HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1CIlYOF RENTO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIlY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 8, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: 515 Rainier Ave N Temporary Use Permit LUA (file) Number: LUA15-000884, TP Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Angelea Weihs Acceptance Date: December 28, 2015 Applicant: Marco Garcia, Tortas Ahogadas Owner: Sonia & Alfredo Mata, Titan Tires Contact: PID Number: 9564800176 ERC Determination: Date: Aooeal Period Ends: I ! i ~ r ! I . . . . .. if I Administrative DecIsion: Approved with Conditions Date: December 29, 2015 'i " Aooeal Period Ends: Januarv 12 2016 li Public Hearing Date: i Date Appealed to HEX: I ~ By Whom: , HEX Decision: Date: I Appeal Period Ends: I Date Appealed to Council: I By Whom: ~ Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Applicant is requesting a Tier 1 Temporary Use Permit for a Taco Truck located at 515 Rainier Ave N (parcel number 9564800176). The Taco Truck will be located in the! Southeast corner of the property (See Exhibit 1), and will be open, daily, from lOam to 8pm. I Location: 515 Rainier Ave N Comments: tIi __ m_ .. ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; OS -Determination of Significance. Marco Garcia, Tortas Ahogadas LUA15-000884, TP 515 Rainier Ave N Temporary Use Permit 515 Rainier Ave N -DEPARTMENT OF COM NITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -----"".,...".--Ren ton 0 PLANNING DIVISION TIER 1 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000884, TP PROJECT NAME: 515 Rainier Ave N Temporary Use Permit PROJECT MANAGER: Angelea Weihs, Assistant Planner APPLICANT: Marco Garcia, Tortas Ahogadas Atemajac 515 Rainier Ave N Renton, WA 98057 OWNER: Sonia & Alfredo Mata, Titan Tires. 515 Rainier Ave N Renton, WA 98057-5318 LOCATION: 515 RAINIER AVE N DATE OF DECISION: December 29, 2015 DATE OF EXPIRATION: December 29, 2016 DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting a Tier 1 Temporary Use Permit for a Taco Truck located at 515 Rainier Ave N (parcel number 9564800176). The Taco Truck will be located in the Southeast corner of the property (See Exhibit 1), and will be open, daily, from lOam to 8pm. The Temporary Use Permit is hereby Approved with Conditions' and subject to the following conditions. 'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. A City of Renton Business license must be obtained prior to operation. 2. All requirements, standards, and permits required of the Seattle -King County Public Health Department must be met and approved prior to operation. 3. The mobile food truck shall not remain at the permitted location between 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 5:00 a.m. on a daily baSiS, except for a special event where a unit is allowed at the same location for up to seventy two (72) hours. 4. The site occupied by the temporary use shall be left free of debris, litter, or other evidence ofthe temporary use upon completion of removal of the use, or when the operation of the use ceases to exis1 5. The site occupied by the temporary use shall be restored to the original condition when the use ceases to exist including restoration of site elements such as, but not limited to, landscaping vegetation and parking stall striping. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 515 Rainier Ave N Temporary Use Permit Temporary Use Permit DECISION DATE: 12/29/2015 SIGNATURE: ~MO-£)~-d:' Jennifer Henning, Planning D"(;r Administrative Temporary Use Permit LUA 15-000884, TP Page 2 of 2 12. -2:, -IS Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation or fact. After review of the Reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension ofthe appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: Appeals of the permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on January 12 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA, 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. EXPIRATION: A Temporary Use Permit is valid for up to one year from the effective date of the permit, unless the Community & Economic Development Administrator or designee establishes a shorter time frame or an applicant can request that a permit be valid beyond the one year expiration, for up to five years at the time of application or prior to permit expiration. EXTENSIONS: Extension requests do not require additional fees and shall be requested in writing prior to permit expiration to the Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator. (D N 00 N (Y) (l) "~ Vl +-> .3 ill > « " "-'.' OJ <:J :S ~? co ... cr: "';) en ", rl v' If) ;)< EXHIBIT 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMU Y AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPI'vlcNT Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Alfre-k j}OCl~2 PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: 1'"",-11-1>0 /It 1-1 0 "","0 J.S I\T~A-c.. ADDRESS: 5/ <; fZa r'11 ['lev (.