HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1DEPARTMENT OF t MUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVElOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: CONTACT: PROJECT LOCATION: August 21, 2015 LUA15-000557, SME King County Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Clark H. Close, Senior Planner City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 980S7 Tom Bean, King County Water and Land Resources Division, River and Floodplain Management Section, 201 S. Jackson St, Seattle, WA98104 George Ritchotte, Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc., 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100, Seattle, WA 98121 550 Monster Road SW PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested a Shoreline Exemption for the removal of approximately 2,900 cubic yards of sediment that has accumulated on the concrete forebay apron located immediately upstream ofthe Black River Pump Station (BRPS). The 10- acre study area is located in Sections 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian and is in the lower reaches of Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 9 Green- Duwamish Watershed. The project is located in the Black River/Springbrook Creek Reaches (BRSC-A) which is designated Shoreline Natural. The pump station is a water-dependent use that consists of a concrete dam that spans the Black River channel, with eight pumps to convey flow from the forebay behind the dam to the downstream Black River channel. Plant pumps can handle Black River flow up to an estimated 2,945 cubic feet per second (cfs) capacity, which exceeds a one percent flood condition. The BRPS provides flood control for the lower Green River Valley, and sediment that has accumulated behind the pump station since its construction in the 1970s has become an operational concern for the facility. Sediment would be removed by dewatering the work area and excavating directly from the riverbed. Excavated material would be decanted in a temporary, water-tight facility on the south river bank. Decanted water would meet water quality standards before being discharged back into the Black River. Excavated sediment would be disposed of at an approved disposal facility. ru :r U.S. Posta~ SerVl'ce'" CERTIFIED MAll® RECEIPT Domestic Mall Only ~~iiiiiiiiiiiicmiiim~~iI" ~L-__ ~=-~~~=-~~~~~ __ -=~~-==-__ ~ m '" r'I Cl Cl Cl Cl [!" :r Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted DeUvery Fee (Endorsement Required) $ Postmark Hon> ~/4.--J I Lf m~~~~==~==~~~ __ ___ ~ ~i~:~?t~'~~'tt~' Total Postage & Fees $ Cny;SiiiO:i'iP+4"LU';; \ S :'6C'l:' 3:s=f."L7-S'\'~ 5 4~ PS Form 3800, July 2014 See Reverse tor Instructions • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. 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I" i '1111 i' i I JIll'" I Black River Pump Station Sedim ,~Removal Project Page2of17 August 21, 2015 Project work is likely to take two seasons. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2016 and would last about 10 weeks in 2016 and 2017. In-water work would take place during the approved in-water work window of July 1st to August 31st and would last about six weeks. The staging area and access road construction would temporarily clear stream and wetland buffers on the north and south sides of the river, and one shore pine would be removed. Once the project is complete, existing grades would be restored and the staging area would be revegetated with native plants. There would be no permanent alteration to hydrology or streambanks. Minor vegetation impacts are addressed in the buffer mitigation report. King County issued a SEPA determination of non-significance (DNS) for this proposal under WAC 197-11-340(2) on March 5, 2015. For more information, please see the attached Notice of Action document. In addition to the dredging, the project also includes the following: a) staging and site preparation, which would include constructing a sediment stockpiling, decant and treatment area and crane pad; b) mobilizing equipment in the work area; c) isolating the in-water work area with turbidity curtains, cofferdams, temporary flow diversion structures, or other best management practices (BMPs); d) excluding fish from the in-water work area; e) pumping the Black River through a temporary bypass pipe on the north side of the river; f) placing sediment removal equipment in the work area using the crane; g) removing and stockpiling sediment adjacent to the river; h) decanting stockpiled sediment and treating the wastewater; i) removing in-water BMPs; j) hauling sediment off site; and k) restoring and replanting any cleared areas. Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. completed a Wetland and Stream Delineation Report on May 16, 2014. Herrera biologists delineated four wetlands and the Black River within the study areal (Table 1 -attached). Wetland A and D are located on the north side ofthe Black River and Wetland Band C are located on the south side of the river. The Black River is a perennial salmonid-bearing stream and is therefore designated by the City as a Type S water (RMC 4-3-050) as well as a Shoreline of the State (RMC 4-3-090). Wetland A is a riverine wetland that is hydrologically influenced by the Black River; Wetland B is a depressional wetland that gets most of its hydrology from groundwater, as well as stormwater from Monster Road. Wetland B drains into Wetland C through a culvert and Wetland C is a slope wetland that drains into the Black River. Finally, Wetland D is a depressional wetland that is comprised of primarily reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), and sits upslope of Wetland A. The four wetlands in the study area are further described in the attached table (Table 1). Prior to dredging, a staging and sediment stockpiling, decant, and water treatment area would be constructed on the south side of the river to avoid impacts to wetlands and the heron rookery north of the river. The size of the staging area is approximately 13,359 square feet and includes an access road to the Black River. The staging area overlaps with portions ofthe buffers of Wetlands Band C, and falls almost entirely within the 200-foot regulatory buffer of 1 The study area is designated as "Natural Environment" under the Shoreline Master Program because it meets the criteria of a shoreline that retains the majority of natural shoreline functions, represents ecosystems of particular scientific and educational interest, has large areas of relatively undisturbed wetlands, and supports important wildlife habitat, such as heron rookeries. Page 2 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim~,t~ ({emoval Project Page 3 of 17 August 21, 2015 the Black River. Approximately 8,766 square feet of total vegetation would be removed: 528 square feet of combined Wetland C and stream buffer; 1,171 square feet of stream buffer only; 3,825 square feet of combined Wetland B and stream buffer; 2,856 square feet of Wetland B buffer only; and 386 square feet of combined Wetland B, C, and stream buffer. The remaining portion of the staging area (4,593 square feet) would be located on the pump station parking lot. Wetland B is a Category III emergent and scrub-shrub wetland dominated by reed canarygrass and Himalayan blackberry. Wetland C is a Category IV emergent, scrub-shrub, and forested wetland. The buffer for both wetlands is primarily disturbed upland, adjacent to the parking lot pump station, consisting almost entirely of Kentucky bluegrass. One shore pine, which is 15 inches diameter at breast height (dbh), is in the middle of the grassy area and would be removed. Vegetation within the proposed access road alignment consists of several small (2-to 4-inch dbh) alders and two small (2-inch dbh) Douglas-firs with an understory of reed canarygrass and Himalayan blackberry. The Black River would be pumped through a bypass pipe for the duration of in-water work. Flows would be rerouted through pipes that would run along the north bank of the river through portions of the buffer of Wetland D and the Black River. There may be some minor vegetation clearing in the bypass pipe alignment, resulting in as much as 13,757 square feet of combined Wetland D/stream buffer impact, and roughly 3,738 square feet of stream buffer impact. Almost all the vegetation within this area consists of nonnative weedy species 2 • No trees, shrubs, or native woody vegetation would be removed on the north side ofthe river to lay the pipe. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall clearly delineate the location of the temporary bypass pipe on the north side of the river and its relationship to the existing property boundaries. Should the routing of the bypass pipe encroach onto the neighboring parcel to the north (APN 377920-0119), a temporary construction easement would be required by the contractor. Sediment would be removed by dewatered mechanical excavation, which would involve isolating the sediment removal area from the river by constructing a temporary flow diversion structure (e.g., cofferdam) spanning the entire width of the river, installing temporary pumps and piping to divert the river, and dewatering the sediment removal area. Installation of a flow diversion structure would not require impact/pile driving to reduce noise impacts on fish and wildlife. Where possible, pipes would be placed on existing fill pads and gravel access roads. The work area would be partially dewatered using the pump station pumps until water levels are too low or turbidity levels are too high, at which point portable pumps would be used to remove the remaining water. The portable pumps would remain on site during excavation to remove water that may seep past the cofferdam. Water would be pumped downstream of the pump station, unless it is too turbid to meet Ecology Surface Water Quality Criteria, in which case it would be pumped directly to the onsite decant facility for treatment prior to being discharged back into the Black River. 2 Reed canarygrass, tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) and Himalayan blackberry. On the shoreline, yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) dominates. Page 3 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim_ .. ~ Removal Project Page 4 of 17 August 21, 2015 Fish capture and removal would be conducted by a qualified biologist and kept to the minimum necessary to remove fish from the area. Fish would be removed from the in-water work zone prior to and during dewatering using a combination of seine and dip netting. Electrofishing may be used once adult and sub-adult fish have been removed from the work area. Any portable pumps used to dewater the area would be fitted with screens to prevent fish from being sucked into the pumps per RCW 77.57.070. Nets would be composed of non-abrasive nylon material. Water that drains from the sediment would be contained, tested and treated prior to being discharged back into the Black River. If the water does not meet surface water quality criteria it would be discharged to the sanitary sewer system or hauled off site for disposal. Previous testing indicates that the sediment is contaminated, which may impact water draining from stockpiles and the surrounding environment. Drying agents may be used to dewater the sediment; the Black River would not be exposed to drying agents. Dewatered sediment would also be hauled off site for disposal at a facility approved to accept such waste. Sedimene would be removed from the riverbed using conventional excavation equipment such as clamshell buckets or backhoes, and stockpiled in the dewatering area. A crane pad would be built in the staging area to support a crane that would lift and remove equipment into and from the riverbed. Hydraulic dredging (using suction pumps to remove sediment and entrained water) may also be used to remove sediments within the pump bay area behind the trash racks. Once dredging is complete, a clean sand cap approximately 1 foot thick (280 cubic yards) would be placed over excavated areas outside the concrete apron to minimize the potential for sediment disturbance and mobilization of fine sediment when the area is rewatered. This work would be completed using traditional upland earthwork equipment to place the sand cap while the work area is dewatered. Also, all temporary construction impacts to cleared areas would be revegetated with native species once construction is complete. Refer to the Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Report (Appendix B) for details. The applicant submitted the following reports: Wetland and Stream Delineation Report (dated May 16, 2015); Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Report (dated June 23, 2015); Water Quality Monitoring Plan (dated February 2, 2015); Biological Evaluation (dated May 2012); and Habitat Data Report (March 12,2015). Each report (attached) was prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. The three reports describe the subject project and the proposed mitigation in great details, including proposed BMPs' and methodologies for completion ofthe project maintenance dredge. The project has also completed a Cultural Resources Report (dated April 3, 2014, revised August 5, 2014). 3 Based on the provided reports, analytical test results on sediment samples in the pump station forebay contain elevated levels of arsenic, cadmium, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) concentrations that exceed the Model Taxies Control Act (MTCA) Method A or B cleanup levels for unrestricted land use. In addition, sediment exceeds freshwater sediment quality criteria for TPH, bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), arsenic, cadmium, and nickel. During dredging, the work area would be isolated using silt curtains, a cofferdam, or other BMPs to minimize the spread of contaminated sediments as much as possible. 