HomeMy WebLinkAboutRezone File No 516-68 oy | 1S Gees Et = s 3 4 am = = « iq . ; : = Ca e i RS . *\ : fy + i ed io rj ) bE ea m 2 Z ye 2 Ee ar e =? ee s 4 EE R a a: Ea mk s -| “F e E iP aa h bo s s 7 Sa n t ae s , OR ee e ie ¢ " 2/ 7 “a e ) STOP STOP STOP- STOP STOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. S| OP! STOP STOP STOP’ STOP @ a ~ sib abt ae sis a Mr. Eloyd a 13430 Sunset Highway Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Rezone Application No. R-516-68 Restrictive Covenants Dear Mr. Figgins: Attached is the original Declaration of Restrictive Covenants executed by you in connection with the prop- erty described in the rezone application noted above. This document has been recorded with the County Auditor and becomes a part of your deed. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director cc: “city Clerk Enclosure POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 oO 7, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ¢ RENTON, WASHINGTON a g = GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY % & So <* (CERES cs a I °Fr capitar © JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY December 18, 1968 Mrs. Helmie Nelson ue ? Pos gh ea -~ a i 4 a ~ City Clerk i Cv #6 Pal P City Hall Renton, Washington 7, x, fi 2) Ze a - oe a Dear Helmie: iter * f et 5 OC We are enclosing herewith Rezoning Ordinances for Figgins and Hutchens & Engeland., Would you please have the City Engineer and Planning Director verify same, especially the legal description, for the areas rezoned, i We remain Yours very truly, Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMS ; ad Encl. be: Mayor City Engineer Planning Director Chairman, L & O Oommittee Council President (HE ) Sey fe & yee 2) Art a 2 F . & Cc. o'7 ke = e es Oe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK « RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 e¢ ALPINE 5-3464 December 27, 19%8 Mr. Bruce Mahler, Land & Tax Agent King County Assessor's Office County Court House, Room 201 Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sirs Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No, 2h51 changing the zoning of certain properties within the City of Renton, as passed and approved on this 27th day of _ December, 1968 7 Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON , he Lovthe. af AL wee ne Helmie W. ‘Nelson City Clerk HWN/h Enclosure (1) Faxe)'a! ppt sy Jy s/t -69 ORDINANCE NO. X45/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (G-7200) ad RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-3) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the “Code of General Ordinances of the City of Rentont?. as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as General Classification District: CSTE) and WHEREAS a proper petition for ahenpe of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Glerk on or about August 30, 1968, which petition was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 25, 1968, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said rezoning request being in conformity with the City's couprehandive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I; The following described property in the City of Renton is herebyrezoned to Residential District (R-3) as hereinbelow specified; The City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: The easterly 140 feet of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M , lying northerly of Primary State Highway No. 2 ( Renton-Issaquah Highway), situate in King County, Washington, less all coal and mineral -cights. (Located on Sunset Blvd., betwean 132nd and 138th Avenues Ss E.) SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication, | = Lo PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of necepberd 1968, ALF Helmie rarer city APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of a 1968. focral bl W by oo * Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney my 10F¢ Date of Publication: DEC 27 (Wo Sin December 13, 1968 The Honorable D. W. Custer, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Re: Planning Commission Recommendations Gentlemen: The Planning Domnhseion has completed its review and forwarded to the | city Council the following recommendations: REZONE APPLICATIONS epegnens L. at ngeland, W.; Appl. No. R-464-68; rezone from GS-1 to R- 3; property located on 106th Ave. S.E. between Saget oat is Sth st. Total Area~-4 ac. + Existing Zoning~-Gs-1 Existing Use~~single family residential and undeveloped Principal Access~-106th Ave. 5S.E. Proposed Use~-multi-family residential ; Comprehensive Plan~~-low density multi-family residential The Planning Commission recommends approval on the Lennis Hutchens~ Winifred Engeland application for R-3 (medium density multiple) zoning on the westerly 200 feet of subject properties and R-2 (low density multiple) zoning on the remaining 425 feet. This rezone would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. 