~VZV PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: SIS f24l ifJi~ to. (Je-n CITY: !2 -C t1 4V\ ZIP: '7 ~5t-W"l Q..e-tJ-k?N \..U{I.. 'fBos(f TELEPHONE NUMBER: ?}-e7 (; ~?'Z 7'3 8 'S KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): q S ("0 '6N:. \76 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: f-INl,lO A. P"'e.cAA..O 0 ~c..;(\. EXISTING LAND USE(Zj:4 17;.... o/' COMPANY (if applicable): ""'-Oi J,..~ t>. Wc:l'M.l~S ". T r; /o4A )A.c.. PROPOSED LAND USE(S): ..,.,..'0 f .. uc..K. ADDRESS: SIS f'2-q ilJ iLi f!...(/<" tJ EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: C 6 r>1'~'"C\<:""\ /VIi ",d \J~ CITY: (lwto w ZIP:cn30 5:f PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) TELEPHONE NUMBER: Lf1..S· I-fl..f5r ''i (/ " EXISTING ZONING: COrY\«I5L ...... c;c ... \ A to\-~.-; ,: ... \ CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NAME: NMc() p... p4un"do CoM <-, '" SITE AREA (in 53'1:. feetY-z..t COMPANY (if applicable): 10-1 f-~5 A. /-f()'''''PIIrS A.r~A\A,C. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: 0 ADDRESS: ~ I !"" {l..o.-'l1-J I'e....( I\UG fl SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: CITY: ~+otl ZIP: f901'-1 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) , 1\ / A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: ty1.--~ -<';'Yf"-llf OC NUMBER OF PROPOSED ~07A' applicable) NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): nJIf M8t I~l( A~nlZ~ctt!E m'. 1 f11 Cl.r"C.O 0.. pre C io.ctO ";4 ~I"'~ r t, (io/t? H :\CED\Data \Fo rms· T emplates\5elf·Help Ha ndouts\Pla n ning\Master Application, doc Rev:02/201S Pl JECTINFORMAT~IO~N_~(,c_o_n_ti_"_~e_d~) ____________ --, PROJECT VALUE: I -- NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): filA. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): Il fA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): o AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): 1\ It>... o FLOOD HAZARD AREA ___ sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): iliA o GEOLOGIC HAZARD ___ sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if o HABITAT CONSERVATION ___ sq. ft. applicable): 11 / A o SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES ___ sq. ft. NUMBER DF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): tl LA t:) --' __ 0- o WETLANDS ___ sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY JAttach legal description on separate sheet with the following information incll!ded)_ SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ • TOWNSHIP _, RANGE X, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) ~) g.)"" yv... -e-t J-.-, declare. under penalty of pe~ury under the laws of the State of Washington that I a (please check one) + the current owner olthe property involved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Aoag o~w~e::s!::: 1 ! ~l OJ I 5 Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) () I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that kt i ~~1 h "-t L signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses nd purpose mentioned in the instrument. . , ublic in and for the State of Wa hington fuYA-lD(--k:> Notary (Print): My appointment expires: 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\5elf-Help Handouts\Planning\Master Application.doc Rev: 02/2015 I DEPARTMENT OF COM NITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELvrMENT ABATEMENT AGREEMENT TEMPORARY USE Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way I Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I Fax: 425-430-7231 I, _---'--A---'-"_kl..!..,.b'c1o=""'-__ M __ ctf-t1 __ ---'--_____ being the Applicant for the Temporary Use Perm it at Hereby authorize the City of Renton to summarily eliminate the Temporary Use and pll evidence of the use if it has not been removed as required by the terms of the permit. I also agree to reimburse the City for any ::,:::::"'CC''jij}};:,c y U". Print Name: -6 \ftcclg ~ Date: 1;L 1..2 Cd 11--05 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary' ct for the uses and purpose mentioned in the irfr?il1.xt~ . Dated ry Public in and for the State of Washington g~CsJfYy Notary (Print): My appointment expires: 2 httpJ/rentonwa.gov/uploadedFiles/Business/PBPW/DEVSERV/FORMS]LANNING!remporary Use Tier l.doc Rev:OS/2015 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITv AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPME SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (?~.(; y.c~;}J TIER 1 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way I Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I Fax: 425-430-7231 The following information is required in order to opply for a temporary use permit: A) Master Application Form (completed with property owner signature/s) and application fee B) Two copies of a site plan which meets ALL OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: o 1. Includes name and type of the proposed business o 2. Description of the proposed temporary use (discuss time frame use will operate). o 3. Drawn to scale: 1" = 20' (Or an alternative scale approved by the Planning Division) o 4. Date and North arrow: Oriented to the top of the paper / plain sheet o 5. Lot size: In square feet o 6. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed: a) Structures b) Vendor-use vehicles or other exterior display areas c) Distance in feet to property lines d) Refuse area e) Parking spaces 0 7. Identify and/or dimension all: a) Businesses on property f) Sidewalks b) Property lines g) landscape areas c) Streets h) Fire hydrants d) Alleys i) Electrical line connections e) Driveways C) One copy of the Seattle & King County Health Department approval (for food/drink service uses only) D) Application intake appointment required: Please contact your assigned project planner directly to schedule an application intake appointment. If no one has been assigned to assist you yet, please contact us at 425-430-7314 and request that a planner be assigned to your application. Please then contact that person directly to schedule a time to submit your appointment. 1 http://rentonwa.gov/uploadedFiles/Business/PBPW/DEVSERv/FORMS_PLANNING/Temporary Use Tier lodoe Rev: 05/2015 FOOD SERVICE INSPEC-·-,N REPORT Public Health 12ft Seattle & King County D PUBLIC HEALTH· SEATTLE & KING COUNTY PURPOSE OF VISIT: Eastgate District Office Plan Review -Field of a Mobile Food Unit -Risk Category 14350 SE Eastgate Way III establishment (PE=6783) Bellevue, WA 98007 206-477-8050 ESTABLISHMENT INFORMATION: INSPECTION INFORMATION: TAQUERIA LILIANA Date of Inspection: Wednesday, December 23,2015 TAQUERIA LlLlANA@ 16827 NE BOTHELL WAY Time In: 1:20 pm r ..... Out: 2:50 pm 8002 NE BOTHELL WAY KENMORE, WA 98028 Total PoI_: 0 points 206-427-0162 Inspector: Chantel Aspuria Program Record: PRoo84417 Result: SATISFACTORY pts TOTAL POINTS: 0 1&11 ERATURE OBSERVATIONS: Item Water Surf""e Temperatun: of Dirty Dishes Whole Tomato Whole Cabbage Water Surface Temperature ofDiny Dishes Water Water Whole Eggplant Whole T ornato OVERAU. .IS EC liON ()Jl HII'S: "FIELD PLAN REVIEW" -CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP -NEW NAME is TORTAS AHOGADAS ATEJAJAC 1) FOOD WORKER CARDS 160 OF 34 "F -Valid food worker cards are available for food handlers Location Cold Insert on Make Line on Mobile Large Dishwasher Reach In Refrigerator in Commissary Reach In Refrigerator in Commissary Reach In Refrigerator on Make Line on Mobile Small Dishwasher Small R=h In Refrigerator Next to 3 Comaprtment Sink on Mnbile Small Reach In Refrigerator on Counter on Mobile Walk In Refrigerator in Commissary Walk In Refrigerator in Commissary SUGGESTION: post a copy of food worker cards on the mobile food truck, like on the wall in front of the handwashing sink, for inspectors to review during an inspection especially when you are busy, you will not have to stop what you are doing to pull out the food worker cards -Make sure that new food handlers that work on the truck have a valid food worker card before they start working and post it in the food truck -Valid food worker cards may be obtained by visiting www.foodworkercard.wa,gov (if website ends in .com, it is not a valid food worker card) 2) DIGITAL THERMOMETER -Tip sensitive digital thermometers Page 1 of 7 Plan Review -Field -TAQUERIA LILIANA -12/2312015 ------------------- -Make sure to also use the thermometer in the commissary SUGGESTION: get another digi lermometer to be kept in the commis so that you do not have to keep bring the thermometer in an out from the truck 3) HANDWASHING SINK -Handwashing sinks are available with hot water, soap, and paper towels in the COMMISSARY KITCHEN, the RESTROOM in the commissary kitchen, and on the MOBILE FOOD TRUCK -All handwashing sink should ALWAYS have HOT water, SOAP, and PAPER TOWELS and ALWAYS be free and clear inside of and in front of the sink for easy access for food handlers to properly wash their hands whenever needed -Hands should ALWAYS be washed at the handwashing sink ONLY with HOT water and SOAP for 20 seconds: 1) BEFORE grabbing and putting on GLOVES 2) AFTER handling raw meats 3) frequently throughout the day 4) in between task 5) In the restroom after using the restroom 6) IMMEDIATELY at the nearest handwashing sink in the kitchen or service area after returning from the restroom even if foods are not going to be handled -Never handle Ready-ta-Eat foods with bare hands_ Use UTENSILS as much as possible and GLOVED hands ONLY when absolutely needed when UTENSILS cannot be used 4) WAREWASHING FACILITY - 3 COMPARTMENT SINK is available on the MOBILE FOOD TRUCK -DISHWASHERS (1 large and 2 small) are available in the COMMISSARY KITCHEN -Two out of three dishwashers are working properly; small dishwasher by large dishwasher is not operational -Make sure to use appropriate basins in the 3 compartment sink to thoroughly clean and sanitize dirty dishes and utensils -Thoroughly WASH dirty dishes or utensils with hot soapy water, RINSE with hot water, then either place in HEAT or CHEMICAL sanitizing dishwasher to properly SANITIZE OR SANITIZE in 3 compartment sink by dipping dishware into sanitizing solution for 15 seconds, then let dishware air dry -Make sure that bleach sanitizing concentration in dishwasher is between 50 to 100 ppm -Use the chlorine bleach test strips to verify bleach sanitizing concentration levels (Purple color is GOOD; Black color is BAD) -If bleach concentration is not between 50 to 100 ppm, make sure that sanitizing solution is primed -If dishwasher is primed and not delivering the proper sanitizing concentration, then use SANITIZING basin in 3 compartment sink to sanitize dishware by dipping dishware into sanitizing solution for 15 seconds, then let dishware air dry 5) EQUIPMENT -FRESHWATER HOSE available on mobile food truck to fill freshwater tank -Equipment is available on the mobile food truck to properly dispose of WASTEWATER -WASTEWATER is disposed of in MOP SINK under dishwashing sink in COMMISSARY KITCHEN -All REFRIGERATION UNITS both on the mobile food truck and in the commissary kitchen are in good working condition and able to hold foods COLD at 41 F or lower -HOT holding units on MOBILE FOOD TRUCK are in good working condition and able to hold foods HOT at 135 F or higher FOOD SAFETY TIPS AND REMINDERS: "-2of7 Plan Review -Field -TAQUERIA LILIANA -12/2312015 1) ILL FOOD WORKERS -If a food handler is ILL with dia a and/or vomiting, then they should ~ be handling any food until 3 days after symptoms have stoppeo (3 days of solid stools and no vomiting) -ALL food prepared or handled by an ILL FOOD HANDLER should IMMEDIATELY BE DISCARDED and facility should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized -IMMEDIATELY inform the COMMISSARY OWNER, Keith Mathewson, that an ill food worker was working in the commissary kitchen -ENTIRE commissary kitchen as well as mobile food truck should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized 2) WASHING OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES -Make sure to wash all fruits and vegetables (including fresh herbs) BEFORE: 1) Cutting and preparing 2) Cooking 3) Serving -RECOMMENDATION: 1) LEAFY GREENS (i.e lettuce, cabbage, etc.) -Give whole vegetables a good wash in preparation sink before cutting. Cut leafy greens, and then place in a clean colander to be washed again in the preparation sink. After washing cut leafy greens in the colander, they are now a ready-to-eat food and food handlers CANNOT handle them with their bare hands from the colander 2) ALL OTHER FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (including fresh herbs) -Place whole fruits and vegetables in a clean colander and give it a good wash in the preparation