HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc<~ First American '"'" First American Title Insurance Company July 27, 2015 Dave Riecken King County DOT 155 Monroe AVE NE BLDG C Renton, WA 98056 Phone: (206)205-9917 Fax: Title Officer: Phone: Fax No.: E-Mail: Order Number: Escrow Number: Buyer: Owner: Property: 818 Stewart St, Ste 800 Seattle, WA 98101 N<c.<:) (j<¢ "0\S ~~ \) x.. ''\-~O~ Curtis Goodman \"~ '¥-~~ ,o~ (206)615-3069 .. O~ <;)<;l\<j (866)561-3729 ~ ~~~0 cgoodman@firstam.co~ ~,J' 2226614 2226614 Vacant Land Renton, Washington Attached please find the following item(s): Guarantee Thank You for your confidence and support. We at First American Title Insurance Company maintain the fundamental principle: Customer First! CLTA #14 SubdiviSion Guarantee (4·~io-75~ Washington! First American Subdivision Guarantee ISSUED BY Guarantee First American Title Insurance Company . GUARANTEE NUMBER i 5003353-2226614 SUBJEcr TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE liMITS OF LIABILITY AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS GUARANTEE, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a Nebraska corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES King County the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability stated in Schedule A, which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. First American Title Insurance Company flr-/dL Ooirllnis J Gilnlom Pffi.S.Kren( deff~y S R(l/)rnscn $eCfCWfy' This jacket was created electronically and constitutes an original document ---._-~.--,. ------CLTA-iii4 subdivision Guarantee-, 4~ 10-75)1 Washington: -.-~------~ ---~-----~-.-~-------~ ---_. --'--------.~. --~-~.------------_.-._------. SCHEDULE DF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS GUARANTEE 1. Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: (a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters against the title, whether or not shown by the public records. (b) (1) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property; Ofr (2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not the matters excluded under (1) or (2) are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public records. (c) (1) Unpatented mining claims; (2) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (3) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excluded under (1), (2) or (3) are shown by the public records. 2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: (a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters affecting the title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set forth in Schedule (A), (C) or in Part 2 of this Guarantee, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways to which such land abuts, or the right to maintain therein vaUlts, tunnels, ramps or any structure or improvements; or any rights or easements therein, unless such property, rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in said description. (b) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, whether or not shown by the public records; (1) which are created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by one or more of the Assureds; (2) which result in no loss to the Assured; or (3) which do not result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judicial or non-judiCial proceeding which is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided. (c) The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. (d) The validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown or referred to in this Guarantee. GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. Definition of Terms. The fallOWing terms when used in the Guarantee mean: (a) the "Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, or on a supplemental writing executed by the Company. (b) "land": the land described or referred to in Schedule (A)(C) or in Part 2, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule (A)(C) or in Part 2, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways. (c) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without knowledge. (e) "date": the effective date_ 2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing. in case knowledge shall come to an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest, as stated herein, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notify the Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any Assured unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. 3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which the Assured is a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or proceeding. 4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions; Duty of Assured Claimant to Cooperate. Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set forth in Paragraph 3 above: (a) The Company shall have the right, at its sole option and cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding, interpose a defense, as limited in (b), or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this Guarantee, whether or not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph, it shall do so diligently. (b) If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a) the Company shall have the right to select counsel of its chOice (subject to the right of such Assured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel, nor will the Company pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters not covered by this Guarantee. (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee, the Company may pursue any litigation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sale discretion, to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. (d) In all cases where this Guarantee pennits the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, an Assured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of such Assured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, an Assured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all Form 5003353(7-1-14) ipage 3 of 11 Guarantee Number: 2226614 -_. __ .... ~----,--_. ··CLTA#14"Subdlvision Guarantee (4-10-755 __________ ,_. ________ . _________ washingtonJ GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued) reasonable aid in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured, If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation/ the Company's obligations to the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. 5. Proof of Loss or Damage. In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions and Stipulations have been provided to the Company, a proof of loss or damage signed and sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety (90) days after the Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or damage shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage, If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage, the Company's obligation to such assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. In addition, the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce for examination, inspection and copying/ at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by any authorized representative of the Company, aU records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date before or after Date of Guarantee, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the Assured shall grant its permissionr in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect and copy all records/ books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, in the reasonable judgment of the CompanYr it is necessary in the administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph, unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation, shall terminate any liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured for that claim, 6. Options to Payor Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. In case of a claim under this Guarantee, the Company shall have the following additional options: Ca) To payor Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the Indebtedness, The Company shall have the option to payor settle or compromise for or in the name of the Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this Guarantee, or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or, if this Guarantee is issued for the benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lienholder, the Company shall have the option to purchase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the amount owing thereon, together with any costs, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Such purchase, payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness, the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness, together with any collateral security, to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph Ca) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate, including any obligation to continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4, and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for cancellation. (b) To Payor Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Assured or With the Assured Claimant. To payor otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any claim assured against under this Guarantee, together with any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay, Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (b) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminater including any obligation to continue the defense or prosection of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4. 7. Determination and Extent of Liability. This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the extent herein described, and subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least of: Ca) the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; (b) the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of an Assured mortgagee, as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations, at the time the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs, together with interest thereon; or (c) the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect, lien or encumbrance assured against by this Guarantee. S. Limitation of Liability. (a) If the Company establishes the title, or removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably diligent manner by :Guarantee Number: 2226614 , --'~'-CLTA'#i4Subdivision Guarantee (4-10~75)! Washington ----'--._--------~--..... ------- GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued) any method, including litigation and the completion of any appeals therefrom, it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. (b) In the event of any litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom! adverse to the title, as stated herein. (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to any Assured for liability voluntarily assumed by the Assured in settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Company. 9. Reduction of Liability or Termination of Liability. All payments under this Guarantee, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses pursuant to Paragraph 4 shall reduce the amount of liability pro tanto. 10. Payment of Loss. (a) No payment shall be made without producing this Guarantee for endorsement of the payment unless the Guarantee has been lost or destroyed, in which case proof of loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. (b) When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations, the loss or damage shall be payable within thirty (30) days thereafter. 11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement. Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this Guarantee, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the Assured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which the Assured would have had against any person or property in respect to the claim had this Guarantee not been issued. If requested by the Company, the Assured shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect this right of subrogation. The Assured shall permit the Company to sue, compromise or settle in the name of the Assured and to use the name of the Assured in any transaction or litigation involving these rights or remedies. If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Assured the Company shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies of the Assured after the Assured shall have recovered its principal, interest, and costs of collection. 12. Arbitration. Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company or the Assured may demand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Land Title Association. Arbitrable matters may inc/ude, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim bet'Neen the Company and the Assured arising out of or relating to this Guarantee, any service of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a Guarantee provision or other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Liability is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Assured. All arbitrable matters when the amount of liability is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the Assured. The Rules in effect at Date of Guarantee shall be binding upon the parties. The award may include attorneys' fees only if the laws of the state in which the land is located permits a court to award attorneys' fees to a prevailing party. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request. 13. liability Limited to This Guarantee; Guarantee Entire Contract. (a) This Guarantee together with all endorsements, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire Guarantee and contract between the Assured and the Company. In interpreting any provision of this Guarantee, this Guarantee shall be construed as a whole. (b) Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to this Guarantee. (c) No amendment of or endorsement to this Guarantee can be made except by a writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized Signatory of the Company. 14. Notices, Where Sent. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be fUrnished the Company shall include the number of this Guarantee and shall be addressed to the Company at First American Title Insurance Company, Attn: Claims National Intake Center, 1 First American Way, Santa Ana,. California 92707 Claims.NIC@firstam.com Phone: 888-632- 1642 Fax: 877-804-7606 First American Title ------~-------------------- CLTA # 14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)] Washington! ~~------------------- -.;;.~ First American Subdivision Guarantee ~-ry:..:4t¥ I ISSUED BY Schedule A ! First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER 2226614 Order No.: 2226614 Liability: $1,000.00 Name of Assured: King County Date of Guarantee: July 13, 2015 The assurances referred to on the face page hereof are: 1. Title is vested in: Fee: $350.00 Tax: $33.60 ....•. --------~ KING COUNTY, A POLmCAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 2. That, according to the public records relative to the land described in Schedule C attached hereto (including those records maintained and indexed by name), there are no other documents affecting title to said land or any portion thereof, other than those shown under Record Matters in Schedule B. 3. The following matters are excluded from the coverage of this Guarantee A. Unpatented Mining Claims, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof. B. Water rights, claims or title to water. C. Tax Deeds to the State of Washington. D. Documents pertaining to mineral estates. 4. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown herein. 5. This Guarantee is restricted to the use of the Assured for the purpose of providing title evidence as may be required when subdividing land pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 58.17, R.C.W., and the local regulations and ordinances adopted pursuant to said statute. It is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. 6. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment, guarantee or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon it. CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee(4=-iO-75)1' Washington __ -:-_______ . __ ~_~ __ , _____ . ___ ~ _______ J ----------------------------- • Subdivision Guarantee ~ First American -y-. ISSUED BY , First American Title Insurance Company Schedule B . GUARANTEE NUMBER :2226614 -------- RECORD MATTERS 1. Liability, if any, for pro-rata portion of Real Property taxes, which are carried on the King County Tax Rolls, as exempt. Tax account no. 143400-0010-02. The taxes for the current year reflect an exemption . Any curtailment of the exemption may result in an additional amount being due for the current year and for any re-assessment of land and improvement values. 2. Facility Charges, if any, including but not limited to hook-up, or connection charges and latecomer charges for sewer, water and public facilities of City of Renton as disclosed by instrument recorded under recording no. ~02Q42176. Partial satisfaction of tap hook-up or connection charge recorded as Recording Number 9307160687. 3. Facility Charges, if any, including but not limited to hook-up, or connection charges and latecomer charges for sewer, water and public facilities of City of Renton as disclosed by instrument recorded under recording no. 96062100966. 4. Unrecorded leaseholds, if any, rights of vendors and security agreement on personal property and rights of tenants, and secured parties to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. 5. 6. Easement, including terms and Recorded: Recording Information: In Favor Of: For: Easement, including terms and Recorded: Recording Information: In Favor Of: For: provisions contained therein: November 18, 1929 2571770 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation Electric transmission and/or distribution system provisions contained therein: October 31, 1944 3425304 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation Electric transmission and/or distribution system 7. Covenants, Conditions and/or Restrictions contained in the following instrument: Executed by: Ki ng County Recorded: Recording No.: February 07, 1949 3875580 Puget Sound Power & Light Company transferred a portion of said easement to King County by Recording Number 5834934. Form 5003353 (7-1-14) iPage 7 of 11 I !Guarantee Number: 2226614 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) I ___ -'-______ . _______ W_ashing~~~j 8, Reservations contained in Deed from the State of Washington recorded under recording no. 3875580, reserving all oil, gases, coal, ores, minerals, fossils, etc., and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same. 9, Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 4189945 In Favor of: Not disclosed For: Pipeline 10, Reservations contained in Deed from the State of Washington recorded under recording no. 418_9945, reserving all oil, gases, coal, ores, minerals, fossils, etc., and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same. 11. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 4189946 For: Pipeline 12, Reservations contained in Deed from the State of Washington recorded under recording no. 1189946, reserving all oil, gases, coal, ores, minerals, fossils, etc., and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same. 13. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 54851L6 In Favor of: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation For: To construct, reconstruct, improve, repair, maintain and operate an electriC transmission and/or distribution line 14. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information:, 5642513 In Favor of: For: City of Renton Establishment and maintenance of a public highway and the installation and maintenance of utility lines other than electric utility lines 15. Easement, including terms and proviSions contained therein: Recording Information: 7901220622 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sanitary sewer line 16. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: 17, Recording Information: 7902010676 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sewer pipeline Easement, including terms and Recorded: Recording Information: In Favor Of: For: provisions contained therein: May 24, 1979 7905240853 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation Electric transmission and/or distribution system F0m15003353 (7-1-14) 'Page 8 of 11 ----jGUarantee Number: 2226614 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4~10~75): Washington i 18. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: f!!Q.2.020591 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Ingress, egress and utilities 19. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8203230586 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sewer pipeline 20. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8310180894 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Water line 21. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8310180895 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sanitary sewer lines and water line 22. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8704161231 In Favor of: City of Renton, a municipal corporation and King County For: Construction and installation of water main and appurtenances Said agreement contains provisions for special tap charges. As extended by Recording Number 9406130332. The lien of said agreement has been released by instrument recorded under King County Recording Number 97081106_8[;. 23. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8810070204 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Ingress, egress and utilities 24. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 9109130534 and 9[;12090986 In Favor of: The City of Renton For: Ingress, egress and utilities 25. Roadway reservation Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: King County And: City of Renton Recording Information: 93040111561 26. Any and all offers of dedication, conditions, restrictions, easements, boundary discrepancies or encroachments, notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed by City of Renton Short Plat No. LUA- 01-090 recorded under recording number 20020517900003. 27. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Declaration of Restrictive Covenants 'l Form 5003353 (7-1-14) "Page 9 of 11 Recorded: Recording No.: October 11, 2002 20021011002317 28. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 20030519001904 In Favor of: City of Renton, a municipal corporation For: Public Utilities 29. Any and all offers of dedication, conditions, restrictions, easements, boundary discrepancies or encroachments, notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed by Short Plat or Plat of Cassidy Cove recorded in Volume 2460fl'latsL£,ag~~lJll-86. Informational Notes, if any A. General taxes for the year 2015, which have been paid. Tax Account No.: 143400-0010-02 Code Area: 2100 Amount: $ 24.46 Assessed Land Value: $ 0.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 0.00 B. Name and address of current taxpayer according to the King County Assessors record are: King County-Roads 201 S Jackson St #315 Seattle WA 98104 C. The vestee(s) herein acquired title by instrument(s) recorded under R€cording Number(s) 3875580. CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-1O-75)i .~~~~~w_a_shing!~~ ~ First American '!i...: ~ .. <...tP Subdivision Guarantee . ISSUED BY ; First American Title Insurance Company Schedule C I GUARANTEE NUMBER ~2226614 The land in the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: LOT A, CASSIDY COVE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 246 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 81 THROUGH 86, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Form 5003353 (7-1-14)Pa"gellof 11 ;Guarantee Number: 2226614 , --~--(iTA-i14 Subdivision~Guaiantee(4:1o: 75)1 Washington: - .i ~"'-- • • • • wtllN ~ RET\Jm1tl; om.:.. 01 II.-CI1y.:Jerk DEClARATION Of SEGREGATION OF SPECIAl. Ui1UIY CONNECTION CHARGE .... 10<> Munldplllo.U:l.b>lI XOMiUA..-..So.,do ~WA~ W1:IfREAS, the City of Rcmton, 3 mtullcip;al oorpor.ltion, by Ordinance No. 4321 amended City code :section 8-5-17.B.3.k by Adding subscc:don. ~ pemUttlng ~tlon of la:J;e ~ oi property for pa~nt of saniwy sewer-$~dal utility connection dwge fees.; :md WHEREAS, the ptepM}' of King County. Washington qtWifies roc sudt ~rJon and King Coonly, Washingtoa wishes to ~ itsdf of the Clpportunity to Sotgn:g:ate: for: payment oflhc sanitary sewer SpecW Utituy Conncdloo Owg.:; :and ~. the: admbUstr.ation of the Q[f of .Renton has ~ that 5qCfl ~n mcctJ the dt)' code ~ cited in thIs dcd:u'2!ion. NOW, THEREFORE. King Coun(f, Washington lIS owner.; of lhe folloWing describc=d rcl property in the City of Rcuon, King County, Washington, dcsoibr:d in lWliblt -A", as Pucel$ A, B, and C, which is 2l13..:hed hemo a!ld is ~ by n;:ferencc: herdn as if fully set forth, Wish to Kgr'Cgatc itS prop=:rty for purpOses of pmbJ p:tymc:nl ofthc special utility connc:ctiOn ~ Coc 5aftt 2S foDows. Sec Exhibit "B" attached ~o and incorporated by Idi::rcnce hacin 2S if fully $d forth, for the map showing in 0'Utline Ihr b.nd:5 UfCded by the. Special Utility Connec:tion ~. The propetty or King County, washington (or whidl lhe S3DiW'f sewer speda1 utility connection dwge will be SOI.tbtled:i:!i descn1x:d.as: putt! A in Exhibit -N 2nd is shown on the trulp b~kd Exhibit-B", The mn:tin<k:r ofdtc ownr:nbip ~ DOl p;;Ud in full lOf' the .mllbty sewer spec;t:Ll utility connc,-tion dJ:uge. for the Jmd for which the 5peci;IJ. I.IIi1!q· connection dwge has not bttn p:aid. the ch.:lf8~ $till be p:lid 21 me talC in cff~cr ;:u the time' ;I fOl'IG:l.l :appliaaoo is 51.11:!Jniftcd which would Ulvote die cfwge_ Tht: OWTlCT of the ~~ propeny, ils .succeswrs. hdfS :;and :mignS hCttby :a~ :wd ~ to pay ~ .speci2l utillry conn«tion cl:!:ouJe at the r;JCe In dfect :al the time 0[ fonn:d appliatioC1 for the patttl of !:and (or ~ the :appliCltiOfJ has beai subrrutted. This covcmnt ~ run with the bod :md DU 00{ cxp~. If :allUlY time the (ee is P~id. Che penron of Ule ~t:s or-~ portion of lhe l:and = for which the ke: h;l5 be:en p~id, 1$ ~ by me Ordln2nco: of ~ City of R~toJ]. sluD tmni'l:11e by [he filing ami ,,"ording of a p:uti:a..I S;Uisf.Jction of tap. hook-up Of' connection ch:atge rdose: rorm wilh KioB County_ I ~ l! J 8 ;J i ~ i !! " ,; " • I· · - - -----~~-------- STATE OF WASHING-TON COUNTY OF KING ) )SS ) • • • I =illy <Jut I know ~ ""~C ~ ~ "'" %r> wm.a: """'" this ~ on oath IbC; authorized co a«Ute instrummt and acknowkdgcd it ;as the (; kt#Jr?lr;W. to be:: the Crce and voIuntary:K"t of such party for the t:Se$ and purposes ~ in the &l5UumalL ""'" d1-' /&1 '? UEU. Uf:oI!(:;:i1L'I!I[~_~2 "l·:-""AlQ~JIII, ~ ~, .. / • .. -~ I-- r ! :1 I j I I , ; I I I ; " ) <.C r-.. '" 2'i ~ (y", en .. • • • EXHIBIT "A" l£UL. DESClIPTUIII FOl (SiICC) DIVIS"" The following parcel descriptions. s1tuUed .Uhtn 5«t1011 16, T2311, R 5 E. II.H., King [Olll1t" \/ultil'gton, desc:rlt!e the r@latedKingCountyproperty for the Segregation o-f S.nitary Sewer Special Utilfty CDnnect10ll Charge (SlICe} pursu.ant to the City of R.enton Ordinance Mo. 432:1, Section 11, (K){i1). Each of the fonawing parcels are the sa.e as d~picted on the ii!ttached aap titled ·SVCC L.AHD DJVISIOfII· and dated November 13, 3992. PARCEL -A- lbe Horth 870.00 feet of the "~st 645.00 f~t of the SE 1/4 of HIII!4 of Sectioll 16, 123M. R 5 E, 'Ui. togetiler with the South 80.00 feet of the West 1/2 of the HE 1/4 of the HV 1/4 of Section Hi. LESS AIGJ EXCEPT, a trh.Jl9ulir portion of the SE 1/4 of the HW 1/4 of Section 16. being foned by Easuring fn. the II!' 1/16th CorneT. 648.74 feet ilong the \lest IJ16th line illd 422.tB feet along the North l/16th line. AND ALSO ElCEPT that portion of the South 00.00 feet of the'" 1/2 of the HE 1/4 of the MI 1/4 Sedion 16, lying IIest 4';f thp. Nortt-.easterly projection of the Southeasterly line of the previously described trh.nguh.r portion. containing iO.13 acres lIOn! or less The Vest 1/2 of the NE 1/4 Qf the fII 1/4 of Section 16, T23M. R 5 E. lUI .• together v1th a triangular portion of the SE 1/4 of the fII 1/4 of Sec::tion 16, being fanted by .easuring fro. the III J/16th Comer. GU.74 feet along the Vest 1/16tn lille and 4Z2.48 feet along Ule Iforth I/16th line. lESS AND ElCEPT. that portion of the north 593.14 feet of the !lest 1/2 of the HE 1/4 of the NY 1/4 Section 16 ly.ing lIest of the East 60 feet ti1ere-cf. NIl ALSO EXCEPT, U;lt portion of the lIest 1/2 of the ME 114 of Ule IN 1/4 Sedion Hi. lyfng Harth of the Southerly Right-af-V.y of NE Third Street, AHIl ALSO EXCEPT th;l.t portion of the South 60.00 feel of U,e "E it4 of tile Mil/4 Section 16, Lytnq hst of the NoTt.ht!a.sterly projection O'f the Sol.lthe;l.sterlyline of the previously described trl~"hr portier.. conh1ning 14.53 tilCRS .J"I! or Jess t.i ~~~---------------------------- I· • - - I . I·" ! '" . • • • The Sf 1/4 of the fill 1/4, Ind the SIll 1/4 of the HE II' iJ1d tha'" l/f of t}.a: Sf 1/4 of S@ction 16. 123H, R 5 E, III.K. lESS All) EXCEPT tlte lied 645.00 feet Df tM North 870.00 fNt of th@ Sf 1/4 of the IN 1/4 tlf Section 16, AlSO EXCEPT that portton of the $V 1/4 of the lIE 1/4 ofStetton 16. lling East' of the liest 713.33 feet of the MorUt. 960 f"t~ NIl AlSO·EXCEPT that portion tying ElSt of the West 683.33 reet aM SocIth of the Nftrtft 960 fH:t tIIe~f. conhiniltg 88.94 acres lOT'! or 11!$J 1;1 ~.~------------------------- • I· · • If I , :. "" CIIIIO -I rE -~ -, <T> C-\I 1/1,TM SEt.. I' i "IIIIi'm .,.. ,.. 15[ 1.14 -"",. AREA TABULATION =-~=.~ PARCEL ~A.' H!.293 sa. fT. PARCEl. ~B~ 633.093 ~Q. n. • .......... IlfPII!!'ItI' 4." • .,. ... ,*,.,,~. .~ .. c:. t~ '1.1' § t!!!l!.l'Q:0' c ;/@~I ---- 1 ('--=-~ • • - 9 LEGEND ~ _ I)£tf;rftJ stliRCr.A flON AlGI ""'I'lItHf or :ucc ,- rta ~ o -DIlInU TM P'MCQ.'. + -DDGTtf $£CTJIJN CORNER =! • "l ~ -tIDlITU OUMTER cCRNOt 0 _ lIDCIn::s COfT!;R or $EerltH J SUCC LAND DIVISION IF KING COUNTY'S RENTON TRANSfER S TA nON DATE. NOV; 13, 199~ SCALe t·K 4DD' PUH !I\' I 1). RtCCIC(N DISI(. 5'j9 FIELD DOOKS, 13£17, 1,,35 ~~', . " .•. '.-.\'!,.- t' .... ( .