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ORDINANCE NO. 2727 AN ORDINANCE OF TH2 CITY OF 25NTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE SILTY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL SUBURBAN DISTRICT (GS-1) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-+2) oo WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of 2enton", as amended, and the maps adopted ‘in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as General Suburban District (GS-1); and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City Clerk on or about ijay 4, 1967, which petition was then duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about liay 24, 1967, and the Petitioner having duly amended his petition for rezoning, and proper notice of hearing has been duly published and posted as provided by law; and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and sa:id rezoning being in gonformity with the City's Ccmprehensive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NO’? THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE iJAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF & CLTY OF RENTON AS FOLLO/S: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residence District (R+2); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, as follows: C-] That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted from the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the south *< corner of Section 4, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.lu.; thence north 1°16'12" E 701.60' to the southerly margin of Sunset Highway; thence north 35°47'12" E along said southerly margin 10'; thence south 84°02'33" E 69.06' to the true point of beginning; thence continuing south 84°02'33" E 74.75' to the westerly margin of "i‘'"' Place; thence southerly along said westerly margin of "ii" Place 70'; thence north 87°59'43" 74.50'; thence north 1°16'12" east 75.15' to the true point of beginning. C-2 - That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted from the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the south * corner of Section 4, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, ‘/.li.; thence north 1°16'12" £ 701.60' to the southerly margin of Sunset Highway and the tnve point of beginning; thence north 35°47'12" © along said southerly margin 10'; thence south 84°02'33" E 69.06'; thence south 1°16'12" i] 75.15'; thence north 87°59'43" \) 74.50'; thence north 1°16'12" & 71.60' to the true point of beginning. A--That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted froia the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the Sx corner of Section 4, Township 23N, Range 5E, ‘/.1i.; thence north 1°16'12" =& 701.60' to an intersection with the southeasterly wargin of Sunset Highway; thence along said margin north 35°47'12" © 90' to the true point of beginning; thence, continuing along said margin north 35°47'12" & 27.13' to a point of curve; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 543.14', an are distance of 102.36' to a point of compound curve; thence, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 10', an are distance of 23.51' to the west margin of "ii"! Place; thence along said margin south 1°16'12" 'J 121.32'; thence north 72°57'42" (7 101.82" to the true point of beginning. B-- that portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted from the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the S% corner of Section 4, Township 23 N, Range 5 E., ‘J.1!.; thence north 1°16'12" & 701.60' to an intersection with the southeasterly margin of Sunset Highway; thence along the said margin north 35°47'12" © 10' to the true point of beginning; thence along said margin north 35°47'12" E 80'; thence south 72°57'2" & 101.82’ to the west margin of ‘li'' Place; thence along said margin south 1°16'12" (7 50°; thence north 84°02'33" 7 143,81' to the true point of beginning. (located on XSXXXSK M Ste & Sunset Blvd SCTION 41: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSSD BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of June, 1967. LC Wy. Custer, Mayor Dondld Approved as to form: @erzrd ii. Shellan, City Attorney Jate af rublicatio : JUN 15 