HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED_Talbot Hills Ballfields_TIR_240709 Civil Engineers ● Structural Engineers ● Landscape Architects ● Community Planners ● Land Surveyors ● Neighbors Technical Information Report PREPARED FOR: Renton School District Andrew Hollenback 300 SW 7th St Renton, WA 98057 PROJECT: Talbot Hill Elementary School 2300 Talbot Rd S Renton, WA 98055 2230870.10 PREPARED BY: James Daley Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: David Nason, PE Principal DATE: April 2024 Revised July 2024 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SAMorman 08/02/2024 Surface Water Enginering JFarah 08/15/2024 Technical Information Report PREPARED FOR: Renton School District Andrew Hollenback 7812 S 124th St Renton, WA 98178 PROJECT: Talbot Hill Elementary School 2300 Talbot Rd S Renton, WA 98055 2230870.10 PREPARED BY: James Daley Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: David Nason, PE Principal DATE: April 2024 Revised July 2024 I hereby state that this Technical Information Report for the Providence Renton Campus project has been prepared by me or under my supervision, and meets the standard of care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers. I understand that City of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities prepared by me. 07/09/2024 0 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Existing Conditions.............................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Post-Development Conditions ............................................................................................ 1 1.4 Drainage Basins .................................................................................................................. 1 1.5 Sensitive Areas ................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary .................................................................................... 2 2.1 CR 1 – Discharge at the Natural Location .......................................................................... 2 2.2 CR 2 – Off-Site Analysis ..................................................................................................... 2 2.3 CR 3 – Flow Control ............................................................................................................ 2 2.4 CR 4 – Conveyance System ............................................................................................... 3 2.5 CR 5 – Erosion and Sediment Control ................................................................................ 3 2.6 CR 6 – Maintenance and Operations.................................................................................. 3 2.7 CR 7 – Financial Guarantees and Liability ......................................................................... 3 2.8 CR 8 – Water Quality .......................................................................................................... 3 2.9 CR 9 – On-Site BMPs ......................................................................................................... 3 2.10 SR 1 – Other Adopted Requirements ................................................................................. 4 2.11 SR 2 – Flood Hazard Delineation ....................................................................................... 4 2.12 SR 3 – Flood Protection Facilities ....................................................................................... 4 2.13 SR 4 – Source Control ........................................................................................................ 4 2.14 SR 5 – Oil Control ............................................................................................................... 4 2.15 SR 6 – Aquifer Protection Area ........................................................................................... 4 3.0 Off-Site Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Task 1 – Study Area Definition and Maps........................................................................... 5 3.2 Task 2 – Resource Review ................................................................................................. 5 3.3 Task 3 – Field Inspection .................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Task 4 – Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions .................................... 7 4.0 Flow Control, Low Impact Development (LID), and Water Quality Facility .............................. 7 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology (Part A) .......................................................................................... 7 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) ..................................................................................... 8 4.3 Performance Standards (Part C) ........................................................................................ 8 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 4.4 Flow Control System (Part D) ............................................................................................. 8 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design .................................................................................. 8 6.0 Special Reports and Studies ........................................................................................................ 8 7.0 Other Permits ................................................................................................................................. 9 8.0 CSWPPP Analysis and Design ..................................................................................................... 9 8.1 ESC Plan Analysis and Design ........................................................................................... 9 8.2 SWPPS Plan Design ......................................................................................................... 10 9.0 Bond Qualities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant ........................................ 10 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual ........................................................................................ 10 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Appendices Appendix A Figures 1-1 ............. TIR Worksheet 1-2 ............. Vicinity Map 1-3 ............. Soil Map 3-1 ............. Downstream Analysis 3-2 ............. Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table 3-3 ............. Erosion Hazards Map 3-4 ............. Steep Slopes Map 3-5 ............. Landslide Hazard Map 3-6 ............. Flood Hazard Map 3-7 ............. Coal Mine Hazard Map 3-8 ............. Aquifer Protection Map 3-9 ............. Wetlands and Water Classification Map 3-10 ........... FIRM Rate Map 4-1 ............. Existing Basin Map 4-2 ............. Developed Basin Map 5-1 ............. Conveyance Basin Map 9-1 ............. Bond Quantity Worksheet 9-2 ............. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch 9-3 ............. Declaration of Covenant Appendix B WWHM Report Appendix C Conveyance Calculations Appendix D Operations and Maintenance Manual Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 1 2230870.10 1.0 Project Overview 1.1 Purpose and Scope This report accompanies the civil engineering plans and documents for the Talbot Hill Elementary School located at 2300 Talbot Road S in Renton, Washington. The project site encompasses Tax Parcel 3023059073 in the city of Renton, King County, Washington. The parcel is located within the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, of the Willamette Meridian. See Figure 1-2 for a Site Vicinity Map. The Renton School District is proposing improvements to the Talbot Hill Elementary School athletics field. The project will construct field underdrains, a collector line, a StormTech stormwater detention facility, and a flow control structure. The proposed stormwater system will connect into the existing on-site private system and maintain the current drainage pattern to the City of Renton public stormwater system located in Talbot Hill Road S. The project site is bound by S 23rd Street to the North, Thomas Teasdale Park to the east, private residences to the south, and Talbot Road S to the west. There are no proposed revisions to any portion of the frontage. With the exception of the stormwater system the project does not proposed changes to other wet or dry utilities. The 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (CORSWDM) establishes the methodology and design criteria used for the project. 1.2 Existing Conditions The site is the current location for the Talbot Hill Elementary School. The school was constructed in 1970 with a total building area of 88,379 square feet. Since the construction of the school the Renton School District has added an additional three classroom portables with a total area of 4,495 square feet of space for staff and students. The site which the school resides on has a total area of 472,699 square feet (10.85 Acres). 1.3 Post-Development Conditions The Renton School District proposes improvement to the existing on-site athletics field. The project will construct field perforated underdrains, an underdrain collector line, a StormTech chamber stormwater detention facility, and a flow control structure. The proposed stormwater system will connect to the existing detention system for the existing on-site private stormwater system which currently discharges to the City of Renton public stormwater system located in Talbot Hill Road S. The existing field is a sand and grass seeded field. The project proposes to restore the field in kind and provide soil amendment to all other disturbed landscaped areas. This project does not propose the replacement or construction of new impervious areas. 1.4 Drainage Basins The site is located within the Lower Green River Subwatershed per the King County Green/Duwamish River Watershed map, as delineated by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division. The total area of work is 1.46 acres. The project proposes to provide underdrains for the approximately 1.46 acres of field and pervious area. The project does not propose the replacement or new construction of impervious area. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2 2230870.10 1.5 Sensitive Areas The Sensitive Area maps provided by the City of Renton were reviewed and it was determined portions of the site have Steep Slope, Landslide, and Coal Mine hazards. The Steep Slope and Landslide hazards are located at a small portion of the site in the south/southwest corner of the site. There is no work proposed in these areas, and these areas will not be impacted by proposed project. The Coal Mine hazard is located in the north/northeast portion of the site where the existing front parking lot is located. There is no work proposed in these areas, and these areas will not be impacted by proposed project. 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary The project triggers Full Drainage Review because it results in more than 7,000 square feet of land disturbing activity. Below is a summary of how the proposed project will meet the Core Requirements (CR) and how it will meet applicable Special Requirements (SR). 2.1 CR 1 – Discharge at the Natural Location Talbot Hill Elementary School has a single discharge point from a catch basin located on the west side of the property. This point discharges to a public catch basin located on the east side of Talbot Road S. The proposed field stormwater system will maintain the existing drainage conditions and discharge at the same location as the existing on-site stormwater system in the existing conditions. 2.2 CR 2 – Off-Site Analysis AHBL staff performed a Level One Downstream Analysis for the project on January 25, 2024. The analysis included: · Defining and mapping the study area. · Reviewing available information on the study area. · Field inspecting the study area. · Analyzing the existing drainage system, including its existing and predicted problems, if any. Please refer to Section 3.0 for the full off-site analysis. 2.3 CR 3 – Flow Control The existing storm system was constructed to convey stormwater runoff from the property to an existing detention pond. In the existing condition of the project site stormwater runoff from the athletics grass seeded field sheet flows over the field to existing catch basins and is conveyed via hard pipe to the existing detention pond. The project proposes to collect stormwater generated by the field via underdrains and conveyed the stormwater to a proposed detention facility to mitigate the increased stormwater flows generated by the field improvements. Due to this the project will provide flow control. