HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc6 N LAKE BOREN R·B v-~J!A_t~f.L fr.BD r-----I ---, ~ -..._ I R-4 ,1 R-1 -......, R-8 R-8 R-4 R-6 I R-8 R-8 R-8 ~ ~ <( R-8 u, ~ 0 ~ Cl IJJ S 133RD ST T R-8 co R-8 IL R-8 R-6 R·6 R-6 co /! ~ /, RC "' s. ?, "' R-8 R-8 R-6 S£.i68TH ST • ~ ~ Ill R-14 <( ~ ~ Ill CO SE0 ,---stii'JiR/'J:,'T-----/ R-4 R • / I ~ R-1 / '<' I R' R-4 / ,t I R11-F ~ ,..- 0 I I ,.,,.:o.'I' I R-14 R-14 R-8 R-6 R-4 / / R-4 R-14 \J .,J;." R-4 I ·'I:' --------..!l:i. ____ jE 192ND ST l R-1 R-4 R-4 R-6 I I I 1-----1 I RC R4 [ ____ _: Renton City Limits t__R-4 --------' -PAI -RC-Resource Conservation co R-1 R-8 R-4 R-8 Updated by Ordinance R1 -Residential 1 du /ac # 5758. #5759 , #5 760 and #5761 Effective as of July 1. 2015 {f!j t-f~o l. ,·"-;;, 11-vi:, S"-' City Boundary Effective as of September 24 . 2014 SuvlSh.,,., &-C>i,-.1 03 0.6 1.2 Miles SE 2'6 fH ST Reference Scale 1 52,000 R4-Residential 4 du /ac R6-Res idential · 6 DU /AC RS -Res idential 8 du /ac R10-Residential 10 du /ac IJJ "' ~ ' ~ I ,~ __ , l __ _ R-4 f -, I r' I I R-4 ::!..J I c--' , i.;-j I I I ~---, R-4 I I I I L __ l SE 128TH ST R-4 ,- ,-Ii _ _---., R-4 --~_/ :~--, ~------, ~ R-4 Lr1 L, \?l I L., R-4 I I I L---, R-4\ I ,-J I I L .. CN-Commercia l Neighborhood ~ CV-Center Village ~ CA-Commercial Arterial ~ UC-Urban Center ~ CD-Center Downtown COR -Co mmercial Office/Residential ~ CO-Commercial Office R14-Res idential 14 du /ac IL-Ind ustrial. Light C. f. "Chip " Vincent Adriana Abramovich Administ rator GIS Analyst -----Renton® ~ RMF-Residential Multi -Family IM-l ndu str ial . Medium Cll n1m un ity & Ernnom1i.: Develo pmen t ~ RMH-Residential Manufactured Homes ~ IH -lndustria l · Heavy N 1 ,- ,( j ,, · 1 I ,,--£_. ?il" r :/ J Information Technology -GIS mapsupport@rentonwa.gov Printed on 11 /12/2014 I II Lfloo L-, ,-, o 11 vE .5 v...,, .5.,..,L,"-,i<Jf.. D,vHor7=~~r (:;,,t,.J Vf' ;:_.-v C. Data Sources : City of Renton , King County This document is a graphic representation , not guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best in formation available as of the date shown. This map is intended for City display purposes on ly. Coordinate System: NAO 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet Projection : Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 HARN r•• f..i Rento~n City Limits Fl Education ,$ Fire Station I:] Valley Medical Center City of Renton Sensitive Areas Steep Slopes Percent Range >15% & <=25% >25% & <=40% >40% & <=90% ~ >90% r' ~--------. -.- N i ( .. £ (! \ ~- f /· Information Technology -GIS mapsupport@rentonwa .gov Printed on 11 112/2 014 / ~: I /I 'f / J "\ -+-- k :So\! l,sl-t. N .f-Vevv-l or ~t-f.,,~j (:IZ..lvcp T,._, c.... Data Sources : Ci ty of Renton , King County I A ,.,."" "· 4J A City of Renton Sensitive Areas [e I 1, .. ~ _.i._ ! i ! i :.... ,I I -i \ ··1o.., l ' 1.-:__,---:,I ( I t I A ! ! ----A ..,\....f\ ,...i l A I r---~ ........... ~ ! ! i. '· ) I + :/ ~ ·" r· A ! i I' \A _.,_, I Renton C ity Limits Education I ~ Landslide Hazard Severity ~ ...._ A - \ \ o,__ .... o_ ..... 2s __ o ..... s-+-+-\.