HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1• CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: August 10, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Jenny Cisneros Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: I-405 and NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements LUA (file} Number: LUA-16-000223, V-H Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Vicki Grover Acceptance Date: March 22, 2016 Applicant: Linda Cooley, WSDOT Project Environmental Manager Owner: WSDOT Contact: Linda Cooley, WSDOT Project Environmental Manager PID Number: ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: April 12, 2016 Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: May 10, 2016 Anneal Period Ends: Mav 24. 2016 Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Location: Along NE 44'" St and 1-405 ramp Comments: '1\0ii,<, ~ <VA 0 1>N'>C4; ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. Denis Law Mayor May 12, 2016 Linda Cooley WSDOT 600 1081h Av NE, Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 98004 City Clerk -Jason A. Seth, CMC Subject: Hearing Examiner's Decision -Final Decision RE: WSDOT (Noise Variance), LUA-16-000223, V Dear Ms. Cooley: I have attached the City of Renton's Hearing Examiner's Final Decision dated May 10, 2016. This document is also immediately available: o Electronically on line at the City of Renton website (www.rentonwa.gov); o To be viewed at the City Clerk's office on the 7th floor or Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8 am and 4 pm. Ask for the project file by the above project number; and o For purchase at a copying charge of $0.15 per page. The estimated cost for the Hearing Examiner Documents is $.90, plus a handling and postage cost (this cost is subject to change if documents are added). APPEAL DEADLINE: RMC 4-8-080 provides that the final decision of the Hearing Examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-110(E)(14) requires appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the r·equired fee to the City Council, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: A request for reconsideration to the Hearing Examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8-110(E)(13) and RMC 4-8- 100(G)(9). Reconsiderations must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the reconsideration process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • (425) 430-6510 / Fax (425) 430-6516 • rentonwa.gov 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. A new fourteen (14) day appeal period shall commence upon the issua.nce of a reconsideration decision. I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or iseth@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, 1!!.~ City Clerk cc: Hearing Examiner Vicki Grover, Civil Engineer II -Plan Review Engineer Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Sabrina Mirante, Secretary, Planning Division Julia Medzegian, City Council liaison Parties of Record (1) l r>··. •1 \.: : . '. \ ' .. \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: WA State Dept. of Transportation ) ) ) FINAL DECISION ) ) Noise Variance ) ) LUA16-000223, V-H ) Summary The applicant has applied for a variance to the City's noise standards in order to make required improvements to I,900 linear feet of a northbound on-ramp to 1-405 at NE 30'h over 23 nonconsecutive nights from July I, 2016 to July I, 2018. The variance is approved subject to conditions. Testimony Vicki Grover, City of Renton Civil Engineer, summarized the proposal. In response to examiner questions, Ms. Grover noted that slide 5 of her power point presentation outlines the "proposed mitigation" referenced in the recommended staff conditions. In response to examiner questions, Linda Cooley, WSDOT representative, noted that light I-405 Traffic noise is 50 dBA. Trucks can generate noise levels of 70 dBA. The closest homes are about 280 feet to the project site. There's a berm on the east side of the freeway that provides some noise relief. There's also a noise wall. Ms. Cooley noted that there would not be a major difference between the construction noise and a loud truck. Noise Variance -I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Exhibits The April 19, 2016 staff report and its five attachments were admitted into the record during the hearing as Ex. 1. The staff power point was admitted as Ex. 2. lFindings of lFact Procedural: I. Applicant. Washington State Department of Transportation. IO 2. Hearing. A hearing was held on the subject application on April 26, 2016 in the City of 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Renton City Council Chambers. 3. Project Description. The applicant has applied for a variance to the City's noise standards in order to make required improvements to 1,900 linear feet of a northbound on-ramp to 1-405 at NE 30'h over 23 nonconsecutive nights from July I, 2016 to July I, 2018. The queuing length of the existing on-ramp does not have enough capacity to prevent overflow of 1-405 bound traffic into the City's residential neighborhoods. The project is located between Milepost (MP) 6.5 and MP 6.9 of 1- 405. In general, the essence of the project is to widen and restripe the existing ramp to accommodate a second metered lane. The project work includes removal of existing asphalt (new & replaced), striping, plastic traffic markings, traffic loops, ramp meter, signs and concrete barriers. The project proposes to install asphalt, curb and gutter, storm facilities, signage, traffic signals, fiber optic conduit, traffic loops, ramp meter, soldier pile wall, cast in place and pre-cast concrete barriers and one new street light. Construction equipment used during night time activities will include, but are not limited to: dump trucks, generators, portable lighting (light plants), paving machines, grinding machines for asphalt and striping, compaction rollers, air compressors, and saw cutters for asphalt, back hoes and front loaders, drilling machines and cement mixer trucks. Noise levels resulting from project construction activity would generate peak noise levels of 76 to 80 dBA as perceived at a distance of 50 feet from the NE 30th Street north bound on-ramp to 1-405. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8- 7) limit extended periods of noise from I 0:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). 4. Surrounding Uses. The closest homes are about 280 feet away from the project site and are separated by a berm and/or noise wall. Noise Variance -2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5. Adverse Impacts. The noise generated by the proposal will be mitigated as much as can be reasonably required of WSDOT. Noise impacts overall appear to be very marginal since the closest home is located at least 280 feet from the project and are shielded by a berm and/or noise wall. Night time ambient noise of 1-405 is already at 50 dBA with 70 dBA for trucks. As shown in Ex. 5, the noisiest equipment used at the project site will generate noise levels of 85 dBA, which will be less than 73 dBA at the closest homes. As testified by staff, the work is critically necessary in order to increase holding capacity of the on-ramp and thereby reduce backups into the surrounding transportation network. With the mitigation measures recommended by staff and adopted by this decision, then noise generated by the proposal will not significantly exceed these ambient noise levels. Conclusions of Law I. Authority. RMC 8-7-8{A) authorizes the hearing examiner to hear requests to variances of the noise standards set by Chapter 7 RMC. 2. Review Criteria. Noise variances are governed by RMC 8-7-8(0). Applicable criteria are quoted below in italics and applied through corresponding conclusions of law. 13 RMC 8-7-8(D)(l): That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the 14 variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the applicant's property or project, and that the strict application of this Chapter will deprive the subject property owner or applicant of rights and privileges enjoyed by others. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3. The criterion is met. The work must be done during night time hours when noise limits are strictest in order to minimize disruption of the transportation system. The work is unavoidable as the on-ramp to 1-405 is in serious need of upgrades to increase holding capacity repair as testified by Ms. Grover. RMC 8-7-8(0)(2): That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. 4. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5, the proposal will not create any significant adverse impacts. Consequently, it will not be materially detrimental to public health, welfare or safety or injurious to any property or improvements. RMC 8-7-8(0)(3): That the variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the desired purpose. Noise Variance -3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (' • 5. The applicant demonstrated during the hearing that the work is unavoidable and that the mitigation imposed is the most that could be reasonably required. For these reasons the variance is the minimum necessary. RMC 8-7-8(0)(4): That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the following: a. Implementation of a noise monitoring program; b. Maximum noise levels; c. Limitation on types of equipment and use of particular equipment; d. Limitation on back-up beepers for equipment; e. Required use of noise shields or barriers; f Restrictions to specific times and days; g. Specific requirements for documentation of compliance with the noise variance conditions; h. Specific requirements for notification to nearby residents; i. Required cash security to pay for inspection services to verify compliance; j. Required access to the project by the City to verify compliance with the noise variance conditions; k. Specific program lo allow for temporary hotel vouchers to effected residents; I. Requirements for written verification that all workers understand the noise variance conditions for the project; and m. Provision allowing the City to immediately revoke the variance approval if the variance conditions are violated. 6. Most of the measures identified above have been either proposed or required for the project as is evident from the conditions of approval. The measures taken to mitigate impacts have been found adequate by staff and it doesn't appear that any additional measures from the list above would materially help to mitigate noise impacts. RMC 8-7-8(0)(5): The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. 7. The need for improvements to l-405 are of critical importance and that has been balanced into the assessment of impacts (FOF No. 5) as required by the criterion above. RMC 8-7-8(D)(6): The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. 8. There are no practicable alternative locations or methods available. Noise Variance -4 2 3 4 5 RMC 8-7-8(D)(7): The extent by which the prescribed noise limitations will be exceeded by the variance and the extent and duration of the variance. 9. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5, the noise levels have been mitigated as much as reasonably possible and do not exceed ambient noise levels by a significant amount. DECISION 6 As conditioned, the variance meets all applicable criteria as outlined in this decision. The conditions of approval are as follows: 7 8 9 10 l l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I. The applicant shall provide the City of Renton project manager with the phone number for after-hours noise complaints prior to commencement of construction. Any complaints from within the Renton city limits will be summarized and reported to the City's project manager within 2 days of the complaint. All residences within 300 feet of the project site shall receive notice of the complaint phone number in advance of any night time construction work authorized by this decision. Notice shall be provided by door hanger, direct mail or similar method approved by staff. WSDOT shall provide hotel vouchers to complaining residents when it is unable to reasonably mitigate noise impacts. 2. The applicant shall implement proposed mitigation measures and develop alternate mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction. Noise mitigation measures shall at a minimum include those identified in slide no. 5 of Ex. 2 and the mitigation measures identified in Ex. 5 to the staff report. 3. The applicant shall notify the City of Renton project manager with the date and areas of expected night work prior to commencement of night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. 4. Implementation of a noise monitoring program will be conducted nightly by the contractor and the results provided to the City's project manager; 5. Maximum noise level readings will be included in the noise monitoring program that will be conducted nightly and these results with the type of work being conducted during the noise level readings are to be provided to the City's project manager. 6. Maximum noise levels are limited to those identified in Ex. 5 to the staff report. 7. Violation of these conditions of approval may result in immediate revocation of this variance by the administrator of the City of Renton Department of Community Development. Noise Variance -5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 r • DA TED this I 0th day of May, 2016. City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-080 provides that the final decision of the hearing examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-l 10(E)(l4) requires appeals of the hearing examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8-I IO(E)(l3) and RMC 4-8-100(0)(9). A new fourteen (14) day appeal period shall commence upon the issuance of the reconsideration. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th floor, (425) 430-6510. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. Noise Variance -6 I May 12, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) § ) JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 12th day of May, 2016, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail the Hearing Examiner's Final Decision RE: WSDOT 1-405 (Noise Variance) LUA-16-000223 to the attached parties of record. Jason SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 12th day of May, 2016. Cynthia R. oya Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 Name ~B~A )'y\/'C', NOISE VARIANCE HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET 1-405/NE 301h Street Ramp lmprovements/LUA16-000223 April 26, 2016, 10:00 AM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Address Phone# with area code (including City & Zip) (optional) {./ :zs . <+!' t 2-S--0 'f -,.) l' .. -te.. b.o-. 1'I ~ A ""7(,< l,f-'1 'lo.,_ \f.r<::c~ !wP. qq,,;;'f . Email Address (optional) n O·l"M. £\ ..,,.r "'2 \l),~ u,.,,,. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Rellll to ll1l Re po 1!"1!:el!" a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more tban six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in tbe English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: PUllllJlic Notice was published on April 1, 2016. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is tbe sum of $93.50. ~fl~ l'./Linda Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscrib~and sworn to me this 1st day of April, 2016. ,,,111111,,, ,,,'\J: .. GWttv'',,, ,, ~ ········ ~ ~ <, •• •;$,ON EXPi;:,. -:., ... .--~ '1'<.<'"• , , ... ·~"-,S,• , ale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing ing (8 1-1011>.R'{ \ ~ Puyallup, Washington : \ plJ\3\.IC ; 6 = -:..(J)·· /J..:.~ -:.. /\ •••• ..~ •• • <::, ~ ,, -9.,,. • •• ps.,1-i?.0 • .. ~ ~ , , ('" ·····•• X'' ' '1,1 OF WI>-'=',,,,, ,,,,,., 11\''' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A public hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on April 26, 2016 at I 0:00 am to consider the following petitions: 1-405 and NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements LUA16-000223 Location: 1-405 and N 30th Street ramp. WSOOT is re- questing a noise variance to allow for 23 non-consecutive nights of construction work Approximately 1,900 lineal feet of work will be completed at the ramp at N 30th St and 1-405 north bound, which will include widening and restriping of the existing ramp to accom- modate a second metered lane, constructing a retaining wall and relocating the existing ramp meter. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the City Clerk's Office, Seventh Floor, City Hall, Renton. All in- terested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Questions should be directed to the Hearing Examiner at 425-430-6515. Published in the Renton Reporter o: April 08, 2016. #1584004. ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: WA State Dept. of Transportation Noise Variance ) ) ) FINAL DECISION ) ) ) ) LUA16-000223, V-H ) ________________ ) Summary 16 The applicant has applied for a variance to the City's noise standards in order to make required improvements to 1,900 linear feet of a northbound on-ramp to 1-405 at NE 301 h over 23 17 nonconsecutive nights from July I, 2016 to July I, 2018. The variance is approved subject to conditions. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Testimony Vicki Grover, City of Renton Civil Engineer, summarized the proposal. In response to examiner questions, Ms. Grover noted that slide 5 of her power point pre.sentation outlines the "proposed mitigation" referenced in the recommended staff conditions. !n response to examiner questions, Linda Cooley, WSDOT representative, noted that light 1-405 Traffic noise is 50 dBA. Trucks can generate noise levels of 70 dBA. The closest homes are about 280 feet to the project site. There's a berm on the east side of the freeway that provides some noise relief. There's also a noise wall. Ms. Cooley noted that there would not be a major difference 25 between the construction noise and a loud truck. 26 Noise Variance -I 1 2 3 4 ]Exhibits The April 19, 2016 staff report and its five attachments were admitted into the record during the 5 hearing as Ex. I. The staff power point was admitted as Ex. 2. 6 7 8 9 Findings of Fact Procedural: 1. Applicant. Washington State Department of Transportation. 10 2. Hearing. A hearing was held on the subject application on April 26, 2016 in the City of 11 12 13 Renton City Council Chambers. 3. Project Description. The applicant has applied for a variance to the City's noise standards in order to make required improvements to 1,900 linear feet of a northbound on-ramp to 1-405 at NE 30'h over 23 nonconsecutive nights from July 1, 2016 to July I, 2018. The queuing length of the existing on-ramp does not have enough capacity to prevent overflow of 1-405 bound traffic into the 14 City's residential neighborhoods. The project is located between Milepost (MP) 6.5 and MP 6.9 ofl- 405. In general, the essence of the project is to widen and restripe the existing ramp to accommodate a second metered lane. The project work includes removal of existing asphalt (new & replaced), 15 16 striping, plastic traffic markings, traffic loops, ramp meter, signs and concrete barriers. The project proposes to install asphalt, curb and gutter, storm facilities, signage, traffic signals, fiber· optic conduit, traffic loops, ramp meter, soldier pile wall, cast in place and pre-cast concrete barriers and one new street light. Construction equipment used during night time activities will include, but are not limited to: dump trucks, generators, portable lighting (light plants), paving machines, grinding 17 18 19 machines for asphalt and striping, compaction rollers, air compressors, and saw cutters for asphalt, back hoes and front loaders, drilling machines and cement mixer trucks. 20 Noise levels resulting from project construction activity would generate peak noise levels of 76 to 80 21 dBA as perceived at a distance of 50 feet from the NE 30th Street north bound on-ramp to I-405. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum 22 permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8- 23 7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period 24 (WAC 173-60-040). 25 4. Surrounding Uses. The closest homes are about 280 feet away from the project site and are 26 separated by a berm and/or noise wall. Noise Variance -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5. Adverse Impacts. The noise generated by the proposal will be mitigated as much as can be reasonably required of WSDOT. Noise impacts overall appear to be very marginal since the closest home is located at least 280 feet from the project and are shielded by a berm and/or noise wall. Night time ambient noise of 1-405 is already at 50 dBA with 70 dBA for trucks. As shown in Ex. 5, the noisiest equipment used at the project site will generate noise levels of 85 dBA, which will be less than 73 dBA at the closest homes. As testified by staff, the work is critically necessary in order to increase holding capacity of the on-ramp and thereby reduce backups into the surrounding transportation network. With the mitigation measures recommended by staff and adopted by this decision, then noise generated by the proposal will not significantly exceed these ambient noise levels. Conclusions of Law 1. Authority. RMC 8-7-8(A) authorizes the hearing examiner to hear requests to variances of the noise standards set by Chapter 7 RMC. 2. Review Criteria. Noise variances are governed by RMC 8-7-8(0). Applicable criteria are 12 quoted below in italics and applied through corresponding conclusions oflaw. 13 RMC 8-7-8(0)(1): That the applicant suffers practical di.fjiculties and unnecessary hardship and the 14 variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the applicant's property or project, and that the strict application of this Chapter will deprive the subject property owner or applicant of rights and privileges enjoyed by others. 15 16 17 18 3. The criterion is met. The work must be done during night time hours when noise limits are strictest in order to minimize disruption of the transportation system. The work is unavoidable as the on-ramp to I-405 is in serious need of upgrades to increase holding capacity repair as testified by Ms. Grover. 19 RMC 8-7-8(0)(2): That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public 20 health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. 21 22 23 4. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5, the proposal will not create any significant adverse impacts. Consequently, it will not be materially detrimental to public health, welfare or safety or injurious to any property or improvements. 24 RMC 8-7-8(0)(3): That the variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the 25 26 desired purpose. Noise Variance -3 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5. The applicant demonstrated during the hearing that the work is unavoidable and that the mitigation imposed is the most that could be reasonably required. For these reasons the variance is the minimum necessary. RMC 8-7-8(D)(4): That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the following: a. Implementation of a noise monitoring program; b. Maximum noise levels; c. Limitation on types of equipment and use of particular equipment; d. Limitation on back-up beepers for equipment; e. Required use of noise shields or barriers; f Restrictions to specific times and days; g. Specific requirements for documentation of compliance with the noise variance conditions; h. Specific requirements for notification to nearby residents; i. Required cash security to pay for inspection services to verify compliance; j. Required access to the project by the City to verify compliance with the noise variance conditions; k. Specific program to allow for temporary hotel vouchers to effected residents; I. Requirements for written verification that all workers understand the noise variance conditions for the project; and m. Provision allowing the City to immediately revoke the variance approval if the variance conditions are violated. 6. Most of the measures identified above have been either proposed or required for the project as is evident from the conditions of approval. The measures taken to mitigate impacts have been found adequate by staff and it doesn't appear that any additional measures from the list above would materially help to mitigate noise impacts. RMC 8-7-8(D)(5): The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. 7. The need for improvements to 1-405 are of critical importance and that has been balanced into the assessment of impacts (FOF No. 5) as required by the criterion above. RMC 8-7-8(0)(6): The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. 8. There are no practicable alternative locations or methods available. Noise Variance -4 On the 22"d day of March, 2016, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application documents. This information was sent to: Linda Cooley, WSDOT (Signature of Sender): C1.1 AI\.A : J STATE OF WASHINGTON G ) COUNTY OF KING Dated: ) ss ' ) Representing Applicant I' l/ lie in and for the State of Washing ~ , ·G, ~ :"f:-' !,VA5~\~ ,,.§ ,,, Notary (Print): ____ 's's-.>..>.o"'-~-"~""~"",,-5__,·..,o.,,:a::..,,,.1y<.:+'::>=.c:::· .__ ________ _ My appointment expires: A:~ a.C\) d-0\4- ;a;c···, 'I--, 1 • • ,_,>· ·· \\\1r1 .ltoll::ct_Narn~: , 1-405 and NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements Noise Vananc_e:-'('\OLLy 11,,,, template -affidavit of service by mailing City of Renton Notice of Application - Noise Variance for Nighttime Work 1-405, Northeast 30th Street Ramp Improvements Project File #: LUA 16-000223 Project Description - To relieve congestion on local streets, WSDOT proposes to improve one 1-405 interchange ramp within the City of Renton . The work at the 1-405/Northeast (NE) 30th Street Interchange includes widening and restriping the existing ramp to accommodate a second metered lane , constructing a retaining wall, and relocating the existing ramp meter. The project is scheduled to be advertised to prospective bidders early May and construction is planned between July and September 2016. Project Applicant: Linda Cooley, 425-456-8586 Project Planner: Vicki Grover, 425-430-7291 A public hearing is scheduled on April 26 , 2016 at 10 a.m ., Council Chambers, seventh floor, Renton City Hall , 1055 South Grady Way, Renton 98057. Any and all interested parties are invited to present testimony or submit letters in support or opposition to the request. You may request a copy of any decision, comment on the project and learn your appeal rights by calling the project planner listed above , or by visiting Renton City Hall , Planning Division Monday through Friday, 8 a.m . to 5 p.m . CII C: c. w '\ 1, z ~ t5 • 3 N 35th St ! N "O .. \ ':) ~ ' S~M ~ ':) "' ~ ... E (!. "' )> < ... z ;;. N 34th St )> < ... z N33rd Pl N 32nd SI 7-Elevm 6 Sh~II a N 30th St ":l Chevron a ;;. r z N 28th St D z 0 m ~ ~ NE33rd Pl ~ 'Cl" .. Project Area '1,~32ndS1 c.. 0 ~ .. 1 z NE 27th St -----~ItentOil ® ~ t; ~ z m NE 28th ~ NE 27th St K~ WSDOT 1-405 Program Office 600 108th Avenue NE, Suite 405 Affidavit of Service by Mailing On the 6th day of April 2016, I deposited in the mails of the United States, notice of a Notice of Application -Noise Variance for Nighttime Work documents. This Information was sent to: Name Representing 300' Surrounding Properties State of Washington ) s County of King ) I certify that I know of have satisfactory evidence that Craig Smiley signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:A-p~1 i /,; 1 '2..D i le Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): _.....;Lc::::....:tL.U..=::...:.I"'..:'·..:·' _..:le_'_· _:_0_11_"e_. _..-_vi_"'-'_.., ______ _ My appointment expires: ~V\ tt . .v·c.1,, I '2.. 2.,(.:, I 7 Project Name: 1-405, Northeast 30th Street Ramp Improvements Project Project Number: LUA 16-000223 Parcel number Taxpayer name Parcel address Jurisdiction Zip code 3342700615 CARPENTER CARL A 3606 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342700613 BUI JENNIFER QUYEN 3604 MEADOW A . RENTON 98056 3342700610 PALMER MELODY ELAINE 3600 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103240 CREST AT KENNYDALE L L C TH 1406 N 30TH ST RENTON 98056 3342103230 DEAL JACOB H 1415 N 32ND ST RENTON 98056 3342103225 CHRISTOFFER KODY+CANDEY MEL 1421 N 32ND ST RENTON 98056 3342103222 JULIEN CLINT 1427 N 32ND ST RENTON 98056 3342103161 LEUNG KOON KOWK 1426 N 34TH ST RENTON 98056 3342103160 RALPH ALEXANDER+JOAN M ZIMB 1420 N 34TH ST RENTON 98056 3342103159 RYLAND STEPHEN D+JENNIFER L 3407 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103158 PRELLWITZ LEO A 3413 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103156 DOREY BENJAMIN R+AMANDA M 3419 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103153 YAZAWICH BETTY J 3503 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103152 DURFEE TERRY R+JANNETTE L B 3509 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103151 LI TONG & ZHENG MINNA 1433 N 36TH ST RENTON 98056 3342103150 JACQUES JIM H 3515 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103149 RICHARDSON MICHAEL T +EMILY 1429 N 36TH ST REN'TON 98056 3342103148 MAZON JAMIE+OBARA MARI 1507 N 36TH ST RENTON 98056 3342103147 JIM JACQUES 1501 N 36TH ST RENTON 98056 1831500080 PONDER THOMAS D 3319 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 1831500070 SIENDA EVELYN A 3313 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 1831500060 DANG HUONG H+PHUNG SANH T 3307 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 1831500050 PETRARCA GREG 3301 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 1831500040 CHEN RAYMOND J+AMY L 3221 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 1831500030 THOMPSON DAVID+THOMPSON TRA 3215 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342700467 CURRENT RESIDENT 1426 N 36th St RENTON 98056 3342700467 MOSS L YLE+SANDRA 14525 SE 51ST ST BELLEVUE 98006 3342103481 CASSAN CURT M 3133 JONES AVE NE RENTON 98056 3342103240 CREST AT KENNYDALE LL C TH POBOX1129 BELLEVUE 98009 3342103232 STEPHAN MICHAEL +BONNEY ASHL 1411 N32NDST RENTON 98056 3342103229 REYNOLDS TYLER R+ANN L 3112 MEADOW PL N RENTON 98056 3342103228 VOGTJOSH+KAREN 3106 MEADOW PL N RENTON 98056 3342103227 OGAWA KIHEl+TAKE+ET AL 3100 N MEADOW PL RENTON 98056 3342103206 YORMARK MARK 1414 N 32ND ST RENTON 98056 3342103190 VAN AVERY JAMES C 1405 N 34TH ST RENTON 98056 3342103157 COLASURDO LAURA+LUKE 1414 N 34TH ST RENTON 98056 3342103155 ARMITAGE JOSEPH E+ TEEN IE CH 3411 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 3342103151 LI TONG & ZHENG MINNA 14545 SE 56TH ST BELLEVUE 98006 3342103147 JIM JACQUES 6833 RIPLEY LN N RENTON 98056 3342103143 LI TONG+ZHENG MINNA 14545 SE 56TH ST BELLEVUE 98006 1831500020 BAGIROV ARSEN+RAKHMANOVA SO 3209 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 1831500010 PURDY ADAM BARAK+WILSON JAN 3203 MEADOW AVE N RENTON 98056 Name ~~A wcJ.~ NOISE VARIANCE HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET 1-405/NE 30th Street Ramp lmprovements/LUA16-000223 April 26, 2016, 10:00 AM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Address Phone# with area code (including City & Zip) (optional) '{ = . '+!' \ 'Z-~O'f -;:.) I! .. +e.. ~. /-) ~ A ,., t~ i,--'i "lo.,_ (. \f.(LC(.