HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1SCL Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Project Extents Legend • Ex istin g 230kV SCL transmission structure -Propo sed Overhead ADSS fiber aligment Jurisdiction Uninco rporated Kin g County .. Rento n Seattle I L.J Tukwila N + Dirk Frailey ~ Seattle 9 cityLight HOR Engineering , In c . 1001 SW 5th Ave , Suite 1800 Portland , OR 97204 (503)-423-3887 1-)~ SCL Creston-Talbot Fiber Project within Renton City Limits +-Ex isting 230kV SCL transmission structure Dirk Frailey HOR Engineering . Inc . 1001 SW5thAve.,Suite1800 Portland , OR 97204 (503)-423-3887 ~ Seattle ~City Light 1:, ~·~tt ll' l ii ~ Light 1-)~ """" , .... ,nt, ... .30~1>..-Hf '\)D["'ff"'"". "'""· .. ,.,., ... H ~, ~,,,-, ,,u.,...,......,..,,..._,~ ''-'"'" ..,,,,. -,,-. RENTON . WA CRESTON -TALBOT FIBER ADDIT IO N(;._ 230 KV TRAN SMISSIO N LI N E PLAN & PROFILE ~ =3 I 1····" '''"'' ", .... , v ,-"", 1 OF 3 <§, ~atilt' ( ii) l.i~h, ~ PROPOSED ADSS FIBER OPTIC CABLE ,! -11 --!--,it --,;;l---!---rl j \ ! r! - -+-'*~~~~~ ,il~ 1 1 ,,l~ I -=:::= ---::;:i.--1" I -----r _,,,,.-I .......__ I -----~ 1-)~ !:]--""'"···'Ft•:-,~ t -C,,.N "< · Ft •"" 0 ... ~ST -·--------- --···-··-·--1""·-~· ,..,.,_ .. ,, .. ,""". j """"" "'""" RENTON.WA ?EP 219 2~.1 C RESTON -TALBOT FIBER ADDITION 230 KV TRANSMISSION LINE PLAN & PROFILE SIU LT '-CAcC I " ,· >m " 2 QF 3 """ .. wlrrm'Y1tr::srnN1r!r11,11J'> ( I 1 ) 1:N1~<rnw1111.A 1 1 u 1<1~1,<(H'Nn _ I I~-!~ 'IE, ~·auleUt) Light I-)~ l----i----_-l-----:+--75;~+----i----===jjt==---111, • ! j ,,L-1- --------1--- ,!1! ---+---=::-t-~-:;::, R E NTO N . WA CRESTON -TALBOT F IBER ADDITION 230 KV TRAN S M ISSIO N LI N E PLAN & PROFILE I 1 ···" ~c'3 ., .• , .,,.,....,v,·...,,3 QF3 -Alignment ,:.• C~y Ltmtt Parcelw,!hin300 1ee.ol Al,gnmanl 0 Partel .... CITY OF RENTO: DEP ARTIVIENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 6, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Seattle City Light Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Variance LUA (file) Number: LUAlS-000710, V-A Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Kris Sorensen Acceptance Date: October 12, 2015 Applicant: Dirk Frailey, HDR 1001 SW S'" Ave, Ste 1800, Portland OR, 97204 Owner: Seattle City Light Contact: Marissa Gifford, H DR PID Number: ERC Determination: Date: Aooeal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved Date: November 17, 2015 Aooeal Period Ends: December 1 2015 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant requests an Administrative Variance to add a new overhead fiber optic cable line to existing transmission power line structures within a Seattle City Light (SCL) utility easement corridor. The cable line addition stretches approximately 2.5 miles within City of Renton. The variance request is to allow the new line to not be undergrounded as required by Renton Municipal Code section 4-6-090. The new all-dielectric fiber optic line is proposed from Creston Nelson in Seattle to Talbot Hill substation within an approximate 2,640,000 sf easement corridor. The corridor is within Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential-a (R-8), Residential-10 (R-10), Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations and runs across private and public properties including public right-of-ways. The new line is proposed at a similar height as other cable lines on the power line structures at approximately 40 feet and greater above ground. Major crossings include Burlington Northern railroad area, the Interstate 405, and City right-of-ways. The new line would attach to the existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line structures. No site or access improvements are anticipated and ground disturbance would be minimal. Work areas would be approximatelv 150 radial feet around each oower structure. Construction is anticipat~ , begin in November 2015 and be c leted in December 2015. Location: Existing utility transmission corridor between the Creston Nelson substation in Seattle and the Talbot Hill substation in Renton Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-S1gn1f1cance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Nome: Project Number: Project Manager: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Project Summary: Project Location: Easement Corridor SF: Site Area: November 17, 2015 Seattle City Light (SCL) Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Variance LUAlS-000710, V-A Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner Seattle City Light (SCL), 700 5th Ave, Suite 3200, Seattle WA, 98124-4023 Dirk Frailey, HOR, 1001 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1800, Portland OR, 97204 Marissa Gifford, HDR, 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue WA, 98004 The applicant requests an Administrative Variance to collocate a new overhead fiber optic cable line to existing overhead electrical transmission support structures. The transmission structures are within a Seattle City Light (SCL) utility easement corridor. The variance request is to allow the new communications line to be installed overhead and not be installed underground as required by RMC 4-6-090G. The line is proposed from the Creston Nelson substation in Seattle to the Talbot Hill substation in Renton. The cable would extend approximately 2.5 miles within Renton boundaries. The easement corridor is located within the Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential-8 (R- 8), Residential-10 (R-10), Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations. The new cable would extend over private and public properties. The new line would attach to the existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line support structures. No site or access improvements are anticipated and ground disturbance would be minimal. Work areas would be approximately 150 radial feet around each power structure. Construction is anticipated to begin in November 2015 and be completed in December 2015. Existing utility transmission corridor between the Creston Nelson substation in Seattle and the Talbot Hill substation in Renton. 2,640,000 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/A 2,640,000 SF Total Building Area GSF: N/A Project Location Map Variance Report_15-000710 City of Renton Department of Community & omic Development SCL OVERHEAD CRESTON-TALBOT FIBER PR __ CT VARIANCE Report of: November 17, 2015 ! 8. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND: ministrative Variance Report & Decision WAlS-000710, V-A Page2of6 The applicant is proposing to collocate a new fiber optic line on existing overhead transmission structures within a SCL utility easement rather than underground. The SCL utility corridor is located within residential and commercial zone designations. The proposed all-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) fiber optic line would extend approximately 5 miles in total, between the Creston Nelson substation in Seattle to the Talbot Hill substation in Renton, with approximately 2.5 miles within City boundaries (Exhibit 3). The new fiber optic cable is a communications line that provides information from the electrical grid, a security system, and a pathway to control electric 'traffic' flow between different utilities that use the electric infrastructure. Major overhead crossings include Burlington Northern railroad area, the Interstate 405 freeway, and street rights-of-way. The new line is proposed at a similar height as other existing cable lines on the overhead structures at approximately 40 feet and above (Exhibit 6). The City's undergrounding regulations (RMC 4-6-090G) require the installation of new electrical or communication facilities to be installed underground. Therefore, the proposed new line should be undergrounded. The portion of the proposed new overhead cable would begin near the intersectionof 5 130'h St and 34th Ave 5 (Exhibit 4). The cable would then travel in a southeastern direction toward the City View Church parking lot, north of the intersection of SW Langston Rd and Hardie Ave SW. The cable would then continue southeast across SW Sunset Blvd and through the Renton Fred Meyer Shopping Center parking lot. The cable would continue southeast across Rainier Ave 5, 5 Grady Way, and 1-405 before turning due east. The remaining length of line would then travel up the hill and terminate at the Talbot Hill substation. The proposed design would attach the cable to existing steel pole and lattice transmission line structures. A construction crew would access each transmission structure site to attach the cable and required hardware. The anticipated work area around each existing support structure site would be approximately 150 radial feet in work areas the utility has previously used. Collocating the new cable on each structure requires special vehicles, equipment, and trained linemen. The proposed overhead line would cross geologic and other critical areas. Water features under the existing utility line are the stream classifications Thunder Hills Creek Type Np, Rolling Hills Piped Creek Type Np, and Culvert Type Ns along Renton Ave 5, and the Flood Hazard Area in the Renton Village Shopping Center area. Geological features along the existing utility corridor and under established support towers are moderate and high landslide areas, high and moderate coal mine areas, seismic area, and sensitive and protected slopes. I C. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Staff Report, dated November 17 2015 Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Legal Description of SCL Easement and Associated Parcels Site Plan Request for Variance Construction Mitigation Description Plan and Profile Critical Areas Maps Zoning Designations Map Variance Report_lS-000710 City of Renton Department of Community & Jmic Development SCL OVERHEAD CRESTON-TALBOT FIBER PRO,.CT VARIANCE Report of: November 17, 2015 i D. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF}: ninistrative Variance Report & Decision LUA15-000710, V-A Page3of6 Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes and enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested an administrative variance from RMC 4-6-090G to install a new communication utility line on existing SCL overhead utility support structures for an approximate 2.5 mile distance within City of Renton boundaries instead of undergrounding the line. 2. Administrative Variance: The applicant's administrative variance submittal materials comply with the requirements necessary to process a variance request. The applicant's proposed plan and profile are provided as Exhibits 3 through 6. 3. Existing Land Use: The subject SCL utility easement corridor is approximately 2.5 miles within City of Renton boundaries that are located on residential and non-residential properties and public rights-of-way (Exhibit 8). 4. Zoning: The subject 2.5 miles of easement is within the Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential- 8 (R-8), Residential-10 (R-10), Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations (Exhibit 8). 5. Topography: The easement corridor varies in topography, with relatively flat areas near the Renton Shopping Center and Rainier Ave S crossing to more steep sloped areas where the line comes into Renton from unincorporated King County and where the line crosses the Interstate 405 freeway and heads east to Talbot Hill (Exhibit 7). 6. Lots and Building Size: The proposed cable line is within an SCL easement corridor approximately 2,640,000 square feet in area. The new line would extend approximately 2.5 miles within Renton and be collocated on existing SCL transmission support structures. I E. CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA: Renton Municipal Cade section 4-6-090G.2 "Utility Lines -Underground Installation -Variance Procedures" lists three criteria (a, b, and c) that the Planning Director is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on an Administrative Variance application. These include the fallowing: Underground requirements may be waived by a variance only if the utility owner, user, or any other affected party can demonstrate an undue hardship in the placement of facilities underground. The criteria to determine if there is an undue hardship are: a. There is a technological difficulty associated with the particular facility, or the particular real property involved, or: The applicant contends that practical difficulties exist in considering undergrounding the proposed new utility line. The applicant states that to install the fiber optic line underground would require directional boring under developed/improved properties including parking lots, streets, and highways (Exhibit 4). These streets and highways include Interstate 405, Rainier Ave S, and SW Sunset Blvd. The applicant's proposed design (Exhibit 6) is to install an attachment point on the existing support structures and string the cable through hangers. The applicant contends boring 2.5 miles underground of developed properties would require specialized machines and could cause problems or conflicts with existing underground known and unknown utilities. Variance Report_15~000710 City of Renton Department of Community & omic Development SCL OVERHEAD CRESTON-TALBOT FIBER PRv,cCT VARIANCE Report of: November 17, 2015 ministrative Variance Report & Decision LUAlS-000710, V-A Page 4 of 6 Staff has reviewed the applicant's response to review criteria "a" and concurs that exploration of, and boring of a new underground utility route for a single new cable could cause conflicts with existing known and unknown utilities within the highly developed City Center area. Additionally, the single line if required to be undergrounded, would require crossing multiple critical areas including steep slopes and a stream along Interstate 405 (Exhibit 7). b. The cost of undergrounding such a facility which is deemed by the Administrator to outweigh the general welfare consideration implicit in underground installation, or: The applicant contends that the existing level of improvements and development within Renton, where the new cable would be located, would add significant cost to undergrounding as compared with undergrounding where the land has not been improved (Exhibit 4). The cost to underground compared with collocation as proposed is significant where "estimates put it roughly 8 to 11 times more [cost] than the construction cost for stringing it overhead" (Exhibit 