\" ;j " WIlEN' RECOROF.D REruRN TO: orn(~"I"t","QlyCkrl< R~nioD ~\.Ink;p"l B<r.l<Iinl\ .:ZOO Mill Avenue Srr,w, R~"'<",. WA!)!!OS5 • • • PARbAl.SATISFACTION O'F tAP, HOOK-UP OR CONNEcnON CHARGE 'WHEkEAS, the Cio/ of ,Renton has preYlously adopt __ ed ordinance No. 4321 pro~iairig for \he collection of .. lap»~ook.'up or cpnnection duties fotthose connectiJ);g t6" the, water or sewage systems cif the City;and wm,REAS, said chlirge-w2S -duly recorded pursuant to RCW 65:08.110, and WHEREAS, said charge creatr:s a lien <>0 specifiCll.Uy defined properties:ab.d WHEREAs, a ctrtaiil: pared ofl,lul:i)Jtoperty h:u fully .satisfled its pottlon of those Chatges, and Wi-lEREAS,it is necessary that s3..iCl par...--el Oc icleued from the lieJl created by said charges; NOW.'THEREFORE;·B~·riKNOWN: . , ~ Thai'the-sariib.~ ~r,'lap. :t:iobk-ll"p orC<inn-eCti()ri'~h3rti-: knowJi as:lhe speruj~~ifi.ity' Cbnn~dion B 1"-Charge (SUCC fee) has-~e.ri ~·rtially satisfied and is fully ~le:ISed from any claitil un~er Llut chaIgc ~ jj as to the foUowing desc~bC:d leat property: 9 LEGAL DESCiuPtION:_ 'su ATTACHED _E<HIBIT-A" AND"S" ~ SanilMy SeWer"Special 't.J@tYJ:(innt~tion aurges]iav~ hCtn: pijd :rot the ,RehiOn'rnflster _b stitiorl Sewer, Upgfade-and~~l:'cycllng area" ~.!*d ·~_~'p_ili&:I:-J.111. ~it, "A". -'?anw : C":, release is also _~ic:d t() '~e ~o~llda,t_ed_ ~ffi~,e ~ Refr,Ur FaCilitY (CO~ ~te .deSCribed u..... u' P2n:el D in Exhibit "A" bclllg il 20 ilp:e po(tlon ,of Parcel C; for which sa:rutary sewer 'speCiaf titiJjt.y ccinnei'tiorl charges wc& previouSly paid; But this ~~ sh;ill;fi6t lfupait',the Uen'ot theiity-:6f)te'riib~ ~ to o~ hnM'not ~~ous1y:des.:;Jbcd :"' '::IS h"avln,g beeJ:! 'i-e:l~-d. nor·the ~der-ofParCd C, 6r im~ th.c· ~en' fot"thc Water speci;'.i trtillty g ,Connection Ch!itgc:· on the subject p'ioperty, which has'not been p_ild iiI·full. Th~:~~t1rY. sdvci::~pi;<tAI Utility ~imecti6n cruige tel~sdl'b# _~ ~g: 6rihis ~ent. was a pa,cilal p'iym~ot __ ~ted_ under: Rest~e Cov~nmt recqtafug 'rl-&nbcr' 93ti2042i76,' for Piln::el A and paid in 'the amCiU:nt of $27:800.00, P€riiUt N8234, <tate '6/21/93. Thie~20 atrC po?rtion of Parce! _e-(h'~:,~;nJerred to as :Pireel b):iD: Exwbn' ~A·. rcl~d bi thd-:recordmg ohms d~ur:?e.nt was:a 'prC:Vi~~ '~;iY~Ii~re_t:"$.OI/sq. ft. tor 871,200 sq. ft.) made prior tO'the grailting'of limited exemptions wl~crorOfa_i1Wice NC?:_4321. SIGNEDihi> (1ft . ""YOf~' . I,} ., . Bf! . ~dlJyi(;t- Arlene: Haight, ~¢J:ty ~tViep;.~ppervisor Agent ~or i.Ynn: Ii:. Gi1~aJ?l,:A~istr.ltor Planning/BuildinglPublk Works . sTAlE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS ) cour-nY OF KING On-'thj~ day,_p::rsonhlly, appc::ared before: me, ~lene Haight; agent for Lynn A. Guttmaiui,'Adniinisttator, PlanniIigl5tiikliiigiPublic Works to me known L?_be the Property Services Supervisor and acknowledged 10 me thai she was .' to cxeCll[~ .tl:\e:. v..ithin on its bc-hlilf. That she nirther acknowkdge:s she executed 'the . " ror the ~ and purposcs therein m...'"ntioned. -#-7'3''6'0 ad<tIfOVooo /1'1'.535'. ;o.'1-9.1i- I· o . -~ II 1 ..... ttl '" . 0 '" r-- 0 '" ('- q ; i "I , • e . • EXHIBIT ~A~ The following parcel destriptiOns. situated within Sec-d&n 16. t23N. R 5 E, W.M .• King County, .. Washi~ton. destljbe !he, related K\8h\ C{)unty prop-en" for feleas!,! under the .Set;re!l'ation of Sai'lit"ary SeWer Sllecia_1 'Utility 6Sn~ettion 'Charge' granted . under Re'<i(fictiv.-e: Covllmm't rec()fdii1g ff9:!o1a42 f16. . PARC'£l AA" Th.e. North _870.00 fiiet' of" the \lest 6"'15;00 fe:~t,of the $£ 1/'1 o(NW 1/4" of Section 16, 123M. R 5 E, ~UL t0gether with the:South 80.00 fe'et of the·llest In-of th~ NE,I/4 or" the Nil 114 of Sect'ioll 15, l~SS AND EXCEPT, /i;i~Mhla~ "pirfior/o.t:tNi" 'Sc., 1/4' of tile-NJ.I:"'1/4 --df"_Se'cNiJli'16, bejfl'9-fOrll)ed 'by "measulfng' froll1 the NW l}l€ith (o1Q~r, 648.74 feet along "the ,West 1/1"6to line arid 42:2.48 fe'et along the I"(otth l/l~th line, AND ALSO t<i:'EPT that iiol-tlon':'{jf 'lhe 'Siiu'tlj '80."l)~'Jeet:;o·f '~'fIe W~.1n "of ih'e';RE: 1/4 of the NW ;1/4' Settl01l.15, lying West Qf 'the lHn:tb'~.as.tei"1y 'pr'oject)on"of ·the 'S~liitheastet"ly 1 ine of. the pre"violJsly described t.ria-rigul ar' portion • cont.aj~·fng '10.13 acre~ 'more'-or less -:~ the ~orth 950 {e'2t of th= East half of the S(l1jt~i!st_ qimter of the North.w'2s~ q~a,te" TOGt:THER wrIP.· th.~ No,til 960·.:·fe'!t of" the ~est' "BO feet ·o~ the S'outnwest quarte; ~f'the flo.rthe~t qu~r'ter of 52o::tion 16, IDWnsl1itJ 2.3 Nortil, Ra:n-ye.5 £a~t, H-.·M. S'aid parce1 c'Jr.i:2inS 2C.c lcr~S mora or less.. -#-93-%0 J. ' .. *' I-• I' '. •• 1 • ~ I '" .:~ :5:: '[;1 "t, :" ': .. • _e" .. __ ~, . ~ __ 5 t:-"'.M, .~ __ . ,~ .o-.j:E;::i:.3::~~,~---, [·6 C:;,:I.7>+r V-l6r .., l"b SEe \6 ,~ COAAt"R sec c· .... I/t~r" s.t. I~. AREA TA.B1JLAtlCN -=-.......,..,.~=-=='-'-' PARCEl. .~. ~4!.~93 SD. n. PARCr;L-'S' 633.0103 -sa. n, PAPrr' '," ::un~,2?1 s.o.rr. "cOS(lIEil' I .l t~;~ -__ "._5 } I I I I I 16f I, ,( I r IflU'>I ~~ I L 8909 II. OU, ". W:r.q;, •.• f ." ~ • .1.~ ~ . ~~;.J~~~~~~ f~~S 0 _ DC:.'DTU T.o.>: P .... c;::~ • + _ ~r.~lt~ ~(Cl:t!I. ,::; .~~ ~ _ O!NCT~~ OUAA1t~ CO"i;t~ ~ o . -D1:N1lTU com:'R Of" sr.cmw \. 6:' ,~ suec LAND DIVISION ot CORF' sil.e and • KING COUNTY'S RENTON TRANSF'ER STATION DIllE', NOV, lJ, !99C"" SCALE 10eolOO' f'LOT D~ •. 0. RIeCKEi'< ~IS~, 559 fiELD paOiCS. 1307. H3~ KING tOUNTY SIJI<V\:'( Dt;P,o>,RH1(NT I ' ,- , -,--",_, __ 0-• -:~:::;.: •• ', •• " .~~-. .. <_:1'.:~ . - j- __ . .t._ " 1 • • • CITY OF' RBtn'ON. tlkSHltGTOli OJUlINANCB NO. 4612 .IX r3D:IItQ'a OF 'fttI ern or I:DI'I(B"z 1O.SJIIIRll'OII, CSTJJll.X:mIJ{G .All UD$SUIIT DIst'l:Ic:T ~ BMITUl' RWU e:avrcs: lJ( A 1'OIt'nOW 01 DB SCItI"r1t llIGiBLUDS. It&UBU- DOIIII'B. AIlD ~ sgB-BASms AnI Ul'1M.lSIID'G 'I'D J!lOOlIIT OF 'O!Q: cs:u.GB 0P0!f c:x:mmcnCtl 1'0 Tall: rACIIJTnI:S. ".11m CITY COUNCIL OF TBB CITY OF KBm'ON, WASiJIHGTOff, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. Service Speeial Atlseeament Dist:rij::t. for the CM l!Ierved by the Eas.t Rent-an Satdtary Sewer :Intercepta. ill the nort.bea.st ~ant of the City ot" RentOJ!. aml a portion of its urban growth area within uninC:O:rpoRted. Xing CCIUQ,ty, which aru is IIIOre particularly Q.e8(:ribed ill Kxhibit "A-atuclled Ilereto. A JUap of tbe 6l!rvi~e area is attacbed ali Bxhibit "8.'" The recording of this doCUlDeDt is to provide notification of pot~tial conuection aPO inter~Bt charges. While this connection charge llay be paid at any time. the City does not requin. paymqut until. 8U@ time "' tl:Ie parce3. is connected to aXId thu.8 benefiting frtlal tbe sewer facilirie&. The property 1U.y be Bold or in any. otMt' way change hands 'lfithwt triggering the requ.irec.nt., by the City, ot paywmt. of ~ charges ... oeLated. with tlU, dUt:r:ic:t. ~acl11ti •• in th!. special ~ ••• ...at Dl.trict aud which propertiea •• • - l I I -------~ ,----, -r- • • • ORDINANCE 4612 have not been charged Or assessed ~ith all co~ts of the Bast Rertton Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, as detailed in this orClinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of th~ connection pe~t fee ~nd in addition to the sy8~em development charge, the following additional fees: A. Per Unit Olarge New connections CJ.f residentiCll dwelling units or equivalents Shall pay 9 fee of $224.52 per dwelling unit and all other uses sl'lall pay a unit charge of $0 _ 069 per square foot. of property. 'l'bose properties included "'itbi.n this Special ASaessment District and which may he aBs8saed a charge thereunder are included within the boundary legally d~Bcribed in Exhibit ~Aw and. which bOlUldary i8 shown on the mc.p attached as BAAibit .. B .... ~Qlln. In addition to the afot"estated charges. there shall be a charge of 4.11\ per annum added to the Per Unit Charge. The interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10~ years, from the date t.his ordiaance becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple interest. and not. compound interes~. acne« xv. Thb ordinance shall be effective upon :ltG passage, -.pprova1, 'and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSBD BY THE CITY COUNCIL thi» lQth day of June 1996. •• • 2 • - • • 1- --. .!...- 1 ORDINANCE 4612 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this lath day of _~J~un::::. ____ _ 1996. t Appro~as to form: of~~~"..z. Lalrfrence J _ Warren, City At.torney Date of PUblication: 6/14/96 ORD.576:S/20/96:as. • •• •• - )-- ----~- I 'j I ,I • . , .--. ----T --.. -" . • • • Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL ASSESsr.<Elff DISTRICT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON ImJ;RCEPTOR PortJonsofSecUons8. 9,,16.17.21 and 22 all lnTownship 23N, 1 Range 5E W.M. in King County, WasrJogton ~ Saotion 8, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Se(.'tion 8, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. lying East of the East rlght~of~way line of SR-405 and South of the following desCIibed line: Beg!p1I;og at the :In.tersect1on of t.lJe East Une of Ba1d Sect10n B with the centerline of NE 7th Street; thence Westerly along said centerline of NE 7th street to its intersection with the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE; fuence Northerly along the centetHne of Sunset Boulevard. NE to the North lIne of the Southeast '4 of said SectIon 8: thence West along saJd North llne to the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and the ten:oJnus of said line. SectIon 9, Township 23N, Range 50 W.M. All ofthatportiOD ofSed1on 9, TcwoshJp 23N, Range 5E W.M.lyiDg Sou.th and East of the following descrlbed line: BegInnhJg on the centerl.in.e: ofNE 7th StIttt at its lnter-sect:1an with the ceoterllne of Ed.monds Avenue NE; thence Easterty along the centerl1ne ofNE 7th ~ to Its lnf<raection WIth the centerilne of Monroe AV<llue NE; tbeDce North along oofd centerline to the South 1fne of the Northeast *' of 6a.Jd Section 9; thence East along saki South Bne to its inteIsecHon with the cenfrrltne of Redmond Avenue . NE: tbeDce Northerly along said centerllJle to its IDl=ectIon With the C«lterlhle of NE loth Street: thence East oIong oofd centerllJle to tho East line of said -. 9 and the te:on1nus of said line. Soc:tionl0,Townshlp23H,RMgo5OW.II. All of that portiOn of Section 10, Townsblp 23N. Range 5E W.M. Iylng Southerly _Westerlyofthefollo~d __ : !lcgInnIng on the West line of Soctlon 10 .t its tn_n with the North _ of the South Ii of the North Y, of oofd Soct!on 10; tb«lce East aJong oaJd North line to jts :ltttersediCtn wft:h the centmIne of 142Dd Avmue SE; tlience Southerly along said cecterlIne to lis Intcni<d!on with the North Itne of the 50_ l<i of said Soct!on 10: tht!nce East aJong said North !lne ro Its _ with tile East l!ne ofsald _10 and the _us of __ . -..... . , • • • --.::. <. , J • it • lLgal Descripr:On a/the SpedAl.Assessmmt Distrid (or the Oly of Rmtan -East Rent01llnterceptor Section 11, TownshIp 23N, Range 5E W.M. ,.oJ! ofllie &uthwest V4 ofSe<:tion II. TownshIp 23N. Range 5E W.M .. SectIon 14, TownShip 23N, Range 5E W.M • Pa8~2o(3 .All of that JX:Irtion of Section 14. Township 23N. Range 5E. W.M. descrtbed as follows: All of the Northwest 114 of !>81d :section, together with the Southwest 1,4 or said section. except the South Y.l of !:he Southeast ~ of said Southwest IA. and except the plat of Mcintire Homesites and 'h of streets adjacent as recorded in the Book of Plats. Volume 58, Pa,e:e 82. Records of King County. WashingtDn. and except the South 151.55 feet of the East 239.435 feet afTract 6, Block 1 of Cedar River Five.Acre 'llacts as record ... in the Book of Plats, Volume 16. Page 52. Records of King County. Washington. less !..2. of the street abutting saJd portlon of Tract 6, Block 1. and less Tract 6, R lCk. 2 of said Cedar River Ftre Acre Tracts. less 'h of the street adjacent to said Tract 6, Block 2. and exrept the South 82.785 feet of the East ISO feet offiact 5. Block 2 of said Cedar River FIve A= Tracts alld 1= 'h. the st:recl. adjacent to said portion of'Th'act 5, Block 2. Section 15, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of _ 15. Township 23N. Range 5E. W.M .. cxrept the Southwest JA of the Southwest IJ4 of the Soll~t V. of said section. _on 16, To .... hlp 2311, Range 5£ WJ.I. All of that portion of Section 16, Township 23N. Ranf{e 5E W.M .• except that portfon orthe Southeast ~ of the Southeast ¥ ... of the sa.IG Sectkln 16 lying East of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood DMsion No.2 as recorded in the Book of Plats Volume 39. page 39. Records ofK!ng CoUIJlyWashlng!l>n BOO lis Northerly extension to the North line of said Southeast \4 of the Sou1:beast IA of the saki Sectlon 16 alld exo:pt that portion of saId _1;<ng Southerly of the Nortberly right-of-wayUneofSR-l69 {MapleVaIIeyHlghwayj. _on 17. Township 2311, RIngo 5E W.1l. All of that portion of Scctlon 17. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M .. 1;<ng NortheasUrly of the Northeastmy right-of-way of SR-I69 {Maple Valley I!JghwaJl alld Eastor\y of the East I1ght-of-way line of SR-405 1= that portion lylng gcne...ny West of the Eioot BOO Southeasterly lJne of Bronson Way NE 1;<ng ' .... ' f i#iI § * tt g" 'li; ia *5:f' •• ", • • • - l- • • • Pagdof3 between Ute South line of the NE 3rd Street and the Northeasterly margin of SR- 405. SeoIIon 21, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. lIIl thal portion ofSedlon 21. Townsb!p 23N. R 5E WM.1ying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly xfg)lt-<>f-way line of SR·I69 (Maple Valley Hlgbwayl and west of thr':: East line of the Plat of Maplewood Dh'fslon No.2 as recorded in the Book of Plats. volume 39, page 39, Rocurds of KiDg C<unty. W .. blngton. _ 22, T-..hIp 23H, Range liE W.II. All of that portion of Sectkm 22, TownsbJp 23N, RaIlge 5E W.M. described as follows: Alloftbe Northwest !A of the Northeast \4 ofEald Section 22l¥iDsl: Northerly of the South<rly line of the Plat of Maplewood IIdg!rta .. =otded In tlle Book of Plats. vol""'" 78. _ 1 tluuugh 4. RocoIdS ofKlng CounIy. Wasl>!ng!nn. Together with the North 227.11 feet of the W""'-97.02 of the Northea&t 110 of the Northeast 'A of &aid Section 22-. • .... I , I· · . -- ',-~.-,,- -. , • • • Exhibit B EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Special A ... ssm."! District Boundary -----Qy'- . - lZT.L7.J ..... __ ...... I , •• • Or4er !iOY 16-2 g tiot e~2g D.p' 0 t PIlb '-4., orr or ConIr III roe 41>1'110 !l0 13728 bl ~·H :JOWld i'o •• r t L1&A~ Co:spillT ror rt ot "7 tor 1:1' ,I 1A OY01' oortain IS til. C. l4.1 1n Ito 2571770 . -" ~. ,. I • ' , ... '"" .' , Xl npplar11l8 to the COIllU oS tibla U:le tht app1.10 ~.o 13788 .... t14 in thia ott b,. tae Pugot SOUlld PHI' & LiC» 00 tor an 18m tar rt ot -1.1 tor trCUl.a1 .. 10J1 ltna oTer and aoro .. the It ot Hlfi. tha s11 or H~t W1d Lot 1 .joo 16 Tp 23 N R II I Just I ot Rillton, kow aD!! H turlber appMl'lns tllt thl Clppl10ant 11 II pub oorp propoalns to OOAaU'Ilot acroaa tbe l4 00Terl4 b7 Id oppl1o a trillA III tar the purp or lr&IUIlllU1~ eleotrio po .. r; the tll.e 14 .. Uhlll lhl rt or • ..., ao appUad tar 1. ltd to bn OZIt nao for the ~rp raquirad tosthr witb .utr ld Oil oUher 11140 that tor la8l'IIa oni esrell to 11111nta111 onl1 ro;>air t.he lilt an4 It turthor IlllPoarias tb t ,'1111 rt or '!IaT run. dia80lIAllJ' thru lbo ldl 1ll'rol"ed and 110atea 0 ptn be .. tbe pream, rt" ot OJ' 8l'U' and a rar:;or 8l'u' _.so to thla .. Co ullder Ipp110 Xo l34011 lbt 1 t .. 111 be nlo In tile £l"aaUng or the 0_'-to pro\,14. t~ lnp"" CUld agro .. to ad 1IOl,'e4 "'.lht thlro aro n.o 111,C1n. bOJ.Olll1DS to ,he .t.U Iln4 the l4 1J10 111 ad rt or -87 an;1 thare belll& no rouon 1Cy 04 rl: ot '0·7 ahould not be srCUlte4. l' i. thton Ordered IlM duer.una4 th\ the rull val ot the 14 1110 within lbo _4 eppUo tCi6hr w1 t!! t,b" tull Tal or ,he Ullbar tboll bo and lbo •• h hb1 rl:184 u4 epprel .. d at 'l~~. i t~ ali eat 'oghr wi CIa lbe at., r .. tor luulng a oert1 hae beOI1 ?d and 'he rt. po .. r prl. &Ad aut!! to OOlUltruOt. oparate olld llalAteJD • tranro .. lon in Of or all4 aoro •• the 14 htl1llt tco de. IIq be unrohed 111 acoord- ano. 1"'1lb tbe _"tut .. Tb. lid 14 lao .1ta11l tb11 rt ot wo.,. beil1g Clore parUo d r ~o .. partna ot tb.1 Ii or lNi ,tbe 5'\'i ot YIIi aaS 1.ot 1 :><)0 1& TP t3 It R $ e. Ino wUhin tho Un1t. ot Il .trlp ot 14 100 tt In wtcUh llC1'1n&.&O n ot .I»b wt deb. on eacb 014e ot the tel do. oel1hr In: aup on ,b.. N 1D. ot .d :310 10. J!3.lt\ tt " ot tho quarh .. ....t'«.- oor cn.d R 1Il 000 run tb .:3 3-&2'10" .. 2:51.8 tt. S 3:5·0J'8S" ". :56D&. ~ tt and S 13-"" 11&" I all8.' tt to 0 pt 011 thl! !l ,n ot lid Sao 16 woh 1. ~2S.11 tt ! or tt. .. 001' tbot ~lbJ bo ..... er to 2t ot 'I'Il7 tor po..,. lA glllltej to '.1'. T.IJ II \c1Ir tbru 4.e4 lal8Jed Jul 25-18P9. alao $JbJ to rt 0 t -1.1 tor ~o rol4 SZ'IIHe4 Jan Lo-23 un4ar app110 No eoa; alao 6u oj to rt 0 r WIl,. ror trau In gran'ad to Cll10ago. Ull It St. Paul RlT ieb 17-11) un4.,%, appl10 '0 10011. . ;te rt ot .a7 b1nabon deaha. an area ot LO.68 bO coo to tta flbt tllot OD tile 1n the 0 rt 0 t tbl COlliI' ot Pub lAII Ilt O-Y. oaS H 1. IUr'her ord ClA4 ~etU'D1Ilod tilt t111& ent 1. 8:,="4 .ubJ '0 tbo rh ot tbe SClote Ol' 1 ta .\10 Co 1118l' •• ' aDlS ecru. to naoh luoll14. ar U.abar .. 1:.47 be laolated or out ott fro. aucuxt. aoolO. to roed. or trlllA;lorhtlcn. 1 t bolDI uDder 'ht wu'"r DO OJI141 Cll"II 10liJlni opar.uona or othor uta '0 IDU1'rerO wlth or c1W1111 p Ch. '-tam UDe or .., 8urt ~b'o a. oon',U b,. Chi stu tbin tile PUS" SOUAd Pour ok l.t 0 O. V.S..,ld-, OOR' ot Pub 14. COlI ot Pub 14 31 .. - (10. .. IU '1118) IS) --- ./ :!a:st Lot )1 ~ 91.1. )1,2!>JIJ4 ~or 25 1944 Or6er . L'epartt:: .• nt c:· .4::'1:,; l,6!l'3, Ur:'!O(, c..:-C():~'.l:,~HtlCr; 10. ;.: An l1cllt,i¥n liD 1605;.; ty !:U3'~ 9~ln~~O~~r\ ~lgh~.o=Pbny "r rl r~ or .~, for n tlLotrl~ trona .ln61on line o\lor CUI ht~L" l",1(lll i[) i:i.n::;;o"n~y It I VI,\)' r!n~: to tllu O(;:,r ilL ~.,t!,,;. .. L tl.' ~ 1,\, l' c"u:. !l~t.,,~ .:~ :.. 1~ 0' e to: L~.fJ •. ~ ."(.: ';0 ro; \· .. \..~~1 --.. ~:.l ,. ... .c -.. :,\.1 1 gO~O hu t. (; r\'.!)/ :'or .en ---..... '" .... --------"-"'.---..---.... '"', -.-.. 'n~"''' __ '''''''Ibaa.'.-,,.g"t":;;J'I;i.;;.;;iii~._12 •• -iii-.ii'iiiIIa . ~ )04--~ .-,It.oo trane .1.;. ,l,. O\'{Jr ttie 4'L;~· or :,4~.'~, ~ Ll :"'-'--': ca~ ~·l"~. t.Jf ::i'~; :.ii' ... a ... lon 16. t_)1' 2) :J r S l.V.:l: !Jri.:'- It fl;rth"r I.lj., (.!.rin.,; ~:". ~'.I.Q L r 1. ef::'lt. ~~. G ;:':l:l coq, ; rO~08:n to ~,r.Io~r·JO:: o'\lr 11.1 ltm" COy~;-, d .:' :;'.l (.. ... 1· nn tll .. .J .latb:, 11~0; tt.bt :':j:J :_~~'~ci. ... ltbl:1 t. :" !"l !;. u ... ·~~~· !..o tlt,.l.t:.i !O:" 1:; ~; ~it·~~ t.o o;~ 0'-t .. f)ce:.~ !or ;. ... ;.:U! ~ ~'U"';lj'~:'j.~~. ;O~,~ ou.-ri.! <'0.:" lOf,fl C~ uithor :d.do t;.or 10: .. ~t:rGrc 'n' \),:.:r~:,:. ... C<.l) .ntb' .1i.:." rej"611'rbo :.a~o; u.n.! ..i.t !"uX-t. .. · .. l\ U~i., (;.d~·la., :.:. r. _,.t.r. ~& O'J ".c,rCtlontv:,lu t::·~ .cr on the. brUII ccv",'"d ... lj' &c ~;" U~~1.1';n; Li, I.." cI..:;.r coln·· .(;11), e(1,l.C1~ lin:! ~u11~yln. ~:H t, ... n •• ).~ O. \'~Y Gho\'l: to .rar.ted; t t i~ thor.fore; • ('.'''ere6 lon" .1o:.er •• ln~~ lit. L, ! ~',: -r/<ll." 0; 't;;.. 16U:l lnel\l~t1 1n t~':J1n 1.0 It!O~O d dl" t', ~ !.!. r,::' :ll.c~ et ,12o • .LOi tbot til" tOte: lI::1t, ! OOol! thu htb ~ ... tor:t f(;6 hall ~"Jon >(Ji~; 011<\ the 1'1~t. po,"or, prlvl briO c.uthty to gOn::trLi!)t, ororetll ~n~ "aintoL, 0 trallD Una upon I.nO 0\'0" L1Hl lea6D :;1D'jl'~or du:! [,,-;;UO Qx,,ro1l106 In 6odlJt.Uo with I.blo.ta,utoa; tbt. lon; 1:.clu;lucl \'Ilt. 1r. ~," r.:@h. 01"01 btdn" sorepta11 1 :"; thoae ~I)rtr,t. r..t .ha:r::: t: tha :;/~ "r.~~' of :,., .. ~ ::00 1Q. tw;. 2J n r ~ ,lilt. lr.c1uj,d :n .. IItrlr: 0:' len: 50 !'t. 1n ... ~dtn, wit.r. 25 :'t ot Duell width on 0, ~h :;ido or til" role (\0/1 olnte .. Hne: beg It. pt. Oi\ t.ho:, linr 01" 3'; SO!) 10, 110&1 itl Weat 45.0 rt d1etfrou. til" nOrth OUbrtor cornOl' tf,or; r~; tb lIO 2l~ 39' 26" Kf 11.1.0 rt; 80 3)0 03'28" WIl,t )762.77 "t UtI ~i1 :;.C 1)-44' 55" S 2105.4 tt to /I pI. on tht 80 1inu ors~ a~o 16, ~eh IG ooat lJO~ .4) rt. ~lIt rrca tho ,... cor ::-.c::; cte., 6::' HOb or ).66 bcrca .oc48 to pht thor en file !:'I th" oro of L~,1l oc:::: 0: : u';; lanJa &tCi11=l?h, ~: .hingto .. aubJ 001\11 'lOr , t.o r1eht or I;,:r tor l,o"',r lin» "rt':JtCld ~j 'r c;t!kor through doad1l'llluod. ul ~, 1899 und.or ! Pllln ::0 )lB j llluo SUbj to riijr~ ol*ul tor co ro.U grontod ~ac 10 1~2), und.~ 1I~~ln Ilo' 862: file 0 .UbJ to rl@bt 0!'l\1.:/ :or trClna Hoe £%,o::tc..(c ClIl0860, •• lhbuku k StPeul:tdbn7 CO:i'0lly.eb 7 1911 Ull~ .. ;:1n: 0 10511 ¥'ro.,1deu1. t!J4\o .he .. tete rollOfVII3 unt.o 1 tac, r, ! toa II or e, the rllJlt to creaa t.h1a right 01 ',n'1 !ltflny bM :lL t1C! 3 lnoonneo;;loD with tho usa Dr tbo 6dJolnln~ p~y Ot Sap 25 191.1.: cOIIIr pl 8081 Jllck~8y:i.or, I:Oc..::1CI;10Iler by .r8r~ ~lIt'D, boot co"r fldb1 15 n.l CO __ _ • /' c' • I I_I I ~j I, ';"1 . -" 1_. J I ;/ I 1 I . 1 I c_ , j , 1 ! , .-.' .... ,.;-'~,.-.. , -. !l Feb 7-~'9 Oct !8-48_ *3,300 -Sta~ of Washington to Hugh G. White &: A~e. J. Whit., h.r Fp hr'!.>y t; b • Ie o~nv .. y to op it. oit in leow: h &: e ~... toll doeerbd .ohool lando NB i ot' mI ~ of .eel: 16 twp 23 II r --5 -K '''1''' corita.tnl0., 40 aoru Ilrl ac.Ong to the !$~v • ...-nt Burv.·y thor _ Subj t.o ellU'lta t'Qr l·*~. of' It'al t02~ tran-m.1.a,:1on linea hrtof"ore .P:~~'L~fttbn #'. Itl050, 318& 131:a6 - rlijbt ot_ way ror ao road hr~Qror$ gr~t.~-uod.r .~:~\::::~;i~~~_ .. 1tht of way fgrrrhi'tot'ore grant.<I undOX' -<:... 'fl <tee.rod. land ....... cilcl-~.llI ... 2957011-- Kon C. W .. l1SNn, GoYe ..... .. Atte.t, 11."7-;;.' Yeo:aan, Aut s.."'y of 8tah etB J:U H ... G. White P.O. ex 245 R.ijtonj. ~n *2.110 all & $2.00 .It . RUDY V. Prltohord & Thaa&o A5Jl!Ie .t. Wh1 tc 1iiI liii •• H. 1'1'1 t<>hard if} , . tt, .~ -Ruby -V. i'I'UohBr<! 8r Tb....... H·. iot "of lffl relat . (nllAu!! 22-50 . - .j J I -1 I I. I 1 I ."-... to O.!lva ~-i 1Je.~--~l '.;\>0.8 , .8"': 0"/ .. to ~f tl:~ La"" "trc !It Clp01!ez,,,,, .,. .... p-'a .. '" tn t_" ~ ["iml 01:1, whrby it 'l:DP"!'.!'s tt been md by ~tle ~'_Vl:;.t; ~ sp t .. \00 't(" th~ r ::r~',virJ~ or t-n,1f9 Apr ~Ji. lS::'CI r .a: .. t.ltled. "iln .let Jut1k.r.~ raTtl".Ol.~ ":!J.'-c'V'sn th .. 'P'-''olio Lo.~:i\s~ "nc tt.< !i.ot" !!i'_fPl thr·,,). lor t,h~ MS been ' tu 11 R-"lYll~ hEf.!I -\.Crt or co~g of t\J::"" t''1f) 9al.& ot Lot 30 V{l~",in t!>o ·""3b~1l Ishn..1 Abnncic'1"" ;,~litary P .. seH'at:/l in imp 2.1. " R e l!JV,w.. cantg e eoru! and ~E5 hill' !rlJdtna ot ...... !. aore aoo to the oLe>l plet ot the su..."'V!lY of the a~ lend, ~t"-'"n"<1 tQ th" {!';Ml'ltl :""-'14 c..N'o by t:lI' SUl'Vsyor-Oer.: linaw Imow '1-, That ths tp in oon of tile Pftll! "n<l. in cm):fo:m<t-,. ~':!."'~ thos ae'l'e!'!!.J. Aet= 01: BOUSN~!I i.n ~U<'Jh 09.8& l1Id IUld providd. haa giTq . aD4 Sl'Emted., r.nd by th~so p:re"'nta @8E1 81"'6 and gt'allt uato .a ~~.'; ~nd to the h~irs 01: th" ~d olmnt tb~ tt .b~ d~'04, to ba~. ~nQ to hold lOhe m. t6W all the rts, priv :l.mmun1.tiH lUIS "ppurt, 01: wJ:lat.- g cenr !!II. ture. 1>lL.'"Unto DaJ.ongs unto tile sd clmnt and w ti:l" h_in. 8n<1 oasei6JllJ 0:1:' the ad clllmt, rorYer, au b j to 8:17 v •• ~I;j'" r.nd. a ccr_1Ie wllter 1'tll lor milliXll!. &grioultural, IlElllutactqrillg. 0:0"' othel' rte to ~itohe!l !!!ld. :r:"eaenoirs need in c".....J!~tn \N1 th sll4-h WIIht' e9 1IJli.l ~,; l"'vovBUiza!. i:ij'j'" ack 'h7 tho lccwl. C~~O:H$, !.aw. a:::t.4. c.,:,:~~:r.:.: :';,:j nt '!C-~I:ri;?', "."d t;J1joN 1s 1''''''''l''T8<1 :tr<:m the laI14a l!r~ poemed. Of way thrOll ~or ditohes or oan'" g oOllstrtlOt&d by the e!lt!1 ot Uli !U. tllllt 1ldlrCt, I, Herbert HOO"81', has 0'" thjl us or Aha". tbaU latter. to be md patent, fOnd tho sl "t· the aen ~l b,·,iIZ'1llI1ifl aff:'t;d, 8j,TSll '.mder '"7 halld, at 'the C1tl of b W. 32 .·an~· ot th", IDdiJp"ncie",ge of tile tiS .l;h4 1.5'1 ];I:'!' the ~S; HAlrbert iI~ J~ by i,aat1e ~ Dietz, Sec '.' > . . (al) ~ L ;;8:nan, a.e' of 1;b.& lI.eo of P8v;'llta. :Pe.te.'\t No ),059&08 i8~O: the .Illt, .%'1w Gilll Lolld OUe i'ln DC ;1'11.1 14. 3'1 I,,"~~tT. 'tml't tHs photagnpb. 1.;:0 a 1ml. coN' r~i :., ..":.i+!;o""" =~to~ ill .. this air., (~it:··lid"'" Offo a:t) R S Cl1r.toL., Aotg R .. o . ----c~jj;~· of h&MIl~' Jua. 24. $7 lioT' tf· .;:: .... bo),0'11 UlliUd S,~t.e8 01' Jlmet'1~a . to~4e:r1"k G PoAl .. Whll8 --tom as 015 abv-- Lo1; 2ll 'Within the Vashon IlIl.and "balldonlld t.:ilita:-r R-.~~:tfc1 in ~p 21 1711 2 lII'Ili. contg e.?6 aol"!lll acll --fora ~. 01.'; abY---1nol lIig--- .• patet Nt> lcr;~G07--b'!1 lim /'I" CUi BbV--! tl.d. la, $l'Col t, 1 :. ... J.~.;..,... ~~. .- • '. <+1 • . " . , :..: ; ~'. , :~ -~- A1:l.1:1C1i-~:U.Q; ~hiS 6ec::'!ld <l1aU,o_o.by·, •. S1;of r.rod'ol' .• ii;"~ ~er ab\ltte .uPOll. j,oj; so Qr :r~haI1 .'l.ll~;;'4·Je·lJ.i;~:R"!S .. rvat.l00 in l!~"iS. 1. 2 an ... 3 EI'lU,. 'wtth"a: :1:Iio"ll't~. o-t 2.0·:" 11!l .. ~ "h'l.tM·i~11"'2:Il n;!y<'~.~ Mot t.o a. oel'1; :'C'py or the a"'''' :I'1"ld n/)~Il 'If. th.: tlle 1:; 'ott;; '.o~ tile C= ,,1: l'>.lP tan4-.. lit 01,.10 lfIl Tnh e:-r.nole 10 lIi1 ,IltITIiOW~t.. tc " sab "It .d tide bud, 2:1 Tho> .l>T 4.ts~ '. Sld~ --tonr. u017 IIb'l'---in.1 IH6 et<l'-,,-:_' A;tp NQ ~.84 . C"nt ~o --'-:311 ,,",0 01: T.1~e· La,x:t:. ~1I, Vel Jt, M 131 (tld b,. S'rCo) , , ," .. ----------~---~-.,------ 'ntE ~, i'OOE't SQU',ID PMfI. .. LlDItt <XIG'AIY, • Vublng"..oIl col'i'OraUQII, for IlIld in Q()lldd"'",Uon of One Dollar ('l.OO} aQd ot./lltr IJI)Cd IIlHI v.J,I.;~ble cOlu1der. with any after IIcqulred intf're.t, the tollOlliD& duct'lbe<i n.d UtaU .1t1.la'te(l llJ l{lI1g C(lun~'y I ..Ita~ Or Wdhlncwn: A 'trlr> Qf J..aD.!.. (50) teet. v.I."" ~ .. the 1'eDtoc...s~e Tranuoi.aiol:l riot Qt IICI 1Q ~ '4 Oil trw -t or tM JIlt Of Secl,.1on 16, TovnIbip <:3 ~, RBII,p 5 £Ut, iI."., lyIng eut- e..rly at the 3.rd AvCllUe htb·lxta'tlll00, tile center line of 1IIid ,tr1p be1.tIi '::'rI! part.lcuwl;t <1IKr!bt:! as tOlloWl. ~8tllllil1i .. t the north ~r col"Dtr or tUd. Sec.tion 16, tl.ence S 7'" ).5' II to ~ eat. UD* of V; or at wt thel"'l!OC I&I;d tl" ..... tl.'UC potnt of bee;lIlning; tber:l.~ cont1n\l!", S 1<P 15 r W tQ t.h~ eut lIIBrg1n of 3ni AnlNt IIortli Extent!on and the tenll1n6tlon or IIl11d center 11ftl!. COIJW1'!' O!" !CI!e pel'SODl.lly appe&nd __ ....:-"':..:;' •• "!.IL!.!!=""'~ ____ "'" ___ ""' •. u.a' .... !G.I!J!li .... • •• !"-_~ = .. i " i .. -;--...... -.. f , -' D FOb 7-~-9 Oct !8-48, *3,300 'State of Walhington lihite, h.-t to HUKh (J. lihite & ADlei J. li'p hI'by e; b • I\; O<>I,vey to @p itt 8it in k01U h &, a ,.... toll duo.1'o", •• hool land. Nil i-ot NW I: of ... at 16 twp 23 N 1'·5&·WK eontalnln .. 40 aores ml'l aoodlJg to the !!~v .. X'ilIII<tnt ... rhY thot- SubJ 1;0 efJlUita for rtakk .~ waF too:' t.ral'uil:d.a'.:1on linea hrtof"ore . appl1Qlltlon #',. 18050, 31~ l3726 -.,1 ;~~i:l~;;tj:~'~~2' 1'l8ht Qt. way ro~ 60 road hr~ofc1'$ granted-undo" r16bt or way fg,r ,rr·.nrtot'ore granted. undor .~:... ..~.-~~~i;::::;j~~:J:~~' d.uorbd, land ....... old.-~.m &II 2951011-- Kon c. Wall INn, (Joyerno>, Atta5t. ROT'.,' Te~. A.lt S~G'y ot Stat. Ml H .. G'. Wh:1 te P .. o. ex 24.5 Bflntoil" Wn ! f) '2.~O il'1I &, $2.00 _at - Rub7 V. Prltoherd & Thoma3 .:.2. 'if I;; ~;Y' H. Pritohard ~'-.t. ¥hl to a'lie,,, (~:·.I)p"'l'a In pancH) , . . 'Ruby V. Pr:l.tohord& Tho.u.. 11_, JI\Ii<S~ Ilj) fOr .. t '01' 1m r •• at -\n • .)Aug 22-50 Ren.ton,: WQsl~ .- ,] j i I J I i J I .••. , . to O..!lVa ~i 1J6.;· -,n '.,pc.a ~ .. 1< of tho. ~'f tt,,, L9.nd "frc!)t ~pok!!n"'. de"p-~ttad tn 'I. •. ~ ~ I.·.mll Ott, whrby it '!.!lpet.J:"s tl:. b.en ltld by the -j'_1D-~t" SPt ·,~Oc tC' th~ PI~~V!.3":! or tn.", API: ~~ lSr:CI 1 3~_t.1tled "An ~\.ct luttk"'.ns tllrt~.al.~ "':!J.~ev:sn the 'PV~11c Lc.~:.a.s." ~nd "tl'~( &ots e,'.i.,fpl th:r·'..I0. lor t,h~ MS "",an ' tulJ. ~~~ has .~c~ or Oo::'g of r~.:" t"t03 !lai.8 01' Lot 50 Vllcu;in t:,o "'''3hoI1 Isl!ln,<i A1:>nn<ic :l"~ ;,:n~'I;!ll'Y ........ H·lI.lOn in twp 2.1. " R E l!:Y.W-, contg e aere2 alld ~El hlL-!rfJdtha ot !I.."!. "erll aOQ to the o:t~ol pie;; ot th~ Su."'V.,y ot the all lend, ~tUl!'2l .. <L to th~ a..:oeral ... m.d Ir!to by t~ SUl"'fsyor-Cen,: linow know yrt. '!'>tat thll tp in oon ot the p't8ll' "nd il'! eon:!'om'.t-:r ",i"O~ t::l.= s<;"I'e::el. Act!! o"t lI'ong.H:!Il! in ~110h 0 ... 88 lIId and pl'OTlC!d. has g1T811- and srcmted, f..nd by tMso l'reallllta t!oee 81".e and grant Ullto 11"-~~ . ..: ~nd to the h~irs ot tha Ad olmnt tho tt .b~ ¢A.Cd, to ~~. ana tQ hold t.he an, tp e,11 ~ha rlB, priv iJnmunitin a:ll! ~.,purt. o~ wll&t. ;;.'~' soo,"r !!Ilture, '!al.."'Ullto n,uot!3S unto tile ad olmnt and w tile tlei·n lI11d <As.lana ot the lid ellmt, ror-ver, sub3 to an"1 v •• I. ... , tU\& IIOOZ,.. water rts 'or m1n1XlS. &.gr1eultural, llH1IUtliCturillg, or oth.r =t:: to !!tQhe!l !!!ld t:'e!!<>n-oil)s I!elld ill e.,......,..,t·n ",ii;h ~ah ... ,t~'1' eS JIJi..;j btJ r&OVgi4iz.,st! Gnt: scli: '07 tha lc.c.wl C~~QlNS t !,aW'iii a::..d a .. ,:~~c_; n! oc·~,:!'t~, .. nil t;hal"e is "t' .. ge~"d fran th .. l8.llds Ilr~ IO'IIIlted. ot way thrO!l 1:or di tobes or can'" S ooustl"lloted by ~11. eut!l ot ua Ill. teat :mrct. I, Herbert l!oo'"l;r, Pres o~ th!l US or A 116ft the" lattQr. to bo :m patent, &nd the 51 .~··the G&2I ~, " . b".iU-lm1ifl at'ftd. gi,ven '.mder 1:7 hwld. <It 'the C1t! of 1lD '100M- ;;;;.'I!II~ 'ot tll." !Ild"p"nci".'loe of the tiS ,1;h!I l5'] Il;'l' the rres; Berbert a;u~ by I,aIlUe ~ Dietz, See '. '," > . . tal) ~ L 'i!'9~n. a,.o' ot fob Reo ot l'8v811ta, Pe.te.'\t lio ].059608 tll~,Qt tha .Int, aMI>%' t><t,' II Land Otte 'ifn DC inl"L H '91 I'~~liG1fr. that tUs PhOtagra, ph 1.:. a tNe copy '1:~;~. ":.·!.a.-:!n:,"''Y =~to~ i:.. -tlll, o:tr~ (~l1.:-::t;d'!f.ii-.' 'Jr!o 81) . R S Cl:lntor., Aotg l1. .. c{fJlll~~ .. ,j.:::',;.::,., ' C.«'~ ot ;l'a:$tiB't·~::ul 24. 57 So" '" 3& :.;' t-... belOW UD.1 Ud Bta.ea of /earl-a . to ·.~de:r1 ok G POtU • Wh ... --:t'ci'm ..... 015 .. bv-- --- Lot 2! "fIi:thl%l tb.e Vashon Island i>.ban~Ollad 1.:111t<>=1 Re~~l·t.1ci 1n 'PJl' 21 17 li 2 lrWlii:, contg 8.76 ao1'4.11 ac .. --tOl"ll U 01l'; abV---1nol .1S--- . .:t'cts1t No lCE;\1807--b~1 am >.I" Ol~ abY--- ,. .;j. , j j ·. t~! ."." .. , ; r ,-:: ,~. , -"':"""- All t14i-:llml18 ... o.; tll" Ii 8c:l!ld !Jlau, .o~d !IT.,"I>Ft. st Q l' l'r0Sl."Qt' ... ·'ti.:4~; ~·.'n· abl,1t1;g .upC l.ot :50 Q~ :r~hoIl: .'l.b~"'d,Jt!:-l#i!'