HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-3 GGGG p-RENTON 2-LOT-SWPP SWPPSW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC. 5, TWP. 23 N., RNG. 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON i W Z Ly Z I j 1 I Q J EX CB ® RIM 263.83 EX CB INV=262.53 (12" C)NC-E) RIM 261.23 I INV=259.23 (12" C NC -W) INV=260.13 (8" CONC-E) J INV=259.73(12" CONC-W) 1 \ �- SD 3 Sp SD ISD �- SD SD 1 I i I W W �W W - -W -W�w �W W -W \W �W W II 6+00 I \ I �I A- \ N 5Tk 6+56.55 I i TAX PARCEL SILT FENCE 334390-2565 / i EXI5TIN6 RESIDENC TO 5E_1-,FNOVED LIMITS OF DISTURBAN 1 1 \ 1 \ EXI5TIN6 SHED TO SE REMOI/EDI (.3 \ ,,LOT 5 TAX PARCEL 559205-2568 I� LINCOLN PLACE SHORT PLAT REC. NO. 2016020900007 I E 14TH STREET LOT 6 TAX PARCEL 559205-2563 �S S S\ S --7s S RIM 274.49 \ INV=271.59 (12" CONC-E) CROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE a \ w � 0 Z MONTEREY HEIGHTS VOL. 194, PGS. 50-52 SILT FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LOT 8 TAX PARCEL \ 559205-0080 I LEGEND • 450.0 a P� HYD& WV WM PM C13 SSMHO GA5ED MONUMENT (OGGUPIED 10/16) EXISTING CORNER AS DE5GRIBED &'V4000 FENCE (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) SPOT ELEVATION POWER POLE HYDRANT WATER VALVE WATER METER POWER METER GATGH BASIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TREES: GALIPER IN INCHES 4 TYPE: G-GEDAR, P -PINE, FR -FRUIT F -FIR, UD -UNKNOWN DEGIDUOUS OVERHEAD POWER LINE GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 W Z J CL W d O a 2' MIN �9+ �P+ EXISTING GROUND til GRADING SLOPE SET BACK ITYPI NTS 'ALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL RECOMMENDED CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 2. POST SIGN WITH NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF ESC SUPERVISOR (MAY BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE REQUIRED NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION SIGN). 3. FLAG OR FENCE CLEARING LIMITS. 4. INSTALL CATCH BASIN PROTECTION IF REQUIRED. 5. GRADE AND INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S). 6. INSTALL PERIMETER PROTECTION (SILT FENCE, BRUSH BARRIER, ETC.). 7. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT PONDS AND TRAPS. 8. GRADE AND STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ROADS. 9. CONSTRUCT SURFACE WATER CONTROLS (INTERCEPTOR DIKES, PIPE SLOPE DRAINS, ETC.) SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH CLEARING AND GRADING FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. 10. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX D OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL AND MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 11. RELOCATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES OR INSTALL NEW MEASURES SO THAT AS SITE CONDITIONS CHANGE THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IS ALWAYS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARDS. 12. COVER ALL AREAS THAT WILL BE UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS DURING THE DRY SEASON OR TWO DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON WITH STRAW, WOOD FIBER MULCH, COMPOST, PLASTIC SHEETING OR EQUIVALENT. 13. STABILIZE ALL AREAS THAT REACH FINAL GRADE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. 14. SEED OR SOD ANY AREAS TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS. 15. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, ALL DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED AND BMPS REMOVED IF APPROPRIATE. THE 13 ELEMENTS OF A CONSTRUCTION SWPPP 1. Preserve Vegetation/Mark Clearing Limits: The clearing limits are indicated on the plan sheet. Furthermore, clearing and grading will be limited to only areas that need to be disturbed for grading/ construction of the site and frontage improvements. Construction will require regarding the entire site. Field marking the clearing limits shall be completed prior to clearing and grading activities. BMP's: Preserve Natural Vegetation (VEG) 2. Establish Construction Access: Access to the construction site shall be limited to the rock construction entrance. The rock construction entrance shall be installed off of the Street to provide access to the construction vehicle/ equipment staging and employee parking areas. BMP's: Rock construction entrance (CE) See detail sheet C9 3. Control of Flow Rates: Storm water detention: No detention is proposed for the site since the work should be completed in a short period of time. BMP's None Proposed 4. Installation of Sediment Controls: Sediment control will be provided through a combination of filtration through the surround on-site vegetation, or filter fence if required. , BMP's: Silt Fence (SF) Sediment Trap (ST) I 5. Soils Stabilization: Temporary and permanent soil stabilization will be provided. Temporary stabilization will be provided through the application of straw and/or plastic sheeting to exposed, worked earth. From October 1 until April 30, no exposed soil may remain exposed and unworked for more than two days; after May 1, no exposed soil may remain exposed and unworked for more than seven days. BMP's: Straw Covering, Plastic Sheeting, Final Landscaping(as required) 6. Slope Protection: Stock piles shall be protected from erosion through cover and prevention of concentrated surface runoff flows on steep slopes as required. BMP's: Plastic Sheeting, (AS REQUIRED) 7. Protection of Permanent Drain Inlets: Inlet protection will be provided for all catch basins. BMP's: Inlet Protection (IP) See detail sheet (AS REQUIRED) 8. Stabilization of Channels and Outlets: All channel slopes shall be constructed and protected against erosion in accordance with County code. (None Required) 9. Pollutant Control: Pollutants shall be controlled through the on-site BMP's proposed above. 10. Dewatering Control: De -watering: Interception of the water table is expected to occur. (NOT REQUIRED) 11. BMP Maintenance: All BMP's and SWPPP elements shall be inspected daily and maintained as required. 12. Project Management: The project shall be managed in a cooperative effort by the project manager, contractor, engineer, and the county inspector. During the construction process, if unforeseen issues arise that cannot be resolved on site, construction activity (other than SWPPP maintenance) shall be halted and the owner's representative and the project engineer are to be contacted and informed of the situation. TBD 13. Protect on-site stormwater management bmps for runoff from roofs and other hard surface on-site stormwater management bmps used for runoff from roofs and other hard surfaces include: full dispersion, roof downspout full infiltration or dispersion systems, perforated stubout connections, rain gardens, bioretention systems, permeable pavement, sheetflow dispersion, and concentrated flow dispersion. the areas on the site to be used for these bmps shall be protected from siltation and compaction during construction by sequencing the construction in a fashion to install these bmps at the latterpart of the construction grading operations, by excluding equipment from the mps and the associated areas, and by using the erosion and sedimentation control bmps listed below. relevant bmp's bmp c102: buffer zone NOTE: CLEARING LIMITS AND SILT FENCE TO BE SET JUST INSIDE OF THE PROPERTY LINES. TOPSOIL: STOCKPILE EXISTING TOPSOIL DURNING GRADING AND REPLACE IT PRIOR TO PLANTING PER BMP 15.13 OPTION 3. TOPSOIL REQUIRED 500 CYDS M Lo N U J J 0- LMR DO B September 24, 2017 Sheet C-3 I1 O Job "=20'-0" V Z M WM Z � 0000 (� 00 CN 00 i Q CV C7� W < 3: 00 Q = N 00 o�z�`n wN N Q " N J .� 00 JX (0 LL '' I r ❑ I L(-) uJ O 00 0-)Z ❑O H- 0 J z co Q N Z O H- Zz w w W w w W I _ H- ❑w z J W Z 0 Q Rwhims Q_ 0- LMR DO B September 24, 2017 Sheet C-3 I1 So" Job "=20'-0" Z Q J am IL IL 3 En