HomeMy WebLinkAboutRezone File No 412-67ee , STOP STOP STOP’ STOP STOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED, DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. ST OP! STOP STOP STOP STOP Lj a Y I i S (W . se . 2S NV oRna Ave. bl c HO I 7 2 Wa M o d AN N C S 20 4 Pa GRACELAND TERRACE. &*! Sec ltON 8s TWP 23°N , RGE.5 E. WM. KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON tiie te SE ve, N : S fins * 72°24 7r as \ . BS Si \ xs 5 a II. Fe | * by © Bes e VUES te | > th ° NX CN a 2 8 e4 of & sicf A ts Ra r e fs ny NS nw » Pu g e # Sp u n Ps e c m a e n 7 7 centre a | GRACELAND TERRACE. 4 RGE.5 £,W.M. WASHINGTON TWP 23N, SECTION 9 KING COUNTY eee a : Sp e Se e ON S OA S a ti ) OR ag a Sa al s ea e a SS , re e er ge I OR ag fe e ON te ER ar y Se s MO E , Of Ow FO FI R S si Z et e th SB St a t ae ee e Us ee e to ee t aE a 2 PE S EP E y Ww ot oe 7 FP ee ? ie re —- - —- - - - ee e — - “ SS fo e fa 8 7 we LO B = a) NS oe s LA O S- fe n g Re ee n aN aE : ry JO k L . 7A \ tS ra e po ] s Be LE R = a . : : im 8 NE pa n RS e ra s , ° | i NS er a g e oy en ae s oe I 3 1 | = 3 f i 3 § Ie 06°25 82 : 26 a sh a t * or t a s { fe n a e r e y — “e l o n S August 24, 1967 Realty Investors Inc. 1124 "L" Street Pe O. Box 2520 Renton, W,shington REs Appeal of Planning Commission Denial of Rezone Application, R& to Bel Gentlemens The City Council at their regular meeting on August 21, 1967 concurred with the Planning Commission in the denial of your appli- eation for Rezone to Bl of your property located on “L" Street between izth Averme and Lith Place. An excerpt from the City Council Miwutes is enclesed for your information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie We Nelson City Clerk THIN: em Enel RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 21, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Anne Harker, Librarian and Sven Johnson, Building Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 14th be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Hallie Smiley, Realty Investors, Inc., appeal of Planing Commission R-4 to B-l - rezone denial at "L" Street between llth Place and 12th Avenue North. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, reviewed Planning Commission actions which concluded that the best use for the property is multi-family and that a logical cut off for Business zoning in the area is "L" Street there being no B-l Easterly at present. The existing R-4 zoning is subject to restrictive covenant of 45' ht. as rezoned in 1961 per Ordinance 1922. Total area is 23,560 sq. ft., approximately 100 ft. in depth and 225 ft. long. Adjacent 160 ft. area now zoned R-4 directly abuts single family residential use area. The Comprehensive Plan indicates medium density multi-family residential according t. the interpretation of the Commission and the proposed rezone would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and the request was therefore denied, Upon request of Mr. Smiley, his letter of appeal was read stating that reasonable intent of the Comprehensive Plan would allow for the proposed use; the property to the West and North are zoned B-1 and adjoining property to the East and South is owned by the applicant and is zoned R-4. Major use of the entire property is to be multiple family residential however, relief from hardships of excessive cost of development is needed and can come from use of income from B-1 on the "L" Street ground level to help finance the development. Mr. Smiley displayed drawings and plans noting locations of B-1 zoning and how its extension "7>u1d blend in and be a reasonable use which he felt could be interpreted as that shown. Mr. Smiley advised of delay in the development for several years due to his illness and he outlined present construction costs involved in burying of utilities and complying with fire zone requirements. Immediate space for his real estate business office was desired and 10 bays were proposed for future B-l use the balance to be street level & upper apartments. After all comment was made it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Councilman Poli inquired of the Planning Director regarding statement by the Planning Commission that the rezone would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Ericksen stated that the area is on the fringe of the Highlands and the area to the West is B-1, however in its review the Commission noted no B-1 East of L Street and its reasonable interpretation is that the plan indicates multiple residential and "L" Street should remain somewhat of a buffer zone being a logical cut-off. Since it does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan ac¢cordingly, by reasonable interpretation, the zoning request was denied. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendations upholding denial of the B-l rezone. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: L.1I.D. 257 (Continued from 8-7-67) Kennydale Lakefront Sanitary Sewers This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Johnson, Jonson & Insler, Law Office, written by James C. Hanken, on behalf of J. H. Baxter, Inc., Barbee Mills, Inc. and Pan-Abode, Inc. requested information as to what constitutes L.I.D. 257, protesting and objecting to its formation and inquiring regarding costs noting provisions of RCW 35. 43.130 regarding procedures. Letter from Mrs. R. A. Fawcett submitted protest due to the cost compared to benefit to be derived, the placement of the lines service stub, time element and extension across Lake Wn. Blvd. Letter from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting that written protests have been received bearing 60.55% of total estimated cost of the project. This does not include the Fawcett letter. Councilman Pedersen, Sanitation Committee Chairman, reported recommendation that the hearfng be continued to allow time to work out some of the problems to see if the project can be made feasible. Petitioner for the Baronovich property advised that she along with several neighbors would be unable to develop vacant properties without the L.I.D. as septic tanks were not allowed. Mr. Phil Podvin, George Howell and Mark Robbins inquired regarding the costs and how their docks would be affected. paipaneee pak Engineer Grimm advised it could go under them.and moving of dock portions might be require Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to continue the hearing to September 11, meet be Carried. Permanent structures may not be August 21, 1967 The Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Realty Investors, Inc. Rezone Appeal, Appl. No. ~ R~-412-67, reznne from R-4 to B-1; property located on L St. between 12th Ave. N. and llth Pl. Gentlemen and Mrs. panieuiet: The Planning .Commission reviewed the rezone request of Realty In- vestors, Inc. at its July 26, 1967 public hearing meeting. The property has the following general characteristics: Total Area--23,560 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R~4 (subject to restrictive covenant re height not to exceed 45'. Property originally rezoned R-4 November 1962, City Ordinance No. 1922) Principal Access--L Street and 12th Ave, N. Proposed Use~-business Comprehensive Plan--medium density multi- fait ly residential The proposed rezone request to B-1 is to allow use for a portion re the property for a real estate office. The property owner has indi- cated that this is the extent of his proposed business development at this time. The remaining portion of the property would, however, be developed for office use in conjunction with a proposed apartment building. Previously, the applicant had indicated his intention to develop the property for high density apartment use only; however, various problems have been encountered and the proposed project is still pending. Upon completion of its review, the Planning Commission concluded that the best use of the property in question was for multi-family purposes and that the logical cut-off line for business zoning in this area is L Street and that this is the intent of the Comprehen-~ sive Plan. The application for B-1 zoning in this area is, there- fore, in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Com- mission denied the rezone request of Realty Investors, Inc. for the above noted reasons. Very truly yours, . Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director cc: Mayor D. W. Custer August 9, 1967 Realty Investors, Inc. : ‘i 1124 "L" Street, P.O. Box 2520 ae 4 Renton, Washington 98055 {Fe Re: Appeal of Planning Commission Denial of Regone Classification Gentlemen: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of August 7, 1967 has set the date of August 21, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as time and place for hearing on the above-captioned appeal. You are invited to be present for diseussion of the matter at that time. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN /dm I a Jeter, Tey ost REALTY INVESTORS INC. 1124 ‘'L'’ STREET RENTON HIGHLANDS «+ P.O. BOX 2520 RENTON WASHINGTON © PHONE BA 6-2121 August h, 1967 Mayor Don Custer and Renton City Council City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton, Washington 98055 = D’ Planning Commission denial [ 4 L E rezone application No.R-12-67 Rk to Bl; property located on "L" Street between 12th Ave. N. and llth Place. ee Gentlemen: Appea planning commission action to deny the above referred rezone application is hereby made. Appeal to grant Bl zoning is based upon the following facts: 1. Reasonable intent of the Comprehensive Plan allows for this usagee 2. The property to the West and North accross the streets is zoned Bl. 3. The