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~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.kingcounty.gov SHORT PLAT TYPE2 FILE CONTENTS / LOG-IN SHEET FILE NO.: L08S0001 REVIEW PLANNER: ARLENE MARIANO REVIEW ENGINEER: CLAIRE JONSON APPLICATION FILED: JANUARY 17, 2008 Related Files: /107/JM?..01- PROJECT/ FILE NAME: LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT OWNER(S): ROBERT PFLUGER & KELLY JACO AGENT(S): RICH HUDSON/R&D ENTERPRISES COMPLETE APPLICATION DATE;J',/;4/Df ; ACTIONS c_) tfiqo7 p PRELIMINARY APPROVAL DATE ~t,1/d,,.tUt{f I -ty- APPEALED: 0 YES D NO 2. 0 REVISION: 3. D RECORDING NO.:--------------- B. HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTIONS 1. D PREHEARING CONF. NOTICE date(s): 2. 0 HEARING NOTICE date(s): 3 D PREHEARING ORDER date(s): 4 D CONTINUATION date(s): 5. D EXAMINER'S REPORT date(s): 6 D RECONSIDERATION date(s): 7. D APPEAL SUMMARY date(s): cs) DDES STAFF ACTIONS Q '¢-PRELIMINARY REPORT/ CONDITIONS date mailed d4~ft ~/; s;/of 2. D CONTINUATION NOTICE 3. 4. D ADDENDUM REPORT D NOTICE OF APPEAL date mailed: ---------- date mailed: ---------- date received:--------- 5. 0 APPEAL ARGUMENTS date received: ---------- 6. D TRANSMITTAL TO EXAMINER (POR's/DOCS/STUDIES) date sent: ------ (APPEALS ONLY) @ SEPA REQUIREMENTS 0JHRESHOLD DETERMINATION: D.:_N-=S ___ _ DATE ISSUED: l.J.',JY-f/t S-fe CJ ' I 2. DATE 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/PORS/STAFF SENT ----------------- 3. APPEAL FILED: DYES D NO a. APPELLANTS: -----------Date Received: ____ _ ------------Date Received: ____ _ b. APPEAL ARGUMENTS: --------Date Received: ---~ NOTICE REQUIREMENTS NOTIC~F APPLICATION / a. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING/POSTING PACKAGE SENT :J/tl./ /()1] REC'D c2./.:J.&m,k' b. LEGAL ADS: SEATTLE TIMES Date Published: 2/), 7/0 8' LOCAL (/411-fvn tu.pcnWi ) Date Published: ,;;i_/,;;'7/0 !f c. 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/POR's/STAFF date(s) sent: ~2~/-'"::1.""S-,,,.,fe--"Oc..sf,,__ _____ _ NOTICE OF DECISION ~ 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/POR's/STAFF date(s) sent: 7A ttf-r, It ,lo 'f I I f. H. APPLICATION Date received: January 17, 2008 1. ¢ INTAKE CHECKLIST 2. "ff!-APPLICATION FEE 3. if APPLICANT DESIGNATION FORM 4. D LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5. tfi: ASSESSOR'S MAPS 6£3.;1-.;13-05 '5WJ3·:{3-0S- 6. r1i CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY 7. 1jli. CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY 8. D PRELIMINARY HEAL TH APPROVAL 9. D CERTIFICATE OF FUTURE CONNECTION 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. fP FIRE DISTRICT RECEIPT cy:_ SITE PLAN/PLAT MAP f LEGAL LOT PROOF "f{J. AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING CRITICAL AREAS COMPLIANCE D ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST i{J. TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY ~ LEVEL ONE ORAi NAGE ANALYSIS p OTHER Mild ?Jw, ct:vx-<.L fP.,.., '?,/dl<t/01&cni ,0 ~/oK L08SOOOI 18. 6. S.uJ, ofA)/. ~ 6f"D.,~n · C,u. D WAIVER(S) ------------------------ ADDITIONAL PLANS/MAPS 0) CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN 2. WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN 3. REVISION NO. 1 4. REVISION NO. 2 5. REVISION NO. 3 6. REVISION NO. 4 7. OTHER MAPS DATES RECEIVED: 1/1'7/ot ' r a), _____________________________ _ b), ___________________________ _ c). _____________________________ _ d), ___________________________ _ e), _____________________________ _ !), __________________________ _ SPECIAL STUDIES DATES RECEIVED 1. WETLAND/STREAM REPORT 2. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 3. TRAFFIC STUDY 4. WILDLIFE STUDY 5. OTHER (document title), ________________________ _ Page 2 of 3 I. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ~:~~~foTu 3. .Jr/<..#-!. ~>{) tl RC&.J. 4. r&§ UL,J:f: pv a ,;:1.c1 :1. ~ 5. fl µpu f: f'-L &fr l1Ltl.:b... 6. <1<:A;n -,1-, e, 14-h 04-°t:L 7. ~ #1.tJY>'? 12r,--]J 8.~· ~ 9.~a~~ 10. w.aJ! docetln Md:5 11. '' if<) rY\ a,....ee ,u_,, LOSSOOOJ 12. ____________________________ _ 13. ____________________________ _ 14. ____________________________ _ 15. ____________________________ _ 16. ____________________________ _ 17. ____________________________ _ 18. ____________________________ _ 19. ____________________________ _ 20. ____________________________ _ 21. ____________________________ _ 22. ____________________________ _ 23. ____________________________ _ 24. ____________________________ _ 25. ____________________________ _ 26. ____________________________ _ 27. ____________________________ _ 28. ____________________________ _ 29. ____________________________ _ 30. ____________________________ _ 31. ____________________________ _ 32. ____________________________ _ 33. ____________________________ _ 34. ____________________________ _ 35. ____________________________ _ 36. ----------------------------- 37. ____________________________ _ 38. ----------------------------- 39. ----------------------------- 40. ----------------------------- 41. ----------------------------- 42. ----------------------------- 43. ----------------------------- 44. ----------------------------- 45. ---------------------------- Page 3 of 3 Casey, Laura From; Sent; To; Cc; Subject; Attachments; Hello, Arlene; Casey, Laura Monday, November 17, 2008 5:44 PM Mariano, Arlene 'Robert King'; 'Rand D Enterprises'; Foster, Curt MAIN FILE CQPV L08S0001 Approval of Conceptual Mitigation Plan L08S0001 Conditions.doc I have received, reviewed, and approve the Mitigation Plan for the Bui Property, for enhancement of the existing wetland and buffer, prepared by JS Jones and Associates, Inc., as revised November 5, 2008. I am providing you with 2 copies of the Mitigation Plan for the main short plat fjle. The applicant also provided a Bond Quantity Worksheet for the mitigation plan. I did not review the Worksheet, because it is not required for preliminary short plat approval. It will be reviewed during engineering plan review, perhaps by the City of Renton. Attached are conditions for preliminary short plat approval: L08S0001 mditlons.doc (SO KB Laura Casey Environmental Scientist Ill King County DDES, Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-7158 /aura.casey@kingcounty.gov 1 ti KingCounty Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov November 18, 2008 TO: Arlene Mariano, Program/Project Manager FM: Laura Casey, Environmental Scientist -Ecologist RE: Short Plat Report Insert, L08S0001 MAIN FILE COPY Here are my recommended conditions for preliminary approval of Short Plat L08S0001. Recommended Conditions: 11. Critical Areas: The proposed short subdivision shall comply with the Critical Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21A.24. Impacts to critical areas shall be avoided where possible, and compensatory mitigation is required for approved adverse impacts. Preliminary short plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. A. Category and Buffers (KCC 21A.24.318 and 325): This property contains a Category IV wetland in the northwest corner of the site. The standard buffer for a Category IV wetland in an urban area is 50 feet measured from the wetland boundary. B. Critical Areas Tract (KCC 21A.24.180). The wetland and buffer on this property shall be placed in a Critical Areas Tract to be shown on the engineering plans and final short plat. The Critical Areas Tract shall be held in an undivided interest by each owner of a building lot within the development, with this ownership interest passing with the ownership of the lot, or shall be held by an incorporated homeowner's association or other legal entity that ensures the ownership, maintenance and protection of the tract. C. A minimum building setback line of 15 feet shall be required from the edge of the buffer (KCC 21A.24.200). D. Permanent survey marking, and signs shall be installed prior to final short plat approval (KCC 21A.24.160. E. Temporary marking of critical areas and their buffers (for example, bright orange construction fencing) shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction activities are completed. • F. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: RESTRICTIONS FOR CRITICAL AREA TRACTS AND CRITICAL AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a critical area tract/critical area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/critical area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The critical area tract/critical area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/critical area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/critical area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/critical area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided bylaw. The common boundary between the tract/critical area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the critical area tract/critical area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the critical area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line; unless otherwise provided by law. G. No adverse impact to wetland hydrology shall result from this proposal. Engineering plans and calculations shall demonstrate that the pre-existing wetland hydrology will be maintained following construction of the development, as shown on the conceptual drainage plan. H. Buffer reduction (21A.24.325.A.3): Buffer reduction is proposed in accordance with 21A.24.325.A.3.b. The buffer can be reduced by 25 feet in an urban area where as many of the options in Table b cited above are implemented as possible. I. Compensatory mitigation: A final wetland mitigation plan shall be provided for DOES review and approval prior to engineering approval, substantially in conformance with the Bui Property Mitigation Plan prepared by JS Jones and Associates, Inc., as revised November 5, 2008. The mitigation will be monitored for a total of three years. A financial guarantee will be required to ensure successful implementation of the approved mitigation plan. Cc: Curt Foster, Review Engineer w KingCounty Web date: 06/29/2007 DROP-OFF COVER SHEET FOR LUSD ONLY Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206·296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division ••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT••••••••••••••••• DATE RECEIVED BY LUSD PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No i_ (') ?'.( /~ ,~;;, 'I f. "--' = c-:;-:, ct:·, Project Name {)., f' J .. 7'v-, In,!v7,a.,. ll FROM J · S Jc--y , \ ,/A,' ~-7( • /le~., P rf I,~ (' Company Name/ Contact Person CJ Telephone No /"' 1 / (, '.. · r· ;>l'. ~ ·-.:, C: ·-C Ill N • ,.,, c) ~'t: (.I) N Lo 1_, /·(,,, r .. --r' TO · ... _.,,...:. "'"·t ~ ca ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~EQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat / Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: ~[E(C~u\l~[D) NOV 12 2008 Lot Line Adjustment Pennit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing / Grading Permit -Additional information requested. Please specify item(s) dropped-off: ' ' I , :, . /.· / K.C. D.D.E.S. PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. Check out the DOES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits Drop-OIICoverSheet-LUSDOnlyFORM.doc lg-cvs-dropoff. pd! 06/29/2007 Page 1 of 1 . fn'1 ;=-;: ·--·-·-··· --··-·-·-·--, .1 ,. ·- ·2, (( I -I c: ..,,~iX. I < '---· '" I --.,_ (® Critical Areas Mitigation UL) NO Bond Quantity Worksheet r ,~J . 'l> 1 2 2008 0JiJ,l~'1 i1D . I King County Project: Bui Property Mitigaiton Plan Revised: 11/5/08 Prepared by: J. S. Jones and A ii .. c D.D.E.S. 1 -~r, ! I 1\: 1hUI i i __ I Tax Parcel ID No.: 322305-9113 Project Description: Mitigation for Buffer Reduction Location:18621116th Avenue SE Applicant: Yvonne Bui Phone: 206-1i60-4267 MAINF ____ J ILE COPY PLANT MATERIALS• Type Unit Price Unit Quantity Descrlntion Co,t PLANTS: Potted, 4' diameter, medium $5.00 Each $ PLANTS: Container, 1 gallon, medium soil $11.50 Each $ PLANTS: Container, 2----;;-allon, medium sci I $20.00 Each 205.00 $ 4,100.00 PLANTS Container, 5----;:;-allon, medium soil $36.00 Each 6.00 $ 216.00 PLANTS Seedin". b" hand $0.50 SY $ PLANTS Slips (willow, red-osier) $2.00 E,ch $ PLANTS. Staices (wllbW) $2.00 Each $ PLANTS: Slakes (Wilbw) $2.00 Each $ PLANTS: Flats/plugs $2.00 Each $ $ • All costs include installal!on rroTAL $ 4,316.00 INSTALLATION COSTS ( LABOR, EQUIPMENT, & OVERHEAD) Type Unit Price Unit Cost Compost, v&getable, del~ered and spread $37.88 CY 50.00 $ 1,894.00 Decom"eclin" tilVhard"an, medium, to 6" d""th $1.57 CY $ Decompactln" mvhard"an, medium, to 12· depth $1.57 CY $ HydroseediriD-$0.51 SY $ Labo~eneral (landscaping) $40.00 HR 24.00 • 960.00 Labof ~enera1iconstruction) $40.00 HR $ labor: Consultant, super.'isin" $55.00 HR $ labor: Consultant, on-stte re-<lesi"n $95.00 HR • Rental 01 decom"actin" machina-, & onera1or $70.00 HR $ Sand, coarse builder's, del~erad and spread $42.00 CY $ Slaking material (set per tree) $7.00 Each $ Surv-·'--, line &----;;rade $250.00 HR $ Surveyinn, to---raphical $250.00 HR $ Wa1ering, 1• of water, SO' soaker hose $3.62 MSF $ lrri"alion • tem""ra"' $3,000.00 Acre 0.07 $ 210.00 lrrination -buried $4,500.00 Acre $ Tiling topsoil, di$k ha!ltlw. 2011!) tractor. 4•~· deep $1."' SY $ $25.oi HR $ $ I TOTAL • 3,064.00 HABITAT smuCTURES· l ITEMS Unit Cost Uni1 Cost Fascines (willow) $ 2.00 Each $ Lc,gs. (cedar), WI root wads, 16'-24' dam., 30' long $1,000.00 E,ch $ Logs (cedar) w/o root wads, 16'·24' dml., 30' $400.00 Each $ Logs, w/o root wads, 16'-24' diam., 30· 1ong $245.00 Each $ Logs w! root wads. 16'·24' criam '30' long $460.00 Each $ Rock.s, one-man $60.00 Each $ Rock.s, two-man $120.00 Each $ Root wads $163.00 Each $ Snawni;,;-; rave~a A $22.00 CY ' Wair-•--$1,500.00 Each • Wair -adius1able $2,000.00 Each $ Woo,J:,/ debris. la'"& $163.00 Each $ Snags -anchored $400.00 Each $ Snans-onslla $50.00 Each $ snans. iml)Orled $800.00 Each $ $ $ • All costs include delivery and 1r.stallation I TOTAL $ - EROSION CONIBOL ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Co,t Backfill and Compaction-embankment $ 4.89 CY $ Crushed surfacinn, 1 1/4' minus $30.0( CY $ D1tch"ini, $7.03 CY $ Excava1ion, bulk $4.00 CY $ Fence, si~ $1.60 LF 145.00 $ 232.00 Jute Mesh $1.26 SY $ Mulch, by hand, straw, 2' deep $1.27 SY $ Mulch, hv hand, wood chm, 2" deen $18.75 CY 25.00 $ 468.75 Mulch~ machine, s1raw, 1" de;,;-$0.32 SY $ Pipi!V\ temporary, CPP. 6' $9.30 LF $ Piping. temporary, CPP, 6' $14.00 LF $ Piping, temporary, CPP, 12' $18.00 LF ' Plastic covarinn, 6mm thi:k, sandbaMad $2.00 SY $ Rin Ran, machine placed, slopes $33.98 CY $ Rock Cons1r. Entrance 1 OO'l!15'x1' $3,000.00 Each • Ro,;k Cons1r, Entrance 50'l!15'x1' $1,500.00 Each $ Sediment pond riser assembly $1,695.11 Each $ Sediment tr~n: 5' hirlh berm $15.57 LF $ Sediment trap, 5' high beim w/spilway incl. riprap $59.60 LF $ Sodding. 1' deep, level ground $5.24 SY $ Soddin11 , 1' dee", s'--·1 nround $6.48 SY $ Straw bales, ~iaca and remove $600.00 TON $ Haulin" and d" "' $20.CO CY $ Topsoil, delivered and spread $35.73 CY 5.00 $ 178.65 $17.00 CY $ $ fmrAL • 879.40 GENERAL ITEMS ITEMS Unit Cost Unit cost Fencing, chain link, 6' high $18.89 LF $ Fencing, chain link, corner posts $111.17 Each $ Fencing, chain link, gate $277.63 Each $ Fencin<l. st IH rail, 3' hioh (2-rail) $10.54 LF 115.00 $ 1,212.10 Fencino, temPOra"' 1NGPEl $1.20 LF $ Signs, sensilive area boundary (inc. backing, post, ins1all) $28.50 Each 1.00 $ 28.50 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 1,240.60 OntER (Constn1Ction Cost Subtotal) $ 9,500.00 Percentage of ITEMS Construction Cost Uni Cost Mobilization 10% $ 950.00 Colllingency 30% $ 2,850.00 TOTAL $ 3,800.00 NOTE: ProJects with multiple permit requirements may be required to have longer MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING monitoring and maintenance terms. This will be evaluated or, a c,,se-by-case basis for development appl1cat1ons. Monitoring and maintance ranges may be assessed anywhere from S to 10 years. Maintenance, annual Less 1han 1,200 sq.ft and buffer mitigation on~ ,--· .. ·--· -,_,,._ --· '"·-·---- $ t.08 s monitorinal $ Less 1han 1,000 sq.ft wrth wetland or aquatic area mlt~ation $ t.35 SF Includes monltorina\ $ Larger than 1,000 sq ft bu1 less than 5,000 sq.n. 01 buffer mltina1ion $ 180.00 EACH 4hr @$45/hr) $ Larger than 1,000 sq. fl. but less than 5,000 sq.ft. ol wetland or anuatlc area mitina1ion • 270.00 EACH 5.00 6hr @$45/hrl $ 1,350.00 Larger than 5,000 sq.fl. but< 1 acre -buffer mijigation only $ 360.00 EACH 8 hrs @ 45/hr\ $ Larger than 5,000 sq.fl. but< 1 acre with wetland or aquatic area mltina1ion • 450.00 EACH 1 O hrs @ $45/hr) $ Larger than 1 acre but< 5 acres -buffer and/ orwetla!1d or anualic area mltina1ion • 1,600.00 DAY WEC crew) $ Larger than 5 acres buffer and I or wetland or aquatic area mitina1ioo • 2,000.00 DAY 1.25 X WEC crew\ $ MonilOcll'lg, annual Larger than 1,000 sq.It. bu1 less than 5,000 -butter mitigation '"' $ 720.00 EACH 5.00 8 hrs @ 90/hr\ $ 3,600.00 Larger than 5,000 sq.It. bu1 < 1 acre with wetland or aquatic area im,.,acis $ 900.00 EACH 10 hrs @ $90/hr\ $ Larger than 1 acre but< 5 acres -buffer and I or wetland or aauatlc area imoacts $ 1,440.00 DAY 16 hrs @ $90/hr\ $ Larger than5 acres -buffer and/ or weUand or aquatk: area impacts $ 2,400.00 DAY 24 hrs @ $90/hrl $ Maintenance and Monitoring Inspection (ODES), annual $362.25 EACH 4.00 2.5 hrs @ $144.90/hr\ $ 1,449.00 Maintenance and Monitoring Inspection (ODES), 1inal $579.60 EACH 1.00 (4 hrs @ $144.90/hr) $ 579.60 TOTAL $ 6,978.60 ?~-~~~,J) ----- Total $20,278.60 w KingCounty Web date: 06/29/2007 DROP-OFF COVER SHEET FOR LUSD ONLY Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 206-296-6600 rrv 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division ••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT••••••••••••••••• PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY DATE RECEIVED BY LUSD FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No L--t2 2(:(C?c? c? I "~ = Project Name /,A}C./55/ I> I:= .4..1:= I ~ I FROM y:2.., ( C::-/±: ,rt;,,~-t /> /c?A{ ~ CompanY8me / Contact Person Telephone No {.<f: 7--'>) '-f :t' L.--tf? 0 6 To ,Lif2.-,L--€1Y e;; 7 /.;eAdrAtv o . c, "" :>< :z ,:'...:J ("; ·-.. N • rr, J> 3i: V> 0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) _, Short Plat / Plats j Please specify item(s) dropped-off: y.1._ 1:::-V I ~ r-(> PL.At HA/2 a~-c~ 0/1£5) fl-.,f=i>•-tcPC> t.--1 6'A-L ,7'tii=1> cc:y:'1£5 A-00 Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing/ Grading Permit Additional information requested. Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Other: ~ lE CG/EI] 1\v/ l~ r~! NOV 1 2 2008 ·- K.C. D.D.E.S. MAIN FILE COPY PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. Check out the DDES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits Drop-Of!CoverSheet-LUSDOnlyFORM.doc lg-cvs-d ropoff. pd! 06/29/2007 Page 1 of 1 z (C'1") Wl -0 = (J) >- ~ = = w a.. ,,. "" - 0 0 1-===.1 N u U) ! LLJ1J[ ~ 0 w -> ~ ....J > 01 C) u.. l,h::, = ~ z LI..J lLJ1__cJ] <( ~ cc roe ti King County Web date: 06/29/2007 DROP-OFF COVER SHEET FOR LUSD ONLY Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division •••••• •,••• • • • • • •• IMPORTANT •• ••••• •• ••••• •• • PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY C··, ': 'J • ·:_:_ . ~AJ-E~F~V-E-Q ~ LUSD _:;1 1 \II!.:__! .i 1 '---' n, ,_ JUL 1 5 ZOOS ./ • FOR ALL DROP-OFFS ProjectNo Lt:JcfLCOO ( .. ! --· ,...., = ' = Project Name L-A--/< F :£( {) (_~ · ,l!.f3,( '£/2 ~ ' / ,£ AArC> i) FROM/ '-/q-f-fftd/?;::C~TE/Y'&~i:S Company Name/ Canta erson Telephone No{l/-:2-.>~) lf::3: 2 -'f? t) 67<._ ... L-}1,/v TO A-12.L-G;,vE ,HAL4Atv qam ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) K.C. D.D.E.S. ' = l:>t S: le. - '"' (.Jl • ,.., --0 :x V> .z:-.. &" MAIN FILE cnpv Short Plat I Plats ~ ,-• \,.,} Please specify item(s) dropped-off: _/r.t>L-P t--7;,2__ / Al Po /.//_:::::~ z__/z7/ ?Jo /){>/55 L-)7<.. ~o )-//+()c-A/;f7L.144-r?c.?l'V / ~12-/NM /P,£. A-rA1>, Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off Clearing I Grading Permit Additional information requested. Please specify item(s) dropped-off: PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under \lie pro1ec\ number. t11erefo1e. it;,, i111portant that the top portion of this forrn is completed properly before you drop-off ariy1 thing. Assistance in finding a pro1·ect number can be provided by speaVng to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation 1s important. Tl1a11k you Check out the DOES Web site at www.kinqcountv.gov/[)_ermirs Orop-OffCcv<2rSheet-LUSD011lyFORM doc lg-cvs-dropoff pdf F'age I i I ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 February 27, 2008 Yvonne Bui Lakeside REI, LLC P.O. Box 69563 SeaTac,VvA 98168 RE: Notice of Request for Additional Information or Studies Application No. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Subdivision Date Filed: January 17, 2008 Date of Complete Application: February 14, 2007 Dear Ms. Bui: The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Code Title 20 that the Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. Vvhen submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATIN.: Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I, Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, VvA 98057-5212 If the submittal is hand delivered, submit at the address above. Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the submittal of the necessary information is May 27, 2008. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which may justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. If possible, please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding the additional information or the submittal deadline, please contact me at 206-296- 6686 or by email at arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov . Sincerely, ' .. 4ene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I Current Planning Section Enclosures cc: Cramer Northwest, 945 North Central, Suite 104, Kent, WA 98032 Rich Hudson, Rand D Enterprises, 21936 234th Ave SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Trishah Bull, Project/Program Manager 111, Current Planning Section, LUSD Laura Casey, Environmental Scientist 111, Critical Areas Section, LUSD Claire Jonson, Engineer Ill, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Traffic Engineer, KCDOT, Road Services Division Application File L08S0001 ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 Short Plat Screening Transmittal LUSD File No. L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Date of Information Request: February 27, 2008 Deadline for Submittal of Information: May 27, 2008 ODES staff has reviewed the information provided in your application received January 17, 2008 and has the following requests for additional information. Access/Roadway: 2007 King County Road Standards (KCR'S) Please submit 3 copies of the following required studies and/or site plan revisions: Road Classification 11 d" Ave SE, fronting the property, is classified as an Urban Collector Arterial, under KCRS, Section 1.03 urban frontage improvements are required. These improvements can be designed after preliminary· approval and submitted for engineering plan approval prior to recording or construction. This plan must be prepared, stamped, and signed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington. ROW Dedication Your proposal requires 42 feet of right-of way (ROW) along the full length of the short plat boundary fronting 116th Ave SE. Your next submittal shall include a revised site map showing this ROW dedication. Existing Road Site Distance Sight distance along the frontage road appears to be less than required (KCRS Sections 2.12 and 2.13). For you next submittal, you need to: 1) demonstrate that minimum site distances are met or; 2) submit engineering plans after preliminary decision that correct the problem or; 3) Obtain a road variance approval. Site distances shall be measured and provided by either an engineer or land surveyor licensed in the State of Washington. On-site road improvements There shall be no direct vehicular access to and from 1161h Ave SE from the lots which abut it. Access to these lots shall be by means of an on-site subaccess street (KCRS 2.03). This restriction shall be shown on the face of the engineering plans and the final recorded short subdivision. Your next submittal shall include a revised site map showing the onsite roadway. Please submit a preliminary profile of the on-site subaccess street. Address how the proposed road will connect with the existing parcel to the west. Please be aware that the on-site subaccess street intersection with 1161h Ave SE will require double sidewalk ramps at the northwest and southwest corners. Please find attached a curb ramp update memo dated July 13, 2007. The conceptual drainage plan shows that existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole (SSMH) 2 will be centered in proposed curb and gutter. SSMHs are not allowed to be centered in curb and gutter. Address how this will be resolved. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat 1 Cul-de-sac Required The proposed on-site road exceeds 150 feet (measured from the centerline of 116th Ave SE). The street temporarily terminates at the west property boundary. Per KCRS Section 2.08 the temporary bulb shall be 80 feet in diameter with sidewalks terminated at the point where the bulb radius begins. Removal of the temporary constructed cul-de-sac and construction of the extension of the sidewalk shall be the responsibility of the applicant/developer who extends the road. If a road variance is required If a variance from the KCRS is desired, per Section 1.08, the variance must be approved prior to making a decision on the short subdivision application. Multiple issues may be included in the same application. Enclosed is Customer Information Bulletin No. 34, which explains the road variance process. http://www.metrokc.gov/permits/publications/bulletins.aspx. Any request for a road variance shall be submitted to DOES on the appropriate form and with the minimum fee deposit. Drainage: 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) Full Drainage Review Full Drainage Review is required per SWDM Section Provide a Technical Information Report that demonstrates that the proposed project complies with the following requirements: • All eight core requirements in Section 1.2 • All five special requirements in Section 1.3 Level 1 Downstream Drainage Analysis (Core Requirement #2) King County's field check done on February 5, 2008 requires the following corrections: • The actual outlet to Pond (symbol H) on offsite drainage map is at the northwest corner and drains towards the west. • Flow path between Symbol A and project site outlet does not have sheet flow as stated on Off-site analysis Drainage System Table. There is a swale in this area. • Clarify what happens between symbols A and B. Are there any conveyance systems for the homes that would pick up drainage from the project site? Please contact Claire Jonson at (206) 296-6641 if you have questions regarding access or drainage issues. Critical Areas: Critical Areas Delineation and Rating Report According to our field report, there is a French drain across the center of the property. A small white pipe outlets along the western third of the northern property line. Water flowing out of this drain has saturated the soils. The soils are hydric and the area has wetland hydrology. The vegetation is mostly dense Himalayan blackberry growing on the adjacent fill slopes, and black cottonwood and red alder trees. This area appears to be wetland. This wet, saturated area extends off-site to the west. It is unclear where the water goes as it leaves the wet area, although rocks visible along a neighbor's backyard fence may indicate another underground French drain. A Critical Areas Delineation and Rating Report is required for this property. Please submit a report and map showing the location of the wetland and/or aquatic area on this parcel. A determination is required as to whether this drainage feature is an aquatic area or a wetland or both. If it is a wetland, a delineation must be performed, including information about any portion of the wetlands that extends off-site. A Wetland Delineation Report Criteria is available on the DOES website at http://www.metrokc.gov/ddes/forms/ls-cri- wetdelin.pdf. Wetlands must also be rated in order to determine the appropriate buffer setbacks under King County Code 21A.24.325. Wetland categories must be determined using the Washington State Wetland LD8S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat 2 Rating System for Western Washington (Washington State Department of Ecology, August 2004). If ii is an aquatic area, a written explanation must be provided as to which Type of aquatic area it is. Critical areas and their buffers generally are required to remain undisturbed in native vegetation during and after development. Wetlands and/or aquatic areas and their buffers are set aside and protected in critical areas tracts through the short plat process. These tracts are not part of the building lots, and are owned in common by all of the lot owners in the short plat. The width of the buffer will depend upon the wetland rating or the aquatic area type. Following review of the requested critical areas report and map, we may require a revised short plat map to set aside any critical areas and their buffers in separate tracts from the building lots. If you have any questions concerning critical areas, please contact Laura Casey at 206-296-7158 or by email at laura.casey@kinqcounty.gov. Preliminary Short Plat: Preliminary Short Plat Map /15 copies and 3 reduced 8 %" x 14" legal size copies) Please provide a full preliminary map on a single page prepared by a licensed land surveyor showing the following (it is not necessary to submit in a recording document format at this time): • The contours must be based upon field survey per KCC 19.A.08.150 (B) (2). A statement to this effect must be shown on the preliminary map. For land inside the urban growth boundary, contour intervals shall be at 2-foot intervals when slopes are 15 percent or less and 5-foot intervals for slopes exceeding 15 percent. A field topographic base map shall accompany the application. If approved by the department, a field survey may be waived for large areas of open space or extensive critical area tracts. Two temporary benchmarks must be shown within the application site along with the appropriate elevation and datum; • North arrow, scale and date of map and revisions when applicable; • A vicinity map; • Location of adjoining parcels within 100 feet of site must be shown and delineated by dashed lines. The zoning of the parcels should also be identified; • The name, address and phone number of the applicant and the owner(s). Innocent Purchaser No proof of legal was provided. The 1984 Deed is newer than the October 1, 1972 deadline and the September 1947 Deed includes other parcels. This parcel was created in December 1972 when tax lot 322305-9282 was deeded per the microfiche tax record, thus it will require an innocent purchaser (see attached) and is also available on the DOES website at http://www.metrokc.gov/ddes/forms/le-ins-innoc.pdf. Any request for an Innocent Purchaser shall be submitted to ODES on the appropriate form(s) along with the current fee. SEPA Environmental Checklists (20 copies) A short plat is subject to review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) when related improvements will encroach into "lands covered by water" (WAC 197-11-756); the proposed short plat is part of a previous short subdivision (WAC 197-800(6)(a)); or the proposed short plat, including the future development of buildings, will disturb 1 acre or more. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat 3 June 26, 2008 Arlene Mariano King Co. ODES Cramer Northwest, Inc. • Surveyors •Planners •Engineers 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: Nguyen Short Plat (L08S0001) Dear Arlene: K.C. D.O E· ··. '-----..:..:.:.::::.:_.':::: . . "' --- MAIN FILE COPY We have received your Request for Additional Information or Studies letter dated February 27, 2008 for the above project. The responses below refer to the road and drainage comments in that letter. Roads: Road Classification We are aware of the classification of I 16th Ave SE. Road improvement plans will be provided during the engineering review stage of this project. ROW Dedication We are showing a 12' dedication along the full length of the short plat boundary fronting I 16th Ave SE. Existing Road Sight Distance Recent discussions between the owner/developer and King County have resulted in the sight distance analysis to not be required. On-Site Road Improvements I. We are not proposiog for any of the lots to access directly from I 16th Ave SE. A note to this effect has been provided on the Conceptual Drainage Plan. 2. A road profile has been provided for the on-site road. We are proposing to end the pavement approximately 5' east of the western property line and match grade with the parcel to the west. Please see profile for more detail. 3. We are now showing double curb ramps at the intersection of the subaccess road and 116th Ave SE. 4. The owner/developer is working with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District regarding the relocation of the sewer line. The curb and sidewalk are where they should be per the road standards. Cul-de-sac Required There is a discrepancy between the text and the standard detail associated with a temporary cul-de-sac. After getting clarification from Claire Jonson and Lydia Reynolds-Jones, we have revised the cul-de-sac to include 80' of pavement and for the sidewalks to terminate at the beginning of the bulb radius. l£?tf:CCOI 945 N. Central, Suite #104 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 w,vw.crarnernw.com E-mail: cni(Q'.;cramernw.com r . \ Cramer Northwest, Inc. • Surveyors • Planners • Engineers Drainage: Full Drainage Review We are aware that full drainage review is required for this project. We have provide a preliminary TIR that addresses the eight core requirements and the five special requirements. Level I Downstream Drainage Analysis (Core Requirement #2) 1. After another visit to the pond on 6/20/2008 by Paul Nitardy, it is believed that the Offsite drainage map correctly shows the outlet of the pond being in the southwest comer of the pond. Please do not be confused by the arrow near PS which just shows the direction that picture PS was shot. 2. A dotted line has been added on the site showing how the water gets to the western property line. The offsite map symbol A still starts near the northwest property comer. 3. Text has been added in task 4 that further describes how water gets from our site to SE 186th ST. We feel that we have adequately addressed your road and drainage related comments. Please grant our client preliminary approval of this short plat. lil~ Cramer NW 945 N. Central. Suite #104 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 rn,1-v.cramcm,.v.com E-mail: cni(ilicramemw.com R and D Enterprises PERMIT CONSUL TING SERVICES July 15, 2008 Arlene Mariano, PPM, Current Planning Section 21936 234~ Ave. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 425-432-4806 (0) 425-660-8700 (F) 206-384-7392 (CJ rd-enterprises@comcast.net lf)oSaOO! MAIN FILE COPY King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale, Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 ~--K.C. D.D.E.S. RE Response to Request for Additional Information or Studies Dated 2/27/08 Application No. L08S0001-Lakeside REI Fairwood Short Plat Arlene: The referenced additional information hold letter required several road, drainage and surveying information requests that have been addressed in the attached cover letter to you from Cramer NW dated June 26, 2008. The Cramer NW cover letter identifies how each issue was addressed. The remaining non-engineering/surveying items listed in your hold letter are addressed below. Critical Areas: Wetlands A Critical Areas Delineation and Rating Report has been completed by J .S. Jones and Associates, Inc. Included with the submittal is a Mitigation Plan which shows a reduced wetland buffer from 50 to 25 feet. Also included is a Critical Areas Mitigation Bond Quantity Worksheet. Legal Lot Status: Innocent Purchaser Affidavit An Innocent Purchaser Affidavit has been completed and is included with this submittal. The required fee has been paid and a copy of the receipt is also attached. Environmental Review: SEPA Environmental Checklists A SEPA Environmental Checklist has been completed and it is attached for your review. Also included is a Project Emissions Worksheet evaluation for the proposed 7-lots. In addition to the above items I was also asked to summarize one road issue that was not addressed by Cramer NW. From start to finish and everything in between! , ••• . .. • • ·1-- R and D Enterprises PERMIT CONSUL TING SERVICES Existing Road Sight Distance Sight Distance Analysis 21936 2341h Ave. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 425-432-4806 (0) 425-660-8700 (F) 206-384-7392 (CJ rd-enterprises@comcast.net The proposed access road entrance onto 116'h A venue SE and property frontage was originally required to provide an analysis on sight distance. I subsequently met with Craig Comfort/KCDOT at the site. Craig reviewed the entrance intersection location for this short plat on an approved road variance (file#L07V0075). Craig's familiarity with this location also involved another road variance for a short plat on the west side of 116 1h Avenue SE (Pretty Short Plat LOIS0021 and Road Variance file L02V0039). The approved Pretty short plat entrance onto l l 61h A venue SE aligns with the approved Lakeside short plat entrance road. Neither short plat Road Variance review raised any concern over meeting minimum sight distance requirements. The frontages & the approved intersection entrance location are flat and unobstructed by any curves and because in my opinion there are no sight distance issues at this location I asked Craig to confirm ifhe agreed. Craig agreed there are no sight distance issues and due to his review history and understanding of the minimum sight distance requirements I asked if he could communicate this to Claire Jonson, PE/ERU in LUSD. Craig sent an email to Claire Jonson on April 24, 2008 with attached pictures that summarized his position on sight distance not being an issue. As I stated earlier, in my opinion this project complies with minimum sight distance requirements. As requested by Claire Jonson I have provided the above summary to document that a sight distance analysis would not be necessary. In summary, the items identified in the referenced hold letter have been addressed and as stated above the items and the required numbers of copies (per your hold letter) are attached. All efforts to expedite the review are greatly appreciated by the applicant/owner. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me? Sincerely, ~id "11«440H R and D Enterprises cc: Michael Nguyen/Applicant From start to finish and everything in between! ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 Amount $ Tendered $ c,,') Chane $ 0645 (Rev. 2/07) -~-~~"'-~ ~-'-~~\ ~ -~ "--"'-"' ~ -·-@ No. 196809 $ ~:';,<::£:, Project#: Parcel#: By: ~ ftt of Development ronmental Services · esdale Avenue Southwest · n, Washington 98057-5212 Innocent Purchaser Affidavit Applicant Name -l-ll..Ll-C,LJ\,.J~_..\L!llll______ Tax Lot No. ,2,.,l;,< 30 59 113 Phone ?,b~ -S7l\:-7?,t,5' E-mail \ o..'u.s1de. r~ i @ gmo..i L Com Address I $ (a,?. I 11 b-fl-1 /rlK, S£ f2e.n+oY\ City State Zip State of Washington, County of _xll::.J)L!N..,,&-:,,,::.... ____________ _ '/V6 NNt BU\ t and being first duly sworn, on oath, depose(s) and state(s): 1. On Mo.~ "3 I , :Z001 , I (We) purchased the following described real estate: The east half of the east alfofthat portion of the south halfofthe northeast quarter of the southeast quarter in Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying northerly of the southerly 505.1 feet of said subdivision; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof conveyed to King County for 116°' Avenue Southeast by deed recorded under Recording Number 269S240. ABREV DESCRIP: E 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF POR S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 LY NLY OF SLY 505.1 FT SD SUBD LESS CO RD 2. Attached to this statement are true and correct copies of all documents signed by me (us) relating to the purchase of the above described real estate. These documents are: ?u.,rchl~ aM * ~r.elll'ne,nt' 3. I paid $ {grJO ,OOQ . 00 for the property. I have attached copies of appraisals, if any exist, upon which fair market value can be determined. 4. I (We) have D have not~ made application for innocent purchaser status in King County previously. (You must explain all previous applications.) I (We) am (are) aware that the purpose of filing this statement is to obtain recognition by King County of the proi;erty described in paragraph 1 above as a separate lot, by establishing to the satisfaction of the responsible County officials that I (we) purchased this property for value and without actual knowledge that it was sold in violation of state and local regulations regarding the subdivision of property. I (We) am (are) further aware that any false statements contained in this statement may lead to the revocation of County recognition of the property described in paragraph 1 as a separate lot and the r vocation of all development permits which may hav.e been issued with respect to this lot. I, , a duly authorized and acting Notary Public in arw f~r t~t~ashington, hereby declare: that on this da per onally appeared before me ,11 ~ 1. (:,w., l. /o ~-, to me known to be the individual described in and who exeduted the within and foregoing document, and acknowledged to me that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed. WITN I i I seal this day of , 20 &f __ _ etJSAN M, BEIIPt'Y' e State of Washigton 81'AfeOf'WASHtNQTCJN Residing at -~~~:_ _______ _ NOTAAV -•,... PU8UC MYCOMMl$$10NEXP~~ the DDES Web site at www.kingcounty.gov/permits lnnocentPurchaserlnstructAndAffFORM.doc le-ins-innoc.pdf 06/29/2007 Page2of2 Cl:J SHORT PLAT NO. KING COUNTY, w'·~A=sH~,=NG=T=o=N OCDICATlON APPROVALS: DBWmlDIT OF ~T NCI ENV!flOl'llilOOAL SEIi~ -----DoWtF -IIGi:ll.l.MDIJlt~QIIIIIOt IEUIINEllllll)_1115_Mf0- ____ N _ ----"-- DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO, VOL/PAGE ___ flllS_DlliltF ____ .. _ SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1~-20· -1 inch = 20 FT. -------- iiNrY ll5!Diji" PORTION OF: ONlll-;"~:.::=="~~'='9.... Ol't'D..OPIEffEIICl&II IICCCUIT-m.m-41u,1-m N.E, 1/4, S.E. 1/4, SEC. 3Z. T. 23 l'IORTH, R. O!! EAST, W.hL 11119tOlll'il'LIIT10.flCOIIM'IIC-m;lll(ll1111 IHClll'aarlllll90II ... IIIID'l'.-00--11:lVllll-fllfll:f'l.aii:fWIIIII --------LAK.b::SJLJE FAJRWOOD SHORT PLAT LOCATED 1N THE N.E. 114, OF THE S.E. 114, Mi. fllltTI #la UINUU _, -;11 ,tllflllll -MID DIDICAII 1W Ull[TIIMO"JWIILl.fllaJl:-11111"-,ulf-.nl11a:UK IIIOEG'F\lll"*li:-1~---ntli-TUllllll:M.L --..al'Gllcun_nu.s_1111un-r,-.111111 -~-·----..-,wna -II ra 'Ila 'IS 01 nt1 l'lalC ML M llllMlffl. lolll flMlfl ._ CIII 1NIS ..... IIUT fOI Ill.I. Na.IC ,_.... Ill ll:IICAJIO ""1111111. ·-CUIDIIII 1M 1111T Ulfflll IO ,_., Cll'III 9'IICa. IJTIJTII ... IIIMl,IG£ 1.IIIDI wao: -,ns K JIIICn ,Ill£ ....cru., a:lllftll • -9IOll'"Llra....u~•~raA,-•Dllll'Jona "'-ltl: l'IIIIIC, 11 -c• • I» .._, OIIICW alCN '"'8'1. P3Dlllll'l,IIIIUl;l31U"[~GIIIDff!n'IDbl'llntllNllll'IIIM: ---f\lJIIIO, M: 1"IIP9GQI c,all;llS OF NE I.MO ..._ --'lll'Crtllllllllm.!U,_Halll ___ Ml' fDIOM CII IIITlff DOIVll9 mu: ,_ 111: ~ M'I MIi All Q.111111 l'Cllt DMIICt MMm 1111 CINIIT, Ill -N -.n -11&1'1!-fltMl!:ll'-,CIOllllll.lmOll•--TDl,IIIC[OFIIClllll!J_,.._lmlllll ___ ~ --ctMl5 IDll.lllG -IIMll1IUllt -,,, --·· IVltllD, '1111: lJIQIIIIIND Mal 0, TIii IMO _. IIIClllf 1UIDIIIIDD .... -~1ND11---. .. ....., -~ 1111D 1111111 CDIIIIT, 111 -1,!1(1 nNII, IIMilldl -Mr 1-,~ INTClllfflOFDIFElll£,CI.Mdrrf'lnlll!l91'11111111 WIIIOJTMS,-i'--JU----11' .. _CF Tlf[--lllE,lllllEI',._, _____ ~ Mllll NIIII llflU TIii ........... Oil • llrMll9Mll'T, CCll- t!W.ICMN 41111U1111111,1111X Ol"llll llVMII WIHl 1111 tliar-. PNl'IOClll'llit'MVDW~ ........ IIOl'KClllll9UIOM ~-Galllfr,1119-Clll-.,-U*.MY'OII -. IIQilQIIII NE am CF IEFOfR, --fl ..U Ill• .... ,_Tlofi~Gf'IIWCIIUNT'l,ITSS-.CIIIIIIIIIQIII. 1NIS 11N""IID'i. OlllC,fflON. -., ~ MIii .laQIQf lU lllD-OS lltllllt: WIIIITlltAD c;walllMll•--•IM nl:Dl9D(lfto11D~ 11 .. IIOI_IIIElll'.:xr---~ - 5TIIJt:QF"~M, "'"'"'----- - i,. ! t:emN GIi HMiE $AIIISF/ICl1:IA'I' DltulCE THAT ,IMO 1H1S ~ ""' IQQIIOIUDGm II ro • (Nl,.\iiJ nra ~ ~ !O!' ,!Ht UstS #NI l'UIIPom IOfln:ll " l!4E ' • '\ ~, .. ,,,.------\ = "=OJ"·----- : l'IOT-P-..c ------ ,' M'l'M'PCllfflllEHTUl'IEI __ _ 5TA1((W~---~ F· ~"----- I terlFf QII HM: Wl!il'ACroll:'r IMXNI;[ IH,111' ~~~~~~~~ INSTIUilEHT. -----.. ~ ~,' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~~,=>,.~------= '::tF~-------------w-""""--- RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ALEO FOR Re:CORO THIS .......... OAY OF .•..•••.• zo ...... .AT ..... M IN EIOQK .......... OF ........... AT PAC[ ........ AT THE REO..IEST OF .. QM:!t.il, .. l;1l.lJ&.P.1.L 'SURVEYOFl'S NAME ..... 'si:i'Pr'.. 'Of 'AECOROS .. OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KIN(J COUNTY, WASHINGTON REV\S\ON DEV&OPER/OWNER INTORJIAJ'ION: t.N!DiPC IIEl, lllt'HIE. HQl.l'l'DI .1'111 :5, IN!ll S, -IMNIW aot) 2»-Jllft SITE ADDRBSS ~~~~~w~[Q) JUL 1 5 2008 tMESa" JIIEI SHQIR" l'l,,IT 1,UI 1 .. IH ME: SE -·---ZONING, SERVICE & rmuTY INF()R*TIOH.-i---K.C D.O.E.S ___ J SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE TNIS SHOil PUT IIAP OORAECn.Y ~ 4 $UIM:Y IIINl[ BY lilE OR tllllJ£ll MY D111£Ct SI.IPl:IM$!0f( IN COIWURll,.,.;r Wini lllE 11E41Ullltl4tl>ITS or Tt!E t:"'°"AIATt $TAfflr~7STATUm OWEN 9. AKI£, PCS l',t..S. CEIITIPICATt: HO. .!ll2!.l Ei:kr Cramer Northwest Inc. +• ~ Surwyol"II Planners I; EnglnHrt US N, CENTIW... STt, f\04, r.£NT. WA M(J.)2 (2!!o3)1,:i-4HO (1-1) 1-(900)2!!,I-OIU (toll r.-..) (llil}MZ-•95, (h111) E-MAIL, cnMk:r'a"'1N'"l'•.wm -31;1>-111~-,._, ..,_ i,. -11.n,;,,, ..., ,~ 1, VICINITY M.tP = ffl_cMIM" O<l/1'-/0I QI!) i ' ' ' 'I (}!.I;! ~c o;:•,~o'\! ,, ..... , ' ;f ' .,..,. . .. ,,.., .. ' 9 ,.~.,,,,·, 1111 ·"-'"""" ,. { ~ JfflllVIIEIIT ustl:Gl'OO*ntlil ,00 MID/OIi -.a: -- IGIIIOl):llNl'IIIS( tla1DIG ~" 1M.C JR-1-. NII:..: DATA: 11.t. IA U I/~ B. a r. UIIIIIIII, I. Oil6151: llll DRAWN l"1 ill.I( CltECICED 8'1': o.aH. ~Tl: I JCII NCI.: MW., ~-02, 200fl 2001-I UI """' I "'"'' Finch•2CIFT. IOF2 ,-... ;~~ ' I ~/ REVISION l K.C. D.D.E.S. - ® Critical Areas Mitigation 1~~ Bond Quantity Worksheet \) ~~ 1 \' 11= In' '7 ~ ii / £~ [QJ King County n1 Ji I 1 r.' onos IU .. J LU Project: Bui Property Mitigarton Plan Date: 6112/08 Prepared by: J. S. Jones and As lsociates, Inc. J Tax Parcel ID No.: 322305-9113 Project Description: Mitigation for Buffer Reduction K.1 . D.D.E.S. Location:18621116th Avenue SE Applicant: Yvonne Bui Phone: 206-660-4267 PLANT MATERIALS' Type Unit Price Uni t Quantity Descriotion Cosi PLANTS: Paned, 4' diameter, medium $5.00 Each $ PLANTS: Container, t aallon, medium soil $11.51 Each $ PLANTS: Container, 2 rrnllon, medium soil $20.00 Each 110.00 $ 2,200.00 MAIN FILEC PLANTS· Container, 5 "-"lion, medium soil $36.00 Each 5. $ 180.00 OPV Pl.ANTS: Seedin", b11 hand $0.50 SY $ PLANTS· Slips (wjlow, red-osier) $2.00 Each $ PLANTS· Stakes (wilkiw) $2.00 Each $ PLANTS Stakes (wiiow) $2.00 Each $ PLANTS: Flats/plugs $2.00 Each $ $ - • Al costs nclllde iistalla1ion I TOTAL $ 2,380.00 INSTALLATION COSTS ( LABOR, EQUIPMENT. & OVERHEAD) 7 .. --Unit Price Uni Cost Cofll)Osl, v&ge1able, delillared and spread $37.88 CY $ Decofrllacli"" tili/har¢an, medium, to 6' depth $1.57 CY $ D9CO(l1Jaclina ~lilharM~". m&dium. to 12' depth $1.57 CY $ 1-!vdroseedina $0.51 SY $ Labor. neneral nandscapino) $40.00 HA 24.00 $ 960.00 L.81lor_ ""neral rconstruction) $40.00 HA $ Labor: Coosuftant, s rvisinn $55.n HR $ Labor: Consuttant, on-site re-des"'n $95.n HR $ Rental of decorq;,acling machinerv & oprtrator $70.00 HR $ Sand. coarsrt buide~s, delivered and soread $42.00 CY $ Stakinn material I set per tree) $7.00 Each $ Surv....,inn, line & nrade $250.00 HA $ Surv...,inn, tononraphical $250.00 HR $ Waterin", 1' of water. 50' soaker hosa $3.62 MSF $ lr""~lion -'"""""'orarv $3,000.00 Acra 0.07 $ 210.00 Irrigation -buried $4,500.00 Acre $ T1tng lop$0il, disk harrow, 20hp !radar, 4'-6' deep $1.02 SY $ $25.00 HR $ $ I TOTAL $ 1,170.00 HABITAT STRUCTURES• I ------'----- ITEMS Unit Cost Unit' Cost F8.$Cirles (willow) $ 2.00 Each $ logs. (ce<lar). WI root wads, 16'·24' diam '30'1ong $1,000.00 Each $ Logs (eedarl wlo root wads, 16'-24· d1a111 .30' $400.00 Each $ Logs, w!o root wads, 16"-24' dam., 30' long $24~~ Each $ Logs w.l root waas. 15·.2•· diam., 30' long $460. Each $ R(ICks, one-man $60. Each $ Rocks, two-man $120.00 Each $ Roo1 wads $163.00 Each $ ~Mwnin" "ravel. h, .... A $22.00 CY $ Weir-log $1,500.00 Each $ Weir -adittstable $2,000.00 Each $ W··-"· detlris, larne $163.00 Each $ Snans -anchored $400.00 Each $ Sna"" -on s~e $50.00 Each $ Sna"S·i-ed $800.00 Each $ $ $ • Ai c051s ind.1dedeliYery and ln&talla1on jTOTAL s EROSION CONTROL ITEMS Unit Cost Uni . Cost Backtil and CofTl)aciiOn-errtiankment $ 4.89 CY $ Crushed surfactn", 1 1/4' minus $30.n CY $ Ditchina $7."" CY $ Excavation, bulk $4." CY $ Fern::e,sitt $1.60 LF 145.00 $ 232.00 Jute Mesh $1.26 SY $ Mulch,"" hand, straw, 2' deen $1.27 SY $ Mulch, NI hand, wood chins, 2' $18.75 CY 25.00 $ 468.75 Mulch, 1v., machine, strew, 1' deep $0.32 SY $ Pipino. te-~rary, CPP, 6' $9.30 LF $ Picina, lerrf)011m1, CPP,8' $14.00 LF $ Pi:rina, lefTl!orarv, CPP, 12' $18.00 LF $ Plastic coverinn, 6mm1hJCk, sanclbaooed $2.00 SY $ fl;.i · Fif;;;;, machine nlaced, slones $33.98 CY $ R(ICk Constr. Entrance 1OO'x15'x1' $3,000. Each $ R(ICk Constr. Entrance 50'x15'x1' $1,500.IY Each $ Sedinent ""n<i riser assentllv $1,695.11 Each $ Sedinenttrao, 5' hklh berm $15.57 LF $ Sed"ment trap, 5' h~ berm wlspiiway .-.ct. 11),ap $59.60 LF ' Soddinn, 1' -l=". level around $5.24 SY ' Soddinn, 1' dean, slo=" ~round $6.48 SY $ Straw bales, nlace and remove $600. TON $ Haulin" and disPosal $20.00 CY $ fonsoi, delivered and snread $35.73 CY 5.00 $ 178.65 $17.00 CY $ $ !TOTAL $ 879.40 ~I .. '' GENERAL ITEMS ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Fencing. chain link, 6' high $18.89 LF $ FeocinQ, chain link, corner posts $111.17 Each $ Fencina. chain link, oa1e $277.63 Each $ Fel'ICino, s~I~ rail. 3' hiah f2-ra11l $10.54 LF 115.00 $ 1,212.10 Feocing, t!lf1l)Orary (NGPE) $1.20 LF $ Signs, sens~We area boundar, (inc backing, post, install) $28.50 Each 1.00 $ 28.50 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 1,240.60 OTHER (Construction Cost Subtotal) $ 5,670.00 Percentage ITEMS of Construction Unit Cost Mobilization 10% $ 567.00 Contingency 30% $ 1,701.00 TOTAL $ 2,268.00 NOTE: Projects with multiple pennit requirements may be requir-to have longer MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING monitoring 11nd maintenance tenns. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for development applications. Monitoring and maintance ranges may be asses,ed an•n"here from 5 to 10 vears. Mllimenance, annual less than 1,200 sq.ft. and butler mitigation onty $ 1.08 SF monitorinal $ Less than 1,000 sq.It. with we11and or aquatic ar&a mitiga1ion $ 1.35 SF Includes monitolinal $ Larger than 1,000 sq. It. bU1 less than 5,000 sq.ft. of butter ""'"'"'inn $ 180.00 EACH 4hr @$45/hrl $ ...... ger tnan 1,00\l sq. n. bu! less ma.n ~.IJOO sq.ft of wetland o ~-,-~,:... ,rAA -•'"-~"on $ 270.00 EACH 5.00 6hr @$45/hrl $ 1,350.00 Larger than 5,000 sq.It. bU1 < 1 acre -buffer mitigation onty $ 3o0.00 EACH 8 hrs @ 45/hrl $ Larger than 5,000 sq.It. bl/1 < 1 acre with wetland or aqua!K: area mil"'"""n $ 450.00 EACH 1 O hrs @ $45/hr\ $ Larger than 1 acre but< 5 acres -buffer and/ or wetland or aouatic area mil"'"""n $ 1,600.00 DAY WECcrewl $ l.Brger than 5 acres -butler and/ or wetland or aqua!K: area rriliaation $ 2,000.00 DAY 1.25 X WEC crawl $ Monilorirlg, annual Larger then 1,000 sq.It. but less than 5,DOO -buffer m~igation --·· $ 720.00 EACH 5.00 8 hrs @ 90/hr\ $ 3,600.00 Larger than 5,000 sq.ft. but< 1 acre with weUand or aqua!K: area irmacts $ 900.00 EACH 10 hrs @ $90/hrl $ Larger than 1 acre but< 5 acres -buffer and/ or wetland or anuatic area i-acts $ 1,440.00 DAY 16 hrs @ $90/hrl $ Larger than5 acres -buffer and/ or wetland or aquatic area impacts $ 2,400.00 DAY 24 hrs @ $90/hrl $ Maintenance and Monitoring Inspection (DOES), annual $362.25 EACH 4.00 2.5 hrs @ $144.90/hrl $ 1,449.00 Mainlenance and Mon~oring lnsp{!Gtion [DOCS), hnal $579.60 EACH 1.00 (4 hrs@ $144.90/hr) $ 579.60 TOTAL $ 6,978.60 ,·.·.,,. .. >·· fl'" Total $14,916.60 Cramer Northwest. Inc. • Surveyors •Planners •Engim~ers PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT OF NGUYEN SHORT PLAT 18621116fii AVE SE RENTON, WASHINGTON FOR Lakeside REI 3518 S. 198th St. Seatac, WA 98188 June 23, 2008 C.N.I. JOB NO. 2007-115 Prepared by Larry S. Krueger, P.E. MAIN FILE COPY ID) [~ ~ rE ~ \// [E fl\ ln) IU! JU!. 1 5 ZOOB 0 K.C. D.D.E.S. 945 N. Central, Smte #104 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 www.crarnemw.com E-mail: cni@crarnemw.com TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECT OVERVIEW II. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMIENTS SUMMARY Ill. OFFSITE ANALYSIS IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES VII. OTHER PERMITS VIII. ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN IX. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITI' SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT X. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL APPENDIX A APPENDIXB APPENDIXC OFFSITE ANALYSIS REPORT DETENTION & RIUNOFF CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS I. PROJECT OVERVIEW Existing Conditions: This project is located at 18621 116TH /Ji.VE SE in Renton, Washington. The property has an existing home, garage. and driveway. All existing improvements on the site will be removed to make way for the new homes. The remainder of the site consists of a large central grassy portion with trees and brush concentrated around the perimeter. The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the southeast to the northwest. A small wetland is located at the northwest comer of the property. The soils on site are Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes (AgB). Proposed Conditions: The property will be divided into seven residential lots, a drainage/recreation tract, and a wetland tract. The lots will be accessed via a new subaccess street off of 116th Ave SE that will run through the middle of the property and end at the western property line. All roof runoff will be routed through purforated stubouts prior to entering the road conveyance system. The rest of the runoff will be collected in catch basins and pipes before being conveyed to a combined detention/wetvault. The detention/wetvault has been designed to satisfy both the Conversation Flow Control requirements and the Basic w·ater Quality Menu requirements per the King County Surface Water Design Manual. After the runoff has been detained and treated, it will be released at the appropriate rates and conveyed to a rock pad near the wetland located in the northwest comer of the property. II. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMIENTS SUMMARY The core and special requirements of the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) have been or will be provided as follows: Core Requirement #1, Discharge at title Natural Location: The runoff from this site sheet flows to the northwest to a small wetland at the northwest comer of the property. From there the stormwater flows west. After the post-developed runoff is conveyed to a combined detention/wetvault wetland, it will be conveyed to a rock pad outlet near the edge of the wetland. Core Requirement #2, Offsite Analysis: An offsite analysis is provided in Appendix A Core Requirement #3, Flow Control: The runoff will be conveyed to a combined detention/wetvault and released at the appropriate rates per Conservation Flow Control Requirements via a control structure. See detention calculations in Appendix B. Core Requirement #4, Conveyance !;ystem: A conveyance system has been designed to direct runoff to the combined detention/wetvault. The conveyance system will consist of catch basins and storm pipes. Conveyance system calculations will be provided at a later date. Core Requirement #5, Erosion and Sediment Control: An erosion and sediment control plan will be provided at a later date. Some of the ESC measures anticipated to be pmvided are a stabilized construction entrance, silt fence, and seeding. Core Requirement #6, Maintenance and Operations: A maintenance and operations manual will be provided at a later date. Core Requirement #7, Financial Guc1rantees and Liability: The owner will provide this information prior to permit issuance. Core Requirement #8, Water Quality·: Water quality will be provided via a combined detention/wetvault. Water quality calculations are provided in Appendix C. Special Requirement #1, Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements: It doesn't appear that any of the area :specific regulations apply to this project. Special Requirement #2, Flood Hazard Area Delineation: If ODES determines that this project contains or is adjacent to a flood hazard area, the 100 year floodplain will be delineated if required. Special Requirement #3, Flood Protection Facilities: This project will not rely on an existing 11ood protection facility nor will it modify or construct a new flood protection facility. Special Requirement #4, Source Con,trols: Source control is not required because this project doesn't require a commercial building or commercial site development permit Special Requirement #5, Oil Control: This project does not require oil controi, because it is not a high-use site. Ill. OFFSITE ANALYSIS A Level 1 Offsite Drainage Analysis is provided in Appendix A. IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Flow control and water quality design calculations are provided in Appendix B and C, respectively. V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The conveyance system will consist of catch basins and storm pipes. Calculations will be provided at a later date. VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES A wetland report is being prepared by J. S. Jones & Associates. VII. OTHER PERMITS No other permits are known to be required at this time. VIII. CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DE!,IGN A construction stormwater pollution prevention plan will be provided at a later date. Some of the ESC measures anticipated to be provided are a stabilized construction entrance, silt fence, and :seeding. IX. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITf SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT This information will be provided prior to permit issuance. X. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL A maintenance and operations manual will be provided at a later date. APPENDIX A OFFSITE ANALYSIS Cramer Northwest, Inc. • Surveyors •Planners •Engineers LEVEL 1 DRAINAGE ANALYSIS OF LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT 18621116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 FOR MICHAEL ~UYEN 3518S 198 ST SEATAC, WA 98188 December 7, 2007 (REVISED JUNE 23, 2008) C.N.I. JOB NO. 2007-115 Prepared by Paul J Nitardy, P.E. 945 N. Central. Suite #104 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 www.cramemw.com E-mail: cni@crnmemw.com I. TASK1 II. TASK2 Ill. TASK 3 IV. TASK4 V. TASK 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS RESOURCE REVIE,IV FIELD INSPECTION DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS TASK1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS TASK1 STUDY AREA PEE!NIJION This project is located at 18621116TH AVE SE in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately 1.34 acres. WEi are proposing that the property be divided into 7 residential lots. All lots will gain access from a new subaccess road which will connect to 116u, ST. The property has an existing home, garane, and driveway. All existing improvements on the site will be removecl to make way for the new homes. The remainder of the site consists of a large central grassy portion with trees and brush concentrated around the perimeter. The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the southeast to the northwest. No significant amounts of upstream flow enter the site. MAPS A vicinity map, sensitive areas map, aerial/topo map, and offsite drainage map can be found in the proceeding pages. ---- S31STST SJ:itilDST Renton S lsl'HCT "' 0 a: SE t90T>I ST NGUYEN -VICINITY MAP ., "' "' " SE 163RD ST ~ J§ SE 1esn,t ST +4' sf:, ./If' i 1, S 19n'iiST ~- $E 168TH ST ijj ~ i ~ ~ f« (--.,, ~:_='$£ <1.,-o,5< SE 1~'51ltST---...._ ~,; SE i/ETRQVITSKY RD SE 1A1STST SE 1AITMST SE 198Ttl ST (1 SE 1ggnfST \ ., \ \, ___ ), ·-. SE 21M!THSl ·-, . ,, . ' j IIJ SE192H~ST If. . . \ s . !'! ijj !!! ... r,SE2'.12t<O"'- -SE3XROA. i I# It' § 190311 .. "' .. ~ :x; ... ll p Ill t i {, ti>, "{,, i • ~ ~ f« -,.-~ SE 1ll1STR. ijj 11' ~ § ~ " ~ r w. Ill t ! ~ :,: ~ f« ti King County NGUYEN -SENSITIVE AREAS SE1amf Pi. $E181STST SE~OST SE 18:flOST SE1.&mtST SE 18IJfH ST SE 1a!rrtt ST SE186TH PL SE 1.88Tlt ST SE 18IJfH Pl. SE189T>fST SE11111t1U1. SE 189THA.. SEM1STST SE f9C1Ttit LH SE m.sr er SE.192/IID ST {C),..."'"1,Coumr D 506ft lQ King County NGUYEN -SENSITIVE AREAS Legend Ill Highligfttl!d Feature SAO Stream m Chinook Distribution ' -, County Boundary ~ C-1 • Sem;itive Area Notice on Title ,_ X Mountain Peaks c.-2PaNmnilli CAO Shoreline Condition # C1ass2Satmonid ,..; lligh ;./ Class! rt lladium .. Undasifiad Low D Lakes and l..arge Rivers Highways ·' I',_/ ,. . StrealTl!i // lm:orporated Area ~ Floodway Streets D 100 Year Floodplain liighWll)' m SAO Wetland Artariab ~ SAO Landslide Local ~ SAO Seismic Parcels SAO Erosion UI King County a b ,. rtt" • t \Cl 20051\mg County - NGUYEN -AERIAL • • .. I -~~-!: 0 ' ) The infmmatlon Included on this map has been compiled by King COurrty from a variety rl i>OOfOBS and is SllbjBCt to c ange without notice, King County makes no ~s or warmntles, eiq,ress or impliltd, as tc ao:a..iracy, comp~i5, timeliness. or rights lo the use r:I such irrfOnnation. This document is not lrtendecl for use as a survey produc;t. King Counfy shall not be Hable for 811!' general, spe,clal, lndl19Ct. lnddental. or C011sequootia\ damages including, but not Hmiled to, lost revenues or lost prdlts n:,su1tm9 from the use or misU!I'~ r:lthe information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or lnformatnn on this map Is prohlbitad except by written permlssioo r:i King County. t,'1 King County NGUYEN -CONTOURS ) f --------'·~-~~~ 11.___. .......... _......__---........ ) ,,--/ I. "-----~1\ '---t ' .,...--..\I ~--~ C-<~-,_: ~-------'\ \. l. ' L\ ,so.s-~. . _ '\ ....... _,..,...,./--......) . __ _... -,___..-"\. + jCJ :20DStc.in11 County 0 126ft UI King County NGUYEN -CONTOURS (1/4 MILE FROM SITE SHADED) \. ':::';:, lQ King County .4811<. 8 ,s, (3) --------------- i (2) r-·---- 1 '~,. :::l:.. ?OD' w'f;, 15 .. Renton School Oisirict No. 403 0 ., ~ ft_,. ____ , ,·--·--, "'" ) ='I.__.., Cl ~~-] ,'(~/ 119•1 .. l .. J"J ~ ~·'..!/ /, ••• ' '"'• ·1 ~.1,• "'~'j ~I, C, ) / "( i '.::·:la\\ '> /' I " '---: ., .. ,...,)~-(=.]-::¥-'--~· L.~ l ~~-~~ · ~~ .. ,/, ... 7fi-r--·-··:;;~0 =--~ I, ri· ~\ .. ' l&J It r.~ \_ l \."' \ "" \ > ,. ,I _.. \ ' .,,, ' .r 1 I C' .• r---, J \ + \ tf.'i ,, I ~ \ \ \ ... .,. \ I ,, ,. r.:!I • .. \ " ' -\\ ~-~::,, ~~ ... --~ \ \ ~ ---'"-----·-\ '-:·-..,.---------~·::.::.:::::::::::3~.:':::::::. =-:- Watt Disf. 11,1 ~ ic 1 ;, .., 1 Npf 8 30l;o I-, I • ... 1., ' : -.. .... ! l\J,f~ -,@f. ~: J I Ii! 1R. 'll' OFFSITE DRAINAGE MAP·· s TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW Adopted Basin Plans and Finalized Drainage Studies: This site is not located within a known Basin Plan. Basin Reconnaissance Summary Repc,rts: No known reports are known to exist. Critical Drainage Area Maps: The site is not known to be located in any critical drainage areas. (FEMA) Maps: The site is located outside the 100 year flood plain. Other Offsite Analysis Reports: Cramer Northwest, Inc. has a TIR and a 1-_evel 1 Drainage analysis for a nearby site to the east with a job number of 2002-042, the king county project number is L01 S0021. Sensitive Areas Folio: There are no sensitive areas located on this site. DNR Drainage Problems Maps: Not applicable. Road Drainage Problems: Not applicable. King County Soils Survey: Soil on this site consists of (AgB), Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes. Wetlands Inventory Maps: There is a wetland in the northwest corner of the site per the wetland assessment for Yvone Bui by J.S. Jones. and Associates that is being prepared. Migrating River Studies: Not applicable. Drainage Complaints: There were no relevant complaints in the area. oc1. '/4. 100/ ·, :191M ~!N~ CU. WLKU l~V,l'tLL I, 1/J King County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division 201 S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 FAX To:~ Fax: Stifi;i3Uv Phone:-------- Date: Number of pages including cover sheet: __ From: Cindy Torkelson WLR Stormwater Services Section Phone:206-296-1900 Fax Number: 206-296-0192 IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 ANALYSIS NOTE: We do not send copies of certain complaint types that are not relevant such as BCW, Fl, FIR, FIH and WQA, and we do not send CL and LS types. See key below. Type S 1, S2 and S3 will not be faxed due to size constraints. • IF YOU ARB USING THE 2005 SWM DESIGN M.\NUAL YOU ONLY NEED lOYRS WORTii OF COMPLAINTS The following is a Ii.st of complaint types received by the W arer and Land Resources Stormwater Services Section. Complaint numbern beginning prior to 1990-XXXX have been archived and are no longer in our possession. They can still be retrieved, if necessary, but will tl!ke additional time and may not be beneficial to your research due to their age, development which has occurred, etc. If you are interested in reviewing the actual complaiots, flll)' can be pulled (time pennitting) for your review. Copies can be obtained for$ .15 per page, and $2.00 per page for plans. ~ Type of lnvertioffon C Ao1fon Roqu;st BCW Buslnes.,' !or Clean Waler CC1' R«ponse to Inquiry •ct Claim EH 13nfon:emel\10nHold ER .Enforcement Review FCC,FCR,FCS F..;iity ComplainU PI SWM foo Inquiry FIR SWM Fee Revkw Fill SWM Fee On Hold •LS Lawsuit RR FadHty l!ligine<ring Review NDA Neii]lbOrhood DraiNgeAssiswloo WQC War,, Qoahty Complaint WQE W-Q..Jity Enforoemeot WQR Wator Quality En]lineering Re,;ew WQA Watt:r Quality Audit WQO W•1<rQuality-O!hor Sl,s2,SN3 Engineerin;Srudies Type of Problem IlCA DDM DES DIE OTA 1"Q MMA MMF MMG MMM MNM MNW SW1! WQB WQD WQI Ra! GRT NWD ~1/Conmueti"" Drainage • MiscellaneolJS' Drainago-llrosio,,ISedi"""t"i"" Dtaim&t-Lal\dsliddllarlh Mov=1 Drainage Tl!:chnical .A.s.ristme.e Prainap-0..er>l lnquny M.1ln1en11100 -Aeslhelics Maintenance • Flooding Maintcnmee * General Main"'1111ce-Mowing Mai:ntenanc.e-Needs Maintenance Maintemrtce.Noxiom Weed, SWM Feo Q,,c,lion, w-Q,,JJity-a.,, M>nagcmcnt P=tices W-Quality-DwnpinJ! WatetQuality-lllicit connection SWM: Fi:e-bncuurcnumt SWM Foe-0,,nt SWM fe<-New Disooun1 11V, / "TLL ', LI .J DI D111ntY Watw 8111 l.8nd llallrB llvilill -Dranaaa SIIMIIS SaBtill CIIIPlalrt l8arcll Printed: 10/'2:l/2007 256:57 PM -lint 1YII AM'lalfl'rlMa Clalall TlrtsPIP . ., Goa lDHf ProMlm 1975--0076 C FLOG RD WY/FLD'D/112TH AVE SE/SE 186TH ST 6B6E2 1979-0047 C 11403 SE204THST SOIL BULLDOZED/PANTHER LK AREA 686E2 1964-0298 C FILL .18504 112THAVESE ILLEGAL NEAR: 17400 126TH AVE SE S86E1 1986-1166 C FLDG 11202 SE 186TH ST STORM OVERFLOW 666E2 1986-1185 C FLDG 11202 SE 166TH ST SEE: 86-1166 BRYANT, BILL 686E2 1986-1190 C FLDG 11001 SE 186TH ST BASEMENT GETTING WATER 686E2 1987.0334 C DRNG 11202 SE 186THST CULVERTS BLOCKED 86--1166,1185 686E2 1987--0471 C FLDG 11202 SE 186TH ST SPRING GLEN 86--1166, 1185 686E2 1987--0546 C DRNG 18627 109THAVE SE INADEQUATE SYSTEM 686E2 1989-0650 C DRNG 18631 111TH PL SE S/W DRNG AND DAMAGE 686E2 1989-0700 X DRNG 18631 111TH PL SE WA1ER ON SIDEWALK/89-065D FRITON 68SE2 1990--0075 C DRNG 11254 SE 186THST PLUGGED CULVERT/STORM 686E2 1990.0141 C FLDG 18400 112TH AVE SE POND OVERFLOW/90--0149,235,372/STOR 686E2 1990-0149 C FLDG 11202 SE 186TH ST RID POND OVERFLOW/ROBERTI STORM E 686E2 1990-0231 C DRNG 18425 112THAVE SE RIO POND OVERFLOW/STORM 90-274,37 6B6E2 1990-0235 C FLDG 11202 SE 186TH ST WATER IN BASEMENT/STORM/90-141,148, 6B6E2 1990-027 4 C FLDG 11022 SE 184TH PL RIil POND FLOODED/STORM 68SE2 1990--0342 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST RID POND/ROBERT/ STORM EVENT 6B6E2 1990--0372 X DRNG 11202 SE 186THST RIil PONDS OVERFLOWQ/90-141,149,235,2 6B6E2 1990-0709 CL FLOG 18504 112THAVE SE Cl.i/12959 SEE CL#13224 DUE DECEMBE 6861';2 1990-0884 C DRNG 18427 112THAVE SE RID PONO DRAINAGE/sTORM 686E2 1990-1061 CL FLDG 11202 SE 166TH ST CL#13224 SEE CL#12S59 GARAGE FLOO 686E2 1990-1186 CL FLDG 11044 SE 1B6THST MEMO/RUDDELL$ STUOYTO PA 686E2 1990-1212 C DITCH 11044 SE 1813TH ST RD/SIDE DITCH.flLL/90-1186 686E2 1990-1212 E FILL/DIT 11044 SE 18ffli ST WILL ST ART WORK 09/20 CHK ON 09130/93 686E2 1990-1212 ER FILLIDIT 11044 SE 186TH ST RUDELL$ STUDY 6661:2 1990-1226 C DRNG 18615 107THAVE se FLOODED BASEMENT/BAD ROADWAY 686E2 1990-1445 C DRNG 18427 112THAVE SE RID POND OVERFLOWING TO STUDY/81-1 686E2 1990-1630 SR FLOG 18427 112THAVE SE STORM EVENT 68652 1990-1531 SR FLOG 18427 112THAVE SE STORM EVENT NOi NDAP 686E2 1991--0150 C DRNG 18624 112THAVE SE 686E2 1991--0150 SR DRNG 18624 112TH AVE SE NOTNDAP 686E2 1991--0196 C FLDG 18425 112THAVE SE 686E2 1991--0196 SR FLOG 18425 112THAVE SE NOTNDAP 686E2 1991--0253 C DRNG 11254 SE 186TH ST 6BaE2 1991-0438 S1 SPK TO FINISH S1 3/4 -S2 TO '92 CON 686E2 1991-0667 CL DRNG 16427 112THAVE SE SEE 91-0438 SEE RUDOELLS 686E2 V t.fl Fl' r i;1w h) 'l:J!/( PaJie 1 or2 (r,J•T l JJVl:S r, i:;itTft) UV. L4. LUU/ I: nriv1 11'.i, Ii L l.. CDmpl*t Type TBI of l'rlllla Adlnss If Prlllilal Clalltl UNSPIII Nllllill' Cid& 1991--0837 C DAMAGECB 19001 116THAVE SE CJB BELOW GRADE 6S6e2 1991-1095 C FLDG 11200 SE 186TH ST RUDDELL POND OVERFLOW 686E2 ~ C"', 1991-1132 C DRAINAGE 19006 1WTHAVE SE INFOTOPM&O 686E2 ";;'~ 1991-1149 X FLDGR/D 11200 SE 184THST CCF# SWM-1031 RIO PONO CAPICrTY 686E2 --:;; 1994--0038 C PONDING 11430 SE 192ND ST POSS GRADING/FILLING VIOLATION 686E2 l f 19~144 C ORNG 17925 116TH AVI: SE POSS FILLING VIOUACT PLAT MORNING G 686E1 k °!. 1995--0200 C DITCH?$ 18204 116THAVE se LACK OF CONVEYAYNCE ON PVT PROPE 686E1 l;;i 1--ea. a 1996-0805 C ORNG 19400 120TH AVI: se ORAJNGE FLOW QUESTION DEVELOP INF 686E2 -;;; ~ 1996-1564 C ORNG 18908 113THWAY SE PRNATE PROPERTY IMPACT TO PVT ORN 6861:2 L 1996-2071 C FLOG 11B2B SE 180THST INADEQUATE CONVEYANCE OFFSITE FLO 686E1 1996-2071 R FLOG 11828 SE 180TH ST INADEQUATE CONVEYANCE OFFSITE FLO 68BE1. N/fi 1997-1123 C GRADING 18908 11:JTH WAY SE PVT PROP IMPACT NO DRNG INSTALLED 686E2 !')$ 1997-1123 R GRADING 16906 113THWAY SE PVT PROP IMPACT NO DRNG INSTALLED 686E2 /Ji/II 1998-0019 C DRAINAGE 19016 116THAVE SE NEW GRAVEL RO POSSIBLE PVT PROP IM 686E2 µ/11 1998-0058 C DRAINAGE 18820 116TH AVE SE SFR CONST IMPACTING ADJACENT PROP 686E2 Iv/I! 1999--0306 C DRAINAGE 11618 SE 186TH ST ADJACENT PROP PAVED 2600 SQ FT 686E2 ;JJ'fi 2000-0572 C DOM ACROS 19029 120TH AVE SE APPARENT FR.LING OF ROADSIDE DffCH. 686E2 HIil 2000.0572 R DOM ACROS 19029 120TH AVE SE APPARENT FR.LING OF ROADSIDE DffCH. 686E2 ;J/f+ 2001-0322 WQO 11631 SE 184TH ST APPARENT C3REYWATER DISCHARGE INT 686E1 /I/ff 2001-0322 WQC WQO 11631 SE 184TH ST APPARENT C3REYWATER DISCHARGE INT 686E1 rJJ!i 2001.0389 WQC WQI SE 180T & 118THAVE SE POTENTIALGRAYWATER DISCHARGE. C 686E1 /V!fl 2001.0389 WQE WQI SE 180T & 11BTHAVE SE POTENTIALGRAYWATER DISCHARGE. C 686E1 NJf/ 2001.0389 WQR WQI SE 180T & 118TriAVE SE POTENTIALC3RAYWATER DISCHARGE. C 666E1 JJ)I'/ 2002-1)314 C DOM 18524 114THAVESE SHEETFLOW ONTO PROPERTY FROM UP 686E1 rJ l/1 2002--0381 C DOM 11626 SE 184TH ST SOGGY AREA IN YARD. MAY BE THE RES 686E1 ('I Jjf 2002-0553 C OTA 19013 114fHCTSE CONCERN REGARDING POSSIBLE SLOUG 686E2 r,J /1! 2003--084 7 C DOM 19230 116THAVESE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C 686E2 NI/! 2003--0847 NOA-DOM 19230 116THAVESE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C 686E2 f,J / II 2003.V847 R DOM 19230 116THAVESE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C 686E2 fl /Ii 2005.0428 C RFN 1912B 113THWY SE W,J,,r flows aoroM sidewalk fl'Om water meter. 6B6E2 /Jiff 2005-0440 WQC WQDR 11447 SE 180TH PL DUMPING FROM RV 686E1 /,//II 2005-0468 WQC WQI 11700 SE 184TH ST 6B6E1 rJ/11 2005.0491 C DCA 17830 116TH AVE SE Filing/re-grading on neighbofs pmperty. Inv di 686E1 f,JJ 1J 2005-0682 FCR MNM 19133 113THWY SE Referral fl'Om KC Health. Rats in 091898. Inv! 686E2 /Jlf! 2006--0173 WQC WQDR 11447 SE 180TH PL RV leaving trail of sewage. 686E1 /JJ/! 2006-0173 WQR WQDR 11447 SE 180THPL RV leaving !!ail of ,owage.Letter sent RV was 686E1 i;. 2006.0299 C RFN 18621 116THAVE SE Broken drainage pipe @ Benson HIii Elem Sch 686E2 * 2006--0450 C OTA 1B621 116THAVE SE School const causing water seepaye inl<> yard. 686E2 >I/ft 2007--0058 WQC WQDR 18005 113TH AVE SE Car leaks gas/o[ 686E1 fill/I 2007-0221 C OTA 19128 113THWY SE Request permission to remove~ from tract. I 686E2 P!go2of2 ' V'vl,C),LIJVI f,J'Jt11TI I\ 1 '·II.I \IV, l! L I\LI Kin~ County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division 20 I S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 FAX Number of pages including cover sheet: L To: Fax: From: Candi McKay. Eng Tech II WLR Stonnwater Services Section Phone: 206-296-1900 Fax Number: 206-296-0192 IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 ANALYSIS N01'.E: We do not sen"d copies of certain complaint types that are not relevant such as BCW, FI, FD?,, FIH, SUP and WQA, and we do not send CL and LS types. See key below. Type Sl, S2 and S3 will not be faxed due to size constraints. The following is a list of complaint types received by toe Wate< and Land Resources Division D1*inoge Services Section_ Complaint number.; beginning prior to 1990-XX:XX h,.ve been archived and are no longer in our possession. They can still be retrieved, if necessary, but will take additional time and may not be beneficial tel your research due to their age, development which bas occurred, etc. If you am interested in reviewing tho actual complaints, they can be pulkd (time pennitting) for your review. Copies can be obtained for$ .15 per page, and $2.00 pe;rpage for plans. Kw. Type oflllvestigatlon ]'ype of Problem BCW Bulnas• fGr Clean Water ACS C Action Reqnest nsll. *CL aaJm t:DT E-HIR E•rorcomont on Dold/Re,,i,w l>CA EM M:ain:&:nance En!OT"'111Wt l)DM Fcc,FCR,FCS Facility Complaiot, DES Fl-R/H ·swM Pu lnqo!ry lbvi"'/Dold llLE I lnqm,r llTA •LS Ls.w~n1it J~Q NDA Neigllborllood Draiuge Anistnee-(}RT RET Reln>fil lildllty INQ R/ltR l!Tiglnoll'lng Rmffl/Fadlily Reviow ll\G SJ,S:,,SNJ Eng!neerin1 Srodit11 l.sl' SUP/F Spe<ial U,e Permit/Final MMA WQC Water QuoUiy Compl:ullt MMF/G/M WQAP/P WaterQuality Andill• h1>g....,11'ennil MSQ WQEJR Water Quality Enforeemmt/Revfew HWDJSFl'D X CCF or l\e,ponse to lnqulry !<FIi ltEMIGRT !<ET !:GN ~KIi S!tl< ~,WF · 111E WQBIM Access Blosw.ale ron-ofit CotnmO'cial Det2m:ilnatlon Devolopm.ntlConrtructlon Drainage• MbceUaneons Drainage-Ensloo/Sedimentatio.u l>nh1•,ge-Landslide/Earth Monmmt Dr•fnaige Technical Alshtancc. E,rlbqaake Gnnt Phi,,..,. Genfnllbquiry lr~tioo Lat:uht:!aping M:ainteunce Aesthetics Maintenance Flood.mg/Gtneral!Mo11'1ng Mosquito• New Discounts/ 65-10 Discount Rlmo!ffrom Nelpbor SWM Fee Re-mcanrsment/Grant ltelrollt faclllly Signs SfnkDole Storaec SWM l'., Qomlons Tree. Removal Water Qui.lily -Best Man~gement Ptt1.etiCtl/Dampf:nglllllclt ConnK:tion UTI Utility lnstatl>flon l'RD l:'ud Extenllon *Subject to Public Disclosnre requirements 1. Receipt of written request for documents 2. Review and approval by Prosecuting Attorney's office _\_ VVl,LJ,LVU/ 1,FJ"'" "'--".L "\.< vv, Tl .. '"' KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT ~ LJ. A L. ,,../ . INYESpOAT!ONREQIJEST Type ..J..L_ PROBLEM: {Z//,U£J/f) {(..(l4//N fJjllV Ii REC:EIVEDBY: ~ Date:,f,2/1/atr, OK'dby: fl if Fn,ENO. 2006-aJft ...,'""_' r ~ :;.;,, ~ ·51'/bJ:;e ,£me Chy 1!iJ t?f ... _ zip?/a J LoCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: . Platname: Nr71# ~ fWJ.,, ~tNo: Block No: uired f-Parcel No . ._3.l.JJ()';f 2/1.1 Kroll f:::tli. Th.Bros: New b8iz 0,6. RDP Basin fij( Council District _____jj__ City ___ Charge No .. ______ _ RIISPONS£: Citizen notified on -----by· _ phone __ letter _ in person DJSrosmoN: Turned to on -~I-~/ -by __ OR: No further action recommended because: _ Lead agency has beeoootified:. ____________________ _ _ · _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has b<lell identified. _ Prior investigation addresses problem: / SEEFILE# · _L Private problem -NDAP will not consider because; G·~l't4 tAl411l• ,;eti,5 T<.l (//)J{A CT r<:#1,., biJ(tlC ro .. : I.A11s,,,,). __ W Iller originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. t t•· '1.0~-'i't' o . __ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: 'r ,-1.,.<;" 1 oh By: It._ f lJFO r:,~,ii~oj> ..• ®':'~~~~~~~~~~;,,·,,,,>::~~=:,'·~'-" Department ofNatural Resources ADl>RESS 18621116th AVE SE Water and Land Resource Division PHONE 206-799-4704 686E2 ~~~'-'-'-><I-TBPAGE ~-'-'~~--1 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION KROLL PAGE _6=0,.,,4'-----DA TE 4-19-06 MAJNT. DMSION 4 1Nl11ALS · SAB DETAXLS OF INVESTIGATION: NTS Met with Roger to investigate his report of a possible storm water pipe broken on the Benson Hill Elementary School property adjacent to his property. Roger claims the pipe had become broken in the past and it was repaired fixing his water problem. He feels that the pipeline has become broken again during the remodel of the school last year. The pipe is old 12" T&G concrete. I was unable to find any obvious breaks in the line. I spoke with the ODES inspector Jay Huh who was inspecting the construction and he said he had not heard of the ·problem. ~ (Wet area.) I 12"CP ~I V'v I • l .J. l V V I I • J I nm 11 I 111.1 V V, 11 ~ 1\11 -----:..,:•;.''" .~;, (· ·~.' ' Cqmplaint 2006-0299 Photos taken by: Bergrud. Shawn Photo !: Facing east looking at Property line between school and pfluger's property. Photo 3: Facing eas1' looking at wet area on roger's property. Photo 2; Facing west looking at part of drainage system that Roger believes is causing the problem. Photo 4: Facing east. VVl,l'J,LVVI -/ , J r,111 I\ JI\~ VV, l! L. !\..- KING COUNTY WATER ANil LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INvESTIGATION REPORT PROBLEM: f;f2u.;v..4 AAt£,£ INVESTIOA TION REQUEST TypeL._ REcElvBD BY: ·a'2fu£.M) OK'dby: FILENO, 2006-tJ~S1:J Received from: NA.ME: eo.DGfa Pfl V ~eg, PHONE (Day) fZ,26 l 'rfl-(Eve) ,_I _ _, 'i7D'/ ADDRESS: /8,f;z/ //bf".-/ f}{)/£ <::,c.. City /!4v~ State M--Z-ip __ _ LOCATION OP PROBLEM, IF DIFl'BRENT: Access Permission Granted O Call Fir.it (Would Llke To Be Present) D ~ S~fh-'j up ~ y.1).£.o poif !;vG,..,v C7vv~ r'"" ~- Plat name: LotNo: Block No: . - L T R Parcel N0r,Jffl0SULJ. Kroll~ Th.Bros: New brfof., J... RDP Basin f'i_K Council District 5 City_. __ ChargeNo. ______ _ RJ?.sl'oNSE: Citii.en notified on by: _ phone __ lotter _ in p~on ,.._~-1JJI {do'-! t>r-r,,,14"06 • . IJP{)#IA-li, ~ !,/VJ~ f~ &.,.,,P ~ff rSi; k:,l!l.-::lAr b,~CI{,,-~(! t·.;o &-zt:> ',vi~ '-'""/, ~ " -z.c, -o~ Hi-;,,,JI,(,/ 4/PI) :dz...,,. 1v pv.wi,,t.M,/.. 7 r:::a';io::,/~e~/oh on / / by __ OR: No further action recommended because: _i_ Lead agency has been notified:__.K_,__C._h_~~l=S ______________ _ _ · _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has bec,n identified. _ Prior investigation addresses problem: SEEFILE# __ _ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: __ Water originates onsite and/or on nei,Jiboring parcel. __:_Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: B I 8 10f; By: TL f €FCl,l_ef, t'O -lJ l> f..5 '"® ~,~;;"~'.tv<~~,:=---~~1E~::,c~Ci~o. Water and Land Resource Division ADDRESS 704 686E2 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPOR1' FIELD INVESTIGATION DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION, PHONE 799-4 TB PAGE ~-====----1 KROLLPAGE 604 DATE 6-16--06 MAINT. DMSION 4 INITIALS· SAB On site to investigate Rodgers report of a ground water problem post ROW construction.NTs Rodger believes that the construction has increased the flow of stonn water into the ground near the comer of his property. He believes this ground water is following the sewer main ditch line in the ROW and then down his side sewer ditch line and surfacing in his back yard. During the my investigation I found what appears to be a defective joint in the pipe that drains the schools storm water into the ROW storm system. The joint is directly above the sanitary sewer line. The water from the defective joint may be saturating the sewer ditch line and following the ditch line to surface in Rodger's property. The ROW improvements are still under performance bond. I contacted Jae Huh at DOES. We met on 6-20-06 and Jae added testing and possible repair of the pipe joint in question to the construction punch list (see attached e-mail). SKETCH: J_ ..__ <"' ........... )<h············ wilU!far;a Atlp,afl - (,-...§Xi.!J.i'!ll.1~.C.!~. = ~ __ Exl...!!i!!J11~C;-: _ ~,-1-J~ Parking V\i I, L J. LV V / ,' , 'J , ,"11¥1 1\ l I~~ ·vv. !! L. I',,; Complaint 2006-0450 Photos taken by: Bergrud, Shawn Photo 1: facing west looking at sotul"Qted area in Rodger's property. Photo 3: Facing north looking from ROW. Photo 2; Facing west looking from ROW. Photo 4: Facing north looking at bioswale CB from parking lot. F' VVI, L), L'J\,'I I,., 1rw1 l\llll.! VV, TfLIILI Complaint ;~006-0450 ···'4TIQJA~ ' ' ,1,-. Photos taken by: Bergrud, Shawn Photo 5: Focing south looking ot rodger's driV&W<Iy and ROW improvements. Photo 7 Photo 6: Facing west looking down toward Rodger's property. Phato 8 ·1 01/10/2008 12:41 2069337478 BIRTON STATON PAGE 02/02 , .. -; . r' . >ot ·ti'J If/.{; INFILTRATION TEST & OBSERVATIONS Oat,:;~ 23~Z®7 Site llddraa: 1862 l n6'i' Ave. SE. Renton WA. Job~2007-ll5 ·· -· · · · ··· · Cleat: Michaei lllgyuen SQU,LOGS; As i:equested, soil log holes were dug at tlic abc1Ve reCennced paroel of land, Soil log # 1: 0 -30'' + diJturbed Sl>il Soil Jog # 2: o -24" + disturbedf till soil, 24" -34" + diSll.ttbed black Sandy loam with j)OOr sttucture. Soil log # 3: 0 -10" + disturbed soil with latge ~ pieces. Soil log# 4; 0 -24'" .+ diltUTl!ed soil wilihlarge c.oocrete pieces. Soil log# S: 0-10" disturl>ed$0il,10"-30"+wuhed rook mixed with.washed ~to coune tand.. (ao ltUOIUre}. Soil log # 6: 0 -38" + distwted. 40il/ llll PM!08S of plastic found@ 34". WAJDPBQlIISI; Soil logs: due to fill lllld dmurbed ·soils no~.-dtop test was performed. This site appears to have had a ,ignifi(:ant. llJIO\lllt of grading with fill dirt and debriS placed and buried over a large portion of this property. Onsite illfiltrali0111 appean to .not be llppCOpriate for tbis site. No other &ignifiau:lt ·storm water i-wereobstrVocl on tfli8 •• tJC 8Uf1'0tlllding propcrtiell. If you have any~ please COlltlld me at 206-933~7478. TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION A field inspection was conducted on Octo:>er 23, 2007, to inspect the onsite drainage system of the site. Offsite drainage systems were also inspected downstream approximately 1/4 mile(s) from the discharge point of the site. The inspection involved investigation of the ten specific items of a Level 1 Inspection per the King County Surface Water Design Manual, 2005. The inspection yielded the following findings: 1. There were no existing or potential problems observed. 2. The existing drainage system capacity was adequate. 3. There were no existing or potential flooding problems. 4. There were no existing or potential sedimentation, scouring or bank sloughing problems. 5. No significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms was noticeable. 6. Qualitative data such as land use, impervious surfaces, topography, and soil types was noted and can be found in Task 4 information. 7. Information was collected on pipes, ditches, and structures. This information is also included in the Task 4 information. 8. Tributary basins delineated in Task 1 were verified. 9. No neighbors were contacted. 