HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscTECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR SU'S MULTI-FAMILY TOWNHOMES Located at 16826 1081h Avenue SE Renton, Washington 98055 August2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Project Overview ............................................................................. .4 1.1 General ....................................................................................... 4 1.2 Pre-Developed Condition ......... ; ........................................................ .4 1.3 Proposed Development .................................................................... .4 1.4 Proposed Storm Drainage Facilities ...................................................... 5 1.5 Soils .......................................................................................... 5 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary ................................................ 7 2.1 Conditions and Requirements ............................................................. ? 2.1.1 Core Requirements ..................................................................... 7 2.1.2 Special Requirements .................................................................. 8 3.0 Off site Analysis ............................................................................... 10 3.1 Standard Requirements .................................................................... 10 3.2 Scope of Analysis .......................................................................... 10 3.2.1 Resource Review ..................................................................... 10 3 .2.2 Field Inspection ....................................................................... I 0 3.2.3 Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions ....................... JO 3.2.4 Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems .................................... 10 4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design .................... 11 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology .................................................................. 11 4.2 Proposed Site Hydrology ................................................................. 11 4.3 Performance Standards ................................................................... 11 4.4 Flow Control Facilities ................................................................... 12 4.5 WaterQualityFacilities .................................................................. 12 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design ............................................... 13 5.1 Standards Requirements .................................................................. 13 5.2 Proposed Conveyance System ........................................................... 13 6.0 Special Reports and Studies ............................................................... 14 6.1 Geotechnical. .............................................................................. 14 7 .0 Other Permits ................................................................................. 15 7.1 NPDES Permit.. .......................................................................... .15 8.0 CSWPPP Analysis and Design ............................................................ 16 8.1 ESC Plan .................................................................................... 16 9.0 Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant ................................................................... 17 9.1 Bond Quantities Plan ....................................................................... 17 9.2 Declaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flow Control BMPs .......... 17 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual.. ................................................. 18 I 0.1 Maintenance Recommendations ....................................................... 18 2 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-Site Location Figure 2-TIR Worksheet Figure 3 -Existing Conditions (Existing Drainage) Figure 4 -Developed Conditions (Proposed Drainage) Figure 5 -Soils Map Figure 6-Flow Chart for Determining the Type of Drainage Review Required Figure 7 -Flow Control Application Map Figure 8 -Groundwater Protection Areas Figure 9 -Downstream Analysis Map Figure IO -Downstream Analysis Worksheet Figure 11 -Bond Quantities Worksheet Figure 12-Maintenance and Operations Manual LIST OF TABLES Table I -Pre-Developed Conditions Surface Areas Table 2 -Developed Conditions Surface Areas LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A -Geotechnical Report APPENDIX B -Drainage Plans APPENDIX C -Stormwater Modeling Report (MGSFlood Program Input and Output) APPENDIX D -Declaration of Covenant for Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs 3 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 General The Su's Twonhomes Project proposes to construct a three unit, multi-family residential development, along the 1081h Avenue SE between SE 1701h St and SE168'h St block, in Renton, WA (See Figure 1 -Vicinity Map). The development will include the construction of three, two story, multi-family townhome, pathways, landscaping, and associated right of way improvements along the Project frontage. See Figure 2 (TIR Worksheet) for summary of the Project. 1.2 Pre-developed Condition The Project site is bounded by 108th Avenue SE to the east, Benson Estates to the north, Heron Glen Condomium to the south, and single family homes to the west. Currently, a single-family residence, accessed via a paved driveway on its north site, occupies about one-fifth to on fourth of the site, with detached storage sheds and chicken coops lining the north boundary. The open space of the site is mostly covered by over-grown grass and brush with scattered trees lining the north and the east boundaries. According the topographic survey plan of the site, the terrain within the site generally slopes down to the south at grade varying from about 5% to 20%. Most of the stormwater runoff from the existing site is either infiltrated on site, sheet flows southeast direction toward the existing stormwater system along 108th Avenue SE. See Figure 3 for existing site conditions. See Table #I below for Pre-Developed Condition Surface Areas. T bl I P D a e -re-eve ope d C d"ti S f on 1 on ur ace A reas Type of Land Covers Area (ac) - Ex. PGIS 0.0430 Ex. NPGIS 0.0358 Ex. Pervious 0.6712 Total Lot Area 0.7500 1.3 Proposed Development The Project proposes to construct three, two story, multi-family townhome buildings. Other proposed site features include concrete walkway, a common play area, ROW frontage improvements, and associated landscaping 4 improvements. See Table #2 below for proposed developed conditions surface areas and Figure 4 for developed site conditions. T bl 2 D a e -eve ooe d C d"ti S f A on 1 on ur ace reas Tvoe of Land Covers Area (ac) Dev. PGIS 0.2502 Dev. NPGIS 0.1956 Dev. Pervious 0.3042 Total Area 0.7500 1.4 Proposed Storm Drainage Facilities The majority of the building downspouts will be tightlined to detention vault #1 for flow control located below common play area. Runoff from landscape is expected to infiltrate. In the event that runoff from landscape areas occurs; the site has been graded to sheet flow to one of the two detention vaults. Other hard surfaces onsite, including walkways and the driveway will sheet flows to combined wet/dry detention vault located under driveway. See Figure 4 for vault location. Combined wet/dry detention vault provided flow control and water quality treatment for pollution generated impervious area (PGIS) for this project. See Appendix C for MGSFlood calculations and results. 1.5 Soils Based on a geotechnical study performed by Liu and Assocaites Inc. (See Geotechnical Report in Appendix A). The Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington, by D.R. Mullineaux, published by U.S. Geological Survey in 1965, was referenced for the geologic and soil conditions at the project site. According to this publication, the surficial soil unit at and in the vicinity of the subject residence site is mapped as Ground Moraine (Qgt) deposits. The ground moraine soil unit is composed of a thin layer of ablation till over lodgmont till deposit, plowed directly under glacial ice during the most recent glacial period. The lodgmont till deposits are composed of a compact mixture of unsorted clay, silt, sand gravel and cobble, commonly referred to as "hard pan". The City of Renton Amendments (City Amendments) to the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) identities the site as being Alderwood gravelly sandy loam AgC, See Figure 5. In accordance with the KCSWDM, subsurface conditions of the site were explored with five test pits. The test pits encountered a layer ofloose, organic topsoil, about 10 to 18 inches thick, mantling the site. Underlying the topsoil is a layer of ablation till of brown to 5 yellowish-brown to rusty-brown, medium-dense, silty fine sand with trace to some gravel, from 1.8 to 2.5 feet thick. This ablation till layer is underlain to the depths explored by a lodgmont till deposit of light-gray, very dense, cemented, gravelly, silty, fine sand with occasional cobble. This soil classification is not suitable for infiltration. See Appendix A for a copy of the Geotechnical Report for additional soil information. 6 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Conditions and Reqnirements Storm water management for the project will be provided in accordance with the City Amendments and KCSWDM requirements. The flow chart in Figure 6 - Flow Chart for Determining the Type of Drainage Review Required in conjunction with Table 6 -Requirements Applied Under Each Drainage Review Type in the City Amendments, provides the framework to determine which core Requirements apply to the Project. These figures are provided in the City Amendments. as Figure 1.1.2.A and Table 1.1.2.A . The Project will add/replace more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface; therefore, the Project must comply with Core Requirements #I -#8 and Special Requirements #1 -#6. 2.1.1 Core Requirements Core Requirement #1: Discharge at Natural Location • Storm water plans have been prepared; a copy is in Appendix B. The stormwater facilities have been designed to the City requirements for flow control and water quality treatment through the use of retention/detention vaults. Any runoff not detain by the vaults will be discharged at the "natural discharge location", the City of Renton stormwater system. Core Requirement #2: Ojfsite Analysis • All projects are required to perform an offsite analysis per section I .2.2.1 of the City Amendment. A Level ] analysis has been performed and presented in Section 3 .0 of this report. Core Requirement #3: Flow Control • The project is located in a flow control duration standard (Forested Conditions) area based on the City of Renton Flow Control Application Map, See Figure 7. Flow control will be provided by two detention vaults. Detention vault will be located under the common area and combined wet/dry detention vault will be located under the driveway. The continuous simulation model MGSFlood was used to design the detention facilities. The input and output generated from this analysis is included in Appendix C. Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System • Runoff from the building roofs will sheet flows to the downspout and piped to the detention vault 1. Runoff from walkway and driveway sheet flows to the combined wet/dry detention vault 2 located under driveway. See figure 4 for vaults location. 7 Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control • Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plans has been prepared and will be submitted with the Stormwater plans. Additionally, the Contractor will be required to prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill (WSPPS) Plan to comply with Section of the City Amendment. Applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be selected and maintained by the Project Owner to control pollution. Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations • A maintenance and operations manual has been prepared and is provided in Section 10.0 of this report. Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability • All required bonds will be paid the Owner prior to permit approval, per Section 1.2.7 of the Manual Amendment. See Section 9.0 of this report for Bond Quantities. Core Requirement #8: Water Quality • Runoff Treatment is required for this project pollution generating impervious surfaces (PGIS). This project contains PGIS within the driveways and access pathway to the townhomes. The Project will utilize combined wet/dry detention vault to treat storm water runoff from the PGIS. The water quality design flow rate at or which 91 % of the runoff volume will be treated was estimating using the MGSF!ood and is included in Appendix C. 2.1.2 Special Requirements Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Requirements • No other area-specific requirements apply to this Project. Special Requirement #2: Flood Hazard Delineation • Not applicable. The Project is not adjacent to a flood hazard area. Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities • Not applicable. There are no flood protection facilities on or adjacent to the site. Special Requirement #4: Source Control • Not applicable. The Project does not require a commercial building or commercial site development permit. Special Requirement #5: Oil Control • Not Applicable. This site is not classified as high-use roadway. 8 Special Requirement #6: Aquifer Protection Area • The Project is not located within the Aquifer Protection Area, Zone I. No infiltration bmp is proposed for this project. Not applicable. 9 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 3.1 Standard Requirements Offsite analysis is required for all projects per Section 1.2.2 of the City Amendment. This Project is not exempt from this requirement since the project will add more than 2,000 square feet of impervious area. 3.2 Scope of Analysis As shown in Figure 9 the offsite analysis study area extends from point 1 to point 13. Point 13 is approximately y.; mile downstream from the Project site. 3.2.1 Resource Review • City ofRenton's storm and Surface Water Utility System Map. 3.2.2 Field Inspections The study area was observed on July 10, 2015. Atmospheric conditions were sunny. No evidence of downstream conveyance issues was identified. The site conditions generally appeared to match the surveyed base map. 3.2.3 Drainage System Description and Problem Descrisptions Figure 9 shows a map of the downstream system reviewed. Figure 10 includes a description of each drainage system element. No downstream drainage issues were identified by the Level I downstream analysis. 3.2.4 Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Since no downstream issues were identified no further downstream analysis will be required. No mitigation measures, in addition to the flow control BMP's are proposed. 10 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology The general location of the project site is shown on Figure I -Vicinity Map. The site is situated on a gentle, southerly-declining. The site is a rectangle-shaped land elongated in the east-west direction. It is bounded by 108 1h Avenue SE to the east and adjoined by the residential development to the north, south and west. According to the topographic survey plan of the site, the terrain within the site generally slopes down to the south at grade varying from about 5% to 20%. Currently, a single family residence, accessed via a paved driveway on its north site, occupies about the one-fifth to one-fourth of the site, with detached storage sheds and chicken coops lining the north boundary. The open space of the site is mostly covered by over-grown grass and brush with scattered trees lining the north and west boundaries. There is no existing drainage features on the site. Storm water runoff either infiltration or sheet flows to the City's drainage system along I 08 1h Avenue SE. See Figure 3 for an existing site hydrology conditions. 