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 3 2230870.10 The Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) was used to model the proposed stormwater conditions and design a detention system for the field improvements. See the WWHM calculation results in Appendix C. In accordance with the 2022 CORSWDM the site is subject to the Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Conditions). This standard requires the post-development stream durations to match those of the forested condition from 50 percent of the 2-year storm through the 50-year storm, as well as matching 2-year and 10-year flows. Flow control will be provided through the use of buried StormTech detention trench facility. WWHM is used to model the hydrologic conditions. Detention Sizing Results Detention Facility Length (FT) Detention Facility Width (FT) Detention Facility Height (FT) Storage Volume (CF) Detention Facility 107 47 7 35,203 2.4 CR 4 – Conveyance System The project has designed new conveyance systems to convey the 25-year storm event and to not overtop in the 100-year storm event, in accordance with the RSWDM. The design discussion for the new conveyance system is included in Section 5.0: Conveyance System Analysis and Design, and conveyance model reports are provided in Appendix C. 2.5 CR 5 – Erosion and Sediment Control On-site land disturbance will consist of clearing the work site and grading. Erosion and sediment control will be provided with the use of catch basin inlet protection. See Section 8.0 for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) analysis and design. 2.6 CR 6 – Maintenance and Operations Maintenance and operations of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the Renton School District. The project proposes a new stormwater detention facility and stormwater pipe network. Operation and Maintenance are detailed in Section 10. 2.7 CR 7 – Financial Guarantees and Liability This project will provide financial guarantees and liability per City of Renton requirements. See the City of Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet in Figure 9-1. 2.8 CR 8 – Water Quality The project is exempt from providing water quality. The project does not propose the construction of new and/or replaced pollution generating impervious surfaces nor pollution generating impervious surfaces. 2.9 CR 9 – On-Site BMPs This project proposes work on an Individual Lot that is classified as a Large Lot as the site is larger than 22,000 square feet. Therefore, for CR 9, it must meet the requirements for Large Lot BMPs, as described in Section in the CORSWDM. Due to the existing developed site Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 4 2230870.10 conditions, meeting the LID performance requirement is not feasible. The on-site BMPs required by the City are listed below: 1. Full Infiltration: This BMP is infeasible. On-site soils are not suitable for infiltration. 2. Limited Infiltration: This BMP is infeasible. On-site soils are not suitable for infiltration. 3. Bioretention: This BMP is infeasible. On-site soils are not suitable for infiltration. 4. Permeable Pavement: This BMP is infeasible. On-site soils are not suitable for infiltration. 5. Basic Dispersion: Basic Dispersion is considered infeasible. There is not space on-site to accommodate the vegetated flowpath segment. 6. Reduced Impervious Surface Credit: Restricted Footprint, Minimum Disturbance Foundation, and Open Grid Decking do not apply, as no buildings are proposed. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 7. Native Growth Retention Credit: There is no native growth to retain on this site. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 8. Tree Retention Credit: There are not enough existing trees in the work area to meet the requirement. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 2.10 SR 1 – Other Adopted Requirements The project is included in the Lower Green River Drainage Basin. City and County basin requirements will be followed where applicable. 2.11 SR 2 – Flood Hazard Delineation The project is not in or adjacent to the 100-year floodplain. See Figure 3-8 for the FEMA National Flood Hazard map. 2.12 SR 3 – Flood Protection Facilities The project does not rely on existing flood protection facilities, nor will it modify or construct new flood protection facilities. 2.13 SR 4 – Source Control The project proposes the construction of an underdrain stormwater system and detention facility for the existing sand and grass seeded athletics field. The field will not be exposed to any vehicles; therefore, it does not meet the requirements for source control purposes. 2.14 SR 5 – Oil Control The site does not meet high use criteria and is not subject to oil control measures. 2.15 SR 6 – Aquifer Protection Area The site is not located within any of the Groundwater Protection Areas. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 5 2230870.10 3.0 Off-Site Analysis 3.1 Task 1 – Study Area Definition and Maps The Renton School District proposes to provide drainage to the existing athletics field at the Talbot Hill elementary School. The site is located within the Lower Green River Subwatershed per the King County Green/Duwamish River Watershed map, as delineated by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division. There from areas from the property or adjacent properties which drain to the athletics field. The project has a single discharge point to an existing catch basin on the west side of the property. From this discharge point, stormwater is conveyed west through a series of catch basins and pipes through the school property. The drainage exits the school property and enters the City of Renton public stormwater system located in Talbot Hill Road S. Drainage is conveyed south through a series of catch basin and pipes approximately 0.34 miles downstream where the public system discharges to a stream. The stream flows west through mostly undeveloped parcels. See Figures 3-1 and 3-2 for the Downstream Analysis Map and Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table respectively. 3.2 Task 2 – Resource Review The following resources were reviewed to discover any existing or potential problems in the study area. All maps provided by the City of Renton extend into unincorporated King County. · Drainage System Maps: AHBL consulted the City of Renton online GIS map. The City of Renton mapping was found to be accurate with respect to what was viewed in the field. No issues with the downstream system were noted in the GIS map. · Adopted Basin Plans: The site is located within the Lower Green River Subwatershed per the King County Green/Duwamish River Watershed map, as delineated by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division. Requirements for the Lower Cedar River Basin Plan will be followed where applicable. · Off-Site Analysis Reports: AHBL could not locate off-site analysis reports for projects near the Talbot Hill Elementary School project site. · Soil Information (See Figure 1-3): Soil data was accessed via the USDA NRCS Web Soil Survey. Soil at the project site was classified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam at 8 to 15 percent slopes. · City of Renton Erosion Hazard Map (see Figure 3-3): Molasses Creek, downstream from the site, is an erosion hazard area. · City of Renton Steep Slopes Map (see Figure 3-4): The Steep Slopes map shows a small portion of the site in the south/southwest corner of the site consists of 15 - 25% slopes, however no work is proposed in these areas, and these areas will not be impacted by proposed project. · City of Renton Sensitive Areas Landslide Hazard Map (see Figure 3-5): The Landslide Hazard map shows a small portion of the site in the south/southwest corner of the site is Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 6 2230870.10 classified as a moderate hazard area. However, no work is proposed in these areas, and these areas will not be impacted by proposed project. · City of Renton Flood Hazard Map (see Figure 3-6): The project site is not within a flood hazard area. · City of Renton Coal Mine Hazard Map (see Figure 3-7): The Coal Mine hazard map shows areas in the north/northeast portion of the site classified as moderate to high coal mine hazard areas. There is no work proposed in these areas, and these areas will not be impacted by proposed project. · City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zone Map (see Figure 3-8): The project site is not located in an aquifer protection zone. · City of Renton Wetlands and Water Classifications Map (see Figure 3-9): The project site is not located in a wetlands or water protection zone. · FEMA Map (see Figure 3-10): FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map 53033C0979G, dated March 28, 2024, indicates that the project site lies outside the categorized flood zones. 3.3 Task 3 – Field Inspection On January 25, 2024, AHBL performed a field visit of the downstream drainage system receiving stormwater runoff from the proposed Talbot Hill elementary School field project. 1. Investigate any problems reported or observed during the resource review: No problems were reported or observed during the resource review. 2. Locate all existing/potential constrictions or lack of capacity in the existing drainage system: No existing/potential constrictions or lack of capacity in the existing drainage system were noted. 3. Identify all existing/potential downstream drainage problems as defined in Section No existing/potential downstream drainage problems were identified in the resource review. 4. Identify existing/potential overtopping, scouring, bank sloughing, or sedimentation: No existing/potential overtopping, scouring, bank slough, or sedimentation was observed during the site visit. 5. Identify significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms (e.g., severe siltation, back erosion, or incision in a stream): No significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms were observed during the site visit. 6. Collect qualitative data on features such as land use, impervious surfaces, topography, and soil types for the site: The uppermost section of the downstream path is on and adjacent to the Talbot Hill Elementary School site with neighboring single-family residences. The remainder of the downstream flow path is a single-family residential neighborhood. The study area ends at undeveloped parcels. The Talbot Hill Elementary School property in generally flat with some portions of steep slopes at 15 to 25 percent. Topography of the remainder of the Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 7 2230870.10 downstream area is generally sloped down to the south with slopes as high as 15 to 25 percent per the City of Renton Steep Slopes Map. 7. Collect information on pipe sizes, channel characteristics, drainage structures, and relevant critical areas (e.g., wetlands, stream, and steep slopes): The project proposes to tie into an existing on-site type two solid lid manhole. Stormwater from the project area will flow through 8-, 12-, and 48-inch pipelines and type two manholes prior to exiting the site. The remainder of the downstream system consists grated manholes feeding into the stormwater main. The stormwater main consists of various pipe sizes and materials. This system outlets to a stream where stormwater enters a 48-inch CMP culvert. The study area was concluded at the point of discharge from the 48-inch CMP culvert to the stream on the west side of Talbot Hill Road S. 8. Verify tributary basins delineated in Task 1: Based on the topography on-site, the basin delineation based on the survey was confirmed. 9. Contact neighboring property owners or residents in the area about past or existing drainage problems, and describe these in the report (optional): No neighboring property owners were contacted during the field inspection. 10. Note the date and weather conditions at the time of the inspection: The site visit occurred on January 25, 2024. The weather was 40 degrees and raining. 3.4 Task 4 – Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions A one-quarter-mile downstream analysis was performed on January 25, 2024, in compliance with the 2022 CORSWDM. The downstream analysis was performed to an extent of 0.34 miles downstream from the discharge point of the Talbot Hill Elementary School private stormwater system to the City of Renton public stormwater system. The Talbot Hill Elementary school system connects to the City of Renton public system at a stormwater main manhole. The stormwater continues downstream through the public stormwater main through a series of manholes and pipes. Approximately 0.34 miles downstream the stormwater main outlets to a stream on the east side of Talbot Hill Road S. The stream flows west through a culvert beneath of Talbot Hill Road S and continues west to mostly undeveloped parcels. The downstream analysis was concluded at the point of discharge from the culvert on the west side of Talbot Hill Road S. 4.0 Flow Control, Low Impact Development (LID), and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design This project is only providing flow control. There are no Low Impact Developments (LID) proposed for this project. Water quality is not required as there are no pollution generating surfaces proposed for this project. 