10. The weather conditions at the time CJf the inspection were sunny and mild. TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Site Drainage This project is located at 18621 116TH AVE SE in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately 1.34 acres. We are proposing that the property be divided into 7 residential lots. All lots will gain access from a new subaccess road which will connect to 116th ST. The property has an existing home, garage, and driveway. All existing improvements on the site will be removed to make way for the new homes. The remainder of the site consists of a large central grassy portion with trees and brush concentrated around the perimeter. The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the southeast to the northwest. No significant amounts of upstream flow enter the site. Soil on this site consists of (AgB), Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes. Offsite Drainage Off-Site Analysis Drainage System TablE~s are provided on the following pages that describe in detail the offsite drainage components at least Y.. mile downstream from the project discharge l,Jcation. Please refer to the offsite drainage map in Task 1 because the map symbols listed in the tables correspond to drainage component symbols on the offsite drainage map. Please note that the dotted line on the offsite drainage map represents the approximate flow path that the water uses to leave the site. Part A begins at the western property line since the following tables are for the offsite information. More notes on part A and the northwest part of the site. Please aware that since the initial level 1 was done, a wetland has been identified in the northwest corner of the site. The flows have and will continue to flow through this wetland. The wetland has two basic modes that would allow water to leave it. First, water can :soak into the ground, second, water could sheet flow across the properties that occupy the space between the site and SE 1861 h ST. (*) = SEE PHOTO Basin: Black River Symbol Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size see map Type: aheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond; Size: diameter, surface area A Sheet flow B 12" CPP w/CB's C 12" pipe w/Cb's j (CPP and Cone) Pl OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource Description discharae reviewer, or resident drainage basin, vegetation, % Y. ml = 1,320 ft. constrictions, under capacity, ponding, tributary area, likellhood of problem, cover, depth, type of sensitive overtopplng, flooding, habltet or organism overflow pathways, potential area, volume deetrucUon, scouring, bank sloughing, Impacts sedimentation Incision. other erosion Flows NW over dirt 3 0'-300' None None Added water near house and grass (*) Flows west Small 300'-380' None None No problems observed (*) Flows north Small 380'-410' None None No problems observed (*) V I P2 P3 Top of picture is towards the NW. The back of Top of picture is towards the west. The Top of picture is towards the north. The end the house on lot 4 can be seen in the beginning of"B". of "B", and the beginning of "C". background. 98-4\inB04 (*) = SEE PHOTO Basin: Black River Symbol see map D E F Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size Type: sheet now, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond; Size: diameter, surface area 12" pipe w/CB's (CPP and Cone.) 12" Cone. w/CB's (CPP at bend) 12" Cone. w/CB's D t P4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Drainage Component Description drainage basin, vegetation, cover, depth, type of sensitive area, volume Flows northwest Flows north. Flows west OCT 23 20U"1 Slope % Small Small 6 Distance from site discharge Y. ml ~ 1,320 ft. 410' -465' 465' -545' Existing Problems Potential Problems constricllons, under capacity, ponding, overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, 8'!cli_mentatlon, Incision, other erosion None I None None None 545'-1,175' I None None P5 Observations of field inspector, resource reviewer, or resident tributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential Impacts No problems observed (*) No problems observed (*) No problems observed (*) P6 Top of picture is towards the north. The end of "C" and the beginning of"D". Top ofpieture is towards the north. The end of "D" and the beginning of "E". Top of picture is towards the east. The end of"F" and the beginning of"G". 98-4\inB04 (*) = SEE PHOTO Basin: Black River Symbol see map G H I f ,, ,6 Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size Type: sheet flow, swale, atream, channel, pipe, pond; Size: diameter, surface area 24" PVC w/CB's (also CPP used) Pond, grass and pund V c5ctat~uu 24" CPP w/CB' s P7 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource DescriDtion discharae reviewer, or resident drainage basin, vegetation, 'lf, Y. ml = 1,320 ft. constrictions, under capacity, ponding, tributary area, likelihood of problem, cover, depth, type of sensitive overtopplng, flooding, habitat or organism overflow pathways, potential area, volume destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, impacts sedimentation. Incision. other erosion Flows north and then Small l,175'-1,445' None None No problems observed (*) northwest Flows west, see next Small l,445'-1,545' None None No problems observed (*) h,.o page" "-· m--A i. .:, .LVl Ji Vl"', Flows west Small 1,545'-1,775' None None No problems observed (*) flon • J: . ND ( ,; rli:T ."i , 11'1 I ,-·----, P8 P9 Top of picture is towards the northwest. This is Top of picture is towards the east. A pond inlet Top of picture is towards the north. in the last structure upstream of the pond. can be seen in the backlrround. 98-4\inB04 FACILITY SKETCH SHEET TB 11".GE MAil'IT. DIVISION OUT OF SERVICE D SPECIAL USE PERMIT 0NOMOW • MOW 1100 SQ 'l.i> S D SPECIAL MOW 5 FT CHAIN l.lNK FENCE U707rLf §86P1 D90914 FOUR NO TYPE ~P'-'O=N=D~~-1 DATE 05 4 9 INITIALS • PJS ---------------------, SE 184TH PL PVT RD w en w ~ ::c ... N .... .... TASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS TASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR: POTENTIAL PROBLEMS After a thorough field inspection and a detailed resource review there were no existing or potential documented problems. Complaint numbers 2006-0299 and 2006-0454 are upstream from our si1e and if any problem still exists it can be addressed when our site is being developed. The proposed improvements will not produce a significant impact to the existing drainage patterns once the site has been stabilized, and the runoff has been controlled via a combined detention/wet vault. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be created at the final design stage to minimize the transport of sediment laden runoff to the downstream conveyance system. APPENDIX 8 DETENTION & RUNOFF CALCULATIONS DETENTION & RUNOFF CALCULATIONS: Calculations include site and frontage improvement area. Pre-Developed Forest Developed 61000 sf = 1 .40 acres 17,500 sf 16,000 sf 27,500 sf 7 lots @ 2500 sf (impervious) Road improvements (impervious) Lawn, grass Total 61,000 sf= 1.40 acres KCRTS was used to calculate runoff and detention quantities. Please see following pages for calculations. PREDEVELOPED FLOWS -Land Use Summary Till Forest 1. 40 acres Till Pasture 0.00 acres Till Grass 0.00 acres Outwash Forest 0.00 acres Outwash Pasture o.oo acres Outwash Grass 0.00 acres Wetland 0.00 acres Impervious o.oo acres Total Area : 1.40 acres Scale Factor : 1. 00 Hourly Reduced Time Series: predev Compute Time Series Modify User Input Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.088 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.113 1 100.00 0.990 0.024 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.088 2 25.00 0.960 0.065 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.068 3 10.00 0.900 0.002 8 3/24/04 20:00 0.065 4 5.00 0.800 0.039 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.057 5 3.00 0. 667 0.068 3 1/18/06 20:00 0.039 6 2.00 0.500 0.057 5 11/24/06 4:00 o. 024 7 1.30 0.231 0.113 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.002 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.104 50. 00 0.980 DEVELOPED FLOWS ~Land Use Sununary Till Forest (I. 00 acres Till Pasture (I. 00 acres Till Grass 0.63 acres Outwash Forest 0. 00 acres Outwash Pasture 0.00 acres Outwash Grass O. 00 acres Wetland IJ. 00 acres Impervious 0. 77 acres Total Area : :L. 40 acres Scale Factor : l.00 Hourly Reduced Time Series: dev Compu·ce Time Series Modify User Input Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.243 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.497 1 100.00 0.990 0.193 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.296 2 25.00 o. 960 0.293 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.293 3 10.00 0.900 0.204 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.257 4 5.00 0.800 0.246 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.246 5 3.00 0.667 0.257 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.243 6 2.00 0.500 0.296 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.204 7 1.30 0.231 0.497 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.193 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.430 50.00 0.980 Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Facility Length: Facility Width: Facility Area: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # Height (ft) 1 0.00 2 2. 65 Top Notch Weir: Outflow Rating Curve: Stage Elevation Detenticn Vault 62. 27 ft 62.27 ft 3878. sq. ft 4.00 ft 482.50 ft 15512 cf PROVIDED 53'X74'X4'=15688 CF 4.00 ft 12.00 inches 2 Full Head Pipe Diamete1: Discharge Diameter (in) (CFS) (in) 0.68 0.025 1.25 0.049 4.0 None None Storaqe Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) o.oo 482.50 0. 0.000 0.000 o.oo 0.01 482.51 39. 0.001 0.001 o.oo 0.02 482.52 78. 0.002 0.002 o.oo 0.03 482.53 116. 0.003 o. 002 o.oo 0.04 482.54 155. 0.004 0.003 0.00 0.05 482.55 194. 0.004 0.003 0.00 0.06 482.56 233. 0.005 0.003 0.00 0.16 482.66 621. 0.014 0.005 o.oo 0.26 482.76 1008. o. 023 0.006 0.00 0.36 482.86 1396. 0.032 0.007 o.oo 0.46 482. 96 1784. 0.041 0.008 o.oo 0.56 483.06 2172, 0,050 0.009 o.oo 0.66 483.16 2560. 0.059 0.010 0.00 0.76 483.26 2947. 0.068 0. 011 0.00 0.86 483.36 3335. 0.077 0.012 0.00 0.96 483.46 3723. 0.085 0.012 o.oo 1. 06 483.56 4111. 0.094 o. 013 o.oo 1.16 483.66 4499. 0.103 0.013 o.oo 1.26 483.76 4886. 0.112 0.014 o.oo 1.36 483.86 5274. 0.121 0.015 o.oo 1.46 483. 96 5662. 0.130 0.015 o.oo 1.56 484.06 6050. 0.139 0.016 0.00 1.66 484.16 6438. 0.148 0.016 0.00 1. 76 484.26 6825. 0.157 o. 017 0.00 1. 86 484.36 7213. 0.166 0.017 0.00 1. 96 484.46 7601. 0.174 0.018 o.oo 2.06 484.56 7989. 0.183 0.018 o.oo 2.16 484.66 8377. 0.192 0.018 o.oo 2.26 484.76 8764. 0.201 0.019 0.00 2.36 484.86 9152. 0.210 0.019 o.oo 2.46 484.96 9540. 0.219 0.020 o.oo 2.56 485.06 9928. 0.228 0.020 o.oo 2.65 485.15 10277. 0.236 0.020 0.00 2.66 485.16 10315. 0.237 o. 021 0.00 2. 68 485.18 10393. 0.239 0.022 0.00 2.69 485.19 10432. 2.70 485.20 104 71. 2. 72 485.22 10548. 2.73 485.23 10587. 2.74 485.24 10626. 2.75 485.25 10665. 2. 77 485.27 10742. 2.87 485.37 11130. 2.97 485.47 11518. 3. 07 485.57 11905, 3.17 485.67 12293. 3.27 485.77 12681. 3.37 485.87 13069. 3.47 485.97 13457. 3.57 486.07 13844. 3.67 486.17 14232. 3.77 486.27 14620. 3.87 486.37 15008. 3.97 486.47 15396. 4.00 486.50 15512. 4.10 486.60 15900. ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.497 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.329 Peak Reservoir Stage: 4.08 Peak Reservoir Elev: 486.58 Peak Reservoir Storage: 15831. 0.363 0.239 0.023 0.00 0.240 o. 026 0.00 0.242 o. 029 0.00 0.243 0.032 0.00 0.244 0.034 0.00 0.245 0.034 0.00 0.247 0.035 o.oo 0.256 0.041 0.00 0.264 0.045 0.00 0.273 0.049 0.00 0.282 0.053 0.00 0.291 0.056 o.oo 0.300 0.059 o.oo 0.309 0. 062 0.00 0.318 o. 064 0.00 0.327 0.067 0.00 0.336 0.069 o.oo 0.345 0.071 0.00 0.353 0.074 0.00 0.356 0.074 0.00 0.365 0.384 o.oo CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Ft Ft Cu-Ft Ac-Ft Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: predev.tsf New File: rdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability o. 020 0.85E-02 0.55E-02 -35.4 I 0.85E-02 0.026 0.60E-02 0.44E-02 -2:. 5 I 0.60E-02 0.031 0.47E-02 0.39E-02 -1:.7 I 0.47E-02 0.036 0.35E-02 0.33E-02 -!·. 2 I 0.35E-02 0.041 0.27E-02 0.24E-02 -1, .0 I 0.27E-02 0.047 0.20E-02 0.17E-02 -H.4 I 0.20E-02 0.052 0.14E-02 0.14E-02 1.2 I 0.14E-02 0.057 0.86E-03 0.99E-03 lb.l I 0. 86E-03 0.063 0.54E-03 0.55E-03 3.0 I 0,54E-03 0. 068 0.29E-03 0.26E-03 -1: .. 1 I 0.29E-03 0.073 0. 21E-03 0.98E-04 -53.8 I 0.21E-03 0. 078 0.15E-03 0.16E-04 -80.9 I 0.15E-03 0.084 0.82E-04 0.16E-04 -80.0 I 0.82E-04 Maxirnnm positive exCUZ"sion s 0.007 cfs ( 8.3%) occuring at 0.087 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.094 cfs on the New Data: .rdout. tsf Maximum negative excursion; 0.007 cfs (-26.3%) occuring at 0.027 cfs on the Base Jata:predev.tsf and at 0.020 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Base New %Change 0.020 0.020 -2.3 0.026 0.020 -21.9 0.031 0.023 -25.5 0.036 0.035 -3.2 0. 041 0.040 -4.6 0.047 0.044 -5.6 0.052 0.052 0.2 0.057 0.059 2.9 0.063 0.063 0.5 0.068 0.067 -1. 7 0.073 0.069 -5.0 0.078 0. 071 -8.8 0.084 0.074 -11. 6 APPENDIX C WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS The following calculation is per Section 6.4.1 of the KCSWDM, Runoff Volume= Vr = (0,9Ai + 0.25Atg + O.lOAtf + O.OlAo) x (R/12) Ai=33500 sf Atg=27500 sf Atf=O Ao=O R=.47 Vr = [ (0.9) (33500) + (0.25) (27500) + 0 + 0] X (.47/12) Wetpool Volume Vb= f(Vr) f=3 Vr=1450 cf Vb= 3x1450 = 4350 cf 1450 cf Wetpool volume= 15' X 74' X 4' required. 4440 cf, thus satisfying the volume ~ I ' • _____ A""'----- .r. S • .Jon.es and Associates, l:n.c. WETLAND DETERMINATION of the Bui Property 186211161h Ave. S.E. Renton, Washington, 98058 Tax Parcel Numbers: 322305-9113 Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 23N, Range SE MAIN FILE COPY Prepared for: Yvonne Bui 3520 S. 1981h Street Seatac, Washington, 98188 ~ ~ cc [~ u '\§ !~ [Q) JUL 15 2008 Dated: March 12, 2008 Prepared by: Robert King, Wetland Scientist 4 0 2 EAST MA IN STREET, SU IT E l I 0 A U B U R N. W A S H I N G T O N 9 8 0 0 2 253-804-2645 1/ FAX 253-333-8584 K.C. D.D.E.S. • Table of Contents 1.0 Project Description .......................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Site Address, Identification and Directions .................................................................... 1 3.0 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 1 4.0 General Site Description ................................................................................................. 1 5.0 Vegetation ....................................................................................................................... 2 5. I Vegetation Methodology .............................................................................................. 2 5.2 Vegetation Results ........................................................................................................ 2 6.0 Hydrology ...................................................................................................................... .3 6.1 Hydrology Methodology ............................................................................................... 3 6.2 Hydrology Results ....................................................................................................... .3 7.0 Soils ................................................................................................................................ .3 7.1 Soils Methodology ........................................................................................................ 3 7.2 Soil Series ..................................................................................................................... 3 7.3 Soils Results ................................................................................................................. .4 8.0 Wetland Determination, Rating, and Buffers ................................................................ .4 9 .0 Impacts ............................................................................................................................ 5 I 0.0 Authority ....................................................................................................................... 5 11.0 Limitations .................................................................................................................... 5 12. 0 References ..................................................................................................................... 6 Tables 1.0 Plant Indicator Status ...................................................................................................... 2 September 2007 Attachments Routine Field Data Forms Western Washington Wetland Rating Fonns Vicinity Map Soils Map Wetland and Streams Inventory Map Wetland Sketch JS. Jones and Associates, Inc. • 1.0 Project Description The applicant is submitting a wetland study to determine the boundaries and ratings for a proposed subdivision. 2.0 Site Address, Identification, and Directions The property is located at 18621 116 1 h Ave. S.E., in unincorporated King County Washington (see attached Vicinity Map). The site can be further described as located in the southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, of the Willamette Meridian. The tax parcel number is 322305-9113. Directions to the site from 1-5 is as follows: take exit 154A on the left to merge onto I-405 N toward Renton and travel north for 2 miles; take exit 2 to merge onto Valley Fwy/SR-167 N toward Renton and travel for 0.8miles; turn right at S. Grady Way and travel for 0.5 miles; turn right at Talbot Road S/SR-515, continue to follow SR-515 for 2.1 miles; turn left at S.E. 176 1h Street and travel for 0.5 miles; turn right at 1161 h Ave. S.E. and travel for 0.6 miles; the property will be on the west side of 116 1h Ave. S.E. at house number 18621. 3.0 Methodology The wetland assessment and delineation were performed using the Routine Methodology as described in Part IV, Section D of the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (COE, 1987), and the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (DOE, 1997). The Routine Small Area Methodology is "used when the project area is small, plant communities are homogeneous, plant community boundaries are abrupt, and the project is not controversial." The wetland determination was based on the presence of the three criteria for jurisdictional wetlands, hydric soils, wetland hydrology, and hydrophytic vegetation. All three criteria must be present in order to classify an area as a wetland. The assessment included a review of the King County GIS Data, the Department of Natural Resources stream inventory and the USDA Soil Conservation Service's Soil Survey of the King County Area, Washington (Snyder, 1973). Sample Locations were collected by J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc using a Trimble Geo XH GPS unit. Wetland points were surveyed by the Cramer Northwest. Robert King performed the field work and authored the wetland assessment. 4.0 General Site Description The property is approximately 1.36 acres and roughly measures 190 feet wide by 300 feet deep. The property is has a single-family home that was originally constructed in 1959. Other features include a detached garage and storage shed. Most of the vegetation is landscape yard except for the western half perimeter that has some bigleaf maple and black cottonwood, with a Himalayan blackberry understory. The topography is rolling with a drainage pattern in the middle of the property. There are some slopes greater than 15 percent near the western boundary. A French drain is present in the drainage pattern that conveys water to the northern boundary. Adjacent properties are single-family residential. March2008 I J. S. Jones and Associales, Inc. 5.0 Vegetation 5.1 Vegetation Methodology Hydrophytic vegetation has adaptations that allow these species to survive in saturated or inundated environments. These environments are classified according to the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin, 1979). The probability of species being found in wetland environments has been determined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the National List of Vascular Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1996 National Summary (USFWS, 1996). An indicator status was applied to each species according to its probability of occurring in wetlands (see Table I). Table 1 0 Plant Indicator Status Indicator Categorv Svmbol Occurrence in Wetlands Obli!>:ate Wetland OBL >99% Facultative Wetland FACW 67-99% Facultative FAC 34-67% Facultative Unland FACU 1-33% Unland UPL < 1% Note: FACW, FAC, and FACU have+ and-values to represent species near the wetter end of the spectrum (+) and the drier end of the spectrum (-) {USFWS, 1996). Vegetation data was recorded at twelve sample locations. At each sample location, the dominant species were assessed by indicator status to determine if the plant community was predominantly hydrophytic. Rules for determining dominant species were established in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (DOE, 1997). Dominants were determined using the 50/20 rule. Using this rule, percent cover was added by order of descending cover until 50% cover was reached. These species were considered dominants. The next most common species was also included as a dominant if it had over 20% cover. 5.2 Vegetation Results At sample location I (SL-I), the plant community is dominated by black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera, F AC) and Himalayan blackberry (Ru bus armeniacus, F ACU). Himlayan blackberry is commonly found in seasonal disturbed wetlands. The plant community is hydrophytic because more than 50% of the dominant species are OBL, FACW, or FAC. At SL-2, the plant community is dominated by black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera, FAC) and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus, FACU). The plant community is hydrophytic because more than 50% of the dominant species are OBL, FACW, or FAC. At SL-3, the plant community is dominated by unidentified grasses, ( Gramineae, spp., FAC). Most grasses in Western Washington are tolerant of saturated soils for prolonged durations and are assumed to be FAC. The plant community is hydrophytic because more than 50% of the dominant species are OBL, F ACW, or FAC. At SL-4, the plant community is dominated by unidentified grasses, ( Gramineae, spp., F AC). Most grasses in Western Washington are tolerant of saturated soils for prolonged durations and are assumed to be FAC. The plant community is hydrophytic because more than 50% of the dominant species are OBL, FACW, or FAC. March2008 2 J. S. Jones ,.md Associates, Inc. 6.0 Hydrology 6.1 Hydrology Methodology The Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (COE, 1987) and the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (DOE, I 997) require inundation, flooding, or saturation to the surface for at least 5% of the growing season to satisfy the hydrology requirements for jurisdictional wetlands. Areas that are saturated between 5% and 12.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands. The growing season can either be defined by the number of frost-free days (temperatures above 28°F), or the period during which the soil temperature at a depth of 19.7 inches is above biological zero (41°F). The presence of primary and secondary wetland hydrological indicators was determined at each sample location by evaluating a variety of direct and indirect indicators. In addition to direct visual observation of inundation or saturation, secondary hydrologic indicators were used to infer wetland hydrology. Secondary indicators include oxidized channels (rhizospheres) associated with living roots and rhizomes, water marks on vegetation or fixed objects, drift lines, water-borne sediment deposits, water stained leaves, surface scoured areas, wetland drainage patterns, morphological plant adaptations, and hydric soil characteristics. 6.2 Hydrology Results SL-1 has wetland hydrology. The sample location has a saturated profile to the surface and a water table present within the upper 12 inches early in the growing season. The soil profile is seasonally or occasionally flooded. SL-2, SL-3 and SL-4 do not have wetland hydrology. These sample locations are dry to the surface. The water table is not present within the upper I 8 inches. There are no soil indicators of seasonal wetland hydrology. 7.0 Soils 7.1 Soils Methodology Hydric soils are soils that are "saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (COE, 1987)". They are either organic soils (peats and mucks), or are mineral soils that are saturated long enough to produce soil properties associated with a reducing environment. These soils have hydric characteristics such as a reduced matrix (a matrix that changes color when exposed to air), redox depletions (gleying), or redox concentrations (mottles). Soils were assessed for organic content and hydric characteristics in an 18-inch soil pit at each sample location. In Washington State, soil color is the main indicator used to determine if a soil is considered hydric. Soil color immediately below the "A" horizon or at a depth of 10 inches below ground surface was determined using Munsell Soil Color Charts (MacBeth, 2000). Soils that had a one-chroma matrix or a two-chroma matrix with mottles were determined to be hydric. 7 .2 Soil Series The USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) mapped the on-site soils as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6% slopes (AgB). On-site investigation confirms the Alderwood mapping unit. There is evidence of historical grading and filling during the original construction of the single family home since some of the "A" horizon is not present. March 2008 3 J. S Jones and Associates, Inc. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam is a "moderately well drained that formed under conifers in glacial deposits. In a typical profile, the surface layer and subsoil are very dark brown, dark- brown, and grayish-brown gravelly sand loam about 27 inches thick. The substratum is grayish- brown, weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated glacial till that extends to a depth of 60 inches or more. Included with this soil in mapping are small areas Indianola loamy sand, Norma sandy loam or Dupont Muck." 7.3 Soils Results The soil at SL-I is a hydric gravelly sandy loam. From Oto 18+ inches the soil is a very dark grayish brown ( I OYR 3/2) gravelly sandy loam with mottling. The soil is hydric because it has a two-chroma matrix with mottling immediately below the A horizon (Department of Ecology 1997)." The soil at SL-2 is an Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. From Oto 16 inches the soil is a very dark brown (IOYR 2/2) gravelly sandy loam without mottling. From 16 to 18+ inches the soil is a brown ( I OYR 4/3) gravelly sandy loam without mottling. The soil is non-hydric because it does not have a "one-chroma matrix without mottling or a two-chroma matrix with mottling immediately below the A horizon or IO inches, whichever is shallower (Department of Ecology 1997)." The soil at SL-3 is in a depression adjacent to the French drain. The soil profile is the "B" horizon of a historically graded Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. From O to 12+ inches the soil is a brown (IOYR 4/3) gravelly sandy loam without mottling. The soil is non-hydric because it does not have a "one-chroma matrix without mottling or a two-chroma matrix with mottling immediately below the A horizon or 10 inches, whichever is shallower (Department of Ecology 1997)." The soil at SL-4 is an Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. The soil profile is the "B" horizon of a historically graded Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. From O to 18+ inches the soil is a brown (IOYR 4/3) gravelly sandy loam with mottling. The soil is non-hydric because it does not have a "one-chroma matrix without mottling or a two-chroma matrix with mottling immediately below the A horizon or 10 inches, whichever is shallower (Department of Ecology 1997)." 8.0 Wetland and Aquatic Area Determination Rating, and Buffers The GIS Data King County and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) do not map wetlands or streams within 315 feet of the property's boundary (see Wetland and Stream Inventory Map attached). On-site investigation found one wetland along a portion of the northern property line (Wetland A). Wetland A originates from a 4-inch PVC pipe which discharges water towards the northwest comer. The water flows along the base of a fill slope that saturates a narrow stripe of land approximately 6 feet wide. Wetland A continues to flow off-site eventually infiltrating into the ground approximately 25 feet west from the northwest boundary. Wetland A has low water quality and hydro logic functions since it is not densely vegetated and has a slope greater that 5%. It also has low habitat features that includes one fallen tree, one standing snag and nearby wetlands within one-half mile. According to the King County Code (KCC), wetlands are rated using the Department of Ecology's Wetland Rating Form for Western Washington Rating (Hruby 2004) per KCC Chapter March 2008 4 J. S. Jones and Associates, inc. 2 lA.24.335. Wetland A is rated as Category IV scoring 11 points for habitat and 20 points overall (see attached data sheets). Since Wetland A is located inside the urban growth area and will require a 50-foot buffer per section 21 A.24.325.A l of the KCC. Buildings and other structures shall be set back a distance of 15 feet from the edges of a critical area buffer per 2 lA.24.200 of the KCC. Site investigation did not reveal ponding water, saturated soils, dominant hydrophtic vegetation or hydric soils in the areas out side of Wetland A .. 9.0 Impacts Impacts cannot be determined at this time as the applicant does not have a site plan that incorporates the boundary of Wetland A. 10.0 Authority This wetland and stream determination is in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the objective of which is to "maintain and restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the waters of the United States" (DOE, 1997). Wetlands are "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas (EPA, 40 CFR 230.3 and CE, 33 CFR 328.3)". 11.0 Limitations Stream and wetland determinations and delineations are not final until approved by regulatory agencies and/or local jurisdictions. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. does not guarantee acceptance or approval by regulatory agencies, or that any intended use will be achieved. March 2008 5 J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 12.0 References Cowardin, Lewis M. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Jamestown, North Dakota. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksberg, MS. Federal Register. 1980. 40 CFR Part 230: Section 404(b )(!) Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material. Vol. 45, No. 249, 85352-85353. US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. Federal Register. 1982. Title 33: Navigation and Navigable Waters; Chapter II, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers. Vol. 47, No. 138, p 31810. US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. King County, King County Code. Current through September 24, 2007. http://www.kingcounty.gov/council/legislation/kc code.aspx MacBeth. 2000. Munsell Soil Color Charts-Revised Washable Edition. 617 Little Britain Road, New Windsor, NY 12553. !Op+ 9 charts. Snyder, D.E. 1973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. USFWS. 1996. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1996 National Summary. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. St. Petersburg, FL. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. July 17, 2007. Habitat and Species Map for King County and Vicinity Washington State Department of Ecology. 1997. Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. Publication# 96-94 March 2008 6 J. S. Jvnes and Associates, Inc. Attachments March2008 7 J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. DATA FORM 1 (Revised) Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual) Project/Site: 18621116 Ave S.E., Renton 98058 Tax Pa reel 322305-9113 Applicant/Owner: Yvonne Bui 3520 S. 198'h Street I Seatac, Washington, 98188 ' ' Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? YesD . No~ Date: 03/12/208 County: King State: WA S/T/R: SE 32/23N/5E Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? YesD ! No ~ rt ID: SL-1 Explanation atypical or Problem Area: ----·--·---~-· VEGETATION (For Strata, indicate T = tree; S = Shrub; H = Herb; V = vine) i I I ' -1 ' Dominant Plant SnAcies Stratum % Cover Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum % Cover Indicator black cottonwood (Popufus T FAC i balsamifera) --Hima1ayan blackbeny (Rubus V FACU' armeniacus) --'--- HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: f-.L % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC 100 Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Visual observation of plant species growing in Physiological/reproductive adaptation D Areas of prolonged inundation/saturation ~ Wetland plant database D Morphological Adaptation R Personal knowledge of regional plant communities D Technical Literature Other/explain l: Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes~ NOLJ Rationale for decision/Remarks: More than 50% of dominant vegetation is hydrophytic. 'Himalayan blackberry is an invasive plant commonly found in disturbed wetlands HYDROLOGY Water Marks: yes LJ No LJ Sediment Deposits: Is it the growing season? Yes~ NoO On YesO No~ Based on: D soil temp (record temp __ ) Drift Lines: yes LJ No L25.I Drainage Patterns: I ~ other (explain): Visual -----Yes rxf No D ! Dept. of inundation: N/A inches Oxidized Roots (live roots) , Local Soil Survey: Depth of free water in pit: 12 inches Channels <12 in. y_es D no ~ i Yeill No~ ' ' Depth to saturated soil: 0 inches FAC Neutral yes Ono~ i Water-stained Leaves: I Yes n No l'xl Check all that apply & explain below: Other (explain): Stream, Lake, or gauge data: D Arial ohotoaraohs: D Other: Wetland hydrology present? Yes 12:1 No D . .. March 2008 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc Sample Location: ____ l_ _______ _ SOILS Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam Drainage Class: moderately well-drained (Series & Phase) 0 to 6% slopes, (AgB) Taxonomy (subgrouo\: Entic Durchrepts Field observation confirm maooed !voe? Yes0No[8:J Profile Descriotion Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Abundance, Texture, Drawing of soil (inches) (Munsell, Moist) (Munsell, Moist) Size & Contrast Concretions, profile Structure, etc. (match description.) 0-18 A/8 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/4 Few, Medium, Gravelly distinct sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that apply) D Histol 0 Matrix chroma s 2 with mottles D Histic Epipedon D Mg or Fe Concretion D Sulfidic Odor D High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils 0 Aquic Moisture Regime D Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ~ Reducing Conditions D Listed on National/Local Hydric Soils List Gleved or Low-Chroma (=1 l matrix D Other ( explain in remarks l Hydric soils present? Yes 0 No U Rationale for decision/Remarks: Several hydric soil indicators are present Wetland Determination Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes 0 No D Is the sampling point within a wetland Yes0 NoO Hydric soils present Yes0 NoO Wetland hvdrolonv present? Yes0 NoO Rationale/Remarks: All three wetland indicators are present. Notes: March 2008 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc DATA FORM 1 (Revised) Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual) Project/Site: 18621116 Ave S.E., Renton 98058 j Tax Parcel 322305-9113 i, Applicant/Owner: Yvonne Bui 3520 S. 198th Street Seatac, Washington, 98188 lnvesti,iator(s)· R King Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? Explanation atypical or Problem Area: Yes ISi i NoO YesO i No l'8J YesO 1 No l'8l VEGETATION (For Strata, indicate T = tree; S = Shrub; H = Herb; V = vine) Date: 03/12/2008 County: King State: WA S/T/R: SE 32/23N/5E Community ID: Transect ID: Plot ID: SL-2 -- Dominant Plant S,_,-ies Stratum % Cover Indicator Dominant Plant Soecies Stratum % Cover Indicator black cottonwood (Populus T FAC balsami(era) --Himalayan blackberry (Rubus V FACU' a,meniacus) ---~----------~·--·---·---------·-~------- HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAG 100 Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Visual observation of plant species growing in Physiological/reproductive adaptation D Areas of prolonged inundation/saturation D Wetland plant database D Morphological Adaptation R Personal knowledge of regional plant communities D Technical Literature Other(explain): Hydrophytlc vegetation present? Yes LJ No 125.1 Rationale for decision/Remarks: More than 50% of dominant ve,ietation is hydrophvtic. HYDROLOGY I Water Marks: yes LJ No l2SI Sediment Deposits: Is it the growing season? Yes l'8l No D , On Yes D No l'8l Based on: D soil temp (record temp ___ ) !Drift Lines: yes D No l'8l Drainage Patterns: l'8l other / exolain ): Visual Yes n No l'8J Dept. of inundation: N/A inches ' Oxidized Roots (live roots) Local Soil Survey: Depth of free water in pit: >18 inches Lchanne1s <1~in. yes n no lx'I Yes n No lx'I i Depth to saturated soil: >18 inches I FAG Neutral yes D no l'8J Water-stained Leaves: I Yes D No l'8l f Check all that apply & explain below: Other (explain): Stream, Lake, or gauge data: D 1 Arial holographs: D Other: ... ___________ I Wetl.ind hydrology prese_n_t?_. __ Y_e_s_O_N_o_l'8J_ March 2008 J.S. Junes and Associates, Inc Sample Location: 2 ----·------ -------~-~--------------· SOILS I Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam Drainage Class: Moderately well drained {AgB) (Series & Phase) 0 to 6% slopes Field observation confirm mapped type? Yes [8J No D Taxonomy (subgrouo): Entic durochrepts Profile Descriotion Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Abundance, Texture, Drawing of soil (inches) (Munsell, Moist) (Munsell, Moist) Size & Contrast Concretions, profile Structure, etc. (match descriotion.) 0-16 A 10YR 3/2 Gravelly sandy loam 16-18+ B 10YR 4/3 " Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that apply) D Histol D Matrix chroma ,; 2 with mottles D Histic Epipedon D Mg or Fe Concretion D Sulfidic Odor D High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils D Aquic Moisture Regime D Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils D Reducing Conditions D Listed on National/Local Hydric Soils List D Gleved or Low-Chroma (=1) matrix D Other ( exolain in remarks l Hydrlc soils present? YesD No~ Rationale for decision/Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are not present ---- Wetland Determination Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes [8J No D Is the sampling point within a wetland Yes D No [8J Hydric soils present Yes D No [8J Wetland hvdrolonv oresent? Yes D No [8J Rationale/Remarks: Not All three wetland indicators are present. Notes: March 2008 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc DATA FORM 1 (Revised) Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual) . Project/Site: 18621 1161n Ave S.E., Renton 98058 Tax Parcel 322305-9113 Applicant/Owner: Yvonne Bui 3520 S. 198'" Street Seatac, Washington, 98188 I Date: 03/12/2008 I County: King State: WA S/TIR: SE 32/23N/5E I Investigator( s ): R. King I NoD _J Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes 12SJ Community ID: I Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? YesD J:! Tra""" ID · Is the area a potential Problem Area? YesD 1:8] Plot ID: SL-3 Explanation atypical or Problem Area: _i --~--· VEGETATION (For Strata, indicate T = tree; S = Shrub; H = Herb; V = vine) Dominant Plant $n&0r.ies Stratum % Cover Indicator Dominant Plant $rv:>cies Stratum % Cover Indicator unidentified grasses, ( Gramineae H FAG S"'l'I,) -~ ~-------____ _j HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAG 100 Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Visual observation of plant species growing in Physiological/reproductive adaptation D Areas of prolonged inundation/saturation D Wetland plant database D Morphological Adaptation D Personal knowledge of regional plant communities D Technical Literature D Othe_r{~xplain): __ Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes 1:8] NoO Rationale for decision/Remarks: 1 More than 50% of dominant veQetation is hvdrophvtic. 'HYDROLOGY ! Water Marks: yes LJ No 12SJ Sediment Deposits: I Is it the growing season? Yes 1:8] No D On Yes D No 1:8] • Based on: D soil temp (record temp ) Drift Lines: yes u No 12SJ Drainage Patterns: i 1:8] other (explain): Visual --Yes D No 1:8] i Dept. of inundation: NIA inches Oxidized Roots (live roots) Local Soil Survey: I Depth of free water in pit: >18 inches Channels <12 in. ves D no 1:8] Yes n No l'xl Depth to saturated soil: >18 inches FAG Neutral yes Uno 1:8] Water-stained Leaves: Yes D No 1:8] Check all that apply & explain below: Other (explain): ' Stream, Lake, or gauge data: D i Arial photoaraphs: D Other: Wetland hydrology present? Yes LJ No l2SJ --~ March 2008 J.S. Jones and Associates, b,c Sample Loc:ition:_~3 __ _ SOILS I ------l Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam I Drainage Class: Moderately well drained {AgB) I Field observation confirm mapped type? (Series & Phase) 0 to 6% slopes Yes~ NoO Taxonomy (subqrouol: Entic durochrepts Profile Description Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Abundance, Texture, Drawing of soil (inches) (Munsell, Moist) (Munsell, Moist) Size & Contrast Concretions, profile Structure, etc. (match description.) 0-12 Af(histori 10YR 4/3 Gravelly cally B) sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: {check all that apply) D Histol D Matrix chroma ,;; 2 with mottles D Histic Epipedon D Mg or Fe Concretion D Sulfidic Odor D High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils D Aquic Moisture Regime D Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils D Reducing Conditions D Listed on National/Local Hydric Soils List D Gleved or Low-Chroma (=1) matrix D Other ( explain in remarks) Hydric soils present? Yes LJ No l2SI Rationale for decision/Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are not present. Soil is compacted at 12 inches. Wetland Determination Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes~ NoO Is the sampling point within a wetland YesO No~ Hydric soils present YesO No~ Wetland hvdroloav present? YesO No~ Rationale/Remarks: Not All three wetland indicators are present. Notes: March 2008 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc DATA FORM 1 (Revised) Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual) Project/Site: 18621116" Ave S.E., Renton 98058 Tax Parcel 322305-9113 : Applicant/Owner: Yvonne Bui th 3520 s. 198 Street Seatac, Washington, 98188 Investigator( s ): R. King Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? Explanation atypical or Problem Area: Yes ts;] 'No LJ YesO I No l'8J YesO I No l'8J VEGETATION (For Strata, indicate T = tree; S = Shrub; H = Herb; V = vine) Date: 03/12/2008 County: King State: WA S/T/R: SE 32/23N/5E Community ID: Transect ID: I Plot ID: SL-4 Dominant Plant SOACies Stratum %Cover Indicator Dominant Plant Soecies Stratum % Cover Indicator unidentified grasses, (Gramineae H FAC snn,1 ---------- ' ~-·--- HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC 100 Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Visual observation of plant species growing in , Physiological/reproductive adaptation D Areas of prolonged inundation/saturation D j Wetland plant database D Morphological Adaptation D I Personal knowledge of regional plant communities D ~chnical Literature -oJ_other(explai_rll:___ ------- Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes l'8J NoD Rationale for decision/Remarks: More than 50% of dominant vecietation is hvdrophvtic. HYDROLOGY Water Marks: yes D No l'8J Sediment Deposits: Is it the growing season? Yes l'8J No D ,_Qn Yes D No fxl Based on: D soil temp (record temp __ ) Drift Lines: yes LJ No L2SJ Drainage Patterns: I ' l'8J other (explain1_ Visual ! Yes D No C8J ! ·--r---·-- Dept. of inundation: N/A inches Oxidized Roots (live roots) i Local Soil Survey: ' Depth of free water in pit: >18 inches Channels <12 in. ves n no fxl I Yes n No fxl i Depth to saturated soil: >18 inches FAC Neutral yes LJ no l2SI I Water-stained Leaves: i Yes D No l'8J Check all that apply & explain below: Other (explain): Stream, Lake, or gauge data: D Arial Dhotooraphs: D Other: Wetland hydrology present? Yes u No _J ----~--·----· March2008 JS. Jones and Associates, inc Sample Location:_4~-- SOILS Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam Drainage Class: Moderately well drained (AgB) (Series & Phase) 0 to 6% slopes Field observation confirm mapped type? Yes [8J No D Taxonomy /suboroun\: Entic durochreots Profile Description Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Abundance, Texture, Drawing of soil (inches) (Munsell, Moist) (Munsell, Moist) Size & Contrast Concretions, profile Structure, etc. (match description.) 0-18+ A/B 10YR 413 10YR 416 Few, medium, Gravelly prominent sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that apply) D Histol D Matrix chroma :;; 2 with mottles D Histic Epipedon D Mg or Fe Concretion D Sulfidic Odor D High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils D Aquic Moisture Regime D Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils D Reducing Conditions D Listed on National/Local Hydric Soils List D Gleyed or Low-Chroma (=1) matrix D Other ( explain in remarks) Hydric soils present? Yes LJ No l2SI Rationale for decision/Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are not present. Wetland Determination Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes [8J No D Is the sampling point within a wetland Yes D No [8J Hydric soils present Yes D No [8J Wetland h drolo resent? Yes No [8J Rationale/Remarks: Not All three wetland indicators are present. Notes: March 2008 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc Department of Ecology Wetland Rating Form for Western Washington Name of Wetland:.!.W!..!e!a!t!!la,eneed,.,A:,_ ____________ _ Date of site visit:03/12/2008 Person(s) Rating Wetland:R.King Trained by Ecology? [gly es 0No Location: Section:32Township:23N Range:5E Map of Wetland Rating Unit: Figure __ Date of Training: 05/2005 Estimated Size:< 2,500 SO. FT. SUMMARY OF WETLAND RATING Category Based on FUNCTIONS provided by wetland: D Categoryl D Category II Category I = Score> 70 Category II -Score 51 -69 Category lII ~ Score 30 -50 Category IV ~ Score < 30 D Category III [gJ Category IV Score for Water Quality Functions~ §. Score for Hydrologic Functions = J. Score for Habitat Functions = 11 TOTAL SCORE FOR FUNCTIONS= ~ Category Based on Special Characteristics of Wetland: D II 18:J Does Not Apply Final Category (choose the "highest" category from above) IV Check Annrooriate T •oe and Class of Wetland Being Rated Wetland Tvne Wetland Class Estuarine Denressional Natural Herita"e Wetland Riverine Bo" Lake-frin"e Mature Forest Slooe [gJ Old Growth Forest Flats I Coastal Lagoon Fresh Water Tidal I lnterdunal None of the Above D J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page 1 Wetland A Does the wetland being rated meet any of the criteria below? lfyou answer YES to any of the questions below you will need to protect the wetland according to the regulations regarding the special characteristics found in the wetland. Check List for Wetlands That Need Special Protection, and YES NO That Are Not Included in the Ratin11 SP1. Has the wetland been documented as a habitat for any Federally listed Threatened Or Endangered plant or animal species (TIE species)? For the purposes of this rating system, "documented" means the wetland is on the D [81 appropriate State or Federal database. SP2. Has the wetland been documented as habitat for any State listed Threatened or Endangered plant or animal species? D C8J For the purposes of this rating system, "documented" means the wetland is on the appropriate State or Federal database. SP3. Does the wetland contain individuals of Priority species listed by the WDFW for the State? D C8J SP4. Does the wetland have a local significance in addition to its/unctions? For Example, the wetland has been identified in the Shoreline Master Program, the D [81 Critical Area Ordinance, or in a local management plan as having special Significance. To complete the next part of the data .sheet you will need to determine the Hydrogeomorphic class of the wetland being rated The hydrogeomorphic classification groups wetlands into those that function in similar ways. This simplifies the questions needed to answer how well the wetland functions. The hydrogeomorphic class of a wetland can be determined using the key below. Seep. 24 for more detailed instructions on classifying wetlands. J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Pagel 'Wetland A Classification of Wetland Units in Western Washington 1. Are the water levels in the entire unit usually controlled by tides (i.e. except during floods)? [8JNO -go to 2 DYES -the wetland class is Tidal Fringe If yes, is the salinity of the water during periods of annual low flow below 0.5 ppt (parts per thousand)? DYES -Freshwater Tidal Fringe [8JNO-Saltwater Tidal Fringe (Estuarine) If your wetland can be classified as a Freshwater Tidal Fringe use the.forms.for Riverine wetlands. !fit is Saltwater Tidal Fringe it is rated as an Estuarine wetland. Wetlands that were called estuarine in the first and second editions of the rating system are called Salt Water Tidal Fringe in the Hydrogeomorphic Classification. Estuarine wetlands were categorized separately in the earlier editions, and this separation is being kept in this revision. To maintain consistency between editions, the term "Estuarine" wetland is kept. Please note, however, that the characteristics that define Category I and II estuarine wetlands have changed (seep. ). 2. The entire wetland unit is flat and precipitation is the only source (>90%) of water to it. Groundwater and surface water runoff are NOT sources of water to the unit. [8JNO -go to 3 DYES -The wetland class is Flats If your wetland can be classified as a "Flats" wetland, use the form for Depressional wetlands. 3. Does the entire wetland unit meet both of the following criteria? _The vegetated part of the wetland is on the shores ofa body of permanent open water (without any vegetation on the surface) at least 20 acres (8 ha) in size; At least 30% of the open water area is deeper than 6.6 ft (2 m)? [8JNO -go to 4 DYES-The wetland class is Lake-fringe (Lacustrine Fringe) 4. Does the entire wetland unit meet all of the following criteria? ___x_ The wetland is on a slope (slope can be very gradua{), ___x_ The water flows through the wetland in one direction ( unidirectional) and usually comes from seeps. It may flow subsurface, as sheetflow, or in a swale without distinct banks. ___x_ The water leaves the wetland without being impounded? NOTE: Surface water does not pond in these type of wetlands except occasionally in very small and shallow depressions or behind hummocks (depressions are usually <3fl diameter and less than 1 foot deep). D NO -go to 5 [8JYES -The wetland class is Slope If the hydrologic criteria listed in each question do not apply to the entire unit being rated, you probably have a unit with multiple HGM classes. In this case, identify which hydrologic criteria in questions 1-7 apply, and go to Question 8. J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page3 Wetland A S. Does the entire wetland unit meet all of the following criteria? __ The unit is in a valley, or stream channel, where it gets inundated by overbank flooding from that stream or river __ The overbank flooding occurs at least once every two years. NOTE: The riverine unit can contain depressions that are filled with water when the river is not flooding. ~ NO -go to 6 DYES -The wetland class is Riverine 6. Is the entire wetland unit in a topographic depression in which water ponds, or is saturated to the surface, at some time during the year. This means that any outlet, if present, is higher than the interior of the wetland. ~NO -go to 7 DYES -The wetland class is Depressional 7. Is the entire wetland unit located in a very flat area with no obvious depression and no overbank flooding. The unit does not pond surface water more than a few inches. The unit seems to be maintained by high groundwater in the area. The wetland may be ditched, but has no obvious natural outlet. [8JNO -go to 8 D YES·--The wetland class is Depressional 8. Your wetland unit seems to be difficult to classify and probably contains several different HGM classes. For example, seeps at the base of a slope may grade into a riverine floodplain, or a small stream within a depressional wetland has a zone of flooding along its sides. GO BACK AND IDENTIFY WHICH OF THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMES DESCRIBED IN QUESTIONS 1-7 APPLY TO DIFFERENT AREAS IN THE UNIT (make a rough sketch to help you decide). Use the following table to identify the appropriate class to use for the rating system if you have several HGM classes present within your wetland. NOTE: Use this table only if the class that is recommended in the second column represents 10% or more of the total area of the wetland unit being rated. If the area of the class listed in column 2 is less than 10% of the unit; classify the wetland using the class that represents more than 90% of the total area. HGM Classes within the wetland unit bein!! rated HGM Class to Use in Ratinf( Slone + Riverine Riverine Slone + Denressional Depressional Slone+ Lake-fringe Lake-fringe Denressional + Riverine along stream within boundarv Depressional Denressional + Lake-fringe Deoressional Salt Water Tidal Fringe and anv other class of freshwater Treat as Estuarine under wetlands with snecial characteristics wetland If you are unable still to determine which of the above criteria apply to your wetland, or if you have more than 2 HGM classes within a wetland boundary, classify the wetland as DepressionaI for the rating. J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page4 Wetland A s Slope Wetlands Points WATER QUALITY FUNCTIONS -Indicators that the wetland unit (only 1 score per box) functions to improve water quality. S 1. Does the wetland unit have the potential to improve water Seep.64 quality? S 1.1 Characteristics of average slope of unit: D Slope isl% or less (a 1% slope has a 1 foot vertical drop in elevation for every 100 ft horizontal distance) points= 3 D Slope is I% -2% points= 2 D Slope is 2% -5% points= 1 [8] Slope is greater than 5% points= 0 0 S 1.2 The soil 2 inches below the surface (or duff layer) is clay or organic (use NRCS definitions) D YES = 3 points 1:8] NO = 0 points 0 S 1.3 Characteristics of the vegetation in the wetland that trap sediments and Figure LJ pollutants: Choose the points appropriate for the description that best fits the vegetation in the wetland. Dense vegetation means you have trouble seeing the soil surface (> 75% cover), and uncut means not grazed or mowed and plants are higher than 6 inches. D Dense, uncut, herbaceous vegetation > 90% of the wetland area points= 6 t8l Dense, uncut, herbaceous vegetation > 1/2 of area points= 3 D Dense, woody, vegetation > V, of area points= 2 D Dense, uncut, herbaceous vegetation > I /4 of area points= I D Does not meet any of the criteria above for vegetation points= 0 Aerial photo or map with vegetation polvaons 3 Total for SI 3 Add the voints in the boxes above S 2. Does the wetland unit have the opportunity to improve water (see p.67) quality? Answer YES if you know or believe there are pollutants in groundwater or surface water coming into the wetland that would otherwise reduce water quality in streams, lakes or groundwater downgradient from the wetland. Note which of the following conditions provide the sources of pollutants. A unit may have pollutants coming from several sources, but any single source would qualify as opportunity. 0 Grazing in the wetland or within 150ft D Untreated stormwater discharges to wetland 0 Tilled fields, logging, or orchards within 150 feet of wetland t8l Residential, urban areas, or golf courses are within 150 ft upslope of wetland D Other Multiplier is 2 t8l YES multiplier is 2 D NO multiplier is I s TOT AL -Water Quality Functions Multiply the score from SI by S2 6 Add Score to Table on p. l S Slope Wetlands Points I J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Pages Wetland A HYDROLOGIC FUNCTIONS -Indicators that the wetland unit functions to (only 1 score reduce floodin!' and stream erosion per box) S 3. Does the wetland unit have the potential to reduce flooding and (see p.68) stream erosion? S 3.1 Characteristics of vegetation that reduce the velocity of surface flows during storms. Choose the points appropriate for the description that best fit conditions in the wetland. (stems of plants should be thick enough (usually > l/8in), or dense enough, to remain erect during surface flows) D Dense, uncut, rigid vegetation covers > 90% of the area of the wetland. points= 6 rgJ Dense, uncut, rigid vegetation> 1/2 area of wetland points= 3 D Dense, uncut, rigid vegetation > I /4 area points= I D More than 1/4 of area is grazed, mowed, tilled or vegetation is not rigid points= 0 3 S 3 .2 Characteristics of slope wetland that holds back small amounts of flood 0 flows: The slope wetland has small surface depressions that can retain water over at least I 0% of its area. D YES points = 2 r2:J NO points= 0 Add the voints in the boxes above 3 S 4. Does the wetland have the opportunity to reduce flooding and (see p.70) erosion? Is the wetland in a landscape position where the reduction in water velocity it provides helps protect downstream property and aquatic resources from flooding or excessive and/or erosive flows? Note which of the following conditions apply. D Wetland has surface runoff that drains to a river or stream that has flooding problems. D Other (Answer NO if the major source of water is controlled by a reservoir (e.g. wetland is a seep that is on the downstream side of a dam) Multiplier is D YES multinlier is 2 r2:J NO multinlier is 1 1 s TOTAL -Hydrologic Functions Multiply the score from S 3 by S 4 Add score to table on p. I 3 J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page 6 Wetland A These questions aoolv to wetlands of all HGM classes. Points HABITAT FUNCTIONS -Indicators that wetland functions to orovide imoortant habitat HI. Does the wetland have the ootential to provide habitat for many species? HI. I Vegetation Structure (seep. 71) Figure LJ Check the types of vegetation classes present (as defined by Cowardin) if the Class covers more than I 0% of the area of the wetland or Y, acre. D Aquatic bed D Emergent plants [8J Scrub/shrub (areas where shrubs have >30% cover) [8J Forested (areas where trees have >30% cover) D Forested areas have 3 out of 5 strata (canopy, sub-canopy, shrubs, herbaceous, Mass/ ground cover) Add the number of vegetation types that qualify. If you have: 4 types or more present points= 4 3 types present points= 2 2 types present points= I I 1 tvne oresent ooints = 0 H 1.2 Hydroperiods (seep. 73) Figure D Check the types of water regimes (hydroperiod) present within the wetland. The water regime has to cover more than 10% of the wetland or Y, acre to count. (see text for description of hydroperiods) D Permanently flooded or inundated [8J Seasonally flooded or inundated [8J Occasionally flooded or inundated [8J Saturated only D Permanently flowing stream or river in, or adjacent to the wetland D Seasonally flowing stream in, or adjacent to the wetland D Lake-fringe wetland = 2 points D Freshwater tidal wetland = 2 points 4 types or more present points= 3 3 types present points= 2 2 types present points= l 2 H 1.2 Richness of Plant species (seep. 75) Count the number of plant species in the wetland that cover at least IO sq. ft. (different patches of the same species can be combined to meet the size threshold) You do not have to name the species Do not include Eurasian Mi/foil, reed canarygrass, purple looses/rife, Canadian thistle. List species ifyou want: If you counted: D > 19 species points= 2 [8J5 -19 species points= I I D< 5 species points= 0 J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page 7 Wetland A H 1.4 Interspersion of Habitats Decide from the diagrams below whether interspersion between types of vegetation (described in H I. I), or vegetation types and unvegetated areas ( can include open water or mudflats) is high, medium, low or none. Q,~~~,,~-~ / ~ ~ fi?) • I ',--~ ~ + / (riparian braided channels) D High= 3 points NOTE: lfyou have four or more vegetation types or three vegetation types and open Water the rating is always "HIGH" Use map of Cowardin vegetation classes H 1.5 Special Habitat Features (seep. 77) Check the habitat features that are present in the wetland. The number of checks is the number of points you put into the next column. ~ Large, downed, woody debris within the wetland (>4 in. diameter and 6 ft long). ~ Standing snags (diameter at the bottom> 4 inches) in the wetland D Undercut banks are present for a least 6.6 ft (2m) and/or overhanging vegetation extends at least 3.3 ft (Im) over a stream for at least 33 ft (10m) D Stable steep banks of fine material that might be used by beaver or muskrat for Denning (>30 degree slope) OR signs ofrecent beaver activity are present D At least V. acre of thin-stemmed persistent vegetation or woody branches are Present in areas that are permanently or seasonally inundated (structures for egg- Laying by amphibians) D Invasive plants cover less than 25% of the wetland area in each stratum of plants Comments: J S Jones and Associates, Inc. H 1. TOT AL Score -Potential for providing habitat Add the scores from Hl.1, Hl.2, Hl.3, Hl.4, Hl.5 2 7 Page8 Wetland A H 2. Does the wetland have the onnortunitv to orovide habitat for manv soecies? H2. l Buffers (seep. 80) Figure D Choose the description that best represents condition of buffer of wetland The highest Scoring criterion that applies to the wetland is to be used in the rating. See text for definition of "undisturbed". D I 00 m (330ft) of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >95% of circumference. No developed areas within undisturbed part of buffer. (relatively undisturbed also means no-grazing) Points= 5 D I OOm (330ft) of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >50% circumference Points = 4 D 50m (170ft) of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >95% circumference Points =4 D I OOm (330ft) of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >25% circumference Points= 3 D 50m (170ft) ofrelatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >50% circumference Points= 3 If buffer does not meet any of the three criteria above D No paved areas (except paved trails) or buildings within 25m (80ft) of wetland >95% circumference. Light to moderate grazing, or lawns are OK Points= 2 D No paved areas or buildings within 50m (170ft) of wetland >95% circumference. Light to moderate grazing, or lawns are OK Points = 2 D Heavy grazing in buffer. Points = 1 D Vegetated buffers are< 2m wide (6.6ft) for more than 95% of the Circumference (e.g. tilled fieldds, paving, basalt bedrock extend to edge of wetland. Points = 0 ~ Buffer does not meet anv of the criteria above. Points = 1 I H2.2 Corridors and Connections (seep. 81) H2.2.l ls the wetland part ofa relatively undisturbed and unbroken vegetated corridor ( either riparian or upland) that is at least 150 ft wide, has at least 30% cover of shrubs, forest or native undisturbed prairie that connects to estuaries, other wetlands or undisturbed uplands that are at least 250 acres in size 0 ( dams in riparian corridors, heavily used gravel roads, paved roads, are considered breaks in the corridor). D Yes= 4 Points (go to H 2.3) 1:8] No= go to H2.2.2 H2.2.2 ls the wetland part of a relatively undisturbed and unbroken vegetated corridor ( either riparian or upland) that is at least 50 ft wide, has at least 30% cover of shrubs or forest, and connects to estuaries, other wetlands, or undisturbed uplands that are at least 25 acres in size? OR a Lake-fringe if it does not have an undisturbed corridor as in the question above? D Yes= 2 points (go to H2.3) ~ No= go to H 2.2.3 H2.2.3 ls the wetland: D within 5 mi (8 km) of a brackish or salt water estuary OR D within 3 mi of a large field or pasture (> 40 acres) OR D within I mi of a lake greater than 20 acres? D Yes= 1 point cgj = 0 points Total this page J S Jones and Associates, Inc. 0 I Page9 Wetland A H2.3 Near or adjacent to other priority habitat listed by WDFW (seep. 82) Which of the following priority habitats are within 330 ft (100m) of the wetland? see text for a more detailed descrivtion of these priority habitats) LJ Riparian: the area adjacent to aquatic systems with flowing water that contains elements of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems which mutually influence each other D Aspen Stands: Pure or mixed stands of aspen greater than 0.8 ha. (2 acres). D Cliffs: Greater than 7.6m (25ft) high and occurring below 5000ft. D Old-Growth Forest: (Old-growth west of Cascade crest) Stands of at least 2 tree species, forming a multi-layered canopy with occasional small openings; with at least 20 trees/ha. (8 trees /acre) >81 cm (32 in.) dbh or >200 years of age. D Mature Forests: Stands with average diameters exceeding 53 cm (21 in.) dbh; crown cover may be less than 100%; crown cover may be less than 100%; decay, decadence, numbers of snags, and quantity of large downed mate1ial is generally less than that found in old-growth; 80 -200 years old west of the Cascade crest. D Prairies: Relatively undisturbed areas (as indicated by dominance of native plants) D where grasses and/or herbs forbs form the natural climax plant community. Talus: Homogeneous areas of rock rubble ranging in average size 0.15 -2.0 m (0.5 - 6.5 ft), composed of basalt, andesite, and/or sedimentary rock, including riprap slides and mine tailings. Maybe be associated with cliffs. D Caves: A naturally occurring cavity, recess, void, or system of interconnected passages. D Oregon White Oak: Woodlands stands of pure oak or oak/conifer associations where canopy coverage of the oak component of the stand is 25%. D Urban Natural Open Space: A priority species resides within or is adjacent to the open space and uses it for breeding and/or regular feeding; and/or open space functions as a corridor connecting other priority habitats, especially those that would otherwise be isolated; and/or the open space is an isolated remnant of natural habitat larger than 4 ha. (l O acres) and is surrounded by urban development. D Estuary/Estuary-like: deepwater tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands, usually semi-enclosed by land but with open, partly obstructed or sporadic access to the open ocean, and in which ocean water is at least occasionally diluted by freshwater runoff from the land. The salinity may be periodically increased above that of the dilution of the sea water. Estuarine habitat extends upstream and landward to where ocean-derived salts measure less than 0.5% during the period of average annual low flow. Includes estuaries and lagoons. D Marine/Estuarine Shorelines: Shorelines include the intertidal and subtidal zones of beaches, and may also include the backshore and adjacent components of the terrestrial landscape ( e.g. cliffs, snags, mature trees, dunes, meadows) that are important to shoreline associated fish and wildlife and that contribute to shoreline function (e.g. sand/rock/log recruitment, nutrient contrihution, erosion control). D If wetland has 3 or more priority habitats = 4 points D If wetland has 2 priority habitats = 3 points D If wetland has 1 priority habitat = 1 point IZJ No habitat= 0 point 0 J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Pnge 10 Wetland A H 2.4 Wetland Landscape-(choase the One description of the landscape around the Wetland that best fits) (see o. 84) LJ There are at least 3 other wetlands within V, mile, and the connections between them are relatively undisturbed (light grazing between wetlands OK, as is lake shore with some boating, but connections should NOT be bisected by paved roads, fill, fields, or other developments. Points= S LJ The wetland is Lake-fringe on a lake with little disturbance and there are 3 other lake- fringe wetlands within V, mile. Points= S ~ There are at least 3 other wetlands within V, mile, BUT the connections between them are disturbed. Points= 3 3 LJ The wetland is Lake-fringe on a lake with disturbance and there are 3 other lake-fringe wetland within Y, mile. Points= 3 I I There is at least I wetland within V, mile. Points= 2 I I There are no wetlands within Y, mile. Points= 0 0 H 2. TOTAL Score -Opportunity for providing habitat AddthescoresfromH2.l,H2.2, H2.3. H2.4 4 TOTAL SCORE FOR HABITAT FUNCTIONS-Add points for HI and H2, record results on P. I 11 J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page 11 Wetland A CATEGORIZATION BASED ON SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS Please determine if the wetland meets the attributes described below and circle the appropriate answers and category. Wetland Type Check off any criteria that apply to the wetland. Circle the Category when the anvropriate criteria are met. SC 1.0 Estuarine Wetlands (seep. 86) Does the wetland unit meet the following criteria for Estuarine wetlands? __ the dominant water regime is tidal. __ Vegetated, and __ With a salinity greater than 0.5 ppt. 0Yes =Goto SC 1.1 12s!No SC 1.1 Is the wetland unit within a National Wildlife Refuge, National Park, Category National Estuary Reserve, Natural Area Preserve, State Park or Category I Educational, Environmental, or Scientific Reserve designated under WAC 332-30-151? 0Yes = Cate1!0rY I l2sJ No 20 to SC 1.2 SC 1.2 Is the wetland unit at least l acre in size and meets at least two of the Following three conditions? YES= CATEGORY I NO=Category II Category I D The wetland is relatively undisturbed (has no diking, ditching, Filling, cultivation, grazing, and has less than 10% cover Category II of non-native plant species. If the non-native Spartina spp. are the only species that cover more than 10% of the wetland, then the wetland should be given a dual rating (I/II). The Dual area of Spartina would be rated a Category II while the Rating 1/11 relatively undisturbed upper marsh with native species would be a Category I. Do not, however, exclude the area of Spartina in determining the size threshold of I acre. D At least % of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100 ft Buffer of shrub, forest, or ungrazed or on-mowed grassland. D The wetland has at least 2 of the following features: tidal Channels, depressions with open water, or contiguous Freshwater wetlands. JS Jones and Associates, Inc. Page 12 Wetland A SC 2.0 Natural Heritage Wetlands (seep. 87) Natural Heritage wetlands have been identified by the Washington Natural Category I Heritage Program/DNR as either high quality undisturbed wetlands or wetlands that support state Threatened, Endangered, or Sensitive plant species. SC 2.1 Is the wetland unit being rated in a Section/Township/Range that contains a Natural Heritage wetland? (this question is used to screen out most sites before you need to contact WNHPIDNR) S!TIR information from Appendix D _ or accessed from WNHP/DNR web site _ DYES -contact WNHP/DNR (seep. 79) and go to SC 2.2 l:8]NO SC 2.2 Has DNR identified the wetland as a high quality undisturbed wetland or as or as a site with state threatened or endangered plant species? DYES = Category I l:8]NO not a Heritage Wetland SC 3.0 Bogs (seep. 87) Does the wetland unit (or any part of the unit) meet both the criteria for soils and vegetation in bogs? Use the key below to identify if the wetland is a bog. If you answer yes you will still need to rate the wetland based on its functions. I. Does the unit have organic soil horizons (i.e. layers of organic soil), either peats or mucks, that compose 16 inches or more of the first 32 inches of the soil profile? (See Appendix B for a field key to identify organic soils)? DYes -go to Q. 3 0No -go to Q. 2 2. Does the unit have organic soils, either peats or mucks that are less than 16 inches deep over bedrock, or an impermeable hardpan such as clay or volcanic ash, or that are floating on a lake or pond? DYes -go to Q. 3 l:8]No -Is not a bog for purpose of rating 3. Does the unit have more than 70% cover of mosses at ground level, AND other plants, if present, consist of the "bog" species listed in Table 3 as a significant component of the vegetation (more than 30% of the total shrub and herbaceous cover consists of species in Table 3 )? DYes -Is a bog for purpose of rating l:8]No -go to Q. 4 NOTE: If you are uncertain about the extent of mosses in the understory you may substitute that criterion by measuring the pH of the water that seeps into a hole dug at least 16" deep. If the pH is less than 5.0 and the "bog" plant species in Table 3 are present, the wetland is a bog. I. Is the unit forested (> 30% cover) with sitka spruce, subalpine fir, western red cedar, western hemlock, lodgepole pine, quaking aspen, Englemann's spruce, or western white pine, WITH any of the species ( or combination of species) on the bog species plant list in Table 3 as a significant component of the ground cover(> 30% coverage of the total shrub/herbaceous cover)? J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page 13 ' Wetland A 2. LJYES = Category I i:6]No_ Is not a bog for purpose of rating Category I SC 4.0 Forested Wetlands (seep. 90) Does the wetland unit have at least I acre of forest that meet one of these criteria for the Department of Fish and Wildlife's forests as priority habitats? lfyou answer yes you will still need to rate the wetland based on its functions. D Old-growth forests: (west of Cascade crest) Stands of at least two tree species, forming a multi-layered canopy with occasional small openings; with at least 8 trees/acre (20 trees/hectare) that are at least 200 years of age OR have a diameter at breast height ( dbh) of 32 inches (81 cm) or more. NOTE: The criterion for dbh is based on measurements for upland forests. Two-hundred year old trees in wetlands will often have a smaller dbh because their growth rates are often slower. The DFW criterion is and "OR" so old-growth forests do not necessarily have to have trees of this diameter. D Mature forests: (west of the Cascade Crest) Stands where the largest trees are 80-200 years old OR have average diameters (dbh) exceeding 21 inches (53cm); crown cover may be less that 100%; decay, decadence, numbers of snags, and quantity of large downed material is generally less than that found in old-growth. DYES = Category I [8JNO not a forested wetland with special characteristics Category I SC 5.0 Wetlands in Coastal Lagoons (seep. 91) Does the wetland meet all of the following criteria of a wetland in a coastal lagoon? D The wetland lies in a depression adjacent to marine waters that is wholly or partially separated from marine waters by sandbanks, gravel banks, shingle, or, less frequently, rocks D The lagoon in which the wetland is located contains surface water that IS saline or brackish (> 0.5 ppt) during most of the year in at least a portion of the lagoon (needs to be measured near the bottom) D YES = Go to SC 5. I lzi:INO_ not a wetland in a coastal lagoon SC 5.1 Does the wetland meets all of the following three conditions? D The wetland is relatively undisturbed (has no diking, ditching, filling, cultivation, grazing), and has less than 20% cover of invasive plant species (see list of invasive species on p. 74). D At least% of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100 ft buffer of Category I shrub, forest, or un-grazed or un-mowed grassland. D The wetland is larger than 1/10 acre (4350 square feet) Category II DYES = Cate2:orv I ONO= Cate2:orv II J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Page 14 \Vctland A SC 6.0 lnterdunal Wetlands (seep. 93) Is the wetland unit west of the 1889 line (also called the Western Boundary of Upland Ownership or WBUO)? DYES -go to SC 6.1 [ZJ NO -not an interdunal wetland for rating If you answer yes you will still need to rate the wetland based on its functions. In practical terms that means the following geographic areas: • Long Beach Peninsula-lands west of SR I 03 • Grayland-Westport-lands west of SR 105 • Ocean Shores-Copalis-lands west of SR I 15 and SR I 09 SC 6.1 Is the wetland one acre or larger, or is it in a mosaic of wetlands that is once acre or larger? D YES = Category II [ZJNO -go to SC 6.2 SC 6.2 Is the unit between 0.1 and I acre, or is it in a mosaic of wetlands that Is between 0.1 and I acre? DYES = Category III Category of wetland based on Special Characteristics Choose the "highest" rating if wetland falls into several categories, and record onp. I. If you answered NO for all types enter "Not Applicable" on p. l J S Jones and Associates, Inc. Category II Category III NIA P11ge 15 N A 0 0.25 0.5 Legend --KC Roads c::]site KC Parcels Bui Property Vicinity Map 1 Miles 1 inch equals 0.5 miles E 184th t SE12nS1 UJ U) . . • N A Bui Property Wetlands and Stream Inventory Map 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 •-===--=:::::i----• Miles Legend (:]site LJ KC Parcels -KCStream _,,,_ .. ,. DNR Stream KC Wetlands 1 inch equals 0.25 miles ' . N A 0 15 30 60 Bui Property Wetland Sketch •-=:::::1-c:::11 _____ Feet 1 inch equals 30 feet Legend :·--] site Wetland Points Sample_Locations KC Parcels tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Purpose of the checklist Web date· 10/12/2007 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) CHECKLIST For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW Chapter 43.21 C, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for the applicants This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations such as zoning, shoreline and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. A. Background 1. Name of the proposed project, if applicable: Lakeside Fairwood Short Plat -DOES File# L08S0001 ~l8~rE11 1W~[Q) JUL 15 2008 MAIN FILE COPY K.C. D.D E.S. 2. Name of applicant: Lakeside REI, Michael Nguyen LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Page1 of19 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Applicant's address: 3578 S 1981 " Street, SeaTac, WA 98188; phone# (206) 229-3669 Contact Person/Rich Hudson, Rand D Enterprises, address: 21936 2341h Avenue SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038; phone# (425) 432-4806 4. Date checklist prepared: --"-'Ju°"l,__1"-'0'-'-'=20=0~8'---------------------- 5. Agency requesting checklist: --'-'K"'in.,g...:C:..::oc::u:..::nt,,_y-=D:..::D:..::E:..:S"'/L::.:U:..:S::.:D::_ ______________ _ 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): No project phasing is anticipated at this time. Once preliminary approval is granted for the short plat, site development (roads and utilities) will commence as soon as engineering and civil plans are approved by DDES/LUSD. Construction of roads and utilities will hopefully begin in early 2009 and house construction as soon as the short plat receives final approval/recording. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? D Yes IX! No If yes, explain. N/A 8. List any environmental infonmation you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Level 1 Drainage Analysis Conceptual Drainage Plan Wetland Site Evaluation Wetland Report & Mitigation Plan for buffer reduction LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Page 2 of 19 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for government approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? D Yes [gJ No If yes, explain. NIA 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Short plat approval -preliminary and final Engineering plan approval for road and drainage facilities 11. Give brief complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) The site is 1.34 acres in size and seven detached single-family residential Jots are being proposed. The Jot sizes range from 4002 to 4683 square feet and a combined drainage & recreation tract is also part of the site plan. This drainage and recreation tract is 11,691 square feet in size and it is located adjacent to a type 4 wetland located in the extreme northwest corner of the site in accordance with appropriate wetland buffers. One access from 116'" Avenue SE will serve the proposal and it's location will align with a previously approved short plat access on the east side of 116'" Avenue SE. An existing house and detached garage will be demolished prior finalizing the short plat. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site or sites. Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications to this checklist. The site address is 18621 -116'" Avenue SE, Renton, WA, 98058 and the subject propery lies on the west side of 116'" Avenue SE approximately 120feet south of S.E. 186'" Street. The site is also immediately north of and adjacent to Benson Hill Elementary School. LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Page 3 of 19 To be completed by applicant B. Environmental elements 1. Earth a. General description of the site (check one) D Flat IZI Rolling D Hilly D Steep slopes D Mountainous D Other: b. What is the steepest slope on the site {approximate percent of slope)? approximately 6-10% c. What general types of soil are found on the site (i.e., clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. The site basically consists of a large central grassy area w'tth trees and brush concentrated around the perimeter. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? D Yes [8J No If so, describe. NA e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Road subbase material will be brought in to raise the central portion of the access road and similar lot fill material for the short plat lots that are affected by the raised road area will be brought in -see attached short plat site plan map, Level 1 drainage analysis and road profile. The maximum amount of fill is 4-6 feet and all material will be apporved road subgrade material/rock for the road and appropriate material for lots. Q,u 4,'\/"T"rnSS A-,,e. ,=.. l,( l'f /<Al u &v7\/ A-r T/r /.? 77 H c, LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Evaluatiion for Agency Use Onlv Page4of 19 To be completed by applicant f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction or use? D Yes 0 No If so, generally describe. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (i.e., asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 55% of the site will be covered with impervious surface which includes buildings and road improvements. All lots will be restricted to 2500square feet maximum impervious area per the conceptual drainage plan. Lawn and other grass areas (wetland & buffers) make up approximately 45% of the remaining areas. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to 2. Air the earth, if any: A temporary erosion control plan and numerous pre-construction meetings prior to any on-site construction activity will ensure all potential site issues will be dealt with on site. All approved construction plans will be approved prior to any construction and elements of those plans will address erosion control & any other site development impacts. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke, greenhouse gases) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known? Normal auto emissions and dust associated with road development and house construction is anticipated. Following construction there would be normal auto emissions associated with detached single family residential use houses/vehicles. These are acceptable emissions that were deemed appropriate per the KC Comprehensive Plan & Adopted Zoning density. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? D Yes 0 No If so, generally describe. N/A LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 5 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: None 3. Water a. Surface: 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, salt water, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? D Yes [gl No If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. N/A 2. Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? D Yes [gl No If yes, please describe and attach available plans. N/A 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lcxkl-SEPA.pdf 10/1212007 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 6 of 19 To be completed by applicant 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? D Yes ~ No Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? D Yes ~ No If so, note location on the site plan. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? D Yes ~ No If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. N/A b. Ground 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn or will water be discharged to groundwater? D Yes ~ No Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. N/A 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (i.e., domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals: ... ; agricultural; etc.) Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans expected to be served by the system or systems. None LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-<:kl-SEPA.pdf 10/1212007 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 7 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Water runoff (including stormwater): 1. Describe the source of runoff (including stormwater) and method of collection and disposal, if any. Include quantities, if known. Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. The applicant has provided a detailed Level 1 Drainage Analysis and Conceptual Drainage plan. This plan calls out a stormwater detention/wetvault treatment with dispersion into a rock pad near or in the Type 4 wetland buffer. All roof runoff will be routed through perforatred stubouts prior to entering the road conveyance system. These stormwater drainage facilities are in accordance with the KC Surface Water Design Manual and KC's Critical Areas Ordinance. Additionally, this matches the pre-development drainage pattern. 