-\j Miles ~ This document is a graphic representation , not gua ranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information available as of the da te shown . Th is map is intended for City display pu rp oses only . ~ Fire Stati on M Very High M High Coordinate System : NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Wa shington North FIPS 4601 Feet Projection : Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 HARN [:) Va ll ey Medical Cente r Moderate Unclassified • ....... .. \,. \ Coty of \ Tukwila 206-433-185 _., •, ·:l ,' . ~. -!-~ :( -:I , r::-\, .... j .. ·· L ": •, ·•·, , ... : :· : ~ :! .... L., • ; • :, ·-~ .,·_. ,. . •: ~- ........... ,,. ;: ::· 'I -~ I ; { ·,.: .. ";·, --.: ' .:· .. 1 ... :·· ,• • • 1--........... j ~ ••• ._ .. _ ·r· .. ·-·.: .. ' •. I • I • ., ~ :.:·! _. ~:. ·. ;, . ',! ," ' " ... ~ : . ' . _;-··:··_"::: /:: ~-r ... : ... ·,. . . ~ ;; .. I. I I 'i" .... J .;.:~:_._.~~ :. "·~- C.1ty of Kent 253-856-5600 ,1 •• ,_. . :. ;~ ... ·: J,t • ·:.:-· ,. j ' I I -I ..., .,. Coal Creek ~'--L:_..wate'r and Sewer District 425-235-9200 r._r---'.-.. - '· ... -.:. \·:·:. •·',:\_ I. J ... ,-.. ,_ ,• / I •. t·· LEGE N D --Re nto n Sewer Syste m Priv ate Sewer Sys tem King County Metro Bry n Mawr Sewer System --Cedar Rive r Sewer System --Coa l Creek Sewer System Soos Creek Sewer Sys te m r-·--.. 1 Renton City Limits • ;?'lt?o l,itvy Av€ .6..v 5o" ~. ""' YNt/<.-i'W'E,,,..-1 (::;f2.,...; r IN c. l'uhl ic VVork s lkpartrrn:nt. \Va sle "aterUtilit) CITY OF RENTON N I h1g 1ni..:i..:nng D1v1 :-.1o 11 r~JG°11ton ® WASTEWATER UTILITY 0 1,500 3,000 ~ IFeet 1:18 .000 SE 72ND ST Mercer \s\aod lake Washington ,s,<': 1--,,_olit -9L "' (f> West Hill S 128TH ST .;;! "i !J ~, l Sp1j,,ybrook reek { I ._ \ ,· J r--1. I Z r-·-_! ~ ~ m z • I I '· \,_., .. ; L \ .-·· UJ " ~ "' "' a " a :;; fil NEWCASTLE -z_ -<?;.. \ i '· ·, ..... \ ·, NE 2ND ST / ' I SE 164THST Benson SE 164THSf' I .-/ SE 168THST Coal Creek Park ( \. Newcast1 ;" ·--_ .. ..,.. -··--.....,_ ··, Cougar Mountain .,.. / ,·· · ........ ,; ~--"'. lJ.J NE4TH ST \ i ,. __ ) East Pl<!_!~au r· L ____ ~_!--.~~j: !--·---·---·1 ~ , __ ! I UJ "31aplewood Commurrity-r.ark~ --,~ !~ !._ ____ ,·-, I lake Youngs ( ·-+-·---·---·-------i ~ \ Panthert.akf' ~------'---------'-----------------_._--'-------'------'"----I Data Sources: City of Renton, FEMA FIRM revised May 16. 1995 Public Works -Surface Waler Ut1l1 ty Print Date 11/05/2012 Effective FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Legend r~=1 Renton Ci ty Lim its 1111 Zone AE . A. AH, AO -Regulatory C:J Zone X -Non Regulatory 0 0.25 0 .5 1 Miles Cedar River flood hazard area updated with FEMA Cedar Rive r LOMR (Case No 06-10-B569P) approved December 4, 2006 This document is a graph ic representat ion. no t guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best in formation ava il able as of the date shown. Th is map 1s intended for City display purposes only N i r\j ) / I I 4 /' I ·1 I / &:i ( ~--J p,q I Infor mation Te chno logy -G IS mapsupport@rentonwa .gov Printed on 11/12 /20 14 'If 20B>o L ,1v :> frv <:c 5 cu -::So ,1 E i4 :S0u [5t,,,,-e Di11E-l'f'·"c-,J r·· ,.. 