4 Best Management Practice (BMP) installation and removal would occur when the pump station pumps are turned off, to prevent pumping turbid water downstream. Page 4 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim,-,,~ Removal Project Page 5 of 17 August 21, 2015 The project would result in unavoidable impacts to the Black River, the regulatory buffer of the Black River, and wetland buffers. The staging and stockpiling area, and an access road extending from the staging area to the stream bank, would be located within the regulatory buffers of both the Black River and wetlands located on the south side of the river, resulting in com bined stream and wetland buffer impacts on the south side. The bypass pipe would need to cross the buffers of the Black River and a wetland on the north side of the river. Minor clearing to set the pipe may cause combined wetland and stream buffer impacts on the north side. According to the Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Report, all impacts would be temporary, and cleared areas would be revegetated with native vegetation once construction is complete. Included within the mitigation report are City of Renton regulatory requirements, avoidance and minimization measures that were incorporated into project design and construction methods, unavoidable buffer impacts, and compensatory mitigation for those impacts. For example, the applicant is proposing to revegetate cleared areas at a 1:1 ratio. Nonnative vegetation such as Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea,) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) would be replaced with appropriate native species, resulting in no net loss of buffer area or ecological function. The applicant is proposing to establish a diversity of native emergent and shrub species in buffer restoration areas that would develop into a mature vegetation community with adequate cover and comprised of native plant species. Herrera engineers state that in order to accomplish the goal and objectives of the mitigation plan, a 5-year monitoring and maintenance plan would be required. The proposed maintenance sediment removal project includes dredging as well as shoreline and wetland buffer impacts. Below is Staffs analysis of the project's compliance with the Shoreline Master Program related to the above portions of the proposed maintenance project. Dredging: Pursuant to RMC 4-3-090F.3.b. Dredging Limited, dredging is permitted only in cases where the proposal, including any necessary mitigation, would result in no net loss of shoreline ecological functions and when proposed for flood control purposes, and when a part of a publicly adopted flood control plan. The maintenance dredging is required to protect properties downstream. The station is not run at full capacity when the Green River is near levee capacity; excess inflow is held in channel storage behind the dam. Flood control is accomplished by starting the large pumps at an early stage of a storm. During normal, nonstorm flow conditions, only pump P-1 is used to regulate discharge past the dam, typically cycling on and off for a few hours a day (using an automated stage control system). Fish migration facilities are also included for upstream and downstream fish passage around the pump station. Construction would be conducted during the July and August fish window when fish passage facilities are not run. The dam is designed to prevent Green River backflow into the Black River and its tributaries; it has freeboard over best available estimates of 1 percent (1%) annual exceedance flood conditions on the Green River. All flow past the dam is pumped toward the Green River. Water levels downstream of the dam range from -4.0 to +21.5 feet mean sea level (MSl), depending on tidal conditions and water level of the Green River. Water surface elevations upstream of the dam are normally held in the range of 0.0 to +2.0 feet MSl. Flow rates below the dam are Page 5 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim_ .c .temoval Project Page 6 of 17 August 21, 2015 not measured, but vary at any particular time based on a combination of BRPS pumping, Green River flow, and tidal fluctuation. As such, it is difficult to predict the flow rate of water moving from the dam toward the Green River at any point in time. The monthly average flow rates measured at a stream gauge located on Springbrook Creek approximately 1 mile upstream of the BRPS for July and August over 4 years of available records are 13.1 and 7.8 cfs, respectively. Sediment that has accumulated upstream of the pump station since its construction in the 1970s is now an operational concern for the facility. The KCWlRD proposes to remove about 2,900 cubic yards of sediment from the river channel. extending about 100 feet upstream of the pump station. As previously mentioned, if the proposed mitigation plan is implemented, the project would result in "no net loss" of shoreline ecological functions. RMC 4-3-090F.3.d, establishes review criteria for dredging projects; the applicable criteria is addressed below: 1) All proposed dredging operations shall be designed by an appropriate State-licensed professional engineer. A stamped engineering report and an assessment of potential impacts on ecological functions shall be prepared by qualified consultants and shall be submitted to the Renton Planning Division as part ofthe application for a shoreline permit. Staff Camment: Praject is compliant with the abave standard, see attached reports and drawings. 2) The responsibility rests solely with the applicant to demonstrate the necessity of the proposed dredging operation. Staff Comment: The proposed maintenance dredging project is required on the BRPS due to an operational concern for the facility. Enough sediment has accumulated upstream of the pump station over the past 44 yeors that it is now necessary to remove the sediment from the riverbed in order to mointain the pump station's flood control capaCity. King County proposes to remove about 2,900 cubic yards of sediment from the river channel, extending from the pump station to approximately 100 feet upstream. The BRPS provides flood control protection for the lower Green River Valley, as well as preventing Green River backflow into the Black River and its tributaries. 3) The responsibility rests solely with the applicant to demonstrate that: (a) There will be no net loss of ecological functions including but not limited to adverse effect on aquatic species including fish migration. Staff Comment: The biological evaluation determination of effect states that the project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect, Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead, and Coastol-Puget Sound bull trout. The project moy offect Puget Sound Chinook, Puget Sound steelhead, and Coastal-Puget Sound bull trout because: a) These species have been documented in or near the oction area and could be present during in-water work; b) The project would cause temporary increases in suspended sediment and turbidity; c) Sediment samples collected in 2008 contained elevated levels of TPHs, metals, and other contaminants; and d) Dewatering Page 6 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim_,,~ Removal Project Page 7 of 17 August 21, 2015 the in-water work zone would require capture and relocation of fish species within the dewatered area. The project is not likely to adversely affect Puget Sound Chinook, Puget Sound steelhead, and Coastal-Puget Sound bull trout for the following reasons: a) Work would take place during the approved in-water wark window when listed salmon ids are least likely to be present in the action area; b) Probable elevated summer water temperatures and low dissolved oxygen wauld likely discaurage salmonid presence and preclude bull trout presence; c) Implementation of appropriate BMPs would minimize turbidity and the spread af potentially contaminated sediments; and d) Fish removal and handling would be conducted in such a way as to minimize impacts an any listed species that might be captured, The bialogical evaluation concludes that the proposed project would adversely affect Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) for Pacific salmonids by generating turbidity during in-water work and disturbing potentially contaminated sediments that could become re-suspended in the water column. Impacts would be short-term and limited to the duration of in-water work (approximately 8 weeks in each construction season). Moreover, the applicant has proposed several project-specific measures into the project design to reduce impacts to fish and their critical habitat, and the proposed mitigation plan concludes the project would result in "no net loss" of shoreline ecological functions; therefore, the project is not anticipated to result in permanent impacts to fish migration. (b) There will be no adverse impact on recreational areas or public recreation enjoyment of the water. Staff Comment: The proposed dredging project would not change public access or displace any existing recreational uses. The project is located immediately adjacent to the Black River Riparian Forest, which straddles the Black River north and east of Monster Rd SW, The Metro Waterworks Park is located south of Monster Rd SW within about ~ mile of the project site. Both the Black River Riparian Forest and Metro Waterworks Park provide informal and formal passive recreation opportunities. The proposal would not significantly impact recreation opportunities, in part because any effects would be temporory; therefore, no measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation are proposed. In addition, the project area is closed to the public and screened with a 6-foot high chain link fence on land and a floating boom within the river. Therefore, the project would not result in adverse impacts on recreational areas or public recreation and enjoyment of the water. 4) Adjacent Bank Protection: (a) When dredging bottom material of a body of water, the banks shall not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary. The responsibility rests with the applicant to propose and carry out practices to protect the banks. Staff Comment: Project activities would occur on the north and south sides of the Black River, as well as within the Black River channel. On the south side of the river in the project area a narrow strip of riparian vegetation approximately 10 feet wide extends along the bank, which rises steeply from the river to a flat grassy area immediately east of the pump stotion parking lot. The Page 7 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim,-,,~-Removal Project Page80117 August 21, 2015 proposed access road would extend from the pump station parking lot to the riverbank through the vegetated strip {Access Road Map}. The access route would include a minor amount of grading, as well as 1.6 cubic yards of cut and 1.8 cubic yards of fill {Elevotion Profile}. Plant species in this location are primarily willows (Salix spp.), red osier dogwood {Comus sericea}, red alder {Alnus rubra}, Douglas-fir {Pseudotsuga menziesii}, shore pine {Pinus contorta}, and black cottonwood {Populus bolsamifera}. Himalayan blackberry {Rubus armeniacus} and reed canorygrass {Phalaris arundinacea} dominate the understory. The staging and stockpiling area, and an access road extending from the staging area to the streambank, would be located within the regulatory buffers of both the Black River and wetlands located on the south side of the river, resulting in combined stream and wetland buffer impacts on the south side. The bypass pipe would need to cross the buffers of the Black River and a wetland on the north side of the river. Minor clearing to set the pipe may cause combined wetland and stream buffer impacts on the north side. All impacts would be temporary, and cleared areas will be revegetated with native vegetation once constructian is complete. (b) If it is absolutely necessary to disturb the adjacent banks for access to the dredging area, the responsibility rests with the applicant to propose and carry out a method of restoration of the disturbed area to a condition minimizing erosion and siltation. Staff Comment: Bank impacts are proposed both for access and temporary impacts to access for construction impacts within the dredging area. A minor amount of grading, as well as balonce of cut and fill would occur on the south side of river bank. The provided mitigation plan identifies impacts from both reduced riparian cover from access and staging on the south side of the river at approximately 13,359 square feet. However, of that total orea, 4,593 square feet of that area is gravel parking lot; thus there would be 8,766 square feet of vegetation clearing. Most of the cleared area is within the 200-foot regulatory buffer of the Black River, and overlaps with portions of the buffers of Wetlands Band C {Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Report, Figure 2; Table 1}. The applicant has submitted a five-year mitigation plan that would rectify temporary buffer impacts by restoring buffer function through restoration of buffer vegetation, resulting in no net loss of buffer areo or ecological function. The objective is to establish a diversity of native emergent and shrub species in buffer restoration areas that would develop into a mature vegetation community with adequate cover ond comprised of native plant species. Because stream access may be needed for future dredging projects, only shrubs and herbaceous species are proposed for planting, to minimize removal of woody vegetotion in the future. Shrubs would be planted 4 feet on center, and herbaceous species would be planted 18 inches on center. Plants would be, at minimum, in l-gallon cantainers. As a condition of approval, staff recommends that the applicant submit a revised sediment removal project buffer revegetation plan that includes trees, in addition to shrubs and herbaceous species, within the proposed access road alignment and within the wetland and stream buffer impacts on the north side of the river. Page 8 01 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim ..... , ,. Removal Project Page 9 of 17 August 21,2015 The applicant states that the plant materiaF would be inspected by the project biologist botonist, or horticulturist before acceptance, and that person would be on-site during replacement of topsoil and plant installation to ensure that topsoil and plants are installed properly. 