HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1CITY OF RENT( DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: May 9, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment LUA (file) Number: LUA-15-000594, LL-A Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Angelea Weihs Acceptance Date: August 6, 2015 Applicant: Andy McAndrews Owner: Don & Pearl Jacobson Contact: Andy McAndrews PID Number: 1190500010, 1190500005 ERC Determination: Date: Appeal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: September 17, 2015 Appeal Period Ends: October 1, 2015 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Appeal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Proposed Lot Line Adjustment for two parcels located at 3741 Park Ave N. There is an existing single family home located on the east parcel (parcel number 11905020005). The western parcel is vacant. The applicant is proposing to move the shared property line 5 feet to the west for the purpose of retaining his landscaping/yard space when he sells the adjacent vacant lot in the future. Location: 3741 Park Ave N Comments: ERe Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M 0 RAN 0 U M DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 24, 2015 City Clerk's Office Angelea Weihs, CEO Planning, x7312 Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment; File No. LUA15-000594, LLA Attached please find five sets of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County. Please have Postal Express take these documents via: Same-day service ($31.62)-10:00 AM deadline to City Clerk Attached is a check for the amount of $31.62 for the fee to Champion Couriers. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000.000000.007.558.60.49.003. Please call me at x7312 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Property Services Jan Conklin DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM September 24, 2015 Official File / LUA1S-000S94 Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment Angelea Weihs, Assistant Planner AvJ SUBJECT: Principles of Acceptability of a Lot Line Adjustment Section 4-7-0608, lists 4 principles of acceptability that the Administrator or designee considers, along with all other relevant information, when making a decision on a Lot Line Adjustment application. A lot line adjustment shall be consistent with the following principles of acceptobility: Check the appropriate box and give analysis, if necessary: o Correcting: Adjust lot lines including the elimination of a common lot line in order to correct property line or setback encroachments; Staff Analysis: N/ A IZI Improving: Create better lot deSign, or improve access; Staff Analysis: The lot line adjustment will reconfigure the lot lines between two parcels located at 3741 Park Ave N. No new lots will be created and both lots are located within the same zone (R-6). There is an existing single family home located on the east parcel (parcel number 1190S02000S). The western parcel is vacant. The applicant is proposing to move the shared property line 5 feet to the west for the purpose of retaining his landscaping/yard space when he sells the adjacent vacant lot in the future. The proposed lot line adjustment results in a better lot design. Both lots would maintain frontage along N 38th St. Both parcels meet R-6 development standards in regards to lot size, depth, and width. The eastern parcel, with existing single family home, is nonconforming in regards to setbacks, building coverage, and impervious surface; however, this proposal increases its conformity with the development standards by moving the lot line further away from the existing building by 5 feet and increasing the size of the lot, which in turn reduces the impervious coverage percentage. No change is proposed to density. Principles of Acceptability of Lot Line Adjustment DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~ Approval Criteria: a. An additional lot, parcel or tract shall not be created; and b. The subject lots, parcels or tracts are within the same zoning district; and c. The proposed adjustments shall not cause the lots, parcels or tracts to increase the nonconformity with respect to applicable zoning (see RMC 4-2), subdivision and other code requirements pertaining to lot design, building location, and development standards; and d. The adjusted lot line(s) is shared by the subject lots. Staff Analysis: See analysis above. ~ Non-Evasive: Lot line adjustments shall not serve to eliminate or circumvent any state or local requirements, including but not limited to frontage improvements, payment of fee-In-lieu, payment of latecomer fees or the installation of required infrastructure. a. Assessment of fees, right-ol-way dedication and frontage improvements for the entire length of the property line(s) bordering rights-of-way may be required as a condition of approval for a lot line adjustment. b. Lots, parcels or tracts that are increased in area by lot line adjustments shall not be permitted to be subdivided for five (5) years following the date upon which the lot line adjustment is recorded or three (3) years following the approval of a lot line adjustment, whichever is longer, unless the following is met: I. The subdivision application includes all lots, parcels and tracts involved in the lot line adjustment in the overall subdivision; or II. All required infrastructure, including but not limited to frontage improvements, required infrastructure and utility lines are constructed along the frontage of all lots included in the lot line adjustment. (Ord. 5728,10-20- 2014) Staff Analysis: No right-of-way dedication or frontage improvements are required at time. The vacant lot, parcel number 1190500010 meets all R-6 development standards in regards to lot size, depth, and width. This parcel fronts on N 38 th St and the proposed lot size is 7,534 square feet. The east parcel (parcel number 11905020005) contains one single family home and fronts both N 38th St and Park Ave N. The proposed lot size for this parcel is 8,608 square feet. Based on the current R-6 development standards, neither of these lots can be further subdivided. Principles of Acceptability of Lot Line Adjustment Denis Law 1IIiI--[)-....... ~C~it~Y~O~f~( ... ~-----_":Mayo'"""","""""'i"j . «~r~~r (ro\1 ~l _~~ ." .~_O.