sink. Now the fruit or vegetable is ready-to-eat. Food handler should now use utensils or gloved hands to handle the washed fruit or vegetable to cut and prepare or place into clean containers to store 3) RAW MEAT STORAGE -Rearrange refrigeration units so that there are well separated areas for vegetables, raw meats, and cooked foods -All raw meats and raw whole shell eggs must be stored properly: 1) Below and away from ready to eat foods (any foods that will go directly into someone's mouth) 2) Stored appropriately according to their final cook temperature 3) Those with LOWER final cook temperatures must be stored ABOVE or BEHIND those with HIGHER final cook temperatures -Keep in mind that all ground meats, with the exception of ground poultry, has a final cook temperature of 155 F or higher (ground poultry has a final cook temperature of 165 F or higher) 4) COOL FOOD QUICKLY -NO COOLING ON THE MOBILE FOOD TRUCK -Foods cooked on the mobile truck must be immediately served or kept HOT at 135 F or higher -Foods cooked at the commissary must be COOLED properly and kept COLD and transported COLD at 41 F or higher -COOL all potentially hazardous foods, which include any foods that are COOKED and/or CUT AND PREPARED AT ROOM TEMPERATURE, NO HIGHER THAN 2 INCHES AND NO GREATER THAN 4 INCHES THICK UNCOVERED until internal temperature of foods are at 41 F or lower within 6 hours (135 to 70 F within 2 hours; 70 to 41 F within 4 hours) BEFORE covering, TRANSFERRING into a larger container, or PORTIONING 5) REHEATING AND HOT HOLDING -Make sure to rapidly REHEAT foods to 165 F or higher IF holding HOT at 135 F or higher Page30f7 Plan Review -Field -TAQUERJA LILIANA -12rl3l2015 -Foods that are REHEATED for immediate service, as long as cooked to the final cook temperature, DOES NOT have to be reheate, a specific temperature -COOKED OR REHEATED foous must be HELD HOT at 135 F or higher _"der mechanical temperature control 6) NO ROOM TEMPERATURE STORAGE -NO ROOM TEMPERATURE STORAGE -Potentially hazardous foods must be HELD HOT at 135 F or higher OR COLD at 41 F or lower under mechanical temperature control 7) COLD HOLDING -Discard any foods that have been in refrigeration unit(s) for longer than 12 hours -NEVER keep foods in refrigeration units(s) that are not holding foods cold at 41 F or lower -Adjust refrigeration unit(s) that are not holding foods cold at 41 F or lower -Monitor intemal food temperatures and keep temperatures logs to ensure that foods are staying cold at 41 F or lower in unit(s) -If they are not, IMMEDIATELY move them to a refrigeration unit(s) that will hold foods cold at 41 F or lower until the current unit is repaired or replaced -Keep foods that require to be held cold at 41 F or lower in metal hotel pans -Keeping intemal temperature of foods at 35 F or lower will allow foods to rise in temperature during transport, busy hours, and hot temperatures coming from the grill and the environment and still be within range of 41 F or lower -Plastic is like a blanket. It will hold the temperature of the foods at the temperature it was put into the plastic container -Plastic is too thick and cold air from the refrigerator cannot get through the plastic to get and keep the food cold at 41 F or lower -Metal will soak in the cold air temperature and push that cold air temperature into the food and help keep the food cold at 41 F or lower ICE BATH -If using and ICE BATH, ensure that ice is completely surrounding the container of food and equal to the level of food required to be held cold at 41 F or lower -Keeping containers of foods just on top of the ice will only keep the bottom of the food cold 8) SANITIZING SOLUTION -Remake bleach sanitizing solution by mixing with cold water to a concentration between 50 to 100 ppm -Remake quaternary ammonia sanitizing solution by mixing with warm water (75 F) to a concentration between 200 to 300 ppm -Use the appropriate test strips to verify concentration levels (Bleach: Purple is GOOD; Black is BAD) (Quaternary Ammonia Greenish Bluish Brown is GOOD; Electric Blue is BAD) -Wait until bubbles are gone before using test strip -Store wiping cloths in solution when not in use - A SEPARATE solution and SEPARATE wiping cloths should be provided at workstation where RAW meats are being handled -If RAW meat, RAW meat juices, or RAW eggs are to come into contact with a surface, use RAW meat sanitizing solution FIRST to clean and sanitize