}(vJJ / IA){+ "jqoi;'f . Email Address (optional) l'lt><M. £\ i.vrr,J<! Ci'\ .I U>-ot ' - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DA TE: Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: April 19, 2016 1-405 and NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements LUA16-000223, V-H Vicki Grover, Civil Engineer Ill Washington State Department of Transportation Linda Cooley, WSDOT, 600 108th Ave. NE, Suite 405, Bellevue, WA 98004 Same as Applicant. WSDOT requests a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) in order to conduct construction work at night in an area with residential uses. The construction work would occur during 23 non- consecutive nights of construction from July 1, 2016 through July 1, 2018. The work includes improving approximately 1,900 linear feet of northbound ramp at NE 30 1h Street onto 1-405. The queuing length of the existing on-ramp does not have enough capacity to prevent overflow of 1-405 bound traffic into the City's residential neighborhoods. The project includes work and improvements within the State Department of Transporation Right of Way limits. Noise levels resulting from project construction activity would generate peak noise levels of 76 to 80 dBA as perceived at a distance of 50 feet from the NE 30th Street north bound on-ramp to 1-405. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8-7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). Along the Northbound NE 30th Street on ramp to 1-405 N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A 1,900 Lineal Feet Total Building Area GSF: N/A Project Location Map NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT City of Renton Department of Community & ,omic Development /-4()5 & NE 30'" STREET NORTHBOUND RAMP PROJECT Report of April 19, 2016 I 8. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND: NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT LUA16-000223, V-H Page 2 of 6 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requests a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) in order to conduct construction work at night in an area with residential uses. The construction work would occur over 23 non-consecutive nights from July 1, 2016 through to July 1, 2018. The project is located on the NE 301 h Street ramp onto north bound 1-405, between Milepost (MP) 6.5 and MP 6.9. In general, the essence of the project is to widen and restripe the existing ramp to accommodate a second metered lane. The project work includes removal of existing asphalt (new & replaced), striping, plastic traffic markings, traffic loops, ramp meter, signs and concrete barriers. The project proposes to install asphalt, curb and gutter, storm facilities, signage, traffic signals, fiber optic conduit, traffic loops, ramp meter, soldier pile wall, cast in place and pre-cast concrete barriers and one new street light. Construction equipment used during night time activities will include, but are not limited to: dump trucks, generators, portable lighting (light plants), paving machines, grinding machines for asphalt and striping, compaction rollers, air compressors, and saw cutters for asphalt, back hoes and front loaders, drilling machines and cement mixer trucks. To limit the potential effect of construction-related noise at the residences near the ramp work area, several noise mitigation measures have been considered. o The contractor shall avoid parking and idling vehicles near residences. o An after-hours noise compliant telephone number shall be made available to all residences. o Ambient sensitive back up alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. o Construction equipment shall be parked outside of the line of sight from residences and temporary noise shields shall be used when feasible. o The contractor shall be required to redirect temporary lights away from residences. o Material on the roadway that needs to be cleaned up shall be done with a sweeper which has a noise volume sound similar to that of existing nighttime traffic from 1-405. o The stripe removal and grinder noise shall dissipate as the equipment moves along the highway. The project will include nighttime work where the zoning is all residential varying from R-8 to R-6 and CN (Commercial Neigborhood). A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8-7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT City of Renton Department of Community & t,.,.~,1omic Development 1-405 & NE 30TH STREET NORTHBOUNO RAMP PROJECT NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT WA16-000223, V-H Report of April 19, 2016 Page 3 of 6 I C. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Staff Report dated April 19, 2016 Exhibit 2: Project Description, Project Narrative, Variance Request Justification dated March 17, 2016. Exhibit 3: Exhibit of the location of work being proposed along the NE 30th Street northbound ramp to 1-405 Exhibit 4: 11" X 17", 60% Design Plans Exhibit 5: Anticipated noise levels and proposed mitigation measures D. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes and enters the following: 1. Request: Noise Variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) for work between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am over 23 non-consecutive nights from July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2018. 2. Variance: The proposal requires a public hearing with the Hearing Examiner. 3. Existing Land Uses: Single family residences and Commercial Neighborhood 4. Zoning: Residential -6 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-6), Residential -8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) and CN (Commercial Neighborhood) has maximum dwelling units of 4 dwelling units per structure. I E. CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA: Section 8-7-8.D. Lists 7 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Noise Variance application. These include the following: The Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant a variance upon making a determination, in writing, that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: 1. That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the applicant's property or project, and that the strict application of this Chapter will deprive the subject property owner or applicant of rights and privileges enjoyed by others. Staff Analysis: WSDOT's traffic analysis has determined that performing ramp closures during the day would result in traffic congestion due to high traffic volumes, loss of roadway capacity and diminished access to local events. WSDOT recommends that lane closures and certain construction activities occur at night and continuous operation of construction activities such as pavement grinding can be ensured to avoid endangering personnel. NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT City of Renton Department of Community & _1omic Development 1-405 & NE 30'" STREET NORTHBOUND RAMP PROJECT Report of April 19, 2016 NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT LUA16·000223, V·H Page 4 of 6 To avoid disruptions to workers, motorists and pedestrians and to maintain emergency and essential services, many construction activities must occur between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00AM. Activities such as pavement repair, grinding, removal and replacement of pavement and pavement markings cannot be accomplished while traffic is present. Full or partial ramp and street closures are necessary for these activities. In addition, nighttime work is necessary to complete the project prior to the 2016-2017 school year at Kennydale Elementary School, located east of the NE 30th Street project site. A primary benefit of the completed NE 30th Street ramp improvements is the access to the school by reducing traffic congestion on NE 30th Street. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. Staff Analysis: Granting of the variance will enhance public safety and reduce risks to property because nighttime traffic volumes are lighter, thus reducing safety risks. Performing this work during nighttime hours and if required during weekend closures when the least amount of traffic is present will minimize risks to the travelling public and construction workers. 3. That the variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the desired purpose. Staff Analysis: The work would occur over 24 months on 23 non-consecutive nights. The work site location is approximately 1,900 lineal feet. Mitigation measures are proposed by the applicant to diminish the impact on the surrounding area. Staff believes that the request is the minimum needed to accomplish the necessary reconstruction and repair. 4. That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the following: a. Implementation of a noise monitoring program; b. Maximum noise levels; c. Limitation on types of equipment and use of particular equipment; d. Limitation on back-up beepers for equipment; e. Required use of noise shields or barriers; f. Restrictions to specific times and days; g. Specific requirements for documentation of compliance with the noise variance conditions; h. Specific requirements for notification to nearby residents; NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT City of Renton Department of Community & ,omic Development /-405 & NE 30'" STREET NORTHBOUND RAMP PROJECT Report of April 19, 2016 NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT LUA16-000223, V-H Page 5 of 6 i. Required cash security to pay for inspection services to verify compliance; j. Required access to the project by the City to verify compliance with the noise variance conditions; k. Specific program to allow for temporary hotel vouchers to effected residents; I. Requirements for written verification that all workers understand the noise variance conditions for the project; and m. Provision allowing the City to immediately revoke the variance approval if the variance conditions are violated. Staff Analysis: Noise shields will be used as directed by the engineer and when feasible. Back-up beepers will be ambient sensitive backup alarms, and truck tailgate banging will not be allowed. An after-hours noise complaint phone number staffed by WSDOT and or their contractors will be provided. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that WSDOT provide the City's project manager with the after-hours noise complaint phone number, a summary of any complaints and the response provided, within 2 days of receiving the complaint. In addition, staff recommends that the applicant provide notice to the City's project manager of the dates of expected night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. 5. The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. Staff Analysis: Improvements to this heavily travelled Interstate outweigh the limited-term noise impacts to residents and property owners, as well as to help to relieve the surrounding neighborhoods of backed up traffic attempting to get on to 1-405. The applicant has identified measures to be implemented to reduce or eliminate excessive noise. Impacts are further mitigated by the existing ambient noise level emanating from the corridor 6. The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. Staff Analysis: The work is to add queuing length to WSDOT's ramp for the travelling public to utilize without impacting the surrounding neighborhoods. No alternative locations are possible. 7. The extent by which the prescribed noise limitations will be exceeded by the variance and the extent and duration of the variance. NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT City of Renton Department of Community ( nomic Development /·405 & NE 30'" STREET NORTHBOUND RAMP PROJECT NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT LUAl6-000223, V-H Report of April 19, 2016 Staff Analysis: The work of adding length (approximately 1,900 lineal feet)and safety appurtenances to the north bound ramp would occur over a 24 month period on 23 non- consecutive days. Page6of6 F. CONCLUSIONS: THESUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN PROPERTIES OWNED BY WSDOT. THE PROPOSED UPGRADE TO THE EXISTING NE 30TH STREET RAMP IS LOCATED AT MP 6.5 TO MP 6.90N 1- 405. THE WORK WOULD OCCUR OVER 24 MONTHS ON 23 NON-CONSECUTIVE NIGHTS. 1. The work requires a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) as levels of noise for night time would be exceeded. 2. Analysis of the proposal according to variance criteria of RMC 8-7-8-D is found in the body of the Staff Report. I G. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Variance for the 1-405 and NE 30 1h Street Ramp to northbound 1-405, File No. LUA16-000223, V-H be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide the City of Renton project manager with the phone number for after-hours noise complaints prior to commencement of construction. Any complaints from within the Renton city limits will be summarized and reported to the City's project manager within 2 days of the complaint. 2. The applicant shall implement proposed mitigation measures and develop alternate mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction. 3. The applicant shall notify the City of Renton project manager with the date and areas of expected night work prior to commencement of night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. 4. Implementation of a noise monitoring program will be conducted nightly by the contractor and the results provided to the City's project manager; 5. Maximum noise level readings will be included in the noise monitoring program that will be conducted nightly and these results with the type of work being conducted during the noise level readings are to be provided to the City's project manager. NOISE VARIANCE HEX REPORT .; --1 Project Narrative 1-405, NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements March 17, 2016 f ! i\ECEUV\EID M~R 2 2 2016 CIYY oi;: r~:::,~1'0\\1 Pl.ft..t-r< ::.: ., .JN Purpose WSDOT is requesting a variance from the requirements of City of Renton Municipal code to allow nighttime construction work. Project Description To relieve congestion on local streets, WSDOT proposes to improve one 1-405 interchange ramp within the City of Renton. The work at the 1-405/Northeast (NE) 30th Street interchange includes widening and restriping the existing ramp to accommodate a second metered lane, constructing a retaining wall, and relocating the existing ramp meter. The City of Renton and WSDOT have been working collaboratively to resolve recurring congestion and queuing resulting from the operation of the ramp meters at the 1-405 interchanges on NE 30th Street. This project will provide additional vehicle storage at the ramp meters and provide for more efficient ramp metering. The City is planning a complimentary project on NE 30th Street to add storage for overflow vehicles from the on-ramp by eliminating parking on NE 30th Street during peak periods. The combination of projects will enhance ramp operations and reduce congestion on local streets. The project is scheduled to be advertised to prospective bidders early May and construction is planned between July and September. 'However, to accommodate the unanticipated project delays, we are requesting that the Noise Variance permit be valid for the full two year8', ·· Project Narrative 1-405, NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements 1. Project name, size and location of site Project Name: 1-405, NE 30'h Street Ramp Improvements. Project Size: The project area includes improving a) approximately 1,900 linear feet of the NE 30 111 Street to northbound 1-405 on-ramp !EXHIBIT 2 • Project Location: The project is located on the NE 30th Street to northbound 1-405 on- ramp, between 1-405 Milepost (MP) 6.5 and MP 6.9, King County, City of Renton, Township 24 North, Range 5 East, W. M. 2. Land use permits required for proposed project. Land use permits are not required for this project. A Nighttime Noise Variance is needed .. 3. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties. 1-405 roadway and associated oftlon ramps arc within State roadway right of way and do not have a City zoning designation. Beyond the State roadway right of way the land use is designated RS-Residential 8 du/ac. 4. Current use of the site and any existing improvements The current land use is a state transportation corridor including intersections with off and on-ramps. Existing improvements are associated with the roadway. They include on and off~ramps, electrical cabinetry and wiring, ditches, culverts, catch basins, storm water treatment facilities, pavement markings, traffic signals, signs and ramp meters. 5. Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) May Creek flows beneath 1-405, approximately 1,000 feet north of the NE 30th St. interchange. lmpacts to May Creek are not anticipated. The project does not contain steep slopes and it is not located within a landslide hazard area. 6. Soil type and drainage conditions The major soil type identified along the project is glacial till and advance glacial outwash deposits. However due to intense urbanization and previous 1-405 construction. there is . little natural soil within the project area. Surface water runoff from the existing roadway drains through a combination of open ditches and enclosed pipes. Minor roadway widening will occur on the NE 30th on-ramp. An enclosed drainage will be provided and connected into WSDOT's existing enclosed drainage system at the on- ramp, within WSDOT right of way. NPDES exempt This project is exempt from a Construction Stormwatcr General Permit (NPDES) because substantially less than one acre of land disturbance will occur and the site topography prevents any storm water from entering a ;vaterway. Best Management Pract.ices wi II further ensure compliance with State water quality standards. New impervious surface .. ,_;. .. A total of 850 square feet of new impervious surface will be added to provide the additional vehicle storage. Small quantities of erosion control grasses and roadway shoulder gravels will be removed for the widening. 7. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development No change of land use will occur. The property will remain a transportation corridor. 8. For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots Not applicable. This property is and will remain a transportation corridor. 9. Access Site access will not change. 10. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) None. 11. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the-proposed project. Construction cost and the fair market value is approximately $750,000. 12. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed. Approximately 280 cubic yards of backfill soil will be needed to construct a retaining wall at NE. 301h. 13. Number, !)•pc and size of any trees to be rem·ovcd. None. 14. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City None . . ~. _, l., ... , ..... _. 15. Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes None. 16. Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification) None. 17. For projects located within IOO feet of a stream or wetland, please include distance in feet from wetland or stream to nearest area of work Project work Will not occur within 100 feet of a steam or wetland. 18. For projects located within 200-feet of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and Lake Washington please include the following additional information: o Distance from closest area of work to the ordinary high water mark. o Description of the nature of the existing shoreline o The approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an· obstructed view in the event the proposed project exceeds a heightof35-fcet above the average grade level Project work will not occur within 200' of the listed waterbodies. Variance Request Justification: The burden of proof as to the appropriateness of the application lies with the applicant. In order to approve a variance request, the Reviewing Official must find all the following conditions exist: 1. The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; WSDOT's traffic analysis has detennined that performing ramp closures during the day would result in traffic congestion due to high traffic volumes, loss of roadway capacity, and diminished access to local events. WSDOT recommends that lane closures and certain construction activities occur at night and continuous operation ol' construction activities such as pavement grinding can be ensured to avoid endangering personnel. To avoid disruptions to workers, pedestrians and motorists, and to maintain emergency and essential services, many construction activities must occur between the hours of~ pm and 7:00 am, Monday through 8d1.ssy. '5~\-0-~ Activities such as pavement repair, grinding, removal and replacement of pavement and pavement markings cannot be accomplished while traffic is present. Full or partial freeway, street and ramp closures are necessary for these activities. In addition, nighttime work is necessary to complete the project prior to the 2016-17 school year at Kennydale Elementary School. located just east of the N 30th Street project site. A primary benefit of the completed NE 30th ramp improvements is improving access to the school by reducing traffic congestion on NE 30th Street. Construction Considerations and Closures: ... ...... Portions of the construction operations will occur during nighttime hours. The closures required for these operations are only feasible at night. This project will require roadway closures for construction personnel and equipment and personnel operating on the roadway. Estimate of required night work Based upon previous project schedules. WSDOT estimates that it will require 23 nights to complete the work. This estimate, shown below, includes the minimum amount of time necessary to safely complete the work: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Striping mainline (gore area)(remove and install) Striping ramp (remove and install) Setting and removing temporary concrete barrier Paving and drainage Saw-cutting ITS loops on ramp Drilling Soldier Pile Walls Total estimated nights Contingency nights for weather and. other factors Total Estimated night work 2 night 2 night 2 nights 4 nights 2 nights 6 nights 18 nights 5 nights 23 nights 2. The granting of the variance will not he materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; Granting of the variance will enhance public safety and reduce risks to property because nighttime traffic volumes arc lighter. thus reducing the safety risks. Performing this work during nighttime hours and, if required. during weekend closures when the least amount oftranic is present will minimize risks to the traveling public and construction workers. In addition to the safety benefits of nighttime work, WSDOT, its contractors and subcontractors will follow all of the conditions_. restrictions and mitigation measures pursuant to the City of Renton Municipal Code. 3. The approval shall not constitute a gnrnt of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and WSDOT agrees that the approval is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Approval of this request does not grant a special privilege inconsistent with roadway construction projects elsewhere. Nighttime roadway construction is a common and accepted practice to reduce congestion and inconvenience to motorists, expedite road building tasks, and enhancing work zone safety by conducting construction when partial or complete roadway and ramp closures are possible due to reduced traffic volumes. ' ,· +. I I I I I I '1 r Utilities Plan, Generalized (sewer, water storm water, transportation improvements) Public utilities are not located within WSDOT right of way, however minor amounts of electrical conduit will be installed for the ITS system and illumination. Sec attached 60% plans p. 27-35 and p. 25-26 for details. • l;• . ~-C>~1 @ Northeast 30th Street Project Area "~--, • Project Area • 1 "= 300' May C~eek OpenSpac EXHIBIT 3 ,I SHEET NO. !...:...! ~ !-'7 .,. " u-n 14 -1S .!! .rr 11 -11 ... U-24 H•» " ... =- PLAN REFERENCE NO. •• RS1 • IIS2 AL1 •AU SP1 •IP2 '"' M, -,.., IIK1 •9CI ss, ·SS2 "' = "'" ·""" .. ITl1 • rTS2 = ·'"" ,.., ""' INDEX TITLE INDEX AND VICINITY IIAP ROADWAY SECTION -- ALIGNIIENT AND IIIOHT OF WAY PLAN IIITE PREPARATION AND TEIIC PUJrf STRUCTURE NOTES • DRAINAOE DRAINAGE PLAN DRAINAGE PROFI..E PAYING Pl.AN ·--- PAVEIIENT IIAIOONOS AND SIONING PLAN SIGN &PECFICATIONS RETAINNO WALL 1 • Pl.AN WAl.l. 1 • El..EYATION WAU. DETAILS ll.UIIIINATION Pt.AN =~ ITS DETAILS -~ ""'"""'""' ----Ult'!" -001 ---··----·- ~ff =~ ~=· -I I I I ;;" f;.:~ ''°"'" PRoi .... -ff ·--ff ,_ --~ ·---. """" ·---,_ ...... DATE _ j _!Y 60% >< N~fpu.w°l) ~t5 N o(se...-va..riuMU-~,05,f- ., 0 .. ~" .---~i~ -., ., ... ~ ' ' ' r -./ ,', 1,,,• •,-• r / ~ ~ . \t_ ,. • •-ln.:-N JOTH-ST ,.. -~ \ ' -·-~·"-'-,..,,.,-..:·"i-.. ..;: ~ .. ~~ ~~ v' ~\' ---: , .. -.,., ,__.: r .. ,.. -\ ,t ,'--" '·-~ :.:.:: ,--~ .. -"-~ '\;§: ·.'.. -~--~ ·. =-,-~~-~ ' ' " \~f:~, / '1-. ·1· . -;,.... ~ ... ' . ' • I •,, ' ~"" '. " . ·,_\ :~i{) ~ . ~ , .... '\ ·~ \ • ,-...;. 1, \ \ ' ( ' . BEGIN PROJEc+\1,, I j · MP 6.5 VIC. ii'~ 9 i , 30-N405 10+00.00'"{ I".';~ l tt .·. "(\\\ :~ "ii "''i <'~--I . lfw,.d"I ' </~~ i \ .·.- )$\~ 1~\1 ' 5~~\\\? I{ . (./ SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR -CONSTRUCTION "" ""' SCALE IN FEET -1,-4QSJNE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST w RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Wuhlngton Stata MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation INDEX AND VICINITY MAP IEXHlrB11r 4 IN1 ' • i -.... ,.. ..... ,,. --,,. ...... ""' =nm, '""" VAR.11D.T•19.DJ" """"" ... -AS ISHDWN ON SITE PREP Pl.ANS l..lllml OF ROADWAY EXCAVATICW(, INCL HAUL ,r """"' _, STA.10.SCI -1l+OU' ""'"""' 5TA. 1:l+Ol.M • 15-+00 ' '""' VAR.' 1 ,'.5'-1. VAR.11.S'•i.T 0 0 ............ //.... ---,----=f--~--u~n~:: ____ _ 30-N405 ROADWAY SECTION A ,.._ li'-11.5' - i ,. .... --...-............ STA. JD.fM05 1-1--·-~-,~-•-• WAU. 1 STA. 1J+1D.IID TO 5TA.1 ... 7tl.OO RT '"' VAR. 11.56" -A' a.,.um,e--AS _!SHOWN ON 1111'1! PREP PU.NS ,,. ,,. ......... --,r HOV Bff'ASS 0 VAR. 9.l'-11.r """"' ""'"''" EXCAVATlON, NCI....HAIA:_ .. "SHU:i. ,01 ~\,,, ~: ~/// / ,------- .,.,..,.,. / ,,.,,,/' SU NOTE t. \~--, ,,. ,,.\........ -",,, ROADWAY SECTION A-1 STA. JO.fMll5 tz+tLU • NJO,,,IOS 12+!1.00 '"' ~ =':".t= -,,. .......... ,.' - ROADWAY SECTION A-2 STA. JO..fM05 tJo,tl.00 • Nl0-40S tl+1D.00 "" I~ ~. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 SAw:uf 0 MATCH EXISTING ROADWAY SURFACE 0 IIATCM EXISTlNG TRA1,£1.ED WAY SUPERELEVATION 0 Pl.AHINO BITUMINOUS P"VEMENT 0 SEEDING FERlUZIHG NrlD MUl.CHING LEGEND HW. Cl.ASS W, PG (SEE NOTE TO REVIE\'ERJ CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE Ro.t.rJII\Pl,Y EXCAVATION INCL HAIJL ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 SINGLE-SLOPE CONC. BARRIER W,..U. SEE Yllo'LL DETAILS SINGLE-st.OPE CONC. BARRIER SINGLE-SLOPE CONC:. BARRIER 0 CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB @ CEMENT CONC. GUITER NOTES: ""'"'"" "'°'" (DUAL FACED) All DEPTHS SHOWN ARE COIIPACTED DEPTHS. """'" """"G I EXISTING ,..,.,"'" ",, ,, ',, ', ,. • • SEE PAVEIIENT 11ARK1NG PUJr,I FOR YARWILI! WIDTHS REl~ WALLS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY • SEE RETAINING WALL DETAILS FOR RETAININC WALl. 1 AND SINOLE 8LOPE PREC.UT BARRIER WALL DETAIU AND ~~ ............................ , .... -----r::::::::: ~-N:, -11:Jl.."11 All ~ff -· """"' " -_,, ·-~" ·-_., ·---·-ltmlONAl. .A?L ,_ Cl VARIES 2'JI, MIN --~-~-.---_____ -:--__ 30-N405 ROADWAY SECTION 5TA. »-"405 14+711.00 TO STA. JNMll5 15+00.00 '"' --~ -'""°" Pl_ltS_DD1 """""" DATE I _!Y ·>~~ FED.AID PROJ.NO. 10 jWASI ·- ', ~ /...,,,,,, .··. .,. BACKfLL -' FOR WALLS D.5' :-:<. f _, < BARRIER HEIGHT DETAIL "Sl~T~~=-,=,=ODNCITE JI ' SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER STA. )l.fM05 1~ -NJ0.«15 1..00.0II ... CEIIENT CONC.01.JTTD. ADJACENT TO RETAINING W~ IS CClrlSIDERED INCEENTA.L TO WALL CCNSTRI.CTIO' J NOTE TO RFIIEWER: F1NM. PAVBIENT a!!CTION DETERIIINATKIN FROII lteQION IIATERW.11 OFFICE IS PENDINl1. PROPOSED PAVEMENT 0EPTHS SHOWN ARE PROPOSING TO .. TCH EXISTING PER .u.BUILT ........ 60% SUBMITIAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -u Waahlngton State 1-<WSINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Oeparimtlnt of Tnm•portatlon f----------------, ROADWAY Sl!CTION RS1 • D =--M~ ~" _,, _,, -" ---- , ... - ' ' i ! ,,. -""' ,,. --00 " HOV BYPASS 0 , ..... 11Z•1D.T VAR.116'-n.J' 1 I , ..... _4'-2.7'._ ..... ~ .... "v U'-4' LIMITS OI' ROADWAY !XCA\IATION, INCL,,,_ HAUL CONSTRUCTION NOTES """"' MATCH EXISTlr.G RON:IWAY SURFACE MATCH EXlSTlHG TRA\/El.ED WAY SUPERB..EV,.TION ~ ~~--RDUTINO """""'.........., ....... -------,\ i i I """"° I "'"~ ! ~ EXI~ ---------==~---~-~!.;1'~:::::::::::::::::_ ---- ; 0 0 0 0 PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMEHT LEGEND •~ 11:Jf.·U.ut ~., ... -,_ ,_ ·-·-,_ i 30-N405 ROADWAY SECTION C STA.. »M4CIS 1...00.00 TO STA. JG.JM05 1s.4,.07 = ~-.... ~-_,._ltS_ ;; ~.~ ·--~n .,. FED.Al> PROJ.NO. Ml:.J 1 ' ' """""' \<OAOUNO ' \ \,\ \ \,',,,'',,, ' ' l:s ~- ' ' ' ' ' 0 0 0 HMA CLASS W, PO _._ (SEE NOTE TO RfVIEVvER) CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL NOTES; 1. All DEf'THS SHOWN ARE COMPACTED D£P1HS. 2. SEE PAVEIIEHT IIIARIQJ,IQ PLAN FOR VARIABLE WIDTHS NOTE TO REVIEWERz FINAL PAVEIIENT SECTION OETERlaNATION FftOll JI IIAreNAUS OFFICE IS PEICIING. PROPOSED PAVEIIEi rHS SH0Mt ARE PROPOSINQ TO MATCH EXISTINO PER "'---JILT ....... 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ -•• Wuhlngton State l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 4'TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VlC AND MP 7.5 VIC c-- RS2 c-- Department of Transportation 1-----------------1 ' • ltOADWA Y SECTION T.24N. R.SE. W.11/l. ~ -cc-<--<-·· . ij, :I {' ->-------, r•t,...1 I · --------------... ~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~l~~§~~;;;cCi )().N4Q5 10+QQ.QQ iJ1 . ' f 11 -------:------------::. --=--~S fS. '4 PC ---------11+ff12 -~::.:-------.:..-__ -ilJ =~~~~-~---, i: _:hlU ----:---------------------------_ -:----_-________ ..::-::~~=~; ~~--:-::-_-I! ~:1~544 ---1 '; _,; I' ,c,. N 1"2l'21"' W -,0.,-S UtE 15 -;_;----~,,..------------~ ~ -..-.._._'""°":::;,.--,_1]1:/ i.J"?; .• c_:;'.~~~ll!l_ _____ ll.L.--------~--:::::-.=:-:.:c:::-::-::.--::-~~--,---------~-=----_ -_ ---~--' _ ! W' I :: .+;, ••• -. ,,, -------w :::,::::}" --~Mrq~""""""""~~ d~4",~""""'""" ----! • :I ~""""~"""" ~~""""""4-:;c ' ~ --0 f ~ J; ~~--~""""~"""""""""""' ,,..--------i ~ • I ' ~: , /. ' ', /// ------------ , • ,._ "'" I .,,. • ,1. ' { ... 'c~ l :,.,, ? I ,,,,,,,,. , • ' -..., I .,,.., i .,.~. I ,,.. I ' -r /" CURVE DATA P.1. STATION I '"'' ..,., ''"""" I ·1:: PC 1S+20JS.ol ' Pl 16+47.12 I •"49'42" -126.<la" 82' PT 17+73.45 ' I LEGEND NOIES 1. BASIS OF BEARING: WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM NORTI-1 ZONE. NAO 19U (15191 ADJ.). ~~ I RIGHT o~~':.,~ 1.ecEss) EXlSllNG RETAINING WALL ... _ N:P!:!1!!!!~--11:)l.1J"" ~n ~-· ~n --n ·-""""' n ·-.,._n ·---·----·- 2. VERTICAi.. DATlJM IS NAVD68. 3. SEE STRUCTURES PLANS FOR WALL AUGNMENT. ~---~..., .. ....... ~II!- -~-.. I FED.Am Pfl:OJJIO. " .... ·- 60% SUBMITTAL :,,~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " ,., SCAL£ IN FEET -w Waahfngton Stam l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC f---- AL1 >---- Departm•nt of Transportation 1------------------i • -A1MiNIIENT AND RIGHT OI' WAY PLAN T.24N. R.SE. W.M. ~ --------------------------. ---~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t- o-----------------------------------------------------------~ __ __; _________ --::::_--------------:-_-:--------------------::-~f.io:PI____ ·1;405·--~·i,.G'l.157-POE-- tll ----------------0 ---------------------------- ! --=-,------_.,.