4.2 Proposed Site Hydrology The majority of the building downspouts will be tightlined to the detention vault I for flow control treatment. Runoff from landscape is expected to infiltrate. In the event that runoff from landscape areas occurs, the site has been graded to sheet flow to the proposed combined wet/dry detention vault. Other impervious surfaces onsite, including walkways and driveway has been graded to sheets flows to combined wet/dry detention vault. See Figure 4 for developed condition flow patterns. 4.3 Performance Standards The Project is located in a flow control duration standard (Forested Conditions) area based on the City of Renton Flow Control Application Map, See Figure 7. The continuous simulation model MGSFlood was used to design the detention and water quality facilities. Runoff calculations showing that the developed site meets and exceeds the flow control duration standard required by the City. The input and output generated from this analysis is included in Appendix C. For water quality, the project utilized wet detention vault to treat stormwater runoff from the pollution generating impervious surfaces (PGIS). The water quality design flow rate at or which 91 % of the runoff volume will be treated was estimating using the MGSFlood Model and is included in Appendix C. II 4.4 Flow Control Facilities Flow control for the non-pollution generating surfaces (rooftops) will be provided detention vault I. Flow control for the pollution generating surfaces (walkways and driveway) through combined wet/dry detention Vault 2. Sizing the two vaults using MGSFlood continuous simulation model and the results is in Appendix C of this report. 4.5 Water Quality Facilities This project contains PGIS within the driveways and walkway to the townhomes. The Project will utilize combined wet/dry detention vault to treat stormwater runoff from the PGIS. The water quality design flow rate at or which 91 % of the runoff volume will be treated was estimating using the MGSFlood and is included in Appendix C. 12 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5.1 Standard Requirements The Manual Amendment sates that, "New pipe systems shall be designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain (at minimum) the 25 year peak flow." All proposed conveyance systems will meet or exceed this requirement. 5.2 Proposed Conveyance System Rooftops runoff from the three townhomes will be collected in downspout tightlines and piped to detention vault 1 and release at control rate into the City's drainage system. In general, runoff from non-building areas will either infiltrate into the ground through landscape area or will sheet flow into combined wet/dry detention vault 2 and release at control rate into the City's existing drainage system. The project will utilize a 6-inch dia. PVC at 0.5% slope to tightline the building roofs runoff to detention vault 1 located under the play area. Since the release rate for both detention vaults are less than 0.10 cfs, the project will utilize an 8- · inch dia. PVC at 0.5% slope to tighline the release flow to the City's drainage system. See Appendix B for drainage plans. 13 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 6.1 Geotechnical A copy of the report titled, "Geotechnical Investigation," dated June 20, 2015 by Liu & Associates, Inc. is provided in Appendix A. 14 7.0 OTHER PERMITS 7.1 NPDES Permit A Construction Stormwater General Permit is not required since the Project will be disturbing less than one acre with construction activities such as clearing, grading, or excavation. 15 8.0 CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 8.1 ESC Plan A preliminary ESC plan has been provided on Sheet ECOi through Sheet EC03 of Appendix B. A final ESC plan will be prepared by the Contractor according to The Contractor's means and methods and construction sequencing. The ESC plan will be prepared in accordance with Section of the City Amendment. Erosion control measures indicated on the preliminary plan include: marking clearing limits and the use of straw wattles. The site is generally flat and no special considerations for soil erosion have been outlined in the Geotechnical Report, so erosion potential is assumed to be low. Sediment control measures indicated on the preliminary plan include a stabilized construction entrance, catch basin/inlet insert protection, and a portable storage tank and storm water treatment system. Interceptor swales around the perimeter of the site will collect site runoff and convey it to the portable storage tank and treatment system. SWPPSP!an A SWPPS plan will be prepared by the Contractor according to the Contractor's means and methods. The SWPPS plan will be prepared in accordance with Section of the City Amendment. 16 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.1 Bond Quantities Plan A Bond Quantities Worksheet is provided in Figure 11. 9.2 Declaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flow Control BMPs A copy of the unsigned Declaration of Covenant is provided in Appendix D. A furnished copy of the Declaration of Covenant will be provided by the Owner at a later time for the two vaults and catch basins. 17 10.0 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL 10.1 Maintenance Recommendations Operation and maintenance requirements for the proposed drainage elements and flow control BMPs have been provided for reference in Figure 12. 18 Figure 1 Site Location 19 ;< ... ,. ·>-;;::::::-· _;;;;:;:::'--'~c::::--=~1./ ~--· \ pQ111e11 t-'le sW t,l!:t ~ ~.~ . . (II I)) " t: :E 11., .., ,,1 t .~i,;esdale-1,.'fC-S1{>1" <--::·.:. ~ \ \_ \~i.. ----.. z ' "1\ > -a ..L \V\ g i \\ f.P + ii>,~., .. 1i 1 t ~ a 3 (/) -' ~ ~ -g 'ii' <JI f:r'"I AVC S oulll ctS ~,,y;fi. £,\0 " r Si,w,l!J,:lf . .k-y 1o\bOt R<i S '\OZodMeSE ,, §\ ___ , ·:~~-.-~29 (II ,.,, ... ; 111thp1S€ ::,- !B, <ft ~ ~ ~ (/) ,.,, ~ __,. ~ "' C. '!!. ~'l6tll ;we SI: n ..,. <I> 12Qt\1AveSE .-;:. -:s ';!;. \ ~ tJ> "' ~ ... s "' w "' -s- ~ :r (/) ~ ... . .,, ~ i.,J:1d , .-.·~ I-~ - ··""~,:\ L'? ~\\ \'1,. lJ) \\ l ~ 6'1,. 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'Ro~ '1, $ l'J; /1,'I, '11 .,. rn ,. ~ .... ~-~ ~=---i- -aensonRdl___ ::i '3 ~109thA'lesE \\ ~ r 1 1<1\h p._v~\S_E "' ~tHli p._veSE\ n '·\ __ .s:> li'ins/11,11;,. ·-::.-:-. . m -~"~,o~. ~r; ~~ ~ \~ 1/ (fl !'l ~ ~ '!l ,\: rP ··\ ~~1,:1u,.AveSf. I\ ro'°" -\ m /JI -~ 116thMe.SI=. !/'>---' -:.,\ -0. " ~ %. w .,; !11 ~ ... ~.~ 0,-:S '\ II'> __,. ~ ,, 0- tll % ~ ~ "' \20\\1 p._11e Ei_l: ~t' D,:iJ> i'1 ,: ---·· ___ ,., i> . ~'Ii \ § . ~~: ! ;a ";:, t ~ (II ,?;';;." "' ~t i!: > ., . s: ~: \'o' :" \ \ l // Figure 2 TIR Worksheet 20 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner 1../1 Ail Sil,, "i11Ni:j W:E.1.. Phone Q..Sb C, ?'L 64/'J- Address 4qo3 :So JJ./ISTkl. Sf 5"£.ATT}E. i 0/i 1'»1/'l Project Engineer ::Sft \JO:,_i,. l, 1 Company '1'U Phone Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION fiQ. Landuse Services Subdivison / Short Subd. I UPD D Building Services MIF / Commerical I SFR D Clearing and Grading D Right-of-Way Use D Other Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Type of Drainage Review ~I Targeted (circle): ge Site Date (include revision dates): Date of Final: Part6 ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS I Part 2 .. PROJECT:LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name / &f, f>WUo?,lfF-4tf ODES Permit# ---------- Location Township '2-3 Range <J~ Section __ '7--~</ ___ _ Part 4 · OTHERREVIEWs'.AND PERMITS D DFWHPA 0 COE404 D DOE Dam Safety D FEMA Floodplain D COE Wetlands D Other D Shoreline Management i5Q. Structural RockeryNaultl __ D ESA Section 7 Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type (circle one): ~/ Modified I II Site Date (include revision dates): Date of Final: Type (circle one): ~ / Complex / Preapplication I Experimental I Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) Date of Aooroval: 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Start Date: Yes/e Describe: Completion Date: Part 8 SI.TE COMMUN.ITV AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Plan : -------------- Special District Overlays:------------------------ Drainage Basin: l-oulER.,, G,Q.f;E,N &)1)82..., Stormwater Requirements: c..o~t;' 12.EGI.AlRt::l'vlEA.l1S: Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS D River/Stream _________ _ D Lake D Wetlands __________ _ D Closed Depression _______ _ D Floodplain---~------- D Other A/(;'{ Part 10 SOILS Soil Type Slopes D Steep Slope --------- D Erosion Hazard -------- D Landslide Hazard-------- D Coal Mine Hazard _______ _ D Seismic Hazard _______ _ D Habitat Protection--~----- D A/jA' Erosion Potential t!~c 7 t:, ,b. 20 6 (.,Jc,v D High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) D Sole Source Aquifer D Other D Seeps/Springs D Additional Sheets Attached 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET ' Part11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/ SITE CONSTRAINT 1:1 Core 2 -Offsite Analysis 1:1 Sensitive/Critical Areas l:J SEPA 1:1 Other 1:1 1:1 Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold DischarQe Area) Threshold Discharge Area: (name or description) Core Requirements (all 8 apply) Discharqe at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharae Locations: Offsite Analysis Level: GJi 2 / 3 dated: Flow Control Level: 1 '/Ps 3 or Exemption Number /incl. facilitv summary sheet) Small Site BM s Conveyance System Spill containment located at: Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: Contact Phone: After Hours Phone: _ Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: ~Public If Private, Maintenan~,a Loa Reauired: Yes I No Financial Guarantees and Provided: ~/No Liabilitv Water Quality Type: o~.' Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemp . Landscape ManaQement Plan: Yes / No Special ReQuirements (as applicable) Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA I SDO /MOP/ BP/ LMP / Shared Fae. I None Requirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption te} 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: NMe.. Source Control Describe landuse: (comm./industrial landuse) Describe any structural controls: 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 3 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET - Oil Control High-use Site: Yes~ Treatment BMP: Maintenance Agreement Yes 16} with whom? Other Drainaae Structures Describe: No Et--,'<;.\;~ ~"1.~ fi,,ili /.iv,/ Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION ~Clearing Limits ~ Stabilize Exposed Surfaces 12!1' Cover Measures l:a"Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities s;I-Perimeter Protection Ga' Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris, Ensure lilsJ' Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities ~ Sediment Retention D Flag Limits of SAO and open space ~Surface Water Collection preservation areas D Other Oi;I Dewatering Control ~ Dust Control D Flow Control Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS (Note: Include Facilitv Summarv and Sketch) Flow Control Tvoe/Descriotion Water Qualitv Tvoe/Descriotion ~Detention V£41,H· D Biofiltration D Infiltration ~Wetpool We-± 'J_~ D Regional Facility D Media Filtration D Shared Facility D Oil Control ~ Flow Control ~Pr110dJI D Spill Control BMPs D Flow Control BMPs D Other D Other 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 4 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS ·Part16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS D Drainage Easement ~ Cast in Place Vault D Covenant D Retaining Wall D Native Growth Protection Covenant D Rockery > 4' High D Tract D Structural on Steep Slope IZ3. Other D Other Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information prl!\vided here is accurate. I / ":.!f, , , o _ ~1n lf· Sianed/Date 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 s Figure 3 Existing Conditions (Existing Drainage) 21 ·v,rM '3g DN~ 'N£l dMl '6l 03S 't,H 3S 't,H MN I.·., -----~ ""..,, I i . i l "' t ! z 0 i 0 .. ! ~ ~ i I i .. I d I g ~ ~ t H . ; d; ~ ~ . ~ ~~~ -' is w ~ gg(}86 VM 'NO!N3~ g ~~ -. 3S 3f)N3J\V H180 ~ 9ZB9~ 1 nM 3113J.S t, i~ Iii A3J\~ns OI Hd~ElOdOl a ~~~ 'l' ~ "' - " i ~,,.l ,,. ,i ~ I: ( ' V ., ~---7 I lk ', 1[ .. .J s•; ,a ~ f, I ' J it t ', ----~-~-"'--------',------------3S 31\'tl Hl80t ~-·.------.. _____ ·------... ___ •-\~- I!! Ill I! ·j i i 64 0 32 6 4 Fee t WGS _ 1984 _Web _Mercato r_A ux ili ary_Spher e Existing Site Aerial Map RentonMapSupport@R entonwa .gov 07/29/20 15 This map i~ 8 u::,er t;enerote(: static out;:,ut frum ;:iri lr.terne: mi.ippiriiJ !::ite i.ind is f or rderence o nly Dat.:1 lvyers thrJt a;x:ercJr ori tr,is ,.-nap m<:iy ur mi.l/ ne t LJt accurate, ClJrrf:!r•t or utl1E:;r,'.'l~E: rdi~~ble. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGAT ION Legend City and County Boundary Other [.~ Cityof Renton Addresses Parcels 1st Floor 1st Floo r 2nd Floor 1st Floor Other Bu ildings Bu ildings Note s 16826 108th Ave. SE Renton , WA 98055 0 City o.!.&etrf o fl {) Finan ce & IT Division Figure 4 Developed Conditions (Proposed Drainage) 22 lL iJ'; lL > <i: I I- CC 0 11 INVERT ELEVATlON=431.50' ~ ~. ~ 00 ~; 20' I 6" PVC PIPE ST ST o,: sT-f--ST--ST ST ST-J_ S~_,c;.: ST sr I 'I '"l '~) 20' PROPOSED STORM SEVIIER LINE ST -ST PROPOSED UNDERDRAIN PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING STORM SEVIIER LINE UD-UD \\ 0.5% tr ST ST ST ST C " ST C " t; DETENTION VAULT FOR ROOFS 38'X19'XT INVERT ELEVATION""431.50' § ST ~ " ~ . t; § t; DETENTION VAULT FOR ROADWAY 14l'X 8'X3' O.W n n n driveway ~ 0 ~ ~8 6" PVC PIPE I n C C n' n n n n 0 " " ~ C C g " " C § g " 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET ~ ~ " INO\i' ;i;'lf! 1f1f %~ !§~ J'l_~z~w~~~~-~~----,-,---,----,--T-,T-,T-i ;;~ -~-~~~---:?i""---c--C---\f-t---i- //~;~\ <I·, I, \:\,~,:/~./ ·:~~ ,~ e~)I r~; ... . ,. ] 428 i i · I I 05%. I I 0.5% "PV(:: 38' B" PVC 17\:f l 8"PVC 312'- c,,.uc: sfaucfuRE, j J I I DRAINAGE PROFILE DRAINAGE PLAN ~I I -I 158 DEVELOPMENT 15828 108TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 CALL 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 >it_:_' 3 ::OHl_l_ C-6.00 Figure 5 Soils Map 23 ldke WashJngton Reference 11-C SollType-Bh-KpC-PITS-Sk i:-.:JPotoot,oAn"6>.a""nlvaa ~Agaaa, -K;,DEPc ~Srr rz::]o,woowawProl8clooAreaBoondi>ry-AgC -E.S c::]Ma -Pk Qso Aq~ftt,Prot&e~on.....,..zo....,1 -AgD -E.C -Ng -Pu !E:Jrc, D/>,qL.<!erProloc~onA,eoZo<>e11,1oO,fi&d-Ak.F -E\oQ -Nk -Py -Ur -AmBE.:::]E .. c-~ -R~C-W -AmC~l~/o. -Or -RdE -w, -An-lnC_Os_Fle -BeC-lnDl!lli:JOvC-Flh .a.o iliJ~pB •=-~ Spil Survey Dale 01/08.2'.JlL "®' 2 •--==---==------•Miles TABLE 1.--APPROXIMATE ACREAGE AND PROPORTIONATE EXTENT OF THE SOILS Soil Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes----------- Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes---------- Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------- Alderwood and Kitsap soils, very steep------------------------__ _ Arents, Alderwood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes------------- Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------ Arents, Everett material---------- Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------· Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes------------ Beausi te gravelly sandy loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes------------ Bellingham silt Joam-------------- Briscot silt loam----------------- Buckley silt loam----------------- Coastal beaches------------------- Earlmont silt loam---------------- Edgewick fine sandy loam---------- Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes---------------- ... ,,erett gravelly sandy loam, 5 :.o 15 percent slopes------------ i:verett gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes------------ Everett-Alderwood gravelly sandy loams, 6 to 15 percent slopes--- Indianola loamy fine sand, 0 to 4 percent slopes------------------ Indianola loamy fine sand, 4 to 15 percent slopes--------------- Indianola loamy fine sand, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------------- Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes-------------------------- Kitsap ·silt loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes-------------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes-------------------------- Area Acres 22,000 165,170 14,280 39,000 3,500 6,000 700 7,600 2,700 890 2,610 5,430 12,130 1,105 1,140 2,340 5,500 15,700 6,300 8,405 2,670 2,600 500 5,000 6,550 4,270 Extent Percent 4.9 37 .1 3. 