HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-6 GGGG p-RENTON 2-LOT-DET DETAILSC6BMP TS.13 Post—Construction Soil Quality and Depth Purpose and Definition Naturally occurring (undisturbed) soil and vegetation provide important stormwater functions including: water infiltration; nutrient, sediment, and pollutant adsorption; sediment and pollutant biofiltration; water interflow storage and transmission; and pollutant decomposition. These functions are largely lost when development strips away native soil and vegetation and replaces it with minimal topsoil and sod. Not only are these important stormwater functions lost, but such landscapes themselves become pollution— generating pervious surfaces due to increased use of pesticides, fertilizers and other landscaping and household/industrial chemicals, the concentration of pet wastes, and pollutants that accompany roadside litter. Establishing soil quality and depth regains greater stormwater functions in the post development landscape, provides increased treatment of pollutants and sediments that result from development and habitation, and minimizes the need for some landscaping chemicals, thus reducing pollution through prevention. Applications and Limitations Establishing a minimum soil quality and depth is not the some as preservation of naturally occurring soil and vegetation. However, establishing a minimum soil quality and depth will provide improved on—site management of stormwater flow and water quality. Soil organic matter can be attained through numerous materials such as compost, composted woody material, biosolids, and forest product residuals. It is important that the materials used to meet the soil quality and depth BMP be appropriate and beneficial to the plant cover to be established. Likewise, it is important that imported topsoils improve soil conditions and do not have an excessive percent of clay fines. Design Guidelines 251658240 Soil retention. The duff layer and native topsoil should be retained in on undisturbed state to the maximum extent practicable. In any areas requiring grading remove and stockpile the duff layer and topsoil on site in a designated, controlled area, not adjacent to public resources and critical areas, to be reapplied to other portions of the site where feasible. 251658240 Soil quality All areas subject to clearing and grading that have not been covered by impervious surface, incorporated into a drainage facility or engineered as structural fill or slope shall, at project completion, demonstrate the following: I. A topsoil layer with a minimum organic matter content of ten percent dry weight in planting beds, and 5% organic matter content (based on a loss—on—ignition test) in turf areas, and a pH from 6.0 to 8.0 or matching the pH of the original undisturbed soil. The topsoil layer shall have a minimum depth of eight inches except where tree roots limit the depth of incorporation of amendments needed to meet the criteria. Subsoils below the topsoil layer should be scarified at least 4 inches with some incorporation of the upper material to avoid stratified layers, where feasible. 