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? D Yes J:gj No If so, generally describe. · NIA d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground and runoff water impacts, if any: The drainage measures are in accordance with K C's current Surface Water Management Design Manual. All constuction for site development facilities (roads, drainage and eventual house foundations) will require apporved plans piror to any construction. Included with the proposal is a Conceptual Drainage Plan which calls out planned drainage facilities and limitations/restrictions. Additionally, prior to any construction a pre-- construction meeting will take place on site. Approved plans will include a Temporary Erosion Control Plan to deal with run--off during construction. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: [gJ Deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other D Evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other D Shrubs [gJ D D [gJ Grass Pasture Crop or grain Wet soil plants: other cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, D Water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other D Other ---------------------- LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA. pd! 10/12/2007 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 8 of 19 To be completed by applicant b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The existing grasses (outside the wetland and buffer) in the central portion of the site will be removed due to regrading. Apporximately -85% of the site vegetation will be removed. All effort will be made to save existing perimeter trees where feasible. All lots will be re-grassed areas/lawns outside the 2500 square foot impervious limitations for houses, driveways and patios. Landscaping will be required with KC street requirements. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. N/A d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: All perimeter trees will be preserved where feasible and any landscaping provided will emphasize native plants if possible. Street landscaping for required street trees will be in accordance with the KC Road Standards. 5. Animals a. Check or circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site: l:gJ Birds: hawk, heron, eagl~ther D Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other D Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. NIA c. Is the site part of a migration route? D Yes [gjNo If so, explain. N/A LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Evaluation for Agem:y Use Onlv IF'age 9 of 19 To be completed by applicant d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: NIA 6. Energy and natural resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Either electric or natural gas energy sources will be used for heating. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? D Yes 0 No If so, generally describe. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Unknown, as the project developes conservation features will be evaluated for use in house construction. LakesideSEPAChecldistFORM lc-cki-SEPA.pdf 10/1212007 evaluation for Agency Use Onlv ~ ~ge10of To be completed by applicant 7. Environmental health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? D Yes ~ No If so, describe. NIA 1. Describe special emergency services that might be required. NIA 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: NIA b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (i.e., traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Typical noise associated with urban development -traffic and neighboring school. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or long-term basis (i.e., traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short term site development construction noise and then typical urban noises associated with long term housing developments -pretty minimal due to only 7 lots/houses being proposed. Hours of site construction are limited by KC Health Department codes. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM The applicant's goal is to finish site construction as quickly as possible so that impacts from noise are reduced in length. All constuction activity will be coordinated to reduce equipment time on the site as much as possible. Construction activity/hours will be in accordance with KC Health Department regulations. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/1212007 Evall1ation for Agency Use Onlv -.age 11 of 19 To be completed by applicant 8. Land and shoreline use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Single family residences surround the site except on the south side where Benson HIii Elementary School is located. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? 0 Yes 0 No If so, describe. NIA c. Describe any structures on the site. A single family residence and detached garage. d. Will any structures be demolished? 0 Yes D No If so, what? Both the house and detached garage will be demolished. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-8 f. What is the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the site? um/urban medium density g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv ~~ge12of19 To be completed by applicant h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? C8] Yes D No Is so, specify. A small issolated Type 4 wetland is in the extreme northwest comer of the site. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approximately 18 people ( average 2.5 people for 7 lots) j. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A k. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The density & land use for this short plat are in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and current zoning. The lot areas are well over the minimum required for buildable lots and the site fronts a street arterial for beneficial traffic circulation. Additionally, the site plan includes a recreation tract.over 11,000 square feet (combined w/stormwater vault). 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. Seven detached residential housing units will be provided and it is anticipated that these will be middle income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. One existing single family detached home will be demolished, however it's being replaced due to 7 new houses being proposed. LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/1212007 Evaluation for Agencv Use Only !age 13 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: The applicant is trying to coordinate and hold down site construction costs as much as possible. 1 O. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure or structures, not including antennas? What is the principal exterior building material or materials proposed? Building plans are not done at this time. However, zoning code limits the building height to 35-45ft base height. It is anticipated that exterior bulding material will be wood or a recyclable type material that resembles wood surface. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Landscaping and street trees will be provided and all new sturctures/housing will benefit the immediate area aesthetically. Perimeter trees will be retained where feasible. 11. Light and glare a. What type of light and glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Those typical with residential housing. A street light will be required at the short plat entrance road where it intersects 1161" Avenue SE and on the internal street where required by code. This is a small residential project and light and glare is anticipated to be minimal. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? D Yes [8J No If yes, explain: NIA LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/1212007 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv lage 14 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None are anticipated d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: N/A 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? There are none in the immediate area. Adjacent to the site is the Benson HIii Elementary School which has playgroung equipment and playfields. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? D Yes 1ZJ No If so, describe. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, in any: The applicant is providing an onsite recreation tract that is over 11,000square feet (combined with a stormwater detention wetvault) in size. This provides private recreation space for the eventual 7 families/hOuses. LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc--ckl-SEPA.pdf 1011212007 Evaluation for Ager:icy Use Onlv , ~ge 15 of 19 To be completed by applicant 13. Historic and cultural preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, the national state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? D Yes ~ No If so, generally describe. N/A b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The proposal has direct access to 116'" Avenue SE which is a fully constructed secondary arterial via an onsite access road. This short access road will terminate with a temporary cul-de-sac near the sites west property line. The entrance onto 116th Avenue SE aligns with an approved entrance on the east side of 116th Avenue SE. Consequently there will be no offset intersections involved with the construction of this site. b. Is the site currently served by public transit? D Yes ~ No If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The nearest bus stop is approximately .5 miles west of the site at 108"' Avenue SE & SE 1861" Street A second bus stor option is approximately .7 miles to the north at 116'" Avenue SE & SE 1761 Street Additionally, a Metro transit station is located in downtown Renton and a Metro park and ride lot is located on Grady Way a few blocks west of Rainier Avenue. LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc--ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv ;...,.,.ge16of19 To be completed by applicant c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The proposed 7 lots will have two parking spaces per lot for a total of 14 spaces. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? C8J Yes D No If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). The frontage along 116'" Avenue SE will be improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk. The access to the proposed 7 new lots will be served internally by a new road with curb, gutter and sidewalk. It has not been determined at this time if the internal road will be a public or private road -the actual determination will be made during the engineering plan review and/or as determined by the short plat conditions. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail or air transportation? D Yes C8l No If so, generally describe. NIA f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Using 1 O trips per day per lot the anticipated trips per day would be 70. It is anticipated that normal morning (6-Bam) and evening (4-6pm) peak hour times would contain the peak volume of cars. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, in any: The applicant will have one access point to the frontage arterial which aligns with an existing intersection. Therefore the proposal negates additional conflict points which impeed traffic along 116yh Avenue SE. Additionally, the Roads MPS Zone fee is $3362 per lot (year 2007 fee) which will be a condition of preliminary approval. This fee goes to traffic improvements in this area (Zone 341) which helps mitigate traffic impacts from this proposal. LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/12/2007 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv 1'5119• 17 of 19 . To be completed by applicant 15. Public services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (i.e., fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? (gJ Yes O No If so, generally describe. Yes, but only in proportion to seven new lots. Fire District 40 has reviewed the short plat as well as the Renton School District -taxes and levies pay appropriate amounts per future house evaluation and districts involved. Again, the County's zoning and comprehensive plan have deemed this level of development (?-lots) as appropriate for this area. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: See a. above 16. Utilities a. Check utilities currently available at the site: 18:1 Electricity 18:1 Natural gas 18:1 Water 18:1 Refuse service 18:1 Telephone 0 Sanitary sewer 0 Septic system 0 Other: b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for tie project, It'/ utility providing the service and the general constmction activlli on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Full urban facilities are available to the site. l'Vlter and &Nl:1 ilability cetificates have been obtained from Soos Creet W & S [)Stnc SE provides power and Qwest provides phone senice. :PAChecklistFORM IC..:fcl-SEPA.pdf 10112/2())7 - Evaluation for Agency Use Onl _ ~ge18of19 • C. Signature The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Check out the DDES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits LakesideSEPAChecklistFORM Jc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10112/2007 ea,ge 19 of 19 Section I: Buildings Emissions Per Unit or Per Thousand Square Feet MTC02e Embodied 98 33 54 41 ··································· 0.0 39 361 0.0 39 1.541 282 0.0 39 1,994 561 0 0.0 39 1.938 582 0 0.0 39 737 571 0 0.0 39 777 117 0 0.0 39 577 247 0 0.0 39 723 588 0 0.0 39 733 150 0 0.0 39 899 374 0 0.0 39 339 129 0 0.0 39 599 266 0 0.0 39 352 181 0 0.0 39 1,278 257 0 0.0 39 162 47 0 Section II: Pavement ......................... . !Pavement. ........................................... 1 -800! Total Proj&et Emissions: 11733! MAIN FILE COPY ~ ~ re /f~ 11 ~11E ~ JUL 15 2008 I K.C. DD.E.S ~( Version 1. 7 12/26/07 ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov January 15, 2009 Jennifer Henning Planning Division City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 • RE: Preliminary Approval for Short Subdivision No.L08SOOOI Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Dear Ms. Henning: The King County Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has completed its review of the above-noted short subdivision application. LUSD staff have determined the proposed short plat can comply with the King County Land Segregation Code (Title 19A), the Zoning Code (Title 2 lA), and other applicable codes referenced in KCC 19A.08.060. Pursuant to the provisions of the interlocal agreement between the City and our department for the review of pending applications in the Benson Heights annexation area, LUSD recommends this short subdivision be granted preliminary approval subject to conditions. Enclosed you will find the following relevant documents: • Draft Notice of Decision* • Report and Decision • • Labels for Parties of Record and 500 foot radius list • Customer Information Bulletin #25 (You may wish to forward this document to the applicant with the decision to grant preliminary approval to the application.) If you have any questions or need additional documents from the file, please contact either Arlene Mariano, Project Manager, at 206-296-6686 or by e-mail at arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov or Brian Norton, Engineer, at 206-296-7118 or by e-mail at brian.norton@kingcounty.gov. Following the completion of your review, please forward a copy of the City's decision to Arlene Mariano. The preliminary approval will be valid for the period of 60-months from the date of the decision. In addition, following the close of the appeal period, please send confirmation as to whether any appeals of the City's decision were filed, and a copy of any subsequent appeal decision issued by the City. Sincerely, ~ ~~im, Supervisor Current Planning Section Land Use Services enclosures * An electronic copy of these documents will also be forwarded to the City. .. \ . tQ King County DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 REPORT AND DECISION Recommendation to the City of Renton SHORT SUBDIVISION File No. L08S0001 January 15, 2009 A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SHORT SUBDIVISION: This is a short subdivision of 1.36 acres (59,241 square feet) into 7 lots for detached single family dwellings and tracts for drainage, recreation and critical areas in the R-8 zone. The proposed density is approximately 5.15 dwelling units per acre. The proposed lot sizes range from approximately 4,000 to 4,700 square feet. A revised site plan was received on November 12, 2008. The primary modifications include lot and tract reconfiguration and additional general notes. Refer to Attachment 1 for a copy of the short plat map. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner/Applicant: Lakeside Real Estate Investments, LLC PO Box 69563 Seatac, WA 98168 206-666-4123 Engineer: Cramer Northwest Inc 945 N Central, Suite 104 Kent, WA 98032 253-852-4955 STR: SE 32-23-05 Location: 18621 1161h Avenue SE, located approximately 500 feet north of SE 1881h Street and 120 feet south of SE 186 1 " Street on the west side of 1161h Avenue SE, Postal City, Renton, WA. Zoning: R-8 Acreage: 1.36 acres Number of Lots: 7 Density: Approximately 5.15 dwelling units per acre Lot Size: Between Approximately 4,000 to 4,700 square feet Proposed Use: Single Family Detached Dwellings Sewage Disposal: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Water Supply: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Fire District: King County Fire Protection District 40 School District: Renton School District 403 Complete Application Date: February 14, 2008 Associated Application: Road Variance File No. L07V0075 C. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: 1. Topography: The topography of the site is rolling with the steepest slope at approximately 6-10%. 2. Soils: AgB soils are found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973. Report & Decision Page 1 of 12 L08S000l AqB -Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 0-6% slopes. Runoff is slow and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil type has a moderate limitation for low building foundations due to a seasonally high water table, and severe limitations for septic tank filter fields due to very slow permeability in the substratum. 3. Wetlands: A wetland report dated March 12, 3008 and a wetland mitigation plan revised November 5, 2008 were prepared by JS Jones and Associates, Inc. This property contains a Category IV wetland in the northwest corner of the site. The standard buffer for a Category IV wetland in an urban area is 50 feet measured from the wetland boundary. A ODES Environmental Scientist has reviewed the report and concurred with its findings, see condition 10. The site lies within the Black River Drainage Basin. 4. Vegetation: This site is primarily covered in lawn and landscape. Blackberry brush, cottonwood and cedar are found around the perimeter of the site. 5. Wildlife: Small birds and animals undoubtedly inhabit this site; however, their population and species are limited due to nearby development. Larger species may visit this site on occasion. D. DESIGN FEATURES: 1. Density, Lot Pattern, Comprehensive & Community Plan/SDO: This property is located in unincorporated urban King County in the Soos Creek Community Planning Area. The zoning of the subject property is R-8. The proposed subdivision meets the base density, minimum density, minimum lot width, and minimum lot area requirements of the R-8 zone. An existing residence and shop currently exist on the site. These structures will be removed with the development of this short plat. 2. Access/Roadway Section: The property fronts 1161h Avenue SE, an urban collector arterial. Currently, the roadway travel surface is 20 feet in width and the road has a paved 8 foot shoulder along the property frontage. This frontage will be improved to the urban standard (curb and sidewalk) and additional right-of- way will be dedicated. An urban subacess street is proposed for access to the property off 1161h Avenue SE. Road Variance L07V0075 was approved for reduced intersection spacing. 3. Drainage: The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the southeast to the northwest. No significant amounts of upstream flow enter the site. A small wetland is located at the northwest corner of the property. Existing stormwater has and will continue to flow through this wetland in the developed condition. Stormwater sheet flows from the wetland across properties that occupy the space between the site and SE 186th Street to the north. Stormwater then enters the SE 1861h Street storm system, then flows southwesterly, south, and westerly to a King Count~ Stormwater Facility located at the intersection of 11ih Avenue SE and SE 184 Place. 4. Other Design Features: Road Variance L07V0075 was approved September 24, 2007 for reduced intersection spacing. 5. Utilities: a. Sewage Disposal: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision by means of a public sewer system managed by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Sewer Availability was issued by the district on December 20, 2007. b. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision with a public water supply and distribution system managed by Soos Report and Decision Page 2 of 12 LOSSOOOl E. F. G. Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Water Availability was issued by the district on December 20, 2007. 6. School Facilities: The subject subdivision will be served by Benson Hill Elementary, Nelsen Middle and Lindbergh Senior High Schools, all located within the Renton School District 403. School Access: The District has indicated that the future students from this subdivision will walk to Benson Hill Elementary and be bussed to Nelsen Middle and Lindbergh High Schools. Benson Hill Elementary is located directly south of this proposed development. Walkway conditions to the elementary school consist of a series of paved and gravel shoulders and sidewalks. The bus stop location for Nelsen Middle School is located at 116th Avenue SE and SE 186th Street. The bus stop location for Lindbergh High School is located at 116th Avenue SE and SE 188th Street. Walkway conditions to the middle and high school bus stops consist of a series of paved and gravel shoulders and sidewalks. School Impact Fees: Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve the new development. The current fee payment per lot is $0 per lot (per 2009 School Impact Fees). The assessed fee shall be collected prior to building permit issuance using the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit application. 7. Parks and Recreation Space: The nearest public park is Boulevard Lane Park located approximately 2,700 feet east of the subject property. King County Code 21A.14 requires subdivisions of more than 4 lots in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. This subdivision is for 7 lots in the urban zone and will therefore be providing on-site recreation space. SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21 C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination of non-significance (DNS) for the proposed development on January 15, 2009. This determination was based on the review of the environmental checklist and supporting documentation filed with the application, resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: The subject subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County (i.e. 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards, 2005 Surface Water Design Manual, etc.), based upon the conditions for final short plat approval. DECISION: Proposed Short Plat L08S0001, revised and received November 12, 2008 as described by Attachment 1 of this report is GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL; subject to the following conditions of final approval: 1. KCC Title 19A -Compliance with Final Short Subdivision Requirements a. This short plat shall comply with all of the Land Segregation provisions of King County Code (KCC) Title 19A. Report and Decision Page 3 of 12 LOSSOOOI b. The final short subdivision recording documents must be prepared by a professional land surveyor, licensed in the State of Washington. These documents shall comply with the conditions of approval listed in this letter. c. The final review process must be completed prior to the recording of the short subdivision or the sale of any lots contained within. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) strongly recommends that the Final Short Plat review package be submitted to the department at least one year prior to the expiration date of the preliminary approval letter. d. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final short subdivision. e. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final short plat recording. f. Prior to recording KCC 19A.08.160 requires that the following site work is completed: 1. Drainage facilities and erosion control measures are consistent with K.C.C. 9.04.090; 2. Water mains and hydrants (if required) are installed and fire flow available; 3. Grading as necessary so that all lots are accessible by passenger vehicle; 4. Specific site improvements are completed that are required and conditioned prior to plat recording or required to remove any safety hazard; 5. Undeveloped critical areas are delineated. 2. Surface Water Management and Control (KCC 9) 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) Final short plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code (KCC) 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval, which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the SWDM must also be satisfied during engineering and final review unless otherwise approved by DOES. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 2005 SWDM. DOES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Standard plan notes and a construction sequence as specified in the SWDM shall be shown on the engineering plans (Reference Section 78). c. As required in Chapter 2 of the drainage manual, a storm water pollution prevention and spill (SWPPS) plan shall be included with the project engineering plans. d. To implement the required Best Management Practices (BMP) for treatment of storm water, the final engineering plans and technical information report (Tl R) shall clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable design standards. As described in Chapter 5 of the drainage manual, a subdivision project may implement the required BMPs or defer Report and Decision Page 4 of 12 LOSSOOOl • the BMP requirements until future review of building permits. In either case, the final engineering plans shall clearly indicate the applicable BMP standards and requirements for implementation on the recorded plat. Any proposed clearing and grading of the site shall also comply with the soil amendment requirements in KCC 16.82.100. e. A proposal to implement the required BMPs for development of the subdivision and to receive credit in sizing the flow control facility should be included with the engineering submittal. The engineering plans and technical information report shall provide all required design standards and procedures for implementing the BMPs when applied. During engineering review, the applicant may also choose alternative designs for best management practices as allowed by the SWDM. The final recorded plat shall include covenants, easements, notes, and other details to implement the BMP's for site development when applied f. Storm water facilities shall be designed using the KCRTS Conservation flow control standard. Water quality facilities shall also be provided using the Basic Water Quality protection menu. All runoff control facilities shall be located in a separate tract and/or right-of-way dedicated to King County or if portions of the drainage tract are used for recreation space in accordance with KCC 21A.14.180 and/or right-of way is privately maintained, a public drainage easement shall be provided. If required, the size of the proposed drainage tracts may have to increase to accommodate the required detention storage volumes and water quality facilities g. If the storm water BM P's are deferred until building permit review, the following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "Permit applications for buildings or other improvements constructed on lots created by this subdivision must be reviewed by King County for compliance with Best Management Practices (BMP's) and other applicable drainage standards as specified in the SWDM. As determined by King County, the permit applicant for each lot must prepare a drainage site plan with procedures for design and maintenance details, and record a declaration of covenant and grant of easement for implementation of the BMPs." Consistent with authority and procedures outlined in Chapter 1.4 of the SWDM, drainage adjustments to any of the above requirements may be considered. Adjustments shall be submitted to DOES on the appropriate form and with the minimum fee deposit. 4. Access Requirements (KCC 14) 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards (KCRDCS) Roadway improvements are required to address access requirements and impacts to existing roads and right-of-way. The extent of improvements (conditioned below) requires submittal of engineering plan and profiles and appropriate review fees. Plans shall be prepared and stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington and contain the applicable elements outlined in KCRDCS and/or the 2005 Surface Water Design Manual (see Section 2.2.2). Please note that the applicant should submit the plans a minimum of one year prior to the preliminary approval expiration date. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the 2007 KCRDCS established and adopted by Ordinance No. 15753, as amended. The proposed short subdivision shall comply with the KCRDCS including the following requirements, unless otherwise approved by ODES: Report and Decision Page 5 of 12 LOSSOOOl a. The on-site road shall be constructed to urban subaccess standards with curb, gutter and sidewalk extending to the west property line. Rolled curb shall be used throughout the temporary cul-de-sac (KCRDCS 2.03 B and 2.08). b. A road variance application (L07V0075) regarding reduced intersection spacing was approved by King County on September 24, 2007. The final engineering plans for the short plat shall comply with all conditions of approval for the road variance decision. c. A temporary cul-de-sac shall be provided at the terminus of the proposed urban subaccess street consistent with KCRDCS 2.08. d. 1161h Avenue SE is classified as an urban collector arterial street (KCRDCS 2.03). Urban frontage improvements (including curb gutter and sidewalk shall be constructed along the frontage of this road consistent with a 3-lane ultimate road design with bike lane. Lane striping shall be consistent with King County Department of Transportation requirements. e. A full street overlay is required (due to pavement widening) unless a variance is approved by the county road engineer (KCRDCS 4.03). f. There shall be no vehicular access to and from 1161 h Avenue SE from the lots which abut it. Access to all lots shall be by means of an on-site urban subaccess street (KCRDCS 2.03). This restriction shall be shown on the face of the engineering plans and the final recorded short subdivision. g. Non-yielding and non-breakaway obstacles (including trees) shall be removed to provide a clear zone of 5.5-feet measured from the edge of vertical curb (KCRDCS 5.10). h. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated along 1161 h Avenue SE frontage to provide 42 feet from centerline of road per KCRDCS 2.03 and a 25 foot property line radius shall be provided at any street intersection. i. The intersection of site access shall be designed consistent with Section 2.10 KCRDCS. j. Street illumination shall be provided at intersections with arterials in accordance with KCRDCS 5.05. Modifications to the above road improvement conditions may be considered by King County pursuant to the variance procedures in KCRDCS 1.12. Any request for a road variance shall be submitted to DOES on the appropriate form and with the minimum fee deposit. Other engineering details that may be shown on the preliminary site plan with the exception of the above may not have been reviewed for compliance with KCRDCS. If differences exist, the final design shall be modified to meet KCRDCS. In addition to the above conditions, right-of-way construction permit is required for any utility work in County right-of-way. 5. Site Improvement Inspections, Fees and Financial Guarantees (KCC 19 & 27) This short plat was conditioned to construct/reconstruct road access/right-of-way improvements and/or drainage facilities. Approved engineering plans, inspection fee and applicable financial guarantees are required prior to either starting construction or recording this short plat. At the time of engineering plan approval, you will be notified of the fee amount that will be required to inspect construction and the amount shall be deposited with DOES and of the financial guarantee amount(s) required prior to scheduling of the pre-construction meeting. Please note that the pre-construction meeting is mandatory prior to the start of any work (including site clearing) or the recording of the short plat. Report and Decision Page 6 of 12 L08S0001 6. Health (KCC 13) This project is exempt from further King County Heath Department review. However, if improvements are required by the sewer and/or water purveyor to serve the lots in this short plat, then written documentation shall be provided from said purveyor(s) to verify that the required improvements have been bonded and/or installed, and all necessary easements have been provided, prior to final recording of the short plat. 7. Building and Construction Standards (Title 16) The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of KCC Chapter 16.82, including KCC 16.82.156 concerning the preservation of "significant trees" on short subdivisions located in the King County "Urban" designated area. A detailed tree retention plan, which complies with KCC 16.82.15682 and other applicable requirements of this Code section, shall be submitted to DOES for review and approval prior to engineering plan approval (if required), or prior to final short plat approval where engineering plans are not required. Bonding may be required by ODES to assure implementation of the tree retention plan. No clearing or grading of the site shall occur until ODES approves the detailed tree retention plan (and engineering plans where required). 8. Fire Code (KCC 17) Section 902 of the 1997 Edition of Uniform Fire Code The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. Preliminary Fire Engineering approval has been granted with the following condition: •••• SPRINKLERS REQUIRED •••• Any future residences constructed on the lots within this short plat shall be sprinkled (NFPA 130) unless the requirement is removed by the King County Fire Marshal or his/her designee. Title 17 of the King County Code requires residences on lots that are zoned Urban and less than 35,000 sq. ft. in area to have a fire hydrant that flows at least 1,000 gpm located within 350 feet vehicular travel distance of each building envelope. The certificate of water availability submitted with this short plat application does not indicate where the nearest fire hydrant is and does not provide available fire flow information. Additionally, any future residence constructed on lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 must be sprinkled due to inadequate fire apparatus access. Section 503 of the International Fire Code (IFC) requires all portions of the exterior walls of buildings (at grade) to be within 150 feet (as a person would walk via an approved route around the structure) from approved fire apparatus access. Approved access is a minimum 20-foot wide unobstructed driving surface that is not over 150 feet in length if dead-end. To remove the sprinkler requirement it will be necessary to provide a valid certificate of water availability indicating that the require fire flow is available at a fire hydrant located within 350 feet of all building envelopes. Additionally, the curb-to-curb driving surface width of the private access tract (on-site roadway) will have to be 36 feet if parking is allowed on both sides of the road and no less that 28 feet if parking is permitted on only one side. 9. Zoning Code (KCC 21A) a. Density and Dimensions (KCC 21A.12) Report and Decision All lots shall meet the density and dimensions requirements of the R-8 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved Page 7 of 12 L08S000l preliminary short subdivision, whichever is larger. Minor revisions to the short subdivision, which do not result in substantial changes and/or do not create additional lots may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. Street trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRDCS 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050): Report and Decision 1. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all public roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. 2. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Section 5.03 and Drawings 5-009 through 5-013 of the 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards (KCRDCS), unless the King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of- way. 3. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. 4. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. 5. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the right-of-way, and shall comply with KCRDCS 5.03L, M, and N. They shall not include species the County determines has the potential to disrupt utilities or impact roadway improvements. All tree planting in the right-of-way shall include the installation of an approved root barrier adjacent to walks and curbs for each tree, unless otherwise approved by the County Road Engineer. 6. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity worksheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval (if required), or if engineering plans are not required, at the time of the required pre-construction meeting (see condition 4 above). 7. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at 206-684- 1622 to determine if 1161h Avenue SE is on a bus route. If 1161 h Avenue SE is a bus route, the street tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro. 8. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. Page 8 of 12 L08S000l 10. Critical Areas (KCC 21A.24) The proposed short subdivision shall comply with the Critical Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21A.24. Impacts to critical areas shall be avoided where possible, and compensatory mitigation is required for approved adverse impacts. Preliminary short plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. Wetlands a. Category and Buffers (KCC 21A.24.318 and 325): This property contains a Category IV wetland in the northwest corner of the site. The standard buffer for a Category IV wetland in an urban area is 50 feet measured from the wetland boundary. b. Critical Areas Tract (KCC 21 A.24.180): The wetland and buffer on this property shall be placed in a Critical Areas Tract to be shown on the engineering plans and final short plat. The Critical Areas Tract shall be held in an undivided interest by each owner of a building lot within the development, with this ownership interest passing with the ownership of the lot, or shall be held by an incorporated homeowner's association or other legal entity that ensures the ownership, maintenance and protection of the tract. c. A minimum building setback line of 15 feet shall be required from the edge of the buffer (KCC 21A.24.200). d. Permanent survey marking, and signs shall be installed prior to final short plat approval (KCC 21A.24.160. e. Temporary marking of critical areas and their buffers (for example, bright orange construction fencing) shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction activities are completed. f. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: RESTRICTIONS FOR CRITICAL AREA TRACTS AND CRITICAL Report and Decision AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a critical area tracUcritical area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tracUcritical area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The critical area tracUcritical area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tracUcritical area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tracUcritical area and buffer. The vegetation within the tracUcritical area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tracUcritical area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the critical area tracUcritical area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the critical area are completed. Page 9 of 12 L08SOOOI No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. g. No adverse impact to wetland hydrology shall result from this proposal. Engineering plans and calculations shall demonstrate that the pre-existing wetland hydrology will be maintained following construction of the development, as shown on the conceptual drainage plan. h. Buffer Reduction (21A.24.325.A.3): Buffer reduction is proposed in accordance with 21A.24.325.A.3.b. The buffer can be reduced by 25 feet in an urban area where as many of the options in Table b cited above are implemented as possible. i. Compensatory Mitigation: A final wetland mitigation plan shall be provided for ODES review and approval prior to engineering approval, substantially in conformance with the Bui Property Mitigation Plan prepared by JS Jones and Associates, Inc., as revised November 5, 2008. The mitigation will be monitored for a total of three years. A financial guarantee will be required to ensure successful implementation of the approved mitigation plan. 11. Road Mitigation Payment System (KCC 14. 75) The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS), King County Code 14.75, by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by King County Department of Transportation. The applicant has an option to either: a. Pay the MPS fee at final short plat recording, or b. Pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of short plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the short plat that reads, "All fees required by King County code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS) have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of the building permit application. 12. School Impact Fees (KCC 21A.43) Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, the total amount of the school impact fees shall be assessed and collected when the building permit is issued using the impact fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit submittal. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the final plat. Other Considerations A. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. This may include, but not be limited to, obtaining a forest practice permit, an HPA permit, building permits, and other types of entitlements as necessitated by circumstances. B. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division. Report and Decision Page 10 of 12 L08S0001 Appeal Information and Parties of Record Parties and Persons of Interest: Bret Churchill, 18624 114th Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98055 Cramer Northwest Inc/Owen B Hille, 945 N Central Avenue Suite 104, Kent, WA 98032 Rich Hudson/R&D Enterprises, 21936 234th Avenue SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Lakeside Real Estate Investment, PO Box 69563, Seatac WA 98168 Roger Pfluger & Kelly Jaco, 18605 116th Avenue SE, Renton WA 98058 Steve Bottheim, Supervisor, Current Planning Section, LUSD, DOES Trishah Bull, Project/Program Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD, DOES Molly Johnson, Development Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD, ODES Curt Foster, Engineer Ill, Engineering Review Section, LUSD, DOES Kris Langley, Traffic Engineer, Road Services Division, KCDOT Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I, Current Planning Section, LUSD, DOES Judi Moe, ASII, Current Planning Section, LUSD, DOES Brian Norton, Engineer II, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Carol Rogers, FGMU, DOES Steve Townsend, Supervisor, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD, DOES Kelly Whiting, Road Services Division, KCDOT Report and Decision Page 11 of 12 LOSSOOOl RIGHT TO APPEAL This action may be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner, with a fee of $250 (check payable to King County Office of Finance). As required by KCC 20.20.090 and 20.24.090, the appeal period shall be fourteen (14) calendar days and shall commence on the third day after the notice of decision is mailed. Filing an appeal requires actual delivery to the King County Land Use Services Division prior to the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on February 2, 2009. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Division does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Division is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall file a statement of appeal by 5:00 p.m., on February 9, 2009. The statement of appeal shall identify the decision being appealed (including file number) and the alleged errors in that decision. The statement of appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the statement of appeal. Failure to timely file a notice of appeal, appeal fee, or statement of appeal deprives the Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services, addressed as follows: LAND USE APPEAL Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services BlackRiver Corporate Park 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Any party may make a request for a pre-hearing conference. For more information regarding appeal proceedings and pre-hearing conferences, please contact the Office of the Examiner for a Citizens' Guide to the Examiner Hearings and/or read KCC 20.20 and 20.24. Report and Decision Page 12 of 12 L08SOOOI ATTACHMENT OF -P<t PY ' ~. t .. ~ ij ,:,.,,i ,J . ,. ~ ~- REVISION I~ I Ul: ' re=· : r..= f" --- \\j; ,-,. 1/ r-= '\\;/ 1·~ --~ NO" 1 2 2008 K.C. DDE.S, lf)rf;{}W I [O) al:] SHORT PLAT NO. KING COUNTY, W°"AS;,;H'°'l'"'N~GT"O=N LAKESIDE REI FAIR WOOD SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN 11-lE N.E. 114, OF THE S.R 1/4, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORm, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KINGCOUNTY, WASHINGIDN RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE LINE T.4BLE. CURl'ETAIIU =•1=,-11~w,,~,-,~" I US -D-C1 :11.12 >'UIII .......... 17$ 1-n-0 ' •• nm I •1rr11r u 1UII I BWwr11'W Q 11.11 -,~ u -1-·-~,.,.. .... ----_,,.'*~ ... i'G-15 " 2UI 1----u JD.II 1511'•-\ill ----....... -.,0...- .. 9\.1.~ ........... ~10 ~1'47 _y _ ~ ~ ~ i\. ,c,.."' -,~ "' "" . ,..,f.\ -·- u 111 I s:11"01'trw ~.....--::: ~ -~~-~\o1.64i ,' Ul.SOJT\1111.N.E_\l&~s.E.\II ;r1 \ ~t .:"_g z: s, '·~ "'~ 1 N89"20'30"E 156.52' su::f " !ii ~ "',,,,...,,.,!ii """"'I) ~ • ,!! ~/ ,,.,. -\LOT7 l'IA(lllfllllE 1.9& :t"4002SQ.FT o.~-. 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OF Z ti King County Department ofDevelopment & Environmental Services State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) LOSSOOOl Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Date of Issuance: Project: Location: Applicant: King County Contact: Telephone No.: E-mail: King County Permits: January 15, 2009 This is a short subdivision of 1.36 acres (59,241 square feet) into 7 lots for detached single family dwellings and tracts for drainage, recreation and critical areas in the R-8 zone. The proposed lot sizes range from approximately 4,000 to 4,700 square feet. 18621 11~th Avenue SE, located approximately ~00 feet north of SE 188 h Streit and 120 feet south of SE 1861 Street on the west side of 116 Avenue SE, Postal City, Renton, WA. Lakeside Real Estate Investments, LLC PO Box69563 Seatac, WA 98168 206-666-4123 Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I 206-296-6686 arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov Short Subdivision Zoning: R-8 Community Plan: Soos Creek Drainage Subbasin: Black River Section/Township!Range: SE 32-23-05 Notes: A. This finding is based on review of the project site plan received November 12, 2008 (revised), environmental checklist received July 15, 2008, a level one drainage analysis received July 15, 2008 (revised), a wetland report dated March 12, 2008, a wetland mitigation plan revised November 5, 2008, Road Variance L07V0075 approved September 24, 2007 and other documents in the file. B. Issuance of this threshold determination does not constitute approval of the permit. This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes, which regulate development activities, including the Uniform Fire and Building Codes, Road Standards, Surface Water Design Manual, and Critical Areas Regulations. Threshold Determination The responsible official finds that the above described proposal does not pose a probable significant adverse impact to the environment. \ '\). r , .. i .,,, .... L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Page 2 This finding is made pursuant to RCW 43.21 C, KCC 20.44 and WAC 197-11 after reviewing the environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and considering mitigation measures which the agency or the applicant will implement as part of the proposal. The responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. The lead agency has determined that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed in the development regulations and comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.21C.240 and WAC 197-11-158. Our agency will not require any additional mitigation measures under SEPA. Comments and Appeals The SEPA determination may be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. Written comments or a notice of appeal must be filed with the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) at the address listed below prior to 5:00 p.m. on February 2, 2009, and be accompanied with a filing fee of $250. 00 payable to the King County Office of Finance. Please reference the file numbers when corresponding. If a SEPA Appeal is filed, the appellant must also file a Statement of Appeal with DOES at the address listed below prior to 5:00 p.m. on February 9, 2009. The Statement of Appeal shall identify the decision appealed (including the file number) and the alleged errors in that SEPA decision. The Statement of Appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. CommenUappeal deadline: Appeal filing fee: Address for commenUappeal: Responsible Official: 5:00 PM on February 2, 2009 $250 check or money order made out to the King County Office of Finance King County Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 ATTN: Current Planning Section Steve Bottheim, Current Planning Supervisor Current Planning Section Date Signed Land Use Services Division Date Mailed: January 15, 2009 ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 February 14, 2008 Yvonne Bui Lakeside Real Estate Investments, LLC P.O. Box 69563 Seatac, WA 98168 • RE: Notice of Complete Application for Application Time Periods Application No. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Date Filed: January 17, 2008 Dear Ms. Bui: The purpose of this letter is to notify you that on February 14, 2008 the Land Use Services Division determined that the above-referenced application is complete under current requirements for a complete application. This initial determination is intended only for the purpose of applying the time periods for permit processing specified in King County Code 19A and 20. Supplemental information may be requested by the Division, as necessary, for the continued review of your application. Our goal is to process your application within 120 days. However, the complexity and level of analysis required to review your project and available staff resources will affect the actual review time. The timeline can also be impacted by one or more of the following: • any request made by the Division for additional information • changes or revisions requested by the applicant • mutually-agreed-upon requests to stop the time clock • preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement • failure to post the property • resolution of land use decisions appeals If you have any questions about your application or the posting requirements, please contact me at (206) 296-6686. Sincerely, ·ftlt1); rvl&f1P({£y Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I Current Planning Section cc: Trishah Bull, Project/Program Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Claire Jonson, Engineer 111, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Application File • ® King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057 -5212 L08S0001 Lakeside REI Short Plat DDES Project Number AFFIDA VIJ . PF ·. POSTING\ : "-~(-\f4z:,;,-. . "",, .. ,, .. '' ' ' \;I\, . I .. l, __ ·j~\....,/(')~~N~tv~f~_'\3~~~'\._I ___ , hereby affirm that I have posted the following: (print name) X Notice of Permit Application Cl Other --------------- on the -z.r;t7 1 day of W.J , , 2008, in accordance with the j Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. Notice was provided at the following location(s): 1) I SbZ-l \ \ldivi }ve: SF Rcn:lzn 2) _______________________ ~ 3) ------------------------ 1 hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services OAK-DE-0100 900 Oakesdal~-Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057 ~~J ci>t-'NIJtv\Ot ,;' f'·'>. t I. LI" -.--~·- 1<.JNG cn::~:·;·y Di:-:vr. OF DEV FU ;F.\1FNT /\ND FNVJRONr'\.1Li'lT!\f. S!:.RVICES 900 Oake~d:dc Avt..·rn1c :.;onthwcst Rcn1un. \Vc:shir',L:f:_1n ')k0.'57 -5~ J 2 '.,~: ,), , ....... , ·.::·;c,. 'f~J'i'f'i<, 1{41 f:r.\&( l\h;'f) ;:t; :J;: .. , : ·-:-": ··~·-·-· -. ' ''. ";:i~:.:.;:-5·-;-; . ...-::::212 II, I, ,I, ,I ,/1.,, ,I,/,/,., I, I, i", I, I,,, 11,, 1,111,,, II,",,, iii " '" ~ ® King County Notice Board & Posting Procedures Instruction Package Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Notice of Application 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057·52 l 2 Posting package mailed 2/14/08 to Lakeside REI, LLC PO Box 69563, SeaTac, WA 98168 L08S0001 In accordance with King County Code Section 20.20.060, enclosed you will find-instru'ctions, specifications, and materials in order to meet the notice of application posting requirements of the County. Please read these instructions carefully and take action quickly to order your notice board sign. The sign must be up and notices posted 14 days from the date of the complete application letter. Your notice board sign can be ordered through a sign painter, using the information supplied on page 2 of the enclosed "Notice Board Requirements." The cost of the sign is the responsibility of the applicant. Further processing of your application is dependent upon fulfilling the notice of application posting requirement. When your sign is in place, attach the colored laminated notice of application along with the plastic envelope (containing extra copies of the notice of application) to the notice board as depicted on page 1 of the instructions. Maintain a supply of notices within the plastic envelope throughout the comment period. The posting sign/notice board must remain in place throughout the duration of your application. The sign must not obstruct the view of pedestrians or vehicular traffic. Immediately upon completion of the above instructions, complete the enclosed affidavit of posting and return to the Department of Development and Environmental Services. Land Use Division, Current Planning Section, at the address shown above (envelope enclosed). Failure to comply with posting requirements may be cause for a delay in the processing of your application. If you have any questions, please call the Land Use Services Division at (206) 296-6600. Enclosures: Notice Board Requirements-Application Laminated Notice of Application Waterproof Vinyl Envelope containing copies of the Notice of Application Affidavit of Notice of Application Posting form/LUSD return envelope • ® King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 L08S0001 Lakeside REI Short Plat ODES Project Number AFFUJAVIT · ,,;·11\·F·.··· .. . ',U ,: ''.:',"'0 POSTING· I'------,--~---,-------'' hereby affirm that I have posted the following: (print name) X Notice of Permit Application n Other ______________ _ on the day of , 2008, in accordance with the Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. Notice was provided at the following location(s): 1) 2)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 3) I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. Signature This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. Standards for Locating and Installing Notice Board · ' '' ' ,,. ,' '' The notice board shall be located and installed to the specifications described below. Number of Notice Boards required for this application: ONE ( 1 ) Notice board shall be located on 1161h Avenue Southeast, and; • Midpoint on the site street frontage or as otherwise directed by LUSD staff to maximize visibility. • At a location 5 feet inside from the street property line; a notice board structurally attached to an existing building shall be exempt from the setback provisions, provided that no notice board is located not more than 5 feet from the property line without approval from LUSD staff. • So that the top of the notice board is between 7 to 9 feet above grade. , So that it is easily accessible and totally visible to pedestrians and does not obstruct the view of pedestrians or vehicular traffic. The applicant shall erect the notice board by solidly setting the post 12 to 18 inches into the ground; or structurally attached it to an existing building. Two 4" x 4" 8-foot-long (minimum) posts and four washers, bolts and nuts (3/8-inch diameter and bolts are 5-inches long) shall be used to install the notice board. Installation Certification The notice board(s) must be installed within 14 days after Land Use Services Division has determined that the application is complete. The enclosed "Affidavit of Posting" must be signed, and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days following the date of posting. Maintenance and Removal of the Notice Board The applicant shall maintain the notice board in good condition throughout the application review period, which shall extend through the time of the final county decision on the proposal and the expiration of any applicable appeal periods. If the notice board is removed, LUSD review of the land use application may be discontinued until the notice board is replaced and has remained in place for the required period of time. TO BE FILLED OUT BY LUSD STAFF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE BOARD TEXT INFORMATION (To Be Given to the Sign Painter) Type of Action: Short Subdivision Proposal: Subdivide 1.36 acres into 9 lots File No.: L08S0001 NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or for hearing impaired 206-296-7217. Notice Board Requirements-NOA 8/8/01 Pg 2 \; \(r' NOTICE BOARD REQUIREMENTS- NOTICE OF APPLICATION King County Dept of Development and Environmental Services Land Use SerYices Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057·5212 Per King County Code Section 20.20.060, a notice board must be prepared and posted for your land use application. Please prepare and post in the following manner: Notice Board Size and Text Specifications The notice board shall be constructed to the specifications described below. The notice board shall display the information shown in the figure. Board Construction: The notice board shall be constructed with 4' x 4' plywood. Professionally prepared plastic notice board overlays, permanently affixed to the board are permissible. Notice boards may be reused but they must be clean and show no evidence of former wording. 1. Lettering style: Helvetica or similar standard typeface 2. Lettering size: Title should be 3" capital letters (NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION). Other letters should be 2" letters except on the 81/2 x 14" laminated paper providing the details of the proposal. See illustration below for use of capital and lower case letters, and placement of laminated paper and vinyl jacket. 3. Lettering: Black (permanent ink or silk-screen) 4. Background Color: White 5. Logo: King County emblem, in black 6. Laminated Notice of Application on a legal size sheet which provides information regarding the proposed land use application. TO BE SUPPLIED BY Land Use Services Division (LUSD) (see enclosed). 7. Legal size waterproof vinyl jackets with a fold flap, and wrap string. TO BE SUPPLIED BY LUSD (see enclosed). The applicant must make copies of the Notice, place them in the vinyl jacket, and maintain a supply of copies throughout the posting period. 4 FT ® NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Call (206) 296-6600 Type of Action: Proposal: File No.: NOTICE OF APPLICATION 8.5" X 1411 LAMINATED 4 FT EXAMPLE COPIES OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN VINYL JACKET Notice Board Requirements-NOA 8/8/01 Pg 1 • L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Number of sign boards required: 1 • Location of sign boards: 1 Board on 116'h Avenue Southeast Formal Plats A. Cities within 1 mile to be notified: Renton B. Airports within 2 miles to be notified: None Mail Notice to: 1) Affected Tribes • 2) Applicant 3) Community Groups • 4) DOT, if adjoins State highway • Always included as a notice recipient (off of the STR list). L08S0001 Posting Board Instructions • K C /DEV & ENVIRON ATTN CAROL WOOD W't,,Seattte W'ime ~ REPRESENTING THE .ieattle:l[lo~t-Jnttlligenc:tr PO Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111 900 OAKESDALE AVE SW RENTON, WA 98055 Re: Advertiser Account #78871004 Ad #: 761433300 Affidavit of Publication 3874316 / 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON Counties of King and Snohomish The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times and representing the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, separate newspapers of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington. The Seattle Times and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer have been approved as legal newspapers by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. Agent Marilyn Peredo Signature }}1 "~t-' Ye A. g k Subscribed and sworn to before me on _!,, __ h"'>ti,t,iiia'n<!~l,:--_,P-n,~T''I=====----., ih ~U-<-X . c',(_.,,.._ ;,_._..;, (DATE) (NOTARY SIGNATURE) DIANE L. CHEC .. IIC, Notary Public in and for the State of Was hing\trrl\T1B6¥ling$11 1~ NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 02-24-12 J <ft,1.Seattle <fimel REPRESENTING THE i\eattle:l!Jost-lntelligencer Re Advertiser Account #78871004 Ad TEXT:KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION REjijfi:T: SHORT Plat Pilf.iiWb& Applicant: Lakeside REI, LLC Location: 18621116th Avenue Southeast, Postal City Renton Proposal: Subdivide 1.36 acres into9 residential lots Project Planner: Arlene Mariano, 20&,296-6686 COMMENT PROCEDURES: DOES will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day comment period ending on March 26, 2008. Written comments and additional Information can be ob1ained by contacting the planner at the phone number IIS1ed above. Published this 27th day of February, 2008 Ad# 761433300 • • STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on February 27, 2008 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $142.88 .. /;f:,:z.;k # #/d-S Liifcta M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 28th day of February, 2008. the State of Washington, Residing KING COUNTY DEl'L OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DDES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057,5212 Nm1CE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST: SHORT Plat Applicant: Lakeside REI, LLC Location: 18621 \ 16th Avenue Southeast, Postal City Rcmon Proposal: Subdivide 1.36 acres into 9 residential lots Project Planner: Arlene Mariano, 206-2%-6686 COMMENT PROCEDURES:DllES will issue a decision on this applirntion following a 21-Jay rnmmenl period ending on March 26, 2008. Wrinen comments and additional informa1ion can be obtained by con1acting the planner at the phone number listed above. Published in the Renton Reporter on February 27, 2008. #50784. . ' ...... \.. . ., · ,,:< '1111 1 VJ(',,. '! _:, ............ \~s\DN ~!1,1 '-A 1/ " .:-+' -.:: ,, ~· / f~~ +OT-4',t.,_ ti ~ fU ,., •... w§ ~ :n~ .. i ~ ---'I "' "•'"''" = ~ -'.;, :1>\,t rJ ... 19-" '\ ... ~.: A...o ff 11 "" 1,1 ,.,, r... - I , ... 0 '""\\''''' ~-.;,, -1111 /:' WAS~~ ~ '11 ~'' "'\\'""''' Legal Ad Request Page I of2 Moe, Judi From: Legals [legals@seattletimes.com] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 11 :27 AM To: Moe, Judi Subject: RE: Legal Ad Request Hi Judi, Your legal notice for L08S0001 is scheduled to run on Wednesday 2/27 in the Seattle Times on Ad# 3874316 costing $49.88. Thank you, Kathy Baldwin Legals Acccunt Executive Seattle Times representing The Post Intelligencer Phone: 206-652-6018 Fax: 206-515-5595 Email: legals@seattletimes com From: Moe, Judi [mailto:Judi.Moe@kingcounty.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:32 AM To: Legals; legals@kcjn.com Subject: Legal Ad Request Linda, please publish in the Renton Reporter. Thank you, Judi Please confirm receipt. F ~ 1 .•" .• l,1\' Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on February 27, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to DOES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPUCAIIO_t..i REQUEST: SHORtetat File: L08S0001 02/14/2008 Legal Ad Request Page 2 of2 Applicant: Lakeside REI, LLC Location: 18621 115th Avenue Southeast, Postal City Renton Proposal: Subdivide 1.36 acres into 9 residential lots Project Planner: Arlene Mariano, 206-296-6686 COMMENT PROCE_Ql.JRES: ODES will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day comment period ending on March 26, 200J3. Written comments and additional information can be obtained by contacting the planner at the phone number listed above. Published this 27th day of February, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ ODES Application File: LOBS0001 S.Times Acct.No.: 078871004 02/14/2008 Page I of2 Moe, Judi From: Linda Mills [lmills@reporternewspapers.com] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:41 AM To: Moe, Judi Subject: Re: Legal Ad Request Good Morning, I have received your notice (re: file# L08S0001) to be published in the Renton Reporter on Wednesday, February 27, 2008. Have a great day, Linda Linda Mills Legal Advertising/Obituary Representative Reporter Newspapers -Sound Publishing 19426 68th Ave. So Ste A Kent, Wa 98032 253-234-3506 legals@reporternewspapers.com or paidobits@reporternewspapers.com From: Moe, Judi [mailto:Judi.Moe@kingcounty.gov] To: legals@seattletimes.com, legals@kcjn.com Sent: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:31:51 -0800 Subject: Legal Ad Request Linda, please publish in the Renton Reporter. Thank you, Judi Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on February 27, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to ODES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOILC_l;_OF LA!IIO USE_PEB_MIJ APE_LICAILQN REQLLEST: SHORT Plat File: L08S0001 Applicant: Lakeside REI, LLC Location: 18621 115th Avenue Southeast, Postal City Renton Proposal: Subdivide 1.36 acres into 9 residential lots 02/14/2008 Page 2 of2 Project Planner: Arlene Mariano, 206-296-6686 COMMENT PROCEDURE$: DDES will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day comment period ending on March 26" 2008. Written comments and additional information can be obtained by contacting the planner at the phone number listed above. Published this 27th day of February, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DDES Application File: L08S0001 $.Times Acct.No.: 078871004 02/14/2008 Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on February 27, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to DOES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ODES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST: SHORT Plat File: L08S0001 Applicant: Lakeside REI, LLC Location: 18621 1161h Avenue Southeast, Postal City Renton Proposal: Subdivide 1.36 acres into 9 residential lots Project Planner: Arlene Mariano, 206-296-6686 COMMENT PROCEDURES: ODES will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day comment period ending on March 26. 2008. Written comments and additional information can be obtained by contacting the planner at the phone number listed above. Published this 27th day of February, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DOES Application File: L08S0001 · S.Times Acct.No.: 078871004 GISMO -Parcel Information Rep--' 1.2 til King County ODES Parcel Information Report -Change Report- Th,s report was generated: 1/24/2008 11:50:53 AM J _::: Print Report I Parcel Number: 3223059113 -Change Report Parcels-® ,:;, Base Info Parcel Number: 3223059113 Tax Payer: NGUYEN CHUC T +BUI YVONNE T Property Name: N/A Annexation: Benson Hill (Pending) Jurisdiction: King County Situs Address: 18621 116TH AVE SE Zip Code: 98058 Postal City -Reference Info Plat Name: N/A Plat Recording Date: 11/9/1999 Plat Lot: N/ A Plat Block: N/A Kroll Page: 604 Thomas Brothers Page: 686 1/4-S-T-R: SE-32-23-5 Lot Area: 59,241 SqFt. (1.36 Acres) -Planning Info Zoning: R-8 Comprehensive Land Use: um Development Condition: N/A Assessor's Open Space: N/A Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: N/A Pagel of2 The information included in this report has been compiled by staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change withou County makes no representations or warranties, express or impl accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of suet King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost rev, profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information con report. Any sale of this report or information on this report except by written permission of King County. Appraised Land Value: 2005 -$101,000, 2006 -$190,000 Appraised Improvements Value: 2005 -$168,000, 2006 -$110,000 _, Administrative District Info Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: N/A School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: King County Fire Protection District No. 40 (40) Roads MPS Zone: 341 ($3,362) Roads Transportation Concurrency Mitigation Zone: 796, 797 Waterfront: No Water System: WATER DISTRICT http://ddeshome/gis/reports/parcelinfo.aspx?muid=20080124115005000&pin=3223059113 01/24/2008 GJSMO -Parcel Information Rep-·t 1.2 Water Service Planning Area: N/A Sewer System: PUBLIC Airport Noise Remedy Program: N/A Council District: 5 Julia Patterson Drainage Basin: Black River: WRIA 9 Police Jurisdiction: King County Police Precinct: 3 Police District: F3 Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N Transfer Development Rights Type: N/A Transfer Development Rights Status: N/A Transfer Development Rights Permit Number: N/A ~ Inspection Area Info Building Inspection Area: 5-6 Clearing Inspection Area: Richelle Rose Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Mike Meins 01 Sensitive/Critical Area Info Sensitive Areas Notice(s} on Title: None Sensitive Historic Site: None Bald Eagle Data: Bald Eagle Flag: N/A Aquatic Areas Buffer: N Basin Condition: Low Flow Control Area: N/ A Water Quality: N/A Critical Aquifer Recharge Area: None Area of Potential Wetland Influence: N Shoreline Management Master Program Designation: None :,(1, ;::n-:>>' :ch1in9e ~ei111c11~ Enter a 0lDdigit GIS Mapping Operations (GISMO} Version 1.2 Page 2 of2 http://ddeshome/gis/reports/parcelinfo.aspx?muid=20080124115005000&pin=3223059 l l 3 0 l /24/2008 USPS -ZIP Code Lookup -Find O "ity By ZIP Code Results ~ UN/TEDST/JTES ~ POSTIJLSERVICE Find a City by ZIP Code™ Results You Gave Us 98058 Do Anot[lerlookup Page I of I l,1$.F:'S Hom /;\ Cities in a ZIP Code may be referred to by more than one name or spelling. These results indicate the c....:_;;, actual city name. ("Not Acceptable" city names are listed for your reference only --do not use.) Actual City name in 98058 RENTON, WA Not Acceptable CASCADE, WA FAIRWOOD, WA Related Links Calculate Postage Calculate postage for your letter or package online! Rat!> Calculator Print Shipping Labels Print shipping labels from your desktop and pay on line. C.!lck-N-Shi~ Other Postage http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/zcl _ 3 _results.j sp?zip5=9805 8 Business or Residence Lookup Yellow Pages Find a business nationwide. White Pages Find a residence nationwide. 01/24/2008 King Countv Departmenf of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton. Washington 98057-5212 Applicant: Lakeside REI, LLC P.O. Box 69563 Seatac, WA 98168 206-653-0065 Ntlice of Application (Type 2) ' , . File No: LOBS0001 -Lakeside REI Renton ODES Project Manager: Arlene Mariano Telephone No.: 206-296-6686 Email: arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov Date Application Filed: January 17, 2008 Date Determined Complete: February.14; 2008 Project Location: The site is located at 18.621116th Avenue Southeast, Renton, WA. Project Description: Subdivide approximately 1.36 acres into 9 lots for the development of detached single-family residences in the R,8 zone. Permits requested in this application: Preliminary Short Plat "·. :' -. Relevant environmental documents are available at the above address: None at this time. Development regulations to be used for project mitigation, known atthis time: KCC 21A-Zoning Code, KCC 21 Critical Areas, 2007 Road Standards and 2005 Surface Water Design Manual. Consistency with applicable County plans and regulations: This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes including those noted above. Other permits not included in this application, known at this time: None at this time. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on March 26, 2008. Written comments on this application must be submitted to DOES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the DOES decision. However, the DOES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Date of Mailing: February 28, 2008 ----------------=---==-======================----- If you wish to receive a copy of the DOES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat ( Please print ) Name: ------------------------- Address: ·------------------------ Telephone No.: ------ King County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat NOA ~ ?-uw .... @ ~ )> z !=I -(Ml !=' -.. = rn 8 (:5 ~ Cl<> um] 1~:,g:st1li ~ =llllii;=;;i~ ; ! i i i i i I i ~ • C C Ii g ' t I i :;! ~ ij • • ! ' ; I ~ I I ' 0 I ' ~ I f tQVtl)~J.·~ ' I ~ g ' J l l 1~~~ ~ • • • t-'l 0 00 en 0 0 ~o !'1 ~ ' ~ ~ m " ~ " -~ ~ " ,,. r "' " :,: ij "' m " 0 "' 0 z " z ,, < 0 r ) " m ® King Countv Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Applicant: Lakeside REI, LLC P.O. Box 69563 Seatac, WA 98168 206-653-0065 NMice of Application (Type 2) File No: L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton ODES Project Manager: Arlene Mariano Telephone No.: 206-296-6686 Email: arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov Date Application Filed: January 17, 2008 Date Determined Complete: February 14, 2008 Project Location: The site is located at 18621 116th Avenue Southeast, Renton, WA. Project Description: Subdivide approximately 1.36 acres into 9 lots for the development of detached single-family residences in the R-8 zone. Permits requested in this application: Preliminary Short Plat Relevant environmental documents are available at the above address: None at this time. Development regulations to be used for project mitigation, known at this time: KCC 21A -Zoning Code, KCC 21 Critical Areas, 2007 Road Standards and 2005 Surface Water Design Manual. Consistency with applicable County plans and regulations: This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes including those noted above. Other permits not included in this application, known at this time: None at this time. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on March 26, 2008. Written comments on this application must be submitted to ODES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the DOES decision. However, the ODES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Date of Mailing: February 28, 2008 If you wish to receive a copy of the DOES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : LOBS0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat (Please print) Name: ____________________________ _ Address: ----------------------------- Te I e phone No.: ------ King County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat NOA L08SOO @ SHORT PLAT NO. KING COUNTY, WA~S~H~l~NG~T~O~N. LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN THE N.E. 114, OF THE S.E. /14, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ""::,::=;;;::.,~-------.._f n " " • • • n • • • n m m n m m -m m ™ -m m m ffl m -m m • m m m ™ • • -• • • • • -• • - TREE LEGEND -·-·-·-'"""' '"""' """"' '"""' """" """"' ·-"""'"' -I :~~ ~-I ·-,,_ WPOPlAA ··-,._ 1,'l'OVII' '""'"' """"' '"""' lf'f'Ol'I.NI """" '"''™ ,,_ ·-, ... j!'IW'l.[ ·-·-·-111'cmAR.5,.,,-l'Cl:!t.58' \ l L1 C1 ,l> .... /It' ·~ .. 1 ~~ ! ~·2(1'ffl; f \ \ .. ~ \ ;r I :=: """'.-;$ 13'1W'LE -~ <;1ttJ ,.:•~ ! ~~ ... , ... ~ b •... .ill".~ .L ~ ~:= I :u·COf'f™"'JOI) sl ,:u.,, ., --·"'1,i '1\-f 3·µ.-· 3 /8 LOTg' "'<Ilc- \)tll"J'~ i fe t-Oll2$1;1 FT---.. ~ :1:~1SCI.FT. 11.,<:/6 ll6'; "' ~,Nf!<'~IOI ~"' ~·-"' 5()(1 7 ..--soo 52.CIY i.96-~J.83' ~ 40 ( \ ~!\ ~ ~I j IO I 600 NAI. 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VOL/PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE t"=30' l INCH = 30 FEET ~ 30 0 30 PORTION OF: N.[. 1/4, S.E. 1/4, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.W. ., ... ... = .. .. ~ .. --- - .... ... .. STORM DRAJNA.GE $91/QIIPVJCHRASJN R,ft. ',9\14& I SOOllt lt" CPI': ',9M~ IIIE$T 11"0'!', 41111.11 MlRTll ,,. ell'· 49~ "' SWT>IMaSl b" Ole 4'11>.fle £"TOI- I RlilaM.19 SOIJ!Htt'CPP-.- ~ I ~ SllJIHtt'Of':"91131 WEST12"CP!',Ol,JO EASTlr!PP:"'6-31 I =-""" RIN: 4Y9.S3 NffiTHEAST 6" Dl: 407.6.'I I '""""' --f.A.Sl'rDUIITM I SCU)Ul WP! BAStl ll-..:5110.lll WIBTll"Cll:oltT.111 !ORTI112"a>P:ffl.lll SOO!l<12'CPP:•ut I NOFml ::!:!"e: 4IISJ5 6WTll 17CQOl£IE: 4117.36 I T[Ol"f $OOTH 17 CONalEll:411.11 MORTli tt"ca.JIEIE: ffUT MANHOLES Sle'II6BY 'lFifP twt9 f ___ 5'} ll"Cm.:Rl!'TE ,e 49<..114 flOVI-THTOSOOllt w.mR'f§f»ffll'!'tPE --ll'l'YCIE:<1115.1S fl.OW 8CUTltwESTTD~ SAMIAA'l'S91ERMffQf --&Wllfflel" ll"Nt:: M.32 900Tllll'PIC:"'5.J:! NORmfAST/1' P,C: 4115.l:! DIIJ m.......,, SAN[JABX §f'ffl! 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SHEET, 'OF2 //f'l'l(l,£T HI.Ml:, ,a,:,1-11~ MICH>\EI. NGVl'EN//CIIC,'3lik ~ .,.,._, 10. ,,,,._-f,o7,5·, J'W //f'ft&. l'll1l: 1/1~ JJ:.»,l<l NI //1'I.OllU>,, r/1~ 11,n,10 NI //FUll',1E,ei\-NII SEl!lm\OIINEII\OOl:l:7l;lf'\CMlJD ull!IS\itlOT-!I~ ' . . . . . 9117000230/LOSSOOOI ANIJERSO"I KYLE D+LORI L 11257 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 9117000200/L08SOOOI BASKIN JOHN 11419 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 9117000070/LOSSOOO I BRADLEY ROBERT F JR 11412 SE 186TII ST RENTON WA 98055 9117000180/LOSSOOO I CASTRO JULLIAN C+WILLIE M JR 11435 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 RN/L08SOOO I CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 6197800 I 00/LOSSOOO I DEMARIA JErFERY 18608 116TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 6197800023/LOSSOOOI FAIRCHILD MARK V 18416116THAVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9117000 I 00/LOSSOOO I GIRON JAMES R+DELEE A 11248 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 2329850050/LOSSOOO I HEFNY SABR Y SALEH+WEISNER LESLIE A 11425 SE 185TII PL RENTON WA 98055 6197800163/L08SOOOI KERI LANETrE R 11618 SE 188TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2329850 I 30/L08SOOO I AOANAN CARMELO PTMARY lJ 11416 SE 185TII PL RENTON WA 98055 9117000210IL08S0001 BOLIN RICHARD N+BOLIN GRACE 25716 SE 398TI I ENUMCLAW WA 98022 6 I 97800082/L08SOOO I BROWN MABEL L 18444116TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9117000190/L08SOOOI CHO JIMMY H 11427 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 9117000050/L08SOOOI CLAYTON PATRICIA L 11426 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 6197800101/LOSSOOO 1 ELMORE GLORIA G 18612 116TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9 l I 7000040/L08SOOO I FOLEY FRANCIS J 11434 SE 186TH RENTON WA 98055 6197800042/L08S0001 GREYWOLF DEBRA L 11633 SE 184TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2329850030/LOSSOOOI HOOD 'JAUNA M 11415 SE 185TH PL RENTON WA 98055 2329850270/L08SOOOI KING COUNTY 500 KC ADMIN BLDG 5004Tll AVE SEATTLE WA 98104 2329850020/L08SOOOI APOLONIO ARCHIE A+IMELDA R 11409 SE 185TH PL RENTON WA 98055 6197800162/L08SOOOI BOUDON GLEN D+ JOHANNA 211 7TH AVES EDMONDS WA 98020 6197800065/L08SOOOI BRYAN SCOTT D+BRENDA M 18434 116TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3223059282/L08SOOOI CIIURCHILL BRETT J+ JO M 18624 114TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 6197800080/LOSSOOOI DAY OWEN 2025 OAKGROVE DR NW ALBANY OR 97321 3223059149/LOSSOOOI FACILITIES & OPERATIONS CTR OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIR 300 SW Trll ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059281/L08SOOOI FRANKLIN MARY H+SAMUEL L 18619 114TH AVE SE RENOTN WA 98055 9117000170/L08SOOOI HARRIS JOAN PO BOX 1023 MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 2329850260/L08SOOOI ISLA RESTITUTO P+ALIClA M 18549114TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 6197800161/L08SOOOI LANCASTER CARTER F 11618 SE 188TII RENTON WA 98055 6197800\201L08SOOOI I.,\ Y ROSS IOOPII ALii ST IIAIKL 11196708 9 I l 7000220/L08SOOO I MCNEILLY CAROL 11403 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059113/L08SOOOI NGUYEN Cl IUC T +BUI YVONNE T 18621 116TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9 \ I 7000090/L08SOOO I PHAM Cl IUNG P 11254 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 SD l 3/L08SOOOI RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #403 R. STRACKE, FACILITIES & PLANNING 1220 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98055 6197800 \ 64/\ ,08SOOO I RUDO JEREMY H+RONA S FRIMME 527 N 70TH ST SEATTLE WA 98103 9117000080/L08SOOOI STERNOD JACQUELINE A 11404 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 6197800140/L08SOOOI TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 18652 116TH SE RENTON WA 98055 9117000020/L08SOOOI 7EMANEK GREGG 11448 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 6197800024/I.08SOOO I LUCKIF JEFFREY S+TERRI L 11631 SE 184TH ST RENTON WA 98058 6197800125/L08SOOOI MITCHELL RICHARD E+ROBERTA PO BOX 20291 SEATTLE WA 98102 2329850040/L08SOOOI NGUYEN DINI-I D+HUONG T 11421 SE 185TH PL RENTON WA 98055 9117000030/L08SOOOI POOAR MARIUS+MONICA 11442 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 91170000I0/L08SOOOI REYES MARIA M 11456SE 186THST RENTON WA 98055 3223059147/L08SOOOI RUGA SHEILA+NOVELITO PO BOX 59921 RENTON WA 98058 6197800022/L08SOOOI STUBB JOHN E 18418 116TH SE RENTON WA 98055 9117000060/L08SOOOI VALBUSH HOWARD M+BRENDA LC 11420 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98005 9 I I 7000240/L08SOOO I LU ENG JF:\INIFER 11249 SE 186TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059033/L08SOOOI M.IF I IOLDINGS INC 215 E MEEKER KENT WA 9803 2 6197800183/LOSSOOO I NUGENT MICHAEL D+PAMELA K 11642 SE I88TII ST RENTON WA 98058 23298500IO/L08SOOOI PREPOTENTE JOI-IN-MICHAEL B+ ALMA 11403 SE 185TH PL RENTON WA 98055 2329850140/L08S000I RODRIGUEZ 701LA E I8538114THAVESE RENTON WA 98055 3223059280/L08SOOOI SCH LOS STEIN HUGI I R+JEANNE E 18615114THAVENUESOUTHEAST RENTON WA 98055 2329850060/L08SOOOI TESFAMICHAEL ZERBABIEL Y+EMBAYE 11429 SE 185TH PL RENTON WA 98055 6 I 97800060/L08SOOO I YERMAKOV PAVEL 11659 SE 1841'1-I ST RENTON WA 98058 tQ Notice of King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Land Use Decision AND Environmental Threshold Determination (Type 2) File No.: L08S0001 File Name: Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Applicant: Lakeside Real Estate Investments, LLC PO Box 69563 Seatac, WA 98168 206-666-4123 Department Decision: Approve with conditions SEPA Threshold Determination: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Date of Decision and SEPA Determination: January 15, 2009 Project Location: 18621 1161h Avenue SE, located approximately 500 feet north of SE 1881h Street and 120 feet south of SE 1861h Street on the west side of 1161h Avenue SE, Postal City, Renton, WA. Project Description: This is a short subdivision of 1.36 acres (59,241 square feet) into 7 lots for detached single family dwellings and tracts for drainage, recreation and critical areas in the R-8 zone. The proposed lot sizes range from approximately 4,000 to 4,700 square feet. Permits Requested: Short Subdivision King County Contact: Telephone No.: E-mail: Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I 206-296-6686 arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov Appeal Deadline: February 2, 2009 Comment and Appeal Procedure: Comments on this proposal are welcome. You also have the right to appeal this decision and/or determination in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. In order to appeal, a party must file: 1. A notice of appeal and a $250.00 non-refundable filing fee (payable to the King County Office of Finance) by 5:00 p.m., February 2, 2009, and 2. A statement of appeal, by 5:00 p.m., February 9, 2009, which includes: A. The decision and/or determination being appealed; B. The errors contained in that decision and/or determination; C. Specific reasons why the decision and/or determination should be reversed or modified. D. The harm suffered or anticipated by the party; and E. The relief sought. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) at the following address: DDES -Land Use Services Division Attn: Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. The Hearing Examiner does not have the authority to extend the time period unless the Division is not open on the specified date, in which event delivery prior to 4:30 p.m. on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. Date of Mailing: January 15, 2009 If you have any questions regarding the appeal procedures, please contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette or large print, call 206-296-6600 (phone) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). King County has made a decision on an application for a development proposal on property at the address listed above. You are receiving notice of this decision because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet or because you requested to receive notice of the decision. ()/ ~ ,, ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Web date: 08/14/2007 LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Staff Use Only -Do not write in this box K.C. D.D.E.S Date Received (stamp) I (We) request the following permit(s) or approval(s): D Binding site plan D Public agency & utility exception D Site development permit D Boundary line adjustment D Reasonable use exception D Site-specific comprehensive plan D Building permit D Reuse of public schools amendment D Conditional use permit D Right-of-Way use permit D Special district overlay removal D Critical areas alteration exception D Road variance D Special use permit D Linear D Non-linear D Shoreline conditional use permit D Subdivision -Formal D Drainage variance or adjustment D Shoreline exemption [2:1 Subdivision -Short D Period review for mining sites D Shoreline redesignation D Temporary use permit D Plat alteration D Shoreline substantial development D Urban planned development D Plat vacation permit D Zone reclassification D P-suffix amendment D Shoreline variance D Zoning variance I, Yvonne Bui , being duly sworn, state that I am the owner or officer of the corporation owning property described in the legal description filed with this application and that I have reviewed the rules and regulations of the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) regarding the preparation and filing of this application and that all statements, answers and information submitted with this application are in all respects true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. During the review of this application, it may be necessary for ODES staff to make one or more site visits. By signing this application form, you are giving permission for these visits. If it is rental property, the owner hereby agrees to notify tenants of possible site visits. Printed Name YVONNE BUI Signature -~alL"rl/f..>'-'DAA.l""'"'~="-'A.. _________ _ Company LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LLC Phone 206 -666 -4123 E-mail Permit consultant/ Rich Hudson rd-enterprises@comcast.net Mailing Address PO BOX 69563 SEATAC WA 98168- STREET CITY ST ZIP If applicable, state below the name, address and telephone number of the authorized applicant for this application as shown on the Certification and Transfer of Application Status form filed with this application. Name Phone Mailing Address AppForlandUsePermitsFORM STREET E-mail ----------------------- CITY ST ZIP lc-app-luper.pdf 08/14/2007 Page 1 of 2 ' ' Send the posting package for the notice board for this application to: ~ the owner/applicant [_J the consultant/agent (engineer, architect, etc.) Send letters, including those requesting additional information for this application, to: [gl the owner/applicant [gl the consultant/agent Note: Application forms and submittal requirements are subject to revision without notice. For Formal Subdivisions only: NAME OF SUBDIVISION REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR (COMPANY) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ENGINEER ( COMPANY) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP DEVELOPER(COMPANY) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Land Surveyor's Certification I hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been inspected by me and conforms to all rules and regulations of the platting resolution and standards for King County, Washington_ SIGNED DATE NAME (INDIVIDUAL) TELEPHONE E-MAIL NAME (INDIVIDUAL) TELEPHONE E-MAIL NAME (INDIVIDUAL) TELEPHONE E-MAIL Land Surveyor Seal Check out the ODES Web site at www.kingcountv.gov/permits AppForlandUsePermitsFORM lc-app-luper.pdf 08/14/2007 Page 2 of 2 • -; ! • -.. .. . R and D Enterprises • • • • .,. - PERMIT CONSULTING SERVICES January 17, 2008 Current Planning Section LUSD,DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 21936 234"' Ave. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 425-432-4806 (0) 425-660-8700 (F) 206-384-7392 (C) rd-enterprises@comcast.net RE: Short Plat Application Intake Submittal/Lakeside REI -Renton The enclosed Short Plat Application intake is being submitted for a 9-lot short plat. The applicant & property owner is Lakeside Real Estate investments, LLC. The submittal checklist requirement form was completed and appropriate copies and original documents are included. This short plat submittal complies with the review and comments provided under pre-application file #A,07PM202. The applicant has also obtained an approved road variance (file#L07V0075) for the proposed access location onto 116 Avenue SE. All lots will be served by existing public water and sewer facilities and water & sewer certificates of avai !ability are also provided. The existing zoning is R-8 which allows the 9 proposed lots in compliance with the current zoning (see density calculations). As noted on the short plat site plan map page all structures are being removed. The site plan/short plat map page & conceptual drainage plan show a temporary cul-de-sac near the west property line of the proposed short plat. The applicant's preferred site plan design is to construct a permanent cul-de-sac in the approximate location of the temporaa cul-de-sac shown on the map page. The design shown extends the private road to the west property line and as stated it identifies the cul-de-sac as a temporary turnaround. This was only done to address comments provided in the approved road variance which emphasized a need by DDES to evaluate access to the parcel immediately west of the Lakeside REI Short Plat. Our position is the parcel to the west has direct access from 114"' Avenue SE, a paved public street stub that has 60 feet of right-of-way. Therefore there is no need to extend the proposed private road to the west property line of the Lakeside REI Short Plat. Again, this westerly street extension shown through the Lakeside REI Short Plat was only done to accommodate a potential review issue raised in the approved road variance. If your review concurs there is no need to extend a westerly street extension we will replace the temporary cul-de-sac with a permanent turnaround. Any questions on the proposal or enclosed material shonld be directed to me and I will coordinate with our consultants and the applicant. Sincerely, iE'cd ~, Rand D Enterprises cc: Lakeside Real Estate investments, LLC Cramer Northwest, Inc., Aleanna Kondelis, MPA L08S\_)OOJ_ From start to finish and everything in between! K.C. D.D.E.S. • R and D Enterprises .... • • • • • • ·1-- Rich Hudson Permit Consulting Services 21936 234th A venue SE Maple Valley WA 98038 Phone: 425-432-4806 206-384-7392 (cell) Fax: 425-660-8700 Email: rd-enterprises@comcast.net • I ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Thursday, January 17, 2008 . Activity Number: L08SOOOI I Project Number: L08SOOOI CHARGES Description BldS_Fi~~(tOW-ReViCW _ De~~-~i! _Based_ o~-~it~f:I~~ -- Counter Service Fees • FEE RECEIPT Applicant: LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LLC 3518S 198THST SEATAC WA 98188 (206) 653-0065 Checklog Check# Payee Date Entered --_::____::.:.::_-:::_-=._-_ -_ -• -=---"-'~- Amount $139.00 $] 1,760.00 $284.00 SUB TOTAL: $12,183.00 PAYMENTS Description Checklog Check # ----------------- Check 1123 SUBTOTAL: CHANGE GIVEN: BALANCE DUE: Payee LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE Date Entered Amount 01/17/2008 ($6,500.00) ------------ ($6,500.00) $0.00 $5,683.00 The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to DOES at the time of application. DOES permit fees were restructured effective March 4th, 1999. Many fees previously assessed a flat fee, now are assessed as hourly charges. Because of this change, and to ensure that our customers secure permits as quickly as possible, permits may be Issued prior to all hourly charges being recorded into our billing system. For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit Issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before ODES issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.O. Printed on: Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 11 :34:07 AM Page I of I •• King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Web date: 06/28/2007 CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT STATUS Renton, Washington 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Permit Number: Activity Number: LA=0~7~P~M=2~0=2 ________ _ Permit Name: LakesideREI Renton FOR INDIVIDUALS: I, (print name), hereby certify that I am the/an owner of the property which is the subject of this permit. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized to represent all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: I further certify that I am the "Applicant" for this permit and as such am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing -on the form provided by DDES. * Signature of Applicant -OR- FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: Date Signed I, (Michael) Tuan Nguyen (print name), hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of Lakeside Real Estate Investments, LLC , a corporation or other business association authorized to do business in the State of Washington, which is the sole owner of the property that is the subject of this permit. If this corporation or business association is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this corporation/business association is authorized to represent all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this corporation/business association is: Lakeside Real Estate Investments, LLC PO BOX 69563 SEATAC, WA 98168 I further certify that the above named corporation/business association is the "Applicant" for this permit and as such is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This corporation/business association shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless it transfers its applicant status in writing on the form provided by DOES. 'Ai ,,LM /6J rJfh) * gnature oOp icant's Agent 1/1/0( ro\ite Signed * By signing as the Applicant or the Applicant's Agent, I certify under penalty of perjury un/it5J~1@ ~ttF wJa~@o Washington that the information provided above is true and correct. lJlJ c::i ' u ) .J JAN 1 ? Wilt: __ '.) CertApplicantStatu,Lr(} ('.j S4~~,Jt() -~6/28/2007 Page 1 of 2 K.C. D.D.E.S. I NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: ~ I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: Rich Hudson, Permit Consulting Services-Rand D Enterprises 21936 234th Ave SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 rd-enterprises@comcast.net (425)432-4806 Cramer Northwest Inc., Surveyor and Engineering 945 N. Central Ste #104 Kent, WA 98032 (253)852-4955 Check out the DDES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits CertApplicantStatusFORM tc-cer-apstat.pdf 06/28/2007 Page 2 of 2 ® KING COUNTY + DEPARTMENT of ASSESSMENTS ,.· ----.,,-'"l'ol"'..,,..J.•'7'._: _____ ____,_ __ _ ',~.,. ' LU8SVUO SE 32-23-05 lCl2' Sc,to1•!ll)()'1"-l(l0'1 ... ,09.2006 -· . ' ' . =---........__ IL J I I, -iJ ,r .I '-------"-l'i 1 l,>----- H r 1--- ,/ ' ,, K.C. D.D.E.S. , ---------------------· ------- ' , '-;-'-""'-------"CL" _._L._..j.__.::j"'" • /j . ,-r, --r'"'i"""'-"''-"lT--,· ~_;_,:_:,:.:_:_'-;.:;-•;::' -~-;__· · ;;.:;...;.;_::;::;_.:~:,-·;__-_:-_:::<•"! :. :.-;-c~.,~·:;::~:-=~==~-:;::~p:;::::;:';~___;,_ J -..II '· rr-.___::_ l' :;1.-------'~---l---'/L..__j ,.,.m, IL:.., -. / :1 .. ~~-"1:----o--i ,__ __ __,~, ~ I \, f,-----~---__;J------i-:-=~6._:;.":Jij 1 SW33-23-05 ·--·"'-"" l <_-NOP:THWESTERN GAAOEN TRACTS ~ NO. 3 ~ j r'-'-'~W-f-'-'..w,y~.L-..:~~--=1, r~-...____~-+i_.:~4L2P~' ' I 00 :~· \J ,cc-: =~-, I I ~ ..... · .. ,. • .i.. ·, -...... ---, This certificate provides information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Certificate : 4260 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY Type: Preliminary Plat or PUD : Applicant's Name: Yvonne Bui Proposed Use: 9 Single Family Residences Location: Lot: 113 Block: Development: Parcel: 322305 9113 Information: Address: 18621 116TH A VE SE, RENTON WATER PURVEYOR INFORMATION I. a [l Water will be provided by service connection only to an existing Null inch water main, Null feet from the site. And/Other b ~ Water service will require an improvemnt to the water system of: Water service for the proposed plat will require the iostallation of approximately 350lf of water main. GPM and system requirements will be deterrnioed upon Fire Marshal review. Final water requirements and layout will be based on the final site development plan, road, stonn, grading, sewer and King County Fire Marshal requirements. All plans must be approved by and meet the requirements of the KCFM and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. a ~ The water system is in conformance with a County approved water comprehensive plan. b C The water system improvement will require a water comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a [,..i] The proposed project is withio the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city, or is within the County approved service area of a private water purveyor. b rl Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service. 4. a ~ Water is/or will be available at the rate of flow and duration indicated below at no less than 20 psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant feet from the building/property (or as marked on the attached map): Rate of Flow: Duration: b I: Water systems is not capable of providing fire flow. Cross Connection Control devices must be in conformance with state laws. Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions of this District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that it's facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make any required extension of facilities to serve their property. I hereby certify that the above water purveyor information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signature. SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Darci Mattioda 12/20/2rX~)7 Title -~ Signatory~Name L" Date;· ~ ~, : -lii ait.( rc1. .· . . i,.:, ;;r [·7 ~i~.@[l{f ;~~ --. . ,Af., I 7 2t·J'' @ "' "' I i U U Agency Name Development Coordinator .:.:..c. O.D.E.S. -. • This certificate provides information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Certificate : 5060 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY Type: Preliminary Plat or PUD Applicant's Name: Yvonne Bui Proposed Use: 9 Single Family Residences Location: Lot: 113 Block: Development: Parcel: 322305 9113 Information: Address: 18621 116TH A VE SE, RENTON ( Attach map & Legal description if necessary ) SEWER PURVEYOR INFORMATION I. a . . Sewer service will be provided by service connection only to an existing sewer main Null feet from the site and the sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed area. 2. 3. b ,-, Other (describe): a !'1i b a ,, b __J Sewer service to the proposed plat will require the installation of approximately 420 If of offsite and onsite sanitary sewer main. Final sewer layout will be determined based on final site development plans, road, storm, water and grading. All plans must be approved by and meet the requirements of KCWTD and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The sewer system is in confonnance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. The sewer system improvement will require a sewer comprehensive plan amendment. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city. Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service. 4. Service is subject to the following: a !i2] Connection Charge: Yes b i"'i Easement (s): c ~ Other: Onsite and Offsite Easements A Right of Way and Grading permit will be required. Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions of this District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that it's facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make any required extens10n oi taciiities to serve their property. I hereby certify that the above sewer purveyor information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signature. SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Agency Name Soos Creek Willer & Sewer District "rptAvrulSinglePa:reelAddSewer" 2/6196 Fire District Receipt ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Renton, WA 98055-1219 Fire District # __ Lf(""") ___ _ Name of Project/ Proposal __ _.::lA::.=t'..,,P_S=--il..1..0nf'-....,,{2'---'<~>"l1---1Yic..EN..._=-17:u.::;L!\1,.>...1-l------------- Location of Project/ Proposal ___ l 'it:,~_2-_l_-_l~\ =(k~-ttl __ A~\/~€'" __ <;;_·~1?--+-~£8'J~l~~JV~U _______ _ J (Address, parcel number, tax account number, legal description)' *One of these required for processing of application i)~~(_.,:tt: =s22~f.:>'""C\ 1/3 SEC __ ~_Z.. __ _ TWN 2. '3N, RNG. __ Si_€° __ _ KROLL PAGE _____ _ Name of Applicant _H'----'---"101-\=-eAC-'.R-"--""'._.N_,.__,Gu"""'----'l-""""allll~,\--', LA='5~=1u.t:E"'"'-_.!2;..E"----'-1 ~'efi'l""'--'--""---'lD~N::,__ ____ _ Address of Applicant __ P~O_&)~'[_~(o~C\~6~{p3~----tf-<i~t?A~Jti.Q.._____~_..,.)M~'A~-q~~~l~lo~~~----- Telephone Number ___ 2l=V=~(p~-~lb~~&,~~~lf~l23 ____________________ _ Description:Type of Project/ Proposal Check appropriate box(es) D Apartment/ Multifamily D Commercial/ Industrial DRetail D Residential: Single Family Residence DDuplex D Subdivision ~hort Subdivision/ Short Plat D Rezone D Conditional Use D Unconditional Use D Planned Unit Development D School / Classroom D Other (describe) ______________________________ _ }(Storz couplings required on Fire Hydrants Issuance of this receipt does not imply an approval, disapproval nor review of referenced project/ proposal. This receipt shall be valid for 30 days from date of signature. r...1w&Cb,2vnj i=i~ DlS-\ L-{0 Agency Name Ti~ey Distribution: White: Applicant (see below) Yellow: King County Building Services Division Pink: Fire District Note Applicant: at the time of application £:is-_¥~ [jl,-0'6 ( Signat Date Fire District: mail yellow copy to: King County Building Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Renton, WA 98055-1219 Attn: Fire Engineering to DOES the white copy must bipre/1'£. t\l4.,, s ,:-. j. (11 :-~ f with project/ proposal submittaL U CY , , ;J lJ' K.C. D.O.E.S. 0176 (Aev. 11/02) rlD -s-'----- .L08SOO @ SHORT PLAT NO.==-- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT WCATEDINTHENE. 114, OFTHES.E. 114, OF SECflON 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KJNO COUNTY, WASHINGTON ""::=:"..-::~f RECORDING NO. I VOL/PAGE SCALE: GRAPIIlC SCALE 1· .. 30' ----- • " • • • • • • • • m m m R -m m -m m • m m rn m m • m m ~ • m m ™ m m • ™ m • • • -• • - 0 •"711~""1!il:lll>lffll'T 32 33 !E,IHCOR.) I INCH= 30 FEET I 3 30 TREE LEGEND PORTION Of: l'rflEE!'"IIW'l.f8 / SSM~ N.E. 1/4, S.L 1/4, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. 8'l'OPI.AA ~ / 8UILOOIG I !al/ '"' HIM:,w.u =,,,,.....,,.,,,.,7<K<UJMi.SOl"l>W"II' 1 ~PaV.R :o;CfW/"U 1 \5 . J.I ~ ca, ~:f.~!!::~ LEGALDESCRJP110N: l'tFI.AR ~,Jei.--(,3,eG' I I!! -IHHl"Cl'lf',,.9 u 1 r~ACIF'ICN.wmucv£l>IILWMllinm.a.n:o 1~= ).7(1 ¢'Ji() fil SCUTl!WEST ~· U.: >96.111 M.<tf,1001) ~~ 1 i ; if" 1 I STORM DRAINAGE I !J,WS OF BEAJUNGS: 1 tO'POPUJI <IJ 7'JO"'°\\l,O 1-.._ ~tt100,;i-._~9 : '{\}~ · 1lDEDlCATIOH ~ rm,;,,srHAU'OF'rn£/l.lSTl£4lF0{,"111.<rronro,, ,J'~ •1''""'}, 1\. 1 ,;i~ "' i \ 1\-• oc;i j ~ t23«SO.FT. C82 SOJll!~-:.,11_ ~~==~~~~ru 6'PlNE : FEHCES1NOR1)j -.,. 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WTJJ/Jflj..1)//J .....:..~10.61/1(/.fT CONTOURJNTERJIA.L: 1.00 U.S.FUir. CQNrOIJIIS 4<.'il.O llN .fC'fU~~l'/UDWRVf!l' LEGEND: ,---~-. CAIO:t- " IWlfTAR'(&f'IIERYWICI..E .. -~ "" --ro --e-- ,;, ~Wit.YE • fllEIIYDIWIT",li,'Sll)IZAU<PTBI IBI 1i!lffi!E!81 e WATEl!WIL\IE 0 -- -X-'i~JDO: --{]--ol'WOOOFBU 1-rl II • ) ~a.,."'.c;:,."-= ) ), I . -:;;;;:::;:;= "'\'I-• 31P"-__..,..---: ~ ; 14'12 :ir~~.tl ,-----------, FQ-'llO'JIDEJ[-..&T ! i 1 -~11'CCWC:•11 \11111VICl(1tl.£f,[l1tr.1,SE 1--. I cea i CURVE TABLE CURVB# LENGTll RADIUS DELTA rm-R£T-WN..1. I!! ii' 3 '? __s \. __ .J '2 C"l l':: 11 \\n \',I,' ·~ ~I . lfJ ·1 s ri::: '-' JAN ~·[1 I I ii , 1 IJJl}i '· ) K.C. O.D.E:.S. 0 ••• a .. a 61.1~ • . .. • ... a -0 "" • "" " "" "" ,.,,,, "" 211"56':!1' .... l'V'10'51' >m r,= • •• "'= LlNE TABLE: 120.IO -""'' LUNGTI{ DIRECTION ... Wm< " •• ... ~ ... •• 11"ol.5'lll' " "~ ssa• :M'D6"W u wuw " ·~ Nl8")fOl!'E I CU!Y!aRADW,.TIEOET/\l " ~ ,, " ~ -1 LOH ~"1IIISEC!DjC, i ----• kl SE l!!Hlf;I' -11mtAYUE , J2 33 lf , ~:;~· ; (NA\tllll) ~ 4 'r-Cramer Northwest Inc. :::ioo=~~:w:;::_:=00+ Surveyors Planners & E.nglnHrs IND£XING DA.TA: JI£.!/~ S.£. 1µ. SB;: Jl'. r. lJ ~ 11. re:~ tUI. 945 H. CENTR.fJ., STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 (253)852-4880 (locol) ,..., • ....., ""' ,uTr. '""'"" .,,. ., ...... , 1-(800)251-0189 (toll fm) (253)8S2-49!>5 (la~) E-MAIL: cntOcromemw.com W,/.K. CHECKE:O BY: 0.8.H. Won., Jan. 1+, 2008 SC>.LE: 1 inch -JO FT. JOB HO.: 2007-115 SHECT: 2 OF' 2 //l'R(l,.R'!'NMIC .200T-ft5 IIIICIWJ. NGVrDl/,/t:R£A)[t> """"6,y, -,Q, :11/(/fJ 4.ilT.~1 PII//Plfel. fUIT: 1/1~ 11:Je:IONI //J'W71V), 1i15/2111)1 naJll:,O NI //rJDINE C,\~NCI 8£mla\Ollfe'\llfliKll;IP\~.tlBSl,200T-II~ IJ. TICOR TITLE COMPANY 600 SW 39th Street, Ste 100, Renton, WA 98057 (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 Date: January 11, 2008 at 08:00 AM Prepared For: Alpine Real Estate, LLP 3230 Rainier Ave. S. #2 Seattle, WA 98144 INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MADE TO; UNIT 1 (425)255-7472 Donna Roetter Order No.: Your Reference: Charge: Tax: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A. TITLE IS VESTED IN; Chuc T. Nguyen and Yvonne T. Bui, each as a separate estate LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 6405013-1 Nguyen & Bui/ $ 325.00 $ 28.93 • The east half of the east half of portion of the south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter in Section 32, Township 23 north, Range 5 east, W .M., in King County, "Washington, lying northerly of the southerly 505.1 feet of said subdivision; EXCEPT the east 30 feet conveyed to King County for 116th Avenue Northeast by deed recorded under Recording Number 2698240. PLATCernficateSchL O t; s i_lO O i (m~©~~Wr~ryj\ JAN 1 7 2GUfi /_~) K.C. D.D.E.S. t \~ , Policy No. 6405013-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE A CONTINUED The land referred to herein is described as follows: The east half of the east half of portion of the south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter in Section 32, TCMlnship 23 north, Range 5 east, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying northerly of the southerly 505.1 feet of said subdivision; EXCEPT the east 30 feet conveyed to King County for 116th Avenue Northeast by deed recorded under Recording Number 2698240. , EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B 1. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: DATED: November 7, 1996 RECORDED: November 18, 1996 RECORDING NUMBER: 9611180694 PURPOSE: Application and agreement for special service: for special permission to connection to the Districts System, including costs related thereto 2. DEED OF TRUST, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: Chuc T. Nguyen, a married woman as her separate estate and Yvonne T. Bui, a married woman as her separate estate TRUSTEE: Pacific Northwest Title Company, a Washington corporation BENEFICIARY: Clarion Mortgage Capttal, Inc. ADDRESS: 6530 South Yosemite Street, #300 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 LOAN NO.: 161666369 AMOUNT: $417,000.00 DATED: May 29, 2007 RECORDED: May 31, 2007 RECORDING NO.: 20070531002567 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: PAYABLE ON FEBRUARY 15TH: YEAR: 2008 AMOUNT: $NOT YET AVAILABLE TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322305-9113-05 LEVY CODE: 4250 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $216,000.00 Improvements: $145,000.00 NOTE: General taxes for 2007 in the sum of $4,011.89 have been paid. 4. QUESTION OF THE EXISTENCE OF AN "AUTOMATIC HOMESTEAD": If the subject property is, or will be, the residence of a marttal community, even though the interest therein may be intended to be the separate property of either spouse, execution of the proposed encumbrance, conveyance or contract to convey must be by both husband and wife, pursuant to R.C.W. 6.13, which provides for an "automatic homestead", and R.C.W. 26.16.030. 5. HISTORY SEARCH: A) Petritsch to Richardson recorded September 20, 1947 under Recording Number 3725760, copy attached. B) Richardson to Devaney recorded July 1, 1982 under Recording Number 8207010208, copy attached. C) Devaney to Pfluger recorded October 23, 1998 under Recording Number 9810233162, copy attached. NOTES: A. Abbreviated Legal for purposes of King County Recorders Office is: Pin SE 1 /4, Sec 32, T23N, R5E . BM/kr/01/17/2008 PLAT Certificate Schedule B ATTENTION: This document has been prepared for both the Buyer and Seller ... ,olved in this Real Estate Transaction. Ticor Title Company (Member of the Fidelity National Financial, Inc. group of companies) Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies' Privacy Statement July 1, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state privacy Jaws. We believe that making you aware of how we use your non-public personal information ("Personal Information"), and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a relationship of trust between us and the public that we seive. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reseive the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time consistent with applicable privacy Jaws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: • From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; • From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by us, our affiliates, or others; • From our internet web sites; • From the public records maintained by government entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates or others; and • From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: • to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested; • to third-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or other functions on our behalf; and • to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or seivices that we tielieve you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents may contain your Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability To Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reseive the right, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. All requests must be made in writing to the following address: Multiple Products or Services Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville.FL 32204 If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you. may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. " " ~ .. _I • .... KCSP l95S0017 ,. ~, 1111111 .... 111 ti ICIP l!Uffil·tlfllUltl .. ... ' /~Of II ... Ill " - ·t ,;;_~ I H-~·1', . ' .<!· 1.~ ·-. I I I ! / ... ; MtHSI .li; "" . .. ·, ·• • -" . ... ... .... -.... 111 ~c .... ... ~· · .. 1 ... 1411,C "" ' .. ~- iJ7Sf ... fi • .... 'T ' ' ma J.:"!"u _ ,._ -· ------ ! L . ..§ . i ; . ' ,.u ·~ . .... - ' e' - \"i' } I.II ,e : ... '"" l)NII 1ill 5f II/A[ ... • -~· .... ... ....... ~ ..~," 1U.I( ... •••.•1.»1 This sketch Is for the pu,pose °' flhowing the apprQXimale general loca!loo °' Ille premises wflhout adual survey and Tlcor Tille as.,umes no liablly 1n connection with the same. ...... n••1 ... ; .. . ·- I. I! "" ' . ' ~ ,,. a ... ~, ... "" •• • .. ~ ..... ,, .. '" , . N .. - ... •llC "" '"" ... ,; IS ~ " '~ i ~ • IJJN: ~ ... ; • • • - ' • ~ • ' ' . - ' • ' .. . . . . r2~1tti! . J?<S•:e ~0,.47 ' . . .... '. ' ' 3'715759 ;,=.l. . : SL! ' . .00.~;;9•Ji.2: . YO•-ieS,51;1 $.50Bt ;r,y > '.\;'J . . Pao1l'io. coast Coal Co&pany a 11orp ~: i.' ~-~,):);; . ·~ . Stanl.•y aJld Hel_•ii Poles~. . .. '-· ··.J,-. .;..'l:1 .4 !,;~~-_ ._.JP ~Y .aJid.·~wu_ to ni, th• folw~ 4•• .re sit 1Jl ltow :;-.\·~p.1:f~ ~ ,c-o ~_,,;,, ,. ,.·:~:.~.\ 1' ~;;U·.{-lll!k,,Diupp4. Te.Uslte a·s appurs '.of r:.o, . 1.a 't~'g'Ji~:3,~ :..till ''C )-~ .. "°"" -~'."" ........ oft .~ .· ... •... .· •·· .\ • i; ,· . ·• •. •••••• .. ·- .. ,.~ ,s-' ~ ~"' ' ~ -~ • ·"= ~ _,, s\ ,,. .lJl .. fLil.tt"); ~ ra ocintdt May .8,-44 -. . .. ·.. :,;,.,,,,, ... ,.,;,,J -. , ·. ~:!~· 29~.,.7; . 'b~:·::,e~ H •. '-~~rtt~oh :aa4tt:J~¥=~i!!~J1e~~-:~'.;~,~~~~l CJ!:C D;i.i.'~,~ •. cro~e .np tor s /:it ~r•e at Rento.n· (·,11,8Jli$eP :26-49'),;;·;,,c• .l ' · :uiti i Ii: Z •,1,.iic ) 'Dalliier•s HOJDS Add to Seattle . ! · · · ·· · · ·· · · · .Agnes Pur:,.ma.n · · ' "• _ .-.-.. , . ·. . . . . .. . . . Willie M• Perryman.' -"', . f ,Jtqj\~':l~,-47 .by Aglles Pe.r.ryman a.nil Willie l{, P,e.ri-y.ma.n hh ·bf('., · j · ::;l'i'~liel' D~i~c;Jlo.nelJ.: .np for s.ot w res at 5558 lSth.Ave a · · • .. <!OJ> ,,,;.: • ~----. ,,,,,., ", ijf I Sep:19-47 . · · .. ·· .... ,'·:· '' .·. 0 '"'J ·. J;:v/1.ll :s. T¥osr.s ~,1111 . Gwe.n. Thor sos hw1' . · UlDIFB.""(:~,;3,i:~j · ~' Fi.rat .Natio~ ~ o:t ll;i.rkland . . . .. . . , . '."'",,,""",:.,"'\( i'p ~t.to· sp · to aliailre the pay c:t• $6600 .ao,?rd to ter~ o:t 9.ti,,"~~1i(si prolli .note dt ·h,ewith . ~e tolwg des. :re si.t i.n KOW . . ?'\\''' 1, . s Jli ·:rt o:t tt l 8d the N 17i :tt ot tt 4 GlelUl!a.ry an acto.<td.o:o:r;,;),:;,J aociord to plat tht . .reo .1.n voJ<~l o:t plats, pg 48 reo o:t•sd oo,togetllu·{ with 2.nd class sho.re ld.s adj,: · · · . · · · · . ··. :c.o.:., It is agzee that. all ohatidec!lera J,ight iiea:t so.re;h,i,a~d all :tb; }\i ~:!n 8 ~iEo~~!e b:f.~t!r:!1~~;~~t~~"i:;~; ~~~~t! ~~t~;=:~ ·. · ~~~Xj : Blld abstract s!Uile. (ooi:i• t) .. ,:,,i,0,l-£:1 -=-· -~=--'· Cli 0 N 0 "1 s N O,'.\ li:ii:i\ Chicago Title \el Insurance CE.cB~EO R n11s DAY F1LEDFDRHECOR01't."1EOuESTOF @ S:30 M1 Escro"° 84913 WHEN RE(.ORDED RETURN TO Na~ Pacific West Escrow . ··1111 ''': ,;,, ·1··'11 • . . 11(;_j/.'.; ! . 8. \2 16q.;s,,· ~~~-·,.·. /:¥~ ~ -z~ ~ ti, "" t:' ~: 1i !l ~i .. t ~L~.... ~ -::.~ -~·~,;. eU"!,o iitt . ~-1 ~~~ i~~i J!al . .,, Hl1S SPACE PA0\'101:0 FOR RI;: '..,, Adct!ffS P,. 0. ,Bo)t. 953 i, ~~ · Ii~if: '· '-·'• _c'_"_· ,_ .. _"_-_,,_,_._i_._n_t_o_n_._w_._•_h_in_s_t_.o_n_. _9_a_o_s_, ________ _:/Y--"I--·~--_ .. _. __ _._ __ • ·u_;Frl· .. · Statutory Warranty Dee<l .ll!HlifMJiJU T!lF: GRANTOR AUSTIE G. RICHARDSON, an unmarried woman as tier separatE;' estt: also known as Austie Gladys RtchaTdson also known as Austie Gl 1-;ys Bennett Richardson '. ;_".';;;;.:_.;-· .. _,,. for and inron:11iderntio11cl TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATlO~ in hand poirl.nin,-..ysond,warrante h> J. B. DeVANEY and MARY E. DeVANF..Y I husband and wife I~ followins Jt'SCribed rjl>al t11tale. 1itualed in t~ Counl;,,· or King , State of Washington: () The East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of portion of the South I/2 of the Northeast QtJarter of the Souhteast Quarter in Sectio,.. 32, 'ro1mship 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M., in King County~ Washingto;l, ..a..ylng Nort~erly of the So.Jtherly 505.1 feet of said subdivision, e.xcept the East 30 feet conveyed to King County for 116th Avenue N. E. by Deed recorded under Auditor's file No. 2698240. ;°' / r"JNG COONTY EXCISE TAX PAID ':'/ \ ) ·, f'.~" •: . ! I JUNS01982 SUBJECT TO: All easements 1 1·estrictions and reservations of record. O:urd June 24 _ 1982 STATE OF WASJIJSGTON STATE OF" WASHJNGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON, } ~- County of KING On tins ;2-f day ol ,d, · , 19.f'.1..-;1iefoce me ponooally _.... Max G. Bennett r--------~ID;owa to be tllo lndmdual ~ ,:!:_ foffgoiDa _, .. Atton,ey In Fact for ·. Aw!t'ie'i: •. ~c.·ha dson ( /IK/} ;,,~ ~; - acknowledged that he aiped tt.e Sime u his .. · -· f•-. whmtuy act·~deilid" u Fact ror sud prilldpal for the use,, ud pmpme1 daenin meatioaed, ud on; . stated that the l'IJoftr" of Attomey •utlloriz:ina tbt. executba of. tbis instrmnart ·w aot beta miriked and tlaat ~ .· .. ls now livin1 aad is aot k!a.ne • GIVEN ,mdcr my hand and official .al ~'.day ud year i;...,· ------······.· ... \ • AFTER RECORDI!'tl'G MAIL TO: ROGER D. N'LUGF.R lfl:621 116TH AVENUE SOtJTffEA.ST REHTON, WA 98058 u Statutory Warranty Deed ~--------------~---~---------------~ Grantor(s): J.B. DEVAN&Y, MA.R't K. DE'{ANE:Y - Grantcc(s): ROGER 0. PF"LUGER, K&LLEY/:)).COBS•PnUGER Abbrcvialcd Lqal: t,l& QUAATE:R SE QUAJITER, t:e,;ocds of KIHG Additional li;gal(s) on page: l Assmor's Tu: Parcel Number($): 32230:l-9113-0.S. THEGR.\NTORJ,B. DEVAffEY and HAR'!' K. DEVIi.NEY, who E. DEVAMEY, husband and wife ,4cqu1 red c1Llc o11s M.i.r:y Cor and in consideration ot TEN OOLIARS AND 01'»£11. GOOD AHD VALUABLE COHSlDEAA.TlON in hand paid. conveys and warrants h> ROGER D. e .FL*JGER and KELLEY~ACoas-Pf:'LUGER, hu.sJ::,.snd and wife 1he lnllnwina: de.,;cihcd real C.\1alc. 11;iluatcd in lhe.Countyof KING • State ofWasbilt!l!Oll! THE EAST HALF Of THE EAST HALF OF THA1 PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OfTtiE NORTHEAST OUARTEROf THE SOUTHEAST OUARTCA IN SECT.oN 32. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. FWIIGE s f;AST. W.M~ IN KINGCOI.J(N. WASHNGTON, L YlNG NORTHERLY OF THe S0UTHER1.Y SOS.1 FttT OF~ SU80MSOH: EXCEPT TH£ EAST 30 FEET CONVEYED TO IGNG COUNTY FOR 11BTH AVENUE SOUTHEASl IJY DEEP AECOflOEO ll'IDER RECOF'tCNMG t-al . .2e98240. SUBJECT TO: My RightS. Flosa1Yation1. C.0.1nuiis, Corldlbon~ and R.s.u,etioM. pr1t$9tllly ol 111CDJd atld gt,-,'1 10 the llllla. tlllUlnlfltl and eneroacl'lmantl not maler1au-, affedlng ui. valua °' o, unduly illtaffaring witll gr&nlHI 1usonabla un of !ht peoperty; n 1C$&1Wd cil a.ttd/Of minwllll ri9)1S.. jt any. Easomam. fawnenl PIC\lilfOf"ls, ~ ~l. Notes and Qopt Right$. .a1 ~ disclosed by th11 rltCOfded plat rNnlioned abole. Special sarwc,, AgrNmMI afld m, ,~ and Condibon1 bled 1KORled undet Allditofl FIi• No. ed11 l80IS94. REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO THE A80VE AND/OR fELOW MEHTIC)NEO AUDITOR"$ fllE frrfOS FOA FURTHER PARTO.UllS n, t!l1f#' K a YDEVANEY STATEOF WASHINGTON } SS· Coontyof _K_IN_G ___________ } . Ontli.is . ·alcd deed as attorney in rad. ror J. B. 01:::.VAN&Y i for the U5CS and purposes lhcn.:i11 mm1iuncd, aod on $I.Sled that lhi.: Powe of Atwoic.y mi • lhc c:u:cution of th~ instomenl rull,, dOl bCCII n:wkcd andthill lhc ~J .e. DEVANEY . L S E Notary Public i a11d Cor the St.tic I)[ WAS1UNGTON Ra.id.ii& at DU ~LL Myapprnntm"'cn""-,t"C'J'f~--=---,'","0"1"1""01,------- LJ>ll-1• 20,;.ouo .. 00 ' ) . --· .. ---,. :··. . -· -~-• 25 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I Co t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002565.001 ! KING,WA RlTURNTOi . 11111111111111111 C:IIUC T NGUYBH YVOmm T DUI 18621 116TH AVB SB 20070531002565 RBN'l'OH, 'NA 98 0 58 =.i'.l!J :•1 QC!) ..... t15/U/ 1'134 ICING COUNTI, YA QUIT CLAIM DEED lbtd'ennce I (H applcabft) Grantor{s)1 TUAN DUr NGOYBN Addlclonal on Pq,a1 __ QUYBl( v,.,, em: Gnntet(s): CIIUCTNG11YEN Addfdorw oa Page: __ 'iVOHNJ: T BUI ~ Lepl l)esglptilxl1 PTN NII 1/4 SS 1/4 32-23-!5 ~-'*'-- for md in consldeRtkm of BSTABLXSBIHG SEPARATE PROPERTY l'Olt WIVES 01" GR,ANTORS C011Yeytpdqidtdalm5l0 CllOC T NGIJYXM, A NARJUBP WOIU,N AS BBR SBPAR.ATB BSTATB, AJ1D YVONNE T Bl!I, A KARRIBD WOMAN AS BBR SBPAJtA'l'B BSTATE the followtna: deKrhd ml trtace. Jlwmd 1n di• Councy ot XDIG topthv with al <1fter acquired ttdl of tH IR)l«N'(.s) tbereJn1 SU BXHIBJ:T •A• A'l'TACHBD BBRBTQ O.ed: May 24, 2007 E2288234 I0/31/fll7 "i' '\"" COIOITY, t1l,H ~ ..... Page I of3 Document: OED QCL 2007.053W02565 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:02 AM Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002565.002 f KING,WA STATE, OF WASHINGTON County of _l<Illll_. ----- } } ... } NOTARY PAG! is the PffSOll(S) who appuNd bef<Nw IIM, and t) itckllOWWpd tNJ (bl, sir., ..... ,. .... ~ .... lnwument md acbowledpd It tlit be {hb, ho', t ffl) H ;ind volwltu)' ac1 for the pn mendonecl Ill this lltltrlnneM. ·························"·"····················································· ST An OF WASHINGTON eon..,,"'------ ' henli)r nnffy ibat J t-or have satlsmtcll)' evWmce &hit------------- Dated:. _____________ _ ....... .._ ......... H, ........... --u~ .. ~a--------- Page2 of3 Document: OED QCL 2007 .0531002565 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:03 AM Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA I KING,WA 20070531002565.003 The east halfof the east half of that portion of the south halfofthe northeast quarter of the southeast quarter in Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying northerly of the southerly 505.1 feet of said subdivision; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof conveyed to K.ing County for I 16th Avenue Southeast by deed recorded under Recording Number 2698240. Page 3 of3 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:05 AM Document: OED QCL 2007.0531002565 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002 6.001 ;· KING,WA RETURN TO: CHtrC T • NGIJYBN 18621 116TH AVB SE RBNTON, WA 98058 lteferelKI II (tr qplluble) Grantor(1)1 Addhlonal on Papi __ Gr.rtee(s); Addltlooal OR Pa~: __ Abl,m,IMtd Lepl Desaipdon: Addltknul on Pa,e: __ 11111111111111111 20070531002566 PAClFlC: t&I TIT 1.D 34. N PAI.EHi OF 113 !t~'~v!'iir STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ROGBR D. PJ'Ll;JGKR 1tm.tfi J. Pri;imBR CHUC T. NGUYZlll YVOmm T lii.iI PTN Nll 1/4 SI 1/4 32-23-5 322305-'113-05 THE GRANTI)R ROGER D. PFLUGER A,NO JCBLLY J. PFLUGD, WHO ACiJUIRBO TITI,,B AS KJll,LEY A. JACOBS-P7LOOER, HUSBAJm 1\lffl Wll'B for .-d r. consldemlffl of TBN' DOLLARS ~ OTBBR GOOD AND VALUA,BLE CONSIDD.,AT'ION In "* paid, connys .and w.llRlltS to CHOC T. NGUYEN. A HARJtilm WO~ AS BP. SBPA,RATZ ESTATE, & YVOlm3 T BUI, A M,ARRIBD WOH1t,N AS Him SBPAR,ATB ESTATE the followhls 4emlbed flW ~e., dinted In die Cou111y of KING Sutt ol W.nklnritD111 sn Bl'BIBIT •A• ATTACHED HERBTO A,H» A iAAT HBRKOJ'. SVBJBC'l' TQ1 SPECIAL SBRVICJ.iS A~, ,Nm TllB TBR)IS ~ COHI>Z'l'J:OJl'S TBl!RBOP, BY SOOS CRBKX WAnlt AND SBWBR DISTRICT A;RD KUlY It DBVAm:Y R.BCORDED NOVKMBBR 18, 1997 t!IIDBR RBCORDING NOMBKR 9611180694 AGRE~MENT FOR EASEMENT BY SOOS CREEK WA'!'ER ANO JIMMY H CHO RECOROEO UNDER REc;,oRqING NO ON ,} I p \ J 2001os-JJ1» ~s-w E2288250 ~~·~~·1ir 1Rl( S!!,07Ut SALE $1M, .... 11 pflGEN1 OF 181 Page I of3 Document: OED WAR 2007.0531002566 Printe on 1/16/2008 10:23:07 AM Branch :WAK,User :HIGO Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I Co ; STATE Of WASHINGTON c...., of cx:;;nro:;;c ___ _ } )P. ) NOTARY PAGE I •mti1 certify thac I know or._. udlfaaory mdtnA ~ ROGER D PJ'LVQBR AND KELLBY if PPLUGBR b dte pmon(J) who ~d befcn 1M, and said~(,) adu1owledpd dlaJ (be, she, a~ this lartnmHm an4 ac:bowlltdpd k co be (bb;. her, e,,> free illlld vol.,.ury au for the um~~ mentlO!Md In this lnslrument. t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002 002 ................................................................................. KING,WA SIATE OF WASHINGTON Coan.ty "'------- ) ) ... } b die pemm{s) who•~ bflfore me, Md .said penon(J) xknowledpd tll;II (he, she,. th,ry) 1lped this lnsmamtJlt, OIi oath Jtated dm -;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;;---------- .. vthorhed co UKute dMi butnlmeoc ud d.....wledge le u the-------------- or "° be the free illd.Nolunur,- .ttt of Alch Pffl)' for the URS an,il ,U1110H$ ~ In tllb huuvtrtan: • ..... ,. ______________ _ PrlOQIII Jlame ......... ____________ _ Hy appollltlMDC Uptra ________ _ Page2 of3 Document: DED WAR ?.007 .053] 002566 Prin don 1/1612008 10:23:08 AM Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: 1 Co t: Station Id KING,WA Document: OED WAR 7007 0531002566 20070531002566.003 The east halfofthe east halfofthat portion of the south halfofthe north ast quarter of the southeast quarter in Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying northerly of the southerly 505.1 feet of id subdivision; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereofconveyed to King County for 116" Av ue Southeast by deed recorded under Recording Number 269824(). Page 3 of3 Prin don 1/16/2008 10:23:09 AM Branch :WAK,User :HIGO Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C nt: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.001 KING,WA After Recording Return To: Cl,ARION MORTGAGE CAPITAL, INC. 6530 SOUTH YOSEMITE STREET #300 -~D ~=. OOWMOO 'llllf lllUJIII ~~if /# gJ or sz.ee · ~/31/21187 14:34 KING COUNTY, IJA ----------[Space Above This Line For Kecoromg tmlaJ-· Loan Number: 161666369 DEEO OF TRUST MIN: 1001558-0000038118-0 Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initial@ 1. NGUYEN, CHUC T. rJli / Ou ,I\ I'! tBUI, YVONNE T. A.I 52. T\'U .. , t LQZ-011t..-lS O Additional names on page of document. Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and inittals): I.MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., (MERS) 2. 3. TRUSTEE: PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE 4. 5. 6. O Additional names on page of document. Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e., lot, block, plat or secllon, township, range): PTN. NE l/4 SE l/4 32-23-5 Full legal description on page 3 of document. Assessor's Properly Tax Parcel(s) or Accoont Number(s): 322305-9113-05 Reference Number(s) Assigned or Released: O Additional references on page of document Borrower Initials: . l,p . ( ·!\ WASHINGTON-Slnole Family Fannie Mae/Freddie "Mac UNR='ORM INS'fRUMENT ~ MERS Form 3048 1101 Page 1 of 16 DocMagic ~ B00-64!J.1362 www.docmagfc.com Page I of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:10 AM Document: TDD 2007.05:l 1002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 64050 I 3 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567 .002 KING,WA DEFINITIONS Words used In mulliple sections of this document are defined below and other words are defined in Sections 3, JI, 13. 18, 20 and 21. Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are also provided in Section 16. (A) "Security Instn,ment" means 1his documen1, which is dated MAY 2 9 , 2 0 0 7 , together wilh all Riders 10 1hls document. * (B) "Borrower" is CHUC T. NGUYEN AND YVONNE T. BUI A MARRIED * A MARRIED WOMAN AS HER SEPARATE WOMAN AS HER ESTATE SEPARATE ESTATE Borrower is the tnJstor under this Security lnslnlmen1. (C) "Lender" is CLARION MORTGAGE CAPITAL, INC. Lender is a COLORADO CORPORATION organized and existing under lhe laws of COLOR.ADO Lender's address is 653 0 SOUTH YOSEMITE STREET #300, GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO 80111 (D) "Trustee" ls PACIFIC !ii;R'IHWEST TITl,,E CXMPANY, A WllSHThUIUiJ aJRFORATICN 215 (l)UM3J;A STREET, SBA.TTI,,E, llll\SHIN3TCN 98104 (E) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Regis1ratlon Sysrems, Inc. MERS is a separate corporallon that is acting solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. MERS ls the beneficiary under this Security Instrument. MERS Is organized and exisllng under the laws of Delaware, and has an address and telephone number of P.O. Box 2026, Flint, Ml 48501-2026, tel. (888) 679-MERS. (F) "Note" means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated MAY 2 9, 2 007 The Note slates that Borrower owes Lender FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars(U.S.$ 417,000.00 )plusinterest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt In regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full not later than JUNE l, 2037 , (G) "Property" means the property that is described below under lhe heading "Transfer of Rights in the Property." (HJ· "loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under lhe Note, and all sums due under this Security Instrument, plus interest. (I) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security lnslnlmenl that are executed by Borrower. The following Riders are to be executed by.Borrower [check box as applicable]: 00 Adjustable Rate Rider O Balloon Rider O Planned Unit Development Rider O Biweekly Payment Rider p 1.4 Family Rider D Condominium Rider q Second Home Rider D Otber(s) [specify] OJ "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and administrative rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, non-appealable Judicial opinions. Borrower Initials: -~-'--- WASHINGTON-Simile Famlly Fannie Mae/Freddie 'Mac Uf1UFORM INSTRUMENT· MERS Fom, 3048 1/01 Page 2 of 16 Page 2 of20 DocMag/c ~ 800-U9-13IR www.docmagic.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23: l I AM Document: TDD 2007 .0531002567 Branch :WAK,l)ser :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.003 KING,WA (K) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other charges that are imposed on Borrower or lhe Properly by a condominium association, homeowners assoclaUon or similar organization. (L) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which ls inlliated lhrough an electronic terminal, telephonic instrumenl, computer, or magnelic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an accqunl. Such term includes, but is not limited to, point-of-saJe transfers, automated teller machine transactions. transfers inutated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearinghouse transfers. (M) 11 Escrow Items" means those items that are described in Section 3, (N) "Mlscellaneol!S Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third parly (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5) for: (i) damage to. or destruction of, the Properly; (ii) condemnation or other taking of all or any parl of the Properly; (Iii) conveyance in lien of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentations of. or omissions as to, the value arnVor condition of the Properly. (0) 11 Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default on, the J.,oan. (P) "Periodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest under the Note, plus (il) any amounts under Section 3 oflhls Securily Instrument. (Q) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Setllement Procedures Act (IZ l,J.S.C. §2601 el seq.) and its implementing regulation, Regulation X (Z4 C.F .R. Part 3500), as they might be amended from time .to lime, or any additional or successor legislation or regulation that governs the same subject matter. As used in this Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers to all requirements and restrictions that are imposed in regard lo a "federally related mortgage loan" even If the Loan does not qualify as a "federally related mortgage loan" under RESPA. (R) "Successor In Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or not that parly has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Nole and/or this Security Instrument. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY The beneficiary of this Securily Instrument ls MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) and the successors and assigns of MERS. This Securily Instrument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and modfficallons of the Note; and (IQ the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For Ibis purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located In the · COUNTY of KING rrypr: of Recording JurisdidionJ (Name of Recording Jurndlctton) THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST Ql,JARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, (lANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY 505.1 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 116TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST BY PEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2698240. A.P.N.: 322305-9113-05 which currently has the address of RENTON ICityl Borrower Initials: _vft:.,_ (x\ 18621 116TH AVENUE SE [Street! , Wash!ngtod)8058 ("Properly Address"): (Zip Code] WASHINGTQN .. Smole Family Famie Mae/Freddie 'Mac UNrFORM INSTRUMENT· MERS OOCMagic~ (J()()-649-1362 www.docmaglc.com Form 3048 1/01 Page 3 of16 Page 3 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:12 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGO Order: 6405013 Title Officer: 1 Ci t: Station Id : EACA 20070531002567.004 KING,WA TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fIXtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All re placemen ls and additions shall a1so be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." Borrower understands and agrees that MERS holds only legal tltle to the interests granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument. but. if necessary to comply with law or custom. MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) has the right: to exercise any or all of those Interests, including. but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the Property; and lo take any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing and canceling this SeCt!rily Instrument. BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully selsed of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and coovey the Property and that the Properly Is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Properly against all claims and demands, subject lo any encumbrances of record. THIS SECURITY INSmUMENT combines unlfonn covenants for national use and non-unifonn covenants with limited variations by jurisdicUon to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real properly. UNIFORM COVENANTS. llorrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Lat• Charges. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and Interest on, the debt evidenced by the Nole and any prepayment charges and late charges due unoor the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow !rems pursuant to Section 3. Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be made in U.S. Ct!frency. However, If any check or other imtrnmeut received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Seet!rily Instrument Is returned to Lender unpaid. Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument be made In one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) <;ash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits al" Insured by a federal agency, Instrumentality, or entity; or (d) Electronic FuntJs Transfer. Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the location designated In the Note or at such other location as may be desiguated by Lender in accordance with the notice provisions in Section 15. Lender may return any payment or partial payment If the payment or partial payments are insufficient to bring the Loan current. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment Insufficient to bring the Loan current, wUhout waiver of any rights hereonder or prejudice to its rights lo refijse such payment or parUal payments ln the future, but Lender Is not obligated lo apply such payments at the time such payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of Its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds unlil Borrower makes payment lo bring the Loan current. If Borrower does nol do so within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claim which Borrower might have now or In the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument or performing the covenants and agreements secured by tbis Security lnstrumeot. 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise described in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) Interest due under the Note; (b) principal due under the Note; (c) amounts due under Section 3. Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic Payment In the order in which it became due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under this Security Instrument, and then lo reduce the prlnclpal balance of the Note. Borrower Initlals: 'r WASHINGTON-Single Family Fannie Mae/Freddie lAac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT~ MERS Form 3048 1/01 Page 4 of 16 Page4 of20 DO{;Magic ~ 800-649-f161 w:ww.docmagic.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10 :23: 14 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: 1 Co t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.005 KING,WA If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the late charge. If more than one Periodic Payment Is oulslanding, Lender may apply any payment received from Borrower 10 the repayment of the Periodic Payments If, and to the exteot that, each payment can be paid in full. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment Is "l'Plied to lhe full payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first to any prepayment charges and then as described in the Note. Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Misc:ellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the Note shall not extend or pos1pone the due date, or change the amount, of the Periodic Payments. 3. Funds for £$crow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid In full, a sum (the "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) taxes and assessments and other Items which can altain prlorlly over this Securlly Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Properly, if any; (c) premiums for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section S; and (cl) Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of Secl!on 10. These items are called "Escrow Items.• At origination or at any time during the term of the Loau, Lender may require that Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, aud such does. fees and assessments shall he an Escrow Item. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender aD notices of amounts lo be pald under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items noless Lender waives Borrower's obligation lo pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any time. Any such waiver may only be In writing. In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payment within such time period as Leader may require. Borrower's obligation to make such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed lo be a covenant and agreement contained in this Secndty Instrument. as the phrase "covenant aud agreement" is used in Section 9. If Borrower Is obllgated lo pay Escrow Items dlreclly, pursuant lo a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its rights under Section 9 allil pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Leader any such amount. Lender may revoke the waiver as lo any or all Escrow Items at any time by a nOlke given In accordance with Section l S and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and In such amounts, that are then required under this Seclion 3. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in au amount (a) sufficient to permit Lender to apply the Funds at the lime specified under RESP A, and (b) not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require under RESPA. Lender shall estimate tbe amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures offulure Escrow Items or otherwise in accordancewilh Applicable Law. The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, Instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, lf Lender.is an -tion whose doposlls are so Insured) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay lhe Escrow Items no later lhan the time specified under RESP A. Lender shall not charge Borrower for holding and applying lhe Funds, annually aoalyzlng the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items. IIDless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds aud Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a clmge. Unless an agreement is made In writing or Applicable Law requires Interest to be paid on the Funds. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower · any interest or earnings on lhe Funds. Borrower and Lender cu agree in writing, however. that interest shall Borrower lnltWs: _\h,__ __ WASHINGTOIH;inale FamilV Fe,nnle Mae/Freddie 'Mac UNfrORM INSTRUMENT • MERS Form 3048 1/01 Page 5 of 16 Page 5 of20 0or::Mai,;c~ 80().849-1362 www.dacmagic.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:15 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.006 KINQ,WA be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, wllhout charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as required by RESPA. If there is a surplos of Funds held In escrow, as defined under RESP A, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESP A, Lender shall n,tify Borrower as required by RESP A, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESP A, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESP A, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in accordance with RESPA, hut In no more than 12 monthly payments. Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promplly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender, 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and imposltions attributable to the Property which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, If any, and Community Association Dues. Fees, and Assessments, if any. To lhe extent that these items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees In writing to the payment of the obligalion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, hut only so long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faith by, or defends against enforcement of the lien In, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien while those proceedings are pending, hut only until such proceedings are concluded; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lieo to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property ls subject to a lien which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Within 10 days of the date on which that notice Is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actlons set forth above in this Section 4. Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for a real estate lax verification and/or reporUng service used by Lender In connection with this Loao. 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvement,; now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, bawds included within the term "extended coverage," and any other hazards including, but not limited to. earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This Insurance shall be maintained in the amouots (including deductible levels) and for the periods that Lender requires. What Lender requires pursuan1 10 the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the Insurance shall be choseo by Borrower subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, either: (a) a one-time charge for flood zone determination, certification and tracking services; or (b) a one-tlme charge for flood zone determination and certlflcaUon services and subsequent charges each time reroappings or similar changes occur which reasonably mlght affect such deierrnlnatlon or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees Imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone determination resulting from an objectlou by Borrower. If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance coverage, at Lender's option and Borrower's expeose. Lender is under no obligation to purchase aoy particolar type or amouot of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but mlght or might nol protecl Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Property, or the coolellts of the Property, against any risk, hazard or ltabllity and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effect. Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance coverage so obtained mlght significantly exceed the cost of Borrower hdtials: lp Q\ WASHINGTON-Single Famlh, ' Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNfFORM INSTRUMENT -MERS Form 3048 1101 Page 6 of 16 Page 6 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:16 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C, t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.007 KING,WA insurance that Borrower could have ob1alned. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear Interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. AU insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be sul?Ject to Lender's right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal certificates. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form of Insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender. for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall Include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree . lo writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying Insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair Is economically feasible and Lender's security Is not lessened. Puring such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such Insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower shall not be paid out of the Insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower. If the restoration or repair Is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the Insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums s<cured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may ftle, negotiate and setlle any available Insurance claim and related matters. If Borrower. does not respond within 30 days to a notice from Lender that the Insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim. The 30-day pertod will begin.when lhe notice is given. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any Insurance proceeds In an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of Borrower's rights (other than the right to any relimd of unearned premiums paid by Borrower) under all insurance policies covering the Property, insofar as such rights are appltcable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may use the Insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrmnent, whether or not then due. 6; Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within 60 days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for al least roe year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. or unless extenuating circumslances exist which are beyi>nd Borrower's control. 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not deslroy, damage or Impair the Property, allow the Property to deterlnrate or commit waste on the Property. Whether or not Borrower Is residing In the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to Its condillon. Unless it Is determined pursuant to Section 5 that repair or restoration Is not economically feasible, Borrower shall promptly repair Borrower Initials: }?:? CJ,\ WASHINGTON-Singte FomilV Fomle Mae/FJeddle ~ UNIFORM INSTRUMENT • MERS form 3048 1/01 Page 7 of 16 Page 7 of20 DocMagic ~ IIOtJ.lU9-t362 www.docmaglc.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:17 AM Document: TDD 2007 .0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: 1 C, t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.008 KING,WA the Property if damaged to avoid further deterioration or damage. If Insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid In connection with damage to, or the taking of, lhe Property, Borrower shall be responsible for repairing or restoring the Property only if Lender. has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work ls completed. If the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient lo repair or restore the Property, Borrower ls not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the completion of such repair or restoration. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries llJlOn and Inspections of the Property. If II has reasonable cause, Lender may Inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the lime of or prior to such an interior inspeclion specifying such reasonable cause. 8. Borrower's Loan Appllc:a\ion. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, Borrower or any persons or entltie.s acting at lhe 4irection of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave materially false, misleading, or Inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed 10 provide Lender with material Information) in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, but are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's principal residence. 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Se<urity Instrument. If (a) Borrower falls 10 perform the covenants aod agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's Interest In the Properly and/or rights under this Security Instrument (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument or lo enforce laws or regulattons), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever ls reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including protecting and/or assessing the value of the Property, and se<urlng and/or repairing the Property. Lender's actions cao Include, but are not limited to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; (b) appearing in court; and (c) paying reasonable allomeys' fees to protect Its interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but Is not limited to, entering the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on or off. Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender does not have lo do so and is not under any duty or obligation 10 do so. II ls agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions authorized under this Section 9. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Se<Uon 9 shall be<ome additional debt of Borrower serured by Ibis Security Instrument. These amonnlS shall bear Interest at the Nole rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. If this Security Jnstnuneni ls on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. Borrower shall not surrender the leasehold estate and interests herein conveyed or terminate or cancel the ground lease. Borrower shall not, without the express writlen consent of Lender, alter or amend the ground lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums required lo maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effe<I. If, for any reason, the Morogage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases lo be available from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such insnranCe and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage Borro.:.er lnillals: 7$7 WASHINGTON-Single Family Fame Mae/Freddie "Mac UNO:ORM INSTRUMENT· MERS Form 3048 , /01 Page 8 or 16 Page 8 of20 · Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:18 AM Document: mo 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :H!GG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C, t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567 .009 KING,WA subs1an1ially equivalent lo the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost subslanlially equivalent lo the cost to Borrower of lhe Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an alternate morlgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantially equivalenl Mortgage Insurance coverage is nol available, Borrower shall continue lo pay to !,.ender lhe amounl of lhe separately designated paymenls tbal were due when the insurance coverage ceased to be in effect. l,.ender will accept, use and retain lhese paymenls as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, nolwithstanding lhe fact thal lhe Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall nol be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. I,.ender can no longer require loss reserve paymenls if Morlgage Insurance coverage (in lhe amount and for lhe pertod !hat !,ender requires) provided by an insurer selecled by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated paymenls toward lhe premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condilion of making the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward lhe premiums for Morlgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay lhe premiums required to main lain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for Morlgage Insurance ends in accordance wllh any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such termination or until termination is: required by Applicable Law. Nothing in thls Seclion 10 affects Borrower's obligalion to pay lnleresl at lhe rate provided in the Note. Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any entlty !hat purchases lhe Note) for certain losses it may incur if Borrower does not repay lhe Loan as agreed. Borrower Is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. Morlgage insurers evaluate their Iola! risk on all such Insurance in force from time to time, and may enter inlo agreemenls with olher partles that share or modify !heir risk, or reduce losses. These agreements are on terms and conditions Iha! are sallsfactoiy to the mortgage Insurer and lhe olher party (or parlies) to these agreemenls. These agreements may require the mortgage insmer to make payments using any source of funds that lhe mortgage insurer may have a\'llilable (which may include funds obtained from Morlgage Insurance premiums). As a result of 1hese agreemenls. J..ender, any purchaser of lhe Note, ano1her Insurer, any relnsurer, any olher enllty, or any affiliate of any of lhe foregqing, may receive (directly or indirectly) arnounls !hat derive from (or might be charactertzed as) a portion of Borrower's paymenls for Mortgage Insurance, In • exchange for shartng or modifying lhe mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreement provides that an affiliate of Lender takes a share of lhe insurer's risk in exchange for a share of lhe premiums paid to the insurer, the arrangement is often termed "captive reinsurance.'' Further: (a) Any such agreements will not am.ct the amonnts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insarance, or any other terms of tlJe Loan. Such agreements will not increase the amount Borrower wiD owe for Mortgage Insurance, and Ibey will not entitle Jlorrow,r to any refund. (b) Any such agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has -if any -with respect to the Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of1998 or any other law. These rights may include the right to receive certain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Insurance, lo have the Mortgage Insurance terminated automatically, and/er. to reteive a refund of any Mortgage wurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such canceilatlon or termination. 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and shall be paid lo Lender. If lhe Proper(y is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to reSloration or repair of lhe Property, If the restoration or repair Is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoralion period, Lender shall have lhe right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender.has had an opportunity to Inspect such Property to ensure lhe work has been compleled to Lender's satisfactioo, provided !hat such inspectiou shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pay for the Borrower lalliais: L/? ( 1\ WASHINGTOIII-Slngle Famay Fannie Mae/F1eddle l/lac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT • MERS Fonn 3048 1101 Page 9 of 16 l Page 9 of20 DocMagic ~ 8Q0.64g...1362 www.docmaglc.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:20 AM Document: IDD 2007.053 JOC,2567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I 0 1t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567 .010 KING,WA repairs and restorallon in a single disbursement or ln a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Appllcable Law requires interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay eorrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the resloratlon or repair is not economically feasible or !,.ender's security would be lessened, the MiscellaneQUS Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, If any, paid to Borrow<r. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. In the event of a total taking, destruction. or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess. if any, paid to Sorrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or Joss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Properly lmmedlately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the tolal amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immedlately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss In value of the Property in which the fair market value of die Property immediately before lhe partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is less lhan the amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to lhe sums secured by this Security Instrument whether Qr not the sums are then due. If the Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower lhat the Opposing Party (as defined in the next sentence) offers to mal<e an award to settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Leoder within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the Miscellaneons Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" means the third party that owes Borrowe(Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds. Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begon that, in Lender's judgment, could result in forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's interest in the Properly or rights 1JDder this Security Instrument. Borrower can cure such a default and, If acceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section !&, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's Interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's interest in the Properly are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to resloralion or repair of the Property shall be applied in lhe order provided for in Section 2. 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance l!y Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the lime for payment or modification of amortization oflhe sums secured by this Security Instrumeot granted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor In Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any Successor in lnleresl of Bc)rrower or to refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums securedcby this Securtty Instrument by reason ofany demand made by the original Borrower Initials: 1-p c)\ WASHINGTON-Sinai& Famllv Fannie Mae/Freddie 1Aac UNfFORM INST~UMENT • MERS Form 3048 1/01 Page 1 o of 16 Page 10 of20 Docriagic ~ 8"0-649-1362 www.docmagit:,.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:21 AM Document: TDD 2007·.053 I 002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGO Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I Ci t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.011 KING,WA Borrower or any Successors In Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance by Lender In exercising any right or remedy including, without llmltalion, Lender's acceptance of payments from third persons, entities or Successors 1n Interest of Borrower or in amounts less than the amo\µlt then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 13. Joint and Se>eral Liability; Co,signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants and agrees that Borrower's obligations and liability shall be Joint and several. However, any Borrower who co-signs this Security lnstrumem but does nol execute the Nole (a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) Is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower can agree lo extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard lo the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without the co-signer's consent. · Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's obligations under thls Secl!rity Instrument in writing, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's righis and benellis under this Security Instrument. Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security lostnnnent unless Lender agrees 10 such release in writing. The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided In Section ZO) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. 14. Loan <;barges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed In connection with Borrower's defal!lt, for lhe purpose of protecting Lender's Interest In the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees. In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authority in Ibis Security Instrument to charge a specific fee to Borrower shall not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law. If the Loan is subject to a law whlch sets ma.ximnm loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected In connection with the Loan exceed the perrntlled limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be i:educed by the amount necessary lo reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collecled from Borrower whlch exceeded permitted limits wi11 be refnnded to Borrower. Lender may cboo.se to make thls refund by reducing the principal owed under tile Note or by making a direct payment lo Borrower, If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a waiver of any right ofactlon Borrower might have arising ont ofsuch overcharge. · 1s. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender fn connection with this Security Instrument must be In writing. Any notice to Borrower In connection wilh this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have·been given to Borrower when mailed by first class mall or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address If sent by other means. Notice to any one Borrower shaD constitute notice lo all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shall be the Property Address nn1ess Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify LeJlder of Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of address, lhen Borrower shall only report a change of address through that specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice address under Ibis Security Instrument at any one time. Any notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by firSt class mail to Lender's address stated herein unless Leader has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If any notice B01TOWer Initials: _Y-,,.=._ __ WASHINGTON-Slngle FamiJY fMnie Mae/Fredcie "Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENl -MERS Fonn 3048 1/01 Page 11 ·or 16 Page II of20 Doc.Magic ~ llt)0.8U·1362 . www.®CnJagic.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:23 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,\Jser :HJGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I Co t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.012 KING,WA required by Ibis Security Instn,roent is also required under Applicable Law, lhe Applicable Law requiremenl will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security lnstnunent. 16. Governing J..aw; SeverabiUty; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of lhe jurisdiction lo which the Property Is located. AU rights and obligations contained ID this Secority Instrument are subject lo any requirements and limitations of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly or Implicitly allow the pa.riles to agree by conlract or ii mighl be sileot, but such silence shall oot be constnJed a, a prohibition against agreemeot by contract. In lhe event lhat any provision or clause of this Secority Instrument or the Note coofllcts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of Ibis Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. As use1 lo this Security Instrument: (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and Include corresponding neuter words or words of the feminine gender: (b) words in the singular shall mean and include the plural and vice versa; and (c) the word "may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to lake any action. 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy oflhe Nole and of this Secority Instrument. 18. Transfer orthe Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in lhe Property" means any legal or beneficial interest In the Property. including, bul not limited to, those beneficial intereslS transferred in a bond for deed. coutracl for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the Intent of which Is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Properly Is sold or transferred (or If Borrower Is not a natural person and a beoeflclal interesl in Borrower Is sold or transferred) wllhout Leoder's prior written consent, Lender may require immediate payrneot in foll of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall nol be exerdsed by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. If Leoder exercises this option, Lender shall gtve Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 d~ from the dato the notice is given in accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security lnslrument. If Borrower fatls to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies pennitted by this Security Instrument wllhout further notice or demand on Borrower. 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have enforcemeot of this Security Instrumeot dlscootinued at any time prior to the earliest of: (a) five days before sale of lhe Property pursuant to any power of sale conlalned In Ibis Securily Instrument; (b) sochother porlod as Applicable Law might specify for the terrninatloo of Borrower's right je reinstate; or (c) entry of a Judgment enforcing this Secorlty Instrument Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under Ibis Security lnstrumeot and lhe Note as if;llo acceleration had occurred; (b) cores any default of any other coveoaots or agreements; (c) paysall expeases incurred in enforcing this Security Instrumeot, including, but not limited to. reasonable attorneys' . l fees. property Inspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose ofprotectlng Lender's inleresl in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument; and (d) lakes such action as Lender may re~bly require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, and Borrower's obligation lo pay the sums secured by this Secorlty lostrumeot, shall continue unchanged. Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more of the following f'"'5, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certlfted check, bank check, treasurer's check or tashier's check, provided any such check is drawn· upon an insUtvtion whose deposits are insured by a fedlral agency, instrumentality or enlity; or (d) i!lectronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinsta1ement by Blllrower, this Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no Borrower Initials: -~ ...... ~-c)t W INGTON-Slnqle FarmlV fl ie Mee/Freddie lv'lac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT -MERS F! 3048 1/01 Page 12 of 16 Page 12 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:24 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.013 KING,WA acceleraUon had occurred. However. this right to reinstale shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a parlial interest In the Note (together with this SeC11rlty Instrument) can be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale might result In a change in lhe entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collecls Periodic Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations under the Note, this Security Instrument. and Applicable Law. There also might be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the change which will state the name and address of lhe new Loan Servicer. the address to which payments should be made and any other information RESP A requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan Is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note P11fChaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's acllons pursuant to this Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument, undl such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given In compliance with lbe requirement" of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before cerlain action can be taken, that time period will be deemed lo be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Section 20. 