HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-8 GGGG p-RENTON 2-LOT-NT NOTESP Cl TY OF RENTON TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1 purpose The purpose of this code section is to establish guidelines for the restoration of City streets disturbed by installation of utilities and other construction activities. Any public or private utilities, general contractors, or others permitted to work in the public right-of-way will adhere to the procedures set forth in this policy. SECTION 2 definitions Engineer: The term engineer shall denote the City project manager, inspector and/or plan reviewer, or their designated representative. SECTION 3 HOURS OF OPERATIONS Hours for work within the roadway for asphalt overlays or trench restoration shall be as directed by the Traffic Control Plan requirements and as approved by the Traffic Operations Engineer. SECTION 4 application 1. The following standards shall be followed when doing trench or excavation work within the paved portion of any City of Renton right-of-way. 2. Modifications or exemptions to these standards may be authorized by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, or authorized representative, upon written request by the permittee, their contractor or engineer and demonstration of on equivalent alternative. SECTION 5 INSPECTION The Engineer may determine in the field that a full street -width (edge -of -pavement to edge -of -pavement) overlay is required due to changes in the permit conditions such as, but not limited to the following:. 1. There has been damage to the existing asphalt surface due to the contractor's equipment. 2. The trench width was increased significantly or the existing pavement is undermined or damaged. 3. Any other construction related activities that require additional pavement restoration. SECTION 6 CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS 1. All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with the City of Renton Standard and Supplemental Specifications (current adopted version) except where otherwise noted in these Standards. Materials and workmanship ore required to be in conformance with standards for the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and shall comply with the most current edition, as modified by the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications. An asphalt paver shall be used in accordance with Section 5-04.3(3) of Standard Specifications. A "Layton Box" or equal may be used in place of the power -propelled paver. Rollers shall be used in accordance with Section 5-04.3(4) of thestondard Specifications. "Plate Compactors" and "Jumping Jacks" SHALL NOT be used in lieu of rollers. 2. Trench backfill and resurfacing shall be as shown in the City of Renton Standard Details, unless modified by the City Permit. Surfacing depths shown in the Standard Details are minimums and may be increased by the Engineer to meet traffic loads or site conditions. SECTION 7 requirement for PATCHING, overlay. overlay widths All trench and pavement cuts shall be made by sawcut or by grinding. Sowcuts or grinding shall be a minimum of one foot (1) outside the trench width. The top two inches (2') of asphalt shall be ground down to a minimum distance of one foot (1) beyond the actual outside edges of the trench and shall be replaced with two inches (2') of Class B asphalt, per City of Renton Standards. At the discretion of the engineer, a full street width overlay may be required. Lane -width or a full street -width overlay will be determined based upon the location and length of the proposed trench within the roadway cross-section. Changes in field conditions may warrant implementation of additional overlay requirements. 1. Trenches (Road Crossings): a. The minimum width of a transverse patch (road crossing) shall be six and one-half feet (6.5). See City of Renton Standard Plan Drawing #HR -23 (SP Page: H032A). b. Any affected lane will be ground down two inches (2') and paved for the entire width of the lane. c. Patch shall be a minimum of one foot (1') beyond the excavation and patch length shall be a minimum of on entire traveled lane. d. If the outside of the trenching is within three feet (3) of any adjacent lane line, the entire adjacent traveled lane affected will be repoved e. An area including the trench and one foot (1) on each side of the trench but not less than six and one half feet (6.5) total for the entire width of the affected traveled lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2'). A two-inch (2') overlay of Class B asphalt will be applied per City standards. 