[7/2015 SOurce: ,(ng COunty iMAP -Property lr,tQfffl8tion (http:llwwwmetrokc.gav/GISJIMAPJ ® ~llt}j-pl.. El ®' / / -~------ .:\.. . . ·······'\.,. 'ti. Photo 1: Ditch at point A Photo 3: Ditch at point M P hoto 2 : CB at point C Photo 4 : Runoff discharges to a vegetated channel at point P SECTION 4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Drainage Design The project consists of subdividing the existing 22,587 SF parcel into two (2) lots. It is proposed to construct less than I 0,000 SF of total impervious surface, and therefore it is subject to Small Project Drainage Review. The total impervious surfaces for existing lot that will remain is less than 4,000 SF, and the proposed new lot will create a total of approximately 4,000 SF of impervious surfaces. Final design will be provided with the final engineering design/plan set. It is proposed that Basic BMPs to be implemented for Flow Control based on the KCRTS analysis. Water Quality BMPs Water quality design is not required, because the total proposed impervious surfaces for new project site will be less than 5,000 square feet. KCRTS Analysis Existing Conditions Total Parcel area: 0.52 acres. ~ AiEx= 0 ~ ApEx = 22,587 sq-ft= 0.52 acres till forest ~ Rainfall Regional Scale Factor= Seatac 1.0 Using KCRTS (see printout) ~ Q100-Ex = 0.42 CFS Developed Conditions Total Parcel area: 0.52 acres. Total impervious area: ~ AioEv = 8,000 sq-ft= 0.18 acres ( includes existing and proposed impervious surfaces) Total pervious area: ~ ApoEv = 0.34 acres till grass (Lawn) Per 2009 KCSWDM Table 1.2.3.C Flow Control BMP Sizing Credits Basic Dispersion/infiltration is modeled as 50% impervious and 50% grass (Considering the total impervious/2=> {8,000+2=4,000 SF} ~ adjusted AioEv = 0.09 acres impervious surfaces ~ adjusted ApoEv = 0.09 acres till grass ~ Therefore: . •. KCRTS inputs: ~ ApoEv = 0.43 acres till grass (Lawn) ~ AioEv = 0.09 acres impervious Using KCRTS (see printout) ~ Q100-DEV= 0.133 CFS L'i.Q100-Q100-0Ev -Q100-Ex= 0.133 -0.042 = .091 CFS ,/ AQ100< 0.1 CFS=> Detention is not required BAIMA & HOLMBERG, INC. 100 Front Steet South ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 -3817 (425) 392-0250 FAX (425) 391-3055 SHEETNO. _________ OF ______ _ CALCULATEDBY ________ DATE ______ _ CHECKEOBY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE : 1~! : ........... , ...... , ............... :. l · ... ·. ' ; : : i . ; . · : ··········· I i • 1 1 .... ,-............ ; ............ -:1.... ,' • i . ' . i T ' ' ' ' ' . . : .... , ....... ;. , ............. ; .......... ;.......... . .. . ""D,~ = .. c.; • . . . "IZ., ,. • l ii::.... '.J [ . : ......... , ............... ' ........ , ............ ,.. .. .:.. ....... ·1 : .•. "'!'" '.. . .......... f2i ~-· .JJ·······'·······tl·-'""·· 71 C. --" ~ ... 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' --: .... . i : ...• i ' : ' i ' KCRTS Existing Conditions Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:14694u.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -- (CFS) 0.033 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.009 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.024 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.001 8 3/24/04 21:00 0.015 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.025 3 1/18/06 20:00 o. 021 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.042 1 1/09/08 9:00 Computed Peaks KCRTS Developed Conditions Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:14694d.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.042 1 100.00 0 . 9 9 0 Clioo-ex 0.033 2 25.00 0. 960 0.025 3 10.00 0.900 0.024 4 5.00 0.800 o .021 5 3.00 0.667 0.015 6 2.00 0.500 0.009 7 1. 30 0.231 0.001 8 1.10 0.091 0.039 50.00 0. 98 0 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.060 4 2/09/01 2:00 0.133 1 100.00 0 . 9 9 0 Clioo-oev 0.039 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.075 2 25.00 o. 960 0.075 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.063 3 10.00 0.900 0.030 8 8/26/04 2:00 0.060 4 5.00 0.800 0.039 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.058 5 3.00 0.667 0.063 3 1/18/06 16:00 0.039 6 2.00 0.500 0.058 5 11/24/06 3:00 0.039 7 1. 30 0.231 0 .133 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.030 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.114 50.00 0.980 l1Q100 -Q100 DEV -Q100 EX = 0 .133 -0. 042 = 0. 091 < .1 CFS SHOISM:!111 --, "' ' "' ~ ~ ' "' ~~ $z t., • "' ~i cc ~ " ' N'lld DN/01/1/D II H/1/ln Q3Zll'll/3N3D '101/lNOa 391/N/'tl/a l'lnld30NOO 11/ld 11/0HS NlOON/1 • L ' _)._ · I I ~:J I . 1. I ·~ · s ~m • • • i; a! so wo H~ I ~' I ~ • •. ~ ' 0 I • F l i' ~ t i it 0 • • ! ~ •I ~ ., ~1:i • • ' l J SECTION 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Conveyance Analysis Since the storm drain system is private systems serving regular single family residential facility, conveyance system analysis is not required. The proposed pipes does not exceed 4 inch and 6 inch. SECTION6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Geotechnical Engineering Report 3616 Lincoln Avenue NE Renton, Washington P/N 3345700215 Submitted to: Encompass Engineering and Surveying Attn: Timothy Collins 165 NE Juniper St, Suite 201 Issaquah, Washington 98027 Submitted by: E3RA, Inc. PO Box44840 Tacoma, Washington 98448 (253) 537-9400 March 20, 2015 Project No. T15023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 1 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS..................... .. ............................................ 2 2.1 Test Pit Procedures ..................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Test Hole Procedures .................................................................................................. 3 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Surface Conditions ....................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Soil Conditions ........................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Groundwater Conditions .............................................................................................. 4 3.4 Seismic Conditions ...................................................................................................... 4 3.5 Liquefaction Potential .............................. .. .................................... 4 3 6 Infiltration Conditions and Infiltration Rate ................................................................. 4 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................... 5 4.1 Site Preparation ....................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Spread Footings ........................................................................................................ 8 4.3 Slab-On-Grade Floors ................................................................................................ 9 4.4 Drainage Systems ........................................................................................................ 9 4.5 Asphalt Pavement.. .............................................................................................. 10 4.6 Structural Fill......................................................... .. ............................. 11 5.0 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES ........................................................................ 12 6.0 CLOSURE ............................................................................................................................ 