adjoining property to the East and South is owned also by us and is zoned Rh. he As owners the properties, we still plan major usage of our entire property to be multiple family residential development. Se Relief from hardship of the excess costs of development of this property by its natural state is needed and said relief can come from using income from Bl usage in the "L" Street ground level to justify total income require- ments for financing the development. Your consideration in hearing this appeal and in grant- ing the reasonable rezone to Bl will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Realty Investors, Inc. cafy Tt Lenni yaw WHEN YOU [DNVEST WITH REALTY INVESTORS YOUR FUNDS EARN GREATER) RETURNS 7% PERCENT APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.: Ye - W\\2-67 Sec.-Twp.-R. Date of Filing: oe Area Map © Plan:i.fom.: Action: |. Denies Kroll Page Date: “to4 | -t,t Receipt No. 5436 City Council Action: Date: Ord.: APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant Realty Investors, Ince Address _p,0.Box 2520 Telephone No. BA 6 2121 Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on nie Street, between leth ive. N. Street and llth Place Street. Legal Description of Subject Property Lots 1 to 3, inclusive, block 1, Graceland Terrace, accordin to plat recorded in volume 60 of plats, page 64,» iv King County, Washington. et . Existing Zoning an Zoning Requested RL What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? eal estate office and office space, amber of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? 100% Number required Per building code NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1. In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Owner.needs a real estate office to do business'in area and sther office is needed: or will be needed. 2. On what basis is there a tees heed in this community for more zoning of the type you request? : - mr : . own ; ithout success... 3. So you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classification: Please ss. eee Lay of property requires a ground level basenent like space not Suited to living space. 4, What provision would you make to protect SETA and surrounding prop- erty from the detrimental effects hens any uses careenianean in = proposed zone: There would remain aft Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 26, 1967 Minutes > Page 3 ee Stone. moved that Stredicke's motion be amended to state that Mr. Podvin's application be denied at this time as it is premature predicated on the access problem which, according to photographs viewed, indicates extremely steep ingress-egress across a railroad track and. a very definite view obstruction at the railroad track at the crest of the hill. The motion to amend was carried unani- mously. The pending motion, as amended, to deny the rezone appli- cation request carried unanimously. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission by letter addressed to the City Council within ten days. (d) HOLMES, JAY E., APPL. NO. R-411-67, REZONE FROM G-6000 TO L-1; PROPERTY LOCATED ON GRADY WAY BETWEEN 86TH AND 87TH AVES, S, The Chairman described the rezone application. Slides of the property in question were shown. As there were no comments either from the Commission or the audience on this application, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Stone, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: It was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Denzer, that the rezone appli- cation of Jay E. Holmes for rezoning to L-1 be approved and forwarded to the City Council as it agrees with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unanimously, | -(e) REALTY INVESTORS, INC., APPL. NO. R-412-67, REZONE FROM R-4 TO B-1; PROPERTY LOCATED ON L_ ST. BETWEEN 12TH AVE. N. AND 11TH PL. The Chairman described the rezone application. Slides of the property in question were shown. The Planning Director pointed out the loca- tion of the property on the zoning map and stated that the property is made up of three lots comprising a frontage of somewhat over 225', 100' in depth, Stone stated that as there may be a possible conflict on his part with reference to this application, he would abstain from comment or voting on the application. The applicant, Mr. Hallie Smiley, spoke on behalf of the rezone, stating that he was unable to get.all the necessary financing for a proposed apartment development on the property and that he hoped to use a portion of it for the construction of offices including a real estate office for his own use. He said he was still planning the apartment construction when financing problems had been worked out. It was noted that offices were allowed in R-2 and R-3 by eae permit from the Planning Commission, and the applicant was asked if he would