4). The applicant states that costs related to undergrounding would include completing a subsurface utility exploration to locate existing utilities and obstructions along the route, directional boring of the route, installation of the conduit and cable, repairs of the bore locations, and clean up. The intent of the proposal is to have SCL do the overhead stringing in house where undergrounding would require special construction crew for a significant cost increase. Staff has reviewed the applicant's justification of review criteria "b" and concurs with their analysis. Based on the information submitted by the applicant, staff anticipates that a new ungrounded single cable line would multiply costs of the project upwards of eight times or greater the cost of the proposed collocation alternative. c. The growth pattern of the area has not been sufficiently established to determine the ultimate service requirements of major service routes: The applicant contends that the proposed cable line would provide a vital data communication link for SCL's current and future needs and for the needs of neighboring utilities (Exhibit 4). Additionally, the applicant states that the proposal: • Supports security and redundancy to the established SCL transmission line, • Provides a pathway to yield usage for other utilities, and • Provides technological progress with the use of fiber optics to maintain the electrical grid. Staff has reviewed the applicant's justification of to review criteria "c" and although the applicant did not directly address the growth pattern of the area, the applicant did provide response that the new line would support the existing SCL electric grid system with the technological upgrade. Variance Report_lS-000710 City of Renton Department of Community & >mic Development SCL OVERHEAD CRESTON-TALBOT FIBER PROJ<CTVARIANCE Report of: November 17, 2015 I F. CONCLUSIONS: ninistrative Variance Report & Decision LUA15-000710, V-A Page 5 of 6 1. The subject site is a Seattle City Light utility easement corridor that extends from unincorporated King County near 841h Ave S and NW 3'd St, in a southerly direction towards S Grady Way, and in an easterly direction towards the Talbot Hill SCL substation. The subject utility easement corridor is located within the Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential-8 (R-8), Residential-10 (R-10), Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations. 2. The utility lines and underground installation regulations of RMC 4-6-090 requires that all new electrical or communication facilities to be installed underground. The applicant is requesting approval to collocate a new fiber optic communication cable line within an existing utility corridor. 3. The requested variance meets the three criteria to be considered in making a decision on a variance request for underground installation as specified in RMC 4-6-090G. The analysis of the proposal according to variance criteria is found in the body of the Staff Report. I G. DECISION: The Administrative Variance for the SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project, File No. LUAlS-000710, is approved: DATE OF DECISION ON LANO USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: . \t \s,l;I, I -( I) th,~ V i ' '· Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Department of Community & Economic Development TRANSMITTED this 17th day of November, 2015 to the Owner/Applicant/Contact: Owner: Seattle City light 700 5" Ave, Suite 3200 Seattle, WA 98124-4023 Applicant: Dirk Frailey, HOR 1001 SW 5" Ave, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97204 TRANSMITTED this 17th day of November, 2015 to the Parties of Record: K. Gilbert 1603 S. Eagle Ridge Dr, Suite #2 Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED this 17th day of November, 2015 to the following: Chip Vincent, Administrator Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Jan Conklin, Development Services Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal Variance Report_ 15-000710 Date Contact: Marissa Gifford, HOR 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004 City of Renton Department of Community & Jmic Development SCL OVERHEAD CRESTON-TALBOT FIBER PRw.,f VARIANCE Report of: November 17, 2015 11inistrative Variance Report & Decision LUAlS-000710, V·A Page 6 of 6 H. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONS/DERA T/ON, & EXP/RATION The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on December 1, 2015. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days ofthe effective date of decision, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The variance(s) approval will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A variance one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-2508.17. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Variance Report_ 15-000710 EXHIBIT 2 SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Request for Variance from Undergrounding Utility Line Legal Description SCL's easement for this project area is generally described as: Approximately 300 foot wide transmission easement within City of Renton, beginning in the NW quarter of Section 18, Township 23 N, Range 05 E; and ending at Talbot Substation in the NW quarter of Section 20, Township 23 N, Range 05 E (address 2400 Puget Drive SE, Renton, WA 98055). Please see the attached figures for a depiction of the easement. List of Parcels A list of parcels is provided below from King County (2014) for SCL's easement within the City of Renton. 0007200126 0007200149 0007200151 0007200190 0007200209 1223049016 1823059006 1823059018 1823059021 1823059022 1823059023 1823059033 1823059034 1823059050 1823059052 1823059054 1823059055 1823059069 1823059072 1823059079 1823059089 1823059093 1823059094 1823059100 1823059106 1823059107 1823059110 1823059123 1823059128 1823059133 1823059134 1823059135 1823059138 1823059148 1823059149 1823059151 1823059152 1823059156 1823059157 1823059166 1823059168 1823059169 1823059170 1823059176 1823059177 1823059179 1823059180 1823059182 1823059183 1823059185 1823059186 1823059188 1823059189 1823059191 1823059192 1823059193 1823059194 1823059195 1823059196 1823059199 1823059200 1823059203 1823059205 1823059208 1823059212 1823059215 1823059218 1823059219 1823059224 1823059226 1823059228 1823059230 1823059233 1823059238 1823059243 1823059258 1823059260 1823059261 hdrinc.com SOO 108th Ave N~, Swte 1200, Bellevue, WA :?Wl04-5549 (42S) 450 6200 1823059266 1823059267 1847200005 1847200010 1847200045 1847200055 1847200070 1847200090 1847200095 1847200105 1923059031 1923059032 1923059043 1923059054 1923059063 1923059068 1923059074 1923059090 1923059101 1923059102 1923059103 1923059105 2023059010 2023059012 2023059023 2023059029 2023059031 2023059032 2023059033 2023059035 2023059055 2023059080 2023059084 2023059086 2023059088 2023059089 2023059090 2023059097 2023059111 2023059112 2023059113 2023059162 2142000000 2144800266 2144800270 2144800276 2144800280 2144800282 2144800486 2144800765 2144800778 2144800825 2144800845 2144800850 2144800852 2144800887 2144800890 2144800891 2144800894 2144800895 2144800900 2144800903 2144800905 2144800906 2144800910 2144800911 2144800915 2146500030 2146500250 2146500260 2146500270 214650TRCT 7231600135 7231600140 7231600170 7231600195 7231600200 7231600285 7231600295 7231600315 7231600345 7231600355 7231600390 7231600430 7231600445 hdrinccom S00 108th Ave Nt, Suite 1200, Rellevue, WA 18004-':,549 1425) .150-6200 7231600460 7231600470 7231600504 7231600505 7231600506 7231600507 7231600515 7231600542 7231600595 7232000010 7232000020 8663500005 8663500015 8663500020 8663500025 8663500135 9133600005 9133600010 9133600015 9133600090 9228900065 SCL Creston-Talbot Fiber Project within Renton C ity Limits Le ge nd N ·+-Existing 230kV SCL trans.mission structure + -Proposed Overhead ADSS fibe r al igme nt Dirk Fra iley HO R En gi nee ring , In c. 1001 SW 5th Ave , Suite 1800 Portla nd , OR 97204 (5 03 )-423-3887 @"-.8?ttle .-,c1ty1 m >< ::t t-1 0:, t-1 -4 w SCL Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Project Extents Legend • Ex isting 230kV SC L tra nsmission structure -Proposed Overhead ADSS fi be r aligment Jurisdiction Unincorporated King County I! Renton Seattle .. Tukwil a N + Dirk Fra il ey ~ Seattle ~City Light HOR En gineerin g , In c. 1001 SW 5th Ave ., Su ite 1800 Portland , OR 97204 (503)-423-3887 1-)~ September 24, 2015 Chip Vincent EXHIBIT 4 Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Written Request for Variance from Undergrounding Utility Line Dear Mr. Vincent, Seattle City Light (SCL) is proposing to install a 5-mile installation of new overhead all-dielectric self- supporting (ADSS) fiber optic cable between Creston Nelson and Talbot Hill substations near Renton, Washington. Approximately 2.5 miles of the new line are within the City of Renton. The proposed ADSS cable would be installed on existing transmission power line structures within the existing transmission corridor between the two substations. This new ADSS cable would provide a vital data communication link for SCL's current and future needs, along with the needs of neighboring utilities. HOR Engineering, Inc. (HOR) is providing engineering and permitting services to SCL for this project. HDR staff attended a Pre-Application Meeting (PRE15-000517) with the City of Renton on July 23, 2015. At this meeting, we were directed to prepare a written request to the Administrator for a variance from undergrounding the proposed utility line. The letter serves as our written request, and provides justification and response to applicable review criteria found in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6-090G.2. Detailed Project Description: The portion of the proposed overhead ADSS alignment that would run through the City of Renton would begin near the intersection of S 130th Street and 84th Avenue S. The ADSS cable would then travel in a southeastern direction toward the City View Church parking lot north of the intersection of SW Langston Road and Hardie Avenue SW. The ADSS cable would then continue southeast across SW Sunset Boulevard and through the Renton Shopping Center parking lot (address of 365 Renton Center Way SW}. The cable would continue southeast across Rainier Avenue S, S Grady Way, and 1-405 (near the Chrysler, Hyundai, and Mazda dealerships, and Roxy Cinema) before turning due east. The remaining stretch of fiber would then travel up the hill and end at Talbot Substation. The total length of overhead fiber within Renton City limits would be approximately 2.5 miles. See the attached map for the proposed alignment of the overhead ADSS fiber optic cable. Aesthetically, the new cable will be generally in line with SCL's existing transmission lines (see attached Plan and Profile for more information). Site Improvements: The project is being designed to attach the new AOSS cable only to existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line structures within SCL's easement. Therefore, it is anticipated that no site or access improvements would be necessary and ground disturbance would be minimal. Construction Methodology: A construction crew will need access to each transmission structure site in order to attach the ADSS cable and required hardware. Retrofitting the cable to each structure includes the use of special vehicles, equipment, and trained linemen. The anticipated work area at each structure site would be approximately 150 radial feet. Construction crews would need access to structure sites after the new ADSS cable is installed to finalize installation of hardware and remove stringing equipment. Work associated with this project will occur within SCL's easement to the extent possible, but portions of the project will require work within City rights-of-way. Project Schedule: Project construction is anticipated to begin in November 2015 and would be completed in December 2015 (approximately 29 days). RMC 4-6-090 Utility Lines-Underground Installation RMC 4-6-090 requires all new electrical or communication facilities to be installed underground unless exempt or a proposal receives a variance from the requirement. Variance procedures are listed in subsection RMC 4-6-090 where the Administrator of Community and Economic Development has the discretion to grant variances. There are three review criteria where underground requirements may be waived by a variance only if the utility owner, user, or any other affected party can demonstrate an undue hardship in the placement of facilities underground. Responses to the applicable review criteria found in RMC 4-6-090G.2 are provided below. 