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology (Part A) The 1.46-acre site currently encompasses the Talbot Hill elementary School athletics field. The existing topography across the site ranges from around 206 feet at the northeast edge of the site to around 196 feet at the southwest edge of the site. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), soils on the site consist of mostly Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. The site is located within the Lower Green River Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 8 2230870.10 Subwatershed per the King County Green/Duwamish River Watershed map, as delineated by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division. Stormwater from the existing site flows southwest towards on-site catch basins and is conveyed to the existing stormwater detention pond. Stormwater is then conveyed west and discharges to the existing City of Renton public stormwater main located in Talbot Hill Road S. See Figure 4-1 for the Existing Condition Map. 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) The project proposes to construct field underdrains and a StormTech chamber detention facility. The project proposes to reconstruct the field to match the existing conditions. Stormwater runoff generated by the field will be captured by the underdrains then conveyed to the proposed detention facility via a collector drain. Stormwater leaving the detention facility will discharge to and existing on-site stormwater manhole. The detention facility was sized and modeled using WWHM. The field was modeled as 50 percent impervious and 50 percent pervious. Per Table 3.2.2.B of the CORSWDM, the field may be modeled as such because the geotextile fabric is permeable and will not restrict infiltration rates below the in-situ soil infiltration rate. See Figure 4-2 for the Developed Conditions Map. 4.3 Performance Standards (Part C) According to the CORSWD Reference 15-A, Flow Control Application Map, the site is subject to the Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Conditions). This standard requires the post- development stream durations to match the peak flow rates of the forested condition from 50 percent of the 2-year storm through the 50-year storm, as well as matching 2-year and 10-year flows. Flow control will be provided through the use of a detention facility and flow control structure. WWHM was used to model the hydrologic conditions. 4.4 Flow Control System (Part D) Infiltration is not feasible on-site due to unsuitable soils. Therefore, a detention system is proposed for the project area. The proposed stormwater flow control system is designed to meet the requirements of the CORSWDM. Flow control will be provided through the use of a detention facility and a flow control structure. WWHM was used to model the detention facility and flow control structure. See Appendix B for the WWHM Report. 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design The proposed conveyance system consists of 4-inch perforated underdrains at a 15-foot spacing to capture stormwater generated by the Talbot Hill Elementary School athletics field. The underdrains connect to an 8-inch collector drain which conveys the stormwater to the proposed detention facility. The conveyance system was analyzed for the 8-inch collect drain line for the 25-year and 100-year storm events. See Appendix B and Appendix C for the WWHM Report and Conveyance Analysis respectively. 6.0 Special Reports and Studies The existing athletics field has poor drainage, and the construction of the new underdrain system and detention facility are for the purpose of maintenance therefore a Geotechnical Report was not warranted for the scope of the site improvements. The nearest wetland to the site is more than 500 feet to the west. The site stormwater is collected on site and discharges on the west side of the site and does not drain towards the wetland. A Wetland Report was not necessary for the scope of the improvements. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 9 2230870.10 No other reports and/or studies were needed for the proposed site improvements. 7.0 Other Permits No other permits are required for the proposed site improvements. 8.0 CSWPPP Analysis and Design 8.1 ESC Plan Analysis and Design The proposed development shall comply with guidelines set forth in City of Renton drainage requirements. The plan will include erosion/sedimentation control features designed to prevent sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site or adversely affecting critical water resources during construction. A construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) is provided in a separate document. The following measures will be shown on the ESC plans and will be used to control sedimentation/erosion processes: 1. Clearing Limits – All areas to remain undisturbed during the construction of the project will be delineated prior to any site clearing or grading. 2. Cover Measures – Cover measures will be implemented for the disturbed areas. 3. Perimeter Protection – Filter fabric fences for site runoff protection will be provided at the downstream site perimeter. 4. Traffic Area Stabilization – Traffic area stabilization is not applicable for this project. 5. Sediment Retention – Inlet sediment protection will be utilized as part of this project. 6. Surface Water Collection – Catch basins and conveyance pipes will provide surface water collection. 7. Dewatering Control – Water from dewatering operations should be discharged to a well- vegetated area or to a temporary sediment control facility. 8. Dust Control – Dust control measures, including sweeping and water truck, will be implemented when exposed soils are dry to the point that wind transport is possible; and roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely to be impacted. 9. Flow Control – Flow control is not required for this project. 10. Control Pollutants – Stormwater pollution prevention measures will be implemented to prevent, reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to on-site or adjacent stormwater systems. 11. Protect Existing and Proposed Stormwater Facilities and On-site BMPs – Contractor shall inspect and maintained protective measures at all times until the completion of the project. 12. Maintain Protective BMPs – All protective BMPs used during construction will be properly monitored and maintained until the completion of the project. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 10 2230870.10 13. Manage the Project – Contractor shall coordinate in a timely manner all inspection. 8.2 SWPPS Plan Design The project is proposing the replacement of pedestrian ramps to meet current ADA requirements, replacement of cement concrete walkways, and parking lot asphalt maintenance. In addition, there will be some minor work in existing grassy areas that will have the potential for dirt and debris to collect in paved areas. Below is a list BMPs from the King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual dated July 2021, that will be applied throughout the extent of the project. · A-20: Concrete and Asphalt Application · A-26: Landscaping Activities, Vegetation Management, and Irrigation · A-27: Clearing and Grading of Land for Small Construction Projects · A-32: Sidewalk Maintenance 9.0 Bond Qualities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant Bond Quantities – A Site Improvement Bond Quantities Worksheet has been completed and submitted along with Site Plans and this TIR. See Figure 9-1. Facility Summaries –A flow Control Summary Sheet and Sketch has been provided for this project. See Figure 9-2. Declaration of Covenant – A declaration of Covenant has been provided for this project. See Figure 9-3. 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual Maintenance and operations of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the owner. The project proposes a detention system, control structure, and pipes. Maintenance and Operations are detailed in Appendix D. Conclusion This site has been designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (CORSWDM). This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared using procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. AHBL, Inc. James Daley Project Engineer April 2024 Revised July 2024 Q:\2023\2230870\10_CIV\NON_CAD\REPORTS\Storm - Field\20240401 Rpt (TIR) 2230870.docx Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Appendix A Figures 1-1 .................... TIR Worksheet 1-2 .................... Vicinity Map 1-3 .................... Soil Map 3-1 .................... Downstream Analysis 3-2 .................... Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table 3-3 .................... Erosion Hazards Map 3-4 .................... Steep Slopes Map 3-5 .................... Landslide Hazard Map 3-6 .................... Flood Hazard Map 3-7 .................... Coal Mine Hazard Map 3-8 .................... Aquifer Protection Map 3-9 .................... Wetlands and Water Classification Map 3-10 .................. FIRM Rate Map 4-1 .................... Existing Basin Map 4-2 .................... Developed Basin Map 5-1 .................... Conveyance Basin Map 9-1 .................... Bond Quantity Worksheet 9-2 .................... Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch 9-3 .................... Declaration of Covenant CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 8-A-1 REFERENCE 8-A TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Owner _____________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Address __________________________________ _________________________________________ Project Engineer ___________________________ Company _________________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Project Name __________________________ CED Permit # ________________________ Location Township ________________ Range __________________ Section _________________ Site Address __________________________ _____________________________________ Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS  Land Use (e.g., Subdivision / Short Subd.)  Building (e.g., M/F / Commercial / SFR)  Grading  Right-of-Way Use  Other _______________________  DFW HPA  COE 404  DOE Dam Safety  FEMA Floodplain  COE Wetlands  Other ________  Shoreline Management  Structural Rockery/Vault/_____  ESA Section 7 Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type of Drainage Review (check one): Date (include revision dates): Date of Final:  Full  Targeted  Simplified  Large Project  Directed __________________ __________________ __________________ Plan Type (check one): Date (include revision dates): Date of Final:  Full  Modified  Simplified __________________ __________________ __________________ Renton School District 253-383-2422 7812 S 124th Street Renton, WA 98178 James Daley AHBL Inc. 253-383-2422 Talbot Hill Elementary School 23 N 5 E 30 2300 Talbot Rd S Renton, WA 98055 X X April 2024 X April 2024 REFERENCE 8: PLAN REVIEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 6/22/2022 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-2 Part 6 SWDM ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Type (circle one): Standard / Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Approved Adjustment No. ______________________ Date of Approval: _______________________ Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Yes / No Start Date: _______________________ Completion Date: _______________________ Describe: _________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Re: SWDM Adjustment No. ________________ Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Plan: ____________________________________________________________________ Special District Overlays: ______________________________________________________________ Drainage Basin: _____________________________________________________________________ Stormwater Requirements: _____________________________________________________________ Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS  River/Stream ________________________  Lake ______________________________  Wetlands ____________________________  Closed Depression ____________________  Floodplain ___________________________  Other _______________________________ _______________________________  Steep Slope __________________________  Erosion Hazard _______________________  Landslide Hazard ______________________  Coal Mine Hazard ______________________  Seismic Hazard _______________________  Habitat Protection ______________________  _____________________________________ Cedar River - Lake Washington south/southwest portion of siteX south/southwest portion of site north/northeast portion of site X X REFERENCE 8-A: TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 Ref 8-A-3 Part 10 SOILS Soil Type ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Slopes ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Erosion Potential _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________  High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet)  Other ________________________________  Sole Source Aquifer  Seeps/Springs  Additional Sheets Attached Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE  Core 2 – Offsite Analysis_________________  Sensitive/Critical Areas__________________  SEPA________________________________  LID Infeasibility________________________  Other________________________________  _____________________________________ LIMITATION / SITE CONSTRAINT _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________  Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) Threshold Discharge Area: (name or description) Core Requirements (all 9 apply): Discharge at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharge Locations: Offsite Analysis Level: 1 / 2 / 3 dated:__________________ Flow Control (include facility summary sheet) Standard: _______________________________ or Exemption Number: ____________ Conveyance System Spill containment located at: _____________________________ Erosion and Sediment Control / Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention CSWPP/CESCL/ESC Site Supervisor: _____________________ Contact Phone: _________________________ After Hours Phone: _________________________ Maintenance and Operation Responsibility (circle one): Private / Public If Private, Maintenance Log Required: Yes / No Financial Guarantees and Liability Provided: Yes / No Alderwood gravelly sandy loam 8 - 15 %None 1 Not Required Not Required 1 & 2 N/A To be determined Beausite gravelly sandy loam 6 - 15 % REFERENCE 8: PLAN REVIEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 6/22/2022 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-4 Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) Water Quality (include facility summary sheet) Type (circle one): Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basic / Bog or Exemption No. _______________________ On-site BMPs Describe: Special Requirements (as applicable): Area Specific Drainage Requirements Type: SDO / MDP / BP / Shared Fac. / None Name: ________________________ Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type (circle one): Major / Minor / Exemption / None 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): _______________ Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: Source Control (commercial / industrial land use) Describe land use: Describe any structural controls: Oil Control High-Use Site: Yes / No Treatment BMP: _________________________________ Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? _____________________________________ Other Drainage Structures Describe: 1 Catch Basin Inlet Protection None Required Commercial None None Required None REFERENCE 8-A: TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 Ref 8-A-5 Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION  Clearing Limits  Cover Measures  Perimeter Protection  Traffic Area Stabilization  Sediment Retention  Surface Water Collection  Dewatering Control  Dust Control  Flow Control  Control Pollutants  Protect Existing and Proposed BMPs/Facilities  Maintain Protective BMPs / Manage Project MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION  Stabilize exposed surfaces  Remove and restore Temporary ESC Facilities  Clean and remove all silt and debris, ensure operation of Permanent BMPs/Facilities, restore operation of BMPs/Facilities as necessary  Flag limits of sensitive areas and open space preservation areas  Other _______________________ Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS (Note: Include Facility Summary and Sketch) Flow Control Description Water Quality Description On-site BMPs Description  Detention  Infiltration  Regional Facility  Shared Facility  Other _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________  Vegetated Flowpath  Wetpool  Filtration  Oil Control  Spill Control  Other _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________  Full Dispersion  Full Infiltration  Limited Infiltration  Rain Gardens  Bioretention  Permeable Pavement  Basic Dispersion  Soil Amendment  Perforated Pipe Connection  Other _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ X X X X X X X None Required None RequiredX REFERENCE 8: PLAN REVIEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 6/22/2022 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-6 Part 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS  Drainage Easement  Covenant  Native Growth Protection Covenant  Tract  Other ____________________________  Cast in Place Vault  Retaining Wall  Rockery > 4′ High  Structural on Steep Slope  Other _______________________________ Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Signed/Date X XNone None April 10, 2024 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX Talbot Hill Elementary School Vicinity Map Figure 1-2 N Project Site N Project Site Talbot Hill Elementary School Figure 3-1: Downstream Drainage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 POC Project Site Talbot Hill Elementary School Figure 3-1: Downstream Drainage 7 8 9 10 11 Talbot Hill Elementary School Figure 3-1: Downstream Drainage 11 12 14 Discharge to Stream 13 CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL2017 City of Renton Surface WaterDesign Manual12/12/2016Ref 8-B-1 REFERENCE 8-B OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLECITY OFRENTON SURFACE WATER DESIGNMANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Basin:Subbasin Name:Subbasin Number:DateSymbolDrainage Component Type, Name, and SizeDrainage Component DescriptionSlopeDistance from Site DischargeExisting ProblemsPotential ProblemsObservations of Field Inspector, Resource Reviewer,or ResidentSee mapType: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond, flow control/treatment/on-site BMP/facilitySize: diameter, surface areadrainage basin, vegetation, cover, depth, type of sensitive area, volume%¼ ml = 1,320 ft.Constrictions,under capacity, ponding, overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, incision, other erosionTributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 Ref 8-B-1 Talbot Hill Elementary SchoolFigure 3-2: Off-Site Analysis Drainage System TableThe Green/Duwamish RiverWatershedLower Green River SubwatershedN/AApril 2024148" CMP PipeTalbot Hill E.S.0.160-100 ftnonenoneUpstream CB POCParking, lawn, fields248" CMP PipeTalbot Hill E.S.0.30100-202 ftnonenoneParking, lawn, fields312" CMP PipeTalbot Hill E.S.7.86202-268 ftnonenoneDownstream CB control structureParking, lawn, fields412" Concrete PipeRoadway drainage8.16268-479 ftnonenone512" Concrete PipeRoadway drainage8.86479-602 ftnonenone612" Concrete PipeRoadway drainage7.91602-809 ftnonenone718" (Not Known)Roadway drainage3.92809-905 ftnonenone818" Concrete PipeRoadway drainage4.48905-1090 ftnonenone918" Concrete PipeRoadway drainage5.531090-1288 ftnonenone CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL2017 City of Renton Surface WaterDesign Manual12/12/2016Ref 8-B-1 REFERENCE 8-B OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLECITY OFRENTON SURFACE WATER DESIGNMANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Basin:Subbasin Name:Subbasin Number:DateSymbolDrainage Component Type, Name, and SizeDrainage Component DescriptionSlopeDistance from Site DischargeExisting ProblemsPotential ProblemsObservations of Field Inspector, Resource Reviewer,or ResidentSee mapType: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond, flow control/treatment/on-site BMP/facilitySize: diameter, surface areadrainage basin, vegetation, cover, depth, type of sensitive area, volume%¼ ml = 1,320 ft.Constrictions,under capacity, ponding, overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, incision, other erosionTributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 Ref 8-B-1 Talbot Hill Elementary SchoolFigure 3-2: Off-Site Analysis Drainage System TableThe Green/Duwamish RiverWatershedLower Green River SubwatershedN/AApril 20241024" CMP PipeRoadway drainage3.891288-1397 ftnonenone1124" CMP PipeRoadway drainage2.441397-1805 ftnonenone1224" CMP PipeRoadway drainage1.151805-1974 ftnonenone1324" CMP PipeRoadway drainage8.131974-2005 ftnonenoneDischarge to StreamStream48" CMP Inlet1448" CMP CulvertRoadway drainage8.042005-2061 ftnonenone48" CMP OutletStreamDischarge to Stream Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX Talbot Hill elementary School Existing Conditions Map FIGURE 4-1TALBOT RD SN GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 FEET 1" = 20 FEET 10 LEGEND 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX CATCH BASIN TYPE 2, 60" CONTROL STRUCTURE RIM: 197.61 IE: 188.40 8" (E,W) NYLOPLAST CATCH BASIN IE: 188.40 NYLOPLAST INLET WITH ISO PLUS ROW IE:191.70 SDCO #1 RIM: 203.26 IE: 201.62 SDCO #2 RIM: 198.01 IE: 192.80 STORMWATER DETENTION FACILITY 75 STORMTECH MC-7200 CHAMBERS 14 STORMTECH MC-7200 END CAPS FACILITY DIMENSIONS: 116.86' x 47.27' x 7 TOP STONE/ELEV: 194.32 TOP CHAMBER/ELEV: 193.32 BOT CHAMBER/ELEV: 188.32 BOT STONE/ELEV: 187.32 BOT/AREA: 5,459 SF 4" INSPECTION PORT 11 LF 8" N-12 @ 10.0% PERFORATED COLLECTOR DRAIN 41 LF 12" PVC SDR-35 @ 12.0% 315 LF 8" N-12 @ 2.8% PERFORATED COLLECTOR DRAIN 4" PVC SDR-35 PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN (TYP) 15' ( T Y P ) UNDERDRAIN / COLLECTOR DRAIN CONNECTION (TYP) 4" UNDERDRAIN PVC CAP (TYP) 5 LF 12" PVC SDR-35 @ 0.0% CONNECT TO EXISTING STORMWATER MANHOLE IE:183.50 146 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 186 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 219 LF 4" UNDERDRAI N @ 1.0 % MIN 215 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 210 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 205 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 200 LF 4" UNDER D RAIN @ 1.0% MIN 196 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 191 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 186 LF 4" UNDE RDRAI N @ 1.0 % MI N 171 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 166 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 161 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 156 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 152 LF 4" UNDE R DRAI N @ 1.0 % MI N 136 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 133 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 129 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 125 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 121 LF 4" UNDE R DRAIN @ 1.0 % MI N 117 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 113 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN IP IP IP TYP TYP TYP SFTYP REPLACE AND REPAIR FENCE MANIFOLD ISOLATOR ROW 6" ADS N-12 PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN Know what'sbelow. before you dig.Call R R-430 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 1" = 20 FEET 10 N LEGEND INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE CATCH BASIN TYPE 2, 60" CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM DRAINAGE CLEANOUT STORM DRAINAGE PIPE PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN CAP DETENTION TRENCH FACILITY 4 C3 4 C3 1 C3 2 C3 2 C3 5 C3 3 C3 1 C4 6 C2 3 C2 IP SF 5 C2 4 C2 1 C4 1 C4 TYPICAL FIELD RESTORATION SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1' GRASS SEE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 3 14" ROOT ZONE SAND MIX, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 8" BASE SAND MIX, SEE SPEFICICATIONS SUBGRADE TYPICAL DETENTION TRENCH & FIELD RESTORATION SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1' GRASS SEE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 3 14" ROOT ZONE SAND MIX, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 8" BASE SAND MIX, SEE SPEFICICATIONS COMMON BORROW FILL TOP OF DETENTION TRENCH