2 8 .8 • 8 1. 3 . 2 1. 7 .6 . 2 .6 1. 2 2. 7 . 2 . 3 • 5 1. 2 3. 5 1. 4 1.9 .6 .6 .1 1. 2 1. 5 1. 0 Soil Klaus gravelly loamy sand, 6 to 15 percent slopes---------- Mixed alluvial land------------- Nei lton very gravelly loamy sand, 2 to 15 percent slopes-------- Newberg silt loam--------------- Nooksack silt loarn-------------- Norma sandy loam---------------- Orcas peat---------------------- Ori di a silt loam---------------- Ovall gravelly loam, O to 15 percent slopes---------------- Ovall gravelly loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes---------------- OVall gravelly loarn 1 40 to 75 percent slopes---------------- Pilchuck loamy fine sand-------- Pilchuck fine s&ndy loam-------- Puget silty clay loam----------- Puyallup fine sanay loam-------- Ragnar fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------- Ragnar fine s.andy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes------------- Ragnar-Indianola association, sloping----------------------- Ragnar-Indianola association, moderately steep-------------- Renton silt loam---------------- Ri veru ash----------------------- Salal silt loam----------------- Sanunarnish silt loarn------------- Sea t t le muck -------------------- Shalcar muck-------------------- Si silt loam-------------------- Snohomish silt loam------------- Snohomish silt loam, thick surface variant--------------- Sultan silt loam---------------- Tukwila nruck---------··---------- Urb an land---------------------- Woodinville silt loam----------- Area Acres 420 1,500 4,660 3,660 3,100 4,230 730 6,630 1,780 3,840 1,250 1,630 640 8,130 4,840 1,540 500 8,110 1,150 5,040 3,700 560 790 8,650 1,220 1,750 2,100 500 3,580 1,730 10,650 ~ Tot al-----------------------445,500 Extent Percent .1 . 3 1.0 .8 . 7 1.0 . 2 1. 5 .4 .9 .3 .4 .1 1. 8 1. l .3 .1 1. 8 .3 1.1 .8 .1 .2 1. 9 • 3 .4 . 5 .1 . 8 .4 2. 4 .6 JOO. 0 DESCRIPTIONS OF TI-lE SOILS This section describes the soil series and map- ping uni ts in the King County Area, Each soil series is described and then each mapping unit in that series. Unless it is specifically mentioned otherwise, it is to be assumed that what is stated about the soil series holds true for the mapping units in that series, Thus, to get full information about any one mapping unit, it is necessary to read both the description of the mapping unit and the description of the soil series to which it belongs. An important part of the description of each soi 1 series is the soil profile J that is, the sequence of layers from the surface downward to rock or other underlying material. Each series contains two descriptions of this profile. The first is brief and in terms familiar to the layman. The second, detailed and in technical terms, is for scientists, engineers, and others who need to make thorough and precise studies of soils. Unless it is otherwise stated, the colors given in the descriptions are those of a moist soil. As mentioned in the section "How This Survey Was Made/1 not all mapping units are members of a soil series. Urban land, for example, does not belong to a soil series, but nevertheless, is listed in alphabetic order along with the soil series. Following the name of each mapping unit is a symbol in parentheses. This symbol identifies the mapping unit on the detailed soil map. Listed at the end of each description of a mapping unit is the capability unit and woodland group in which the mapping unit has been placed. The woodland desig- nation and the page for the description of each capability unit can be found by referring to the "Guide to Mapping Units" at the back of this survey. The acreage and proportionate extent of each mapping unit are shown in table 1. Many of the terms used in describing soils can be found in the Glossary at the end of this survey, and more de- tailed information about the tenninology and methods of soil mapping can be obtained from the Soi 1 Survey Manual (~. Alderwood Series The Alderwood series is made up of moderately wel 1 drained soils that have a weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated substratum at a depth of 24 to 40 inches. These soils are on uplands. They formed under conifers, in glacial deposits. Slopes are O to 70 percent. The annual precipitation is 35 to 60 inches, most of which is rainfal 1, between October and May. The mean annual air temperature is about 50° F. The frost-free season is 150 to 200 days. Elevation ranges from 100 to 800 feet. In a representative profile, the surface layer and subsoil are very dark brown, dark-brown, and grayish-brown gravelly sandy loam about 27 inches thick. The substratum is grayish-bro\.'ffi, weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated glacial till that extends to a depth of 60 inches and more. Alderwood soi ls are used for timber, pasture, berries, row crops, and urban development. They are the most extensive Soils in the survey area. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 ercent slopes AgC) .--This soil is rolling. Areas are irregular in shape and range from 10 to about 600 acres in size. Representative profile of Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes, in woodland, 450 feet east and 1,300 feet south of the north quarter corner of sec. 15, T. 24 N., R. 6 E.: Al--0 to 2 inches, very dark brown (lOYR 2/2) gravelly sandy loam, dark grayish brown (lOYR 4/2) dry; weak, fine, granular struc- ture; slightly hard, friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt, wavy boundary. 1 to 3 inches thick. B2--2 to 12 inches, dark-brown (lOYR 4/3) gravelly sandy loam, brown (lOYR 5/3) dry; moderate, medium, subangular blocky structurej slightly hard, friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many roots; strongly acid; clear, wavy boundary. 9 to 14 inches thick. B3--12 to 27 inches, grayish-brown (2.SY 5/2) gravelly sandy loam, light gray (2. SY 7 /2) dry; many, medium, distinct mottles of light olive brown (2.SY 5/6); hard, friable, non- sticky, nonplastic; many roots; mediwn acid; abrupt, wavy boundary. 12 to 23 ·inches thick. IIC--27 to 60 inches, grayish-brown (2. SY 5/2), weakly to strongly consolidated till, light gray (2. SY 7 /2) dry; common, medium, distinct mottles of light olive brown and yellowish brown (2.SY 5/6 and lOYR 5/6); massive; no roots; medium acid. Many feet thick. The A horizon ranges from very dark brown to dark brown. The B horizon is dark brown, grayish brown, and dark yellowish brown. The consolidated C horizon, at a depth of 24 to 40 inches, is mostly grayish brown mottled with yellowish brown. Some layers in the C horizon slake in water. In a few areas, there is a thin, gray or grayish-brown A2 horizon. In most areas, this horizon has been destroyed through logging operations. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 3 percent the poorly drained Norma, Bellingham, Seattle, Tukwila, and Shalcar soils; some are up to 5 percent the very gravelly Everett and Neil ton soils; and some are up to 15 percent Alderwood soils that have slopes more gentle or steeper than 6 to 15 percent. Some areas in New- cast le Hills are 25 percent Beaus i te soi ls, some northeast of Duvall are as much as 25 percent Ovall soils, and some in the vicinity of Dash Point are 10 percent Indianola and Kitsap so~ls. Also included are smal 1 areas of Alderwood soi ls that have a gravelly loam surface layer and subsoi 1. DESCRIPTIONS OF 1HE SOILS This section describes the soi 1 series and map- ping uni ts in the King County Area. Each soi 1 series is described and then each mapping unit in that series. Unless it is specifically mentioned otherwise, it is to be assumed that what is stated about the soil series holds true for the mapping units in that series. Thus, to get full information about any one mapping unit, it is necessary to read both the description of the mapping unit and the description of the soil series to which it belongs. An important part of the description of each soil series is the soil profile, that is, the sequence of layers from the surface downward to rock or other underlying material. Each series contains two descriptions of this profile. The first is brief and in tenns familiar to the layman. The second, detailed and in technical terms, is for scientists, engineers, and others who need to make thorough and precise studies of soils. Unless it is otherwise stated, the colors given in the descriptions are those of a moist soil. As mentioned in the section 11How This Survey Was Made,11 not all mapping units are members of a soil series. Urban land, for example, does not belong to a soil series, but nevertheless, is listed in alphabetic order along with the soil series. Following the name of each mapping unit is a symbol in parentheses. This symbol identifies the mapping llllit on the detailed soil map. Listed at the end of each description of a mapping unit is the capability unit and woodland group in which the mapping llllit has been placed. The woodland desig- nation and the page for the description of each capability unit can be found by referring to the 11 Guide to Mapping Units II at the back of this survey. The acreage and proportionate extent of each mapping unit are shown in table 1. Many of the terms used in describing soils can be found in the Glossary at the end of this survey, and more de- tailed information about the terminology and methods of soi 1 mapping can be obtained from the Soil Survey Manual (~. Alderwood Series The Alderwood series is made up of moderately well drained soils that have a weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated substratum at a depth of 24 to 40 inches. These soils are on uplands. They formed under conifers I in glacial deposits. Slopes are O to 70 percent. The annual precipitation is 35 to 60 inches, most of which is rainfall, between October and May. The mean annual air temperature is about 50° F. The frost-free season is 150 to 200 days. Elevation ranges from 100 to 800 feet. In a representative profile, the surface layer and subsoil are very dark brown, dark-brown, and grayish-brown gravelly sandy loam about 27 inches thick. The substratum is grayish-brown, weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated glacial till that extends to a depth of 60 inches and more. 8 Alderwood soi ls are used for timber, pasture, berries, row crops, and urban development, They are the most extensive soils in the survey area. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (AgC) .--This soil is rolling. Areas are irregular in shape and range from 10 to about 600 acres in size. Representative profile of Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes, in woodland, 450 feet east and 1,300 feet south of the north quarter corner of sec. 15, T. 24 N., R. 6 E.: Al--0 to 2 inches, very dark brown (lOYR 2/2) gravelly sandy loam, dark grayish brown (lOYR 4/2) dry; weak, fine, granular struc- ture; slightly hard, friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt, wavy boundary. 1 to 3 inches thick. B2--2 to 12 inches, dark-brown (lOYR 4/3) gravelly sandy loam, brown (lOYR 5/3) dry; moderate, medium, subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many roots; strongly acid; clear, wavy boundary. 9 to 14 inches thick. B3--12 to 27 inches, grayish-brown (2.5Y 5/2) gravelly sandy loam, light gray (2.5Y 7/2) dry; many, medium, distinct mottles of light olive brown (2,SY 5/6); hard, friable, non- sticky, nonplastic; many roots; medium acid; abrupt, wavy boundary. 12 to 23 ·inches thick. IIC--27 to 60 inches, grayish-brown (2.5Y 5/2), weakly to strongly consolidated till, light gray (2. SY 7 /2) dry; common I medium, distinct mottles of light olive brown and yellowish brown (2.5Y 5/6 and lOYR 5/6); massive; no roots; medium acid. Many feet thick. The A horizon ranges from very dark brown to dark brown. The B horizon is dark brown, grayish brown, and dark yellowish brown. The consolidated C horizon, at a depth of 24 to 40 inches, is mostly grayish brown mottled with yellowish brown. Some layers in the C horizon slake in water. In a few areas, there is a thin, gray or grayish-brown A2. horizon. In most areas I this horizon has been destroyed through logging operations. Soi ls included with this soi 1 in mapping make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 3 percent the poorly drained Norma, Bellingham, Seattle, Tukwila, and Sh al car soils; some are up to 5 percent the very gravelly Everett and Neil ton soils; and some are up to 15 percent Alderwood soils that have slopes more gentle or steeper than 6 to 15 percent. Some areas in New- castle Hills are 25 percent Beausite soils, some northeast of Duvall are as much as 25 percent OVall soils I and some in the vicinity of Dash Point are 10 percent Indianola and Kitsap soils. Also included are small areas of Alderwood soils that have a gravelly loam surface layer and subsoil, Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Roots penetrate easily to the consolidated substra- tum where they tend to mat on the surface. Some roots enter the substratum through cracks. Water moves on top of the substratum in winter. Available water capacity is low. Runoff is slow to medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil is used for timber, pasture, berries, and row crops, and for urban development. Capability unit !Ve-2; woodland group 3dl. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes (AgB) .--This soil is nearly level and undulating. It is similar to Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 perc'e~t slopes, but in places its surface layer is 2 to 3 ~nches thicker. Areas are irregular in shape and range from 10 acres to slightly more than 600 acres in size. Some areas are as much as 115 percent included Norma, Bellingham, Tukwila, .ind Shalcar soils, all of which are poorly drained;: and some areas in the vicinity of Enumclaw are as much as 10 percent Buckley soils. Runoff is slow, and the erosion hazard is slight. This Alderwood soil is used for timber, pasture, berries, and row crops, and for urban development. Capability uniJ !Ve-2; woodland group 3d2. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 ~erceni slopes (AgD) . --Depth to the substratum in t is soil varies within short distances, but is commonly about 40 inches. Areas are elongated and range from 7 to about 250 acres in size. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 25 percent Everett soils that have slopes of 15 to 30 percent, and some areas are up to 2 percent Bellingham, Norma, and Seattle soils, which are in depressions. Some areas, especially on Squak Mountain, in Newcastle Hills, and north of Tiger Mountain, are 25 percent Beausi te and Ovall soils. Beausite soils are underlain by sandstone, and Ovall soils by andesite. Runoff is medium, and the erosion hazard is severe. The slippage potential is moderate. This Alderwood soil is used mostly for timber. Some areas on the lower parts of slopes are used for pasture. Capability unit Vle-2; woodland group 3d]. Alderwood and Kitsap soi ls, very steep (AkF) . -- This mapping unit is about 50 percent Alderwood gravelly sandy loam and 25 percent Kitsap silt loam. Slopes are 25 to 70 percent. Distribution of the soils varies greatly within short distances. About 15 percent of some mapped areas is an included, unnamed, very deep, moderately coarse textured soil; and about 10 percent of some areas is a very deep, coarse-textured Indianola soil. Drainage and penneability vary. Runoff is rapid to very rapid, and the erosion hazard is severe to very severe. The slippage potential is severe. These soils are used for timber. Capability unit VTie-1; woodland group 2dl. 10 Arents, Alderwood Material Arents, Alderwood material consists of Alderwood soils that have been so disturbed through urban- ization that they no longer can be classified with the Alderwood series. These soils, however, have many similar features. The upper part of the soil, to a depth of 20 to 40 inches, is brown to dark- brown gravelly sandy loam. Below this is a grayish- brown, consolidated and impervious substratum. Slopes generally range from O to 15 percent. These soils are used for urban development. Arents, Alderwood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes (AmB). --In many areas this soil is level, as a result of shaping during construction for urban faci Ii ties. Areas are rectangular in shape and range from 5 acres to about 400 acres in size. Representative profile of Arents, Alderwood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes, in an urban area, 1,300 feet west and 350 feet south of the northeast corner of sec. 23, T. 25 N., R. 5 E.: 0 to 26 inches, dark-brown (!OYR 4/3) gravelly sandy loam, pale brown (lOYR 6/3) dry; massive; slightly hard, very friable, non- sticky, nonplastic; many roots; medium acid; abrupt, smooth boundary. 