~ September 17,2015 Andy McAndrews GeoDimensions 10801 Main Street, Suite 102 Bellevue, WA 98004 Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent Administrator SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SIGNED PLAN SETS AND NOTICE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LUA1S-000594/ Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment Dear Mr. McAndrews: The City of Renton has finished reviewing your proposed lot line adjustment and is now ready to send the final version for recording. Please make the following (highlighted) revisions shown in the attached Technical Services Comments prior to submitting the final version. Once these revisions have been addressed, please submit five sets of original signed lot line adjustment plan sets and a check for $31.62 made out to Postal Express to my attention at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. Please verify that the plan sets have been signed by all owners of record and have been notarized with an ink stamp (not embossed). The ink stamp must be legible so that King County will promptly record the lot line adjustment. This decision to approve the proposed lot line adjustment is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, October 1, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information on the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have further questions regarding this project, please call me at (425) 430-7312. Sincerely, --) / , , '-( </;:'::y:::~('",, ___ ('~ l, ..... /(('I..:'~'t~-';-1 '-' Angelea Wickstrom Assistant Planner CC: Donald and Pearl Jacobson I Owner File Renton City Hall. 1055 South GradyWay • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLI Application Date: August 06, 2015 Name: Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment NT LUA 15-000594 of Site Address: 3741 Park Ave N Renton, WA 98056-1523 PLAN -Boundary Adjustments Version 2 I September 09, 2015 Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren 1425-430·73691 aaskren@rentonwa.gov Recommendations; Technical Services Review 8119/2015 Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA15 000594 and LND 30 0389, respectively, on the final submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide sufficient information regarding found monumentation. Please indicate street names to help identify the locations. The lot addresses will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Note said addresses and the street name on the drawing. On the final submittal, remove all references pertaining to utilities facilities, trees, concrete, gravel, decks and other items not directly impacting the lot line adjustment. These items are provided only for preliminary approval. Do note encroachments. Remove from the "LEGEND" block all tree items, utilities facilities and mailbox references, but do include in said "LEGEND" block the symbols and their details that are used in the survey drawing. If the abutting properties are platted, note the lot numbers and plat name on the drawing, otherwise note them as 'Unplatted.' Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the survey. The City of Renton "APPROVALS" block is signed by the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Community and Economic Development. All vested owner(s) of the subject, at the time of recording, need to sign the final survey submittal. Please note there is overlapping text and linework which makes some portions of the survey document illegible. Recommendations; Technical Services Review 9/9/2015 Comments addressed. New address for Parcel B is 1215 N 38th Street Ran; September 16, 2015 Page 1 of1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM September 16, 2015 Amanda Askren, Property Services Angelea Wickstrom, CEO Planning, x7312 SUBJECT: Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA15-000594, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services acceptance: Amanda Askren Date cc: Yellow File Approval Memorandum ADVISORY NOTES TO AP-· 'CANT LUA15-000594 of Application Date: August 06, 2015 Name: Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment Site Address: 3741 Park Ave N Renton, WA 98056-1523 ~!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v~eir~siiOin~1~IA~U~9~U~S~t~2~5'~2~O~~~5 jR~;;;:;;;~~~~ Techni! Services Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA15 000594 and LND 30 0389, respectively, on the final submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide sufficient information regarding found monumentation. Please indicate street names to help identify the locations. The lot addresses will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Note said addresses and the street name on the drawing. On the final submittal, remove all references pertaining to utilities facilities, trees, concrete, gravel, decks and other items not directly impacting the lot line adjustment. These items are provided only for preliminary approval. Do note encroachments. Remove from the "LEGEND" block all tree items, utilities facilities and mailbox references, but do include in said "LEGEND" block the symbols and their details that are used in the survey drawing. If the abutting properties are platted, note the lot numbers and plat name on the drawing, otherwise note them as 'Unplatted.' Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the survey. The City of Renton "APPROVALS" block is signed by the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Community and Economic Development. All vested owner(s) of the subject, at the time af recording, need to sign the final survey submittal. Please note there i document Ran: September 01, 2015 Page 1 of 1 ---__ GeoDlmenslons SEPTEMBER 1 , 201 5 GeoDimensions, Inc. 10801 Main Street, Suite 102, Bellevue, WA 98004 phone 425.458.4488 fax 425.671.0170 --!I!- '3 Et' 0 1 2015 bUILU!!lb lJiViSION RESPONSE TO TECHNICAL SERVICES COMMENTS -LUA 15·000594 -JACOBSON LLA 1. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA 15-000594 and LND-30-0389, respectively, on the final submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that use for the land use action number. Both the land use action number and land record number have been added as requested, 2. Provide sufficient information regarding found monumentation. Please indicate street names to help identity the locations. City of Renton monuments have been listed with point numbers and coordinates, as well as the date each monument was visited. Slreet names have been identified. 