2. Review Criteria: Underground requirements may be waived by a variance only if the utility owner, user, or any other affected party can demonstrate an undue hardship in the placement of facilities underground. The criteria to determine if there is an undue hardship are: a. There is a technological difficulty associated with the particular facility, or the particular real property involved; or Applicant's Response: The new ADSS fiber optic cable is proposed to be co-located on SCL's existing transmission line easement and infrastructure. To install the fiber optic line under ground it would require directional boring under the existing parking lots, streets and highways in that area. The current design calls for installing an attachment point to the current structures and stringing the fiber through the hangers. This method is standard and relatively quick and inexpensive. To bore would require specialized machines and could cause potential problems with existing underground known (and unknown) utilities. b. The cost of undergrounding such a facility which is deemed by the Administrator to outweigh the general welfare consideration implicit in underground installation; or Applicant's Response: The project area within the City of Renton is highly developed, and contains residential, commercial, light industrial, and transportation uses. Undergrounding of the new ADSS fiber optic cable would be prohibitively costly due to this high level of development. The cost to underground the ADSS vs stringing it overhead is significantly larger. Estimates put it roughly 8 to 11 times more than the construction cost for stringing it overhead. The process to underground it would entail completing a subsurface utility exploration to locate existing utilities and obstructions along the route, directional boring of the route, installation of the conduit and fiber, repairs of the bore locations and clean up. It is the intent that SCL would do the overhead stringing in house, whereas the underground option would require a special construction crew for a significant cost increase. c. The growth pattern of the area has not been sufficiently established to determine the ultimate service requirements or major service routes. Applicant's Response: This new ADSS cable would provide a vital data communication link for SCL's current and future needs, along with the needs of neighboring utilities. The project area that will be served by this new cable is already highly developed with various residential, commercial, light industrial, and transportation uses. The new fiber will add security and redundancy to the SCL transmission line and provide a pathway to yield traffic for other utilities that could use the fiber for their system. The addition of fiber optics for utilities has become more important as technology progresses and is pertinent for maintaining the grid. Based on this information, SCL is requesting a variance from the Administrator from undergrounding the proposed utility line, and permission to co-locate the new ADSS fiber cable onto SCL's existing utility line infrastructure. If you need additional information or have any questions on this request. please contact Dirk Frailey, HDR (dirk.frailey@hdrinc.com, 503.423.3887) or Marissa Gifford, HDR (marissa.gifford@hdrinc.com 425.450.7112). Sincerely, Dirk Frailey HOR Project Manager EXHIBIT 5 SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Request for Variance from Undergrounding Utility Line Construction Mitigation Description 1. Proposed Construction Dates: November 2nd, 2015 through December 14th, 2015 2. Hours and Days of operation: work crews will work on weekdays only, during normal day working hours. Exceptions to this will be during construction of spans over major transportation crossings (Interstate [I-) 405) that may require work during late or early hours and/or on weekends to limit impact to traffic as much as practical. Seattle City Light (SCL) will notify property owners adjacent to the SCL right-of-way (ROW) 2 weeks prior to the commencement of construction work. 3. Proposed Hauling/transportation routes: Routes will be limited to roadways adjacent to the SCL project ROW, and on roads to and from SCL designated staging sites. 4. Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic, and transportation impacts: No dust mitigation measures have been considered, as ground disturbance will be minimal for this project. Most construction work occurs at existing structure locations, and most structures are located away from major roadways, so construction work can progress without major impact to traffic. Most major equipment setups will occur in parking lots, open field (within SCL ROW), and on small non-arterial streets. If traffic control is necessary at these locations, then proper signage, flagging personnel and cones will be in place to clearly route traffic around equipment. Major overhead crossings for this project include the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad crossing and the 1-405 crossing, and the requisite permits have been submitted to these agencies (including traffic control plans and safety measures). 5. Special hours: work outside of normal weekday hours (e.g. weekend(s) and/or early or late hours in morning or evening) may be necessary to negotiate the 1-405 crossing. This is to ensure as small an impact to traffic as is practical. The traffic control plan submitted to WSDOT consists of a proposed coordinated rolling slow down with local law enforcement to allow a brief duration of time sufficient to transport a pulling line from one side of the interstate to the other on foot. Other than this crossing, work during special hours is not anticipated. 6. Preliminary traffic control plan: On streets within Renton that may require traffic control, one side of the road would be closed off (through usage of cones and signage) and flaggers would be placed to direct traffic through the remaining portion of open roadway. As noted above, SCL will notify property owners along ROW in advance of construction as a proactive measure to help lessen impacts to local Renton traffic. hdrinc.com :oo 108th Ave NL Suite J 2no, Bellevue, WA 93004-SS49 \425) 450 6200 \, " •,DH ,...,, ""'~n'"..:'"' "Jf;:;:"~ ~~-~.';,';~N f>•I ....... ... <t~ Seatt le Ci l~ 1.igh1 I-l~I I-)~ ~.,, .. ·-~·----»-~ =·~ , ... ~ • .,..,, "'-""'"'-"' ......,_.,c ,,..,.,oe~ / CRESTON -TALBOT FIBER ADDITION 230 KV TRANSMISS10N LINE I~ PLAN & PROFILE m X :::c .... 0:, .... -t CJ\ I 1··'" .,. .. , ~,·.,oo ~,-.o, 10F 3 (ff SeailleCit)· f.-ight \' ~ ~· ~/" ) / PROPOSED ADSS F-IBE:H OP r 1c CAHLF ,3 1 I .~ I ,i I \ I d I d I ' , , I ~;., ;,:, II e!-1!,-:r== ~il =ir== I =------+-------1u :=,1-~ I l~:.;-1 I-)~ .. : .. ::~· :-:.:::::.--=-===--:::. = PRELI MINARY NOT FOR CONST RUCTION ,__J__LL "":"" RENTON , WA CRESTON -T ALBOT FIBER ADD ITION 230 KV TRANSMISSION L INE I PLAN & PROFILE I •. ,m ~ ::=::::/ .,. ... 1 .. ,-.,.,..,v,··"", 20F3 -~··1 I I / / 7 / / / """· / / " " / ' -YM " // '/ ) / '; "' / /, > ' "" " I d1- ;---t-----'~t~=+= -"'I-- =---m=tE~S~=± I -'-= I 1 -,,.·o·•,.1 •·-1 I-)~ . • ,,,-, --w•,__.,_.~ :.: •. ,.,.~, "~" o,sc""''"'~ .... ~.._ .. ,, ......... ~ (Is Se attl e City Li ~ht R E N T ON, WA CREST O N -TALBOT FI BER A DDIT IO N 230 K V "TRA N S MISSION LIN E I 1•·«> ~· ...... ·=···•,,o I PLAN & PROFILE J ~--~ None 0 1.247 623 1,247 Feel WGS_ 1984 _ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere ~ton,~) Finance & IT Division City and County Boundary o..,, [:] OtyofRenton Wellhead Protection Area Zones O Zooe1 • Zone 1 Mod,fied • Zon,2 f2l Floodway 0 Special Flood Hazard Areas (100 year flood) lnfonnatlon Tec hnology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa .gov 11 /17/20 15 • >90% (Prntec1ad) Streams (Classified) Type$ Type F Type Np TypeNs EJ Wetlands Th1smap1sausergeoeratedsta1iccu1po1fromanlmernetrnapcingsileand 1sfor re1erenceonly Datalayersthatappcarontn1srn.iprn.iyormaynolbe acc.uralecurrent.orotherw·serehable THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION City of Renton Critical Areas 0 1,247 623 \IVGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxil iary_Sphere r,n,nf n ~on ".'') ~lll ~~;-) Finance & JT Division Lands lide • VERY HIGH • HIGH MODERATE UNCLASSIFED F:.i1 1lt~ Information Tech nology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 1 111712015 Th1smap,sausergcncr;;itedstat1coutputfromo111nternetmapp,ngs1teand 1s'orreferenceonly Oatalayers lhatappearon th1 smaprn.iyormaynotbe accuratecurrentoroti"e rw1seret,able THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION City of Renton Critical Areas None 0 1,247 -623 1,247 feet WGS_ 1904_Web_Mercator_Au,:iliary_Sphere ~;, Finance & IT Division Legend City and County Boundary au,,, [:J D tyofRenton Coalmine • HIGH MODERATE UNCLASSIFIED lnfonnatlon Technology. GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa .gov 11 /17/2015 n11s map 1s a user generated sra11c ou1pu1 irom o1n lmernet rn~poing si1e and 1sfor referenceonly Datalayersthatappearorith1smapmayormay1101be accuratecurrl:!ntorotherv.•serehab.e THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION :... .... i..-. I ~-·-·· ~-·-·· ~Et ··-···; -· ,S King .count)',; R·8 RENTON R·S R·14 R·14 ., R·lO ·, ( i iR·8 ; .i R·S Notes None R·8 0 R·II~ z . .. t .; R·lO R·lO R·8 1.247 623 1,247 Feet VVGS_ 1984_Web_Mercator_Aux1liary_Sphere City of Rerrfofl (i1 Finance & IT Divi sion XHIBIT 8 Zoning R·6 R·6 R·6 R·6 Legend City and County Boundary Other [:J CityofRenlon Zon ing • RC-Resource Conservation R1 -Residen11al 1 du/ac R4-Res1denlial4du/ac R6 -Res1denlial -6 DU/AC R8 -Res1den1ial8du/ac • R10-Resioen11al10du/ac Inform ation Te chnology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 1 111012 015 R·8 "' .. > <{ C 0 t ~ R·S R·6 . R·8 Ptuhp CN-Commerc.al Neighbornood • CV-Center Village • CA-Commercial Arterial • UC-Urban Genie< • CD-Cen1e< Downtown COR-Commercial Office/Res1denlial • CO-Commercial Office IL-lndus1nal -Light • IM -l ndustrial-Med1um • IH -lndustri al -Heavv Arnold Pa'* R· Th1smap 1sausergeneratecstat1coutputtroman1ntemetO"app,ngs,1eand 1sfcrreferenceonly Oatalayers1hatappearcnlhismapmaycrmaynctoe ac~urate cur'er·\ orotherw1se'el1able THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQ REPORT DA TE: Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Project Summary: Project Location: Easement Corridor SF: SiteAreo: Novemb LUAlS-000710, V-A Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner Seattle City Light (SCL}, 700 s'h Ave, Suite 3200, Seattle WA, 98124-4023 Dirk Frailey, HDR, 1001 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1800, Portland OR, 97204 Marissa Gifford, HDR, 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue WA, 98004 The applicant requests an Administrative Variance to collocate a new overhead fiber optic cable line to existing overhead electrical transmission support structures. The transmission structures are within a Seattle City Light (SCL} utility easement corridor. The variance request is to allow the new communications line to be installed overhead and not be installed underground as required by RMC 4-6-090. The line is proposed from the Creston Nelson substation in Seattle to the Talbot Hill substation in Renton. The cable would extend approximately 2.5 miles within Renton boundaries. The easement corridor is located within the Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential-8 (R- 8}, Residential-10 (R-10), Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations. The new cable would extend over private and public properties. The new line would attach to the existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line support structures. No site or access improvements are anticipated and ground disturbance would be minimal. Work areas would be approximately 150 radial feet around each power structure. Construction is anticipated to begin in November 2015 and be completed in December 2015. Existing utility transmission corridor between the Creston Nelson substation in Seattle and the Talbot Hill substation in Renton. 2,640,000 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/A 2,640,000 SF Total Building Area GSF: N/A Variance Report_lS-000710 Leslie Betlach · · :f~c, \::.:L "o(, ot',.,..; ~h. Plan Review Routing Slip v,i,,_ ad '-<) ,,. ''1( ~ ,S,(<;;;>,Q Plan Number: LUAlS-000710 Name: SCL Creston Talbot Fiber Project; Seattle City Light Fiber -?~d' Site Address: Lineal project cutting from Seattle east through center of Renton to the Talbot Hill substation Description: The applicant requests an Administrative Variance to add a new overhead fiber optic cable line to existing transmission power line structures within a Seattle City Light (SCL) utility easement corridor. The cable line addition stretches approximately 2.5 miles within City of Renton. The variance request is to allow the new line to not be undergrounded as required by Renton Municipal Code section 4-6-090. The new all-dielectric fiber optic line is proposed from Creston Nelson in Seattle to Talbot Hill substation within an approximate 2,640,000 sf easement corridor. The corridor is within Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential-8 (R-8), Residential-10 (R-10), Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations and runs across private and public properties including public right-of-ways. The new line is proposed at a similar height as other cable lines on the power line structures at approximately 40 feet and greater above ground. Major crossings include Burlington Northern railroad area, the Interstate 405, and City right-of-ways. The new line would attach to the existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line structures . No site or access improvements are anticipated and ground disturbance would be minimal. Work areas would be approximately 150 radial feet around each power structure. Construction is anticipated to begin in November 2015 and be completed in December 2015. Review Type: Date Assigned: Community Services Review-Version 1 10/12/2015 Date Due: 10/26/2015 Project Manager: Kris Sorensen Environmental Impact Earth Animals Air Environmental Health Water Energy/Natural Resources Plants Housing Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Light/Glare Historic/Cultural Preservation Recreation Airport Environmental Utilities 10,000 Feet Transportation 14,000 Feet Public Service Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornmental Impacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and /or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections. 16-!_3-15 Date NOTICE OF APPLICATION ~~:i·~·;1::.:'~~~:':,;:: :;:.~c";;:~~::'.'!:;'!::~rl':;!"!i':;;:"!~"!,i:';,°:=:::.:: Publlc>t,~ OJITEOf!>IOTICEOfAPPU\'.AnDM: O<toborn,201.S PROJECTNA,-i[/NUlilBEil:-SUC'llorti .. dCrHton-TalbotF1be,P<ojoct/~UA1.5-0007\0,YAA llf illl PE!IMm/llf',/lfWREQUUTnl: Tr,"""ls<>OnUno u~l1tyCor11dorotcrt!!tonNol,or,inSHnlo10Toll,at~m ,,b,..1.IOt>LnREltoo .lPPI.JWIT/PROJtCT CONTACT PERSON: ~~;:,~=·=d~~~!;.sta IWCl/e.lifllao. WA ~S00'/4ll"4S0· ::-::===:.i."":i:".:::".:'~~~~:..~~=·=~l=~=lS."' :::~:~o;:;;::;,€:~J~l~;ol~~:r..~:i::;~:::·:~d ;~n~:ce~~d•dn:o::1n:=~: ~~:".:1:~~~:,~;:~R::;:~;~~;l::;:~~~~1:,~:~~:,o;.:::.~:-:i~::/"m!"•toth~ fol!Namo/~o .. SCI.Overti!><IUl!ston-T>lbotF,t,erPnl)e<t/LUA!S-O(ICl7lO,~AR MAIUNGA00A£SS: ________ C,l"j/>ta!t/llp: ____ _ -Renton© PLEASE INCtuOE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE 1DENT\flCAT10N SEP!EM81:kl9,201S NOTICEO~COMPI.ETEAPPUCATION: OCTOBEIIU,2015 ~::~::::~::;,b~;:~::,:~ c":a~:i~~;;~i:,~o:~1;:;~=,•~:~=~."!~i:tmp-thi, fOtN• .... /No.: su.0uemHdCrutO,,.Tilb<>tFlbff~,.1ect/LUAl5-00l71.Cl,YAR ________ c1ty/>1ol•f.!lp ____ _ CERTIFICATION I, k V 15 So vtn'lJ:t'.:h hereby certify that ..I..._ copies of the above document wee, pos<ed ;, 4 coosplrnoo; places o, oea,by ""(~bed p,o,~er yon Date: / (:J Ir 3 /; 5 Signed: "'E:_'vvS, , ···~ I I ·--..-------+-i----------STATE OF WASHINGTON 55 COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kc ,, 5~ ,e 0 :,, n signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpos~~,wentioned in the instrument. ,,,," l\11, Dated: ~~');"/?oJi~f.7' -----"-J{'"""-J'I ,;;.;..._....,_.~""'"'-"'---------~ ...-:~'»f,;~'. Notary Pu I f~ +OT-4".L" fJ) 1 :'.