2. Planting beds must be mulched with 2 inches of organic material Quality of compost and other materials used to meet the organic content requirements: The organic content for —pre—approved" amendment rates can be met only using compost that meets the definition of —composted materials" in WAC 173-350-220. This code is available online at: <http://www.ecy.wo.govlprogramslswfolfocilitiesl350.html> Compost used in bioretention areas should be stable, mature and derived from yard debris, wood waste, or other organic materials that meet the intent of the organic soil amendment specification. Biosolids and manure composts can be higher in bio—available phosphorus than compost derived from yard or plant waste and therefore are not allowed in bioretention areas due to the possibility of exporting bio—available phosphorus in effluent. The compost must also have on organic matter content of 35% to 65%/, and a carbon to nitrogen ratio below 25:1. The carbon to nitrogen ratio may be as high as 35:1 for plantings composed entirely of plants native to the Puget Sound Lowlands region. Calculated amendment rates may be met through use of composted materials as defined above; or other organic materials amended to meet the carbon to nitrogen ratio requirements, and meeting the contaminant standards of Grade A Compost. The resulting soil should be conducive to the type of vegetation to be established. 251658240 Implementation Options: The soil quality design guidelines listed above can be met by using one of the methods listed below. I.Leave undisturbed native vegetation and soil, and protect from compaction during construction. Amend disturbed soil according to the following procedures: Scarify subsoil to a depth of one foot In planting beds, place three inches of compost and till in to on eight—inch depth. In turf areas, place two inches of compost and till in to on eight—inch depth. Apply two to four inches of arborist wood chip, coarse bark mulch, or compost mulch to planting beds after final planting. Alternatively, disturbed soil can be amended on a site—customized manner so that it meets the soil quality criteria set forth above, as determined by a licensed engineer, geologist, landscape architect, or other person as approved by Snohomish County. Stockpile existing topsoil during grading, and replace it prior to planting. Stockpiled topsoil must be amended if needed to meet the organic matter and depth requirements by following the procedures in method (2) above). Import topsoil mix of sufficient organic content and depth to meet the organic matter and depth requirements. More than one method may be used on different portions of the some site. Soil that already meets the depth and organic matter quality standards, and is not compacted, does not need to be amended. Maintenance 251658240 Soil quality and depth should be established toward the end of construction and once established, should be protected from compaction, such as from large machinery use, and from erosion. 251658240 Soil should be planted and mulched after installation. 251658240 Plant debris or its equivalent should be left on the two soil surface to replenish organic matter. ALIGN PIPE TOPS, OR PLACE ROOF DRAIN HIGHER. PRIVATE, JOINT USE UMLRY d 4' SECTION A A CLEAN-OUT WITH PERMANENT CAP CATCH BASIN -AREA DRAIN TMIN. ---I �-- VARIES —' --7 CAP, AND WHERE CLEANCUTIS IN PAVEMENT; IRON MNG & COVER PER IFCO 9 247 OR: EQUIVALENT 4s- BEND PERMANENT CAP OR CONNECT PIPE L 45° WYE TEE, CROSS, OR 45- WYE AT SENDS CLEAN-OUT 13ETAIL W.T.S. 2'uIN, COVER WER COLLECTOR UNE TELlPORARY CAP ON END OF ROOF DRAIN $M MARKED BY 25c4' STAKE PLACE GLEANDUT AT 397 r811x. SPACE, AT BD- BENDS, J EACH 2ND 45' BEND, SECTION �B PIPE ENDS NOTE: MIN. PIPE SIZE B.O PIPE MATERIALS ALLOWED: PVC, LINED CPE, TRIPLE WALL POLYETHYLENE, DI (IF NEEDED FOR STRENGTH). PUBLIC WORKS Y TYPICAL PRIVATE ROOF DRAIN S. PLAN — 225.10 i DEPARTMENT COLLECTION