accept a lesser residential zoning. Mr. Smiley replied that he would prefer not to give up the R-4 zoning already on the property. Discussion followed concerning uses in the surrounding areas, defini- tion of the term "professional" offices as applied to the real estate business, and the amount of usable land area of the property under. discussion due to the power line running across the land. Stredicke moved the hearing be closed; Sterling seconded. Motion. carried unanimously. ACTION: Stredicke stated that he felt the best use. of this property is mul- tiple family residential, that the logical cutoff line for business Renton Planning Department Meeting July 26, 1967 Minutes Page 4 4. | zoning in the area is L Street and that he believed that this is the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the area and thusly this appli- cation for B-l zoning is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Stredicke then moved that the Planning Commission deny the rezone application of Realty Investors, Inc. from R-4 to B-1 based on the reasons. herein stated; Sterling seconded. Motion carried, with Denzer dissenting. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission by letter to the City Council within ten days. alia ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) With reference to the untimely passing of Planning Commissioner Gerald J. Cordell, the Chairman stated that the family had requested that Fund any contributions be sent to the Valley General Hospital Memorial in lieu of flowers. A card of sympathy to the family and an envelope for the collection of contributions to the Memorial Fund were passed among the Planning Commissioners for their signatures and donations. (b) Relative to the appointment of a Planning Commissioner to the Valley Regional Planning Commission as requested by Mayor. Custer, the Chairman stated that at its meeting of June 28, 1967, Commission mem- bers present voted to nominate Clark Teegarden as its representative to the Valley Regional Planning Commission, with John Sterling as alternate delegate. Teegarden said he wasn't sure he could devote enough time to VRPC to make his appointment worth while. The Chair- man replied that should the appointment become burdensome, that he would speak to the Mayor about a replacement. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Denzer, that a letter. be sent to the Mayor. from the Planning Commission recommending the appointment of Clark Teegarden as delegate to the Valley Regional Planning Commis= sion; with John Sterling as alternate delegate. Motion carried unani- mously. (c) INFORMATION RE ITEMS NOTICED ON FIELD TRIP 1. Regarding the electric fence on City right-of-way on the west side of 132nd Ave. S.E., north of Kiwanis Park, the Building Department has investigated the matter and requested the property owner to move the fence. back. 2. Discussion followed concerning apparent violations by the Seventh Day Adventist Church relative to their new addition-- failure to follow approved site plans. The Renton Bible Church had not filed site plans for approval by the Planning Commission. The Planning Director stated that additional personnel in the form of a Zoning Inspector may be required so that the Planning and Building Departments could follow through on such items. There being no further business before the Commission, it was moved by Racanello, seconded by Garrison, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M, cretary Dayle E. Garrison, Chairman Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 26, 1967 Agenda Page 2 Planning and Engineering Department staffs have met with the developers and their engineers for plat review. Some minor changes were requested. The Engineering Department, however, has not had an opportunity to check out the changes due to the late submittal of the revisions. Request continuation of this matter for two weeks. REZONE APPLICATIONS (c) Podvin, Phil, Appl. No. R-410-67, rezone from G-6000 to R-3; property located on Lake Washington between S.E. 86th and 87th Sts. Total Area--12,800 sq. ft. + Existing Zoning--G-6000 Principal Access--Lake Washington Blvd. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family residential Staff Comments: The property in question is located on Lake Washing- ton in a predominately single family residential area. Development of the property for proposed apartments would result in problems for the residents of the area. Access to the property is questionable and requires crossing of existing railroad right-of-way. Recommendation: Recommend denial as proposed use would not be suitable under existing conditions. Commission Comments: Commission members in review of the area felt that the access question was of a critical nature. There appeared to be no way such access could be improved under existing circum- stances. Commission members felt proposed rezone was not feasible. Recommendation: Denial. (d) Holmes, Jay E., Appl. No. R-411-67, rezone from G-6000 to L-1; property located on Grady Way between 86th and 87th Aves. S. Total Area--36,400 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--G-6000 Principal Access--Renton Junction Way Proposed Use--light industry Comprehensive Plan--light industry Staff Comments: Proposed use is realistic and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Recommend approval. Commission Comments: Recommend approval. ¥€ (e) Realty Investors, Inc., Appl. No. R-412-67, rezone from R-4 to B-l; property located on L St. between 12th Ave. N. and llth Pl. Total Area--23,560 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-4 Principal Access--L St. and 12th Ave. N. Proposed Use--business Comprehensive Plan--high density multi-family residential Staff Comments: Proposed rezone to B-1 is to allow use of a portion of the property fronting on 12th Ave. N. for a real estate office. Property owner has indicated that this is the extent of his proposed business development at this time. Previously, it was his intention to develop the property for R-4 apartments; however, various problems were encountered and the proposed project apparently is still pending. Recommendation: Rezone only that portion of the property required for the proposed use. Proposed use would not affect the total devel- opment of the area to any appreciable extent; access control, however, would be required. Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 26, 1967 Agenda Page 3 Commission Comments: Commission members in their review of the loca- tion felt that the extent of the business zoning proposed was ques- tionable, particularly in view of the fact that the existing property abuts single family residences. Recommend denial. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: (a) Cordell card and memorial fund. (b) Planning Commission recommendation re appointment to Valley Regional Planning Commission. (c) Information requested by field committee: 1. SDA Church 2. Renton Bible Church 3. Electric fence on City right-of-way, 132nd Ave. S.E. north of Kiwanis Park, west side of street AFFIDAVIT Ly Hallie H. Smiley being cay am the owner of the property invoived in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein anaes and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true ard correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. sworn, declare that I i Subscribed and sworn before me this / ih. day of duly, 1967. or ae Public in and for the State 4\* Sef; Waspington, residing at ne ; (Signature of “Owner ) antlles CLT Low al Gon 2 a Kigali (Address) (Mailing Address) Renton Washe (City) (State) BA 6 2121 (Telephone) (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been ype ‘to~be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform ¢he rules*and regulations of the Renton Planning Department gays sening ie, to of such application. Date received wil 196! |, 19 BY: Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON JULY 26, , 19 67 , AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER 2X PETONION FORK THE POLLOWING PETITIONS: . GENERALX DESCRIPTIONS X LECALX DESCRIEPLTONS 1. REZONE FROM G-6000 TO R-3, property located on Lake Washington between S.E. 86th and 87th Sts. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 41 thru 48 inclusive of Block A, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division #2, as recorded in Vol. 11 of Plats, Page 64, Records of King County, Washington; together with second class shorelancs adjoining. 2. REZONE FROM G-6000 TO L-1, property located on Grady Way between 86th and 87th Aves. S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 19 through 31 inclusive, Block 27, C. Db. Hillman's [arlington Gardens Division #1, as recorded in Vol. 17 of Plats, Page 74, Records of King County, Washington. sate Realty Fnvestocs 3. REZONE FROM R-4 TO B-1, property located on St. between llth Pl. and 12th Ave. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 to 3 inclusive, Block 1, Graceland Terrace, according to Plat recorded in Vol. 60 of Plats, Page 64, Records of King County, Washington. : c ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Paras 00e8 ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JULY 26, , 19 67 , AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJEC+ TION TO SAME. JAMES E, DENZER | secrReTaARY PUBLISHED July 13, 1907 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I, James L. Magstadt , Hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three cgoaspicuous places gn the prop- erty described above as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and Sworn to sal ste a Notary Public, on the day of July, 1967.