5) Avoidance of Adverse Effects: The responsibility rests with the applicant to demonstrate the proposed dredging will avoid conditions that may adversely affect adjacent properties including: (a) Creating a nuisance to the public or nearby activity. Staff Comment: Overall, the dredge project would be temporary in nature, with construction being conducted during the July and August fish window when fish passage facilities are not run. The applicant has indicated that work would occur during daylight hours; generally from 7 am to 6 pm. All construction must adhere to working hours as specified in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) and haul routes would be restricted to arterial streets. The subject site is primarily surrounded by commercial and industrial development including, but not limited to, the Black River Query, Renton Concrete Recyclers, Republic Services, K/P Corporation, and Graphic Packaging. Due to the land uses in the area (industrial and commercial), the construction noise and possible extended haul hours are not anticipated to adversely affect adjacent properties. Herons Forever, a Washington incorporated nonprofit, has expressed concern about project impacts to a Great Blue Heron rookery located in the Black River Riparian Forest northeast of the project site. The project has been moved from the north side of the river ta the south side, avoiding wetland impacts and minimizing potential disturbance to the heron rookery. The Lake to Saund Trail is located near the pump station and users may be concerned about access and disturbance during the project construction. King County Parks plans to extend a portion of this trail north of the pump station, the timing of which may coincide with this sediment removal project. The project team is proposing to coordinate construction timing with King County Parks. As a condition of approval, staff is recommending that the applicant's contractor coordinate with King County Lake to Sound Trail improvement project manager during the duration of the dredging project. Portions of the wetland buffer of Wetland B would be used as staging and site preparation, which would include constructing a sediment stockpiling, decant and treatment area. The flat grassy area, west of Wetland B, is often occupied with tents used by homeless people. This area would be fenced to prohibit trespassing in the work zone. Based on the existing land uses, compliance with RMC construction hours, anticipated coordination with the Herons Forever, King County Parks, regulatory agencies, and limited impacts to recreation, the maintenance dredge is not anticipated to create a nuisance to the public and/or nearby activities. 5 Native emergent and shrub species would be planted in the buffers (Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Report, Table 2), Page 9 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim __ ~ Removal Project Page 10 of 17 August 21, 201S (b) Damaging property in or near the area. Staff Camment: The project has been designed by a professional engineer and it is not anticipated that the dredging would result in any damage to property in or near the area, (c) Causing substantial adverse effect to plant, animal, aquatic or human life in or near the area. Staff Comment: See responses to 3a. and Sa. (d) Endangering public safety in or near the area. Staff Comment: Project construction would entail: Staging and site preparation, which would include constructing a sediment stockpiling, decant and treatment area, as well as a crane pad south of the forebay; mobilizing equipment to the work area; isolating the in-water work area turbidity curtains or using other best management practices (BMPs); installing a cofferdam to allow for dewatering of the sediment removal area; placing sediment removal equipment into the work area using the crane; sediment removal using dredging buckets deployed from cranes, excavators, and front loaders and stockpiling; decanting stockpiled sediment and treating the wastewater; removing in-water BMPs; hauling sediment off site; and demobilizing equipment and restoring and replanting the staging area. The maintenance dredging operations would occur both in the river and along the shoreline. Site preparation would consist of the following: flagging the construction limits; placing high- visibility fencing around sensitive areas; installing Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) measures to limit the amount of sediment leaving the construction site, as required by the approved TESC plan; flagging trees to be protected; removing trees as necessary to mobilize equipment as permitted by the construction plans and specifications; grading and leveling the staging area; and installing the turbidity curtain. Staging wauld occur on the south side of the river to avoid impacts to wetlands and the heron rookery north of the river. 6) The applicant shall demonstrate control of contamination and pollution to water, air, and ground through specific operation and mitigation plans. Staff Comment: The submitted Biologicol Evaluation addressed Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are intended to reduce the environmental effects of the maintenance dredging project. Specifically Page 7, dealing with avaidance and minimizatian measures, such as the use of turbidity curtains and a flow diversion structure to isolate the in-water work area and control the spread of turbidity and contaminated sediments, The Can tractor would develop and implement a Dredging and Disposal Plan that would address requirements to meet water quality criteria. Once dredging is complete a sand cap approximately 1 foot thick would be placed over the dredged area to minimize the potential for sediment mobilization when the area is rewatered. All water removed from the river during dredging or excavation and decant activities would be treated for turbidity and toxics before being discharged into the Black River downstream of the pump station. The water that is proposed to be discharged would be tested Page 10 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim ..... ,,'" Removal Project Page 11 of 17 August 21,2015 before being releosed downstreom; if it does not meet surface water quality criteria, it would be disposed of off-site. Furthermore, it should be noted that a TESC plan would be implemented during constructian to reduce the potential for erosion, a 401 Water Quality Certification is required for the subject project, and compliance with the water quality standards would be monitored during construction as specified in the required state permits. The Washington Department of Fish ond Wildlife require a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) for any alterotion of the bed or banks of the Black River below the OHWM. Receipt of this permit is contingent on several mandates, including coordinoting restoration, maintaining fish stocks, and preserving bald eagle populations. Based on the proposed BMP's in the Biological Evaluation and the required state and federal permits, the applicant has demonstrated that the project would control pollution to water, air, and ground. 7) Disposal of Dredge Material: The applicant shall demonstrate that the disposal of dredged material will not result in net loss of ecological functions or adverse impacts to properties adjacent to the disposal site. (a) The applicant shall provide plans for the location and method of disposing of all dredged material. Staff Comment: The applicant has indicated that the disposal of the excavated sediment would be transported and disposed of offsite at an approved disposal facility. The applicant has not identified a dispasallocation as it would be the bid winning contractor's responsibility to ensure that the disposal site is permitted and compliant with any necessary regulations. (b) Dredged material shall not be deposited in a lake, stream, or marine water, except if approved as habitat enhancement or other beneficial environmental mitigation as part of ecological restoration, a contamination remediation project approved by appropriate State and/or Federal agencies, or is approved in accordance with the Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis evaluation procedures for managing in-water-disposal of dredged material by applicable agencies, which may include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pursuant to Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act) and Section 404 (Clean Water Act) permits, and Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Project Approval. Staff Comment: See comment 7a. (c) In no instance shall dredged material be stockpiled in a shoreland area that would result in the clearing of native vegetation. Temporary stockpiling of dredged material is limited to one hundred eighty (180) days. Staff Comment: Minor clearing to set the bypass pipe, clearing of native vegetation within the access road, or temporary impacts for the stockpiling of dredged material may cause combined wetland and stream buffer impacts within the project area. All impacts will be temporary, and cleared areas would be mitigated through revegetating the project area with native vegetation once construction is complete. The project has incorporated avoidance and minimization Page 11 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim ..... "t Removal Project Page 12 of 17 August 21,2015 measures into the design and canstructian methods or included compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to the Black River, the regulatory buffer of the Black River, and wetland buffers, Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2016 and would last about 10 weeks in 2016 and 2017. Temporary stockpiling of dredged material would also be limited to one hundred eighty (180) days. The applicant has indicated that onsite staging area construction would temporarily fill about 8,632 square feet of stream and/or wetland buffer on the south side of the river. The excavated sediment may contain up to 70 percent (70%) water by volume and would need to be dewatered prior to disposal. The project would create a sediment stockpiling, decant, and water treatment area that would require leveling a section of ground south of the river, laying down an impervious liner, and constructing a berm around the perimeter to contain the sediment and decant water. An additional area would likely be required for treatment of free water that drains by gravity from the sediment. Decant water would contain a relatively high turbidity and may have elevated levels of contaminants. Turbid water would be pumped directly to the on-site decant facility for treatment prior to being discharged back into the Black River. Water would likely be treated through a combination of pumping and settling in tanks, sand filtration to remove suspended solids, and, if necessary, carban filtratian to remove toxics. Drying agents may be used to speed the dewatering process. Drying agents would not be allowed to come into contact with Waters of the State and any water discharged to the river would meet State Surface Water Quality Standards for turbidity and toxics. Water that does not meet water quality standards would be discharged to the sewer and directed to the nearby King County South Treatment Plant for treatment or hauled to a permitted disposal facility. Dewatered sediment would be disposed of at an approved, off-site permitted upland facility. In addition to this Shoreline Exemption, the applicant would be required to obtain a construction permit from the City of Renton. This permit shall include details related to TESC Plan and Storm water Pallution Prevention Plan. (d) If the dredged material is contaminant or pollutant in nature, the applicant shall propose and carry out a method of disposal that complies with all regulatory requirements. Staff Comment: The Black River is listed as impaired on the state 303(d) list for fecal coliform and is listed as a water of concemfor dissolved oxygen, temperature, and bis(2ethylhexyl) phthalate (Ecology 2012). Sediment samples collected by King County indicate that the sediment contains levels of arsenic, cadmium, and TPH that exceed the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Method A or B cleanup levels for unrestricted land use (King County 2008). In addition, sediment exceeds freshwater sediment quality criteria for TPH, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, PCBs, arsenic, cadmium, and nickel. Road runoff over the years is the likely source of most contaminants. Background turbidity levels are approximately 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), based on measurements taken by King County upstream of the pump station (King County 2010a, b). Water that drains from the dredged sediment would be contained and treated prior to being discharged back into the Black River. The extracted water would also be tested prior to discharge; if it does not meet surface water quality criteria, it would be discharged to the Page 12 of 17 Black River Pump Station 5edim .... ". Removal Project Page 13 of 17 August 21, 2015 sanitary sewer system or hauled off-site for disposal. Dewatered sediment would be hauled off- site for disposal at an approved facility. Hydroulic dredging (using suction pumps to remove sediment and entroined water) may also be used to remove sediments within the pump bay area behind the trash racks due to difficulty accessing that area. See additional comments under 70. (e) Permanent land disposal shall demonstrate that: (1) Shoreline ecological functions will be preserved, including protection of surface water and groundwater. (2) Erosion, sedimentation, flood waters or runoff will not increase adverse impacts to shoreline ecological functions or property. (3) Sites will be adequately screened from view of local residents or passersby on public rights- of-way. (4) The site is not located within a channel migration zone. Staff Comment: Staff Comment: See comment under 70. Wetlands (RMC 4-3-090D.2.d.x.): Activities that adversely affect wetlands and/or wetland buffers shall include mitigation sufficient to achieve no net loss of wetland function and values. Compensatory mitigation shall be provided for all wetland alteration and shall re-establish, create, rehabilitate, enhance, and/or preserve equivalent wetland functions and values. 