12 List of Tables Table 1. Approximate Locations and Depths of Explorations .... Table 2. Laboratory Test Results for Non-organic Onsite Soils List of Figures Figure 1. Topographic and Location Map Figure 2. Site and Exploration Plan APPENDIX A Soil Classification Chart and Key to Test Data .. Test Pit Log TP-1 Log of Test Hole TH-1 APPENDIXB Laboratory Testing Results . .......... 2 .................. 5 . ............... A-1 ....... A-2 ... A-3 ......... 8-1 ... 8-4 March 20, 2015 Tl5023 Encompass Engineering and Surveying 165 NE Juniper St, Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 Attention: Subject: Timothy Collins Geotechnical Engineering Report Tax Parcel -3345700215 Residential Plat 3616 Lincoln Ave NE Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Collins: PO Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 253-537-9400 253-537-9401 Fax E3RA, Inc. (E3RA) is pleased to submit this report describing the results of our geotechnical engineering evaluation of the improvements planned for the residential lot located at 3616 Lincoln Ave NE in Renton, Washington. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Encompass Engineering and Surveying, and their consultants, for specific application to this project, in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site consists of a rectangular shaped residential parcel located directly northeast of the intersection of Lincoln Ave NE and NE 36th Street in Renton, Washington as shown on the enclosed Topographic and Location Map (Figure I). It is bounded on the west by Lincoln Ave NE, the south by NE 36th Street, the east by Lincoln Ct NE, and on the north by a residential parcel, encompassing just over a Y, acre. Visually, the parcel is easily divided into two distinct areas; the west half and east half. Located centrally within the west half of the property is the existing single family residence; which is wood-framed, two-stories, and was originally constructed in 1993. Extending to the residence from Lincoln Ave NE is a concrete driveway, with areas north of the driveway serving as the front lawn, and areas south of the driveway containing a gravel surfacing that acts as overflow parking/storage. A small shed building is located directly south of the residence. The east half of the parcel is what would be considered the backyard area and is entirely contained within a large wooden fence. The north half of the east side of the property contains an athletic court used apparently for basketball or tennis, with nets being erected on either side of the court. The south half of the east end of the parcel is predominantly occupied by an open grassy lawn. Areas between the residence and athletic court and/or lawn area are occupied by gravel walkways and landscaping features. March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Preliminary plans involve the short-plat of the parcel, with the property being divided east/west into two residential lots designated Lot I and Lot 2. Lot 1 will contain the existing single family residence, while Lot 2 will contain what currently consists of the athletic court and back lawn area. It is our assumption that a new residence will be constructed in Lot 2, and we do not know if the existing residence will be demolished or retained. 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS We explored surface and subsurface conditions at the project site on March 5, 20 l 5. Our exploration program comprised the following elements: A surface reconnaissance of the site; One Test Pit Exploration (designated TP-l) performed in the southwest comer of the site; One Test Hole Exploration (designated TH-I) performed in the east end of the site; Two grain size analyses performed on soil samples collected from our subsurface explorations; and A review of published geologic and seismologic maps and literature. Table l summarizes the approximate functional locations and termination depths of our subsurface explorations, and Figure 2 depicts their approximate relative locations. The following sections describe the procedures used for excavation of test pits. TABLE 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS AND DEPTHS OF EXPLORATIONS Termination Exploration Functional Location Depth (feet) TP-1 Southwest comer of the site 11 TH-1 Southeast comer of the site 6 The specific number and locations of our explorations were selected in relation to the existing site features, under the constraints of surface access, underground utility conflicts, and budget considerations. ft should be realized that the explorations performed and utilized for this evaluation reveal subsurface conditions only at discrete locations across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore, the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. Test Pit Procedures Our exploratory test pit was excavated with a rubber-tracked excavator owned and operated by an excavation contractor under subcontract to E3RA. An engineering geologist from our firm observed the test pit excavation and logged the subsurface conditions. 2 March 20, 2015 E3RA, Inc. T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report The enclosed test pit log indicate the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered in the test pit, based on our field classifications. Where a soil contact was observed to be gradational or undulating, our log indicates the average contact depth. We estimated the relative density and consistency of the in-situ soils by means of the excavation characteristics and the stability of the test pit sidewalls. Our logs also indicate the approximate depths of any sidewall caving or groundwater seepage observed in the test pit. The soils were classified visually in general accordance with the system described in Figure A-1, which includes a key to the exploration log. A summary log of the exploration is included as Figure A-2. Test Hole Procedures Our exploratory test hole was excavated with a shovel, post hole digger, iron bar, and 3 inch hand auger by an engineering geologist from EJRA, who also logged the subsurface conditions. The enclosed test hole log indicates the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered in the test hole, based on our field classifications. Where a soil contact was observed to be gradational or undulating, our log indicates the average contact depth. We estimated the relative density and consistency of the in-situ soils by means of the excavation characteristics and the stability of the test pit sidewalls. Samples of soils were collected. Our log also indicates the approximate depths of the samples collected and any sidewall caving or groundwater seepage observed. The soils were classified visually in general accordance with the system described in Figure A-1, which includes a key to the exploration log. A summary log of the exploration is included as Figure A-3. 