23 to 29 inches thick. 26 to 60 inches, grayish-brown (2. SY 5/2) weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated glacial till, light brownish gray (2.SY 6/2) dry; common, medium, prominent mottles of yellowish brown (lOYR 5/6) moist; massive; no roots; medium acid. Many feet thick. The upper, very friable part of the soil extends to a depth of 20 to 40 inches and ranges from dark grayish brown to dark yellowish brown. Some areas are up to 30 percent included soils that are similar to this soil material, but either shallower or deeper over the compact substratum; and some areas are 5 to 10 percent very gravelly Everett soils and sandy Indianola soils. This Arents 1 Alderwood soil is moderately well drained. Permeability in the upper, disturbed soil material is moderately rapid to moderately slow, depending on its compaction during construction. The substratum is very slowly permeable. Roots penetrate to and tend to mat on the sur.face of the consolidated substratum. Some roots enter the substratum through cracks. Water moves on top of the substratum in winter. Available water capacity is low. Runoff is slow, and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil is used for urban development. Ca- pability unit IVe-2; woodland group 3d2. Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes (AmC) .--This soil has convex slopes. Areas are rectangular in shape and range from 10 acres to about 450 acres in size. Some areas are up to 30 percent included soils that are similar to this soil material, but either shallower or deeper over the compact substratum; and some areas are 5 to 10 percent very gravelly Everett soils and sandy Indianola soils. Runoff is medium, and the erosion hazard is ,odera te to severe. This soil is used for urban development. Ca- pability unit IVe-2; woodland group 3d2. Arents, Everett material (An) .--This is a level to gently sloping, dark-brown gravelly or very gravelly sandy loam. It is very .similar to Everett gTavelly sandy loam (see Everett series), but it has been disturbed and altered through urban de- velopment. :Multicolored very gravelly coarse .sand is at a depth of 8 to 40 inches. Areas a:re common- ly rectangular in shape, and range from 1 to 120 acres in size. Representative profile of Arents. Everett mate- rial, in a home.site, 440 feet west and 100 feet north of the center of sec. 11, T. 24 N., R. 6 E.: D to 8 inches, dark-brown (7.SYR 3/4) gravelly sandy loam, brown (7.SYR 5/4) dry; massive; soft, very friable, non.sticky, nonplastic; few roots; 30 percent gravel content; slightly acid; clear, smooth boundary. 8 to 14 inches thick, 8 to 60 inches, grayish-brown and light olive-brown (2.SY 5/2 and 5/4) very gravelly coarse sand, light gray and light yellowish brown (2.SY 7/2 and 6/.1) dry; single grain; loose, non.sticky, nonplastic; few roots; 55 percent gravel and 10 percent cobblestone content; medium acid. The upper part of the soil brown to olive brown and from to very gravelly loamy sand. from black to olive brown. ranges from dark gravelly sandy loam The substratum ranges This soil is somewhat excessively drained. The effective rooting depth is 60 inch es or more. Permeability i.s rapid, and available water capacity is low. Runoff is slow, and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil is used for urban development. Ca- pability unit IVs-1; woodland group 3f3. Beaus i te Seri es The Beausite series i.s made up of well-drained soils that are underlain by sandstone at a depth of 20 to 40 inches. These soi1.s formed in glacial deposits. They are rolling to very steep. Slopes are 6 to 75 percent, The vegetation is alder, fir, cedar, and associated bru.sh and shrubs. The annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, and the mean annual temperature is about 50 ° F. The frost-free season ranges from 160 to 190 days. Elevation i.s 600 to 2, DOD feet. In a representative profile, the surface layer and the upper part of the subsoil are dark-brown to dark yellowish-brown gravelly sandy loam that extends to a depth of about 19 inches. The lower part of the subsoil is olive-brown very gravelly sandy loam. Fractured sandstone is at a depth of about 38 inches. Beausite soils are used for timber and pasture. Some areas have been used for urban development. Beau.site gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (BeC) .--Areas of this soil are 20 acres or more in size. Slopes are long and convex. Representative profile of Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes, in woodland, 570 feet south and 800 feet east of the northwest corner of sec. 29, T. 24 N., R. 6 E.: 01--2 inches to 1/2 inch, undecomposed leaf litter. 02--1/2 inch to D, black (lDYR 2/1) decomposed leaf litter. Al--0 to 6 inches, dark-brown (!OYR 3/3) gravelly sandy loam, brown (lOYR 5/3) dry; weak, fine, granular structure; soft, very friable, non.sticky, nonplastic; many roots; slightly acid; clear, wavy boundary, 5 to 7 inches thick. 821--6 to 19 inches, dark yellowish-brown (lDYR 4/4) gravelly sandy loam, light yellowish brown (lOYR 5/4) dry; massive; .soft, very friable, non.sticky, nonplastic; many roots; .slightly acid; clear, irregular boundary. 10 to 15 inches thick. 822--19 to 38 inches, olive-brown (2.5Y 4/4) very gravelly sandy loam, light yellowish brown (2.SY 6/4) dry; massive; soft, very friable, non.sticky, nonplastic; common roots; medium acid~ abrupt, irregular boundary. IIR--38 inches, fractured sandstone; medium acid. The A horizon ranges from very dark grayish brown to very dark brown and dark brown. The B horizon ranges from dark grayish brown to dark yellowish brown and olive brown. It is gravelly and very gravelly sandy loam and gravelly loam. Depth to sands tone ranges from 20 to 40 inches. Some areas are up to 20 percent included Alder- wood soils, which have a consolidated substratum, and Ovall soils, which are underlain by andesi te; some are up to 5 percent the wet Norma and Seattle soils; some are up to 5 percent Beausi te .soils that have a gravelly loam surface layer and subsoil; and some are up to 10 percent soils that are similar to Beausi te soils, but are more than 40 inches deep over sandstone. Roots penetrate easily to bedrock and enter a few cracks in the bedrock. Permeability is moderately rapid. Available water capacity is low. Runoff is meditun, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil is used for timber and pasture and for urban development. Capability unit IVe-2; woodland group 3d2, 11 Figure 6 Flow Chart for Determining the Type of Drainage Review Required 24 1.1.2 DRAINAGE REVIEW TYPES Al\D REQUIREMENTS FIGURE 1.1.2.A FLOW CHART FOR DETERMINING TYPE OF DRAINAGE REVIEW REQUIRED Is the project a single family residential or agricultural project that results in ;;,;2,000 sf of new and/or replaced impervious surface or ~7,000 sf of land disturbing activity, AND meets one of the following criteria? • The project results in s:10,000 sf of total impervious surface added since 1/8/01, s:5,000 sf of new imperv surface, and :S.35,000 sf of new pervious surface (for RA, F, or A sites, new pervious surface is ::;52,500 sf or remainder of site if2"65% is preserved in native vegetation), OR • The project results in s10,000 sf of total impervious surface added since 1/8/01 and new pervious surface is s35,000 -3.25 x new impervious surface (for sites ~22,000 sf, use 2.25, and for RA, F, or A sites, increase by 50% or use remainder of s;te if ~65% is preserved in native vegetation), OR • The project results in :s:4% total lmperv surface and ::;15% new pervious surface on a single parcel site zoned RA or F, or a single/multiple parcel site zoned A, and all impervious area on the site, except 10,000 sf of it. will be set back from natural location of site discharge at least 100 ft per 10,000 sf of total impervious surface? N Does the project result in ~2,000 sf of new and/or replaced Impervious surface or ;z:7,000 sf of new pervious surface, OR is the project a redevelopment project on a parcel or Does the project have the characteristics of one or more of the following categories of projects (see more detailed threshold language on p. 1~15)? combination of parcels in which new No plus replaced impervious surface 1. Projects containing or adjacent to a flood, erosion, or steep slope hazard area; projects within a Critical Drainage Area or Landslide Hazard Drainage Area; or projects that propose ;z:?,000 sf (1 ac if project is in Small Project Drainage Review) of land disturbing activity. totals :2:5,000 sf and whose valuation of proposed improvements (excluding required mitigation and frontage improvements) is >50% of the assessed value of existing improvements? 2. Projects proposing to construct or modify a drainage pipe/ditch that is 12" or larger or receives runoff from a 12" or larger drainage pipe/ditch. 3. Redevelopment projects proposing ;z:$100,000 in improvements to an existing high-use site. Yes No Reassess whether drainage review is required per Section 1.1.1 (p. 1·9). Is the project an Urban Planned Development (UPD), OR does it result in ;z:50 acres of new impervious surface No within a subbasin or multiple subbasins that are 1------· hydraulically connected, OR does it have a project site :2:50 acres within a critical aquifer recharge area? Yes 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1-11 1/9/2009 Figure 7 Flow Control Application Map 25 lake Washington Reference 11-A ~-S~206tt>S1 ) Flow Control Standards D Peak Ra1e Flow Control Standard (Exis11ng Site Cond1lmns) -FOW Control Duration Standard (EK,sting SHe Condit<ons) -Flow Control Duratron Standard{Forested COndilrons} -FioodProblemFlow D Unrncorporate<l K1n9 County Flow Control Standards !:-=-! Renton City L1m11s L._J Potenhal Annex.abon Area Youngs Date:01109/2014 Flow Control Application Map w~c s@Miil 2 •--=:11--==-----•Miles Figure 8 Groundwater Protection Area 26 Reference 11-B Aquifer Protection Area Zones ~Zone1 [2.23 Zeme 1 Modified ~Zone2 Cedar Valley Sole Source Network Structure Aquifer Project Review Area e Production Well Stream How Source Area e Spnngbroo~ Spnngs Cedar Valley Sole Source Aquifer r.::J Renton City L1m1ts c:-:J Po1ent1al Anne.o;at,on Area l'-1,. ___ _ Groundwater Protection Areas Date: 01/0912014 .~, 2 --==--==------Miles <@UMiiW Figure 9 Downstream Analysis Map 27 256 0 128 WGS _ 1984_Web_Mercator_Aux iliary_Sphere 256 Feet D0wnstrear11 Analysis f\/lap Re ntonMapS upport@Rentonwa .gov 07/27/20 15 This m~r> is a u::.er ~tnera:~L ~ta tic outout t rorn a ri lni ernet me1JJiJing sitf:: .;nd ·~ fo~ 1 f::ference onl·~, Dato 1,1ye.-~ thc1t 8iJ ij8<:ir or, tt-,is 1n21~ rr,a , (F rr1ciy not IA:' accurcitf:' Cllrrerrt (.,r· other,,.,i:;e r,:;,1 :~1o le. TH IS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FO R NAVIGAT ION Renton Fire Hydra nt Hydrant Other System Control Va lve Water Gravity Pipe Water Main Water Service Areas Lift Station Clean Outs Man holes Casings Pressurized Ma ins Otner -Renton Private Gravity Ma ins Otner _ Ren ton -Private KC Metro Manhol es KC Pressurized Ma ins KC Gravi ty Mai ns Network Structures Inlet Manhole Ut,htyVault Unknown Struc lure Detention Fa cilities P~d -v au lt ~ Wetlalld Pipe Culvert Open Dra ins Vi rtual Dra inline Facil ity Outline Private Network Structure s 0 City of Rerrton 0) Finance & IT Division 256 0 128 WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary _ Sphere Downstrean1 Analysis Map Cont. 256 Feet RentonMapSupport@Re ntonwa.gov 07/27/2015 1 his mi.l;J is c1 user Lleneratec! ~tatic ou1;Jut from ilri lnternei mi:ip~·in9 s1it: c:nd is tor refererict only Dote l:3yerf thot cl;)i"J 8 <"H on tri~ m.:..:ip may ur rnoy not tJe c1cvu ra1e cu rrent vr o tnH•Nise reli..itJle THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVI GAT ION Renton Fire Hydrant Hydrant Other System Control Valve Water Gravity Pipe Water Main Water Servi ce Areas Lift Station Clean Outs Manholes Casings Pressurized Mains Other -Renton Private Gravity Mains 0 1/'ler -Renton _ Priva!I' KC Metro Manholes KC Pressu rized Mains KC Gra vity Mains Network Structures Inlet Ma nhole Ut,htyVault Unknown Structure Control Structure Pump Station X Wa ter Quality Detention Fa cilities Pono Tank -Vault ..:(_ We~and Pipe Cu lvert Open Drain s Virtual Dra inline Facility Outline Private Net>Nork Structures 0 Cityo~Qfl (jJ Finance & IT Division Figure 10 Downstream Analysis Worksheet 28 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Basin: Lo..ve-r Gi<'e~V' \<i llev' Subbasin Name: :P"n~ Cve.,e...k. Subbasin Number: Symbol see map ~ 3 4 5' " 7 8 'I 10 II ,z. t '3 , Drainage ... · coirlponiint t9i>e, illarrie, and Size Type: sh~et flow, Swale, stream, chim~E!I, J)ipe, pond; Siz8:.diameter, -surface area 1'2.q CON.C. Pl~lrl> Fl.CIA> 1-Z." C.N\> PIPl:"1> FLbW 12.'' C.MP 1'1 rES>.. F'Lt>W 11-'1 UNI<-, PIP..-1> f"'LDW I@." C PfiiP/LC:..f'f!' PIPED t=>,n~, 18" C.PsP/LC.f'~ Pl f"E'D -F<.oui 18" C.PEf' /1.( .. 1t"e Pu"''"P Bl>< I~" cPEP/t-e.f>"C PIPIS'.t>o Fl""' 1'2.'' C. NI i' PIPEI> Plew l'a" Cl"\f> P1PE.P Fl.Ow IS" CM? f' I Pl<'O Fl ~., l'o'' c.MP ..£.\£'.E:.l> ~Lo....i !.'tli>f<:MW.-,.YE.12. DI 1'41 • C~A IOI EL Drainage:.' JS1ope Component•. oestrlptiob dr~iriage basin 1 vegetapon, co*er, detith, lype of S'ehSitiv~ · area, vollime , c.S TYPw l C.~ ,YPe- c.e. ,YP't: 1 C.6 TYPc.l 'l"IH <:.-1!, TYP6' .I Mlt c e. ,yr e a Ml+ CB 'TYPtc \ C.~ iYPE I cg 1'YPc.i M\! c. e. "TYi"'€ ~ "4 H c.:i. 'TY.PE' -i Mlt o"'+fu\l ,\,.. Pitc.\,\ S'fD41.MWAT"~ t>r"f t:.\.1- % UN~. UN\<- Ut.11'-. '-INK. IAN'(.. l,(N~ UNI:. UN.K. l,lt.)IL... llNl<., \.IN!'' l,\lol\l,, UNK, Distarice. from site discharge !4 ml = 1..320-ft. toi.,o' ,If,'-/, <10' -;J.'85.,:,.1 1 35'" -'g 'L' 4'1'1.ol.f' !, S"'I, .;i <\ • ";;1(., ."7~' 73'i.oil' q,~.~01 "IS-0.1.11' I 0"30, 111 1 1108,5"0 1 , 81'3.s-c/ :e•iQlj!Je~ations of field l?C.:fhs~lidor, resource tHre~liwef or resident • c.qns:tri~~O!']S, l..ind~ capacify1' po.~~ir9,tf' .T;~tri_b~ta~· area .. ,like.llt,ood of problem, OvertoPP.inQ(~.oodinQ .• ~abitat P,r6r:gal1ismj.;:,·, 1,:.0~~!1low ~~~hw8ys; potential Impacts deSln:J~h~SC<?u~ng,.ban~tloUQh.i_rig·,~;~~· · :.·,. ,,,. ·· " sedim~ntatibrl 1-incision, oU181° arosiOll UtJl<-. UNIC., N/4 UNl<.. \,\ "'""· N/A t.,"11:::. UNI'-· rvM Ulol~. U(l)K. N/4, IAN"-. lAIJI(.. ,.J/A. CA lJI(.. '-\NI(.. N/A 1.41\1\<:. l.\l\lK. tJIA LH11'~ .. Ur.II(, rJ/JJ,. ~NI<'. IIIN K.. t,JJ A, 1.1"1~. U"')'.,, Nllt 1..1NK. I,( rJ)t,.. rJ/ A, IAN/(... 1.11'11'. N/~ NONI= fJON~ e;.(l)p OF ANA\..'