HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotechnical ReportSediment Deposition Mitigation -Lake Houses at Eagle Cove Geotechnical Report {12-eopleS) Applicability: Item 13 -Grade and Fill Permit Item 22 -Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Sediment Sampling Report Prepared by Lloyd *& Associates, Inc. Geotechnical Laboratory Analysis by Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotchnical Investigation -Geotech Consultants, 2010 and 2011 Per Clark Clu~c_ Cit) pf Rcntun. onl) 3 copies must b\.' SUblllitlcJ Lloyd & Associates. Inc. 21116-213 ~edllTIellt :'-,CllTIpling H.I:~lII1~ UM\'ll -I Sediment Sampling and Analytical Results Barbee Maintenance Dredging Barbee Company, P.O. Box 359 Renton, Washington SUHM1TTfD To: USACEI DREDGE MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Prepared by: Lloyd & Associates, Inc. 255 Camaloch Dr. Camano Island. W i\ 98282 Revised: December 12. 2016 Page I of 30 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction Site History -Historical Dredging Sediment Sampling Results Summary Suitability for Open Water Disposal 2.0 Sediment Sampling Sample Stations Sampling Equipment Field Sampling Procedure Equipment Decontamination Composite Preparation Chain-of Custody Grain Size Distribution/Field Observations 3.0 Sediment Chemical Analyses Sediment Chemical Analyses Total Metals Volatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile Organic Compounds Pesticides and PCBs Petroleum Hydrocarbons Dioxins and Furans 4.0 Quality Assurance Review Summary 5.0 r ,]0;' d &. AssoCluks. lilt Sediment Chemical Analyses Total Metals Volatile Organic Compounds Semi volatile Organic Compounds Pesticides and PCBs Petroleum Hydrocarbons Dioxins and F urans Conclusions and Recommendations Sediment Sampling Considerations Page:2 of 30 ~lllh-~ 1-' ~edllncnt ~'-1mpilllg Kc<.,ulh 1)\,11\11 -I Table of Contents (continued) Figures and Tables Figure 1-\: Site Photograph Figure 2-\: Sediment Sampling Stations Figure 2-2: Sediment core 071 02 I IBarbee/G- Figure 2-3: Grain Size Distribution Table 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations Table 2-2: Grain Size Data Table 3-1: Sediment Results I Conventional Parameters Table 3-2: Sediment Results I Total Metals Table 3-3: Sediment Results I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Table 3-4: Sediment Results I Pesticides and PCBs Table 3-5: Sediment Results I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Table 3-6: Sediment Results I Dioxins & Furans Table 4-1: QA Summary I Conventional Parameters Table 4-2: QA Summary I Total Metals Table 4-3: QA Summary I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Table 4-4: QA Summary I Pesticides and PCBs Table 4-5: QA Summary I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Table 4-6: QA Summary I Dioxins & Furans Attachments Attachment A -Sediment Sampling Logs Attachment B -Grain Size Distribution Attachment C -Laboratory Reports and Quality Control Summary Attachment D -Historical Sampling and Analysis Results :\ole ;\llachll1enh ( an d subll1illed seraratcl) I ,i{l\'d & Associates. Inc Page 3 ono 1.0 Introduction This report provides results of sediment sampling and chemical testing of sediments in conjunction with proposed Maintenance Dredging. The purposes of this sampling and analysis program are: (l) to chemical collect data regarding the level(s) of contamination that mayor may not be present within sediments of the permitted dredge area; and (2) to assess the suitability of dredged materials for open-water disposal. The purpose of the proposed dredging is to maintain navigational and recreational access. As currently permitted, we anticipate approximately 2500 to 2700 CY of material will be dredged in 2017 based on 2016 hydrographic data. Site History -Historical Dredging The project area (see Figure I-I) has been dredged for many decades. In recent history, the area was dredged in 1994, 1997,2001/2002 and 2011. The boathouse was constructed in the 1950's, and has been in continuous use. A portion of the Barbee Boathouse Navigational Dredge area was last dredged in 2011, concurrent with boathouse renovation under USACE Permit Reference #NWS-2007-1 0 19. Figure I-I: Site Navigational Access Photograph. Photograph looking west toward ,\Iereer Island showing the current slatus or the Yavigalional Access to the Boathouse. Ihe navigatiunal assess "channef'" is immediately 10 Ihe leII qflhe line qfpiling and boom logs Page -t of ~O 2() 1 1\-'213 ScdllnCllt S:lInpl mg Rl'~lIll~ ])IVI Ml -I North of the former Barbee Mill facility (approximately 2000 ft), is Quendall Terminals. Quendall Terminals is a CERCLA (superfund) site managed by EPA. Primary contaminants at this site are creosote residues (PAH compounds) and petroleum hydrocarbons. Barbee Lumber Mill operations occurred north of the May Creek Delta, and south of Quendall Terminals. Lumber mill operations were essentially shut down in 1999. The boathouse area has been periodically dredged since the early 1950's to maintain navigational access to the boathouse. There is no record of spills or other discharges impacting sediments in the proposed dredge area although low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons were detected during sampling and chemical analysis in 2008. Sediments in the proposed dredge area arise principally from deposition during severe storm events (high energy) when sediment loadings carried from the May Valley Drainage Basin are substantial. Sediments to be dredged in the future are derived from depositional events that have occurred at the May Creek Delta for many years. The project proponents seek to dredge depositional sediments that have infilled the navigational access to the boathouse. The Barbee Company has secured all permits to dredge the area from the USACE and is currently updating permits from state and local jurisdictions. As permitted by USACE, our proposal is to dredge the permitted profile approved by USACE. This profile will not reach depths that will encounter sediments that are older than dredging work completed in 2011 or in previous dredging events. In all respects we will not be dredging to depths that at or below 10-12' elevation (MSL, Corps Datum). In 2002 the depth at the western edge of the dredge footprint was approximately 15-20 feet deep, well below proposed dredge profile. In 2005, for example, the water depth at the Eagle Roost (also periodically referred to the Osprey Nest) was approximately 10' (12' El. MSL). Since 2005, there has been over 10' of depositional infill from on going erosional events. While the numbers are not well developed, the volume of material deposited in Lake Washington at the May Creek Delta is at least 25,000 CY (and likely substantially higher). The point is that the project proponents are not dredging older lake bed sediments by any means. We are simply looking at dredging the least amount of depositional material possible to maintain access to the boathouse, boat ramp, and shoreline access for protected recreational uses. The proposed depth profile for dredging will occur within recent infillideposition. These results are also to be considered a supplement to previous sediment sampling and analysis work conducted in 2007 (reported in 2008) and years prior (see Attachment D -Historical Summary Data Summary). Sediment Sampling Results -Summary Detected chemical contamination in the permitted dredge area (DMMU-l) is very limited. Testing results are below DMMP fresh water and marine screening levels for all parameters (see Section 3.0 Chemical and Physical Data). Nevertheless, some motor oil range petroleum hydrocarbon was detected at 39 mg/kg (dry basis). Diesel Page 5 of 30 range petroleum product was detected in the composite sample at 8.3 mg/kg (dry basis). Additionally, traces of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected. For example, benzo(a)pyrene was detected at 24 ug/Kg (dry basis). Suitability of Dredged Material for Open Water Disposal All data indicate that detected chemical contamination levels are below all low-level screening criteria, and that the materials are acceptable for disposal at a DMMP open- water disposal site. Lloyd & ASSOCiates. Illc Page 6 of 30 2.0 Sediment Sampling Sediment sampling at the Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area was conducted on Monday July 4, 2016. Sediment samples were collected, compo sited and preserved for next day delivery to Analytical Resources, Inc. (Seattle, W A). This section provides a summary of sediment sampling information. Sediment Sampling Logs are provided in Attachment A. Sample Stations Differential GPS was utilized to locate sediment sample stations. Sampling occurred close to proposed locations as moderated by observed field and gusty weather conditions. Sampling locations are summarized in Table 2-1 below. All data was collected using North America Datum (NAD83-Washington North). Lake Elevation at the time of sampling was provided by the USACE at Chittenden Locks. Lake elevation was 20.6 feet (MSL), approximately 1.2 feet below the Ordinary High Water Line (OHWL). Table 2-1 Sample Stationing Actual Sampling Sample Location State Plane (It) Easting Northing Monday. July 04, 2016 Mudline Proposed Sampling Elevation Design EL. Thickness (It) SED-1 SSE about 39' from Osprey pole 1301394.0 195430.7 18.5 14.5 4.0 3.1 1.0 2.7 SED-2 South of peninsula about 38' SED-3 Adjacent to Boathouse Door Notes 1301509.0 195448.0 19.1 16.0 1301612.5 195476.9 13.0 12.0 Average Thickness (It) = SEO-1 Moved south nearer to sharp increase in depth SEO-3 Boathouse door locked, sampled just outside of boathouse door All elevations are in feet. MSL (USACE Datum) Sampling Equipment Samples SED-I and SED-2 were collected as drive samples using a gravity corer from University of Washington. Sample recoveries were generally very good fro Sample SED-2(> 70%) as shown in Sediment Sampling Logs provided in Attachment A. However, recovery at SED-I was poor due to nature of materials sampled. The middle section of the drive met little resistance, and it is believed that we hit a homogeneous loose sandy layer that was lost with extraction of the gravity corer. A repeat drive was conducted with the same results. At no time did it appear that we hit a hard substrate such as might be anticipated in a lake bottom. Because of the consistency of core results (mostly fine 10 medium sand) all sediments appear to [.hl\'d & ASSOCiates. Inc Page 7 of 30 21116-213 ~eJIIlK'll1 S,\lllpill1g I<.l'suils [)Mlvll "1 of recent depositional origin. Because of the shallow sampling thickness, SED-3, was collected with a small vanVeeen sampler with 100% recovery. Sediment Sampling Stations are shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations (Proposed and Actual) Field Sampling Procedure Because of the recent substantial deposition (arising from May Creek), sampling was accomplished by walking out to the sampling locations with the exception of the boathouse sample (SED-3) which was collected just outside the boathouse from an adjacent float. Depth to mudline (something of a misnomer, since no mud was encountered) was measured with a weighted line. The 8' gravity corer included a 24" extension with an added drive weight. The sampler was generally easily extracted and raised out of the water. The only problem encountered with sampling recovery occurred at SED-l where we hit a pocket of low resistance, believed to be homogeneous sandy materials. Sediment cores at SED-I and SED-2 had low water content when extracted. Once extracted from the lined sampler, the sample core was visually inspected and logged. Core contents from within the dredge profile were retained in individual stainless steel bowls. Mixing of the core contents was with a clean stainless steel spoon. No attempt was made to select layers or otherwise alter the sample contents. Equipment Decontamination Prior to sampling, all sampling equipment was decontaminated by scrubbing with a dilute solution of Alconox, rinsed with tap water, and then followed by two rinses of distilled water. In the field, the samplers were rinsed with lake water and visually inspected prior to moving to the next sampling station. A solvent rinse was not utilized at any time. Composite Preparation r .10\ d & A"soclaks. Ille Page 80f30 1() I (1-213 Scdlll1l.'nt S'1111rl ,ng Rc:-;ulh 1)\-1 t'l1 ! ;-1 A composite sample was constructed from SED-I, SED-2 and SED-3 sediments. The composite was weighted 45% each of SED-I and SED-2, and 10% of SED-3. It is unlikely that dredging will occur at the boathouse (SED-3) in the near future because recent sediment deposition patterns to the west predominate, and there is currently adequate navigational depth. A pre-cleaned stainless steel bowl and spoon was utilized to composite samples. Portions were well mixed to a homogenous consistency. The composite sample was identified as 07042016/SED-C. Chain-of Custody The laboratory provided chain of custody was utilized to record basic sample information and requested analyses. All samples were labeled, bagged in Ziploc bags, chilled with ice, and delivered to the laboratory the next day under chain of custody. A copy of the Chain of Custody is provided in Attachment C. Grain Size Distribution Logs I Field Observations Sediment Sampling Logs are provided in Attachment A. In general, sediment sampling yielded good recoveries because of the cohesive nature of the sediment in the sampling profile. However, recoveries at SED-! were marginal as the lower portions of the core were lost during sampler extraction. Grain Size Data is provided in Table 2-2 and graphically presented in Figure 2-2. These sands appear to be relatively recent origin and do not suggest that sediments below the proposed dredge profile were encountered. Sediments from SED-l and SED-2 were odor free and no apparent sheen was observed in any grab sample although a light stringy sheen was observed in SED-3. A transient "rotten" smell was also noticed in SED-3 The upper few inches of each core was layered with coarse sand and pebbles with the exception of SED-3 which had twigs, leaf litter, and mil foil stringers. Milfoil distribution was extensive throughout shallow waters. However, in those areas of recent sediment deposition, the surface was bare of vegetative growth as observed at SED-l and SED- 2 Sampling Stations. All samples, as collected, were sandy and gritty to the touch. Table 2-2 Grain Size Distribution Data Sample: 070420168.,_-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: PSEP Methodology Sieve Microns Rel:!.·1 ReI:!. -2 Ref!-- 3 Average (%) 3/8" 100 100 100 100 #4 4,750 83.6 80.9 84.6 83.0 #10 2000 80.1 76.4 80.6 79.0 #18 1000 75.9 72.4 76.6 75.0 #35 500 62.4 59.9 63.4 61.9 #60 250 24.0 23.6 25.6 24.4 #120 125 5.5 6.0 7.2 6.2 #230 63 2.2 2.9 4.0 3.0 31.0 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 15.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 7.8 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.3 3.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Gravel Very Coarse Sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Silt Clay Page 9 of30 ~ ~ '" r g " D i'? " ., '10 " o o ...., '~ o PSEP Grain Size Distribution T"pllcate Sample Plot CLAY 11:° rhl" I GR,AVEL I ' I " I i I I SAND I II SIU I I -, I -~--I I I r 80 70 60 I l ------i II -_<,-,---!I ~!--------~ I I I -, 50 ~ .. , 40 ~ -ill • 1- _~I I I I -i---------l----,----L 30 --r 2C I I I , U'O '=-0 I 1 _. : Ltl ~' I J I j. . i'JI,.l 10000 1000 tOO to P8rtlcle DIIIrneter(mlcrMls) -+-07042016BARBEE-C ___ 070420 16BARBEE-C _____ 07042016BARBEE-C I::;: :r Ie '"" ~ C ~ " ..., ~ cjil" = F ... 1 to N ,r. , N '" "C } '" tol "C ~ ;;: ., , ... ., S" '" ,," to S! '" .... ... 5' = .... c" = 3.0 Sediment Chemical Analyses All samples were delivered the next morning to the laboratory (Analytical Resources, Inc., Seattle, WA) on ice under Chain of Custody. The composite sample was analyzed for both conventional parameters, and the measurement of concentrations of chemicals, which have been identified by DMMP as chemicals of concern (COCs). EPA Analytical Methods were utilized to provide low level detection limits for COe's. A rinsate sample was not collected, as recommended by USACE/DMMP. As provided in the Draft Sampling and Analysis Plan, I the sediment samples, as a composite was submitted for chemical analysis for the following parameters: • Conventional Parameters -EPA/PSEP Methods • Semi-Volatile Organics -EPA 8270D GC/MS (8270D SIM to achieve the required screening level for 2,4-Dimethylphenol) • Total Metals -EPA 200.8; (Except as noted).2 • Pesticides/PCBS -EPA 808118082 GC/ECD • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons -NWTPH-D • Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B Sample containers, preservation, holding times (extraction/time to analysis) were acceptable and in compliance with accepted PSEP protocols. Conventional Testing Results Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for Total Solids, Preserved Total Solids, N-Ammonia, Total Sulfides, and Total Organic Carbon. These results are provided in Table 3-1 at the end of this section. Laboratory report forms for this data are provided in Attachment C. Hexavalent Chromium was not detected, reported by ARI as a conventional parameter. Total solids were reported at 80.5% and Total Organic carbon was reported at less than 0.2%. These results are consistent with field observations of well draining sands and gravels with only traces of organic matter. There are no Marine or Fresh water screening levels for conventional parameters. Ammonia levels were detected at 19.6 mg-N/Kg (dry basis), Total Sulfide was reported at 1.8 mg/Kg (dry basis). ~ Draft Barbee Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan. (L&AL 2016) -Ru\\-ilm compound" \\crc nol reqUIred for l..'hcl11l\'al anal~ ~IS_ rer IIS·'\CEI Page II 000 Total Metals Composite Sample 070420l6/Barbee-C was analyzed for total metals. These results are provided in Table 3-2. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Traces of Arsenic. Cadmium, and silver were detected along with Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, and Zinc. Mercury was not detected. Antimony was analyzed as a supplemental parameter. All detected and undetected metal concentrations were less than DMMP Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water.3 As requested by USACE, antimony is reported as a supplemental parameter extracted and analyzed by ARl. All detected and undetected results were less than low-level Screening Levels for both Marine (SL I) and Fresh Water (SL I). Semivolatile Organics Composite Sample 070420 l6/Barbee-C was analyzed for semivolatile organic compounds by GCMS Method 8270D per PSEP protocols. Results are provided in Table 3-3. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Several semivolatile organics were detected, including: PAHs, and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. The total HPAH concentration was 328 ug/Kg-dry. Benzo(a)pyrene was detected at 24 ug/Kg-dry, just above the detection limit. The carcinogenic PAH (cPAH, calculated quantity, as TEQ) was 36.3 ug/Kg-dry. Detected and undetected parameters for all semivolatile organic compounds were less than DMMP Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Pesticides and PCBs Composite Sample 070420 16lBarbee-C was analyzed for pesticides and PCBs by GC/ECD (Dual Column -Methods 808lA and Method 8082, respectively). Results are provided in Table 3-4. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. As shown in Table 3-4, no pesticides or PCBs were detected above detection limits. All reporting limits for all pesticides and PCB's were less than DMMP Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Several supplemental parameters were subsequently analyzed by ARl. Results are included in the data set tables, as requested by USACE I DMMP. All detected and undetected results were less than DMMPSLl Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Petroleum Hydrocarbons Composite Sample 070420l6/Barbee-C was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by GC/FID (Method NWTPH-Dx). Results are provided in Table 3-5. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Diesel was detected at 8.3 mg/Kg-dry, and Motor Oil was detected at 39 mg/Kg-dry. As noted in sampling logs, a light stringy oily substance was observed when sampling at Station SED-3. This transient type of sheen is typical of decaying organic malter. There were no visible indications of a petroleum sheen in any grab sample or the composite. All detected and undetected results were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. . Sedinwnl Quail!) CiUldelllles ti.H Standard Chemicals (lrC(ln("~>rn anu thlill DM\-lP L,('r's Manual (ulrrent eUillOTl) I ,!twd &. ASSOl'lales. Inc Page 12 of 30 11116-213 :-'edllnelll SampliTlg R!:\ulb D!V1lvll -I Dioxins and Furans Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for dioxins and furans by EPA Method 1613B. Results are provided in Table 3-6. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Total 2,3,7,8 Equivalents were measured and calculated at 0.65 pg/g-dry (ppt or ug/Kg), substantially below the Marine Screening Level of 4 pg/g-dry (ppt). Page 13 anO Table 3-1: Sediment Results / Conventional Parameters Sample: 07042016/Barbee-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: Varies by Analyte> MTCA Screening Levels (2) Conventional Parameters Units Result Q RL Method A(l) Manne ISL 1) Fresh ISL 1) Hexavalent Chromium mglKg-dry < 0.493 U < 0.493 19 Total Solids Percent 80.75 0.01 Preserved Total Solids Percent 74.44 0.01 Total Volatile Solids Percent 1.12 0.01 N-Ammonia mg-N/Kg 19.6 0.98 Sulfide mg/Kg-dry 1.8 1.28 Total Organic Carbon Percent 0.182 0.02 Notes: Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) (1) Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are shown above. 12) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern (Table 8.3) and from DMMP User's Manual (current addition) Table 3-2: Sediment Results / Total Metals Sample: Description: Analytical Methods: 07042016/Barbee-C Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 EPA 200.8 (Except as noted), Resulls MTCA Screening Levels (2) METALS m~/K~-d!:l': a LOa Method All) Marine (SL 1) Fresh ISL 1) Antimony 0.25 U 0.25 150 Arsenic 2.1 0.2 20 57 14 Cadmium 0.081 J 0.115 2 5.1 2.1 Chromium 22.1 0.6 2,000 260 72 Chromium + 6 (see Conventionals) Copper 13.9 0.6 390 400 Lead 4 0.1 250 450 360 Mercury (EPA 7471A) 0.03 U 0.03 2 0.41 0.66 Nickel 28.2 0.6 38 Selenium 0.577 J 0.577 11 Silver 0.023 J 0.231 6.1 0.57 Zinc 48 5 410 3200 Noles: Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) Soil Cleanup Levels for Unreslricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are mglKg (I) (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern (Table 8.3) and from DMMP User's Manual (current addition) Lloyd & Associates. !nc Page 14 anO 20Ih-21.' Sediment Sampllllg RL'~ulh 1)1\'1M11. I Table 3-3: Sediment Results / Semivolatile Organic Compounds Sample: 07042016/Barbee-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample OMMU-1 Analytical Method: PSOOA Samivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS'" Extraction Method: SW3546 Results MTCA Screening Levels l '" SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS u~/K~-d!:i a LOa Method All, Marine (8L 1) CHLORINATED ORGANICS 1,4-Dichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 110 1,2-Dichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 35 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 31 Hexachlorobutadiene < 9.6 U 9.6 Hexachlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 22 beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane < 0.49 U 0.49 7.2 PAHs Naphthalene < 19 U 19 5000\~) 2,100 Acenapthylene < 19 U 19 560 Acenapthene 8.7 J 19 500 Fluorene 8.7 J 19 540 Phenanthrene 40 19 1,500 Anthracene 9.6 J 19 960 2-Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 5000\~' 670 1-Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 5000\~' Total LPAH I31 67 5,200 Fluoranthene 88 19 1,700 Pyrene 66 19 2,600 Benz(a)anthracene 27 19 c 1,300 Chrysene 30 19 c 1,400 Benzofluoranthenes 55 38 c 3,2001'" Benzo(a)pyrene 24 19 c 10010) 1,600 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 19 19 c 600 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 19 U 19 c 230 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 19 19 670 Total HPAH{OI 328 12,000 Total cPAH (calc. wi TEFl 36.3 Total PAH''' 395 PHTHALATES Dimethylphthalate < 9.6 U 9.6 71 Di-n-Sutylphthalate 8.7 J 19 1.400 bis(2·Ethylhexyllphthalate 48 50 a 1,300 Diethylphthalale < 19 U 19 200 Butylbenzyphthalate < 9.6 U 9.6 63 Di-n-Octylphthalate < 19 U 19 6,200 PHENOLS Phenol < 19 U 19 420 2-Methylphenol < 9.6 U 9.6 4-Melh~phenol < 19 U 19 670 2,4-Dimethylphenol\~1 < 19.1 U 19.1 Pentachlorophenol < 96 U < 96 400 MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACT/BLES Benzoic Acid <190 U <190 650 Benzyl Alcohol < 19 U 19 Carbazole < 19 U 19 Dibenzofuran < 19 U 19 540 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine < 9.6 U 9.6 28 Notes: '" 1" '" ,., '" 1" ''I '" ", Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 9B168-3240) MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestncted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are uglKg) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and DMMP User's Manual Total shown for Naphthalene. I-Methyl Naphthalene, and 2-Me\hyl Napthahalene Totals shown are for both band k Benzonuoranthenes Does not include undetected parameters or I-and 2·methylnaphthalene, estimated (J) parameters at 1/2 reported Benzo(a)pyrene, Chrysene, Dibenz{a,h)anthracene, Indeno{1 ,2,3-cd)pyrene,8enzo(bfjfk)nuoranthenes and Benzo(a)anthracene Total does not inGlude undetected parameters. Total PAHs calculated er Table 8.2.3 DMMP User Manual Method 8 -Soil Ingestion Pathway Initial value higher than SL of 29. ARI re analyzed 2,4-dimethylphenol via B2700 81M. I loyJ &. ASSOl:l<lles. 11K Fresh (SL 1) 17,000 380 500 39 120 260 1,200 2900 900 200 Page 15 of30 ~[llh-~ 13 Sedimell[ Salllplmg Re~lIlls [)Mrvll -I Sample: 070420161Barbee-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: PSDDA Samivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS* Extraction Method: SW3546 Results MTCA Screening LevelslL ) Method AI') Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) lA-Dichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 110 1,2-Dichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 35 1,2A-Trichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 31 Hexachlorobutadiene < 9.6 U 9.6 Hexachlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 22 beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane < 0.49 U 0.49 7.2 PAHs Naphthalene < 19 U 19 50001~) 2,100 Acenapthylene < 19 U 19 560 Acenapthene 8.7 J 19 500 Fluorene 8,7 J 19 540 Phenanthrene 40 19 1,500 Anthracene 9.6 J 19 960 24 Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 50001') 670 14 Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 5000\~1 Total LPAHI"J 67 5,200 Fluoranthene 88 19 1,700 Pyrene 66 19 2,600 Benz(a)anthracene 27 19 c 1,300 Chrysene 30 19 c 1,400 Benzo(blj/k)fluoranthenes 55 38 c 3,200 1"1 Benzo(a)pyrene 24 19 c 100 10 ) 1,600 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 19 19 c 600 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 19 U 19 c 230 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 19 19 670 Total HPAH\oJ 328 12,000 Total cPAH (calc. wI TEF) 36.3 Total PAW" 395 17,000 PHTHALATES Dimethylphthalate < 9.6 U 9.6 71 Di-n-Butylphthalate 8.7 J 19 1,400 380 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 48 50 Q 1,300 500 Diethylphthalate < 19 U 19 200 Butylbenzyphthalate < 9.6 U 9.6 63 Di-n-Octylphthalate < 19 U 19 6,200 39 PHENOLS Phenol < 19 U 19 420 120 2~Methylphenol < 9.6 U 9.6 4~Methylphenol < 19 U 19 670 260 2 ,4~Dimethylphenol\~! < 19.1 U 19.1 Pentachlorophenol < 96 U < 96 400 1,200 MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACT/BLES Benzoic Acid <190 U <190 650 2900 Benzyl Alcohol < 19 U 19 Carbazole < 19 U 19 900 Dibenzofuran < 19 U 19 540 200 N~Nitrosodiphenylamine < 9.6 U 9.6 28 Notes: Analytical Resources Inc (Tukwila_ WA 98168-3240) '" MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1) Units are uglKg) '" Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality GUidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concem and DMMP Users Manual '" Total shown for Naphthalene_ 1-Melhyl Naphthalene. and 2-Methyl Napthahalene ,., Totals shown are for both band k Benzofluoranihenes ,., Does not include undetected parameters or 1-and 2-methylnaphthalene. estimated (J) parameters at 112 reported ,., Be!1Zo(a)pyrene, Chrysene, Dibenzo( e, h )anthracene. Indeno( 1 2, 3-cd)pyrene. Benzo(b/jlk)fluoranlhenes and Benzo(a)anthracene Tolal does not include undelecled parameters '" Total PAHs calculated er Table a 2_3 DMMP User Manual , .. Method B -5011 Inges\lon Pathway ,., Initial value higher than SL of 29_ ARI re analyzed 2,4-dimethylphenol via 62700 SIM 1.1()~d & Assocrah.!s.lnc Page 16 of30 ::'(116-213 Sedimellt ~ilrnpllllg Ih'''ulh fJ\lMl -I Table 3-4: Sediment Results / Pesticides and PCBs Sample: 07042016/Barbee~ Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analy1ical Method: GC/ECD -Pesticides IPCBs' MTCA Screening Levels(2) Results Method A(1) PESTICIDES & PCBS uS/Kg-d!:X Q LOQ/RL ug/Kg(1) Manne (SL1) Fresh (SL1) Heptachlor < 0.49 U 0.49 1.5 Aldrin < 0.49 U 0.49 9.5 Dieldrin < 0.98 U 0.98 1.9 4.9 4,4 '-DOE < 0.98 U 0.98 9 4,4 '-DOD < 0.98 U 0.98 16 4,4 '-DDT < 0.98 U 0.98 12 Endrin Ketone < 0.98 U 0.98 8.5 trans-Chlordane < 0.49 U 0.49 cis-Chlordane < 0.49 U 0.49 2,4'-DDT < 0.98 U 0.98 2,4'-ODE < 0.98 U 0.98 2,4'-000 < 0.98 U 0.98 Oxychlordane < 0.98 U 0.98 cis-Nonachlor < 0.98 U 0.98 trans-Nonachlor < 0.98 U 0.98 sum of 2,4'-000 & 4,4'000 < 0.98 U 0.98 310 sum of 2,4'-00E & 4,4'DOE < 0.98 U 0.98 21 sum of 2,4'-DOT & 4,4'-00T < 0.98 U 0.98 100 Total 00T(4)(5) < 0.98 U 0.98 3000 Total Chlorodane(5) < 1.47 U 0.98 2.8 Aroclor 1 016 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1242 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1248 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1254 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1260 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1221 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1232 < 3.9 U 3.9 130 110 Total Aroclors < 3.9 U 1000 130 110 Notes: • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) (1) MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are ug/Kg (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and OMMP User's Manual (current edition) (4) Includes DOE, DOD, DDT (5) Sum of cis & trans chlordane, cis & trans nona chi or, and oxychlorodane Lloyd & Associi.ltes, Illc Page 17 of30 2()16-21.~ \~dIllWIll Samrlills lh''>llib ])J\.1vll !-I Table 3.5: Sediment Results / Petroleum Hydrocarbons NWTPHD Notes: Diesel Motor Oil Sample: Description: Analytical Method: 070420161Barbee-C Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 GCIFID -NWTPHD' Resu;ts mglKg-dry 8.3 39 Q RL 6.3 12 MTCA Method A(1 ) 2000 2000 • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) Screening Levels (2) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) 340 3600 (1) (2) MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are mglKg Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and from DMMP User's Manual (current edition) L!(1\'(1 & Ass{)(:idtes. Inc Page 18 of30 20 1 h-21.~ SeJIlTlCllt S<'l!npllllg RC~Lllh IYvll\ll l ·1 Table 3-6: Sediment Resnlts Dioxins / Furans Sample: I072016/Barbee/C Description: Sediment Sample DMMU·l Analytical Method: Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B" Results Dioxins I Furans (ng/Kgl Q RL 2,3,7,8-TCDF 0.0776 BJEMPC 0.970 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.145 JEMPC 0.970 1,2,3,7,B·PeCDF 0.0737 BJEMPC 0.970 2,3,4,7,B·PeCDF < 0.0563 U 0.970 1,2,3,7,B·PeCDD 0.lB2 BJEMPC 0.970 1,2,3,4,7,B·HxCDF 0.114 BJEMPC 0.970 1,2,3,6,7,B·HxCDF 0.111 BJ 0.970 2,3,4,6,7,B·HxCDF 0.136 BJEMPC 0.970 1,2,3,7,B,9·HxCDF 0.130 BJEMPC 0.970 1,2,3,4,7,B·HxCDD 0.242 BJEMPC 0.970 1,2,3,6,7,B·HxCDD 0.532 BJEMPC 0.970 1,2,3,6,7,B·HxCDD 0.464 BJ 0.970 1.2,3,4,6,7,8·HpCDE 1.59 0.970 1,2,3,4.7,B,9·HpCDD < 0.101 U 0.970 1,2,3,4,6,7,S·HpCDD 993 B 242 OCFD 2.62 1.94 OCDD 629 B 0.970 Total TCDF 0.911 EM PC 0.970 Total TCDD 1.52 EM PC 0.970 Total PeCDF 1.43 EMPC 1.94 Total PeeDJ 1.06 EM PC 0.970 Total HxCDE' 3.15 EM PC 1.94 Total HxCDD 5.46 EM PC 1.94 Total HpCDF 4.34 1.94 Total HpCDD 21.2 1.94 TotaI2,3,7,S Equivalents 0.64 (NO = 0, Including EMPC) TotaI2,3,7,B Equivalents 0.65 (NO = 0.5 Including EMPC) Notes Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila. WA 9S16S·3240) MTCA Screening Levels (2 ) Method A (1 ) ng/Kg(1) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) 4,0 4.0 (1) MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740·1). Units are nglKg or pglg (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and from DMMP User's Manual Liovd & !\"~O(,lUtc~. Inc Page 19 of30 ~{116-213 :-'l'Uillll'll\ ~'-lll'pllTlg R""ulh 1)'vlMl -I 4.0 Quality Assurance Review Summary All samples were delivered the next morning to the laboratory (Analytical Resources, Inc" Seattle, W A) on ice under Chain of Custody. As described in the previous section, the composite sample was analyzed for both conventional parameters and the measurement of concentrations of chemicals, which have been identified by DMMP as chemicals of concern (COCs). EPA Analytical Methods were utilized to provide low level detection limits for 07042016Barbee-C. Quality Assurance for the project included (where applicable): • Matrix Spikes • Matrix Spike Duplicates • Blank Spikes • Certified Standard Reference Material SRM 1944 • Puget Sound Reference SRM. • Laboratory controls Sample containers, preservation, holding times (extraction and time to analysis) were acceptable and in compliance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan and PSEP protocols (see Attachment C) Conventional Testing Results The QA review summary for Conventional Parameters is provide in Attachment C / Conventionals. Precision data was acceptable with an RPD less than 4 % (except for Sulfide at less than 17%) for all parameters. Matrix spike recovery data was acceptable for all parameters, and Standard Reference recoveries were greater than 80%. All Method Blanks were at or below reporting/detection limits. All conventional data reported in Table 3-1 is believed acceptable as reported by ARl. Total Metals Composite Sample 070420 16/SED-C was analyzed for total metals. These results are provided in Table 3-2. Hexavalent Chromium was also analyzed and reported by ARI as a conventional parameter. As summarized in Attachment C / Metals. Precision data for metals (except Mercury and Hexavalent Chromium) was with control limits for all matrix spike duplicate data. Spike recoveries ranged from 90.3 to 120% and were deemed acceptable. Laboratory Control Sample Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate I.Imd &. AS::'O(l8tl'$, Inl.' Page 20 of 30 2111«: I.i ~I'Jlllll'11\ ~wlpl1llg Rl'~llll~ 1)1\11\'1\ -I data were within acceptable limits. Method Blank spike recoveries were acceptable. although trace quantities of zinc and silver were detected in the method blank. Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met the Advisory Range for all metals. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All metals data presented in Table 3-2 are acceptable as qualified by the laboratory. Semivolatile Organic Compounds Composite Sample 070420l6/Barbee/C was analyzed for semivolatile organics by EPA GCMS Method 82700, following PSDDA protocols. Sample reports and QC reports are provided in Attachment C. Duplicate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 20% for all parameters. Matrix spike and matrix spike recovery data were acceptable, as well acceptably reproducible. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria. Surrogate recovers were with QC warning limits. Initial instrument calibration for bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate was out of control and appropriately qualified, as Q. Standard Reference (SRM-0707l6) recoveries were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All semivolatile organic data reported in Table 3-4 is deemed acceptable as qualified. Pesticides and PCBs Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for pesticides and PCBs by GC/ECD (Dual Column -Methods 808lA and Method 8082, respectively) following PSDDA protocols. As shown in Table 3-5 no pesticides or PCBs were detected at reporting limits. All reporting limits for all pesticides and PCB's were not detected and less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally, all undetected levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use. A detailed quality assurance summary of pesticide and PCB data, respectively is provided in Attachment 3. Surrogate recoveries were acceptable and duplicate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 17% for all pesticide parameters and less that 6% for PCB's. Matrix spike recovery data was greater than 50%. Spike recoveries were greater than zero for all parameters and within acceptance criteria. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria for all surrogates. Standard Reference recoveries for Laboratory Controls for pesticides and PCBs (SRM PSR) were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blanks results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All data reported in Table 3-5 is deemed acceptable as reported by the laboratory. Lkwd & ASSOCiates. Inc Page 21 afJO Petroleum Hydrocarbons Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by GC/FID (Method NWTHH-D). Results are provided in Table 3-6. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria for all surrogates Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. Spike recoveries gave acceptable precision, and spike duplicate analyses indicated acceptable accuracy. All data reported in Table 3-6 for petroleum hydrocarbons is acceptable as reported. Dioxins and Furans Analysis was performed using the application specific RTX-Dioxin 2 column, which has a unique isomer separation for the 23 78-TCDF, eliminating the need for second column confirmation. Initial calibration and continuing calibration verifications were within method requirements. However, the initial calibration verification fell outside the control limits low for 13CI2-2,3,7,8-TCDF, I3CI2-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF, and 13CI2-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF. All other compounds were within control limits. Both extraction and cleanup surrogates had recoveries within control limits, and the method blank contained reportable responses for several compounds. "8" qualifiers were applied to associated results that were less than ten times the levels found in the method blank. The laboratory control sample gave percent recoveries were within control limits. The PSR SRM (SRM-072116) was analyzed as a reference material. Specific results have been flagged "EMPC", indicating a response not meeting all requirements of positive identification. The EM PC values were treated as undetects. Llo)d & ASSOl'l<.lteS. Ille Page 22 of 30 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Sediment Sampling Sampling work conducted at the Barbee Navigational -Maintenance Dredging area was informative. Prior to sampling we had anticipated that medium to course sandy materials would be encountered based on previous experience. Portions of the proposed dredge area outside of the boathouse were most recently dredged in 20 II and previously in 2002. Depositional infill sediments. currently within the proposed dredge profile. tend to be finer sediments unsuitable for shallow water fish habitat enhancement along the rockery to the immediate south. Therefore, all dredged materials will be disposed in open water. Core sampling in sandy sediments was marginal at best at SED-J where recoveries were low at 37.5% Nevertheless. we arrived on site with a number of sampling devices. The gravity corer worked out reasonable well, and the vanVeen sampler worked great for the shallow sample near the boathouse. However, given the poor recoveries at SED-I, a better choice for sample collection might be a vibrocore sampler where a longer continuous core is desirable. Nevertheless, vibrocore samplers have similar limitations in dealing with fine sands, as were encountered at the project site. Based on our experience in sampling conditions encountered, it is not clear that a vibrocore sampler would have worked out better. Because actual proposed dredging depths are relatively shallow and generally less than 10 feet, additional sampling data seems unnecessary although a Z sample could be collected for conformational analyses. At no time will dredging reach former lake bed elevations as dredged in 2002 or 20 II. [n major part the growth of the May Creek Delta severely limits the steepness of slopes that can be sustained within the project area. There are also financial considerations. The project proponent is not interested dredging to the maximum that may be possible. The purpose is to maintain navigational access, not see how much money can be spent to restore historical lakebed elevations in Lake Washington. Sediment Sampling Results -Summary Detected chemical contamination in the permitted dredge area (DMMU-I) is very limited. Testing results are below DMMP fresh water and marine screening levels for Lloyd & As~m:idtt's. Illc Page 23 of 30 all parameters (see Section 3.0 Chemical and Physical Data). Nevertheless, some motor oil range petroleum hydrocarbon was detected at 39 mg/kg (dry basis). Diesel range petroleum product was detected in the composite sample at 8.3 mg/kg (dry basis). Additionally, traces of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected. For example, benzo(a)pyrene was detected at 24 ug/Kg (dry basis). Based on Analytical Testing Data and Screening Level comparisons, sediments to be dredged in 2017 at the project site are suitable for open-water disposal. Llmd & i\sSO"18ll'~. Jill' Page 24 of 30 20 I b-2 I _, SC-d1111c1l1 Samrlll1~ I{c<;lII1~ [)M\1ll-1 Attachment A -Sediment Sampling Logs Page 25 of 30 Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Sample Location: 07042016SED-1 Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Overcast with cloud breaks Sample Time: 1235 Sample Type: Gravity core Location: About 45' S. of Osprey Nesting Pole Sediment Section: DMMU-1 SAMPLING SUMMARY EL o (ft) Lithology Description State Plane: NAD83 -WA South (ft) 20.6 Lake Elevation Coordinates: Proposed Actual Water is very clear Easting: 1,301,380 1,301,394 Northing: 195,438 195,431 18.5 21 '1 Mudline Contact Lake EL (MSL-ft): 20.6 SP Fine to medium grained sand Depth (D) to Mudline: 2.08 Scatered gravel at surface Dredged Profile EI. (ft. MSL): 14.5 SED Design Thickness: 4.0 16.0 4.6 Loose material in middle of drive % Recovery: 37.5% fine sand to bottom with low SAMPLING EQUIPMENT resistance to penetration. 2" Gravity corer driven to depth Low recovery attributed to fine to medium 145 6.1 Design Dredge Elevation (est) sand lost during extraction of corer Second core drive gave same results SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Sediment Type: Fine to medium sand (SP) DenSity: Compact (very loose middrive) Color: Grey Consistency: poorly graded, trace of gravel Odor: None Note: Sediments collected have very little water Stratification: Fine sand at 15.5 feet observed in the cores. Materials are rapidly draining as anticipated. Anticpate solids content Vegetation: None greater than 75% Debris: None Oily Sheen: None Other: NOTESICOMMENTS Lake Elevation per USACE at Hiram Chittenden Locks (206-783-7000) Station moved to avoid milloil bottom and deeper water than anticipated DenSity 1 Consistency estimated by resistance to penetration of sampler. Sediment description based on visual-manual ASTM Method Sample Collected: SED-1 /Mz2~~ff~~ cof va-J</f~ R Michael Lloyd, PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered GeologisUEngineering Geologist #2272 Lloyd & Associates, Inc, Sample Location: 07042016SED-2 Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Overcast with cloud breaks Sample Time: 1115 Sample Type: Gravity core Location: Sediment Section: DMMU-1 SAMPLING SUMMARY EL D (ft) Litholo!lY Description State Plane: NAD83 -WA South (ft) 20,6 Lake Elevation Coordinates: Proposed Actual Easting: 1,301,509 1,301,509 Northing: 195,448 195,448 Lake EL (MSL-ftJ: 20,6 19.1' 1.5 \] Mudline Contact Depth (01 to Mudline: 1.5 SP Surfce gravelldense Dredged Profile EI. (ft. MSL): 16.0 Medium to fine sand SED Thickness: 3.1 % Recovery: 80.0% 16.0 4.6 Design Dredge Elevation (est) SAMPLING EQUIPMENT 2" Gravity corer driven to depth Bottom 8" believed to be fine to medium sand Sand lost during extraction of corer Second core drive gave same results Note: Sediments collected have very little water SAMPLE DESCRIPTION observed in the cores. Materials are rapidly draining as anticipated. Anticpate solids content Sediment Type: SP greater than 75% Density: moderately dense Color: Grey , Revised 12/12 to correct lypgraphical error. Consistency: fine to medium sand Odor: None Stratification: Coarse grading to fine sand Vegetation: None Debris: None Oily Sheen: None other: NOTES/COMMENTS Lake Elevation per USACE at Hiram Chittenden Locks (206-783-7000) Density / Consistency estimated by resistance to penetration of sampler. Sediment description based on visual-manual ASTM Method Sample Collected: SED-2 It?wki2~$~~ c(J V~~~ R. Michael Lloyd, PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered Geologist/Engineering Geologist #2272 Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Sample Location: 07042016SED-3 Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Sunny and warm Sample Time: 0930 Sample Type: Grab Location: Adjacent to Boathouse on west side Sediment Section: DMMU-1 SAMPLING SUMMARY EL D (ftl Lithology Description State Plane: NAD83 -WA South (ft) 20.6 lake Elevation Coordinates: Proposed Actual 13.0 7.6 \l Mudline Contact Easting: 1201635 1.301.612 Leaf litter, stems Northing: 195475 195,477 Milfoil Lake EL (MSL-ft): 20.6 Silty with some coaser sand Depth (D) to Mudline: 7.6 12.6 8.0 Design Dredge Elevation (est) predged Profile EI. (ft. MSL): 8.0 SED Thickness: 0.4 % Recovery: 100.0% SAMPLING EQUIPMENT 2" Van Veen Sampler Penetration about 6" SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Sediment Type: Grab Density: Loose/soupy Color: Grey to blackish brown Consistency: poorly Qraded. trace of Qravel Odor: Slight rotting smell Stratification: None Vegetation: Milfoil Debris: twigs. leaf litter (25) Oily Sheen: None. looks like decayinQ leaf Other: NOTES/COMMENTS Lake Elevation per USACE at Hiram Chittenden Locks (206-783-7000) Boathouse locked no access. Sampled near entry of garage door. Sample collected with a van Veen sampler Sediment description based on visual-manual ASTM Method Sample Collected: SED-3 It?wkL.;J/~ ~f :O~rf~ R. Michael Lloyd. PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered Geologist/Engineering Geologist #2272 Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Sample Location: 07042016SED-C Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Overcast with cloud breaks Composite Time: 1300 Sample Type: Composite Location: Barbee Sediment Section: DMMU-1 COMPOSITE SUMMARY COMMENTS SED-1 45% of SED-1 The majority of material to be dredged arises near SED-1 SED-2 45% of SED-2 and SED-2. It is unlikely that more than 1% of all material to be dredged arises at SED-3 near the boathouse. SED-3 10% of SED-3 Weighting at 10 % is on the high side and may skew chemical and physical testing data. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Sediment Type: Composite DenSity: Compact, rapidly draining Color: Grey to Black Consistency: gritty Odor: None Stratification: NIA Vegetation: Minor leaf litter Debris: Oily Sheen: None l~kkLff~ <-I Z;~rf~ R. Michael Lloyd, PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered Geologist Revised to ~111f>-~ 13 ~edllnellt SUlTlflllTlg Re~llih j)f\.Hvll -I Attachment B -Grain Size Distribution Page 26 of 30 Geotechnical Analysis Report and Summary QC Fonns ARI Job 10: BCWl aCWi;002ii2i Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspection • Materia1& Testing • Environmental Cons.ulting Date Rocei.ed'.;JU2,It,Y =5."'2,,0'-'16'-_____ _ Sampled By: -';Oth"2""~=':'L------­ Date Tes/ed: July 2l, 2016 Teotod By: B. Goble. K. O'Connell CASE NARRATIVE ! 1. One sample w';";~b;;;i;;;f; grain size analysis according to Puget Sound Estuary Protocol i (PSEP) methodology. i 2. The sample was run in a single batch and was run in triplicate. The triplicate data is reported on ! the QA summary. f 3. Two of the sub samples did not contain the required amount of fines (5-25 grams). A sample , could not be resplit to meet the required amount of fines and stay within the capacity of the balance. : The samples have been qualified on the QA summary. I 4. The data is provided in summary tables and plots. i 5. There were no other noted anomalies in this project ; 1II1, .. ..JI'''Pl'I)·oni)!o ....... I'''* __ maen$Jt$IIIl AI.IIIIIllII~lCdlllolu.lbeI"JKt_~ ... I ..... tIWCSllbnLJQlld.asIllilOlllll4calllllpro;ipft1)'tf(liaIs.D<I~i .. b '"*'11C.lOC1or_~taodLl>l .... aralnil:lll'oo«~<lUt...,...,.;.~~_...;lIcD~1. ~~G.:-Rev!ewedby: _____________ _ Corporate -m Chrysler Drlv. • Burtlngton, WA '18233 • PIIoo. (360) 755-1990 • Fa. (360) 755-1980 Regional Ollk:es, Olympia -360.534.9777 Bellingbarn -360.647.6111 Silverdale -360.698.6787 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Visit our website; www.mtc-inc.net uCWi ~!lP.2i, 1. 0) ,-, , . iE; I~' lSi lSI 1\1 '"', 1\1 Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • SpeciallMpection • Material,. Testing • Bnvi{oomen'al Cons.ulting Projeet: BARBEE DREDGING Proj«U: BCWI Clieut: Analytical Resources, Inc. Date Re<eIved: ~lul~y75,:"2;;;0~16~---------- Dat. T_: July 21, 2016 Samplod by: .;;Other,:;::,:,-,-"..,==-,,-_____ _ T .... d by: B. Gable, K. O'Connell Sample No. Gravel VecyCoacse Sond Phi Size -3 -2 -1 0 Siew: Size (mictorul) }Ill' .. '10 0'8 (4750) (2000) (1000) 07042016BARBEE-100.0 83.6 SO.I 75.9 C 100.0 80.9 76.4 72.4 100.0 84.6 SO.6 76.6 App .... nt GraiD Size DistributieD Swmnary Percent Finer Than Indicated Size Coarse Medium Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Sand Sand I 2 3 4 '" """ t12() 0130 "'''" (2!SO) (123) (63) 62.4 24_0 5.5 2.2 59.9 23.6 6_0 2.9 63.4 25.6 7.2 4.0 Silt 5 6 31.0 1.5.6 2.2 1.6 2.2 1.6 2.3 1.7 Clay 7 8 9 10 7.B 3 .• 2.0 1.0 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.4 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.6 I Nota to the Testln&:: ~ ~U;~ -;;t~~ prior to lcsti.nJ, Ih~th;~-~~;;-tbc "apPllImt" grain aill: disuibutiOil Ste narrative for discuasion af~-~ ---~ Reviewed by: ~-{"...b~ Corporate -777 Cbry.ler Drive • BurliDaton, WA!IIIl33 • PIlon. (360) 755-1'190 • F .. (360) 755-1980 Regioo.IOInc .. : Olympia -360.534.9777 Bellingham -360.647.6111 Silverdale -360.698.6787 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Vi5it our website: www.mtc-mc.net ,.." tJlol (") Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspection • Materials Testing • Environmental Consulting Project: BARBEE DREDGING Project II: BCW I Clleut: Analytical Resources, Inc. Date Received: -;lu::=;I"y';'S.'-:2::;0~16:;------------ DateTtsted: luly21. 2016 ~by:-;om~.~~~~~~~,-______ __ Tested by: B. Goble. K. O'Connell Sample No. Gravel Vory Como Come Medium SaDd Sand Sand Phi Size < ·1 -I toO 0001 1<02 Sieve Size (microns) >.10 10-18 (2000 18·35 35-<;0 (2""'l) 1000) (1000-500) (5(X)...250) 19.9 4.2 13.6 38.3 P7042016BARBEE. 23.6 4.1 12.5 36.3 19.4 4.0 13.2 37.8 Apparent Groin Size Distribulioo Summary Percent Retained in Each Size Fraction Fine Sand Very Fine Coarse Silt Medium Sand Silt 2003 3 to 4 4to 5 5106 60-120 (250 120-230 152,5-31,0 )I,{)...IS,ti 125) (L25.62) 18.6 3.2 0.0 0.6 17.6 3.1 0.7 0.6 18.4 3.2 1.7 0.6 Fine Silt Very Fine SU, 6007 7 to 8 IS.6-7.8 7.8-3.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 05 0.4 0.4 t: ~~ INetes witte T..tiDJ: Organic matler wa!l DOt taDOVed prior co testin&, Ihu, the reported values an: the "nppaRIlt~ gnlin size distribution.. See nMntive for di.JcuDiOllof!be 1eJtia1. lSI lSI 1\. ",. Reviewed by: ~ 8009 3.9·2.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 f'ii Ce<ponte -777 Chrysler Drive • BurlIdgtoo, WA 98233 • Pboo< (360)755-1990 • F .. (360) 755·1980 Clay 9to \0 20-1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 Rqiooai Offi ... : Olympia -360.534.9777 Bellingham -360.647.6111 Silveldaie -360.698.6787 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Visit our website: www.mtc-inc.ne{ Total Fines >10 >4 <LO <230 (42) 0.6 2.2 0.6 2.9 0.6 4.0 Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering .. Specia1In.'ipcction .. Materials Testing" Environmental Consulting Projo<t, BARBEE DREDGING ~~',~§CW~;1~~~~~~~~~~~~ OieGt: AnaIy!Ica! Resourc:es, Inc. Da .. R ... I .... , JuWS, 2016 Date Tested: JU~21! 2018 Sam.lelD .J ·2 ·1 0 100.0 83 .• SO.I 75.9 07042016BARBEE'{; 100.0 SO .• 76.4 72.4 IOCtO "'.6 SO.6 76.6 AVE 100.0 83.0 79.0 75.0 STDEV 0.0 I.. I.B I.B %RSD 0.0 1.9 2.3 2.S Samplod by, Te&ted. by: ----_ ............ " &> ........ Rt=lative Standard De' . Bv Phi S' I 2 3 62.' 24.0 55 59.9 23.' 6.0 63.4 25.6 72 61!J 24.4 6.2 1.5 0 .• 0.7 2.3 3.S 11.8 'C<iiiniiIJ 4 2.2 2 .• 4.0 3.0 0.7 24.0 5 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 0.0 2.0 The Triplicare Applies To The Foll0win2 Samplc:s ill n :1:: Client ID 01042016BARBEE-C t-I. .. M"rC Iaklrmd.QA limits =-9S·I05* Dale Sampled Dale Extracted 11412016 7nno16 7/412016 7n/2016 7/412016 7n1201. Notes til dH 'hIdlIf:: Orpruc _ .......... DQl:ranmoecl prior In tes4ing..Ibus!he ~ values.-the -lIfIIHUOl" pain ,a.e.d..mbutlOll.. Sec narralive for discu!lllli.ono€w fatiJ1~ 151 lSI 1\1 Re';ewod by, cg r1.~k. I~' .t: 6 1.6 I.. 1.7 1.6 0.0 2.4 Date Complete 712012016 112012016 712012016 C...,.... •• -777 Cbryller Orin • 81I1'1III....., WA 98233 • Ph ... (360,755-1990 • Fu (3<iO) 755-19110 7 8 1.2 0.9 1.4 0.9 1.3 0 .• 1.3 0.9 0.1 0.0 5 .• 2.9 QARalio (95-IOS) 99.1 99.7 100.6 Itecianal otritelill Olympia -360.534.9777 Bellingham -360.647.6111 Silverdale -360.698.6181 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Visit our w.::bsite: www.m«-inc.net 9 10 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0 .• 0.7 0 .• 0.0 0.0 2,-4 __ L-.. 0.8 Data Pipene Portion (5.0-Qualifiers 2S.Qg) SS 2.7 SS 3.6 5.1 Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspectioo • Materials Testing • Environmental ConsHitlng Project: BARBEE DREDGING Pro~':~~~~~~~ ________ __ D.teR_ved:-;lul~y=5,,,2::.0:..:16,-_____ __ Sampled By: O<hers Client Dote Tested:-';lul::;:::y;;'21;-,-;;:20;;;176------- Tested By: B. Goble, K. O'Connell Data Qualifiers PSEP Grain Size Analysis SM -The sample lI1IIuix was not appropriate for the requested analysis. This normally refm to sa"llies cont.atrUnated with an organic product that intctf~ with the sieving process and/or nDistwe content, porosity and saturation calculations. SS -The >IIIlIPle did DOl contain Ibe proportion of "fines" required to perform lbe pipette portion of the grain si,. analysis. W -The weight of the sample in some pipette .aliquots was below the level required for accurate weighing. F -The sample$ were frozen prior to particle size determination. LV -Due 10 low "mple volume provided, the samples could not be rerun to meet QA requirements. Corporate -777 Cbry ..... Drive • BIlI'IlnIfOD. WA 93233 • Pbon. (360) 7SS-I9!IG • Fu (360) 755-1'80 RegIonaIOIIIa:s: Olympia -360.534.9777 Bellingham -360.647.6111 Silv<r<lale -360.698.6787 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Visit our website: www.mtc-inC.Det tlC;Wi 002i ~! CP rl :£: "", lSI lSI 1\1 I'" en I 10000 ~ ,,~ ~ ------ GRAVEL - -----..,. f- --- - I PSEP Grain Size Distribution Triplicate Sample Plot SAND SILT CLAY 100 90 - I ! 80 70 60 l 50 II !I " lit 40 - ~ , "" , --r---- I r-.. ~ " I i\ ------- --, 30 20 1\ ---- 10 ~ ---------'--" 0 1000 100 10 1 PIIIticlB 1lIam_ (.,1"""".) -+-07042016BARBEE-C ....... 07042016BARBEE-C __ 07042016BARBEE-C Materials Testing & Consulting. Inc. PSEP GRAIN SlZE ANALYSIS MIC Job No.: 1\1"100 \ -1:6'lMTC Sample 1D1l!. -11,,\31 ClientSampie No.: CJ 1 ()'-( lo 1 Cp@'W.BkE <: Setup Date: T /1·1 \ .. Sample Descripbon: l:xu6 ScI ad \ bl·\1 In ~cl SOLIDS CONTENT Moisture Content Initials: Container No. Tare Weight Wet Weigl'lt + Tare Dry Weight + Tare TestSamp/e Initials: Container No. Tare Weight Wet Weight + Tare Dry Weight + Tare Calgon Batch II: ...;~::...?:-. ..::'C~ __ 711912018 Temp:22 TIME 12:30:00 12:30:20 12:31:49 12:37:15 12:56:59 14:26:00 " ... ]j I SF A PIPETrE ANAlYSIS Initials: bf- PSEP Particle Size Distribution -------rj . ..- SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve Date: -=f. ( t· II./' Sieve Set II: L Inijials:~ Sieve Size Weight Retained Tare r;v. qf:31r 4 =l'1. \ "2-1 D 10 :j.S'. '3S 1 \ 18 80 . Lt 'C '2,,(, 35 '11-.\~ 60 1'·\Y.\'t,13 120 \~u. .'H"'\o 230 1~.t'O\A PAN O.~(p+-=t- SALT CORRECTION Date: ____ Initials:_ Rev. 001 9/21/13 Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. PSEP GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS MTC Job No.: '\[too I1lS9ATC Sample IOTlII-\)"IJ-LClientSample No.: Q -f O~W\~e:,AW(.ff. -( SetUp Data; -=t 1'1 ) 111 Sample Description: \:)(1t.I!\ ~I\d. 1J.J\\n bcw10. 1 SOLIDS CONTENT Moisture Content Initials: .& Container No. (Oft> Tare Weight ,. l\.. <; :<;,<-( Wet Weight + Tare (,,( ' ..... ')4 q Dry Weight + Tare ~. oI9-\- Test Sample Initials;~ Container No. TareWeighl Wet Weight + Tare Dry Weight + Tare Calgon Batch #:'> .;:.:!<O"e~ __ _ 7/1912016 remp:22 TiME 12;3:1;00 12:3:1;20 12;34:49 12;-40:15 13:01:59 14;29:00 1'~ 11'":1» 1I1SF A PIPETTE ANALYSIS Initial$:~ ra",ID TareW! I14rl. UI(.,{~~ 14":3-'Z "L \ .1.\:\0120 1I~-7-\ .t.\-1;--l':Y \1\ 2 1.t/£N'3 14 -1-l.4-v11t <:; ~-Z I{ ;. \.i.f(pl,\.p 1~7-I.'ft,DI PSEP Particle Size Distribution Dry W! & Tare /. S C;<;.'-! !·SZtO I. Sl ~O 1.5111- \,Sr:>Oc:::;. V-\" 1"\ L4SI.\O SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve Date:? . Il -I (., Sieve Set #: llnitialS; .E:r- Sieve SIze Weight Retained Tare S"o . .;2:i VI 4 ~.4-?;11) 10 BO.01-"~ 18 8S;. ~?;,\'+ 35 IOl.o323 60 14-fR.OII?, C1-1 120 IlA'3OlAr 230 n-3.'2."1<+ PAN 0. '"':\-S~ 1- SALT CORRECTION Da18: ___ Inltiats: I Tare Weight I Dry Weight + Tare Rev. 001 9121113 Materials Testing & Consulting,lnc, PSEP GRAIN Size ANALYSIS MTC Job No,:llj)))')I' (%2. MTC Sample ID:1l(p-\1'=\51£Iient Sample No,;O 104l-D \ 0fbO:t..:btl: --<... Set UpDate'. '1/"f k sample DescriptiOn: ~ '=nV\r\ \Ni <&aP/Q.,~ \ ' SOLIDS CONTENT Moisture Content Initials: Container No. Tare Weight Wet Weight + Tare Dry Weight + Tare Test Sample Initials: i":rL Container No, t> " Tare Weight S:;I. n~'-f Wet Weight + Tatll '2Oe.. .i..et ~ f Dry Weight + Tare I~-05'!..f"2- Calgon Batch #: _?';;..:~:::..:::.. __ _ 711~16 Temp;22 nME 12;36;00 12;36:20 12:37;49 12:43:15 13:04:59 14:32:00 ...... 'M:.~ 1liSF A PIPETTE ANALYSIS Initials: .l2:t- Tare 10 Tarewt tLf;'d \ 14~<1t:; 1\4·:t~ 14DJ..\. 1Lll3 LtJ-ItDO H4J3 \.4-1-\ \ 1I~'3 Ltf~S- 1\l(~·3' III It+~'/jf \I~'3 \.t/{p:tS" PSEP Particle Size Distriburion DryWt& rare I 5SCt> I.{ \.5'LOS \-S\3.o 11-51-\0 I '-\'130 I . '-\ " ~'=-. l.~ \lo SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve Date; T' \ \. \ "'" Sieve Set #: jL Initials:.h:tf Sieve Size Weight Retained Tare S-!.L "'2'1-+ 4 1-\. \ '?>5tl 10 l'lr . ?'?it I 18 ~1-SOto'O 36 9ro. S\t'£"S" 60 'Lf 1-. 3(PSO 120 ('1-1.( I~'+ 230 nS.2.9t+2 PAN O.£'I?-l...1 SALT CORRECTION Date: Initials I Tare Weight Rev. 001 912l!13 CnJr 3~'6 +. n·\ II G) ?) 1>r~ Wr .\-~ 'lJt( ~ ~\jtmw+{"I) \~w\(.,) \t!. L LKt.\-\ \. q -:,e\\ D.L\~ .... _.--. ~\.~ \.'lL\\'8' (i .4~~':l.. {, (). L tfS"lf 1-\.q.;l?2; C.l.\ ~?'\e 4-~ !.4lt-f'b I ,q-'-\ Icf5 (I.4~~s- ?~IA1c,q). \ q~~'( ('1.4-'¥\ I...( -.. ) ~ 'f'Ne v'()'fj e ~ ~ 1...\ I:Q 'L":j ~ i i ~ ~ ~L~I ... oJ!io'd ...... &~A~Siis .. o~c .. i .. a .. t~e .. s ,~Iiin!'ic"'iiii~""ii'~' ... 5~_7'!!8~'.' _~I ,:'!,'!'7 iim~ll,ii" .. '!'doii",."oc·"a·t,,"!s9!""'2:"miia'·~1 c""miiiii __ iiii ~ 38210 SE 92no Streel. Snof]ufllmic. Washington Qg(]65"f ,_ • a.: ~ 1(1 _, " August 10, 2011 SUBMITIAL To: From: Subject: Larry Meckling, Building Official City of Renton Michael Lloyd Special Inspection-Geotechnical Cugini Boathouse Building Permit #B080077 Dear Mr. Meckling: Attached please find a copy of GEOTECH CONSULTANTS' report of geotechnical Observations during pile Installatio, Installed piles were galvanized W14X74 H-piles as rquired in approved plans, All piles were driven to refusal/ embendment with a vibro-hammer. Hard copy of report to follow in the mail. If you have any questions regarding this work, please call. Sincerely, LLOYD & ASSOCIATES, INC!, ~/t:~tv~~ ~t R. Michael Lloyd' (,/ 425, 785-1357 (cell) Attachments: 2011-121 Piling Inspection ~eport IGeotech Consultants) Installation Photographs GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Lloyd & Associates, Inc. 38210 Southeast 92"d Street Snoqualmie, Washington 98065 Attention R Michael Lloyd Subject: Geotechnical Design Parameters for Anchor Piles New Cugini Boathouse North of 4011 Wells Avenue North Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Lloyd: 1 J25f, Nllrtheasl 20th Street. Suite 16 Bellevue. Wa.shington 98005 (425) 747~561X FAX (425) 747~8561 January 14, 2010 JN 10004 via email This report presents our geotechnical observations and conclusions related to design of the anchor piles to be installed for the new Cugini boathouse. The scope of our services consisted of exploring site subsurface conditions, and then developing this report to provide recommendations for design of the piles to withstand lateral loading conditions. This work was authorized by your acceptance of our proposal, P-7895 dated December 2, 2009. Based on our discussions with you, the existing boathouse, which is supported on driven timber piles, will be replaced with a floating boathouse The existing boathouse and its supporting piles will be entirely removed as a part of this work. The new boathouse will be approximately the same size, and will be close to the existing location, possibly a few feet further toward the west. Anchor piles consisting of driven steel pipes will be installed to laterally restrain the boathouse against wind and impact loads. Collars around the piles will allow the boathouse to rise and fall with the approximate 2-foot seasonal fluctuation in the level of Lake Washington. Excavation of the lake bottom will likely occur at the eastem, shore side of the boathouse, where the water depth is only a few feet. SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE The Vicinity Map, Plate 1, illustrates the general location of the site. The existing boathouse is located on the eastem shore of Lake Washington, just north of the existing residence having an address of 4011 Wells Avenue North This metal structure is supported over Lake Washington on timber piles. A wood dock also supported on driven timber piles extends over the shallower water along the north side of the boathouse. Neither the boathouse or the dock move with the water level in the lake. To the north of the boathouse is the old Barbee Mill property, which is being redeveloped with detached single-family homes. The storm detention pond for this neighboring development is situated on land immediately north of the dock. At the time of our field explorations on January 7, 2010, the level of Lake Washington was low. Based on review of the Corps of Engineers' website (www.nwd-wc.usace.army.mil) the elevation of the water surface in Lake Washington typically varies between a maximum of 22 feet in mid- Uoyd & Associates, Inc. January 14.2010 IN 10004 Page 2 summer and 1.95 to 20 feet in winter. The monitoring stations at Kenmore and the Ballard Locks showed a lake elevation of approximately 20.2 feet and 20.0 feet, respectively on the day of our field explorations. These elevations are based on the Corps of Engineers' datum. Infomnation reg arding seasonal and recent lake levels is included as an appendix to this report. The lake bottom is relatively shallow underneath the northern side of the dock, but deepens quickly to the south toward the boathouse. At the boring location, the lake bottom was at a measured depth of approximately 13 inches below the current level of the lake. This would result in a lake bottom elevation of approximately 19 feet at the location of the exploration. Measurements taken by Lloyd and Associates indicate that the current water depth at the western, outboard end of the boathouse is approximately 8 feet. Currently, the water depth at the eastern end of the boathouse is less than 3 feel. SUBSURFACE The subsurface conditions were explored by drilling a single test boring at the approximate location shown on the Site Exploration Plan, Plate 2. The drill rig was set up on the western end of the existing wood dock that is located immediately to the north of the current boathouse. The boring was drilled on January 7, 2010 using a small track-mounted hollow-stem auger drill. Samples were taken at approximate 5-foot intervals with a standard penetration sampler. This split- spoon sampler, which has a 2-inch outside diameter, is driven into the soil with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampler a given distance is an indication of the soil density or consistency. A geotechnical engineer from our staff observed the drilling process, logged the test boring, and obtained representative samples of the soil encountered. The Test Boring Log is attached as Plate 3. Depths on the log are measured from the lake bottom at the drill ing location. The soil encountered to a depth of approximately 5 to 6 feet below' the lake bottom conSisted of very loose, slightly gravelly sand. A piece of chain link fencing became wrapped around the auger within this soil, indicating that this soil may be old fill. We next observed very loose sand that contained lenses of organiCS and sandy sm. This soil unit, which extended to a depth of approximately 18 feet, is likely old lake sediments. Dense, slightly gravelly, silty sand was then encountered between 18 feet and the bottom of the boring at a depth of 34 feet. The sand soils encountered to a depth of approximately 18 feet were wet in the samples and are probably saturated from the over1ying lake. The dense soil beneath was not as wet, but it was not possible to detemnine if it is saturated. The stratification lines on the log represents the approximate boundaries between soil types at the exploration location. The actual transition between soil types may be gradual, and subsurface conditions can vary away from the exploration location The log provides specific subsurface infomnation only at the location tested. If a transition in soil type occurred between samples in the boring, the depth of the transition was interpreted. Lloyd & Associates, Inc January 14. 2010 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA TIONS IN 100()4 Page 3 Large-diameter steel pipe piles appear suitable to support lateral loads from the planned floating boathouse. These piles can be installed using either vibratory or impact hammers. Even though the piles will not be subjected to any appreciable vertical loading, it is still important that they be embedded into dense soils. This is necessary to maximize lateral load resistance and prevent vertical settlement under any axial loads that may be transferred to the pile. To achieve this, we recommend that the piles be embedded at least 15 feet into the dense soil. This would require a pile tip elevation of approximately ·15 feet, based on the Corps of Engineer's datum. For rough calculation of the maximum allowable lateral load for a pile, the allowable passive resistance for the very loose soils can be assumed to be provided by an equivalent fluid unit weight of 90 pounds per cubic foot (pet). This passive resistance acts on 1.5 times the diameter of the pile. The passive resistance is not mobilized into the dense soils further down along the pile. USing this method of calculation, an allowable lateral capacity of 23,000 pounds results for an l8·inch· diameter pile. The pile diameter that will be chosen will likely depend largely on the deflection that will result from lateral loading at the collar. The unsupported length of the pile has the most Significant impact on the lateral deflection of a vertical pile under loading. Using the current maximum 8-foot water depth at the boathouse, a maximum l0-foot water depth would be present when the lake level rises in summer. We expect that the collar encircling the pile will be 2 to 3 feet above the lake's surface, yielding an unsupported design pile length of approximately 13 feet. In order to assist with pile sizing, we completed an LPile analysis for both an 18-inch and 24-inch diameter steel pile having a pile wall thickness of 0.5 inches. We applied a lateral load of 11,000 pounds to the pile, which is a preliminary load estimated by B & T Design and Engineering for a single pile. Under this loading, the LPile analysis yields a top of pile deflection of approximately 2.8 inches and 1.4 inches for an l8-inch and 24-inch pile, respectively. Considering the potential variability in the upper, looser soils and the potential for repeated loading, it appears that a 24·inch pile would be more appropriate for at least the western end of the boathouse, where the water depth will be the greatest. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Lloyd & ASSOciates, the Cugini Family, and their representatives, for specifiC application to this project and site. Our conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in accordance with current standards of practice within the limited scope of our services. No warranty is expressed or implied. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions, and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for conSideration in design. Lloyd & Associates, Inc. January 14, 2010 IN 10004 Page 4 If you have any questions, or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Attachments: • Vicinity Map • Site Exploration Plan • Boring Log Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Marc R. McGinnis, P.E. Principal • Appendix -Lake Washington Elevation Data • Appendix -LPile Results MRM: jyb cc: B & T Design and Engineering -Jim Trueblood via email ~.( , i i ~i! GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. '~~\~~7~~~----~ 4 (Source. Th6 Thomas GUIde, King County, Washfngton, 1998) VICINITY MAP North of 4011 Wells Avenue North Renton, Washington 1 Job No-;0004 1 Dale: • Jan. 2010 I PIa"': Lake Washtnglon ~_.:l ..... GEOTECH .., CONSULTANTS, INC. 1'l.-~' ~,~~~~ ~t / {Source Kmg Count}' AsseS5or, 20(4) SITE EXPLORATION PLAN North of 4011 Wells Avenue North Renton, Washington I Job N~: 0004 I oatf~n 201 0 I No Scale I Plate: 2 I 25 30 3 2 3 5 38 22 46 ~iI BORING 1 ,wet. very IlTrm~GrifVSiWEiW1ihOroa;mCsamfi9rlse:-oEandy si~, 'fine-to medium-grained, wet. very 100 ~ SM I i H II "" Greenish gray, slightly gravelly, silty SAND, fine-grained, very moist. loose ----- -becomes gray, dense to very dense I, I I • Test boring was terminated at 34 feet on January 7, 2010 . • Ground surface at boring location was 13 inches below the current water level of Lake Washington. BORING LOG GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. ~~~t~~?~~------- North of 4011 Wells Avenue North Renton, Washington IDllte: 1 Logged by: IPlate: 31 1(\n(\.4 I~n ?n1n MRM APPENDIX -Lake Washington Elevation Data GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC APPENDIX -Lake Washington Elevation Data GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC Rivers: Lake Washington Basin -Lake Washington Summary I-Jydrograph Page 1 of 1 Lake Washington Basin Lake Washington Summary Hydrograph lAKE WASHINGTON SHIP CANAL ~ ~ ~ l--: -~ -~ r II / <J~ "- . ~ I .. j "': i '~ ... , • ( ' .. \' '" I .- 1 " I .. \. ~ * . , , , '" '-• , .-""" . .. ti 'r \ i .. 7 \ . + \ ;,." '. , 1;' \ "'"~. ~, r I i,1 ~ i ,'", " ~.t .. J " > , .~ ~ i LEGEND " l \, "'loxlITIUrfi E.le\· .... __ Minimum Elev • Average Eie',' , , ~ S Jan Fet> Mar ~I May Jun Jul AlIg Sep Ocl No." PIiC (SUMMARY HYDROGRAPH 1919-1999) Notes: 1. Summary hydrographs are a family of graphs which sho ......... for each day of the calendar year, the maximum, minimum, and average water surface elevatiun over the period of record. 2. Lake Washington water surface data were collected at eight am each day, 3. The Lake Washington Ship Canal is operated prnnarily as a navigation facility connecting Puget Sound and Lakes Union and Washington. Project authorization documents state that under nonnal operation the Lake Washington Ship Canal should be maintained within a 2-foot range between 20.0 feet and 22.0 feet (Corps of Engineers Datum). respectively. The minimum elevation is maintained during the winter months to aUow for annual maintenance on docks. walls, etc .. by businesses and lakeside residents, minimize wave and erosion damage during winter stonns and provide storage space for high inflow. The storage betv.reen 20 and 22 feet is used to augment Lake Washington Ship Canal inflows for use in operating the locks. the saltwaLer return system, the smolt pa.<;sage nume, and the fish ladder facility. 4. The locks and spillway dam regulate the t:ievalioI1 of Salmon Bay. Lake Union, Lake Washington and the Lake Washington Ship Canal. The level of Lake Washington wa'i lowered ahout 8 feet by the construction of the Lake Wa...;;hington Ship Canal, but it is still the second largest natural lake in the state, with a sunace area or 22.138 acre:; and shoreline of about 91 miles at elevation 22 feel. All Data Provided is Provisional Questions Rivers: Lake Washington Basin -Lake Washington Elevation at Kenmore Page 1 of2 Lake Washington Basin Lake Washington Elevation at Kenmore Confidence: .. What does the light mean? Graphical Data L~ke Hz.hin ~on -Elvvation ~t Kenmor& G~ e 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 01 03 05 07 09 11 I Dec2009 I Jan2010 Lake W ... hinqton at Kenmo:t:e I~SfJ~QU~'f,t~·1 p _.. ~.. Why do I see a black hoe at the bottgm ofthe graph? All Data Provided are Provisional Mon Jan 11 09:20:07 2010 Tabular Data Kenmore E',l~vation Sun lOJan 2010 0900 20.;8 Sun 10Jar: 2010 1000 20.23 Sun lCJan 2010 1100 20.18 Sun lOJan 2010 1200 20.20 Sun lOJan 2010 1300 20.23 Sun lOJan 2010 1400 20.23 Sun lOJan 2010 1500 20.23 Sun lOJan 2010 1600 20.24 Sun lOJan 2010 1700 20.23 Rivers: Lake Washington Basin -Lake Washington Ship Canal Elevation at Locks Page 1 of2 Lake Washington Basin Lake Washington Ship Canal Elevation at Locks Confid~l1ce: .. What does the light mean? Graphical Data 22.0 Li.k.e W'''Eibj.n ton Shl C:e.n.c.l Elevi.t.ion l.t LockE 21. 8 21.6 21.4 E L 21.2 E v 21.0 I N 20.8 F E 20.6 E T 20.4 20.2 20.0 19.8 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 26 2B 30 01 03 05 07 09 11 I Dec2009 I Jan2010 LHSC Hva~omet Ob.erved Elev. L~ke W~&hj,nqton 0800 Project Observed If~Qiji"iffjl. How do 1 read the graphs? 1~'''Sl;ejllOliS''''WI • -Why do I see a black line at the bottom of the graoh'! All Data Provided are Provisional Mon Jan 11 09:20:192010 Tabular Data Locks Boathouse Observed Sun lOJan 2010 0900 2C.01 Sun lCJan 2010 1000 20.01 Sun JQCan 2010 1l0O 20.02 SUD JOJ8n 2010 1200 20.0:- Sun 10Jan 2010 1300 20. OJ Sun iOJan 2010 J400 20.02 Sun lOJan 2010 1500 20.01 Sun lOJan 20]0 1600 20.00 APPENDIX -LPile Results GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC, JN10004 Case 1.lpo LPILE plus for windows, version 5.0 (5.0.17) Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled Shafts subjected to Lateral Loading using the p-y Method (c) 1985-2005 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved ============================================================================== This program is licensed to: Marc MCGinnis Geotech consultants, Inc. path to file locations: Results\ Name of input data file: Name of output file: Name of plot output file: Name of runtime file: C:\Documents and settings\marcm\My Documents\LPile JN10004 case 1.lpd JN10004 Case 1.lpo JN10004 Case 1.lpp JN10004 Case l.lpr Time and Date of Analysis Date: January 13, 2010 Time: 15:47:46 problem Title IN l0004/cugini Boathouse-18 inch pipe with 0.5 inch wall thickness ~4~------- program options units used in Computations -us customary units, inches, pounds Basic program Options: Analysis Type 1: -computation of Lateral Pile Response Using user-specified Constant EI computation Options: -only internally-generated p-y curves used in analysis Analysis does not use p-y multipliers (individual pile or shaft action only) -Analysis assumes no shear resistance at pile tip -Analysis includes automatic computation of pile-top deflection vs. pile embedment length -NO computation of foundation stiffness matrix elements -output pile response for full length of pile Analysis assumes no soil movements acting on pile NO additional p-y curves to be computed at user-specified depths solution control parameters: Page 1 JN10004 Number of pile increments Maximum number of iterations allowed Deflection tolerance for convergence = Maximum allowable deflection = Case 1.1 po 80 100 1. 0000E-05 in 1. 0000E+02 in printing options: -values of pile-head deflection, bending moment, shear force, and soil reaction are printed for full length of pile. -printing Increment (spacing of output points) = 1 pile structural properties and Geometry pile Length 480.00 in Depth of lround surface below top of pile = 156.00 in Slope ang e of ground surface = .00 deg. structural properties of pile defi ned using 2 poi nts point Depth pi 1 e Moment of Pile Modulus of x Diameter Inertia Area Elasticity in in ; n**4 Sq. in lbs/sq.in --------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0000 18.00000000 1053.0000 27.5000 30000000. 2 480.0000 18.00000000 1053.0000 27.5000 30000000. soil and Rock Layering Information The soil profile is modelled using 2 layers Layer 1 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., Distance from top of pile to top of layer = Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = p-y subgrade modulus k for top of soil layer = p-y subgrade modulus k for bottom of layer = 1974 156.000 in 300.000 in 20.000 lbs/in**3 20.000 1bs/in*"3 Layer 2 is sand, p-y criteria by API RP-2A, 1987 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = p-y subgrade modulus k for top of soil layer = p-y subgrade modulus k for bottom of layer = 300.000 in 480.000 in 125.000 lbs/in**3 125.000 lbs/in w*3 (Depth of lowest layer extends .00 in below pile tip) Effective Unit weight of soil vs. Depth Distribution of effective unit weight of soil with depth is defined using 4 points point No. 1 2 Depth x in 156.00 300.00 Eff. unit weight 1 bs/i n*" 3 .06400 .06400 page 2 3 4 300.00 480.00 JN10004 Case 1.lpo .07500 .07500 -------------~---------------------------------------------------------------- shear strength of soils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Distribution of shear strength parameters with depth defined using 4 points Point De~th X cohesion c Angle of Fri cti on No. ,n lbs/in**2 Deg. ------------------------------------ 1 156.000 .00000 25.00 2 300.000 .00000 25.00 3 300.000 .00000 40.00 4 480.000 .00000 40.00 Notes: E50 or RQD Ic.rm % ------------ ------ ------ ------------ ------------ ------------ (1) cohesion; uniaxial compressive strength for rock materials. (2) values of E50 are reported for clay strata. (3) Default values will be generated for E50 when input values are O. (4) RQD and Ic.rm are reported only for weak rock strata. Loading Type Static loading criteria was used for computation of p-y curves pile-head Loading and Pile-head Fixity conditions Number of loads specified ~ 1 Load case Number 1 Pile-head boundary conditions shear force at pile head ~ Bending moment at pile head; Axial load at pile head ~ are shear and Moment (BC Type 1) 11000.000 lbs .000 in-lbs .000 lbs (Zero moment at pile head for this load indicates a free-head condition) computed values of Load Distribution and Deflection for Lateral Loading for Load case Number 1 Pile-head boundary conditions are shear and specified shear force at pile head ~ Specified moment at pile head ~ Moment (BC Type 1) 11000.000 lbs .000 in-lbs page 3 JN10004 Case 1.lpo specified axial load at pile head .000 1 bs (zero moment for this load indicates free-head condi ti ons) Depth Defl ect. Moment shear slope Total soi 1 Res x ¥ M V 5 Stress p in In 1 bs-i n lbs Rad. 1 bs/i n**2 1 bs/i n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.000 2.790 -5.4556E-06 11000.0000 -.0141655 4.6629E-08 0.0000 6.000 2.705 66000.0000 11000.0000 -.0141592 564.1026 0.0000 12.000 2.620 132000. 11000.0000 -.0141404 1128.2051 0.0000 18.000 2.535 198000. 11000.0000 -.0141091 1692.3077 0.0000 24.000 2.450 264000. 11000.0000 -.0140652 2256.4103 0.0000 30.000 2.366 330000. 11000.0000 -.0140088 2820.5128 0.0000 36.000 2.282 396000. 11000.0000 -. 0139399 3384.6154 0.0000 42.000 2.199 462000. 11000.0000 -. 0138584 3948.7179 0.0000 48.000 2.116 528000. 11000.0000 -. 0137644 4512.8205 0.0000 54.000 2.034 594000. 11000.0000 -.0136578 5076.9231 0.0000 60.000 1. 952 660000. 11000.0000 -.0135387 5641. 0256 0.0000 66.000 1.871 726000. 11000.0000 -.0134071 6205.1282 0.0000 72.000 1. 791 792000. 11000.0000 -.0132629 6769.2308 0.0000 78.000 1. 712 858000. 11000.0000 -.0131062 7333.3333 0.0000 84.000 1.634 924000. 11000.0000 -.0129370 7897.4359 0.0000 90.000 1. 557 990000. 11000.0000 -.0127552 8461. 5385 0.0000 96.000 1.481 1056000. 11000.0000 -.0125609 9025.6410 0.0000 102.000 1.406 1122000. 11000.0000 -.0123541 9589.7436 0.0000 108.000 1. 333 1188000. 11000.0000 -.0121347 10153.8462 0.0000 114.000 1.260 1254000. 11000.0000 -.0119028 10717.9487 0.0000 120.000 1.190 1320000. 11000.0000 -.0116584 11282.0513 0.0000 126.000 1.121 1386000. 11000.0000 -.0114014 11846.1538 0.0000 132.000 1.053 1452000. 11000.0000 -.0111319 12410.2564 0.0000 138.000 . 986954 1518000 . 11000.0000 -.0108498 12974.3590 0.0000 144.000 . 922720 1584000 . 11000.0000 -.0105552 13538.4615 0.0000 150.000 . 860291 1650000 . 11000.0000 -.0102481 14102.5641 0.0000 156.000 .799742 1716000. 11000.0000 -.0099285 14666.6667 0.0000 162.000 .741149 1782000. 10867.3224 -.0095963 15230.7692 -44.2259 168.000 .684587 1846408. 10454.1321 -.0092517 15781. 2638 -93.5043 174.000 .630129 1907450. 9757.4972 -.0088952 16302.9879 -138.7074 180.000 . 577845 1963498 . 8809.0977 -.0085276 16782.0328 -177 .4258 186.000 . 527798 2013159 . 7648.5805 -.0081499 17206.4851 -209.4133 192.000 .480045 2055281. 6317.7917 -.0077636 17566.5026 -234.1830 198.000 . 434635 2088972 . 4858.8994 -.0073700 17854.4637 -252.1144 204.000 . 391605 2113588 . 3311.4288 -.0069709 18064.8512 -263.7091 210.000 . 350984 2128709 . 1712.6754 -.0065680 18194.0975 -269.2087 216.000 .312789 2134140. 64.9638 -.0061632 18240.5102 -280.0285 222.000 . 277026 2129489 . -1619.3523 -.0057583 18200.7604 -281. 4103 228.000 . 243690 2114707 . -3277.3808 -.0053552 18074.4228 -271. 2659 234.000 . 212763 2090160 . -4935.3809 -.0049559 17864.6188 -281.4008 240.000 . 184219 2055483 . -6638.9258 -.0045622 17568.2299 -286.4475 246.000 . 158017 2010493 . -8351. 5 574 -.0041761 17183.7033 -284.4297 252.000 . 134106 1955264 . -9977 . 2950 -.0037995 16711.6599 -257.4828 258.000 . 112423 1890766 . -11437.7717 -.0034342 16160.3910 -229.3428 264.000 . 092895 1818011 . -12727.7594 -.0030820 15538.5551 -200.6531 270.000 . 075439 1738033 . -13845.7203 -.0027443 14854.9798 -172.0005 276.000 . 059963 1651862 . -14793.4577 -.0024224 14118.4813 -143.9120 282.000 .046370 1560511. -15575.7531 -.0021173 13337.7021 -116.8531 288.000 . 034556 1464953 . -16199.9930 -.0018300 12520.9681 -91. 2269 294.000 .024410 1366111. -16675.7919 -.0015611 11676.1644 -67.3728 300.000 . 015822 1264844 . -17550.2614 -.0013113 10810.6305 -224.1171 306.000 .008675 1155508. -18612.0278 -.0010814 9876.1375 -129.8051 312.000 . 002845 1041499 . -19135.5832 -.0008728 8901.7046 -44.7134 318.000 -.001798 925881. -19180.8831 -.0006859 7913.5136 29.6134 324.000 -.005386 811329. -18813.8453 -.0005210 6934.4345 92.7325 page 4 JN10004 Case 1.lpo 330.000 -.008050 700115. -18101. 8129 -.0003774 5983.8885 336.000 -.009916 594107. -17111. 3288 -.0002545 5077.8383 342.000 -.011104 494779. -15906.3489 -.0001511 4228.8804 348.000 -.011729 403231. -14546.8332 -6.5836E-05 3446.4179 354.000 -.011894 320217. -13087.6786 2.8671E-06 2736.8975 360.000 -.011695 246179. -11577.9687 5.6656E-05 2104.0919 366.000 -.011214 181281. -10060.5136 9.7250E-05 1549.4135 372.000 -.010528 125453. -8571. 6562 .0001264 1072.2443 378.000 -.009698 78421. 5072 -7141. 3136 .0001457 670.2693 384.000 -.008779 39756.8253 -5793.2214 .0001570 339.8019 390.000 -.007814 8902.8507 -4545.3474 .0001616 76.0927 396.000 -.006840 -14787.3439 -3410.4381 .0001610 126.3876 402.000 -.005882 -32022.4061 -2396.6638 .0001566 273.6958 408.000 -.004961 -43547.3094 -1508.3310 .0001494 372 .1992 414.000 -.004089 -50122.3785 -746.6294 .0001405 428.3964 420.000 -.003275 -52506.8617 -110.3867 .0001308 448.7766 426.000 -.002520 -51447.0195 403.1920 .0001209 439.7181 432.000 -.001824 -47668.5580 797.8257 .0001115 407.4236 438.000 -.001182 -41873.1117 1077 . 5159 .0001030 357.8898 444.000 -.000588 -34738.3676 1245.9824 9.5699E-05 296.9091 450.000 -3.39E-05 -26921.3228 1306.1917 8.9843E-05 230.0968 456.000 .000490 -19064.0670 1259.9946 8.5476E-05 162.9407 462.000 .000992 -11801.3876 1107.8893 8.2545E-05 100.8666 468.000 .001480 -5769.3950 848.9277 8.0876E-05 49.3111 474.000 .001962 -1614.2550 480.7829 8.0175E-05 13.7971 480.000 .002442 0.0000 0.0000 8.0022E-05 0.0000 output verification: computed forces and moments are within specified convergence limits. output summary for Load Case NO.1: pile-head deflection computed slope at pile head Maximum bending moment Maximum shear force Depth of maximum bending moment = Depth of maximum shear force Number of iterations = Number of zero deflection points = 2.78956014 in -.01416550 2134140. lbs-in -19180.88314 lbs 216.00000 in 318.00000 in 11 2 Summary of Pile-Head Response(s) Definition of symbols for Pile-Head Loading conditions: Type 1 = Shear and Moment, Type 2 = Shear and slope, y = pile-head displacment in M = Pile-head Moment lbs-in 144.6116 185.5497 216.1102 237.0617 249.3232 253.9135 251. 9049 244.3809 232.4000 216.9641 198.9939 179.3092 158.6155 137.4954 116.4052 95.6757 75.5172 56.0274 37.2027 18.9528 1.1170 -16.5160 -34.1857 -52.1348 -70.5801 -89.6808 Type 3 = shear and Rot. Stiffness, Type 4 = Deflection and Moment, Type 5 = Deflection and slope, v = Pile-head shear Force lbs S = pile-head Slope, radians R = Rot. Stiffness of pile-head in-lbs/rad Load Boundary Type condition 1 Boundary condition 2 Axial Load 1 bs pile-Head Maximum Deflection Moment in in-lbs page 5 Maximum shear 1 bs 1 V= 11000. M= JN10004 case 1.lpo 0.000 0.0000 2.7896 2134140. -19180.8831 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pile-head Deflection vs. pile Length ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boundary condition Type I, shear and Moment shear Moment = Axial Load = pi 1 e Lel)gth In ----------- 480.000 456.000 432.000 408.000 384.000 360.000 336.000 312.000 The analysis 11000. 1 bs pile Head Deflection in ------------ 2.78956014 2.79288486 2.79440014 2.79376768 2.81797293 2.93523583 3.37521707 5.61683639 O. in-lbs O. 1 bs Maximum Moment i n-l bs ------------ 2134140. 2132072. 2132835. 2131404. 2129709. 2121594. 2109850. 2108529. ended normally. Maximum shear lbs ------------ -19180.88314 -18459.17426 -18359.19249 -18676.33585 -20081. 75230 -23461.49858 -27577 . 33455 -34711.69306 page 6 Lateral Deflection vs. Depl 17-Loading Case 1 Q) .!! Deflection, in. 012 o~=~=~~ 1 2 --------,- 4 ___ -1 ____ 1 -- 6 - - -~ --1--- 8 - - -+ - --I - - - 1 10---; - --I - - - ____ :___ p;)e... ;..,-----,--+_ lA "" ~frDrf, J 14 - - --, ----, - - -le."j fl., 16 -_-'-____ 1 __ _ 12 18 - -~ ---_I _ _ _ . , , .c 20 .-/-- --I - - --I - I g-22 0 24 ' 26 28 30 32 1 1 ----~----,- 1 1 - - - T - - --: - - - I 1 ------------- 1 1 _ _ _ -'----_, --- 1 1 ___ -L __ --I _ --- 1 , ---+----1--- 1 1 34 ---t----I--- 1 ' 36 - - - -T - - - - - - - 1 1 38 - - --, - - --, - - - 1PLE Plus 5.0, (1;) 12004 by Enso~, Inc. Bending Moment vs. Dept 17-Loading Case 1 I Maximum Moment, kips- !~\1r::2r \ : I ~~~~~>\-:~=~~=: 1 1 1 10 1 -----: -----~ 12 fr -----,---"\ -I 14~-----'----\~ 1 1 ~ +-' 16 ' _____ ' _____ ~ Q) 1 1 ' \ ~ 18-'----_1 _____ 1- :5 20~-----:-----J c.. 1 1 1 8 22~~~---:---/~ 24 1 --.. , --/ --I 26~ ----y ---~ 28~--/1-----~ ,/ 1 1 301"-7--. -1----1- 1 1 I 32 IV -----1---. -, 1 34 _. ----1------ I 1 361r . ----..... ----1 38' I 1 ------,-----I 4P,LE Plus 5.0. (e) 2004 by Ensoff. Inc. 1 JN10004 Case 2.1po =====;~======================================================================= LPILE plus for windows, version 5.0 (5.0.17) Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled Shafts subjected to Lateral Loading using the p-y Method (c) 1985-2005 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved ============================================================================== This program is licensed to: Marc McGinnis Geotech Consultants, Inc. Path to file locations: Results\ Name of input data file: Name of output file: Name of plot output file: Name of runtime file: C:\Documents and settings\marcm\My Documents\LPile JN10004 Case 2.lpd JN10004 Case 2.lpo JN10004 Case 2.lpp JN10004 Case 2.lpr Time and Date of Analysis Date: January 13, 2010 Time: 15:51:49 Problem Title IN 10004/cugini Boathouse-24 inch pipe with 0.5 inch wall thickness~~~--------- program Options units used in computations -us Customary units, inches, pounds Basic program Options: Analysis Type 1: -computation of Lateral Pile Response using user-specified constant EI Computation options: -Only internally-generated p-y curves used in analysis Analysis does not use p-y multipliers (individual pile or shaft action only) -Analysis assumes no shear resistance at pile tip -Analysis includes automatic computation of pile-top deflection vs. pile embedment length -No computation of foundation stiffness matrix elements -output pile response for full length of pile Analysis assumes no soil movements acting on pile NO additional p-y curves to be computed at user-specified depths solution Control Parameters: page 1 JN10004 Number of pile increments -Maximum number of iterations allowed; Deflection tolerance for convergence; Maximum allowable deflection Case 2.1 po 80 100 1.0000E-05 in 1. 0000E+02 in printing options; -values of pile-head deflection, bending moment, shear force, and soil reaction are printed for full length of pile. -printing Increment (spacing of output points); 1 Pile Structural properties and Geometry pi 1 e Length ; 480.00 in Depth of ~round surface below top of pile; 156.00 in slope ang e of ground surface ; .00 deg. Structural properties of pi 1 e defined using 2 points Point Depth pi 1 e Moment of pi 1 e Modulus of x Diameter Inertia Area El asti ci ty in in i n**4 sq. i n 1 bs/sq. i n --------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0000 24.00000000 2549.0000 36.9000 30000000. 2 480.0000 24.00000000 2549.0000 36.9000 30000000. soil and Rock Layering Information The soil profile is modelled using 2 layers L~yer 1 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., Dlstance from top of pile to top of layer ; Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer; p-y subgrade modulus k for top of soil layer; p-y subgrade modulus k for bottom of layer ; 1974 156.000 in 300.000 in 20.000 lbs/in**3 20.000 lbs/in**3 Layer 2 is sand, p-y criteria by API RP-2A, 1987 Distance from top of pile to top of layer ; Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer; p-y subgrade modulus k for top of soil layer; p-y subgrade modulus k for bottom of layer ; 300.000 in 480.000 in 125.000 lbs/in**3 125.000 lbs/in**3 (Depth of lowest layer extends .00 in below pile tip) Effective Unit weight of soil vs. Depth Distribution of effective unit weight of soil with depth is defined using 4 points Point NO. 1 2 Depth X in 156.00 300.00 Eff. unit weight 1 bs/i n**3 .06400 .06400 page 2 3 4 300.00 480.00 JN10004 case 2.lpo .07500 .07500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ shear Strength of Soils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Distribution of shear strength parameters with depth defined using 4 points Poi nt Depth x cohesion c Angle of Friction NO. in lbs/in**2 Deg. ------------------------------------ 1 156.000 .00000 25.00 2 300.000 .00000 25.00 3 300.000 .00000 40.00 4 480.000 .00000 40.00 Notes: EsO or RQD k_rm % ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ (1) cohesion = uniaxial compressive strength for rock materials. (2) values of EsO are reported for clay strata. (3) Default values will be generated for EsO when input values are O. (4) RQD and k_rm are reported only for weak rock strata. Loading Type static loading criteria was used for computation of p-y curves pile-head Loading and Pile-head Fixity conditions Number of loads specified = 1 Load case Number 1 pile-head boundary conditions shear force at pile head = Bending moment at pile head = Axial load at pile head = are shear and Moment (BC Type 1) 11000.000 lbs .000 in-lbs .000 lbs (zero moment at pile head for this load indicates a free-head condition) computed values of Load Distribution and Deflection for Lateral Loading for Load case Number 1 pile-head boundary conditions are shear and specified shear force at pile head = specified moment at pile head = Moment (BC Type 1) 11000.000 lbs .000 in-lbs Page 3 JN10004 Case 2.lpo specified axial load at pile head .000 lbs (Zero moment for this load indicates free-head conditions) Depth Deflect. Moment Shear slope Total Soil Res X \:' M V S Stress p in ln 1 bs-i n lbs Rad. lbsjin**2 1 bsji n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.000 1. 353 9.4332E-07 11000.0000 -.0064856 4.4409E-09 0.0000 6.000 1. 314 66000.0000 11000.0000 -.0064830 310.7101 0.0000 12.000 1. 275 132000. 11000.0000 -.0064752 621.4202 0.0000 18.000 1.236 198000. 11000.0000 -.0064623 932.1302 0.0000 24.000 1.197 264000. 11000.0000 -.0064442 1242.8403 0.0000 30.000 1.159 330000. 11000.0000 -.0064209 1553.5504 0.0000 36.000 1.120 396000. 11000.0000 -.0063924 1864.2605 0.0000 42.000 1.082 462000. 11000.0000 -.0063587 2174.9706 0.0000 48.000 1.044 528000. 11000.0000 -.0063199 2485.6807 0.0000 54.000 1.006 594000. 11000.0000 -.0062759 2796.3907 0.0000 60.000 . 968809 660000 . 11000.0000 -.0062267 3107.1008 0.0000 66.000 . 931604 726000 . 11000.0000 -.0061723 3417.8109 0.0000 72 .000 .894741 792000. 11000.0000 -.0061127 3728.5210 0.0000 78.000 . 858251 858000 . 11000.0000 -.0060480 4039.2311 0.0000 84.000 . 822165 924000 . 11000.0000 -.0059781 4349.9412 0.0000 90.000 . 786514 990000 . 11000.0000 -.0059030 4660.6512 0.0000 96.000 .751329 1056000. 11000.0000 -.0058227 4971.3613 0.0000 102.000 . 716641 1122000 . 11000.0000 -.0057373 5282.0714 0.0000 108.000 . 682481 1188000 . 11000.0000 -.0056467 5592.7815 0.0000 114.000 . 648881 1254000 . 11000.0000 -.0055509 5903.4916 0.0000 120.000 . 615871 1320000 . 11000.0000 -.0054499 6214.2016 0.0000 126.000 . 583482 1386000 . 11000.0000 -.0053437 6524.9117 0.0000 132.000 .551746 1452000. 11000.0000 -.0052324 6835.6218 0.0000 138.000 . 520693 1518000 . 11000.0000 -.0051159 7146.3319 0.0000 144.000 . 490355 1584000 . 11000.0000 -.0049942 7457.0420 0.0000 150.000 .460763 1650000. 11000.0000 -.0048673 7767.7521 0.0000 156.000 .431948 1716000. 11000.0000 -.0047353 8078.4621 0.0000 162.000 . 403940 1782000 . 10869.9940 -.0045980 8389.1722 -43.3353 168.000 . 376771 1846440 . 10474.6494 -.0044557 8692.5379 -88.4462 174.000 . 350472 1907696 . 9830.8011 -.0043084 8980.9139 -126.1699 180.000 . 325071 1964410 . 8984.1900 -.0041565 9247.9068 -156.0338 186.000 . 300594 2015506 . 7975.0193 -.0040004 9488.4554 -180.3564 192.000 . 277066 2060110 . 6835.4872 -.0038405 9698.4375 -199.4877 198.000 .254508 2097532. 5595.6632 -.0036774 9874.6108 -213.7870 204.000 . 232938 2127258 . 4283.4411 -.0035116 10014.5519 -223.6204 210.000 . 212369 2148933 . 2924.5046 -.0033439 10116.5942 -229.3584 216.000 .192812 2162352. 1542.3075 -.0031747 10179.7652 -231.3739 222 .000 .174272 2167441. 158.0674 -.0030049 10203.7233 -230.0394 228.000 . 156753 2164249 . -1209.2252 -.0028349 10188.6948 -225.7248 234.000 . 140253 2152930 . -2542.7846 -.0026656 10135.4109 -218.7950 240.000 . 124767 2133735 . -3827.9938 -.0024974 10045.0460 -209.6080 246.000 .110285 2106994. -5052.3548 -.0023310 9919.1570 -198.5123 252.000 . 096794 2073107 . -6205.4282 -.0021670 9759.6246 -185.8454 258.000 . 084280 2032529 . -7278.7601 -.0020060 9568.5954 -171. 9319 264.000 . 072723 1985762 . -8265.8009 -.0018483 9348.4275 -157.0817 270.000 . 062101 1933340 . -9161.8138 -.0016946 9101.6376 -141. 5893 276.000 . 052388 1875820 . -9963.7770 -.0015451 8830.8515 -125.7318 282.000 . 043559 1813774 . -10670.2787 -.0014004 8538.7565 -109.7688 288.000 .035584 1747777. -11281.4079 -.0012607 8228.0582 -93.9409 294.000 . 028431 1678397 . -11798.6407 -.0011262 7901.4389 -78.4700 300.000 . 022069 1606193 . -12951.4660 -.0009974 7561.5206 -305.8051 306.000 .016463 1522980. -14594.1177 -.0008746 7169.7750 -241.7454 312.000 . 011573 1431064 . -15855.5079 -.0007587 6737.0589 -178.7180 318.000 . 007358 1332714 . -16749.1702 -.0006503 6274.0539 -119.1694 324.000 .003770 1230074. -17298.3439 -.0005498 5790.8523 -63.8885 page 4 JN10004 Case 2.lpo 330.000 . 000760 1125133 . -17530.3893 -.0004574 5296.8230 336.000 -.001719 1019709. -17475.6330 -.0003732 4800.5126 342.000 -.003718 915426. -17166.3418 -.0002973 4309.5766 348.000 -.005287 813713. -16635.8138 -.0002295 3830.7388 354.000 -.006472 715796. -15917.5823 -.0001695 3369.7739 360.000 -.007320 622702. -15044.7285 -.0001170 2931. 5110 366.000 -.007875 535259. -14049.3033 -7.1530E-05 2519.8559 372 .000 -.008179 454110. -12961.8547 -3.2716E-05 2137.8273 378.000 -.008268 379717. -11811.0590 -3.9952E-09 1787.6052 384.000 -.008179 312377 . -10623.4528 2.7148E-05 1470.5882 390.000 -.007942 252236. -9423.2586 4.9298E-05 1187.4572 396.000 -.007587 199298. -8232.2998 6.7012E-05 938.2425 402.000 -.007138 153448. -7069.9961 8.0851E-05 722.3920 408.000 -.006617 114458. -5953.4297 9. 1361E-05 538.8390 414.000 -.006042 82006.9442 -4897.4750 9.9069E-05 386.0664 420.000 -.005428 55688.6840 -3914.9786 .0001045 262.1672 426.000 -.004788 35027.2009 -3016.9813 .0001080 164.8986 432.000 -.004132 19484.9087 -2212.9688 .0001102 91. 7297 438.000 -.003466 8471. 5758 -1511.1416 .0001113 39.8819 444.000 -.002796 1351. 2094 -918.6915 .0001117 6.3611 450.000 -.002126 -2552.7224 -442.0729 .0001116 12.0175 456.000 -.001457 -3953.6652 -87.2577 .0001113 18.6128 462.000 -.000790 -3599.8150 140.0382 .0001111 16.9470 468.000 -.000125 -2273.2067 234.1703 .0001108 10.7016 474.000 .000540 -789.7714 189.4339 .0001107 3.7180 480.000 .001204 0.0000 0.0000 .0001107 0.0000 output verification: computed forces and moments are within specified convergence limits. output Summary for Load Case NO. pile-head deflection Computed slope at pile head Maximum bending moment Maximum shear force = = = Depth of maximum bending moment = Depth of maximum shear force Number of iterations Number of zero deflection points = 1: 1. 35281736 in -.00648559 2167441. 1 bs-i n -17530.38929 lbs 222.00000 in 330.00000 in 5 2 -13.4600 31. 7121 71. 3850 105.4577 133.9528 156.9984 174.8100 187.6729 195.9256 199.9431 200.1216 196.8646 190.5700 181. 6188 170.3661 157.1327 142.1997 125.8044 108.1380 89.3454 69.5275 48.7443 27.0211 4.3563 -19.2684 -43.8762 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary of Pile-Head Response(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Definition of symbols for pile-Head Loading conditions: Type 1 = shear and Moment, Type 2 = shear and Slope, Type 3 = shear and Rot. stiffness, Type 4 = Deflection and Moment, Type 5 = Deflection and slope, Load Boundary Type condition 1 Boundary condition 2 y = pile-head displacment in M = pile-head Moment lbs-in v = pile-head shear Force lbs s = pile-head slope, radians R = Rot. Stiffness of pile-head in-lbs/rad Axial Load 1 bs pile-Head Maximum Deflection Moment in in-lbs Maximum shear lbs --------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Page 5 1 v; 11000. M; JN10004 case 2.1po 0.000 0.0000 1.3528 2167441. -17530.3893 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pile-head Deflection vs. pile Length ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boundary condition Type 1, shear and Moment shear ; Moment ; Axial Load; pile Le~gth ln ----------- 480.000 456.000 432.000 408.000 384.000 360.000 336.000 312.000 The analysis 11000. 1 bs pile Head Deflection in ------------ 1. 35281736 1. 35601874 1. 35894303 1. 37041005 1.41731734 1. 54282857 1. 88843431 3.15317353 O. in-lbs O. lbs Maximum Moment i n-l bs ------------ 2167441. 2163462. 2162819. 2156423. 2140625. 2116627. 2094347. 2056524. ended normally. Maximum shear 1 bs ------------ -17530.38929 -16652.94318 -17241. 25578 -18908.92386 -21241. 71319 -23456.23830 -25930.98877 -29896.00962 Page 6 Lateral Deflection vs. Depl p--Loading Case 1 Deflection, in. 00 0.5 1 2 ---1 ---_1-.- 1 1 4 ___ .1 ___ 1 -- 6 .. --l - - - -,--- 8 -----1 -1-- - 1 0 - - ---t -- -,-- - 1 12 - ---,-- 14 --Ii ----,--- 1i5 16 -1--; ----:--- ~ 18 -j - -~ -- --:-- - £-20 f ----t - - --1-- - 0. I 1 1 ~ 22 r--~ ----:--- 24 . ----I ----,-- - 26 - - -~ - - --:-- - 28 -- - -! - - - -,-- - 1 1 30 - - -..1_ - - -1-- - 1 1 32 - --4 - - - -1-- - 1 1 34 -----t - - - -1-- - 1 1 36 -- --I - ---,-- - 38 ---- - --,-- - 1 1RLE Plus 5.0, (c) ~004 by Enso~, Inc. P"~ Loading Case 1 Bending Moment vs. Dept Maximum Moment, kips- 00 1,000 2,000 I I 2~ - - -~ - - - - : 4f------~-----L I I 6~---~ _____ L I I 8----~----~ 10 f--- - - -~ -~ - - -r- I \ 1 12~----,--\-, 14~ - - - ---' - - --1'-I 1 Q) 161------:-----, ~ 181-- - - -..J - -.. --L -I I £; 20 I-- - - --I - - - - -J Co I f ~ ~!: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/-~ --:- 261-- - - --' -----I-I I 28 f--- - - -~ - - - -,- 301-- -~ ~ ---~ 321-(( - -~ - - - - -~ I I 341-----1-----r- ! I I 36 - - ---, --- - -,- 38 I-- - - --' - - - --I-I I 1,gLE Plus 5.0, (c) 200 1 4 by Ensoft. Inc. i GEOTECH CONSULTANTS. INC. Lloyd & Associates, Inc. 38210 Southeast 92nd Street Snoqualmie, Washington 98065 Attention: R. Michael Lloyd 1.1':.'::;(1 :\(lnhL<l,t 211th Strt'l'I. SUllL' jh Iklll'\"Ut:, Wa~hinp()[\ 9~()05 (-4.2.'\) -:-1:-)61:-1 F~X (-1-2:'i) 7-1-:-X56] August9,2011 JN 10004 via email rml@centurytel.net Subject: Geotechnical Observations During Pile Installation New Cugini Boathouse 40xx Wells Avenue North .R!?:lton, vVashngton Dear Mr. lloyd: Geotech Consultants, Inc. provided geotechnical observations and testing services during the installation of the piles that will provide vertical and lateral support for the new Cugini boathouse. The design approved by the City of Renton called for a total of 12 wide-flange beams driven to refusal to carry the new bUilding loads. Six piles were located on each of the north and south sides of the new boathouse. A minimum of 15·foot embedment into dense soils was required by the structural engineer to achieve sufficient vertical capacity and lateral bending reSistance. Representatives from our firm observed the installation of the piles on July 25 through 27, 2011. Pacific Piling utilized a large vibratory hammer to install the H-piles vertically. As required by the plan, galvanized W14x74 beams were installed for the boathouse. Through observation of the penetration rate, we were able to verify that all piles were installed to at least 15 feet of embedment into the dense soils. The pile lengths necessary to reach sufficient embedment increased from east to west, as was expected. Based on our observations, it is our professional opinion that the piles were driven an acceptable manner and reached sufficient embedment into dense soils to support the design loading. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we can be of further assistance. , , MRM: jyb Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Marc R. McGinnis, P.E. PrinCipal .' ----- 20] (1-213 'icdl111cnL Smnpllllg Rl')lIi1~ ])l\lMl"-] Attachment C -Laboratory Reports and QC Forms This attachment includes the following: 1. Chain of Custody -Cooler Report 2. Case Narrative 3. Conventionals 4. Total Solids 5. Metals (Includes supplemental Analysis for Antimony (Sb) 6. Semivolatile Organics (Includes supplemental analysis for 2,4-dimethylphenol) 7. Pesticides 8. PCBs 9. Dioxins / Furans 10. TPH The full data set, as revised by Analytical Resources, is available (1478+ pages) on request. This data set provides the original analyses and requested supplement parameters as recommended by USACE / DMMP. Llo~d & :\SS(\CI(\tcS. Inc Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants August 11, 2016 Michael Lloyd Lloyd & Associates, Inc. 38210 SE 92 nd Street Snoqualmie, WA 98065 RE: Project: Barbee Dredging, 2016-1 Barbee ARI Job No.: BeW1 Dear Mr. Lloyd: Please find enclosed the Chain of Custody record (COC), sample receipt documentalion, and the final data package for samples from the project referenced above. Sample receipt and details of these analyses are discussed in the Case Narrative. An electronic copy of this package will remain on file with ARI. Should you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact me al your convenience. Sincerely, ANALYTICAL RESOURCES, INC. Cheronne Oreiro Project Manager (206) 695-6214 cheronneo@arilabs.com www.arilabs.com cc: eFile: BCW1 Enclosures Page10f \)41\ j 4611 South 134th Place, Suite 100. Tukwila WA 98168.206-695.6200.206-695-6201 fax Chain of Custody Documentation ARI Job ID: BCWl BCWi.00002 Chain of Custody Record & Laboratory Analysis Request , , Analytical Resources, Incorporated ARI Assigned Number: ~L~ \ Tum-around Requested: 5'rA.JJ '" 41?b Page: , of • Analytical Chemists and Consultant! !I' ~ t 1-" IS ARI Client Company: ,Jl Phone' '-, fJji I.j I Z-CW;, I ~...."t? 'les LI-<>YD..l-~f~r£' 4'10<1' L/zS -785-t~ Clie~;;~tact: L,--~!> No. of t CooIor )~& ,uA-e.L-CoaIOfS: Temps: Cij.n~:, ::~ PR t:?,l>Gr",L> C:r Analysis Requ~ted ~~ ~ ~~ I~~ ~ cl;ent-'2°~l: ~j SD!~rs: I. "". {ilM ~~ £.,-/ O~ Ala, ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Sample ID Oate Time Matrix No. CooUllnet'!l \<~ ~ 'v.l ~ {; 7Ojt-zett. Ii t/~4 /3 6D ~f;). 13 ;L / I Z-Z-I CommentslSpeciallnstructions ~;~D.' "-""''I;.. _~~ I~hedby. r!.-~o.s('1£-. ~ (Signalu (Signature) "'/', ~ .Slonaturn) ___ .,' .... Nan." <./ """""'N_ ~~\Cr i2c.~/::.." Printed Name: R. M,cA. /.1..", LLqb SI=N J Se0~ CoZ;;/F~ C"""",,,,, M'L """'" "", t.€7:r'3. ""'J.J'ir /2b/ I ~ OC/ 2. ; Dale & Time: ~ Date & Time: I-7 J:;_I "" 0')1-) 4611 South 134th Place, Suite 100 Tukwila, WA 98168 206-695-6200 206-695-6201 (fax) WWW'.arilabs.com NotesiComments ~ ~1lJ ~ IN ~ VI' z... 2- Received by: (Sigrlature) ---Pril11ed Name: r--. """-", ---- oate 5. Tune: tSl Umlts 01 Usblllly: ARJ wifl perform all requested services In accordance with appropriate methodology following ARI Standard Operating Procedures and the ARI Quality Assurance Program. This program ~I meets standards for the industry. The tola/liability of ARI, its officers, agsnts, emplo)'6lJS, or successors, arising out of Of In connection with the requestBfi services, shall not exceed thB Invoiced amount for ~I said SBrvices. The acceptance by the client of a proposal for services by ARI release ARI from any liability in BXceSS thereof, not withstanding any provision to the contrary in any contract, purchase order or co- 1,1 signed agreement between ARI and Ihe Clien/. Sam~e Retentk)n Policy: All samples submitted 10 ARI will be appropriately discarded no sooner Ihan 90 days after receipt or 60 days after submission ot hardcopy data, whichever is longer, unless alternate retention schedules have been established by work·order or contract. I I Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Cooler Receipt Form i ARI Cnent [\"'1<h ~ ~SC0-....\e5 CQCNo(s): @ Project Name:'_.J..<;~=-~h.:::e-=-e.