2. Trenches Running Parallel With the Street:. a. The minimum width of a longitudinal patch shall be four and one-half feet (4.5). See City of Renton Standard Plan Drawing #HR -05 (SP Page H032). b. If the trenching is within a single traveled lane, on entire lane -width overlay will be required. c. If the outside of the trenching is within three feet (3) of any adjacent lane line, the entire adjacent traveled lane affected will be overlaid. d. If the trenching is greater than, or equal to 307. of lane per block (660 -foot maximum block length), or if the total patches exceed 12 per block, then the lanes affected will be overlaid. Minimum overlay shall include all patches within the block section. e. The entire traveled lane width for the length of the trench and an additional ten feet (10) at each end of the trench will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2'). A two-inch (2') overlay of Class B will be applied per City standards. 3. Potholing: Potholing shall meet the some requirements as trenching and pavement restoration. Potholing shall be a minimum of one foot (1') beyond the excavation. All affected lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2') and paved not less than six and one half feet (6.5) wide for the entire width of the lane. Potholes greater than five feet (5) in length, width or diameter shall be restored to trench restoration standards. In all cases, potholes shall be repaired per Renton Standard Plan # HR05 (SP Page H032). Restoration requirements utilizing voctor equipment will be determined by the engineer. SECTION 8 PAVEMENT REMOVAL in lieu of grinding The contractor in all cases con remove the pavement in the replacement area instead of grinding out the specified two inches (2') of asphalt. Full pavement replacement to meet or exceed the existing pavement depth will be required for the area of pavement removal. Section 9 Trench backfill and restoration Construction Requirements 1. Trench restoration shall be either by a patch or overlay method, as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR -05, HR -23, and HR -22 (SP Pages #H032, H032A, and H033). 2. All trench and pavement cuts, which will not be overlaid, shall be made by sawcut or grinding. Sawcuts shall be a minimum of two feet (2) outside the excavated trench width. 3. All trenching within the top four feet (4) shall be backfilled with crushed surfacing materials conforming to Section 4-04 of the Standard Specifications. Any trenching over four feet (4') in depth may use materials approved by the Engineer or Materials Lab for backfilling below the four -foot (4) depth. If the existing material (or other material) is determined by the Engineer to be suitable for backfill, the contractor may use the native material, except that the top six inches (6') shall be crushed surfacing top course material. The trench shall be compacted to a minimum ninety-five percent (957.) density, as described in Section 2-03 of the Standard Specifications. In the top six feet (6) of any trench, backfill compaction shall be performed in eight to 12 -inch (8-12') lifts. Any trench deeper than six feet (6) may be compacted in 24 -inch lifts, up to the top six-foot (6') zone. All compaction shall be performed by mechanical methods. The compaction tests may be performed in maximum four -foot (4) vertical increments. The test results shall be given to the Engineer for review and approval prior to paving. The number and location of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. 4. Temporary restoration of trenches for overnight use shall be accomplished by using MC mix (cold mix), Asphalt Treated Base (ATB), or steel plates, as approved by the Engineer. AT8 used for temporary restoration may be dumped directly into the trench, bladed out and rolled. After rolling, the trench must be filled flush with asphalt to provide a smooth riding surface. If the temporary restoration does not hold up, the Contractor shall repair the patch within eight hours of being notified of the problem by the City. This requirement applies 24 hours per day, seven days a week. In the event that the City determines to repair the temporary patch, the contractor shall reimburse the City in on amount that is double the City's cost in repairing the patch, with the second half of the reimbursement to represent City overhead and hidden costs. 5. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B shall be placed to the compacted depth as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR -05, HR -23, and HR -22 (SP Pages #H032, H032A, and H033) or as directed by the Engineer. The grade of asphalt shall be AR -4000W. The materials shall be made in conformance with Section 9-02.1(4) of the Standard Specifications. 6. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement at edge of saw cuts and shall be emulsified asphalt grade CSS -1, as specified in Section 9-02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack shall be applied as specified in Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications. 7. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B, shall be placed in accordance with Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications; except those longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of twelve inches (12'), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.8 of the Standard Specifications. All street surfaces, walks or driveways within the street trenching areas shall be feathered and shimmed to on extent that provides a smooth -riding connection and expeditious drainage flow for the newly paved surface. Feathering and shimming shall not decrease the minimum vertical curb depth below four inches (4') for storm water flow. The Engineer may require additional grinding to increase the curb depth available for storm water flow in areas that are inadequate. Shimming and feathering, as required by the Engineer, shall be accomplished by raking out the oversized aggregates from the Class B mix as appropriate. Surface smoothness shall be per Section 5-04.3(13) of the Standard Specifications. The paving shall be corrected by removal and repaving of the trench only. Asphalt patch depths will vary based upon the streets being trenched. The actual depths of asphalt and the work to be performed shall be as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR -05, HR -23, and HR -22 (SP Pages #H032, H032A, and H033). Compaction of oil lifts of asphalt shall be a minimum ninety-two percent (927.) of density as determined by WSDOT Test Method 705. The number of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. b Testing shall be performed by on independent testing lab with the results being supplied to the Engineer. Testing is not intended to relieve the contractor from any liability for the trench restoration. It is intended to show the inspector, and the City, that the restoration meets these specifications. 8. All joints shall be sealed using paving asphalt AR -4000W. 9. When trenching within the unpaved roadway shoulder(s), the shoulder shall be restored to its original condition, or better. 10. The final patch or overlay shall be completed as soon as possible and shall not exceed fifteen (15) working days after first opening the trench. This time frame may be adjusted if delays are due to inclement paving weather or other adverse conditions that may exist. However, delaying of final patch or overlay work is subject to the Engineer's approval. The Engineer may deem it necessary to complete the work within the fifteen (15) working day time frame and not allow any time extension. Should this occur, the Contractor shall perform the necessary work, as directed by the Engineer. 11. A City of Renton temporary Traffic Control Plan (from Renton Transportation Engineering) shall be submitted and approved by the Engineer a minimum of three (3) working days prior to commencement of work. SECTION 10 REMOVAL OF UTILITY LOCATE MARKINGS FROM SIDEWALKS REQUIRED The Permittee will be required to remove utility locate marks on sidewalks only within the Downtown Core Area. The permittee shall remove the utility locate marks within 14 days of job completion. SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC. 5, TWP. 23 N., RNG. 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. THESE NOTES SHALL APPEAR FOR ALL PROJECTS - SITE IMPROVEMENTS, SURFACE WATER UTILITY, WASTEWATER UTILITY, WATER UTILITY, AND TRANSPORTATION PLANS: 2. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY OCCURS, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELD WITH THE CITY OF RENTON, PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER. 3. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CLEARING LIMITS AND AREAS OF VEGETATION PRESERVATION AS PRESCRIBED ON THE PLAN(S) SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED BY SURVEY TAPE OR FENCING IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX D OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL AND OBSERVED DURING CONSTRUCTION. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, NO DISTURBANCE BEYOND THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE PERMITTED. THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE APPLICANT/ESC SUPERVISOR FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. 4. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL MEASURES, SUCH AS CONSTRUCTED WHEEL WASH SYSTEMS OR WASH PADS, MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE KEPT CLEAN AND TRACK OUT TO ROAD RIGHT OF WAY DOES NOT OCCUR FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 5. ALL REQUIRED SEDIMENTATION/EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND/OR CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT TRANSPORTATION OF SEDIMENT TO SURFACE WATER, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A SATISFACTORY CONDITION UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT CLEARING AND/OR CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND POTENTIAL FOR ON-SITE EROSION HAS PASSED. THE IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND ADDITIONS TO EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMI TEE. 6. THE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SYSTEMS DEPICTED ON THIS DRAWING ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MEET ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS DICTATE, THE PERMI TEE SHALL ANTICIPATE THAT MORE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES WILL BE NECESSARY TO ENSURE COMPLETE SILTATION CONTROL ON THE PROPOSED SITE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE THE OBLIGATION AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMI TEE TO ADDRESS ANY NEW CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY THE ACTIVITIES AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FACILITIES, OVER AND ABOVE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS, AS MAY BE NEEDED, TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND WATER QUALITY OF THE RECEIVING DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 7. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN IS FOR EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ONLY. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN APPROVAL OF STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN, SIZE NOR LOCATION OF PIPES, RESTRICTORS, CHANNELS, OR RETENTION FACILITIES. 8. ANY AREAS OF EXPOSED SOILS, INCLUDING ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS, THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TWO DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON (OCTOBER 1ST TROUGH MARCH 30TH) OR SEVEN DAYS DURING THE DRY SEASON (APRIL 1ST TOUGH SEPTEMBER 30) SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH THE APPROVED ESC COVER METHODS (E.G., SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASTIC COVERING, ETC.). 9. WET SEASON SEASONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS APPLY TO ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES CLEARING BETWEEN OCTOBER 1 AND MARCH 30 INCLUSIVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY THROUGH AN ADJUSTMENT PROCESS. 10. COVER MEASURES WILL BE APPLIED IN CONFORMANCE WITH APPENDIX D OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL. 11. ANY AREA NEEDING ESC MEASURES, NOT REQUIRING IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, SHALL BE ADDRESSED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS. 12. THE ESC FACILITIES ON INACTIVE SITES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED A MINIMUM OF ONCE A MONTH OR WITHIN 24 HOURS FOLLOWING A STORM EVENT. 13. AT NO TIME SHALL MORE THAN ONE (1) FOOT OF SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE WITHIN A CATCH BASIN. ALL CATCH BASINS AND CONVEYANCE LINES SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO PAVING. THE CLEANING OPERATION SHALL NOT FLUSH SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO THE DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM. 14. DURING THE TIME PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1ST THROUGH MARCH 30TH, ALL PROJECT DISTRIBUTED SOIL AREAS GREATER, THAT ARE TO BE LEFT UN -WORKED FOR MORE THAN 12 HOURS, SHALL BE COVERED BY MULCH, SODDING OR PLASTIC COVERING. 15. ANY PERMANENT RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY USED AS A TEMPORARY SETTLING BASIN SHALL BE MODIFIED WITH THE NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE CAPACITY. IF THE PERMANENT FACILITY IS TO FUNCTION ULTIMATELY AS AN INFILTRATION SYSTEM, THE TEMPORARY FACILITY MUST BE ROUGH GRADED SO THAT THE BOTTOM AND SIDES ARE AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE OF THE PERMANENT FACILITY. 16. PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON (OCT. 1), ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE REVIEWED TO IDENTIFY WHICH ONES CAN BE SEEDED IN PREPARATION FOR THE WINTER RAINS. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON. A SKETCH MAP OF THOSE AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND THOSE AREAS TO REMAIN UNCOVERED SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR REVIEW. SURFACE WATER STANDARD PLAN NOTES 1. THESE NOTES SHALL APPEAR ON PROJECTS FOR THE SURFACE WATER 2. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY OCCURS, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELD BETWEEN THE CITY OF RENTON PLAN REVIEW SECTION AND THE APPLICANT. 3. ALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE (RMC), THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION PREPARED BY WSDOT AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA), AS AMENDED BY THE CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER TO CORRECT ANY ERROR, OMISSION OR VARIATION FROM THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS FOUND IN THIS PLANS. ALL CORRECTIONS SHALL BE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CITY. 4. APPROVAL OF THIS ROAD, GRADING, PARKING AND DRAINAGE PLAN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION (E.G. DOMESTIC WATER CONVEYANCE, SEWER CONVEYANCE, GAS, ELECTRICAL. ETC.)THE SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLANS, WHICH ARE ON FILE IN WITH THE CITY. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED PLANS WILL REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, SURFACE WATER UTILITY SECTION. 5. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 6. GRADING ACTIVITIES (SITE ALTERATION) ARE LIMITED TO THE HOURS OF 7 A.M. TO 7 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND NO WORK ON SUNDAY IS ALLOWED, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED WITH A WRITTEN DECISION BY THE CITY OF RENTON. 7. IT SHALL BE THE APPLICANT'S/CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN ALL CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS NECESSARY BEFORE INITIATING OFF-SITE WORK. EASEMENTS REQUIRE CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8. FRANCHISED UTILITIES OR OTHER INSTALLATIONS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THESE APPROVED PLANS SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED UNLESS AN APPROVED SET OF PLANS THAT MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 4 OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL ARE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RENTON. 9. DATUM SHALL BE NAVD 88 UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF RENTON. REFERENCE BENCHMARK AND ELEVATIONS ARE NOTED ON THE PLANS. 10. ANY DEWATERING SYSTEM NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORMWATER FACILITIES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. 11. ALL UTILITY TRENCHES AND ROADWAY SUBGRADE SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT DENSITY, STANDARD PROCTOR. 12. OPEN CUTTING OF EXISTING ROADWAYS FOR NON -FRANCHISED UTILITY OR STORM DRAINAGE WORK IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY APPROVED BY THE CITY OF RENTON AND NOTED ON THESE APPROVED PLANS. ANY OPEN CUT SHALL BE RESTORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF RENTON TRENCH RESTORATION STANDARDS. 13. ALL SEDIMENTATION/EROSION FACILITIES MUST BE IN OPERATION PRIOR TO CLEARING AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND THEY MUST BE SATISFACTORILY MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THE POTENTIAL FOR ON-SITE EROSION HAS PASSED. 14. ALL RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITIES MUST BE INSTALLED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, SURFACE WATER UTILITY SECTION. 15. ALL PIPE AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE LAID ON A PROPERLY PREPARED FOUNDATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT STATE OF WASHINGTON STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE NECESSARY LEVELING OF THE TRENCH BOTTOM OR THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION MATERIAL, AS WELL AS PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF REQUIRED BEDDING MATERIAL, TO UNIFORM GRADE SO THAT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PIPE WILL BE SUPPORTED ON A UNIFORMLY DENSE, UNYIELDING BASE. ALL PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE APWA CLASS "C'; WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PVC PIPE. 16. STEEL PIPE SHALL BE ALUMINIZED, OR GALVANIZED WITH ASPHALT TREATMENT #1 OR BETTER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. 17. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, SUCH AS CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES SHALL HAVE SOLID LOCKING LIDS. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ASSOCIATED WITH A PERMANENT RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY SHALL HAVE SOLID LOCKING LIDS. 18. BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCTURES SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 4.1 EASEMENT WIDTHS AND BUILDING SETBACKS LINES. 19. ALL CATCH BASIN GRATES SHALL BE DEPRESSED 0.10 FEET BELOW PAVEMENT LEVEL. 