--20-~ ,-----.-30-Ml05 LINE .,.. 25. ------·"N)"2&'14"E" -·--· N4"M'5!"E -----------------------------. -·---·-; -------------------------.. --:':": ..•..................... ~:-: ..... 11.----------,,------------------,-------------------,- ~~--U,tU-U,t,UU,tUU,tUU,tUU,tUU,tUU,UN-UAU~UAUU,tUUAM'~M,l,UMPU,tUUAUUAUU,tUUAUUAUU,(,gU,tUU,tUU,tUU,tUU,tUU,tUU,tUU,tU~, 0 -/ :s:: -------/ u ------,,..,,, t i -______ .... ~ L'""'""""""''""''""'"""'"'f'"""'""'"'""~"' ' .......... 60% SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ' " ,oo SCALE IN FEET ·- -l-40SJNE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST w AU RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC O.partment of Transportation • AUGNlilEMT AND ltlCIHT OF WAY PLAN D =--11:Jli:1• AM ~ff ~-· """"' n .... """""'" ·-""""' n ·-"""""" ' """'""""' --·- --------".Al ~ FED.AID PROJ.NO. 10 :,.St -·-,_ -DA~ I BY "c!c..°'-- T.24N. R.SE. W.M. ---------------~------- --------=--=-=:.:.:.=.:= ;:~~:0:-:...-..:.o_;..:.;,..._ 15 ~"' ___ ...; __ ._:..:._ ' CONSTRUCTION NOTES ' ............ ~ 0 REMOVING PL.ASTlC TRAFFIC 'NG /.'-,. REIICMNG IIISCEUAHEOUS I .~ "'v/ ITEM (RAISED PAVEMENT MARKER) ,· i --- -1CMut "2.04"RT """"'"""""""""""""""".:.-.c .,. ~ . • ltEaOVINQ PLASl1C J JO.IMft 5+71 tUD' RT -/ "°' MWMNG =no ""' 1. 7 I / ----------------~ lO-NCll5 10oa. . . , JO.fktl5 1~lll. s.1r ,, !O-NC115 ,~n.rr RT t·, i:). .... .._ -.f;-.. ifl'/....._':·..,•/ BEGIN REJicMNG P1.>.511C IJNI;,,,.,.....-END SAWQST e ', ;·--.' 'JCMM05 ,~ 26.50' .,,.,,.. f ' <·<t .BEGIN SAWCUT /' 0 REMOVING CONC. 8ARltlEFI /">,_ REMOVING I\ND RESETTING EXlSnNO 'v" PERMANENT BARRIER /,;-,,. INSTAU. TEMPORARY INFLATABLE ~ PLUG IN SD PIPE LEGEND -,Uil I RIGHT OF WAY (LIMITED ACCESS) IAW SAwctlT LINE -co-I CLEAR & GRU881HG LIMIT i:::::::::::::: l l'l.AHING BITUllaNOUS PAVEMENT c:z:mm !WA PA\'EMEHT REMOVAL 0 _-I IM.ET PROTECTION -~ I CHECK DAM ·• ·-a::;:p n- ;; E:~ ~- SILT FENCE HIGH VISISIUTY Sll.T ~NCE -= EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING FENCE EXISTING EDCE OF P~VEMEHT §XIST1HG CURB EXISTING Sloev.w.J< EXISJING RETAINING ~ EXJST1NO IIARRIER EXISTING flEXIEIL!----c,UIDE POST ="""'""" El0ST1NG LUMIN.\IRE EXISTING DETECTOR LOCF fJOSTlNG RAMP METER SIGNAL EXlS1'lNG CONTROU.ER CABINET ,, Tllm 11::M:15 AM IMTI! Cllll2D1$ """"' " -_,, ___ ,_ anSIEOBY P- CHECK!l> BY ~ PIIZ'l'CHOCliEN PROJ. EMa II FENTON ~ ACIM. l l9IO . . />-. INSTALL CHECK DN,11 ~ 'Y TEMP .._.., PEFllWENT BARRIERS TESC NOTES 1. ANY WATER DISCHARGEO FROM COHSTRUCTlOH W'.>RK AREA ON ST"TE RIGlfT OF WAY SHAU. MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ~ 17l-201A. 2.. HIGH VISIBIUTY FENCE,Sl.T FENCE,AND WATTU: LOCATIONS SHAU. BE FIELD VERIFIED BY TifE ENGINEER l. WSTAI..L INLET PRDTECT10H PER STANDARD PLAN l.<!O.:ZO.OO 4. IHSTAU. TEMPOAARY PLUG 1H INLET INSIDE SAWCUT AA.F.A_ 5. INSTALL ""'T1lE. SllT FENCE, AND HIOli VISIBIUTY FENCE PER THE STANDARD PIAN SHEET SERIES T. SITE PREPARATION NOTES 1. PRDTECT I MAINTAIN ALL EXISTING UTll.JTlES, ITS I ELECTRICAi. ELEMENTS UNLESS NOTED OTliER'MSE. 2.. EXISTING COHCRETI; IWUtlER LENGTH TO BE REMOVED IS .u>PRCIXIIIATE 8"SED ON EXISTING SURVEY INFORIU.TIORACTUAJ. lDIGTH OF BURIED TElWtNAl. W.Y VAAY FROM WHAT IS QUANTIFIED. SAW::UT LOCATIONS ARE OFFSET A MINIMUM OF 4"INS1DE FROM EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT. 4. SEE DRAINAGE Pt.ANS FOR DfWNAGE "8110VALS. SEE SIGNING PlANS FOR SIGN REMOVALS. SEE IUUMIHA.TlON PLAHS FOR El.ECTRICAI. ITEM REMOVALS 7. SEE ITS Pl.ANS FOft ITS MODIFICATIONS. -.tfllr-~11.U01_~_1P~ -IMTI! I~ -~ ... I FED.AID PR.OJ.HO. 10 ~ ,_ 0 INSTALL WATll..E AS A TEMPORARY Ol'VERSION DIKE TO DIRECT OFFSl1E RUNOFF AWAY FROM IIIORK AREA ~ SEEDCNO, FERTIUZIM), AND IM..CHING ~ StW.L BE TO LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRUBBING SITE PREPARATION & TESC QUAHTITY TABULATION "'" CLEARING AND GRUBBING ROADWAY EX~VATION INCL HAUL PI.ANIHG BITUMINOUS PA't/EMENT REMOVING PAJNT LINE REMOVING Pl.ASTlC LINE REMOVING PlAST1C TAAFFIC IWU<IHi:i REMOl.'ING MISCE!.U.HEOUS TRAFFIC rtnl BEGIN I END l0--H405 12•96.69 {Sl.50'RT) I 30-N405-16+11.lf f5~!,0 RT) lO-M05 12<9&.69 (3B.51"Rl) 31J,.f,W0$-16+49.07 (l67l'RT) »H405 12.gfj_r,g (22JX1Rl) 30-NCQS 16~.07 (2200'RT) lO-H405 10<-62.10 (l6.s.!.!!!l.l_~--~1s.l0 (1&D0'RT) ""' -"' "' LI' LI' '-'CH "' REMOVING CONC. IIARRlER I 30-N40s 1s+n.ss {4143'~1} j »N.as~IS+OO.oo (31.00'Rl} REMOVING ANO RESETTINif"ElCISTING PERMANENT BARRIER I lG-N405 16-tOO.OO (18,00'RT) j )0.N,405 16+50.00 (31.00'Rl) tNI..ET PROTECTION """'' -SILT FENCE -= ""'''°" eo•==•o•, ·-=·-===•eowm"'""'"~"""""'==a.ON SEEDING. FERTUZING. AND MULCHING 'SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. LI' " "'" 60% SUBIVIITIAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ "" SCALE 1H FEET ii· -v Washington Stats l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC ALIGNMENT '°'" 02 "' "' '"' "'' ,. ' ~ ' ., r-- SP1 r--,4il!?'...JF w,~?J o..!tf.,L~q Departm.nt of Transportation 1----------------i • n 8ITI! PREPAMTIONS AND TESC PLAN = T.24N. R.SE. W.M. L 3 ::.z!' p: !--~-------~~-~------_ : =--=~~~· .---· === _ == ~~~--=o,r------------·--------------------. -·-· --·· ---------~-------- -~ ~:=~=;~~;::::_-~:=~;=~:i=;=_cc:==oc;.=-~;~_~c~~~=:~:~=-~co==~~,~== 2 :~ -------• ---s --~~~ ~ c ···-··· · --·-----:::---! . END R£MOYING PLUTC LINES ~""'""'"""'"""'"""'"""'""'"""'-"""'"""'"""'~'""'""''""'""'"""'"""'"""' _____ ~ ------~, !I! ------,,,,,, :J ___ ----/ Z&+IL 111.DO'llT ~ --------"'/ ENO REMOVING PAINT UJE t i L'""'"""'""''""""""''""'~"'''·''ll""""~"' l __ ..... 1. SEE SHEET SP01 FOR LEGEND ANO NOTES. 2. SEE SHEET SP01 FOR »N405 ALIGNMENT OUANTITY TABULATION. ~--~n """"' .. .......... """"" .. """"""' ~ ltEG!!l'_N,U "* _Ne, ,..,... 11:li:11 AM ~ =-·-= ·-....... ~ Nt!Gt -V-..UO, PS SP 002.dgn --"n""'"""-"-=c--= .. 1~ FED.AID PROJ.NO. ti 10 jwAS~ ,_ -OA.!!..___J_II!! 60% SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ' "' ,oo SCALE IN FEET -l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ... RAMP IMPROVEMENTS WUhln;ton State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC DepartnMlnt of Transportation 8m PREPARATIONS AND TUC PLAN SP2 ' n ----------------- STRUCTURE NOTES -DRAINAGE -i I i ! ~l;'l I GENERAL NOTES ""' ~ I ii i Tl1E f!MT .,._ OF 1lE "CODE ~ '" DE$0NATION'{IIEI.IJW)RB'ERS TO I "" , . WlU DIWN AND DOWN SPOUT SYSTEM • THE SHEET NO OR SIEl:T REFa!BICE J •• i SEE Wo.lJ. PI.AHS. THS ITBII IS INCLUDl;D ND. SHOWN. 1)£ llRMWlE l'U.lUIE. i !, ! ~~ ~-~-AS A ~ Sl.U DRAINAll,a OEM. ~; r ~~ • THE IECONJ NUIIIIER REf£RS TO lHE " i g2 • , 11:111 ELEVATlOtCS FOR THE FlVME AND OfWN,l,G;E FEAlUlf fOLMI ON ~T &NEET. ~l •• ~! • g GRATE AJt!; PROIIIOE!> FOFI Tl1E CENTE1' ~, ii .. • ' •• 8t. OF THE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE. SET THE FRA,ME AND GAATE TO MATOI ffiE LOCAL STANJAIUI llDI NO. ~, 3151 ™' -~, -LONCJITUDINAl AND CROSS St.Of'E OF THE = I.OCATlOl,I ll.NT OI' li!EMUFIE ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _, I ' GIU.T£S FOR CATCH BASINS $HALL BE VANED ~» STA.13«10.0. l6.45'RT. ' ,m ,m ~o ,u 2,J,',$ AND LOCKING PER WSOOT STll.PI.AN_ll,,XIJ0.111 DR1·2 STA. 14+2011. lti.~RT. ' ,~ ,~ no no :u.4.5 . INST...U. PIP£ PER WSDOT Sltl. Pl.AN ll-5'-2D-DD. 011.1-) STA.1~711.0, )U5'RT. ' ' n n •• "' u.:v.s.6.7 ' AU PIP£ W..lBa,l,L AL'TERNATlllES ARE ~M STA.1-.11."'°RT. ' ACCEPTAII..E EXCEPT G,1,1.VNaEO MET.-.L • COMECT """'1.1.. DIWNAGE ANO DOV,frl Sf'OIJT • ~ ' --- • ~TOT,\L ' ' ., ., •• '" ' 60% SUBIVIITT AL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ....... IMfDr-V-....""'1 ,aDII.ONII01 """" I-----11:Jl.-lT All ~1-'" FED.AID PROJ.NO. ,?~) -l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 441}1 ST ~~ ~· w DN1 ~" -10 rw.a.st RAMP IMPROVEMENTS ~ -n ·~ W..hlngton State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -n ·~ ---*5;;-,L,l • _,, ·------,~ Department of Transportation ;; --·-·-STRUCTURE NOTE! -DIWNAGE ---·-""""" ~n " ,.u•--. .._ .. __ ~ I.•• I ,_ 1:1 "' 0 j!, ~ > ,:J ~ w IJJ,..: z " .. ~ ""~ ::& ,_ 0 0 • "'ll: z I " ,( :c -0 z l; 0.. s: Q ~ " w ~ :2 I-I ~ u ::, a: ti ii z g 0 g! u "'i r a: «iti! 1!1 0 u. t5 = " Jj • ~1! z 1 ; " ..J ~ i I m l ' ::, 1/1 '1ft 0 "' I l ' ~ ~ ' i I ' . ' • I ' ~I· • I I! • ft ~ ~ • ~ j I I • i I I ~ I i~ 1 I h C ~ ffi , ~-!his 0 ~ I. D 111 .~u .... J •• g ; ' ' ' I ~~~~It H ,. I I I I I I adlU1I ~ ~ ~ ' 220 210 200 ,,, 180 12>00 =-N.l',-t,.119""'1'8 ......__._ -11:Jl::n Afl '"" ~-· ~n --n ·~ -n ,_ -n ·= --·---·- ' ;:. .... • " ;/ ""' . ---------· --- lrflii ~ 1=:5a :It zl:!! ii~~ • :r::aw ~ l:!"':1 t; ::'ilii: ·1· ~~ ,m., Ir"'~ ~ ~;i:;8; :51 zl:!S --~-~ ac~ ; i'.ifil"' g 5il T.24N. R.SE. W.M. ~ •• ~moi • u- 1 i~ ->""' g ~~ PROPOSED Fl.OWUNE AT FACE ',,,j"""""' ,.., ·1· ~~ .'< ,, I~ .~< DR1 / EXISTING GROUND x»M05 LINE ~ °;).:' PROALE AT CEH1ERLINE ' ', ~... ... ......... ,... ... -... "" "--:::::~ ' ',,, ________ _ ·.rt ----------- ~ ~ii: it i~ SHE0ULE A STORM SE'M:R PIPE 12 IN. DIA. :r 210 200 190 180 y 170 60% SUBIVIITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION m "" SCAI..E IN FEET ~ fNAI/OJ aa "'" ..... MIIGrNDlle_~1~-~. ,,... .~ """"" ~l'E IBY 16+00 ""' FED.AID PROJ.NO. 10 ~ASI ,_ !_~. ~Q0~--------~---------------~--4 -v Washlngton Stall! l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Depariment of Transportation !---------------................. DP1 " . • T.24N. R.SE. W.IVl. -aiiiiii!!!!!! D:' 111-+-d, ~ ------.-,. ---~:S::;t, ;I':: ,,,<·,,-_:_ --, , , 'c.'!"'--.::.. . , . • t , !WTAINDIO WALL wrnl ' 'r I J I "-SINGLE SLOPE BARRIER \, j -....,,;,, ··:-;:, __ LEGEND lllillDIIJHMA OVERLAY ~ HW. F\A.L DEPTH ..,.._ •. ... 11:•:zr All ~ .. ~-· """"' " -_ ,, , _ ·-" ·-_,, ·---· """"' IIEOIONAL ~ ,_ -.;'.' f.'. \}-1... ~~.~.,, •,. 1· ;< .. , '-.; -i , /<','. t,IOTES 1. SEE RCl,t,Cl',W,Y SECTIONS PLANS FOR PAVEMENT SECTION. 2. FOR 11,UUUER TERMINAL DETAILS, SEE STANCll,RO Pl.AN SHEET C-75.Xl-01. 3. FOR CONCRETE BARRIER DETAILS.SEE STANDARD Pl.AN SHEET C-7520-01. SEE STRUCTURES Pl.ANS FOR BARRIER WALL DETAILS S. FOR BARRIER TRANSITION TO EXISTING TYPE 2 PRECAST BARRIER DETAILS, SEE STANDARD Pl.AN SHEET C-80.50-00. 6. SEE STRUCTURES Pl.ANS FOR RETAINING W"'1..l. DETAILS. 7. FOR CEMENT CONC. GUTIER BEHltro RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCTURES PlANS. ..... -~-.PY-~ 1~ i,,; ... st FED.AID ~OJ.NO . ·-~ "'" -" PAVING QUANTITY TABULATION CEMENT CONC. SINGLE SLOPE SINGLE st.OPE CRUSt£0 HMA Cl.ASS '/,". """" CONCRETE CONCRETE I iJWt8/r~e c""" """"" BARRIER Wt.1.1. """ I ""' PG ---(i) 0 0 '°' '°' LI' LI' LI' ~~512+96.69 (2fi.50'R1) :,o.mos t6+49.07 (32.73' RT) "' l0-N4CS 12+9669 (22.00'RT) l0-N405 16+49.07 (22.00' RT) "' 30-N40S 12+9669 (38.00'RT] 30#405 12<911.00 (38.00' RT) ' l0-N405 124.00 (3800'R1) 30-N405 14+70.00 (38.00' RT) ,n 30-~0S 1"+70.00 ()800'RT) 3().N,405 ,~.00 (38.00' R1) ro lO-N-405 15+«1.00 (38 OO'RTJ )O.No40S 16+00.00 (38.00' RT) " ---j JO.N40S 14+70.00 (Rl} l0-N40S 16+00.00 (Rl) ALIGNIENT TOTAL "' "' ' m " I 60% SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " "" SCALE IN FEET -• Washington Stat.a l-40SINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC C"'8IT CONC =• @ LI' ,E ,. j------- PV1 j--------" ~ Department of Tran1portatlon f------------------1 " PAVING PLAN T.24N. R.SE. W.IVl. """' ~ ,.,, ...... .,,.,.,..,,,,,..,,,,,..,,,,,.-"': ---.....:-:._-: t j'-{.;' EDGE UrE 15 ---.; --I 1-· • 1 , • , ---------------I 1, _j • _ ~ ~ »M05 U1e ~ :g NOTES FOR RAISED PAVEMENT MAIIXEA) DETAU; AND Pv.cEMENT, SEE STANDARD Pl.AN SHEET SERIES 'V". ··--L ---~ ---.... Zif: ~ , -"j" ~ -~-~--+-f 1i -, 1 '-'-. 1 RJ.1103R 6!-CJIN JCl:1 LAHE TAPER -~-.· '"", ~U,1/k_._.~ JO.Not05 11+1a.JO k.OO'RT ------------ -··-;-\ • '-0a:e,, .. :rn-~-r .-,"'., Wl-2L CU: -.-;/ -•• , .... _, I ,,,."" ~[ii=ii j ~ _, • 1:k l4.IICl'RT j / [ " -· · 1 END ,:1 LANE TAPER I / RJ.11D3RC6~ RJ.1103R[ll=5 ,. 2. FOR l'I.ASTIC TRAl'FlC I..ETTEfl ANO HOV LANE SYMBOL DETAILS, SEE STANDARD Pl.AN SHEET SERIES 'V'. 3. AU. LONGITUDINAL PA'tlfMENT MARKINGS SHAU. BE v.t1ITE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. • FDR DETAILS ANO PLACEMENT OF GUIDE POSTS, BARRIER OEUNEATORS, DRAINAGE MARKINGS. AND GORE AREA MARIQNGS. SEE STANDARD PLAN SliEET SERIES 'V'. 5. SEE tl..UJMINATION PLANS FOR MAST ARM DETAILS. SEE SIGN SPEaACATlONS FOR SIGN REMOVAL -'ND INSTAU..ATION DETMLS. PAVEMENT MARKING QUANTTTY TABUU.TION '"" ""0"-"' "''"'" """"" """"' """" "-'STIC """"' ""TIC "'"'-""""""'" """ PAVEMENT TIW'RC ""' ,..., LINE WE _.., UNe -C£TI£R ""'°' 0 (i) (i) 0 """'" 0 © "" " " " " HUND "' "' 30-N405 1Ct+H.35 ((HXl'RT) j JD-N.COS 16+27.21 (O.OO'Rll ... ... m, '" 0.17 1275 "' ----'·"' " m »N405 16+27.21 (CUXl'RTJ j 30-!«05 29-+G1.87 (D.OCl'RT) »N.o5 16•27.21 (22.!12'LT) j JO.H405 29-+-0i87(D.OO[ij ~ 1t•l0so <nooRT) I JO.N4D5 16+00.o 11T.oiiiuj" JO.f+IOS 1o-.t!l.6l cu19'RT} I »-N40S 11•30.50(22.0iiRn JO.N40S 11•10.50 (22.00'F{T) I »-N40S B<ai.&;n22.00'RT) .. ,~ ·-" »N405 11+06.&4 (22.00'RT) I XI-N405 13->S4.&4 (l400'RT) 30-N405 1....cM.&4 ~lll'RT) I JO.N4D5 1&•0(U3 (22.IXl'RT) 30,N405 1l<-S4.M l!",lll'RT) j JO.N4D5~ (11Lll7RT) ]O.N4lr.i 1&+1XUJ (!lOO'RT) ! ~ 1&+00.43 (22.IXl'RT) »NoC05 11•21i.71 {2'J.DD'R_!1 " :JO.N.C05 12•27 •o; (29 DD'RT) " I I I I I '"' "'' •• D ... D .... .... -....--... -OD1r FED.AID PR.OJ.NO. I I :~i.J lO-N«J!i ;:..!i7.79-(28.Di:rli_!! 30-NCJ!; -,S+sa.S.: (211.DD'RT)- AUOJmElfl" TOTAL ....... ·-11:Jli:ZI All ~n -· ~ .. -_,, ·~--.. ·-_,, ,_ --·-REYISIDN-_] ~n ] a_r] --·-lll!QIOfrW. ADl!l,_ ,_ BARRIER FLEXIBLE PLASTIC DEUNEATOR GUIDE POST DRAINAGE MARKING STATION "'"'°" STATION lD--H4051~D9(RT} )0.N.405 111+l7.D9 (RT) ll).N,C()5 1 l<-00.DO (RT) 30-H405 13->37.D9 (RT] :JO.N.405 1~37.D9 (RT) ~ 14+20.DO 1R11 :JO.N.4D5 13->nc» :JO.N.405 :Z00.37.119 RT) 30--N405 15+70.DO {RT} 30-M05 14+17.D9 IRTl l().,N,405 2h37.09 (RT) 3Q.N405 1••57.D9 (RTI ».N'405 22+]7.09 (Rl) »-N,c()5 1•->97.D9 fRl) JO.N,C05 23<-17.09 (RT) JG.NoC05 1S--37.D9 :JO.N.4()5 24•37.09 (RT) lO-N405 15+n.c» :JO.N.40S 25+37.09 (RT) lD--H405 1&<171111 IRTl )0.N.405 26•37.09 (RT) lD--H405 l&o57.0II IRTI :JO.N.405 27•37.09 (RT) lD--H405 1&<97.D9 !!!!I: :JO.N.4Q5 17•]709 (RT) -= ... I ALJGNIIDIT TOTAL I AUGNIIENT TOTAL 12 EAQI " '-'CH ·- ElOSTING ! NEW == ' ( R- i • 'l I< LEGEND RIGHT OF WAY -~E OF PAVEMENT "'" _S_!P_EWAJJ< ~N~NG_ WAU. BARRIER OELINF•~ FLEXIBLE GUlr PLASTIC ORAINAG. · SIGN & POST OVERHEAD SIGN SIGN REMOVAL NOTE SIGN NOTE 60% SUBMIITAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION • .. '"' SCALE IN FEET ..... ~SINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST w IIK1 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7 ,5 VIC Department of Tr.nsportatlon " PAVEMENT MARKWGS AND SIGNING l"U.N • T.24N. R.SE. W.M. t.£$D aiZ" "" !~~-=::d~~~~~§"~~;;:=' --- i ~ --• iF.--·-·~; • --· • ·· ·-· -c·• ---_".'. • -·-"&;. ·-·· -, ·-· • -·--''_.;cc:.c:c~-. c:,;"==,c~,--------"'-, __ ' • J ~.a;•••••••••-...... nn.-u•u•••n•••••••••";":'• ........,.. m.17.77,Z.UIO'RT 1 ~~----~END 311:1 LA/\IE TA~---J,1,1,U--,~UU~l{g-----------------'\_ ::I ------,,,..,, t ! ---------------/// t L------""(/h'///N,~~"' ' .- 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 " '"' SCALE IN FEET ·- -l-40SINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST v MK2 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation .. • PAVEMENT IIARICINO AHD SIONINQ PLAN - =-N.IP .... ~-~ -,,,.,2t All Mre ~-· "'""" n --n ·-"""""" ·-"""""" ·---·- Mllllr-~~PS• ~ FED.AID PMOJ.NO. 10 ASI --,_ -PA11! IIIT SIGN SPECIFICATIONS .... SON Sl3N STA.LOC. 513N SIZE POST POST #OF REMARKS NO. CODE DESCRPTION (ort.F) X y MATERIAi. SIZE POSTS R-1 W>-501 RAIPIEJBEl.o.tG.OWBtA.A.!HG :l>-N405 10+32.00 (l .... .... R-3 W>-501 AIUPIEll'RDAHi'OwetRASIN:; 30-N405 10+44.00 .... .... R-5 R3-1103R _,.,......,_....,,....,,. CMl'OelS""1.Y JO.N«l511+04.00 ... 77' WOOD ..... 1 REWVE SON NI) WOOD POST R-8 R1~1404 ONE CAR PER GREEN 3).N4()513+114.D0 (LI ,.. 12" REt.OVE SGN NI) RAAP f.ETER POLE ... RUJ.<R SlOP HERE ON RED ».NS061S+n.Ct1 ,. . ,.. R-13 W4-2R Rt-.VIMNr'MJJH'!R'.NSlfQI ROfl" 30-N405 17+41.30 ... . .. ) • 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION --_.,_ __ .....,PS SN sr "1•n -n:Jl:JII,.. "':"'(""''" FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~ ...... J-40SJNE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST f-- ~re -· {~~~ im SS1 =n -10 jWASt ; i\ . RAMP IMPROVEMENTS ~ -n ,_ ---ff ·-•1,}(6-r.";~•" Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC .. -ff ,~ ------~ Department of Transportation ;; --....... ·-IIJGN SPECFICATIONS ---,_ """"' ~n n ._._ .. __ ,.._., __ SIGN REMOVAL SPECIFICATIONS SKlN S<lN S<lN STALOC. SIGN SIZE SHEETING LETIERSIZE POST POST POST LENGTH CLEARANCE REw.RKS NO. CODE DESCRPTON {orf.F) X y TYPE OR CODE W.TERW. SIZE H1 H2 H3 H4 V w 2 W3-S01 RA~M3BEIAI-E",DWBIFLA9*G 30,,N40510<-32.00 111) 48" 48" U0<W STN-IDARD NST AU. ON EXISTNG FIXED BASE LIGHT ST ANDARO • W3-501 -IIIEIIRDAH:i'O'tVelFLASHN. 30-N40510+44.00 (LT} .... .... D0<W STN<>ARD NSTAI..L ON EXISTNG FIXED BASE LIGHT STANDARD ' Rl-1103R ..,..,L.At<EeuoE, .... o, ........ """OCCILIICIIL• JO.N4a5 11+06.00 (RT) 54• .,.,. D0<W STAM>ARD STEEL 2.5"SC 15) 13'-3" r ,, 7 R3-1103R OlGHT......,.,_..,.o,-....c.uo~onv ~13<-66.00 54• .,.,. D0<W STNt:>ARD STEEL 2.5'SQ(5) 1'-3" r • NSTAI..LSIGN'Z BEHND RETAINNGWALL 10 R11><1R STOP I-ERE ON RED J0.N40510+03.00 (LT) 24" ,.. D0<W STNIJARD SEECN1 11 R10.1402 OPE CAR PER GREEN THIS lNE 30-N405 16+41.01 48" 16" D0<W STAtfl.ARD SEECN2 12 R10-1402 ~CARPER GREEN lHIS LAN: 30-N40511J+.41.01 48" 16" D0<W STN£,MD SEECN2 1, W<-21. PA\/BENT WID1'H TRANSITION LE" 30-N40S 17+41.30 .... 48" D0<W STANO.MD NSTAl..1. ON EXISTNG Lt..MNAIRE POLE ·, 60% SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION =-,. lolGS.ffflJJOll,,,MIII..._ .... for--1UI01P81N8P ~ TIE 11:Jl:J,I All ":"I-· Fal.AID PRO.I.NO. -1-tOS/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ~ Mre ~-· 10 !WAS! (·~if~ w ss, =ft -\x:. ;..y_,.; RAMP IMPROVEMENTS -ff ·----~ ....... ft ,_ Washington State MP 6.5 VlC AND MP 7 .5 VIC " -ft ,~ -----~ Department of Transportation ....,_...._ ·-·-SIGN SPEClflCAncN:s • ---,_ -~re ft •-L--.,. .. __ T.24N. R.SE. W.IVl. aiie5 JS:. -----------------------------------------~--------------------- -----?·-=:.o:=-------·=···=-------------------------------------. ----------------------- -~-_-_ ~-. --· -~·= ~-=_=>-~~~ ·-., -- -.::--.;:::i. -,,..m:.,. l'C -. ,. ~ ,,;::.,. . .,:.::" --"""' d .. -•,, ----~'" '\, I • 15 . . . • . -'.>< ' ' -----=-._.'.h -Cl,_ -... --;r-, ii! ffiJ ~ ~= ....... ~-s ------=--=-= ......... ·1•······· 'ci' i -Ji -' ~i ·1 :~ +! ....... ···:·.--_ 4-~=::::~~ --;:-:-..--. ~;:-;.--:r-............. -~,-... _--.,,.~-,,.,,-.. ,,_.,..,..,_ .,..,.,, __ ;;;-,,,. "~-~ ~ff """"' n iiiiiiiDi, -n -n ~ -- ,, .YVALL 1 P.L~ )~!l-12 11:Jl:alll .... ~-· -' """'"' """' ·-·-;:.a,- ....uu,,,e --- 'NORKI.JNE CURVE DATA DELTA I R,l,DflJS I TANGENT 2962.111' 39.18' 1°llC7!i6" RT """"' "~ JlMiM05 STA 1J<.10.DO, JI.GO' RT • WAU. 1 'MJRIQJNE STA 1«<1.1111 BEGIN SOI.DIER PILE WAU. CIEE NOTE 1) ~-4' ~-4' .::.u.; RETA.INING WALL 1 ""'"""""'WAUI LEGEND EXISTING •= ~-RIGHT Of WAY EDGE Of PAVEMENT CURB iiDEwAi:x RETAINlNG """-l ... for -V~1IAIO'I_PS_ST~ -:"' I _,.. FED.Am PROJ.NO. 10 ·-....... ~n " IINGLE-5LOPI! CONC. BARRIER ~-4-'LL.(. ~-4' ~-4' ~-4' ~-4' LL,,. ~ 11:ETAIJCNQ WAU. 1 ..-...""""-- """"" W4Ul -~~-4'~-4'~..JI \ ,... ... JO.-N4M ~A l+lO.OO ER WALL, PI.Atl) ='"~~~~(SEE PAYINO --.. CSEE NOTE 2) JD-N,I01 STA 1••7',90,._lftOO'_fIT_• __ _ WAU. 1 WORIWNE STA lo60.00 END SOl.DIER PILE WALL, BEOIN IIINOLE 11U>PE CONC. BARRIER WALL (SEE NOTI! 1) NOTES FOR RETAINlNG WALi. 1 ELEVATlOM N<IO DETAILS SEE DWG. ST2 A.ND DINOS. STD1 -STD( RESPECllVEL Y. 60% 2-SEE PAVING Pl.AN ANO ROAD'N )· SECTIONS FOR SINGLE SLOPE CONCRITe - FOR CONSTRUCTION ' " SCALE IN FEET SUBMITIAL -NOT " ~ l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ... RAMP IMPROVEMENTS WUhlngton State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of T111naportatlon ,------------- RET~ WALL 1 -Pl.AN ~ f™VOJ 88 " • EXPANSION JOINT ,~ = '" ,., ,., "' ~ .. =--~ff """"' " _,, """""" _,, ...,,_ .... REGIONAi. ADIi!,_ SPACING '" 8 -~ --' C ~ ~:. ~.~ i!lllw cj) SOl,Q!ER __ PILE SPACING _,.., Ill.IP~ 11,•:<11 A.a ~-· -·~ •= ·-·-,_ ,. •. SOLDIER PILE WALL LENGTH • 160'.(J" 8 ! ·1· =~ ii~ EXP.i.NSIOtl JOINT (TYP.J, SEE DETAIL ON DWO. SH SHAFT-24" DIAMETER FOR SOLDIER PILE (TYi'.) ~ SPA._0_ 28'-0"= 112'-0" EXISTING GROUND UNE AT BACK Of" Wt.Ll 22 SPA.Q 7'..fY'-154'--0" T.24N. R.SE. W.M. rr~ I :I; --- OF W.UL '" @ REFLECTED DEVELOPED ELEVATION --- SINGLE SLOPE CONCRETE BARRIER WALl, LENGTH = 7rNJ' EXPANSION JOINT TOP OF Wt.Ll --- --- ''"""' "' "'"- 8 • a :; ~ ~ ~-~ §l i ~ . . .. ..,., __ _ • DUAL FACE SINGLE SLOPE CONC. ARRIER, SEE ROAtlNAY Pt.MS 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ SCALE IN FEET(NAIIDJ N eotlar ....... -~T. " ·-~ DATE J~ ,.., ,.., FED.AID PRO.I.MO. -v Washington State ""' J..CaSINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IIIIPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Departm•nt of Transportation >------------------ WALL 1 • £LevA110N = '" ,., "' ST2 " . • -~,:i .r i lrlld Ya!IC10S NO .I.Nl'f'd ~o rm ~ 1-----.~..,~" ,....,.=~o,-no===.,~---~ il C ..I g :ii m :::, 1/1 11/. 0 "' • I I J I SEE WAlL 1 ELEVATION ON 0WG ST2 FOR PROFILE OF TOP OF WALL FOR PANEL YI/IDTH SEE w,t,LL 1 ELEVATION, DWG. ST2 PREFABRICA TEO DRAINAGE MAT PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT HP12dl SOU>IER PILE {TYP.) "' """'' DETAIL" -~SI~~~\ 2" I II]-414 &[!)-414 SP/\.0 1'-6"WJt w1Tl4 I j· SPLICE OF '1'.(J' , 11 $ I , I I TOP OF PAVEMENT AT WAU. WORK LINE SHAFT-24" DIA. FOR SOU>ER "' {M') • scoe, ro , .. fl ;~ "t~ PATmW' i' HELENS" PIGM "MT. ST. ll_ 8"EO "'"" SIHGLE St.OPE CONCRETE BARRIER (S1D. HEIGHT) FOR INFORMATION NOT SHOWN OR J«lTED ON THIS SHEET. SEE OWG. ,ro, UNOeRDIWN PIPE 6" DIAM 0 .. [j] .. 1'1" """ [M'.) I I T~! I """'"" PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT BOTTOM OF CONCRETE FASCIA PANEL SECTION @ , \c, :.- -- / = ,1 I ' I 01'.(J'MAX. -j PARTIAL WALL ELEVATION GRAVEL EI.ACKFIU. FOR DRAIN CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOO UNDERGROUND DRAIN 2 ~1~ 0000 'btf'~O ooo. "" 0 10 oooo?ooooo o os;;JI,i, '" FACEOFWAll 1'-0"M~. ! I -IM:EP HOLES LOCATED AT AN EXPANSION JOINT @ MAY BE ADJUSTED 6" TO 1'.(J' AWAY FROM THE EXPANSION JOIN_T,.BUT REMAIN YI/ITHIN THE ~DOLE DETAIL ~ HALF OF THE P...:FABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT. _ - "'"''" "~ l ""°"'""~· {M') zJ?J2*f*M!: PVC CONNECTOR DRAIN PIPE :EFABRICATEO DRAIN GRATE ISOMETRIC VIEW SECTIONAL VIEW WEEP HOLE DRAIN DETAILS DRAIN GRATE INSTAUATION SIW.l. NOT DISRUPT PRE.FABRICATED ORAllU<GE MAT 4'-0" WIDE STRIP OF PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT AIU. HEIGHT OF lAGGING AND CENTERED BE'TWEEN SOLDIER PILE FLANGES SEE 'VYEEP HOLE DRAIN OETAII.S" ntS SHEET l 3"0 PVC VEEPHOLES CENTERED BE1WEEN PILES -%" CHAMFER (TYP.) I l EXPANSION JOINT JOINT FILI.ER EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL BOTTOM OF W'.1.1. 3"111 PVC CONNECTOR DRAIN PIPE -EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE LOCATED AS SHOWN OHWAll 1 ELEVATION, OWG. ST2. , .... R••"(TYP.j ~ FASCIA PANEL FORMVIORIC CEMENT CONCRETE sum, r'lGUTTER TYPICAL FASCIA PANEL FORMWORK • SEE SECTION 11-11.3(2) FOR FASCIA PANEL FORMING REQUIREMENTS. • STRONOIIACK(S) ANO TES SPACED /1.5 REOUIRED FOR FORMING. 60% SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAIL @ =-,, _, Nl~-~-PS_S'!!., -l-4051NE 301ll ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS TIE 11:)1:G All OATE 4l'IIIZO'llli ~ff - 10 IWASI l2SIGfrED aY T COSSETTE ENTER!D 11T D FULLER ctECKm 11T Iii! --- PROJ. ENOll. It Fbfflll<I ,_ IIIEGIONAi.ADM. L !NCI -DAl!_ [ av FED.AID PROJ.NO. w Wuhlngton State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC 0.partment of Tnmaporta.Uon >-------------------, WAl.L Dl!TAll..9 • SOLDIER PILE WAll STD2 .. • NOTES I ~ .. -~~,. '° .... ""'""" ,.,... ........... ,. m~ I 12'-0-MAX. I 12'-0" MAX. (Ty;>.) I i 12'-0-MAX. l L i ---I l=±i r---, ~ I \_.,...,_..., PLAN .,...,.,,..,.,J 1, REINFORCING STEEL OOilENSIONS AND CLEARANCES AA£ SHOWN FOR STATIONARY FORM CONSTRl.lCTION. WHEN SUP-FORM CONSTRUCTION IS USED, INCREASE REINFORCIHG STEEL a.EARANCES TO THE C>UTSm SURFACES OF THE BARRIER TO 2 If'~ ADJUST THE STEEL DIMENSIONS IIS REOURED. 2. WHEN CONl'ECT1NG BETWEEN CAST..aH--f'LACE ANO PREc.,,.sr SINGLE SLOPE BARRIER. PRO\IU A SLOT, REBAR GRID NCJ RENFCIRCEMENT Wl1HIN 4'-0-OF END AS SHOWN .. DRAWING STI>4. ~ I 38'...,.. MINIMUM TO 96'-0" MAXIMUM BElWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS 3. UNDERDRAIN SHAU. HAVE II" £1 UNOERDRAIN PIPE PER WSD0T STANIJNU) SPEC. 1Ml52{6) OR IMliS.2(7) WlTl-1 GRAVEL BACKFLL FOR DRAINS PER WSDOT STANDARD SPEC. 9--03.12(4) WRAP ALL AROUND Willi CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE. MODERATE SUIMVASll..lTY AND CLASS C FLlRATION PER WSD0T STN.ONID S~. ll-33.2(1)TA81..ES 1 AND2. C111ERL.APONTOP. r j 1 __ #(_ON" WAX. SPA. _,,' ™""""'""·' c,;;., 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I (f I I I I I I I lfli ,..--M (Ty;>.) 4, SEE DIU.WING ST04 FORPRECAST Al.TERNA.TM PLAN. a.EVATION NalDETALS. ~-TIE ~re ~" _,, -" _,, ---- lM4BARSEACH Sl>E EQUAL SPA EXPANSIDN..IOIHT j 2' -{1' MIN. LAP SPLICE ~~= J ELEVATION M(Ty;>.) ~· " SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER WALL •. """'""" JOINT AU.ER AT EXPANSION JOINT (rn'.) ~ ~ I . \"CHAMFER (M'.) I .. ~~ .,:: .. :\.\\ \l ~~ ·~ . :\ \1" ="~ .·:XNic it-{:.•, ,_._.,. --t __I___ ~, -t-, .. -, ~I ,,_ .. ""·' I SECTION (A"') ! I " ---~--"'· 11:Jl:U .... ~-· -,_ ,~ ·-·-,_ -"'"' ,,. .•• ,u,.,,.._ ...... n· ~ """" ,,,.. WAl.t., SEE DETAILS THIS SHEET T\ GUTTER. SEE DWG ST02 ANO NOTE BELOW •Ii L i •1 ~, , -0--~-.__ I / ~-<' ~ ex,sn,o """"° ""' ' ~ WALLWORKUNE 21 21 AT !!ACK Df WALL / GRA\/El. EIACKFILL TOP Df PAVEMENT 4 ~ / FOR WALLS lr: .;._L' JI~ TOP~~~IIAO(fU_ 1 ~ FOR DRAINS StW..l. BE 118.CJW THE BOTTOM C,-BARRIER UNDERD!VJN PIPE II" DIAM., SEE NDTE 3. TYPICAL SECTION NOTE: SEE ORAINAGE Pl.ANS FOR GUTTER A.OW LINE El£VATIONS DTI ......... .. ~ - . DUMMY JOINT 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION .~ FED.AID PROJ.HO. ..... l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST w RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC --_,... 0.partmant of Transportation ·-WALL DETAILS • SINQU!: SLOPI! CONC. 8ARR1E11. ff j_ . .._ .. __ . .._..__ ~ • ST03 • • b~' ~ i "''==;;;;'""'====,.==q"""'==""''"'"====~l :3] tj[ PLAN $ 12 SPA. _!t Nl" • 12"-0" ELEVATION SINGLE SLOPE CONG. BARRIER WALL PRECAST ALTERNATIVE ~-,, • ...,......-v~""°"-"~ """ ,,,.,... .... FED.AID PROJ.NO. M~ ~-· "°""' n -10 /WASI -ft ,~ ..,...n ,~ CHECKED BY ·---·-·---,_ ~ DA...!! I.~ 18 HORIZ. (TYP.) ,eVERT.(TYP.j ' ~""""" BARRIER CONNECTION DETAIL GJL~";'"-rn 0 ij -~ ~I ~, ';~iffv,.· ~ (J)ji,J • < :-..,.·. 1M ·j[ . <'i{;>: . :._' 60% _L_• I I 11 5 1'-l"LAP ~; :,_q SECTION© SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR Jl"CHAMFER (M') ~ ~]I~ ~1~ r~(M'., ~ llli~- 7q SECTION® CONSTRUCTION I I -I l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST Wahington State I MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC 0.partmant of Transportation c· ----------------j ... RAMP IMPROVEMENTS WALL DETALS • SINGU: 111..CPE CONC, BARRIER WALl.. STD4 " • '··11 : l r m"II L:13MS 339 ~I 3 Nn -~'~·ii,, "l"3Nnu:u,w. . ,, ,1. /' ·1• 11 • 'I li:1' ii / H : (i ,f:11; ! ! ,. l ! I' I I I"' · !/ : I H. I I! ' I• : i , 1 1 1 I I 1· .. ,i 'I r I t~' ', :/t,,..ii I 11/ (l). ·1:,1=11 ;:"'": .'j l~J 111 :1; ~·~· • f/"i /ill ,j ,. , 1 1 , , a I , :· / }'"J : J / 11 I ir 1 y·· . • I J ' I I , o\' ~ I I J / t I I IT Ji:, • · 1 f · 1 f 1 1 r . : , '/ i · I I I I/'/;: 1: \ .. ,r 1·1!/l'F In,.;·;~. : I I · / , I I II , I ; I J. • I I I I / , : :·1 f' : /;II l / Ut I 1 '? I ' I : f I : I \.,~ :' I l' :' , / I / f , I· ~;' '/ I / : I I ! I .... i / · / r 1 ,~ i: "; f I I I ! I J ; 'I I I Ii I I' ·'ff:' I / i /.t. /. 1 ' · / I : I I I ( ( I I I I l I f ,: I 1'· : I 11 I i I, I : •/ 'I I I I 1' ; I / I , I ',1 I' I I • / I _: I I,, !", . J I I 'I.· I I 'I. I .1 1 : 1 / / r 1 II· '/•/11/·/ / [~•. I r ·I. I I / / , / . , I I . I ! J I t I y:( · • .: ! I . I ' II It I t ' J ·V-£.. .~ : l J ' I . I I : I I ,i' j :: I 1: I 1' I J I ) I :i . : r . 1 · , : 1 • 1-i 1 1 / /'' : I' / / f ! I: ll!1'! / ' 1··· ,! 'I,',','',': j,lj , . · I J J 1 1 n~1· I': , , /, I I I I I ' I· i{~~111 !'.! -~ _ _,•;.,. :/ 1·' , I I/ I I: I I .c..-,'<I. II! /[v:, I I . I ' / , I /: ,'r+.P, ~ .. : 1 r : / / I / , . ~1., ' •q / , f / , , r / / 1 . -~~ : 1 .111: "'.J,· ( ;,~l..,·1, , _'_ .//, ·/./1 1/1· i.~ ro ..../."'-'' .,I· /'//1/·J 'T"",•l.i ///',• ' I I',) I I' I :,·. ~-~ , \'" ~ '1 I I I// I I '.:~ , i.', ffil ,Jf :l/1111· 1 :>-~1-~ ,,J> ... ~-,~.<-.J.-~ :!~· / 1 •11. I. !' \\ , ,~, ~~ .· .. ')..1.;.~·{,.,:::..!::._ ......... ..,£"..11~LL J ~ ,' •••.... : .. , 2~ ~~;~~1:1_-~.:::'.:_f}!~Ja:r R~f;~ "~:''_'")!'-~:~ ~;;;;'i·~~f~'.:j·.~.b~~r·~··t··1 *7iFi=-· .. ~i·····/ :·.:_,.: ~-~~~--····· .. ~~ ,, 1,'t \ I,'-I I I I I ;91 ·.·1'''):,1·"--··-··1•· .. ., 'f"' .. , .. ,. I,\\ \ • : I l I J I I ·, / _', ' 1 '---. . l'.i \ \"i : t l·i Ir t · .; , ,_, \'l I,,, : I I' I I I I : :i I .; I t'\ , " • I I I I I I ' •/ / ! l, / \ \ ' i : ! I r i : '/ / :·/ I ', \ I ,\ • l ' I:,· l._r I : ·/ /: . I , ! , 1.,\ •·, 1 ! , II 11,, I 1 . ./ I: i t~ \ \' . I ' I I I I : ,, /; . I·.\\:. :j 1 !:i\l: )j:': \ ' '\':',, l 1il! ! ,,_.: I \'•\ I I I i l I -/ /; / \ \'1 I 11 1 l l :'I t :! I I~ I t I I I I ./ / .' \ \ \· ': I l I I I' ·1 I:.: ' ' I I I I I' I' ':'!Ii'- I I a ;: ~ : ~~ i I • i ii~ • r I I ! i i I ' , ... n T.24N. R.SE. W.M. aiiiil!!!!!! 'DI ~~~=~~c~!m=~~~~F~~'."~~.;:~·~:~;-=~~~:. ------------" ,f ~~} ~ 0,'c>H~_\ ciif3 @----~---------,,.,~,.,-· ~:F;i; :f-.t·:~;,;;~ ;; , · . .;,,. ,. h~: .. . . " -: / I, zl ! '. ;: }..," -...{_ ··,; ... /,.~ ' ' ,----~-" I , ,-.,, - CONSTRUCTION NOlES @ ~.C&Nf:~:~~o°t::fil:=~w~~ ~~ii AND "'"-"""" @ ROUTE NEW CONDUIT INTO EXISTING JUNCTION BOX REPLACE JUNCTION BOX v.1TH TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOX. 0 =~~ ~=TI=-~v:·t~ ANDAFTERSIGNAI. "'"" © Fl:EMO'IE JUNCTION BOX. REMOVE WIRING AND CONDLfT El.BOWS. © ~-TE~~ = .. ~~~S-=~IN AMPI..IAER FOR EACH LOOP INSTAU.ED. 0 $PUCE NEW LOOP WRES TO EXISWIG 2C(SJ WIRES. ITS Wiring Schedule Win ... ' I Conduit Sia 11'. r r r r r r 2.5" r "'·' "'·' "'·' "'·' '-'' r _.IGl"NOIN -16Ai01 Pa ITS_001 ....... -1- """"' -MC SPAAS '"" SPARE 2-5C. S-2C(S) """' 2-5C. 7-2C{S) """' 1-SC (R), !l-2C{S) 2-SC, 7-2C(S) (REMOVE 4-2C(S)) 11-2C{S1(R4) '"""'' '"" -4-2C(SH) 7-2C(S) 2-2C(S) 2-6C, 7-2C(S) I SPAAS 60% SUBMITTAL "~-·--u:""7 All ~n ~-· "'""" " -~ FED.AID PRO.I.NO. 10 ASI ....... ., ,........,. i NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ ,oo SCALE IN FEET -v Washington State f...405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6,5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC ~ /NAl/l)/ 89 i---- lTS1 t--- """""" ,_ CM!CK!D BY ,_ ~ Departmant of Transportation f-------------------" • --· ·~ ·-"" ..... --'"' -~ DATE I~ T.24N. R.SE. W.IVl. - -f..::-----------------......,._ --- ~ -----------------------------------------------------It I~~~~~~:; r~-·• ";· · · c-~-------~~=~~,-~-~~~-~-----~---~---- ! i 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ' "' "" SCALE 1N FEET ~-IC.IP MB:IOtl, ..t!ar--llAI01PS"11, -1-oiOSINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST u RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -11:Jl:4IAII ~" ~-· ~n -..,_,n ·--" ,-.. ~ F£D.AID PRO.I.NO. 10 ASI """"' DATI! I!! ·-Department of Tninaportatlon "''"'" -n ,_ --·~· --,- ) • ~ jHA\l'DJ BIi r----- 11112 >---- M " ....... -~"' ~" _,, ·-" -" --· GENERAL NOTES: I. ALL EXISTlNG .11.JNCTION BOXES, PULL BOXES. AND CABLE VAUI. TS REUSED IN TIE PROPOSED ITS SYSTEM SHALL BE AO.JUSTED TO MATCH FINAL GRADE AS REQUIRED. 2. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONDUITS wm-t NEW CONDUCTORS SHALL CONTAIN A GROUtCl WIRE SIZED TO THE LARGEST CIRCUIT (MINIMUM 18). SEE WSDOT STD Pl.AH J.80.05-00 FOR TYPICAL GROUNDING DETAILS. BOREO FIBER CONDUIT(S) 51-W.1. INCLUOE 1-#8 (LOCATE)AND A PULL STRING 1N EACH CON>UIT. FOR TRENCHEO FIBER CONDUITS. INSTALL LOCATE WIRE PER SHEET 1ms. 3. ALL REMOVED OR REPI..ACED ITS ITEMS INCLUDING CABINETS. POlES, c,t,MERAS, VMS, ANO A.SSOCIATEO EQIJIPMENT SHAU. BE SALVAGED TO WSDOT NORTliWEST REGION SIGNAi.. AHO ITS MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT. 4. NEW CONDUITS SHALL MAINTAIN A 3 FT MINIMUM CI.EARANCE FROM GUARORAlL """"· 5. EXISTING JUNCTION BOXES AHO CONDUIT SYSTEM SHALL BE REMOVED \MERE INDICATED ONLY AFrrR A NEW COMMUNICATION OR POWER CONNECTION HAS BEEN RE-ESTABUSHED OR A REPLACEMENT SYSTEM IS CONSTRUCll:D. 6. COORDINATE Taff>ORARY SH1.1TDOWN OF ITS DEVICES WITH WSOOT. 7. REMOVE ALL ABANDONED EXISTWO LOOP STUBOUTS UPSWEEPS AT ADJACENT JUNCTION BOXES M REQUIRED 8. ALL LIDS FOR NEW JUNCTION BOXES. PULL BOXES, ANO CABLE VAULTS INSTAl.LEO WITHIN PEDESTRIAN PATHS SHALL HAVE ANON.SKID SURFACE ANO BE FLUSH WITH FINAL GRADE/SURFACE. ABBREVIATIONS: CCC CAMSRA CONTI<O< c.,sue COMM """'""""'""" =v CLOSED CIRCI.IIT TELEVISION ex E>OSTING G"8 GALVANIZED RIGID STEB. -HIGHWAY ADVISORY RADIO ""'o MOL Tl-MOOE REIER OPTIC "" NOTTO sc,ue OCO' OPTICAL CABL£ ENTRANCE FACILITY "'' OUTSIDE Pl.NIT "' '~" '" SHIEL.DEC ""'o SINGLE~DE ABER OPTIC •. , -·wn.ktll Nllor ____ tl!E, 11:M:ff AM ~-· -·--·-,~ "'""" RmlDtW. A~ ""° """"" ~,, LEGEND .~ EXISTING " , :o: , ... : t:: p c::~ ::t c,1_· rs ·-·-- ·~·· NEW B • • • • • • m m m ""' m • Ill p p 0 ~ __H t ... l ;; f;J FED.AID PR.OJ.NO. ::-.1 --~ ·-" NEIIA JUNCTION BOX TYPE 1 JUNCTION BOX TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOX TYi'! 4 HEAVY DUTY JUNCT10N BOX TYPE S HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPE I IEAVY DUTY JUMCTIOH BOX TYPE I JUNC11DN BOX 25-TA a,uce VAlLT ITS CABLE VA1.A.T ITS l"UL.I. BOX ELECTRICAL SERVICE CABINET TRANSFOltMER CABINET EI..UTllONIC TOLL CABINET (Tl.) CONTROLLER CABINET (RAW IIETER, DA TA IITATION, OR ...... .,...,..,, ROAD /WEA.DIER INFORIIATION CABINET TYl'I! R1 1 lt2 ROUND INDUCnON LOOP VEHICL!. DV'ECTOR TYl'I! WR INDUCTlDN LOOP V!HJCLe DETECTOR TYl'I! 2 INDUCTION LOOP VEHICU. DETECTOR l'X1!'~ 1 INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR CClV CAIIERA RAIi!' IIETER SIGNAL TYPE 2 IUJIP ~ SIGIW. TOLL RATE 8ICN (Rlll) FIBER OPTIC ~ CABDIET """""'"" ..... ADVANCE!) WARHING SX.N 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ - -w Wahington State l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7 .S VIC Department of Transportation >------------------ ITS DETAUI f-- JTD1 ~ n n LOOP INSTALLATION NOTES 1 INSTALL JUNCTION BOX AND LEAD-IN CONDUIT. 2 SAWC1JT LOOP SlOTS AND LEAD-IN SLOTS. ). LAY DI.IT LOOP WIRE STARTING AT JUNCTION SOX.ALLOWING 5'IOIIMUM $LACI<. -4 INSTALL WIRE IN LOOP SLOT I\$ SHCMI\I. S. FINISH LAYINO OUT II\IRE AT JUNCTION BOX AND IDENTIFY LEADS ll\llli LOOP HUMBER AND "S" FOR START AND 'r FOR FINISH. 6. 1WIST EACH PAFI OF LEAD v«RES TWO TIMES PER FOOT FROM LOOP TO JUNCTlON 80J{_ REVERSE DIRECTION OF lWST FOR EACH SUCCESSIVE PA.m INSTAU.ED. 7. CONSTIUICT SLIPPt..EMENTAI.. SPLICE CONTAINNG AH1 SERIES OR PAAAU.El LOOP CONNECTlONS REQURED IN PLANS SUPPLEMENTAi.. SPLICES ARE SUBJECT TO THE SAME REQUIREIIENTS SHCMN FOR THE LOOP LEAi) AND SHIELDED CABLE SPL.ICE. B SPLICE LOOP LEADS OR SUPPI..EMENTAL SPUCE I.EADS TO NEW OR EXISTING SHIEL.OED CA8l.E. 9. CCUPI..ETE INSTALLATION AND TEST LOOP CIRCUITS OR COMBINATION LOOP CIFtCUrts. SEE STANDARD SPECIFICATION l-20.](1-4)0 10. SEAL ENDS OF CONDUIT lllllll ELECTRICAL PUTTY OR SILICONE. 11. IMSA IIIIRE ENO SHALL SE SEAi.ED PRIOR TO USE OF RUBBER TAPE "" """ ""- 12. CABLE IOENTIFIC...TION SLEEVES StW.L BE VERIFlEll BEFORE SPUC£S ARE MADE. U. THE HUliCBER Of LOOP TURNS FOR R1 AND M LOOPS VMY DEPEtONQ ON THE DISTANCE BElV,EEN THE LOOPS ANO THE CONTROU.ER NUMBER OF TlJRXS SKt.U BE AS SHOtMt IN THE Pl.ANS. T I to----•----< SEE LooP SA.'I.Clrr DETAIL (TYP.) TO AOOl110NAL LOOPS WERE """"""" CENTER OF u.rE C EDGE OF PAVED '"""""" FOR CONDUIT LOCATION SEE LOOP l.£AD.IN COtEUIT PLACEMEHT DETAll.S \<::·_z :9r- L ___ ~·_\ :u~s~w MODIFIED TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOP CONDUIT SIZED PER ITS PLANS TYPICAL CONDUIT PLACEMENT FOR LOOP LEAD-IN WIRES r') TYPE R1 INDUCTION LOOP © COOi. APPUCATlON SEAi.ANT TO ENCAPSULATE CONDUCTORS. SEE SPECIAi.. PROVISIONS 0 LOOP WIRE -•1-4 AWJ. © l.£AD.IN WIRES: .lm INSTAl..lATION ~~ AIR MAIOMUM PER ffi tu" CORNER CHISEi.. OUT. ~~~~~5tr.#'.F NEW PAVEMENT IS INSTIJ.LED) WERE "'"""'"'· ® ALl ~ COOl. APPUCATION SEALANT. =-,, -11:•:• ..... ~re ~-· =" -_,, ,_ ''"""' " ·-""""' " ,---....... --,_ • ii! 1[U WIOTHOFSAWCUT 1t32"-111li"11\1DER """"""""' Of LOOP WRE SECTION A-A _...,,.._ "--1""'1 DE. -~TE I IIY ~, i ~ ,., WIDTH OF SAWCUT 1116"-1/ll"WOER "THAN lWCE THE OIAMElER OF THE LOOP WRE SECTION B-B SEE NOTE 6 FED.Am PROJ.NO. 10 /WASI ·- ·{~ 'Ii ! ,., WIDTH OF SAW::UT 1116" -1111" v.tDER THAN """' TI<E """""' OF THE LOOP IIIIRE SECTION~ SEE NOTE 6 FUI.L DEPTH SA.w::tlT w MATCH EXISTIHG PAVEMENT MATERIAL l" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE ~ .. ~ ~~CONDUIT SECTION D-0 W • CONDUIT DIAMETER PLUS T LOOP SAWCUT DETAIL • 60% SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -~ Washington State l-40SINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Departmant of Transportation >------------------< ITS D!TAILS m>2 • • SEAL CONDUIT W11'I OUCT SEAL ORIU HOLE 1,1• l..ARGER TH.t.N Bill ENO BUSHING FlU IM1li EPOXY CEMENT CONCRETE ~--....._ff LEAD-IN CONDUIT S~~NO A OR GUTTER• SEE ST ' ".. :;.,---MINIMUM y.• INTO ~ks Pl.AN F-1 PAVEMENT DEPTH Ju..J&N 4• ,o, "'- -PIIC SECURED EDGE OF PAVED SHO"'-OCR ~mRriXn SURFACE fTYP-) ~~~~· PAVEMENT DEPTH VARIES ro '""ig~~J, ""'"'"'1R,,, -"-SCHEO~ SURFACE ·OflO ' ro ' JUNCTION I ~ ,,J...,.,,. .• ·e""""'bdJ ' . " ro JUNCTION N" LEAD-IN CONDUIT SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM y.• INTO PAVEMF.7 PAVEMENT DEPTH VARIES/ SCi"EO .C PVC SECURED IHTO ROAD SURFACE (TYP) LEAD-IN CONOVIT SHALL EXTEND A MINtMUM Y.-lNTO PAVEMENT. PA-ENT DEPTH VARI~ ~~~="~~~~ad' SCHED '4C PVC SECURED INTO ROAD SURFACE (TYP. LEAD-IN SAWCUTS AND CONDUIT DETAIL RUBBER LOOP ID LOCATOR 3.5" SQUARE X 4" TAU. LOOP LEAD-IN CONDUIT PLACEMENT DETAILS GREY COLOR R1 R2 WR ,Ill_ ,Ill_ ,Ill_ WR ALTERNATIVE JB TYPE R1 INDUCTION LOOPS SPEED DETECTION LAYOUT TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS SPEED DETECTION LAYOUT -------------fl[ ---i"w ~: ~i --- TYPE R1 ROUND INDUCTION DETECTION LOOP TYP: ----- = 1. CENTER INDUCTION LOOP VEHIClE DETECTOR BETWEEN LANE LINES 2. IN THE PAVEMENT WTH HMA. OVERLAY. LOOP io LOCATOR" SHAU BE INSTALLED ON THE TOP Of EACH Sl\lB-OUT CONDUIT. 3. JUNCTION BOXES SHALL BE SIZED AS SHOWN IN THE ITS Pl.AN SHEETS_ 4. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPLICE RfQU:R~ENTS =-_!_II_:, .-' ..i~NGIM v-1~1-or:. ~ ...,.- =n _,, -"' ~-" ~ -- 11:Ji:SIIAM ~-· -_J l'ftZ!Ct«x1lDI ,_ ·-·-,_ ~ ~"' I----, £ FOR LANES WIDER nlAN 12 FEET ··-FED.All PROJ.NO. " ·-" TYPE WR ROlli'IO INOUCTION DETECTION LOOP TYP. 60% SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -v Washington State l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation f-------------------; ITS DETAILS ""' ff • - SEE NOTE 116 ON S>EO" '"" TO ADDITION.t.l. LOOPS 'MiERE APPUCABLE -------,---- ""'"' SPUCI ··-· TO CON111.QU.ER TYPE R1 N«J YliR SEE WNOING TABLE FOR El(TRA REQUIREO TURN JUNCTION BOX TYPE R1 AND TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS LOOP WINDING DETAILS ""' """' ~ .. r,·1-~m~==~·r=-·4 r=·· L:_~_~"=' ,. .. OETECTOR l.EA(}lN CABLE ~ SEE STD. SPEC. TWO LAYERS OF VINYl ELECTRIC TAPE • DRAIN WIRE (FOLD BACK AND TAPE) • GROUNO CRAIN WIRE AT AMPLIFIER ONLY. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPLICE MATERIAL TYPE R1 AND TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS SPLICE DETAILS = SPUCE IOTS SHAU. BE-CENTEIEO ON CONDUCTORS ANO SUFFICIENT SI.ACK SHAU. BE PROVIDED TliAT THE SPU::E CAH BE RAISED A MINIMUM OF 11" ABO\IE GROUND LINE. ,u_ ma,-- ~ =ff .......... -ff -ff ....,._,.. -- " 15-fllll......,_.I 11:]5;51 All ~-· -,_ 0- £~ ·-,- Mt_lor_ v __ ,uao1_DI!_ """"' ~,. ~I -" 10 /WAIi ,_ TO c_ONTROL!.ER 2CjSH) ) JUNCTION BOX "'"" TYPE R1 ANO W'I WNOING T"81...E V !1MiaWiW8ofi 1 R CONTROLLER TO LOOP OISTANCE (Fl) 0-<00 "' ... "' . LOOP WRE. SEE """'-"""'"""' ' FED.AID PROJ.NO. TURNS • ' ' "' TYPE R2 AND MODIFIED TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS LOOP WINDING DETAIL ~'' LOOP 'MRE. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS [:-=" """' VINYL ELECTRIC TAPE OETECTOR l£AO.IN CABLE 2C(SH). SE£ STD. Sl'EC 9-29.3 " SOLDEREO COIIPRESSIOH CONNECTION (TYPICAi.:) TWO LAYERS OF VINV!. ELECTRIC TAPE (TYPICAi.i • ORAIN WIRE (FOl.O BACK AHO TAPE) • GROUNO DAAIN WIRE AT AMPLIFIER ONLY. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPLICE MATERIAL TYPE R2 AND MODIFIED TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS SPLICE DETAIL 60% SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -~ Washington State l-40SINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC • ) '"" 0.partmant of Transportation t-----------------~ • • ITS DETAILS t_ OF TRENCH Ii_ OF TRENCH Ii_ OF TRENCH L z • • z z • • b ~-,=~ I- " FINISHED GR,l,[)E ---- BACK AU 'MTH CLEAN -----+---- GRANULAR MA rrRlAL WAANING TAPE -------If" '------------._ BACKF1U WITH RED Tim-ED CONTROL DENSITY AU.. _.)----*14 TH'MI OR XJ+MI V.,RE (ORANGE) ~ "'''"" -------1-...,------- "'™ '""""""' SPACER, PER CONDUIT ' I J-' I f 2" BEDDING OF SAND OR COF MANUFACTURER'S SPECl'ICATION --12" --12" Ml. M '..I ~J- ~ • l !, -I : It-ii • , I I • ~.,..l FINISHED GRADE --+---BACK FILL wrn CLEAN GRANULAR MATERIAL WA.RN~ TAPE BACKFILL V.,TH RED TINTED CONTROL DENSITY Fill.. ..,..1--f14 Tl1V'M OR XHHW 'MRE (OAAHGE) ,T',.---I----""""' 'MTH INNERDUCT I 1 "-""'""" 00""" I:~ --j ~J-MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION~~ --ld--' --ld-~ 2" BEDDING OF SAND OR COF FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT WITH INNERDUCT TRENCH DETAIL = UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. UNFAA DIMENSIONS AAE BASED ON ROAl:JrNAY STATIONINO 2. WAANING TAPE SHAU BE PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS 3. f ~~~'ci"fk~Vl~1:8:.fi;w~ U~Lflf~G,:i~_THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT INSTALL CONDUIT SPACER PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. =-N:tl' ----UI01~ -11:Jf:U U Mn ~-· =n -_,, ,_ _,, ,_ ~-" ,~ --....... --,_ ...... DAn I BY NOT TO SCALE 60% SUBMITTAL FED.All PROJ.NO. " ·- "'- EXISTING / 11·:6~i CSBC WARNING TAPE (ITS ONLY) ,, )7 ........_ CS8C TO MATCH EXISTING DEPTlt ANO MATERIAL , '14 TI-IY'/N OR XHHW 'MRE (ORANGE) ~ BACICFIU TO BOTTOII Of' EXISTING PAVEMENT WITH COF. ADD RED TINT TD COF OVER ITS CONCM.JIT ONLY. SHOULDER TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -w Wahington State l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Departm•nt of Tnm•portatlon f-------------------, ITS DETAD..S ITDS -fl • E.a,llHS CLoc,t FOUNDATION DEPTH TABLE _ago "f~p,1;~~'1:rr,tc:~f? l ~~ faN>t.11C1N m>E,.-...:Z.,i:.;::.,._ 90' "llo/'tt+: "'°" """' OIi) toll 1,200 ...... ,,... J.!00 °· ,,.,.... 'Ill ... 11' 11' IJ ... 1,11111 UC:1,-.. .-I' r 10" 'IYPICAI.. El ·-.. .. .. .. 1(1' ·~ AU. HANDtlOlES --..,.... ,_ r I" 'I U' 1y ,, AT 111Q" ~ Ill!" +.-__ O" : __ [ ATT~ POINT ,.-,..__ 1' T r r , r I • .--1' -r 1' .. .. .. q._ '1' ·-:::::. : . ; ; ; ~ ,,~~ ,,=-·-• r, /,\ ~ ·-• r r r .,. ,. 'I70" ../ :""'111"0.AJ ' ~ \ ~ -~-..-C.Al\aU.IE<S .... -............ -.-.--... I DEOIU£Sct.D01NSE I+ 2 _ ommao ___ ,_.....,_...,...._ _ _,., __ ,. 0 0 FM*OffSET~ J d': ~ 83 B2r ~ ---ni:...-._..._......._._n_r1"1 BASE Pl.ATE TOOl'ONT I:'~• b __....... "' I+ B4F LOCATION STATION~~~ -.-, I f b ~ ------------------·c·· _..,...!.• POLE ORIENTATION ANO ~ E E, _ -------------------! 31-4"CttAMf'£R %"D1A_PLAST1C DRAIN TUBE ATTACHMENT POINT DETAIL I GROUT PAO THICKNESS-, t. d NUT HT. ~1· MAX / VERTICAL :CLEARANCE J ::_ t. PAIIEO MINIMUM· IT-S" UNPAVED , i .Q. _g. _/ \ SURFACE SIGNAL HEAD DISPLAY NOTES > MAXlMUU: 19'-0" • ~_._ . -: ---,:: i, " I " I II~ ~R ' ~ y ~ I ·-~,.,--, ·--~~:::; ~ G UMITS OF \IERTlCAl. CLEARANCE REQUlREMEHT 0 • ClASS «DI> I ;j a ~ j[ CONCRBE I "\ ~ ~ TAAFOC 8 N0.8 l!ARS J--" '\ _ _j_ f SIGNAL HEADS --' -< f,.--2'H'Cl \ T 1. ALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD INSTALLATIONS TYPE III ROADWAY SHAU BE TYPE V MOUNTINGS. MAST ARM 1113 HOOPS.RD.OR SQ. SIGNAL STANOARO AT 1"-0" APPROX. CTRS 2. All TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS SHA.LL USE 12 INCH LENS. 3'SQ_OR RD,OR 4'RD 3. A1.L VEHIClE HEADS SHAU. BE INSTAI...LED IMTH BACKPLATES. FOUNDATION DETAIL -ITS SIGNAL STANDARD DETAIL CHART S,J!_'. SR ~ I RBJ> LOCATION TYPE = --,..,-,-:eo {Fl) l-llll'OLI I TO ATT,.,.:...--:-PA!NDUWI AREAS <1<1m<21 ': F'OLE ATTACHMENT PQNT ,t,NIJU:!I /dog) ':=' I llflWIKS LEGEND 0 No POST I STA~ 1__,.Lr,or,o.o. A.1 ~ 111 B2 IIJ I a. B1 &:I. BJ 1W ~ C D E1 E21 f 01 02 H 11 Cl. ,.., no,..,_ SIGNAL SYSTEM 1 ~ ~ Dill*t 1 <I05 6.5 JO..l<Mm 1-U1 '2.~ ll I 1!15 '5 l2 :U 21 !IJ 4 tJ , !IIXI' 10 I I ].. Hanc11o11 -, 2 4DS oW--NCl!I 15-'3.75 :U.811 X -111 1U 4CI l2 :zg n t9 9l 4 u , !IIXI' 1l 10 10 / J 405 1.5 -11<ia.lll 11.111 • ll I ,o NOTES • X Y Z LARGER THEN ACTUAL TO A.CCOMDATE FlJTURE LOA.OS. © MOUNTING COUPLING INSTALLED 0 FIELO INSTA.llED t: :.' ~"'""' '"''"'"eo 60% SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION l'ILE -......... _,_ DI! -""="--f--- TIE 11:•:u A.II "":" l _,. FED.AID PRO.I.HO. .r.~ ,,;-i'!±.!r.,.,,.t..'" ~ l-40SINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST lli'.lE 4'1-5 ~--,~-::,:: ITtJ6 f'LOTlED av -. u 1-~ ~.II' RAMP IMPROVEMENTS -- DESIGJED BY J ~ --• -. ,. ENTBtED 11Y D -~ ·~-..-!~ .. ~ Wuhtngton Stam MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC • C1£aCE> BY c ~ -• .....__ -•,,, •• ~. ~.-..' Department of Transportation ...- PROJ.BQR. R '°'1'0N !lot.RI ITS DETA.LS .:.. REGIONAL A.ta. L DtGI RfV1!11DN DA.Tl! 1JY ,.._.,__ ,.._ .. __ ,u_ ·-TI& 11:!li:Sl AM ~~ ~-· =ff --ff ·--ff ·--ff ·---....... --,-- ~ '""' ,,. ,,. "WE HOVmv.NSIT LNE _r_' ,. 10' I WORK ZONE Ir"""""~ V\ 1 .MRRER TYPICAL DAYTIME WORK ZONE NE 30TH -NB 405 RAMP ""' JO-H405 1:z+CIO.DO • 1&+<IO.OO (APPROX.) ,,. ,,. -~ •. . Ge WE HOVJTJIANS.IT LAPE -ICONSTRUCTION EGRESS TRANSIT STOP cu,s,o ~AU( CONC. BARRIER ,{ CONC. BARRIER V TEIIIPORARY r EXISTINO I I' TYPICAL DAYTIME WORK ZONE NE 30TH -NB 405 RAMP .,, 30-No105 16'>00.00 • 11+50.00 jAPPRCIX.I I ~~ I~ ~::-I puui u?uu n ;;,,, ;,;,;4 TYPICAL SINGLE RAMP LANE CLOSURES {FOR DELIVERIES, HAUL, ETC) ""' 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FED.AID PAOJ.NO. -l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST w RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Tran•portatlon ·~~ TRAFFIC CONTROL DATE I~ ._.,., __ TC1 " • NOTES: T.24N. R.SE. W.IIR. SEE SHEET OU1 FOR ADDITIONAL DETOUR NOTES ~ PCIIS MESSAGE 11 -· -· --~ -u.ec: u- FELD I.DCATE 1'f --1WEEKPIIIOIIOFIIMPeL.OaUIIE ·~-N,.,..,,....\ol05-lffll. TIE 11:Jl:5' All ~re ~-· ~" -_,, ,_ """"' " ,_ '""""'" ·---' """" --"'' r ~ "'l.ll""INliirHt• '\,.r / r "'l.ll""INORTHt• --!!: "'l.l:"'INORTHt• ,,..,,.----------....__../ ___________ ...,/,. i / 1 "' "'l.ll""INOR1Ht• _... \~ _-;; _ _} --:':=J!::::::;-~ ~-~>* ""0 DETOUR .... ~· ! ~ ! (_ ! -1- _____,_ ~-~ I I I , / I \ . I ·r ~~~ ----r-, / ' IPECW. RAMP ~ 11 J /,!:'CLOSED I i I i I / I -r--------r- i-! .,,.,, I I ,· , I -~ I I Ii .• (. \ L I I r ' \ --, , )', cir I I r / ' / \_J I ' ~ ' . I I _J' • • ,00 "'"' / =~·! ! , 'y ~ . ,,,;,c, "" °'-60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION k I~ l) I SCALE IN FEET NI-Nollol~u.eot. FED.AID PROJ.NO. 10 )WASI ·--DATE I BY -w Washington Sta.ta l-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Depar1ment of Transportation 1--------------------1 DETOUR Pl.AN -NI! 30TH RAIIP DU2 -• • Operatio11s and l;91lipment List .c_ •• ----,.-~~-~·-·-•• -------- Diesel Planing machines Diesel Pavement Machines Diesel Dump Trucks Diesel powered back hoes and front loaders Diesel pickup trucks Diesel painting vehicles MMA Grinders light plants with generators Gas powered message signs and arrow signs Diesel drilling machines Paving traveled lanes Planing existing asphalt surface Removing 2" of asphalt Placing 2" new asphalt surface Repairing lanes Removing up to 9 inches of asphalt Removing up to 9 inches of subgrade Placin1 9 Inches of subgrade Placing 9 inches of asphalt Striping new surface Installing new pavement marking; including lane lines, HOV lines, HOV markers, raised pavement markers EXIHIB!T 5 Tynes of vehicles -anticipated noise levels Mitigation measures planned to minimize the impact, Item Equipment Souodlevel Sound Sound level Type of Construction Mitigation measures # (dBA) at 50' level (dBA) at work (dBA) 200' at 100' I 68 65 62 Supports various The sounds from pick-up trucks would have a volume and sound similar to that of existing 1-ton pickup trucks construction activities. nighttime traffic from the freeway. The Contractor will avoid parking and idling vehicles next to residences. An after-hours noise complaint telephone number will be made available to residents, 2 85 82 79 General construction Construction equipment sounds emitted from this mobile operation will likely will be noticeable Dwnp trucks operations by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the dwnp truck moves along completing tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after-hours noise comnlaint telephone number will be available to residents. 3 74 71 68 Paving operations. Construction equipment sounds emitted from this mobile operation will likely will be noticeable Paving machines by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as paving machines move along completing tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after-hours noise comnlaint tel=hone number will be available to residents. 4 85 82(79) 79(73) Paving operations Construction equipment sounds emitted from this mobile operation will likely will be noticeable Planing grinder by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as planing grinder machines move along completing tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after-hours noise complaint telephone number will be available to residents. 5 68 62 56 Pavement repair and Equipment will be parked outside of the line of site from residences and temporary noise shields Air compressor Support various will be used when feasible. An after-hours noise complaint phone munber will be available to constmction activities. residents. 6 85 79 73 Pavement repair and An after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available to residents. Asohalt saw cut. ITS loon r lacement 7 64 58 52 Paving operations and The Contractor will be required to redirect temporary lights away from residences and avoid Portable Light plants and suppon various parking and idling vehicles next to residences. The contractor will be required to provide generators constmction activities. shielded generator type portable lights. An after-hours noise complaint telephone number will be available to residents. 8 77 71 65 Pavement repair An after-hours noise complaint telephone nwnber will be available to residents. Compaction Rollm and Hand compactor for pavement renair 9 83 80 77 Paving operation and Sounds emitted from this stationary operation will likely will be noticeable by residents during Flat bed/Cement mixer trucks support various nighttime operations. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is construction activities. not allowed. An after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available to residents. 10 68 62 56 Paving operations and Traffic control drivm will park at least 500' away from residences, when feasible. An after-hours Truck Mounted Attenuators suppon various noise complaint phone number will be available to residents. construction activities and traffic control. 11 69 66 63 Paving operations Residents will notice this mobile operation while the equipment is moving along the highway Sweeper completing their task so the sound will dissipate as they move along from the sensitive receiver. The sounds from the sweeper would have a volume and sound similar to that of existing niJ;dlttime traffic from the freeway. 76 70 64 Removal existing Residents will notice this mobile operation while the equipment is moving along the highway 12 Stripe removal pavement striping or completing its task. The sound will dissipate as the sttipe removal equipment moves along and pavement markers away from the sensitive receiver. Placing ofMMA Residents will notice this mobile operation while the equipment is moving along the highway 82 76 70 completing its tasks so the sound will dissipate as they move along and away from the sensitive 13 Stripe grinder Durable and visible receiver. delineation 14 !Auger drill rig 85 79 73 Jrilling for installation of An after-hours noise complaint phone nwnber will be available to residents. soldier pile wall and for uminaire 15 Medium size excavator 85 ~2 173 May be used in wall An after•hours noise complaint phone number will be available to residents. May be used in ooting excavation wall and shaft excavation. 16 Small excavator 5 9 3 Yiay be used in trenching An after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available to residents. May be used for trenching. 17 n-IorizontaJ Directional Drills 82 ~6 0 'llay be used for An after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available to residents. May be used for directional boring trenching. I I I DEPARTMENT OF COMM'.~ .• ffY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Plannfrif-~ LAN[) !!J§!E P!EiRM~T MASTER APPiJCAT~ON PROPERTY OWNER(S) I I PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Washington State Department of Transportation 1.-405 NE 301 " Street Ramp lf!lprovements PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS: 600 108th Ave NE, Suite 405 NE 30'" Street northbound 1-405 on-ramp 98056 CITY: ZIP: Bellevue 98004 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-456-8586 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): N/A APPLICANT (if other than owner) I NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): State transporation facility PROPOSED LAND USE(S ): No change proposed COMPANY (if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: RLD PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable) No change proposed TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING ZONING: RS, CONTACT PERSON I PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): No change proposed SITE AREA (in square feet): Approximately 6,000 square NAME: feet. Linda Coolev SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): DEDICATED: 100% WSDOT SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: 600 108th Ave NE No private easements needed. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: ZIP: ACRE (if applicable) N/A Bellevue 98004 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) N/A 1 N :\Projects\405-RTB _30th-44thMeters\Project_Docu mentation\ENV -Environmenta I\Noise\Application\ WSD0T _30th_ 44th sts ramp meter NV.docx Rev: 08/2015 I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI\ AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 425-456-8586 cell: 206-769-7481 2 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): None. N:\Projects\40S·RTB _30th-44thMeters\Project_Documentation\ENV • Environmental\Noise\Application\ WSD0T _30th_ 44th sts ramp meter NV.docx Rev: 08/2015 I '1oJECT INFORMATl,!!IO~N~c~o~l~n~ue~d:!l_ __ ~~:g~n-, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: None Approximately $100,000 MAR 2 2 2016 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANYTYP~ ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AR~.'"~~lil&Nl,GN SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): PLANNING DIVISION SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION 0 SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 0 WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. --sq.ft. --sq.ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included\ SITUATE IN THE NE and NW QUARTER OF SECTION 19 and 20 Respectively, TOWNSHIP 24N, RANGE 5E, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Linda Cooley, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) D the current owner of the property involved in this application or [81 the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner/Representative · Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose me · ned in the instrument. Dated 1,,111111111,,,, ,,,,, ~Otlllo ,/''' ~' <¢,0 ............. t,,.,~1-,. ~ -11,l:> •• ·,,\10U f,//plq,'•~~ ~ ~ eo .. ~(S ~,· •• '°-o~ ~ Ao.;:<, ,nn~ ·. ~ .=-Q:C.. ._11.Q,wnr •, -:o.;: ""' ~ = = : ~o-=-: = ~ \ "UO\'(, .,,!-I ~ •• .._,:ef:: ~ <1').·f PQ 'I,~.-~ ~ .-,. <J,;•. IL t\l, .-·~ ,~ ,,, '# ........... -:,~-.. ,, ''11 01' 1:Jl\1> ,,,,, Notary (Printf. My appointment expires: 3 I . ,,,,,,,11111111' N:\Projects\405-RTB_30th-44thMeters\Project_Documentation\ENV -Envlronmental\Noise\WSD0T_30th_ 44th sts ramp meter NV.docxRev: 08/2015 Project Narrative 1-405, NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements March 17, 2016 Purpose f!fECf OVIE/D> 1'1.1AR 2 2 2016 el'i'V OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION WSDOT is requesting a variance from the requirements of City of Renton Municipal code to allow nighttime construction work. Project Description To relieve congestion on local streets, WSDOT proposes to improve one 1-405 interchange ramp within the City of Renton. The work at the 1-405/Northeast (NE) 30th Street interchange includes widening and restriping the existing ramp to accommodate a second metered lane, constructing a retaining wall, and relocating the existing ramp meter. The City of Renton and WSDOT have been working collaboratively to resolve recurring congestion and queuing resulting from the operation of the ramp meters at the 1-405 interchanges on NE 30th Street. This project will provide additional vehicle storage at the ramp meters and provide for more efficient ramp metering. The City is planning a complimentary project on NE 30th Street to add storage for overflow vehicles from the on-ramp by eliminating parking on NE 30th Street during peak periods. The combination of projects will enhance ramp operations and reduce congestion on local streets. The project is scheduled to be advertised to prospective bidders early May and construction is planned between July and September. However, to accommodate the unanticipated project delays, we are requesting that the Noise Variance permit be valid for the full two years allowed by Renton Municipal Code. Project Narrative 1-405, NE 30'h Street Ramp Improvements I. Project name, size and location of site Project Name: 1-405, NE 30th Street Ramp Improvements. Project Size: The project area includes improving a) approximately 1,900 linear feet of the NE 30th Street to northbound 1-405 on-ramp Project Location: The project is located on the NE 30th Street to northbound 1-405 on- ramp, between 1-405 Milepost (MP) 6.5 and MP 6.9, King County, City of Renton, Township 24 North, Range 5 East, W. M. 2. Land use permits required for proposed project. Land use permits are not required for this project. A Nighttime Noise Variance is needed. 3. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties. 1-405 roadway and associated off/on ramps arc within State roadway right of way and do not have a City zoning designation. Beyond the State roadway right of way the land use is designated RS-Residential 8 du/ac. 4. Current u·se of the site and any existing improvements The current land use is a state transportation corridor including intersections with off and on-ramps. Existing improvements are associated with the roadway. They include on and off-ramps. electrical cabinetry and wiring, ditches, culverts. catch basins, storm water treatment facilities, pavement markings, traffic signals, signs and ramp meters. 5. Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) May Creek flows beneath 1-405, approximately 1,000 feet north of the NE 30th St. interchange. Impacts to May Creek are not anticipated. The project docs not contain steep slopes and it is not located within a landslide hazard area. 6. Soil type and drainage conditions The major soil type identified along the project is glacial till and advance glacial outwash deposits. However due to intense urbanization and previous 1-405 construction, there is little natural soil within the project area. Surface water runoff from the existing roadway drains through a combination of open ditches and enclosed pipes. Minor roadway widening will occur on the NE 30th on-ramp. An enclosed drainage will be provided and connected into WSDOT's existing enclosed drainage system at the on- ramp, within WSDOT right of way. NPDES exempt This project is exempt from a Construction Stormwater General Permit (NPDES) because substantially less than one acre of land disturbance will occur and the site topography prevents any storm water from entering a waterway. Best Management Practices will further ensure compliance with State water quality standards. New impervious surface A total of 850 square feet of new impervious surface will be added to provide the additional vehicle storage. Small quantities of erosion control grasses and roadway shoulder gravels will be removed for the widening. 7. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development No change of land use will occur. The property will remain a transportation corridor. 8. For plats indicate the proposed numhcr, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots Not applicable. This property is and will remain a transportation corridor. 9. Access Site access will not change. I 0. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) None. 11. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the-proposed project. Construction cost and the fair market value is approximately $750,000. 12. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed. Approximately 280 cubic yards of backfill soil will be needed to construct a retaining wall at NE. 301 ". 13. Number, type and size of any trees to be removed. None. 14. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City None. 15. Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes None. 16. Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification) None. 17. For projects located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, please include distance in feet from wetland or stream to nearest area of work Project work will not occur within I 00 feet of a steam or wetland. I i I I r 18. For projects located within 200-feet of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and Lake Washington please include the following additional information: o Distance from closest area of work to the ordinary high water mark. o Description of the nature of the existing shoreline o The approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an ohstructed view in the event the proposed project exceeds a height of35-fcet above the average grade level Project work will not occur within 200' of the listed waterbodies. Variance Request Justification: The burden of proof as to the appropriateness of the application lies with the applicant. In order to approve a variance request, the Reviewing Official must find all the following conditions exist: 1. The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; WSDOT's traffic analysis has determined that performing ramp closures during the day would result in traffic congestion due to high trafiic volumes, loss of roadway capacity, and diminished access to local events. WSDOT recommends that lane closures and certain construction activities occur at night and continuous operation of construction activities such as pavement grinding can be ensured to avoid endangering personnel. To avoid disruptions to workers, pedestrians and motorists, and to maintain emergency and essential services, many construction activities must occur between the hours of 7:00 pm and 7:00 am, Monday through Sunday. Activities such as pavement repair, grinding, removal and replacement of pavement and pavement markings cannot be accomplished while traffic is present. Full or partial freeway, street and ramp closures are necessary for these activities. In addition, nighttime work is necessary to complete the project prior to the 2016-17 school year at Kennydale Elementary School, located just east of the N 30'11 Street project site. A primary benefit of the completed NE 30'11 ramp improvements is improving access to the school by reducing traffic·congestion on NE 30'h Street. Construction Considerations and Closures: ' Portions of the construction operations will occur during nighttime hours. The closures required for these operations are only feasible at night. This project will require roadway closures for construction personnel and equipment and personner operating on the roadway. Estimate of required night work Based upon previous project schedules, WSDOT estimates that it will require 23 nights to complete the work. This estimate, shown below, includes the minimum amount of time necessary to safely complete the work: • • • • • • Striping mainline (gore area)(remove and install) Striping ramp (remove and install) Setting and removing temporary concrete barrier Paving and drainage Saw-cutting ITS loops on ramp Drilling Soldier Pile Walls Total estimated nights Contingency nights for weather and other factors Total Estimated night work 2 night 2 night 2 nights 4 nights 2 nights 6 nights -18 nights 5 nights 23 nights 2. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or in_jurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; Granting of the variance will enhance public safety and reduce risks to property because nighttime traffic volumes arc lighter. thus reducing the safety risks. Performing this work during nighttime hours and, if required, during weekend closures when the least amount of traffic is present will minimize risks to the traveling public and construction workers. In addition to the safety benefits of nighttime work, WSDOT, its contractors and subcontractors will follow all of the conditions, restrictions and mitigation measures pursuant to the City of Renton Municipal Code. 3. The approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and WSDOT agrees that the approval is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Approval of this request does not grant a special privilege inconsistent with roadway construction projects elsewhere. Nighttime roadway construction is a common and accepted practice to reduce congestion and inconvenience to motorists, expedite road building tasks, and en~ancing work zone safety by conducting construction when partial or complete roadway and ramp closures are possible due to reduced traffic volumes. r ' r Utilities Plan, Generalized (sewer, water storm water, transportation improvements) Public utilities are not located within WSDOT right of way, however minor amounts of electrical conduit will be installed for the ITS system and illumination. See attached 60% plans p. 27-35 and p. 25-26 for details. . ·. • "ti .. 0 'i' a > ; Al I -Ii MAR 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION I 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION () .,, ~ i ZQ z .,, Gl ;,c C, ,.., sz "' -I ~o -z ;;:: ~ ,,.. ~ ,-..., c::> a=; PID 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301140 3343301142 3343301142 3343301142 3343301142 3343301142 3343301142 3343301142 3343301142 3343301142 3343301143 3343301145 3345700055 33.43301145 ii -13301145 ; 3)13301150 '' '45700059 13: rns100059 3~059010 Noise Variance 300 surounding Properties LUA16-000223 TAXPAYER NAME PSTLADDRESS PSTLCITY PSTLSTATE DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 106 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 208 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 204 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 100 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAEL J 1800 NE 44th St Suite 104 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 205 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 240 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 201 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 220 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 101 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 110 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ i8oo NE 44th St Suite 102 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAEL J 1800 NE 44th St Suite 200 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAEL J 1800 NE 44th St Suite 230 Renton WA DEITCH MICHAELJ 1800 NE 44th St Suite 108 Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNIT G Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNIT C Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNIT H Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNIT B Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNIT D Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNITE Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNIT F Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1717 NE 44th St UNIT A Renton WA GIA ENTERPRISES 1705 NE 44th St Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1785 NE 44th St Renton WA PUGHJOHN EXIT7 INC 1785 NE 44th St UNIT 105 Renton WA EXIT7 INC 1785 NE 44th St UNIT 100 Renton WA U INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LL 1700 NE 44th St LOT Renton WA KOREAN ANTIOCH PRESBYTERIAN 1701 NE 43rd St Renton WA KOREAN ANTIOCH PRESBYTERIAN 4308 Jones Ave NE Renton WA CITY OF RENTON PSTLZIPS 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 98056 PRESENTUSE Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Reta ii Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Retail Store Restaurant{Fast Food) Retail Store Vacant(Commercial) Retail Store Retail Store Medical/Dental Office Church/Welfare/Relig Srvc Church/Welfare/Relig Srvc Vacant(Commercial) \ d ,i ...... - t/'" .. .,.:,,.,n._,.,~~ ~--~ - RECEIVED Mf>.R 2 2 ·1r,·,, cnv Of RENlON PLANNING 01\/\SION V . co\"_ \'\ieJ _..) I · ::rl~\;\. s i \-e~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL REQUIRIEIViEi\lTS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE: A means by which citizens may be granted relief from the strict application of the provisions of certain land use regulations. The process is intended to review situations where uniform requirements would unduly burden one property more than other properties in the vicinity. FREE CONSULTATION MEETING: Prior to submitting an application, the applicant should informally discuss the proposed development with the Planning Division. The Planning Division will provide assistance and detailed Information on the City's requirements and standards. Applicants may also take this opportunity to request the waiver of the City's typical application submittal requirements, which may not be applicable to the specific proposal. For further Information on this meeting, see the Instruction sheet entitled "Submittal Requirements: Pre-Application." COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED: In order to accept your application, each of the numbered Items must be submitted at the same time. if you have received a prior written waiver of a submittal item(s) during a pre-application meeting, please provide the waiver form In lieu of any submittal Item not provided. All plans and attachments must be folded to a size not exceeding SJ.S by 11 Inches. APPLICATION SCREENING: Applicants are encouraged to bring in one copy of the application package for Informal review by staff, prior to making the requested number of copies, colored drawings, or photo reductions. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for application screening. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL HOURS: Applications should be submitted to Development Services staff at the 6th floor counter of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Please call your assigned project manager to schedule an appointment or call (425) 430-7200 extension 4 to reach the Planning Division. Due to the screening time required, applications delivered by messenger cannot be accepted. ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Additional permits from other agencies may be required. it is the applicant's responsibility to obtain these other approvals. Information regarding these other requirements may be found at littp://apps.ecy.wa.gov/opas/ All l?~all'lls aind Attaic~mell'llits must ll>e folidled 8 ~"lbiv 11" 1 H:\CEO\Oata\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannlng\varlance.doc Rev: 02/2015 I ' I I ' I I I I ' I I APPLICATION MATERIALS: ~;ig_ 1. Pre-Application Meeting Summarv: If the application was reviewed at a "pre- applicatlon meeting", please provide 5 copies of the written s.ummarv provided to you. 0 2. Waiver Form: If you received a waiver form during or after a "pre-application meeting", please provide 5 copies of this form. 0 3. Land Use Permit Master Appllcatlon Form: Please provide the orlglnal plus 11 copies of the COMPLETED City of Renton Planning Division's Master Application form. Application must have notarized signatures of ALL current propertv owners listed on the Title Report. If the property owner Is a corporation, the authorized representative must attach proof of signing authority on behalf of the corporation. The legal description of the property must be attached to the application form. 0 4. Fees: The application must be accompanied by the required application fee (see Fee Schedule). Please call (425) 430-7294 to verify the exact amount required. Checks should be made out to the City of Renton and cannot be accepted for over the total fee amount. :ii, /23~- 0 5. Project Narrative: Please provide 12 copies of a clear and concise description of the proposed project, including the following: o Project name, size and location of site o Land use permits required for proposed project o Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties o Current use of the site and any existing Improvements o Special site features (I.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) o Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions o Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development o For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots o Access o Proposed off-site improvements (I.e. Installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) o Total est.I mated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project o Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed o Number, type and size of any trees to be removed o Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City o Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes o Any proposed modifications being requested (Include written Justification) For projects located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, please Include: o Distance In feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work 2 H :\CEO\Oata \Forms-Templates\Se If -Help Handouts \Plan nlng\va rlance.doc Rev: 02/2015 For projects located within 200-feet of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and lake Washington please include the following additional Information: o Distance from closest area of work to the ordinary high water mark. o Description of the nature of the existing shoreline o The approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an obstructed view In the event the proposed project exceeds a height of 35-feet above the average grade level D 6. Variance Request Justification: Please provide 12 copies of a written statement separately addressing and Justifying each of tlie issues to be considered by the City. The burden of proof as to the appropriateness of the application lies with the applicant. In order to approve a variance request, the Reviewing Official must find All the following conditions exist: o The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, Including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners In the vicinity and under Identical zone classification; o The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or Improvements In the vicinity and zone In which subject property is situated; o The approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and o The approval Is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Density Worksheet: Please submit 12 copies of a completed density worksheet. Plat Certificate or Title Report: Please provide 3 copies of a current Plat Certificate or Title Report obtained from a title company documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances of the Involved parcel(s). The Title Report should Include all parcels being developed, but no parcels that are not part of the development. If the Plat Certificate or rrtle Report references any recorded documents (I.e. easements, dedications, covenants) 5 copies of the referenced recorded document(s) must also be provided. All easements referenced in the Plat Certificate must be located, identified by type and recording number, and dimensioned on the Site Plan. D 9. Neighborhood Detail Map: Please provide 12 copies of a map drawn at a scale of 1" = 100' or 1" = 200' (or other scale approved by the Planning Division) to be used to identify the site location on public notices and to review compatibility with surrounding land uses. The map shall Identify the subject site with a much darker perimeter line than surrounding properties and Include at least two cross streets In all directions showing the location of the subject site relative to property boundarl~s of surrounding parcels. The map shall also show: the property's lot lines, surrounding properties' lot 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\SeW-Help Handouts\Plannlns\varlance.doc Rev: 02/2015 I I I \ I I I I lines, boundaries of the City of Renton (lfapplicable), north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. Please ensure all Information fits on a single map sheet. Kroll Map Company (206-448-6277) produces maps that may serve this purpose or you may use the King County Assessor's maps as a base for the Neighborhood Detail Map. Additional Information (i.e. current city street names) will need to be added by the applicant. 0 10. Site Plan: Please provide 12 copies of a fully-dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of 1 "=20' (or other scale approved by the Planning Division). We prefer the site plan be drawn on one sheet of paper unless the size of the site requires several plan sheets to be used. If you are using more than a single plan sheet, please indicate connecting points on each sheet. The Site Plan should show the following: o Name of proposed project o Date, scale, and north arrow (oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet) o Drawing of the subject property with all property lines dimensioned and names of adjacent streets o Widths of all adjacent streets and alleys o location of all existing public Improvements including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median Islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, etc., along the full property frontage o Location and dimensions of existing and proposed: 1. structures 2. parking, off-street loading space, curb ·cuts and aisle ways 3. fencing and retaining walls 4. free-standing signs and lighting fixtures 5. refuse and recycling areas 6. utility Junction boxes and public utility transformers 7. storage areas and Job shacks/sales trailers/model homes o Setbacks of all proposed buildings from property lines o Location and dimensions of ail easements referenced in the title report with the recording number and type of easement (e.g. access, sewer, etc.) Indicated o Location and dimensions of natural features such as streams, lakes, required buffer areas, open spaces, and wetlands o Ordinary high water mark and distance to closest area of work for any project located within 200-feet from a lake or stream Landscape Analysis, lot Coverage, and Parking Analysis (For commerclal/lndustrlal properties only): please provide s copies of a landscape and parking analysis Including: o Total square footage of the site and the footprints of all buildings o Total square footage of existing and proposed Impervious surface area(s) o Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use o Percentage of lot covered by buildings or structures 4 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannlng\vartance.doc Rev: 02/2015 o Number of parking spaces required by City code o Number and dimensions of standard, compact, and ADA accessible spaces provided · o Square footage of parking lot landscaping (perimeter and interior) 12. Architectural Elevations: Please provide 5 copies, for each building and each building face (N,S,E, W), of a 24" x 36" fully-dimensioned architectural elevation plan drawn at a scale of 1/4" = 1' or 1/8" = 1' (or other size or scale approved by the Planning Division). The plans must clearly Indicate the information required by the "Permits" section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19.27 (State Building Code Act, Statewide amendments), Including. but not limited to the following: o Identify building elevations by street name (when applicable) and orientation I.e. Burnett Ave. (west) elevation o Existing and proposed ground elevations o Existing average grade level underneath proposed structure o Height of existing and proposed structures showing finished rooftop elevations based upon site elevations for proposed structures and any existing/abutting structures o Building materials and colors Including roof, walls, any wireless communication facilities, and enclosures o Fence or retaining wall materials, colors, and architectural design o Architectural design of on-site lighting fixtures o Screening detail showing heights, elevations, and building materials of proposed screening and/or proposed landscaping for refuse/recycling areas o Cross section of roof showing location and height of roof-top equipment (include air conditioners, compressors, etc.) and proposed screening 13. Floor Plans: Please provide 5 copies of a plan showing general building layout, proposed uses of space, walls, exits and proposed locations of kitchens, baths, and floor drains, with sufficient detail for City staff to determine If an oil/water separator or grease Interceptor Is required and to determine the sizing of a side sewer. v~~ 14. Tree Retention/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan: Please provide 4 copies of a fully dimensioned plan drawn by a certified arborlst or a licensed landscape architect If ANY trees or vegetation are to be removed or altered. The plan shall be based on finished grade, drawn at the same scale as the project site plan with the northern property line at the top of the paper, and clearly show the following: o All property boundaries and adjacent streets, location and dimensions of rights- of-way, utility lines, fire hydrants, street lighting. and easements; o Location of all areas proposed to be cleared; o Location, species, and sizes of trees on or Immediately abutting the site. This requirement applies only to trees with a caliper of at least six Inches (6"), or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight Inches (8"), when measured at fifty-four Inches (54 "I above grade; 5 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannlng\varlance.doc Rev: 02/2015 r o aearly Identify trees to be retained and to be removed; o Future building sites and drip lines of any trees which will overhang/ overlap a construction line. Where the drip line ofa tree overlaps an area where ·construction activities will occur, this shall be indicated on the plan; o Show critical areas and buffers. Arborlst Report: Please provide 4 copies of an arborist report by a certified arborlst or a licensed landscape architect that correlates with the Tree Retention/ Land Clearing Plan and addresses the following: o Identification scheme used for each tree (e.g. tree number); o Species and size of each tree (caliper measured at 54 Inches above grade); o Reason(s) for any tree removal (e.g. poor health, high risk of failure due to structure, defects, unavoidable isolation (high blow down potential), unsuitability of species, etc.) and for which no reasonable alternative action Is possible (pruning, cabling, etc.); o For trees proposed to be retained, a complete description of each tree' s health, condition, and viability; o For trees proposed to be retained, a description of the method(s)used to determine the limits of disturbance (e.g., critical root zone, root plate diameter, or a case-by-case basis description for individual trees); o A description of the impact of necessary tree removal to the remaining trees, including those In a grove or on abutting properties; o The sullflested location and species of supplemental trees to be used when required. The report shall Include planting and maintenance specifications; o An analysis of retained trees according to Priority of Tree Retention Requirements specified In RMC 4-4·130H.1.b. II'\ '¢--16. V·; Wetland Assessment: Please provide 12 copies of the map and 5 copies of the report if ANY wetlands are located on the subject property or within 100 feet of the subject property. The wetland report/delineation must include the Information specified in RMC 4·8·1200. In addition, If any alteration to the wetland or buffer is proposed, S copies of a wetland mitigation plan Is also required. See RMC 4·8· 1200 for plan content requirements. Standard Stream or Laite Study: Please provide 12 copies of a report containing the Information specified In RMC Section 4-8-1200. In addition, If the project Involves an unclassified stream, a supplemental stream or lake study Is also required (12 copies). If any alteration to a water-body or buffer Is proposed a supplemental stream or lake study (12 copies) and a mitigation plan (12 copies) are also required. See RMC 4-8· 1200 for plan content requirements. 18. Flood Hazard Data: Please provide 12 copies of a scaled plan showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area In question; existing ot proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, and drainage facilities. Also Indicate the following: o Elevation In relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor (Including basement) 6 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self•Help Handouts\Plannlng\varlance.doc Rev:02/201S J!o -fj-19. -.J.11 1 20. 1n'Ff-21. of all structures o Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been flood proofed o Certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that the flood proofing methods criteria in RMC 4-3-050 have been met o Description of the extent to which a watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development Habitat Data Report: If the project site contains or abuts a crlt/ca/ habitat per RMC 4-3- 0SOBSb, please provide 12 copies of a report containing the information specified in Section 4-8-120D of the Renton Municipal Code. Geotechnical Report: Please provide 5 copies of a study prepared and stamped by a State of Washington licensed professional engineer Including soils and slope stability analysis, boring and test pit logs, and recommendations on slope setbacks, foundation design, retaining wall design, material selection, and all other pertinent elements. Letter of Understanding Geologic Risk: Please provide 5 copies of a letter from the applicant, or the owner of the site, stating that he or she understands and accepts the risk of developing in an unstable area and that he or she will advise, In writing, any prospective purchasers of the site, or any prospective purchasers of structures or portions of structures on the site, of the unstable potential of the area. < [i 22. Utllltles Plan, Generalized (sewer, water, stormwater, transportation Improvements): Please provide 5 copies of a plan drawn on 22" x 34" plan sheets using a graphic scale of 1" = 40' (or other size or scale approved by the Planning Division) clearly showing all existing (to remain I and proposed public or private Improvements to be dedicated or sold to the public including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, free-standing lighting fixtures, utility Junction boxes, public utility transformers, etc., along the full property frontage. The finished floor elevations for each floor of proposed and existing (to remain) structures shall also be shown. '0 23. Grading Plan, Conceptual: This Is required If the proposed grade differential on-site will exceed 24" from the top of the curb or If the amount of earth to be disturbed exceeds 500 cubic yards. Please provide 12 copies of a 22" x 34" plan drawn by a State of Washington licensed civil engineer or landscape architect at a scale of 1" to 40' (horizontal feet) and l" to 10' (vertical feet) (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Planning Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly indicating the following: o Graphic scale and north arrow o Dimensions of all property lines, easements, and abutting streets o location and dimension of all on-site structures and the location of any structures within 15-feet of the subject property or that may be affected by the proposed work o Accurate existing and proposed contour lines drawn at two-foot, or less, 7 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Seff-Help Handouts\Planning\varlance.doc Rev:02/201S I I ~6. • Intervals showing existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage to include surrounding off-site contours within 100-feet of the site o location of natural drainage systems, including perennial and Intermittent streams and the presence of bordering vegetation o Setback areas and any areas not to be disturbed o Finished contours drawn at two foot Intervals as a result of grading o Proposed drainage channels and related construction with associated underground storm lines sized and connections shown o Finished floor elevatlon(s) of all structures, existing and proposed General notes addressing the following (may be listed on cover sheet): o Area In square feet of the entire property o Area of work in square feet o Both the number of tons and cubic yards of soil to be added, removed, or relocated o Type and location of fill origin, and destination of any soil to be removed from site Pliotographs of the Property: Photographs may be submitted with the application as exhibits. Plan Reductions: Please provide one 8 W' 1111" legible reduction of each full size plan sheet (unless waived by your Project Planner). The sheets that are always needed in reduced form are: landscape plans, conceptual utility plans, site plan or plat plan, neighborhood detail map, topography map, tree cutting/land clearing plan, critical areas plans, grading plan, and building elevations. The quality of these reductions must be good enough so that a photocopy of the reduced plan sheet is also legible. If your reduced plans are not legible once photocopied, you will need to increase the font size or try a different paper type. Illegible reductions cannot be accepted. Once the reductions have been made, please also make one 8 %" 1111" regular photocopy of each photographic reduction sheet. Some of the local Renton print shops that should be able to provide you with reductions of your plans are Alliance Printing (425) 793- 5474, Apperson Print Resources (425) 251-1850, and PIP Printing (425) 226-9656. Nearby print shops are Digital Reprographlcs (425) 882-2600 In Bellevue, lltho Design (206) 574-3000 and Reprographlcs NW/Ford Graphics (206) 624-2040. Colored Maps for Display (DO NOT MOUNT ON FOAM-CORE OR OTHER BACKING): Please color 1 copy of each of the following full size plan sheets (24" x 36") or other size approved by the Planning Division) with a 1/4" or larger felt tip marker for use in presenting the project to the Environmental Review Committee and at any required public hearing: o Neighborhood Detail Map o Site Plan o Landscaping Plan o Elevations 8 H:\CEO\Oata\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannlng\varlance.doc Rev: OZ/2015 Please fold colored displays to 8 H" x U ". The following colors are required: Red-North Arrow, outer property boundary. Proposed new lot lines (dashed). Do not color existing lot lines which are to be eliminated or relocated. Blue-Street names Identified with lettering of at least 1" in height. Street names must be legible at a distance of 15-ft. Brown-Existing buildings (Please do not color buildings which will be demolished or removed) Yellow-Proposed buildings Ught Green-Landscaped areas Dark Green-Areas of undisturbed vegetation D 27. Digital Copy: Please provide a digital copy of each of the submittal items; this can be submitted either on a CD, a USB portable (flash/hard) drive, other device or pathway as approved by your assigned project manager. All Plains and Atttaclhmentts must lbe folded to 8Yz" lbv 11" REVIEW PROCESS: Once a complete land use application package has been accepted for initial review, the Planning Division will post three notices of the pending application at or near the subject site and mail notices to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. The proposal will be routed to other City departments and other Jurisdictions or agencies who may have an interest in the application. The reviewers have two weeks to return their c.omments to the Planning Division. Within approximately two weeks, the Planning Division will prepare a report regarding the proposal's compliance with applicable codes and the City's review criteria. The review process that follows varies depending on the type of application request. Administrative Variances: A public hearing is not required. The Planning Division reviews the proposal and any staff or public comments prior to making a decision. The decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposal will be malled to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. Hearing EKamlner Variances: A public hearing is required. After review of the proposal and any staff or public comments, the Planning Division staff will forward a report and recommendation to the Hearing Examiner prior to the hearing. This report will be mailed to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. Notice of the public hearing will be published in the Renton Reporter at least 10 days prior to the hearing, the site will be posted again, and parties of record will receive notices of the hearing via mall. Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the public hearing for their proposal. City staff will first make a presentation to the Hearing Examiner about the proposal. Then the applicant and any citizens in support of the proposal will give testimony. When giving testimony, names and addresses 9 H :\CED\Data \Forms-T emplates\SeW-Help Handouts\Pla nning\varlance.doc Rev: 02/201S • must be stated for the record. Following this, individuals with neutral or opposing comments will give their testimony to the Hearing Examiner. City staff or the applicant will address additional questions raised throughout the hearing. The Hearing Examiner will review the proposed application and Issue a final decision within 14 days of the hearing unless, at the time of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner indicates additional time will be required for Issuance of the decision. The decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposal will be mailed to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. APPEAL AND RECONSIDERATION PROCESS FOR DECISIONS: Any person, including the applicant, aggrieved by the granting or denial of an application, may make a written application for reconsideration to the Reviewing Official within 14 calendar days of the date of the decision. After review of the request, the Reviewing Official may take whatever action Is deemed proper. The Reviewing Official's written decision on the reconsideration request wlll be mailed to all parties of record within 10 days from the date the request was filed. If any party Is stlll not satisfied after a reconsideration decision has been issued, an appeal may be submitted within 14 days to: o The Hearing Examiner for Administrative decisions o The City Council for Hearing Examiner decisions An appeal may be filed without first requesting reconsideration by the Reviewing Official, however, It must be filed within 14 days of the date when the original decision was lssue,d. See Renton Municipal Code, Section 4·8-110 for further Information on the appeal process and time frames. BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ISSUANCE AND INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS: In the City of Renton, a Building Permit must be obtained to build buildings and structures. A Construction Permit must be obtained to Install utility lines, transportation Improvements and undertake work In City right-of-ways. Building and Construction Permits are separate permits. Applicants may apply for building and construction permits concurrently with their request for a land use application. However, the applicant should be aware any conditions of land use permit approval may create a need for revisions to other permit applications whereby additional fees may be charged. Refunds of building permit charges are not available. If no appeals or reconsideration requests are filed within 14 days of the effective date of the decision to approve the application, the applicant may obtain building and construction permits. A construction permit for the installation of on-site and off-site utilities will be issued upon the review and approval of civil engineering drawings by the Division's Public Works Section and receipt of all applicable development and permit fees. A building permit wlll be issued upon the Building Section's approval of building plans and receipt of all applicable fees. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSIONS: Once an application has been approved, the applicant has two years to comply with all conditions of approval and to apply for any necessary permits before the approval becomes null and void. The approval body that approved the original application may grant a single one- year extension. The approval body may require a public hearing for such extension. 10 H:\CEO\Oata\Forms•Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannlng\varlance.doc Rev: 02/201S v· DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT W~~V!E~ (D)!F ~llJ[8)M~TI~IL ~!E(OllLD~~!EM!E~ir~ !F(D)~ IL~~ [Q) llJ~!E ~[p)[p)!L~(C~ l~(Q)~~ Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.centonwa.gov LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: Arborlst Report 4 th1I . . Biological Assessment, "' pl. Calculations, t.J. A Colored Maps for Display , ~ Construction Mitigation· Description, .. 0 , Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 fJ(/Jr Density Worksheet , tJ(A o{11 Drainage Control Plan, ' Drainage Report, Elevations, Architectural ,..0 , ~ Environmental Checklist, "'I A Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy)••••• tJ/A Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) u•o, rJ/ ll Flood Hazard Data, . (}fl Floor Plans , .. 0 , @'I Geotechnlcal Report uNO, r1TI Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual , dl"VI Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed, ayl.f Habitat Data Report, CR\11 Improvement Deferral 1 rv/A Irrigation Plan, -...r/ /I COMMENTS: N c'V r,-.h'lrG (f?,t,UJ ,}rv IVP ? • PvO¢-,c~PM · o \c__. / A/JJ~$->Ccfit{Mtf4;. PROJECT NAME: T · L/0:S 4-N5D~ -4-NE~S-h ~v.ps DATE: 3-'J~ /k 1 H:\CEO\Oata\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannlng\Waiversubmlttalreqs.docx Rev: 08/2015 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u/A- t:J/A N{fx' tv/ Pi' i Pr A- A fk t ~I ~ µ/ A- fr-fJ/ t-J/flr tJf'r LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site, Landscape Plan, Conceptual, nfll Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 At', Legal Description, Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk, n\"fA Map of Existing Site Conditions, Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan, Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 6T\,\ Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Post Office Approval 2 Plat Name Reservation, Plat Plan 4 Preappllcatlon Meeting Summary, v~ Public Works Approval Letter, • Rehabilitation Plan, Screening Detail 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet, Site Plan,...,, Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 l\1vl Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental, t1fl1 Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 ITT Street Profiles 2 ntle Report or Plat Certificate 1 ••• • v~ Topography Map, V Traffic Study , Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan, atV\ Urban Design Regulations Analysis, Utilities Plan, Generalized , G ~ Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 V(:J Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 v,x V 2 H:\CED\Data\Farms-Templates\Self-Help Handauts\Plannlng\Walversubmlttalreqs.dacx - COMMENTS: .... -G W).<114. OJ,! ; • . . Pn:,v,cf,.,{I all Wbr/(,,; c .... A, 1 r .J, d In +-i'\Q. 1111D1-c,l/ed' ,<OW Rev: D8/2D1S LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation• Wireless: u/J:l_ I • Applicant Agreement Statement u•o Inventory of Existing Sites •••o• Lease Aareement, Draft ?AND, Map of Existing Site Conditions ,..0 , Mao of View Area , .. o, Photosimulations , '"" 3 This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services ~, 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: V4 V 3 H:\CEO\Data\Forms·Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Watversubmittalreqs.docx COMMENTS: Ptt>v;&.e& tJ..U ~ 1 or-Ii ,s, ,, 1 ,11/)t, KUW Rev: 08/2015 T.24N. R.SE. W.1111. EN~ _eRQJECT ~~~~llf:~;~~::~=~_cj;-=_:=-=~ ~C=c-~,-~ ----~ 16ofl.11 pt •• --.-(y.,.. _.,-,-:-.:-:;-:::.. ~\ -~\ \'.~N H1'1S,MO ~-~-<:~=~ /; ,,:----''\' ,,,~ .. '" _--------__ ::::?.::.::: --· .)'·//,,/<·/, 4+,fk0517+J71SPCC :\.. ,',.,~:, i--'\."7 ---.,,r-, ,/[ -.\\\\';. \·-;>,_ __ .-;.-;;_.:;f;, :/ /· . >.,::\, \\ \ -~;,-J;;,/ •. ./ / j '4-tuO! 1 PCC \\ '\\ \\ \ Y :1 /'r;, '. \. \ ' \ I /· <. ~ _\,, \ ' \ , ; I I \\\ \\, \\ ·: r ·\\\\\\ I ! f· \ \;\\ \\ /' :l \ '·\· ·~\:\;i\,~, ~ '-~ I.Y > -w z u:, oz I-Q = z !!! "' LLI 2: ~ ~o ~ ... l!) et:: I \ \ -.) • \" '· '-.: ' •• •• -,M-fMOS 10.00.l)CI POB • ~ I \ , • 1 . \ '-. frf1ffi73Jl92--~~-,0 __ \ / ~-\ ·, J /\ · ... E ·noJ101.m ~IY 0 !.Y ~ 0~ <t ~~ ::;; 2G::~::::--, \\, ;:/ ~· .. ~\ {, // ~~~ .._ . > ... <:--::;--:~ ',,,>,'<-... .;.:/ _ .. -;:'/~-----\:;._\ l \ ,,./ ..._..c;._ "-.......... <_ .. 'c....:.."' .... ,. ---_,,.::,,,----·:....--.. ---~ ·~ ~--,,,. ":I. ~<,,.. -..... , .. ,:,_ ... _ ", ·-_..,... . ..~"?~ ,,-::---/ b \ ,~,,..\' "\. ~ ..,__ ' ""'. ·--o ~ ----.... ,,,, ,/ / '\ ' ' . ~ ,,-._" >>_ ......... ~"..:;:-...,_':.. ....... =-----:~-::!;~-,,:;;/· ..., ..... ~( \~:'-'\"" "\. -~· "'c,;..> ·-'-°':"---.. ---.. -~........ ---~ ,.-:,tl<E:_ \\, l ·~ '::t, ........ , .... M --••• :_·-·--t;·--:-;,Ji!.,.-~ ' \\', • \ -,· ... • """'~ -' ---------,,i)JJ .:::~ ,,, ,."'i...,._ ,, '·~ . \ '!.:; ~---::>:-,', ,--.._ 5,•.5~':e, .... ,;c. .-\. ,-\_.,-;-:-:;-;-~;:...--·,...-'.' \ ,,<.,..--.. ,,.,ii.AJJii,t.JI t\•'/:,\;' -'<::~·.'., -.\\ · .. /,_.,-"\ \'..._, ""'<r,.J,U/ -.-, ,, ,, ., .,. .... ' \\ ,.. \ -- 1,, _. 4',,,N4051M!79PI -,1\',1, -',.,~'\;, • \, · \"• \~,-~ \. ' ' . ...,,,\ '-/ _._\.... \\'•1·1' \ .. -1, . ''\''l) '--.,--, \ ·'. ,\ ' •.. - ' • _.· ,---:-·\;'' •< -.<>, \ \\' \•\ I 1.- • , I',-... -·\ _ .... ,} J , 1\1 ;'.'!:, , • r, -· .,. \ ·--p""\ ~\ ,. -.. u q.JRVE P.I. STATION ""'' PC 11+7555 I j ,' Pl 12+69.79 56'35'40" PCC 13+<18.46 DATA -,-- RADIUS I TAHGENT CENGn< 175.05' !M.:Z..' 17291' 1'11~5~ ,,.,,.,,. 179.05" 179_c,go 2'llll41' PCC 1-.a1. Pl 16+!12.83 ~·11•1s-195' 4596' 90.28' PCC 17+37.15. Pl 18->0l•S 25"17'2~ ""' 67.31' 1324:Z::. PT 18+fi9 56 LEGEND JfilIES -"" I RIGHT Of WAY (LIMITED ACCESS) ---v-EXISTING _ FEN_CE 1. BASIS Of BEARIM(l WASHINGTON STATE COOflDINATE SYSTEM NORTH ZONE, N.t.0 1ifll (1991 ADJ.) FILI! MA-,;: ~ ~~ ~ -" -n -n --~Da EXISTING RETA!NING WA1..l 2. VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVDell " ~~6AICl1.PS_.tJ._OO 12:51:10 PM ~· -·-,_ ,~ ·~ ~ - -:-1 -· ~o_l"~H ·~~ ~T!'a_l_!!_ 60% SUBMITIAL ~ W"..I''." FED.IJO PROJ.NO. 11~(~ ~~~:.~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION "' ""' SCALE IN FEET All -f------l-40SINE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST w >------RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Wnhlngton State ~~rtmeffl~T~Mportatl~f-----------------, • ALIQNIIENT Atlll RIGHT OF WAY PLAN INDEX SHEET I PLAN REFERENCE I T~TlE NO. NO. 1 IN1 INDEX AND VICINITY MAP 2 • 3 RS1 -RS2 ROADWAY SECTION • -6 AL1 -All ALIGNMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY PLAN 7 • 9 SP1 -SP3 SITE PREPARATION AND TESC P~ 10 DN1 STRUCTURE NOTES • DRAIN~GE 11 DR1 DRAINAGE PLAN 12 DP1 DRAINAGE PROFILE 1) PV1 PAVING PLAN 14 -16 MK1 -MK3 PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIG~U'{G PLAN 17 • 18 SS1 -SS2 SIGN SPECIFICATIONS 19 ST1 RETAINING WALL 1 -PLAN 20 ST2 WALL 1 -ELEVATION 21 • 24 STD1 -STD4 WALL DETAILS 25 • 26 IL1 AND Ill ILLUMINATION P__L.AP! 27 • 29 ITS1 • ITS3 ITS PLAN 30 • 35 JTD1 -1106 ITS DETAILS 36 TC1 TRAFFIC CONTROL 37 • 38 DU1 • DU2 DETOUR PLAN 60% FILE NAME N:\ProJecta\405-RTB_)Dth-44thMaten\CAD\Sheet\16AB01 PS_INVM 001.dgn TIME 8:58:23 AM ~I STATI! FED.AID PROJ.NO. DATE 3/2/2016 10 TwAsH PLOnED BY brlnkmd DESIGNED BY T LIVINGSTON -~- ENTERED BY 0 BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN --=-~ PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16AB01 REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY ,.L.,.,... - END PROJECT MP 7.5 VIC. 44-N405 19+32.07 ~ 0 ,._ C!/ ~ .... ~ .V, ~ft,-- /)f"J :' ,t-_, ? ' ·7-' -,.-,-_:_IL_ -_J { _"-;~ .' 'I ' .....--, . .., . a-~:~; ~.~ ___-_, ·r'')~i~ -_., ( ' . :· ~-I l I -·-.c -~·-~ --· ,1 -..._.._ ,: T ··--:,' ( .--,·~' ::~ .... ' J . . . r ,"" :f '\ . "·:: ' ~-,. .l ~-' I • .<" ,0.... 't' ~ llJ ~ 't' ,;---, -_J:--, r, ?:-\ '(---~C--~~ ,. -I-· • -f-_, -: ,C-,_'"· ,,.\- 1 -l i, 0. I_ t :· ,{_ __ __;' ·,'._. I', • •;j -' •;,=1,' •l ~ ffi :----t t -._: -' I -I '../ -{-:'~:-:-'~'----,-. _.t,' ' 11 I ,. rr,.. r(F ~ ~ ~ . j '-. 1· ,, , l I • '._f'n-1 -,,,,., ~ j, ·----~--1 r ._.,, ·• • < _._J '. • ~ ' ' t ". . -C L-' ,-:,.----·,'·--' . -_ ' . "' ~··~--~ _--;~~~, .• ~,:.i'.,,,tJ,;;_JJ.t: '1 30; . "'~-i_, -i .., \ .. ""i{ -~----r,-....,., """~:'\ = .., . , •;,-,. . ·r c •. I . I~) ! _3' ~"' \~~/L.:•,;c:•(::1:. /~' "~{~:\:;-~ ·,F,~"··----{ . ,4--,,1-\~'...,c s.-,--, r1 -'"_/ -~ -. -:.;.~L ~ --. ,-,, .. __ , .~. . r- -v /.".• ,f '., ~\~;\ '· -;/' BEGIN PROJECl!:\\X,} . i..,;J_, ..---+ l.• =I:\' ,-.: ~ : ., ;} I MP 6.5 VIC. '\' 1s , 30-N405 10+00.oof i,,:,"" l~ -~ ,_,_,,__ . i .• , "\1 :\~ld L,:_., J~ (l IC""r-1 'I J ., ,, --~ :z~-; -- ,, 0~ :: ..... :Z' ' ~-· :,/-" 4~. lo 1· '._ ,:---r-- #;f i I--~ ' • " I ~IECIEIVIEIDl MAR 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION 00~~ -TibN'-i, SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR 0 750 1500 SCALE' IN FEET ~ ,.E.IT-- ...... v Washington State 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation f-----------------------1 INDEX AND VICINITY MAP IN1 - ~ ]B ~ ,- , .. ~:5 t I VAR. 110.T • 59.03' I ~18 VAR. ''-6' SHLD. 11' RAMP LANE 11' RAMP LANE EXISTING VARIES CLEARING AND GRUBBING AS SHOWN ON SITE PREP PLANS LIMITS OF ROADWAY EXCAVATION, INCL HAUL 12' •• TRANSIT ONLY I SHLD. STA.10+50 -13+06.84 HOV BYPASS STA. 13+06.84 -16+00 VAR.\ 1 ,.s'-9.l' 0 VAR 11.5'-6.T EX EOP MATCH EXISTING 0 , , , EXISTING GROUND\/, , , , , , , , , , / SEE NOTE ,. ----,-----!---£XIST11i1<l-AS~C,l')I~ -------:------------------------ 2% Ml"I..""' ___.,_ ~ * ~_:::;..--RETAINING WALL 1 • SEE WALL PLAN ' i 30-N405 ROADWAY SECTION A VAR. 6'-11.S' SHLD. t STA. 30-N405 12+96.69 TO STA. 3D-N405 14+70.00 * WALL 1 STA. 13+10.00 TO STA. 14+70.00 RT NTS VAR. 71.56' • 86' CLEARING AND GRUBBING , 2 3 )I AS SHOWN ON SITE PREP PLANS I LIMITS OF ROADWAY 0 EXCAVATION, 5 INCLHAUL I 11' 11' 12' •• RAMP LANE RAMP LANE HOV BYPASS SHLD. ROUND 16' TRANSIT ZONE 7 . _______ ,,,.,,, , / / , , ROADWAY SECTION A-1 STA. 30-N405 12+96.69 • NlG-405 12+98.00 NTS 16' TRANSIT ZONE ~ :-:t ---- 6 )(SINGLE-SLOPE CONC. BARRIER TERMINAL) 8 ,,.,"'"' , , , , , ROADWAY SECTION A-2 STA. 30-N405 12+98.00 -N3Q.405 13+10.00 NTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © CONSTRUCTION . NOTES SAWCUT MATCH EXISTING ROADWAY SURFACE MATCH EXISTING TRAVELED WAY SUPERELEVATION PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SEEDING FERTILIZING AND MULCHING LEGEND HMA CLASS 'fl-, PG (SEE NOTE TO REVIEWER) CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL HAUL SINGLE-SLOPE CONC. BARRIER WALL, SEE WALL DETAILS SINGLE-SLOPE CONC. BARRIER (VERTICAL BACK) SINGLE-SLOPE CONC. BARRIER (DUAL FACED) CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB CEMENT CONC. GUTIER \ STING ..... --, ~:5 NOTES: 0 VAR. 9.3' -11.2' .................. MATCH EXISTING I EXISTING 1 VARIES 2% MIN . -------,--------f---~STING-AS"l'lllllTPl>VEMEllr - --------~--------------------------------; i •VAR. 6.T-4.8' !.!!! EX EOP· 30-N405 ROADWAY SECTION B STA. 30-N405 14+70.00 TO STA. 30-N405 16+00.00 NTS FJLE NAIIIE N:\ProJects\405-RTB_30th-44thllate~\C~D\Sheet\16A801_PS_RS_001.dgn TIIIE 12:51:06 PM DATE 311/2016 PLOTTED BY brlnkmd DESIGNED BY T LMNGSTON ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY RmDIIIJTATI! ~ 10 IWAS -w- ecwTIU,CT NO. , .. .., / ' , ' / ' , ' / ' ,~ ' , ' ,, ' , ' , ' SEE BARRIER HEIGHT DETAIL ' ' ' 1.l .. ' ' .~/ ~ .: ,,/ GRAVEL ;!, : ': BACKFILL :;,: ~r FOR WALLS 0.5' IIIN : :-, 7, 0 _, 1. 2. 3. •• BARRIER HEIGHT. DETAIL • SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER WALL (SEE NOTE 3) STA. 30-N405 14+70.00 -NlD-405 15+40.00 • SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER STA. 30-MOS 15+40.00 -NlD-405 16+00.00 N-S:S ALL DEPTHS SHOWN ARE COMPACTED DEPTHS. SEE PAVEMENT MARKING PLAN FOR VARlABLE WIDTHS RETAINING WALLS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE RETAINING WALL DETAILS FOR RETAINING WALL 1 AND SINGLE SLOPE PRECAST BARRIER WALL DETAILS AND SECTIONS. CEMENT CONC. GUTIER ADJACENT TO RETAINING WALL IS CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO WALL CONSTRUCTION. NOTE TO REVIEWER: FINAL PAVEMENT SECTION DETERMINATION FROM REGION MATERIALS OFFICE IS PENDING. PROPOSED PAVEMENT DEPTHS SHOWN ARE PROPOSING TO MATCH EXISTING PER AS-BUILT PLANS.- ~IECEIVIE 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Mt1R a 2 2016 CITY OF REN~N FED.AID PROJ.NO. LOCATIDJI NO. P.E.IJT.U.BOX ~.E.IJTAa'- ..... w Washington State Department of Transportation !'\ANNIN 011'1$1 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST qi RS1 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC - ~ 38 ROADWAY SECTION - FILE NAME TIME DATE PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ.ENGR. REGIONAL ADM. VAR. GORE t I I I 11' RAMP LANE \,_. ,. 11' RAMP LANE * 12' HOV BYPASS 0 VAR. 11.2'-10.T VAR. 86' • 89.3' i VAR. 4'-2.7' SHLO. 1 )VAR. 4.8'-... LIMITS OF ROADWAY EXCAVATION, INCL HAUL ====---==------El9lil~G==~s:PfiALf'________ ,TCH I ~~~::J~G AND RESEmNo ---;.!'A'1!e!!la/!J __ ------__ = , TING PERMANENT BARRIER i ------------===-____ =-::':":_ __ _ I ------, MA" EXIS 30-N405 ROADWAY SECTION ST A. 3D-N405 16+00.00 TO ST A. 30-N405 16+49.07 NT$ 0.70' I 2 C \ \ \ \ ' ~ EXISTING '/ GROUND \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~:l r.i .. \ \ \ ' ' \ ' \ ', 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONSTRUCTION NOTES SAWCUT MATCH EXISTING ROADWAY SURFACE MATCH EXISTING TRAVELED WAY SUPERELEVATION PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. LEGEND HMA CLASS Yt. PG _-_ (SEE NOTE TO REVIEWER) CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL HAUL NOTES: 1. ALL DEPTHS SHOWN ARE COMPACTED DEPTHS. 2. SEE PAVEMENT MARKING PLAN FOR VARIABLE WIDTHS NOTE TO REVIEWER: FINAL PAVEMENT SECTION DETERMINATION FROM REGION MATERIALS OFFICE IS PENDING. PROPOSED PAVEMENT DEPTHS SHOWN ARE PROPOSING TO MATCH EXISTING PER AS-BUILT PLANS. ~IECIEIVIED MAR 2 2 4016 60°/c, SU BM ITT AL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N:\Projects\405-RTB 30th-44thMetans\CAO\Sheet\16A801_PS RS 002.dgn ~IIJTAfl! FEO.AID PROJ.NO. ...... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST I RS2 12:51:07 PM w 3'112016 10 IWASI RAMP IMPROVEMENTS brlnkmd MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC ---Washington State T LIVINGSTON -D BRINKMANN Department of Transportation ~ -~---~ 38 J PRZYCHODZEN R FENTON 16.A.801 ROADWAY SECTION -LENG REVISION DATE BY l".E.IJTA,WBl)JI P.e.lfAIM'IIOll T.24N. R.SE. W.M. .. BEGIN PROJECT .. .. 1 fi1+ !'":° ______________ -::__::----______ :_:::------.:.:'.:_ ___ ::::---------------. ::---:: _ _.,, _____ ,?-___ ::x:::-----=---;;/ 1-405 MP 6. 5 VIC·--t_;T ---::-------------=------=-=-----__ T-'IO,------------------------.. .. ---"'----=.cc. ti 30-N405 · 10+00 ·oo.... l ~ . / ... :-:.-:----.-:-.-:-:----------=-..:.· _ _:_ -------::-·]l>N405 ,,;.;; ... -PC---------====------,....;s-~;_,.-,;;-------------~ -cc-__ • I [ , I ----------------------------------:::::::-_:::::---_____ ::::::::::::-----~:..=.:.::.::. lli _ --c..·ccec.c.ec __ . -~ -------------.30-IU0517+73.46 ·-"' :r=J J ::: :_:_:_:~:/ ~"'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'""' d~"'"""'"""'"""'""' ----! ,. '• ( I • ~ """"'"""'"""'""' """"'"""'"""'""' :C ·1 ' :, ii ~ """"'""' f: ,· I r : : ! J "'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"'"'"""'"""'""' _,.,,.---------_ _ _ i 't <f<!.,,.._ / ---- / ........ I .:.: ~· ,,, ·-. . I // ----- i.:::....-1.·~·-·.,1_. ,, . -. . ' // 11 i I 1>·>:~. I / 11 I .,,.,,r;.~ ...... , I // .,, I 11 ,, ,,.·A, I / ' I , JI_/ • , / 1:1 1 , --,' • I ' I CURVE DATA P.L STATION DELTA RADIUS I TANGENT I LENGTH PC 15+20.64 Pl 16+47.12 4•49•42" 3000' I 12&.48' l 2s2.82' PT 17+73.46 LEGEND "'"''"' RIGHT OF WAY (LIMITED ACCESS) NOTES 1. BASIS OF BEARING: WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM NORTH ZONE, NAD 1983 (1991 ADJ.). ilE C IE i"\if IE IOl MAR 2·2 ~016 -x--x-EXISTING FENCE 2. VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. SEE STRUCTURES PLANS FOR WALL ALIGNMENT. C!~,,e!G~~~~N EXISTING RETAINING WALL 60o/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR ·coNSTRUCTION . 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET FILE NAME N:\Projecb\405-RTB 3DlfM.4thMatere\CAD\ShHft16A801 PS _AL_ 001.dgn TIIIE 12:51:08 PM TI ITATI FED.AID PROJ.NO. ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST DATE 31112016 10 IWASH i; I AL1 PLOTTED BY brtnkmd RAMP IMPROVEMENTS DESIGNED BY T LIVINGSTON --MP 6.5 VIC AND Washington State MP 7.5 VIC -- ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN CONTRACT NO. ---Department of Transportation ~ PROJ.ENGR. R FENTON 10 16A801 ALIGNMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY PLAN -REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY P.LIT ..... -PLIT ...... ..:,X T.24N. IR.SE. W.M. ~ ~----.:.:.:..:__ ___________ :.:!~.:.:.:.:.·. s '. i -=-~~------------------------------~----------------~~--------====----::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---------~~~--=----~~---------- ~ --------------------------------------------------------------------·=· --::: • ---------------------- ? ---,r----,,-20---;;r------7-----,-----,-----'-,;30-N'OS LINE---,..----.. -----------2~~--------~=-------------------~ ---------------"'N .,.4"'""F" -----------------N 4°34'59" E N 3°26'14"' E ---------------------------------------:-:::--:-=-----. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. ' ---------'"'--------------==== ~ ! :-::-:::::-.:-:::::-_-:::::-~----:-.::::c-.::::c-.::::c-.::::-:-.::-_. -. -. -~-- " --_'j-___ _ -· ----------.. ----·. ---................... . ~ '"'-U"'1.U.""'8'""'""9U"1UU,V.U""-U""'""1.,U"""""-U~j,V-U~""''""'""""'-U'""''""'~""'""'""-U~""-UIU.U~'""""'-U""'~~~1 ..J ----/ ~ -------------.,.,,,.,,,.,,. ~ :li . _____ ,/ ~ L'""'"'""'"""""'~"""~ .... //////////~~ 1 --- ', """ "~, 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET ~' ' i!ECEI ED MAR 2 2 016 CITY OF R NTON PLANNING !VISION ALE NAME N_;_\P_~J!.cts\405-RTB_30th-C4thMebtrs\CAD\ShNft16A801 PS AL 002.dgn -FED.AID PROJ.NO. .... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ~ I w AL2 10 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS -~ Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC - TIME 12:51:09 PM DATE 31112016 PLOTIED BY brtnkrnd DESIGNED BY T LMNGSTON REGIONAL ADIi. LENG REVISION ~~W. I I.OCATION JOO. I I Department of Transportation ~ 38 16AB01 ALIGNMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY PLAN ~ DATE I BY I P.E. IJT ..... IOll ~.e.lJT-- ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON == -SAW- -CG-- ~ mIIllllll 0 ~ -··--· -HVS-= -x--x- • I> ~~--<> ~, c:::~ ·~ -"' m FILE NAME TIME DATE PLOTI'ED BY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ. ENGR. · T.24N. R.SE. W.M. ~IECEIVIED MAR 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION -co-.::,. r-__j ____________ --------------===---7'~:------------~----~~s--16+21...2 xLr-~-=---~-=-:.--_______________________ :JlR-f ---------------~ ------------------------BEGIN REMOVING_ PLAS C: -----"-= :_ ---___ : • ---.. : _: ___ ·:-~1Itif ! l~N405 .~~~;~;;~~~~-~~~=-====-============~=~====~============= =====-=~~~~~~~~~~~-=================: I :i I BEGIN REMOVING PLASTIC LINE l~S 1l+8635-26SO'R ---------=~-----------------5 ·• --.. ---------...:c: __ :::__ <n :'°""~"<<c<c .. ,ri; !, ...........•...• ~······· .... ~ -. . ' ~~, {~,~~;~~::.;~4;~2~~==~': CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 REMOVING PLASTIC TRAFFIC MARKING ~"""' ""'"""' """'"""'"""'"""'""" 30-N405 1D+.C9.11 42.D4'RT ~ ~ 30-N405 16+71.36 18.90'RT - T i..REMOVING PLASTIC LIN~':. 7 S --~':_~~O~l~_F'~~~~INE : ~ REMOVING MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC "'-:',/ ITEM (RAISED PAVEMENT MARKER) ---~ ~ • // 30-N405 16+49.00 32.73' RT ::c r-I I 30-N405 15+70.75 5.18' RT / END SAWCUT o 30-N405 10+62.70 36.51'Rl I BEGIN REMOVING PLASTIC LINI;..,,-/ ~ BEGIN REMOVING PAI T I / :::?" 0 REMbVING CONC. BARRIER ~ REMOVING AND RESETIING EXISTING V PERMANENT BARRIER j 1 / 3D-N405 15+70.70 17.4l'RT JO.N405 10+87.75 23.20' RT ,1 I 1 1 / END REMOVING PLASTIC LINE BEGIN REMOVING PLASTI I UN / M INSTALL TEMPORARY INFLATABLE V PLUG IN so PIPE ~ INSTALL CHECK DAM BET'v\'EEN V TEMP ANO PERMANENT BARRIERS LEGEND RIGHT OF WAY !LIMITED ACCESS) SAV\ICUT LINE CLEAR & GRUBBING LIMIT PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT HMA PAVEMENT REMOVAL INLET PROTECTION CHECK DAM SILT FENCE HIGH VISIBILITY SILT FENCE WATILE EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING FENCE EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT EXISTING CURB EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING RETAINING WALL EXISTING BARRIER EXISTING FLEXIBLE GUIDE POST EXISTING SIGN EXISTING LUMINAIRE EXISTING DETECTOR LOOP EXISTING RAMP METER SIGNAL EXISTING CONTROLLER CABINET JO-N405 13+86.35 (30.04' RD AP SAWCUT TESC NOTES 1. Aff'f WATER DISCHARGED FROM. CONSTRUCTION \NORK AREA ON STATE RIGHT OF WAY SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WAC 173-201A 2. HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE, SILT FENCE.AND WATILE LOCATIONS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION PER STANDARD PLAN 1-40.20-00. 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY PLUG IN INLET INSIDE SAWCUT AREA. 5. INSTALL WATILE, SILT FENCE, AND HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE PER THE STANDARD PLAN SHEET SERIES ~1•. SITE PREPARATION NOTES 1. PROTECT & MAINTAIN ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, ITS & ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS UNLESS NOTED OTHER'NISE. 2. 3. EXISTING CONCRETE BARRIER LENGTH TO BE REMOVED IS APPROXIMATE BASED ON EXISTING SURVEY INFORMATION. ACTUAL LENGTH OF BURIED TERMINAL MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS QUANTIFIED. SAVVCUT LOCATIONS ARE OFFSET A MINIMUM OF 4' INSIDE FROM EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT. . 4. SEE DRAINAGE PLANS FOR DRAINAGE REMOVALS. 5. SEE SIGNING PLANS FOR SIGN REMOVALS. 6. SEE ILLUMINATION PLANS FOR ELECTRICAL ITEM REMOVALS. 7. SEE ITS PLANS FOR ITS MODIFICATIONS. N:\ProJects\40~RTB_30ttM4thMeters\CAD\Sheet\16AB01 PS SP 001.dgn 12:51:12 PM TIIJTAff FED.AID PROJ.NO. 31112016 10 IWAS> brtnkmd T LMNGSTON -- D BRINKMANN J PRZYCHODZEN -~ --~ R FENTON 16A801 .A_ INSTALL WATILE AS A TEMPORARY ~ DIVERSION DIKE TO DIRECT OFFSITE RUNOFF AWAY FROM \f,JQRK AREA ~ SEEDING, FERTILIZING, AND MULCHING V SHALL BE TO LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRUBBING SITE PREPARATION & TESC QUANTITY TABULATION ITEM CLEARING AND GRUBBING ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL HAUL PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVING PAINT LINE REMOVING PLASTIC LINE REMOVING PLASTIC TRAFFIC MARKING REMOVING MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC ITEM * REMOVING CONC. BARRIER REMOVING AND RESETTING EXISTING PERMANENT BARRIER INLET PROTECTION CHECK DAM SILT FENCE WATTLE EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION SEEDING, FERTILIZING, AND MULCHING *SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. BEGIN I END -30-N405 12+96.69 (53.50' RT) I 30-N405 16+31.31 (51.50 RT) 30-N405 12+96.69 (38.51' RT) I 30-N405 16+49.07 (36.73' RT) 30-N405 12+96.69 (22.00' RT) I 30-N405 16+49.07 (22.00' RT) 30-N405 10+62.70 (36.51'Rl) I 30-N405 26+18.30 (18.00'RT) 30-N405 15+72.55 (41.48'R1) I 30-N405 16+00.00 (38.00'RT) 30-N405 16+00.00 (38.00' Rl) I 30-N405 16+50.00 (38.00' RT) UNIT ACRE CY SY LF LF EACH LS LF LF EACH LF LF LF LS ACRE 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST " RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation SITE PREPARATIONS AND TESC PLAN ALIGNMENT TOTAL 0.2 280 350 1556 4291 24 1 lO so 7 so 25 400 1 0.1 I SP1 -- ~ 38 -REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY P.LIJT ..... -P.E.IJT-90ll NOTES T.24N. R.SE. W.M. g;~------~_:_:_---------* ~ --.. . . _______ .:_:_:_:____:.:.:.:.:.:.-----~-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:f-~~~~~~~~~=-~~=::===.=~=========~======---------ili~--:;::-----------.. . -.. __ --:_--¥-------------i-----------------C _c ·· ·· · -,-c--.,-:---: , ----•c------------------_ ]4 Uf --------- ---- ------- 7-20---,.,.-- .. I !t -" "--" z: -7-:,:: 25 ---,----;;· ~-""--i~ i --:--~:-_--:-::::-_:;;:::-_---:=cr::::c-_---::::c-.::-::c-.::-::---:.::.--::::c-__c::-c-\'"--:=c-.::=c----:=c----:=---:.::=---:=-.--:.---:.:-.-::o.:-.--:.-:-.:--::.-;;=-~:rr----::::::.--:=---:---::::---:_--: 0 ,.., ~"'"'""'~~,UiU,V~""''"'"'""'""""'"''"'"''"'""""",V.U""-U"'"'"1tU"""""''"'"'""'~""'"'"-"""''""'"'"'' --- w / z ----/ ::::l -------/ :i:: -------// 0 __ __,, 3'MU05 26+18.30, 18.00' RT ENO REMOVING PAINT LINE i ----------------------- -,;--· -----------; -----------r----~------·-······························· 30-N405 29+01.87, 0.00' RT 7----------------------- END REMOVING PLASTIC LINES ''"'"'"""""'"'"'""'""'"""1 t . L""'""'""'"""""""""'""1"'///////////~"' I _ _.. 1. SEE SHEET SP01 FOR LEGEND AND NOTES. ~IECEIVIEID MAR 2 2 2~6 CITY OF RE TON PLANNING DIVI ION 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50 100 2. SEE SHEET SP01 FOR 30-N405 ALIGNMENT QUANTITY TABULATION. SCALE IN FEET -FED.AID PRDJ.NO. .... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ~ I w SP2 10 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -- FILE NAME N:\Project:s\405-RTB_30th-44thMaters\CAD\Sheel\16AB01_PS_SP 002.dgn TIME 12:51:13 PM DATE 31112016 PLOTTED BY b~nland DESIGNED BY T LIVINGSTON REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION =~! --~ I I Department of Transportation ~ SITE PREPARATIONS AND TESC PLAN 38 ~ DATE I BY I P.E..TAIII' IOll P.E.IIT ..... IOll ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON ' -STRUCTURE NOTES -DRAINAGE - "' ~IECEIVIE[ ~ "' ~ z 0 w ~ "' " "' ~ GENERAL NOTES -0 ,i:J 0~ ~ "' MAR 2 2 2016 NOTE: w C " w "' "' < ,/ ~z ~ .... THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE ·cooe ~ C 0. :P:i 0 ~ "" DESIGNATION" (BELO\h? REFERS TO z " In~ 1.1 _j ~fa C z 1. WALL DRAIN AND DOWN SPOUT SYSTEM • THE SHEET NO. OR SHEET REFERENCE < "' ~ SEE WALL PLANS. THIS ITEM IS INCLUC!ITV OF RENT( ~ g <C ~" "" gw .le NO. SHOWING THE DRAINAGE FEATURE. z "' wz .le.; ~!l! AS A LUMP SUM DRAINAGE ITEM . ~ ~ ... « w RIM ELEVATIONS FOR THE FRAME AND Pt.ANNING OIVISIO ~ J-;: " z THE SECOND NUMBER REFERS TO THE c._ 0 :, N JO "~ w 2. " z o-""' wN w" <!) DRAINAGE FEATURE FOUND ON THAT SHEET. ~ ~:, "w ~~ :, "' ~~ z:, GRATE ARE PROVIDED FOR THE CENTER ~~ l":'i Zoe w !fl 9: ga:: 0>-w OF THE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE. SET THE " ... ~ "'" 0 a: ""' "' FRAME ANO GRATE TO MATCH THE LOCAL I 1\1 STANDARD ITEM NO. 3091 3151 3541 7006 7017 9605 LONGITUDINAL AND CROSS SLOPE OF THE RONYNAY. CODE LOCATION I UNIT OF MEASURE EA LS LF Lf CY CY EA 3. GRATES FOR CATCH BASINS SHALL BE VANED 120 120 60.0 23.2 2.3,4,5 AND LOCKING PER \IVSDOT STD. PtAN. B-30.30-01. DR1-1 STA. 13+00.0, 36.45' RT. 1 DR1-2 STA 14+20.0, 36.45' RT. 1 150 150 75.0 29.0 2,3,4,5 4. INSTALL PIPE PER WSDOT STD. PLAN B-55.20-00. DR1-3 STA 15+70.0, 36.45' RT. 1 1 73 73 36.5 14.1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 5 ALL PIPE MATERIAL ALTERNATIVES ARE DR1-4 STA 16+44.6, 35.5'RT. 1 ACCEPTABLE EXCEPT GALVANIZED METAL 6. CONNECT WALL DRAINAGE AND D0YoJN SPOUT. 7 . CONNECT WALL UNDERDRAIN. . . PROJECT TOTAL 3 1 343 343 36.5 14.1 1 60°/c, -SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FILE NAME N:\ProJects\405-RTB 30th-+1thlleters\CAD\Sheet\16A801 PS DR_DN 001.dgn ~ -at.AN I~ TIME 12:51:15 PM ~I IJTATI FED-AID PROJ.NO. ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST DATE l/112016 ~~r.,--~9-w DN1 PLOTTED BY brlnkmd 10 IWASI j • fl . RAMP IMPROVEMENTS DESIGNED BY A Bl.ACK --.1, . .:-~ MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC - ENTERED BY A BL.ACK 0....,,I #lr,~•:;;,-1:•(/;,.:-Washington State CHECKED BY F GHADAIISI ""'""" ~ --~ "roN,1. 1--t: Department of Transportation ~ ·-- PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16A801 STRUCTURE NOTES -DRAINAGE ~ REGIONAL ADIi. LENG REVISION DATE BY PLIJT._..IIOX P.E.IIT ...... 10X EXISTING NEW (#h " C :.