~::':;:;'5t-~r-__ Assigned ARI Job ND ~ (. vJ - Delivered by: Fed-Ex UPS Courier Tracking No: _______ .... _-:_-:_-_-_-_-____ G1.>::c Preliminary Examlnaticn Phas~ Were intact, properly signed and dated custody seals attached to the outside of to cooler? Were custody papeffi included with the cooler? .............. _-...................... ","'-' Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.) "'_' __ ........................ " ....... ,,_ Temperature of Cooler(s) rC) (recommended 2.0-6_0 ·C for chemistry) ')·8 YES (fiP § NO NO ,me: ____ _ If cooler temperature is out of comJlliance fill out foRn 00070F Temp Gun 10#: i5(i) S' i:7t Cooler Accepted by: ___ S-I...:.I'-________ ,Date '7-~ -r l:, Tim. 0'17-J Complefe custody forms and attach .11 shipping documents Log-I n Phase: Was a temperature blank included in the cooler? " ...... " .............................. ". YES What kind of packing material was used? ... 8ubble Wrap @ Gel Pad<s Baggl.s Foam Block Paper Other..,---___ _ Was sufficient ice used r~ appropnate)? .... __ ................... ____ ...... ________ .... __ ............ _....... NA ~ Were all bottles sealed in individual plas.tic bags? .... , ..... , .................................... -......... .. Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken}? .................................. " .......... -....................... . Were all bottle labe~ complete and legible? .. ______ .............. __ .............. __ .............. __ ................ .. Did the number of containers listed on COC match with the number of containers received? ... Did all bottle labol. and tags agree with custody papers? Were aU bottles used corred for the requested analyses? ............... , ............... " ...... " ......... _-", ..... . 00 any of the analyses (bottles) require preservation? (attach preservation sheet, excludmg VOCS) ... Were all voe Vials free of air bubbles? ................................... ' .. . ~ @ Was sufficient amount of sample sent 1!1 each bottle? .... , ...... __ ..... " .. _," Date VOC Trip 8lankwa. made atAR!.... .. __ ............ _____ ........ @ ~ @';>. ~ diP ® ® YES YES @ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Was Sample Spltt by ARJ : ~ YES Dalell"".: Equlpment ______ _ Split by:. __ _ YVA-1 r I / q : l[ ""J-. Samples Logged by: ___ --.:-::-,)::.... ______ Oate: __ ~-_';:;,=__-...:...!6!I.L. __ Time: _____ l-'--__ ..... Notify Project Manag&r of diSCrepancies or concerns .. Sample tD on 80ttle SamDi. ID on CDC SamdelD on Bottle Sam Ie 10 on COC Additional Notes. Discrepancies, & Reso!utlons: Bt SmollAjr_ • 0Il16F 312/10 -'2mm • • • DalO: ""'bubbleo' 2,",mm • ••• • LARGE Ai eut>tIe, Small 7 ~sm" «2 mm) .4mm P,abubbles ~ "ph" ( 1 to < 4 mm ) • • • Large--)-"'Jg" (4 t(}<6mm) .... -.. -.. _-H~~dspatt ~ "'hs" (> 6 mm) Cooler Receipt Form ~ ... -. Revision 014 7fT12JJ16 Re: _ Mill _yo ... CherQmo Oreiro Re: Barbee Mill Analyses Cheronne Oreiro TI,u 7/7/2016 9:52 AM 70 Michael Lloyd <mlloydassociates@gmaILcom>; Hi Michael, Thank youl This email is good enough for my records. -Cheronne I will be out of the office July 14th thru July 19th. Cheronne Oreiro Project Manager Analytical Resources, Inc, 4611 S 134th Place, Suite 100 Tukwila, WA 98168 www.ari!qbs.com Email: cheranneo@arilabs.com Direct: 206-695-6214 Fax: 206-695-6201 From: Michael lloyd <mlloydassoc;iates@gmail.c;om> Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2016 7:20:46 AM To: Cheronne Oreiro Subject: Re: Barbee Mill Analyses You are correct. My error. Do you need an initial or document of change> Hopefully the samples arrived in good shape. M On Wed, Ju16, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Cheronne Oreiro <cheronneo@arilabs.com>wrote: ! Hi Michael, ; Your cac is missing NWTPH-Dx and requests TBT. I just want to confirm that you do nm need TST and you , 22 need NWTPH-Dx, : Thank you, , -Cheronne , I will be out of the office July 14th thru July 19th. Cheronne Oreiro , Project Manager Analytical Resources, Inc. 4611 S 134th Place, Suite 100 Tukwila, WA 98168 , www.ariJabs.com 1'IItp6:11_,oIIice.comIowat?viewmodel=Roact.1oss"98ftem&_ID=AAMkADg5NTNiMWI2LTZJ-MGElNGQyMy1hOG,1lLTb'tZT JmNm.Yjf!W,9ztI_~., 1/2 o L,; W:!. : v.l1O ID ID ~~'l 7f1/2016 Email: cheronnea@arilabs.cQm Direct: 206-695-6214 Fax: 206-695-6201 How was your customer experience? Please take our 5 minute Online eu tomer Surv Re: _ Mill Analyses -Ct.!ronno Or,,,o Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemisls and Consultants This correspondence contains confidentiiili information from Analytical Resources, Inc. (ARJ) The information cont1ined herein is intended solely for the use of the indlviduat(s} named above. If you are not the intended reclpleht, any copying, distribution. disclo5uTe, or use ofthe text and/or attached documen,[s) is strictly prohibited. tryou have received this correspondence in error. please notify sender and delete this message from your computer immediately. 'fha.nk you. ARI Labs. Inc. Michael Lloyd Lloyd & Associates, Inc, 38210SE 92nd Street Snoqualmie, WA 98065 425-785·1357 https:ll_.affice.oomICMIal'1vl .... m_= ReadMessagoftem&IIemIll=w.N,kADgSNTNjMWIa.TZhMGEtNGQyMy1hOGJILTAwZT JmNm\ljMWQzNQIlGA.. 212 6i~~Wi . in000k Case Narrative, Data Qualifiers, Control Limits ARI Job 10: BCWI BCWi;ii!i0007 Case Narrative Client: Lloyd & Assol!iates, Inc. Project: Barbee Dredging, 2016·1 Barbee ARI Job No.: BeWI Sample Receipt ANALYTICAL <I RESOURCES INCORPORATED One sediment sample was received on July 5,2016 under ARljob BCWl. The cooler temperature measured by lR thermometer following ARI SOP was S.8°C. For further details regarding sample receipt, please refer to the Cooler Receipt Form. Semivolatiles by SW8270D The sample and associated laboratory QC were extracted and analyzed within the method recommended holding times. Initial calibrations were within method requirements. The initial calibration verification (ICV) was outside the 20% control limit high for bis(2· Ethylhexyl)phthalate. All detected results associated with this ICV have been flagged with a "Q" qualifier. No further corrective action was taken. The ICV fell outside the 20% control limit low for Carbazole. The ICV was also outside the control limit high for Di-n-butylphthalate, bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate, and the surrogate pdS-Nitrobenzene. All detected results associated with this ICV have been flagged with a "Q" qualifier. No further corrective action was taken. Internal standard areas were within limits. The surrogate percent recoveries of dS-Nitrobenzene, d14-p-Terphenyl, and 2,4,6- Tribromophenol were outside the control limits high for LCS-070716. All other percent recoveries were within control limits. No corrective action was taken. The surrogate percent recoveries of d14-p-Terphenyl and 2,4,6-Tribromophenol were outside the control limits high for sample 07042016BARBEE-C. All other percent recoveries were within control limits. No corrective action was taken. The surrogate percent recoveries of d14-p. Terphenyl were outside the control limits high for the matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate of sample 07042016BARBEE-C. No corrective action is required for matrix QC. Case Narrative BCW] Page 1 of4 • Clients are responsible for reporting Puget Sound Sediment Reference Material results to EPA. ANALYTICAL <I RESOURCES INCORPORATED The method blank was clean at the reporting limits. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. CRM143-050 was analyzed as a reference material. The matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate percent recoveries were within control limits. DioxinlFurans by EPA 1613B The sample and associated laboratory QC were extracted and analyzed within the method recommended holding times. Analysis was performed using the application specific RTX-Dioxln 2 column, which has a unique isomer separation for the 2378-TCDF, eliminating the need for second column confirmation. Initial calibmtion and continuing calibration verifications were within method requirements. The initial calibration verification fell outside the control limits low for 13CI2-2,3,7,8-TCDF, 13CI2-l,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF, and 13CI2-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF. All other compounds were within control limits. No corrective action was taken. Both extraction and cleanup surrogates had recoveries within control limits. The method blank contained reportable responses for several compounds. "B" qualifiers were applied to associated results that were less than ten times the levels found in the method blank. No further corrective action was taken. The OPR (Ongoing Precision and Accuracy or LCS) percent recoveries were within control limits. *The PSSRM was analyzed as a reference material. Specific results have been "EMPC"-flagged indicating a response not meeting requirements of positive identification. The EMPC values are treated as undetects under some programs and as hits under progmms with more conservative protocols. The TEQ is presented with WH0200S with ND=O for undetects and ND=112 for undetects, with EMPCs included as hits. Pesticides by SW8Q81 The sample and associated laboratory QC were extracted and analyzed within the method recommended holding times. Initial calibrations and initial calibration verifications were within method requirements. Case N8lTative BCW] Page 2 of4 • Clients are responsible for reporting Puget Sound Sediment Reference Material results to EPA. ANALYTICAL _ RESOURCES INCORPORATED The continuing calibration verification on 7/14/16 at 20:36 was outside the 20% control limit high for 2,4' -DOE on the first column, but was within the control limit on the second column. No corrective action was taken. The internal standard areas were within control limits The surrogate percent recoveries were within control limits. The method blank was clean at the reporting limit. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. NIST 1944 was analyzed as a reference material. The matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate percent recoveries were within control limits. PCB Aroc\ol'5 by SW8082 The sample and associated laboratory QC were extracted and analyzed within the method recommended holding times. Initial calibrations were within method requirements. The initial calibration verification on 7115116 at 17:29 and the continuing calibration verification on 7/15/16 at 23:30 fell outside the 20% control limit low for Aroclor 1260 on the second column, but both verifications were within the controllitnit on the first column. No corrective action was taken. The internal standard areas were within control litnits The surrogate percent recoveries were within control limits. The method blank was clean at the reporting limit. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. The PSSRM * was analyzed as a reference material. The matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate percent recoveries were within controllitnits. NWTPH-Dx The sample and associated laboratory QC were extracted and analyzed within the method recommended holding times. Initial calibrations, initial calibration verifications, and continuing calibration verifications were within method requirements. Case Narrative SCW) Page 3 of4 • CI ients are responsible for reporting Puget Sound Sediment Reference Material results to EPA. The surrogate percent recoveries were within control limits. ANALYTICAL _ RESOURCES INCORPORATED The method blank was clean at the reporting limits. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. The matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate percent recoveries were within control limits. MetalslMenuD' by SW602017471 The sample and associated laboratory QC were digested and analyzed within the method recommended holding times. The method blanks were clean at the reporting limits. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. ERA D088540 was analyzed as a reference material. The matrix spike percent recoveries and duplicate RPDs were within control limits. General Chemistry Parameters The sample and associated laboratory QC were prepared and analyzed within the method recommended holding times. The method blanks were clean at the reporting limits. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. The SRM percent recoveries were within limits. The matrix spike percent recovery soluble hexavalent chromium fell outside the control limits low for sample BARBEE-C. A post verification spike was analyzed and the recovery was within matrix spike control limits. No further corrective action was taken. The replicate RPDs were within control limits. Geotechnical Paramete" All sample volumes for grain size were subcontracted to Materials Testing and Consulting (MTC) in Tukwila, W A. All subcontracted data have been included in this data package. Case Narrative BCWI Page 4 of4 • Clients are responsible for reporting Puget Sound Sediment Reference Material results to EPA. bCWi;0~0ii 8ampl. ID 1. 07042016BARBEE-C Sample IO Cross Reference Report ARI Job No: BCWI Client: Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project Event: 2016-1 BARBEE Project Name: BARBEE DREDGING ARI ARI Lab ID LlMS ID Matrix Sample Data/Time VTSR BCW1A 16-10088 Sediment 07/04/16 13:00 87/05/16 09:27 Printed 07/06/16 Page 1 of 1 BCW i • !2l00 i -:;> • Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Data Reporting Qualifiers Effective 12131/13 InorganiC Data u • B N NA H L Indicates that the target analyte was not detected at the reported concentration Duplicate RPD is not within established control limits Reported value is less than the CRDL but ~ the Reporting Limit Matrix Spike recovery not within established control limits Not Applicable, analyte not spiked The natural concentration of the spiked element is so much greater than the concentration spiked that an accurate determination of spike recovery is not possible Analyte concentration is :55 times the Reporting Limit and the replicate control limit defaults to ±1 RL instead of the normal 20% RPD Organic Data u * B J D E Indicates that the target analyte was not detected at the reported concentration Flagged value is not within established control limits Analyte detected in an associated Method Blank at a concentration greater than one-half of ARI's Reporting Limit or 5% of the regulatory limit or 5% of the analyte concentration in the sample. Estimated concentration when the value is less than ARI's established reporting limits The spiked compound was not detected due to sample extract dilution Estimated concentration calculated for an analyte response above the valid instrument calibration range. A dilution is required to obtain an accurate quantification of the analyte. Laboratory Quality Assurance Plan Page 1 of 3 Version 14-003 12131113 • Q S NA NR NS M N y EMPC C P x z Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Indicates a detected analyte with an initial or continuing calibration that does not meet established acceptance criteria «200/0RSD, <200/0Drift or minimum RRF). Indicates an analyte response that has saturated the detector. The calculated concentration is not valid; a dilution is required to obtain valid quantification of the analyte The flagged analyte was not analyzed for Spiked compound recovery is not reported due to chromatographic interference The flagged analyte was not spiked into the sample Estimated value for an analyte detected and confirmed by an analyst but with low spectral match parameters. This flag is used only for GC-MS analyses The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence to make a "tentative identification" The analyte is not detected at or above the reported concentration. The reporting limit is raised due to chromatographic interference. The Y flag is equivalent to the U flag with a raised reporting limit. Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration (EM PC) defined in EPA Statement of Work DLM02.2 as a value "calculated for 2,3,7,8-substituted isomers for which the quantitation and lor confirmation ion(s) has signal to noise in excess of 2.5, but does not meet identification criteria" (DioxlnIFuran analysis only) The analyte was positively identified on only one of two chromatographic columns. Chromatographic interference prevented a positive identification on the second column The analyte was detected on both chromatographic columns but the quantified values differ by 2:40% RPD with no obvious chromatographic interference Analyte signal includes interference from polychlorinated diphenyl ethers. (DloxlnlFuran analysis only) Analyte signal includes interference from the sample matrix or perfluorokerosene ions. (Dloxin/Furan analysis only) Laboratory Quality Assurance Plan Page 2 of3 Version 14-003 12131/13 Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Geotechnical Data A The total of all fines fractions. This flag is used to report total fines when only sieve analysis is requested and balances total grain size with sample weight. F Samples were frozen prior to particle size determination SM Sample matrix was not appropriate for the requested analysis. This normally refers to samples contaminated with an organic product thai interferes with the sieving process and/or moisture content. porosity and saturation calculations S5 Sample did not contain the proportion of "fines' required to perform the pipette portion of the grain size analysis W Weight of sample in some pipette aliquots was below the level required for accurate weighting Laboratory Quality Assurance Plan Page 3 of3 Version 14-003 12131/13 Certificate of Analysis tjFluka' ~ Analytical Certified Reference Material BNAs -Sandy Loam Number CRM 143-50G Lot LRAA4754 80_ (MatrIx) Sandy Loam Soil Hazard Irritant 510"90 MI ..... Ung Slore at 4'C. Expiration Date So. Sample Label c.ntflmlon Date: April 02, 2013 ce.t1l10Cl By: 0<, MP Christopher Rucinski -QA Director Analy/9 Cerlitied 1,4 If> Stand8rrI , ConPdence -IIni/s v_ Dsv/8Ifcn ,--1,2-Dlchlorobenzene ~Q11<9 6250: 602 1.96 1850 5710 -6790 2590 -9910 1,4-Dlchlorobenzene I'QIKg 6340: 630 1.96 1960 5700·6890 2460 ·10200 Hexachloroethane I'QIKg 5830:577 1.96 1810 5200·6380 2230·9430 Naph1halene I'QIKg 563Ot448 1.96 1430 5230· 6020 2800 ·8450 Pyridine jIQ/Kg 132O±32O 2.20. 374 .969 ·1660 423 -2210 Acenaphthene I'QIKg 6380: 404 U6 1300 5990 -6780 3610 -9960 Acenaphlhylene jIQ/Kg 6320:409 1.96 1340 5Il3O·6710 3660 -8980 Anthra<:ene I'QIKg 7080:394 1.96 1250 Il6IlO • 7480 4590 -9570 Benzo(a)anthracene fJ9IKg 7970±470 1.96 1490 7500 -8430 =-10900 Benzo(a)pyrene I'QIKg 977 t81.2 1.96 256 896·1060 469·1480 Benzo(b)ftuoranttlene I'QIKg 3070 ± 216 1.96 703 2650·3290 1670 ·4400 Benzo(g.h.i)perylene I'QIKg 2710 ± 287 1.96 919 2450·2980 692 -4530 Benzo(k)ftuoranlllene IIQIKg 3720 ±280 1.96 903 3450 -3990 1930 -5510 Butyl benzyl phthalate I'QIKg 5000:262 1.96 884 4720 -5270 3240 -6750 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol I'QIKg 9520 :466 1.96 1500 9040 -9990 6530 -12500 bls(2-Chtoroelhoxy)melhene I'QIKg 9280 ± 770 1.96 2420 8540 -9980 4470 -14100 bis(2-ChIoroeIhyl) ether IJ9/Kg 6770: 500 1.96 1540 6290·7250 3710 -9830 bis(2-Chlorolsopropyl) ether ~lKg 3250: 233 1.96 692 3030·3480 1880 -4630 4-Chlorophenyl phenylether I'QIKg 1540 ± 90.0 1.96 2Ii6 1450 -1630 1010 -2070 Chrysene I'QiKg 1160 179.4 1.96 247 1000 ·1240 669 -1850 Dlbenzo(a,h)anlhracene ~lKg 3490: 330 1.96 1070 3100 -3790 1370 -5610 Dl-n-butyl phthalate I'QiKg 7700 :478 1.96 1500 7250 -8150 4730 -10700 2,4-Dichlorophenot I'QiKg 5820:355 1.96 1090 5490 -6160 3660 -7990 bis(2.Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) I'QiKg 8960:549 1.96 1670 8420 -9510 5640 ·12300 Pago 1 of 3 !~!:AL~~~':t'~u~ !S>. 1 307-742-5452 rtctechgroUp@llll.l.COIn www.$lgma-aldtlctl.eom BCWi :0Vi0i6 Certificate of Analysis tlFlukae S! Analytical Certified Reference Material Cettified 1,4 if' SIand8rd 2 Confidenoe Predic50n Ana/yfB Units VaIIAo Devilllion Intervs/ 1- Dlethyt phthalate IlQIKg B450 ±558 1.96 1750 7910 -9000 4980 -11900 2,4-Dimelhytphenol 1lQIK9 10500 H37 1.96 2310 9610-11200 5940-15100 Dimelhyt phthalate 1lQIK9 7420 ± 519 1.96 1610 6910·7930 4230-10600 2.4-OinHrotoluene (2.4-OND 1lQIK9 6390 ± 420 1.96 1300 5970 -6800 3810-8960 2.6-0initrotoluene (2,6-0ND IlQIKg 2690:1: 196 1.96 598 2690 -3080 1700 -40&1 Fluoranthene IlQIKg 4160:1: 239 1.96 774 3920 -4390 2620 -5690 Fluorene 11911<9 7950:1: 512 1.96 1640 7440 -8470 4690-11200 Hexachlorobenzene I19iKg 6100 ± 360 1.96 1110 5750 -8450 3!lOO -6300 Indeno(1,2,:k:d) pyrene II9iKO 1970 ± 188 1.96 595 1750 -2160 788-3150 lsophcrone II9iKO 2250 ± 167 1.96 503 2080 -2420 1250-3250 2-Methyl-4,&<llnltrophenol I19iKg 6160± 1040 1.96 2980 5300 -7060 263 -12100 2-Methylnapl1thalene IlQIKg 7510 ± 559 1.96 1730 6960-SOW 4070 -10900 4-Methylphenol (p-CresoI) 1lQIK9 11100:1: 1610 2. 11 2630 9490 -12700 5310 -16900 2-Nitrcpl1enol IlQIKg 6930 :1:614 1.96 1930 6320 -7530 3090 -10800 4-Nl1ropl1enol IlQIKg 2630:1:246 1.96 m 2390 -2880 1200 -4070 n-Nl1rosodlphenyiamine 1lQIK9 4100:1: 316 1.96 914 3770 -4440 2280 -5!130 Phenanthrene I19iKg 3290:1: 191 1.96 613 3100 -3470 2070 -4500 Phenol ~gA<g 7350 ± 578 1.96 1810 6790 -7910 3750-11000 Pyrena IlQIKg 5630 ± 300 1.96 972 5350 -5920 3710 -7560 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ~gI1<g 8770 ± 602 1.96 1840 8170 -9380 5120-12400 Addilionalinformation DesCription This sample consists of 10g of 5011 containing baselnoutralo and acids in soli. Four .. mples have been provided for yaos coovenience (multiple methods, mU1iple ..... 1ys1S, etc.) The soil has been chemically stabiltzed with 1 mL of acetone to minimize degfadBtion of the sample. The soil Is a Sandy L.cam by ASTM -.rtzaIion methods. Sample Preparation • ---Page 2 of 3 Certificate of Analysis Certified Reference Material BNAs -Sandy Loam Humtiel' CRM143-50G Lot LRAA4754 Solvent (liotri.) Sandy Loam Soil Huord Irritant Storago "Handling Store.t 4'C. E'1Ill"1IIIon Date See Sample Label Certlftcotlon DaI8: April 02. 2013 CertIIIod By: c:::A"!« r:;-;p Christopher Rucinski -QA Director Sample Preparation Extract the complete contents of • siIVe vial. Transfer _ contents of one vial to extraction """"01. Rlnee """and cap ~th ..-solvenL Note; Samp\<I extracts and cali_on solutions should be In tho same solvent. Assume a10g sample size for all calculatioos. Values ~en se based on wet weight. 1 CQrtified values aN the robust statlsitk:al mean when prepared accotding tcJ instructions from an Interlaboratory Study and internal rigorous lesting. 2 Th9 standard deviation is the robust statistical standard deviation frorn the round robin intertaboratory :!Iludy. 4 Expanded Uncer1ainty (lJ<::rm) -All uncertainty values in this doc:umEint 6xpfesSed u :t value are expanded uncertainties. 5 Ie: COverage faetor derived from a t-distribution table, based on the degrees of freadom of the data set. Confklence IntlrV8l = 16% TRACEABIUTY: The standard was manufactured under an ISO 17025 _Ified quality system. The balance used to weigh raw matoriaio to accurate to ./- O.OOOlg and calibrated regularly usilg mass standards tracaabte to NIST. All dlluUons were preformed gravimatricarly. Addillonalty, individual ana/yles are traceable to NIST SRMs whara available and speclJlad above. HOMOGENEITY ASSESSMENT: Betwe&n-banl9 homogeneity was assessed in accordanCE! with ISO Guida as. Compl9tecl l.Jnlts wem sampled over the course of the oottling operalion. samples Mr, taken in the following manner; the units produoed in the bottling operation were divided Into three chronological group •• thas. lrom the Early third. the Middle third. and the Lat. thl," (Groups). A pro-dotermlned number of oample unRo wore then randomly selected from each group. A subset of each gro~ was then randomly selected for chemical analysis. The results of the chemical analysis were thon compared by Single Factor Analysis of Yarlance (ANOYA). UNCERTAINTY STATEMENT: t.lne.~atnty values in this document are expressed as Expandod Uncertainty (UCrm) corresponding to tho 95% oonftdenee Intetval. Ucnn is derived from the combined slandard uncertainty mtAtiplted by the coverage factor k, which Is obtained from a t-distributlon and degrees of keedom. The components of combined standard uncertainty Include the uncertalntlas due to characterization, homogeneity, long term stability. and Short torm stability (transport). The components due to stability are gonerally oonsidored 10 be nogllglble unless otherwise indicated by stability studies. lH~ PRODUCT WAS DESIGNED, PROOUCED AND VEAIf'IEO FOR PlCCUAACYAND STABILITY IN ACOORDANCE WITH ISO 17025 (A.Class CertAT·14417) and ISO aUICE 34 (AClass Clill" AR·147Q). MSDS reports tot' components comprising grut.er thn 1.0"/ .. 01 the scfution or 0.1 % lor componerM knOYlln to be carCinogens are avallat:h upon request. Manufactured and _ified by Sigma-Aldrich RTe. tnc. Page 3 of 3 Standard Reference Material® 1944 New YorklNew Jersey Waterway Sediment Standard Referenee Material (SRM) 1944 is a mixture of marine sedimenc collected near urban areas in New York and New Jersey. SRM 1944 is incended foruse in evaluating analytical methodsforthe determination ofselecled polycyclic aromatic hydroc.rbons (PAHs). polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, chlorinaled pesticides, and l!aCe elements in marine sediment and similar matrices. Reference 1r'alues are also provided for selected polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners, selected dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofi"an congeners, 10t.1 organic carbon. total extractable material, and particle size characteristics. Information values arc: provided for selected polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) and hexabromocyclOOodecanes (HBCDs). All of the constituents for which certified, reference. and informalion values are provided in SRM 1944 were naturally presenl in the sediment before processing. A unit of SRM 1944 consists ofa bollle containing 50 g of radiation-sterilized, freeze-<lried sediment. Certified Mass Fraction Values: Certified values for rna .. fraction, ofPAHs, PCB congeners. chlorinated peslicides, and lrace elements .re provided in Tables 1 through 4. A NIST eertifoed value is a value for which N1ST has the highest confidence in its accuracy in thal,ll known or suspected sources of bias have been investigaled or taken into account [I J. The certified values for the P AHs, PCB congenerS, and chlorinated pesticides are based on tbe agreement of results obtained al NIST using IWO or more chemically independent analytical teehniques. Th~ certified valut's for the [raCe elements are based on NlST measurements by one technique and additional results from several collaborating laboralories. Reference Mllss FTac:tion Values: Reference values an:: provided for mass fractions of additional PAHs (some in combination) in Tables 5 and 6, additional PCB congeners and chlorinated pesticides in Table 7, PBDE congeners in Table 8, and additional inorganic constituents in robles 9 and 10. Reference value. are provided in Table II for the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran congeners aOO totalteua-, penta-, hexa-, and bepl8-congeners of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran. Reference values for particle size characleristics are provided in Table) 2 and 13. Reference valuC5 fOT total organic carbon and percent extractable mass are provided in Table 14. Referenee values are noncertified vaines thatare the besl estimate efthe true value; however, the values do not meet tbe NIST enleri. for certification and .reprovided with associated uncenainties that may reflect only measurement precision, may not include Btl sources of uncertainty, or may reflect a lack of sufficient statistical agreement among multiple analytical methods [I). Information Mau Fraction Values: InfonnatioD valu~s are provided in Table 15 for mass fractions ofadditjonal trace elements, in Table 16 for peN congeners (some in combination), and in Table 17 for HBCD isomers. An information value is conside~d to be a value that will be of interest and use 10 the SRM user~ but insufficient infonnation is available to assess the uncertainty associated with the value or only a limited number of analyses were perfonned [I J, Expiration of Certification: The certification ofSRM 1944 is v.IId, within the measurement uncertainties specified, until 31 March 1011, provided the SRM is handled and stored in accordance with th. instructions given in this certificate (see "Instructions for Handling. Storage, and Use"). The certification is nullified ifthe SRM is damaged, contaminated, or otherwise modified. Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Certificate Issue Date: 27 September 2011 C,,1,{ir:OIe k{'l'jlJOIt Hl$lory 011 P"Ht! 20 SRM 1944 Stephen A. Wise, Chief Analytical Chemistry Division Robert L. Watters, Jr., Chief Measurement Services Division Page I of22 Maintenance of SRM Certification: NIST will monitor this SRM over the period of its certification, If substantive technical changes OCCur that affect the certification before the e.pintion of this certificate, NIST will notify the purchaser. Registntion (see attached sheet) will facilitate notification. The coordination of the technical measurements leading 10 the certification was performed by M,M. Schantz and S.A. Wise of the NIST Analytical Chemistry Division, Consultation on the statistical design of the .. perimental work and evaluation of the dalO were provided by S,D. Leigh, M,G. Vangel, and M.S, Levenson of the NIST Statistical Engineering Division, Support aspects involved in the issuance of this SRM were coordinated through the NIST Measurement Services Division. The sediment was collected with the assistance of the New York District of the U.S. Anny Corp of Engineers (ACENYD). who provided the expertise in the sile selection, the ship, sampling equipment, and personnel. L. Rosman of ACENYD and R. Parris (NTSn coordinated the collection of this sediment. Colleclion and preparation of SRM 1944 were perfonned by R. Parris, M, Cronise, and C. Fales (NIST); L. Rosman and P. Higgins (ACENYD), and the crew of the G.lhtrman from the ACE Caven Point facility in Caven Point, Nl. Analytical meosuremeDlS for the certification of SRM 1944 were performed at NIST by E,S. Beary, D.A. Becker, R,R. Greenberg, l.M, Keller, l.R. Kucldick, M. Lopez de Aida, K.E, Murphy, R,Olfaz, B.l. Porter, D,L, Poster, L,C. Sander, p, Schubert, M.M. Schantz, 5,5. Vander Pol, and L. Wallon of .he Analytical Chemistry Division, Measurements for percent total organiC carbon measwe~nts were provided by three commercial laboratories and T.L. Wade of the Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, TexasA&M University (College Station, TX, USA). The particle-size distribution data were provided by Honeywell, Inc. (Clearwater, FL, USA). Additional results for PBDE congeners were used from ten laboratories (s<e Appendix A) that participated in an interlaboratory study specifically for PBDEs in Marine Sediment coordinated by H.M. Stapleton of the NIST Analytical Chemislry Division, M. laGuardia of Virginia Institute ofMaril1c Science (Gloucester Point, VA, USA) provided one set ofmeasuremcnfs for th. HBCDs. Values for the polychlorinated dibenzo-p·dioxins and dibenzofuJ1lDs were the results of an interlabontory comparison study among fourteen laboratories (see Appendix B) coordinated by S.A. Wise of the NIST Analytical Chemistry Division and R. Turlc and C. Chiu of Environment Canada Environmental Teclmology Centre, Analysis and Air Quality Division (Ottawa, ON, Canada). Analytical measurements for selected trace elements were provided by the Intematiotla! Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, SeibeTsdorf, Austria) by M. Makarewicz and R. Zeisler, Results were also used from seven laboratories (see Appendix C) that participated in an intercomparison exercise coordinated by S, Willie ofthe Institute for National Measurement SlOndards, Nalional Research Council Canada (NRCC; Ottawa, ON, Canada), INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING, STORAGE, AND USE Handling: This material is naturally occurring marine sediment from an urban area and may contain consriruents of unknown toxicities; therefore, caul'on and care should be exercised during its handling and use. Storag~: SRM 1944 must be stored in its Original bottle al temperatures less than 30'C away from direct sunlight. Us.: Prior to removal of test portions for analysis, the contents of the bottle should be mixed, The concentrations of constituents in SRM 1944 are report~d on a dry-mass basis_ The SRM. as received, contains a mass fraction of approximately 1 J % moisture. The sediment samph:: should be dried to a constant mass before weighing for analysis or, iftbc constituents ofinterestare volatile, a separate test portion of the sediment should be removed from the bottle at the time of analysis and dried to delennine the mass fraction on a dry-mass basis. SRM 1944 Page 2 of 22 PREPARATION AND ANALYSIs''' Sample Collodion and Preparation: The sediment us«! to prepare this SRM was collected ftom si. sites in the vicinity of New York Bay and Newark Bay in October 1994. Site selection was based on contaminant levds measured in previous samples from these sites and was intended to provide relatively high concentrations for a vanety of chtmical classes of conlaminanlS, The sediment was collected using an epo.y·coated modified Van Vecn-type grab sampler designed to sample the sediment to a depth oflO em, A total ofapproximately 2100 kg oCwet sediment was collected from the six sites. The sediment was freeze-dried, sieved (nominally 250 I"" to 61 ~m), homogenized in a con. blender. radiation sterilized at an estimated minimum dose of32 kilograys ("Co), and then paCKaged in screw-capped amber glass holtles. Conversion to Dry-M ... Basis: The result. fur the constituents in SRM 1944 are reported on a dry-mass basis; however. tbe material as received conlain. residual moisture, The amount of moisture in SRM 1944 was determined by measuring the mass loss after free .. drying test portions of 1.6 g to 2.5 g for five duys.t 1 Po with a -10°C .helf temperature and a-50°C condenser temperature, The mass fraction of moisture in SRM 1944 at the time of the certification analyses was 1.25 % ± 0.03 % (95 % confidence level). Polycyclie Aromatic Hyd ...... rbons: The general approach used for Ibe value assignment of the PAHs in SRM 1944 consisted of combining results from anal yses using various combinations of different extraction techniques aoo solvents. cleanUp/isolation procedures, and <hromatograpbic separation and dete<:tion techniques [2). Te<:hniques and solvents involved were Soxhlej extn!ction and pressurized fluid extracrion (PFE) using dichloromethane (DCM) or a hexane/acetone mixlure~ clean up of the extracts using solid-phase exnaction (SPE). or nonnal-phase liquid chromatography (LC). followed by analysis using tbe following techniques: (I) reversed-phase liquidcbromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FL) analysis ofth. total PAH fraction. (2) revers<d-phas. iC-FL analysis ofisameric PAH tractions isolated by normal-phase LC (i.e., multidimensional LC), (3) gas chromatographylrnass spectrometry (GClMS) analysis of the PAH fraction on four stationary phases of different sele<:tivity, i.c" a 5 % (mole fraction) phenyl-substituted methyipolysiloxlUle phase. a 50 % phenyl-substituted methylpolysilox.ne ph .... a proprietary non-polar polysiloxane phase, and a smecric liquid crystalline stationary phase. Seven set. of GClMS results. designated as GClMS (I), GCIMS (II). GCIMS (Ill), GCIMS (IV), GCIMS (V), GClMS (VI), and GC/MS (Sm). were obtained using four columns with different selectivities for the sepa!1Ition of PAHs. For GeIMS (I) analyses, duplicate test portions ofl g from eight bottles ofSRM 1944 were Soxhlet extracted for 24 h with DCM, Copper powder was added to the extract to remove elemental sulfur. The concentrated extract was passed through a silica SPE cartridge and eluted with 2 % DCM in bexane. (All extraction and LC solvent compositions are expressed as volume fractions unless otherwise noted.) The processed extrac( was then analyzed by GCIMS using a 0.25 mm i.d. " 60 m fused silica capillary col= with a 5 % phenyl·substituted methylpolysiloxane phase (0.25 ~m film thickness) (DB-5 MS, J&W Scientific. Folsom. CAl. The GCIMS (11) analyses were performed using I g to 2 g test portions from three boltles ofSRM 1944 and 2 g to 3 g test portions from three bonle.s ofSRM 1944 that had been mixed with a similar amount or water {i.e., a welted sediment), These test portions were Soxhle1 extracted with DCM and pcocessed through the silica SPE as described above: however, the .xtract was further fractionated using normal-phase LC on a semi-preparative aminopropylsiJane column to isolate the PAH fraction. The PAH fraction was then analy<ed using the same column as destribed above for GefMS (I); however, the tesl ponions were extracted, processed, and analyzed as part of three different sample sets .t different times using different calibrations for each set. For the GClMS (lH), I g to 2 g test portions from six hollIes of SRM 1944 were Soxhlct extracted for 18 h with 250 mL of a mixture of 50 % hexanel50 % acetone. The extracts were then proces.ed and analy .. d .. described for GCIMS (II). For GClMS (IV) analyses. I g to 2 g test portionsfrom six bottles ofSRM 1944 were extn!cted using PFE with a mixture of SO % bexane/50 % acetone, and the extracts were processed as described above for GCIMS (II), The GCIMS (V) results were obtained by analyzing three of the same PAH fractions that were analyzed in GC/MS (III) and three of the PAH fractions that were analy.ed in GeIMS (IV) using a SO % (mole fraction) phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane stationary phase (0.25 mm Ld, x 60 m. 0.25 ~m film thickness) (DB-17MS, J&W Scientific, Folsom, CAl, For GClMS (VI) analyses. three test portions ofO,7 g from one bailIe ofSRM 1944 were Soxhletextracted for 24 h with DeM. Copper powder was added to the extract to remove elemental sulfur, The conc-enlraled extract was passed through an aminopropyl SPE cartridge and eluted with 20 % DCM in hex.ne. The pcoce"ed extract was then analyzed by GC/MS using a 0.25 mm i,d. x 60 m fused silica capillary column with a propcietary non-polar polysiloxane phase (0.251'1l1 film thickness) (DB-XLB, J&W Scientific), For GCIMS (Sm) I g to 2 g test portion, from six bottles of SRM 1944 were Soxhlet extracted for 24 h with 250 mL ofDCM, The extracts were processed as described above for (It::ertAin commercial equipment, instruments. or materials are identified in Ibis report to adequately specify the experimental procedure. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the N,ptjonallnstitllte ofSmndards and TedUlology. nor does it imply tDat the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the besl available for the purpose. SRM 1944 Page 3 of 22 8Cwi 0002i GClMS (i) using an aminopropylsilane SPE canridge followed by GCIMS analysis u'ingO.2 mm i.d. x 25 m (0.15 ~m film thickness) smectic liquid crystalline phase (SB-Smectic, Dionex, Lee Scientific Division, Salt Lake City, Un. Two set, ofLC-FL results, designated as LC·FL (Total) and LC·FL (Fraction), were used in the certification process. Test portions of appro,imately I g from six bonles ofSRM 1944 were S"hlet extracted for 20 h using 200 mL of 50 % hexane/SO % acetone. The extracts were concentrated and then processed through two aminopropylsilane SPE canridges connected in series to obtain tbe total P AH fraction. A second I g test portion from the six bottles was Soxhlet extrncted and processed as described above; the PAH fraction was then fractionated further on a semi-preparative aminopropylsilane column (flBondapak NH" 9 mm i.d. x 30 cm, Waters Associates, Milford, MA) to isolate isomeric PAll fractions. The total PAH fraction and the isomeric PAH fractions were analyzed using a 5·1U'l particle·size polymeric octadecrlsilane (C,,) column (4.6 mm i.d, x 25 em, Hypersil.PAH, Keystone Scientific, inc., Bellefonte, PAl with wavelength-programmed fluorescence detection. For all of the GCIMS and LC-FL mea,urement, described above, selected perdeuterated PAHs were added to the sediment prior to solvent extraction for use as internal standards for quantification purposes. Homogeneity A ........ entfor PAHs: The homogeneity ofSRM 1944 was .. """,,,sed by analyzing duplicate lest portions of I g from eight bottles selected by 'tmtified random sampling. Test portions were extracted, processed, and analyzed as described above for GC/MS (1). No statistically significant differences among bottles were observed for the PAHs at the I g test portion size. PAH 150men of Molecular Mus 300 and 301: For the detennination of the molecular mass 300 and 302 PAH isomer5~ three test portions of approximately 5 g each were extracted using PFE with DCM. The extracts were then concentrated with a solvent change to hexane and passed through an aminopropyl SPE cartridge and eluted with 10 % DCM in hexane. The processed extract w •• then analyzed by GClMS using. 0.25 mm i.d, x 60 m fused siliclcapillary column with a 50 % phenyl·,ub,titued methylpolysiloxane phase (0.25 ~m film thickness; DB-I 7MS, 1& W Scientific, Folsom, CAl. Perdeuterated dibenzo[a,rJpyrene was added to the sediment prior to extraction for usc as an internal standard. PCBo and Chlorinated Pesticides: The general approach used for the determination of PCBs and chlorinated pesticides in SRM ]944 consisted of combining results from analyses using various combinations of different extraction techniques and solvents, cleanup/isolation procedures, and chromatographic separation and detection techniques (2]. This approach consisted ofSoxhlet extraction and PFE using DCM or a hexane/acetone mixture, clean up/isolation using SPE or Le, followed by analysis using GCIMS and gas chromatography wilb electron capture detection (GC·ECD) on two columns with different selectivity, Eight sets of results were obtained designated as GC·ECD (I) A and B, GC·ECD (II) A and B. GCIMS (I), GClMS (II), GC/MS (III), and QA Exercise. for lbe GC-ECD (I) analyses, I g test portions from four bonles ofSRM 1944 were Soxhlet extracted with DCM for 18 h. Copper powder was added to the extract to remove elemental sulfur. The concentrated extract was passed through a ,i lica SPE cartridge and eluted with I 0 % DCM in hexane. The concentrated eluant was then fractionated on a semi-preparative aminopropylsilane column to isolate two fractions containing: (I) tbe PCBs and lower polarity pesticides and, (2) the more polar pesticides. GC-ECD analyse. of the two fractions were performed on two columns of different selectivities for PCB separations: 0.25 mm x 60 m fused silica capil1ary column with as % phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane phase (0.25 ~ film thickness) (DB-5, J&W Scientific, Folsom, CAl and a 0,32 mnt x 100 m fused silica capillary column with a 50 % (mole fraction) octadecyl (Cl8) methylpolysiloxane phase (0.1 ~m film thicknessHCPSil 5 C 18 CB, Chrompack International, Middelburg, The Netherlands). The result, from the S % phenyl phase are designated as GC·ECD riA) and the results from the CI8 phase are designated as GC·ECD (IB). A second set of samples was also analyzed by GC·ECD (i.e., GC·ECD IIA and U8). Test portions of I g to 2 g from three bottle, of SRM 1944 and 2 g to 3 g test portions from three bottles of SRM 1944 that had been mixed with a similar amount ofwaler (i.e., a wetted sediment) w~re extracted, processed. and analyzed as described above for GC· ECD (I); however, tbe test portions were extracted, processed and analyzed as part of three di fferent sample seto at different times using different calibrations for each set. SRM 1944 Page 4 of22 5;';",i 1000:22 Three sels of resuhs were obtained by GCIMS, For GCIMS (I), I g to 2 g test portions from six boltle< were Soxhle, eXlraCted with a mixture of 50 % hexane/50 % acelone, Copper powder was added to the extract to remove elemental sulfur. The concentrated extract was passed through a silica SPE cartridge and eluled with 10 % DCM in hexane. The extract was then analyzed by GC/MS using a 0.25 mm x 60 m fused silica cap~lary column with a 5 % phenyl-substituted m<thylpolysiloxane phase (0,25 ~m film thickness). The GC/MS (II) results were obtained in the same manner as the GCIMS (I) analyses except that the six test portions were extracted using PFE. The GCIMS (III) analyses were performed on the sarne extract fractions analyzed in GC-ECD (Il) using the 5 % phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane phase describe above for GClMS (I). For both the GC-ECD and GCIMS analyses, two PCB congeners Ihat are 001 significantly present in the sedimenl extract (PCB 103 and PCB 198 (3]), and 4,4'-DDT -d, were added to Ihe sediment prior to extraction for usc as internal standards for quantificalion purposes, In addition to the analyses performedal NISr, SRM 1944 was used in an interlaboratory comparison exercise in 1995 as part ofthe NISr Intercomparison Exercise Program for Organic Contaminants in the Marine Environment [4], Resuhs from nineteen laboratories that participated in this exercise were used as the eighth data set in the detennination of the certified values for PCB congeners and chlorinated pesticides in SRM 1944. The laboratories participating in this exercise used the analytical procedures routinely used in Iheir laboratories to measure PCB congeners and chlorinated pesticides. Polybrominated Dlphenyl Etbers: Value assigrunent ofth. concentrations of eight PBDE congeners was based on the means of results from two interlaboratory studies [5,6) and two sets of data from NIST. The laboratories participating in the interlaboratory e.ereises (sec Appendix A) employed the analytical procedures routinely used in their laboratories to measure PBDEs, For the two methods used at NIST, six test portions (between 1 g and 2 g) were extracted using PFE at 100°C with DCM, The extracts were cleaned up using an alumina column (5 % deactivated) SPE wlumn, Siz< exclusion chromatograpby (SEC) 011 a divinylbenzene-polystyrene column (10 ~ particle si .. , 10 nmCIOO angstrom)poresize, 7.5 mm i.d, x 300 mm, PL-Gel, Polymer Labs, Inc.) was then used to remove the sulfur. The PBDEs, as well as PCBs and pesticides, wmquantified usingGCIMS in the electron impactmodeonaO.18 mmi.d, , 30 m fused silica capillary column with a 5 % (moleflaction) phenyl methylpolysiloxane phase (0, 18 ~ film tlric1m ... ; DB-5MS. AgilentTeo;hnologies). The PBDEs were alsoquantifiedusingGC!MS in the negative chemical ionization mode 00 a 0.18 mm i.d.' 10 m fused silica capillary column with a 5 % (mole fraction) phenyl methylpolysilo""",, phasc (0,18!U11 mm thickness; DB-5MS, Agilent Technologies), Selected Carboo-13 labeled PBDE and PCB congener> were added to the sediment prior to .. traction for use as internal standards for quantificotion purposes, Polychlorinated Dlben....."..tiollins and Dibenzofurans: Value assignment of the concentrations of the polychlorinated dibenzo-p.dioxin and dibenzofuran congeners and the total tetra-through hepta-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans was accomplished by combining resuhs from the .nalysis of SRM 1944 by fourteen laboratories that participated in an interlaboratory comparison study (see Appendix B), Each laboratory analyzed three test portions (typically I g) ofSRM 1944 using their routine analytical procedures and high resolution gas chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometry det""tion (GC-HRMS), The analytical procedures used by all of the l.bon!1ories included spiking with JJC-Iabeled surrogates (internal standards); Soxhlet ex.traction with toluene; sample extract cleanup with acidlbase silica, alumina, and carbon columns; and finally analysis ofthe cleaned up extract with GC-HRMS, Most of the laboratories used a 5 % phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane pha .. capIllary column (DB·5), and about hall' of the laboratories confirmed 2.3,7,8-te\ntchlorodibenzofuran using a 50 % cyanopropylphenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane (DB-225, J& W Scientific, FolS<lm, CAl capillary column. Analytlcal Approach for Inorganic Constituents: Value assignment for the concentrations of sel""ted trace elements was accomplisbed by combining resuhs of the analyses ofSRM 1944 from NIST, NRCC,IAEA, and seven laboratories that participated in an interlaboratory comparison exercise coordinated by NRCC (7] (see Appendix C). Th. analytical methods used for the determination of each elemenl are summarized in Table 18. For the cenified concentration values listed in Table 4, results were combined from: (I) analyses at NIST using isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ID-ICPMS) or instrumental neutron activation analysis (rNAA). (2) analyaes at NRCC using ID-ICPMS, graphite fuma« atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS), and/or inductively cuupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICPOES), (3) analys.s at IAEA using INAA' and (4) the mean of the results from seven laboratories that participated in the NRCC interlaboratory comparison exercise. The reference mass fraction values in Table 9 w~re determined by combining results from (I ) analyses perfonned at NIST using INAA; (2) analy.es at NRCC' using ID-ICPMS, Gf AAS,ICPOES, andlorcold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy (CV AAS); (3) analyses at IAEA using INAA; and (4) the mean of the results from five to seven laboratories that participated in the NRCC interlaboratory comparison exercise. The information ooncentration values in Table 15 were det.nnined by INAA at NIST and IAEA. NIST Analyses using II).ICPMS: Lead, cadmium, and nickel were determined by ID-ICPMS [8], rest portions (0.4 g 10 0.5 g) from six bottles of the SRM were spiked with 206 Pb. J II Cd, .. oo 6:!Ni and wet ashed using a combination of nitric. SRM 1944 Page 5 of 22 SCW i 000?:-=< hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, and perchloric acids. Lead and cadmium were detennined in the same test portions; nickel was delcnnincd in a second sample set. A small amount of crystalline material remained after the acid dissolution. Lithium metaborate fusion was performed on this residue to confinn that the residue contained insignificant amounts of the analytes. Cadmium and nickel were separated from the matrix material to eliminate the possibility of spectral inrerferences, and concentrations were detennined from the measurement of the 11:!Cdl tll Cd and b.2 N ifONi ratios, respectively. The ""'Pb/""'pb I1Itios were measured directly because interferences at these masses are negligible. NIST Analyse. using INAA: Analyses were perfonned in two steps [9). Elements with shon-lived irradiation produets (AI, em, Cl, K. Mg, Mn, No, Ti, and V) were determined by measuring duplicate 300 mg test portions from each of ten bonles of SRM 1944. The samples, standards, and conlTo), were packaged in clean polyethylene bags and were individually irradiated for 15 s in the NJST Reactor Pneumatic Facility RT-4. Reactor power was 20 MW, which corre'pondSlo a neutron fluence rate ofabout 8 x \0 13 em'" s' '. After inadiation, the samples, controls, and stondards were repackaged in clean polyethylene bags and counted (gamma-ray spectrometry) three limes at different decay intervals. A sample-to-detector distance (countiDg geometTY) 0[20 cm was used. Elements with long-lived i""diation products (Ag, As, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Rb. Sb, So. Se, Th, and Zn) were determined by mea,uringone 300 mg test portion from each of nine bottles of SRM 1944. The samples, standards, control., and blank polyethylene bags were irradiated together for a total of] h at a reactor powerof20 MW. Approximately four days after irradiation, the polyethylene bags were removed, and each sample, standard, control. and blank was counted at 20 em from the detector. The samples were then recounted at 10 em from anolher delector. After an additional decay time of about one month, the samples. standards, controls, and blanks were counted a third lime (al 10 em) from the second deteclor. Homogeneity Assessment ror Inorganic Con.lilutenls: For some of the trace elements. most notably Cd. Fe. Pb, Rb, Sb. Sc, and Th, the variations among the test portions measured at NIST (belween OJ g and 0.5 g) were larger than expected from the measurement process. Based on experience. it was ooncluded that there is some material inhomogeneity for trace elements in the test portions used. Sample variations arnol'lg the NIST measurements are used as slightly conservative estimates of the: sample inhomogeneities. Particle Size Informalion: DIy plll1icle-size disuibution measurements for SRM 1944 were obtained as part of a collaborative effort with Honeywell's Panicle and Components Measurements Laboratory (Clearwaler, FL). A Mlcrotrac particle analyzer, which makes use of light-scattering techniques, was used to measure the particle-size distnbution of SRM 1944. Briefly, a reference beam is used to penetrate a field of particles and the light that seallers in the forward direction from the field is measured and the particle 4 size as a volume distribution is derived via a computer-assisted analysiS. From these data, the total volume, average size, and a chartleteristic width of the particle size distribution are calculated. The syslem bas • working range from O. 7 ~m to 700 f1ID. Total Organic Carbon and Percent Extractable Mass: Four laboratories provided results for lotal organic carbon (TOC) using similar procedures. Briefly, test portions of approximately 200 mg were reacted with 6 moVL hydrochloric acid and rinsed with deionized water prior to combustion in a gas fusion furnace. The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide produced were measured and compared 10 a blank for calculation oftbe percenl TOC. Each laboralory analyzed lest portions from six bonles ofSRM 1944. Forth. determination of percent extraClable mass, six test portions ofapproximately I g to 2 g ofSRM 1944 were extracted using Soxhltt extraclion for 18 h with DeM. Tbe extraction thimbles were allowed to air dry. After reaching constant mass. the difference in the mass before and after extraction was detennined. Polychlorinated Naphlhal ..... : Value assignmenl ofPCN congener concentrations was accomplished by combining resulls from the analysis ofSRM 1944 by six laboratories that participated in an interlaboratory comparison study (see Appendix 0). Each laboratory analyzed three test portions (typically ) g 10 2 g) of SRM 1944 using their routine analytical procedures that included high-resolution gas chromatography with either high-resolution mass spectromeuy detection (GC ~HRMS) or low·resohnion MS in the negative chemical ioniution mode. Calibration mixrures included eitber Halowax mixtures with known volume fractions of ilXlividual congeners or individual PCN congeners. SRM 1944 Page 6 of 22 HBeDs: Value ... ignmenl of the concenlratlons of three HBCD isomers was accomplished by combining results from Ihe analysis ofSRM 1944 in two sel' from NIST and one set from Virginia Institute of Marine Science. For the two sets analyzed at NlST. the second fraction from iill acidifierl silica SPE clean-up was anaiyDXl by LO'MSIMS for the HBCDs using both e1ectrospray ionization (ES!) and almospheric pr=uriud photoionization (APP!). A C 18 column (3.0 mm x 150 mrn x 3.5 ~m column. Eclipse Plus. Agilent Technologies) and YMC Carotenoid SS C30 column (4.6 mm x 250 mm x 5 jUl'I column) were used with a solvent gradient using 2.5 mmoVL ammonium acetate in 12.5 % water in metbaool and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.3 mUmin. Carbon-I 3 labelerl HBeDs were adderlto the sediment prior to solvtl1t extrnction for use as internal standards for quantification purposes. Tabl_ I. Certified Mass Fraction Values for Selected PAHs in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) Mass Fraction C3,b·j (mglkg) Phenanthrene(l.d,~r"J 5.27 ± 0.22 Fluoranthene(C,d,t.t'..&) 8.92 ± 0.32 Pyrenc(I;.d·~.r .. ) 9.70 ± 0.42 Benzo[ C jphenatbrene,,···,·f>t 0.76 ± 0.10 Benz{ a ] anthracem:{~·d,c.f",hl 4.72 ± 0.11 Chrysene"h . ., 4.86 ± 0.10") Ttiphenylcneth,k) 1.04 ± 0.21 Benzol b jfluoranthene"'·JJ ).87 ± 0.42 BenroUjfluorantl!enelh .) 2.09 ± 0.44 Benzo[ k )fluoranthene' c:.4I • .:..f",hJ l 2.30 ± 0.20 Benzol a1 fluoranthenel~.d.d.h,o! t 0.78 ± 0.12 Benzo[ e jpyrene"·d,.r.,,,) 3.28 ± 0.11 8enzo[ a 1 pyrene i~,d.<e..r ".hJ) 4.30 ± 0.13 Per)' lenel<:.d.t',fPJ) 1.17 ± 0.24 Benzo[ghi]perylene(l:·o.I·d,,,.k t 2.84 ± 0.10 Indeno[ I ,2.3-cdjpy", •• "A-,,>1 2.78 ± 0.10 Dibenz[aJlanthracenelt:.d.~.r.J.11 0.500 ± 0.044 Dibenz[ a, c janthracene"" 0.335 ± 0.013 Dibenz[ a. "janthraceneu," 0.424 ± 0.069 Pentaphene{c,d·~·f..l.k' 0.288 ± 0.026 Benzo[bjchrysene'''-'''''' .... bJ 0.63 ± 0.10 Pi.cenekd..c,r'J.k) 0.518 ± 0.093 (-) Mass fractions are reported OD dry-mass basis~ material as received contains approximately 1.3 % moisture. fbt Each cenified value is a mean ofthe means from two or more a.nalylical methods, weiShted as descn'bed in Paule and Mandel [10]. Each uncertainty. computed according to the Comite International des Poids et Mesures (CIPM) approach as descnbed in ilie ISO Guide [11.12], is an expanded uDcenaimy at th~ 95 % level of confHiencc, which includes random sources of unccrt8mty wilhin each analytical method as well as uneertainty due to the drying study. The expanded uncenainty defines a range of values wilhin which the true value is ~Iieved to lie, al a level of confidence of approximately 95 %. Ie) Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCIMS) (I) On 5 % phenyl-substituted melhyipolysiloxane phase: after SoKhiet extraction with DCM. ldlGClMS (II) on 5 % phenyl-substituted methylpoJysiloxilne phase after Soxhlet extraction with DeM. t~) GC/MS (JII) on S % phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane phase a.fter Soxhlel ex.traction wlth SO % he:llanef50 % acetone mixture. H) GCIMS (IV) on 50/. phenyl-substituLed me1hylpoJysiloxane phase after PFE with 50 % hexane/50 % acetone mixlure. 1St LC-FL of total PAH traction ana Sm.hlet extraction with 50 % huanel50 % acetone mlxture. (h) GC/MS (8m) using il smecticliquid crystalline phase OlDer Soxhlet extraction with DCM. (~t The uncertainty inlCT'1al for chryscne was Widened in accordance with expert consideration of the analytical procedures. along with the analysis of the data 8S a wbole. which suggests thal the lullf-widths of the expanded. uncertainties should not be less than 2 !Io. II' GClMS (V) on 50 % phenyl.substituted methylpoly.lIoune ph ... of e.tracts from GCIMS (Ill) and GCIMS (IV). al LC-FL of isomeric PAH frachOfls after Soxhlcl extraction with 50 % hexanel50 % acetone m1Xture. SRM 1944 Page 7 of22 Table 2. Certified Mass Fraction V.lues for Selected PCB Congeners'" in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) Mass Fraction(b,cl (~gIkg) PCB 8 (2.4·-Dichlorobiphenylj'd.,,f""·'J·k) 22.3 ± 2.3 PCB 18 (2,2'.5 -Trich lorobipbeny \ )',.d •.• "., 51.0 ± 2.6 PCB 28 (2,4,4'-Trichlorobipheny I )' d.,J.~,." 80.8 ± 2.7 PCB 31 (2.4'.5-Trichlorobipbenyl)"""· ... ) 78.7 ± 1.6'" PCB 44 (2,2'3,5'-Tetrachlorobipbenyl )'d,e-.l.!-k,',J.k) 60.2 ± 2.0 PCB 49 (2.2'4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl)"" r .. ,."." 53.0 ± 1.1 PCB 52 (2.2'.5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl)"·,·'··h",, 79.4 ± 2.0 PCBM (2.3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl)"~'''''') 71.9 ± 4.3 PCB 95 (2.2',3,5',6-Pentachlorobiphenyl )",J •. ," 65.0 ± 8.9 PCB 87 (212',3,4,5'-PentachiorobiphenyJ)[d.,d ... ",,,) 29.9 ± 4.3 PCI! 99 (2,2'.4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl)'d.'.1"-.,, kl. 37.5 ± 2.4 PCB 101 (2.2'.4.5.5'-Pentachlorobiphenyll' .. ,.'~h.'J kl 73.4 ± 2.5 PCB 105 (2.3.3'.4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl)'~·:~'J,k) 24.5 ± 1.1 PCB 110 (2,3.3·,4'.6-P.ntachlorobiphenyll' .... ") 63.5 ± 4.7 PCB 118 (2,3·,4,4·.5-Pentachlorobiphenyl)'··""tw " S8.0 ± 4.3 PCB 128 (2 .2', 3,3',4,4' -H elt8chloro biphenyl)'d.f:.r~IuJJ.1 8.47 ± 0.28 PCB 138 (2,2'.3,4.4',S'-Hex8chlorobiphenyltd d.&-tuJ.k) 62.1 ± 3.0 PCB 149 (2.2',3,4·.5',6-He.achlorobiphenylyJ·d.<h.·,>l 49.7 ± 1.2 PCB 151 (2,2·,3.5,5·.6-Hexachlorobiph.nyl>,"'·I"~"J,Jo) 16.93 ± 0.36 PCB 153 (2,2',4.4',5.5'-He.achlorobiphenyl)" d ~b"" 74.0 ± 2.9 PCB 156 (2,3)3',4,4',5.Hex8chlorobiphenyl)lcl':.',I,h.IJI 6.52 ± 0.66 PCB 110 (2.2',3,3',4.4',5-Heplachlorobiphenyl)"··,r.,·h.,,., 22.6 ± 1.4 PCB 180 (2,2" 3,4,4',5,5'-H eptachlorobipheny 1 )((1 t,t .,.h .• J.t) 44.3 ± 1.2 PCB 183 (2,2'.3,4,4',5' ,6-Heptachlorobiphenyl)"J (J.c b.IJI 12.19 ± 0.57 PCB 187 (2,2',3,4'.5,5',6-H <ptachlorobipheny I)' d ',I .• "., J') 25.1 ± 1.0 PCB 194 (2,2',3.3',4.4',S,5'-Octachlorobiphenyl)"<.r.~·'JI 11.2 ± 1.4 PCB 195 (2,2,,3,3',4,4',5 ,6-Octathlorbipheny I )td,c,t.:4" LJ.kJ 3.75 ± 0.39 PCB 206 (2,2',1,3',4,4',5 ,5',6-N onach lorobiphenyl)4d.~.r-t!.h., J,k) 9.2\ ± 0.51 PCB 209 Decachlorobiphenylld,ll,f.ab.lJ,k} 6.81 ± 0.33 411 PCB congeners are numbered act:ording to the scheme proposed by BaUschmiter and ZelJ {13] and later revised by Schulte and Malisch [3] to confonn with IUPAC rules~ for the specifIC congeners mentioned i.o this SRM, the Ballschmiter-Zell nwnben correspond to those of Schulte and Malisch. (b) Mass fractions are reported 00 dry-mass basis; material as received contajn$lIppro~lmately I.J % moisture. (~) Ea(;h et:rtirled value is a mean oflhe means from two or man: analytical mc:thods, weighted:lS described in Paule Bfld Mandel [10]. Each uncertainty, compuled oecolding to the CIPM approach os described in the ISO Guide [11,12 J. is an expanded uncertainty .t the 9S % level or confidence. which indudes random sources of uncernuoty within each analytical method as well as uncenainty due to the drying study. The expanded t}ncertainty defines a range ofvailles within which the ltUe value is believed to lie. at a level of confidence of approximately 9.5 %. (d) GC.ECD (lA) on S % phenyl·:;ub:;tituted methylpolysiloxanc phase after SO:llhlel e:tl;trM:tion with DCM. (tl GC.ECO (18) on the: 50 % C·18 dimetbyJpoJyslloxane phase; same extracis analyzed as in GC·ECD (lA). {I} GC.ECD (IlA) on 5 % phenyJ.substiUlled rncthylpolysiloxane pmse after Soxhlet extraction with OCM. 4¥~ GC-ECD (liB) on t~ 50 % octadecyl (C-I iii) methylpolysiloxane phase; umc ex1raets analyzed at; in GC·ECD (IIA). 4h) GC/MS (I) OIl S % phenyl.substinned methylpolysiloxane phase after SoxhJel extraction with 50 % hexane/50 % acetone mixture. 11) GClMS (II) on .5 % phenyl.substitutcd meth}'lpolysiloxane phase ancr PFE extraction with 50 % hexane/50 % acetone mixture. lJl GClMS (lll) on 5 % phenyl-substItuted methylpotysilox~nc phase. same extracts analyzed as in GC·ECD (IlA). It) Results from nineteen laboratories panidpating. in an interLaboratory comparison exercise. (I) The uncertainty interval for PCB 31 was wjdened. in accordance with expert consideration of the 8Jlalytical procedures, a.long with the analysis of the data as a wIIole, which sug.gest, that the half·widths of the expanded uncertainties should not be: le~5 than 2 %. SRM 1944 Page 8 of22 Table 3. Certified Mass Frlctlon Values for Selected Chlorinated Pesticides in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) Hexachlorobenzene(It,f..(l,h,.,.,I) cis-Chlordane (a-Chlordsn<)"·d.<J~.h.'" rranshNonachlor {c,d.c.f,&h.IJl Mass Fnctionle,b) (~glkg) 6.03 ± 16.51 ± 8.20 t 0.35 0.83 0.51 (I] MilSS frac:tions ilTC reported on dry·mass baSIS; materia! 3! received contains approximately I,) % moisture. (b) Euchi;crtified value: 15 a mean of the means. from. two or more al\3lytjcal methods, weighted as described in Paule nnd Mandel [IOJ. Each uncertBinty, computed according to the CIPM approach as described in the ISO Guide (11.12], is tlIl expanded uO(.ertainty al the 95 % level of confidence. which includes random sources of uncertainty wlthin each Malytical method as well as uncertainty due to the drying study. The expanded uncertainty defines a range of values within which the true value is believed to lie, at a I~vel of confidence ofapproximalc:ly 95 %. l"] GC-ECD (lA) on 5 % phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane phase after Soxhlet c:"traction with DCM. ", GC-ECD (IB) on the SO", ocladccyl «("-18) melhylpolysiloxane phase; same extraets analyzed as in GC-ECD (IA). (f) GC-ECD (llA) on 5 % phenyl-substituted methylpol)'silo~e plwse after Soxhlet extraction with OCM. '" GC-ECD (lIB) on the SO % ocladccyi «("-18) melhylpoJysiloxan" phase; .. me e.tracts analyzed as in GC-ECD (IIA), I,) GelMS (I) on 5 0/. phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane pha~ after So"hlete"tmclion with SO % bexane/SO % acetone ml~ture. I" GClMS (11) on oS % phenyl-substituted metbylpolysiloxane phase after P"'I:: cxtrnc;:Cion wilh ~O % hcx8flei50 % acetone mi"ture. ,,' GCIMS (lIn on j % phenyl-substituted melhylpolysiloxane phase; same extract, analyzed as in GC-ECD (IIA). IJI Results from nineteen laborarories particIpating: in an inlerlaboratory comparison exercise. Table 4. Cenified Mass Fraction Values for Selected Elements in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) AluminumCt.d.e) Ironlc•tlS) Arseni<:(t,:·~·e.r..) Cadmiumlt',~. h I) Chromjumf~A.r-¥-l) Leadre,h,l) Manganese[l.,d.r) Nickel tt'.J.h,o Zinc4..:.,d.r&,11 Degrees of Freedom 4 6 10 6 9 5 8 6 9 Mass Fractions CiLb ) (%) 5.33 ± 0.49 3.53 ± 0.16 Mass Fractions'il.b) (mglkg) 18.9 ± 2,8 8.8 ± 1.4 266 ± 24 330 ± 48 505 ± 25 71'>.1 ± 5.6 656 ± 75 (11 The certified value is the mean of four result,; (1) the mean ofNIST INAA or ID-ICPMS analyses. (2) thr: mean "ftwo methods performed at NRCC. and (3) the mean of rc:su115 from seven sel«:led laboratories paniclpating in the NRCC intc:rcomparison exercise, and (4) the mean resul1s from INAA analyses at lAEA. The expanded uncertainty jIl tile certified value is equal to U.= J.u, when: u.: is lhe oombtned standard Ull(;erlamty and l. is the coverage factor, both calculated according: to the (SO Guide [ll.121. The value of lot, is intended to reprrse:nt at the level of one stmdard deviation the combined effect of all the uncertainties in the certified value. Here We 3CCoLlnts fOI" both possible method biases, within-method varialion. and material inhomogeneity, The coverage factor, Ie. is the Student's t-vnluc for a 9S % confidence interval with the oorrespondmg degrees of freedom. Because oftbe material inhomogeneity, the variilbi1ity among tne measurementsofmuJtiple ~les can be expected to be greater than that due to measurement variabil1ty alone. fbi Mass fractions are reported on dry-mass basis; material as received contains appro"jrnalely 1.3 % moisture:. lc) RC50ults from five to seven laboratories participating in the NRCC interlaboratory comparison exercise. I'" Me<lSUred at NIST using INAA. 4e) Measured at NRCC using ICPOES. tn Measured at NRCC using GF AAS. It 1 Measured al JAFA using INAA. ,., Mea<ured at NIST using ID-ICPMS, '" Meosured at NRC(" u>ing ID-ICPMS. SRM 1944 Page 9 of22 6C;"';1 0.002 ( Table 5. Reference Mass Fraction Values for Selected PAHs in SRM 1944 Mass FTactionsj·~ (mglkg) Naphlhalene'hJ 1.28 ± 0.04'" I-Methylnapbthalene'" 0.47 ± 0.02") 2-Methylnaphthalene'" 0.74 ± 0.06'" Biphenyl'bl 0.25 ± 0.02'<) Acenaphthene'" 0.39 ± 0,03") Fluorene,h) 0.48 ± 0.041<.1 Dibenzothiopbene(bl 0,50 ± 0.03") AnthraceneCb ) 1.13 ± 0.071<) I.Metbylphenanthrcneln.~.f,,) 1.7 ± 0.1 ") 2~Methylphcnanthreneld.eJ.s) 1.90 ± 0.06'" 3-M"hylphenanth .. ne'd,.,~, 2,1 ± O.I(hI 4-Methylphenanthrene 8l')d 9-Me1hylphen.nthrene'd.,.r~) 1.6 ± 0.2'" 2-Methylanthracene"""') 0.58 ± 0.04'" 3.5-Dimethylphenanthreneid ) 1.31 ± 0.041" 2.6-Dim ethylphenanthrone fd ' 0.79 ± O.02(h.lJ 2,7 -Dimethylphenanthrene,dJ 0.67 ± o.oi ll•l) 3,9-Dimelhylphenanlhrene,d\ 2.42 ± 0.05"" 1,6-,2,9-, and 2.5-Dimetbylphenanlhrene'" 1.67 ± 0.03'"") 1.7-Dimelhylphenanthrene,dl 0.62 ± 0.02"'" 1,9-and 4,9-Dimcthylphenanthrene'dJ 1.20 ± 0.03"'" 1,8-Dimethylphenanthrene,d\ 0.24 ± 0.0) (h,l) 1,2-DimethyJphenanthrene'" 0.28 ± 0.01 (h,l) 8-MethyJf1uoranthene'dl 0,86 ± 0.02"'" 7-MethyJf1uoranthene,d, 0.69 ± 0.02'" I-Methylf1uornnlhene'hJ 0,39 ± 0.01") 3-Methylfluoranthene'" 0.56 ± 0.02'" 2-Melhylpyrene'd) 1.81 ± O.04(h,l) 4-Methylpyrcne'd) 1.44 ± 0.03'"") l-Methylpyrene(d, 1.29 ± 0,03'" AnthiiJnthrene ul 0.9 ± 0_1'" (~) Mass fractions are reported on dry-mass basis; material as received contnins approxiD'Ultely 1.3 % moisture. fbI GeIMS (VI) on propriew:y non~polar metbylpoiysilo;une: phase after So):.hh:t r:"tp~on with OeM. M Reference values arc the means of results obtained by NTST using ooe analylicallcchniquc, TItc expanded u~jnty. U. is cakulatcd as U ::; kll(. where ~je is one standard deviation of the analyte mean, and the oovernge factor, k, is determined from the Student's ,-<hstribution corresponding to the associated degrees of freedom (df = 2) and 95 % confidence level for each analyle. Id) GerMS (I) on 5 % phenyl-subStituted methylpolysilo •• ne phase after Soxhle! extraction with oeM. Ie} GC'tMS (II) on 5 % phenyl-substituted methyJpolysiJoxane phase after SoxbJet exll1lction with OCM. 10 GCIMS (III) on 5 % pheny]~substiruted melhylpolyslloxane phase after Soxhlel extraction with 50 % hexane/50 % acetone mixture, (rt GCIMS (IV) on 5 % phenyl-substituted methylpoly.siloxane phase after PFE with SO % hex:aneISO % ncetone mixture. (l) The reference value for eo.ch anal)'tc is the equally-weighted mean of the meanS from two or more analylical metnods or the mean from one ;malytical techniquc_ The uncertainty in the reference value defmes a rang!! ofvalues that is intended 10 function as an interval thllt conlains the lrue vnlue at a level ofconfidefl(!e of9S V •. This uncertmnly Includes sources of uncertainty within each analytical method. among methods. and from the drying study. (i)Tbe uncerlainty interval for this compound was widened in accordance with expert consideration of the analytlcaJ procedures. along with the analysis of the data as a whole, which suggests that the hillf-widths of the expanded uncertainties 9houldnot be Jess than 2 %_ lJJ LC-FL of isomeric PAH fractio",! after Soxhlel extraclion with SO % hexane/50 0/. acetone mixture. SRM J 944 Page 10 of22 Table 6. Reference Mass Fractions for Selected PAHs of Rel.tive Molecular Mass 300 and 302 in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basi,) Mass Fraction(a,b,C} (mslkg) Corooene 0.53 ± 0.04 Dibenzo[b,eJftuoranthene 0.076 ± 0008 Naphtho[ I ,l-b lfluoranthe •• 0.70 ± 0.06 Naphtho[ 1,2-klfluoranthene and Naphtho[2,3-Jlfluoranthene 0.66 ± 0.05 Naphtno(2,3-b)lluorantnene 0.21 ± 0.01 Dihenzo[b,kJlluoranthene 0.75 ± 0.06 Dibenzo[ ',k Jlluoranthene 0.22 ± 0.02 Dibenzo[i,I]f1uonlnlhene 0.56 ± 0.03 Dihenzo[ a,ljpyrene 0.12 ± 0.02 Napbtho[2,3-k)fluoranthene 0.11 ± 0.01 Napntho[2,3-eJpyrene 0,33 ± 0.02 Dihenzo[ a,e )pyrene 0.67 ± 0.05 N.phtho[2, I -a Jpyrene 0.76 ± 0.05 Dibenzo[e.l)pyr .... 0.28 ± 0.02 Naphtho[2,3-a]pyrene 0.23 ± 0.01 Benzo(b)perylene 0.43 ± 0.04 Dibenzo[a,i)pyrene 0.30 ± 0.03 Dibenzo[ a,h ]pyrene 0.11 ± om ttl Mass fractions are reponed on dry~mas5 basis; ma.terial as received contains approximately }.3 % moisture. [b) Reference values are the means of results obtatned by NIST using one analytical technique. The expanded uncertainty. U. is calculared as U = Mire. where Ite i!; one standard deviation ofthe analyte meM,. and the coverage factor. k. is determined from lIle Student's I-<)i,tributioll «lrresponding 10 the assoeiatod degrees of f....!om (df ~ 2) and 9S % coofoden .. level for each anaIyle. {~, GCIMS on SO % phenyl-substituted methylpolysiloxane phase :lfter PFE with OCM. SRM 1944 Page 11 of22 Table 7. Reference Mass Fractions for Selected PCB Congeners'" and Chlorinated Pesticides in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) Mass Fraction!b) (j.lglkg) PCB 45 (2,2',3,6-Tetrachlorobiphenyl)'<' 10.8 ± I.4Cd ) PCB 146 (2.2',3,4 ',S,S'-Hexachlorobiphenyl)'<' 10.1 ± 1.9''' PCB 163 (2,3,3'.4' ,S,6-Hexachlorobiphenyl)'" 14.4 ± 2.0'" PCB 174 (2,2',),3' ,4,5,6' -lleptachiorobiphenyl)'" 16.0 ± 0.6'" a_HCHtr,a.h.,. 2.0 ± O.3 IC'1 trans-Chlordane (r-Chlordane)'" 19.0 ± 1.7!d) cis_Nonachlor'!·h.I.I·ml 3.7 ± O.iC'l 2,4'-DDE"~""'>'''''' 19 ± 3~C) 2,4'_DDD",,·"m' 38 ± stt') 4,4'_DDE cf.l-h"hJ,kJ.ml 86 ± 121,,) 4,4'-DDD if .. .h,I,J .. U.m) 108 i 16it) 4,4' -DDT'" 170 ± 32''') (a) PCB con,generi are numbered accotdmg to th~ scheme propo~ by Ballschmiter and Zell [13) and later revised by Schulte W1d Malisch [3] to confonn with ruPAC rulf:3; for the specifk congeners mentioned in ~hts SRM. the BaJJschmiler-Zell numbers correspond to thcse of Schulte and Malisch. Ib) MWiS fractions Me reported on dry-mass basis; materia) as received contains. approximately 1.3 % mOISfUre. I~) NIST participation jn the 2007 interlaboratory study using GC'IMS. ~dl Reference values are the means of results obtained by NIST using one analytical technique. The expanded tS1Certairuy~ V, is calculated as U = b~, where Ifc is one standard de...ialion of the anaIyte mean. and the covmlse flK:lor? Ie. is determined from the Student'$I-distribulion corresponding to the ilssodated degrees offreedom (df-2) and 9S % conf~~ lev~1 for each analyte. ~cl The reference value for each analyte is the equally-weighted mean of the means from two or more analytical methods or he rnCWl from one analytical technique. The UD(:erlainlY in the ref~~ value defmc::s a range of values that lS intended to function a5 an interval that contains the true value at a level of confidence of95 %. This un~nainty Includes ~ ofuneertainty within each analytical method. among methods, and from the drying 51.udy. (I) GC-ECD (TA) on 5 % phenyl-substituted methyJpolysiloxane phase after Soxhlet extraction with DCM. '" GC·ECD (IB) on !be 50 % oetadeoyl (C-18) methylpolysiloxane ph.se; same ext .. cts analyzed as in GC-ECD (IA). (b) GC-ECD (llA) on S % phenyl-substituted metbylpolysiloxane phase after So:lthlet eXlraction with OCM. I"~ GC-ECD (lIB) on !be 50 % octadecyl (C-IS) methylpolysiloxane phase; same extr.cts analyzed" in GC-ECD (IIA). u) GelMS (1) on S % pheDyl-subslituted methylpolysiloxane phase after Soxhlet extraction with 50 % hex3Jlel50 % acetone mixture:. (t.)GClMS (n) on 5 % phenyl-substituted methylpolysiJoxane phase after PFE extrBclion With 50 % hexane/50 % acetone mixture. (I) GC/MS (tIl) on S % phenyl-substituted methylpolysilox1ilM phn~; same extracts anlayzed as In GC-ECD (lLA). (rn)Resuils from nineteen laboratories participating in an intcriabonnory comparison e~ercis.e. SRM 1944 Page 12 of22 Table 8. Reference Mass Fraction Values for Selected PBDEs in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) Mass Fractions(a) (~glkg) PBDE 47 (2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether)"""o 1.72 ± 0,28'" PBDE 99 (2,2',4,4' ,5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether)""'o 1.98 t 0.26'" PBDE 100 (2,2',4,4',6-Pentabromodiphenyl ether)"'" 0.447 ± 0.027'" PBDE 153 (2,2',4,4',S,s"-Hexabromodiphenyl ether)',···n PBOE 154 (2,2',4,4',S,6'-Hexabromodipnenyl ether),,···n PBDE 183 (2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptabromodiphenyl ether)",~·n PBDE 206 (2,2',3,3' ,4,4',5,5',6-Nonabromodiphenyl ether)'d," PBDE 209 (Decabromodiphenyl ether) ",<1,0.0 6.44 ± 0,17'" 106 ± 0.08"" 31.8 ± O,I~' 6,2 ± I.O lb) 935 ± 4,4'" (.) MoilSS frEU;tions are p:ported on dry-mass basis; material as rtceived contains approximately 1.3 % moisture. (b) Ref~c values are weighted means of the remits from two 10 four analytical methods {14). The uncertainly lisled WIth cacti value is an expanded uncertainty about the mean, with coverage factor 2 (appro:lliimately 95 % confidence), cZl1cu1ated by combining a between-method variance incorporating jmer~melhod bi!13 with a pooloo within-source vari.[U)ce following the IS0INJST GuKJe to the Expression of Uncertainry in Measurements [11.12l (el Results from ten laboratOries partjcipaling in an interlaboratory study for PBDEs in sediment {12]. (d) Results: from four Iabonnoncs participating in the 2007 interlaboratory study [13]. (r, NIST p4l'hcipatioo in the 2007 interlaboratory sbJdy using GC/MS. II) DaI8 se' from NIST for PBOEs using GClMS following PFE with .hunino SPE and SEC clean-up. Table 9. Reference Mass Fraction Value. for Selected Elements in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) Antimonyf~.ot.r ... ) Beryllium,Cbl Coppe~'·dn Mercury(t .• , Selenium(L.cJ) Silve~'·d.<··' Thallium(l.O Tinl~.o Degrees of Freedom 81 18 17 101 18 24 8 12 22 Mass Fraction(~.t') ('Yo) 31 ± 3 Mass Fractionia.b) (mglkg) 4.6 ± 0.9 1.6 ± 0.3 380 ± 40 3.4 ± 0.5 1.4 ± 0.2 6.4 ± 1.7 0.59 ± 0.1 42 ± 6 ,., The reference value is the equally weighted mean ofavllilable results from: (1) NIST INAA analyses, (2) two metnods pertormed at NRCC, (3) rcsulls from seven sclecled laboratories participaling in the NRCC mtercomparison exercise, and (4) results from INAA arudyses at IAEA. The expanded uncertainty in the reference vlllue is equal to U = kl,~ where lie is the combined standard uncertainty ami k is the coverage factor. both calculated accontlng [0 the JSO Guide [11.12J. The value of It .. is Intended to represent at the level of one standard deviation the uncertainty in the value. Here Uc accounts for possible method differences, within-method variation. and material inhomogeneity. The coverage factor, k, is the Stud~nt's t-value for a 9.5 % confidence interval with the corresponding degrees offieedom. Because of material inhomogeneily. the \,adability among the measurements of multiple test portions can be expected to be greater than that due to measurement variability ~Ione. III) Mass fractions are reported on dry-mass basis; materi~L as received contains approximately 1.3 % moisrure. 'c) Re~ults: from five to seven laboratories panlcipating in the NRCC interlaboratory comparison exercise. i<lJ Measured at NRCC usmg OF AAS. ie-I Measured al NIST using INAA. if) Measured at NRCC U$ing TD-1CPMS. 4" Measured at IAEA u~ing IN AA. (hi Measured at NRCC using JCPOES_ (I) Measured at NRCC using cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy (CVAAS). SRM 1944 Page 13 of22 Table 10, Reference Mass Fraction Values for Elements in SRM 1944 as Detennined by lNAA (Dry-Mass Basis) Calcium Chlorine Potassium Sodium Bromine Cesium Cobalt Rubidium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Effective Degrees of Freedom 21 21 21 25 10 11 10 14 37 21 21 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.9 86 3.0 14 75 10,2 4300 100 Mass FractionCa..b, (%) ± 0.1 ± 0.2 ± 0,2 ± 0.1 Mass Fraction1a..b) (mg/kg) ± 10 ± 0.3 ± 2 ± 2 ± 0,2 ± 300 ± 9 (,i The reference value is based on the results from an INAA study. The associ.ted uncertainly accounts. for both random and 5>ystematic effects. but because only one method was used. the results should be tlsed with taution. The expanded uncertaJDty in the reference value i5 equal to U = ~,~ where If .. is the combined standard uncertainty and k is the coverage factor. both calculated according to the lS0 Guide [11.l2]. The value ofut is intended to represent ilt the level orone st,JndPrd deviat~n the uncertainty in the value. Here u, accounts for poss.ible method differences. withio9method variation, and material inhomogeneity. The coverage fac:tor, k. is the Student's I·yalue for a 9S % confidc:JN;c iruervaJ wi\!] tbc: corresponding ckgrees offreedom. B~ause I;)f material inhomogeneity. the variability among the measurements of multiple test portions tan be cx~ted to be greater chon thllt due 10 measure-mmt variability alone. (b) MllSS fractionsllTt reported on dry~mass baSIS~ malerial as received contains approximately 1.3 % moisture. SRM 1944 Page 14 of22 BeWi 0il:032 Table II. Reference Mass Fraction Values for Selected Dibcnzo-p-Dioxin and Dibenzofuran Congeners in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) Mass Fraction(~,b) (l'gIlcg) 2,3,7,8-T etrachtorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0.133 ± 0.009 1,2,3,7,8-Penlachlorodibenzo-p·dioxin 0.019 ± 0.002 , ,2,3,4,7 ,8-HexachlorodibenzO-p·dioxin 0.026 ± 0.003 1.2,3,6,7,8-Heuchlorodibenzo-p·dioxin 0.056 ± 0.006 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p·dioxin 0.053 ± 0.007 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hepiachiorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0.80 ± 0.07 Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 5.8 ± 0.7 2,3,7,8-T etraehlorodibeozofuran") 0.039 ± 0.015'" 1,2,3,7,8-Penlachlorodibenzofuran 0.045 ± 0.007 2,3,4,7,8· Penlachlorodibenzofuran 0.045 ± 0.004 1.2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuron 0.22 ± O.oJ 1,2,3,6.7,8-Heucblorodibenzofuron 0.09 ± om 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hex.chlorodibeozofuron 0.054 ± O.OO6(e l 1.2.3,4,6,7.8-Heptachlorodibenzofu .. n 1.0 ± 0.1 1,2.3,4.7,8.9-HeptachlorodibenzofufIlll 0.040 ± 0.006(1'1 Oclachlorodibenzofuran 1.0 ± 0.1 Total Toxic Equivalents (TEQ1'" 0.25 ± 0.01 Tolal Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins 0.25 ± 0.05") Total Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins 0.19 ± 0.06 Total Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins 0.63 ± 0.09 Total Heplachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins 1.8 ± 0.2 Total Telrochlorodibcnzofurans 0.7 ± 0.2 Total Pentachlorodibenzofurans 0.74 ± 0.07 Total Hexachlorodibenzofurans 1.0 ± 0.1 Total Heplachlorodibcnzofurans 1.5 ± 0.1 Total Dibenzo-p-dioxins(ll) 8.7 ± 0.9 Total Diben7.ofurans tpJ 5.0 ± 0.5 (0) Eacb reference value is the mean oflhc rc:sults from up to fourteen laboralOri~ participating in an interlaboralory exercise:. The expanded uncertainty in the reference value is equal to U -kIA t where ~ is lhecombined standard ul'K'crtainty calculs'cd according to the ISO Guide [11.121 and k is the coverage factor. The value of lie lS intended tOR!PKsent at me level orone s.tandnrddeviation the combined efTccl of all the uncertainties in the rde~nce value. Here,Ac; is the uncertainty in the mean arising from th~ variation among (he laooratory results. The degrees of freedom is equal to tbe number of available results minus one (13 unless noted OIherwise). The coverage factor, k. is the value from a Student's t-distribulion for a 95 % confidence interval. (til Mass. fractions are reported on dry-mass baSIS; material as received conlam'S approximately 1.3 % moisture. Ie) Confinnation results using a 50 % cyanopropyJ phenyl po)ysil~ane or 90 % bis~cyanopropyl 10 % cyanopropylphenyJ polysiloxanc phase: columns. (d) Degrees of freedom ::: 7 for this compound. Id Degrees offtec:dom = l2 for this compound. (0 TEQ is the sum of the products of each of the 2,3,7,8-substitUled congeners mliitiplied by their mdividual tOXIC equi\lalency faclors(TEFs) recommended by !he Nonh Atlantic Treaty Or~antzatlOn (NATO}[15] With re80fd to 2.3.7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran. the results of the confinnation coitmlfl were used when "vaiJable to calculate the TEQ. ll/)Total of tetra-through octachiorinared congeners. SRM 1944 Page IS of22 Table 12. Reference Values for Particle Size Characlerislics for 8RM 1944 Particle Measurement Mean diameter (volume distribution, MV. r-un}lbl Mean diameter (area distribution. 11m)'" Mean diameter (number distribution, J.UTl)(d J Surface Area (m'/cm')") Value(&} 151.2 ± 120.4 ± 75.7 ± 0.050 ± 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.013 (&)The reference value is the mean vallre ofm.easuremcnu from the analysis of test portions from four bottles. E~b 'UlKertainty. compuled .ccording'o .he CIPM approach as described in the ISO Guide [II, 12J. is an expanded u.cmainly al the 9j % level of confidence, which includes random 5OUl'ces Dfuncertainty. The expanded uncertainty defines a range Qfv31ucs fQT the reference value within which the true value is believed trJ lie. :jIt .. I~el of confidence of 95 O/U. Ib) The mean diameter of the volume distribution rt::ptesenls the ccnttr of gravity of the distribution and compensntc$ for scattering efficiency and refractive index. This parameter is strongly innuenced by coarse panicles. (~) The mean diameter oftbe area distribution, calculated from the volume distribution with lcss wel~ting by the pr~e:nce: of (:oarsc particle$ than MV. (dl The mean diameter of the number distribution. calculated using the volume distribution weighti:d to sma II particles. (e) Calculated 5p~ific surface area assuming solid. spherical paniclcs:. This is a computation and should pot be inlcrchangcrl with an adsorption method of surface arelI determination as thjs value does not reflect porosity or topographical characferistics. Table 13. Percentage oftbe Volume That is Smaller Than the lndicatcd Size Percentile Particle Diamete(ill (JlITI) 95 296 ± 5 90 247 ± 2 80 201 ± 1 70 174 ± 1 60 152 ± 50(b) J3S ± 40 120 ± 30 100 ± 20 91 ± 10 74 ± 1M The reference value: for pa.rticl~ diameter is thc mean value of measurements from the anaiys.is of test portionS. from four bottles. Each uncertainly. compuled acoording to theCiPM opproach as de"ribed in the ISOOuide (J 1.121. is on expanded UDtenainly al the 95 % level of confidence, which includes random sourccs ofuncenainty. The cxponded uncertainly defines a range of va. lues for the reference vaJlle within which the true value is. believed to l~ at il level of contldencc of 95 %. (b) Median diameter (50 % of tbe volume is less Ihan 135 1AIll). SRM 1944 Page 16 of22 Table 14. Reference Values for TOIaI Organic Caroon and Percent Extractable Mass in SRM 1944 Tolal Organic Carbon (TOC)"" Extractable Masslc,dl Mass Fraction (%) 4.4 ± 1.15 ± 0.3 0.04 (lI) Mass fraction is reported on a dry-mass basis~ materiaJ as received contams approximately 1.3 % moisture. (b~ The reference value for total organic earbon is 3Jl equally weighted mean value from murine :meaSurements made by three laboratories. Each uncertainty, computed according to the CIPM Dppr~h as described in the ISO Ggide {J 1,12 J. is an expanded UDCertClmry at the 95 % level of CQnfiden(c, which includes random sources of uncertainty. The expanded uncertainty defines a range orvalul$ for the Ttferencc value within which [he true value is believed 10 lie, at a le ... el of ccmfidence of95 %. 11:1 ExtnK:tablc mass as delennined from Soxhlet extraction using OeM. (<I) The reference value for extraclable mas~ is the mc:an value of six measw-ements. Each WlCertainty, computed according to the CIPM approach asdesc;ribed in the ISO Guide [1 1,12], is an expanded unec:rtniAfy at the 95 % level of confidence, which includes random sources of uncertainty. The-expanded uncertainty defines a range of values for the reference \lj]ue within which the true ~alue is beheved to lie, :;Lt a level of confidence of95 %, T.ble 15. Information Mass fraction V.lues for Selected Elements in SRM 1944 as Determined by INAA (Dry-Mass Basis) Cerium(b) Europiumib ) Gold''' Lantbanum fb) Tllonum!b) Uranium(bl Mass Fractionl .. ) ('Yo) 1.0 Mass. Fraction(Q) (mglkg) 65 1.3 0.10 39 IJ 3.1 (-) Mass fraction is reported on a dry·mOlss basis; matenal as received contains approxima1ety 1.) % moisture. ("'I Measured at IAEA uSing INAA SRM 1944 Page 17 of22 Table 16. Information Mass Fraction Values for Selected Polychlorinated Naphthalenes in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basi.) Mass Fraction l.,)) (Ilg!kg) PCN 19 (1,3,5-Trichloronaphthalene) 1.4 peN 23 (1.4,5-T,ichloronaphthalene) 2.4 peN 42 (1,3,5,7-Tetrachloronaphthalene) 2.7 peN 47 (1,4,6,7-T etrachloronaphthalene) 3.5 peN 52 (1,2.3,5,7-Penlachloronapbtbalene. 2.5 60 (1.2,4,6,7-Pent.chloronaphthalene) PCN 50 ( 1.2,3,4.6-Penlachloronaphthaleoe) 1.0 PCN 66 (1,2,3,4,6,7 ·Hexachlorooaphthalene) 0.63 67 (1,2,3,5,6,7-Hexachloronaphtbalene) peN 69 (1.2,3,5,7.8-Hexachloronaphthalene) 1.6 PCN 73 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1-Heptachloronaphthalene) 0.51 peN 75 (O<tacbloronaphthalene) 0.20 tal Mass fractions reported on dry-mass basls~ material as received contains approJlimattly I .3 % moisture. InfonDntion values arethe median of the Jaull$ from six iaooIlltOOes participating in an interlaboratory comparison exercise (Appendix D). Table 17. [nfannation Mass fraction Values for Three HBCD Isomers in SRM 1944 (Dry-Mass Basis) alplla-HBCD'" ""ta-HBCD'" gamma-HBCD 1bl (~I The information vaJue i-s the median of the results from three analytical methods. Mass Fraction",b-l ()lg/kg) 2.2 1.0 18 (h) Mass fraccions are reported on dry-ma5s oo51s; material as recei'Yed contains approximately 1.3 % moisture. SRM 1944 Page 18 of22 BCWi 0003& SRMI944 Table 18. Analytical Methods Used forth. Measurement of Elements in SRM 1944 Elements Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Beryllium Bromine Cadmium Calcium Cerium Cesium Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Copper Europium Gold Iron I.anthanum Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Nickel Potassimn Rubidium Scandium Selenium Silicon Silver Sodium Thallium Thorium Tin Titanium Uranium Vanadium Zinc Methods CVAAS FAAS GFAAS HGAAS ICPOES ICPMS ID·ICPMS INAA XRF Analytical Methods FAAS,ICPOES,INAA, XRF GFAAS, HGAAS,ICP-MS, ID.ICPMS, INAA GFAAS, HGAAS,ICPMS, INAA, XRF GFAAS,ICP·AES,ICPMS INAA FAAS, GFAAS, ICPMS, ID·ICPMS INAA INAA INAA INAA FAAS, GFAAS, ICPMS, ID-ICPMS, INAA, XRF INAA FAAS, GFAAS, ICPOES, ICPMS, ID-ICPMS, XRF INAA INAA FAAS,ICPOES, ICPMS,ID.ICPMS, INAA, XRF INAA FAAS, GFAAS,ICPMS, ID·ICPMS, XRF INAA FAAS, ICPOES, ICPMS, INAA, XRF CV AAS, ICPMS GFAAS, ICPOES,ICPMS, ID-ICPMS,INAA, XRF INAA INAA INAA GFAAS, HGAAS, ICPMS, INAA FAAS, ICPOES, XRF FAAS, GFAAS, ICPMS, INAA INAA GFAAS, ICPOES, tCPMS, ID·ICPMS, INAA GfAAS,ICPMS,ID-ICPMS INAA INAA lNAA FAAS, ICPOES,ICPMS, ID-ICPMS, XRF,INAA Cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry Flame alomic absorption spectrometry Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry Tnductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry Inductively coupled plum. rna" spectrometry Isotope dilution inductively coupled pl."na mass spectrometry Instrumental neutron activation analysis X-ray fluorescence spe~lromelry Page 19 of22 REFERENCES [II May, W.; Parris, R.; Beck, c.; FOSsell, J.; Greenberg. R.; Guenther, F.; Kramer, G.; Wise, S.; Gills, T.; Colbert, J.; Gelling:;, R.; MaCDonald, B.; Definition., of renns and Modes Used al NIST for Vulile-A.fsignmelll 01 Reference Materials for Chemical Measilremellt.,; NIST Special Publication 260-136, U.S. Governmenl Printing Office: Gailhe"burg, MD (2000); avai I.bl. at http;llts.nist.gov/MeasurementServicesIReferenccMaterialsiPUBLlCATlONS.cfm (accessed Sep 20 II) [2] Wis., S.A.; Poster,D.L.; Schantz, M.M.; Kucklick, l.R.; Sander, L.C.; Lopez de Aida, M.; Schuben, P.; Parris, R.M.; Porter, BJ,; Two New MQrill~ &dim~nt Standard R~Jerence Materials (SRMs)/or thL INl~rminatio" of OrRQJlic Co"tamillanlS; Anal. Bioanal. Chem., Vol. 378, pp. 1251·1264 (2004). [3] Schulte E.; Malisch. R.; Calculation of the Real PCB Conlent ill Envinmmelltal Sample,\'. I. IIIvf!stigation of the Compositio" Of Two Technical PCB Mixtures; Frescni", Z. Anal. Chern., Vol. 314, pp. 545-551 (1983). [4) Parris, R.M.; Schantz, M.M.; Wise, SA.; NISTINOAA NS&TIEPA £MAP inlercomparison Exercise Programfor Organic CrJnlaminams in the Mar;ne Env;ronmenl: De.'lcriplion and ReS!4iu of /995 Orgo,,;c lnltrcomparisoll Exerdses: NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA 104, Silver Spring, MD (1996). [5) Siapleton, H.M.; Keller,I.M.; Schantz, M.M.; Kucklick,I.R.; Wise, SA; Nlsr Inter· Comparison Exercise Programfor Pol.\·brominaled nip/len},1 Elhers (PBDE,\');II Marine Sediment; Description Qnd Rf!.mlts of,he 1004 Inter-Comparil'un Exercise; NISTIR 7278 (2005). [6) Schantz, M.M.; Parris, R.M.; Wise, S.A.;NIST intercompariron li<.rcise ProgramforOrganic Contominalllsin th~ Marille Em'ironment: Description and Results oj the 2007 Orga.ic intercolllpllrison Ex"cises; NISTIR 7501 (2008). [7] Willie, S; Berman, S.; NOAA N(uiollal Slatu.s and Tre,uis Program Temh Round In.tercomparisOII Exercise Results jor Trace Metab in Marine Stdiments and Biological Tissue; NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA 106, Silver Spring. MD (1996). [8) Beaty1 E.S.; Paulson, P.1.; Selective Application a/Chemical SepartJlion$/o Isotope Dilulion Indllcril'ely C014pJed Plasma Moss S!"ctrOlFU'tric Anal,l'Sis of Standard &Ieren<e Marerials: Anal. Chem., Vol. 65, pp. 1602·1608 (1993). (9J Greenberg~ R.R.; Flemming. R.F.; zeisler, R.; HiRh Sen.rUi."iry Nell/ron Actiwrtion Analysis o/Enl'ironmenlo/ and Riological Standard Reference Materiab; Environ. Intern., Vol. 10, pp. 129·136 (1984). [IO)Paule. R.C.; Mandel, J.: Con.fensus Values and WeiShtillS Factors; I. Res. NaL Bur. Stand .. Vol. 87 pp. 377·385 (1982). [ 11] JCGM 100;2008; Evaloali,m of Mra.,urement Dula -Guiderl! the li<pre.l.,iOlI of U"'·<r/lIinr:.· in Mea.,uremelll (ISO GUM 1995 wilh Minor Corrections); Joint Conunillee for Guides in Metrology (2008); available at hltp:/lwww.bipm.orgiutilsicornmon/documentsljcgmlJCGM_IOO_2008_E.pdf (accessed Sep 2011); see also Taylor, B.N.; Kuyatt. C.E.~ Gm'defines for EI'aiuQtinK and Expres.finR the Uncertainty of NISI' M~asuremellt Res"lt .• ; NIST Technical Note 1297; U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC (1994); available al hllp:/lwww.nist.gov/physlablpubsiindex.cfm(accessedSop2011). (l2)JCGM 101:2008; Evaluation ojmeasurernent data -S"pplement 1 to tire Guide to E.tprrssioll "JUllcertaint)' in Measuremell/; Propagation ofDislributions U'inga Monte Carlo Melhod; Ioinl Committee for Guides in Metrology {BIPM,IEC, IFCC.ILAC, ISO, IUPAC,IUPAP and OIML),lnlcmalional Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), s,;vres. France (2008); available at http://www.bipm.org!utilslccrnmonldo<umentsljcgmlJCGM_1 0 1_2008_ E.pdf (accessed Sep 2011). f13] BaJlschmiter, K.;Zell, M.; Analysis of Pol.l'clJ/orinaled Biphenyls (PCR) 1»' Glass Capillary Ga, Chromatograph)'· Composition of Technical Aroclor-alld Clophen-PCB MLfllrrtS: Freseniu, Z. Anal. Chem,.VoI302, pp.20·31 (1980). (l4) Ruhkin, A.L.;Vangel. M.G. E,·timatioll "fa Commol/Mean alld Weighted Mean.' Slalfstics; 1. Am. Sialist. Assoc., Vol. 93, pp. 303·308 (1998). (1 5] Internatirma{ Toxicity Equil'alenC)' Faclor(/-TEF, Method QfR;skA.f.~eSSmE'nlfor Cmnplex Mixwres of Dioxins QJld Related Compoullds, Nonll Allantic Trealy Organization Committee on Challenges in the Modern So<iety, Report No. 176, Nonll Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Brussels, Belgium (1988). CcrtJlkalc hvWon HbtM)': 21 Stptmaber 1011 (AdditIon of IT\atS ft'tlctjon ... ttlues for PBOE lind PeN con8C"t'~~ change or mBM. fractIon reference Y3lua. cdilonal chang~); 22 Dtcembrr 2818 (fulcm.ion of ccrtlftaltion pt'nod); 14 MIY 1999 (Onvina' ccrhticatc date). Users oftllis SRM sllOuld enSlirt that the Certificau of Analysis in thti, possession is cun-ent. This can IN accomplished by contocting tire SRM Program at: te/.pholle (301) 975.2200;Jax (301) 9264751; .·",ai/ srminjo@nist.gol·; or via the Imenu .. , ClI htrp;//wWYo·"Ji.ff,govl.,"mr. SRM 1944 Page 200f22 ;:: ... -:w i 00038 APPENDIX A The analysts and laboratories listed below panicipated in the interlaboratory comparison exercise for the determination of PBDE, in SRM 1944 [4J. D. Hoover and C. Hamilton. AXYS Analytical. Sidney. BC, Canada S. Klo'teThaus and J. Baker, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons. MD. USA S. Backus, Environment Canada, Ecosystem Health Division, Burlington, ON, Canada E. Sverko, Environment Canada. Canada Centre for Inland Waters. Burlington, ON. Canada P. Lepom, Fedenl Environmental Agency. Berlin. Germany R. Hites and L Zhu. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN. USA G. Jiang, Research Center for EcC)-Environmental Sciences, Beijing. China H. Takada, Tokyo Universi1y of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo. Japan A. Covaei and S. Vorspoels, University of Antwerp, Antwerp. Belgium A. Li. Universtiy of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA APPENDlXB The analysts and laboratories listed below partiCipated in the interlaboratory comparison ex"",i .. for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in SRM 1944. WJ. Luksemburg, Alta Analylical Laboratory, In<; .• EI Dorado Hills. CA, USA L. Phillips, AXYS Analytical Services Ltd .. Sidney. British Columbia. Canada M.J. Annbruster. BaneUe Columbus Laboratories, Columbus. Oll, USA G. Reuel, Canviro Analytical Laboratories Ltd., Waterloo. Ontario, Canada C. Brochu. Envirorullent Quebec. Laval. Quebec. Canada G. Poole. Environment Canada Environmental Technology Centre. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada B. Henkelmann. GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany R. Andersun.lnstitute of Environmental Chemistry. VmeA University. UmeA. Sweden C. Lastorio. Maxxom Analytics Inc .. Mis.i.sauSa, Ontorio, Canada E. Reiner, Ontario Ministry of Environmenl.nd Energy, Etobicoke. Ontario, Canada J. Macaulay, Research and Produclivity Council, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada T.L. Wade. Texas A&M University. College Station. TX. USA C. Tashiro. Wellington Laboratories. Guelph. Ontario. Canada T.O. Tieman, Wright State University. Dayton. OH, USA APPENDlXC The analysts and laboratories listed below participated in the interlaboratory comparison exercise for the delennination of trace elements in SRM 1944. A. Abbgy. Applied Marine Research Laboratory. Old Dominion University. Norfolk. VA. USA A. Scott, Australian Government Analytical Laboratories, Pymble, Austra[ia H. Mawhinney, Animal Research Institute, Queen,land Department of Primary Industries. Queensland. Australia E. Crecelius. Battelle Pacific Northwest. Sequim. WA. USA M. Stephenson, Catifornia Department of Fish and Game. Moss Landing. CA. USA B. Presley. Department of Oceanography. Texas A&M University. College Station. TX. USA K. Elrick. U.S. Geological Survey. Atlanta. GA. USA SRM 1944 Page 21 of22 APPENDIXn The analysts and laboratories listed below participated in the interlaboratOlY comparison exercise for tbe determin.tion of polychlorinated naphthalenes in SRM 1944. J. Kucklick. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Charleston, SC, USA E. Sverko, Environment Canada, Canada Cenue for Inland Water>, Burlington, ON, Canada P. Helm, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Elobieoke, ON, Canada N. Yamashita, NationallnSlitute of Advanced Industrial Science and Techrology (AIST), T,ukuba, Japan T.llamer, Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada R. Leg., Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Etobicoke, ON, Canada SRM 1944 Page 22 of22 • Analytical Resources, Incorporated AnM1yticai Cltemi.8t8 and Consultants Analytical Standard Record Standard m: 0003371 Description: StlIndard Type: Solvent: Final Volume (mls): Vials: Vendor: Vendor Catalog #: Commenb Puget Sound reference-SRM Analyte Spike NA 30 I QATS Lab PSRM0056 Mukilteo Multomodal For Cberonne Oreiro Analyt. 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD I,Z,3,7,8-PeCDD OCDF 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCOF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2,3,7,8-TCOf Aroclor 1260 Aroclor 1260 [2C] OCOD 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF Expires: Prepared: Prepared By: Department: Last Edit: Lot #: CAS Number 57117-41-6 67562-39-4 58200-70-7 39227-28-6 70648-26-9 57653-85-7 57117-44-9 19408-74-3 35822-46-9 40321-76-4 39OO1-OZ-O 60851-34-5 57117-31-4 1746-01-6 51207-31·9 11096-82-5 11096-82-5 3268-87-9 72918-21-9 Rev1ewed By Printed: 8111/2016 3:07:40PM ll-Aug-2016 II-Aug-2015 Amanda Volgardsen QC 07-Oct-2015 16:16 by VTS SR0431 Con •• ntration Un'" 0.00000123 mg/Kg 0.0000187 mg/Kg 0.00000163 mg/Kg 0.00000159 mg/Kg 0.00000302 mg/Kg 0.00000388 mg/Kg 0.00000109 mgiKg 0.00000304 mg/Kg 0.0000906 mg/Kg 0.00000108 mg/Kg 0.0000584 mgIKg 0.00000183 mg/Kg 0.00000107 mgIKg 0.00000105 mg/K!I, 0.00000\11 mgiKg 0.108 mg/Kg 0.108 mg/Kg 0.000811 mg/Kg 0.000000511 mg/Kg Date Page 1 of 1 [;;CWj . 0ViViiH • Analytical Resources, Incorporated ADoIyIi<aI a.-iet. oacI CoouuItaaI. AIUIlytkalStandlrd Record ~ ___________________________ Sm __ ~ ____ ID_'_.DOO ___ ~_7_1 ___________ P_riR_Qd __ :_~_11_a_&_15 __ 4_:1_&_:2_7P_~~ DeocriptiOll: Stlndard Type: Solvent: Filial Volume (mil): Vials: Vendor: \'eddor CaIIlog #: Puget SoImd referenu-SRM ReferenI:e MIIIel NA 30 I QATSLab rSR.Moo~ Mukilteo Mullomoda/ For Cberonnc Oreiro ~ ~ 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCOF 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCOF 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDO 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,6, 7,8-HxCOO 1.2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,7,8,9-lbtCDD 1,2,3,4,6.7,8-HpCDO 1,2.3,7,8-PeCOO OCOF 2,3,4,6,1,8-HxCDF 2,3,4,1,8-PeCOF 2,3,7,8-TCOO 2,3,1,8-rCDF Aroclor 1260 Aroclot 1260 [2CJ OCDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF Expires: Prepared: Prepa!ed By: Dep8I hnent: Last Edit: Lot II: CASN ...... 57117-41-6 67562-39-4 58200-70·1 39221-28-6 7064J..26-9 57653-83-7 51117-44-9 19408-74·3 35822-46-9 40321-76-4 39001-{)2.4 60851-34-5 57117-31-4 1746-01-6 51201-31·9 11096-82-5 11096-82-5 3268-87-9 72918-21-9 II·Aug·2016 lI·Aug·20I~ Amanda Volp'dsen QC I1-Aug·20U 16:09 by AV SR0431 C .. lllltntion Units SI\M Cntrvl Llmlto 0_00000123 mafKg 50-ISO 0.0000187 mWI<sI 50-ISO 0.00000163 JD&iKg 50-ISO 0.00000159 mWKR 50-ISO 0.00000302 mWK& 50-ISO 0.00000388 IIlJ!iKx 5O-ISO 0.00000109 mgIKg 50-150 0.00000304 IIlJ!iKx 'O-ISO 0.0000906 mNKg 50·150 0.00000108 IIlJ!iKx 50-ISO 0.0000584 mgIKg 50-150 0.00000183 m~ SO-ISO 0.00000107 mglKg 50-150 0.00000105 m~ 50-150 0.00000111 IIIfIKg 50·1 SO 0.108 tnWKI\ 38-167 0.108 m&fKg 38.167 0.000811 mWKR 50-ISO 0.00000051l mgIKg SO-ISO DIIONI, PugotScuol ..... SRM _/l.CII:,.... ,.,. &'I11311511yAV Elv. &'1113118 ~ Pase I ofl J • • Recipient Copy CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Order Number: CBOI2892 Dale Shipped: 611012015 From: OATBI.ABORATORY To: CHERONHE OREIRO 2700 CHANDLER AVENUE, BLDG. B ANALYTICAL RESOURCES LAS \/EOAS, NV 89120 4811 S. 134Tli PlACE, SUITE 100 COC No. 13435 AirBili No(S): 560847855403 PHONE: 1·702-896-8712 TUKWILA WA Mlee FAX: 1·702·~210 SamplelD -+ Catalogue Number PSRMIJOe8 1 PUGET SOUND SEDIMENT RM PS-SRM PROJECT SITE NAME: MUKILTI:O MULTOMOOAl by. (SIgn ) •~----~--+-----~----------~----~ RoHnquiohed by. _ by: (SIgnaIvto) (SIgn.ture) .~ • • • QUALITY ASSURANCE TECHNICAL SUPPORT LABORATORY "An ISO fKJ01:2OOI CerlHIed Program" Instructions for QAT'S Catalog Number: PSoSRM ",."". Sedment: CDDlCDFICB CongetJeT!lAtodonJ PUGET SOUND SEDIMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL QATS LABORATORY INSTRUCnONS FOR HRGCIHRMS CDDlCDFICB CONGENER AND GClECD AROCLOR ANALYSIS NOTE: TheSe inStructions are for advisory purpoeel only. If any apparent conflict exi8t1l between Iheae Instructions and the analytical protocols or your contract, disregard these Instructions. APPUCATlON: For the analysis of CDDICOF and CB Congener analyles using project-speclfied HRGCJHRMS methods. and ArocIors using project-specified GClECD methods. CAlD1ON; Read Instructions carefuIy before opening bottlea and proceeding with the analyses. (AI SAMPLE DESCRIPT10N EncIoMd i$ a Pugel Sound (Washington State) Sediment Reference Material (SRM) set for chlorinated dlbenzo-p-dioxinslchlorinated dibenzofurans (CDO/COF), and/or chlorinated biphenyl (CB) congener anaIyIill using project-specified high rasoIution gaa chromatographyl high reIIOIuIIon mass specIrometry (HRGClHRMS) methods. This SRM Is also llUitabie for ArocIors analysis using project-specified gas chromatography/electron capture detection (GClECD) methods. This set consists of one (1) or more bottles, each with approximately 30 grams of Pug« Sound SRM containing CDDlCOF, CB Congener, and/or Aroclor analylea. Check the chain-Df-custody record 10 determine the number of bottles provided for CDDlCDF, CB Congener, and/or Aroc1or analysis. None of the bottles are 10 be opened until SRM prepanllionlanalysis is to occur. CAUTION: The SRM could contain compounds that 818 light sensItIVe and should be protected from light during storage. Store the SRM at :s f!' C, pnlferably at < r1' C, until SRM preparation and analysis is to occur. Allow the bott\e(s) to reach ambient temperature before opening. (B) BREAKAGE OR MISSING ITEMS Check the contents of the shipment carefully for any broken, leaking, or misling items. Refer to the enclosed chaln-of-custody record. Report any problems to Mr. Keith Stroot, CB&I Federal Servk:es LLC. at (702)895-8722. If requested, retum the chain-of-custody record with appropriate annotation. and signatures to the address provided below. QUALITY ASSURANCE TECHNICAL SUPPORT LABORATORY CB&I Federal s.rvrCM LLC 2700 Chandler Avenue -Building C .... V ••• NV 89120 Poge'oI2 OATS Form 20-u07FleeR03. 0&-15-2014 • • • QUALITY ASSURANCE TECHNICAL SUPPORT LABORATORY "An ISO t001:2008 Cat/lied Progrwm" (C) ANAL YS'S REQUIREMENTS Instructlona for QA 15 cataJog Number: PS-aRM Manna SedIment: CDDICDFICB Conp!~Aroc/Ol8 The SRM II to be analyzed as described in the project-specllled meOlods employed for the enalysis of CDDICOF andlor CB Cong_ enalytes uaing HRGClHRMS Instrumentation andlor ArocIors uaing GClECD instrumentation. Thee inaIructions are for advisory purposea only. If any apparent conflict elCists betIMIen these instructions and the projed-speclfled methods, or your contract, dilregeld these inatructiona. (D) SAMPLE ANAL VSlS Gtmara11nstruct!OOl The SRM contains CODICOF, CB Congener, and Aroclor analytM which are known or _peeled to have severe health effects. Employing appropriate safety precautions, this SRM is to be handled, prepared, and analyzed exactly as you would process sampiea received from a known or suspected hazaldous wallie alte. The SRM should be handled only by trained and experienced analysts In facilities expressly designed to handle such materials. When calculating the concentratlona of analytes, use 0% 88 the soil moisture content. Allow the bottIe(s) to reach ambient temperature before opening and removing gravimetric amounts for aample preparation. To begin the extraction and analysis procedure, break the &eal and open the bottle carefully. Weigh out the appropriate aliquot fOt' extraction and analyels as preecrlbed in !he projeci-1.lpaclfied methods (typically 10 grams for HRGClHRMS methods and 30 grams for GClECO melhoda), or in acco!dan<:e with your contract. Prooeed Immediately with the extraction and analyais 88 described in the projecl-lpIIcified methods or your contract. IE) REPORTING Report the results for the prepared SRM al received. Report the analytical reaulte for the SRM to EPA or oIher appropriate Agency, using the format and other instructiona for submission of data packages a8 apecifled In your contract. Poge2012 OATS Fo'" 20-007FI56R03, 09-15-2014 Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/2016 12:07 pm 8270D SVOC (20-200 ug/kg) or (0.2-2 ug/L SepF) In Solid (EPA 8270D) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Clear, 8 oz Amount Required: 300 9 Hold nme: 14 days Reporting Surrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike / LCS-- Analyte MDL Limit %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Phenol 8.23 20.0 ug/kg 30 34-120 30 34-120 30 bis(2-chloroethyl) ether 6.78 20.0 ug/kg 30 36-120 30 36-120 30 2-(hlorophenol 6.47 20.0 ug/kg 30 39-120 30 39-120 30 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.07 20.0 ug/kg 30 40-120 30 40-120 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.39 20.0 ug/kg 30 39-120 30 39-120 30 I)-Dichlorobenzene 4.66 20.0 u9/kg 30 40-120 30 40-120 30 Benzyl Alcohol 14.9 20.0 ug/kg 30 19-120 30 19-120 30 2,2'-Oxybis( 1-chloropropane) 5.67 20.0 ug/kg 30 32-120 30 32-120 30 2-Methylphenol 7.84 20.0 ug/kg 30 28-120 30 28-120 30 Hexachloroetl1ane 5.65 20.0 ug/kg 30 38-120 30 38-120 30 N-Nitroso-di-n-Propylamine 10.8 20.0 ug/kg 30 34-120 30 34-120 30 4-Methylphenol 14.7 20.0 ug/kg 30 29-120 30 29-120 30 Nitrobenzene 7.95 20.0 ug/kg 30 36-120 30 36-120 30 lsophorone 7.75 20.0 ug/kg 30 37-120 30 37-120 30 2-Nitrophenol 6.92 20.0 ug/kg 30 30-120 30 30-120 30 2,4-Dimethylphenol 26.8 100 ug/kg 30 10-120 30 10-120 30 Bis(2-(hloroethoxy)methane 6.34 20.0 ug/kg 30 39-120 30 39-120 30 2,4-Dichlorophenol 32.0 100 ug/kg 30 28-120 30 28-120 30 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.96 20.0 ug/kg 30 35-120 30 35-120 30 Naphthalene 5.25 20.0 ug/kg 30 43-120 30 43-120 30 Benzoic acid 59.1 200 ug/kg 30 10-120 30 10-120 30 4-(hloroaniline 33.7 100 ug/kg 30 11-120 30 11-120 30 Hexachlorobutadiene 5.01 20.0 ug/kg 30 37-120 30 37-120 30 4-chloro-3-Methylphenol 28.9 100 ug/kg 30 32-120 30 32-120 30 2-Methylnaphthalene 5.67 20.0 ug/kg 30 43-120 30 43-120 30 Hexachlorocyclopentadlene 41.3 100 u9/kg 30 10-120 30 10-120 30 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 25.4 100 ugfkg 30 30-120 30 30-120 30 2,4,S-Trichlorophenol 26.9 100 ug/kg 30 28-120 30 28-120 30 2-(hloronaphthalene 4.44 20.0 ug/kg 30 40-120 30 40-120 30 2-Nitroaniline 30.2 100 ug/kg 30 31-126 30 31-126 30 Acenaphthylene 4.77 20.0 ug/kg 30 42-120 30 42-120 30 Dimethylphthalate 6.44 20.0 ug/kg 30 43-120 30 43-120 30 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 26.7 100 ug/kg 30 33-123 30 33-123 30 Acenaphthene 5.13 20.0 ug/kg 30 45-120 30 45-120 30 3-Nitroaniline 37.7 100 ug/kg 30 22-120 30 22-120 30 2,4-Dinitrophenol 41.3 200 uQ/kg 30 10-120 30 10-120 30 Dibenzofuran 4.61 20.0 ug/kg 30 43-120 30 43-120 30 4-Nitrophenol 44.4 100 ug/kg 30 15-138 30 15-138 30 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 22.9 100 ug/kg 30 35-127 30 35-127 30 Fluorene 4.95 20.0 ug/kg 30 45-120 30 45-120 30 4-Ch Iorophenylphenyl ether 6.96 20.0 ug/kg 30 32-120 30 32-120 30 Diethyl phthalate 17.7 20.0 Ugfkg 30 50-120 30 50-120 30 4-Nitroan.ine 34.9 100 u9/kg 30 24-125 30 24-125 30 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 50.5 200 ug/kg 30 24-120 30 24-120 30 N-N itrosodiphenylamine 9.57 20.0 ug/kg 30 36-120 30 36-120 30 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 6.07 20.0 ug/kg 30 39-120 30 39-120 30 Hexachlorobenzene 4.74 20.0 ug/kg 30 33-120 30 33-120 30 Pentachlorophenol 31.3 100 ug/kg 30 16-120 30 16-120 30 Phenanthrene 4.69 20.0 ug/kg 30 49-120 30 49-120 30 Anthracene 5.93 20.0 ug/kg 30 45-120 30 45-120 30 carbazole 7.37 20.0 ug/kg 30 43-135 30 43-135 30 Di-n-Butylphthalate 5.31 20.0 ugfkg 30 48-126 30 48-126 30 Fluora nthene 4.52 20.0 ug/kg 30 53-120 30 53-120 30 Pyrene 5.55 20.0 ug/kg 30 48-121 30 48-121 30 Page 1 of 2 B~::Wi . 