.%'T; :Re!!er'tati'>!1 'in ~e()~~ 1, 2 au",'3 JmU, 'w'Uh"i!' :nonl>~. o~ 2.6:' lied. "h"l·1Mf."..=>:'Il a1.:If":'\1IC"~ liOO to ". <>en :'<:'1!1 Dr th .. g<>y ibId :.lC'\;lI1I. <Ii:. 'i.h~ tn. 171 '0.:::.0 '.ot the C= ,,1: ]>..ll> wn4;11 at Ol .... s.a 't'hi. o;"!:n .... 1ij .md lI'1X>I;uomt. w " sal., or ad tid .. laull, 2~ ~e "bT ~s~ 'l'Qdll --ton. ..,,017 eb'l"--*1.n.l $16 .~t-.,:~~: A;t;P :<10. eoM . C"Dt !:'Q --'-at ""'¢ or T1il.·1.>lJ:", !:!ds, Vol lli tB 13~ (ad liT S'fOo ~ . " :'.!:" . . ' , ,. ::r~ ~~iFf ?i w~k'~ is .h~(!~.:1·~~.,r.edg(4s tile State oj W.t13"hipgtOll doe,,' Jle:~~u gr(lnt, b",'",l~ <:.:" .~~.ec~~~""f"'~-=--===='-=~"-::=:-=-=-=-==-=~~:::-:-~'==~~'C~'~--:';'--c=-=-=-==--:~-=--~.,.::=~===::,~c=====_:::::?}· kri.t:"J. ·;:nd (!..$SigJi,s .. "Ehe foUotoing ~mbcd..._ .. ===..Bgbool_. =:::=:::::::::::::::=:=:. -::_=.~~d3, County, WIlshingron, ·w-wit: ----~...:..J ;"-~-"~_":" __ -,--_ SWl of' NEt and SE~ of ~n'/~,. Sec"t;ion.16,. Towuship 23 North J Range 5 East, \1~U., cou':' hilling So ~cres, roore ·01' less, ~ccordlng to .' .~ the cove;1'n!uant ·survey theI'.co.f. ' Subject to ea.sement for right of wa.y·for transmisSion line, heretofore go·rnnted under ..Application HO! 1}728. Su"bj-cct. to ea~e-ment for right of way fOr transmission 1ina~ hereto~ore grunted und~r Application 110. 16050. ' Subject to ~a5ement .for riGht of' 1my for pipe line.,. heretofore granted uncle!' Appllc.:>..tion t{o. -1.;U9/f" • ·TO JIAVE AND TO 110I.D the Iju:id p1'C!nti.3()s, with tllcJr appUTlcml7tCC9, :mlo ilte .:::f1:zd . ~. .. :,~:._, :"':.K!.nILC Q!!U.tyJ_ ... ! .. t;.P __ ·_~:::~:-:-':'::' .. ,;-" .;,; Aj:jdi~ 1993!t CC>l'l!-t~ lit). 116J.? " ., .. , • •••• ;:.-.~ •••••. .:..-~.-::-).,~ •. {-''' ........ ;, ..... , •• .,..,~.~ .•• <". ~, •. '" ... "< .... ,,~lI""'G1-~~~. <Wl.l-~~ i~~!l4J.t ~-u:=t to .l~!l1j r9J!. . ".,. '-',',. ... ~-~~~~:~~\~'~~' ~~~~ ",,"l; .' :::-:~:", • 4jam~M;' ·viJ!3jJTJ"'i.20[t:t';:::.'= . STATE OF WA§InN~'l"ON ,. "~(!~~JD:"'::' (:f<0.¥S~rlON' OF _-:....':.~ny!'._!h£.us.e-!!!LfiftL!!!.!<L!!?M.Q :-'~'-";7-_~~'1> .~~ -;:<~'~::'. _~; ... __ ._. __ , ........ (~2..Q,.o.oOL.... ...._ ..... ___ .... j)ol~ ... ,'. t, ',_'_ .is~ffi u!-.if-,J;:k...'1. ~ Rltr:sby {lck1ibwl~dgc~. the Stute of Washington do'ell" llcreb1! gra.ni, bargain, .;lcU :,[ .. '-;-, < ~ •• <,_.;....,'.!":.J J~ ...... "',;f ...... ~ ==-,:~.: ~ ~=, ... .;.;. ... ~.>::'-:.i1 .... ' • ~------·-··~·------······"·· .. ·t--· ... -~--"-.. --.:---------~~~- .:=i~:--'-~--~~--.-: Klne..j~9\l!tt2.J __ .t..t_$~ __ =="=-~~='~ __ ",,. _ ....... --~.---~--,,-.. .,..--~ ~-'i:~.;;$I'i.9M~ ~ jo!!vwing described --" .-;.:t.f~ Iii. __ v. ___ c._.KWb._ -_._-' .. :::::::-:~.: __ ::,;;:.:..County, Washin..1-.... n. to-wit! ----===-'--,c..._-~!!."::----~ .. .., .......------.-. -f . '~ ____ =-----=:.:r;ffi.toj"'--BE-rOf-Seotion 16, l'O\'In:Jhip 23 HOl'th, _ Fa!l.S"8 ',5 ER~t, ~t.tI~ J contnining"' 40 llcran, mo"1"c or . . , -,,' , "; le?SI uccol'i1il1[! to the govcl',n..lUent survey thet'eo;f. ,Su'Ojc<:t to ea~~J)).ent for l'ir;ht 01' WilY .f01' pipe I-inC; lWl'~tof,ore ,6r,'::ntcd under ApplL rIo. 1)"l9A. . Subject to cnselnent for r1r:ht of way' for pipe linc 1 heretofore ~ranted under /lppli. Uo. 19129. subject to ct!sement fot'" rieht of wny .for electric tronsol:Gsion line~ pcndlnr; uz::ttler APpli. Ha. H~01J. .----~-- t. "--/ . • A;;:;_H/~ 19042 ,"'~~ik::;~i~~71i(" "rn,,, t!:lt t:rJ~GJ:;tH-' .~f';':J.s, ,.1f,.,: -' _ ., :::':1$ .,", fl"~qut~lof ,(j~...a..;!.. ~ .... &, ..-&-.~~..,.I ~2 .. : '~r"t:"i::f~;;1'~':" ... _. nQ~1Rr ~.,I~Q" Mo=1Y A''''''', ..~ _ -"-.-_~i·;~;o·~~~~;:~f1;;· .:,~,.;/C~:~~ ::ri'"rFf;:~~r~':!~i1g~:~~;J~':f&r;~~::,,¥~ffiI:1.:i~~~)3!IEEM0~;r: ~-i!"'n~~JlclJ~tWJU~1fIrJlJ. . _ ':'. , .l .• ,~7:f~i~~\1·~:._:~~~= ""~" ~ i:' -"" -' 4J8mHt;' -;';ilJ3HrJ.,ti,2Hr~;~.r'~: :: STATE OF W A§lEUNGTON. . -, . ~"-~t.JI'· --:--~::;::~:;:;:~="I!~.=C~~r ~ . it:t.~ Ql~Y,i-;!." j1 h~r . .;;'by ac1rotwlfdg~~1 the State of WashlTlotOR due" llcl"eb1! grant, ba.rgain • .:leU .r ~~"?i ':"":~~l~~/~~'£:::;;::::"::': ~:. ___ ._~ __ ,::=_ -----.,,:,.., " -__ . ___ ~w. ___ • ----.-•••• --'..-••• ~ ;_.:.::::~ .. ,___ . K1n~t;;:p'liltY_ ..... !.J;I;L,~.~~==-,_.",_~ .-~.-~ .--,.'. '"'0'. ~,~,p.;;.SI-:gMI t¥ jol!oroin9 described -=--. ____ .. =.B.r;h.Q.'Q.l..M'_::'::-"':':_-=--: ,',' ,~;'·in -::-:::====-===""'-'" ; ,p~."dtd jn. _~ ,~., . .,..... __ .u !::.~ .,.-:-::::-----._._.:_:-::::";·.::.._~::..:::: ... COUll~!fJ WGshingWn, to-wit: ::-: .::.. __ ~=,~.-;:::q%.!orsEi-of·seCtion' 16 ~To~1;-~3-' ~t~_l.t~~ " -~ . ",,~f _ ?anga l 1 5 Ea~~tJ rl.ll_ J contnin1n{r 40 acres, mo:f/'o or ' l-e{';s, llCcOl'uin& to the govel'ruuent .survey thereof. .... ,Su'bjcct to ea~::-ement for l'ir~ht 01' w~y .for p:l..pe Hl1~ bel'etof_ore Br~:ntcd undor ApplL No. 1319Jt • Subject to cllselnent for rlt;ht of way' .for pipe H,no, hel'ctoi'ore g.ranted under APplL Uo. 191?'9~ Subject tu eo.semt<:!nt for-ri~l1t of wny for electric tralls'Gti-Gslon lirre, pend1ne u~u]cr AprIl. liD. 1801). '~-----..., , / /' • 1'OIJAVEANDTOHOLDtl -.. • . ' .. _ lC S/11d ptt'lnrscr., wIth then: O})j)fn·tc110Ilce.'1, tmto t111~ :;njd~ '-~~-::=--:_::;'Zi·~Kinr. GOllnty, 1 t!J ~ , :.\ ... 7;]r;·~'··--"··~"~~··-·'-·-··--·--···-.. hcir.~ and c-~::i!ln!:" Jorcln'f. . , :~.y"[, ' . ,19:6/ " G':l1'cn:"r. , . , ",-.. 9 .". Page ~90 J:J!a nt Sr~r~~artr I)l.stct~. .. , ..... -. . -.... '.-, .... " tlf':Q t~r l(nr..GIQ IIH ... ,;{? l!"''--' ,. 'P. u. -_. r.cqllt~1 cf eM'1.A..-/;.. ~ ___ eo. ~e;n~~ .... ... -=::: :-: -~?~~~~t~~r'~',"~' ' .nQ~p" ~.uo' '", c,""w ,"dI":, ' _. _" __ ."" "_.,,~~= . .:._~,::'._. ::~"""~'<1.''f::'''-''"'''''''~'''-''''''''--~ .. . ''';;. ;..':),"'->.:-~?\::r:.f£·r~-"'-:',7·::li;-:'''?~:~-:::':7t,·. ~,,-,~::_~ ~;~.~-:;:;.s~~";f1m:~i~~3;::'='.' 1') ____ • bf.'h:'Ccr. ----~--__c----- \'!,~:~i ;~~11.0.1 and hrelr.after cl.!led Grantor, and PUGET SOUND PQ\VER l,; UGHT COMPANY" ~~ CfJrpcr"1\~'r., !':erel;w.!ter <.:;;,Il~.j . Granlee, a"d ______________________ _ M t' "T ;pH'd liE 1.1 !l't", WIT!'ESSZTH: ·Th.lt In t:onsideraHon of One Dollar ($ 1) iLnd other yaluabtl' consldentlons, recelptofwhlchls hereby ~ckll<J".dl'dged. th~ grantor hereby granls and conveys to the grantee, its Successors and assignS, thi!'! rI:;tht tu conStruct, reconstruct, Improve, repair. maintain and operali!'!~elec:tric transmIssion and/or dIstribution line ___ conslstlng of pol!!'s or towers with nCCf'ssary britces, guys .nd anchors, cross_ arms, i:lsulators, I:-ansmlsslon, distrIbution and signal Wires, transformers and other neceSS.lry or convenIent facilities and equipment over and aCTOS.'" the followIng described land loclI.te-d In ____ _ ______ }.1<\"'".-"'--__________ County, State of Washington: ~. 511 1/4 at the lI!l l/4 IOId the SE 1/4 of tl:. IN 1/4 all in see~ion 16, TDVJ1Ihip ~ 'orth, Ran89 5 ".ast, ~ .J!. ThC center IlrIe of each transmiSSIon and/or distribution lIne shaU be located as follows: J.;"r0l:!:nt'l17 65 reet south ~ ~cllEll to tae lJ.Jrth lLiC af s.:.id £ubd.lv:1donl beglIlllin<l at the ~t Solllld P"""r ,', Llght Coupony riiJlt of """ 1n the S;; l/II of "the lIi' 1/4 thoncf) rtmnins eaat to .a. ~oint wich h JSO :teat. I::!ory 01' 1611, Wit of tho e""t line at the S~ 1/4 at the liE 1/4 of aaJ.d SOctio, 16; thence in .. nort!>- o8lterly direction to c point on tho out lino of !tald aubd.!:rition Z3 teet touth of toe north line. Gl'.·u\I<'c shall h,1"."(, the fight of ;Jeee5S :icruss Ihe adJacer.1 land of the granter In Order to exercise the nghts !:ranled by thiS fnstrument, includIng the ri.bht to construct, maintain and use a pJssable road in a conv{'nl('nt lo<.::ltion, ... dth necessary bridges OInd gate;;. Gr~lll!'e shall nave the right. at any and all times, to cut, lOp and/or trin! an}' an~ all brushorlrees 11\ ...... -of JWf('al!£"f ~Iandir:g or gro ..... i"~ lipan said l:Lnd or adp.ct!lll land of the gr;;.ntor whIch are or may bl' Inthul tll,l'ntJ"_fIVl' 1251 feet of the saLd center Itne ___ , J.nd J.l!.o the right to Cllt, to,.) and/or trim any tret's UINn s~id land ,Jr adjacenl land of t\1(' grantor which, In falling. could come within !H'VCn (7) f('ct of ilny (); thc poles, low('r5, fIX!UrI:'S, guys, conductors or other faCilities or the grantee ("I!' in a!1Y m,H!n~'r Ill' a ml'nace or bZ;lrd thereto. Grantor !;hilll not pl3c('-, cor~struct or malr.tall\ any building cr otnE'r structun' with!1I "5 _ fl2'c: of said cl'll(er lil\e .llld shall do no blaStIng whatsoever WithIn a dislante of 300 feet {rom said line unle5S rCjl.son;Lbl ... nutiet' thl'reo! has been first j;l\r'.'n to grant('c in writing, The right!> 1I"rein granted to the grantee shall continue in lorce until such tim(' as tlH:~ grantee, its successors or ;IS.!>!gn:s, :shall compiett""ly r':'move its :strurturcs and cQ'-llpmcnt (rom s::l.ld lard or shilll otherwise pernl,:nCntJ" abandon the SJm~. Upon such removal or abandonnwnt all rights hereby l:ranted shall t('rruinate. AllY mortgage on said la.ud held by the mortgagee Is hereby [('leased ta the extent, btlt only to the extent, uecessary to subordiuate the said mongage to the rights h~reby granted to the grantcl'," STATE OF WASHINGTON «J " COUNTY OF 0" this d ... , personally oppecr('ld bofCle me -:---:-___ -:--:-_-:-,-_-,-:-_-,-______ ,---:-__ :--:--_ to me known 10 be tl,e individual_d .. seribod in and who e)!ocuted the wltfJin ond foregoing instru:tl(ll\l, ond acknOWledged thaI __ ~j9ned the some as __ free orld yoluntcry oct ond deed f .. r the U$cS ond PlJrpo$C~ therein mentioned, GIYEN ullder my hand cno official secd this __ c!ey of _____________ , 19 __ _ £ASE!I.'ENT • ELECTRIC L tNE: Nolmy Pubi ie in ond lor ~te of WaShH\gton, roJsiding al _______________ _ 27 1962 THE GP./u\!'OR PUGET sawm P(J.<l.ER c, ~IGfIT CQ:.iPA!,I', a Washington co.poration for and in consideration of mrr. i).ji.F ..... \R ($1,CiO) and other valu;:lblt! c0:''''.de .... '!tions convey~ and quit clni~s Co t _y 0:' Renton, the following described rea.l estate, 5icuatcc. in t'!"w Countj of King, State of t,'.lshington; A $tri.p of land fifty (50) feet .... icie kno· .... n as the Renton Snoqua1::nie Transmission right of way described as follows; T~ency-five (25) feet on each side of ch~ following center line beginnlnr at a quarter corner between Sections 9 and 16, Towr.ship ~3 North, Range 5 East. W.N.; thence S 72°15' West 2,77'2. fc!;!t ,lhd leaving said Section 16 at a point 858 feet Bouth from the northwest corner of said Section 16; thence S n015' West 300 feet; th8nce S 65°15' West 325 feet; thence S nO W~sl: 545 feeti thence S 610 5U' ·West 260 feet; thence S 82°30' West to a terminus c-n Mt:. Oliv~t \>Jay in Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 Ea,;t:. W.H .• or as said center Hne f,:.;IY be determined in the field by .actual use. It is understood t.hat the p:J.rcel of land above described is a portion of the right of way for certain transmission and/or dist dbution lines of the Grantor, wi:lch right of Wily and electric lines are used by the Grantor in its business as an electric publiC service Comp.lny, and said parcel of L:;lI1d is hereby eonveycd to the Grantee solely for the establishment .:md maintenance of a public highway and the installation and ~intenance of utility lines other than electric utility lines. As parl: of the ,onsideration of this trans- actio:" il' i:J understood that the facilities of the Grar,tor shall be permitted to remain along and across the right of Way of said highway but not to interfere ' . .-ith ordinary highway traffic. Shoul.rl it become necessary in the future to alt~r or relocate ar.y of fiuid facilities from within thl': rJ.ght of way herel.n :onveycd, by order of the City of Rento:1, all costs for stich alterations or -relocations shall be borne-by the City of Rf"nton, IN WITNesS WHEREOF, said cot·poration h:..s caused this instrument to be executed by its proper office~s ond its corporate seal to be hereunto affi~ecl this .30 rl" day of ~(/.f I , 1963. STATE OF '';ASHmGTON) ) S5 COU~TY OF KING ) On this .so ~rll Jay of undersiGned, a Notary Public In und for t:he and l-HOrl"., persona Uy appc(.Ired (/f(GtJ.f"l'1'/68 , site of washington. JC;:::: 'E'". :'?;·'Sr; before ?le, the duly commissioned and :. 'i. :-:IX: to me known to be the Vi"',~ President and Asst. Secretary, respectively. of Pu. -:t Sound P07iC'I Eo T':' ~ht "'o:ll_qy. the corporatiCLl that executed the foregoin2 instrument, <lnd ackno;·;ledgcd the said instrument to be the [reo.:: and voluntary ~ct ~nd deed of said corpol::ltion, br the uses and purposes therein l:Icntioned, and vrl oath stated that then ~'r3uthorized to CXCCl!te t:ae suici instrument and that the geal affixed is the corporate seal cf said corporation. Witness my hll.r:d and ofIicial sC<ll h..-::::-etr) .::lifi:,~d the clay and year first above \<'ritt'.!~, Notary Public ill and for th~ State of washington residing .:;!t __ ,;'1,"'"',,t"'""'---___________ _ ,SEP251963 '---_._-_._-- • \ I t I , , , i I 1 \ i' i" f . , . AN ~AS[MENT FOR A SEWr.R PIPELINE: GRMITEO BY KING COUNTY TO THE CITY OF RENTON This agreement made this· !I J day Of King County. a politicai subdivls10n of the the Grantor. and the Cfty of Renton, here1na '1_ ". I fl_ • 19/L, by and tletwi?en ate 0 iinfngto~~einafter termed ter termed the Grantee~ IHTNESSETH: That for and in consideration of t'le rights to make two (2) ser"ice connecti('ns without any fee to the Grantors th Gran+.or does by these presents grant unto the Grantee. its successors and assigns ar. easement, and right of '/Jay. o\.'er, through. under, across and upon the following described Real Property. sitIJate in King County, Wash1ngton to·wit: 1.'hat pot.'tion of the SW l/~ of the Nr. 114 ..: Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 5 Eut, contained within a .... dp of land ten feet. 1n width. t'le centet"ltne of which 1IiI described ae fo110'118: Beginn!ng at the N_W. corner of said subdivision, thence S along the Weat line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4 81 feet, thence If 89~03'38ot \01 J'l feet to a sewer manhole appurtenant to a 12" sewer pipeline, designated as 1111 1114 which is the t\Lld point of beginning. 11lence S 89"03'36" E 1146 feet [0 Mil tHO, thence N 81°20'00" £ 268 I~et to MIl 119. tlu:mce N 62°20'00" t: 76 feet to the ES.!It line of said 8lJbdivisi'n and the cild of t1:is descripf_ion. 'I'ogether with a temporary construction easement 30 feet: in width extending 15 feet on either dde of the above described centerline. " - sa"1d easement -bf!1I1g-jor-the purpose of instiiTirng", construcffiig-, operating. maintaining, removing. repafring replacing, and using one sanitalY sew~r line to- gether witD all connecting ~3nholes. and appurtenances thereto. together with the right of ingress and egress to and from s~ia described property for th~ foregoing purpas es . " The Grantor and Grantee herein, by accepting and recording this easement mutually covenant and agree to the general tenms and conditions app11cable to the easement d~scribed in det~il in AppendiY. "A" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this 39reement. Date thiS&L. day of0m#~1 ~ 19:2!1-. KING COUNTY. WASHIN BY TITLE APPROVEO AS TO FORM & LEGALITY: OATE~i,i/ ;/;( Execut;ve ___ _ 1% EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED King Co. Record, Division fl<r •• C}-;f~ ............ O",,1y STATE OF WAsHINGTON) s. COUNTY OF KING )' On this day personally appeared befo" me ~ ~ ~ Lrt. ttd to me known to be the _ county Exe,,;utveO Hlount;aSfiington. 'the persen wt:o signed the above and foregoing inst'"ument for Kfng County for the '"uses 4Jld purposes therein stated and acknowledgcJ to me that he signed the same as the fre~ and voluntary act and deed of King County and that he was authorized to .,o·:Sj~;;~:,~er my hand and official seal thiS ,;I 1',0 day of Je;J . 19lJ... NOT Was Page 1 of 2 I ! 1 • I I I ! I , --------------------------- • r;'~r:l]rdl t(!'r~;; and conditions applic.ible to an eJ~l!lj;.:!nt 9~antcd by King COlmty. 1. Befate any \~ork is performed u;1rjer' thjs ilgr£'cment, G .... antN' Ill:'st Ot>tdjl'l a riy~t c.f way constrvcti,:,n vCl'mit from the King County R~al Property Orvision. fo obtain sa~d pennie. Grantee shall submit complete plans <1nd specifications of the proposed Ilroject inclu1il1!; details of lands. ... dping. and comply with any and all other provisions as more specifically set forth in the permit app] ica-lion. 2. Should performance by Grantee of any a'", under this agremnent result in .J~h:age to U' destruction of etisting crops, l<llloscaping. fences. lmpr'(lvcrncnts or livestock. Grantee shall irrrnediately reimburse the damdgeil party to the flllJ e)l;- tent necessary to restore said party to the position ~e would have held absent said injury. 3. Grilntee shall be reqLirf'd to pay any lJellual or special assessments or inCreased in$urance premiums incurred by Gralltor <IS <I result of any authorllcd use hereunder. 4. Grantee, its successors and assigns. shall protl'ct, defend and hold nilrmless Grantor against all claims. ril!Inands, loss, damage, ex:>ense, and liability arising from any and all acts of Grantee. perforo,ed under this agree- ment. 5. In all hiring or employment made possible or rC5ulting from this a~ree· ment, there shall be no discrimination against any employee Or applica~t for employment because of sex, age, race,color. cree<f~ national origin, marital status or the presence of any sensory. mental._or phYSical handicap. unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requl"emen-t shall apply to but 110t be limited to the following: employment. adllertising, lay-off or termination, rates f)f payor other forms of compensation. and selection for training. including apprenticeship. No person shall t>e denied, or subjected to discrimination in recei~t of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this agreement on the ground of se~, race, color, ~reed. national origin. age except minimum age and retirement provisions, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. Any viola- tion of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this agreement and shall be grounds for cancellation, tennination or suspension in whole or fn part. of the agn?eme-nt by the County and may result 111 ineligibility for further County agreements. 6. All right. t1tle and interest which may be used and enjoyed wfthout inter- fering with the non-exclusl~e easement rights herein conveyed is reserved to the Grantor. The construction, instal1ation or maintenance. after the date of this agreem~nt. however, of structures of a permanent nature within the abQve described ea~ement area at any time shall be dpemed an interference with said easement rights and as to.such structures the provi<,ions of paragraph 4 shall not apply, 7. Neitner this easement nor the rights of tr.e Gran~ee hereunder shall be assignable in whole or in part withrut the prior writte., conse!!t Of Grantor. All the provisions. conditions. requirements and regulations herein contained shall be ~indin9 upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee and all privileges of the Grantee shall be giv"en to stich successors and assigns as if they were specifically mentioned, S, The rights granted herein shall be perpetual and exclusive fat' the spp.ciffc ,...urpose of providing sewer services. In the e'Jent that the ~aCi1ities in~~~11ed under this grant are abandoned and the use thereof discontinued, all rights to the Grantee shall automatically termi.lilte and revert to the Grantor, and the Grantee shall restore the area herein described to its original condition without cost to the Grantor. ,-':. .. ,R>;. . ............ ,"".,-.. J /",' ~. " L ?:, 1.- ; k, .' -I=~ " ". " ,. i. i I I \ I I ; I I I I " " .... '~ ~ "" ~ ~ N N -<> '-' '" N .-< 0 '" ,.. ... '" ... <:> <:> -'" ". '" '" &, ~ ~ '-,", , '-'-:.-::-"~ -j 1 , ~ 6 ;!! ~ • ~ • ,. I'- 11 1Z B 14 15 16 17 ," ,. 20 21 " l} " " 26 27 18 ,. ,. " ~2 II 1<:/5:J78 RK:rTI!11 110T!ON NO. __ ·,--·I_~_l-,-S,- Proposed No. A MOTION authorizing the County E:<ecutive to qrant an easement in favor of Tile Ci ty of Renton for the construction of a SE!Ner line in Coul'lty District ~6. !-lHEREA$, The City of Reflton desires to Install and maintain a sewer line \'lith connections and appurtenances on certain lands., owned by Kino;! county. and WHEREAS, the King County Council has determined it to be in the hest interests of the citizens of King County that silid easement and right of way be granted in and far the consideration (If two (2) free corlnections. NO~ THEREFORE I BE IT MOVED by the Council for King County; The County Executive is hereby authorized to siqn and deliver the agreement granting to The City of Renton an easement and right of ~Jay, over, through. acroSS. and upon the fol1owinSi described reol property situated in King County: That pOrtion of the SW 1/4 of the !'IE 1/4 of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 Cast, contained within a strip of hnd 10 feet in width. the centerllne of which as described as follO'lis; Beginning at the NE corner of the SW' 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 16, Township 23 Iiorth, Range 5 East, thence South 5 feet to the true poiot of beginning; Thence ~Jest parallel with and S. feet South of the North line of said SW 1/4 of tne NE 1/4. 1361 feet to an inter- section with a 12" sewer pi pel ine_ PASSED this IttL day of is.R u·m luv. 192i: KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Chainnan ilECltRO£u KC ItfCtMOS '" 6, [,"ilt.!r'a1 t-1t·,~:s ,lnd .::t'!1di lions JPpli,'I':>le to ,111 C,ISC:il0nt gr.lntC'd by t:ing (Qunty. 1. Before -'ny \"Jd:. is perfot"l':ed under th1s dgrcelll<,nt'. Gr'cntL'C' ;:'ust obl~in 11 right of ,-ay con~tructi.on pennit fr!)lll the King County Real Property Division. To obtaIn said pemit, Gr·;o.,tee shall submit complete plans and specifitations of the proposed project includlng details of landscaping, and comply with any and all other" provi5ions i!S more specifically set forth ill the permit application. "2. Should perfor"r.tance by Grantee of any act under this agree:TIent result in dal::age to or destruction of existing cropS. 1andscapin<J, feflces, impro'Yements or livestock, Gritntee shall iml1ediately reim~urse the damaged party to the full ex- tent necessary to restore said party to the position he liould havE.' held absent said injury . ..0 3. Grantee shall be required to pay any general Or special assessments or r-increased insurance premiums incurred by Grantor as a resul t of any e.uthorized cg use hereunder. o 4. Grantee, its successors and assiSlls, shall protect, defend and hold N hann1ess Grantor against all claims, demandS. 1'OSS, damage, expense, and ~ ljabjlity ariSing from any and all acts of Grantee, performed ul'lder this ag1'ee- r-ment. 5, In all hiring or employment made possible or rf'~u1ting from this agree- ment, there shall be no discrimination ilgainst any employee or appl~c:lnt for employment LJecause of sex, age, race,calor, creed, national origin, rnarital ~tatus or the presence 'Of any sensory. mental •. or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualificat~on, and this requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the following: employment, adv~rtisin9, lay-off or terrniMtiorl, rates of payor other f'Onns of compensation, a~d selection for training, includi~g app)'enticeslli~ ~o person shall be denied, or subjected to discriminati'On in receipt of the br: "T any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this agrl"<-':In the ground of sex, race, color, cfeed. national origin. ijige except minimum aye ana retirement jlrovisions, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap:. Any viola~ tion of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this agreement and shall be yrounds for cancellation, termination or suspension in whole or in part, of the agreement by the County and may result in ineligibility for further County agreements. 6. All right. title and interest which~may be used and enjoyed without inter- fering with the non-exclusive easement rights nerein conveyed is reserved to the Grantor. The construction, installation or maintenance, after the date of this agreement, however. of structures of a permanent nature within the above described easement area at any timE.> shall be deemed an interference with said easl"ment rights and as to such structures the provisions of paragraph 4 shall not apply. 7. Neither this easement nOr the rights of the Grantee hereunder shall be assignable in whole or in part without the prior written consent Of Grantor. All the provisions, conditions. requirements and regul(ltions herein contained shall be bindin~ upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee and all privileges of the Grantee shall be given to such successors and its-signs as if they L~ere specifically mentioned. 8. The right.s granted herein shall be perpetual aod ex.clusive for the spetific purpose of providing sewer services. In the event that t~e facilities illStalled under this grant are ilbandoned and the tlse thereof discontinued, all rl9hts to the Grantee shall (lutomatically termi.nate and revert to the Grantor, and the Grantee shall restore the area herein described to ib original condition without cost to the Grantor. '" r-..n o o N o It ",. ',>. ,; , Il~ ,\ , ~i )' f,!::[; c' :'ll;ny 10 I-!jTlltSSETH' "1', , , j il~ C t r) , " Jj , l \~l 0·: '''.n:'1 ''='" c'd That for' an(! in considHation of the rights to I'rake two (2') sel'vice connections without any fee to the-Grantor, the Grantor does by these presents. grant unto the Gr-antee, its successors and assigns an eas(';"ent, and right of way. Oller, through. under. acrOS::; o!1d upon the folla;·linc described p.e~l Prorerty, sibate in K'ing Cour.ty, !~ashington to-wit: - That pOT'tion of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 (If Section 16, Totmship 23 tlorth, Ranue 5 fast, contained within a strip of land 10 feet in width, the-centerline of which as. described as fo11w5: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the flE. 1/4 of Section 16, i'rnmship 23 NOrth, Rdnge 5 East. thence South 5 feet to the true point of be9inning; Thence West parallel with and 5 feet South of th~ North 1 ine of said SW 1/4 of the N[ 1/4, I361 feet to an intersection with Q 12" ,,:,v;er pip.eline. Said easement being for the purpose of installin9, construct\og. operating, maintaining. removing, repi!lrjn~' replacing, and lIsing one s'anHary sewer line to- gether with all connecting manholes, and ap.purt!':n~nces thereto, together with the right of 'ingress and egress to and from said descrihed property for the foregoing purpos.es. The Grantor and Grantee herein, by accf'pting and recarding this easement mutually covenant CInd ilgree to the (Jeneral tems and conditions applicable to the easement described in detail in Appendix "II" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this agreement. Date this -.21-, -t-tf. clay of bec 19.zL. JH'PROV[D AS TO FORM & LEGALITY: BY __ ~~~~~~~ Deputy Prosecuti'ng Attorney DATE STATE OF WASHHlGTON) COUNTY OF KING J S5 On this day personally appeared before me ~dn D. 0-.e.JJjr?dl"l.- to me known to bl! the. -County Executive of King C6unty, W~'~S~h~i~ng~t"D~n-,- the person who signed the ab[we and foregoing instrument for King County for the uses and purposes therein stated and acknowledged to me that he signed the saml! as the free and lIo1untary act and deed of King County and that he was authorized to so sign. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this __ ~day Of~_. ___ , 19.z!. ~~~~~L,~~~~ Washington, residing at of 2 B' TlILE ________________ _ T1TlE ___ . ___ ._~~ ___ ~ ______ _ STATE OF \r;ASHUlGTDN) COU~TY CF KING ) ss On this day personally appeared before me to ne kno\~n to be the of CHy of t::(,nton, tile person ~:iio signed the above and fore,;)oing instl-'u~ent for the usC's and purposes therein stated and acknowledge.::! to f'l€! that hp. siqr,ed tl'1e same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the City of Re;,ton" and that he \~as authorized t:> so sign. G1VfN under I,j..\' h(lnd and official seal th-is _________ day of ---------"-- NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of \·;ashington. residing at~ _______ · ~ o o rIlEil lor Record at Requ0St G Ham'.~ ... '" ST ~~-------------- .. . ", i., . , , • . , , 6 .' " 7 ~ ~ • ~ 0 9 , I. .:::r .~ " =::i 12 Il " lS 16 ]7 " 19 20 21 22 13 2' 2S 16 XI 28 19 30 II II U If/IIN ~m/mlllJ 4178 A MOTION ;J\lt!i"ri7.in~ til<' C"lJllly E:->"<'\I! iI'" to )\r:mL ;111 ~';l!>LmleJ1t in f:lI'tlt" {If' I'llh,·t Sound P('\o'L'r ;uul Ugh! (:"111- p;lJ1Y to pnlVldl' ('I,',"[r i,",1 1 iwrvl"l' t" 11;.' Kill): ('mlltt;. lA'jl;Jrtmcnt UJ Publi<' \{orIL~ Jll;1intL'n:lIwL' {.l\·iliJI"" ill C,mnty DLt ri(,t 1/6. '1, .. ' m<1intcnanc(' f;Jciliti .. !>, :uld order that it m;:)y install tlw (W(~l>:<;sary c I(.!{' td (';I I nmdu i I S ;wd appurten;]rH'l's Dn King County prop.:!rty, and WHEREAS, th~ "fog Caunty Coon('i1 h.I,'1 d,~H'rmJn('d it tD be in the bc!>\ interests of the citiz.ens of Kin)!, Ccnmty th<lt said l;'ascmC!nt and riji.ht of way be grantl:d in and for the i;;o,nsid<:YiHiQn of mntll<li benefits. NOt,' 'IEREfORE, 6£ IT ~IOVIW hy till' Coundl of King County; The County Executive is IrC'rchy .wthorized to sl~n and d~liyer the ne('es- sary agreement grantinp, to Pu~('l S{lunJ I'mol"r und Light Company an e;}sement and right of way aver, throu~Jr. ,1('r051> and upon the following described real property situated in i<ing County: In King County. 1411shlngton. a portion of the W~ of the K£'-4 01' the NWl& of s~'-16. lWp. 23 N., Rgr.!. ) E. I~.N .• EXCEPT a strip d~eded to W.T. Bak~r by deed d .. ted July 25.1899, recorded Auy. J, 1899. Vol. 240 of deeds, porgc io09. under a1.