BEDDING STONE, ELEV: 194.32 FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE 6 C2 3 C2 2 C4 2 C4 6 C3 1 C4 6 C3 1 C4 6 C3 2 C4 1 C4 6 C3 Talbot Hill Elementary School Developed Conditions Map Figure 4-2 N Project Site Planning Division |1055 South Grady Way – 6 th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7200 • • Section I: Project Information • • • Section II: Bond Quantities Worksheets • •Section II.a EROSION CONTROL (Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC)) •Section II.b TRANSPORTATION (Street and Site Improvements) •Section II.c DRAINAGE (Drainage and Stormwater Facilities): •Section II.d WATER - ONLY APPLICABLE IF WATER SERVICE IS PROVIDED BY CITY OF RENTON •Section II.e SANITARY SEWER - ONLY APPLICABLE IF SEWER SERVICE IS PROVIDED BY CITY OF RENTON • • • • • • Section III. Bond Worksheet • BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS This worksheet is intended to be a "working" copy of the bond quantity worksheet, which will be used throughout all phases of the project, from initial submittal to project close-out approval. Submit this workbook, in its entirety, as follows: The following forms are to be completed by the engineer/developer/applicant as applicable to the project: The Bond Worksheet form will auto-calculate and auto-populate from the information provided in Section I and Section II. This section includes all pertinent information for the project Section II contains a separate spreadsheet TAB for each of the following specialties: (1) electronic copy (.xlsx format) and (1) hard copy of the entire workbook for civil construction permit submittal. Hard copies are to be included as part of the Technical Information Report (TIR). (1) electronic copy (.xlsx format) and (1) hard copy of the entire workbook for final close-out submittal. This section must be completed in its entirety Information from this section auto-populates to all other relevant areas of the workbook This section calculates the required Permit Bond for construction permit issuance as well as the required Maintenance Bond for project close-out submittals to release the permit bond on a project. All unit prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Complete the 'Quantity' columns for each of the appropriate section(s). Include existing Right-of-Way (ROW), Future Public Improvements and Private Improvements. The 'Quantity Remaining' column is only to be used when a project is under construction. The City allows one (1) bond reduction during the life of the project with the exception of the maintenance period reduction. Excel will auto-calculate and auto-populate the relevant fields and subtotals throughout the document. Only the 'Quantity' columns should need completing. Additional items not included in the lists can be added under the "write-in" sections. Provide a complete description, cost estimate and unit of measure for each write-in item. Note: Private improvements, with the exception of stormwater facilities, are not included in the bond amount calculation, but must be entered on the form. Stormwater facilities (public and private) are required to be included in the bond amount. Page 1 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet INSTRUCTIONS Unit Prices Updated: 03/2016 Version: 06/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 Planning Division |1055 South Grady Way – 6 th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7200 Date Prepared: Name: PE Registration No: Firm Name: Firm Address: Phone No. Email Address: Project Name: Project Owner: CED Plan # (LUA): Phone: CED Permit # (U):Address: Site Address: Street Intersection: Addt'l Project Owner: Parcel #(s): Phone: Address: Clearing and grading greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? Yes/No:NO Water Service Provided by: If Yes, Provide Forest Practice Permit #:Sewer Service Provided by: 7812 South 124th StreetAbbreviated Legal Description: POR 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 BEG NE COR TH S ALG E LN THOR 842.30 FT TH N 88-16-49 W 450 FT TH N 43-16-49 W 291.09 FT TO ELY MGN OF TALBOT RD TH NE ALG MGN OF RD TO THE N LN OF SUBD TH E ALG SD N LN TO TPOB LESS N 30 FT FOR ST LESS RD (RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #403 REC #20230413000388) Seattle, WA 98178 2300 Talbot Road S 300 SW 7th Street Andrew Hollenback (Representative)S 23rd Street ######## 425-204-2300 4/10/2024 Prepared by: FOR APPROVALProject Phase 1 dnason@ahbl.com David Nason PE Registration No. AHBL 2215 North 30th Street 253-383-2422 SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET PROJECT INFORMATION CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 1 Select the current project status/phase from the following options: For Approval - Preliminary Data Enclosed, pending approval from the City; For Construction - Estimated Data Enclosed, Plans have been approved for contruction by the City; Project Closeout - Final Costs and Quantities Enclosed for Project Close-out Submittal 425-204-4437 Engineer Stamp Required (all cost estimates must have original wet stamp and signature) Clearing and Grading Utility Providers N/A Project Location and Description Project Owner Information Talbot Hill Renton, WA 98057 3023059073 Renton School District ##-###### Page 2 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION I PROJECT INFORMATION Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Unit Reference #Price Unit Quantity Cost Backfill & compaction-embankment ESC-1 6.50$ CY Check dams, 4" minus rock ESC-2 SWDM 80.00$ Each Catch Basin Protection ESC-3 35.50$ Each 9 319.50 Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minus ESC-4 WSDOT 9-03.9(3)95.00$ CY Ditching ESC-5 9.00$ CY Excavation-bulk ESC-6 2.00$ CY Fence, silt ESC-7 SWDM 1.50$ LF Fence, Temporary (NGPE)ESC-8 1.50$ LF Geotextile Fabric ESC-9 2.50$ SY Hay Bale Silt Trap ESC-10 0.50$ Each Hydroseeding ESC-11 SWDM 0.80$ SY Interceptor Swale / Dike ESC-12 1.00$ LF Jute Mesh ESC-13 SWDM 3.50$ SY Level Spreader ESC-14 1.75$ LF Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" deep ESC-15 SWDM 2.50$ SY Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep ESC-16 SWDM 2.00$ SY Piping, temporary, CPP, 6"ESC-17 12.00$ LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 8"ESC-18 14.00$ LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 12"ESC-19 18.00$ LF Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged ESC-20 SWDM 4.00$ SY Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes ESC-21 WSDOT 9-13.1(2)45.00$ CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1'ESC-22 SWDM 1,800.00$ Each Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1'ESC-23 SWDM 3,200.00$ Each Sediment pond riser assembly ESC-24 SWDM 2,200.00$ Each Sediment trap, 5' high berm ESC-25 SWDM 19.00$ LF Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm section ESC-26 SWDM 70.00$ LF Seeding, by hand ESC-27 SWDM 1.00$ SY Sodding, 1" deep, level ground ESC-28 SWDM 8.00$ SY Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground ESC-29 SWDM 10.00$ SY TESC Supervisor ESC-30 110.00$ HR Water truck, dust control ESC-31 SWDM 5.4.7 140.00$ HR Unit Reference #Price Unit Quantity Cost EROSION/SEDIMENT SUBTOTAL:319.50 SALES TAX @ 9.5%30.35 EROSION/SEDIMENT TOTAL:349.85 (A) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL Description No. (A) WRITE-IN-ITEMS Page 3 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.a EROSION_CONTROL Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost GENERAL ITEMS Backfill & Compaction- embankment GI-1 6.00$ CY Backfill & Compaction- trench GI-2 9.00$ CY Clear/Remove Brush, by hand (SY)GI-3 1.00$ SY Bollards - fixed GI-4 240.74$ Each Bollards - removable GI-5 452.34$ Each Clearing/Grubbing/Tree Removal GI-6 10,000.00$ Acre Excavation - bulk GI-7 2.00$ CY Excavation - Trench GI-8 5.00$ CY Fencing, cedar, 6' high GI-9 20.00$ LF Fencing, chain link, 4'GI-10 38.31$ LF Fencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high GI-11 20.00$ LF Fencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 20' GI-12 1,400.00$ Each Fill & compact - common barrow GI-13 25.00$ CY Fill & compact - gravel base GI-14 27.00$ CY Fill & compact - screened topsoil GI-15 39.00$ CY Gabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh GI-16 65.00$ SY Gabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh GI-17 90.00$ SY Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh GI-18 150.00$ SY Grading, fine, by hand GI-19 2.50$ SY Grading, fine, with grader GI-20 2.00$ SY Monuments, 3' Long GI-21 250.00$ Each Sensitive Areas Sign GI-22 7.00$ Each Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground GI-23 8.00$ SY Surveying, line & grade GI-24 850.00$ Day Surveying, lot location/lines GI-25 1,800.00$ Acre Topsoil Type A (imported)GI-26 28.50$ CY Traffic control crew ( 2 flaggers )GI-27 120.00$ HR Trail, 4" chipped wood GI-28 8.00$ SY Trail, 4" crushed cinder GI-29 9.00$ SY Trail, 4" top course GI-30 12.00$ SY Conduit, 2"GI-31 5.00$ LF Wall, retaining, concrete GI-32 55.00$ SF Wall, rockery GI-33 15.00$ SF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE: (B)(C)(D)(E) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) Page 4 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.b TRANSPORTATION Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) ROAD IMPROVEMENT/PAVEMENT/SURFACING AC Grinding, 4' wide machine < 1000sy RI-1 30.00$ SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000-2000sy RI-2 16.00$ SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine > 2000sy RI-3 10.00$ SY AC Removal/Disposal RI-4 35.00$ SY Barricade, Type III ( Permanent )RI-5 56.00$ LF Guard Rail RI-6 30.00$ LF Curb & Gutter, rolled RI-7 17.00$ LF Curb & Gutter, vertical RI-8 12.50$ LF Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposal RI-9 18.00$ LF Curb, extruded asphalt RI-10 5.50$ LF Curb, extruded concrete RI-11 7.00$ LF Sawcut, asphalt, 3" depth RI-12 1.85$ LF Sawcut, concrete, per 1" depth RI-13 3.00$ LF Sealant, asphalt RI-14 2.00$ LF Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick RI-15 15.00$ SY Sidewalk, 4" thick RI-16 38.00$ SY Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disposal RI-17 32.00$ SY Sidewalk, 5" thick RI-18 41.00$ SY Sidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and disposal RI-19 40.00$ SY Sign, Handicap RI-20 85.00$ Each Striping, per stall RI-21 7.00$ Each Striping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk )RI-22 3.00$ SF Striping, 4" reflectorized line RI-23 0.50$ LF Additional 2.5" Crushed Surfacing RI-24 3.60$ SY HMA 1/2" Overlay 1.5" RI-25 14.00$ SY HMA 1/2" Overlay 2"RI-26 18.00$ SY HMA Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RI-27 28.00$ SY HMA Road, 2", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SY RI-28 21.00$ SY HMA Road, 4", 6" rock, First 2500 SY RI-29 45.00$ SY HMA Road, 4", 6" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY RI-30 37.00$ SY HMA Road, 4", 4.5" ATB RI-31 38.00$ SY Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY RI-32 15.00$ SY Gravel Road, 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY RI-33 10.00$ SY Thickened Edge RI-34 8.60$ LF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE: (B)(C)(D)(E) Page 5 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.b TRANSPORTATION Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) PARKING LOT SURFACING No. 2" AC, 2" top course rock & 4" borrow PL-1 21.00$ SY 2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base course PL-2 28.00$ SY 4" select borrow PL-3 5.00$ SY 1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base course PL-4 14.00$ SY SUBTOTAL PARKING LOT SURFACING: (B)(C)(D)(E) LANDSCAPING & VEGETATION No. Street Trees LA-1 Median Landscaping LA-2 Right-of-Way Landscaping LA-3 Wetland Landscaping LA-4 SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING & VEGETATION: (B)(C)(D)(E) TRAFFIC & LIGHTING No. Signs TR-1 Street Light System ( # of Poles)TR-2 Traffic Signal TR-3 Traffic Signal Modification TR-4 SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC & LIGHTING: (B)(C)(D)(E) WRITE-IN-ITEMS 6" Vertical Curb 20.00$ LF 200 4,000.00 Vertical Curb demolition and disposal 15.00$ LF 136 2,040.00 SUBTOTAL WRITE-IN ITEMS:6,040.00 STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBTOTAL:6,040.00 SALES TAX @ 9.5%573.80 STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL:6,613.80 (B)(C)(D)(E) Page 6 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.b TRANSPORTATION Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost DRAINAGE (CPE = Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, N12 or Equivalent) For Culvert prices, Average of 4' cover was assumed. Assume perforated PVC is same price as solid pipe.) Access Road, R/D D-1 26.00$ SY * (CBs include frame and lid) Beehive D-2 90.00$ Each Through-curb Inlet Framework D-3 400.00$ Each CB Type I D-4 1,500.00$ Each CB Type IL D-5 1,750.00$ Each CB Type II, 48" diameter D-6 2,300.00$ Each for additional depth over 4' D-7 480.00$ FT CB Type II, 54" diameter D-8 2,500.