(SlS NO $1•N 01"' ~10..::i o,~ ov~ ,e>tP•~~ -- 1/9/2009 Figure 11 Bond Quantities Worksheet 29 UNIT BID ITEM QUNTITIES UNIT PRICE TOTAL PREPARATION 1500 $1.00 $1,500.00 LS CLEAN AND GRUBBING 2000 $1.00 $2,000.00 LS REMOVING EXISTING STRUCTURE GRADING C.Y ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL 2715 $10.00 $27,150.00 TON GRAVEL BORROW INCL. HAUL 1123 $20.00 $22,460.00 L.S LANDSCAPE GRADING 5000 $1.00 $5,000.00 DRAINAGE L.F UNDERDRAIN PIPE 6 IN. DIAM 470 $5.00 $2,350.00 EACH Manhole 2 $3,000.00 $6,000.00 L.F PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 8 IN DIAM 220 $40.00 $8,800.00 L.F PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 12 IN DIAM 50 $50.00 $2,500.00 C.Y EXCAVATION FOR DRAINAGE 100 $8.00 $800.00 I.S DETENSION VAULT 1 110000 $1.00 $110,000.00 DETENSION VAULT 2 200000 $1.00 $200,000.00 SANITARY SEWER L.F DUCTILE IRON PIPE 8 IN. DIAM 250 $80.00 $20,000.00 EACH TEE, D.I. 6 IN I 3 $300.00 $900.00 EACH MAN HOLE, TYPE 2 $4,000.00 $8,000.00 C.Y EXCAVATION FOR DRAINAGE 120 $8.00 $960.00 WATER LINES L.F PIPE, WATER MAIN, D.I., CL 52, 6 IN, RJ, INCL. FITTINGS 300 $80.00 $24,000.00 EACH RESETTING EXISTING HYDRANTS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 EACH VALVE, GATE, 6 IN 2 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 TON MINERAL AGGREGATE, TYPE 17 3 $40.00 $120.00 EACH WATER METER 6 $2,000.00 $12,000.00 STRUCTURE EACH BLOCK WALL (2.5'X2.5'X5') 260 $750.00 $195,000.00 SURFACING TON CSBC 220 $30.00 $6,600.00 TON ASPHALT TREATED BASE 390 $50.00 $19,SOO.OO CEMENT CONC. PAVEMENT C.Y. CEMENT CONC. PAVEMENT 100 $250.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 HOT MIX ASPHALT TON HMA CL. 1/2 IN. PG 64-22 220 $85.00 $18,700.00 LS IRRIGATION AND WATER DISTRIBUTION 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 L.F IRRIGATION SLEEVE 300 $15.00 $4,500.00 L.S TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 10000 $1.00 $10,000.00 EROSION CNTLAND ROADSIDE RESTORATION EST TESC (5% OF ESTIMATE) 65000 $1.00 $65,000.00 C.Y TOPSOIL TYPE A-PLANTING SOIL (CY) 10 $35.00 $350.00 C.Y TOPSOIL TYPE A -PLAZA SOIL (CY) 10 $35.00 $350.00 LS LANDSCAPE PLANTS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 EACH INLET PROTECTION 2 $20.00 $40.00 L.F SILT FENCE 820 $10.00 $8,200.00 S.Y STABALIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 450 $15.00 $6,750.00 EACH CHECK DAM 5 $10.00 $50.00 BUILDING STRUCTURE S.F 3 TOWN HOUSE 7500 $120.00 $900,000.00 TOTAL $1,748,580.00 Figure 12 Maintenance and Operations Manual 30 Maintenance standards for closed treatment systems (tanks/vaults). Maintenance Defect or cOnditlon When Results Expected When Component Problem Maintenance is Needed Maintenance is Performed Storage area Plugged air vents One-half of the cross section of a vent is blocked at Vents are open and any point or the vent is damaged. functioning. Debris and Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 10% of the AU sediment and debris are sediment diameter of the storage area for ~ length of storage vault or any point depth exceeds 15% of diameter. re~oved from storage area. (Example: 72-inch storage tank requires cleaning when sediment reaches depth of? inches for more than Y, the length of the tank.) Joints between Openings or voids allow material to be transported All joints between tank/pipe tank/pipe section into facility. sections are sealed. {Will require engineering analysis to determine structural stability.) Tank/pipe bent out Any part of tank/pipe is bent out of shape for more Tank/pipe is repaired or of shape than 10% of its design shape. replaced to design (Review required by engineer to determine specifications. structural stability.) Vault structure: Cracks are wider than 12 inch and there is evidence Vault is replaced or repaired to includes cracks in of soil particles entering the structure through the design specifications and is walls or bottom, cracks, or maintenance/inspection personnel structuraI1y sound. damage to frame determine that the vault is not structurally sound. or top slab Cracks are wider than Yi inch at the joint of any No cracks are more than inlev'outlet pipe, or there is evidence of soil Y.-inch wide at the joint of the particles entering the vault through the walls. inlev'outlet pipe. Manhole Cover not in place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any Manhole is closed. open manhole requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance Mechanism opens with proper mechanism not person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have tools. working less than Y2 inch of thread (may not apply to self- locking lids). Cover difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed and remove applying normal lifting pressure. reinstalled by one maintenance Intent: To prevent cover from sealing off access to person. maintenance. Ladder unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards. misalignment, insecure attachment to structure Allows maintenance person wall, rust, or cracks. safe access. Maintenance standards for control structure/flow restrictor. Maintenance Condidon When Results Expected When Component Defect or Problem Maintenance is Needed Maintenance is Performed General Trash and debris Accumulation exceeds 25% of sump depth or is Control structure orifice is not (includes sediment) within 1 foot below orifice plate. blocked. All trash and debris are removed. Structural damage Structure is not secure~y attached to manhole wall. Structure is securely attached to wall and outlet pipe. Structure is not in upright position; allow up to Structure is in correct position. 10% from plumb. Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to outlet pipe are show signs of rust. watertight; structure is repaired or replaced and works as designed. Holes other than designed holes are observed in Structure has no holes other than the structure. designed holes. Cleanout gate Damaged or missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and do"'11 by one Gate moves up and down easily maintenance person. and is watertight. Chain/rod Jeading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50% of its surface area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards. Orificl' plate Damaged or missing Control device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as missing, out-of-place, or bent orifice plate. designed. Obstructions Trash, debris, sediment, or vegetation blocks the Plate is free of all obstructions plate. and works as designed. Overflow pipe Obstructions Trash or debris blocks (or has the potential to Pipe is free of all obstructions block) the overflow pipe. and works as designed. Maintenance standards for catch basins. Maintenance -Uefec:tor ~ :Condition When 11.<Sults Expected Wbeo _ ComJl.onent Problem· MainienaDce is Needed ·Maintenance is ·performed General Trash and debris Trash or debris is immediately in front of the catch No trash or debris is basin opening or is blocking inletting capacity of the immediately in front of catch basin by more than 10%. basin or on grate opening. Trash or debris (in the basin) exceeds 60% of the No trash or debris is in the sump depth as measured from the bottom of basin to catch basin. invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the basin, but in no case is clearance less than 6 inches from the debris surface to the invert of the lowest pipe. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocks more Inlet and outlet pipes are free than 'l3 of its height. of trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation could generate odors that No vegetation or dead animals might cause complaints or dangerous gases (such as are present within the catch methane). basin. Sediment Sediment (in the basin) exceeds 60% of the sump No sediment is in the catch depth as measured from the bottom of the basin to basin. invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the basin, but in no case is clearance less than 6 inches from the sediment surface to the invert of the lowest pipe. Structure Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and damage to frame cracks wider than V.:. inch. cracks. and/or top slab intent: To make sure no material is running into basin. Frame is not sitting flush on top slab (separation of Frame is sitting flush on the more than% inch of the frame from the top slab). riser rings or top slab and is Frame is not securely attached. firmly attached. Fractures or Maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Basin is replaced or repaired cracks in basin to design standards. walls/bottom Grout fillet has separated or cracked wider than Pipe is regrouted and secure at Yz inch and longer than 1 foot at the joint of any the basin v,all. inlet/outlet pipe, or there is evidence that soil particles have entered catch basin through cracks. Settlement/ Failure of basin has created a safety. function, or Basin is replaced or repaired misalignment design problem. to design standards. Vegetation Vegetation is growing across and blocking more than No vegetation blocks the 10% of the basin opening. opening to the ha.sin. Vegetation growing in inlet/outlet pipe joints is more No vegetation or root gmwth than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches apart. is present. Contamination Oil. gasoline, contaminants. or other pollutants are No pollution is present. and pollution evident. (Coordinate removal/cleanup with local water quality response agency.) Catch basin Cover not in Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any open Catch basin cover is closed. cover place catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance Mechanism opens with proper mechanism not person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less tools. working than 1h inch of thread. Catch basin Cover difficult One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one cover to remove applying normal lifting pressure. maintenance person. (continued) intent: To prevent cover from sealing off access to maintenance. Maintenance c(niipollent Ladder Metal grates (if applicable) Defector 'sl'roblem Ladder unsafe Grate opening unsafe Condition When Maintenance is N~ded Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, insecure attachment to basin wall, misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges. Grate opening is wider than 'l'g inch. Trash and debris Trash and debris block more than 20% of grate surface inletting capacity. Damaged or Grate is missing or components of the grate are missing broken. Results Expected 'When Maintenance is Performed Ladder meets design standards and allows maintenance staff safe access. Grate opening meets design standards. Grate is free of trash and debris. Grate is in place and meets design standards. APPENDIX A Geotechnical Report 31 LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. Geotechnical Engineering Mr. Kevin Su 4908 South Thistle Street, Apt. A Seattle, WA 98118 Dear Mr. Su: Subject: Geotechnical Investigation Townhome Buildings 16826-108th Avenue SE Renton, Washington L&A Job No. 15-062 Engineering Geology Earth Science ------------· ---~----------~-- June 20, 2015 INTRODUCTION We understand the development of a residential project is proposed for the subject property located at the above address in Renton, Washington. The property is a rectangle- shaped land elongated in the east-west direction. The development plan for the property is to build three townhome buildings on it, with an existing residence at the west end of the property to remain. The purpose of this investigation is to explore and characterize the subsurface conditions of the site, evaluate feasibility of onsite stormwater disposal, and provide geotechnical recommendations on grading, site stabilization, erosion mitigation, surface and ground water drainage control, and foundation support to buildings for the proposed development. Presented in this report are our findings, conclusion, and geotechnical recommendations. PROJECT DESCRIPTION For our use in this investigation, you provided us with a topographic survey plan and a plat plan of the subject project. According to the plat plan, the new townhome buildings 19213 Kenlake Place NE · Kenmore, Washington 98028 Phone (425) 483-9134 · Fax {425) 486-2746 June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page2 are to be accessed from 168"' Avenue SE via a joined-use paved driveway traversing easterly along the south boundary of the site. The townhome buildings will be above- grade wood-framed structures to be supported on perimeter concrete foundation walls and interior bearing walls, beams and columns. The site generally slopes down gently to moderately southward. Minor cut and ;ill may be required for site grading. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our scope of services for this study comprises specifically the following: Review the geologic and soil conditions at the site based on a published geologic map. 2. Explore subsurface (soil and groundwater) conditions of the site with test pits to depths where a soil stratum of furn foundation bearing or suitable for infiltration is encountered, or to the maximum depth (about 10 feet) capable by the backhoe used in subsurface exploration, whichever is encountered first. 3. Conduct laboratory soil particle size distribution test on two soil samples obtained from targeted soil layer suitable for infiltration, if encountered by test pits, in accordance with ASTM D422. The results of the tests will be used to determine design infiltration rate of targeted soil layer in accordance with USDA Texture Triangle and Washington State Department of Ecology 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. 4. Perform necessary geotechnical engineering analysis based on soil data obtained from test pits. 5. Prepare a written report to present our fmdings, conclusion, and recommendations. LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. .. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page3 SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE CONDITION The general location of the project site is shown on Plate 1 -Vicinity Map. The site is situated on a gentle, southerly-declining, high plateau. The site is a rectangle-shaped land elongated in the east-west direction. It is bounded by 168th A venue SE to the west and adjoined by residential development to the north, south and east. According to the topographic survey plan of the site, the terrain within the site generally slopes down to the south at grade varying from about 5% to 20% . Currently, a single-family residence, accessed via a paved driveway on its north site, occupies about the west one-fifth to one-fourth of the site, with detached storage sheds and chicken coops lining the north boundary. The open space of the site is mostly covered by over-grown grass and brush with scattered trees lining the north and east boundaries. GEOWGIC SETTING The Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington, by D. R. Mullineaux, published by U. S.~ Geological Survey in 1965, was referenced for the geologic and soil conditions at the project site. According to this publication, the surficial soil unit at and in the vicinity of the subject residence site is mapped as t!f~\i:,~S£~e ~Aep.atss. The geology of the Puget Sound Lowland has been modified by the advance and retreat of several glaciers in the past one million years or so and the subsequent deposits and erosions. The latest glacier advanced to the Puget Sound Lowland is referred to as the LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page4 Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation which had occurred during the later stages of the Pleistocene Epoch, and retreated from the region some 12,500 years ago. Tus res reeieseH 112if ie swrmt&1w•nrtt1 • rz r : n r ·u _.a, plowed directly under glacial ice during the most recent glacial period as the glacier advanced over an eroded, irregular surface of older formations and sediments. ~~~,.,! .. ~~~~~~~'~f?!1.~?, ~li~,}.il\.s~n~ Wt~ and s~e,~,,cubbl»s.~dd:>.!:)ul;~;;~¥rE@f\;i;r!,d,\o;,J1S .''AAfppa,i,,;;. The overlying ablation till is generally in a loose to medium-dense state, and is more compressible and permeable. It has a compressive strength comparable to that of low-grade concrete and can stand in steep natural or cut slopes for a long period. TtlaerJodgmo11t..tilJ..caa,.proYi~ ex•llen~ation·,'Support,~ith !i.tJ:lt\SfttlfII1e~t,e~e9tl;!i !:?~ctures. The overlying ablation till is generally in a loose to medium-dense state, and is more compressible and permeable. The underlying lodgmont till is very-dense and cemented, with a compressive strength comparable to that of low-grade concrete, but is also of extremely low permeability. The lodgmont till can remain stable on steep natural slopes or man-make cuts for a long period, and can provide excellent foundation support with little or no settlement. LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 5 SOIL CONDITION Subsurface conditions of the site were explored with five test pits. The test pits were excavated on June 12, 2015, with a rubber-track backhoe to depths from 8.0 to 10.0 feet. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on Plate 2 -Site and Exploration Location Plan. The test pits were located with either a tape measure or by visual reference to existing topographic features in the field and on the topographic survey map, and their locations should be considered only as accurate to the measuring method used. A geotechnical engineer from our office was present during subsurface exploration, examined the soil and geologic conditions encountered, and completed Jogs of test pits. Soil samples obtained from each soil unit in the test pits were visually classified in general accordance with United Soil Classification System, a copy of which is presented on Plate 3. Detailed descriptions of soil layers encountered during by test pits are presented in test pit logs on Plates 4 through 6. The test pits encountered a layer of loose, organic topsoil, about 10 to 18 inches thick, mantling the site. Underlying the topsoil is a layer of ablation till of brown to yellowish- brown to rusty-brown, medium-dense, silty fine sand with trace to some gravel, from 1.8 to 2.5 feet thick. This ablation till layer is underlain to the depths explored by a lodgmont till deposit of light-gray, very-dense, cemented, gravelly, silty, fine sand with occasional cobble. GROUNDWATER CONDITION CW 1 J tlll!iDIIU1$M'l~~~ensi$e. The very- dense, cemented, lodgmont till deposit underlying the site at shallow depth is of LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 6 ~~ and would perch storrnwater infiltrating into the more permeable surficial soils. The amount of and the depth to this near-surface perched groundwater would fluctuate seasonally, depending on precipitation, surface runoff, ground vegetation cover, site utilization, and other factors. The perched groundwater may dry up completely during the dryer summer and early fall seasons and accumulate and rise in the wet winter and early spring seasons. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS AND MITIGATION Landslide Hazard The site is gently to moderately sloped and is underlain at shallow depth by a very-dense lodgmont till deposit. This deposit is of very-high shear strength and ts .. highly resi.stant a~~.slopei/!ilures. Therefore, the potential for deep-seated slides to occur on the site should be nil. Erosion Hazard The surficial topsoil and ablation till soil are more susceptible to erosion, while the underlying very-dense lodgmont till d-iilll~wion. The site is mostly gently to moderately sloped and the erosion hazaail:Kefthe.site·1slfouitd·beminimal ifr e~osed.unpavedi,grgw.:u:his,c.ol,!e~4,with•vegetation. Erosion hazard of the site may be further mitigated by protect and maintain vegetation cover outside of construction areas. Areas devoid of vegetation by construction activities should be re-seeded and re- vegetated as soon as possible. Concentrated storrnwater should not be discharged uncontrolled onto the ground within the project site or adjacent properties. Storrnwater over impervious surfaces, such as roofs and paved driveways, should be captured by underground drain line systems connected to roof downspouts and by catch basins LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page? installed in paved driveways. ~-~~~~~i~~!~,.~~"·"' ti1!1ktlined,, to ,.disch1ft,ge · into · a stbrrtf' sewei''syst~ble;;gtQ!'i'nWater.'l disposal, facilities. Ii Seismic Hazard The Puget Sound region is in an active seismic zone. The site is underlain at shallow depth by a very-dense cemented lodgmont till deposit of very-high shear strength. Therefore, the potential for seismic hazards, such as landslides, liquefaction, lateral soil spreading, to occur on the site should be minimal if the erosion mitigation, drainage control, and site stabilization measures recommended in this report are fully implemented. The proposed townhome buildings, however, should be designed for seismic forces induced by strong earthquakes. Based on the soil conditions encountered by the test pits, it is our opinion that Seismic Use Group I and Site Class C should be used in the seismic design of the proposed buildings in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code (IBC). DISCUSSION AND RECOMMEND A TIO NS GENERAL Based on the soil conditions encountered by test pits excavated on the site, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed development from the geotechnical engineering viewpoint, provided that the recommendations in this report are fully implemented and observed during and following completion of construction. Conventional footing foundations constructed on or into the underlying very-dense lodgmont till soil may be used to support the proposed townhome buildings. Unsuitable LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 8 surficial topsoil and ablation till soil should be stripped within footprint of paved driveways and areas of structural fill. The surficial topsoil and weathered soil of the site contain a high percentage of fines and can be easily disturbed when saturated. To minimize weather-related complications, grading and foundation construction work should proceed and be completed during the dryer period from April I" to October 31st, if possible. If construction has to extend beyond the dry seasons, erosion protection and drainage control measures recommended in this report should be implemented during winter construction. TEMPORARY DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The surficial weak soils of the site are sensitive to moisture and can be easily disturbed by construction traffic. A layer of clean, 2-to-4-inch quarry spalls should be placed over areas of frequent traffic, such as the entrance to and exit from the site, as required, to protect subgrade soils from disturbance by construction traffic. A silt fence should be installed along the downhill sides of construction areas to minimize transport of sediment by storm runoff onto neighboring properties or streets. The bottom of the filter cloth of the silt fences should be anchored in a trench filled with onsite soil. Intercepting ditches or trench drains should be installed around the construction areas, as required, to intercept and drain away storm runoff and near-surface groundwater seepage. Water captured by such ditches or interceptor trench drains may be discharged into a nearby storm inlet. The storm inlet should be lined with a non-woven filter fabric sock to LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 9 -------.--------- keep sediment from entering the storm sewer. The sock should be cleaned periodically to keep it from clogging, and should be removed when construction is completed. Spoil soils should be hauled off of the site as soon as possible. Spoil soils and imported structural fill material to be stored onsite should be securely covered with plastic tarps, as required, for protection against erosion. SITE PREPARATION AND GENERAL GRADING Vegetation within construction limits should be cleared and grubbed. Loose topsoil and weak weathered soil should be completely stripped down to dense to very-dense glacial till soil within building pads of the residences; while topsoil and unsuitable soil in root zone should be stripped down to the medium-dense weathered soils and/or dense to very- dense glacial till soils within paved driveways. The exposed soils should be compacted to a non-yielding state with a mechanical compactor and proof-rolled with a piece of heavy earthwork equipment. EXCAVATION AND FILL SLOPES Under no circumstance should excavation slopes be steeper than the limits specified by - local, state and federal safety regulations if workers have to perform construction work in or near excavated areas. Unsupported temporary cuts greater than 4 feet in height should be no steeper than lH:lV in topsoil and weathered soil, and may be vertical in the underlying dense to very-dense glacial till and advance outwash soils if the overall depth of cut does not exceed 15 feet. Permanent cut banks should be no steeper than 2-1 /4H: 1 V in topsoil and weathered soil, and no steeper than l-l/2H:1V in the underlying dense to LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20. 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 10 very-dense glacial till and advance outwash soils. The soil units and the stability of cut slopes should be observed and verified by a geotechnical engineer during excavation. Permanent fill embankments required to support structural or traffic load should be constructed with compacted structural fill placed over undisturbed. proof-rolled, firm, native, glacial till soil after the surficial unsuitable soils are completely stripped. The slope of permanent fill embankments should be no steeper than 2-l/4H:1V. Upon completion, the sloping face of permanent fill embankments should be thoroughly compacted to a non-yielding state with a hoe-pack. The above recommended cut and fill slopes are under the assumption that groundwater seepage would not be encountered during construction. If groundwater is encountered, grading work should be immediately halted and slope stability re-evaluated. The slopes may have to be flattened and other measures taken to stabilize the slopes. Stormwater should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over cut and fill slopes. Permanent cut slopes or fill embankments should be seeded and vegetated as soon as possible for erosion protection and long-term stability, and should be covered with clear plastic sheets, as required, to protect them from erosion until the vegetation is fully established. STRUCTURAL FILL Structural fill is the fill that supports structural or traffic load. Structural fill for grading work should consist of clean granular soils free of organic, debris and other deleterious substances and with particles not larger than three inches. Structural fill should have a moisture content within one percent of its optimum moisture content at the time of placement. The optimum moisture content is the water content in the soils that enable the LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 11 soils to be compacted to the highest dry density for a given compaction effort. Onsite clean soils meeting the above requirements may be used as structural fill. Imported material to be used as structural fill should be clean, free-draining, granular soils containing no more than 5 percent by weight finer than the No. 200 sieve based on the fraction of the material passing No. 4 sieve, and should have individual particles not larger than three inches. The ground over which structural fill is to be placed should be prepared in accordance with recommendations in the SITE PREPARATION AND GENERAL GRADING and EXCAVATION AND FILL SLOPES sections of this report. Structural fill should be placed in lifts no more than 10 inches thick in its loose state, with each lift compacted to a minimum percentage of the maximum dry density determined by ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor Method) as follows: Application % of Maximum Dry Density Within building pads and under foundations 95% Roadway/driveway subgrade 95% for top 3 feet and 90% below Retaining/foundation wall backfill 92% Utility trench backfill 95% for top 4 feet and 90% below In-situ density of structural fill should be tested with a nuclear densometer by a testing agency specialized in fill placement and construction work. Testing frequency should be one test per every 250 square feet per lift. LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 12 BUILDING FOUNDATIONS Conventional footing foundations may be used to support the proposed townhome buildings. The footing foundations should be constructed on or into the underlying, very- dense lodgmont till soil, or on structural fill placed over this undisturbed competent till basal deposit. Water should not be allowed to accumulate in excavated footing trenches. Disturbed soils in footing trenches should be completely removed down to native, undisturbed, lodgmont till soil prior to pouring concrete for the footings. If the above recommendations are followed, our recommended design criteria for footing foundations are as follows: • The allowable soil bearing pressure for design of footing foundations, including dead and live loads, should be no greater than 3,000 psf if constructed on or into very-dense lodgmont till soil, and no greater than 2,500 psf if constructed on structural fill placed over the till basal soil. The footing bearing soils should be verified by a geotechnical engineer after the footing trenches are excavated and before the footings poured. • The minimum depth to bottom of perimeter footings below adjacent final exterior grade should be no less than 18 inches. The minimum depth to bottom of the interior footings below top of floor slab should be no less than 12 inches. • The minimum width should be no Jess than 16 inches for continuous footings, and no less than 24 inches for individual footings, except those footings supporting light-weight decks or porches. LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 13 A one-third increase in the above recommended allowable soil bearing pressure may be used when considering short-term, transitory, wind or seismic loads. For footing foundations designed and constructed per recommendations above, we estimate that the maximum total post-construction settlement of the buildings should be 1/2 inch or less and the differential settlement across building width should be 3/8 inch or less. Lateral loads on the proposed buildings may be resisted by the friction force between the foundations and the subgrade soils or the passive earth pressure acting on the below-grade portion of the foundations. For the latter, the foundations must be poured "neat" against undisturbed soils or backfilled with a clean, free-draining, compacted structural fill. We recommend that an equivalent fluid density (EFD) of 300 pcf (pounds per cubic foot) for the passive earth pressure be used for lateral resistance. The above passive pressure assumes that the backfill is level or inclines upward away from the foundations for a horizontal distance at least twice the depth of the foundations below the final grade. A coefficient of friction of 0.55 between the foundations and the subgrade soils may be used. The above soil parameters are unfactored values, and a proper factor of safety should be used in calculating the resisting forces against lateral loads on the buildings. SLAB-ON-GRADE FLOORS Slab-on-grade floors, if used for the proposed residential buildings, should be placed on firm subgrade soil prepared as outlined in the SITE PREPARATION AND GENERAL EARTIIWORK and the STRUCTIJRAL FILL sections of this report. Where moisture control is critical, the slab-on-grade floors should be placed on a capillary break which is in tum placed on the compacted subgrade. The capillary break should consist of a minimum four-inch-thick layer of clean, free-draining, 7/8-inch crushed rock, containing LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 14 no more than 5 percent by weight passing the No. 4 sieve. A vapor barrier, such as a 6- mil plastic membrane, may be placed over the capillary break, as required, to keep moisture from migrating upwards. PAVED DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREAS Performance of driveway and parking area pavement is critically related to the conditions of the underlying subgrade soils. We recommend that the subgrade soils under the driveways be treated and prepared as described in the SITE PREPARATION AND GENERAL EARTHWORK section of this report. Prior to placing base material, the subgrade soils should be compacted to a non-yielding state with a vibratory roller compactor and proof-rolled with a piece of heavy construction equipment, such as a fully- loaded dump truck. Any areas with excessive flexing or pumping should be over- excavated and re-compacted or replaced with a structural fill or crushed rock placed and compacted in accordance with the recommendations provided in the STRUCTURAL FILL section of this report. We recommend that a layer of compacted, 7/8-inch crushed rock base (CRB), be placed for the roadway/driveways. This crushed rock base should be at least 6 inches for the joint-use driveway and at least 4 inches for private individual driveways. This crushed rock base should be overlain with a 3-inch asphalt treated base (ATB) topped by a 2-inch-thick Class B asphalt concrete (AC) surficial course. DRAINAGE CONTROL Building Footprint Excavation Footprint excavation for proposed townhome buildings, if encountering groundwater seepage, should have bottom of excavation sloped slightly and ditches excavated along bases of the cut banks to direct collected groundwater into sump pits from which water LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. Jun~ io, 2Q l ~ T{)WIUlQme Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Pa~U ---~----------- ~be.pumped qut.. AJare( .Q(.'