00Vi46 Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/2016 12:07 pm (Continued) 82700 svoe (20-200 ug/kg) or (0.2-2 ug/L SepF) in Solid (EPA 82700) (Continued) Reporting Surrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike I Le5-- Analyte MDL Limit O/ORec RPD O/ORec RPD O/ORec RPO Butylbenzytphtha late 8.05 20.0 ugfkg 30 45-132 30 45-132 30 Benzo(a)anthracene 5,18 20.0 ugfkg 30 49-120 30 49-120 30 3,3'-Dichlorobenzldine 31.2 100 ug/kg 30 10-120 30 10-120 30 Chrysene 5.22 20.0 uglkg 30 47-120 30 47-120 30 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 28.8 50,0 ugfkg 30 34-130 30 34-130 30 Di-n-Octylphthalate 8,72 20,0 ugfkg 30 28-124 30 28-124 30 Benzo(b )fluoranthene 7,02 20,0 ugfkg 30 42-132 30 42-132 30 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 5.01 20,0 ugfkg 30 39-129 30 39-129 30 Benzofluoranthenes, Total 10.2 40,0 ugfkg 30 3D-160 30 3D-160 30 Benzo(a)pyrene 6.48 20,0 ugfkg 30 42-120 30 42-120 30 Indeno(I,2,3-<d)pyrene 5.99 20.0 ugfkg 30 42-123 30 42-123 30 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 6.16 20.0 ugfkg 30 3D-133 30 30-133 30 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 5.82 20.0 ugfkg 30 38-126 30 38-126 30 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 22.4 40.0 ugfkg 30 17-120 30 17-120 30 Aniline 16.9 100 ug/kg 30 10-134 30 10-134 30 Retene 4.01 20.0 ugfkg 30 30-160 30 30-160 30 Pyrtdine 86.6 100 ug/kg 30 10-147 30 10-147 30 I-Methyl naphtha lene 5.95 20.0 ug/kg 30 42-120 30 42-120 30 Azobenzene (1,2-DP-Hydrazine) 4.61 20,0 ug/kg 30 35-120 30 35-120 30 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 5.37 20,0 ugfkg 30 30-160 30 30-160 30 Benzidine 100 200 ug/kg 30 57-120 30 57-120 30 Tetrachloroguaiacol 10.1 40.0 ugfkg 30 30 30 3,4,5-Trichloroguaiacol 3,90 20.0 ug/kg 30 30 30 3,4,6-Trlchloroguaiacol 20.0 ug/kg 30 30 30 4,5,6-Trichloroguaiacol 7.91 20.0 ugfkg 30 30 30 Guaiacol 6.47 20.0 ug/kg 30 30 30 Surr: 2·Fluorophenol 27·120 Surr: Phenol-d5 29·120 Surr: 2-<l1lorophenol-d4 31-120 Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 32-120 Surr: Nitrobenzene-(J5 30-120 Surr: 2-FluorObiphenyl 35-120 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 24-134 Surr: p-Terphenyl-d 14 37-120 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Naphthalene-dB Acenaphthene-dlO Phena nthrene-dl 0 Chrysene-d 12 Di-n-Octylphthalate-d4 Perylene-d 12 Page 2 of 2 Analytical Method Information Pnnte<!: 08/03/2016 12:07 pm 16138 Dioxin In Solid (EPA 16138) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Amber, 80z Analyte 2,3,7,8-TCDF 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF l,2,3,7,8-PeCDD l,2,3,4,7,S-HxCDF l,2,3,6,7,S-HxCDF 2,3,4,5,7,S-HxCDF l,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF l,2,3,4,7,S-HxCDD 1.2,3,5,7,S-HxCDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD OCDF OCDD TotalTCDF Total TCDD Total PeCDF Total PeCDD Total HxCDF Total HxCDD Total HpCDF Total HpCDD Surr: 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF Surr: 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCOO Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF Surr: 13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDf Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,S-HxCDF Surr: 13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF Surr: 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,S-HpCDO Surr: 13C12-OCOD Surr: 37C14-2,3,7,8-TCDD 13C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD 13C12-1,2,3, 7,8, 9-HxCDD MDL 0.244 0.214 0.472 0.625 0.590 0.784 0.623 0.574 0.953 0.479 0.702 0.722 0.881 0.703 1.14 1.77 9.42 Reporting Umit 1.00 ng/kg LOOng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 2.50 ng/kg 2.00 ng/kg 10.0 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg 1.00 ng/kg Amount Required: 1509 Hold Time: 365 days SUrrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike I LC5-- %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD 24-169 25-164 24-1S5 21-178 25-lSI 26-152 25-123 28-135 29-147 32-14/ 2S-130 28-143 26-138 23-140 17-157 35-197 25 75-158 25 25 67-158 25 25 80-134 25 25 68-160 25 25 70-142 25 25 72-134 25 25 84-130 25 25 70-156 25 25 78-130 25 25 70-164 25 25 76-134 25 25 64-152 25 25 82-122 25 25 78-138 25 25 70-140 25 25 63-170 25 25 78-144 25 Page 1 of! Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/2016 12:07 pm 80818 Pest (PSDDA I Low Level) in SOlid (EPA 8081B) Preservation: Cool <GOC Container: Glass WM, Clear, 8 oz Amount Required: 150 9 Hold Time: 14 days Reporting Surrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Splke------Blank Spike I LC5-- Analyte MDL Umlt "IoRec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD alpha-SHC 0.0836 0.500 ug/kg 30 41-120 30 41-120 3D alpha-BHC [2C] 0.0836 0.500 ug/kg 30 41-120 30 41-120 30 beta-SHC 0.0915 0.500 ug/kg 30 42-120 30 42-120 30 beta-SHC [2C] 0.0915 0.500 ug/kg 30 42-120 30 42-120 30 gamma-SHC (lindane) 0.0677 0.500 ug/kg 30 49-120 30 49-120 30 gamma-SHC (lindane) [2C] 0.0677 0.500 ugtkg 30 49-120 30 49-120 30 de~a-BHC 0.0655 0.500 ug/kg 30 19-140 3D 19-140 3D de~a-SHC [2C] 0.0655 0.500 ugtkg 30 19-140 3D 19-140 30 Heptachlor 0.0464 0.500 ug/kg 30 39-120 30 39-120 30 Heptachlor [2C] 0.0464 0.500 ug/kg 30 39-120 30 39-120 30 Aldrin 0.369 0.500 ug/kg 30 41-120 3D 41-120 30 Aldrin [2C] 0.369 0.500 ug/kg 3D 41-120 30 4H20 30 Heptachlor Epoxide 0.170 0.500 ug/kg 30 42-132 30 42-132 30 Heptachlor Epoxide [2C] 0.170 0.500 ug/kg 30 42-132 30 42-132 30 trans-chlordane (beta-chlordane) 0.327 0.500 ug/kg 30 45-130 30 45-130 30 trans-chlordane (beta-chlordane) 0.327 0.500 ug/kg 30 45-130 30 45-130 30 [2C] cis-Chlordane (alpha-{;hlordane) 0.111 0.500 ug/kg 30 44-129 30 44-129 30 cis-Chlordane (alpha~lordane) [2C] 0.111 0.500 ug/kg 30 44-129 30 44-129 30 Endosulfan I 0.0691 0.500 ug/kg 30 39-141 30 39·141 3D Endosulfan I [2C] 0.0691 0.500 ug/kg 30 39-141 3D 39-141 30 4,4'-DDE 0.135 1.00 ug/kg 30 57-143 30 57·143 30 4,4'-DDE [2C] 0.135 1.00 ug/kg 30 57-143 30 57·143 30 Dieldrin 0.115 1.00 ug/kg 3D 44-135 3D 44·135 30 Dieldrin [2C] 0.115 1.00 ug/kg 30 44-135 30 44-135 30 Endrin 0.142 1.00 ug/kg 30 53-129 3D 53-129 30 Endrin [2C] 0.142 1.00 ug/kg 30 5H29 30 53-129 30 Endosulfan II 0.313 1.00 ug/kg 30 32-139 30 32-139 30 Endosulfan II [2C] 0.313 1.00 ug/kg 30 32-139 30 32-139 30 4,4'-DDD 0.320 1.00 ug/kg 30 55-124 30 55-124 30 4,4'-DOD [2C] 0.320 1.00 ug/kg 30 55-124 30 55·124 30 Endrin Aldehyde 0.390 1.00 ug/kg 30 13-120 30 13-120 3D Endrin Aldehyde [2C] 0.390 1.00 ug/kg 30 13·120 30 13-120 30 4,4'-DDT 0.325 1.00 ugtkg 30 45·133 30 45-133 30 4,4'-DDT [2C] 0.325 1.00 ug/kg 30 45-133 30 45·133 30 Endosulfan Sulfate 0.123 1.00 ug/kg 30 16·152 30 16-152 30 Endosulfan Sulfate [2C] 0.123 1.00 ug/kg 30 16·152 30 16-152 30 Endrin Ketone 0.282 1.00 ug/kg 30 26-144 30 26-144 30 Endrin Ketone [2C] 0.282 1.00 ug/kg 30 26-144 30 26-144 30 Methoxychlor 0.298 5.00 ug/kg 30 43-125 30 43-125 30 Methoxychlor [2C] 0.298 5.00 ug/kg 30 43-125 30 43-125 30 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.342 1.00 ug/kg 30 30-120 30 3D-120 30 Hexachlorobutadiene [2C] 0.342 0.500 ug/kg 30 30-120 30 3D-120 30 Hexachlorobenzene 0.145 1.00 ug/kg 30 26-120 30 26-120 30 Hexach lorobenzene [2C] 0.145 0.500 ug/kg 30 26-120 30 26-120 30 2,4'-DDE 0.249 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 30 2,4'-DDE [2C] 0.249 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 30 2,4'-DDD 0.195 1.00 ugtkg 30 30 30 2,4'-DDD [2C] 0.195 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 3D 2,4'-DDT 0.187 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 30 2,4'-DDT [2C] 0.187 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 30 Oxychlordane 0.128 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 30 Oxychlordane [2C] 0.128 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 30 cis·Nonachlor 0.210 1.00 ug/kg 30 30 30 Page 1 of 2 BCWi ·!D100Q9 Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/2016 12:07 pm (Continued) 8081B Pest (PSDDA I Low Level) In SOlid (EPA 808lB) (Continued) Analyte cis-Nonachlor [2C] trans-Nonachlor trans-Nonachlor [2C) Mirex Mirex [2C] Hexachloroethane Hexachloroethane [2C) Toxaphene Toxaphene [2C) Chlordane, technical Chlordane, technical [2C) Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C) Surr: Tetrachlorometaxylene Surr: Tetrachlorometaxylene [2C] 1-Bromo-2-Nitrobenzene Hexabromobiphenyl 1-Bromo-2-Nitrobenzene [2C] Hexabromobiphenyi [2C) MDL 0.210 0.228 0.228 0.644 0.644 0.571 0.571 4.48 4.48 Reporting Umlt 1.00 ug/kg 1.00 ug/kg 1.00 ug/kg 1.00 ug/kg 1.00 ug/kg 1.00 ug/kg 1.00 ug/kg 25.0 ug/kg 25.0 ug/kg 10.0 ug/kg 10.0 ug/kg Sunogate Duplicate ----Matrix Splke------Blank Spike I LC5-- "IoRec RPD "IoRec RPD "IoRec RPD 30-160 30-160 30-160 30-160 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Page 2 of 2 Analytical Method Information Printe<!: 08/03/2016 11:08 pm BOBlA PCB Solid 41n Solid (EPA SOBlA) Preservatlon: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Oear, 8 OZ Amount Required: 150 9 Hold Time: 14 days Reporting Surrogate Dllplicate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike I LCS-- Analyte MDL Limit %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Arodof 1016 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor-1016 (I) 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor-1016 (2) 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor-1016 (3) 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Aroclor-lOl6 (4) 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor 1016 [2C] 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor-IOI6 (I) [2C] 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor-1016 (2) [2C] 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor-1016 (3) [2C] 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor-1016 (4) [2C] 30 56-120 30 56-120 30 Arodor 1221 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 Aroclor-1221 (I) 30 Aroclor-1221 (2) 30 Aroclor-1221 (3) 30 Aroclor 1221 [2C] 1.56 4.00 ugfkg 30 Aroclor-1221 (I) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1221 (2) [2C] 30 Arodor-1221 (3) [2C] 30 Arodor-1221 (4) [2C] 30 Aroder 1232 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 Arodor-1232 (I) 30 Arodor-1232 (2) 30 Arodor-1232 (3) 30 Aroclor-1232 (4) 30 Arodor 1232 [2C] 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 Arodar-1232 (I) [2C] 30 Arodor-1232 (2) [2C] 30 Arodor-1232 (3) [2C] 30 Arodor-I232 (4) [2C] 30 Arodor 1242 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 Aroclor-1242 (I) 30 Aroclor-1242 (2) 30 Aroclor-1242 (3) 30 Aroclor-1242 (4) 30 Aroclor 1242 [2CJ 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 Aroclor-1242 (I) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1242 (2) [2CJ 30 Aroclor-1242 (3) [2C] 30 Arocler-1242 (4) [2C) 30 Aroclor 1246 1.56 4.00 ugfkg 30 Aroclor-1248 (I) 30 Arodor-1248 (2) 30 Arodor-1248 (3) 30 Arodor-1248 (4) 30 Arodor 1248 [2C] 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 Arodor-1248 (I) [2C] 30 Arodor-1248 (2) [2C] 30 Arodor-1248 (3) [2C] 30 Arodor-1248 (4) [2C] 30 Aroclor 1254 1.56 4.00 ug/kg 30 Aroclor-1254 (I) 30 Arodor-1254 (2) 30 Arodor-1254 (3) 30 Aroclor-1254 (4) 30 Page 1 of 2 B;--:Wi . Qi00Si Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/2016 12:08 pm (Continued) 8D82A PCB SOlid 4 in SOlid (EPA 8D82A) (Continued) Reporting Surrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike J LCS-- Analyte MOl Limit %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Aroclar-1254 (5) 30 Arador 1254 [2C] 1.56 4.00 lJ9/kg 30 Arodor-1254 (I) [2C] 30 Amdor-1254 (2) [2C] 30 Amdor-1254 (3) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1254 (4) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1254 (5) [2C] 30 Aroclor 1260 0.589 4.00 ugjkg 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Aroclor-1260 (1) 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Aroclor-1260 (2) 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Aroclor-126O (3) 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Aroclor-126O (4) 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Arodor-1260 (5) 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Aroder 1260 [2C] 0.589 4.00 ugjkg 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Arodar-1260 (I) [2C] 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Arodor-126O (2l [2C] 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Aroclar-126O (3) [2C] 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Aroclor-126O (4) [2C] 30 58-120 30 58-120 30 Arodor 1262 0.589 4.00 ug/kg 30 Arodor-1262 (1) 30 Arodor-1262 (2) 30 Arodor-1262 (3) 30 Arodor-1262 (4) 30 Aroclor-1262 (5) 30 Aroclor 1262 [2C] 0.589 4.00 ug/kg 30 Aroclor-1262 (1) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1262 (2) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1262 (3) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1262 (4) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1262 (5) [2C] 30 Aroclor 1268 0.589 4.00 ug/kg 30 Arodor-1268 (I) 30 Arodor-1268 (2) 30 Arodor-1268 (3) 30 Arodar-1268 (4) 30 Arodar 1268 [2C] 0.589 4.00 ug/kg 30 Aroclor-1268 (1) [2C] 30 Aroclor-1268 (2) [2C] 30 Arodor-1268 (3) [2C] 30 Arodor-1268 (4) [2C] 30 Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl 40-126 Surr: Tetrachlorometaxylene 44-120 Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 40-126 Surr: Tetrachlorometaxylene [2C] 44-120 l-Bromo-2 -Nitrobenzene Hexabromobiphenyl I-Bromo-2-Nitrobenzene [2C] Hexabromobiphenyl [2C] Page 2 of 2 Analytical Method Information TPH NW (Extractables) In Solid (NWTPH-Dx) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Clear, 8 oz Amount Required: 15 9 Printed: 08/03[201612:08 pm Hold Time: 14 days Reporting SUrrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Splke------Blank Spike I LCS-- Analyte MOL Umlt %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Diesel Range Organics (CI2-C24) 2.34 5.00 mgfkg 30 63-120 30 63-120 30 Diesel Range Organics (CIO-C25) 1.98 5.00 mgtkg 30 30-160 30 75-125 30 Diesel Range Organics (Tol-C18) 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30-160 30 30-160 30 Diesel Range Organics (CI0-24) 2.50 5.00 mgfkg 30 30-160 30 30-160 30 Diesel Range Organics (ClO-C28) 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30-160 30 30-160 30 Diesel Range Organics (CI2-C22) 2.50 5.00 mgfkg 30 30-160 30 30-160 30 Motor Oil Range Organics (C24-(38) 2.99 10.0 mgfkg 30 30 30 Motor Oil Range Organics (C25-C36) 3.42 10.0 mgfkg 30 30 30 Motor Oil Range Organics (C24-C40) 5.00 10.0 mg/kg 30 30 30 Residual Range Organics (C23-(32) 5.00 10.0 mg/kg 30 30 30 Mineral Oil Rang€ Organics (CI6-C28) 5.00 10.0 mg/kg 30 30 30 Mineral Spirits Range Organics 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30 30 (Tol-C12) JPS Range Organics (C8-CIB) 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30 30 JP5 Range Organics (CIG-C16) 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30 30 JP4 Range Organics (Tol-C14) 2.50 5.00 mgfkg 30 30 30 Jet-A Range Organics (CI0-ClB) 2.22 5.00 mgfkg 30 30 30 Kerosene Range Organics (Tal-CI8) 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30 30 Stoddard Rang€ Organics (C8-CI2) 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30 30 Creosote Range Organics (CI2-C22) 2.50 5.00 mg/kg 30 30 30 Bunker C Range Organics (CIO-C38) 2.50 5.00 mgfkg 30 30 30 Transformer Oil Range Organics 2.50 5.00 mgfkg 30 30 30 (02-C28) Surr: o-Terphenyl 50-ISO Surr: n-Triaoontane 50-ISO Page 1 of 1 Analytical Method Information Printed: 0810]12016 12:08 pm Met 74718 Hg In Solid (EPA 74718) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Clear, 2 oz Analyte MDL Mercury 0,002100 Reporting Limit 0.02500 mg/kg Amount Required: 100 9 Hold Time: 28 days SUlTogate DupUcate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike I LCS-- "IoRec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 P0ge 1 of 1 Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/2016 12:08 pm Met 200.8/6020A Master List in Solid (EPA 6020A) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Oear, 4 OZ Amount Required: 100 9 Hold Time: 180 days Reporting SUlTO!Jate Duplicate ----Matrix Splke---· --Blank Spike I LCS-· Analyte MOL Umlt %Rec RPD %Rec RPD oA.Rec RPD Aluminum-27 0.550 20.0 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Antimony-121 0.0199 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 60-120 20 Antimony-123 0.0183 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Arsenic-75a 0.0298 0.200 mglkg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Arsenic-75b 0.120 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Barium-135 0.0314 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Barium-137 0.0336 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Berytlium-9 0.00954 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 cadmium-111 0.00716 0.100 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Gldmium-114 0.00500 0.100 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 So-120 20 Calcium-44 3.81 50.0 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Chromium-52 0.0685 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Chromium-53 0.0373 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Coba~-59 0.00572 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Copper-63 0.0372 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Copper-65 0.0259 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 8D-120 20 Iron-54 4.01 20.0 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Iron-57 1.31 20.0 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Lead-208 0.00800 0.100 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Magneslum-24 0.614 20.0 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Manganese-55 0.0133 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Molybdenum-98 0.0100 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Nickel-50 0.0168 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Nickel-52 0.268 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 PotaSSium-39 2.81 20.0 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Selenium-82 0.0322 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Selenium-78 0.391 2.00 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Silver-I07 0.00310 0.200 mrVkg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Sodium-23 14.4 100 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Thallium-205 0.00619 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Vanadium-51a 0.0214 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Vanadium-Sib 0.0214 0.200 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Zinc-66 0.285 4.00 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Zinc-67 0.226 4.00 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Zinc-68 0.326 4.00 mg/kg 20 75-125 20 80-120 20 Uthium Scandium Germanium [ndium Terbium Page 1 011 Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/2016 12:09 pm Chromium, Hexavalent,. 7196A Solid In Solid (EPA 7196A) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Clear, 40z Amount Required: 100 9 Hold Time: 30 days Reporting Sunvgate Duplicate "'-Matrix Spike-·----Blank Spike I LCS·· Analyte MDL Limit OfoRec RPD OfoRec RPD 'YoRec RPD Hexavalent Chromium 0.0100 0.400 mg/kg 20 75-125 90-110 20 Page 1 of 1 5CW:i'00056 Analytical Method Information Solids, Total Volatile (lVS) PSEp In Solid (PSEP 1986) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Clear, 4 OZ Amount Required: 100 9 Printed: 08/03/201612:10 pm Hold Time: 7 days Reporting Surrogate DupliQlte ····Matrix Spike-··· ··Blank Spike I LCS-- Analyle MDL Limit %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Volatile Solids 0.0100 % 20 Page 1 af 1 Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/201612:10 pm Ammonla·N, SM 4500·NH3 H·97 Solid In SOlid (SM 4500·NH3 H·97) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Clear, 40z Amount Required: 100 9 Hold Time: 28 days Reporting Surrogate Duplicate ····Matrlx Splke-··· ··Blank Spike I LCS-· Analyte MDl limit %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Ammonia-N 0.0300 0.100 mg/kg 20 75-125 90-110 20 NH3·N Page 1 of! Analytical Method Information Printed: 08/03/20161210 pm SUlfide, SM 4500-52 D-O, Solid (P5EP) in Solid (5M 4500-52 D-oo) Preservation: ZnOAc, Cool <GoC Container: Glass WM, Clear, 20z Amount Required: 100 9 Hold TIme: 7 days Reporting Surrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike I LCS-- Analyle MDL Limit %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Sulfide 0.0750 0.500 mg/kg 20 75-125 9{)-1l0 20 Page 1 of 1 Analytical Method Information Organic carbon, Total, Plumb In Solid (Plumb 1981, Combustion IR) Preservation: Cool <6°C Container: Glass WM, Gear, 4 OZ Amount Required: 100 9 Printed: 08/03/201612:10 pm Hold Time: 14 days Reporting Limit SUlTogate Duplicate ----Matrix Splke------Blank Spike I LCS-- Analyte MDL %Rec RPD %Rec RPD %Rec RPD Total Organic carbon 0.0200 % 20 75-125 90-110 20 Solids, Total, Dried at 103 -105 "C, Solid In Solid (SM 2540 G-97) Preservation: COOl <6"C Container: Glass WM, Clear, 4 OZ Amount Required: 100 9 Hold Time: 28 days Reporting Surrogate Duplicate ----Matrix Spike------Blank Spike I LC5-- Analyte MDL Limit 'VaRec RPD %Rec RPD 'VaRec RPD Total Solids 0.04000 % 20 Page 1 of! General Chemistry Analysis Report and Summary QC Forms ARI Job ID: BCWl BCWi;00203 SAMPLE RES1Jl.TS-CONVENTIONALS BCWl-Lloyd & Asaociat •• , Inc. ANALYTlCALA RESOURCES. INCORPORATI!D Matrix: Sediment Oata Release Authorized, vJ Reported: 07/}8/16 Project: BARBEE DREDGING Event: 2016-:. BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 CHent 10: 07042016BARB&S-C ARI 10: 16-10088 BCIIlA Analyte Date IWthod Unite Sample Hexavalen~ Chromiur.. 07/12116 SW7196A mg/kg 0.493 < 0.493 U 071216*1 ",otal 301 ids 07/11/16 SM2540G Percent 0.01 80.75 07D8I6n Presen'ed Total Solids 07/06/16 SM2540G Percent 0.01 74.44 Q706I6iil Total Volatile Soli.ds 07/11/:6 SM2540G Percent 0.01 1.12 G71116#1 N-Ammonia C7/07/16 3M4500NH3H mg-N/kg 0.99 19.6 ~707:6L S\llfide 07/07/16 SM4500-S2D mg/kg 1. 28 1. 80 070716n Total Organic Carbon 07114/16 Pl\llnb,1981 Percent 0.020 0.182 071416H RL Ar.alytical reporting limit U Undetected at reported detection limit Hexavalent Chrome prepared using Method 3060. Ammonia determi~ed on 2N ReI ex:=acts. Soil Sample Report-SCln ecwi·0i2l204 Matrix: Sediment Data Release Au~~orized: Reported: 07/18/16 Analyte MS/MSO RIISULTS-CONVENTIONALS BCKl-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Date Unit. Project: BARBEE DREDGING Event: 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 SUlple Spike Spika Added Raoovery ARI 10: BCWlA Client ID: 07042016BAR81B-C Hexavalent Chromium 07/12/16 mg/kg < 0.493 9.36 24.4 38.4% Hexavalent Chromium 07/12/16 mg/kg < 0.493 682 710 96.1% N-Amrnonia 07/0N16 mg-N/kg 19.6 138 123 96.1% Sulfide 07/07/16 mg/kg 1. 80 211 233 89.8% Soil MS/MSD Report-BeW1 ~!atrix: Sediment REPLlCAXB RBSULTS-CONVENTIOMALS BCNl-Lloyd Ii Associatea, Inc. ANALYnCALIA RE80URCESW INCORPORATED Data Release Authorized: vJ Reported: 07/18/16 Project: BARBEE DREDGING Event: 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Analyte Date Units Sample RPD/RSD AIlI m: BCWlA Client m: 07042016!!ARBEE-C Hexavalent Chromium 07/12/16 mg/kg < 0.493 < 0.486 NA Total Solids 07/11/16 Percent eO.75 79.96 1.0% Preserved Total Solids 07/06/16 Percent 74.44 74. 53 0.1% Total Volatile Solids 07/11116 Percent 1.12 1.12 O.O~ N-Ammonia 07/07/16 ,,",g-NI kg 19.6 20.1 3.6% 18~7 Sulfide 07/07/16 mg/kg 1.80 1. 52 16.9% Soi: Rep:icate Report-BeWl LAB CONTROL RESOL'rS-coMVENTIONALS BCWl-Lloyd , As8oci.tea, Inc. Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized: vJ Reported: 07/18/16 Analyta/Method QC ID SJlf~de ?REP SM450C-s2D Total Organic Carbon ICVL P::':ur.b,l981 Data 07/07/16 07/14/16 Project: Event: Date Sampled: Da te Rece:' vea: Unit. LeS mg/kg 9.07 Percent 0.0% Soil Lab Conteol Report-8CWl BARBEr; 20:6-: NA NA Spike Adde<! 8.76 0.100 ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES. INCOf\PORATm DRE.DGING BARBEE Racovery 103.5% 96.0% Matrix; Sediment MB'l'HOD BIJ\NK RESULTS-CONVEN'l'IONllLS BCNl-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. BARBEE Data Release Authorbed: () Reported: 07/18/16 Project: Event: Date Sampled: 2016-1 NA Date Received: NA Analyte DaU Unit. Blanlt Hexavalent Chromium 07/12/16 mg/kg < 0.395 (] Total Solids 07/11/16 PercenT.: < 0.01 (J Preserved Total Solids 07/06/16 Percent < 0.01 (J Total Volatile Solids 07/11/16 Percent < 0.01 U "-ArrL.".onia 07/07/16 mg-N/kg < 0.40 U Sulfide 07/07/16 mg/kg < 0.05 U Total Orgar.ic Carbon 07/14/16 Percent < 0.020 (J Soil Method Blank Report-BC.n ANALYnCALta RI!SOURCES • INCORPOAATliD JREJGING BAR3EE QC ID PREP ICB ICB rCB PRE? PREP Ica STANDARD REFERENCE RESULTS-CONVENTIONALS BCWl-Lloyd & Associatas, Inc. Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized: J Reported: 07/18/16 Analyta/SRK 10 Data Soluble Hexavalent Chromium 07/12/16 Insoluble Hexavalent Chromiu07/l2/16 ERA ~300614 N-Ammonia ERA #360114 Total Organic Carbon NIST 1941B 07/07/16 07/14/16 Project: Event: Date Sampled: Date Received: Units SRK mg/kg 20.6 mg/kg 705 mg-N/kg 98.4 Percent 3.02 Soi: Standard Reference Report-BCW1 BARBEE 2016-1 NA NA True Value 19.8 701 100 2.99 ANALYTICAL_ RESOURCES. INCORPORATl:D DREDGING BARBEE Recov.,,:y 104.0% 100.6% 98.4% 101. 0% i':;'I~~W:i : 00209 Total Solids ARl Job ID: BCWI -I. I "ial S"ii,b 8Cwi:00228 Extractio~s Total So~ids-extts Data By: Yen Luu Created: 71 5/16 Oven IJ: ______________ _ Sampies I:--J: Date: ______ _ San-,pl es Ou:: Date : ______ _ .'1RI I D CLIENT IO Tare Wt Wet Wt (g) (g; ---. --------- 1. BCWIA 1.12 16-10088 07042016BARBEE-C 12.48 Work1ist: 6075 Analyst: YL Comments: P.alnnce 1D: _____________ _ Time: _______ Ternp: ___ Analyst: ___ _ Tirne: _____ Ternp: ____ __ Analyst: Dry Wt (g) 10.17 % TS Dent 79.7 Yes 5g 109 12.59 6.27 12.55 15.68 Worklist iD: 6075 Page: 1 Extrac:~c~s Total Sclids-extts Worklist: 6075 Data By: Yen Luu A~alyst: YL Created: 7( 5(16 Comments: Oven =D:_--,r¢~r:.=.~,----_ ""I.}.. I'll 3alance I:;: (1) 7 2. 71, (J if L Sar:tples In: Date:~Lrlme:~ Temp:~ Analyst: Jjcz Samples Out: Date:r/> 7/@I6Tlme:¢C/\ Temp:.1..P£_ Analyst: ~1 ARI ID CLIEN~ ID '':''are Wt Wet Wt Dry Wt (g) (g) (g) ~ IS Dent 5g 109 -.---~~~~~--~~~~~- 1. BCI;IA 1.6-10088 07Q42016BARBEE-C Worklist ID: 6075 Page: 1 12.5g .. • Solids Data Entry Report Date: 07/12/16 Checked by: ~ Date! ~/I:Jj Jh. Data Analyst: AR Solids Determination performed on 07/11/16 by AR JOB SAMPLE CLIENTID TAREWEIGHT SAMPDISH DRYWEIGHT SOLIDS BCW1 A 07042016BARBEE-C 1. 002 10.504 8.655 80.54 Ri":wi . ~~.23i Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Total Solids Bench Sheet Laboratory Section ----'~..:::<.t."",."'kL-__ _ Oven Identlfication:_·_..I.O~f ____ _ Balance ID: 6!!11?, z.. }6., Samples In Oven: Date: :J r II I ,(, Removed from Oven: Date: +/IZ"" ARI Tare Sample 10 Weight (g) &£.,..,. A [.0()'-1 . Y,c..Li/1 A L"V2.. I>OPI A {." D \ .' ., / / / ,/ V / / / /. / " .. ~ttI.\b Time: Time: Tare + Sample Wet (gl lo,BIt 10.5'0" 111. 00 (; )001 Temp: IQ<;°c. Temp: I"Zt. Tare + Date & Time Sample Last Weight Dry (Ill (f)~ I~~ 71tl)b. 4)"'0 . It6 sS' 'Jlll}I' 01)0 to. 00,3 'tIll/I' 08'<J / / /' V / ./ /' /' /' /' . Analyst: Analyst: Final Weighting :>12 hrst Y - V Y / V • 1) Place a check mark In thiS column If samples have dned > 12 but < 24 hours. When samples have been at 104 C < 12 hours, constant weight must be verified as described in SOP 1oo23S. Use a 2"' bench sheet for add~ional weightings. 5050F 67J..1t.1-II/,\110 ~. H't Page 07114 Revision 003 11/20109 \ I ·;1 I <l ~ 1 I ! .~ ~ I , I I , I I I J ., I Total Solids Sample Percent Solids Target 1 Target 2 Target 5 Target 10 16GOO26-11 80.58 1.24 2.48 6,21 12.41 16GOO26-14 86.64 1.15 2.31 5.77 11.54 16G0026-15 89.07 1,12 2,25 5.61 11.23 16G0027-0l 95.17 1.05 2.10 5.25 10.51 16GOO27-03 92.68 1.08 2,16 5.39 10.79 I ! ! Pagel Bi~:W i : 06:233 \C'C' atlaclH:d \Llppll"llll'lllal data p<lckagl' I'llI' ,-\1l1illlOll\ Metals Analysis Report and Summary QC Fonns ARI Job ID: BCW] BCwi.00i78 Cover Paqe INORGANIC ANALYSIS DA~A PACKAGE CLIENT: Lloyd • Associates, PROcECT: BARBEE DREDGING SOG: BCWl CLIENT ID 07042016&ARBEE-C O?042016BARBEE-CD 01042016BARBEE-CS PBS LesS LCSS ARI ID BCHIA BCNIADOP BCOll\SPK BClflMBl BCW!MBlSPK BCiJl1 REFl ARI LIMS ID 16-10068 16-10088 16-100aa 16-100aa 16-100aa 16-1008S Were rep interelernent corrections applied ? Were Iep background corrections applied ? If yes -were raw data generated before application of background corrections 7 Comments: ------. _ .. _--- ANALYTICAL tiilIt. RESOURCES '8' INCORPORATED Yes/No Ye./:cJo Yes/No YES YES NO THIS DATA P~GE HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND AUTHORIZED .'OR RELEASE BY: Signature :!)e~"",-,,"d4-'.V.fv.C=-----­ Oat e : _.. 11-'~::.l1',-,7'--ilI0,--__ Name: Eric Larson Title: Inorganics Director -_ ...••.......•.. _--.... _--------- COYER PAGE INORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHZZT TOTAL METALS Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: BCW1A LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized:f\, \ Reported: 08/08/16 ~ Percent Total Solids: 80.5% Prep Prep Analysis Math Date Method 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A CLP 07/11/16 7471A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A Analyaia Data 07/26/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/19/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 U-Analyte undetected at given DL J-Analyte detected between D1 and LOQ DL-Method Detection Limit Results reported below the LOQ are foc been evaluated by either an analyst oc ANALYTICAL .a RESOURCes. INCORPORATED Sample ID: 07042016BARBEE-C SAMPLE QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 CAS Numb .. r Analyt .. DL LOQ mg/kgQ 7440-38-2 Arsenio 0.03 0.2 2.1 7440-43-9 Cadmiwa 0.008 0.115 O.OBI J 7440-47-3 Chroaium 0.08 0.6 22.1 7440-50-8 Copper 0.043 0.6 13.9 7439-92-1 Lead 0.009 0.1 4.0 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.0015 0.03 0.03 U 7440-02-0 Nick .. l 0.019 0.6 28.2 7782-49-2 S .. l .... iwa 0.037 0.577 0.577 J 7440-22-4 Silver 0.004 0.231 0.023 J 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.33 5 48 statistical purposes only and have not data reviewer. FORM-I lNO~ICS ANALYSIS OATA SHEET TOTJIL METALS Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample 10: BCWlA LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized:,~ ~ Reported: 08/08/16 v~ ANALYllCAL _ RESOURCI!8 • INCORPORATED Sample 10: 07042016BARBEZ-C MATRIX SPIKE QC Report No: BCW1-L1oyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 01/C5/16 MATRIX SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL RlCPOR'l' Analysis Spike Analyt .. Method Sample Spik .. Added Arsenic 6020A 2.1 31.2 28.8 Cadmium 6020n 0.1 U 29.3 28.8 C~romiu.m 6020A 22.1 54.3 28 .8 Copper 6020A 13.9 44 .0 28.8 Lead 6020A 4.0 37.2 26.8 Merc.lry HilA 0.03 0 0.34 0.283 ~iickel 6020A 28.2 57.3 28.8 Selenit:m 602Dn 0.6 83.9 92.2 Silver 602DA D.2 U 26.8 28.8 Zinc 602DA 48 141 92.2 Reported in mg/kg-dry N-Contro1 Limit Not Met H-% Recovery ~ot Applicable, Sample Concentration :00 High NA-Not Applicable, Analyte Not Spiked Percent Recovery Limits! 15-125% Ji'ORM-V % Recovery 101% 102% 112% 105% 115% 120. lon 90.3~ 93.1% 101% BCwi . VrLnii!,i INORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SIIEET TOTAL METALS Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: BCW1A LIMS 10: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized:~' Reported: 08/08/16 v\-J ANALYTICAL tar. RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Sample ID: 07042016BARBE!-C DUPLICATE QC Report No: BCW1-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BlIRBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 MATRIX DUPLICATE QUALITY CONTROL RBPORT Analysis Analyte Method Sample Arsenic 6020A 2.1 Cadmium 6020A 0.1 U Chromium 6020A 22.1 Copper 6020A 13.9 Lead 6020A 4.0 Mercury 7471A 0.03 U Nickel 6020A 28.2 selenium 6020A 0.6 Silver 6020A 0.2 U Zinc 6020A 48 Reported in mg/kg-dry '-Control Limit Not Met L-RPD Invalid, Limit = Detection Limit Duplicate RPD 2.1 0.0% 0.1 U 0.0% 24.1 8.7% 14.3 2.8% 4.6 14.0% 0.03 U 0.0% 27.7 1. 8 % 0.6 U 0.0% 0.2 0 0.0% 47 2.1% FORM-VI Control Limit +1-20% +1-0.1 +1-20% +1-20% +1-20% +1-0.03 +1-20% +1-0.6 +1-0.2 +1-20% L L L L BCWi 00i&:2 INORGANICS ANlLYSIS DAT-k SHEET TOTAL _TALS Page 1 of 1 Lab Sar.',p1e 1D: BCNllCS LIMS ID: 16-100B8 Matr.!.x; Sediment Data Release Authorized: f".. \ Reported: 06/08/16 ~ Sample ID: tAB CONTROL ANALYnCALa RESOURCms. INCORPORATED QC Report No: BeN1-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: NA Date Received: NA BI.ANlt SPllIE QUALl:TY CONTROL lUill'ORT Analysi. Spike Spike , Analyte Method FOl,llld Addad boovary -_. __ .... Arsenic 6020A 25.4 25.0 102~ cadmium 602DA 25.3 25.0 le1% Chromium 6020A 25.5 25.0 102% Copper 602DA 27 .0 25.0 108% Lead 60l0A 27.4 25.0 110% Mercury 7471A 0.56 0.50 112% Nickel 6020A 25.1 25,0 100% Selenium 602DA 76.0 80.0 95.0% 0311 vel." 6020A 24.6 25.0 98.4% Zinc 602QA 79 60 98.8% Reported in mglk:g-dry N-Control 1 mit not met NA-Not App1 cable, A:1a':'yte Not Spiked CO;'ltro1 Lim ts: 80-120% FORM-VII Q INORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TOTALHBTALS Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: BCW1MB LIMS IJ: 16-10088 ~1a::!'ix: Sedime:1t \) Data Release AJthor~zed: Reported: 08/08/16 Percent Total Solids: NA Prep Prep lonaly" is *th Date _od ---_ .. 3050B 07/12116 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/:6 6020A 3050B 07/12/:6 6020A 3050B 07/12116 6020A CLP 07/11/16 7471A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A 3050B 07/12/16 6020A Analy81" Data 07/26/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/19/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 07/25/16 U-Analyte cmdetected at given OL J-Analyte detected between DL and 10Q DL-Met~od Detection ~imit Resu:ts reported oelO\; the LOQ are for been evaluated by either an analyst or Sample ID: MPlTHOD IILANK ANALYnCALIA. RESOURCES. INCORPOAAT1!D QC Report No: BCW1-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBE~ DREDGING 2016-1 BARB~E Date Sampled: NA Date Received: NA CAS Number Anal ytIt DL LOg "'9/kqQ 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0.03 0.2 0.2 u 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.007 0.1 0.1 U 7440-47-3 Chromium 0.07 0.5 O~5 U 7440-50-8 Copper 0.037 0.5 0.5 U 7439-92-1 Lead 0.008 0.1 0.1 U 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.0013 0.02 0.02 U 7440-02-0 Nicke2. O. 017 0.5 0.5 U 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.C32 0.5 0.5 U 7440-22-4 Silver 0.003 0.200 0.010 J 74<10-66-6 Zinc 0.29 LOa 0.74 J statistical purposes only and jave not data reviewer. rom-I INORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SBIET 'rOTALMETALS Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample 10: BCW1SRM L1MS. ID: 1E~10088 !ti t-!atrlx; Sedl.ment : Data Release Authorized: Reported: 07/27/16 Analysis Analyte Method Arsenic 20e.8 Cadmium 200.8 Chromium 20C.B Copper 200.8 Lead 200.8 Mercury "l471A Nickel 200.8 Selenium 200.8 Silver 200.8 Zinc 200.8 ANALYnCALA RESOURCES '" INCORPORATED Sample ID: S'l'D RJ:FERENCE ERA DOB8540 QC Report No: BCWl-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. ?roject: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Cate sampled: NA Date Received: NA Analysis Certif:i.ed Advisory Data ll9/kg-dry Value Ranga 07/26116 120 114 89.7-139 07/25/16 92.4 93.2 77.2-109 07/25/16 96.4 lC9 86.9-131 07/25/16 125 122 99.1-144 07/25/16 107 l02 82.9-120 07/20116 10.9 9.2 6.6-11.9 07/25/16 83.2 79. "I 66.1-93.4 07/25/16 185 186 14 5-227 07/25/16 40.5 41.8 31.5-52.1 07125/16 260 230 190-270 FORM-VII IJj n :[ I~' lSi lSI I'" IXI ITi Calibration Verification Cr.TF.NT: [,loyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SDG: BCiil ANALYTZ li:L M RUN rCVTV ICV %R CCVTV CCV1 foR Cadmium CD PHS Ms072511 50.0 48.75 91.~ 50.0 52.05104.1 Chromium CR PMS Ms072511 ,0.0 51.34 102.1 50.0 50.72101.' copper cu PMS MS072511 50.0 50.88 101.8 50.0 49.57 9!!Ll Lead PB PMS MS072511 50.0 50.52 101.0 50.0 50.11100.2 Mercury "G eVA HG011902 8.0 8.51 106.4. 4.0 4.11104.3 Nickel NI PHS MS072511 ,0.0 51.05 102.1 50.0 47.99 96.0 selenium SE PMS MS072511 BO.O 75.53 94. " 50.0 50.38100.8 Silver AG PMS MSO?2511 50.0 47.91 is.8 50.0 48. B6 91.1 7. inc: ZN PMS MSD72511 50.0 48.£2 97.2 50.0 SO.B4101.7 Control Limits: Mercury 80-120; Other Metals 90-110 FORM II (1) ANAL YTICAL(ft RESOURCES INCORPORATED UNITS:ug/L CCV2 'R CCV3 foR CCV4 'R CCV5 foR 50.91101.8 52.91105.8 50.74101.5 48.33 96. i 47.17 94.3 48.54 97.1 47,18 94.4 50.55101.1 49.76 9090,5 50.61101.2 50.38100.8 50.91101.8 4.14103.5 ".24106.0 4.2010.5.0 4.46 111.5 47.83 95."7 50.34100.7 48.21 96.' 50.79101.6 52.29104.15 52.6010S.2 46.42 92.8 46.58 93.2 47.77 95.5 51,06102.1 53.49107.0 Sl.SQ 103.2 III rl r: .... lSi IS: 1-" IX! -.j Calibration Verification CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SDG: BCWl ANALYTI! II:L M RUN Arsenic Mercury .AS PHS MS072691 8G eVA HGQ120Cl I= 50.0 8.0 ICV "'R 48.35 PIS." 8.63 10'7.9 CCVTV 50.0 4.0 CCYl 'R 51.40102 .• 4.2210!.!i Cent rof"Li"iid ts: Mercury 60-120; Other Metals 90-110 rollM U (1) CCV2 'IIR 50.80101.6 4.2510'.3 cCV3 'R ~O.29 100.6 ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED UNITS:ug/L CCV4 'R CCV5 'IIR CRDL Standard CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, ~ROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING BOG: BCWI ANALY'lE EL M RUN CRA/I TV CR-l 'R CR-2 'R CR-3 'R CR-G 'R Cadmium CD PHS MS072511 0.1 0.12 120.0 Chromium CR PMS MS072511 0.5 0.57 11'.0 copper CU PHS MSO'12511 0.5 0.50 100.0 Lead PB PMS MS072511 0.1 0.11 110.0 M-ercury HG cv~ HG071902 0.1 0.05 50.0 Nickel Nl PM5: MS072511 0.5 0.51 102.0 Selenium SE PHS HS()72511 0.5 0.-4.6 92.0 Silver AG PMS MS072511 0.2 0.20 10(LO Zinc ZN PHS MS072511 4.0 4.25 106,) Control Limits! no control limits have been established by the EPA at this time. FORM II (2) CR-5 ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED UNITS:ug/L 'R CR-6 %R CRDL Standard CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING BOG: BCWl J\NALYTIil ZL M RUN CRAil TV J\rsenic Mercury AS PHS MS072681 HG eVA HG072001 0.2 0.1 CR-~ "'R 0.18 90.0 0.12 120.0 CR-2 'R CR-3 "'R CR-4 "'R Control Li~its: no control limits have been established by the EPA at this time. FORM II (2) CR-5 ANALYTICAL ~ Rl!IOURCEI..., INCORPORATED UNITS:ug!L 'R CR-6 'fiR III rI [: I~' (SI !lil t·· W til Ca1ibration B1anks CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING 800: BeWl ANALYTE EL MEft RUN CIlDL Cadmium CD PMS MS01251t 5.0 Chromium CR PMS MS072511 10.0 Copper cu PMS M5072511 25.0 Lead P. PMS MSC72511 3.0 Mercury AG CVA HG071902 0.2 Micke t 1fT PKS MS072511 4.0.C Selenium SE PMS MS0725:11 5. (] Silver AG PMS MS072~11 10.C Zinc ZN PMS M9[]72511 20.0 --_ ... __ ... IDL ICB C 0.1 0.1 U O.~ 0,5 U 0.5 0,5 V 0.1 0.1 u 0.1 0.1 u 0.5 0.5 u 0.5 0.5 u 0.2 0,2 u '.0 '.0 U ANAlYTICAl. RESOURCES INCORPORATED UNITS:llg!L CCBl C CO2 C CCB3 C CCB4 C CCBS C 0.1 " 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U O.S 0 O.S V O.S 0 0,5 U O.S u O.~ u 0.5 u 0.5 u 0,1 u 0.1 U n.l U G. 1 U 0.1 U 0,1 U 0.1 " 0.1 U 0.1 B a.5 u 0.5 U 0,5 u 0,5 u 0.5 U 0.6 B 0,5 u 0.5 u 0.2 u 0.2 U 0.2 u 0,2 U '.0 U '.0 U 4,0 U 4.0 u FORM III Ca1ibration B1anks CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SOG: BCWI ANALYTE EL METH RUN A.rsenic Mercury AS PHS MS072681 KG eVA RG072001 CRDL 10.0 0.:;': IDL 0.2 0.1 lOB C C.2 U C.l U COBI C 0.:2 tJ 0.1 U FORM III CCB2 C 0,2 U 0,1 U COB3 C CCB4 C 0.2 U ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES ..., INCORPORATED UNITS:ug/L CCB5 C 0' C"! t. I .... • jSi IS: I'" 11' 1\' ICP Interference Check Sample CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SDG: BCWl AIIloLY'rlI lCB TV ICSAB "1!Y Antimony lu:,senic 20 Cadmil.lJ[l 20 Chromium 20 copper 20 Lead Manganese 20 Molybdenum <00 <00 Nickel 20 Selenium Silver 20 Zinc 20 %CSAl 0.1 D .• 0.0 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.8 426.1 0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.6 :ICSA.Bl \II. ICIIA2 -0.1 19.6 518.0 19.4 517.0 19.7 ga.s 19.5 97.S 0.1 18.6 Sli3.0 4.22.410S.6 19.9 99.S -0.1 18.9 94.S 18.S 94.0 FORM :IV IC8AD2 'R ANAlYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED ICS SOURCE: I.V. RUNID: MS072511 INSTRUMENT 10: NEXION 300D UNITS: ug/L IC,"", ICSAB3 .... !lI n t: ~~ (51 fSl r>' ;ll !:tJ XCP Interference Check Sample CLIENT: T~ loyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SDG: SCWl ~ ..... lea rrv ",,, .... 'l'V Arsenic 20 Cadmium 20 Chro:rtium 20 co~pt!r 2C M&ngan"~. 20 Mol ybde:num .00 .CC Nickel 20 seleniuro. Sil'Vf'!I~ 20 Zinc 20 Ie""," tCU1l1 U IC8A2 0.0 19.5 9'.5 C.O 19,4 e1.Q C.7 20 . .a 102.Q c., D.a 20.6103.0 397.7 407.4101.9 0.2 2C.41.02.0 0.1 C .1 0.1 20\1.4122.0 0.6 20.0100.0 FORM rv ICSM2 .Il ANALYTICAL,. RESOURCES' INCORPORATED ICS SOURCE: I.V. RUNID: MS072681 INSTRUMENT ID: NEXION 350D UNITS: ug/L ICIIA3 rCSU3 t. lDLs and lCP ANAL YTlCAL ~ RESOURCES Linear Ranges INCORPORATED CLIENT: Lloyd ~ Associates r PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING StlC: BCWl UNITS: ug/L QrA AIIlUoHII m. IS'l!l IIIS'DtUHKll" 1aUloD'lB IIN:Z-CLl' IlL IlL Ie. LInAR JCP IJt I"') QlOUIID ClIDL 1>11.9 lWI<aI Cuq/L) I>II.'1B Arsenic AS PIIS NEXION 3500 MS 0.00 10 0.2 4/l/2012 Cadmium CD PMS f'lexION 3000 MS 0.00 5 o .J 4/1/2012 Chromium CR PHS N'EXION 3000 MS 0.00 10 0.5 4/1/201, Copper eu PHS HiXION 300D MS 0.00 25 0.5 4/1/2012 Lead PB PMS NEXION 3000 MS 0.00 3 0,:' 4/112012 Mercury HG eVA CETAC MERCURY 253 _ 7C 0.2 0.1 4/1/2012 Nickel NI PMS NEX1QN lOGo MS 0.00 '0 0.5 4/1/2012 Selenium SE PHS N;S;XION ]eOD MS Q,DC 5 0.5 41]/2012 Silver AG PMS NEXIOH leOD MS 0.00 10 0.2 4!l/2012 Zinc Z" PHS NEXION 3000 Ms 0.00 20 •. 0 411/2012 l!'OBM X/XII Preparation Log CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING BOG: BCWl CLUlI'l 10 AlII 11> 0'}042016i!A1\BiJ-C BCW1A 01C42C16BARBEE-CD BCWIAOUF Q1C4,C16BARBEE-CS 8cwlASPP:; PBS BcwUtal Less BCWIHBlSPI< Less BCWlf,.EFl 1.016 LC7) ).017 1.000 l.oao 1.003 FORM XlIX ANALYTICALt.a RESOURCES. INCORPORATED ANALYSIS METHOD: PMS ARI PREP CODE: SWN PREPDA1E: 7/12/2016 ncITIlIL P ....... 1/QLmm YQl. .... IIoLI (mol 0,0 50,0 0,0 50,0 0,0 50.0 0,0 50.0 0,0 50,0 0,0 ;0,0 BCwi 0;;'i35 Preparation Log' CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SDG: BCW1 = ... m IIIU ID 01C420168ARBEE-C BCWIA a -I 0'; 2 0 HiBARBEiI-C:O BcwlA:-UP C1042016BARBEE-CS .BCW1ASPK PBS aCltlMBl LCSW BCwlMB1SPL<: LCSW-CVA BcwlREfl IG\SS Ig) 0.215 0.214 C.219 0.200 ~.200 0.204 ANAL YTlCAL t& RESOURCES. INCORPORATED ANALYSIS METHOD, CVA ARI PREP CODE: SMM PREPDATE: 7/11/2016 tJI%'flllL ruw. VOLUIIB VOLll!GI h,L) IIIL) C.O 50.0 C.O 50.0 C.O 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 50.0 ------.......... _------ FORM XIII aCWi·00i96 III t":1 ..... <,. 1-1- 51 lSi I":' 11; , '~I Analysis Run Log Cl.IENT: Lloyd & Associate., PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGI NG 8DG: BCWl CUD'r It> J\IU m CRr MCRl ICSA ICSAI ICS1l.8 ICSAsr ZZZlZZ LR200 ZZZZZZ LR30C zzzzzz Bl ZZZZZZ 82 CCv Mccv2 cee COB2 zzzzzZ BDM3MBt PBS BcwlMBl 07042016BARSEE-CD flCWlAOVP D7042016BARBEE-C BCWIR 07042016BARflEE-CS BCWIASPK ZZZZZZ 2ZZZZZ 1,CSS ElCW1MBlSPK Less EcwlREFl ZZZZZZ BDM3B ZZZ;ZZZ BDM3MS1SPK ccv MCCV3 ceB CCB3 C7042016B~RSEE-CD BcwIADm' C7042C16BARBEE-C BCWIA D:IL. 'l'DIIi: ., "' .... ~ '" A ..... 1.00 14000 1.0014050 1.00 1410C Lao 14110 LaO 14220 1. 00 14300 1. 00 14370 LD01443C 1. 00 H51C 1. 0014560 20.00 1501C 20.001SClSG 20.0015100 20.0015150 20.0015200 20.00 15260 20.00 15320 1.00 15390 1.00 15450 1.0015510 1. 00 IS59t ]00. 00 16C4C 100. 00 16C9C INSTRUMENT 10: NEXION 300D MS RUNID: MS072511 METHOD: PMS ANALYTICAL ~ RESOURCES. INCORPORATED START DATE: 7/25/2016 END DATE: 7/25/2016 w~n~B~_~~oo~~nKK~*~M~~ftqngnnuvn ·x X x X x x Xi ;1 x x x IX 'x x x x x x x x x J __ .l_ J FORM x:rv X x X XI x Xi ~I • y • x x x I: I x x xi x x x x x; I X X x x X X X X: x x x x x x X X x x x x XIX x x x x -' XIX x x' XIX x x I x:x xix XIX x x I:I~ .1 : I I I X X :X X' x x x x X X x x x x x x X X X X I x x x x x x x x :.< X~ i)( xl x:x xix I~<I x . x: X X x x x X x !X I-x x X X X Xi x' X x X x .x Ix I I ! x : . x' X Ix x' x' x x x x .-x x x I x x x x x jx x x x ... 1.. .. _.: .... L 'Ji t~1 :t: "", iSl lSI fJ· III N. I~~ Anal.ysis Run Log CLIENT: Lloyd Ii Associ.ates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SOO: BCWl CLIDrl' 1"D AM III C1042D16BARBEE-CS Bcwl~SPK ZZZZZZ ZZZZ2Z Less BCWIREFl zzzzzz BOH.)ADUP zZ2ZZZ BDMJA ZZZZZZ BOM3ASPK ZZZZZA BDSSA Z.ZZZZZ BDS5MBSPK CCV HCCV4 CCB cce-4 INSTRUMENT 10: ~EXION 3000 MS RUNID: MS0725ll METHOD: PMS ANALYTICAL ..a RESOURCES "" INCORPORATED START DATE: 7/25/2C16 END DATE: 7/25/2016 DIL. Ina: UM~U.Du~ro~a~n~K~*~_~nn_"n~nuvg ICC.OO 16130 lce.oo 161BC lCO. 00 16240 1.00 16320 1.00 16370 ].0016410 1.0016490 1. OC 16550 l' 1. 00 11010 i.OO 110BO I ~ x I i x x x x FORM XIV I , I ' I i I I I xl : i x 1 x x xi xl x :x x ! x : i x - 01 ("I t:: I'"'c lSi lSI 1-" W W Analysis Run Log CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SDG: BClil CLIIDI'r m lilt. :m sO so 51 51 52 52 83 83 5. 54 55 S5 ZZZZZZ RINSE rcv toIleV reB ICB ccv MCCVl CCB CCBl CRr MeRr ICSA leSAI ICSAB ICSABI zzzzzz LR200 zzzzzz LR300 zzzzzz B1 ZZZZZZ B2 ccv MCCV2 CCB CCB2 PBS BeWINSl 07042016BARBEE-CD BCWIADUP 07042016BJ!,RBEE-C BCWIA 07042016BARBEE-CS BCWIASPK ZZZZZZ zzzzzz LCSS BCWIMB1SPK LCSS BCWIREi'l Z22ZZZ BDW7A ZZZZZZ BDW8A zzzzzz BDT9c CCV MCcv3 Cf:B eCBJ __ c en. 'rna Loa 14000 1. DO 14040 1.00 14080 1.00 14130 1. Do 14180 1. 00 14240 1.00 14310 1.0014370 1.00 14410 LOa 14460 1.00 14510 LOO 14550 L 00 14590 1. 00 15040 1.DOISOac 1.00 1512C 1.00 15190 1.00 15260 1.00 15330 1.00 15410 20.0015460 20. 00 15500 20.00 15540 20. aD 15590 20.0016030 20.0016080 20.00 16130 5.0016200 1.0016270 1C .0016320 1.00 16380 1.0016450 INSTRUMENT ID: RONID: MS072681 NEXIDN 350D MS METHOD: PMS ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED START DATE: 7/26/2016 END DATE: 7/26/2016 U~~~BMDa~~~ronGK~_~_~nng~~nnuv~ x I I I X , X X' X , , i I , , I , x , , I I X ! ! I x I, X , , X , X , , X ! ! i I : I I , , , X I I i X ! I I x I I , , :x ! X , , • ! X , X i , i I I I ! X I J , , x ~ FORM XIV I , I i I OJ CI :E: I~ ~ lSI 1\1 lSI lSI Analysis Run Log CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING BOO: BCWl CL~Dft m so SC.1 sO.5 51 82 .5 510 lCV Ice cev CCB CRA ZZZZZZ ZZ7ZZZ zzzzz:z 2:ZZZZ2 2:ZZ2ZZ ZZZZZZ zZzzzz zzzzz:z zzzzzz cev eeB zzzzzz PBW LCSW LCSW-CVA 07042016BARBEE-C 07042QlijBARBE£-CD 07Q42016RAkBEE-CS ecv eCB zzzzzz ZZ2ZZZ eev AIU III so SO.1 SO.S 51 52 55 SlC "leV rCB ACcvl CCSI eRA BCTIMBI BCTiMB1SPK Berle BCT1CDDP eCTICSPK BCZ4MBl BCZ4MSlSPK BC?4B 8cz4BDU~ ACCVZ CCB2 BCZ4aSPl( ACW1H81 BCMIMBlSPK BCW1 R!:P'l BOHA BCliU\DUP BCWIASI?K ACcv3 CCB3 BOC7MBl BCC7MBl ACCV4 DIL. 't'DIa Lao 13160 1.0013173 1.0013191 1.00 13205 1. 00 13223 '1.00 13240 1.00 13254 1.00 13274 1.00 13291 1.00 13305 1.0013323 1.0013341 1.00 13354 1.0013372 1. DC 13385 1.00:3403 1.0013421 1.00 13434 1. 00 13452 l.oe 13470 1.00 134134 1.00 13502 1.0013520 ] .00 13533 1.00 13551 Loa 13564 ].0013592 1.0014020 1.00 14034 ]. 00 14052 1.00 1-4065 1. 00 14083 1. 00 14140 1.0014195 1.0014265 INSTRUMENT 10: CETAC MERCURY RUNID: HG071902 METHOD: eVA ANAL YTtCAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED START DATE: 7/19/2016 END DATE: 7/19/2016 U~~UBD_~~OO~Wft~~~*~Mmwab~pnnUVD x x X X ,x X X X X X X X I: : x IX I , I I x x x x x : I i I j i ..L:x!vl 1 1 1 ' "1 1 WilL ulUllJ Analysis Run Log CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING SOO: BCW1 CLr::IlfT m AIU m CCB CCB4 ZZtZZZ BCZ48 22ZZZZ BCZ4BOUP ZZZZZZ 8CZ4BSPR LCSW-CVA BCWlREFl CCV ACCv5 CCB cess -- DI:L. !rna: 1.00 14.283 1.0014301 1.001.4314 :.. DO 14332 10,DO 14345 1.0014363 1.00 14381 INSTRUMENT ID: CETAC MERCURY RUNID: HG071902 METHOD: CVA ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED START DATE: 7/19/2016 END DATE: 7/19/2016 UM~MBMu~~~~OOnG~~_~_nn~_npHnuv_ , ! x I I I \ I , ! I I :J I i ! i _11 , I i -I FORM XIV III C: :E I-h lSI lSI !\I IS! 1-\1 ", Analysis Run Log CLIENT: Lloyd & Associates, PROJECT: BARBEE DREDGING BDG: BCWI CLIDI1' ID ARJ: tD so sO SO.l 50.1 SO.5 SO.5 S1 51 92 52 55 95 SIO 510 leV AICV IeB ICB eev ACCV1 ceB CCB1 eRA eRA LCSW-CVA BCi'ilREFl ZZZZZZ BOC7MBl ZZZZZZ BDC7MB1SPK ZZ2ZZZ BDC7A ZZZZZZ BDC7ADOP cev ACCV2 eeB CCB2 OIt.. 'l'n. 1. 00 11070 1. 00 11084 1.0011101 1.0011115 1.0011133 1, 0011151 1. 0011164 1.00 11191 1.0011204 1.00 11222 1.00 11240 1.00 11254 10.0011271 1.00 11285 1. 00 11303 1. 00 11320 1. 00 11334 1. 00 11352 1. 00 11370 INSTRUMENT IO: CETAC MERCURY RUNIO: HG072001 METHOD: CVA ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED START DATE: 7/20/2016 END DATE: 7/20/2016 U~~MBDDa~~QWHmK~_~_nnnH~pn=UVD ! I x I I I I I X j X I x I x X , I X I I , , , x " I ,x ! i X , i X I X I , X I I , 1 U J , I , I , , , I I X I i X I~ FOBM xrv Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Supplemental Parameter: Antimony 14 November 2016 Michael Lloyd I ,loyd & Associates 38210 SE 92nd Street Snoqualmie. WA 98065 RE: Barbee Dredging Please find enclosed sample reccipt documentation and analytical results t()r samples from the project referenced above. Sample analyses were performed according to ARl's Quality Assurance Plan and any provided project specitic Quality Assurance Plan, Each analytical section of this report has been approved and reviewed by an analytical peer. the appropriate I,aboratory Supervisor or qualitled substitute. and a technical rc\'iewer. Should you have any questions or problems. please feel free to contact us at your convenience, Associated Work Order(s} 16)0436 Associated SDG lD(s) N/A I certify that this data package is in compliance \\,ith the terms and conditions orthe contract. both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions dctailed in the enclose Narrative. ARI. an accredited laboratory. certifies that the report results for which ARI is accredited meets all the reqirements of the accrediting body. A list ofcertitied analyses. accreditations. and expiration dates is included in this report. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or his/her designee. as veri tied by the following signature. Analytical Resources. Inc. I II<' "-'_1111/\ I!I rim I'I:pUri apI'/]' I(J III,' ,Iamrl!'.\" a!lal)":::,," 1!1 accorda!lC'<' ,nIh Ih<' dWIII 0/ t'II,I,ud)"d""IIIII.'11I till' rmalrl/cal "-'rorl !III/,ll hI.' "-Trvdm.""d ill III cIII'I'I."n Cheronne Oreiro, Project Manager Page 1 of 378 (~rt# 100001> PJLA Testing ,"'~credllatlon Ii 66169 e Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Analytical Report Lloyd & Associates 38210 SI: 92nd Street Snoqualmie WA, 98065 Sample receipt Project· Barbee Dredglllg ProJcct Number' 2016-1 Harbee Projcct Manager' :Vllchacl !.loyd Case Narrative Reported: 14-'\10\'-201613:53 One sediment sample was removed from frozen archive on October 24,2016 and logged under ARI workorder 16J0423. For details regarding sample receipt, please refer to the Cooler Receipt Fonm. Antimony. EPA Method SW6020A The sample and associated laboratory QC were digested and analyzed within the recommended holding times. The method blank was clean at the reporting limits. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. ERA D088-540 was analyzed as a reference material. The matrix spike percent recovery of 07042016BARBEE-C fell outside the control limits low for sample 07042016BARBEE-C. A post digestion spike was analyzed and the recovery was within control limits . All relevant data have been flagged with a -.-qualifier. No further corrective action was taken. The duplicate RPD was within control limits. 2,4·Dimethylphenol • EPA Method SW8270D-SIM The sample and associated laboratory QC were extracted and analyzed within the recommended holding times. Initial calibrations and initial calibration verifications were within method requirements. The internal standard area of Perylene-d12 fell outside the control limits low for BEK0139-BLK1 All other internal standard areas were within limits. No corrective action was taken. The surrogate percent recovery of p-Terphenyl-d14 was outside the control limits high for BEK0139-BLK1. All other percent recoveries were within control limits. No corrective action was taken. 2,4-Dimethylphenol was present in BEK0139-BLK1 at a level that was greater than the reporting limit. The associated sample result was undetected for this compound. No corrective action was taken The LCS percent recovery was within control limits. CRM 143-50G was analyzed as a reference materiaL The matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate percent recoveries were within limits. Page 2 of 378 " J!l m w 8, ~ CD 0 (~ :[ ~ IS lSI lSI lSI til Chain of Custody Record & Laboratory Analysis Request ARIAsslgnedNumI>or: ~C.:W \ Turn·~;;':;;:":Pb Page: , of .' Analytical Resources, Incorporated a Analytical Chern is" and Consultant, " 4611 South 1341h Place, Suite 100 ARt Cienl Company: Phone: t:LT!.t/-!zcrt, I ~esent? _,*-5 Tukwila, WA 98168 Lt..<>y DoLL! ~ ~rr' ~:':10t1 'IzS -t8.5-t~ 206·695·6200 206·695·6201 Ifax) Cli·M;:'~ .. _~ Ll..~!::> No. or t C<ICIIor ).& www.arilabs.com Coole",: Tompo: Client~9ClName: D;?, Analysis Req_ted NotesICommants ~ D"'~ GrDGr-t'VC::r ~~ l ~~ I~~ i ~ C~ent~ k-J ~Q~ Si)"::; B. . I. ..I. {LcM ~~ ~I.\j ~it ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Sample ID Date lime Matrix No. Conlllnen. ~~ ~ VI ~~ ~ 670jl-Zdt. 1+-0 ~ ~ 7/1}'1 1360 s.e-!':>, /3 2-/ I :z... 2-/ z.. 2- ~bt'; CommentslSpecial Instructions "'''''~Dt. _ ... , ~ . isIled by'. tCJmp05/~ op (SIgn.t:: -,? ~ , ......... ,---=-=-----1_' Prinltcl NaITMt'. C,./ PrinIodN_. ~ ler i2 <;._/:..--. ~------Prlr'llaclHame: R.MIC .Ll. t..LoLl> t:-... SJ:'P--f.l Se0~ L;/F;::: I """'P'''''' NL'L ""'-", """-" ----- t.EfJ:>-3. °f.lS/zo/(~ CJC/z.; ;·7'~·11o{:> OaIe&Tme: o.te & Tlrrw' 0')7...7 igned8g1 Sample RetenUon PoUcy: All samples submined to ARI will be aps.'Il'Opriately discarded no sooner than 90 days after receipt or 60 days after submission of hardcopy dala. whichever is longer, unless a/terna1e retention schedules have been established by worK~order or contract. A Analytical Reso""es, Incorporated ~ Analytical Chemists and Consult.nts Cooler Receipt Form ARI Client I \ cyJ... ~ bOC,;.~5 COCNo(s): @ Project Name.,·_ -..w~c..:::":::'::::"'"":::;~'t:~1------ Assigned ARI Job No: ~ t \,oJ ~ TraCking NO: ______________ -"~ Prallmlnary Examination Phase: Were intad. properly signed and dated custody seaJs attached to the outside of to cooler? Were custody papers included with the coole!? ................................. "., •.... Were custody pap."proper!y filled out~nk. signed. etc.) .........•...•............................ ~ Temperature of Coolerls) iC) (recommended 2.0-8.0·C '.rchemistry) '5~-8 YES ~ § NO NO T1m.: ____ _ If ceoler tempelllture 10 out 0' co~li.nce fill out Ionn 00070F -Tem-p G-Un-I-OII: D-co-5' L'7\;; Cooler Accepted by: ___ ""L.>...;..-(t--________ Da'te: / -c;--Ilo Trm8 0'1 L / Complete custody rom.. and attIIch .11 ohlpp/nl/ documents Log-I n Phase: Was a temperature blank Indudad in the cooler? ...... , ..•.. , ..... _,,, ..... _ ...... _ ..... YES What kind of packing matl.Vial was used? ... Bubble Wrap ~ Gel Packs Baggles Foam Block Paper other. ____ _ ....•...•....... _ .•...•.. ~................~.~ NA ~ Was sufficient Ice used (If """roprlalo)? . Were all botUe!5 sealed In individual pfastic bags? •.•. " ... " ............................................... .. Old all bottles Irrtve in good condition (unbroken}? ................................................................ . Were aa bottle labeisoomp1et. ,lid legible? .........•.. _ ..........•...•.... ~ .. ~.~ .. ~ ............. ~~ ...... ~ ........... . Old the number of containEN'S listed on COC malch with the number of containers recetved? ............... . Old all bottle tabels and tag. agree with e""tody pope,,? ........... . .............. ~ ......•..................... Were all boWes used correct for the requesfed anBIY$es? ' .............. ".,." ...... ,,, ................... __ ..... , .. . Do sny of the analyses (bottles) require preservation? (attach pre&eMltion IIheet. excluding VOCS} ... Were aU VOC viillsfree cfair bubbles? ........ " ........... " .. "" ................... .. Was sufficient amount or sample sent In each bottle? ............... , ............. . Date voe Trip Blank was made atARI. .. , ......................... , ...... " .. ~ ~. ~ dIP m:> ® YES YES @ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Was Sample Spflt by ARI : Qj);> YES DalalTl-n.·. ____ _ Cqulpment _____ _ Splttby: __ _ YIJA, 7 I / q : '-I :J.-Samples Logged by: ___ ...;~:::.y::.... _____ ,Dat.: __ ./..--~5,,--.:...I.!"c-_Tim.: _____ l'--_ .... Noflfy Project Manager of dl.crspancles OT concerns ... Sample ID on Bottle Sample tD on cae SamJ)fe ID on Bottle Sam Ie 10 on cae AddWona' Notes. DIscrepancieS', & Resolutions: I I I B~ Sm;IIAir_ • 'I 0016F 312110 -....... • • • Page 4 of 378 Date: J3e;;;bubblea' ~-4mm • ••• • LAAGEAi_ Small-7 "sm" « 1 mm) ~4mltl Ptllbubbles ~ "pb" (1 t\ll< 4 mm) • • • Lar:e~ 1oI1g" (4 to< 6 mm) .. -.---.. _-Headspact -+ "bs" (;lo 6 mm ) Cooler Receipt Form -~.-. ~ . Revision 014 • Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Lloyd & Associates 38210 SE 92nd Street Snoqualmie. WA 9X065 Sample JD 07042016BARB[[;·C Page 5 of 378 Project: Barbee Dredging Project Number: 2016-1 Barbee Project Manager: Michael Lloyd ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES laboratory JD '\-'Iatrix 16J0436·01 Solid Reported: 11114/201613:53 Date Sampled Date Received 07/04116 I J 00 07/0511609'27 I"'I!!!!tJ.. Analytical ~_ Resource5, U Incorporated Internal Chain of Custody Client Project: Number: Lloyd & Associates Rarbee Dredging 2016-1 Barbee 16J0436-01 (07042016BARBff-C) Sampled 071041201613:00 Current Status Out I6J0436-01 A [Glass WAf, Clear. 160=] Sample Receiving 101261201616:28 by JEM Metals 16JOo/36-01 B [Glass WAf, Clear. 160=] Sample Receiving Extractions Page 6 of 378 101311201607:27 by AR 101311201609:17 by AR 101311201609: 17 by AR 111071201609:36 by AR 111071201614:13 by AR 111101201608:32 by AR 111101201609:28 by AR 101261201616:28 by JEM 111031201615:29 by YQL 11/041201616:19byYQI. Received: Receivt:d 8): Temp (OC): 05-Jul-201609:27 Justin Meyer 0,00 Location In lIa::ard lnfo:Chromium-52 /24. 94543mgi kgj: Chromium-53 {2.J.07033mg"xg] '''SIARP'' 10126/201616:28 by JEM Metals Prep Lab R02D-13 R02D-13 Metals Prep Lab R02 D-13 Metals Prep Lab R02D-13 10131/201609: 17 by AR 111071201609:36 by AR 10131/201609:17 by AR 111071201614:13 by AR 111101201608:32 by AR 111101201609:28 by AR by Ha=ard "lfo.Chromlum-52 [N 9o/5-13mg'kgj. Chromium-53 [U07033mg.kg} ***START*** Organic E,tractions F-05 07 10/26/201616:28 by JEM 11103/201616:14 by YQL by ~. Analytical !!I. Resources, Incorporated Definition QUALIFIERS AND NOTES Qualifier lJ This analyte is not detected above the applicable reporting or detection IliniL. Estimated concentration value detected below the reponing limit D The reported value IS from a dilution B This analyte wa<; detected in the method blank Flagged value IS not within established control limits DET Analyle DF:TECTED l\[) Analyle l\OT DETECTED at or above the reportmg limit l\R Not Reported dry Sample results reponed on a dry weight baSIS RPD Relati\'c Percent Difference Page 7 of 378 ~ Anatytica.1 ~,. Resources, """ I ncor-porated Form I INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 07042016RARREF.-C EPA6020A Tota! Metals I.aooratory: Analvtical Resources, Inc. Project: Barbee Dredging Client: Lloyd & Associates Matrix: Soil Sampled: 07/0411613:00 Solids (wt%): 78.74 Laboratory ID: 16J0436-0 I RE2 Prepared: 11/1011608:36 Preparation: SWN EPA 3050R Batch: BEK0278 Sequence: SEKO 159 Calibration: ZK00042 Concentration Dilution CAS:-'O. Analyte (mg/kg dry) Factor .\\DL 7440-36-0 Antimony-121 0.25 I 0.02 Page 8 of 378 SDG: 16J0436 File ID: XDT m2161110-077 Analyzed: 11/1011616:31 Initial/Final: 1.031 g i 50 mL Instrument: ICPMS2 MRL Q 0.25 U • Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY EPA6020A Laboratol)': Analvtical Resources Inc. SDG: Client: Lloyd & Associates Project: Barbee Dredging Batch: BEK0278 Batch Matrix: Preparation: SWN EPA 30;01l SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID LAB riLE ID DATE PREPARED OBSERVATIONS 0704201611ARBEE-C 16J0436-01RE2 XDT m2161110-077 IIIIOI160S:36 Need MS/Oup + PS + SRM (EOOI354) Blank BEK027S-BLK I XDT m2161110-075 1111011608:36 LCS BEK0278-BSI XDT m2161110-0S0 1111011608:36 070420 I 6BARllEE-C BEK0278-DUPI XDT m2161110-076 11I101160S:36 07042016BARBEE-C llEK027S-MS I XDT ~m2161110-078 11110/1608:36 Reference BEK0278-SRMI XDT~m216111O-081 111101160S:36 Page 9 of 378 I'll;;;;;.. Analytical ~_ Resources, ~ IncoP"pOl"ated Batch: BEK0278 Matrix: Solid s cqucncc: SEKOl59 CAS NO. Analyte 7440-36-0 Antimony-121 7440-36-0 Antimony-I 23 Page 10 of 378 Form I METHOD BLANK DATA SHEET EPA6020A Total MdaJs Laboratory ID: BEK0278-BLKI Prepl:lralion: SWN EPA 30S0n Calibration' ZK00042 Concentration Dilution (mglkg wet) Factor ND 20 0.02 20 .\I\)L 0.02 0.02 Blank Prepared: 1111 0/1608:36 Analyzed: 11/1011616:21 Instrument' ICPMS2 MRL Q 0.20 U 0.20 J ~ •• Analytical Resources, Incorporated Laboratory: Analytical Resources, Inc. Client: Llovd & Associates Matrix: Solid !latch: BEK0278 Preparation: SWN EPA 305013 Source Sample Name: 07042016RARBEE-C CONTROL ANALYTE U"IIT Antimony-121 * Values outside ofQC limits DUPLICATES EPA6020A lotal Metals SDG: Project: Laboratory 10: Lab Source I D: Initial/Final: % Solids: SA"IPLE 16J0436 Barbee Dredging BEK0278-DUPI 16J0436-01RE2 1.029 g / 50 mL 78.74 DllPUCATE CO'CENTRATIO:"t; C CONCENTRATION (mg/kg dry) (rug/kg dry) ND 1I ND 07042016RARREE-C C RPD Q % 1I L Analyte concentratIOn is <=5 times the reponing limit and the replicate control limit defaults to Dup ,--, +/-RL instead of20% RPD Page 11 of 378 ~.e Analytical Resources, Incorporated INSTRUMENT BLANKS EPA 6020A Laboratory; Analytical Resources. Inc_ Client: L10vd & Associates Instrument ID: ICPMS2 SUG: 16J0436 Project: Barbee Dredging Calibration: ZK00042 S equencc: SEKOl59 Date Analyzed-11/1 O/]6 10-21 . Lab Sample 10 Analyte Found MOL MRL Units SEKOI59·IBLI Antimony-121 0.0560 O.oJ8 0.200 ugiL Antimony-I 23 0.0540 0.1)28 0.200 ugiL SEKOI59·ICBl AntimonY-121 0.0120 0.018 0.200 ugiL Antimony-I 23 0.0130 0.Q28 0.200 ugll. SEKOI59-CCBI Antimony-121 0.0670 0.018 0.200 ugiL Antimol1y-123 0.0670 11.028 0.200 ugiL SEKOI59·1BL2 Antimony-I 2 I 0.215 O.oJ8 0.200 ugll. Antimony-I 23 0.223 0.028 0.200 ugiL SEKO I 59·1AL3 Antimony-I 2 I 0.0700 0.018 0.200 ugiL AntimonY-123 0.0670 0.028 0.200 ugiL SEKOI59·CCB2 Antimony -121 0.0820 O.oJ8 0.200 ugiL AntimonY-I23 0.0830 0.G28 0.2110 ugiL SEK0159·CC1l3 AntimonY-121 0.0620 0.018 0.200 ugiL Antimony-I 23 0.0600 0.028 0.200 ugiL SEK0159·CCIl4 Antimony-121 0.0590 0.018 0.200 ugiL Antimony-123 0.0560 0.028 0.200 ugiL SEK0159-CCB5 Antimony-12l 0.0620 0.018 0.200 ugll. Antimony-I 23 0.0610 0.028 0.200 ugiL SEK0159·CCB6 AntimonY-12l 0.0610 (1.018 0.200 ugiL Antimony-123 0.0650 0.028 0.200 ugll. SEK0159·C:CB7 Antimony-121 0.0600 0.018 O.lOO ugiL Antimony-123 0.0590 O.oz8 0.200 ugiL SEKO 159-CCB8 Antimony-121 0.0550 0.018 0.200 ugll. Antimony-123 0.0540 O.02S 0.200 ugiL SEKO 159·CCB9 Antimony-121 0.0600 (l.(ll 8 0.200 ugiL Antimony-123 0.0610 0.Q28 0.200 ltgiL Page 12 of 378 C 9 Analytical Resources, Incorporated , Analytical Chemists and Consultants l.aboratory: Anal):'tical Resources, Inc. Client: Llovd & Associates Matrix: Solid Batch: BEK0278 Preparation: S\vN EPA 3050B Initial/Final' I ./50 mL COMPOUND Antimony-I2l Antimony-123 * Values outsIde ofQC limIts Page 13 of 378 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE RECOVERY EPA6020A Total Metals SDG: 16J0436 Project Barbee Dredging Analyzed.: 11/10/1616:47 Laboratory ID: BEK0278-BS I Sequence Name: LCS SPIKE LCS ADDED CONCENI RATION (mglkg wet) (mg/kg wet) 25.0 26.2 25.0 26.3 LCS QC % I.IMITS REC.# REt:. 105 80 -120 105 80 -120 LaboralOf), : Client: Matrix: Batch: Preparation: Initial/Final: Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants MS / MS DUPLICATE RECOVERY EPA6020A Total \!Ietals Anal):,tical Resources. Inc. SDG: Llovd & Associates Project: Solid Analyzed: BEK027X Laboratory I D: S\\iN EPA 3050fl Sequence Name:: 1.028 g I 50 mL Source Sample: SPIKE SAMPLE 16)0436 Rarbee Dredging 11110116 16:36 BEK0278-MS I Matrix Sl2ike 07042016BARBEE-C MS ADDED CONCENTRATION CON CENTRA liON COMPOUND (mg/kg dry) (mglkg dry) (mglkg dry) Antimony-I 21 30.9 ND 5.14 * Values outsIde of QC limIts Page 14 of 378 07042016BARBEE-C MS QC % LIMITS REC. # REC. 16.6 • 75 -125 I'II;;a,. Analytical ~_ Resources, ~ Incorporated POST DIGEST SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY EPA6020A (,aboratory: Analvtical Resources Inc. SD(;: 16.10436 Client: Llo 1'd & Associates Project: Barbee Dredging Matrix: Solid I.abnratory [0: llEK0278-PS 1 Batch: IlEK0278 Lab Source!D: 16.10436-0 I RE2 Preparation: svm EPA 3050Il Initial/Final: 0.125 g ! 6 mL S ce Sample Name' . our 07042016BARBEE C -% Sord-· 7874 " , ,. Control Spike Sample Sample Limit Result(SSR) Result (SR) Analyte %R (uglL) (ug/L) Antimony-I 2 I 80 -120 493 Nfl ,.. Values outsldc ofQC hmlts Page 15 of 378 07042016BARBEE-C Spike Addcd (SA) %R (ug/LI 500.00 98.5 I'IIa.. AnaJ)'tkal ~,. Resources, " Incorporated STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL RECOVERY EPA6020A Laboratory: Analytical Resources, Inc. soc: 16J0436 Client: I.lovd & Associates Matrix: Solid Batch: IlI'K0278 Preparation: SWN EPA 3050B St d dID EOOl354 an ar : o ... cscnp IOn: M I I I S·I e a 5 n 01 TRIIE ANALYTE (rug/kg weI) Antimony-l2I 107.00 * Values outside ofQC limits Page 16 of 378 Project: Barbee Dredging Laboratory ID: BEK0278-SRM I Initial/Final: 1.003 g / 50 mL Analyzed: 1111012016 16:52 F. • .xplres: 09/30/2018 SRM FOL'NO % (rug/kg "") KIT. 5.19 4.85 QC LIMITS REC. 0-208.4 ., Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Laboratory; Client: Calibration: Calibration Date: Compound Antimony~[21 Antimony-123 Analytical Resources. Inc. Lloyd & Associates 7K00042 11110/2016 9:46 Level 01 RF 0 0 0 0 Page 17 of 378 U 2 02 INITIAL CALIBRATION DATA EPA6020A SDG: 16J0436 Project: Barbee Dredging Instrument: ICPMS2 Leve[02 Level OJ I ,eve( 04 Level 05 Level 06 RF RF RF RF RF 13570 10 13280.8 20 13188.05 50 12474.5 100 [2286.61 10690 10 10264 6 20 9918.3 50 9552.12 100 9323.97 • Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Laboratory: Client: Calibration: Calibration Date: COMPOlIND Antimony-121 Antimony-123 Analytical Resources. Inc. Lloyd & Associates ZK00042 11/10/2016 9:46 Page 18 of 378 INITIAL CALIBRATION DATA EPA6020A SDG: 16J0436 Project: Barbee Dredging Instrument ICPMS2 \fean RF RFRSD Linear COD Quad COD COD Limit Q 10799.99 49.2 0.9998 0.998 8291.498 49.3 0.9997 0.998 Semivolatile Analysis Report and Summary QC Forms ARI Job ID: BCWI See illlilched SlippiclllClilai Data BCWi;000Gi ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ANALVTICAL I&. RESOURCES' INCORPORATED PSOOA Semivolatiles by SW82700 GC/MS Extraction Method: SW3546 Sample 10: 07042016BARBEE-C SJlMPLE Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample 10: BCW}A LIMS 10: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Data Release Authorized: \i 'j Reported: 11 / 0 1 II 6 Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Date Extracted: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/13/16 20:06 Instrument/Analyst: NTIO/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sample Amount: 10.38 g-dry-wt Final Extract Volume: 1.0 mL Dilution E'actor: 1.00 Percent Moisture: 20,3% CAS Number Analyte LOQ Result 108-95-2 Phenol 19 < 19 U 106-46-7 l,4-Dichlorobenzene 9.6 < 9.6 U 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 19 < 19 U 95-50-1 l,2-Dichlorobenzene 9.6 < 9.6 U 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 9.6 < 9.6 U 106-44-5 4-Methy1pheno1 19 < 19 U 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 48 < 48 U See ~llpplC'1l1Clltal 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 190 < 190 U 120-82-1 l,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 9.6 < 9.6 U 91-20-3 Naphthalene 19 < 19 u 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadlene 9.6 < 9.6 U 91-576 2-Methylnaphthalene 19 < 19 U 131-11-3 Dimethylphthalate 9.6 < 9.6 U 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 19 < 19 u 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 19 8.7 J 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 19 < 19 u 84-66-2 Diethylphthalate 19 < 19 U 86-73-7 Fluorene 19 8.7 J 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 9.6 < 9.6 U 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 9.6 < 9.6 U 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 96 < 96 u 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 19 40 86-74-8 Carbazole 19 < 19 U 120-12-7 Anthracene 19 9.6 J 84-74-2 Di-n-Butylphthalata 19 8.7 J 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 19 88 129-00-0 Pyrene 19 66 85-68-7 Butylbenzylphthalate 9.6 < 9.6 U 56-55-3 Benzo (a) anthracane 19 27 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phtha~ate 48 50 Q 218-01-9 Chrysene 19 30 117-84-0 Di-n-Octyl phthalate 19 < 19 U 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 19 24 193-39-5 Indeno(l, 2, 3-cd)pyrene 19 19 53-70-3 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 19 < 19 U 191-24-2 Benzo(9,h,i)perylane 19 19 90-12-0 I-Methylnaphthalene 19 < 19 U FORM I ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSOOA Semivolatiles by SW82700 GC/MS Extraction Method: SW3546 page 2 of 2 Lab Sample 1D: BCWIA LIMS TD: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Date Analyzed: 07/13/16 20:06 CAS Number Analyte ANALYTICAL ta RESOURCES. INCORPORATED Sample 10: 07042016BARBEE-C SAMPLE QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. ProjeCL: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE LOQ Result TOTBFA Total Benzofluoranthenes 38 55 d5-Nitrobenzene d14-p-Terphenyl d5-Phenol 2, 4, 6-Tribromophenol Reported in pg/kg (ppb) Semivolatile Surrogate Recovery 97.2% 132% 74.1% 136% FORM I 2-Fluorobiphenyl d4-1.2-Dichlorobenzene 2-F!uorophenol d4-2-Chlorophenol 105% 76.8% 67.9% 71. 7% ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ANALYTICAL 1& RESOURCES' INCORPORATED PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Extraction Method: 8W3546 Sample ID: CRM143-050 070716 STANDARD REFERENCE Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample ID: SRM-070716 LIMS 10: 16-10088 QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized: \'\. Reported: 11/01/16 1 Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: NA Date Received: NA Date Extracled: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/13/16 19:30 Instrument/Analyst: NTIO/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sample Amount: 2.00 g-dry-wt Final Extract Volume: 1.0 mL Dilution Factor: 1.00 Percent Moisture: 0.0% CAS Number Analyte LOQ Rasu~t 108-95-2 Phenol 100 6,700 B 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzane 100 5,200 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 100 < 100 u 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 100 5,700 95-18-7 2-Methylphenol 100 < 100 u 106-44-5 4-Methylphenol 100 9,600 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 500 8,000 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 1,000 < 1,000 U 120-82-1 1, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene 10C < 100 U 91-20-3 Naphthalene 100 5,200 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 100 < 100 U 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalane 100 7,100 131-11-3 Dimethy1phthalate 100 8,300 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 100 5,200 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 100 7,400 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 100 < 100 U 84-66-2 Diethylphthalate 100 11,000 86-73-7 Fluorene 100 7,800 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 100 3,300 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 100 6,100 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 500 < 500 U 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 100 3,600 86-74-8 Carbazole 100 180 120-12-7 Anthracene 100 4,800 84-74-2 Di-n-Butylphthalate 100 9,800 206-44-0 I"luoranthene 100 4,600 129-00-0 Pyrene 100 6,000 85-68-7 Butylbenzylphthalate 100 5,300 56-55-3 Benzo (a) anthracene 100 7,800 117-81-7 b1s(2-Ethylhexyl)phtha1ate 250 9,900 Q 218-01-9 Chrysene 100 1,100 117-84-0 Di-n-Octyl phthalate 100 < 100 U 50-32-8 Benzo (a) pyrene 100 680 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 100 2,200 53-70-3 Dibenz(a,h) anthracene 100 3,500 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)pery1ene 100 2,800 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 100 < 100 U FORM I ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Extraction Method: SW3546 Page 2: of 2 Lab Sample 10: S~~-070716 LlMS ID, 16-10088 Matrlx: SedIment Date Analyzed, 07/13/16 19,30 CAS Number Analyte ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES. INCORPORATED Sample ID: CRM143-0S0 070716 STANDARD REFERENCE QC Report No: BCW1-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Result TOTBFA Total Benzofluoranthenes 200 8,600 dS-Nitrobenzene d14-p-Terpheny1 d5-Phenol 2.4.6-Tribromophenol Reported In ~g/kg Ippbl Semivolatile Surrogate Recovery 104% 109% 88.5% 120% FORM I 2-Fluorobiphenyl d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Fluorophenol d4-2-Chlorophenol 110% 86.2% 73.3% 77.3% . I I •• ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8210D GC/MS Fage 1 of 1 ANlU-YTICIU-a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Sample ID: 01042016BARBEE-C MS/MSD Lab Sample 10: BCWIA LIMS ID: 1610088 Matrix: Sedilnenl QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Data Release Authorized: "1. Reported: 11/01116 Date Extracted MS/MSD: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed MS: 07/13/16 20:42 MSD: 07/13/16 21:18 Instrument/Analyst MS: NTIO/YZ MSD: NTlO/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Analyte Sample -------_. ------ Phenol 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzy 1 Alcohol 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Methylphenol 4-Methylphenol 2,4-0imethylphenol Benzoic ?cid 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Methylnaphthalene Dlmethylphthalate Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene ~ibenzofuran Diethylphthalate Fluorene N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Hexachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Phenanthrene Carbazole Anthracene Vi-n-Butylphthalate Fluorant.hene Pyrene Butylbenzylphthalate Benzo (a) anthracene bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate Chrysene Di-n-Octyl phthalate Benzo (a) pyrene Indeno(l, 2, 3-cd)pyrene ~ibenz{a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene I-Methylnaphthalene Total Benzofluoranthenes Reporced ~n ~g/kg (ppb) < 19 U < 9.6 U < 19 U < 9,6 U < 9,6 U < 19 U < 48 U < 190 U " 9.6 U " 19 U < 9.6 U " 19 I) " 9,6 U " 19 U 8.7 J < 19 U < 19 U 8.7 J " 9.6 U " 9.6 U < 96 U 40 < 19 U 9.6 J 8.7 J 88 66 < 9.6 U 27 50 Q 30 " 19 U 24 19 < 19 U 19 " 19 U 55 MS 313 B 299 30' 314 318 313 1310 2000 346 368 438 352 430 393 453 419 487 412 338 410 1230 413 399 383 453 573 553 580 438 439Q 429 389 430 402 399 409 311 744 Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/0~/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Sample Amount MS: 10.40 g-dry-wt MSD: 10.38 g-dry-wt Final Extract Volume MS: 1.0 mL MSD: 1.0 mL Dilution Factor MS: 1.00 MSD: 1.00 Percent Moisture: 20.3 % Spike MS Spike MSD Added-MS Recovery MSO Added-MSD ReCovery RPD 481 481 481 481 481 481 1440 2640 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 1440 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 962 65. 1 % 62.2% 63.2% 65,3% 66. " 65.1-% ~l.O% 75.8% 71 • 9-% 76.5-% 91.1-% 73.2% 89.4% 81.7% 92.4% 87.1% 101% 83.8% 70. J% 85.2% 85.4% 77.5'\ 83.0% 77.6% 92.4% 101% tOU- 121% 85.4% 80.9% 83.0% 80.9% 84.4% 79.6% 83.0% 81.1% 64.7% 71,6% 313 B 306 335 346 365 355 1330 1930 369 368 432 353 451 426 457 442 512 431 366 406 1330 421 435 403 465 5"':] 557 571 418 478 Q 425 395 461 484 477 487 329 886 482 482 482 482 482 482 1450 2650 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 1450 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 963 64.9% 63.5% 69.5% n.8% 75,7% 73.7% 91.7% 72.8% 76.6% 76.3% 89,6% 73.2% 93.6% 88.4% 93.0% 91. 7% 106% 87.6% 75.9% 84.2% 91.7% 79.0% 90.2' S1. 6. 94.7% 100% 102% 118% 81. 1 % 88.8% 82.0% 82.0% 90.7% 96.5% 99.0% 97.1% 68.3\ 86.3% 0.0% 2.3% 9 _ 7% 9.7% 13.8% 12.6%- 1. 5% 3 _ 6% 6.4% 0.0% 1. 4% 0.3% 4.8% 8.1% 0.9% 5.3% ~. 0% 4.5% 8.0% l. 0% 7.8% 1. 9% 8.6% 5.H 2.6% 0.5% 0.7% 1. 6% 4.7% 8.5% 0.9% 1.5% 7,0% 18.5110 17.8% 17.4% 5.6% II, H RPD calculated ~sing sample concentrations per SW846. ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ANALYTICAL & RESOURCES. INCORPORATED PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8210D GC/MS Extraction Method: SW3546 Sample ID: 01042016BARBEE-C MATRIX SPIKE Page 1 0 f 2 Lab Sample 10: BCW1A LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrlx: Sediment QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Data Release AULhorized: ~j. Reported: 11/01/16 ',\ Project: BARB~E DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 0-7/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Oate Extracted: 07/07/16 Sample Amount: 10.40 g-dry-wt Final Extract Volume: 1.0 mL Dilution f'actor: 1.00 Date Analyzed: 07/13/16 20:42 Instrument/Analyst! NTIO/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Percent Moisture: 20.3% CAS Number Anslyte LOQ Result 108-95-2 Phenol 19 106-46-7 1,4-0ichlorobenzene 19 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 19 95-50-1 l,2-Dichlorobenzene 19 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 19 106-44-5 4-Methylphenol 19 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 96 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 190 120-82-1 1, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene 19 91-20-3 Naphthalene 19 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 19 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 19 131-11-3 Dimethylphthalate 19 208-96-8 Acenaphthyler.e 19 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 19 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 19 84-66-2 Diethylphthalate 19 86-73-7 Fluorene 19 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamlne 19 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 19 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 96 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 19 86-74-8 Carbazole 19 120-12-7 Anthracene 19 84-74-2 Di-n-Butylphthalate 19 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 19 129-00-0 Pyrene 19 85-68-7 Butylbenzylphthalate 19 56-55-3 Benzo(a)clnthracene 19 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 48 218-01-9 Chrysene 19 117-84-0 Di-n-Octyl phthalate 19 50-32-8 Benzo{a)pyrene 19 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 19 53-70-3 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 19 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 19 90-12-0 I-Methylnaphthalene 19 FORM I ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Extraction Method: SW3546 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample IO: BCWIA LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Date Analyzed: 07/13/16 20:42 CAS Number Analyte ANALYTICAL IliiiilI RESOURCES. INCORPORATED Sample ID: 07042016BARBEE-C MATRIX SPIKE QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & ASSOclates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE LOQ Result TOTBfA Total Benzofluoranthenes 38 d5-Nitr-obenzene d14-p-Terphenyl dS-Phenol 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Reported in pg/kg (ppb) Semivolatile Surrogate Recovery 102% 137% 78.8% 122% FORM I 2-flucrobiphenyl d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Fluorophenol d4-2-Chlorophenol 102% 77.4% 64.8% 73.1% ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ANALYTICAL ,a RESOURCES. INCORPORATED PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Extraction Method: 5W3546 Sample ID, 07042016BARBEE-C MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample ID: BCWIA LIMS 10, 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, II1C. Data Release Authorized: (\ Reported, 11/01/16 Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04116 Date Received: 07/05/16 Date Extracted: 07/07/16 Oate Analyzed: 07/13/16 21,18 Instrument/Analyst: NTIOIYZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sample Amount: 10.38 g-dry-wt final Extract Volume: 1.0 mL Dilulion Factor: 1. 00 CAS Number 108-95-2 106-46-7 ]00-51-6 95-50-] 95-48-7 106-44-5 105-67-9 65-85-0 120-82-1 91-20-3 87-68-3 91-57-6 131-11-3 208-96-8 83-32-9 132-64-9 84-66-2 86-73-7 86 30-6 118-74-1 87-86-5 85-01-8 86-74-8 120-12-7 84-74-2 206-44 0 129-00-0 85-68-7 56-55-3 117-81-7 218-01-9 117-84-0 50-32-8 193-39-5 53-70-3 191-24-2 90-12-0 Percent Moisture: 20.3% Analyte Phenol 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl Alcohol 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Methylphenol 4-Methylphenol 2,4-Dimethylpherlol Benzuic Acid l,2,4-Trichlo~obenzene Naphthalene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Methylnaphthalene Dimethylphthalate Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Dibenzofuran Diethylphthala~e Fluorene N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Hexachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Phenanthrene Carbazole Anthracene Di-n-Butylphthalate Fluoranthene Pyrene Butylbenzylphthalate Benzo(a) anthracene bis{2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate Chrysene Di-n-Octyl phthalate Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene Dibenzfa,hlanthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene I-Methylnaphthalene FORM I LOQ 19 19 19 19 19 19 96 190 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 96 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 48 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Result ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Extraction Method: SW3546 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample ID: BCWIA LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Date Analyzed: 07/13/1621:18 CAS Number Analyte ANALYTICAL _ RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Sample ID: 07042016BARBEE-C MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, r!le. Projec~: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE LOQ Result TOTBFA Total Benzofluoranthenes 38 dS-Nitrobenzene dI4-p-Terphenyl dS-Phenol 2, 4, 6-Tribromophenol Reported in ~g/kg (ppb) Semivolatile Surroqate Recovery 112% 131% 84.3% 129% FORM I 2-Fluorob~phenyl d4-1,2--Dichlorobenzene 2-Fluorophenol d4-2-Chlorophenol 103% 81. 2% 73.9% 78.1% ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Page 1 0 f 2 Lab Sample 10: LCS-070716 LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized: r~:-.. Reported: 11/01(16 - Date Extracted: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/13/16 18:17 Instrument/Analyst: NTIO/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Analyte Phenol 1.4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl .~lcohol 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Methylphenol 4-Methylphenol 2 1 4-Dimethylphenol Be:lzoic Acid l,2,4-Tcichlorobenzene Naphthalene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Methylnaphthalene Dimethylphthalate Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Dibenzofuran Diethylphthalale F'luorene N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Hexachlorobenzene PenLachlorophenol Phenanthrene Carbazole Anthracene Di-n-Butylphthalate Fluoranthene Pyrene Butytbenzylphthalate Benzo(a)anthracene b1s(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate Chrysene Di-n-Octyl phthalate Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Sample ID: LCS-070716 LAB CONTROL ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES"'" INCORPORATED QC Report No: BCWl-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Sample Amount.: 10.00 g ~lnal Extract Volume: 1.0 mL Dilution Factor: 1. 00 Percent Moisture: NA Lab Control Spike Added Recovery ------~ 499 B 419 499 434 412 372 1320 2250 415 417 510 438 SBB 494 534 535 651 528 397 432 1150 480 443 461 577 509 488 517 500 532 Q 482 490 561 609 FORM III 500 500 500 500 500 500 1500 2750 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 99.8% 83.8% 99.8% 86.8% 82.4% 74.4% 88.0% 81.8% 83.0% 83.4% 102% 87.6% 118% 98.8% 107% Ion 130% 106% 79.4% 86.4% 76.7% 96.0% 88.6% 92.2% 115% 102% 97.6% 103% 100% IOGt 96.4% 98.0% lIn 122% ,1,.1 , 1.' ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES. INCORPORATED PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Sample ID: LCS-070716 LAB CONTROL Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample 10: ~CS-070116 LIMS ID: 16 10088 Matrix: Sediment Date Analyzed: 07/13/16 18:17 Analyte Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8enzo(g,h,i)perylelle I-Methylnaphthalene Total Benzofluoranthenes Reported in pg/kg (ppbl QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd ~ Associates! Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Lab Spike Control Added 568 500 564 500 408 500 1350 1000 Semivo~ati1e Surrogate aecovery dS-Nitrobenzene 2-Fluorobiphenyl d14-p-Terphenyl d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene dS-Phenol 2 -" Fl uorophenol 2, 4, 6-Tribromopher.ol d4-2-Chlorophenol FORM III 128% 118% 123% 96.6% 104% 90.3% 141% 95.9% Recovery ----- 114% 113% 81.6% 135% I': " 4B BLANK NO. SEMIVOLATtLE METHOD BLANK SUMMI\RY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARt Job No: BCW1 Lab File ID: 16071805 Instrument ID: NT10 Matrix: SOLID BCW1MBS1 Client: LLYOYD Project: BARBEE DREDGING Date Extracted: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/18/16 Time Analyzed: 1459 THIS METHOD BLANK APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES, MS and MSD: page 1 of 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CLIENT SAMPLE NO. ================ BCWlLCSS1 CRMl43-0S0 07042016BARBEE-C 07042016BARBEE- 07042016BARBEE- ----- LAB SAMPLE ID ============ BCW1LCSS1 BCW1SRM1 BCWLA BCWlAMS BCWlAMSD ------ LAB DATE FILE ID ANALYZED ============ -------------------- 16071309 07/13/16 16071311 07/13/16 16071312 07/13/16 16071313 07/13/16 16071314 07/13/16 FORM IV SV ORGANICS ANAL~SIS DATA SHEET ANALYTICAL tA RESOURCES. INCORPORATED PSDDA Semivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS Extraction Method: SW3546 Sample 10: MB-070716 METHOD BLANK Page 1 0 f 2 Lab Sample 10: MB-070716 LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrix! Sediment QC Reporl No; BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Data Release Authorized:'\ Reported: 11 /01 /16 Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: NA Date Received: NA Date Extracted: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/18/16 14:59 Instrument/Analyst: NTIO/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sample Amount: 10.00 g-dry-wt Final Extract Volume: 1.0 mL Dilution Factor: 1.00 Percent Moisture: NA CAS Number Analyte LOQ Result 108-95-2 Phenol 20 8.2 J 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenze~e 20 < 20 U 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 20 < 20 U 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20 < 20 U 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 20 < 20 U 106-44-0 4-Methy!phenol 20 < 20 U 105-67-9 2,4-0imethylphenol 100 < 100 U 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 200 < 200 U 120-82-1 1,2/1~Trichlorobenzene 20 < 20 U 91-20-3 Naphthalene 20 < 20 U 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 20 < 20 U 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 20 < 20 U 131-11-3 Dirnethylphtha!ate 20 < 20 u 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 20 < 20 U 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 20 < 20 U 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 20 < 20 U 84-66-2 Diethylphthalate 20 < 20 U 86-"13-7 Fluorene 20 < 20 U 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodipheny!amine 20 < 20 U 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 20 < 20 U 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 100 < 100 U 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 20 < 20 U 86~74-8 Carbazole 20 < 20 U 120-12-7 Anthracene 20 < 20 U 84-74-2 Di-n-Butylphthalate 20 < 20 U 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 20 < 20 U 129-00-0 Pyrene 20 < 20 U 85-68-7 Butylbenzylphthalale 20 < 20 U 56-55-3 Benzo{a)anthracene 20 < 20 U 117-81-7 bisI2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 50 < 50 U 218-01-9 Chrysene 20 < 20 U 117-84-0 Di-n-Octyl phthalate 20 < 20 U 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 20 < 20 U 193-39-5 Indeno{l,2,3 cd)pyrene 20 < 20 U 53-70-3 Dibenz{a,h)anL}lracene 20 < 20 U 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 20 < 20 U 90-12-0 I-Methylnaphthalene 20 < 20 U FORM I "I ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Semi volatiles by SW82700 GC/MS Extraotion Method: SW3546 Page 2 of 2 Sample IO: MB-0707l6 Mll:THOO BLANK ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Lab Sample ID: MB 070716 LIMS ID: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment QC Report No: 8CWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Dace Analyzed: 07/18/16 14:59 Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE CAS Nwnber Analyte LOQ Result TOTBFA Total Bcnzofluoranthenes 40 dS-Nitrobenzene d11-p-Terphenyl d5-Phenol 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Reported in ~g/kg (ppb) Semivolat~le Surrogate Recovery J07% Q 116% 84.8% 120% FORM I 2-Fluorobiphenyl d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Fluorophenol d4-2-Chlorophenol < '10 U 103% 86.2% 78.4% 78.7% 5B SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE CHECK DECAFLUOROTRIPHENYLPHOSPHINE (DFI'PP) Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Inst:rument ID: NTI0 DFI'PP Injection Date: 04/21/16 m/e ION ABUNDANCE CRITERIA Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING DFTPP Injection Time: 1336 % RELATIVE ABUNDANCE -----===================================================== =-===-=========== 51 10.0 -80.0% of mass 198 32.7 68 Less than 2.0% of mass 69 0.0 ( 0.0)1 69 Mass 69 relative abundance 43.7 70 Less than 2.0% of mass 69 0.3 ( 0.8}1 127 10.0 -80.0% of mass 198 43.5 197 Less than 2.0% of mass 198 0.0 198 Base Peak, 100% relative abundance 100.0 199 5.0 to 9.0% of mass 198 7.1 275 10.0 -60.0% of mass 198 28.5 365 Greater than 1. 0% of mass 198 3.84 441 0.0 -24.0% of mass 442 11.1 ( 15.1}2 442 50.0 -200.0% of mass 198 74.0 443 15.0 -24.0% of mass 442 14.8 ( 20.1}2 , I-Value 1S % mass 69 , 2-Value 1S % mass 442 THIS CHECK APPLIES TO THE FOLIDWING SAMPLES, MS, MSD, BLANKS, AND STANDARDS: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 page 1 of 1 CLIENT SAMPLE NO. ================ LAB SAMPLE ID ============ SED0054-CAL5 SED0054-CAL7 SED0054-CAL1 SEDOO54-CAL3 SED0054-CAL6 SED0054-CAL4 SED0054-CAL2 LAB DATE TIME FILE ID ANALYZED ANALYZED ============ =====~==== ========== 16042102 04/21/16 1351 16042103 04/21/16 1429 16042104 04/21/16 1506 16042105 04/21/16 1543 16042106 04/21/16 1621 16042108 04/21/16 1735 16042110 04/21/16 1850 FORM V SV 58 SEMIVOIATlLE ORGANIC INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE CHECK DECAFLUOROTRIPHENYLPHOSPHINE (DFl'PP) Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Instnunent ID: NTI0 DFTPP Injection Date: 07/13/16 m/e ION ABUNDANCE CRITERIA Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES project: BARBEE DREDGING DFTPP Injection Time: 1650 "'.REIATIVE ABUNDANCE -----===============================~=======:============= ============== 51 10.0 -80.0% of mass 198 39.6 68 Less than 2.0% of mass 69 0.2 ( 0.5)1 69 Mass 69 relative abundance 45.2 70 Less than 2.0% of mass 69 0.4 ( 0.9)1 127 10.0 -80.0% of mass 198 43.4 197 Less than 2.0% of mass 198 0.0 198 Base Peak, 100% relative abundance 100.0 199 5.0 to 9.0% of mass 198 6.7 275 10.0 -60.0% of mass 198 29.7 365 Greater than 1.0% of mass 198 5.69 441 0.0 -24.0% of mass 442 12.4 ( 15.7)2 442 50.0 -200.0\ of mass 198 78.9 443 15.0 -24.0% of mass 442 15.0 ( 19.0)2 I-Value 1S % mass 69 2-Value 1S % mass 442 THIS CHECK APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES, MS, MSD, BLANKS, AND STANDARDS: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 page 1 of 1 CLIENT SAMPLE NO. ================ BCWILCSSI CRM143-050 07042016BARBEE-C 07042016BARBEE- 07042016BARBEE- LAB SAMPLE ID ============ CC0713 BCWILCSSI BCWISRMI BCWlA BCWlAMS BCWlAMSD LAB DATE TIME FILE ID ANALYZED ANALYZED ============ ========== ========== 16071307 07/13/16 1705 16071309 07/13/16 1817 16071311 07/13/16 1930 16071312 07/13/16 2006 16071313 07/13/16 2042 16071314 07/13/16 2118 FORM V $V 5B SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC lliSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE CHECK DECAFLUOROI'RIPHENYLPHOSPHINE (DF'l'PP) Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Instrument ID: NTI0 Project: BARBEE DREDGlliG DFTPP Injection Date: 07/18/16 DFTPP Injection Time: 1256 '" RELATIVE m/e ION ABUNDANCE CRITERIA ABUNDANCE ===== ===================================================== ---------------------------- 51 10.0 -80.0% of mass 198 46.3 68 Less than 2.0% of mass 69 0.8 ( 1.6) 1 69 Mass 69 relative abundance 53.4 70 Less than 2.0% of mass 69 0.3 ( 0.6)1 127 10.0 -80.0% of mass 198 46.8 197 Less than 2.0% of mass 198 0.4 198 Base Peak, 100% relative aEundance 100.0 199 5.0 to 9.0% of mass 198 7.5 275 10.0 -60.0% of mass 198 27.5 365 Greater than 1.0% of mass 198 5.65 441 0.0 -24.0% of mass 442 11. 7 ( 16.2)2 442 50.0 -200.0% of mass 198 72.6 443 15.0 -24.0% of mass 442 13.7 ( 18.9}2 , I-Value 1S % mass 69 2-Value 1S % mass 442 THIS CHECK APPLIES TO THE FOlJ.OWlliG SAMPLES, MS, MSD, BLANKS, AND STANDARDS: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 page 1 of 1 CLIENT SAMPLE NO. ================ BCWIMBSI LAB SAMPLE ID ------------------------ CC0718 BCWlMBS1 LAB DATE TIME FILE ID ANALYZED ANALYZED ============ ========== ====;;===== 16071802 07/18/16 1311 16071805 07/18/16 1459 FORM V SV 6B SEMIVOLATILE 8270-D INITIAL CALIBRATION DATA Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCWI Instrument ID: NT10 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Calibration Date: 04/21/16 I LAB FILE IV: RRFO.2:16042104 RRFO.5:16042110 RRF1 :16042105 I RRF2.5:16042108 RRFS :16042102 RRF10 :16042106 I RRF20 :16042103 l----------------------~I~R~RF~'I~R=R~F~'I~R=R=F-,I-=RR=F~'I~R=R=F~-'I ~R=R~F-,I-=RR=F~'I--~~-I~%=R~sD=­ I COMPOUND 0.2 I 0.5 I 1 I 2.5 I 5 I 10 I 20 I RRF I/R'2 I 1::::::::==::================ ======1======1:=====1==:===1======1======1======1======1:====1 I Phenol 1.7131 1.4841 1.5021 1.5741 1.56~1 1.5781 1.4581 1.5541 5.51 18is(2-Chloroethyl)ether ____ 1.2991 1.3181 1.13BI 1.1111 1.10BI 1.1061 1.0441 1.160 9.01 12-Chlorophenol 1.3531 1.3711 1.24BI 1.2211 1.2721 1.2381 1.2011 1.272 5.11 1~,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.8061 1.5041 1.5291 1.5081 1.4331 1.5031 1.3681 1.522 9.01 11,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.6511 1.5111 1.4371 1.4651 1.4471 1.5171 1.3391 1.481 6.41 !1,2-Vichlorobenzene 1.4001 1.5001 1.3441 1.4141 1.3911 1.4111 1.2881 1.392 4.71 iBenzy1 alcohol 0.7031 0.8381 0.7301 0.7551 0.7521 0.7891 0.7421 0.758 5.81 12,2'-oxybis{1-Chloropropane) 0.6961 0.5021 0.4001 0.4861 0.4601 0.4311 0.4161 0.484 0.9991 12-Methy1pheno1 1.2091 1.0491 0.9951 1.0231 1,066 1.1011 1.0091 1.064 6.91 I Hexachloroethane 0.8541 0.8151 0.6491 0.7111 0.644 0.6961 0.6411 0.716 12.11 IN-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine __ 1.0871 1.1191 0.8811 0.9621 0.960 0.9801 0.9031 0.984 9.01 14-Methy1phenol 1.3481 1.2321 1.1101 1,0861 1.126 1.1081 1.044: 1.150 9,0 I Nitrobenzene 0.4901 0.4901 0.477 0.4621 0.455 0.4671 0.448 0.470 3.5 Irsophorone 0.7611 0.7861 0.728 0.7651 0.742 0.764 0.767 0.759 2.4 12-Nitrophenol 0.2181 0.2121 0.198 0.2231 0.224 0.219 0.226 0.217 4.4 12,4-Dimethylphenol I 0.4621 0.4741 0,458 0,4891 0.466 0.459 0.436 C,463 3.5 IBis (2-Chloroethoxy)methane __ 1 0.4061 0.3951 0.388 0.359 0.370 0.370 0.365 C.379 4.6 IZ,4-Dichlorophenol I 0.3251 0.3291 0.329 0.343 0.344 0.342 0.340 0.3361 2.4 1",2,4-Trich"orobenzene I 0.4681 0.4671 0.416 0.410 0.389 0.402 0.382 0.4191 8.4 I Naphthalene I 1.0621 0.9351 0.943 0.948 0.959 0.950 0.963 0.9661 4.5 IBenzoic acid I I 0.159 0.264 0.285 0.320 0,327 0.324 0,28010.999 14-Ch1oroaniline I 0,3991 0,395 0.376 0.396 0.398 0.418 0.426 0.4011 4.1 I Hexachlorobutadiene I 0.4061 0.277 0.332 0.326 0.312 0.319 0.294 0.3241 12.7 14-Ch1oro-3-methylpheno1 ____ 1 0.3611 0.358 0.347 0.382 0.4001 0.410 0.418 0.3821 7.3 12-Methylnaphthalene I 0.7831 0.784 0,734 0,745 0.7551 0.767 0.786 0.765 2.7 I Hexachlorocyclopentadiene_1 I 0.505 0.504 0.520 0.5501 0.576 0.571 0.538 6.0 12,4,G-Trichlorophenol I 0.3391 0.358 0.414 0.426 0.4381 0.456 0.4581 0.413 11.4 12,4,5-Trichlorophenol I 0.3961 0.415 0.418 0.450 0.4591 0.480 0.478 0.442 7.5 12-Chloronaphthalene I 1.1791 1.050 1.049 1.094 1.0731 1.098 1.104 1.092 4.11 12-Nitroaniline I 0.3941 0,356 0.361 0.383 0.3841 0.3981 0.391 0.381 4.31 I Acenaphthylene I 1.7721 1.522 1.579 1.564 1.4911 1.5161 1.518 1.566 6.11 I Dimethylphthalate I 1.5221 1.265 1.412 1.362 1.3061 1.3261 1.263 1.351 6.81 12,6-Vinitrotoluene I 0.2951 0.285 0.304 0.315 0.3081 0.3121 0.310 0.304 3.51 I Acenaphthene I 1.1271 0.888 1.011 0.9961 0.9771 1.0151 1.022 1.005 7.01 13-Nitroaniline I I 0.295 0.267 0.2631 0.2351 0.2691 0.268 0.266 7.21 12,4-Dinitrophenol I I 0.090 0,134 0.192\ 0.2121 0.2341 0.248 0,185 0.9991 1 Dibenzofuran I 1.6031 1.5271 1.535 1.5221 1.5381 1.6031 1.559 1.555 2.21 I I I I I I I __ I <-Outside QC limits; %RSD <20% or RA2 ~ 0.990 page 1 of 3 FORM VI SV-1 6B SEMIVOLATILE 8270-D INITIAL CALIBRATION DATA Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCW1 Instrument ID: NT10 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Calibration Date: 04/21/16 I LAB FILE 10, RRFO.2016042104 RRFO.5016042110 RRF1 016042105 I RRF2.5·16042108 RRF5 ·16042102 RRF10 ·16042106 I RRF20 .16042103 I -----------------------O=RR~F~'I-RR--F--~I-RR~F-,I~RR~F~~R~R~F--~I ~R~R~F~I--RR~F--,-----~I%~R-so=- I COMPOUND I 0.2 I 0.5 I 1 I 2.5 5 I 10 I 20 RRF I/R-2 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••• 01 •••••••••••• 1 ••••• = .==···1······1······ 00.0.01 0 •0 •• 14-Nitrophenol I I 0.305 0.2821 0.355 0.3411 0.3621 0.342 0.3311 9.4 12,4-Dinitrotoluene I 0.3821 0.402 0.4011 0.412 0.4191 0.4431 0.432 0.4131 5.0 I Fluorene I 1.3901 1.203 1.2361 1.269 1.2281 1.2841 1.260 1.2671 4.8 14-Chlorophenyl-phenylether __ 1 0.8B1 0.B09 0.7771 0.759 0.7381 0.7561 0.743 0.7BOI 6.4 I Diethylphthalate I 1.547 1.387 1.3001 1.368 1.3301 1.3221 1.286 1.3631 6.5 14-Nitroaniline I 0.244 0.318 0.3341 0.231 0.2701 0.2871 0.281 0.2811 13.2 14,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol __ 1 0.102 0.111 0.1391 0.149 0.1601 0.1701 0.171 0.1431 19.1 IN-Nitrosodiphenyla~ine (1) __ 1 0.638 0.526 0.5011 0.485 0.4821 0.4691 0.448 0.5071 12.4 14-Bromopheny>phenylether_1 0.2BO 0.252 0.2531 0.251 0.2571 0.2591 0.267 0.2601 4.0 IH9xachlorobenzene I 0.295 0.251 0.2541 0.262 0.2471 0.253: 0.250 0.2591 6.5 I Pentachlorophenol I 0.132 0.1701 0.170 O.lBBI 0.186j 0.188 0.1721 12.4 I Phenanthrene I 1.029 0.965 0.8961 0.9321 0.9191 0.9421 0.978 0.9521 4.6 I Anthracene I 1.102 0.944 0.9561 0.9691 0.9941 1. 040 I 1. 042 1. 0071 5.71 I Carbazole I 0.932 0.882 0.8501 0.B091 0.6311 0.7191 0.705 0.7901 13.7 I Di-n-butylphthalate I 1. 236 1. 026 1.1551 1.135 I 1. 2351 1. 30~ I 1. 352 1. 2061 9.1 I Fluoranthene I 1.042 1.055 1.1181 1.0851 1.1231 1.1961 1.2141 1.1191 5.9 Ipyrene I 1.227 1.150 1.1221 1.1511 1.1551 1.2251 1.2591 1.1841 4.4 I Butylbenzylphthalate I 0.481 0.429 0.4991 0.4941 0.4951 0.5031 0.4791 0.4831 5.3 I Benzo (a) anthracene I 1.252 1.214 1.1881 1.2051 1.1741 1.2201 1.2041 1.2081 2.1 13,3'-Dichlorobenzidine I 0.460 0.466 0.4931 0.437 0.3181 0.3391 0.3901 0.4151 16.2 IChrysene I 1.090 0.9721 0.9911 0.990 0.9841 1.0181 1.0141 1.0081 3.9 Ibis (2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate __ 1 0.518 0.432 0.4961 0.506 0.4921 0.512 0.4581 0.4881 6.4 I Di-n-octylphthalate i 1.067 0.984 0.9351 0.976 0.9311 0.943 0.9171 0.9651 5.3 I Bcnzo (b) fl uoranthene I 1. 054 1. 136 1.160 I 1. 150 1. 2021 1. 155 1.178 I 1.1481 4.0 IBenzo(k)fluoranthene 1.2781 1.149 1.2331 1.258 1.2651 1.235 1.1311 1.2211 4.8 I Benzo (a) pyrene 1.1401 0.994 1.0651 1.074 1.1451 1.088 1.0661 1.0821 4.7 IIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.3301 1.256 1.3381 1.317 1.3621 1.32: 1.2441 1.3101 3.3 I~ibenzola,h)anthracene 1.0351 0.962 1.0581 1.085 1.0601 1.012 0.9611 1.0251 4.8 IBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.2011 1.041 1.1011 1.081 1.1621 1.093 1.0551 1.1051 5.2 IN-Nitrosodimethylamine 0.8421 0.685 0.6711 0.664 0.6701 0.692 0.6641 0.6981 9.2 I Aniline 1.7011 1.492 1.5531 1.544 1.5451 1.606 1.4921 1.5621 4.71 I Benzidine 0.5901 0.517 0.5391 0.443 0.2471 0.32B 0.3461 0.43010.9921 I Retene 0.5311 0.497 0.4871 0.503 0.5091 0.532 0.5051 0.5091 3.31 I perylene 1. 0871 1. 019 1. 0151 1. 046 1. 0431 1. 0821 1. 0451 1. 0481 2.61 1 Pyridine 1.4601 1.170 1.1501 1.092 1.1691 1.1871 1.1311 1.1941 10.21 11-T:lethylnaphthalene __ .. _ 0.7741 0.759 0.7681 0.7951 0.7811 0.8301 0.8451 0.7931 4.11 IAzobenzene (1 ,2-DP-Hydrazine I 1.394~ 1.374 1.3621 1.4131 1.2961 1.3091 1.2651 1.3451 4.11 I I I I I I I I I_I (1) Cannot be seperated from Diphenylamine <-Outside QC limits: \RSD <20% or R~2 > 0.990 page 2 of 3 FORM VI SV-2 6B SEMIVOLATILE 8270-D INITIAL CALIBRATION DATA Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCW1 Instrument ID: NT10 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Calibration Date: 04/21/16 I LAB FILE ID, RRFO.2=16042104 RRFO.5=16042110 RRF1 =16042105 I RRF2.5=16042108 RRF5 =16042102 RRFI0 =16042106 I RRF20 =16042103 I -----------------------~R=RF~'I~R~R~F~'I~R=R=F-,I~RR=F~'I~RR~F~'I ~R=R=F-,I-R=R~F~'I--~~-I~%=R~sD=-1 I COMPOUND I 0.2 I 0.5 I 1 I 2.5 I 5 I 10 20 I RRF I/R"2 I 1============"""--===-=======1======1======1======1======1======1====== ======1======1"====1 12,3,4,6-TetrachloroPhenol_1 0.4111 0.3691 0.3561 0.4151 0.4101 0.426 0.4301 0.4021 7.11 ITotal l!enzofluo::anthenes ___ 1 1.1091 1.1091 1.1561 1.1591 1.1781 1.136 1.1001 1.1351 2.61 1============================1======1======1======1======1======1====== ======1======1=====1 12-Fluorophenol I 1.3301 1.1021 1.0821 1.0781 1.1581 1.166 1.0891 1.1441 7.91 Ip~enol-05 I 1.4361 1.3471 1.3301 1.391[ 1.4351 1.500 1.4761 1.4161 4.51 12 Chlorophenol-04 1 1.5051 1.298 1.2761 1.2031 1.2331 1.250 1.1831 1.2781 8.41 11,2-Dichlorobenzene-04 I 1.0671 0.803 0.9101 0.9101 0.8701 0.900 0.8641 0.9031 9.01 I Nitrobenzene-d5 0.5271 0.461 0.4301 0.4701 0.4661 0.472 0.4621 0.4701 6.11 12-Fluorobiphenyl 1.3841 1.339 1.3371 1.312 1.2871 1.325 1.2971 1.3261 2.41 12,4,6-Tribromophenol 0.1481 0.141 0.2211 0.202 0.2171 0.235 0.2361 0.2001 19.81 I Terphenyl-014 0.8321 0.819 0.8641 0.841 0.8401 0.850 0.8001 0.8351 2.51 1 ____ -I I I I I 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I_I I I I I I 1 __ 1 I I I I I I_I I I I I I I_I I I 1 __ 1 I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I 1 __ 1 i I I I I I I I I 1==1 I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I 1 __ .1 ___ 1 I_I I I I I I I 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I_I <-Outside QC limits: %RSD <20% or R~2 > 0.990 page 3 of 3 FORM VI SV-3 sew i • Viir.iZf?8 7B SEMlVOLATlLE 8270-D OJNTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCW1 Instrument 10: NTI0 Init. calib. Date: 04/21/16 OJMPOUND ===~:==========~============ Phenol Bis(2-CfiloroethyI)ether 2-Chlorophenol l,3-Dichlorobenzene l,4-Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl alcohol 2,2 '-oxybis (l-Chloropropane) 2-Methylphenol Hexachloroethane N-Nitroso-di-n-propyla~ne 4-Methylphenol -- Nitrobenzene Isophorone 2-Nitrophenol 2,4-Dimethy1phenoI Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 2,4-Dichlorophenol -- 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Benzoic acid 4 -Chloroanillne Hexachlorobutadiene 4-Ch1oro-3-methylphenoI 2-Methylnaphthalene Hexach1orocyclopentad~ene 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol - 2,4,5-Trichloropheno1 2-Chloronaphthalene 2 -Ni troaniline Acenaphthylene Dimethylphthalate 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Acenaphthene 3-Nitroaniline 2,4-DinitrophenoI Dibenzofuran <-Exceeds QC l~m~t of 20% D * RF less than minimum RF page 1 of 3 caJ..All\t or ARF ====== 1.554 1.160 1.272 1.522 1.481 1.392 0.758 5.000 1.064 0.716 0.984 1.150 0.470 0.759 0.217 0.463 0.379 0.336 0.419 0.966 20.00 0.401 0.324 0.382 0.765 0.538 0.413 0.442 1.092 0.381 1.566 1.351 0.304 1.005 0.266 20.00 1.555 client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING Cant. Calib. Date: 07/13/16 Cant. Calib. Time: 1705 CC Arnt MIN CURVE %D or or RF RRF TYPE Drift ====== ----------===== 1.732 0.800 AVRG 11.4 1. 029 0.700 AVRfJ -11.3 1.260 0.800 AVRG -0.9 1.468 0.010 AVRG -3.5 1.480 0.010 AVRG -0.1 1.388 0.010 AVRG -0.3 0.791 0.010 AVRG 4.4 5.417 0.010 20RDR 8.3 1.127 0.700 AVRG 5.9 0.847 0.300 AVRG 18.3 1.148 0.500 AVRG 16.7 1.134 0.600 AVRG -1.4 0.581 0.200 AVRG 23.6 0.857 0.400 AVRG 12.9 0.213 0.100 AVRG -1.8 0.466 0.200 AVRG 0.6 0.390 0.300 AVRfJ 2.9 0.360 0.200 AVRG 7.1 0.433 0.010 AVRG 3.3 0.975 0.700 AVRG 0.9 16.62 0.010 20RDR -16.9 0.420 0.010 AVRG 4.7 0.395 0.010 AVRG 21. 