3. The lot addresses will be provided by the City as soon as possible. Note said addresses and the street name on the drawing. A blank space has been lelf on Parcel B to accommodate future addressing, Parcel A's address is shown. 4. On the final submittal. remove all references to utilities facilities, trees, concrete, gravel. decks and other items not directly impacting the lot line adjustment. These items are provided only for preliminary approval. The above listed items have been removed as requested. 5. Do note encroachments. Encroachments are shown. 6. Remove from the "LEGEND" block all tree items, utilities facilities and mailbox references, but do include in sa'ld "LEGEND" block the symbols and their details that are used in the survey drawing. The above listed items have been removed as requested. 7. If the abutting properties are platted, note the lot numbers and plate name on the drawing. othervvise note them as 'Unplatted.' Plat name, lot number, and recording volume/page of the underlying/adjacent plats have been added. 8. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the survey. No such items are present. A copy of the tffle report has been provided, 9. The City of Renton "APPROVALS" block is signed by the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Community and Economic Development. Sheet I has been co"ected accordingly. '10 .. Ail vested owner(s) of the su _t, at the time of recording, need to sign. ~ final survey submittal. All vested owners are listed with individual signature blocks. 11. Please note there is overlapping text and linework which makes some portions of the survey document illegible. Any such issues have been corrected. This letter serves as our statement of response to the aforementioned comments regarding the Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment, dated August 6th , 2015. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. Andy McAndrews Senior Planner, Project Manager SUBDIVISION Guarantee/Certificate Number: Issued By: @CHICAGOTITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0043692-ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company SEP i) 1. Zi" 1 GUARANTEES GeoDimensions herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be Iimtted to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth in Schedule A. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the Company for further information as to the availability and cost. Chicago Title Company of Washington 10500 NE 8th St., Suite 600 Bellevue, WA 98004 Countersigned By: Authorized Officer or Agent Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 1 Chicago Title Insurance Company By: Attest: President Secretary Printed: 06.23.15 @ 07:21 AM WA-CT ·FNSE·02150.6224 75-SPS-1-15-{J043692-ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0043692-ETU liability $1,000.00 Effective Date: June 17, 2015 at 08:00 AM ISSUING OFFICE: Title Officer: Eastside Title Unit Chicago Title Company of Washington 10500 NE 8th St., Suite 600 Bellevue, WA 98004 Main Phone: (425)646-9883 Email: CTIBelievueETU@Jctt.com SCHEDULE A Premium $350.00 The assurances referred to on the face page are: Tax $33.25 That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matter relative to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Title to said real property is vested in: Donald O. Jacobson and Pearl O. Jacobson, husband and wife subject to the matters shown below under Exceptions, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. END OF SCHEDULE A Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 2 Printed: 06.23.15@07:21 AM WA-CT -FNSE-02150.622475-SP5-1-15..Q043692-ETU EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Lots 1 and 2, Bue's View Addition, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 58 of Plats, Page 46, records of King County, Washington. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 3 Printed: 06.23.15@07:21 AM WA-CT -FNSE-02150.B22475-SPS-1-15-0043692-ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0043692·ETU SCHEDULE B H. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. Subdivision GuaranteeJCertificate Page 4 Printed: 06.23.15 @ 07~21 AM WA-CT -FNSE-02150.622475-SPS-1-1S-Q043692-ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0043692-ETU SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B (continued) 1. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is penmitted by applicable law, as set forth on said plat. 2. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2015 Tax Account No.: 119050-0005-02 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $301,000.00 Assessed Value-Improvements: $177,000.00 General and Special Taxes: Billed: Paid: Unpaid: Affects: $6,051.37 $3,025.69 $3,025.68 Lot 1 3. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2015 Tax Account No.: 119050-0010-05 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $255,000.00 Assessed Value-Improvements: $0.00 General and Special Taxes: Billed: Paid: Unpaid: Affects: $3,232.40 $1,616.20 $1,616.20 Lot 2 4. Please be advised that our search did not disclose any open mortgages of record. If you should have knowledge of any outstanding obligation, please contact the Title Department immediately for further review prior to closing. END OF EXCEPTIONS NOTES The following matters will not be listed as Special Exceptions in Schedule B of the policy. There will be no coverage for loss arising by reason of the matters listed below because these matters are either excepted or excluded from coverage or are not matters covered under the insuring provisions of the policy. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 5 Printed: 06.23.15@07:21 AM WA-CT ·FNSE-02150.6224 75-SPS-1-15-0043692-ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0043692-ETU Note A: Note B: SCHEDULE B (continued) Note: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: Lot(s): 1 and 2 Vol. 58 Pg. 46 Tax/Map ID(s): Tax Account No.: 119050-0005-02 and 119050-0010-05 Note: Any map furnished with this Commitment is for convenience in locating the land indicated herein with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance thereon. END OF NOTES END OF SCHEDULE B Subdivision Guarantee/CertIficate Printed: 06.23.15 @ 07:21 AM WA-CT ·FNSE-02150.6224 75-SPS-1-15-0043692-ETU Page 6 EUE's VIEW ADDITIQl\! 46 A REPLAT OF TRACT 90 AND THE. EAST 1/5' OF TRACT 83 OF CD HILLMANS LAM WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN D/V No.2 ~":;:C ,,' .:.'4,"1, RG£S£., W'M. SCAlE-/"-100' R...I STORt Y £NGR, OlSCRIPTION Th,s pHI ~I "8IlE'S VIEW ADDITION" CQIIW'S gmJ ",t:llJhs <til ~ Tract 9.:) _~ fhr ,~s! us D' 01 Tr{k:t 81 ,,' CD Hi"""", .. l.,k~ J,th"ht",~ 6</nk.,..! 