>Jito\"S file No. 178887, re- cords of King County. Washington Also the ::;E~ of tile' NW', of Sec. 16, Twp. 23 N., Rge 5 E. W'.N. Sllid po'reion bdng a strip of land 10 ft in width baving 5 ft 011 either side of the roIlowing described centerline. Beginning at tlle N!4 carner of said Sec. 16; Thence N 89';' 12'42" W. along the N. line t"er~of 1186.01 ft; thence S 0';'47'18" W. 1400.99 ft; to 30 interJ;cction with;:] curve being the SEly margin of NE lrd St., said margin having a radius of 623.41 ft, the rOldial center of which bears N 39"52'26" W said point being thE True Point of Beginning. Thence 5 31°04'18" W 184.18 ft; TheDI::~ S 2°59'42" {~ 995.48 ft.; Thence N 86°41'55" E 232.13 ft; Thence N Sr59'4S" E 325.42 ft; Thence 5 6<;1~O'JO" E 417 .OS ft to reference Point "ft"; Tbence (.:ontinuing S 6"40' 30" E 20 ft to rtc'ferellC': Point "8"; Thence N 0"45' MIL to the tenlinal point of said cent~rline '!' ~""sFl> \~i.::2I} ".Yd " 0' __ . ~ .. ,011. , IUNe COUNTY COllNCIL lITl.S!:, . I-KING ~. :,/~~fl ~., . '. . .~.<.. ~PUTV A£'£~~:~_. ~"/~~--" "'/' .~ ~ C1 r'k 0 t 11 ~. , . .... ~~ . . .. ~~ . . .. cj#fitt t!fIo .~ .. trlt~.".,_.<.~,. ".,._ .. " .... ~.~ ...... ~ ...... ~. , 3~ , E . ,3 WI · c<I' . • too .•••• : ;'j: , j" , I : I · ~ i · SJ ' ;~. I I ~·I· '.«d!' , i . ., I ~. • l 417~ .. ,.; ! I . , , ~ ;< 1 l \ .::. ~ rILED for Record at Re<iUlSt o'i ~~.s;' , e-r ... - ~ .. ,f~>~- REAL ESTATE CONTRACT tA /J THIS CONTRACT. made and entered into this /ii day of ~(!/I'2r 19~. between King County. a political subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinafter called the "seller." and the City of Renton a municipal corporation of the State of iJashington. hereinafter c:alled the "purchaser". WITNESSETH: That the seller agrees to sen to the purchaser and the purchaser agrees to purchase from the sell er the fall owi n9 descri bed rea 1 estate, wi ttl the appurtenances, in, __ ~K~i"~9L_,County, State of I~astlington, See Attached "Exhlbit A". 9.00 #0591 *~'>I<*9.00 22 The terms and conditions of this contract are as follows: The punhase pric:e is FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND N0/100 ($450,OOO.OO) DOLLARS, of which FORTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NOIlGD ($45.000,00) DOLLARS have been paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. and the balance to said purchase price shall be paid as follows: SIXTY ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND 37/100 ($61.450,37) DOLLARS, or more at purchaser's option, on or before the_---"~;t'---_,day of September , 19'--""'-__ _ and SIXTY ONE THOUS.AND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND 37/100 ($61,450.37) DOLLARS, or more a.t purchaser's option, on or before_September 1st of each succeeding year until the balance of said purchase price shall have been fully paid, The purchaser fL!rther agrees to pay interest on the diminishing balance of said purchase price at the rate of 8,4 percent per annum from the_-,l~;t,-__ ,day of September 19_B_'_, which interest shall be deducted from each installment payment and the balance of each payment applied in reduction of principal. All payments to be made hereunder shall be made at King County Real Property Division 500-A King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 or at 5 uch other place as the se 11 er may di rect in wri ti ng. For schedule of payments, see attached "Exhibit B", As referred to in this contract, "date of closing" shall be_2S~'p~t~'~m~b'~'"--,1~,~'~9~B~1_. B (1) The purchaser-assumes and agrees to pay before delinquency all taxes and assessments that may as between grantor and grantee hereafter become a li.en on said real estate; and if by the terms of this contract the purchaser has assllmed payment of any mortgage. contract or other encumbrance, or has assumed payment of or agreed to purchase subject to, any taxes or assessments now a lien on said real estate, the purchaser agrees to pay the same before delinquency. (2) The purchaser agrees, until the purchase price is fully paid, to keep the buildings now and hereafter placed on said real estate insured to the actual cash value thereof against loss or damage by both fire and windstorm in a company accept- able to the seller and for the seller's benefit, as his interest may appear, and to pay all premi urns therefore and to de liver a 11 po 1 i des and renewa' s thereof to the seller. (3) The purchaser agrees that full inspection of said real estate has been made and that neither the seller nor his assigns shall be held to any covenant respecting the condition of any improvements thereon nor sha11 the purchaser or seller or the assigns of either be held to any covenant or agreement for alterations, improvements or t"epairs unless the covenant or agreement relied on is contained herein or is in writing and attached to and made a part of this contract. (4) The purchaser assumes all harzards of damage to or destruction of any improvements now on said real estate or hereafter placed thereon, and of the taKing of said real estate or any part thereof for public use; and agrees that no such damage, destruction or taking shall constitute a failure of consideration. In case any part of said real estate is taken for public use, the [lortion of the condemnation award remaining after payment of reasonable expenses of procuring the same shall be paid to the seller and applied as payment on the purchase price herein unless the seller elects to allow the purchaser to apply all or a portion of such condemnation award to the rebuilding of such improvements within a reasonable time, Unless purchaser e'"ects that said proceeds shall be paid to the seller for application on the purchase price herein. (5) If seller's title to said real estate l-S subject to an existing contract under which seller is purchasing said real estate, or any mortgage or other obligation, which seller is to pay. seller agrees to make such payments in accordance with the thereof~ and upon default, the purchaser shall have the right to make any payments necessary to remove the default, and any payments so made shall be applied to the payments next fa 11 i ng due the sell er under thi 5 contract. (6) The seller agrees, upon receiving full payment of the purchase price and interest in the manner above specified, to execute and deliver to purchaser a deed to said real estate, excepting any part thereof hereafter taken for public use, free of encumbrances except any that may attach after date of closing through any person other than the seller, and subject to the following: Easements, encumbrances, reservations and restrictions of record. (7) Unless a d1fferent date is provided for herein, the purchaser shall be entitled to possession of said real estate on date of closing and to retain possession so long as purchaser is not in defaul t hereunder. The purchaser covenants to keep the buildings and other im[lrovements On said real estate in good repair and not to pennit was te a:nd not to use, or permit the use of, the rea 1 es tate for ilny i llega 1 purpose. The pu rchaser covenants to pay a 11 servi ce, ins ta l' ati on or cons truct ion charges for wa ter, sewer, e 1 ectd ci ty, garbage or other util ity servi ces furni shed to said real estate after the date purchaser is entitled to possession. (8) In case the purchaser failS to make any payment herein provided or to maintain insurance, herein required, the seller may make such payment or effect such insurance, and any amounts so paid by the seller, together with interest at the rate of 10% per annum thereon from date of payment until repaid, shall be repayable by purchaser on seller's demand. all without prejudice to any other right the seller might have by reason of such default, (9) Time is of the essence of this contract, and it is agreed that in case the purchaser shall fail to comply with or perforf!l any condition or agreement hereof or to make any payment required hereunder promptly at the time and in the manner here; n requi red, the sell er may elect to dec 1 are a 11 the purchaser's ri ghts hereunder terminated, and upon his doing so, all payments made by the purchaser hereunder and all improvements placed upon the real estate shall be forfeited to the seller i r f i t [ 1 ,. I f t I as liquidated damages, and the seller shall halle right to re-enter and take possession of the real estate; and no waiver by the seller of any default on the part of the purchaser shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent default. Service upon purchaser of all demands, notices or other papers with respect to forfeiture and termination of purchaser's rights may be made by United States Mail, postage pre-paid, return receipt requested, directed to the purChaser at his address 1 as t known to the sell er. no) Upon seller's election to bring suit to enforce any covenant of this contract, including suit to collect any payment required hereunder, the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorney's fees and all costs and expenses in connection with such suit, which sums shall be included in any judgment or decree entered in such suit. If the seller shall bring suit to procure an adjudication of the termirJation of the purchaser's rights hereunder, and judgment is so entered, the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorney's fees and all costs and expenses in connection with such suit, and also the reasonable cost of searching recards to deter- mine the condi-tion of title at the date such suit is commenced. which sum shall be included in any judgment or decree entered in such suit. IN WITNESS loJHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument as of the date first written above. _].J,ll,.",."'!t"'4MJ"""L~'if-'-.,,-St""'!"'rl"'P"Q'-'.1,,_~_(S,,1 Mayor (Seal) ~4~(~kS:<'.&iJ",,--_Q'+---.D7Jz'ff.""'4Cfd2d,",/,----_(S'" City Clerk L ____________ '(Seal} STATE OF WASHINGTON I " COUNTY OF ) this day personally appeared befgre me ~",,..\a..~ i. 5\....;", '0 a", d A.. l'\uA to me known to"the individua describe 1n nd who executed and foregoing instrument, and a;;k~":O;W~";d~9~"~d\J,;h'~t~:;;;;";,";e~i~;;;;;;:::==== "", .. ;;r""""",,,",,,,,,-;:;;;Signed the same as _ .l.\"\e.; r _. free and voluntary act and deed. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 60.1 day of A..u"'''S± Notary Public in and for the State of rlashington. residing at '~Q"k 19~. i I I I , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )" COUNTI OF ) On this day per onally appeared before me \ ~«tf t2. UtZdalLlf' to me known to the County Executive of K1& COtmty, WaShmgton, the person who signe t le a ove and foregoing instrument for King County for the uses and purposes therein stated and aclm011ledged to me that he signed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of King County and that he was authorized to so sign. 19 A~VEN under my hand and official seal this _Ldzoo-__ ,day of ~1'~~~(,U,7~,~, ,L,_ \ 'EXRIBIT A C01llJlem:ing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16. Township 23 North. Range 5 East. I~.M.; Thence along the East- west center of section Hne So lith 890Dl '16" East a distance of 683.33 feet; Thence North 1°04'13" East -363.53 feet to the true· poi nt of begi nning; Thence conti nui ng North ,°04'13" E<i.s t a di stance 960 feet to the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16; Thence South 89°03'38" East along said North line Ii. distance of 642.05 feet to the Northeast corner of the South- west 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16; Thence South 1°00'49" West along East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the NOl"'theast 1/4 a djstance 960 feet; Thence North 89°03'38" West parallel with the North line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a·-distance of 643 feet to the true point of beginning. Except the West 30 feet thereof. Together with and subject to a 60 foot easement for ingress, egress and utilities over> under and acl"'oss the following described pal"'cels: the East 60 feet of the West 713.33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 23 Norht, Range 5 East. W.M.; the North 60 feet of the'-East 373.33 feet of the ~Jest 653.33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East> .W.~l.; ALSO together with a 60 foot easement for ingress and egl"'ess over and across the NOl"'th 60 feet of the West 280 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16, Township 23 North. Range 5 East, M;vl. Contains 588,024 square feet or 13.50 acres, mor.e 01"' less. Pa~ent Due 1. 2. 3. 0' Ll) 4. 0 N 5. 0 0' 0 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Totals Purchase Price: 10% Down Remaining Balance: Interest 'Tota1'Pa~nt $ 61,450.37 61,450.38 61,450.38 61,450.38 61,450.38 61,450.38 61,450.38 61,450.38 61,450.38 61.450.38 614,503.70 $450,000.00 (45;OOO;OO) $405,000.00 EXHIBIT B . Printiea1 . Interest 27,430.37 $ 34,020.00 29,734.52 31,715.85 32,232,22 29,218.15 34,939.73 26,510.64 37,874.66 23,575.71 41,056.14 20,394.23 44,504.85 16,945,52 48,243.26 13,207.11 52,295.69 9,154.68 56,688.53 4,761.84 404,999.97 209,503.73 8.4% per annum computed on remaining balance Ten (10) years Rema.i Iii ng' Ba lance $ 405,000.00 377,569.63 347,335.11 315,602.89 280,663.16 242,788.50 201,732,36 157,227.51 108,984.25 56,688.56 .03 (Rounding error) ,:" .. -~-; ::<,' ' 'AN._EASEMEN'I' FOR A. SEWER ptPELINE" GRANTED BY KING COUNTY TO THE CITY OF RENTON -This agreement" made this 1J.~ay·of_ ~ , l~ by and between King County, a-political sub~the State of Washington, hereinafter termed the Grantor, and the City of Renton, hereinafter termed the Grantee, WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of mutual benefits, the Grantor herein does by these presents grant unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement and right of way, over, through, under~ across and upon the following described real property, situate in King County, Washington, to-wit: The west 30 feet of the e~st 45 feet of the north 40 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 E~st, W.M., situ- ated in King county, Washington. said easement being for the purpose of installing, constructing, operating, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing. and using one sanitary sewer line together with all connecting manholes, and appurtenances thereto, together with the right of ingress and egress to and from said described property for the foregoing purposes. The Grantor and Grantee herein, by accepting and recor~ing this easement mutually covenant and agree to the qeneral terms and conditions applicable to the easement _described in detail in Appendix ~An attached hereto and by this reference made part of this 'agreement. Dated this N{J. day of , 19 f 2-. ftle<l '01 Rocoru At Th. Request ()t C!t,~~£;,& ~:,;s,o; STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUN'l'Y OF KING On this day personally appeared before me ~AV ftVC4L£ to me known to-be the ' County Executive of King County, Washington, the person who signed the above and f_oregoing instrument for King County for the uses and purposes therein stated and acknowledged to me that he signed the samQ as the free and voluntary act and deed of King County and that he was authorized to so sign. hand and official seal this ~~ day of 19S"'-. GIVEN under my -u 7 /,) J ;( .,tJ . . . ... NOTARY ~. and foTffi:'S~~~~ ~~<;. Washington, residing at ¥f.G APPROVED AS TO FORM & LEGALITY 1% EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED IliI1& Co. Rtard. Di'lision a,~ .~ ". ".~: .' 5410 ATTEST: CITY OF P.PITON BY /b~ a lJ:t!ttd BY _'fi.tkl)Q!. J 1d'.SA ,uf' &.- TITl,E City Clerk TTTLF. Mayor STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) 55 "..Q~tb On this day personally.· ,ed before m~(g .. jt~Rf~A4c8~ . me known to be the ~.A .~~1?"""K of t. e C y7 enton~ the. person who si~ned tabJ)--' a orego)n,g instrument fOT the uses and -purposes therein stilted and acknowledged to me t1,at he signed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the City of Renton and that he was authorized to so sign. my hand and 19~ offidal seal this_-"/:..::~,-___ ,daJ,,.of OT . U L Washinp,ton. ::0,' .'.""," Pagc2of2 \ i' • ..... ~ 1 ,. APPENDIX "A" Ceneral terms and conditions applicable to an· easement granted by King County. 5410 1. Sho~ld performance hy Grantee of any act uncler this ·af.ree- ment.result In damage to Qr destruction Uf cxistin~ crops. land- ~Capln&, fellces, improvement.. or livestock, c,rantee shall immed- lately reimburse the damaged ·party to the fu] 1 extent necessary to :e~toTc :!>aid party to the p05lbon he would i..lVe held abs{.nt said lnJury. 2. Gr<tntec sllltI. he rcquircd to pay any .general or special assessments or increa~cd insurance prC'miums incurred by Grantor as a result or any authorized use hereunder. 3. Gr~ntee, its successors and assi~ns, shall protect, defend, and hold harmJess c,rantor against all clail."s, demands, ~oss dam3)!€'., expense, ancl linbility arising from <lny ancl all acts of Grantee, per form.ed unrl('T this :l~reement. 4. In· all hiTin!! or employment made possihle or restlltin~ from this ;:r.greement, there sh:lll be no· discrimination ag<linst any employee or applicant for employment hec811se of sex, age, race, C010T, creed, national origin, marital status or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a Dona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the fOllowin~: employment, advertisinp., lay~off or termination., rates or pay aT other forms of compen.<;ation, and selection fOT training, inCluding apprenticeship. .No person shall be de:nied, ,or ·subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made ~ossible by OT Tesultin~ from this agreement on the ground of sex, race. color, creed, national origin, age except minimum age and retirement provisions., marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this agreement and shall be grounds fOT cancellation. termination or suspension in whole or in part, of the agreement by the County and may result in ineligibility for further County agreements. S. 'All right, title and interest which may be used and enjoyed without interfering with the non-exclusive ~asements rights herein conveyed is reserved to the Grantor. The construction l ins installation or maintenance, after the date of this agTee~ent, howeve'r, of fixtures or structures of a permanent nature within the above described easement area shall be deemed an interference with said easement rights herein granted. 6. Neither thjs easement Or the rights of th·e Grantee here- under .shall be assignable in l~hole or in part. A11 the proyhions, conditions. requirements and regulations herein contained shall be binding upon the successors in ownership of the benefitted land. and all privileges of the Grantee shall be given to such Successors in ownership of the benefi ned land as part and parcel of the app~rtenant easement. 7. The rights granted here!"n shall be appurtenant to the benefitted land and exclusively fOT .the sp"ecific ·purpose of pro- viding se .... er· serviCes thereto. In the event that the-facilities installed under this grant· are abandone~ ~nd the use thereof dis- continued. all· rights t.o "the Grantee or Si.!ccessors in ownership . shall automatically terminate and revert to the.r.rantor. and the Grantee shall restore the area herein described to its original condition without cost to the Grantor. , , I J ! ! i l I I / •• ,_ ... c ........ ____ ... ___ .. _ ........... """~'=-.c Lo .. .;.: .----'-"='-'";;....:~.-.~, i ~. ,\, C\':iEa,;r F\lR ,\ 1\·\!1:R LL,!; f.:R.\.\l'E1) iiY ~l."(; nU,Tl." TO llfl' ClTt OF R1:~m", S3-2 33 \";+~H(: This. agree!oont ~e this.fi£.....lay oftt'e1Cl/r , 1983, by and between KU1~ Count~'_, a polittcal subdivision of the-St,-te of 1'iastJ:ngton. herein3fter ternEd the GTantO}", iQld the City of Renton, hereinafter termE'd the GTant~. t.l1Nl:SSJ::"1H; . . . , Th!t ."for.-and· ~ cooSiderat~ of 1W~1 ~ ~its_, t~:~' be~~.-:br -the,se .. P~" ~ts ~to ~ 'Gralit~:its ~SSI:>rS and II,SSigns • .aD ~'.~:rigb.t 1.-way. ~_ thrOugb, ~i_tfl.':iqss~an.rupQO the fOllONhg.~-teal prepeitY. :>.a.tua.'te in ung Ccunty, WasfiiHgtai., to~ld.t: -.' ".' '. : -. . . "utility easement-IS -ree:t ·iti.-ni·dth O\"!!r, 'across-and t~h 11 porti~ of the SOuth 1/1 of the North 1/2.. of section 16, Tmmship 23 NcJrth, ~f,!' 5 .East, W.N., King County. Washlngtcn; being 7.5 feet on either slde of the fOllow:i.n! described centerline: ~ing at ,the nortlll'ast corner of the loest 2 iJ feet of the north %0 feet of the 5 L~ 1/4 of the :i:E 1/4 of said Section 16; thfmce wst=ly, along·the north line of ~id sut:d,iVisian, 220 feet; thence southerly, perpendicular to said north h.M, 17 feet; t~ :o.lOl"th 89-07'21" "'"est 15(1 feet; thern:e South 00°51'39"' West 291 .• 74 feet~ mre or less, to tlle true' JKlint of begiming of said easemmt cent=lme~ thence South 89~03'3B" East: S!f feon, nore or less, to tlJe nonh-south centerline of said Section 10; thence COtltinuing South 89"03'3S'· East ~44 feet; IDOTe OJ:" less, to point "A" of this ~ption; thence North 01°04'13" East 87 feet. IIDre or less, to a terminus; ~e cootiIJuing, :rQIJ point "A", South Sgou,)'3$" East ::40 feet~ IIDre or less, to the east line of tro. west 683.33 feet of the s W 1/4' of the N E 1/4 of said section 16 and the tenninUs of this centerline description. ~~~~~gif1.~ :!: "3. i.';::" ~.,­;(:=.::. -: Ci:iSc::;::" . c·>: ·~'·-"'+.t)O Sjl~.N{)~(.,i:.i ~-:~J..;";; S;li~~ mentioned Grantee, its socceSSQrs or assigns, shall have the ~ ~ fiT'1or ootice or proceeding at 12w, at sucb times as _1 be necessary W8tter ~~~,a1:ove described property fur tlle purpose of constn:ct.illg. lIiiiIin- ~~, it~e:ing or. rec:~tIUCting :said ut!lit~s. or ~g. any dlIifi.t:lms tberewith, onthlut 1.lCUlTlIlg any 1!!g3l obhgatl(:ns aT llabillty therefore. provided, that. .:;udi; construction, pgintaining, repairing, altering or Tl!COIlSt:nx:t:l(fJ of said utilities shall be accDq>lished in such a ananner that the private Dprovements existing in the ri,she{s)--of-way sball oot be disturbed or damaged; or if disturbed or damaged, they rill be replaced in as good a conditioo as tMy -re :inrJMiately before the properly was entered upon by tlle Grantee. The Grantor shW.l fully use am enjo:-, the aforedescribed pf'ellises, incltrling too righe to retain the ri~he to use the surface of said right~of-way if such use does oot interfere with installaticn :md. maintenance of the utilities. Jkn.ever, the Grantor :shall not erect buildings or stnrtuTes owr, under or across the rigbt-i:lf~way during tl"e eristence of SLJ::h utilities. IDID HeM 55' Gnmtee-(City of Rentoo) .ac1mcwledges and Gra.tor (XiDg Comty) si.lrJ.larly acblowledges that Grantee's responsibility is to repair, TOCOIlStruct aM/or maintain too water lines and i!pp.II"ternmt: facilities associated liith tile granting of thi"i ea.~t. Grantee a:p-ees to b:tld Gr.mtor. its elected :mel lIJlPOinted officials and ~loyees hannless fl'Cl'l all claims andj('l1" cause:s of actiOlLS which DJ9.y arise due to the ~ctivities of Grantee in repairing, rec-~ing or maintaining the~ facilities pursua.,t to this easment~ This easeaent shall be a covenant ruming ldth the land and shall be binding On the Gr.mtor. his suc:ceSSD-rs. hc-iTS and assigns. Grantors covenant that they. are the lawful O!tiherS of the above properties and that they have a good am. lilWful nght to execute this agreerent. rlllO NIl __ 0 Ai TI. Kequeil " (k~ fr-± : Page 1 of 2 ' .• ~'~ .• O.,~ o •.. ,. f- .j . . -~~';.-~.& ~ln; ATJEST:' BY >no< ;:L~ c,ytjJ~-k.. STATE (If lQ.SH1NGrcti!) :s.s ·--' 198.3. KING wem', \\'A~ING1ON >Y ~_ .-=~=_ '",--_-_ ._~yReve -.. '. 7lil$. King Caunt:y ExecUtive _ --' Cln OF R£.NTrn CUNIT OF lING ) On t.his day pers.on:ally appeared before ~llIe~~", 'i $,. paUl g. ttrl~::::1. \..., me J.;nown to be TJIe,JIl"""", At...n ~ C' .. ? of the City of Renton tJ:e per:;Qn wno signed the above anrfOn,going. 1nstlU!lCJlt tor ihe.1.>Se5 and PJTJ>Oses theTein ..,tated ana ;l.dJl(lW]ed~ed to lie tnat be signed the saJIIe as the f TEe :and v..,luntary :act .:md Geed of the City Qf F.entO!l aniI t11e.t be ,,-as authorized to 50 sign. . GI"FN undeT my hand ;md official sP.lll l11i5~ __ O.ay of ____ '''' ...... ~ __ • 1983. ,\.\ i;'\$j)H-\;T I·,ll( 11(\) SA\IT.~Y SI:\\I:H. L["l'S A.\iJ .\.\; ,\SSl1CUTl:Lll·;,\l"!:I_ J.l.\;[ (jR.·I,;')"I:V BY 1'1:-;(: lUI.\"!'f TO mf eny Of Rb\,I\}.~ .. Thi~ agreement maOO. this GJ;! .t.ay.of a::"'&'"~e .~ l!lill ·by and bet"'Cen.· King County, a politital subdivlslon of the state 0 «as OIl, 'here~fteT te-ned "the "Grantor, and too City cif knton, hereinafter termed the Grantee. .. , WI1NESSE'lH:-: . : lhat· ·£;or .~,.~ ·~iCe~tiOD· of RltUai· ·~fits.~.:. the ·~t·or. ~iD ~. bY-·1trese·, pres.!Dts~ gr;mt: ~P> the J~lmtee •. in· :!-Uccesson, :md.-assigru;;."aa ~.~.rj,ght: of ,"4Y .. : ever, thrnugh •. ,l!DIIer, i!CTOS5,· and l.Ip'}n tfle· Mlowihg ,described real"prcperty', Situate 1o'lUng, County, Iifa!bin~OD:,:tp~vit: . .' '.. , .,.. TIlACr, "X" The ~~h 960 feet .of the' East liz of the Southeast 114 of the ~t 1/4 of Section 16.. jOl'onshlP Z30 rtIrth, Range S East, \'UI.. King COunty, washin,gton: Together with the lieSt 2HO feet of the" Norrlt %0 :feet of the Southwest 1/4 of tIle i\O.rthe3St 1/4 of said Settior'. )S RX1T SA.'lITMIl" SEtiER LINE DESQUPrIW: '(I"lithin Trl'tt 'A"') hi. easemmt over and J.DIer a strip of land IS feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: OlI1IIlencing at tbe lIbrtheast = of the North 961] feet of the East 11Z of tlle ~t 1/4 of the t.brthwest 1/4 of,Section'16, Township 23 NDrth, Range .5EaSt, 11',101 •• ~ County, Nashington; Thence lbrth 89"1]1'21" \!jest, alon,g .... rtb line of said sOOdivision, 38.00 foot; Theoce South OloM'B"lIest 3Z.00 feN to 'the true poict of ooginning; Thence o:ntinuin,g South 01"04'13" West 928.00' feet to the tennimls of said easement. 20 FOOl SANITARY SBiER LDIE I6CRIPTICtl: (Outside T:rac.t "X") An easeIIIl':Ilt over and UDder a strip of land 20 feet wide, tlle centerline of which is described as f9ll0'liS; ~ at the Southeast corner of the North 960 feet of the East 1/2 of the $otrtbeast 1/4' of the ?brt:h>1est 1/4 of Section 16, To-..nship 23 ~rth, P.anse 5 &st. K.M .• Xing CDunty. Washingtoo; Thence North 89"07'Zl" ifest, i;t.l0Jlg. the South,line of said Tract "X", 38.00 feet to the true point of begi.nning, said point being the tenainus of the 15 foot sanitary sewer e~t to tbe oorth; Th=oc:e (1) South 01"06'30" West 24.14 feet; Thence {2} South 10"OZ'59" East 271.02 feet; Thence (3) South 5°29'21" East 151.24 feet; Thence (4) South 05"08'33'· East 61.98 feet. Thence (S) South 01"33'2.7" \fest 261.24 feet; Theoce {6} South 09"35'51" \liest 174.33 feet; 'Thenc:e (7) South 01"04'13" West., on a line 11} feet Easterly of and parallel with N-S centerline of said section, 313.25 fe(!t;. Theoce (8) South lO"04'ZS'· £<lst 19S.6~ feet; Thence (9) South 00"30'11" West 198.51 feet; Thence {lO) South (}9"SZ'3Y· West 23.18 feet. mre or less, to the terminus on the North line of lilt Z, Block 4, Mlplewood Division 1't:I, Z, as reconled in Voltoe 39 of Plats. page 39, King County. 'iliashingtan, 5 feet I1esterly of the Northeast corner thereof. ASSOCIATED iiATER UNE D:SCJ,.IPrION: An. easeqent over and under a sui,:; of 13lid 15 fcet !,"idO", the .:enterliJlc r:-i Iffiich is described as fullo ... s: Cvnn:ocing at the Northeast comer 01 the !liest ZSO f~t (jf ;;:.e North %0 feet of tfE ~st 1/4 of the wrtheast 1/4 of !-·~tion 16, To>tr.ship 23 lbl"tt:.. ~<.nge S East, W.N" King County. Jrfashiogton; Thence It·es.terly. <lIang tre ~rth line of s:;;J stMi.vision. 221> feet~ Theflc.:e Southerly, per}"JI.lSldicular to said North li.ne, 11 feet, to the true point of begimllng.; Thence (I) North &5"07'21" West 6fJ5.U feet; Thence (2) South 0)"04'25" West 454,00 feet; Thence (i) South 43"55'l5" f.a!;t 380.00 feet; Thence (4) South 8Ho~,S4" East 330.00 feet; Theoce (S) North OOoSZ'3!1" fast lJ2.00 feet; 'I'heoce (6) North 44"01'21" West H6.1)0 feet; Theoce (7) Ibrth 00"52'39" iast 5l2.00 feet to the ternillU5,!brth 39°07'21'" Rest 150.00 feet fn.! tile uue pJlnt of \.lel:irming. Said heretofoR mentionetl grantee, its sucCcsscrs or :iS~i.gns. stJall have the right, liithout prior notice or proceedinJ: at 1<1 .... <It such time!!' <Is. lIISoy be neces.sary, to enter l¥>" the above desc;ribed property fOT the purpose of _mtaming, repairiil';:. altering or recDflSrructiJ:Jg Silid utilities, or =llig a:ny allll1£:ctions therewith, ~:ithout iw.:urring anr legal obligations or liability therefore. prilvideU thOlt such lIBinUining, repairing, altering or TeCX1iIStructUn of said utilities 3bal1 be ac~li5hed in sud! a mnner that the private illlplOVeEntS existing in the righ.t(s) of l,,:3.Y shall not be disturbed or daniged. or if disturbed or damged. tbey will be replaced in <IS ~ condition as they were ~atelr before t~ ~rty was e!l.tered upon by the Grantee, Page I of 3 ,: .. • '. (,Q u· ~-..• ..:. - , t·· j a S.·. )1'· .• iS? 82-Hl-l95 The-Grantor shall fUlly use-a.'\d enj~· the aforedescrlbed prmises; inc.ludil\l! the right to .re-t3in the Tigtot t(l we the surfs!;e of said right of t."lly if su£h liSe <loes not interfeN! with installation and raaintenaru:e of the utilities. Hw~ver. tho Grantor shall not; erect . buildin8s. or 'structures over. WIder 0 .. across the right of ..,.y during th.f" existence of sUch . utiUties. . ~ ~:' ~ee ~ity of .Re!ItCll) ·.aCkrDr~es $Ii ~tor (King ·ta,mty)s:billirlJ ad;:nwl~.~ :o:tan'tei!:'s,~i"i,litY is to".~ir. ~~ruct·aadlor)II;Binta1n.:.tIie.~ 8lld.~.litJ,e5.·.aiJi~ .... fadlifies ·.associated .~th· .tM· ~Uig'of ~ M.seIaerit. ·:Gdmu.e: agrees: to I).o1d ~. 1ts. ~teid ~ awaint~.ofllcLlils ;i;nd "Sipl<:ty-ees."hUb!.~ less frem all da:im:s ;wl/or r.aUses o"f actioos 'oihlch mar a1"i.se" due to the . activities of Grantee in repiring. rec.onstructins or' u..U!taining these facilities plrsuant to thig HSE!IIIellt. This ea59\1er1t, sh:Lll be a cov~ rumiing with the l~ and snail be Hndin& ()ll. the Grantor. his successors, heirs·.and ASsigns. Grantors covenant that they aTe the lawful. owners of the above properties .M<l that they have <I good and lawful Tight to execute thIS agreement •. '" , ., ~ .. ' .~ -~c ... o!!l)ttllt1SlUN o~ 1\ 2 ... 1\1'13 ,.> T" .'~t(}~~~~r~ -. ··K~'i.:j COIJlI { Page 2 of 3 • 82-UI-b5 ~oo-.~~") " .aJJm'Of.Im:l'"-"')"~ _ _! "fu this day pe~sonal1Y apPeared before me~ J a~~ _:.' to me known to be. the &Qg Cwnty b:e<:Uti,W ",f !(ing. CWntyl, tiashingtoo. tile person who signed. the abci'ie iD.<;.tnanellt fOT"King CCUnty for the us~s and pnposes therein statal and acblo.rledged to me-that he signed the saue as the fre(! .tmd voltmt31)' act aM deed of Xing. Coonty aM that he was authorized to so sign. ;"- GIVEN under my hand and offki.al :>eal this /....3_Z..