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants. or wastes by Environmental Law and tbe following snbslances: gasoline, kerosene, other llammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental Law" means federal iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safely or environmental prolectioo; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial actloo, or removal action, '" defined in Enviromnental Law; and (d) au "Environmental Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threalen to release any Hazardous Substance,, on or in lhe Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affectlng the Property (a) that is in violalion of any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release ofa Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two sentences shall ""I apply to the presence. use, or storage on lhe Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances thal are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and lo maintenance of the Property (includlng, but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products). l)orn,wer shall prompUy give Lender written notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulalory agency or private party involving the Properly and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, Including but not lhnlted to, aoy spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substam:e, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use orrelease ofa Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental Borrower lnitlals: )? C)X WASHINGTON-Single FamRv . Fannie Mee/Heddie "Mic UNli'ORM INSTRUMENT· l,tERS Form 3048 1101 l'of!a 13 ot 16 Page 13 of20 DocNlagic ~ 800-649-1362 www.docm8g/c,com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:26 AM Document: TDD 2007 .0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I Co t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567,014 KING,WA or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, l,lQrrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental !,,aw. Nothlng herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 22. Acceleration; R•medles. Lender shaU give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agroement in this Secority Jnstrament (but not prior to acceleration under Section 18 unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). The nojlco shall specify: (a) the default: (b) the ac1lou required to cure the default: (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice ls given to Borrower, by which tho dofault must be cured: and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notlce may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Security lustrument and sale of the Property at public auction at a date not less than IZO days in the future. The notke shaU further inform Borrower of the right to rein.state a Iler acceleration, the right to bring a court ac1lou to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale, and any other matters required to be included in the notice by Applicable Law. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender atlts option, may require immediate payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and/or any othor remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to colkct all expenses incurred ln pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. If Lender invokes tho power of sale, LendershaU give written notice to Trustee of the occnrrence of an event of default and of Lender's election to cause the Property to be sold. Trustee and Lender shaU take such ac1lon regarding notice of sale and shaU give such notices to Borrower and to other persons as AppU<able Law may require. After the time required by Applicable Law and after publlca1lon of the notice of sale, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated ln tbe notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee detennines. Trustee may postpone sale of the Property for a period or periods permitted by Applicable Law by public annooncement at the 1lme and place fixed in the notice of sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the PropertY at any sale. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaserTrustee'sdeed conveying tho Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prlma facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in tho foUowing order. (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's and attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security lnslrUment; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it or to the clerk of the superlnr coart of the county in which tho sale took place. 23. Reconvcyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Secority Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security lnSlrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property wlthout warranty to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Soch person or persons shall pay any recordation costs and the Trustee's fee for preparing the reconveyance. 24. Substitute Trustee. In accordance with Applicable Law, Lender may from time to lime appoint a successor irustee lo any Trustee appointed hereunder who has ceased to act. Without conveyance of the Property. the successor truslee shall succeed to aJl the Ude. power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. 25. Use of Property. Tue Property Is not used priocipally for agricultllfal porposes. Borrower Initials: lf-. WASHINGTON-S-Family . Fannie Mae/Freddie lvlac UNJFORM INSTRUMENT • MER5. form 3048 1101 Page 14 of 16 Page 14 of20 DocMag/c ~ Boo.849-1362 www.docrmigfc.com Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:27 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: 1 C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567 ,015 KING,WA Z6. Attorneys' Fees. Lender shall be entitled to recover Us reasonable auomeys' fees and costs in any action or proceeding to constrqe or enforce any term of this Security Jmtrument, The term "atlomeys' fees," whenever used In lhJs Security lnslnl!nent, shall Include without llmllatioo attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in any bankruptcy proceeding or on appeal. ORAL AGRJ;:EMENTS OR 0~ COMWTMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT. OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE l)NDER WASHINGTON LAW. BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to lhe tenns and covenants contained In Ibis Security Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded wilh it. Cl.e~14.t,,j (Seal) CHUC T. Na:_ iN; -Borrower ~~~· (;'··";;;•~· ;j: ~· 't=:,:--· -~ (Seal) YV -Borrower V ---------(Seal) --~-------(Seal) -Borrower -Borrower -----------(Seal) -----------(Seal) -Borrower -Borrower Witness Witness WASHtNGTQN--Slnole FamllV . Fannie Mae/f\eddle 'Mac VNIFORM INSTRUMENT -MERS Form 3048· 1/01 Page 15 of 16 Page 15 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:28 AM Document: TD]) 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,lJser :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.016 ----------(Space Below This Line For Acknowledgment] ---------- State of Washington County of ~K~I1'.!N,:!,lt;,._ _______ _ On this day personally appeared before me _.,....,.CHU=..,,C~T,__,.'-'N"'G"'UYEN==-'ANP="'--"YV'-'--'O"'NN=E"---T~. _ BUI to me known to be the individual or lmllvl~s described In and who exe~ the within and foregoing instrument, aod acknowledged Iha! he/sh~ signed the same as his/her~ree and voluntary act and deed, for the uses aod purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand aod official seal this C?Q WASHINGTON-Slnote Famllv ' ' Fannie Mee/Freddie 'Mac UNfFORM INSTRUMENT -MERS day or....-lllA. '¥¢ e.YJ(?7 al-L Noiary Public in and for the state of Washington, resldinga~ ~ q.q-10 My commission expires: . Form 3048 1/01 ' Page 16 of 16 .' KING,WA Page 16 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:30 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :l-IIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I Co t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.017 KING,WA Loan N~[l\ber: 161666369 FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER (LIBOR One-Year Index (As Published In The WaD Street Journal) • Rate Caps) THIS FIXEQ/ADJl)STABLE R,ATE RIDER is made this 29th day of /IIAY , 2 0 0 7 , and is incorporated inlo and shall be deemed lo amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (the "Secwity Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned ("Borrower") to secure Borrower's Fixed/Adj11Stable Rate Note (the "Note") lo CLARION MORTGAGE CAPITAL, INC. , A COLOR}l])O CORPORATION ("Lender') of the same date and covering the property described in the Security Instrument and located at: 18621 116TH AVENUE SE, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98058 (P,opcrty Aljdress) TifE NOTE PROVIDES FORA CHANG!! IN BORROWER'S FIXED INTl!REST RATE TO AN ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE. THE NOTE UMITS THE AMOUNT BORROWER'S ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RAT!! CAN CHANG!! AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE BORROWl!R MUST PAY. ADDffiONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenanls and agreements made in the Security Inslrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: A. ADJl,ISTABLE RATE ANO MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES The Note provides for an Initial fixed interest rate of 5. 625 %. The Note also provides for a change in the lnllial fixed rate to an adjustable interest rale, as follows: 4. ADJUSTABLE INl'EREST RATE ANO MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES (A) Change Dates The initial fixed Interest rate I wlll pay will change to an adj,istable Interest rate on the 1st day of JUNE , 2 014 , and the a<!justable interest rate I will pay may change on that day every 121h month thereafter. The date on which my inllial f,xed interest rate changes to an adjustable interest rate, and each date on which my adjuslable inleresl rate could change, is called a "Change Date." (B) The Index Beglnalng with the first Change Date, my a<ljustable Interest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" ls the average of interbank offered rates for one-year l).S. dollar-denominated deposits in the London market ("LlBOR'), as published in The Wall Street Journal. The mosl recent Index lignre available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date Is called the "Current Index.· If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new Index lhat is based upon comparable Information. The Nole HoJder will give me notice of this choice. MULTISTATE FIXED/AofosrABLE RATE RIDERNWSJ One-Yea, LIBOR Singre Famf~Fannie Mae MOD1i::1EO INSTRUMENT Form 3187 il/'01 Page 1 of 4 Page 17 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:31 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGO Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.018 KING,WA (C) CalculaUon of Changes Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding TWO ANP 2 5 0 / 10 0 0 perceniage points ( 2 • 2 5 0 %) to the Current Index. The Note Holder will then round the result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%), Subject to the Umlts stated In Seclion 4(0) below, this rounded amount will he my new Interest rate l)lltil the next Change Date. The Note Holder wlll then determine the amount of the monlhly payment that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid principal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date in full on the Maturity Date at my new interest rale in substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. (D) Limits on Interest Rate Changes The Interest rate I am required lo pay al the first Change Date will not be greater than 10 . 6 2 5 % or less than 2 • 2 5 0 %. Thereafter, my adjustable interest rate will never be increased or decreased nn any single Change Date by more than TWO MID O O O / 10 0 0 percentage points from the rate of interest l have been paying for the preceding 12 months. My interest rate will never be greater than 10. 625 %. (E) Effective Date of Changes My new interest rate will become effective on each Change Date. I will pay the amount ofmy new monthly payment beginning on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the amount of my monthly payment changes again. (F) Notice of Changes The Nqte Holder will deliver or mail to me a nolice of any changes In my lniUai fixed interest rate to an adjustable interest rate and of any changes in my adjustable Interest rate before the effective date of any change. The ootlce will include the amount of my monthly payment, any information required by law to be glven to me and also the tille and telephone number of a person who will answer any question I may have regarding the notice. B. TRANSFER O.F THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER I. Until Borrower's initial fixed interest rate changes lo an adjnstable interest rate under the terms stated ln Section A above, Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument shall read as follows: Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this SecUon 18, "Interest in the Property" means any legal or beneficlai Interest In the Property, including, but not limited lo, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed. lnstallmen.t sales contract or escrow agreemenl. the intent of which Is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrower Is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) with'"ll Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender If such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. Borrower lnttlals: ik £ 1/\ MULTISTATE FIXED/ADJUSTABLET£ RIDERNWSJ Dne-Year UBOR Single FamUyNFannle Mae MODIFIED INSTRUMENT Form 3181 6/Q1 PltQS 2 of 4 Page 18 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:33 AM Document: TDD 2007 .0531002567 Branch :WAK,User :HIGG Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I C t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567.019 KING,WA If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice Is given in accordance wllh Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may Invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. 2. When Borrower's initial fixed Jnterest rale changes to an adjustable interest rate under the terms stated in Seclion A above, Uniform Coveoant 18 of the Security Instrument described in Seclion Bl above shall then cease to he in effecl, and the provisions of Untfonn Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument shall be amended to read as follows: Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Intenst in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest In the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, those beneficial Interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, instaJlment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent of which ls the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Interest In the Property ls sold or transferred (or if Borrower is not a natoral person and a beneficial interest In Borrower Is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise Is prohibited by Applicable Law. Lender also shall not exercise this option if: (a) Borrower causes to be submitted lo Lender information required by Lender to evaluate the intended transferee as if a new loan were being made to the transferee; and (b) Lender reasonably determines that Lender's security will not be Impaired by the loan assumption and that the risk of a breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument Is acceptal>le to Leader. To the extent permitted by Applicable Law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee as a condiUon to Lender's consent to the loan assumption. Lender also may require the lransferee to sign an assumption agreement that Is acceptable to Lender and that obligates the transferee to keep all the promises and agreements made in the Note and In 1hls Security Instrument. Borrower will continue to be obligated l!nder the Note and this Security Instrument unless Lender releases Borrower in writing. If Lender exercises the option to require bnmediate payment in full, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice Is given in accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower most pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. Jlorrower lnlUals: 'P --..-Si. MULTtSTP,TE FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RtOERNWS.J One-Yeor UBOR Single FamltY!',!Fannie Mee MODIFIED INSTRUMENT Form 3187 6/01 Page 3 of 4 Page 19 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:34 AM Document: TDD 2007 .OS31002567 B°ranch :WAK,User :HIGO Order: 6405013 Title Officer: I Ci t: Station Id :EACA 20070531002567 .020 KING,WA BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants cont.lined in this Flxecl/Adjustable Rate Rider. ---------~(Seal) -Borrower ----------(Seal) -Borrower ~.·1/aJ ./..J)?= (Seal) YvomC±:£Jt -Borrower __________ (Seal) -Borrower ___________ (Seal) -Borrower MULTISTATE FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDERNWSJ One-Year LIBOR Single FamU)11!Fanria Mae MODIFIED INSTRUMENT Form 3187 6/01 Page 4 of 4 DocMagle~ S00,649-1362 www.docmagic.com Page 20 of20 Printed on 1/16/2008 10:23:35 AM Document: TDD 2007.0531002567 I l l I f I SOOS CREEK WATER ANO SEWER DISTRICT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SPECIAl. SERVICE TO: SOOS CRE!:K WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT The undersigned hereby makes application to Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, King County, Washington ("the Districtj, for special permission to connect to the District's system at the nearest main for one single residence ooty, by the D Water 0 METHOD 3 · EXTENDED SERVICE D METHOD 4 · INTERIM SERVICE Ii?! Sewer 0 METHOD 3 · EXTENDED SERVICE D METHOD 4 -INTERIM SERVICE l8l METHOD 5 -AL TERNA TE SERVICE . Metho<f; and in consideration thereof, makes the following representations and agreements, to wit 1. 2. 3. APPLICANT Name Malling Address Phone Number ADDRESS OF PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TL IL3 -1 - ,- ~ g ,. Application and Ag"""'*1tfor Special Service. continued -h-·.--~ ,,..,..._ :-~ ,·-. 4. REASON FOR SPECIAL SERVICE Uui&b ic -Iv :fed: zs~ jC4 cl Q < u,JD 5. PROJECT ACCOUNTING General Faciities Area Charge $ Methed etiaqie 1.ZOw._ G.._.f Permit Fee/Review Fee .Meter and Installation SI.Gharge (Grinder Pump) Other LC.. -:!t z.;;- TOTAL $ WATER SEWER $ Z<f&.';,. CD $ 5l)O,ll) 200.LJ) ·. 3s;:m. (fl) j84. 8:0 2711 ~ i Note: For Sewer General Facility Charge calculation, if applicable, this project is within the 0 GRAVITY Jl!l PUMPED O JENKINS CREEK area of the District. 6. SKETCH OF PROPERTY A skeleh showqi 1he property dimensions and the location of the single family residence to be Sellled must be attached hereto. 0 DISTRICT TO CHECK HERE WHEN COMPLETED 7. RESOLUTION ApjAical It ac;knawledges that it has reed 1he Districts current Methods of Service Resolution, and hereby agrees to the terms and eonditlons as set forth in said Resolution applicable to the ·2· ; l l f; ' . i l Application and AQn,el)ient lor Spedal s.w:e • continued method of service requesbKI herein, which is incorporated herein by this reference, as additional consideration for approval of this application. 8. NATURE OF SERVJCE SelYice shall be tor one single family residence only. 9. EASEMENTS FOR SERVICE Appicant shall at its cost obtain from all others all easements which may be necessary fot the sewer service requested herein. 10. EASEMENTS FOR COMPREHEIIISIVE PlAN If required by Iha District, and as additional C011Sideration for approval of this application, Applicant has granted, or hereby agrees to grant and corwey to the District, easements within lhe property ID be served reasonably necessaiy to the implementation of the District's Comprehensive Plan, or reasonably necessary for lhe improvement of the District's service system, but only to Iha same extent that se,vlc& by the Developer Extension Method of service would require such ~ents. .,, 11. RATES Applicant agrees to pay monthly chalges at the prevailing rates of the District under the same terms and conditions of the applicable service classification as other customers of the Oistricl 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS a. Extended Setvice Applicant agraes to pay its pro rma Share of the cost of any main installed as a part of a utility local improvement district or by a private party which would provide permanent service k> the Applicanrs property. Applicant further agrees to pay the cost of relocating Its service connecllon to any such permanent main. Upon the failure of the Appllcant to do so wiit*l ltirty (30) days of notice by lhe Disllict, lite cost shall be charged against the Applicant and shall become a rien upon the property served. b. Interim Service Appicarlt agrves to relocate at ils cost the interim service line to a pemianent main when one isinstallad. Ills utheragreed that the DiS1rlct may enter upon Applicanfs private properly ax! relocale the private interim service fine to the pennanent main upon the failure .3. . \,. ., ·• ., ,· .,, s .• Applcalion and Agreement for Spacial Service -continued of1he Applicantm do so 'Within thirty (30) days of written notice by !he District, and the cost thereof shall be chalged against the Applicant and shall become a lien upon the property served. Applical It shall obtain and present to the Oislrid written approval or waiver by the Fire Mar.shal or its duly auUlorized represenlative in the locale. The appJWSI or waiver will be maintained on file at the District with !his Agreement. d. Allernate Sewer Service L The inslallallon of a grinder pump unit upon Applicant's property is necessary to facilitate District sewer Service. ii. TIie District or its agent must be present during the initial activation of the system. Followiog installation, Applicant shall submit to the District a schematic d'iagram of the system suitable for the District purposes described herein. iiL The grinder pump and fQf'Ce 6ne will be owned, SeNiced and maintained by the District, Including replacement of any non-functioning element of the portion of the system for which the District is responsible; provided, however, that if damage to the system occurs as a result of Applicant's aalvities and/or misuse of the system, as deleina,eJ by the District, Applicant shall be responsible for all reasonable costs, including Ois1rict labor, of any repair or replacement iv. Applicant hereby grants to the District a license to enter and to bring onto Applicanl's poperty any equipment reasonably necessary to remove, maintain, repair and replace the grinder pump unit and force line. The Distric:t is also hereby authorized 10 use the property's domestic water service for maintenance and repair purposes. v. Appficant shall be responsible for aU maintenance and service of all lines and appurtenances belwl!!en the grinder pump and the house, for the internal plumbing system, and for electric service to the unit. including maintenance and repair of the elc Cllical service line. vi. Appf1C81ll shall maintain continuous access to the grinder pump unit as reasonably necessary for its operation and maintenance, which may include lifting, removing and replacing the unit or any part thereof. Landscapi'lg, trees, shrubs, vehicles, fences, driveways, patios and other structures on the property shall be located, constructed and maintained in a manner that provides c:ontinuous access to the grinder pump unll Applicant shall maintain the top of lhe unit at least two inches above the yard subgrade, whether the unit is located in soil, grass, bark, or other material. Applicant shall be assessed a special access charge of at least -4 - --------------------~ ·, .. ' ' Application and Agreement for Special Service-C<Jnlinued 13. $25.00 for each instance the unit is inaccessllile, the specific amount to be detennined by the District depending upon the circumstances and duration. vii. Applicant shall notify any tenant or other occupant of the property of this Agreement; provided, however, that Applicant shall remain primarily responsible for the performance of the terms hereof, and for the actions of such occupant. vin. Applicant agrees that its bi-monthly sewer bills wm include a maintenance charge for the grinder pump unit in such amount as is set from time to time in accordance with the rate selling law appficable to sewer disbicts. ix. Applicant hereby waives any claim against the District for damage to person or property occasiooed or resulting from the failure of the system, and ~ to hold the District harmless from same; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be COll$Ulled to be a release where the injuries, damages or other loss is occasioned by the negligent or intentional tortious act of the District. LIMITED POWER OF A TTORNEYJWAIVER OF PROTEST FOR UUD Applicant for extended or interim ·.i.ervice hereby agrees not to protest the formation of a utility Local lmprwement District, nor the CG9struction of or the assessment for a main and facilities which will provide permanent service to Applicaot's property, provided, however, that an APPiicant for Extended Se!vice retains the right to protest the amount of any assessment to be established by a Utility Local Improvement District which includes the Applicanrs property; and provided further, that an Applicant for Interim SE!fVice may not be assessed more than the amount paid herewith by the Applicant as a pro rata share of the cost for future mains. Applicant hereby designates the District as its agent by limited power of attorney for the execution of any petition to form a Utility Local Improvement District which includes Applicant's property. .. 14. BREACH OF CONTRACT -ATTORNEY FEES ln the event of litigation regarding the tenns or performance of this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney fees and costs, in addition to any other appropriate remedy. 15. COVENANT This Agreement, and each and every provision hereof, shall be a covenant running with the land described hereinabove, and shall be binding upon all parties and their heirs, administral01's, executors, grantees and assigns. The District at its option, may record this Agreement or a memorandum hereof, against the property in order to provide construcliYe notice of the existence -5- .t~· ' , ·;i.: ,, -~ -~ .. , and terms herad. Faikn by the Oistric::t, or rJ1rf successor thereto, to enfan::e any term or condition CCHltained hefein shal in no event be deemed a waiver of the right ta do so thereafter. Dated this 7 'f!:: day ot '-tff(J{Jfk 19~. ~![&~ Applica Applicant SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT By ______________ _ Its. ____________ _ Appraved by Resolution No. '(,: ~ 15¢0 -.S • adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the / - day of iwtetd'f/< < .19 q~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I herebyveriy that I know or have salisfactaly evidence that !>JltR y' I{. CE llfMJ '€.:/ ---------------is the pef'SOn(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that SI-If--signed this ins1rument and acknowledged it to be #U fl'ee and volunlary act far the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: ~':':'.'@tb?t-z lf'li,, -6- .. ( w King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Web date 06/28/2007 AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING CRITICAL AREAS COMPLIANCE For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. File Number: LO Q sr,oo-y (J '-- Application Name: LakesideREI Renton Project Location: 18621 115TH Ave SE, Renton, WA (Parcel# 3223059113) The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1. That the affiant is competent to be a witness herein; 2. That the affiant is the applicant for the above project; 3. That to the best of the affiant's knowledge the critical areas on the development proposal site have not been illegally altered; and 4. That the affiant has not previously been found to be in violation of critical areas regulations for any property in King County, or alternatively, that if there have been any violations, such violations have been/are being resolved to the satisfaction of King County. dale and Place (City and State) I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. mJ ,~ 1?, ~2-_ n \'\n_1 r::i n L.::J ~ L~ J \I/ 121 1-.1 ·. --·-~II I ' ,' LJ I ' , JAN 1 7 _.,, ----, ___ _,,-• • Ltn~: .. K.C. 0.0.E.S Check out the DOES Web site at www.kingcounty.gov/permits · AffidavitCriticalAreasComplianceFORM lc-aff-sacomp.pdf 06/28/2007 Page 1 of 1 King County Department of Transportation -Certificate of Transportation Concurrency Page 1 of 1 ® King County Road Services Divsion Department of Transportation King Street Center 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-0245 Certificate #: 100125 Date Issued: 07/17/07 Expiration Date: 07 /16/08 CERTIFICATE OF TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PERMITS AND URBAN SHORT PLAT PERMITS Pursuant to King County Code, Chapter 14. 70 as amended, this certificate confirms that the level of service standard used in the Transportation Concurrency Management program has been satisfied. IMPORTANT: This certificate does not guarantee a development permit. Other transportation improvements and mitigation may be required to comply with Intersection Standards, Mitigation Payment System, King County road standards, and/or safety needs. 1. Property Location a. Property Address: 18621 116th Avenue SE b. Parcel Number: 3223059113 c. Urban or Rural: U 2. Type of Development Permit To Be Requested: USP 3. Single family -Number of Units: 9 4. This Certificate is subject to the following general conditions: a. This Certificate of Concurrency runs with the land and is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same property for the stated development, subject to the terms, conditions and expiration date listed herein. This Certificate of Concurrency is not transferable to any other property and has no commercial value. Linda Dougherty, Director, Road Services DivisioNJ) ~ @ ~ ~. \1§ ~ iO' Department of Transportation Ln.) I I King County, Washington JAN 1 7 "•n~" 1 ··-'.) j u lvl.h.• L f}· r;;_, s f) () o· l -r. '',, ' 11..,.} "\ .. i '.\.j) J -.. K.C. 0.0.E.S http://dot.metrokc.gov/roads/planning/concurrency/certificate.cfm 07/17/2007 Cramer Northwest, Inc. • Surveyors •Planners •Engineers LEVEL 1 DRAINAGE ANALYSIS OF LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT 18621116™ AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 FOR MICHAEL ~~UYEN 3518 S 198 ST SEATAC, WA 98188 December 7, 2007 C.N.I. JOB NO. 2007-115 L08S0001_ Prepared by Paul J Nitardy, P.E. 945 N. Central, Suite #104 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 www.cramemw.com E~rnail: cni@cramem,v.com <' .. ··' ' K.C. D.D.E.S. I, TASK1 II. TASK 2 Ill. TASK 3 IV. TASK4 V. TASKS APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS RESOURCE REVIEW FIELD INSPECTION DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS PRELIMINARY DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS TASK1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS TASK1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION This project is located at 18621116TH AVE SE in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately 1.34 acres. We are proposing that the property be divided into 9 residential lots. All lots will gain access from a new subaccess road which will connect to 116th ST. The property has an existing home, garage, and driveway. All existing improvements on the site will be removed to make way for the new homes. The remainder of the site consists of a large central grassy portion with trees and brush concentrated around the perimeter. The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the southeast to the northwest. No significant amounts of upstream flow enter the site. MAPS A vicinity map, sensitive areas map, aerial/topo map, and offsite drainage map can be found in the proceeding pages. \._ Sl!rttCr ., C "' Sl1STST ' SE. 85TH A. \ I . ,._ ' S5Cllll~ ' ' ' SE 18Tn1 pt, SE.1!il0ft,I ST NGUYEN -VICINITY MAP Ii! S£163ROST Ir i !§ 5E '""" ... SE 11)5'11i ST ,(-4, s1> ,t,1' llc:!68TH ST llJ i I 1 :ii' .. ::, < :,: ~· p ~ ' llJ HI SE 18:i!NO ST , SE 1ll!ITtl ST , SE ee,TROVlfSKY RQ \ §'181STST O' ~-PL SE,181THST s ITE SE:10.DPl SE 19JTHST ''--. llJ SE1112NrJ.s1. .. it •·. . .. i ~ .• ' ( j l,_ ·./' SE ttllTM PL _....,- ,:, i w .Js.,c I . "' , .l' SE312Ml Pl ,/ ... SE 203RD A. llJ It .. . . ~ llli6TH ST ·:"';, .. l t 1/J. It' SE210TNPL t 0 190311 t "' § E' ~ 11>, .,.,,. t llJ ti. !IJJ • Q 'Ii ~ :'j :'- ,i I /. ,i \ ~ 1, HI .. .-,. ' _....-+· ill \ ~ i 'W· I ~ ~ ~ ( :,: \ I } HI ti. llJ ~ It "-l. I ·, )',, \ i ~-, ll! '"'1;\ i •• C ] " "' 1' '{:. SC 181STST SE 1i!M'TH PL SE 18Slli R. NGUYEN -SENSITIVE AREAS SE:1~ST SE 18flltST !JI SE usn,CT It 5 SE 1&2NOST SE UIIT>I ST SE192NOST SE 18!JTH LN . SE 19fSl"CT /ii ~ i SE Ul!ITlt A. SEIMTH:ST SE1""1l!ST SE 18ffnt ST SE18mtA. /JI ~ i S& 1'41STST (CI :KIM K:iN;1 Cot.n1ty O 506ft NGUYEN -SENSITIVE AREAS Ill Highlighted Feature Legend SAO Stream e . Chinook Distribution -1 County Boundary ~ C-1 • Sensitive Area Notice on Title I_ X Mountain Peaks Cia..2""""1niall CAO Shoreline Condition ;-I Clml2Sanlmid "' High ;./ Cml "' Madillm Un t fiad Law D Lake& and Large Rivers Highways . ' ., ... Streams ;-I lm:orporated Area ~ Aoodway Streets D 100 Year Floodplain Higll-m SAO Wetland Art-~ SAO Landslide Loc:al ~ SAO Seismic Parcels SAO Ero&ion tQ King County NGUYEN -AERIAL • ' -$ • I -e · Included on this map has been compiled by ing Counly staff from a variety cA sources and is subject to c without notic8. King County makes no repreaentatlons or warrantm, ~ or implied, as to accuracy, c:ompletl'lness, timellnesa, Of rights to the USD c1 such Information. This document is not intended for use as a survey product. King County shall not be Hable for any general. special, indirect. lnc:idenlal, or COOS8Quentil!ll ti damages including. but not limited to. lost revenues or lost prdlts resuiing from the use or misuse r:1 the ,rrrormation contafned on thi5 map. Any sal& °' , K·1 ng County this map or infomiatlon on this msp !s prohibited except by written permission d King County. NGUYEN -CONTOURS 51'. 1«;Tt!R. 'i I (_ ..... ', /j /,./· I 1, ~ $ i ---~· I + 126ft U1 King County UI King County • 411 A<. 8 ffl (3) o.,,, -------------- ; 12) ,,:. s~ 1L;l!( t36Ac. ••c TI, @ r-·--·- I ii lR."11'' . , OFFSITE DRAINAGE MAP· 1'\=j,00' w-¢-, !D • ,- Renton School Disi ricl No. 403 {) r"-~ ,;.'[_···-·' ,--··-·, . '>«-~; .r « \ ~ \.'~--,/,~\ l ' a: /, •• ..r. ~ ~,!J I ...... ·,·~ ~'( ~\, C, ) / '#/ ; ' ~-~\\ ', I ,r-J l \_ ; ~~~:.'t"')~ .. ·==:.""-::.r-.::_~.zJ._ --! ~~\.~ · t'{" r,:..-... .;r r···-··::.\ -~=--=! l... )\ ·G\ .. . "" 'I r. \..~ \., \ ... .,. \ > • , (( ,----\ .,. ,, } ('J ., ' \ , \ 1. \, (' ,) ' , \ ..,. ' .. \\ 'I!'-§!' ·~~:9"-· \ • \ ... -:::~:::::::·-::::::::::::::::::-=-----~--~ .. t 300. ----------~ Wat Disf. H~ 5 t 1,. 11 ,.. Np; aol,o; ~AJJ. i ((J/@. I.JlAc. (§ -~'I: --,1 ~ '7i' : , i!.."J \el ~-== : s TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW Adopted Basin Plans and Finalized Drainage Studies: This site is not located within a known Basin Plan. Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports: No known reports are known to exist. Critical Drainage Area Maps: The site is not known to be located in any critical drainage areas. (FEMA) Maps: The site is located outside the 100 year flood plain. Other Offsite Analysis Reports: Cramer Northwest, Inc. has a TIR and a Level 1 Drainage analysis for a nearby site to the east with a job number of 2002-042, the king county project number is L01S0021. Sensitive Areas Folio: There are no sensitive areas located on this site. DNR Drainage Problems Maps: Not applicable. Road Drainage Problems: Not applicable. King County Soils Survey: Soil on this site consists of (AgB), Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes. Wetlands Inventory Maps: There are no wetlands located on or near the site. Migrating River Studies: Not applicable. Drainage Complaints: There were no relevant complaints in the area. Us I. H. LvU I I: Ln!I, 11v. 1qu r. 11 J King County Water and Land Resources C,YLR) Division 201 S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 FAX To:~ Fax: i'itdiJ?iw Phone: --------- Date: Number of pages including cover sheet: __ _ From: Cindy Torkelson WLR Stormwater Services Section Phone: 206-296-1900 Fax NUlllber: 206-296-0192 IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 ANALYSIS N01E: We do not send copies of certain complaint types that are not relevant such as BCW, Fl, FIR, FIH and WQA, and we do not send CL and LS types. See key below. Type Sl, S2 and S3 will not be faxed due to size constraints. • IF YOU ARB USING THE 2005 SWM DESIGN MANUAL YOU ONLY NEED IOYl!S WOR1H OF COMPLAINTS The following is a list of complaint types received by the Water and Land Resources Stormwater Services Section. Complaint numbers beginning prior to 1990-XXXX have been archived and are no longer: in our possession. They can still be retrieved, if necessary, but will take additional time and may not be beneficial to your research due to their age, development which has occurred, etc. Jf you are interested in reviewing the actual complaints, they can be pulled (time permitting) for your review. Copies can be obtained for $ .15 per page, and $2. 00 per page for plans. ~ 'I)pc: of lnyestigadog C Acdon R<quost BCW Bosioess'forctcanW- CCF R,oponse to Inquiry •er.. Claim EH Entoreement on Hold ER Enforcement Review l'CC,FCR,FCS Facili(y Complain~ Fl SWM F« lnq¢ry FIR SWM Poe Review Fill SWMFoeonllold •ts RR NOA WQC WQE WQ!l WQA WQO S!,52,SNJ Lawsuit Facility EngirJ<cring Review Neigllborllood Drainago Asoislancc Waie.-Q,wity Complaint w .... Quality Ento_, Wm Quali(y En,gineering -,w W-Quality Audit W-Quality-Olhor EngineeringSrudie, Type of Problem DCA Dovelopment/Constroc~on DDM Drama:,,· Miscelbneous DES Dramaae-Erori,,,.Sedimennnioo Dl.li Dram,ae-r...d1!idelllaJ1h M°"""""'t OTA Drainage Tl!lehnical A&aittimce ll'Q Pnimap-Oonoral b,quny MMA Maintenance-Aathet:ics MMF M>!n!alaru:e • Hooding MMG MainrtnUICe. G<n1n1 MMM Matntcnonco • Mowing MNM Maintenance-Needs Mainrenance MNW M:airuenance-Noxicus Weeds SWl' SWM Fee Quosoano WQB W-Qv,lity-llost ~t P=oces WQD Wa!<rQuality-Dumping WQI War.tQuaii1:y-nlicitConnection REM SWM Fe<,--""""""' G!I.T SWM ;...o,,,,, NWD SWM fee-New Discount V'v I , l 't, L V V I I , L J 1 11, DI QluntJ Watw 8111 Land lllllllnBI llivisill-l'linage Services S8Gtilo Glm!*Dlt l88rCll P~nted : lom/1f1J7 2:56:57 .PM -lint lJJI AM'811 If l'rlllllll Tins 1'111 .... ca TDI If PruMm 1975--0076 C FLOG RD WYIFLD'Dl112TH AVE SE/SE 186TH ST 686E2 1979.0047 C 11403 SE204THST SOIL BULLDOZED/PANTHER LK AREA 686E2 1984-0298 C FILL .18504 112THAVESE ILLEGAL NEAR'. 17409126TH AVE SE 686E1 1986-1166 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST STORM OVERFLOW 686E2 1986-1185 C FL.00 11202 SE 186TH ST SEE; 86-1166 BRYANT, BILL 686E2 1986-1190 C FLOG 11001 SE 186TH ST BASEMENT GETTING WATER 686E2 1987..0334 C DRNG 11202 SE 186TH ST CULVERTS BLOCKED 85-1166, 1186 686E2 1987-1)471 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST SPRING GLEN 8&-1166, 1185 6861:2 1987-0546 C DRNG 18627 109THAVE SE INACEQUATESYSTEM 6B6E2 1989.QEISO C DRNG 18631 111TH PL SE SNV DRNG AND DAMAGE 6861:2 1989-0700 X DRNG 18631 111TH PL SE WATER ON SIDEWALK/89-0660 FRITON 6B6E2 1990--0075 C ORNG 11254 SE 186TH ST PLUGGED CULVERT/STORM 686E2 1990.0141 C FLD(l; 18400 112TH AVE SE POND OVERFLOW/90--0149,235,372/STOR 686E2 1990.0149 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST RID POND OVERFLOW/ROBERT/ STORM E 6861:2 1990-0231 C DRNG 18425 112THAVE SE RID POND OVERFLOW/STORM 90-274,37 686E2 1990.0235 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST WATER IN BASEMEIIIT/STORM/90-141,149, 68eE2 1990-0274 C FLOG 11022 SE 184TH PL RID POND FLOODED/STORM 6156E2 1990-0342 C FLOG 11202 SE 18STHST RID POND/ROBERT/ STORM EVENT 6a6E2 1990-0372 X DRNG 11202 SE 186TH ST RID PONDS OVERFLOW9/90-141,149,235,2 686E2 199().0709 CL FLOG 18504 112THAVE SE CL.#12959 SEE CL#13224 DUE DECEMBE 686E2 1990-0864 C DRNG 18427 112TH AVE SE RID POND DRAINAGE/STORM 686E2 1990-1061 CL FLD(3 11202 SE 186TH ST CL#13224 SEE CL#12959 GARAGE FLOO 686E2 1990-1186 CL FLDG 11044 SE 186THST MEMO/RUDDELL$ STUDY TO PA 68BE2 1990-1212 C DITCH 11044 SEi 186THST RD/SIDE DITCH-FIL.L/91>-1186 6861:2 1990-1212 E FILL/DIT 11044 SE 186TH ST WILL ST ART WORK 09/20 CHK ON 09/30/93 686E2 1990-1212 ER FIWDIT 11044 SE 186TH ST RUDELL$ STUDY 6861:2 1990-1226 C DRNG 18615 107THAVE SE FLOODED aASi:MENT/BAD ROAfYo/1/AY 686E2 1990-1445 C DRNG 18427 112THAVE SE RID POND OVERFLOWING TO STUDY/81-1 6S6E2 1990-1530 SR FLOG 18427 112THAVE SE STORM EVENT 666E2 1990-1531 SR FLOG 18427 112TH AVE SE STORM EVENT NOT NDAP 6B6E2 1991-0150 C DRNG 18624 112THAVE SE 686E2 1991-0150 SR DRNG 18624 112THAVE SE NOTNDAP 686E2 1991-0196 C FLOG 18425 112THAVE SE 686E2 1991--0196 SR FLOG 18425 112THAVE SE: NOTNDAP 6861:2 1991-0253 C DRNG 11254 SE 186THST 6861:2 1991-0438 S1 SPK TO FINISH S1 3/4 -S2 TO '92 CON 686E2 1991-0667 CL DRNG 184:Z7 112THAVE SE SEE 91.Q438 SEE RUODELLS 688E2 v L,FJ:)' T ~I/I" ) " \)...-dA 1 n> P"l!" 1 or2 C r,i•T l tNf.5 Tl c;q.i'ff) V'v , L'i, LV\}I : , L711 11 l\!l!U \IV, !!LI\V llV, 111. L 1, .Jf J GmllP* Typa TBI of Pnlllll Adna nf Pralllll ..... T111'81 l'III NIIIII' Cid& 1991.{)837 C DAMAGECB 19001 116TH AVE SE C/8 BELOW GRADE 686E2 1991-1095 C FLDG 11200 SE 186TH ST RUDDELL POND OVERFLOW 686E2 ,;.: " 1991-1132 C DRAINAGE 19006 116THAVE SE INFOTOPM&D 686E2 :-~ 1991-1149 X FLDGR/D 11200 SE 1641H sr CCF#SWM-1031 RID POND CAPICITY 686E2 -~ 1994-0038 C PONDING 11430 SE 192ND ST POSS GRADING/FILLING VIOLATION 686E2 if 1994-0144 C DRNG 17925 11STHAVE SE POSS FIWNG VIOUACT PLAT MORNING G 686E1 /... ~ 1995--0200 C DITCH ?S 18204 116THAVE SE LACK OF CONVEYA YNCE ON PY-r PROP!: 6a8E1 l;ii ,_ "' . 1996-0806 C DRNG 19400 120THAVE SE DRAINGE FLOW QUESTION DEVELOP INF 6!16E2 -l ':>.. 0-.., 1996-1564 C DRNG 18908 113THWAY SE PR,IVATE PROPERTY IMPACT TO PY-r ORN 6861:2 1996-2071 C FLDG 11828 SE 180THST INADEQUATE CONVEYANCE OFFSITE FLO 6S6E1 1996-2071 R FLOG 11828 SE 180TH ST INADEQUATE CONVEYANCE OFFSITE FLO 686E1 N/fi 1997-1123 C GRADING 1B908 113THWAY sE PVT PROP IMPACT NO DRNG INSTALLED 686E2 nl/ 1997-1123 R GRADING 18908 113THWAY SE PVT PROP IMPACT NO DRNG INSTALLED 6B8E2 Ni/II 19SB--0019 C DRAINAGE 19016 116TH AVE SE NEW GRAVEL RO POSSIBLE PVT PROP IM 6861;2 µ /If 1996--0058 C DRAINAGE 18820 116THAVE SE SFR CONST IMPACTING ADJACENT PROP 686E2 tv/1! 199S--0306 C DRAINAGE 11618 SE 188TH ST ADJACENT PROP PAVED 2500 SQ FT 686E2 /v 11! 2000--0572 C DDM ACROS 19029120TH AVE SE APPARENT FILLING OF ROADSIDE DffCH. 686E2 till! 2000--0572 R DOM ACROS 19029120THAVE SE APPARENT FILLING OF ROADSIDE DITCH. 686E2 /J//J 2001--0322 WQO 11631 SE 184TH ST APPARENT GREY WATER DISCHARGE INT 686E1 ti/fl 2001--0322 woe woo 11631 SE 184THST APPARENT GREY WATER DISCHARGE INT 686E1 'JI! 2001.{)389 WQC WQI SE 180T &11811-!AVE SE POTENITIAL GRAYWATER DISCHARGE C 6B6E1 #JI/ 2001.{)389 WQE Wal SE 180T & 118THAVE SE POTENTIAL GRAY WATER DISCHARGE. C 686E1 tv/f/ 2001.{)389 WQR WQI SE 180T & 118THAVE SE POTENTIAL GRAY WATER DISCHARGE. C 686E1 /V}f! 2002--0314 C DOM 18524 114THAVESE SHEETFLOW ONTO PROPERTY FROM UP 686E1 tJ/11 2002--0381 C DOM 11625 SE 164TH ST SOGGY AREA IN YARD. MAY BE THE RES 686E1 tJ /Ii 2002--0563 C OTA 19013 114THCTSE CONCERN REGARDING POSSIBLE SLOUG 6B6E2 IV//J 2003--0847 C DOM 19230 116THAVESE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C 688S2 µJ/9 2003-0847 NDA-DOM 19230 116TH AVE SE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C 68652 JI/ II 2003.084 7 R DDM 19230 116THAVESE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C 68BE2 f' /fl 2005-0428 C RFN 19128 113THWY Se w•r ftoWs aoross sidewalk from water meter. 686E2 fJIJ/ 2005-0440 WQC WQDR 11447 SE 180TH PL DUMPING FROM RV 6B6E1 /J (fl 2005-0488 WQC WQI 11700 SE 184TH ST 686E1 N/IJ 2005--0491 C DCA 17830 116THAVE SE Filling/r&-grading on neighbots property. Inv di 686E1 f,J/ f! 2005--0682 FCR MNM 19103 113THWY SE Referral from KC Health. Rats in 091898. Inv f 686E2 rJl/1 2006-0173 WQC WOOR 11447 SE 180TH PL RV leaving tran of sewage. 686E1 /JJ/J 200$.0173 WQR WQDR 11447 SE 180TH Pl RV leaving trai of sewage.Letter sent RV was 686E1 * 2006-0299 C RFN 18621 116TH AVE SE Broker, drainage pipe @ Benson HHI Elem Sch 6BBE2 * 2006-0460 C OTA 18621 116TH AVE SE School canst causing water seepll!J• into yard 686E2 ,-J//+ 2007-0058 WQC WQDR 18005 113TH AVE SE Car leaks gas/oil. 686E1 fll//1 2007-0221 C OTA 19128 113THWY SE Request permission to remove ""9 from tract. I 6B6E2 Page 2 of 2 ' r-t. 1\1 l'PJ \.IV, 11Ll\l) 11V, I 1-'V '' ' King County Water and Land Resources (WLR} Division 20 I S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 FAX Number of pages including cover sheet: L To: Fax: From: Candi McKay. Eng Tech JI WLR Storm.water Services Section Phone: 206-296-1900 Fa,i: Number: 206-296-0192 IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 ANALYSIS NOTE: We do not send copies of certain complaint types that are not relevant such as BCW, FI, FIR, FIH, SUP and WQA, and we do not send CL and LS types. See key below. Type Sl, S2 and S3 will not be faxed due to size constraints. The following is a list of complaint t)'pes received by the Water and L3nd Resources Division lliairu,ge Services Section_ Complaint numbers beginning prior to 1990-XXXX have been archived and are no longer in our possession_ They can .till be retrieved, if necessary, but will take additional time and may not be beneficial IC/ your resean:h due to their age, development which has occurred, etc. If you are intererted in reviewing the actual complaints, they can be pulkd (time pennitting) for your review. Copi"' can be obtaiued for$ .15 per page, and $2.00 per page for plans. Km. Type oflnvertigation Type g(Problem JCW Business' for Clean W.ater ACS C Action Reqaest BS!l. •CL Claim CDT E-H/R. Enroret:mBnt an BOld/R.eview DCA EM Maintenance Enf"im,mellt DDM FCC,FCR,FCS Facility Camp1a;,t, DES Fl•RIH 'SWM Paa Inquiry !l.eviow/Hold DLE I laqalry DTA •LS l.awtcit ERQ NOA Neighborhood Dniuge .Asmtt11ce GRT RET Reln,fft fa,Dlty lNQ R/RR Engineering Rmew/Fadlity Re>>!W lRG SJ,S2,SN3 Englneerln1 S1adi<1I LSP SUP/F Spetilil Use :Pcnnlt/Final MMA WQC W1ttr Quality Complaint MMFIGIM WQ>..P/P Wot er Quality Alldit ih P>og...,ll'ennit MSQ WQEJR Water Quality Er,,fornment/Rmew NWDJSFI'D X CCF or ROlponse to lnqull'1 RFN REMIGRT RET SGN HKH S'l:R SWF ·TRE WQB/D/1 Bloswsle retrofit COa,mcrclal Detemln~tlon Devclapmenl/Constructlon Drainage . Mllcelb.neous Dninap-Erosloll/Sedimcntafitm Dnln~e-Laodlllde/Earth Movemmt Drain.age Technka:I .Alsist1:11ce E,rtbqaake Gron! Prof?1Un General l•qlri,y lr.liljlldOb Land!caping M.:ainteunce Autllet1cs Ma!nten•nee Floodiag/Gcnml/lllo"lng Mosqultoe, New Discounts/ 65-,.10 Discl;lunt Rlmolllh>ID Nelgbbor 5WM Fee Rt-tawarunent/Gnnt ResroOC faclHty Sig .. SlnkHolo Storage SWM Foe Qu..Uons TreeRemovol Water QuaUt:r -.Be.st Man.gcmtnt Ptactitta/Dampfng/lllidt Connection OT! Utility lnmU.tion YRD Yud Extension *Subject to Public Disclosure requirements 1, Receipt of written req11est for documents 2. Review and approval by Prosecuting Attorney's office .). 'vV',L~•LVVI f•.JV""' c,,....__ KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DMSION DRAINAGE INvESTIGATlON REPORT /7 LJ. A L ~ . INVESpGATIONREQUEST Type ....L!_ PROBLEM: tz&if/Jl'J U/Jf3#'Jf¥}V ii RECEIVEDBY: ~ Date:t912¢0 OK'dby: fl if FILENO, 2006-0J;?? Received from: ~ ~ =... ~ fff !ffff};e Jr°" }lJ;; ~-~~1al LoCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: Platname: NC/71ff/ ·~ ~ ~tNo: Block No: ParcelNo.3.J.13()5::;1/l'.:3 Kroni::fJi_ Th.Bros: New C;U,6.2 RDP Basin ti.)<. Council District 5 City Chai:ge No. ______ _ RliSPONS£: Citizen notified on _____ by;. _ phone __ letter _ in pe(SOll DISPOStrlON: Turned to on _..LI_.,__ by_ OR: No further action recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified: ____ -,---------,--------------- _· _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. _ Prior investigation addresses problem: / SEEFILE# ' _ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: (ol{i't4t"~"'' })liJJ} T<.l rMr~ er f"UJp, ·riucttc r(J.dA11t•tN). __ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. t ••· '/,/)~-1/'f<) o . __ Other (Specify): DATE cwsED: 'I-, ?.,,,:;-, of By: T t.._ { /,}fO 1'£,v,p~j:> DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION DETAlLS OF INVESTIGATION: KROLLPAGE MAINT. DIVlSION 4 INITIALS· SAB NTS Met with Roger to investigate his report of a possible storm water pipe broken on the Benson Hill Elementary School property adjacent to his property. Roger claims the pipe had become broken In the past and it was repaired fixing his water problem. He feels that the pipeline has become broken again during the remodel of the school last year. The pipe is old 12" T&G concrete. I was unable to find any obvious breaks in the line. I spoke with the DDES inspector Jay Huh who was inspecting the construction and he said he had not heard of the ·problem. -(Wet.area.) I 12"CP ~I I-----IG1ffl00f51 --~·-·----~ V\.il,L'J,L\J 1v·i' /:')lr\"VI ------1\1111..1 \IV, "LI\V . "'" ' ,• ''®:)II . ,C(.i,.,,~ I ·,, I Cqmplaint 2006-0299 Photos taken by: Bergrud, Shawn Photo 1: facing east looking at Property line between school and pfluger's property, Photo 3: Facing east looking at wet area on roger's property, Photo 2; Facing west looking at part of dl'Clinage system that Roger believes is cousing the problem, Photo 4: Facing east. -VV I, l ), l I) I) I / , J In Tl II. 11 V VV, II -I\L.' --KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND REsotJRCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INvESTIGATION REPORT Type ...c__ FILEN~ 2Q06-t1f'"Sc.J PROBLEM: fJf2v._,v.4 ~ REcllrvED BY: :3£f2fu~ INVESTIGATION REQUESI Date: 0-1 tf OK'dby: Received from; (Day) 17£6 ) 'Tfi-(Eve) ( ) NA.MB: 8).bGfi,e {Jpl v~eg., PHONE 'f70L/ __ _ ADDRESS: /Ekiz/ ///:/vi fH.}£ c;!_ City t/!.,,v~ St.a.tell.it_ Zip __ lOCATION OP PROBLEM, IF DIFPBRENT: AcU$S Pennistion Granted O Call First (Would Like To Be Present) 0 ~ SMf1P-~.1j up y,v y-;J.£-D poif ~ (71/v< J+-, f?-v~. Plat name: Lot No: Block No: ~ T R Parcel No.jd:rt30S7 //3 Kroll h!J!j_ Th.Bros: New ~f,l, RDP Basin l';:lK Council District 5 City . Charge No. _____ _ lU:sPoNSE: Citizen notified on by: _ phone _ letter _ in pen;on '1'71-wl '40"1:. c.r (,,lt.f"(l(, • . l}Wl-D-th -\t, ~ ..,.,.,~ f~ ~ ~Ff,,..~ k-Al.0Ar 6-~~, ~(! t·.i;.::> ,-w 'yv!~ ,.._,,;, ~ t,,;J,c, -o(.. H~rµ;#/ 4t>p ~ ~ pw.d-,tp;;,I.. ';?f"M--J R,,,,~ ':!.r!!oh DJ90SITION: · Throed to_ on / / by_ OR: No further action recommended because: ./ Lead agency has beennotified:._K __ C. __ .b_~_[.=S=----------------- _· _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. _ Prior investigation addresses problem: SEEFlLE# __ _ Private problem -NDAP will not coruiider because: __ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. __:_Other (Specify): DATECLOSED: 6 I 8 tOfJ By: TL ~€FEK,Ut> -ro .jj)J c.$" /'.·••· -l""V\.., I. L'J, LVV I · ® KING COUNTY Department of Natural ~ources Water and Land Resource Division DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: FILE NO. NAME Rod er Pflu er ADDRESS ___ 1..,,8,,,62.,_1'------'--11,._,,6'--u,--'--A"'V_,,E...,S.,.E,.___---1 PHONE 799-4704 TB PAGE 686E2 _6=04~-DATE 6-16-06 KR.OLLPAGE MAINT. DMSION 4 INI'l'WS· SAB ~ On site to investigate Rodgers report of a ground water problem post ROW construction.ms Rodger believes that the construction has Increased the flow of stonn water into the ground near the comer of his property. He believes this ground water is following the sewer main ditch line in the ROW and then down his side sewer ditch llne and surfacing in his back yard. During the my investigation I found what appears to be a defective joint in the pipe that drains the schools storm water into the ROW storm system. The joint is directly above the sanitary sewer line. The water from the defective joint may be saturating the sewer ditch line and following the ditch line to surface in Rodger's property. The ROW improvements are still under performance bond. I contacted Jae Huh at ODES. We met on 6-20-06 and Jae added testing and possible repair of the pipe joint in question to the construction punch list (see attached e-mail). SKETCH: Parking V'v I, L ), L 'JV r I , J , ,11,1 I\ J, 111.< VV, IT'-"" -...--~--"· ·---. Complaint 2006-0450 Photos taken by: Bergrud, Shawn Photo 1: focing west looking at saturated area in Rodger's property. Photo 3: Facing north looking from ROW. Photo 2: Facing west looking from ROW. Photo 4: Facing north looking at bioswale CB from parking lot, V'v I , L), L V V I o' , .J I r;1T l\llll,I VV, '"-"" Complaint 2006-0450 'Z@~QIIJI.M-~ ~ .· :;i ·1 Photos taken by: Bergrud, Shawn Photo 5: Focing south looking ot rodge:r's driveway and ROW improvements. Photo 7 Photo 6: Facing west looking down toW<!l'd Rodger's property. Photo 8 01/10/2008 12:41 2069337478 BlRTOH STATOH PAGE 02/02 .'ot7·!lr; /ti<.- INFILTRATION TEST & OMERVATIONS Date: Oc:r«1cr :U~ Z®7 Siteaddreu: 18621 116"' A~-SJ;;, Renton WA. Job No. 2007-115 .. . -··. Cleat: Michael Ngyuen son. LOOs; . As ffllllUleil, soil loihoiee Wtff dug It the tbo\le ~pan:d of land. $oil log # l: 0 -30" + di9blned soil Soil log# 2: 0-24" +disturbed/fill so.ii., 24'' -34" + distutbed black Sandy loam :with poor stroeture. $oil log ii 3: 0-10" + disturbed SQil with large~ pieces. Soil log# 4: 0 -24* + dislurlled IOil with laJge concrete pi_, Soil log# S: 0 -10" ~ soil, 10" -30"' + wuhed rod: mixed wilh wasied Modium to coune sand. (IIO llUCtUre}. Soil 1og # 6: o -31r + distw:bed soil/ fill pieces of plaBtK; found@ 34~. WA'IJ)R DRQPJIST; Soil logs: due to fill and disturbed soils no water drop test was peafunned. T1lis site ·appea[S to have had a si&nlJi,rallt amount of grading. with fill dirt and. debris pla£eCi and buried owr a lafge pol1ion ot'ihis property. Onsite infilttation appears to not be appropriate for this Site. No other significant sconn water issues were obserVed on this site or.surroundin& properties. Ifyau have any questions please conw,t Ille at 206-933-7478. TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION A field inspection was conducted on October 23, 2007, to inspect the onsite drainage system of the site. Offsite drainage systems were also inspected downstream approximately 1/4 mile(s) from the discharge point of the site. The inspection involved investigation of the ten specific items of a Level 1 Inspection per the King County Surface Water Design Manual, 2005. The inspection yielded the following findings: 1. There were no existing or potential problems observed. 2. The existing drainage system capacity was adequate. 3. There were no existing or potential flooding problems. 4. There were no existing or potential sedimentation, scouring or bank sloughing problems. 5. No significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms was noticeable. 6. Qualitative data such as land use, impervious surfaces, topography, and soil types was noted and can be found in Task 4 information. 7. Information was collected on pipes, ditches, and structures. This information is also included in the Task 4 information. 8. Tributary basins delineated in Task 1 were verified. 9. No neighbors were contacted. 10. The weather conditions at the time of the inspection were sunny and mild. TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Site Drainage This project is located at 18621 116TH AVE SE in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately 1.34 acres. We are proposing that the property be divided into 9 residential lots. All lots will gain access from a new subaccess road which will connect to 1161 h ST. The property has an existing home, garage, and driveway. All existing improvements on the site will be removed to make way for the new homes. The remainder of the site consists of a large central grassy portion with trees and brush concentrated around the perimeter. The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the southeast to the northwest. No significant amounts of upstream flow enter the site. Soil on this site consists of {AgB), Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes. Offsite Drainage Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Tables are provided on the following pages that describe in detail the offsite drainage components at least Y.. mile downstream from the project discharge location. Please refer to the offsite drainage map in Task 1 because the map symbols listed in the tables correspond to drainage component symbols on the offsite drainage map. (*)=SEE PHOTO Basin: Black River Symbol see map A B C Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size Type: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond; Size: diameter, -~_rface area Sheet flow 12" CPP w/CB's 12" pipe w/Cb's (CPP and Cone) Pl OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Drainage Component Description drainage basin, vegetation, cover, depth, type of sensitive area, volume Flows NW over dirt and grass Flows west Flows north ;'/ .( if . I Slope I Distance from site I discharge 'I(, %ml= 1,320ft. 3 I 0'-300' Small 300'-380' Small 380'-410' P2 I Existing I Potential Problems Problems I constrictions, under capacity, ponding, overtopplng, flooding, habttat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentatlon 1 inclslon 1 ether erosion I None !None None None None None Observations of field inspector, resource reviewer, or resident tributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts Added water near house (*) No problems observed (*) No problems observed (*) P3 Top of picture is towards the NW. The back of Top of picture is towards the west. The Top of picture is towards the north. The end the house on lot 4 can be seen in the beginning of "B". of "B", and the beginning of "C". backirround. 98-4\U1B04 (*) = SEE PHOTO Basin: Black River Symbol see map D E F Drainage Component Type, Name1 and Size Type: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, plpe, pond; Size: diameter, surface area 12" pipe w/CB's (CPP and Cone.) 12" Cone. w/CB's (CPP at bend) 12" Cone. w/CB's D t P4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource Description discharoe reviewer, or resident drainage basin, vegetation, % Y. ml = 1,320 ft. constrictions, under capacity, pending, tributary area, likelihood of problem, cover, deplh, type or sensitive overtopplng, Hooding, habitat or organism overflow pathways, potential area, volume deslruclion, scouring, bank sloughing, Impacts sedimentation Incision other erosion Flows northwest Small 410'-465' None None No problems observed (*) Flows north. Small 465' -545' None None No problems observed (*) Flows west 6 545'-1,175' None None No problems observed (*) ... ~ ,,. ~ PS P6 Top of picture is towards the north. The end of "C" and the beginning of"D". Top of picture is towards the north. The end of "D" and the beginning of "E". Top of picture is towards the east. The end of "F" and the beginning of "G". 98-4\inB04 (*) = SEE PHOTO Basin: Black River Symbol aee map G H I ,~ ,6 Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size Type: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond; Size: diameter, surface area 24" PVC w/CB's (also CPP used) Pond, grass and pond vegetation 24" CPP w/CB's P7 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Subbasin Name: Drainage Slope Distance Component from site Description discharae drainage basin, vegetation, % %ml= 1,320ft. cover, depth, type of sensitive area, volume Flows north and then Small l,175'-1,445' northwest Flows west Small l,445'-1,545' Flows west Small l,545'-1,775' ~· PS Subbasin Number: Existing Potential Problems Problems constrictions, under capacity, ponding, overtopplng, flooding, habitat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation Incision other eroelon None None None None None None :t E . Observations of field inspector, resource reviewer, or resident lrlbutary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pattlways, potential Impacts No problems observed (*) No problems observed (*) No problems observed (*) ffon ' ND llCT ;><; i'llfJI ,...... ____ .., P9 Top of picture is towards the northwest. This is Top of picture is towards the east. A pond inlet Top of picture is towards the north. in the last structure upstream of the pond. can be seen in the background. 98-4\inB04 TASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS TASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS After a thorough field inspection and a detailed resource review there were no existing or potential documented problems. Complaint numbers 2006-0299 and 2006-0454 are upstream from our site and if any problem still exists it can be addressed when our site is being developed. The proposed improvements will not produce a significant impact to the existing drainage patterns once the site has been stabilized, and the runoff has been controlled via a combined detention/wet vault. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be created at the final design stage to minimize the transport of sediment laden runoff to the downstream conveyance system. APPENDIX PRELIMINARY DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS DETENTION & RUNOFF CALCULATIONS: Calculations include site and frontage improvement area. Pre-Developed Forest Developed 61000 sf= 1.40 acres 22,250 sf 16,000 sf 22.750 sf 9 lots @ 2500 sf (impervious) Road improvements (impervious) Lawn, grass Total 61,000 sf= 1.40 acres KCRTS was used to calculate runoff and detention quantities. Please see following pages for calculations. PREDEVELOPEDFLOWS ,-Land Use Summary Till Forest 1.40 acres Till Pasture 0.00 acres Till Grass 0.00 acres Outwash Forest 0.00 acres Outwash Pasture 0.00 acres Outwash Grass 0.00 acres Wetland 0.00 acres Impervious 0.00 acres Total Area : 1.40 acres Scale Factor : 1. 00 Hourly Reduced Time Series: predev Compute Time Series Modify User Input Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.088 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.113 1 100.00 0.990 0.024 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.088 2 25.00 0.960 0.065 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.068 3 10.00 0.900 0.002 8 3/24/04 20:00 0.065 4 5.00 0.800 0.039 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.057 5 3.00 0.667 0.068 3 1/18/06 20:00 0.039 6 2.00 0.500 0.057 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.024 7 1. 30 0.231 0.113 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.002 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.104 50.00 0.980 DEVELOPED FLOWS -Land Use Surmnary Till Forest 0.00 acres Till Pasture 0.00 acres Till Grass 0.52 acres Outwash Forest 0.00 acres Outwash Pasture 0.00 acres Outwash Grass 0.00 acres Wetland o.oo acres Impervious 0.88 acres Total Area : 1. 40 acres Scale Factor : 1. 00 Hourly Reduced Time Series: dev Compute Time Series Modify User Input Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.260 6 2/09/01 2:00 0. 526 1 100.00 0.990 0.212 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.333 2 25.00 0.960 0.312 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.312 3 10.00 0.900 0.229 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.276 4 5.00 0.800 0.276 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.276 5 3.00 0.667 0. 276 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.260 6 2.00 0.500 0.333 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.229 7 1. 30 0.231 0.526 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.212 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.461 50.00 0.980 Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Vault Facility Length: 66.41 ft Facility Width: 66.41 ft Facility Area: 4410. sq. Effective Storage Depth: 4.00 ft Stage O Elevation: 482.00 ft ft Storage Volume: Riser Head: 17640 cf PROVIDED 38'X117'X4'•17784 CF 4.00 ft Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches Number of orifices: Orifice # 1 2 Height (ft) 0.00 2.40 2 Diameter (in) 0.65 1.20 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.023 0. 049 Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 482.00 o. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.01 482.01 44. 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.02 482.02 88. 0.002 0.002 0.00 0.03 482.03 132. 0.003 0.002 0.00 0.04 482.04 176. 0. 004 0.002 0.00 0.05 482.05 221. 0.005 0.003 0.00 0.15 482.15 662. 0.015 0.004 0.00 0.25 482.25 1103. 0.025 0.006 0.00 0.35 482.35 1544. 0.035 0.007 0.00 0.45 482.45 1985. 0.046 0.008 0.00 0.55 482.55 2426. 0.056 0.009 0.00 0.65 482.65 2867. 0.066 0.009 0.00 0.75 482.75 3308. 0.076 0.010 0.00 0. 85 482.85 3749. 0.086 0.011 0.00 0.95 482.95 4190. 0.096 0. 011 0.00 1. 05 483.05 4631. 0.106 0.012 0.00 1.15 483.15 5072. 0.116 0.012 0.00 1.25 483.25 5513. 0.127 o. 013 0.00 1.35 483.35 5954. 0.137 0.013 0.00 1.45 483.45 6395. 0.147 0.014 0.00 1. 55 483.55 6836. 0.157 0.014 0.00 1. 65 483.65 7277. 0.167 0.015 0.00 1. 75 483.75 7718. 0.177 0.015 0.00 1. 85 483.85 8159. 0.187 0.016 o.oo 1. 95 483.95 8600. 0.197 0. 016 o.oo 2.05 484.05 9041. 0.208 0.016 0.00 2.15 484.15 9482. 0.218 o. 017 0.00 2.25 484.25 9923. 0.228 0.017 0.00 2.35 484.35 10363. 0.238 0.018 o.oo 2.40 484.40 10584. 0.243 0.018 0.00 2.41 484.41 10628. 0.244 0.018 0.00 2.43 484.43 10716. 0.246 0.019 0.00 2.44 484.44 10760. 0.247 0. 021 0.00 2.45 484.45 10805. 0.248 0.023 o.oo 2.46 484.46 10849. 0.249 0.025 o.oo 2.48 484.48 10937. 0. 251 0.029 0.00 2.49 484.49 10981. 2.50 484.50 11025. 2.60 484.60 11466. 2.70 484.70 11907. 2.80 484.80 12348. 2.90 484.90 12789. 3.00 485.00 13230. 3.10 485.10 13671. 3.20 485.20 14112. 3.30 485.30 14553. 3.40 485.40 14994. 3.50 485.50 15435. 3.60 485.60 15876. 3.70 485.70 16317. 3.80 485.80 16758. 3.90 485.90 17199. 4.00 486.00 17640. 4.10 486.10 18081. Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: Peak Outflow Discharge: Peak Reservoir Stage: Peak Reservoir Elev: Peak Reservoir Storage: Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: predev.tsf New File: rdout.tsf 0.526 o. 327 4.08 486.08 18002. 0.413 Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS 0.252 0.030 0.00 0.253 0.030 0.00 0.263 0.036 0.00 0.273 0.040 0.00 0.283 0.044 0.00 0.294 0.047 0.00 0.304 0. 050 0.00 0.314 0.053 0.00 0.324 0.055 0.00 0.334 0.058 0.00 0.344 0.060 o.oo 0.354 0.062 0.00 0.364 0.065 o.oo 0.375 0.067 0.00 0.385 0.069 o.oo 0.395 0. 070 0.00 0.405 0.072 0.00 0.415 0.382 0.00 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Ft Ft cu-Ft Ac-Ft -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability 0. 020 O.BSE-02 0.67E-02 -21.1 I 0.85E-02 0.026 0.60E-02 0.61E-02 1. 6 I 0.60E-02 0.031 0. 47E-02 0.51E-02 9.8 I 0.47E-02 0.036 0.35E-02 0.39E-02 13.7 I 0.35E-02 0.041 0.27E-02 0. 29E-02 5.4 I 0.27E-02 0.047 0.20E-02 0.20E-02 -4.0 I 0.20E-02 0.052 0.14E-02 O. lSE-02 9.4 I 0.14E-02 0.057 0.86E-03 0. 99E-03 15.1 I 0.86E-03 0.063 0.54E-03 0.54E-03 0.0 I 0.54E-03 0.068 0.29E-03 0.24E-03 -16.7 I 0.29E-03 o. 073 0.21E-03 0.33E-04 -84.6 I 0.21E-03 0.078 0.15E-03 0.16E-04 -88.9 I 0.15E-03 0.084 0.82E-04 0.16E-04 -80.0 I 0.82E-04 Maximum positive excursion= 0.003 cl!s ( 9.5%) occuring at 0.027 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.030 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion= 0.004 cfs (-17.6%) occuring at 0.022 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.018 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Base New %Change o. 020 0.018 -11.6 0.026 0.027 5.1 0.031 0.033 5.1 0.036 0.038 4.5 0.041 0.042 1.4 0.047 0. 046 -1.4 0.052 0.054 2.8 0.057 0.059 2.4 0.063 0.063 0.0 0.068 0.066 -2.4 0.073 0.069 -5.9 0.078 0.070 -10.9 0.084 o. 071 -14.8 WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS The following calculation is per Section 6.4.1 of the KCSWDM. Runoff Volume= Vr = (0.9Ai + 0.25Atg + O.lOAtf + 0.01Ao) x (R/12) Ai=38250 sf Atg=22750 sf Atf=O Ao=O R=.47 Vr = [(0.9)(38250) + (0.25)(22750) + 0 + OJ x (.47/12) = 1571 cf Wetpool Volume Vb= f(Vr) f=3 Vr=1571 cf Vb= 3xl571 = 4713 cf Wetpool volume= 117' X 38' X 4' required. 17784 cf, thus satisfying the volume :~--- :~. ' Road Services Division Department of Transportation KSC-TR-0222 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-3856 September 24, 2007 Rich Hudson 21936-234th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 RE: Road Variance L07V0075 -Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat Dear Mr. Hudson: Thank you for your application for a variance from the 2007 King County Road Standards (KCRS). You requested a variance from Section 2.10 concerning the intersection spacing along 116th Avenue SE, a collector arterial. The KCRS requires a minimum ofSOO feet of intersection spacing for this classification of road. Your proposed access, opposite the pr9posed half-street to the Pretty Short Plat, is acceptable. Variance L02V0039 for the Pretty Short Plat approved 230 feet of intersection spacing northward to SE 186th Street. Your alternative proposed access at the south property is not acceptable due to minimal intersection spacing to the Pretty Short Plat half street. I approve a variance for reduced intersection spacing to allow the access opposite the proposed half street for the Pretty Short Plat. Your centerline should align with the future centerline of the completed half-street. The Department of Development and Environmental Services will review your access road for the need to stub to the west property line. This decision applies only to KCRS identified in the variance request. All other design requirements in the KCRS and other regulations, such as surface water management and zoning, must still be satisfied for a land use permit application. The applicant retains the rights and privileges afforded by King County Code and adopted Public Rules pertaining to road variance processing (KCC 14.42, PUT 10-2). This variance decision is valid for one year from date of letter unless an associated land use permit is pending or submitted within the one year period. ln,these Cllli\Jli, the variance decision is valid for the duration of the permit processing . L. f'. i-·.·_ .. J> .. C • ) ( ' / \ ' ...._J "" u ' ·. /1 'tY . ;, ,, K.C. D.D.E.S. .JchHudson September 24, 2007 Page2 A copy of staff's analysis, findings, and conclusions is enclosed. If you have any questions, please call Craig Comfort, Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, at 206-263-6 J 09. Sincerely, Paulette Nonnan, P.E. County Road Engineer PN:CC:kc cc: James Sanders, P.E., Development Engineer, Land Use Services Division (LUSD), Department ofDevelopment and Environmental Services (DDES) Pete Dye, P.E., Senior Engineer, LUSD, DDES Linda Dougherty, Division Director, Road Services Division (RSD), Department of Transportation (DOT) Matthew Nolan, P.E., County Traffic Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Fatin Kara, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT • w Web date: 11128/2007 KlngCaunty SUBDIVISION DENSITY & DIMENSION CALCULATIONS Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-29IHl600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. File Number (To be filled in by ODES) PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION WORKSHEET RELATING TO DENSITY AND DIMENSIONS Several development regulations play a role in the creation of a subdivision within King County. Determining the allowable density, minimum density, and a lot width on a piece of property can be confusing. This worksheet will assist you in correctly applying specific portions of the code and will be used to determine if a proposed subdivision or short subdivision meets the density and dimensions provisions of the King County Zoning Code (Title 21A). This worksheet is designed to assist applicants and does not replace compliance with adopted local, state and federal laws. Pre-application conferences are required prior to submittal of a subdivision or short subdivision. These conferences help to clarify issues and answer questions. They may save you both time and money by eliminating delays resulting from requests for additional information and revisions. You may call 206-296-6600 to find out how to arrange for a pre-application conference. Worksheet Prepared By: Rich Hudson/Rand D Enterprises Date: 1/16108 (Print Name) Subdivision Name: Lakeside Real Estate Investment LLC Short Plat Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: _u=m/=-=urba=nc..m=ed=iu=m'-'-"de=n""s""ity'-------------- Zonlng: R-8 ---------- 1 f more than one Comprehensive Plan land Use designation or zone classification exists for the property, show the boundary between the land uses or zones and the area within each on the preliminary plat map. If a single lot is divided by a zone boundary, transferring density across zones on that lot may be permitted subject to the provisions of K.C.C. 21A.12.200. PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THE APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THIS FORM I. Site Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.1172) also see (K.C.C. 21A.12.080): Site area (in square feet) is the TOTAL horizontal area of the project site. K.C. D.D.E.S. 11/28/2007 Page 1 ol6 b' ~ (\ Calculation: ____ 58~,5_2_0._6_1 _ Gross horizontal area of the project site 58,520.61 Site area in square feet ----~-- NOTE: To continue calculations, convert site area in square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 1.34 Site area in acres ------- NOTE: When calculating the site area for parcels in the RA Zone, if the site area should result in a fraction of an acre, the following shall apply: Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up to the next whole number and fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. Example: If the site area in acres is 19.5 acres (less the submerged land and less the area that is required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for public right-of-way) the site area can be rounded up to 20 acres. No further rounding is allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.080) II. Base Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 • .040 tables): The base density is determined by the zone designations(s) for the lot. R-8 du/acre ----- Ill. Allowable Dwelling Units and Rounding (K.C.C. 21A.12.070): The base number of dwelling units is calculated by multiplying the site area by the base density in dwelling units per acre (from K.C.C. 21A 12.030 -.040 tables). ____ 1~.34~ site area in acres (see Section 1.) X ----~8~ base density (see Section II) = 10.72/11 lots allowable dwelling units Except as noted below, when calculations result in a fraction, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole number as follows: A. Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up; and 8. Fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. NOTE: For parcels in the RA Zone, no rounding is allowed when calculating the allowable number of dwelling units. For example, if the calculation of the number of dwelling units equaled 2.75, the result would be 2 dwelling units. Rounding up to 3 is not allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A 12.070(E).) IV. Required On-site Recreation Space (K.C.C. 21A.14.180): This section must be completed only if the proposal is a residential development if more than four dwelling units in the UR and R zones, stand-alone townhouses in the NB zone on property designated Commercial Outside of Center if more than four units, or any mixed use development if more than four units. Recreation space must be computed by multiplying the recreation space requirement per unit type by the proposed number of such dwelling units (K.C.C. 21A.14.180). Note: King County has the discretion to accept a fee in lieu of all or a portion of the required recreation space per K.C.C. 21A.14.185. Apartments and town houses developed at a density greater than eight units per acre, and mixed use must provide recreational space as follows: 90 square feet X 170 square feet X 170 square feet X ____ proposed number of studio and one bedroom units ____ proposed number of two bedroom units + ____ proposed number of three or more bedroom units + Recreation space requirement = L.akesldeSPSubdivDensilyOlmensionCalcFORM Jo-cal-subden.pdl 11/28/2007 Page2 of6 Required On-site Recreation Space Continued Residential subdivisions, townhouses and apartments developed at a density of eight units or less per acre must provide recreational space as follows: 390 square feet X 9 proposed number of units ------= 3510 Mobile home parks shall provide recreational space as follows: 260 square feet X ______ proposed number of units = V. Net Buildable Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.797): This section is used for computing minimum density and must be completed only if the site is located in the R-4 through R-48 zones and designated Urban by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The net buildable area is the site area (see Section I) less the following areas: + + + ---=2~31-"'6'-areas within a project site which are required to be dedicated for public rights-of-way in excess of sixty (60') of width -----=0-critical areas and their buffers, to the extent they are required by King County to remain undeveloped ---"'6364=.c_ areas required for above ground stormwater control facilities including, but not Hmited to, retention/detention ponds, biofiltration swales and setbacks from such ponds and swales 3510 areas required by King County to be dedicated or reserved as on-site recreation areas. -----Deduct area within stormwater control facility if requesting recreation space credit as allowed by K.C.C + + = 21A 14.180 (see Section IV) ____ o_ regional utility corridors, and ---~O~ other areas. excluding setbacks, required by King County to remain undeveloped 12 190 Total reductions Calculation: = = 58520.61 site area in square feet (see Section1) 12 190 Total reductions --~~~ 46,330.61 Net buildable area in square feet NOTE: convert site area is square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 1. 06 Net buildable area in acres ------ VI. Minimum Urban Residential Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.060): The minimum density requirement applies only to the R-4 through R-48 zones. Minimum density is determined by multiplying the base density in dwelling units per acre ( see Section 11} by the net build able area of the site in acres (see Section V) and then multiplying the resulting product by the minimum density percentage from the K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. The minimum density requirements may be phased or waived by King County in certain cases. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.060.) Also, the minimum density requirement does not apply to properties zoned R-4 lo?ted within the rural town of Fall City. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.030(B)12.} Calculation: -----=a'-base density in du/ac (see Section II) X 1.06 Net buildable area in acres (see Section V) = __ ___,8"-.4'-"8'-X minimum density% set forth in K.C.C. 21A 12.030 or as adjusted in Section VII = 7 .2/71ots minimum dwelling units required LakesideSPSubdivOensityOlmensionCsleFORM lo-cal-!lubden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page3of6 VII. Minimum Density Adjusbnents for Moderate Slopes (K.C.C. 21A.12.087): Residential developments in the R-4, R-6 and R-8 zones may modify the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21 A.12. 030 based on the weighted average slope of the net buildable area of the site (see Section V). To determine the weighted average slope, a topographic survey is required to calculate the net buildable area(s) within each of the following slope increments and then multiplying the number of square feet in each slope increment by the median slope value of each slope increment as follows: · _____ sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value= + sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value= + + _____ sq.ft 10-15% slope incrementX 12.5% median slope value= + -----+ _____ sq_ ft 15-20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope value= + -----+ _____ sq_ ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value = + -----+ _____ sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value= + + _____ sq. ft 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value = + + -----+ _____ sq. fl 35-40% slope increment X 37 .5% median slope value = _____ Total square feet -----Totalsquarefeet in net buildable area adjusted for slope Calculation: _____ total square feet adjusted for slope divided by total square feet in net buildable area = weighted average slope of net buildable area = _____ % (Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Use the table below to determine the minimum density factor. This density is substituted for the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table when calculating the minimum density as shown in Section VI of this worksheet Weighted Average Slope of Net Minimum Density Factor Buiklable Area(s) of Site: 0% -less than 5% 85% 5% -less than 15% 83%, less 1.5% each 1% of average slope in excess of 5% 15% -less than 40% 66%, less 2.0% for each 1 % of average slope in excess of 15% EXAMPLE CALCULATION FOR MINIMUM DENSITY ADJUSTMENTS FOR MODERATE SLOPES: + + + + + + + = = _____ sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value = --"==--sq. ft5-10% slope incrementX 7.5% median slope value= 10,000 20,000 --~--sq. fl 10-15% slope incrementX 12.5% median slope value= _____ sq. ft 15-20% slope incrementX 17.5% median slope value= _____ sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value = _____ sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value = _____ sq. fl 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value = _____ sq. ft. 35-40% slope increment X 37 .5 % median slope value = -~~~-Total square feet 30,000 in net buiklable area 750 + 2500 + + -----+ -----+ -----+ -----+ 3,250 Total square feet adjusted for slope 3,250 "Total square _feet adjusted for slope divided by 30,000 Total square feet in net buildabte area . 108333 Weighted average slope of net buiklable area ___ 1_1~%-(Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Using the table above, an 11 % weighted average slope of net buildable area falls within the 5% -less than 15% range which has a minimum density factor of 83%, less 1.5% for each 1 % of average slope in excess of 5%. Since 11 % is 6% above 5%, multiply 6 times 1.5 which would equal 9%. Subtract 9% from 83% for an adjusted minimum density factor of 74%. This replaces the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. LakesideSPSubdivDensllyDimensionCald'ORM lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 4 of6 '• VIII. Maximum Dwelling Units Allowed (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040): This section should be completed only if the proposal includes application of residential density incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) or transfer of density rights (K.C.C. 21A.37). Maximum density is calculated by adding the bonus or transfer units authorized to the base units calculated in Section Ill of this worksheet The maximum density permitted through residential density incentives is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development or 200 percent of the base density for proposals with 100 percent affordable units. The maximum density permitted through transfer of density rights is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development. _____ base density in dwelling units per acre see (Section II) X 150% = maximum density _____ maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres= maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives (KC.C. 21A.34) _____ base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 200% = maximum density ____ maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres = maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives with 100 percent affordable units (K.C.C. 21A.34) ____ base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 150% = maximum density _____ maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres = maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density transfers (KC.C. 21A.37) Calculation: + + ______ base allowable dwelling units calculated in Section Ill ------bonus units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.34 ______ transfer units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.37 ______ total dwelling units (cannot exceed maximum calculated above) IX. Minimum Lot Area For Construction (K.C.C. 21A.12.100): Except as provided for nonconformances in K.C.C. 21A.32: A. In the UR and R zones, no construction shall be permitted on a lot that contains an area of less than 2,500 square feet or that does not comply with the applicable minimum lot width, except for townhouse developments. zero-lot-line subdivisions, or lots created prior to February 2, 1995, in a recorded subdivision or short subdivision which complied with applicable laws, and; B. In the A, F, or RA Zones: 1. Construction shall not be permitted on a lot containing less than 5, 000 square feet; and 2. Construction shall be limited to one dwelling unit and residential accessory uses for lots containing greater than 5,000 square feet, but less than 12,500 square feet. (K.C.C. 21A.12.100) LakesideSPSubdivOensilyOinenslonCak:FORM _.,bden.pdf 11128/2007 Page5of6 X. Lot Width (K.C.C. 21A.12.050(B)): Lot widths shall be measured by scaling a circle of the applicable diameter within the boundaries of the lot as shown below, provided than an access easement shall not be included within the circle. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.050). I • I I -. 30 Feet ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· Lot Width Measurement ' Lot WKllh Circle • • • I • ·-·-·-·-·-·- Check out the ODES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits LakesideSPSubdivOensityOimensionCalcFORM lc><:al-subden.pdf 11/2812007 Page 6 of6 ti Department of Development and Environmental Services OAK-OE-0100 King County 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057 ~" ~ J:~t~ .