\ ~ .., -· -:,:ff Notary (Print): ·" --P' (, c. -\\c-,\J \a1u,s // :A 1\cJ .. BL\ ~5 < ---'-""-'""'-',---'-'-'"""'...,_""---------', ~ ,,,, .?9.11 --"' fll, . t t . A ,, o_,, '"'""'"",,,0,._w,y appo,n men exp1res: __ ,_""'"''~9,,..' .. ll.:'ia..t".c...-"'3 ... "-'1.,-_,·.),.D'-ll_-J.7 ______ _ '•,,,, WAsr11l'I u 1 ,,, Marissa Gifford Contact Seattle City Light Owners Dirk Frailey Applicant 300' Surrounding Properties See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) ,,,,,,\\\\\111, $'"011.-\. y Po 111t ~ ~ ... , ....... '""'''''' ~ ,,, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,; d,, "' ~ /\J\ ,,,,)1 e = .f»,i.\SIIO.i,~,,,, ~11,: signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the l!feS ajif'ptiaMf.,tfi (/) ~ mentioned in the instrument. § ~ ~ 4 ... • ... : i § Dated: o ,. h-f,o / 3 ,)c,s----...... =~~,,.; =~ ;, ~ \ c9. "euc. .i ;:. ,;,, ~0 ',,,,,,·.?9_11 ""o~ _= -c I ,.. ~'# ..,1 -~- Public in and for the State ofWashingt,qr, ;IISH\1-l ,,---- •1,,,\''\'''_,,, Notary (Print): ____ __.tf~· 'v=· ~.,.--~P~"-1/~N~·~>-------------- My appointment expires: , 'i l ;\ +· ·''l,, u<l /'\Lj , X SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project LUAlS-000710, VAR template· affidavit of service by mailing CHAD HARTNETI HDR ENGINEERING INC 8404 Indian Hills Dr Omaha, NE 68114-4049 Marissa Gifford HDR Inc 500 108th Ave NE, 1200 Bellevue, WA 980045549 MBP Integration MBP Integration PID TAXPAYER_NAME TAXPAYER_ADDRLINE City TAXFTAXPA PRESENl 2023059033 AHMADNIA HOSSEIN 10018 NE 16TH PL Bellevue WA 98004 Single Fa 2023059029 AHMADNIA HOSSEIN 1234 Benson Rd S Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 2023059097 ALTITUDE BUSINESS CENTEF 1500 Benson Rd S Suite 102 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 2144800915 ANDERSON MICHAEL G+DEI 13265 89TH AVES Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 ARFSTEN KENNETH E 1615 EAGLERIDGE DRIVE #B-1 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1823059155 BAKER KAREN ANNE 311 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059224 BALIKIAN SCOTT+CYNTHIA 253 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 BANUELOS MAGDALENO+TI 1503 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #4 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2142000000 BARAJAS MARICELLA SERRA 1609 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #2 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2144800778 BEANBLOSSOM JOHN H 8421 S 132ND ST Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 8663500075 BELLOWS/ MITCHELL 401 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2023059113 BERKSHIRE APARTMENT IN\ 1300 EAGLE RIDGE DRS APT O Renton WA 98055 Apartme 8663500065 BOWEN PO BOX 783 Renton WA 98057 Vacant(S 8663500060 BOWEN KELLY D+LINDA D 315 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 4204400311 BROWN DEREK R+CHELSEY 227 LIND AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 BUCHIGNANI PAULJ PO BOX 69618 Seattle WA 98168 Condo,R, 2144800850 BURROUS ERIC 43 303 SE 77TH ST SnoqualnWA 98065 Vacant(S 2142000000 BUSAM MARY R 1633 EAGLERIDGE DRS #A3 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 9133600005 CAMPBELL ROBERT B 251 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 CAPORASO DEBBIE 1505 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #G2 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1923059096 CAR PROS RENTON CJDR 700 S Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Auto She 1823059212 CARS-DB4 LP 585 Rainier Ave S Renton WA 98057 Auto She 1823059089 CITY VIEW CHURCH 200 SW Langston Rd Renton WA 98057 Church/I 1823059269 COLLIER DALE FRANKLIN 308 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059231 CONSTANTINO FELIPE JR 12828 84TH AVES SEATTLE WA 98178 Single Fa 2144800845 COOK TESSA 3517 W GOVERNMENT WY #3 SEATTLE WA 98199 Vacant(S 2144800776 CORPUS DENNIS+ GLENDA 13250 84TH AVES SEATTLE WA 98178 Single Fa 9133600105 CRAFT DAVID J 261 STEVENS AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 8663500020 CRIM LAWRENCE K+MITCHE 211 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059123 CURRAN PROPERITES LLC 621 Rainier Ave S Renton WA 98057 Restaura 1823059123 CURRAN PROPERITES LLC 641 Rainier Ave S Renton WA 98057 Restaura 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT TlOl Renton WA 98055 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2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y201 Renton WA 98055 Apa rtme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y202 Renton WA 98055 Apa rtme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059080 Current Resident 1200 Grant Ave S APT Y304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N105 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N203 Renton WA 98055 Apa rtme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N205 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N206 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N303 Renton WA 98055 Apa rtme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N305 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT N306 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Aves APT 0201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT 0304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P105 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave S APT P205 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT P206 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT P301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT P302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT P303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT P304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT P305 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT P306 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT QlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT Q304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT RlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT R304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5105 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5205 Renton WA 98055 Apa rtme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5206 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5305 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1205 Grant Ave 5 APT 5306 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave 5 APT ElOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave 5 APT E103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave 5 APT E201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave 5 APT E202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave 5 APT E203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave S APT E204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave S APT E301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave S APT E302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave S APT E303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059084 Current Resident 1301 Grant Ave S APT E304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT A304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B202 Renton WA 98055 Apa rtme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B203 Renton WA 98055 Apa rtme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT B304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT ClOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C205 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C205 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C206 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C305 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT C306 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT Dl01 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT D304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT FlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F103 Renton WA 980S5 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F203 Renton WA 9805S Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT F304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT GlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT G304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT HlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT H304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT 1304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J101 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT J304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT KlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K103 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K105 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K205 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K206 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K305 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT K306 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT LlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT Ll03 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L105 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L205 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L206 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L305 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT L306 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT MlOl Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT Ml03 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M105 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M201 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M202 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M203 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M204 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M205 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M206 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M301 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M302 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M303 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M304 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave 5 APT M305 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2023059111 Current Resident 1411 Grant Ave S APT M306 Renton WA 98055 Apartme 2142000000 Current Resident 1501 Eagle Ridge Dr S Renton WA 98057 Condom, 2142000000 Current Resident 1503 Eagle Ridge Dr S Renton WA 98057 Condom, 2142000000 Current Resident 1505 Eagle Ridge Dr S Renton WA 98057 Condom, 2142000000 Current Resident 1511 Eagle Ridge Dr S Renton WA 98057 Condom, 2142000000 Current Resident 1521 Eagle Ridge Dr S Renton WA 98057 Condom, 2142000000 Current Resident 1523 Eagle Ridge Dr S Renton WA 98057 Condomi 2142000000 Current Resident 1527 Eagle Ridge Dr 5 Renton WA 98057 Condomi 2142000000 Current Resident 1529 Eagle Ridge Dr S Renton WA 98057 Condomi 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 100 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 101 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 110 Renton WA 9805 7 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 115 Renton WA 9805 7 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 120 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 200 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 240 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 243 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 245 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 248 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 249 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 250 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 250A Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 250B Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 250C Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 s Grady Way Suite 250D Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 251 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 300 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 310 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 312 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 330 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 331 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 332 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 333 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 336 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 400 Renton WA 9805 7 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 408 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 409 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 410 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 417 Renton WA 9805 7 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 420 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 424 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 433 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 434 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 436 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 s Grady Way Suite 500 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 509 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 514 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 517 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 519 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 520 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 522 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 524 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 526 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 527 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 528 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 533 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 534 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 535 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 600 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 s Grady Way Suite 610 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 620 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 621 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 625 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 s Grady Way Suite 627 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 628 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 631 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 s Grady Way Suite 633 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite 634 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL14 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL16 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL18 