1) Mitigation sequencing shall take place in the prioritized order provided for in section RMC 4- 3-090D.2.a.iii. Staff Comment: The applicant provided an analysis of mitigation sequencing in the provided Wetland and Stream Mitigation Report, prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc., dated June 23, 2015 (see page 3). The applicant states that this project has made all reasonable efforts to provide sufficient mitigation such that the project would nat result in net loss of buffer functions. The applicant lists the several ways in which this can be accomplished, including but not limited to the following: the project completely avoided wetland impacts by moving the proposed staging area from the north side to the south side of the Black River; avoiding stream and wetland buffer impacts was not feasible due to the amount of space needed for the staging and sediment treatment area; accumulated sediments are within the stream channel, completely avoiding stream impacts would be unavoidable; the staging area was sized and located to minimize buffer impacts to the extent possible; the staging area was sited to avoid the drip line of any large trees; tree clearing has been avoided to the extent possible; staging and stockpiling would take place an the parking lot and maintained lawn immediately east of the lot; bypassing and dewatering the excavation area would minimize turbidity; all areas disturbed by project activities would be revegetated with native plant species as part of the Buffer Mitigation and Vegetation Management Plan; the project would minimize adverse impacts on buffer areas over time by revegetating disturbed areas immediately following construction; and lawn that is currently dominated by nonnative grass would be revegetated with native shrub and emergent vegetation. Because the project would cause unavoidable Page 13 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedime,,~ Removal Project Page 14 of 17 August 21, 2015 temporary buffer impacts, a buffer mitigation and vegetation management plan was included in the Wetland and Stream Mitigation Report. 2) Wetland alterations: Compensation for wetland alterations shall occur in the following order of preference: (A) Re-establishing wetlands on upland sites that were formerly wetlands. (B) Rehabilitating wetlands for the purposes of repairing or restoring natural and/or historic functions. (C) Creating wetlands on disturbed upland sites such as those consisting primarily of nonnative, invasive plant species. (D) Enhancing significantly degraded wetlands. (E) Preserving Category I or II wetlands that are under imminent threat; provided, that preservation shall only be allowed in combination with other forms of mitigation and when the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee determines that the overall mitigation package fully replaces the functions and values lost due todevelopment. Staff Comment: See comments under section 1-Mitigation Sequencing, 3) Mitigation Ratio for Wetland Buffer Impacts: Compensation for wetland buffer impacts shall occur at a minimum 1:1 ratio. Compensatory mitigation for buffer impacts shall include enhancement of degraded buffers by planting native species, removing structures and impervious surfaces within buffers, and other measures. Staff Comment: The Monitoring, Site Maintenance, and Contingency Plan would ensure that performance standards for buffer planting areas are achieved and buffer functions are restored. The cleared areas would be revegetated at a 1:1 ratio with appropriate native species. 4) Location: Compensatory mitigation shall be provided on-site or off-site in the location that will provide the greatest ecological benefit and have the greatest likelihood of success; provided, that mitigation occurs as close as possible to the impact area and within the same watershed sub-basin as the permitted alteration. Staff Comment: See comments under section 1-Mitigation Sequencing. 5) Protection: All mitigation areas whether on or off-site shall be permanently protected and managed to prevent degradation and ensure protection of critical area functions and values into perpetuity. Permanent protection shall be achieved through deed restriction or other protective covenant in accordance with RMC 4-3-050E4. Page 14 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim~,,~ Removal Project Page 15 of 17 August 21, 2015 Staff Comment: The project area and surrounding parcels of the BRPS are owned by City of Renton. King County is responsible far protection and maintenance of the BRPS and would also be responsible for the establishment of mitigation plants from the second through the fifth year, with the goal of meeting all applicable performance standards listed in the Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigatian Report. If percent cover requirements are not met, maintenance activities may include, but are not limited to, plant replacement, plant supplement, plant substitution, adjustment of planting loyout to reflect specific or changing site conditions, weed control, and installation and adjustment of plant protection devices. 6) Timing: Mitigation activities shall be timed to occur in the appropriate season based on weather and moisture conditions and shall occur as soon as possible after the permitted alteration. Staff Comment: The Buffer Mitigation and Vegetation Management Plan would include a five- year maintenance and monitoring plan. The timing of the planting would be scheduled to occur during the dormant, or non-growing, season. The replacement planting would occur in year a and following initial planting, the planting can tractor would be responsible for maintaining 100 percent (100%) plant survival within the wetlond and buffer enhancement areas for a minimum of 1 year as per the planting contract plans. The applicant, King County Water and Land Resources Division, would be responsible for managing the establishment of plants from the second through the fifth year. 7) Wetland Mitigation Plans Required: Wetland mitigation plans shall be prepared in accordance with RMC 4-3-050M16. All compensatory mitigation projects shall be monitored for a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met, but generally not for a period less than five (5) years. Reports shall be submitted quarterly for the first year and annually for the next five (5) years following construction, and subsequent reporting shall be required if applicable to document milestones, successes, problems, and contingency actions of the compensatory mitigation. The Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee shall have the authority to modify or extend the monitoring period and require additional monitoring reports for up to ten (10) years. Staff Comment: The applicont has provided both 0 mitigation pion and associated pion sets (JARPA) that are designed to result in no net lass of shoreline eca/ogical functions. The subject project also requires both Federal and State permits. Based on past experience the mitigation monitoring requirements employed by both the Federal and State level are more restrictive and for a longer durotion then Renton Municipal Code would require. It is advantageous to allow the project to conduct one maintenance and monitoring schedule for oil levels of permitting for the subject project (i.e. Local, State, and Federal). As such, staff recommends as 0 condition of opproval that the City of Renton Planning Division receive a copy of any and all mitigation maintenance monitoring reparts that are to be provided to either the State and/or Federal permitting ogencies. SECTION-TOWNSHIP-RANGE: SW ~ of Section 13, Township 23N, and Range 4E W.M. Page 15 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Page 16 of 17 August 21, 2015 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WATER BODY I WETLAND: JUNCTION ADD POR TRS 21-22-23-24 & 25A & POR TRS 26 & 29 RENTON SHORELANDS 2ND SUPl ADD BEG SW COR SEC 13- 23-04 TH E 1271.74 FT TH N TAP ON BDRY IN BET TRS 28 & 29 OF SD RENTON SHORElANDS 2ND SUPl ADD & TPOB TH CONTG N 275 FT TH W 280,69 FT TH S 59-53-47 W 377.52 FT TH S 74-13-19 W TO ELY MGN OF CO RD TH SElY AlG SD ELY MGN TO SLY BDRY OF SD TR 29 TH ElY AlG SD SLY BDRY TO TPOB ALSO BEG TPOB ABOVE DESC TH N 250 FT TH ON TANGENT CURVE TO RGT RAD OF 627.46 FT TAP ON BDRY IN BEG TRS 26 & 27 OF SD RENTON SH lDS 2ND SUPl ADD TH SWl Y AlG SD BDRY IN TO BEG lESS PORTION FOR CO ROAD - See Vicinity Map (attached). Black River / Four (4) Wetlands An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby approved with conditions on the proposed project in accordance with Maintenance and Repair: Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident, fire or elements. a. "Normal maintenance" includes those usual acts to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation from a lawfully established condition. b. "Normal repair" means to restore a development to a state comparable to its original condition, including but not limited to its size, shape, configuration, location and external appearance, within a reasonable period after decay or partial destruction, except where repair causes substantial adverse effects to the shoreline resource or environment, c. Replacement of a structure or development may be authorized as repair where such replacement is the common method of repair for the type of structure or development and the replacement structure or development is comparable to the original structure or development including, but not limited to, its size, shape, configuration, location and external appearance and the replacement does not cause substantial adverse effects to shoreline resources or environment and for the following reasons: The subject project is a maintenance dredge and therefore would be considered regular maintenance and repair. Conditions of Approval: 1. The applicant shall provide the City of Renton Planning Division copies of any and all mitigation maintenance monitoring reports that are to be provided to either the State and/or Federal permitting agencies. 2. The applicant shall clearly delineate the location ofthe temporary bypass pipe(s) on the north side of the river in relationship to the existing property boundaries. Should the routing of the bypass pipe encroach onto the neighboring parcel to the north (APN 377920-0119) a temporary construction easement would be required by the contractor. A site plan clearly showing the property boundaries and the path of the bypass pipe Page 16 of 17 Black River Pump Station Sedim_ .. Removal Project Page 17 of 17 August 21,2015 shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 3. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised sediment removal project buffer revegetation plan that includes trees, in addition to shrubs and herbaceous species, within the proposed access road alignment and within the wetland and stream buffer areas impacted by the bypass pipe on the north side ofthe river. The revised revegetation plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 4. The applicant's contractor shall coordinate with King County Lake to Sound Trail improvement project manager during the duration of the dredging project. The proposed development is Consistent or Inconsistent with: Consistent Consistent Consistent Policies of the Shoreline Management Act. The guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been finally approved or adapted by the Department. The City of Renton Shoreline Master Program. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: Jennifer Henning, Planning Dire r Department of Community & Economic Development Attachments: • • • • • • • • • • • cc: Vicinity/Neighborhood Detail Map Washington State Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) Form Habitat Data Report, Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project, prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (dated March 12, 2015). Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project), prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (dated February 2,2015). Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Report (Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project), prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (dated June 23, 2015). Wetland and Stream Delineation Report (Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project), prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (dated May 16, 2014). Biological Evaluation (for Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project), prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (dated February 2015). Cultural Resources Report (dated April 3, 2014, revised August 5, 2014). Determination of Non-Significance Stockpile, Decant, water Treatment, and Staging Areas (Path Alternatives) Elevation Profile Table 1-Wetlands Delineated in the Study Area for the Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Figure 2 -Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Stream and Wetland Buffer Impacts Notice of Action -Black River Pump Station Forebay Sediment Removal Project City of Renton / Owner Page 17 of 17 :5 /i.iJ.SNO LAl o , , -----------------------------------~ WASHINGTON STATE Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) Form 1 ,2 Ii'iinl ~ US Army Corps of Engineers ~,;''',\~I'''' fh'lricl USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO ENTER ANSWERS IN THE WHITE SPACES BELOW. Part 1-Project Identification AGENCY tJSE ONLY Da te received: Agene)' reference #: ________ _ Tax Parcel #(.): _________ _ : L _____________________________________ _ 1. Project Name (A name for your proiect that you create. Examples: Smith's Dock or Seabrook Lane Development) [!lli!l!l Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project (USACE Project # NWS-2014-1025) Part 2-Applicant The person and/or organization responsible for the project. [!lli!l!l 2a. Name (Last. First. Middle) Tom Bean 2b. Organization (If applicable) King County Water and Land Resources Division 2e. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) 201 S. Jackson Street. Room 600 2d. City. State, Zip Seattle, WA 98104-3855 2e. Phone (1) 2f. Phone (2) 2g. Fax 2h. E-mail (206) 477-4638 ( ) ( ) Tom.Bean@kingcounty.gov 1Addilional forms may be required for the following permits: • If your project may qualify for Department of the Army authorization through a Regional General Permit (RGP). contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for application information (206) 764-3495. • If your project might affect species listed under the Endangered Species Act, you will need to fill out a Specific Project Information Form (SPIF) or prepare a Biological Evaluation. Forms can be found at htto:llwww.nws.usace.armY.millMissions/CivilWorks/Reaulatorv/PennltGuidebooklEndangeredSpecies.aspx. • Not all cities and counties accept the JARPA for their local Shoreline pennits. If you need a Shoreline permit, contact the appropriate city or county government to make sure they accept the JARPA. 2To access an online JARPA form with (help] screens, go to http://www.epermitting.wagov/site/alias resourcecenter!jaroa jarea form/9984liaroa form.aspx. For other help, contact the Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance at (800) 917-Q043 Of help@ora.wa.gov. JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 1 of 15 , HABITAT DATA REPORT Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Prepared for W King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division King Street Center -DNRP 201 South Jackson Street, Room 700 Seattle, Washington 98104-3855 by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle, Washington 98121 Telephone: 206-441-9080 March 12,2015 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN BLACK RIVER PUMP STATION SEDIMENT REMOVAL PROJECT Prepared for ~ King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division King Street Center -DNRP 201 South Jackson Street, Room 700 Seattle, Washington 98104-3855 by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle, Washington 98121 Telephone: 206.441.9080 February 2, 2015 WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION REPORT Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Prepared for UI King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division King Street Center -DNRP 201 South Jackson Street, Room 700 Seattle, Washington 98104-3855 by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle, Washington 98121 Telephone: 206·441-9080 June 23, 2015 DRAFT WETLAND AND STREAM DELINEATION REPORT Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Prepared for UI King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division River and Floodpl.ain Management Section 201 South Jackson Street, Suite 600 Seattle, Washington 98104 by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle, Washington 98121 Telephone: 206/441-9080 May 16, 2014 Draft If.Ziif.il ~ BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION US Army Corps of Engineers ~ Seat1le Dislric1 FOR INFORMAL ESA CONSULTATION For: Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project (Corps Reference Number) Version: May 2012 ** This form is for projects that have insignificant or discountable impacts on listed species. It contains all the information required for a biological evaluation, but in abbrevialed form and with minimal instructions on how to jill it out For more detailed instructions, a formal for development of a biological assessment or biological evaluation can be found on the Seallie District Corps website (www.nws.usace.army.mil-click on regulotory and then on endangered species, BA Template). You may also contact the Corps at 206-764-3495 for further information. Drawings and Photographs -Drawings and photographs must be submitted. Photographs must be submitted showing local area, shoreline conditions, existing overwater structures, and location of the proposed project. Drawings must include a vicinity map; plan, profile, and cross-section drawings of the proposed structures; and over-and in-water structures on adjacent properties. (For assistance with the preparation of the drawings, please refer to our Drawing Check/ist located on our website at www.nws.usace.army.mil Select Regulatory -Regu\atory/Permits -Forms.) Submit the information to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch, P.O. Box 3755, Seattle, Washington 98124-3755. Date' Februarv 5 2015 . , SECTION A -General Information I. Applicant name: Tom Bean, King County Water and Laod Resources Division Mailing address: 201 S Jackson St., Rm 600, Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Work phone: I Cell phone: Email: I Fax: 206-477-4638 206-979-8270 tom.bean@kingcounty.gov 206-205·5134 2. Joint-use applicant name (if applicable): Mailing address: Work phone: I Home phone: Email: I Fax: 3. Authorized agent name: George Ritchotte, Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. Mailing address: 2200 6th Avenue, Suite II 00, Seattle W A 98121 Work phone: I Cell phone: Email: I Fax: (206) 787 -8288 206-356-0511 gritchottc@hcrrcrainc.com (206) 441-9108 4. Location where proposed work will occur: Address (street address, city, county): 550 Monster Rd, Renton, King County, WA Parcel # 377920-0090 Location of joint-use property (street address, city, county): same as above Waterbody: Black River, tributary to the Green River (WRIA 9; HUC 171100130001) V. Section: S W I Section: 13 Township: 23N .1 Range: 4E Latitude: 47°28'31.34"N Longitude: 122°14'41.39"W King County Historic Preservation Program Cultural Resources Review Project Name: Black River Pump Station Forebay Sediment Removal Project No.: 1120590 Task No.: g Award No.: 114194 Date Requested: 217/14 Reviewer(s): Philippe LeTourneau. Charlie Sundberg Review Date: 4/3/14 (revised 8/5/14) Federal Undertaking? Yes -USACE permit Department/Dlvlsion/Sectlon: DNRPIWLRD/RFMS Contact: Erik Peters Project Location Street Address: 1110 Monster Road SW. Renton. WA 98055. Parcels: 3779200119. 3779200090. Summary Project Description King County WLRD plans to dredge in the concrete-lined forebay of the Black River Pump Station and adjacent concrete-lined river channel (dredging area) to remove accumulated sediment since the channel was constructed in the early 1970s. Dredged sediments will be dewatered and processed in a just-over-l-acre area north and adjacent to the pump station (dewatering area). The dewatering area will be disturbed for site preparation (including grading and tree removal and grubbing) and restoration to a depth of less than 2 feet. King County HPP reviewed the Black River Pump Station Fuel Upgrades Project in parcel 3779200090 in March 2013. Ground disturbance for the project was 18 m southwest of the current project's dredging area. Because all ground disturbance for that project was within artificial fill, we recommended that no archaeological work was necessary prior to construction. Known Cultural Resources Within or Adlacent to Area of Potential Effects (APE) (gJ Historic Res. Inventory: South Water Treatment Plant (30561. 230 m to S. will not be affected. None in APE. (gJ Other Above-Ground Historic Resources: The Black River Pump Station was constructed in the early 1970s. but does not appear to be individually eligible for National Register listing. (gJ Archaeological Sites: One historic site (45KI538) 15 m. two prehistoric sites (45KI267. 45K1438) 480 m; none in APE. o Burke Museum Reported Sites: None. (gJ Ethnographic Places: Village site (7047) 120 m. three geographic features with ethnographic names (7048. 7160. 7161) 65-250 m, mythological place (7049) 355 m; none in APE. (gJ GLO Map (1862,1863) Features: The APE is in the C. E. Brownell Donation Land Claim. o Other DAHP Sites (cemeteries, etc.): None. Information from Historic Maps, Aerial Photographs, Other Sources: The APE has been logged at least once: the 1897 Tacoma Land Classification Map shows the APE as "Cut...not restocking". According to WLRD, the pump station, its concrete-lined forebay and channel, and excavation of a new river channel was completed in the early 1970s. Comparison of 1969 engineering drawings for construction of the pump station and 2012 drawings for the current project shows that 8.5-16.5 It of artificial fill was placed in the current dewatering area as part of pump station construction. The 1969 drawings show existing elevations of 12-14 It and planned 1 ~ King County Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks King Street Center 201 South Jackson Street, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104·3855 206·296·6519 Fax 206·296·0192 fTY Relay: 711 Determination of Non-Significance Name of Proposal: Black River Pump Station Forebay Sediment Removal De,scription of Proposal: King County plans to remove about 2,900 cubic yards of sediment that has accumulated on the concrete torebay apron located immediately upstream of the l31ack River Pump Station, Sediment that has accumulated upstream of the pump station since its construction in the 1970s is now an operational concern for the facility, Sediment will be removed by dewatering the work area and excavating directly from the riverbed, Excavated material will be decanted in a temporary. water·tight facility on the south river bank Decanted water will meet water quality standards bdorc being discharged back into the l31ack River. Excavated sediment will be disposed of at an approved disposal facility, Location of Pr()p()sal: 'nlC project site is located at 550 Monster Road SW in the City of Renton, The property is located in the SW 'I, of Section 13, Township 23N, and Range 4E W,M, Responsible Official: Positi()niTitle: Address: Pr()ponent and Lelld Agency: Contact Pers()n(s): Mark Isaacson Division Director, Water and Land Resources Division 20J South Jackson Str"ift, Suite 6 Seattle. WA 981 -31}15 , I ;, SIGNATURE:r--/../~'!.L~~====-__ _ King County Depa ment of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division Kerry Rauman Environmental Scientist III 206-477-4637 I , ! !IIIII i ' o i ~ • ! 0 ~ r _~-c_ , 'l' ., ., z· ,-----, I -/:" " -: -'\ " . -\ , , , , , , , , , , , ,I I , , , , ..J,..,..,.,L-_" : , , , , ----\..-: , . • , \. I , I , . I • I / , I , I ~~,>/ J,/ ~. • , , ".-:.--;/-----~;,\ {I -C [] b , '~.t::::J,// [] [] \\ /' [I , J . , \ \ , .\ . , I' II II II II II I' ,f " , ,. 1":-. " " " " " ~$~: \ , \ • O~ ~O • -~ c !i ~ ~ Ii ~ I ~ ~ -,,-,--,--~-'.-. , , , , , ! , , \ i , , . \ . i v----, I " " -.:~ - Profile A·A' Along Access Route Centerline ,., ""~' _ ,0;:;.. ~ " " .,-. Proposed Temporary Grade Existing Grade Approx. Cut:= 4.1s1 x 10'/27 - 1 6 CY Appro>:. FIll '" 5 sf x 10'/27 -1.8 CV Cut/Fill Area:::; 25' x 10' -250 sf "------ Appro);, Area of Disturbance:::; 48' x 10' -480 sf -,,',' :"<',,!"'( ',' Table 1. Wetlands Delineated in the Study Area for the Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Wetland Size of Wetland USFWS Hydrogeomorphic Ecology City of Name (square Classification a Classification b Rating Renton feet/acre) Category' Buffer Width (feet) d A 1.3 acres / PEM, PSS, PFO Riverine II 225 56,703 sq. ft. B 0.03 acres / PEM, PSS Depressional III 75 1,220 sq. ft. C 0.04 acres / PEM, PSS, PFO Slope IV 50 1,945 sq. ft. D 0.93 acres / PEM, PSS Depressional III 125 40,300 sq. ft. aUS Fish and Wildlife Service classification is based on Cowardin et al. (1979): palustrine forested (PFO), palustrine scrub-shrub (PSS), and palustrine emergent (PEM). bHydrogeomorphic classification is based on Brinson (1993). 'Wetland category is based on the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) wetland rating system (Hruby 2004), which is required for wetlands in Renton within Shoreline Jurisdiction (RMC 4-3-090). dWetland buffer widths are based on RMC 4-3-090. Legend LJ Staging a rea ~ Wetland and stream buffer impact ~ Stream buffer impact I2ZI Wetland buffer impact , --~ _ ~ Wetla nd buffer Delineated wetland Figure 2. Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Stream and Wetland Buffer Impacts. N @ o 30 60 120 _-=:::::J_-=::::i _____ • Feet ij) HERRERA ~ King County Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks King Street Center 201 South JackSDn Street, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 9BI04~3855 206~477-4800 Fax 206-296-0192 TTY Relay: 711 Notice of Action Black River Pump Station Forebay Sediment Removal Project Notice is hereby given under SEPA, RCW 43.21C.080, that the Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD), King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Capital Projects Section, took the action described in item 2 below on March 31, 2015. I. Any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of non-compliance with the provisions of Chapter 43.21 C RCW shall be commenced on or before May 8, 2015. 2. The agency decision is (0 proceed on final design and construction of the Black River Pump Station Forebay Sediment Removal Project. 3. The proposed project is located at 550 Monster Road SW in the City of Renton. The property is located in the SW l4 of Section 13, Township 23N, and Range 4E W.M. 4. A Determination of Non-Significance Was published and opened for review and public comment from March 10,2015 through March 24, 2015. Project support documentation and project site maps are available for review at WLRD Offices from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. The offices are located at King Street Center, 201 South Jackson Street, Suite 600, Seattle, Washington 98104. Kerry Bauman is the Project Ecologist and may be contacted at 206-477-4637. 