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BURNS, a single man (urandlncol\llidll'l'Gtionor of Ten D::Illars and Other Gcxxi and Valuable consideration in hMd paid, convl!)'II an.:!. warrants to IXJW..D O. J~ and PfAHL O. JAO:l!SCN, husband and. wife thl! followint:: d~ribl'd mUl!lltlate, lIilunted in tbG Count)' of King ,SlllteDrWD.shin~n: Lots 1 and 2 of Due's View Addition. as per plat recorded in Volune 58 of Plats, page 46, records of King County Sus.nrr TO: easerents, restrictions, reservations and covenants of record. U.,h'fl October LPB ·10 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF,~ .. bolD:!" .!~ U;;':;md~';~. a: Noii;Y·PUbiiC··in··Qrnri~;Hth~"sb.:i~ !!:"\vii~;;: inclo!!. dilly OCOIIIn:abollaned and _m. Jll!raonally Ilpptared ..... D.nd ..... ~ .•. h •• _ ••• _ .. _ •••• _. __ •• _ ...................... M' .... ~ .............. _ .... R .. M .. ....... w .. ~ .... b ... ,_ ......... _.w._ ......... __ ._._ .. _ .. H ••••• _._h ........ W ...... R ......... _._ •• _. Notary Public in lind lor tho Slate or Wo.hinrton. rc!eldlat .L.H ....... _ .• __ .. _ •• _ .. _ .• _._ •. _ .• _. __ •• _.~ M)'appojntml!lIt~; ............................... . Ei3389il.4 10/27/1993 436i..QQ JlNIIOD8J .. UO""P , ,. { .• ~'.: ~"'~' ... :,:. ;..... . • " I '.', ····r'·: .. age 011 :: ,,'.;~ '\. 'C~ii:caceii"-P nted: 611712015 10:46:40 AM PST ," ..... -,.' Denis Law Mayor August 25, 2015 Andy McAndrews GeoDimensions 10801 Main Street, Suite 102 Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: REVISION REQUEST ,. I J Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment I LUA15-000594, LLA Dear Mr. McAndrews: The City of Renton has completed the initial review of your proposed lot line adjustment. The following changes will be necessary in order for the City to approve your proposal: 1. See attached Technical Services Comments. Once the changes, as noted in the attached memo, have been made; please submit three copies of the revised lot line adjustment to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final signed documents. If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above, please contact me at (425) 430-7312. Sincerely, ~) /' / I '" :<~"tctl..(/U1,---", l....' ./ Angelea Wickstrom Assistant Planner Attachments cc: Donald and Pearl Jacobson / Owner File Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLll Application Oat.: August 06, 2015 Name: Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment PLAN -Boundary Adjustments . LUA15-000594 Site Address: 3741 Park Ave N Renton, WA 98056-1523 Version 1 I Technical Services Comments . . Contact: Amanda Askren 1425-430-73691 aaskren@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Technical Services Review 8119J2015 Note the City of Renton land USB action number and land record number,lUA15 000594 and LND 30 0389, respectively. on the final submittaL The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide sufficient information regarding found monumentation. Please indicate street names to help identify the locations. The lot addresses will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Nate said addresses and the street name on the drawing. On the final submittal, remove all references pertaining to utilities facilities, trees, concrete, gravel, decks and other items not directly impacting the lot line adjustment. These items are provided only for preliminary approval. Do note encroachments. Remove from the "LEGEND" block all tree items, utilities facilities and mailbox references, but do include in said uLEGEND" block the symbols and their details that are used in the survey drawing. If the abutting properties are platted, note the lot numbers and plat name on the drawing, otherwise note them as 'Unplatted.' Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the survey_ The City of Renton "APPROVALS· block is Signed by the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Community and Economic Development. All vested owner(s) of the subject, at the time of recording, need to sign the flnal survey submittal. Please note there is overlapping text and linework which makes some portions of the survey document iIIeQible. Ran: August 25, 2015 Page 1 of 1 August 10, 2015 Andy McAndrews Geo Dimensions 10801 Main St #102 Believue,WA 98004 Community & Economic Development Department C.E. "Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment, LUA1S-000S9S, LL-A Dear Mr. McAndrews: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7312 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~U~ Angelea Wickstrom Assistant Planner cc: Don & Pearl Jacobson / Owner(s) Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov A ',J .~ ~.·.I/-"U' '):~fl [J.,~ I ,\;-, --M" ',vl " V V.J/\ ' Reset Form DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT !/ vi i " I PrintFoml ---...... ---J ~ilrtf)Jl Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Donald & Pearl Jacobson PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment ADDRESS 3741 Park Ave N PROJECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 3741 Park Ave N, Renton, WA 98056 CITY: Renton ZIP: 98056 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 255-2883 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 119050-0005 & 119050-0010 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Same EXISTING LAND USE(S): 1 SFR / 1 Vacant Lot COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): No Change EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: Low Density Single Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable) No Change TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING ZONING: R-6 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): No Change NAME Andy McAndrews SITE AREA (in square feet): 16,142 SF (0.37 Acres) COMPANY (if applicable): Geo Di mensons SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: 0 ADDRESS: 1 0801 Main St #102 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: 0 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Bellevue ZIP: 98004 ACRE (if applicable) 5.40 Units I Acre TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) 425-458-4488 2 (No Change) andym@geodimensions.net NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (W applicable): No