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 s Grady Way Suite LL19 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL24 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL25 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL27 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 s Grady Way Suite LL30 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL32 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL33 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 7232000020 Current Tenant 15 S Grady Way Suite LL36 Renton WA 98057 Office Bl 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite 2A Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite 28 Renton WA 98057 Retail st, 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite A Renton WA 98057 Retail St< 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite B Renton WA 98057 Retail St< 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite C Renton WA 98057 Retail St< 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite D Renton WA 98057 Retail St< 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite E Renton WA 98057 Retail St< 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite F Renton WA 98057 Retail st, 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite G Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite H Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite I Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1823059211 Current Tenant 20 SW 7th St Suite J Renton WA 98057 Retail St< 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 1 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 1 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 1 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 1 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 1 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 2 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 2 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 2 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 2 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 2 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 2 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 2 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 3 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 4 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 5 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 5 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 5 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 5 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 5 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 6 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 6 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 6 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 6 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 6 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 7 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 7 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 7 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 7 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 7 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 7231600542 Current Tenant 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 7 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite A Renton WA 98057 Shoppin1 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite B Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite C Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite D Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite E Renton WA 98057 Shoppin1 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite F Renton WA 98057 Shoppin1 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite H Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite J Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite K Renton WA 98057 Shoppin1 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite L Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite M Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite P Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite Q Renton WA 98057 Shoppin! 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite R Renton WA 98057 Shoppin1 1923059043 Current Tenant 601 S Grady Way Suite S Renton WA 98057 Shoppin1 7841300480 Current Tenant 606 Shattuck Ave S APT 1 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 7841300480 Current Tenant 606 Shattuck Ave S APT 2 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 7841300480 Current Tenant 606 Shattuck Ave S APT 3 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 7841300480 Current Tenant 606 Shattuck Ave S APT 4 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 7841300480 Current Tenant 606 Shattuck Ave S APT 5 Renton WA 9805 7 Apa rtme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 1 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 2 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 3 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 4 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 5 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 6 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 7 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059185 Current Tenant 609 Shattuck Ave S APT 8 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 1 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 2 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 3 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 4 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 5 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 6 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 7 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059191 Current Tenant 621 Shattuck Ave S APT 8 Renton WA 98057 Apartme 1823059160 DAVIS JOSEPH J 12830 84TH AVES SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 7841300479 DINSMORE DOROTHY J 1665115TH SW Renton WA 98057 Duplex 4204400313 DO MINH V+YENHOA TRAN 207 LIND AV NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800911 DOMINGUEZ-MONTES MAR 13273 89TH AVES Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 7841300525 DONNELLY MICHAEL T 636 Shattuck Ave S Renton WA 98057 Medical/ 2144800006 DOTY TRINA 12823 84TH AV S SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 2142000000 ELLIS WANDA l+DAVID J PO BOX 78 Nahcotta WA 98637 Condo,R, 1823059258 ERNST TRUSTWASHINGTO~ 610 Rainier Ave S Renton WA 98057 Restaura 2142000000 FAIRMAN NANCY M 1603 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #D 4 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2142000000 FALATKO JAY P 1511 S EAGLERIDGE DR UNIT F Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1823059023 FALL DAVID 8820 S 134TH ST Renton WA 98055 Duplex 9133600070 FITCH-QUINN BRENDA+ZAR 302 SENECA AV NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059192 FITZGERALD MARK J+MOLL \ 700 NW 3rd St Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2023059032 FITZPATRICK STANLEY W 1236 BENSON RDS Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 1823059177 FOTHERGILL REED & LOU 250 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 9133600010 FRANK MARQUIS H+SHIPLE\ 255 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 FROST JAM ES P 1511 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #Fl Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1823059021 GALVIN MARTHA N PO BOX 1468 RENTON WA 98057 Single Fa 1847200055 GARBARINO FRANKL 17633 NE 147TH ST Woodinv WA 98072 Vacant(S 1823059186 GARDNER ADALYN+DALY LIi 618 NW 3rd St Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800866 GIESLER EDWARD C 10121 SHOULTES RD Marysvill,WA 98270 Vacant(S 2142000000 GILBERT KENNETH VERE JR 1603 S EAGLERIDGE DR #D-2 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 9133600020 GLASSCO BRIAN FRANCIS+Jl 270 SENECA Pl NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 8663500015 GOOD CENTER INVESTMEN-313 152ND Pl NE Bellevue WA 98007 Parking(( 2144800235 GORBMAN BERYL ANN+BUl 12837 84TH AVES SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 1823059152 GRECO KATHLEEN 7911 SKOOKUMCHUCK RD Tenino WA 98589 Single Fa 1847200045 GREEN RHODA 262 LIND AVE SW STE B Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059154 GRIFFIN EDWARD L 316 SW LANGSTON ROAD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059233 GROTHEN BRADLEY D 225 LINDAV SW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 7231600595 HAL REAL ESTATE INVESTME 2025 1ST AVE SUITE 700 SEATILE WA 98121 Parking(i 1823059199 HALVERSON GLEN G+ THAIJ 8418 S 132ND ST Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 2144800903 HAMILTON DENNIS W 13213 87TH PL S Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059193 HANADA PEGGY K 622 NW 3rd St Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059151 HARDIN EUGENE Ill 557 Shattuck Ave S Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800885 HELGESON DAVID R+CHERI 18805 S 132ND ST Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 HIKIDA GAIL 1603 S EAGLERIDGE DR #D-3 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 7231600542 HINES INTERESTS LTD PARTI 555 S Renton Village Pl Suite 1 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 1823059170 IVANCEVICH NORMAN+CAR 220 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059188 IWASAKI JOHN+FRANCES T 614 NW 3RD ST Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800825 JACKSON GARY M 8631 S 132ND ST Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 8663500105 JANSEN JOHN & DEBBIE 303 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059243 JANTZEN scon J 14017 SE 278TH ST Kent WA 98042 Single Fa 7841300515 JUCHT TODD COREY 628 Shattuck Ave S APT A Renton WA 98057 Duplex 7841300515 JUCHT TODD COREY 628 Shattuck Ave S APT B Renton WA 98057 Duplex 1823059109 KEEN TARA HASTINGS+NATI 5112 S BRANDON ST Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 KIFLE YONAS 1511 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #F-5 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2142000000 KIMBLE KATRINA L+ASHELY 1505 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #G-3 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2144800852 KING COUNTY-PROPERTY S\ 500 4TH AVE Bellevue WA 98004 Vacant(S 2144800851 LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT I PO BOX 146 Renton WA 98057 Vacant(S 7841300495 LAM STANLEY+FANG HENG 612 Shattuck Ave S APT 1 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 7841300495 LAM STANLEY+FANG HENG 612 Shattuck Ave S APT 2 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 7841300495 LAM STANLEY+FANG HENG 612 Shattuck Ave S APT 3 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 7841300495 LAM STANLEY+FANG HENG 612 Shattuck Ave S APT 4 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 7841300505 LAM WAI 616 Shattuck Ave S APT A Renton WA 98057 Triplex 7841300505 LAM WAI 616 Shattuck Ave S APT B Renton WA 98057 Triplex 7841300505 LAM WAI 616 Shattuck Ave S APT C Renton WA 98057 Triplex 1823059196 LANGLOIS KAREN L 265 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 4204400310 LEE ANDY 215 LIND AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 LEMKE MICHELLE 2020 JONES CIRCLE SE Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2144800890 LI RICK+MARCIA LEON+CHEI 13238 Renton Ave S APT B Renton WA 98057 Duplex 9133600080 LINSE ROBERT M+MARY AN 262 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 7841300500 LO TSZ CHUN+KIM MOO NO 614 Shattuck Ave S APT 1 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 7841300500 LO TSZ CHUN+KIM MOO NO 614 Shattuck Ave S APT 2 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 7841300500 LO TSZ CHUN+KIM MOO NO 614 Shattuck Ave S APT 3 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 7841300SOO LO TSZ CHUN+KIM MOONO 614 Shattuck Ave S APT 4 Renton WA 98057 4-Plex 2144800895 LOPEZ JUAN CARLOS ORTIZ 502 N 44TH AVE Yakima WA 98908 Vacant(S 2144800280 LOUIE LINCOLN A+MARIE D 13030 Renton Ave S SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 1823059261 LOY 334 I NC 604 Rainier Ave S Renton WA 98057 Restaura 9133600090 MALKIN DEVIN R+KATRINA, 254 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 7841300510 MARTINEZ VENITA 626 Shattuck Ave S Other UPP Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059195 MASON JOAN M 611 NW 3RDST Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800012 MASSUCO HEIDI 110 N ARGYLE PL Seattle WA 98103 Utility, p, 4204400325 MCGANN SANDEE K 304 NW2ND ST Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 7841300520 MCMANUS LINDA M 632 Shattuck Ave S Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800891 MELCHER NANCY J 8801 S 132ND ST Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 2142000000 MERCADO BLAINE+LOREN L 1603 EAGLE RIDGE DRS UNIT, Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2142000000 MILLER ROBING 1603 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #D-5 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1823059230 MILLED PAUL F+JENNIFER I 303 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800765 MISSION WEST FOUNDATIO 4533 MACARTHUR BLVD STE~ Newport CA 92660 Mobile r 2142000000 MITCHELL THOMAS J 1615 SEAGLE RIDGE DR# B 3 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1823059135 MOFFATI JOAN L 540 Rainier Ave S Renton WA 98057 Restaura 1823059146 MOILANEN DAN 214 STEVENS AVE SW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059015 MOORE JOHN & MADELEINI 99 HARDIE AVE SW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800910 MOSSMAN JERALD E PO BOX 17751 SEATILE WA 98107 Vacant(S 9133600095 MURAKAMI LANCET 10805 RAINIER AV S SEATILE WA 98178 Vacant(S 2142000000 NAZZARO ROBERT+MARY M 1609 EAGLE RIDGE DR #1 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2142000000 NEUNER RUDY+ELSIE 1615 SEAGLE RIDGE DR #2 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2023059035 NEWTON GEORGE R+CHANC 95-1017 HALEKUA ST Mililani HI 96789 Single Fa 2023059036 NEWTON GEORGE R+CHANC 1228 Benson Rd S APT B Renton WA 98055 2023059035 NEWTON GEORGE R+CHANC 1228 Benson Rd S APT C Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 9133600030 NGUYEN JOSEPH T+MARY H 322 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 4204400309 NGUYEN LAN HUONG T 233 LINDAV NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 9133600115 NGUYEN THI EN-NGA GINA+ 315 STEVENS AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059110 NGUYEN TRI THANH 13006 