.?cll}Ch ~hed rock should beplared over footing bearin1s !1:ttbgp1de :soils, aS reqµired,;td pr9tect the soils'fromdisturbance' by constructibn traffi~. This crushed rock base sh?uld De. built to a few inches above groundwater level, but not less than 6 inches thick. The crush rock base should be compacted in 12-inch lifts to a lf<Xl\Yieldjn:g ·state with a .vibratory mech~cal compactor. Runoff over Imp_ervfous Surfaces Storm runoff over impervious surfaces, Such as roofs ·and paved driveways, should· be 9ollected by underground drain line systems COI)llected to do~pout~ and by catch basins m.Stalled in paved driveways. Stormwater thus collected should be tightlined to discharge into a storm se~er or suitable sto~water disposal facilities. Building Footing Drains A subdrain should be installed; around the perimeter footings of each townhome building. The subdrains should consist of a 4-inch-minimum-diameter, perforated, rigid, drain pipe, laid a few inches below bottom ·of the perimeter footings ·of the buildings. The trenches illld the drain lines should_.have a sufficient gradient (0.5% minimum) t~ generate flow by gravity. The drain lines should be wrapped in a non-woven filter fabric sock and completely enclosed in clean washed gravel. The remaining trenches may be backfilled with clean onsite soils. Water collected by the perimeter footing subdrain systems should be tightlined, separately from the roof and surface stormwater drain lines, to discharge into a storm sewer or suitable stormwater disposal facilities. LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 16 Surface Drainage Water should not be allowed to stand in any areas where footings, on-grade slabs, or pavement is to be constructed. Finish ground surface should be graded to direct surface runoff away from the townhome buildings. We recommend the finish ground be sloped at a gradient of 3 percent minimum for a distance of at least IO feet away from the buildings, except in the areas to be paved. Cleanouts Sufficient number of cleanouts at strategic locations should be provided for underground drain lines. The underground drain lines should be cleaned and maintained periodically to prevent clogging. Detention Facility The project site is underlain at shallow depth by a very-dense cemented lodgrnont till deposit of extremely low permeability. Therefore, onsite stormwater disposal by infiltration will not work well. A buried concrete detention vault or corrugated metal detention pipe may be used to detain stormwater collected over impervious surfaces within the project site. A detention pipe is normally more economical and is recommended. Detention pipe trench should be excavated down to undisturbed very-dense lodgrnont till soil. Standing water and loose disturbed soils in the trench, if any, should be thoroughly removed. The lodgmont till should then be covered with a 4-to-6-inch layer of compacted 5/8-inch crushed rock base on which the detention pipe is to be founded. An allowable soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf may be sued for the design of the detention pipe. The LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 17 trench along the sides and over the top of the detention pipe should also be backfilled with 5/8-inch crushed rock. The crushed rock fill should be placed in loose lifts no more than 10 inches thick, with each lift thoroughly compacted to a non-yielding state with a vibratory mechanical compactor. It is critical to have the crushed rock fill around the pipe compacted to a non-yielding state to support the pipe and keep it from structural damage due to deflection. RISK EVALUATION STATEMENT The subject site is underlain at shallow depth by very-dense lodgmont till deposit ofvery- high shear strength. Therefore, the site should be quite stable. It is our opinion that if the recommendations in this report are fully implemented and observed during and following completion of construction, the areas disturbed by construction will be stabilized and will remain stable, and will not increase potential for soil movement. In our opinion, the risk for damage to the proposed development and from the development to adjacent properties due to soil instability should be minimal. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the specific application to this project for the exclusive use by Mr. Kevin Su, and his associates, representatives, consultants and contractors. We recommend that this report, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the prospective contractors for their estimating and bidding purposes and for compliance with the recommendations in this report during construction. The conclusions and interpretations in this report, however, should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions of the site. The scope of this investigation does not LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 18 include services related to construction safety precautions and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in this report for design considerations. All geotechnical construction work should be monitored by a geotechnical engineer during construction. Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the geologic and soil conditions encountered in the test pits, and our experience and engineering judgment. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. The actual subsurface conditions of the site may vary from those encountered by the test pits excavated on the site. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction starts. If variations appear then, we should be retained to re- evaluate the recommendations of this report, and to verify or modify them in writing prior to proceeding further with the construction of the proposed development of the site. CLOSURE We are pleased to be of service to you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this report or need further consultation. LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. June 20, 2015 Townhome Buildings L&A Job No. 15-062 Page 19 Six plates attached Yours very truly, u:z: J. S. (Julian) Liu, Ph.D., P.E. Consulting Geotechnical Engineer LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. LIU & ASSOCIATES. INC. VICINITY MAP SU TOWNHOMES 16826 -108TH AVENUE SE Geotechnical Engineering· Engineering_Geology · Earth Sci,ence l----..,s;,;,-,-,,,---,R,,E~N~T;.O.:..c.N.;-,,__W~A;.,;;S;;H...:.;;IN.,:;;G;,T;.O;:..;,N;....,~~=-----1 JOB NO. 15-062 DATE 6/18/2015 PLATE _1_ tar, \, ti i .i 7 SITE AND EXPLORATION LOCATION PLAN LIU & ASSOCIATES. INC. SU TOWNHOMES 16826-108TH AVENUE SE Geotechnical Engineering · Engineering Geology :_Earth __ sc_-,nce 1--~J=o=s-N=o-. ~~=s~-~-J-O_N-''-~-:~TS~E H-~-~-~-,!-~- 1 ~~~P-LA-T~E~--- 2 =-_. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAVEL CLEAN COARSE-MORE THAN 50% OF GRAVEL GRAINED COARSE FRACTION GRAVEL WITH SOILS RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE FINES SAND CLEAN MORE THAN 50% MORE THAN 50% OF SAND RETAINED ON THE COARSE FRACTION SAND WITH NO. 200 SIEVE PASSING NO. 4 SIEVE FINES FINE-SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC GRAINED LIQUID LIMIT SOILS LESS THAN 50% ORGANIC MORE THAN 50% SILTY AND CLAY INORGANIC PASSING ON THE LIQUID LIMIT NO. 200 SIEVE 50% OR MORE ORGANIC HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS 1. FIELD CLASSIFICATION IS BASED ON VISUAL EXAMINATION OF SOIL IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2488-83. 2. SOIL CLASSIFICATION USING LABORATORY TESTS IS BASED ON ASTM D2487-63. 3. DESCRIPTIONS OF SOIL DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY ARE BASED ON INTERPRETATION OF BLOW-COUNT DATA, VISUAL APPEARANCE OF SOILS, AND/OR TEST DATA. LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. - Geotec~~ical Engineeri.ng ·-··-Engineering Geology _-___ E_a_rt_h _scie_· _n_ce_ GROUP GROUP NAME SYMBOL GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GM SILTY GRAVEL GC CLAYEY GRAVEL SW WELL-GRADED SAND, FINE TO COARSE SAND SP POORLY-GRADED SAND SM SILTY SAND SC CLAYEY SAND ML SILT CL CLAY OL ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY OH ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC SILT PT PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS: DRY -ABSENCE OF MOISTURE, DUSTY, DRY TO THE TOUCH SLIGHTLY MOIST -TRACE MOISTURE, NOT DUSTY MOIST-DAMP, BUT NO VISIBLE WATER VERY MOIST -VERY DAMP, MOISTURE FELT TO THE TOUCH WET -VISIBLE FREE WATER OR SATURATED, USUALLY SOIL IS OBTAINED FROM BELOW WATER TABLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM - PLATE 3 I I TEST PIT NO. 1 Logged By: JSL Date: 6/1212015 Ground El. ± Depth uses Sample w Other ft. CLASS. Soil Descriotion No. % Test -OL Dark-brown, loose, organic, silty fine SAND, slightly moist 1 ~-CTOP~O!U_ __________________________ --------SM Brown, rn<>dium-dense, silty fine SAND, some gravel, dry 2 - -3 - 4 --~1,i;:,-Light-gray, very-dense, gravelly, silty, fine SAND, occasional ·---cobble, cemented, slight moist (VASHON TILL) 5 --6 --7 --a - -9 --10 -11 Test cit terminated at 10.0 ft; aroundwater seecaae not encountered. TEST PIT NO. 2 Logged By: JSL Date: 611212015 Ground El. ± Depth uses Sample w Other ft. CLASS. Soil Descriotion No. % Test OL -Dark-brown, loose, organic, silty fine SAND, slightly moist 1 -----~ _([OPSOIL) ___ ----____________________ --SM Brown, medium-dense, silty fine SAND, some gravel, dry 2 to wet --3_ ·--------------------------------------- 4 -SM Light-gray, very-dense, gravelly, silty, fine SAND, occasional --- cobble, cemented, slight moist (VASHON TILL) -5 - -6 - -7 - -a - - 9_ -10 -Test pit terminated at 9.5.0 ft; groundwater not encountered. -11 TEST PIT LOGS LIU & ASSOCIATES. INC. SU TOWNHOMES 16826-108TH AVENUE SE --Geotechnical Engin~ring _-Engin~~~~-~eo~~~Y · Earth Science RENTON WASHINGTON --JOB NO. 10-UOL DATE o/1.;>ILU '" PLATE 4 TEST PIT NO. 3 I Logged By: JSL Date: 6/12/215 Ground El. ± Depth uses Sample w Other ft Cl.ASS. Soil Descriotion No. % Test OL -Dark-brown, loose, organic, silty fine SAND, slightly moist 1 ~----------lIOf'$0~~-------------------------- SM Brown, medium-dense, silty fine SAND, trace to some gravel, dry 2 -- -3 -----------------------------------------4 -SM Light-gray, very-dense, gravelly, silty, fine SAND, occasional -cobble, cemented, slightly moist (VASHON TILL) 5 - -6_ -7 --8 9 --= Test pit terminated at 8.0 ft; groundwater not encountered. -10 TEST PIT NO. 4 Logged By: JSL Date: 6/12/2015 Ground El. ± Depth uses Sample w Other ft. Cl.ASS. Soil Descriotion No. % Test OL -Dark-brown, loose, organic, silty fine SAND, slightly moist 1 (TOPSOIL) ------~------------------------------------2 -SM Yellowish-brown, medium-dense, silty fine SAND,. trace gravel, dry - 3 ---s;;;;-,-Light-gray, very-dense, gravelly, silty, fine SAND, occasional - 4 -cobble, cemented, slightly moist (VASHON TILL) -5 --6 --1_ -8 -9 Test pit terminated at 8.0 ft; groundwater not encountered. --10 TEST PIT LOGS LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. SU TOWNHOMES 16826 -108TH AVENUE SE ------------------ Geotechnical Engineering · Engineering Geology · Earth Science RENTON, WASHINGTON .. ----------------- JOB NO. 15-062 DATE 5/13/2015 Pl.ATE 5 TEST PIT NO. 5 Logged By: JSL Date: 6/121215 Ground El. ± Depth uses Sample w Other ft. CLASS. Soil Description No. % Test -OL Dark-brown, loose, organic, silty fine SAND, slightly moist 1 (TOPSOIL) - ------~----------------------------------2 -SM Rusty-brown, medium-dense, silty fine SAND, trace gravel, slightly moist 3 ...::: -·------Light-gray, very-dense, gravelly, silty, fine SAND, occasional 4 SM -cobble, cemented, slightly moist (VASHON TILL) -5 --6 - -7 --8 - 9 Test pit terminated at 8.0 ft; groundwater not encountered. --10 TEST PIT NO. Logged By: Date: Ground El. ± Depth uses Sample w other ft. CLASS. Soil Description No. % Test -1 - -2 - -3 - -• -- -5 - -6_ -7 --8 --9 - -10 TEST PIT LOGS LIU & ASSOCIATES, INC. SU TOWNHOMES 16826 -108TH AVENUE SE -·· ·--·------~--- Geotechnical Engineering · Engineering Geology · Earth Science RENTON, WASHINGTON ·---~---- JOB NO. 15-062 DATE 5/13/2015 PLATE 6 APPENDIXB Drainage Plans 32 FIElO 6001<: --------I SURVEYED·-------~ SUMY BASE YAP-----~ DESIGN [NT[RED: ______ _ DESIGNED -------~ CHECKED. _______ ----" FLOW A ELEV, .11125.0 ~ r-----------i ----------------------------------------, I I : I I ,-,~---FLOW ! I I I I WET/DRY VAULT 38' X [g' ! __________________________________________________ _ PLAN VIEW NTS N'JT T0 S(Alf ~ A ~ '.W/S'f'/1.,'f'J;. GROUND '1.X~'lf///1;. Y,Xif1»i1, frf>.'!fl/fiJ/'i: ?AV/!i'l//l, ~ ELEV. 425,0 ELEV =.o!3~ w.a. DESJGN SURFACE ELEV 431.5'- 12" 6' VAULT# 2 El.ID!. RESTRICT OR 6' SEDIMENT p SECTION A -A H-20 WA'1'ER 'DETENTION VAULT M ---------""''-"""'"'"-l'ORREF~ I NOTES CONCRETE 28 DAYS COMPRESSIVE STREl'fGTH li;:w4:,00 pSi REBAR: ASlM A-615 GRADE 60 MESH: ASTM A-185 GRADE 65 DESIGN:ACl-316-02 BUILDING CODE ASTIII c.8S7 "'MIINMUM STRUCTVRE DESIGN LOADING FOR UNDERGROUND PRECAST CONCRETE UTILITY STRUCTURE$." LOADS:H-20 TRUCK WHEEEL Wl30'll:, IMPACT PER AASHTO ALL METAL PARTS MUST 8E CORROSION RESISTANT. STEEL PARTS MUST BBE GALVANIZED ANO ASPHALT COATED (TREAlMENT IOR B:TTER) PROVIDE WATER STOP AT ALL CAST~N.PLACE COHSTRUCTION JOINTS. PRECAST VAULTS SHALL HA.VE APPROVED RUBBER GMKET SYSTEM. CALL 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 (UNO[RGROUNO UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE APPROX.) SHEET OF SHEETS CONSTRUCTION ENTRANcr: ...l..; ~r: < ~ 3 Jp"' > ' REMOVED CONCRETE ~OVED T_!:!g SHED / . I '•Ls ~sl'~'SF---SF-• i --SF--SF ' -h, I r._,,, 7 \ ·---}LJ f i _ I ~ _ .. ~-__ _::· ~ DI --D, -~ SF-SF .,, -SF' ---. ,_ " -- ; ·-·~ -. t-==-:=_JSF-:--si'-s -sj;i, "''""-w . I I " SF-S I I ---SF-SF~-::-::--:_ - ' D .,.a F~QPF-• ----, -_,,_, --. __J • SF-SF-SF -"Jo', I, SF-SF-'s;--l--sa-~SF -~F L____J : I NB9°34'54"E sF-sFI SF---r-sF--SF-----.p~F--:..... SF-sF-sF ~ ~;6-s~ ~f' I I 3738' ff) -----,;'._;,6' 434 \ 0 I 432 ~ : I -,& 0 ill ~~ ~ ~ ', REMOVED THE SHED TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ------~ 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET SILT FENCE TEMPORARY DITCH -SF-SF-SF- EXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE TREE REMOVED (SEE TREE REMOVED PLAN FOR DETAILS) ........ ...,...___.._....._ SUPv[Y ONO[ MN ______ _ _.,., ;"/ ..-------.....::·: \ . ' ' ~·t._::1e,~1 1:.·i11:.f.i1:.c-J.W s.w s.w \> ____ // .. ~~.:..·' ,- =:J GROUND LINE 2' -O" SETTLING DEPTH 1-0' SEDIMENT STORAGE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE TESC PLAN 168 DEVELOPMENT 16828 108TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 CALL 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 ';.IILL 3 11 C-3.00 FIELD BOOK:------~ SUFM:YEO: _______ _ SURVEY BASE MAPc_· ------ DESIGN ENTERED: ______ ~ DESIGNED -------- CHECKED: _______ _ w [/) w > <{ r f-a:, 0 ·L===~0 s :: ~ INVERT ELEVATION=431.50' ' 0 :: E~ :1 @! f I ;~ L " I ' ; ~~ • ,,,-J=--d=· "' PEOPOAWS STORM SE'NER LINE -ST -ST - PROPOSED UNOERDRAIN PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING STORM SEWER LINE -uo-uo- 0 DETENTION VAULT FOR ROOFS 38'X19'X6 INVERT ELEVATION:431.50' [~"" ;;~<1 ~ ~ I : I Q : I : g drive way 2j50 I I . -1-----+--:::::-+I----I-== '+/"' -I ~---------=----·-------· 1-:....