1967 INTER-OFFICE MEMO Ce To: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk . Date June 9, 1967 From: Cerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Re: Rezoning Ordinances Dear Helmie: Attached hereto you will find stencils for Rezoning Ordinances for Ringer, Beach, Wehrman, Pacific Coast R.R. and Washington Mutual Savings Bank, Please have the City ‘Engineer and the Planning Director check the legal descriptions carefully to make sure they are correct. We remain GMS :ds ec: Mayor City Engineer Planning Director Mr. Morris, Law & Ord, KR Sree a et an a Hwee Cote oe, jee Faaion co 72) : INTER-OFFICE MEMO DATE: «)oy, 9 Sur7 TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk FROM: Jack Wilson, City Engineer RE: B= aon& I hereby certify that the legal description contained in the attached Sere tt eee DET ON the > __ property is correct. \ ‘ i == bitte 0 ct, Jack Wilson, City Engineer \ if mS : , fia se Mayor and Members of City Council June 5, 1967 Page 2 REZONE APPLICATIONS (Wehrman continued) The property in question would be an extension of the existing business zone located on 4th Ave. N. easterly of the Greenwood Cemetery. The Planning Commission upon its review recommended approval of the rezone as requested as it is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. MM BEACH, RAYMOND F., APPL. NO. R-396-67; REZONE FROM GS-1 TO R-3; PROPERTY LOCATED ON SUNSET HIGHWAY AND i25TH AVE.-S.E. p74 ji °F, re ye , og - 4 Pr , ~ Total Area--app. 22,900 sq. ft. fm eo Je [30 rd yy hb. Existing Zoning--GS-1 Gy, ly ofhewvand™ Lt. Principal Access--Sunset Highway Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential The property is located adjacent the Sunset Highway in a pre- dominately single family residential area. The Planning Com- mission in its review of the property felt that the proposed R-3 zoning would have some detrimental effects on the adjacent single family residences. The Commission, therefore, recom- mended the R-2 zoning classification for the property. The applicant was present and stated he would accept the R-2 zoning. The proposed zoning would be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. RINGER, DEAN AND DOROTHY, APPL. NO. R-397-67; REZONE FROM GS-1 TO SR-1; PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1248 LAKE STREET S. Total Area--app. 18,800 sq. ft. (2 lots app. 9,400 sq. ft.) Existing Zoning--GS-1 Principal Access--13th Ave. S. and Lake St. S. Proposed Use--single family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family residential The proposed rezone involves the division of an existing single family lot to allow construction of an additional residence. The Planning Commission upon its review of the property found the proposed development to be in accord with the area and the Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval. WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK, APPL. NO. R-399-67; REZONE FROM R-2 TO B-1; PROPERTY LOCATED ON S. 2ND ST. BETWEEN LOGAN AND BURNETT. ge - a st APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.: (2- 346-7 Sec.-Twp.-R Date of Filing: 5-U-bT Area Map Piani.Com. Action? rt eae Kroll Page Date: 5-24-61 Receipt No. SOGFS City Council Action: Date: Ord. APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant /{-2 YMOND FE S8x225f Address /239--). ST He wTon Telephone No. AL. nZ=- 23 4H Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on Street, besween 1,5 7 Street and Su yse2r KLYVD, Street. Legal Description of Subject Property Existing Zoning 4, we A Zoning Requested Pa (2-2 Approved What are the uses you propo. = to develop on this property? a 4 Lee II sw umber of permhanent off— s reet parkytig spaces that will be provided on this property? <7”) Number required 37% NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1. In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? /(fy, toy. cote ane 3. Do you consider the property involved in ms application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classification: Please explain. 4, What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop- erty from the detrimental = melee of any uses permitted in the proposed ZOnC: LY Pepizsye ot (1 [ee _7 7. 