(. day-£:>;4&:,"".tY'~\, 19S3_ CITY OF Rf.NTON &l ~ '~k.lc{;;li;,~Sta" Of Washington, residing at <~. '" .. &lBY~£~ Sl'm OF lIASH1NGl'Ui) 55 .e.'!YeA:.-,e ,,: \:~"~.:" '~" BYe£; ; ,g:,-t, 7 mNlY Of knK> } /IIIW"'~ iii en this day pel"5onally appeared before ner.Q?i::rA 'i fl"i:i:""'" ~~ to lQC known to be theMew.r Are (1: C'gc of the Cit}"-of Rentm r person 0 SI above and. fore- going lIIStnDent OT t 1.lSe'5 and (Alrposes theTein stated and aclmowledg.ed to JIe that he signed the some as the free and voluntary act am deed of the Cit:< of RentQn am: that he was authoTiz~ to so sign. GIVEN uMer my hand and official seal this' __ ...J1C"'~ __ ...!day oi QcAnb,c 1983, Page .) of J. ~", __ ."~ .... "..:o-"" ... ~=;,,:,,.,:,-~ ... ~ .'_i'-"'~" ___ ~~~,'H.'.a..",""'!.'~~~~~~::_ :.. ... -, :~" ,-'$.-'"'::: ". '~j;{J?'i; b=,~,~·~~ B7#'Q4...'16 ""'" F tfa<S'- Ii(~ WATER MItIS MD APP~ LCAG OSSri'bl 9.00 _.00 rdIS AIiFI:fEoDT mete IJId 1I!fttered. into this IqTft &lAy of ..scnrie"nbl!'"l-. 1971 .y and bet:.en the CITY DF 1lEJiT1M. a ..... fdpal corporation of the second ell$$ ~ the l.s; and $tatutes of the Statl! of WiIIshingtoo. he~1nafter "ferred to as ·Cit,v". and I(ing County. Wasbj"9toh her@fnafter ~ferred to as The COo.IOty IIITIIESS[TIt; HRfAS ,hI= Co~ty is ziJWli of il1$talliRg certain vater lines tUJd 4PSM"ten~nces thereto l~. near or vitMb tiM! heYe1ftbeltN ~CT'ibl!d property and to CU'lMl::t sa. to tZ C1 ty's Vilter Syste. $0 tbat lii!l;h i~ts will cons:itu.te all integn.l part thereof; and It£REAS DO oth~r iirupert)' IIiIIIIen or users ilJ'e ~t~.J nlililltle to shin: fn tile cos ~ aPd ~ of CUlStrvction af slldl illlP~ts ud tfIe plrtf~ ~to l'II:¥ing ill !rind the PI'"OYfsflm and: ter-s of CIIolptl!r 2:61 Df thII!! 1559 SHs10ns lIlA, gettel'3l1y referre:l! to as " -,u.1c1paJ water alMl Seter FadHttes AI;t. (ROI' :15.91.010 Itt seq)~; ud tf£i;;EAS T~ Co;,o,ty is ,.·ili ill; til pay all the ctl$ts .-:I ~ for t.~ fMtanition of said iIIp"'~ts; .., lJiERERIQE. IT IS ~ilEBT AGfl!ED AND ctJ'wtMIITED fly NIID II£nIEEJI ilfE ARIfIESAID PAlJ1ES AS All.l.lII5: l._-"n=-.. c~~='~,,-_______ -,he"!"eby aekrMW1~ ""' WtI!IWtts tfII.t lie is tM OMIer of the follOlriog desQibe6 ~. to-vIt: The fvllQofing c:escr;oed land~ situate ~n the to .... ty of ICing, Stue of VashinstOn, TO WIT: Tile north :960 feet of lDc East ha'4= of the ~~ .. thcast .q ..... rte .. of the No .. th.oest .qu ... te..-; ~II. VITI:I tho, JIc..-th ~ fll!et o( the :west 2.80 feet of t~ 5<>uthwest qUilrter of the -.ort!1e~st quarter .;:f ~ticn 16, T_ship 2.3 Ib:-th. ltal>ge 5 Ean. V.rI. aIld The eo_ty hereby agrees and cover.ants to cause to have hlStI"led the followtng *sc:r1b1!!1:1 i~ts. to-wit: Approxi.ltely !~320 If of 110'· vau:r OI0in. J -16" valves, 125 IF 12" vater _in, J -12"' ."alv~ • .3 hydriM1! a~seAbl it:~, together wi til all neceswry appur[en¥I~S. and suer. fnsullat10n to bII -.de in flill ~lhnce with all 4ppli"ble codts IIld ,.latf0ft5 of the Ctt".7 :.f Alnton. The to..Jty furtMl" cGWCn&nt$ and If&rnnt$ that all 1t;tpen.$l!S and (bias in conn&eticn with ~ constnc:tton. aJId tn$laJl.1ti.". at' the aforesaid 1~r:o"'l!IEnts. wtlether for labor or oeterials or bOth, hne been or tttll be P4i1d in f~l1. all at j ts e~se. ~Uld The (0""t1 covenants and agrees to hold the (..ty of Aentcn bIi,.less m. any l1Abtlity 111 COMett1on thltrew1th. F.§~.arrmll ---.111 ..... -_. • --10 ~. The Coo.nty fur~r Cft"tifies th.lt the loti T esti.~ cns.t Of said construction as 1\@~7nabo~ spkifled lfil1 be ;r; the s .. oj 62.100.00 • Based on said total .... t. of cost, UlPoIIJ~~~i"" ~ t()5t per front tinsl foot (strfke out ~ lnawHc.lIbl~ part) of said illlPl"O\'I!!If!I1t 5h1.11 tJe. ellPloyed w cletel"lline-the pr'O ran ""j~t. to'--:-.,cTC"'''-'C=~:::'"',:-_-:-__ b,y lay OII'II!r of real estate, VIa did Mt E:ontribute to the !W'igillOJl <;05t of '5lJCh i~t. ~nd who SubSeli~tl,. 'IIi shes t& tap inUJ or tQIt ~tr. gr U5.e lio~id ~ad1i~ ties. Jlich tap or hookup shall incll.ide ;:ol'lIIections to l~tera1s or branc~ cOfll.~ting thereto, all $ubject to the lillI'S ~t'Id oTdiflances of the-Cit.)' of Rent.on and ;he ;;>royisiOl1!> of this A9~t. a is J-.eretJ} furtAtr a9rHc1 that 11'1 tM event tile toul actual cost of the aforedescr'ibed lri!pl"'O~flt shall be different tn. that. set forth hen:i ... l!Qve. then uris A9reeaent will be ct-.. ll' ~ to set forth the total actual cast tileJ'1!Df. 3. It is hereby fowxl alK! deter::ined thAt. the Ctflstl"llCtlO11 ~ inst.llJatioo Simi tI.f~t:ribe!i l11Pf"Ove-i!I'It is: in too publtc inter-est aid ill fur"tlIenllU' of pWlf~ 1IQ;1th aJId $i.llitatioo. 4. The rounty hereby agrees allid c~ts to conRY, ~aT.sfe,," ... ADd usi!Ft .. to City all right, int.;!rest and title in Hd to s4llid i~ts and all ;;appurterlances and ~cce5sorie5 the~to, free tn. any dOli. i"llcl ~rance ef ar.y pal';:} ;lIIhi.soewrer; City agrees to acupt and' .intain Slid ~t as part of its presen:. ""w.tI=r .... i .. Sys.u. upon &pfIM)'Ql t:Jw,~f by tlte City Eftg1neer or SUper~nter.et of utilitle-s. 611ld aftH inspe<;tlon of said construction. .~ County flJt/!ol!r ilgI"te$ and ~ COWNnU to eeorte and. to deo1i~1' Wlto tb~ Cit}' MI,'/ ud .. n ~ts llklt=clfng ~it -Cla,i. ~ mil BU15 of Sales that NY I"Ysonably be neoHSl.1'7 to full,. \leSt title ill the City oiInd to effecbBb! this con_yoUlCe and traO'lSrer. The Cc1u'1ty f..-ther agrftS .md cuvenants to pay unto the C'it,. sudl service or other cNrg!S as ., be i.,osed by the {)Ninance of the tity of Renton fro. ti.e to t1_ 4IIpplicab1e to llte V5ef"S of the s..-dan. S. C1ty TtSerYeS ~ rfgllt, without affecting tIM! val1d1'g or terws of this ~t~ to .. i:e or cavse to be .ade exten:.ions to or acktttiCIIIs of Ute aboYe ~..,,-a98lent .and to ~l1ow senia: cannectil!R$ to be -.fe to 5f;ftl ertmsfOll$ ,or ~ltiJ; .. s. without liability on the part of the tHy. 6. 110 person. fi,.. QI" corpontton staa1l be gT'IlIUd .. ~t or be autttori.zed to tap 'into. hooItup unto or use any 'Sue!'l facilities or 6tef1s1ons thereof ¢.Iring the pe-iod. of 15 years fro.;Ia:.e hereof, IoIfthooJt first paying 1oIl1o tt.e City. in acldi~ tion 00 -"1 oIl1d aB other costs. fees 11M cha"9'!S Bade -or assessed for eaCll tap. !JIxKup or USe, or for the waUir .ail; facilities .constr".lCted in cC!nnection therewith, the .";;oI,IIIt r-equ1red by the provisions of this contr~ct. Ali a~ts sa receh'ed by the Cit, shail be paid out by it untol_C--_T_"'C-__ Coc~_'o, _____ ,un"er-tM uns of this a~nt wi!hfn sixty (liD) days aftel'" reeefpt thereof. rurthHW1"'e, ,r.case any ta~, hMkuy or connection is IlliJde ;ntG any such con~n.;.ted foicilHy, witl'!O'.lt SL/CI) P"JIII!!rlt '1nir:l~ been -z- ...... -~ i ! fint 1IId!!. the legishtive ~ af the City lIIily CltlU to have l'etmW!d such un- iNtharizeQ uP. ;)()OI<u;l or conne!;1;ioo, cII1d all CUlnect1n~ (t1tle or pipe) Qr releWd ;!Iccessories located in th .. fl!~;lity of ri!'ht of ... a.¥, ~nrl i!islK'sf! of such unauttlor1ze<:' IlUteria; so reIO'ie<l ... i t.:!lh:t ar.,. li ..... il1tv on the !)oI:.rt of tile City wtlatever. It;s further 49reed an1 rovE!f'a"l'te~ tl:l .. t Ut>Orl e1piration of ~ tel1l of tIlis Ag~t. to. wit: 15 "e~rs flUl :fate 'l'!'retlf. City s!1a]l t>e U!I~r no further obl'i9"tfon to (Ollect or I'II!U ;0.,;11' f'urtlW!'r SLTIS l,/flto _---',~'"''_'c~-'''''~,'_ _____ _'__ ____ _ The decisfon .o-( the Ci:y En!;1'lee;-or his autllo~lZK reIlf1!sealathl! in det!'nrinfn9 or c~utin9 ~ ~t tt-ue f~ lin." !\'!'nf!'!'"1'tf!(! oor.er ~o wis~es to hookuo to such i~ro~t. s!Jall ~ fir.al Mod condusiYl! in all re!'~ci:s. 5. The CITY n'SITtE .. the right ... Uhcut affectin;" t.~ valiJ:!ity ~r te...-s Of' this AGREEJE'lT ,to !lake ;;II" cause to be lYtle extensiOl'ls to or i!.dditions of the ab3ft Slid water ~ins and to al1tJW ~,.rvice connecti(ol'ls to be INde to sai~ extensiotlS or a6c!'itfOf'ls. wHflcut JiaM lity 0/1 tMo part of CIllo 1. It is fln'1:her agreeO Uld IftderstoQd 1."1l1t t!'::e aforede-St;;J"i~ i!lpJ'Vvaent:s tG !'Ie .... lll'lderbker.. and p,lIid (err fly The COWlt., have been fir ;1,ne about to be connec;ti!!<I yith the Ma!e:r liiin systs of tile City, IIId vp;:n ~vch " ~tion ~fKI j;cceptanc'!' by the Cit., l:i\rougl: its legislative iJody, s~fd extension ~ . 'I"f lPd/or i.~:IJ"ovel!'nt shall be and ~ ~. ~rt of ~ amit'fp.ll w..Ur s,sts. 5' 8. Tllis ~;ree-ent shall be placed for record witb the ling Courrty Auditor's I'-Office 1~iate!J :';0011 execution tt.ereof and a1l costs of recording shall bI!! tnt a-: ~porrsfbflity Of' ___ Tho"",-,C"o,~""",-_________ -, ________ ~ OIItec:I thiS' ___ L/:!.?~" ______ cJa)' of ~& 4b 1977 ,,"---------- STAn OF ~UlliItJII') )" mum OF IllS ) ...., On tilis day [Iersonally a~a~ before Qe R e€>l2:r /lJ.. 1;iF:.1j77"-r'~ ," to _ illllll1ll to h~ ;;e..p~fT.f ",~,,!I::-;-" /!t'~/I:l~!,,"1"N/...? .. --;:., resJIIeCti":",, -i the antcilJal corwTatiO'l that execute<i the lrithfn and fOTe!iK'in!i InstfW!IeDt, and o:Icknow .• _..: sa:j in- stT1.ll!lellt ll) flo:> tlJ~ t'n?e and wlur.ta:-y ~ct ami deP." of said corpo ... Uon. (gr tM uses and PU1"OO$!!S th!!rein £efltioned, and on oab state4 t .. ~t t~ey w2re authorized to execut@-niJ:! fr ;tru-ent and that the seal affixed is tt.e w~ritt .. seal of s.1!fd corporation. 51VElt UJ'It'-er~ "ant' and offidal seai t~i5 17~-"" day of k.:.r:i((7 1§77 ./ . ']. J .... (.7,.."j ". /" .>:.-'J....4.-/ r; c nln<l or~ UO ~Uhll'l9ton, rt$id,r.g a~4t.<: } )n~ .,. -------..... STAtE Of YASHINGTIlC) )" (l)1J(TY OF KlNG ) On tili$ day personally aPPN~ before !:Ie ~ J-AI,Iu~~_-/" .-.-/ an.d. p.!IM·~S)f)_,n7.,.". to ~ knawn to be the P,~~ ... -<- and t:..4~"-1.k-respet:ti"e-ly of the O)rporation ,that IUeCllted the ";"'1in and foregoing instTWrt:t. and ack.Il(Jlll'l~g[>(l s4id instn.:!nt to be the fr?e and VQIWlal'} ad: and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes tt-EreiJ'l -enti~. and on oath stated that th<!,. _re authorized bl exeorte !iaid instn.ent iIIId that 'the se41 affixed: is the I;CIrporate s"l of said corporation. .QIYEJII undiI!r!ll)' hand and official seill the Gay of $.:et • lHshington. residing at Renton 1~7 rrt r ._lIo I - - : ,.,.{ .. !.:.. -;., , .?; ,: . ;~ - .", .;. ;n;~ .. ~ . c EDlIIIT .,. J " l'IIII'llo MQt.ee l1ae 16* -VII"!,." . ~ .. ' ~; 'i. " .. : . . -, . ;'.1 -:-. ",,,, ' .... . , ..• _-4 wm,~ RfCOiIDEO UTlJIIJ< ro: Off"'" ortlt< CHyCI~r\ R<~I"",'tI>n\<;p:>l BulldinJ lOO Mal A'~n ... :l<nM Rco_. W"?lImt • • • ------......-~ rr-t.ohltoit .,.-CIt)' Orr1II ..... r ... ""cC". -' ~, «lnJI;''<>' R«. !'J'lMnfll,,,,,,",,,IL"M; EXTENSION Of PRIVATE DEVELOPfR HELD LATE"COMER'S AGJtEE;\fENTS WliEIlliAS, the lalecomer ~greemeSltJ; listed on ~1I.«h«I Exhibit """. \Vne hcte1oron:: t"];ccU1C"d by md between aT"l OF RENTON, ~ Washington rnunklp:.t! corponlion. :.md !he Ibtnl hoklen of Inc latecomer agreements, limd WHEREAS, said latecomer agreemcl'lU ","etC rC"cordcd on the d:ltes ~nd by the King County Rccotdlng Number.; ~s shown jlnd wHfRUS. ~id lalccoD1ct agt«menl5 <:rale a polentbl charge on spccilic.tUy<krtned proPCl1io; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the polen tal charge cf"C'~led by the lat~a 19rttmCnIS for the p:areeb covered by the kg:ll descriptions wjthin lhe l:lIecomcf ~gl'l:emcnts, ~s listed on EdlIbit ·A~. be extended. NOW, TIfEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN: Tb~t lJ1e City of Renton. ~lJlgton. hereby c;dmo;b the: explnllon date: fot the Private: Developc'f Held I..:l.lccomer Agreements listed on Uhlbll -A-Wllilin Ute mor.iIlorlum a!"Cil established by Resolulion No. 2764, for lilt J628 days the InOflIloriUIu wu In drect. The adjusted individual dal('s of expiration m givel1 fot Clch bf~comer IIgf'ecmefll on Exhibit """. SEE ATI'ACHED EXHIBIT "A" SJGNEDlhlS.~d.ilyof A~~,( STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) " COUNTY OF KING ) • 1994. BY: y~Jtq~I:"f1t1nk=-: Gf't'Bg zl~ Adrnlnbtnlor Pbrmittg/BulldlnRo'Publk WMb On (his d~y per.;onally appcarrd be[on: me, G.n:g Ztmmerman lO me: MOwn to be the Adminislntor of Plannin.glBuUdinglPubf:lc Worb Depattrnmt and acknowledged to me that he:: was alKhorizcd to acc:\de the wllhin on I[S bcJulf. "Th..21 he: further acknowledges he exccuccd lh(' SOIJl"It: as a frrc-and YOIUR[ary act and deed, for (he u~s IIIId pUtpOK'5 therein menriOned. GIVEN under my hand ~nd offici2l seal this ,L 11 due O{_"~",,~~.~/_., 1994. .. ramu/Jl"llhcmflCccx~')tlbh EXPiREIl Ar.Rr>"~~"TfPVT let.c. Notary(Print) L..N04 C' My appointment expire!' ofW~gton ~~T'lismp • • ~ ':':-:----________ ----------:1" .~oiiIIIiiiiiliii , • • • • -----.. --~~ .. ~<::::-- Cl <'l <'l 0 <'l ... '" 0 .. :J • • • EXHIBIT -A" fJUVATE DEVELOPER. HEWL\nCOMER AGR.f;EMENT Proj_ DisC. W4S8 R7-03 B7..j)4 2. ,.." 8")6 "'29 .87..(l7 ,,=<u " 4. ,.. 8 , ... ,. 6. ,. , '" =) -':)05 w "'" 2 " , 15 , ·953 w ... 91 91 '4 .Q4 ~, King Co. Recording' g1o-i161231 8709250885 8711180730 8705081~S 8803161008 8803161009 8804260281 91052~llS9 IloldcI of w~comtt Agn:cmcni Kin, County Dept. of Public Work~ Room 900 Kin, ecunty Admin Building 5c:attlc, WA9810tl PiQDccr Fcdcr.d S;ovings Rank 4111 ZOOth sw Lyllslw<X>d, WI. 980~ F;airllcJd Developments, Inc. cia CocrylHcnry I{)<)QO I'fE &1'1 St SWtc900 fkUc:vuc, WI. 93004 fairfield Dc:velopmcnu, loco cIa Cheryl Henry lD900 Nf &h Sl Suil\: 900 Iklkvuc:. WI. 9St1O'1 Lyle lbrgcr 19t1UnionAv.NE Rcmotl, WA 98056 Miriam G. Holmqui$t 26ICl NE 7th Street Renton, WA980S6 Cnlwn J>oilll~ LId Plruhp Cc:DlroIJ 3,025 112lh,o,vc r.,'E SlIHe 100 IkUeV\)(", Wt\ 98009 Windsor Pucc As50ciaICS 3HI20Z41hAvSW Froc:ru W3Y. WA DlIC: Sanicuy Sewer MOr.lcorium in ECfcc( D:llc 53niurr Sewer M(')T"llorium c:xpircd 7/17/89 l1i.l!tll 1628 • TQ\:d 0..)'5 orMo/';ltoril.l~ D:olc ur Inception 9!I')m 9/22/87 1J/18/87 5/4187 2(5"8 2/22/88 4/6188 S/13/91 ',\ddr7 1>.1[<: of bI.<:nslM Explr.ltiOIl In" (j/'llntrd 9/19/92 1628 9{22/91 1628 11/18/97 "'" 5/4197 1628 9/15/95 1628 2112198 1628 .".,.. ).'" 5/J3,1l001 "28 .L,--_.-:-: .. =. __ =_:::: .. ~::_ ::. ::.=. __ ::_.===_~.-!r_.-.;iiOIliii/i Adjusted (hccndcd) Dal~(>r EJrplnlilJlI 3/5/]<)97 .V8/ZOO2 V4J2002 IO/lB,l2001 2129;2000 8/8/2002 9120/2002 10/27/2005 '. i , , •• • - ~ R~Nm AIidnss: City 0eJl"s otficc: City 0{ Raru:m. 200 MillAYeIIUC SwtII ~ WA 910:55-2189 lIJIIUcipd~"" ,. • • • RECEIVED r L AUG·, 199,1 io;lNGCOUNTY RECOR.'JER ProptrtyTu. Pared NIUDbcr$ If.230S-9059,!I019. ,111, W1IEREAS.md~~WIt!IRCofIk4«1d>=~d&yof~ l~.b<::ariotAlrdilO<'sFiL::N"'IIber" ~mCIetpiR:d<;IQMmhS 1m WHEREAS . .ad ~s~ ~~ ~ 1_<lCIspecif~<lerllll'dproperties;. and WlIEREAS. it i51'1<'CC:SSUY1hII aD pcCII:ls<:O"f<:Rdby r:III:'kgIol6=:::riptiolu b:aring.A.wk>!'s File Number &70<1161231 be ~ fmm ~ lien aealt:d by tI:.: lmmm.:.'s ~t,.me «> its ~tion N(N{. 1'RERE'ORE. BE ITXNOWN' ThsI!be fa~~ agreeaw:nt beIIring Auditllr's file number n04161231 bI:!l expirt!ci.lllld IIl.I desI:tibed~ Wilhio the~ toordcy <.>tOD !l!t~",,13hou!d k mol 11ft: bemJy folly ~ from my cllliro \IIldcr SlUd Wccoma's ag=m<sIt ~~I..CAG* am..=dc>:flmdc Kinf~ AIIdHm':sFileNlmba g7~1612~1 bas c;pircd """110 oUa" oc::i;utu lie doe tile dcYdopc:r. Ap~By: • ) • • • , 1 }I ·Ie ~. i j ORIGINAL ~~£ :h.,' KIng County eat P,opelly D,vision REAL 1051,\11:: COX1R,\CT ~~ 8B ~:l '0 z This Contr~ct, lIIade aod enteL-cu into th.i8_~~.!!._do.)· (,If. August 19 88 , belh'een lUNG COrNT~', 61 p"Ulicnl SUbili,-jsion of the Slote of-lI'o.shtOftOfi, hereinaftet" <::ul1cd t.he 5.,11<;,1'. snd the Cin or RE:<:TON, II municipal COl:'pol'.'llion of the Slott'! of ~'a!'lhingtoll, he-<in1!;fter called till" Purr:-loft!>'~I" WIT"ESSETH: That the 8.>110::r llgr,;('s to s~ll tQ the pun:hlisct" and the purChagC"l' .lgrees to pur-r:h;;l.s() r"om ti,e: SillIer the fol1u-",- ins: u~.9<"·rlb,,,d 1'1",,11 cslaLu, ,dth the np)Hll"lo;on(1n(.es, ill "ing County, \<.'v.shingt..<)L,: 8EI/10//)7 RECCt F' ti0204 IA .1)0 Commencing £It the S.I', nH'J't'I' of th", ~6RSHSL eusl 1/4 "r ::;ectivl, IG, To"n~hiv 23 :-.Iorth, Ra.ngo 5 Eust, K,~l.: f.h~n,)o.: :lio/1I1 th~ East- I{e>;t Gentfll' of S(I('tj.O/l line South 6f1-01~16 EllS!. 8 ,1i.,.tall\"l~ of liR3.3J feet Lo tht" tr.,<:, l)oiuL of beS(inhing; thence ~orth 1-0·1-13 East 363.:;3 re~lj thence South 89-0~-38 Eu"L (;·13.00 feet to the F.ast. lil10 or the South,,·.:'!>t l/~ of tho.: 1'()I·thel1sL 1/.) or ~tljd S~~·liou IG; Ihenel! South l-OO-.f.g lfe~t. alano: th" i;!osl linL' of sOid SOllthHesl 1/4 of till' ~ol'theu~t In D distan;.:<.' of 363. 96 f,~" Lo Southeast corl1l1r of th!:' Southwcolt 1/ .. of the Xod,hF..'U':It In of ludd Sec-lion In; tl\l~nC"e ~torth a:l-OI-IG l,'c"l "Iol:.\! th,· Snulh lille of the ·,',;rth<'a,s: l/1 <If ~""\.id :<;'~l)ti"l1 16 a distanr-.,. "f C-l:3.3Ci fc.:>t tv the ll'lU. PO]"t of hegjnning. ~-""·,,,,~·.oo ~ .. ~ u 0 <:> til 00 I/) 1:\1 Q ... ILl Except fur lhe West. 30 fe"L thel',,»f. TOGICTHER InTH _:l.:O<D Sl:BJECT TO " GO f~,<)l "$semehl for ingress, eg~""i.'> nlld 1.JtiJitie~ o~-er, undel' ~ll,d !I'!rO~R th.: follC''''in" J",.cril~'d par.:"ls: Till' Ea5L 61) feet of thc' li'esL 713.33 feeL <.,f 'LlJ~ SouthresL 1/-1 ,)f the ;':"rth.,.!,~t 1I~ of $,,<.,1 j"11 1&, TO wl1ship 23 r.C/rth, Range 5 ·Ea!.t, I'.~L; The: 1\01'1.11 GO f",ct of the Easl 3,3.33 [Ilct of lh" !o:c,;L fiS3.33 f~eL or the Southl'est 1/·1 of the Nol'theast 1/~ c,.[ Sel·Lion IG, TOh'll:9hip 23 ~orlh, Range 5 Easl, ...... N. i ALSO l'OGETI1En WITIJ a 60 fOl,.ot easement [01· ingres5 and egress o"~r Bnd aCl"oss the ;>.Iorth 60 fe.H of tl:1e West 2BO feet of the Sou~h, .. e8l l/~ of the S'ortheast 1/4 of sold Section 16, Townsbip 23 !'ol·th, Range 5 East, ..... ~I. The terlllS and condjtions of till& contract ale ns. folloW's; :'"5 Tile purchase price is THReE HU'l\DRED !>\IXETY THOlJS."~'D THREE -Ht'~DRED AND NO/IOO DOL!.ARS 1$.~90,200.00) (1f \;hieh THREE HUXDRED THOUSA~D AND NO/lOO IJOLLARS (5300, coo. 00) haxe been paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ~cknowledged. and the belance of said pur~hase price shall btl pnid as fol101,s: FOl'RTEES' TH01..'SA)':D SIX HUNDRED NINETY~FIVE AND 91/100 DOLLARS {514, 6-17.91 J or mor.e at pur- ch~"s'eT"'s .option, on or before the 1st day or October 19 69 • and on Or before t.he 1st day f October of eaOhaLwceedinll: year-thereafter, until the balance of .!laid j>ur- chase pt'ic6 shall have been fully paid. The purchaser further atreea to PflY interest on the dimini'shing ba.llinea of snid PUl'- chase price at tbe rate of t.en percent r lO%} per anntlll1 from the ~d8Y --of Dctcber , 19'£. "bieh intere.!Ot lIhall be deducted from ea~h 'In!ltallm~nt payment and payment9 to be made he~e~nder ~hal1 be made at: ,~ ~-.~~"C •• __ ··~ __ ~·t _____ · ___ " _ .. _ ........... .-.. ....... ...-. ( :King Count}" Ue».! Property lJi\"isioll 500 King C'OUllty .'!'dlllinigINltioll Buildins( 500 Fourth A\". roue SeoUle, ~A 9810·1 or lillt'h other place !IS the SellC'l· IIUIY dil·e("l In la·lting, <lnJ nIt checks "ill he mad(.· payable tu tho ~Kini Count) Finance J)il·t:!clor." '"1100 shaU ("l·cdi t tdl aun,;; r(>coi,·cd ill tl,e apPI'opriate ~ing Counly aCCOUIll. For schedule of pllymellb, bee attnched "Exllibit. .,." lATE PA"~!E~TS: 'I'1"H'e , .. ill be !I lut~ collection t'harge of fj \'e pln'cent (5X) of tile annual payment, plus 01'1(' )lel'.:'ollt 0") pcr month interes.t on th", unpaid balance f t· an.1-' delinquent payment not dell .... eL't~d to" the seller "ilhin tel. day~ of the due date. ,\!I !"eferre,] to ill thls cOlltnl"l, t.h·-;-da~e uf clubiroll ~h .. l1 bc October I , l,)~. II} Tl,,,, pUt"ChnbCI" ",,,,:,,u,,,~·,,, oMI <I~I"<!C'" t.u Ila~· l,,,f'H·,,, (klin- quency nIl ta:'cs Illid ils"es:3n1t:nLs that "'II) II" b.:,I.I<Eeero :Cl'll"r 80nd pur-choser hC'l·caft"," bc~·.;..IU<: a lic·n ,)11 said rc"l c.:>tat'"; .::Il1d if b)· th(' terms !Jf Lhi~ COlli rllCt 1.11(' pll1·cllll:;,.CI' 111l;!; assumed jMymt·nl of lin}" mortgage, <'ontJ· ... wt 01· cLlIl:'· ctllUmbram:l', 0(' JI80'~ Els:S~llIIed plly- Illrmt of or agr ... ",d L<l purcllD.!>e ~ll,bjcct to, allY tP"Xl:S and aSSE)!>s- melltcS 11,,1< <Q li<'fI ('11 ";lid real >.:»tilte, till pUl"chaser l1grol'" to Pt,y t.he saDie bef()I·~ d.:-llnquelH:Y. (Z) The p"I"chaser flgl'ees, until tll'3 pu,'cha>.c pl"lee is fully paid, tu ll.eep the buihHngs mJl.· !lnd }k.:reuft r placed un soid real "stat£! insured t.o thf' actu!l.l .~a~h ,'alue thE.-l"cof agllillst. Ir.ss or dnnlDgo by 1)oth f:l n n.nd • .-jl\dst,))"'''' in :51 comptltly a.,:ceptnblu to tlle seller and fool' the se-1ll:r'::; be"efit, as his interest molY appe',,·, and t" PO'l.Y <Ill pr,:miliIUS t.J,ereforfo nile t ... deli'''l" 01'1 ), ... lic;"s alld u:newa1s tliereuf l ... the SId 10,,··, (3) The PUI'dulSer agrees thal flol1 ins[lQ.:!tioll vt ~(jid I·cal estate hail been made nlu! thnt. r.eith,·1' I.],,, selic·,' 1101· Ids nSilJgn .. shall be held to al'r co"enflr,t l'lh'pf,eLifill thc· cO'lJlt.jlJ', uf any imp"ro,-ements therc~rJ 1101" shall the purchasCI· or ~,,11~1' 01' the assigns of ei1:1ler oe held tv Oil) CGI·E.-nunl 0:11" a.g,"cernC;lt [vi· n1 ttl- alior,s;, improve.!lents or ,·cpails unl,·,,;:; 'In: co,·en.,nt or Ilgl"eelll<:llt relied 011 1s contained he,·ein "I" is ill hTiljllg Ilno att<lchud to and made a jlart, or tid" COt1tl·u,~L, (4) The purchase!" assumes ull haLal·db ...,f damag~ tu 01' cle- 19truction uf any improvemenls nul; 011 st!.id I·cal estal" or nel'':- t!.ft..,,, plac"d thc!'~ot', Slid uf the tnl.ing vf so,id 1',,<1: e.state <)1· t!.ny part thereof for public us~; and a;&n."es tllat no ~uc:h damage, degtr'uction or tailing sllal1 constitute a failul·" of ccrn.!lidel·g- tiOII. In Cflse any pa,'l uf said real est.'lte is taken fol' public Ulle, the portion of the Condelllnat.1on award reMin"ing a.ftar pt!.y- ment of reasonable expenses of procurina the same Shall be paid to the seller and applied as paYlII.eT,l on the purchase pI'ice herein unless the seller elects to allo .... the purchaser to apply all ur a portion of suah condernnt!.tion award to the rebui.lding ,)f such itpprovements within :II. reasonable time, unless purchaser elects tht!.l flaid pl"ooeeds shall be paid to tlie sellel' fot"' application on the pl.lrena:ee "pt'1ce herei n, provided tha"\. in the absel,ce )f an "."eelllent between the part.ies herelo, Such net proceeds of allY" condemnatiQrl award shall be spli t between the pa;rtiea l.:ith the seller rec-eivini the percentage tnt!.t the unpaid principal balancl! bears to the sales price. 2 • ( 15) The ~cJler flgrcc5, upon l'ceeiviu.c f1.l1: p"Ylfwnl of lIw purchase llrice and intel'e5t in the mann"I' abu\c ~peciried, to execut.e and dtdin~r t() pur,~ha.scl' a deed to said real estate, cxcepting nu)' Jlllrt. thereof hCI'(,aft'!r takl~n fIJI' Il;}b] i,~ U,~C, f,'cc of .... ncumbraIlC(Li e:-.:.::epl an,' that may at.tach :lftcr date of closini through 8ny pel'son other til9.1'1 the selle)', and .,ubje~~l to the following: CA) EXCelJtions and l'e,:H~rvutioIlS contained in Deed from the StEite of WU!'Ihington, .;flel'cbr said I[runtor eiicepts Ilnd res'lI','es all oils. gases, coal, ures, mjncnlls, follo~ sils, etc. and thG !'ight of clltr)' for openinr.;, develop- ings .:Iud 1_"Orking mines, ell!., vl'ovidt>d that no I'j.':(hts ".hall be exercised until pl"o"ision has bC!en mt'd'. for fui J pa)'menl of ,t} I dumage>< sustained by ~'t!t'SlJn of SUdl an tn', Al1dilul"s Fil£' :';,,,: .1189945 en) ;\n eusc/rJ"J,t u)t.h pro"isions, conditions nn' ""'-':ll1lJlt:5 II~ IlII.lY b ... ~j(!t [vl,th lhLL'ein. Fo/': Pil'elin~ I" rO\'ol' Dr: .Iames TacheJ t ,-'luditol"'s Fjf,~ ;\Q,: 248(;l'l)i '\frec:L~: PorLioll or :';1: 1/·1 and S~ 1/-1 );II' SCoC", 1G, ·r-.;p 23 ~ •• Rg., 5 E" \>.~!. le) An ells~mant with pl'o\'i"ions, condit.iolls Il.nd CQVll"Il.Jlt" Il.S mv.) be aet forth thel'eil., For: Pipelim.: 11'1 favor of: Olympic Pipeline Co. ,\uditol"'" FiJe No,: 532B-I37 Affects: POl'lion of :;1.-1/,1 of .'I:E 1/..1 of s, c' 16, Tt;p 23 N" RgD 5 E •• \',~I, (D) An et'sem<:'l,l h'ith provisiollS, <:lonuitions nnd COvtmallts as mllY b ... ~(!t COl'n lhtlrrdn. Fat': Pip .. lil1., III fu'-ol' of: 01"m[!ic PijH.,:illc Cu ,\udito,'s FUe ~o.: H05270.J.I7 Affects: POI'lion (,f 1\£ 1/1 Alld SE J/.) of Sc.;:.:, IG, Th'P 23 :-<,' Rge 5 E •• \0,'."1, {El An essemel.l I:ith provis'c;ns, C"onJjtiom. llr,d "o,'r,nant~ os lIIay be :sel fm'th therein. For: Eleell'Ie Tra.ns.a.is:r.io), i..I!h" In favor of: Cit)' of Seattle Audi t()r' s File No.! 3G6~5GO Affects; As located acro.!:!!' :said pl·.'mise". (6/ Unless a different d:at~ is proddeJ for herein, thu purchaser shall be entitled to poss .... ssion of sa.id real estate fill date of clvsing and to ret.aill pos:session 90 lOl'lg ns purchaser i.!:l not in default hereunder. Tne purchaser covenanls to keep lhe buildini's Ilnd otilek' imi>ro"emellt~ on said real (~state in good repmir and not La pel"lllit wast~ 8.lld not to use, Clr permit the use of, the I'eal estate fol' any illegal ~-.JrpOll<:!. The pUrChnS(ll' covenants to par all service, installation or constructi'on charges for ~ater, seuer. e-Iectl'icity, gal'bag~ or other \.tti.lity services furnished to smid real estate after the date pUh;naser is entitled to p09ge:5sion, 17J In case-the purchaser fails to ~ake any payment harein provided or to maintain insurance, herein l'equired J the seller may uke such payment or effect slJch insurance, and an)' amounts 80. flaid by t.he seller, together with interest at the rat!! of 10" per annum thereon from date-of payment until repalt.l, shall b~ repayable by purchaseI:' on s(l'lleJ'~s dem~llId, all without pr-ejudice "to any ot.her ri,ht tha-seller mi'ght hfl\'c by reason of such defaul t, , I I ( (SI 1ime is of the essence of this contrElct, and it is agreed thal in cll!'!e the pUl"l'iUHIIH' shall fuil lo COlQply !-lith or perforlll uny condition or agreement hereof or to lIIoke any pn),ment l'equl r('oJ herf;'undel' pl"Omp~ 1" at the tillt:> and in the manJH."r herein required, th~ 8eller moy elect. to decla)·e ttll the purchaser·:;;: rightg hereunder terlllinated, and upon bis doing 50, all pllyruents lDade by the purcha5er h<!'rl'!l-lndcr and all illlprQ'em"'nts placed upon the r", .. 1 cstalr. shall be forfeited to the 5t.-Iler ::IS liquidat('d dall1ages. and the seller !>hall ha,'e right to re-enter and loke possession of th~ real estat .. ; and no wah'@r uy the seller or any default on the part of lhe purchaser shall be construed as ~;ai vel' of any subsEJquel)t defau! t. (9) Sen'ic@ "pon purcnasel· of all delllund~. notices or tltber papers lIith resp.~cl to fOI"f~jture and termination of purchaser's right;; may be: made by United States ~1D.il, posta.,!!e pre-pl!.id, ruturn receipt r('qu{!.-,;ted, directed Lo t.h.:: pUrChI15~1' ... t his flddrcSll Inst knullO to the ~elI\.'r, DO) Upon ~,wll(:r'-'l election t.o bring suit to ~nfol"c:e ony CQv'!lIfl1/.t of thls contract, il,..,luu,i.ng suit to colle.-:t. u.s pi',"n'cnt requll·cd hel"CUllu'H·, the pUI·chp.~cr a!'l:l"ee>; to II;')" 1.1 l"c<lsonaule ~um as altonley's ret-'ll !SlId u;l <:!osl", and cxpen~e!! in (";onncC'tioll with such snit, which sums slmll be.-incloldcd in al>, judgmcllt OI' decree entered hI such sui l.. Jf the seller shall bring suit to pl·',curc !In adjuJiclJtiun of the Lerlllil>lI.tiQJI of the pUI'chascr's l"ights hereunder, and Judgll1cnt 1s so entered, tho:-pUl'cbBs("r ngrecs to pD.)' ,) rellsol,able sum £IS attQrneY'l; fees lind all cost.!) Ilwl c~:pcns~s in connection ,.itb sueh suit., and 111!:.;0 the reasonBble cost of sO:-8.I·ching reCOI'ds to nelermir.c the cOrlditi"tl of title >oil th{, d .. te such suit i~ CClIn- mcnee-d, h"llieh SlJIll I'>h"11 b ... ino::'1ur;led in any judgmen'. ~r ciecree entered in such suil, Ill) /1:eguil'eo notice (~;.:cevt lr.·gal notir.c.!») shull bc ,.:i'·en in ... ·I·itin.: to th~ pUl·chilser Ilt the (,-..llowh.g address: C'i ty of Renton 200 Niil ,h'enul'! South Renton, ,",':' 98055 or to .5t.:ch other respl:cti\'~ addl"es!H~'!; B3 tOBY hel'eaftel·, froll! Um« to timoa, be dcsi!!nated in .... riting. Notices sent by "Jail l:i1luil t:.e d.eemed to ha\·e been gi.ven Io·hen proper] Y IDai led, IN WITXESS WHERtOF, thc parth·8 hereto have ()"xccutcd this instrument as of the date first D.bove ..... itten, PURCHASER' SELLER: I ( STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING HS I certify that Juus Sanchez. .!Signed this In9trulJIenl J on uath stated that he I<sa authorized by the King County Executive to execute the in~trullwnt, nnd ackn,-wledg~d it as the Acting Director of Execut'ive Ad .. fnistJ"&.ttQn,'c:",:::;cc::;c~c;--;;-. of King C:Junty, "asni,uct:on to bo:> the free Bnd voluntary act of said "Co"unty for the \)se", and purposes mentioned in the instru- lIIent, August 25. 196_8 _____ _ STATE OF WASH1NGTONI COUNTY OF I{lNG I ss On this d""y per-aOSll)' ap!Jeared before meEarl(jr.JM&d..A:b;Ut:.E~ to !lie known t.;.. be lhc_, ~~ fb-JL" \}rthe~cf Renton the persons •• ho siglle<: th IJ.b<}\"c nd fore-goinil instrument for the City of Renton for ~hc uses and purpoSes therein 9tEl,t~d and acknowledged to me tnu.t he :signed U.e som!: 85 tJ,e free Elnd \"olun- tarl" Dct alld deed uf the Ci t.y of Renton and thv.t.. 1.", ',"o,s sa authori~ed to sign. D.ted ¥ S; Iq1)8 5 ( .. ~ b S! \B PER I 01:; :'A ... m:~T I~;TL:REST rRI:~CJPU: BAl.AX~E $90,300.00 1 $14,695.91 S9,030.0{) S5,665.91 $84,634.09 2 $1·1 ~695.91 $8,463.·1 L $(;,232.50 Si8,·IOJ.59 3 $J.I,695.~H S1,840.1ti S6,!l55.75 $7],545.8 .. , ;;1~,69;).91 S7,15-l,58 S7,5011.33 ~li·1 ,00./ . 52 5 $1-I,695.9J $6,400,45 S8,295 . ./C $55,709.0(; , $14,695.91 S5,S'l0.:J I S~,125.00 S~6, 584 .05 $1-1,695.91 $4,658.-11 SI0,037.50 $3G. 546.55 S 514,695.9] $3,G54.(iG $11,0·11.25 $25,5u3.30 , $14,695.91 52,550.:;3 $12,H5.38 SI3,359.92 10 S14,(i9!i.!I1 SI,335.99 $13,3~9.n [SO.I}OI CITY OF" RENTON Por, of Ne 1/4 of Sec. Sales Price! 16, Tlip 23 N., $390,300,00 $300,000.00 Rge 5 E., W.M. Oo'wn P!;),mel)t: Contract Balance: Interest Rate; $, 90,':3'00:'00 10% OcT 7 ( 908111" J .- • Fee SlAIpl. 2_9-81 <:'lt~· cf R!n!;.>X1 Th .. Lir&ntor. ld!.C ('VU."\" ... poc.ht.l.-.l .uboh \'1 11 on of UI@ St".te vi .. to..bln&t. ... J>. r ... r ...... .i .0. ~· ..... #I.j-er&~i .. 1:1 of t.b~ .... of Ftll:1i1: I:H':J.DRED )1J.,.\ nt01.-suD..u;D 1¥O!!OO dollars (SHO.aOO.oO) in baDd ~Id. do.e. ".-rot-by .rant NMI COlOo""II!:'I' Wlto U"'~ Cit) .;of 20: ... 1._. the follqwinC J. ... s~·ribP-d :-... 1 ... t.at .... 