the area, followed by using the REGULAR sanitizing solution for non-RAW meat surfaces to go over the area again as a secondary precaution - A new solution should be made after: 1) cleaning really dirty surfaces 2) cloudy Page4of7 Plan Review -ReId -TAQUERIA LILIANA -1212312015 3) 1 to 2 hours 9) IN-USE UTENSILS STORAGE -Make sure to store in-use utensils: 1) in foods that are under temperature control at 135 F or higher or 41 F or lower with handles sticking out of food 2) in a hot water bath at 135 F or higher 3) in an ice water bath at 41 F or lower 4) in a clean container for up to 4 hours (container should be labeled with time that utensil was used or time when utensil should be washed), then thoroughly wash, rinse and sanitize before reusing or replace with a clean utensil and container 10) FOOD CONTACT SURFACES -Ensure that all surfaces that come into direct contact with foods, food equipment (especially preparation sinks and slicers), food containers, and utensils are thoroughly scrubbed with hot soapy water, rinsed with hot water, dipped into a sanitizing solution for 15 seconds or wiped down with a sanitizing cloth, then allowed to air dry -Must maintain these surfaces cleaned and sanitized as frequently as needed, at least every 4 hours THINGS YOU MUST PROVIDE ME WITHIN 14 DAYS: 1) Drawing layout of mobile food truck 2) Photos of equipment on board 3) Photo of Menu MOBILE FOOD TRUCK AND COMMISSARY HAS BEEN CHECKED AND VERIFIED. DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO YOUR MENU, MOBILE FOOD TRUCK, OR COMMISSARY KITCHEN WITHOUT GETTING APPROVAL FROM THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. MOBILE FOOD TRUCK CAN BEGIN OPERATIONS. Handwashing & Preventing Bare Hand Contact Handwashing must take at least 20 seconds and include a 10-15 second scrub. thorough rinse, and complete dry. Bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods is prohibited. Single-use gloves, tongs, utensils, or other approved methods Based on an inspection this day, the above described violations must be corrected in the time specified by the heaHh officer. A food establishment permit may be suspended without warning. notice or hearing if the requirements of the food code and/or directives of the heaHh officer are not met or if violations are not corrected in the time stated in this report. The permH will be suspended if an imminent hazard exists or there are 90 or more red critical points or if there are 120 or more total points. The health officer will provide an opportunity for an appeal on the validity of a suspension or the findings of an inspection report if a written request is filed with the health officer within ten (10) days of the suspension or inspection. The filing of an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of a suspension. The completed inspection form is a public document that must be made available to any person who requests it under the provision of the Public Disclosure Act (42.17.260 RCW). Page 5 of7 Plan Review -Reid -TAQUERJA J..JUANA -12/23/2015 Chantel K. Aspuria HEI PIC Phone #: 425-225-1406 Marco Apreciado Garcia Owner Email: marcoapreciad084@gmail.com Page6of7 Plan Review -Field -TAQUERIA LlUANA -12i2312015 Internal Cooking Temperatures UsoF: · Plant foods for hot holding 145°F for 15 seconds: · Unpasteurized eggs · Fish, except as listed below · Meat, except as listed below · Pork. except as listed below · Conunercially raised game animals. rabbits lSS"F for 15 seconds: · Ground or comminuted meats or fish · Injected or mechanically tenderized meats · Ralites (ostrich, rhea., and emu) · Pooled cggs whcn allowed 165°F for IS seconds: · Poultry · Stuffed fish, meat, porl<. pas1a, ralites, or poUltry · Stuffing containing fish, meat, or poultry · Wild game animals Aceording to c:ookiag ellart i. WAC 246-215-t3400(2): · Pork or beef roasts; ham Reheat to 165°F ror Hot Holdiog Hokiiog Temperatures · 41 "F or less; 135°F or greater Optioos for Cooling PHF: I. Cool food in shallow pans with a food depth no greater than 2 inches, uncovered, refrigerated at 41°F, and protected from contamination !!! 