3,0 SITE CONDITIONS The following sections present our observations, measurements, findings, and interpretations regarding, surface, soil, groundwater, seismic, and liquefaction conditions. Surface Conditions As previously described, development plans involve the sub-plat of the subject property into two residential lots designated Lot I and Lot 2. Lot 1 or the westernmost lot is predominately level, with only a slight slope proponent near the western and northern margins of the parcel, towards the west and north, respectively. Lot 2 is also predominately level, containing a slight slope element towards its northern boundary, representing an elevation change of 3 to 5 feet. The grassy lawn area in the southeast comer of the site was constructed approximately 2 to 3 feet higher than that of adjacent grades, with concrete steps being constructed along its northern extent to provide access to the area. Vegetation on site consists primarily of ornamental lawns, trees and shrubs. Larger growths of trees/shrubs line the western, southern and eastern margins of the site. No hydrologic features were observed on site, such as seeps, springs, ponds and streams. Soil Conditions Our subsurface explorations encountered relatively consistent soil conditions across the project site. In the vicinity of test pit exploration TP-1, performed in the southwest comer of the site, we observed that a surface mantle of 12 inches of pea gravel covers this portion of the project area. The original topsoil horizon was encountered immediately beneath the gravel surfacing, and is underlain by native, sandy soils. From a depth of l V, to 8 1 /, feet below existing grade we encountered fine, silty sand in a medium dense in-situ condition, with the upper 3 Y, feet of these deposits displaying mottling. From SY, to 11 feet below grade, the termination depth 3 March 20. 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report for this exploration, soils transitioned to fine sand with silt. Sieve analyses performed on each of these distinct soil groups indicate that the upper deposits contain a fines (percent silt'clay) content in excess of JO percent, while the deeper deposits contain a fines content of less than 8 percent. Test hole exploration TH-I encountered similar sandy soils with depth, but a thicker, surficial topsoil horizon. The attached exploration logs provide a detailed description of the soil strata encountered in our subsurface explorations. Groundwater Conditions At the time of our site reconnaissance and subsurface explorations, we did not encounter groundwater in any of our explorations, which extended to a nominal depth of 11 feet below existing grades. Given the fact that our subsurface explorations were performed during what is generally considered the wet season (October !st through April JOlh), we do not anticipate that groundwater levels will rise higher than that which we observed, nor do we anticipate that groundwater will adversely affect proposed earthwork activities. Groundwater levels will fluctuate with localized precipitation and geology. Seismic Conditions Based on our analysis of subsurface exploration logs and our review of published geologic maps, we interpret the onsite soil conditions to generally correspond with site class D, as defined by Table 20.3-1 inASCE 7, per the 2012 International Building Code (!BC). Using 2012 !BC information on the USGS Design Summary Report website, Risk Category I/II/III seismic parameters for the site are as follows: S, = 1.437g SMs = 1.437g Sos= 0.958g S1 = 0.545g SM1 = 0.818g Soi= 0.545g Using the 2012 !BC information, MCER Response Spectrum Graph on the USGS Design Summary Report website, Risk Category I/II/III, S,at a period of0.2 seconds is 1.44g and S,at a period of 1.0 seconds is 0.82g. The Design Response Spectrum Graph from the same website, using the same !BC information and Risk Category, S,at a period of0.2 seconds is 0.96g and S,at a period of 1.0 seconds is 0.55g. Liguefaction Potential Liquefaction is a sudden increase in pore water pressure and a sudden loss of soil shear strength caused by shear strains, as could result from an earthquake. Research has shown that saturated, loose sands with a fines (silt and clay) content less than about 20 percent are most susceptible to liquefaction. Our onsite subsurface explorations did not reveal saturated (or potentially saturated), loose, silty sand layers or lenses. Infiltration Conditions and Infiltration Rate At the time of report preparation, it is not known whether onsite infiltration will be incorporated into the project storm water management plan, nor, if it is the size, location, or dimensions of new facilities. If onsite infiltration is implemented as part of the new development, we offer the following recommendations. 4 March 20, 2015 T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Based on our field observations and grain size analyses (presented in Table 2, below), two distinct soil stratum are available on site as medium for possible infiltration. The upper native deposits consist of fine silty sand, with fines content in excess of30 percent. At a depth of8Y, feet below existing grade, more readily penneable sandy soils are encountered with a fines content less than 8 percent. The results of our soil grain size analyses are presented below, and the attached Soil Gradation Graphs (Appendix B) display the grain-size distribution of the samples tested. TABLE2 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS FOR NON-ORGANIC ONSITE SOILS Soil Sample, Depth % Coarse % Fine % Coarse %Medium % Fine % Fines D10 Gravel Gravel Sand Sand Sand TP-1, S-1, 3 feet 0 6.4 0.4 2.5 60.3 30.4 - TP-1. S-3, 9 feet 0 0 0.4 1.1 90.9 7.6 0.08 Preliminary Recommended Infiltration Rate Specific locations and geometry of infiltration facilities for the project site had not been detennined at the time this report was prepared. Therefore, we have provided a generalized infiltration rate for use in preliminary design of any future infiltration facilities planned in the site area. If onsite infiltration is implemented, infiltration testing is recommended in the vicinity of new facilities at or near their proposed invert elevations. We detennined a preliminary infiltration rate for the project site by comparing the results of our sieve analyses from test pit exploration TP-1 with Table 3.7, in Volume III of the 2005 DOE Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, located on page 3-76. Using the U.S.D.A. Textural Triangle, the upper soil deposits are classified as sandy loam and the deeper deposits are classified as sand with corresponding recommended long-tenn infiltration rates of0.25 in/hr and 2 in/hr respectively. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Plans call for the sub-plat of an existing residential parcel in Renton, Washington and the construction of a new single family residence with associated paved surfaces for the driveway and parking. We offer these general conclusions and recommendations: Erosion Hazards: Most of the site presents a moderate erosion hazard. Standard erosion control measures, such as silt fences or mulch benns, temporary protection of bare soils with plastic, mulch, or other cover, and pennanent re-vegetation of bare soils, is recommended. Erosion control recommendations are made in the Site Preparation section in Section 4.1. Foundation Options: We recommend conventional spread footings that bear on medium dense or denser native soils, which are generally found within a few feet of the surface of the site. Recommendations for spread footings are provided in Section 4.2. Floor Options: We recommend concrete slab-on-grade floors for the structure. Recommendations for slab-on-grade floors are included in Section 4.3. Drainage Considerations: We recommend that perimeter drains be placed around foundation footings. Recommendations for drainage systems are included in Section 4.4. Pavement Sections: Native, in-situ soil conditions are amenable to the use of soil-supported pavements. We recommend a conventional pavement section comprised of an asphalt 5 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report concrete pavement over a crushed rock base course over a properly prepared ( compacted) subgrade or a granular subbase, depending on subgrade conditions during pavement subgrade preparation. All soil subgrades should be thoroughly compacted, then proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck or heavy compactor. Any localized zones of yielding subgrade disclosed during this proof-rolling operation should be overexcavated to a depth of 12 inches and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Infiltration Recommendations: If infiltration of site produced stormwater becomes incorporated into the new development, we recommend using a preliminary infiltration rate of 0.25 in/hr for the upper, siltier soils, and a rate of 2 in/hr for the lower (those encountered below 8Y, feet bgs), sandier soils. If infiltration is implemented, we recommend infiltration testing in the vicinity ofnew facilities. The following sections present our specific geotechnical conclusions and recommendations concerning site preparation, spread footings, slab-on-grade floors, drainage, subgrade walls, temporary shoring, and structural fill. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications and Standard Plans cited herein refer to WSDOT publications M4 I-10, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, and M21-0I, Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, respectively. Site Preparation Preparation of the project site should involve erosion control, temporary drainage, clearing, stripping, cutting, filling, excavations, and subgrade compaction. Erosion Control: Before new construction begins, an appropriate erosion control system should be installed. This system should collect and filter all surface run off from the construction areas through silt fencing. We anticipate a system of berms and drainage ditches around construction areas will provide an adequate collection system. Silt fencing fabric should meet the requirements ofWSDOT Standard Specification 9-33.2 Table 3. In addition, silt fencing should embed a minimum of 6 inches below existing grade. An erosion control system requires occasional observation and maintenance. Specifically, holes in the filter and areas where the filter has shifted above ground surface should be replaced or repaired as soon as they are identified. As an alternative, mulch-type berms, such as described in the latest Washington Department ofEcology Storm Water Manual, can be deployed immediately down slope of construction areas until vegetation has been re-established there. Temporary Drainage: We recommend intercepting and diverting any potential sources of surface or near-surface water within the construction zones before stripping begins. Because the selection of an appropriate drainage system will depend on the water quantity, season, weather conditions, construction sequence, and contractor's methods, final decisions regarding drainage systems are best made in the field at the time of construction. Based on our current understanding of the construction plans, surface and subsurface conditions, we anticipate that curbs, berms, or ditches placed around the work areas will adequately intercept surface water runoff. 6 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Clearing and Stripping: After surface and near-surface water sources have been controlled, the construction areas should be cleared and stripped of all sod, topsoil, and root-rich soil. Based on our subsurface explorations, the organic laden horizon can be upwards of 24 inches thick within the project area. Site Excavations: Based on our explorations, we expect that site excavations will encounter moderately dense sandy soils which can readily excavated using standard equipment. Dewatering: Our explorations did not encounter groundwater within their termination depths, nor do we expect that groundwater will be present in the planned excavations. However, if groundwater is encountered, we anticipate that an internal system of ditches, sump holes, and pumps will be adequate to temporarily dewater excavations. Temporary Cut Slopes: All temporary soil slopes associated with site cutting or excavations should be adequately inclined to prevent sloughing and collapse. Temporary cut slopes in site soils should be no steeper than I Y, H: 1 V, and should conform to Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) regulations. Subgrade Compaction: Exposed subgrades for footings, slabs, and floors should be compacted to a firm, unyielding state before new concrete or fill soils are placed. Any localized zones of looser granular soils observed within a subgrade should be compacted to a density commensurate with the surrounding soils. In contrast, any organic, soft, or pumping soils observed within a subgrade should be overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Surface compaction ofall footing and slab subgrades is recommended, although surface compaction could become problematic during wet weather conditions or when in situ site soils become wet. Site Filling: Our conclusions regarding the reuse of onsite soils and our comments regarding wet-weather filling are presented subsequently. Regardless of soil type, all fill should be placed and compacted according to our recommendations presented in the Structural Fill section of this report. Specifically, building pad fill soil should be compacted to a uniform density of at least 95 percent (based on ASTM 0-1557). Onsite Soils: We offer the following evaluation of these onsite soils in relation to potential use as structural fill: Surficial Organic Soils: The topsoil and root-rich soil that overlies the site is not suitable for use as structural fill under any circumstances, due to high organic content. Fine Silty Sand and Fine Sand with Silt: Our subsurface explorations reveal that native soils on site consist of fine silty sand and fine sand with silt. Each soil type contains a significant fines proponent (percent si!Vclay), and will be moisture sensitive. Reusing this material type as structural fill will become increasing difficult in wet weather conditions. Permanent Slopes: All permanent cut slopes and fill slopes should be adequately inclined to reduce long-term raveling, sloughing, and erosion. We generally recommend that no permanent slopes be steeper than 2H: IV. For all soil types, the use of flatter slopes (such as 2Y,H: IV) would further reduce long-term erosion and facilitate revegetation. Slope Protection: We recommend that a permanent berm, swale, or curb be constructed along the top edge of all permanent slopes to intercept surface flow. Also, a hardy vegetative groundcover should be established as 7 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report soon as foasible, to further protect the slopes from runoff water erosion. Alternatively, permanent slopes could be armored with quarry spalls or a geosynthetic erosion mat. Spread Footings In our opinion, conventional spread footings will provide adequate support for the proposed structure if the subgrades are properly prepared. Footing Depths and Widths: For frost and erosion protection, the bases ofall exterior footings should bear at least l 8 inches below adjacent outside grades, whereas the bases of interior footings need bear only 12 inches below the surrounding slab surface level. To reduce post-construction settlements, continuous (wall) and isolated (column) footings should be at least 18 and 24 inches wide, respectively. Bearing Subgrades: Footings should bear on medium dense or denser, undisturbed native soils oron properly compacted structural fill which bears on undisturbed medium dense or very dense native soils. In general, before footing concrete is placed, any localized zones of loose soils exposed across the footing subgrades should be compacted to a firm, unyielding