HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_CUP_Justification_180330_v1Conditional Use Permit - Justification Narrative Submitted in Conjunction with Administrative Conditional Use Permit (ACUP) Plan Review Conducted by the City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Project Name 800 S.W. 16th Street Parking Lot Expansion Project Site 800 S.W. 16th Street, Renton WA 98057 BCE No. 18557 Parcel Number 334040-6430-02 Conditional Use Permit Justification 800 SW 16th Street Parking Expansion Consistency with Plans & Regulations … compatibility with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance and any other plans, programs, maps or ordinances The project is located within an area dominated by two zoning districts; Medium Industrial (IM) and Commercial Office (CO) with the parcel (334040-6430) in question currently zoned as IM. The site is located within the Employment Area (EA) specified in the current Comprehensive Plan. Renton staff has determined the parameters of the proposed use are similar enough to dictate requiring an administrative conditional use permit (ACUP), based on 2017 pre- application summary notes (PRE17-000303). This determination by Renton staff also indicated previous approvals in 2013 (LUA13-001322) will address the need for SEPA Environmental Review and Site Plan Review processes for the current expansion proposal. Based on this information, and pending completion of the ACUP review process, the proposed use will remain substantially compliant with all long-range planning documents, zoning district requirements and development standards. Appropriate Location … use does not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use, and the use is suited to the proposed location The proposed parking expansion will serve to support local businesses within adjacent areas designated as either EA or as Commercial/Mixed Use. To the best of the Applicant’s knowledge, this expansion is consistent in size with similar parking facilities in the immediate vicinity. The site’s relative isolation from major arterials and commercial retail areas, while remaining accessible via public rights-of-way to users of the site combines to make this site particularly well-suited for said use. Effect on Adjacent Properties … proposed use at the location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property While this proposal affect only a portion of the site, much of the remaining portion already provides parking for a number of vehicles onsite. To the best of the Applicant’s knowledge, and pending completion of the ACUP review process, there will be no adverse impacts on adjacent properties. The installation of pervious parking surfaces on the west side of the parcel will be adequately screened by proposed perimeter landscaping along the property line. Additional landscaping along the SW 16th Street frontage will serve as a visual transition into portions of the parking field visible S.W. 16th Street. Compatibility The project is located within an area dominated by two zoning districts; Medium Industrial (IM) and Commercial Office (CO) with the parcel (334040-6430) in … proposed use is compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood question currently zoned as IM. Typical uses within these districts often feature large parking and maneuvering areas for customers and/or employees. The scale of the proposed pervious pavement installation on a portion of the property would appear to fall well within the character of the neighborhood. Parking … adequate parking exists, or will be made available The purpose of the project is to provide increased parking capacity. Currently available onsite parking – located primarily in front of the office building - appears to satisfy the needs of the existing use; newly-created parking will be reserved for additional parking. Traffic … use shall ensure safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and shall mitigate any effects on the surrounding area Without any new construction or development activity onsite which would typically generate a large number of vehicle trips, the likelihood of traffic impacts on the surrounding area is extremely limited. A trip generation analysis was prepared in conjunction with this proposal; revealing a projected six (6) trips are projected for the PM peak hour – a number which precludes any formal transportation impact analysis (TIA) under Renton current code. Noise, Light & Glare … potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use shall be evaluated and if necessary, mitigated Given the nature of the expansion and the existing use onsite, the Applicant does not foresee any potential noise, light and/or glare impacts on either the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent properties. As previously discussed above, pending completion of the ACUP review process, the Applicant remains committed to work with Renton staff on mitigation measures designed to address issues identified. Landscaping … to be provided in areas not occupied by buildings, paving or critical areas; additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects related to the proposed use A landscaping plan and arborist’s report have been provided in conjunction with this submittal; outlining perimeter and frontage landscaping proposed for this project. The installation of pervious parking surfaces on the west side of the parcel will be adequately screened by proposed perimeter landscaping along the property line. Additional landscaping along the SW 16th Street frontage will also be provided.