-. .... ..... .-...... ..::... ..::.. -· ._.;:;:! SD 1311.ll8SIIOO I l!_INTON SCI IUOL DISTRICT //,111.1 I( STRACKE. 1',\CII.IIWS & 1'1.ANNINCi 1120 N 41H ST HFNTON VVA 98055 NlXlE: 990 SEA iJH I' "., ·,. v C(: 1 .-. ...... -. ':,'::::::_: c:q ~-;;.,;-: \. ,. ~ ';:C> 0 ·i:) '22 ·~ \(0. O· « ~\ \~ 01 0310.5_/0$ RE:'TVRN ·ro S:CNDER ATTEMPTED -NOT KNOWN lJNAEll-E TO FORWARD ec: sao.s7.S2.t9S9 *~SS9--040S9-02-1S AlT1GMi~)~$0 I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I II I I I II I I I II I I I " I Department of ti Development and Environmental Services II 2-2S--C:E1 .SEA Wri S8G OAK-DE-0100 King County 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057 ~ "'C" •• • ,--"- r., ,c--,-:r:·· ,,, --·- ,, ,,,,,,,,.) .·.-' --. ·, :~ ; r----·-· • ~-' l i ' ... ' ~; l u r •, _ •• --,~:~•L ij ;' . '. ~-' .. ' t--) j '['.,i:1--~~"'" ~--~~-_ j \\ {; f _; ~.' 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J,, I, I I , ,. , I , L J ,. , I, I, J, , , I, I , ,, I I I , I , , I, I, , I , I ,, , I I ,, I ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services OAK-DE-0100 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057 3223059113il08SIIOO I I.I z-~:·:-:::: SEK iJA ~ ~:.::r: -·-·-· ~ -~ ·~.,,, ~ .. ,.-i fr;:;"1 ;'...U 7 '.1 U :~.I'J ::_---:::i -.,) -? =::i ·-·-.=::i NGUYEN CHLC T+BUI YVONNE T 18(,21 116TH i\VL SI' C/. :::::> .-, Q:;J :jlSU RENTON IV A 98058 HlllGMi ·~ 46 r. =: ~ se et /!;'7"C,.as ,;, ,1 ,., N-J:X ::!:£ ~eo CE 1 .----:-i, I CJ ~ 0 l 0:)/ 04/ 08 ~E'TURN TO SENOE:Ji ATTEMPTED NOT KNOWN UNAEaL.E: TO FORWARD ec, S>80.S7!$:21. SH39 ~2sae-032~s-04--~a II, 1,,1,,1.11, ,,,I.I, I.,, I, 1,1,,, I, I,,, 11!, I, ,J,1,,1,J,,, IL, I 1, y.J:::f wt11¢of1 -rv i-1...::.,;..,;,,v'I;;, Q 1,.,vr-1y u, ~1,c~~,_....., ,ci'-'""1L Co111Y ...,.,;;..,1S,v,1 ..,.., ~1,,.:J a-...,pr1 ... aL,-..... 1-i-1·._.v,1;piC~e-c::1r,u -iec-u111·u1i.:> - portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat (Please print)· . ../ Name: ~' ,2' II C I\ v· n h, l l Address: IS'.l· J.c.\ l!'j"11' t\ui:· Sic j~EN ro..: 1,vl-l 0 1,,,;,55 Telephone No.: L/ J 5 J_<3f i "1 :l 7 • King County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. • L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat NOA I VOL/PAGE GRAl'RlC SCALE 1"=30' 30 " 30 , 23 NORTH, •• 05 .EAST, W.M. '818 OP IJEJJUNGS: '!Iii U11'UNE.OFl"1clf.l. J4 O#'UC1JIJH JJ. ~JJ~U}f(l&JB.I.S'T.lr.J,£,//flJJiG :wJ/IT. "~ utNGl(J/'JJ~/"11' W,il. DBSClllmoN: Ml1r.11.r. mum CWDa l/0. mm. iwm ,Ur{lllll) 1al:4r ltAU'Drl$ '4.STIWFOF m.r tomOII "1Hli.lOl!ffl~0,,1Hli~!IUWU "'lllll.t:ll11'1WSn!II.Cll™llff$C;l()II~ ~ JJ -,a. WtG.11 us,: IP'.M.,.WXJll(i D1"'1'1:lf.at11N01V#,l!IMJ~(Jl'1Hli O(lfllOJJ'*IJ/'BriJFl.tJJj~ 'l'Cfi'Tlll£ UITJfn:ErCCHtTiED rou,c; oa/lTl!:,:JJfflfJl'l'~/fTIJIUJ IMTtlmlJIIDQ.UQllDHJ//WIJQ.JfNJ/4 )IE& --...,UST!'mn;:<llUH!'> 1Ja~ll/()"11Dll111lt.RJ.tm'- '&1-WIUCWU',,IC'IWJ,Orl/U3li8' 11,11 On,tnnSl -FSJWfCE S{J1Y£f.5': !~l'.l?l.i!1~1N,Ja,lf0.1JJliJ/CJD/JII/H/ /J,;Ul'QI.JJl;l'lll,;IU/CH01fll!W/1- ff.11CdLD,('If.JJI: ttH" ..... OICl/i" nmc.iLlln!IN<I I,,,, """"""'' ~0,:-aJIIQmJICNlJ,//!/ir nlJu.~c,=iot,n 1r:•Jff.Jlf1'F :cJl'fMlfrlD!o;) JtJJJ 1.ENTPAACEL '/.01n1J11U1JJ ai.llJIQIJ~f7'. \!WUJi'INTER.f'AL: ~- !W!.IISl.iii:Dotf.«;tV,!LFUUl:W,l'Er -END: , ......... --• -~-!I ---8 --'7 -= ~ ---• wm• • l'w:)lfflllllfW1$f(Jf!Z/lW'flll 8 ~~ .... • -·· 0 -= ._,_'1'11':( -fWOOQ!'Ut:E IC}-RET-WIJ. w { ~ Ii! ~f!OOAHl>./Clti'JJIIIUIU"~ ~ CF .. A(:. J»~IJO-OfO. A£~r.JJM:llmiita;6'5i;U'. " JOB MO,; ., J<ln. 14, 2008 2007-115 Le SHtn: 1ch '" JO fT. 2 or 2 7-n - A Mr Brett J Churchill 18624 114th Ave SE Renton WA 98055 SFATTl:.E \fl,;.\ 98:l.. ....., ...... #~-~~--· -----...,>~~,.. ::,--.--:~·"" r;r MAR 2(]l(!S P'M' 7 T . ,...,.,_.....__.---, -...,....:,.::. ... ~-~-=.~ ~ ,.,, .......... ......._ .................... ~..,.---~:-~ ~f . _ _...,-···•·{ -··- ~-,,--·::", 0DE5 ::> L.t"-11\d v.:. e .5 e cv,c e .)' D . ;-. , V 1.5 I~\" ·? :.::-_., ctoo Oc-l<•c:iu.te Ave 5w (~ :,.;;:. ·,__. .. A e"' -n,"' IA/ A '-'\ 'a' o.s7-s.2.11. ":"'" -~;e;: r .... ·5 ()• ·_;,_- . ' \ .,1 \.-=::; .. / 98057$52i2 II, I .,J,, I, II,,, ,J, I, l, ,,J, 1,1,,. I, I," II, ,J,HI,,, JI,,,,,, Ill ' ·"t'·..b ,_. USA41 iJl !l) n !Tl ··.J ~i:; Ir• I::~ '· ;..,. l,l 0 -. 0 -"""' ; cJ'.' ~? ~~ --\ - : v-l ----- u ft :i:> Vl '1J ill ;I} .,.. Iv :~ G ,:,_;; J .. ()l 111 !) < k!._ :s ~ !;1 al "'"" ® King County · Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Applicant: Lake~ide REl,li.LC P.O. Bpx 69~63 Seatac, WA.98168 206-653>00$5. Notice of Application (Type 2) Fn~••Ni('.toasooo~ -•.Laketitde ·i:te,·R~rrto'tl> :. : :• ··.-,•':· ,-. . .... --,. :·' ' OP!;$ prpj~qt·Mari~g~r: l\~le.~eivi<ftt~np• Tel.epqon~•No.:•2op~296-6p~p•.• ........ > Rffif!IJi.···•~r~ne,mari.int1@k!ngi;oµ:n~;gqv-···· . , . . ,:: ·_·:: .. _ ... :· -·· ·:·. · i." <I:':·;:.:::-:.;.:-, · .·.·:9~~ion EHed: J~O~l"Y1 ~jiij§.~X•••·.··········· .. . tneo Qomplete:. Februj~i1'4;~g01! ,. .. , .. ,. -·... .·-:·· ''': -_ _,._.,,,;-:,-: ..... ,,,:::.·-,;;: .. ,.:.·.,:-. Project Location: . The s~ is iocate'ciat1a~21· 1·1ijif!~'\j'e)1Ue So~fil~ast/Rentoti/:W.«iH' Project Descriptiqn: ~u~9iyide. ~P~,t9.xini#~l}'..J 1~~i1~~~e!I in.to 9J~J•for t~, dev;:~Pm;ri~• of detached smgleafam1ly rils"rdemies m t!'.i~R-~ zone. . ······ · ······ · • Permits .requested in thif~pplicatio~;;;PrEjJi~i11aJrJ~Q~:~lat . Relevant environmental ;d$c;urnents i~re ay~ii~tJl;;~:~lj;,;6qve aoor~s$:·· f'.'ci~e:attbi~•itj\fg~] Development· r~1:1lation~:·t<>;!'iE;J. µ~~}or ~~~j~t mifiijj!<>Dii~nt>wn*J~i~ •tin:ie;••·•·KCC '21*' ?911in~ . Code, KCC·•21 C~i~ical·Ateaei,:200!7if~oadS~t:J#~rdsand••·~0.05.:SYl[faceV)faWr·~ee1~911 Manual. · · · · Consistency with•applic<!tJle County plans• Aqo reg~latigns: .·This ~:fpp<>il~!Ml'HI Q~rev:i~'1t~~ for compliance with all applic;iqle Kirig County C<>cles inclu~il'l9 tht:>S:e no,eq ~l:i<>v:,, Other permits notincluoedinthis ap;plic<!tigri; •kn6'A'.n ~tttii~ time: !'Jone;afthistimEr •. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on March 26, 2008. Written comments on this application must be submitted to DOES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the DOES decision. However, the DOES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Date of Mailing: February 28, 2008 =======---------------============================ If you wish to receive a copy of the ODES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat < Please print ) Name: ------------------------Address: ______________________________ _ Telephone No.: ------ King County has received an application to develop property at the address list11d above. You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat NOA L08SOO IJ6rn©~G~~ JAN 1 7 2008 K.C. D.D.E.S. @ SHORT PLAT NO·.==~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON " " • " • • • • • "' TI> "' "' "' " " "' "' ffl .. "' "' "' "' "' "' "' .. ,. "' •• "' .. "' .. .. ,. .. .. .. m "' ,. f'UELEGEND , ........... ·-""" , ..... '""" ,,_ "'"" """" . ...... ... w""'" .... """" """"' ....... """" """'" "'"" r"""' "'"" .. _ """" ....... """' ''""' .... .,rlW'lf '""' ... ... . .. r-'""" """ "'""""""' ll'IWU: """" ·-"""' ~-·- LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN THEN.E. 114, OF 'll!BS.E. l/4, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSIDP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ""::.:::.~~J 11ffllllllflllll•911llfl. 3' 3' '""" ~7~~1~' ·--~ JI I ' IIIIIJUl'allllli ' tll'J'IUIBll"l'l:("8 ! I '' ~( I ._ :~ RECORDING NO, VOL/PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=30' I INCH a 3() FEBr -------®. PORTION Of"! IU:. 1/,4, S.£. 1/.f, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTI-1, R. 05 EAST, W.W. STOA1,{ DIWNA.GE IYSJ80P a&WNGS: D!ll£U7'U/16.0l'!BII.U. Y,O,ua,m/n_ K!~\ft)MII 1'::IIMil!ll" ~M!«KS£Ul l'..11,IN/Ulrt; Q)'(/IIJXl'~--#l'.lff.1'11' ~ I ICIIDI IZ" Cl!': '96.1,,1 Wl!ST lrlff':06.11 LEGM.DESCJUPTJON: -lrOPaw.i ... i,KYJC11.r.lnam'*1,IIN1J.o,m.am:1> JWllfliUT I' llt. 4'16.N _,.., ~ m.!&lllll.41.FOf'llD'l.at~Of"ffl.lT~ "' I SIJJlll'll'IPI': ... :=~=i:-=~ lllfi'JIUl'fff-.WA ID!l'NDllf'lJIIOUB,Ul/otJ &&rr.l'.J,t.llll!JIIG 'iml'f £tlUln; I'~ t'dll6lftY/IIIQ/JDF'l1IZ ~-.ll'Dl't:11'&.IIP~- ~.JIR&dr.lfn:D'r:tWRJPlroSJNG "' I lltVIIIWO'P:~-~J1l,I/Jfflf.1.l'S~J:I'- WlrlZ'/'.#;~ .uci:IMa)-UCQllrMl'~~l,I Wfll'CW: .. NOTES, C&I, I ~11.AT I.-J.olff"l'lilr1ll!I~. 1~6'tr1:,97.6l J.1111-.wlil'-OMIBl.!Ulm"UltiXlfr Dn/,tlM!:IQMJ:AaU.U()fflftBID'K#l'i)fflQl!W ta!. t WB --RJ:FEIU!NCESVl~YS.: Mrtt'97M 61)-~~14(#.11:l-HJ 1YJ£re•· .tt'.w..& ml /ll,1'11,U.J,/ICMJ.-i-, .. I 11UTr1uwa rERne&. Al.'IUAl: NCll'Dll%°aoP.olfl'.11 --~nm.::,ILam.MDl/1" ICIIJlll2'aoP. • .41 '!il'a' -· ~ """"-~-I QTHl!'coom,w.n ,lf'JIW,U. fXWraa,>.MQ:Ql'JJ IDIJll"lt'~----~,-"' (KCll'Ullll"alN0.#11} .. I ~..'ft' P.4RENTP~ la/lNIJ'~-11 r.aun-~u lfJl!llltZ'CXlk:REl!:-.at .UU.W.J/Jg.l'l'; Ill'~ ;;: / I /7=="1 i , --~~-; "'"""""" • ,,•7•1"" .. 1' I • ' • ·-I " "' ~,; • • '~ '"" • !!;_____ • .. ,. ,. -~~1~1 IQ I NO HQ.ft VOi" '::;,J'i& _FACECWUI'. :·r M1t --CONroUR "J}f{E/{.f'AL: ''""'.."i'IIW"'' Ull~J'DT. Wit Ir~.,\-~l.&si;z,ON~l'llWI/JMEI. '1.1111'-fll}OSOOJII LEGEND: ~ i: ~ H31:23Q.ll __.,. ~ U_,.SQ.FT~ kl ~ J/J • '~. \ c------~''"" 11.q, "' !II .--LOTT -49& • \~IH ~SO.ff t:f:::__. . .soo· ~IIIS_.........!iOO S2m ~ 496~ . 1. 1H,u.1~ 8119"33'!11'W3111,.25' i1Bf"" s ---Ill"'' ' -----1. a.e-~ -•~--. ". -w-,wYJ'O ji1 __,.,-.. ~~lff---SOl. ---....._ ._,BIi' SS11G I sot........___ __.------------,., ...___ B _ _:_, ~~J·(._ ~ ------"'"'-~ ~ --==-.,~~ J \"" -... (/~-i I ""• ' r '-' ----,.--Y h""" .. ,,ci-1tl,l'U-1" ! I I 11,.0.S~~ . . / ~:;,..,~ /"-) =) ---~ l"lllflNlllliWJll:Nlt I . AT~C.! sa:llllflrr.lNI~~\ n' a!¥.•fltafT -· 1 - -~t- CURYE TABLE • ..... . CURV" I '"""" I """'" I ~ ... .. """ • "" • Sl.12 ... ., ... ~ Cramer Northwest Inc. • •» ... ..... " ""' "'" ,,._ lJ1lll TiliE ' 3 ,, Surv&'(QI"$ Pl1:1nnt1rs .t: Engineers ""'' " • ... ••• -""""' """"'"" ~ 945 H. ctNTRAl.., STL f10., KENT, WA. .88032 0 .. ... """ " ... ....... l (25J}ll:52-4.!80 (loo<II) a ... ... 11'46'20" u .... W'Jf!li'W 1,-(800)251-0189 (tot fret) .. ORoERADW.!Joml • "'' •• W¢W u .... ~·>tore "'" {2.5l)B52-4955 (Jax) E-MAIL: roi-..ramwnw.~m ,, HfJltlf. ... f , ........ t1N11 I · rl"«:1tk1!i --Rm~TO!Dfllj ~ • -- ' IAlflNIJ-WHD.£ ssYt1 I .a:~~: ·--~r,vc,.u;i{ltlr '°' --~--fJtl!JWQffi m- Sftl. I ,Z~Hs --sotmNBTrl'VC:497.Z • W~l'E EAST r l"l'C, '91.t ~.l)IWflll .. fllEIMIIWlrlill"ffll!l- -SUI! I r~E:m.n-B -~-RD1V blnim ramt • 1111,191Wil.\f ...... ~.,,r, 0 --'"' I s:amtw~-.11 -X-f"IAIUll'91(:1; NOl!llltt"C(INC;-1111Jf WlJl"CV;-itlS, --{J---rWOOIIFe«Z ., I '"'ifFE =--WESl'll' : .. ,r EN!!_ .. o:»IC.; .. 11 'I'! ~ ) .s' INSTRIJ4HT i,sro: ~ IIOO AAIVCR 1Rli/8l.£ ~ lf;JIKI0:11W05t ~ ~ Q'" Uol. :IJ2-/JC-®. IIOOCU«l.D.ITA.! 1(.1; r/4,IL l/t!m.ll'.7.%Jlll:llfflj,11.t11Mr.ll. DRAWN BY: 1,1.1.K, CH[CKUI DY: 0.8.H. ,w,, Mo11., Jon. 14, 200/J SCALE: 1 Inch ,. JO FT, JOEi MO,: 2007-115 Sl-lttJ: 2 OF 2 /,/l',l(l.m"IW-E:.I001--r~ia:1M./ll1!MII/~-~-;.,,;;;: ia, --"'°r.s1-~7/l'IFf~l'liircrii'l)klQI 11:Jt,/0,111 /~ 1~11:.fti111/W· ;~e~Ao'll~~~-i1~- ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 " . . . Applicant Lakeside REJ:, l,;LC P.O. Box 69~63 Seatac, WA~8168 206-653-0069 Notice of Application (Type 2) ' .. , -·,', .,,,. ,,·' .,,··,' .... : .. :,,, ..... ,,,,.,,,,,;,,a .. · .. , · ?Pt$~r~j;ct .. Mao~91,ri•·• ;nl~~e•Mi~i~~p "T:e\~ph~pe;.~o.: .• 2qe;~96.~$~~6 ·······<·············· . g\"!'i!\H: ar1e11e;mariano@~ingco~n~;g;y. Jiqatioo ··FIie~: ..:l:i1nµ1ry 1:Z:J:~~.ii\: .. , ......... . . . jfrrnihed C§riiplete:r~~ijijiJ¥i1~Ii~~- Project Locatioo: The si1:Q is loca~d at 1:g~2111ijj~iA~~nue Soµt~~ast, ,~entoi,f~ijJf Project Descriptidn: Suq~ivide a~rpxin;t~~ly J;j$i~~~,ii, into 9)p't# .fqr ~tj, d~ll~l~pm~Jirt of detached singJe.family r~s'ide11~~s iri Jti~ ~~.8 zone. . · · ·· .·· . ... ·. Permits.requested. in this applic.;:itio~i:(Pn\ljmin;!l~t~B~ije1i:it Relevant eovironrnentat ~6cumeritst~fe. availabi~f~i!ihe'above address! ·· None atthis:tim~;· ••• Development •r~utation~tt>be ~~~~:;c,r B~~i;~ct· ;i~i~,ti~,knqwn •. att~i~ tim~: K9gl ?1~ij i~~ning Code, KCC 21 Critical Area$; 2007r~oa<;t 1:S~a)1cfa.r<;ts and 2005 Su•rface Wa.terQ!5'$ign Manual. · · · ··· · ·· · ·· · · · ·· · ' ' ' Consistency wit~ applicable County.pl.ans ~nd regy1~ti9Q~: .·· Tllisjp.fgi>;i:is~t~ill b~J~vii~"(~<;!Jor compliance with au applicaple Ki:ng County codes inclucfing th.ose. no~d ab<>~e; Other permits notinclud\:ld in this appJicatl9n, knovm ~fitj',is time: NPne afthisti~EI;•. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on March 26, 2008. Written comments on this application must be submitted to DOES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the DOES decision. However, the ODES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process wrn be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land U$e Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Date of Mailing: February 28, 2008 -------------------------=---====.================ If you wish to receive a copy of the DOES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat (Please print) Name: ·----------------------------- Address: ----------------------------- Te I e phone No.: ------ Kin9 County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat NOA ~ " [iuil '-' () :t> @ :z: [Ml 0 - 0 ....... = m ......, QS = en c::> "" [M] ' I I -J g~;;g::~~11 S1 ,;~gt:irii~ i ; l i I i i I i ~ i:-o 0 00 '(fJ 0 0 - Moe, Judi From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Arlene, Moe, Judi Monday, January 05, 2009 2 34 PM Mariano, Arlene L08S0001 POR Listing L08S0001. POR LIST.doc Attached is the POR listing for L08S0001.. .................... Judi LOSS0001.POR LIST.doc (31 KB) 1 • TRANSMITTED TO THE FOLLOWING PARTIES OF RECORD FOR LOSSOOO 1: BOTTHEIM STEVE SUPERVISOR CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 BULL TRISHAH PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CHURCHILL BRET 18624 114TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 CLAUSSEN KIM PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CRAMER NORTHWEST INC/HILLE OWEN B. 945 N CENTRAL AVE SUITE 104 KENT WA 98032 FGMU/DDES FOSTER CURT SR ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 HUDSON RICH/R&D ENTERPRISES 21936 234TH AVE SE MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 JOHNSON MOLLY MANAGING ENGINEER ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 JONSON CLAIRE PRELIM REVIEW ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT PO BOX 69563 SEA TAC WA 98168 MARIANO ARLENE PPMI CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 PFLUGER ROGER+ KELLY JACO 18605 116TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 TOWNSEND STEVE SUPERVISOR LUIS/LUSD WHITING KELLY KC DOT ROAD SVC DIV MS KSC TR 0231 Moe, Judi From: Sent: To: Subject: Mariano, Arlene Monday, December 29, 2008 9:39 AM Moe, Judi RE: L08S0001 Lakeside REI Short Plat POR list Thanks Judi. I revised my vacation and will be here most of the day today and tomorrow but will be out all day Wednesday. I plan on getting the SEPA DNS and staff report out the week of January 12. From: Sent: To: Subject: Moe, Judi Monday, December 29, 2008 9:35 AM Mariano, Arlene RE: L08S0001 Lakeside REI Short Plat POR list Sure, no problem. Also, are you here this week? -thought you were on vacation From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Judi- Mariano, Arlene Monday, December 29, 2008 9:33 AM Moe, Judi L08S0001 Lakeside REI Short Plat POR list Can you please email me the POR list for this short plat sometime next week? Thanks! ARLENE MARIANO ProjecUProgram Manager I LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 (p): 206.296.6686 (f): 206.296.7051 ( e): arlene. mariano@kingcou nty. gov Moe, Judi From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Judi- Mariano, Arlene Monday, December 29, 2008 9 33 AM Moe, Judi L08S0001 Lakeside REI Short Plat POR list Can you please email me the POR list for this short plat sometime next week? Thanks! ARLENE MARIANO Project/Program Manager I LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 (p): 206.296.6686 (f): 206.296.7051 (e): arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov 1 BOTTHEIM STEVE SUPERVISOR CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 BULL TRISIIAI I PPMIIJ CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CHURCHILL BRET 18624 114TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 CLAUSSEN KIM PPM!II CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CRAMER NORTHWEST INC/HILLE OWEN B. 945 N CENTRAL AVE SUITE 104 KENT WA 98032 FGMU/DDES FOSTER CURT SR ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 HUDSON RICII/R&D ENTERPRISES 21936 234TH AVE SE MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 JOHNSON MOLLY MANAGING ENGINEER ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ir-all-0008) L08SOOOI L08SOOOI L08S0001 L08SOOOI L08SOOOI LOSSOOOI L08S0001 L08S0001 LOSSOOOI JONSON CLAIRE PRELIM REVIEW ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT PO BOX 69563 SEA TAC WA 98168 MARIANO ARLENE PPM! CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 PFLUGER ROGER+ KELLY JACO 18605116THAVESE RENTON WA 98058 TOWNSEND STEVE SUPERVISOR LUIS/LUSD WHITING KELLY KC DOT ROAD SVC DIV MS KSC TR 0231 L08SOOOI L08SOOOI L08SOOOI L08SOOOI L08SOOOI L08SOOOI Page 1 of 1 Moe, Judi From: Mariano, Arlene Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11 :00 AM To: Moe, Judi Cc: rd-enterprises@comcast.net Subject: FW: L08S0001 Lakeside REI Hi Judi- Can you please email Rich Hudson (below) a copy of the prelimin~pproval recommendation for the Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat? V Thanks, Arlene From: Rand D Enterprises [mailto:rd-enterprises@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:58 AM To: Mariano, Arlene Subject: L0850001 Lakeside REI Hi Arlene, can you see if I can get an electronic copy of the preliminary approval recommendation when it goes out on Thursday? Thanks, Rich Hudson 01/14/2009 Moe, Judi From: Sent: To: Subject: Mariano, Arlene Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:11 AM Moe, Judi RE: L08S0001 Lakeside REI Page 1 of I Attachments: L08S0001 coverletterrenton.doc; L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Report.doc; L08S0001 Lakeside REI Short Plat NOD with SEPA DNS.doc; L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat TD DNS.doc Oh right, I forgot' Here they are. Thanks for the reminder. From: Moe, Judi Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:07 AM To: Mariano, Arlene Subject: RE: LOSSOOOl Lakeside REI Sure, Arlene. I'll also need the documents emailed as word documents ................. thank you, Judi From: Mariano, Arlene Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11 :00 AM To: Moe, Judi Cc: rd-enterprises@comcast.net Subject: FW: L08S0001 Lakeside REI Hi Judi- Can you please email Rich Hudson (below) a copy of the preliminary approval recommendation for the Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat? Thanks, Arlene From: Rand D Enterprises [mailto:rd-enterprises@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:58 AM To: Mariano, Arlene Subject: LOSSOOOl Lakeside REI Hi Arlene, can you see if I can get an electronic copy of the preliminary approval recommendation when it goes out on Thursday? Thanks, Rich Hudson 01/14/2009 . ' ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 August 22, 2008 Yvonne Bui Lakeside REI, LLC P.O. Box 69563 SeaTac, VVA 98168 'f RE: Notice of Request for Additional Information or Studies Application No. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Subdivision Date Filed: January 17, 2008 Date of Complete Application: February 14, 2007 Dear Ms. Bui: The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Code Title 20 that the Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. VI/hen submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN.: Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I, Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, VVA 98057-5212 If the submittal is hand delivered, submit at the address above. Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the submittal of the necessary information is November 22, 2008. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which may justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. If possible, please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding the additional information or the submittal deadline, please contact me at 206-296- 6686 or by email at arlene.mariano@kinqcounty.gov. Sincerely, ,;{tlU111~ Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I Current Planning Section Enclosure cc: Cramer Northwest, 945 North Central, Suite 104, Kent, WA 98032 Rich Hudson, Rand D Enterprises, 21936 234th Ave SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Trishah Bull, Project/Program Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Laura Casey, Environmental Scientist Ill, Critical Areas Section, LUSD Claire Jonson, Engineer Ill, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Traffic Engineer, KCDOT, Road Services Division Application File L08S0001 ,ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 ort Plat Screening Transmitt, LUSD File No. L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Date of Information Request: August 22, 2008 Deadline for Submittal of Information: November 22, 2008 DOES staff has reviewed the information provided in your application received July 15, 2008 and has the following requests for additional information. Access/Roadway: 2007 King County Road Standards (KCRS) Per field meeting with Craig Comfort and design engineer it has been determined that Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) and Entering Sight Distance (ESD) are not of concern. However, please show the SSD and ESD on the revised plat map sheet. Drainage: 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) Please note that after discussion with Laura Casey, the storm water detention/wet vault will be required to discharge at the upstream end of the wetland buffer's edge to allow storm water to naturally drain through the wetland buffer. No revisions to the drainage plan will be required. This will be a condition of approval. Please contact Claire Jonson at 206-296-6641 if you have questions regarding access or drainage issues. Preliminary Short Plat: Preliminary Short Plat Map (15 copies and 3 reduced 8 Y,," x 14" legal size copies) Please provide a revised preliminary map on a single page prepared by a licensed land surveyor, as necessary, as a result of the above referenced requests for additional information (it is not necessary to submit in a recording document format at this time). The stamp should be signed to be valid per KCC 19A.08.150(B). Innocent Purchaser Note: Application L08M0045 was received by ODES July 16, 2008. This must be approved prior to preliminary approval. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat 1 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 May 30, 2008 Yvonne Bui Lakeside REI, LLC PO Box 69563 SeaTac, WA 98168 RE: Application for the Lakeside REI Renton Short Subdivision DDES File No. L08S0001 Dear Ms. Bui: The May 29, 2008 email requesting an extension of the deadline for submittal of the additional information required to process the preliminary short plat application of the Adams Short Subdivision has been received. The request for additional information stops all processing of the short plat application until the required information is received. The time spent waiting for information to be submitted is not counted toward any time limit requirements of the short plat application process. The previous letter established a deadline of May 27, 2008. We are granting an extension to this deadline. If the Land Use Services Division of DDES does not receive the necessary information requested to process your application by August 27, 2008, your application will be canceled or denied. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 206-296-6686. Sincerely, .~u111~ Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I Current Planning Section cc: Cramer Northwest, 945 North Central, Suite 104, Kent, WA 98032 Rich Hudson, Rand D Enterprises, 21936 234th Ave SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Trishah Bull, Project/Program Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Laura Casey, Environmental Scientist Ill, Critical Areas Section, LUSD Claire Jonson, Engineer 111, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Traffic Engineer, KCDOT, Road Services Division Application File L08S0001 Page 1 of 1 Mariano, Arlene From: Rand D Enterprises [rd-enterprises@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 2:30 PM To: Mariano, Arlene MAIN FILE COP'' Subject: L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Hold Letter 2/27/08 Hi Arlene, we are in the process of finalizing the wetland mitigation plan and buffer reduction and will not be done for another 2 to 3 weeks. The hold letter has 5/27/08 for a deadline unless we request an extension. Once the wetland info is done the site plan will be revised to accommodate the drainage facilities. Anyway we probably need an additional 30 days or to be safe maybe 60 to ensure everything is done per your letter. Again, we have been and are trying to complete the needed information as quickly as possible. A soon as the required information is completed I will be bringing in one submittal. If you need a letter let me know, but hopefully this email will work? Thanks, Rich Hudson. 05/29/2008 /~ King County Keepieg review fees at or below the fee estimate will depend on the applicant's commitment to complete the process review. This commitment should include submitting materials which address all County codes, policies, previously approved conditions and responding to the County's request for corrections or additional information in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days. The applicant must acknowledge this Fee Estimate and submit this acknowledgement with their application. If the applicant does not acknowledge the Fee Estimate, the Department may deem the application incomplete, place the application on "hold" and stop the Department's review. or "cancel" the application in accordance with K.C.C. 20.20.050. 'BJ Acknowledged the above D Acknowledged but wish to appeal Date File Number _...,L""0'"'8"'S""OO"'O""l,__ ____ Retum to: Trishah Bull ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 206-296-6601 www.metrokc.gov March 7, 2008 Yvonne Bui Lakeside Real Estate Investments LLC PO Box 69563 Seatac, WA 98168 RE: Permit Fee Estimate: L08S0001, Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Permit Type: Preliminary Short Plat Dear Ms. Bui: The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) has implemented a program for managing certain types of permit applications to provide customers with an enhanced level of customer service. 1he Project Manager Program (PMP) seeks to provide customers with increased predictability for the permit process and better accountability from County review staff. For permit applications using the PMP, a project manager is assigned to the permit to facilitate communication with the applicant and provide a fee estimate to cover the anticipated scope ofreview. The project manager will also monitor and manage the permit application throughout the review process to ensure review schedules remain in line with performance standards and the overall work hours are within the range of estimated fees for the project. The enclosed information provides a summary of the fee estimate for the anticipated work disciplines associated with the preliminary review phase and fee estimate revisions which may affect the final permit fees. If you have any questions regarding the permit fees, please contact me via e-mail at trishah.bull@kingcounty.gov or by telephone at 206-296-6758. Bull, Project Manager se Services Division Enclosure ~ King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Permit Estimate Number: LOSSOOOl Date: March 7, 2008 Permit Title: Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Permit Type: Preliminary Short Plat Based on permit information submitted by the applicant, the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has determined the amount of review fees for the subject application. The fees shown below do not include ancillary permit fees, recording fees, project-related mitigation fees or other fees that are passed through to the applicant from other agencies, or as part of the project's environmental review. Fixed Fees: Bldg Fire Flow Review Counter Service Fee for Application Intake Total Fixed Fees: Estimate for Hourly Fees: (J~$,ffi;,11r;J x $140.00) Total Permit Fee Estimate: Amount Due at Application (100% fixed fees plus 50% of hourly fees estimate is due.) $139.00 $284.00 $423.00 $17,220.00 $17.643.00 $9,033.00 Note: The estimate for hourly fees stated above is based on the total estimated number of hours not to exceed 101 hours for the disciplines listed below, and is calculated using the department's hourly rate in effect at the time the work is performed. Based upon the attached fee estimate revisions, the number of hours required may be modified. The total estimated hours reflect work performed by some, or all, of the following disciplines: Engineering, Land Survey, Engineering Technical Support, Critical Areas, Traffic, Project Management and Planning. Please see attached Fee Estimate Worksheet for specific fees. Your permit will be billed using a six-month installment plan. Your first Project Management Statement will reflect the installment schedule to be paid for your permit. You may choose to pay the balance in full or make monthly payments. To avoid finance charges, please submit the minimum payment each month. If you have questions about the billing statement, please call Elaine Gregory, Finance Manager, at 206-296-7139 or the Billing Hotline at 206-296-6659. ~ King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Acknowledgment Permit Estimate Nnmber: L08S0001 Date: March 7, 2008 Permit Title: Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Permit Type: Preliminary Short Plat Estimated Maximum Hours: 123 Applicant: Lakeside Real Estate Investements LLC fmJilifl~i~jfl)ijltll'l ~----'-'fi, b.,,,~ ' . ",Ht,M,,,,-,;~·M=•' The following fee estimate revisions are attached and are part of the fee estimate for this permit. The applicant is required to submit a signed covy of this form with their application, acknowledging that the applicant has read the fee estimate revisions stated below,. Fee Estimate Revision Applicants are responsible for all fixed fees, reported hours performed in reviewing submittal materials and processing, up to the fee estimate. Changes in the scope of the project review will result in a revised review fee estimate. Fee estimates are based on information submitted to DOES by the applicant prior to finalization of the permit application. In addition, estimates are determined by utilizing historical data gathered from projects of similar type, size, and scope. The fee estimate will be the maximum fees charged unless the scope of the project changes. Should fewer hours be required to complete the review, the applicant may receive a refund for those hours. If items are identified that are not originally disclosed, a new estimate may be required. Applicants will be re_sponsible for any additional hours identified in a new estimate if: 1. The applicant fails to provide accurate, complete, or timely information. 2. The applicant fails to disclose a site or development issue that creates the need for additional review, that could not have been reasonably anticipated by the Project Manager during the preparation of the previous Fee Estimate. 3. The applicant changes the scope or design of the proposal, creating the need for additional review, that could not have been reasonably anticipated by the Project Manager during the preparation of the previous Fee Estimate. 4. The applicant fails to complete the construction of the project in a timely manner, creating the need for additional review, unanticipated by the Project Manager during the preparation of the previous Fee Estimate. 5. The applicant files an appeal and the Fee Estimate did not anticipate an appeal. 6. The applicant makes a request to separate the review of the project into distinct phases. 7. There has been unauthorized construction on the property, including, but not limited to, clearing or grading, or an associated code enforcement case is opened. 8. The King County Council modifies permit fees. 9. The project is modified, such that there is a change in the building valuation and the resulting building valuation fees. ~ King County Keeping review fees at or below the fee estimate will depend on the applicant's commitment to complete the process review. This commitment should include submitting materials which address all County codes, policies, previously approved conditions and responding to the County's request for corrections or additional information in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days. The applicant must acknowledge this Fee Estimate and submit this acknowledgement with their application. If the applicant does not acknowledge the Fee Estimate, the Department may deem the application incomplete, place the application on "hold" and stop the Department's review, or "cancel" the application in accordance with K.C.C. 20.20.050. D Acknowledged the above D Acknowledged but wish to appeal Applicant/Owner Name (print) Date Applicant/Owner Name (signature) File Number _ _,,L=0~8=S=O=OO~l,__ ____ Return to: Trishah Bull U1 King County PROJECT MANAGEMENT STATEMENTS WITH INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLANS: PLAN REQUIREMENTS AND FINANCE CHARGES. Your application is being "project managed," and thus you will be provided a budget estimate that is based on historic averages and the information you provided with the application. PAYMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Under the DDES Finance Section project management system, you will receive a monthly · statement for the total amount due that will include any past due amounts, current fees, or budget adjustments, and any installments due by the first of the following month. Your permit will be billed in installments. You will be required to pay the 'Total Amount Due' as reflected on the "Remittance Advice" page for your Project Management Statement. Any remaining balance will be billed in equal monthly installments on subsequent Project Management Statements. You may make full payment of the 'Total Balance' reflected on the first page of the Project Management Statement at any time; however you must make the amount due on the remittance advice in order to avoid finance (late) charges. If the project is approved before all of the installment payments are billed, all outstanding balances will be billed on the subsequent statement. FINANCE CHARGES: To avoid finance charges, payment will be required prior to the due date listed on the remittance advice of the statement. Finance charges are assessed on the outstanding delinquent balance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND APPEALS: An appeal process to project management fee estimates is in legislation. The authority and details of the procedures have not yet been finalized. By checking the Acknowledged the above, the applicant/owner consents to the information provided in this Jetter. However, if you check the Acknowledge but wish to appeal box, the applicant/owner is contesting the estimated cost of the permit and requesting an appeal on said costs. The applicant/owner will be notified of the stipulations and requirements to complete an appeal. Acknowledgement and the required application materials are mandatory prior to the review of the permit application. In addition, you are still required to pay the deposit, current balance and any future installments. Failure to do so will result in finance charges. l3i] King County Land Use Services Oivisk>n Project Management Fee Estimating Worksheet Permil/PreApp No: L08S0001 Pennit Type: PRE-SP A Counter Service tntake 27.08.030 Intake Group 3 284.00 $ 284.00 B Fire Protection Plan Review 27.10.040 Type of Permit E Short Subdl'tllsions $ 139.00 35 ___ 35_HIS. $ 4,900.00 I SEPA Th-hold:~ 57z I luJJri&d Jb411Cb&fcMnm1L1h jj, iJ.&6 CA~,MJ'#MiJLQ\\@..t.\!k@J&Jlib&/ .,£M4Uffi&.tc.-,, ,$ , . .,LwM4LXJQI& 0 HIS. l~MaRiillF-: 11:':j £&Ab ARM Jk,. . ern::1 "1:f. ,, .v,. '""' , U )!£$,4,i,. ·"' J_ ,XXkMOiiLAV ZZiM!SLtSi\U:d(L+-=~£LAJtt££QC 20 ___ 20_Hrs. $ 2,800.00 8 ___ a_Hrs. $ 1,120.00 !eng1neer1iilJiRevlaw: IERI J. EICH 1110 iJ.id.£6 34 ___ 40_Hrs. $ 5,600.00 I ~-et'Jl»vfrRet=.t:~LA -Ad)ML/J&a. . ,;;,u1 1';11;::Vl • .C.f • JU,""" ,d,-IWPMLtAM.W&ifa hJl!MQJWhiMIB9b,§W@ -,sl\P< :xm~w ~' Cement PlanninQ Sectfon 03/07/2008 Subtype: PRE-SP Current Hourly Rate: $ 140. 00 ~ --~ a ---~ 4 4 Hrs. $ 560.00 ------------------ 1 •• MMllf 1. 4111.b.«. Jil\lllii!lili A¥A@L u,im.iuxi:dik:'.j~JM&ej_,gldJ~;;;JLdi&*xtk ~XLs,;cm. -.:-~;;-·,_, __ ,:;,;Jj 3 $ 420.00 ----------------- GO 0 Wl 13 13 ll__Hrs. 1,820.00 K. Exceptions and Variances 27.10.140 Estimate: HIS. PR Estimate: Hrs. Total Fixed FN$: $423.00 $ 423.00 Hourly Fee: $ 17,220.00 Total Estimated Review Hours: 123 Total Fee Estimate: $17,643.00 Fee Payment to o.te: Balance: Updltte V&t$/ofl 061107 Number of lnslallments: ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 February 27, 2008 Yvonne Bui Lakeside REI, LLC P.O. Box 69563 SeaTac, \NA 98168 RE: Notice of Request for Additional Information or Studies Application No. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Subdivision Date Filed: January 17, 2008 Date of Complete Application: February 14, 2007 Dear Ms. Bui: ; ' . The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Code Title 20 that the Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. \Nhen submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN.: Arlene Mariano, ProjecUProgram Manager I, Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, \NA 98057-5212 If the submittal is hand delivered, submit at the address above. Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the submittal of the necessary information is May 27, 2008. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which may justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. r. i..\' \ . / If possible, please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding the additional information or the submittal deadline, please contact me at 206-296- 6686 or by email at arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov. Ziene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I Current Planning Section Enclosures cc: Cramer Northwest, 945 North Central, Suite 104, Kent, WA 98032 Rich Hudson, Rand D Enterprises, 21936 234th Ave SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Trishah Bull, Project/Program Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Laura Casey, Environmental Scientist Ill, Critical Areas Section, LUSD Claire Jonson, Engineer Ill, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Traffic Engineer, KCDOT, Road Services Division Application File L08S0001 .·~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 .:,hort Plat Screening Transmittal LUSD File No. L08S0001 Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat Date of Information Request: Februacy 27, 2008 Deadline for Submittal of Information: May 27, 2008 DDES staff has reviewed the information provided in your application received January 17, 2008 and has the following requests for additional information. Access!Roadway: 2007 King County Road Standards (KCRS) Please submit 3 copies of the following required studies and/or site plan revisions: Road Classification 116"' Ave SE, fronting the property, is classified as an Urban Collector Arterial, under KCRS, Section 1.03 urban frontage improvements are required. These improvements can be designed after preliminary approval and submitted for engineering plan approval prior to recording or construction. This plan must be prepared, stamped, and signed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington. ROW Dedication Your proposal requires 42 feet of right-of way (ROW) along the full length of the short plat boundary fronting 1161 h Ave SE. Your next submittal shall include a revised site map showing this ROW dedication. Existing Road Site Distance Sight distance along the frontage road appears to be less than required (KCRS Sections 2.12 and 2.13). For you next submittal, you need to: 1) demonstrate that minimum site distances are met or; 2) submit engineering plans after preliminary decision that correct the problem or; 3) Obtain a road variance approval. Site distances shall be measured and provided by either an engineer or land surveyor licensed in the State of Washington. On-site road improvements There shall be no direct vehicular access to and from 1161h Ave SE from the lots which abut it. Access to these lots shall be by means of an on-site subaccess street (KCRS 2.03). This restriction shall be shown on the face of the engineering plans and the final recorded short subdivision. Your next submittal shall include a revised site map showing the onsite roadway. Please submit a preliminary profile of the on-site subaccess street. Address how the proposed road will connect with the existing parcel to the west. Please be aware that the on-site subaccess street intersection with 1161 h Ave SE will require double sidewalk ramps at the northwest and southwest corners. Please find attached a curb ramp update memo dated July 13, 2007. The conceptual drainage plan shows that existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole (SSMH) 2 will be centered in proposed curb and gutter. SSMHs are not allowed to be centered in curb and gutter. Address how this will be resolved. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat 1 Cul-de-sac Required The proposed on-site road exceeds 150 feet (measured from the centerline of 1161 h Ave SE). The street temporarily terminates at the west property boundary. Per KCRS Section 2.08 the temporary bulb shall be 80 feet in diameter with sidewalks terminated at the point where the bulb radius begins. Removal of the temporary constructed cul-de-sac and construction of the extension of the sidewalk shall be the responsibility of the applicant/developer who extends the road. If a road variance is required If a variance from the KCRS is desired, per Section 1.08, the variance must be approved prior to making a decision on the short subdivision application. Multiple issues may be included in the same application. Enclosed is Customer Information Bulletin No. 34, which explains the road variance process. http://www.metrokc.gov/permits/publications/bulletins.aspx. Any request for a road variance shall be submitted to DOES on the appropriate form and with the minimum fee deposit. Drainage: 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) Full Drainage Review Full Drainage Review is required per SWDM Section Provide a Technical Information Report that demonstrates that the proposed project complies with the following requirements: • All eight core requirements in Section 1.2 • All five special requirements in Section 1.3 Level 1 Downstream Drainage Analysis (Core Requirement #2) King County's field check done on February 5, 2008 requires the following corrections: • The actual outlet to Pond (symbol H) on offsite drainage map is at the northwest corner and drains towards the west. • Flow path between Symbol A and project site outlet does not have sheet flow as stated on Off-site analysis Drainage System Table. There is a swale in this area. • Clarify what happens between symbols A and B. Are there any conveyance systems for the homes that would pick up drainage from the project site? Please contact Claire Jonson at (206) 296-6641 if you have questions regarding access or drainage issues. Critical Areas: Critical Areas Delineation and Rating Report According to our field report, there is a French drain across the center of the property. A small white pipe outlets along the western third of the northern property line. Water flowing out of this drain has saturated the soils. The soils are hydric and the area has wetland hydrology. The vegetation is mostly dense Himalayan blackberry growing on the adjacent fill slopes, and black cottonwood and red alder trees. This area appears to be wetland. This wet, saturated area extends off-site to the west. It is unclear where the water goes as it leaves the wet area, although rocks visible along a neighbor's backyard fence may indicate another underground French drain. A Critical Areas Delineation and Rating Report is required for this property. Please submit a report and map showing the location of the wetland and/or aquatic area on this parcel. A determination is required as to whether this drainage feature is an aquatic area or a wetland or both. If it is a wetland, a delineation must be performed, including information about any portion of the wetlands that extends off-site. A Wetland Delineation Report Criteria is available on the DOES website at http://www.metrokc.gov/ddes/forms/ls-cri- wetdelin.pdf. Wetlands must also be rated in order to determine the appropriate buffer setbacks under King County Code 21A.24.325. Wetland categories must be determined using the Washington State Wetland L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat 2 Rating System for Western Washington (Washington State Department of Ecology, August 2004). If it is an aquatic area, a written explanation must be provided as to which Type of aquatic area it is. Critical areas and their buffers generally are required to remain undisturbed in native vegetation during and after development. Wetlands and/or aquatic areas and their buffers are set aside and protected in critical areas tracts through the short plat process. These tracts are not part of the building lots, and are owned in common by all of the lot owners in the short plat. The width of the buffer will depend upon the wetland rating or the aquatic area type. Following review of the requested critical areas report and map, we may require a revised short plat map to set aside any critical areas and their buffers in separate tracts from the building lots. If you have any questions concerning critical areas, please contact Laura Casey at 206-296-7158 or by email at laura.casey@kingcounty.gov. Preliminary Short Plat: Preliminary Short Plat Map (15 copies and 3 reduced 8 W' x 14" legal size copies) Please provide a full preliminary map on a single page prepared by a licensed land surveyor showing the following (it is not necessary to submit in a recording document format at this time): • The contours must be based upon field survey per KCC 19.A.08.150 (B) (2). A statement to this effect must be shown on the preliminary map. For land inside the urban growth boundary, contour intervals shall be at 2-foot intervals when slopes are 15 percent or less and 5-foot intervals for slopes exceeding 15 percent. A field topographic base map shall accompany the application. If approved by the department, a field survey may be waived for large areas of open space or extensive critical area tracts. Two temporary benchmarks must be shown within the application site along with the appropriate elevation and datum; • North arrow, scale and date of map and revisions when applicable; • A vicinity map; • Location of adjoining parcels within 100 feet of site must be shown and delineated by dashed lines. The zoning of the parcels should also be identified; • The name, address and phone number of the applicant and the owner(s ). Innocent Purchaser No proof of legal was provided. The 1984 Deed is newer than the October 1, 1972 deadline and the September 1947 Deed includes other parcels. This parcel was created in December 1972 when tax lot 322305-9282 was deeded per the microfiche tax record, thus it will require an innocent purchaser (see attached) and is also available on the DOES website at http://www.metrokc.gov/ddes/forms/le-ins-innoc.pdf. Any request for an Innocent Purchaser shall be submitted to ODES on the appropriate form(s) along with the current fee. SEPA Environmental Checklists (20 copies) A short plat is subject to review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) when related improvements will encroach into "lands covered by water" (WAC 197-11-756); the proposed short plat is part of a previous short subdivision (WAC 197-800(6)(a)); or the proposed short plat, including the future development of buildings, will disturb 1 acre or more. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. L08S0001 -Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat 3 King County Dept of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 REQUEST FOR SCHOOL INFORMATION PRELIMINARY PLATS DATE: January 22, 2008 MAIN FILF r·c- TO: Renton School District #403 FM: Trishah Bull, PPMIII RE: Proposed Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat LUSD File No: L08S0001 MAIN FILE COPY The Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision in your District. Enclosed is a copy of the (revised) plat map received by the Land Use Services Division on January 17, 2008. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accurate information to the public, and for LUSD to serve the School District better, please provide us with the following information: Which schools do you anticipate the students livin in this subdiyision would attend? Elementary D' + ' ·p de/,.:, Jr. High/Middle __ Jl-1----"l->c...1'""'1 _...LL='<-=.,-~_-_fl+-'--~-· ·~·~~··~f~f _______ _ Sr. High ____ ¥x--i.=v,.,~·4~'1 f~·C,<,,~· :....~+) (....:lc...._,,-;fc.,..--=s· _______ _ Will the students walk or be bussed to lhese schools? Elementary · t Jr. High/Middle ___ _L>.J.<""""'-.1.----------------- Sr. High. ______ _,,_=·=·-""'·"'------------------- If the students will be bussed, where do you anticipate the bus stops will be located? available at this time, currently, where are the closest bus stops located to this site? If that information is not Elementary ______ ~;(,_'/l-~·------------------- Jr. High/Middle __ .....,/'-1/""'"l"""~-'fi-c _,_H7'c'-'-,c"----'.:::,,""-·=[-_· _,._J·--"-5,_· t_-....:1....:~:....' =-(;_re_."""Jf-'--' _ Sr. High ____ ,_,//~{.;'--_f_~'_/f"G-"-_ -'-,_?:....~:....--· -=-{~ __ 7 _0_· -"-{_/_:cf',c:.:'°L_=--;i'_,..,_, _51-_-__ Other Comments: ---------------------------- Please complete this form and return it by February 22, 2008 to the address below. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Arlene Mariano at 206-296-6686. Thank you. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN: Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 LUSD/FORMS/CPSFORMS/REQSCHOL.INFO <® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 January 30, 2008 TO: Kim Claussen, Project/Planner Manager III, Current Planning Section FM: Pat Simmons, Engineer II, Engineering Review Section Via: Ray Floren!, Engineer III,Engineering Review Section Planner: Arlene Mariano RE: Proposed Short Plat for Lakeside REI LUSD File No. L08S0001 Comments of the above project I. The contours must be based on a field survey per KCC l 9A.08. l 50(B)(2). A statement to this effect must be shown on the preliminary map. 2. No proof of legal as provided the 1984 Deed is newer than the October 1, 1972 deadline and the September 194 7 Deed includes other parcels. This parcel was created in December 1972 when tax lot 3223059282 was deed of per the microfiche tax record, thus it will require an innocent purchaser. 3. The area of density calculation is correct at 58,521 ® King County REQUEST FOR SCHOOL INFORMATION PRELIMINARY PLATS Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 DATE: January 22, 2008 TO: Renton School District #403 FM: Trishah Bull, PPMIII RE: Proposed Lakeside REI Renton Short Plat LUSD File No: L08S0001 ,; The Land Use Services Division {LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision in your District. Enclosed is a copy of the (revised) plat map received by the Land Use Services Division on January 17, 2008. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accurate information to the public, and for LUSD to serve the School District better, please provide us with the following information: Which schools do you anticipate the students living in this subdivision would attend? Elementary ___________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle _______________________ _ Sr. High __________________________ _ Will the students walk or be bussed to these schools? Elementary --------------------------- Jr. High/Middle _________________________ _ Sr. High ____________________________ _ If the students will be bussed, where do you anticipate the bus stops will be located? If that information is not available at this time, currently, where are the closest bus stops located to this site? Elementary ___________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle _______________________ _ Sr. High __________________________ _ Other Comments: ___________________________ _ Please complete this form and return it by February 22, 2008 to the address below. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Arlene Mariano at 206-296-6686. Thank you. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN: Arlene Mariano, ProjecUProgram Manager I 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 LUSD/FORMS/CPSFORMS/REQSCHOL.INFO \ )r a: w "' T- :, z w ..J "- "' 0 0 u 0 ,w " "' w "' l: ::> z 1- u w -0 "' 0. ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Onkesd.ile A\'enue S0u1J1wes1 Renton, \\'1\ 98055-121.9 MEMORANDUM FROM: Site Investigator_ BEJ}j G:J ESH! E\Z Date 2 · I · '3 F1ino 2 · S · 'o TO: Engineer CLA I !2.E _JQ!J5,0N (AMA12.) RE: Field Check Observations I. PROJECT NUMBER/ NAME L()8SOOO I / LAKESIDE !<El ~N I Address I Location I 802.1 11 loTH A\/( SE Related Project#/ Name AW PM Z.02-_,._ LQ7V C07 5 Thomas Map Page (new) (oe£o E.1/2._Thomas Guide Page (old) _____ _ l. .IYNOPSIS OF PROPOSAL SJ±Cft[ 12LA-_,._T'------'I_,__,. 3=Co<,L_JA=GQ=""'-E:='S-----'-O"-'-f__,Q=---B___WTQ 9 LOTS ---------- --------------------- WAT'ER. QVALI JY L H: DA 's_,_ ______ _ FLOW CON'TROL 3. SIERRA FILE INFORMATION Parcel #(s) 32. 2305 -q 113 S-T-R 5t.-32. ' 2 3 · 05 Kroll Map looY Ac1·es I Feet' -I, 3(,;,A Current Zoning _ __,:R:::..__-..1..6..L... ___ _ Community Plan 5DO S,.._.,_C"""'\2::.JE1%,.=>c=,,___ ____ _ Comprehensive Plan __,V:::....:...rY'l:.._,_ _________________ _ limited Text Entry PAGE 4. SENSITIVE AREAS INFORMATION MAP FOLIO PAGE# S[TECONTAINS SITE ABUTS YES NO YES NO COMMENTS • Wetlands ___ [1] 0 Wetland# _____ Wetland Class ---~Drainage Basin -------- Sub Basin BLACk:, 12)\JE]< Critical Basin? ITJ ffil • Streams _______ JI] 0 Stream Class -----Scream Name ---------------- • I 00-year Floodplain _0 !2J ___ 0 0 • Erosion Hazard __ 0 [Z) ___ 0 IZJ • Landslide Hazard _0 [;ZJ __ O 0 • Seismic Hazard ____ 0 0 ___ 0 C2f • Coal Mine Hazard ___ 0 0 _____ 0 0 • Other known SA's _o D _o D n '-k Of..l SrTE (ok D) Class I or 2 Stream or Class I Wetland within one mile downstream of project site/ -'---'t,...\=O"------ FEMA FIRM number In FEMA Floodplain/ IT] [El Soi Is Mapped " Map # --"W--"--"E'-"B"----- Bes t available Topographical Map __,,E,.......__\ 5"""--=L-:.:..1 _,,,D,sgc.c...,.=,,. _____________ _ S, SITE DESCRIPTION MATCHES T.I.R. DESCRIPTION? \)..)jTl-\ E;:ie.Ass (u~tJ) R:D~ED u.)\Tl-\ '.BLAcK-Bee.?:Y ND 3C-kTTl:?'e,@ '112-~ (eo~,"fR.Ur1,~)-TI:\E Sa:£ D\2..fQ tJ ( f';OC\L kl~ PrZJ-1 Wt-rl--l '"I'' pr Pt; Q,..!1-{;TTN ti) :fiwJlbl9 NvJ '\D\.\.lk"e-,Ds t:J0'2--T1-1 ?eoVer:tY \...--[(),.Ji;::-~Nlt,..J(;;J WBT fQJQ o\Jfl...l::ITl u6 t lJTQ e, J..Pb/Be..«i\1...X-l:\ nLLtV Dl.lb oJ1 D t'Tl.H fi_QU..)\w(g cFF-~s,'TIZ IZl ::D:IE: uJES:C THE. Dl ){..., ou-r DI TLr\ ~ I \Sm kQ,d u,)CCDl;?D A:12.VS: w/ Co117,::)jl,Jooo~ B1Act:...&1U::t-Be.l..lS H 2£1taJD ttt:,DS6 • • PAGE 2 6. EXISTING SITE FEATURES Un~apped Sensitive Areas: o\.J\l.eT OE f]2a,)o--\ ReAl µ I s yee_,y \..JJ'GT' w,-n--1 LA#:b\2. com::,wooos Soils types seen and evidence of soil movement, slides, slumps, erosion, or deposition: _____ _ -Slbt-JtAC)gJf ~ CF b~D/f1LL -MOD:Slef:f'Sl.OPES Ground Cover: L,.Aw\...J I l /sN~, BLACX--B~R...'::( J CQI\qJ,JcQO, C..ED:"sR- Existing Utilities (hydrants, signs, poles, etc.) shown on site plan?~Y~e_S~---------- Wildlife and habitats: 301,.,)bE,1 e..DS Water Wells: --~------------------------- Work started on site? ~L_ ______________________ _ Closed depression >5000 _feet'? [I] !Rl" Steep slopes? [I] [El ___________ _ 7. DRAINAGE Drainage complaint records ------------------------ Proposal will add >5000ft2 of new impervious surface? 00 ffil Approximate Area ______ _ Proposal will collect and concentrate surface and storm water runoff from an upland and site drainage area of over 5000 ft'? [r] ffil Approximate Area ______ _ ' Upland Drainage Basin {draining directly onto site): SC..r\a:::,L ALDN6 SOJTJ:j SI DE fnJ D 11 {,:,11-\ A\J E.. 5E. DI Q E"LTS £ UM) Aw KY fi2.o 1:1 Sr 'f1'.:;" On-site Drainage: '5 I IT F l..CU.)5 W rn-t :rcfi? 0 'IDwke.OS ~ OF '$ I :n::; '1b :f'.€:::~C\-1 l)l?ts:J t,,J Pw,..µ1 µ b N612.. nl L~JSS I: Tb µ~-n1 ?\2.D9612-T'1 l.At,...)E m-P WW<:::. 1]) lJ.J~:C CQ0..1:oTfll.X=:i t µ11) Dub o-.::r 'Di'l"Z-l--1-kr Nu..J '.B?-ce u:,'1--f..Jt"°12. Downstream Drainage (minimum 114 mile distance): f]?ol-"I NW P'\?OP C...O'e..b,b---:JZ- p11"Z-\:\ Cpll0n ~v;?;. u/e::P=?'I I IIJrD \,l.JeT \ 00CDED kflEA '1bPD-bt2-t\1?H'Y \..00VkD dts;\)i;; :f:L.())..)S 6.0lW!:cJ NW :nteo.bH t±ou S ~/ LAJ.u tJS :::[Q eoAD W/\10Af:iES W 1Tl"t (~ ""fl-l<E 8-KC' i DP IA.21\LH:MJ\ZW 'BUT bJO ['se\\)"1-?ht-\ 0~ Cow\..kc::noll() \JJA'.:) t,,lO[l?D :nt?:o ub 1-1-'i~. --rl-1-C fu:?,.A,) rgot,I\ v....)J\:L1::t1<:,1 ru A.,..ouJS KS Pt?-:::c?l B~ ID 'I)t;J"" Po~D. (t.-vi...1 ""®).::r:BE 120-1$) J::iA$ BWJ 12:SDDWL fq,.JO N~ ~ ~ Tri E w'eS'f ®V\ -n-1-~ NW 0'2-l'-lE'.12. . ~ l-0, poo},j Drainage Description Matches T.I.R.? YE'"S. e:1C'E:'P1 f6 HISlJflOI.JEn /'rf,-0\Jf: @ NOT Vl?e-1fi\'5D © NwJ IW \.J\JJ c.ce.lJE02 -f!2§..lq-\ W!qtJ t,..,OT tJ.emi,,.l!O. PAGE 3 8. EXISTING ROAD NETWORK Adjacent Roads I llo'lrl ME. SE ALDNE:i as-r SIDE ( 2.) 10' LA:NE'? UJ / TXl.P:UZ YraWJ..J Ck ,. B' pA'-16) WEST st\P,LDaZ., L-\' f'A\/El:) Q,SI stiQ.JL,08'Q, Closest Transit Stop--------------------------- 8, ESTIMATE OF PROJECT IMPACTS ON SOIL AND WATER 9, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PAGE 4 10 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS WITHIN SOO FEET AND ADJACENT USE \/JEST 11 NUMBER OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN PA G £ 5 IJECT: IL08S0001 ,talus: !APPLIED Date: I01n7/2008 Status: ltl##IIID ::±J Plat Name: !LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT Descr:19 LOTS SHORlPLAT · Parcel No:1322305·9113 Location: INE1 /4 OF SE 1 /4 OF SEC 32 TWP 23N RANGE Crty /Zip: O wnei: r:IPFtU"" . .,..,,,,,.G.E""'A.., .. R..,O,..._ G"="ER"" .. ··.,,..D.+""'". KE""'LLEY,-,-:,·""' ... J.,.,._A~CO,,..-,..,.,..,,,..,...,,,,- Applicant: ILAKESlD.FREAL•ESTATEIN\/ESTMENTS LLC:!: Planner: IAMAA Rev. Engr.:ICJON Occupancy: .----- Amount Paid: I $12JQ3.00 Develop: Tuesday, Jan 22. 2008 03:33 PM % Complete:l s:• •. ,::· No.ol Lots: I 9 Applied: 101 n 712008 Deemed Complete: LI_/_ Vested:L/_/_ SEPA (Y/N]:[N SEPA TD:I 1_1_1_ Open Hearing: Lt_/_ Decision: LI_/_ EKPiret:]_/ _/_ Recorded:L/ _/_ Complete:!_/_/_ Last Status Change: i01~7rt2008:•1 Entered by: JMAGATNil Date Entered:]01117/2008 U1 King County DOES Parcel Information Report This report was generated: 1/22/2008 3:45:20 PM Parcel Number: 3223059113 ::a Base Info Parcel Number: 3223059113 Tax Payer: NGUYEN CHUC T +BUI YVONNE T Property Name: N/A Annexation: Benson Hill (Pending) Jurisdiction: King County Situs Address: 18621 116TH AVE SE Zip Code: 98058 Postal City =, Reference Info Plat Name: N/A Plat Recording Date: 11/9/1999 Plat Lot: N/A Plat Block: N/A Kroll Page: 604 Thomas Brothers Page: 686 1/4-S·T·R: SE-32-23-5 Lot Area: 59,241 SqFt. (1.36 Acres) :-::1 Planning Info Zoning: R-8 Comprehensive Land Use: um Development Condition: N/A Assessor's Open Space: N/A Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: N/A The information Included in this report has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rlghts to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resultlnQ from the use or misuse of the information contained In this report. Any sale of this report or Information on this report 1s prohibited except by written permission of King County. Appraised Land Value: 2005 -$101,000, 2006 -$190,000 Appraised Improvements Value: 2005 -$168,000, 2006 -$110,000 2 Administrative District Info Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: N/A School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: King County Fire Protection District No. 40 (40) Roads MPS Zone: 341 ($3,362) Roads Transportation Concurrency Mitigation Zone: 7961 797 Waterfront: No Water System: WATER DISTRICT Water Service Planning Area: N/A Sewer System: PUBLIC Airport Noise Remedy Program: N/A council District: 5 Julia Patterson Drainage Basin: Black River: WRIA 9 Police Jurisdiction: King County Police Precinct: 3 Police District: F3 Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N Page 1 of 2 Transfer Development Rights Type: N/A Transfer Development Rights Status: N/A Transfer Development Rights Permit Number: N/A ::J Inspection Area Info Building Inspection Area: S-6 Clearing Inspection Area: Richelle Rose Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Mike Meins ::1 Sensitive/Critical Area Info Sensitive Areas Notice(s) on Title: None Sensitive Historic Site: None Bald Eagle Data: Bald Eagle Flag: N/ A Aquatic Areas Buffer: N Basin Condition: Low Flow Control Area: N/A Water Quality: N/A Critical Aquifer Recharge Area: None Area of Potential Wetland Influence: N Shoreline Management Master Program Designation: None Page 2 of 2 l;,il King County DOES Permit Information Report The information included in this report has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and Is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or Implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained in this report. Any sale of this report or Information on this report 1s prohibited except by written permission of King County. This report was generated: 1/22/2008 3:45:43 PM Parcel Number: 3223059113 ---L0850001 PRE-SP APPLIED L07V0075 SUBVAR GRANTED A07PM202 PREAPP·M COMPLETE F07T0025 REMVTANK CLOSED ESB-877 ENFORCE CLOSED Permits: 5 Visible Parcels: Title LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE INV SHORT LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE PRE-AP GATOR FOAMING STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 1 Tota I Parcels: 1 -Applicant -3223059113 LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE 1/17/2008 INVESTMEN 3223059113 LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE 7/30/2007 INVESTMEN 3223059113 LAKESIDE REAL ESTATE 6/11/2007 INVESTMEN 3223059113 PFLUGER ROGER D+ KELLEY 6/7/2007 JACO 3223059113 DEVANEY J B B/2/1988 Page 1 of 1 t_i King County a:mmml llml!'II Ai4tii44M Comments Hi¥11Y.,M By Jaw this information may not be used for commercial purposes. Taxpayer Tax Year Assessor Real Property Records: NGUYEN CHUC T+BUI YVONNET 2007 Account Number Levy Code Taxable Value Reason 322305911305 4260 NONE OR UNKNOWN Tax Status TAXABLE Appraised Land Value Appraised Improvement Value $197,000 Taxable Land Value $197,000 $126,000 Taxable Improvement Value $126,000 Taxpayer Tax Year NGUYEN CHUC T+BUI YVONNE T Account Number 2008 Levy Code Taxable Value Reason $216,000 Taxable Land Value NONE OR UNKNOWN $216,000 Tax Status TAXABLE Appraised Land Value Appraised Improvement Value $145,000 Taxa.ble Improvement Value $145,000 Assessor Property Sales Records: Tip: Use the Recorders Office: Excise Tax Affidavits Report to see more sales records details Sale Date 5/24/2007 SalePrice $650,000 Seller Name Buyer Name Sale Date Seller Name Buyer Name Sale Date Seller Name Buyer Name District Name Property Name Plat Name Plat Block PFLUGER ROGER D+KELL Y J NGUYEN CHUC T+BUI YVONNE T 5/24/2007 Sale Price $0 NGUYEN TUAN DUY+BUI QUYEN VAN NGUYEN CHUC T+BUI YVONNE T 10/20/1998 Sale Price $206,000 DEVANEY J B+MARY K PFLUGER ROGER D+KELLEY JACOBS Assessor Parcel Records: KING COUNTY Property RESIDENTIAL Type Present Use Water Single Family (Res Use/Zone) WATER Page I of3 System DISTRICT Plat Lot Sewer PUBLIC System Lot Area 59,241 SqFt (1.36 acres) Access PUBLIC Sectionrrownship/Range SE 32 23 5 Street PAVED Surface Assessor Legal Description Records: Legal Description E 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF POR S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 LY NLY OF SLY 505.1 FT SD SUBD LESS CO RD Assessor Residential Building Records: Address 18621116TH AVE SE 98058 Building Grade Average Condition Good Bedrooms 3 Year Built 1959 Baths 2 Year Ren ovated 0 1/2.Baths 0 Total Living SqFt 1810 3/4Baths 0 1st Floor Sq Ft 1730 Stories ;1' . Half Floor Sq Ft 0 Single Story Fireplace 0 2nd Floor SqFt 0 Multi Story Fireplace 1 Upper Floor SqFt 0 Free Standing 0 Fireplace Total Basement SqFt 1500 Basement Garage SqFt 240 Total Finished Basement 80 Attached Garage SqFt 0 SqFt Finished Basement Grade Low Open Porqh SqFt 0 Average Daylight Basement Enclosed Porch Sq Ft O<·· Heat System Forced Air DeckSqFt 560 Heat Source Oil Percent Brick Stone 0 This report was generated: 1/22/2008 3:46:03 PM Related on-line reports: l<i!lg County GIS: Property information FAQ King County Assessor: Submit a request to correct this information DOES: Pennit Applications Report l<ing Coun_ty: Districts and Development Conditions Report King County Assessor: eReal Property: Report (PDF format requires Acrobat) King County AssEsssor~_QLJ!!_l'.ter Se.i;tic:m M;ip Report (PDF formatrei@Jr\'ls AcJQbat) King County Treasury Ogerations: Property Tax Information Recorders Office: Excise Tax Affidavits Report Recorders Office: Scanned images of platsLsurveys~and other map documents Page 2 of 3 Enter a 10 digit Parcel Number: or Enter an address: I Search J King Coumy I GIS Center I News I Services I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. Ttie details. Page 3 of 3 APPROVALS PLAT OF WALHAVEN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. 0 SCALE /\ 100' DESCRIPTION rne .-111 -""' ~6'/ o/'" lhc norM/"'f< . .,,.,,I; ~~· .. m, ,,,,,_11>~~-~t·puJrU.--,,,I' I.II~ .,.,.,h,. ,,,,_./ quar~r .:,/' -'iChM .!'!; r,..,;,;,~,p 2.J ~Ill, .Rt>n.fl :J·,f"'-'1, h'N, .EXCEPT fl>• ... .,H, IZO 0:1 ~,r/ ,,,. 1(7-, «<><>I ;-.:::..,"::JO.~,:'~ .. I.I>""'"", ".,j,.? ~X('£ l"T It,,, ":;:,~~.fr.::.:;,1~";~,.;i/4,.,:,/ f,, ,.,.,,.,..,,~,._,,r ""'...,.l'.-v...-:_.,.,,.~ ,',·;,. N•; RESTRICTIONS.•'° N~ /616/ .,,.,,,_ ,,r~:~1 If! 11,,,·;.,-"!I ~ho/I .1,/,:1;.,~_,:r /;.,a .. Md .. ,. ~.,.,,1a, .,,..,,.,,,,.r-;nz; ~t"J~ z::":t:;~;::· ::::~.JJ:; k"it;,":~ ~~:;r::;~'·::,,~:nJ//, .. l<>c~l~d. '· · · DEDICATiON XNOW ,Ul °:M,:µ ,,f;.:··r11es£ PR£;f1trs ,,,..1 ,-/h, ~,..,.,y>H' -~ ,,, ,W """""' :,,t:,, 1~"::'~~7 .t'::t:/;::1:r,,:r:-=--: .. r:..::,;,:;,:.,"::::;;:..1: ~,.:~ o::"' ..,.,,,.;;,.,. ,,,,,.,,,,._.~~ ,.¢IM~·,,_,,.., .. 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(X)Ulf!f.t' QJ1' KING ·'J ;~J:JJ~"iric..sflrP'Y·:·;11.o,.,,., '"~--&.,, •'--_ . ---,'~-"",.,,,,, -11,,r "' ·.,........ e::;~;:,, ~~7, :::"::,~~";:/r.:~~;:, :~~1;:.~:::..1;::.,;::~-·· ... ;::,z ~r'"J:.:i :::; ':~!::::;-:;1::: . .:1"',,t::./Z ~"':.! :~~-;_"':;"';,, //J,t .,,,,~,,,,..,,,;, __ Wf"t'.VJ;J.$ nr,r IWntl ,,,u, ~m.,.,1 .1n,I ;.,.-,,.1., "/'/',:,,,.d Hie <Hy ,:,nd t;4o>r ,",;.,,/ .,,1.,.,,. ,-r,1/ln: i .'. ; w,J1,Dm1<.,r,.,,-1, ,..,,i..,- ·---------· ---------- ® King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation KSC-TR-0222 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104w3856 September 24, 2007 Rich Hudson 21936-234th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 RE: Road Variance L07V0075 -Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat Dear Mr. Hudson: Thank you for your application for a variance from the 2007 King County Road Standards (KCRS). You requested a variance from Section 2.10 concerning the intersection spacing along 116th Avenue SE, a collector arterial. The KCRS requires a minimum ofSOO feet of intersection spacing for this classification of road. Your proposed access, opposite the proposed half-street to the Pretty Short Plat, is acceptable. Variance L02V0039 for the Pretty Short Plat approved 230 feet of intersection spacing northward to SE 186th Street. Your alternative proposed access at the south property is not acceptable due to minimal intersection spacing to the Pretty Short Plat half street. I approve a variance for reduced intersection spacing to allow the access opposite the proposed half street for the Pretty Short Plat. Your centerline should align with the future centerline of the completed half-street. The Department of Development and Environmental Services will review your access road for the need to stub to the west property line. This decision applies only to KCRS identified in the variance request. All other design requirements in the KCRS and other regulations, such as surface water management and zoning, must still be satisfied for a land use permit application. The applicant retains the rights and privileges afforded by King County Code and adopted Public Rules pertaining to road variance processing (KCC 14.42, PUT 10-2). This variance decision is valid for one year from date ofletter unless an associated land use permit is pending or submitted within the one year period. Ill.these CM\IS, the variance decision is valid for the duration of the permit processing. Rich Hudson September 24, 2007 Page2 A copy of staffs analysis, findings, and conclusions is enclosed. If you have any questions, please call Craig Comfort, Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, at 206-263-6109. Sincerely, Paulette Norman, P.E. County Road Engineer PN:CC:kc cc: James Sanders, P.E., Development Engineer, Land Use Services Division (LUSD), Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) Pete Dye, P.E., Senior Engineer, LUSD, DDES Linda Dougherty, Division Director, Road Services Division (RSD), Department of Transportation (DOT) Matthew Nolan, P.E., County Traffic Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Fatin Kara, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT ® King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering Section MS KSC-'l'R-0222 '201 South J ackaon St.root Sea.tile, WA 98104 September 24, 2007 TO: Variance File FM: Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section RE: Road Variance L07V0075 -Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat Ap!)licant' s Presentation: l. The Lakeside Real Estate Short Plat is a proposed nine-lot subdivision on I 16th Avenue SE, a minor arterial. The access alternatively is proposed at the south property line or roughly midway along the frontage to align with a proposed east leg of an intersection for the Pretty Short Plat. The access at the south property line would save the existing house, but has minimum intersection spacing to the Pretty Short Plat half street. 2. The intersection spacing northward to SE 186th Street is around 230 feet for the proposed access opposite the Pretty Short Plat access. Variance L02V0039 for the Pretty Short Plat approved a variance for the intersection offset. The King County Road Standards (KCRS) requires 500 feet of intersection spacing along a collector arterial. 3. The entering sight distance along the frontage exceeds KCRS minimums. 4. There is no alternative access to the site other than 116th Avenue SE. Staff's Findings and Conclusions: I. The alternative access at the south property line would have less than I 00 feet of intersection spacing to the Pretty Short Plat road. 2. The Department of Development and Environmental Services will determine the design of the access road and the need to stub to the west. .f PLAT OF WALHAVEN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. 0 DESCRIPTION TM. _,,, .JOO ~U cl'.,.,., =r14:·:,iwtf -MIi: ~J-,.,te ncdlt:~·;,,.t·,q.,.,rnr cl'"'" J(Jvfk. ,,,,,_.f 9<.1artcr cl' Sul,,,,, J,t, r,IUWT;tt,,,o ZJ 7{1,,r./1,, .li'o.-,p :3-.f.".>J, ll'N., S)ICEPT :,:/•-;; r:;:-:;,. r;;;,/''.s::,.J~::;::,.:;;:,,~l~;:/.;,-,"'J;;.~~ 7:,e::_~ 1,n ,,,.,un--,,,,z,r71,1. ·· ·· · RESTRICTIONS:'· !Vo /al_., .I"'"_, da:,:~, m 11>~·';,~f.-'hall «_'d,,,/~.d /,,,t _._.Id,.,.. ru"-'d, ,.,.,,..,_,.._ ;m :tdZ ~ .. ~ .. ~~~ :;t:1::./.J.':t %:"~~~,.,!/,:;;:ic:i,~,.,::,; 1n,, lacok,I • • DEDICATiON ···, XJKJWAai~EN -4}' 1'H£.:J£ F'ir~s}1tn1 ,,..1_ 1.,.,,,,;,.,..~ --~ ,,,,t,;..,...,.,.... 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King ~tymab1 no repre&entatlont Of watrantle&, expres& or Implied, as to the accu,-acy, OO(f'l)lo16ne1$, tlmelnMI, 0( ~ti to the uu" &uch lrtormatlon. Klng Cc:>1.•'ltY 5hal not M llable for any gene,w , apecial, indirect. Incidental. 0( cong.equentlal damagH Inducing. but not limited to. lost revi&l'IUH or lo6t proft1a realitif'Cil fTom N use o, ml&UM ol the lnfonnatlon conutiMCI on this map. An; Nile ol thla map or lnforma1on on ttQ map 1, prohibited exoe¢: by Mttten pennllllon cA tong County. Plot date: J un 18, 2007; llddes001\x01\gislav_dovlprojects\base2.apr ::·\: ~---- --- R•nton PRI.NCI [ ~ ~ MINO ·~ ::: ' . ~ : Kent -._! t-- ? A07PM202 ARTERIALS Water Bodies r-=J Parcels [=1 Cities 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Foot 1 "= 3333 feet til King County The lnfomud..lon lnclud.cS on 1\il map ha& been com~led by Kirlg Ccuity ~ from a variety ct aourcea. and 11 subj.ct» Change without noti<:e. l<l~ County makes no '9~ Of wwrantiM, expreu OI Lmplied, al to the accuracy, comp.eteneN, tlm•Uneu, Of rlghi$ to the UM of ,uc:h lnforma:lon. Khg Collity shall not be ltable b any genaral, speclal, lndnct, Incidental, or c:on,.equenual ~ ndur:I~. but not lknlt~ '°· k)e1 re-..nue, 0( lost prdrta ~ from the UM Of m~ d tht Information contained on ltn map. Arr, ui. af this map or '"formation on this map l• pn:,N~ .xc.pt by writt4lt1 permlMlon of King ----1 eo...,,. Plot date: Jun 19. 2007; \\ddes001\x01\gislav_devlprojoctslbase2.apr A07PM202 2005 PHOTO S-T-R / \ / QSLINES & SECUNES '/v lWPLINES · · · ·: · Water Bodies Parcels Cities 0 1"= 500 feet 400 Fee( ~ KingCowrty ~ 1111.A-;a The lnfonnatiM Lncluded on this map has bMn compl*'.t by J<.lg Cou1ty stJllff from a variety or IIOurON and II subject IO change wi1hout notoa. KJng Cou,ty makH no raprauntlltlons or wwrantln, npn,.u or lmpUed, as to tho 8COJ"aCY, ~tan.a, limeUneu, or rv,ta to N UM of such lrtonnation. King Co..nty .t\alt not be liable for &1ry -.-.lnd.-.ct,lnddonlal,O<_ .. damages nducfing, bu1 not llmit.ed to, lost ,...,.rv.., or io..t profits resurtlng from the UM « misuH o4 tha lrlormation contained on tl'lls map. Arr, sale of this map« Inform.don on this map ls prohibited except by wrltt«i permlulon rJ King County. Plot date: Jun 19. 2007; \\ddoo001\x011gls\av_dev\projects\base2.apr A07PM202 2005 PHOTO Water Bodies 50 100 Feet =="""'Ii,==- 1"= 100 foot ~ KS\g County The lnfonnaUon tnduded on Ul!s map has been compiled by King co ... ny staff from a vwlety cJ ~ and is subject to ehange wtlhout nob. )(Ing County makes no 1'91)(9'«\tations 0< warranties, 8lq)reu o, lmpUed, as 10 the accuracy, ~eneu. tm.Kneu, or rights lo the use of such ln\'onnatlon. King Coi.rit:v shall no1 be llable lot any ge,ne,ral , special. indirect, ~ta/.« consequential damages Inducing, but not limited to, Iott revenues ot lo&t profttl ,-suiting from N uw or ml&~ Df tr1e lnfonmlltion contained on this map. Any sale of thla map or lnbrmatlon on Oil map 11 prohibited except by 'Mtttiln pem,iulon of Kl~ Col.w,ty, Plot date: Jun 19, 2007; \\ddes001\x01'Qislav_devlprojects\bas<12.apr A07PM202 ZONING .•.:Trai ls ,! Schools/School Facilities N Urban Growth l>J:ea Une N Streets : W aoor Bodies Road Rights-ot-Way c:=J Parcels c:J Parks O Citio s Zoning A-1 O -Agricultura l, one OU per 10 acteS -A-35 -Agricultural, one DU per 35 acres -F-Forest ·-M -Mineral RA-2 .5 -RuraJ Area, one DU por 5 acres RA-5 -Rural l>J:oa, one DU por 5 acres -RA-10 -R ural l>J:ea, one DU per 10 acres UR -Urban Reser,e, one DU per 5 acres R-1 -Residential, one DU per acre R-4 -Residential, 4 DU per aa-e R-6 -Residential, 6 DU per aa-e R-11 -Residential, 8 DU per aero R-12 -Residential, 12 DU por aero R -18 -Rosldential, 18 DU per acre iii R -24 -Rosidential, 24 DU per acre -R-48 -Residential, 48 DU per acre .::I NB -N eighborflood Business -CB -Community Business • RB -Regional Business -0 -0ffice I-Industrial 0 50() 1 000 Foot 1-= 1000 foot UI King County The Information na..ded on 111, map hal bNrl compi-.1 by King C.OU,ty staff from a vwier;y d SOU'OH and Is subject ti;! ~ without notloe. Kllli! County makes no representatlona Of warranties. express or Implied, aa to the acGUraCY, ~. tlm.tiness, Of rights to tha UM crt auch Information. King Cou,ty 11\a&l not be liable for arr, ;anenr.l, 'P9dril. indirect. incident.al. Of cona.eqLJ&ntlal darnagM lndudlr-.;i. bl.a not limited 10, lost rewnu&s or lost proftta 11U1.ltlrQ fmm thto UM or mi.uw of N Information contained on ttia map, Arr; .ai. of this ~ or lnfotmatlon on this map is ~bited e.iccep'I by 'llll'ritten permluJon of ~ County. Plot date: Jun 19, 2007; \\ddes001\x01'Qis\av_devlprojoctslbase2.apr A07PM202 CAO N Wat« Course (WLR) N Streets :,·: Wat« Bodies • CriUcal /Vea DeslgnaUon >< Wild life Habitat Conso,vation Areas (2004) D />Joa o/ Potential WeUand lnnuence (2004) c:::J Parcols c::::il Aquatic Areas Buffe, (2004) Critical Aquife, Recharge Areas (2004) ~i O 400 800 Feet 1"= 691 feet ttl King Cowrty The lnfonnation included on 1lla map haa been compiled by Kng C.OU,ty stsf'I' from a vanetyof aources and Is aubjec:1 to change wi thout notic:.. King Comty make.a no repreMl'IUltlonl « wa,ranties, upr&a,a or lrr~Hed, as to the aco.racy. ~teneu. tirMl!l'l&SI, Of right& to 1he UM c/ 6UCh lnfonnstlon. Khg Coll"lly shall not be Ila.bl. fot any ~'*111, .pedal, ndiAK:t, incidental, or CORMquential damagn lndudlrv, but nc,t limited to. lost rwenuM ot klst profits ~ from the UM or mlauu of the !nfom'latk>n contained on ttil map. Arr, &ala of ttn map or Information on this map •• prohibited axe.pt by writtan pe,miuion of KlrG Counly. Plot date: Jun 19, 2007: \\ddes001\x01\gislav_dev\projocts\base2 .apr A07PM202 HYDRO/GEO Bald Eagle Nests (WDFW) ... '.,, Wildlife NeMIOn< CJ Basins [ZI SAO landslide mll SAO Coal Mine i;;:g SAO Seismic c:::I SAO Erosion &~Imam "'A'P'1 2p ~2S Jv'3 :'-: u ~ SAO WoHand (1998 ) :;:::: Water Bodies D WLRD Drainage complaints C Parcels i BaJd ~·F:~t and Roost Buffen, (WDFW) 800 Foot °' Shoreline 1320 Foot FEMA Cross Sections FEMA FloodWay [2l FEMA 100-yr. Floodplain c::J CiHes 500 1000 Foot 1·= 1000 root ~ King County The rifonnaticn IOciuded on thl.l map has been complled by King Cc:urty staff from " var1eity ol aoxces and la aubjeci to ct\&'\gll wi1hout notice. Kl rc1 Comfy make4 no Li--=---~71r-----~ =~==~=-~~i:'t~ .. -u:u;- ~ W onnat:lon. King COi.my 8hal not be liable tor arr,' general, ~. lndncl, inddltntail, Of conHquet'ltlal damages Inducing, but not tmrtlld to, IOIIII ,....,.,,.,., Of lost ,~ proftt:s n,sliting from the use or misused the Info~ contaned on this map. Ant aa!e at this map or Information on this map 11 prohibited except by wnttan pe,mlssk>n of KJng Cow\ly. 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CP'Jt-l BLWVJiTIOM 4 41.41 TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET COVER SHEET: W/ VIC INITY MAP 1 p, 7 ROAD & STORM: PLAN 2 "-7 PROFILES 3 .,, 7 DETAlLS 4o~7 DETENTION P OND 5 "'' 7 GRADING.: PLAN 6 or ·1 Ll""--1';" DETAILS 7 ""'7 !~~Jvjil I I ,~~~11_ .. -1 .~~-.. Vicin i ty Map Scole 1''=2560'' li! 17$1M STT 1:1 > /SITE~ Ii ii ~ st T " < ·-n·r ~ Soils Map Scale 1"=20 00' Notice Re q uired Ct>l'lhD<:Wt V'd' 1"ol;,t7 ~...-dtlll'• '°"'°' "'tllt>N.-. .,,. .. ,wg,(11,,f'M 11'.itit{ ,_._ "' 11°>1' 0<"*:l r:,f ~i:<i "31~ tJf b-.,.~..,? (II i.-1 1-C.-daJ15. t,....t -l f"'~I ~"'°" ~ •<n~ dof'll. .,...._.. 111 \Ql,ln,ir•n,•·••"t <i f t'l !;O'«it.«l a, :J-.wi~..V. ,!, ~«ikn(A .,15 !=E('# l,t• •f ~ ..... ie t«i:~ ~ ... 4 j ~M ~<l!>~:::,,-1 (yl ~lf"'~w"-.l \iH;1, ,,-~, "" ftt& P'•Jl!'Ci ~<ti' ~ 'lf!.4,u, ~.....,, i"4U <lb.~. t>.e '~ !,:,: ... "" .. a,, ~fl9""'4'( ("(lf'<~lt()Olti: "'" 'f~r.t ....... ~,,,'r..,~'(, . (y>,.)4i,o;-'¥!9P :'X'O!z ,;;:;u:e:.1i., ( ... ~ ..... 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'1'1,, ·-··-··-· ~-·-.,-·~·-···-·----.. ~ •tnJl/i l1'0SION/SIDIMENTATION CONlROl NO!l:S (t)-OVAI. fJ rHIS tROSIOH/SEll-TAnQN CONlROi. (~SC) PLAN OOES .. or CQl<5llTUlt ..,.. APPI\OV-'I. or PERt.lANfitT ROJ.O OR DRAINAC£ DESI GN (t.C. Silt AIIO lOC,l,TlOH OF RO,f,OS. PIFC'.i, fl(.STRICTOIIS. CHAIIM!:I.S, RE1Elfll()r; r ACIUTE.S. unu11ES, lTC.). (2)H IMl't.EMEHfAllOH OF ~ £SC P\.>HS ""'D T>i( CONSTRUCTION, U.\lHlOW(C(. ll{Pu(l(M(N T. ANO U?CIIAOIHC OF 1H£Sl' £SC rM:11.fOCS ts TH£ RESPONS'.BIUlY Of' THE APPIJCAl<T /CONTR ACIOR Uli11l ALL COl'SfRVCllOh IS -0-.ol. (J)T>i£ 90UHD~S OF" TH£ CL£Af'i,'<Q f)l,ljT$ Sl<O'lll< ON lliiS Pl.AN SHALL BE C(.(Alll. Y f\.AGQ:O IN THE fl€U) Pftl(lfl TO CONS1f1UC1\oo, OURING TH£ CO!<STRUCllON PERIOD , HO lltS!VftBN<Cl! BEYOMl THE Fl.AGClrO C\,E~G LIMITS SHAU. BC PERMlfTCD. !Hf. fl\.AGQffG SHAU. 8£ hlAIIITA!Nro BY THE >.PPUCANT/CONlRACTOR FOR TH£ OVRAnON OF CO!<STIIUCTlOH. (•)THC csc , .. ~.mes SHov.,1 ON "!HI$ Pt.AN MUST BE CON$mv<;fE() 1N COO<JuNCTlOW l'>l !M AU. Cl.£"11fl!C AAll CRA!)CHC ACTIWIICS. ANO IN Sue>< • UANN(R A£ TO ~S!)R( tl<Al -T LAOCH IYA"ftR 00£S NOT El<TER WC DRMNAOC SYS"fEU DR '¥IOI.Alt: APPUCA.SU WA mt STANO AR.OS. (1<CC 9.C>4.020 ,.,._ KClllS 7.ot 0). (~) TH( (SC ,,,ClU'IIES Stlov.tl ON TH!S f'tA'I AA£ !l1E U,tlMUU A[QUl!IQIVj rs fOR ANllC,IPA 1ID Sift CQNO!llONS. O\JRJ!'iG 'lllC CONS1RUC1100. P.El<IQO. T'1E.S£ ESC fACll.111ES SNAU. 8!: Ui'CR...UCD (E.G. AO!ltllONIJ,, SI.II/PS, RQ..OCATIOH Of' llffC>*:$ ANO SILT FO<ctS. ETC.) ;.s l<ECDE.'O FCR IJ'l£"1'EC IEO STORU E~IITS (KCC 9 .°'.090 02), (6)TH£ ESG FAC1lll1£S SHAU. flt INSP(CT[O DAU BY THE APPUC AN T/COf<lRACTOR N<1 U,W,,T>JNt:!) AS 1<£ctSSAAY TO ENSUR( Tl1{IR CO!f!k)(j) f"Uffi:fKlNINC (KCC 9.04.090 I>~). (7)ANY AR£A STRfPPED Cf" 1,£G£·1,o.JIOlt ft,ICI.UDIN{; ROADWAY EMBM<.~I.A(NTS. ~R( HO ru!l™lR 'o>IOfll( IS NITICJ>i.lt:P fQR A l'(Rl()O OF tS Qi."/$. SHAU. 9C 11,11.A(OtAll:LY sue11.m;p ... TH THC M'PRO'Jl;Q ESC i;ETHOOS (E.G. S£t1)1WC, "1J\C>i!H~, N€Tll~. EROSIOH 8LA!O<£tS, CTC )(.KCRS -, 090}. (8)ANY AAf'.A NEl.ll!NG ESC l<E"5UR£, NO! IIEOJ1RtliC fMM!:04A1E ATT£N1fON, SHALL BE AOOfsl'SSO) "'°Nii FlFTU:H (15) OATS . (9)THC ESC FAOU11ES ON iNACTI',f; SlltS SHALl BE fl<$P€Clt0 ANO U kNTAlffED A WlNIMUW (T ONCE A WOOTM OR ... l><lN 11<( •a HOO~ rou.o-c " SlOII" t>t:t<r . (10)Ar MO l)ll( SH AU M<)Rf THAN (jj,i! f()()T Of SEDIM0<1 Of AllOWEO !O ACCUMUVlt \IUl!IN A CA10< BASIN. All. CA!Cll BASINS 1\/<D CON\olrYANCE UN( Sl11U 8£ Cl.£1\NCP eRKill ro PAW>C. -Cl.£ANt«l OP(RA"ll()N Sl<All NOT fl.USH 5EIJIMl;NT LADEN WAn:R INTO !l1E DO .... S'IREAM SYSn;M (11.)SfAflll.Jrul COHSTRUCTIOH (liTR,t,.llC[S AH!l WASH PMlS SHAl,i BE IN$T~O AT ~ BCCINNHG Of COIIS!IIVCTION ANO WIINTAl '*!l !"Of! ll<C OU!<Al'lON Of" THC PRO.ECT. AOOlllON,\L IIEAS'.JIIE MA Y BE JIEQUl'!(O TO INSUAf "lli•T ,t,U. PA V(I) Al\EAS AA( K(J>T 0.EAN fOf< l><t OOA ATIOO OF Tf'E PRMCT. (RCW J~.6t.6S5) . ( ti)OIJ Rltl(; ll<E 1111€ PERIOD Of" HO;{MOCR I fHIIOIJGH WAACli 3t, Ail ?RO.CC T OiS~ AA(As CIIE,A 1tR ll!AH 5 .000 SCUJ\l!E Ff.ET THA l J\l!f ro 8[ u:n ~ FOR MOR[ nw. n HO()RS Sli,\LL Bi: COI/ER£0 av ON( CF !Ii( FOU..0"'1/IG CO'.'ER ue:,.s,JRES MlJLQl, SOOOO<G OR PLASTIC CO\IERING. 1l<E CO',f;R MATIJ!I& Mf'C€SSAAY TO COi/ER AU. Ol5 !\JflJl!O ,O.R(AS fNSll)f !><E O.EAAING UM!~ wsr 8£ ONS11'r 8£l'WEf.N NQ,l;J.j ljl'.ff I •. NO i.AROO 31. {IJ)ANY PONANO<T R!;l'.l:NllON/t(:11'.lfllON F,O.CII.I TY USED A$ A "l<liPORARY SE TTUl'<C BASIN SHALL 8( wOli!flCO ... 111 "fli( NE~Y fR()SIQN COMROL M£>SVilU 1,/<0 SHAU. PRO'<'IOt l,Df.QUAl( STORAGE CAPAOPI'. If !HE PC IIMA.'oOH FACl\iTY fS TO fUHC!lOH Ull!YAT(lY •S ..,. , .. ni.m,noo OR OISP£RSIOI< SYSlEli, ll£ rACIUIY SHAU. HOf B£ USED AS A !U<PORAAY SET1\JNC BASIN. NO IJH!lOWROUNO flfIDITii;f< fAHl<S QA VAA TS Sl<Al.i. flt USED AS A ll:U?otlAAY &T'n.ll<G eASfN. (1')1\f,E.RE. SHl)ING rOR "fCMPaiARY £ROS>"-ON Ca«TROl iS Rf:(11,IREP, FAST GcRl,iiHATIIIG CR A!SS£5 SttAH. BE APPUOJ HAN "-"PRCPRiAlt IU!E (LG -'llli'Ji"l CR PEROCN•AJ. RYE ~ AT /.l'f>s~OX!MAl!:LY 80 POUNDS PO< ACRC). {15)'MiERE STRAW lillCli fOR TO,tP.ORAllY £ROSIOO CONTRO.. 15 'lEQUlR£0 . !T ';HAU 8£ l<l'l'Ul'l) , T A U!WMU!o! 'l<IC!<NESS or T-..o fNCl<ES. KING COUNTY 0.0.E. S. ACTIYIT'f Nll/.18ll: L '14010!9 ~ ""Z u.i w~ _JW <.!>~ 0~ J C\I ~! w ~ i:~ (JJ~ en t --+--------··- rt 4'!" Z Ul t -~ _ .. o::;i g c o.:il f """"' {/) bl "',!. zz :~ ;::::0 -'"'"' z I:"' C l">'.l &;;l ~ ;,;.:... {.!, "' .. z ;;..~ -"'!,; ~ ... . -..., U) cu ~I "' u -0 ' ... ~ U o.i ~~ ~: j . >-'f ~u !:!<> cr.o ,o.,, l".,:lfJl l c:.,N E--~ W'>c, en _\J ~~ o"" "'- ~ I = @ ~ <> z 'f V, " 3: ~@1 ~@ @ @m QI!!] @~ ~@ ~~ ~~ I!!] t ~ z 3 (J <> z :;z 0""1•'9n .. :1 t.R Cl'\.,Cl<Pd {r'],«j" J.!t c~.re-r..:~d A.s b1..i-1 [s-·6 /01 7 l [~t9 1177] fL a 3 .-..I E -:, --c;:--- ~"" ·"' ~''"" .. t~ .. .. _ t ~ :; ,, J ! 1 ,_ t1 I (i¢:(,i-; 1•:-tl.fµ I I '. f li i J ~ 1 !Jl , ; l "· j 'r-, .. (;ii ':,'I'. <I./'!: "'~ ):', i ?' f; [''··-"'F'" t. ·-· "". --. ·._ -·, :r.·. ·r-~::--•• _. f' ~ . .,__,_ -"1 ~. ' 1 ti .j --~--.. -, .... L ........ . ------'.'.~-<~ ........ ~ ~,.,-~------ 1/l-4,"i,y(tfi't, -· ~ ie:.o ~r ... -:-f·-~Yr --·-------~=-- PLA~ 8i PROF:ILE -WA LHAVE~ ~ 2 OWN£ R• A.Q .. WALL ENG1NE[R:R,J:. MCKIDDY H~· .... ~~·:'·.,;...; \i ... }I '! ,l:l' •t ·" <<' ... , "".