Change .. ' 1 AUG 0 G 2015 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Master Application.doc Rev: 02/2015 PROJECTINFORMATrIO~N~~(lc~o=n=ti~n=ue=d=I) ______________ -, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 1 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NI A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (il applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 2,880 SF D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): N/A D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A D WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach leaal description on separate sheet wHh the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 32 ,TOWNSHIP 24 ,RANGE 05 ,IN THE CITY ------OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (Print Name/s) Donald Jacobson & Pearl Jacobson • declare under penalty of perjury und'/L1tllllaws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) LZJ the current owner of the property involved in this application or U the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 7-/7-/5' Date Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that VOMI d ~(ubSoi'\ 41\.d PCC .. if I .Itt c:ob..,,.;(l signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their Iree and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Dated NANCY A. TERRY " NOTARY PUBLIC l STATE OF WASHINGTON I COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 29. 2016 L---~ Notary Public in a~tate of Washington Notary (Print): My appointment expires: 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Master Application,doc Rev; 02/2015 ,: --GeoDirn€l'lsions, Inc. 10801 ~'t3In Street, Suite 107, Believue, \VA gS004 rllonc 42SA58.448H fax 475.67.1.0170 www.geodirnc:1s·ons.net • -__ GeoDlmenslons July 1, 2015 City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment -Project Narrative To whom it may concern, We are pleased to submit this request for a Lot Line Adjustment oftwo existing parcels located at 3741 Park Avenue North, Renton, Washington 98056. The King County parcel numbers of the existing parcels are: 119050-0005 & 119050-0010. The site is approximately 16,142 square feet or 0.37 acres in size and contains one single-family residence on the easterly parcel while the westerly parcel is vacant. The site is zoned R-8 which allows up to 8 units per net acre with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. A preliminary City of Renton Density Worksheet is attached. The proposed Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) is intended to move the existing dividing line 5 feet to the west for the purpose of retaining Mr. Jacobson's landscaping/yard space when he sells the adjacent vacant lot in the future. The Jacobson's are currently the owners of both lots. The existing and proposed lot areas are: Parcel A (east lot) Existing = 8,070 SF Adjusted = 8,608 SF Parcel B (west lot) Existing = 8,072 SF Adjusted = 7,534 SF The resulting lots would be 80-feet in width (Parcel A) and 70-feet in width (Parcel B). No other changes are proposed as a result of this application. The existing parcels are relatively flat and there are no signs of environmentally critical areas on or adjacent to the site. Additionally, there are no mapped critical areas or geologic hazards on the site. No change to the developed condition is proposed at this time, and any subsequent permit applications would be required to meet the City's zoning regulations. The existing home has public water and sewer service. The vacant lot will also connect to public water and sewer once a building permit is applied for in the future. r~.·.) ... C.··,·· . . -: \' AUG 06 2e'S \,: , 'J t '" l ~ ",' .' '--' ,',~ -" • • I, Thank you for your consideration of this application for a Lot Line Adjustment. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, ["~~----- Andy Mc n rews Planner, Project Manager I Print Form Reset Form DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DENSITY WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property 16,142 ------ 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public Streets' 0 square feet Private access easements' 0 square feet Critical Areas" 0 square feet Total excluded area: 0 3. Subtract line 2 (total excluded area) from line 1 for net area 16,142 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage 0.3706 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned 2 square feet square feet square feet acres units/lots I 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density 5.3971 = dwelling units/acre *Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. "Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable lor development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands, or Iloodways." Critical Areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. AUG () (; i(1'j 1 H:\ C ED\Data \ Forms-T em plates \Self -H e I p Ha ndou ts \P Ian n i ng\de n sity. d oc Rev: 02/2015 • ---__ GeoDlmenslons GeoDimensions, Inc. 10801 Main Street, Suite 102, Bellevue, WA 98004 phone 425.458.4488 fax 425.671.0170 ',; ;,'".:,' iu..::~:rr'("n', Jacobson Lot Line Adjustment Lot Closures Report Prepared by: Sean Roulette Miller Date: 08/05/15 Job no. 150687 • • ---__ GeoDlmenslons PARCEL A PNT# Bearing Distance 1017 S 88°41'41" E 80.00 1020 S 01°52'21" W 107.60 1021 N 88°42'32" W 80.00 1018 N 01°52'21" E 107.62 1017 Northing 194747.83 194746.01 194638.46 194640.27 194747.83 GeoDlmensions, Inc. 10801 Main Street, Suite 102, Bellevue, WA 98004 phone 425.458.4488 fax 425.671.0170 Eastinq Station l302258.26 0.00 1302338.24 80.00 1302334.73 187.60 1302254.75 267.60 1302258.26 375.22 Closure Error Distance> 0.0003 Error Bearing> S 43°49'15" W Closure Precision> 1 in 1265074.0 Total Distance> 375.22 Area: 8608.4 Sq. Feet, 0.2 Acres • • ---__ GeoDlmenslons PARCEL B PNT# Bearing Distance 1016 S 88°41'41" E 70.00 1017 S 01°52'21" W 107.62 1018 N 88°42'32" W 70.00 1019 N 01°52'21" E 107.64 1016 Northing 194749.42 194747.83 194640.27 194641.84 194749.42 GeoDimenslons j Inc. 10801 Main Street, Suite 102, Bellevue, WA 98004 phone 425.458.4488 fax 425.671.0170 Easting Station 1302188.28 0.00 1302258.26 70.00 1302254.75 177.62 1302184.77 247.62 1302188.28 355.26 Closure Error Distance> 0.0027 Error Bearing> S 05°33'30" W Closure Precision> 1 in 131645.1 Total Distance> 355.26 Area: 7533.6 Sq. Feet, 0.2 Acres PARCEL A Area: 8608.4 Sq. Feet, 0.2 Acres PARCEL B Area: 7533.6 Sq. Feet, 0.2 Acres TOTAL Area: 16142.1 Sq. Feet, 0.4 Acres • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , . i . .1_.;. WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: Arborist Report • Biological Assessment. Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display. Construction Mitigation Description 'AND. Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet 4 Drainage Control Plan, V~ Drainage Report, Elevations, Architectural, AND' Environmental Checklist 4 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy), AND. Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) lAND. Flood Hazard Data 4 Floor Plans 3ANO, Geotechnical Report'ANo, Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual, Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed, Habitat Data Report 4 Improvement Deferral, Irrigation Plan. COMMENTS: PROJECT NAME: 3741 Park Ave N Lot Line Adjustment DATE: August 4, 2015 1 AUG 08 2Il\:) H :\CE D\D ata \FDrms-T em plates\Sel! -H el p Ha ndouts \P Ian n i n g\ Waive rsu bm ittal reqs,docx Rev: 02/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscape Plan, Conceptual. Landscape Plan, Detailed. Legal Description 4 Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions. Master Application Form. Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan. Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis. Plan Reductions (PMTs). Post Office Approval, Plat Name Reservation. Plat Plan. Preapplication Meeting Summary. Public Works Approval Letten Rehabilitation Plan. Screening Detail. Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan 'AND' Stream or Lake Study, Standard. AW Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental. Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan. Street Profiles 2 Title Report or Plat Certificate lAND. Topography Map 3 llt1 Traffic Study, ...J Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan. Urban Design Regulations Analysis. Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 V~ Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final. J Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 2 H :\ CED\Data \FD rm.-T emplate.\5elf-H elp Hand out.\Pla n n ing\ W ,lve rsu b m itt, I req •. docx Rev: 02/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation, . Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND' Inventory of Existing Sites 'AND' Lease Agreement, Draft lAND' Map of Existing Site Conditions 'AND' Map of View Area 'AND' Photosimulations lAND' This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: AlrJ 3 H :\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Sell-Help Handouts\Pla nning\ Waiversubmlttalreqs.docx COMMENTS: Rev: 02/2015 CITY OF RENTON JACOBSON LLA LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4} SEC. 32} T 24N} R 5E} W.M. CITY OF RENTON FILE NUMBER: LUA15 000594 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BUE'S VIEW ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 58 OF PLATS, PAGE 46, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LOT 2, BUE'S VIEW ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 58 OF PLATS, PAGE 46, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. OWNER'S DECLARATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SHORT SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE SET MY HAND AND SEAL. DONALD O. JACOB~ DATE ~.",d t9~ ~ f~J-{-/~ PEARL O. JACOBSON DA TE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STA TE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ) )SS ) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT DONALD O. & PEARL O. JACOBSON, HUSBAND & WIFE, ARE THE PERSONS WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSONS ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATE: 9J 1-\_lzpJQJ < CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS \ ~ ! EXAMINED AND APPROVE ON THls'L~_ DAY OF1ql~bIr', 2015. ~~ J=t.1Y dlfp ViVlCCtvt- RENTON ADMINISTRATOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF _.~~ _____ , 2015. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY COUNTY ASSESSOR TAX ACCT NO. 119050-0005 & 119050-0010 CITY OF RENTON LAND RECORD NUMBER: LND 30 0389 SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. VISIBLE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN HEREON WERE FOUND DURING THE COURSE OF A SURVEY PERFORMED IN JUNE OF 2015. THE FIELD DATA WAS COLLECTED AND RECORDED ON MAGNETIC MEDIA THROUGH AN ELECTRONIC THEODOLITE. 2. SUBJECT PROPERTY AREA PER THIS SURVEY IS 16,142± S.F. O.37± ACRES) 3. INSTRUMENTATION FOR THIS SURVEY WAS A TRIMBLE ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. PROCEDURES USED IN THIS SURVEY WERE DIRECT AND REVERSE ANGLES, NO CORRECTION NECESSARY. MEETS STATE STANDARDS SET BY WAC 332-130-090. BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD 83(91) WASHINGTON NORTH COORDINATE SYSTEM PER CITY OF RENTON CONTROL NETWORK A LINE BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS # 1~34 & # 1836 BEARS N 31"01'09" E REFERENCE MONUMrNTS: -~--.. ---------.-. .....,-. ~-.. --- CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1834: CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, DN 0.8', VISITED 6/25/15 LOCA TED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF NE 43RD ST & JONES AVE NE CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1836: CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, DN 0.6', VISITED 6/25/15 LOCA TED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF N 30TH STREET & BURNETT AVE N. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE REFERENCES FILED FOR RECORD THIS _____ DAY OF _____ • 2015. AT M. IN BOOK _____ OF SURVEYS. AT PAGC ___ , AT THE REQUEST OF GEODIMENSIONS, INC. MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF DONALD JACOBSON IN JUNE OF 2015. ~~~~_-~~ _________ i-J2~~5 SEAN A. ROULETTE -MILLER, CERTIFICATE NO. 51800 DA TE 1. SURVEY, BOOK 145, PGS 174 (A-I), RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 2. BUE'S VIEW ADDITION, RECORDED IN VOLUME 58 OF PLATS, PAGE 46, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. " _. ,.... 1- ,."-.:C-,,. ___ . _._. ~ • S ... • UJ LI) « --I • --I a:::: ... Z • z 0 "'" l-N Z • LU r- 0:: ... N u... en 0 • U >-UJ l-V) ... -"'" u --... "rI S Z ... "'" --... M S V) - V) c (J) E --o o <lJ 19 . ~ Z 0 V') CO 0 U « --. 