8; rezone from G-7200 to R- 8th Aves. 3; prop- Ye Figgins, Floyd; Appl. No. R-516- %» * erty located on Sunset Bivd. tween Total Area~-2 ac. > Existing Zoning--G-7200 Existing Use--single family residential and undeveteoed Principal Access-~Sunset Blvd. =. Proposed Use~~medium density multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan~-medium density multi-family residential The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Ployd Figgins rezone as requested to R-3 (medium density multiple). This rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Very truly yours, Gordon ¥. Ericksen Planning Director tien Dei eat _ 6438304 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Floyd F. Figgins and M. Jean, his wife, are the owners of iis following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: ‘The easterly 140' of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 23N, Range SE, W.M, lying northerly of Primary - State Highway No. 2 (Renton-Issaquah ‘Fighway), situate in King County, : 7 } Washington, less all coal and ,mineral rights. ) and : WHEREAS, the Siete of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property; . NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid omens hereby astabl ict, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, theix successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: | 7 SETBACKS No building or structure shall be located or constructed within forty feet (40') of the existing northerly rioht-of-wey Line or within twenty feet (20') of the proposed future northerly right-of-way line of the Sunset Highway (SR 900) nor within thirty feet (30') of the north property line of the above described property. HEIGHT LIMIT No buildings located in the northerly one hundeed (100) feet of the above esate tned property shall exceed a height of two (2) stories or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is less. SCREENING A sight-obscuring fence of not less than six (6) feet in height shall be placed on -T CG om ~~ a) be n d e op ) a) and continuously maintained in an attractive and neat manner on the north property line. LANDSCAPING ‘The initial ten feet (10') adjacent to the “northerly property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained continuously in a neat and clean manner. . Any violation or breach of any of these restrictive covenants may . : + be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court ‘of King County by either the ay ¢ of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach, S56 is te Bd Z Fag slim: Fidyd Ps Piggind _ WH Qe F- af Oe, Vi M. 4 Figgins County of King: ) = ) Stateof Hashingtons ) a . Uo Sworn and subscribed to before me this & 2 Way of November 1968. eile Lhd , ied 72 a - Notary Public, residing at Renton ‘riled for Record 7 wed £245 bY / fr vy Request Lt. hfs tad’ 72 ! bxbung” : 8 aa aR SW le a ll Si lt i i SA a he Se te ana i i il a ie to: et ce saan Dai Pe arrceney ree Un neghy wd Wen ces ce Ste pUNaREe a) ai d pi l wv ea vu ' d Co w U4 > ee -- —— we e ri L E D fo r Re c o r d at Re q u e s t vu . 3) Lo n ! y Kh e Go r y . ww lT Y OF RE N T O N ye o e e a e ® 80 5 5 <i te r e s RE N T O N , WA S H . 9 +a ne r m r e e n RECORDED VOL... 402 deedsgr PASE 161” REQUEST of INS NGV 29 PMY Bq FN LE FT ETRE A RN A BCCI CNN eh 9 ee care mei APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY *Agppruek for ae , 4.49°4% Appl. No. (0. S\b-b% Plan. Com. Action Receipt No. T4967 Appeal Filed FW pestrichivoe Covenants Filing Date G- 40-b&$ City Council Action Hearing Date Q-as-b% Ordinance No. §& Date APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name Fis Val a _f. ~ ~ 7_5 Address /3430 Syupse?T Hy way _fer7d rz Telephone No. AZ 5-5 GLE Property a = rezoning is located on SU78eeFr Hiway between /“92 § F and ie SF. Total square footage,in property .§% feo 394. (Zeerer +¢-) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF deat abide! 7. — LiL lilies Tf, a LL AL. QO ivas iy a Po um a oe — a 2 The easterly 140' of the SW 1/4 of “the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 23N, Range 5E, W.M., lying northerly of Primary State Highway No. 2 (Renton- Issaquah Highway), situate in King County, Washington, less all coal and mineral rights. (ss b RS 7 ‘i Existing Zoning E-2 266 Zoning Requested ke-3 What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? dw n't wen he J Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? bai SD ae wa ee ol Number required 7 / ° NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional infor- mation you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure sheet Item No. 2 for specific requirements). 