-----'----·--"~ DETENTION VA.ULT FOR ROADWAY 143'X B'Xl' I I ___________ ..J 20 40 SCALE IN FEET I :;i g:,i ,.;J ,~ ~~ ~ I~ !!lw IF1N1$ GF\ADE it H--1-kL_I\ IU::~ '"II I \ Fr T i11ii I +-4-A=U : . . . 1 1 1 , ~t1ULT ,oo "' 11 ,, ,, ~,I 1111:::ili. ... ff I I '" "" 280 DRAINAGE PROFII£: ' 1 ,lj~ -1,, lo=i ~ 1$ I I t-- FRAME Gke,TE ~ l~Jr ~20 SCALE IN FEET AXB' \ =i i ~ ~ CALL 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1 -800-424-5555 --------------'-("-"-"-",o_o,_o_m_1uTY LOCATIONS AR[ APPROX.) GRADING ELEVATIONS AND PLAN 168 DEVELOPMENT 16828 108TH AVE SE RENTON, WA g3055 SHEET OF SHEETS BOTTOM ELEV, -12-1,I I ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 I FLOWJI!, --\I OUTLET PIPE 1 A ! ! WET/ORY VAULT 143' X 8' A j ·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· V BOTTOM ELEV, -12-4,0 F'RAMES, GRATES ELl1l! RESTRICTOR 9 ELEV .424.70 PLAN VIEW NTS --£LEV -127,70 SURFACE I .D.DESIGN M ' 2· p.s• DEAD STORAGE s• SEDIMENT FRAMES, GRATES .,fii:j[.~)~~':'t: 7iifili;!J!:, 12" VAULT# GRADATION PLAN BOTTOM ELEV. -12-1. 7 BOTTOM£ ELEV, -12.11,6 NOTES CONCRETE 28 DAYS COMPRESStVE STRENGTH Jr::-4500 psi RE6AR: ASTM A-(;15 GRADE 60 MESH:ASTM A-1BS GRADE 6S DESIGN:ACl-318-02 BUILDING CODE ASTM C-8S7 "MIINMUM STRUCTURE DESIGN LOADING FOR UNDERGROUND PRECAST CONCRETE UTILITY STRUCTURES." LOAOS:1-1-20 TRUCK WHEEEL W/30% IMPACT PER AASHTO ALL METAL PARTS MUST BE CORROSION RESISTNIT.STEEL PARTS MUST BBE GALVANIZEO AND ASPHALT COATED {lll;EATMENT I OR BETTER! PROVIDE WATER STOP AT ALL CAST-IN-PLACE CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. PRECAST VAULTS SHALL HAVE APPROVED RUBBER GASKET SYSTEM LEV =~2q.z0 ELEV, .424,70 CALL 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 SHEET 5 OF 5 SHEETS C-5.00 APPENDIXC Stormwater Modeling Report (MGSFlood Program Input and Output) 33 Program Version: MGSFlood 4.28 Program License Number: 2002100 Run Date: 07/29/2015 10:28 AM MGS FLOOD PROJECT REPORT Input File Name: Project Name: SR 515 108th Ave SE -1.fld SR 515108th Ave SE -1 Analysis Title: Comments: This detention provide detention for the Roof runoff -----------PRECIPITATION INPUT----------- Computational Time Step (Minutes): 60 Extended Precipitation Timeseries Selected Climatic Region Number: 13 Full Period of Record Available used for Routing Precipitation Station: 96004005 Puget East 40 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097 Evaporation Station : 961040 Puget East 40 in MAP Evaporation Scale Factor : 0.750 HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1 HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default ********** Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) *************** ***************"'****** WATERSHED DEFINITION *********************** -···········-········SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------· Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------- -------Area(Acres) -------- Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest Outwash Pasture Outwash Grass Wetland Green Roof User 2 Impervious 0.196 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subbasin Total 0.196 ···-··-·-·------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------Subbasin : Subbasin 1 -------- -----Area(Acres) ----- Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest Outwash Pasture Outwash Grass Wetland l,rP.P.n Rnnf 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 User2 Impervious Subbasin Total 0.000 0.196 0.196 ************************* LINK DATA******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ************************* LINK DAT A ******************************* ---------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 Link Name: Vault 1 Link Type: Structure Downstream Link: None Prismatic Pond Option Used Pond Floor Elevation (ft) Riser Crest Elevation (ft) Max Pond Elevation (ft) Storage Depth (ft) Pond Bottom Length (ft) 100.00 106.50 6.00 38.0 19.0 Pond Bottom Width (ft) Pond Side Slopes (ft/ft) Bottom Area (sq-ft) Area at Riser Crest El (sq-ft) : L 1= 0.00 722. 722. 0.017 4,332. 0.099 (acres) Volume at Riser Crest (cu-ft) (ac-ft) Area at Max Elevation (sq-ft) (acres) : Vol at Max Elevation (cu-ft) (ac-ft) : Massmann Infiltration Option Used 722. 0.017 4,765. 0.109 Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) 0.00 106.00 L2= 0.00 W1= 0.00 W2= 0.00 Depth to Water Table (ft) Bio-Fouling Potential Maintenance : 100.00 Riser Geometry Riser Structure Type Riser Diameter (in) Common Length (ft) Riser Crest Elevation : Low : Average or Better : Circular : 18.00 : 0.000 : 106.00 ft Hydraulic Structure Geometry Number of Devices: 2 --Device Number Device Type Control Elevation (ft) Diameter (in) Orientation Elbow 1 --- Circular Orifice 100.00 0.20 : Horizontal : No ---Device Number 2 - Device Type : Vertical Rectangular Orifice Control Elevation (ft) : 103.65 Length (in) Height (in) Orientation Elbow : 0.01 : 28.30 Vertical :No **********************FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS******************* --------·--·····------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPEO Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: O ---·-·-------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 1 ********** Subbasin: Subbasin 1 ********** Flood Frequency Oata(cfs) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) Flood Peak (cfs) 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 200-Year 5.456E-02 7.008E-02 7.817E-02 9.138E-02 0.102 0.115 0.121 •••••••••• Link: Vault 1 Link Inflow Frequency Stats Flood Frequency Data(cfs) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) Flood Peak (cfs) 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 200-Year 5.456E-02 6.943E-02 7.817E-02 9.138E-02 0.102 0.115 0.121 .......... Link: Vault 1 •••••••••• Link WSEL Stats WSEL Frequency Data(ft) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) WSEL Peak (ft) 1.05-Year 1.11-Year 1.25-Year 2.00-Year 3.33-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 102.142 102.343 102.744 103.494 104.152 104.614 105.190 105.555 105.823 105.934 ***********Groundwater Recharge Summary************* RF>r.h;arne is comnuted as inout to Perlnd Groundwater Plus Infiltration in Structures Total Predeveloped Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) Subbasin: Subbasin 1 33.984 Total: 33.984 Total Post Developed Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) Subbasin: Subbasin 1 0.000 Link: Vault 1 0.000 Total: 0.000 Total Predevelopment Recharge is Greater than Post Developed Average Recharge Per Year, (Number of Years= 158) Predeveloped: 0.215 ac-ft/year, Post Developed: 0.000 ac-ft/year ***********Water Quality Facility Data************* -------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 -------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 ********** Link: Vault 1 Basic Wet Pond Volume (91% Exceedance): 857. cu-ft Computed Large Wet Pond Volume, 1.S*Basic Volume: 1286. cu-ft Infiltration/Filtration Statistics---------------- Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft): 86.56 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Percent Treated (lnfiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ***********Compliance Point Results ************* Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Subbasin 1 Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: Vault 1 *** Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data ... Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff Tr (Years) Discharge ( cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) 2-Year 4.161E-03 2-Year 1.995E-03 5-Year 7.102E-03 5-Year 4.391E-03 10-Year 8.838E-03 10-Year 6.664E-03 25-Year 1. 140E-02 25-Year 8.503E-03 50-Year 1.373E-02 50-Year 9.745E-03 100-Year 1.648E-02 100-Year 1.026E-02 200-Year 2.228E-02 200-Year 2.578E-02 •• Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals **** Flow Duration Performance **** Excursion at Predeveloped 50%02 (Must be Less Than 0%): Maximum Excursion from 50%02 to 02 (Must be Less Than 0%): Maximum Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 10%): Percent Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 50%): MEETS ALL FLOW DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: PASS -8.3% PASS -6.1% PASS 0.8% PASS 1.3% PASS J J II I -u, -u - Flow Duratiun Plot 0..0,. :f I 1 fl it.th I T 1 ti·lmf I i tl ltl/11 i 1-1 if:IIU. I f t:tlrfli t I 1 IHiff ·1 :i I ;fl dil om 1· Flow Control Performance -~~~~;-~·~'!.~~ I Iii• ExOUf'i.ion :50%02 to Q2: ~-1% PASS •• 040U& • • •• ..... • • • ....... • :[ I ·1· .~~~~.9-"1:_o,.~.~~ t •· .•. ·I 11111111 111111111 111111111 I %PosExcutsioo02toO..~: 1 . .3~PASS : ~ ·; t I ltl·l llil I ~ I:~: 11,1,11 1 1 1 1 •,11u 1 ·• 1 " 1 w., ii: I Iii ,, 11,, ii ~ om lL ii 11 ll lllr ii, i . m n. . .., HH 1111 lill Q5G -•-._. ,.n1.11--t,. 4-ol HI lllf--I +-11 HIHT --I -1-1-1-IMII. --1- 1! •• • • • •m•••""' • ,• • ! I ii /1-lJ~ltc- Mm ! ,0:• i~~,02 '-ItlUlt:: -.. : I . :.O%Q2 -"i tQ!,,,01 1 .Cl!-<l!i 1.0@,,(15 tO!-Oi 1.0Mll 1.Qe.Q2 , .0!-0, 1-0!+00 Exceeda.nce Probabltlty / Predeve toped / Postdevel oped fR-inht rlir:k ~ r ~r.h t.-. ~ nM Program Version: MGSFlood 4.28 Program License Number: 2002100 Run Date: 07/22/2015 12:51 PM MGS FLOOD PROJECT REPORT Input File Name: Project Name: Analysis Title: SR 515 108th Ave SE-2.fld "R 515 108th Ave SE· 2 Comments: -----------PRECIPITATION INPUT----------- Computational.Time Step (Minutes): 60 Extended Precipitation Timeseries Selected Climatic Region Number: 13 Full Period of Record Available used for Routing Precipitation Station: 96004005 Puget East 40 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097 Evaporation Station 961040 Puget East 40 in MAP Evaporation Scale Factor 0.750 HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1 HSPF Parameter Region Name USGS Default •••••••••• Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User)••••••••••••••• ********************** WATERSHED DEFINITION**'********************* ·····-······-·-····SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 -----····· Subbasin : Subbasin 2 -·-·-·- Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest Outwash Pasture Outwash Grass Wetland Green Roof User2 Impervious -----Area(Acres) ·····-· 0.475 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.079 Subbasin Total 0.554 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------Subbasin : Subbasin 2 ---------- Till Forest Till Pasture Till Grass Outwash Forest Outwash Pasture Outwash Grass Wetland Green Roof User2 Impervious Subbasin Total ------Area(Acres) ------ 0.000 0.000 0.304 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.554 ************************* LINK DAT A ******************************* -------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ************************* LINK DAT A *******,.,*********************** ------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 Link Name: Vault 2 Link Type: Structure Downstream Link: None Prismatic Pond Option Used Pond Floor Elevation (ft) Riser Crest Elevation (ft) Max Pond Elevation (ft) Storage Depth (ft) Pond Bottom Length (ft) Pond Bottom Width (ft) Pond Side Slopes (ft/ft) Bottom Area (sq-ft) Area at Riser Crest El (sq-ft) (acres) Volume at Riser Crest (cu-ft) (ac-ft) Area at Max Elevation (sq-ft) (acres) Vol at Max Elevation (cu-ft) (ac-ft) 100.00 103.50 3.00 142.0 8.0 : L1= 0.00 1136. 1,136. 0.026 3,408. 0.078 1136. 0.026 4,090. 0.094 103.00 L2= 0.00 W1 = 0.00 W2= 0.00 Massmann Infiltration Option Used Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) 0.00 Depth to Water Table (ft) : 100.00 Bio-Fouling Potential : Low Maintenance : Average or Better Riser Geometry Riser Structure Type Riser Diameter (in) Common Length (ft) Riser Crest Elevation Hydraulic Structure Geometry Number of Devices: 2 1--- · Circular : 18.00 : 0.000 : 103.00 ft ---Device Number Device Type Control Elevation (ft) Diameter (in) Orientation Circular Orifice 100.00 0.67 Elbow : Horizontal : No ---Device Number 2 --- Device Type : Vertical Rectangular Orifice Control Elevation (ft) 101.30 Length (in) 0.05 Height (in) 20.50 Orientation : Vertical Elbow : No ••••••••••••**********FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS**•••••••••******** ------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 0 ----------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of SLibbasins: 1 Number of Links: 1 ********** Subbasin: Subbasin 2 ********** Flood Frequency Data(cfs) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) Flood Peak (cfs) 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 8.620EC02 0.112 0.135 0.177 0.197 0.206 200-Year 0.253 •••••••••• Link: Vault 2 Frequency Stats Flood Frequency Data(cfs) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) Flood Peak (cfs) 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 200-Year 8.620E-02 0.112 0.135 0.177 0.197 0.206 0.253 ********** Link: Vault 2 WSEL Frequency Data(ft) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) WSEL Peak (ft) 1.05-Year 1.11-Year 1.25-Year 2.00-Year 3.33-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 100.717 100.845 100.970 101.335 101.608 101.858 102.213 102.612 102.862 102.918 ***********Groundwater Recharge Summary ************* Recharge is computed as input to Perlnd Groundwater Plus Infiltration in Siructures Total Predeveloped Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) Subbasin: Subbasin 2 82.359 Total: 82.359 Total Post Developed Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) Subbasin: Subbasin 2 Link: Vault 2 Total: 37.368 0.000 37.368 Link Inflow Link WSEL Stats Total Predevelopment Recharge is Greater than Post Developed Average Recharge Per Year, (Number of Years= 158) Predeveloped: 0.521 ac-ft/year, Post Developed: 0.237 ac-ft/year ***********Water Quality Facility Data************* -------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 ********** Link: Vault 2 Basic Wet Pond Volume (91% Exceedance): 1468. cu-ft Computed Large Wet Pond Volume, 1.5*Basic Volume: 2203. cu-ft Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------- Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft): 171.19 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Percent Treated (lnfiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ***********Compliance Point Results************* Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Subbasin 2 Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: Vault 2 ••• Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data·- Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) 2-Year 2.708E-02 2-Year 1.371 E-02 5-Year 3.888E-02 5-Year 2.110E-02 10-Year 4.690E-02 10-Year 2.806E-02 25-Year 5.849E-02 25-Year 4.030E-02 50-Year 6.486E-02 50-Year 4.331 E-02 100-Year 7.669E-02 100-Year 4.481E-02 200-Year 9.965E-02 200-Year 7.101E-02 •• Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals •••• Flow Duration Performance •••• Excursion at Predeveloped 50%02 (Must be Less Than 0%): -5.8% PASS Maximum Excursion from 50%02 to 02 (Must be Less Than 0%): -5.1% PASS Maximum Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 10%): -3.6% PASS Percent Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 50%): 0.0% PASS MEETS ALL FLOW DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: PASS -en "-0 ......... _.ii ~ ..2 LL 0.1S o.,o - 0.05 - ...... O..O'J 1.0i-(17 Flow Duratit .1 Plot '' ·-' ·, ,.,,,, .. ' '' ,,.,-... ' ' . Flow Control Performance ,, .~~~~~~t~~~:.-~·rf~.~~ I ' Excur$ion 50%02 to 02: -5.1~ PASS :~~~~;o~ ~~~~~:: +~:~~:~~ 111 ., % Pos Excurs;on 02 ~o C-50: O.Q6k PASS l ,] : i ' :~ ·I I i L -~ I .. -----' --,.. . .. ----o~.c I ' .. ~""' ,-. I I I. i ~ ,, ~ ' ----->-. Iii~ • t------.-02 . ~ -·---.. -. .. ~ ... --r-r-1• . r, •• 1-r, ;,O%Q2 ~ .: ' -r, II BIii;:: • 1.0iKJ!;i 1 ClrOS 1.0HI£ 1,0HlJ 1 Cle-02 1 Qi--01 1 Oi'+OO Exceedance Probability / Predevetoped / Postdeveloped 11Riohl: Click Graoh to Ed~l APPENDIXD Declaration of Covenant for Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs 34