84TH AV S SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 2142000000 NORDBERG JEFFREY E+MAU 1511 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #F7 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2142000000 NORDLUND VICTORIA M 1609 S EAGLE RIDGE DR #C-4 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 9133600015 NOTIENBURG CAROL 264 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 9133600110 NOWAK GERARD 267 STEVENS AV NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059176 ONEILL MARTI M 510 NW 2nd St Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 8663500035 ORD LOIS C 221 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 9133600065 PERINE LINDA C 306 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 PERKINS CHRISTOPHER R 1633 EAGLE RIDGE DR #A6 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2144800865 PHAM HAO V 151 Taylor Ave NW APT 1 Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800865 PHAM HAO V 151 Taylor Ave NW APT A Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800865 PHAM HAO V 151 Taylor Ave NW APT B Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059205 PHAM HIEU TRONG+YEN HC 13308 88TH AVES Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1923059027 PIEROTII LLC 25516 142ND AVE SE Kent WA 98042 Reta ii Ste 2142000000 PIGOTI SAN ORA L 1609 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #C-3 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1847200005 PORTERFIELD DEVELOPMEN 8111ST AVE STE 422 Seattle WA 98104 Vacant($ 8663500025 PRASAD GANESH+SAKUNTL217 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059018 PRESTIGE CARE 80SW 2nd St Renton WA 98057 Nursing I 7200048 PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELE PO BOX 97034 Bellevue WA 98009 Right of 1 1823059054 RAMADAN MAZIN 2856 CALLE INVIERNO DR Chino Hill CA 91709 Vacant(S 2144800875 RAMOS MYRNA M+DOMINI 13264 RENTON AVES Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059093 RAUSCHENBERG DAVID K+O 8915 S 133RD ST Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 2142000000 REED ELIZABETH A 1633 SEAGLE RIDGE #A-2 REnton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1823059006 REID BRUCE A & KAREN I 12832 84TH AVES SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 2142000000 REINHART CAROL M 18100 107TH PL SE #55 REnton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1923059031 RENTON PROP HOLDING LLC 181 S 333RD #210 Renton WA 98003 Auto She 1923059023 RENTON PROPERTIES LLC 555 S RENTON VILLAGE #100 Renton WA 98055 Office BL 2144800880 REPP WILBUR L 13256 Renton Ave S Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059072 RIVAS VICTORIA+CARILLO JL 209 LIND AVE SW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059167 RUTLEDGE RALPH L 252 STEVENS AVE SW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1923059101 RVA LAND LLC 365 S Grady Way Suite A Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1923059101 RVA LAND LLC 365 S Grady Way Suite B Renton WA 98057 Retail st, 1923059101 RVA LAND LLC 365 S Grady Way Suite C Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1923059101 RVA LAND LLC 365 S Grady Way Suite D Renton WA 98057 Retail st, 1923059101 RVA LAND LLC 365 S Grady Way Suite E Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1923059101 RVA LAND LLC 365 S Grady Way Suite F Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 1923059101 RVA LAND LLC 365 S Grady Way Suite G Renton WA 98057 Retail St, 7232000020 RVA OFFICE LL C 520 PIKE STREET #1500 Renton WA 98057 Office BL 1823059179 RYAN MARY PATRICIA 641 Shattuck Ave S Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 SCHAUER DENISE G 1511 EAGLERIDGE DRS #F3 REnton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2144800276 SCHILD KEITH A 13038 RENTON AVES SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 1847200095 SCHMIDT MATIHEW R+LIM 218 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 SCHNEIDER KATHERINE B 1633 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #Al REnton WA 98055 Condo,R, 9133600025 SCHRUM BONNIE FAYE 306 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800905 SCHWAB 117E LOUISA ST Seattle WA 98102 Vacant(S 1823059166 SCHWART2ENBERGER BILL 605 Shattuck Ave S Renton WA 98057 Duplex 1847200010 SEATILE CITY OF SCL PO BOX 34023 Seattle WA 98124 Vacant(S 1823059208 SEATILE CITY OF SPU-WTR PO BOX 34018 Seattle WA 98124 Right of 1 2144800236 SEGIMOTO KEVIN L 3640 WHITMAN AVE N #101 SEATILE WA 98103 Single Fa 1923059044 SFP-A LIMITED PARTNERSHI 710 Rainier Ave S Renton WA 98057 Auto She 2142000000 SHARP STEVEN M 1511 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #4 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 9133600085 SHEFFEY TYRONE POWER Sf 258 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1847200105 SHIRA SONDRA D 302 SW LANGSTON RD Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 SHUBERT KERRY B 1505 SEAGLE RIDGE DR G-1 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 1823059143 SIMON RALPH A 12824 84TH AVES SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 4204400319 SINGH GANGANDEEP 200 SW 5TH PL #C-301 Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059030 SKYWORK INVESTMENT D LI 402 SW Langston Rd Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2144800270 SON SOPHON+SOK KHENG 8243 S 130TH ST SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 1923059068 SOUND FORD 101 SW GRADY WAY Renton WA 98057 Auto She 9133600075 STARKEY CLAUDIA M+BAKEI 266 SENECA AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 STEGER THOMAS G 1523 EAGLE RIDGE DRS #1-N Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2142000000 STEWART BARBARA J 1633 S EAGLERIDGE DR #A-4 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 4204400317 STEWART JANET L 201 LIND AVE NW Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 1823059200 STORY JOAN 13000 84TH AVES SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 1847200090 SYNNEX LLC 23621 NE 78TH WY Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059184 SZABAD PETER+KATARINA S 610 NW 3RD ST Renton WA 98055 Single Fa 2142000000 TILLERSON MARIA+KASSANI 1633 EAGLE DRS #A7 Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 4204400318 TRAN SEN+GIU VO 200 LIND AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059292 TRUONG DONG QUOC+ TRI~ 261 LIND AVE Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 4204400312 TUBATI RAJ 221 LIND AVE NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2142000000 VINCENT KELLY 1615 EAGLE RIDGE DRS UNIT; Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, 2144800486 WALKER THOMAS L 13033 84TH AVES Renton WA 98178 Single Fa 2023059007 WAL-MART PROPERTY TAX I PO BOX 8050 MS 0555 BENTON\AR 72712 Retail(Bi1 2144800887 WAN ANN H 13248 Renton Ave S Renton WA 98057 Duplex 2146500270 WANG FINGAL+HOANG YEN8726 S 133RD PL SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 1823059226 WEBB PHYLLIS 249 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 1823059133 WOLF RICHARD 632 Rainier Ave S UNIT A Renton WA 98057 Auto She 1823059106 WONG CHING YEE 3021169TH AVE NE Bellevue WA 98008 Single Fa 2023059023 WSDOT PO BOX47338 Olympia WA 98504 Easemer 1823059194 YEE JAMES S+JENNY F 263 SENECA PL NW Renton WA 98057 Single Fa 2146500030 YERGOW KALAB+LECHO M 18733 133RD PL SEATILE WA 98178 Single Fa 2142000000 YODER BERNICE+SCHAUER 11501 SEAGLE RIDGE DR Renton WA 98055 Condo,R, ~-"!'!!'!'_~· ....... ---Denis Law ~,---~0~-City oL -----~M:a:~~'--------~-1 -(l . J_~jjli(QJI_fil October 13, 2015 Marissa Gifford, HDR 500 1081h Ave NE, Ste 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004 Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project, LUAlS-000710, VAR Dear Mr. Frailey: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-6593 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kris Sorensen Associate Planner cc: Seattle City Light/ Owner(s) Dirk Frailey/ Applicant Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 12, 2015 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project/ LUAlS-000710, VAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant requests an Administrative Variance to add a new overhead fiber optic cable line to existing transmission power line structures within a Seattle City Light (SCL) utility easement corridor. The cable line addition stretches approximately 2.5 miles within City of Renton. The variance request is to allow the new line to not be undergrounded as required by Renton Municipal Code section 4-6-090. The new all- dielectric fiber optic line is proposed from Creston Nelson in Seattle to Talbot Hill substation within an approximate 2,640,000 sf easement corridor. The corridor is within Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential-8 (R-8), Residential-10 (R-10}, Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations and runs across private and public properties including public right-of-ways. The new line is proposed at a similar height as other cable lines on the power line structures at approximately 40 feet and greater above ground. Major crossings include Burlington Northern railroad area, the Interstate 405, and City right-of-ways. The new line would attach to the existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line structures. No site or access improvements are anticipated and ground disturbance would be minimal. Work areas would be approximately 150 radial feet around each power structure. Construction is anticipated to begin in November 2015 and be completed in December 2015. PROJECT LOCATION: Transmission Line Utility Corridor of Creston Nelson in Seattle to Talbot Hill substation in Renton PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Variance APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Marissa Giflord/500108'" Ave NE, Ste 1200/Bellevue, WA 98004/425-450- 7112/marissa.gifford@hdrinc.corn Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by S:00 p.m. on October 26, 2015. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-6593. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project/ LUA15-000710, VAR NAME:---------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _______________ City/State/Zip: __________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: OCTOBER 12, 2015 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project/ LUAlS-000710, VAR NAME:---------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: ________________ City/State/Zip: __________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- Community & Economic Development Departm:.Iten ,0 n ® 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 CURRENT RESIDENT 1411 GRANT AVES APT L204 RENTON WA 98055-6020 ll'll''l,,,11l•1l11lll11 1llll1lllll,,l,lllll••l1l•111l••11llll 111 ---~ItentOil 8 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID RENTON.WA PERMIT NO. 137 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 12, 2015 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project/ LUA15-000710, VAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant requests an Administrative Variance to add a new overhead fiber optic cable line to existing transmission power line structures within a Seattle City Light (SCL) utility easement corridor. The cable line addition stretches approximately 2.5 miles within City of Renton. The variance request is to allow the new line to not be undergrounded as required by Renton Municipal Code section 4-6-090. The new all- dielectric fiber optic line is proposed from Creston Nelson in Seattle to Talbot Hill substation within an approximate 2,640,000 sf easement corridor. The corridor is within Residential Multi-Family (RMF), Residential-8 (R-8), Residential-10 (R-10). Commercial Arterial (CA), and Commercial Office (CO) zone designations and runs across private and public properties including public right-of-ways. The new line is proposed at a similar height as other cable lines on the power line structures at approximately 40 feet and greater above ground. Major crossings include Burlington Northern railroad area, the Interstate 405, and City right-of-ways. The new line would attach to the existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line structures. No site or access improvements are anticipated and ground disturbance would be minimal. Work areas would be approximately 150 radial feet around each power structure. Construction is anticipated to begin in November 2015 and be completed in December 2015. PROJECT LOCATION: Transmission Line Utility Corridor of Creston Nelson in Seattle to Talbot Hill substation in Renton PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Variance APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Marissa Gifford/SQQ 1081h Ave NE, Ste 1200/Bellevue, WA 98004/425-450- 7112/marissa.gifford@hdrinc.com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 105S South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on October 22, 2015. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project/ LUAlS-000710, VAR NAME: ------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip:----------- TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- -----~ItentOil 8 If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-6593. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: OCTOBER 12, 2015 SCL Creston-Talbot Fiber Project within Renton City Limits 1;:~'""''~'"'·~~·~·-·I +N -P<er,o ... oo._m ... aADSSlibo<~•n• Contact. 1 HOR Engineering, Inc §~Light 1001 SW 5th A11e, Suite 1800 ~,~ Portland, OR 97204 (503)-423-3887 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project/ LUA15-000710, VAR NAME: ------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip: __________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- DEPARTMENT OF COMMu ... TY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICAIIQN PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Seattle City Light (SCL) PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project ADDRESS 700 5th Avenue, Suite 3200 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: No Address, see attached for legal description, list of parcels, and vicinity map CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98124-4023 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 684-3000 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): See attached file for list of parcels APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Dirk Frailey EXISTING LAND USE(S): Utility corridor PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): H DR Addition to utility corridor EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: 1001 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1800 RMD, RHO, CMU PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: Portland ZIP: 97204 (if applicable) No chanae TELEPHONE NUMBER: (503) 423-3887 EXISTING ZONING: RMF, R-8, CA, CO, R-10 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): No chanae NAME Marissa Gifford SITE AREA (in square feet): Easement corridor is approx. 