7 « C-] That portion of Lot 1, Blk 1, as deleted from the plat of "Shepard a Addition" described as follows: Be finni at the sotee Corner of Section 4, T. 23N. <7 Me My re thence N. 1 den een 16!-12" E, 330. 60 ence S. 87 degrees -59'-43" E, 74.50 fest=to the eToint of Perinni ng; thence N. 1 degree 16! 12" & F 3 thence S, 3h, degrees 02' 33* E. 74.75 feet toa Intersection wit? st margin of "M" igh the - 1 degree 16' 12" W. 70.00 fect "te cast sermner of said Lot 1; thence N. 87 degrees ' 43" W 4 fe) fett to the True Point of "Beginning. é 9 3 ed C-2 That portion of Lot 1, Blk 1, as deleted from the olat of "ShePend Heights Addition" "described as follows: pos i the South = of Section 4,T, 23N., B oi thence N. 1 degree 16! 12* 330,00 fee p e erties corner of said Lot 1 and the True Pojne'"6t_Beginning; thence, continuing, N. 1 degree 16! 12" -60 feet Poman intersection with the southeasterly mane neNC & N. Pe degrees 47 12" E. ¢ 3" E. 69.06 feet; reace N. 87 -50 feet to the True Point of Beg A That portion of Lot 1, Blk 1, as deleted from the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the South + Corner of Section 4, T. 23N., R. 5 E., W. Mw; thence N. 1 degree 16' 12" E, 701.60 feet to an intersection with the southeasterly margin of Sunset Highway; thence along said margin, N. 35 degrees 47' 12" E, 90.00 feet to the True Point of Pegin- ning; thence, continuing along said margin, N. 35 degrees 47! 12" E, 27.13 feet to a point of curve; thence, along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 543.69 feet, an are distance of 102.36 feet to a point of compound curve; thence, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 10.00 ft., an are distance of 23.51 ft. to the west margin of "M" Place; thence, along said margin, S. 1 degree 16' 12" W, 121.32 feet; thence, N.72 degrees 57' 42" W. 101.82 feet to the True Point of Beginning. B That portion of Lot 1, Blk 1, as deleted from the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the south % Corner of Section 4, T, 23N., R. 5E., W. M.3 thence N. 1 degree 16' 12" E. 701.60 feet to an intersection with the southeasterly margin of Sunset Highway; thence, along the said margin, N. 35 degrees 47' 12" E. 10.00 feet to the True Point of © Beginning; thence, along said margin, N. 35 degrees 47' 12" E, 80.00 feet; thence S. 72 degrees 57' 42" E, on 82 feet to the west margin of "M" Plece; thence, along said margin, S. ngree 16' 12" W. 50.00 feet; thence N. 84 degrees 02' 33" W. 143.81 rae “s he True Point of Beginning. i os mu G- 1 Theat portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted from the slat of "ENBRK Sherard seishts Addition" deseribed .s. follows: Tis ae on — ey ie & “ 5 ie _ am “9 Pa) ¢ a, 2 a } CE de aes Beginning .at the South one-querter corner of Section 4, Tom ae ears ; . . = milky 2) oPihy 319 SF. bp wy be ene North 7 16t12" hast 701.60 feet te the southerly marrin. of Sunset: highway; thence fe) 120" Bast North 35 i a" hast alone wv theres South 84 21937 Bast BAH 69 06 feet to the true ceteeh ee said southerly margin 10 Leetj;ko 2) beginning; thence confiinuings 4 (LOWEUKRREA South 64°02133" Hast “ Theis Soot to the westerly margin of "M" Place; thence. southerly Atr along s..id westerly m nee of "M" Place 70 feet; thence : ano + North 57°59%1.3" 74.50 — * thence North 1 °76t12" Last. 75.15 fee the true point of beginnings. G- 2 to t That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted ffom the plat fF i of Shepard tieishts iddition” AdARABR described 15 follows: Beg daniny, ! 7 the cough one-qierter corner olf section hy Tovmship 23 North, itoenge 5 bast, W. My; thence North 11612" Bast 701s 60 feet to the scutherly margin of Sunset Highway and the true point of bepinning; thence North 35°L7'12" East along aid southerly m rein 10 ERX fect; thence South ai” O2 14K 33" Hak 69.06 feet; thence South L°16t12% West 75.15 foot; thence North 87°59 5" est 74.50 foots thence Horta 197612" hart 71,60 feet to ihe true point of \ eginnings AFFIDAVIT 1; fF Lo katdux being duly sworn, declare that I am the of tne property invoived in this application and that the forego¥ng statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in ali respects true ard correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this. 32 ef day of Pi tede ' 1997. Notary Public in and lo/kn he State of Washington, residing ae , mh Coy a, Z et tH Naaumbt peach Cas: (ignature of Owner) St od¢— bth Cs = LBB oS LO. S$ Te (Address) ' (Mailing Address) Ranken wieede (City) (State) AL~S~ 22H (Telephone) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing appiication has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorcugh and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date received s/ ¥ P 19L7 BY: LI Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 24, 1967 Minutes Page 4 REZONE APPLICATIONS (continued) aye (b) BEACH, RAYMOND F., APPL. NO. R-396-67; REZONE FROM GS-1 TO R-3; PROPERTY LOCATED ON SUNSET HIGHWAY AND 125TH AVE. S.E. CM STREET). The Chairman described the rezone application, read two petitions presented to the Planning Commission protesting the proposed re- zone and asked for staff comments from the Planning Director. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the location of the property on the zon- ing map and stated that the property is presently the site of a single family residence. The adjacent area is developed primarily by single family residences. To the west the property. abuts an R-2 zone. The Planning Director stated further that the Compre- hensive Plan indicates multi-family residential use. The Chairman called for objections to the proposed rezone from the audience. Mr. Eugene Methwen, 1234 M Street, spoke in oppo- sition to the rezone citing increased traffic, loss of privacy, loss of view, plus possible. increase in taxes to pay for street improvements. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, 1222 M Street; Mr. Earl McLaughlin, 1302 M Street; Mr. Leslie Adams, 1209 M Street; Mr. Dennis Ossenkop, 3208 ~ 12th Ave. N.3; and Mr. Dennis Vadney, 1210 M Street, all spoke in opposition to the proposed rezone citing the same reasons as Mr. Methwen (first heard). Stredicke asked the Planning Director to read from the Zoning Ordinance the various. single and multi-family residential zoning classifications with particular reference to height limitations. Mr. Ericksen did this. Stredicke then stated that the area is indicated on the Comprehensive Plan as multi-family residential and that if density and view obstruction were the main problems, that perhaps an R-2, low density, multiple zoning would be the answer. Height of structures permitted in R-2 is considerably less than allowed in single-family residences; density and structure height are more limited than allowed in R-3. Denzer asked the applicant if he would accept R-2 zoning. After some discussion, the applicant, Mr. Beach, stated that he would accept R-2 zoning. It was moved by Cordell, seconded by Denzer, that: the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: It was moved by Stone, seconded by Cordell, that the Planning Com- mission recommend to the City Council approval for R-2 zoning as this agrees with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unani- ee (c) RINGER, DEAN AND DOROTHY, APPL. NO. R-397-67; REZONE FROM GS-1 TO SR-1; PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1248 LAKE STREET SOUTH. The Chairman described the rezone application and the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Mr. Ericksen stated that the property is approximately 100 feet in width and approximately 200 feet in depth, and the applicant proposes to divide the existing lot into two building Sites. He stated further that the proposed use is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and that the staff had no objections, to the proposed use. As there were no objections to this rezone from the audience, it was moved by Racanello, seconded by Cordell, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Zé TO: THE NTON PI “NING COMMITTEE "Shepard Heights Addi Description i.e,: Cl, 1967. The following mentioned rezoning. Signatures are vrotesting the SUBJECT: Petition of Protest to the Rezoning from GS-1 to R-3. to REFERENCE: General Location Sunset Highway and M-Street tion" as Noted by General C2, A and B pos sted May le, Hearing at 8 P.! ., May 2lth, 1967. above ADDRESS IZ 2S. ALS SI ee a ae dee a ae SCPE -77 -ST. 43IG- [Fy - ST, Jats M -~ SE S2/I0O - M- ; 1209 MN. SE. [ACF M° 37. i240 WwW St un Bee? LD? cP Zo OYE _é 202. ALP (Rg RM, Ot, 42a Al ea TQ: THE RENTON PL [ING COMMITTEE SUBJECT: ped ovt General Location "Shepard Heights Addi Leserivtion 1.