HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx_19_PPT_HEX Hearing_Tesla SSD and Collision_240603_v1Public Hearing Tesla Collision Center LUA24 -000157 August 20, 2024 Alex Morganroth Principal Planner Project Site 2 RENTON AIRPORT •600 SW 10th St •4.38 acres •Medium Industrial (IM) zoning districts •Employment Area (EA) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations •Developed with 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure and associated surface parking •Previously occupied by Ryerson Metal Suppliers •High Seismic Hazard Area on site Project Proposal 3 •Applicant requesting Hearing Site Plan Review •Proposed auto-dealership with service/repair center is a change of use from manufacturing and warehousing •To include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space •Proposing 505 parking stalls •Two street modifications proposed would retain existing improvements on SW 10th St and Seneca Ave SW. •Site access to remain via three (3) entrances off of SW 10th St one entrance of of Seneca Ave SW Site Plan 3 Rendering 3 Zoning and Land Use Designations 3 •Valley Planning Area •Medium Industrial (IM) zoning district and Employment Area (EA) Comp Plan Land Use Designation •IM zoning to north, west, and south; CA zoning to south and east •Auto-sales is a permitted use in the IM zone Image via COR Maps Critical Areas 2 RENTON AIRPORT •High Seismic Hazard Area Image via COR Maps Site Plan Review 5 •Access to remain via existing entrances off of SW 10th St •One 6,400 sf building oriented towards Maple Valley Hwy and existing parking lot •Protection of existing wetlands on site and improvement of stream buffer area. •Quality pedestrian and vehicular connectivity •No significant traffic or parking impacts per submitted Traffic Impact Analysis Integral Project Features •Provision of perimeter landscaping adjacent to the north property line •Storm water improvements •Retention of all existing trees on the site Environmental Review 5 •City of Renton acted as SEPA lead agency •Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) issued on July 8, 2024 •14-day comment period commenced on July 8, 2024 and ended on July 22, 2024 – no appeals filed •Two (2) mitigation measures related to geotechnical recommendations and discovery of culturally significant artifacts Conditions 1.The applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated June 3rd, 2024: a.The applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the Subsurface Exploration,Geotechnical Engineering,and Stormwater Infiltration Feasibility Report, prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. dated January 31, 2024, and any future addenda. b.The applicant’s geotechnical engineer shall review the project’s construction and building permit plans to verify compliance with the geotechnical report(s). The geotechnical engineer shall submit a sealed letter stating they have reviewed the construction and building permit plans and in their opinion the plans and specifications meet the intent of the report(s). c.The applicant shall submit an Inadvertent Discovery Plan (IDP) prepared by a qualified professional prior to the start of any construction. The applicant shall provide notification to Tribes’ cultural committee prior to the start of construction. 2.The applicant shall submit an updated landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect or nurseryman that demonstrates site-wide compliance with the landscape regulations in RMC 4-4-070. The updated landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of a building permit. 3.The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the refuse and recycling size, location, and screening requirements prior to issuance of a building permit. 4.The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the bicycle parking requirements prior to issuance of a building permit. 5.The applicant shall submit a lighting plan with the building permit application that adequately provides for public safety and creates visual interest to the building and site. Pedestrian scaled lighting shall be provided at the primary entrance and accent lighting on building facades. In addition, the parking area shall also contain adequate lighting to ensure safety and security. The lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. 6.The applicant shall submit a site-wide pedestrian circulation plan that specifically identifies a connection between the proposed building and the main campus building. The pedestrian circulation plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the issuance of the building permit. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Tesla SSD and Collision (File No. LUA24-000157) Hearing Examiner Site Plan, subject to the nine (9) conditions of approval in the staff report. 8 1.The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan that identifies use of vegetation types identified in RMC 4-4-070.G.6 in the perimeter landscaping. The landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit approval. 2.The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan identifying compliance the requirements for parking lot landscaping, 10-feet of on-site landscaping adjacent to the ROW, and landscaping in all pervious areas of the site. The detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit approval. 3.The applicant shall submit plans for the trash and recycling enclosure for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. If the enclosure is visible from the public ROW, a higher quality material such as masonry, cedar, or alternative approved by staff shall be used. 4.The applicant shall provide details of the proposed off-street (interior or exterior) bicycle parking for at least 29 spaces that complies with the bicycle parking standards to be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project prior to building permit issuance. 5.The applicant shall submit a lighting plan be provided that demonstrates compliance with RMC 4-4-075 and provides enough light for security but does not create excessive light impacts on neighboring properties. In addition, the parking and pedestrian areas shall also contain adequate lighting to ensure safety and security. The lighting plan shall include detail sheets of all existing and new light fixtures on site, footcandle illumination information, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. 6.The applicant shall submit plans for the trash and recycling enclosure for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. If the enclosure is visible from the public ROW, a higher quality material such as masonry, cedar, or alternative approved by staff shall be used. 7.The applicant shall submit a tree assessment prepared by a licensed arborist that documents the health of the existing trees in the planter strip along SW 10th St and includes a recommendation for replacement trees to be planted where trees were removed or where unhealthy trees are recommended for removal. If feasible, the applicant shall utilize a “Medium” or “Large” stature species from the Approved Street Tree List and Spacing Guidelines document. Any recommended tree maintenance should be performed prior to construction permit close out. The tree assessment and frontage planting plan shall be submitted with the building permit application for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. The tree assessment and revised Detailed Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. 8.The applicant shall submit a detailed plan that identifies the method vehicles will be delivered to the site including information regarding the type of semi truck used, turning movement analysis for ingress and egress on the site, and circulation of the delivery vehicles on and off the site. The detailed plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of the civil construction permit. 9.The applicant shall record a public access easement over the existing sidewalk fronting the project site along SW 10th St. A draft of the easement shall be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of the civil construction permit. The easement shall be recorded prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.