1.,u~o.000 sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): HOR DEDICATED: None SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200 Easement corridor is approx. i.,1r10,o00 sq. ft. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Bellevue ZIP: 98004 ACRE (if applicable) None TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) (425) 450-7112 None NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): None ', H:\CED\Data\Forms~Templates\Self·Help Handouts\Planning\Master Application.doc Rev: 08/2015 PROJECT INFORMAT~IO_N_~ (c_o_n_ti_n_ue_d~I) _______ ~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): None SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): None SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): None SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): None SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): None NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): None NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): Approx, 10 temporary PROJECT VALUE: $ '.)'!,'\ 1 DDO, 00 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): IJ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE IJ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA ___ sq, ft IJ GEOLOGIC HAZARD ___ sq, ft IJ HABITAT CONSERVATION ___ sq, ft, IJ SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES ___ sq, ft. IJ WETLANDS ___ sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach leaal descriotion on seoarate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 18/2~ TOWNSHIP 23N , RANGE~. IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) \ ( {)._ , declare under penalty of perjury und'PJll!l laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property involved in this application orLl!;'.J the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that M <>c is s ,., G-1 £f,,i--J signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. ~ ;i,<,t ao1s:: Oat ; ,,,,,,,'""\\"' 11,, ~,,,, ~\..'< POi.i,~1 11 ff .f'~~.;.\ = { { +~~~J.J \'" t My appointment expires ~\ .. ;;"~ lg 2 ~ 8.29.'\1 ~-= H.\CEO\Data\For -Ip Handoots\Plannmg\Master Apphcat1on.doc WAS Rev: 08/2015 1-)~ SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Request for Variance from Undergrounding Utility Line Legal Descrigtion SC L's easement for this project area is generally described as: Approximately 300 foot wide transmission easement within City of Renton, beginning in the NW quarter of Section 18, Township 23 N, Range 05 E; and ending at Talbot Substation in the NW quarter of Section 20, Township 23 N, Range 05 E (address 2400 Puget Drive SE, Renton, WA 98055). Please see the attached figures for a depiction of the easement List of Parcels A list of parcels is provided below from King County (2014) for SCL's easement within the City of Renton. . 0007200126 1823059166 . 1823059266 . 0007200149 . 1823059168 . 1823059267 . 0007200151 1823059169 . 1847200005 0007200190 1823059170 • 1847200010 0007200209 1823059176 1847200045 1223049016 1823059177 . 1847200055 1823059006 1823059179 1847200070 1823059018 1823059180 1847200090 1823059021 1823059182 1847200095 1823059022 1823059183 1847200105 1823059023 1823059185 • 1923059031 . 1823059033 1823059186 . 1923059032 1823059034 1823059188 . 1923059043 1823059050 1823059189 . 1923059054 1823059052 1823059191 . 1923059063 1823059054 1823059192 . 1923059068 . 1823059055 1823059193 1923059074 . 1823059069 . 1823059194 1923059090 . 1823059072 . 1823059195 1923059101 1823059079 . 1823059196 . 1923059102 1823059089 1823059199 . 1923059103 1823059093 . 1823059200 . 1923059105 1823059094 1823059203 . 2023059010 . 1823059100 1823059205 . 2023059012 . 1823059106 1823059208 . 2023059023 1823059107 . 1823059212 2023059029 1823059110 . 1823059215 2023059031 . 1823059123 . 1823059218 2023059032 . 1823059128 . 1823059219 . 2023059033 1823059133 1823059224 . 2023059035 1823059134 1823059226 . 2023059055 1823059135 1823059228 . 2023059080 1823059138 1823059230 2023059084 1823059148 1823059233 2023059086 1823059149 1823059238 . 2023059088 1823059151 1823059243 • 2023059089 1823059152 1823059258 . 2023059090 1823059156 1823059260 . 2023059097 1823059157 1823059261 . 2023059111 hdrinc.com 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004-5549 (425) 450-6200 1-)~ 2023059112 . 2144800905 . 2023059113 • 2144800906 . 2023059162 . 2144800910 . 2142000000 . 2144800911 . 2144800266 . 2144800915 . 2144800270 . 2146500030 . 2144800276 . 2146500250 2144800280 . 2146500260 2144800282 . 2146500270 2144800486 214650TRCT . 2144800765 7231600135 . 2144800778 7231600140 . 2144800825 7231600170 . 2144800845 7231600195 . 2144800850 7231600200 2144800852 7231600285 . 2144800887 . 7231600295 . 2144800890 . 7231600315 2144800891 . 7231600345 2144800894 . 7231600355 2144800895 . 7231600390 2144800900 • 7231600430 . 2144800903 . 7231600445 hdrinc.com 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004-5549 (425) 450-6200 7231600460 . 7231600470 7231600504 7231600505 7231600506 7231600507 7231600515 7231600542 7231600595 7232000010 . 7232000020 8663500005 8663500015 . 8663500020 . 8663500025 8663500135 9133600005 9133600010 9133600015 9133600090 9228900065 * ' ... 1-)~ SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Request for Variance from Undergrounding Utility Line Legal Description SCL's easement for this project area is generally described as: Approximately 300 foot wide transmission easement within City of Renton, beginning in the NW quarter of Section 18, Township 23 N, Range 05 E; and ending at Talbot Substation in the NW quarter of Section 20, Township 23 N, Range 05 E (address 2400 Puget Drive SE, Renton, WA 98055). Please see the attached figures for a depiction of the easement. List of Parcels A list of parcels is provided below from King County (2014) for SCL's easement within the City of Renton. 0007200126 • 1823059166 . 1823059266 . 0007200149 . 1823059168 . 1823059267 . 0007200151 . 1823059169 . 1847200005 0007200190 1823059170 1847200010 0007200209 1823059176 1847200045 . 1223049016 1823059177 1847200055 . 1823059006 . 1823059179 . 1847200070 1823059018 . 1823059180 . 1847200090 1823059021 . 1823059182 . 1847200095 1823059022 . 1823059183 . 1847200105 1823059023 1823059185 1923059031 1823059033 1823059186 1923059032 . 1823059034 1823059188 1923059043 1823059050 . 1823059189 1923059054 . 1823059052 1823059191 1923059063 1823059054 . 1823059192 1923059068 1823059055 1823059193 1923059074 1823059069 1823059194 1923059090 . 1823059072 1823059195 . 1923059101 1823059079 1823059196 1923059102 . 1823059089 . 1823059199 1923059103 1823059093 . 1823059200 . 1923059105 1823059094 . 1823059203 . 2023059010 . 1823059100 1823059205 . 2023059012 1823059106 1823059208 . 2023059023 . 1823059107 . 1823059212 . 2023059029 1823059110 . 1823059215 2023059031 1823059123 1823059218 2023059032 . 1823059128 1823059219 . 2023059033 • 1823059133 1823059224 2023059035 . 1823059134 1823059226 . 2023059055 • 1823059135 1823059228 2023059080 1823059138 . 1823059230 2023059084 1823059148 1823059233 2023059086 . 1823059149 . 1823059238 . 2023059088 . 1823059151 1823059243 . 2023059089 1823059152 1823059258 2023059090 1823059156 1823059260 . 2023059097 1823059157 1823059261 2023059111 hdrlnc.com 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004-5549 (425) 450-6200 ~)~ 2023059112 . 2144800905 . 2023059113 2144800906 2023059162 2144800910 2142000000 2144800911 2144800266 2144800915 2144800270 . 2146500030 2144800276 2146500250 2144800280 2146500260 . 2144800282 . 2146500270 . 2144800486 214650TRCT . 2144800765 7231600135 . 2144800778 . 7231600140 2144800825 7231600170 2144800845 7231600195 2144800850 7231600200 2144800852 . 7231600285 . 2144800887 7231600295 . 2144800890 7231600315 • 2144800891 7231600345 . 2144800894 7231600355 . 2144800895 • 7231600390 . 2144800900 . 7231600430 . 2144800903 . 7231600445 hclrlnc.com 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004-5549 (425) 450-6200 .. , 4 7231600460 . 7231600470 7231600504 . 7231600505 7231600506 7231600507 7231600515 7231600542 . 7231600595 . 7232000010 . 7232000020 . 8663500005 . 8663500015 . 8663500020 . 8663500025 . 8663500135 . 9133600005 . 9133600010 • 9133600015 • 9133600090 . 9228900065 LEGEND -Alignment • :.• Cny Limit Parcel within 300 feet of Alignment D Parcel L-4- PREAPPLICATION MEETING FOR Seattle City light 2.5-Mile Overhead Fiber line Creston Substation, Seattle to Talbot Substation, Renton PRE 15-000517 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division July 23, 2015 Contact Information: Planner: Kris Sorensen, 425.430.6593, ksorensen@rentonwa.gov Public Works Plan Reviewer: Vicki Grover, 425-430-7291, vgrover@rentonwa.gov Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.430.7024, cthomas@rentonwa.gov Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425.430.7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is Informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M July 23, 2015 Pre-Application File No. 15-000517 Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner Seattle City Light, Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project 2.5 Mile Length in Renton from the West Hill to Talbot Hill General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director; Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov Project Proposal: The subject project consists of adding an overhead fiber optic cable for data communications to existing electric transmission line towers. The overall cable distance is 5 miles which passes from Seattle city limits through Renton's West Hill Potential Annexation Area, with 2.5 miles within Renton boundaries. The improvement would be within an existing Seattle City light (SCL) transmission corridor and located on the existing support structures that currently carry multiple high voltage energy transmission lines. The 2.5-mile distance in Renton is located at one end from the West Hill area near the intersection of 84th Ave S and NW 3rd St and extends to Talbot Hill and the Talbot Substation south of Philip Arnold Park. The existing overhead wires and support structures are located on and above a variety of residential and non-residential zoning designation. There are approximately 19 support structures that the overhead wire would be attached to within Renton. No other improvements are proposed. The · new all-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) cable would provide a vital data communication link for SCL's current and future needs, along with the needs of neighboring utilities. Installation would be completed within approximately 29 days and is estimated for construction between November and December 2015. Current Use: The existing SCL 230kV Talbot-South transmission corridor has multiple overhead wires and support towers. SCL Overhead Creston-Talb __ ·iber Project; PRElS-000517 Page 2 of2 July 23, 2015 Development Standards: The project is proposed as an attachment to an existing overhead power line corridor. The 2.5 mile stretch of corridor is located within multiple zoning designations and on multiple properties, Zoning: The property is located within multiple zoning designations including the R-8, R-10, CA, CO, and RM-F zones. The proposal is considered a Small Ut/1/ty and Is permitted outright in all zoning designations. Site Plan Review not required for SEPA exempt projects and underground utilities, Utility Lines -Underground Installation: RMC 4-6-090 requires all new electrical or communication facilities to be installed underground unless exempt or a proposal receives a variance from the requirement. Variance procedures are listed in subsection RMC 4-6-090 where the Administrator of Community and Economic Development has the discretion to grant variances. There are three review criteria where underground requirements may be waived by a variance only if the utility owner, user, or any other affected party can demonstrate an undue hardship in the placement of facilities underground. The applicant shall provide a written request to the Admi~/strator If a variance from underground/ng the utility line. The applicant shall provide justific+tlon and respond to the applicable review criteria found In RMC 4-6- 0900.2. Critical Areas: The proposal is located in multiple critical areas. ~he geological hazards are seismic, landslide, erosion, coalmine, and regulated slopes areas. The site is within the floodplain. The site is located in the Rolling Hills and Thunder Creek Type Np stream areas. Environmental Review: The proposal is exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Review. Permit Requirements: The proposal does not require land use permits but does require separate a 011ilaiAr;~t. Separate construction permits may be required, Impact Miti~l~ re;;;)tks, Fire, and Traffic impact fees are not applicable. P2 'L ·r,rt,~·,. i i ... .,. .... Jc F..r .. ,:r Notes None 0 -.... 1~~-~·,;...