> ·ST---ST-- -D --·0-- -UD--·UD-- T.24N. R.SIE. W.M. -=-·=· ------.-. ~-:._~--------.. -~-:--~~t~~~J~-_:~::: ~ I ~ r_ • -/-40,-----====-------r---------- "j . ----~L-----------------;--'~ 3' fH I ' -.. . ----~c_~c:~c:~--If i ------------------------.:~-~------__ -=--__ _ ~-:~~ m •• __ ;.~ ~ ~~5~~ ~ --~--=~=~~2 :c-=~ ,I~if ~-c;~~:c~.--·_ ~ --" . . f .. , ' • ' < ~~----lf J1"' --'' ~ ' •···--, ~ : < ' ~ ~ . " --' ··'·· ( ' """ . : ----" ' -Hi, ----' I I .... .,_ : ' ' : ' ' --' ' ·=~-=,- / ; J>4ii] I ' • "' ,_ .-,&> ; I i . · r _.,,_ <~-';::~£ / ' / -------•= -,11 -"---------. --·-.~ ----- LEGEND STRUCTURE NOTE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE STORM LINE DRAIN UNDERDRAIN r ... I ,..,...... SEE SHEET PV1 NOTES: 1. ALL UNDERDRAIN MUST POSITIVELY DRAIN TO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES OR DITCHES. 60°/o SU BM ITT AL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~le<C~IVIE' 1 MAR 2 2 2016 CIYV OF RENTON PLANNING O/VIS/0~ 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET ~ 1~;~1 FED.AID PROJ.NO. I ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST I DR1 FILE NAME: N:\ProJects\405-RTB 30th-MthMetara\CAO\Sheel\16A801 PS_DR DR 001.dgn 1 TIME 12:51:28 PM REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION v RAMP IMPROVEMENTS --IVIP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Washington State --~1 LOCATION NO. I I Department of Transportation ~ DRAINAGE PLAN 38 16A801 ...... DATE I BY I ,.e. ITA• IIQX. ,.e.n,...aox DATE 311/2016 PLOTTED BY brinkmd DESIGNED BY A BLACK CHECKED BY A BLACK ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 220 ' ' ' ., ' 1-1:...: a: 0. w lfl >2 . . -0 ~ ~w~ __ 1-T"" ~ "''2(',f g ia<!l> -+ .. w ...... __ ,.,.I ., .. I-<<C- ' Cl.I O>O:: i._1:t; lfl g:g ~,.d~~ o cnc:t ~ ~c.,(i . . . ~ ........ m "'!~~ .. I-<<:: ~ CJ:":0 I I 1.1~~ u:, ~~( ~ z:~~ om~· R iae>' -+ • .u. ~ ........ ;:" "I~~ .. ti~~~ ·1-· .a:, ' I ..,. .,,., ca~ ~ o-. :41, -. ':f I> . ·+· (!)W ~ ~;;-! . F ·«1~:i!: :~ ~i;: ""',· -. ;js~:E - :':,: : : : 0 t----t--+--1-----1---~ -, -/i1+---1-+-+---+--+-f-t---Ht----t--l I I I ...... 220 210 I I 210 I I . • • . •.. 1 . PROl:'OSED. F.LOVVUNE .AT FACE OF BARRIER 38' RT 200 I I I I . . . . I @ : E;X1;s1u~G: R"oUNo' 3'-N405 LINE' 190 RO~ILE .A C~N'rE'R ~( : : : "=',...:..) . ·-1-·-. . . ,... __ __ I -.., . -----...=._ --, __ 200 190 I I I I I I i=-· ,..:._ 180 I I I I I 1 !!2---t----+---l---+---J-.c.,.~,~,+----!----l-----+----J-----+---t-----+---t----+---f----, ~---180 66 66 66 6- "! ~ "'! "! II'!"! ·ti'!'"!>, I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ::8!:!=: I ] ! N N N N ..--.-.-.--cr::--+----!---f----+---f----+---f---+---J---+---J---+----t---+----!----j----j 1 I iiirl iit iii-•i-i~ -1~0LF· ,soµc. --·7ILF -1 stiei>uL~ ;,. : s'rci..,.: sEWE~ i>,,e: ,:, i"' 6,ii. : I 12+00 11+00 14+00 1 S+Jl.O 16+00 17+00 FILE NAME N:\ProJeets\405-RTB_30UM4thMetars\CAD\Sh9et\16A801 PS_DR_DP _001.dgn TIME 12:51:29 PM ~ ITATI! FED.AID PROJ.NO. DATE ll1l2016 PLOTTED BY brinkmd 10 IWAS DESIGNED BY A BLACK ~- ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY A SLACK -~---- PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16A801 REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE I BY : ~00/11: 18.+00 P.E.ST-IIOJ. iUBMITTAL: ~ ~OT: FOR I CON~TRL)CTIQN 19+00 PLST-IIOJ. io+oo. ~ w Washington State Deparbnent of Transportation 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC DRAINAGE PROFILE 170 DP1 ~m ~ 38 - LEGEND BIIIIIIIII HMA OVERLAY rQQSl HMA FULL DEPTH -T.24N. R.SE. W.M. --:--::--:;~-;~--'.: ;.- ----_,., ~ µ o------ :~·:::~"•<"<cc··· ... Jj! ~•cc•·.-ccc~-c-,=.=c'cccc=,c_~~~=:::?;::::=~ ===-------~=----~-=-=-;~;; . ·--------------c_~'-,_ll lilt .... --.......... --------------. -( < ( ( (' J --.:.:_--.... ::. ·:_ ----~~~---~~rt. , :: ,,_-;::.:~;,~~-~~p;-::::=~~=~=~c----:'"''"''"''''°'','CO'loi)'.'(W,'.,l:.'/,,\SW,'IN,',W""'W;,'/i;s\\\•@@C1;y/@s•,•J \\ :://' --Ji::: :::::1; ,--l.,11i -,.--,,,.. 2 -~, ' :1/ I ~J 30-N405 16+00.00, 38.00' RT -I ' r ' I ' :, ,·,,• ~ 1 ' ' ~ I .ef"" / • ...._ 1 1.:.! t I~.,,..,,. · ..... ____ RETAINING WALL WITH ti, , ·: ! r \·.-:--. ·,. 'i.·, t"'•, SINGLE SLOPE BARR1ER 11 , IJ _,,>_:-,. '-..'.~ I , I ,, r->-·, If , . t ,,, ...-·..., '· ·, ,II / 11 "' r:,().". · , 1:1 I i 1---. • --,' NOTES 1. SEE ROADWAY SECTIONS PLANS FOR PAVEMENT SECTION. BEGIN 2. FOR BARRIER TERMINAL DETAILS, SEE STANDARD PLAN SHEET C-75.30-01. 3. FOR CONCRETE BARRIER DETAILS, SEE STANDARD PLAN SHEET C-75.20-01. 4. SEE STRUCTURES PLANS FOR BARRIER WAU DETAILS. 30-N405 12+96.69 (26.50' RT) 30-N405 12+96.69 (22.00' RT) 5. FOR BARRIER TRANSITION TO EXISTING TYPE 2 PRECAST BARRIER DETAILS, SEE 30-N405 12+96.69 (38.00' RT) STANDARD PLAN SHEET C-80.50-00. 30-N405 12+98.00 (38.00' RT) 6. SEE STRUCTURES PLANS FOR RETAINING WALL DETAILS. 3D-N405 14+70.00 (38.00' RT} FOR CEMENT CONG. GUTTER BEHIND RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCTURES PLANS. 30-N405 15+40.00 (38.00' RT) 7. 30-N405 14+70.00 (RT) ALIGNMENT TOTAL TIE INTO EXISTING BARRIER SEE NOTE 5 PAVING QUANTITY TABULATION CRUSHED SURFACING HMA CLASS W, END BASE COURSE PG -- TON TON 30-N405 16+49.07 (32.73' RT} 130 30-N405 16+49.07 (22.00' RT) 180 3Q.N405 12+98.00 (38.00' RT) 30-N405 14+70.00 (38.00' RT) 30-N405 15+40.00 (38.00' RT} 30-N405 16+00.00 (38.00' RT) 30-N405 16+00.00 (RT) 130 180 CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB 0 LF 2 2 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SINGLE SLOPE SINGLE SLOPE CONCRETE CONCRETE BARRIER BARRIER WALL @ @ LF LF 172 I 70 · 60 I I 232 I 70 I 0 SO 100 SCALE IN FEET ~ FEO.AID PROJ.NO. I ... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST FILE NAME N:\Projectl\405-RTB_lOth-44thMetars\CAO\Sheeft16A801 PS_PV 001.dgn 1 TIME 12:51:38 PM I I · I I ._.,.. I -·-I --- REGIONAL ADIi. LENG REVISION w RAMP IMPROVEMENTS --Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC =~1 --~ I I Department of Transportation PAVING PLAN DATE I BY I ,i.n ..... am: t>..!.IT-- DATE 311/2016 PLOTTED BY brinkmd DESIGNED BY T LMNGSTON ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON P\ANNING SION CEMENT CONC GUITER © LF 130 130 I PV1 -- ~ " ~ "'' I. ~ _-.:__-.:__-_:_:__-----------. ~-~f~;.: .. , . .. .. -_..----------.:__-.:__-~_--1, l-' : : __________ .::_.::_.:::..._::. .. .. -:.---,-'=f • C • --::;:----• -i-t -:-:-:-::_-:;-=------'.:: _- T.24N. R.SE. W.M. _ --::.c::-_ 1 YELLOW 1 LANE LINE ----_..., -w _:-:-------...c.c:.,-'-ec.c:.,c--_ , • EOG~ LINE ....:.::::]::::-; -------------4'--..--------------------------------Ji -----11 -------Ill 0 1r w ! 28' 0 • •. _;;,;,:;;<U -·------i '-C~ i i '1 I:/ -~~OIILY';-L/ONLV-""'"'"'"'"'"'"'~ ~ ""'"'"'"'"'"'"'""' li , r : . , , ="'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""= ..,... ~ --,_ I , : , t ' , 3Q.N405 17+18.30 34.00' RT -----i r le,.! ,· .• ---., 1 30-N405 13,06.84 22.00'RT B_;C,IN 30,1 LANE TAPER ---- 1 i I J \./ ·).:--.. '"(:---...._BJ,lfl 4:1/A.NE TAPER I ,,,... ..... If I ,,. .,:-...:,. ··,""-.J -..........; I / W4-2LC14_ /::: I !1 /(~()' .. 1 30-N4051J+S4.8'34.D0'RT f // W4-2RfR="'fi , I 1 1--, -/··, , END 4:1 LANE TAPER I f I R3-1103R~ R3-1103R R-5 PAVEMENT MARKING QUANTITY TABULATION ~ PLASTIC PROFILED PLASTIC PLASTIC PLASTIC PLASTIC PLASTIC BARRIER FLEXIBLE DRAINAGE PLASTIC 'IIIIDE LANE CROSSHATCH STOP RAISED TRAFFIC HOV LANE DELINEATOR GUIDE POST LINE LINE MARKING LINE PAVEMENT LETTER SYMBOL MARKING BEGIN I END I MARKER 0 0 0 @ (1YPE 2) 0 © STATION STATION STATION 30-N405 12+97.09 (RT) 30-N405 18+37.09 (RT) :»-N405 13+00.00 (RT) LF LF LF LF HUND EA EA 30-N405 13+ 37 .09 (RT) 30-N405 19+37.09 (RT) 30-N405 14+20.00 (RT) 30-N405 10+33.35 (O.OO'RT) 1 30-N4o5 15+21.21 co.oo Rn 594 0.08 30-N405 n+n.09 {RT) 30-N405 20+ 37 .09 (RT) 30-N405 15+70.00 (RT) 30-N405 16+27.21 (0.00' RT) 30-N405 29+01.87 (0.00' Rn 1275 316 0.17 30-N405 14+17.09 {Rn 30-N405 21+37.09 (Rl) 30-N405 16+27.21 (22.92'LT) 30-N405 29+01.87 (0.00' L n 1275 30-N405 14+57.09 (RT) 30-N405 22+ 37 .09 (Rl) 30-N405 11+30.50 (11.00'RT) 30-N405 16+00.43 (11.00'Rn 470 0.07 30-N405 14+97.09 {RT) 30-N405 23+ 37 .09 (Rn 30-N405 10+49.63 (41.19'RT) 30-N405 11 + 30. 50 (22.00' Rl) 81 30-N405 15+37.09 (RT) 30-N405 24+ 37 .09 (Rn 30-N405 11+30.50 (22.00'RT) 30-N405 13+06.84 {22.00' Rn m 30-N405 15+77.09 (RT) 30-N405 25+ 37 .09 (Rn 30-N405 13+06.84 (22.00' RT) 30-N405 13+54.84 (34.00' Rn 48 30-N405 16+17.09 {Rl) 30-N405 26+ 37 .09 (RT) 30-N405 14+04.84 (22.00' Rl) 30-N405 16+00.43 (22.00' RT) 196 30-N405 16+57.09 {RT) _ll)-N405 27+37.09 (Rl} 30-N405 13+54.84 (34.00'Rl) 30-N405 26+18.30 (18.00'Rl) 1264 30-N405 16+97.09 (RT) 30-N405 16+00.43 (0.00' RT) 30-N405 16+00.43 (22.00' RT) 22 30-N405 17+37.09 (RT) 30-N405 11+26.71 (29.00'Rl) 11 ALIGNMENT TOTAL I ALIGNMENT TOTAL I ALIGNMENT TOTAL 30-N405 12+27.45 (29.00' Rl) 11 12 EACH 10 EACH 3 EACH 30-N405 14+57.79 (28.00' RT) 1 30-N405 15+58.54 (28.00' Rl) 1 I ALIGNMENT TOTAL 2457 2923 316 22 0.4 22 2 l 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FILE NAME N:\ProJects\40>RTB_30th-44thMatera\CAD\Sheet\16A801_PS MK_001.dgn ~ I ITATI FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~ 1-405/NE THIE 12:51:39 PM ilECEIVIE~ l t,11\/ 2 2 2016 c~e~}i~~:tN NOTES 1. FOR RAISED PAVEMENT MARKER DETAILS AND PLACEMENT, SEE STANDARD PLAN SHEET SERIES ~M". 2. FOR PLASTIC TRAFFIC LETTER AND HOV LANE SYMBOL DETAILS, SEE STANDARD PLAN SHEET SERIES "M". 3. ALL LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE Vv'HITE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. FOR DETAILS ANO PLACEMENT OF GUIDE POSTS. BARRIER DELINEATORS, DRAINAGE MARKINGS, AND GORE AREA MARKINGS, SEE STANDARD PLAN SHEET SERIES "M". 5. SEE ILLUMINATION PLANS. FOR MAST ARM DETAILS. 6. SEE SIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIGN REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION DETAILS. LEGEND EXISTING NEW "'"""" RIGHT OF WAY ------EDGE OF PAVEMENT -·-·-· CURB -----SIDEWALK """""""' RETAINING WALL • BARRIER DELINEATOR • I • FLEXIBLE GUIDE POST ..L PLASTIC DRAINAGE MARKING q • SIGN & POST -j OVERHEAD SIGN JR-j SIGN REMOVAL NOTE '--_.) SIGN NOTE 0 SO 100 SCALE IN FEET 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST I MK1 w DATE 311/2016 10 IWASI RAMP IMPROVEMENTS PLOTTED BY brinkmd --Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -DESIGNED BY T LIVINGSTON -ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN Department of Transportation ~ eo!ITltAeT NO. --~ xx CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNING PLAN ~ PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16AB01 REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY P.!..IT ..... 90X PJ;.IT-- T.24N. R.SE. W.M. - ~ ~------=-=-=-~-=-=._:::_-:_::_=-::.=_-:_:~-:..=-=-~-=-~-=-=-=.:.:: . .::.:_+::------------------~---~~:r+J~~ TAPER, 18.00' RT------------~:_-------------------------------------------- :::!: •• __ __ __ __ .MATCH EXISTING, 18.00'_RT •. ~5 23+18.30 2'.00' RT tii --=------------------------BEGIN 50:1 LANE TAPER -------:::· ----------------------------------------JO-N405 29+01.87 0.00'RT ____ -=------------------· ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------MATCH EXISTING--------------------------- 00 ---------!fl -------------------------------------------------:;:: . ----------------------------------------=--. :;:: ------------------------ ; 20 3D-N405 LINE 25 - + 1~ ; 28' -_.;;=24~-:;-:-----·-.. ------·~. -----~· ~------.--,----·-·· -----'."'=-:-;c=-:-c:-=-:-.;;-2 -~· ---------------------" ______ ,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ---.--. 1 30-N405 20+17.77 24.00' RT ~ ~""'"'""~"'-"'END 30:1 LANE TAPER"'""""""""',V.U"-"'~"""~~""'""'"""""'""9U~"""~~""""""""'"""~""'~1 ..J ----/ I -----// 0 -------/ t ~ ____ __,,.,.,, "' -L"""'~"""""'""""""""'f'///////////~"" I .-- l RIECEIVIEID MA~ 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTON Pt.ANNING DIVISION 60%, SU BM ITT AL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50 • 100 SCALE IN FEET ALE NAIIE N:\Projects\CO~TB_3Cth-44thlleters\CAD\Sheel\t6AB01 PS_MK 002.dgn I TIME 12:51:40 PM I I I I -· I ...... ~ FED.AID PROJ.NO . ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION ~ fm• I MK2 10 WAS RAMP IMPROVEMENTS -~-Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC ---~1 --~ I I Department of Transportation w 38 16A801 PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNING PLAN -DATE I BY I ,~~·-P.l.tTAIIP BOIi DATE 311/2016 PLOTTED BY brtnkmd DESIGNED BY T LIVINGSTON ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHODZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON SIGN SIGN NO. CODE 2 W3-501 4 W3-501 6 R3-1103R 7 R3-1103R 10 R10-6R 11 R10-1402 12 R10-1402 14 W4-2L 16 W3-501 18 E12-201 20 W3-501 22 R5-1002 24 R1-1 26 R1-1 28 R1-4 30 R5-1 32 R10-6L 34 R10-1402 35 R10-1402 37 W4-2L ilECEIVIEIO MAR 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION SIGN STA. LOG. DESCRIPTION (or MP) RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN FLASHING 30-N405 10+32.00 (LT) RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN Fl.ASHING 30-N405 10+44.00 (LT) RIGHT LANE BUSES AND 2 PERSON CARPOOLS ONLY 30-N405 11 +06.00 (RT) RIGHT lANE BUSES AND 2 PERSON CARPOOLS ONLY 30-N405 13+66.00 (RT) STOP _HERE ON RED 30-N405 16+03.00 (LT) ONE CAR PER GREEN THIS LANE 30-N40516+41.01 ONE CAR PER GREEN THIS LANE 30-N405 16+41.01 PAVEMENT WIDTH TRANSITION LEFT 30-N405 17 +41.30 (RT RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN Fl.ASHING 44-N405 11 +02.00 (RT) FREEWAY ENTRANCE 44-N405 11 +02.00 (RT) RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN FLASHING 44-N405 11 +25.00 (RT) PEDESTRIANS HITCHHIKERS BICYCLES PROHIBITED 44-N405 11 +25.00 (RT) STOP 44-N405 10+65.00 (LT) STOP , 44-N405 10+64.00 (LT) ALL WAY . 44-N405 10+64.00 (LT) DO NOT ENTER 44-N405 10+72.00 (LT) STOP HERE ON RED 44-N40514+75.00 (RT) ONE CAR PER GREEN THIS LANE 44-N405 15+ 13. 75 ONE CAR PER GREEN THIS LANE 44-N40515+13.75 PAVEMENT WIDTH TRANSITION LEFT 44-N405 16+02.00 (RT) CONSTRUCTION NOTES (CN): 1. INSTALL SIGN ON RAMP METER POLE PER ITS PLANS. SIGN SPECIFICATIONS SIGN SIZE SHEETING LETTER SIZE POST POST X y TYPE OR CODE MATERIAL SIZE 48" 48" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" · 48" Ill or IV STANDARD 54" 72" Ill or IV STANDARD STEEL 2.5"SQ. 54" 72" Ill or IV STANDARD STEEL 2.5"SQ. 24" 36" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 18" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 18" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 48" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 48" Ill or IV STANDARD 36" 24" II STANDARD 48" 48" Ill or IV STANDARD 18" 18" Ill or IV STANDARD 36" 36" Ill or IV STANDARD STEEL 2"SQ. 36" 36" Ill or IV STANDARD STEEL 2"SQ. 18" 6" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 48" Ill or IV STANDARD STEEL 2"SQ. 24" 36" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 18" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 18" Ill or IV STANDARD 48" 48" Ill or IV STANDARD STEEL 2.5"SQ. 2. INSTALL SIGN ON MAST ARM PER ITS PLANS AND STANDARD PLAN SHEET G-30.10-04. GENERAL NOTES: POST LENGTH H1 H2 H3 9'-8" 15'-5" 12'-5" 12'-5" 13'-5" 13'-5" 1. ALL 2-1/2" SQ. POSTS SHALL BE 12 GAUGE PERFORATED SQUARE STEEL TUBE (PSST) WITH A 2-1/4" INSERT. SEE STANDARD PLAN G-24.40-05. 2. POST LENGTHS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL VALUES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 3. FOR CODE REFERENCES AND STANDARD DETAILS SEE WASHINGTON STATE SIGN FABRICATION MANUAL. 4. ALL NEW SIGNS SHALL BE BRACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD PLAN G-50.10-02. 5. FOR STRUCTURE AND MOUNTING DETAILS SEE STANDARD PLAN SHEET SERIES "G". SEE SS1 FOR GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND AND PERFORATED SQUARE STEEL TUBE SIGN POST (PSST) FOUNDATION INFORMATION. REGION NO. STATE FED. AID PROJ. NO. DESIGNED BY T LIVINGSTON 10 WASH - CLEARANCE H4 V w REMARKS INSTALL ON EXISTING FIXED BASE LIGHT STANDARD INSTALL ON EXISTING FIXED BASE LIGHT STANDARD 7' 12' 7' 8' INSTALL SIGN 2' BEHIND RETAINING WALL SEE CN1 SEE CN2 SEECN2 INSTALL ON EXISTING LUMINAIRE POLE INSTALL ON EXISTING FIXED BASE LIGHT STANDARD INSTALL ON EXISTING FIXED BASE LIGHT STANDARD INSTALL ON EXISTING FIXED BASE LIGHT STANDARD INSTALL ON EXISTING FIXED BASE LIGHT STANDARD 7' 11 '-8" 7' 43' 6'-3" INSTALL BELOW SIGN 26 ON SAME POST 7' 42' SEE CN1 SEE CN2 SEE CN2 7' 14' 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST SS2 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN ... ~~-...... MP 6.5 VIC. AND MP 7.5 VIC SHEET JOB NUMBER CHECKED BY J PRZVCHODZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON OF REGION ADM. LENG CONTRACT NO. SIGN SPECIFICATIONS REVISION DATE BY 16A801 SHEETS >, RECEIVIE!o l I I M;\t( 2 '..! 2016 SIGN REMOVAL SPECIFICATIONS -• • I "''°-' .. :'.;1'111 -~-SIGN SIZE SIGN SIGN SIGN PLANNING DIVIS10YI· LOG. POST POST #OF NO. CODE DESCRIPTION for MP) X y MATERIAL SIZE POSTS REMARKS R-1 W3-501 RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN FLASHING 30-N405 10+32.00 (LT) 48" 48" . R-3 W3-501 RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN FLASHING 30-N405 10+44.00 (LT) 48" 48" R-5 R3-1103R RIGHT LANE BUSES AND 2 PERSON CARPOOLS ONLY 30-N405 11 +04.00 (RT) 54" 72" WOOD 6"x6" 1 REMOVE SIGN AND WOOD POST R-8 R10-1404 ONE CAR PER GREEN 30-N40513+64.00 (LT) 24" 12" REMOVE SIGN AND RAMP METER POLE R-9 R10-6R STOP HERE ON RED 30-N50615+77.46 (LT) 24" 36" R-13 W4-2R PAVEMENT WIDTH TRANSITION RIGHT 30-N405 17 +41.30 (RT) 48" 48" R-15 W3-501 RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN FLASHING 44-N405 11 +00.00 (RT) 48" 48" R-17 E12-201 FREEWAY ENTRANCE 44-N405 11 +00.00 (RT) 36" 24" R-19 W3-501 RAMP METERED AHEAD WHEN FLASHING 44-N405 11 +23.00 (RT) 48" 48" R-21 R5-1002 PEDESTRIANS HITCHH!l<ERS BICYCLES PROHIBITED 44-N405 11 +23.00 (RT) 18" 18" R-23 R1-1 STOP 44-N405 10+63.00 (LT) 36" 36" STEEL 2"X2" 1 REMOVE SIGN AND STEEL POST R-25 R1-1 STOP 44-N405 10+62. 00 (LT) 36" 36" STEEL 2"X2" 1 REMOVE SIGN AND STEEL POST R-27 R1-4 ALL WAY 44-N405 10+62. 00 (LT) 18" 6" R-29 R5-1 DO NOT ENTER 44-N405 10+70.00 (LT) 48" 48" STEEL 2"X2" 1 REMOVE SIGN AND STEEL POST R-31 R10-6L STOP HERE ON RED 44-N405 12+93.32 (RT) 24" 36" REMOVE SIGN AND RAMP METER POLE R-33 R10-1404 ONE CAR PER GREEN 44-N405 12+93.32 (RT) 24" 12". R-36 W4-2R PAVEMENT WIDTH TRANSITION RIGHT 44-N405 16+00.00 (RT) 48" 48" WOOD 6"X6" 1 REMOVE SIGN AND WOOD POST CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 60% SUBMITIAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION . REGION NO. STATE FED. AID PROJ. NO. 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ss 1 DESIGNED BY T LIVINGSTON 10 WASH -RAMP IMPROVEMENTS ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN w-state MP 6.5 VIC. AND MP 7.5 VIC SHEET ,, Depa,tment of Transportation CHECKED BY J PRZVCHOOZEN JOB NUMBER PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON OF REGION ADM. LENG CONTRACT NO. SIGN SPECIFICATIONS REVISION DATE BY 16A801 SHEETS T.24N. R.SE. W.M. MAR _ err< OF REN-lON - P~1V1SION --C cavw .. ._ . . . . . . .. . • ,, " » •••• 1!£ c• ·----.,.--. ---._ ----·-----. ----. <- 22-t"'--------------------------------------,.----------------------. --- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------~- ---- ,, L 0 ------ ----- -> ------=--------~ J_-:-==S-,.,:~~-=~====~~-~-----~ ~ ~ --=i:8 ~ -. --~ ~~~-==-==-; ------ 1 1s"+20:..-pc------- ------------,s-- - ---------~-1:---t. 3 --~"""------=-- -----_:;~,_ ,-, :,, c=~ !L...J ------~ -... ----------- a::: . .t. I J ~ La 0 --- ~ ,,:,, --. -- // -- // -----~' /~ -----~ .,,:,, -- " ~ // - " " " -------"--- 1'---------------------------! t- & 17'!.·a.-liR,-Zwol:1-;, .Q . ·.~ :·::· .: . ·.:. ·===:.:..;;.··~ . \ ~..u "V..u ___ .,... -·-~ " -··~ -·.:.. <I ;..'t.=' ~"' = ·~ . SINGLE-SLOPE CONC. BARRIER \'\ ~.L.(' LL/.L.(' LL/.L.(' LL/.L.(' LL,; 8 ~ LL/.L.(' LL/.L.(' LL/~ ~ ~ LL/.L.( LL/.L.( LL/.L.( LL/.L.( LL/...L.( LL/~ 30-N405 STA 13+10.00, 38.00' RT = WALL 1 WORKUNE STA 1+00.00 BEGIN SOLDIER PILE WALL (SEE NOTE 1) '-1-, Ch '-1-r-l:' • ' Fil£ NAME TIME DATE PLOTIED BY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ. ENGR. REGIONAL ADM. WALL 1 WORKLINE C URVE DATA 3+49.82 ] RADIUS I TANGENT I 1°30'56• RT j_ 2962 DELTA l -oo~I 39_18' I P.I. STATION N:\ProJects\405-RTB 30th-4Cth11Wus\CAD\ShNt\16AS01 PS_ST 001.dgn 12:51:43 PM 311/2016 brtnkmd T COSSETIE D FULLER E BRENDEN R FENTON LENG REV1Sl0N I -- LEGEND ~~;1 NEW I RIGHT OF WAY EDGE OF PAVEMENT 78.36 LENGTH CURB SIDEWALK ~ I .o.:~,z:·~-=--L I RETAINING WALL -ff•~ FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~- 10 WAS~ ~~--~~I ---16A801 DATE I BY 60°/o P.E.ITA• a:JX _.._ .... ,us. 38.00' RT = 30-N405 STA 15T" WALL 1 WORKUNE STA ]+30.00 END SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER WALL, BEGIN SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER (SEE '(SEE NOTE 2) 30.N405 STA 14+70.00, 38.00' RT = RKLINE STA 2+60.00 WAU. 1 WO END SOLDIER PILE WALL, BEGIN SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER WALL (SEE NOTE 1) PAVING PLAN) NOTES 1. FOR RETAINING WALL 1 ELEVATION AND DETAILS SEE D\NG. ST2 AND DWGS. STD1 • STD4 RESPECTIVELY. 2. SEE PAVING PLAN AND ROADWAY SECTIONS FOR SINGLE SLOPE CONCRETE BARRIER. SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET ~ (NA_VD) 88 .. ~~ P.E.IT,... 90ll ..... w Washington State Department of Transportation 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC RETAINING WAU 1 -PLAN ST1 - ~ 38 ~ ii CEI' 1£0 M R ii l\l Ill 11.· ••.• : ~OLQ1~R: ~ILE :~A~L; LE~GT~ ~ 160':0°': : ~ING(..E" $LOPE: c:ot"GRl:1E. BARRIER : .... . . . " . ·...:. ... ··nJ: E -NTO I ' WALL, LENGTH -7(1-0" ·20'-6" . ·4· SPA.@· 28''-0". =-112'--0" . 27''"6~ . ~"'-· ,!iNING \VISION 'EXPANSION· JOINT . . . Pl &P/1<;1,iG ci ·o 0 0 g -~ +. .+ ·---~~ ~: .c( ,.; >-N ~ Cl)_~ <J) -N . ..., OI . ·-N .z ...I>. .... a; ffi~~-. ;/. ... m~ W• -~ ul 230 230 .. I -E1.JST1NG-GROUND· llNE · : j . . . AT. BA.CK OF" WALL.: . . . . ..:....:. .-~-. . . . . . . . . ... 220 ----8 0 220 -F 0 ·....:_. ~ ~ .-:---... •lv2 TOP Of WALL ci ci ~ M .:._ I 2~:~ -.:.._· I . ... ·+ +· TOP OF BARRIER N .., I .--:--:-:--. · .. -1.....:...:...:. 1V:-rdP OF PA\jEMENT AT I. --· ~· ~~--. = ~~. <J) ~ ;/. w-- . !z . . ,... --L.. . r--..: I'''~ .. /j;-.!:!.All V>QRK LINE .. ... -~ 3: r ~ . I w . . . L -~ .... -. . . . . . . ... I ----~ ~ . . ... ~I .... C, • · · · · EXPANSION ;JOll'llT · ~ ;t ~: ! ·iii· .. R=125' .. r--..,~ .... ---· .. , ..... "1 . ----...... ~ ;i a; /:: I 1 -~·~[i· · · · · · · · · · · · ~ · · · · ·7 -.:....!...." ••• .., . .'fl.-~--, ·--=--· ... --.:....· ;: id . . . . . . . . . ... ~ 3: iZl . 210 : tri; liXPANSION Jo1S:r (TY?) _/ -~ i ,..._ 1 --; ------- 210 _, -----~ ·/ ... ~ TOP-OF-WALL- i ~ · SEE 'oEl'AIL oN ·oWG. s-f4 · · · · · I · --:..._· · ---..; . .:_: -L : : . ·::: : / · AN0·8ARRIER· --t-, · I I · · b · I -- • 3'..()':' . l. SHf\,FT-24~ Dl,!'METER· I . ~ . BOTIOM . 1~ ----1------ • 1 • • FOR· SOLDIER ·PILE (lYP.) · . . ' ... :_ .. ~--4-: . ----~-. ~= 1--.._ -. 'I> . . I ...,...,_.,..,. --200 200 I ' -,--~--!~---/ ·j· 3'~ . . . BOndM" .. :i: . . .. I : cs wiiLL~ . ~. .,. i .:. .L : ~~;/:~~N5tf~1~R. J: ·'· . ,. .. I ·I· .. _;_ SEE· ROADWAY PlANS · ·,· I I 190 190 ~-SPA. ifil. 'r-0" 1 -· 154r.zy1 ·'· . I. . SOlDIER ·pflt . SPACING. I ® 180 180 .... IRl:F .E¢TE:D. [ EVE -OPE O E .E:VA rlQI\! t-. . . ... I . DAT. ... E Oo/c. ;us, IITTJ! L: ~ f OT =oR CONSTRUCTIC N • (NA<, ~· • : 0+70 1+00 2+00 3<-00 3..,;o FILE NAME N:\ProJecta\405-RTB 30ttM4thlhtens\CAD\ShNt\16AB01_PS ST 002.dgn It,.~ J.CgG.f' ..... TIME 12:51:43 PM ~I ITATI! FED.AID PROJ.NO. 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST DATE 311/2016 10 IWASH . ~%,-~?, iii ST2 PLOTTED BY brlnkmd ~ -.:E RAMP IMPROVEMENTS DESIGNED BY T COSSETTE -~-Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -~1~ nu• ,.,. it.,. ENTERED BY D FULLER itfltl,; ~' Department of Transportation - CHECKED BY E BRENDEN -~---~ 1011.1.1. "~ ~ PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON --WALL 1 -ELEVATION 38 16A801 ~ REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY PLIT--PLIT,... IKIX LIMITS OF "MT. ST. HELENS* PIGMENTED SEALER y TOP OF SOLDIER ...._ WALL WORK LINE ---1 ~ TOP OF WALL EXISTING SLOPE VARIES ··--- -c+----+-i.::....~:__~~~~ CEMENT CONCRETE GUTTER SEE DETAILS ON OVVG. ST02 TOP OF SHAFT=:\ I .- w :! a. "' w 1'i .., 0 "' z 0 ... z . ~ .., .., ~ a: 0 ~ ----12 "' " z ::; w 0 0 w .., .., 0 "' ... z 0 "' "' w ~ p ... z w ::; 0 w m ::; w j CONCRETE FASCIA PANELS Willi "SINE WAVE PATIERN" WALL FIN1SH-------f-. 1 SEE DETAIL PECONCRETE I SINGLE-Sl(OSTD. HEIGHT).~ BARRIER NT PAVE.ME TOP OF WORK LINE~ \[ltl\ AT WALL j \J '{:.lJ . j BOTIOM OF WALL\ a. -G>->-Z :i::g;...J oow bl_, u,Z .• LU<,:( N CCI LL. Q. w ~itj ..,~ :ll a. FOR WALL INFORMATION NOT SH~ OR NOTED ON THIS SHEET SEE DVVG. STD2. ... 'i'o "' ~ ~ I'----LAGGING (lYP.) V HP12x53 SOLDIER PILE V SHAFT·24" DIAMETER . FOR SOLDIER PILE BOTIOM OF SOLDIER PILE~ BOTIOM OF SHAFT 7 w M ---.---- * USE CONTROLLED DENSllY FIU V\lliEN PLACED IN THE DRY. USE PUMPABLE LEAN CONCRETE WHEN PLACED IN THE WET. TYPICAL SECTION LAGGING SYSTEM SHAU BE DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SUBMITIED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION f>-16.3(6). £ HP SECTION AND LIFTING HOLE TOP OF HP12x53 SECTION ~ 1 _l II -J 2"0 HOLE~.v "' SOLDIER PILE LIFTING HOLE LIFTING HOLE TO BE DRILLED IN THE SHOP PRIOR TO PAINTING THE PILE. ~~~:~v:;NISH ~--,,,, TOP OF BARRIER\ _l__ ~~ (±!',")~~ ·v DETAIL m "SINE WAVE. PATIERN" rg·1 WALL FINISH WITH PIGMENTED SEALER 2* MIN. BEARING LENGTH ......._ SHIM AS NECESSARY FOR FULL BEARING. f---...__ CONCRETE FASCIA PANEL -l CHIP OUT SHAFT BAC::l TO PLACE LAGGING.----z__j._-i;:.j\~~ \ f:::: 4'-0N WIDE STRIP OF PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT (lYP.) CENTERED 7 BETWEEN SOLDIER PILE FLANGES. ----:----l'-cJ l %ft0 x 6" VVELDED SHEAR S1UDS AT 1'--0" (lYP.) i\ECEIVIEIC» Mf i 2. l0\6 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION LAGGING I~ _,,-,. MIN. CLR. COVER )> '( TO SOLDIER PILE (TYP.) BACKFILL VOIDS BEHIND LAGGING VVITH A FREE DRAINING MATERIAL AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. HP12x53 SOLDIER PILE (TYP.) REMAINING PORTION OF SOLDIER PILE SHAFT PLAN SOLDIER PILE WALL 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FILE NAME N:\ProJ,ects\405-RTB 30th-4Cthlleters\CAD\Sheet\16A801_PS STR 001.dgn I TIME 12:51:44 PM I I I I I _. .... I REGIONAL ADM. l ENG REVISION ; 1~~~1 FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~ 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST v RAMP IMPROVEMENTS --Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -~1 --~ I I Department of Transportation 16A801 WALL DETAILS • SOLDIER PILE WALL DATE I BYI PL'1" ..... -P.EIT ..... IIIDJI DATE 31112016 PLOTTED BY brtnkmd DESIGNED BY T COSSETTE ENTERED BY D FULLER CHECKED BY i BRENDEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON I STD1 - ~ 38 - SEE WALL 1 ELEVATION ON D\IIIG. ST2 FOR PROFILE OF TOP OF WALL ' t-UK t'ANtL VVIU J M :::,t:t: WALL 1 ELEVATION, OVVG. ST2 PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT SEAL CUT-IN JOINT VVITH DUCT TAPE TIMBER LAGGING PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT HP12x53 SOLDIER PILE (TYP.) SEE "EXI DETAIL" PANSION JOINT OllS srEET (TYP \ 2" 1 i 1 (I]-#4 & (1]-#4 SPA.@ 1'-6" MAX. VvHH MIN. SPLICE OF 2'--0" I I N I I ~ I 2" I I I CONCRETE, FASCIA TOP OF PAVEMENT AT WALL \IVORK LINE SHAFT-24" DIA. FOR SOLDIER PILE (TYP.) SLOPE TO D::~~ "SINE WAVE PATTERN" ~ I FINISH WITH "MT. ST. - I J I ~1 HELENS" PIGMENTED SEALER --._ r=ir 11J~ j Jr I . (TYP.) SINGLE SLOPE CONCRETE BARRIER (STD. HEIGHl) FOR INFORMATION NOT SHOV'JN OR NOTED ON THIS SHEET, SEE DVIJG. ST01 TOP OF PAVEMENT AT WALL \IVORK LINE ~ 2'\ SEE DETAIL UNDERDRAIN PIPE 6~ DIAM. (IJ#4 [Ij#4 0#4 SECTION @ SEE DETAIL EXISTING GROUND LINE AT BACK OF WALL LAGGING PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT BOTIOM OF CONCRETE FASCIA PANEL I FILE NAME N:\ProJects\405-RTB 30th..WthMeters\CAD\Sheet\16A801 PS_STR_002.dgn TIME 12:51:45 PM I DATE 311/2016 PLOTTED BY brinkmd DESIGNED BY T COSSETIE ENTERED BY D FULLER CHECKED BY E BRENDEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION _\ PVC CONNECTOR DRAIN PIPE J --- / I- ~ Ill NII I ~ ~ @1'-0" MAX. j PARTIAL WALL ELEVATION GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAIN CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAIN 0 fDI oooo LJI oo 000 o'1,0 0 00 I II~ 2 0000 Or:P,OO II io~, .9,...0 0 Ml~ 0 0 Oo 0000 O 0 oo O 0 2'-0" FACE OF WALL I ~ ~ •• WEEP HOLES LOCATED AT AN EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL CD MAY BE ADJUSTED 6" TO 1'-0" AWAY FROM THE 2 EXPANSION JOINT.,_BUT REMAIN WITHIN THE MIDDLE -~·----<----l-- HALF OF THE PRt:FABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT. _ '-- I SOLDIER PILE STRONGBACK(S) (TYP.) LAGGING ,, ISOMETRIC VIEW WEEP HOLE DRAIN DETAILS PVC CONNECTOR DRAIN PIPE 'REFABR1CATED DRAIN GRATE SECTIONAL VIEW DRAIN GRATE INSTALLATION SHALL NOT DISRUPT PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT MAR 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTQN PLANN/N~LPJl{IS/Q 4'-0'' WIDE STRIP OF PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT FULL HEIGHT OF LAGGING AND CENTERED BElVVEEN SOLDIER PILE FLANGES SEE '\'VEEP HOLE DRAIN DETAILS" THIS SHEET £ 3"0 PVC_ Vo/EEPHOLES OLOED JOINT WPR~M CENTERED BETVVEEN PILES "* %" CHAMFER (TYP.) I BOTTOM OF WALL 3"0 PVC CONNECTOR DRAIN PIPE £ EXPANSION JOINT EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL NOTE: EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON WALL 1 ELEVATION, DWG. ST2. 1'-8" .. h ~, R= 4" (TYP.) ~ FASCIA PANEL FORM\I\JORK CEMENT CONCRETE GUTTER -~ 10 ---~- 16A801 OGUTTER TYPICAL FASCIA PANEL FORMWORK @ DETAIL -SEE SECTION 6-16.3(2) FOR FASCIA PANEL FORMING REQUIREMENTS. -STRONGBACK(S) AND TIES SPACED AS REQUIRED FOR FORMING. 60°/o SU BM ITT AL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FED.AID PROJ.NO. .... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST . w RAMP IMPROVEMENTS Washington State IVIP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC --~ Department of Transportation WALL DETAILS -SOLDIER PILE WALL J STD2 - ~ 38 -DATE BY P~IT,... IIOX P.E.IT-- ' I: 36'-0" MINIMUM TO 96'~" MAXIMUM BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS :1 NOTES 12'-0• MAX. 1Z--O" MAX. [TYP.) 12'-0" MAX. 1. REINFORCING STEEL DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES ARE SHOWN FOR Ir DUMMY JOINT (TYP.> I I STATIONARY FORM CONSTRUCTION. WHEN SLIP-FORM CONSTRUCTION 1$ USED, INCREASE REINFORCING STEEL CLEARANCES TO THE OUTSIDE SURFACES OF THE BARRIER TO 2 ~· AND ADJUST THE STEEL ~ DIMENSIONS AS REQUIRED. -, ~ 2. WHEN CONNECTING BETWEEN CAST-IN-PLACE AND PRECAST SINGLE ~ SLOPE BARRIER, PROVIDE A SLOT, REBAR GRID AND REINFORCEMENT ~ EXPANSION JOINT WITHIN 4'--0" OF END AS SHOWN IN DRAWING ST04. PLAN EXPANSION JOINT ~ 3. UNOERDRAIN SHALL HAVE 6" 0 UNDERDRAJN PIPE PER WSDOT STANDARD SPEC. 9-05.2(6) OR 9-05.2(7) WITH GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS PER WSDOT STANDARD SPEC. 9-03.12(4) WRAP ALL AROUND WITH CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE. 36'-0" MINIMUM TO 96'-0" MAXIMUM BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS MODERATE SURVIVA81LITY AND CLASS C FILTRATION PER WSDOT ~)11 I STANDARD SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLES 1 AND 2, OVERLAP ON TOP. #4 @ 1'-6" MAX. SPA. 3• 4. SEE DRAWING STD4 FOR PRECAST Al TERNATIVE PLAN, ElEVATI?~ / DUMMY JOINT (TYP.) (TYP.) 11 ~ #4(TYP.) AND DETAILS. ' RitCEUVfED I ~< . 