€e: 1967. Hearing at 8 P RE REE Ae Get The following signatures are protesting the mentioned rezoning, NAME eran WwW Wagpuecd . Gove. > ae Sm Le vor Dabber tidur Tv baphe- \. {2 DV kK ¢ Vy) CDT ars RV ar Op Ll Ark (baad ° be iaalenin /thpnts Pownia <1 Leenhef ae Veter) | ir a sunset {tion as Cl, G2, A and B posted May le, «Ne, May 2th, 1967. Te20ne Br ch Petition of Protest to the Rezoning from Gi-1l to Re3. be Highway end N-Street Noted by General above ADDRESS ee | / Ze J Site [YE OK Pye ra coe so) 3808 Bent SATE a7) dt. font, toned IB 18°F SA Barly, irr’ 13/8 99 AD. oe ee ce 13 10 a1 Ot R arknr 2d) V1 [200 W 4 Rhte “Ow Hates hae: tay SAY 79 Sed - Kealin , Utnif 1204 "M" sd. ied i K #1 te oy y LL AS h ‘ . ; | CWNEL? Be l0YES SE 874 (ja0y- it) SP) fItoo pF ool 3y% C 12d04-/L) sree (27 4e ws L1a8 “x? St, Kerdow 4 / ; ad, (K ent 1238 “91 g NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSTON RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON MAY 24 , 19 67 , AT 8:00 P M. TO CONSIDER BXEEXYXXXRNXERR THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: ; BENRRAXXRERRRARRXRNX {ny -- Page 2 -- RERRXXPKERRRARAXRNX 4. Rezone from G to MP, property located on S. 7th St. between 80th Ave. S. and 84th Ave. S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that part of the F% of the E% of Section 24-23-4F lying north of Northern Pacific Railway Co. right of way, together with the westerly 73.7' of Section 19-23-5F lying north of Northern Pacific Railway Co. right of way; ALSO all those portions of Tract 8, Supplemental Map of Renton Shorelands, and of the SEX of the SW % Section 18-23-5 described as follows: Commencing at the south quarter corner of said Section 18; thence westerly along south line 970' to true point of beginning; thence north 01°40'53" Fast to northwesterly boundary of said Tract 8; thence southwesterly along northwesterly boundary of Tract 8 to intersection of said boundary with south boundary of Section 18; thence easterly along south line of Section 18 to true point of beginning. ¥* C-1-- Beach, Ca, mond r. ie REZONE from GS-1 togR-3, property located at M St. and Sunset Blvd. ty LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 4 That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted from the : plat of"Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the south % corner of Section 4, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M.; thence north 1 46/12" E 701.60' to the southerly margin of Sunset Highway 4 thence north 35°47'12" E along said southerly margin 10'; thence south 84°02'33" E §9.06! to the true point of beginning: thence continuing south 84°02'33" E 74.75' to the westerly margin of "M" Place, thenge southerly along said westerly mang in of "M" Place 70'; thence north 87°59'43" 74.50'; thence north 1°16'12" east 75.15' to the true point of be- “i ginning. C-2--That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted from the plat « of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the i sguth % corner of Section 4, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M.; thence north 1°16'12" E 701.60' to the southerly margin of Sunset Highway and the true point of beginning; thence north 35°47'12" E along said southerly margin 10'; thence south 84~°02'33" Eb 69.06"; thence south 1°16'12" W Povo" § thence north 87°59'43" W #4.50'; thence north 1°16'12" E 71.60' to the true point of beginning. A--That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as dukxrd deleted from the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the S% corner of Section 4, Township 23N, Range SI, W.