1I1t.U&t~ In "'l~ COUlIt,.. Io •• bi .... tOD: C~.Q.:;u:I.c ... t tb ... S .. utl:t"'lI!st "-'o~r or tiIIe lIiGrtbe-a.st. 1/.40 ~f S~tloa 16. Tu~~h)p !l ~orth. ~ .. 5 £&.1., ~.~.: Ih~Ik'~ .l~ the Ea.t-~tst ~l'l'Ler of ~t.loa liae Soutb !;.:"_L:>I_It. £1LS1. :II. di'l ... th·~ ~r 683.!3 £~t: ~bll!DCe ,"ort.h 1- 0;;'-13 East 363.53 f_t 1.0 lbO! 1. ....... point. of be.UltHI!.&': Th<i!'A<-'" U)Jltjzu ........ ,.;oTtA }-0"-13 Ea;st • di.~ 960 feet t.:> t.!:ie-toortb Iln-e of the SOllth_st 1,14 of Wle liort.he-a.st. l/.t of s.aid Se.;-tHUI IS; Theaee South 89-03_38 .... t. al()D&" IUldd "';,rth line ... di.~e of 64Z.05 (eel. to -tlIe Sor\b~~st ~~rQer uf the Soutbwe.t 1/" ~r the Nortbe~t :;4 .:If s.aid Se-c\:u::& 16; TbeDCe S'lJuth 1-0(l-~j West .. Ion.( E:ast 1 In'\: "r s.ald SO\ltbIJest 1;~ <11 the JOo-rtbe_t. 1/" .. dlsL&nce 960 feet; TBeDC~ ~orLh 89-03-38 ~est par&llel ..-jtb t.h~ SOT'Lb line-at hid S;;o~tb __ .t 11" of the )l;ort.h~&St lIt .. d.ist.~e oC &43 feet. t.o Uc: tr~e point of ~tiIUlin" lh:cept the Vest 30 fEet thereof. To&et&oI!'r ",i t.h .u.d lIubject to & 60 root ell.S~iI;t for intlre55, ellr'@"9:!i1 IIUtd utilltle51 Cover, under IlDd aeros. the {"ol!c".d~. described paroela: the E:a.!lt 6() feet of the .ei!lt 71:1.3.3. f~t. of the Sou~h'West 1/-4 of t.he 1iortheut 1/4 of SE"{,ticn !o. T'.=.1.'nehip 23 !Oo,..t~, Ra.illlt:-e 5 £8.51., ".11.; the !to{,rth 60 feet. of the bat. 313.33 feet !)f thll! \:est. 653. J3 feet of he SOl.thwest. 1/ .. of tlH! .Nort.he&st 1/4 of section 16. T ... ,\'!;p 23 to<1!'"th. Ra.rl.e:; Ea..at. ".M.: abo t.o,et.her with .. GO foot. ea~u·-.ellt. for iD&t'e5ls and ell:ress O"II!t" IlDd .. crolls the "'oT~b "C f~.et of tbe ~es:t 280 f_t of the So~th .. ett't 1/4 of the-t.:olthea9t 11' of _id Se~ti.;:,n 16. TOWll9hip 23 NOTth, Rance 5 East, w.K. Contajns 588,024 $quare ~~t ::JoT 13.50 acres, .ore 1)1" le£s, Thi,;; ContTa<:'t R ... ,·ordjnt: Deed is in rulfillaeDt. of that cert.ain Real Estate ex..,c\ltec! by the partiea bereto and reeDrdl!d under Nu, 810902059], records of Kina County, _aBhin.ton, DATED tbis _!.r.;~,-./.I __ day of • C?' o o -i I I ! " f ! i J I r I I I In If , I • • - - ( Filed For Record' At Request Of ~01·,t:.tcfo.r.te AfTEfiECORDIG RETURN TO: K C, Property Services DiYision 500A King County Admin. Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 • • lFulfiliment) STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED GRANTOR. KING COUNTY GRANTEE -CITY OF RENTON LEGAL·· TAX LOT 127, SEC 16, TWP 23N., RGE 5 E" W.M. TAX NO. ·162305·9127 The Grenlor, KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of lhe Slate or Washington, for and in consideration of THREE HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NOJ100 DOLLARS (1390,300.00) In f1and paid, conveys, and warrants unto THE CITY OF RENTON, lEI municipal corporation of the Stale of Washington, the following described real estate. situate in King County, Washinglon: Commanclng at the Southwest corner of the Northeast 114 of Sedion 16. Township 23 Nonh. Range 5 Ea,1, W.M.: thence along the East-West center of S~ion line SOIAh 89-01·16 East a distance of 683.33 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 1..04-13 East 363.53 feel; thence South 89-03-38 East 643.00 feel to the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16; thence South 1-00-49 West along the East line of said Southwest 1/4 n'the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 363.96 reet (0 Southeast comer of the Soothwest 1/4 of the Northeasl1/4 of said Section 16; Ihenc8 North 89-01-16 West along the South line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Sectton 16 a distance cf 643.36 feet to the true point of beginntng. EXCEPT for the West 30 feel \h8I1!of. TOGETHER WJTH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 fool easement for ingfelS, egress and utHlUes over, under and aaoss the foU()W\ng described ptII'QI!ls: The East 60 feet of the Wes1713.33 feet or the SoufhwesI1/ .. of the Noithent 114 of Section 16. TawnstUp 23 North. Range 5 EnI. W.M.; • • ..... ',.' .. • .,~, " _H.", _ •• ~ ___ " •• , ," ••••••••• ,., ~r""' .,~~ The NOf1h 60 feet of the East 373,33 feet of the West 653.33 feel of the $oulhwesl1J4 of the Nor1heasl 114 of Section 16, Townsnip 23 Nor1h. Range 5 East, W.M.; ALSO TOGETHER wrTH a 60 fool easement for Ingress and egress over and across lhe North 60 feel of the West 2aO feet of the Southwest 1/4 of lhe Norlheast 1/4 of said Section 16, Township 23 North. Range 5 East. W.M. This Deed is given in rulfilrmenl of thai certain Real Eslate Contract between the parties he~lo. dated August 25. 1988, and conditioned for the conveyance of the above described property, and Ihp covenants of warranty herein contained Rh~IJ nnt ::1pp!y 10 an}' tille, imeresl or encumb<an<o~ ___ ","' ... rln ___ notIJl!llYlil·· any taxes, assessments, Of other charges levied, assessed or becoming due subsequent to the dale of said contract Real Estate Excise TalC was paid on this sale or stamped exempt 'ln Odobe"r 7, 1988 under Recording No. 8810070204, Affidavit No. E1025880, records of King County, Washington. DATEDth;s Yb dayor December .1998. KING COUNTY. WASHlNGTON BY 74NI1?~ nTLE lli,il?/tJ .'i?rilli(¥MlIrlIffr STATE bF WASHINGTON) ISS COUNTY OF KlNG 1 certify th":'::~"V~' f::::!-!c¥'!J"':'C"='S:c=== oath staled that he was authorized by the ,nd 'cl<nowtedgod H as th.,jJ!ql£.f!~.:l!:fi.'1~l,.,~!!!!'!!fJ~,-,=:' W8Shirnnon."J~ be the free a m~ inlht! tna1rument. ,i.. . I)a!ed franker 6/19m , i .,.;~ .. ". -.;. . • \.. <t-1'," t' . " , ",,-,;:r..-.~- I , I • • • I .' CV-91-DS5. ~s ~ • .we lad errtena' (at4J tAf, ~ R.r gf • 1993, bebleetllIlI!iI eo.rtr. fMlnfafbr caid Uii!I 'tGIart~, .. of Ieft._~ IUIIt .... fler&lu:ft8" ulTa{ tie ·Cit),-; ~. u.e eo.ty I.r; ,1...-1 .. ".c:_b to its pnpItr'b. 1"", ... Olt 1'55 -... .,.... WI~II "-tU),. ad ", WBEAS, till; City, fa ....... u .ntpt. llQl ... rtgiMloll ~,",1lt1. ~ ....... trws till c.c.tJ ta reser"III-& partt. !If tt$ pt'VCIC!t' ... (If" ~ «qri:sm •...... br tAw Cftr fGr ... l ..... t ., .. ~ ... v_~joa...., 1IIf. 1lI:JIEHIIf, t. '*S1 ..... tt •• , tM !eIW. aattt1011$~ ~. ad .... r'" QlllUlaei !llre:I •• n IS IlRIM.1.l MIEtD.AS RI..l!.IWS: J Jle ~ stall ,...,.. .I ,.rtf .. ., its ~ .d: l5S ...,. ~ as IIefIMd ill EQibft A fIf "'l$ ..-t. br tJ/Ie etWIIt tUt * tJt.1 dN:s Mt ~tR Its. .... _ Ie I'IIl'dIue tilts I"8$t!I'\III4 c..t.)' ~ lritlri. tn ,JItaI'S •• nserntt-. IIQ be _ ..... -....... _ .. 111 ...... ___ ..... m • If'''l!~ ... n_ to .... _ .. tIOo Clt;r If _ of _ ......... __ .. -' ..... -_ .. !! " \ I <- -' ... '< . • , . • • \ .,-,,-';..-' I -' . • ,_. -, 1 -, I !fl !!l .. " g rn i I ,,-,'S 'tn"- ,.' ., , . j I I , . • • I .' • /tSTRIP OF UJl)80 fEET til WImf. SMJ STfWl' HAWI6~ FeET QF SJC1i 'MOTH ON ElICH so:: OFne FQ.l.OItn3 DESCROW c:ElOEJU£; ~AT AJIOIfT. SotmPOllTDBNa f'OCSTA Ot.ou OF AQIIVE. TO"HE SIGHT OF fW»JS ~:U:E£r. -.at SMJ poe lES 51· -OI'-1S'W It. OISTANtE CF;22.J36 FeT RQ(.nEcatrER.Qf re:ooN. 1WM2!N,. A 5eWJt..:~fE\..Y.MDIG SMJClMtEI01lE iHlr.MIa:DlSTAtCeOFt2I1£tFEEnO A PTSIA. ~ WHaII SM>f'n.e .. .m'-1S'EADIBT~OF ~fEET fll(JllCEWfEROFSMJ SECJJCW 16. TMf2'M.fl5EW'"" 11£NCE~ SIll" -4H'---trE A IETNCEOF 2llO FEETlO PC Sf A 3t2ILS2; 11EHCE (If A.Q.DI£ 10 1HE LEFT OFRGS B REf. IItlECmsrIKE-oF5aZTffET1O PTSrAaNUI, lHEl'IU:JQ'fToF a?d£ .1l;~(.'(WlIUEIItI·-OI'~1ft.A.~CJF_F!£T11)l'C: SD:1O+15.Ii. "'Ri3G:.OtfJliaRIElOTHElEFTOFlW:JIJSBfEET.Mm:: DlSfRCECF~fEEI'"lOpfSTA15f.16.31:~GDW1IUfi6IQ1r-8'l'~.12'WA ~GF200 FEErrofCS'D.l1+15.31. -nec::EONA tul¥EIOTME~ Of fVQ.IS:SfEEf.N«,,""~OF __ FeE1'TOPfsrA:na.!2;1f&CE COIQIJIWiG NJ· ..... -1S'EA DBT.w:::e OF.sJ F£Er1O em f'OIKT STAD*JI!. 8M) FmfTB9illtENWo:AIfA.OFnESWIIi OFnEM:5 OFsa;:noN1I. ~ 2:It,. R S EW'.IL.""POIfTl£C9RUI.JE<F~ NIE. GONT"'~.9WM£RET_1Uf'" 'I iAi .... ~ 1MlDf'~ 1ItJm:lS!SQUAII:.FEEr tMlD1' us-IQ"J'.lIIUiQl!ME fIEf TMwrfS"-344I.$IJSQlME.R£T \ 4 , I •• r ;.: ~ "~-. ~~. "'> . '. ~ ,. ,. ';0 :':~ I i I ,., + 1 ~.-- • • • I q;. I\.·~G COUNT)' \ " . I I. . '.'" .. w-REN.TON '" , • -..... z n N >-' ~ -. '" Vi OF' "- w <n ~ 0 OJ ~ Z W 0 Z W F " ~ ~ 0 0 Z ~ ~ RENTON --l NO,lUA-Ol 090,SHPl LND-eo-~~~9 < > ~~ .-~z Z~ NO Sl~~ c. ~::; 2~ ~® \ ~ " .~ _0 t.;;. -!. Jl~ ,c .-, ... ",-.". ~ .' " z j .~~ ~,;;.-. :;.,. " -.:-.,:,.-r 1 I "'" '" 2 I ... 6GC S, ~ ":,t:; "! I ... .' .. • 1iJ ~ i -~ ,( 1. :to ~RAvt:L PIIRKI)/(j AREA ~ I 1'1 I:. ':',{ LDT2 ~! '--, I COT RECORDING NO. ;;(00"-0517 clooo SCALE: N ~4S'~1~20.BQ· TOTAL 437,50' 47'08'32" T 233.55' ""., 'R'_ 63.5,3]' " lltfCH-WO n TO ~Ij ~~ -, < @ 3 1)+ A: ~o 150 ,11111 j ~ 100 200 68.03706 ,. I t L 4J3W7 ~C 4-~: I Js" l ..;>.... :. I : I ,,;,~,., 's", Ii "" ',--'i' i Ii ,'ll.'/o:'J]'" PRIVATE ,W ACe ,,~~ ESMT(SEE NOTE 2~SS ~ UTILITY .",.: ", . <'s;~",?-1<,,;;':.:-. I I ' ,.'-I '>, <"':" ~, I ~ -." I ".jl.~ ,Y.~;:: .:' ____ ('.~_' . ..,cc£:::s-s a.,.y'THdI.'Li ~ ~" t,,' _":<:t, -.------,'----:""'¥:::::J{RWl::"-SJ.U(S[{ NOTE 2) ® I 646 'eI '~,--' !;,~'-~~(::2',i~= /_~.c'~':Et,t~-,~-" .. ,'- '.,--.-'-~ '<"5 ~ m ~ ~ ~ -':;-"" LtP\.ATTED :> 01·D4'31" 'w 12~·r52' EAST r;iNE'·o):: .. T.HE '" OF TtiE N'"" 1/.4.' SEC ~~R(;~1.AllLE.' or NE lJ~ 217.31)' UNP\.IIITEU ~-I'~ J: ""'. (,1-U<a~0 I SHORT PLAT';""!' . .'-_':' rOR Tfjl;" >' -1' ::"t . . ~':" z_ KJNG CD~TY I1e;PARTI1E"NT D~,;., .. < '-·TRANSPORJ;\TlDN'S REt/TON FAplUTY KING C.OU(iJTy DEI-'AR'fMENT !iF TRANSPl'lRTATlON ROADS SH!V1Ci':S DlVISI~ -SURytV uNIT 1'55 MONROC-tiVE, ~E. RE}lTDN VA":"$~056 (<!06)296-65G8 FAX <~E.)296-:n1-9· JOB NU· OGO~4 R42448 .-, .:>;IiEu ~ r:r ':l . (jrY"·OF RENTON I SHQR-"T PLAI-.l'jO. LUA-0l-090,SHPL " " /:,.',. -:":",LND ~IH)2'99 ! > ~ ~~~ RECORDING NO. VQL./PAGE w z ~ :!,~' ~ SC~L:o;to~:, ~,:,O:O~"III ',' I~~ ~/ ~,~ .; 2:.=it:; • il<>-Z lJI.I'l.ATn.:Ji:·· W:-0 ICD 2JO o ~ ~ ~ ... M o ... :J w l.'I Woll W 'I 5B~ ~ ,<~ N LtlPLAlTtD Z 0" o 8 ~ ~ ·'®/~·I."@'gJ;~::::;::y·:·;?:~ []/:::~'4 SEC 16 , .•••• ,.,.,. . ,: 1~'.fi'~·~ErfT T)~~EET 9.~:' ._f"'·' Lil<PLATTED ,;' J I, P,I<!< N" 79.~ .. 210053. '\'t .... If.I·";3l~-;"O; .EAl l~~~~~t~"cc,~~ /1, be~ l\®"''''~ 50 TRANS~ISSIIJN U~E [S~T TO PSE N 01'04'17" E 60.00' "€R Ar ~~8'l~7~ S 89·0]'(,3" E 100.00' S 89'07'08" __ E. 663,35' __ TO C-N \116 TH "'(" :i~~1 ri·~;':~f111,~,~:;i.I\/ill'\'" .~) ®> UlFl.AHED '0 S 89'03'40" NE 2ND ST Lt<PI.~n(D " ", ~ . .~ • II " ". ..-!l I 53541 j I 29]::.8 ,i, .. I-~ '[' I ;"",,~,,~.,,: , I I I ,~ I i -~ . . ... '. I, I l I ' !' HI' .. ~~\,i', ' I , .[; t J \ ':~!;! ,. I~, .'-'"' J .co. __ .':,., N Ol!{)~'2.~ ...... ,( .. ;. ! -" , _ "_1 ru ~'" ! I II 45~'O~ :':. ____ . .'; __ 1-" -~l¥-\JATER ESNr, Cl~r .' ,.Ij-.. ~n,~'I_:~ "'~::i"-:::' _,':-_,~~~T~NPERI\IS3L019: __ ~", N 69'07'06" 'W 30.00' \ "" " .... ASHlNGTON GRID NORTH NORTH lONE 4(i11 " 1 __ ,;.:_ .. J.:". . .. @ 1;:1 IF~, :o('~, O'~~';" SOl;',W< ,"'I''';I"" I -'~ fl.? i.;.4g.i5.0l/~11J .. I.; .. :-, ..... '~ ··I:-II.-,;·:·l::1:J .. ,~aJ.·-' .:.,::" ._:.11>. r.o4 SGFf,:,:. S"QO'58'.:3~ y I I I I"kl"-'= .. ". ',. i'",,"" &'~'}' ".I ,; § " ~I?J ~~ • w ~ . , ~ i'; ~,. w~ ~al ~ ~ /1,J ~ /¥ ,~ N 89'01'14" 'W 1326,88' / ;';1'! \\~ f I'~'U!'.I"'./' ; ". 'I 'i::::-:~~l ! '\ ""'~4'-;Il-'-I "". ~J~.<I 1../ .. -T "~I'I ,j "', I' _I','::.' _______ i b,;' ~~ Jq"I" I. \~' '" c.' . l ,_,l·., " f co "t'" '/:'''l.O T 3 .. "./ "" ,; I. 1 .. ' ~ i." . ~''':--~a:~:S5''''' Y ... '.i' "'O"'i';,~ I ~ ,;i r .. & 5304!l"3 .. /f,-'I/ f k I>l 'v ~~/'~~'1-. I '\!Z a . .~ i/.. I ') i 0 'l-, .>' :l> "" 1 '~~ If) ;, -. .-. /1'/ I . "1>.> "':':"~<f' J __ ~___ "" • ," /( /".'.i N ,,0'0"05" W / './ J "q, . '\;:s--.;;;., 1_ _ .. I, I~'; ~ S" I. . ·.r. ! / ""'7'\ . '\~'. "'" ,,~ I I "0' (\ s( 1_~:~lri~~~Y~/Q\j s ~4:~1'31 42(' ,: ~'\(}~ I s 0.0 '52?j;,o~ ,,' E' .. ~~ 132. 31 r {. ",-, 1}1j. . -.----.---.-1 Q",,,, ' .J>' 'v,0.. ¢Z; .... _-.. 000' ' 1-~# ~~ N 'Be~'~4:s6" r,,'~: ' v , ~ \1 ,,.00 "" I~: ~ II ~ ~ d\, J LJ~III ~ ~ -,' r::::.. ---:-'~----!iru I s -!ll~06'30' \I ~ ~ '" mt;" ," 24 14 .w'A'~'l--'-"-." -" 1 , \ ! , 1.:'\.\' \;I'. _--,~ .,,' LOT 2 ...... ::, 68.03706 AC. '. ". " ~- . ., .. :-",;',' ", s 1~,;62'5':1"I~ ____ ,-,-,~ __ I . ,,_ _;.:-. :,' :.-2710/ 1 ___ ----0::'.-.'-~ ':;-TA y··S'E;~E_r;-.-TO C!T~: or ;'--" '.' \ k 20 SAN! '~"'Af8:J(OIS0B95 :. . .-j"".,..,:~::·--:3-:t .:./~ENTON.rR ::.: ...... :_.,,;./ ~ N 89"01'[4" 'W ~ NV ]/4SEc-l-J; Ui>PlATTEO c§.V @ LDT 7 '.':' C"'"'''' '~', ,(-r' "·.,.e-SHoRT PlA F.' .; .. ,h:lR THE .: ''-'" ::·'::.TR~~~;D~~~~{6N~~:~~~~~~A%~lTY"· -K·iNG coutufi DEPAR)'iinH Of:·/rRANSPORj:A IIUN ROADS ~E'RV[CES.:DlvISLUtf;--SURV[~·'UNlT 155 MOI'JRO(". A.VL N[, REMON VA .;f8Q56 (206)2':10-6508 r AX <0;06)296-nil'!. JOB NO. 00044 1<4244B . SHEi:i-3 01 :> ..... -:.-. ''' .. ' .... ASHINGTON GRID NORTH NORTH ZDN, 4601 ./ UNPLATTED @) N 0l'04'L7" E 60.00' .. ,: S 0["04'13" 878.86' UNPLMr~D LO'02'59" E~ 271.02' @) @) RECORDING NO. @! UM'LATTH II ~S:C:A~L~E~' __ -'-' ~=:"~"~,,~",--,"~._'~I~I~"~'E=5~"~~~=J5~L~=~, ~-~-J~_J 100 200 ~EIJ[R TO CITY Dr LINE UMT. Tn PSI: ':. "." .... ' 9C' IIDADIJAY ~ESERVATIllN AGREE~IH. '" E~TIJrrN ClrY I:F R£NTilIII , ~I"" CCl!/l1"_~ _ /' , p~ IIr 9:;O"~61~&1 Tn IlE: IERMIN.o\TED .,y.''',>., .... UPON THE ~CQRDIN~ 01' THIS PLAT \ ~ LOT 2 \ 68.03706 AC. 1\ \ Is Iii; , I;~ <e 2:ei '> AF 7~V~~lD67~ .l!QRlH L~I"I ~ ,"'[ V4 SE£..lL .... Accns , IJTlljfY (SI'IT TO THE ... ," "" .,.-.,,"'" D<"g .~ 9!0913~~J~ rND, C{)\4C. MON. ltl:~A~f M5'~ ~ O,I5'E 9i'\04:~7;;;""" ·50" }:50' .. -.... . ,;:' ·'c'c, .. , ... ,',··,···· .•.. , .... .'. .": .~ ~~ lc-L~---- @) e, LOT 2 68,03701", AC. ........ @> .f .j ." j /1 /~ / / // ~r ~ .·-sH'EET 4 -1 NE 1/4 ~EC 16 SHEET 5 LOT 6 9.64029 AC. 60' PR[VATE ACCESS S. UTILITY EASE"MENT (~EE N!lTE 2) CiN .. OF RENTON S~OiiT PLA1: .NO. LUA-Ot-09Q SH?L LHD-2D-02~9 / Y @D RECORDING NO. UNPLATTED )00;1.05 1;2. 'I-D ~ r-~,,;~\~ :~ W l'fu -~. ::t: // / ~ ~O' ACCESS .. UliLin c~MI ru [Hi: GlTY OF" ~E~TDN PER "" 9W'J!S<t5:3" AND 9SI209Cl996 50 "" SCALE: i :::::::r:::=:::J 1 INCH ~ 100 f'l'-lU"' -1_ '00 200 I.J!IPLATTE~ ·:':'NE: OF SEi:'4 or."'~. SDUTHU til ~ , NI{:1/4 SEC }. : 9 .,' C 1/4 . SOUTH LINE sv 1/4 or .,,!.~.~:"~ SEC 16 ._:.:,.;,_._-l- 5:HEET 2Y SHEET 5 " N se'49'\B" E-....... 10.47' :T 4 SOOTH LJNE :';'.1 1/4 OF 89'01'14" E 613.34' 9.48' S 89"0 '14" E ;.00' NE l/4 SEC 16 B4f1.34" TOTAL r'[21 1326.67' 42 2' '{5J " -,.,." ~ ,'SEC I~,_.~ . R-lO ZD.HlNC; I..!I.PLArTED ~ --.... ......... : .... _. 6~' PRrVAT( Ace LOT. J ... '''.'''"' <sec :::c' 2 "mH< \: 0'-• '''-'-''', LOT 6 . :9;.64029 AC. 35)[ :~.[ eND ~T. ,II ;:t;~~ii.}<~,/ .,. , .. , HZ.'.~ ,~;O,~-"" '" \ . ~. ~,.jL.. ./ .. I' ll . ... . .. / "., ... " B.G .'i'.. c/., ,ww~ib "" /; /1' .,!" \:'.~' -" ! i, ,"''''51'. V ~ • .. ~ 3. w ,.... a:::1;- I •. f ~ , , •.. , .. " _~UJ 60.93' .: ;:- . S 89'01'14" E 33593' \ / -,.' , .... ':'.- I I 1 I II ~ 11..-'·· • co, L R ~: J;;.c) <. ~)'w; ..... ", .. -...... . ~,"-.,. "t'~4t- ._ ...___s .ohi.ot'17" " J illl··}"·"}: .: .. ,. z., . ..-' , •• '" .,...... ..I_OJ..} .jl. .,.' .:." ....... 14.9912 At,', . ,.,._,"' ._,' .:," ~50? NE 2tlO ST. ~ '" '" v !7'-~ II},,, ... '" !p '1I!'Q ~ gj g~1 '"I ~ ., ,; G§) \klPLAtTEO \ @:;\ , \ ~ : ~ i'; UNPLATTn , ~ w ~ ,,' N O}'Ol'4!" [ . "ii IJASH1NGTDN GRrD NORTH NORTH ZONE 4601 qt2.95' PIP[LlNf ESMT COURSE ~". s,,',.~; w;" ;a OJ"';-OF ,.. I \ l.'.-~:~.'9",'" ~"",90~.15, ~~Ls ,..O~·,,·· , tl \ \ \ 195.96 ~\L 2GO' TRANSMISSlDN LlNE ESHT 1~ lll~ CITY or SEATTL( ~tR Af 3664S6D ~---!hir7 INt ESHTS rCR '" O\..y..,IC PIPEL H05~IC'47 ~ '~\ w I' ; \\ ': • Uf.f'LATTED ~ '\ II! S QO'30'\1" V 198.51' N 89"00'54" '" 46.51' ~ ~ c§0®' r 4" !{fORM IJRN EStlT ill CITY Dr _ _~ _____ ~._8_9'OO'~0 __ ~DO,fiO' R,NT(JN P£R Af~O~15cr.; .. , r-_$ 09'52'33" V ----... -----~-.------, 2['82' 653.33' u . , ~ i..: ..•. o ~ ... .1.-." LOT ~1i.7246 .4>: •. ,> '::~509 "E eND ST. .-, .... I ;;I'I~ .. , .... /. ...... I. ~ is E ,.... .::: .. ~ ~ ; " M .,..: &? :;"67'39'41'.':' II' "l • \~5 GO -X 80'00 I3 N '" I .... IS' STIlRM lIRM 15000' ~ ""'~ ~"""' '" "" ~ -::'--0.-"Ii· .1 ~ , K~~'"~~ "f'?-,. -,,:C:"'~.? -~",--.:.ff' /:::;;/ S p'''.'' ~ '?f~1 "'-;/ _, ".".". v ., 00 cer'. 1 ;./ 112.15' 673.38' i6 5Se8437 , LtlPLAITED ·S·5~··l(V'''7'' '" 50,00' .' N -a9·oo':i~-;;--~6-:'h; SOUTH LlNF: Of" HIE Nil'. 114 DF' SE 114 sec 16 SHORT PLAT :_.' ;:.' ,OR TH!=.' ---',. K~G COUNTY D~ARTMtNT OF u~PLATTdi: .. TRANSPORIoATIDN:'S' REN,TtJN FACILITY C@])]]@I(§D S CI"O",,'l7" 'W 1318.06' " " UNPLATTDI c§ 6.52' C§B> I -;-:KING cDuthv D[PA!iTMENT ·.cit TRANS? OriTATION RnADs.·.'SERVICES DIVISIGN -SURV~Y UNI r 155 MtiNRDE; <AVE. NE. R(NTDN 'yJft:" 99056 (2(]6)296:"650B FAX:(206)296-'-n},9 JOB NO. 00044 R42449 ~fltn ~ OF ~ = Return Addre5~ CIty Clerk's Office CIty of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number 162305-9003 KCDOT Roads Survey Bu!ldmg Street Address 155 MonroeAveNE Admmlstratlve SegregatlOn of SOC and SAD Fees Crantor(s). Grantee(s). I Kmg County I City of Renton, a ~unJclpal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION Portlon of the north half of SectlOn 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W M, In the City of Renton, Kmg County, Washington AdditIonal legalis on page 3 ofthlS document Whereas the Grantor, Owner as named above of siud descnbed property, desires to Impose the followmg restnctlve covenants runnmg with the land as to use, present and future, of the above descn bed real property NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner hereby establishes, grants dnd Imposes restncUons and covenants runnmg with the land hereto ~ttached descnbed with respect to the use by the undersigned, his successors, heIrs, and aSSIgns as follows When the remammg undeveloped property IS developed the System Development Char.ges and SpeCial Assessment Dlstnct Fees shall be paid These fees shall be paid at the rates m effect at the tUJ]e a fonnal appllcatlOn IS submitted which would Invoke the charge wIth respect to the substantial open area desCribed as Lot 2 of City Of Renton Short Plat No. LUA·0I~090, as recorded under Kmg County Recording Number 20020517900003 records of Kmg County, Washmgton Sltuate In Sechon 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W. M., In the Cdy of Renton, Kmg Couhty, Washmgton; LESS that portion described on page 3 of thIS document DURATION These covenants shall not expire it at any time, System Development Charges or SpeCial Assessment Dlstnct Fees are paId on the exempted area pursuant to these covenants, the portIon of the covenants pertalOmg to the specrfic exempted area shall termInate by fihng and recordmg a Partial Satls.factlOn of SanJtary Sewer Tap, Ilook·up, or ConnectIon Charge wlth Kmg County Any ViolatIOn or breach of these restnctJVe covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures m the Supenor Court of King County by either the CIty of Renton or any property owners adJommg subject property who are adversely affected by said breach Attorney's fees are the ~<onsLblhty of the owners If enforcement of these restnctlve covenants IS necessary (;:I -t' r '8'('- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor ha~ cau!:>cd thl~ m~trument to be exet,uted thl~ .1otiy O[~ 20~ King County BY ..... N) SS ~,,\,,~ ...... ~~ ) L ... ~~'·i~~. ..... lleJ1lf lha,t I now or hdve <;ntl')/aC[Ory eVIdence that --'''-''JJrd,'U-''',,'---___ _ §;fiY .. ~S;'6 -.--signed Ihl'> m<;trument and acknowledged S : "OtAIl,. ... J It to be hlslh Vthelr ee und voluntary al-I for the u~e~ and rurpo~e~ mentioned m =. -..... .•. thl. m'>trulTlenl :: ! ::: .. ~ IlUBlIC ~: ..-:~. . ~-V/-'.,~ 1.~ •• e.~ , '/".~ of"· "'y..\~~ ~11111I/7.~I~\\\\'~ <::> LEGAL DESCRIPTION --·RENTON "25 ACRE" June 13, 2002 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M .IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 16, THENCE S 01·04·]7 W 1323 04 FT ALONG THE CENTER OF SECTION LINE TO THE SIXTEENTH CORNER. THENCE CONTINUING S 01-04·17 W 6000 FTTO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO LUA-01-090, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20020517900003, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE S 89·03-41> E 280 00 PT ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, THENCE S 01·04·17 W24124 FT ALONG THE EAST LINE OFLOT2, THENCE S 89·03·40 E 373 33 FT ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE S 01·04-17 W 17800 FT ALONG THE WESTLINE OF THE ACCESS EASEMENT. THENCE N 89·03-40 W 37333 FT. THENCE S 01-04-17 W 689 17 FT, THENCE N 89-13·00 W 652 44 FT. THENCE N 18·35-46 W 329 51 FT, THENCE N 43·02-14 W344 53 FT TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2. THENCEN 44-41-31 E 91 20FT ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE N 01-04·53 E 19120 FT ALONG THE WESTLINE OF LOT 2, THENCE N 53·58·30 W 83 44 FT ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE N 08·25·12 W 15273 FT ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE N 05·50-46 E 40 51 FT ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE N29·51·24 E 13128FT ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE S 89-07-08 E 23 83 FT TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE S 89-07·08 E 633 35 FT ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE S OHM·17 W 60 00 FT ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 2, THENCE S 89·07·08 E 30 00 FT ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2 TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAlNlNG2496ACRES RENTON CORF SEWER SERVICE AREA ". ","."".", .,,,,,, """ "'''''~,,~,,''''~~,,'' .. ,,'''v''' .. ' ""''''" ',P'''''''''''' " .. ".""""",," .. ~ "e,' ,~:\ •• 0'''''''' "",''''''h'''''''.' " .. "'"' ... ,, "", .. , ... ,.,",, .... ,,"" ""''''''~'' """'" ,," , .... ,,"', " ... "" ,,," ",' "" ,~"~,,,,, .. , """' ".,.,,""'''' .. "",.,,,,,,. ,","~."",','w,, II ... ' '"' •• " • ., ," '''~ ... " "_, ,0.'" ,,,' "0'"",,,,,,,,,,,,,, '",''"0' N, ~",'-" '"'''' "". ", ,~,"'''.''" ",,,,,h'" """, .. "".,~"" "'" ." ,,, .. ,,,, ".", I",,,, ""., "" ,,,, '''' H ~ ...... "" ',","'" ",,, "" .. ,," ,~~, .. '" ,,,... .. """, ,,,' ., ." ",,''',M "" .,,,,,",,,, .. , .", .. " ".,. ",., r 'II ~"" ".01, "'" ,,., ,,,,,",,,. ,.",,,,,,,,,,,.,,",,,,,,",,,,.,, ",,,,-. """.' .. ", '"'''' ".,,,,.,' ,",,' """".,. ." "",,' ~,,, "M' .' ,~,., 'r •• , __ " "'.'"' ,",. "'I'''''.'''''' """', ",,,,,,", "",." ".,.~".,,, ,." ~., .. ",. ,.",,,,, .. _,.,,,,' , , , , , , , , , , , , , --cc----+-------·------I--",!rr.=~ ~~"---'------------------------------+----- EXPIRES 7/121 7J , , , , , , " Title UTILITIES EASEMENT I Property Tax Parcel Number: 1623059003 PrOject File # 1'Il-300 2-1 Street IntersecUon or ProJcct Name Reference Number(s) of Documents assIgIled or released AddluooaI reference nwnbers are on page __ Grantor(s): . Grantee(s): I Kmg County, a pohtIcal SubchVlSlon of I CIty of Renton, a Muruclpal CorporatIOn the State ofWashtnJ>,ton Addlttonal legal IS on page _4_ of document (Abbreviated legal descl'lption MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRlPTION A portIon of Lot 2 of the Short Plat recorded ill document nmnber 20020517900003 of the Kmg County Records SItuated ill the SE 1I4 ofNW 1I4 ofSeclton 16 T23N RSE, W M, ill the CIty of Renton, King County Waslungton da)3-005"1 ren-watesmt doc\ Page ] FORM 03 OOI3IbhlCA2-21-97 That S8id Grantor(s). for and ill conslderRuon of mutual benefits, do by these presents) grant,. bargru.n. sell~ convey, and warrants unto the srud Grantee. Its successors and asSignS, an easement for publIc Utlhues (1ncludmg water, wastewater, and surface water) WIth necessary appwtenances over. under, through. across and upon thefollowmg descnbed property (the nght-of-way) ill Kmg County, Washmgton, more parucuiarly descnbed on page4 m Exlublt A For the pmpose of constructlOg, reconstrucnng, mstalllOg, repamng, replacmg, enIargmg, operaung and mamtauung ubhttes and utlhty pipelmes, metudmg, but not ltmtted to, water, sewer and storm draInage hnes, together With the nght of mgress and egress thereto WIthout pnor msututlon of any surt or proceoomg5 of law and WIthout mcumng any legal obhgatIon or hOOlhty therefor Followmg the mrltal construction of Its facihtles, Grantee may from tIme to tJme construct such addruonal faclhues as It may reqlUre Tills easement is granted subject to the followmg temlS and condItions The Grantee shall. upon complellon of any work WIthIn the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any pnvate unprovements dtsturbed or destroyed dnnng executIon of the work, as nearly as prnchcable to the condition they were ttl unmechate1y before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee 2 Grantor shall retam the nght to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not mterfere WIth the easement nghts granted to the Grantee Grantor shall not, however, have the nght to a Erect or mamtam any bruldmgs or structures Wlthm the easement, or b Plant trees. shrubs or vegetatIon haVUlg deep root patterns wluch may cause damage to or mterfere 'WIth the utilitJ.es to be placed Wlthm the easement by the Grantee, or c Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area m any way wluch would unreasonably mcrease the costs to the Grantee of restonng the easement area and any private unprovements therem d Dig, turutel or perform other forms of constructlOn actlVlbes on the property v.1uch would rusturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facillUes on the nght·of~way. or endanger the lateral support faClhtJes e Blast Wltlun fifteen (15) feet ofthenght-of-\vay Tills easement sball run WIth the land descnbed herem, and shall be blOdmg upcn the parnes, theIr heIrs, successors in mterest and asSJ.,gIlS Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above propertIes and that they have a good and lawful nght to execute tlus agreement By tins conveyance, Grantor WIll warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee agsInsl all and eveI)' person or persons, whomsoever,lawfully clmmmg or to clrum the same Tills conveyance shall bmd the heIrs, executors, admuustrators and aSSIgns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, saId Grantor has caused tins ,".tnunent to be executed tin, l!!.day of /lrll/L 20Q,2 ~~~--------------------~ ren-watesml doc\ Page 2 FORM OJ 00I31bh1CA2·21-97 Fonn840OQlfbh hand and seal the day and year as wntten below I INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be Wlthm box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss IIUII COUNTY OF KING) I 1 ~,\\\~ K. If""" I certIfy that I know or have satIsfactory eVIdence that-"J...'-L;NJ...""'"O,"-___ _ ~ aO •••••• a..:''t. " \ 1 ~ ~~~It~~ ~ \lC.,~kp&.~~ Slgnecltlusmstrumentand ~ ~b~~'-~ ='~) acknowledgedit to be lu~erJthelI free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes :: : ",0 TAR" \. mcnttoned m tlle mstrument :::. ---. ~ (f',: PUBLIC ~ 0.. K Cl :, ;:''!<1!11''Ifi!:*-~~ Notary Pubhc m and for the State of aslJlpgton "/;II'1f'WA'i,~~\~ Notary (pnnt) SieMon Ix t:.CJOQ!?n. 11111111\ My appoIntment explIes 3 -/-:l.C!o <j I Dated t. :l 00 REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be W}tlun box STATE OFWASH!NGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certJ.ry that I know or have sabsfactory evtdence that SIgned tlns msirument,. on oath stated that he/she/they wasfwere authonzed to execute the lOstroment and acknowledged It as the and of to be the free and volWltary act of such party/pames for the uses and purposes mentIoned in the mstrument Notary Pubhc m and for the State of WashIngton NOtary (Pnnt) My appomtment expires Dated CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be Wltlnn box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On tlus ___ day of • 19----, before me personally appeared. . to me known to be of the corporatlon that executed the Wlthm mstnnnent, and acknowledge the wd mstrument to be the free and vollU1.t&y ad and deed of saId corporanon. for the uses and purposes therem men.tJon~ and each on oath stated that he/she was authonzed to execute saId mstrument and that the seal affixed IS the corporate seal of saId corporatIon Notary Pubhc m and for the State of Wash mgt on Notary (pmt) My appomtment exprres Dated ren·watesmt doc\ Page 3 FORM 03 0013IbhlCA2-21_97 EXIDBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION For Waterline Easement An Easement over and under a stnp ofland IO'Wlde, all situate in the SE lI4 ofNW 114 ofSeroon 16 T23N R5E, W M, m the City of Renton, KIng County, Washington With the centerlme ofsrod 'tnp bemg desenbed as follows Corumenemga! theNE corner of the SE 114 oftheNW 114 SectIOn 16, T23N R5E, W M, Thence S 1 ° 04' 17" W 17 06 feet along srod center of sectIOn Ime, Thence runnmg WIth the eXlstmg centerlme of a 15 fee! WIde waterlme easement as recorded m Auditor's file number 8310180895 the followmg DOurse' N 89° 07'23" W 89 94 fee!, S 0° 52'37" W 359 00 feet, Thence N 89° 07'23'W 750 feet to the westerly edge ofSlUd CXlstmg waterlme easement and to the True Pomt of Begmnmg for the new 10 feet wide waterlme stnp easement bemg 5 feet Wide on each SIde of the followmg descnbed centerlme Thence N89°07'23'W 46 50 feet, Thence SooS2'37'W 15 00 feet to the termmus of the easement Situate m Northwest Quarter of Section 16, Townslup 23 North, Range 5 East, W M, ill the City of Renton, KIng County, Waslungton ren.-watesrn1 doc\ Page 4 FORM 03 0013/bhlCA2-21-97 " NE CORNER SE1/4 OF NW 1/4 S 89"07'23" E 89,94 W ~ Co _ 0 ~ M <:> ru " (') 8- 2 N 01'04'17" E 17.06' NE 2ND ST Ww z ~ --' .... S 00"52'37" \I--~ 359.00' 2 " 0 .... ~ C> VA GRID NORTH I I-• u-We "'2 a: W l- 15' '<lATER ESMT TIl CITY OF RENTON PER AF 8310180895 I '--------+--~ S 89"07'23" E 46.5' S 00"52'37" W 15.00' 10' \,lATER ESMT 89"07'23" E HEREBY GRANTED 7.5' 100 0 100 ellE I 'WATERLINE EASEMENT fDR THE CITY Df RENTDN 3/20/03 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY UNIT 155 MONROE AVE. NE, RENTON WA 98056 (206)296-6508 FAX (206)296-7719 ~ 0 Z " " 8 w • z o f- Z L.: Q:: '" '-Z ~ 0 "' ~ " u '0 ~ z ~ N r' ~ "' ~ "' ¥ '- ~ " ~ ~ .",:. ""', ... ~~ ~r~~ If 01 1 ~~~ §i! ." ~s:i 5~~ h~ ;5 : o. >-;:~ eo-~e! CI.~§ ,d' o-~~ , I !, ,1 ~~ 111 ,""-'<i lI.::iil S ~ ~ ~ § ~ ;' b!! ~ 8~ §~~ I" ~ '3 !::Ei ~ ~ I ~_ 5 i:i i ~ , ~ E!!!,';! ;§:!iih B~ g~"g , ~~~ S~;:!I;::~ , , ~;~~ ~g~g~ ; ! oe",L I-~ ~I'!i!i~~~ ~~ !U~H ,< , ! ~: , , ! ~ >' ., I I ~~~~i~ : ~ ! dO!!i § ~ H , " S" ill:' i~ '£H~ < "1< , d B ~ ~ ~ ~ 9! , " , , i 1). 1 " ~ ~ i: 6 !