·. \ ·~ -~· ; .. ~,),--i it -)r -l r~ --""~-,··· --f I I: 1 r-- ,t ;-"' \.JAL nAY~J'i ,tJ, 1 OAT UM-KING COUNTY ..,.,.,..,......,';"'------~-------·---..t... B.M . SP IKE I N P. POLE-S.E CORhlt:'.:R· S.E. 186TH ST 8 112TH AVE. $.E. ''..!:'~ >-;~-,-,:.;..-: -t l ! ~~-1 ~ l) .. 3q • r , t r , . ' ·. } i t ':ti i ~ -·-· --------... ~-... --·---·~-------------,.._.,, ......,..;-# --:..;.,. IIM,, . .J.;,.-, ;,.._...-.:~~'.._ -...,,,...-;.,...;,,;,Iii,( ! ,_ __ .,...,___._ ____ ··---···•, ,~~~~~~- l " l .f - 1 I ·{''\t ,, x -/'hf i ·" . . . . ,• . I I I ll:\-cl x' . . ,"<: . '. t\~[;J~ ~ ;., . . ~1 ; . , / ' '. +V' '1/iA'-'rL-' '. I \• ,; ~ ,P . ., 1' ~ ' ,1/ 'H-. \ ' ·. . ,.'i· ;;: I \.:: l,. . ·'· __ ,___'.~"'""-............ ,· <f iV •st, ... · I .. -x .. ' ,J ,, --. ~\ ,(,· " •. ' l .. ' .. f · ~ ' .--· .. ·-. . ii' -·,4··. ('(. t / .L\7 . . . " ' : . . . . ' -··-,i . " ,, ' r ~-"'-. . -~-------------~· -~·[;. l ff" Ttt ~J. ··---.-· -..;---.-__ Jtc . . ,, I / I/ • • .. -. I :i' ' ---.. _:~.~'·.--w~~+-~~~........--'·--=· _··_· ·--·-= _· __ :-~;tr,:( t . ' I J 1 . . -t I J . 1 t i !. I I l I : l ol -·-·1 ° ~! ------- I ' I I I . DATU M-Kl B.M. SP IKE S.E . 18 6 TH ~----. .....,L:..J __ 1 PLAN a PR OF l lE -WA LHAVEN *' 2 OWNE R: A.C. WAL L ENGINEER : R.P MCKLDDY }· . . ) . .. . . ....... ....... .,; . . . IL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T2 1 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31 T32 T33 T34 T35 T36 T37 T38 T39 T40 T41 T42 T4 3 T44 T45 T46 sooe> 1-~,1 \ LOe, ~ .. 01~,~ i\ t r, ~; ~ t\J ~ C\i_l\\ f»tn_,.iit\ £Pl_~ 1 o<'IJ~l"~~t V IVll'\rLC ~ 8" MAPLE 8' POPLAR 8" POPLAR 10" POPLAR 8" POPLAR 14' POPLAR 10' POPLAR 6" PI NE 10• POPLAR I . 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S · : fG OVER HANG :" 0 1'p.lQ ~ -L.91...---,. os -I , n. \)f'WE sr _ ,. 96 ------4"83 \:/ __ soo 520 3· . ---- -soo ~ .12' SE 1/4 S89"33'0 1"W 301 .25'" ----::--r 5 0 0 ~ ~ -------------NORTH LN., SOUT H 505 .1, N.E. 1/4, . . ~ ~ ~ . . -· -5 02 ·------- 502 ~ --------~---;---~ 5 04 ·, -°" -------------:._:__--:_=:_:_:_~ MH2 4 -----------__ _ -50 ~-----.,,-@ ---506 -506 ___ ---~-SSMH 4 _ --~-x--x D rP ----X --x--x ---, \.JI.. 11E \ '•,__ l)IW \,, V , ',. -~ G~ I S1 ? . . " ',~\ . \. ~. ' ____ 502-- POND ------- ± 3555 SQ. FT . HOUSE (TO BE REM OVED ) FOUND 5/8' REBAR & CAP "29294 /2928 1 ESM" '~~--, ~-- --1 0 If) w 1-w er (.) z 0 (.) ,' s: i'.'J C) en N y CB5 L~- 42' I t~ ~~ jl'~ 'f ~ ~} 1-j J L 0 ~e ~ 1/) ~ :'1 i )" _1 :r! ~ a 1' 0 a 03_ u.. ~ 3 -~;~ -,1 ~ CL I l .('.) ~ • I I 0 c:o ; I I w I I d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ' I I I I I I I ' I SPat:? L-1 r-c ,, I' 1 ~'< 1'2.oM ~ we I kj ~' I \ : ' <( I vjw : ~ I : ~m \ ~ : ...,;:.,.. I'-: (J I ~! ~· ~ ~ TBM: \C ~ 600 NA IL IN WEST ~10 ~ w FACE OF U.P. (E LE V: 497 .21) .,;-..0 o> 30' I \ (;87 ~ 0 ' I! STORM J ~ CBI SOL WE NOR SOUT CB 2 so NO CB3 so WI Et C84 NOR Tf- CB5 E SOL CB6 V NOi Ip SOI CB? NORTH SO UTH CB8 SOU TH NORTH MA N 1 SANI TA SSMH I 8 " co FLOW SANITA SS MH 2 8 FLOW S( SAN ITA SS MH3 SOUTH SO L NORTH EJ 1 SAr SSMH4 SOU THV EA S SA NITA SSM HS 8' cc FLO 'II UNlv M H 1 '<()I I' ~ ~ King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation KSC·TR-0222 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-3856 September 24, 2007 Rich Hudson 21936-234th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 RE: Road Variance L07V0075 -Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat Dear Mr. Hudson: Thank you for your application for a variance from the 2007 King County Road Standards (KCRS). You requested a variance from Section 2.10 concerning the intersection spacing along I 16th Avenue SE, a collector arterial. The KCRS requires a minimum of 500 feet of intersection spacing for this classification of road. Your proposed access, opposite the proposed half-street to the Pretty Short Plat, is acceptable. Variance L02V0039 for the Pretty Short Plat approved 230 feet of intersection spacing northward to SE 186th Street Your alternative proposed access at the south property is not acceptable due to minimal intersection spacing to the Pretty Short Plat half street. I approve a variance for reduced intersection spacing to allow the access opposite the proposed half street for the Pretty Short Plat. Your centerline should align with the future centerline of the completed half-street. The Department of Development and Environmental Services will review your access road for the need to stub to the west property line. This decision applies only to KCRS identified in the variance request. All other design requirements in the KCRS and other regulations, such as surface water management and zoning, must still be satisfied for a land use permit application. The applicant retains the rights and privileges afforded by King County Code and adopted Public Rules pertaining to road variance processing (KCC 14.42, PUT 10-2). This variance decision is valid for one year from date of letter unless an associated land use permit is pending or submitted within the one year period In.these CM\lii, the variance decision is valid for the duration of the permit processing. Rich Hudson September 24, 2007 Page2 A copy of staff's analysis, findings, and conclusions is enclosed. If you have any questions, please call Craig Comfort, Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, at 206-263-6109. Sincerely, Paulette Norman, P.E. County Road Engineer PN:CC:kc cc: James Sanders, P.E., Development Engineer, Land Use Services Division (LUSD), Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) Pete Dye, P.E., Senior Engineer, LUSD, DDES Linda Dougherty, Division Director, Road Services Division (RSD), Department of Transportation (DOT) Matthew Nolan, P.E., County Traffic Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Fatin Kara, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT ® King County Road Servic:es Division Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering Section MS KSC·TR-0222 201 South Jacks.on Street Seattle, WA 98104 September 24, 2007 TO: Variance File FM: Craig Comfort, PE., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section RE: Road Variance L07V0075 -Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat Applicant's Presentation: I. The Lakeside Real Estate Short Plat is a proposed nine-lot subdivision on I 16th Avenue SE, a minor arterial. The access alternatively is proposed at the south property line or roughly midway along the frontage to align with a proposed east leg of an intersection for the Pretty Short Plat. The access at the south property line would save the existing house, but has minimum intersection spacing to the Pretty Short Plat half street. 2. The intersection spacing northward to SE 186th Street is around 230 feet for the proposed access opposite the Pretty Short Plat access. Variance L02V0039 for the Pretty Short Plat approved a variance for the intersection offset. The King County Road Standards (KCRS) requires 500 feet of intersection spacing along a collector arterial. 3. The entering sight distance along the frontage exceeds KCRS minimums. 4. There is no alternative access to the site other than I 16th Avenue SE. Staffs Findings and Conclusions: I. The alternative access at the south property line would have less than I 00 feet of intersection spacing to the Pretty Short Plat road. 2. The Department of Development and Environmental Services will determine the design of the access road and the need to stub to the west. ~' Depa.:OUnty lar,,rtment of Development and Environmental Services go·,d Use Services Division vO Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 2()6.296-7217 Project Name: Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat Project Address and Parcel Number: 18621 116'" Avenue SE #3223059113 Applicant/Design Engineer Name: Rand D Enterprises/Rich Hudson -Consultant Address: 21936 234'" Avenue SE Web Date· 09/2812005 ROAD STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST TO THE COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER For alternate formats. call 206-296-6600. DOES File No.: L o1 v oo 7'5""" Signature: Date: July 24, 2007 Engineeling Fim, Name: Rand D Enterprises/Rich Hudson Telephone: (425) 432-4806 City, State, ZIP: DOES Engineer lnttials: Maple Valley, WA 98038 D Route Application to LUIS D Check here if project engineering plans are approved and construction has begun. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Please be sure to include all plans, sketches, photos and maps which may assist in complete review and consideration of your variance request. For a complete list of road variance submittal requirements, refer to separate list from DOES. Failure to provide all pertinent information may result in delayed processing or denial of request. Please submit this request and applicable fee to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) Permit Center at 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Renton, WA 98055-1219. To make an appointment for permit submittal, please call 206-296-6797. For more information, refer to the DOES Web site, www.metrokc.gov/ddes. j REFER TO SECTION_ 1.08 OF .THE KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS FOR VARIANCES DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST: The proposed short plat (see pre-application submittal attachment, file# A07PM202) can not meet the 500ft of road intersection separation on 116'" Avenue SE for a Minor Arterial street. The varian,ce request would be to allow the short plat access to be designed to align with the proposed private road approved on the Preliminary approved Pretty Short Plat (file#L01S0021, and approved Road Variance file#L02V0039 on the east side of 1161h Avenue SE. Ai~~l-~~~~;!!~:~~~~sCo~~:~Ngu~:~s: ~ [EJ~ [; ~ ~O; ~ JUSTIFICATION (see attachments, pages 1 to 5 ): K.C. 0.0.E.S. The applicant has no other option to locating or designing their road to meet the minimum 500 feet of intersection separation. The applicant's short plat proposed access would align with an approved private road serving 4 lots on the Pretty Short plat which is located on the east side of 116'" Avenue SE, directly across from the site. The granting of this variance would allow alignment with an approved road which would avoid creating offset intersections AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZATION D A roval D Conditioned A roval D Denied County Design Engineer: Date County Road Engineer: Date CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: RoadStandardsVarReqToCol Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Page 1 of 1 0912812005 ' . ..... .. . • • • • ~,. - K and D Enterprises PERMIT CONSUL TING SERVICES July 27, 2007 King County Road Engineer 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE Road Variance 21936 234th Ave. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 425-432-4806 (0) 425-660-8700 (F) 206-384-7392 (C) rd-enterprises@comcast.net K.C. 0.0.E.S. Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat-Pre Application # L07PM202 Dear County Road Engineer: The attached road variance application is being submitted for a proposed short plat that has completed the mandatory pre-application meeting stage(file #A07PM202). As stated in the application and as discussed at the pre-application meeting by County reviewers the applicant has no alternative access to 116th Avenue SE which complies with King County's Road Standards. During the applicant's Pre-Application Meeting on the proposed short plat (see attached site plan) we were informed that any proposed access road would require a road variance and a follow-up discussion determined a new variance is required to add an additional street to the approved intersection location (see approved Road Variance file#L02V0039 for Short Plat file#LOIS0021). The subject property fronts 116th Avenue SE which is classified a Minor Arterial street. The KCRS Section 2.10 requires a minimum of 500 feet of intersection spacing along .Minor arterial streets. We are applying for a variance from this road standard and the information provided in this letter, together with the attached site plan and the application are the justification. Intersection Spacing (KCRS 2.10)-Justification for Variance Approval 1. The only feasible access for this short plat is from 116th Avenue SE. There are no alternative streets to obtain access from since the property has no other street frontage. 2. The applicant is proposing a full width sub access private street at the approved intersection for the Pretty Short Plat which lies on the east side of 116th Avenue SE. This new street addition to an approved intersection location will provide a public benefit in that an additional off set street intersection is avoided. An additional off set intersection that fails to meet the 500 foot intersection spacing for a minor arterial would only impede traffic flow and circulation. From start to finish and everything in between! ,_01voo7S- ti •• .. . • • • • ·1-- K and D Enterprises PERMIT CONSULTING SERVICES 21936 234th Ave. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 425-432-4806 (0) 425-{;60-8700 (F) 206-384-7392 (CJ rd-enterprises@comcast.net Please grant this applicant a variance to KCRS 2.10 for intersection spacing on a Minor arterial. The applicant will be submitting the proposed short plat immediately upon receiving an approval of the variance. Currently the applicant is in the process of having the property surveyed and studies are being completed for the required drainage analysis. If you have any questions please call. Sincerely, Rich Hudson R and D Enterprises cc: Lakeside Real Estate Development, LLC From start to finish and everything in between! ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington. 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat Project Address and Parcel Number: 18621 116'" Avenue SE #3223059113 Applicant/Design Engineer Name: R and D Enterprises/Rich Hudson -Consultant Address: 21936 234th Avenue SE Web Date: 09/28/2005 ROAD STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST TO THE COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. DOES File No.: Lo1 v oo1e5" Signature: Date: July 24, 2007 Engineering Finn Name: R and D Enterprises/Rich Hudson Telephone: (425) 432-4806 City, State, ZIP: ODES Engineer lnttials: Maple Valley, WA 98038 0 Route Application to LUIS 0 Check here if project engineering plans are approved and construction has begun. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Please be sure to include all plans, sketches, photos and maps which may assist in complete review and consideration of your variance request. For a complete list of road variance submittal requirements, refer to separate list from ODES. Failure to provide all pertinent information may result in delayed processing or denial of request. Please submit this request and applicable fee to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) Permit Center at 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Renton, WA 98055-1219. To make an appointment for permit submittal, please call 206-296-6797. For more information, refer to the ODES Web site, www.metrokc.gov/ddes. J REFER TO SECTION 1.08 OF THE KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS FOR VARIANCES DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST: The proposed short plat (see pre-application submittal attachment, file# A07PM202) can not meet the 500ft of road intersection separation on 116"' Avenue SE for a Minor Arterial street. The variance request would be to allow the short plat access to be designed to align with the proposed private road approved on the Preliminary approved Pretty Short Plat (file#L01S0021, and approved Road Variance file#l02V0039 on the east side of 1,16"' ~-_. fllj .• 1~~1"' // is ~ APPLICABLESECTION(S)OFSTANDARDS: 1 01 IE_ ll, 1!~ !J \\,/ LL, 2.10.8 -Intersection and Low Speed Curves \ rn;\ U ll JUL 3 0 2007 JUSTIFICATION (see attachments, pages 1 to 5 ): K.C O.D.E.S. The applicant has no other option to locating or designing their road to meet the minimum 500 feet of intersection separation. The applicant's short plat proposed access would align with an approved private road serving 4 lots on the Pretty Short plat which is located on the east side of 116"' Avenue SE, directly across from the site. The granting of this variance would allow alignment with an approved road which would avoid creating offset intersections AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES: ODES STAFF RECOMMENDATION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZATION D Annroval D Condttioned Aooroval County Design Engineer: Development Engineer/DeSignee: Date County Road Engineer: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: RoadStandardsVarReqToCol Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Page 1 of 1 D Denied Date Date 09/28/2005 Continued from page one of the Road Variance Request: .... on a Minor Street Arterial. The avoidance of creating offset intersections would facilitate smoother traffic flow due to less traffic conflict intersections. Note that a new road along the north property line would double front the existing houses immediately north of the proposed short plat. Double fronting lots in an urban area is typically avoided to reduce impacts from development intensity associated with higher densities. Placing the road along the south property line is the applicant's preferred design alternative however this location would create an offset intersection with the Pretty short plat on the east side of I 16th Avenue SE. The applicant's desire to keep the existing house would be achieved if a road alignment (full width private road) along the south property line is allowed with this Road Variance decision. An existing school is located immediately south of the proposed short plat and therefore a half-street is not feasible. Noted in the Pretty Road Variance approval is a conclusion that the access road for the Pretty Short Plat best suits that site and that the intersection spacing to the north is maximized. Furthermore it concluded there should be no confusing turning movements to the north for traffic. As mentioned previously the existing school immediately south of the applicant's proposed Short Plat eliminates further development potential on the west side of I 16th Avenue to the south. In summary, the applicant has two options for a road intersection location on I 16th Street. The two options are either allow the build out of the approved intersection or the construction of a full width road along the applicant's south property line. The proposal that matches the approved Pretty Road Variance location is the best/greatest intersection separation that can be designed. This location was evaluated for neighborhood circulation as well as traffic movement/safety and it was approved. If the decision on this Road Variance determines a full width private road along the south property line is allowed then the applicant would provide a subaccess full width 40foot private road in accordance with DDES staff discussion at the July 17, 2007 Preapplication meeting. R and D Enterprises 21936-2341h Avenue SE Mapl!.' Valley, WA 98038 Phone: ( 425) 432-4806; Cell: (206) 384-7392 Email Address: rd-enterprises@comcast.net June 8, 2007 Current Planning Section LUSD, DOES 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: MANDATORY PRE-APPLICATION MEETING The enclosed Mandatory Pre-Application meeting request is being submitted for a 9-lot short plat. The applicant & property owner is the Lakeside Real Estate Investment Company. There are three copies of the forms and it's requested that the assigned planner and engineer attend for the County. The property is in the process of being surveyed and the existing house will be located on the short plat preliminary map page per field survey. The detached shop/barn structure will be removed. The applicant's preference is to keep the existing house that is shown on the attached site plan. The site plan has aligned the access road to match an approved road on the east side of 1161h Avenue SE. Since any access road from 1161h Avenue SE requires a road variance and because the applicant's desire is to retain the existing house we will be submitting two designs with the pending road variance submittal. One road variance layout design will match the attached layout and the second design which again is the preferred layout is a road along the south property line, which subject to field survey verification & proper setbacks, will allow the house to remain. As the pre-app forms call out this is a 9-lot short plat. All lots would be developed for detached single-family residential use. All lots will be served by a full width street along either the south property line or as shown on the attached map page. As noted above both designs require a road variance for intersection spacing. Also all lots will be served by existing public water & sewer facilities. The actual location of the existing house will be surveyed prior to eventual short plat submittal. Summarizing the above, the applicant would like to have two development options reviewed/discussed at the Mandatory Pre-Application meeting: 1. A 9-lot proposal which has the access road as shown on the attached map page. 2. A 9-lot proposal which has the access road & cul-de-sac along the south property line. A primary question is whether the access & drainage improvements change depending on the location of the proposed road? The applicant will also be applying for a road variance due to a lack of meeting the intersection separation requirement of 500 feet for 1161h Avenue SE, which has a Minor Arterial street classification. This road variance application submittal will take place prior to the short plat application submittal. Depending on the timing of this submittal and the pending decision by KCDOT the applicant will incorporate that review with the eventual design for the short plat application submittal. The enclosed forms also state I will attend the meeting with the applicant/developer. All contact for scheduling the meeting or any questions on the proposal or enclosed material should be directed to me and I will coordinate the meeting time with the applicant. Thanks, . ., /.£ v7 -""// _ _,,4f-'~ ;::/;;;~.,_..P°-/;7'7'"· a , Rich Hudson, Rand D Enterprises cc: Lakeside Real Estate Investment Company King County Department of Deve'lopment and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Land Use Pre-application Meeting Request Form To be completed by DOES Staff Pre-application No. Date Received (Stamp) I am interested in receiving FREE information and design assistance regarding compliance with Green Building and/or Low Impact Development. King County will contact the applicant. Please rint A licant Name Project Address/Location / 8'621 Please indicate if pre-application is: D Land Use Feasibility 8Mandatory D Consolidated Check the box(es) regarding issues you wish to discuss: ~ Land Use Permit Issues: Subdivision I CUP/ Variances I Reasonable Use/ PAUE -~ Site Issues: Zoning / Setbacks / Density I Subdivision Design I Landscaping ~ Site Issues: Traffic I Road Access/ Road Improvement/ Road Variances/ Parking Layout Site Issues: Drainage / Site Development/ SWDM Variances & Adjustments Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Permit/ Permitted Uses I Shoreline Setbacks D SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist/ Off-Site Improvements/ Mitigation D Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers I Building Setbacks I Flood Plains / Mitigation D Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope I Landslide I Seismic/ Coal Mine / Erosion D Clearing/Grading Issues: Site Development/ Clearing Restrictions / Site Restoration D Building Issues: Building I Mechanical: HVAC/Energy/ Barrier-Free Standards D Fire Issues: UFC / Fireflow /Access/ Sprinklers /Alarms/ Hazardous Materials D Health Issues: Sewer I Septic/ Water I Groundwater/Noise Impacts D Other (Specify): LandUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc tc-infreq-preap. pdr 09/28/2005 Page 3 of 4 Will \MIi Nol VI/ill Attend Attend Attend E 0Applican, D D Architect D D D Civil Engineer D D D Developer D Revised for Weh: 08112l2CD5 Will Not Will Wi!l"Jot Attend 0 Geotechnica[ Consultant D Landscape Architect Attend D D D Legal Consulianl J8!_ B Property Owner £v>, CJ;Ar--1'£ A-5 A-,,.....<:4Nr) __r_u_&J_=--r-... ·--·--- Attend D Structural Engineer D Wetlands Consultant D Others: /!f~E:LflT. C&JA(%L&'7-W ! ceiiify that I am the applicant fc;" ·~~~s ',':":-"~-arg-~~~c:"·!cr;: :7:-'?~ff·1g r2~~~-~est and I underst2~d t!1at ODES ,_~_~•11 assess hour!y review fees far eacf~: DD~S sf·::-1~J: -~~~~-~; f"'"""!09l.fl="":~ &~ pi:·$-a'.?t')fication resezrch, mP-~tjnt:i p~-i ;1os-:-meeting follo\v-up 1,vort:7 2~":~ f'.1P~ I p;;st~~~ ~"1?"".':C':~~~ ,;"~srir<:"1s:H,!H~ for 2n fees 25;socia~~d ,Nit~ ... _'lis rer.:-~.,e~":. Note: An advance deposit cf $392.~-I!-is 1·-~~lfr-~r~ '~:o 1;;r:'"""·G!rl~n£r-; a ri:-e-~~~iic@ffon ~9etin;:i. ~:1ake ch~cks payable io King County Office of fimince. If you have any questions about your pre-application meeting, please contact DOES at 206-296-6600. landUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page 4 of 4 '":. -~ '-,~_j,' ~-..-; ~ ,':'. "'7" ~r-10,~·"'~·" '------------_____________ -.J ,. ------------ ;----·--------i· - 1 .,. I. I {' .. -----------~---·--_, \ \ i: ., // / -~~ ----...+ -------------- -·-' ,'; Check out the DDES !11/eb site at ,--,;;,P.'l! •. •1 ;:,f;·D!rc"'·c.I::c1es ShortPlatApplicationFORM lc-app-shplat.pdf 10/1412005 ' . •. Page 3 of3 ··---·----- p ' ' ' 7~f_ :-t-·· -, -. : ' .-? =, ' ? = • ~;· -· ' .. ·- .. ' • i . -------~ I • ) , •• ; , • • .. • • -~-....... ,,_,a._ -·~ 90·£Z-Z£ 3S ' ' , ·/' t-. ,, // l' !' I -~ ·-• • , , ? ..:. ' '., S!N3WSS3SSV I" .LN3WW\fd3Q A.lNl"IO:l 9Nl)I ® S H~-07 W 190.09 120.oa ';" N 1-59-01 [ -~ 8 I I 1noa z f H 1 ss -01 [ ':', ._)'f1 ;:; ;_,.lo:> \20.08 ~ -1- ' 1?0.0B --~~o ___ " 114TH. AVE. S.E. J 120.08 8 " 120.08 "' } =. "' "' '"~ 120.08 h 2-0Z-15 E ' 120.og N2-014BE ~ "' I~ <j~~,· -· ~· 120.08 ' ~ -II 2-04-0J £ I ~ ·'{>: " ' 120.09 N 2-0J-09 E ' , 05-50 E I 120.oa I; 81 ' ~ "' 1~ . fl' !" 110.09 -CD ,c 2-07-]7 "' N20~-29[ !20.0S II 2-0!HO [ ... 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King Coorfy llhal ""be ,_ tor Off/ gerwral. spec:1111, rorwct. ircidllrtllll, or tonNqU9l1llll damages rdudtn.. but rw::,t llffl.cl to . lolil ,........,.. or k>el: profits re8UIUng from the: uae or rri1UN rA ltll irlormation a:,ntained on thm ~. Any.,.. d thta map Qr information o,, this ITIIP ii p,:,Nb:led ucept by 'M"ltt•n ptrltialon o1 Ki Count, Plot date: Aug 2, 2007; llddes0011x01'olslav_~\base2.apr 7f 1W ·-----.... -------------·-·------·-----·------·------ SE 1W1liST [liLN ~ .! R-8 :l -----------------------. D i ;..--- SE.1J8ru ST __ i , R-6 + -------------------- Rand D L07V0075 N rra;1s ,! Schools/School Facffllles N rownst>pUnes S-T·R ,\ / OSLINES ~SEO.INES N TWPUNES N straets SAO Stream N , N.2P N.zs /'y_3 ,~ '/' u ~ SAO Wetland (1998) Water Bodies Road Rlghts-ot-Way CJ ZOOll'Q Pa rcels L..... AQuaUc Areas Buffer (2004 J LJPar1<s D Cities 0 100 200 300 1"• 320 feet U1 King County 400 Feet The intormatx>n irdJded on thil map has bNn COO"c,led by K1'll County etaff from a verieey o1 90t.roeS rd Is S1.Jbtec1 to change <Mihoul notice. King Courcy makes ro rep-uental:ions or warranlies. u.p-ese Ot Imp/led. a,'° the 80CU'~. comp6efereN. timellnNe, ()( rightl to the UN of -..ch Wormollon ~ Courfy -not be II-for ant general, apeci#. lr'odnct. incider1111 . or oon99qUertial damag,u nduding, but no( l imited \o, loll f9WNJ&S Of '°5t p-ofrtl .-.ailing lrom the u,e or mlSUN ot 1ne lrtOffllllllon coru~Md on ltd rn,p. /vryNlt:d llit map or nformal:10n on !tis map II p-ohblltld exo.pt by 'Mitten permiseion of King C.OUriy. Plot date: Aug 2, 2007: llddes0011x01'Qlslav_dev\j)rojacts\trase2.apr Rand D L07V0075 0 100 200 Feet 1"= 200 feet ti King County The information lnck.lded on lhia ITWIP hn been compled by ~ Cou,ty statflr"Om • vanetyof tQIJl't:el Md t9 ~ to d'W9t witto:JI notice. Kng Courty mollkff no r.prMtrtationl « warranties. txpr'IIH or tmpiitd, ., to the axuac:y, CX>f'l't)lett'nHt, tlmlllnttl, or rigtU io \h8 UM of aJCh inforrTWltion. ~ County lhlfl no1 be l1lible for arrJ gerMal. special, Indirect. lrddo<tll, "'""'"°""""''"' damages lneludir'Q, but nol 1mited 10, IQst l"8\f9f"lJIS or km pro(rts rfflJtng from the u• or nu.JN or ft. lnf::,n'l\lllk>n oon1.alned on this ,.,.,. Any sale of thlai map or 1ntotrN1Jon on this map Is prohlbHed •xotp( by 'Nritten per minion of c~.m1y. Plot date: Aug 2, 2007; 1\ddes001\JC01'Qls\av_dev\prqects\base2.apr ----------·-------------------------·-------. ----------·- ~ ~ ~ .... SE 186THST " • --- -.. r I • ~ I , \ l \ j " T Rand D L07V0075 ! $chOOISISd'OOI FadlltleS N rra,,ts N r.,.....i,l pUneS S-T-R /\ /QSUNES 'A'/ I~ y • SECUNES 'NTWPUNES N streets SAf)Slre0m ~~p "N,zs N J u ~ SAOWelland(1006) Watet: Bodies • Rood Rights-of-Way c:J Zoning Pan:elS :..__i Aquatic Alea• Buffer (2004) QPall<s D CffieS 0 100 1·• 200 feet 200 Feel UI Ki,g County The lnfOfTNl{ion irduded on Lhil map l'IM t>eer,~ed r,; '°'"9eocr,tr-from•v--,of-ancllt~OO : dlo'9'"""°"'"°'"'"· Kr,QCcuriY....,'"' I repr ... rtations fY wtrrart.iat. expteU OI ~. 11111 IOU-. . fl(::Ont::'f, ~le,..., timlllnNI. or ngN.s k> thl UN ol ----;:::.t·=~~::.=::.&t'i daml(JN ••dudn~. bUt noC llrmed IO, lotl ,.........,.. ot k>.t r------------------------_J ~-,-.... u•or ....... otttw.t...,,-.ticn ,~ma:n.:-S~.O>::~~~~ Couny. Plot date: AUO 2. 2007; \\Cl<le5()()11x0 1'Qis\8V_~lbase2.apr Au9 021.jpg 2007/08/08 11 :17:58 Au9 023.jpg 2007/08/08 11 :18:24 King County Road Services Division DPpartnH'nt ofTra.11sportc1tion 201 Sou!hjacbon Str(>E'f Sert111e, \VA 9810·l-3B5G Larry Krueger 945 S. Central, Suite I 04 Kent, WA 98032 RE: Road Variance L02V0039-Prettv Short Plat-Related File LOIS0021 Dear Mr. Krueger: August 29, 2002 Thank you for submitting your application for a road variance from the King County Road Standards (KCRS). You requested a variance from Sections 2.10 and 2.02 of the KCRS concerning intersection spacing and frontage improvements along the minor arterial of I 16th Avenue SE in the area of SE I 86 1h Street. You also revised your variance request to include a variance from Section 2.07 for a modified half street design. We have reviewed this submittal and feel that it is important to provide safe and adequate pedestrian facilities in urban areas. Curb and sidewalk provide these facilities. I must deny your request lo delete the required urban frontage improvements along l l 6'h Avenue SE. I agree that the proposed location of the short plat access road best suits the site. Intersection spacing to the north is maximized. There should be no confosing turning movements for traffic. I do have concerns over the proposal for access via a private road because the neighboring properties will also desire access to I I 6'h Avenue SE when they develop. I approve the variance request for the intersection spacing with the condition that a public half street be constructed along the south property line. The extent of the constructed half street will be determined by the Department of Development and Environmental Services. The dedicated half-street right-of-way must extend to the east property line. In addition, I approve a variance for a modified half street design -to 20 feet of pavement with rolled curb but no sidewalk in a 26-foot County right-of-way. The proposed hammerhead is allowed to replace a full width cul-de-sac bulb. A copy of the staffs analysis, findings and conclusions is enclosed. If you have any questions, please call Craig Comfort, Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, at (206) 263-6109. Sincerely, ~hJ!tf!/b ik--z47,_~~ Paulette Norman, P.E. Acting County Road Engineer PN:cc:kc • • Larry Krueger August 29, 2002 Page 2 cc: James Sanders, P.E., Development Engineer, Land Use Services Division (LUSD), Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) Pete Dye, P.E., Senior Engineer, LUSD, DDES Linda Dougherty, Manager, Road Services Division (RSD), Department of Transportation (DOT) Mark Mitchell, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Gary Samek, Supervising Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT ' King County Road Services Division · DPpartn1ent ofTran!;;portc1tiuu 201 South.J;_u:kson StrPPI $eA.tt]P, \\'i\ 98104-3856 August 29, 2002 TO: Variance File FM: Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section RE: Road Variance L02V0039 -Pretty Short Plat -Related Filt: LO I S002 l Applicant's Presentation: I. The proposal is for a four lot short plat at 18606 116th Avenue SE. 1161 h Avenue SE is a minor arterial and the King County Road Standards requires 500 feet of intersection spacing. The applicant proposes 230 feet of intersection spacing from the site access road to SE 1861h Street. The site can only access 116 1h A venue SE and the proposed design maximizes the intersection spacing. The four lot short plat will not create a significant traffic increase in the vicinity. 2. The applicant also requests that the urban frontage requirements be deleted. There is no curb and sidewalk to the north all the way to Petrovitsky Road. To the south, the first sidewalk is encountered at SE 193'd and that is on a much larger development. Similar projects in the neighborhood have not been required to provide curb and sidewalk. 3. After meeting with County staff, the applicant revised the proposal from private road to a King County half street along the south boundary of the short plat. The applicant requests under the variance, to reduce the 30 foot right-of-way requirement for a half street. The applicant also requests that no sidewalk be required along the half street and that a hammerhead emergency turnaround be approved as part of the variance request. Staffs Findings and Conclusions: I. There are developments in the vicinity that have provided curb and sidewalk. Curbs and sidewalks provide for safe and adequate pedestrian facilities in urban areas. 2. The adjacent lots around the Pretty Short Plat have subdivision potential given the zoning. If a private road is constructed as proposed, the adjacent parcels will potentially be requesting variances in the future for their intersections. The applicant should provide a public half street along the south boundary to minimize future intersection Variance File August 29, 2002 Page 2 problems along 1161h Street SE. The length of constructed public half-street must be worked out with the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES). DOES supports the proposal for the reduced right of way for the half street and for the hammerhead turnaround. The applicant will be completing the major part of the half street section with the curb and 20 feet of paving. The parcels to the south can be expected to add the sidewalk. 3. There should not be any conflicting traffic turning movements associated with the proposed 230 feet of intersection spacing. City, APPLICABLE 81:CTIOM{S) OF STANDARDS: 2 ' 02... ~ ,d 2 , It) JUSTIFICATION (-attachments, pages_ to___): ,S-ee-qtfc«:-ked /etf..,;r;, /,'cfwes, _; ~ s/...01-/ f (a.f-d10.,,_,,,'7 AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES: ODES STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 01:PAITTMENTOFTRANSPORTATIONAUTHORIZATION: 71o ori (r111fa.7( w~·ver. q75 (fl] 11{«f{tf:I}~ 11c1v w/c1@iifs, CONDmoNS OF APPROVAL: 1.1 fvbtf:~H-J[ir«:t-a,l&1J vou/11 ft { t1/t1-;J1j ~ t"1l/i. ( p.7 a: 1c 0 00 l -..: __ _1;1-~ ,I ~ 'rt-: -~-, I I :t ~ 11 : g I a:: \ :i c::i I ~ '11 : : -I ~ l; ' f'"." , __ --r"·;-, 3 I J oo · .. 1· '. Ii:. 8 N "' I --1 '-' -:;,; a i-!i __ f.81 ,~ -...l I I ci, \~ . ~ /" !~: . · r_.,, • "--l<o I ?~ ~ I ' ~ gi11 I , , -I :t: 11,, l gr_; :::,I~ i's: , ; \.,_J :--'-,j (I:, ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I 11 \VJ~i:o; ~,,,; :::e i..') I 1\1 ~ "-.:-~ 2 I 1\' !R . f.?,: I ~I 1Z) O' ..,_., -'-,1,~ """ ~ ~IQ _1c:i11Q r,J -,-... (_J I llt.1 I \£ t-,. ~ I Ct'. 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I " $' sh--:--~(O·.,: .. ~--:\ \ ' ... -"-~-'!-_,_ I 1 "-..__ FOUND RfBAR I W/ CAP "HANSEN 2 cf;'1 • King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Land Use Pre-application Meeting Request Form To be completed by DOES Staff Pre-application No. Date Received (Stamp) I am interested in receiving FREE information and design assistance regarding compliance with Green Building and/or Low Impact Development. King County will contact the applicant. Please rint A licant Name Project Description P fi..O r-'C?'515f> I, ?6 AC~ °/7AR,cex.-, Pro·ect Address/Location / 8't.f Zt Please indicate if pre-application is: D Land Use Feasibility gMandatory D Consolidated Check the box(es) regarding issues you wish to discuss: Parcel Nos) jg' Land Use Permit Issues: Subdivision / CUP /Variances/ Reasonable Use / PAUE -~ Site Issues: Zoning / Setbacks / Density / Subdivision Design / Landscaping ~ Site Issues: Traffic/ Road Access/ Road Improvement/ Road Variances/ Par1<.ing Layout Site Issues: Drainage/ Site Development/ SWDM Variances & Adjustments Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Penni!/ Permitted Uses / Shoreline Setbacks D SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist/ Off-Site Improvements/ Mitigation D Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers / Building Setbacks / Flood Plains / Mitigation D Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope/ Landslide /Seismic/ Coal Mine / Erosion D Clearing/Grading Issues: Site Development/ Clearing Restrictions/ Site Restoration D Building Issues: Building/ Mechanical: HVAC/Energy/ Barrier-Free Standards D Fire Issues: UFC / Fireflow /Access/ Sprinklers/ Alarms/ Hazardous Materials D Health Issues: Sewer/ Septic / Water I Groundwater/Noise Impacts D Other (Specify): L.andUsePreapMeetingslnloAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page 3 of 4 I Revised for Web: 08/1212005 Please indicate the numbers and ~r~es -:-·: ~~e~t~5entatives :~h(':'.~ \rt.7~~fi '.!Je a'i: tl1e pre-ap~!Fcaiion me~1:int;i: ~rom your design tea'TI: Will AHend Will Not Attend Will Attend Will Not Will Attend Attend Will Not Attend D Structural Engineer D Wetlands Consultant ~ D D 0Applicant 0Architect 0 Civil Engineer 0 Developer D D D D 0 Geotechnical Consultant 0 0 Landscape Architect 0 0 Legal Consultant § B Properly Owner , l.h, _ _ -\ 0 Others: ;?/31?-Hir q:,,,y;S'uw7',,t, CJ;A,'-1£ A--5 ,..-,-1'-"CAN,/ •otal Number Attending _T_l±&/~i= I certify that I am the applicant for this pre-application meeting request and I understand that ODES will assess hourly review fees for each ODES staff member involved in pre-application research, meetings and post-meeting follow-up work, and that I assume financial responsibility for all fees associated with this request. Note: An advance deposit of $392.44 is required to schedule a pre-application meeting. Make checks payable to King County Office of Finance. If you have any questions about your pre-application meeting, please contact DOES at 206-296-6600. Check out the DDES Web site at,., ... ,_;"~" ,., ~.,·· ·---- landUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page 4 of 4 .. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Web date: 0612812007 CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT STATUS Renton, Washington 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Pennit Number: y'D Activity Number: JL~0!!7~•!1111!.'...:. _______ _ Pennlt Name: Lakeside Real Estate Investment Short Plat FOR INDIVIDUALS: I, (print name), hereby certify that I am the/an owner of the property which is the subject of this permit. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized to represent all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: I further certify that I am the "Applicant" for this permit and as such am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing on the form provided by ODES. * Signature of Applicant -OR- FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: Date Signed I, Rich Hudson (print name), hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of Lakeside Real Estate Investment, LLC , a corporation or other business association authorized to do business in the State of Washington, which is the sole owner of the property that is the subject of this permit. If this corporation or business association is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this corporation/business association is authorized to represent all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this corporation/business association is: Lakeside Real Estate Investment, LLC 3520 South 198111 Steel SeaTac, WA 98188 I further certify that the above named corporation/business association is the "Applicant" for this permit and as such is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This corporation/business association shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless it transfers its applicant status in writing on the form provided by DDES. * A~~~- ~ Signature of Applicant's Agent July 27, 2007 Date Signed * By signing as the Applicant or the Applicant's Agent, I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information provided above is true and correct. LakesideCertApplicantStatusFORMFairwood lc-cer-apstat.pdf 06/2812007 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: lSl' I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: Check out the DOES Web site at www.kinqcountv.gov/permits LakesideCertApplicantStatusFORMFairwood lcx:er -apstat.pdf 06/28/2007 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Date: June 20, 2007 Rich Hudson Lakeside Real Estate 21936 234th J\ve SE Maple Valley, WJ\ 98038 Applicant: Meeting Date: Time: Lakeside Real Estate lnves. LLC Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:00 am Meeting Confirmation Notice Location: Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Room: C-1 Conference Room (Please meet on the first floor) Tracking Number: A07PM202 Pre-application meeting request Project Manager: Chad Tibbits, PPMII, 206.296.7194 Please advise us if any changes are needed in the meeting date or time, so that we may reschedule the meeting as soon as possible. Please reference the project tracking number (sec above) to any correspondence you may wish to submit to us. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call the project managers identified above. Please wait on the first floor for the project manager to meet you. c.c. Daniel Turner Front Receptionist, DOES Chad Tibbits Kris Langley R and D Enterprises 21936-234th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Phone: ( 425) 432-4806; Cell: (206) 384-7392 Email Address: rd-enterprises@comcast.net June 8, 2007 Current Planning Section LUSD,DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: MANDATORY PRE-APPLICATION MEETING The enclosed Mandatory Pre-Application meeting request is being submitted for a 9-lot short plat. The applicant & property owner is the Lakeside Real Estate Investment Company. There are three copies of the forms and it's requested that the assigned planner and engineer attend for the County. The property is in the process of being surveyed and the existing house will be located on the short plat preliminary map page per field survey. The detached shop/barn structure will be removed. The applicant's preference is to keep the existing house that is shown on the attached site plan. The site plan has aligned the access road to match an approved road on the east side of I 16th Avenue SE. Since any access road from I 16th A venue SE requires a road variance and because the applicant's desire is to retain the existing house we will be submitting two designs with the pending road variance submittal. One road variance layout design will match the attached layout and the second design which again is the preferred layout is a road along the south property line, which subject to field survey verification & proper setbacks, will allow the house to remain. As the pre-app forms call out this is a 9-lot short plat. All lots would be developed for detached single-family residential use. All lots will be served by a full width street along either the south property line or as shown on the attached map page. As noted above both designs require a road variance for intersection spacing. Also all lots will be served by existing public water & sewer facilities. The actual location of the existing house will be surveyed prior to eventual short plat submittal. Summarizing the above, the applicant would like to have two development options reviewed/discussed at the Mandatory Pre-Application meeting: 1. A 9-lot proposal which has the access road as shown on the attached map page. 2. A 9-Jot proposal which has the access road & cul-de-sac along the south property line. • A primary question is whether the access & drainage improvements change depending on the location of the proposed road? The applicant will also be applying for a road variance due to a lack of meeting the intersection separation requirement of 500 feet for 116th Avenue SE, which has a Minor Arterial street classification. This road variance application submittal will take place prior to the short plat application submittal. Depending on the timing of this submittal and the pending decision by KCDOT the applicant will incorporate that review with the eventual design for the short plat application submittal. The enclosed forms also state I will attend the meeting with the applicant/developer. AU contact for scheduling the meeting or any questions on the proposal or enclosed material should be directed to me and I wiU coordinate the meeting time with the applicant. ~~------~=Hudson, R and D Enterprises cc: Lakeside Real Estate Investment Company King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-298-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Land Use Pre-application Meeting Request Form To be completed by ODES Staff Pre-application No. I am interested in receiving FREE information and design assistance regarding compliance with Green Building and/or Low Impact Development. King County will contact the applicant. Please rint A licant Name Project Description f' ft.CJ f'(l7€ p I, 76 AC~ °17A-R.ce<-. Pro·ect Address/Location / 3'tf 21 Please indicate if pre-application is: K.C. D.D.E.S. D Land Use Feasibility 18 Mandatory D Consolidated Check the box(es) regarding issues you wish to discuss: ·-8-o E Land Use Permit Issues: Subdivision /CUP/ Variances/ Reasonable Use/ PAUE ·ig Site Issues: Zoning / Setbacks / Density I Subdivision Design / Landscaping ~ Site Issues: Traffic/ Road Access/ Road Improvement/ Road Variances/ Parking Layout Site Issues: Drainage / Site Development / SWDM Variances & Adjustments Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Permit / Permitted Uses / Shoreline Setbacks D SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist/ Off-Site Improvements/ Mitigation D Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers / Building Setbacks/ Flood Plains/ Mitigation D Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope / Landslide / Seismic/ Coal Mine / Erosion D Building Issues: Building/ ~ ca A ergy/ Barrier-Free Standards D Fire Issues: UFC / Fireflow I A~s / · / Alarms / Hazardous Materials O Clearing/Grading Issues: Sit.e De. ~-.. /ii ring Restrictions/ Site Restoration D Health Issues: Sewer I Sepfi!:' '¥~er un er/Noise Impacts D Other (Specify): ____ ',,_ .. -_J_· _______________________ _ LandUoePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc k:-infreq-preap.pdf Page 3of4 Revised for Web: 08/1212005 Please indicate the numbers and types of representatives that will be at the pre-application meeting from your design team: Will Will Not Attend i Attend 0Appllcant 0Architect \'Viii Will Not Will Will Not Attend Attend Attend Attend D Geotechnical Consultant O O Structural Engineer D Landscape Architect D D Wetlands Consultant D D 0 Civil Engineer 0 Developer D D D D D Legal Consultant 8 D Others: /7/3.l<-HtT ~Uw"JZW7 g Prgperty Owner ,. &. , . -'\ ~ A--5 rrr!"'CAN-r/ Total Number Attending T/f/<J==--r: I certify that I am the applicant for this pre-application meeting request and I understand that ODES will assess hourly review fees for each DOES staff member involved in pre-application research, meetings and post-meeting follow-up work, and that I assume financial responsibility for all fees associated with this request Note: An advance deposit of $392.44 is required to schedule a pre-application meeting. Make checks payable to King County Office of Finance. If you have any questions about your pre-application meeting, please contact DOES at 206-296-6600. LandUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-lnfreq-preap.pdf Q9128/2005 Page 4 of 4 North Scale: e 1n =' ~,,.. ..... ..k . \./ 1.= )' I ,T1IY t PC'ff,>trrct PROPOSED SHORT PLAT MAP ~ " ' ' l·i '\ i\~ () :j '- ' h 1'- Date: I,. -3'-O 7 Revision Date: _.;.h;..c;..c'A ... ' ._------ / Til /~.E' /2(-i'!OV,,")) } -----~-- ) } _, -1-·'' i {:> . -----~- Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes ShortPlatApplicationFORM lc-app-shplatpdf 1011412005 Page 3 of 3 Comments A07PM202 Legal Lots not submitted Road Access will be needed align with the short plat across street Dedication of 42 feet of ROW Frontage improvement to align with school to the south. Ilium plan for minor arterial. Drainage 2005 Drainage Manual Level I by a Professional Engineer. Full drainage review conservation - • R and D Enterprises 21936-234tb Avenue SE Maple_valley, WA 98038 Phone: (425) 432-4806; Cell: (206) 384-7392 Email Address: rd-enterprises@comcast.net June 8, 2007 Current Planning Section LUSD,DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: MANDATORY PRE-APPLICATION MEETING The enclosed Mandatory Pre-Application meeting request is being submitted for a 9-lot short plat. The applicant & property owner is the Lakeside Real Estate Investment Company. There are three copies of the forms and it's requested that the assigned planner and engineer attend for the County. The property is in the process of being surveyed and the existing house will be located on the short plat preliminary map page per field survey. The detached shop/barn structure will be removed. The applicant's preference is to keep the existing house that is shown on the attached site plan. The site plan has aligned the access road to match an approved road on the east side of 1161h Avenue SE. Since any access road from 1161h Avenue SE requires a road variance and because the applicant's desire is to retain the existing house we will be submitting two designs with the pending road variance submittal. One road variance layout design will match the attached layout and the second design which again is the preferred layout is a road along the south property line, which subject to field survey verification & proper setbacks, will allow the house to remain. As the pre-app forms call out this is a 9-lot short plat. All lots would be developed for detached single-family residential use. All lots will be served by a full width street along either the south property line or as shown on the attached map page. As noted above both designs require a road variance for intersection spacing. Also all lots will be served by existing public water & sewer facilities. The actual location of the existing house will be surveyed prior to eventual short plat submittal. Summarizing the above, the applicant would like to have two development options reviewed/discussed at the Mandatory Pre-Application meeting: 1. A 9-lot proposal which bas the access road as shown on the attached map page. 2. A 9-lot proposal which has the access road & cul-de-sac along the south property line. A primary question is whether the access & drainage improvements change depending on the location of the proposed road? The applicant will also be applying for a road variance due to lf lack of meeting the intersection separation requirement of 500 feet for ! 16th A venue SE, which has a Minor Arterial street classification. This road variance application submittal will take place prior to the short plat application submittal. Depending on the timing ofthis submittal and the pending decision by KCDOT the applicant will incorporate that review with the eventual design for the short plat application submittal. The enclosed forms also state I will attend the meeting with the applicant/developer. All contact for scheduling the meeting or any questions on the proposal or enclosed material should be directed to me and I will coordinate the meeting time with the applicant. Thanks~ -z/ .-/ ~~~ /,77--~--=--- Rich Hudson, Rand D Enterprises cc: Lakeside Real Estate Investment Company ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Land Use Pre-application Meeting Request Form To be completed by DOES Staff Pre-application No. Date Received (Stamp) ·c;nP~ r--... r·.~ 1"n:·. 11 " .. : I IC, . . ' I!_ -I '----i I \' ,-\ DI \[,,.•)!'.Ii,!\'~ 0 \fU .JUN 11 2007 I am interested in receiving FREE information and design assistance regarding compliance with Green Building and/or Low Impact Development. King County will contact the applicant. Please rint A licant Name Project Description P.,,t2...0~(l5€P I, 7t5 ACF!E. °/'A-i<.Cl3<.-, Pro·ect Address/Location / 3't!Zt Please indicate if pre-application is: D Land Use Feasibility 8Mandatory D Consolidated ·-3-o Che&}ij,bo. 11) g i1111ue11 you wish to discu11s: .R Land Use-ermit Issues: Subdivision /CUP/ Variances/ Reasonable Use / PAUE -~ Site Issues: Zoning/ Setbacks/ Density/ Subdivision Design/ Landscaping ~ Site Issues: Traffic/ Road Access/ Road Improvement/ Road Variances/ Parking Layout Site Issues: Drainage I Site Development I SWDM Variances & Adjustments Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Permit / Permitted Uses / Shoreline Setbacks D SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist/ Off-Site Improvements/ Mitigation D Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers / Building Setbacks/ Flood Plains/ Mitigation D Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope / Landslide / Seismic/ Coal Mine / Erosion D Clearing/Grading Issues: Site Development I Clearing Restrictions/ Site Restoration D Building Issues: Building / Mechanical: HVAC/Energy/ Barrier-Free Standards D Fire Issues: UFC / Fireflow / Access / Sprinklers / Alarms / Hazardous Materials D Health Issues: Sewer I Septic/ Water/ Groundwater/Noise Impacts D Other (Specify): LandUsePreapMeetlngslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 01112Bl2005 Page3of 4 Revised for Web: 0811212005 Please indicate the numbers and types of representatives that will be at the pre-application meeting from your design team: Will WiNNot Will Will Not Will Will Not Attend Attend Attend Attend Attend Attend E 0Applicant D 0 Geotechnical Consultant D D Structural Engineer D 0 Architect D D Landscape Architect D D Wetlands Consultant D D Civil Engineer D D Legal Consultant g D Others: /'J...i/2-HiT qpNzUt.P1,•'7 D D Developer D J8I P~wner A/fl,J . ) .::.. A-5 ,:;wr Total Number Attending /~:=,.{ I certify that I am the applicant for this pre-application meeting request and I understand that DDES will assess hourly review fees for each ODES staff member involved in pre-application research, meetings and post-meeting follow-up work, and that I assume financial responsibility for all fees associated with this request. Note: An advance deposit of $392.44 is required to schedule a pre-application meeting. Make checks payable to King County Office of Finance. If you have any questions about your pre-application meeting, please contact DOES at 206-296-6600. LandUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page 4 of4 • e North Scale: 1" =' ~o· ,_=_;,.,-, ,T,·!Y (, r: e-:.:;t '.~·. r:"'-r cc PROPOSED SHORT PLAT MAP !:i "· ' . ' li '\ . ,. " ', [ .) j ' \,, ')--,---, ; I / t' /.· . I '---J ·' Date: I., -Y-O 7 Revision Date: _h-..Y'..._:A ...... ----- ·~ "r- < ' - t---· '-I :...~·-c--1-. '="--------I Tr BE /2ff'1ot11.:i) t-~-i ' : ShorlPlatApplicationFORM 1, !> L ---, . -/----J ~'~~,,..-~~-7~ ·~ ,; ,, ---,----~---! I ; -1·11 . .-:, c.· . ( ·---~- -; . Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes lc-app-shplatpdf 10/14/2005 Page :3 ot::; King County Department of Transportation -Certificate of Transportation Concurrency Page 1 of I ® King County Road Services Divsion Department of Transportation King Street Center Certificate #: 10012S Date Issued: 07/17/07 Expiration Date: 07 / 16/08 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-0245 CERTIFICATE OF TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PERMITS AND URBAN SHORT PLAT PERMITS Pursuant to King County Code, Chapter 14. 70 as amended, this certificate confirms that the level of service standard used in the Transportation Concurrency Management program has been satisfied. IMPORTANT: This certificate does not guarantee a development permit. Other transportation improvements and mitigation may be required to comply with Intersection Standards, Mitigation Payment System, King County road standards, and/or safety needs. 1. Property Location a. Property Address: 18621116th Avenue SE b. Parcel Number: 3223059113 c. Urban or Rural: U 2. Type of Development Permit To Be Requested: USP 3. Single family -Number of Units: 9 4. This Certificate is subject to the following general conditions: a. This Certificate of Concurrency runs with the land and is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same property for the stated development, subject to the terms, conditions and expiration date listed herein. This Certificate of Concurrency is not transferable to any other property and has no commercial value. Linda Dougherty, Director, Road Services Division Department of Transportation King County, Washington http://dot.metrokc.gov/roads/planning/concurrency/certificate.cfm 07/17/2007 <® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton. WA 98057-5212 Date: June 20, 2007 Rich Hudson Lakeside Real Estate 21936 234111 Ave SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Applicant: Meeting Date: Time: Lakeside Real Estate lnves. LLC Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:00 am Meeting Confirmation Notice Location: Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Room: C-1 Conference Room (Please meet on the first floor) Tracking Numher: A07PM202 Pre-application meeting request Project Manager: Chad Tihhits, PPMII, 206.296.7194 Please advise us if any changes are needed in the meeting date or time, so that we may reschedule the meeting as soon as possible. Please reference the project tracking number (see above) to any correspondence you may wish to submit to us. I I' you have any questions regarding this notice, please call the JYOject managers identified above. Please wait on the first floor for the project manager to meet you. c.c. Daniel Turner Front Receptionist, ODES Pat Simmons Kris Langley ------. ------------ NORTH ----- I} 10 :2fJ AO SCALE: ' ! ' ! z UJ i'j") 1 Ii \ ', " ,• !.ll z ' ----------»-·-·- •,t· " v-1~\ .. ,,'' :r: 1-::::, 0 lf.j .- ''i --i"F i ! ! \ .......... ' / --., ! . ------------·----- ' ·- __ ... " _ .. "- 60 \ \ ' -··· ,-,-·" ... .. ., • _.::, __ _ '-· -.. ' ' ' . ,, • .. ,,," •--...~ ,,.. ---~ ·-·~. ,-. \_ i ' ! i l i ,.1 Ji ' ! ,. I ·' i ·-.. ' ~---· ' ' ·, ' ·,, / ·. \ , . ,' BUI PROPERTY MITIGATION PLAN E 1/4 OF SEC. 32) --rvvP. 23 Nl RGE. 05 E, VV.M. -rAX. PARCEL ID N().: I . !MORTH LN., SOUTH 112, N.t:. 114, S1i. 114 BIJILDl1'<JG -----·· _J ·-·-··-- ! • 322305-9 ·1 '13 . ' \ ' ': ' •• ' ' ' " 'I ' ' \ \ \ • ' ' '<" •. ,~ ·•-~ ,. ;,.! • ' '1 " " ; \ (""· . ,:-:::i i .,',.t i . .• (,, ' I I =~·=··ccc_···c .. --· _____ ,:.::.::,--··----·~.--:~._;_.:...:;.. __ ~~-·-,·~--~-~,,,.---~--~·'c,-----'"~------~----·~----.....,,,,....~·d::"'';l"" ,·---~-~---·----~-.-~ .•.•.. \?a< \ ! ! I : ---·" '"··-··-··"' ----------.-- i ' / / • (3,006 SF) J . ---------._, ____ _ • \ \ \ ! -( • r·- 'l . .::1.1Er' i . • ) ·:::a u I._, <;,,• • '· l ', •, \ '\ i i I \ ! I ' i ' ' \ \ \ ----·-· '· ··-----, ··--·,. ____ •-'--. ~,,.-· -----.. __ ,· ···-----1 ----~-1--- 1, ., r--·-·-··-----------~, f ,-··----·-·-··-I ! GAR,~GE i I (TOBE : : R;::MO'IFT)l 'I I "= V =,a,~< l 11 : ------.--_ __j j L -----------------•. ---'f...l',' ' ' ' ' I OVERHJ\.NG ' . -·--------------..J, ... -------- ' • \ ........ -. -----'"' ,· i •, / / '• ~""" ) ,_,.-·· •, /' "'>'c' ..... -- ·--. \, ' \ ! ' \ ' \ I ' \ \ ) ,,·· ' ' ' \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \_ .. ,. --.. ~ . ' ·-..... .. 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JCJNES, P'IPJS 402 EAST MA.IN STREET, SUITE 110 AUBURN, VVASHiMGTON 98002 253-804-2645 I.J;::GAl .. IJIESCRll"TiON,, . J-,:) ' :;,;.:;; ' --· '·:' '·\i:;; i:_· ·bA ;· ·!5;i" : ... _".'_::·.'$1/. _.· ';,:' ' 322305 113 EAST ·1/2 OF EAST 1;;1 C)F A PORTIOI-J OF THE SClUTH 112 ()F NORTHEAST 1/4 OF S<)UTHEAST 1/4 l.YING MORlHE.RLY OF SOUTHERLY 505.1 FEET Or SAID SUBDIVISION LESS C(JIJr,TY ROAD I '" 2. 3. 4. ,. :::, Sil T FENC'i:::: VVlLL ElE iNSTALLED AND INSPECTED BY Tl1E CONSULTING BIOLOGIST PRIOfl TO BE'GINN!NG MITIGATION VVCJRK THE CONSULTING BIOLOGIST \/\/ILL FLAG ALL EXISTIN(, i•J/,TIVE VEGETATION TO REMAIN INV.ASIVE VEGETATION WILL BE RE1\/lOVED FROi\i1 THE MITIGATl(JN AREA BY HAND .ANP DISPOSED OF !NA LEGAL MAP,lNFR NATIVE TRl':ES ANO SHRUBS V\ii!.L BE iNfiTALLED IN THE M!TIGJ~TION f\RE/\_ SPLIT RAil r'ENCING AND A VIIETLANU SIGN WILL BE INSTALLED AS SHOVVN ON THESE PLANS .,.,.... \f\/ETLAND BOUND/\RY " ' ' , ' BUILDl~K, SETBACK UME (8S8L) " ' MiTIGATION AREA ,' ~l!A!tl FILE CCJPY SURVEY BY~ Surveyo,-s Planners (25 ··Jo,.? -d 'l" -~ o:.:>._ · r-~ ,:;):) & ( fax) E-MAIL: cni@cra rr1t,rn 11,,-.com -----·------------- 3,006 SF ------------- ( ____ ,_ . ·--·- \ ' ~---- I +-·-t --.- ' ---- ----.. _J I -t-·-------- ···-------------C- ' 1 ... {E: COUNTY COililMENTS ··-·-·- 11/5108 1 L, ~---------------- h'Q ' ,\ s D/,TE B Y RE"V!SiON ----.---.. . --·· ·--' I I ' ejl d ~ ~ r.l'.l <1) I -+,,.1, • • ;) i:,: ......,,, z ' ~ ,( I ~ II if) z Cl "- () j ,.--.. ~·----------·--·• ------I ---- I "" I >- 00 0 l!J z (;) -· '1) UJ Cl .... w l.l.l n:: f-- U) I e- 00 OJ ~· i:-: (.) 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' " --------------------------- BUI PROPERTY S i:: 1/4 QC C'E-(" -"'~2 t_ ! v -.,, ,j ,., l~GE. .23 N, • TAX P.A,RC:EL. ID t\10.: 322305-91 '13 -----~YMRcOcsL __ _ SPLIT RAIL FENCE DETAIL 42" l 1B''TOL4'· ____ L 6'' Ml~J -r SILT FENCE -, --. ; i ii .': : r 1 \ i: t •.• S > I - \ \ ·--..,, \,._ \ \ " ' ' f ' \ i I ' : I \• L. ' ' ,. • .. ,. ' ' . ' i I i ! ' \ \ \ \ -------------- ------------ I ' I I \ ' ' \ ' \ . ' -, \ \ " ., ' I. ' ' -.... , \ ------------- ·, __ ~---------_ _::_:c_~---1. I ·--, I SHED I L ______ ! ----·------' • '\ '- _.,,_, ,---'-,,,.,• • C ' _, -' • -•--.,. -0 •• > or• •e'••-••-s"' ' ''" 0 .. •< H"'-•-·" '"-"" ·-• -•••-••• _,._,. ' ' • , . .,, "s '""''~ , ... "' o,, ••• ' ,__,,_ • ------------------------------------------------·---~-------------- ! ' / I ·- \ \ \ •, ----.. ------·-·-...-':,,_ ----------------- • ' ' -/ ----·--· -------- -· . ------ _, ------ -- ',, i ' -- _/ \ \ --' --- / '\ \ I / ' ' REJ ' ' I . _, ' .. PLANT SCHEDULE COMMON !'JAME SC!fNflF!C ~JAME ------------------------------------------------------- DOUGLAS FIR PSEUTOSUGJ\ rvlE:NZiES!i NOOTKA ROSE St\LMON8ERHY RIJRi re "'l"·'~·r•"Jl 1" • .,1«.,0 o ~1., ,-,p "0 SNOV\!8ERRY SYfv1PHORICARPOS ALBUS RED-OSIER DOGVVOOD CORNUS SERICE!, i/VILLOW SALIX SP. 'NOTE: 2 \/VILL0\1111-'J•l[J DOG!l'IOOD PLAMTS PER SYMBOL O.TY. 50 4G 3()" 30" 1 GAL 'I GAL ·1 GAL 1 .-. ,, ' •.:.1r\L. --------------------- PLAl\:ITING AND STAKING DET.AIL __J _ 4" MIM SIL.T FENCE DETAIL --. -'NUOO PCST \ Sll.T FE1'!CE ATTACHED TO Posrs WiTH STAPLES •c-SILT FENC:f:: ' KING COUNTY WIE1''LAND SIGN DETAIL ATTACH51Gf'.ITOPU'iT'·N+TH 1 I ' T'vVU 5/'I 6 GAL 1/ fsNIZ!.cl.J LN:;; BOLTS WITH WASHERS \ / I \ l<lf'.IG COUNTY VVETLJl.i'-10/STREAM SIGN INSTPLLATION DS:T_Al~c ___ _ 1·1-IE:: WETLAMD SIGN SHALi_ E3E POSTED ATTf-112 BOUNDARY BET\/VF:EN THE SEr·jSITI\/E AREA BUFFEcl, SETBACK AREA OR GETB,t/-;K TRACT /\f'.ID THE BUILDl~JG SETBACKAHEA. Of\lE SIGN SHALi_ BE POSTED PER LUT F'OR E:.VERY 'lUO-FEl':T OF SENGITiVL::: Ar~l:.i\ RUFFiCI-;.: />ND Sl-!ALL. BE STATIONED Ii~ A PRCJMINENT L0CATIOH, I E. AT TH[" Cl()3EST F\!INTTO THE PORPOSl~D DE':VEL.OPME:NT. 81GNC MAY AL.SO i3E ATI1\CHED TO FC:NCES \ \ ' ' \ ' \ ------------------- :~' 1-0 Gfi:ADC PRE -PR !NTED Pl_ASTIC S1C1N 8' -4X4 CEDAR CR c"l--iCSSURt --TF~EATElJ F-'OST Sl:::'l 11'-I CONCRETE SET 3' INTO HOLE r , --I ·-1 --------------", I i \ l-----l-1· ----1 --• -----------j L --1 j r--~-----1 1---i-----I i -------~ !-l 1___ ------~ -·-t-·-.. ---·-------_,_ _____________ _, I ' 1 11115108 I.RE <;OUN TY COMMENTS ' r-. __ .. <-... ____ ·--·-·------------ ! NO. i DATE BY REVISIO!,J I--~--------1-__L _________________ _ I co co ~ IX.' o, z 0 1-- 0 ,Z J: (f) <( :? __,, () --.:( ,-- t1l r.r; I 1---::i 0 (/) 0 {'\! l() (!'j ' ($ ; i ' ' 1--w w :r: 0 :z 0 \ __________________ -_____________ _.,/ J ------------- -1 .. ,. ,_.) I J} Exec11tive Si,nH1111ry 1.1 Project Dt".s~riptioni The applicant proposes to sub(livide the subject parcel into seven lot) for construction of single-farniJy residences on the su!~cct property. A ('.at0gory IV ,Netland is located in the northvvest comer of t11e property. The required buffer for the oH··sit~ vvetland is 50 feet The, app11cant proposes to reduce the buffer to 75 -feet and enhance the rernaining on--site •.,,yetland and wetland buffer. The n1itigation area will total 3,006 square feet of enhanccrnent The enhan,:;ement area vvill be planted ,vith native plant species. Native plant species will inGfease p]e,~1t diversity, \vildEfi] habitat and pre,;ent the estabhshrr1ent of invasive species. [n additio11 to en11a11cernent plan1iT1g, the rnitigation aTea will be fenced with split rail fencing, a \vctland sign ;;vill be instal1ed at the rnid-po1nt of the split rail fence, and the critical area ,vill be recorded in a notice c•n title vvith the T(ing County Assessor1s office. t,2 Go:d§ aREd Objectives: The goal of this rnitigation proposai 1s to increase the functions and values the on~site critlcal area. The objective~ necessary to n1 cot the goal are as fOHovvs: ;} Ren1ove invasl>/e vegetal:ion v\rithin the critical area. \vhilc saving desi:r able native vegetation e fnsial1 Eative cvnjfers and shrubs in the wetland and ·1Net!and buffer • Lirnit future intrusion into the critical area by installing split rail fence and a vvetland sign at the hrnits of the buffer "'·· Record the c.ritcal area ln a notice on title ~ Maintain and rnonjtor the rr1jtigation for a period of 5 years to Jncrease the rr1.i.tigations Ghances for success and to detern1jne lf contigency n1.easures are -neeessmy. 2.0 Project l..,ocation The property is located at 18621 11 (ith Aven,1e Southeast, in l(ing c·ounty, VVashington. 3,IJ Responsible Pa.-ties Property (Jl,v11ers Yvonne Bui 35:,0 Scn1th 198th Street Seatae, \Vashingto:'.i 98188 Envirunrne1ntai CousuHant Jeffery S. Jones C'.eritifi.ed Profess·ion~d \Vctland S0ientist J. S. Jones and .A.ssociates, Inc. 402 East 1v1ain Street, Suite l l 0 ALtburn, \Vashjngton 98002 (,...;,-,1·· 9(-if r;"4r ..;_,JJ) oJ-,-~~O:) 4.ll Sta11d:,,·ds r\11 ,vork and mat0rinls shr.11 conform to King County standards and specifications;, and to the specifications and details sb.ovln on these plans_ SJ) Contractor l,;forrflation 'vVhen it is avs.ilable, contact information shall be provided to IJDES that includes nan1es, ttd(hosses and phone nurribers of persons/firms that will be responsib!e Cor grading the mitigatlon/restoration area, ins.tailing required plant;) ;;md perfonni.t1g required rnaintenance and Inonitoring_ 6,i.1 (:oatractor's (~ualll'ication§ (~ontractor/Landscape Installer rriust be experienced in rnitigation and restoration 'IYOrk. 'I'he Perrnittee shall provide th.at there is one person on the site at all tirnes duri11g v,ork ,1._nd installation vvho is thoroughly familiar with the type of rnaterials being installed and the best rnethods for the;r installation, and ,,ho shall direc, all ',vork being performed ,rrider tt1ese specifications. ~l'his p(:;rson shall be experienced in installing native plant n:iaterials for ·wetlar1d rnitlgation or restoration projects, urJess othervvise allovJ:cd by the Landscap<o Designer, Vvetland Biologist and/or Kjng County DDES Envirornne11tal ScJ1;:;ntist 7oll Site (:onrlitions l'he Perrnittec, ]_.ands::ape Designer and/or \Vetland Biologist shall in1mediately notify I< ing County DDES of rny dist:repsi,cies between these pJans and the site conditions. The locations of plants shovvn rnay be modified in the ±\eld by the Landscape Designer, VVethu1d Biologist and/or King ('.ouI1ty l)J)ES EnvironrnentB1 Scientist based on field conditions at the tin:Je ofplr.tnting. (~ha.riges should be d.ocu1nente;d and as-built drav1i11.gs subrnitted to DDES upon request fur fom1al construction approval. 8.!.l Pla11ts 8.1 Origin: Plant tnaterials shaH be NortJ1v1est native plants., nursery grovvn in the Puget Sound region ofWashingion. Dug pl.ants may only be ltscd upon approval of Ki11g County Dl)ES EnvironrnentaJ Scientist. 8.2 ]Jandiirng: Plants shall be handled so as to avo-id all damage, 1nc1uding breaking, bru1s·!ng, root damage, sunburn, drying, freezing or other injury. T3lants rnust be covered during transport. Plants shall not be bound v;ith \v{re or rope: in a 1:r1armer ti 1at could darnage branches. Protc~ct plant roots 'With :::"hade and 'Net soil in the time period bei,veen dehvery and lnstallation. Do 11ot lift c-AJntainer stock by trunks, sterns, or tops. Do nol remove ±'.rorn containers until :ready to plant. Water all plants as necessary to keep rnoisture 1eve1s appropriate to the species horticulturaJ requiren1_ents. Plants shaH 11ot be allo,Ned to dry out, P,ll plants shall be svatered thoroughly irnm,~diately upon instaUai:ion. Soak all coutainerized phints thoroughly prior to installation. Bare root plants are subject to the follovling special requircn1ents, a:..r1d :;hall not be used unless planted betvveen l~ove:1:nber l and 1"1arch l" and only vvith the permission of the Landscape :Designer and T(lng (·aunty DDES Environrrientai Scientist. Bare root plants rnust have i:;HOugh fibrous root to insurr plant survival. Roots n1ust be covered at aJl tllnes wi1-h mud and/or vvet stravf;, moss, or other suitable pncklng n1nteria1 until tin1e of installation. Pla.nts \vhose roots have dried out fro1n exposure win not be accepted at instsllati< in inspection. ------------- ---------------------- BUI PROPERTY MITIGATION PLAN 8.3 Storage: Plants stored by the Pe.nnittee for 1onger than one n1onth prior to planting shall be pl@:ited in nursery rows, and treated i.11 a rr1anner su1t:able to that spes;ies ho1t"i.cuhural requirerne.nts. Plants a-iust be reinspected by the \Aletland Biolog·ist an(Uor Landscape Designer prior to installatiou. tt4 Druxniged Piant'5~ Damaged, dried out, or otherwise rnlshandl.eC. plants ,vill be rc.1ected at installation inspc,ction. All reJected plants sbJtll be in1rnediately rerooved front the site._ 8.5 .Plant l'l"arnes: Plant narnes shoJl comply vvith those generaHy accepted i:n the native plant nursery trade. A.ny questions regarding plant species or variety shall be referred to the Landscape l)esigner, VVoUand B]o1og1st or K;ng (~ounty l)DES Environrnental Sci~ntist. All plant n1aterials shall be true to species and va1iet:;v. tl.6 Plant Substitutions: Plant substitutions are not permltted \Vithout the perrnissio11 of the Landscape: Des1gner, V/et1and Biologist and/or King County D.DES Environrnental Scientist. Sarne species substituti0ns of larger si7,e do not require special pen.nissio.n. Hoviever, s1nall plants often experience less transplant shock and adapt rnore quickly to site conditions, resulting in a higher success rate. i\.s such, ~maHer plants v1lH be approved as substitutions based on ce.:rtain site .. specific conditions (trees not less than l u,1 !1·001 ,1· ">".C. hou1e" re1,.\ r::/-W. ~ ,, ,,,,.,_, -' v, .. t }· tt7 QuaHty ~nd (~onditio~: Plants shall be nonnal in patt.err1 of grovvth, healthy, vvell-branched, vigorous, vvith v,ell-develcped root systems, and free of pests and diseases. Damaged, diseased, pest-infested, scraped, bruised., dried-out, burned" broken, or defective plants v.rill be rejected. Plants vvith pru11ing vvounds over l II in diameter will be rejected. S.ll Roots: i,11 plants shrJI be bailed and budapped or containerized, unless explicity authorized by the Landscape Designer ancVcr vVetland Biologist. Rootbound plants or B&B plants viith darn aged~ cracked or loose rootballs (rnajor damage) vvill be rejected. Tmn1ed1alcly befOre installation, plants v,,1 ith n1inor root damage (surne broken and/or tv1isted) n1L1st be root-pn.1ned. f'v1atted or circling roots of containerized plan6ngs must be pruned or straightened and the sides of the root bali rn11st be roughened fron1 lop to bottom to a depth of approxi,nately half and inch ir1 two to four places. Bare root plantings of \Voody n1steri.;tl is aHovved only v1lth pennission fron1 tl1e Landscape Designer, VVetland Biologist, and/or King County Environ1nental Scientist. llo9 Sizes: Plant sizes shall be the size indicated in tbe plant schedule. Larger stock may be acceptable provided that it has not been cut back to size specified, and that the root ball is proporrionate to the size of (ht plant. Sma!ler stock rr1ay be at:cept2-liJe, and under so1ne circ1.11r.Lstances perferable, based on site-specific conditions. l\i1easure.ments~ caliper, branching and balling 0nd burlapping shall confon11 to the Arnc:rican Stand0xd of l"f ursery Stock by the 1\rnerican Assoiciation of l\!urser.yrnen (latest edition). (t'IO l1-.orm! Evergreen trees, 1f used, s1]ail have single tnI11ks and symmetrical, vveli-developed fo.rn1. Deciduous trees shaU be single ilunked unless specified as rnulti-s!cra in the plant schedule. Shn1bs shall have m ultil)I c sten1s, ,;rid be vvell-branchcd. It 11 P!anting: Planting shsll be done in accordance '01ith illustrated details in the rnitigutio11/rcstoration pian set and accepted industry standards. tt12 l'hning of Planting~ Ijn1ess othervi1isc approved by King (~ounty J)DFS Ervirornncntal Scientist, all planting shall occru b~tv,een September l and !vlarch 3 L tl.13 VVeedi@.g: EYjsting fft1d exotic vegetation in the 1n~tigation area will he ha111J 'Needed fron1 the entire n1itigation area ~m<l on routine basis through monitoring period .. No chernical control of vegetation on any portion of the site is allovved 1,.vithout the written perrnlss.ion of King C'.ounty D[)ES Environrnental Scientist lt14 SoH Amend,:n1ents~ Unless othervvist specified and approved by King County DDES; organic rn:.itter ((~cd.ar (]rove Pure Con1post or approved equal) v1.1ill be incorporated -into the planting pits. 8.15 l'Vtli!li-!h~ rihe entire 1nit1gation area shall receive no less than 2 11 -4 11 of wood chips or rncdium bark rnulch after planting. Wood chips or 1nulch shaH be kept 'Nell away (ar least 2") fro,n the trLmks and sterns of ,voody plants. 8~16 Site Conditio.os: Contractor shall ln1n1edlately 11otify the. Lac:dscape Designer and/or \,Vetland fJiolog1st of drainage or soil conditions likely to be dctcrinu~ntal to the grovvih or survival of plants. Planting opt!fdtions shall not be conducted under the fo11 O\vlng conditions: freezing \veather, •.vhen the ground is frozen, excessively •Net •Neat:her, excessively windy \veather, or 1-n excessi vc heat. !tl 7 P~ant ]Locations~ Locations sball be as depicted in the approved plan set The Landscape Des]gner s.nCJor VVetland Biologist may c.hange the locations of plantings shown on phu1s based on field conditions i.t13 Planting in J_J;it.s~ Planting p1ts shall be circular or square vvith vertical sides, and shall be 3" deeper and 6 11 larger in diarneter than the root baH of the plant. Break up the sides of the pit iE cornp:,,eted soils. Set pl2ltlts upright Ln pits, as illustrated in piantmg detail. Burlap shall be ren1oved fron1 the planting pit. f3ackfiH shall be ,vorked back into holes such thai air pockets a;re removed ·without adversely cornpacting :,oils. !!.19 Fertilizer: Slow release fertilizer rnay be used if pre-approved by l(ing County DDES Environmental Scjentist. Funilizers shall be rtpplied only at the base of placti.ngs u11.dc1noath the requ1rcd covering of rnulch (that does nor make contact ,Ni!b ste,ns of the plants). No fertilizers rv1ll be placed in plant1ng holes. 3.21) '.V >Jter: l'l,u1ts shB11 be wat0red upon completion of backfilling For spring plantings (l±' appru·,red), a rirn of e;.;irth shall be rr1ounded around the base of tJ1e tree or shrub no closer than the drip 1ine, or no less Lhan 30 11 in diameter, except on steep slopes or ·in hollovvs. Plants shall be vvatered a second tirne v,,rith·in 24.-48 hours after ii1sti1Hat1on. The earthen r:itn/dru:n should be leveled prior to the second grov.ring season. 8.21 Stakh1g~ lVIast shrubs and rna-r1y trees do not require any staking. If the plant can sta:1d alone V\rilhvut stBlcing _in a moderate w-ind, do not use a stake. Tf the pfr111_t needs support, then strappjng or v-;ebbing should be used as lo,v as possible on the trunk to loosely brace the tree ,vith tv,o stakes (see Plant1ng Detail). Do not brace the tree tightly or too high on the tru:r1k. lfthe tree ]s unable to svvay 1 it \vill ft11ther lose tht~ ability to support Ltself. i\s soon as :Juppo1ting the plant becornes unnecessary, rernove the stakes, AIJ stal<es rnust be rernove,d ,;vithin tv10 (2) year::: of instaJJaticn. 3~~2305-9113 8.22 Inte:r!nediate Insp~etions~ i\.ll plants shall bt: i.t1-.spccted and approved by the Landscape I)esigner ttnd/or '0/ etian<l Biologist prior to installation. c:ondition of roots of a ran.dorn sarnpfo~ of plants \Vill be inspe~;ted, as vvell as all aboveground growth on ull plants. Root; of any bare root plants> if pennitted for use, vviH be inspected. Plant rnaterial rnay be apprnved at the source, at the discret'ion of the Landscape .De:;igner andior Vlet]and Blologjst, but al1 rnaterial must be re-inspected and a:pproved on the site prior to .instHHa.tion. Plant locations shall also be inspected and approved prior to p1anfrng. ~1> ''1 .. ~"· -, • I• A 1 . '' t'· I l f) . '/ u,..,,., "' nti,;.11te l.,Ol!ll[TO • _ s ueterrnmeo oy ne ~ .. ,anc.scape estgner rmu. or Wetland Biologist, fencing or deer repell~.nts rnay be needed to lirnit deer intrusion vvhile installed plants are becon1ir:1g established. 9.0 1\-'j ain tcnaniee iv'iaintenance shall be required 111 accordance ·\,vitt.t I(ing County Se:n/Jitlve /\reas fl1itigation ()uidelines (2004) and approved plans. 9"1 Survival: The Pe.rn1ittee shall be rc::;ponsible for the tlealth of 100% of all ne\i./iy insta11ed plants for one growing season after installation has been accepted by t(ing County o·DES Ern,,.-irenrnental Scientist (see Per±(,rrnance Standards). A grovting season for the3e purposes is defh~ed as occurring from spring to spring (t,1arch 15 to }/larch l5, fol1ov1ing year). For fall lnsta] tat ion ( often rcqnirtd), the grovving season vviil begin the follo\virig spring. The Perrnittee shall rep}a~e any plants that are falhng, weak, defechve in a m.a11-11er of gro\vth, or dead during this grovJlng season, as directed by the Landscupe l)esigner, \i\fetland Biologist, and/or King C'.ounty D.DES Environrnental Scientist. 9.2 Installation 1'hrdflg !(JC Ii'.epliac,e:meli! Pll,nts: Replacerr1ent plants shall be insta11ed bet,Neen Septem:)er 1 and ft:·larch 31, unless otherwise deterrnined by the Lc=t.ndscape Designer, V•/etland. Biologist, and/or King c:ow1ty I)f)ES Envirt,n:rnenta1 Scientist. 9.3 fJuration and Extent: In order to achiev~ pe1formance standun:J.s, lhc Perrnittee shall have tl1e 1uitlgation/restoration area 111aintained for the duratio11 of the rnonitorir1g periud, _J_ years. 1\tlaintenance v-1ill i1KJude vvatering, \"Ieeding around base of installed plants, pruning, replact·Lnont, re staking, re1noval of 2Jl classes of noxious ,veeds ( see V\1 ashjngto11 State J\! oxious Vv'eeds Ioist, WAC 16-750,005) i!S ,vel! as 1-lirnalayan blackberry, and any other measures needed to insurr;. plant survival. AH rnaintenance ';hall be dlrected by the Landscape l)esigner and/or YVetlan<l Ihulogist. 9"4 Stan!Ch:rds for Rephu~errrent Ptanh;~ ·Rcp1acernent plants shall 1neet the sanh~ strrnd(;1rds for size and type as those specified for orig1nai installation unless otherwise dJrected by the Landscape l)esigrrer, VVetland Biologist, and/or I(ing County fJI)ES ~r1v1rontnental ~)cientist. R .. eplacernent pl.ants sh2U be inspected as described abo-'.re for the original in.stallation. 9.5 .Rep!ai1ting: Plants that l1av10 settled in their planting pits roo de~p, too shallovv, loose, or crooked shall b0 replanted as djrect(;;d by the Landscape I)esigner., \,\/etland. Biologist, ar:td/or King County DDES Environn1er1.1.al Scientist 9.6 IJer[deRdes/Pestk:irle~~ (11err1ical controls shall not be used in the rnit1gation/restoration are;;,,, sensitive areas or their buffers. 1-lowrvet, lirnited use of hcrbicldes n1ay be approved de.pending on site specd'ic conditions, only if approved by King ·County l)lJES Errvirorn.nental Scientist 9/l l:rrigadon/\Vaies·ing~ \A/ator :3ha!l be provided during the d1y :,:eason (Jttly ) ,.t)ctober '15) for the first two years afteI" 1nsta11.ation to ensure plar;t survival and establishment. VVater should be provided by a ternporary above ground irrigation syste:n1 and.for water tn1ck. Water shottld he applied at a rate of i 11 ofvva-ter tvvo times a 'Neek for ye;;i_r 1 a...ti.d l II of\vater one tllne a \Veek during );o'lf 0 "'°,:, IC •• 9.8 (;enerai~ The Perrr1ittee shall .include iu general rnaintf'.;nance nctivitles tht replace-ment of any vanda:tiz0d or ckrrnaged signs, habitat ±"eaturcs, fenGes or other structural cornponont of th(;;: rri ltlgation site. 10.J) Perform a"~~ S!~ndard, -l:'111,~t (:over 21ti!d Survival .Pla.nt s1rrviv(JJ and cover standards are estabhshed to n1eastll"e rnltigation suceess as foHovvs: ''{ ear l Y ea.t 2 Year 3 Shrub and Sapling Tree ('.over* >10~{i :>25°/c) >75'YO Shrub and Sapling Tree Survival 1 OOo/iJ >85°/o >80?1'o *Inc1udes beneficial native plsLnts in that category that arc nai1Jra1iy recn,iting volunteers Less U1ian 10% inva.slve vegetat]on during any rr1onitoring event l 1Ji lV!o!li!owii,g \/(onitnring shall be conducted a.n:<1ua]ly fur _;l_ years ·in 2.ccorliHnce vvith the approved n1itigatioI1JrestoraU.on tnon:itoring p1an. 11.. i_ Vegeiation l\1oraltorl,ig: Sarnple points or tr,uisects ,viii be established for vegetation rnonitoring? and photo-points establ ishcd fron1 \-vhi.ch photos wiH be taken throughout the rnonitoring period. Linear transects are the preferred 1nethod for vegetation rnvni.toring fr.1r this site. No less than one (1) 50-foot transect per v-,,etiand and ·wetland buffer area will be established in the rnitigation/restoration area. Pennanent 1nmsect Iocation(s) mu.st be identified on n1itlgabon/restoration site plans in the first n1onitorii1g r~port (they n1ay be drav1n on approved rnitigation/restoration plans by hand). Plots located at the end of eath transect Ghall detail herb, sbrub, and tree aerial cover at radii of ! n1~ 5tn~, and 1 On:1 re:;pectively, using the Braun-·Blanquet rel eve method or other acceptable field ·method. Monitoring of vegetation transects shall occur annually bct'.;veen A ug11st I and Septernber 30 (prior to leaf drop), unlc,,s otherwise specified. 1.L2 Photopoint§i No less than one (1) pennanent photo point per wetlsnd and wetland buffer area vvill be established \vithin the n\ltigation/res1oration area. Photographs v; iU be taken from these points to visually re~ord ibe condition of the rr1itjgatjon/restoration area. Photos shall be taken annually between August 1 and. Septernber 30 (prior to leaf drop}, urlless ot11er\vise specified. -··-----·--------- 1 L3 !lcpol'ts; t,1onitioring reports shall be submitted by Decen1ber 31 of each year duri11g the rnonitorir1g period. As applicable~ monitoring reports rn ust in.cl ude descriprior1ldata fOr: t Site plan and location map ]L Historic description of project, including date of .installation-; current year of rnonitoring, restate.rnerrt of rnitigation/restoration goals, and petforn1ance standards Ht Pfrrn_t survival, vigor. and aerial coverage frorr1 every plant con11nunity (transect data), and explanEttion c1fm-rJnitoring rnethodology in the context of assessing perfor:n.181lct: standards :iv .. Site hydrology, including extent of inundut.io11i s2turation, depth to gr0undv1ater, :function of any hydro1og1c stnJctures, plezo1neter or staff guage ?J available, inputs, outlets, etc. ·v.. Slope condition, site stability, any structures ur special features vt Bi,Lffer conditions, e.g. surrotmding land use, use by hurnans, \vild arid domestic creatures vii. Observed ,:vildhfe, including arnphibians, avians and others vHi. ,.l\ssessEH:~nt of nuisance/exotic biota and recornrnendations for rn2magerr1ent ix~ Soils, includll1g texture, Munsell color., rooting aEd oxidized rhizoshperes ~t, l{eceipts for off~site disposal of any du.n1ping, v,,reeds, or invasive plants :,i, l{cceipts for any strnctural repair or replacernent xiL 4 11 x6 11 color photograph taken frorn permanent photo-points as shovvn on iVfonitoring/Restoration plan. xiit Sunrcnmy of rnainteuance and contingency n1easures proposed for next '~eason G •• nd cornpleted fbr past season 1 ! ,4 l)eflcie<1ce§: A.ny deficiency discovered during any morrito:·ing or inspection visit must be corrected wifoin 60 days of approval by DOES. 11,5 (:ontinge!lcy ll-'ia,1: Sho,.tld any mo11jtorir1g report reveal the n,i1:igation has failed in vvhole or in pr.rt, and should \hat failure be beyond the scope of rouhne 1na]ntenance, a Con.tlngency Plan v1i1l be subn11tted. The (-::ontingency Plan tnay range in compiexity iior_n a list of plants substituted, to cross·-,sections c~f proposed enginf.;ered structures. Once approved, it rnay be Installed, and VvlH reph:tce the approved :rnitigation/restoration plan. lfthe :failure is substantial, King C'ount.y I)DES may extend the mon'Ltorlng period for that m 1t1gatior1. 