™.; he thence north 1°16'12" E 701.60' to an intersection with the southeasterly os margin of Sunset Highway; thence along said margin north 35°47'12" E Bs 90' to the true point of beginning; thence, continuing along said margin north 35°47'12" E 27.13' to a point of curve; thence along the are of a curve to the right, having a radius of 543.69', an arc distance of 102.36' to a point of compound curve; thence, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 10', an arc distance of 23.5]'%to the west margin of "M" Place; thence along said margin south 1°16'12" W 121.32'; thence north 72°57'42" W 101.82' to the true point of beginning. (continued on page 3) ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARM INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MInfTING ON MAY 24 , 19 67 , AT 8:00 PLM, PO VOTCE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECE . TION TO SAMBO oe My JAMFS E.. DENZER ,SECRETARY a6 PUBLISHED May 11, 1967 RENTON &LANNING COMMISSION te CERTIFICATION : I, James L. Magstadt , Hereby certify that three (3) copies of the it above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the prop- 3 erty described above as prescribed by law. 7 = veauml <p Og paawfy Fe ATHRLNR Attested and sworn to SUGNED op as pall gi gel Melanie we before ma, a notary public, on the ae lak day of May, 1967. : i fe ” 7 ; Vie , tert fhe re pes Me gh ot od ‘fi ' ig : 4 f i 5. 2 "Ge NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON MAY 24 , 19 67 , AT 8:00 PM. TO CONSLDER XXKEXX¥XENXEBRX THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: ‘ SENERRARXRERRRARRXQNX KRAREXRRSERRRRRANXX (continued) Beach, (Caymond Fe B--that portion of Lot 1, Block 1, as deleted from the plat of "Shepard Heights Addition" described as follows: Beginning at the S% corner of Section 4, Township 23N, Range SE, W.M.; thence north 1°16'12" E 701.60' to an intersection with the southeasterly margin of Sunset Highway; thence along the said margin north 35 47'1L2" OE 10' to the true point of beginning; thence along said margin north 35°47'12" FE 80'; thence south 72°57'#2" E 401.82! to the west margin of a. Place; thence along said margin south 1°16'12" W 50'; thence north 84°02'33" W 143.81" to the true point of beginning. Preliminary Plat of Earlington Industrial Park No. 1, property located vicinity of SW corner of intersection of S. 7th St. and 87th Ave. S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that part of Sectaons 13 and 24, Township 23 N, Range 4 E., W.M. and of Sections 18 and1l9, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., situated in City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of Section 18, Township 23 N, Range 5 E., W.M., 40' northerly as measured at right angles from the south line of said Section; thence S 89°10'25" E to the west line of S. 7th St. ag deeded to the City of Renton, Washington, Sept. 16, 1966; thence S 0°49'35" W 80'; thence S 89°10'25" E to a point 256' west of the west line of 87th Ave. S. as measured along the south line of S. 7th St.; thence S 01°13'10" W toa point 60' northwesterly as measured at right angles from the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway right of way; thence N 77°27'53" E and parallel to said Railway north line to the west line of 87th Ave. S.; thence S 01°13'10" W to a point 50' northwesterly as measured at right angles from said Railway north line; thence N 77°30'30" E 82.35'; thence S 01°13'10" W to the said Railway north line; thence southwesterly along said Railway north line to a point 1277.0' west of as measured at right angles from the west line of 87th Ave. S.3; thence N 01°13'10" E toa point 40' north of as measured at right angles from the gouth line of Section 13, Township 23 N, Range 4 E., W.M.; thence S 88°15' E to the point of beginning and end of this description. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECYING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSiON MEETING ON MAY 24 , 19 67 , AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJEC“ TLON TO SAME. JAMES E. DENZER,SECRETARY PUBLISHED May 11, 1967 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION [, James. L. stadt... .. , tlereby certify Fhat three (3) copies of the above document Were posted by me ab three Conspecuoun places on the props erty deseribed above an prescribed by baw ea oor ae aes ora KERBSRS Altested ond BWOrU Lo SIGHED ee oe we te gee before me, a notary public, on the “7 gz" day of May, 1967. 7 ; # _ oe elias rr of. oe Piha el Lesh aif 3 < ge e Fs , i Sa h ss ee t Se e :