SYSTEM (S * NT CROSS SECTION MARCH 2008 INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERT IF THERE IS A ROADSIDE DITCH PRESENT, AS PER CITY ROAD STANDARDS 4-e' QUARRY SPALLS GECTEXDLE VOPP E�15�t�C DRIVEWAYS SHAD BE PAVED TO THE EDGE OF R -O -W PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO AVOID DAMAGING Cf- THE ROADWAY IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE ENTRANCE BE CROWNED SO THAT RUNOFF DRAINS OFF THE PAP) 12"MIN,MIC:KNESS -�PROM DEFULL WIDTH OF NOTES INORESVFE CRESS AREA 1 _ CONDITION OF USE 1.1. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE STABILIZED WHEREVER TRAFFIC WILL BE LEAVING A CONSTRUCTION SITE AND TRAVELING CN PAVED ROADS OR OTHER PAVED AREAS WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF THE SITE. GRABTENSILESTREBN13TH(ASTMD4751) 20C PSI VIX GRABTENSILEELONGATION(A5TMD4532) 30% MAX, MULLEN BURSTSTRENGTH (ASTM D3786.80A) -MIN m 70-45 41.5. STANDARD SIEVE 5120 Date September 24, 2017 Sheet 0 CLEANC UT, TYP. Job 1"=20'—O" r� v Z A 0 a) a) CO W C"J co N M W ,000 = N 00 — wN CDZLOLn N - � J�� N CATCH BASIN -AREA DRA4N 000 Y -J X CD LL. TEE B !Y PROPERTY LIQ m S' MIN - ALIGN PIPE TOPS, OR PLACE ROOF DRAIN HIGHER. PRIVATE, JOINT USE UMLRY d 4' SECTION A A CLEAN-OUT WITH PERMANENT CAP CATCH BASIN -AREA DRAIN TMIN. ---I �-- VARIES —' --7 CAP, AND WHERE CLEANCUTIS IN PAVEMENT; IRON MNG & COVER PER IFCO 9 247 OR: EQUIVALENT 4s- BEND PERMANENT CAP OR CONNECT PIPE L 45° WYE TEE, CROSS, OR 45- WYE AT SENDS CLEAN-OUT 13ETAIL W.T.S. 2'uIN, COVER WER COLLECTOR UNE TELlPORARY CAP ON END OF ROOF DRAIN $M MARKED BY 25c4' STAKE PLACE GLEANDUT AT 397 r811x. SPACE, AT BD- BENDS, J EACH 2ND 45' BEND, SECTION �B PIPE ENDS NOTE: MIN. PIPE SIZE B.O PIPE MATERIALS ALLOWED: PVC, LINED CPE, TRIPLE WALL POLYETHYLENE, DI (IF NEEDED FOR STRENGTH). PUBLIC WORKS Y TYPICAL PRIVATE ROOF DRAIN S. PLAN — 225.10 i DEPARTMENT COLLECTION SYSTEM (S * NT CROSS SECTION MARCH 2008 INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERT IF THERE IS A ROADSIDE DITCH PRESENT, AS PER CITY ROAD STANDARDS 4-e' QUARRY SPALLS GECTEXDLE VOPP E�15�t�C DRIVEWAYS SHAD BE PAVED TO THE EDGE OF R -O -W PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO AVOID DAMAGING Cf- THE ROADWAY IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE ENTRANCE BE CROWNED SO THAT RUNOFF DRAINS OFF THE PAP) 12"MIN,MIC:KNESS -�PROM DEFULL WIDTH OF NOTES INORESVFE CRESS AREA 1 _ CONDITION OF USE 1.1. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE STABILIZED WHEREVER TRAFFIC WILL BE LEAVING A CONSTRUCTION SITE AND TRAVELING CN PAVED ROADS OR OTHER PAVED AREAS WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF THE SITE. GRABTENSILESTREBN13TH(ASTMD4751) 20C PSI VIX GRABTENSILEELONGATION(A5TMD4532) 30% MAX, MULLEN BURSTSTRENGTH (ASTM D3786.80A) 40C PSI MIN. AOS (ASTM D4751) 70-45 41.5. STANDARD SIEVE 5120 2. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. HOG FUEL {WOOD BASED MULCH) MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR OR COMBINED WITH QUARRY SPALLS IN ARES THAT WILL BOT BE USED FOR PERMANENT ROADS. HOG FUEL IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ENTRANCE STABILIZATION IN URBAN AREAS. THE INSPECTOR MAY AT ANY TIME REQUIRE THE USE OF QUARRY SPALLS IF THE HOG FUEL IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT OR IF THE HOG FUEL IS BEING CARRIED ONTO PAVEMENT. 2.2. FENCING SHALL BEINSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO RESTRICT TRAFFIC TO THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. 