12J} la,r;,nd Prior to beginrring any work, the Pem1iLtee n1ust pnJvide a mitigation/restoration bond or assignment of funds per King (~ounty procedures. A bond quantity \Nork.sheet has been con1plcted based on all elcn1ents of the rrritigat]on/restoration pJar:... The total cost, plu;-; contingency .fe.;::s has been detennined to be$_ 2~27it6L \iVhich wiI1 be the nn1ount of the n1 it!gation/restoration bond the Pe.n.nittee ~s reqLLired t~) provide. l"Jote that the appro'ved bond vvill 1nclude requjred start date ±:Jr n1itigation eonstn1ction. tlonds are eligible for reduction to mai.llti:::riancc st~tu.s upon successful instal1ation i11spection, providing that it also meets performance standards estaLhshed ·in the rn1tigation plan ancl l(1ng C:ounty Sens~tlve t\rea 1\/.htigation (Juidel ines (2004). -------------------- -------------· --·----------------------- ( I "\ ~---+1-·----------------r-· . ------,, _____ ,-\ ! "----.--.. ---·- ' I -·----·---· --. ! 1--! -~ j r~~tu~"- 1 BY i ;;~;;Sl~N 1 ·-·-····--·-______ ,,. --~.,~ .: • u ~ ~""I ,,. 00 (l) ~ ~ Ill~ u 0 r,J 00 <~ 1"'d -~ ~ d Cf.:l d) M \~ 0 ;~ " Cl) • i" ' ~ i'-""';j ,,. -' ;;, ,o £: 0 () co ro ·11-·- {,;J (J1 z • ·,re 0 f- (') --,, "'· :, I (.I) <( m s c_ -() ," ,,:J"' I-< LU (/; I- HJ lLJ !l:: 1-, If, I I- ("I,) 0) "ry·~ :i: I-::; 0 rJ) C) (,'"'<.t 1.0 ('} 00 '~ r.:l (J) d '+-1 ~ 0 ,-, _., -· :::, "1:l '"""" "i~ (fJ '"> t""'i ~- ,-1 '"cl /1"'" ,,:) ~ u ru ~ CJ'.i ... ~ 04 r< <~ \"-"1 td ~ 0 ~ ,I:; (t) Cl'J i"'4 ,, t'. t--1 4, ',:j ~ d ,-, ""' l;Q 0 """" ,;..; • <l) ,~ '> ' """ ~ > ~ ~ I LIi "'.,'' ""' < _J fls n.. z 0 0 I-I! ...,, "'·· (9 CL -I-·-'5 "'= -:, m I!"} ,, '.0 N ' "' 0 '"' ' ,o ,,, N "" 8 >X) c, '7 0 le t) z -::q VJ <(; ~ ,_.; ,L• ~t! ~J f,1 "' ~ 0 ~ ,a ~ ,n ~· U.f ;;j ;:: c;J-) -~ ,, '"' "" c-• ~ ,-e ~ " ,:;:, "' ' ' -~ I I Ci') ~- """ m ' I.,') ,r""t, ·-(') ('\\ ('a (') 0 z 0 ,- ' _, I.U (,) o::'. _,,-,./' "'· 11 X ~ 1-- J ____ ,./ SHORT PLAT NO. ___ _ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LINE TABLE CURVE TABLE LAKESIDE REI FA1RWOOD SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN THE N.E. 1/4, OF THE S.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTfI, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 32 33 /' '~FOUND IRON PIPE IN CASE LINE# LENGTH DIRECTION CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA l AT INTERSECTION OF I L1 3.75 N89° 33' 18"W C1 20.12 25.00 46'07'15' SSMH5 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 16.26 S74° 07' 2·1-w C2 17.11 25.00 39'12'19" ' I I I I ' ' 10.20 ss3• so· 56"W FOUND 1" IRON PIPE : 22.91 S88' 49' 27"W BUILDING 0.30' WEST I 20.19 S78 ° 08' 46"W 3.76 S32' 01' 31"W ./ ?{1100-,\..=If / 3os-91. llr? 1\..=lf 31~ 0.05' NORTH FENCE CORNER IS 1.46' WEST ' AND 0.57' SOUTH 1:o OF PROPERTY CORNER i;:- FENCE IS 2' NORTH <:9 OF PROPERTY CORNER ~ao ' -- / / r, r, ' ? I '-. ., NORTH LN., SOUTH 112, N.E. 1/4, S.E. 1/4 , -98.49' -7 GRAVEL , ) J ( LOT 1 ± 4560 SQ. FT. L-----·----" DRAINAGE AND RECREATION TRACT + 11691 SQ. FT. \.5 1 15' BSBL --~ 0 .......,-;;, RAD-...._ ~PORARY\ I..'-· "' CULDESAC "-EASEMENT -~ "' HOUSE TB.R. -N89°20'30"E 158.58' c~ci ., w ~ ~ ui b'\;. 0 I \ LU ~.-N-q '<9c:, l ~ o"::,~~\j';C, '....J-,---,-J! ~ . ' ~ ~.J'o .,.IJ i \~ ~ r, z ~ c:..'o ;"::, . -'2. -Y_. ~ ACCESS TRACT-- "'~ -------·'1.3 qO/ LOT 3 ~ ~ ~ 1J_?,os-9i. "' + 12200 SQ. FT. C1 + 4002 SQ FT b 9~l~,\..~~:3~·'-=_!N~89t0]20~'3~0~"E~1~5~6.~52~·-~i--~-~L~=~~-.--~:= -.. ~ V, 492 _.J ~, 5223' 52.14' ~02' ~I I (") r ~ t--t-- w ~~ = LO C') 0:, :(-496\ \ ~, !\ _,.-.._..___~......___--ll'-< 9< ~ : : GARAGE ,/-~ I ---~ J ~ / ' ... , / ~ ~'"" fe i l T.B.R. a, (' z , .. ~ 0 ~ z '- LOT4 LOT? ± 4002 SQ. FT. z o'"--LOT 6 \ ~ : 4683 SQ. FT. z 0 / I-. <( f--u LL iS . WO 0 Cf) . -st . "" . s: C') . N .q +I n'. N ~ FOUND + 4005 SQ. FT. t 4oo 5 SQ. FT. --1----1-492-± 4023 SQ. FT.-.:~ ------------ 1" IRON PIPE ~ "--~__J ,----r-0.1' NORTH 5 0 '-, , "-------494------1 ~ 0_ 1. w=~~----------Jt.---::mo~Ti5~2-~23~, iii--:iTnrr*tr~m;;:!52i.1~4·~~-:.w~~~:::5::2.0~17·~';;7;":::~-~..;.4;..;9~6~~ ... 4::9.::a2=· ~ ... ------==-~=:4:0.:23:' rt::::---"-q,, : ~·-.,..-42 .... _8 ... 2_, ~~~-~ " NORTH LN., SOUTH 505.1, N.E. 1/4, S.E. 1/4 S89°33'01"W 301.25' 498 500 ______ _,, -507----....._ _ ./ ~ "--_ ......______________ ------~~-~ -502 -504,~---_____.--~~ -~ -MH2 ·-·----504-FOUND 5 !J' REBAR & CAP '2 1294/29281 ESM" ____..---------SSMH3 ----------- --x--5-0-6-x---~-X=--~-.X-f __ ~ sSMH< -------so6-" 5_a_1.._:::: ______ -:;:::::;_>-_:_:~=-==-=-~5oo;2f-P;=N=o-~~====-~:c:: == -~---. _____ soo~) ' // -~-------------50 :cs2 CURVE TABLE "-'"" \ll_.U'-,(<O c-/:r-;:;:=----=----------·--=-----==,g--~=--==rT ~"' ~~ --/LO ~ --/~ \>G-1llr 0 \.. 1.Sl, \ \J . 1\.l- - / R,o.SSt.t-\SOt-\ \-\ sc\-\00\. .. ,, f',,.Ri , 4.g t.\.t.t,,\'i:.h 30S-9). ,\..:II' 31'2 I I I I 12' DE. )ICATION--------f) PEF. REC. NO. I 20040 16000765 : I! I CB5 ) Cl c5 0:: • I I \ \ i I a. ~ SSMH1 j L I MH1 SSMH2 30' mm CB1 al Cl:'. ::::, u Iii ~ u z 0 u CB4 mm CB6 30' 116TH AVE AND SE 184TH ST (E. 1/4 COR.) ~ :z: a. lj) <( LL. 0 LU 0 Cl Ul I \. I S) : (J' ' \j / I I ' I I ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' I ' ' I ' I I ' I I ' I I I I ' I ' ' I ' I I I I I I I I I ' I I ' I I TBM. 600 NAIL IN WEST FACEOFU.P. (ELEV: 497 .21) CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA FOUND CC NCRETE MONUMENT WITH 11'CK IN LEAD IN CASE .\T INTERSECTION OF SE 192ND li T. AND 116TH AVE SE (S.E. SEC. COR) C1 20.12 25.00 46°07'15" TREE LEGEND C2 17.11 25.00 39°12'19" T1 THREE 8" MAPLES T2 6' MAPLE C3 40.98 80.00 29°20'52' T3 8' MAPLE T4 B' POPLAR C4 1.99 80.00 1 °25'32' T5 8' POPLAR C5 61.12 120.00 29°10'51' T6 10" POPLAR T7 B'POPLAR C6 37.67 25.00 86°19'52' TB 14' POPLAR C7 51.67 120.00 24°40'12' T9 10" POPLAR 110 6' PINE CB 12.78 120.00 6°06'12' 111 10" POPLAR T12 6' PINE C9 18.06 80.00 12°56'13' 113 12' MAPLE C10 14.24 80.00 10·12·02· T14 14" POPLAR T15 B'POPLAR C11 43.51 25.00 99'42'45' T16 16' POPLAR TREE LEGEND T17 14' POPLAR T18 8' POPLAR T19 10" POPLAR T33 T20 8" POPLAR T34 T21 14' POPLAR T35 T22 16"POPLAR 136 T23 16'POPLAR T37 T24 12' MAPLE T38 T25 8' MAPLE T39 ' T26 6' PINE T40 T27 11" MAPLE T41 T28 8" MAPLE T42 T29 6" PINE T43 T30 6' PINE T44 T31 6"0AK T45 T32 60" CEDAR 146 TREE LEGEND 9' MAPLE 9' MAPLE 28" COTTONWOOD 11" MAPLE 12' MAPLE 9" MAPLE 13' MAPLE 22' MAPLE 20' MAPLE 18" COITONWOOD TWO 22" COITONWOODS 24" COITONWOOD 24' COITONWOOD 24" COITONWOOD ELEV.= 514.98 FT NAVO 88 Cramer Northwest Inc. Surveyors Planners & Engineers 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com , % ! RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=30' 1 INCH = 30 FEET 30 0 30 PORTION OF: N.E. 1 / 4, S.E. 1 / 4, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. STORM DRAINAGE BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE EAST LINE OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHJNGTON, BEING SOI 0 25'01 "W SOLID LID CAICH B[l~IN RIM: 499.48 CBI SOUTH 12" CPP: 496.43 WEST 18' CPP: 496.18 NORTH 18' CMP: 495.48 SOUTHWEST 6" DI: 496.68 CATCH BASIN CB2 RIM: 499.79 SOUTH 18" CPP: 496.69 NORTH 18' CPP: 496.49 CATCH BASIN RIM: 499.70 CB3 SOUTH 18' CPP: 496.30 WEST 12' CPP: 496.30 EAST 18' CPP: 496.30 CATCH BASIN CB4 RIM: 499.53 NORTHEAST 6' DI: 497.63 CATCH BASIN CB5 RIM: 500.21 EAST 8' DI: 497.66 SOLID LID CATCH BASIN RIM: 500.16 CB6 WEST 8" DI: 497.66 NORTH 12' CPP: 497.16 SOUTH 12' CPP: 497.41 CATCH BASIN CB7 RIM: 499.47 NORTH 12' CONCRETE: 496.75 SOUTH 12' CONCRETE: 497.36 CATCH BASIN CB8 RIM: 501.10 SOUTH 12' CONCRETE: 499.11 NORTH 12' CONCRETE: 498.87 }, "A '!\TU/'),T PS t'..L..'...l..L '(,._,._,._.,.,,._..,~ - SANIIARY ~EWER MANHOLE SSMHI RIM: 498.59 8" CONCRETE IE: 494.04 FLOW NORTH TO SOUTH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SSMH2 RIM:499.40 8' PVC IE: 495.15 FLOW SOUTHWEST TO NORTH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM:500.62 SSMH3 SOUTHWEST 8' PVC : 495.32 SOUTH B' PVC : 495.32 NORTHEAST 8' PVC : 495.32 OUT TO NORTHEAST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SSMH4 RIM: 507.75 SOUTHWEST B" PVC: 497.Z EAST 8" PVC: 497.Z SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SSMH5 RIM: 501.20 8' CONCRETE IE: 490.75 FLOW SOUTH TO NORTH UNMARKED MANHOLE RIM: 497.67 MH1 SOUTH 18' CMP: 492.77 NORTH 12" CONG: 493.67 EAST 24' CMP: 491.87 UNMARKED MANHOLE MH2 RIM: 503.01 WEST 12' : 497.91 EAST 16" CONG.: 498. 11 LEGAL DESCRIP110N: (PACJFJC NW. TITLE CO. OJWERNO. 629772, DATED MAY 4, 2007) THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER IN SEC110N 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY 505.1 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 116TH AVE SOUTHEAST BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2698240. NOTES: 1. MONUMHNTS LAST VJS11'ED 08-07-07. 2. THE BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY REPRESENT DHED LINES ONLY, ACTUAL OWNERSHIP MAYOTHERW1SE BE DETE~Uv!INED. 3. WETLAND BOUNDARIES AND BUFFERS PROVIDED BY J. S. JONES. 4. DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM 116TH AVE S.E. IS PROHIBITED. SIGHT DISTANCE NOTE: ENTERING SIGHT DISTANCE IS GREATER THAN REQUIRED 500 FEET. STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE JS GREATER THAN REQUIRE.'"D 360 FEE1'. ENTERING AND STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE FIELD VERIFIED BY KING COUNTY ROAD VARIANCE f,NGINEER. VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 BENCHMARK: TOP OF FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE S.E. CORNER OF SECTJON 32 ELEV.= 514.98 FT (WCCS POINT ID NO. 3831) PARENT PARCEL TAX LOT 322305-9113 AREA: 58520.61 SQ. FT. CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 U.S. FEET. CONTOURS BASED ON ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY. LEGEND: * CONIFEROUS TREE ~ DECIDUOUS TREE mm CATCH BASIN ® SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE @ UNMARKED MANHOLE :e: UTILITY POLE [D MAILBOX 0 SIGN a> GAS VALVE • FIRE HYDRANT WI STORZ ADAPTER ~ WATER METER EB WATER VALVE @ LIGHT POLE (0) WETLAND FLAG X 6' CHAI NLINK FENCE '" 6' WOOD FENCE " w MAIN FILE CCJPY -CX:X:X:::X:::: RETAININGWALL G <( 0.. -•-•-WETLAND " • T.B.R. TO BE REMOVED _J 0 > INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR TRIMBLE 5603DR200+ METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. JJ2-1J0-090. INDEXING DATA: N.£ 1/4, S.£. 1/4, SEC. J2, T. 2J NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: M.I.K. , CHECKED BY: 0.8.H. DATE: JOB NO.: Wed., Jul. 02, 2008 200 7-115 SCALE: . SHEET: 1 inch = 30 FT. 2 OF 2 //PROJECT NAME: 2007-115 LAKESIDE REI FAJRWOOD //CREATED: Frtday, June 27, 21 08 11 :25:31 AM //PREV. PLOT: 11/5/2008 2:41 :OJ PM //PLOITED: 11/5/2008 2:41 :OJ PM //FILENAME: C:\DOCUMEN1S AND S£TTJNGS\OWNER\DESKTOP\CIV1LJD J08S\2007-115_UPDATE_06250B.DWG ; •• _c,; -.·: ;.,J~ .-.·' -· . . SHORT PLAT NO. lg"ftJt:PO I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ·----· 20, __ ~--~---- MANAGER. LAND USE SERVICES DMSION EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF -----· 20,-'--,_ DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ~~--~, 20~- SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "=20' ASSESSOR 1 inch = 20 FT. DEPU1Y ASSESSOR PORTION OF: ACCOUNT NUMBER 322305-9113-05 / / KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER N.E. 1 4, S.E. 1 4, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. •· .c OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE ....... _____________________ .;..._ __ --1., _______________________________ _. THIS SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SHORT SUBDIVISION 1--------------------------. . MADE HC:REBY, AHO DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON ANO DEDICATE THE . USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE · THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS SHOWN THEREOH IN THE . · '· ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, IN- CLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACES, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE , UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS '· · . ··• SHORT PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTl1Y OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUCH STREETS, • ·EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. · ' FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY ANO ALL · CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAIN- ,· TENANCE OF ROADS A~lO/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION · OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY KING ·: .COUNTY. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS ANO ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROhl ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE .. '' WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CON- STRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED THIS WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR . DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF KING COUN1Y, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISIOt!, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARtJLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF __ NAME NAME ~ss. I CERTIFY OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EV1DENCE THAT ------------------SiGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. .,-----' , / ' ,, 1 ', DATED ----------- / \ SIGNATURE OF 1 1 NOTARY PUBLIC ------- 1 1 PRINTED NAME OF I I NOTARY PUBLIC ------- \ I \ 1 MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES -·-·--- \ I '. I ' / ' ...... -..., / ---STATE OF WASHINGTON, ' ,,,,-:' ;_' . COUNTY OF ,.,,,·. I . CERTIFY OR HAVE SATISFACTORY Ev1DENCE THAT SJGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER} FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. ---,,,, -._ ..... .,.. ' / ' I \ '_ '• i I \ DATED-----~-~~~ SIGNATURE OF I \ NOTARY PUBLIC------- PRINTED NAME OF ·' ( I I . \ .-, ' \ NOTARY PUBLIC ----· / MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ---- '-I / ',. / ' .,.. ..... _ -__ .,_,,,. ::RECORDER'S CERTIF~ICATE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY OF ......... ,20 ....... AT ...... M ' IN.i BOOK .......... OF ....•....... AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF • • o o o • 0 • • o i, • 0 • o. o O .. o. • 0 0 o • 0 • • .. 0 • • • 9 0 I • -0 -0 DEVELOPER/OWNER INFORMATION: LAKESIDE REI, MICHAEL NGUYEN 3578 S. 198TH ST SEATAC, WA 98188 (206) 229-3669 SITE AD.DRESS LAKESIDE REI SHORT PLAT . 18621 116TH AVE SE RENTON. WA 98058 (206) 229-3669 ZONING, SERVICE & UTIIJTY INFORMATIO.N: NUMBER OF LOTS: 7 PROPOSED DENSITY: 5.2 +/- PARENT PARCEL ZONED: R-8 PROPOSED USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SEWER SERVICE PROVIDER: SOOS CREEK WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE PROVIDER: SOOS CREEK WATER-SEWER SCHOOL DISTRICT: RENTON #403 FIRE DISTRICT: KING CO. #40 TELEPHONE SERVICE: QWEST POWER SOURCE: PS£ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN · CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND LOCAL STATUTES IN _ AUGUST, 2Q07 • OWEN 8. HILLE, PCS- P .LS. CERTIFICATE NO. ____ 4a..;;..00;;;._1....;;6 _______ _ LAKESIDE FAIRWOOD SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN THE N.E. J/,4, OF THE S.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NOB'.TH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON fv1fo,IN FILE COPY N VICINITY MAP PER GOOGLE MAPS 04/14/08 NOT TO SCALE .. I .. ~~ i -i @18911161 'f{i1 &' --1 I ' ffl 1 r _ SE 100tFsi) 1SE ~..ec::::) I -... ·~,, • ., '~ <'H,h,,, ~ I Kl C,ramer Northwest In.c. Surveyors Planners & Engineers INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMITER 600 AND/OR TRIMBLE 550JDR200+ METHOD: TRAVERS£ £XCE£D1NG R£QUIR£M£NTS or WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: N.£ 1/4, S.£. 1/4, SEC. J2, T. 2J NORTH, R. 05 EAST. W.M. 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fox) E-MAIL: cniOcramernw.com DRAWN BY: M.I.K. CHECKED BY: 0.8.H. DATE: JOB NO.: Fri., Jun. 27, 2008 2007-115 SCALE: SHEET: 1 inch = 20 FT. 1 OF 2 SUPT. OF RECORDS MGR. '--------------------------........J'-----------"7":"!==~:-::::-~:-:::-".:-:-::-"'."":":".=::-:::-:~=--'=~~.,---,-~~,.,.,,.,,.,,...,.,~,.,,,.,..~...,.....,.,.,,_=,,,_,...,,,,,,..,.,..,..,-..,,...,...,...,.,,--JL..: //PROJECT NAME:: 2007-115 LAKESIDE FAIRWOOO //C;?EATEO: Friday, June 27, 2008 12:25:31 PM //PLOT/ED: 6/27/2008 J:OB:2J PM //FILENAME.: C:\D0CUM£NTS AND SETT1NGS\OWN£R\Df.SKTOP\CIVILJD J08S\2007-115_UPOATE..062508.DWG ----~ " -' I LINE# LINE TABLE SHORT PLAT NO.~~~- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CURVE TABLE LENGTH DIRECTION CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA LAKESIDE FAIRWOOD SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN THE N.l?. 1/4, OF TlIE S.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KING COlJNTY, WASHINGTON 32 33 ,l "" : \ "-FOUND IRON PIPE IN CASE I I 0 RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "=30' 1 INCH = 30 FEET 30 0 30 PORTION OF: Li 3.75 N89° 33' 1 S'W C1 20.12 25.00 L2 16.26 S74° or21-w 46°or15" : SSMH5 ' I I I I I l r AT INTERSECTION OF 116TH AVE AND SE 184TH ST (E. 1/4 COR.} N.E. 1 / 4, S.E. 1 / 4, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. L3 L4 L5 L6 10.20 SS3· 5-0' 56'W 22.91 ssa• 49' 2rw 20.19 S78° 08' 46"W 3.76 S32° 01' 31"W / { 100· ·nJt ?)-- C2 17.11 25.00 39°12'19" ' ' ' ' • ' l I ' / FOUND 1' IRON PIPE • ·•'"' up..\lt.~ L BUILDING / 0.30'WEST ~ f 'I~ l'"'u ' c: I 0.05' NORTH -----?\J'-'\ 0 63 \JG· '3:1 --.__ ___ -.J / f:; 1100-\JtSO ---.., ·~ 70 \IOL· ' 305-9147 FE~;.:~~: J l ~ ,\..# 9 1 . 700-01 1 ?,2lj\J ' AND 0.5r SOUTH ~ FENCE IS 2' NORTH ---~ ~ f'" 1\-""91.\ ""--490 i ,1.# ~ 'i, OFPROPERTYCORNER 'tt • ~ /.e, ,;&(5" !' \\ \ r.:-~!.1 ,;y,:') ., i.-\ I ,.'-0 \ OF PROPERTY CORNER <ao \.,. J :\ l 12.01' l..j \ ~<;;'~~r,~N~8~9o~o~7'~59q.]30!J1J,§4l!'~r-4' ~iiA~"~~.:::"::.!J'~iO~RTH~L~N~., S~O~U~TH!.1r/2~, N!;.E:;· ;_114:::,,:;:;S,=E.~1/;4 ~~t--;i.1?"-.:iT,--~~-1 .. ,,...,. l· -:. rr 30.02' ,I -c .. -----------T4 !iii O • 98.49' -7 98.19' tr) • ~ 42(,, ~ 0 T41/ ,' GRAVEL /, !....----.. - /DRAINAGE AND RECREATION TRACT'" }' ± 1 !691 SQ. FT. /I ~-¢-"aa~ . ~ __ 15'BS8L ,i;w_ _..-_...,./ ~ <{p\ ------~ . 0 -.---Z.' RAD ---]24 ~PORARY\ ;, / L. · "-CULDESAC z / °" EASEMENT / ~------~ " I ~~~~·~N8~9J022;0'3~0~"E~1~58~.5~8'--L--~--;r-=::-~:--"-1-_..._. ~f-hL ui V yj L3 1 \ \ ~--- ,;.9 ~a------N-8-9°20'30:; 155.82' ;,;-----~, '~ ----",13 --3os-91 .,."- ~· ,\..:Jl: 322 N89°20'30"E 156.52' g ~ ~ 108. 79' ---+---- --~3~·----i _ -~ 52.14' LOT 1 ± 4560 SQ. FT. 0 C) :z I ----cot...94-.. I ' N - / '- "......_SHED . ro I r:--.:----------1 CO co l : : ~ ~(496\ ~ g : : GARAGE : t..: ~' ..___w~ 42' AD· _,--"-=-I _.--T36~ _ {.9~ ~;;!; LOT7 • (0 "- UJ t"n c,:, I t--' I I.LI ~', I tr, I <'.l I O> I ·~ CJ) I o ;-L OVERHANG z ..-z '--. ' ' ), ' ' • r --N89°0 761'. 6' T2 GRAVEL ' 1 Cl . -~ 0::: ~ ~, \ <( ,/ :r: 0.. U) <( SSMH1 • ' ........ ~ I I MH1 T24 i ro <( LL 0 ' I I ' ' ' I ' I I I ' I ' ' ' ' I I ' I I I I ' I I I I I I I ' I I I ' I ' I ' I I I I I ' I I ' ' ' I I I ' ' I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I ' ' I i • I I I I ' I I ' I ' I I I ' I I I I ' I : ~ l Ci' ' TBM: ~I I I ' ' I 60D NAIL IN WEST FACEOFU.P. (ELEV: 497.21) I • I I I I I I I I I FOUND 1' IRON PIPE 0.1' NORTH 0.1'WEST ± 4002 SQ. FT. ---t-,492· ±4023 SQ. Ff. --1'-,5~~~~~;5 to~°rr-r,}~~~;"'~~ ·~""-~"-~~~~~~~~-L~,9t4;;--~~-~~ -~~:r;;~~lij-Tl4~T5f1i. ij~t; 52.23' ---52.14' . "' '... 52:01' ·496---49.82'......-f40 40.23' 0 0 ~--~ SSMH2 @ ' ' ' I I I I I I CURVE# C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 ------~~~~-~ NORTHLN.,SOUTH505.1,N,E.1/4,S.E.1/4 S89"33'01"W301~25' _ 498~T39 500 ______ ~ .. °" -...__ ------L,~ ~:.::::.inll-------502--T2 I I I I I 30' 30' l!l!ll CB1 --~ --------~-~ 504 ~ FOUND 518' REBAR&CAP -504,"'---~ -::=----T~7 MH2 ~' ·--...__ '29294(l9281ESM' I I • I C84 ' I lJJ -506 © ~so6--......._ ~>--.----=~5R50Z::2-=:---======----...=-:;.........--~-~T' SSMH4 "-:::;:----_..---- I I I I I I SSMH3 0:: • :::, I (.) 500i ._: --x·--x--X=:::--X--X---h ~ CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 20.12 25.00 46°or1s· TREE' LEGEND TREE LEGEND 17.11 25.00 39•1z1s· T1 THREE 8' MAPLES T2 6' MAPLE T17 14.POPLAR T18 8'POPLAR 40.98 80.00 29°20'52' T3 8'MAPLE T19 10" POPLAR 1.99 80.00 1°25'32' T4 8'POPLAR T5 s·POPLAR T20 8'POPLAR T21 14' POPLAR 61.12 120.00 29°10'51' T6 10' POPLAR T22 16' POPLAR T7 8' POPLAR T23 16' POPLAR 37.67 25.00 86°19'52' TB 14' POPLAR T24 12' MAPLE 51.67 120.00 24°40'12' T9 10" POPLAR T10 6' PINE T25 8'MAPLE T26 6" PINE 12.78 120.00 6°06'12' T11 10' POPLAR T27 11' MAPLE 18.06 80.00 12°56'13" T12 6'PINE T13 12' MAPLE T28 8' MAPLE T29 6' PINE 14.24 80.00 10°12'02" T14 14' POPLAR T30 6' PINE T15 8'POPLAR T31 6'0AK 43.51 25.00 99°42'45' T16 16" POPLAR T32 60'CEDAR ,..._..---POND ) TREE LEGEND T33 9'MAPLE T34 9"MAPLE T35 28' COTIONWOOD T36 11" MAPLE T37 12' MAPLE T38 9'MAPLE T39 13" MAPLE T40 22' MAPLE T41 20' MAPLE T42 18' COTIONWOOD T43 TWO 22' COTIONWOODS T44 24' COTIONWOOD T45 24' COlTONWOOD T46 24" COTIONWOOD I iCB2 +· \ I \; I I I PER REC. NO. : 20040916000765 l ' CB5 12' DEDICATION-------1i"),: FOUND CONCRE:l'E MONUMENT~ t 0::: LU > 0 z 0 (.) llll!l CB6 42' WITH TACK IN LEAD IN CASE : ~ ATINTERSECTION OF i --....._ . SE 192ND ST. AND 116TH AVE SE l 32 (S.E SEC. COR.) El.EV. = 514.98 Fr NAVD88 I CB7 - ~ 0 \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ~ ® I I I I I I ' I I I I I I ' ' I I I ' I CB8 . I m~j I I I Cramer Northwest Inc. Surveyors Planners & Engineers 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fox) E-MAIL: cniOcromernw.com STORM DRAINAGE BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE EAST LINE OF THE S.E. 114 OF SECTION 32, 1VWNSHIP 23 NOf?.TH, , RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, BEING SOJ 015'0J'W ~Qb!Q blD ~AI~!:f !2A~II:! RIM: 499.48 CBI SOUTH 12' CPP: 496.43 WEST 18' CPP: 496.18 NORTH 18" CMP: 495.48 SOUTHWEST 6' DI: 496.68 CATCH BASIN CB2 RIM: 499.79 SOUTH 18" CPP: 496.69 NORTH 18" CPP: 496.49 . CATCH BASIN RIM: 499.70 CB3 SOUTH 18' CPP: 496.30 WEST 12' CPP: 496.30 EAST 18' CPP: 496.30 CATCH BASIN CB4 RIM: 499.53 NORTHEAST 6• DI: 497.63 CATCH BASIN CB5 RIM: 500.21 EAST 8' DI: 497.66 SOLID LID CATCH BASIN RIM: 500.16 CB6 WEST 8' DI: 497 .66 NORTH 12" CPP: 497.16 SOUTH 12' CPP: 497.41 CATCH BASIN CB7 RIM:499.47 NORTH 12" CONCRETE: 496.75 SOUTH 12" CONCRETE: 497.36 CATCH BASIN CB8 RIM: 501.10 SOUTH 12• CONCRETE: 499.11 NORTH 12' CONCRETE: 498.87 MANHOLES ~~t':llIAR): :a!i~EB t:let:ltJQl~ SSMHI RIM: 498.59 8' CONCRETE IE: 494.04 FLOW NORTH TO SOUTH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SSMH2 RIM: 499.40 8' PVC IE: 495.15 FLOW SOUTHWEST TO NORTH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 500.62 SSMH3 SOUTHWEST 8' PVC : 495.32 SOUTH 8' PVC : 495.32 NORTHEAST 8' PVC : 495.32 OUT TO NORTHEAST StiNJIARY SE~ER MANHOLE SSMH4 RIM: 507.75 SOUTHWEST s• PVC: 497 .2 EAST 8' PVC: 497.2 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SSMH5 RIM: 501.20 8' CONCRETE IE: 490.75 FLOW SOUTH TO NORTH UNMARKED MANHOLE RIM: 497.67 MH1 SOUTH 18' CMP; 492.n NORTH 12' CONC: 493.67 EAST 24' CMP: 491.87 UNMARKED MANHOLE .. --~2:---RIM: 503.01 ----,'i"T, L,;;=::_\ ,:::1 n \YI rr=W1=~1. • : 497.91 ( . ii=--·:1 !, \ / l®T Jte'i bNC.: 498.11 '-~"·~) ( (,.__,_, j ! --· ,_ -·--I_, IU LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PA CJFJC N. W TITLE CO. ORDER NO. 62977 2, DA TED MAY 4, 2007) THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUlllEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY 505.1 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUN1'Y FOR 116TH A VE SOUTHEAST BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2698240. NOTES: J. MONUMENTS LAST VJSJTED 08..()7-07. 2. THE BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY REPRFSENr DEED UNES ONLY. ACTUAL OWNERSHIP MAY OniERlfJSE BE DETERMINED. . -' 3. WETLAND BOUNDARIES AND BUFFERS PROVIDED BY J. S. JONES. 4. DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM 116TH AVE S.E. JS PROHIBITED. REFERENCE SURVEYS: RI) MORGAN COURT CONDOMINIUM, REC NO. 2000103()0()1941 ,__ 'i' R2) R.O.S. VOL. 182, PG. 24, REC NO 200501289000/ · I·-""'"'·'-· . VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF /98~ BENCHMARK: TOP OF FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE S.E. CORNER OF SEGnON 32 ELEV. ~ 514.98 FT {WCCS POINT JD NO. 3831) PARENT PARCEL TAX LOT 322305-9113 AREA: 58520.61 SQ. FT._ CONTOUR JNTERV AL: 2.00 U.S. FEET. CONTOURS BASED ON ACTUAL FJELD SURVEY. LEGEND: * CONIFEROUS TREE ~ DECIDUOUS TREE llllll CATCHSASIN @ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE @ UNMARKED MANHOLE =e: UTILITY POLE (D MAJLBOX 0 SIGN CD GAS VALVE .. FIRE HYDRANT WI STORZ ADAPTER l8l WATER METER (& WATER VALVE @ LIGHTPOI.E @ WETLAND FLAG ¢, SOIL SAMPLE X 6' CHAINLINK FENCE (~ 6' WOOD FENCE --~---''-°'-' ,JUL 'I 5 2008 ! ·- CX:::X:::X::X:: RETAJNING WPJ..J.. -•-•-WETLAND T.B.R. TO BE REMOVED INSTRUMENT USED: G£0DIMIT£R 600 AND/OR TRIMBLE 560.JDR200+ METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. JJ2-1J0-090. INDEXING DATA: N.£ 1/4, S.£ 1/4, SEC. J2, T. 23 NORTH, J?. 05 ruT, w.u. DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: M.I.K. Wed., Jul. 02, 2008 2007-115 . CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: 0.8.H. 1 inch = JO FT. 2 OF 2 //PROJECT NAME: 2007-115 LAKESIDE FAIRWOOD //CREATED: Friday, June 27, 2008 12:25:31 PM //PREV. PLOT: 7/2/2008 12:53:07 PM //PL07T£D: 7/2/2008 12:53:07 PM //FILENAME: C:\D0CUM£NTS AND SETT1NGS\OWNER\DESKTOP\CML30 J0BS\2007-115_UPDATL062508.DWG NORTH -~ 0 -10 20 40 - LU (f) <'-l -- 1-UJ K:\ 1.1] --' 'I i / J ,, - -------- --- ____ ,,_ . ·------ ' I / - ' - / \ / --- ' - ' ' ' ' \ / \ __ ... _ .. _______ "' _,_ ! ' - I -,_., -/ .. /. / .-·- 60 20' '·,' •,"'' ,_,., ' / --------------- ------ ·-.... __ \ - --""'7---·,,. ----FOUN[: ·;'' tFoJd PJPE t: ·!' /ci('/'.i :'H -..,, ' '·-'' ' ' ' (! •)I ~)1J:::'.''.f .,, . ' ' ' ------. -·"'" ___ ,_, ........ " •' , .. _/' ----,. " '" ·--- / ., . ..," . ' '·- ---- -,, . ",, ,, , .. --- _ ..... -- .,.-- ··-" -- ? --- I '! , -, __ ,,; ---. ,·-' r --,,:.,,, -( ;L._' ,, "l ·1;, >" r i -- I \ ------------ BUI PROPERTY j ----·-·- / / / -... _. -~- \-----"'-'--; I ------. I SHED I \ '- / / t·-1I\TGll~l-ION AREA·' - (3,Cip6 SF) \ \ '",_ SE 1/4 OF I BLlllDiNG L--~----·----c_ __ _ --------·-___ __; ,, \ \ ·, --.... -- 'ti" '"" i ·-. . , .. ,,,, ---·-',;>\ --\ \, -----------------\ ·,._ '·-----·· / i I ,, ....... -- - '- ' \ -' ---. __ _ -I I \ \ ' \ \ \ ,,,_ ,-.. ·--·---~,---- --------___ /' --'"-· ·--· -"---, [] ' :1 ,: r---------·--------J - -I I I I I ' ' ' !!GARAGE 11 I (TO BE ' l REi\r11'JVED) , ' I L-------------·-----~-------fl. ' '--., : f)'VERH' A'·'r.' I ~.. ~ • • r\'l \,:, I ~ ,-,I L---------------I -·-----·--J; ' -- "·-..... _____ ... , --- ·, .--·' -- ---- -~-~--,· ---·-·-- ... , .... ·-. - -- I "· ... , -- f ' I '- .,., ·-· I .... --....... ,,_ .......... --' / j ! ., " .... ,----..... ,· / / -- --\ I i ••. I -- \ \ - "~-\ -,, ' ' \ ----· '""--S. ·~ ·--' -.h;.-:;;_h,-:,) ... =~c-,-~=•-~'-----_-_._-_-_-_-_-%. ----~---~ ./,;;\\::. -------------------~--:: ·-~-~-"' ...... ,i:,,;\ltf ···---------------"• ... , ___ ,, __ .. ;\J,//;~; ----·-' '~.,. ".-...... _____ " """'·• ·--- ---.. _ p(;. - ···: 1:S-, , ... , I / .,· ,- ----------- \._ ---, I .,!.-, .. ( \ ----~ .... --/ .. __ / \ .. / • . .-" ,,, -~-.. , .. ~--,- r·;,, "+" l /,''':• ... , ,., -- ./-· / ,.,.,. --------------------------- MITIGATION PUlN ' -, / ./ > -' _ .. " ,. 23 ~,,i RG'E,.... o;-E !'\ll -.:;l1 -• #0 1 -~ t, ,_ -~-~:- \) ,,J;:) : \ - \ \ \ ;[?"! - \ \ _, 1 \ I ,i kf;) : \,-; ... _ ' '\ .. ·,.7.. I c•; (' )· ,. fi . .,,_f] ",f ·. / I / / --.. ' ' ~-- _ . ..-··' / i J) '/ i i ,, ! t l ' ' / li / I I ,·' ., ' / ' '"""'1" . . ;' " l '. / i 't' ,.' I f ' ,/ ,, i ! l -! I --' / r ) I . :~?:}!}, ~ / ' - ·~-' I --\ \ \ '·' -~--~ --,.--·'' ! __ ,..,,.-·"" ' -I i _). 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'-.fE\ , ;,;,r'· -.0'."i .. ! ' .,, ' . \~(::-_ ' :_ ;,.{ ,;; . ~ ' ,,i/l' ' ": '!\· --. ·t_ti _' (( ,:- '"''1 : :;ff,,,:- · ,l";{'f, ', ,' '' \'.., .. '/. " ' -' ·!'" . . . ' ·-_ .. - · ·· "s:( 1~~!i.f ;~J/· , , .. I . ,·' ! --:i . -·-' ·, : .. ,., .:. ' -·-. ,11, (st,,),' ' ---,_.-··.:v, 1':!~: \ -'._,.,'; ,,,'.' ,::,.a,,d -t· t-st~ .. i Jtlii' U1 ,-.. ' '•"' .... '-l I i ' . -' "r_-y::; _. -'. . ; . ' ..-,. -:. .. ,. '.(JJ.li ·. '·/11"; : '~<;:,r,' ' : .;f ,:._::... ... ' ' ,. ,"" ._, ' .-, . ' ·,:}( ~.ffr' ,._.,., ·. r (·-'' ---' '. ,! ''J!<·:: ,, i - .... ,., ',4-;.) ·:.1y- ' ·tt ,- ' ' ! -----""' ~,-,, } _. .. ,,, ,i~/' ·-,_ &i'·· \' ,' ' \. J.,. ,., ·,,,';) " ·. <t" j • ,;:r·, v·{ .'.!;:.;._- ; /:,'l\ ' ;in: VICINITY MAliP NOT T() SCALE APf"l-!CAl"J"f: YVONNE BUI 3520 SOUTH 198TH STREET SEATAC, VVASH!NGTON 98188 ' " JON~c-'ND AC-"OCIATES ,.,,, u. ;;), , I i'.::0 I, , /'-\<.."h,J _,,. 1 , /'lj,..,-, 01·1·,,, r, . ~-1;;::t:~r:'E"q•( {;' Jf)""S U"fi";, .._,,__.!, ! , • V. ~ !"J•-"-I I \1/. .. 1 402 EAST MA!N STREET, SUITE 110 AUDURN, VVASHINGTC)!~ 98002 2fj3-804-2645 Ll!::GA.L DE:i':.C~l!"1tlON: .11,·1 i• :l22305 113 EAST -112 (JF EAST 1/2 OF' A PORTIC1N OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 LYING NOF!THERLY OF SOUTHERLY 505.1 FEET OF SA! D SUBDIVIS10i~ LESS COUNTY ROAD ii/llT!GA'fi0,"1 Pl-AN NOTES: 1. SILT FENCE VViLL BE !NST/\LLED AND INSPECTED BY THt, CONSUL TING BIOLOGIST PHIOR TO BEC'.INNING M!TIGA J'ION VI/CiRK 2. THE CC)N(;ULTING Bl()LOGIST if1/!LL FLAG .4LL EXISTING Ni\TIVE VEGETATION 'l"O RE''"I''' . IV,A i\J 3. ll~VASIVEVEGETATION \;Vil!_ BE REMOVED FROM THE MITIGATION f\REA BY HAND AND DISPOSFD OF IM A LE.GAL MANNEF,?. 4, ~J/1TIVE Tf<EE.S AND SHRUBS VVILL BE INSTALLED iN THE MITIGATl<JN AREA b. SPLIT RAIi_ FENCING !',I-JO A \IVETLANO SIGN WILL DE il~STALLED AS SHOVVN Of\) THESE PLP,r~s ------------ )" -----VVETLAND BOUNDARY VVETLAND BUFFER BUILDING SETBACK Ll~JE (BSfJL) MITIGATl<.)N AREA ' '.( ,, ,. .,. ... :"' i }· V ,r ;;-·-' --., ; 1, '-..' ,, _ _; , __ , Surveyors Planners & Engineers 3,006 SF ,._,.,_,..,,,,,.,,..,,,,=,.,,.,,~~=•w=•••"""'-•-•-•----•·--•-•==-~""'*'"""'.,.,.,...'''''''"""'"''= N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, (253)852-4880 V['IT , ,, r. • VJA (loco!) free) 1-(1.100)251 ·0189 /Joli (2-53)1352 ·4955 , (fax) £-MAIL: cni(g)crorr1arnw ,com ---···1 I '----1-·-·------i------ 1--+------------,-----, ------····----· .. -....... ' .... ---· f'.-1 z w _J c:, i 1---+---+----------- Ml z z 0 z 0 I- t? z ·-----··-· ----; z <!' .J r.:L z () ->-~ t:) -· r- -~ .. --,-- I :,.: i ~ 00 Q ('i') ... -·, "I"' CSJ ' l-0 i;,:,, (<) ('\I (\_J {'-') u~ ~ ~ ~ 'l I<\ ,-,.. ,'1JI ·i:: 'I.,,;' -;:; c:i:: w ,:. "I w ''--CL ~ ;.s;, I '"" :i: @ 1h :'.:; l ~.'a: I -'_I ()I -,,~ l __ -" ~II ! -1--- IJJ w I {() C i::'\I l I \_ ___ _ I j _________ , / --------- i---------- 1 ' ' ' ' 0 \ ', ,, ', ' 5 • w Cf) w 0 z ------------- NORTH 10 \ 20 1! " ,, \ ,, ·-- -- / i / / 30 ----------- -, .. ,e•"' .... ' ., -- 4 --,. i "18"T024" _l_ 6" MIN --, .--" -_ .... - ----------------·----- -----.,,. __________ _ ·-. __ ' I L_ -\ \ ' --------· '· \ BUI PROPERTY MITIGATION PLAN ' Tv,,p 2':'.l! I;\! Rr:cE· 05 ,1 • v I 'Ill 1 •1..::Ji ,,., • _ _ KING COUNTY WETLAND SIGN DETA.IL / ' I ! ! ATTACH SiGI\J TO POST WITH / TWO 5/i 6 G.l\l .\/ANl7f:J) tAG \ /\ '-_,,; ' DOLTS \/VITH WASHERS f{ING COUl'll Y 1.'1/ETL~,NDIST?.EAM S1 r3N INSTALi ATIOI'! Df:TAIL. ---------=====------ n-:E 1/\/F. fl_Ai'kl SIGN SH/-\Ll_ 0[ POSTED AT THE 80UNDAP.'f RFTWEEN THE SENSITIVE: 1\J"i'EA BUFFER SETBACK AREA '.JR t:iEHlACK TRACT AI\JD Tl-IE ElUILDING SE n:lACK N~EA O~jt': SIC~I SH/\LL BE P03TE:l PER LOI FOR EVERY 100-FEET OF SENSITIVE AF~l:A SUFFER /\hlD SHALL BF. 3TATIO/~F.D iN A PROMINENT LOCt-;r101~, I.E .. AT THE CLOSEST r-OINTTOTHE PORPCISEO DEVELOPME;\T. SIGf,18 MA.Y ALSO BE ATTACHED TO FENCES SILT FEr~CE \ ' : ! ' ,j r_·--__ ! !,. ( ___ /\ / \ 'r·"' I ..• i.._,, i ...... _ .. !; \ \.,; ' ' ' \ \ "; \ r ,'; {~-,--. :. ,j , L\ < ... , 11--!\/i ,... ... ' . . i'-1 ,_-. I \ ! \ !. __ / ,, ~ .. ,, ..... _,,,: i 'i ; __ .. ' ., \ ' \ ' ' ', \ \ \ ' / ! I . ---------·-1 --,~ 5' TO Ci RA DCC i PRE-PRl1\JTED PLAS1 IC '.ilGl'I \ \ ' \; __ .. ____ J ' / / / ( ' I B' · 4Xt, CEUAR Ors' Pf~ESSURI::: -TREATED POST -'3ET IN COl'JCRETE SE"T 3' li\JT:) HOl_f f-_______ __c_:~-----1 I " II I I SHED ---·---' l------- / / ' ; ; ! / / J ' / ----. ' s n. I-r R AI ;_, /F----"Er\. --. E · r l i -:t, · (' -" (,,.,. : -- ' ' -' ,, \ \ \, \ \ ' - \ \: WETLAND SIG,N '- -, ' ' ,, ----4-----.-~---··-----------.--- ___________ ,, __ _ ---------- \ ' ' \ \ \ \ I ' ' ' --___ , ------------------,,----- \ -----------· \ \ ------------------- --· -· ... "· " -. " . -···-..... ,- --~---' ,,,, \ ,1 ,, \ / -, \, ' '";- ' ' / \ ' ',, ,, ' ' \ ' ,, PLANT SCHEDIJLE ----S:{MOOL ____ ....f.2Mt{t_ON 1\:.<\ME SCl::'.f\iTIF<C NAMF --------------------------··' __ ---'Q"-_-_iY_. _____ §i,Z,,E~---- REJ \ \ ' ' ', ' ' \ DOUGLAS FIR PSEUTOSUGA 11/IENZJESII 5 4-6 FT NOOTKA ROSE ROSA ~JUTl(ANA 30 1 GAL SALMON BERRY RUBUS SPECTABILIS 'Ul _, 1 GAL SNOV\JBEFiRY SYMPH0fl1CARP0S ALBU:3 30 i GAL RED-OSIER DOG\iVOOD CORf\lUS SER!CEA 20' CUTTtMGS \NILLOV\/ SALIX SP. 20"-' 'NOTE: 2 VVILLO\N AND DOGVVOOD CUTTINGS PER SYMBOL_ PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL REMOVE BURU:IJ-> FRCM Tor i/3 OF RO)T BALL-,, ' 2"X2'· Hl::MLOCK/FIR ST/J,I\E 2"XL" Ht::MLrJCK/FiR STAKE ORJVEM TO REFUSAL (>24'') SECURfTO TREE WITH MURGF.l'lYMANS I-APE-: / ST,'\~,i:C TO BE PI_ACED P.ARALLEL TO PREVALILINGWIND CUTTINGS DETAIL CLT \/l!ILLO\N OR DOGWOOD ST AKE A,T 45° ANGLJ:: ADOVE: NEAHE;ST ~JODE WiLL0\1\/ OR DOGVVOOD GUTTli'-IG.'3 (MIJ\'11.'ll!M 1/4 DIAMCTER) ___ / 'li:)-24 Ii·~ l ~---- 4" IAIN. SILT FENCE DETAIL -, --·v\JCOO POST _, ; ' ,' ··--_, ' ---. ' • C : ' SILT FENCE ATTACH FD TD POSTS WITH STt\PLEG I ! MINIMUM 2" OF MJLCH --------(--1 ·1--- 1---1-· ---1---!---- I f---·------!--~----·-·-· -----. ~1--! ' ----------+--·-··----------. ------· --··\ i--+---+------ r--'---·-, r---------<-------L------·--I : NO. DATE I BY! Rl=VISION ! -----------·-. L_ '-----··-------·---· ----------------------- ~ z w ,J rJ : ------.---- 00 ro T" i:o (j) z C' i:: CJ z I-- LU LlJ a:: I-- Cl) :r: 1-- (0 CJ) t UJ ···:i ~ 0, 1- lJJ w I (.f) (-<) y-- s- CT) ' !,') 0 ff) N "'i (V') --·~ -----·--' J ···-,-,------~---~-/ ·- ----------------------- 1,,(} E:xeicutiv~ S!.H'Uirru:ry l.1 1',oject Descripd{)n: The applicant proposes to subdivide the subject l • 1 C • f'll'" 'l ' parce 1nto seven ots ror construction o s1...11g c--~1m11y res1c cnccs 011 tnc s·ubject p1-operty. /'1 ('.ategory IV \Vetland is located in tbe northvvcst corner of the property. The req1rired b~!I'fer for the on-site vvetl::11-1.d is 50 feet. The applicant propose~:: to reduce the buffer to 25 ±Cet and enhance the rernaining on-site v,.rethmd and v1ctland bu-fCer. The mitigation area vviH tot1l 3,006 square f°.eet of enliancernent. The enhancernent rirea ,vill be pianted 1Nl'd1 native plant species. ~{atlve plant species '0rill lncrease plant diversity., vv ildlife habitat and prevent the establislTment of invasive species. In addition to enhancernent planting, the mitigation area vvill be fenced v/ilh spiit rail fencing, a wetland sign wilt be installed at the mid -polnt of the spht rail fence, flnd tbe critical area will be recorded in a notice on title ·v1ith the I(ing County /~sse:.sorJs ofiice. 1,2 Goals a11d i)bjeetivos, The goal of thi, n1itigation proposal is to increase the functions and values the on-site critlcal area. The objectives necessarv to 1necl: tL.e goal are as fo11o,,,s: J ~ &i Rc-n1ove invasive vegetation vvithln the critlca! area v1hlle saving desirable natjve vegetation ):!) Inslal.1 native conifers and shrubs in the vvetland and \Vetland bu11Cr ·a Lirnit future intrusion into the cr1t1cal area by insta!h11g spllt rail fence and a vvetland si0.n at the 1iinits of the buffer ·- ® R~ecord the critr::al area in a notice on title ® Maintain and nionitor the rnitigation for a period of 5 years to increase the n1 jtigabuns chances for success and to detem1ine if contigency rneasures arc necessary. 2.1) Project Lo,2,,!io11 ·rhe property is located at 18621 116th fa.,_\/erute Southeast) in K.ing County1 \'.\1ash1ngton. 3.0 Responsible l:'i11tles Properly (}wners Y·voru1e Bui 3520 SoL,th 198[11 Street Seatac, vVashington 98183 En11i1onn1ental (:onstiitant Jeffery S. Jones Ceritified Profes:;1ona1 '}let1and Scientist J. S. Jones and i\ssociates, lnc. 40') East Main Street, Sui.te 'i 10 Auburn, Vlashin.gton 98002 (253) 804,-2.645 4Jl StandJlrd@ /'l..H vvork and ·materials sh.all confonn to J<-'.::ing C~ounty standards and specific:ations, aJ1d to the specifications and detai 1s shovvn on these plans 5J) Contr~cto1r Iraforru u1H0Yi When it is available, contact infonnation :·1hall be provided to I)[)ES 111at includes na111cs, addresses and phone rLunbers ofpersonsiiinns that vvill be respons.i.ble for 31 ading the rnitigation/restoration area, installing required plants, arid perfr)1 ff1ing requJied maintenru1ce and monitoring. 6,ll Contractor's Q,i,!lillcati,,.,§ (:ontractor/Landscape Installer 1nu:;t be experienced in mitigation and re:::.totation work. The Pern1ittee shall provlde that there is one person on the site at all tlrnes dLffing ,.vork and insta1lat.ion. vvho 1s thoroughly farn~1iar with the type of 1112.teri8.]s be1ng installed and the best n1ethods for the~r installation, an<l 'Nho sh2Jl direct ali work be1ng per±onned iu1der these specifications. This person shall he experienced in installing native plant 1naterials for vvetlrmd rn~tigation or restoration prDjects~ unless otherv~rjse aUcn,ved by the Landscape I)eslgner, V/ethtnd f)iologist arrd/or Kjng t-.:ou.nty !)DES Fnvirontncntal Scienti.sc 7.0 Site Conditions The Perrnittee, Landscap~ Designer and/or Wetland Biologist sha[i immediately notjf'y King (:ounty DDES of any discrepancies betvveen these plarL') and the site conditions. The locations of plants shovvn may be rr1odified in the fleld by the Landscape Dcs·~gner, \Vetland Biologist anCJ01 K.1ng c:oun1y l)DES Envirorunental Scie~tist based on field conditior1s at the time of p1ant1ng. C~hanges should be doc11mented ili'ld as-built ,k:.~Vv'illgs subn1itted to I>DES upon request for fonna1 construction apprO"vaL BJ) Pla,its 8<1 {}rigin: P!ant rnatcrials shall be J\Torthv1esl native plants, nursery grovm in the Puget Sound region ofV/ashington. Dug plants may only be used upon approval of I<1ng County D[)t.',S Env1ronrnen.tal Scientist. it2 liland!ing~ Plants sha11 be handled so as to avoid rll damage, including breaking, bruising, root darriage, sunburn, drying, freezing or other i:qjury. Plants must be covered dllri.ng transport Plants shall not be bound v,ith vvirc or rope in a rnanner that could damage branches. Protect plant roots \Vith shade and ·.vet soil in the ti111e period behveen delivery and installation. Do not lift container stock by trunks, stems) or tops. [)o not rernove frorn containers until ready to plant Water all plants as necessa1y to keep moisture ievels HpproprJ.ate to the species horticultural requlrerr1ents. Plants shal' n-ot be allowed to dry Ollt. i\ll plants shall be l'Jatered thoroug,hly iannediately upon installation. Soak aH containerized plm1ts thorougf.Jy prior to installation. ·a are root plants are subjec:t to the fo1lo1,ving special requirements, and :shall not be used unless pl.anted bet,veen Novernber 1 and Me.rch 1, and only v;ith the pennission of the L.andscape Designer and King County [JDES E11virornnental Scientist. Bare root plfu'lts rnust have cnougJJ fibrous root to ir::;ure plant survival. lloots must be covered at all tunes ,vith rrnid and/or vvet stravv, rno5s, or other :;uitable packing rnaterial unti-J time of installation. Plants 'vi/hose roots have dried out from exposure vvil1 not be accepted at installation inspection. ----------·--~·-·----------------------- BUI PROPERTY MITIGA~TION PLAN 1/4 OF' SEC, -rw. p I ~ ' 23 N, RGE., 10c:: E' '1'1 I\~ I , '"'{ -, ;,J i \IV.IV •• ll,3 Stnwage: Plants stored by the Pe11nittee for longer than one month prior to planting shall be planted ir1 nursery ro•N'3, and treated in a manner suitable to that species horticultural requirc1ncnts. Plants rnust be 1einspected by the Wetland Biologist and/or Landscape Designer prior to installation. 8.4 Dar((]aged Piant~~ Drnnaged, dried out, or othen,vise rr1ishandled plants ,viii be rejected at installation inspection. _All r,jected plants shall he in-rrriediately ro;:;1novcd from the site. 8.5 Plant !;fames: Plar1t na:nes shall con-,p!y with those generally accepted i11 the native plan.t nursery trade. £\ny questions regarding plant species or variety shall be referred to the Landscape fJesjgner, Wetland Biologist or King Co1ully JJilES Enviromnenlal Scientist. JI.H plant 1n~terials shall be true to species and variety. RJi lPlaf!t Sul:n,titutktn§: Plant ;1ubstitHtions are not permitted \Vi1hout the perrnission of the l,r.ndscape I)esigner, Wet1and 'Bio1ogist and/or King County DDES J\nviro:nmental Scientist. Saine species substitutions of larger size do not require spcc~al pc1Tnission. Lio,¥ever; srn::J1 plants often experience less tran.splani: shock and ac\apt more qu.lckly to site conchtions, res1.1lting in u hightr success rate. /\s such., stnaller plants V,Jill be approved as substitutions based on certain site-specific conditions (trees not less than l gallon size however). 8.7 Qualhy nnrl Cond.HliD-n: Plants shall be norma.l in patten1 of growth, healthy, ·vltJl-branched, .,.,.,.igorons, ~vV]th Vlell~deveioped rool systerns, and free of pests B11<l diseases. I)arnaged, <liseased, pest-infested, scraped, h1uised, dried -out) burned, broken, or defective plants v;iH be r~jected. Plants ~;ith pruning \VOunds over 111 in dian1eter \\/iii be rejected. 8,il Roats: _All plants shall be balled and b1u-lapped or containerized, unless expL~ity authorized by the Landscape [)esigner andJor Wetland. l:3io1og-i:st Rootbound plants or B&.B plants vvith dan-1agecl, cracked or loose rootba!ls (n1ajor <lH.1nage) v-.r111 be rejected. lmmcdiately before installation~ plants ,;v1th mir1or root darn.age (some broken and/or tv1iste<l) must be root-pruned. J\Aatted or circling roots of containerized plantings n1ust be pruned or straightened a:nd the ,;des of the root baU rnust be roughened from top to bottorn to a depth of approxirnate'Jy half and inch in r010 to four places. Bare root plantings of vJoody n1aterial is allovved ouly ,.vith permission frorn the Landscape Desigr1er, \,Vetland Biologist, nnd/or King County Env1ronmenta1 Scientist 8.9 Size§: I'lanl sizes shall be the si:oc indicated in the pla1rt schedule. Larger stock rnay be acceptable provided that it has not been cut back to size specified, and that the root ball is proportionate to the size or the plant. Si-naHer stock may be acceptable, and under some circ-u:cnstances perf'e-rab!e, ba3ed on site-specific conditions. t,1easurernents, c.;aliper, brar1ching and balling and burlaprring shall conforrn to the An1erlcan Standard of Nursery Stock by the /\:n1erican ,l\ssoiciation of N urserynen (]a.test edition). ft110 Forlrn; E-vergreeG trees, if used, sha11 have single t1unks and syn1n1etrica1, Vle1l-developcd fonn [)eciduous trees shall be single tnrnked unless specified as rrrulti-:,tern in tb.e plant schedule. Shnibs shall have n1ultipi~ stems, and be <Nell-branched. 8., 11 ]Planting~ Planting shall be done i.n acconiqnce vvith illustrated details 1n the mitigation/re3toration plan set and accepted industry standards. 8.12 1'iming ~f P)arr]t.i,~g: lJnlcss other\vlsc approved by King C~ounty !)[>ES Environrnental Scientist, all planting shall occU1 benveen Septernber I and lviarch 3i. 8.13 Weeding! Existing ew.1.d exotic vegetation jn the Lr1itigatlon area will be hand \Needed from the entire n1itigation area and on routine basis tlu·ough rnor;ltnring period. l'~o chemical controJ of vegetation on any portion of the site is ailcnved v-1lthout the written perrnission of King County DI)ES Environmental Scient1st. 8.14 Soil ,4.mendriten!s: TJnless othervvise speeified and approved by King County DI)ES, organic 111atte:r (('.edar Clrove Pure (:cmpost or approved equal) Yvill be incorporated lllto tl1e planting pits. tt15 1\1.E:uh:h~ The entire :nitigation area shaH receive no less than 2°,~4 11 of wood chips or rnediu:rn bark rnuJch after planting. VVood chips or rnulch shall be kept well atvay (8t ]east 2n) froin lhe trunks and stems ofvvoody plants. 8,16 Site Co,ndition&: (:ontractor shall immediately notify the I,andscapc l)csignor ar.YJ/or \Vetland Biologist of Llraina[Jc or soll conditions likely to be deterirner.ttal to the gnJvvth or surviva1 of plants. Planting operations shall not b0 conducted under the follov1ing conditions: freezing vveatl1cr, ·vvhen the ground is frozen, cxce:;sively ,vet ,veather, excessively vvin<ly weather, or in excessive heat. 8.17 Plant Locati11Tis: Locations shali be as depicted in the approved plan set. The I,andscape Designer and/or V/etland Biologist may change the locations of :plantings shovvn o.n plans based on fleld con1..i.itions. 1:t18 Ph1ati.ng in Pits: P]an6ng pits shall be circular or square ,vith vertical sides,. and. shall be 3i1 deeper and 6'1 h1rger in dian1eter than the root ball of th1.~ plant Break t1p the sides Dfthe pit in con1pacted soils. Set plants upr1ght in pits, as illustrated in planting detail. Burlap sha11 be rernoved frorn the planting pit l3ackfill shall be viorked back into holes such that air pockets are rernovcd vvithout adversely cornpacllng soils. 11.19 Fertilizer: Slow release ±erti1i_zer ,nay be used if pre-approved by King c:ounty Df)ES Environmental Scientist. Fertilizers shall be applied only at the base of plantings und,;;rncath the required covering of rnulch (that does not make contact vvith sten:s of the plants). ?-Jo fertilizers vvill be placed 1:n planting holes. 8,20 '\!1/a!er: Plants shaH be watered upon compl~iion of backfilling. For spring plai1tings (if approved), a rim of earth shall be mounded around the base of the tree or shn1b no closer than the drip hne1 or no less than 30" 1n d1aff1eter) except on steep slopes or in hollows. Plants shaH be vvatered a second tirne 1vithin 24--48 hours after installation. The earthen ri111/dan1 should be leveled pri.o; to the second grovvi.ng season. 8.2! Staking: }host sh:11bs and ma11y trees do not require any staking. !f the plant can stand alone 1.vithout stal-'::i:ng in a rr1odt::rate ,vind, do not use a stake. !fl.he pl8Ji, needs support, then slrapping or 1vcbbing should be used as iovv as possible on the trunk to loosely brace the tree ,vith tv10 slakes (see Planting Detail) Dr, not brace the tree tightly or too hil!,h on the trunk. lf the tree is unable to s,vay., it will further lo,1c; tl1e ability to support itself As soon as suppo1ting the plant becomes unnecessary, ren1ovc the ~,takes. All stakes musl be rcrnoved \;v1thin two (2) :/ears of instalht.tion. ·-···-··------ -rAX PARCEL ID r\!O<: 322:305-9113 8.22 lllter"1edi!l!e ln&peci.ior,s: /IJI plants shall be inspected and approved by the Lru1dscnpe .Designer and/or \I\Tetland Biologist prior to instsllatlort Condition of roots of a rando1n smnple of planls will be inspected,, as v1en as all aboveground grov,1th on al! plants. R.oots of a.ny bare root phu1ts, if perrnitted for use, vvill be in:;pected. Plant niaterial rnay b~ approved at the source 1 at the discretion of the Landsc:ape Designer and/or Wetland .Biologist, h~1t ,7Jl maLerial n1ust be 1c-inspcct0d and approv.:xl on the site pcior to installation. Plant locations shall also be inspected an<l approved prior to planting. 8,2:J vVlicllife ('.oa!rol: /rs detcnnined by the Landscape Designer and/or \Vetland Biologist, fencing or deer repellants 1nay be neede~ to linrit deer intrusio.n vvJ1.ile Lristalled plants 3n; beconring cstabhsht:d. 9.0 J';;1tiintena,,ce Maintenance sha11 be required in accordance \Vith Kir1g (~ounty Sensit~ve l\reas Mitigation Guidelines (2004) and approved plans. 9. R Sorvival: The Penn ittee shail be responsible for the health of lOOo/o of all nev,rly insta.l.Jed pla:nts for one growing season (:ft.er insta.llation has been acccpteci by K_ing County DDES Enviror1111ental Sc1ent1st (sec Perfom1ance Standards). 1\ growing season for these purposes is dcfi.ncd as occurri..rig frorn spring to spring (r\lfarch 15 to March 15, fi.Jllov1i11g year) .. For i11li installation (often required)~ tl1e gro,Ning season v,1ill begin the fOJlo\\/ing spring. 'l'he Perrr1ittee shall replace any ph1.nis that are failing, vveakj defective in a rnanner of erowth, or dead dunng this gro'.ving season, as d:irected by the Landscape Designer, Wetland Biologist, and/or King ('ounty DD.ES Environrnental Scientist. 9.2 Ir.st11lhition ]'iming ii:Jr Rcplacer~cRJt Pla11ts: Replacernent plants jhall be installed between Septernber 1 and March 31, unk:ss othet-N1se detennined by the Landscape [)esig:neri Vletl£u1d B.iologist, and/or King (' DD-,-,,n 1'"" ' ,cl r, • · ~-ou11ty L.:, i-.'.,nv1ronrnerrtill :,c1entl:-{( ~J.3 J)uJ(aHon and Exten§.~ In order to achieve perfOrmance st:1ndru-ds, the Perrnlrtee shall have the ruitigation/restorat!on area rnaintalllcd fOr th.e duration of the monitoring period, 5 years. Maintenance v/iH include w,itering, '.veeding aro11nd bas~ of installed plants, p1ur1ing, replacement, restak1ng, removal of aH classes of noxiote.~ \vee<ls (see Washiugton State Noxious Weeds Li.st, 1,VAC'. l 6--750--005) as well as Himalayan blackberry, and any other 1neasun3,3 needed to insure plru:1t su:ivi\:aL .AH rnaintenance sh2Jl be directed by the Landscape Designer and/or \h/etland Biologist 9<4 Stiu1da,ds ror Replacement !'!ants: Replacement plants shall 1neet the scnne standards for size arid type as those specified for origi.nal installation unless othen:Vise directed by the Landscape Designer, Wet1ancl Biologist, 8Jld/or Kirtg ('.ou111y J)lJiES Enviro:n1nental Scie11tist. Replacen1ent plants shall be inspected as described above for the origlnal insla!labon. 9.5 Repia.1iting~ Plants that have settled in their planti11g pi.ts too deep, too sha11ovv) loose, or crooked shall be replanted us directed by tbe Landscape Designer., \Vetland fliologist, and/or Klng (\:,unty 1JTlES Environr.aent.al Scientist. 9.6 t1erbicid,;;§/Pesit.Acides~ Chemical controls shall not be used in the rnitigation/resioratior area 1 sensitive areas ur their buffers. Hov\'over, hn1lted use ofherb1cldes may be approved depending on site specific condi6ons, only if appruved by Kin.g (:ounty IJL)ES Envirorunental Scientist. 9.7 irrigatiu!l/V\lateriitg: V/ater shall be provided durir,g d1e dry season (July 1-()ctober l S) for the First tv,o years afi:er i~staliation 'u ensure plant survival and establishment. \Vater should be provided by a tenrporary above ground irrigation systern and/or water truck. ·water should be rippl.ied at a rate of 111 ofvvater tv,o tinLeS a v.,eek for vear 1 and l 1! of1,.vatcr one ti.Jne a 0 vveek du1)ng vea:r 2. " 9.8 Genera!: The Permittee shall i.nclude in general n1ain1cna11ce activities the replaccr;1ent of any vandalized or dar(lagcd signs, hab]tat f::at.u-es~ :fences or other structural cornponent of thu m1tigati.on sjte. l(leO PerfDr,n,nire S,a.,daYds -IJ>lai,! Cover and Survival Plant survival and cover standards are established to rneasure rnitigation succe3s as fo1lov1s: Perfo:rn1an.;;e Stand.iu~~J~ Year l Yt)ar2 Year3 Year4 Ye.:ix5 Shrub and Sapling Tree (~over* > l O'Ji) > 15'}-;'i >20% >3'0% >45% Shrub and Sapling Tree Survival l 00% >85% >3(!"/u *Includes ben,~ficial native plants in that catego1y that are naturally recruiting volunteers Less tha.q 10% invasive vegetation during any monitoring event 11.0 M<Jnitoring l•/!onitoring shail be conducted arn1uB1ly £Or 5 years ll1 accordanc.:e wil'1 the approved rr1itigation/restoration rrt<Jnitoring pla:n. 1 L 1 Vegetation lvfon,torb,g: San,ple points or transects ,vi!J be established for vegetation monitoring, and photo-points t:stablished fro111 ,vhich photos ~,.,..1ilJ be t11.k:en throughout the 1nonitori11g period. Linear transects are the preferred n1e.thod fOr vegetation monitori.ng for this sjte. No less than one ( 1) 50-foot transect per wetland and ,;vet!and bufft;r area vvill be established In the rnitigati0n/re3toration area. Pennaoent transect locatioY1(s) must be identified on r.nitlgation/restoration site plans in the first monitoring report (they rnay be dravvn on Hpproved rnitigation/restoration plans by hand). Plots locaJcd at the end of each transect shall detail herb, shr,,b, arid tree ae.riai eover at radii of 1n1, 5rn, and l 0111 respectively, using the Braun .. ,BlanqueT releve .method or other aceeptable field method. 1vt:onitoring of vegetation transects shaU occur annually between August 1 and Seµternber 30 (prior to leaf drop), unless othePNise specified. l !,'Z Photopoi,iLs, 1'-io less than one ( 1) permanent photo poinl per v;etland and wetland buffer area wilJ be established vi1ithin the rnitigatiorJrestoration area. Photograph::; \Mill be taken frorr1 these points to ·visually record the condition of the n1itigation/restoration areK Photos shall be tals.:.en annuaHy beh:veen August l and Septernbt,r 30 (prior to leaf drop), uules:-; otbervvise specified 11.J ,1tep,n·ts: lv!onitioring reports shall be snbtnitted by Decen1 ber 31 of each year during the tnoni.toring period. As 2pphcable) 111onitoring reports rnust include description/data for: ~. Site plan and location rnap it .H lstoric des~::ription of project, including date of installation, cu1Tent year of n1onitoring, restatorncnl of 1ni1.igation/restoration goals, and perfonnance standards i.iL Plant survival, vigor, and aerial coverage fro.n1 eve1y plant cornmunity (transect data), and explanation ofrnonitoring methodology in tl1e context of assessing pexfonnance standards iv, Site hydrology., iEcluding extent of inundation, saturation, depth to groundwater, functlo11 of any hydrologic structures, piezoraeter or staff guage if available, inputs" outlets, etc. Vo Slope condition, site stability 1 2.ny structures or special features Yi. Buffa;r conditions, e.g. surrounding land use, use by hurnans, wild a11d dorneshc creatures v~L Observed Yv!ldhfe, Jncluding amphibians, avians and oti1.ers viii. A ssessn1ent of nuisance/exotic biota 0J1d rcconm1endations for manage1nent ix~ Soils, including texture, ~,1 unsell color, rooting and oxidized rhizoshperes x. Receipts for off-s.lte disposal of any dumping, weeds, or invasive plants zL .Receipts for any stra~tural repair or replacerncnt xit 4 11 x6 11 color photograph taken froff1 perrn.inent photo--points as shown on ivf on1tori ng/1{estoration plan. xHl. Sun1mary of maintenance rn;id contingency measures proposed for next season and completed for past se::tso·r1 11,4 Defh:i8nce~: Any deficiency discovered during any monitoring or inspection visit rnust be corrected with1n 60 days of approval by IJl)ES. 11,5 (:o,,tinge11,~y !'!an, Should any n1onitoring repo1i reveal the rnitrgation has failed in whole or 111 part, and should that failure be beyond the scope of routine rn11intenance, a c:ontingency P1an will be :;ubmitted. T.b.e C:ont~ngency Plan n1ay range in co.rnplexity from a list of plants substituted, to crO$S-·sectio:1s of proposed engineered structures. Once approved, it may be installed, and \V'iU replace the approved m.itigat1on/restoration plan. If the failure is substantial, King Cow1ty DL1l1S tnay extend the monitoring perlod for that mitigation. 1')()'"'-" .il . ..-~ .D(hU) Prior to beginning any vvork, the Pen11ittee must provide a 1nitigation/restoration bond or ass1gn111ent of fi.rnds per I(lng (':aunty procedures A. bond quantity cvorksheet has been cornpletod based on all elc1nents of th.e mitigation/restoration plan. The total cos(, plus contingGncy fee.s bas been determined to be$ __ 14,9]6.60 _;, \\rhich vvill be the atnount of tb.e re.itigation/restoration bond tho Pern:J~itce is required to provide. J\iote that the approved bond vvill include required start date for rnitigation construction. Bonds are eligible for reduction to rr1a]ntena11ce status upon successful ]nsLa'!lation inspection,, providing that it also 1neets perfonnance Sl8J1dards established in t11e n1itlgation plan und King County Sensitive J\rea Mitigation G,1idelines (2004). ------------------------------·---·· ·--·-----·. --···----···-·--··--------.. ·---·-·-·-·-------·--· --------------·--··------------···-... !,,.--_, __ T _____ _ i ------------------ >--+---- --+---r---~----1 . . -T ------- -+---!·-------- --!-···-·-·---··--+-----·--- ~--->--·---· -------- N(l DATE BY REVIS1(1N • ~) d ~ qJ 00 oo I ·+,,,,l ~ ti) i . ' ~ • iJ) -~, co ll{ .... , ~ I ' • . --' '""' '11< I ' ! ::a ~~:~' t)! 5; i ;==l ; ~ i,r-,J ' "" I~ 0 Cl • i,,"' I i~ 00 0 I ,, !~ en ( '1 (';! < '-' ,, (t,"j -i 1:1 ~ ru ~ a,;·~ Q,) d d --;';j i.d I el) (/') s ~ ool t:~ ''O I ti)' = d ~· ,J d 0 -· -,.\-~ ti) 0 ~--1 I~'? •-1 ~i > •<"" I .-1 it ! ~1 Cl' f' -, -l µ.l ' • i:.; ~ z < • ~ _, ~j "' z 0 () 1---- {() OCJ .- ro m z 0 I- (!) z iHll -· I :, (/) a! ~ m < i:.: z i.li -' (..) -· 0 <( I- tii (/) ~-UJ w u:: ~-(!) ::c I-ro a, .,,,, I ~- ~ 0 if) 0 ('I l.f) ,:,) I !-· I <.> !W ! ~ !O ; tl'. i n. ~-7,-~-+- i 1 ~ I ! ~~ ! > ! UJ §!m §I ~,_nl'.':":':oo 23:gl~~ <fl W ·:$ I.JJ w oc 0_1()__: ····----··-·' -·· -- w _j •' "' " () en 0 z Id z <!'. • As -..I a. z 0 0 "=" l-I! , <( Cl Ai 1-, • -5 -nl!ll :, m I <r. -o;- "' '1 "'<i" 0 ,m ' ~. v, r-,1 N C '" 00 "' 6 ,_,, ,.:, z ;.,1 -e's '" :< ~ :z;' i'1 -· f'1 ., ,( C, -,.-; ~ ~ t:J -00 .. f;l ti cs•i V.l ;i, ~ < ,<1 ;.,; U'.1 -<:' ;;i ,, ¢J '':t ff) ,-,- 0) I l() c, {") ,,1 01 (''l () z 0 -_.; LU f ' .. ,) 0:: <( t:L ~ ' ""' ,-- \, ___________ L ______________ ) ····---------------' • ,\, I .'(. ·1· ,' ~1 I l I i · 1 I l . ' SHORT PLAT NO. ___ _ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED. HEREBY DECLARE APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF MANAGER, LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER , 20 __ DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF -----· 20. __ SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "=20' ASSESSOR 1 inch = 20 FT. DEPUTY ASSESSOR PORTION OF: ACCOUNT NUMBER 322305-9113-05 N.E. 1 / 4, S.E. 1 / 4, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. THIS SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SHORT SUBDIVISION 1---------------------------------------------------...... ---------------------------------1 MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, IN- CLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACES, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS SHORT PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROt.l THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAIN- TENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAlt.lS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY KING COUNTY. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND l~OLD KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROt.l ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CON- STRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED THIS WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROt.l THE NEGLIGENCE OF KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS t.lADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAt.lE STATE OF WASHINGTON, ~ss. COUNTY OF I CERTIFY OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF ---------- DATED SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC ----- PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC _______ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ---· jss. I CERTIFY OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUFJLIC ~"'==~=====•~=·=·=~, PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES __ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................. .. FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY OF .......... 20 ....... AT ...... M IN BOOK .......... OF ............ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF OWEN B. HILLE PLS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••a•• • Jo• • • • • • • • • SURVEYOR'S NAME ................................. ........................................ MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS DEVELOPER/OWNER INFORMATION: LAKESIDE REI, MICHAEL NGUYEN 3578 S. 198TH ST SEATAC, WA 98188 (206) 229-3669 ZONING, SERVICE & UTIIJTY INFORMATION: NUMBER OF LOTS: 9 PROPOSED DENSl7Y: 6. 6 + /- PARENT PARCEL ZONED: R-8 PROPOSED USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SEWER SERVICE PROVIDER: SOOS CREEK WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE PROVIDER: SOOS CREEK WATER-SEWER SCHOOL DISTRICT: RENTON #403 FIRE DISTRICT: KING CO. #40 TELEPHONE SERVICE: QWEST POWER SOURCE: PSE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN THE N.E. 1/4, OF THE S.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON :;.:~-; ,..i'·.':!! 'l:· ' ,,,,_ ""'' ~ .,.,,:;;_. 'Tl r· rn Ci ,:) "T.J • ''''""~. ---------·--- Kr: •·1r· E ·. _,.,,,,, U,-) .. -...... 8, w <..? <( 0.. "' . _J 0 > THIS SHORT PLAT MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND LOCAL STATUTES Inc. Cramer J\f Surveyors Northwest Planners & Engineers . INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMITER 600 AND/OR TRIMBLE 560JDR200+ METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF W.A.C. JJ2-130-090. INDEXING DATA: N.E. 1/4, S.E. 1/4, SEC. J2, T. 2J NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. IN NOV. 2007 v-i ~J, 'UWEW~I[E, PCS---~--·-·---- • P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40016 945 N. CENTRAL. STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cniOcramernw.com , . , DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: ' , M.l.K. Mon .• Jan. 14, 200B 2007= 115 ~1----------,1----------+----------i CHECKED BY: ' 0.8.H. SCALE: 1 inch = 20 FT. SHEET: 1 OF 2 //PROJECT NAME: 2007-115 MICHAEL NGUYEN //CREATED: Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:07:51 PM //PLOTTED: 1/16/2008 11:40:26 AM //FILENAME: C:\DOCUMEN1S AND SE11JNGS\OWNER\DESKTOP\CMLlD J0BS\2007-115_SHIFTED.DWG -\...\... l I l I T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 TB T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31 T32 T33 T34 T35 T36 T37 T38 T39 T40 T41 T42 T43 T44 T45 T46 ---------------------------··------··-··--··--·------------~--------------------~-----· -----~----------------~---· ---·-----------------· -----··-----------~~ ·--·---~-----·--··· -- SHORT PLAT NO.~~~- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LAKESIDE REI RENTON SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN I1-lE N.E. 114, OF THE S.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 32, TOWNSf[lP 23 NOJRTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., KING COLJNTY, W_,4.SHINGTON TREE LEGEND THREE 8' MAPLES 6" MAPLE 8" MAPLE 8' POPLAR 8"POPLAR 10" POPLAR 8" POPLAR 14" POPLAR 10" POPLAR 6' PINE 10" POPLAR 6' PINE 12' MAPLE 14" POPLAR 8" POPLAR 16' POPLAR 14' POPLAR 8"POPLAR 10" POPLAR 8' POPLAR 14" POPLAR 16" POPLAR 16' POPLAR 12" MAPLE 8' MAPLE 6' PINE 11' MAPLE 8'MAPLE 6" Pll~E 6' PINE 6'0AK 60'CEDAR 9" MAPLE 9' MAPLE 28' COTIONWOOD 11' MAPLE 12" MAPLE 9" MAPLE 13' MAPLE 22' MAPLE 20' MAPLE 18' COTIONWOOD FOUND IRON PIPE IN CASE--......._ AT INTERSECTION OF ............_ 116TH AVE AND SE 184TH ST 32 33 (E. 1/4 COR.) I SSMH5 ' • ' ' ' ... ' ' p..\..r\t,,. \Jt.N ?\),.' or \j\J ?G-3S \10\..· 63, L~_J FOUND 1' IRON PIPE 0.30'WEST 0.05'NORTH • pl:! ' ' ' F,.. ~ ii, CL a, en g <( LL ...... , 0 a" O' 70 3"c:_9\ I\! 700-0\:o" 9\.\.7oO-.. : ...-\..:jj: 3J:~"' 12' DEDICATION \\_ :jj: 9.~ ~ ,i'-1\.. # ----.. 4 9 Q _.:::c,-...,_ : I '-f \ _ , ± 2344 SQ. FT. FENCE IS 2' NORTH ' ~ : < OF PROPERTY CORNER~ ~ : cg, SHED ' .9<" FENCE CORNER IS 1.46' WEST ANO 0.57' SOUTH OF PROPERTY CORNER L • ...... ' ci w • ' C) Cl ' ... Cl w ... & ,;;cl' cg. l \ : '-~ r, r, < n N89 0 07'59"E 301. 64' _r ..,.._,r,.-!!!!!!r!:!!, ~~r~,_ ~NO~R~TH,;.:L~N;:.:·· S;;;O:.::,UT~H~1;::'/2,~N;.:;. E;,,;1;.;./4 ,TS.;;;;.E;.,;. 1,..14~-+.t---~~ ;,-...;;~.'I!'-....,~~ ~-:::l-""'-t-30 .02' 40.03' 40.00' • ' RAVEL ;c.. ~ ~ ~ {90 ~ ~~ LOT 1 ± 3555 SQ. FT. I ~ -----r-,Jf'Ifl'~...-~CJ~r.::,r-=40' 'JI "' BRICK PLANTE1 g T 2 LOTZ o ± 2744 SQ. FT. uj i CJ) \ v" ---·N u..i q ,;;-.9 z ~ ... '~----------------'-.,_ 40' ~ , ___..z y LOT3 ± 3086 SQ. FT. ,, L1 @ j T33·u_;:---- PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT-___./ ± 12198 SQ. FT. ~ -"" 3os-91\.3 ! L. --.,~-\,--57-.2!;-~:~~~J::2:'-.:.....~N~8!,29Jo2~0'~!~~~:~}i' _.J._-,_"7~---_-_-_-4;;_:-:;_:::_:, __ i::::_:-,-~;::::;:;,--(Ci!i::= ;::. ~--, 'T'.<10=:42.0 ,,, o r-+--~ ~e', 4::c/"Jo07'"4" ,,::c '--SHED -492 HOUSE (TOBE REMOVED) w tu ix: (.) z 0 (.) w- fo C> Lt) N ~•;~ ' 29 ' ~ , ~ , ~ lf) C) U') N ~ cP \ I MH1 ' ' ' ' ~~ ! r-~ uS : ..... .../_ ::::;; : ~~\ \ i ~i! ~ i ~ ~ TBM: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=30' 1 INCH = 30 FEET 30 0 30 PORTION OF: N.E. 1 / 4, S.E. 1 / 4, SEC. 32, T. 23 NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. STORM DRAINAGE §QLID LID CAICl:J !ijA§IN RIM: 499.48 CBI SOUTH 12' CPP: 496.43 WEST 18" CPP: 496.18 NORTH 16' CMP: 495.48 SOUTHWEST 6' DI: 496.68 CATCH BASIN CB2 RIM: 499.79 SOUTH 18" CPP: 496.69 NORTH 18' CPP: 496.49 CATCH BASIN RIM: 499.70 CB3 SOUTH 18" CPP: 496.30 WEST 12' CPP: 496.30 EAST 18' CPP: 496.30 CATCH BASIN CB4 RIM: 499.53 NORTHEAST 6' DI: 497.63 CATCH BASIN CB5 RIM: 500.21 EAST 8' DI: 497.66 SOLID LID CATCH BASIN RIM: 500.16 CB6 WEST 8" DI: 497.66 NORTH 12" CPP: 497.16 SOUTH 12" CPP: 497.41 CATCH BASIN CB7 RIM: 499.47 NORTH 12" CONCRETE: 496.75 SOUTH 12' CONCRETE: 497.36 CATCH BASIN CB8 RIM: 501.10 SOUTH 12" CONCRETE: 499.11 NORTH 12" CONCRETE: 498.87 MANI/OLES §ANIIARY §EWER [:lANHQ!.~ BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE EAST LINE OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WM., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BEINGSOl 0 25'01"W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PACIFIC N. W TITLE CO. ORDER NO. 629772, DATED MAY4, 2007) THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOU1H HALF OF 1HE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM., IN KING COUNIT, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY 505.1 FEET OF SAID SUBDJVISION; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 116TH AVE SOUTHEAST BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2698240. NOTES: I. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 08-07-07. 2. THE BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY REPRESENT DEED LINES ONLY, ACTUAL OWNERSHIP MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED. REFERENCE SURVEYS: RI) MORGAN COURT CONDOMJNJUM, REC NO. 2000103000/94/ R2) R.O.S. VOL I82, PG. 24, REC NO 200SOI289000I VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 BENCHMARK: TOP OF FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE S.E. CORNER OF SECTION 32 ELEV. = 5I4.98 FT (WCCS POINT ID NO. 3831) PARENT PARCEL TAX LOT 322305-9Il 3 AREA;· 58520.61 SQ. FT. COJVTOUR INTERf''A(,: 2.00 U.S. FEET. TWO Zl.' COTTONWOODS 24" COTIONWOOD 24" COTIONWOOD 24" COTIONWOOD w ~'1~j,>c·u-~L-"'_'!9a?_q c-;.s~~/ ~ I i-~A~~~--- ·O -C <-"" "'9/ 7'f!t : ;c.. 1 1 ~ .. I CJ! I (TO BE J ~ "---,: "'\ i le I REMOVED) LOT6 ± 3849 SQ. FT. SSMHI RIM: 498.59 8" CONCRETE IE: 494.04 FLOW NORTH TO SOUTH "°i ifJ 60D NAIL IN WEST "-1 0 "-1 en FACE OF U.P. CONTOURS BASED ON AC1'UALFIEWSURVEY. LEGEND: CURVE# C1 C2 C3 C4 cs C6 C7 CB C9 LOT 9 -96 LOT 8 J !;LI 1._ ___ -K ± 4382 SQ. FT. -~ ~ ± 3997 SQ. FT. !I: ~~;~~-;~;--- (ELEV: 497.21) -498 96' !;LI LO C> ~ _____________ J z 0 ~ z--f------L FOUND 1' IRON PIPE ~ ~ \ LOT 7 0.1' NORTH ~ ~ 0.1'WEST z ' , ~SQ. FT. -449942 _ _)____ ~--_J GRAVEL 0 ~ LOT 4 /(/'J 915 SQ. FT. 500 ' ~ -, ~ ~~uru5~~i.1~2·~----~'TN~~~1/d~5~2.~03;.·M'.i;~~;"'-::'=:4:7·:23:· =1 ~~49~6~-;;~4;7~.8=3 :jit::o:.t-==:::4:0:.0~·~ ------~-~;~~ NORTH LN., SOUTH 505.1, N.E. 114, S.E. 1/4 S89°33'01"W 301 ~25' -i}T39 500 ----- -500 30' " ----------------~ a---------m--~ ---502====-- _504~ -~-~---~MH2. 504 ---------------- ( @ ----~so6 -506----~ SSMH4 -~ --x·--x'---X-=c--X X --502-----POND .. CURVE TABLE LJENGTH RADIUS DELTA 10.30 80.00 7°22'25' 29.24 80.00 20"56'31" CURVE RADIAL TIE DETAIL 61.12 120.00 29°10'51' 37.67 25.00 86°19'52" 49.60 120.00 23°40'52" LINE TABLE 14.85 120.00 7°05'32" LINE# LENGTH DIRECTION 15.89 80.00 11°22'54' L1 30.00 S89° 20' 30'W i 16.41 80.00 11°45'20' L2 15.40 S58 ° 34' 06'W 43.51 25.00 99°42'45" L3 15.40 N58° 34' 06'E ' • • I FOUND 5/8' REBAR & CAP '29294/29261 ESM' SSMH3 ' ----500~) -so2 CB2 I ' • • I I 12' DEDICATION~/~' PER REC. NO. : 20040916000765 : I I CBS j-'. Ct: w CB7 > u z 0 (.) UDO CB6 ~ 0 42' \ FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH TACK IN LEAD IN CASE AT INTERSECTION OF SE 192ND ST.AND 116THAVE SE (S.E. SEC. COR.) ELEV.= 514.98 FT (NAVO 88) 32 CB8mm ij 5 Cr .. amer Northwest Inc. Surveyors Planners & Engineers 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852·-4955 ( fax) E-MAIL: cniOcramernw.com ' • • ' I I • ' I I ' <D ' C!l:I • ' ' , z ' , SSMH2 SSMH3 SSMH4 SSMH5 MH1 MH2 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 499.40 8" PVC IE: 495.15 FLOW SOUTHWEST TO NORTH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 500.62 SOUTHWEST 8" PVC : 495.32 SOUTH 8' PVC : 495.32 NORTHEAST 8" PVC : 495.32 OUT TO NORTHEAST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 507. 75 SOUTHWEST 8' PVC: 497 .2 EAST 8' PVC: 497 .2 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 501.20 8' CONCRETE IE: 490.75 FLOW SOUTH TO NORTH UNMARKED MANHOLE RIM:497.67 SOUTH 18' CMP: 492.77 NORTH 12" CONC: 493.67 EAST 24' CMP: 491.87 UNMARKED MANHOLE RIM: 503.01 WEST 12' : 497.91 EAST 16' CONC.: 498.11 I CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE DDD CATCH BASIN ~) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE i~ UNMARKED MANHOLE :(): UTILITY POLE [IJ MAILBOX =E,-SIGN a> GAS VAf.VE .. FIRE HYDRANT W/ STORZ ADAPTER 181 WATER METER jj WATERVAf.VE @ LIGHT POLE --x 6' CHAINLINK FENCE --r, 6' WOOD FENCE LJ -cJOO--RETAINING WAf.L w c., <( 0.. '-.... • _J 0 > INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR TRIMBLE 56DJDR200+ METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. JJ2-1J0-090. INDEXING DATA: N.£ 1/4, S.E. 1/4, SEC. J2, T. 2J NORTH, R. 05 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: M.I.K. Mon., Jan. 14, 2008 2007-115 ' ' CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: 0.8.H. 1 inch = JO FT. 2 OF' 2 //PROJECT NAME: 2007-115 MICHAEL NGUYEN //CREATED: Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:07:51 PM //PREV. PLOT: 1/16/200B 11:39:10 AM //PLOITfD: 1/16/2008 11:39:10 AM //FILENAME: C:\OOCUMENTS AND S£TT/NGS\0WNER\D£SKTOP\CIVILJD JOBS\2007-11/!i_SH/FTED,DWG N s GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=30' 30 0 30 I I ! i\ EXIST TREES T1 T~REE 8" MAPLES T2 6' MAPLE T3 8" MAPLE T4 8" POPLAR T5 8" POPLAR T6 1 Q" POPLAR T7 8 POPLAR TB 14" POPLAR T9 1 Q" POPLAR T10 6 PINE T1J 1 Q" POPLAR T1 6 PINE T1J 12" MAPLE T1 1 ~" POPLAR T15 8' POPLAR T16 16" POPLAR T17 1 ~" POPLAR T18 8' POPLAR T19 1 Q" POf>LAR T20 8 POPLAR T21 14" POf'LAR T22 16" POPLAR T23 1 6" POf>LAR T24 1 ;;'' MAPLE T25 8 MAPLE T26 6" PINE T27 1 ) " MAPLE T28 8' MAPLE T29 6" PINE T30 6" PINE T31 6" OAK T32 6Q" CEDAR T33 9' MAPLE T34 9" MAPLE T35 28" COTIONWOOD T36 11" M.APLE T37 1 ;;'' MAPLE T38 9 MAPLE T39 13" MAPLE T40 2.2" MAPLE T41 20" MAPLE T42 18" COlTONWOOD T43 TWQ 22" COTIONWOODS T44 24' COTIONWOOD T45 24" COTIONWOOD T46 24" COTIONWOOD EXIST STORM DRAINAGE SOLID LID CATCH BASIN RIIIII: 4~9.48 CB1 SOUTH 1 ~· CPP: 496.43 WEST 18 CPP: 496.18 I NORTH 18" <;;MP: 495.48 I SOUTHWEST 6' DI: 496.68 CB3 CB4 CB5 CB6 CB7 I i CATCH BASIN RIM: 4~9.79 SOUTH 18' CPP: 496.69 NORTH 18" CPP: 496.49 CATCH BASIN RIM: 4~9.70 SOUTH 1 ~· CPP: 496.30 WEST 12 CPP: 496.30 EAST 18" CPP: 496.30 CATCH BASIN RIM: 499 53 NORTHEAST 6'' DI: 497 .63 CATCH BASIN RIM: 500.21 EAST 8" DI: 497.66 SOLID LID CATCH BASIN RIM: 500.16 WEST 8" pl: 497.66 NORTH 12' CPP: 497.16 SOUTH 12" CPP: 497.41 CATCH BASIN RIM: 499.47 NORTH 12" CONCRETE: 496.75 SOUTH 12" CONCRETE: 497.36 r-CATCH BASIN I RIM: 501.10 CB8 ' SOUTH 1 ?-," CONCRETE: 499.11 I NORTH 12' CONCRETE: 498.87 I SSMH1 SSMH2 SSMH3 SSMH4 SSMH5 MH1 MH2 BUiLDING CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN 1" =30 1 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN OF FOR LAKESIDE, REI RE'NTON SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN THE N.E. 1 / 4, OF THE S.E. 1 / 4, SECTIO.~ 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTJI, RANGE 5 EAST, KING COUNTY, WASHIJVGTON EXIST MANHOLES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 498.59 8" CONCRETE IE: 494.04 PROPOSED CB S1CHEDULE FLOW NORTH TO SOUTH CB# T't'PE RIM INVERT CIJMMEN1S SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE )'IM: 499.40 8' PVC IE: 495.15 1 1 492.0 489.0 GRATE 2 I 489.5 486.5 GRATE FLOW SOUTHWEST TO NORTH 3 I 488.5 485.5 GRATE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 50Q.62 SOUTHWEST 8 PVC : 495.32 SOUTH 8" PVC : 495.32 NORTHEAST 8" PVC : 495.32 OUT TO NORTHEAST 4 1 488.5 485.4 GRATE 5 I 493.0 490.0 GRATE 6 1 489.0 485.1 GRATE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 7 2-54' : 488.0 482.0 SOUD LID, CONTROL STRUCTURE RIM: 507 75 SOUTHWE~T 8'' PVC: 497.2 EAST 8' PVC: 497.2 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM: 501.20 8" CONCRETE IE: 490.75 PROPOSED PIPE SCHEDULE PIPE T't'PE LENGTH SLOPE FLOW SOUTH TO NORTH UNMARKED MANHOLE RIM: 4~7.67 SOUTH 18' CMP: 492.77 NORTH 1 ~" CONC: 493.67 EAST 24 CMP: 491.87 UNMARKED MANHOLE RIM: 503.01 WEST 1i'" : 497.91 EAST 16' CONC.: 498.11 CB#1 to CB#2 12' PVC 33' 7.58% CB#2 to CB#4 12'' PVC 56' 1.96% CB#3 to CB#4 12" PVC 22' 0.45% - CB#4 to CB#6 12' PVC 38' 0.79% CB#5 to CB#6 12' PVC 68' 5.74% CB#6 to VAULT 12' PVC 15' 27.33% VAULT to CB#7 12" PVC 4' 0.0% -·- CB#7 to ground 12" PVC 16' 12.5% __J l u J ~ Vr.u u ~ c:::J ~ .. r.·-------. [--· W.M., ,-... ..i:::. fq J ....------~ -,-.. I -=---..J -.) r ___ .,. r- ·-·· ' f ~) .... -· ~ .......... ..4..-..J ' • ,.., I • ·-·' .• i: irJ <} ( ._. L r -LJ) () ( __ .. ~~ --...1{ . ·1 -l ._J l ' I .. ' . '1-••. '· ) C --····-., f/JCJNITY MAP I n .... --' J r-. -----. -· i ' -. -I . i I I . ' , .. ,, I_,. I ... ' . ! ' ' I ' . ~~~~ ' .., I (SITE VICINITY IN/JICATE/J BY STAR) I,_ ' ' ' ' ' ' I~ ' ' ' ' ' ' 1es ' ' ' ' ' ' s: ' ' -~ ' ' I~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a ' ' !W ' ' ' ' NOTE: LECAL IJESCRIPTION: (PACIFIC N. W. TITLE CO. ORDER NO. 629 772) TH£ EAST HALF OF TH£ EAST HALF OF THAT PORTION OF TH£ SOUTH HALF OF TH£ NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG£ 5 EAST, W. M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTHERLY OF TH[ SOUTHERLY 505.1 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 rEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 116TH AV£ SOUTHEAST BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2698240. VERTICAL IJA TUN: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. BENCHMARK· TOP OF FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE S.£. CORNER OF SECTION 32 ELEV. = 514.98 FT (WCCS POINT ID NO. 3831) CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 U.S. FEET. (CONTOURS BASED ON ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY.) ALL LOTS SHALL REDUCE IMPERVIOUS SURFACES TO 2500 SF. ANY LOT THAT EXCEEDS THESE AMOUNTS WILL REQUIRE FURTHER DRAINAGE REVIEW. ALL LOTS SHALL ROUTE ROOF RUNOFF THROUGH PERFORATED STUBOUTS PER DTL 1 /1. 18• ~-random fill min i.----24" min--J TRENCH X-SECTION NTS filter fabric 4" perf pipe 1/2'-1' washed rock s ope . PLAN VIEW OF ROOF NTS to road drainage system /i 2' X 1 o' evel trench w/perf pipe DTL 1 /1. PERFORATED STUBOUT • NTS ABBREVIATIONS If CENTERLINE CB CATCH BASIN CL CLASS co CL£~N OUT DI DUCTILE IRON OS DOWNSPOUT DTL DETAIL ow DRIVEWAY EL ELEVATION ESMT EASEMENT FF FH FL F/L HC 1£ LF LS MH MJ FINISH FLOOR FIRE HYDRANT FLOW LINE FLANGE JOINT HANDICAP INVERT ELEVATION LINEAR FEET LANDSCAPING -MANHOLE MECHANICAL JOINT LECEND: IJESCRIPTION STORM SEWER SANITARY S£~1£R WATER AC PAVING CONG. SIDEWALK SPOT ELEVATIONS CONTOURS STORM CATCHBASIN UTILITY POLE DECIDUOUS Tl?££ CONIFER TREE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE UNMARKED MANHOLE MAILBOX SIGN GAS VALVE FIR£ HYDRANT W/ STORZ ADAPTER WATER MITER WATER VALVE NETY PC PT PL R RD ROW ss SF ST S/W TBR TC s w £ N NW SW NE 5£ xx.xx • POINT OF CURVATURE POINT · OF TANGENCY PROPERTY LINE RADIUS ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY SANITARY SEWER SQUARE FEET STREIT SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED TOP OF CURB SOUTH WEST EAST NORTH NORTHWEST SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST SOUTHEAST EXISTING [X 5TORIA ----·· [X. S[W[R -------- [X ,VATCR ----- xx.xx r- --------50 IIITil /-·. =,··1·~ - • C) ~ I ,...,, )( C .... ...... U'l C -.t <J 0, .2 ._, 0 llO llO -.t I N "' llO ,...,, "' "' N ._, .. .. L,J > 1-w < 0:: Q L,J :c V) a <..J If) -------------------------------··· ---~---------··-----·------·-··-· --····-··----·--------·---.. -----~--------------------.-.. ·--······ --·--- LU r , ,.,) ,,, .•.. ·I ' .,,,.,.,, . ., ' . / I -------~----···· ----·-------~----·-· ·-· ----· --·-. -------- --------------------·--------------------------------·-------------------------------·------------,-----------------, RECO'RDING NO. VOL./PAGE SHORT PLAT NO. __ LO 1 S0021 KING COUNTY, W/~SHINGTON KING COUNTY. SH,.ORT PLAT FOR CRAl'G PRET1'Y LOCATED IN THE N. W. 1 / 4, OF THE S. W. 1 / 4, SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =30' 1 inch = ._'.iO FT. 11-----------------------··-· ______ ...., OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., · KING COUNTY\ WASHINGTON 30 0 30 ' U.S. 32 __ FOIJND 'CONC. MON. IN CASC W/ 1-1/2"--BRASS CAP W/ PUNCH WEST I/ 4 CORNER, SEC. 33 T. _.3 N., R. 5 [., W.M. , BASIS OF BEARil'lGS: BEARINGS SHOWN H[R[ON AR[ BASED ON TH[ SOUTH LINE OF THE N.W. 1/4 OF TH[ S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION J3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING NORTH 89'34'39" WEST, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT NOl~THWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIVISION NO. J, ACCORDING TO TH[ PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 73, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. I ~ ~~~ I , N O iJ-f, I ll, Fin, : 5 ~ ~ 'tf I -! 'lf iL.} JI? £JifTrH h>-. . lJflrn-., N II~ A-gB----.._I , "'iYJ!::!,;:!]_7!117/llJ'Ji.~;/(J <o cj _. . ,.....___ -4 9 8 ~ .![J,, 'I,.,{ 'If " ~ '\ ,--, ' h1t'ls10 GAJJ©IEN ~ , f, i ! 23 , ~ Lor 4 ~ ~ nvo~l" 111 w Na, 3 ~CJ7s I Q:'. I I I ~ / 'I 'I 'f:_:, '§_ 9 Po. /Cf) ,-· I I I Cl ~ .,J).JI "' ~ ~ 'I PORTION OF: N.W. 1/4, S.W. 1/4, SEC. 33, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE WEST HALF OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIVISION NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 73, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LEGEND: @ FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED .a SET 1/2" REBAR W/ CAP ""11' "LS 18898/37540" 181 @ FOUND REBAR OR IRON PIPE AS NOTED UTILITY POLE LIGHT POLE WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER STORM DRAIN MANHOLE I / " / "HAN~[/ ' Gi \ I ,ti I /~~ FOUND IRON PIPE ,' \_/I:_'."'-1// "' '' 2 14 64 \ \ S89'09'41'£ 313.77' ., ' ~ //" ® SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ----------------· ~·----------------I I I ---;-ioo~--~: '-;~·~1)2.nioo71,r-_~-'."':5;';0;''.0~07:', -=--,.--~~5~0~0~0~' =b-,-~---~,~-..Jr£~~-;;-;~.;;;;.;9~,-~-1.11]·..L~~:1"!"""~~~1:-.-~;-;~+r:=~7~(/:..../ =-=-l , ·_. _. . ~ ~-:-:--. ...,.·.------_j T T-10 V 119.56' .I: -"' 82.20' r--* ---'JI(--------- 1:-·::· -·: J· ._·.GR~~L-Df'IVE::··. :··:_· --~-· . .-· -~-:-:=. ~--... ~;-~;-. :_ :H-:-:_.~-.~· -;-·-,-·.--:-:-, 7'-:-' 1 ~ 21 '± '•'--4' HIGH WIRE F[NC[ CROSSES --------------- U.S. tJ I "'-• I a 01 'Sf-I I I I I JCX) 1:;;' I : I i\ ,#1® i_::. -· ----._ :_ :...:. ~ ,·;·. i.: ,· ' .. · ·,: . : ·: .. :_-, · · . .-· -. ;_ · . ...:.: '.:./ :'. . ...:· -~ ~ ~ . __ . ...:._ . __ -'-' ·:_ "-' ~ GARAGE • : N\ / LINE 2.5' SOUTH OF CORNER ':3 1 :: 9 -: ' ~-: : ... ·: : .. ·. ':.: _.; .'-.::_ ~ ' -.-"-' // ::i " , ) T -19 I /// ,Ji, I • • • • • • ' • i .CONG. ~ t~ , / !:] 1~1 1 ·· ·. · : ·: ·, / 1-/0USE PORC/-/, 1.J.. 0 Cr. Na~ 1 1 ~ ~ :, : : ~--i\~ \ ~: ~ ·_)r I §€ ~ _/ CONG. ' J. • , CJ) 1 ~ : ._, , _SITE BENCHMARK:--~/ R ST.A/RC: l,j :: I ~ -<( :~11 Q' ~ SCT 600 NAIL IN ....., -' •... -CONG. RETAINING WALL . ~ r. • ~ ,-~ 1 QSc:'.Ji ; $ ;.'.:l ;,... _;.']_ ; SIDE OF 1/T!LITY POLE ... -· -~ 1. \ t;:1t:.:ivi1'~ ,,. ,-....,·, ., . ...::,.. i;j L.J ~alJJ : ,\: ~ ~ ~ -EL.=494.86 U.S. FEET ~ \ \\ __ fJN. 1--L. EL.= ,_, ~ ~ ~ Lu I Ill:: , CJ ;..:'. ,~ / ~ 21.2'± \ 498~(]4± . 'I? 11-1'0 :g)-...,:i!: "s T-5~ -I ---... ----1 \ 1-, 11-· 1· ~ T 6 \ ~-. ~-1 9-; 1 a1 'ci zi ~ at0 ' .) 0 -,.....__. NB9' 14'48"W t ~ ,-..., I I.J..1 I .:'. I l!) \.._., \.,_,,'-J * ,'3! T-9 .31.00' 8? l-1 a G:: I O I I }',;: ;"./ a </,9 6-~ ~ ]L10'lr € \ J: . . ---: 7 r,-, ;!_ I, I I ...,/ -(/) -......._· Ji .Ji \ I /' .-"'-..} b:J I L.J 1 , 1-a "--l/'.J ) 1 '3! · : ·. ../ I ·-!-w -,2,,~ 1:VJ LOT 1 LOT 2 ~ LOT 3 '-... 1 :· .. 1 LOT 4 0 a ~N / -~ ~1 VJ ~~ ~ T-13 T-15 T~14 ;; I (! : 1 : : T-2 -T- 0 1-~~~ ~/ ~ / ··. ·-.:·1 ·---~ ~j <: ,n I I I ~ / . . . ·;,, '-. / ;::::: 1 J' Rad=20.00' -c:;-~ /._. · ·/. ----~Rad=20.00' A 90 '37'19" " T 4 T-16' Arc=31.63' s, -" T-3 -50.00' ~r Arc=31.20'/ / · ,·· ·. · ./ , 50. oo· -68.87' o-i / / I \. . r-........... .... : 6.9'~ '-"&__:, 0 -J lJ.. Q ~; 11 ,:\ 89 '22'41" // /.'. • ,'. LI II / 1··'. ·· 9'14'48"W 61.98' ....J _ S89'14'48"E 168 ' .. / I Lwtb \ , ........ -~---.~.,· ·.· -; .. T_----:.-., ----... ·88 T-12® / ·.·. 1 / • ·i:;:, • ,.. \· •. , ... -\... 0 .. ·.·.-./ I (~ > ~ /· · ... , .. · a· ·. -·: ··G8AVEL :DRIVE,··.·· : ·. -: . · : ·· ...... \I' ~ ,,, .·· .-/ T-17 T-18 Cl - ? ~ : . :·· .. · -~:. · .• : __ _..· .. .'·.· ·: .. ·1. :.,:_··_ .. ··.:·: .-:_, ·· ·.-··,()..· · . .-.:-.:----" ':· · · ,'W.o ~ .-, -----: ,: ·\ 'I-. " -+' -.. "' . . ...... / ..--: . '. ' .. :/ -~ >' t15 ~ l. :-_.: c/'2 -~a:· -_ -·· -· -~ ·----T j -0 ... JQJN!. :· ys£ ::·;; .. , c ~ .'· DRIVEWAY-~ _!_RAC!_ _ '_ ~ -. . . C: . -: . ~ ·: .,· ._-:_ -~--~ , ~. _;·_ :~-_:_. :. _. : ·:, :_ .. \ I \ . ~/ ,. TREE LEGEND: ~ DECIDUOUS TREE l * CONIFEROUS TREE , .. _/T -1 · 8" APPL[ T-2: 12" APPLE T-3: 12" APPLE T-4: 12' APPL[ T-5: 24" SPRUCE T -6: 24" PINE ,. -7: 12" ORNAMENTAL '\ .i-8: 36" FIR -/T-9: 8" ORNAMENTALS (2) T -10: 14" MAPLE T -11: 15" APPLE T -12: 8" CH[RRY T -13: 12" CHERRY T-14: 8" APPLE (3) 1-15: 12" APPLE T -16: 12" APPLE T -17: 8" APPL[ T-18: 8" APPLE T-19: 12" ·· BIRCH ------- I ....__, I : ~ 1.._ --;..-a--:-:-· .. ·301:a9·. ·.· . · .... · .. : ... __ . .-.-._ ·. : .. · .. ·.· .-. · .. _. ·:_..:_· .: . --.:.:... :... ... ,.c. _ ~ -~ '--',.,J LLJ I \,._ --.. ._ .. · •. . . . . • •. .• ~ ~ , . . . .. . . . ----··· --------· ---------------- ~: 1 ~-~/U~~PF~[BAR o, N89'1~~~.8~/il~~1J.89' ~ !{#; ··-~ --/-·--FOUND REBAR ------------------------ I t ~: "HANSEN 2146,,"' v ,,:yt-/ ) W/ CAP "HANSEN 21464" ~ 22: lOT 6 4go/ ,// 'bu / {Prv ,:: I ,;o '(J \x ,3 1 LOT AREAS: ' \ t ~ FOUND IRON PIPE IN MON. ;ASE SOUTH 1/16 CORNER, SEC . .l3, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. PARENT PARCEL: 46701± SQ. FT (1.07 ± ACRE) LOT 1: 615o± SQ. FT. (0. 14± ACRE) LOT 2: 6146± SQ. FT. (0. 14± ACRE) LOT .3: 99344± SQ. FT. (0 . .30± ACRE) LOT 4: 12,219± SQ FT. (0.23± ACRE) J0/1'/T USE DRIVEWAY TRACT: 9400± SQ FT. (0.22± ACRE) RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION: 1788± SQ. FT. (0.04± ACRE) •' UTILITY STRUCTURE INVERT TABLE: U.S. #1: RIM [L.=498.38 N. /NV. EL.=492.78 (12" CONC.) S. /NV. EL.-492.86 (12" CONG.) U.S. #2: RIM EL.=501.02 N. /NV. EL.=490.57 (12" CONC.) S. /NV. EL. =490, 64 ( 12" CONC.) U.S. #3: RIM EL.=491.39 E. /NV. EL.=486.29 (18" CMP) W. /NV. EL.=486.J4 (18" CMP) w C) <( 0... ~ . _J 0 > VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 SITE BENCHMARK: 4 SET 600 NAIL IN SID£ OF UTILITY POL[ EL.=494.86 U.S. FEET Cramer Northwest Inc. ~\,LEN O INSTRUMENT USED: G£0DIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG #'-'4.., al' WAS)j~/',i,d> METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF W.A.C. 332-130-090. PER KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BENCHMARK: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT NO. 5809 DESCRIBED AS A 4" X 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WIT/-/ LEAD & TACK IN CASE SET 0.65' BELOW GRADE, LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF S.E. 192ND STREET ANO 116TH AVENUE NE CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 U.S. FEET ~1 "1,-~~ 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 f;5</J ~ 'i,~:;i ( ) ( ) i-., .J '.2; 253 852-4880 local 1 g.-; 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) ~ 1rei;~f (253)852-4955 (fax) \S7oNAL ~d,, Surveyors Pia 11 ners & Engineers INDEXING DATA: N.W. 1/4, s.w. 1/4, SEC. 33, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: J.A.C. Tue., Jul. 16, 2002 2002-042S CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: W.M. E--MAIL: cnl@cramernw.com EXPIRES oa/04/200, '--------------·--------------------L.--,.-;"."i;';'"~~'.~..;;;;;;..;;;~~;;.;.:;;;~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~=~~~-1.~~--_J PRO,JFCT N/\M[: CR/\/G PRETTY SHOF/T PLAT C/0 TERRY WILSON //CR[/\TED: Fri Mor 29 15:48:54 2002 //r'R[V. r'lOT: Fri Apr 12 15:58:44 20D;t/PLOTTE:D: Tue., ,Jul. 16, 2002, 10·17:.34 C:\ TMorlcl\Fmj0r:ts\20C2\2C()?-04?SP.pro J.A.O. 1 inch -JO FT. 2 OF 2 [LEVATION=514.97 U.S. FEET