--=-:::c:::;aar:::: 1, 7CO O 850 1,700 i::eel WGS_ 1 Cl84 _ Web_Merc::.tor_Aux1liary_Sphere Ci~~ Renron: Finance & IT DivisioL1 ..., ''. j ;J ;u ~-:, ~ ~ 11>· I '{' S :)_rd Sf (ffi;; Cl TV CE ti -R Legend City and County Boundary Other ,··1 C1ty:i!Rentcn Zoning l RC-RP.source-COl1S!:lf\•aboo Rl Residential1 du/ac R4-Re51dant1a14 dul8C R8-Rt:1sidenlialtldu/<1: R10-R!!sidanual 10 r1u/ac Information Technology· GI$ RemonMapSupport@REmtonwa gov 7/14/2015 N 4th St -. .i t,.!l,·:rrv_ P~, ... -,-. .., . . .,. ......i · dJr .,.,.,. .,.. ·,r·,·r-.. f-1 Ce1lllr ffil.er D,'}(J P,uI,; V.1 11ih•Jj ( 11/1; ,, Jtk ':1·,;·! CN-Commerclal Ne1yhborhood ·I CV-Center village • CA-Commerc1al Arl01"11.1! '.:I UC-UrbanCenter • co-.1.:enter Downtown COR-2.01T1merc1a1 Gl~ce!Re~identlal CO-Commercral Offirn 'M-1m:ustrial-r1te(llcun IH-lneustn;al-fl&avy Print Form Reset Form Save Form DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------~itenton e RIGHT OF WAY USE I DEFERRAL I WAIVER I VARIANCE I FEE IN LIEU APPLICATION Planning Division I Development Engineering Section 1055 S Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7200 I Fax: (425) 430-7231 Project Name: SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Site Address: No Address, see below and attached vicinity map for more information Legal Description of Property: See attached file for legal description Include King County Assessors Parcel No: See attached file for list of parcels Applicant: Dirk Frailey, HOR Phone: (503) 423-3887 Cell: -------- BusinessAddress: 1001 SW 5th Ave, Ste 1800 City/State: Portland, OR Zip: 97204 Attach a letter of request with this application, stating in detail: 1. Applicable City Code and Sub-ordinance 2. Items and quantities involved 3. Justification for request 4. Amount of time requested 5. Provide a vicinity map (8 Y," x 11") 6. Provide a drawing of the site (8 JI," x 11") Mail or drop off the completed application and map/drawing to: Development Engineering Manager City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way, 6'h Floor Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7299 Completed applications will be reviewed and a written determination issued approximately 3-4 weeks from date of receipt of application. You will be contacted if the application is incomplete or if additional information is required. Applicant's Signature For City Use Only Deferral D New Offsite Onsite D Excess Right of Way D Extension September 28, 2015 Date D New D Extension D Underground D Driveway D Slopes D Noise D Fee In Lieu D Waiver H :\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-He Ip Handouts\Public Works\ROWa ndDeferral.docx 08/14 1-)~ September 24, 2015 Chip Vincent Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 9805 7 SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Written Request for Variance from Undergrounding Utility Line Dear Mr. Vincent, >-' Seattle City Light (SCL) is proposing to install a 5-mile installation of new overhead all-dielectric self- supporting (ADSS) fiber optic cable between Creston Nelson and Talbot Hill substations near Renton, Washington. Approximately 2.5 miles of the new line are within the City of Renton. The proposed ADSS cable would be installed on existing transmission power line structures within the existing transmission corridor between the two substations. This new ADSS cable would provide a vital data communication link for SCL's current and future needs, along with the needs of neighboring utilities. HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) is providing engineering and permitting services to SCL for this project. HDR staff attended a Pre-Application Meeting (PRElS-000517) with the City of Renton on July 23, 2015. At this meeting, we were directed to prepare a written request to the Administrator for a variance from undergrounding the proposed utility line. The letter serves as our written request, and provides justification and response to applicable review criteria found in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6-090G.2. Detailed Project Description: The portion of the proposed overhead ADSS alignment that would run through the City of Renton would begin near the intersection of S 130th Street and 84th Avenue S. The ADSS cable would then travel in a southeastern direction toward the City View Church parking lot north of the intersection of SW Langston Road and Hardie Avenue SW. The ADSS cable would then continue southeast across SW Sunset Boulevard and through the Renton Shopping Center parking lot (address of 365 Renton Center Way SW). The cable would continue southeast across Rainier Avenue S, S Grady Way, and 1-405 (near the Chrysler, Hyundai, and Mazda dealerships, and Roxy Cinema) before turning due east. The remaining stretch of fiber would then travel up the hill and end at Talbot Substation. The total length of overhead fiber within Renton City limits would be approximately 2.5 miles. See the attached map for the proposed alignment of the overhead ADSS fiber optic cable. Aesthetically, the new cable will be generally in line with SCL's existing transmission lines (see attached Plan and Profile for more information). Site Improvements: The project is being designed to attach the new ADSS cable only to existing steel pole and steel lattice transmission line structures within SCL's easement. Therefore, it is anticipated that no site or access improvements would be necessary and ground disturbance would be minimal. Construction Methodology: A construction crew will need access to each transmission structure site in order to attach the ADSS cable and required hardware. Retrofitting the cable to each structure includes the use of special vehicles, equipment, and trained linemen. The anticipated work area at each structure site would be approximately 150 radial feet. Construction crews would need access to structure sites after the new ADSS cable is installed to finalize installation of hardware and remove stringing equipment. Work associated with this project will occur within SCL's easement to the extent possible, but portions of the project will require work within City rights-of-way. Project Schedule: Project construction is anticipated to begin in November 2015 and would be completed in December 2015 (approximately 29 days). RMC 4-6-090 Utlllty Lines -Underground Installation RMC 4-6-090 requires all new electrical or communication facilities to be installed underground unless exempt or a proposal receives a variance from the requirement. Variance procedures are listed in subsection RMC 4-6-090 where the Administrator of Community and Economic Development has the discretion to grant variances. There are three review criteria where underground requirements may be waived by a variance only if the utility owner, user, or any other affected party can demonstrate an undue hardship in the placement of facilities underground. Responses to the applicable review criteria found in RMC 4-6-090G.2 are provided below. 2. Review Criteria: Underground requirements may be waived by a variance only if the utility owner, user, or any other affected party can demonstrate an undue hardship in the placement of facilities undergraund. The criteria to determine if there is an undue hardship are: a. There is a technological difficulty associated with the particular facility, or the particular real property involved; or Applicant's Response: The new ADSS fiber optic cable is proposed to be co-located on SCL's existing transmission line easement and infrastructure. To install the fiber optic line under ground it would require directional boring under the existing parking lots, streets and highways in that area. The current design calls for installing an attachment point to the current structures and stringing the fiber through the hangers. This method is standard and relatively quick and inexpensive. To bore would require specialized machines and could cause potential problems with existing underground known (and unknown) utilities. b. The cost of undergrounding such a facility which is deemed by the Administrator to outweigh the general welfare consideration implicit in underground installation; or Applicant's Response: The project area within the City of Renton is highly developed, and contains residential, commercial, light industrial, and transportation uses. Undergrounding of the new ADSS fiber optic cable would be prohibitively costly due to this high level of development. The cost to underground the ADSS vs stringing it overhead is significantly larger. Estimates put it roughly 8 to 11 times more than the construction cost for stringing it overhead. The process to underground it would entail completing a subsurface utility exploration to locate existing utilities and obstructions along the route, directional boring of the route, installation of the conduit and fiber, 1-)~ repairs of the bore locations and clean up. It is the intent that SCL would do the overhead stringing in house, whereas the underground option would require a special construction crew for a significant cost increase. c. The growth pattern of the area has not been sufficiently established to determine the ultimate service requirements or major service routes. Applicant's Response: This new ADSS cable would provide a vital data communication link for SCL's current and future needs, along with the needs of neighboring utilities. The project area that will be served by this new cable is already highly developed with various residential, commercial, light industrial, and transportation uses. The new fiber will add security and redundancy to the SCL transmission line and provide a pathway to yield traffic for other utilities that could use the fiber for their system. The addition of fiber optics for utilities has become more important as technology progresses and is pertinent for maintaining the grid. Based on this information, SCL is requesting a variance from the Administrator from undergrounding the proposed utility line, and permission to co-locate the new ADSS fiber cable onto SCL's existing utility line infrastructure. If you need additional information or have any questions on this request, please contact Dirk Frailey, HDR (dirk.frailey@hdrinc.com, 503.423.3887) or Marissa Gifford, HDR (marissa.gifford@hdrinc.com, 425.450. 7112). Sincerely, Dirk Frailey HOR ,:roject Manager 1-)~ SCL Overhead Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Request for Variance from Undergrounding Utility Line Construction Mitigation Description 1. Proposed Construction Dates: November 2nd, 2015 through December 14th, 2015 2. Hours and Days of operation: work crews will work on weekdays only, during normal day working hours. Exceptions to this will be during construction of spans over major transportation crossings (Interstate (I-J 405) that may require work during late or early hours and/or on weekends to limit impact to traffic as much as practical. Seattle City Light (SCL) will notify property owners adjacent to the SCL right-of-way (ROW) 2 weeks prior to the commencement of construction work. 3. Proposed Hauling/transportation routes: Routes will be limited to roadways adjacent to the SCL project ROW, and on roads to and from SCL designated staging sites. 4. Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic, and transportation impacts: No dust mitigation measures have been considered, as ground disturbance will be minimal for this project. Most construction work occurs at existing structure locations, and most structures are located away from major roadways, so construction work can progress without major impact to traffic. Most major equipment setups will occur in parking lots, open field (within SCL ROW), and on small non-arterial streets. If traffic control is necessary at these locations, then proper signage, flagging personnel and cones will be in place to clearly route traffic around equipment. Major overhead crossings for this project include the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad crossing and the 1-405 crossing, and the requisite permits have been submitted to these agencies (including traffic control plans and safety measures). 5. Special hours: work outside of normal weekday hours (e.g. weekend(s) and/or early or late hours in morning or evening) may be necessary to negotiate the 1-405 crossing. This is to ensure as small an impact to traffic as is practical. The traffic control plan submitted to WSDOT consists of a proposed coordinated rolling slow down with local law enforcement to allow a brief duration of time sufficient to transport a pulling line from one side of the interstate to the other on foot. other than this crossing, work during special hours is not anticipated. 6. Preliminary traffic control plan: On streets within Renton that may require traffic control, one side of the road would be closed off (through usage of cones and signage) and flaggers would be placed to direct traffic through the remaining portion of open roadway. As noted above, SCL will notify property owners along ROW in advance of construction as a proactive measure to help lessen impacts to local Renton traffic. hdrinc.com 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004-S549 (425) 450-6200 RECEIPT EG00043896 BILLING CONTACT Marissa Gilford HDR Inc 500 108th Ave NE, 1200 Bellevue, WA 980045549 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME ILUA15-000710 I PLAN ~ Variance Technology Fee Printed On: September 29, 2015 Prepared By: Kris Sorensen Kenton 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Transaction baie: September 29;·201s ... TRANSACTION PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID TYPE METHOD I Fee Payment I Check #1394670 $1,200.00 Fee Payment Check #1394670 $36.00 SUB TOTAL $1,236.00 TOTAL $1,236.00 Page 1 of 1 SCL Creston-Talbot Fiber Project Project Extents N Legend -+-Existing 230kV SCL transmission structure + -Proposed Overhead ADSS fiber aligment Jurisdiction Unincorporated King County Renton Seattle Tukwila Dirk Frailey HOR Engineering , Inc. 1001 SW 5th Ave., Suite 1800 Portland , OR 97204 ( 503 )-423-3887 " 1"· <;\:.' '1 •• ~ Seattle (~ City Light 1-)~ +"' (.) Q) .--, 0 en \..... a.. +"' E \..... Q) ·- iVM ..c .....J ·->. LL :t:::: iii +"' (.) C -~ 0 ::;; ..c C ~ 0 +"' C I Q) C O'.'.'. 0 +"' C en -0 [I! c :::, t, (l) 2 E ti .S" C cii 0 ID "iii ..Cl 'fl -= E (/) 'fl (/) C 0 ~ <{ ....J -.:, (.) "' (l) (/) .c > ID -"" > 0 0 (') Q) .c \..... :t:::: (.) ~ N -.:, Ol (l) 'fl ,:: 0 ti Q. "C x e C: w (l._ Cl) I Cl • Cl) _. Talbot Sub stati on ADSS 144Ct O NA-31!>12 MINI =-3200#@ NESC M EDIUM INITIAL. RS -677FT SEC IION CONl l NUES TO STR B27122S ,/' / AOSS 144CT ONA-31512 M'Nf =-3200#@ NESC MEDIUM INITIAL. RS =-954FT ' '}'' ?, ~ 1.ll\"l ADSS 144 CT O NA-31512 MWf :a 3200# @NESC MEDIUM IN ITIAL. RS= 760FT ooo l 18 J=5~ cof~ C I "" ''° "'° • i '"' ·'"" I I =<> '60 6 o~ :~ ~q =1 ~L~--PROPOSED ADSS FIBER OPTIC CABLE ~~-; '"" "" ,,0 . t0 ~t;; ~~~~ I ~~~s ~~~~ "-------+------+--->-----,f---'°Vl-..J 540 3/JO @t;;;:;'.5 3!:10 :inc; 300 --== ~'"j----------;---3= ~-"-""~'-"'----+--------r--+- -~g 500 \g~-~ 340 25C a:: 260 ~~~~ ;i;,o ;,4c_: ~ 240 -----------------I ::~~:~~;::::: 0 FRAI LEY DESIGN ENGINEER § Seattle Ci ty Li ght 1-)~ -+===---=+--------t+"'C------IIlU)~...J ~-f---+--+~ PRELI M INARY N OT FOR CONSTRU CTIO N RE N TO N , WA CRESTO N -TA LBO T F IBER AD DITI O N 230 K V TRA N S MI SS ION LINE sec , :h~ m P LA N & P ROF ILE sc~, I H ,, • ,oo v ,. • <a! SH:e ~F 3 ADSS 144CT DNA-31512 MVVT ac 3200#@ NESC MEDIUM INITIAL. 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