0 .....J « Z 0 0 u c ,..., ~ Vl C o Vl c (j) l= o g 19 <t: 3 0 ~ 0 0 I 0 L!) 0 0) ~ ~ Z ~ lLI > L!) 0« O~ 90:: 0« L!) a.. o~ O)~ Mf".. ~(V) • 0 z --I L.LJ U 0:: « ... z a.. 0 I- Z UJ 0::: JOB NO.: 150687 DATE: 9/17/15 DRAFTED BY: TLR CHECKED BY: SRM SCALE: N/A 1 OF 2 -, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CITY OF RENTON FILE NUMBER: LUA15 000594 FD CONC MON W/BRASS PIN- DN 1.4' 6/25/2015 I N. 38TH ST (S.E. 86TH ST) 300 RENTON CONTROL -" W POINT #1834 ~ N: 196744.338' 59967.794 M I I E: 1303747.970' 397383.176 M I I CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1834: I I CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, DN 0.8', VISITED 6/25/15 I I LOCATED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF NE 43RD ST & JONES AVE NE I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I It I I ~ I I 150 300 o I:<! CO I I "ct/ I __ .L.f ____ ttS 88'41'41" E 9 72 .21 t _____ _ ____________ -+~T~ ( IN FEET) ~i: I ,fQ I 0$ -FD CONC MON W/BRASS PIN DN 0.5' 6/25/2015 1 N . s SET PK NAIL lO OW/WASHER #51800 C\Ja::: N 88'41'41" W 75.00' . 0 -SET REBAR #51800 17':7<:7'V"'~i-::£r>-1.4' ts><XXXX~!-J"_ 1.3' W. PROPOSED UNE -:.r (0 I'- 0 ~ ~ 3: ." ~ >Jp ~~<f>' • ~ C'I . F,; ~ C'I 4/:\&" !O .,... 0 (f) PARCEL B 1215 N 38TH ST TAX #1190500010 .# ''\- -WOOD FNC COR 0.4' N, 0.1' E OF LOT COR 70.00' . C'I (0 r' 0 ~ w • ~ !'I C'I !O ~ 0 z FD 1" IP O.Z' S. S 88'41'41° E 75.00' GATE 80.00' <0 PARCEL A 0 3741 PARK AVE N to I-5.0' TAX #1190500005 26.7'- l~ , I'- I~ .#" Z 3: w I~ > , « y: 1-lL. N 0:: I~ «,-,Z(I) 0.. zO:: 0.1 00..0) (f) '----.JI-"" "-0 . h r--::JO~ to(!}lL.1i I ~W 24.8' zZ ~::J 159 N 88'42'32" 7 . 0' '--_-SET REBAR #51800~ N 88'42'32" W 75.00' OJ 30 o 15 30 ( IN F'EE'f ) 1 inch = 30 ft. ---------------- <t FD 1" IP --0.1' N, 0.3' W. ------ b (0 I'- 0 ~ 3: • ~ N . C'I !O ~ 0 (f) 25' ROW • N8-. ~ ~ o (f) 1 inch = 300 ft. U I itrYf I #~ I ~.f:? cf? I tf &" /'{J'I ~ (( ';;;1 etc;" ;:".'{'If, ~ I ""~9;1 .:::-.8 ,°1 ~ cS-ct/ & i;-I ~(;~ I ~ ~ / l C:lc} / ~, ~;;::-I WG QjQ; / ~tf / q / Q)'{' / S88'41' 41 "E 972.21' (N88'41'17"W 972.26' ROS BK 145 PGS 174 (A-I» ~ !t, N. 38TH ST (S£ 86TH ST) "'<4 I I ........ ""' . I --------- I -<.0 « to to '-.or I IX) • 0 0 .... r--I'-r-- <D(O~ -Po I (f) \5'& /3?:'-' ,. 0 .... Q ----, 'Sl ;;..-';-C'.J U' _:>,~ z N.; to ~7 v; / ~ r<) .... .> 0'" LW lfl to ~ -----~Cj~'='-echo -~ ~ ~ ffi '() I a: ....., (I) I / / N88'45'15"W 1301.50' --(11/'1 -if:. ~ (N88'44'2 .. N88"58'18"W 1326.96' 4 W 1301.50' ROS 145/174 (A-I» , ------------:..JI-~--=-=-----l!_-_f_Ud ____ (N88'58'18"W ~326.9~'~OS 145/174 Q.-I) ____ -.J // N. 36TH ST (S.E. 88TH ST) I / / I / ~ "') I I I ~r/ RENTON CONTROL ~r<4 POINT #1836 ... N: 192137.303' 58563.567 M E: 1300977.687' 396538.79.2 M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1836: CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, ON 0.6', VISITED 6/25/15 LOCATED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF N 30TH STREET & BURNETT AVE N. -------------------~<4_J --- -----______ _ LEGEND CITY OF RENTON LAND RECORD NUMBER: lND 30 0389 FD CONC MON W/BRASS PIN ~ ____ ON 1.0' 6/Z5/2015 fA- I N. 36TH Sf (S.E. 88TH ST) " !.," ',. PARCEL A ORIGINAL AREA = 8,070 NEW AREA = 8,608 ADDRESS: 3741 PARK AVE N. PARCEL B ORIGINAL AREA = 8,072 NEW AREA = 7,534 ADDRESS: 1215 N 38TH ST x.xxxxxxx:xxx B U I LD IN G -t---CENTERLINE ROW )( )( FENCE LINE (CHAIN LINK) --IO}--D--FENCE LINE (WOOD) ~ MONUMENT IN CASE (FOUND) './ NAIL AS NOTED / , o • REBAR AS NOTED (FOUND) REBAR & CAP (SET, LS# 51800) • ~ , 3 " · UJ LO <t: --' · --' 0::: ... Z , z 0 o:::t ~ N Z , UJ I- c:::: ... N U. m 0 • u >-UJ ~ V') ... -o:::t U "'-.. ~ 3 z ... "d' "'-.. ~ 3 V') Vl C o Vl c: OJ E -o o OJ l? Z 0 V') CD 0 U « --, 0 --I « Z , (f) L:: o (f) L:: <lJ E o o ill l!J 0 r-I 0 0 I 0 LO 0 0) r-I r-I « $ Z ~UJ LO> O<t: O~ Oc:::: O<t: LOa.. On O)..q- r-I,...... r-I(V) O· O~ --' UJ U c:::: <t: ~ z a.. 0 I- Z UJ a::: JOB NO.: 150687 DATE: 9/17/15 DRAFTED BY: TLR CHECKED BY: SRM SCALE: 1" = 30' 2 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON JACOBSON LLA LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4, SEC. 32, T 24N, R SE, W.M. CITY OF RENTON FILE NUMBER: LUA15 000594 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BUE'S VIEW ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 58 OF PLATS, PAGE 46, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LOT 2, BUE'S VIEW ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 58 OF PLATS, PAGE 46, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. OWNER'S DECLARATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SHORT SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH Tt-IE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE SET MY HAND AND SEAL. ~tJ: ~ f~"'/~ If DONALD O. JACOB'3BKJ DATE e-,u.-L 0" ~~ 'l--J.I-Ir PEARL O. JACOBSON DA TE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SURVEYOR'S NOTES STA TE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ) )SS ) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT DONALD O. & PEARL O. JACOBSON, HUSBAND & WIFE, ARE THE PERSONS WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSONS ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATE: 9J'l\_/~10 < ..--. CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS EXAMINED AND APPROVE ON THIS '2U""'DAY OF ~~ 2015. ~~ I1vdll'pVII-1~t- RENTONAWISTRATOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ________ , 2015. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY COUNTY ASSESSOR TAX ACCT NO. 119050-0005 & 119050-001 0 CITY OF RENTON LAND RECORD NUMBER: LND 30 0389 RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED FOR RECORD THIS _____ DAY OF _____ -> 2015. AT M. IN BOOK _____ OF SURVEYS. AT PAGC ____ , AT THE REQUEST OF GEODIMENSIONS, INC. MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS 1. VISIBLE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN HEREON WERE FOUND DURING THE COURSE OF A SURVEY PERFORMED IN JUNE OF 2015. THE FIELD DATA WAS COLLECTED AND RECORDED ON MAGNETIC MEDIA THROUGH AN ELECTRONIC THEODOLITE. 2. SUBJECT PROPERTY AREA PER THIS SURVEY IS 16,142± S.F. 0.37± ACRES) 3. INSTRUMENTATION FOR THIS SURVEY WAS A TRIMBLE ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. PROCEDURES USED IN THIS SURVEY WERE DIRECT AND REVERSE ANGLES, NO CORRECTION NECESSARY. MEETS STATE STANDARDS SET BY WAC 332-130-090. BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD 83(91) WASHINGTON NORTH COORDINATE SYSTEM PER CIT'(OF RENTON CONTROL NETWORK .. A LINE BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS # 1834 &.# 1836 BEARS N 31"01'09" E ,. REFERENCE MONUMl:NTs:'" . -.'