9 <- 0.447 0.200 AVRG 17.0 0.815 0.400 AVRG 6.5 0.582 0.050 AVRG 8.2 0.460 0.200 AVRG 11.4 0.493 0.200 AVRfJ 11.5 1.165 0.800 AVRG 6.7 0.523 0.010 AVRG 37.3 <- 1.486 0.900 AVRG -5.1 1.421 0.010 AVRfJ 5.2 0.304 0.200 AVRG 0.0 1.033 0.900 AVRG 2.8 0.260 0.010 AVRG -2.2 13 .54 0.010 20RDR -32.3 <- 1.644 0.800 AVRG 5.7 FORM VII SV-1 7C SEMIVOLATILE 8270-D CONTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCW1 Instrument ID: NT10 Init. Calib. Date: 04/21/16 ca.lAAlt COMPOUND or ARF ----------================== ==::0=== 4-Nitrophenol 0.331 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.413 Fluorene 1.267 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether __ 0.780 Diethylphthalate 1.363 4-Nitroaniline 0.281 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.143 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine(l)-=: 0.507 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether_ 0.260 Hexachlorobenzene 0.259 Pentachlorophenol 0.172 Phenanthrene 0.952 Anthracene 1.007 Carbazole 0.790 Oi-n-butylphthalate 1.206 Fluoranthene 1.119 Pyrene 1.184 Butylbenzylphthalate 0.483 Benzo(a) anthracene 1.208 3,3'-Dichlorobenzid~ne 0.415 Chrysene 1.008 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.488 Di-n-octylphthalate --0.965 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.148 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.221 Benzo(a)pyrene 1. 082 Indeno(1 ,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.310 Dibenzo(a,h) anthracene 1.025 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.105 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 0.698 Aniline 1.562 Benzidine 10.00 Retene 0.509 Perylene 1.048 Pyridine 1.194 l-methylnaphthalene 0.793 ( 1) Cannot be se rated from D~ hen pa p y <-Exceeds QC limit of 20% D * RF less than minimum RF page 2 of 3 Client: LlDYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Cont. Calib. Date: 07/13/16 Cont. calib. Time: 1705 CC Amt MIN or RF RRF :;==== ===== 0.500 0.010 0.462 0.200 1.249 0.900 0.793 0.400 1.582 0.010 0.254 0.010 0.156 0.010 0.456 0.010 0.282 0.100 0.239 0.100 0.152 0.050 0.940 0.700 0.980 0.700 0.717 0.010 1.400 0.010 1.201 0.600 1.236 0.600 0.529 0.010 1.254 0.800 0.394 0.010 1. 000 0.700 0.613 0.010 0.906 0.010 1. 284 0.700 1.237 0.700 1.175 0.700 1.428 0.500 1.011 0.400 1.129 0.500 0.690 0.010 1. 624 0.010 4.570 0.010 0.002 0.010 1.078 0.010 1.192 0.010 0.876 0.010 am=e CURVE TYPE ----- AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG 20RDR AVRG AVRG AVRG AVRG %D or Drift -=--= 51. 0 11.9 -1.4 1.7 16.1 -9.6 9.1 -10.0 8.5 -7.7 -11.6 -1.3 -2.7 -9.2 16.1 7.3 4.4 9.5 3.8 -5.1 -0.8 25.6 -6.1 11.8 1.3 8.6 9.0 -1.4 2.2 -1.1 4.0 -54.3 -99.6 2.9 -0.2 10.S <- <- FORM VII SV-2 7C SEMIVOLATILE 8270-D CONTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCW1 Instrument ID: NT10 Init. calib. Date: 04/21/16 COMPOUND ============================ Azobenzene (1,2-DP-Hydrazine 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol_ Total Benzofluoranthenes ============================ 2-Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 2-Chlorophenol-d4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Nitrobenzene-d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Terphenyl-d14 , <-Exceeds QC l~m~t of 20% D * RF less than minimum RF page 3 of 3 Ca.l.Al11t or ARF ====== 1.345 0.402 1.135 ------------ 1.144 1.416 1.278 0.903 0.470 1. 326 0.200 0.835 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING Cont. Calib. Date: 07/13/16 Cont. Calib. Time: 1705 CC Arnt MIN CURVE %D or or RF RRF TYPE Drift ====== ----------====::;;; 1.833 0.010 AVRG 36.3 <- 0.411 0.010 AVRG 2.2 1.183 0.010 AVRG 4.2 ==::==== :;;;==== -----==:;;== 1.091 0.010 AVRG -4.6 1.397 0.010 AVRG -1.3 1.187 0.010 AVRG -7.1 0.877 0.010 AVRG -2.9 0.544 0.010 AVRG 15.7 1.326 0.010 AVRG 0.0 0.218 0.010 AVRG 9.0 0.831 0.010 AVRG -0.5 FORM VII SV-3 7B SEMIVOLATlLE 8270-D CONTINUING Cl\LIBRATION CHECK Lab Name: ANALYTICI\L RESOURCES ARI Job No: BC'W1 Instrument ID: NTI0 mit. calib. Date: 04/21/16 COMPOUND ============================ Phenol Bis (2-Chloroethyll ether 2-Chloropheno1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl alcohol 2,2'-oxybis(1-Chloropropane) 2-Methylphenol Hexachloroethane N-Nitroso-di-n-propylam~ne 4-Methylphenol - Nitrobenzene Isophorone 2-Nitrophenol 2,4-Dimethylph€riOl Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 2.4-Dichlorophenol - 1.2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Benzoic acid 4-Chloroanihne Hexachlorobutadiene 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2-Methylnaphthalene Hexachlorocyelopentad~ene 2,4.6-Trichlorophenol - 2,4,S-Trichlorophenol 2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Nitroaniline Acenaphthylene Dimethylphthalate 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Acenaphthene 3-Nitroaniline 2,4-Dinitrophenol Dibenzofuran . <-Exceeds QC hm~t of 20% D • RF less than minimum RF page 1 of 3 calAmt or ARF ====== 1.554 1.160 1.272 1.522 1.481 1.392 0.758 5.000 1.064 0.716 0.984 1.150 0.470 0.759 0.217 0.463 0.379 0.336 0.419 0.966 20.00 0.401 0.324 0.382 0.765 0.538 0.413 0.442 1. 092 0.381 1. 566 1.351 0.304 1.005 0.266 20.00 1.555 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj eet: BARBEE DREDGING Cont. calib. Date: 07/18/16 Cont. calib. Time: 1311 CC Amt MIN CURVE or RF RRF TYPE =====; ---------- 1.772 0.800 AVRG 1.036 0.700 AVRG 1.261 0.800 AVRG 1.486 0.010 AVRG 1.461 0.010 AVRG 1.390 0.010 AVRG 0.845 0.010 AVRG 4.891 0.010 20RDR 1.121 0.700 AVRG 0.948 0.300 AVRG 1.131 0.500 AVRG 1.092 0.600 AVRG 0.619 0.200 AVRG 0.892 0.400 AVRG 0.224 0.100 AVRG 0.476 0.200 AVRG 0.364 0.300 AVRG 0.377 0.200 AVRG 0.426 0.010 AVRG 0.938 0.700 AVRG 18.98 0.010 20RDR 0.413 0.010 AVRG 0.391 0.010 AVRG 0.461 0.200 AVRG 0.772 0.400 AVRG 0.590 0.050 AVRG 0.480 0.200 AVRG 0.480 0.200 AVRG 1.171 0.800 AVRG 0.566 0.010 AVRG 1.539 0.900 AVRG 1.469 0.010 AVRG 0.328 0.200 AVRG 1.015 0.900 AVRG 0.235 0.010 AVRG 21.99 0.010 20RDR 1.715 0.800 AVRG %D or Drift ===== 14.0 -10.7 -0.9 -2.4 -1.4 -0.1 11.5 -2.2 5.4 32.4 14.9 -5.0 31. 7 17.5 3.2 2.8 -4.0 12.2 1.7 -2.9 -5.1 3.0 20.7 20.7 0.9 9.7 16.2 8.6 7.2 48.6 -1. 7 8.7 7.9 1.0 -1l. 6 10.0 10.3 <- <- <- <- <- FORM VII SV-l oCwi·00V1A v.. 7C SEMIVOLATILE 8270-D CONTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCW1 client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Instrument ID: NT10 Project: BARBEE DREDGING C~nt. Calib. Date: 07/18/16 mit. Calib. Date; 04/21/16 Cont. Calib. Time; 1311 CalAmt CC Arnt COMPOUND or ARF or RF ============================ ====~~ ====== 4-Nitrophenol 0.331 0.527 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.413 0.461 Fluorene 1.267 1.257 4-Chlorophenyl phenylether 0.780 0.811 Diethylphthalate --1.363 1.613 4-Nitroaniline 0.281 0.252 4,6-Dinitro-2-methYlphenol __ 0.143 0.178 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine{l)_ 0.507 0.461 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 0.260 0.281 Hexachlorabenzene 0.259 0.277 Pentachlorophenol 0.172 0.156 Phenanthrene 0.952 0.991 Anthracene 1.007 1.014 Carbazole 0.790 0.604 Di-n-butylphthalate 1. 206 1.464 Fluoranthene 1.119 1.196 Pyrene 1.184 1.242 Butylbenzylphthalate 0.483 0.534 Benzo{a) anthracene 1.208 1.201 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 0.415 0.266 Chrysene 1. 008 0.979 bis{2-EthylfieXYl)phthalate 0.488 0.662 Di-n-octylphthalate --0.965 0.908 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.148 1.441 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.221 1.249 Benzo (a) pyrene 1.082 1.155 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.310 1.394 Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene 1.025 1.061 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.105 1.161 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 0.698 0.657 Aniline 1.562 1.631 Benzidine 10.00 4.094 Retene 0.509 0.002 Perylene 1.048 1. 057 Pyridine 1.194 1.165 I-methylnaphthalene 0.793 0.838 . (1) Cannot be separated from D~phenylam~ne <-Exceeds QC limit of 20% D * RF less than mininrum RF page 2 of 3 FORM VII SV-2 MIN CURVE %"D or RRF TYPE Drift ===== ---------- 0.010 AVRG 59.2 0.200 AVRG 11.6 0.900 AVRG -0.8 0.400 AVRG 4.0 0.010 AVRG 18.3 0.010 AVRG -10.3 0.010 AVRG 24.5 0.010 AVRG -9.1 0.100 AVRG 8.1 0.100 AVRG 6.9 0.050 AVRG -9.3 0.700 AVRG 4.1 0.700 AVRG 0.7 0.010 AVRG -23.5 0.010 AVRG 21.4 0.600 AVRG 6.9 0.600 AVRG 4.9 0.010 AVRG 10.6 0.800 AVRG -0.6 0.010 AVRG -35.9 0.700 AVRG -2.9 0.010 AVRG 35.6 0.010 AVRG -5.9 0.700 AVRG 25.5 0.700 AVRG 2.3 0.700 AVRG 6.7 0.500 AVRG 6.4 0.400 AVRG 3.5 0.500 AVRG 5.1 0.010 AVRG -5.9 0.010 AVRG 4.4 0.010 20RDR -59.1 0.010 AVRG -99.6 0.010 AVRG 0.8 0.010 AVRG -2.4 0.010 AVRG 5.7 <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- 7C SEMIVOLATILE 8270-D CONTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BCWI Instrument ID: NTIO Init. calib. Date: 04/21/16 COMPOUND ============================ Azobenzene (1,2-DP-Hydrazine 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Total Benzofluoranthenes - ============================ 2-Fluorophenol Phenol-dS 2-Chlorophenol-d4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene d4 Nitrobenzene-d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Terphenyl-d14 -< Exceeds QC l~m~t of 20% D * RF less than minimum RF page 3 of 3 Cal.Amt or ARF =;;;--== 1.345 0.402 1.135 ====== 1.144 1.416 1.278 0.903 0.470 1.326 0.200 0.835 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREOOING Cont. Calib. Date: 07/18/16 Cont. calib. Time: 1311 CC Amt MIN CURVE I'I>D or or RF RRF TYPE Drift ====== -------------------- 1. 957 0.010 AVRG 45.5 <- 0.429 0.010 AVRG 6.7 1.262 0.010 AVRG 11.2 ====== --------------- 1.122 0.010 AVRG -1. 9 1.380 0.010 AVRG -2.5 1.159 0.010 AVRG -9.3 0.876 0.010 AVRG -3.0 0.604 0.010 AVRG 28.5 <- 1.343 0.010 AVRG 1.3 0.228 0.010 AVRG 14.0 0.798 0.010 AVRG -4.4 FORM VII SV-3 dew i • 00ia8"~ 8B SEMIVOIATILE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES ARI Job No: BCW1 leal Midpoint ID: 16042102 Instrument ID: NTI0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ==========-- lCAL MIDPT UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT ============ CCAL UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT BCWILCSSI CRM143-050 07042016BARB 07042016BARB 07042016BARB IS1(DCB) AREA # :;;;;;=;::======= 45223 90446 22612 ========== 51556 32645 36213 44217 42768 40714 RT # ======= 8.96 ;:::===== 7.55 8.05 7.05 7.56 7.56 7.56 7.56 7.56 lSI ~ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 IS2 ~ Naphthalene-d8 IS3 ~ Acenaphthene-dl0 Project: BARBEE DREDGING leal Date: 04/21/16 Cant. cal Date: 07/13/16 IS2~NPT) AREA # RT # IS3 i?OO'J AREA # ========== =====;;;;;:= -=--====== 154192 11.45 109962 308384 219924 77096 54981 ==;:;======= ======= ========== 182401 9.97 135628 10.47 9.47 116160 9.97 74868 134127 9.97 80700 146457 9.97 90614 136095 9.97 88264 136433 9.97 87447 RT # -------------- 15.07 ======= 13 .52 14 .02 13.02 13.52 13.52 13.51 13.52 13.52 AREA UPPER LIMIT ~ +100% of internal standard area from leal midpoint AREA LOWER LIMIT ~ -50% of internal standard area from leal midpoint RT UPPER LIMIT ~ + 0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cant. cal RT LOWER LIMIT ~ -0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. cal * Values outside of QC limits. page 1 of 3 FORM VIII SV-l 8B SEMIVOLATILE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Ical Date: 04/21/16 ARI Job No: BCWI Ical Midpoint ID: 16042102 Instrument ID: NTI0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IS4~PHN) AREA # :::::::::;:::::========= ===-------lCAL MIDPT 206264 UPPER LIMIT 412528 LOWER LIMIT 103132 =======:;;;;=-------====== CCAL 264545 UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT BCWILCSSI 171639 CRM143-050 162101 07042016BARB 198311 07042016BARB 183579 07042016BARB 185483 1S4 ~ Phenanthrene-dlO IS5 ~ Chrysene-d12 1S6 ~ Perylene-d12 RT # -------------- 18.12 ======= 16.51 17.01 16.01 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.51 Cont. Cal Date: 07/13/16 IS5~~Y) AREA # RT # IS6~PRY) AREA # RT # ----------====::;:== ========== ------------------------ 236540 23.23 248744 25.88 473080 497488 118270 124372 ========== -----------------======= ----------------- 307106 21. 73 265133 24.07 22.23 24.57 21.23 23.57 197835 21. 72 149475 24.06 195161 21. 73 164773 24.06 182347 21. 72 167221 24.06 166381 21. 72 192206 24.06 173440 21. 73 169750 24.06 AREA UPPER LIMIT ~ +100% of internal standard area from Ical midpoint AREA LOWER LIMIT ~ -50% of internal standard area from Ical midpoint RT UPPER LIMIT ~ + 0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. Cal RT LOWER LIMIT --0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. Cal * Values outside of QC limits. page 2 of 3 FORM VIII SV-2 8B SEMIVOLATILE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES ARI Job No: BCW1 Project: BARBEE DREIX;ING leal Date: 04/21/16 Cant. cal Date: 07/13/16 leal Midpoint ID: 16042102 Instrument ID: NT10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IS7 AREA # RT # AREA # RT # AREA # RT # :;:=========== ====:::;;===== ======= ========== ======= ========== ======= lCAL MIDPT 324358 24.31 UPPER LIMIT 648716 LOWER LIMIT 162179 ============= ========== -------==--====== ===---------------------------- CCAL 389498 22.99 UPPER LIMIT 23.49 LOWER LIMIT 22.49 BCW1LCSS1 273668 22.99 CRM143-050 284224 22.99 07042016BARB 254558 22.99 07042016BARB 256459 22.99 07042016BARB 249539 22.99 IS7 -Di-n-octylphthalate-d4 AREA UPPER LIMIT -+100% of internal standard area from leal midpoint AREA LOWER LIMIT --50% of internal standard area from leal midpoint RT UPPER LIMIT = + 0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cant. Cal RT LOWER LIMIT = -0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cant. cal * Values outside of QC limits. page 3 of 3 FORM VIII SV-3 i"i.CW J. . 0l2iGB:::;, 8B SEMIVOLATILE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES ARI Job No; BCWI leal Midpoint ID: 16042102 Instrument ID: NTI0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ====~-------lCAL MIDPT UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT ============ CCAL UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT BCWIMBSI ISISDCB) AREA # === ... ==;;;;=== 45223 90446 22612 ========== 53382 34576 RT # ======= 8.96 ======= 7.28 7.78 6.78 7.29 lSI ~ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 IS2 ~ Naphthalene-d8 IS3 ~ Aeenaphthene-dl0 Project: BARBEE DREDGING leal Date: 04/21/16 Cont. cal Date: 07/18/16 IS2\NPT) # IS3 SANT} AREA # RT AREA # ----------======= ========== ---------- 154192 11.45 109962 308384 219924 77096 54981 ========== ===:;;:=== ========== 185221 9.69 135482 10.19 9.19 126761 9.68 77145 RT # ======= 15.07 ======= 13.22 13.72 12.72 13.21 AREA UPPER LIMIT AREA LOWER LIMIT RT UPPER LIMIT ~ RT LOWER LIMIT ~ +100% of internal standard area from leal midpoint = -50% of internal standard area from Ical midpoint + 0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. Cal -0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. cal • Values outside of QC limits. page 1 of 3 FORM VIII SV-l 8B SEMIVOLATlLE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES ARI Job No: BCWI leal Midpoint ID: 16042102 Instrument ID: NTI0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IS4 ~PHN) AREA # ============ ========== lCAL MIDPT 206264 UPPER LIMIT 412528 LOWER LIMIT 103132 ============ :;:;;;==;----- CCAL 260819 UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT BCWIMBS1 169232 184 = Phenanthrene-dl0 IS5 = Chrysene-dl2 IS6 = Perylene-dl2 RT # ======= 18.12 ---==== 16.18 16.68 15.68 16.18 project: BARBEE DREDGING leal Date: 04/21/16 Cont. Cal Date: 07/18/16 IS5~CRY) AREA # RT # IS6~PRY) AREA # ======:::=== ======= ========== 236540 23.23 248744 473080 497488 118270 124372 ========== ======= ====~===== 309206 21.42 253454 21.92 20.92 187479 21.40 170284 RT # ======= 25.88 ======= 23.75 24.25 23.25 23.73 AREA UPPER LIMIT = +100% of internal standard area from leal midpoint AREA LOWER LIMIT = -50% of internal standard area from leal midpoint RT UPPER LIMIT = + 0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. cal RT LOWER LIMIT = -0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. cal * Values outside of QC limits. page 2 of 3 FORM VIII SV-2 8B SEMIVOLATILE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No: BOIL Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING leal Date: 04/21/16 leal Midpoint ID: 16042102 Instrument !D: NT10 Cant. cal Date: 07/18/16 IS7 AREA # RT # AREA # RT # AREA # RT # ~~~~~~~~==== ========== ======= ~========= ======= ========== ~====== lCAL MIDPT UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT 324358 24.31 648716 162179 =========~== ========== ======= ==--------======= =====-----======= CCAL UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT 378634 22.72 23.22 22.22 01 BCW1MBSl 247316 22.70 02 __________ 1 ____ -----___ 1 _____ ---- 03 _________ 1 ___ -----____ 1 _____ ---- 04 ____________________ 1 ______ _ OS ______________________ 1 ________ _ 06 _____ 1 _______ 1 ____ ---1------- 07 ______ 1 _____ ---1 _____ ----1-------- 08 ______ 1 ________ 1 _____ ----1-------- 09 ______ 1 ________ 1 _____ 1 ____ 1 _____ --- 10 _____ 1 ____ ---_____ 1 ____ 1 _____ ---- 11 _____ 1 ____ 1 ___ 1 ____ 1 ________ --- 12 ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ 1 _____ 1 ___________ _ 13 14 15 ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ 1 _________ 1 _____ --- 16 _____ 1 ____ 1 ___ 1 _______ 1 ____ --- 17 ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ -----____ 1 _______ _ 18 ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ -----____ 1 _____ --- 19 _____ 1 ____ 1 ___ -----____ 1 _____ ---- 20 ______ , _____ , ____________ , _______ _ IS7 = Di-n-oetylphthalate-d4 AREA UPPER LIMIT = +100% of internal standard area from leal midpoint AREA LOWER LIMIT = -50% of internal standard area from leal midpoint RT UPPER LIMIT = + 0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. cal RT LOWER LIMIT = -0.50 minutes of internal standard RT from Cont. Cal • Values outside of QC limits. page 3 of 3 FORM VIII SV-3 Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants 14 November 2016 Michael Lloyd I.loyd & Associates 38210 SE 92nd Street Snoqualmie. WA 98065 RE: Barbee Dredging Please find enclosed sample receipt documentation and analytical results tor samples from the project referenced above. Sample analyses were perf(mned according to ARI's Quality Assurance Plan and any provided project specific Quality Assurance Plan. Each analytical section ofthis report has been approved and reviev,:ed by an analytical peer. the appropriate I.aboratol)' Supervisor or qualitied substitute. and a technical reviewer. Should you ha\'c any questions or problems. please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Associated Work Order(s) 16)0436 Associated SOU J[)(s) NiA I certify that this data package is in compliance \",'ith the terms and conditions ofthe contract, both technically and for completeness. for other than the conditions detailed in the enclose Narrative. ARt an accredited laboratory. certities that the report results for vV'hich ARI is accredited meets all the reqirements of the accrediting body. A list of certified analyses, accreditations. and expiration dates is included in this report. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or hislher designee. as verified by the follow'ing signature. Analytical Resources. Inc. ( Ihl' 1l'.I'lII/I' m 1111.1' r<'[mrl app~r II! Ihl' IUll/ptl'_1 allal.l':cd 111 an'urdmKI' "'!Iii IIie chulII 0/ (,!1.'I()(~\·dl!qtrnclII. /JIll (}lIall'{j("u/ reporl 11111'1 he repmd/I(','d 1!1!11 /!II/II\'/\ Cheronne Oreiro. f'roject Manager Page 1 of 378 Cerl~ 10001)6 PJLA Testing ,A,ccred,la\,on '" 66169 • Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Analytical Report Lloyd & Associates 38210 SF 92nd Street Snoqualmie WA, 9R065 Sample receipt Project Barbee Dredging Pro.lectNumber 2016-1 Barbee Proiect \1anager Michael Lloyd Case Narrative Reported: 14-]\;0,,-201613S, One sediment sample was removed from frozen archive on October 24,2016 and logged under ARI workorder 16J0423. For details regarding sample receipt, please refer to the Cooler Receipt Form. Antimony -EPA Method SW6020A The sample and associated laboratory QC were digested and analyzed within the recommended holding times. The method blank was clean at the reporting limits. The LCS percent recoveries were within control limits. ERA 0088-540 was analyzed as a reference material. The matrix spike percent recovery of 07042016BARBEE-C fell outside the control limits low for sample 07042016BARBEE-C. A post digestion spike was analyzed and the recovery was within control limits . All relevant data have been flagged with a "*" qualifier. No further corrective action was taken. The duplicate RPD was within control limits. 2_4.Dimethylphenol • EPA Method SW82Z0P§IM The sample and associated laboratory QC were extracted and analyzed within the recommended holding times. Initial calibrations and initial calibration verifications were within method requirements. The internal standard area of Perylene-d12 fell outside the control limits low for BEK0139-BLK1. All other internal standard areas were within limits. No corrective action was taken. The surrogate percent recovery of p-Terphenyl-d14 was outside the control limits high for BEK0139-BLK1. All other percent recoveries were within control limits. No corrective action was taken. 2,4-Dimethylphenol was present in BEK0139-BLK1 at a level that was greater than the reporting limit The associated sample result was undetected for this compound. No corrective action was taken. The LCS percent recovery was within control limits. CRM 143-50G was analyzed as a reference material. The matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate percent recoveries were within limits. Page 2 of 378 Chain of Custody Record & Laboratory Analysis Request AAI Assigned Number: 'Y>e.-W \ Tum-around Requested: Page, , 01 Analytical Resources, Incorporilted • Analytical Chemists and Consultant " w '" ro '" S. ~ '" S"~A.I b " "''''- "RI Cient Company: Phone: ¢.. ~f8. ' ~ Li.-t>';'C>.L Ll .-, .rllI-jC;:!> ~NC! 25-'5-( I~ 7i ¥/ Ztrt I ~esent? ,*-5 CI'8A1;;tacr: No-of t Cooler ),t ". iJ .ll '" '-LLC¥!> CooIets: T_: Cli.nr.:t';:~ 12K1?~b-.L.Id... &- Analysis R 1~ ~ ~~ I~t CI;ent-'2"~!£, I ~O~ ~e.. ... /."'./'" . LL~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Sample ID Date TIme Matrix ""eo. ....... ~t-~ \') () '7Oil-2dt. fbJ ~n,",. 7/"11 /3 6 C; s"r->. Is :2-/ J Z-;z. , IIShed bJ. ComrnentsfSpeciaJ Instructions :.'1t ~~zk~ {. -'" ~~ _.7. ~ ,_. ---e~05/~ of=' Prj. L/ Prir'CedN.8I'fI1!J: • 4611 South 134th Place, Suite 100 Tukwila, WA 98168 206-695-6200 206-695-6201 (fax) www.arilabs.com NotesIComments i ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ / 2-2- ............ ' (SigflalJrel I --Prtnted Narne; I 0; t :[ I'" S~7:>-lJ 5~0~ R. M ... LC" 1Il. .. , Ll C>I'b Prl .... N~, ~ lc.-i2 <-~"'-.'-'I t--. J L;..~~ 1"-" AtL1:. """""" . I"""""'" _____ ~E?J;r3. D;rD~Cw... CJC/ z. ; rD.' .. 7,C;'1 ~ Dal&' Time: DaM&TirnI!I: O"/l.) -------IS lSI Um!Is 01 LIsbIIt/y: ARI wI/J perform .11 requested services in accordance wtIh appropriate methodology IoIlowing ARt Standard OpenJbng PfOC6Iiu£es and the ARI 0ua6/y Assurance Program. This program ~I meets standards tor Ihs industry. The tolaJ liability of ARI. its officBrs, agents, smpIoyoos, or successors, srisirtg out of Of in connection with the requested services, shaIJ not exceed Ih8 invoiced amount for ~j said services. The acceptance by the client of a praposa/fer services by ARI release ARI from any IlabiUty in excess thereof, not withstanding any provision to the contraty in any contract, purchase order or CD~ tLi signed agreement between ARI and fb9 CJisnt. Simple Retention Policy: All samples submitted to ARI will be atJI)ropriately cflscarded no sooner than 90 days after fecl!!ipt or SO days after submission of hardcopy data, whichever is longer, unless alternate retention schedules have been established by work~Drder or contract. ! Form I .. Analytical Resources, Incorporated , Analytical Chemists and Consultants Laboratory: Anal~ltical Resources, Inc. Client: Llo:Y'd & Associates Matrix: Soil Sampled: 0710411613:00 Solids: Ratch: BEK0139 Instrument: NT10 CAS NO. COMPOUND 105-67-9 2A-Dimethylphenol SliRROGATES 2-Fluorophenol p-Terphenyl-d14 Page 142 of 378 ORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EPA 8270D-SIM 8270D Sa1 Dual Scan I,aboratory I D: 16J0436-01 Prepared: 11/04/1612:15 Preparation: EPA 3546 {Microwave) Sequence: SEK0126 Column: 7B-5MSi DILUTION CONe (ug.'kg wet) 1 191 ADDED (ug/kg wet) CONe (UIl''\.;!! wet) 573 83 118 382.56 390 11704211168A RBE E-C SDG: 16J0436 Project; Barbee Dredging File 10: N1016110907.D Analyzed: 1110911614:51 InitiaVFinal: 13.07 gil mL Calibration: ZHOO023 Q DL RL U 78 19.1 %REC QC LIMITS Q 55.4 27 -120 102 37 -120 I"II!!iJJ.. Anal)'tkal ~,. RMourcl!5, ~ Incorporated l.aooratory: Analylicai Resources. Inc. Client: Llo):·J & Associates Matrix: Solid Sampled: NIA Solids: Batch: IlEKOl39 Instrument: NTiO CAS NO. COMPOUND 105-67-9 2.4-Dimethylphenol SURROGATES 2-Fluorophenol p-Terphenyl-d 14 Page 150 of 378 Form I METHOD BLANK DATA SHEET EPA 8270D-SIM Laooratory I D: BEKOI39-IlLKI Prepared: 1110411612:15 Preparation: EPA 3546 {Micrmvuve} Sequence: SEK0126 Column: ZB-SMSi IJILUTION CONe. (uglkg wet) I 29.5 ADDED (ugAg wet) CONC (lig/k~ wet) 750.00 390 5UO.00 775 Blank SOu: 16J0436 Project: Barbee Dredging File 1D: N1016110903.D Analyzed: 11109116 12:27 Initial/Final: 10 gil mL Calibration: ZHOO023 Q DL RL 10.2 25.0 %REC QC LIMITS Q 52.0 27 -120 155 37 -120 • ., Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants Laboratory: Analytical Rcsourcc:i, Inc. Client: Lloyd & Associates Matrix: Solid Ratch: IlEKOl39 Preparation: EPA 3546lMicrowave} Initial/Final' 10./ I mL COMPOUND 2A-Dimethylphenol '" Values outside ofQC il1TI1ts Page 173 of 378 LCS I LCS DUPLICATE RECOVERY EPA 8270D-SIM SDG: 16J0436 Project: Barbee Dredging Analyzed: 11/09/1613:03 Laboratory 10: BEKOI39-BS I Sequence Name: LCS SPIKE LCS ADDED CONCENTRATION (ug/kg wet) (ug/kg wet) 1500 786 LCS QC % LIMITS REC # REC'. 52.4 10 -120 Laboratory: Client: Matrix: Batch: Preparation: Initial/Final: Analytical Resources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants MS / MS DUPLICATE RECOVERY EPA 8270D-SIM Analxtical Resources Inc. SDG: L10vd & Associ(ltes Project: Solid Analyzed: BEKOl39 Laboratory 10: EPA 3546 (Microw~lVel Sequence Name:: 13.05 g II mL Source Sample: SPIKE SAMPLE 16J0436 Barbee Drt!ugin8 11109/1615:27 BEKO 139-MS I Matrix SQike 07042016BARBEE-C MS ADDED CONCENIRAI"lON CONCENTRAIION COMPOUND lug/kg dry) luglkg dry) lug/kg dry) 2,4-Dimeth) Iphenol 1430 ND 1040 * Values outside at ()C bnuts Page 198 of 378 070420168AR8EE-C MS QC % LIMITS REC. # RFC. 73.3 10 -120 Analytical Resources. Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consultants MS I MS DUPLICATE RECOVERY EPA 8270D-SIM Laboratol)' : Analvtical Resources Inc. SDG: Client: Lloyd & Associates Project: Matrix: Solid Analyzed: Batch: BEKOl39 Laboratory 10: Preparation: EPA 3546 (Microwave) Sequence Name:: Initial/Final: 13.04 gil mL Source Sample: SPIKE MSD MSD ADDED CONCENTRATION % COMPOUND (uglkg dry) (uglkg dry) REC. # 2.4-Dimethylphenol 1430 1020 71. 7 * Values outside ot QC IUTIlts Page 199 of 378 07042016BARBEE-C 16J0436 Barbee Dredging 1110911616:03 BEKO 139-MSD I Matrix S[!ike Dun 07042016BARBEE-C QC LIMITS ~/O RI'l) # RPD REC. 2.13 30 10 -120 ~ Ana~tic~ ~,. Resource!, ~ Incorporated STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL RECOVERY EPA 8270D-SIM Laboratory: Analvtical Resources Inc. Client: Lloyd & Associates Matrix: Solid Batch: BEKOl39 Preparation: EPA 3546 <Microwave} Standard 10' C002847 D 'fon' CRM 143 50(' escnp I -, TR(:E ANALYTE (ug/kg wet) 2.4-Dimethylphenol 5172.4 * Values outsIde at Q( limIts Page 228 of 378 SDG: 16J0436 Project: Barbee Dredging Laboratory 10: AEK0I.19-SRMI Initial/Final: 2.03 gil mL Analyzed: 1110912016 14:15 E ' xplres: 12rll2017 0 SRM FOlIND % (ug/kg wet) REC. 5630 1119 QC LIMITS REC. 57 -144 Pesticide Analysis Report and Summary QC Forms ARI Job ID: BeWl 7. P~ .... ticidl: .\Ilal;.:-..i..., BCWi;00i09 ANALYTICAL 1& RESOURCES~ INCORPORATED ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Pest.c.des/PCB by GC/ECD Extraction Method: SW3546 Sample ID: 07042016BAR8EE-C SlIMPLE Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: BCW1A LIMS 10: 16-10088 Matrix; Sediment Data Release Authorized:\)) Reported: :1/08/16 . Oate Extracted: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/14/16 19:03 Instrwnent/Analysc: ECD6/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sulfur Cleanup: Yes Florisil Cleanup: No Acid Cleanup: No CAS Number Analyte QC Report No: BOll-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Projecl: BARBEE DRgDGI~G 2016-1 5MBEL Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/]6 Sample Amounl: 12.8 g-dry-w( F'inal E.xtract Volume: 2.5 mL DiluLioTi ~actor: 1.00 Silica Gel: Yes Percerlt Moisture: 20.3~ RL Result --------,-,---,.,._---" ._-- :>19-85-7 beta-BHC 0.49 < 0.49 U 76-44-8 Heptachlor 0.49 < 0.49 U 309-00-2 Aldrin 0.49 < 0.49 U 60-57-1 Dieldrin 0.98 < 0.98 U 72-55-9 4,4'-00£ 0.98 < 0.98 U 72-54 -8 4,4 1 -DDD 0.98 < 0.98 U 50-29-3 4,4 1 -DOT 0.98 < 0.98 U 53494-70-5 Endrin Ketone 0.98 < 0.98 U 5103-74-2 trans-Chlordane # 0.49 < 0.49 U 5103-71-9 cis-Chlordane $ 0.49 < 0.49 U 789-02-6 2,4'-DDT 0.98 < 0.98 U 3424-82-6 2,4'-008 0.98 < 0.98 U '·3-19-0 2,4'-ODO 0.98 < 0.98 U ,7304-13-8 Q>;Y Chlordane 0.98 < 0.98 U 0103-73-1 cis-Nonachlor 0.98 < 0.98 U 39765-80-5 trans -Nortachlor 0.98 < 0.98 U Reported in ~g/kg (ppb) Pest/PCB Surrogate Recovery Decachlorob>phenyl 78.5% Tetrachlorometaxylene 89.2% P This analyte (CAS registry No. 5103-74-2) is named trans-Chlordane in EPA Method 8081B(feb 2007). It has also been named beta-Chlordane. $ This analyte (CAS registry No. 5103-1}-9) is named cis-Chlordane 1n EPA Method 8081B(feb 2007). It has alse been named alpha-Chlordane. FORM I f'~ , >c}' .'/ •... ; 110 .AU"L~C.",., Sample 10: SRM SRM 1944 ANALYTICAl.. t& RESOURCES' INCORPORATED ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Pesticides/PCB by GC/ECD Extraction Method, SW3546 STANDARD REFERENCE Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: SRM SRM 1944 LIMS 10: 16-10088 MatrIx: Sediment Data Release Author i zed: ,{to f Reported: 11/08116 Date ~xtracted: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/,4/l6 18:45 Instrument/Analyst: £CD6/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sulfur Cleanup: Yes Florisil Cleanup: No Acid Cleanup: No CAS Number 319-85-7 76-44-8 309-00-2 60-57-1 72-55-9 72-54-8 50-29-3 53494-70-5 5103-74-2 5103-71-9 789-02-6 3424-82-6 53-19-0 27304-13-8 5103-73-1 39765-80-5 Analyte beta-BHC Heptachlor Aldrin Dieldrin 4,4 '-DOE 4,4'-00D 4,4'-DDT Endrin Ketone trans-Chlordane cis-Chlordane 2.4'-001' 2,4'-DDE 2,4'-000 oxy Chlordane cis-Nonachlor trans-Nonachlor QC Repo:rt No: BCWI-I..loyd & ASSOclates. In:::. ProJect: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled, NA Date Received~ NA Sample Amount: 2.50 g-dry-wt rlna~ Extract Vclume: 2.5 mL Dilution f'actor: : .00 Silica Gel: Yes Percent Moisture: 1.3% RL Result 350 < 350 Y 2.5 6.5 2.5 < 2.5 U 16 < 16 Y 130 < 130 'i 5.0 68 5.0 150 100 < 100 Y 2.5 41 p 2.5 26 p 5.0 < 5.0 U 18 < 18 Y 76 < 76 Y 5.0 68 P 5.0 < 5.0 J 5.0 160 Reported in ~g/kg (ppb) Pest/PCB Surrogate Recovery Decachlorobiphenyl Tetrachlorometaxylene FORM I NR 104% (DCBP) (TCMXi sweoal PESTICIDE SOIL/SEDIMENT SURROGA~E RECOVERY SUMMARY ANALYTICAL!&. RESOURCES. INCOfIPORATED Q(; ~epcrt ~o: Prcjec:: 3CWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. BARB~E DRLDGING 2016-: [;ARBEE Client ID MB-P07l6 LCS-Ci7(l71E SRM SRM 1944 07042016BARBEE-C 07042016BARBEE-C HS 07042016BARBEE-C MSD Decadtlorobiphenyl Tetrachloroffietaxylene DCBP 110% 79.5% NR 78.5~ lOa;' 110* TCHX ~~ OU~ 73.W' 0 47.2% 0 104< 0 89.2'1 0 82.0, 0 76.0% 0 QC LIMI~S :3C-160i ;3C-lOOi Prep ~1e:hod; 5W3546 Log Nu;nber Ra:1ge: 16-lCOB8 Co 16-10088 FORM-II swe081 Page 1 fer Be{\'2. ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSODA Pest~c~des/PCB by Ge/seo Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: BCWlA LIMS 10: 16-10088 Mar..rix: Sediment Data Release Author i zed; (\ \ Reported: 11 /08/16 "1-/ Date Extracted MS/MSO: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed MS: 07/14/16 19:22 MSO: 07/14/16 19:40 Instrument/Analyst MS: ECD6/YZ MSD: ECD6/ yz GPC Cleanup: Yes Sulfur Cleanup: YeS Florisil Cleanup: No Acid Cleanup: No Ana~yt.Q ---- beta-SHe Heptachlor l\ldrin DieldLin 4, 4: '~ODE 4,4'-DOO 4.4 '-DOT Endrin Ketone trans-Chlordane cis-Chlordane Reported in ~g/kg (ppb) Sample < 0.489 < 0.489 < 0.489 < 0.918 < 0.918 < 0.978 < 0 .978 < 0 .978 < 0 .469 < 0 .489 MS 2.72 2.78 2.45 4.70 5.21 6.90 5.67 5.61 2.11 2.57 ANALYTICAL ... RESOURCES \i!IJI' INCORPORATED Sample IO: 01042016BARBEE-C MS/MSD QC Report Mo: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Sample Amount MS: 12.8 g-dry-wt MSD: 12.8 q-dry-wt Pinal Extract Volume MS: 2.5 mL MSD: 2.5 mL Dilution Factor MS: 1. 00 MSD: 1. 00 Silica. Gel: Yes Percent Moisture: 20.3% Spike MS SpikE! MSD Added-MS Recovery MSO Addad~MSD ReCOVGry !<PD 3.90 69.7% 3.60 P 3.91 92. ~% 27.8% p 3.90 71. 3% 2.62 p 3.91 67.0% 5.9\ 3.90 62.8% 2.55 3.91 65.2% 4.0't 7.80 60.3\ 4.89 7.82 62.5% 4.0% P 7.80 66.8% 4.79 7.82 61.3% 8.4% p 7.80 88.5% 6.85 P 7.82 87.6% 0.7% 7.80 72.7\ 6.69 p 7.82 85.5% 16.5% 7.80 72.7% 5.99 7.82 76.6% 5.5\ P 3.90 69.5% 2.51 3.91 6'1,2% 7 . 7. 3.90 65.9% 2.22 3.91 56.8% 14.6% RPD calculated using sample concentrations per SW846. FORM III ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES \gI INCORPORATED ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Pesticides/PCB by GC/ECD Extraction Method: SW3546 Sample 10, 07042016BARBEE-C MATRIX SPIKE Page 1 0 f 1 Lab Sample 10: BCWIA LIMS 10, 16-10088 ~atrix: sediment Data Helease Authoril.ed:~j Reported, 11/08/16 Date ~xtracted: 01/01/16 Date Analyzed; 07/14/[6 19:22 Instrument/Analys-:..: ECD6/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sulfur Cleanup: Yes Florisil Cleanup: Ne> Acid Cleanup: No CAS Number 319-85-7 76-44-8 309-00-2 60·57-1 72-55-9 72-54 -8 50-29-3 53494-70-5 5103-74-2 5103-71-9 -189-02-6 3424-82-6 53-19-0 27304-13-8 5103-7 3-1 39765-80-5 Analyte beLa-8He Heptachlor Aldrir. Dieldrin 4,4'-DDE 4 J ql-DDD 4,4'-OOT Endrin Ketone trans-Chlordane cis-Chlordane 2,4'-DDT 2,4'-DDE 2,4'-ODD oxy Chlordane cis-Nonachior trans-Nonachlor QC RepoL-t No: SeWl -Lloyd &-Associates, lnc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BAR9EE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 0"7/05/16 Sample Am-:)unt: 12.8 g-dry-wt }'inal E~tract Volume: 2.5 mt Oi lutlon Fa:::tor: 1.00 Sllica Gel: Yes Percent Moisture: 20.3% RL 0.49 0,49 0,49 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.49 0.49 0.98 0.98 0.98 C . 98 0.98 0.98 Result < 0.98 U < 0.98 U < 0.98 U < 0.98 U < 0.98 U < 0.98 U Reported in pg/kg (ppb) Pest/PCB Surrogate Recovery Dccachloroblpherlyl Tetrachlorometaxylene FORM I 100% 82.0% ANALYTICAL 1& RESOURCES 'U' INCORPORATED ORGANICS ANALYSIS OA~A SHEET PSODA Pesticides/PCB by GC/ECD Extraction M@thod: SW3546 Sample IO: 07042016BARBEE-C MA~IX SpIKE OUP Page 1 of 1 l.b Sample 10: BCWIA LIMS ZO: 16-10088 ~:~: i ~~ l!:~!m~~~hor 1 zed t\ Reporled: 11/08 /! 6 Dale Extracted: 07/07/16 D.ce Analyzed: 07/14/16 19:40 Instrument/Analyst: 8CD6/YZ GPC Cleanup: Yes Sulfur Cleanup: Yes florisil Cleanup: No ~c1d Cleanup: No CAS Number 3i9-85-1 7/;-44-8 309·00-2 60-57-] 72-55-9 72-54-8 50-29-3 53494-70-5 5103-14-2 5103-71-9 789 02 6 3424-82··6 53-19-0 27304-13-8 5103-73·1 39765-80-5 AnaJ.yte beta-SHe Heptachlor Aldrll'l. Dieldrin 4/~'-ODE 4, 4 •. 000 4,4'-OOT Endrin Ketone ttans-Chlordane cis-Chlordane 2,4 I -DDT 2,4'-ODE 2/4'-00D oxy Chlordane cis·-Nonachlor l.!"ans-Nonachlor QC Report No: ECWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Jate Received: 07/05/16 Sample Amount: 12.8 g-dry-wt Final E:xtract Volume: 2.5 rnL Dilution Fa~tQr: 1.00 Silica Gel: Yes Percent Moisture: 20.3% RL 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.49 0.49 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 < < < < < < Result 0.98 u 0.98 u 0.98 u 0.98 U 0.98 u 0.98 U Reported 1n ~g/kg (ppbl Pest/PCB Surrogate Recovery Decachlorobiphonyl Tetrachlorometaxylene FORM I 110. 76.0% , "I ' ,I, c\u, ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA Pesticides/PCB by GC/ECD Psge 1 of 1 Lab Sample 10: LCS ·070116 LIMS I:J: 16-100B8 Matrix: Sediment {. Data Release Authorized:~ . Reported: !l/OBfl6 ' Date Extrac~cd: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/,4/16 17:50 Instrument../Analyst: ECD6/'{Z GPC Cleanup: Yes Sulfur Cleanup: Yes rlor~sil Cleanup: No ACld Cleanup: No Analyt" betCl-BHe Heptachlor Aldrin Dieldrin 4,4'-DD.o 4,4'-00D 4,4'-DDT Endrin Ketone trans-Chlordane cis-Chlordane Sample ID: LCS-010116 LAB CONTROL ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES. INCORPORATED QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associate.5, Inc. ?roject: BARBEE uREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Dale Received: 07/05/16 Sample Amount: 1 ~ . 5 g -dry -wt. Final Extroct Volume: 2.5 mL Dilution factor: 1,00 Silica Gel: Yes Percent Moisture: NA Lab Spike Control Added Recovery ---_. 2.30 4,00 57.5\ 2,04 4.00 51. 0\ 1.96 4,00 49.0\ 4,B2 8,00 60.2% 4.66 8,00 5B.2% 7,16 p 8.00 91.0% 7.3B 8,00 92.2% 6.5B B,OO 82.2% 2.28 4.00 57.0% 2.U 4,00 53.5\ Pest/PCB Surrogate Recove~y Decachlorobiphenyl Tetrachlorometaxylene 79.5% 47,2% Repo=ted in ~g/kg (ppbl FORM III FORM 4 BLANK NO. PESTICIDE METHOD BLANK SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BOIl Lab Sample ID: BCW1MBSI Date Extracted: 07/07/16 Date Analyzed: 07/14/16 Time Analyzed: 1731 BCW1MBSI Client: LLYOYD Project: BARBEE DREDGING Lab File ID: 16071414 Matrix: SOLID Instrument ID: ECD6 GC columns: STX-CLP1/STX-CLP2 THIS METHOD BLANK APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES, MS and MSD: CLIENT SAMPLE NO. LAB DATE . S1\MPLE ID ANALYZED ;========= ______ ;;;;;;0:,.;;:;::;::::::========== m ___ ====;;:= 01 BCW1LCSS1 02 SRM 1944 03 07042016BARBEE-C 04 07042016BARBEE-MS 05 07042016BARBEE-MSD • BCW1LCSS1 iBCW1SRMl BOllA BCWlAMS BCWlAMSD ALL RUNS ARE DUAL COLUMN page 1 of 1 FORM IV PCB 07/14/16 07/14/16 07/14/16 07/14/16 07/14/16 Dew ~ • 100 i i -j ORGANICS ANALYSIS OATA SHEET PSDOA Pesticides/~CB by GC/ECD Extract~on Method: SW3546 Page 1 a E 1 Sample IO: MB-070716 METHOD BLANK ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES"" INCORPORATED Lab Sample 10, MB-070716 L1MS 10, 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment QC R@port No: BCWl-Lloyd. & AssoC.lates, Inc, ProJect: BARBSE DREDGING Data Release Authorized: V Repo<ted, 11/08/16 Date Extr~cted: 07/07/16 ~.te Analyzed, 07/14/16 17,31 Instrument/Analyst: EC06/YZ GPC CI@anup: Yes Sulfur Cleanup: Yes Florisil Clean~p: No ACld Cleanup: No CAS Number 319-85-7 76-44-8 309-00-2 60-57-1 72-55-9 72-54-8 50-29-3 53494-70-5 5103-74-2 5103-71-9 789-02-6 3424-82-6 53-19-0 27304-13-8 5103-73-1 39765-·80-5 Analyte beta-BHe Heptachlor AIdr in Dieldrin 4,4'-008 4.,4'-DOD 1,4'-001 Endrin Ketone trans-Chlordane cis-Chlordane 2,4'-00T 2,4'-00E 2,4'-000 oxy Chlordane cis-Nonachlor trans-Nonachlor 2016-1 BIIRBEE Date Sampled: NA Oa~@ Received; NA sample Amount: 12.5 g-dry-wt tinal Extract Volume: 2.5 mL Oill.ltion fa~:tor: 1.00 Silica Gel: Yes Percent r'1oisture: NA RL Result -------- 0.50 < 0.50 u 0.50 < 0.50 U 0.50 < 0.50 u 1.0 < 1.0 U 1.0 < \.0 U 1.0 < 1.0 U 1.0 < 1.0 U 1.0 < 1.0 U 0.50 < 0.50 U 0.50 < 0.50 U 1.0 < 1.0 U 1.0 < \.0 U 1.0 < 1.0 U 1.0 < 1.0 U 1.0 < 1.0 U 1.0 < 1.0 U Reported in ~g/kg Ippb) Pest/PCB Surrogate Recovery Oecachlorobiphenyl Tetrachloro~etaxylene FORM I 110% 73.8\ OJ 1I.irJ. v 6D 9091 INITIAL CALIBRATION RETENTION TIMES Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES l\RI Job No.: BCWl GC Column: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (tmI) calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LWYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DRErX::ING Instrument ID: ECD6 RT OF STANDARDS I MEAN I RT WINDOW I COMPOUND ILVL 1 jLVL 2 ILVL 3 ILVL 4 ILVL 5 ILVL 6 ILVL 7 I RT I FROM I TO 1·· .. ·····=-=:~·-;;;===;;;_:;;;:;I:;;;:;III:r;r ... _ ... jlll::====l:;;: .... "":a:'II::;:::I""'====:I======i=:;;;====1 ==-====1::::;;;:;;;::;;;;;::;::1 ======1 =====!:: I alpha-BHC ______ I 4.36i 4.36 4.361 4.361 4.36 4.361 4.361 4.361 4.311 4.41 I beta-SHC I 4.741 4.74 4.741 4.741 4.74 4.741 4.741 4.741 4.691 4.79 I delta-BHC I 4.921 4.92 4.931 4.931 4.93 i 4.921 4.921 4.92 4.871 4.97 I gamma-BHC (Lindane)_1 4.661 4.66 4.661 4.661 4.661 4.661 4.661 4.66 4.61i 4.71 I Heptachlor I 5.151 5.15 5.151 5.15! 5.151 5.151 5.151 5.15 5.101 5.20 I Aldrin I 5.471 5.47 5.471 5.47 5.471 5.471 5.471 5.47 5.421 5.52 ! Heptachlor epoxide bl 6.151 6.14 6.141 6.141 6.151 6.141 6.141 6.14 6.101 6.20 Endosulfan I 6.581 6.58 6.581 6.581 6.591 6.581 6.581 6.58 6.531 6.63 I Dieldrin I 6.841 6.84 6.841 6.841 6.851 6.841 6.841 6.84 6.791 6.89 I 4,4'-DOE I 6.511 6.51 6.511 6.511 6.511 6.511 6.501 6.51 6.461 6.56 I Endrin I 7.101 7.09 7.091 7.091 7.101 7.091 7.101 7.09 7.051 7.15 1 Endcsulfan II I 7.331 7.33 7.33 7.331 7.331 7.331 7.331 7.33 7.281 7.38 I 4,4'-ODO I 7.151 7.15 7.151 7.151 7.151 7.151 7.151 7.15 7.101 7.20 I Endosulfan sulfate_I 8.191 8.19 8.191 8.191 8.201 8.191 8.191 8.19 8.141 8.24 I 4,4'-DDT I 7.451 7.45 7.451 7.451 7.451 7.441 7.451 7.451 7.401 7.50 I Methoxychlor I 7.93 ? 93 7.931 7.931 7.931 7.931 7.931 7.931 7.981 7.99 I Endrin ketone I 8.471 8.47 8.471 9.471 9 .471 8.471 8.471 8.471 9.421 8.52 I Endrin aldehyde _____ 1 7.761 7.76 7.761 7.761 7.701 7.761 7.761 7.761 7.711 7.81 I trans-Chlordane _____ 1 6.291 6.29 6.281 6.281 6.291 6.28! 6.281 6.291 6.231 6.33 I ciS-Chlordane 1 6.431 6.431 6.431 6.431 6.431 6.43 6.431 6.431 6.391 6.48 I Hexachlorobutadiene_1 2.341 2.341 2.341 2.341 2.341 2.341 2.341 2.341 2.291 2.39 I Hexachlorobenzene ___ 1 4.201 4.201 4.201 4.201 4.201 4.201 4.201 4.201 4.151 4.25 I::~:::=:::===========I======I======I=====:I=:::==I======1======1==-===1======1======1==:=== I Tet~ach1oro-m-xylenel 3.951 3.951 3.851 3.851 3.851 3.841 3.951 3.851 3.801 3.90 1 Decachlorobiphenyl __ 1 9.381 9.391 9.381 9.381 9.391 9.381 9.381 9.381 9.331 9.43 I. I I I I 1 .. __ 1 1 1 __ FORM VI PEST-1 BGWi·00ii"'i 6D 8081 INITIAL CALIBRATION RETENTION TIMES Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Jab No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP2 ID: 0.53 (rnm) calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD6 I RT OF STANDARDS 1 NEAN I RT WINDOW :~-:~~~~-~~----==-=I:~=~=I:~=:=I:~===I:~=!=I;~=~=I;~=:=1:~=~=I==~~==I.~~~~=i==:~== I alpha-BHC ICI 4.881 4.881 4.aa! 4.881 4.881 4.881 4.881 4.881 4.831 4.93 I beta-BHC Ie] 5.361 5.361 5.36; 5.361 5.361 5.36 5.36 5.361 5.311 5.n I delta-BHC IC] 5.711 5.711 5.n! 5.711 5.711 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.661 5.76 I gamma-BHC (Lindane) 5.271 5.281 5.271 5.2sl 5.2sl 5.27 5.28 5.28! 5.231 5.33 I Heptachlor Ie] 5.801 5.801 5.801 5.801 5.801 5.90 5.80 S.80! 5.751 5.85 I Aldrin IC) , 6.201 6.201 6.201 6.201 6.201 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.151 6.25 I Heptachlor epoxide bl 6.861 6.861 6.861 6.861 6.861 6.96 6.86 6.86' 6.811 6.91 1 Endosulfan I le] __ 1 7.301 7.301 7.301 7.30: 7.301 7.30 7.30 7.30, 7.251 7.35 I Dieldrin Ie] I 7.591 7.591 7.591 7.591 7.601 7.59 7.59 7.591 7.541 7.64 I 4,4'-DDE [C] I 7.381 7.381 7.381 7.381 7.381 7.38 7.38 7.381 7.331 7.43 I Endrin Ie] I 7.921 7.921 7.921 7.921 7,921 7.92 7.92 7.921 7.871 7.97 I EndosuHan II Ie} _I 8.131 8.131 8.131 8.131 9.131 8.13 8.13 8.131 8.08 I 8.18 I 4,4'-ODD [C] I 7.991 7.991 7.991 7.991 7.991 7.99 7.99 7.991 7.931 8.03 I Endosulfan sulfate [I 8.731 8.n: 8.731 8.731 8.73! 8.73 B.73 8.731 8.691 8.78 I 4,4'-00T (C] I 8.301 8.30; 8.301 8.301 8.31, 8.30 B.30 8.301 8.251 8.35 I Methoxychlor (CJ __ I 8.951 8.95 8.951 8.951 8.95j 8.95 B.95 8.951 8.901 9.00 I Endrin ketone lel_1 9.251 9.251 9.251 9.261 9.261 9.251 9.25 9.251 9.201 9.30 I Endrin aldehyde IC] I 8.461 8.461 8.461 8.461 8.461 8.461 8.461 8.461 8.41 8.51 I trans-Chlordane lel=1 7.071 7.071 7.071 7.071 7.071 7.071 7.071 7.071 7.001 7.10 I cis-Chlordane IC1_1 7.231 7.231 7.231 7.231 7.231 7.22! 7.231 7.231 7.171 7.27 I Hexachlorob~tadiene I 2.521 2.521 2.521 2.521 2.521 2.521 2.521 2.521 2.471 2.57 I Hexachlorobenzene (Ci 4.731 4.731 4.731 •. 731 4.741 4.731 4.741 4.731 4.691 •. 79 1~;:~;;~~i~;;:;:;;i;~:I-;=~;=I==:~;:I===~;=I~==~;=I===~;=I===~;=I===~;=I===~;=I=-:~~;I===~;; I Decachlorobiphenyl (I 10.471 10.471 10.481 10.481 10.481 10.471 10.481 10.481 10.431 10.53 I 1_ .. _1 I I I I I I 1 __ FORM VI PEST-l BCwi . iZl0:i?:0 6E 8081 PESTICIDE INITIAL CALIBRATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Colurrm: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (rrun) Calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREIXiING Instrument ID: ECD6 1 CALIERATION FAC"l'ORS 1 R'2 1 COMPOUND 1 LVL 1 1 LVL 2 1 LVL 3 1 LVL 4 1 LVL 5 1 LVL 6 1 LVL 7 1 MEAN 1 \RSD 1=====================1=========1=·---------"======1======---1-========1========= =======--1--=======1=""= lalpha-EHC I 1.0B961 1.1748 1.32221 1.329BI 1.40041 1.6639 1.B7421 1.40781 19.5 lbeta-EHC I 0.43461 0.4747 0.55561 0.51951 0.50121 0.5604 0.60751 0.52191 11.1 Idelta-EHC I 1.18391 1.1380 1.29721 1.27941 1.35541 1.6402 :.83991 1.39041 18.4 Igamma-EHc (Lindanel_1 1.11641 1.1255 1.30B31 1.29091 1.34211 1.5743 :.75041 1.35831 17.0 I Heptachlor 1.25861 1.2510 1.46621 1.39651 1.40361 1.6102 1.72321 1.44421 12.0 II>.1drin 1.14601 1.1460 1.49941 1.28971 1.29751 1.5224 1.6354 1.36221 14.1 I Heptachlor epoxide b_1 0.86131 0.8621 1. 05661 1. 00121 1. 08151 1.1752 1. 2694 1. 04391 14.5 IEndosulfan I I 1.13401 1.1959 1.43701 1.34441 1.36181 1.4787 1.5525 1.35781 11.1 IDieldrin I 1.3997 1.2979 1.39441 1.39461 1.37311 1.5473 1.5765 1.42621 7.0 14,4'-DDE 1 0.8832 1.0149 1.13061 1.06351 1.04181 1.1559 1.2527 1.07751 10.9 I Endrin I 1.0027 1.0201 1.16751 1.1:861 1.19331 1.2182 1.2812 1.14311 9.0 IEndosulfan II I 1.1670 1.0983 1.13971 1.04161 1.04351 1.1474 1.2010 1.11981 5.5 14,4'-000 I 0.7275 0.7794 0.8907 0.83591 0.92501 0.9559 1.0274 0.8774111.9 IEndosulfan sulfate_I 0.8629 0.91671 1.2654 1.02691 1.10001 1.0859 1.1285 1.05521 12.8 14,4'-DDT I 1.0509 0.87501 0.9037 c.88081 0.95981 1.0324 1.1297 0.97601 10.0 I Methoxychlor I 0.4587 0.45681 0.6947 0.52711 0.48631 0.4709 0.4957 0.51141 16.5 IEndrin ketone I 1.0B48 1.00361 1.2206 1.14101 1.21871 1.2092 1.2775 1.16501 B.1 IEndrin aldehyde ___ 1 0.7632 0.B0751 0.8437 0.75751 0.79911 0.8288 0.9CB9 0.81551 6.4 Itrans-Chlordane ___ 1 1.1334 1.13711 1.4600 1.35691 1.45641 1.4549 1.5732 1.36741 12.5 leis-Chlordane I 1.4511 1.3B071 1.4484 1.29351 1.28701 1.3798 1.4B43 1.38921 5.6 I Hexachlorobutadiene_1 1. 5110 1. 56711 1. 7682 1. 73671 1. 72541 1. 9413 2.06431 1. 75911 11. 0 I Hexachlorobenzene __ 1 1.5381 1.53891 1.6951 1.57961 1.52631 1.7170 1.82511 1.63141 7.1 1=====================1=·===···· -========1======·--------===1=========1=========1=====--"=1========·1----== 1 Tetrachloro·m-xylene_1 0.4889 0.48761 0.5365 0.48521 0.47541 0.50411 0.54491 0.50),1 5.4 Inecachlorobiphenyl_1 0.9671 0.94161 1.0161 0.97701 0.97681 1.01351 1.06921 0.9945' 4.2 1------------------------------------------------------------ FORM VI PEST-2 E!'~W i 00 i;;' i 6E B081 PESTICIDE INITIAL CALIBRATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP2 ID: 0.53 (rom) calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREOOING Instrument ID: ECD6 CALIBRATION FACTORS COMPOUND LVI. 1 I LVI. 2 L'~ 3 j LVI. 4 j LVI. 5 j LVI. 6 j LVC 7 I "-2 MEAN j \RSD lalpha-BHC [Cl I 2.0242j 1.84491 1.93111 1.85161 1.89491 1.9185j 2.0558j 1. 931€j ~.2 lbeta-SHC [Cl. j 0.6501j 0.62481 0.70811 0.66401 0.68471 0.6985j 0.7021j 0.61601 •. 6 Idelta-SHC [Cl j 1.5069j 1.49851 1.53511 1.44661 1.43101 1.44711 1.45791 1.47471 2.6 19a1Dllla-SHC (Linda..,.) [j 1.59761 1.5363j 1.70461 1.67791 1. 7131 j 1.75761 1.7548j 1.P74j 4.9 IHeptachlQr [Cl I 1.5297j 1.68431 :.7630; 1.6066j 1.6onl 1.60331 1.55441 1.62031 4.9 IAldrin tel I 1.5718j 1.46641 1.5657j •. 4689' 1.41141 1.48121 1.44841 1.49621 3.' jHeptachlQT ep=ide b I 1.3178j 1.28621 1.3540j 1.2'73i 1.24001 1.22161 1.14161 1.26721 5.' jEndosulfan I (Cl __ 1 1.1410j 1.1621j 1.2479j 1.1895j 1.14831 1.14811 1.07421 1.15891 4.5 jDieldrin [Cl j 1.21891 1.2040j 1.29711 1.2219j 1.15211 1.11941 1.02931 1.17841 7.4 14,4'-DDE [Cl I 1.13831 1.13761 1.24571 1.1936j 1.15251 1.17121 1.17371 1_17321 3.2 j Endrin [C) j 1. 9846j 1. B6841 1. 99521 1.84041 1. 8620 j 1. 1184! 1. 5870 1 1. 83661 7.9 IEndoBulfan II (C' __ j 2.0039j 1.83081 1.9313j 1.8200j 1.1919j 1.6764j 1.57621 1.80HI 8.0 14,4'-llDD [Cl 1 1.82451 1.64651 1.77631 1.65341 1.7119j 1.6629j 1.61201 1.69821 4.5 IEndosulfan ""lfate [Ci 1.6667j 1.60471 1.71821 1.50841 1.58731 :'.53311 1.46341 1.5945j 5.2 14,4'-DDT [el I 1.5573! 1.50111 1.65131 1.56761 1.56921 1.E64i 1.60711 1.58231 3.0 IMethoxychlor (Cl __ 1 0.66721 0.65201 0.67331 0.59491 0.56231 0.53311 0.52811 0.60161 10.4 I Endrin k~con. [Cl __ 1 1.H771 1.35481 1.44111 1.30171 1.17201 1.27511 1.2S0Sj 1.3190j 7.5 IEndrin aldehyde [Cl_1 1.52571 1.44621 1.S21S! 1.40471 1.39001 1.3293j 1.2796j 1.41471 6.6 Itrans-ChlQrdane [Cl_1 1.33211 1.33801 1.52651 1.3B83 I 1.34051 1.35081 1.31901 1.37071 5.3 leie-Chlordane [Cl __ 1 1.18301 1.17741 1.25601 1.19901 1.17261 1.20721 1.17611 1.19591 2.5 IHe"",hlorobutadiene [I 1.13421 1.15311 1.2013j 1.1064j 0.9384j 1.05691 1.04051 1.09011 8.0 IHexachlcrcl>enzene [Ci 1 1.97661 1.96731 2.18:3l 2.1010j 2.12'6: 2.08541 2.12891 2.0803j 3.8 \=====~=_=~_.2._~=~=::I=:==a====I===~=~~=~I==~ __ :=== =====~ ___ I=~=====:=:m:=:===_=I====== __ ~I~=~~====~I~ ___ m. jTetrachloro-m-"Ylene I 1.0348j 0.96301 0.99041 0.9130j 0.8953) 0.85641 0.8284j 0.9259j 8.0 IDecachlorobipher.yl [el 1.20471 1.14451 1.20441 L1006j 1.09491 1.09001 1.09701 1. 1331 j 4.6 FORM VI PEST-2 8Gwi"00i22 6D 8081 INITIAL CALIBRATION RETENTION TIMES Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (mm) Calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD6 I RT OF STANDARDS MEAN I RT WINDOW I COMPOUND ILVL 1 ILVL 2 ILVL 3 ILVL 4 ILVL 5 ILVL 6 ILVL 7 RT I FROM 1 TO 1=====================1======1======1======1======1======1======1====== ======1======1====== 1 0xych1ordane I 6.031 6.03: 6.031 6.031 6.031 6.031 6.03 6.031 5.981 6.08 12,4·DDE I 6.121 6.12 6.121 6.121 6.121 6.121 6.12 6.121 6.071 6.17 I trans-Nonach1or __ 1 6.411 6.411 6.41! 6.411 6.411 6.411 6.41 6.411 6.361 6.46 12,4.DDD I 6.701 6.70! 6.701 6.701 6.701 6.701 6.70 6.701 6.651 6.75 12,4-DDT I 6.971 6.971 6.97! 6.971 6.971 6.97! 6.97 6.97! 6.92! 7.02 ! cis-Nonach1or 1 7.13! 7.131 7.13! 7.131 7.131 7.13! 7.13 7.13! 7. 08! 7.18 ! Mirex 1 8.10! 8.101 8.10! 8.10! 8.101 8.10! 8.10 8.10! 8.051 8.1S I=====================I======I======I======I======!======1======1====== ======1======1====== ~trachloro-m-xylenel 3.851 3.851 3.85! 3.851 3.8sl 3.841 3.85 3.8S! 3.801 3.90 1 Decach1orobiphe ny1_1 9.381 9.381 9.38! 9.381 9.391 9.381 9.38 9.381 9.331 9.43 I ! 1 I ! ! I 1 1 1 __ FORM VI PEST-1 6D 8081 INITIAL CALIBRATION RETENTION TIMES Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCWl GC Column: STX-CLP2 ID: 0.53 (Inn) calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING In.strurnent ID: ECD6 I RT OF STANDl\RDS I MEAN I RT WINDOW 1==:~~-===.-=.===i~~=:=I~~=:=I~~=~= ~~=!=I~~::=I~~=:= :~=:=I==~:==I=~~~~=I==:~== I Oxychlordane (el __ 1 6.7sl 6.7sl 6.75 6.751 6.751 6.75 6.751 6.751 6.701 6.80 I 2,4-DDE (el I 7.051 7.0sl 7.05 7.051 7.051 7.05 7.051 7.051 7.001 7.10 I trans-Nonachlor [el_1 1.161 1.161 7.16 7.161 7.161 7.16 7.16! 7.161 7.111 7.21 I 2,4-DDD [Cl I 7.601 7.601 7.60 1.601 7.601 7.60 7.60! 7.601 7.551 7.65 I 2,4 -DDT (el I 7.92 i 7.921 7.92 7.921 7.921 7.92 7.92! 7.921 7.871 7.97 I cis-Nonachlor [CI_I 7.98: 7.981 7.98 7.981 7.981 7.98 7.98! 7.981 7.93 8.03 I Mirex [el I 9.231 9.231 9.23 9.231 9.231 9.23 9.231 9.231 9.181 9.28 I=;:~;:~~~~;~:::;;~:~:I==:~;:I==:~;:I==:~;= ··=~;:I==:~;:I===~~= ··=~~:I==:~~:I==:~~;I·=:~;; I Decachlorobiphenyl [I 10.471 10.471 10.48 10.481 10.481 10.47 10.48110.481 10.431 10.53 I I I I I I. i 1 __ FORM VI PllST-l 6E 8081 PESTICIDE INITIAL CALIBRATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP2 ID: 0.53 (rom) Calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD6 CALIBRATION FACTORS I I R-2 I COMPOUND I LVL 1 I LVL 2 I LVL 3 I LVL 4 I LVL 5 I LVL 6 I LVL 7 I MEAN I \RSD 1============= ______ ==1=====_==_1_========1=========1=====----1========-1-========1=========1-----====1=----= ]Oxych1ordane [CI __ I 1.19101 1.18621 1.22161 1.16001 1.14751 1.07771 1.03071 1.14501 5.9 12,4-DDE [el i 0.83191 0.82251 0.84061 0.78471 0.77211 0.73221 0.66701 0.77871 8.0 Itrans-Nonach1or [el_1 2.19341 2.14541 2.20091 2.02081 2.05921 1.91921 1.91821 2.06531 5.8 12.4-DDD [el I 1.22401 1.25201 1.29241 1.16051 1.20301 1.10091 1.01971 1.17B91 7.9 12,4-DDT [el I 1.36601 1.37741 1.40421 1.29501 1.3346] 1.22301 1.16611 1.30951 6.7 Icis-Nonach1or [el __ 1 2.49451 2.47451 2.54681 2.34411 2.40941 2.22811 2.29001 2.39821 4.8 IMirex [el I 1.14771 1.08601 1.0723] 0.93871 0.94431 0.88481 0.B6421 0.99111 11.1 1=====-==----=========1=========1===·_··_·1=======-·1-========1=========1---·=====1·=·_·-===1=========1==·_·= ITetrachloro-m-xylono I 1.03481 0.96301 0.99041 0.91301 0.89531 0.85641 0.82841 0.92591 8.0 IDecachlorobiphenyl [el 1.2047] 1.14451 1.20441 1.10061 1.09491 1.09001 1.09701 1.13371 4.6 1--------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM VJ P8ST-2 6E 8081 PESTICIDE INITIAL CALIBRATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (mm) Calibration Date: 06/16/16 Client: LWYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD6 I CALIBRATION FAcroRS I R'2 I COMPOUND I LVL 1 I LVL 2 I LVL 3 I LVL 4 LVL 5 I LVL 6 LVL 7 I MEAN I lRSD 1"-,-",,·,==========1=========1=========1===-,,,-=1-==.===== ====-•... 1-======== =========1========·1·-==== IOxychlordane I 0.89731 0.93701 0.94271 0.8675 0.94131 0.9047 0.95401 0.92061 3.4 12,4-DDE I 0.37741 0.42711 0.49941 0.5029 0.59451 0.5601 0.60331 0.50921 16.6 Itrans-Nonachlor ___ 1 1.31121 1.33551 1.35561 1.2424 1.36731 1.3274 1.39641 1.33371 3.7 12,4-DDD I 0.48361 0.63031 0.60081 0.5344 0.59391 0.5872 0.61561 0.57801 8.9 12,4-DDT I 0.65211 0.68931 0.71711 0.6849 0.78761 0.7661 0.80401 0.72871 7.9 IciB-NOnaChlor I 1.26081 1.29241 1.41631 1.3188 1.48441 1.4585 1.53381 1.39501 "l.5 I Mirex I 0.75201 0.71291 0.76691 0.7237 0.75811 0.7139 0.73121 0.73701 3.0 1=====================1=========1=========1==-"====1========= ·",-----1========= =========1========-1====== I Tetrachloro-m-xylene_1 InecachlQrQbiphenyl_1 0.48891 0.48761 0.53651 0.4852 0.47541 0.5041 0.54491 0.50321 0.96711 0.94161 1.01611 0.9770 0.97681 1.0135 1.06921 0.99451 5.4 4.2 1_--------------------------------- FORM VI PEST-2 aCWi"00i.2b 7E 8081 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCWl GC Column: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (mm) Init. calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Lab Ccal ID: INDAE Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,1445 PEST MIX RT WINJ)()W CALC NOM CCMPOUND RT FReN TO AMOUNT AMOUNT (ng) (ng) =========================== ===:;:c:: ====~= ===---;::==:::::;:::~::::!= ====:;;:=== alpha-BHC 4.36 4.31 4.41 19.9 20.0 beta-BHC 4.74 4.69 4.79 18.9 20.0 delta-BHC 4.93 4.87 4.97 18.4 20.0 garrma-BHC (Liridarie) 4.66 4.61 4.71 19.8 20.0 H~achlor 5.15 5.10 5.20 19.4 20.0 AI in 5.47 5.42 5.52 19.1 20.0 Heptachlor epoxide b 6.14 6.10 6.20 23.4 20.0 Endosulfan I 6.58 6.53 6.63 19.3 20.0 Dieldrin 6.85 6.79 6.89 38.4 40.0 4,4'-DDE 6.51 6.46 6.56 37.8 40.0 Endrin 7.10 7.05 7.15 37.8 40.0 Endosulfan II 7.33' 7.28 7.38 40.6 40.0 4,4'-DDD 7.15· 7.10 7.20 42.S 40.0 Endosulfan sulfate 8.19 8.14 8.24 40.4 40.0 4,4'-DDT 7.45 7.40 7.50 43.5 40.0 Methoxychlor 7.93 7.88' 7.98 190.4 200.0 Endrin ketone 8.47 8.42 8.52 42.0 40.0 Endrin aldehyde 7.76 7.71 7.81 44.5 40.0 trans-Chlordane 6.28 6.23 6.33 18.9 20.0 cis-Chlordane 6.43 6.38 6.48 17.7 20.0 Hexachlorabutaa~ene 2.34 2.29 2.39 20.7 20.0 Hexachlorobenzene 4.20 4.15 4.25 18.0 20.0 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 3.85 3.80 3.90 40.2 40.0 Decachlorobiphenyl 9.38 9.33 9.43 38.7 40.0 FORM VII PEST -2 %D ----- -0.3 -5.4 -7.8 -1.1 -3.0 -4.3 16.8 -3.2 -4.0 -5.5 -5.5 1.5 6.2 1.0 8.9 -4.8 S.O 11.3 -5.4 -11.5 3.7 ,-10.2 ; 0.6 -3.3 7E 8081 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Jab No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP2 ID: 0.53 (mm) Init. Calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING Lab Ccal ID: INDAE Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,1445 PEST MIX RT WINDOW CALC NOM COMPOUND RT FROM TO AMOUNT AMJUNT (ug/L) (ug/L) =========================== ====== ====== ======:; =====;;;;== ======== alpha-BHC [Cl 4.88 4.83 4.93 20.3 20.0 beta-BHe [el 5.36 5.31 5.41 20.4 20.0 de 1 ta-BHe [Cl 5.71 5.66 5.76 22.4 20.0 ganrna-BHe {Lfudarie} tel 5.28 5.23 5.33 21.2 20.0 Heptachlor [el -5.80 5.75 5.85 21. 0 20.0 Aldrin [el 6.20 6.15 6.25 20.4 20.0 Heptachlor epoxide b tcl 6.86 6.81 6.91 20.1 20.0 Endosulfan I [Cl -7.30 7.25 7.35 20.4 20.0 Dieldrin [Cl 7.59 7.54 7.64 39.7 40.0 4,4'-DDE [Cl 7.38 7.33 7.43 39.9 40.0 Endrin [Cl 7.92 7.87 7.97 35.8 40.0 Endosulfan II tcl 8.l3 8.08 8.18 37.9 40.0 4,4'-DDD [Cl 7.99 7.93 8.03 38.6 40.0 Endosulfan sulfate tcl 8.73 8.68 8.78 38.2 40.0 4,4'-DDT [Cl --8.31 8.25 8.35 41.2 40.0 Methoxychlor [C) 8.95 8.90 9.00 178.6 200.0 Endrin ketone [Cl 9.26 9.20 9.30 38.2 40.0 Endrin aldehyde [el 8.46 8.41 8.51 38.0 40.0 trans-Chlordane [Cl 7.07 7.00 7.10 19.4 20.0 cis-Chlordane [Cl 7.23 7.17 7.27 20.4 20.0 Hexachlorobutadiene ICl 2.52 2.47 2.57 24.8 20.0 Hexachlorabenzene [cl -4.74 4.69 4.79 20.5 20.0 Tetrachloro-m-xylene tel 4.24 4.19 4.29 40.3 40.0 Decachlorobiphenyl [Cl -10.48 10.43 10.53 38.1 40.0 -- FORM VII PEST-2 %D ===== 1.7 1.8 11.8 5.8 4.8 1.9 0.5 1.8 -0.8 -0.2 -10.4 -5.3 -3.6 -4.4 3.0 -10.7 -4.4 -5.0 -3.0 1.B 23.9 2.3 0.9 -4.8 BCWi;~iOi2B <- 7E 8081 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (llIIl) Init. Calib. Date; 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Lab Ccal 10: WND Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,1503 PEST MIX RT WINDOW I CALC NOO c:cMPOUND RT FR<»'l I TO AMOUNT AMOUNT (ng) (ng) ==========---~--~~====~==== ======= ======: ======, =;:;;;=--_ . ., ===::::;;:;;:;;;;;=- Oxychlordane 6.03 5.98: 6.08· 45.0 40.0 2,4-DDE 6.12 6.07 6.17 45.8 40.0 trans-Nonachlor 6.41 6.36 6.46 39.5 40.0 2,4-DDD 6.70 6.65 6.75 38.7 40.0 2,4-DDT 6.97 6.92 7.02 41.8 40.0 cis-NonaChlor 7.13 7.08 7.18 41.1 40.0 Mirex 8.10 8.05 8.15 45.5 40.0 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 3.85 3.80 3.90 42.1 40.0 Decachlorobiphenyl 9.38 9.33 9.43 43.1 40.0 , : FORM VII PEST-2 tD ----- 12.4 14.5 -1.1 -3.3 4.4 2.91 13.7, 5.2 7.7 , DCwi:00i:29 7E 8091 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFI~TION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Colurrm: STX-CLP2 rD: 0.53 (lIIll) mit. Calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Lab ecal rD: WND Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,1503 PEST MIX . RT WINOOW I CALC NOM <XlMPOUND RT FROM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT (ug/L) (ug/L) ~~~~~~~~====~=--•• ========= ====== ====== ====== ======== ======== oxychlordane IC] 6.75 6.70 6.80 40.8 40.0 2,4-DDE IC] 7.05 7.00 7.10 38.5 40.0 trans-Nonach1or [cl 7.16i 7.11 7.21 43.3 40.0 2,4-DDD Ie] 7.60 7.55 7.65 39.2 40.0 2,4-DDT Ie] 7.92 7.87 7.97 37.9 40.0 cis-Nonachlor [cl 7.98 7.93 8.03 37.7 I 40.0 Mirex [e] 9.23 9.18. 9.28 36.2 40.0 Tetrachloro-m-xylene [C] 4.24 4.19i 4.29 42.4 40.0 Decachlorobiphenyl Ie] -10.48 10.43! 10.53. 4l.8 40.0 -- I ! I FORM VII PEST-2 ! %D , ===== 2.0 -3.7 8.2 -2.0 -5.2 -5.9 -9.5 5.9 4.4 BCWi·"'~i30 7E 8081 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCWl GC Column: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (mm) lnit. Calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client: LlilYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Lab Ccal ID: INDAE Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,2017 PEST MIX RT WINIXlW CALC NOM COMPOUND RT FROM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT (ngJ (ng) =~====~-=============~===== ====== ====== =..:--== ======== ======== alpha-BHC 4.36 4.31 4.41 20.2 20.0 beta-BHC 4.74 4.69 4.79 18.7 20.0 delta-BHC 4.93 4.87 4.97 18.9 20.0 gamma-BHC (Lmaane) 4.66 4.61 4.71 19.9 20.0 Heptachlor 5.15 5.10 5.20 19.1 20.0 Aldrin 5.47 5.42 5.52 19.1 20.0 Heptachlor epo~de b 6.14 6.10 6.20 22.5 20.0 Endosulfan I 6.58 6.53 6.63 19.1 20.0 Dieldrin 6.84 6.79 6.89 37.4 40.0 4,4'-DDE 6.51 6.46 6.56 38.5 40.0 Endrin 7.09 7.05 7.15 44.1 40.0 Endosulfan II 7.33 7.28 7.38 43.4 40.0 4,4'-DDD 7.15 7.10 7.20 46.5 40.0 Endosulfan sulfate 8.19 B .14 8.24 41.4 40.0 4,4'-DDT 7.45 7.40 7.50 45.3 40.0 Methoxychlor 7.93 7.88 7.98 207.7 200.0 Endrin ketone 8.47 8.42 8.52: 43.5 40.0 Endrin aldehyde 7.76 7.71 7.81 48.0 40.0 trans-Chlordane 6.28 6.23 6.33 18.8 20.0 cis-Chlordane 6.43 6.38 6.48 17.3 20.0 Hexachlorobutadiene 2.34 2.29 2.39 20.0 20.0 Hexachlorobenzene 4.20 4.15 4.25 18.7 20.0 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 3.85 3.80 3.90 40.2 40.0 Decachlorobiphenyl 9.38 9.33 9.43 40.3 40.0 FORM VII PEST-2 %D ,===== 0.9 -6.4 -5.6 -0.3 -4.5 -4.6 12.6 -4.6 -6.5 -3.8 10.2 8.6 16.2 3.4 13.2 3.8 8.7 20.0 -5.9 -13.2 -0.2 -6.3 0.5 0.8 7E 8081 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.; BCWl GC Column: STX-CLP2 ID: 0.53 (mm) Init. calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client, LLOYD & ASSOCIATES PrO] ect: BARBEE DREDGING Lab Ccal ID: INDAE Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,2017 PEST MIX CCMPOUND =========~================= ·~~l ======1 alpha-BHC [C]______ 4.88: beta-BHC IC] 5.36! delta-BHC reI 5.71! gaI1llla-BHC (Li!idarie) tcl 5.28 : Heptachlor IC) 5.80 : Aldrin IC] 6.20: Heptachlor epoxide b tel 6.86' Endosulfan I IC] 7.30' Dieldrin Ie] 7.59 " 4,4'-DDE IC] 7.38 Endrin [e] 7.92 Endosulfan II tCI 8.13. 4,4'-DOO Ie] 7.99 Endosulfan SUlfate tel 8.73 4,4'-DDT re] 8.31 Methoxychlor tel 8.95 Endrin ketone [C) 9.26 Endrin aldehyde [e] 8.46 trans-Chlordane [e] 7.07 cis-Chlordane [e] 7.23 Hexachlorobutadiene [e] 2.52 Hexachlorobenzene Ie] 4.74 Tetrachloro-m-xylene tcl 4.24 Decachlorobiphenyl [C]--= 10.48 RT WINDOW FROM TO ====== ;;:;==:== 4.83 4.93 5.31 5.41 5.66 5.76 5.23 5.33 5.75 5.85 6.15 6.25 6.81 6.91 7.25 7.35 7.54 7.64 7.33 7.43. 1.87 1.97" 8.08 8.18 7.93 8.03 8.68 8.78 8.25 8.35 8.90 9.00 9.20 9.30 8.41 8.51 7.00 7.10 7.17 7.27 2.47 2.57 4.69 4.79 4.19 4.29 10.43 10.53 FORM VII PEST-2 CALC .I)lUM AMOUNT AMOUNT (ug/L) (ug/LJ ;:;:;;==::::::=== ::=::::::::::::=.= 20.1 20.0 20.5 20.0 22.3 20.0 20.8 20.0 20.4 20.0 19.8 20.0 19.8 20.0 19.2 20.0 40.4 40.0 38.1 40.0 36.8 40.0 36.6 40.0 38.5 40.0 36.6 40.0 41.0 40.0 194.0 200.0 38.4 40.0 37.4 40.0 18.5 20.0 19.4 20.0 24.3 20.0 20.5 20.0 40.2 40.0 39.3 40.0 %D ----- 0.3 2.4 11.7 4.1 2.2 -0.8 -1.2 -4.0 1.0 -4.7 -8.0 -8.5 -3.8 -8.6 2.6 -3.0 -4.0 -6.5 -7.6 -2.9 21.7 2.7 0.6 -1.8 EtCwi-00i8;; 7E 8081 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCWl GC Column: STX-CLP1 ID: 0.53 (nun) Init. calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLDYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING Lab Ccal ID: WND Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,2036 PEST MIX RT WINDOW .. ~ NOM COMPOUND RT FROM 'TO AM:)tJNT (ng) (ng) =========================== ====== ;;;0;;;;;;_==;:; ====== ======-== ======== Oxychlordane 6.03 5.98 6.08 47.4 40.0 2,4-DDE 6.12 6.07 6.17 50.3 40.0 trans-Nonachlor 6.41 6.36 6.46 43.2 40.0 2,4-DDD 6.70 6.65 6.75 42.2 40.0 2,4-DDT 6.97 6.92 7.02 42.9 40.0 cis-NonaChlor 7.13 7.08 7.18 43.7 40.0 Mirex 8.10 8.05 8.15 44.6 40.0 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 3.85 3.80 3.90 41.9 40.0 Decachlordbiphenyl 9.38 9.33 9.43 44.5 40.0 FORM VII PEST-2 %D !:'!;:=== 18.6 25.8 <- 8.0 5.4 7.1 9.3 11.5 4.8 11.2 I 7E 8081 PESTICIDE CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLP2 ID: 0.53 (mm) Init. Calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Lab ecal ID: WND Date/Time Analyzed: 07/14/16,2036 PEST MIX RT WINDOW i CALC NOM C<MPOUND RT FROM TO AMOUNT AMJUNT (ug/L) (ug/L) =========================== =====; ====== ====== ======== ======== Oxychlordane [e] 6.75 6.70 6.80 41.8 40.0 2,4-DDE [C] 7.05 7.00 7.10 38.7 40.0 trans-Nonachlor tCl 7.17 7.11 7.21 47.5 40.0 2,4-DDD [el 7.60' 7.55 7.65 43.3 40.0 2,4-DDT [el 7.92 7.87 7.97 42.3 40.0 cis-Nonachlor tel I 7.99 7.93 8.03 40.9 40.0 I Mirex [CI 9.23' 9.18 9.28 43.7 40.0 Tetrachloro-m-xylene lCJ 4.24 4.19 4.29 43.1 40.0 Decachlorobiphenyl [CI -10.48 10.43 10.53 42.2 40.0 -- i FORM VII PEST-2 %D ----- 4.6 -3.3 18.7 8.2 5.9 2.1 I 9.1 7.9 5.5 BCWi -0eli:::;4 FORM 8 PESTICIDE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: STX-CLF1 ID: 0.53 (!lUll) Init. calib. Date: 06/16/16 Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD6 THE ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MIXTURES, BLANKS, SAMPLES, AND STANDARDS IS GIVEN BELOW: lSI 1 I I AREA I RT 1 IS2 AREA I RT 1 1·············1··=··=·=·1····==·1········· =······1 1 lCAL M1DPr I 761555 1 3.166 1 796988 9.538 1 1 UPPER LIMIT I 1523110 I 3.2l6 1 1593976 9.588 ! 1 LOWER LIMIT I 380778 I 3.ll6 I 398494 9.488 I I I I I CLIENT LAB DATE I I lSI I I 1S2 I SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE ID I ANALYZED I TIME AREA I RT 1 AREA RT I ============ ============1========== :===== =========1=======1======'== =='===·1 01 SEF0086-CAL51 06/16/16 1350 761555 I 3.166 I 796988 9.538 I 02 SEF0086-CALll 06/16/16 1408 759671 I 3.166 I 828954 9.537 1 03 SEF0086-CAL21 06/16/16 1427 780608 1 3.165 855696 9.536 1 04 SEF0086-CAL31 06/16/16 1445 710803 I 3.165 771527 9.537 I 05 SEF0086-CAL41 06/16/16 1503 766550 1 3.165 839326 9.536 I 06 SEF0086-CAL61 06/16/16 1522 727564 I 3.165 827959 9.535 I 07 SEF0086-CAL71 06/16/16 1540 698374 1 3.165 789217 9.536 1 08 SEF0086-CALDI 06/16/16 1636 735679 1 3.165 804226 9.536 1 09 SEF0086-CAL91 06/16/16 1654 771540 I 3.165 839759 9.536 1 10 SEF0086-CALAI 06/16/16 1713 763928 I 3.166 824563 9.536 I 11 SEF0086-CALB 06/16/16 1731 709601 I 3.166 767921 9.536 I 12 SEF0086-CALC 06/16/16 1750 752220 I 3.165 843579 9.536 I 131 SEF0086-CALE 06/16/16 1808 737398 3.165 841828 9.536 I 141 SEF0086-CALF 06/16/16 1827 695619 3.165 799915 9.536 I 151 DS 07/14/16 1426 704501 3.165 729698 9.535 I 161 INDAE 07/14/16 1445 820213 3.166 852013 9.536 I 171 WND 07/14/16 1503 828379 3.166 875264 9.535 I 18 I BCW1MB51 BCWIMBSI 07/14/16 1731 840813 3.165 567647 9.535 I 19 I BCWILC5S1 I BCWILC5S1 07/14/16 1750 953472 3.165 701483 9.536 I 20lsRM 1944 I BCW1SRMI 07/14/16 1845 1063184 3.165 1266421 9.548 I 2110 7 042016BARBIBCW1A 07/14/16 1903 830886 3.165 547399 9.536 I 22 I 07042016BARBI BCW1AM5 07/14/16 1922 988590 3.164 763125 9.536 23 I 07042016BARBI BCW1AMSD 07/14/16 1940 986588 3.164 742262 9.536 241 IDS 07/l4/16 1959 I 785457 3.166 614052 9.535 25 1 IINDAE 07/14/16 2017 894405 3.166 801873 9.536 261 IWND 07/14/16 2036 887129 3.166 869883 9.536 I I lSI ~ I-Bromo-2-Nitrobenzene 152 Hexabromobiphenyl RT Window = RT +/-.05 min * Indicates value outside QC Limits FORM 8 PESTICIDE INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES ARI Job No.: BCWl GC Column: STX-CLP2 In: O.53(mn) lnit. Calib. Date: 06/16/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Project: BARBEE DREDGING Inst:rument ID: ECD6 THE ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MIXTURES, BLANKS, SAMPLES, AND STANDARDS IS GIVEN BELOW, I lSI I 182 I I AREA IRT I AREA IRT I 1~~~~mm~===~~=I=~~==~==ml===;;=;I~==~=~~==I==~~===1 I ICAL MIDPT I 4027682 I 3.378 i 2017878 111.068 I I UPPER LIMIT 8055364 I 3.428 I 4035756 11 1 .118 I I LOWER LIMIT 2013841! 3.328 I 1008939 111.018 I I • I I I --:CL=IE=NT=--;----:LAB-:=--'I-DATIl I I lSI I I 152 I I SAMPLE NO. I SAMPLE 10 I ANALYZED I TIME! AREA I RT I AREA I RT I ==~==~==;==~I====··====·=I=··===-·==I·=====l··===·=~-I;======I==··====~I=-=-··=I 01 ISEF0086-CAL51 06/16/16 I 1350 I 4027682 i 3.378 I 2017878 111.068 I 02 I SEF0086-CAll I 06/16/16 I 1408 I 3927001 I 3.376 I 2050423 111.067 I 03 ISEF0086-CAL21 06/16/16 I 1427 I 3922635 I 3.376 I 2088638 111.067 I 04 I SEF0086 -CAL31 06/16/16 I 1445 I 3582932 I 3.376 I 1905178 Ill. 067 I 05 I SEF0086·CAL41 06/16/16 I 1503 I 3748752 I 3.376 I 2038084 Ill. 067 I 06 I SEF0086·CAL6 I 06/16/16 I 1522 I 3613506 I 3.376 I 1934215 111.066 I 07 ISEF0096-CAL71 06/16/16 I 1540 I 3504452 I 3.376 I 1854901 111.067 I 09 I SEF0086-CALD I 06/16/16 I 1636 I 3662441 I 3.376 i 1959615 111.068 I 09 ISEF0086-CAL91 06/16/16 I 1654 I 3757859 I 3.376 I 2026651 111.068 I 10 ISEF0086-CALA' 06/16/16 I 1713 . 3732554 I 3.376 I 2009709 111.068 I 11 ISEF0096-CALB: 06/16/16 I 1731 3499699 I 3.376 I 1863699 111.067 I 12 ISEF0096-CALCI 06/16/16 I 1750 3708831 3.376 I 2046819 111.068 I 13 ISEF0086-CALEI 06/16/16 I 1808 3651377 3.376 I 2025867 111.066 I 14 ISEF0086-CALFI 06/16/16 I 1827 3494322 3.376 I 1972734 11.067 I 15 IDS I 07/14/16 I 1426 3423313 3.377 I 1787565 11.068 I 161 IINDIIE I 07/14/16 I 1445 3679419 3.377 I 1961200 11.069 I 17 IWND i 07/14/16 I 1503 3676854 3.378 I 1991329 11.069 I IS I BCW1MBSl I BCWIMBS1 I 07/14/16 I 1731 3331287 3.377 I 1147419 11.068 I 19 I BCW1LCSSl IBCWILCSSI I 07/14/16 I 1750 4002848 3.377 I 1484994 11.069 I 20lsRM 1944 I BCW1SRM1 I 07/14/16 I 1945 2981651 3.377 I 1237770 11.073 I 211 07042016BARB I BCWIA I 07/14/16 I 1903 2775162 3.376 I 1237100 11.069 I 22 I 07042016BARBIBCWlAMS I 07/14/16 '1922 3233909 3.376 I 1300149 11.069 I 23 I 07042016BARBI BCWIAMSD I 07/14/16 1940 3265955 3.376 I 1405587 11.069 I 241 IDS I 07/14/16 1959 2707630 3.377 I 1288148 11.068 I 251 IrNDlIE I 07(14/16 2017 3837606 3.378 I 1906160 11.068 I 261 IWND I 07/14/16 2036 3917749 3.377 I 1876320 11.069 I I 1_ I : 1_ .... _1 lSI ~ l'Bromo-2-Nitrobenzene 1S2 = Hexabromobiphenyl RT Window ~ RT +/ .. 05 min * Indicates value outside QC Limits PCB Analysis Report and Summary QC Fonns ARI Job ID: BCWl BCWi:00137 AHALYnCALA RESOURCES' INCORPORATED ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA PCB by GC/ECD Extraction Method: SW3546 Sample ID: 070420l6BARBEE-C SAMPLE ?agp. 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: BCWIA LIMS 10: 16-1(081) Matrix: Sedirr:€:i\t Data Re:ease Authcr:"zec: ~ Raportad: 07/19/:6 Cate Extr"cted: 07/13/16 Date Analyzed: 01/15/16 20:52 Ir:st !"ument I A..."1a lyst: ECD7 / JGR G?C Clea:lup: No Sulfur Cleanup: Yes Acid. Cleanup: Yes Florisll Cleanup: No CAS Number 12674-:1-2 53469-21-9 12672-29-6 11097-69-1 ; 1096-82-5 111Q4-28-2 11141-16-5 Analyt .. Aroc;'or 1016 Aroc':'or 1242 A!:ocior 1248 Aloclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor L?32 QC Report Nc: 2Cril-Lloyd ~ Associates, Inc. P~ojec:t: EARBLE C;,LDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Sample !'Jnount: 12.8 g-rlry-wt Final Extract Volume: 2.50 !':".:..... Dilution Factoc: 1.00 S2-1~ca Ge:: Yes Perce::-t:: Mo~st :.ire: 2;].3% 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 Result < 3.9 U < 3.9 f) < 3.9 U < 3.9 U < 3.9 C < 3.9 " < 3.9 :.; Reportee in :.>qlkg ippb) PCB Surrogate Recovery Oecachlorobipher.yl Tetrachlcrometaxyl en8 FORM I 89.8% 84.2~ Sample ID: SRM PSR ANALYTlCAL_ RESOURCES' INCORPORATED ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA PCB by GC/ECD Extraction Mo>thod: SW3546 STANDARD REFERENCE Paqe I of 1 Lab Sample IJ: SRX PSR LIMS :D: 16-18088 ~1dtri.x: Sedirnen:.:. Data Release A~thorized:~ Reported: 07/19/16 DBtH Extracted: 07/13/16 Date Analyzed: 07/15/16 20:29 IEscru:neEt/Analyst: ECD7/,)GR G?C Cleanup: No Su:~ur Clea~~?: Yes A;:;.id Clear:"J.p: Yes Floris!: C:ea~up: No CAS Nl.UIber Analyte 12674-11-2 Arcclor lClE 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 12£72-29-6 A_roc lor 124B 110S7-6~-1 Aroc.lor 1254 11096-82-5 Aroolar 1260 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 lLL-16-5 Arccior ]232 QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Assoc;'aces, ene. Project: BARBEE :JREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Da::e Sampled: N;:'. Date ~eceived: NA Sal~.?l e Arr:ou;;.l:! S. 06 g-dry~wt Fir..a.l Ex<:=aC't v(")lIJrr:.e; 2.50 mL Dilution Fac~or: 1.00 Si~ica Gel: Yes Percer.t YJois"c;ure; 't LOll Result 9.9 < 9.9 U 9.9 < 9.9 U 25 < 25 Y 9.9 100 9.9 1.10 9.9 < 9.9 U 9.9 ( S.9 U Reported in ~g/kg (ppbl PCB Surrogate Recov .. ry ---.. ~ .... -- Decac~lc robiF::tenyl Terrachlorcmetaxylene II'ORH I 84.C% ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED SW8082/PCB SOIL/SOLID/SEDIMENT SURROGATE RECOVERY SUMMARY Matrix: Sediment Client ID MB-071316 LCS-071316 SRM PSR 07042016BARBEE-C Q70420168ARBEE-C MS 07042016BARB~~-C MSD Page 1 for BeWl :-.1.:.crOh'ave QC Report No: Project: DCBP DCBP BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE TCMX TCMX , REC LCL-UCL , REC LCL-UCL TOT OUT 72.2% 40-126 68.0% 44-120 0 87.2% 40-126 86.2% 44-120 0 84.0% 40-126 75.0% 44-120 0 89.8% 40-126 8~.2% 44-120 0 81.5% 40-126 77.0% 44-120 0 85.0% 40-126 77.8% 44 -12 0 0 IMARS) Control Limits P:BSMM Prep Method: SW3546 Log Number Range: 16-10088 to l6-10088 FORM-II SWS082 ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA PCB by GC/ECD Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample 10: BC~lA LIM3 10: 16-1C088 Ylatrix: Sediment Data Release Auttorized:~ Reported: 07/19/16 Date Extracted MS/MSO: 07/13/16 Date Analyzed MS: 07/15/16 21:14 MSO: 07/15/16 21: 37 Instrument/Analyst MS: ECD7/JGR MSO: EC07/JGR GPC Cl eanup: No Sulfur Clea~up: Yes Acid Cleanup: Yes Florisil Cleanup: No Analyte Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1260 Sample < 3.9 11 < 3.9 U Results reported in ug/Kg :ppbl HS 79.3 83.8 ANALYTICAL .. RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Sample ID: 07042016BARBEE-C MS/MSD QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: 3ARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBE.E Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Oate Received: 07/05/16 Sample Amount MS: 12.8 g-dry-wt MSD: 12.8 g-dry-wt Final Extract Vo:ume MS: 2.5 rnL MSD: 2.5 rnL Dilution factor MS: 1. 00 MSD: 1. 00 Silica Gel: Yes Percent Moisture: 20.3% Spike HS Spike HSD Addad-HS Recovery HSD Addad-HSD Recovery 98.6 80.4% 83.8 98. J 84.91 98.6 85.0> 88.6 98.7 89.8% RI'D 5.5% 5.6% RPO calculated using sa~ple concentrations per SW846. FORM III BCwi 00i4i ANALYTICAL _ RESOU1'ICES. INCORPORATED ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA PCB by GC/ECIJ Extraction Method: SW3546 Page 1 of 1 Sample ID: 07042016BARBEE-C MATRIX SPIKE :,ab Sample E), BOllA I,IMS !D: ~6-1C088 ~atrix~ Sedirr.eFl"':. 1"\..._ .... Data He:'eas€ ;'~1Jthcr':'zeri: "\f\cJ H.€'port~,j: 0) /19/16 Cate Ex~racted: 07/13/16 Da:e Analyzed: 07/15/16 21:14 Instrument/Analyst: ECD7/JGR GPC Cleanup: No Sulfur Cleanllp: Yes Acid Cleanup: Yes Flor:..sil CleaT!.!lp: No CAS NUJDber Analyta :2674-L-2 ArccloT le:E 53469-21-9 F.rcclor 12~2 :2672-29-6 Ar81clcr 1248 :1097-69-1 J\roc!cr 1254 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 11104-28-7 Aroc]or 1221 11141-16-5 ArQclcr 1232 QC Report No: BCW1-Lloyd & A$so~iate5, Inc. FrGject: Bl\REEE DREDGING :016-1 BARBSE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Sa~,p;'e AmOJJ1t: 12.8 q-d:ry-wt Final E,xtract Vol;.Jme: 2.50 :nl Cilutio::1 Fd~tor: : .CO Silica Gel: Yes Peycen:. Moisture: 20.3f, LOQ R .. sult 3.9 3.9 < 3.9 U 3.9 < 3.9 U 3.9 < 3.9 U 3.9 3.9 < 3.9 tJ 3.9 < ),9 Reported ir. :J.g/kg (ppb) PCB Surrogate Racov .. ry Decachlorobiphenyl Tetrac~lororoetaxylene FORM r 81.5'! 77.0% ANALYTICAL 1& RESOURCES' INCORPORAT1!:D ORGANICS ~YSIS OATA SHEET PSODA Pee by Ge/ECD Extraction Method: SW3546 Sample 10: 07042016BARBEE-C MATRIX SPIKE DUP Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample IJ: BCWIA LIMS ID: l6-10088 Matrix: Sediroerl! 'x ?ep8rt No: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Data Release AuthoriZCd:~ Reported: ~7/19!16 P::Tject: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 Bh..'<.BEE Jale Sd~p:ed: 07/04/l~ Date Received: 07/05/:6 Date ~xtracted: 07/13/16 Dace Analyzed: 0') /15/16 21: 37 Instru!nent/Ana:yst: ECD7/JGR GPC Clean'Jp: No Saonple A/:",Ol.n:: 12.8 g-ciry-wt .E"~nal Extract V(; 1 t:.P.'.e: 2.50 ml Dilution Factcr: 1.00 Silica Gel: Yes 3u~fur Clear.up: ~es Ac:'d Cleanup: Yes Percent Moisture: 20.3~ Florisii Cleanup: No Analyte ,-------------- 12674-11-2 53469-21-9 l?672-29-6 11097-69-1 110%-82-5 11104-28-2 11lL<6-S Aroclor 10:6 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 ArocIor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Arcclar 122] Arcclcr 1232 S:eported in ;.l~ ./~.~ (ppb) PCB Surrogate Recovery Decachlorobiphenyl Tetrach':"oIome t:axy ler.e FORM I LOQ 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 85.0% 77.8~ Result " 3.9 " 3.9 < 3.9 < 3.9 < 3.9 v v U fJ tJ ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA PCB by GC/ECD Page 1 ot 1 Lah Saffi~:e Ie: LCS-C7].316 L:MS D: 16-10080 ~a.-::iy.: Sed':m€;:lnl "'1\. ~ Da-:a Release Authorized: \,~~ Reported: 07/19/16 Date Extracted: 01/13/16 Oa=e Analyzed: 01/15/16 19:44 Instrument/Analyst: ECD"l!JGR GPC C1 ea~,up: No Sulfur C1 ""nup: Yes Acid Cleanup: Yes Flcrisil Clea~~p: Nc Analyte A~oc-lor -.i. J 16 I\rccio::c :26Q Sample ID: LCS-071316 LAB CONTROL QC Report No: BC~il-L1cyd & I\ssoccates, Projecc: BA.~BEE DRE~GING 20c6-1 BAR;JEE Date Sa~p1ed: ~A Date Recei.ved: t;A sa~ple Amount: 12." g-dry-wt Final Extract Vol-urne: 2.50 mL Cilution factor: 1.QO Silica Gel: Yes Percent MQisture: NA Lab Spike Control Add$d 91. 7 ' o· .:. '.'- B9.1 : Jl PCB Surroqata Raoovery RecClvary S18 • 8;1, 83.2< Decachlo=ob~pheny: a7.2~ 86.21> TetrachloYometaxylene Results reported l~ fJg/kg (!)pb! FORM III ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORA11!D 4 BIANK NO. pCB METHOD BIANK SUMMARY BCWlMBS1 Lab Name: 1\NALYTlCAL RESOURCES INC Client: LLYOYD ARI Job No.: BCW1 Lab Sample ID: BCW1MBS1 Date Extracted: 07/13/16 Date Analyzed: 07/15/16 Time Analyzed: 1922 Project: BARBEE DREDGING Lab File ID: 16071517 Matrix: SOLID Instrument ID: ECD7 GC Columns: ZB5/ZB35 THIS METHOD BIANK APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES, MS and MSD: CLIENT I LAB SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE ID =====================1========== 01 BCWlLCSS1 iBCW1LCSS1 02 NOT REQUESTED I BCW1SRM1 03 07042016BARBEE-C iBCWlA 04 07042016BARBEE-MS I BCWlAMS 05 07042016BARBEE-MSD I BCWlAMSD ALL RUNS ARE DUAL COLUMN page 1 of 1 IlA.TE 1\NALYZED ==;;;:;;::;====== 07/15/16 07/15/16 07/15/16 07/15/16 07/15/16 FORM IV PCB ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PSDDA PCB by GC/ECD Extraction Method; SW3546 ?age ~ of 1 Sample ID: M8-071316 METHOD BLANK ANALYTICAL .. RESOURCES. INCORPORATED ~db Sample :D, MB-87l316 :C:MS W; 16-10088 ["latrix: Sediment QC Report No: BC~"l-Ll~yd &: Associates, Tn;::,:. DOlt;'} Re":"'ease Ai.lthorized;~ Reported: J7/19/!6 Dale Extracted: 87/131l6 Date Ana':yzed~ 07/15/16 19:22 Instrl.l.mer,"':/Ar.alys":! ~CC7/C'SR GPC Cleanup: No Sulfur Cleanup: Yes Acid Cleanup: Yes Florisil Cleanup; No CAS Number 12674-11-2 53469-21-9 12672-29-6 : 1097-69-1 11096-82-5 11104-28-2 1:141-16-5 Analyte .P-.roclor 1016 Aroclor 1242 i'.roc1or 1248 Aroclor 1254 Arodor 1260 Aroc1or 1221 Aroclor 1232 Project: 3ARSEE C?LDGING 28:6-: BARB,E Date Sampled; NA Date R~cB~ved: NA Sample .Z\mCUI'.t: 12.5 g Final Ex':.ract Volume: 2.50 !i't::'" Dilu,ior. Factor: 1.00 Sillca Gel, Yes PeTCe:!i7. ["loisturc: NA LOQ Result 4. J < 4.0 4.0 < 4.0 4.0 < 4.0 4.0 < 4.G 4.0 < 4.0 4.0 < 4.0 4.0 < LO Reported in )1g/kg (ppo) PCB Surrogate Recovery Decach~or0tipr.e~y~ l'e,:, rachl orometdxy~€r.e FORM I 72 .2% 63.0. U U U U 0 TJ c. 6F 8082 INITIAL CALIBRATION OF AROCLOR 1016/1260 Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: ZBS calibration Date: 07/01/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD7 1--------------·-------------------------------------------------------.---------------------1 :Areeler-IOI6 1 LVLl 1 LVL2 I LVL3 I LVL4 LVL5 I LVL6 I MEAN I \RSD I ; Peak RT WIN: .02 I 0.05 1 0.1 I .25 I 0.5 I 1.0 I I R'2 I 1---' ----------------------------------------------------------------·----------------------1 I 1 5.70-5.901 0.0114 I 0.0104 I 0.0102 I 0.0096 I 0.0092 I 0.0090 I 0.0100 I 9.1 I I 2 1.70-•• 901 0.0147 ! 0.0141 I 0.0138 I 0.0129 I 0.0122 I 0.0117 I 0.0132 I 8.6 I I 3 7.11-7.311 0.0451 I 0.0423 I 0.0419 I 0.0405 1 0.0398 1 0.0400 1 0.0416 1 4.8 I 1 • 7.61-7.all 0.0082 1 0.0077 I 0.0078 1 0.0073 I 0.0069 I 0.0066 1 0.007. 1 8.1 I 1---------------------------------"----------------------------------------------------------1 AROCLOR AVERAGE \RSD = 7.6 1--------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------1 IMoeler-1260 1 LVLl 1 LVL2 1 LVL3 1 LVL4 , LVLs 1 LVL6 1 MEAN 1 tRSD 1 Peak RT WIN 1 .02 1 0.05 1 0.1 I .25 I 0.5 1 1.0 I 1 R'2 i 1---------------------------·---·_---------------·-------------------_·------·_----·-·-1 I 1 10.64-10.841 0.0297 ,0.02'S 0.0216 0.0207 0.0195 0.0199 0.0226 17.1 I 211.34-11.541 0.0726 1 0.Oa52 0.0'40 0.0740 0.0640 0.0688 0.0714 11.2 , 311.74-11.941 0.0334 I 0.0320 0.0322 0.0331 0.0323 0.0343 0.0329 2.7 I • 11.93-12.131 0.0232 0.0222 0.0224 0.0230 0.0225 0.0239 0.0229 2.7 I 512.60-12.801 0.0231 0.0302 I 0.0235 10.0271 10.0238 1 0.0253 1 0.0255 I 10.7 I 1-------------------------------------------------------._---------------------------.-------! AROCLOR AVERAGe 'RSD:o:: 8.9 FORM VI PCB - 1 i'"","J~:W i -0i:i1 i 47 6F 8082 INITIAL CALIBRATION OF AROCLOR 1016/1260 Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job NO.: BCW1 GC Column: ZB35 Calibration Date: 07/01/16 Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: BCD? 1----------.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-I I ArOOlOr-IOl. I LVLl I LVL2 I LVLl I LVL4 I LVLS I LVLG I M~ I tRSD I IPeak RT WIN I .02 I O.os I 0.1 I .25 I O.S I 1.0 I I R-2 1 1---------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 1 6.09-6.291 0.0209 1 0.0198 1 0.0190 1 0_0178 I 0.0168 1 0.0160 I 0.0184 1 10.1 1 I 2 6.80-7_001 0_0547 1 0.049' I 0.0479 1 0.0437 I 0.0413 I 0_0390 I 0.0460 1 12.6 1 I 3 7.44-7.641 0.1074 1 0.1002 1 0.0992 I 0.0945 I 0.0918 I 0.Oae3 I 0.0969 1 7.0 I I .. 7.84-8.041 0.0266 1 0_0246 i 0.0252 I 0.0240 I 0.023' I 0.0228 I 0.0244 I 5_5 I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I AAOCLOR AVI!RA(!E \RSD: 8.8 1-------------------------------------------------------------------·---·------------------1 IAroolor-12GO I LVL1 I LVL2 I LVLl I LVIA LVLs I LVLG I MBAN I USD I IPeak RT WIN I .02 I 0.05 I 0.1 I .2S I 0.5 I 1.0 I I R'2 I I· -----------------.-.------------------------------------------------. I 1 10.95-1L151 0.0613 0.0538 I 0.0520 0.04'7 1 O.O'~ I 0.0455 I 0.0514 11.2 I 2 1'.4'-"_6'1 0.0677 I 0.0606 I 0_0591 I 0.0570 1 0.0540 1 0.0512 I 0.0586 9.1 I 311.68-11.881 0.1363 I 0_1247 I 0.1242 I 0.1217 I 0,1164 I 0.1152 I 0.1211 1 6.2 I 4 12.21-12.411 0.0515 I 0.0401 I 0.0396 I 0.0509 I 0,0355 I 0.Ol50 I 0.0421 I 17 •• I I .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 AROCLOIR AVERAGE lRSD • 11. 0 FORM VI Pf.1!-1 BCW:i 00i48 6G 8082 INITIAL CALIBRATIctI OF SINGLE POINT PCBs Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 Client: LIDYD & ASSOC Project: BI\RBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD7 GC Column: ZBS Calibration Date: 07/02/16 Aroclor-1221 Peak RT 1 3.884 2 5.691 3 5.799 RT WIN 3.78-3.98 5.59-5.79 5.70-5.90 Aroclor-1232 Peak RT 1 3.883 2 7.207 3 7.469 4 8.193 RT WIN 3.78-3.98 7.11-7.31 7.37-7.57 8.09-8.29 Aroclor-1242 Peak RT 1 2 3 4 6.798 7.208 7.357 8.194 RT WIN 6.70-6.90 7.11-7.31 7.26-7.46 8.09-8.29 Aroclor-1248 Peak RT 1 7.204 2 7.714 3 8.193 4 8.864 RT WIN 7.10-7.30 7.61-7.81 8.09-8.29 8.76-8.96 FORM VI PCB-2A Cal Factor 0.00311 0.00495 0.01454 Cal Factor 0.00190 0.01764 0.00661 0.00836 Cal Factor 0.01119 0.03319 0.01529 0.01560 cal Factor 0.01833 0.00960 0.02000 0.02352 page 1 of 2 6G 8082 INITIAL CALIBRATION OF SINGLE POINT pCBs Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC Client: LIJJYD & ASSOC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: ZB5 Calibration Date: 07/02/16 Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD7 Aroclor-1254 Peak RT 1 9.325 2 9.463 3 9.816 4 10.129 5 10.510 RT WIN 9.23-9.43 9.36-9.56 9.72-9.92 10.03-10.23 10.41-10.61 Aroclor-1262 Peak RT RT WIN 1 11.061 10.96-11.16 2 11.842 11.74-11.94 3 12.031 11.93-12.13 4 12.703 12.60-12.80 Aroclor-1268 Peak RT RT WIN 1 11.958 11.86-12.06 2 12.029 11.93-12.13 3 12.419 12.32-12.52 4 13.212 13.11-13.31 FORM VI PCB-2B cal Factor 0.01860 0.03603 0.03491 0.01380 0.03891 Cal Factor 0.02503 0.02465 0.03810 0.03506 Cal Factor 0.08891 0.11215 0.09810 0.41477 page 2 of 2 6G 8082 INITIAL CALIBRATION OF SINGLE POINT PCBs Lab Name: JlNALYTICAL RESOURCES INC Client: LlDYD & ASSOC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Col UII1l1 : ZB35 Calibration Date: 07/02/16 Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrwnent ID: BCD7 Aroc1or-1221 Peak RT 1 5.815 2 6.186 3 6.910 RT WIN 5.71-5.91 6.09-6.29 6.81-7.01 Aroclor-1232 Peak RT 1 6.900 2 7.538 3 8.466 4 8.999 RT WIN 6.80-7.00 7.44-7.64 8.37-8.57 8.90-9.10 Aroclor-1242 Peak RT 1 6.185 2 7.539 3 8.466 4 8.999 RT WIN 6.09-6.29 7.44-7.64 8.37-8.57 8.90-9.10 Aroclor-1248 Peak RT 1 2 3 4 6.898 7.534 9.000 9.357 RT WIN 6.80-7.00 7.43-7.63 8.90-9.10 9.26-9.46 FORM VI PCB-2A Cal Factor 0.01361 0.02477 0.00848 Cal Factor 0.02144 0.04168 0.01804 0.01547 Cal Factor 0.01566 0.07587 0.02645 0.02442 Cal Factor 0.01572 0.04385 0.04013 0.05148 page 1 of 2 6G 8082 INITIAL CALIBRATION OF SINGLE POINT PCBs Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD7 GC Column: ZB35 calibration Date: 07/02/16 Aroclor-1254 Peak RT 1 9.777 2 9.929 3 10.173 4 10.397 5 10.957 RT WIN 9.68-9.99 9.83-10.03 10.07-10.27 10.30-10.50 10.96-11.06 Aroclor-1262 Peak RT RT WIN 1 11.052 10.95-11.15 2 11.781 11.68-11.88 3 12.376 12.29-12.48 4 13.116 13.02-13.22 Aroclor-1268 Peak RT RT WIN 1 12.311 12.21-12.41 2 12.378 12.28-12.48 3 12.782 12.68-12.88 4 13.609 13.51-13.71 FORM VI PCB-2B Cal Factor 0.03464 0.08726 0.08884 0.04128 0.06691 Cal Factor 0.06772 0.13225 0.08728 0.04800 Cal Factor 0.14689 0.13239 0.11330 0.33157 page 2 of 2 Elt~wi ; 00i52 7F PCB CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Colunm: ZB5 Init. Calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard ID: AR1254ICV1 CXX<IPOUND/PEAK NO. RT =========================== ====== Aroclor-1254-1 9.33 Aroclor-1254-2 9.46 Aroclor-1254-3 9.82 Aroclor-1254-4 10.13 Aroclor-1254-5 10.51 Client: LlJJYD & ASSOC RT Project: BARBEE DREDGING Intrument: ECD7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :1706 WINDOW CALC NCM FROM TO AM::>UNT AMOUNT (ng) (ng) %D ====== ====== ======== ======== ----- 9.23 9.43 254.8 250.0 1.9 9.36 9.56 276.6 250.0 10.6 9.72 9.92 294.6 250.0 17.8 10.03 10.23 302.4 250.0 21.0 10.41 10.61 274.2 250.0 9.7 AROCLOR AVG: 280.5 CAL %D ~ 12.2 FORM VII PCB 7F PCB CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: ZB35 Init. Calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard 10: AR1254ICV1 COMPOUND/PEAK NO. RT ==================-=====~== ------------ Aroclor-1254 [2C] -1 9.78 Aroclor-1254 [2C] -2 9.93 Aroclor-1254 [2C] -3 10.17 Aroclor-1254 [2C] -4 10.39 Aroclor-1254 [2C] -5 10.96 Client; LLOYD & ASSQC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Intrument: ECD7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed : 1706 RT WINDOW CALC Na'I F'RCM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT 'liD (ng) (ng) ------=~==== ::::::::::===== ======== ----------- 9.68 9.88 198.1 250.0 -20.8 9.83 10.03 251.9 250.0 0.7 10.07 10.27 249.9 250.0 -0.0 10.30 10.50 225.4 250.0 -9.B 10.86 11.06 258.1 250.0 3.2 AROCLOR AVG: 236.7 CAL 'liD = -5.3 FORM VII PCB 7F PCB CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCFS INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 ac Column: ZB5 lnit. Calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard ID: AR1660ICV2 COMPOUND/PEAK NO. ======-==~:";============== Aroclor-1016-1 Aroc1or-1016-2 Aroc1or-l016-3 Aroclor-l016-4 Lab Standard ID: AR1660ICV2 ClJMPOUND/PEAK NO. =~=::============:========= Aroclor-1260-1 Aroclor-126 0-2 Aroclor-1260-3 Aroclor-126 0-4 Aroclor-1260-5 RT ------------ 5.80 6.80 7.21 7.71 RT ====== 10.74 11.44 11.84 12.03 12.70 Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Proj e<::t: BARBEE DREDGING Intnunent: BCD7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :1729 RT WINDOW CALC NCX>'! FRCM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT (ng) (ng) II!D ====== =,.==== --------======== ===== -------- 5.70 5.90 257.0 250.0 2.8 6.70 6.90 260.2 250.0 4.1 7.11 7.31 255.7 250.0 2.3 7.61 7.81 259.3 250.0 3.7 AROCLOR AVG: 258.0 CAL II!D = 3.2 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :1729 RT WINOOW CALC NCM FROM TO AI'KlUNT AMOUNT II!D (ng) (ng) ====== ====== ===~==== ======== ===== 10.64 10.84 288.7 250.0 15.5 11.34 11.54 273.5 250.0 9.4 11.74 11.94 284.8 250.0 13.9 11.93 12.13 295.0 250.0 18.0 12.60 12.80 271.2 250.0 8.5 - AROCLOR AVG: 282.6 CAL %D = 13.1 FORM VII PCB 8Cwi·00iS5 7F PCB OILIBRATION VERIFICATION StMolARY Lab Narne: JlNALYTIOIL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCWI GC Coll.lllUl: ZB35 Init. Calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard ID: AR1660ICV2 o:MPOUND/PEAK NO. RT ===========~s ___ ~:===== __ == ====== Aroclor-1016 [2C]-1 6.18 Aroclor-1016 [2C] -2 6.90 Aroclor-1016 [2C) -3 7.54 Aroclor-1016 [2C] -4 7.94 Lab Standard ID: ARl650ICV2 <n!POUND/PFAK NO. RT =========================== ==;;;;;;;;;;;.; Aroclor-1260 [2C] -1 11.05 Aroclor-1260 [2C] -2 11.51 Aroclor-1260 [2C] -3 11. 78 Aroclor-1250 [2C] -4 12.31 Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Intrument: ECD7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :1729 RT WINDOW CALC NOM FRaoJ TO AM)UNT AMOUNT %D (ng) (ng) =;;;;==;;;:;;;: ==_l1li== --------::::;;::::;:====== ===::::::::: -------- 6.08 6.28 247.7 250.0 -0.9 6.80 7.00 246.1 250.0 -1.6 7.44 7.64 246.7 250.0 -l.3 7.83 8.03 246.3 250.0 -1.5 AROCLOR AVG: 246.7 CAL %D = -1.3 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed : 1729 RT WINDOW CALC NOM FROM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT %D (ng) (ng) ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :;:::==::::;;;;::::: ======== ======== ----- 10.95 11.15 200.5 250.0 -19.8 11.41 11.61 211.3 250.0 -15.5 11.68 11.88 173 .2 250.0 -30.7 12.21 12.41 190.8 250.0 -23.7 AROCLOR AVG: 193.9 CAL %D = -22.4 FORM VII PCB <- 7F PCB CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: ZB5 Ioit. calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard ID: AR1248CCV1 C'CXIIPOUND/PEAK NO. RT =========================== ====== Aroclor-1248-1 7.21 Aroclor-1248-2 7.71 Aroclor-1248-3 8.19 Aroclor-1248-4 8.86 RT Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Intrument: ECD7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :2307 WINDOW CALC NCI'l FROM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT (og) (og) %D ------====::;;:;:: ======== ======== ----------- 7.11 7.31 280.5 250.0 12.2 7.61 7.81 281.5 250.0 12.6 8.09 8.29 283.1 250.0 13 .2 8.76 8.96 284.2 250.0 13.7 AROCLOR AVG: 282.3 CAL %D = 12.9 FORM VII PCB 7F PCB CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCI'll GC column: ZB35 Init. Calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard ID: AR1248CCV1 CCMPOOND/PEI'J( NO. =========================== Aroclor-1248 [2C]-1 Aroclor-1248 [2C]-2 Aroclor-1248 [2C] -3 Aroclor-1248 [2C] -4 RT ====== 6.90 7.53 9.00 9.36 Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING Intrument: Ern7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :2307 RT WINDOW CALC NOM FROM TO AKXlNT AMOUNT \D (ngJ (ngJ ;:::===== ====;;;;;a:o: ======== ======== ::=== 6.80 7.00 267.6 250.0 7.0 7.43 7.63 255.6 250.0 2.2 8.90 9.10 189.4 250.0 -24.2 9.26 9.46 255.5 250.0 2.2 AROCLOR AVG: 242.0 CAL \D ~ -3.2 FORM VII PCB 7F PCB CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: ZB5 Init. calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard ID: AR1660CCV2 C'CMPOUND/PEAK NO. RT ~~~~~~===================== =;==== Aroclor-1016-1 5.80 Aroclor-1016-2 6.80 Aroclor-1016-3 7.21 Aroclor-1016-4 7.71 Lab Standard ID: ARl660CCV2 ca-'lPOUND/PEAK NO. RT =========================== =====::=: Arcclor-1260-1 10.74 Aroclor-1260-2 11.44 Aroclor-1260-3 11.84 Aroclor-1260-4 12.03 Aroclor-1260-5 12.70 Client: LLOYD & ASSOC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Intrument: ECD7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :2330 RT WINOOW CALC NOM FRCM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT (ng) (ng) -------- \D ====== ====== ======== ------------- 5.70 5.90 306.4 250.0 22.6 6.70 6.90 305.6 250.0 22.2 7.11 7.31 273.3 250.0 9.3 7.61 7.81 314.4 250.0 25.7 AROCLOR AVG: 299.9 CAL \D = 20.0 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :2330 RT WINIXlW CALC NCM FRCM TO AMOUNT AMOUNT \D (ng) (ng) ------------======== ======== ----------------- 10.64 10.84 290.6 250.0 16.2 11.34 11.54 273.1 250.0 9.2 11.74 11.94 286.5 250.0 14.6 11.93 12.13 295.7 250.0 18.3 12.60 12.80 270.9 250.0 8.4 AROCLORAVG: 283.4 CAL \D = 13.4 FORM VII PCB <- 7F PCB CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SUf+1ARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: ZB35 Init. Calib. Date: 07/01/16 Lab Standard ID: AR1660CCV2 COMPOUND/PEAK NO. ~~--====~======~==-======== Aroclor-1016 [2C] -1 Aroclor-1016 [2Cj-2 Aroclor-1016 [2Cj-3 Aroclor-1016 [2C] -4 Lab Standard ID: AR1660CCV2 COMPOUND/PEAK NO. ========;======~~=~~~====== Aroclor-1260 [2Cl-1 Aroclor-1260 [2Cl-2 Aroclor-1260 [2Cj-3 Aroclor-1260 [2Cj -4 RT ;;;:;;;:=;;;:;;;:= 6.18 6.90 7.54 7.93 RT ------------ 11.05 11.51 11.78 12.31 Client: LlDYD & JlSSOC RT Project: BARBEE DREDGING Intrument: ECD7 Date Analyzed :07/15/16 Time Analyzed :2330 CALC Na4 FRaIl TO .!\MOUNT AMOUNT (119) (ng) %D ====== ====21:2 -_ •••• == ======== ----- 6.08 6.28 249.6 250.0 -0.2 6.80 7.00 246.0 250.0 -1. 6 7.44 7.64 246.6 250.0 -1.3 7.83 8.03 246.6 250.0 -1.4 AROCLOR AVG: 247.2 CAL %D = -1.1 Date Analyzed : 07/15/16 Time Analyzed :2330 RT WINDCm CALC Na4 FRaIl TO .AMOONT AI'DUNT \D (ng) (ng) ====== ====== --------======== ------------- 10.95 11.15 201.5 250.0 -19.4 11.41 11.61 212.4 250.0 -15.0 11.68 11.88 174.6 250.0 -30.2 12.21 12.41 190.8 250.0 -23.7 AROCLOR AVG: 194.8 CAL %D = -22.1 FORM VII PCB <- 5Cwi·00i&0 FORM B PCB INTERNAL STANDARD AREA AND RT Sm.'MARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCW1 GC Column: ZBS ID: 0.S3(mm) Init. Calib. Date: 07/01/16 Client: LlDYD & ASSOC Project: BARBEE DREDGING Instrument ID: ECD7 THE ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MIXTURES, BLANKS, SAMPLES, AND STANDARDS IS GIVEN BELCH: I lSI IS2 I I AREA I RT I AREA I RT I I=~=====~~:~:~I··=··=·~=I=~-====!====;=;;;I=--=---I I rCAL MIDPT I 133188761 2.439 I 17748878113.984 I I UPPER LIMIT I 2663 7 7521 2.539 I 35497756114.084 I I LOWER LIMIT I 66594381 2.339 I 8874439113.884 I -=-=c=----,---,-,,-----,--I I I I I I CLIENT LAB DATE I I lSI I I rS2 I I I SAMPLE NO. I SAMPLE ID I ANALYZED I TIM1l I AREA I RT I AREA I RT I 1===:========I==~===.=S=3=1==========!====== ========-I=:==:aml=:_--==== ===~===I 01 zzzzz Izzzzz I 07/01/16 I 1959 13145774 I 2.439 117638599 13.984 1 02 I 0.25PPMAR166 I 07/01/16 I 2021 13318876 I 2.439 117748878 13.984 03 !0.02PPMAR1661 07/01/16 I 2044 13260186 I 2.439 117850628 13.983 I 04 I O. 05PPMARl66 I 07/01/16 I 2107 13375853 I 2.439 118100122 13.984 05 11PPMAR1660 I 07/01/16 I 2129 13130293 i 2.438 117439255 13.984 06 10.lPPMAR16601 07/01/16 I 2152 13578889 I 2.439 118509789 13.984 07 10.5PPMAR16601 07/01/16 I 2214 13627383 I 2.439 118493537 13.983 OS IARIZ42 07/01/16 I 2237 13606936 I 2.438 118045407 13.984 09 IAR1248 07/01/16 I 2259 13580797 I 2.439 118S17791 13.983 10, i AR1254 07/01/16 I 2322 133331?2 I 2.438 118168791 13.983 111 IAR2162 07/01/16 I 2344 13137772 i 2.439 117949482 13.983 121 IAR3268 07/02/16 I 0007 13069683 I 2.439 17921406 13.983 13 I ZZZZZ IzzzzZ 07/02/16 I 0029 13076402 I 2.438 118010822 13.984 14 I zzzzz IZZZZZ 07/02/16 I 0052 13122311 1 2.438 118007648 13.983 151zzzzz Izzzzz 07/02/16 I 0114 13176996 1 2.439 118066379 13.983 16 I ZZZZZ IZZZZZ 07/02/16 I 0137 13223315 I 2.436 118305672 13.983 17 ZZZZZ Izzzzz 07/02/16 I 0159 13187813 2.438 118176633 113.984 181zzzzz IZZZZZ 07/02/16 0222 13162462 2.438 118106438 113.982 191 10.lPPM DDT 07/02/16 0245 13845926 2.437 I 201 IAR1254ICV1 07/15/16 1706 12318632 2.442 16153642 13.983 211 IAR1660ICV2 07/15/16 1729 12280285 2.440 116165538 13.984 22 I BCW1MBSI I BCW1MBS1 07/15/16 1922 14231591 2.441 118925913 13.983 23 I BCW1LCSSI I BCW1LCSS1 07/15/16 1944 13081705 2.442 118149286 13.983 241zzzzz IZZZZZ 07/15/16 2007 13891625 2.441 119443793 13.983 2slNOT REQUESTEIBCWlSRMl 07/15/16 2029 13643241 2.441 113947116 13.983 26 I 07042016BARBIBCWlA 07/15/16 2052 13193862 2.442 113962778 13.983 27 I 07042016BARB I BCWIAMS 07/15/16 2114 114118382 2.441 114902683 13.983 28 I 07042016BARB I BCW1AMSD 07/15/16 2137 114194326 2.442 115082664 13.984 291 IAR1248CCV1 07/15/16 2307 112826013 2.441 116594495 13.983 301 IAR1660CCV2 07/15/16 2330 112506335 2.440 116045202 13.983 I I I 1 _____ _ IS1 • 1-Bromo-2-Nitrobenzene IS2 = Hexabromobiphenyl RT Window = RT +/-0.1 min * Indicates value outside OC Limits page 1 of 1 FORM VIII PCB FORM 8 PCB INTERNAL STANDARD ARFA AND RT SUMMARY Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ARI Job No.: BCWl GC Column: ZB35 ID: 0.53 (am) Init. calib. Date: 07/01/16 client: LLOYD & ASSOC project: BARBEE DREJ:JGING InstI1lIl\ent ID: BCD7 THE ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MIXTURES, BLANKS, SAMPLES, AND STANDARDS IS GIVEN BELOW: IS1 I IS2 I I AREA I RT I AREA I RT 1 Is==····~·=:~:l::=-·-_c=I=======I~========I=======1 I lCAL MIDPT 118430989 I 3.007 122328101 114.919 I I UPPER LIMIT 136861978 I 3.107 144656202 115.019 I I LOWER LIMIT I 9215495 I 2.907 111164051 114.819 I _===------;-_-,-----_----,---_1 I I I I CLIENT LAB DATE I lSI I IS2 I I I SAMPLE NO. I SAMPLE ID . ANALYZED I TIME I AREA I RT I AREA I RT I !==:~==:==.=.l==========~=I~=====-===I======I====~==~~1_~===_=I=;=======I==ft===~1 01izzzzz :zzzzz 07/01/16 I 1959 118176338 I 3.007 122141587 114.919 I 02! ,0.25PPMAR166! 07/01/16 I 2021 118430989 I 3.007 122328101 14.919 I 031 10.02PPMAR166i 07/01/16 I 2044 118262773 I 3.007 122247489 14.919 I 041 !0.05PPMAR166i 07/01/16 I 2107 118392705 I 3.007 122846162 14.919 I 051 i 1PPMAR1660 1 07/01/16 I 2129 118070099 I 3.005 j22581345 14.918 I 061 1 O. 1PPMAR1660 I 07/01/16 I 2152 18845677 1 3.006 123397239 14.919 I 071 10.5PPMAR1660: 07/01/16 1 2214 118749063 I 3.007 j23667483 14.91S I 081 IAR1242' 07/01/16 I 2237 118662128 3.005 123393575 14.919 / 091 !AR1248 07/01/16 1 2259 118629302 1 3.006 123835583 1~.919 I 10 ,AR1254 07/01/16 I 2322 118257998 I 3.005 123441866 14.919 I Iii jAR2162 07/01/16 I 2344 /17915869 / 3.006 /23283790 14.918 I 121 IAR3268 07/02/16 I 0007 117862966 I 3.006 1232S2463 14.918 / 131ZZZZZ Izzzzz 07/02/16 I 0029 118047425 1 3.005 123759164 14.918 1 141zzzzz izzzzz 07/02/16 I 0052 118087767 I 3.005 ,24011430 14.918 1 15jZZZZZ jZZZZZ 07/02/16 0114 118200014 I 3.007 j24197736 114.918 1 161zzzzz Izzzzz 07/02/16 0137 118344250 I 3.004 24797525 114.918 I 17 I zzzzz Izzzzz 07/02/16 0159 118096324 I 3.005 24816665 114.918 I Islzzzzz Izzzzz 07/02/16 0222 118147878 ' 3.006 24884300 114.918 I 191 10.IPPM DDT 07/02/16 0245 118930080 3.005 201 IAR1254ICV1 07/15/16 1706 116777766 3.008 24093165 114.916 / 211 IAR1660ICV2 07/15/16 1729 116797286 3.006 24169197 /14.916 i 22 I BCW1MBSI I BCWIMBS1 07/15/16 1922 119624843 3.007 27209277 114.917 I 23 I BCW1LCSS1 I BCWILCSSI 07/15/16 1944 118362636 3.008 26484068 /14.916 / 241zzzzz IzzZZZ 07/15/16 2007 119509412 3.007 28326611 114.916 I 2sINOT REQUESTEIBCWlSRMl 07/1S/16 2029 118911551 3.007 25067783 114.915 I 26 I 07042016BARBIBCWLA 07/15/16 2052 118300291 3.008 23957317 114.916 I 27107042016BARBIBCW1AHS 07/15/16 2114 119211853 3.007 25209032 114.917 I 2S!07042016BARB!BCW1AMSD 07/15/16 2137 119467533 3.007 25459684 114.917 I 29: 'AR124BCCV1 07/15/16 2307 117356029 3.007 24776847 114.916 I 3D} :AR1660CCV2 07/15/16 2330 117085859 3.006 24352055 114.916 I ___ --1 I I IS1 ~ 1-Bromo-2-Nitrobenzene IS2 ~ Hexabromobiphenyl RT Window = RT +/-0.1 min • Indicates value outside QC Limits page 1 of 1 FORM VIII PCB Dioxin Analysis Report and Summary QC Fonns ARI Job ID: BCWl BCW i ; 001089 ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample 10: BCWIA L:MS Ii): 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Data Release Authorized:~ Reported: 08/10/16 Date Extracted: 07/21/16 Date Analyzed: 07/28/16 00:59 Instrument/Analyst: ASl/PK Acia Cleanup: Yes Silica-Carbon Cleanup: No ANALYTICAL ,. RESOURCES" INCORPORAn:D Sample ID: 07042016BAR8EE-C QC Report No: BCW::"-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2C16-1 BARBEE Date Sa"p1ed: 07/04116 Date Received: 07/0S/16 Sample !\.'lount: 10.3 g-dry-wt Final Extract Vol~me: 20 uL Extract Split: 1.00 Silica-Florisil Clean~p: Yes Dilution Factor: 1.00 Analy"C€ Ion Ratio Ra;:io Limits EDL RJ. Result 2,3,!,8-TCDF 2,3,7,8-TCOO L2,3,7,8-PeCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2, 3, 7 ,8, 9-HxCDF 1,2, 3, 4,7, 8 -HxCDD 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 1,2,3,7,8 t 9-HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,I,B-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD OCJF OCJD Homologue Group ----- Total TCDF Total TCDO Total PeCD? Total PeCDD Total HxCD~ Total HxCDD Total "pCD, Total HpCDO EDL 0.64 0.21 2.68 1.92 1.14 1. 91 1. 01 0.91 1. 75 1. 58 1. 18 1. 02 1. 04 0.81 0.89 0.65-0.89 0.65-0.89 1.32-1.78 1.32-1.78 1. 32-1. 78 1.05-1.43 1. 05-1. 43 1.05-1.43 1.05-1.43 1.05-1.43 1. 05-1. 43 1.05-1.43 C.88-1.20 0.88-1.20 0.88-,.20 0.76-1.n 0.76-1.02 RL 0.970 0.970 1. 94 0.970 1. 94 1. 94 1. 94 1. 94 0.970 :1.970 :1.970 0.J563 0.970 < 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 O.97J 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.101 0.970 < 2.42 1. 94 9.70 Result 0.911 EMPC 1. 52 EMPC 1. 4 3 EMPC 1. 06 EI1PC 3.15 EMPC 5.46 EMPC 4.34 21.2 Total 2,3,7,8-TCO~ Equivalence (WH0200S, NO-O, Including EMPC): 0.64 0.077 6 0.145 0.C737 0.0563 0.18< 0.114 0.111 0.136 0.130 0.242 0.532 0.464 1. 59 0.101 9.93 2.62 62.9 Total 2,3,7,8-TCDD Equivalence (WH02005, ~D~1/2 EDL, Including EMPC): 0.65 Reported i~ pg/g BJEMP2 JEMPC 8JEMPC U BJEI1PC BJ BJEI1PC .JEMPC BJEMPC BJEMPC BJEMPC BJ U B B ORGANICS ANALYSlS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 16138 ~'age 1 u= 1 L~b Sacp:e :C: 3CW:A Llr--1S 1::): 16-10068 Hatrix: St=!..-J:ment. Ca:::a Release Aathori!Cd;~ Re9~~ted: CS/:Di16 Date Extracted: 07/21/16 Date Analyzed: 07/28116 00:59 :!:nslrlJrr.ent/.n..nalyst: ASI/PK .n.na) yte 13C-2 /3,7,8-T::DF 13C-2~3/7,8~TCDC 13C-l,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 13C-2, 3,4,7,8-PeC~? 13C-l,2,3,7,8-PeCJD l3C-l,2,3,Q7 1 ,3-HxCDF -:'3C-l,2, 3 /6,7/ 3-HxCDf ~3C-2,3/4,6,7,8-Hx~DF ~3C-lr2,3/7/8,9-HxCDF 13C-lr2,3/~/7,8-HxCDD 13C-l,2,3,6,1,B-HxCDD :J.C-l r 2/ 3, 4,6,7, B-HpSDF :. 3C-l, 2, 3, ~ I 7 I 9, 9-H?COF :3C-1/2,3/~/6,7,R-HpCJD 13(;-OC'J0 3 7 C14-L,3,7,8-TCDJ Ion Rat~o 0.79 0.79 1.57 :.57 1.59 C.S1 C.S1 0.53 0.32 1. 28 1.26 0.45 0.45 1. 06 0.90 ANALYTlCAL a RESOURCES. INCORPORATED Sample ID, 07042016BARBEE-C QC Report No! BOon-Lloyd & Associates, Ir:c~ Project, BARBEE DREDG,~;3 2016-1 BARBEE Date So1.mplcd~ 07/04./16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Sample AmOD.!lt: Ie. 3 g--::.iry-wt. Final Ex":ract V:'!l,.;.:J.e; 20 L:..L Ext:act Spl!t: 1.O~ Dilution Factor: 1.0~ Ha,::':c Limits -_._.-_ ..... _. __ . 0.65-0.89 0.65-0.89 :.32-:.78 1.32-1.78 1. 32-1. 78 S.43-0.S9 D.n-O.59 0.43-0.59 0.43-0.59 1.05-1.43 1.05-1.43 0.37-0.51 0.3"/-0.51 0.88-1.20 O.7E-l.C2 91.4 90.7 88.8 91.0 88.3 84.8 82.6 83.7 31. 3 87.8 83.0 74.8 68.9 81. 6 64.7 leo L.Lmits ~4-169 25-164 24-185 21-178 25-181 26-152 26-123 28-136 L 9-14? 32-141 2B-13C 23-1~3 2(:<38 2 3-1 ~ C 17-157 35-19 7 ExceedanC0 Repcr~ed in Percer.t Reccve~y ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B ?a.ge L 0: 1 Lab S~mpl,:;:. ID: 6CW1ACU? LIMS 10: 16-10G88 Matrix: Sediment Ddta ~elease .n..uthori zed:~ Reported: 08/10/16 Date Extracted: 07/21116 ~.te A,alyzej: 0 7 /28/16 02:00 :::1stru:rren+.:/Ana"lys-::: AS1/?K .l'u::ij C.-':'~2.:n .. p: Yes S113ca-Carbon Clean~p: No ANALYTICAL a RESOUACES. INCORPOflATI!D Sample ID: 07042016BARBEE-C DUPLICATE QC Repo~t No: BOil-Lloyd & Associates, 'r:c. Project: BARBEE DREDGLNG 2016-1 BARBEE D"oe S.repled: a7!C4!l6 Date :\8ceived: Q7/05!l6 Sar..p:'e Arr,ou:-tt: :0.4 g-d:::::y-wt. Fi:1al Ext~act Vo':'umB: 20 '.lL Dil'.lti.or. f'act.o::-: 1.00 Silica-florisil Cleamlp: Yes Anolyte :on Rdtio Ratio Limits EDL ~.::. Resul:: L,3.7,8-TCCF 2,3.7,8-TCOz) l,2,3,1,8-PeCDF 2,3, 4, '}~ 8-PeCDF 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD !,2,3,4,7,8-HxCOF 1.2/3,6,-!,E-HxC~F 2,3 1 4,E,7,8-IIXCDF 1,2,3,f,8,9-ExCDF :,2,3r4,:,8-HxC~) :,2,3,6,7/B-~xC~D 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCGF l,2,3,4,7,8 r 9-HpC8r 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hp::::D:::J OeD!? OCDO Ho:r:.oloqu€ Grcl.p To: a: ~CD, To'!:a~ 'TDD :o~.al P",CCF T('::~al PeCCi) To-:=al HxCD? 'r o"ta 2-HxC!)O Total HpCJF Tctal HpCDD EDi. ~:. 63 :l .. : 6 1.98 1. 73 1. 32 1.47 1. 90 1. 03 l.H 1. 30 : .Ll 0.97 3.50 :.89 0.85 0.88 ·:;.65-0.89 0.65-C.83 1.32-:.78 :.32-1.78 1.32-:.78 1. 05-:.43 1. 05-2. 43 ,.05-] .43 1.05-1.43 1.05-1.43 1. 05-1. 43 1.05-1.43 0.88-1.20 C.BS-l.LO 8.88-1.20 :;.76-:.02 0.76-1.02 0.958 0.958 : . 92 0.958 1. 92 1.92 1.n 1. 92 ---_ ... 0.958 0.958 0.958 0.958 0.958 8.958 0.958 O.95e 0.85.16 0.'158 < 0.958 (;.9::'8 0.958 O.9 1:;E.l 0.958 2.39 1-92 9.58 Resul t 0.581 EM?C 1. ::;3 EM?C 0.8"2 EN?C O.6~1 EM?': 1.62 EY."Ji' 3.9:J EMPC 2.07 EMPC 12.6 Totdl 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD Equivalence (~HC2C05, ND=O, !~cluding EMPC): 0.48 0.0670 0.1.49 0.0556 0.03.:1 !:i 0.U6 :J. Q9Tl C.078:, 0.0765 0.0536 0.130 J.2Sg 0.328 o .778 C. 04 79 5.57 1.28 36.4 To~al 2,3,7,8-TCDD Equivalence (WH02005, NO=:/2 EeL, :nc:uding EMPC): 0.48 3.JE'MPC .:: I.YJ PC B.JEI~PC J BJ BJSf-1PC 8JE~IPC JEMPC U EJEMPC 5J Be BJ ,JEf":?C B BJ B ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample 10: BCWIAO[]P LlMS 10: 16-10C88 Ma!r~x: Sedime~t Data Release Au!.:r.orized:~ Reported: G8/10/16 Date Extracted: 07/21/16 0ate Ana;"yzed: 07/28/16 02:[:0 :::n.=tru.rr.ent./Ar:c.lys::: As:./?K Acid Cle~n~p~ Yes 5':' L __ ca -Cc. recr. Clear"lJp; No 2,3, 7, 3-:CDF 2,3,?,S-i'CC'O :,2,3,?,8-PeCDF' 2,:;',4,I,S-PeCDF 1, 2 I 3,7 I 8 -PeCDD 112,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,J,6,7,B-HxCDF 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 1(2,3,7,B,9-HxCDF 1,2,3,4,I,B-HxCDD 1,2,3,6,7,B-HxCDD 1,2,J,7,8,9-HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF ~,2,3,4,6,7/8-EpCnC OCDr OCCD < < ANALYTICAL IA RESOURCES' INCORPORATED SamplQ 10: O?042016BARBEE-C DUPLICATE QC Report No: Bc~·n-Lloyd &. l\ssociatBs. Inc. Frcject: BARBE~ DRE.C(;ING 2C"6-, BARBEE Date Sampled: 07:041l6 Jate Rece~ved: 07/05/1€ Sample A!TIoL.:!.nt: 10.4 g-dry-wt Fin.al Ext.ract Volu.me; 20 uL ni l.ution Factor: 1,00 Silica-Florisil Cleanup: Yes Sample Dupl icate RPG ...... _._--- 0.0776 0.06'!0 l-i . 7 0.145 0.149 2. 7 0.0737 0.D556 28.0 0,0563 O.O3~5 0 0.182 0.1:36 L8.~ 0.114 0.0977 ~5.~ [) . 11 ! O.07t1:) 34.3 O. ,.3 6 0.0785 53.6 D.::'3\} < O~~JEd6 Q 0.242 J.:30 60.2 a .. 532 C.289 59.2 8.464 8.328 34.3 1.59 C.778 68.6 O. :01 0.0479 0 9.93 '.57 56.3 2.62 l. 23 68. 62,9 36.4 53.4 ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 16138 Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample ID: BCW1AuUP LIMS :D: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment ~~ J Data Release Authorized: "~~ Reported: 08/10/16 Date Extracted: 07121116 Date Analyzed: 07/28/16 02:00 Inst.:-ucr.entiAnalyst: AS1/PK Analyte Ion Ratio 13C-2,3,7,8-TCOF 13C-2,3,7,8-1COD 13C-l,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 13C-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 13C-l,2,3,7,8-PeCCD 13C-l,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 13C-l,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 13C-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 13C-l,2,3,7,B,9-HxCuf 13C-l,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 13C-l,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 13C-1, 2, 3, 4, 6,7,8-HpCDF 13C-l,2,3,4,7 r 8,9-HpCDF 13C-l,2,3,1,6,7,B-HpCDD 13C-OCDO 37C14-2,3,7,8-TCOO 0.78 0.79 1. 61 1. 57 1. 57 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.52 1.27 1.25 0.46 0.45 1. 04 0.90 ANALYTICAL ta RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Sample 10: 0704201GBARBEE-C DUPLICATE QC Report ~o: BCWl-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREOGI~G 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 07/04/16 Date Received: 07/05/16 Sample Amount: :"0.4 Final E:xtra::::t Volume: 20 uL Dilution Factor: 1. 00 Ratio Lirr.i ts Resul t 0.65-0.89 94.5 0.65-0.89 93.2 1.32-1.78 100 1.32-1.78 102 1.32-1.78 102 0.43-0.59 87.7 0.43-0.59 83.8 0.43-0.59 88.5 0.43-0.59 8R.9 1.05-1.43 90.7 1.05-1.43 88.4 0.37-0.51 83.3 0.37-0.51 79.1 0.88-1.20 92.1 0.76-1. 