< t:> ~ ~ , 5 ~ , f'i 0 w 0 < " ~ " z o z ~ o " • r-) tx> ~ -l' ::r- r( , li ., i . ~ , I", i , , ~ " ~ , ! ~ ! , 5 l ,. !l i~ , , ,vi I ! ~ II ~~ ~~ ~ru V"l " • 0 " ., , , §l~ H' =~ :;::t , 8 , !!!;::J ! I!" .' .' I , < 0 9'1'; § ~:! ~ E " ~ ~e; v ; ~ ! ~a~ ~ ~~ , tlti ~G)++l§euo @® • ,gS'S;~l "L:,~O,[C N :3 ~ , ," 6[~ <' . , '·Il:·2>;.~o ~ . , ~ ~ ;, 2 > , e \ g Ii]' I 3 c: L , I § , I~ § .;d , i , f-0 0' iI -.Jil: ~ '. A (iii fJ ~'. '-~ :::i", 5~ ·0 "" ~~:.'.,. !l. ""I " ;;1 I· ~ " j§ .. ...... ':"":"" :"'" , ..... ;, .... ,.:: ..... , ~ "-········~~i~ ~~ ~~ > " ~'5;)bl1'.1!6 0' •• ,E:1;,tl''''< .~ ~~_a ,,"_'J. j[I"l: 3Hr'lI.! I~S:l ~fP:.Ln ~ S:SJ.?~v .,~ . '.~ 'I'~'!':""orRENwN I I ----~ECOROING NO ---I VOI../pAGE Pt."' .. '. NO . .r.:(jP.-·07·~'!l5 rp"LHn-lo-o~';7 .'".-."" _'1 1ft! (6'-/'/ .,_ .. ' ... , .. ' ..... \J.!.~?:.J u~<rLATH II r'-··r <". ?C h ,':1 --" .... : .... II'" -"_ WJ\r.C;:S'<UTl'ln~~TTOnj£" ~a ISO • ~ 11\t:; _ I ~jIT'."'NIOO"t:~~r~,,,.,,," .. , "CALE !rncH~\~O'" lUll. :::r: J. _::::J .. =---fcij==J .. :.:. ", III" I ---""n ""toaICl<~U' 100 2 :' .... ' .. '" SHEET 5 __ _ SllU1f1 LlI>Il_ l~rS£V.4· nr "Y-I Sl:liTH LlNL ~,~ J/~ Ilr ~ 9'J'OI"1~" -71:1:13' . _ N 'j2·~9'18'" E-..... lOA.?') UNO'I ~Tn:D '.' .. ' -", 'r Nf 1/1 "'1FT 16 HS.:>'.)' i"~:;'Ir.· --.----. ----...... _----j ;-89'OJ'14"' In" \l,,_~ ,rl It." V' " 15 1 <",-,:4.. "C 114 II ." ... , I'IF 1/4 SFr: I~ (l48.3~· TOTAl 'r.' /' 132',- Ii 1/4 $ c.'" ' ...... ~.-. ----'" '-,.. . . ~UUIIlI TNF ~'" 1/1 Of ~ !l<)'Ol'I4" t r,13'~4' U.4Ij' I' ~ .:-__ ---__.....:__ 11 \ SHEET 6 '" '~'I '.,."" j, ~ \ 1\ $ 05"Q.8I 33 .' T..... .... ... .. '. _.60' ACt. ESS I. UTiLIT, (51-1T ! ('Jm.'>..) .. 111 (,lW .... ., ..... ~5'Il~'.~.a~~") •.• I "'" LOl, A I ", -/ \ Ji I~;"----S 01"3,321 ,.' rriir~~NU~~i~I:;iN.~ ~OT' 2 ""'/ / I \ __ ?\f121 " .. /LUA-UI:f~,~.}~Pi :. \ i X'· '.<)!w'.'_D > I j 0"" ,/ .• ,,:~.. .' , ./ 'I ~' -\ J .'.' . 1 fIT (, "" II ., ./ I ""-"'-.~"' ,~,. /: 1 w i;'. .... lj,tHO?<:I At: l:i II i;J (;il'0 I I, I ., -. _ I IIf-s 09'3'5'Sl" OJ ~ ~ .'. ,:' ,,:'" I I l:j 1111 1'''.6(' ,,". .,' .'..' L. II J60.9)· _~, ..; .• ,. "U lJN~L~nED g~jli'·.," . """[' "'Oi--r' .-:'~,'"~"" -\~~';~-:,i':: /;,--Y j ... ~. i') )" t "-'"'·"'i,.-· V / / ,,.-... ~: .~/''''"'·il:'/l .~' .. ~.:. ,:"., ./:: "'HrA:~;:.'~f;"S!"'PI. ":"" j:::' .,71' !~i~~'.4\:"IP~'llNt [SMT COut"~I' . :' ,.,./'; ... /'i·.',:."".r" l~:~l~;. ,ole.·"'.:.:.:". ".' .' :'. 20" SAIj[rAAV ~;!:V[~ TO f11v IJF .:,' :': 'iil" R~!,}.lJ" PER ~fOJUltuO!.I't.:i ::-:. Ii ' ••• '....." _,i '~i' :~,L.5 "'Ill. . ... ,,, :;' .. (.i C\L 200' TI!AIlSMI~~ID~U'" [SIH'--1 1 f~ ;: 1\ ~x 10"04'<.'3" C . 'tpj,~ ~ ~:,"U,;Jt OF SEMTLI: POl ------M:- bl \ I \ !9S.~6' 0, . ~-I-,"Ul.llI'j" PlPRIN!: £SHls PER " '\'11 ,' .. , C Ar 5(l:!S<37 , 7~O~~7n«7 " I W I' ,,' \ I .... ",., ,l:nT 5 ...... ' ~I' ~ {A \ \ \ .(2724., 'AC"-~ ~ ~ g, II \ LliIl-OI-090. SIIPL . I '. re I" \ -~".. :, •• , .. /. ..~.., '" 1If1~I.~TT"D ~ 1 (.2!J . ····1;' -"' s OO'3~"!l" \J ,;. : "" 199,51' u', . , . UNPLATlt.U 41 1 I", _~"67"~9'4];' "'""\. .. :I'<i·80'OO'\;'l'; 'J :';: I .:: . ~"S·~·?Q'~7""" ;1 I~ "=.o::.':;,~~,:':~:i-~;'2f;;'J;~,,~~:,~~ '"'" \ IJNPL!lT1CD .,., i! SHEET INDEX IJI\SIIINr,fnN (;~ru ~III Nl"Nni ZONE 4601 , ,,'",.,," v . ""_ c .. •· "'.~ .•• c>., m",,", l"' .. "'~~,,\ .. , ,r<9""" v-n ~'.~ .. 1&~1' S a9'Oo'~~" E AII~ "fJ-m", PE~ ""'''''!:;(J:j6" ...-i-:". .' (17,00'.·.. ,>!::: • ....:'.... ,_. (~~~ _ r-=-~~~5~'~Jn 'J I --~"3~ -N 8~':U'~4" ~_:'Jl'f~~;l3~.~-::-~c"~~i'12~~·,::~3J~;: v L' \:._. ~~ .~~~:, "':}" /'CA$SIDY GriV!' /" (Oo"Vi '""0) (0-1 r ---7 ~LII!T[, UN( Lf lH,_ MY 1/4 UI Sf 11< $[C J(, I .' . ,:' "<'UlIlllVl~-iiJN : .... -'-~"~ (§i) (~j) Goit!> &.52" ""h 'l~) KING.·'~IJIJMT"Y CE~~;rMENi"~f T~~~'p!RrAT!IlN'S -j-UNPLATH.U '-" (~}) --~k;k CPlJ»f~'~'D:[P::;:~~~~V~'~!\NSPORi~;;'~,~" oF --~OI\Dl>.,·i;£l?vl(:r.~' UIVISlllN • SURVI:,''/" UNIT S 01;04 17' \I iJ ---1~~ loI['1NRIJ[ .~VE. ~IC ~NTmJ "'i'i~'ge056 131!l.J.I~· ~~~ .JUU NU'(~~~~7':1~~';,U:3IA:(yO"')1'9(,~~~rr b ~r G ".-,J' '" ~ -'2. ~ ~ " w < -" " , :r- '0 ~ a ,... > z ~ N r' ~ d g Z ~ ~ " < ~ "-z co ~ Z ~ ~ z < • ei u c '" " z , ~;= 1 ! ~~ ~~ &- 5!<!'o! :;; ~~ ii:!;j li!;;! '" ., ~~~(:j~ :~ ~g,,,, ~~~~~ ii l! §i'I!j~~ ~~. S"~' ~E , .. ~~ :~ ~;~;~ ~, "' ,h !:~" ~t:; i;;~ ;!It::" ~~~ 5!;<~i~ ",It! Hl!i:>-~i ,> "'dl '. 0--"_' l!<, "' ~!~ 'I""! F='; '~2;~3! .. ~~~ \lj:it:iH ~~~ .!;~!"I 2~~i~ ~~~ ~E; , ~ ! 0 z " " 0 5 ~ ~ < 0 " " I ' , ~ s e9',~'":''' E ---- .:~. i I • :~ :3N , • , i ~ , ? , " ~ ~ , > S 133HS t133HS-- I'~ ~~ ~ !)~ I It:§ [~:it 5_ ,:. c.'· -d-CIIT OF R[N tON .PLAT NO! IJt>-07~M5:~r. LNU-:~Q~~l w Z 7i! : ;~ 1 RECOROIN" NO, 1.VOL./F'fI(;E ----- I .. )..l("/(I'I.S- I ~ "" (§ .. , ... ~ ~I§ ~: ~~~. -,0" SONlTAAY m.n m em nr o '" ~ IH .... HI~SIO~ UN. ~'~T 10 rsc .1 R!:NTCN PER Ar J~~e'10)l,1& .. • .. .. :::E 13 POI " 5~""<7.. Q '<'""OT~' "0"'''' .' . _ =-__ ~ s _>'l:'~J~U _ E b8JJ,,---_ •.•. _.. .~ .. _::,.. _ ...!'Ll'!.J II Lm.f );\1 .!LL!l!: ... ,.. ~ .!:.JI...2NIJ_~T--=-L ~9'Q3'4D' i.-... M~<JO~" \l1,~.~:l I ~~ n~.flnn" ,_ :.:. s.~·i:01"I , .. ". -1 .'-' ___ "lll.~.:" •.• ,,~, ----.. ~ ~G'01:W" _\.I~O~,3.3.: [ :io.ou' ".-'·:i·::·· .. : / .. :.~9H'-.,' ... ,0.. -~ .• ,; S··.8·.~;.1Jl' ~.~~)~~i ~89~:--E e---~fTC;s~.l~~~:~r~~';}~:~ • . :.. .. . .: ,.-.," +.n; 1:11;til ~\I $$ """ "".~'" .'. '... ... . ..... _,..:\i 9'1'07'011" "I.. ~ ''prR ,,~ 790t;!20622 . . .. , I :.. "'.".~[iOO' .)'~ '10111 $QrT ... '. ·1.... 111... ., LOT .1 " .... -I w ,t .. U4 di O<)~ Sill'!- -".~' ~." ~.;:./ L,O::Zl ;:.. .. :·.:j;",%:'9~'11" V 1 .1 .. ' .. .' (~V '-~-N Ol"U4'1I" l ... s..,\l9'03'.'!OY E.:' '" ~~12~' Ilil~.-':?'",-' ..... SCALL. 1 lbIClI ~ loa ..,.. LI.I""'~ __ • -I -' l~O ~no ( ···'·N.Q1."[)4'17" r "-"fin' .,: ./. .,-N~ 1~ "Ef_1JL VAS11!NI.,lUN GRID ~TH NORTH lUNr: ~601 fl .. l,l:o; b ' 07n,(J(,' ..• , iii" I~ II"I~ ci! , ",;::;':°",---1 1 -f-: .~J"~ .•.... : I I,·,"· ~ I," . "' ... " !I 8 !j ~ '" ff!OJ '~i~" I~ ;. "",1,., i ". '.""n~ w ","''' co, ~ 1'< ' •. ,;:; '" : LUA-'Ol-D')lk~111'1 I::: ii' '.,,""f,\~ .~' 3 M 27102' \ \ " ", ~t ' .. "".", .. (~i~D \¥). Iii S IO·J)..~'S9" E _ -'\ '/ \ \ , I' 1. \ S 1]50 29 '21'.'.' 'i\/ l~l;W \\"\-_20' SIlNlT~Rr S[V[R If] CIIY aF ." <!l!(§) _I I R[NTOf/ I'E~ Affl:11U1AIl!l9:; N 89'(11')4'" V SOUTH LlNE or S~I/4 OF 1\\ SDUTH UOIE S'o/ 1I4 IIf ~ !l9'O.'14" E 13i'r,.I!U' 1'1\.1 111 SEC L6 0 .... '< . N[~-SEC' 16· ---"47ibi (~~i) iE~/~6 9 ;' \ \ ,~ Qo.?!) LOT A ------.. " I Y_', 6o.a2~8gl AC. ,-SHEET 5--1 71:.1.:1:1' I 6 SOUTH LINt XV 1/4 nr S '" ..•• , L .• f~·~-23:;,00' -1'1[1/4 src \6-~ ----- UNPLA1'f'.1l SHEET 6 Lflr ~ ./'.(,£ CASSIDY COv..£' .-.":'sUDDlV1S1ON KJr«l·· CDUNTY .I)tPARTMElIT'·1lF TR~bi;PlRTAlJ~S .. ' .... ;: .:".' RENTQIt ~ACrLqt' .... ____ --"'i ~1111 *-PDRTtCtI Il' EXIS!Ul~ lUI.'_ -" \ ! \ \ \ v~, ~ 'liA-OI-~O, SHA IN Ann~ ~ UTI, m ESI1T L.lJA-UJ-IJ':IQ, ~H~t Kl:;"~~ll,It~~v~I~~cir~r;.t;: _T~'gf$TuANVrON m·o. ';Ii I; ',,) -':l.61C2'J lie tOi~ loIlN<ili:· ;o.;VI:. NL #£NTON ..... 1',: .. 98036 (~~) JOB ~o.(~~~~9~;;;-::''l FM qfl6)I!%-7;~~ET S Df ~ CI \.Y -OF RlliTON p{A 1 NO:l:UA--07'~115 ·fP,LND-lo-D457 I NO. (~~~) U~jPlATT,',U ;;if'i7.i'ii'riii-''''i"-''-;ER:':':+-,~.~!:1;!;!..J:.[Nl_~" . ...!/4 J.I£:---,~ S.~~I.:!.4" [ __ -~.---y:.'... \ \., .. "l·I\\\i S~~'I'H LINL rll.~-SL1/." tV-r' 1-=-""J '0= .., .. \?'li l ~-~~'" "" M' MT.I:S,. Uflcny U"T TO Tl!!; :CAlE lINCH -tao l'r. tllili __ .l __ L r__ c::::J ~". lI-_,mll-l "I ~ h~ ~"'91l~9' 100 200 N" "''''''0"''' ____ . SHEET ::; j~J 1I::E;' 6 't 1I4/~ -iN,-i/~ ~r:: 16 47a3;J' 1 (l2ti!i) S~I Ie. ,\ \ ",C":\" '-"'. \ 1\ .. N ~2'4S'1B" l--.._ IO~7' 1 li'-"" MTEO • -11:1 .. 13-~, !~~I~r:....~V~' Q!._.-;: ~!:l:l-1' __ ~4_~' """ i_, s A9 •. ".'.'W~ __ ~.J, T -. ?". 1.'(' I'f !l4 ~n: I~ !l18.3~' roTA! l (\ 7' 13?667' V 115 SHEET 6 f'?J,"r -...-'-'-\ ' :s O~·Oa<33>,-·t' .• {\ I, '(.W U:iL A ".1' "/1 1 I'~'I > s"':;;'J3'27" ·;~r~oNU~~.~~!.;.;~t~~;-"2 _0'.0' "'(CESS I. UTlLIT,. Esm I (~"C) "f9l':t;.'_~!lT:-~ ) _\ , I \ '\_~/ i • ?1'<J.2~· 'i''':·LlIA-fl1~9U. ,"Of1PI ". 'r·.. '.1.,. ':" (10(i:1)"' -. , ".", <?~",.o'" , '. -__ ,< I \ 0!"!0 \ ,,,,,, 0;,," III'" ." ., I ill ,>~ )';;;. !I# ,j I I /tf.-s 09'35'51" '.I I ,ll.'::" ~ 111..-,·'-'" "';"'-'.: I 160.93' ~ ,;' ~ s 99'01'14" E 335 6~'---~':': ,'S/'ri't' t ~_~~"'~;:~'~'.'t.! .. '" ".,{ . ~~I ",'-312.611':~ /,,' ~I .. j' ,c" .... ~~'I~~i,........ . ..... ii····,'~~~~i';~ .. ' . :':, .': <'I)' ~A~rl')I[.;y ~-';"ER ro Y.i"!;,'U:--~';', ii1' ~". ~9fT.QN' f'tR 7e310\ll~~.~~ _/:> .• :, ...... / III '1\\\ '" \ ~~ UI'1J4'23" c: w \ \', L<)5.95' '" \\\ , \" ,: \\\ \' JNf-'UIT ILD ... ~I , l ~I l\\~\ -f,:~," H , N II!'<"OQ'S." V I '" ~m'~ I'll< rSlOr m r.n. III' __ ~,5" __ ..........--.:: ____ '_'_9.0U'54 __ ~~~ •• HTlJN ~I" "'"""',,..,,.,, «'!~:.J !. _S Q9·.k' 33 '.( ------1- "''''' '."CO) "'~7"!,Lr'" "'," "1 -I(""~ S 01"04']7" W ~,---,---L_L_ - !318.(J6' ~ -- " ~~ V·:-~;~~;i;l31,A9:,~ UNP!.ATrEU lIlT (, ,-'.-~_A-Ul-()'lO, SliP!. 9.io..~!'I?<;I AI:. (~~! j ~i ~ I " \ I ~ .. . I'! I ~ ""CO"'O -IJ!~ .. :: ? c" .,.,.r ~.. [!.""'" '''',u"' ""' CO,"" :1 !.~'''i-f '; !1 :r-Iw C\L ~OO' rROM1<l~S'''' ~lNE ~~r-l O-:'~ .a -ruE em' ll'-SEAnc 1'01 --__ h' Af:." • .,.... ....!.""I -·y~UCy ... ,c p,ecc'NE EIMTS pr. .-w w ~r 5a~'J7 ~ 7'O~7\l'41 ''I I, UI~ UNPl.ATTED SHEET INDEX I,I"SI<m(;TCN liRll1 NUIIII' NfJR1H lOO[ 4601 i I , , 'J t; I ',1 '>,: i i l ~i I j i·· ~ ~ t ! ! .... , ... ,.;~--,.-... -. D Fob 7-Ji.9 oct 18-48 *3,300 ·state of W.ahington to Hugh IJ. Whi 108 5; AlPle. J. l"p hr'l.>y t; b • I\, ~"'W"Y to 01' it. a1t ~n kow; . White, h"r h & 8 #... toll d.~~~b~ •• hcol 18n~. e:l.& twp 2, N r;·"·WI1 ccntalnin~ 'fo ao,..e lOU,l :0::;'. e;;~:~:~:::..,,1'1I~1' thor· ., liar .tor tran.:m.1.aaj,o"n I1ne-a hrtot>ore' .""l1QIl·tl.,,,, fI' .. laOSo. 318& 13128 .,' or. W&;y for 00 road. hr~of'o~e: grEUlted' under ,· .. hi'toto.... I\rllnte<l undor '<1:', ..• ,-:~li::::;;~~:~~· " ...... od. larula .... SOld-:".,. all 2957017-- lion c. WalllNn. ao.erno" Att •• t. R"'I" J,' Yeoun, Aut S~"'Y of Stat. tn H .... O-. White P .. O •. ax 245 rc:.ntonj. Wn '2.~O 11' .. & $2.00 ,.t ' Rub7 V.-Pr1tohel!'d & Th0lllS.3 fl. PTlt<>haro , t7 / ,/ ,::;:" ,;-/ '/ .:2--;Y' ~f J. Whits iA' k.", ("-IOj;.pe,.,,,. in pancu) ··::': __ .~I I 'J j I I 'j , , ~,.,. to 01 1 va Li Lle) -~::1 ',1'''8 , ,e" { 0 f tho "f t t,,, L"!ld ofrc at Spoke%!". desp" "tad tn 1.,,~ ~ J.."ntl or!. w!lrby it "'.l'l'" .. rs tl buen Dl\i by tbe ':ll~lD-:::_t > SPt .. '..00 tC'" ttl~ PI~~vl!1~ or the Apl' ~'" 1 ar: CI , a= .. :t.l tIed. "iln .~ct Jut1!c"'.tJB tarthttl.l "JJ.'.cV$n ~e 1''.'1:>110 Lo.'.Ii!l" !Ina. tl",~ &ota 5'.1'111 thr',,,. 1'or t,h~ ha~ been ' tu 11. ~t1u.:n..t; b.as · ... c"t or Co::g o"t r~r t~.) 9al.. ot Lo~ 30 VlUi<5n tho ·Je.ah:>n Ialnnd Abllndr", .. " ":l1it;lU'y P .. s .. ~,l'ftt;ll in tt:l' 2.1 " It t 3V.11¢. contg e aere!! a::11 ';6 h>L'" lrsdtha ot ..... ~ "orll aoo 1;0 the o:f;:~l plet ot the Survey ot the ad l.end. "tu.."'n<IfL tQ tA", ac.neral i.a'ld vi'to by t:la Survsyor-Oer.: .:new knQW Y., 'l'h.at ths tp in oon ot tha p'l:'81l' and in oO!l~om',~y ",i'!;!!, tb-a: aC"re:"e.J. Act!! o:t lIong~ss in slloh O,.S& !lid and providd. haa SlY.,. and s!'r.nted, f..nd \>,. th..!so prellllllts. !!cee g1",. !lnd grant unto eo1 o~; 'L~4 to the h~irg ot the MO olmnt the tt abv 4~8ed. to ~~~ $n~ to hol.d the 8J:I., tsw all '.;he rts. priv 1mnIun!tin a:ld ~ppU!'t. o~ wlI&t-~ , .:;'~' 90!nr Dftt;ure. 'th..'"Imto llaJ.ollgg unto tile sd cll!lnt and w ti]. hain alld <alJllgna ot the sd clrult, torver, subl to =1 va.tll"-6.I\! IIO"Z,_ wllte!.' rta dlor min1ns. &.gr1cultural, oonuractur1ll.g. or cth:'"'~t:;":' rt~ to !.!tches ml.J. res~rroi.zos nsed in cO"'...n.~tn with etll3h e5 JIJIj,.J b.:. J. ... tiOO~:t4:a!. <md ack '::;7 tha lco~l cu::tc:s, ~atf_ a;l4 d;;c~~f._: <>t *~'l't~, "1'4 there ill 1"" .. &rv,,4 tran the ~an4a I!%'bY In'8Irtad. ot way tllrO!l tor d!.tohee or OIUl~!I oou81:ructed by the eut!l. ot U/i :Ill, tellt 'O!hrct, Is Herbert Hoo'oar. Pres 0'" the us 01: A hfl_ , tha" 1attCll'. to be md :patent, flnd tho III ttthe Gen r.a.zl .. , 'c",arl1lltn aU:-td. ai.van ULder T;;;" band, at 'the Cit1 of 'h WIoa- ;;;;,'en~ .. ot th" !ll.dop"nciem,.,e of the US tdla 151 11;1 the .t>r$s; Herbert ae JD% by !.eatie E Dietz, Sec ','.-' >, (al) ~ :to ;;!l.;n-ell. a.. ot ~, G .w;::'l:.":lllo !teo 01 :pe. ... Ilta, Pete., t lio 1.059508 te~b! tha ,l:Itarl()r a .. n Lend Offo Wll lJC Ju1 He '91 I"w~UU," ,~' thllt tHs photagnph h It true oopy ot the :1:&#'7: '-a!:l."y o\l!ltoq ill, this at,,, "r:r4~~11 (Giih:;' :'4','" 'lJffo 9:t} R S Cl111tOr.., Actg Reo I: i:~~~~tM 57~ ~~/G 8915t701~"',.,:~,',',~',:,',,, IloT '" 3&: ..... bo1.cw /'''J--/ ..... tlII1te4 flut.ea 01' Amer'~a , t.,.,J'l"td¢ ok G :PeAl, , ,Whu --t<>i'm u 015 abv-- Lot I'!! "lJ'ithin "the Vashon IslaD.d "-bandon"d L:llit<>:7 R"'oe3!~'tfc§i in 'till' 21 r. II 2: llriM.colltg 8.'6 8.0l"!l' eoa -. 1'_ 9' Oll'i abV---1ncl .is--- ,.l'o~t No 1cr;9807.-b",1 em a" 015 abv-- • .,.-.. ~ .... n_~. , ...• _. ~.r-~~-.r~:. ·~f::~~;;~-· . '; . ,'- 'I ~ .,,~ J/ -, _,' -:;) .. ,~ \ -~ / _Ci -'--, '..-:,'" /)d, .(:' 'J~, , Qle:::: .,p. _ I' ~ -_, 'c ,~, ~~ ,vC; -';'oor~~-ih'-~-'___ ' The"b.,. ",,,god. 111nds -"-re 10~1 !5'.liJj-t!;l ~11 tile l1.' cv!.s:i:--~pt lCj.Jb!' tt.. lI"esd"n 1" ,till ot 11l~l, to 'Jlhion r"i ia h.~'t)1 rod, "no ... rj_c!:.--~ ba !.s3 t.d .. n:!~ u·lJ..:In, tre ~a~tea aad .allY 3tiodG8!iO_ ~.tl j !1"!..0t 2d grot,. u ~j)ough 'hlt out !I,t l .. ~th hr1.n. ' / : "1ha ~:f'to;:' '.....'oy IJxpr&tI,:3~.y :AT";3E!, oX !H,-J., l"9aerV09 (.JU~ 0:::-t!1.Q gN$ hru7 md, un~<j~~Bl~J its S8~ tor~ver, h~l o!lP. g~5aSJ ~o~l. orea,' miD,., e!l~, t"lOllilll or " .. ~ =1>, lI.:nd, Ol-I!,'''~tr.., one ... hioh JJl'ly b. -', 11\ Or -upon .Ie:: la,,<l,tI 8bv' :101OlSOd, <->1' allY part t;,.o·o! .,," 1:;, rt t" .~lo:. ~e -=.f~r such oil gas"s, ooa1 ores, m~~ ~nd. totsil~, ~ aDA. ,it;"hrby 'u\>t'e6,,1,,-.!'!lV~ >llld resar· ... -I out'r,-t tr'l g:ant lU''c:r IIIC. - 1Ul,t:i iteoU. 1". nt. !ihs 1.'t {;o "l1t~:: by its .. lt,_ it!! e:,ant,. aitp ana 1II~:n~a .. t'" llPOII .a. 1<18 or any j)"rt OT ;'Jerts th:o f. at e'~,! eM ta;ll; t;i:W!t.&. tOl" tll-~ -PUZ:l' o't Q"nt"2:, <1""1810:\18. and .... ;or-'i!ls bilil .. g throll." ' - and-l1;aktng -!Jut <iIrd :tcmpvi~ t~an. "-11 such 011'1, gaaes, ~oa1 "'-- ore... min ""'" foa.alls .. and to tllat en.." i:! it f"olrther e=:rr.... ' Tes!!:!:'v ... ,eut ot the ;;rant hrby .-e, 11211;0 ~eH', it;;; sa't, the !)."~';,>I'~' s";:'T':tnts an!! ett"s at tiny .. nd!i1 tim .. " t" ~~ti~~~~-~~~~ _____ ~<:n!1--1188 all s:uoh 1;ldg~ ,--=chi:lerz :~~-==;':'; ,. -lInetts, r"mov!o -!!lio!': -'soil ;~'''-!la 11<> b";":-' __ ."iillrot-'tor the, bti~ cr'millilllih and to ocCli-u.l"~.:li DO!>" '06(1 or oon'f,.n.t~m; tvr :tbe 'hrby ezp ressl:y ":Na":rTing to '%':t3, an.d~ powers . .!::~ ~ ~~ a"'re~ , raUonably neoor oon-"-eni"nt the cr tn' ,,:::mr;;l -~- ""~-"'-LJ._-..,-l1 ... l vj n Ol" "abv--- All ioUi--lu:01l __ o,~ ~!l" 5"""!ld ..,lan, ,O~4-by-d .... !t-of !'ron.' 'o~.:-"~jn1: ~ ,,,r ab¢tg ,upon !.of; $0 oJ! "~1Ian _'1.b~~4-)erl!~-R"s,,!"'r .. tl'>ll in ~ee~. 1, 1-IUl-.. 3 :JmU. 'wi'h--S: ,~'t<l«e ot 2. e:.. 11."",1 3hdne-i _ ~ aoo -~ ~ _ Ott" :'<'Yf ot tlle g'l'V thlcl. llD~~ 'It_ ill!: nrriJ<.'i fn_ 1:> -ottJ)'_o~ t"lle c= "t Put> tad. at Ol~1e. =- TM. O;1:A<J<I 1u .mI1 p-.n-''''~''-Jlt_ tG " aale at "a till" bull, ~ - nos abT dulJ4 '_liMa -~ tonr. Il.s017 1I))7---in _1 518 eil4''C'o:' A~ :<10'30084 -- - C,:,nt ::;'0 ----g~ lUOc Co! T1~.' ~c. !ld~. Vol l!> N l:lt ! tld 11,-awo' --------------------~----------- LUA15-000676 Short Plat of Lot A Cassidy Cove 3005 NE 4th St Renton 98056 Item #4 of the Submittal Requirements calls for a statement detailing how conditions were met by the applicant. There were Three (3) conditions. 1. ROW dedication of 2lfeet along the south side of NE 2'd Street. Shown on plat and deed of dedication is with the city. 2. ROW dedication of an area 30'x80' at the east terminus of NE 2'd Street. Shown on plat and deed of dedication is with city. 3. Payment to the city of $12,120 for fee in lieu of improvements along NE 4th Street was received by Renton on September 17, 2015 RECEIVED IAN 06 !'I"" , .. c .G CITY OF' RENTON PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO LUA 15-00676, FILE NO. LND 20 0623 DEClARATIllN ~"IIN I\U. PEDPLE JT 11-£5£ PRCttnT$ TWIT \IE, THI: LfilDtSIIiNED O\o'N(~ (~) IN FEE SIMPLE Il'" Tt£ l..NIJI t€RElH I£SDtlIE:D, III t.£1I:£IT IW:E ~ S!G!T WJllIVlSllJo! TIo£REIlIC o\ND JIECLAR( THIS: lIN' TO lIE TI£ I:i!lIPHIt IlEPRESOIT"TIIlN IF" TI£ SH;RT SIJJllIVlSlttl Mo\tIE I£R[,Y. I\Hll TIioItT SfIIlD SHIJU SUBDIvmlll 1$ _ VnH f'1IIEI C[J'fSEIfl' AND Il'I ~ V1TH THE IlESIRI: IF TIt: ~ IN WlTIiE5;s w;rREOF" WE SET 0IJIIt MoUlDS IIHD SEALS. - liM I C£R11N 'THAT I !(NOW OR H ... '>( SIIflSfM:lOfI:Y E\'ItOfCE '!HAT =~ST~~~rnt"~ll~~~~~ lI151l1\1!,jOH. ~~T1JRE;;;;-~~;--------- !+IllARY PIJBUC _ ~~~ ttOTMT PUIIUC m __ _ MY .o.PI"ClNfYENT 0CPIP!£5 ____ _ STAT£ OF ) COOHTY C1f ~ SS RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED rOR RECORD TIllS ....... DAY OF 2.0 ....... " . t.I IN BOOK . OF ........ AT PAGE ........ AT THE RECUEST OF ................................. .. SURVEYOR'S NAME APPROVALS: CITY ~ REMTOH DEPAImIEHT iF PUBUC lIIORKS E:JWoIIN£D NfD M'PIIIM:D lHIS __ DAY Of ____ ~ __ -~ DEPARTMOIT iF PUBUC ~ SECT~ 16 T23N lISE ... .14. ." S:[[ 1OIIEE1 2 FlJI: IOUIOIT 1IE$C. DEPARTMENT Of ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. ~ /\NO APP!IOIIEtI NS _ 1),\.'1' C1f ____ "'--- ~ SCALE: NI" ""'~ """'" foCCCiUHT HlMIEA PORllONS OF NW, NE &: SE EXISTING LEGM.. DESCRIPTlD'G LCT A, CITY tF I!£NT~ P\. ... T t.lJMJ(~ lU"'-07-1!~-rp. AS IlECORKD ~DER RECDIiIDINCi Nl.tIBEIt eGOBD2O!lOOl3B5, BEINe:; ... PIlRTlIIII t:r THE: ~TIfV[ST WIIRHR NIlI THE MeJlTHtAST !lUMTE~ ... ~ TfIE SIlUTHtIUT III!IIRTER IT SECTION 16. TIlW'HSI!.tP 23 roD!lH. ~A"""," 5 c:ot.ST. II ...... IN KING CO\.O'IH. \lAS!<I~l[»l. EXISTIHG LDT NIUtS, p~ GROSS NET LDT '" 59.81:1690 AC. :54.7363:59 At. LDT A TOTAL ACCE~ ESMT. CRITICAL AREAS LOT A AREA UNOCVELDPED LOT A BUILDING SQn LOT A-5.C6X AREA EX. PAVEMENT-A :5.07"933 AC. 5.9357C1. AC. 16.5060 AC. 3.1576"9 AC. 20.2327-4 AC. -470 EXIST.PARK. SPACES LOT A ("37--495 REQUIRED) EXIST. LANDSCAPING LOT A 1.:1 AC. NE'J LOT AREAS, GRO~ NET LOT A 5-4J069"5 AC. -49.03:58:5 AC. CRITICAL AREAS LOT A AREA UNDEVELOPED LOT A BUILDING SQ.rT LOT A-03X AREA DC. PAVEN(NT-A 5.72'3109 AC. 16.:51J61J AC. 2.8-409:5-4 AC. 19.5-40210 AC. -470 EXIST PARK. SPACES LOT A <-437--495 REQUIRED) EXIST. LANDSCAPIN;; LOT A 1.5 AC. LOT X 5.708735 At. 5.708735 AC. BUILDlN:; SQ.FT LOT X-:I.:I-4A AREA EX. PAVEMENT"X CRITICAL AREAS LOT X 0.316736 At. 0.690969 ~. 0.206612 AC. SITE HAP .,. F1EUJ PRDCEIIURES AND EQUIPHENTI TIllS SURVEY .... IIS PERfIRlll:D USING CONVtNTIIJW.. nELD TRAVERSE NO GPS rA$T $TATte TECIfllWLS, USIIolG SIlI(lo;IA stT 3 NCD r£DDII£TE~ TOT""-STATIlJIS NCD T~JIoGlE ~OOOS:SI'S NoID 4100. '700 GPS ~ECElYERS. /'IIXUIN:;V EXCE£l)S: "MlSE REQUtI!£ll ST VAt;; 332-130-(r!I(I if. m-13e-loo, HIITE» I) BASIS rT BtARlN>S ~ tMIB:V'Jl \ill$HlNGTtI'I STATE PlNIE CIDIDlIlATE SYSTEM 11$ DET~ n GPS IDS£RVAn~ l!) 1500' ltIGItEs:s..rtGREs:5 , UTILITY EASDIEKT SUI.J:CT TO cammlliS DEClIlRED ~ RE~O'" SfOIl PUll UJ~ Ol-~ 3) F1R'IER :so' HlGHlo'""V STRIP if. PDIIER EA$:[Io£NT OlIlT Cl""IMEII TO IClMG CD..ffi"Y lIT '" '~93. , CITT (I'" REI-IT(JoI I>F :1(,42513, :sI.3S£1;IXII1l.. T ClH I!ENT(JI QUIT Cl.,uMEll TO KtMG lD.INTT IM REI:I;I!DEO DIXI.I'OIT 2aHOG04~ utUlCATED EASEJ£NTSr Tt£ nJ..UJIflHIi EASDENTS ME MOT SKI ...... IU: l[] Tt£ VAGLEI£SS rT THE DESCRlPlll:tlo I) AT. 38~. NoI EASD€nT fIR IIAlLREWI III"\( 2:1 M ... 1_5, NI EIlSEI£"T fll! ... PlPELlHE 3) ....". ~~. NI EA$:[I£HT fll! ~ PIPELIHE AQUIFlER PROTECTION NOTICE, floE LOTS CREATED HERtIM F~L VITHIM ZllME 2 II'" RErlTlJ1'S MllJD'"ER PllCTECTlIJoI IlREA NIII ARE :suJ.J(CT TD Tt£ REWlREI>I:KT'S RECEtVED JAN 061\i'c; CI1Y Of RENTON DIVISION II'" THE crn II'" RE"TIlM tFlDrfWf:E 14367. THIS CITY'S SIl.E SIJ..IRCE II'" DRlI'«IIlG .... ATEli 1$ S\.PPlIED fROM A S!W.LOV AQUIFER I--"IDEl't TIoE CITY'S WRF"ACE. TliERE IS MJ ...... T'-*N.. 8AARlER JEl'ItEM HI: \i",lER T ..... E NID M ~D SlKACE. EXTREME: CARE SHlJA.D BE EXLRCISED Io'I-£M IWUt.!1IG />1ft LtOlllD SUBSTANCE OTHER n-w.r V",TER TO PROTECT rF!(JOl COI-ITACT \iJTH TI£ GROttai SlIRF"ACE. IT IS M ~Tf IJ'JMi:IIS RE$PIl$lBlLlTf TO PllQTECT THE CHY'S DII~11lG \iAn:!!. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE "fHIS LOT Ul'fE AD.AJS1WENT NAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURYEY WADE BY WE OR UNDER MY DIRECT SlJP£R~SlOM IN CONFORIoI""ct: WI"fH ntE REQUIREMENTS DF" THE APPROPRIATE STATE ,,"D COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN ................ 20 ... ··ii.iiv"iO··S··R·ifCifN··· CERTlFlCATE NO. c9292 ~ ICING CDIIITY IIEPIIR1lIENT IF TIWCIPIIRT"TIDN ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY UNIT 155 MDNRoe: AVE:. N£., R£NTrJ.I VA 9B056 Ca(6).4n-177:J FAX (206)296-7719 OWN. B"r DSR CHKD. BY SHORT PUT 07 LOT " CASSIDY CO\'! PJ..\T 1(00; COUlTY ruJ.T. ROHI:N FACIL.tTY ,m 12/29/15 """ "" JOB NO. 02067 SHEET CITY OF RENTON 'i RENTON I» I~ E l3OQ7~9.'J3 ~ N IfI:ll09.40 ,:~~::.~~~~cr------~'~"~·~13~'~0~~'~'~~~'~~~~~'~'~'~ €.B3.20' TO PC '13. 4' If> t£ 4TH ST ~ENT~ I~ 612 N 181145.&4 I D N 00'46'58" E FILE NO. LUA15-000676. UID eo 06e3 o ( 13\l6O't6,IO 1\,/ 50,00' I· ., I SEPT. ZOIXI, rtl.INIl ~')W ~TE ~T \t'\ 3/9' BAiItS$ PIN IN CASt KCoI99S, FCJ.Ja) 4'):4' CCK:R£TE IIM.tIENT ..,\ 2' BUSS JIlSK IN CAS£: KCJm, FIJUID 4')(~' CJH::R£TE IIl'f..K1(f .." ClJ'f'£JI PIN IN CASE KCJm, FIl..fIlI JR[I{[H ~'JC.4' CDC. IItN..KNT V"\ aJi'I"[R PIN IN CASE SE ~ SECT~ " IlJLll£lIJI.TO SITUoI!TED liT '" GI1F COUR$E GREEN, f'IlS1Tlm CIIla.t.~TElI PER IUl..s. V1L. 'n P'Ii. 2IIG S 1/4 SECTlm " l.O$T IN CEIWt 1Q\iER, POS~ D£TOIIIIJ€D JT SlHGl.E PRtPI;J!TJm JY ..DES , ~m l~ MlINl$1IlN AND CJt..w..ATEJ) _mol PER IUl..s. V1L. '1'7 PG. 2911 SV CIJIN£R SEC1~ 16 CI\LCllJITEIl PER IUl..s. 97 PG28(I , ..DE'S SUIPIVlSIlJ'l 8] SEPT. eooo, f1lI..l'III JRASS DIS!( SCltIJEII 'l.S2"3613 200(1 , IN CME IN $lK""'Il..~ ~ 11 SEPT. eooo, n:uaJ IIDI\Il ~ WIi lJJT JY FENCE CONSTRUCTIllH SEPT. eooo, nJ..tIII IIDI\Il \{\ ~ eN' 0-" !,lEtT SEPT. ~, FIJ..tIIl IIDI\Il \(\ 1..$",7 O£ICl\iElH eN' 12 SEPT. ~O, F1JUtD ~IEI' R£JNI 1).17' WT SEPT. ZDDD, n:uaJ 2' JRI\S$ DlS!( aH:RETE IOUIENJ IN t:A$E SEPT. 200(1. FtlUIlI 3'X3" aJ«:. 1«11. v\ TI\O( Dt L£All D.l~' S!1JTH , Il.2O' VEST SEPT ~, FDJND C!JOC. MON IoI'\JRI\SS PIN 0.30' u.sT IttD OJ!!' S!1JTH SUT. 200(1, FruNlI C!JOC. 1«11. V\IRI\$$ PlH IN IOf.!IDiT CASE I~ ~ ~IO ~, LOT 1 !l U3I0711C. ~~.$!f'\. @!> ~ 15. ru, ,- ;~ ww rz " bl!; ~~ ::i; WJ S 89'13'02" E -1 in 603.31' ~ S Zl~ NE .... LOT X 5.708Tn IICRES IIIJITl()N or lOT ~ -.-@) S 89'07'08" E 603.33' e.8.33 I LOT B O~_ 1"!"-..:JIU""kf~~"" ~ .-=... S32"38'33" ('=-' 1l2.40 • 0 'I'" ~'! ~ i;; ~ s Dt'04'31" 'J 138,00' S59"20'3S"[ 153.45' !! ~ ,I f 'I" 17 ~~s~_~~~~C:~pWIN~TCI\SE ® ® @i SEPT.2IXIO, FlJJND C!IOC. IoII]M. IN eASE tt89-13-0I!W 0.30' or C",,-c. PT ~MeH eOOl. FlUID KOO ctUffY RElIN! , Ci# II.llY El\$T AND lI~' !P. ~ ~TH NIl) D.l.O' u.sT IF SAID Ift3M ---t'" ",,,m-or".". N 01'04'17''[ 81.0 S 89'07'08" E 663,35' 633,)5' N 89'07'08" 'J 30.00' ~I~ ,- ® ~ !!MeH 201Jl, FIUIII KIN; Cl1.NTY RElIN! , til' !!III!CH 2001, FlUID tl:ltC IOICMENT \i\1IRMS PIN D.6O' [loST' QJO' NORTH IlAACH eoo:I, Ftulil ~ING C[MqY R£JNI , eN> D.l0' u.n III11!CH ~ool, FlUID COlIC. IDI. v\ I 1/2"' IIIRAS$ 11[:$1( 1ft IIlIUI£NT CASt JE~S N~J-38-2:jE 0.&2 TO CJt..ca.~rn PC " I: 0:::; ~I o ~ , " ;. w .. o ? "! ~ ~I~ ~ , , Is " w ~ ~ , * ~\(f iv ,~ i;:::: LOT 3 .'~ LLI'I-Dl-D711 ~~ @!) ~ ~ 4 " " -l-• ~{>, ,~" ,,}. .",,,!?'~'4~ ,;-~ to /f~ $ 4-0/' ~~ '. ' S 08'Z5'12" E 152.73' N B9~~~~r v I LOT /It ~ [)(I:ITE.O.D2DII'JlI>£. 10£ .... LDT II '-4J06!1<13 O\t @) I ~106 ~I~ ;,!:l I :: ~I~ >-/: 15 1' ~. :il~ "I; ~" .!j. 89'Ol'j.ot." 'J ! 71 1326,88' '1'14" '" 13C6,S8' SOUTH LIM: OF SE1I4 or - "\--ioN 114 ~q".;L.L'-~ ! , lj 12/1!9/!S CITY or RENTON LAND RECORD No. lND I!O 06Z3 C lI" ........ SEC 16 :::: ~~'~ ~ ~ ~ , , " 2 RECORDING NO. SCALE: I'-~ 100 200 S 89"03'40" E 30,00' S 89'03'40" E f.8J.33' 200 VOL/PAGE LUA15-00676, SHPL LND 20 0623 SHEET INDEX eND STN L1NES"V 114 OF NE 11-4 THE: I'mTll 81" IF TI£ £AST :lO fT, IF lIT\' ~ TO lIE :DEt\lC~TED Fill IV" 2-434 SQ. n. PER 1Ir1. ~ 5· =:;!a: J$f:j ," ;,,:;: ~g '0 iu~ iw ru_ ~' , N~ s LOT 4 LUA-OHffil. SIf"L ~D37a2 /oC. @ ~ N 89'03''10'' V 403:33' LOT A L.lJIr«I'-UiH? E~IST 6O.teOII~ N:. ~ ... leT A 5.oI.lDo;').O~ /\C. @) 713.33' , ~;'b "':ri ~. "' "" S 89'01'14" £: 23'5.00' om!, ru 0 . " ru ru -0 ~ ~ , N 89"03''10'' >J l.EGENIl N O~~~'?IO;" E @I COfIIO .. IDUEHT IETAIlS 220.24' + fll.Nll !!OEctD! llJ!NER + CAltv..ATU stCTlIJPoI CORNER _ FIl.INII QUMT£l! CORNER _ C ...... ClJ...<,TED OlIIIRTEI;! ctJRN::1;! • ~T IN CASE rlJUlD • JOUIIENT F!1ffiI • R£a.o.R DR ~ PIPE FlUID a 5/8' IR "" P\..IISTIC CW SCRIBED LSJ~ rtID !@ TAX LDT NJ. ® FMD. IlERNTSEN ST~IHl[s.s NAil V"\ I\L.. VASl4ER $CR11lE1l L~Q922 1:1!1 nfl).SIllIllItllII/2'1II...CAf' ST~PEII LS "e')f! • SETSIll!li:V/III2""IIl.,CAf' STAM"£D LS ~ LINE TYPE LEGEND ~ss ESIIT. PStR'OIIER [SlIT. LIMITS. PSl:II'IlIIER ESIIT, CIL. VlllER [$MT. ell SAN. S£\IEIt [SlIT. Clio I\lIJIllmNG PIIOPERTY LINE: :S 89'01'14" E Ie. 19~O,01' " SHORT PLAT 01 LO'l' A CASSIDY COVE PLA7 KING COUNTY D.D.T. F![NT~ rACILITY KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISI[)\! -SURVEY l..l'm ISS MONRlJE AYE. NE, RENTON 'JA 98056 (206H77-1773 rAX (206)29&-7719 JOB NO. oe067 1039906 SHEET ~ or & CITY OF RENTON RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE SCA.LE: FILE NO. LUA15-00Q&76. LNlI 2CI 0623 e® '00 1".toO" 20' 200 LND 20 0623 LUA15-00676. SHPL " "<IASHINGTDN GRID N[F!TH~ NORTH ZONE 4601 . -~ ~ . ~~ UBERTY RIDGE PHASE 6 VOL 220 PAGE ~6 t.~ --!.~ ~ ,. ow ~I~ @)I~ Lm ~ lU~-02-0~-SHPL RIJ$ VIl. 156 PG 19f. lil" £...st!tI:NT TO PSE PER ~ 79052~oas3 411.66' @9 29'57 '54" T 153.34' II: 572.96' L 299.65' .... Ci "".:~ < \;'[ST UN!: E 112 OF N .... NOI·0 .. '45"[ 316.00 I -""j~ ~Sb£iifffi~f= .... '.= 8.Dlkra!s or ~~,IS4Isq. tt. PE:Ii: K 7~.~J (3009 NE ·4TH tTl LUA-07-lIS-FP ~ 3005 NE 4TH ST, ~ ..... LOT 3 I I-I~~ gl~e "I~ , c c~ .. . ~ Ol~ .., ;!? , , ~:~ " ........ , A~!}. ~~.r ......... " ~6'/./Vo,,'tt;~(~"t' ......... ......... ~ t" '1>-'tIo!: ........ "" " "" ST. R I ,,~ '''''~ ,,,,:'!>,, ' -,....... _ ,Ai', '.!i.e '" ""t :./~' rr-I :fJ 1 ::> . ., 4-S or04'3]" LUA-0l-09D 5.30483 AC. (§!) " ~~. ,;:./1;>' ......... 138.00' \I '" " .... 9'''' u .... ,"'&'::~ ...... 1"'1 -_.3'''; ~.' ftc,' po' ~ '-1;:'-'" .t i'] <t~ - ' '" < \ ~ 905 I.NPLAlTrll " " LOT A LUA-07-11S-FP N~~S~ot~ER~A595~\~~~~5ACA~ C§V 302] NE HH ST. ~ ~ c c " 'tV ClTY OF RENTON LAND RECORD No. UID 20 061!3 lun/l~ " SEC 16 49.H'@ 99.79' 3 ------m-:,SiT - - - -@ 4~ SDFT. '" I~ , ~"n."'_ ~~ '. ~'" ON J: ' r< " 5 $" , o:::=: ........ T 23J.~5' C~ ~ 1-1117'09'32" -'" ~ ~ R 535.31' ~ ".). Oq.Por ~>5'__ L ~~O.45' SHEET INDEX i~ 'c r£''' EXIST.LDT A LUA-D7-ltS-F"P EXIST. AI1:EA 59.BIS6eO] AC . NEW' LDT X NEV LOT )( ::;.70873:5 AC. e@) 3003 t£ 4TH ST. ., -"""::"-os ""':S-/_. ,~ 60' ACCESS I\. UTlL!n ESMT ($([ NOTE 2) OJ LlNEb "" _____ ,_ s 01"04'31" V ,-1054.32' S 02"04'31'; \I 12nS2' , EXISTING 96' VIOC X 35' I~S:S: ACCESS L lJTlLITY <:I'ISEHENT PER LUA-D7-115-F"P It: ~O~~~,' (' @ ~. LOT 1 -'Ii. '\:.~ • ":! (X1ST]NG LOT •. 73107 AC . 0-:: "? LUA-OI-090, SHPL "-('.0. 11'1 ~ " :;; 'i 0 0 ;'i "c a ~ 3~'E '~O;i'EJl"-0,,/, ~?'M PRlvArt 60' ACCESS ~ Ui!llTY • O! ESMT(>;[[ NDlE 2) L C " 13822 :lQFT. , \ ~ @ S 01"04'31" '" 420.£>1l' 53&.46' [AST LINE OF THE \I 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF" THE NV II" SEC 16 ",' ./ ~~ el o~ ill' M (I.~tI ).&~u.as ~ ® CURVE TABLE "l .... 1"1 ~ 19/;\ fttNTOIO lD 15ll~ 16~ \!I N JBlHl'l.~Q '" [ 1308748.'13 ... SHORT PLAT OF LOT A. CASSIDY COVE PLAT I(INii CI1JNn' D.nT. I1:EKJDN fACILtTy 1<1t«:i C[)JNTY DEPARTMENT DF TRANSPIlRTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY UNIT 155 HOhRDE AVE, NE, RENTON 'riA 98056 (206)477-1773 fAX (206)296-7719 JOB NO. 02%7 1039'306 SHEET 3 Df or. CITY OF RENTON FILE NO, LUA15-000676, Ltal 20 D6Z3 / / / ~-"I-­--j.<#,- SHEET 2 / ___ 5 ...!!2.·07'08:...f ~65.~O'_ SOUTH LINE: OF" NEl/.yrlF" NlJlI~ SEC LOT B SHEET '} ACRES 0,. 3~!I.18~ Ijrft. @D TRACT B / I s OS·SD'4.!i''::'.~ ~ ~ ru " ~ :!. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ TRACT B / N B<!'S!I'25" E / ,.~2' ~ " , ~ ¥ .&} .f rJ"1 '* ~, 4t.fJ / ,lf~' "/ I~ z "'" L-<tO / \/ LOT 3 LUA-OI-O!lO S.3~AC, ~ 3009 NE 4TH ST. • o w " :; ~ " , " ~ '!l~ i'.i ~ ~ ,. .. ii; <,~t' 01'04'23" 45~.O(J' ~ ,-,,~~ I EXIST,UlT A LUA-07-11S-FP EXIST. AREA 59.8156BO AC. NEY LOT II 54,10G945 AC. ® 301':1 NE 4TH ST, iil RECORDING NO, SCALE: 1"·200' • I~ 51 Il!:l I:! I~ ~. I' .~ IHi s • Iz ill~ ~ ~I; J 151~ I ~Ie I ". I-p ~> 'I" e-- 800Il SQTT, S 10"02'.?2.".!. ----Ii ~ .. ... i 07' 08'[ 05"e9'?J" E 1'=i12~' YQL./PAGE LUA15-00676, lND 20 0623 .... ASHINGTON GRID NORTH NORTH ZONE ~601 SHEET INDEX o::u SANlTAR't SEVER TO CITY [f" 12129/15 RENTIl'I PER AfB3'~'~0l~8~08~'~',---________ -:,---______ ~ 17~~",-------'r-----i"---'r---"----'---"---'----TL~~~~~~~"-T"--" __ " ____ T" ______ ~S~O~";T"~'~'N~'~~~~~,stfPUTH~NE:~V~~~ SUiOIrr ~T ' ___ ~ N'w' l/~ S NE 1/4 SEC 16 l OF LOT" CASSIDY COVE PUT '~ ~ LND2G::-1 ( ') I "I , or CITY OF RENTON RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE FILE NO. LUA15-000676, LNII 29 0&23 SCALE-100 LUA15-00676 SHPL •• ""' ii, • ~ •• " TO elTY OF &0' ACCESS L UTILITY ESMT m TH[ • 200 LND '0 0623 20' SANITARY ='vI ~--I [ITY or R~~TO>i P£R O,f 61~~O~05~1 L...:.':.-:::---,,-----=_-'2~OO~ _____ ....l __ .::::~:O::..=::. ___ ___j i I g RENTON PER A.8310180S9:5 I SHEET .. M.D 9B1Da7(12~, <§> U,"PLATTED SOUTH LINE OF S£I/" OF SOtJI..!:!...Lllif !!::.1/~ OJ::.... U9'DI'I~E_ +-713,33' SOUTH LlN~ ~ ~ ~B1·O~6.!.3,~'___ _ _ 82'01'\4" !\ .....2!1 "\.I ,,. "<-r 16 NE 1/'1 SEC 16 ~ ~7833' 3. Nt l/~ SEC 16 848.34' TDTo\L 1326.67' \/ ll5 UNPLATTED UNPlAHED 01"D4'17" '" 1318.06' *1 al w, ~I z, , .1 u ~, :i "' ~, EXIST.LOT A I SI£ET ~ LUA-07-1l5-FP EX1ST. AREA 59.815680 AC. -----j 'J LOT II 54.106945 AC. 1---60' ACCESS t. UTILITY [SHT 3021 NE 4TH Sf >, !~ til "' " I (S[E "'OTE 2 ) > "I" ~"1 '" f'~ "' LOT 6 LUA-DI-D90, SHPL 9.64029 AC. ~ 160.93' 89'0\'14" 335.93' -T -----.t l!2·DI'li" E ~8,]5' li73.35·--------- LOT 7 LUA-DI-090, SI-F'L 14.9912 AC, @.