1J Renton City Limits brz.,cp ~,'-,C.. ... Data Sources: City of Renton , King County p,q Education Th is document is a graphic representation , not guarantee d to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information available as of the date shown . This map is intended for City display purposes only . Coordinate System: NAO 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet Projection : Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 HARN iii Fire Station (:] Valley Medical Center City of Renton Sensitive Areas (---, ) \ \ 0 25, 0.5 1 0 Miles Erosion Hazard Severity ~ High a Tac Se a tt le Rtli<ltn!l1l r.tod>Um O.n•~t ...... \I If ( Employment Are Kent Updated by Ordinance II # 5 758, #5759. #5760 and #5 761 Effective as of July 1, 2015 City Boundary Effectiv e as of September 24. 201 4 C. f . "Chip" Vi ncent Adriano Abram ovich Administrator GIS Arwlyst -----Ren ton® Cummu nit y & honomK Development LAKE BOREN Newca st le ;Z.",t7o L,1vv Avt. 3...., Sv,1 1:;e ,+ ~ovlSIA, ,-, f D&v~ --~ {_,z_ ,---1 Renton City Limits ""P L ___ .J Land Use Designation -CMU-Commercial Mixed Use COR-Commercial-Office-Residential Reside ntial Low Density O.S K i ng County ..... DtMf r Rnidentiat LowOtnsity LAKE DESIRE SHADY LAKE LAKE YOUNGS Miles Re ference Scale 1 42.000 I ssa q EA-Employment Area RLD-Residential Low Density RMD-Residential Medium Density RHO -Res identia l High Density N i f- ~ __/~- ~ I " 1 { .. ,· I 1 t- i l i I ·-··---·-··-··-.. -··-··-'! ~ \\ \. In format ion Technology -GIS mapsupport@rentonwa.gov Pr in ted on 11/12 /2014 .. 2-'"" L,ND l+v€ -5"-' Su,u-.A- .::5cvl.5"'-..-<..tc i::,.,, v~C.,;,<:::>""c.<.JT ~~J Renton City Lim its Data Sources: City of Renton . King County Th is document is a graphic representation , not guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information available as of the date shown. Th is map is intended for City display purposes only. Coordinate System: NAO 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet Projection : Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 HARN l'ii Education ~ Fire Station I:] Va lley Medical Center City of Renton Sensitive Areas ( + \ \ l O , 0~~~i', '~ iles --~---- Coal Mine Hazards Severity IC HIGH MODERATE W UNCLASSIFIED N l 0 0 .25 0 .5 M iles 'i', . ....,_ ',, '" ' .· r J g:;,7i~e ::::~ ~AO 1983 HARN S/arePla" Datum North Amenca~"~°:;!:~~~';t e Washington North FIPS 460 I Feet Arterial Streets Adopted Au_gust 4, 2014 Da.ta Sources: City of Renton. King County ;1:~su~~:;;~t/s a graphic representation ~:~,l~ble as oft~';,:;::~::::,•\~" lhe b;;.~:i:~;;,~~ed isplay purposes only 15 map 1s m1 ended for lnformat1on Technol mapsupport@rento:~. GI$ Pnn1ed on . 11/S/2014 .gov JI 2.9&o L Resolution 4222 ~ lt.Jt:;, Av~ .5w \5[,,_(>\...)k Dr -------'-r Ci ty of , e v'?L.o?M(c(vr btza0p _! ~..CJtLJl) ~ ~v N i .... ! i i i // / '-··---·-.... ,...-··-'r·· , "' Information Techn ology -G IS mapsupport@rentonwa .gov Printed on 11/12/2014 Data Sources : City of Renton , King County This document is a graphic representation , not guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information avai lable as of the date shown. Th is map is inte nded for City display purposes only. Coordinate System: NAO 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet Projection : Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: NorihAmerican 1983 HARN City of Renton Sensitive Areas ( \ a J ~ 0 \ / I I I I l 0.25 0.5 Miles • 2."/&ol-,v-o 4 vi:; r·· S,ul5v-.,-~ VN«-lop-"'f"uT Aquifer Protection f..J' Renton City Limits Education $ Fire Station [:] Va ll ey Medical Center Zone 1 Zone 1 Modified Zone 2 City of , @" ,,, ~ :~--'Jjj ,.. D SJ ·~,c+