02 79.1 102 g-dry-wt Limits Exceedance ... -- 24-169 25-164 24-185 21-178 25-181 26-152 26-123 28-136 29-147 32-141 28-130 28-143 26-138 23-140 17-157 35-197 Reported in ~ercent Recovery ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET D~ox~ns/Furans by EPA 1613B Pdge ~ ot " =-.at S6mrle 1J; SR~~-072116 ::"I~S ~D: :6-lC088 Matrix: Sedi!l:.ent ~. ;:)ala Release Authorized: '\~ Reported: 08/10/16 Da:e Ex~=acted: 87/21/16 Cate Analyzed: 07/28/16 02:53 InstrllI:ler.tlAnoJyst: ASlIPK Acid Cleanup: Yes Silica-Carbon CleanJp: No Sampla ID: SRM-072116 PSR ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED QC Report No: BOn-Lloyd & AS.'J.ociatcs, Ir:c. Project: BARBEE DR2DGING 2016-1 BARBEE Da.te Sampled: NA Date Received: NJi Sample Aroour:.t: 1Q.2 g-dry-wt final Extract VoluIT.e: 20 l..:L Dilution Factor: 1.00 Silica-Florisil Clean~p: Yes Analyte Ion Ratio Ratio l:mi:::s EDL RL ?es'Jl t 2,3,7,8-TCDf 2,3,7,8-TCO:J 1, L, 3,7 18 -PeCDP 2,3,4,7,S-PeCC-f' 1,2,3,7,8-PeCC'D l,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDf' l,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDf" 2,3,4,6,7,B-HxCDF 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCD: 1,2,3,4,7,B-HxCDD :,2,3,6,1,8-RxCD) 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCCJ 1,2,3,4,6 1 7,8-HpCDF lr2,~,~,7,81~-HpCDF l,2,3,4,6,7,9-HpCDD 0('0::;' O'CDD Horr.o::"og'Je G:.oup ':otal reDf ':otal reDD Total PeCOr Total ?eCDD Total HxCDF To==al HxCDD To~al HpCDF Total HpCDD :;OL C. 7 5 C.S? 1. 7B 1. 6C 1.41 1. 22 1. L, 0 1. 27 1. 7 5 1.27 1.23 1.28 1.87 C.89 1.02 0.88 Q.88 0.65-0.89 0.980 O.65-0.eg C.98'J 1.32-1.78 0.980 1.32-:.78 G.~80 1.32<.78 0.980 1. 05-:.43 0.980 l.C5-:.43 (1.980 :.05-:.43 0.380 ".05-1. 43 0.980 ::'.C5-1.4J 0.980 1.05-1.43 0.980 1. 05-1. 43 0.980 0.88-1.20 0.980 a. 88-:. 20 0.980 0.88-i.20 2.45 0.7 6-1.02 1.96 O.76-LC2 9.80 EL Result 0.980 16.6 ~MPC 0.980 7.89 EM PC 1.96 17.8 EM?C 0.980 8,71) EMP(': 1. 96 32.1 E~?C 1. 96 39.3 :.96 58.7 E:~PC l.96 2~9 Total 2,3, '7, 8-TCDD Equ::..vale!'lce \~'<1:-J020GS~ ND"~"O, ::1c~t:.dir.g E~PCj: 5.63 0.904 1.12 l.L 0.790 1. 24 2.88 O. QY6 1.87 0.563 1. 79 4.12 2.51 18.3 1.4.7 98.5 53.1 783 Total 2,3, 7.S-TeO::; Equivalence (W::O?OQ:~, ND=~/2 ET~L, :::lc·udir.q E~~?C): 5.63 ReportEd ir~ pc/o J EMPC J B JEMPC B EMPC ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B Page 1 Cf 1 Lab Sdmple LJ; SRt~-072116 LIM;; I:): 16-:C088 ~a::l"ix; Sedimerlt Da:a Release Authorized:~ Re~crted: 08/10/16 Dci~e Ext<acted: 07/2,/16 ;:)a:e A:ta:'yzed: 07/28/16 02:53 :nstrur.',ent:/Ar.alys,,:: AS:/?:\" Ar.alyte 13C-2, 3,7 t 8-TCDF :3C-2,3,:,8-TCDD 13C-l,2,3,"',B-PeCDF 13C-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF l3C-l,2,:,7,8-PeCDD 13C-l,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 13C-~,2,3,6,7,a-ExCDF 13:-2,3,4,6,7r8-HxC~F :3C-l,2,3,7,8,9-Hx.CDF :3C-l,2,3r4,7,8-HxCD~ 13C-1,2,3,6,7,S-HxCDD l3C-l,2/J,~,6/7t8-HpC~F i3C-l,2,3,4,7,8,~-HpCCr l3C-l.2,3,4,o,7,8-HpCD) 13C-OC~D 37C14-2,3,7,8-TCOD 8.78 O.Be 1.58 L58 1. 56 0.53 0.52 0.53 0.53 1.28 1.26 C.45 O. -16 1. Ct. C.9C ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES .... INCORPORATED Sample ID: SRM-072116 PSR OC Report ~~o: 3CW::"-L ... oyd & Associ~',:e~, Inc. ProjeC:: BAHBEE. JRE:>GING 2016-1 3AR3EE Date Sampled: t~A Date Heceived: NA SaJTlple Amcunt; :0.2 q-dry-wt Final Extract Volume: 20 uL Dilution Factor: 1.00 Ra':.i:;) wimits Result Limits 0.65-0.89 9'\. 6 24-169 C!.63-0.89 '<4.1 25-164 1. 32-1. ,8 89.2 24-185 1.32-:.78 91. 5 2:-178 ~.32-].78 92.8 25-181 O.4J-Q_S9 118 26-152 0.43-0.59 110 26-123 0.43-0.59 115 28-136 0.43-0.59 96.0 29-14 7 1.05-1.43 122 32-]41 1.05-1.43 112 28-130 0.31-0.51 94.5 28-10 C.37-C~51 93.8 26-138 ~.B8-1.2Q 103 23-140 8.7£-1.02 73.9 17-157 105 35-: 97 Exceedan ce Repor~ed in Percer:t Recovery new i : ;;0,0096. ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET DioKins/Furans by EPA 1613B Pa:J€ ~ of 1 La6 Sample IO; OPR-U72116 LIMS 1D: 16-10088 ~a~rix: Sedime~t ~~ . Data Release Auth8~ized: "~ Reported: 08/~G/16 Da::e Ex;:rc..cted~ 07/2l/16 Sate Ana~yzed: 07/27/16 17:43 I:lst:n:ment/Ar.alys::: ASl/?!< Acid C~ea~up: Yes Silica-Carbon Cleanup: No Sample ID: OPR-072116 ANALYTICAL a RESOURCES. INCORPORATED QC Report No: BCr,H-:Jlcyd & P.sso::::iates, I:-.:::: .. ?r8jeC:: BARB2:E JRE)GING 2016-1 BARBEE Cat...:: Sa:nplcd.: NA Date Received: NA Sarnple Amount: 10.0 -;-dry-wt Final Extract Volurr:c: 20 lJL Dilution Factor: 1.00 Sllica-Flocisil Clea~up: Yes IIr.alyte Ion Ratio Ratio Lim:'t:s RL Result 2,3,7,8-TCDF 2, 3. 7/8-T~:DD 1, 2, 3, I, B-PeCDF L, 3,4, !,8-?eC:JP 1,2.3,"7, 8-?eCO~ 1,2,3,4,7,B-HxCDF lr2,3,6/7r8-Hx~Df 2,3,~,5r 7,8-~xC.D~ 1,2,3,7, 8, 9-~xCL):~ 1,2,3,4,7,8-ExCDD l,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD l,2,3,4,6,7,B-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,B,9-HpCDF 1,2,3, 4,~, -", B-EpCJC OCJF aeDD Horr.o I oS ~e Gr01.:p :'otal TCDF 7o:al TC:)[; Total PeCDf Tetal Pe:CDD Tota 1 HxCDr Tot"l HxCDO Total HpCDF Tota2. HpCDO EDL 0.74 C.78 1.55 1. 52 1.58 1. 21 1. 22 1.21 1.22 1.24 1.26 1. 21 1. 03 1. 04 1. 08 0490 0.90 0.65-0.89 ~.65-0.89 1. 32-~. 78 1. 32-~. 78 1.32-1.78 1.05-1.43 1. 05-1. 43 1.05-1.43 1.05-1.43 1.05-1.43 1.05-~.~3 1.05-:.43 0.88-:.20 0.82.-:.20 D.88-1.20 '0.76-1.02 0.76-1.02 RL LOO 1.00 2.ClG 1. OC 2 . O:~ 2.00 2.00 2.3C Reported i~ pg/g :. CC :t.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. GO 1. GC 1. CC 1.80 :.00 : . 00 :.CO 1. 00 2.50 2.00 10.0 Result 22.7 22.9 2:. -: 111 43"7 347 222 129 EXPC E~rrC EMPC EMPC SMFC EMFC 2 7 2 .0 07 03 Ie os 18 08 09 lG O~ 22 15 06 18 2' .0 42 !:jew:l. 101009'( ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 16138 Page .~ of ~ Lab Sample I~: 02R-07211G LI~S Ie: 16-:COB9 Y:atrix: Se-ji~er_t :::::'ata. ~eleas€ A1.:th .... ")rized:~ Reported: 08/10/16 Date Extracted: 01/21/16 Date !kalyzed: 07/27/16 17: 43 Znstrument/Analyst: ASl/PK Analyte Ion Ratio 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDf" 13C-2,3,J,8-TCOD 13C-l,2,3,7,8-PeCDf" 13C-2,J,4,1,8-PeCCF IJC-l,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 13C-l,2,3,4,7,8-HxCJF 13(;-l,2,3,6,7,.8-fy.C:JF 13C-2,3/4.E,7,8-HxCDF ~3C-l,2r 3,7,B,9-HxCCF 13C-l,2.3,Q, 7,8-HxCD~ :3C-l,2.3,6,7,S-Hx2DD ~3C-l,2,3",6,7,B-Hp(:JF !3C-l,2,3,4,1,B,9-HpCDF 2.3C-1,2. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8-HpCDD :3C-OC:JC 31C~4-2/J,7,8-TCDD 0.79 0.30 1. 62 1. 58 1. S3 0.52 0.53 ().~2 0.52 1. 27 1.26 O. 4,~ 0.45 1. 06 0.90 ANALYTICAL IiiIIt. RESOURCES. INCORPORATED Sampla ID: OPR-072116 QC Report No: BCWI-Llo:r'd it. Asscc.!.ates l I:"l2. Project: BARBEE CgEc~ING 2016-1 BAR3EE Date Sampled; ~A Date Rece.~.veQ: NA 3a~ple AJ:'Ol'::l.t: 10. C g-dry-wt l'ir.al Extract V·:)l'Jme: 2C U:. D!l~tio~ ra~toI: l.DO Rati8 :'ir..i t s Result :;:"'imits ~.65-:;.89 98.6 2q-169 C.65-0.89 93.2 25-164 1.32-1. ,a 99.1 24-·,8.5 1.32-1.-18 86.4 21-178 :.32-1. 78 87.0 25-181 0.43-0.59 81.8 26-152 0.43-0.59 81.3 26-123 0.43-0.59 82..8 28-136 D.43-0.59 86.4 29-::'47 1. 05-]. 43 86.6 32-14 : 1. 05-], 43 87.5 23<30 C.37-0.51 79.6 28<43 'J.37-0.S1 78.8 26-138 0.88-}.20 8e2 23-140 0.76-1.02 C:.9 ~I_-'~''7 -' ... -,' 104 35-:;'97 ExceedaIlce Reported ir. Pe!:ce:s.: Recc~.Ierl: ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins!Furans by EPA 16138 Pa<]e 1 of 1 Lao Sample TO: CPR-07 L'11E L:MS ID: 16-10088 Ma:.rix: Sediment r·c:.~ Release AULhor';'zed:~ Reported: 08/l0/16 Da~e Ex~ra=ted: 07/2l/16 ~ate A~alyzej: J7/27/16 l7:43 Instr:.lmentlAn;:ll yst: AS l/PK Analyte OPF Sample ID' OPR-072116 ANALYTICAL - RESOURCES' INCORPORATED QC Report No~ BC1'(_-Lloyd & Associates, :0<::. Project: Rl1RBE:: DREJGING 20l€-1 BAR3EE Date Sampled: ~A Date Recel -..ted; ~~~z:.. Sample A~ount~ 10.0 g-dry-wt Final Extract Volume; 20 uL 8iluticn Factor: 1.00 Spiked Re~overy Lim~ts ---_ .......... __ .. .._-_._--_._--- 2,3,7,8-TCDF 2,3 1 7,8-TCDD 1. 2,3,7, 8-PeCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCGF It 2, 3, 7. 8-PeCDD 1,2,3,.4,I,R-Hx:CDF l,2,2,6,7,8-HxCDF 2,3,4,E,1,B-HxCDF :,2f3,7,8,9-ExC~F :,2,3.4,7,E-HxCDD l,2,3,6,7,S-HxCDD :,2,3,7,Sr9-HxCC~ : , 2, :3 r 4 I 6, 7 I 8 -HpC:Jr 1/~,3r4.7/E,9-KpCDF 1.2,3,4,6,7/8-HpCO~ OCDF OCOD 2:.7 22.:1 107 103 110 108 110 108 -;.09 ::'10 109 1~ 2 :15 :06 118 225 2.:j 2 2:].0 20.C :OC ~OD 100 lao 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2CO 2CO Reported ir, PJ/g 108 110 107 183 LJ 108 1'Q 108 109 110 109 122 115 106 La 1 ~2 ~21 75-158 67-158 8C-134 68-160 70-142 72-134 84-13J 70-156 78-130 :0-164 '6-134 6q-J62 82-132 78-138 70-140 63-]70 78-144 AnI/yIIcaI Resourcel, Inco~ Analytital Chemists and Consultants PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY EPA 1613B Laboratory: Analytical Resources. Inc. SDG: Client: Lloyd&AsSQcjlltes Project: Barbee Dre4gjng Batch: 8£00106 Preparation: EPA 1613 SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID lABFILEID DATE PREPARED 07()42016BARBEE-{; 16GOO74-0l 16072713 07121/1615:05 Blank BEGOI06.BlK1 160727()4 07/21/1615:05 lCS BEG0106·BS1 16072705 07121116 15:05 07()42016BARBEE-{; BEG0106-DUP1 16072714 0712111615:05 Reference BEGO106·SRM1 16072715 0712111615:05 OBSERVATIONS ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B Fage 1 of 1 Lab Samp:e 10: MB-072116 LIMS 10: 16-10C88 ~atrix: Sediment ~. _ J Data Release Authorized:" \ '"'4\JV" Repcrted: 08/1C/16 Date Extracted: 07/21116 Sample 10: MB-072116 ANALYTICAL ,. RESOURCES. INCORPORATED QC Report No: BCW~-Lloyd & Associates, Inc. P~ojec(: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: teA Date Received: KA Sample Arr,Qunt: 10,0 Final 2:xt!'act volutne: 20 "L Dilution Factor: 1. 00 g-dry-wt Date Analyzed: 0-1/2)/16 16:~0 Instrument/Analyst: ASI/PK Acic Cleanup: Yes Silica-Carbon Cleanup: No Silica-Florisil Cleanup: Yes Analyte 2,3,7,8-TCDF 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3, -; I 8-PeCDD ~,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF l,2,3,6,l,8-HxCDF 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2. 3,'. 8. 9-HxCOF 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCCO l,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpC9F 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD OCCF OCDe Hornclogue Group _._---- Total T:::DF Total TCDO Total ?eCDF ':'otal PeCCD Total HxCDF Total HxCOO Total HpCDF Tctal HpCDC Ion Ratio Ratio Limits 0.57 a.6S-0.R9 0,65-0.89 1. 34 1.32-1.78 1.32-1.78 1. 37 1.32-1.78 0.81 1.05-1.43 1. 20 1.05-1.43 1. 05-1. 43 0.79 1.05-1.43 1. 09 1.05-1.43 1. 27 1.05-1.43 1. 30 1.05-1.43 0.66 0.88-1.20 0.88-1.20 1. 03 0,88-1.20 1. 05 0.76-1.02 0.87 0.76-1.02 EDL RL 1. 00 1. 00 2.00 1. 00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 EOL RL Result .--~---- 1. 00 :;.0540 JEMPC C.0500 1. 00 < ~.0500 0 1. 00 0.0690 , v 0,0500 1. 00 < 0.0500 0 1. 00 0.132 J 1. 00 o,0360 JE[1PC 1. 00 0.0412 J 0.0420 1. 00 < 0.0420 0 1. 00 0,0520 JEMPC 1. 00 0.142 J 1. 00 0,230 J 1. 00 0.278 J 1. 00 0.0840 JEMPC 0.0580 1. 00 < 0.0580 U 2.50 4.62 2.00 0.206 JEMPC 10.0 31. 1 Result 0.0982 EMPC C. 4 67 EMPC 0.0690 0.795 EMPC O.13D EM PC 4.77 EMPC 0.0836 EMPC 14 .3 Total 2,3,I,8-'l'CDD Equivalence (WH02005, ND=O, Including EMPC): 0.27 Total 2,3,7,8-1CDD Equivalence (WE02005, ND=1/2 EDL, Including EMPC): 0.31 Reported in pg/g ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B Paqe 1 of 1 ~ab Sample 1D: ME-072116 :'=MS ID: 16-10088 Matrix: Sediment Data ReLease Authorized: Reported: 08/10/16 Date Extracted: 07/21/:6 Date Analyzed: 07/27/16 16:50 1nstrurr.ent/Analyst: AS1/PK ".n21yte 13C-2,3,7,B-TCDF '.3C-2,3,7,8-TCDC 13C-l,2,3,7,8-reCDf 13C-2,3,4, 7,~-PeCDF 13C-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 13C-l,2,J,4,7,8-HxCDF 13C-:,2,3,6,7,B-HxCDF 13C-2,J,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 13C-l,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 13C-l,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDu 13C-l,2,3,6,7,8-ExCDJ 13C-I,2,3,4 J 6,7,8-HpCDF :3C-1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9-HpCOF 13C-l,2,3,~/6,7,8-HpCDC 13C-OCOD 37C14-2,3,7,8-TCDD Ion Ratio 0.78 0.80 1. 60 1. 57 1. 55 0.52 0.50 0.52 0.51 1. 27 1. 30 0.44 0.45 1. 04 0.92 ANALYTICAL .a RESOURCES' INCORPORATED Sample 1D: MB-072116 QC Report No: BCWI-Lloyd & AssocidLes, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: NA Date Received: NA Sample Amount: 10.0 g-dry-wt Final Extract Volume: 2C uL Dilution Factor: 1.00 Ratlo Limits Resul t Limits 0.65-0.89 104 24-169 0.65-0.E9 99.2 25-164 1.32-1.78 99.2 24-185 1. 32-1. 78 92.0 21-178 1.32-".78 91. e 25-181 0.43-0.59 91.8 26-152 0.43-0.59 96.8 26-123 0.43-0.S9 91. 4 28-136 0.43-0.59 91.6 29-147 1. 05-1. 43 96.0 32-141 1.05-1.43 95.~ 28-130 0.37-0.51 87.0 28-143 0.37-0.51 86.7 26-138 0.88-1.20 94.8 23-140 0.76-1.02 77 .4 17-157 llO 35-197 Exceedance Reported in Percent Recovery • AnI/yIIcaI Rosouras. II1COI'pOlIIed Analytiul Chemists and Consultants INITIAL CALIBRATION DATA EPA 16138 Laborawl)': Analytical Resources, (nc, SDG: 16QOO74/&10i Client; Lloyd & Associates Projet.1; _Dredging Calibration: ZEOOO16 lnstnunenr: AlITOSPECO) Calibration Date: 05110/2016 15:20 Column (I): RTIC-Dioxia2 Level 01 Lo.elO2 u.e103 Lov.IM Lev.IOS Lovel% Compound Rf Rf OF RF RF RF 2,3,1,8-TCDF .. , (1-8791)6' , Q,919521S I. o.9~4 ... O.9!i88917 '00 0.%49929 2,3,7,8·TCDD .. , J.1I~.317 , 1.100J76 10 U44028 " u~07 200 I. L591.JS 1,2..3,1,1-Pe:CDF 0.' O.948SlB4 2.5 0.9209936 10 O!J0:S60] 5 50 0.%331S2 lOll O,9S40803 1000 O.9S896i'5 l,1.4;7,8.PtCOF c., 090351401 2.S 0.9573719 10 O.9682m SO 0.9666401 200 0.9&42584 1000 0.9973965 1.2.3,1.8·~DD 0.5 0.9219166 " o..95'W21" 10 0.%28834 50 ],001105 20Il O.~93907 1000 1.018541 [,2,l.4,7 ,8·HltCDF 0., 1.111198 1.5 1.125003 10 I.IJSIW " J.l41J51 20Il 1.I!i2665 1000 1.14638 1,2,l,(5,7.8·HxroF 0.' 1.063648 ,., 1.""90'1 " 1.11119] " 1.110i29' 20Il LJ21D41 1000 1.116234 2,J,:4,6,7,g.HACDF 65 J.l.4 t11!i " 1.1l16S1 10 1.110012 ,. 1,1603(H 200 Ll84913 1000 1.212323 1,2.J.7,II.9-HxCDF ., 1.)24362 '" 1.074397 10 1.0113361 I ,. I0649!!!Jo 200 1.1190352 1000 1.1384iM 1,2..1,4,7.8-tu:CDO .5 1.042764 2.5 O.98100D 10 1.02.3544-50 L046JH 200 L0407R6 1000 1.052574 .,2.l.6, 7 .K·HJ:CD 0 0.' 0.9124052 2, O.97+41~ I' 0.%34003 :so ... ....., 200 O.981t'wn 1000 0.9757835 1,2.,},7.R.9-H"COO .. , 0."%18897 2.5 0,9.3219117 10 L.003559 SO LQ2"9$6 200 1.023361 1000 1.018307 l,2,3.4,fJ.7,S.HpCDF 0.' 1.2&1865 '" 1.2%787 10 1.273741 ,. U09499 200 U22647 lOOIl 1J47196 l),),4,l.R.9~H.pCDF 0.5 1.2'92J3 '5 1.281743 10 1.260~2 SO 1J27622 200 U90769 1000 J.]54(I06 1,2,),4.6.7,Il--HpCDO 0.' O.997WH 2,5 1,(mS04 I. tOll97 50 1.027178 "'" 1.0%087 lOOIl LQ~5 (){])f I 1.f)95/iiSI 5 1.l011285 20 1.lM~7 100 1.I~3316 .00 1.212513 2000 1.220252 OCDD I 1.036043 , J.S278(1/1i 20 l.00888 '00 U)2SOO1 .00 I.02H89 2000 1.023204 .3 7C14·2.J,1.8~TCDD 0,1 1.08:'1.129 0.5 0-96966"12 1 LOJ7!!Ol 10 I.O]Jl14 "" 1.080686-200 I. I 1}1229 5CWi 1l!0i03 Ana/ydcal RMources, Incorporated Analytical Chemists and Consu ltants INITIAL CALIBRATION DATA Laboratory; Analytical Resources. Inc. Client: Lloyd & Associates Calibration: ZEOOO 16 Calilmlion Dale: 05/1012016 15:20 COMPOUND MnaRF 2,3,7,8· TCDF 0,9347915 2,3,7,8·TCDD 1.133965 1,2,3,7,8·PeCDF 0.9519161 2,3,4,7,S·PeCDF 0.9629117 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 0.9753974 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 1.136547 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 1.098742 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 1.163504 1,2,3.7,8,9·HxCDF 1.100821 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 1.031167 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 0.9714371 1,2,3,7,S,9-HxCDD 0.9950452 1,2,3,4,6,7,8·HpCOF 1.302789 1,2,3,4,7,S,9-HpCDF 1.317361 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 1.028016 OCOF 1.165807 OCOD 1.107021 37CI 4-2.3,7 ,S-TCDD 1.066558 EPA Hi13B SOG: Project; Instrument CohIDln (I): RFRSD 3.6 2.2 3.5 3.4 3.6 1.2 2.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.3 3.8 2.4 3.7 2.0 4.6 IS.6 7.0 16GOO74/ BCWi Barbee Dredging AUTOSPECOI RTX·Dio<in2 LiDearCOD Quad COD RSDLimit Q Ana/vllcallIesources, Incorporated Analytlcal Chemists and Con!tJltant5 Laboratory: Analytisa! RC§QYrcq. Inc. Client: Lloyd & Associates IOltrument ID: Lab File lD: S_e: Lab S ampleJD: COMPOUND 2,J,7,8-1COf 2 .. 3.7.8-1eoo J 2.3 .7.8-PcCDF 2.l,4,7,B-PI!COF J.2,3.7,8·PeCI)O U.J,4,1,8-HxCOF 1.2,l,(>,1,8-HxWI' 2,],~,6,7, .. -HxCDF 1,2,3,7,8,9--HxCDF 1.2,3,4,1,a •. }h.CDD 1),.3,6,7,8-HlIICOD 1,2,J,1,8,9.HlICDD 12,l, 1,l.J ,4, 1.B"~-1IpCDF I)J,4,6,7,'·HpCDD OCDF OCDD 1 }C12.2J.7.S·TCDf IJC12-2.,3.1,ft.-TCDO IlC 12.1,2,J,7..8-J>ecDF 13C12~2.J.4,7.e-Pe.CDF 1 JC Il-l ,2,),7 ,1I-PeeOO llCI2-1.2,J,4,7,8-HxCDF 1 Jell-I ,2,3 ,6.1,8-HxCDf lK12-2J. lJC 12·1 ,2,) ,7,8,9·H:\CDF IJeI2-1,2,J,4,7,8-H:\CDD Be12-1 ,2,J.6.7,8-lbCOO AUTOSPECOI 16022702 SEHOO33 SEHn03H~Vl BCI2.1,2.,3.4,6,7,8-HpCDF DCI2-11J.'Df LE 12-1,.2,],4,6,7 ,8-HpCDD IlCI2-OCDD TYPE A A A A A A A A • A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A INITIAL CALIBRATION CHECK EPAI6J3B SDG: ~/l'tf1)1 Project: 8aJbee Drrx1rine C.libnUion: ZEOOO 16 Calibnltion 0,1<: 05/1911615:20 Injection Dzt.: 07127116 Injection Time: ill!1 C<JNC. (nglmL) RESPONSE FACTOR 8m ICV ICAl. ICV MIN 10.000 to.2 O.'H4?!)H O.9~.n»2 U1.000 IO~ I.lH9650 1.16OO3l0 "'.000 .... O.9~i9161 0.9508307 50.000 ~1.1 0·%Z'J1L7 O.9840UI "'.000 51.3 1).~'jJ974 1.O1~.5900 50.000 ".l 1.136'470 1.0967200 .<woo 51.0 Ul987420 UZ'7100 "'.000 SO., J.1635040 J.l684420 50000 ,., J.1008l10 I.DlI94900 "'.000 49.) 1.0311670 IOI14l190 5<).000 Sl,O 0.9714371 0.:9906192 ".000 52.8 o.99!i04~2 1.0144410 50.000 48.9 '-:lmmIl 1.21·U330 SO.OOO 49.6 UI71610 T .3064860 l<I.ooo 51.4 1.0280160 1.0558730 100.00 10' 1.1658070 1.2211820 loom 92.3 i.l07Ol10 1.021S05G 100.00 '09 U614190 L710b071 100.00 "" 0.9017411 O.9$174S4 100.00 115 1.2140970 U681~ 100.00 '" I.2346UO }.4J2J254 100.00 11. 0.7557554 0.81419(10(1 100.00 .... l.31109190 l.lOl6&6tI 100.00 ... 1.5694530 JA7482Qo2 100.00 ".3 U453300 1.29528"73- 100.00 106 l.iI289j() J.24936JS 100.00 .... 1.055904D 1.0014194 100.00 96.9 1.1630360 1.1493160 loom 101 I.L781620 1.19116250 100.00 111 (U177992 0.97]1364 IOIHIQ '06 0.9091061 0.96793" ZOO.OO 213 0.819575) O.91~5 % DIFF I DRIFT ICV LIMIT 10 " l.J 22 -OJ " 1.2 " ••• 12 -J.5 I. 2.1 " ••• 11 -1.0 I. ·13 22 1 .• n ••• 18 ·2.2 I. -0' 14 !.7 14 4,7 11 ·71 11 ·}().l " • .. - 10.2 " ·21.5 24 -19.0 " '1.) " -27.~ 24 • ·36.3 '0 • ·25,7 " -1~..1 2. ·SJ. '5 44-,' 1"5 -15,1 21 11.9 "-10.0 " 22.0 51 :.:- AnalyUcalltesourtU, Incorporall!d Analytical Chemists and COl'uultarH.s Laboratory: Clien1: Instrument ID: Lob File ID: Sequence: L bS • amp. ID : COMPOUND l7Ct4-2.3, '/ ,S-TeDD Analyti91 ResQurcys. Inc. Lloyd &. Associates AUTOSPECOI 160727Q2 SEHOO33 SEHOO33 ICV 1 . TYPE A • Value:s outJidc ofQC limit! INITIAL CALIBRATION CHECK EPA 1613B soo: 16GOfJ74!BrwJ. Project: Barbee Dredging Calibration: ZEOO016 Calibration Date: 05110/161S'20 Injection Date: 07127116 nJec Ion lme: CONe. (.wmL) RESPONSE FACTOR sm ICV ICAl ICY MIN 10.000 J u:t 1.066SS80 1.1700929 % DlFF 1 DRIFT ICY LIMIT '.? Allllytkal IIesoUrceI. IIIaIrporatad Analytical ChemisU and Consuhants CONTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK EPA 1613B Labontory, Client: Instrument TO: Anw.ytical ResOllfCcs. Inc, Lloyd &; Alsociates AUIOSPECOI lab File ID: Seq""""., Lab Sample !D' COMl'OUliD 2.l.7,S-TCDF 2.3,7.8-'TCDO 1,2.,J,7,S-I'eCDF 2,3,4,1,S-PeCDF L),3.7,~DO I ,U,4, 7):i·H~CDF 1,2.3.607,S·HItCDF 2,3,4.6.?,.8-}b:CVF 1.2.l.7,8,9-HlLCDF 1,2,l.6,',8-tu.COO 1,J..,J,7,s..9-HII.CDD 1.2.3,4,.6,7,8-HpCOF 1,2,~,4,7,&,9-HpCOF 1.2,.),4,6,7,8-HpCDO oeOF OCOO IlCI2·2:,J.7.8-TCOf IJCI2-2.J.1,8.-TCDO 1:lC12·),2.l,1,S-PtCDF 13CI2-2:.3,4,7.8-PcCDF llCf2.1.2.3,l,l-PGCOD I lC12-1>2,3,4, 1,g...HxCOf IlC[1.1.l,],6.7,8-HxcDf' He L2-2,3,4,6,7 ,8-theOf' IlCI2-J,2.1.7,8,9·H:tCOF IlC (2-1.2.3,4,7 ,8·HlCDO IlC12-I,l.,J,(i,7,g·HACDD \6072712 SEIIOO33 SEHOOJ3-CCV1 IJCII-I,.2.3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 1]C12.,1,8,9-HpCDf Be L 2·1 ,2,3,4,6, 7 ,8-HpCDD 13C12-OCDD 31C t 4-2,l,7,i-TCDD • Vahle, (l8lJidc of QC hmitJ TYPE A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A SDG 16G!J(J74it'b.<1L Project B..t= Dredl!in. Calibration: ZEOOO16 Calibration Dale: 0511011615,2Q Injection Dale: 07128116 lnjoction Time' !.l!!J!!! CONC. (n&'mL) RESPONSE FACTOR SID CCV ICAL CCV MIN 10.000 10.2 0_93419U O.9YM26I [0.000 10.1 un96~O 1.1418930 ~O.OOO 49.3 0.9.519161 O.9J9288"l 50.000 49.6 0.9629117 (1.9.'554112 SO,""" SI..5 (l.91S1974 I_OOS~l64) jI).OOO "9.0 1,13650170 1.[1<494]0 "''''''' 49-.' Ims7~(1 I.omm .'50.000 49.8 1.1635040 I 1.S89950 "',000 4lJ.7 1.l00Sl10 1.{\9.50.51O 56,000 ItO 1.,1t.7. 1-0509160 56.000 "',2 0_9714311 0.9751441 .50.000 ;4.4 O.'99:5Oo11-Z 1.l2l4910 .50.000 49.0 LlO27S~ 1.27.55430 :50.000 49.1 1.l111610 1.2"941440 ,",000 50,0 1.0280160 1.0284480 100,00 77,7 1.16S&070 0.9051866 100.00 "'.6 J.]07ilWl L(H)3.0450 100:00 10) 1.56141"9(1 1.6166950 100.00 106 o.'ro774Bl 0:9-590&06 IOO.{I(I II) 1.27-40976 1.4H~2 100.00 l2< ),23462-60 l.5324182 100.00 123 0,1551554 0.93241« 100.00 8-9.4 l.J3i»J9G t.2340IH7 100,00 89,0 U61)4530 t.4Gn696 100.00 93.3 1.34~3)OO t.2~j8317 100.00 9J.1 1.1823950 Llfl16!K11 100.00 9().6 L055904(J 0.9567739 100.00 97,3 1.163036(1 1.1))9105 10000 89.4 1.] llBri2<l 1.(1.536963 100.00 1!J.3 (lJ!777992 0.13J0984 100.00 97.3 0_9091061 O.II.a44S11 >00.00 L?9 o.flJ951$3 0.1354312 10.000 10.8 1.0065580 U516408 % DlFF 1 DRIFT CCV L1MlT 1.7 16 0,7 " ·1,) 18 .(),' " 3,1 " • 1.9 I • -l.1 " .<).4 " .<).S 10 t9 22 0,' " 8,7 " ·2.1 10 ·loS " O,IM " -22.3 17 .... 21 ),' ,. 5.1 II 1:;!.5 14 24, I 2J l)" J8 -JO.6 2. ·]0.2 '" -6.1 21 -6.7 2. _9,4 1$ , -2.1 " -10.6 " -16.7 13 -2.7 " -10';· Sl 8.0 LaboralOl)': AnaIytIcaJ IWources, Inc..."."md Analytical Chemlsu and Consultants CONTINUING CALIDRATION CHECK EPA 1613B Analytical Rcsources. Inc. SOG: Client: Lloyd & Associates Project Calibration: Barbee Dredging Instrument 10: Lab File 10: Sequence: labS IIII1p e 10 COMPOUND 2,3,7,S·TCDF 2,3,7,B-TCDD 1,2,3,7,S-PeCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 1,2,],-4,7,fI·H;IlCDF 1,2,3,6,7.I-HltCDF 2.3,4,6,7,8-HltCDF 1,2,3,7,1.9-HltCDF 1,2,],04,7.I.H:tCDD 1,2,],6,7,II·HltCDD 1,2,3,7,I,9.lhCDD 1,2,3,4,6.1.8-HpCDf 1,2,3,04,7 ,8.~HpCDF 1,1"),4,6,7,I-HpCDD OCD' OCDD I)C 12·2.3,7 ,1-TCDF IJeI2-2..3.7.s-TCDO IJeI2·1.2.3,7,R-PcCDF IJCI2-2,1.4,7,8-PcCDF I)CI2-J,2,3,1.8-PcCDD 13CL2·1.2,3A,7,8-HllCDF 13CI2-J,2,3,6,7,S-HltCDF 13C 12-2,3,4,6,7,S-HlI.CDF I]C 12-1.2,],7 ,~,I)..HlI.Cm· I3C 12- ,8-HxCDD 13CI2-J,2.,J,6,7,8-HxCDD AUTOSPECOI 16072721 SEH0033 SEHOO31-CCV2 I]C 12-1 ,2,3,4,6, 7 ,8·HpCDF 13CI2.,7,8,9-HpCDF 13C L2-1.2,3,4,6.7,8-HpCDD I3CI2-OCDD ]1C 14-2.].7,8-TCDD .. Values outside ofQC lltluts TYPE A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A CONC. (nglmL) STD CCV 10.000 .... 10.000 10.1 50.000 4~J "'.000 50.2 "'.000 51,lS "'.000 49.4 "'-000 50.5 "'.000 50.2 "'.000 49.3 j().OOO 50.8 ".000 50.3 "'.000 53.6 "'.000 49.1 50.000 41.] 50.000 51.2 100.00 76.3 100.00 89.7 100.00 101 100.00 '01 100.00 106 100.00 107 100.00 "' 100.00 90.' 100.00 90.7 100.00 ".3 100.00 90.9 (00.00 92.2 100.00 98.1 100.00 ".0 100.00 82.4 100.00 95.0 200.00 ". 10-000 1(1.] Calibration Dale: Injection Date: In' f To Jf:C Ion Ime: ZEOOOl6 0511011615:20 ~ l!l..I§: RESPONSE FACTOR ICAL CCV 0.9]479H 0.9]26116 1.1339650 1.141~J80 0.951916] O.~]8on86 O.962~1l? 0-.%71719 0.9753974 1.0065340 J.D6S470 J.12320IO 1.0917420 1.1102500 1.1635040 1.1682420 1.1008210 1.0856330 1.0311670 J.0476770 0.9714371 0.9779330 0.9950452 J.J0I4250 1.3027890 1.29]8560 1.317)610 1.2736150 I.02WI60 1.0522960 1.I6S8070 0.1889322 1.1070210 0.9'9333M 1.5674190 1,s86HOO 0.9077481 0.91339Q1 1.27409'}0-1.]41jl6916 12346260 1.3178385 0.7557554 0.1402107 1.3809190 1.2542185 1.56904530-1.4228430- 1.345]]00 1.2684458 1.1828950 1.0755138 lO.559040-0.97)76J9- 1.1630300 1.1404700 1.178}620 ('0]69-481 O.IJ177992 0.722954] 0.90~10ti1 0.8638119 0.sI9S7S] 0.7348495 1.(1665580 1.0-988141 MIN % DIFF 1 DRIFT CCV LIMIT ".2 " 0.7 22 -1.4 18 0.' 18 Jl 22 -12 '0 1.0 " 0.' " _1.4 10 I.. 11 0.7 22 7.1 18 ".7 10 ~].) 14 1.' 14 -23.7 37 ·10.) 21 '.1 2. 0 .• " S .• 24 '.7 2l 11.2 " -9.2 14 -9.3 JO -5.7 27 -9.1 16 -7.8 " -1.9 15 -12.0 22 -17.6 2J -S.O " -10.] " '.0 III. 11'11 ,\Ilah ,i, TPHD Analysis Report and Summary QC Forms ARt Job ID: BeWl BCW1;00163 ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TOTAL DIESEL RANGE HYDROCARBONS ;;W'l'PHD by GC/FID ANALYTICAL 1& RESOURCES. INCORPORATED Q:: Repor:: ~~o: B::Wl-~loyd & AssDc.l.i':Ites r Inc. E:xtraction Method: SW3546 Page 1 of I FroJe~t: BARBEE DREJGING 2Cl6~1 Bl'.F.BEE Matrix: Sedirn€r.t Date Received: 0')/05/16 Dd:"'ii Release AUU1Q':iz.ed:~ Reported: 07/13116 ARI ID ~3-07:l:6 16-1CC88 BCWIA 16~l0088 Sample ID Hethod Blank BC ID: Q7042016BARBEE-C ;.IC 10: ORO/RRO Hcpor~ed ir. rr .. ;;J/kg (PP!'i: Extraction Analysis Date Date 07/11/16 071:1/16 nD4A 07/03i:6 C7/11/l6 rID4A E2V-EL:ective Final Vo:'ume -t:J F..:='. 1JL-Oilutic:1 of extract prio::-tc analysis. LOQ-Lim:t 0: Qt;.ar.titatior~ EFV DL Range/Surrogate ........ --. 1. CO Diesel "a::1ge 1.8 Metor Oil Range o-Terphenyl 1. 00 Dieael Range 1.0 Motor Oil Range o-Terphenyl LOQ 5.0 lC 6.3 12 Diese:!. .::ange q'.,l~r;titation on t~ctal peaks in the range trcm C12 :0 C24. Motor 0=--1 ra:1ge guantitation on tctal peaks in ':he :;:-ar:ge frof"'. ::24 to (38. :Ie ID: JRO/HRO indicates result.s of organics O! add':"tio:'Jal hyd=ocarbocs i;) rar.ges are not idenlifiable. FORM I Result ----~ < 5.0 U < 10 U 73.8% 8.3 39 a 3.2< Matrix: Sediment (OTER) o-Terphenyl ?age 1 [Qr BCWI TPHD SURRQG1,.TE RECOVERY SUMMARY ANALYTICAL 1& RESOURCES. I NCORPORAlB) QC Report No: Project: BCWI-Lloyd & Associates l Inc. BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Client ID OTER TOT OUT 071116MB 78.S% 0 071116LCS SC.S% 0 07042016BARBEE-C 83.2" 0 07042016BARBEE-C MS 91. 9\\ 0 07042016BARBEE-C MSD 83.1)% 0 LCS/Me LIMITS QC LIMITS (50-150) (50-150) Prep Method: SW3546 Log Number Range: 16-10088 to 16-10088 FORM-I I TPHD BCWi 00163 ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET NWTPHD by GC/FID Page 1 of : Lab Sar:-.ple .2:0: BCttr::'A LIMS E); 16-10088 Matrix: Sed:"me:l: ~ .. _\ Oat.!! RF.::le9~:' ,~·j":~Ot·':zed: -\''\\'\'' Repartee: ~J!~3/.6 ~ate Extracted MS/MSD: 07/11/16 DatE Ar.alyzed MS: 07/11116 14:33 MSD: 07/11/16 14:55 Instrumer,t/Analyst MS: FID4A/M:" MSD: FID4A/ML Ran9" Dieee:" e.3 MS ANALYTICAL _ RE8OURCES. INCORPORATED Sample 10: 07042016BARB&E-C liS/MSD OC Report No: BC'WI-Lloyd & Ass()ciates, Inc. Project: BA~8EE DREDGiNG 20:6-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: 0"/C4116 Date Received: 07/C5/16 Sample A,iTtOt,:;.at MS: 7.99 MS): 8.01 Fina 1 Ext~act Volume MS: :.0 ~SD: :.C D:lutio::1 Factor MS: =-.CO Y;SD: :.00 g-dry-w~ g-dry-wt mL roL Percen: ~·;oist1..:re:: 20.3% Spike HS Spike )ISO Aclde<i-MS R&covery MSD Aclded-MSD Recovery RPD 79, H 156 187 79. Or. O.ot. TPHD Surroqat. Recovery MS liSD o-Terphenyl 9L9~ 53.H. ~es~~t5 reported in mg/kg RPD calculated using sample concentrations per St·184€. FORM III OR~ICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET NWTPHD by GC/FID [-'if!" ~ of 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS-071116 LIMS ID: 16-10088 Mat::-i.x: Sediment. Data Release Authorized:~ Reported: 07/13116 Date Extracted: 07/11/16 Da'.:.e A.:.'1.a'::'yzcd: 07/11/16 13:25 Instn1rtentlAnalyst: rJD4AIt-r:... Range :Jiesel Sample In: LCS-071116 LAB CONTROL ... N ... LmcALa RESOURCES. I NCORPOAATED QC Report No: BCWI-LloYd &-Asscciates, Inc. Project: BARBEE DREDGING 2016-1 BARBEE Date Sampled: NA Date Received: NA Sa~p~e ArrNu~t; ~a.o g-d=y-wt Fi:1a: Extract Vo2.' ... Htle: 1. 0 mL Jibtior. factor: 1. 00 Lab Spik .. Control Added Recovery llG 150 73.3% TPHD Surrogate Recovery o-Terphenyl 80.8% Results reported in rug/kg FORM III ANALYTICAL _ RESOURCES' INCORPORATED TOTAL DIESEL RANGE HYDROCARBONS-EXTRACTION REPORT ARI Job: BCWI Matrix: Sediment Project: BARBEE DR;::::>GING Date Received: 07105116 2016-1 BARBEE Client Fir.al Prep ARI ID Client ID Amt Vol Basis Date 16-100B8-071116MB1 Method Blank 10.0 9 1.00 rnL 07/11116 16-100B8-071116LCSl TdO Control 10.0 9 1.00 rnr. 07/11/16 16-10088-BCW1A 07042016BARBEE-C 7.98 9 e.OO rnL 0 07/08116 16-10088-BCWIAMS 07042016BARBEE-C 7.99 9 ~.OO roL 0 07/11/16 16-10088-BCWIAMSD 07042016BARBEE-C 3.01 9 ~.OO roL D 07/11/16 Basis: D=Dry Weight W=As Received BCi.j i . 00 i 621 4 BLANK NO. TPH METHOD BLANK SUMMARY Lab Name: ARI SOO No.: BCWI Date Extracted: 07/11/16 Date Analyzed 07/11/16 Time Analyzed 1303 BCWlMBSl Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Proj ect No.: BARBEE DREDGING Matrix: SOLID Instrument ID FID4A THIS METIlOD BLANK APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES, MS, and MSD: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CLIENT SAMPLE NO. ============ BCWlLCSSl 07042016BARB 07042016BARB 07042016BARB page 1 of 1 LAB I DATE SAMPLE ID I ANALYZED ==============,========== BCWILCSSI 07/11/16 BCWlA 07/11/16 BCWlAMS 07/11/16 BCWlAMSD 07/11/16 I FORM IV TPH &CWi 00i;::;9 I I I I I I I 6a DIESEL INITIAL CALIBRATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES, INC. Instrument: FID4A. I Calibration Date: 09-MAR-2016 I I I Diesel RF1 I RF2 I RF3 RF4 I Range 50 I 100 I 250 500 I I I I I I I WA Diesel 215511 220011 21272 1' 209411 AK Diesel 26320 I 261131 25109 1 247211 Client: Lloyd & Associates Proj ect: BARBEE DREDGING SDG No.: BCW1 I I I RF5 I RF6 I Ave RF I tRSD 1000 I 2500 I I I I I I I I 201681 185821 207531 5.9 240861 220 17 1 24728 1 6.4 I OR Diesel 264261 262301 252471 248661 242351 221421 248581 6.3 I Cal Diegel 262741 260581 250511 2464 7 1 240131 219461 246651 I C12-C22 209971 214091 206711 203431 195681 180671 201761 I I I I I I I I I o-Terph 282891 285601 282441 286531 2 7692 1 257231 278601 I I I I I I I I <-Indicates %RSD outside limits Surrogate areas are not included in Diesel RF calculation. Quant Ranges WA Diesel AI< Diesel OR Diesel cal Diesel C12-C22 C12-C24 (3.837-7.652) C10-C25 (3.024-7.950) C10-C28 (3.024-8.771) C10-C24 (3.024-7.652) C12-C22 (3.837-7.026) Calibration Files Analysis Time f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 09-MAR-2016 17:54 09-MAR-2016 18:16 09-MAR-2016 18:38 09-MAR-2016 19:01 09-MAR-2016 19:22 09-MAR-2016 19:45 6.4 6.0 3.9 ["''':wi : 00'1 ,In 6a NW MCJTOR OIL RANGE INITIAL CALIBRATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES, INC. Instrument: FID4A. I Calibration Date: lS-MAR-2016 1 1 Product RF1 1 RF2 1 RF3 Range 100 1 250 1 500 1 1 1 1 WA M.On 187141 164941 15831 C24-C38 1 1 1 1 CA M.Oil 148071 128271 12602 C23-C32 1 1 1 I I AS Bunk C 140051 13041 1 12964 C23-C32 1 1 1 1 Triac Surr 268601 245151 238721 1 1 1 <-Indicates %RSD outside limits 1 RF4 1 1000 1 1 1 166011 1 1 133201 1 1 126261 1 1 249431 1 Client: Lloyd & Associates project: BARBEE DREDGING SOO No.: BCW1 I 1 1 RF5 1 RF6 1 Ave RF 1 %RSD 2500 1 5000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 161121 139691 1628 7 1 9.4 1 1 1 1 i 1 131421 111431 129 73 1 9.13 1 1 1 1 1 1 -----1 122121 129691 5.13 1 1 1 1 1 1 244 991 223201 245021 6.0 1 1 1 Surrogate areas are not included in Motor Oil RF calculation. Calibration Files fl f2 f3 £4 £s £6 Analysis Time lS-MAR-2016 11:S4 lS-MAR-2016 12:17 15-MAR-2016 12:39 lS-MAR-2016 13:03 lS-MAR-2016 13:26 15-MAR-2016 13:48 HI~'·:W:t : 00 i "! i 7a DIESEL CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES, INC. ICal Date: l5-MAR-2016 CCal Date: 11-JUL-2016 Analysis Time: 12:18 Instrument: FID4A.I Diesel Range WAOies(CI2-C24) AKI02 (CI0-C25) NASOies(CIO-C24) Terphenyl Creos (C12-C22) Area* 4569613 5376702 5349357 1102036 4417414 Client: Lloyd & Assooiates Projeot: BARBEE DREDGING SDG No.: BCWI Lab ID: DEISEL 11 Lab File Name: 16071104.0 CalcArnnt NomAmnt % 0 220.2 250 -11.9 217.4 250 -13.0 216.9 250 -13.2 39.6 45 -12.1 218.9 250 -12.4 * <- Surrogate areas are subtracted from range areas Indioates a %D outside QC limits pI of 1 FORM VII-Diesel 7a MOTOR OIL CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES, INC. ICal Date: 15-MAR-2016 CCal Date: 11-JUL-2016 Analysis Time: 12:41 Instrument: FID4A.I M.oil Range WAHoil (C24-C38) AK103 (C25-C36) OR MOIL(C28-C40) CRUDE(Tol-C40) n-Triacontane Area* 7169501 6287019 5422715 8274744 975986 Client: Lloyd & Associates Project: BARBEE DREDGING SDG No.: BCW1 Lab ID: MOIL U Lab File Name: 16071105.0 CalcAmnt NOmAI'nnt % 0 440.2 500 -12.0 436.1 500 -12.8 718.0 500 43.6 1095.6 500 119.1 39.8 45 -11.5 * Surrogate areas are subtracted from range areas <-Indicates a %0 outside QC limits pI of 1 FORM VII-Diesel BGWi Vi0i 7:~ 7a DIESEL CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES, INC. ICal Date: 15-MAR-2015 CCal Date: Il-JUL-2015 Analysis Time: 15:18 Instrument: FID4A.I Diesel Range WADies(C12-C24) AKI02 (CI0-C25) NASDies(CI0-C24) Terphenyl Creos (CI2-C22) Area* 4860459 5688947 5649798 1137846 4680714 Client: Lloyd & Associates project: BARBEE DREDGING SDG No.: BCWI Lab ID: DEISELH Lab File Name: 16071112.D CalcAmnt NomAmnt % D 234.2 250 -6.3 230.1 250 -8.0 229.1 250 -8.4 40.8 45 -9.2 232.0 250 -7.2 * <- Surrogate areas are subtracted from range areas Indicates a %D outside QC limits pI of 1 FORM VII-Diesel 7a MOTOR OIL CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Lab Name: ANALYTICAL RESOURCES, INC. ICal Date: 15-HAR-2016 CCal Date: 11-JUL-2016 Analysis Time: 15:40 Instrument: FID4A.I M.oil Range WAMoil (C24-C38) AKI03 (C25-C36) OR MOIL(C28-C40) Area* 7440557 6520486 5711927 Client: Lloyd " Project: BARBEE SDG No. : BCW1 Lab IO: MOIL#2 Lab File Name: CalcAmnt NomAmnt 456.8 500 452.3 500 756.3 500 Associates DREDGING 16071113.0 % D -8.6 -9.5 51.3 CRUDE\Tol-C40) 8630087 1142.6 500 128.5 n-Tr1acontane 1015086 41.4 45 * Surrogate areas are subtracted from range areas <-Indicates a %D outside QC limits pI of 1 FORM VII-Diesel -7.9 F\Cwi-0~irb 8 TPH ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE Lab Name: ARI Client: LLOYD & ASSOCIATES SDG No.: BCWI Instrument ID: FID4A Project: BARBEE DREDGING GC Column: RTX-1 THE ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE OF BlANKS, SAMPLES, AND STANDARDS, IS GIVEN BELOW: SURROGATE RT FROM DAILY STANDARD 1'ERPH: 5.75 TRIAC; 9.09 I I CLIENT IJ\B DATE TIME TERPH SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE ID ANALYZED ANALYZED RT # ============ =============== ===:;;:;;:;::====::;; :;;;;;==--====;;;;: ======== 01' 02 03. 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 RT IB BARBEE DREDG BARBEE DREDG BCWlMBSl BCWlLCSSl 07042016BARB 07042016BARB 07042016BARB BARBEE DREDG BARBEE DREDG RT IB DEISEL #1 MOIL #1 BCWIMBSI BCWILCSSI BCWlA BCWUIMS BCWUIMSD DEISEL#2 MOIL#2 TERPH = o-terph TRIAC = Triacon Surr 07/11/16 1133 07/11/16 1156 07/11/16 1218 07/11/16 1241 07/11/16 1303 07/11/16 1325 07/11/16 1411 07/11/16 1433 07/11/16 1455 07/11/16 1518 07/11/16 1540 QC LIMITS (+/-0.05 MINUTES) (+/-0.05 MINUTES) * Values outside of QC limits. page 1 of 1 FORM VIII TPH 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.74 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.74 TRIAC RT # ========= 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.10 9.10 8 TPH ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE Lab Name: ARI SIG No.: Bewl Instrument ID: FID4A Client: Lloyd & Associates Project: BARBEE DREDGING GC Column: RTX-l THE ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE OF BLANKS, SAMPLES, AND STANDARDS, IS GIVEN BELOW: SURROGATE RT FROM DAILY STANDARD I TERPH: 5.92 IRIAC: 9.26 CLIENT LAB DATE TIME SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE ID ANALYZED ANALYZED I TERPH RT It ============ =============== ========== ====:===== =======;;:; 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SEC0025-IBLl SEC0025-IBL2 SEC0025-CAL1 SEC0025-CAL2 SEC0025-CAL3 SEC0025-CAL4 SEC0025-CAL5 SEC0025-CAL6 SEC0025-SCV1 SEQ-IBL1 SEQ-IBL2 SEQ-CALl SEQ-CAL2 SEQ-CAL3 SEQ-CAL4 SEQ-CAL5 SEQ-CAL6 SEQ-SCV1 SEQ-CAL7 SEQ-CAL8 SEQ-CAL9 SEQ-CAIA SEQ-CALB SEQ-CALC TERPH = o-tezph TRIAC = Triacon Surr * Values outside of QC limits. page 1 of 1 03/09/16 1710 03/09/16 1732 03/09/16 1754 03/09/16 1816 03/09/16 1838 03/09/16 1901 03/09/16 1922 03/09/16 1945 03/09/16 2006 03/15/16 1109 03/15/16 1130 03/15/16 1154 03/15/16 1217 03/15/16 1239 03/15/16 1303 03/15/16 1326 03/15/16 1348 03/15/16 1411 03/16/16 0342 03/16/16 0403 03/16/16 0424 03/16/16 0447 03/16/16 0508 03/16/16 0529 QC LIMITS (+/-0.05 MINUTES) (+/-0.05 MINUTES) FORM VIII '!'PH 5.92 5.91 5.90 5.90 5.9l 5.92 5.94 5.97 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.90 5.90 5.92 5.91 5.88 5.90 5.91 5.87 5.93 5.93 5.92 5.92 5.92 TRIAC RT It =;;:;==;;;:;;;;;== 9.26 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.23 9.23 9.24 9.24 9.23 9.23 9.24 9.26 9.30 9.33* 9.24 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.25 9.31* 2u16"213 SCUllm:nl S:lll1plll1g Rl'~lIlts DM Ml '-I Attachment D -Historical Sampling and Analysis May Creek Delta Sediment Sampling (L&AI, 1999) Sediment Sampling and Analysis Results (L&AI 2008) 201 (',-213 ScrJi]ll~'nl S<llllpllllg Rc:-;ulh DM\1II-1 May Creek Delta Sediment Sampling (1999) Table 1 L&AI Bark Sampling Data -1999 Parameter (mg/Kg-dry) MC-1 WTPH (silica cleanup mg/Kg-dry) Gasoline Oiesel* -W* Motor Oil*, Hydraulic Oil, +4* or other petroleum product Volatile Organics (Method 8240) I Semivolatiles (EPA Method 8270, mg/Kg-dry) 4-Methylphenol NO Naphthalene NO 2-Methylnaphthalene NO Acenaphthylene NO Acenaphthene NO Fluorene NO Phenanthrene NO Anthracene NO Fluoranthene NO Pyrene NO Benzo(a)anthracene** NO Chrysene** NO Benzo(b/k)fluoranthene** NO Benzo(a)pyrene** NO Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene** NO Oibenz(a,h)anthracene** NO Benzo(g,h,l)perylene NO Oibenzofuran NO bis(2-Ethylhexyl phthalate) NO Other SVOC's NO PCB's (as 1254, mg/Kg-dry) RCRA Metals (Total, mg/Kg-dry) Silver NO Arsenic NO Barium 48.7 Cadmium NO Chromium 28.2 Mercury NO Lead 9 Selenium NO Total Solids (from % moisture) 89.8 FP = finished, milled product ND = not detected at method detection limit M = Poor spectral match J = estimated quantity Me = May Creek Delta sample BA = Bark Area "An sample Lloyd & AssoClates_ Inc 2tll h-213 Sedlillent Sampling Rl'~lIlts DM Mll-1 Sediment Sampling and Analysis Results (L&AI, 2008, next page) Ll(l~d & i\s~ol'lates. 111(' rnlPT.# £. M Lloyd & Associates, Inc. !!?&"~W)'J! ~38!!!2!'!!IO'!!SE!!"92~nd~S~ ...... ~s"noq"u"'a1"ml"·e.'!!w"as'!"hi"ngt!"on""!!!98~06~5·4'!'!2'!"5.~88'!"8.~'Q()~5!'!'lv~lfJ!"'""~'@en" ... v'!!"Ioy .. d ... comlllllll---- January 31, 2008 TRANSMITTAL Susan Powell Regulatory Branch U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District P.o. Box 3755 Seattle, Washington 98124-2255 Reference: NWS-2007-1019-NO Barbee Company Boathouse Area Dredging Subject: Boathouse Area Sampling and Analysis Dear Ms. Powell: Enclosed are two copies of the Sampling and Analysis Report for Barbee Boathouse Dredging Area. My apologies for the time it has taken to wrap this up. Between the Christmas Holidays and a vacation to Hawaii, this has report has been on the back burner. If possible, please forward a copy to David Kendall. I will also provide an electronic copy to you and Dr. Kendall by email. Thank you for your time and patience in consideration of the JARPA application. If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations, please call. Sincerely, LLOYD & ASSOCIATES, INC. R Michael Uoyd, ~ / 425-785-1357 (cell) cc. R. Cugini (Barbee Company) 2008-50 Transmittal to USACE Barbee Sampling.doc Sediment Sampling and Analysis (JARPA Submittal Supplement) Barbee Maintenance Dredging and Boathouse Renovation Barbee Company, P.O. Box 359 Renton, Washington 2U()i'\-)() Barbee Sediment Sampling I~esulb_d()o: Prepared by: [.Ioyd & Associates. Inc. 38210 SE 92"d Street Snoqualmie. \VA 98065 January 31, 2008 Page 1 0[20 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction Sediment Sampling Results Summary Suitability of Dredged Material for Shallow Water Habitat Enhancement 2.0 Sediment Sampling Sample Locations Sample Collection Composite Preparation Equipment Decontamination Chain-of Custody Grain Size Distribution Field Observations 3.0 Sediment/Rinsate Chemical Analyses Sediment Chemical Analyses Total Metals Volatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile Organic Compounds Pesticides and PCBs Petroleum Hydrocarbons Rinsate Chemical Analyses Total Metals Scmivolatile Organic Compounds 4.0 Quality Assurance Review Summary Sediment Chemical Analyses Total Metals Volatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile Organic Compounds Pestic ides and PCBs Petroleum Hydrocarbons Rinsate Chemical Analyses Total Metals Semivolatile Organic Compounds 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Sediment Sampling Considerations 2008-50 Harbee Sediment Sdmpllllg Resulb,Jm: Page 2 of20 Table of Contents (continued) Contaminant Analysis Figures aud Tables Figure I-I: Site Photograph Figure 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations rigure 2-2: Sediment core 071021 IBarbee/G- Figure 2-3: Grain Size Distribution Table 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations Table 2-2: Grain Size Data Table 3-1: Sediment I Conventional Parameters Table 3-2: Sediment I Total Metals Table 3-3: Sediment I Volatile Organic Compounds Table 3-4: Sediment I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Table 3-5: Sediment I Pesticides and PCBs Table 3-6: Sediment I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Table 3-7: Rinsate I Total Metals Table 3-8: Rinsate I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Table 4-1: QA Summary I Conventional Parameters Table 4-2: QA Summary I Total Metals Table 4-3: QA Summary I Volatile Organic Compounds Table 4-4: QA Summary I Semi volatile Organic Compounds Table 4-5: QA Summary I Pesticides Table 4-6: QA Summary I PCBs Table 4-7: QA Summary I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Attachments Attachment A -Sediment Sampling Logs Attachment B -Laboratory Report Forms 2()()g-50 Rarlxc Scdllncnt Samplll1g RcsullS doc Page 3 of 20 1.0 Introduction This report provides results of sediment sampling and chemical testing of sediments in conjunction with proposed Barbee Maintenance Dredging and Boathouse Renovation work. The purposes of this sampling and analysis program were (I) to collect sufficient data of adequate quality for decision making purposes regarding the level(s) of contamination that mayor may not be present within sediments of the proposed boathouse dredge area; and (2) to assess the suitability of dredged materials for habitat enhancement. The purpose for proposed dredging at the boathouse is to maintain navigational access and continued recreational use of the boathouse. The project summary. site history. potential site contaminants. and additional information are provided in the Sampling and Analysis Plan (L&AI. 2007) previously submitted to the USACE. The project area is shown in Figure I-I below. Figure 1-1: Site Photograph fl/1OlOgraph looking /0 (hi! .\'o,.,h. sh())l'in)!, (h(' hoothol{sl! and Ih(! suu/hern peninsula ql land at fhl! .\lay Creek /)r:/la. lhi! fonner /Jarhee .\fill Facility (ClIITt'nt/y oWl1ed hy ('onner /Jc\'e/opmenl) is il7 fhe distance. The proposed dredgl.! area (approximale) is ollt/ined in while:' Sediment Sampling Results Summary Detected chemical contamination in the proposed boathouse area (OMMU-I) is relatively limited. Testing results are below both fresh water sediment and marine sediment screening levels for all parameters (see Section 3.0 Chemical and Physical Data). Nevertheless. some motor oil and diesel range petroleum product was detected in the composite sample at 95 mg/kg (dry basis). Benzene was not detected. These 2(j08-50 Barbee Sediment Sampling RCSldtS dol' Page 4 of20 results are consistent with historical sampling and analysis data, and are below MTCA Method A criteria for unrestricted residential land usc. Suitability of Dredged Material for Shallow Water Habitat Enhancement The Barbee JARPA Submittal provided that sediments could potentially be used for habitat enhancement along the rockery face immediately south of the dredge area, if sediment characteristics were suitable and potential contaminant levels were acceptable. Gradation results of sediment sampling (see Section 2.0) indicate that the use of imported clean materials (such as spawning gravel) from an approved WSDOT source would be more appropriate. Sediments to be dredged are typically fine to medium sands and silt that would appear to be more appropriate for upland beneficial uses. Therefore. dredged sediments will not be disposed or placed in open water under the Dredge Material Management Program (DMMP). 20llS-S0 Harbee SedliTIent Smnpllllg Results doc Page 5 of 20 2.0 Sediment Sampling Sediment sampling at the Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area was conducted on Sunday October 21, 2007. As proposed. grab samples were collected. composited and preserved for next day delivery to Analytical Resources. Inc. (Seattle. W A). This section provides a summary of sediment sampling information. Sediment Sampling Logs are provided in Attachment A. Sample Stations Differential GPS was utilized to locate sediment sample stations. Sampling occurred close to proposed locations as moderated by observed lield and gusty weather conditions. Proposed and actual sampling locations are summarized in Table 2-1 below. All data was collected using North America Datum (NAD83-Washington North). Lake Elevation at the time of sampling was provided by the USACE at Chittenden Locks. Lake elevation was 20.6 feet (MSL). approximately 1.2 reet below the Ordinary High Water Line (OHWL). Table 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations (Proposed lind AClua/) Proposed Stationing State Plane (ft) Profile Station Location Easting Northing Elevation BBSED·I \lear western edge of dredge area 1.301.490 195.425 EI = 14' BBSED·2 At north/central edge of dredge area 1,301.550 195.435 to! -12' BBSED·3 At south/eastern edge of dredge area 1.301.600 195.420 EL = 10' BBSED·4 Mid-point in front of the boathouse 1.301.625 195.460 EL -10' BBSED-5 Within the boathouse footprint 1.301.640 195.465 EL = 10' Actual Stationing BBSED-I Core location at western edge 1.301.486 195.411 EI-14' BBSED-2 Core location at north/central edge 1.301.552 195,436 EI = 12' IlBSED-3 Station moved to reach dredge profile 1.301.611 195.421 EL -10' BBSED-4 Station moved to avoid steep slope 1.301.622 195.467 EL = 12' IlIlSED-5 Within the Boathouse Footprint 1.301.640* 195.475* EL -10' * Because there \\as no l)(iPS slgnalllNde the Boath()ll~l'. :,ampllllg station locallon l~ cstllnatcd Sampling Equipment Sediment sample collection was initially conducted from the walkway inside the boathouse using several types or core samplers which included a gravity corer. spilt l008-50 Barlxe Scdl1nent Sampllllg l{e~ulls.dllC Page 6 of 20 spoon, modified Shelby tube sampler, and a VanVeen sampler. Under the field conditions observed, the modified Shelby sampler proved to be the most effective coring device. The only modification to the sampler was to adapt extension rods and convert it into a push or drive sampler. Sample recoveries were generally very good (> 70%) as shown in Sediment Sampling Logs provided in Attachment A. The gravity corer worked very well with good penetration, but small sticks and woody debris, commonly encountered on the lakebed surface, tended to reduce the effectiveness of this sampler. Sediment Sampling Stations are shown in Figure 2-1. SCALE (tt) , >C, Figure 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations Field Sampling Procedure Except in the boathouse, where sampling occurred from the walkway, sampling occurred from the side of a 21' sampling boat. The boat was anchored in position at the sampling station and powered down. Depth to bottom was physically measured with a weighted line. Depth sounding from the vessel's depth meter tended to be very inaccurate because of intense growth of milfoil throughout the proposed dredge area. The Shelby sampler was equipped with a push rod extension(s) to reach the bottom of the proposed depth profile(s). The sampler was generally easily extracted and raised out of the water. The sampler was placed in the bouom of the boat on clean visquine. A light tap on the extension rod andlor sampler casing was all that was required to release the sample. In practice, extreme care was necessary to avoid jostling or banging the sampler during extraction. Sediments from below the proposed dredge profile tended to be coarse sands that were difficult to sample without substantial loss. Because of the difficulty or sampling coarse sands below the proposed dredge profile in a representative manner, a "Z" was not collected. 2008-50 Garhee Sediment Sampling Results doc Page 7of20 Th e grav it y co rer wo rk ed very well in s ide thc boathouse. but s ma ll woody debri s in th e d redge 70 ne te nd ed to dellect the sa mpler o r decrea se th e ene rgy of th e dro p. T he She lb y sa mpl e r was mu e h more a mena bl e to rea ching desired dept hs from th e samp lin g vesse l. Once ex tra c ted /i·o m the sampler. the sa mple core lVas vis ua ll y in s pec ted and logge d. Core co nte nt s fOI"l11 w ithin th e d redge profile werc transiCrred to sa mp le j ars a fi er thorough mi x in g o f th e core co nt ents using a clean stainle ss steel s poo n. A p ic ture of the core col le c ted li ·om in s ide th e boat ho use is s hown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2: Sed im ent co re 07 10 2 1!l3arbee /G -5 collected at Sta ti o n RRSFD-5 Because o f the limit ed thickne ss of sed im e rll material to be dredged at 1113 51:::1)-4 (a pprox im a te ly r, .. ). a VanVeen samp ler was utilized at this sta ti on. The Va n Veen sampler \\OrK ccJ c:\trcme ly \\e ll \\-here a co re was no t required to get g rea te r uepth. In practic e th e ex te nsive accumulation o f woody debri s at thi s st ation severel) lim it ed corin g cl'l iei ency. The VanVeen sampler is the sa mpler o f c hoice fo r confirmati o nal sa mpling in th e ove r-d e pth profile. Equipment Decontamination Pri o r to sa mplin g. a ll samp ling equipment was dec ontam in ated by sc rubb in g wi th a di lute so lution of A1conox. rin sed w ith tap wate r. a nd then I(l ll o\\ed by two rin ses 0 1· distilled wate r. In th e li e ld. th e sam pl ers we re rin sed "ith lak e Ila ter and v is ual ly inspected pri o r to movi ng to th e next sampling stat io n. At the co nclu sio n ofsa lllplin g Pa ge 8 of 20 a decon rinse was collected. A solvent rinse was not utilized at any time. Analytical testing results of the decontamination sample are presented in Section 3 -Chemical and Physical Data. The rinsate/decon sample was identilied as 071021 IBarbee/R. Composite Preparation A composite sample was constructed from equal portions of the five (5) individual grab samples. Grab samples were identilied as 071021/Barbee/G-I through (i-5. A pre-cleaned stainless steel bowl and spoon was utilized to composite samples for laboratory analyses. Portions were well mixed to a homogenous consistency. The composite sample was identified as 071021 IBarbee/C. Chain-of Custody The laboratory provided chain of custody was utilized to record basic sample information and requested analyses. All samples were labeled. bagged in Ziploc bags. chilled with ice. and delivered to the laboratory the next day under chain of custody. A copy of the Chain of Custody is provided in Attachment B. Grain Size Distribution Logs I Field Observations Sediment Sampling Logs of the 5 grab samples are provided in Attachment A. Page 6 of the series provides a more complete summary of sample location data presented in Table 2-1 and includes conversion of state plane data into latitude and longitude. In general. sediment sampling yielded better recoveries than anticipated because of the cohesive nature of the sediment in the dredge profile. Below the dredge profile we observed generally coarse sands which were poorly recovered. Grain Size Data for sample 071021 IBarbee/C (composite sample) is provided in Table 2-2 and graphically presented in Figure 2-3. These coarse sands within the proposed over- depth appear to be relatively undisturbed by previous dredging in the area. Sediments were odor free and no apparent sheen was observed in any grab sample although a light stringy sheen was observed rising to the surface at Station BBSE[)-4 when the VanVeen sampler was withdrawn from the sediment. In general the upper few centimeters of each core was layered with leaf litter. twigs. small sticks. milfoil roots and other vegetation. Milfoil distribution was extensive and thick throughout the entire dredge area except within the boathouse footprint where sunlight is extremely limited. 20118-50 Barbee Seuim.:-nt Sampling Result, do( Page 9 of20 Table 2-2 Grain Size Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: Grain Size by ASTM 0422 Mesh Inches Microns % Finer 0.0029 74 14.9 0.00588 149 30.6 0.00983 250 54.1 0.01655 420 80.1 0.03306 840 91.7 0.07875 2,000 96.5 0.5 4,750 99.2 #4 0.187 9,525 100 #10 0.375 12,700 100 #20 0.75 19.050 100 #40 1.0 25,400 100 #60 1.5 38,100 100 #100 2.0 50,800 100 #200 3.0 76,200 100 Composite is equal portions of grab samples G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 & G-5 Grain Size Distribution By ASTM 0422 #100 #20 #4 100 -~ 1 90 I ~I ! I I i ... , - 80 70 I - 1\ - 1 I I I i I ! I I . .- I -\ - i --\ I -- I ! I I ! -I I ! - T --t ---- I 60 ~ ~ u:: 50 ~ ~ ~ 40 Q. 30 20 10 0 100,000 10.000 1,000 100 10 Particle Diameter (microns) Figure 2-3: Grain Size Distribution 20()8-50 Harhl'l' S~dim~nl Sampling Results doc Page 100[20 3.0 Sediment / Rinsate Chemical Analyses All samples were delivered the next morning to the laboratory (Analytical Resources, Inc .. Seattle, W A) on ice under Chain of Custody. The composite sample was analyzed for both conventional parameters and the measurement of concentrations of chemicals, which have been identified by DM:vJP as chemicals of concern (COCs). EPA Analytical Methods were utilized to provide low level detection limits for coes. Specialized analyses for Volatile Organic Compounds and Total Volatile Solids were conducted on grab sample 071021 /Barbee/G-I. Rinsate analyses included Total Metals and Semivolatile Organic Compounds. As provided in the Sampling and Analysis Plan,1 the sediment samples (composite and grab where required) were submitted for chemical analysis for the following parameters: • Conventional Parameters -EPA/PSEP Methods • Volatile Organic Compounds -EPA 8260 GUMS • Semi-Volatile Organics -EPA 82700 GUMS • Total Metals -EPA 200.8; (Except as noted) • Pesticides/PCBS -EPA 8081/8082 PSDDA GClECD • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons -NWTPH-D Sample containers. preservation, holding times (extraction and time to analysis) were acceptable and in compliance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan and accepted PSEP protocols. The rinsate sample (071021/Barbee/R) was analyzed for Semi- Volati Ie Organics and Total Metals. Sediment Analyses Conventional Testing Results Composite Sample 071021 /Barbec/C was analyzed for Total Solids, Preserved Total Solids, N-Ammonia, Total Sulfides, and Total Organic Carbon. Total Volatile Solids were analyzed on grab sample 971021/Barbee/G-1 from the western edge of the proposed dredge area. These results are provided in Table 3-1 at the end of this section. I.aboratory report forms for this data are I Barbee Sediment S<'llTlplll1g and AnalySIS Plan (I.&AL 10()7) 2008-50 B<Jrbee SedllTlent Sampling Results doc Page II of 20 provided in Attachment B. Hexavalent Chromium was analyzed and reported by ARI as a conventional parameter. These results will be discussed under the Total Metals section. There are no Marine or Fresh water screening levels for conventional parameters. Ammonia levels were detected at 28 mg-N/Kg (dry basis). Total Sulfide was reported at 126 mg/Kg (dry basis). and Total Organic carbon was reported at approximately 2%. Total Metals Composite Sample 071021 /Barbee/C was analyzed for total metals. These results are provided in Table 3-2. Laboratory report rorms are provided in Attachment B. Hexavalent Chromium was undetected at 0.589 U (mg/Kg- dry). Traces of Arsenic and Cadmium were detected along with Chromium. Copper. Lead. Nickel. and Zinc. Antimony. Chromium (VI). Mercury. Selenium, and Silver were not detected. All detected and undetected metal concentrations were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water.' Additionally, all detected and undetected reporting limits were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use o' Volatile Organics Grab Sample 071 021/Barbee/G-1 was analyzed for volatile organics by EPA GCMS Method 8260. Results are provided in Table 3-3. Laboratory report forms arc provided in Attachment B. As shown in Table 3-3, the only detected volatile organic parameter was acetone at 17 ug/Kg-dry. Although acetone is a common laboratory contaminant. it was not detected in the method blank. Reporting limits for all detected and undetected volatile organic compounds were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally. all detected and undetected volatile organic compounds levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Usc. Semivolatile Organics Composite Sample 071021/Uarbee/C was analyzed for semivolatile organic compounds by GCMS Method 82700. Results are provided in Table 3-4. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment B. Several semivolitile organics were detected. including: PAHs and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. The total HPAH concentration was 275 ug/Kg-dry. Benzo[A]pyrene was not detected. Detected and undetected parameters for all semivolatile organic compounds were less than Screening Levels lor both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally, all detected and undetected levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels filf Unrestricted Land lJse. -Sediment Quallt\' (iUldclmcs for Standard ('helmesls of("ol1L'ern ( Drat( Tahle 7-1) and from [)MMP U:,!,'r's Manual (curT!.'n1 edition) , Development of Method A Cleanup Levels W.M' 17.1-340-720 (WS Dcpartmc11l of Feolng\', ::(10 I) 20()8-50 Barhee Sediment Sampling Results doc Page 110[20 Pesticides and PC Bs Composite Sample 071021/Barbcc/C was analyzed for pesticides and PC Bs by GC/ECD (Dual Column -Methods 8081 A and Method 8082. respectively). Results are provided in Table 3-5, Laboratory report forms are providcd in Attachment B. As shown in Table 3-5 no pesticides or PCBs were detected. All reporting limits for all semi-volatile organic compounds were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally. all detected and undetected levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use, Petroleum Hydrocarbons Composite Sample 071021/Barbee/C was analyzed jt)r petroleum hydrocarbons by GC/FID (Method NWTPH-Dx), Results are provided in Table 3-6, Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment B, Diesel was detected at 15 mg/Kg-dry. and Motor Oil was detected at 95 mg/Kg-dry, As noted in Sampling Logs, a light stringy oily substance was observed when sampling at Station llIlSED-4. There were no visible indications of a petroleum sheen in any grab sample or the composite. Benzene was not detcctcd (scc Volatilc Organic Compounds. Table 3-3). All detected and undetected results were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally, all detected and undetected levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use. Nevertheless. the use of dredged sediments containing petroleum hydrocarbon residues (motor oil and diesel) for shallow watcr enhancement is not recommended, Rinsate/Decon Analyses A rinsate/decon sample was collected as described in Section 2.0, The rinsate sample was collected from sampling equipment at the conclusion of sampling, Rinsate/decon results are provided in Tables 3-7 and 3-8 at the end of this section, No metals were detected 111 the rinsate/decon sample (071 02 I/llarbee/R), Several phthalates. (diethyl-. di-n-llutyl-. and butylbenzyl-) were detected at low concentrations in the rinsate sample (see Table 3-8. 071 021/Barbee/R), These same phthalates were not detected in the composite sediment sample, The detected phthalates may arise from contact with plastic materials (distilled water carboy. examination gloves. visquine. etc) as a potential artifact of sampling and/or rinsate sample preparation. 20{)8-50 l3arbee Seuiment Sampling Rc~ults dlK Page 13 of20 Table 3-1: Sediment Results I Conventional Parameters Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: Varies by Analyte (see Sampling and Analysis Plan) MTCA Screening Levels (2) Conventional Parameters Units Result Q RL Method A") Marine (SL1) Fresh (SL 1) Hexavalent Chromium mg/Kg-dry 0.589 U 0.589 19 Total Solids Percent 67.6 0.01 Preserved Total SOlids Percent 65.9 0.01 N-Ammonia mg-N/Kg 28 0.72 Sulfide mg/Kg-dry 126 15.4 Total Organic Carbon Percent 2.03 0.2 Sample: 071021/Barbee/G-1 Description: Grab Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: Varies by Analyte Conventional Parameters TOla I Sol ids Total Volatile Solids Units Percent Percent Result Q 80.1 0.95 RL 0.01 0.01 MTCA Screening Levels (1) Method A Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) Notes: • Analytical Resources. Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) (1) 2001 Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are shown above. (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern -Draft (Table 7-1) and from (a) DMMP User's Manual (current addition) Table 3-2: Sediment Results I Total Metals Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Methods: EPA 200.8 (Except as noted) MTCA Screening Levels (2) METALS mIl/KIl-d~ Q RL Method A(1) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) Antimony 0.3 N 0.3 1501") Arsenic 2.8 0.3 20 57 Cadmium 0.3 0.3 2 5.1 Chromium 21.1 0.7 2,000 260 Chromium+6 (SM3500Cr-D) 0.589 U 0.589 19 Copper 15.3 0.7 390 Lead 10 1 250 450 Mercury (EPA 7471A) 0.06 U 0.06 2 0.41 Nickel 24.7 0.7 140"') Selenium 0.7 U 0.7 3(3) Silver 0.03 U 0.3 6.1 Zinc 48 6 410 Notes: • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) 11) 2001 Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are mg/Kg 12) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern -Draft (Table 7-1) and from (a) DMMP User's Manual (current addition) (3) Numerical value shown is for Bioaccumulation Trigger (BT) -DMMP User's Manual (current addition) 20 1.1 95 80 340 0.28 60 2.0 130 Table 3-3: Sediment Results I Volatile Organics Compounds Sample: 071021/Barbee/G-1 Description: Grab Sample from Station BBSED-1 Analytical Method: EPA 8260 GC/MS Volatile Organics Analysis MTCA Screening Levels 12) VOLATILE ORGANICS ua /Ka-d '1 Q RL Method All) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) Chloromethane 1.3 U 1.3 Bromomethane 1.3 U 1.3 Vinyl Chloride 1.3 U 1.3 Chloroethane 1.3 U 1.3 Methylene Chloride 2.7 U 0.7 20 Acetone 17 6.7 Carbon Disulfide 1.3 U 1.3 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.3 U 1.3 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 1.3 U 1.3 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.3 U 1.3 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.3 U 1.3 Cfhloroform 1.3 U 1.3 1,2-Dichloroethane 1.3 U 1.3 2-Butanone 6.7 U 6.7 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.3 U 1.3 Carbon Tetrachloride 1.3 U 1.3 Vinyl Acetate 6.7 U 6.7 Bromodichloromethane 1.3 U 1.3 1,2-Dichloropropane 1.3 U 1.3 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.3 U 1.3 Trichloroethene 1.3 U 1.3 160 Dibromochloromethane 1.3 U 1.3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.3 U 1.3 Benzene 1.3 U 1.3 30 2-Chloroethylvinylether 6.7 U 6.7 Bromoform 1.3 U 1.3 2-Methyl-2-pentanone 6.7 U 6.7 2-Hexanone 6.7 U 6.7 Tetrachloroethene 1.3 U 1.3 57 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.3 U 1.3 Toluene 1.3 U 1.3 Chlorobenzene 1.3 U 1.3 Ethylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 6 10 Styrene 1.3 U 1.3 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.3 U 1.3 1,1,2-Trichloro-1.2.2-trifluoroethane 2.7 U 2.7 m,p-Xylene 1.3 U 1.3 40(3) o-Xylene 1.3 U 1.3 40(3) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.3 U 1.3 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.3 U 1.3 l,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.3 U 1.3 Acrolein 67 U 67 Methyl Iodide 1.3 U 1.3 Bromoethane 2.7 U 2.7 Acrylonitrile 6.7 U 6.7 1,1-Dichloropropene 1.3 U 1.3 Dibromomethane 1.3 U 1.3 Table 3-3: Sediment Results I Volatile Organics Compounds Sample: 071021/Barbee/G-1 Description: Grab Sample from Station BBSED-1 Analytical Method: EPA 8260 GC/MS Volatile Organics Analysis MTCA Screening Levels (2) VOLATILE ORGANICS ua /K a-d !1 Q RL Method A(1) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.3 U 1.3 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 6.7 U 6.7 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 2.7 U 2.7 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 6.7 U 6.7 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 Hexachlorbutadiene 6.7 U 6.7 Ethylene Dibromide 1.3 U 1.3 5 Bromochloromethane 1.3 U 1.3 2,2-Dichloropropane 1.3 U 1.3 1,3-Dichloropropane 1.3 U 1.3 Isopropylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 n-Propylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 Bromobenzene 1.3 U 1.3 2-Chlorotoluene 1.3 U 1.3 4-Chlorotoluene 1.3 U 1.3 tert-Butylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 sec-Butylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 4-lsopropyltoluene 1.3 U 1.3 n-Butylbenzene 1.3 U 1.3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 6.7 U 6.7 Naphthalene 6.7 U 6.7 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 6.7 U 6.7 Notes: • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) (1) 2001 Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are ug/Kg) (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern -Draft (Table 7-1) and from (a) DMMP User's Manual (current addition) (3) Screening Level shown is for Total Xylenes (0, m, p) Table 3-4: Sediment Results I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-l Analytical Method: EPA 82700 GC/MS Semivolatile Organics Analysis MTCA Screening Levels(2) SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ull/KIl-d~ Q RL Method A(l) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) PAHs Total LPAH(5) 70 5,200 6,600 Naphthalene 20 U 20 5000(3) 2,100 500 Acenapthylene 20 U 20 560 470 Acenapthene 20 U 20 500 1,100 Fluorene 20 U 20 540 1,000 P hena nth rene 70 20 1,500 6,100 Anthracene 20 U 20 960 1,200 2-Methylnaphthalene 20 U 20 5000(3) 670 470 1-Methylnaphthalene 20 U 20 5000(3) Total HPAH(6) 275 N/A 12,000 31,000 Fluoranthene 99 20 1,700 11,000 Pyrene 56 20 2,600 8,800 Benz( a)a nthracene 28 20 1,300 4,300 Chrysene 39 20 1,400 5,900 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 29 20 3,200 14 ) 600(4) Benzo(k)fluoranthene 24 20 3,20014 ) 60014) Benzo(a)pyrene 20 U 20 10016 ) 1,600 3,300 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 20 U 20 600 4,100 Diben(a, h)anthracene 20 U 20 230 800 Benzo(g, h,i)perylene 20 U 20 670 4,000 CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 20 U 20 170 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 20 U 20 110 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20 U 20 35 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 20 U 20 31 Hexachlorobenzene 20 U 20 22 PHTHALATES Dimethylphthalate 20 U 20 71 46 Diethylphthalate 20 U 20 200 Di-n-Butylphthalate 20 U 20 1,400 Butylbenzylphthalate 20 U 20 63 260 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 82 20 1,300 220 Di-n-Octylphthalate 20 U 20 6,200 26 PHENOLS Phenol 20 U 20 420 2-Methylphenol 20 U 20 63 4-Methylphenol 20 U 20 670 2,4-Dimethylphenol 20 U 20 29 Pentachlorophenol 100 U 100 400 MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTIBLES Benzyl Alcohol 20 U 20 57 Benzoic Acid 200 U 200 650 Hexachloroethane 20 U 20 1,400 Hexachlorobutadiene 20 U 20 22(1) Sample: 0710211BarbeeiC Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-l Analytical Method: EPA 82700 GCIMS Semivolatile Organics Analysis MTCA Method A(l) Screening Levels(2) SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ug/Kg-dry Q RL Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) Notes: N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Dibenzofuran 20 20 U U • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) 20 20 (1) 2001 Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are ug/Kg) 28 540 400 (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern -Draft (Table 7-1) and from (a) DMMP User's Manual (current addition) (3) Total shown for Naphthalene, 1-Methyl Naphthalene, and 2-Methyl Napthahalene (4) Totals shown is for both band k Benzofluoranthenes (5) Does not include undetected parameters or 1-and 2-methylnaphthalene (6) Benzo(a)pyrene, Chrysene, Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, Indeno(1 ,2,3-cd)pyrene,Benzo(b & k)fluoranthene and Benzo(a)anthracene. Total does not include undetected parameters. (7) Draft value is 11 ug/Kg in DMMO Table 7-1 (September 30, 2005) (8) Method B -Soil Ingestion Pathway Table 3·5: Sediment Results I Pesticides and PCBs Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-l Analytical Method: GC/ECD • Pesticides IPCBs MTCA Screening Levels") PESTICIDES & PCBS u9/K9-d~ Q RL Method A(l) Manne (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.98 U 0.98 10 Heptachlor 0.98 U 0.98 1.5 Aldrin 0.98 U 0.98 9.5 Dieldrin 2.0 U 2.0 1.9 4,4'-DDE 2.0 U 2.0 16 4,4'-000 2.0 U 2.0 9 4,4'-DDT 2.0 U 2.0 3000 12 gamma Chlordane 0.98 U 0.98 2.8(3) alpha Chlordane 2.0 U 2.0 2.8(3) Total DDT(4)(5) 3.0 6.9(2') Aroclor 1016 20 U 20.0 Aroclor 1242 20 U 20.0 Aroclor 1248 20 U 20.0 Aroclor 1254 20 U 20.0 Aroclor 1260 20 U 20.0 Aroclor 1221 20 U 20.0 Aroclor 1232 20 U 20.0 Total PCBs (5 ) 70 U 1000 130 60 Notes: • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) (1) 2001 Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are ug/Kg (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern -Draft (Table 7-1) and from (2a) DMMP User's Manual (current addition) (3) Screening Level for alpha and gamma Chlordane (4) Includes DOE, DOD, DDT (5) Includes undetected parameters at 50% of reporting Limit (RL) Table 3-6: Sediment Results I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Sample: 071 021 IBarbee/C Description: Analytical Method: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 GC/FID -NWTPHD NWTPHD Diesel Motor Oil mg/Kg-dry Q 15 95 Benzene not detected (see Volatile Organics Resulls) Notes: • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) RL 7.0 14 MTCA Screening Levels (2) Method A(1 ) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) 2000 2000 (1) 2001 Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are mg/Kg (2) Marine and Freshwaler Screening Levels from Sediment Qualily Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern -Draft (Table 7-1) and from (a) DMMP User's Manual (current addition) Table 3-7: Rinsate I Total Metals Sample: Description: Analytical Method: Parameter Antimony Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver Zinc 071021/Barbee/R Decon/Rinsate Sample EPA 200.8 and 7471A (Mercury) Metals Analysis ug/L Q RL 0.2 U 0.2 0.2 U 0.2 0.2 U 0.2 0.5 U 0.5 0.5 U 0.5 1 U 1 0.1 U 0.1 0.5 U 0.5 0.5 U 0.5 0.2 U 0.2 0.4 U 0.4 Table 3-8: Rinsate I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Sample: 071021/Barbee/R Description: Decon/Rinsate Sample Analytical Method: EPA 8270D GC/MS Semivolatile Organics Analysis SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ue /L Q RL Phenol 1 U 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 U 1 l,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 U 1 Benzyl Alcohol 5 U 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 U 1 2-Methylphenol 1 U 1 4-Methylphenol 1 U Hexachloroethane 1 U 1 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1 U 1 Benzoic Acid 10 U 10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 U 1 Naphthalene 1 U Hexachlorobutadiene 1 U 2-Methylnaphthalene 1 U 1 Dimethylphthalate 1 U 1 Acenapthylene 1 U 1 Acenapthene 1 U 1 Dibenzofuran 1 U 1 Diethylphthalate 1 1 Fluorene 1 U 1 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 U 1 Hexachlorobenzene 1 U 1 Pentachlorophenol 5 U 5 Phenanthrene U 1 Anthracene 1 U 1 Di-n-Butylphthalate 3.9 1 Fluoranthene 1 U 1 Pyrene 1 U 1 Butylbenzylphthalate 4.1 4.1 Benz(a)anthracene 1 U 1 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 U 1 Chrysene 1 U 1 Di-n-Octylphthalate 1 U 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 U 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 U 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 1 U 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 U 1 Diben( a, h)anth racene 1 U 1 Benzo(g, h,i)perylene 1 U 1 4.0 Quality Assurance Review Summary All samples were delivered the next morning to the laboratory (Analytical Resources. Inc .. Seattle. W A) on ice under Chain of Custody. As described in the previous section. the composite sample was analyzed for both conventional parameters and the measurement of concentrations of chemicals. which have been identified by DMMP as chemicals of concern (COCs). EPA Analytical Methods were utilized to provide low level detection limits for coes. Specialized analyses for Volatile Organic Compounds and Total Volatile Solids were conducted on grab sample 071021IBarbee/G-I. Sample containers. preservation. holding times (extraction and time to analysis) were acceptable and in compliance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan and PSEP protocols, The rinsate sample (071021/Barbee/R) was analyzed for Semi-Volatile Organics and Metals. Conventional Testing Resnlts The QA review summary for Conventional Parameters is provide in Table 4-1 Precision data was acceptable with an RPO less than 20% for all parameters. Matrix spike recovery data was acceptable for all parameters. and Standard Reference recoveries were greater than 80%. All Method Blanks were at or below reporting/detection limits. All conventional data reported in Table 3-1 (previous section is acceptable as reported by the laboratory without additional qualification. Total Metals Composite Sample 071021/Barbee/C was analyzed for total metals. These results are provided in Table 3-2. Hexavalent Chromium was also analyzed and reported by ARI as a conventional parameter. As summarized in Table 4-2. Precision data for metals (except Mercury and Hexavalent Chromium) was marginal with RPDs greater than 20% for all parameters yet within a Factor of 2. The highest value for each duplicate pair is reported in Tahle 3-2. Although a source of error could not be determined. the consistency of duplicate data suggests that a dilution error may have occurred. Matrix spike recovery data was greater than zero for all parameters 200S-5rl Barbee Sedimel11 Samplmg Re~ulls,J()c Page 1401'20 and marginally low for several parameters as identified in Table 4-2. l.aboratory Control Sample Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate data were acceptable. Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met the Advisory Range for all metals. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All metals data presented in Table 3-2 are acceptable as reported by the laboratory except as qualified. Antimony data was qualified as N (not acceptable) because of poor matrix spike recovery. Rinsate/decon metals testing results are provided in Tables 3-7 at the end of this section. No metals were detected in the rinsate/decon sample (071021IBarbee/R). Volatile Organic Compounds Grab Sample 071 021/l3arbee/G-I was analyzed for volatile organics by EPA GCMS Method 8260. Results arc provided in Table 3-3. As shown in Table 3-3: Volatile Organics. the only detected volatile organic parameter was acetone at 17 ug/Kg-dry. acetone is a common laboratory contaminant even though it was not detected in the method blank. Table 4-3 provides a quality assurance review summary of volatile organic data. Duplicate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 35% lor all parameters. Matrix spike recovery data was acceptable although matrix spike recoveries were marginally low for several analytes in both the matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate. as noted in Table 4-3. Surrogate recoveries were acceptable for all parameters. Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable. and method blanks results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All data reported in Table 3-3 is deemed acceptable. Semivolatile Organic Compounds Composite Sample 071 021/Barbee/C was analyzed lor semivolatile organics by EPA GCMS Method 8270D. Table 4-4 provides a quality assurance summary of semivolatile organic data. Duplicate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 35% for all parameters. Matrix spike recovery data was greater than 50% except as noted in Table 4-4. All matrix spike and matrix spike dupl icate recoveries wcre greater than zero for all parameters. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria although a number of surrogate recovers were less than the 50% warning limit. 2008-50 8arbee Seullnenl Sampling Results doc Page 15 of20 Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blank results were at Or below reporting/detection limits. All semivolatile organic data reported in Table 3-4 is deemed acceptable. Pesticides and PCBs Composite Sample 071021 /Barbee/C was analyzed for pesticides and PCBs by GC/ECD (Dual Column -Methods 8081 A and Method 8082, respectively). As shown in Table 3-5 no pesticides or PC Bs were detected at reporting limits. All reporting limits llx all semi-volatile organic compounds were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally, all undetected levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup I.evels for Unrestricted I.and Use. Tables 4-5 and 4-6 provide a quality assurance summary of pesticide and PCB data, respectively. Dupl icate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 35% fllr all parameters. Matrix spike recovery data was greater than 50%. Spike recoveries were greater than zero lor all parameters. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria for all surrogates. Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blanks results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All data reported in Table 3-5 is deemed acceptable as reported by the laboratory . Petroleum Hydrocarbons Composite Sample 071021/Barbee/C was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by GClFID (Method NWTHH-D). Results are provided in Table 3-6. Table 4-7 provides a quality assurance summary of petroleum hydrocarbon data. Duplicate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 35% for all parameters. Matrix spike recovery data was greater than 50%. Spike recoveries were greater than zero lor all parameters. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria I(lr all surrogates Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All data reported in Table 3-6 for pesticides and PCBs is acceptable as reported. 200R-50 Harhe~ Sedlmenl Swnpling Rt.."sults doc Page 16 of20 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Sediment Sampling Sampling work conducted at the Barbee Boathouse Area Dredging Project was informative. Prior to sampling we had anticipated that medium to course sandy materials would be encountered based on previous experience. Portions of the proposed dredge area outside of the boathouse were most recently dredged in 2002 during the last May Creek Delta Dredging. Sediments below the proposed dredge profile (within the over-depth) were more typical of what we anticipated. Infill material currently within the proposed dredge profile tends to be finer sediment unsuitable for shallow water fish habitat enhancement along the rockery to the immediate south. Therefore, all dredged materials will be oft:loaded to land of or placed in open water under the Dredge Material Management Program (DM MP). Core sampling in sandy sediments is marginal at best. Nevertheless, we arrived on site with a number of sampling devices. Because of the extensive milfoil and lakebed accumulation of small woody debris (sticks. twigs. leaves), the gravity corer did not prove to very effective. A modified Shelby Tube that was hand driven proved to be very effective with the dredge profile where infill materials tend to be fine sands with appreciable silt content. The VanVeen sampler worked extremely well in limited usc at Sampling Station BBSED-4. This sampler should be ideal for conformational sampling. if required. after dredging. As indicated in Section 2.0. over-depth sediments tend to be much coarser, and core recoveries in the over-depth zone were very poor such that it was not possible to get a representative sample of the over-depth. The over-depth sediments (below the proposed dredge profile) more closely approximated the kind of dredge material anticipated (based on prior experience) prior to sampling. Because dredging has largely been conducted at the former Barbee Millon fairly regular 3-4 years cycles. we were surprised at how much milfoil was encountered throughout the proposed dredge area. If this is typical of Lake 2008-50 Barbe<..' Sediment Sampl ing Results_doc Page 17 of20 Washington. then the problem is more extensive than previously considered by our project team. Chemical Contamination Based on sediment results provided in Section 3.0 of this report. the Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area is remarkably clean. All detected and undetected results were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally. all detected and undetected contaminant levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use. Like most urban areas, low levels of PAH compounds, as well as, phthalate esters, were encountered. No pesticides or PCBs were detected and concentrations of detected metals were unremarkable. Petroicum hydrocarbon residues (motor oil at 95 mg/Kg-dry, and diesel at 14 mg/Kg-dry) were detected. The presence of motor oil was somewhat of a mystery because no visible sheen was apparent in any grab sample or in the prepared composite sample. Nevertheless. we did observe a stringy streak of oily material at sampling station BBSED-4 ncar the boathouse. This material did not spread into a sheen as might be anticipated. Base on our experience. the stringy material appeared to be decomposed plant material. In any case. the laboratory confinned the spectral match for motor oil in the composite sample. Because of the presence of detected motor oil in the composite sample, the use of dredged sediments containing petroleum hydrocarbons (motor oil and traces or diesel) for shallow water habitat enhancement should not be encouraged. Because detected contaminant levels for all measured chemicals or concern were below screening criteria for marine and fresh water disposal or beneficial uses, further biological testing is not recommended. Recommendations for Confirmational / Future Sampling As soon as an area is dredged in the future. conformational sampling (if required) should be conducted with a VanVeen Sampler in the over-depth profile with testing for petroleum hydrocarbon residues (diesel and motor oil). Operationally this could be accomplished in conjunction with dredging. For example when a reasonably defined area is dredged. such as the boathouse footprint. a sample would be collected and analyzed on a rush basis for NWTPH-Dx to determine whether additional dredging is necessary to remove petroleum hydrocarbon impacted sediments. Observational data of any potential sheen would supplement over-depth sampling and analysis data such that the work can be completed in a timely manner. Based on sediment data collected to date, there is no evidence that sampling and chemical analysis for other potential contaminants of concern is necessary. 2008-50 Barbce Scdl1llcnl Sampling Rcsults doc Page 18 of20 Table 4-1: QA Summary I Conventional Parameters Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Varies by Analyte Analytical Method: Quality Assurance Checks Precision 071021/Barbee/C -Duplicate Hexavalent Chromium N-Ammonia Sulfide Total Solids Preserved Total Solids Total Organic Carbon Total Volatile Solids Matrix Spikes 071 021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike Hexavalent Chromium N-Ammonia Sulfide Total Organic Carbon Laboratory Control Sample Sulfide Total Organic Carbon Reference Materials SRM N-Ammonia (SPEX28-24AS) Total Organic Crbon (NIST 8704) Hexavalent Chrome (SRM) Method Blanks Notes: Hexavalent Chromium N-Ammonia Sulfide Total Solids Preserved Total Solids Total Organic Carbon Total Volatile Solids Meets Warning Limits Criteria? Actual RPD (%) Not detected 5.4 16.3 0.9 1.7 12 7.9 Actual Recovery (%) 72.7 99.2 90.1 118.5 90.7 107.6 Recovery >80% Yes Yes Yes At or Below Detection Limit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Action CriterialOther?(1) < 20% RPD? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Recovery> zero? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Advisory Range? Yes Yes Yes (1) See Table 6-3 DMMP Warning and Action Limits (DMMP Users' Manual -Current Edition) Table 4-2: QA Summary I Total Metals Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: EPA 200.8 and 7471A (Mercury) Metals Analysis Quality Assurance Checks Precision 071021/Barbee/C -Duplicate Arsenic Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Zinc Matrix Spikes 071021/Barbee/C Antimony 071021/Barbee/R Lab Control Sample (LCS Reference Materials ERA 0044540 Selenium Method Blank No detected parameters in method blank at RL Notes: Meets Warning Limits Criteria? None N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A None None Meets Action Criteria/Other?!') < 20% RPD Yes(l) No No No No No No 75-125% Recovery? Yes(3) No Yes Yes Meets Advisory Range? Yes(4) No (1) See Table 6-3 OMMP Warning and Action Limits (OMMP Users' Manual -Current Edition) (2) As noted immediately below, Action Limits were not met for low level detections where small differences create large RPO's. May also be a preparation and/or a dilution problem with either the sample or duplicate. Highest values reported. (3) Meets Recovery Criteria except for Antimony. Actual recovery at 6.7% on spike. Control Limit Not Met for Antimony Note case narrative regarding strong acid digestions for Antimony. (4) Except as noted below for Selenium, which exceeded UCL (upper control limit for CRM) Table 4-3: QA Summary I Volatile Organic Compounds Sample: 071021/Barbee/G-1 Description: Grab Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: EPA 8260BGC/MS Volatile Organics Analysis Quality Assurance Checks Precision Laboralory Control Spike/Spike Duplicate 071 021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike/Spike Duplicate Matrix Spikes 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike (MS) 2-Chloroethylvinylether 1,2,4-T richlorobenzene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) 2-Chloroethylvinylether 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene Laboratory Control Spike (LCS-102707) Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate(LCS) / Reference Materials Laboratory Control Spike/Spike Duplicate Surrogate Recovery 071021/Baroee/C Laboratory Control Spike (LCS-102707) Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate (LCSD) 071021/Baroee/C -Matrix Spike (MS) 071021/Baroee/C -Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Method Blank (102707) Method Blank No detected parameters in method blank at RL Notes: Meets Warning Limits Criteria? < 35% RPD Yes Yes 70 -150% Recovery Yes(1) 41.9 56.6 57.9 52.2 Yes(1) 42.2 56.6 59.5 51.7 Yes Yes None > 85 % Recovery? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1) Warning Limit criteria met except as listed immediately below. (2) EPAlCLP and/or Chemical Specific Recovery Limits Meets Action Criteria/Other?11) < 50% COVor Factor of 2 Yes Yes Recovery> zero? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None Meets Recovery Limits?12) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 4-4: QA Summary I Semvolatile Organic Compounds Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: EPA 82670-0 GC/MS Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Quality Assurance Checks Precision Laboratory Control Spike/Spike Duplicate Matrix Spikes Laboratory Control Spike (LCS-11 026607 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 A-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2.4-Dimethylphenol Benzyl Alcohol Hexachloroethane Hexachlorobutadiene Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate(LCS) I 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 A-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Benzyl Alcohol Hexachloroethane Hexachlorobutadiene Acenapthene Reference Materials LCS-110207 SRM SO-1(3) Surrogate Recovery 071021/Barbee/C d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Fluorophenol 071021/Barbee/R (rinsate sample) Laboratory Control Spike (LCS-110207) d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Fluorophenol 2A,6 Tribromophenol Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate (LCSD) d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Fluorophenol SO-1111207 d5-Nitrobenzene d4-1,2-Dichlorobenzene Meets Warning Limits Criteria? < 35% RPD Yes 50 -150% Recovery Yes(1 ) 46.4% 45.8% 48.2% 46.6% 42.6% 48.6% 44.8% 46.6% Yes (1 ) 46.2% 47.4% 48.4% 48.6% 49.8% 44.8% 49.0% 49.8% None >50 % Minimum Yesl1 ) 49.2% 48.3% Yes Yes (1 ) 43.2% 45.1% 49.3% YeS(1) 44.0% 44.0% Yes(1 ) 47.6% 40.8% Meets Action Criteria/Other?(1) < 50% COVor Factor of 2 Yes Recovery> zero? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None Meets Recovery Limits?!2J Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes d5-Phenol 2-Fluorophenol 2,4,6 Tribromophenol d4-2-Chlorophenol Method Blank (102067) Method Blank-102607 No detected parameters in method blank at RL Notes: (1) Warning Limit criteria met except as listed immediately below (2) EPAlCLP andlor Chemical Specific Recovery Limits (3) Sequim Bay Reference Material (1998) 49.3% 45.3% 42.1% 49.1% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 4-5: QA Summary I Pesticides Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 GC/ECD -Pesticides (Method 8081A) Analytical Method: Quality Assurance Checks Precision Laboratory Control Sample (LCS-MS/MSD) Matrix Spikes Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike Duplicate Reference Materials LCS-111607 SRM SQ_l(3) Surrogate Recovery 071021/Barbee/C 0710211Barbee/C -Matrix Spike 0710211BarbeelC -Matrix Spike Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample (LCS-111607) Standard Reference Material (SQ-l) Method Blank (111607) Method Blank No detected parameters in method blank at RL Notes: (1) See Table 6-3 DMMP Warning and Action Limits (2) EPAlCLP and/or Chemical Specific Recovery Limits (3) Sequim Bay Reference Material (1998) Meets Warning Limits Criteria? <35% RPD Yes 50 -150% Recovery Yes Yes Yes None > 60 % Recovery? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Action Criteria/Other?11) < 50% COVor Factor of 2 Yes Recovery> zero? Yes Yes Yes None Meets Recovery Limits?(') Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 4·6: QA Summary I PCBs Sample: 071 021/Ba rbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU·1 GC/ECD -PCBs Analytical Method: Quality Assurance Checks Precision 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike/Spike Duplicate Matrix Spikes 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike/Spike Duplicate Reference Materials LCS-110307 SRM SO-l(') Surrogate Recovery 071021/Barbee/C 071 021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample (LCS-11 0307) Standard Reference Material (SO-l) Method Blank (110307) Method Blank No detected parameters in method blank at RL Notes: Meets Warning Limit Criteria? < 35% RPD Yes 50 -150% Recovery Yes None Meets PSEP Control > 60 % Recovery? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Action Criteria/Other?11) < 50% COVor Factor of 2 Yes Recovery> zero? Yes None Meets Recovery Limits?12) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1) See Table 6-3 DMMP Warning and Action Limits (DMMP Users' Manual -Current Edition) (2) EPAlCLP and/or Chemical Specific Recovery Limits (3) Sequim Bay Reference Material (1998) Table 4-7: QA Summary I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Sample: 071021/Barbee/C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 GC/FID -NWTPHD Analytical Method: Quality Assurance Checks Precision 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike/Spike Duplicate Matrix Spikes 071 021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike/Spike Duplicate Surrogate Recovery 071021/Barbee/C 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike 071021/Barbee/C -Matrix Spike Duplicate LC Spike/Spike Duplicate Method Blank Reference Materials LC Spike/Spike Duplicate (LCS-1 02507) Notes: Meets Warning Limits Criteria? < 35% RPD Yes 50 -150% Recovery > 50 % Recovery? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None Meets Action Criteria/Other?") < 50% COVor Factor of 2 Yes Recovery> zero? Yes Meets Recovery Limits?(2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None (I) See Table 6-3 DMMP Warning and Action Limits (DMMP Users' Manual-Current Edition) (2) EPA/CLP and/or Chemical Specific Recovery Limits LAKE STUDY LAKE HOUSES AT EAGLE COVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITION MITIGATION Prepared for Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Prepared by Meridian December 23, 2016 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Contents 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Background and Purpose ................................................................................................. 4 2.0 Existing Conditions and Ecological Functions ...................................................................... 5 2.1 Description of the Study Area .......................................................................................... 5 2.2 Critical Areas and Habitat ................................................................................................. 5 Lake Washington ..................................................................................................................... 5 May Creek ............................................................................................................................... 9 Wetlands ............................................................................................................................... 12 Habi~t .................................................................................................................................. 12 Soils/Substrates .................................................................................................................... 12 Wildlife .................................................................................................................................. 13 2.3 2016 Aquatic Habitat Survey .......................................................................................... 13 Survey Methods .................................................................................................................... 13 2016 SCUBA Survey Results .................................................................................................. 14 3.0 Project Description ............................................................................................................ 19 3.1 Project Purpose .............................................................................................................. 19 3.2 Proposed Shoreline Modifications ................................................................................. 19 4.0 Analysis of Alternatives ...................................................................................................... 20 5.0 Impact Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 21 5.1 Habitat ............................................................................................................................ 21 5.2 Large Woody Debris ....................................................................................................... 22 5.3 Overwater Cover ............................................................................................................ 22 5.4 Lighting ........................................................................................................................... 23 5.5 Water Quality (substrate disturbance and discharge of waste products) ..................... 23 6.0 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 25 7.0 References ......................................................................................................................... 26 Tables Table 1. Summary of observations recorded during the December 16, 2016 project area SCUBA survey ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Lake Houses At Eagle Cove Page 2 c:\u sers\frys\AppData\Local\ T emp\2016 Lake StudY-l.docx Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Figures Figure 1. Project area map (Lloyd and Associates 2016) ............................................................... 6 Figure 2. Coho salmon juveniles observed during the 2007 SCUBA survey .................................. 8 Figure 3. Aerial photograph of the Barbee Mill site (1990) ...................................................... 11 Figure 4. Aerial photograph of the Barbee Mill site (2016) ...................................................... 11 Figure 5. 2016 SCUBA/snorkel survey transect locations ............................................................ 14 Figure 6. Leaf litter substrate near the west end of Transect 1 .................................................. 16 Figure 7. Silt substrate with low densities of M. spicatum and P. crisp us along Transect 2 ....... 16 Figure 8. Dense stands of P. crisp us observed along Transect 3 ................................................. 17 Figure 9. Dense stands of M. spicatum observed along Transect 3 (note log boom at the surface) ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 10. Mixture of M. spicatum, P. crispus, and E. canadensis at the mid-point of Transect 4 . ....................................................................................................................................................... W Figure 11. Gravel and cobble substrate (fish rock) observed along Transect 7 .......................... 18 Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.docx Page 3 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. LAKE STUDY LAKE HOUSES AT EAGLE COVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITION MITIGATION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE This lake Study was prepared to obtain a 10-year permit from the City of Renton to allow dredging of an expanded area of lake Washington located directly south the May Creek delta (adjacent to the lake Houses at Eagle Cove) (Figure 1; Appendix A). Periodic maintenance dredging is needed at this location to preserve navigational access to the docks and boathouse; and to preserve access for swimming, canoeing, and other water sports. While maintenance dredging to remove accumulated sediments has occurred within and near the May Creek delta for over 50 years, the proposed project addressed in this study is focused on the expanded zone shown in Appendix A', and could entail the removal of as much as 4,000 to 8,000 cubic yards (CY) of sediment every 3 to 4 years, due to increasing volumes of sediment that are delivered to the project area as a result of activities in the upper May Creek watershed. In addition to expanding the dredging prism, the proposed project would involve seven environmental protection and enhancement measures in the local area. These include the following: • Place 20 CY "fish rock'" along the rockery as well as several yards of fish rock adjacent to the boat ramp on lot A; • Replace a solid wood float with a grated float that maximizes light transmission; • Replace three treated wood piles securing the old float with two lO-inch galvanized pipe piles; • Replace two dolphins (consisting of three treated piles each), at the south end of the project site with a single 12-inch galvanized pipe pile at each location; • Avoid dredging along shoreline slopes and shallow water habitat along the shoreline north of the dredging zone to protect near-shore habitat that may be used by rearing Chinook salmon; 1 Currently federal permits are focused on the north end of the project site. 2 Spawning gravel sized substrate used to enhance nearshore aquatic habitat for salmonids. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\local\ Temp\2016 La ke Study-l.docx Page 4 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. • Enhance the north end of the project boundary through the placement of large woody debris (LWD) (approximately five to ten rootwads) to improve aquatic habitat, help stabilize the shoreline, and facilitate sediment deposition to reduce the need for future maintenance dredging; and • Conduct dredging only during the NMFS approved July 16 -September 15 work window. In Renton, shoreline areas are governed by the Shoreline Master Program and regulated specifically by RMC 4-3-090. Because Lake Washington is considered a critical area by the City of Renton, Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3-0S0-F-2(c) requires that a lake study be conducted as part of any modification to a lake critical area. Specifically, the lake study must demonstrate that the proposed modifications would result in no net loss, meaning the applicant must demonstrate that the modifications, combined with any mitigation efforts, would result in equivalent or better protection of shoreline functions. This lake study fulfills the City's requirement. 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND ECOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA The proposed project area includes five waterfront lots in the Eagle Cove area of Lake Washington located immediately south of the May Creek Delta at 3905 -3909 Lake Washington Boulevard, Renton, WA 98056, including the boat house parcel (Figure 1). Appendix A shows the proposed expanded dredging zone. In order to encompass all indirect effects, such as increased turbidity during dredging, the study area includes the lower portion of May Creek and southern Lake Washington within approximately one half mile of the May Creek delta. It is anticipated that the one half mile project area is more than sufficient to encompass small and temporary increases in turbidity during dredging based on water quality monitoring during previous dredging in the delta. 2.2 CRITICAL AREAS AND HABITAT Lake Washington Lake Washington is the second largest natural lake in the state of Washington with 80 miles of shoreline, including about 30 miles along the shore of Mercer island. Lake Washington is a Shoreline of Statewide Significance and is classified as a Type-S waterbody. Over 82 percent of the Lake Washington shoreline is armored and is shaded by more than 2,700 piers and docks. Regulated lake levels and extensive armoring have hampered sediment transport and sandy beaches need to be augmented by periodic sediment supplies. Additional factors affecting the Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.docx Page 5 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. habitat features in the Lake Washington basin include a lack of riparian vegetation due to clearing and development; loss of channel and shoreline complexity including a lack of woody debris and pools; the development of fish passage barriers with the construction of road crossings, weirs, and dams; and degraded water and sediment quality caused by increases in pollutants and high temperatures. \. BNSF Railroad Scale (ftl t I I , Iii iii o 500 1noo OA~ USACE, SeaI:de Diana :~3) AUlACENT PROPERTY CWNERS 0,) -, FOI"tt.t~""eHc:uces ~ ~ Mill Dewtocmerd \j)~~;:e LOCATION ADDRESS )9«' LakeW~6I'I'd N Rert:r VIg Co!.rIty WA ~5 ~T~R!r'I~ NW322405 J.. 4Tho31'o4(l' Long 122W 11 W PROPOSED ;'n'l1l'Ollmental Ennancemen1 WATERBODY· LW;I! Washlf'9lOn NEIGHBOROOOO Figure 1. Project area map (Lloyd and Associates 2016). Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Loca I, Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.doc)( Page 6 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. The Lake Washington/Lake Sammamish area includes two major rivers systems, the Cedar and Sammamish, and three large lakes (Lake Union, Lake Washington, and Lake Sammamish). It also includes numerous smaller streams such as Bear, North, and Swamp creeks that drain into the system from the north. Historically, Lake Washington had a vegetated shoreline of wetlands, trees, brush, and other mixed vegetation that created a diverse nearshore habitat for juvenile salmon ids and other aquatic species. Habitat degradation started with heavy logging of old growth forest throughout much of the watershed in the late 19th century. In 1901, the City of Seattle began diverting water out of the upper Cedar River to serve as its main water supply. Between 1910 through 1920, the natural Lake Washington outlet was redirected from the Black River to the Lake Washington Ship Canal and Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, which were excavated to connect Lake Washington to Lake Union and then to Puget Sound. Previously Lake Union was a freshwater lake that was not connected to Lake Washington and had no outlet to Puget Sound. The redirection of the Lake Washington outlet ultimately resulted in the lowering of the lake level by about 9 to 10 feet and the loss of over 10 miles of shoreline and approximately 1,000 acres of wetlands. Shallow lake margins and wetlands are generally considered to be high quality and preferred habitats for juvenile salmonids such as Chinook and coho salmon. During that same decade, the Cedar River was redirected from the Black River into the south end of Lake Washington. In the ensuing years, the most important cause of physical change to the watershed area has been the expansion of urban and suburban development. Despite the heavy alteration of the Lake Washington basin, it continues to support numerous salmonid stocks. The three watersheds in the basin with the largest salmonid populations, the Cedar River, and Bear and Issaquah creeks, support Chinook, sockeye, coho, steel head, rainbow and coastal cutthroat trout as well as native char (bull trout). Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and bull trout are currently listed as Threatened under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), and coho salmon are a Species of Concern under the ESA. Some of the small independent Puget Sound tributaries also support chum, coho, and cutthroat. Maps illustrating known and presumed distributions for each of these species are available in Kerwin (2001). Additionally, at least 40 non-native fish species (of which approximately 24 persist) have been introduced into the Lake Washington basin, most notably small mouth and largemouth bass, creating numerous trophic interactions with native species, including substantial predation on native salmonids. Sockeye salmon in the lake system are believed to be primarily the descendants of fry transplanted from Baker Lake in the 1930s. While many species have been introduced, native species such as Cedar River pink and chum salmon have been extirpated. Over the past 23 years3 numerous salmonid species have been documented at or near the proposed project site, including coho, Chinook, and sockeye salmon, rainbow trout/steel head, and cutthroat trout (Figure 4). No bull trout spawning activity or juvenile rearing has been 3 Lake surveys associated with permitting dredging and ather activities at the Barbee Mil site began in 1993. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove Page 7 C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 La ke Study-l.dacx Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. observed in May Creek, and no distinct spawning populations are known to exist in Lake Washington outside of the upper Cedar River above Lake Chester Morse. Non-salmonid species documented during surveys in the study area included largemouth and small mouth bass, pumpkinseed sunfish, yellow perch, northern pikeminnow, three-spine stickleback, prickly sculpin, dace, and shiner (Harza 1993; Harza 2000; Meridian Environmental Inc. 2007; and Meridian Environmental Inc. 2012). These findings are consistent with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) database list for the project site, which includes all of the above salmonid species, as well as bull trout. Figure 2. Coho salmon juveniles observed during the 2007 SCUBA survey. Adult Chinook typically migrate into Lake Washington at the Ballard Locks in mid-June, peaking in late-August (Kerwin 2001). Spawning typically occurs from mid-September through November. Juvenile Chinook rearing occurs from approximately January through June. Most juvenile Chinook move through the Ballard Locks by the end of June, although the entire outmigration period is unknown (Kerwin 2001). Adult coho begin entering Lake Washington in late-August and continue to enter the lake through early December. Most coho spawning occurs in November and December (Kerwin 2001). Juvenile coho typically rear for 12 to 14 months in freshwater. In Lake Washington, the peak of the outmigration occurs in early May (Kerwin 2001). Adult steelhead spawn from mid-December through early June in the Lake Washington basin. Juveniles can spend several years in freshwater before migrating to saltwater. Therefore, juvenile steelhead could be present in Lake Washington all year. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Loca 1\ Temp\2016 La ke Study-l.docx Page 8 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Adult sockeye salmon enter Lake Washington from late May to late August, and arrival peaks in early July (Hodgson and Quinn 2002). Adult sockeye hold in the lake below the thermocline all summer (Newell and Quinn 2005) and spawn in September-January. Juvenile sockeye rear for lor 2 years in the lake, although they are also found in the inlet and outlet streams of the lake. Six species of aquatic macrophytes have been documented in the project vicinity; elodea (E/odea canadensis), Eurasian milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), white-stemmed pondweed (Potamogeton pre/ongus), curly-leaf pondweed (P. crispus), American wild celery (Vallisneria americana), and common water nymph (Najos guoda/upensis) (Harza 1993; Harza 2000; Meridian Environmental, Inc. and Harza 2001). Elodea is a native species found throughout most of Lake Washington. Eurasian milfoil is a non-native species that first appeared in Lake Washington in the mid-1970s. According to Kerwin (2001), Eurasian milfoil has colonized a large percentage of the littoral zone and replaced much ofthe native aquatic vegetation present in littoral areas of Lake Washington. Curly-leaf pondweed, American wild celery, and common water nymph are also non-native to Lake Washington and are often found in ponds, lakes and sluggish streams to depths of 12 feet. In general, high densities of elodea, Eurasian milfoil, and curly-leaf pondweed have been observed in the nearshore portion of the proposed project area (at depths less than 12 feet) during the summer months (Harza 2000). The highest abundance is typically seen in depths of 6 to 9 feet, especially in areas with sandier substrates. Along the deeper water transects (greater than 12 feet), the distribution of aquatic macrophytes is patchier and less abundant. Very few if any macrophytes are found in depths greater than 15 feet (Harza 1993 and 2000). May Creek The mouth of May Creek is located on Lake Washington approximately 2 miles north of the Cedar River in Renton, Washington. The May Creek Basin drains an area approximately 14 square miles west of the Cascade Foothills between Issaquah Creek, Coal Creek, and the Cedar River. The headwaters of the basin include Cougar Mountain, Squak Mountain, and the East Renton Plateau. The main stem of May Creek contains approximately 7 river-miles of habitat and is fed by 13 primary tributaries. Historically, the May Creek watershed was forested with predominantly coniferous stands. Over recent decades, land uses in the western one-third of the basin have changed to intensive residential development. The eastern two-thirds of the watershed retains a mix of rural residential, small farms, and some forested areas (King County 2001). Developed communities in the watershed include Renton, Newcastle, and around Lake Boren, Honey Creek, and Lake Kathleen (Foster Wheeler 1998). The Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), established in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), bisects the May Creek basin, which limits urban-scale development from encroaching on the headwaters of the basin. Land development in the lower basin has substantially reduced forest cover, increased impervious surfaces, and filled Lake Houses At Eagle Cove Page 9 c:\u sers\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study" 1.docx Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. wetlands. Currently, the amount of effective impervious surface coverage basin-wide is approximately 7 percent. In addition, under current zoning, full build-out would result in approximately 12 percent of the May Creek basin being covered in impervious surfaces (King County 2001). This is significant, as basin-wide impervious surface areas of 10 percent or greater have been found to have considerable impacts on the health of aquatic ecosystems (May et al. 1997; Booth and Reinelt 1993; Karr 1991). Logging, coal mining, and agricultural activities have resulted in channelized streams, floodplain encroachment, and eroding slopes in the May Creek watershed. The lower 4 miles of May Creek are within an urbanized area. This portion of the creek experiences high sediment loading and lacks current and future sources of LWD (Foster Wheeler 1998). The lack of LWD has resulted in loss of habitat complexity, specifically pool habitat. Sediment deposition in lower May Creek has increased due to forest removal, the presence of rock quarries, and the expansion of road networks. Vegetation removal throughout the basin has resulted in higher maximum flows and lower minimum flows. The increase in flood flows has resulted in additional erosion of hillsides, flooding and sediment deposition in May Valley, erosion in the canyon downstream of the valley, and flooding and sediment deposition near the mouth of May Creek (King County 2001). Analysis of past, existing, and forecast storm runoff and flooding conditions of the May Creek Basin indicate that flooding will probably continue to increase as the basin is developed. As a result, the May Creek Basin Action Plan (King County 2001) includes several restoration goals, one of which is to protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water quality in the basin. However, implementation of habitat restoration actions under the Basin Plan is dependent on funding availability. Historically, the Barbee Mill property (located adjacent to the May Creek delta) was highly modified, with mill operations dominating the land use (Figure 3). Approximately 85 percent of the site was covered by impervious surfaces in the form of pavement associated with mill operations and approximately 15 structures used for mill offices, log handling, sawing, milling, and storage of wood products. Over the past 15 years, and coinciding with the construction of the Barbee Mill housing development, the Barbee Mill Company has substantially improved the vegetated cover in the May Creek riparian area from its confluence with Lake Washington to Lake Washington Boulevard by planting willows, cottonwoods, grasses, and other native vegetation (Figure 4). In this area, the vegetated stream buffer ranges from approximately 5 to over 100 feet in width. In addition, the Barbee Mill Company has placed clean fish rock over 2,100 square feet of the shoreline along the lake's rockery shoreline to the south of the boathouse dock to enhance shallow water habitat for fish. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.docl( Page 10 Lak e St udy Lloyd and As so ciates, Inc. Figure 3. Aerial photograph of the Barbee Mill site (1990). Figure 4. Aerial photograph of the Barbee Mill site (2016). La ke Hou ses At Eagle Co ve Page 11 e :\Use rs\f ry s\AppData\Loca l\ T ernp\2016 la ke Study-l ,do(x Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. According to Foster Wheeler (1998), the lower reaches of May Creek experience the heaviest use by fish. However, the primary limiting factor for Chinook and sockeye in May Creek likely is available spawning area and incubation success. The primary limiting factor for coho, steelhead, and cutthroat in May Creek likely is the availability of high quality rearing and over- wintering habitat (Foster Wheeler 1998). Wetlands According to King County's iMap database' there are no wetlands located within the immediate vicinity of the proposed expanded dredging site. Nor do any other publicly available data indicate the presence of aquatic areas aside from Lake Washington and May Creek. Habitat As discussed above, the littoral zone and shoreline of Lake Washington have been extenSively modified in the past 150 years due to the change in lake level; construction of piers, docks, and bulkheads; removal of LWD; and the expansion of Eurasian milfoil and other non-native aquatic macrophytes (Fresh and Lucchetti 2000). The previously hardstem bulrush-and willow- dominated shoreline community has been replaced by developed and hardened shorelines with landscaped yards. According to Toft (2001), an estimated 71 percent of the Lake Washington shoreline is armored with riprap or bulkheads and approximately 2,737 residential piers have been built. This loss of natural shoreline has reduced the occurrence of complex shoreline habitat features such as overhanging and emergent vegetation, woody debris (especially fallen trees with branches and/or rootwads intact), and gravel/cobble beaches, which has reduced the availability of refuge habitat and forage for juvenile salmonids. like most of the shoreline along Lake Washington, the shoreline in the proposed project area is armored with riprap; however, emergent vegetation (50ft rush, grasses, sedges, etc.) grows at depths less than 3 feet in areas to the north and east of the proposed dredge site. In 2007, juvenile rainbow trout, coho salmon, and sticklebacks were observed using this emergent vegetation as cover. Soils/Substrates Sediments in the proposed expanded dredge area (arising from May Creek depositional events) tend to be fine to medium sands (SP -MP) grading to gravels in closer proximity to May Creek. Sediments distal to May Creek trend to finer materials and silt. Within the May Creek delta, larger cobbles and gravels are the dominant substrates. Riprap, cobble, sand and gravel generally occur at depths less than 3 feet to the north and east of the proposed dredging zone. According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the property (upslope of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) contains Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Age) soil; however, this area would not be disturbed by the project. 4 http://www . k i ngco u n tv .g ov I se rvi ces/gis/M aps/i ma p.a spx Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Loca 1\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.doc)( Page 12 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Wildlife In addition to the fish species described above, the WDFW PHS database lists three bald eagle nests within 1 mile of the project site. All three nests are located to the west of the May Creek delta on the southeastern tip of Mercer Island. It is reasonable to assume that bald eagles may fly over the project site and that they may forage in the project area based on the presence of documented nest sites and potential forage species, such as waterfowl, seagulls, and salmon, which occur in and around May Creek and the southern portion of Lake Washington. There is an existing osprey nest platform at the mouth of May Creek that has been occupied during the breeding season (March through September) in the past, but no nest was seen on the structure in December 2016. In addition to osprey, Meridian biologists have observed a variety of ducks, Canada geese, and turtles during fish habitat and fish population surveys in the project area. 2.3 2016 AQUATIC HABITAT SURVEY On December 16, 2016, Meridian Environmental fisheries biologists completed detailed SCUBA- based aquatic habitat and fish presence surveys at the project site. Areas surveyed were (1) within the proposed expanded dredging zone to the inner harbor line; and (2) along the eastern and northern shoreline adjacent to the proposed dredging area; and (3) around the boat house. The objective of these surveys was to: • Document the existing aquatic habitat conditions during the winter of 2016; • Determine the species composition and average densities of aquatic macrophytes; and • Describe the distribution and relative abundance of fish species observed during the survey. An additional objective was to compare the results of 2016 surveys with the results of fish habitat and fish population surveys completed within and near the project area in 1993, 2000, 2001,2007, and 2012). Survey Methods A Meridian fisheries biologist established seven underwater transects between the south end of the May Creek delta and the existing dock and log boom located at the south end of the proposed project area (Figure 5). Transects were designed to cover a large portion of the proposed expanded dredge prism, ranged from 100 to 225 feet in length, and extended approximately 500 feet into Lake Washington. Similar to previous surveys, two fisheries biologists then used SCUBA equipment to swim each of the seven transects approximately 2-3 feet above the surface of the lake bed. While swimming each transect, divers recorded the water depth, dominant substrate, the species and Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Loca 1\ Temp\2016 lake Study-l.docx Page 13 Lake St udy Ll oyd and Assoc iates, Inc. size class of any fish encountered, aqu at ic macroph y t e composition and de nsity, and underwa ter visibility. Aquatic macrophyte densities were visually esti m at ed and classif ied as lo w (le ss than or equal to 10 stems p er squ are yar d), moderate (11 to 100 st em s per square yard). or h igh (greater than 100 stems per squ are yard). In addition, d ivers recorded und erwater vi d eo of representati ve habi tat con dition s a long each transect. Figure 5. 2016 SCUBA/snorkel survey transect locations. 2016 SCUBA Survey Results As di sc ussed in Section 2.2, num ero us sa lmonid and non -salmonid spec i es have been docum en ted at or near th e propo se d project site, including coho, Chinook, and sockeye sa lmon , rainbow trout/steel head , cutthroat trout, largemou th a nd smallmouth bass, pumpkin seed sunfi sh, ye ll ow perch , north ern pik eminnow, three -spin e st ickleb ack, pri ck ly sculpin, d ace, and shiner (Harza 1993 ; Harz a 2000; Meridian Environmental Inc. 2007 ; an d Meridian En viro nm ental Inc. 2012). All o f th ese species were observed using the proj ect site (primarily alon g the margins of the lake ) during spring, summe r, an d fall surv eys. Th e 2016 survey re presents the first ti m e that a wi nte r aquatic habit at survey was completed at the si t e. No fi sh were observed in th e project area during the Decem be r 16, 2016 survey (Tab l e 1). W h il e their absence from th e project ar ea was surpris in g, salmonids and other fish rear ing in Lake Houses At Eagle Cove Page 14 C :\use rs\frv s\App Da ta\local\ Te m p\20 16 lake St udy -l.docx Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. freshwater have been found to shift to different habitats in the winter, and may have moved into deeper water to overwinter. Table 1. Summary of observations recorded during the December 16, 2016 project area SCUBA survey. Transect # General Aquatic Habitat Notes Fish Observations 1 Proceeded west from osprey nest pole heading offshore (Figure 5). 4-8' depth None following the edge of sandy shelf on delta. Substrate was comprised of mostly leaf litter with low to low densities of E. canadensis and M. spicatum (Figure 6). 2 Proceeded southeast from end of T1 to 20d log boom piling (Figure 5). 18' max None depth approximately 14' average depth. Substrate was comprised of a mixture of leaf litter and silt with low densities of M. spicatum and P. crisp us (Figure 7). 3 Proceeded north from eastern most log boom piling to point near osprey nest None pole (Figure 5). 15' maximum depth with dense stands of P. crispus and M. spicatum. Very tall patches -10' tall and only 2 to 3' feet below the surface (Figures 8 and 9). 4 Proceeded south from the midpoint of log to the dock with the boat lift (Figure None 5). T max depth. Mixture of M. spicatum, P. crispus, and E. canadensis at the mid-point of the transect (Figure 10). 5 Proceeded north from base of dock/boat lift to the end of the boathouse dock None (Figure 5). 6' max depth. Large expanses of sand with low to moderate densities of P. crispus, E. canadensis, and M. spicatum 1 live freshwater mussel (Figure 11). 6 Proceeded from the end of transect 5 past the boat house to boat ramp None (Figure 5). 5' max depth. Low densities of M. spicatum and E. canadensis. 7 Proceeded along shoreline from the boat ramp to the base of the dock at None south end of proposed dredge prism (Figure 5). Substrate was comprised of mostly gravel, cobble, and leaf litter. Depths average 2-3' and aquatic vegetation was sparse. Abundant small freshwater mussels (Figure 12). As in past SCUBA/snorkel surveys, the substrate in the proposed project area was observed to be a mixture of silt and sand, riprap cobble, leaf litter, and fish rock patches. Riprap cobble, sand, and gravel were the dominant substrates observed along transect 7 (Figure 5). The riprap cobble and gravel was typically located within 6 feet of the shoreline to a depth of approximately 3 feet. Sand was the dominant substrate along Transect 1 and silt and organic debris (e.g., leaf material) were the dominant substrates along the remaining transects. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove c:\users\frys\AppData\Loca 1\ Temp\2016 La ke Study-l.docx PagelS Lake St udy Lloyd and Ass ociates , Inc. Figure 6. Leaf litter substrate near the we s t end of Transect 1 . Figure 7 . Silt substrate with low densities of M. spicatum and P. crispus along Transect 2. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\U se rs\frys\AppOata\Loca i\Temp\2016 Lake Stud y-l .d oc x Page 16 La ke St u dy Llo yd and A sso ciates, I nc. Figure 8. Dense stands of P. crisp us observed along Transect 3. Figure 9. Dense stands of M. spicatum observed along Transect 3 (note log boom at the surface). Lake Ho u ses At Eagle Cove C:\U se r s\f rys\AppOa t <l\Locai\Temp\20 16 Lake StudV·l.d o cx Page 17 Lake St udy Llo yd and A ss o cia t es, Inc. Figure 10. Mixture of M. spicatum, P. crisp us, and E. canadensis at the mid-point of Transect 4. Figure 11. Gravel and cobble substrate (fish rock) observed along Transect 7. As discussed in Section 2.2, six species of aquatic macrophytes have been documented within and near the proposed expanded dredging area during past SCUBA/snorkel surveys. In general, high densities of E. canadensis, M. spicatum, and P. crispus have been observed in the nearshore portion (depths less than 12 feet) during the summer months (Harza 2000, Meridian Environmental, Inc. 2007; Meridian Environmental, Inc. 2012). The highest abundance is typically seen in depths of 6 to 9 feet, especially in areas with sandier substrates. Along the Lak e Ho uses At Eagle Cov e Page18 C:\Us er s \f rys \AppData\local\ T e rnp\2016 La ke St udy-l ,duo Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. deeper water transects (greater than 12 feet). the distribution of aquatic macrophytes is patchier and less abundant. Very few if any macrophytes are found in depths greater than 15 feet. In 2016, biologists observed low, moderate, and high densities of E. canadensis, M. spicatum, and P. crispus in the project vicinity, depending on the transect. Densities were highest along transects 3 and 4 at depths less than 12 feet (Figure 4) and lowest along transects 1, 2, 3, and 7. 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 PROJECT PURPOSE For decades, the Barbee Mill site (owned by the Cugini family) and May Creek delta have been affected by ongoing development in the upper May Creek valley. Upstream development has resulted in higher peak flood flows due to increased impervious surface in the watershed. Peak flows have increased approximately 15 to 20 percent compared to pre development conditions for the 2-, 25-, and 100-year flood event return intervals (King County 2001). In addition, this increased run-off has resulted in severe bank erosion and sediment transport from the upper basin, which is deposited in the May Creek delta adjacent to the Barbee Mill. Subsequently, wave action in Lake Washington transports fine sediment from the delta to the boathouse area, which is located to the south of the May Creek delta. Dredging of the May Creek delta and Cugini property boathouse area has occurred for over 50 years on a 3-to 4-year cycle, depending on the volume of sediment accumulation. The amount of sediment deposition has been described as increasing from 3,000 to 4,000 CY every 3 to 4 years throughout the 1990s to 4,000 to 6,000 CY per in the 2000s. 3.2 PROPOSED SHORELINE MODIFICATIONS The proposed project would involve amending the current Corps programmatic permit to allow dredging of up to an additional 4,000 cubic yards of sediment in an area located adjacent to the existing permitted dredge prism (Appendix A). Dredging to achieve the desired navigational depth profile would deepen the expanded dredge prism by approximately 10 feet (Appendix A). This expansion of the dredge prism would align it with the existing property and inner harbor lines, facilitate safe navigational access to the boathouse, and promote future recreational uses. The current permit reference is NWS-2007-1019-NO. There would be no change in the frequency of dredging events. Dredging events would continue to occur in both the existing and expanded dredge prisms every 3 to 5 years, based on periodic evaluation of sediment depth. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-Ldocx Page 19 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. There would be no change in the duration or timing of dredging events. As in the past, work would be accomplished within a 3-to 5-day period, and would be scheduled to occur within the in-water work window specified by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The NMFS in- water work period, which is designed to limit impacts to aquatic species, is July 16th to September 15 th • As is currently permitted, accumulated sediments would be removed with a small dredge and clamshell bucket. Portions of the work may also be conducted with a long-reach excavator from the land or an excavator mounted on a fenced flat barge. Use of any other type of dredge would require prior approval from the Corps and Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology). Sediments would be loaded on a barge, transported, and off-loaded at an approved fill material stockpile zone for beneficial upland uses. 4.0 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES An alternative location for the project is not feasible, as the project is intended to ensure continued safe navigational access to the boathouse and promote future recreational uses. However, pursuant to RMC 4-9-050-L(I)(b), measures to avoid, minimize, and rectify impacts to the on-site shoreline critical area have been incorporated into the dredging plan. Minimization techniques include lining the perimeter of the barge with hay bales wrapped with filter fabric to prevent dredge material from entering Lake Washington, where it could cause turbidity. Conducting dredging only during the NMFS approved July 16 -September 15 work window would also minimize the risk of turbidity, by avoiding work during the rainy season. To protect and enhance aquatic habitat in the project vicinity, the project proponent is also proposing to: • Place 20 CY fish rock along the rockery as well as several yards of fish rock adjacent to the boat ramp on Lot A; • Demolish the existing solid-surface 38-foot float and replace it with a grated float that is 24 feet long. Replace three treated wood piles securing the old float with two lO-inch galvanized pipe piles; • Replace two dolphins (consisting of three treated piles each), at the south end of the project site with a single 12-inch galvanized pipe pile at each location; • Avoid dredging along shoreline slopes and shallow water habitat along the shoreline north of the dredging zone to protect near-shore habitat that may be used by rearing Chinook salmon; and Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Loca 1\ Temp\2016 La ke Study-l.docx Page 20 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. • Enhance the north end of the project boundary through the placement of LWD (approximately five to ten rootwads) to improve aquatic habitat, help stabilize the shoreline, and facilitate sediment deposition to reduce the need for future maintenance dredging. 5.0 IMPACT EVALUATION The proposed mitigation measures described above were designed using best available science, in accordance with RMC 4-8-120-19, and RMC 4-3-050-L-1-c, to avoid and minimize potential project impacts on aquatic habitat and salmonids and provide adequate mitigation. A discussion of project effects, including the effects of mitigation, is presented below. 5.1 HABITAT The proposed project is unlikely to have an adverse effect on adult salmon and steelhead spawning habitat, as no dredging would take place in May Creek. The proposed in-water work window (July 16th to September 15 th ) and relatively short dredging period (3 to 5 days of work) would also limit the potential to delay migration or spawning in May Creek. The proposed project may affect juvenile salmon and steel head by causing physical changes to their early rearing habitat in Lake Washington. However, according to Tabor et al. (2006), Chinook fry begin entering Lake Washington around the first of the year, peaking in February, while parr and smolts enter the lake from April through July, peaking in late May. Past studies of juvenile Chinook salmon distribution and abundance in Lake Washington indicate that they are concentrated in the south end of Lake Washington from February to May; however, their density along the shorelines in the spring decreases logarithmically with increasing distance from the mouth of the Cedar River (Tabor et al. 2006). These studies also found that juvenile Chinook salmon prefer shallow water habitats with overhanging vegetation, with an approximately 4.5:1 ratio of fish using overhanging vegetation to fish occurring away from overhanging vegetation (Tabor et al. 2004, 2006). While data describing juvenile steel head and coho use of Lake Washington are limited, both Tabor et al. (2004) and Meridian Environmental, Inc. (2007) have documented the presence of juvenile steelhead and coho in the proposed project area. Like juvenile Chinook, both of these species appeared to prefer the shallow water habitat located along the shoreline to the north and northeast of the proposed expanded dredging area, and were typically associated with overhanging brush and emergent vegetation. Juvenile coho were also abundant in the shallow water areas (less than 3 feet deep) located along the northeastern corner of the boathouse dock. No steelhead or coho were observed at depths greater than approximately 3 feet. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.docx Page 21 Lake Study Lloyd and Assoc.iates, Inc. Based on the results of previous studies completed in the project area, water depths in the proposed expanded dredging zone are generally deeper than those preferred by rearing juvenile Chinook, coho and steel head. In addition, the aquatic habitat located immediately to the south of the May Creek delta and along the shoreline of the lake to the south is not heavily used by juveniles of these species (Tabor et al. 2004). Limiting in-water work to the NMFS approved work window would minimize the potential to adversely affect juvenile Chinook, as the vast majority of juveniles in Lake Washington are expected to migrate prior to July. This in- work window would also minimize potential impacts on juvenile coho and steelhead. While the proposed project may cause a short-term negligible increase in turbidity/suspended sediment (see below) and a reduction in benthic invertebrates in the dredging zone, overall long-term water quality would be improved by removal of the toxic creosote pilings. Primary productivity and the fish forage base would be improved as a result of increased light penetration into the lake, and shoreline and instream habitat quality would be improved through the addition of fish rock. 5.2 LARGE WOODY DEBRIS LWD (logs with attached rootwads) is an important component of a healthy stream ecosystem. Large trees that fall into streams perform an important role in forming pools, regulating storage and routing of sediment, and trapping spawning gravel. LWD also provides complex fish habitat that increases carrying capacity, high-flow refugia for fish, and substrate for macroinvertebrates. The delivery and routing of LWD in May Creek has been altered by past timber harvest and urban and rural development and its role in forming habitats (especially pool habitat) is very limited. The placement of approximately five to ten anchored rootwads along the north end of the project boundary, as a component of the proposed project, would likely improve aquatic habitat salmonids, help stabilize the shoreline, and may facilitate sediment deposition to reduce the need for future maintenance dredging south of the delta. These large pieces of LWD are also expected to provide relatively stable habitat elements and trap pieces of naturally recruiting wood to form increasingly complex log jams that would be retained during periods of high flow. As a result we expect the LWD structures to slightly increase resident and anadromous fish productivity in lower May Creek. 5.3 OVERWATER COVER Juvenile Chinook salmon tend to avoid overwater structure. Tabor et al. (2006) found that upon approaching a pier, juvenile Chinook will move into deeper water and either pass under or swim around the pier. Similarly, in acoustic tracking studies, Chinook smolts avoided areas under overwater structures and changed course to move around such structures (Celedonia et al. 2008). The change in light levels associated with piers and other overwater structures may Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\locai\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.docx Page 22 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. make it difficult for juvenile Chinook salmon to detect predators (Tabor et al. 2006), and salmon predators like smallmouth bass are often associated with pier piles (Celedonia et al. 2008). The project proponent would remove a solid-decked float in the project area and replace it with a new fully grated float to maximize natural light transmission. The new grated float would likely improve primary productivity and the fish forage base by allowing greater natural light penetration to the lakebed. Grating specifications would comply with previously approved permit conditions for light transmission. The project proponent would also remove two dolphins (consisting of three treated piles each) at the south end of the project site and replace those with a single, much smaller 12-inch galvanized pipe pile at each location to reduce the amount of structure that would attract predatory fish. Overall, these measures are expected to improve juvenile salmon habitat conditions and reduce predation in the project area. 5.4 LIGHTING Artificial nighttime lighting has been shown to affect the behavior of various aquatic organisms, including many salmonids. Light-mediated behaviors may include changes in foraging, predator avoidance, reproduction, and migration. Often fish are attracted to artificial nighttime lighting (positive phototaxis) and their behavior may more resemble daytime behavior than nighttime behavior, which can potentially make them more vulnerable to predation (Tabor et al. 2015). No artificial lighting is proposed as part of the expanded dredging project. 5.5 WATER QUALITY (SUBSTRATE DISTURBANCE AND DISCHARGE OF WASTE PRODUCTS) Dredging has the potential to increase turbidity (i.e., reduce water clarity) and increase total suspended solids (TSS) within and near the proposed action area. Turbidity and TSS levels have been reported to cause physiological stress, reduce growth, and adversely affect salmonid survival. The potential for adverse effects depends upon several factors, including the duration of TSS increases, the area of the turbidity plume, the amount and velocity of ambient water (dilution factor), and the size of suspended sediments. In the case of the proposed project, increases in suspended sediments and turbidity would be localized at the point of dredging and increases would last for only short periods of time; based on previous dredging activities, these periods are expected to be less than several hours. Evidence suggests that salmonids are well adapted to short term increases in turbidity, as such conditions are frequently experienced in natural settings as a result of storms, landslides, or other natural phenomena (Redding et al. 1987; NMFS 2003). It is chronic exposure to increased turbidity that has been found to be the most potentially damaging to salmonids. Studies have found that when habitat space is not limiting, salmonids will move to avoid localized areas of increased turbidity, thereby alleviating the potential for adverse physiological impacts (Bisson and Bilby 1982; NMFS 2003). Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ T emp\2016 Lake Study-l.docx Page 23 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Juvenile salmon have been shown to avoid areas of unacceptably high turbidity (Servizi and Martens 1991), although they may seek out areas of moderate turbidity (10 to 80 NTU), presumably as cover against predation (Cyrus and Blaber 1987a, 1987b). Studies have found that fish that inhabit waters with elevated TSS may experience a reduction in predation from piscivorous fish and birds (Gregory and Levings 1998). In such cases, salmonids may actually increase foraging activity, as they use turbid water as a sort of cover from predators (Gregory 1993). However, feeding efficiency of juveniles is impaired by turbidities in excess of 70 NTU, well below sublethal stress levels (Bisson and Bilby 1982). Reduced preference by adult salmon returning to spawn has been demonstrated where turbidities exceed 30 NTU (20 mg/L suspended sediments); however, Chinook salmon exposed to 650 mg/L of suspended volcanic ash were still able to find their natal streams (Whitman et al. 1982). The highest turbidity values recorded during dredging activity at the site in 2002 were less than 7 NTU, and turbidity measured in the dredging zone was on average less than 1.4 NTU greater than turbidity outside the dredging zone. Overall turbidity values of less than 7 NTU are very low, and the effect of slightly increasing turbidity by 1 or 2 NTU on listed fish species should be considered discountable. Based on these data and the scientific literature cited above, it is unlikely that the short-term (3 to 5 days every 3 to 5 years) and localized elevation of turbidity (less than 5 NTU elevation above background turbidity levels) generated by the proposed project would rise to the levels that would be expected to cause harm to salmonids that may be present in the dredging zone. While some return water from dredged materials placed on a barge is anticipated to enter Lake Washington, it is extremely import to understand that the dredged material is highly porous and drains very quickly during dredging as the bucket is raised out of the water. This return water is the subject of the Water Quality Certification approved by Ecology. Notably, there is very little silt or clay content in dredged materials as indicated in recent sediment testing. Essentially, the sediments are virtually dryas loaded onto the barge. The perimeter of the barge will be lined with hay bales wrapped with filter fabric to further reduce the potential for introduction of sediments into Lake Washington. Considering that the turbidity produced by any construction activity would be localized and temporary, the most probable impact on juvenile salmon ids would be a behavior modification (avoidance response), rather than injury or reduction in growth potential. An avoidance response could expose juvenile salmonids to increased predation or force them away from preferred rearing areas. The project proponent would employ the most effective strategy for minimizing or eliminating potential construction related impacts, which is to restrict construction to periods when the presence of Chinook and coho salmon, steel head, and bull trout is improbable. In-water work such as dredging also has the potential to degrade water quality though the spill of toxic substances, such as fuel or hydraulic fluid from dredging or pile placement equipment. This potential is best reduced by maintaining equipment in proper working condition and by maintaining a spill prevention control and countermeasure plan (SPCCP). Typically, a SPCCP Lake Houses At Eagle Cove Page 24 C:\Users\frys\App Data\local\ Temp\2016 lake Study-l.docx Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. would specify areas for equipment maintenance and refueling, spill prevention and emergency response strategies, requirements for keeping emergency response spill containment kits onsite, and for having trained personnel be onsite during in-water work. For this project, preparation of a SPCCP would limit the potential for toxic material spills during dredging and pile replacement. If oil or other unknown substances appear on the water surface or in dredged material while equipment is being operated, the contractor will cease operations immediately to identify the source of the contaminant and remedy the problem. If necessary, an oil absorbent boom secured to a debris boom will be utilized to encircle the work zone to capture sheen or potential floating debris. Finally, replacing the three creosote treated wood piles and two dolphins in the project area with galvanized pipe piles is expected to provide an overall increase in water quality, as slow solution of some creosote components and physical breakdown of the treated wood leads to toxicity in the surrounding water and sediment .. These piles would be pulled concurrent with the May Creek enhancement work. All creosote treated pilings would be cut into 4-foot lengths and disposed of in an approved upland landfill. 6.0 CONCLUSION Periodic maintenance dredging every 3-5 years in the proposed expanded dredge prism coupled with the protection and enhancement measures outlined in Section 4.0 are expected to preserve navigational access to the project proponent's docks and boathouse; maintain and possibly improve water quality conditions in the project area; enhance aquatic habitat and hydraulic functions in lower May Creek; slightly increase primary productivity and near-shore habitat quality in lake Washington; and reduce predation in the project area. Overall, no net loss of shoreline ecological functions will result from the proposed project. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove Page 25 C: \U sers\fryS\AppData\local\ Temp\2016 lake Study-I. docx Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. 7.0 REFERENCES Bisson, P.A, and R.E. Bilby. 1982. Avoidance of suspended sediment by juvenile coho salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2(4):371-374. Booth, D.B., and L. Reinelt. 1993. Consequences of urbanization on aquatic systems- measured effects, degradation thresholds, and corrective strategies. In: Proceedings of the Watershed '93 Conference. U.S. GPO, Washington D.C. Cyrus, D.P., and S.J.M. Blaber. 1987a. The Influence of Turbidity on Juvenile Marine Fishes in Estuaries. Part I: Field Studies at Lake St. Lucia on the Southeastern Coast of Africa. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 109:53-70. Cyrus, D.P., and SJ.M. Blaber. 1987b. The Influence of Turbidity on Juvenile Marine Fishes in Estuaries. Part 2: Laboratory Studies, Comparisons with Field Data and Conclusions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 109:71-91. F oster Wheeler Environmental Corp. 1998. May Creek Current and Future Conditions Report. Prepared for King County and the City of Renton Surface Water Utility. Bothell, Washington. Fresh, K.L. and G. Lucchetti. 2000. Protecting and restoring the habitats of anadromous salmonids in the Lake Washington watershed, an urbanizing ecosystem. Pages 525-544 in E.E. Knudsen, C.R. Steward, D.o. MacDonald, J.E. Williams, and D.W. Reiser (editors). Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific salmon. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton. Gregory, R.S. 1993. Effect of turbidity on the predator avoidance behaviour of juvenile Chinook salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50:241-246. Gregory, R.S., and C.D. Levings. 1998. Turbidity reduces predation on migrating juvenile Pacific salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127(2):275-285. Harza Engineering Company. 1993. Fish and Aquatic Plant Habitat Utilization Assessment for the May Creek Delta, Lake Washington, on September 27, 1993. Prepared for Lloyd and Associates Inc. Bellevue, WA. Harza Engineering Company. 2000. Barbee Lumber Mill Aquatic Habitat and Fish Population Survey. August 2000. Prepared for Lloyd and Associates Inc. Bellevue, W A. Hodgson S., Quinn T.P., Hilborn R, Francis R.C., Rogers D.E. (2006). Marine and freshwater climatic factors affecting interannual variation in the timing of return migration to fresh water of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Fish Oceanogr IS( 1): 1-24. Karr,l.R. 1991. Biological integrity: a long-neglected aspect of water resource management. Ecological Applications, 1:66-84. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-I.doc:.: Page 26 Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Keister, J.P., Jr., R.G. Anthony, and E.J. O'Neill. 1987. Use of communal roosts and foraging areas by bald eagles wintering in the Klamath Basin. Journal of Wildlife Management 51 (2): 4154.20. Kerwin, J. 200 I. Salmon and steelhead habitat limiting factors report for the Cedar-Sammamish basin (Water Resource Inventory Area 8), September 2001. Washington Conservation Commission. Olympia, W A. 587 pp. King County. 2001. Final adopted May Creek basin action plan. King County and the City of Renton. April 2001. May, C.W., R.R. Horner, J.R. Karr, B.W. Mar, and E.B. Welch. 1997. Effects of urbanization on small streams in the Puget Sound Ecoregion. Watershed Protection Techniques, 2(4): 483- 494. Meridian Environmental Inc. 2007. Barbee Boat House Renovation and Maintenance Dredging Project Biological Assessment. Action Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Prepared by: Prepared by: Meridian Environmental, Inc. July 11,2007. Meridian Environmental Inc. 2012. Cugini Property Boathouse Expansion of the Existing Lake Washington Dredge Prism Biological Assessment. Action Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Prepared by: Meridian Environmental, Inc. August 27, 2012. Meridian Environmental, Inc. and Harza Engineering Company. 200 I. Cugini property May 200 1, aquatic habitat and fish population survey and joint-use dock biological assessment. June 25, 2001. Newell, J. c., and T. P. Quinn. 2005. Behavioral thermoregulation by maturing adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in a stratified lake prior to spawning. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83:1232-1239. NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2003. Environmental Assessment Puget Sound Chinook Harvest Resource Management Plan. Prepared by NMFS with assistance from Puget Sound Treaty Tribes and WDFW. Seattle, WA. Draft of May, 2003. Redding, 1.M., C.B. Schreck. and F.H. Everest. 1987. Physiological effects on coho salmon and steel head of exposure to suspended solids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 116:737-744. Servizi, J.A .. and Martens. D.W. 1991. Effect of temperature, season, and fish size on acute lethality of suspended sediments to coho salmon. Oncorhynchus kisutch. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48: 493-497. Toft, J.D. 2001. Shoreline and dock modifications in Lake Washington. Prepared for King County Department of Natural Resources. Lake Houses At Eagle Cove Page 27 C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 lake Study-l.docx Lake Study Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Appendix A Site Plan -Dredge Area Expansion Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-1.doc:.: Page 28 Lake Study --r'-/' \ o <D / o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " -- \ \ I ) CQ -o ...,J Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Loca 1\ Temp\2016 La ke Study-l.docx (,) -o -..I Q -o :oJ '-'. o Lloyd and Associates, Inc. . o " o o Page 29 Lake Study - Lake Houses At Eagle Cove C:\Users\frys\AppData\Local\ Temp\2016 Lake Study-l.doc)( Lloyd and Associates, Inc. Page 30 21) I 6-2 I ; ScJ 1l1lcnL ~ul1lrllllg Rl'~u lt~ I )Ivl \111. 1 ' .. ,;, Ii j '., ..! Sediment Sampling and Analytical Results Barbee Maintenance Dredging Barbee Company, P.O. Box 359 Renton. Washington SUHMJ'rll:D To: USACEI DREDGE MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Prepared by: Lloyd & Associates, Inc. 255 Camaloch Dr. Camano Island, W A 98282 Revised: December 12.2016 Page I of 30 2() I (1-21"1, "ieJIITlI.:l1l <";uT1lpllllg !{l'~lIlt~ i)l\li'vll -I Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction Site History -Historical Dredging Sediment Sampling Results Summary Suitability for Open Water Disposal 2.0 Sediment Sampling Sample Stations Sampling Equipment Field Sampling Procedure Equipment Decontamination Composite Preparation Chain-of Custody Grain Size Distribution/Field Observations 3.0 Sediment Chemical Analyses Sediment Chemical Analyses Total Metals Volatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile Organic Compounds Pesticides and PCBs Petroleum Hydrocarbons Dioxins and Furans 4.0 Quality Assurance Review Summary 5.0 Limd &. i\~SO(l<lles. IIll: Sediment Chemical Analyses Total Metals Volatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile Organic Compounds Pesticides and PCBs Petroleum Hydrocarbons Dioxins and Furans Conclusions and Recommendations Sediment Sampling Considerations Page 2 of 30 Table of Contents (continued) Figures and Tables Figure 1-1: Site Photograph Figure 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations Figure 2-2: Sediment core 0710211Barbee/G- Figure 2-3: Grain Size Distribution Table 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations Table 2-2: Grain Size Data Table 3-1: Sediment Results I Conventional Parameters Table 3-2: Sediment Results I Total Metals Table 3-3: Sediment Results I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Table 3-4: Sediment Results I Pesticides and PCBs Table 3-5: Sediment Results I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Table 3-6: Sediment Results I Dioxins & Furans Table 4-1: QA Summary I Conventional Parameters Table 4-2: QA Summary I Total Metals Table 4-3: QA Summary I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Table 4-4: QA Summary I Pesticides and PCBs Table 4-5: QA Summary I Petroleum Hydrocarbons Table 4-6: QA Summary I Dioxins & Furans Attachments Attachment A -Sediment Sampling Logs Attachment B -Grain Size Distribution Attachment C -Laboratory Reports and Quality Control Summary Attachment D -Historical Sampling and Analysis Results Page 3 of 30 2tll />-2 i:1 SCUI11K111 S(lll1pll11g RCSlIih ])1\1 \11 -I 1.0 Introduction This report provides results of sediment sampling and chemical testing of sediments in conjunction with proposed Maintenance Dredging. The purposes of this sampling and analysis program are: (I) to chemical collect data regarding the level(s) of contamination that mayor may not be present within sediments of the permitted dredge area; and (2) to assess the suitability of dredged materials for open-water disposal. The purpose of the proposed dredging is to maintain navigational and recreational access. As currently permitted, we anticipate approximately 2500 to 2700 CY of material will be dredged in 2017 based on 2016 hydrographic data. Site History -Historical Dredging The project area (see Figure 1-1) has been dredged for many decades. In recent history, the area was dredged in 1994, 1997,2001/2002 and 2011. The boathouse was constructed in the 1950's, and has been in continuous use. A portion of the Barbee Boathouse Navigational Dredge area was last dredged in 20 II, concurrent with boathouse renovation under USACE Permit Reference #NWS-2007-1 0 19. Figure 1-1: Site Navigational Access Photograph. Photograph looking west toward A1ercer Island, showing the current status of the .\"avigalional Access 10 the Boathouse The navigational assess ·'channel ' is immediately to the le./! of the line oipiling and boom logs. 1 lo\cJ (\: /b~O(ld\"::S_ 11lL' P3f'-e -1 01':10 :)) 16-213 Sediment I.;aml'illlg RC~lIlt~ !)\1\;lll-, North of the former Barbee Mill facility (approximately 2000 ft), is Quendall Terminals. Quendall Terminals is a CERCLA (superfund) site managed by EPA. Primary contaminants at this site are creosote residues (PAH compounds) and petroleum hydrocarbons. Barbee Lumber Mill operations occurred north of the May Creek Delta, and south of Quendall Terminals. Lumber mill operations were essentially shut down in 1999. The boathouse area has been periodically dredged since the early 1950' s to maintain navigational access to the boathouse. There is no record of spills or other discharges impacting sediments in the proposed dredge area although low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons were detected during sampling and chemical analysis in 2008. Sediments in the proposed dredge area arise principally from deposition during severe storm events (high energy) when sediment loadings carried from the May Valley Drainage Basin are substantial. Sediments to be dredged in the future are derived from depositional events that have occurred at the May Creek Delta for many years. The project proponents seek to dredge depositional sediments that have infilled the navigational access to the boathouse. The Barbee Company has secured all permits to dredge the area from the USACE and is currently updating permits from state and local jurisdictions. As permitted by USACE, our proposal is to dredge the permitted profile approved by USACE. This profile will not reach depths that will encounter sediments that are older than dredging work completed in 20 II or in previous dredging events. In all respects we will not be dredging to depths that at or below 10-12' elevation (MSL, Corps Datum). In 2002 the depth at the western edge of the dredge footprint was approximately 15-20 feet deep, well below proposed dredge profile. In 2005. for example. the water depth at the Eagle Roost (also periodically referred to the Osprey Nest) was approximately 10' (12' EI. MSL). Since 2005. there has been over 10' of depositional infill from on going erosional events. While the numbers are not well developed, the volume of material deposited in Lake Washington at the May Creek Delta is at least 25,000 CY (and likely substantially higher). The point is that the project proponents are not dredging older lakebed sediments by any means. We are simply looking at dredging the least amount of depositional material possible to maintain access to the boathouse. boat ramp. and shoreline access for protected recreational uses. The proposed depth profile for dredging will occur within recent infill/deposition. These results are also to be considered a supplement to previous sediment sampling and analysis work conducted in 2007 (reported in 2008) and years prior (see Attachment D -Historical Summary Data Summary). Sediment Sampling Results -Summary Detected chemical contamination in the permitted dredge area (DMMU-I) is very limited. Testing results are below DMMP fresh water and marine screening levels for all parameters (see Section 3.0 Chemical and Physical Data). Nevertheless, some motor oil range petroleum hydrocarbon was detected at 39 mg/kg (dry basis). Diesel Lloyd & !\~~OCi<lll's. Illc. Page 5 onu range petroleum product was detected in the composite sample at 8.3 mg/kg (dry basis). Additionally, traces of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PABs) were detected. For example, benzo(a)pyrene was detected at24 ug/Kg (dry basis). Suitability of Dredged Material for Open Water Disposal All data indicate that detected chemical contamination levels are below all low-level screening criteria, and that the materials are acceptable for disposal at a DMMP open- water disposal site. Lloyu & /\ssocmles_ Inc Page 6 of 30 ::1 i I 11-21 ~ 'i('dllll.;nl S<llllpllllg RC~lIl!s 1)1\1 \11 i. 1 2.0 Sediment Sampling Sediment sampling at the Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area was conducted on Monday July 4, 2016. Sediment samples were collected, composited and preserved for next day delivery to Analytical Resources, Inc. (Seattle, W A). This section provides a summary of sediment sampling information. Sediment Sampling Logs are provided in Attachment A. Sample Stations Differential GPS was utilized to locate sediment sample stations. Sampling occurred close to proposed locations as moderated by observed field and gusty weather conditions. Sampling locations are summarized in Table 2-1 below. All data was collected using North America Datum (NAD83-Washington North). Lake Elevation at the time of sampling was provided by the USACE at Chittenden Locks. Lake elevation was 20.6 feet (MSL), approximately 1.2 feet below the Ordinary High Water Line (OHWL). Table 2-1 Sample Stationing Actual Sampling Sample Location State Plane (ft) Easting Northing Monday, July 04, 2016 Mudline Proposed Sampling Elevation Design EL. Thickness (ft) SED-1 SSE about 39' from Osprey pole 1301394.0 195430.7 18.5 14.5 4.0 3.1 1.0 2.7 SED-2 South of peninsula about 38' SEO-3 Adjacent to Boathouse Door Notes 1301509.0 195448.0 19.1 16.0 13016125 195476.9 13.0 12.0 Average Thickness (ft) = SEO-1 Moved south nearer to sharp increase in depth SED-3 Boathouse door locked, sampled just outside of boathouse door All elevations are in feet, MSL (USAGE Datum) Sampling Equipment Samples SED-I and SED-2 were collected as drive samples using a gravity corer from University of Washington. Sample recoveries were generally very good fro Sample SED-2(> 70%) as shown in Sediment Sampling Logs provided in Attachment A. However, recovery at SED-I was poor due to nature of materials sampled. The middle section of the drive met little resistance, and it is believed that we hit a homogeneous loose sandy layer that was lost with extraction of the gravity corer. A repeat drive was conducted with the same results. At no time did it appear that we hit a hard substrate such as might be anticipated in a lake bottom. Because of the consistency of core results (mostly fine to medium sand) all sediments appear to Lln~d &. A::,~ocia\l'':>. 111(.: Page 7 ono ~1116-21:; SCJllTl<.'ll1 S,\lllrllT1~ RC"lIlt~ D\I\ll -1 of recent depositional origin. Because of the shallow sampling thickness. SED-3, was collected with a small vanVeeen sampler with 100% recovery. Sediment Sampling Stations are shown in Figure 2-1. / L Figure 2-1: Sediment Sampling Stations (I'rol""eu and Actual) Field Sampling Procedure Because of the recent substantial deposition (arising from May Creek), sampling was accomplished by walking out to the sampling locations with the exception of the boathouse sample (SEO-3) which was collected just outside the boathouse from an adjacent float. Depth to mudline (something of a misnomer, since no mud was encountered) was measured with a weighted line. The 8' gravity corer included a 24" extension with an added drive weight. The sampler was generally easily extracted and raised out of the water. The only problem encountered with sampling recovery occurred at SEO-I where we hit a pocket of low resistance, believed to be homogeneous sandy materials. Sediment cores at SEO-l and SEO-2 had low water content when extracted. Once extracted from the lined sampler, the sample core was visually inspected and logged. Core contents from within the dredge profile were retained in individual stainless steel bowls. Mixing of the core contents was with a clean stainless steel spoon. No attempt was made to select layers or otherwise alter the sample contents. Equipment Decontamination Prior to sampling, all sampling equipment was decontaminated by scrubbing with a dilute solution of Alconox, rinsed with tap water, and then followed by two rinses of distilled water. In the field, the samplers were rinsed with lake water and visually inspected prior to moving to the next sampling station. A solvent rinse was not utilized at any time. Composite Preparation l.Io)J & ASSOCIates, Inc Page 8 of 30 2u I (,-213 SedlllKllt S:.lll1rlll1g He-;ulh I)M'vll -I A composite sample was constructed from SED-I, SED-2 and SED-3 sediments. The composite was weighted 45% each of SED-I and SED-2. and 10% of SED-3. It is unlikely that dredging will occur at the boathouse (SED-3) in the near future because recent sediment deposition patterns to the west predominate, and there is currently adequate navigational depth. A pre-cleaned stainless steel bowl and spoon was utilized to composite samples. Portions were well mixed to a homogenous consistency. The composite sample was identified as 070420l6/SED-C. Chain-of Custody The laboratory provided chain of custody was utilized to record basic sample infonnation and requested analyses. All samples were labeled, bagged in Ziploc bags, chilled with ice, and delivered to the laboratory the next day under chain of custody. A copy of the Chain of Custody is provided in Attachment C. Grain Size Distribution Logs I Field Observations Sediment Sampling Logs are provided in Attachment A. In general. sediment sampling yielded good recoveries because of the cohesive nature of the sediment in the sampling profile. However, recoveries at SED-1 were marginal as the lower portions of the core were lost during sampler extraction. Grain Size Data is provided in Table 2-2 and graphically presented in Figure 2-2. These sands appear to be relatively recent origin and do not suggest that sediments below the proposed dredge profile were encountered. Sediments from SED-l and SED-2 were odor free and no apparent sheen was observed in any grab sample although a light stringy sheen was observed in SED-3. A transient "rotten" smell was also noticed in SED-3 The upper few inches of each core was layered with coarse sand and pebbles with the exception of SED-3 which had twigs, leaf litter, and milfoil stringers. Milfoil distribution was extensive throughout shallow waters. However, in those areas of recent sediment deposition, the surface was bare of vegetative growth as observed at SED-l and SED- 2 Sampling Stations. All samples, as collected. were sandy and gritty to the touch. Table 2-2 Grain Size Distribution Data Sample: 07042016Barbe8-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample OMMU-1 Analytical Method: PSEP Methodology Sieve Microns Re!2. -1 ReI::!. -2 ReE!. - 3 Average (%) 318" 100 100 100 100 #4 4,750 83.6 80.9 84.6 83.0 #10 2000 80.1 76.4 80.6 79.0 #18 1000 75.9 724 76.6 75.0 #35 500 62.4 59.9 63.4 61.9 #60 250 24.0 23.6 25.6 244 #120 125 5.5 6.0 7.2 6.2 #230 63 2.2 2.9 4.0 3.0 31.0 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 15.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 7.8 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.3 3.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Gravel Very Coarse Sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Silt Clay Page 9 of 30 ,~ ~ "" it o c ~ g -0 " "" ~ co o ~ G, co PSEP Grain Size Distribution Trlphcate Sample Plot GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY KT I T I I .. ,--------, I I Tl ji\~ uri .1, j d . Ii I ~t><~C ' . .L_'," ~ )jl"~ I , " I I ~-O-"lr\l---r--,----'----'l----O---,---+ 0 I-II~ ,-' 1-1----1 _. ____ J I ' -i ~ ---'--.c..r-+-t+---t I I,,·· .1. 1- 1--1' - i ; I f--__ +--'-_-_-_·-t---- i ~:-,' • " _I 'J .:Tl~" '-~ ~ .. _,Jll~ '0000 1000 100 10 Particle ot.arneter (mlt:lfOl'lS. --+--07042016BARBEE-C ....... 07042016BARBEE-C --.-070420 16BA R BEE-C I~ 0 ,'~ '» ~ ~ "l c 3 ':<;' ~ = 3 .... " " N ci'l , " N c. ~ ...., 00 ~ 1"'1 '" ...., :: 100 C"J '-.... ., S· 90 00 .r " 80 t:) ,,' .... .... 70 c= = .... 60 I o· = l ~ 50 a ... s· ~ 40 30 2C '0 0 2UI h-21.i S":UIlll(:nl "umpllllg Reslilb I X..,l MIL I 3.0 Sediment Chemical Analyses All samples were delivered the next morning to the laboratory (Analytical Resources. Inc .• Seattle. W A) on ice under Chain of Custody. The composite sample was analyzed for both conventional parameters. and the measurement of concentrations of chemicals, which have been identified by DMMP as chemicals of concern (COCs). EPA Analytical Methods were utilized to provide low level detection limits for COe's. A rinsate sample was not collected. as recommended by USACE/DMMP. As provided in the Draft Sampling and Analysis Plan.l the sediment samples. as a composite was submitted for chemical analysis for the following parameters: • Conventional Parameters -EPA/PSEP Methods • Semi-Volatile Organics -EPA 8270D GC/MS (8270D SIM to achieve the required screening level for 2,4-Dimethylphenol) • Total Metals -EPA 200.8; (Except as noted)2 • PesticideslPCBS -EPA 8081/8082 GC/ECD • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons -NWTPH-D • Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B Sample containers. preservation. holding times (extraction/time to analysis) were acceptable and in compliance with accepted PSEP protocols. Conventional Testing Results Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for Total Solids. Preserved Total Solids, N-Ammonia. Total Sulfides. and Total Organic Carbon. These results are provided in Table 3-1 at the end of this section. Laboratory report forms for this data are provided in Attachment C. Hexavalent Chromium was not detected. reported by ARI as a conventional parameter. Total solids were reported at 80.5% and Total Organic carbon was reported at less than 0.2%. These results are consistent with field observations of well draining sands and gravels with only traces of organic malter. There are no Marine or Fresh water screening levels for conventional parameters. Ammonia levels were detected at 19.6 mg-N/Kg (dry basis). Total Sulfide was reported at 1.8 mg/Kg (dry basis). " Draft Barbee Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan, (L&AI. 20 16) BlIl) I 1111 compOlUIus wen .. ' Ilol required ror chemlciJl anah'~ls_ per lISA(T) Page II ono Total Metals Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for total metals. These results are provided in Table 3-2. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Traces of Arsenic, Cadmium, and silver were detected along with Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, and Zinc. Mercury was not detected. Antimony was analyzed as a supplemental parameter. All detected and undetected metal concentrations were less than DMMP Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water.J As requested by USACE, antimony is reported as a supplemental parameter extracted and analyzed by ARI. All detected and undetected results were less than low-level Screening Levels for both Marine (SLI) and Fresh Water (SLl). Semivolatile Organics Composite Sample 070420 16/Barbee-C was analyzed for semivolatile organic compounds by GCMS Method 82700 per PSEP protocols. Results are provided in Table 3-3. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Several semivolatile organics were detected, including: PAHs, and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. The total HPAH concentration was 328 ugIKg-dry. Benzo(a)pyrene was detected at 24 ug/Kg-dry, just above the detection limit. The carcinogenic PAH (cPAH, calculated quantity, as TEQ) was 36.3 ug/Kg-dry. Detected and undetected parameters for all semivolatile organic compounds were less than DMMP Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Pesticides and PCBs Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for pesticides and PCBs by GC/ECD (Dual Column -Methods 8081A and Method 8082, respectively). Results are provided in Table 3-4. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. As shown in Table 3-4, no pesticides or PCBs were detected above detection limits. All reporting limits for all pesticides and PCB's were less than DMMP Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Several supplemental parameters were subsequently analyzed by ARI. Results are included in the data set tables, as requested by USACE I DMMP. All detected and undetected results were less than DMMPSL I Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Petroleum Hydrocarbons Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by GC/FID (Method NWTPH-Dx). Results are provided in Table 3-5. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Diesel was detected at 8.3 mg/Kg-dry, and Motor Oil was detected at 39 mg/Kg-dry. As noted in sampling logs, a light stringy oily substance was observed when sampling at Station SED-3. This transient type of sheen is typical of decaying organic matter. There were no visible indications of a petroleum sheen in any grab sample or the composite. All detected and undetected results were less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. , Sed line 111 ()uallt) (j uiJtl irlt~ li)r Slalllkwd Ch .... mlcals of l'olll:ern and from DM M P L'scr" S \tlilll llal (c urrelll eJ ItlOn) Page 12 of 30 ~[II (><~ 13 :-'l'UIlIll'lll Samrllllg [{l'~lIlh I )\1MI '" I Dioxins and Furans Composite Sample 070420 16/8arbee-C was analyzed for dioxins and furans by EPA Method 16138. Results are provided in Table 3-6. Laboratory report forms are provided in Attachment C. Total 2,3,7,8 Equivalents were measured and calculated at 0.65 pg/g-dry (ppt or ug/Kg), substantially below the Marine Screening Level of 4 pg/g-dry (ppt). Llo~ U & I\~sol·iales. !m: Page 13 of30 Table 3-1: Sediment Results / Conventional Parameters Sample: 07042016/Barbee-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-l Analytical Method: Varies by Analyte' Conventional Parameters Units Result Q RL Hexavalent Chromium mglKg-dry < 0.493 U < 0.493 Total Solids Percent 80,75 0,01 Preserved Total Solids Percent 74,44 0.01 Total Volatile Solids Percent 1,12 0.01 N-Ammonia mg-NIKg 19,6 0,98 Sulfide mglKg-dry 1,8 1.28 Total Organic Carbon Percent 0,182 0.02 Notes: • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) MTCA Screening Levels (2) Method A") Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) 19 (1) Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1), Units are shown above, (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern (Table 8,3) and from DMMP User's Manual (current addition) Table 3-2: Sediment Results / Total Metals Sample: Description: Analytical Methods: 07042016/Barbee-C Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-l EPA 200,8 (Except as noted)' Results mg/Kg-dry MTCA Screening Levels (2) METALS Notes: Antimony Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Chromium + 6 (see Conventionals) Copper Lead Mercury (EPA 7471A) Nickel Selenium Silver Zinc 0,25 2,1 0,081 22,1 13,9 4 0.Q3 28,2 0,577 0,023 48 Q U J U J J Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) LOQ Method A") 0.25 0,2 20 0.115 2 0.6 2,000 0,6 0,1 250 0,03 2 0,6 0.577 0,231 5 (1) Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are mglKg Marine (Sl1) Fresh (SL 1) 150 57 14 5,1 2,1 260 72 390 400 450 360 0,41 0,66 38 11 6.1 0,57 410 3200 (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern (Table 8.3) and from DMMP User's Manual (current addition) Lloyd & A:-,s(lclat~s_ 1111.' Page 14 of 30 2(l1 {<?1 :; SCdll1Kllt S:lmrllllg 1<:<'~l!II~ [)\'lMl -I Table 3-3: Sediment Results I Semivolatile Organic Compounds Sample: 07Q42Q16/Barbea-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: PSDDA Samivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS" Extraction Method: SW3546 Results MTCA Screening Levels\~i Method AI'! Marine (SL 1) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <: 9,6 U 9.6 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <: 9.6 U 9.6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <: 9.6 U 9.6 Hexachlorobutadiene <: 9.6 U 9.6 Hexachlorobenzene <: 9.6 U 9.6 beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane <: 0.49 U 0,49 PAHs Naphthalene < 19 U 19 50001"! Acenapthylene < 19 U 19 Acenapthene 8,7 J 19 Fluorene 8,7 J 19 Phenanthrene 40 19 Anthracene 9,6 J 19 2-Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 500Q\"! 1-Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 5000\'>! TotallPAW'" 67 Fluoranthene 88 19 Pyrene 66 19 Benz(a)anthracene 27 19 c Chrysene 30 19 c Benzofluoranthenes 55 38 c Benzo(a)pyrene 24 19 c 100\O! Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 19 19 c Dibenz(a, h)anthracene 19 U 19 c Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 19 19 Total HPAH,b, 328 Total cPAH (catc_ wI TEF) 36,3 Total PAH'!I 395 PHTHALATES Dimethytphthalate <: 9.6 U 9.6 71 Di-n-Butylphthalate 8,7 J 19 bis(2-Elhylhexyl)phlhalale 48 50 Q Diethylphlhalate < 19 U 19 Butylbenzyphthalate <: 9.6 U 9.6 Di-n-Octylphthalate < 19 U 19 PHENOLS Phenol < 19 U 19 2-Methyiphenol <: 9.6 U 9.6 4-Methytphenol < 19 U 19 2.4-Dimethylphenol\~1 <: 19.1 U 19,1 Pentachlorophenol < 96 U < 96 MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACT/BLES Benzoic Acid <190 U <190 Benzyl Alcohol < 19 U 19 Carbazole < 19 U 19 Dibenzofuran < 19 U 19 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <: 9.6 U 9,6 Notes: Analytical Resources, In!;:. (Tukwila, WA 98168 3240) MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1) Units are ug/Kg) '" '" Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concem and DMMP User's Manual ,'J Total shown for Naphthalene. l-Methyl Naphthalene, and 2-Methyl Napthahalene 14J Totals shown are for both band k 6enzofluoranthenes 110 35 31 22 7.2 2,100 560 500 540 1,500 960 670 5,200 1,700 2,600 1,300 1,400 3,2001"t! 1,600 600 230 670 12,000 1,400 1.300 200 63 6,200 420 670 400 650 540 28 ,'J '" Does not include undetected parameters or I-and 2-methylnaphthalene, estimated (Jj parameters all/2 reported Benzo(a )pyrene, Chrysene, Dibenz(a,h )anthracene, I ndeno( 1,2, 3-cd )pyrene, Benzo(bfJlk)fluoranthenes '" ,OJ ,'J and Benzo(ajanthracene. T alai does not inClude undelected paramelers Total PAHs calculated er Table 8.2.3 DMMP User Manual Melhod B -Soil Ingestion Pathway Initial value higher than SL of 29. ARI re analyzed 2,4-dimethylphenol via 82700 SIM 1.10\ d & Assoclaks. Inc Fresh (SL1) 17,000 380 500 39 120 260 1,200 2900 900 200 Page 15 of 30 2(11 fl-:2 I., Sed 1l11CI1l ~<lmplll1g ]{l'SU I b Drvll'v1l ,-1 Sample: 07042016/Barbee-C Description: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: PSDCA Samivolatiles by SW8270D GC/MS* Extraction Method: SW3546 Results MTCA Screening Levels\£J SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS U!i!/K!i!-d~ a LOa Method AI" Marins (SL1) Fresh (SL1) CHLORINATED ORGANICS lA-Dichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 110 1,2-Dichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 35 1,2A-Trichlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 31 Hexachlorobutadiene < 9.6 U 9.6 Hexachlorobenzene < 9.6 U 9.6 22 beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane < 0.49 U 0.49 7.2 PAHs Naphthalene < 19 U 19 SOOOP} 2,100 Acenapthylene < 19 U 19 560 Acenapthene 8.7 J 19 500 Fluorene 8,7 J 19 540 Phenanthrene 40 19 1,500 Anthracene 9.6 J 19 960 2-Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 5000 1" 670 1-Methylnaphthalene < 19 U 19 50001~} Total LPAH\~I 67 5,200 Fluoranthene 88 19 1.700 Pyrene 66 19 2,600 Benz(a)anthracene 27 19 c 1,300 Chrysene 30 19 c 1.400 Benzo(blj/k)fluoranthenes 55 38 c 3,200I"'l-} Benzo(a)pyrene 24 19 c 100 10} 1,600 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 19 19 c 600 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 19 U 19 c 230 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 19 19 670 Total HPAH\'" 328 12,000 Total cPAH (calc_ wi TEF) 36,3 Total PAH'" 395 17,000 PHTHALATES Dimethylphthalate < 9.6 U 9.6 71 Di-n-Butylphthalate 8,7 J 19 1.400 380 bls(2-Ethylhoxyl)phthalate 48 50 Q 1.300 500 DiethyJphthaJate < 19 U 19 200 Butylbenzyphthalate < 9.6 U 9.6 63 Di-n-Octylphthalate < 19 U 19 6,200 39 PHENOLS Phenol < 19 U 19 420 120 2-Methylphenol < 9.6 U 9.6 4-Methylphenol < 19 U 19 670 260 2,4-Dimethylphenoll~' < 19.1 U 19.1 Pentachlorophenol < 96 U < 96 400 1,200 MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACT/BLES Benzoic Acid <190 U <190 650 2900 Benzyl Alcohol < 19 U 19 Carbazole < 19 U 19 900 Dibenzofuran < 19 U 19 540 200 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine .: 9.6 U 9.6 28 Notes: Analytical Resources, Inc. (TukWila WA 98168-3240) '" MTCA 5011 Cleanup Levels for Unrestncted Land Use (Table 740-'). Units are ugfKg) '" Manne and Freshwaler Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and DMMP User's Manual '" Total shown for Naphthalene, 1-Methyl Naphthalene, and 2-Methyl Napthahalene ,., Tolals shown are for bolh band k Benzofluoranthenes '" Does not include undetected parameters or 1-and 2-methylnaphthalene, estimated (J) parameters at 112 reported ,., Benzo( a)pyrene, Chrysene, Dlbenzo(a, h )anthracene, Indeno( 1,2, 3-cd )pyrene. Benzo(blJlk )fluoranthenes and Benzo(a)anlhracene Total does nol include undetected parameters '" Total PAHs calculated er Table 8 2 3 DMMP User Manual ,., Method B -5011 IngestIOn Pathway ,., Inilial value higher than SL of 29. ARI re analyzed 2,4--dlmethylphenol via 8270D 81M Lloyd & !\SSOUal,S Inc Page 16 of 30 201 h-21_~ SeUllllent "amrllllg Result'-, ])1\'1\1\ "-I Table 3-4: Sediment Results I Pesticides and PCBs Sample: 07042016/Barbee-C Descri ption: Composite Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: GC/ECD -Pesticides IPCBs' MTCA Screening Levels(2) Results Method A(1) PESTICIDES & PCBS u~/K~-d!J: Q LOQ/RL u~/K~(1) Marine (SL 1) Fresh (SL 1) Heptachlor < 0.49 U 0.49 1.5 Aldrin <0.49 U 0.49 9.5 Dieldrin < 0.98 U 0.98 1.9 4.9 4,4 '-DDE < 0.98 U 0.98 9 4,4 '-DDD < 0.98 U 0.98 16 4,4 '-DDT < 0.98 U 0.98 12 Endrin Ketone < 0.98 U 0.98 8.5 trans-Chlordane < 0.49 U 0.49 cis-Chlordane < 0.49 U 0.49 2,4'-DDT < 0.98 U 0.98 2,4'-DDE < 0.98 U 0.98 2,4'-DDD < 0.98 U 0.98 Oxychlordane < 0.98 U 0.98 cis-Nonachlor < 0.98 U 0.98 trans-Nonachlor < 0.98 U 0.98 sum of 2,4'-DDD & 4,4'DDD < 0.98 U 0.98 310 sum of 2,4'-DDE & 4,4'DDE < 0.98 U 0.98 21 sum of 2,4'-DDT & 4,4'-DDT < 0.98 U 0.98 100 Total DDT(')(5) < 0.98 U 0.98 3000 Total Chlorodane(5) < 1.47 U 0.98 2.8 Aroclor 1016 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1242 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1248 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1254 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1260 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1221 < 3.9 U 3.9 Aroclor 1232 < 3.9 U 3.9 130 110 Total Aroclors < 3.9 U 1000 130 110 Notes: • Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) (1) MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are ug/Kg (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and DMMP User's Manual (current edition) (') Includes DDE, DOD, DDT (5) Sum of cis & trans chlordane, cis & trans nonachlor, and oxychlorodane Lloyd & ASSOCiates. Ine Page 17 of 30 Table 3.5: Sediment Results I Petroleum Hydrocarbons NWTPHD Notes: Diesel Motor Oil Sample: Oescription: Analytical Method: 07042016/Barbee-C Composite Sediment Sample OMMU-l GC/FIO -NWTPHO* Resu;ts MTCA mglKg-dry Q RL Method A(1 ) 8.3 6.3 2000 39 12 2000 * Analytical Resources, Inc. (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) Screening Levels (2) Marine (Sl1) Fresh (SL1) 340 3600 (1) I') MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1). Units are mg/Kg Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and from DMMP User's Manual (current edition) Lloyd & Assocmll's. Inc Page 18 ofJO Table 3-6: Sediment Results Dioxins I Furans Sample: I0720161Barbee/C Description: Sediment Sample DMMU-1 Analytical Method: Dioxins/Furans by EPA 1613B' Results Dioxins I Furans (ng/Kg) Q RL 2,3,7,8-TCDF 0,0776 BJEMPC 0,970 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0,145 JEMPC 0,970 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 0,0737 BJEMPC 0,970 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF < 0,0563 U 0970 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 0,182 BJEMPC 0,970 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 0,114 BJEMPC 0970 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 0,111 BJ 0,970 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 0,136 BJEMPC 0,970 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 0,130 BJEMPC 0,970 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 0.242 BJEMPC 0,970 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 0,532 BJEMPC 0,970 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 0.464 BJ 0,970 1.2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDE 1.59 0,970 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDD < 0,101 U 0,970 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 9,93 B 2.42 OCFD 2.62 1,94 GCDD 62,9 B 0970 Total TCDF 0,911 EMPC 0,970 Total TCDD 1,52 EMPC 0,970 Total PeCDF 1.43 EM PC 1,94 Total PeeDJ 106 EMPC 0,970 Total HxCDE' 3,15 EMPC 1,94 Total HxCDD 5.46 EM PC 1,94 Total HpCDF 4.34 1,94 Total HpCDD 21.2 1,94 Total 2,3,7,8 Equivalents 0,64 (NO = 0, Including EMPC) Total 2,3,7,8 Equivalents 0,65 (ND = 0,5 Including EMPC) Notes: Analytical Resources, Inc, (Tukwila, WA 98168-3240) MTCA Method A(1 1 ng/Kg(1 1 Screening Levels(2) Marine (SL1) Fresh (SL1) 4,0 4,0 (11 MTCA Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use (Table 740-1), Units are nglKg or pglg (2) Marine and Freshwater Screening Levels from Sediment Quality Guidelines for Standard Chemicals of Concern and from DMMP User's Manual Page 19 ofJO 20Ih-21) SeJIl11Cllt S,tlllrling RC~lIllS 1)\1\;111-1 4.0 Quality Assurance Review Summary All samples were delivered the next morning to the laboratory (Analytical Resources, Inc" Seattle, W A) on ice under Chain of Custody. As described in the previous section, the composite sample was analyzed for both conventional parameters and the measurement of concentrations of chemicals, which have been identified by DMMP as chemicals of concern (COCs). EPA Analytical Methods were utilized to provide low level detection limits for 07042016Barbee-C. Quality Assurance for the project included (where applicable): • Matrix Spikes • Matrix Spike Duplicates • Blank Spikes • Certified Standard Reference Material SRM 1944 • Puget Sound Reference SRM. • Laboratory contro Is Sample containers, preservation, holding times (extraction and time to analysis) were acceptable and in compliance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan and PSEP protocols (see Attachment C) Conventional Testing Results The QA review summary for Conventional Parameters is provide in Attachment C / Conventionals. Precision data was acceptable with an RPD less than 4 % (except for Sulfide at less than 17%) for all parameters. Matrix spike recovery data was acceptable for all parameters, and Standard Reference recoveries were greater than 80%. All Method Blanks were at or below reporting/detection limits. All conventional data reported in Table 3-1 is believed acceptable as reported by ARl. Total Metals Composite Sample 070420 I 6/SED-C was analyzed for total metals. These results are provided in Table 3-2. Hexavalent Chromium was also analyzed and reported by ARI as a conventional parameter. As summarized in Attachment C / Metals. Precision data for metals (except Mercury and Hexavalent Chromium) was with control limits for all matrix spike duplicate data. Spike recoveries ranged from 90.3 to 120% and were deemed acceptable. Laboratory Control Sample Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate l.lo)d & AssoclUlcs. Inc Page 20 of 30 data were within acceptable limits. Method Blank spike recoveries were acceptable, although trace quantities of zinc and silver were detected in the method blank. Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met the Advisory Range for all metals. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All metals data presented in Table 3-2 are acceptable as qualified by the laboratory. Semivolatile Organic Compounds Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee/C was analyzed for semivolatile organics by EPA GCMS Method 8270D, following PSDDA protocols. Sample reports and QC reports are provided in Attachment C. Duplicate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 20% for all parameters. Matrix spike and matrix spike recovery data were acceptable, as well acceptably reproducible. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria. Surrogate recovers were with QC warning limits. Initial instrument calibration for bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate was out of control and appropriately qualified, as Q. Standard Reference (SRM-070716) recoveries were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All semivolatile organic data reported in Table 3-4 is deemed acceptable as qualified. Pesticides and PCBs Composite Sample 07042016/Barbee-C was analyzed for pesticides and PCBs by GC/ECD (Dual Column -Methods 8081A and Method 8082, respectively) following PSDDA protocols. As shown in Table 3-5 no pesticides or PCBs were detected at reporting limits. All reporting limits for all pesticides and PCB's were not detected and less than Screening Levels for both Marine and Fresh Water. Additionally. all undetected levels were less than MTCA Method A -Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use. A detailed quality assurance summary of pesticide and PCB data, respectively is provided in Attachment 3. Surrogate recoveries were acceptable and duplicate precision data was acceptable with RPDs less than 17% for all pesticide parameters and less that 6% for PCB's. Matrix spike recovery data was greater than 50%. Spike recoveries were greater than zero for all parameters and within acceptance criteria. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria for all surrogates. Standard Reference recoveries for Laboratory Controls for pesticides and PCBs (SRM PSR) were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blanks results were at or below reporting/detection limits. All data reported in Table 3-5 is deemed acceptable as reported by the laboratory. LIm d & A:-.socmle's. irK Page ~I of30 Petroleum Hydrocarbons Composite Sample 070420 16/Barbee-C was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by GC/FID (Method NWTHH-D). Results are provided in Table 3-6. Surrogate recoveries met EPA method recovery limits/action criteria for all surrogates Standard Reference recoveries were acceptable and met laboratory acceptance criteria. Method blank results were at or below reporting/detection limits. Spike recoveries gave acceptable precision, and spike duplicate analyses indicated acceptable accuracy. All data reported in Table 3-6 for petroleum hydrocarbons is acceptable as reported. Dioxins and Furans Analysis was performed using the application specific RTX-Dioxin 2 column, which has a unique isomer separation for the 2378-TCDF, eliminating the need for second column confirmation. Initial calibration and continuing calibration verifications were within method requirements. However, the initial calibration verification fell outside the control limits low for 13CI2-2,3, 7,8-TCDF, 13CI2-1 ,2,3,4, 7,8-HxCDF, and 13CI2-1.2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF. All other compounds were within control limits. Both extraction and cleanup surrogates had recoveries within control limits, and the method blank contained reportable responses for several compounds. "B" qualifiers were applied to associated results that were less than ten times the levels found in the method blank. The laboratory control sample gave percent recoveries were within control limits. The PSR SRM (SRM-072116) was analyzed as a reference material. Specific results have been flagged "EMPC", indicating a response not meeting all requirements of positive identification. The EM PC values were treated as undetects. l.loyd & i\:';soclales. Inc Page 22 of 30 ~(J16-213 Sedllllell\ ~JlTlllliTlg l'k~lIll~ 1)\11\'11 -I 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Sediment Sampling Sampling work conducted at the Barbee Navigational -Maintenance Dredging area was informative. Prior to sampling we had anticipated that medium to course sandy materials would be encountered based on previous experience. Portions of the proposed dredge area outside of the boathouse were most recently dredged in 20 II and previously in 2002. Depositional infill sediments, currently within the proposed dredge profile, tend to be finer sediments unsuitable for shallow water fish habitat enhancement along the rockery to the immediate south. Therefore, all dredged materials will be disposed in open water. Core sampling in sandy sediments was marginal at best at SED-J where recoveries were low at 37.5% Nevertheless, we arrived on site with a number of sampling devices. The gravity corer worked out reasonable well, and the vanVeen sampler worked great for the shallow sample near the boathouse. However, given the poor recoveries at SED-I, a better choice for sample collection might be a vibrocore sampler where a longer continuous core is desirable. Nevertheless, vibrocore samplers have similar limitations in dealing with fine sands, as were encountered at the project site. Based on our experience in sampling conditions encountered, it is not clear that a vibrocore sampler would have worked out better. Because actual proposed dredging depths are relatively shallow and generally less than 10 feet, additional sampling data seems unnecessary although a Z sample could be collected for conformational analyses. At no time will dredging reach former lake bed elevations as dredged in 2002 or 20 II. In major part the growth of the May Creek Delta severely limits the steepness of slopes that can be sustained within the project area. There are also financial considerations. The project proponent is not interested dredging to the maximum that may be possible. The purpose is to maintain navigational access, not see how much money can be spent to restore historical lakebed elevations in Lake Washington. Sediment Sampling Results -Summary Detected chemical contamination in the permitted dredge area (DMMU-I) is very limited. Testing results are below DMMP fresh water and marine screening levels for I Inyd & A<;soclates. Inc Page 23 of30 all parameters (see Section 3.0 Chemical and Physical Data). Nevertheless, some motor oil range petroleum hydrocarbon was detected at 39 mg/kg (dry basis). Diesel range petroleum product was detected in the composite sample at 8.3 mg/kg (dry basis). Additionally, traces of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected. For example, benzo(a)pyrene was detected at 24 ug/Kg (dry basis). Based on Analytical Testing Data and Screening Level comparisons, sediments to be dredged in 2017 at the project site are suitable for open-water disposal. Llo;.d & i\:-':-'oclates. In\.· Page 24 oDO Attachment A -Sediment Sampling Logs 1,10\ d & Asvll'lates. Illl' Page 25 of 30 Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Sample Location: 070420165 EO-1 Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Overcast with cloud breaks Sample Time: 1235 Sample Type: Gravity core Location: About 45' S. of Osprey Nesting Pole Sediment Section: DMMU-1 SAMPLING SUMMARY EL o (ft) Lithology Description State Plane: NAD83 -WA South (ft) 20.6 Lake Elevation Coordinates: Proposed Actual Water is very clear Easling: 1.301.380 1.301.394 Northing: 195,438 195,431 18.5 2.1 'V Mudline Contact Lake EL (MSL-ft): 20.6 SP Fine to medium grained sand Depth (D) to Mudline: 208 Scatered gravel at surface predged Profile EL (ft. MSL): 14.5 SED Design Thickness: 4.0 16.0 4.6 Loose material in middle of drive % Recovery: 37.5% fine sand to bottom with low SAMPLING EQUIPMENT resistance to penetration. 2" Gravity corer driven to depth Low recovery attributed to fine to medium 14.5 6.1 Design Dredge Elevation (est) sand lost during extraction of corer Second core drive gave same results SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Sediment Type: Fine to medium sand (SP) Density: Compact (very loose middrive) Color: Grey Consistency: poorly graded, trace of gravel Odor: None Note: Sediments collected have very little water Stratification: Fine sand at 15.5 feet observed in the cores. Materials are rapidly draining as anticipated. Anticpate solids content Vegetation: None greater than 75% Debris: None Oily Sheen: None Other: NOTES/COMMENTS Lake Elevation per USACE at Hiram Chittenden Locks (206-783-7000) Station moved to avoid milloil bottom and deeper water than anticipated Density I Consistency estimated by resistance to penetration of sampler. Sediment description based on visual-manual ASTM Method Sample Collected: SED-1 R Michael Lloyd, PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered Geologist Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Sample Location: 07042016SED-2 Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Overcast with cloud breaks Sample Time: 1115 Sample Type: Gravity core Location: Sediment Section: DMMU-1 SAMPLING SUMMARY EL D (ft) Lithology Description State Plane' NAD83 -WA South (It) 20.6 Lake Elevation Coordinates: Proposed Actual Easting: 1,301,509 1,301,509 Northing: 195,448 195,448 Lake EL (MSL-ft): 20.6 19.1" 1.5 \l Mudlin. Contact Depth (D) to Mudline: 1.5 SP Surfce gravel/dense predged Profile EI. (ft. MSL): 16.0 Medium to fine sand SED Thickness 3.1 % Recovery: 80.0% 16.0 4.6 Design Dredge Elevation (est) SAMPLING EQUIPMENT 2" Gravity corer driven to depth Bottom 8" believed to be fine to medium sand Sand lost during extraction of corer Second core drive gave same results Note: Sediments collected have very little water SAMPLE DESCRIPTION observed in the cores. Materials are rapidly draining as anticipated. Anticpate solids content Sediment Type: SP greater than 75% Density: moderately dense Color: Grey * Revised 12/12 to correct typgraphical error. Consistency: fine to medium sand Odor: None Stratification: Coarse grading to fine sand Vegetation: None Debris: None Oily Sheen: None Other: NOTES/COMMENTS Lake Elevation per USACE at Hiram Chittenden Locks (206-783-7000) Density / Consistency estimated by resistance to penetration of sampler. Sediment description based on visual-manual ASTM Method Sample Collected: SED-2 R. Michael Lloyd, PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered Geologist Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Sample Location: 07042016SED-3 Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Sunny and warm Sample Time: 0930 Sample Type: Grab Location: Adjacent to Boathouse on west side Sediment Section: DMMU-1 SAMPLING SUMMARY EL o (ft) Lithology Description State Plane: NAD83 -WA South (It) 20.6 lake Elevation Coordinates: Proposed Actual 13.0 7.6 \1 Mudline Contact Easting: 1201635 1.301,612 Leaf litter, stems Northing: 195475 195,477 Milfoil Lake EL (MSL-It): 20.6 Silty with some coaser sand Depth (D) to Mudline: 7.6 12.6 8.0 Design Dredge Elevation (est) Dredged Profile EI. (It. MSL): 80 SED Thickness: 0.4 % Recovery: 100.0% SAMPLING EQUIPMENT 2" Van Veen Sampler Penetration about 6" SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Sediment Type: Grab Density: Loose/soupy Color: Grey to blackish brown Consistency: poorly graded, trace of gravel Odor: Slight rotting smell Stratification: None Vegetation: Milfoil Debris: twigs, leaf litter (25) Oily Sheen: None, looks like decayin" leaf Other: NOTES/COMMENTS Lake Elevation per USACE at Hiram Chittenden Locks (206-783-7000) Boathouse locked no access. Sampled near entry of garage door. Sample collected with a van Veen sampler Sediment description based on visual-manual ASTM Method Sample Collected: SED-3 R. Michael Lloyd, PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered Geologist Project 2016-1 Sampling Information 4 20 16.xls Page 3 of 5 Lloyd & Associates, Inc. Sample Location: 07042016SED-C Sediment Sampling -Barbee Boathouse Dredge Area Sample Date: 7/4/2016 Weather: Overcast with cloud breaks Composite Time: 1300 Sample Type: Composite Location: Barbee Sediment Section: DMMU-1 COMPOSITE SUMMARY COMMENTS SEO-1 45% of SEO-1 The majority of material to be dredged arises near SEO·1 SEO-2 45% of SEO-2 and SEO-2. It IS unlikely that more than 1 % of all material to be dredged arises at SEO-3 near the boathouse. SEO-3 10% of SEO-3 Weighting at 10 % is on the high side and may skew chemical and physical testing data. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Sediment Type: Composite Density: Compact, rapidly draininQ Color: Grey to Black Consistency: qrittv Odor: None Stratification: N/A Vegetation: Minor leaf litter Debris: Oily Sheen: None R. Michael Lloyd, PhD (Chemistry) Dan Berta Project Manager Registered Geologist Project 2007-1 Sampling Information 4 20 16.xls Revised to Page 4 of 5 Attachment B -Grain Size Distribution Llmd & As~ocmks_ 1m: Page 26 of 30 Geotechnical Analysis Report and Summary QC Fonns ARI Job ID: BCWl BCWi;00:2iiO Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspection • Materials Testing • Environmental Coosulting Dote R_'''':~J~ul't:y=5.,-,2",O,-,16,---_____ _ Sampled By: ~021h;::cn;7-:;-;;= ______ _ Dot, Tal"': luly 21, 2016 Tested By: B. Gobi., K. O'Connell CASE NARRA TlYE ! L One sample w';" -;;;-b~i~ r;'; grain size analysis according to Puget Sound Estuary Protocol I' i (PSEP) methodology. _ i 2. The sample was run in a single batch and was run in triplicate. The triplicate data is reported on ! the QA summary. ! 3. Two of the sub samples did not contain the required amount of fines (5-25 grams). A sample . could not be resplit to meet the required amount of fmes and stay within the capacity of the balance. , The samples have been qualified on the QA summary. i 4. The data is provided in summary tables and plots. i 5. There were no other noted anomalies in this projecl i i ! I I I l ______ ._. ___________________ _ A!1_ull'''I'!'I)-anl~ID''''~I'-''''''''''_alstal<d. ..... LmaIIIIOIPfOI_IC~litoIu.lhePl'''uEllf~.l\Ilrqxln$ ... s1lbmJlII!d:lO!b.t~ .. I'''lF*''ot'liaII.i • ...,~i'*fOr pdlllc.oO<lq[$I.M_<:<lN:luoi ....... _.6un ... ~CIIr"'l"""'" .. "*"""",.,mn,_...;~"J'I'I'O"'I1 CCi5..J--~<'.e. Ke>iewed by: _____________ _ Corporate ... 777 Chrysler Drive • Burlington, WA 98233 • Phone (360) 755-1990 • Fall (360) 155-1980 Reponat omc.s: Olympia -360.534.9777 BeUingbmn -360_647_6111 Silverdale -360.698.6787 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Vi$it our website; www.mtc-inc.net C: r' :[ i~' lSI lSI 1\1 1-" I\,i Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • SpeciailIUpection • Materials Testing • Environmenlal Consulting Project: BARBEE DREDGING Proj.cU:~B~CW~~1 =c;------------ Dat. Received: ~Ji'ul"'y_;5", "'20,,1"'6';-_________ _ Date Tested: July 21, 2016 Sample No. Gravel V~COlll!ilC ""'" Phi Size -3 -2 -1 0 SicVi: Size (microns) 3/8-M #10 018 r475<l) (2000) (JOOO) 07042016BARBEE-100.0 83.6 80.1 75.9 C 100.0 80.9 76.4 72.4 100,0 84.6 80.6 76.6 Clleot: Analytical Resources.loc. Sampled by: .. Oth<r~'"s,..,...."..=:;-=,_-----­ T ... ed by: B. Goble, K. O'Connell Apparent Grain Si'J,je Distribution Summary Percent Finer Than Indicated Size Coarse Medium Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Sand Sand 1 2 3 4 ." /160 mo #230 ,5001 (1:501 (llj t (ti3l 62.4 24.0 55 2.2 59.9 23.6 6.0 2.9 63.4 25,6 7.2 4.0 Silt j 6 31.0 1.5.6 2.2 1.6 2.2 1.6 2.3 1.7 I Notes 10 thl! T~: O!'pnic matttt WIIS DOt ruooved Ilriocto te$tin" tbus the reponed ....wei. am the "appm:n.t" gnill size dWriblllion. SO!l Dllml.tive for di.scll5Siotl oftbe Iiesting.. Reviewed by: ~~~ 7 1.' 1.2 1.4 1.3 Corporat. -777 Chry.ler Drive • Burlinllloo, WA!I8lJ3 • 1'1100. (360) 755-1'190 • Fa. (360) 755-1'180 8 3 .• 0.9 0.9 0,9 Regiooalom ... : Olympia -360.534,9777 Bellingham -360.647.6111 Silverdale -360.698.6787 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Visit our website: www.mtc-inc.net Clay 9 10 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.7 0,6 0.7 0,6 !~' ~, Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering· Special Inspection • Materials Testing. Environmenral Consulting Project: BARBEE DREDGING Pro~#:~B~C~W~I~~ __________________ ___ Date Received: July 5, 2016 naleTested: Jul,21,2016 Sample No. Gravel Vcr; Coarse Coarse Medium SaDd Sand Sand Phi Size < -I -I toO 010 I 1102 Sieve Size (microns) >fHl 10·" (2OOC IB-l."i ,5-60 (2000) lOOO) (l000-5('.O) (~250) 19.9 4.2 13.6 38.3 1l7042016BARBEE-( 23.6 4.1 12.5 36.3 19.4 4.0 13.2 37.8 Clitnt: Analytical Resources, Inc. Sampled by: Others TestedbY:';:B".:;:G20~bl-:-e.·K'.row'Co=nne=II'------------ Appar<nl GniD Siu Distributioo Summary Percent Retained in Each Size Fraction Fine Sand Very Fine Coarse Silt Medium Sand Silt 2to3 3 to 4 4to 5 5 to 6 60-120 (2.1<] 120-230 31.0-IS.6 125) (125-62) 62,j-31.0 18.6 3.2 0.0 0.6 17.6 3.1 0.7 0.6 18.4 3.2 1.7 0.6 Fine Silt Very Fine Sill 6to7 7 to 8 IS.6-7.8 7.8-3.9 0.4 0.] 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.4 n t: ~. I Nets t. the TfStinJ.: Organic matl1er was DC4 ~'OOI!d prior 10 1esIing. thu~ the report;d value.<! :are tbe "nppllml.t~ grain si:rJe distributian. See TlMr.l.tive {or di3lCussiOllQf dte testing. Reviewed by: ~ 8to9 3.9-2.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 lSI lSi 1\. 1-" f.l;i C<I.,...,.1e -777 Cbrysler Drive • BurliDgt .... WA 98233 • Phone (360) 755-1990 • Fe (360) 755-1980 Clay 91010 20-1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 RCliooai Ollie .. : Olympia -360.534.9777 Bellingham -360.647.6111 Silverdale -360.698.6787 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Visit our website: .WWW.mtc-ir\(:.net Total Fines >10 >4 <1.0 <230 «62) 0.6 2.2 0.6 2.9 0.6 4.0 III n :t:: Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. GeoIecIulkal Engineering + Speciallrulpection • Materials. Testing· Environmental Consu.lting Project: BARBEE DREDGING ProJecjj:~BCWli1~i~~~~~~~~~~ Date Receiwd: julY 5, 2016 DateT ...... : Juty21, 2016 SampleID -3 -, -1 100.0 83.6 80.1 01042016BARBEE-C 100.0 80.9 76.4 100.0 ".6 80.6 AVE 100.0 83.0 79.0 SroEV 0.0 1.6 1.8 %RSD 0.0 I.. 2.3 0 75 .• 72.4 76.6 7'5.0 1.8 2.5 Oient: AnaI)'!icaJ Resources. Inc. Sampled by: -i;0Ih~."i""-=-.,--;"",,== TiI!IIted. by! B. Goble, 1<. O'COnn9IJ Rdative Standard Deviation. By Phi Size 1 2 3 4 62.' 24.0 5.5 2.2 59.9 23.6 6.0 2 .• 63.4 25.6 72 4.0 61.9 24.4 6.2 3.0 l.5 0 .• 0.7 0.7 2.3 3.5 11.8 24.0 Client 10 Date Sampled Date Extracted 07042016BARBEE-C .... • MTC Iftkmw,QA limits "'~-I05" IS! lSI 1,1 I":' ,c:: Notts til dH Ttatlq: ~ m.l1a: _ DOt. TeIJlUII'ed pOOr In ~ing.. thus the ~ villues are ~ ~:appQnQt' ttr.un Slu. dNtributim.. See ~ve fill" dist:useiou. of the CftItinj;. Re';<wOOby: ~~f!c... 5 6 2.2 1.6 2.2 16 2.3 17 2.2 1.6 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.4 Date Complere C ......... ,. -777 Cbrysler 01'1.< • Barlln,_ WA 98233 • Ph ... (3IiO) 755-1990 • F .. (3IiO)7SS-I980 7 8 9 1.2 0 .• 0.7 1. 0 .• 0.7 1.3 0.9 0.7 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 5 .• 2.9 2.4 QA Ratio Data (95~I05) Qualifiers 1 SS 7 SS '.6 Rrcienal Offices: Olympia -360.H4.9777 Bellmgharn -360,641.61 J I Silverdale -360.698.6181 Tukwila -206.241.1914 Visit our website: www.tt\k-:irtc.net 10 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.8 Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering. Special Inspection· Materials Testing· Environmental Comioulting Date Rtaived:-;:Ju;;:l:c:y::5,;-:2"O;.:.16=-______ _ Sampled By: Others DateTesIed:-;Ju:;l:::y;;:21~,-:;:20;;;1-;6------- Tested By: B. Goble, K. O'Connell Data Qualifiers PSEP Grain Size Analysis SM -The sample matrix was not appropriate for the requested analysis. This normally refers t{l sa~le5 cOQlaminated with an organic prod~( that interferes with the sieving process and/or moisture content, porosity and saturation calculations. SS • The sample did not contain me proportion of "fines" required to perfonn the pipette portion of the gram size analysis. W . The weight of the sample in some pipette aliquots was below the level required for accunlle weighing. F -The sampJes were frozen prior to partide size delennination. LV -Due to low ~ample volume provide:). the samples could 00( be laUD to meet QA requiremenK COlporate-777Cbrys/erDrlve • Burllngtou, W~93l33 • PboDe~)7SS.199G • Fa. (J60)755·191W ReglonalOllke!: Olympia -360.534.9777 Bellingham-360.647.6111 Silverdale -360.698.6181 Tukwila -206.241.1974 Vi~it our website: www.mtc-inc.nel 5Cwi 00.2i~: PSEP Grain Size Distribution Triplicate Sample Plot GRAVEL SAND I I I I I I SILT CLAY 100 111_1_11 . -.. --..... -..... -, 90 -1 : . -f---H I I I I ---t-----~ -~--. ~ 50.., 50 ! 1I ::0 II: 40 III I III I I I 1 IIII +++ .---t---I ~30 I 20 10 1;; (") :t:: 0 1 ,.,. I 10000 1000 100 10 lSI lSI "I Panicle DIam_ (mlcrono) ,---.-07042016BARBEE-C --07042016BARBEE-C -.-07042016BARBEE-C I"" 0'1 Materials Testing & Consu~ing, Inc_ PSEP GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS MTC Job No.: \!iI!.J!;l \ -!i){MTC Sample IcrIlI! -11,-\.3-1 Client Sample No.: (2 10'{ ZO I c., Grt12-a"E -< Set Up Date: T /1·11 If Sample Descrip~on: l--:xuj SrI ad \ ll-\1b 9rw>fl SOLIDS CONTENT Moisture Content Initials: Container No. Tare Weight Wet Weight + Tare Dry Weight + Tare Test Sample Initials: Container No. Tare Weight Wet Weight + Tare Dry Weight + Tare Calgon Batch It. .....:'~~d:...-'O~ __ 711912016 Temp:~2 TIME 12:30:00 12:30:20 12:31:49 12:37:15 12:56:59 14:26:00 I JlSF A PIPETTE ANALYSIS Inttials: .h:f- PSEP Particle Size Distribution SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve Date:~ It· t V Sieve Set It. 2 Inmals:~ Sieve Size Weight Retained Tare r;o. q ·>'3 It" 4 :t1.1'2-ID 10 :}S'. oSI \ 18 r.o .4-'C-'l't, 35 'l1"\~ 60 14Y.\~\3 120 \~td .'\1 ~ 230 \~.~\A PAN O'~(p+1- SALT CORRECTION Date: ___ Initials:_ I TareW~ht I Dry wejit + Tare Rev. 001 9121113 -------.-1-,---------------~~------DGWi; raG2i ( Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. PSEP GRAIN SIZE ANAL VSIS MTC Job No.: \Irtr.(l \jJs1MTC Sample ID:JJII· ",:\1-/ClientSample No.: Q of O'"\'WltJ e:.A¥&fE -( Setup Date: -=t 1"'1 ) 1.0 Sample Descfiption \:XIlI.i\ ~'(\cl \t?\\h (~ \ SOLIDS CONTENT Moisture Content Initials: 12- Conlainer No. (0(0 Tare Weight I. '\. ~ ~<-I Wet Weight + Tare ( I'J r ('V)t.{ q Dry Weight + Tare SO. 'bIS4 Test Sample Initials:~ Container No. Tare Weight Wet Weight + Tare Dry Weight + Tare Calgon Batch #: '>~. ~®~ __ _ 711912016 Temp:22 TIME 12:33:00 12:33:20 12:34:49 12:.(0:15 13:01:59 14:29:00 18:1l'nt 11*:1» 11l5F A PIPETIE ANALYSIS InitiaIS:~ Tare ID Tare WI iIl4r-"1-1.6j(A,,~ 14':3-'2 \ .1-\:(,,20 <- II~-'l \ .t(-¥~-:r 11\ 2-LlI/.N'3 14 -2-l.4-lil"Lf c:. \~ :~-z Itflplilf " 1~2. I.;UDI PSEP Particle Size Distribution Dry WI & Tare (. S s",'-\ (·SZ-:}D \. S) 'ltO .5112- \, S (Joe;; \.'_ \" 2"\ L4S'tO SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve Date:1 • Il . I (., Sieve Set #:..l.-In~iaI5; ~ Sieve SIze Weight Retained Tare S-D .• ;r~1.A 4 ~.4-"31-~ 10 5D ,0'1-,\'0 18 8S". d. ?>\t.{- 35 '01.0'323 60 14fe1.011?;. ® 120 ((A.~ 230 1'1-3.'2.1-1<t PAN O."l-5'l~2 SALT CORRECTION Dale: ____ Initials:_ I Tare Weight I DIY Weight + Tare Rev.oot 9121113 Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. PSEP GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS MTC Job NO.:!\iID)I· Oj5Z MTC Sample 10:1\(.-\1'-\ 5'£lient Sample No.:Q 1042-'0 \ lo9.:.rtl.j!.£ 'C -<.. Set up Date: 1/"1 b.., Sample Description: ~ ?lirA '\\Ii <&'f71.1!Q.,~ \ ' SOLIDS CONTENT Moisture Content Initials: Container No. Tare Weight Wet Weight + Tare Dry Weight + Tare Te$tSample Initials: Yl:2... Container No. n S Tare Weight S;;1.lZ~Y Wet Weight + Tare 'lOS· ~'f4. f Dry Weight + Tare l'+lr.O'5''+"2- 7/191'2016 Temp:22 TIME 12:36:00 12:36:20 12:37:49 12:43:15 13:04:59 14:32:00 11I5f A Calgon Batch #: _'3;;.... d'O:;..;:::.. __ _ PIPElTE ANALYSIS Initials: -l2t- Tare 10 Tare VIII 1\'\:(3 \.4-1-\ \ Dry WI & Tare \ S'l..OS \ ·SI 30 \.51-\ 0 PSEP Particle Size Distribution SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve Date: T . \ \. , "" Sieve Set #: (;l. Initials: .h:tf Sieve Size Weight Retained Tare S-I.-z. '21--:t- 4 .~!. \ Oe~) 10 tv.'3?'1-1 18 S\·S0to& 35 9v·S"t£S" 60 , Lf 1-.31.150 120 11-1.11'3"+ 230 nS-.2.'14-2 PAN O."I?-"">I SALT CORRECTION Date: ___ Initials' I Tare Weight I Dry Weight + Tare Rev. COl 9/21113 ~~; 3~<o +.\1..\\i(bl ~ 1>Y~ Wr~.t VJt( ~ WjImWH"l) \~wH,,) It!. \. L.\-9t \ \. q -:,'\\ a.L\'O~ .. . . ....... -. ~\.~ \.'1,-\\ r ~ . \.j. €I?' ':l.. 31>, I. tfS1f 1-\. q~ l?.:; O. 4~?'1.t- .lt~ Ltt{f{o I . q-'-\!cf5 C'.4'b:;tt; ?QlIAi£lq). \ q~~'6 l' . L\-'¥\ \.r -. ) ~ IPNeVo.,t e c: t>1...\ IQ 'L -:j e.-, ~ ..-/ Cugini Property Boathouse Expansion of the Existing Lake Washington Dredge Prism · ,'~: ~ '. j Biological Assessment Action Agency u.s. Army Corps of Engineers Prepared by Meridian Environmental, Inc. August 27,2012 Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism CONTENTS I. Background / History .......................•.......•.••.........•.••..••......•••••••......•••..••......••...••.....••...••..•....••••. 1 A. Project and Federal Action History ............................................................................................... 3 II. Description of the Action and Action Area .................................................................................... 4 A. Federal Action and Legal Authority .............................................................................................. 4 B. Project Description ....................................................................................................................... 4 Timing and Duration of Work ....................................................................................................... 5 Sediment Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 5 Conservation Measu res ................................................................................................................ 6 C. Relation of Proposed Project to other Actions ............................................................................. 7 D. Project Area and Action Area Defined .......................................................................................... 7 III. Status of Species and Critical Habitat ........................................................................................... 9 A. Species Lists from the Services (NOAA Fisheries and USFWS) ..................................................... 9 Identification of Listed Species and ESU/DPS ............................................................................... 9 Identification of Designated and Proposed Critical Habitat and EFH ......................................... 10 B. Description of Species ................................................................................................................. 11 Chinook Salmon .......................................................................................................................... 11 Steelhead .................................................................................................................................... 15 Bull Trout .................................................................................................................................... 