condition, and any localized zones of soft, organic, or debris-laden soils should be overexcavated and replaced with suitable structural fill. We recommend vigorous surface compaction of footing subgrades to a medium dense or denser condition. Subgrade Observation: All footing subgrades should consist of firm, unyielding, native soils or structural fill materials compacted to a density of at least 95 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). Footings should never be cast atop loose, soft, or frozen soil, slough, debris, existing uncontrolled fill, or surfaces covered by standing water. Bearing Pressures: In our opinion, for static loading, footings that bear on properly prepared subgrades can be designed for a ma~imum allowable soil bearing pressure of2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). A one-third increase in allowable soil bearing capacity may be used for short-term loads created by seismic or wind related activities. Footing Settlements: Assuming that structural fill soils are compacted to a medium dense or denser state, we estimate that total post-construction settlements of properly designed footings bearing on properly prepared subgrades will not exceed I inch. Differential settlements for comparably loaded elements may approach one-half of the actual total settlement over horizontal distances of approximately 50 feet. Footing Backfill: To provide erosion protection and lateral load resistance, we recommend that all footing excavations be backfilled on both sides of the footings and stemwalls after the concrete has cured. Either imported structural fill or non-organic onsite soils can be used for this purpose, contingent on suitable moisture content at the time of placement. Regardless of soil type, all footing backfill soil should be compacted to a density of at least 90 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). Lateral Resistance: Footings that have been properly backfilled as recommended above will resist lateral movements by means of passive earth pressure and base friction. We recommend using an allowable passive earth pressure of275 pcfand an allowable base friction coefficient of0.35. 8 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report 4.3 Slab-On-Grade Floors In our opinion, soil-supported slab-on-grade floors can be used in the proposed structure if the subgrades are properly prepared. We offer the following comments and recommendations concerning slab-on-grade floors. Floor Subbase: Structural fill subbases do not appear to be needed under soil-supported slab-on-grade floors at the site. However, the final decision regarding the need for subbases should be based on actual subgrade conditions observed at the time of construction. If a subbase is needed, all subbase fill should be compacted to a density of at least 95 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). AU subgrades should be vigorously surface compacted to a medium dense or denser condition before slab construction begins. Capillarv Break and Vapor Barrier: To retard the upward wicking of groundwater beneath the floor slab, we recommend that a capillary break be placed over the subgrade. Ideally, this capillary break would consist ofa 6-inch-thick layer of pea gravel or other clean, uniform, well-rounded gravel, such as "Gravel Backfill for Drains" per WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.12( 4 ), but clean angular gravel can be used if it adequately prevents capillary wicking. In addition, a layer of plastic sheeting (such as Crosstuff, Visqueen, or Moistop) should be placed over the capillary break to serve as a vapor barrier. During subsequent casting of the concrete slab, the contractor should exercise care to avoid puncturing this vapor barrier. Vertical Deflections: Due to elastic compression of subgrades, soil-supported slab-on-grade floors can deflect downwards when vertical loads are applied. In our opinion, a subgrade reaction modulus of 250 pounds per cubic inch can be used to estimate such deflections. 4.4 Drainage Systems In our opinion, the planned structure should be provided with permanent drainage systems to reduce the risk of future moisture problems. We offer the following recommendations and comments for drainage design and construction purposes. Perimeter Drains: We recommend that structures be encircled with a perimeter drain system to collect seepage water. This drain should consist of a 6-inch-diameter perforated pipe within an envelope of pea gravel or washed rock, extending at least 6 inches on all sides of the pipe, and the gravel envelope should be wrapped with filter fabric to reduce the migration of fines from the surrounding soils. Ideally, the drain invert would be installed no more than 8 inches above the base of the perimeter footings. Subfloor Drains: Based on the groundwater conditions observed in our site explorations, we do not infer a need for subfloor drains. Discharge Considerations: If possible, all perimeter drains should discharge to a storm sewer system or other suitable location by gravity flow. Check valves should be installed along any drainpipes that discharge to a sewer system, to prevent sewage backflow into the drain system. If gravity flow is not feasible a pump system is recommended to discharge any water that enters the drainage system. Runoff Water: Roof-runoff and surface-runoff water should not discharge into the perimeter drain system. Instead, these sources should discharge into separate tightline pipes and be routed away from the building to a storm drain or other appropriate location. 9 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report Grading and Capping: Final site grades should slope downward away from the buildings so that runoff water will flow by gravity to suitable collection points, rather than ponding near the building. [deally, the area surrounding the building would be capped with concrete, asphalt, or low-permeability (silty) soils to minimize or preclude surface-water infiltration. 4.5 Asphalt Pavement We offer the following comments and recommendations for asphalt pavement design and construction. Subgrade Preparation: Structural fill subbases do not appear to be needed under pavements at the site. However, the final decision regarding the need for sub bases should be based on actual subgrade conditions observed at the time of construction. If a subbase is needed, all subbase fill shou[d be compacted to a density ofat least 95 percent (based on ASTM:D-1557). All soil subgrades should be thoroughly compacted, then proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck or heavy compactor. Any localized zones of yielding subgrade disclosed during this proof-ro[]ing operation should be over excavated to a minimum depth of 12 inches and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. All structural fill should be compacted according to our recommendations given in the structural fill section. Specifically, the upper 2 feet of soils underlying pavement section should be compacted to at least 95 percent (based on ASTM D-l 557), and all soils below 2 feet should be compacted to at least 90 percent. Pavement Materials: For the base course, we recommend using imported crushed rock, such as "Crushed Surfacing Top Course" per WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.9(3). If a subbase course is needed, we recommend using imported, clean, well-graded sand and gravel such as "Ballast" or "Gravel Borrow" per WSDOT Standard Specifications 9-03.9(1) and 9-03.14, respectively. Conventional Asphalt Sections: A conventional pavement section