20. ALL DRIVEWAY CULVERTS LOCATED WITHIN CITY OF RENTON RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 3:1 SLOPE FROM THE EDGE OF THE DRIVEWAY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE DITCH. ROCK FOR EROSION PROTECTION OF ROADSIDE DITCHES, WHERE REQUIRED, SHALL BE OF SOUND QUARRY ROCK PLACED TO A DEPTH OF ONE (1) FOOT AND MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS. 4 - 8 INCH ROCK / 40 - 707. PASSING, 2 - 4 INCH ROCK / 30 - 407. PASSING; AND LESS THAN 2 INCH ROCK / 10 - 20% PASSING. 21. ALL BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS AND FOOTING DRAINS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, UNLESS APPROVED BY THE CITY PLAN REVIEWER OR SURFACE WATER UTILITY SECTION. AN ACCURATELY DIMENSIONED, CERTIFIED AS -BUILT DRAWING OF THIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY UPON COMPLETION. 22. DRAINAGE OUTLETS (STUB -OUTS) SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT, EXCEPT FOR THOSE LOTS APPROVED FOR INFILTRATION BY THE CITY. STUB -OUTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING. a. EACH OUTLET SHALL BE SUITABLY LOCATED AT THE LOWEST ELEVATION ON THE LOT, SO AS TO SERVICE ALL FUTURE ROOF DOWNSPOUTS AND FOOTING DRAINS, DRIVEWAYS, YARD DRAINS, AND ANY OTHER SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE DRAINS NECESSARY TO RENDER THE LOTS SUITABLE FOR THEIR INTENDED USE. EACH OUTLET SHALL HAVE FREE-FLOWING, POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN APPROVED STORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM OR TO AN APPROVED OUTFALL LOCATION. b. OUTLETS ON EACH LOT SHALL BE LOCATED WITH A FIVE -FOOT -HIGH, 2" X 4" STAKE MARKED "STORM" OR "DRAIN". THE STUB -OUT SHALL EXTEND ABOVE SURFACE LEVEL, BE VISIBLE, AND BE SECURED TO THE STAKE. c. PIPE MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO UNDERDRAIN SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIBED IN CHAPTER 4 OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL AND, IF NON-METALLIC, THE PIPE SHALL BE PLACED IN A TRENCH WITH A TRACING WIRE ABOVE OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE DETECTION. d. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS DESIGNED TO CONVEY FLOWS THROUGH INDIVIDUAL LOTS.THE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE LOCATIONS OF ALL STUB- OUT CONVEYANCE LINES WITH RESPECT TO OTHER UTILITIES (E.G. POWER, GAS, TELEPHONE, TELEVISION). e. ALL INDIVIDUAL STUB -OUTS SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE LOT HOME OWNER. f. STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SYSTEMS SHALL NOT PENETRATE BUILDING FOUNDATIONS, EXCEPT FOR SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE LINES USED TO DRAIN CRAWL SPACES, PROVIDED THE SUMP PUMP SYSTEM INCLUDES BACKFLOW PREVENTION OR A CHECK VALVE. 23. ALL DISTURBED PERVIOUS AREAS (COMPACTED, GRADED, LANDSCAPED, ETC.) OF THE DEVELOPMENT SITE MUST DEMONSTRATE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: THE EXISTING DUFF LAYER SHALL BE STAGED AND REDISTRIBUTED TO MAINTAIN THE MOISTURE CAPACITY OF THE SOIL, OR, AMENDED SOIL SHALL BE ADDED TO MAINTAIN THE MOISTURE CAPACITY. 24. PROOF OF LIABILITY INSURANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ISSUANCE. 25. ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING OR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS BY THE CITY OF RENTON DOES NOT RELIEVE THE OWNER OF THE CONTINUING LEGAL OBLIGATION AND/OR LIABILITY CONNECTED WITH STORM SURFACE WATER DISPOSITION. FURTHER, THE CITY OF RENTON DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY OBLIGATION FOR THE PROPER FUNCTIONING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 26. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ADEQUATE SAFEGUARD, SAFETY DEVICES, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, FLAGGERS, AND ANY OTHER NEEDED ACTIONS TO PROTECT THE LIFE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC, AND TO PROTECT PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK. ANY WORK WITHIN THE TRAVELED RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT MAY INTERRUPT NORMAL TRAFFIC FLOW SHALL REQUIRE A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN APPROVE BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION. ALL SECTIONS OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 1-07-23 TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL APPLY. 27. PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA (APA) SHALL COMPLY WITH SPECIAL REQUIREMENT #6 OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL AND AQUIFER PROTECTION REGULATIONS (RMC 4-3-050). M N U 0 0 J 0 J Checked LMR Date September 24, 2017 Sheet C-8 Scale Job O Z cY) LU M Zrn - LU NC9 00 LU Q��oOo Q = (N C) ^^ 00 LUO H Z Lo N LO N �J�� N00 QO J X (n (o LU (0 Y H Q IL Q J a 1 0 J [e] Z W I W EL 0 J W W 0 Z 0 Q Q0 Ln O 00 O z O 0 z_ U) Q ON Z O z Ld Ld Ld U) 2 Ld z O Revisions 0 0 0 0 Drawn Checked LMR Date September 24, 2017 Sheet C-8 Scale Job 1 "=20'-0" N W FM 0Z