2.3. WHENEVER POSSIBLE, THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON A FIRM, COMPACTED SUDGRADE, THIS CAN SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PAD AND REDUCE THE NEED FOR MAINTENANCE. 3. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 31. QUARRY SPALLS $HALL BE ADDED IF THE PAD IS NO LONGER IN AGUORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS - 3.2. IF THE ENTRANCE IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT, THEN ALTERNATIVE MEASURES TO KEEP THE STREETS FREE OF SEDIMENT SHALL BE USED. THIS MAY INCLUDE STREET SWEEPING, AN INCREASE IN THE DIMENSIONS OF THE ENTRANCE, OR THE INSTALLATION OF THE WHEEL WASH. IF WA51ING 15 USED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA COVERED WITH CRUSHED ROCK, AND WASHED WATER SHALL DRAIN TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 3.3. ANY SEDIMENT THAT IS TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY SWEEPING. THE SEDIMENT COLLECTED BY SWEEPING SHALL BE REMOVED OR STABILIZED ON SITE- THE PAVEMENT SHALL NOT BE CLEANED BY WASHING DOWN THE STREET, EXCEPT WHEN SWEEPING IS INEFFECTIVE AND THERE IS A THREAT TO PUBLIC SAFETY_ IF IT NECESSARY TO WASH THE STREETS, A SMALL SUMP MUST 13E CONDUCTED. THE SEDIMENT WOULD THEN BE WASHED INTO THE SUMP WHERE IT CAN BE CONTROLLED AND DISCHARGED APPROPRIATELY. 3.4- ANY QUARRY SPALLS THAT ARE LOOSENED FROM THE PAD AND END UP ON THE ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY - 3.5. IF VEHICLES ARE ENTERING OR EXITING THE SITES AT POINTS OTHER THAN THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S), FENCI NO SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC- �� STD. PLAN — 215.10 U. + PUBLIC WORKS STABILIZED +tel DEPARTMENT CONSTRICTION ENTRANCE DRAINAGE GRATE TRIM m GRATEFRAME op v SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS _ P OVERFLOW BYPASS a s 11 BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE FILTERED WATER A d A 6 ' 6 d m s SECTION VIEW DRAINAGE GRATE RECTANGULAR GRATE SHOWN , RETRIEVAL SYSTEM(TYP.) BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE OVERFLOW BYPASS {TYP.t 130METRIC VIEW NOTES 1, Sine the Below Inlet Grate Device (GIGO) for the storm water structure it will service, 2. The BIGD shall have a built-in high-flow relief system (averflow bypass). 3. The retrieval system must allow removal of the BIGD without spilling 1he collected material. 4. Perform maintenance in accordance with Standard Specification 8.01.3(15). +'�}f PUBLIC WORKS CATCH BASIN FILTER STA. PLAN - 218,30 _ DEPARTMENT MARCH 2008 JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES, ARE RINGS, OR LQ JIVALENT TO ATTACH FABRIC TO FWTS, _Tv 1 I T u //,.0, POST SPACING MAYBE INCREASED A TOS' IF WIRE BACKING IS USED 2'x7- BY 14 Ga. WIRE OR EQUIVALENT, IF STANDARD $TRE HUTH FAORC USED F1 7F R FABRIC rl MINIMUM 4'x9-TRENGH BACKFILL TRENCH VV IT H NATIVE SIOIL 2'x4- WOOD POSTS, STEEL FENCE POSTS, REBAR, OR EQUIVALENT x H NOTES 1. CONDITION OF USE 1.1. SILT FENCE MAY BE USED DOWNSLOPE OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 1.2- SILT FENCE IS NOT INTENDf D TO TREAT CONCENTRATED FLOWS, NOR IS INTENDED TO TREAT SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS OF OVERLAND FLOW ANY CONCENTRATED FLOW MOST BE CONVEYED THROUGH THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 2. 