typically comprises an asphalt concrete pavement over a crushed rock base course. We recommend using the following conventional pavement sections: Pavement Course Asphalt Concrete Pavement Crushed Rock Base Granular Fill Subbase (if needed) Parking Areas 2 inches 4 inches 6inches Minimum Thickness Access Roads and Areas Subject to Truck Traffic 3inches 6 inches 12 inches Compaction and Observation: All subbase and base course material should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557), and all asphalt concrete should be compacted to at least 92 percent of the Rice value (ASTM D-2041). We recommend that an E3RA representative be retained to observe the compaction of each course before any overlying layer is placed. For the subbase and pavement course, compaction is best observed by means of frequent density testing. For the base course, methodology observations and hand-probing are more appropriate than density testing. Pavement Life and Maintenance: No asphalt pavement is maintenance-free. The above described pavement sections present our minimum recommendations for an average level of performance during a 20-year design life; therefore, an average level of maintenance will likely be required. Furthermore, a20-yearpavement life 10 March 20, 2015 T15023 I Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report typically assumes that an overlay will be placed after about 10 years. Thicker asphalt and/or thicker base and subbase courses would offer better long-term performance, but would cost more initially; thinner courses would be more susceptible to "alligator" cracking and other failure modes. As such, pavement design can be considered a compromise between a high initial cost and low maintenance costs versus a low initial cost and higher maintenance costs. 4.6 Structural Fill The term "structural fill" refers to any material placed under foundations, retaining walls, slab-on-grade floors, sidewalks, pavements, and other structures. Our comments, conclusions, and recommendations concerning structural fill are presented in the following paragraphs. Materials: Typical structural fill materials include clean sand, gravel, pea gravel, washed rock, crushed rock, well-graded mixtures of sand and gravel (commonly called "gravel borrow" or "pit-run"), and miscellaneous mixtures of silt, sand, and gravel. Recycled asphalt, concrete, and glass, which are derived from pulverizing the parent materials, are also potentially useful as structural fill in certain applications. Soils used for structural fill should not contain any organic matter or debris, nor any individual particles greater than about 6 inches in diameter. Fill Placement: Clean sand, gravel, crushed rock, soil mixtures, and recycled materials should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness, and each lift should be thoroughly compacted with a mechanical compactor. Compaction Criteria: Using the Modified Proctor test (ASTM:D-1557) as a standard, we recommend that structural fill used for various onsite applications be compacted to the following minimum densities: Fill Application Footing subgrade and bearing pad Foundation backfill Slab-on-grade floor subgrade and subbase Asphalt pavement base and subbase Asphalt pavement subgrade (upper 2 feet) Asphalt pavement subgrade (below 2 feet) Minimum Compaction 95 percent 90 percent 95 percent 95 percent 95 percent • 90 percent Subgrade Observation and Compaction Testing: Regardless of material or location, all structural fill should be placed over firm, unyielding subgrades prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. The condition of all subgrades should be observed by geotechnical personnel before filling or construction begins. Also, fill soil compaction should be verified by means ofin-place density tests performed during fill placement so that adequacy of soil compaction efforts may be evaluated as earthwork progresses. Soil Moisture Considerations: The suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on their grain-size distribution and moisture content when they are placed. As the "fines" content (that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve) increases, soils become more sensitive to small changes in moisture content. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines (by weight) cannot be consistently compacted to a firm, unyielding condition when the moisture content is more than 2 percentage points above or below optimum. For fill placement during wet-weather site work, we recommend using "clean" fill, which refers to soils that have a fines content of 5 percent or less (by weight) based on the soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 Sieve. 11 March 20, 2015 E3RA, Inc. T15023 / Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotechnical Engineering Report 5.0 RECO!VIMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES Because the future performance and integrity of the structural elements will depend largely on proper site preparation. drainage, fill placement, and construction procedures, monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. Consequently, we recommend that E3RA be retained to provide the following post-report services: Provide design plans for temporary basement shoring walls, if needed; Review all construction plans and specifications to verify that our design criteria presented in this report have been properly integrated into the design; Prepare a letter summarizing all review comments (ifrequired); Check all completed subgrades for footings and slab-on-grade floors before concrete is poured. in order to verify their bearing capacity; and Prepare a post-construction letter summarizing all field observations, inspections, and test results (if required). 6.0 CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the explorations that we observed for this study; therefore, if variations in the subgrade conditions are observed at a later time, we may need to modify this report to reflect those cilanges. Also, because the future performance and integrity of the project elements depend largely on proper initial site preparation, drainage, and construction procedures, monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. E3RA is available to provide geotechnical monitoring of soils throughout construction. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or any aspects of the project, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, E3RA, Inc. Zach L. Logan Staff Geologist ZLL;JEB:jb James E. Brigham, P.E. Principal Engineer T ACOZ:i2015 JOB F[LES\Tt5023 Encompass -Lincoln Ave Geotech,TJ5023 Encompass Engineering -Lincoln Ave Geotech Report.doc 12 • " 1 122 '15.000' 'II 122°15.000' W 122°14.000' w E3RA, Inc. P.O. Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 lll'!l.000' W !22°13.COO' W TOffi! mao !)l1flted on 03/1611 5 from 'Untfid.tpo' 122 '12.000' W 122'1 !.000' W 122'10.000 ' W 121°12.000' W 122'11.000' W 122°10.000· w l.:.:.•1!11 ! M L llll(flf6 ~~'IQ JiO:lnl)iXm:mlfaips:(11"1'~:clr4)ll 3616 Lincoln Avenue NE Renton , Washington Topographic and Location Map WG$84 122°09.000 ' 'N WGS84 122°09.000' 'N FIGURE 1 T15023 GRAPHJC SCALE '~= !":a'a. NOTE: I I .-·,· I TI-,~.:'._ 1 j'I 4J.• ' ' I • I ; I ' I ' I ' I',,, ~~" C·~---' ,,' ' ' ' --. ·-_-J.i :I,('"·.·· .. l~L: i .. ·. ---.---,-,.--.----~-" -..•. , ........ -··s. ·'). -----1 I ..: l· .-' -...._ .._J _ ---..._ --------------------·---.. ----.... __ I ~ (, : l 1 •.•. ·. ~-. -r::::. --------.---. r. i,ec·. <' ·. C ~.::---".'. -•. ,... '-.. -. '.' "." •·.· -.-'' -·.'-... 'I\ 1, ·'/?···' -; i,<r't / .