1. In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Ms re LP AUS a Lor /z2e@regs LLG fape tt al. orz 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? A Grow e Cotmips fy 3. What provision will you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? [/ Lhal. Are /Mecess ery ae, ae Renton Planning Dept. 1967 MEMORANDUM TO; City Clerk FROM: Planning Department DATE: November 18, 1968 SUBJECT: Document for Recording Attached is a declaration of restrictive covenants executed. by Floyd F. and M. Jean Figgins. sr, Figgins has requested that your office handle the necessary recording of this Mr. Figgins' address is 13430 Sunset Blvd. E., Renton, Wn. df Renton Planning Commission Meeting September 25, 1968 Minutes Page 6 homes; that his firm would develop both the Springbrook Lands and the Lynn properties as a clinic, professional offices and nursing home complex; and that his client would be willing to dedicate an additional ten feet for right-of-way for Springbrook noad. Slides of the area were shown. As there was no further discussion, it was moved by Ross, seconded by Denzer, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: MOV.7D BY ROSS, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT THE PLANNING. COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE GENE E. LYNN. APPLICATION. FOR R-3 ZONING AS IT AGREES WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. AND FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS SHALL. BE DRAWN UP..WHEREBY..THE. PROPERTY OWNER WILL DEDICATE TEN FEET OF RIGHT~OF-WAY ALONG. THE. EASTERLY SIDE OF SPRINGBROOK ROAD; SETBACKS ON SOUTH SIDE YARD SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TEN FEET AND ADEQUATE SCREENING SHALL BE PROVIDED ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE. MOTION CARRIED; STREDICKE AND TEEGARDEN DISSENTING. a (c) Figgins, Floyd, Appl. No. R-516-68; rezone from G-7200 to R-3; property located on Sunset Blvd. between 132nd and 138th Aves. S.E. The Chairman described the rezone application; the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Slides of the property were shown. The Planning Director stated the subject property abuts a single family residential area on the north. The Sunset Highway widening project will require twenty feet of additional right-of-way on both sides in this area. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Floyd Figgins, the applicant, spoke on behalf of the proposed rezone. On inquiry, Mr. Figgins stated he would be willing to limit the height of structures on the north 100 feet of his property to two stories or 25 feet as well as screen the northern boundary line. He stated also he would be willing to set back an additional 20 feet from Sunset Highway (40 foot total setback from Sunset) to accommodate the proposed widening of the street. Mr. Figgins stated he would be willing to maintain a 30 foot rear yard setback from the single family residences northerly of his property. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Denzer, seconded by Forgaard, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT AS THE APPLICANT HAS AGREED TO FILE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, THESE COVENANTS SHOULD BE WORKED OUT WITH THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A FRONT YARD BUILDING SETBACK OF FORTY FEET FROM THE EXISTING SUNSET HIGHWAY OR TWENTY FEET FROM THE FUTURE HIGHWAY; THAT NO STRUCTURES BUILT ON THE NORTHERLY ONE Renton Planning Commission Meeting September 25, 1968 Minutes Page 7 HUNDRED FEET OF THE PROPERTY SHALL EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF TWO STORIES OR TWENTY-FIVE FEET; THAT THE. REAR YARD SETBACK SHALL BE AT LEAST THIRTY FEET; AND THAT A SIGHT-OBSCURING FENCE AND LANDSCAPING SHALL. BE PROVIDED ALONG THE NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE. MOTION CARRIED; RACANELLO DISSENTING. FURTHER ACTION: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT THE. COMMISSION APPROVE AND FORWARD TO. THE. COUNCIL THE FLOYD. FIGGINS APPLICATION FOR R-3 ZONING AS .IT. AGREES WITH.THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SIG. PENTIT APPROVALS (d) Diamond Parking, Appl. No. SIGN~-498--68; sign to be installed at 219 Wells ACTION: MOVED BY RACANELLO, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT THE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION FOR DIAMOND PARKING BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. (e) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-499-68; sign