HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-27-2024 - Carners email attachment - City of Renton responseKelly Carner 11135 se 164thst Renton Wa 98055 kelvisss@gmail.com After examining the codes, Sheila has cited it's clear the wording has been updated recently. When was the latest revision and what was changed? Also, the definitions of what a vehicle is the City can't make up their own definition for these things that's why we have legal dictionaries, to stat that a boat or trailer is a vehicle under the definition is not correct, along with that the city’s own code contradicts it’s self, the term when it says you can have a vehicle for every licensed driver as you can see highlighted below, as so this claim is denied. Number of Vehicles. a. More than four (4) licensed drivers reside at the same address, an additional motor vehicle for each licensed driver over four (4) may be parked at that particular address, provided that each licensed driver and said vehicle are registered to that same address; I currently have 9 drivers registered and living on my property. The second part to cite a trailer for being disabled or unlicensed the unlicensed portion is nonsense and there is not law that stats a trailer sitting on private property has to be currently tagged, the tag is for if it's pulled on the street nothing more, this portion of the code you have also changed recently to say what you want it to say, which means that all the items that were change even under city guidelines had a preexisting conditional use and are not under the city control to change as they are not safety items. Parking Impermissible parking locations :For the purpose of this Section, driveways consisting of compacted dirt and/or gravel established prior to the effective date of this Section shall be considered a permissible parking location. I've been parking on these gravel locations that they currently are parked for at least 15 years, if you have any information saying I haven't been continually using the property as stated please give me the proof of such use with a timestamp of when this occurred. This claim is denied. Habitation of Recreational trailers: Just so we are all using the correct description of the items in question: Wikipedia Stats what a vehicle is, and these fifth wheel trailers do Not fit that description. Also, the State of Washington allows for continual habitation in Travel trailers, the reason the slide outs are out is for proper seal to keep elements out, that by itself is not a sign of habitation, also we just sold one trailer that will be gone these weekend, and the cruiser will be sold hopefully soon. I also have the black trailer for sale. These items were not being used and that’s why they were sold. One quite troubling thing is that the City is more focused on whether someone is breaking there code, versus the extreme inflation and hard times we are all living in, and the number of homeless in our area like I have stated previously I work for King County and travel for work and usually I’m only home 3days a month, so the fifth wheel doesn't have continual habitation, and like also stated I have (Vested rights Grand Fathered rights & Unconditional use) to do with my property what I was able to do with it when I purchased it in 1999 which predates your codes you are stating. I’ve tried to explain things to Sheila Madsen in an easy to understand method, for example if a Property has a 6’ fence in their front yard and the city changes the code to stat you can only have a 4’ fence, the property has Vested Right to have 6’ fence the City doesn’t have the legal Authority to make everyone change the height of the fence they have! I gave this fitting reasonable example to Sheila, and she says that’s not how it works, and then tries to explain to me that if the City changes the Speed limit (which is traffic Law)everyone has to obey that change, which yes everyone has to obey traffic Law, which is put in place for Safety , but that has nothing to do with (RMC) Property Owners right are completely different. Sheila has also told me she isn’t going to even look up what rights I had when I bought my property in King County as she is the accuser it is her job to do this before bringing charges of any sort. I also am waiting on permit to build a garage which would solve 90 percent of the issues she has written, and the city ids dragging there feet on this. I have been harassed by the City of Renton Code Enforcement Starting with Donna Locher, and then a guy but he was filling in I think I don’t recall his name, and now Sheila Madsen, the mental anguish and stress this has caused me has been unbearable, their shouldn’t be a time where a City Employee Cause distress to a Resident of the City in which they serve, your staff is undertrained about what they can and can’t enforce and Sheila even said she doesn’t know the Law that she’s not Lawyer, now they have changed words in the Code trying to make it fit their definition of what they are trying to Enforce that is wrong I will not be bullied or threatened by the City of Renton employee’s someone needs to get control and educate them to the law. I want this Letter to serve as a formal Response to Sheila’s accusations that I’m being unlawful which I am not, and I also want to file a Formal Complaint against Sheila Madsen for harassment against me and threatening me in the signed code violations from her. And further I will be filing Lawsuit against the City and personally against Shelia Madsen for Harassment and Violating my rights along with the stress and anguish I’ve endured over the last 10 plus years if this proceeds further. I will also be sending this to the Attorney General and everyone else you can imagine if this continues. Here are the definitions so you have understanding to my legal rights. Vested right. noun : a right belonging completely and unconditionally to a person as a property interest which cannot be impaired or taken away (as through retroactive legislation) without the consent of the owner. Grandfather clause. noun : a clause (as in a law or contract) that exempts someone or something from a rule or condition based on previously existing circumstances. Unconditional use . adjective un·con·di·tion·al : not limited : ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED Building code: noun: a collection of regulations adopted by a city to govern the construction of buildings. Traffic Law: Legal rules governing the movement of traffic are an essential part of order on the road. The rules may be divided into three categories. First are those applying to the vehicle and the driver, such as vehicle and driver registration, vehicle safety equipment and roadworthiness. Fifth Amendment: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Fourteenth Amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.) Motor vehicle: also known as a motorized vehicle, automotive vehicle or road vehicle, is a self-propelled land vehicle, commonly wheeled, that does not operate on rails (such as trains or trams) and is used for the transportation of people or cargo. The vehicle propulsion is provided by an engine or motor, usually an internal combustion engine or an electric motor, or some combination of the two, such as hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. For legal purpose, motor vehicles are often identified within a number of vehicle classes including cars, buses, motorcycles, off-road vehicles, light trucks and regular trucks. Sincerely Kelly G Carner