· -· ·t::: / J, 8,-( Yi! : // .. ~;,~ -~r-I .--"----,' < _J ........ "'' ... 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TEST HCLE LCCATICNS TH-1 0 I WJ' Tacoma, WA 98448 253-537-9400 253-537-9401 fax www.e3ra.com PROJECT: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE Renton, Washington SHEET TITLE: Site and Ex:ploration Plan DESIGNER: CRL JOB NO.T15023 DRAWN BY: CRL SCALE: As Shown CHECKED BY JEB FIGURE:2 DATE: Mar.11, 2015 FILE: T15023.dw_R APPENDIX A SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA LOGS OF TEST PITS <L " ~ s <g ~ z a 8 z z ! < 0 '11 • > ~ • i5 • '" 0 0 al UJ " z , ~ " <!l r UJ C '" l" 0: -" ~ 0 O () :; ~ ~ ·en i5 0 ~~ UJ V MAJOR DIVISIONS I CLEAN GRAVELS GRAVELS WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN N0.4SIEVE GRAVELS WITH OVER 15% FINES CLEAN SANOS SANDS WITH LITTLE ORNO FINES MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN SANDS WITH N0.4SIEVE OVER 15% FINES SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 TYPICAL NAMES 19_-:1 GW ·,.1•· WELL GRADED GRAVELS. GRAVEL·SANO MIXTURES ~:-~: i:t--:'\ GP ·,.e,~ POORLY GRADED GRAVELS. GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES ;o·.t): GM GC •·. SW:- ~ .... · .. SM.::.· .. ·-: •··. SC ML SIL TY GRAVELS. POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY GRAVELS. POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAN~LAY MIXTURES WELL GRADED SANDS. GRAVELLY SANOS POORLY GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANOS SIL TY SANOS, POOORLY GRADED SANO-SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY SANOS, POORLY GRADED SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SIL TS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR. SIL TY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS. OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY Ell~ l- -=IN=O.::.R.:.GAN=.:.IC-=C-LA_Y_S_O_F_L_O_w_T_O_M_E_D_IU_M_P_LA_s_n_c_1TY_. __ ---I GRAVELL Y CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SIL TY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS QL 1--_: ORGANIC CIAYSANO ORGANIC SIL TY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY z~r----------------~~~~nff--------------------~ ;j'! ii INORGANIC SILTS. MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACIOUS FINE e> ~ SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS UJ £ z • SIL TS AND CLAYS U:: ~ INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS B Modified California IS] Split Spoon • Pushed Shelby Tube [I] Auger Cuttings ~ Grab Sample • Sample Attempt with No Recovery CA Chemical Analysis CN Consolidation CP Compaction OS Direct Shear PM Permeability pp Pocket Penetrometer OH ~ ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ffi ORGANIC SIL TS pt !i. ,,1/ PEATANDOTHERHIGHLYORGANICSOILS RV R-Value SA Sieve Analysis SW Swell Test TC Cyclic Triaxial TX Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial TV Torvane Shear UC Unconfined Compression (1.2) (Shear Strength, ksf) WA Wash Analysis (20) (with % Passing No. 200 Sieve) 'if_ Water Level at Time of Drilling .J_ Water Level after OriUing(with date measured) SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA FigureA-1 s'----------------------------------------------------" ~ " ; w ~ ~ " § z z z ~ 0 U) • ~ ~ 0 ·a U) 0 " al w " ., ' ;i; ;. CJ I W C "' Jg "' -.,: ~ 0 o u " B IS] • Ill ~ • CA CN CP OS PM pp MAJOR DIVISIONS ! ' CLEAN GRAVELS GRAVELS WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN GRAVELS WITH N0.4SIEVE OVER 15% FINES CLEAN SANDS SANDS WITH LITTLE ORNO FINES MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN SANDS WITH N0.4SIEVE OVER 15% FINES SIL TS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Modified California Split Spoon Pushed Shelby Tube Auger Cuttings Grab Sample Sample Attempt with No Recovery Chemical Analysis Consolidation Compaction Direct Shear Penneability Pocket Penetrometer TYPICAL NAMES WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SANO MIXTURES 0""'<·1· GP )SD: e·.~. POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES SIL TY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-SILT MIXTURES GC , , CLAYEY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY "I MIXTURES WELL GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANOS SP I:/ :. :. POORLY GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANOS SM :··: ·: SILTY SANDS, POOORLYGRADEDSANO-SILTMIXTURES SC ~ ·i CLAYEY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SAND-CLAY MIXTURES ,, INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, ML SIL TY OR CLAYEY FINE SANOS, DR CLAYEY SIL TS WTH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS OL ~ -ORGANICCLAYSANDORGANICSILTYCLAYSOFLOW PLASTICITY MH CH OH INORG.8.NIC SIL TS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACIOUS FINE SANDY OR SIL TY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY. ORGANIC SILTS pt ~ ~' 1/ PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS RV R-Value SA Sieve Analysis SW Swell Test TC Cyclic Triaxial TX Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial TV Torvane Shear UC Unconfined Compression (1.2) {Shear Strength, ksf) WA Wash Analysis (20) (with % Passing No. 200 Sieve) '5l. Water Level at Time of Drilling :t: Water Level after Drilling(with date measured) SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA Figure A-1 "'----------------------------------------------------' E3RA, Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-1 j E3 RA, Inc. j P.O. Box44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma, WA 98448 Figure A-2 Telephone: 253-537-9400 t. Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Encom~ss Engineering & Su_rveyi_n_g_ PROJECT NAME 3616 Lincoln Ave_NE ··-- PROJECT NUMBER T15023 PROJECT LOCATION Renton_, Washinmon --- DATE ST ART ED 3/5/15 COMPLETED J/5/15 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Steef Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION LOGGED BY Zll CHECKED BY _.J_EB AT END OF EXCAVATION - NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION UJ a. 0 :,: /: ffi ui 'i: CJ >--UJ "' (,) a."' ...,::; a. 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION UJ-"' c2..., 0 a. ::, ::i ::ez CJ <( "' 0.0 §~ E (GP) Gray gravel with sand and trace silt (loose, moist) (Fill) . GP w ~ 1.0 ~--- r SM i (SM) Dark brown silty sand with some gravel, copious organics, and small root complexes (loose, moist) (Topsoil Horizon) ~ 1.5 w ~ r (SM) Tan mottled fine silty sand (medium dense, moist) 0 z < r ~~ ~ w GB ~c N S-1 0 SM • ~ - u w r 0 w ~c . w > ;J:.D_ ~ ~. 0 (SM) Tan fine silty sand (medium dense. moist) u z -: GB L S-2 ' C - SM wC ~ --~-8.5 GB (SP-SM) Tan fine sand with silt (medium dense, moist) S-3 SP- _J_Q,Q_ SM L : I I , 1.0 No caving observed No groundwater seepage observed The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate ta 0.5 foot. Bottom of test pit at 11.0 feet. ' i E3RA, Inc. BORING NUMBER TH-1 I I P.O. Box44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 ,E'RA, Inc. Tacoma, WA 98448 Figure A-3 Telephone: 253-537-9400 ----' Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT E_,:i_com_R._~s Engineering & Surveying PROJECT NAME 3616 Lincoln Ave NE --- PROJECT NUMBER T15023 PROJECT LOCATION Renton, WashinQ!on DATE STARTED 3/5/15 COMPLETED 3/5/15 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING - LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES AFTER DRILLING -. w a_ :c ~ffi ui ,! f--w"' u :c '-' a_ "' -" :a; ui a_ 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w-~-" " a.:, ::i ~z '-' (I) 0 ' '1..3_n Landscaping bark ~ .. 