5. A Decision to Proceed was signed on March 31, 2015 by Mark Isaacson, WLRD Division Director. This Notice of Action was filed on April 10, 2015 and will continue in effect through May 8, 2015. DEPARTMENT OF COIYIMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION CONC~~~~NCE DATE i;/ I (' I~ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPM ~ (s '1 - '1:> DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: CONTACT: PROJECT LOCATION: August 18, 2015 LUA15-000557, SME King County Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Clark H. Close, Senior Planner City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Tom Bean, King County Water and Land Resources Division, River and Floodplain Management Section, 201 S. Jackson St, Seattle, WA98104 George Ritchotte, Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc., 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100, Seattle, WA 98121 550 Monster Road SW PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested a Shoreline Exemption for the removal of approximately 2,900 cubic yards of sediment that has accumulated on the concrete forebay apron located immediately upstream ofthe Black River Pump Station (BRPS). The pump station consists of a concrete dam that spans the Black River channel, with eight pumps to convey flow from the forebay behind the dam to the downstream Black River channel. Plant pumps can handle Black River flow up to an estimated 2,945 cubic feet per second (cfs) capacity, which exceeds a one percent flood condition. The BRPS provides flood control for the lower Green River Valley, and sediment that has accumulated behind the pump station since its construction in the 1970s has become an operational concern for the facility. Sediment would be removed by dewatering the work area and excavating directly from the riverbed. Excavated material would be decanted in a temporary, water-tight facility on the south river bank. Decanted water would meet water quality standards before being discharged back into the Black River. Excavated sediment would be disposed of at an approved disposal facility. Project work is likely to take two seasons. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2016 and would last about 10 weeks in 2016 and 2017. In-water work would take place during the approved in-water work window of July 1st to August 31st and would last about six weeks. The staging area and access road construction would temporarily clear stream and wetland buffers on the north and south sides of the river, and one shore pine would be removed. Once the On the 29th day of July, 2015, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application and Acceptance documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached George Ritchotte Contact Tom Bean, KC Water and Land Applicant 300' Surrounding Properties See Attached (Signature of Sender): ---------,c~~~~~~~~~~------------------~~,\~:\~\,. yp "" STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS ),.O~~'\\\\\\I ~t-v~i Il/ "<. ~ ... ";t.\5910,y t'tlJ ~ 'I --~4t +"flt.-~r'\~ :: EO' .OT-"II'ft ~~ V' ~ COUNTY OF KING ) ::::;;u ... ~~ :; .... :::: ~... ~i ." ~cn~..o ! ~ 1 :i t "8\.\(, : ~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante ~ ~"",,~·<9. ~ 1" .. $' J ff signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act fojl1~~:¥~'!I'I'd"~~es mentioned in the instrument. . ... WAS~:'._.: . Notary (Pri nt): ____ \"'1 ,,,,0 1.::;.1 ... '1., .... _:D:..!, ..... ~ '''-L",-"'-''''e5''''-___________ _ My appointment expires: j ):: VI' OL)( 'or /\-;''6('O').j· ;or I KC Black River Pump Station LUAI5-000557, SME template -affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology ** Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region '" Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv.! M5-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers '" Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers *** Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Timothy C. Croll, Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 AGENCY (DOE) LEITER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology ** Attn: Misty Blair PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Duwamish Tribal Office '" 4717 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1514 KC Wastewater Treatment Division '" Environmental Planning Supervisor Ms. Shirley Marroquin 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 WDFW -larry Fisher'" 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 City of Newcastle Attn: Tim McHarg Director of Community Development 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Newcastle, WA 98056 Puget Sound Energy Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. 355110'" Ave NE Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. U Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer 39015 _172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program ** Attn: Laura Murphy 39015172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program •• Attn: Erin Slaten 39015 172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation'" Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Kent Attn: Acting Community Dev. Director 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 City of Tukwila Jack Pace, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Mailstop EST 11W Tukwila, WA 98188 Bellevue, WA 98004 Puget Sound Energy Doug Corbin, Municipal Liaison Mgr. 6905 South 228'" St Kent, WA 98032 "'Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. "''''Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov "'* Karen Walter, laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us/ Laura.murphy@rnuckleshoot.nsn.usL erin.slaten@muckleshoot.nsn.us "'''''''Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing City of Renton 1055 5 Grady Way Renton. WA 98057 George Ritchotte HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC 1220 Coronado PI Edmonds. WA 98020 Tom Bean King County Water & Land Resources Division 201 S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle. WA 98104 3779200160 501 MONSTER ROAD LLC 9125 10TH AVE S SEATILE, WA 98108 2423049008 GRAPHIC PACKAGING INTER 1500 RIVEREDGE PKWY #100 8TH ATLANTA, GA 30328 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 320 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 K & M HOLDINGS IV LLC 1201 MONSTER RD SW #350 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 410 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 430 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049097 KING COUNTY-WASTE WATER 500 4TH AVE SEATILE, WA 98004 2423049121 PPF INDUSTRIAL 951 MONSTER 1940 124TH AVE NE STE A101 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 2423049122 SEATILE AREA PLUMBING & PIP 595 MONSTER RD SW STE 100 RENTON, WA 98055 7229500340 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 1400 DOUGLAS ST #STOP 1640 OMAHA, NE 68179 3779200150 ANMARCO 9125 10TH S SEATILE, WA 98108 2423049009 GRAPHIC PACKAGING INTER 601 Monster Rd SW Renton, WA 98057 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 200 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 420 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 240 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 300 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049120 MONSTER ROAD LLC 600 UNIVERSITY ST #1925 SEATILE, WA 98101 3779200010 QUARRY INDUSTRIAL PARK L L 9125 10TH AVE S SEATILE, WA 98108 1323049080 TUKWILA CITY OF 6200 SOUTHCENTER BLVD TUKWILA, WA 98188 1423049042 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 1400 DOUGLAS 5T #STOP 1640 OMAHA, NE 68179 7229500350 BNSF PO BOX 961089 FORT WORTH, TX 76161 3779200045 HUGHES L P & MARY ELLEN 8865 OVERLAKE DR W MEDINA, WA 98039 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 250 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 450 RENTON, WA 98055 2423049123 Tenant 1201 Monster Rd SW UNIT 350 RENTON, WA 98055 3365901791 KING COUNTY-PARKS 500 4TH AVE SEATILE, WA 98004 3779200008 POINTE HERON LLC 912S 10TH AVE S SEATILE, WA 98108 3365901790 SANFT LOUIE 6120 52ND AVE S SEATILE, WA 98118 3365901975 TUKWILA TERMINAL LLC 600 UNIIVERSITY ST STE 1925 SEATILE, WA 98101 OAft OF NOlla. 01' Id'PUCAlIOI1I: Jul'(2'3,l0l5 lUAI5-0Il0557, ;M~ PEllMIT Af1IUCIIllON ~'n: NOllCEOfCQ ... ~API'IlCo\lION: ~ppUCANT: p.mollo/_i .... ~ OIhorP,moitJ whldo ml"/ ....... ,H: NAME: M"'UN<o.oJlORlO,I!< Tm,p~ONE ~O.· lu'l10.1015 lu'rl9.l015 d lMld 1\11 ..... " .. OM.Ian, ~"" ,n<I ;::p~:~ ~~=~W::~:,:',I01.s. Joduon St. S,.ttl" WA ~BIOl Goo"o Ri\thO .... !'Iorr ... En.,ronmonW r:c".u~nu. 10<., 2).00 ,Ii,," A .. n"",Suiltl'lllO,!ioattt.,WA1alll ETI'II",""",,.uIISEPAI-~ 'nd~ln.f>-'mptIO" 404 rmllS /ram \I>f W".'1!IiO" SlirIO ao'" W.IO,A<lSo.:tIan401.nd """,,~.-p.ofEnAi_"""P-~' os :::-=~~~~ ... 7~!·'hOW"'h<npno.portm.ntol ,1m.nII w,ltIIll •. Wotiond,.d5lro,mSuff" WOII,""..-.I ."" ... Dei.onlon Rope:!'''"1 Pi .... Cul,,,,.1 Rue""'" Mltlplion Rep<!r1, WaW Qu'~ ':~ .. 0"'" RopOn R.~",e"'OII"'bol".Uon,. WY/STAUfZIP ----~ ..... Renton tl} lo",,'lon wh'" .ppll,.~o.m .... b.,....,IOW.d: ~.P.rtm""" 01 Communltv 80 E",nami, 0 .... 101"" ... (CWI-'l,o"lnl OI.I~<I", SI>;I/I Flao, •• n"," tIty ~.II, Ion SO<I'<" aro<iy W,,(, R.m •• , WA 1!O,1 '" "bio<\ ,It. ~ oe,lln,,'o Empl.., .............. (EAI on the (;1\' 01 R,n'D!! Comp"h.n'~' lInd U,., M.~ ,no R ......... eonSOlYltlon IRt) on ,n" O~, tonl"IM.p. monts on ,1>0 ,ltc ••• ppllcatlon mll$l ~ •• ubmlned m _I". '0 Clan: II. aa.., AosodaIe 1'10""",, UO-Plannln. ConI W~ n057 Iry ~~ PM .......... 11,101-'1. "ycun.....,~u ... "nl.bou! '0" DIvI.IO"j IDS!S;:~~"::~~~':"''';'o'd ond ,~'add,r;Ia""nanflca!l,," bv""II,<c.taC!lh. froj.ctM, •• "". ~~~~~~ .:.~~ ':bm~ .. :::',n <amm ..... will ,yt<tmllticoliy D."'''''' , P'rT\' 01 'o<o,d .no "III ~ .at,fiod o! '"V d .. "I •• CONTACT PERSON: dark H. Close, Associate planner; Tel: (42S) 430.7289; Email: cclose@rentonwa.gov CERTIFICATION I, C CIhLL tL CLose, hereby certify that J copies of the above document were posted in _3 __ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date:._--,?f-l--2-',7,1-!_{S_~ ____ _ Signed :._---""~'---'-_-"f(.'-"-.... a"'-=-,,_,_--'-:::_ ___ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that c L" L U C{ '-' se signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: lic in and for the State of Washington Denis Law ·····c . • City o~ _--=Mayo:..r ----~1@o ~lJ®J 0 \ July 29, 2015 George Ritchotte Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 Subject: Notice of Complete Application Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project, LUA15-000557, SME Dear Mr. Ritchotte: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on August 24, 2015. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7289 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Associate Planner cc: Ron Straka, Surface Water Utility Engineering Manager Tom Bean, King County Water and land Resources Division, RFMS Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton. Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: July 29, 2015 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA15-000557, 5ME PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: King County Black River Pump Station PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, King County Water and Land Resources Division, is requesting a Shoreline Exemption for the removal of approximately 2,900 cubic yards of sediment that has accumulated on the concrete forebay apron located immediately upstream of the Black River Pump Station (BRPS). The BRPS provides flood control for the lower Green River Valley. Sediment that has accumulated behind the pump station since its construction has become an operational concern for the facility. Sediment would be removed by dewatering the work area and excavating directly from the riverbed. Excavated material would be decanted in a temporary, water-tight facility on the south river bank. Decanted water would meet water quality standards before being discharged back into the Black River. Excavated sediment would be disposed of at an approved disposal facility. Project work is likely to take two seasons. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2016 and would last about 10 weeks in 2016 and 2017. In-water work would take place during the approved in-water work window of July 1st to August 31st and would last about six weeks. The staging area and access road construction would temporarily clear stream and wetland buffers on the north and south sides of the river, and one shore pine would be removed. Once the project is complete, existing grades would be restored and the staging area would be revegetated with native plants. King County issued a SEPA determination of non-significance (DNS) for this proposal under WAC 197-11-340(2) on March 5, 2015. PROJECT LOCATION: PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APPLICANT: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Submitted Studies: 550 Monster Road 5W (APN 377920-0090 and 722950-0281) July 10, 2015 July 29, 2015 Tom Bean, King County Water and Land Resources Division, River and Floodplain Management Section, 201 S. Jackson St, Seattle, WA 98104 George Ritchotte, Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc., 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100, Seattle, WA 98121 Environmental {SEPAl Review and Shoreline Exemption Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits from the Washington State Department of Ecology and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, respectively, as well as a Hydraulic Permit from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wetland and Stream Delineation Report, Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Report, Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Cultural Resources Report, Biological Evaluation, and Habitat Data Report If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name / No.: Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project / LUA15-QQOSS7, SME NAME: ______________________________________________________________ ___ MAILING ADDRESS: ________________________________ ClTY /ST ATE/2IP: ___________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________ __ location where application may be reviewed: Zoning/Land Use: Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Resource Conservation (RC) on the City's Zoning Map. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Clark H. Close, Associate Planner, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on August 12, 2015. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Clark H. Close, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7289; Email: cclose@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION CITY OF RENTOre DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: May 9, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: KC Black River Pump Stn. Sediment Removal LUA (file) Number: LUA-15-000557, SME Cross-References: AKA's: Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Project Manager: Clark H. Close Acceptance Date: July 23, 2015 Applicant: Tom Bean, King County Water and Land Resources Div . . Owner: City of Renton Contact: Jennifer Swanson, Herrera Environmental PID Number: 3779200090 ERC Determination: Date: Appeal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: August 21, 2015 Appeal Period Ends: September 4 2015 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Appeal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant, King County Water and Land Resources Division, is requesting a Shoreline Exemption for the removal of approximately 2,900 cubic yards of sediment that has accumulated on the concrete forebay apron located immediately upstream of the Black River Pump Station (BRPS). The BRPS is located at 550 Monster Road and it provides flood control for the lower Green River Valley. Sediment that has accumulated behind the pump station since its construction has become an operational concern for the facility. Sediment would be removed by dewatering the work area and excavating directly from the riverbed. Excavated material will be decanted in a temporary, water-tight facility on the south river bank. Decanted water will meet water quality standards before being discharged back into the Black River. Excavated sediment would be • disposed of at an approved disposal facility. Project work is likely to take two seasons. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2016 and will last about 10 weeks in 2016 and 2017. In-water work will take place during the approved in- water work window of July 1 to August 31 and will last about six weeks. The project is also applyinq for Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits from the Washington State Department of Ecology and U.S. Army IS of Engineers, respectively, as w s a Hydraulic Permit Approval from the Washington Depa ..... ent of Fish and Wildlife. The staging area and access road construction would temporarily clear stream and wetland buffers on the north and south sides of the river, and one shore pine approximately 15 inches dbh would be removed. Once the project is complete, existing grades would be restored and the staging area would be revegetated with native plants. King County issued a SEPA determination of non-significance CDNS) for this proposal under WAC 197-11-340(2) on March 5 2015. Location: 550 Monster Rd SW Comments: ERC Determination Types; ONS -Determination of Non-Significance; ONS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; OS -Determination of Significance. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA 15-000557 Application Date: July 20, 2015 Name: King County Black River Pump Station Sediment Remova Project ---,-"""",,,,"oRen ton e Site Address: 550 Monster Rd SW Renton, WA 98057-2937 prclpo,sed project appears to be located on i not . 3779200119 containing Wetland D & Buffer is included as part of project as this parcel was funded with WWRP State grand funding. Also parcel 7229500281 should be included as part of the project as this is the access to the pump station from Monster Road on the south side. Recommendatfons:2:lnCil.lde map' idenfilYin9parceilinesWiitiPI.Jmp Stalion, siagingarea, Byp"ss pipe area "-Revise Figure20i ..... . Appendix B, Wetland and stream Buffer Report to clearly identify project boundaries in the context of property ownership. Clarify in document text. Recommendatiolls: 3. Multiple maps reflectitiegeneralProJect area '(cOnstruction) well withinparcel 3779200119, however the text indicates the project is located (has been moved) to the south side of the Black River. 1. See Appendix G, Figure 2 2. Appendix G, Page 6, second to the last paragraph; 3. Appendix G, Page 4, First paragraph of temporary piping to divert river. 4. Appendix B, Figure 1 5. Appendix F, Page 2 6. 2 & 3, etc I." construCtfol1"shoUklbecClordinate,:fwitii"iti", Lakeio Sound Trail to minimizecOl1slruCtion conflicts .. Recommendations: 5:"ilfc,;ns:iruoii'c I·;;·····occurs~ in Parcel 3779200119:··applicani·fsiO·secl.JreatempCl;:~ .. r;;·consiructioneasemeni 'and coordinate with and Natural I 1. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the project are required. Erosion and sediment control plan must comply with the City of Renton Amendments to 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The ESC Plan must include measures to control dust and tracking of sediment on to streets during construction. 2. A traffic control plan will need to be submitted and approved prior to the start of construction. Construction hours be in accordance with City standards (7:00 AM 8:00 PM, hauling: 8:30 AM -3:00 PM) or as established in the approved traffic control plan. 3. Infonnation about ownership, maintenance and operation responsibilities for the improvements within the project in Renton is required. Construction monitoring and maintenance are required for this project. King County will be responsible for meeting these requirements. 4. A utility construction pennit is required. 5. Any temporary fill must be removed from project site by the end of construction. 6. A berm design is required for the stockpiled area. 7. The must dewatered Ran: May 09, 2016 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMI\ lTV AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Black River Pump NAME: Tom Bean Station Sediment Removal Project King County Water and Land Resources PROJECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS: Division, Rivers and Floodplain Management Section, 201 S. Jackson St. 550 Monster Road, Renton, WA 98055 CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98104 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-477-4638 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 3779200090 and 7229500281 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): The property contains the Black River Pump Station, parking lot, and undeveloped lawn PROPOSED LAND USE(S): The property will be used for COMPANY (if applicable): \~.cDDl~~ ADDRESS: temporary staging and dewatering and will be restored post proiect. The lawn will be replanted with native veQetation. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Employment Area PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP CITY: ZIP: DESIGNATION (if applicable) NIA TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING ZONING: Commercial office and Resource Conservation CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NIA NAME: George Ritchotte SITE AREA (in square feet):53,000 COMPANY (if applicable): Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: 2200 Sixth Avenue NIA CITY: Seattle, WA ZIP: 98121 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) NIA TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: i! )~~MBE~ !~: P,ROPOSED 1;S (if flIlplicabl~~ •... 206-787-8288; gritchotte@herrerainc.com .~ lNUMBe~~f;N~ DWEL~ING UNITS (if applica~e): • \ . . ,n-" r "inr . , . / . " 1 .", 'I. (l-'--·~ti O:\proj\Y2010\1O-04766·065\WP\Reports\JARPA\main text\z-obsolete Renmil land use mastera'pp~doc Rev: 02/2015 PRO.T INFORMATION (continul ~~~-----------------------------, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: $1,596,200 N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO N/A BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A D FLOOD HAZARD AREA 22,500 sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D GEOLOGIC HAZARD 22,500 sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION 22,500 sq. ft. applicable): N/A D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 22,500 sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATED IN THE SW QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE 4E, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP sq. ft. I, George Ritchotte, declare under penalty of pe~ury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or l....... the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Cr-c.afite. J?i ~ ttc. signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/herltheir free and voluntary act f~ sand purpose mentioned in the instrument. ",1"""",., ll. PI: '" ~ .. ~ ..... 1'~ . tt'N~i"'O •• .t:.."..t~ :.:1 ,.OTAlW \",i ~ ..... 1 . <0..' .0:;; PUBliC ~/ ~ .,... ··.~v "-<>.,, 0 'S'X·.;';li\< ~Q ........ ~ .. ~~.. ••• ,,~v ,:. ~'" O~·WAS"'~ ~\~ ........ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): My appOintment expires: 2 '111""HII lice \.,., .'. O:\proj\Y201o\10-04766-o65\WP\ReportsVARPA\main text\z-obsolete Renton land use master app.doc Rev: 02/2015 ~ gf ,"'.ssessments ~OO FOunt> Avenue ~ ~ ~ 98104 ()fIIC" Hm.rs M~n _ =n 830am to ~ 30 p_n1 TEL 200 296·7300 FAX 206 296-5107 TTY' 206- 296-7888 i·5¥Sm,Q"lm,!!"I$\s' iHA'S' tt.pi 'P",S.'iiM,";.ij, 1,,1,&&1':-,: PARCEL ~~~~Ier 1323:4-9076 Name RENTOr, CITY O~ !~~ress 1120 MONSTER RD SW98055 POR 0'" SVV 114 or S::CTION 13-23-04 -BEG MOS I VVL Y COR 0" TRA,CT /.... OF ',\'./....SH">JGTO~I ~ECH'~IC"'l CEN"'"ER SA D 'NL Y COR Bf:NG AI I HE: Ir~TSN OF S',oiU UNE CF SAiD TRACT !, 'NT rl A LIN:: D::'SIGN"TED 'PERMANENT fASt:MENT BORY' ON US DEPT OF AGR CULTURe SOIL CONSERVATION SH-!VICI" MAP SHEET 1 OF 3 Et.JT'TL::'D LAND RIG"TS ',o/:)R'< M,4P P-I C",o,I'JNt: EAST SIDE GREf-N RIVER ';\Ipp CITY OF RENTON TH \"liLY ALG SAl: LINE & eN CIIRVf-RAD elT BEARING N 05-/4-D2 E 16504 FT DIST OF 1 12 06 n TAP OF RCV CURVE RAD PT Bf-Af.:I·~G S 44_;8· 11 '11'172 9G Fl I" ALG SAID RE\' CURVE & SAID LINE 13374 FT TH W ALG SAID IIN!'-3,;1 0/_ FT ':'0 A LINE BEARING N FROM A PT ON S LINE or SECTIO'-J 13-23-04 WHICH IS 1771 7b ~ I I: O~ SVV CORNl:R TH 5 133 36 FT TO Ni:L Y Llh~ OF OAKESDALE AVENUE' -;-" S 10-46-34 E 1395 FT TO BEG Legal OF TANGEl\ T CURVE TO RGT /-ILG SAID t\'EL v LIN!:: HAD O~ 87273 FT TH ALG SAID CURVE T"RU CIA OF 05-32-43 ARC LENGnl OF 89 305 F~ T,o,P O~ I ANGl:r~cY TH CONTG ALG SAID I~E:... Y MGN S 65.13_5 ' E 286 795 n TO O[GOF NON TANGfNI CURVE TO LEFT RAJ PT BEARING N 05-38-13 W 55 FT T-1 NEl Y ALONG S,\ID CURVE THRU CIA OF ~9-43-39 ARC LENGTH 0'" 57 33;oT TAP OF TANGENCY TH N 24-46-0>; E 15 7G FT TH N 89_30-04 E 214 53 q TC BEGIN OF TANGEr-n CURVE TO LEFT RAD OF 1003 r::-;-TH ELY ALONG SAID CURVE ~HRU CIA O~ 13-50-35 A.RC LENGTH OF 242 33 FT Trl N 29_28_39 'N 207 28 FT TO NWL Y LINE OF SAID TRACT A OF PLAT OF 'NASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER TH S 60-31·21 W 8676 FT"TO BEG OF TANGENT CURVE TO RGT RAD OF 165 04 FT TH SWL Y & WL Y AlG SAID CURVE THRU CIA OF 34-52-41 ARC LENGTH OF '0047 FT ra POB ._- M<A LOT 2 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ,ADJ NO LUA 92-069 LLA RECORDING NO 9205219004 Year Built BuUding Net Square , Footage 'Construction Class i Building Quality : Lot Size : Present Use . Views 'Waterfronl 162410 Vacant(Cpmmerclal) No BUILDING 1 R TOTAL LEVY RATE DISTRIBUTION Tax Year: 2015 Levy Code: 2100 Total Levy Rate: $12.63329 Total Senior Rate: $8 01005 36.60% Voter Approved Cljck here to see levy distribution comparison by nilf TAX ROLL HISTORY Thills iI government ~ parcel. ; Change to state law (RCW 84, 40.045 and 84 40 1 l51 by ti1e 2013 Legislature el'minated revaluation pf gpvemment owned parcels --,.-,--~~--.-.. .,,---, Updated April 22 2015 Share fweet Email Reference links: King County TaXing Districts rodes and Leyies i POFl King CQUI.!lyJ:?~ links Property Tax AdVisor Washington State Department of ~(External link) Washington State Board of Tax ~{External link) Board or ApoealsfEquallzatlon Dlstncts Report Recorder's Office Scanned Images of sUllleys and other map documents ti King County © King County, WA 2015 Privac.y Accessibility Tenns of use Information for .0. Do more online Contact us Departmenl Qj Assessment~ 500 Fourth Avenue SUite ADM- AS-0708 ~ ~ Office HOJrs fv\on -Fn 832 a fl1 to 4 3J P m TEL 206- 296-7300 FAX_ 206- 296-5107 TIY 206· 296 7888 WW¥G@:i1,li@.jiFCffi'i".iU,*.M ,;'."" .fifth ';; •• , j,;;,¥MF~ PARCEL ~~~~r 37YS20·0:80 Name REI\ TON CITY OF Site Address JUNCTION ADD POR ~RS 21-22-23-24 ,1 25'" &. ~ClF< TRS 20 & 28 ~ENTCl~j SHORELANDS ?NIJ SUP L ~DD 3EG SW COR SEC 13-23-04 n-E -27' 74 F~"'I' N TA~ ClN BPRY LI\ BET TRS :::8 & 2~1 OF SD F<;;:rnON SHClF<ELANDS 2ND SUPL A:D & TPOG Til CCNTG I, 275 FT TH 'IngO 69 ~ T T H S 59·::;3·47 Legal If,' 37, 52 rr TH S ,413-19 '/VTO ELY MGi\J OF CO RD 11-1 SfLY AI G SO ELY MGN TO SLY BDRv O~ SO TR 29"7"f-o ELY ALG SO SLY 8DRv TO TPOB ALSO E:ll'-G ) POH ABOVE D!:SC TH N 250 "T TH 01\ TANGENT CL'RVE TO RGT ~I\D OF 627 46 FT TAP ON 8DRY LN HfG TRS 26 & 27 OF SO RENTCN SH LOS 2ND SUPL ADD TH SWLY HG SO 80RY LN TO BEG lESS f-'OR1,cm FOR CO RO~O Year Built 1971 Building Net Square Footage ~950 Construction Cla-ss Building Quality Lot Size : Present Use 'Views !Watedront Ph1EI"A3 STEEL AVERAGE 281340 Utility Public No BUILDING 1 TOTAL LEVY RATE DISTRIBUTION Tax Year: 2015 Levy Code: 2100 Total Levy Rate: $12 63329 Total Senior Rate: $801005 36.60% Voter Approved Click here to see leVY distribution comparison by year. TAX ROll H1STOR'f This Is a government owned paree4. Change to state ~:''':'.~~_~~~ ~~o_?':~ '~~~,"8~ 40 t 75) by the 2013 Legislature eliminated revaluation ~1,,9.~_~e~men.t ~:.::~~?_.~a~C:IS Updated April 22 2015 Share Tweel Email Reference links: KII1g COUllty T_~ Dlstncts Codes and LeVl(eS ( PDF) Kinu County Tax lIn1.s Property I ax AdVisor Washington State Departmenl uf Revenue (External link) Washlnglon State Board oflil.)