5' MAR 2 2 20/6 ~ ' "' CITY OF RENTON ' ' \_ l 6-#4 BARS EACH j 2'-0" MIN. LAP SPLICE I '-#4 (TYP.) ~ t• PREMOLDED PLANNING DIVISION SIDE EQUAL SPA STAGGER SPLICES ' ELEVATION -JOINT FILLER AT EXPANSION JOINT EXPANSION JOINT SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER WALL (TYP.) ClP SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER n CEMENT CONC. WALL, SEE DETAILS THIS SHEET. ~ GUTIER, SEE DWG STD2 AND NOTE BELOW Ill ~"CHAMFER 1 ~rrJ,:r [TYP.) I . z #4 (TYP) ~ :;. CD~ I , ,, . " I ·:·-·. ->·-~~-·;:~_'; ·~ "' ~ I --~,11." ~ I // ~ EXISTING GROUND LINE . ·:'.' '•>I' ' .. -" • .<:;~·o·;i·,·?).;.· 0 [ q ... 4 ;, 21 AT BACK OF WALL ~ ·; ·: ~-:" ; . ~~21 ., ,; w / ~ " - ~ ::: s -'% /GRAVELBACKFILL 0 -., 4 FOR WALLS DUMMY JOINT ·' ;J_ ~ 2•cLR.. •\i TOP OF PAVEMENT ""'\_ /? . ;.,, :::, (Typ_) 0 I>~ .. w -~ ., ., 1--. ' ' ;,;( (TYP.) 1:;>)•'.· 0///] TOP OF GRAVEL BACKFI~· ~ ;;£),··i:·-. , / 0 / ~ • -- I I FOR DRAINS SHALL BE BELOW · . . _ " THE BOTIOM OF BARRIER w I 2'--0" ~ " UNDERDRAIN PIPE s• 1•-0• 1'-0" ~ DIAM., SEE NOTE 3. NOTE: ~ SEE DRAINAGE PLANS FOR GUTTER SECTION© TYPICAL SECTION FLOW LINE ELEVATIONS 60% SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FILE NAIIE N:\Pro}ectl\405-RTB 30th"'4thlleters\CAD\Shfft\16A801_PS STR OOJ..dgn TIME 12:51:46 PM ~ U.ff FED.AID PROJ.NO. "-·"" I.C!!!ie,. .... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ~ CATE 311l2016 10 WAS~ .~"?~?· w STD3 PLOTTED BY brinkmd RAMP IMPROVEMENTS l ' DESIGNED BY T COSSETTE ·--. .. ~ ... ~1""' .... .! Washington State MP 6,5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -ENTERED BY D FULLER '1 ~,n•"" ,.., CHECKED BY E BRENDEN ~~. l,DCAlDI IIO. 110/f.U. .. ~ Department of Transportation w PRQ.I. ENGR. R FENTON ... 38 11iAB111 WAU. DETAILS -SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER ~ REGIONAL ADM. .LENG REVISION DATE BY P.l!.IT ...... -,LIT,... BOX ~~CEiVIE! MAR 2 2 2016 4" 10· 4" t I W-O"BARRIERSECTION I #SHORIZ.[TYP.),11 11 CITY OF RENT! § . : 10 J," BLOCKOUT \ 0-PLANNING DIVISIC' a I {TYP.) j \ 1--g ~ ii" 116 VERT. (TYP.) ----+-== 1- : ~ '1 ~ ' I •j ~ i I~ <, ___ , '° N j j fl, . ..., .I I >I:' a. i I N ~ PLAN T A _j .. I v BLOCKOUT_J ,JSPA.@•"=l"-0" $ JSPA.@•"=l"-0" $ BARRIER CONNECTION DETAIL / 4SPA.@6"=2"--0" 4SPA@6"=2"-0"l \ -a· s·-4•,, , ,I, 12SPA.@1'-0"=12"--0" · \, , ,,4• L_ 11t-l ! 1¥~,·--~ 2'-0" BLOCKOUT (TYP.) <: 0, 5> r-L .. rii·· %" CHAMFER rii·· Li %" CHAMFER ·¢= ~ I I [TYP.) [TYP.) w ' • ~ .. x~TYP. ~#4[TYP.) L ~6-#4BARSEACH I I #4[TYP.) H.·:1· #4[TYP.) I~' EACH END ' • SIDE EQUAL SPA i.;... ' -------... J: .• :.·.·.·. i,, 5 .··· ..• i,, 5 20-0 BARRIER SECTION I :l, .-o I .-O ELEVATION ' :;l. l ij i: I: l ij SINGLE SLOPE CONG. BARRIER WALL PRECAST ALTERNATIVE ~ '!Z.~R . jr\ . \ 121 i ~ '!Z.~R . ·j,~~1 21 i ~1[ . ,/;iv:;\. ~) ~ ~[ . }i{t(,-~~P.) ~ r-...... :'.-':·1·,:,,::..;;_,. --L _.-.:-:'.-'i·f:·,'.:.._.:,. ; "===l==cY-4--..J..--L I ~-, 1 -~L ~ ~ 1'-8" LAP u 1'-8" LAP O ~ ~ 2'-0" N 2'-0" N SECTION @ SECTION CD · 60°/o SU BM ITT AL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FILE NAME N:\ProJKts\405-RTB 30th-44UtMetars\CAO\Sheet\16A801 PS STR 004.dgn · ..... TIIIE 12,51,47 PM --"'::" um FED.AID PROJ.NO. ••"',.1 ~ ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST DATE 31112016 ;~ /§."fl'~ ::J: -STD4 PLOTTED BY b"nkmd IO WAS l _ l 'f'/1 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS DESIGNED BY r COSSETTE ---. .. -... ~ MP 6 5 VIC AND MP 7 5 VIC ENTERED BY o FULLER -:i. ... ,., 1,,~3;~1,,. .. \,-i Washington State · · ucn CHECKED ev e BRENDEN COWTIIACT ND. LOCATION ND. "'oNAi ,.~ Department of Transportation 0# PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16A801 ........--WALL DETAILS -SINGLE SLOPE CONC. BARRIER WALL .!a REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY ,.E..-r...., aox ,.e..-r_. a;ix N ------ ' __ .:.._J. ' ' ,·~ r EXISTING SERVICE /,, ; 1 SUA 2233 4BOV T.24N. R.SE. W.M. ;*, '; : j i I --'c------·. -~--,---~ u.,/f;t_i_ 'r~ ~ q1 I 11,,,,.:.-., .. fl,, , ~-----cc-,--~..£ I I ....... \ \ ' : r-,_--~~--::r: I :~\:·__ ( L----~~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_·:~-:- ., -,--------------- •:::. ----..... ----··- ----- ' -~ ·:~;;:;:,::::":;,::::;:::::;::~:::::::::' ': ...... --~~-c~-~-~--~--~~~-~-.. 0 -----------:=:-----------........ __ .. .... - ----E ~r,-,,._~,,, -_w ~;~:~~~~~~:~:h -:~/;x~:r~~-~~'~-~~~~ -ii .. ·~-~-~,-~cc-::---~,·:~~ -~5. ----=---'r ~ : T', . ~; ,~,~--'·, Ge ~ (25 I I -.---, 1 fC_.._ J I \ ,,. ;,. .... "'-x \:' "'• •, ! I .,, .,..r.,.. ..... ...,,. ',., I I ,,. ,,-/\., ' 1--/I-<:'. ' ' I · I ·. , WIRING SCHEDULE SERVICE NO. 6 CONDUIT CONDUCTORS CIRCUIT COMMENTS NO. SIZE EXISTl~G NEW 400 n~~ 2 -#6 -2 LIGHTING 401 1" -3 -#8 2 LIGHTING 402 1-Jr . 3 -#6 2 LIGHTING LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE SERVICE NO. 2233 LUMJNAIRE I CIRCUIT I LOCATION I TYPE -DISTRIBUTION -WAIT AGE NUMBER STATION I OFFSET MAST ARM H1 BASE TYPE DIST FROM EP 128A 2 30-N405 15+54.09 I 44.20' RT I 1lt -SHORT -315 LED 12' 40 FIXED 12" FOUND ATION TYPE J-1B BOLT PATIERN 3-BOLT COMMENTS LIGHTING @ @ ® @ -.__JG i CONSTRUCTION NOTES MAINTAIN EXISTING LIGHT STANDARD. SPLICE THE NEW WIRES TO THE APPROPRIATE EXISTING CIRCUIT WIRES IN THE JUNCTION BOX. SEE WIRING SCHEDULE. REMOVE All EXISTING WIRES AND ABANDON CONDUIT. CONSTRUCT FOUNDATION AND INSTALL LIGHT STANDARD PER STANDARD PLAN J-16. L1!§C~DVISIO> ii ' ~ 2 2 2011) Cl'l'V OF RENtON Pll\NNIN$ 01v1sloN 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50 100 ~ SCALE IN FEET (NAVO) 88 ALE NAME N:\ProjectsW05-RTB_30th-44thMetars\CAD\ShNt\16A801 PS_IL 001.dgn TIME 12:51:49 PM REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION -fim FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~ 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST I IL1 -w 10 WA~ RAMP IMPROVEMENTS --Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC ~m I Department of Transportation ~ =~1 --- I 38 ILLUMINATION PLAN ~ OATIS I BY I PLIST ..... mll P.E.IST-BDll DATE )1112016 PLOTTED BY brlnkmd DESIGNED BY A GOROVAYA ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY J PRZYCHOOZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 1'.24N. R.SIE. W.M. ~~~~--=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~:-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.~================J:~==:c_==-;=~~~=======-~~~~~~~~;~~~~~;~==~~~~~:::===~~ :-:---------------::~~~:i.~;~:~.-;:,;~ ----.--~-,-:--::-:;~~--:~s~-~;-:~ -~;--_: _ :fl~--:::r==-:---==---=-~====-_:-=============~==~;;;:;~= ffi -~c._----E 1303224-544 ', en s'r;-----~--: 6 '<' ----------7:~:~-:_-__ iJi :_:::;;~~~~~:.:..:.:.:..:.:.:..:.:.:..:.:.:..:.--_ ,. 1 ·~---=_::~::-_.:-_-.{~~~~-tk:*_:::_-_-::_--::-_·_-_-: --==--·:_{x;·;:-;~_-___ ------~:.--~15~ ._)(r'fj--l:°--",1--~-. .-::::-.-.-m ~-::_-_-----:----------~~"'=-= I '"-M 1._ --y-( -MN-Q-2 er --,_-< g -----: : : ,--f --'O MNRA•2 )-J.; • • • MNHD-1 M J; ~\Z .. /-'.'.f-;,i"i-c:~:ie---:c_=:':_:::~::'~-::::'-::~,,· ... • ··-;1--·--------;:}--~---------~"3 --__ ·c:_~:=-~--·::: i \\ •• / 1,...,I -I ,; j::: :::;;// 1 ,.._ ~~. ---1 ..... ,-:_-tJI :, . 1 r·. l 2 w ~ . . I z I , t I 1 ::J :-I e :'!•' SkY :C , ' "' ' 'If .ef""_,.-·,. U ! ::c • ' > 11 ./ ..... . 1-- ij ~ ':''. I ./ '· flJ. c( )1i I : I I" i"-->-'· 'lj;.. ,,,,, " I) z: : 11 .,,,...>')l::--. '-<._ I I ' I / ,,.,..·_..,A, -, •I I I ' I I ( /I__/ • ' 1:1 I i 1--. · -·1'·-, ~J ITS Wiring Schedule Wire Note# Conduit Size lnnerduct Conductors J Remark ffi Existing New 2" 2-5C 1 2" I SPARE ' 2" 2·5C 2 I 2" [SPARE I ' 2" 2-SC, 5-2C(S) 3 I 2" I SPARE ' 2.5" 2-SC, 7-2C(S) 4 I CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 INSTALL CONDUIT USING DIRECTIONAL BORING OR JACKING METHOD. COORDINATE CONDUIT INSTALLATION \IVITH PAVING AND WALL WORK. 0 ROUTE NEW CONDUIT INTO EXISTING JUNCTION BOX. REPLACE JUNCTION BOX WITH TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOX. 0 REMOVE RAMP METER SIGNAL POLE AND FOUNDATION AFTER NEW RAMP METER IS OPERATIONAL. SALVAGE POLE AND SIGNAL HEADS. © REMOV~ JUNCTION BOX. REMOVE WIRING ANO CONDUIT ELBOVVS. © TERMINATE NEW RAMP METER SIGNAL CABLES AND LOOPS IN CABINET. REMOVE OLD RAMP METER SIGNAL CABLES. INSTALL AMPLIFIER FOR EACH LOOP INSTALLED. 0 SPLICE NEW LOOP VVIRES TO EXISTING 2C(S) WIRES. 5 6 7 2" ' EX. 2" ' EX. 3• I EX. 2• EX. 3• ' 2.S- I 2" [SPARE 1-SC (R), 9-2C(S) 2-SC, 7-2C(S) (REMOVE 4-2C(S)) 11·2C(S)(R4) 1-SC(R) 2-5C 4-2C(SH) 7-2C(S) 2-2C(S) 2-SC, 7-2C(S) [SPARE 60o/o SU BM ITT AL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~IECIEiV/EfD MAR 2 2 2016 CITY OF RENTOI PIANNING DIVISION / 0 50 100 ~ SCALE IN FEET (NAVD) 88 ~~--~A~1 rcu.AID PRDJ.NO. I ~ 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST I ITS1 FILE NAME N:\Projects\405-RTB 30th-44tti.Meters\CAD\Sl1Nl\16A801 PS 1TS_001.dgn I TIME 12:51:52 PM 11~"""" .,. ... .,. --- REGIONAL ADIi. LENG REVISION ~ RAMP IMPROVEMENTS ~~ Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC - ~~~-1 ----1 I Department of TransportaUon ~ " 16A801 ITS PLAN ~ DATE I BY I P.E.IIT ..... _ P.Llt-IOX DATE 31112016 PLOTTED BY brlnkmd DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY C BARNETT PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON T.24N. R.SIE. W.M. IQ ~ !!; = <"-' -LU ~ 0 ~ LU Ck: "st: @g ~ ~ t---=-:.:.:.:.:-=-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. _______ ; ...... . i~--:,;:----=----------------::· ~~~~~~~' ~====:::=~~======~-~ . ' w,-"' -------... 8 -----., .• , ; , " , --____ 7. --,,_ --' , --I ----------" --- (" --;;<,_ ---" ~ -,j-------, ----·-; c¢ --:e,X ---' -----'. _ --cc,,-,,,,,-_, --------------------'' i cc---,.~-~-~--=--=-:;::;:;_~ .. ;.~7:;_;_; .. ;_;_;_; __ =._; .. ;,_~-~ .. ;.=._; .. ;_; .. :_:_= .. =.= .. =.=.= .. =.:.: "• ~ 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50. 100 SCALE IN FEET (NAVO) 88 REGIONAL ADIL LENG REVISION -mn FED.AID PROJ.NO. ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ~ w I ITS2 10 WAS RAMP IMPROVEMENTS ~-Washington State IVIP 6. 5 VIC AND IVIP 7. 5 VIC ~m -~1 l.OCAT1DN "°· -1 I Department of Transportation ~ 37 16A801 ITS PLAN -DATE I av I P.E."1,,,_ BOX l'J!.ST ...... BOX FILE NAME N:\ProJ1ct8\405-RTB_30th-44thMetlllra\CAD\Sh .. t\16A801_PS ITS 002.dgn TIIIE 12:51:53 PM DA TE 31112016 PLOTTED BY brtnkmd DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY C BARNETT PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON GENERAL , • ..,TES: 1. ALL EXISTING JUNCTION BOXES, PULL BOXES, AND CABLE VAULTS REUSED IN THE PROPOSED ITS SYSTEM SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO MATCH FINAL GRADE AS REQUIRED. 2. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONDUrTS WITH NEW CONDUCTORS SHALL CONTAIN A GROUND WIRE SIZED TO THE LARGEST CIRCUIT (MINIMUM #8). SEE WSDOT STD PLAN J-60.0S.00 FOR TYPICAL GROUNDING DETAILS. BORED FIBER CONDUIT($) SHALL INCLUDE 1-#8 (LOCATE)ANDAPULL STRING IN EACH CONDUIT. FOR TRENCHED FIBER CONDUITS, INSTALL LOCATE WIRE PER SHEET IT05. 3. ALL REMOVED OR REPLACED ITS ITEMS INCLUDING CABINETS, POLES, CAMERAS, VMS, AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SALVAGED TO WSDOT NORTHWEST REGION SIGNAL AND ITS MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT. 4. NEW CONDUITS SHALL MAINTAIN A 3 FT MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM GUARDRAIL POSTS. 5. EXISTING JUNCTION BOXES ANO CONDUIT SYSTEM SHALL BE REMOVED WHERE INDICATED ONLY AFTER A NEW COMMUNICATION OR POWER CONNECTION HAS BEEN RE-ESTABLISHED OR A REPLACEMENT SYSTEM IS CONSTRUCTED. 6. COORDINATE TEMPORARY SHUTDOWN OF ITS DEVICES WITH WSDOT. 7. REMOVE ALL ABANDONED EXISTING LOOP STUBOUTS UPSWEEPS AT ADJACENT JUNCTION BOXES AS REQUIRED. 8. ALL LIDS FOR NEW JUNCTION BOXES, PULL BOXES, AND CABLE VAULTS INST AU.ED WITHIN PEDESTRIAN PATHS SHALL HAVE A NON-SKID SURFACE AND BE FLUSH WITH FINAL GRADE/SURFACE. ABBREVIATIONS: CCC CAMERA CONTROL CABLE COMM COMMUNICATION CCTV CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION EX EXISTING GRS GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL HAR HIGHWAY ADVISORY RADIO MMFO MUL Tl-MODE FIBER OPTIC NTS NOTTO SCALE OCEF OPTICAL CABLE ENTRANCE FACILITY OSP OUTSIDE PL.ANT PR PAIR SH SHIELDED SMFO SINGLE-MODE FIBER OPTIC FILE NAME N:\Projecb\405-RTB 30th-44th11etars\CAD\Sheet\16AB01 DE_1TS_001.dgn EXISTING H -·- :•: " ~~ ~,!II: ~r: ;=, E:::3 ::,: ,:~~- "" ,:~,£• LEGEND NEW e " la !ii "' " m [llJ "" 1111 Ilia (jJ ffil Ill!! p p D ~ _it ~ ...... HEMA JUNCTION BOX TYPE 1 JUNCTION BOX TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOX TYPE 4 HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPE 5 HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPE 6 HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPE 8 JUNCTION BOX 2S-TA SPLICE VAULT ITS CABLE VAULT ITS PULL BOX ELECTRICAL SERVICE CABINET TRANSFORMER CABINET ELECTRONIC TOLL CABINET (TL) CONTROLLER CABINET (RAMP METER, DATA STATION, OR SIGNAL CABINEn ROAD I WEATHER INFORMATION CABINET TYPE R1 I R2 ROUND INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR TYPE 2 INDUCTION LOOP ~HICLE DETECTOR 6'X15' TYPE 1 INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR CCTV CAMERA RAMP METER SIGNAL TYPE 2 RAMP METER SIGNAL TOLL RA TE SIGN (RS) FIBER OPTIC TERMINAL CABINET CONDUIT AND WIRING ADVANCED WARNING SIGN 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Q ~ -I.U 0 &&I Qt THIE 12:51:55 PM ~ n-.n FED.AID PROJ.NO. .,~.,., l ~c~ .... ~ 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS DATE 31112016 10 IWAS~ PLOTIED BY brlnkmd DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN --ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY C.BARNETT --PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16A801 REGIONAL ADIi. L ENG REVlSION DATE BY LOCATION MO. PLSTAIP 110X Pe."'~.i ' iJb :: ~.,., #ir,f.";~t.,.'rl ... ' -~ PLITAIP IIOX Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of TransportaUon >------------------ ITS DETAILS ~ = "' ""' ~ a:: "'l: ::a; ITD1 - ~ JS ..... z 2~ ;z~ ~s LL. (!) 0~ ?; ~ -1C LOOP INSTALLATION NOTES 1. INSTALL JUNCTION BOX AND LEAD-IN CONDUIT. 2. SAVVCUT LOOP SLOTS AND LEAD-IN SLOTS. 3. LAY OUT LOOP WIRE STARTING AT JUNCTION BOX, ALLOV\JfNG S' MINIMUM SLACK 4. INSTALL WIRE IN LOOP SLOT AS SHOINN. 5. FINISH LAYING OUT Vv'IRE AT JUNCTION BOX AND IDENTIFY LEADS WllH LOOP NUMBER AND "S" FOR START ANO ~p FOR FINISH. 6. TWIST EACH PAIR OF LEAD \/VIRES TWO TIMES PER FOOT FROM LOOP TO JUNCTION BOX. REVERSE DIRECTION OF TWIST FOR EACH SUCCESSIVE PAIR INSTALLED. 7. CONSTRUCT SUPPLEMENTAL SPLICE CONTAINING ANY SERIES OR PARALLEL LOOP CONNECTIONS REQUIRED IN PLANS. SUPPLEMENTAL SPLICES ARE SUBJECT TO THE SAME REQUIREMENTS SHOVVN FOR THE LOOP LEAD AND SHIELDED CABLE SPLICE. 8. SPLICE LOOP LEADS OR SUPPLEMENTAL SPLICE LEADS TO NEW OR EXISTING SHIELDED CABLE. 9. COMPLETE INSTALLATION AND TEST LOOP CIRCUITS OR COMBINATION LOOP CIRCUITS. SEE STANDARD SPECIFICATION S.20.3(14)D. 10. SEAL ENDS OF CONDUIT WITH ELECTRICAL PUTIY OR SILICONE. 11. IMSA WIRE END SHALL BE SEALED PRIOR TO USE OF RUBBER TAPE OR DUCT SEAL 12. CABLE IDENTIFICATION SLEEVES SHALL BE VERIFIED BEFORE SPLICES ARE MADE. 13. THE NUMBER OF LOOP TURNS FOR R1 AND WR LOOPS VARY DEPENDING ON THE DISTANCE BE1WEEN lliE LOOPS AND lliE CONTROLLER. NUMBER OF TURNS SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN THE PLANS. f 6' i ,__ ____ 8'-----< B SEE LOOP SA\NCUT DETAIL (TYP.) TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS VVHERE APPLICABLE CENTER OF LANE ' B B ' EDGE OF PAVED SHOULDER FOR CONDUIT LOCATION SEE LOOP LEAD-IN CONDUIT PLACEMENT DETAILS \,'0-:-·zx D' ~,-;--------1 I I I I L ____ _ SPLICES, SEE LOOP WINDING DETAIL MODIFIED TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOP SUPPLEMENTAL SPLICE--- IF REQUIRED IN PLANS .. D D ~ .... t; ~ CONDUIT SIZED PER ITS PLANS TO LOOP, SEE LOOP LEAD-IN CONDUIT PLACEMENT DETAIL TYPICAL CONDUIT PLACEMENT FOR LOOP LEAD-IN WIRES TYPE R1 INDUCTION LOOP G) 0 0 ffi © COOL APPLICATION SEALANT TO ENCAPSULATE CONDUCTORS. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. LOOP WIRE -#14 AWG. LEAD-IN \/VIRES: (SEE INSTALLATION NOTES) lliREE PA1R MAXIMUM PER SAWCUT. 1/4" CORNER CHISEL OUT. IJ\/EARING COURSE (LOOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT IF NEW PAVEMENT IS INSTALLED) WHERE APPLICABLE. FILL VVITH COOL AP PUCA TION SEALANT. 5 )----------,_ !f i ~ ~ WIDTH OF SAVVC:UT 1/32" -1/16M WIDER THAN DIAMETER OF LOOP \fiARE SECTION A-A I FILE NAME N:l.Profeeb\40S.RTB 30th-44thlletera\CAO\Sheat\16A801_DE_ITS 002.dgn TIME 12:51:56 PM I DA TE 311/2016 PLOTTED BY br!nkmd DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY C BARNETT PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE 2 BY ~Ii ~ ~ L, WIDTH OF SAWCUT 1/16M -1/BM WIDER THAN lVv'ICE THE DIAMETER OF THE LOOP WIRE SECTION B-B SEE NOTE 6 3~ ~I~ a, :,; "' . "' ~ VVIOTH OF SA\NCUT 1/16M -1/BM \/\'!DER THAN lWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE LOOP \/VIRE SECTION C-C SEE NOTE 6 ~---FULL DEPTH SAWCUT "rf-------MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT MATERIAL 2: ;;; 3M CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE ~SAND u~ CONDUIT ,. N SECTION D-D W = CONDUIT DIAMETER PLUS 2" ROUND LOOP SAWCUT LEAD-IN TO ROUND LOOP SA\NCUT ~1/4" LOOP SAWCUT DETAIL 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IWllON I ITAT'I -10 IWAs, ---~- 16A801 FED.AID PROJ.NO. =-- P.E.STAIIP IIOJI P-"IJTAIP- ..... w Washington State 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS IVIP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation e------------------ ITS DETAILS ITD2 - ~ " ~ ~ = "' :z E z r.u Cit ' LL. I Qi ~! 0 ii SEAL CONDUIT INITH DUCT SEAL LEAD-IN SAWCUTS---c= DRILL HOLE '/," LARGER THAN z " "' z " "' BELL END BUSHING FILL VIIITH EPOXY ----- CONCRETE CURBS~]j= IT SHALL EXTEND A gw,~~tl"ER-SEE STANDARD 's 6 ;.----~~il'M c~~/;.~o PAVEMENT. PLAN F-1 PAVEMENT DEPTH VARIES. · TO 24a JUNCTION BOX -~ 40 PVC SECURED EDGE OF PAVED----------..... SHOULDER 15" H ~ieoROAD SURFACE (TYP.) .,,....--_,....---LEAD-IN CONDUIT SHALL EXTEND A ,.::= ~: _ ~ MINIMUM Y.N INTO PAVEMENT PAVEMENT DEPTH VARIES. . TO JUNCTION ""-ECURED ~X CHED 40 PVC RiACE (TYP.) S O ROAD SU 24" INT 0 ~ -CD = "' 2 E~ z iZi ..... > ~ 2i ~(.!) 0 a; I --- i=:~ -~ 0 TO I I '-.._. JUNCTION 1 : 24" ""'---SCHED 40 PVC SECURED BOX I INTO ROAD SURFACE (TYP.) -i==·±======>' TO JUNCTION 2~" I I L ____ J BOX~==~=====<' LEAD-IN CONDUIT SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM Y." INTO PAVEMENT. PAVEMENT DEPTH VARI? SCHEO 40 PVC SECURED INTO ROAD SURFACE (TYP.) LEAD-IN SAWCUTS AND CONDUIT DETAIL RUBBER LOOP ID LOCATOR 3. 5" SQUARE X 4" TALL LOOP LEAD-IN CONDUIT PLACEMENT DETAILS R1 R2 JB,. JB ...... [::;j l~l._l~I NOTES 1. CENTER INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR BETWEEN LANE LINES. 2. IN THE PAVEMENT 'NITH HMA OVERLAY, LOOP "ID LOCATORM SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE TOP OF EACH STUB-OUT CONDUIT. 3. JUNCTION BOXES SHALL BE SIZED AS SHOWN IN THE ITS PLAN SHEETS. 4. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPLICE REQUIREMENTS. FILE NAME N:\Proj•cb\40>RTB 30th-t4thllaters\CAO\Sheet\16AS01_DE ITS 003.dgn TIME 12:51:57 PM DATE 3/1/2016 PLOTTED BY b,tnland DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN ENTERED BY 0 BRINKMANN CHECKED BY C BARNETT PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON REGIONAL ADIi. l ENG REVISION 1- i=lli c"- ;J:N "' W:, 5~ DATE GREY COLOR WR WR ALTERNATIVE TYPE R1 INDUCTION LOOPS SPEED DETECTION LAYOUT TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS SPEED DETECTION LAYOUT _,IB 1-----1 ~ 1-:,:llJ :,u. ;J:N "' w:, 5~ FOR LANES WIDER THAN 12 FEET BY -1 IJTAff ~ 10 IWAS =~ -~ 16A801 FED.AID PROJ.NO. --~ ,. ,., JB TYPE R1 ROUND INDUCTION DETECTION LOOP TYP: ,r CONDUIT/r!l l.:"!J ID LOCATOR TYP. TYPE VVR ROUND INDUCTION DETECTION LOOP TYP. ,r ID LOCATOR TYP. rn CONDUIT 60o/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PLBT .... 90ll P.£.IT-IElC ..... i; Washington State Department of Transportation 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS IVIP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC ITS DETAILS ITD3 - ~ 38 ~ #14 TWISTED PAIR SEE NOTE #6 ON SHEET IT02 TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS 'M-tERE APPLICABLE 2C(SH) SPLICE ··-· TO CONTROLLER JUNCTION BOX TO Q.ONTROLLER 2C(SH) I '--I--SPLICE JUNCTION BOX ,0 ~ w 0 ~ ~ 0 "' .,... ~ °" ;I ;;e 2~ .a";;; ...., s a,:5 () ~ ?; J c::;: TYPE R1 AND WR SEE WINDING TABLE FOR EXTRA REQUIRED TURN TYPE R1 AND WR V\JINDING TABLE V #14 DMSTFD PAIR TYPE R1 AND TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS LOOP WINDING DETAILS ~·-T··1 ---· AREA TO "-~i~c= CONTROLLER TO LOOP DISTANCE (Fn 0 -400 401 -600 601 + LOOP V\JIRE, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS s F SOLDERED COMPRESSION CONNECTION VINYL ELECTRIC TAPE DETECTOR LEAD-IN CABLE 2C(SH), SEE STD. SPEC. 9-2~.3 LAYERS OF VINYL ELECTRIC TAPE * DRAIN \'VIRE (FOLD BACK ANO TAPE) * GROUND DRAIN WIRE AT AMPLIFIER ONLY. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPLICE MATERIAL TYPE R1 AND TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS SPLICE DETAILS NOTES: SPLICE KITS SHALL BE CENTERED ON CONDUCTORS AND SUFFICIENT SLACK SHALL BE PROVIDED THAT THE SPLICE CAN BE RAISED A MINIMUM OF 1a• ABOVE GROUND LINE. FILE NAME N:\ProJecta\405-RTB_30th-44thMeters\CAD\Sheat\16A801_DE rrs_D04.dgn TIME 12,51,57 PM I ! ! ! ""::"' I ~•n I FED.AID PROJ.NO. DATE 31112016 PLOTTED BY brlnland 10 IWAS DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN --ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY C BARNETT ~~ --~ PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 1liA801 REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE I BY TURNS 4 5 6 F1--._ TYPE R2 AND MODIFIED TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS LOOP WINDING DETAIL 1" CABLE JACKET VINYL ELECTRIC TAPE ___ r,· /;1 LOOP WIRE, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS /S2 F2 DETECTOR LEAD-IN CABLE 2C(SH), SEE STD. SPEC 9-29.3 SOLDERED COMPRESSION CONNECTION (TYPICAL) lVl/0 LAYERS OF VINYL ELECTRIC TAPE (TYPICAL) L--• DRAIN WIRE (FOLD BACK AND TAPE) * GROUND DRAIN \'VIRE AT AMPLIFIER ONLY. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPLICE MATERIAL TYPE R2 AND MODIFIED TYPE WR INDUCTION LOOPS SPLICE DETAIL 60°/i, SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION P..!.tTAIIP IIOl ,LITAm" IIOX ...... v Washington State 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation >-----------------~ ITS DETAILS ITD4 - ~ 38 ~ 'i_ OF TRENCH 'i_ OF TRENCH 'i_ OF TRENCH z " ~ z " ~ ~ z ;; "' SPACER, PER CONDUIT----_,, MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION FINISHED GRADE ----~ BACK FILL WffH CLEAN ------+--- GRANULAR MATERIAL WARNING TAPE --------j/ '------BACKFILL VJITH RED TINTED CONTROL DENSITY FILL. '------#14 THWN OR XHHW WIRE {ORANGE) ---+-~ CONDUIT 1 I/VITH INNERDUCT ~,.I : --J2 .. I " Mir Mir 2" BEDDING OF SAND OR CDF ~ 2" I Mir , . z " ~ ~ z ;; ~ 11 z " ~ z z " "' " y ~ ~ FINISHED GRADE ---+----BACK FILL WITH CLEAN GRANULAR MATERIAL WARNING TAPE BACKFILL VVITH RED TINTED CONTROL DENSITY FILL. ;------#14 THWN OR XHHW WIRE (ORANGE) CONDUIT VVITH INNERDUCT ~ I SPACER PER CONDUIT bJ, ~~~'Y.'I 2• --MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION ; 0 ; .. ~ -~ --l;;,J--; --l;;,J-2 . 2~ BEDDING OF SAND OR COF FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT WITH INNERDUCT TRENCH DETAIL NOTES: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE BASED ON ROADWAY STATIONING. 2. WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 3. IF A CONFLICT WITH DRAINAGE, OR OTHER UTILITIES ARISE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A PLAN FOR RESOLVING THE CONFLICT TO THE ENGINEER. 4. INSTALL CONDUIT SPACER PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. FILE NAME N:\ProJltClll\40S-RTB_30th-44thMetan\CAD\Sheet\16AB01 DE ITS_D05.dgn TIME 12:51:58 PM DA TE 31112016 PLOTTED BY brlnkmd DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN ENTERED BY O BRINKMANN CHECKED BY C BARNETT PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON REGIONAL ADIi. LENG REVISION DATE BY NOT TO SCALE FED.AID PROJ.NO. --10 IWAS ~- ~~. ---, .... , PATCH TO MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT DEPTH AND MATERIAL EXISTING FULL DEi SAWCUT ~ .. fl 24~ MIN 2" FULL DEPTH SAWCUT PAVEMENT WARNING TAPE (ITS ONLY) CSBC CSBC TO MATCH EXISTING DEPTH ANO MATERIAL #14 THWN OR XHHW VI/IRE (ORANGE) BACKFILL TO BOTIOM OF EXISTING PAVEMENT \NITH CDF. ADD RED TINT TO CDF OVER ITS CONDUIT ONLY. SHOULDER TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ".E.ITA .. IIOX "..!.IT-80X ~ im Washington State 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND IVIP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation >------------------ ITS DETAILS ITDS - ~ 38 - FOUNDATION DEPTH TABLE A1.l.O'N.BLE LATERAL I XYZ (CUBIC FEET) 8~ PRESSURE FOUNDATlON TYPE a;u AND so MAST ARM STANDARDS ""' '""" "" .. ,;,oo '·"" '·"" '·"" 3'ROUND ,. ,. ,,. ,,. " 15' "'"' I J"SOUARE ,. • • • " ,,. 4'ROUND • • • • " ,,. l'ROUND • • • ,,. " "' '·"" I '""""' T T T • • • 4'ROUND T T T • • • J'ROUND ,. ,. T ,,. " 15' , "" I 3'SOUARE ,. • ,. ,. T T 4'ROUNO ,. ,. ,. ,. T T THIS TA8LE BASED ON A /VALUE Of 26°, FOR DOUBLE MAST ARM STANDARDS 'MTH 90" BETY,EEN ARMS, USE TME 1.AAGER ~ VAJ..UE FOR FOUNDATION DEPTH SElECTlON A SPECIAL FOUNDATION DESIGN IS REQUIRED FOR OOU8LE ARM STANDARDS IF THE ANGLE IS NOT 90". 314• CHAMFER y.• DIA. PLASTIC DRAIN TUBE :-t\ GROUT PAD THICKNESS= cJ NUT HT. +1" MAX ... UNP j__ ~ SURFACE tT I " PAVED \SURFACE ~ :,: I-a. w 0 z --""--I --""--L-u ... --' <--,,-i°i_.; 0 ~ ;= 0 i'i $ z N => _J_ 0 ... CLASS 4000P \ CONCRETE 8 NO. 8 BARS ------"'! T - EQUALLY SPACED ' \ -~2WCL #13 HOOPS, RD. OR SQ. AT 1'--0" APPROX. CTRS. 3' SQ. OR RD., OR 4' RO. I FOUNDATION DETAIL STD. SR SR TYPE MOUNTING No. FIELD LOCATION 0 MILE HElGHT(Fl) No. POST STATION OFFSET LT. RT P.O."-A1 A2 I 1 I '°' 6.5 30-N405 16+41.01 42.86 -X II 19.5 2 I 405 44-N405 15+43.75 24.88 X -JII 16.5 "' 3 I 405 -7.5 44-N405 11+50.00 18.00 -jx I 10 NOTES ~ 0€.GREES CL.o "'('f PICAL A Ck"i, POINT rr-ic I~~ I ~0:4, r l ?' 90• ~ ~-1,,0 0 > Q ALL HANDHOLES TI AT 1so• I ~~ 180 • 4\---·-·: o· m-+\ [ TYPICAL E1 SIGNAL ARM -'<I ATTACHMENT. POINT 1. 2. 3. c~ ~ i"" POLE ORIENTATION ANGLE (P.0.A.) DEGREES CLOCKWISE 0 0 FROM OFFSET LINE TO O POINT LOCATION <it. ~O~-( POLE ORIENTATION AND ATTACHMENT POINT DETAIL SIGNAL HEAD DISPLAY NOTES SR. y G TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS ALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD INSTALIATIONS SHALL BE TYPE "M" MOUNTINGS. ALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS SHALL USE 12 INCH LENS. ALL VEHICLE HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH BACKPLATES. ITS SIGNAL STANDARD SIGNAL MAST ARM DATA DETAIL CHART OFFSET DISTANCES "" (Z) '""" • TO ATTACHMENT POINT} \/IJINOLOAO AREAS X B1 B2 B3 B4 B1 B2 B3 B4 SIGNAL SYSTEM 1 " 32 24 21 9.3 4 93 4 32 29 22 19 9.3 4 9.3 4 - Ci. ' ~ E :i: ~ "' 9 j[ ' ' ' ,-::::::::::; TYPE Ill MAST ARM SIGNAL STANDARD E LUMINAIRE (XJ M{Z} ARMJn) TOTAl..(FlT C 900" 900" * X Y Z LARGER THEN ACTUAL TO ACCOMOATE FUTURE LOADS. 0 FIELD INSTALl.ED. D ~ ------ B4 b 'BJ r ----~-------- ~q ~2 Fi81 L!.,_ -----,--------- ' VERTICAL CLEARANCE MINIMUM: 17'-5" MAXIMUM: 19'-0" LIMITS OF VERTICAL CLEARANCE REQUIREMENT I ROADWAY I POLE ATTACHMENT POINT ANGLES (deg) FOUNDATION I REMARKS DEPTHS(FT) E1 E2 F G1 G2 H 11 12 ,~ na. I nD I 10 • I a 13 10 I 10 ~aM© MAR 2 2 2016 CIYV Of RENTON PLANNING DIVISION LEGEND a. Vehide Display b. Sign j. Handhole MOUNTING. COUPLING INSTALLED AT OFFSET DISTANCE INDICATED IN CHART. 0 60°/o SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 311/2016 FILE NAME N:\ProJects\405-RTB 30UMCthMeters\CAD\Sheel\16A801 DE rrs 006.dgn I TIME 12:51:58 PM I I I -I anftl I --;; 1~~~1 Ft:.U.AID PROJ.NO. ..... 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST w I ITD6 RAMP IMPROVEMENTS --Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC - :::~ I LDCATOI l«l. I I Department of Transportation ~ ITS DETAILS 38 I av I ~ DATE P'.E.Sf ..... IIClll P.E.IJT-llm PLOTTED BY brlnkmd DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN REGIONAL ADIi. LENG REVISION CHECKED BY C BARNETT 2' 11' 11' 2' •• 10' SHLD GP LANE HOVITRANSIT LANE I I WORK ZONE TEMPORARY V-TNC. BARRIER TRANSIT STOP CLOSED SIDEWALK Q22<"<'cc22//zl TYPICAL DAYTIME WORK ZONE NE 30TH -NB 405 RAMP NTS 3CJ:-N405 12+00.00 -16+00.00 (APPROX.) 11' 11' 2' •• 8' GP LANE HOV/TRANSIT LANE I I CONSTRUCTION EGRESS TEMPORARY EXISTING K" CONC. BARRIER ,( CONC. BARRIER I I ' I \ TYPICAL DAYTIME WORK ZONE NE 30TH -NB 405 RAMP NTS JD-N405 16+00.00 -17+50.00 (APPROX.) 1:r zr I GP/HOVITRANSIT 1~ WORK ZONE • LANE V/1?/?/?//t2222c?/?/7//"/<<'222'2ccJ ;ECEIVEI TYPICAL SINGLE RAMP LANE CLOSURES MAR 2 2 2016 (FOR DELIVERIES, HAUL, ETC) CITY OF RENTc N NTS PLANNING DIVISIO 60°/o' SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FILE NAME N:\ProJects\40S.RTB_l0th-44thMetera\CAD\Sheet\16A801_PS_TC_001.dgn -- TIME 12:51:59 PM -n,n FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~ 91\.Ztc#o ~ 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST ~ ~ ,,-~"~ DATE 311/2016 10 WAS~ w TC1 PLOTTED BY brlnkmd ,f ~ ~. RAMP IMPROVEMENTS DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN --' -~ 47" ~~ Washington State MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC -u ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN o.,..,., .,,,,~;-:.:,. .. "'~,~ - CHECKED BY T LIVINGSTON -~-LOCAlJON NO. 110NA1. "1 Deparbnent of Transportation ~ PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16.A801 38 TRAFFIC CONTROL ~-REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE BY P~ITA• BOX. P.e.lT-BOl PCMS MESSAGE 111 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 RAMP MMIOD CLOSED MMIOD 1.S SEC 1.5 SEC FIELD LOCATE AT RAIIP TERMINAL 1 WEEK PRK>R OF RAMP CLOSURE / .. NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET DU1 FOR ADDITIONAL DETOUR NOTES. ,.. ... :%'0"1INORTH~•· (1di_Q1§i ' ' I ,Qi ~ ]O" M>-~00) 111-l(MDD W/MIIJO 'NORTH : ~o~ SPECIAL BIO 6C DETOUR ... 30" ... ~001 IINORTH1ns- f,n1W,.m:\ I _____...,-------- ]!)" ''toC1Al II END oc DETOUR :4• ,. :4" :4" --r:--- T.24N. IR.SE. W.M. 30" ,.._~01 IINORTHln•· '!,)~~~·· ''w."1 I DETOUR 1~·· ..... 30" ... :%'001 INORTHW Sl'ECl.01 BIO .. " j lfflllST.uj 1 - I "Iv, ,e: fb 30" =--' 30" • .. ~··1 INORTHI~'" '!,)~~··, SPECIAL II HAMI" II / : It IILUiJCII I! I ,.. ,.._:%'001 IINORTH1n,. f•"~6£.1mj lO" M>-M.MDDJ~~::r-· "'-~ / :4" SPECIAL BIO 6C J. M4-'r-------::;c=~-~-----~ ,,,----- I I ' I I I DETOUR + ,,. ~ 113-M.MDD) ~ORTHl/15" '!,);,l),,~jM2J] .. - " ":Jir' II DETOUR I~·· 6C .... l ~IECEIVIE[D MAR 2 2 201 CITY OF REl\lbON PLANNING DIVIS N ...,c, '\O 0-% smBMfltr .J NOT /FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET FILE NAME N:\Projecb\405-RTB 30th-44thllatan.\CAD\Sheal\16A801_PS DU 002.dgn j TIME 12:52:02 PM I I I I ~ I STA~ j FED.AID PROJ.NO. DATE 311/2016 10 !WAS PLOTIED BY brtnkmd DESIGNED BY J PRZYCHODZEN ~- ENTERED BY D BRINKMANN CHECKED BY T LIVINGSTON -~ --~ PROJ. ENGR. R FENTON 16A801 REGIONAL ADM. LENG REVISION DATE I BY PLSlA .. BOX f'LSl.-, BOX .... w Washington State 1-405/NE 30TH ST & NE 44TH ST RAMP IMPROVEMENTS MP 6.5 VIC AND MP 7.5 VIC Department of Transportation >------------------ DETOUR PLAN -NE 30TH RAMP DU2 - ~ 38 ~ RECEIPT EG00051000 BILLING CONTACT LINDA COOLEY Washington State Department of Transportation 600 108th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 16-000223 PLAN · Variance Technology Fee Printed On: March 21, 2016 Prepared By: Vicki Grover 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: March 21, 2016 PAYMENT METHOD Check #1240 Check #1240 SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,200.00 $36.00 $1,236.00 $1,236.00 Page 1 of 1