011 AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATION$ 2.1, THE GEOTEXTILE USED MOST MET THE STANDARD LISTED BELLOW, A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S FABRIC SPECIFICATIONS MOST BE AVAILABLE ON SITE. AOS (ASTM D4i51] 3o-100 51 EV E SIZE Iff.6DQ LSMM) F DR SILT F! LM So-laO 51 EV E 512E 10.3U0.15MM FOR OTH ER FABRICS WAT£RPERMITRVFIY (ASTM 0491O-00SEC"-11WNIMUM GRA9TENSILESTRENCHTIASTMG4fi37j 1801-35-MiN.FOR EXTRASTREN5HFABRIC IDU 135. ININ. FOR STA N DARD SYR ENGHT FABRIC GRAB TENSILE ELONGATION ASTMD41532 3D%MAX. D LTRAV IOLATE R ESI5TANC E IASTM [543551 7D% MIN. 2.2, STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC REDUIRES WIRE BACKING TO INCREASE THE STRENGTH OF THE FENCE. WIRE BACKING OR CLOSER POST SPACING MAY BE REQUIRED FOR EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC IF FIELD PERFORMANrE WARRANTS A STRONGER FENCE. 2.3. WHERE THE FENCE IS INSTALLED, THE SLOPE SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN 2H: 1V 2.4. IF A TYPICAL SILT FENCE ES USED, THE STANDARD 4X4 TRENCH MAY NOT BE REDUCED AS LONG AS THE BOTTOM $INCHES OF THE SILT FENCE IS WELL BURIED AND SECURE IN A TRENCH THAT STABILIZES THE FENCE AND DOES NOT ALLOW WATER TO BYPASS OR UNDERMINE THE SILT FENCE. 3. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 3-1, ANY DAMAGE SHALL SE REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. 3.2. IF CONCENTRATED FLOES ARE EVIDENT UPHILL OD THE FENCE, THEY MUST BE INTERCEPTED AND CONVEYED TOA SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 2.3. IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHECK THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE FENCE FOR SIGNS OF THE FENCE CLOGGING AND ACTING AS A BARRIER TO FLOW AND THEN CAUSING CHANNELIZATION OF FLOWS PARALLELTO THE FENCE. IF THIS OCCURS, REPLACE THE FENCE Dig REMOVED THE TRAP SEDIMENT. 3.4. SEDIMENT MOST BE REMOVED WHEN SEDIMENT IS 6 INCHES HIGH - :3 -5, IF THE FILTER FA13RIC (GEOTEXTILE) HAS DETERIORATED DUE TO ULTRAVIOLET BREAKI)OWN. IT SHALL BE REPLACED- 30117' EPLACED. �,ti STD. PLAN — 214.00 � � + PUBLIC WORDS SILT FENCE DEPARTMENT' 8 MARCH 2008 3a117' �••� • ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ 009 e•< DlD ❑ vitalTM Cluster Box Unit - Type I 33 318" 12" ;� 4" 28 112' PEDESTAL 51 112 57 5/8" 45" 10" 30118" 29' 12 PEDESTAL BASE BOLT PATTERN DOOR CHART FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW DOD]ITI'r! CIM IRVIONVIV.111'AW11 TN] TENANT "ITIA11-1a118' NOTES: 10"PARCEL 1a1147L12_IV1dr IT TAROK 1"-rX12-13118" 1. This unit is approved for USPS and private applications. a MSE; vital CLUSTER BOX UNIT OUTGOING SLOT S14'k11.y4' 2. Decorative mailbox accessories sold separately and are USPS Approved products. 3. Pedestal should be installed with included Rudder Pad: AF ^ 1�TU ""Goa 157H 'FY A mounting hardware not included, refer to installation manual for L'L�j LVA NONE LASTREVDATE recommendations. manAwkwing e0111pany 9126rXI2 4. Florence T' wiles CBU is Officially Licensed by USPS: 5935 Corporate Drive . Manhottan, KS 66503 DRA'"ING NyM6Bi DRAWN 6Y License#CIDSEQ-08-13-0012 www.florencemailbQxes.com • (800) 275-1747 1570-8CS AFD A GIBRALTAR INDUSTRIES COMPANY I,, CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-555 Q J a I YJ Ln O DO M Z ❑ C�O U1 Cn J z J Q N � Z Q o Zz W W W L -LI QJ: W `/') 0. I— ❑ LLJ Jz 1) W W 0 Z Q Revisions J A J Drawn LMR Checked Date September 24, 2017 Sheet 0 Scale Job 1"=20'—O" r� v Z M W co '00000` 0 a) a) CO W C"J co N M W ,000 = N 00 — wN CDZLOLn N � J�� N 000 Y -J X CD LL. Q J a I YJ Ln O DO M Z ❑ C�O U1 Cn J z J Q N � Z Q o Zz W W W L -LI QJ: W `/') 0. I— ❑ LLJ Jz 1) W W 0 Z Q Revisions A Drawn LMR Checked Date September 24, 2017 Sheet C-6 Scale Job 1"=20'—O"