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-9 495.00$ FT CB Type II, 60" diameter D-10 2,800.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-11 600.00$ FT 1 600.00 CB Type II, 72" diameter D-12 6,000.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-13 850.00$ FT CB Type II, 96" diameter D-14 14,000.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-15 925.00$ FT Trash Rack, 12"D-16 350.00$ Each Trash Rack, 15"D-17 410.00$ Each Trash Rack, 18"D-18 480.00$ Each Trash Rack, 21"D-19 550.00$ Each Cleanout, PVC, 4"D-20 150.00$ Each Cleanout, PVC, 6"D-21 170.00$ Each Cleanout, PVC, 8"D-22 200.00$ Each Culvert, PVC, 4" (Not allowed in ROW)D-23 10.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 6" (Not allowed in ROW)D-24 13.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 8" (Not allowed in ROW)D-25 15.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 12" (Not allowed in ROW)D-26 23.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 15" (Not allowed in ROW)D-27 35.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 18" (Not allowed in ROW)D-28 41.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 24" (Not allowed in ROW)D-29 56.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 30" (Not allowed in ROW)D-30 78.00$ LF Culvert, PVC, 36" (Not allowed in ROW)D-31 130.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 8"D-32 19.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 12"D-33 29.00$ LF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:600.00 (B)(C)(D)(E) Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES Page 7 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.c DRAINAGE Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES DRAINAGE (Continued) Culvert, CMP, 15"D-34 35.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 18"D-35 41.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 24"D-36 56.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 30"D-37 78.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 36"D-38 130.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 48"D-39 190.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 60"D-40 270.00$ LF Culvert, CMP, 72"D-41 350.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 8"D-42 42.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 12"D-43 48.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 15"D-44 78.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 18"D-45 48.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 24"D-46 78.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 30"D-47 125.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 36"D-48 150.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 42"D-49 175.00$ LF Culvert, Concrete, 48"D-50 205.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 6" (Not allowed in ROW)D-51 14.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 8" (Not allowed in ROW)D-52 16.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 12" (Not allowed in ROW)D-53 24.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 15" (Not allowed in ROW)D-54 35.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 18" (Not allowed in ROW)D-55 41.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 24" (Not allowed in ROW)D-56 56.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 30" (Not allowed in ROW)D-57 78.00$ LF Culvert, CPE, 36" (Not allowed in ROW)D-58 130.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 6"D-59 60.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 8"D-60 72.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 12"D-61 84.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 15"D-62 96.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 18"D-63 108.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 24"D-64 120.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 30"D-65 132.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 36"D-66 144.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 48"D-67 156.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 54"D-68 168.00$ LF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE: (B)(C)(D)(E) Page 8 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.c DRAINAGE Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES DRAINAGE (Continued) Culvert, LCPE, 60"D-69 180.00$ LF Culvert, LCPE, 72"D-70 192.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 6"D-71 42.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 8"D-72 42.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 12"D-73 74.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 15"D-74 106.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 18"D-75 138.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 24"D-76 221.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 30"D-77 276.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 36"D-78 331.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 48"D-79 386.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 54"D-80 441.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 60"D-81 496.00$ LF Culvert, HDPE, 72"D-82 551.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 6"D-83 84.00$ LF 3632 305,088.00 Pipe, Polypropylene, 8"D-84 89.00$ LF 372 33,108.00 Pipe, Polypropylene, 12"D-85 95.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 15"D-86 100.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 18"D-87 106.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 24"D-88 111.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 30"D-89 119.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 36"D-90 154.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 48"D-91 226.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 54"D-92 332.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 60"D-93 439.00$ LF Pipe, Polypropylene, 72"D-94 545.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 6"D-95 61.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 8"D-96 84.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 12"D-97 106.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 15"D-98 129.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 18"D-99 152.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 24"D-100 175.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 30"D-101 198.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 36"D-102 220.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 48"D-103 243.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 54"D-104 266.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 60"D-105 289.00$ LF Culvert, DI, 72"D-106 311.00$ LF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:338,196.00 (B)(C)(D)(E) Page 9 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.c DRAINAGE Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES Specialty Drainage Items Ditching SD-1 9.50$ CY Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+)SD-3 28.00$ LF French Drain (3' depth)SD-4 26.00$ LF Geotextile, laid in trench, polypropylene SD-5 3.00$ SY Mid-tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep SD-6 2,000.00$ Each Pond Overflow Spillway SD-7 16.00$ SY Restrictor/Oil Separator, 12"SD-8 1,150.00$ Each Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15"SD-9 1,350.00$ Each Restrictor/Oil Separator, 18"SD-10 1,700.00$ Each Riprap, placed SD-11 42.00$ CY Tank End Reducer (36" diameter)SD-12 1,200.00$ Each Infiltration pond testing SD-13 125.00$ HR Permeable Pavement SD-14 Permeable Concrete Sidewalk SD-15 Culvert, Box __ ft x __ ft SD-16 SUBTOTAL SPECIALTY DRAINAGE ITEMS: (B)(C)(D)(E) STORMWATER FACILITIES (Include Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch) Detention Pond SF-1 Each Detention Tank SF-2 Each Detention Vault SF-3 Each Infiltration Pond SF-4 Each Infiltration Tank SF-5 Each Infiltration Vault SF-6 Each Infiltration Trenches SF-7 Each Basic Biofiltration Swale SF-8 Each Wet Biofiltration Swale SF-9 Each Wetpond SF-10 Each Wetvault SF-11 Each Sand Filter SF-12 Each Sand Filter Vault SF-13 Each Linear Sand Filter SF-14 Each StormFilter SF-15 Each Rain Garden SF-16 Each SUBTOTAL STORMWATER FACILITIES: (B)(C)(D)(E) Page 10 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.c DRAINAGE Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES WRITE-IN-ITEMS StromTech Detention Trench WI-1 7.25$ CF 35203 255,221.75 WI-2 WI-3 WI-4 WI-5 WI-6 WI-7 WI-8 WI-9 WI-10 WI-11 WI-12 WI-13 WI-14 WI-15 SUBTOTAL WRITE-IN ITEMS:255,221.75 DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES SUBTOTAL:255,821.75 SALES TAX @ 9.5%24,303.07 DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES TOTAL:280,124.82 (B) (C) (D) (E) Page 11 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.c DRAINAGE Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Connection to Existing Watermain W-1 2,000.00$ Each Ductile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 4 Inch Diameter W-2 50.00$ LF Ductile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 6 Inch Diameter W-3 56.00$ LF Ductile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 8 Inch Diameter W-4 60.00$ LF Ductile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 10 Inch Diameter W-5 70.00$ LF Ductile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 12 Inch Diameter W-6 80.00$ LF Gate Valve, 4 inch Diameter W-7 500.00$ Each Gate Valve, 6 inch Diameter W-8 700.00$ Each Gate Valve, 8 Inch Diameter W-9 800.00$ Each Gate Valve, 10 Inch Diameter W-10 1,000.00$ Each Gate Valve, 12 Inch Diameter W-11 1,200.00$ Each Fire Hydrant Assembly W-12 4,000.00$ Each Permanent Blow-Off Assembly W-13 1,800.00$ Each Air-Vac Assembly, 2-Inch Diameter W-14 2,000.00$ Each Air-Vac Assembly, 1-Inch Diameter W-15 1,500.00$ Each Compound Meter Assembly 3-inch Diameter W-16 8,000.00$ Each Compound Meter Assembly 4-inch Diameter W-17 9,000.00$ Each Compound Meter Assembly 6-inch Diameter W-18 10,000.00$ Each Pressure Reducing Valve Station 8-inch to 10-inch W-19 20,000.00$ Each WATER SUBTOTAL: SALES TAX @ 9.5% WATER TOTAL: (B) (C) (D) (E) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR WATER Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) Page 12 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.d WATER Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 CED Permit #:######## Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Improvements Improvements (D) (E) Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Clean Outs SS-1 1,000.00$ Each Grease Interceptor, 500 gallon SS-2 8,000.00$ Each Grease Interceptor, 1000 gallon SS-3 10,000.00$ Each Grease Interceptor, 1500 gallon SS-4 15,000.00$ Each Side Sewer Pipe, PVC. 4 Inch Diameter SS-5 80.00$ LF Side Sewer Pipe, PVC. 6 Inch Diameter SS-6 95.00$ LF Sewer Pipe, PVC, 8 inch Diameter SS-7 105.00$ LF Sewer Pipe, PVC, 12 Inch Diameter SS-8 120.00$ LF Sewer Pipe, DI, 8 inch Diameter SS-9 115.00$ LF Sewer Pipe, DI, 12 Inch Diameter SS-10 130.00$ LF Manhole, 48 Inch Diameter SS-11 6,000.00$ Each Manhole, 54 Inch Diameter SS-13 6,500.00$ Each Manhole, 60 Inch Diameter SS-15 7,500.00$ Each Manhole, 72 Inch Diameter SS-17 8,500.00$ Each Manhole, 96 Inch Diameter SS-19 14,000.00$ Each Pipe, C-900, 12 Inch Diameter SS-21 180.00$ LF Outside Drop SS-24 1,500.00$ LS Inside Drop SS-25 1,000.00$ LS Sewer Pipe, PVC, ____ Inch Diameter SS-26 Lift Station (Entire System)SS-27 LS SANITARY SEWER SUBTOTAL: SALES TAX @ 9.5% SANITARY SEWER TOTAL: (B) (C) (D) (E) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR SANITARY SEWER Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C) Page 13 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.e SANITARY SEWER Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 Planning Division |1055 South Grady Way – 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7200 Date: Name: Project Name: PE Registration No: CED Plan # (LUA): Firm Name:CED Permit # (U): Firm Address: Site Address: Phone No. Parcel #(s): Email Address:Project Phase: Site Restoration/Erosion Sediment Control Subtotal (a) (a)349.85$ Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Subtotal (b) (b)-$ Future Public Improvements Subtotal (c) (c)-$ Stormwater & Drainage Facilities Subtotal (d) (d)280,124.82$ Bond Reduction (Quantity Remaining)2 (e) (e)-$ Site Restoration Civil Construction Permit Maintenance Bond 56,024.96$ Bond Reduction2 Construction Permit Bond Amount 3 Minimum Bond Amount is $10,000.00 1 Estimate Only - May involve multiple and variable components, which will be established on an individual basis by Development Engineering. 