0 SM (SM) Dark brown silty sand with copious organics (loose. moist) (Topsoil Horizon) w --2.0 Large root complexes encountered at 1 foot ~L --0 ------ I {SM) Tan fine silty sand (medium dense, moist) sL . " GB w " S-1 SM 0 ~~ " j a: " " ~ ~ 'C u w " 0 w 0 w > < 3 8 z :a 6.0 No caving observed No groundwater seepage observed The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of borehole at 6.0 feet. APPENDIX B LABO RA TORY TESTING RES UL TS Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Geotech Job Number: T15023 Tested By: CF Date: 316115 Boring #: TP-1 Sample#: 1 Depth: 3' bgs !Moisture Content(%) I 24.0%1 Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. 75.0 100.0 Coarse Gravel 1.5 in. 37.5 100.0 Fine Gravel 6.4 314 in. 19.0 100.0 3/8 in. 9.5-mm) 100.0 Coarse Sand 0.4 No. 4 /4.75-mm) 93.6 Medium Sand 2.5 No. 10 /2.00-mm\ 93.2 Fine Sand 60.3 No. 20 (.850-mml 92.2 No. 40 (.425-mm) 90.7 Fines 30.4 No. 60 f.250-mm\ 86.6 Total 100.0 No. 100 (.150-mm) 67.5 No. 200 (.075-mm) 30.4 LL Pl D10 D30 D60 0.13 Cc Cu ASTM Oassification [ Group Name Light-brown silty sand Symbol (SM) (med. dense, moist) E3RA Figure 8-1 Soil Classification Data Sheet Sample Distribution U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 3" 1.5" 3/4" -+-Sample Distribution 318'' 4 10 20 40 60 100 200 I I I I I I I I I I I 100 . ·1 ,. l " ' . . 90 . -I.-.--------· I I\ i ' 80 ! --. . \ ! ! 70 ' ! I \ ~ ! , ! ! ! Cl) C 60 ' ~- \ -. -!~ ~--·- ·m ! . .. i I I D. 50 i ---,-! -C ' I .. i 1-- I ! ~ 40 - ' ---.. '1 I D. 30 j I ., 20 I I r ' I I I i I 10 ~u- I iJ I ! I 'i 0 . -~ 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size (mm) E3RA Sample Distribution Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Ge, Samole #: 1 Job Number: T15023 Date: 3/6/15 Figure: B-2 Tested Bv: CF Deoth: 3' bas Exoloration #: TP-1 Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Geotech Job Number: T15023 Tested By: CF Date: 3/6/15 Boring #: TP-1 Sample#: 3 Depth: 9' bgs I Moisture Content(%) I 23.6%1 Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. (75.0) 100.0 Coarse Gravel 1.5 in. (37.5) 100.0 Fine Gravel 3/4 in. /19.0) 100.0 3/8 in. /9.5-mml 100.0 Coarse Sand 0.4 No. 4 (4. 75-mml 100.0 Medium Sand 1.1 No. 10 (2.00-mml 99.6 Fine Sand 90.9 No. 20 (.850-mm) 99.2 No. 40 (.425-mm) 98.5 Fines 7.6 No. 60 1.250-mm) 85.0 Total 100.0 No. 100 L 150-mm\ 41.2 No. 200 (.075-mml 7.6 LL Pl D10 0.08 D30 0.12 D60 0.19 Cc 0.96 Cu 2.37 A5TM Oassification r Group Name Light-brown poorly graded sand with silt Symbol (SP-SM) (med. dense, moist) -- E3RA Figure B-3 Soil Classification Data Sheet Sample Distribution U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes " " -+-Sample Distribution 3 1.5" 3/4 318" 4 10 20 40 60 100 200 I I I I I I I I I I I 100 I I ·1 [.-~~I~' 1 I j I \I i 90 , I -- I I , 80 -f--' ----H----++++-+------- ! I ! I I ! ro , -i I I C) . I .5 60 i · ---= , I .. I I I o. 50 --· +-H-+-+-+-+--+----+ -' ; I I I i:? 40 i 1,~•f----t+--+-+-I if : I I I I \ 30 : I , I \ 1 ~· ---1 20 ---- : i 10 I , o I [ I! ~ u 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size (mm) E 3 RA Sample Distribution Job Name: 3616 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton Ge Samele#: 3 Job Number: T15023 Date: 3/6/15 Figure: 8-4 Tested By: CF Depth: 9' bQs Exploration #: TP-1 SECTION? OTHER PERMITS SECTIONS ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN TESCBMPs The potential for erosion within the site will be mitigated by use of erosion control measures during clearing, grading, and site development activities. Filter fences will be installed along the downhill perimeter of the site to protect adjacent properties from sediment-laden water. A rocked construction entrance will be installed at the entrance to the site to protect mud from entering the paved roadway. Stockpiles and exposed disturbed areas will be covered to protect from erosion and sediment runoff. SECTION9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT Bond Quantities To be determine prior to final engineering approval. Facility Summaries Not applicable. Declaration of Covenant Not applicable to tbis project. SECTION 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Operations and Maintenance Instructions Flow Control BMPs Your property contains a storm water management flow control BMP (best management practice) called "limited infiltration," which was installed to mitigate the stormwater quantity and quality impacts of some or all of the impervious surfaces on your property. Limited infiltration is a method of soaking runoff from impervious area (such as paved areas and roofs) into the ground. Infiltration devices, such as gravel filled trenches, drywells, and ground surface depressions, facilitate this process by putting runoff in direct contact with the soil and holding the runoff long enough to soak most of it into the ground. To be successful, the soil condition around the infiltration device must be able to soak water into the ground for a reasonable number of years. The infiltration devices used on your property include the following as indicated on the flow control BMP site plan: n gravel filled trenches, D drywells. The size, placement, and composition of these devices as depicted by the flow control BMP site plan and design details must be maintained and may not be changed without written approval either from the King County Water and Land Resources Division or through a future development permit from King County. Infiltration devices must be inspected annually and after major storm events to identify and repair any physical defects. Maintenance and operation of the system should focus on ensuring the system's viability by preventing sediment-laden flows from entering the device. Excessive sedimentation will result in a plugged or non-functioning facility. If the infiltration device has a catch basin, sediment accumulation must be removed on a yearly basis or more frequently if necessary. Prolonged ponding around or atop a device may indicate a plugged facility. If the device becomes plugged, it must be replaced. Keeping the areas that drain to infiltration devices well swept and clean will enhance the longevity of these devices. For roofs, frequent cleaning of gutters will reduce sediment loads to these devices. Operations and Maintenance for Water Quality BMPs Water quality design is not required, because the total proposed impervious surfaces for new project site will be less than 5,000 square feet. • AC ;,,.,,~ ,,·;; 98.2 3 :1 "]60214 0125 629161 1. 44 AC 0140 2 PCL N ~ 0 ' a "' ~ rl KC SP 586039 702110422 :262. 91 0 ~ rl LOT 1 6 39960 Sf~ LOT2 y,.<n,·~ 0"1 l3t::6HI 0141 2 7.5 0 C 0130 35520# 0132 Lot 1 '''~'" 7067# tilJ', 0133 l.!.W.,RL \,~~ w ~<;,'? ,j,<J Lot 4 ~~ ',~\;,MG 7 145051 ;r O ~·~ 1 80961 0139 0131 O )1--tol'I <D a,l1 Rd 6033J i~ 0135 ~ N LUA 02-086 296 S88-34 07E 148 ----§-- 6344811 1.46 AC 0220 RN: LOA-99-149-LLA ~ 20000112900002 -,~(0) A' "' ... ~ "' 1.15 AC 50393# 0225 ~ "' M ' m M ' rl "' PCL B 4 m "' I 1 0 ~ C N rl 1 INCH -100 FT l BO _ ?.Q.' .. ~t_i~--~~.rn.~ N "' Lot2 4593ll- 0188 J~~~-~;· Lot 3 ~ion 45544 0190 " m "' ~ 331501 0185 '" 0 ~ ~ 19 0 ~ ' ·r1·- "' N rl " __ .10·. 9 23940t 0216 3576811 0171 456454 I 0170 S88-13-05E LOT A <(): o, ' 0 u;' 288,67 ·,Jo!',iO ~1~1 RN LUA 03-~45-LLA 20031002 90:00 0 8 104. 58 LOT B 4 391421 0182 82-SHP 11211 ~~tiG4550I .J-0203 .,,. d0,~4 5491' 0201 _1_?_8_. 1 7 ~. ,___.& __ _.1,.6~0 ... ;1,l 6::.., ___ olilj N 89-55 S88-34-07E 243741 0235 B w " ~ ,-1 ~ 6 rl "' ., PCL C 255531 0245 C' ,n' ci : z ', 0 ~-0 ·, •w ·o 'N ~ . 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