--.--•• _-.0'_"",,' -. --. ~ CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1834: CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, DN 0.8', VISITED 6/25/15 LOCATED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF NE 43RD ST & JONES AVE NE CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1836: CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, ON 0.6', VISITED 6/25/15 LOCATED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF N 30TH STREET & BURNETT AVE N. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF DONALD JACOBSON IN JUNE OF 2015. -L.~-~---. _____ '1:J]-=-~5 SEAN A. ROULETTE -MILLER, CERTIFICATE NO. 51800 DA TE -----------~----------~----------~ -----------------------~~----~. REFERENCES 1. SURVEY, BOOK 145, PGS 174 (A-I), RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 2. BUE'S VIEW ADDITION, RECORDED IN VOLUME 58 OF PLATS, PAGE 46, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. V) "t -U J-' ., 0 (!J OJ C 0 c C . • co ill ill 0'\ c: C 0 «! 0 S '-s: VI III -C C , (!) '.l.! V) (!J E E ::l ~_ ~ C >"O"CI (!J 0 0 ::::: <lI (!J (I) (!J0l0l OJ@:;; E l"'J r ~ o 0 3: .-I a. a. ..... (!J :l ...., 'll 0 :l 11) ~OO 0 1ijoo IV V (l) \.-"t .j...J • (f)OO c: Lf') 19 V IU . L I.fl N ~I V 0 (l) co c: 0 0 .-1 .c ~ a. u c: .... , til c: 0 ill c: (!) E a 0 Q) t9 0 ~ • 0 ~ 0 • S I 0 ... Ln • LU Z 0 Lf') 0) « 0 ~ ...J • ~ Z ...J ex: V') o(j ... CO UJ Z • z > 0 0 Ln ~ 0« l-N U O~ Z • « O' UJ I-,0::: 0::: ... --, 0« N u.. m 0 LnCL OM 0 • ....J U « 0)"", >-LU ~I'- l-V') Z ~("f) .. -~ U O· ............ rl O~ S Z ...J UJ ... U ~ ........ ex:: rl « ... S z a.. 0 V') I- Z LU a::: JOB NO.: 150687 DATE: 9/17/15 DRAFTED BY: TLR CHECKED BY: SRM SCALE: N/A 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CITY OF RENTON FILE NUMBER: LUA15 000594 FD CONC MON W/BRASS PIN ___________ ON 1.4' 6/25/2015 I N, 38TH ST (S.£. 86TH ST) 300 RENTON CONTROL,"", W POINr #1834 ~ N; 196744.338' 59967.794 M I I E: 1303747.970' 397383.176 Mil CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1834: I I CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, ON 0.8', VISITED 6/25/15 I , LOCATED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF NE 43RD ST & JONES AVE NE / / 1 I 1 I , I 1 I I / , ~ I 1 t} I 1 ~ I 1 150 300 o ~~ I , ______ -+~T~ ;S-ro / ~I ~'i; I ~ 1, o ~ / ..:::;. __ .L.1 ____ ttS 88'41'41". E 972.21 t _____ _ ( IN FEET) FD CONC MON W/BRASS PIN ON oS 6/25/2015 1 N tQ<xxxxa_ -:.r <0 r-- 0 ~ ~ 3: '" iY w 0$:1/ : ~ 'V <f>' S'I ts~ cp N 10 ~4,1!Y .- 0 (f) SET PK NAIL- W/WASHER #51800 ~ N 88'41'41" W 75.00' __ \ / SET REBAR #51800 1.4' 1.3' w. PROPOSED UNE PARCEL B 1215 N 38TH ST TAX #1190500010 .§-'" WOOD FNC COR 0.4' N, 0.1' E OF LOT COR 70.00' . N <.0 r-.: 0 ..... w • -N . N 10 ..... 0 Z GATE I--5.0' 26.7'- I~ r-- I~ 3: I~ N I~ UJ II I ~I.&J zZ a:::J 59 FD 1" IP 0.2' S. S 88'41'41" E 75.00' <D 0 I"l 80.00' Z PARCEL A 3741 PARK AVE N TAX #1190500005 ~4 24.8' N 88'42'32" 7 . 0' , ~_-SET REBAR #51800 ~ N 88'42'32" W 75.00' 30 a 15 ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 30 -ft. 30 Ol <tFD 1" IP 0.1' "N, 0.3' W. -,------------------------- . o <.0 . r--o ..... UJ 25' ROW it> IX) o r-- <0 UJ CJO -t I 'f'1 ~~ I ~I ~Q;-~ I 12, ~f:?cf?1 eLI "o,it ,,'0'/ b III " '-' ., ": 'f' 1 ~Q.:;I m~ cfC1 ~iiil .s If. '" / " """" ~ ~ / UJ I :::::.8 ,°1 w 0 I ~ & ~~ cif!2~ i; / ~ ~ I S~~I ~gil ~Q;' I om, "& I ZN ~~ I Q;'" / ~ ~"{' 0 '10 1 /.QQ;-I ~ I CYQ.0 I " o / ~, q 0 1 inch = 300 fL Q)"{' I 31 / I S88'41'41"E 972.21' (N88'41'17"W 972.26' ROS BK 145 PGS 174 (A-I» I I // %, I ~ q; N. 38TH ST (S.E. 86TH ST) V ... I ~ >'0. I ---------I • I 70 •• I • <0 <{ Illlll~ ~ I I 00 • o.~, oO'f' " " r--f'.. O>L I (!) <.0 r-" , .po ' UJ 7w<5' 1 ;s'&o /~:f~ A ---"'J? j.-';-. N Q I \5' :>. z N;; III 1.5' -;?.>v'6'~ I LU 'C'l i2 ;! 7.> 1 ~ ~ :> Vl • _____ :., "A, ~= '---~-Cr~J /~" ~g g iii Cry ~I './ « '-" UJ N88'45'15"W 1301.50' -(111'1 --0. ~ I (N88'44'2 " N88'58'18"W 1326.96' ____ 4_W_1_3_0_1._50,_'_R_O_S_1_4_5~/IL7_4_( __ A~I):...) ---i/!--.4:!.l ____ (I-_188_'58_'18_'·W_132_6._90'_RO_S _145_/17_4 _(A-_I) ____ J / / / I I ~ / / I I N. 36TH ST (S.E. 88TH ST) ~I RENTON CONTROL 11>'-<3 POINT #1836 .... N: 192137.303' 58563.567 M E: 1300977.687' 396538.792 M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY NETWORK PT NO. 1836: CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PIN, DN 0.6', VISITED 6/25/15 LOCATED AT CONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION OF N 30TH STREET & BURNETT AVE N. -----------------t-.~ -------- -____ _ LEGEND CITY OF RENTON LAND RECORD NUMBER: LND 300389 FD CONC MON W/BRASS PIN-,~~ ON 1.0' 6/25/2015 N. 36TH ST (S.£, 88TH ST) PARCEL A ORIGINAL AREA = 8,070 NEW AREA = 8,608 ADDRESS: 3741 PARK AVE N. PARCEL B ORIGINAL AREA = 8,072 NEW AREA = 7.534 ADDRESS: 1215 N 38TH ST :)<XXx)<)<)<Xx)",( B U I LD I N G -tt CENTERLINE ROW )( )( FENCE LINE (CHAIN LINK) --ICl Q-FENCE LINE (WOOD) ~ MONUMENT IN CASE (FOUND) './ NAIL AS NOTED / " o • REBAR AS NOTED (FOUND) REBAR & CAP (SET, LS# 51800) « , ~ , :s ... . u.J Lf'l ....J ' ....JO::: ... Z . O~ j-N Z ' UJI- o:::~ LLrt1 aU ~~ -o:::t U ......... rl :s Z JOB NO.: DATE: (/) t: o - -o o Q) L? u c ..... ~ !/) c o !/) C QJ E '-o g r..9 o rl o o I o Lf') ZO O~ V) HZ co o<S UJ o ~~ u o~ « 0 0::: -, 6 « o Lf) 0.. ....J 0 H « 0) ~ Z rl r--. H('V') o· O~ ....J UJ U 0::: .. « 0.. Z o I- Z ill 0:::: 150687 9/17/15 DRAFTED BY: TLR CHECKED BY: SRM SCALE: 1" = 30' 2 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CITY OF RENTON FILE NUMBER / / / • l . . ' . / , / ./ / . CITY OF RENTON LAND RECORD NUMBER NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP .r;'!:· 60S 1- 04S11) 100 o LW > LU U w 0::: o 1 Z· . "1; {}-62S ,0' ,. • _, ••• • -. .,! .:.'-,;,C .. -!..;.",.:1-,.f..::' .. -'" rr: _!.:~1_ ~~~_t .,;... ---"' ... ",J.~-.. -:::' ......... .., LOT 50 ,1 ;oj, (k'.:22 , 1" 100 I (m FEET) 1 inch = 100 ft. -------- « --' --' z o r-z UJ c:x: u. o >-r--u • .... • UJ Lf) • 0::: .... • z o::::t N • I- .... N m • u UJ V') JOB NO.: DATE: (/) c: o - (/) c: (J) E ..... o o (J) l? z o V') CO o u « -.., o -I « Z ..... ....., ..... " (JJ Q) o ocr:: co Vl Vl en c c c:! 0 .Q __ Vl Vl Sec ~ (JJ Q) ~ E .S >"0'0 (JJ 0 0 (JJ Q) (JJ 01 01 aJ@:i 0J 1::: s: a 0 S .-l 0. 0. (JJ ::J .l-J Vl ::J If) (JJ c o .r: ~ 0. u c >-< ~ V1 C o V1 c (JJ F o o ()J 19 « $ 0 0 Oz --' UJ U c:x: « a.. 150687 8/05/15 .... Z o I- Z w 0::: DRAFTED BY:-TLR -.,- CHECKED BY: SRM SCALE: 1" 30' 1 OF 1