2. Cool from 135D F to 70D F within 2 hours and cool to 41°F within a total of 6 hours or less. Use the following cooling options: · Rapid cooling equipment · Icc bath · Other methods that meet the time temperature criteria RefereDa!S Chapter 246-215 washington Administrative Code (WAC) Chapter 246-217 WAC Chapter 69.06 Revised Code ofWasbington 2009 FDA Food Code Environmeutal Hralt .. Services Downtown Seattle (206-263-9566) 401 -5th Ave., S.e. 1100 Seattle, WA 98104 &stgale (206-477-8050) 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue. WA 98007 Food Worker Cards All food workers must have a valid Washington Food Worker Card (FWC). Copies must be a\o-ailabk upon request. New employees without a valid FWC must be given food safely training before beginning food handling duties. The training must be documented and kept onsite. Food workers must have a FWC within 14 calendar days ofhirc. Initial FWCs are valid for 2 yeaJ1i and renewal can:ls are valid for 3 years. To qualifY fur a rcnewaJ, the FWC must be renewed up to 60 days before the card expires. RestrictioIIsIE)[dusioil aJId Notit'katioa elSa Food Workers Healthy food workers are important fitctors in foodbome illness prevention. Food workers must; inform the Person in Charge (PIC) ifthcy have: • SymptolDl including diarrhea, vomiting or jaamdice • A diagaosed ihess from Salmonella Typbi. Shigella. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, or hepatitis A • Infeded.., uncovered wounds • Sore throat with fever The PIC must restrict or exclude food workers with these conditions. Notifiation The PIC must notify the Health DepaI1ment if. food worl<er has jaundice Of' a diagnosed illness that can be transmitted thmugb food. Also notify if a customer calls to repmt they got sick. Call 206 2964774. HUId"asW., &: Prvnfirr Bare Balld Cootact Handwashing must take at least 20 seconds and include a 10-15 second scrub, thorough rinse, and complete dry. Bare .. nd ......... _ ready-t_ f_ is p ... ibited. Single-use gloves., tongs, utensils, or other approved methods must be used when handling ready-to-eat foods. IlIlIIIiDrat ~ Huanis A food establishment must inunedialely stop operations and notify the Regulatory Authority if an imminent bea1th hazard may cxist due to: · Foodbome illness outbreak · Fire · Flood · Loss of electricity · Lack of hat water or loss of water service · Sewage backup · Misuse oftoxic or poisonous materials · Any circumstance that may endanger public health Food safety website: www.kingcolDlty.gov/healthscrvieeslbealthlehs/foodsafcty.8 spx Page 7 of7 ~ Review-ReId-TAQUERIA UUANA -12/2312015 DEPARTMENT OF COM NITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .. CITYOF ~ --.....--... Renton V PLANNING DIVISION TIER 1 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000884, TP PROJECT NAME: 515 Rainier Ave N Temporary Use Permit PROJECT MANAGER: Angelea Weihs, Assistant Planner APPLICANT: Marco Preciado Garcia, Tortas Ahogadas Atemajac 515 Rainier Ave N Renton, WA 98057 OWNER: Sonia & Alfredo Mata, Titan Tires. 515 Rainier Ave N LOCATION: DATE OF DECISION: DATE OF EXPIRATION: Renton, WA 98057-5318 515 RAINIER AVE N 2"1 December~2015 2'1 December)!(, 2016 DATE CO,,%CUYzENCE J2. 2'? ZDrS NAME INITIAL/DATE Jennifer T. Henning Vanessa Dolbee L ') i'--/2);/, <S Sabrina Mirante K 1{V\ IPfOCll16 Jennifer Cisneros Angelea Weihs I? IJ {,l/n /15 DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting a Tier 1 Temporary Use Permit for a Taco Truck located at 515 Rainier Ave N (parcel number 9564800176). The Taco Truck will be located in the Southeast corner of the property (See Exhibit 1), and will be open, daily, from lOam to 8pm. The Temporary Use Permit is hereby Approved with Conditions' and subject to the following conditions. ·CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. A City of Renton Business license must be obtained prior to operation. 2. All requirements, standards, and permits required of the Seattle -King County Public Health Department must be met and approved prior to operation. 3. The mobile food truck shall not remain at the permitted location between 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 5:00 a.m. on a daily baSiS, except for a special event where a unit is allowed at the same location for up to seventy two (72) hours. 4. The site occupied by the temporary use shall be left free of debris, litter, or other evidence of the temporary use upon completion of removal of the use, or when the operation of the use ceases to exist 5. The site occupied by the temporary use shall be restored to the original condition when the use ceases to exist including restoration of site elements such as, but not limited to, landscaping vegetation and parking stall striping. I--