17 Coho Salmon ............................................................................................................................... 20 IV. Environmental Baseline .............................................................................................................. 22 A. Description of the Action Area and Project Area ........................................................................ 22 Action Area (May Creek and Lake Washington) ......................................................................... 22 Project Area ................................................................................................................................ 25 B. Description of the Environmental Baseline ................................................................................ 39 Environmental Baseline Matrix .................................................................................................. 39 V. Effects of The Action on Fish Species .......................................................................................... 46 A. Direct Effects ............................................................................................................................... 47 Direct Effects on Fish .................................................................................................................. 47 Direct Effects on Habitat ............................................................................................................ 48 Direct Effects on Water Quality .................................................................................................. 49 B. Indirect Effects ............................................................................................................................ 50 C. Effects from Interdependent and Interrelated Actions .............................................................. 50 D. Effects from Ongoing Project Activities ...................................................................................... 50 E. Description of How the Environmental Baseline would be Affected ......................................... 51 F. Cumulative Effects ...................................................................................................................... 51 G. Take Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 51 H. Critical Habitat Effects Analysis .................................................................................................. 52 VI. Effects Determination for Listed Species and Designated Critical Habitat ................................... 53 VII. Essential Fish Habitat ................................................................................................................. 53 Biological Assessment Page i Q,\ProJects\Harbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 RA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism A. Description of the Proposed Action ............... """""""."." .... " ....... """""""""."."." ....... " ........ 54 B. Appropriate Fisheries Management Plan(s) "" .. "" .. """" ........ " ... """" .. " .... " .... " .... " .... " .. "" .. ,, 54 C. Effects of the Proposed Action .... " .... " .... " .... " .. "" .. " .... "" .. " .... " .... " .... """""" .... " .... " .. ,,"",, ... 54 D. Proposed Conservation Measures ..... " .... " .... " ........... " .. "" .... """,, ............................. """,,. """ 54 E. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 54 References .......... ""."" .. " .................................................................................................................. S6 Appendix A Site Maps -Dredge Area Expansion LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Aerial photograph of the proposed project area ... "" .. """"""""""" .. "" .. ,,""""""""""""",,. 2 Figure 2. High elevation aerial photograph of the proposed project area and action area in Lake Washington ............................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3. May Creek delta 2012 SCUBA/snorkel survey transect locations ... """"".""".".""""",,.,,.,,. 26 Figure 4. Coho salmon juveniles feeding near the culvert outlet during the 2005 SCUBA survey (M e ri dian E nvironmenta I Inc. 2005) ... "" .... " ........ " ....... " .... " ........ " .......... " .... " .... " ........... " .. 27 Figure 5. Photograph of juvenile coho observed near the existing boathouse structure during the 2012 SCUBA survey (located inside the yellow rectangle) ... """ ...... " ........ " .... " .... " .. ,, .... 31 Figure 6. Photograph of prickly sculpin observed along transect 1 during the 2012 SCUBA survey ...................................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 7. Photo graph of the culvert structure located at the eastern end of transect 1 (2012 survey) ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 8. Historical aerial photograph of the Barbee Mill site. " .... " .... " .... " .. "" .... """" .. "" .. "" .. " .... ,, .. 33 Figure 9. Riparian condition at the confluence of May Creek with Lake Washington in 2012 (looking west from the boathouse dock at the proposed expanded dredging area). " .... " .... 33 Figure 10. Curly-leaf pondweed photographed along transect 6 (2012 SCUBA survey) ... " .. " ...... " .. " .... 35 Figure 11. Riprap cobble substrate and caddisfly larvae observed along transect 1 during the 2012 SCU BA survey ............. " .......... " ....... "." .... " .. " .... " ... " ........ " .... " .... " .... " .............. " .... " ... 36 Figure 12. Gravel substrate observed along transect 2 during the 2012 SCUBA survey ... " .......... " .. " .... 37 Figure 13. Silt substrate observed along transect 4 at a depth of approximately 16 feet during the 2012 SCU BA survey ... " .... " ....................... " .... " .... " ..... " ................ " .... " .... " .... " .... " ........ " .... " 3 7 Figure 14. Existing riparian conditions along lower May Creek, located to the north of the proposed actio n area ... " .. " ......... " ..... " .. "" .... " .. "" ..... " .......... " .... " .... " ....... " .............. " .... " ... 38 Figure 15. The dock and boathouse dock structures located to the east ofthe proposed expanded dredging area .......................................................................................................... 39 Biological Assessment Page ii Q \ProJects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BAI2012 BA 082712.docx Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism LIST OF TABLES Summary of recent ESA dredging consultations ....................................................................... 3 Summary for Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) Species ...... 10 Summary of May 3 and May 17, 2012 SCUBA survey results within the proposed project area ............................................................................................................................. 29 Matrix of indicators and pathways for documenting the environmental baseline on relevant indicators ................................................................................................................... 40 Turbidity monitoring during 2002 May Creek delta dredging (11 days of sampling over the dredging period) ................................................................................................................ 50 Biological Assessment Page iii Q:\Prujects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 BA 082712_docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism I. BACKGROUND / HISTORY This Biological Assessment (BA) was prepared to obtain a modification of the Cugini's existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) programmatic permit (NWS-2007-1019-NO) which allows maintenance dredging activities in the amount of 2,000 to 4,000 cubic yards from a 1O,000-square- foot area of Lake Washington near the May Creek delta over a lO-year period (Figure 1). The proposed action is to allow dredging of up to an additional 2,700 cubic yards (up to 14,000 square feet of lakebed) adjacent to the existing permitted dredge prism (Appendix A). This expansion of the dredge prism would align it with the dredge area permitted by the City of Renton in 2006; expand the current permitted dredge footprint to the west by approximately 160 feet (to the Inner Harbor Line), and align the dredge footprint along the property line on the north of Lot A (Appendix A, Sheets 1 through 4). The purpose of this proposed expansion is to facilitate safe navigational access to the boathouse and promote future recreational uses. While periodic maintenance dredging to remove accumulated sediments has occurred within and near the May Creek delta for over 50 years, the proposed expanded dredging project addressed in this BA is focused on the zone shown in Appendix A, Sheets 1 through 4). Based on the project proponent's experience over the past 50 years, dredging of this area would be necessary every 3 to 5 years to maintain navigational depths and other project objectives. In addition to expanding the existing dredging prism, the proposed action would involve three environmental enhancements in the local area. These include placing 10 cubic yards of rounded river rock adjacent to the existing boat launch and boathouse to enhance shallow water habitat for fishes; removing two dolphins (6 creosote piles) at south side of Lot D and replacing them with two 12-inch-diameter galvanized pipe piles; and removing three large creosote pilings near the delta, coupled with the installation of a fish friendly float with grated decking. Biological Assessment Page 1 Q \Pr~iects\Barbee BA 20 12\20 12 Drall BA\20 12 SA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Figure 1. Aerial photograph of the proposed project area. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (as amended) directs federal departments and agencies to ensure that actions authorized, funded, and/or conducted by them are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally proposed or listed species, or result in destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat for such species. Section 7(c) of the ESA requires that federal agencies contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), subsequently referred to as the Services, before beginning any construction activity to determine if federally listed threatened and endangered (T&E) species or designated critical habitat may be present in the vicinity of a proposed project. A BA must be prepared if such species or habitat are present. With respect to the proposed action, federal permits from the USACE would be needed to complete the project. The Services have determined that T&E species, including Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead, and Coastal/Puget Sound bull trout may be present in the proposed project action area; therefore, this BA is required by the ESA to ensure that the proposed expanded dredging project would not jeopardize the continued existence or recovery of these listed species. This document also contains an Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) assessment in accordance with section 305(b)(2) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) (16 U.s.c. 1801, et seq.) and implementing regulations at 50 CFR 600. The MSA includes a mandate that NMFS identify EFH for federally managed marine fish. In addition, federal agencies must consult with NMFS on all activities, or proposed activities, authorized, funded or undertaken by the agency that may adversely affect EFH. The Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) has designated EFH for the Pacific salmon fishery, federally managed ground fish and coastal pelagic fisheries. The ESA consultation process can be used to address EFH (NMFS 2001). This BA addresses EFH for Chinook and coho salmon, which are the only MSA-managed species that may be present in the project area. Biological Assessment Page 2 Q:\Proiects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Drat! BA\2012 BA OS2712_docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism The objective of this BA is to review all pertinent and available information on the potential effects of the proposed project on MSA managed species, EFH, ESA listed T&E species, and associated critical habitats under NMFS and USFWS jurisdiction. Based on our analysis in Section V, the proposed project would likely cause a short-term negligible increase in turbidity/suspended sediment in the action area and a reduction in benthic invertebrates in the dredging zone. However, overall water quality would likely be improved over the long term through the removal of the toxic creosote pilings near the dredging area. Primary productivity and the fish forage base within the project vicinity would also be improved through the installation of a fish friendly float and the placement of additional "fish rock" along the Lake Washington shoreline. For these reasons, implementation of the conservation measures included in the proposed project would be expected to benefit listed Chinook, steel head, and bull trout. Take of any listed species is very unlikely, and designated Chinook and bull trout critical habitat would not be destroyed or adversely modified by the project. Therefore, the proposed project "may affect", but is "not likely to adversely affect" Chinook, steelhead, and bull trout. In addition, the proposed project would not adversely affect designated EFH for Chinook and coho salmon, and would not hinder a sustainable fishery for these two species. A. PROJECT AND FEDERAL ACTION HISTORY Dredging of the May Creek delta and boathouse area has occurred for over 50 years on a 3-to 4- year cycle, depending on the volume of sediment accumulation. Since the delta area was dredged in 2002, an estimated 20,000 to 24,000 cubic yards have been deposited at the delta in Lake Washington. The most recent dredging occurred in 2011. Approximately 3,000 to 4,000 cubic yards of sediment have been removed during each dredging cycle. The dredged material was previously stockpiled on upland areas of the Barbee Mill property (owned by the Cugini family) and sold as clean construction fill material. Previous consultations with the USACE were completed for May Creek delta dredging and for bark debris removal in Lake Washington adjacent to Barbee Mill. Bark removal work was voluntarily undertaken to restore aquatic habitat under lease agreements with the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Most recent consultations for these projects at the Barbee Mill site (summarized in Table 1) resulted in a "not likely to adversely affect" determinations for listed Chinook salmon, steelhead, and bull trout. T hI 1 a e s f S d d ummary 0 recent E A re 19in~ consu tations. USACE Project Implementation Year Reference # Action Consultation Date 2001 195-2-0097 May Creek delta "May affect, not likely to 2001 dredging adversely affect" for all species 2002 1995-2-00997 Lake Washington "May affect, not likely to 2002 bark removal adversely affect" for all species 2008 NWS-2007 -1 019-NO May Creek delta "May affect, not likely to 2011 dredging adversely affect" for all species Biological Assessment Page 3 Q:\Projects\Barbee SA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 AA 082712_docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism II. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION AND ACTION AREA A. FEDERAL ACTION AND LEGAL AUTHORITY It is anticipated that the USACE would be the lead federal agency for this ESA consultation, as USACE permits are the only federal approvals (i.e., federal action) required for the proposed dredging project. Therefore, this BA follows the USACE BA template. This BA is required by the ESA to ensure that dredging actions that may be authorized by the USACE under section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally proposed or listed species, or result in destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat. B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed action would involve amending the current USACE programmatic permit to allow dredging of an additional 2,700 cubic yards of sediment (1,400 square feet of lakebed) in an area located adjacent to the existing permitted dredge prism (Appendix A). This expansion of the dredge prism would align it with the Cugini property and inner harbor lines, facilitate safe navigational access to the boathouse, and promote future recreational uses. The current permit reference is NWS-2007-1019-NO. For decades, the Barbee Mill site (owned by the Cugini family) and May Creek delta have been affected by ongoing development in the upper May Creek valley. Upstream development has resulted in higher peak flood flows due to increased impervious surface in the watershed. Peak flows have increased approximately 15 to 20 percent compared to predevelopment conditions for the 2-, 25-, and lOO-year flood event return intervals (King County 2001). In addition, this increased run-off has resulted in severe bank erosion and sediment transport from the upper basin, which is deposited in the May Creek delta adjacent to the Barbee Mill. Subsequently, wave action in Lake Washington transports fine sediment from the delta to the boathouse area, which is located to the south of the May Creek delta. Dredging of the May Creek delta and Cugini property boathouse area has occurred for over 50 years on a 3-to 4-year cycle, depending on the volume of sediment accumulation. As is allowed under the existing permit, a small dredge and clamshell bucket would be used and the material would be disposed of at an approved upland location. The sediment from this area has been tested in the past using the procedures speCified by the Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) and the DMMP has determined that all of the material is suitable for appropriate beneficial use. Under the proposed action, dredging events would continue to occur in both the existing and expanded dredge prisms over a 3-to 5-day period every 3 to 5 years within the approved in-water work period. Up to a maximum of 2,700 cubic yards of additional sediment would be removed to accomplish the desired navigational depth profile. Dredging would deepen the expanded dredge prism by approximately 10 feet over 1,400-square-feet of lake bed (Appendix A). Periodic evaluation of sediment depth would trigger future dredging activities. As is currently permitted, accumulated sediments would be removed with a small dredge and clamshell bucket. Portions of the work may also be conducted with a long-reach excavator from the land or an excavator mounted on a fenced flat barge. Use of any other type of dredge would require prior approval from Biological Assessment Page 4 Q:\Projects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 HA 082712.docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism the USACE and Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE). Sediments would be loaded on a barge, transported, and off-loaded at an approved fill material stockpile zone for beneficial upland uses. Based on monitoring records from previous and currently permitted dredging actions at the site, conservation measures such as silt curtains to reduce turbidity should not be required. During 2002 dredging, the highest turbidity values recorded were less than 7 NTU. However, turbidity would be monitored during future dredging. Conservation measures, such as silt curtains, would be deployed as necessary fol[owing conditions set by the WDOE 401 certification for this project. [t is anticipated that the WDOE would require the deployment of a silt curtain if turbidity in the dredging zone exceeds 10 NTU above background levels. To enhance aquatic habitat in the project vicinity, the project proponent is also proposing to place an additional 10 cubic yards of 3-to 6-inch diameter "fish rock" along the lake Washington shoreline just south of the existing boathouse. The Cuginis would also extract and replace three existing creosote piles with two 8 inch diameter galvanized pipe piles and demolish and rep [ace the existing solid-surface 38-foot float with a grated float that is 24 feet long. The grated float would increase light transmission to the shallow water habitat. Grating specifications would comply with previously approved permit conditions for light transmission. [n addition to these measures, two dolphins (six creosote piles) at the south side of lot D would be extracted and replaced with two 12- inch diameter galvanized pipe piles. Piles would be pulled concurrent with the Area 2 enhancement work. As previously approved in the existing USACE permit, all creosote treated pilings would be cut into 4-foot lengths and disposed of in an approved upland landfi[l, consistent with existing permit requirements. Timing and Duration of Work Conducting all dredging and habitat enhancement work addressed in this BA within the existing NMFS approved in-water work period and implementing conservations measures detailed in this BA, would minimize or avoid impacts to listed fish species and their habitat in the action area. Detai[ed information for each project element is presented be [ow. The NMFS approved lake Washington in- water work time, which is designed to limit impacts to aquatic species, is Ju[y 16th to September 15th (NMFS 2008). Consistent with the existing permit, the proposed expanded dredge area would be dredged during this time frame, once approximately every 3 to 5 years over the existing permit's lO-year period. Sediment Disposal Sediments from the expanded dredge area would be dredged and transported by barge for off- loading at the adjacent Quendall Termina[s located immediately north of the delta. Dredged materials would be loaded into a dredge scow and unloaded with a long-reach excavator. Sediments would be used for upland beneficial uses, subject to an assessment of sampling results and chemical analysis. All debris ([arger than 2 feet in any dimension) would be removed from the dredged sediment prior to disposal. Bio[ogical Assessment Page 5 Q:\Projects\Harbcc 8A 201212012 Draft BA\2012 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Conservation Measures Conservation measures are activities that the applicant would implement to avoid or minimize take of listed species and avoid or reduce impacts to their habitat. As part of the proposed action, the applicant would implement several conservation measures to minimize impacts to listed species. These measures are consistent with the existing dredge permit and are listed below. The applicant would: 1. Limit the duration of in·water work to the extent necessary to accomplish project objectives, estimated to be 7 to 10 days of work, once every 3 to 5 years. Work would be conducted during the approved NMFS Lake Washington in-water work time (July 16 to September 15). 2. Monitor water quality during each dredging event in accordance with the WDOE 401 water quality certification. Monitoring would be conducted at least daily within and adjacent to the dredging zone in order to determine the background turbidity level and any increases caused by dredging. 3. If construction induced turbidity levels in the work zone exceed 10 NTU over background levels, modify dredging activities by employing standard methods such as silt curtains to reduce the opportunity for fish exposure to turbidity. Dredged material would not be stockpiled on a temporary or permanent basis below the ordinary high water line. 4. If oil or other unknown substances appear on the water surface or in dredged material while equipment is being operated, cease operations immediately to identify the source of the contaminant and remedy the problem. If necessary, use an oil absorbent boom secured to a debris boom to encircle the work zone to capture sheen or potential floating debris. 10. Avoid dredging along shoreline slopes and shallow water habitat along the shoreline north of the dredging zone to protect nearshore habitat that may be used by rearing Chinook salmon or steelhead. 11. Conduct a post-dredge bathymetry survey to ensure that only the specified amount of material was removed. 12. Confine dredging impacts to the minimum area necessary to complete the project. During dredging, the Cuginis would have a boat available on site at all times to retrieve debris from the water. 13. Prepare and make available a summary report documenting monitoring activities immediately following the dredging to confirm that these conservation measures were implemented. 14. Comply with any additional measures that are currently required in the existing Biological Opinion (NMFS 2008) and Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WDOE 2008). Biological Assessment Q'\Pro)ects\Barbee SA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 81\ 082712.docx Page 6 Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism c. RELATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT TO OTHER ACTIONS The proposed expansion of the dredge prism is directly related to the existing (permitted) dredging activities occurring just south of the May Creek delta. The purpose of this proposed expansion is to align it with the existing property and inner harbor lines, facilitate safe navigational access to the boathouse, and promote future recreational uses. D. PROJECT AREA AND ACTION AREA DEFINED The action area includes all areas to be affected directly or indirectly by the proposed federal action and not merely the immediate area involved in the action (50 CFR §402-02). The action area for this proposed project is in the Lake Washington shoreline corresponding to the immediate vicinity of 3901 Lake Washington Boulevard Avenue, near Renton (Township 24 North, Range 5 East, Section 32). The action area includes EFH for Chinook salmon and coho salmon. Appendix A shows the proposed expanded dredging zone. The removal of up to a maximum of 2,700 cubic yards of sediment would disturb approximately 14,000 square feet of substrate in Lake Washington. In order to encompass all indirect effects, such as increased turbidity during dredging, the action area for this project encompasses the lower portion of May Creek and southern Lake Washington within approximately one half mile of the May Creek delta (Figure 2). It is anticipated that the one half mile action area is more than sufficient to encompass small and temporary increases in turbidity during dredging based on water quality monitoring during previous dredging in the delta. Biological Assessment Page? <)"IPro.1ccts\Barbee BA 20!2\2012 Draft BAI2012 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Figure 2. High elevation aerial photograph of the proposed project area and action area in Lake Washington. Biological Assessment Page 8 () '"I'rolccts'.Bmhl'C In 2012''.2ilI2Dra:\ H,\'..?:I)11 Bl\ m(.?:712 duc". Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism III. STATUS OF SPECIES AND CRITICAL HABITAT A. SPECIES LISTS FROM THE SERVICES (NOAA FISHERIES AND USFWS) A list of federally listed endangered, threatened, proposed, and candidate species and critical habitat that may occur in the action area was compiled using the NMFS and USFWS electronic species list websites and critical habitat designations. The USFWS and NMFS websites were accessed on June 1, 2012. Identification of Listed Species and ESU/DPS On March 24, 1999, the NMFS listed Chinook salmon (Gncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Puget Sound Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) as threatened under the ESA (64 FR 14308), and the listing was reaffirmed on June 28, 2005. The ESU includes all naturally spawned populations of Chinook salmon from rivers and streams flowing into Puget Sound including the Straits of Juan De Fuca from the Elwha River, eastward, including rivers and streams flowing into Hood Canal, South Sound, North Sound and the Strait of Georgia in Washington, as well as twenty-six artificial propagation programs. Puget Sound steel head (G. mykiss) were listed as threatened under the ESA on May 11, 2007 (72 FR 26722). The Distinct Population Segment (DPS) includes all naturally-spawned anadromous winter- run and summer-run steel head populations in streams in the river basins of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound, and Hood Canal, Washington, bounded to the west by the Elwha River (inclusive) and to the north by the Nooksack River and Dakota Creek (inclusive), as well as the Green River natural and Hamma Hamma winter·run steelhead hatchery stocks. The Coastal!Puget Sound bull trout DPS was listed as threatened under the ESA on November 1, 1999 (63 FR 31693). The Coastal-Puget Sound DPS comprises all Pacific coast and Puget Sound bull trout populations within Washington State, including the Snohomish River and its tributaries. This population segment is geographically segregated from other subpopulations by the Pacific Ocean and the crest olthe Cascade Mountain Range. It is significant to the species as a whole because it is thought to contain the only anadromous forms of bull trout in the coterminous United States. Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia coho salmon (0. kisutch) are not listed under the ESA; however, they were classified as a Species of Concern on April 15, 2004 due to specific risk factors. The ESU includes all naturally spawned populations of coho salmon from drainages of Puget Sound and Hood Canal, the eastern Olympic Peninsula (east of Salt Creek), and the Strait of Georgia from the eastern side of Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland (north to and including the Campbell and Powell Rivers). excluding the upper Fraser River above Hope. Table 2 summarizes the federally-listed, proposed, and candidate fish and marine mammal species that are known to occur near the action area or that may be potentially affected by the propose action. The table also indicates whether critical habitat or EFH has been designated or proposed for each species. Biological Assessment Page 9 Q,\Projecb\ilarbee IJA 2012\2012 Draft BA\20 12 BA 082712.docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Table 2. Summary for Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Magnuson·Stevens Act (MSAl Species. Species Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Bull trout (Sa/velinus confluentus) Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) 1 Evolutionary Significant Unit :;; Distinct Population Segment ESA Status (Listing Unit) Threatened (Puget Sound ESU') ESA listed Threatened (Puget Sound DPS') Threatened (Coastal I Puget Sound DPS') Species of Concern (Puget Sound I Strait of Georgia ESU) Designated Proposed ESA Critical ESA Critical MSAManaged Habitat Habitat with EFH No Yes Yes N/A under No development No Yes No N/A N/A Yes Identification of Designated and Proposed Critical Habitat and EFH The NMFS issued a final rule designating critical habitat for Puget Sound Chinook salmon on September 2, 2005 (with an effective date of January 2, 2006). Designated critical habitat Puget Sound Chinook salmon includes Lake Washington (freshwater rearing and freshwater migration); however, no critical habitat is designated in May Creek. On January 19, 2007, the NMFS adopted a final ESA recovery plan for Puget Sound Chinook salmon (Shared Strategy Development Committee 2007). The plan includes specific protection and restoration actions for each watershed in the Puget Sound region as well as actions at the regional E5U scale. The action area contains juvenile Chinook salmon rearing and migration primary constituent elements (PCEs) and adult Chinook salmon migration PCEs. ESA critical habitat was proposed by the USFWS for the Coastal/Puget Sound bull trout DPS on June 24,2004 (50 CFR Part 17). Proposed critical habitat for the Coastal/Puget Sound DPS includes Lake Washington, but does not include any Lake Washington tributaries, except the upper Cedar River. Lake Washington is proposed as foraging, migration, and overwintering (FMO) critical habitat for bull trout. Proposed Critical Habitat for Puget Sound Steelhead is currently under review by the NMFS. A recovery plan has not yet been developed for the Puget Sound Steelhead DPS. The MSA defines EFH as those waters and substrate necessary for fish use in spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. MSA manages species that may occur in the action area, including Chinook and coho salmon. Freshwater EFH for these salmon species includes all those streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and other water bodies currently, or historically accessible to these species in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. Lake Washington is designated EFH for Chinook and coho salmon. There are four major components of freshwater EFH for salmon including 1) spawning and incubation; 2) juvenile rearing; 3) juvenile migration corridors; and 4) adult migration corridors Biological Assessment Page 10 Q:\Projects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft RA\20 12 AA 082712,docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism and adult holding habitat. The components of EFH in the action area include juvenile rearing and migration corridors, and adult migration corridors and holding habitat. B. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES Chinook Salmon Status ofthe ESU The Puget Sound Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) has been defined to include all PS Chinook salmon populations residing below impassable natural barriers (e.g., long-standing natural water falls) in the Puget Sound region from the Nooksack River to the Elwha River on the Olympic Peninsula, inclusive. The status of individual populations within Puget Sound is assessed based on their abundance, productivity, diversity, and spatial structure. Within the action area in Lake Washington, there are two native populations (the North Lake Washington population and the Cedar River population) that use the area from rearing and migration. A third population, the Issaquah stock, is not included in the assessment because they are a non-native stock from the Issaquah Hatchery that has been in operation since the 1930s (WDFW 2004). Overall abundance ofthis ESU has declined substantially from historical levels, and many populations are small enough that genetic and demographic risks are likely to be relatively high (March 9, 1998, 63 FR 11494). Historic abundance has been estimated to be approximately 609,000 adult returns (Myers et al. 1998), while average present day (1998-2002) abundance of natural origin spawners is 30,182 fish (NMFS 2005). NMFS (Good et al. 2005) listed approximately 331 geometric mean spawners in North Lake Washington population and 327 in the Cedar River population, and no estimates of historical abundance for comparison. The general trend in the abundance for the North Lake Washington Tributary Chinook salmon has remained generally consistent, with escapements between 200 and 500 adults (WDFW 2004). The Cedar River Chinook salmon have shown a long-term negative trend in escapements and chronically low escapement values (WDFW 2004). The lambda (productivity estimate) for North Lake Washington Chinook (short term trend) is 1.07 (±0.07) (Good et ai., 2005), indicating the population is just replacing itself. For the Cedar River, short term lambda is (0.99±0.07) also indicating the population is probably just replacing itself. Significant population growth would require an increase in productivity. For salmon recovery, the target goal lambda amount is 3.4 to increase abundance to a level that would remove the populations from the threat of extinction. Genetic analysis of the three populations in the Lake Washington basin indicated that the North Lake Washington Tributary population and the Cedar River Chinook are significantly different (WDFW 2004). Therefore, the genetic differentiation between the two populations increases the possibility for recovery when faced with an environmental change and an increase of available habitat. Life History and Habitat Requirements Throughout their range, Chinook salmon exhibit diverse and complex life history strategies. Differences exist in age at seaward migration; freshwater, estuarine, and ocean residence; and in age and season of spawning migration (Healey 1991, page 314; Myers et al. 1998, page 9). Most of Biological Assessment Page 11 Q:\Pro.lects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Dra!t BA\2012 IJA 082712.doo. Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism this variation is exhibited in two distinct behavioral forms commonly referred to as stream-type and ocean-type {Healey 1991, page 314}. Stream-type Chinook rear in freshwater for a year or more before migrating to sea, perform extensive offshore migrations, and return to their natal river in spring or summer, several months prior to spawning. Ocean-type Chinook typically migrate to sea in their first year of life, only a few months after emergence, remain in nearby coastal areas, and normally return to their natal river in the late summer or fall, a few days or weeks before spawning. Ocean residence for both stream-type and ocean-type Chinook usually ranges from 1 to 6 years; however, a small proportion of yearling males, called "jacks" mature in freshwater or return to freshwater after 2 to 3 months in salt water. Chinook salmon in the Puget Sound ESU typically exhibit an ocean-type life history; however, a number of spring-run populations in the ESU include a high proportion of yearling smolt emigrants. Adult Chinook salmon in the Puget Sound typically return to freshwater in August and spawn in the lower and middle reaches of rivers from late September through January {WDF et al. 1993}. Preferred water temperatures for spawning range from 42.1 and S7"F {Reiser and Bjornn 1979}. Often, the preferred spawning sites are located near deep pools and in areas with abundant instream cover. Adequate spawning area, abundant clean gravel {O.S to 4 inches in diameter}, a relatively stable stream channel (with minimal bedload movement), and sub-gravel flow are very important in the selection of redd sites {Healey 1991, page 323}. Depending on water temperature, incubation takes between 90 and 150 days. While rearing in freshwater, juvenile Chinook are normally associated with low gradient, meandering, unconstrained stream reaches. As they grow, submerged and overhead cover in the form of rocks, submerged aquatic vegetation, logs, riparian vegetation, and undercut banks provide food and shade and protect juveniles from predation. When adult Chinook return to spawn, they often rely on deep pools for resting. These pools provide an energetic refuge from river currents, a thermal refuge from high summer and autumn water temperatures, and protection from potential predators. Chinook stocks in Lake Washington exhibit ocean-type life history patterns, with juveniles typically migrating to sea within the first three months after emergence. However, juveniles have also been found to delay seaward migrations by rearing in Lake Washington for extended time periods {Wydoski and Whitney 1979}. In Lake Washington, Tabor et al. {2004} found that juvenile Chinook salmon prefer shallow, low-gradient delta and shoreline habitats composed of sand and gravel substrates with overhanging vegetation and small woody debris accumulations. The preferred temperature range for Chinook salmon fry ranges from 54 to S6.8°F {Reiser and Bjornn 1979}. After a variable freshwater residence time, Chinook salmon juveniles migrate to estuaries. Migrations occur primarily during spring and early summer, but continue at lower levels through the fall {USFWS 1983}. Chinook salmon in the Skagit River estuary occupied the inner estuarine salt marshes for 2 to 3 days before emigrating farther out in the estuary {USFWS 1983}. Smolts congregated in tidal streams at low tide, with the majority of fish observed in deep, slow water over soft substrates {USFWS 1983}. The highest nearshore juvenile Chinook salmon densities occurred in tidal areas without any freshwater influence {Shepard 1981}. Factors of Decline Threats to the Chinook salmon include watershed development, such as forest practices, mining, agricultural land use, urbanization, hydropower development and water manipulation and Biological Assessment Page 12 Q:\Projects\l:3arbee BA 2012\20 12 Draft BA\20 12 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism withdrawal. Over-fishing, artificial propagation and introduction of nonnative species have also impacted Chinook salmon. Forest practices, mining, agricultural land use, urbanization, hydropower development and water withdrawal have resulted in increased sedimentation, changes in flow regimes and channel morphology, decrease in water quality and quantity, loss of riparian habitat, loss of large woody debris (LWD), and loss of LWD recruitment, higher water temperatures, decreased gravel recruitment, reduction in pools and spawning and rearing areas, rerouting of stream channels, degradation of streambanks and loss of estuarine rearing areas (Bishop and Morgan 1996; Myers et al. 1998). These changes have affected the spawning and rearing environment of Chinook salmon. Harvest, hatchery practices and the introduction of nonnative species have also impacted the expression of the varied life history strategies of Chinook salmon within the ESU. Current and future development pose many risks to the Chinook salmon populations in Lake Washington, primarily through increased water pollution and further habitat degradation by such mechanism as increased impervious surface, which alters stream hydrology causing increased erosion and sedimentation of Chinook spawning grounds. A detailed discussion of Chinook limiting factors in the Lake Washington basin is given in Kerwin (2001). In addition to extensive shoreline development, other factors that can compromise the survival of juvenile Chinook salmon include poor water quality and high water temperatures in the Ship Canal and Ballard Locks. All juvenile and adult anadromous salmonids must pass through the Ship Canal during migrations to and from saltwater. The significant differences in water temperature and salinity encountered at the Ballard Locks require a rapid transition by the fish and may cause severe stress. For example, recorded delays in egg development in returning adult salmon may be connected to the temperature transition when entering freshwater and prolonged exposure to high temperatures in the Ship Canal (Kerwin 2001). In addition, the sharp demarcation between the fresh and saltwater environments at the Lake Washington outlet is likely a stressor for juvenile salmonid out-migrants. The Locks are also a predation bottleneck. Heavy seal predation on adult salmon at the Locks is a common and recurring problem. Hatcheries continue to pose risk to natural spawning Chinook salmon in Lake Washington, although hatchery impacts are becoming increasingly recognized and elforts are being made to reduce hatchery effects listed populations. Several hatcheries and hatchery programs exist in the Lake Washington basin. Releases offall-run Chinook salmon in the Lake Washington system accounted for about five percent of all Puget Sound releases from 1991 through 2000, with about 2.6 million fish per year. In Puget Sound, hatchery fish greatly outnumber natural origin fish in terms of juvenile out-migrants and adult returns (NMFS 2003). Detailed descriptions of harvest rates for Lake Washington Chinook stocks are provided in (NMFS 2003). While harvest rates frequently change, the harvest rate of Lake Washington Chinook has diminished over time. The total exploitation rate for Chinook salmon returning to the Lake Washington watershed was 67 percent from 1983 through 1996, and 26 percent from 1997 through 2000. Local Stock Information The primary Chinook salmon stock in the project vicinity (the southern portion of Lake Washington) originates from the Cedar River. The Cedar River Chinook run, although a naturally spawning population without current supplementation from hatchery stocks, is not native to Lake Biological Assessment Page 13 Q-\Projects\Barbee BA 2012\20 [2 Draft BA \2012 BA 081711.do(:'i. Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Washington, May Creek is not thought to have a self-sustaining Chinook salmon run and individuals using the stream are likely strays from the Cedar River, Chinook are reported to use the lower three miles of May Creek for limited spawning and rearing (Lucchetti 2002), Lucchetti (2002) rated the lower May Creek sub-basin (from mouth to RM 3.0) as moderate to high for spawning habitat. This rating signifies areas in which Chinook are known to spawn and that are characterized by adequate flows and physical attributes (e.g., channel size, gradient, and substrate) that typically support Chinook spawning (Lucchetti 2002). According to King County (2011). nearly all spawning occurs in the lower two miles of May Creek, though spawning has been observed up to RM 3.0. The number of Chinook observed in May Creek varies between zero and 12 fish annually (pers. comm. Aaron Bosworth, WDFW, November 15, 2010, as cited in King County 2011). Adult Cedar River Chinook salmon enter Lake Washington through the Ballard Locks from late June through September, with the run peaking in late August. Spawning occurs from mid-September through mid-to late-November, with a peak in early to mid-October (WDF et al. 1993). In the Cedar River, fry probably begin to emerge in February and continue through March and perhaps April (City of Seattle 2000), which is also probably true in May Creek as well. Unlike most systems in which juvenile Chinook rear in rivers and estuaries, juvenile Chinook in Lake Washington rear in the littoral areas of the lake from January to July. While rearing in the south end of Lake Washington, the nocturnal distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon appears to be related to slope, substrate, and depth. Tabor et al. (2004) studied juvenile Chinook salmon use of shoreline habitats in Lake Washington and found that juvenile Chinook were concentrated in very shallow water, approximately 1,3 feet in depth, and prefer low gradient shorelines and deltas with substrates composed of sand and gravel. In comparison to lake shore reference sites, the delta sites had a higher density of juvenile Chinook salmon. On average, the delta sites had almost twice as many fish as the lake reference site. Of the delta sites studied, Tabor et al. (2004) found that juvenile Chinook appeared to use low gradient and shallow deltas that were close to natal streams (such as the Cedar River). Tabor et al. (2004) also found that juvenile Chinook had no preference for woody debriS piles alone; however, they did show a preference for woody debris piles in combination with overhanging vegetation. In fact, over 80 percent of juvenile Chinook observed during the study were found along shallow sites in association with overhanging vegetation and small woody debris. The majority of juvenile Chinook observed by Tabor et al. (2004) were concentrated in the south end of Lake Washington from February to May, with peak abundance occurring in May. The last shoreline survey was conducted on July 14, when only one juvenile Chinook was observed out of five sample sites. The lower 912 feet of May Creek and the May Creek delta (convergence pool) were included in the study sites evaluated by Tabor et al. (2004). Tabor et al. (2004) also surveyed a lake reference site located approximately 2,000 feet south of the May Creek delta (the Kennydale Beach Park swim beach). In March of 2002, only two Chinook salmon were observed during the surveys, one in the convergence pool and one in a pool in May Creek. The density of juvenile Chinook salmon was Similar between the lake reference site and delta area. Juvenile coho salmon were also present primarily in the convergence pool, while large trout primarily occupied the upstream pools. Small resident trout were scattered throughout the study Biological Assessment Page 14 Q:\Pr~iects\l::3arbee SA 20 12\20 12 Draft BA\20 12 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism reach. Tabor et al. (2004) noted that predation of juvenile Chinook salmon by large trout has been documented in Lake Washington (Tabor and Chan 1996) and the Cedar River. Few predatory fish were present in the shallower deltas, which were used by up to 10 times more Chinook compared to the May Creek delta. Based on habitat preference, Tabor et al. (2004) hypothesized that the presence of large trout and large sculpin in the large tributaries may inhibit the use of the convergence pool and other stream habitats by Chinook. It may be that the lack of juvenile Chinook in the deep delta habitat has more to do with this habitat type being preferred by predatory fish, and not that deep delta habitats are not "good" Chinook habitat. Steel head Status ofthe DPS The NMFS defined the Puget Sound Steelhead DPS to include naturally spawning steelhead stocks below natural and manmade impassable barriers, in streams and rivers ranging from the Canadian border (Nooksack River basin), south through Puget Sound and Hood Canal, north and west to the Elwha River, which empties into the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca. The Puget Sound 5teelhead are at risk of becoming endangered in the foreseeable future, and were listed as threatened on June 11, 2007 (72 FR 26722). The status of individual populations within Puget Sound is assessed based on their abundance, productivity, diversity, and spatial structure. The two populations of steelhead found in lake Washington use the lake for migrating, holding and rearing. Early abundance analysis from catch records in 1889 indicate that the catch peaked at 163,796 individuals in 1895 (Little, 1898). Assuming a harvest rate of 30 to 50 percent, Little (1898) estimated that the peak run size ranged from 327,592 to 545,987 fish. In the 19905 the total run size for major stocks in this DPS was greater than 45,000, with total natural escapement of about 22,000, a fraction of the 1889 abundance. The abundance treat for the Cedar River population is decreasing. Counts between 1980 and 2004 estimate an escapement of 137.9 natural spawners, and more recent data (2000-2004) has the estimates at 36.8, showing a steep decline (Hard et al. 2007). The Lake Washington population shows a similar declining trend with 308.1 natural spawners between 1980 and 2004, and 36.8 between 2000 and 2004 (Hard et al. 2007). To estimate existing productivity in Lake Washington steelhead, Scott and Gill (2006) used escapement data or indices of escapement from the previous eight years to create a time series. Population viability analyses were conducted under the assumption that only anadromous spawners contribute to the abundance of each population. This assumption may result in estimates of extinction that are too high because the presence of resident forms of O. my kiss (rainbow trout) may reduce the likelihood of extinction. The Lake Washington winter-run steelhead last escapement data was listed at 44, with a growth rate estimate of -0.16, indicating a decrease in productivity. The relative risk of extinction for populations of steelhead in the Puget Sound region is very high, because productivity is poor. More recent productivity analysis included lambda calculations, showing Cedar River steelhead lambda at 0.808 (±0.004), and Lake Washington steel head lambda at 0.802 (±0.002) (Hard et al. 2007), supporting Scott and Gill's (2006) productivity decline. Allozyme analysis of steelhead sampled in the Cedar River in 1994 clusters them with winter steelhead in the Green, White, and Puyallup rivers, and with some Snohomish basin steel head stocks (WDFW 2004). The Cedar River population is a distinct population that has undergone minimal hatchery introgression (Hard et al. 2007). Biological Assessment Page 15 Q \ProjectslBarbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BAllO 12 HA 082712.uocx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism The status of the Lake Washington winter steelhead was defined in the SaSI report (WDFW 2004). Based on the chronically low escapement and short-term severe decline in escapements, the stock status declined from "depressed" in 1994 to "critical" in 2002. Past hatchery practices by WDFW included planting of steelhead fry throughout tributaries in the Lake Washington/Lake Sammamish Basin and were unsuccessful in producing return adult spawners. The Cedar River has a naturally spawning population of steelhead and weekly surveys are conducted annually to assess abundance. Redd counts have been steadily declining and 2010 surveys observed only one redd (pers. comm. Hans Berge, King County, November 22,2010, as Cited in King County 2011). Life History and Habitat Requirements Unless otherwise Cited, the following steelhead information is summarized from the federal register proposal to list Puget Sound steelhead as threatened (50 CFR Part 223). Steelhead is the name commonly applied to the anadromous form of the biological species Oncorhynchus mykiss, which includes rainbow trout). The present distribution of steelhead extends from Kamchatka in Asia, east to Alaska, and extending south along the Pacific coast to the U.S. Mexico border. O. mykiss exhibit a complex suite of life-history traits and can be anadromous (i.e. steelhead), or freshwater residents (rainbow or redband trout), and under some circumstances yield offspring of the opposite life-history form. Steel head juveniles generally migrate to sea at age 2 to 3, but can spend up to 7 years in freshwater. Peak outmigration to the sea is generally in the late spring and early summer. Steelhead generally spend 1 to 2 years at sea before returning to freshwater to spawn. O. mykiss may spawn more than once, whereas the Pacific salmon species are principally spawn once and die. As with most salmon ids, spawning typically occurs in streams where the water is cool, clear, and well oxygenated. The optimum spawning temperature for steel head is about 45°F, but they have been reported spawning at temperatures of 39 to 55°F. After emergence, steelhead fry form small schools and inhabit the margins of the stream. As they grow larger and more active, they slowly begin to disperse downstream. Steelhead prefer relatively small, fast flowing streams with a high proportion of riffles and pools. Most steelhead in their first year of life in riffles, but some larger fish also inhabit pools or deep fast runs. Instream cover such as large rocks, logs, root wads, and aquatic vegetation are very important for juvenile steelhead. This cover provides resting areas, visual isolation from competing salmon ids, food, and protection from predators. Often steelhead densities are highest in streams with abundant instream cover. The preferred water temperature for rearing steelhead ranges from 50 to 55°F. Factors of Decline Factors leading to the decline of the Puget Sound steelhead DPS are essentially the same as described previously for Puget Sound Chinook salmon and generally include habitat degradation by human disturbance such as forestry, agriculture, and general urbanization. Access to large reaches of spawning and rearing habitat has been blocked by dams and other manmade barriers. Existing regulatory mechanisms inadequately protect steelhead habitats as evidenced by the historical and continued threat posed by the loss and degradation. Hatchery practices have had genetic and life history effects, and lead to competition between naturally produced and hatchery fish. Over- harvest has also reduced abundance throughout the DPS. Biological Assessment Page 16 Q:\Pro)ects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Drat( BAl.2012 HA OS2712.docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Local Stock Information Steelhead occurring in the project action area are part ofthe Lake Washington winter-run population (a native stock). They typically enterfresh water between November and April and spawn from mid-December through early June. Abundance of this stock has greatly declined over the past decade. The escapement goal for Lake Washington winter steelhead is 1,600 adult fish. However, from 2000 to 2004, the total Lake Washington winter steel head spawner escapement estimate ranged from only 20 to 48 fish, far below the escapement goal. WDFW considers the status of the Lake Washington stock as "critical" due to chronically low escapements and a short- term severe decline in escapement. Steelhead spawning occurs throughout the Lake Washington basin including the Sammamish River and its tributaries, Issaquah Creek, Coal Creek, May Creek, the lower Cedar River and several smaller Lake Washington tributaries. Survey data from 1984 through 1987 observed steelhead in the lower reaches of May Creek (Newcastle 2002 as cited in King County 2011). Data from the WDFW Salmon Scape website report that steelhead have been observed in the lower three miles of May Creek. Bull Trout Status of the DPS Bull trout, a member of the family Salmonidae, are a char native to the Pacific Northwest and western Canada. The species historically occurred in major river drainages in the Pacific Northwest from about 41°N to 60 0 N latitude, from the southern limits in the McCloud River in northern California and the Jarbidge River in Nevada to the headwaters of the Yukon River in Northwest Territories, Canada (Cavender 1978; Bond 1992). The Coastal-Puget Sound DPS comprises all Pacific coast and Puget Sound bull trout populations within Washington State. This population segment is geographically segregated from other subpopulations by the Pacific Ocean and the crest of the Cascade Mountain Range. It is significant to the species as a whole because it is thought to contain the only anadromous forms of bull trout in the coterminous United States. The USFWS conducted a 5-year review of the ESA listing status for bull trout in the coterminous United States that was published in April, 2008 (USFWS 2008a). This review includes the following observations: most population trends are unknown; there is a broad distribution of risk across the landscape; most core area bull trout populations are at high risk or at risk of extirpation; and the smallest core areas tend to be at a higher risk. Ultimately, the USFWS determined that "threatened" status remains warranted for bull trout, including the Coastal/Puget Sound DPS. The 5-year review final report indicated the USFWS would initiate a new, separate assessment to identify the individual status of each current DPS and determine if they need reorganization (possibly into smaller spatial units). This effort has not yet been completed. Although bull trout remain threatened in the Coastal/Puget Sound DPS, many of the local populations are apparently healthy enough to sustain angling and harvest in the Puget Sound region in several core areas. The Skagit and Snohomish River basins are seasonally open to angling and harvest of bull trout. This is a significant distinction, as on a rangewide basis, most core areas are closed to angling and harvest of bull trout. Biological Assessment Page1? Q,\Projl!ds\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Dratl 81\\2012 SA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Life History and Habitat Requirements Throughout their range, bull trout are primarily freshwater species that exhibit both resident and migratory life-history patterns. The entire Iifecycle of the resident bull trout takes place in headwater streams. Resident fish spawn, rear, and live as adults generally in one headwater stream, although short migrations may occur. Migratory bull trout spawn and rear in headwater streams, then after two to four years rearing in their home stream, juveniles migrate downstream to larger rivers (fluvial) or lakes and reservoirs (adfluvial) where they grow to maturity. Migrations can range from a few miles to well over 50 miles (Goetz et al. 2004). Mature adults migrate back upstream to spawn in headwater reaches. There is increasing evidence that several coastal and Puget Sound popUlations have an anadromous or amphidromous component in Washington (Rieman and Mcintyre 1993; Kraemer 1999; Goetz et al. 2004; Yolk 2000; Goetz et al. 2004). Adult anadromous char are thought to prey primarily on fish. A study by Brenkman (2002) at the mouth of the Hoh River on the Olympic Peninsula found that surf smelt (Hypomesus pretious) was the primary prey item and was found in 96 percent ofthe stomachs analyzed; other species included herring (Clupea harengus pal/asi), sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) and sculpin (Cottus spp.). Other limited stomach content work and feeding observations in Skagit Bay and Port Susan also indicate that anadromous char feed most commonly on surf smelt, and other fish such as herring, sand lance, pink and chum salmon fry, and a number of invertebrates (Kraemer 1999). Kraemer (1999) and Brenkman (2002) suspected the distribution of char in marine waters is closely tied to the distribution of forage fish, especially spawning beaches for surf smelt and herring. Bull trout spawning occurs in the fall from late August into December (timing varies based on local conditions) and is thought to be correlated with particular flows, water temperatures, and photo period. Peak spawning usually occurs in September and October for most populations (Brenkman et al. 2001). Bull trout spawning generally occurs when water temperature drops below 48"F. Bull trout spawn in substrate ranging from large sand to gravel over 2 inches in diameter. In western Washington, bull trout spawning occurs above an elevation of 1,000 feet or in streams with very cold temperatures similar to high elevation streams (Kraemer 1999). Fry emerge from spring into the summer months (McPhail and Murray 1979). Mature adult bull trout can spawn more than once in a lifetime. First spawning is often noted after age four, with individuals living ten or more years (Rieman and Mcintyre 1993). Sexual maturity for both sexes has been documented in fish smaller than 6 inches fork length in resident populations (Hemmingsen et al. 2001). Bull trout appear to have more specific habitat requirements than other salmon ids (Rieman and Mcintyre 1993), requiring cold clean water and a high degree of habitat complexity (Dambacher et al. 1992; Rieman and Mcintyre 1993). Water temperatures over approximately SO"F are thought to limit their distribution; however, bull trout may be able to migrate through reaches with elevated water temperatures for short durations. Factors of Decline Bull trout are threatened by habitat degradation and fragmentation from past and ongoing land management activities such as mining, road construction and maintenance, timber harvest, hydropower, water diversions/withdrawals, agriculture, and grazing. Bull trout are also threatened by interactions and hybridization with introduced non-native fishes such as brook trout (Sa/ve/inus fontinalis) and lake trout (Sa/velinus namaycush). Although some strongholds still exist, bull trout Biological Assessment Page 18 Q \Projects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft RA\20 12 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism generally occur as isolated sub-populations in headwater lakes or tributaries where migratory fish have been lost. Although the bull trout distribution in the Coastal/Puget Sound DPS is less fragmented than the Columbia River DPS, bull trout subpopulation distribution within individual river systems has contracted and abundance has declined. The decline of the Coastal/Puget Sound bull trout DPS has been attributed to habitat degradation, migration barriers, interaction with introduced species, water quality degradation, and past management practices. CommerCial and recreational fisheries also impact native char populations in Puget Sound. Native char are occasionally caught in sport and commercial fisheries in Puget Sound, as well as by in-river net fisheries. They are common in nearshore marine areas of Puget Sound from Everett north, and are vulnerable to beach seine and set net fisheries. Current and future population pressures on bull trout in Puget Sound and Lake Washington are the same as those listed for Chinook. Local Stock Information The following Lake Washington bull trout information is summarized from USFWS (2004) unless otherwise cited. The Cedar River watershed upstream of the Masonry Dam supports the only known self-sustaining population of bull trout in the Lake Washington basin. The Chester Morse Lake bull trout core area is located within the Cedar River in the upper reaches of the Cedar River drainage, upstream of a natural migration barrier at Lower Cedar Falls (river mile 34.4). The level of emigration of bull trout occurring from Chester Morse Lake to the lower Cedar River is unknown. The only means for bull trout to leave the reservoir complex and pass to the lower Cedar River is during use of the emergency spill gates and/or the smaller spillway near the south end of the Masonry Dam. These gates are rarely opened except under emergency conditions of high reservoir elevation (e.g., 1990 flood) or for special operational purposes. It is presumed impossible for live fish to pass through the other structure used to release water from Masonry Pool (Masonry Dam spill valve/Howell-Bunger valve) at the base of the Masonry Dam. It is possible that bull trout do successfully pass through the spill gates when water is released and thereby gain access to the 'canyon reach' and the lower Cedar River, but no accurate estimate of numbers of fish passing the dam has been made. No spawning activity or juvenile rearing has been observed and no distinct spawning populations are known to exist in Lake Washington outside of the upper Cedar River above Lake Chester Morse. The potential for spawning in the Lake Washington basin is believed to be very low as a majority of accessible habitat is low elevation, below 500 feet, and thus not expected to have the proper thermal regime to sustain successful spawning. However, there are some coldwater springs and tributaries that may come close to suitable spawning temperatures and that may provide thermal refuge for rearing or foraging during warm summer periods. These include Rock Creek (tributary to the Cedar River below Landsburg Diversion) and Coldwater Creek, a tributary to Cottage Lake Creek immediately below Cottage Lake. In addition, the upper reaches of Holder and Carey creeks, the two main branches of Issaquah Creek, have good to excellent habitat conditions and may hold potential for bull trout spawning due to their elevation and aspect. However, despite survey efforts by King County (Berge and Mavros 2001), no evidence of bull trout spawning or rearing has been found. The connection with the Chester Morse Lake core area is one-way only, and currently the level of connectivity with other core areas is unknown. However, a number of observations of subadult and adult sized bull trout have been made in Lake Washington and at the Ballard Locks (Shepard and Biological Assessment Page 19 Q:\ProjecLs\Barbee SA 2012\2012 Draft BA\20 12 SA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Dykeman 1977; KCDNR 2000). Observations of bull trout in the Ballard Locks and cursory hydroacoustic tagging suggest that these fish may be migrating to the Lake Washington area from other watersheds such as the Stillaguamish or Snohomish systems (Goetz et al. 2004). Bull trout have been caught in Shilshole Bay and the Ballard Locks during late spring and early summer in recent times. In 2000, eight adult and subadult fish (mean size 370 millimeters; 14.5 inches) were caught in Shilshole Bay below the locks between May and July. These fish were found preying upon juvenile salmon (40 percent of diet) and marine forage fish (60 percent of diet) (Footen 2000, 2003). In 2001, five adult bull trout were captured in areas within the Ballard Locks and immediately below the locks. One bull trout was captured in the large lock in June, and in May one adult was captured while migrating upstream through the fish ladder in the adult steel head trap. Three adult bull trout were also captured below the tailrace during the peak of juvenile salmon migration on June 18 (Goetz et al. 2004). Coho Salmon Status ofthe ESU The Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia coho salmon ESU includes populations from drainages of Puget Sound and Hood Canal, the Olympic Peninsula east of Salt Creek, and the Strait of Georgia from the east side of Vancouver Island (north to and including Campbell River) and the British Columbia mainland (north to and including Powell River), excluding the upper Fraser River above Hope. WDF et al. (1993) identified 40 coho populations within the boundaries of the Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia ESU. While most were sustained by natural production, only three of these populations were determined to be of native origin. Weitkamp et al. (1995) noted that while coho salmon within the Puget Sound ESU were abundant, and with some exceptions run sizes and natural spawning escapements generally stable, there are substantial risks to whatever native production remains. The Puget Sound coho ESU remains a candidate for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act. From 1991 through 2000, the annual run size of coho populations entering Puget Sound was 669,000, of which 44 percent were derived from natural spawning. Over this same period, wild coho escapement increased, which is primarily attributed to a reduction in Puget Sound fisheries, allowing more fish to reach spawning grounds even though total run sizes decreased. High harvest rates and a recent decline in average size of spawners is a concern because of the potential for reduced fecundity and/or productivity (Weitkamp et al. 1995). Hatchery coho programs are also intensive in Puget Sound, influencing population trends. From 1991 through 2000, an average of approximately 24 million hatchery- produced juvenile coho were released into Puget Sound annually. Over this period, total hatchery releases decreased from about 40 million in 1991 to less than 10 million in 2000 (PSMFC 2002). Life History and Habitat Requirements The coho salmon life history roughly consists of 18 months of freshwater rearing followed by 18 months of ocean rearing (Weitkamp et al. 1995). Coho salmon typically spawn in relatively shallow tributary streams from October through February. Spawning generally occurs in temperatures ranging from 42 to 49T Coho salmon spawning gravel ranges from 0.5 to 4 inches (Reiser and Bjornn 1979). Fry emerge in the spring and occupy most stream habitats, but are usually associated with the channel margin. Coho salmon fry densities are greatest in backwater pools, beaver dam pools, and off-channel areas (WDW 1991). Biological Assessment Page 20 Q \Projects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 BA 082712_docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism At least one year of freshwater residence is normal for coho salmon juveniles (USFWS 1986a), Coho salmon parr are frequently associated with side channels, wetlands, and off-channel sloughs for rearing (Sandercock 1991), Other important juvenile habitats include large wood accumulations, undercut banks, and complex pool habitats, Coho salmon juveniles are generally absent in channels lacking cover. Mason and Chapman (1965) reported that coho salmon juveniles are aggressive and territorial soon after emergence, and establish intraspecific dominance hierarchies, Where coho and Chinook salmon juveniles occurred together in streams, the coho were socially dominant, defending optimum feeding territory (Stein et ai, 1972). Water temperatures that average between 50 to 59'F in the summer are considered optimum for juvenile coho salmon rearing (USFWS 1986a). Bell (1973) reported the upper lethal limit to be 78.5'F, Out-migration of smolts to marine areas usually occurs from April to August of the year following their hatching, with peak migrations in May in nearly all areas (USFWS 1986a). Factors of Decline Risk factors associated with Puget Sound coho salmon stocks include high harvest rates, widespread habitat degradation, hatchery practices, and unfavorable ocean conditions. The genetic fitness of Puget Sound coho salmon stocks has been affected by widespread artificial propagation that includes inter-basin transfers of brood stock, and by hatchery fish escapement and introgression with wild populations (Weitcamp et al. 1995). Current and future population pressures on coho salmon in Puget Sound and Lake Washington are the same as those listed for Chinook. Local Stock Information Coho runs in Lake Washington are heavily influenced by hatchery production; therefore, recent studies have not been able to fully evaluate the status of self-sustaining naturally spawning coho populations in the region. Trends in both hatchery and wild escapements in Lake Washington are showing a decline that may be attributable to urbanization, high harvest rates, habitat degradation, and poor ocean conditions (Fresh 1994; WDF et al. 1993). Naturally spawning coho escapement (which could be a mix of native and hatchery origin coho) in Lake Washington was as high as 30,000 fish in 1970 and declined to less than 2,000 in 1992 (Fresh 1994). Index escapement values for Cedar River coho in the 1990s have declined to levels far below those observed in the 1980s, so the stock is now rated depressed by WDFW due to both the long-term negative trend in the index values and the chronically low nature of the indicator values. The Lake Washington/Sammamish tributaries coho stock is also rated as depressed by WDFW for the same factors (WDFW 2002). Available spawning survey information for May Creek suggests the same negative trend. Spawning surveys conducted in 1976, 1977, and 1985 found peak coho adult spawner densities in lower May Creek at 23, 5, and 55 coho per mile, respectively, while surveys in 1992 and 1993 found peak densities of only 2 fish per mile (Foster Wheeler 1995). Biological Assessment Page 21 QWrojccts\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Oraft HA\2012 HA OR2712_docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism IV. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE The environmental baseline includes the past and present impacts of all federal, state, or private actions and other human activities in the action area, the anticipated impacts of all proposed federal projects in the action area that have already undergone formal or early section 7 consultation, and the impact of state or private actions which are contemporaneous with the consultation in process 50 CFR § 402.02(d). The baseline provides a reference for NOAA Fisheries and the USFWS to evaluate the species' current status in relationship to the proposed action. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION AREA AND PROJECT AREA The action area for the proposed project encompasses the southern portion of the May Creek Delta (southern Lake Washington) (Figure 2). The environmental baseline of the action area is generally described below, including the Lake Washington basin, May Creek watershed, and the project area. Action Area (May Creek and Lake Washington) May Creek May Creek drains approximately 14 square miles between the Coal Creek and Cedar River basins. The basin contains approximately 26 miles of mapped streams, two small lakes, and over 400 acres of wetlands (Foster Wheeler 1998). The mouth of May Creek is located on Lake Washington approximately two miles north of the Cedar River in Renton, Washington. Historically, the May Creek watershed was forested with predominantly coniferous stands. Over recent decades, land uses in the western one-third of the basin have changed to intensive residential development, with some industrial development in the lowermost reaches, including the Barbee Lumber Mill. The eastern two-thirds of the watershed retains a mix of rural residential, small farms, and some forested areas (King County 2001). Developed communities in the watershed include Renton, Newcastle, and around Lake Boren, Honey Creek, and Lake Kathleen (Foster Wheeler 1998). The Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), established in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), bisects the May Creek basin, which limits urban-scale development from encroaching on the headwaters of the basin. Land development in the lower basin has substantially reduced forest cover, increased impervious surfaces, and filled wetlands. Currently, the amount of effective impervious surface coverage basin-wide is approximately 7 percent. In addition, under current zoning, full build-out would result in approximately 12 percent of the May Creek basin being covered in impervious surfaces (King County 2001). This is significant, as basin-wide impervious surface areas of 10 percent or greater have been found to have significant impacts on the health of aquatic ecosystems (May et al. 1997; Booth and Reinelt 1993; Karr 1991). Logging, coal mining, and agricultural activities have resulted in channelized streams, floodplain encroachment, and eroding slopes in the May Creek watershed. The lower four miles of May Creek are within an urbanized area. This portion of the creek experiences high sediment loading and lacks current and future sources of LWD (Foster Wheeler 1998). The lack of LWD has resulted in loss of habitat complexity, specifically pool habitat. Biological Assessment Page 22 Q:\Proje\:ls\8arbee BA 20!2l2012 Draft HA\2012 BA 082712.docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Sediment deposition in lower May Creek has increased due to forest removal, the presence of rock quarries, and the expansion of road networks. Vegetation removal throughout the basin has resulted in higher maximum flows and lower minimum flows. Higher flows than what naturally occurred can result in stream substrate scour, which may negatively impact salmon redds (Foster Wheeler 1998). The increase in flood flows has resulted in additional erosion of hillsides, flooding and sediment deposition in May Valley, erosion in the canyon downstream of the valley, and flooding and sediment deposition near the mouth of May Creek (King County 2001). Peak flows have increased moderately in May Valley, on the order of 15 to 20 percent greater than the predevelopment conditions for the 2-, 25-, and 100-year return intervals (King County 2001). From approximately RM 3.9 to 7.0, the riparian area of May Creek is heavily impacted by grazing (Foster Wheeler 1998). Agricultural activities in May Valley have drained historic wetlands and channelized May Creek (Buchanan 2003). The South Fork of May Creek starts at RM 7.0. Portions of the South Fork go dry in the summer from RM 7.0 to 9.1. A 128-foot-long culvert blocks anadromous fish passage at RM 7.7. The North Fork of May Creek parallels State Route (SR) 900, resulting in degraded riparian conditions and channelization. Three quarries along the North Fork contribute to high sediment loading in the system (Foster Wheeler 1998). The East Fork of May Creek flows into the South Fork at RM 7.2. Habitat conditions in the East Fork are highly degraded due to the presence of man-made berms, culverts, and man-made ponds (Foster Wheeler 1998). Almost all of the basin's nearly 80 identified wetlands have been disturbed by deforestation, filling, draining, agricultural practices, or buffer removal, with much of this disturbance occurring since the wetlands were first inventoried in 1983 (King County 2001). The May Creek Basin Action Plan (King County 2001) includes several goals, one of which is to protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water quality in the basin. Implementation of habitat restoration actions under the Basin Plan is dependent on funding availability. Restoration work along May Creek has recently taken place; the Barbee Mill Company has substantially improved the vegetated cover in the May Creek riparian area upstream from the lowermost bridge to Lake Washington Boulevard by planting willows, cottonwoods, grasses, and other native vegetation. In this area (located upstream from the proposed dredging area). the vegetated stream buffer ranges in width from 5 to over 100 feet in width. Despite the current habitat conditions, the lower reaches of May Creek experience the heaviest use by fish (Foster Wheeler 1998). Steelhead, cutthroat trout, Chinook, coho, and sockeye salmon spawn in May Creek. Spawning gravel, although embedded, likely supports successful incubation (Buchanan 2003). The primary limiting factor for Chinook and sockeye in May Creek likely is available spawning area and incubation success (Foster Wheeler 1998). The primary limiting factor for coho, steel head, and cutthroat in May Creek likely is the availability of high quality rearing and over-wintering habitat (Foster Wheeler 1998). Lake Washington Lake Washington is the second largest natural lake in the state of Washington with 80 miles of shoreline, including about 30 miles along the shore of Mercer island (Shared Strategy, 2007). Over 82 percent of the Lake Washington shoreline is armored and is shaded by more than 2,700 piers and docks (Shared Strategy, 2007). Regulated lake levels and extensive armoring have hampered sediment transport and sandy beaches need to be augmented by periodic sediment supplies. Additional factors affecting the habitat features in the Lake Washington basin include a lack of riparian vegetation due to clearing and development; loss of channel and shoreline complexity Biological Assessment Page 23 Q:\Projccts\Rarbcc HA 2012\2012 Draft BA\20 12 DA 082712.docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism including a lack of woody debris and pools; the development of fish passage barriers with the construction of road crossings, weirs, and dams; and degraded water and sediment quality caused by increases in pollutants and high temperatures (Shared Strategy, 2007). The Lake Washington/Lake Sammamish area includes two major rivers systems, the Cedar and Sammamish, and three large lakes (Lake Union, Lake Washington, and Lake Sammamish). It also includes numerous smaller streams such as Bear, North, and Swamp creeks that drain into the system from the north. Historically, Lake Washington had a vegetated shoreline of wetlands, trees, brush, and other mixed vegetation that created a diverse nearshore habitat for juvenile salmonids. The shoreline's natural structural complexity was beneficial for fish and other aquatic species. Larger conifers that grew in the riparian area provided shade and contributed plant material (branches, needles) and terrestrial insects to the aquatic food chain. The United States Fish Commission Bulletin published in 1898 describes the lake as follows; "Only in a few places along the shore of the entire lake is the bottom sufficiently free from snags, fallen trees, and other material to permit the successful hauling of nets", In the past 150 years, the Lake Washington/Lake Sammamish watershed has been dramatically altered from its historical condition. Habitat degradation started with heavy logging of old growth forest throughout much of the watershed in the late 19th century. In 1901, the City of Seattle began diverting water out of the upper Cedar River to serve as its main water supply. Between 1910 through 1920, the natural Lake Washington outlet was redirected from the Black River to the Lake Washington Ship Canal and Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, which were excavated to connect Lake Washington to Lake Union and then to Puget Sound. Previously Lake Union was a freshwater lake that was not connected to Lake Washington and had no outlet to Puget Sound. The redirection of the Lake Washington outlet ultimately resulted in the lowering of the lake level by about 9 to 10 feet and the loss of over ten miles of shoreline and approximately 1,000 acres of wetlands. Shallow lake margins and wetlands are generally considered to be high quality and preferred habitats for juvenile salmonids such as Chinook and coho salmon. During that same decade, the Cedar River was redirected from the Black River into the south end of Lake Washington. In the ensuing years, the most important cause of physical change to the watershed area has been the expansion of urban and suburban development. In the upper Cedar River, land is devoted almost entirely to preservation of forests. Residential, industrial, and commercial uses prevail in the lower reaches of virtually all the streams. Today, approximately eighty percent of the existing shoreline is lined with bulkheads that reduce the remaining shallow water habitat and change shallow water substrates. Over 2,700 piers extend into the lake, introducing a different pattern of shade from that produced by shoreline vegetation and changing the underwater habitat from complex (horizontal fallen trees with branches) to simple (vertical smooth pilings). Piers are also used heavily as ambush cover by non-native species such as bass, which may prey heavily on native juvenile salmon ids. The result of these actions is to remove the complex and diverse plant community and associated food web from the shallow water habitat. The current lake level is artificially regulated within a two-foot range. The high water/low water regime is reversed from the natural state. High water occurs during the summer for extensive operation of the Ballard Locks. Low water occurs during the winter protect property from winter wave action. Biological Assessment Page 24 Q:\Projects\Barbee SA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Despite the heavy a Iteration of the Lake Washington basin, it continues to support numerous sa[monid stocks. The three watersheds in the basin with the largest sa[monid populations, the Cedar River, and Bear and Issaquah creeks, support Chinook, sockeye, coho, kokanee, steelhead, rainbow and coastal cutthroat trout as well as native char. Some of the small independent Puget Sound tributaries also support chum, coho, and cutthroat. Maps illustrating known and presumed distributions for each of these species are avai[able in Kerwin (2001). Additionally, at least 40 non- native fish species (of which approximately 24 persist) have been introduced into the Lake Washington basin, most notably smallmouth and largemouth bass, creating numerous trophic interactions with native species, most notably predation on native sa[monids. Sockeye salmon in the lake system are believed to be primarily the descendants of fry transplanted from Baker Lake in the 1930s. While many species have been introduced, native species such as Cedar River pink and chum salmon have been extirpated. Project Area On May 3 and May 17, 2012, Meridian Environmental fisheries biologists completed detailed aquatic habitat and fish presence surveys in the area of Lake Washington located immediately south of the May Creek delta. The objective of these surveys was to document the existing aquatic habitat conditions; determine the species composition and average densities of aquatic macrophytes; and describe the distribution and relative abundance of fish species observed during the survey. An additional objective was to compare the results of 2005 surveys with the results offish habitat and fish population surveys completed within and near the project area in 1993, 2000, 2001, and 2005 (Harza 1993; Harza 2000; Meridian Environmental, Inc. and Harza 2001, Meridian Environmenta[ Inc. 2005). It should be noted that the timing of the 2012 surveys was designed to coincide with the expected residence period of juvenile coho, stee[head, and Chinook. Survey Methods Eight underwater (SCUBA) transects were placed between the south end of the May Creek delta and the existing dock and log boom located at the south end ofthe proposed project area (Figure 3). Transects ranged from 75 to 250 feet in length, and extended approximately 480 feet into Lake Washington. Transects 1, 2 and 8 were shallow-water snorkel survey transects located along the north and southeast shoreline. Transects 4, 5, and 6 paral[eled each other, oriented from roughly 20· to 200·, and transect 3 extended from an area located just southeast of the osprey nesting platform to the end of the log boom (Figure 3). Bio[ogical Assessment Page 25 Q:\ProJects\Harbee HA 2012\2012 Dran BA\1012 BA 082712_docx Cugin i Pro pe rty Bo athouse Expanded Dredge Pr ism Figure 3. May Cr e ek delta 2012 SCUBA/s n o rkel survey transect locations. Bio log ica l Assess m ent Page 26 () \]'ro 1L'Lis\Harhee nA 2012 \2fl 12 J)mti H:\\20 12 HA 082712 dOl"\ Cu g ini Propert y Boa th o use Expanded Dredge Pri sm Two fisheries biologist s use d SC UBA gear/snorkeling equipment to sw im eac h of the eight survey tran sec t s approx imatel y 3 feet ab ove the surfa ce of th e lake bed . While swim min g each transect, surveyors co unted and id entified fi sh to species. Fis h age classes and species associations were also noted . In addit ion , divers re co rded the depth , dominant substrate, ma cro ph yte specie s composition and density, and underwater v isib ility at a series of fi ve square ya rd station s along each transect. Aquat ic ma cro phyte densitie s were vis uall y estimated cl assif ied as low (less than or equal to 10 st ems per square yard), moderate (11 to 100 stems per square yard), or hi gh (g reater than 100 stem s p er square yard). Underwater photograph s of r e pr ese ntative habitat conditions and fi sh were also t ake n along se lec t ed transect s. Survey Res ults Fish Use Over the past 19 years numerou s sa lmonid species have been do cumen te d at or near the project site, including co ho, Chinook, and so ckeye sa lm o n, a nd rainbow and cutthroat trout (Figure 4). No n- salmonid sp ec ies documented during surve ys includ ed largemouth and smallmouth ba ss, pump kinseed sunfish , ye ll ow perch , northern pikeminnow, three -spine stick l ebac k, prick ly sculpin , dace , and shin er (Harza 1993; Harza 2000; Meridian Enviro nm ental In c. 2005 , and Meridia n Env ironmental I nc. 2005). Figure 4. Coho salmon juveniles feeding near the culvert outlet during the 200S SCUBA survey (Meridian Environmental Inc. 200S), Biologica l Assessment Pag e 27 Q :\P ro.i l'l:l s\IJ;lIlx·~· BA 2012 \20 12 Dra ft B/\\20 12 R" 08 27 12 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Fish species observed during the May 3 and May 17, 2012 surveys included Chinook and coho salmon, rainbow trout/steelhead, three-spine stickleback, and prickly sculpin (Table 3) (Figures 5 and 6). As in past years, the majority of all fish observed were found in relatively shallow water (less than 6 feet deep) along transects 1, 2, and 8. Typically these fish were associated with overhead and underwater cover in the form of riprap, emergent vegetation, submerged logs, the existing boathouse dock, and the small culvert located adjacent to the existing boathouse dock. In 2012, the coho and Chinook were observed adjacent to and under the boathouse dock (at the eastern end of transect 1 and northern end of transect 2) (Figure 7); however, coho and rainbow trout were also observed using nearshore emergent vegetation as cover along transect 1. Biological Assessment Page 28 Q \Projects\Barbee DA 20 12\20 12 Draft BA\20 12 SA 082712.uocx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism hI -----~. ~---------f ~-.---.., ----."--~.,-... ~-.... ~ ..... . -~--.-. _ ......... .. -----------. -........ _--~ --...... __ . Depth Transect Survey Distance Range Aquatic Macrophyte Aquatic Macrophyta Comments I Fish Observations Comments I Fish Observations Number Mathod Bearing (feet) (feet) Substrate Density 5pe<:les May 3, 20102 Survey May 17, 20102 Survey 1 Snorkel 80° and 185 0-4 Sand, NA Abundant emergent One Chinook (fry) and 5 coho Ten Ihree-spine slickleback, 2 Survey 65° cobble, riparian vegetation and (fry) near Ihe boal dock; 1 sculpin sculpin (sp,), 7 coho yearlings, 1 and floating American (sp,), 1 crayfish, abundanl coho fry, 6 Iroul fry (nol idenlified gravel waterweed (Elodea neomysis, and caddisfly larvae. to species), t adult (12") canadensis), Brazilian Water temperature 47.3°F small mouth bass, and 7 pond elodea (Egena densa), turtles. Yearling coho were Eurasian watermilfoil observed under the dock. Water (Myriophyiffum lemperature 61 ,O°F, spicatum), and pondweed (Pofamogefon spp,), 2 Snorkel 40°, 250 0-4 Sand, NA Floating American No fish observed, Abundanl One 8" smallmouth bass and 1 Survey 45°,0°, cobble, walerweed, Eurasian neomysis, and caddisfly larvae western pond turtle. Abundant and rip-rap, watermilfoil and neomysis and caddisfly larvae. 330° and pondweed. gravel 3 SCUBA 240° 250 8-23 sill High «12 feet American waterweed No fish observed. Several "holes" One sculpin (sp,) and 1 (8') Survey and deep) to none and Eurasian in the silt substrate measuring small mouth bass. Abundant Stations 200° (>16 feet watermilfoil approximately 18" in diameter neomysis and fresh water 1-5 deep) and 6" deep. Abundant neomysis mussels. Visibility approximately and approximately 10 fresh water 4-5 feet mussels. Visibility 6-8 feet. 4 SCUBA 200° 235 3-21 Silt sand High «12 feet American waterweed No fish observed. Abundant Spooked 1 unidenlified large fish, Survey (at depths deep) to none and sparse Eurasian neomysis and several fresh water Macrophyte line at 16 feel deep, Stations less than (>t6 feel watermilfoil. mussels. Sedimenls from Ihe May Creek 1-5 5 feel) deep) delta appear to inhibit macrophyte growth. 5 SCUBA 200 0 185 3-12 Silt, sand High «12 feet American waterweed No fish observed. Abundanl Spooked 2 unidenlified large fish, Survey (at deplhs deep) to none and Eurasian neomysis and several fresh water Abundant caddisfly larvae. Stations less than (>16 feel waterrnilfoil mussels. Numerous holes in the 1-5 8 feel) deep silt substrate (possibly resulting from pasl dredging), One 8" diameter log. 6 SCUBA 200 0 185 2-12 S,II, sand High al deplhs American waterweed, No fish observed, Abundant One (3") pumpkinseed sunfish, 1 Survey (al deplhs ranging from POlamogelon (sp,), and neomysis and fresh several water three-spine stickleback, and 1 Stations less than 5-9 feet Eurasian walermilfoil. mussels. juvenile (2") smallmoulh bass 1-5 5 feel) Biological Assessment Page 29 Q"\PrOJ~ls\Rarbcc RA 201212012 Draft RAI2012 RA OR2712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Depth Aquatic Comments I Fish Observations Transect Survey Distance Range Macrophyte Aquatic Macrophyte Comments I Ash Observations Number Method Bearing (feet) (feet) Substrate Density Species May 3, 20102 Survey May 17, 20102 Survey 7 SCUBA Parallel 185 6-12 Silt, sand Medium to American waterweed, No fish observed. Six juvenile smallmou1h bass (2- Survey tothe (at depths high Potamageton (sp.), and 3') using the dock as cover. One 5 south less than Eurasian waterilfoil. dead juvenile small mouth bass. dock 5 feet) 8 Snorkel Parallel 75 2-7 Sand and Medium to American waterweed, No fish observed. One western No fish observed. Survey tothe silt high Potamageton (sp.), and painted turtle under the north Eurasian watermilfoil. boathouse dock. dock - Biological Assessment Page 30 Q.\PTOJects\B::lrbee BA 2012\2012 Dmft BA\20!2 SA 082712.Jocx Figure 5 . Figure 6. Cug ini Property Boat house Expanded Dr ed ge Pr ism Photograph of juvenile coho observed near the existing boathouse structure during the 2012 SCUBA survey (located inside the yellow rectangle). Photograph of prickly sculpin observed along transect 1 during the 2012 SCUBA survey. Bio l og ic al Assessment Pa ge 31 Q 1Pro.lcc !s\Ba rbl'C' BI\ 20 12120 12 [)rall BA \2012 Bl'I 0 827 12do c \ Cu gini Propert y Boathou se Ex pand ed Dredge Prism Figure 7. Photo graph of the culvert structure located at the eastern end of transect 1 (2012 survey). Riparian Condition Historically. t he Barbee Mil l property, located adjace nt t o the May Creek delta , was highly m o dified, with m ill o pe ration s do m inati ng the land u se (Figu re 8). Approximately 8 5 percent of t he site was covered by impervious surface s i n the f orm o f pavemen t associated wit h m i ll operation s and app rox im ate ly 15 st r uc t ures u sed for mill o f f ic es, log ha ndl ing, sawi ng , m illi ng, and sto ra ge o f wood products . In the past 5 years, coinciding with the con stru ction of t he Barbee Mill housing deve lopm ent, the Barbee Mil l Company has sub st antia ll y improved the vegetated cover in t he May Creek riparian area at the con fluen ce with Lake Washington and upstream from the lowermost bridge by pl ant i ng willow s, co tto nwood s, gra sses, and other native vege tation. In this area (lo cated to t he nort h of the propo se d expanded dredging area ), th e vegeta te d stream bu ffer range s in width fr om app rox imately 5 to over 100 f eet in width. Imm ediately adjac ent to the M ay Cr ee k de lta, the ripa r ian area is characterized by wi ll ow shrub, blackberry, and g ras s cove r (Figure 9). In add ition , the Barb ee Mill Company has pla ced clean grave l over 2,100 square f eet of th e shore lin e alo ng the roc kery sho reli n e to th e south o f t h e bo athou se d ock to enhance shallow wat er habitat for fi sh. Bio logical Assessment Page 32 Q \Pr0.l cc1S \Barbcc RA 2012 '<?:O 12 i)rati BA\2() 12 BA ON27 12 doo; Figure 8. Figure 9 . Cug in i Prope rt y Boathouse Expanded Dred g e Prism Historical aerial photograph of the Barbee Mill site. Riparian condition at the connuence of May Creek with Lake Washington in 2012 (looking west from the boathouse dock at the proposed expanded dredging area). Bio logica l Assess m e nt Page 33 V \P1 l1.l l'I.'t:;\l3ar bn ' IJA 2012 \2012 Dra ft BI\\20 12 13 A 0827 12.don Cugini Propert y Boa thouse Expanded Dredge Prism Aquatic Macrophytes Six spec ie s of aq uati c macrophytes have been documented within and near the proposed ex p anded dredging area during pa st SC UBA/sno rkel surv eys. Th ese inc lud e A m e ri can wa t erweed (Elodea canaden sis). Eurasian wate rm ilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), w hite-st emmed pondweed (Potamogetan prelongus), curly-leaf pa nd weed (P. crispus ). American wi ld ce lery (Vallisneria americana). an d common wa t er nymph (Najas guadalupensis) (Ha rza 1993; Har za 2000; Meridian Environmental, Inc. and Har za 20 01 ; Meridian En viro nm ent a l, In c. 2005). American waterweed is a native spe cies f o und throu g ho ut m os t of Lake Wa shington. It is noda lly rooting and form s l arg e mats in shall ow wa ter, nearshore areas. Eur asian wate rmilfoi l is a non -native species that first appeared in Lake Was hin gto n in the mid-1970s. Thi s spec ies sp rea ds rap idl y and now domin at es the aquatic macrophyte co mmunity in th e nearshore area s of th e lake (Harza 1993; Me rid ia n Environmental , Inc. 2005). Acco rdin g to Kerw in (2001). Eura sian water m i lfoi l ha s co loni zed a large percentage of th e litt o ral zone and replaced much of the nati ve aquatic vegeta tion prese nt in litt oral areas of Lake Washington. Curly-leaf pondweed al so f o rm s mats of vegetatio n in lakes and strea ms, and provide s a large area of lea f surface . It is native to Europe, introduced in No rth America , and known t o occu r in both centra l and western Washington. Amer ica n wi ld celery is nati ve to eastern Nort h America; however, Hitchcock et al. (1969) notes that it was introdu ce d in to several lakes in Washington , including Lak e Wa shin gto n (Harza 1993). Co mmon wa t er nymph ex ist s throughout Washington and is often found in pon d s, la kes and slu gg ish strea m s to depths of 12 fe et. In addition to the above spe cie s, th e surveyors do cumented low de nsiti es of Brazilian e lodea (Egeria den sa ) along transects 1 and 2 durin g the 2012 surveys. Brazilian elodea is a noxious, non -nati ve fre shwater perennia l plant f o und in both still and flowing waters including lakes, po nd s and quiet st reams . Thi s aggress ive aq u ati c plant ha s sp rea d int o many western Washingto n lak es including Lakes Was hington, Union , a nd Sam mami sh. When it is introduced into fre sh wate r, it f o rm s dense bed s that red uce w ater quality and imp ed e re crea t io nal activities1 Based on th e results of underwater surveys conduc ted in 1993, 2000, 200 1, 2005, and 2012 (Harza 1993; Harza 20 00; M eridian Envi ronmental , In c. and Ha rza 2001, Meridian Environmental, In c. 2005). the di stribution and abundance o f these macrophyte communitie s flu ctuat es co nsiderably on a seaso n al basis wi th in the survey area. In genera l, h ig h de nsitie s of American waterweed , Eura sian wa t e rmilfoi l, and curly -leaf pondweed ha ve bee n o bserved in th e nea rs hore portion (depths less than 12 f ee t ) of the propose d ex pan ded project area durin g th e summer m onths. The highest abunda nce is t yp ic al ly see n in depths of 6 t o 9 f eet. Along the deeper water transects (g re at er than 12 feet), the distribution of aq u atic macrophytes is patch ier and less abund an t. Very few if any ma crop hytes are found in depths greater than 15 f eet (H arza 199 3 and 2000; M eridian Environmental In c. 2005). During th e winter and ear ly spring th e d ensities of these species are relatively low , as most of th eir growth occ urs during th e sum me r months. In 20 12, biologi sts observed h ig h den sities of Ame ri ca n wa t erwee d and Eura sian wa t e rmilfoi l and relatively low dens itie s o f pond weed and Bra zilian e lodea in the propo sed expan ded dredging area at depths less tha n approx imately 12 feet (Tabl e 3). At dept hs greate r than 12 feet, aquatic macro phyt e densities (all species) were very low . Den sities we re hi g hes t alo ng transe ct s 5 a nd 6, and th e nort he rn end of t ra nsect 4 at depths less than 12 feet (Fi gure 10) and lowest along t he 1 http://www . ki ngcou n ty .gov I envi ronmen tl ani malsAnd Pia n l sl noxi ous-weeds/wecd iden t i ficat ion /b r az i I ian - elodea.asDx Biological A ssessme nt Page 34 Q'\rroj (,cl s\l3,trb~'c 13 ... \ 20 12 \21) 12 I)rati HA \20 12 n ,\ 0827 12,(h:x Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism shallow portions of transects 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 (at depths less than 3 feet) and deeper portions of transects o f 3,4, and 5 (at depths greater than 16 feet). As in past surveys, American waterweed was the dominant aquatic plant species both in distribution and abundance throughout the proposed project area. Figure 10. Curly-Ieafpondweed photographed along transect 6 (2012 SCUBA survey). Shoreline Condition As discussed previously, the littoral zone and shore lin e of Lake Washington has been extensively modified in the past 150 years due to the change in lake leve l; construct ion o f piers. docks, and bulkheads; removal of LWO ; and the expans ion of Eurasian watermilfoil and other non -native aquatic macrophytes (Fresh and Lu cchetti 2000). Riparian habit at, once dominated by hardstem bulrush and willow, has been repla ced by developed and hardened shorelines with la ndscaped ya rd s. According to Toft (2001), an estimated 71 percent of the Lake Washington shoreline is armored with riprap or bulkheads and approximately 2,737 residential piers have been built. This lo ss of natural sh oreline ha s reduced the occurrence of complex shoreline habitat features such as overhanging and emergent vegetation, woody debris (especially fallen trees with branches and/or rootwads intact). and gravel/cobble beaches, which in turn has reduced the ava ilability of refuge habitat and forage for juvenile salmon id s. Like most of the shorel in e along Lake Washington, the shore line in the proposed project area is armored with riprap; however, emergent vegetation (soft rush, grasses , sedges, etc.) was observed growing along transect 1, with a substantial increase in the amount of vegetatio n observed in 2012. In 2005 and 2012, juvenile rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, coho salmon, sculpin, and sticklebacks were observed using this using this emergent vegetat ion as cover. Biological Assessment Page 35 ():\ProjC cl s\H arbcc BA 2012 \2()12 [)ra tl H A \2012 HA lI 1!271 2 doc:>.: Cugini Pro perty Boath o use Expanded Dredge Pr is m Sub strate As in past SCUBA /snorke l surveys, th e substrat e in the proposed project area w as observed to be a mi xture of silt and sand , riprap cobble, and gra ve l patches . Riprap co bble, sand , and gra v el were the dominant substrates observed along tran sect s 1 and 2 (Table 3). Th e ripr ap co bble and gra v el w as t y pically located within 6 feet o f the sho reline to a depth of appro ximately 3 fe et (Figures 11 and 12). Silt was the only substrate type o bse rved alo ng transect 3 and silt and sand were th e d o minant sub strate s along transects 4, 5 , 6, 7, and 8 (Fi gure 13). Figure 11. Riprap cobble substrate and caddisfly larvae observed along transect 1 during the 2012 SCUBA survey. Bi o l ogical Ass ess ment Page 36 Q:\I'ro )t.'t'isl i:Jar Occ !JA 1012 \20 12 Drafi. 0:\\20 12 IlA 0827 12 dtx'\ Cug ini Prop erty Boathouse Ex panded Dredge Prism Figure 12. Gravel substrate observed along transect 2 during the 2012 SCUBA survey. Figure 13. Silt substrate observed along transect 4 at a depth of approximately 16 feet during the 2012 SCUBA survey. Bio l ogica l Assess m ent Page 37 Q \Pr0jcc\.,\Harhc:c: B A 2012'.2012 Drat! BA 12012 Hi\ 082712 I,IIKX Cugini Pro pe rty Bo ath ou se Expa nded Dredge Prism Overall Aquatic Habitat Complexity While the recent riparian plantings and added gravel along the Lake Washington shoreline near the proposed project area have greatly improved nearshore aquatic habitat conditions in the past 5 years (Figure 14), complex habitat features (other than aquatic macrophytes and the log boom) remain extremely limited in the planned expanded dredging area. Silt and sand are the dominant substrates and the western portion of the expanded dredge area appears to be continually impacted by large amounts of sediment (primarily sand) entering the lake from May Creek. The dock, boathouse dock, and culvert located to the northeast of the project provide overhead cover for juvenile salmonids at depths less than approximately 2 feet (Figure 15). At depths greater than 2 feet. these structures also appeared to provide cover for juvenile smallmouth bass; however, no adult large or smallmouth bass were observed near the boathouse dock or under the dock located to the south of the dredging area in 2012. The riprap surrounding the May Creek delta and southeastern shoreline also limits the amount of shallow-water refuge habitat for juvenile salmon ids and other fi sh specie s by preventing the establishment of shoreline vegetation cover. However, the large interstitial spaces found within the riprap shoreline did appear to provide ambush habitat for native cottids (also known to prey on juvenile salmonids). In summary , aquatic habitat conditions have greatly improved within and near the May Creek delta in the past 5 years. However, juvenile salmonid rearing habitat conditions in the proposed expanded dredging area are still considered poor due to the lack of shallow water structure such as large and small woody debriS and brush. Figure 14. Existing riparian conditions along lower May Creek, located to the north of the proposed action area. Biological Assessment Page 38 Q :\Pro lc cts \B arhcc Br\ 2012 \2012 Dra ft B:\\20 12 BA 0827 12.dll o.:X Cug ini Property Boathous e Exp a nded Dr edge Pr is m Figure 15. The dock and boathouse dock structures located to the east of the proposed expanded dredging area. B. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE Environmental Baseline Matrix For proposed actions that affect freshwater habitat, the Services u sually define the biological requirements for listed species in terms of a concept called properly functioning condition (PFC). PFC is the sustained presence of natural habitat-forming processes in a watershed (e .g., riparian community succe ss ion. bedload transport. preCipitation runoff pattern, channel migration) that are necessary for the long -term survival of the species through the full range of environmental variation. PFC, then, constitutes the habitat component of a specie s' biological requirement s. The indicators of PFC vary between different landscapes based on unique phy siographi c and geologic feature s. For ex ample , aquatic habitats on timberlands in glacial mountain valley s are controlled by natural processes operating at different scales and rate s than are habitats on low-elevation coastal rivers or lake systems. In the NMFS PFC framework, baseline environmental conditions are described as "properly functioning" (PFC), "at risk" (AR). or "not properly functioning" (NPF ). USFWS also has a PFC framework that define s ba seline environmental conditions in terms of "functioning appropriately" (FA), "functioning at risk " (AR), or "fun ctioning at una cceptable ri sk" (UR ). The PFC concept includes a recognition that natural pattern s of habitat di sturbance will continue to occur. For example , floods, landslides, wind damage, and wildfires result in spatial and temporal variabilit y in habitat characteristics , as would anthropogenic perturbations. If a proposed project would be likely to Biol og ica l A sse ss ment Page 39 Q \Pf(J.I'.~(ls\B arb ~C" B A 2012 \}0 12 UnItt BA \20 12 1M US271 2.d nc:\ Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism impair properly functioning habitat, appreciably reduce the functioning of already impaired habitat, or retard the long-term progress of impaired habitat toward PFC, it would usually be found likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the species or adversely modify its critical habitat, or both, depending upon the specific considerations of the analysis. Such considerations may include, for example, the species' status, the condition ofthe environmental baseline, the particular reasons for listing the species, any new threats that have arisen since listing, and the quality ofthe available information. In this section of the BA, we summarize existing environmental conditions and parameters for the action area and present the status of each indicator as PFC, AR, or NPF following the NMFS and USFWS "pathways and indicators" matrices (Table 6). For the purposes ofthis analysis we have integrated the NMFS and USFWS matrices in order to facilitate an analysis of the effects of the proposed project on bull trout, steelhead, and Chinook salmon simultaneously. For consistency we have used the terms PFC, AR, or NPF (NMFS terminology) for rating specific environmental indicators applicable to bull trout from the USFWS (1998) matrix. For practical purposes, PFC, AR, or NPF (NMFS terminology) are equivalent to FA, AR, and UR (USFWS terminology). Criteria for PFC, AR and NPF are described in detail in NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998), but summarized for each indicator following Table 4 along with justification for the status of each indicator in the action area. The effects that the proposed project may have on each environmental indicator are analyzed subsequently in Section V. It is important to note that the current status of a particular environmental indicator may not be related to a proposed project. For example, road density in the Lake Washington basin may rate as "not properly functioning" under existing conditions even though the proposed project has no influence on this indicator. In addition, the 1996 NMFS matrix was originally designed by the u.s. Forest Service to evaluate timber harvest activities on rangeland watersheds. Therefore, not all of the parameters below are necessarily applicable to the small spatial scale of the proposed project, although it is still a useful tool in characterizing the baseline conditions, which can be used to assess potential effects of the proposed project. Table 4. Matrix of indicators and pathways for documenting the environmental baseline on relevant indicators Baseline Environmental Conditions Pathway Cause of Degradation from Indicators Function Description PFC Water Quality Temperature NPF High water temperatures present Loss 01 riparian vegetation due during bull trout spawning, to development; nalurallow incubation, and migration, and watershed elevation, and during Chinook and steelhead naturally warm lake surface spawning, rearing, and migration during the summer SedimentfTurbidity NPF High sediment loads in May Creek Increased runoff due to and Lake Washington development has increased bank erosion and sediment transport in May Creek and resultant fine sediment in the project area of Lake Washington Biological Assessment Page 40 Q \ProJects\Aarbcc RA 2012\2012 Draft BA\20!2 SA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Baseline Environmental Conditions Pathway Cause of Degradation from Indicators Function Description PFC Chemical NPF 303( d) reaches presen t Residential and commercial Contamination/ development has increased Nutrients polluted runoff (point and non- point sources); agricultural/ hobby farm run-off to May Creek flows into the lake adjacent to the project site Habitat Access Physical Barriers AR Man-made instream structures Ballard Locks is a predation present bottleneck and is a quick transition between salt and fresh waters, which is undesirable for salmon smolts Habitat Elements Substrate NPF High fine sediment loads in May Increased runoff due to Creek and Lake Washington development has increased bank erosion and sediment transport in May Creek and resultant sediment accumUlation in the lake at the project site Large Woody Debris NPF Little LWD along the lake shore Development, historic wood removal, loss of riparian forest Pool Frequency and NPF NA not applicable to lake habitat NA Quality type Off-Channel Habitat NPF Little if any wetland/off-channel Wetland degradation and habitat present along the lake shore wetland loss due to development, lowering of Lake Washington Refugia NPF No pristine PFC aquatic habitat Wide -scale urbanization has present in the action area degraded the Lake Washington subbasin Channel Conditions and Dynamics Width/Depth Ratio NPF NA (not applicable) to lake habitat NA type Streambank Condition NPF Lake Washington's shore is Shoreline armoring along the extensively hardened with bulk-lake for residential and heads and piers commercial development Floodplain NPF Limited floodplain connectivity Lake Washington was lowered, Connectivity permanently dewatering shallow wetlands and lake margin habitat Flow/Hydrology Change in Peak/Base NPF Not applicable to lake habitat type NA Flow Biological Assessment Q,\Projects\Barbee BA 20 12\20 12 Draft BA\20 [2 SA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Baseline Environmental Conditions Pathway Cause of Degradation from Indlcafors Function Description PFC Increase in Drainage NPF Not applicable to lake habitat type NA Network Watershed Conditions Road Density and NPF High road density Lake Washington is a highly Location urbanized area with a well· developed road network Disturbance History NPF Massive human caused landscape Diversion of the Cedar River, altering events have occurred lowering of Lake Washington and general urbanization have dramatically altered the historic landscape Riparian Reserves NPF Few forested areas compared to Wide-spread clearing in the historic conditions Lake Washington subbasin Local Population Characteristics (bull trout only; USFWS matrix criteria) Population Size NA No local bull trout subpopulation in No bull trout subpopulations the action area, although foraging are known or suspected to individuals may be present from occur in May Creek; the Cedar other basins such as the Snohomish River population is resident and Stillaguamish, or from the upper above a natural barrier and Cedar River was not historically connected to Lake Washington Growth and Survival NA Same as above Same as above Life History Diversity NA Same as above Same as above and Isolation Persistence and NA Same as above Same as above Genetic Integrity Water Temperature For Chinook and steelhead, NMFS (1996) defines PFC as water temperatures ranging from 50 to 57'F. AR conditions range from 57 to 60'F for spawning and from 57 to 64 'for migration and rearing. NPF is defined as greater than 60'F for spawning and greater than 64'F for rearing. USFWS (1998) defines PFC for bull trout as water temperatures ranging from 35.6 to 41 'F for incubation, 39.2 to 53.6'F for rearing, and 39.2 to 48.2'F for spawning. NPF is defined as temperatures outside the above criteria, with rearing areas and migration corridor temperatures over 59'F. Water temperatures in the area (East Mercer Channel) are generally below 50'F during the winter and between 62 and 75'F during the summer at depths of 3.3 feet. At a depth of 33 feet, water temperatures are about 45'F in the winter and between 59' and 68'F during the summer (http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/lakes/site0840.htm). Under the USFW5 (1998) criteria these values would rate as NPF for bull trout spawning and incubation and summer migration corridors. Under the NMF5 (1996) criteria, these values would rate between NPF and AR for Chinook and steelhead spawning, rearing and migration. Biological Assessment Page 42 Q:\Prujects\Burbee BA 2012\2012 Drafl BA\2012 BA 082712.docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Sediment/Turbidity NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as containing less than 12 percent fines in gravel, and NPF is defined as having greater than 17 percent surface fines (greater than 20 percent surface fines under USFWS 1998). The surficial substrate in the proposed expanded dredging zone is comprised of silt and sand. This condition is likely caused by the increased erosion and sedimentation deposition occurring in May Creek and in the May Creek delta. According to King County (2001), sediment deposition has occurred from natural erosion but has been accelerated by increased storm water runoff from upstream development and changes in the watershed land cover. Based on the documentation of increased erosion and sedimentation, this indicator is likely NPF. Chemical Contamination/Nutrients NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as characterized by low levels of contamination with no 303(d) designated reaches, and NPF is defined as high levels of chemical contamination and nutrients and more than one 303(d) listed reach. lake Washington is a 303(d) water body for fecal coliform concentrations. In addition, Ecology has given several public warnings regarding lake Washington fish consumption due to high levels of mercury contamination (Ecology 2004). Based on known water quality degradation in lake Washington, this indicator rates as NPF. Physical Barriers NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as man-made barriers that allow upstream and downstream passage at all flows without significant levels of mortality or delay, and NPF as man- made barriers that do not allow upstream and downstream fish passage at a range of flows. The fish passage facilities at the Ballard locks provide adult access to lake Washington and smolt passage to the Puget Sound; however, the locks are a predation bottleneck. Heavy seal predation on adult salmon at the locks is a common and recurring problem. In addition, the sharp demarcation between the fresh and saltwater environments at the lake Washington outlet is likely a stressor for juvenile salmonid out-migrants. Therefore, the "Physical Barriers" indicator should be considered AR. Substrate NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as reach embeddedness of less than 20 percent and NPF as embedded ness greater than 30 percent. The substrate in the project area is comprised of sand and silt, based on the results of multiple SCUBA surveys. According to King County (2001) fine sediment deposition in lower May Creek is an ongoing problem. This fine sediment is transported immediately to the south to the boathouse area by wave action. Based on chronic fine sediment deposition in lower May Creek and the boathouse area, this indicator rates as NPF. Biological Assessment Page 43 Q.\ProjectsI.Oarbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 BA 082712,docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Large Woody Debris NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as greater than 80 pieces of wood per mile, which are greater than 24 inches in diameter and greater than 50 feet long. NPF is defined as wood that does not meet the criteria of PFC and sources of LWD recruitment are lacking. This indicator does not apply to the proposed action. Off-channel Habitat NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC for off-channel habitat as many backwaters with cover and low energy, off-channel areas, including ponds and oxbows. NPF is defined as a watershed with few or none of these habitat types. Lowering of Lake Washington in the early 1900s resulted in the loss of over 10 miles of shoreline and approximately 1,000 acres of wetlands. Shallow lake margins and wetlands are generally considered to be high-quality and preferred habitats for juvenile salmon ids such as Chinook and coho salmon. Based on loss of wetlands, this indicator rates as NPF. Refugia NMFS (1996) defines PFC for refugia as habitats that are adequately buffered by intact riparian reserves of sufficient size, number and connectivity to maintain viable populations and subpopulations. NPF is defined as no adequate habitat refugia. USFWS (1998) defines PFC for refugia as habitats capable of supporting strong and significant populations of bull trout that are protected, well distributed, and connected for all life stages and forms. NPF is defined as the absence of habitat refugia. The action area has been extensively altered over the past 100 years by human development and the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish watershed is likely one of the most highly disturbed urban watersheds in the state. Although adequate bull trout habitat exists in the upper Cedar River, no bull trout refugia exists in the action area due to high summer water temperatures. The action area also lacks adequate local refugia for Chinook and steelhead due to extensive riparian, instream, and shoreline habitat alterations. Therefore, this indicator rates as NPF. Streambank Condition NMFS (1996) defines PFC as greater than 90 percent (80 percent under USFWS criteria) of any stream reach of which 90 percent or more is stable NPF is defined as less than 80 percent stability. The USFWS (1998) defines NPF as less than 50 percent of any stream reach that is characterized as at least 90 percent stable. The shoreline along the action area is developed and bulkheaded. The banks are not actively eroding, but the bulkheads have disrupted natural shoreline processes. In addition, over 2,700 piers extend into Lake washington. Lowering of the lake in the early 1900s substantially altered the Lake Washington shoreline, resulting in the loss of approximately 10 miles of lake shore perimeter. Due to extensive alteration of the Lake Washington shoreline, this indicator rates as NPF. However, stream bank condition adjacent to the proposed project site has improved substantially in the past 5 years. Biological Assessment Page 44 Q.\Projects\Harbee HA 2012\2012 Draft BA\20 12 BA 082712 don Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Floodplain Connectivity NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as well-connected, off-channel areas with overbank flows of sufficient frequency to maintain function. NPF is defined as a severe reduction in hydrologic connection with off-channel habitats. Lake Washington has been lowered, disconnecting the mouths of streams from their floodplains. Therefore this indicator rates as NPF. Road Density and Location NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as less than 1 mile of road per square mile with no valley bottom roads and NPF as greater than 2.4 miles of road per square mile with many valley bottom roads. The action area has been heavily urbanized and has a well-developed road network. Road densities, although not estimated for this analysis, likely rate as NPF. Disturbance History NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as having less than 15 percent equivalent clear-cut area (entire watershed) with no concentration of disturbance in unstable or potentially unstable areas, and/or refugia, and/or riparian area; and for Northwest Forest Plan area (except adaptive management areas), 15 percent retention of late successional old growth timber in the watershed. The "Disturbance History" indicator rates as NPF based on extensive historic and ongoing development. Riparian Reserves NMFS (1996) and USFWS (1998) define PFC as a riparian reserve system that provides adequate shade, LWD recruitment, habitat protection, and connectivity to all sub-watersheds. This reserve must be greater than 80 percent intact and the vegetation must be greater than 50 percent similar to the potential natural community composition. Riparian habitat in the action area along Lake Washington has been highly altered and extensively cleared, primarily for residential development. This indicator rates as NPF. Population Size USFWS (1998) defines FA as the mean subpopulation size or a local habitat capacity of more than several thousand individuals and all life stages evenly represented in the subpopulation. AR is defined as fewer than 500 adults in a subpopulation, but more than 50. The Lake Chester Morse bull trout population in the upper Cedar River would be classified as FA under the USFWS criteria; however, this is a naturally resident population located upstream of a passage barrier. In addition, the Cedar River historically was not connected to Lake Washington. There are no known current or historic (but now extinct) bull trout populations located within the Lake Washington basin, except for the Chester Morse population. However, it appears that individuals from the Chester Morse population may pass downstream into Lake Washington and Biological Assessment Page 45 Q:\Projects\Barbee BA 20 12\20 12 Draft BA\20 12 HA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism that anadromous bull trout migrate to the Lake Washington vicinity from other basins such as the Stillaguamish, Snohomish, and possibly the Skagit River basins. Bull trout typically exhibit a patchy distribution, even in pristine watersheds. There is no indication that a bull trout population historically would have occupied May Creek. Generally, self-sustaining local bull trout subpopulations are only found in watersheds that have accessible stream habitat above the average winter snow line (where winter snowpack accumulates) which is approximately 900 feet in western Washington (USFWS 2004). The May Creek watershed headwaters only extend to an elevation of approximately 500 feet, with no areas of winter snowpack accumulation. Bull trout spawning in May Creek would not be expected currently or historically because the water temperature regime is likely too warm due to the low elevation and lack of substantial cold springs, glaciers, or winter snowpack. As there is no current or historic local self-sustaining bull trout population or subpopulation indigenous to the action area, this indicator is not applicable. Growth and Survival USFWS (1998) defines FA as a subpopulation with the resilience to recover from short-term disturbances in 5 to 10 years. Additionally, the subpopulation is increasing or stable, with at least 10 years of data to support such a trend. As discussed above, there is no known current or historic bull trout subpopulation indigenous to the action area, therefore this indicator is not applicable. Life History Diversity and Isolation USFWS (1998) defines FA as presence of the migratory form with subpopulations in close proximity to other spawning and rearing groups. There is high likelihood of neighboring subpopulations straying and adults mixing with other groups. UR is defined as an absence of the migratory form and the subpopulation is isolated to a local stream and unlikely to support more than 2,000 fish. As discussed above, there is no known current or historic bull trout subpopulation indigenous to the action area; therefore, this indicator is not applicable. While this indicator is meant to apply to local subpopulations within an action area, there may be migratory bull trout straying from other basins, such as the Snohomish and Stillaguamish River basins or the upper Cedar River. Persistence and Genetic Integrity USFWS (1998) defines FA as possessing high connectivity among more than five subpopulations with at least several thousand fish each. UR is defined as having little or no connectivity and subpopulations that are in low numbers or in decline. As discussed above, there is no known current or historic bull trout subpopulation indigenous to the action area; therefore, this indicator is not applicable. v. EFFECTS OF THE ACTION ON FISH SPECIES "Effects of the action" means the direct and indirect effects of an action on the listed species or critical habitat, together with the effects of other activities that are interrelated or interdependent with that action, that would be added to the environmental baseline (50 CFR 402.02). Effects of the Biological Assessment Page 46 Q \ProJecls\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft 8A\20 12 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism action that reduce the ability of a listed species to meet its biological requirements may increase the likelihood that the proposed action would result in jeopardy to that listed species or in destruction or adverse modification of a designated critical habitat, The proposed action may affect Chinook, steelhead, and bull trout by causing physical changes to the environmental baseline and through indirect effects to the species. These effects may impact migrating and rearing juvenile Chinook and steel head within the action area, The major concern of the proposed action is the alteration of Chinook and bull trout critical habitat caused by dredging in the proposed expanded dredging prism (Appendix A), A. DIRECT EFFECTS In this section we analyze the direct effects of the proposed project on three primary elements that may be influenced by the action, These elements are direct effects on individual fish, such as harassment or actual mortality through contact with the dredging equipment, pile removal, and root wad placement; direct effects on habitat by physically disturbing the substrate and removing sediments from the proposed expanded dredging area; and direct effects on water quality during dredging and fish rock placement. Direct Effects on Fish Take of bull trout in the nearshore area of Lake Washington during the summer is extremely unlikely, Water quality monitoring in 2002 (within the silt curtain of the dredging zone and immediately outside the silt curtain) strongly suggest that water temperatures during July and August (proposed dredge timing) exceed the generally reported upper limit of bull trout temperature tolerance of approximately 59°F, Temperatures in the dredging zone (within the silt curtain) from July to late September 2002 exceeded 65°F and averaged 69.4°F, Due to probable high water temperatures outside the species tolerance range in the dredging zone during summer, it would be extremely unlikely for bull trout to be present in the dredging area and, therefore, take of individual bull trout is not expected. Adult Chinook typically migrate into Lake Washington at the Ballard Locks in mid-June, peaking in late August (Kerwin 2001), Spawning typically occurs from mid-September through November (Kerwin 2001), Juvenile Chinook rearing occurs from approximately January through June (Kerwin 2001). Most juvenile Chinook move through the Ballard Locks by the end of June, although the entire out-migration period is unknown (Kerwin 2001), Limiting in-water work to the NMFS approved July 16 -September 15 work window would minimize the potential to adversely affect juvenile Chinook, as the vast majority of juveniles in Lake Washington are expected to migrate prior to July. Because the proposed in-water work window would overlap with the adult Chinook migration period, there is some chance that adult Chinook salmon may be present in the dredging zone and may be temporarily harassed and displaced by dredging activities, However, it is anticipated that adult Chinook would avoid direct contact with the clamshell dredging eqUipment, and would not be physically injured or killed by the dredging activities, Short term increases in turbidity are not expected to adversely affect adult Chinook, Adult steel head spawn from mid-December through early June in the Lake Washington basin, Adults migrate to spawning grounds beginning in the fall. Adult steelhead do not necessarily die after spawning and post-spawn adults (kelts) migrate downstream back to saltwater after spawning. Biological Assessment Page 47 Q:\Projects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft I:3A\2012 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Therefore, adult steelhead could be present in Lake Washington from the fall through the early summer. Juveniles can spend several years in freshwater before migrating to saltwater and could be present in Lake Washington all year. Similar to Chinook, there is some chance that adult or juvenile steelhead may be present in the dredging zone and may be temporarily harassed and displaced by dredging activities. However, it is anticipated that adult and juvenile steel head would avoid direct contact with the clamshell dredging equipment, and would not be physically injured or killed by the dredging activities. Coho begin entering Lake Washington in late August and continue to enter the lake through early December. Most coho spawning occurs in November and December (Kerwin 2001). Juvenile coho typically rear for 12 to 14 months in freshwater. In Lake Washington, the peak of the outmigration occurs in early May (Kerwin 2001). Juvenile coho are present in the project area in the spring and adult coho are known to spawn in May Creek in the fall. The proposed dredging period, while optimally designed to avoid the presence of juvenile and adult anadromous salmon ids, does overlap with the coho rearing and out-migration time and adult coho migration. It is most likely that coho juveniles may be present during dredging and may be temporarily displaced, but as with Chinook and steelhead, it is not anticipated that coho would come into direct contact with dredging equipment and be physically injured or killed. Direct Effects on Habitat It is apparent from Tabor et al. (2004) that juvenile Chinook salmon in the south end of Lake Washington prefer shallow (1 to 2 feet in depth) stream delta habitat with sand and gravel substrates. Water depths in the proposed expanded dredging zone are generally deeper than those preferred by rearing juvenile Chinook. In addition, the aquatic habitat located immediately to the south of the May Creek delta and along the shoreline of the lake to the south is not heavily used by juvenile Chinook (Tabor et aI., 2004 and Table 4). Even though the proposed project would impact habitats that are not known to be preferred by juvenile Chinook, the project proponent would enhance the lakeshore margin with a "fish rock" gravel mix to create additional shallow water habitat, which Tabor et al. (2004) suggests might be preferred by rearing Chinook. Similar information regarding juvenile steel head and coho use of Lake Washington shoreline habitat is not available; however, many rainbow trout (same species as steel head) and coho were observed by Tabor et al. (2004) and during the SCUBA surveys conducted in 2005. Based on the recent SCUBA survey observations within and near the proposed project area, it appears that juvenile steel head and coho prefer the shallow water habitat located along the shoreline to the north and northeast of the proposed expanded dredging area, and are typically associated with overhanging brush and emergent vegetation. Juvenile coho were also abundant in the shallow water areas «3 feet deep) located along the northeastern corner of the boathouse dock. No steel head or coho were observed at depths greater than approximately 3 feet. Based on these findings, it appears that juvenile steelhead and coho habitat would not be directly affected by the proposed action. Due to the overall low numbers of bull trout, if any, and lack of information concerning their habitat use in Lake Washington, effects of dredging on bull trout habitat use is unknown, but is suspected to be negligible. The effect on forage species habitat is likewise unknown, but due to the relatively small area, the effect is suspected to be discountable. Biological Assessment Page 48 Q'IPro]ccts\Barbec AA 201212012 Oraft BA\2012 BA 082712.docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Direct Effects on Water Quality The proposed dredging project has the potential to increase turbidity (i.e., reduce water clarity) and increase total suspended solids (TSS) within and near the proposed action area. Turbidity and TSS levels have been reported to cause physiological stress, reduce growth, and adversely affect salmonid survival. The potential for adverse effects depends upon several factors, including the duration ofTSS increases, the area of the turbidity plume, the amount and velocity of ambient water (dilution factor), and the size of suspended sediments. In the case of the proposed project, increases in suspended sediments and turbidity would be localized at the point of dredging and increases would last for only short periods oftime, expected to be less than several hours. Evidence suggests that salmonids are well adapted to short term increases in turbidity, as such conditions are frequently experienced in natural settings as a result of storms, landslides, or other natural phenomena (Redding et al. 1987; NMFS 2003). It is chronic exposure to increased turbidity that has been found to be the most potentially damaging to salmonids (The Watershed Company et al. 2000). Studies have found that when habitat space is not limiting, salmonids will move to avoid localized areas of increased turbidity, thereby alleviating the potential for adverse physiological impacts (Bisson and Bilby 1982; NMFS 2003). Juvenile salmon have been shown to avoid areas of unacceptably high turbidity (Servizi and Martens 1991), although they may seek out areas of moderate turbidity (10 to 80 NTU), presumably as cover against predation (Cyrus and Blaber 1987a, 1987b). Studies have found that fish that inhabit waters with elevated TSS may experience a reduction in predation from piscivorous fish and birds (Gregory and Levings 1998). In such cases, salmonids may actually increase foraging activity, as they use turbid water as a sort of cover from predators (Gregory 1993). However, feeding efficiency of juveniles is impaired by turbidities in excess of 70 NTU, well below sublethal stress levels (Bisson and Bilby 1982). Reduced preference by adult salmon returning to spawn has been demonstrated where turbidities exceed 30 NTU (20 mg/L suspended sediments); however, Chinook salmon exposed to 650 mg/L of suspended volcanic ash were still able to find their natal streams (Whitman et al. 1982). The highest turbidity values recorded during recent dredging activity in 2002 were less than 7 NTU, and turbidity measured in the dredging zone was on average less than 1.4 NTU greater than turbidity outside the dredging zone (Table 5). Overall turbidity values of less than 7 NTU are very low, and the effect of slightly increasing turbidity by 1 or 2 NTU on listed fish species should be considered discountable. Washington state water quality regulations allow a short term increase of 10 NTU when background turbidity is less than 50 NTU (WAC 273-201A-030). Based on the 2002 monitoring results, future dredging would likely meet this standard. Based on these data and the scientific literature cited above, it is unlikely that the short-term (7 to 10 days every 3 to 5 years) and localized elevation of turbidity (less than 5 NTU elevation above background turbidity levels) generated by the proposed project would rise to the levels that would be expected to cause harm to Chinook, steel head, or bull trout that may be present in the dredging lone. Biological Assessment Page 49 Q:\Projects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BA\2012 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism Table 5. Turbidity monitoring during 2002 May Creek delta dredging (11 days of sampling over the dredging period). Within silt curtain Outside silt curtain (In dredge zone) (out of dredge zone) Minimum 1.1 NTU 1.1 NTU Average 2.1 NTU 1.4 NTU Maximum 5.2 NTU 3.1 NTU In-water work such as dredging also has the potential to degrade water quality though the spill of toxic substances, such as fuel or hydraulic fluid from dredging or pile placement equipment. This potential is best reduced by maintaining equipment in proper working condition and by maintaining a spill prevention control and countermeasure plan (SPCCP). Typically, a SPCCP would specify areas for equipment maintenance and refueling, spill prevention and emergency response strategies, requirements for keeping emergency response spill containment kits onsite, and for having trained personnel be onsite during in·water work. A SPCCP would be developed by the dredging contractor and approved by appropriate agencies, such as the WDOE, before dredging occurs. Preparation of a SPCCP would limit the potential for toxic material spills during dredging and pile replacement. B. INDIRECT EFFECTS Indirect effects aSSOCiated with the proposed project could affect the Chinook, bull trout, steelhead and coho prey base (e.g., aquatic macroinvertebrates and small forage fish). or through the creation of deep water habitat conditions that favor species known to prey on juvenile salmonids (i.e., large trout, bass, and sculpin). ESA-listed salmonids feed on certain macroinvertebrates, and therefore any loss of these prey items via dredging or disposal may harm these species. However, these effects would be localized to deepwater areas of low importance to these species. As a result, short-term impacts to macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity are likely to be limited. In addition, the continued growth of overhanging riparian vegetation along the delta (as a result of recent habitat enhancement) would likely increase the abundance and rate of terrestrial insects falling into the shallow margins of the lake to some degree, which would result in an increase in the juvenile salmonid prey base along the lake margin. C. EFFECTS FROM INTERDEPENDENT AND INTERRELATED ACTIONS No interdependent or interrelated actions have been identified in association with the proposed expanded dredging project. D. EFFECTS FROM ONGOING PROJECT ACTIVITIES These effects are the same as previously described under direct effects of dredging. The only ongoing portion of the proposed project would be the periodic dredging of the boathouse area to maintain navigational depths every 3 to 5 years. Biological Assessment Page 50 Q:\Projecis\Barbcc RA 2012\2012 Draft BA\20 12 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism E. DESCRIPTION OF How THE ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE WOULD BE AFFECTED As discussed previously, the PFC framework for EsA consultation characterizes baseline environmental conditions as "properly functioning," "at risk," or "not properly functioning." If a proposed project is likely to impair properly functioning habitat, appreciably reduce the functioning of already impaired habitat, or retard the long-term progress of impaired habitat toward PFC, it is usually found likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the species, or adversely modify its critical habitat, or both, depending on the specific consideration of the analysis. Such considerations may include, for example, the species' status, the condition of the environmental baseline, the particular reasons for listing the species, any new threats that have arisen since listing, and the quality of available information. Actions that do not compromise a species' biological requirements to the degree that appreciably reduces the species' viability and chances of survival in the action area are considered not to reduce or retard. The project would provide an overall increase in water quality by removing the toxic creosote pilings, increasing primary productivity and the fish forage base within the lake by increasing light transmission, and increasing shallow water habitat along the shoreline. Therefore, the proposed project would result in an overall improvement to the aquatic habitat environmental baseline of Lake Washington. F. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS Cumulative effects are defined in 50 CFR § 402.02 as "those effects offuture State, tribal, local or private actions, not involving Federal activities, that are reasonably certain to occur in the action area." All areas within approximately 1 mile of the May Creek delta could be affected cumulatively by the proposed action. Potential cumulative effects may arise due to increased development in the action area. Expansion of the local economy and diversification would likely contribute to population growth. This growth is expected to increase demand for electricity, water, and buildable land in the action area which would, in turn, increase demand for transportation, communication and other social infrastructure. These actions would affect habitat features such as water quality and quantity which would directly affect the listed aquatic species. This is currently evidenced by the fact that runoff, erosion, and sedimentation has increased in May Creek as development has increased. It is expected that this trend would continue and be further exacerbated as additional development occurs and as impervious surfaces increase upstream in the watershed. As sediment deposition increases in the delta and sediment is transported to the boathouse area by wave action, more frequent dredging may be required to maintain navigational depths. G. TAKE ANALYSIS steelhead and Chinook would likely avoid the proposed expanded dredging zone; therefore, direct mortality of these species is not expected. The potential displacement of a few Chinook should not be considered harassment because the attributes of the proposed expanded zone are not considered preferred habitat for Chinook, based on recent SCUBA surveys and on the data presented in Tabor et al. (2004). Similarly, potential displacement of a few steelhead should not be considered harassment, as there appears to be ample nearby habitat of similar condition which any Biological Assessment Page 51 Q IProjects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Omft HA120!2 AA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism displaced steelhead could occupy. Therefore, take of Chinook and steelhead should be considered discountable. Due to the overall lack of migratory bull trout within the Lake Washington basin, take of bull trout as a result of the proposed project is extremely unlikely. H. CRITICAL HABITAT EFFECTS ANALYSIS This critical habitat effects analysis determines whether the proposed project would destroy or adversely modify designated critical habitat for listed species by examining any change in the conservation value of the essential features of that critical habitat. This analysis relies on statutory provisions of the ESA, including those in Section 3 that define "critical habitat" and "conservation," those in Section 4 that describe the designation process, and those in Section 7 that set forth the substantive protections and procedural aspects of consultation; and on agency guidance for application of the "destruction or adverse modification" standard. With respect to designated critical habitat, the following analysis relies only on the statutory provisions of the ESA, and not on the regulatory definition of "destruction or adverse modification" at 50 CFR 402.02. The action area is designated critical habitat for Chinook. Juvenile Chinook may use the Lake Washington shore adjacent to the proposed expanded dredging area for foraging and rearing and adult Chinook may use the area as a migration corridor. The proposed project would have no influence on the ability of adult Chinook to migrate to spawning tributaries. Furthermore, current habitat conditions in the project area would not be considered optimal for juvenile Chinook rearing (Tabor et al. 2004). The proposed project would improve habitat conditions for rearing juvenile Chinook by creating additional shallow-water shoreline and instream habitat. Primary productivity and the fish forage base would be improved by allowing greater light penetration to the lakebed substrate by removing the three existing creosote pilings and replacing the floating platform with a more fish friendly float with grated decking. While the effects of this project may temporarily affect water quality through increased turbidity and reduce the fish forage base by removing lake sediments that contain benthic invertebrates, overall these attributes would be improved by increasing primary productivity as a result of increased light transmission, removing the toxic creosote pilings, and enhancing shallow-water habitats with gravel. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in long-term destruction or adverse modification of designated Chinook salmon critical habitat, but would result in a net improvement of critical habitat. Due to the very small project area and overall lack of migratory bull trout juveniles or adults within the Lake Washington basin, we conclude that bull trout critical habitat primary constituent elements would not be affected by the proposed project. Designated bull trout critical habitat would not be destroyed or adversely modified. Biological Assessment Page 52 Q'\Projects\Barbee SA 20!2\2012 Draft HA\2012 HA 082712 docx: Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism VI. EFFECTS DETERMINATION FOR LISTED SPECIES AND DESIGNATED CRITICAL HABITAT The primary objective of this BA is to determine the effect the proposed project would have on ESA- listed Chinook salmon, steel head, and bull trout. This determination will be used by NMFS and USFWS to determine whether the proposed project is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the listed species or to adversely modify their critical habitats (if applicable). To facilitate and standardize the determination of effects for ESA consultations, the Services use the following definitions for listed species (USFWS and NMFS 1998): No effect: This determination is only appropriate "ifthe proposed project will literally have no effect whatsoever on the species and/or critical habitat, not a small effect or an effect that is unlikely to occur." Furthermore, actions that result in a "beneficial effect" do not qualify as a no- effect determination. May affect, not likely to adversely affect: The appropriate conclusion when effects on the species or critical habitat are expected to be beneficial, discountable, or insignificant. Beneficial effects have contemporaneous positive effects without any adverse effects to the species or habitat. May affect, likely to adversely affect: The appropriate conclusion when there is "more than a negligible potential to have adverse effects on the species or critical habitat." In the event the overall effect of the proposed project is benefiCial to the listed species or critical habitat, but may also cause some adverse effects to individuals of the listed species or segments ofthe critical habitat, then the proposed project is "likely to adversely affect" the listed species or critical habitat. It is not possible for NMFS to concur on a "not likely to adversely affect" determination if the proposed project will cause harm to the listed species. Implementation ofthe conservation measures included in the proposed project would benefit listed Chinook, steelhead, and bull trout by increasing light penetration (primary productivity) and shoreline shallow water habitat (fish gravel), which has been shown to be used more by juvenile Chinook when compared to existing conditions. Take of any species is unlikely, and designated bull trout and Chinook critical habitat would not be destroyed or adversely modified. Therefore, the proposed project "may affect", but is "not likely to adversely affect" Chinook, steelhead, and bull trout. VII. ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT The MSA-established procedures designed to identify, conserve, and enhance EFH for those species regulated under a federal fisheries management plan. Pursuant to the MSA, federal agencies must consult with NMFS on all actions or proposed actions, authorized, funded, or undertaken by the agency, that may adversely affect EFH (Section 305{b){2)). Essential Fish Habitat means those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. For the purpose of interpreting this definition of EFH, "waters" Biological Assessment Page 53 Q:\Projecls\Barbee BA 20 12\20 12 Draft 8A\20 12 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism include aquatic areas and their associated physical, chemical, and biological properties that are used by fish and may include aquatic areas historically used by fish where appropriate; "substrate" includes sediment, hard bottom, structures underlying the waters, and associated biological communities; "necessary" means the habitat required to support a sustainable fishery and the managed species' contribution to a healthy ecosystem; and "spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity" covers a species' full life cycle (50 CFR 600.10). "Adverse effect" means any impact that reduces quality and/or quantity of EFH, and may include direct (e.g., contamination or physical disruption), indirect (e.g., loss of prey or reduction in species fecundity), site-specific or habitat-wide impacts, including individual, cumulative, or synergistic consequences of actions (50 CFR 600.810). An EFH consultation with NMFS is required for any federal agency action that may adversely affect EFH, including actions that occur outside EFH, such as certain upstream and upslope activities. The objectives of this EFH consultation are to determine whether the proposed project would adversely affect designated EFH and to recommend conservation measures to avoid, minimize, or otherwise offset potential adverse effects to EFH. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION The proposed project and action area are described in Section II of this document. B. ApPROPRIATE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PLAN(S) Pursuant to the MSA, the Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) has designated EFH for three species of federally-managed Pacific salmon: Chinook, coho, and Puget Sound pink salmon (PFMC 1999). Freshwater EFH for Pacific salmon includes all streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and other water bodies currently, or historically accessible to salmon in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California, except areas upstream of certain impassable man-made barriers, and longstanding, naturally impassable barriers (PFMC 1999). Detailed descriptions and identification of EFH for salmon are found in Appendix A to Amendment 14 of the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan (PFMC 1999). In the Lake Washington basin, EFH is designated for Chinook and coho salmon; therefore, EFH is designated in the action area olthe proposed project. C. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED ACTION As previously described in Sections V and VI olthis document, the proposed project would result in the improvement of aquatic habitat. The effects on Chinook salmon critical habitat are the same as for designated EFH. D. PROPOSED CONSERVATION MEASURES Proposed conservation measures to minimize impacts to designated Chinook and coho salmon EFH are the same as those described in Section liB. E. CONCLUSION Following the listed conservation measures, as outlined in Section II B olthis document, the proposed project may cause a short-term negligible increase in turbidity/suspended sediment and a Biological Assessment Page 54 Q:\Projects\Barbee BA 2012\2012 Draft BA \2012 BA 082712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism reduction in benthic invertebrates in the dredging lone. However, overall long-term water quality would be improved by removal of the toxic creosote pilings. Primary productivity and the fish forage base would be improved as a result of increased light penetration into the lake, and shoreline and instream habitat quality would be improved through the addition of fish rock. Therefore, the proposed project would not adversely affect designated EFH for Chinook and coho salmon, and would not hinder a sustainable fishery for these two species. Biological Assessment Page 55 Q:IProjcc(sIRarbcc BA 2011\2()12 Draft BAllO!2 BA mC712 docx Cugini Property Boathouse Expanded Dredge Prism REFERENCES Bell, M.e. 1973. Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria. u.s. Army Corps of Engineers. Fish Passage Development and Evaluation Program, North Pacific Division, Portland, Oregon. Contract DACWS7-68-0086. Berge, H.B., and B.V. Mavros. 2001. King County Bull Trout Program: 2000 Bull Trout Surveys. King County Department of Natural Resources, Seattle, Washington. Biological Review Team (BRT). 200S. 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Expaaaian ~tbe west will rouo;::.~to __ trine for distaru:e of· . 2. Expaaaioo area is within tho peimilted dredge bouodmy approved by the city ofRmton under aiD year pennit gnDIed in 2006 (Lake Wuhingtoo/May Crook Dredging Penni'· LUA-0-138). 3. Aquatic _ to Inner _ Line owned by projoc:t JlIOPOIlOIIt8. Proporty lines are &hown in red. Expaaaion of IIIe pennilred dn>dse area will "'" etJ<roOCh OIl publically owned aquatic lands. -h. Approval of the oxpandod ~ area does "'" oupon:edo approvals that may be ~ by the City of Renton, s .... orwasbington (HPA, Shorlinoa, w_ Quality, etc.), or other fi:deml permitting IIIllhority). S. All pennit CODditions opeeified in USACE Pennit NWS·2007·1019-NO will opply to IIIe projoct as IIlllC>Ddod. 6. Basemap and supplemental ~s provided by +OTAKand Touma IlnjJineets, ~Iy. + + City of Rkton Permitted Dredge Area Sou ndary .,- + ~~ OHWL ~21.8' (U!I..-tJSIIICEMTlIQ SCALE "I.. .. ~si Oee'y.. USACE Permitted Dredge Area + + + / + ~WL = 21.8' Expansion of Permitted Dredge Area Reference: NWS-2007-1019-NO Applicant: Barbee Company II Site Map -Dredge Area Expansion Supplemental Sheet 1 of 6 M. Lloyd 8121/2012 Hydrographic Survey -Notes: 1. Boathouse area last dredged in August, 2012. Approximate~y 600 -650 CY of sediment h8.lj infilled into the U~ Pennitted Dredge Area sin~ugust, 2011 during severe winter stonn events last winter. 2. Approximately 2,000 CY of sediment has been depositied in the Dredge Exansion area since this area was surveyed in March, 201 O. 2 4 3. Alilakebed elecations are USACE vertl\al where the OHWL is 21.8 feet MSL. o -+ -+ Expansion of Permitted Dredge Area Reference: NWS-2007 -1 019-NO Applicant: Barbee Company + 10 City of ~ton Permitted Dredge Area Boundary OHWL;:: 21.8' (IISI. -us.ocE IloOo.T1JIoI) -+ W'-~~ Oee' -~-- -7 t / <J to Current Hydrographic Contours Supplemental Sheet 2 of 6 M. Lloyd 8/21/2012 -+ Sheet 3 -Notes: I. Comoun ohown in red.." from the ponniUod dred&dJ!ea ofpennit NWS-2007·IOi9.NO 2. Elcvotion 0<lll101u> shown in bhu> oompriae the anticipaled dredge profile of the expansion area.. 3_ All elevations are abown in USACE vonical datum where the OHWL -2l.8' MSL 4. The City of R<nIDD ponniu.d dredge area is outlined ~ ri The nugor depooitional_ of the May Crock Delta wiD not be dredgod s. Sec: _ 6 for Cmoo-Sec:tioo. A-B, andB-C 6. B_ and suppl_ materials provided by OTAK and Touma llngincen, re-avely. + / r / / + + / !---+ / / Expansion of Permitted Dredge Area Reference: NWS-2007 -1 019-NO Applicant: Barbee Company ~1. City of Rlmton Permitted Dredge Area Boundary -'!.-.- -,,-- OHWL = 21.8' Oof' -.-...".., SCALE ~a'i + If --.. , , + + --------. ----"'---------~ ,- + // / -A"..-/ 0 ,--r-. (J ./ ' /~I --- Amended Dredge Contours Supplemental Sheet 3 of 6 M. Lloyd 8/21/2012 / Habitat Enhancement N01:i*- 1. Enhancement Area 1 RoUDded River Rock ("fish rock") will be p1a<:od adjoccnt to boot """p to provide fur lmprov<d shallow _ babiIat fur fisboa. Approximately 500 of to be coV«'Oll wiIIl1W CY of rock ... peDDIIDCZlI oballow_ babiIat onharu:emont. 2. Enlumcement Area 2 AD -8 solid float and tine """""*' pil .. will be """"'"" fimn dle prqject ...... c: + + , , + " , J.-- "" .-...., Penn'''' "" Cltyof """"" Dredge Area So , + , + "'~ ~~ ---:c# / ~ + + + + + F10at and piks will be cut up and ~ 0 lID approved 1andfill. A 24' float with grating i5l will roplace the: oxistins solid.uri8co float. .!: AdditiooaUy, two galvanim pipe pil ... will CI) ii repW:e dle oxistins _ """""'" piks ~ ~ f---""-''''~ ! ~------~ /; /.L.---;:.?' rlwrmck} I. £>r9o'..Jg& t:xpsaalor; /In~ [ fHJ8T bast mmp shallow water 3. Enhancement Area 3 Two doIphim cooaisting of 3 pilinp -r;I- will be extnoted ODd n:pW:ed with two 12" ~ pile pile. Alltraa:d wood piks will be cut up and dispooed in approved laodfiU. ,t for fishes , -c __ t -F---~ =l=~ + / I '----cement AI1I8 2 r--------------------L-____ --roI1Jngsolldfloatwith / 1--float for HgIrt trsnsmlttal, / ,_ +"/ _ 3 creosote piles, and / -/ ' . .J f8()Iece with 2 ga/v8nIzed pipe I--_ _ _ CItfWL· 21.S' / 0 nila. + I +-----~----~ _+_~~ ~. + / " /'t' / ~/ /. /~PI'*I"'''_ // ~ I,":' ~ f, + a .~ XI I ;C~~tAnw3 ..... r"" r/oq1IIiIs to /JB puI/stImNI fIIPIiJC8d _2 f/lIIIIIfII1iZr _pips pIN (t2,. SIX """"""" p/Iss to /JB puI/tJd. + + + + Expansion of Permitted Dredge Area Reference: NW8-2007 -1 019-NO Applicant: Barbee Company Amended Dredge Contours Supplemental Sheet 4 of 6 M. Lloyd 812112012 .. 2'.8'~--­- -------. =-"'""" --------- = 21.8' CJ/ -+ ~_~~.EnhaIJc~m~~tArea1 J Fish rock,.frounded river rock) '~~~~71---/ I Will b9.)J1aced near boat ramp / to ,,;thance shallow water ~/ abitat for fishes + / -+ -+ / ----~- ~ancement Area 2 e'place rotting solid noat with ~ r--. grated noat for light transmittal, / " 'extract 3 creosote piles, and / <'oJ .... > replace with 2 galvanized pipe / 0" 'I -~ _~. _ " pIles. T ? :0" ....... -+ + • ,/ , '-J. _-'_ __ __l~ '_,,-_ /r-.( / / + , . --.-, •. ----- ....... ....... "t:-w ~~~~h~n'~m~ntA~3 + SCAlE m • • • Two dolphins to be pulled and mp/aced with 2 galvanized steel pipe piles (12'. Six creosote piles to be puffed. Notes: Ellhu_t Area 1 -FIIh Rock PlacemeJlt. Just south of the boathouse adj""""t to an existing boat runp is a ...... of approximately 500 af. This area i. typically 1 ... than 1-3 feet deep at Ordinary High Water. and it is curnmtlycovenld in 3"~" eN.bedrock. Place 10 CY of rounded river rock adjacent to the existing boat launch and boathouse far enhancing shallow water habitat far tisbes. This same rounded rock was employed to expand shallow water habitat along the rockety to the south and bas been approved by the Washington State Department ofFish and Game. EDlutaoemllDt Ar .. 2 -Flot a.p ..... m ... L Three CI1lOIlO1e piles will he extnIcted and replaced with two 8" galvanized pipe piles. The _xing solid 8Urliu:c: 38' float will he demooliohed and replaced wi1h a grated float that is 24' long. The grated float will iocn:ase light transmi .. ion to the shallow water habitat Gtaling specification will comply with previOUBly approved permit conditions for light transmisaion. Enh.n_t Area 3 -CreotOte PDIng Removal. Two dolphins (6 creosote piles) at south aide of Lot 0 will he oxtracted and rep\lK:es with two 12" galvanized pipe piles. Pile. will he pulled COIICUlfeIIt with Area 2 enhaneement work. As previously approved in the existiog USACE permit, all creosote treated piling will he cut into 4' lengths and wsposed of in an approved upland landfill expanSion of Permitted Dredge Area Reference: NWS-2007 -1 019-NO Applicant: Barbee Company Habitat Enhancement Areas Supplemental Sheet 5 of 6 M. Lloyd 812112012 Cross-Section A-B (amended dredge area) A (_, -,j"------t----T----r---J;----------_ t __ -'" .. "" --~ ---- B ... , ~~~~~~t T ! ='S~===1 ~! 1 ~ J , . • j , 'I j • SCALE 6 hll. lib ,110 + + + Cross-Section B-C (amended dredge area) + + Sheet 6 -Notes: 1. See Sheet 3 of6 for location ofumple UOIJI-ac::tetions. 2. The V«Ii<al clcvllion on cross sections A· B aruI B-Cbave-' .xag~ 2Xto _ilI_ .... propooed drodging profile. 2. Crou-Soctioo A-B pt'O\'i<Iea an indication of May Creek Delta ,oojmmtatjOll that oootinues to impact lIIMJ!ational """""" to .... boadJ ...... A. ohown in Sheet 2, the major sedimentation impact is on the north Bide of .... umgational .".,... aDd wi1hin .... propooed dmlge .... expanaiOll 3. Crooa-Section B-C bao not chauaed_alIy oincc .... approved pemriUed.,.. was dr<dged in 2011. -~~~-----------------------------------------------------T 1 c .-- -r-- - ----- - - -------~. ~ ------------------==~ --~~ ---~~~~~~:-------:--........ -- ~ >... . . ~ -~ .~. . ~I I ~I; J ~I ~I > ;" • SCALE tlhb III lib u Expansion of Permitted Dredge Area Reference: NW8-2007 -1 019-NO Applicant: Barbee Company Dredge Area Cross-Sections Supplemental Sheet 6 of 6 M. Lloyd 8/21/2012 Rerer to NMFS No: 2008/00092 Michelle Walker Corps of Engineers, Seattle District Regulatory Branch CENWS-OD·RG Post Office Box 3755 Seattle, Washington 98124·3755 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT DF COMMeRCe National Oceanic and Atmoapharic Adminlatratlon NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Northwest Region 7600 Sand Point Way N.E .. Bldg 1 Seattle, WA 98115 August 6, 2008 Re: Endangered Species Act Section 7 FOID1al Consultation and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation for the Barbee Maintenance Dredging and Boathouse Renovation, 6 th Field HUC 171100120302 (Cedar River), King County, Washington Dear Ms. Walker: The enclosed document contains a biological opinion prepared by the National Marine Fisheries Service pursuant to section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) on the effects of maintenance dredging and a boathouse renovation in Lake Washington. In this Opinion, the National Marine Fisheries Service concludes that the action, as proposed, is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of Puget Sound Chinook and steelhead or result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat for Puget Sound Chinook. As required by section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, the National Marine Fisheries Service provided an incidental take statement with the biological opinion, The incidental take statement describes reasonable and prudent measures the National Marine Fisheries Service considers necessary or appropriate to minimize incidental take associated with this action. The take statement sets forth a nondiscretionary term and condition. Incidental take from actions that meet the term and condition will be exempt from the Endangered Species Act take prohibition. This document also includes the results of our analysis of the action's likely effects on Essential Fish Habitat pursuant to section 305(b) ofthe Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), and includes two conservation recommendations to avoid, minimize, or otherwise offset potential adverse effects on Essential Fish Habitat. The Conservation Recommendations are not identical to the ESA Terms and Conditions. Section 305(b) (4) (B) of the MSA requires Federal agencies to provide a detailed written response to the National Marine Fisheries Service within 30 days after receiving these recommendations. @ Prinkd on Recycled Paper -2 - If the response is inconsistent with the Essential Fish Habitat conservation recommendation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must explain why the recommendations will not be followed, including the justification for any disagreements over the effects of the action and the recommendations. In response to increased oversight of overall Essential Fish Habitat program effectiveness by the Office of Management and Budget, the National Marine Fisheries Service established a quarterly reporting requirement to detennine how many conservation recommendations are provided as part of each Essential Fish Habitat consultation and how many are adopted by the action agency. Therefore, in your statutory reply to the Essential Fish Habitat portion of this consultation, we ask that you clearly identifY the number of conservation recommendations accepted. If you have questions regarding this consultation, please contact Brianna Blaud at (206) 526- 4749 or brianna.blaud@noaa.gov. Enclosure cc: Susan Powell, COE Michael Lloyd, L&Ai Barbee Mill Company, Applicant Sincerely, Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion And Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation Barbee Maintenance Dredging and Boathouse Renovation 6 th Field HUC 171100120302 (Cedar River) King County, Washington Lead Action Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Consultation Conducted By: Date Issued: Issued by: NMFS No.: National Marine Fisheries Service Northwest Region August 6, 200 Qv-. Robert Lohn '\" Regional Administrator 2008/00092 TABLE OF CONTENTS INlRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... I Background and Consultation History ........................................................................................ I Proposed Action .......................................................................................................................... 1 Action Area ................................................................................................................................. 2 ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT .................................................................................................... 2 Biological Opinion ...................................................................................................................... 2 Status of Species ................................................................................................................. 2 Status of Critical Habitat. .................................................................................................... 6 Environmental Baseline ...................................................................................................... 6 Effects of the Action ........................................................................................................... 7 Effects on Critical Habitat .................................................................................................. 9 Cumulative Effects .............................................................................................................. 9 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 10 Conservation Recommendations ................................................................... , .................. 10 Reinitiation of Consultation .............................................................................................. 11 Incidental Take StatemenL. ...................................................................................................... II Amount or Extent of Take ................................................................................................ 11 Reasonable and Prudent Measures .................................................................................... 12 Tenus and Conditions ....................................................................................................... 12 MAGNUSON-STEVENS FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT .......... 13 EFH Conservation Recommendations ...................................................................................... 13 Statutory Response Requirement .............................................................................................. 14 Supplemental Consultation ....................................................................................................... 14 DATA QUALITY ACT DOCUMENTATION AND PRE-DISSEMINATION REVIEW ........ 14 LITERATURE CITED ................................................................................................................. 16 INTRODUCTION The Biological Opinion (Opinion) and incidental take statement portions of this consultation were prepared by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in accordance with section 7(b) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C.l531, et seq.), and implementing regulations at 50 CFR 402. With respect to designated critical habitat, the following analysis relied only on the statutory provisions of the ESA, and not on the regulatory definition of "destruction or adverse modification" at 50 CFR 402.02. The Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation was prepared in accordance with section 305(b)(2) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.) and implementing regulations at 50 CFR 600. The administrative record for this consultation is on file at the Washington State Habitat Office in Lacey, Washington. Background and Consultation History On January 9, 2008, NMFS received a letter dated January 8, 2008, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) requesting consultation under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1898 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to authorize the maintenance dredging and boathouse renovation by Barbee Mills Company (applicant), in King County, Washington. The COE determined the proposed action "may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect" Puget Sound (PS) Chinook salmon, PS steelhead, and PS Chinook salmon critical habitat. After reviewing the consultation, NMFS determined that the actions may adversely affect the listed species arid critical habitat, and initiated a formal consultation. Proposed Action The proposed action is issuance of a permit by the COE under section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1898 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to authorize the maintenance dredging and boathouse renovation by Barbee Mills Company (applicant), in King County, Washington. The dredging maintains navigational access to a boathouse located to the south of May Creek. It is estimated that the area will need dredging every three to four years to maintain navigable depths, but the total amount to be removed over the 10 year life of this Opinion will not exceed 4,000 cubic yards. The proposed dredging area is approximately 10,000 square feet, ranging from 4 feet to 12 feet deep. The only shallow area proposed for excavation is located directly under the boathouse, to make it more boat accessible. The dredging will increase the depth by approximately one foot, maintaining existing slopes, and avoiding any shallow water or nearshore habitat. To minimize the effects of dredging in the area, 40 cubic yards of spawning gravel will be installed along 2,100 square feet of shoreline and vegetation will be planted along 200 linear feet of shoreline. The boathouse renovations will improve the integrity and the light transmission through the structure. The solid skirting around the boathouse extending from the bottom of the structure to the lake bed will be replaced with an open 4 inch mesh skirting that extends to the ordinary low water level. Approximately 20 percent of the boathouse walls will be replaced with translucent material, improving the light transmission. The surrounding floats will be renovated, replacing the existing eighteen creosote pilings with twelve 18-inch steel pilings using a vibratory pile driver, and replacing the solid decking with grated material. Action Area The action area is in the Lake Washington shoreline corresponding to the immediate vicinity of 3901 Lake Washington Boulevard Avenue, near Renton. The action area includes EFH for Chinook salmon and coho salmon. ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT The ESA establishes a national program to conserve threatened and endangered species offish, wildlife, plants, and the habitat on which they depend. Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA requires Federal agencies to consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NMFS, or both, to ensure that their actions are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species or adversely modify or destroy their designated critical habitats. Section 7(b)( 4) requires the provision of an incidental take statement that specifies the impact of any incidental taking and includes reasonable and prudent measures to minimize such impacts. Biological Opinion This Opinion presents NMFS' review of the status of each listed species of Pacific salmon and steelhead' considered in this consultation, the condition of designated critical habitat, the environmental baseline for the action area, all the effects of the action as proposed, and cumulative effects (50 CRF 402.14(g»). For the jeopardy analysis, NMFS analyzed those combined factors to conclude whether the proposed action is likely to appreciably reduce the likelihood of both the survival and recovery of the affected listed species. The critical habitat analysis determines whether the proposed action will destroy or adversely modify'designated critical habitat for listed species by examining any change in the conservation valued of that critical habitat. This analysis relies on statutory provisions of the ESA, including those in section 3 that define "critical habitat" and "conservation," in section 4 that describe the designation process, and in section 7 that sets forth the substantive protections and procedural aspects of consultation, and on agency guidance for application of the "destruction or adverse modification" standard. Status of Species This section defines the biological requirements of each listed species affected by the proposed action, and the status of each designated critical habitat relative to those requirements. Listed I An 'evolutionarily significant unit' (ESU) of Pacific salmon (Waples 1991) and a 'distinct population segment' (DPS) of steelhead (final steel head FR notice) are considered to be 'species,' as defmed in Section 3 of til. ESA. 2 species facing a high risk of extinction and critical habitats with degraded conservation value are more vulnerable to the aggregation of effects considered under the environmental baseline, the effects of the proposed action, and cumulative effects. Puget Sound Chinook NMFS listed PS Chinook salmon as threatened (March 1999, 64 FR 14308). The Puget Sound Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) has been defined to include all PS Chinook salmon populations residing below impassable natural barriers (e.g., long-standing natural water falls) in the Puget Sound region from the Nooksack River to the Elwha River on the Olympic Peninsula, inclusive. The status of individual populations within Puget Sound is assessed based on their abundance, productivity, diversity, and spatial structure. Within the action area in Lake Washington, there are two native popUlations (the North Lake Washington population and the Cedar River population) that use the area from rearing and migration. A third population, the Issaquah stock, is not included in the assessment because they are a non-native stock from the Issaquah Hatchery that has been in operation since the 1930s (WDFW 2004). The Issaquah stock will not be consulted on in this Opinion. Overall abundance of this ESU has declined substantially from historical levels, and many populations are small enough that genetic and demographic risks are likely to be relatively high (March 9, 1998, 63 FR 11494). Historic abundance has been estimated to be approximately 609,000 adult returns (Myers et al. 1998), while average present day (J 998-2002) abundance of natural origin spawners is 30,182 fish (NMFS 2005). NMFS (Good et al. 2005) listed approximately 331 geometric mean spawners in North Lake Washington popUlation and 327 in the Cedar River population, and no estimates of historical abundance for comparison. The general trend in the abundance for the North Lake Washington Tributary Chinook salmon has remained generally consistent, with escapements between 200 and 500 adults (WDFW 2004). The Cedar River Chinook salmon have shown a long-term negative trend in escapements and chronically low escapement values CWDFW 2004). Productivity is the measurement ofa population's growth rate through all or a portion of its life- cycle. A tool to estimate productivity is the median population growth rate (lambda), calculated by the measure of 10ng-and short-term trends. Long-and short-term trends are calculated on all spawners, and the short-term lambda is calculated assuming the reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery fish is equivalent to that of natural-origin fish (Good et al. 2005). A lambda greater than I represents a population that is replacing itself. For salmon recovery, the target goal lambda amount is 3.4 to increase abundance to a level that would remove the populations from the threat of extinction. The lambda for North Lake Washington short term trend is 1.07 (±O.O7) (Good et aI., 2005), indicating the population is just replacing itself, and a population greater than one indicates an increase in productivity that will result in a rise in abundance. For the Cedar River, short term lambda is (0.99±0.07) also indicating the population is probably just replacing itself. Significant population growth will require an increase in productivity. 3 Diversity is important to population viability because: 1) It allows a species to use a wider array of environments than they could without it; 2) It protects against short term spatial and temporal changes in the environment, increasing the likelihood that some individuals would survive and reproduce when faced with environmental variation; and 3) Genetic diversity provides the raw material for surviving long-tenn environmental changes. Genetic analysis of the three populations in the Lake Washington basin indicated that the North Lake Washington Tributary population and the Cedar River Chinook are significantly different (WDFW 2004). Therefore, the genetic differentiation between the two populations increases the possibility for recovery when faced with an environmental change and an increase of available habitat. The spatial structure of habitat must support the population at the desired productivity, abundance, and diversity levels through short-term environmental perturbations, longer tenn environmental oscillations, and through natural patterns of disturbance regimes. Assessing the adequacy of the spatial structure should include considering whether the population has: 1) Enough habitat to support growth, abundance, and diversity criteria; 2) Habitat of sufficient quality to support the life history activities; pennanent or seasonal connectivity to allow adequate migration between spawning, rearing, and migration patches, and; 3) A geographical distribution of habitat that minimizes the probability of a significant portion of a population being lost due to a single catastrophic event. The criteria for identifying core areas for spatial structure are focused on spawning, because spawning is the geographic starting point for structuring populations and there is the most information available on this life phase (Martin et al. 2004). In the Cedar River, all but one of the spawning patches are two to four miles apart and ranged from 0.1 to 2 miles long (Martin et al. 2004). The status of Chinook salmon populations in the Lake Washington basin were described in the Salmon and Steelhead Inventory (SaS1) report (WDFW and PSIT 2004). The North Lake Washington Tribs Chinook salmon is rated "healthy" based on their consistent escapement. The Cedar Chinook salmon is rated as "depressed" based on their long-term negative trend and low escapement numbers. Puget Sound Steelhead The NMFS defined the PS Steelhead Distinct Population Segment (DPS) to include naturally spawning steelhead stocks below natural and manmade impassable barriers, in streams and rivers ranging from the Canadian border (Nooksack River basin), south through Puget Sound and Hood Canal, north and west to the Elwha River, which empties into the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca. The PS Steelhead are at risk of becoming endangered in the foreseeable future, and were listed as 4 threatened on June 11, 2007 (72 FR 26722). The status of individual populations within Puget Sound is assessed based on their abundance, productivity, diversity, and spatial structure. The two populations of steelhead within the Lake Washington populations use Lake Washington for migrating, holding and rearing. Early abundance analysis from catch records in 1889 indicate that the catch peaked at 163,796 individuals in 1895 (Little, 1898). Assuming a harvest rate of 30-50 percent, Little (1898) estimated that the peak run size ranged from 327,592 to 545,987 fish. In the 19908 the total run size for major stocks in this DPS was greater than 45,000, with total natural escapement of about 22,000, a fraction of the 1889 abundance. The abundance treat for the Cedar River population is decreasing. Counts between 1980 and 2004 estimate an escapement of 137.9 natural spawners, and more recent data (2000-2004) has the estimates at 36.8, showing a steep decline (Hard et aI. 2007). The Lake Washington population shows a similar declining trend with 308.1 natural spawners between 1980 and 2004, and 36.8 between 2000 and 2004 (Hard et al. 2007). To estimate existing productivity in Lake Washington steelhead, Scott and Gill (2006) used escapement data or indices of escapement from the previous eight years to create a time series. Population viability analyses were conducted under the assumption that only anadromous spawners contribute to the abundance of each popUlation. This assumption may result in estimates of extinction that are too high because the presence of resident forms of O. mykiss (rainbow trout) may reduce the likelihood of extinction. The Lake Washington winter-run stee1head last escapement data was listed at 44, with a growth rate estimate of -0.16, indicating a decrease in productivity. The relative risk of extinction for populations of steelhead in the Puget Sound region is very high, because productivity is poor. More recent productivity analysis included lambda calculations, showing Cedar River steelhead lambda at 0.808 (±{1.004), and Lake Washington steel head lambda at 0.802 (±0.002) (Hard et al. 2007), supporting Scott and Gill's (2006) productivity decline. Examples of diversity among salmonids include morphology, fecundity, run timing, spawn timing, juvenile behavior, age at smolting, age at maturity~ egg size, and development rate, among others (McElhany et al., 2000). Of these traits, some are genetically based, while others are likely a result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Allozyme analysis of steel head sampled in the Cedar River in 1994 clusters them with winter steelhcad in the Green, White, and Puyallup rivers, and with some Snohomish basin steelhead stocks (WDFW 2004). The Cedar River population is a distinct population that has undergone minimal hatchery introgression (Hard et al. 2007). No genetic analysis has been performed on the Lake Washington steel head population. The metrics and benchmarks for evaluating the adequacy ofa population's spatial structure include quantity, quality, connectivity, dynamics, and catastrophic risks. Scott and Gill (2006) estimated that up to 19 percent of the pre-settlement range has been lost for the winter-run steelhead within the Cedar/Sammamish basin. Based on the above described criteria and conditions, the status of the Lake Washington winter steel head was defined in the SaSI report (WDFW 2004). Based on the chronically low 5 escapement and short-term severe decline in escapements, the stock status declined from "depressed" in 1994 to "critical" in 2002. Status of Critical Habitat The NMFS reviews the status of designated critical habitat affected by the proposed action by examining the condition and trends of Primary Constituent Elements (PCEs) throughout the designated area. The PCEs are the physical and biological features identified as essential to the conservation. Sites include freshwater spawning, freshwater rearing, freshwater migration, estuarine areas, nearshore marine areas, and offshore marine areas. The critical habitat in Lake Washington contains freshwater rearing and freshwater migration. Essential physical and biological features for freshwater rearing and migration include water quantity and floodplain connectivity that support juvenile growth and mobility; water quality and forage that support juvenile development; and natural cover consisting of shade, large wood, log jams, beaver dams, aquatic vegetation. large rocks and boulders. side channels, and undercut banks and water free of artificial obstructions that support juvenile and adult mobility and survival. At the time that each habitat area was designated as critical habitat, that area contained one or more PCEs within the acceptable range of values required to support the biological processes of listed species. As part of the process to designate critical habitat within the PS Chinook salmon ESU, NMFS assessed the conservation value of habitat within freshwater, estuarine and nearshore areas at the fifth field hydrologic unit code (HUC) scale, across the entire range of the ESU. The HUC scale corresponds generally to the watershed scale, and these areas were rated as providing "low", "medium", or "high" conservation value. NMFS rated the fifth field HUC within which the action area lies as having a "medium" conservation value. As described in more detail within the Environmental Baseline section below, PCEs of critical habitat within the project and action area are generally degraded from a variety of human-induced habitat process and structural changes. Environmental Basel ine The 'environmental baseline' includes the past and present impacts of all Federal, state, or private actions and other human activities in the action area, the anticipated impacts of all proposed Federal projects in the action area that have already undergone formal or early section 7 consultation, and the impact of state or private actions which are contemporaneous with the consultation in process (50 CFR 402.02). Lake Washington is the second largest natural lake in the state of Washington with 80 miles of shoreline, including 30 miles along the shore of Mercer island (Shared Strategy 2007). Lake Washington also has the highest human popUlation of any Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) in Washington State. Over 82 percent of the Lake Washington shoreline is armored and is shaded by more than 2,700 piers and docks (Shared Strategy 2007). Regulated lake levels and extensive armoring have hampered sediment transport and sandy beaches need to be augmented by periodic sediment supplies. The lack of riparian vegetation due to clearing and development has led to an increase in temperature, a loss in organic debris, and a reduction in insect recruitment. The loss of channel and shoreline complexity including a lack of woody debris and 6 available shallow water and overwater has led to a decline in nearshore habitat vital to rearing. The presence of in water structures, such as piles, skirting, and piers hinder migration ofboth juveniles and adults. Many tributaries and streams have fish passage barriers with the construction ofroad crossings, weirs, and dams, hindering salmon migration and reducing spatial structure. The water quality and sediment quality of Lake Washington have been degraded by pollutants and high temperatures (Shared Strategy 2007). A report by WDFW and PSIT (2004) states that current habitat conditions constrain productivity and prevent the achievement of recovery goals. The action area is located in a cove that is subject to sediment deposits just to the south of May Creek. The water depth is approximately 12 feet deep in the center of the cove with gradual slopes leading to the shoreline. The boathouse is located at the innermost shoreline position of the cove. Skirting extending from the bottom of the structure to the lake bottom completely shades the foot print oftha boat house. There is a series of solid decking floats paralleling the shoreline approximately 30 feet waterward, held in place by eighteen creosote treated piles. The proposed dredge footprint is located waterward of the floats and underneath the boathouse. Effects of the Action Adverse effects on listed species include short-term reduction in water quality, such as increases in suspended sediment and noise, and a potential delay in adult migration, and long-term reduction in shallow water habitat, maintenance of overwater shading, and in-water obstacles. Some of the effects of the action will be so small (changes in water quality) or timed such that salmon and steelhead are exceedingly unlikely to experience them (increased sound pressure levels from pile driving). Best Management Practices, such as the use of silt curtains and sound attenuation devices will further minimize the effects from construction. As such, those effeds are insignificant or discountable and are not analyzed further in this consultation. Delayed Spawning Within the South Lake Washington, the work window for construction activities is designed to avoid work in the nearshore during juvenile migration and rearing. Between February and June, most juvenile Chinook salmon migrate and rear along the shore, restricting the in water work window to fall between July 16 th December 31 st. Adult Chinook salmon migrate and enter streams and tributaries between June and September, and spawning occurs between September and November. Due to the action areas' close proximity to May Creek, the Applicant will voluntarily abstain from dredging activities between mid-September and November; however there may still be overlap hindering adult migration up the streams and tributaries. The dredging activity may temporarily harass and displace juveniles and adults, which may result in delayed spawning activity by temporarily hindering adult access to May Creek to spawning habitat. Under the worst circumstances there will only a few fish will be affected and there it is unlikely to prevent spawning. 7 Loss of Shallow Water Habitat Dredging increases water depth by removing material from the lake bottom. The increase in depth potentially degrades habitat conditions for rearing juvenile salmonids that forage on organic debris, insects, plankton, and benthic organisms and seek refuge in shallow water habitat. Greater depths are also used by predator species such as smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) (Tabor et al. 2007). The loss of the shallow water increases the opportunity for take, due to predation and decreased opportunity for forage. The applicant will avoid dredging in the nearshore shallow water as much as possible, and will improve the nearshore habitat with planting along 200 feet of shoreline and installing spawning gravel over 2100 square feet of the shoreline. In addition the area being dredged is already too deep to provide high quality habitat for juvenile salmonids. Overwater Shading Toft et al. (2007) assessed the abundance offish at the various types of shoreline and determined that juvenile salmon were not usually observed underneath overwater structures. Juveniles tend to avoid piers because they physically block normal movement patterns or decrease light levels (Toft et al. 2007). Additionally, predatory bass species aggregate around in-water and over- water structures. The amount of light transmission at the project site continues to be compromised through the excessive walkway widths in nearshore floats. By using grated decking on the floats and using transparent siding on 20 percent of the boathouse, the applicant ameliorates some of the adverse affects by increasing the light penetration. However, there is still an excessive amount by the boathouse, which will still completely cover approximately 1,580 square feet, half of that within 30 feet of the shoreline. Migration Obstacles Structures within the water act as barriers and hinder access to habitat. Migration obstacles cause fish to change their course, expending unnecessary energy to avoid pilings, skirting, and other similar obstacles. The proposed action will reduce the nwnber of pilings, and using steel material instead of creosote treated piles will reduce the size of the obstacles. The use of 4 inch mesh skirting will be an improvement over the existing solid skirting that extends to the lake bottom, but the mesh skirting will still extend into the water during ordinary high water, creating migration obstacles for larger fish near the surface. Relevance of the Effects of the Action to Fish Individual Chinook salmon and steelhead will be directly and indirectly affected by the dredging of an inlet south of May Creek, and the repair of a nearby boathouse. The loss of shallow water will slightly decrease the amount of rearing habitat available to juvenile salmonids for foraging and refuge from predation. Although dredging in the nearshore will be kept to a minimum, the degraded nearshore habitat caused by existing structures will be maintained. Construction activities during the approved work window based on the juvenile migration timing may affect adult Chinook salmon, delaying their migration into May Creek. 8 The proposed actions occurred in Lake Washington adjacent to May Creek. The effects of the action are anticipated to affect habitat conditions for the described Chinook salmon and steelhead populations that rear or migrate in the action area, primarily Cedar River populations of PS Chinook salmon and PS steelhead. Predation on juveniles is expected to reduce the number of smolts that migrate from the Lake Washington basin. Although take associated with the action may slightly reduce the ahundance and productivity of the Cedar River PS Chinook salmon and PS steelhead, NMFS does not expect the likelihood of survival and recovery of the ESUs to be significantly reduced. Effects on Critical Habitat The PCEs that the action area provides are freshwater rearing, and migration. The short term effects of activities at the project site, such changes in water quality (increased turbidity) and noise (increased sound pressure levels from pile driving), are temporary and localized and will not affect the functional role of PCEs. in the action area as a threshold matter. As such, they will have no effect on conservation value of critical habitat in the watershed in which the action area lies. The long term effects of the actions include reduction in shallow water habitat, maintenance of overwater shading, and in-water obstacles. The presence of vertical bulkheads directly impacts the habitat by removing shallow water, a requirement for rearing salmonids. Overwater structures increase the amount of shading, providing cover for predators and decreasing the amount of light that penetrates through to the water. The effects of the overwater structure are minimized through the use of grated decking material, which allow for light transmission. Piling and skirting represent migration barriers and obstacles that hinder access to habitat. Cumulative Effects Cumulative effects are those effects offuture state or private activities, not involving Federal activities, that are reasonably certain to occur within the action area of the Federal action subject to consultation (50 CFR 402.02). By the year 2025, the projected human population growth for King County is 355,356 people, which is a 20 percent increase (Redman et aI., 2005). With these pr~jections, NMFS assumes that future private and state actions will continue within the action area, increasing as population density rises. New development is likely to further reduce the conservation value of habitat within the watershed through water withdrawals, stormwater quality degradation and increased volumes, loss of riparian functions, and encroachment to floodplains. The NMFS believes that the existing King County regulatory mechanisms to minimize and avoid impacts to watershed function from future commercial, industrial, and residential development are generally not adequate, and/or not implemented sufficiently. Thus, while these existing regulations could decrease adverse effects to watershed function, they still allow incremental degradation to occur, which accumulate over time, and when added to the degraded 9 environmental baseline, further degrade habitat conditions, and reduce habitat quality and suitability for PS Chinook salmon and PS steelhead. Conclusion The effects of action will not affect any of the characteristics of viable salmon or steelhead populations. Nor will the action influence the conservative role of critical habitat at the watershed level. After reviewing the status of PS Chinook salmon and PS steelhead, the environmental baseline for the action area, the effects of the proposed action, and cumulative effects, NMFS concludes that the action, as proposed, is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of PS Chinook salmon and PS steel head and is not likely to destroy or adversely modify the designated critical habitats for PS Chinook sahnon. These conclusions are based on the following considerations: 1. Dredging will only occur underneath the boathouse and in the center of the cove, waterward of the floats, avoiding dredging in shallow water habitat where possible; 2. Planting along the shoreline and installing spawning gravel will improve the nearshore habitat for rearing juveniles; 3. The use of transparent material on the boathouse and grated decking on the floats improves light transmission; and, 4. The replacement of 20 creosote piles with twelve IS-inch steel piles improves the water quality and decreases migration obstacles. Therefore, the proposed action is not expected to appreciably reduce long-term survival and recovery ofPS Chinook salmon and PS steelhead. Conservation Recommendations Section 7(a) (1) of the ESA directs Federal agencies to use their authorities to further the purposes of the ESA by carrying out conservation programs for the benefit of the threatened and endangered species. The following recommendations are discretionary measures that NMFS believes are consistent with this obligation and therefore should be carried out by the COE: I. Minimize impacts of overwater structures by minimizing the amount of overwater structures near the immediate shoreline (within 30 feet of shore) and limiting the walkway to four feet wide or less. If future actions are taken to modify the existing pier, all other structures such as ells, boatlifts, or moorage covers, should be relocated to be at least 30 feet from shore, and the size of the walkway should be reduced to a width of four feet. Please notify NMFS if the COE carries out any of these recommendations so that we will be kept informed of actions that minimize or avoid adverse effects and those that benefi t listed species or their designated critical habitats. 10 Reinitiation of Consultation Reinitiation of formal consultation is required and shall be requested by the Federal agency or by NMFS where discretionary Federal involvement or control over the action has been retained or is authorized by law and: (a) If the amount or extent of taking specified in the incidental take statement is exceeded; (b) if new information reveals effects of the action that may affect listed species or designated critical habitat in a manner or to an extent not previously considered; (c) if the identified action is subsequently modified in a manner that has an effect to the listed species or designated critical habitat that was not considered in the Opinion; or (d) if a new species is listed or critical habitat is designated that may be affected by the identified action (50 CFR 402.16). To reinitiate consultation, contact the Washington State Habitat Office ofNMFS and refer to the NMFS Number assigned to this consultation. Incidental Take Statement Section 9( a)(l) of the ESA prohibits the taking of endangered species without a specific permit or exemption. Protective regulations adopted pursuant to section 4( d) extend the prohibition to threatened species. Among other things, an action that harasses, wounds, or kills an individual of a listed species or harms a species by altering habitat in a way that significantly impairs its essential behavioral patterns· is a taking (50 CFR 222.1 02). Incidental take refers to takings that result from, but are not the purpose of, carrying out an otherwise lawful activity conducted by the Federal agency or applicant (50 CFR 402.02). Section 7(0)(2) exempts any taking that meets the terms and conditions of a written incidental take statement from the taking prohibition. Amount or Extent of Take The affects of the action will co-occur with the presence of both Puget Sound Chinook and steelhead. Fish exposed to those effects will respond to their exposure in various ways, but some are certain to respond by changing their normal behavior in the action area such that they will be injured or killed. Therefore, take of Puget Sound Chinook and Puget Sound steelhead is reasonably certain to occur. For actions that cause take in the form of harm, NMFS' ability to quantify the amount of take in numbers of fish can be difficult if not impossible to accomplish because of the range of individual fish responses to habitat change. Some will encounter changed habitat and merely react by seeking out a different place in which to express their present life history. Others might change their behavior, causing them to express more energy, suffer stress, or otherwise respond in ways that impair their ·present or subsequent life histories. Yet others will experience changed habitat in way that kills them. While this uncertainty makes it impossihle to quantity take in the form ofharm in terms of numbers of animals injured or killed, the extent of habitat change to which present and future generations offish will be exposed is readily discemable and presents a reliable measure of the extent of take that can be monitored and tracked. Therefore, when the specific number of 11 individuals "hanned" cannot be predicted, NMFS quantifies the extent of take based on the extent of habitat modified (51 FR 19926 at 19954; June 3, 1986). Take from this project includes reduced production of prey species and spawning delay associated with dredging activities. The extent of habitat affected by dredging is 10,000 square feet, which will occur near the mouth of May Creek. The estimated extent of habitat affected by proposed action represents the extent of take exempted in this incidental take statement. These extents are readily observable and therefore suffice to trigger reinitiation of consultation, if exceeded and necessary (see H.R. Rep. No 97-567, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 27, 1982). This consultation does not exempt take from the existing boathouse and float locations. Reasonable and Prudent Measures Reasonable and prudent measures are nondiscretionary measures to avoid or minimize take that must be carried out by cooperators for the exemption in section 7(0)(2) to apply. The COE has the continuing duty to regulate the activities covered in this incidental take statement where discretionary Federal involvement or control over the action has been retained or is authorized by law. The protective coverage of section 7(0)(2) will lapse if the COE fails to exercise its discretion to require adherence to terms and conditions of the incidental take statement, or to exercise that discretion as necessary to retain the oversight to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions. Similarly, if any applicant fails to act in accordance with the terms and conditions of the incidental take statement, protective coverage will lapse. The NMFS believes that full application of conservation measures included as part of the proposed action, together with use of the reasonable and prudent measures and terms and conditions described below, are necessary and appropriate to minimize the likelihood of incidental take of listed species due to completion of the proposed action. The COE shall: I. Change the work window to accommodate migrating adult salmon. Terms and Conditions To be exempt from the prohibitions of section 9 of the ESA, the COE and its cooperators, including the applicant, if any, must fully comply with conservation measures described as part of the proposed action and the following terms and conditions that implement the reasonable and prudent measures described above. Partial compliance with these terms and conditions may invalidate this take exemption, result in more take than anticipated, and lead NMFS to a different conclusion regarding whether the proposed action will result in jeopardy or the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitats. 1. To implement Reasonable and Prudent measure No.1, the COE shall ensure that: No in-water work takes place during the peak adult migration into streams and tributaries. May Creek is located directly to the north of the action area, and has 12 both vital spawning and rearing habitat. By reducing the work window from July 16 th to September 15 th , it decrease the effect on migrating and spawning adults. NOTICE. If a sick, injured or dead specimen of a threatened or endangered species is found, the finder must notify NMFS Law Enforcement at (206) 526-6133 or (800) 853-1964. The finder must take care in handling of sick or injured specimens to ensure effective treatment, and in handling dead specimens to preserve biological material in the best possible condition for later analysis of cause of death. The finder also has the responsibility to carry out instructions provided by Law Enforcement to ensure that evidence intrinsic to the specimen is not disturbed unnecessarily. MAGNUSON-STEVENS FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT TI1e consultation requirement of section 305(b) of the MSA directs Federal agencies to consult with NMFS on all actions, or proposed actions that may adversely affect EFH. Adverse effects include the direct or indirect physical, chemical, or biological alterations of the waters or substrate and loss of, or injury to, benthic organisms, prey species and their habitat, and other ecosystem components, if such modifications reduce the quality or quantity of EFH. Adverse effects to EFH may result from actions occurring within EFH or outside EFH, and may include site-specific or EFH-wide impacts, including individual, c\Unulative, or synergistic consequences of actions (50 CFR 600.810). Section 305(b) also requires NMFS to recommend measures that may be taken by the action agency to conserve EFH. Based on information provided in the BE and the analysis of effects presented in the ESA portion of this document, NMFS concludes that proposed action will have the following adverse effects on EFH designated for Chinook salmon and coho salmon. • Reduced shallow water habitat, important to rearing juvenile salmonids. • Maintain degrading structure placement with the excessive amount of structures within 30 feet of the shore that create canlouflage and cover for predatory species, and decrease the light transmission through the boathouse and floats. EFH Conservation Recommendations The NMFS believes that implementation of one of the following conservation measures are necessary to avoid, mitigate, or offset the impact of the proposed action on EFH. While NMFS understands that the COE intends to conduct the proposed action with the included minimization and mitigation measures described in the Opinion, it does not believe that these measures are sufficient to address the adverse impacts to EFH described above. 1. Minimize effects on shallow water habitat by avoiding dredging in the nearshore, shallow water habitat. 2. Minimize effects of the overwater structures by increasing the extent of light transmission to the lake bottom beneath the boathouse and piers. 13 Statutory Response Requirement . Federal agencies are required to provide a detailed written response to NMFS' EFH conservation recommendations within 30 days of receipt of these recommendations (50 CFR 600.9200)(1)). The response must include a description of measures proposed to avoid, mitigate, or offset the adverse affects of the activity on EFH. If the response is inconsistent with the EFH conservation recommendations, the response must explain the reasons for not following the recommendations. The reasons must include the scientific justification for any disagreements over the anticipated effects of the proposed action and the measures needed to avoid, minimize, mitigate, or offset such effects. Supplemental Consultation The COE must reinitiate EFH consultation with NMFS if the proposed action is substantially revised in a way that may adversely affect EFH, or if new information becomes available that affects the basis for NMFS' EFH conservation recommendations [50 CFR 600.920(k)]. DATA QUALITY ACT DOCUMENTATION AND PRE-DISSEMINATION REVIEW Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 2001 (Public Law 106-554) (Data Quality Act) specifies three components contributing to the quality of a document. They are utility, integrity, and objectivity. This section of the consultation addresses these Data Quality Act (DQA) components, documents compliance with DQA, and certifies that this consultation has undergone pre-dissemination review. Utility: Utility principally refers to ensuring that the infonnation contained in this consultation is helpful, serviceable, and beneficial to the intended users. The intended users' of this consultation include the COE, the applicant, and citizens of King County interested in the effects ofprojects on Puget Sound Chinook and steelhead. Integrity: This consultation was completed on a computer system managed by NMFS in accordance with relevant infonnation technology security policies and standards set out in Appendix Ill, 'Security of Automated Information Resources,' Office of Management and Budget Circular A-130; the Computer Security Act; and the Government Information Security Reform Act. Objectivity: Information Product Category: Natural Resource Plan. Standards: This consultation and supporting documents are clear, concise, complete, and unbiased; and were developed using commonly accepted scientific research methods. They adhere to published standards including MSA implementing regulations regarding EFH, 50 CFR 600.920(j). 14 Best Available Information: This consultation and supporting documents use the best available information, as referenced in the Literature Cited section. The analyses in this Opinion contain more background on information sources and quality. Referencing: All supporting materials, information, data, and analyses are properly referenced, consistent with standard scientific referencing style. Review Process: This consultation was drafted by NMFS staff with training in MSA implementation, and reviewed in accordance with Northwest Region quality control and assurance processes. 15 LITERATURE CITED Good, T.P., R.S. Waples, and P. Adams. 2005. Updated Status of Federally Listed ESUs of West Coast Salmon and Steelhead. U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS- NWFSC-66, 597p. Hard, J.1., J.M. Myers, M.F. Ford, RG. Kope, G.R. Pess, R.S. Waples, G.A. Winans, B.A. Berejikian, F.W. Waknitz, P.B. Adams, P.A. Bisson, D.E. Campton, and RR Reisenbichler. 2007. Status Review ofPuget Sound Steelhead (Onchorhynchus mykiss). U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-81, 1 17p. Little, A.C. 1898. Ninth Annual Report of the State Fish Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Washington. State of Washington, 70 p. Martin, D., L. 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