to be installed at 12300 Sunset Blvd. (£) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-500-68; sign to be installed at 11451 N. Renton Interchange (at intersection of interchange and Sunset Blvd.) (g) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-501-68; sign. to be installed at 11400 Sunset Blvd. (h) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-502-68; sign to be installed at 480 Sunset Blvd. (1) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-503-68; sign to. be installed at 550 Park Ave. N. (j) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-504-68; sign to be installed at 11801 Sunset Blvd. (intersection of H St. and Sunset Blvd.) (k) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-505-68; sign to be installed at 10900 3rd Ave. N. (NE corner Sunset and 3rd Ave. N.) (1) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-506-68; sign to be installed at 13200 4th Ave. N. ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT THE MCGRATH SIGNS ITEMS (e) THROUGH (1) ABOVE BE APPROVED ON. A SIX-MONTH REVOCABLE BASIS WITH PRIVILEGE OF ONE SIX-MONTH RENEWAL. ANY OF ABOVE SIGNS PLACED ON PUBLIC PROPERTY TO BE DISAPPROVED AND. SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Planning Comr sion Meeting September 25, 1968 Agenda Page 2 Total Area~-2.3 ac. z Existing Zoning--G~9600 Existing Use--single family residential. and undeveloped Principal Access~-Springbrook Rd. Proposed Use-~nursing home Comprehensive Plan--medium and low density multi- family Fl (c) Figgins, Floyd, Appl. No. R-516-68; rezone from G-7200 to R-3; property located on Sunset Blvd. between 132nd and 138th Aves. S.E. ‘ Total Area--2 ac. Existing Zoning~--G-7200 Existing Use-~-single family residential and undeveloped Principal Access~-Sunset Blvd. E. Proposed Use-~medium density multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--medium density multi-family residential SIGN PERMIT APPROVALS (dq) Diamond Parking, Appl. No. SIGN-498-68; sign to be installed at 219 Wells _ (e) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN--499-68; sign to be installed at 12300 Sunset Blvd. (£) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-500-68; sign to be installed at 11451 N. Renton Interchange (at intersection of interchange and Sunset Blvd.) (g) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-501-68;. sign to be installed at 11400 Sunset Blvd. (h) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-502-68; sign to be installed at 480 Sunset Blvd. (i) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-503-68; sign to be installed at 550 Park Ave. (j) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-504-68; sign to be installed at 11801 Sunset Bivd. finteseart on “of H St. and Sunset Blvd.) ~505~ -G8; Sign to be installed = "aul 3rd Ave. WN.) (k) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. at 10900 —- 3rd Ave. N. (NE corner (1) McGrath Corp.,_ Appl. No. SIGN-506~-68; sign to be installed at 13200 - 4th Ave. N. (m) Preservative Paint, Appl. No. SIGN-508~-68; one sign to be- installed on front of bldg. at 717 Rainier Ave. S. (illuminated) and one sign to be installed on back of same building (non- illuminated) (n) Autobahn Co., Appl. No. ou -~68; install plex letters on roof of building at 3883 - 4th Ave. W. 5 we d Renton Planning Commission Meeting September 11, 1968 Minutes Page 2 ITEM CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING REZOWE APPLICATION (a) Hutchens, L. and Engeland, W., et al; Appl. No. R-464-68 AS AMENDED; rezone from. GS-1 and SR-1 to R-2 and R-3; property located on 106th Ave. S.E. between Puget Dr. and S. 12th Pl. (continued from July 24, 1968) The Chairman reminded the Commission that this matter would be considered at the public hearing meeting of September 25, 1968. NEW BUSINESS PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT (a) Vicki's Park Addition, Appl. No. PP&FP-513-68; property located on R St. between 7th Ave. N. and 8th Pl. N. The Planning Director stated this plat received preliminary approval from the Planning Commission and Council. The final plat applica- tion was filed, the hearing was continued several times at the request of the applicant who finally withdrew it from consideration. The property has been sold and development is ready to proceed. The applicant has paid both preliminary and final plat filing fees again and has requested the Commission to consider both the preliminary and final plat together as there has been no change from the previous preliminary approval. Mr. Houk of the Engineer- ing Department stated the plat has the approval of the Engineering Department, and no problems are anticipated. REZONE APPLICATIONS (b) Lynn, Gene E., Appl. No. R-514-68; rezone from G-9600 to R-3; property located vicinity of SE corner Springbrook Road and S. 180th St. The Chairman described the rezone application. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map, indicating it was directly south of the Springbrook Lands property recently rezoned to R-3 and would. be developed in con- junction with that property if rezoning is granted. The appli- cant has indicated his willingness to comply with all requirements requested of the properties on both sides of Springbrook north to S. 180th St. This application will be reviewed on the next field trip. (c) Figgins, Floyd, Appl. No. R-516-68; rezone. from G-7200 to R-3; property located on Sunset Blvd. between 132nd and 138th Aves. S.E. The Chairman described the rezone application. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map, indicating it was directly to the east of the Holcomb property recently rezoned to R-3. It was understood that Mr. Holcomb was interested in acquiring this property, and it was felt that such development would provide a desirable break in the business development along the Sunset Highway. This prop- erty will be reviewed on the next field trip. L_ Renton Planning Comn sion Meeting September 11, 1968 Agenda Page 2 Total Area--2.3 ac. = Existing Zoning--G~9600 Existing Use--single family residential and undeveloped Principal Access-~Springbrook Rd. Proposed Use--nursing home Comprehensive Plan--medium and low density multi-family Figgins, Floyd, Appl. No. R-516-68; rezone from G-7200 to property located on Sunset Blvd. between 132nd and 138th S.E. Total Area--2 ac. z Existing Zoning--G-7200 Existing Use--single family residential and undeveloped Principal Access~-Sunset Blvd. E. Proposed Use~-medium density multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--medium density multi-family residential SIGN PERMIT APPROVALS (d) Diamond Parking, Appl. No. SIGN-498-68; sign to be installed at 219 Wells (e) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-499-68; sign to be installed at 12300 Sunset Blvd. (f) McGrath Corp., Appl. Wo. SIGN-500-68; sign to be installed at 11451 N. Renton Interchange (at intersection of interchange and Sunset Blvd.) (g) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-501-68;. sign to be installed at 11400 Sunset Blvd. (h) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-502-68; sign to be installed at 480 Sunset Bivd. (i) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-503-68; sign to be installed at 550 Park Ave. (j) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN~504-68; sign to be installed at 11801 Sunset Blvd. (intersection of H St. and Sunset Blvd.) (k) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN=-505-68; sign to be installed at 10900 - 3rd Ave. N. (NE corner Sunset and 3rd Ave. N.) (1) McGrath Corp., Appl. No. SIGN-506-68; sign to.be installed at 13200 ~- 4th Ave. N. (m) Preservative Paint, Appl. Wo. SIGN-508-68; one sign to be installed on front of bldg. at 717 Rainier Ave. S. (illuminated) and one sign to be installed on back of. same building (non- illuminated) (n) Autobahn Co., Appl. No. SIGN=509-68;. install plex letters on roof of building at 3883 = 4th Ave. WN. AFFIDAVIT Els val l= ae f/S7S being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this _4/ Te aay of Lug, 19g 8%. Notary Public in and for the State oY _—_ of Washington, residing at t Lenton? Kh PZ pee (Sighaturé of Owngy)// L3BE4I0 Sug set LY way “RS SS) (Mailing Address) tren Lafz W2¢ok (City) (State) 3-6 oF es Telephone) 7 (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been ay A i and to conform to Department gover Date received Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 DB NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON September 25 , 1968 , AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF VICKI'S PARK, located on R. St. between 7th Ave. N. and 8th Pl. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S. 165' of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 9, Twp. 23N, R 5E, W.M., less the easterly 360' thereof and less that portion lying westerly of a line 150' easterly of and parallel to the westerly line of the Bonneville Transmission Line Easement. 2. REZONE FROM G-9600 TO R-3, property located vicinity SE corner Springbrook Rd. & S. 180th St. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 31, Twp 23N, R 5E., W.M., lying E of the Kent-Renton County Road; except the S. 10 acres, and except County Roads, situate in King County, Washington. : 7 Fraqins * 3. REZONE FROM G-7200 TO R-3, property located on Sunset Blvd. E. between 132nd and 138th Aves. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The easterly 140' of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 3, Twp. 23N, R 5E, W.M., lying northerly of Primary State Highway No. 2 (Renton-Issaquah Highway), situate in King County, Washington, less all coal and mineral rights. 4, REZONE FROM GS-1 AND SR-1 TO R-2 AND R-3, property located on 106th Ave. S.E. between Puget Dr. and 12th Pl. S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the South 1/4 corner of said Section 203 thence North 0°08'49" East along the North-South centerline of said Section 20 a distance of 321.77 feet to a point on the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration Right-of-Way, and the aed point of beginnings thence contin- uing North 0°08'k9" East 1237.28 feet to the Southerly margin of South 12th Street; thende Westerly along said margin 625.34 feet to the Easterly margin of 106th Avenue Southeast; thence South 0°13'18" West along said margin 605.69 to its intersection with the Northeasterly margin of said power line right-of-way}; thence South 42°3S5'Su" East along said Northeasterly margin to the truce point of beginning 5 EXCEPTING THEREFROM the public street referred to as Puget Drive, a-~pubtte-street in the City of Renton, Washington. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INY BED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON September 25 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. JAMES E. DENZER , SECRETARY PUBLISHED September 11, 1968 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I, Delbert F. Moss , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSP]CUOUS PLACES ON E PROPER Te DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Wa C i ap (f/ hy ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn SIGNED RM Lie to before me, a Notary Public, C - , on the l3thday of September , 1968 | 4-3.8t 8, Mr, aod Mee. Floj;d Yisstis 108) Sunset Ndshway Renton, Waghlagtes Dear tir. Gud Mra. Vigsinas nday Proposal: Te ds desived by the rsicaed to oltain from 1.04 4 strip of your property for the cevalopusat of @ read. The grouid of yo rg req dred ds coseriied fa the attached” Zeval description, Aes will do ELoliewls “he tbe ie eb oe Yor this aad the .nderstioned 1) Put the sowoy fa the streat 2) Pot the water oysten fa the fA oe 3) Put 2a the strean aad pay fe: eidowal oa the costeidea of the cx &s peal put in thig syoten as requited by ths yaa 2 G we CO Che Cltye 5) you Gal Lavtcld theres taveeotés fare as etey oo LS2ce et Syetans auc aca tees te tha ov “2 of nasa. - RAL VOU, gal: fe aa ee Ee 4. Hole Yom re oe @ Je 9 eSya5 ced oft Ort Aeoey —s : ? = o . 44 7 Zz os Sisaads if Fe 40-9 eS i es erg har} Sn 4 Zuckuis Clty of Renton ag Gnd pater : the East cugb st KENNETH J. OY i ' ti ta i 4 3 s a. : LER CIVIL ENGINEER & LAND SURVEYOR carn Rests, Renton, Wash. “8 ied V ALrine 5-463 eCe Ug. 7, HOx 2258 1968 7 aa Ly 7 — . beGeel DissG at. Slum 2C4 Pluto. ( e atea) tenes We iS fe , ’ ct gee di YOblAt MOL., «6 Lhe SOUL CSL CUP us ro , 5 + oe eG, acts Sw me ig . Ss 2 ot ies sf Sd ~ - * ~ » 1°23113" ee, * “ete 2% & OF & 5 = oO. ‘ 7 Le ot? Li.ts Tae@hee >. igs © ie + z a o) € ¢ + te . ChE Cl g L* loteit ee (re & ob “ ae F ay ’ - t * ) » ‘ Fi Ae Le OY! stew tors & ee 5 vd a5 A wn. Ly, LCS& & GO. TiO ui: Le OL G16 Let QIL= res = 1 . oe és peur % Ita & * Ss : £y . Cc ¢ = 7 (one) ta Va LA WF dds © aay 7 ae an be s toa ~ a Je! eae. 4 c GO il & & a a Che - So mete Be ae LEOE + @ we Wi i Cis OL felts Te: .teof ea oy a Pan Gs & - Ye, © Le . Coie » | ‘ (ek jas chew ae sk = By - bs . e . a pi dany v ack Cita V a é i r: ; eS) t 3 Z ; UGacss oo + gtd a 5 | ed LES, L 3 J mew) 4, / e+ § B @Z 5: e Gas we as Pe Forse Cerve ’ Gat Gsalo bles aa Feo Ae i Cc Chee ai Sl SsaG CUVEE GTO ties shan to, ‘ ) 4 he Os te CVA 4 feet ; & G15.CE C1 So.05 Leet va 3.” alt 3. lowly ou nenton-lssayuan ighway; tirence distunce of G&é.70 Yevt to the nuerti lL. fe ee Lis . , # ‘ 2 . - rd, pe S6CuLOnm GO, vOvws.Ship BO ; al tly TH, tae ~ peavhliy & ei bi ive of © — - ; ~ oe ty od ie San . methane oF Llota.77 Teets Le Cl Glee Soubgyeest lt. ster Az) a, cE SS : s Vado bt Oe Os Mig ns « oe) LL Bao Uadis . de Jy 5 G . “GiaCe 2 soo CE I Looe dt t.€et to = NY- wae 1 En = i & oo. @ 5 weal ly Se E bow. Oh. ULES ae ae : 5 ied bee 5 ~diwnm & DUGLus cag “tail POLik& Fs - Gs 3 ~ §.cmee pVIOtTe LI 4 GUuULVe & wilt eee F : wd i at fe ss We DL ary - Fe . - . 1 S & fen C Pek & 26 aban, wath: . a . Baw 2S CA& 4 gate i ren & a Zz . a WS er 2 » we meng! Sail 3 ie Pid 2 ; ° 4 eu Bg VE TCR AT * A wel wl FLEDSBeNey;, bawiCe of Sel Yo ge aa iy 4 Suid north line » 62954t20" |! a distance of 40.14 feet to the true point of beginu.ng. ei n e ae Oo nr m O R O E RI M E E N E T E me n g om