HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project_Narrative_180330_v1PROJECT NARRATIVE Administrative Conditional Use Permit 800 S.W. 16th Street Parking Lot Expansion 800 S.W. 16th Street, Renton, WA 98057 Parcel No. 334040-6430-02 Prepared by Robert McNeill, Senior Planner Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032 March 2018 The Applicant is proposing an expansion of an existing parking field , as described in the attached plans. Aside from paving and landscape activity, no construction is being proposed for any structures and no improvements are being proposed within the adjacent public rights-of-way. An existing office building located onsite will remain intact along with an adjacent parking field and will be unaffected by this proposal. Aerial Photograph – 800 S.W. 16th Street (Google Maps, August 2017) 800 S.W. 16th Street Parking Expansion Administrative Conditional Use Permit - 2 - March 2018 Street View – S.W. 16th Street (Google Maps, August 2017) Street View – Raymond Avenue S.W. (Google Maps, August 2017) 800 S.W. 16th Street Parking Expansion Administrative Conditional Use Permit - 3 - March 2018 Project Details, Zoning, Use & Required Permitting  Name: 800 S.W. 16th Street Parking Expansion  Zoning: IM – Medium Industrial  Comprehensive Plan: Employment Area  Parcel: 334040-6430  Acreage: ±3.25 Acres  Existing Use(s): Commercial Office & Accessory Parking  Proposed Use(s): Parking Expansion  Required Entitlements: Administrative Conditional Use Permit (ACUP) Development Details The project calls for the expansion of parking facilities onsite, on a portion of the subject property referenced above; construction activity would be limited to removal of existing landscaping and ins tallation of pervious pavement and limited site improvements as indicated in the attached plans. With no code requirements applicable for minimum lot size (N/A), width or depth within the IM zone (RMC 4-2-130A), or maximum lot coverage for structures (none are proposed), the project as proposed appears to be fully compliant. Existing setbacks are being maintained as well as a clear vision area at the street intersection. Perimeter landscaping and related improvements are provided per attached plans. Right-of-way dedications are being provided in accordance with current Renton standards; an 11.5 -foot dedication along the S.W. 16th Street frontage and a similar 4.5-foot dedication along Raymond Avenue S.W. frontage. Site Features, Soil and Drainage The subject property is essentially flat with the steepest slope identified at approximately ten percent (10%). Subsurface conditions indicate a layer of top soil and grass with subsequent layers of medium -dense to dense brown-gray fine sand with silt (fill). Underlying the fill is a layer of loose/soft brown-gray silty sand with varying amounts of gravel and organics. No critical areas are onsite, but a Class 4 stream is located along the northern perimeter of the property; however no construction activity is proposed within 100-feet of said stream. Excavation Details The Applicant projects a need for excavation and fill to complete the construction phase of this project ; the installation of pervious paving, impervious asphalt, and perimeter landscaping. As a preliminary estimate, the project is calling for 600 cubic yards of cut and 600 cubic yards of fill. Tree Retention / Removal Specific details on tree retention and tree removal and replacement are provided with this submittal. There is existing landscaping onsite which is subject to removal per the demolition plan (attached). A conceptual landscape plan has been provided; detailing the location and species of trees proposed for replacement of trees being removed. Much of the proposed landscapin g would be used to provide a transition between the parking area and the public right-of-way. Access and Traffic The site has two public frontages; S.W. 16th Street and Raymond Avenue S.W. Access is provided by a single curb cut on 16th Street and multiple curb cuts on Raymond Avenue. A construction access driveway is proposed for the 16th Street frontage. 800 S.W. 16th Street Parking Expansion Administrative Conditional Use Permit - 4 - March 2018 A trip generation letter was prepared by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (TENW) our transportation consultant; confirming that the number of new PM peak trips generated by this proje ct (6) falls below the threshold to justify a full traffic impact analysis. Right-of-Way Dedications Right-of-way dedications are being provided in accordance with current Renton standards; an 11.5 -foot dedication along the S.W. 16th Street frontage and a similar 4.5-foot dedication along Raymond Avenue S.W. frontage. Examples of a proposed legal description and map exhibit have been prepared. Proposed Modifications Pending a complete review of the proposed construction and landscaping plans during t he ACUP process, the Applicant has not identified any modifications needed. Preliminary Project Cost Estimate The construction costs provided below are preliminary in nature and are subject to change; not included in these figures are sub-consultant costs (title, geotechnical, traffic, etc.). Clearance and Erosion Control $ 8,088 Site Development $ 25,652 Stormwater & Drainage $ 167,299 Total Estimated Construction Cost $ 201,039 Contingencies (10%) $ 21,000 Permit and Utility Fees (estimated) $ 15,000 Total $ 237,039