> w, "IN "" ~2 Sal z, I" I~ IS: '. I~ '. ,~ _ _ ~Jd3'_ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ ~ N B9'OO'5~" 'tJ 1321i.71' CITY OF RtNTDN LAND RECORD No. UG 20 CI6H LOT 5 12,7246 AC. LUA-(1l-090, SHPL c§!> ___ .FL38_' __ _ SOUTH LlNE or THE NI{ II" or SE 1/4 SEC 16 ~i , ---' • ~ , w " b , , ~ w " v3 ~.'~ ,.;~ • 'w i~ SHEET INDEX W'ASHINGTON GRID NORTH hlJRTH ZONE "liOl Qii ~ '''''''' -SHORT PI.l.T I OF LOT A CASSIDY COVE PLAT KING C[lJIITY D.o.T. RENTDN rAC1UTY I<INC; COUNTY DEPARTMENT Dr TRANSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY U'l1T 135 MONROE AYE. NE, RENTON VA 980:51i (206)"77-1773 FAX (2D6)~-7719 JOB NC. 02067 1039906 SHEET (; or CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAlS-Q00676. um zo DE.23 ~7.! > "f RECORD!NG NO. VOL./PAGE SOl' 01' ]7"\01 8l.0 ~ ~I~ ~ ~I~ ®> ~,'IO $IIFT. r£R MI 21' 1JJDr IVW DElIlCIITElI 10' $llH]TMl SE\f£A TO CITT (E IIOmltI PER AF 79OeD10676 S 89*03'10" [ 30,00' 100 SCALE, IIIIDooIloo=::'i"'=;l. 1".:nlO' 200 200 LUA15-00676, SHPL LND 20 062'3 89'07'08" E £.63.35' TltAHSMJSSlIl'l LINE E!iNT. 111 PS£ i>E:~ AF s..05<l16 S 89'03'10" E 683.33' _ ---1:!DRTH .blli[~ ...!L1..Q( t:!L1Li...S~IL S ~9~03'1~·(t3' .. o'~\0l3.j3~ . = . $ Ol"G4'1f,'lY---ttW/h'PW////1j N8')' 03' 10''''' '"'00 S89' 07' CB'E 30ilO 89'0.3'40" E 532 ~O' EX. R/'W I N 89'03'40" """03,33' I S ",,'OJ',.' E 8 1~1.3Z' C\L SS ESHT PER /IF 7901220622 LOT 4 10m san. LUII-OI-D90, SHPL 3107 NE 2ND. ST. 2.03702 AC. m..........---S 01"04'11" Y C§> Ilf ij684' ". S 89'03'40" iiiill 10; j~ .~ Illi THI: NJIrnt IIUI' IF THE: tllST l(I n. or LlIT II DEMellTED JlJI RN f,13-l SQ fT. PER AFI ACCES~ L UTILITY [SMT TO ;H[ CITY Dr RENTON PeR .r 9IC91305'l< AND 981e09D'>B& N 01'01'17" 220.21' fNI), CCM:. 101. IN C,o,s( D,05'N , 0,15'£ S 01'04'17" " 'WASHINGTDN GRID NORTH NORTH ZONE 16001 (15' \JATH ESMT TO ern OF" R£NT'" p~~ M 8:)I01808~4 [240.~ IlD:lCI =~~ ., 7.50' *1 CITY s 01'3~j~, 'J S 01"06'30" 'of 2".14.' S 10'02'59" E 271.02' I • I~ tiE I~ ~I Iw ~~ Ii-.~ I~ b I; "~ I. IW0 ~I~ ~ bl~ • ~I· • "' "I' ~, '1" rn'l S 05'29'21" E lSl.2~' ~ EXIST,LOT A LUA-07-l1s-rp ExtST. AREA 59.815680 AC NEV LOT II 51.106945 Ae. @) 3021 NE 4TH ST. 20' SANITARY SEY£R TO CITY Dr I RENT[JII PER AF"83101809'3:i --I 'i!;1; I 2~ i;:: Ie ~ :::", '" 2~ i~ ~ ~~i ~ 'w -O::~~ I~ ~l:;~ i~ , ;5~ f I~ i~ 2 0 ~ .~ • I~ < .< 2 , I ;, ~ " e, el @D 'iii tl", ~~ se~ "3R -a"'8 H~i ;§~ -.-J c§ ---j SHEET. . UNPLATTED 713,33' I S!)JTH U~ !" ~ .§. !!?'~ ::J I --235,00' NE 1/1 SEC 16 N 8'3"01')4" 'W SOUTH LINE OF SEl/4 or SOU-lli...!:.rNE_~ .. ~_.V"...QE.......S 89"0]'l4" ~E~_I 1326.88' NIo' 1I1 NE 1/4 SEC 16 ~7a.33'. c@V ~Et'i& '3 > J' EXIST,LDT A I f: ztNNG ""'6'''' C§V --j :::r-t~ I y....>~ EXISf.u~~t~~.Bi~80 AC. [J" RENTON l.AND RECIlRD No.. LND 20 0623 : [ ~ ~ f" , , ~ " SI£ET • 60' ACCESS ~ uTILITY ESMT (SEE NDTE 2 ) LOT 6 LUA-DI-090, SHPL 9.64029 AC. ~ SHEET INDEX I; l.j 12I~9/15 SHORT PLAT OF LOT " CASSIDY COY! PLAT KING CIll..NTY D.D..T. ~TII\I FAC1LlTY KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY lJII[T ISS MONROE AVE, NE, RENTON VA 9BOS6 (206)177-1773 FAX G!OS)296-7719 JOB NO. 02067 1039906 SHEET 5 Dr 6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division -- 1055 South Grady WaY-Renton, WA 98057 Phone-425 430 7200 I www rentonwa ROV LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: Arborist Report , IAK-- Biological Assessment, Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display 4 Construction Mitigation Description ZAND4 Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet, vvt(... Drainage Control Plan, 0 Drainage Report , f~ ~ Elevations, Architectural, AND 4 V Environmental Checklist 4 EXisting Covenants (Recorded Copy) lAND' EXisting Easements (Recorded Copy) lAND' Flood Hazard Data, Floor Plans 'AND' Geotechnical Report 'AND' Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual, V<}- Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed, Vti r Habitat Data Report 4 , Improvement Deferral, VV') Irrigation Plan 4 Ott-c- COMMENTS: RECEIVED JAN 0 S 2016 CITY OF RENTON PlANNING DIVISION PROJECT NAME: SIWrr..T fLltrctF tAr frJ Clt»IOYCoVC PI rvrr-l--P L-fr"7 DATE: I'll" (/) 1 H : \ CE D\Data \Fa rms-T em pi ates \Self -He lp Handouts \Pla n n i n g\ Wa iversu bm itta I reqs. docx Rev: 08/2015 , . LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site. Landscape Plan, Conceptual. C6fC, Landscape Plan, Detailed. ~ Legal Description. Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk. Map of Existing Site Conditions. Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan. Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis. Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Post Office Approval, V~ v Plat Name Reservation. Plat Plan. Preapplication Meeting Summary • Public Works Approval Letter, Rehabilitation Plan. Screening Detail 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan 'AND' Stream or Lake Study, Standard. Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental. Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 ~ Street Profiles 2 !Jt1. Title Report or Plat Certificate lAND. y Topography Map' Traffic Study 2 V~ Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 CAt'--' Urban Design Regulations Analysis, Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 VO( Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final, t:AJrC-- Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary, 2 H : \ CE D\Data \Fa rms-Temp lates\Self -H e I p Han do u ts \Pla n n i ng\ Wa iversu b m itta I reqs. do(x Rev: 08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 'AND' Inventory of Existing Sites 'AND' Lease Agreement, Draft, AND' Map of Existing Site Conditions, AND' Map of View Area 'AND' Photosimulations 'AND' This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: 3 H : \CE D\Data \Fa rms-T em plates\Se If -H el p Handouts \p la n n i n g \ Wa iversu bm itta I reqs. docx COMMENTS: Rev: 08/2015 LOT I LUA-m-090 SIf"I.. ® @) I-----~ LOT B LlIJH)7-U5-F'P NE 4TH ST i ,! , I----'@)="~ ~ ~. NE 2ND ST TI'J 8t DOCAltD FIlR RI'J. • , ! j SHORT PLAT SITE MAP or LOT A CASSIDY CDVt PLAf ~!"(j eaUIliT'l' DEPI<RTHENT Of TRANSPORTATION rIOAD St.~VIC' Dlv{SU:)N -l>URVE;'I' liNn ,5' r.<QN~OE: AVE 'iE, R[t(TtlN, VA 11l0'56 f2~6) <177--1773 F"AX ,2()6)e96~l11,} JOB NO. D2061 lli!3'J'6 I~' \lID[ IUIoI SnnP TO 11[ DED[CATE .... LOT A LUA-07-n~p @> LOT A UJA-07-1~5-f"P ® Q1;!> LaT 7 LUA-OI-090 SHPL --' ("'''''' I mob. .. 250 IL ~ LOT 6 1...uA--Ol-OiO ShPL ,. ! @ LOT 5 RECEIVED JAN 06 20\6 lTV OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION , Parcel Map Check Report Client: Client Client Company Address I Date: 115/2016 1:14:21 PM EXISTING LOT "A" Description: Process segment order counterclockwise: False Enable mapcheck across chord: False Prepared by: Preparer Your Company Name 123 Main Street North: 178,463.7104' East:l,308,699.4512' Segment# I: Line Course: N89' 01' 14.38"W Length: 1,326.876' North: 178,486.3892' East: 1,307,372.7690' Segment# 2: Line Course: N I' 04' 44.59"E North: 179,232.6079' Segment# 3: Line Course: S89' 07' 08.35"E North: 179,230.1777' Segment# 4: Line Course: S54° 41' 16.72"E North: 179,031.8988' Segment# 5: Line Course: N36° 03' 09.68"E North: 179,126.6134' Segment# 6: Line Course: N48' 31' 41.68"E North: 179,166.9094' Segment# 7: Line Course: S66' 32' 05.07"E North: 179,157.5793' Segment# 8: Line Course: N44' 41' 30.52"E North: 179,251.6413' Length: 746.351' East: 1,307,386.8243' Length: 158.047' East: 1,307,544.8526' Length: 343.026' East: 1,307,824.7674' Length: 117.152' East: 1,307,893.7147' Length: 60.847' East: 1,307,939.3063' Length: 23.431' East: 1 ,307,960.7996' Length: 132.314' East: 1 ,308,053.8551' RECEIVED JAili 06 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION , Segment# 9: Line Course: Nl' 04' 52.69"E North: 179,442.8063' Segment# 10: Line Course: N53° 58' 29.87"W North: 179,491.8835' Segment# 11: Line Course: N8" 25' 11.99"W North: 179,642.9653' Segment# 12: Line Course: N5° 50' 45.79"E North: 179,683.2636' Segment# 13: Line Course: N29" 51' 24.36"E North: 179,803.2959' Segment# 14: Line Course: N59" 20' 37.79"W North: 179,881.5362' Segment# 15: Line Course: N32° 38' 32.75"E North: 179,976.1847' Segment# 16: Line Course: N 1" 04' 30.81 "E North: 180,114.1604' Segment# 17: Line Course: S89" 07' 08.35"E North: 180,113.6222' Segment# 18: Line Course: Nl 004' 30.81 "E North: 180,526.2446' Segment# 19: Line Course: N 1" 04' 30.81 "E North: 181,062.6111' Length: 191.199' East: 1,308,057.4633' Length: 83.445' East: 1,307,989.9763' Length: 152.728' East: 1,307,967.6126' Length: 40.509' East: 1,307,971.7387' Length: 138.402' East: 1,308,040.6398' Length: 153.447' East: 1,307,908.6382' Length: 112.402' East: 1 ,307,969.2672' Length: 138.000' East: 1,307,971.8568' Length: 35.000' East: 1,308,006.8527' Length: 412.695' East: 1,308,014.5969' Length: 536.461' East: 1,308,024.6637' · , Segment# 20: Curve Length: 60.397' Delta: 7.1304 (d) Chord: 60.358' Course In: S8° 43' 53.34"E RP North: 180,582.9255' End North: 181,068.0461' Segment# 21: Line Course: SI° 04' 30.81"W North: 179,796.7530' Segment# 22: Line Course: S89° 01' 08.35"E North: 179,787.0145' Segment# 23: Line Course: SI° 04' 17.04"W North: 179,706.0287' Segment# 24: Line Course: S89° 07' 08.35"E North: 179,705.5674' Segment# 25: Line Course: S89° 03' 39.93"E North: 179,700.9792' Segment# 26: Line Course: S 1 0 04' 17.04"W North: 179,480.7767' Segment# 27: Line Course: S89° 03' 39.93"E North: 179,474.1676' Segment# 28: Line Course: Nl o 04' 17.04"E North: 179,694.3701' Segment# 29: Line Course: S89° 03' 39.93"E North: 179,693.8785' Radius: 485.310' Tangent: 30.237' Course: N84° 50' OIA7"E Course Out: NIO 36' 03.73"W East: 1,308,098.3357' East: 1,308,084.7762' Length: 1,271.517' East: 1,308,060.9161' Length: 633.353' East: 1,308,694.1942' Length: 81.000' East: 1,308,692.6796' Length: 30.000' East: 1,308,722.6761' Length: 280.00 I' East: 1,309,002.6395' Length: 220.241' East: 1,308,998.5213' Length: 403.331' East: 1,309,401.7982' Length: 220.241' East: 1,309,405.9163' Length: 30.000' East: 1 ,309,435.9123' , Segment# 30: Line Course: Si o 04' 17.04"W North: 178,451.5 I 68' Segment# 3 I : Line Course: N89° 01' 14.38"W North: 178,455.5334' Segment# 32: Line Course: S I ° 04' 17.04"W North: 177,960.6189' Segment# 33: Line Course: N89° OJ' 14.38"W North: 177,963.3695' Segment# 34: Line Course: N7° 53' 07.72"E North: 178,157.9084' Segment# 35: Line Course: N47° 36' 45.96"W North: 178,463.7081' Perimeter: I 0,9 I 5.936' Error Closure: 0.0025 Error North: -0.00232 Precision 1: 4,366,373.600 NEW LOT "A" Description: Process segment order counterclockwise: False Enable mapcheck across chord: False North:180,113.6237' Segment# 1: Line Course: N89° 01' 08.35"W North: 180,114. I 6 I 8' Segment# 2: Line Course: N89° 07' 08.35"W North: 180,122.9005' Length: 1,242.579' East: 1,309,412.6781' Length: 235.000' East: 1,309,177.7124' Length: 495.001' East: 1,309,168.4567' Length: 160.929' East: 1,309,007.5512' Length: 196.396' East: 1,309,034.4955' Length: 453.616' East: 1,308,699.4522' Area: 2,356,898.54Sq.Ft. Course: S22° 34' 00.95"E East: 0.00096 East: I ,308,006.8528' Length: 35.000' East: 1,307,971.8569' Length: 568.331' East: 1,307,403.5931' Segment# 3: Line Course: Nlo 04' 44.59"E North: 180,534.4875' Segment# 4: Line Course: S89° 13' 02.42"E North: 180,526.2465' Segment# 5: Line Course: SIO 04' 30.81 "W North: 180,113.6242' Perimeter: 2,030.995' Error Closure: 0.0005 Error North: 0.00054 Precision I: 4,061,988.000 Length: 411.660' East: 1 ,307,411.3454' Length: 603.308' East: 1,308,014.5971' Length: 412.695' East: 1,308,006.8529' Area: 248,672.51 Sq.Ft. Course: NllO 53' 35.25"E East: 0.00011 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO LUA-XX-XXX, SHPL FILE NO. LND- NfIl Tl£ OWNER or THE LNfD tMIRACED VITH R[TURH FlJ;I THE BENEf'ITS TO ItoCCRUE F"RDH THIS SUBDMSIIK IY SIGHING H[A£ON QJVEHNtTS Nm ~S TO COrfVtY 11£ JENEnCIAL INTEAf;ST IH THE MEV tASDlEHTS SKJ\o'H FCR lHlS SfIItT PlAT TO Nl't AND ALL F'UTl.RE PlItCHASERS 17 1)£ LUlS DR IHr 3UBDMlJONS TI€ADF. THE CDVEHANTs SHALl. R'-" \11TH THE LMIl AS SHOWN IJl1 THIS $IOU PlAT. SKlRT SUliDIVlSICN IS !WI: WITH FREe CDNS£NT AND IN ACCOFtDANC£ "\11TH fRO: ~ ANI) 1M ACCIlRDAItCE VITH THE DEstR( Of" no: II\IN£RS. IN Wln£SS MltREOF' 'tIE !£r CQR HANOS AND SEAlS. ..... .... NAME I aRTFY THAT I KNOW Oft H"'~ SAlISFACTORY E\1DDIC[ THAT 9GHEO lHIS DEDlCAlION AND ACKNOM.EOG£D IT 10 BE (HIS/HER) FR£E AND VOlUNTARY N:T fOR 'DIE USES AND Pt.IfIPOS£S t.£N1kWED IN lME IHSlRUWENT. ~~~.~~~=------------------­ NOTMY PIJII.JC PRlNlm NAYE f7 ~ARY~ ______________ __ rru ______________ __ MY APPOft1W[NT DCPII£$ ________ __ STATE CY' ) ISS COIJNlY OF' ) RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................. .. FILED FOR RECORD THIS . __ ...• DAY OF __ ......•..• 20 .••.... AT _ .•...• M IN BOOK ......... _ or ........ AT PAGE. ........ AT THE REQUEST OF .................................. . SURVEYOR'S NAME ....................................... SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: art OF" RENTON DEP4RlloIENT OF COUNUNITY AND ECONOMIC OE\£lOPJ.lENT EXAWJNED NoID APPROWD THIS ___ DAY OF 20 __ _ ...... 1S1RA"" DEPARlMEHT or COI&IUNITY AND E~OMIC ClE~OPt.IENT SECTION 16 T23N RSE ,""M, .,,, SEE SHED' i! I'l:R IOU'DR' DEsc. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE n·ns LOT UNE AO.AJSTMENT MAP CORRECll'f REpRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE 'MTH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIAl[ STATE AND COUNTY STAT\JlE AND OROINANC( IN ................ 20 ....... . ··DAVyii··s· .. 'Ht'c·K·E'if······ .. ··· .. .. CERTIFICATE NO. ~?~?~ .... .. DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE EXAWINED AND APPROl.'ED THIS ___ DAY OF 20 __ _ ASSESSOR SCALE: HlA OtPuTY AS:5ESSOR PORTIONS OF A~NT~ __________________ _ NW, NE & SE 1/4(S), 5.16 T.23 N.; R.S E.,W.M. EXISTING LEGAl DESCRIPTIilNS LOT II. CITy IF RtNT~ PI..~T IUtIltR LtM-07-Us-J'P • .r.s RE:(:IlRDED UNDOt RECIJi!8JNG NlMBER 2OD802'210013B5. BEING ,. ~TION or THE: NIlRTH\lrsT OUIIRTE:R lIND THE: JOrTI£AST QUNlTtR ANII Ti£ SCUTIt:.r.sT rru.t.RT(R or SECTION 16. TmntSHJP 23 1OfTH. RANGE 5 £lIST. "'.H..., IN I(IHG CDMTY. IJMHINGTON. EXISTING LOT AREAS, P~-l.AHDSCI\PEI GROSS NET LOT A 60.020891 AC. 54.94157 AC. LOT A TOT N... ACCESS ESHT. CRITICAL AREAS LOT A AREA UNDEVELOPED LOT A BUILDING SQ.rr UlT A= 5.26:( 5.07'5133 AC. 5.'5135721 AC. 16.5060 AC. 3.15769 AC. AREA EX. PAVEMENT:A 2023274 AC. 470 EXIST .PARK. SPACES LOT A (437-495 REQUIRED> EXIST. LANDSCAPING LOT A 15 AC. NEIJ LOT AREAS • GROSS NET LOT A 54.188902 AC. 49.117807 AC. R/W DEDICATION 5,370 SQ.FT. CRITICAl AREAS LOT A AREA UND(VELDPED LOT A BUILDING SQ.F'T LOT 14= 4.73X AREA E:X. PAVEMENT=A 0.123278 AC 5.729109 AC. 16.5060 AC. 2.840954 AC. 19.551771 AC. .lj70 (XIST.PARK. SPACES LOT A (437-495 REQUIR£'D> EXIST. LANDSCAPING LOT A 1.5 AC. LOT X 5.708735 AC. 5.708735 AC. BUILDING SD.FT LOT Xa 5.54X AREA Ex. PAVEHrNTIiA CR!TICAl AREAS LOT A 0.316736 AC. 0.680969 AC. 0206612 AC. SHEET INDEX SITE HAP .,,, F1ELD PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT, tHIS lUt\IEY \lAS PDlf'IJi!MED USHi cttfVEN1lIJPW.. F1EUI TRAVER$[ lIND (iPS rAn STIITIC TtOtIIQIJlf. USINIi SDJO(JA so 3 lIND GmDIM£1'tR Ttrrlll.. STIITlONS lIND ntlHBI.t 401QSSl'S ANIl 470C1, ~ GPS RECEtvDS. ~ EXCEDlS nmE A£QUIRE]I BY Wilt; 332-l3O-O'JO " 332-.:2-111D. NDTESr P BASt; IF JrMtfrG$ IS !WI83I91 ..,IISHlMi1QrII STATE PLANE: ~T£ SYSltM oU' DtTERMINElI IY GPS DBS£RYIITJOoI, 2) 60' IJ«:iIiIE1:SIESS L IJIlUT'I' EAS£M[NT ~T TO ctNIl~S DECLARED ON RDn'ON SHOIIT PLAT I.I.M 01-090 3:1 rDRlItR '" HJGHVIIY STRIJII .. PUllER rASDOIT QUIT ClAIMEJII TO raNCi COUNTY BY AT' Ml3ot'34 .. CITY tF RENTtJt AF ~3. SWSEQUOIT\.Y CITY RENTON QUIT ClAKJ TO ICINIi ctDIT'f IN RtCDRII£II IIDCUN£NT eOl4060400D393 lK.IICA TED EASEMENTS. TffE: F11.UNIHG £.llSENENTS lIRE IrIlt SMlWN DUE TO TK: VIIWDC$S IF Tl£ lICSCRJPTIDt 1) M. 38~ lIN EIoS'OlENT flI' IWUlDliD RI'J Z) ftT. 41",..,. AN t"SDlENT F'DR ,. PlPIl..INE: 3) ftT. 4189946, Nt tllSDIDfT n:R Ii. PJPEUN: AQutnrR PROTECTION NOTICE. 'h£' UITS ~T£D I£RE1N rllll. 'ImHIH ZDNL 2 t1f RENTIlWS AQIJDTJt PRu~ AREA Nfl ARt SUIJECT TO TJ-I; R[0'JR)ItHt'S IF n£ CITY OF' RENTI:J<t lRDllWIC£ 143i5.7. nus CIT'I"S SD..E ~ Of' DRJHIONG "'A TDI' IS Slf'PlIDI f'R!Jt II $HAlUJ\I IIOUIf"ER I.tfIItR n£ CITY'S $Uilf'1IC[. TH£R£ IS Nl NII'TIJRAI.. JMRItR I[TY!:E:H 'fl.£ VIITER TABLE AND TI£ GROUND SlIRF'1ICE. DCTR£H£ CNtt: StO.l..D J[ EXERCIS£II ... tEN HIINIIUNG Nf'r LIQUID SUISTNtt OTHER TMAN ..,IITo;! TD PRUTtCT rIOt ctNTACT \11TH THE: GROUND SlJAf'ACE. IT IS TI£ PRlJPtRTY O'WN£RS R£SPOSlJn.tTY Ttl PROT!:Cf THE CITY'S DRIHKING ..,,.TOt SHORT PLAT or LOT A CASSIDY COVE PLAT KING COUNTY .DD.r. RENTCN rACILITY O'MII. 8Y DSR: 9/3/15 'OB CHKO. SCAU: S>lEn N/A or 6 ,--~ uJ cn CITY OF RENTON FILE NO, LUA- R(NTI>I lD ISO<! N 191109.40 S 89'13'Oi?" [t 91: 1309718.9) • 4' 683.20' TO~~ ... 4' 16 NE 4TH ST 0 RENTON 10 61i! N 1811"5.~4 I -N OO·46'SB" E r: 1:lCI6O!il610 /' ® tiP @l @J ® @ SE:PT. 2000. l'tUiD 4')14' ctM:JIf;T[: tOU4tNT V\ 31'0' BRASS PIN IN CASE: DEc.J99!5. rO~D 4'X4' ClJGtTt ICJU£NT IJ\ Z" BRASS I1IS1( IN CASt lI[c.t9n. F"WND 4')('" aN:'RCTt HDtU£NT V\ CIJ'PER PIN IN CASE D[t.l'J95. rauND JAr.o. 4"X4' CDC. lOI.KHT ..,,\ COPP£R PIN IN CASE: st" CDRN£R st~ 16 aa.HERAT£1I SITIMTED AT ... GO..F C!UiSE GREtH. POSlTtttI CM..Cll.,fIT[JJ PER IlD.S. vtL 97 PG. Z80 :I: 1/4 $tC~ I' LOST IN Ct8M RJV£'R. PDSITlI»l D£T£RMINED IY SU«U: PROf'ORTlON IY ..D€S .. ASSIXJAT£S 1"'4 SUIDIVISII:W AND Cl\t.CUl..ATOI HeREON PtR R.D.S. \10.. 97 fIG. 280 $V CORNEA stCTlDN 16 CAlCUlATED ptR R.D.S. 91 PG280 L ...0«:'$ SUIllIVISUJf SEf'T, 2DOD. F1:l.ND lRASS 1)lS!< SCRIBED '1..$23613 2tIOO • IN CASE: IN SIDEYALIC S£PT. 2000. FtJUND RttAR LSr.I" DUG OUT BY fENtE CDNS.TRUCT~ S[f>T. 2001. rtlUND RUAR V\. LS~ CAP 0.9:1 \ltST SEPT. EGXI. flllND R£BM \of\ LS9S(,7 CHENCJWe:n( CAP SEPT. euoo. rtlUHD SJ'8" RUM OJ1' £AST SEPT. 2000. FlILIID ~ JRMS DISIC aJtCRET[ ~ IN CASE SEPT. 2UIO. flUID ~ a:tfC. ~ \11'\ TACK IN LEAD OJ5' SI1rTH .. I1W 'llEST SEPT 2GDO. f1UfD IDe. .. V\JRA$S PIN II.3IY EAST NfD D.1O' SIJJTH stPT. 201m. FlJl.WD coc. ..... \NIM$S PIN JH iDtUMOIT CASE SEPT. 2000. I"IlIMD CDC. MOM. V\ IRAS$ DIS!< IN HIlNlI4EHT CASt J£NtS S4a-.n\I ~. TO CH.CI.l.ATLD PT SEPT. 200D. FlUID aN;. Hm. IN CASE N&~I3-G\I O.:iO' IF CALC. PT HARDt etIOl. ~D kING CXl.NJY ROM L CAP tulY [~ST AND 3/-V lP, 0JI5 IC2RTH AND G..10' EAST Dr SAUl REMR NMCH 2CIOI, ~ ICING CDlM'Y RtJAR .. CAP MARDI 2001. F1JJN1l CDC IOIJHDtT V\8RASS PIN iI.6O' [AST , 0.10' I'OTH fWDt 2001. flUID KING tuNTY ADM • ClIP [lJO' [AST KARCH ecGl. f1l.IND cdc. /«Jrl V\ 1 lIZ" IRASS DISK DI HDNtKHT t/tSt: atMS N43-3I-2SE Il62 TO CALCULATED PC I~ ~ '" LOT B @ i!/. • on S~ 8;~ '" LilT 1 4.731117 AC. Lu,t,...Ol~O'IID. SJiPL @) NEW' LOT X 5.7118735 N:RES PlRTJOoI IF LOT '" U>H1-U...,. ® " " .:. " ~ ~.:..., .;- of::lt){J ~ol.&roJ ;.4 ~IO~' tb V l'J~f'O)¥ .;~ I? ....... \o~ " .... I? ~IO '? 01"0"'31" IJ 139.00' S 00'25'12" £: 152.73' N 89·07'09" 30.00' N 89'0:1'40" 280,00' LOT A """"......,. OCI$T 6O.Di!!OIP.U AC. NE .... I.CT '" 5-4.1889\12 1oC, <@) !II ~ !:! " ~ RECOROING NO. VOL./PAGE IDO 300 SCALE: 1 tMCH .. 200 n. 111111 iLl _ o 200 ----;w-o SHEET INDEX S 090 03'40" £: 30,00' LOT 4 Lt/IIHII--09lI, Stft.. ... '" "" cg, LOT A .....,......,. E:XlST 60.020891 At. NEil LOT '" !l4J811902 lot. <@) z _," I~ Of' THE: [AST 31 n. --• --..... lIEDICA m FlIt RIV nl'n4'17" £: LEGEND @J aR£I'" fOUfJfr IiOI\D..S + rtIt.Im sttT~ tDRNER + CN..CUI..ATED stCTD.! CtRt£R .0. FllUND IllNHD Cl:ll:NER ~ tAi...aL"'TED CiltMATEA! CORNER • I4IItUC[NT IN CUE f1J..HD • """""""rtn.ND • ADAR [Jl ~ PJI>t rDI.IIID o '"' IR IN Pt..As:TIC CAP SCRIJD 1.Sl~ @.l T",X LOT NO. ® ~~v~g;I~LSIBt22 t:;::.~; .. ·1 ASPlW..T PAVlNG 181 sa 518 IR VI I 1/~ ...... CAP SlANPED lS Zge9~ SOUTH LII£ OF" SE:V4 [If'" I'l' 1, ... ", co •. , ,.-Of NE 1/4 i5 Ite .~ CITY OF RENTON LAND RECIJ.RD No. ;~; Z ;0; ~ ;; ::: Z '13/15 " I. 21 E478.33 LOT A ~-JllI-f1' <@) '" s 89·01'1 .... E: SHORT PLAT Of LOT A CASSIDY COVE PLAT KING C[]~TY D.[lT. R(NTCJ.I fACILITY Kl»:i COUNTY DEPARTM(:NT or TRANSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVE:Y UNIT 155 MONROE AVE. NE. RENTON ';IA 98056 (206)-477-1773 fAX ·'206>2%-?119' JOB NO. 02067 1039906 SHEET Z OF' 6 :.-~ ,- .J._ w.J r .. F' CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA- LIDtRTY RIDGE PHASE (, VOL 220 PAGE 46 <@VIC@:> I aOlk 11!. ~ ~ ... , .. I", H. [3009 liE 4TH sn I LUA-07-t15-FP <® 'w'ASHINGTDN GRID NORTH_"' __ -<(il~"~"'-';:)o __ _ N()RTH ZONE 4601 \/[ST LIN[ ( LDT 3 LlM-02~-SIf'l. filDS V[L 156 P6 286 >OFT. ~ ~ r£"" EXIST,LOT A LUA-07-115-rp EXIST. AREA 60.020991 AC. NE'w' LOT X f»® " LOT 1 29 "57 '54 •• T 153.34' R 572,96' l 299.65' -~50-;- EXISTING LOT -4.73107 AC. LUA-0l-090. SHPL @ SEE NDTE RECORDING NO. VOL./pAGE 50 150 SCAUE: 1 DfCH "100 ". .11'" ! I --, o 100 200 " J1\. REN11lN ID I>l2 \:.../ N 181145.64 [ i306D96jO @ SHEET INDEX LOT 3 LUA-Ot-090 5.304B3 AC. NEW LDT )( 5.708735 AC. @ E9 PRIVATE 60' ACCESS & UTlLlIY ~ ESM7CSEE NOTE 2' L /c..~ \: ~/.., ACCESS AREA l.2072 SO. rI. <@) ~I T':--0;1 60' ACCESS 8. UTILITY [SMT (SEE NDTE 2) @ S 01"004'31" ~ ,l. ".,.-;;;:-. .:u.v S 01.04'31" \I ' ,'J I" -00, ,/ ~;. ti:~ . 7525' 1054,,,,,, ,., ',.. . 1 •• .,30' ""-~ ~.~ I :n:!\. OS S 01"04'31" .., 12 1.52' EAST LINE or THE \I 11"2 OF' HE 1/4 • US} /g ~ ~ LJN>I..ATTtD OS or TI£ N\I 1/4 SEC 16 '-J I? Co<? rlN(; 96' \lIDt II: )3' INGRE: LOT A LUA-07-1I5-F'P EXIST. AREA 60.020891 AC~ ... ; NE'W' LDT AREA 54.188902 ""'1 @) CITy OF' RENTON LAND RECORD No. '/3n:5 SS .. UTILITY EASEI£NT LUA-07-115-F"P CURVE TABLE ~ SHORT PLAT OF' lOT A CASSIDy COVE PLAT JeJN(j CIllNTY D.O.T, RENTI:Ji F'ACILITY KING CDUNTY DEPARTMENT Dr TRAnSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY UNIT 155 MONROE AVE. NE, RENTON I,/A 9BOSO (20(,)477-1773 FAX (206)296-7719 JOB NO. U2067 10399CJ6 SHEET 3 OF' 6 !.~ ~LI '~.'") CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA- <@) @ TRACT B ~ ~ if ~ ill ~ ~ w i .. ~ " ~ ~ '" iol :J @ z TRACT B @.) LJI1 SHEET 2 S 99'07'08" E: - -SOUTHLU~E-OfNf"!;';; LOT B SHEET 62 AeRtS til" J4<;1,IS4 [3009 h£ <!TH Sll LUA-O;-IIS-F"P @ pi $" ~. -t~. -,' ~C g .. - ~~ I---~$)~ >2 u t:I ~ " z i:. ~ w w '" -' ~ M W " LUA-OI-090 5.3~AC. ~ ,+ " .".,.,~" ~/'» •• '~~~ .... '" , ~ ~ ~ , .' J.' ~ ~, h ,~~ ~ II rtf:>,;, ~A;, ."f::f .'!),. ~~ ~ '0 ~w ~~ " <- @ IU:NTON III 15II~ N ,8L109 ~o £: 13[111749.93 ACCESS I!. UTIUTY (SEE NOTE 2) TRANSHtSSJIlH lll£ (SIoIT. Ptll IW ~"85476 VOl./PAGE 1 INCH .. 100 PT. 50 150 ,..... [ I o loa 200 ~~' . ",",," - - f NE 2ND ST ro-s' WIK III:I'W KIlIC ... nljllf 3,255 so. n. 89"07'23" E 535.41' HARN sT .... -.!Arr. S ~ !!: "I ~~all\ ~ .. ~..r.-. 1J'~ ..... v~ 'f>. . RENTON ID 1984 NGS Pin SY:s646 HAD 83"1 USf' N 17'137.95' t 13D8390.95'J' IMvll9B a 340.93' N Oi'()4'23'" [ 454.(10' 41·55'37" 1,1 16604 SQ,fT. if t ~ ~ = S 00"52'37" '" 33'0.00' N 88"'54'56" ~ ~ ~ ;;} I ~,~n. I a ~ ",/ji ~ EXIST.LOT A LUA-07-11S-FP EXIST. AREA 60,020891 Pte. N('W LOT A 54.198902 AC. @V ~ '30" S 019~.U"~ S 10"02"59" E +, 27).02' '" i SHEET INDEX IJASHINtiTDN GRID NORTH NIlRTH ZONE <4601 05"29'21" [ 151.24' 20' SANITARY SEWER T[] CITY OF" ' .... 3/1::\ RENTtfII PER' AFe3'~'.~I~'D~'~9~5'-___ -;::o.;"'''n.AT-------l \;7:~:-~--------"\------i"----i"-----r----i"----i"---r----~~~ll~~~~~~-r----i"---r----~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~T~H~L11N(~~S~V~I~/~'~~ -.. ~~. ~I N\J 1/4 SEC IE. NE 1/-4 SEC 16 or LDT A CASSIDY CovE PLAT KING CDOOTY D.O.T. RENT~ fACILITy OF RENTON No. ~ • 1'-" :..2-_ w_ c~ CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA- RECORDING NO. VOL.jPAGE SO ISO ~ SCALE, I INCH -100 Fr. 111111 i I J o lUU 200 I~ .. T~~~~L.~~ LINE UHf. TO PSE S 89'07'00" [ _ -HJR!tI1.LNEJ...'WI JL4 JC. I;LILLSt;£..IL 'JASHJNGTON GRID I'ilRTH NORTH :zDlIE "'601 s OI"04·119.1.Y-~ S 01"04',3" \I 879.86' s S 10'02'59" E -;-, 271.02' ~ 5£ l!iI ~§ ~£ >E I~ !l~ ~ ~ S 99"03'40" E 53C'.oo' 1:5' VAT[~ (SMl 10 cn'!' or RENHlN P£R Af 9310160894 ~ 05'"29'21" [ 151.24' ~ C 2-40.30' .. &::10 mlD!:J I S 89'03'40" E!1l <Sa; I'IIlTr 5> EXIST.LOT A LUA-D7-ltS·F'P EXIST, AREA 6D.02D891 AC. NE"" LOT A 54.198902 AC. ® I I ~ I 1 I I'" w I~ It{ I; I~ I~ r I~ IE u I~ I~ , , 1 1 1 , -I Q i" i NORTH 7l1.!5' IF THE EAST 30 n. -• ---DEDICAT£D rtR RI'J ACCes.s .. UTlLrTY [SHT 10 THE CIlY [f" RENTON peR Ar 9ill9iJ~:J. AND 9Ble0909EII:. 01"04'17" E 301.2 ... • TOTAl.. nm. CQ/oN:. HDN. IN I:II$E 1I.05'N .. 0.15'£ 01'04'17" '.I ~~ rB 0' :~ r~ ~~ r. -" ". ~~:g .\'~ -" -" ~2J~ < • .f-q ~u~ 7.50' @ .---------- ~. ~~ "~ @ ~. "" @ 20' SANITARY SE\lER TO ClTY Dr .... ,~, ..... , ....... .. RENTON PER AF8310180895 SHEET 4 N 89'0\'14" \J SDuTH UNE: S\II 1/4 OF S 89"01'14" t 713.33' SOUTH LINE S'w' 1/4 or S 89'01'14" £ 13Z6,8B' N ..... 1/"1 SEC 1 NE 1/4 SEC 16 -479.33' Z3S.oO' NE lI4 SEC 16-------- r 1~" EXIST.LOT A CITY or RENTON LAND RECORD LUA-07-lls-rp EXIST, AREA 60.1)20091 A( I --j ~ ~ SHEET 5 ACC($S !'. UT!Ll [Y OMT (SEE NOTE (? ) LOT 6 lUA-lJi-090, SHPl 9.64029 AC< @ SHEET INDEX ,/31,5 SHORT PLAT or LOT A CASSIDY COVE PLAT KING cl:l.JNTY MT. RENTON rACILITY KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY UNlT 1'55 HONRoe: AVE. HE. RENTON 'WIA 98056 (206)477-1773 FAX (206)296-7719 ~O1l" N[]. OC067 1039906 SHEET !5 [F 6 t- ~ ~..:.:... LL, "./) CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA- I I RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE .:!.... 20' SANITARY SE ..... ER TO CITY or _~I ti H RENTON PER AfSJIDI80B95 r . . -. -. --f :!: :!: SHEET .. I ~ @ Ur-PLATTED GO' "cccs~ L uTILIty CSHI 10 11< tHY IT RCNTllH ptR AT' O)O'JIJ<.'{)';J9t AttD OOIOO7{k.">Q. SOUTH LINE (f" SEll'" OF' SOUTH LINE SIJ 1/4 IY :s 99'01'14" E: 713,33' SOJTH LINE SlJ 1/4 or S 89·01'l-4" E 613.34' NIJ 1/4 S C 16 HE 1/4 SEC 16 ~ 478.33' 235..00' N( 1/4 SEC i6 ----a.a.34-Ti:iTAL: ----- UNPLATTED *1 6, EXIST.LOT A I SHEET 5 LUA-D7-IIS-fP • EXIST. AREA 6OD20B'31 AC. --i NEW UlT A 54.100902 At. ". 160-93' S 99·01'1-4" E ;I~ ." 00-sO:O ." 60' ACCESS 8. UTILITy ESMT (SEE NOTE 2 ) LOT 6 LUA-DI-09(]. SHPL 9.64029 AC. @ 335.93' 673,35'---- ----T -----!. B..20C!lli:..f ~8~S' SCALE, ii ____ ' :!! u \:l • :, l:I to; • :, ~ ':I! :; "'I ~I a zl I LOT 7 LOT 5 12.7246 AC. v§ UNPLATTED S 01°04'1'" IJ 1319.06' ~I u \:ll fi ::1 -, ~I 1;;, ~ "I \-------- LUA-Ol-D90, SHPL 14.9912 AC. @ "" ,.~ "IN .~ Pill a ,., I:!! I~ I~ Ito; I~ II;; I~ ~3],3' ___________ L N 89'OD'54" '" 1326.71' CITV OF RENTON LAND RECORD No. 2I LUA-OI-090, SHPL @> I 10-~~ I", i~ .73.3S' I SI)JTH LIN[ Dr THE N'W 1/4 Dr SE J/4 SEC 16 ----T 50 150 1 I!ICH .. mo n. II •• II -,-------,------,---~ • 100 200 S ."01'"" ( V1 1326.67' 15 SHEET INDEX 'WASHINGTON GRID NORTH NORTH ZONE 4601 9/3,11:5 SHORT PLAT Dr LOT A CASSIDY COVE PLAT kING COUNTY D.O.T. RE"NT~ rAelun KING CDUNT't DEPARTMENT []V TRANSPORTATION ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY UNIT 155 MONROE AVE. NE. RENTON 'WA '78056 (206)477-1773 FAX (206)296-7719 JOB NO. 02067 1039906 SHEET 6 Of" 6 ;::-- i_I-; cr, I <",">« ~ 6 ,..,.::._1'6\';«; ~~ ~ tl ~ ~~~:';;i1~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;:1;;1 ~8~§~!k ~ -;3 '" Q 8:..:; C) <"> 0 :s:::: C) rs~~~;§~~~~~~~~~2 ~;j6"'~g~ I "l §lo .@ ~ -» -r -:gg~"'g i:;;;: 01 @.JI;9~~.Yl ~@ ... ., ~~-O9<::-~S It ~"""G"'1j r~-o->¢@.q-*T Q. ~ ~,. g (I) !~; ~; ~~~~~i! ~~ ~£~£ ~i!I;;j~i3~i5 c ;;; iI ~ '" '" '" '" '" '" -< ~~r; qOz ~~ ~i ;g;g;g~~ii~ ~~~ g =! ; lI:: < <iii '" :!:: g f;; f;j J;i ~ '" '" ::: Zf'T1 C h~"~ £ >-i'::~ 9:; CI):::O £:;;!:« o;:'ilil ~~~"II"":::~ !i~("1 • ~ g ~ili;li '" o~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ t!l~ -< ~~'" ~ ~~ ~ ~ g lI:" n i§ ~ ~ ~ -., ~ ~£ <'iii "lI::"""'~Z1:$ ~~ -< Fi • • 'c g ~ is ~ ~ ~ ;;l ~ ~ ~ /:; ~ --~~~~~~~ ~~'"-<g£~ C1 i !~ -E ~ ~ 2 ~ oi~ :E:::F! ~o ~ , -t:i ~ 2" r i ~ ~ ~" ~~r ~ ~ i ."" ~ !i1.... 8 .~ " ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;*;;;~~;~~~~~;¥~;1~~~;1~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~;~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~;~~ ~~~~~re~~~~ot~~~~;~~~~~g~~g;~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~g~~2;~~~~~~;g::~~?'~~8~!~~~~~~~g~=~t~~8~~~~~~~re~~~~;~~~~g~~8~~~~~~~~~::~~~~8m~~~~~~~~~~w~~~~~~~o~ §§~;§~!§§§§~§§§§§§§§§§Q§§§§§§g§§§§§§i~~§§§§§~~~~§§§§9§§~~t~~~§~~~~~§§§~~~;§§~§~~§§§§§~~~~§~§§~~t~t~~~~;~i~;i~i~~~~~I~~~~~~\S~~~~§;;~~~i~~i~t§§ ~;g~:g~;~m~~m;.oroN~mro~;oo~g~~o;;g~ru~~rurugN;ru;~~~~~orurug~o~gg~~~g;~~~~;~N~~~~ru~mrug~~~m;m~~~~~~;~ro~~~~~.~gN~~~ru~ru~N~N~ru;~ruNru~o~~~rum:ru;ru~Ngiru;ruru;~; ~~~~~~~§~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~§~;~3~~;~~~~o~~~S~~g~~oo;;;o~~u~~g~~~~~~~~u~~~~u~~~oooooSo~~~~~~~~~~~oo~~3uuo~~u~u~~~uu~~~~~;~~~~~o~~oug~~~~~~~~~~~ <4 , \ l r I"'l o I"'l Z o :< ~ ~ ~ '" ~ '" • z iii ~ z ~ d '" -< )! ~ !D f;i i " -~ ~ 2 ~ , ~~~~~~~~;;~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~;t~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~*~~~~~~;~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~;~g~~=~~~~~~~s~~~re~~~~~~~~g2*~f~~*~~~~~~~~t~~~~~$~=;~~~~~~~~~~~*g~~~~~~~~e~=~~~~~~e~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~re2~~g~~lli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~=~~~3~~~~ ~~~~~i~1~1~~~~~ii~~i1~~1ili~~~~~ ~80~~~N~~~~~~S~~ro~ro~~~ru=~~~8ru;~S ~NUre~~.;~;=~~~;~;;~~~~;;~~;~;;w~ z o -l I"'l V) V) I I"'l I"'l -l ...... 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I' ~l,~ 10117 SQFT, H~ ~ 2.03702. AC. .' '" I N 01'04'17" E 301.24' '11. . L . ~ "'--.--.---' ~--~----"" , ~ fL~J+:).!I~ '\ '/)11\\' ~ ~ .. @ . I~ Ii '\ .~~c Ii S 01'0<'11' ,.0.! I! ~\ . ') 8"':1 II :~ 39'J3:~',~ <'i I, !!;~., . . . n 'Il', I • c ~.~ • _ -2 -: ' . _ N "·03'<0" V ! ! i' m.33' ---=----f 1m . =-c~-"<c~=~ ,t . -" " ", ., _." --,,-_w,o, x x x x--r~ -..,-~, ..... :-:--t-*H, x . I S 89'03'40' (24!l30' X X X [ , i.[""s O~'()4'_17" ." ~1440 SF--i880SF~~,--,--.--.-l840 SF H840 SF I.'I~.·' ) 'so , i· II~' . ( .c"C" .. ~ .. ~=< = .. ,-'"~ .. '~' . . . . ·;I.11 ... . I"~ .~ , . . . . " _ .. ", ' .. ,"_" ,'" . " e~ .p: • . '.' ........... ·~IA> • )~; -'--- c~~~ ( . // ~/ (f r ... _-.'; lin it]] -:II n 1 4 I xl I I < x I II ~. \.·1 I .' x~-x ___ x_ ., \~:;' <"I -x--x-_x __ x~'~ ... ' I ~.·.I r/! 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