<; Appeals (Extemal link) Board of AppealsJE quallzatton Districts Report Recorder's Office Scanned Images of surveys and other map documents Scanned images of - Stay connected! View King County sOCIal medIa tQ King County © King County, WA 2015 Prtvacy AccesslblDty Terms of use Information for... Do more online Contact us ~ King County Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks Ki ng Street Center 201 South Jackson Street, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 206-477-4800 Fax 206-296-0192 TTY Relay: 711 June 18,2015 George Ritchotte Senior Scientist Herrera 220 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle, WA 98121 RE: Applicant Agent ror Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal (Project 1120590) Dear George: You are hereby authorized to submit permit applications for the Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project on behalf of the King County Water and Land Resources Division as the applicant agent for the project. The pump station is at 550 Monster Road SW in the City of Renton. The sediment removal is intended to occur during the low flow fish windows of 20 16 and 2017, in order to preserve function of the pump station. !fthere are any questions or concerns, my desk phone is 206-477-4638 and my email address is tom.bean@kingcounty.gov. Please feel free to share this contact infonnation as may be appropriate. Sincerely, .---- Tom Bean Engineering Special Projects Lead River and Floodplain Management Section (RFMS) cc: Lorin Reineit, Managing Engineer, RFMS Kerry Bauman, Senior Ecologist, RFMS , ... ~., JUL 1 0 2015 --, a: UJ l- V> Z o :;0 • • • W a· aLL " a DEPARTMENT OF COM~ my AND ECONOMIC DEVElll,..,1I'IENT WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: Arborist Report • Architectural Elevations. AND. Biological Assessment. Calculations I Colored Maps for Display. Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND. - Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication I Density Worksheet. Drainage Control Plan 2 , Drainage Report 2 Elevations, Architectural .AND. Environmental Checklist. ---. Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 1 AND' Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) lAND. Flood Hazard Data. ct+-<. a /t(2 f' fr P, Avu J Floor Plans. AND. Geotechnical Report lAND' Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual, -- Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed, Habitat Data Report. tM-t-~r II-(J L,-frr./ ( Improvement Deferral, Irrigation Plan 4 _. ._- PROJECT NAME: BlACk-flVl>1t. PIIr\1P >TYt17{f(l1 DY1eD6tNt:. DATE: __ ~(,/~?-,--1 +-'1'-<-7"" ____ _ 1 H: \CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Ha ndouts\Planning\Waiversubmitta Ireq •. do<x Rev: 02/2015 • • LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 landscape Plan, Conceptual. landscape Plan, Detailed 4 legal Description 4 letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 ---- Map of Existing Site Conditions, Master Application Form. Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan 4 Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) • - Post Office Approval, Plat Name Reservation 4 Plat Plan. Preapplicatlon Meeting Summary , Public Works Approval letter, Rehabilitation Plan 4 Screening Detail • Shoreline Tracking Worksheet, Site Plan, AND. Q(.t-t.. ~ P1'r fr('f'tAChn r.J Stream or Lake Study, Standard, ~ Jl"1'{i'1t-fJl.AlrV c Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental. Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan. Street Profiles, TItle Report or Plat Certificate lAND. Topography Map 1 Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan. Urban Design Regulations Analysis. Utilities Plan, Generalized, Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final, Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary. 2 H:\CEO\Oata\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev: 02/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTA EQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 lease Agreement, Draft 2AND3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2AND3 Photo simulations 2 AND 3 This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Prope rty Se rvices 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIE BY: BY: 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx COMMENTS: Rev: 02/2015 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUIlDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (425) 430-7266 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION PER ORDINANCE NO. 4345 1. Fill out Public Works Construction Permit Application form and Public Works Construction Permit Cost Breakdown form. It Is required that you provide your best estimate on the cost of proposed improvements to water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities, both on-site and off-site. 2. Pay the inspection/approval fee, as determined on the attached Construction Permit Cost Breakdown form, at the 6th floor Customer Service Counter of Renton City Hall. Call (425) 430-7266 before hand to verify the fee. You will be given a receipt. 3. Deliver a copy of the inspection/approval fee receipt to the 6th floor Customer Service Counter of Renton City Hall along with your sets of utility plans. ·Effectlve 11/8/10 -There will be a 3% Technology Surcharge Fee added to all permit fees H:\CED\Data\Fonl1S~'femplatcs\ScJf&Hclp Handouts\Public WorkS\COllslmctiOtl Pennil Application.doc Revision Date: November 10,2010 o Project Address: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION New Building o Addition to Existing 550 Monster Rd, Renton, WA 98055 o Tenant Improvement The King County Water and Land Resources Division (KCWLRD) operates the Black River Work Description: Pump Station to provide flood control protection for the lower Green River Valley. King County plans to remove sediment that has accumulated in the pump station forebay. Project construction would entail: staging and site preparation, which will include constructing a sediment stockpiling, decant and treatment area and crane pad; mobilizing equipment . in the work area; isolating the in-water work area with turbidity curtains, cofferdams, temporary flow diversion structures, or other best management practices (BMPs); excluding fish from the in-water work area; pumping the Black River through a temporary . bypass pipe on the north side of the river; placing sediment removal equipment in the work area using the crane; removing and stockpiling sediment adjacent to the river; decanting stockpiled sediment and treating the wastewater; removing in-water BMPs; haulinq sediment off site; and restorinq and replantinq any cleared areas. Legal Description: SW Yo section of Section 13, Township 23 North, Ranqe 4 East; parcels 3779200090 and 7229500281. Square Footage of Entire site -53,000 square feet Impervious Area -30,510 square feet Property Owner: King County Address: 201 S. Jackson City/State/Zip: Seattle, WA 98104 Phone/Fax: 206-477-4638 ---------------------------- Applicant: Tom Bean, King County Water and Land Resources Division, River and Floodplain Management Section Address: 201 S. Jackson St City/State/Zlp: Seattle, WA 98104 Phone/Fax: 206-477-4638 When applying for redevelopment, credit Water meter size: _N_I_A ________________ _ Account No: N/A ------------------ Information provided by Utility Billing {425) 430-6852 This application does not constitute a permit to work. Work is not to commence until a construction permit Is Issued, I certify that the Information on this application Is accurate to the best of my knowledge and I will be responsible for any additi~n~fees resul~~,!g frcA different valuation. , ~/'J (Z~ az..l& Print Na e Signatures H ;\CEO\Data\F orllls-Templatcs\Scl f-Hc:lp Handollfs\Public Works\Constnlction Pennil Application.doc Revision Date: November 10.2010 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT INSPECTION/APPROVAL FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET 50% INSPECTION/APPROVAL FEES PER ORDINANCE NO. 4345 PROJECT NAME: Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project 1. Estimate the total cost of offslte and onsite improvements for water lines, sewer lines, stormwater facilities, and roadway improvements for your project. Enter estimated costs in items (A) through (0) below. (A) Water $ 0 (B) Sewer $ 0 (e) Stormwater $0 (Includes On "Site Pavement) (O) Roadway $0 (Street, sidewalks, street lighting, etc.) (E) Total Improvements $0 (A) + (B) + (e) + (0) = (E 2. Calculate 50% inspection/approval fee for total Improvements, as follows: (F) 3% of First $150,000 of (E) $0 (G) 2.5% of-over $150,000 but $0 less than $300,000 of (E) (H) 2% of over $300,000 of (E) $0 (I) Total 50% Inspection/Approval $0 Fee: (F) + (G) + (H) = (i) 3. Breakdown of 50% Inspection/Approval Fees is performed as follows: (J) 50% Water Fee $0 «A) \ (E)) x (I) = (J) (K) 50% Sewer Fee $ 0 ((8) \ (E)) x (I) = (K) (L) 50% Stormwater Fee $0 «e) \ (E)) x (I) = (L) (M) 50% Roadway Fee: $0 ((D) \ (E)) x (I) = (M) 4. Check: Make sure (J) + (K) + (L) + (M); (I) 'Effectlve 11/8/10 -There will be a 3% Technology Surcharge Fee added to all permit fees H;\CElO\J)ata\ForrtlS·Temptates\Self-Hclp Handouls\Public Works\Construction Pennit Application.doc Revision Date: November 10,2010 July 10, 2015 Clark Close City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 ~ HERRERA Subject: King County Black River Pump Station Sediment Removal Project Dear Mr. Close: The King County Water and Land Resources Division operates the Black River Pump Station at 550 Monster Road in the City of Renton (City) to provide flood control for the lower Green River valley. Sediment that has accumulated behind the pump station since its construction has become an operational concern for the facility and must be removed. The project is normal maintenance and repair of an existing structure and therefore qualifies for a Shoreline Exemption from the City. The County proposes to remove approximately 2,900 cubic yards of sediment from the pump station forebay. Analytical results indicate sediments have elevated levels of arsenic, cadmium, total petroleum hydrocarbons, phthalates, and polychlorinated biphenyls. Prior to dredging, a staging and sediment stockpiling, decanting, and watering treatment area will be constructed on the south side of the river within the pump station parking lot and on a maintained grassy area east of the lot. The staging area will include a pad to support a crane that will lift equipment into and from the riverbed, as well as an access road to the south bank of the river. The work area will be isolated from the river by constructing a temporary flow diversion structure spanning the entire width of the river. The river will be dewatered using the pump station pumps until water levels are too low for the pumps to work or turbidity levels are too high to discharge water to the Black River, at which point portable pumps will be used to remove the remaining water. Water will be pumped through bypass pipes on the north side of the river downstream of the pump station unless the water is too turbid, in which case it will be pumped directly to the decant facility for treatment before being discharged back into the Black River. Pumps will remain on site during excavation to remove any water that may seep past the cofferdam. Fish will be excluded from the in-water work zone prior to and during dewatering using a combination of seine and dip netting. Sediment will be dredged from the riverbed using conventional excavation equipment such as clamshell buckets or backhoes. The sediment removal area extends approximately 100 feet 2200 Sixth Avenue I Suite 1100 I Seattle. Washington I 98121 I P 206 441 9080 eliY OF ~ENTON RECEIVED JUL 1 0 2015 I f ,QU1\..QlI'lG DIVISION SEATTLE, WA I PORTLAND, OR I MISSOULA, MT I OLYMPIA, WA I WINTHROP, WA I GUANGZHOU, CHINA wwwherrerainccom ;;~ G G Clark Close July 10, 2015 Page 2 upstream from the pump station. Excavated sediment may contain up to 70 percent water and will need to dry prior to disposal. Sediment will be stockpiled ih the decant area to allow water to drain from the sediment before being discharged back to the Black River. The discharged water will be treated to meet Washington State Department of Ecology Surface Water Quality Criteria. Sediment will be hauled offsite for disposal at a permitted upland facility. Once dredging is complete approximately 280 cubic yards of sand will be placed over the dredged area to minimize sediment mobilization. Work is likely to take two seasons. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2016 and will last about 10 weeks in 2016 and 2017. Mobilization of equipment and staging area construction will start in late May. In·water work will take place during the approved in-water work window of July 1 to August 31 and will last about six weeks. The project is also applying for Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits from the Washington State Department of Ecology and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, respectively, as well as a Hydraulic Permit Approval from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Wetlands and the Black River occur on the site. Staging area and access road construction will temporarily clear stream and wetland buffers on the north and south sides of the river, and one shore pine approximately 15 inches dbh will be removed. Banks on both sides of the river are steep, with retaining walls upstream of the pump station. Once the project is complete, existing grades will be restored and the staging area will be revegetated with appropriate native plants. Please contact me at 206-787-8288 or gritchotte@herrerainc.com if you have any questions about this project. Sincerely, Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. , } --_. f / f __ •C+./- V<r'v _ ICk lp1i.' GeOrg]Ritchotte Senior Scientist cc: Tom Bean, King County Water and Land Resources Division Peter Jowise, Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. Enclosure: Land Use Permit Master Application Legal description of project parcels Applicant agent authorization Neighborhood detail map Land Use Application Waiver of Submittal Requirements Construction Permit Application JARPA package c o