2 The City of Renton allows one request only for bond reduction prior to the maintenance period. Reduction of not more than 70% of the original bond amount, provided that the remaining 30% will cover all remaining items to be constructed. 3 Required Bond Amounts are subject to review and modification by Development Engineering. * Note: The word BOND as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to the City of Renton. ** Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. R ((b)+(c)+(d)) x 150% EST1 ((b) + (c) + (d)) x 20% -$ MAINTENANCE BOND */** (after final acceptance of construction) 349.85$ -$ 420,187.22$ 524.78$ -$ -$ 280,124.82$ S (e) x 150% SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET BOND CALCULATIONS 4/10/2024 David Nason PE Registration No. AHBL T (P +R - S) Prepared by: Project Information CONSTRUCTION BOND AMOUNT */** (prior to permit issuance) 253-383-2422 dnason@ahbl.com Talbot Hill ##-###### 2300 Talbot Road S 3023059073 FOR APPROVAL ######## 2215 North 30th Street 420,712.00$ P (a) x 150% Page 14 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION III. BOND WORKSHEET Unit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 06/14/2016 Printed 4/8/2024 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX Talbot Hill Elementary School Facility Summary Sketch EXHIBIT 9-2 CATCH BASIN TYPE 2, 60" CONTROL STRUCTURE RIM: 197.61 IE: 188.40 8" (E,W) NYLOPLAST CATCH BASIN IE: 188.40 NYLOPLAST INLET WITH ISO PLUS ROW IE:191.70 SDCO #1 RIM: 203.26 IE: 201.62 SDCO #2 RIM: 198.01 IE: 192.80 STORMWATER DETENTION FACILITY 75 STORMTECH MC-7200 CHAMBERS 14 STORMTECH MC-7200 END CAPS FACILITY DIMENSIONS: 116.86' x 47.27' x 7 TOP STONE/ELEV: 194.32 TOP CHAMBER/ELEV: 193.32 BOT CHAMBER/ELEV: 188.32 BOT STONE/ELEV: 187.32 BOT/AREA: 5,459 SF 4" INSPECTION PORT 11 LF 8" N-12 @ 10.0% PERFORATED COLLECTOR DRAIN 41 LF 12" PVC SDR-35 @ 12.0% 315 LF 8" N-12 @ 2.8% PERFORATED COLLECTOR DRAIN 4" PVC SDR-35 PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN (TYP) 15' ( T Y P ) UNDERDRAIN / COLLECTOR DRAIN CONNECTION (TYP) 4" UNDERDRAIN PVC CAP (TYP) 5 LF 12" PVC SDR-35 @ 0.0% CONNECT TO EXISTING STORMWATER MANHOLE IE:183.50 146 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 186 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 219 LF 4" UNDERDRAI N @ 1.0 % MIN 215 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 210 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 205 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 200 LF 4" UNDER D RAIN @ 1.0% MIN 196 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 191 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 186 LF 4" UNDE RDRAI N @ 1.0 % MI N 171 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 166 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 161 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 156 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 152 LF 4" UNDE R DRAI N @ 1.0 % MI N 136 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 133 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0% MIN 129 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 125 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 121 LF 4" UNDE R DRAIN @ 1.0 % MI N 117 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN 113 LF 4" UNDERDRAIN @ 1.0 % MIN IP IP IP TYP TYP TYP SFTYP REPLACE AND REPAIR FENCE MANIFOLD ISOLATOR ROW 6" ADS N-12 PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN Know what'sbelow. before you dig.Call R R-430 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 1" = 20 FEET 10 N LEGEND INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE CATCH BASIN TYPE 2, 60" CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM DRAINAGE CLEANOUT STORM DRAINAGE PIPE PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN CAP DETENTION TRENCH FACILITY 4 C3 4 C3 1 C3 2 C3 2 C3 5 C3 3 C3 1 C4 6 C2 3 C2 IP SF 5 C2 4 C2 1 C4 1 C4 TYPICAL FIELD RESTORATION SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1' GRASS SEE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 3 14" ROOT ZONE SAND MIX, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 8" BASE SAND MIX, SEE SPEFICICATIONS SUBGRADE TYPICAL DETENTION TRENCH & FIELD RESTORATION SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1' GRASS SEE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 3 14" ROOT ZONE SAND MIX, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 8" BASE SAND MIX, SEE SPEFICICATIONS COMMON BORROW FILL TOP OF DETENTION TRENCH BEDDING STONE, ELEV: 194.32 FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE 6 C2 3 C2 2 C4 2 C4 6 C3 1 C4 6 C3 1 C4 6 C3 2 C4 1 C4 6 C3 Page 1 of ___ Return Address: City Clerk’s Office City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 DECLARATION OF COVENANT FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES AND ON-SITE BMPS Grantor: Grantee: City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation Legal Description: Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City of Renton (check one of the following) Residential Building Permit Commercial Building Permit Clearing and Grading Permit Civil Construction or Utility Permit for Permit(s)_____________________ (Construction/Building/Utility Permit #) relating to the real property ("Property") described above, the Grantor(s), the owner(s) in fee of that Property, hereby covenants (covenant) with the City of Renton (“City of Renton” or “City”), a municipal corporation of the state of Washington, that he/she (they) will observe, consent to, and abide by the conditions and obligations set forth and described in Paragraphs 1 through 9 below with regard to the Property, and hereby grants (grant) an easement as described in Paragraphs 2 and 3. Grantor(s) hereby grants (grant), covenants (covenant), and agrees (agree) as follows: 1.The Grantor(s) or his/her (their) successors in interest and assigns ("Owners ") shall at their own cost, operate, maintain, and keep in good repair, the Property's drainage facilities constructed as required in the approved construction plans and specifications __________________ (Project Plan #) on file with the City of Renton and submitted to the City of Renton for the review and approval of permit(s) _____________________________ (Construction/Building/Utility Permit #). The Property's drainage facilities are shown and/or listed on Exhibit A – Site Plan. The Property’s drainage facilities shall be maintained in compliance with the operation and maintenance schedule included and attached herein as Exhibit B – Operations and Maintenance. Drainage facilities include pipes, channels, flow control facilities, water quality facilities, on-site best management practices (BMPs) and other engineered structures designed to manage and/or Renton School District Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, of the Willamette Meridian 3023059073 4 4 Page 2 of ___ treat stormwater on the Property. On-site BMPs include dispersion and infiltration devices, bioretention, permeable pavements, rainwater harvesting systems, tree retention credit, reduced impervious surface footprint, vegetated roofs and other measures designed to mimic pre-developed hydrology and minimize stormwater runoff on the Property. 2.City of Renton shall have the right to ingress and egress over those portions of the Property necessary to perform inspections of the stormwater facilities and BMPs and conduct maintenance activities specified in this Declaration of Covenant and in accordance with the Renton Municipal Code. City of Renton shall provide at least thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Owners that entry on the Property is planned for the inspection of drainage facilities. After the thirty (30) days, the Owners shall allow the City of Renton to enter for the sole purpose of inspecting drainage facilities. In lieu of inspection by the City, the Owners may elect to engage a licensed civil engineer registered in the state of Washington who has expertise in drainage to inspect the drainage facilities and provide a written report describing their condition. If the engineer option is chosen, the Owners shall provide written notice to the City of Renton within fifteen (15) days of receiving the City’s notice of inspection. Within thirty (30) days of giving this notice, the Owners, or engineer on behalf of the Owners, shall provide the engineer’s report to the City of Renton. If the report is not provided in a timely manner as specified above, the City of Renton may inspect the drainage facilities without further notice. 3.If City of Renton determines from its inspection, or from an engineer’s report provided in accordance with Paragraph 2, that maintenance, repair, restoration, and/or mitigation work is required to be done to any of the drainage facilities, City of Renton shall notify the Owners of the specific maintenance, repair, restoration, and/or mitigation work (“Work”) required pursuant to the Renton Municipal Code. The City shall also set a reasonable deadline for the Owners to complete the Work, or to provide an engineer’s report that verifies completion of the Work. After the deadline has passed, the Owners shall allow the City access to re-inspect the drainage facilities unless an engineer’s report has been provided verifying completion of the Work. If the Work is not completed within the time frame set by the City, the City may initiate an enforcement action and/or perform the Work and hereby is given access to the Property for such purposes. Written notice will be sent to the Owners stating the City’s intention to perform such Work. This Work will not commence until at least seven (7) days after such notice is mailed. If, within the sole discretion of the City, there exists an imminent or present danger, the seven (7) day notice period will be waived and Work will begin immediately. 4.The Owners shall assume all responsibility for the cost of any Work, or any measures taken by the City to address conditions as described in Paragraph 3. Such responsibility shall include reimbursement to the City within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the invoice for any such Work performed. Overdue payments will require payment of interest at the maximum legal rate allowed by RCW 19.52.020 (currently twelve percent (12%)). If the City initiates legal action to enforce this agreement, the prevailing party in such action is entitled to recover reasonable litigation costs and attorney’s fees. 5.The Owners are required to obtain written approval from City of Renton prior to filling, piping, cutting, or removing vegetation (except in routine landscape maintenance) in open vegetated stormwater facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities referenced in this Declaration of Covenant. 4 Page 3 of ___ 6.Any notice or consent required to be given or otherwise provided for by the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective upon personal delivery, or three (3) days after mailing by Certified Mail, return receipt requested. 7.With regard to the matters addressed herein, this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and all agreements whatsoever whether oral or written. 8.This Declaration of Covenant is intended to protect the value and desirability and promote efficient and effective management of surface water drainage of the real property described above, and shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its successors and assigns. This Declaration of Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s), and Grantor's(s') successors in interest, and assigns. 9.This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated by execution of a written agreement by the Owners and the City that is recorded by King County in its real property records. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Declaration of Covenant for the Inspection and Maintenance of Drainage Facilities is executed this _____ day of ____________________, 20_____. GRANTOR, owner of the Property GRANTOR, owner of the Property STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING )ss. On this day personally appeared before me: , to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated. Given under my hand and official seal this _____ day of ___________________, 20_____. Printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires 4 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Appendix B WWHM Report WWHM2012 PROJECT REPORT 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 2 General Model Information Project Name:20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber) Site Name: Site Address: City: Report Date:3/28/2024 Gage:Seatac Data Start:1948/10/01 Data End:2009/09/30 Timestep:15 Minute Precip Scale:1.000 Version Date:2019/09/13 Version:4.2.17 POC Thresholds Low Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Year 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 3 Landuse Basin Data Predeveloped Land Use Predeveloped Field Basin Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre C, Forest, Flat 1.4 Pervious Total 1.4 Impervious Land Use acre Impervious Total 0 Basin Total 1.4 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 4 Mitigated Land Use Mitigated Field Basin Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre C, Lawn, Flat 0.7 Pervious Total 0.7 Impervious Land Use acre PARKING FLAT 0.7 Impervious Total 0.7 Basin Total 1.4 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Gravel Trench Bed 1 Gravel Trench Bed 1 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 5 Routing Elements Predeveloped Routing 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 6 Mitigated Routing Gravel Trench Bed 1 Bottom Length:106.34 ft. Bottom Width:46.67 ft. Trench bottom slope 1:0 To 1 Trench Left side slope 0:0 To 1 Trench right side slope 2:0 To 1 Material thickness of first layer:1 Pour Space of material for first layer:0.4 Material thickness of second layer:5 Pour Space of material for second layer:0.74 Material thickness of third layer:1 Pour Space of material for third layer:0.4 Discharge Structure Riser Height:7 ft. Riser Diameter:24 in. Notch Type:Rectangular Notch Width:0.075 ft. Notch Height:1.000 ft. Orifice 1 Diameter:0.65 in.Elevation:0 ft. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Gravel Trench Bed Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.113 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0750 0.113 0.003 0.003 0.000 0.1500 0.113 0.006 0.004 0.000 0.2250 0.113 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.3000 0.113 0.013 0.006 0.000 0.3750 0.113 0.017 0.007 0.000 0.4500 0.113 0.020 0.007 0.000 0.5250 0.113 0.023 0.008 0.000 0.6000 0.113 0.027 0.008 0.000 0.6750 0.113 0.030 0.009 0.000 0.7500 0.113 0.034 0.009 0.000 0.8250 0.113 0.037 0.010 0.000 0.9000 0.113 0.041 0.010 0.000 0.9750 0.113 0.044 0.011 0.000 1.0500 0.113 0.050 0.011 0.000 1.1250 0.113 0.057 0.012 0.000 1.2000 0.113 0.063 0.012 0.000 1.2750 0.113 0.069 0.012 0.000 1.3500 0.113 0.076 0.013 0.000 1.4250 0.113 0.082 0.013 0.000 1.5000 0.113 0.088 0.014 0.000 1.5750 0.113 0.095 0.014 0.000 1.6500 0.113 0.101 0.014 0.000 1.7250 0.113 0.107 0.015 0.000 1.8000 0.113 0.114 0.015 0.000 1.8750 0.113 0.120 0.015 0.000 1.9500 0.113 0.126 0.016 0.000 2.0250 0.113 0.133 0.016 0.000 2.1000 0.113 0.139 0.016 0.000 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 7 2.1750 0.113 0.145 0.016 0.000 2.2500 0.113 0.151 0.017 0.000 2.3250 0.113 0.158 0.017 0.000 2.4000 0.113 0.164 0.017 0.000 2.4750 0.113 0.170 0.018 0.000 2.5500 0.113 0.177 0.018 0.000 2.6250 0.113 0.183 0.018 0.000 2.7000 0.113 0.189 0.018 0.000 2.7750 0.113 0.196 0.019 0.000 2.8500 0.113 0.202 0.019 0.000 2.9250 0.113 0.208 0.019 0.000 3.0000 0.113 0.215 0.019 0.000 3.0750 0.113 0.221 0.020 0.000 3.1500 0.113 0.227 0.020 0.000 3.2250 0.113 0.234 0.020 0.000 3.3000 0.113 0.240 0.020 0.000 3.3750 0.113 0.246 0.021 0.000 3.4500 0.113 0.253 0.021 0.000 3.5250 0.113 0.259 0.021 0.000 3.6000 0.113 0.265 0.021 0.000 3.6750 0.113 0.272 0.022 0.000 3.7500 0.113 0.278 0.022 0.000 3.8250 0.113 0.284 0.022 0.000 3.9000 0.113 0.291 0.022 0.000 3.9750 0.113 0.297 0.022 0.000 4.0500 0.113 0.303 0.023 0.000 4.1250 0.113 0.310 0.023 0.000 4.2000 0.113 0.316 0.023 0.000 4.2750 0.113 0.322 0.023 0.000 4.3500 0.113 0.329 0.023 0.000 4.4250 0.113 0.335 0.024 0.000 4.5000 0.113 0.341 0.024 0.000 4.5750 0.113 0.347 0.024 0.000 4.6500 0.113 0.354 0.024 0.000 4.7250 0.113 0.360 0.024 0.000 4.8000 0.113 0.366 0.025 0.000 4.8750 0.113 0.373 0.025 0.000 4.9500 0.113 0.379 0.025 0.000 5.0250 0.113 0.385 0.025 0.000 5.1000 0.113 0.392 0.025 0.000 5.1750 0.113 0.398 0.026 0.000 5.2500 0.113 0.404 0.026 0.000 5.3250 0.113 0.411 0.026 0.000 5.4000 0.113 0.417 0.026 0.000 5.4750 0.113 0.423 0.026 0.000 5.5500 0.113 0.430 0.027 0.000 5.6250 0.113 0.436 0.027 0.000 5.7000 0.113 0.442 0.027 0.000 5.7750 0.113 0.449 0.027 0.000 5.8500 0.113 0.455 0.027 0.000 5.9250 0.113 0.461 0.027 0.000 6.0000 0.113 0.465 0.028 0.000 6.0750 0.113 0.468 0.033 0.000 6.1500 0.113 0.472 0.042 0.000 6.2250 0.113 0.475 0.054 0.000 6.3000 0.113 0.478 0.067 0.000 6.3750 0.113 0.482 0.082 0.000 6.4500 0.113 0.485 0.097 0.000 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 8 6.5250 0.113 0.489 0.114 0.000 6.6000 0.113 0.492 0.131 0.000 6.6750 0.113 0.495 0.149 0.000 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:07:52 AM Page 9 Analysis Results POC 1 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:1.4 Total Impervious Area:0 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.7 Total Impervious Area:0.7 Flow Frequency Method:Log Pearson Type III 17B Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.041161 5 year 0.064645 10 year 0.077954 25 year 0.092054 50 year 0.100778 100 year 0.108199 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.019817 5 year 0.025727 10 year 0.03017 25 year 0.036409 50 year 0.041531 100 year 0.047078 Annual Peaks Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1949 0.040 0.017 1950 0.050 0.021 1951 0.091 0.027 1952 0.029 0.016 1953 0.023 0.019 1954 0.035 0.019 1955 0.057 0.019 1956 0.045 0.023 1957 0.036 0.019 1958 0.041 0.020 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:08:37 AM Page 10 1959 0.035 0.017 1960 0.061 0.025 1961 0.035 0.021 1962 0.022 0.015 1963 0.030 0.019 1964 0.039 0.020 1965 0.028 0.022 1966 0.027 0.018 1967 0.056 0.020 1968 0.035 0.018 1969 0.034 0.018 1970 0.028 0.019 1971 0.030 0.020 1972 0.067 0.025 1973 0.031 0.022 1974 0.033 0.020 1975 0.045 0.018 1976 0.033 0.019 1977 0.004 0.015 1978 0.029 0.020 1979 0.017 0.015 1980 0.064 0.027 1981 0.026 0.019 1982 0.049 0.023 1983 0.044 0.020 1984 0.027 0.016 1985 0.016 0.017 1986 0.071 0.021 1987 0.063 0.024 1988 0.025 0.017 1989 0.016 0.016 1990 0.132 0.025 1991 0.079 0.024 1992 0.031 0.021 1993 0.032 0.016 1994 0.011 0.014 1995 0.046 0.021 1996 0.096 0.026 1997 0.081 0.097 1998 0.018 0.016 1999 0.076 0.025 2000 0.032 0.020 2001 0.006 0.013 2002 0.035 0.022 2003 0.044 0.018 2004 0.058 0.026 2005 0.041 0.019 2006 0.049 0.023 2007 0.098 0.049 2008 0.126 0.026 2009 0.062 0.022 Ranked Annual Peaks Ranked Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.1319 0.0966 2 0.1263 0.0486 3 0.0979 0.0272 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:08:37 AM Page 11 4 0.0964 0.0269 5 0.0906 0.0263 6 0.0806 0.0260 7 0.0794 0.0256 8 0.0756 0.0251 9 0.0713 0.0251 10 0.0675 0.0248 11 0.0640 0.0247 12 0.0631 0.0239 13 0.0620 0.0236 14 0.0613 0.0230 15 0.0576 0.0227 16 0.0566 0.0225 17 0.0560 0.0225 18 0.0504 0.0222 19 0.0492 0.0220 20 0.0487 0.0215 21 0.0458 0.0213 22 0.0451 0.0210 23 0.0450 0.0209 24 0.0445 0.0208 25 0.0441 0.0206 26 0.0413 0.0205 27 0.0409 0.0200 28 0.0404 0.0200 29 0.0389 0.0199 30 0.0363 0.0199 31 0.0355 0.0199 32 0.0351 0.0198 33 0.0349 0.0195 34 0.0349 0.0194 35 0.0346 0.0193 36 0.0342 0.0192 37 0.0333 0.0191 38 0.0326 0.0190 39 0.0319 0.0190 40 0.0318 0.0190 41 0.0307 0.0189 42 0.0306 0.0187 43 0.0301 0.0183 44 0.0295 0.0182 45 0.0286 0.0182 46 0.0286 0.0179 47 0.0282 0.0179 48 0.0278 0.0172 49 0.0272 0.0170 50 0.0268 0.0167 51 0.0256 0.0166 52 0.0249 0.0162 53 0.0231 0.0161 54 0.0215 0.0161 55 0.0182 0.0160 56 0.0173 0.0156 57 0.0162 0.0152 58 0.0161 0.0152 59 0.0107 0.0146 60 0.0057 0.0143 61 0.0039 0.0135 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:08:37 AM Page 13 Duration Flows The Facility PASSED Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0206 17547 16780 95 Pass 0.0214 16161 12536 77 Pass 0.0222 14964 9458 63 Pass 0.0230 13851 6712 48 Pass 0.0238 12810 5078 39 Pass 0.0246 11807 3878 32 Pass 0.0254 10898 2729 25 Pass 0.0263 10119 1774 17 Pass 0.0271 9383 1001 10 Pass 0.0279 8729 403 4 Pass 0.0287 8143 269 3 Pass 0.0295 7593 253 3 Pass 0.0303 7060 238 3 Pass 0.0311 6588 223 3 Pass 0.0319 6145 206 3 Pass 0.0327 5777 187 3 Pass 0.0335 5431 172 3 Pass 0.0344 5097 165 3 Pass 0.0352 4808 158 3 Pass 0.0360 4524 152 3 Pass 0.0368 4252 148 3 Pass 0.0376 4017 139 3 Pass 0.0384 3782 127 3 Pass 0.0392 3546 118 3 Pass 0.0400 3337 106 3 Pass 0.0408 3138 98 3 Pass 0.0416 2950 92 3 Pass 0.0425 2785 87 3 Pass 0.0433 2599 80 3 Pass 0.0441 2447 76 3 Pass 0.0449 2304 72 3 Pass 0.0457 2160 66 3 Pass 0.0465 2025 62 3 Pass 0.0473 1898 55 2 Pass 0.0481 1790 49 2 Pass 0.0489 1687 42 2 Pass 0.0497 1585 39 2 Pass 0.0506 1483 38 2 Pass 0.0514 1379 36 2 Pass 0.0522 1292 34 2 Pass 0.0530 1218 31 2 Pass 0.0538 1155 27 2 Pass 0.0546 1098 27 2 Pass 0.0554 1048 26 2 Pass 0.0562 997 26 2 Pass 0.0570 930 26 2 Pass 0.0578 883 25 2 Pass 0.0587 837 25 2 Pass 0.0595 789 24 3 Pass 0.0603 743 23 3 Pass 0.0611 713 23 3 Pass 0.0619 668 22 3 Pass 0.0627 630 22 3 Pass 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:08:37 AM Page 14 0.0635 595 21 3 Pass 0.0643 565 21 3 Pass 0.0651 539 21 3 Pass 0.0659 496 19 3 Pass 0.0668 473 19 4 Pass 0.0676 434 19 4 Pass 0.0684 399 18 4 Pass 0.0692 366 18 4 Pass 0.0700 348 18 5 Pass 0.0708 323 18 5 Pass 0.0716 296 17 5 Pass 0.0724 272 17 6 Pass 0.0732 256 17 6 Pass 0.0740 235 16 6 Pass 0.0749 217 15 6 Pass 0.0757 195 15 7 Pass 0.0765 180 15 8 Pass 0.0773 158 14 8 Pass 0.0781 145 14 9 Pass 0.0789 129 14 10 Pass 0.0797 119 14 11 Pass 0.0805 109 13 11 Pass 0.0813 97 13 13 Pass 0.0821 91 13 14 Pass 0.0830 82 13 15 Pass 0.0838 76 12 15 Pass 0.0846 69 11 15 Pass 0.0854 61 11 18 Pass 0.0862 54 11 20 Pass 0.0870 48 10 20 Pass 0.0878 41 10 24 Pass 0.0886 38 10 26 Pass 0.0894 33 10 30 Pass 0.0902 27 9 33 Pass 0.0911 22 8 36 Pass 0.0919 21 8 38 Pass 0.0927 20 8 40 Pass 0.0935 19 6 31 Pass 0.0943 17 4 23 Pass 0.0951 14 3 21 Pass 0.0959 12 2 16 Pass 0.0967 8 0 0 Pass 0.0975 4 0 0 Pass 0.0983 3 0 0 Pass 0.0992 3 0 0 Pass 0.1000 3 0 0 Pass 0.1008 3 0 0 Pass 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:09:07 AM Page 18 Appendix Predeveloped Schematic 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:09:09 AM Page 19 Mitigated Schematic 20240312 - Preliminary Detention (chamber)3/28/2024 9:09:10 AM Page 32 Disclaimer Legal Notice This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2024; All Rights Reserved. Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 6200 Capitol Blvd. Ste F Olympia, WA. 98501 Toll Free 1(866)943-0304 Local (360)943-0304 www.clearcreeksolutions.com Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Appendix C Conveyance Calculations 25-yr Pipe Conveyance Analysis Project Description Manning FormulaFriction Method Normal DepthSolve For Input Data 0.010Roughness Coefficient ft/ft0.028Channel Slope in8.0Diameter cfs0.09Discharge Results in1.0Normal Depth ft²0.0Flow Area ft0.5Wetted Perimeter in0.6Hydraulic Radius ft0.45Top Width in1.7Critical Depth %12.8Percent Full ft/ft0.004Critical Slope ft/s3.53Velocity ft0.19Velocity Head ft0.28Specific Energy 2.575Froude Number cfs2.83Maximum Discharge cfs2.63Discharge Full ft/ft0.000Slope Full SupercriticalFlow Type GVF Input Data in0.0Downstream Depth ft0.0Length 0Number Of Steps GVF Output Data in0.0Upstream Depth N/AProfile Description ft0.00Profile Headloss %0.0Average End Depth Over Rise %12.8Normal Depth Over Rise ft/sInfinityDownstream Velocity ft/sInfinityUpstream Velocity in1.0Normal Depth in1.7Critical Depth ft/ft0.028Channel Slope ft/ft0.004Critical Slope Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 4/10/2024 FlowMaster [] Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center25-yr Conveyance.fm8 100-yr Pipe Conveyance Analysis Project Description Manning FormulaFriction Method Normal DepthSolve For Input Data 0.010Roughness Coefficient ft/ft0.028Channel Slope in8.0Diameter cfs0.11Discharge Results in1.1Normal Depth ft²0.0Flow Area ft0.5Wetted Perimeter in0.7Hydraulic Radius ft0.46Top Width in1.8Critical Depth %13.9Percent Full ft/ft0.004Critical Slope ft/s3.69Velocity ft0.21Velocity Head ft0.30Specific Energy 2.582Froude Number cfs2.83Maximum Discharge cfs2.63Discharge Full ft/ft0.000Slope Full SupercriticalFlow Type GVF Input Data in0.0Downstream Depth ft0.0Length 0Number Of Steps GVF Output Data in0.0Upstream Depth N/AProfile Description ft0.00Profile Headloss %0.0Average End Depth Over Rise %13.9Normal Depth Over Rise ft/sInfinityDownstream Velocity ft/sInfinityUpstream Velocity in1.1Normal Depth in1.8Critical Depth ft/ft0.028Channel Slope ft/ft0.004Critical Slope Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 4/10/2024 FlowMaster [] Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center100-yr Conveyance.fm8 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Appendix D Operations and Maintenance Manual ADS StormTech Isolator Row Plus